Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies


Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
University of Miami
“Cover: Contemporary Cuban photos courtesy of Kenneth Treister”
Annual Report
From the Director
As ICCAS enters its second decade, much has been accomplished. The Institute has become the premier center for information and analysis on Cuba. World
wide media outlets, representatives of U. S. and foreign governments and think taks, continuously contact ICCAS to inquire about events on the island and our
understanding of what’s going on in Cuba.
Of particular importance has been the development of the Cuba Business Roundtable (CRB) under the leadership of Jose Azel. The CRB is a special service
to assist U.S. corporations in preparing for investing and doing business in a future Cuba. ICCAS is well prepared to respond to requests of U.S. corporations
interested in Cuba.
Cuban Affairs, our quarterly electronic journal continues to publish articles on economic, political and social issues focusing on contemporary Cuba. It includes
book reviews and a chronology of events for the quarter. As we enter the fourth year of publication we are pleased with the quality of articles and the welcomed
reception from the academic community.
Our studies and publications receive significant favorable attention and the various Cuba Transition Project (CTP) databases are being increasingly used and
consulted. In particular the Latell Report and our Focus on Cuba Reports have been cited repeatedly by the media in stories about the island. The CTP Webpage
is receiving more than 1 million hits yearly, many from Cubans in the island.
All publications produced by the CTP are being translated into Spanish and disseminated not only in the U.S., Europe and Latin America, but more importantly
in Cuba with new and enhanced internet technology. This effort will be continued during the next years. The CTP is penetrating Cuba’s information blockade
and our publications are being read increasingly in the island. The monthly “Enfoque Económico” prepared by Professor Mario Gonzalez Corzo, of Lehman
College, City University of New York, and a Non-Resident Research Associate at ICCAS is being widely discussed by Cuban economists in the island.
Casa Bacardi, ICCAS’ interactive cultural center, is continuously being visited by numerous organizations and educational groups. Visitors from the community
enjoy films, art and photo exhibits, as well as the music pavilion where Cuban songs have been digitalized and are available for listening in specially equipped
computer stations. Teachers and school children of all ages visit Casa Bacardi to learn about Cuba’s history. Casa Bacardi hosts a number of lectures and seminars
described in the following pages.
We are extremely pleased that the Honorable Carlos Gutierrez, former Secretary of Commerce has joined ICCAS as a Non-Resident Scholar. Secretary Gutierrez
is participating in our programs and activities. We welcome his presence and contribution.
I am particularly grateful for Manuel Jorge Cutillas continuous support. I appreciate his help and friendship. I am also grateful to the Bacardi Company and
the many donors that are pledging their support for the Institute during the current University fund-raising campaign. I appreciate the recent support received
from the Goizueta Foundation. The continuous encouragement and backing of University administrators, especially President Donna E. Shalala, Executive Vice
President and Provost Tom LeBlanc, and former Provost Luis Glaser, is greatly appreciated.
Last, but not least, I want to thank the ICCAS and CTP staff for their dedication, loyalty and hard work. Without them we couldn’t have achieved what is
described in this report.
Jaime Suchlicki
November 1, 2010
The Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies was
established by the University of Miami and approved by the
Faculty Senate in May 1999. The Institute reports directly
to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The
University appointed Jaime Suchlicki, Emilio Bacardi Moreau
Distinguished Professor of History, as the founding Director of
the Institute.
ICCAS sponsors academic and outreach programs and helps
coordinate Cuba-related activities at the University of Miami
including the Emilio Bacardi Moreau Chair, the Cuban
Heritage Collection at the Otto G. Richter Library, the John
J. Koubek Memorial Center, and other University components
related to Cuban and Cuban-American studies. ICCAS offers
non-credit courses on Cuban history and culture, produces
publications, and sponsors original research on specific topics.
During the summer, ICCAS offers an immersion program and
for credit course on Cuban studies for university students from
the University of Miami and throughout the U.S. The Institute
serves as the Secretariat for the Association for the Study
of the Cuban Economy, the most prestigious international
organization devoted to the study of the island’s economy.
