January 10, 2010


January 10, 2010
Saint Louis Polish R. C.
(Established 1915)
St. Louis R.C. Parish
(Established 1915)
Administrator :
279 Danforth Street
Rev. Louis Phillips
Portland, ME 04102
Cell: 446-1012
Tel: 207-773-7746
Parish web:
Polonia Semper Fidelis
I kiss the soil as if I placed a kiss on the hands of a mother, for the homeland is our earthly
mother. I consider it my duty to be with my compatriots in this sublime and difficult moment.
Pope John Paul II
St. Louis Church Mass Schedule:
6:30 PM (followed by Holy Hour)
5:15 PM
9:00 AM (partly Polish)
11:00 AM
Parish Registration: Please register as soon as possible. Membership is condition for the reception of
the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion & Reconciliation, Confirmation and Marriage.
Registration is also required before the parish can issue a sponsorship certificate for those asked to
be sacramental sponsors.
To contact the parish office and the priests now serving the Portland Peninsula Cluster parishes, including St.
Louis parish, please call Mary at the Cathedral office at 773-7746, or visit the Pastoral Center at Guild Hall on
the corner of Congress and Franklin (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays). Also, please call Mary to
request Mass intentions, make arrangements for baptisms, weddings, funerals etc., and to obtain information
about the parish. All the records from St. Louis have been moved to the Cathedral.
Chair, Finance & Property Committee -
Jacek Slawiec: 608 3026
Chair, Faith Formation Committee–
Jay Radziucz: 767-5905
Chair, Social Justice Committee-
Kim Palli :
Chair, Parish Life Committee–
Maciej Tasarz : 773-3616
Chair, Worship and Spirituality Committee–
Vickey Saniuk :
( vickeysaniuk@hotmail.com )
Director of Polish Language School - Kasia Rapkiewicz Tasarz 773-3616
Polish Classes for Children -
Bunia Slawiec : 608 3027
Pro-Life Coordinator –
Organists –
Kim Palli : 8299114
Renata Pietrzak :450-2406, Jacek Sławiec: 608-3026 ,
Ann Marie Chandler: 799-8332
President of St. Louis Women’s Society–
Bulletin Editor -
Saturday January 9th
5:15pm Patricia Nueslin
Sunday January 10th
9:00am Carolyn Piscopo
Pennie Kinney: 799-3878
Victoria Saniuk ( vickeysaniuk@hotmail.com )
Thursday 6- 6:30 P.M.
Sunday January 10th
11:00am Camille DePrey by David
Thursday January 14th
6:30pm Micheline Troiano
Saturday January 16th
5:15pm Patrician Nueslin
Saturday 3-4 P.M.
Sunday January 17th
9:00am Philip Caufield
Saturday 3-3:30 PM
Sacred Heart/ St. Dominic
Sunday 11:30 A.M.
Cathedral Chapel
(additionally, Confessions can be scheduled at St Louis by
Sunday January 17th
11:00am Special Intention: Fr Ireneusz
Chodakowski MIC 31 yrs to priesthood by Renata and sons
Saturday January 9th
5:15pm Ramonda Grzymala
Sunday January 10th
9:00am Marek Opielowski
Sunday January 10th
11:00am Ernie Shorey
Thursday January 14th
6:30pm Katelyn Daniels
Saturday January 16th
5:15pm Frank Piveronas
Sunday January
Sunday January 17th
9:00am Malgosia Sobieraj
11:00am David De Prey
OPLATEK Supper ( Christmas Dinner) Sunday, January
10th, 5 pm.
appointment with a priest, please call 773-7746 )
Sunday 12:00 P.M.
Sacred Heart / St. Dominic ( Spanish)
WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE (Effective Feb 2 2009)
7:00 a.m. St. Peter
12:15 p.m. Cathedral
5:15 p.m. Sacred Heart/St. Dominic
7:00 a.m. St. Peter
12:15 p.m. Cathedral
5:15 p.m. Sacred Heart/St. Dominic
7:00 a.m. St. Peter
12:00 noon St. Christopher (winter; 6 p.m. summer)
12:15 p.m. Cathedral
5:15 p.m. Sacred Heart/St. Dominic
Traditional family style dinner: kielbasa, potatoes, cabbage, vegetables,
bread, dessert and beverage. Adults $10, Children $5 - Tickets available
from Helen Danilewicz @ 773 -2643, Ginnie Konan @ 797-2643, Lee
Kimball @ 799-3878, or David Deprey. Sponsored by the St Louis
Women's Society. Proceeds raiser for the church fuel fund.
OFFERTORY RESULTS January 3-4, 2010 $506. New Year’s Day
Collection $252.25
SAINT LOUIS OFFERTORY ENVELOPES are available in the back
of the church for parishioners.
