How to remove Adage Ransomware from your system


How to remove Adage Ransomware from your system
How to remove Adage Ransomware
from your system?
Guide to Remove Adage RansomwareAdage Ransomware is the recent menace to the computer-users around
the world that is encrypting the files & rendering them inaccessible to
the users. As per the cyber-security researchers, Adage is another
threatening member in the infamous crypto-virus family, Phobos
Commonly used internet services such as spam e-mail campaigns & fake
software updaters are considered as the prime methods of propagation of
Adage infection. Once the system infected, Adage Virus encrypts user &
system files & renames them by adding victims unique ID, hacker’s email address & “adage” extension to the file names. The encrypted files
are instantly made unusable to the users.
In addition to that, Adage Ransomware drops a ransom-demanding note
& runs a HTML application on the victim’s desktop. The ransom note
suggests the victims to contact the hackers & pay them ransom to get the
encrypted data restored.
Most of the victims tend to fall into the fake claims made by the hackers
& pay the ransom. However, the analysis shows that victims not always
receive positive response from the hackers. The victims, in most of the
cases, do not receive get the promised Adage decryption tool & unique
key in exchange of the ransom amount.
Wonder how you can recover .Adage files & stop Adage Ransomware
from infecting the system again? Well, we have got you covered! Read
on to learn how you can protect yourself from Ransomware & keep your
files from getting encrypted.
Threat Behavior of Adage Ransomware Adage Ransomware is the name of the recent threat that has been
specifically designed to stealthily infect the system, encrypt the files &
render them inaccessible to the users. Cyber-security analysts claim
Adage Ransomware to be a Phobos Ransomware variant.
In addition to that, it has been found that the threat behavior of .Adage
file virus bears resemblance to a myriad of Ransomware-type infections
such as Carote, Viagra & Londec. The only major differences in these
file viruses are the amount of ransom demanded & type of Encryption
Algorithm employed.
Adage mainly spreads through multiple distribution channels such as
spam e-mail campaigns, fake software updaters & third-party software
download sources. Once the system is infected, Adage virus searches the
system for certain targeted file extensions. On finding them, it uses
algorithms such as RAS (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman), AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard) & other similar crypto-graphies to encrypt the
files. These algorithms are also capable of generating unique private
keys for the each infected system & storing them on the hacker’s server.
The encrypted files are renamed by appending:
• Victim’s Unique ID
• Developer’s e-mail address &
• .adage extension to the file names
For example, a file named “image.jpg” might be renamed as
“[xxxxxxxx-xxxx].[].adage” after
Certain file extensions that .Adage file virus is capable of encrypting
are• Document files (.docx, .doc, .odt, .rtf, .text, .pdf, .htm, .ppt)
• Audio Files (.mp3, .aif, .iff, .m3u, .m4u, .mid, .mpa, .wma, .ra,
.avi, .mov, .mp4)
• Video Files (.3gp, .mpeg, .3g2, .asf, .asx, .flv, .mpg, .wmv, .vob)
• Images (.jpg, .jpeg, .raw, .tif, .gif, .png)
• Backup Files (.bck, .bckp, .tmp, .gho)
Adage, the Phobos Ransomware Variant makes the files unreadable &
restricts access to the data by encrypting the above mentioned file
Details of Ransom Note & Amount Demanded by Hackers
Adage targets all the OS versions of Windows such as 7, 8.1 & 10 &
installs a malicious executable file in %AppData% or
%LocalAppData% folder of the C drive. While this executable file is
launched, it scans all drive letters on system & searches file to encrypt.
Following the successful encryption of targeted files, Adage File Virus
attempts to extort hefty amount from the victims by demanding ransom
in exchange of the unique private key & Adage decryption tool.
It generates an HTML Application named “info.hta” that is capable of
running automatically. In addition to that, it creates a ransom note
named “info.txt” & drops both the HTML App & the note on the
victim’s desktop.
This ransom-demanding note describes the victims about the current
situation of the system & encourages them to contact the hackers in
order to get the encrypted data restored. The HTML application appears
as a pop-up over the ransom note & contains more details/instructions
for the victims.
It states that the victims need to pay a ransom amount of $500 to $1500
in Bitcoin crypto-currency in exchange of the Adage decrypter.
In order to take the users into confidence, the Adage’s developers offer
to decrypt a total of 5 encrypted files for absolutely no cost. Victims can
select 5 files (except the ones containing important information such as
backups excels, databases) & send them to hackers on their e-mail
The decrypted files are then sent to back to the victims as a guarantee of
decryption. However, the analysis shows that regardless of the amount,
the victims must never attempt to contact the hackers.
Contacting the hackers & paying the ransom may not always yield
positive results. In other words, the victims may not always receive
response from the hackers after the payment has been made.
Therefore, we recommend not contacting the hackers & letting them
extort your hard-earned money. Rather, act smart! You may either
download Adage decrypter tool or follow manual removal guidelines to
get rid of the Adage Ransomware.
Distribution Techniques of Adage Ransomware The cyber-criminals use various strategies for Adage Ransomware
distribution which include –
Software Bundling: Software bundling is the process in which a
malicious program is distributed with other free software, to get an
unnoticed entry into your computer system. When a user installs a free
application, the malicious programs gains a front door entry with the
free application, the user has downloaded. Thus, it is a good idea to keep
an eye on the installation screens while installing these free applications.
Infected Storage Devices: Your system can also get infected by using
removable media such as USB hard drives and jump drives without
scanning them with an anti-virus.
Spam Emails – Spamming is the most economic and common method
used for the distribution of such malware. The targeted users get genuine
looking emails which contain .doc, .txt, and other similar attachments.
These attachments can be named as anything which can grab the user’s
attention and triggers him/her to open the attachment. As soon as the
user opens this attachment, the malware infects the user’s computer
Malicious Websites or Malevolent Advertisements: The malicious
websites are the ones which are created just for promoting the malware
infections. Such websites include but are not limited to porn sites, torrent
sites and other free downloading platforms. By visiting such websites,
the adware infects the user’s computer without permission. Fake
advertisements and updates like Flash player and windows updates
which ask the user to update to the latest version are a few examples.
When the users click on such links, their computer system gets infected.
That is why, it is highly recommended to resist clicking on such links.
Also avoid clicking on advertisements offering free stuff such as Win an
iPhones, cars or free overseas trips etc.
Download Vipre Malware Remover
How to remove Adage Ransomware infection from the systemThe removal steps of the Adage Ransomware are still not known at this
time. However, here are few common measures that have been
concluded after proper research & analysis by our analysts.
STEP A: Reboot your system to Safe Mode
STEP B: Delete the suspicious key from the Configuration Settings
STEP C: Remove Malicious Program from Command Prompt
STEP D: Restore the System Files & Folders
How to prevent Adage Ransomware from infecting your system-