ICCAS publishes Cuban Affairs, a quarterly electronic journal,
Cuba Focus, Cuba Facts, Cuba Brief, the Latell Report and
Enfoque Económico as well as monographs and reports. All
publications can be found on the Cuba Transition Project
Programs and Activities
The objectives of ICCAS are to preserve, teach, and disseminate the history and culture of Cuba; provide research and information about
contemporary Cuba, U.S.-Cuba relations, and Cuban-Americans; increase awareness and appreciation of Cuba nationally and internationally;
and to prepare for change in the island.
Casa Bacardi
Casa Bacardi, funded by a grant from the Bacardi Family Foundation, is a state-of-the-art interactive Cuban Cultural Center. It houses an
exhibition hall for art and other displays, a cinema for regular screenings of films and documentaries about the island, and a conference center.
It also has three pavilions: a music pavilion with computerized stations where students and visitors can listen to Cuban music and humor; an
information pavilion with computer terminals with access to Cuba On-Line, a comprehensive archive of Cuban history and contemporary
information; and the products pavilion, displaying traditional Cuban products with television sets that present short videos on rum, sugar,
coffee, and tobacco. Casa Bacardi opened on May 20, 2002.
Educational Program for School Students
For elementary, middle and high school students from South Florida, Casa Bacardi highlights Cuba’s extensive history, art and music in a onehour tour featuring a short history film, a walk through current art exhibits, and two interactive sessions with ICCAS staff in our computerized
music pavilion and information centers. For students at university and college level, Casa Bacardi offers round table discussions with ICCAS
researchers and staff about conditions in Cuba and prospects for the future. The discussions can be customized to focus on particular topics,
such as the economy, culture, health care. Presentations are tailored to meet individual needs according to school curriculum goals and age
of students.
Conchita Espinosa School
Knowledge Builders of Florida Summer Camp
North Miami Beach Elementary School
The Cuba Transition Project
In existence for eight years, the Cuba Transition Project (CTP) studies and makes recommendations for the reconstruction of Cuba once the
post-Castro transition begins in earnest. Sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development until 2009, the CTP has prepared 38
studies researching topics that cover a wide breadth of transition issues such as the role of the judiciary, recommendations for dealing with
confiscated properties, a framework to combat corruption, recommendations for the implementation of the rule of law, economic and financial
institutions to support a market economy, studies on relevant political transitions from both communist and fascist governments, as well as
many others. CTP also publishes Cuba Focus, Cuba Facts and “Enfoque Económico.” Studies and reports are available in English, and Spanish.
Spanish translations are distributed in Cuba as is possible. The CTP maintains a Web Page that includes all of our publications. This Web Page
is receiving over 1 million hits yearly, many from Cuba.*
In addition to the studies the CTP develops and maintains several Internet free accessible databases:
1. Historical and current information on Cuba (Cuba On-Line)
2. Full-text articles on transition
3. Cuba’s principal laws and its legal system
4. Foreign investments in Cuba
5. Treaties and accords entered into by the Cuban government during the Castro era
6. Cuban political prisoners
7. Organizational Charts of Cuba’s political structure, including the National
Assembly, the Communist Party, Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and the Ministry
of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (MINFAR).
The CTP also produces the following electronic publications:
tFocus on Cuba – A monthly analytical report addressing current events.
tCuba Facts – Succinct fact sheets providing statistical data on key topics such as political structure, health, economy, education, nutrition,
labor, foreign investment, business, etc.
tEnfoque Económico – A monthly report focusing on Cuba’s economy sent to economists in the island.
tCTP News – A monthly newsletter reporting on CTP activities and publications
The CTP holds periodic video conferences with students, dissidents, independent journalists in Cuba.
These can be seen in the CTP Web Page.
*All CTP publications, in various languages, are free and available to the public. The website can be located at:
Electronic Publications
Seminars and Conferences
ICCAS is the Secretariat and helps coordinate the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy
(ASCE) Annual Meeting held in South Florida.
“Cuba Under Raul: Domestic and Foreign Policies,” seminar held by The Cuba Transition Project
(CTP) and sponsored by The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes in Bucharest,
Romania. May 28, 2009.
