How to remove pernicious Syrk Ransomware from the system


How to remove pernicious Syrk Ransomware from the system
How to remove pernicious Syrk Ransomware
from the system?
Syrk Ransomware is an advanced crypto virus that encrypts files & makes them
inaccessible. Learn to protect your system against this pernicious file virus by
referring to the post given below-
Guide to Remove Syrk Ransomware
Syrk Ransomware is the name of the brand-new & advanced variant of the Crypto
Viruses that is spreading its infection at an alarming rate. Cyber-security
researchers have found this critical malware infection mainly targeting the
Windows OS based computers. Spam e-mail campaign is the prime distribution
method of this pernicious file virus.
On encrypting the files, it renames them by adding its malicious extension to the
file-names. Hence, it renders the files unreadable. In addition to that, it disables the
Task Manager on the infected system, thus, it prevents user from closing down the
malicious activities initiated by Syrk Ransomware.
This pernicious file virus is good at being persistent & can make your working
experience on the PC an infuriating one. Just like other Ransomware infections,
Syrk also drops a ransom demanding note on the infected PC. It gives time to the
users to pay the ransom in exchange of the .Syrk decryption tool & private key. In
case the victims fail to pay the ransom within the pre-defined time-frame, the
hackers delete their data.
Victims from around the world are looking for ways to get rid of Syrk
Ransomware & recover .Syrk files.
What are possible ways to remove this file virus from the system? How can one
prevent Syrk infection? Read on to find the answers-
Threat Summary of Syrk Ransomware
Operating System Impacted
Files are encrypted & appended with .syrk
extension to the filenames.
Threat Behavior of Syrk Ransomware
Syrk Ransomware is another menacing member in the arsenal of the gigantic
Ransomware Family. Created with strong financial motive, this file virus is
proliferating at a fast pace via malvertising e-mail campaigns, software bundling,
malware-laden websites & links.
It is known for intruding into Windows OS based systems without any manual
help. It targets user’s sensitive data to later blackmail them & extort their hardearned money.
Once installed, it searches the entire system for the targeted files such as images,
videos, documents, texts etc. When found, it employs a highly-complex Encryption
Algorithm to encrypt the files & adds .syrk extension as suffix to the filenames.
After the encryption, the files are instantly made inaccessible to the victims. A file
named “mypresentation.ppt” might be renamed as “mypresentation.ppt.syrk”
after the encryption.
The files extensions that Syrk File Virus is capable of encrypting are mentioned
▪ Document files (.docx, .doc, .odt, .rtf, .text, .pdf, .htm, .ppt)
▪ Audio Files (.mp3, .aif, .iff, .m3u, .m4u, .mid, .mpa, .wma, .ra, .avi,
.mov, .mp4)
▪ Video Files (.3gp, .mpeg, .3g2, .asf, .asx, .flv, .mpg, .wmv, .vob)
▪ Images (.jpg, .jpeg, .raw, .tif, .gif, .png)
▪ Backup Files (.bck, .bckp, .tmp, .gho)
▪ Shadow Volume Copies
▪ Restore Points
Apart from encrypting the files, Syrk Crypto Virus disables the anti-virus programs
& firewall security on the infected PC. It makes modifications in the boot options,
this enabling the infection to start every time the system reboots.
It disables “Task manager”, thus preventing the victim from closing down the
harmful activities of Syrk. Analysts have found that Syrk makes certain pernicious
Windows Registry Changes that causes unexpected errors, data loss & severe PC
performance & stability issues.
Insight into the Ransom Amount Demanded by Hackers:
Following the successful encryption of files, Syrk replaces the PC’s wallpaper with
a ransom-demanding pop-up, which is in text format. The ransom note file,
“Readme_now.txt” contains details of the current situation of PC & instruction for
the victims to get their data back.
The note suggests that the encrypted data cannot be restored without the
intervention of the hackers. It prompts the victims to contact the hackers on their email id: & send them the appointed ID.
To check the unique appointed data, the victims are required to click on “Show My
ID” button given at the bottom of the pop-up window.
The hackers then send further instructions to make the payment to restore the
encrypted data.
They threaten the users to pay a hefty ransom amount in order to restore the
encrypted files. The price of the unique key & Syrk decrypter is, however,
unknown. Failing to make the payment in the pre-defined time may lead to the
permanent deletion of the files & data.
Fearing to lose their data, victims often pay ransom to the hackers. However,
paying the ransom does not guarantee decryption of files. Hackers often stop
responding after receiving the ransom. Many of the victims who paid the cybercriminals got scammed. They did not get the promised Syrk Decryption tool &
unique key.
Therefore, under no circumstances, a victim should pay the ransom. Instead of
panicking, the victims should act smart & not let hackers extort their hard-earned
They can either follow removal guidelines or download Syrk Ransomware
removal tool.
Distribution Techniques of Syrk Ransomware
The pernicious Syrk Ransomware is spreading its infection through various
channels. Amongst all, malvertising e-mail campaigns, is the most commonly
used spread method.
Other spread techniques of Syrk File Virus are mentioned below:
▪ Fake Software Updating & Activation Tools (Cracked Version of Paid
▪ Unreliable Software Download Sources
▪ Exploit Kits
▪ Zipped Java Script Attachments
▪ Malware-laden websites, discount links/coupons.
How to remove Syrk Ransomware infection from the systemSTEP A: Reboot your system to Safe Mode
STEP B: Delete the suspicious key from the Configuration Settings
STEP C: Remove Malicious Program from Command Prompt
STEP D: Restore the System Files & Folders
How to prevent from infecting your system-