Gallstones Associated with Tumescence Dysfunction Risk


Gallstones Associated with Tumescence Dysfunction Risk
Gallstones Associated with Tumescence
Dysfunction Risk
Avoiding tumescence dysfunction is clearly a priority for most men and
maintaining good male organ health is one way to help. However,
sometimes there are physical issues which can contribute to tumescence
dysfunction which may seem to be somewhat far removed from the
manhood. That’s because the body is a complex, interrelated system, and so
a problem in one area of the body can have ramifications in another part.
That’s the case with gallstones, which have been found to be associated with
a higher risk of tumescence dysfunction.
What are gallstone?
Also called gallbladder stones, gallstones are made up of digestive fluid that
has become hardened and solidified. The digestive fluid in this case is bile,
which the gallbladder produces as its contribution to helping breakdown
food and drink which a person consumes. Normally, the bile flows along
from the gallbladder to the small intestine, but sometimes it hardens into
What causes it to stop being normal bile and instead become gallstones?
Doctors are not exactly sure, but it seems to occur when the body produces
either too much cholesterol or too much bilibrubin. (Bilirubin is created by
the liver to help break down red blood cells.) It also seems that sometimes
the gallbladder doesn’t rid itself of enough bile; if too much bile stays in the
gallbladder, it can also contribute to forming gallstones.
Often gallstones can be very small land therefore may cause no symptoms.
However, when they are larger, they may get stuck in a duct, and this can be
quite painful. Common symptoms in this case include sudden and intense
pain in the upper right part and/or the center of the abdomen and between
the shoulder blades or shoulder. Nausea and vomiting often also occur. In
serious cases, the skin and eyes may become yellow, and a high fever
(sometimes accompanied by chills) may develop.
The tumescence dysfunction connection
Clearly, gallstones are no fun – but why should they contribute to
tumescence dysfunction? According to an article in the American Journal of
Men’s Health which looked at over 9000 men with gallstones and over 9000
without, and found that the rate of tumescence dysfunction was about 50%
higher in the gallstone group.
More study is needed to determine exactly why there is a link, but one of the
theories put forward is that gallstones create oxidative stress, which may
lead to impaired blood flow in the member; open and adequate blood flow is
necessary and crucial for proper tumescence function.
Preventing gallstones is in a man’s best interest. Since they are associated
with obesity, maintaining a healthy weight is the best route to take. Men who
are overweight should avoid programs which bring about rapid weight loss,
as this can raise the risk for developing gallstones. Maintaining regular
meals is also a good way to prevent the issue; skipping meals or fasting also
raises the risk of gallstones.
Many gallstones resolve naturally. Treatment for those that don’t may
include oral medications to help break up the gallstones, but this can take a
long time. In some cases, removing the gallbladder may be necessary.
Gallstones’ impact in tumescence dysfunction is still being studied. In the
meantime, men are advised to take steps to prevent them and to maintain
good male organ health. Regular use of a first class male organ health creme
(health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically
proven mild and safe for skin) can help with the latter. Take time to see
what is in any potential crème selections. The best should include a wide
range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E; their tropical application via
a crème helps them target the member more effectively. The crème should
also include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to help fight
oxidative stress on delicate manhood skin.