“Transición o Sucesión en Cuba,” seminar held by The Cuba Transition Project (CTP) in cooperation
with La Universidad Latina de Panamá in Panamá. February 4, 2010.
“Panorama de la Crisis en América Latina,” conference held at Casa Bacardi by La Fundación
Educativa Carlos M. Castañeda. Panel speakers were Guillermo Lousteau Heguy, Carlos Sánchez Berzaín,
and Carlos Alberto Montaner. September 7, 2010.
CTP sponsored seminar in Bucharest, Romania
“Cuba” su economia en el futuro,” conference held in Casa Bacardi sponsored by La Fundacion
Educatiava Carlos M. Castañeda. Presenters included Jose Azel, Carlos Quijano and Jorge Salazar-Carillo.
October 5, 2010.
CTP sponsored seminar in Panama City, Panama
*Unless noted all events were held at Casa Bacardi
Sec. Carlos Gutierrez, luncheon speaker at the Panama
City, Panama Seminar
Lillian and Tanya Castañeda, Carlos Alberto Montaner
and Jaime Suchlicki at the first conference of La
Fundacion Educativa Carlos M. Castañeda
The Miami Semester in Cuban Studies a summer course of complete immersion in Cuban Studies, taught by Jose Azel, Andy S. Gomez,
Brian Latell, and Jaime Suchlicki. Offered by ICCAS every Summer.
“La Libertád: Cómo y Por Qué las Personas Libres Construyen Sociedades más Prósperas,” special course held by Carlos Alberto
Montaner at Casa Bacardi. April 6-8, 2009.
Lectures/Panel Discussions*
“What the President Didn’t Know: Lessons from the Cuban Missile Crisis” a lecture by Michael Dobbs on his book “One Minute to
Midnight.” November 2008.
“La crisis financiera y su efecto sobre la Tercera Republica” discussion of the book “Diálogo de la Tercera República” by Alberto Luzárraga, in
association with the National Association of Cuban-American Educators (NACAE). December 2008.
“U.S. Policy Towards Cuba: A European Perspective” lecture by the Honorable Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff. December 2008.
“U.S. Policy Towards Cuba: A Conversation with American Diplomats” panel discussion moderated by Jaime Suchlicki with the Honorable
Vicki Huddleston, the Honorable James Cason, and the Honorable V. Manuel Rocha. January 2009.
“Perspectivas de la economía americana en época de Obama” panel discussion moderated by Jorge Salazar Carillo with Luis A. Espino, René
Sagebién, and Professor Manuel Santos, sponsored by the National Association of Cuban-American Educators (NACAE). February 2009.
“The Danger of a Nuclear Iran for Cuba and Latin-America,” in association with The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary
Judaic Studies and The Dr. M. Lee Peace Chair in Middle East Peace Studies, lecture by Paul Hirschson, Consulate General of Israel to Florida
and Puerto Rico. March 2009.
“Por qué fracasa el comunismo en el mundo” lecture by Carlos Alberto Montaner based on his book “La última batalla de la Guerra Fría,” in
association with the National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). April 2009.
“La arquitectura en época de una economía en recession” panel discussion moderated by Jorge Hernandez with Eduardo Pardo Fernández
and Steven Mouzon, in association with the National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). April 2009.
“La crisis del periodismo en el siglo XXI” symposium moderated by Eduardo Zayas-Bazán, and presentation of the book “Retos del
periodismo” by Alberto Muller, in association with the National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). July 2009.
“Civilización y Barbarie: La Lucha por la Libertad frernte al Terrorismo” panel discussion with Maurice Ferre, Armando Ribas, and Diego
Trinidad. September 2009.
“Presente y Futuro de la Religión en Cuba,” in association with the National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE), panel
discussion moderated by José Antonio Madrigal with panelists Rev. Marcos Antonio Ramos, Juan Luís Sanchez, SJ, and Daniel Álvarez.
September 2009.
