Guide to remove Seto Ransomware


Guide to remove Seto Ransomware
Seto Ransomware | Guide to remove it
from system
Understanding Seto Ransomware – Another Djvu Variant
Seto Ransomware is the brand-new addition to the colossal infamous Djvu
Ransomware family that is currently targeting a large number of computer users
around the world. Alike it’s other siblings; Seto file virus has been developed to
extort money from the victims.
Spam e-mails campaign & fraudulent online advertising are considered to be the
chief method of propagation of Seto crypto-virus. Once the system is infected, Seto
Ransomware searches the system for the targeted files. When found, it encrypts the
files with highly-complex Encryption Algorithm; hence it makes the files
inaccessible to the user.
A ransom-demanding note suggests victims to pay ransom to the hackers in
exchange of the unique private key & Seto decryption tool. The note claims paying
the ransom to be the only possible solution to get the encrypted data back.
Please note that these claims are mere tricks to extort money from the victims.
Paying ransom does not always yield positive result.
So, how can one decrypt .Seto files? What are the other possible ways of removing
.Seto virus Ransomware from system? How can one prevent Seto file virus from
infecting the system.
Read on to find answers to these questions--
Threat Summary
Targeted OS
It infiltrates your system with the motive to encrypt stored files. After
successful encryption, the virus demands Ransom money to decrypt them.
You cannot open a locked file without paying the asked ransom. Additionally,
it may increase the malicious payload in your system.
Download Removal Tool
Threat Behavior of Seto Ransomware –
The ever-growing infamous Stop Djvu Ransomware family recently got a new
member added to it. This recent strain has been named as Seto Ransomware as it
adds .Seto extension to the file names after encrypting them.
Just like its siblings, Seto File Virus spreads its infection via various distribution
channels such as spam e-mails, online advertising & unreliable software updater.
It doesn’t require any manual help to get installed on the system. Once installed, it
searches the system for targeted file types & extensions. When found, Seto uses
strong Encryption Algorithms such as RAS (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) & AES
(Advanced Encryption Standard) to encrypt the files. The encrypted files are
instantly made inaccessible to the users & appended with .Seto extension.
A file named image.png might be renamed as “image.png.seto” after encryption.
Some of the files extensions at the target of Seto Ransomware are mentioned
▪ Document files (.docx, .doc, .odt, .rtf, .text, .pdf, .htm, .ppt)
▪ Audio Files (.mp3, .aif, .iff, .m3u, .m4u, .mid, .mpa, .wma, .ra, .avi,
.mov, .mp4)
▪ Video Files (.3gp, .mpeg, .3g2, .asf, .asx, .flv, .mpg, .wmv, .vob)
▪ Images (.jpg, .jpeg, .raw, .tif, .gif, .png)
▪ Backup Files (.bck, .bckp, .tmp, .gho)
Insight into Ransom Note & Amount for Seto File Virus:
Once the files are encrypted, Seto Ransomware drops a ransom-demanding note in
every folder that contains .Seto files. The ransom note is a text document named as
This ransom note covers the screen every-time a victims tries to access/open the
encrypted file.
The ransom note contains instructions for the victims to get their data decrypted. A
unique private key & Seto decrypter is required to restore the data encrypted by the
The hackers demand a hefty amount of $980 (in Bitcoins) in exchange of the
private key & decrypter software. The victims are asked to contact the hackers on &
The ransom-note promises a discount of 50% on the ransom amount (i.e., $480 in
bitcoins) to the victims who contact the hackers within 72 hours of the encryption.
Hackers’ Fake Claims
In order to gain the trust of the victims & make them believe that decryption is
possible, the hackers offer to decrypt one file for absolutely no cost.
The victims are asked to send one file to the hackers on their e-mail address
mentioned in the ransom-note. (The file should not contain any
confidential/important information of the victim, the note suggests.)
The decrypted file is sent back to the victim as a proof/guarantee of decryption.
Victims are then asked to pay the ransom via payment method suggested by the
hackers. Hackers promise to send the private key & decryption software after
payment has been made.
However, analysis by the cyber-security experts has shown that contacting the
hackers & paying the Ransom amount goes in vain in most of the cases. Hackers
often avoid responding the victims after the ransom amount has been received.
Therefore, victims of Stop Djvu Ransomware Variants are advised not to contact
the hackers, regardless of the amount asked by hackers. Act wisely & do not let the
cyber-criminals extort money.
Impacted users may either download Seto decrypter tool or follow manual removal
guidelines to get rid of Seto Ransomware.
Distribution Techniques of Seto Ransomware-
How to remove Seto Ransomware infection from the systemSTEP A: Reboot your system to Safe Mode
STEP B: Delete the suspicious key from the Configuration Settings
STEP C: Remove Malicious Program from Command Prompt
STEP D: Restore the System Files & Folders
How to prevent Seto Ransomware from infecting
your system-