Pollution Might Influence Tumescence Dysfunction


Pollution Might Influence Tumescence Dysfunction
Pollution Might Influence Tumescence
Maintaining good male organ health is a no-brainer as a goal, and many men
take great pains to keep their manhood in great shape. Exercising, eating
right, cutting out smoking, watching alcohol intake, using a male organ
health cream—all of these are things men do to keep their favorite organ
healthier and happier—which in turn can keep it in better shape to function
properly. But sometimes outside forces can come into play that can bring
about tumescence dysfunction issues, even for men who take very good care
of their equipment. One such factor likely is pollution, at least as evidenced
by a recent animal study.
About this study
A study that showed that long-term exposure to gasoline vehicle exhaust
induced tumescence dysfunction in rats was conducted at Guangzhou
University and published in an online journal.
In this study, a bunch of rats were put into four different groups, with 10 rats
in each group. (This kind of segmentation is typical of many medical
studies.) The first group of rats (the lucky ones, you might say) were not
exposed to any motor vehicle exhaust. The other three groups were exposed
to different levels over a three-month period. One group was exposed to this
pollution for two hours a day, five days a week. Another group got the gas
exhaust four hours a day, five days a week, and the fourth group was
subjected to it for six hours a day, five days a week. (Again, this kind of
selective exposure is common for such tests.)
Now, it’s known that breathing in exhaust fumes is not good for health in
general, but the researchers were specifically looking at how lung function
and tumescence dysfunction were impacted. They tested lung and
tumescence function in all the rats in each of the four groups. Sure enough,
there was pronounced tumescence dysfunction among the groups exposed
for four and six hours, as compared to those who weren’t exposed at all (the
control group). The reasons for this appeared to be inflammation, pulmonary
dysfunction, and a decrease in nitric oxide, which is important for helping
male organ blood vessels expand so that blood can enter the manhood during
the excitation phase and enable it to become fully tumescent.
This study was conducted in rats, so it’s not possible to take the results and
definitively state that exposure to pollution over time raises the risk for
tumescence dysfunction in humans. But to do that, a similar study would
need to be conducted with humans—and what man wants to voluntarily
breathe in exhaust fumes for six hours a day—especially if it might affect
how well his member works?
But it does seem likely that air pollution has the potential to increase the risk
of tumescence dysfunction in men and that men who live in heavily polluted
environments may want to take steps to lessen their exposure. That can be
easier said than done, but some suggestions include:
Wearing a nose-and-mouth mask when in high-pollution areas
Avoiding walking or biking in high-pollution areas
Finding alternate routes to avoid high-traffic areas
Using an air purifier in the car
Pollution and tumescence dysfunction are threats to the member, so it also
pays to maintain a serious male organ health regimen. That means including
daily application of a superior male organ health creme (health
professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven
mild and safe for skin) as part of one’s manhood care routine. Most men
should select a cream that contains both L-arginine and alpha-lipoic acid.
The former is an amino acid that helps to boost production of nitric oxide; as
mentioned previously, this can help keep manhood blood vessels more
receptive to increased blood flow. The latter is a potent antioxidant that
fights excess free radicals; left on their own, free radicals can cause
oxidative stress that can damage the member.