“La Hispanidad en el Siglo XXI” lecture by Carlos Alberto Montaner for the celebration of the “Mes de la Hispanidad,” in association with the
National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). October, 2009.
“Los Futuros de Cuba” lecture by Professor Rafael Rojas, in association with the National Association of Cuban American Educators
(NACAE). November 2009.
Lectures/Panel Discussions continued
“El Humor Cubano de Emilio Cueto” lecture hosted by La Asociación de Educadores Cubano-Americanos (NACAE) and ICCAS and
presented by Emilio Cueto. December 2009.
“Historia del Espionaje Cubano y su Presencia en Venezuela” discussion with Aléxis Ortíz and Pedro Corzo, sponsored by the Instituto de la
Memoria Historica Cubana Contra el Totalitarismo and Centro de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de las Americas. January 2010.
“Cuba: What to Expect,” panel discussion with Jaime Suchlicki, Brian Latell and Jorge Castaneda. February, 2010.
“A 50 años de la protesta contra la visita a Cuba de Mikoyan” symposium with Carlos Alberto Montaner, in association with the National
Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE)> The documentary “Lo pasado es prólogo” was shown. February 2010.
“El Urbanismo en Cuba/sus Ciudades: Una vision Histórica” by Professor Nicolás Quintana in association with the National Association of
Cuban American Educators (NACAE). February 2010.
“An American in Cuba: Impressions and Photos of a Recent Visit” lecture introduced by William Scott Green and presented by Anthony R.
Masso. March 2010.
“Familias Fundadoras de Cuba” conference by Father Juan Luís Sánchez, in association with the National Association of Cuban American
Educators (NACAE). March 2010.
“Growing up and Studying in Castro’s Cuba” panel discussion moderated by Andy Gomez with panelists Gloria Ordaz, Maikel Arista, and
Giselle Recarey. April 2010.
“Top Seven Myths of U.S. Defense Policy Toward the Americas” lecture by the Honorable Frank Mora, Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Western Hemisphere Affairs, as part of the Goizueta Lecture Series in association with the Cuban Heritage Collection. April 2010.
“Católicos y Revolucionarios en Cuba: Monseñor Pérez Serantes” panel discussion moderated by Andy Gomez with Huber Matos Benítez,
Carlos Alberto Montaner, and Ignacio Uria. May 2010.
“Cuba y Su Exilio: Generaciones Politicas” lecture by Silvia Pedraza in association with the National Association of Cuban American
Educators (NACAE). May 2010.
“El Presidio Político Cubano: una vision completa” panel with Juan Clark, Martiza Lugo, and Ángel de Fana, in association with the
National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). September 2010.
“American Ambassadors in Conference: U.S. Policy Toward Cuba,” panel discussion as part of the Goizueta Lecture Series in association
with The Cuban Heritage Collection of the University of Miami Libraries with special guests Ambassadors James Cason, Luis Lauredo, and
Otto Reich. September 2010.
Lectures/Panel Discussions continued
“Cuba Ante la Problematica Latinoamericana,” lecture by Pilar Rahola, in association with the UM Center for Latin American Studies.
October 2010.
“Conversations with the Secretary,” with Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez on Cuba and U.S. policy toward Cuba.
October 2010.
Lecture by the Honorable Frank Mora, Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Westerns Hemisphere Affairs, with
Jaime Suchlicki, Jose Azel and Andy Gomez.
*Unless noted all events were held at Casa Bacardi
Ignacio Uria discussing Monseñor Perez Serantes, with
Hubert Matos, Carlos Alberto Montaner and Andy
Ambassadors Otto Reich, Luis Lauredo and James
Cason with Jaime Suchlicki at the “American
Ambassadors in Conference” panel discussion.
Book Presentations*
“Mañana in Cuba” by José Azel. An analysis of solutions for the challenges and opportunities in Cuba after the Castros. March 2010.
“Exilio y Añoranza” by Juan Barturen. Using articles from the newspaper El Undoso, the writer documents the most important events of
Cuban exiles, in association with Ediciones Universal. October 2008.
“Visión Critica de Humberto Calzada” edited by William Navarrete and Jesús Rosado. A review of three decades of the life of this artist.
November 2008.
“Death of a Dream” by Pedro Roig. A look at the values, psychology, and behavior of the Cuban people by diving into key events in the
history of Cuba. November 2008.
“La Fuerza Política del Exilio Cubano: Tomo II” by Enrique Ros. Presentation led by Horacio Aguirre, Rev. Marcos Antonio Ramos, Rev.
Martín Añorga, and Honorable Marco Rubio, in association with Ediciones Universal. December 2008.
“The Bay of Pigs” by Howard Jones. The author argues that the Kennedy administration embarked on a highly dangerous policy of regime
change. December 2008.
“Baraguá” by Raúl Eduardo Chao. A historic account about Cubans in the United States during the Cuban War for Independence, in
association with Herencia Cultural Cubana. April 2009.
“Biografía de un crimen” by José Ignacio Rivero. A panel discussion with Horacio Aguirre and Nancy Pérez Crespo in association with The
National Association of Cuban American Educators. May 2009.
“Trayectoria de la Mujer Cubana” by Concepción Teresa Alzola. In association with Ediciones Universal, the book was presented by Olga
Connor, Amelia del Castillo, and Aleida Garrido. June 2009.
“50 Años de Revolución en Cuba: El Legado de los Castros.” Presentation, in association with Ediciones Universal, by Horacio Aguirre,
Virgilio Beato, Marcos A. Ramos, Carlos Alberto Montaner, and Efrén Córdova. June 2009.
“Betrayal: Clinton, Castro and the Cuban Five” by Matt Lawrence and Thomas Van Hare. An account of the politics behind the rescue
mission planes that were shot down by Cuban migs on February 24, 1996. July 2009.
“El Silencio del Ayer” by Tomás Fernández-Travieso. Presentation by Gloria Leal and Ernesto Fernández-Travieso, in association with
Ediciones Universal. September 2009.
“Cold War in the Congo” by Frank R. Villafaña. The reasons for Castro’s involvement in Congo. October 2009.
“Después de la vigilia” by Reinaldo Bragado Bretaña. Presentation by Armando Álvarez Bravo, Ángel Cuadra, and Luís de la Paz, in
association with El PEN Club de Escritores Cubanos en el Exilio. October 2009.
“El Libro Negro del Castrismo” by Jacobo Manchover. A testimony of the assassinations, repression, incarceration, and other fears of a
totalitarian Cuba, in association with Ediciones Universal. November 2009.
Book Presentations continued
“A Masterful Journey” by Víctor Gómez. The book, a portfolio of the author’s work, presented by Gustavo Váldes, in association with El Taller
de Grabado Miami Press. December 2009.
“Havana Forever: A Pictorial and Cultural History of an Unforgettable City” by Kenneth Treister, Felipe J. Préstamo, and Raul B. Garcia.
An exploration of Havana’s beautiful architecture, culture, and people through pictures. December 2009.
“La Fuerza Política del Exilio Cubano: Tomo III” by Enrique Ros. Presentation by Rev. Martín Añorga, Rev. Marcos Antonio Ramos, and
Horacio Aguirre, in association with Ediciones Universal. December 2009.
“La Mala Fama” by Gina Montaner, discussion by Carlos Alberto Montaner and Juan Manuel Cao, in association with the National
Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). January 2010.
“Argentina Alfame” by ex President of Argentina Eduardo A. Duhalde. Sponsored by Interamerican Institute for Democracy, Latin American
and Caribbean Center-FIU and Diario las Americas y Editorial E-Libro, the book was presented by Eduardo Gamarra. January 2010.
“Cuba 1952-1959: The True Story of Castro’s Rise to Power” by Manuel Marquez Sterling. The events that took place during the “Septenio
Trágico,” 1952-1959, in association with Herencia Cultural Cubana. January 2010.
“Mis Dialogos con Fidel, Raul, Camilo y El Che” by Coronel Ramón M. Barquín. Presentation in association with Ediciones Universal, by
Carlos Alberto Montaner and Ramón C. Barquín. February 2010.
“Memorias del Primer Congreso del Presidio Político Cubano.” In association with El Presidio Politico Cubano, presentation of the book by
Angel de Fana, Guillermo Estévez, Sylvia Iriondo, and Orlando Martínez-Paz. February 2010.
“Cuaderno de Campo” poems by Armando Álvarez Bravo, in association with Ediciones Universal. March 2010.
“Matanzas: The Cuba Nobody Knows” by Miguel A. Bretos. Accounts of Matanzas and its history, in Association with Herencia Cultural
Cubana. March 2010.
“50 Poetas Modernos,” a selection of poems by Pedro Roig Fernández-Rubio, presented by Pedro Roig Hardouin and Armando Alvarez Bravo,
in association with Ediciones Universal. April 2010.
“Crónicas Ejemplares” by Víctor Vega Ceballos. Presentation by María Vega de Febles, Marcos Antonio Ramos, and Horacio Aguirre, in
association with the National Association of Cuban-American Educators. April 2010.
“Enterrados Vivos” (Tomo II) by Héctor Maseda Gutiérrez. Presentation by. Gabriel Vieira Barceló and Manuel Vázquez Portal, sponsored by
Plantados hasta la Liberdad y la Democracia en Cuba. May 2010.
“Democracy Papers 3”. Presentation of “Ecuador at Risk” by Douglas Farah, sponsored by Interamerican Institute for Democracy, Latin
American and Caribbean Center-FIU, and Diario las Americas. June 2010.
Book Presentations continued
“Céspedes: De Yara a San Lorenzo. La Lealtad y la Perfidia” by Enrique Ros. An account about the many important events in the life of
Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, in association with Ediciones Universal. July 2010.
“Cuba: The Disaster of Castro’s Revolution” by Andres J. Solares. An analysis of the current situation and economic crisis, presented by
Nicolas Gutierrez, Jr., Esq.. July 2010.
“¡25448, No! Roberto Martín Perez Sí!” by Rafael Cerrato Salas. In association with Ediciones Universal, presented by Adriana Bianco, the
Honorable Lincoln Diaz-Balart, the Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Marcos Antonio Ramos. September 2010.
“Poetas y Memorias de Cuba,” by Raúl Eduardo Chao. A discussion with Julio E. Hernández-Miyares y Portuondo and Matías Montes
Huidobro, in association with Ediciones Universal and Herencia Cultural Cubana. September 2010.
“Seagull One: The Amazing True Story of Brothers to the Rescue” by Lily Prellezo with Jose Basulto as collaborator. Presentation
by Jose Azel. October 2010.
“Mañana in Cuba” book by Jose Azel with commentaries
by Orlando Gutierrez, Carlos Alberto Montaner and
Jaime Suchlicki
*Unless noted all events were held at Casa Bacardi
Enrique Ros book presentation on “La Fuerza Politica
del Exilio Cubano: Tomo III” accompanied by
Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Rev. Martin
Anorga, Rev. Marcos Antonio Ramos, Horacio Aguirre
and Manuel Salvat.
Martin Perez signing his book “”!25448, No! Roberto
Martin Perez Si!”
Concerts And Musical Events*
“Grandes Leyendas Musicales Cubanas: Un Proyecto de Historia Musical en Vivo.” A series of interviews with prominent Cuban artists,
Eloy Cepero interviewed: 2008-2010; Roberto Ledesma, Irene Farach, Roberto Torres, Luisa Maria Güel, Rita Maria Rivero, Alfredo Munar,
Martín Rojas, Chamaco García, Vicky Roig, Pili de la Rosa, Demetrio Menéndez, Jaime García, Cristóbal Díaz Ayala, Malena Burke, Renée
Barrios, and Eduardo Aguirre. These interviews are being videotaped by ICCAS and deposited at UM Richter Library as part of a collection of
oral history of Cuba.
“Ritmo y Tambor,” a musical conference emphasizing the percussion instruments in Cuban and Caribbean music. In association with El
Grupo Habanera, with Andrés Trujillo, Rubén Jiménez, and Alberto Palenzuela. October 2009.
“El Sonido de Miami,” a musical conference about the history of the music in Miami from 1960-1980 by Eloy Cepero in association with
Herencia Cultural Cubana. March 2010.
“La Zarzuela Cubana. Historia y Valoración,” a conference by pianist and musicologist José Ruiz Elcoro and performance by Cuban soprano
Virginia Alonso, in association with the National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE). June 2010.
“Concierto de Guitarra de Música Cubana,” by guitarrists Carlos Molina and Teresa Madiedo and soprano Marisa Molina. October 2010.
Carlos and Marisa Molina, Guitar
Concert of Cuban Music in October
Rita Maria Rivero interviewed
in July 2009 as part of a series
of interviews with prominent
Cuban artists
*Unless noted all events were held at Casa Bacardi
Alfredo Munar with members of ICCAS Staff,
Maria Urizar & Susel Perez
Eloy Cepero interviewing Concha Valdés-Miranda
in March 2009
“Free Within These Walls: Life as a Cuban Prisoner of Conscience,” directed, produced, and narrated by Amanda Lehtinen. May 2009.
“Bajo el cielo cubano: El trabajador y sus derechos,” a documentary about the violation of labor rights in Cuba. Moderated by Carlos
Saladrigas and presented by Joel Brito; Carlos Montaner, director and producer; and by George Plinio Montalvan, executive director.
September 2009.
“Boitell muerte a plazo,” documentary in memory of Orlando Zapata Tamayo sponsored by El Instituto de la Memoria Historica Cubana.
March 2010.
“Cuba Libertad y Sindicalismo.” Discussed by Efrén Córdova and Rev. Marcos Antonio Ramos, sponsored by Grupo Internacional para la
Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en Cuba and El Instituto de la Memoria Historica Cubana. March 2010.
“The Failure of the Bay of Pigs” documentary and discussion introduced by Jaime Suchlicki and moderated by Ramon E. “Ray” de
Arrigunaga with panelists Esteben Bovo Caras, Juan Cosculluela, Maximo Cruz, Brian Latell, and Felix Rodriguez Mendigutia. April 2010.
“Cruzando Nuestras Fronteras” directed by Gladys Bensimon. A documentary about the problems that Latin America has faced for the last
100 years with corrupt governments and dictators, in association with Plantados hasta la Libertad y la Democracia en Cuba. September 2010.
“Covering Cuba 7, Che: The Other Side of an Icon” directed and produced by Agustin Blazquez. A documentary that profiles the myth
and realities of “el Che”. October 2010.
*Unless noted all film/documentary screenings were held at Casa Bacardi
Special Events*
“The Cuban American Community and the Presidential elections of 2008.”A panel discussion moderated by Andy S. Gomez with Ben G.
Bishin and Casey Klofstad. October 2008.
“Zoé Valdés,” in collaboration with the National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE) and La Fundacion “Emilia Bernal,”
presentation of the Emilia Bernal Literary Award to Zoe Valdes. November 2008.
“Premios Herencia 2009,” presentation of “Los Premios Herencia 2009” to Rev. Mons. Agustín Román and Ariel Ramos for their
contributions in encouraging the cultural and historic values of Cuba. February 2009.
“Martires por la Democracia en Cuba. Presidio Politico Cubano,” sponsored by Consejo del Presidio Politico Cubano and Instituto de la
Memoria Historica Cubana Contra el Totalitarismo, award given to Mariuis Oprea of Romania. February 2009.
“Herencia Cultural Cubana,” conference about “Centros Patrimoniales del Mundo en Cuba” by Arq. Gustavo Araoz, President of the
International Council on Monuments and Sites. April 2009.
“People of the World: Faces and Occupations” photographic show by Federico R. Justiniani, in association with The National Association of
Cuban American Educators (NACAE). May 2009.
“Cuba-then and Now,” fifth-annual Cuban Mosaic Exhibition organized by ICCAS and sponsored by Commissioner Natacha Seijas, in
association with the Miami-Dade Board of Commissioners at the Stephen P. Clark Center, Miami. May 2009
“Premio Literario Emilia Bernal,” presented to Matias Montes Huidobro, sponsored by The National Associaiton of Cuban American
Educators (NACAE) and La Fundacion Emilia Bernal . November 2009.
10th anniversary of the establishment
of ICCAS Jaime Suchlicki, Hon. Carlos
Gutierrez, Herminio San Roman, Jose Azel
and Diego Trinidad
Interamerican Institute for Democracy tribute to Enrique Ros, Dr. Virgilio Beato and Horacio Aguirre
Special Events continued
Cocktail Reception on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of ICCAS. November, 2009.
“First Annual Art Auction,” held in commemoration of the Grito de Baire with the proceeds of the sale of works donated by artists go towards
helping ICCAS. February 2010.
“U.S. Policy Responses to Changes in Cuba ,” a simulation of U.S. responses to various crises in Cuba. Participants included Jaime Suchlicki,
the Honorable Carlos Gutierrez, Brian Latell, the Honorable James Cason, Andy Gomez, Jose Azel and R. Alex Acosta, Esq.. March 2010.
“¡Mujeres Cubanas de la Resistencia!” The role Cuban women against the totalitarian government in Cuba for the last 51 years sponsored by
Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana. May 2010.
In collaboration with the Commissioners of Dade County and sponsored by Commisioner Natacha Seijas, ICCAS organized an exhibit on
“Cubans in America,” at the Stephen P. Clark Center in Miami during May 2010.
“Homenaje a Personalidades Historicas,” sponsored by Interamerican Institute for Democary, Latin American and Caribbean Center-FIU
and Diario Las Americas a tribute to the Cuban historian Enrique Ros, Horacio Aguirre and Virgilio Beato. July- August 2010.
“La Florida y España,” a panel discussion with Rogelio de la Torre, Frank de Arona and Salvador Larrúa Guedes, in association with the
National Association of Cuban American Educators (NACAE) and La Fundacion España-Florida (500 años). October 2010.
First Annual Art Auction
*Unless noted all events were held at Casa Bacardi
Mosaic Exhibition “Cubans in America” in
association with the Miami-Dade Board of County
Commissioners and sponsored by Commissioner
Natacha Seijas at the Stephen P. Clark Center
A simulation of U.S. Policy Responses to Changes
in Cuba
Occasional Publications
s4HE,ATELL2EPORT – a monthly report analyzing Cuba’s contemporary
domestic and foreign policy. Written by Brian Latell, Senior Research
Associate at ICCAS and formerly National Intelligence Officer for
Latin America.
s#UBAN!FFAIRS, a quarterly, peer reviewed, electronic journal, publishes
articles on economic, political, and social issues on contemporary Cuba. It is a
dynamic and informative publication representing a variety of points of view on
Cuba and the Cuban-American community. The Journal includes book reviews
and a chronology of events in Cuba for the quarter.
Cuban Affairs website can be located at:
Web Page
CTP Staff
ICCAS web page is accessible at: with links to
Casa Bacardi, Cuba Transition Project, Cuban Affairs and
Jaime Suchlicki
Institute Staff
Susel Perez
Project Coordinator
Jaime Suchlicki
María del Carmen Urizar
Office Manager/Assistant to the Director
Jose Azel
Senior Research Associate/Director-Cuba Business Roundtable
Andy Gomez
Assistant Provost/Senior Fellow
Brian Latell
Senior Research Associate
Vanessa Lopez
Research Assistant
Jose Azel, Jaime Suchlicki, Maria C. Urizar, Susel Perez, Vanessa Lopez,
Andy Gomez
The Honorable Carlos M. Gutierrez
Non-Resident Scholar
Cuban Affairs Journal, Staff
Mario Gonzalez Corzo
Non-Resident Research Associate
Jaime Suchlicki
Sherri Porcelain
Non-Resident Research Associate
Susel Perez
Assistant Editor
Marcos Antonio Ramos
Non-Resident Research Associate
Juan del Aguila
Book Review Editor
Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
University of Miami
P.O. Box 248174
Coral Gables, Florida 33124-3010