7:00 a.m. St. Peter
12:15 p.m. Cathedral
5:15 p.m. Sacred Heart/St. Dominic
7:00 a.m. St. Peter
12:15 p.m. Cathedral
5:15 p.m. Sacred Heart/St. Dominic
JASELKA Sunday, January 17, 2010 5pm
Everyone is invited to Jaselka a Polish Christmas Play on January 17th
at 5:00pm in the parish hall. After the play, there will be traditional
Saint Louis Women’s Society
The St. Louis Women's Society meets the first Tuesday of
every month from September to June at 7 PM. A typical
meeting agenda is covered in forty-five minutes and is
followed by a social that ends by 9 PM
Polish food. If you have questions contact Bunia Slawiec who is
directing the play this year at 608-3027.
Using Stephen Ray’s video presentation of “Apostolic Fathers –
Handing on the Faith”, this self-directed group will study the lives,
contributions and history of these men who took the reins from the
Apostles and continued to blaze a new path so that we can know “the
way” today. With the tradition and practice of the Apostles still fresh in
their minds, these heroes died rather than betray Our Lord. Come join
us as Stephen Ray, best-selling author and popular Bible teacher, takes
us on an exciting journey to better understand these Bishop successors
to the Apostles: Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome, Polycarp of
Smyrna, Irenaeus of Lyons and Justin Martyr. This group will meet on
the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at
_the Pastoral Center Conference Room, 307 Congress St., Portland.
The first session begins on January 7th, 2010.
Dzięki uprzejmości pani Helenki, od kilku juŜ
lat moŜemy uraczyć swoje podniebienie
aromatyczną kawą ( i nie tylko) po polskiej
Mszy Św. kończącej się około godziny 10-ej.
Proponuję wszystkim parafiankom jak i
parafianom wspóluczestnictwo w
On Sunday, January 10th, 2010 at 2pm, Father John Bacevicius,
O.F.M., will offer a Mass followed by a Healing Service at St. Anne's
Catholic Parish in Gorham. All are welcome. Father John highly
recommends that attendees go to Confession prior to the day of the
service. Cancellations due to weather posted at
www.stannegorham.com. Call Kelly at 839-7727.
January 10-16, 2010
podtrzymywaniu tej miłej tradycji,
przejawiające się w dzieleniu z innymi swoich
kulinarnych wypieków .
Na ścianie, w sali parafialnej znajduje się
kalendarium na nadchodzące miesiące,
chętnych do przyniesienia ciast, etc. proszę o
wpisanie swego nazwiska na konkretną datę.
Unikniemy w ten sposób sytuacji podczas
The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National
Vocation Awareness Week, January 10-16, 2010, which begins with the
Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. At baptism, we are called to become
saints. This year’s theme “Baptized in the Spirit” reminds us to go forth
in courage to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Follow Jesus
without fear and do not be afraid to “walk in the Light.”God calls us to
live our faith and seek out our vocation to become a deacon, priest, and
religious sister, married or single person. Perhaps God is calling you to
the priesthood or consecrated life. Will you have the courage to follow
your heart? National Vocation Awareness Week is a time for reflection.
During the week of January 10-16, we encourage all Catholics to:
•Take time to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated
life.•Reflect on our own vocation and strengthen our personal
relationship with Christ.
•Educate our young people about the importance of silent prayer
and taking the time to truly listen to God’s voice in our hearts.
For more information, call Fr. Bob in the Diocesan Vocations Office at
której czasami mamy cały asortyment
słodkości, a czasami wcale.
Dziekuję za pomoc i wspólpracę w tej mierze,
zwłaszcza pani Helence.
Peter Pan,” the boy who never grew up. Come and have a spectacular
trip to Never Land and back!” “Don’t be ‘lost boys… and girls’ Fly high
with the Cathedral School Drama Club on their trip to Never Land! Will
Peter finally ‘hook’ the Captain Hook once and for all? Find out on
January 22nd, 23rd, and 24th at Cathedral’s Guild Hall, 307 Congress St.
“This January the Cathedral School Drama Club will be presenting its
own special version of “Peter Pan.“You owe it to yourselves to go see
“Peter Pan” on January 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. Come have a jolly good
time in Never Land with Peter, Tinker Bell, Wendy, John, Michael, and
all of their friends! Hope to see you there!” Friday, January 22nd at
6:30pmSaturday, January 23rd at 6:30pm Sunday, January 24th at
1:30pmGet your Tickets at the Door $ 5.00 for Adults $ 2.00 for Middle
school Students or younger Doors open one half hour before curtain
Evening with
Polish Film
On Monday, February 8 at 7:00 P.M. in
our parish hall we will be watching a
movie titled:
“I would like to thank the committee for all their hard
work planning this great event! Hopefully this will
become a St. Louis Parish tradition each New Years.”
All the best,
Denis LaFreniere- Cluster 21 Business Manager
A famous surgeon loses his memory and wanders
alone through Poland's eastern frontier in this
surreal melodrama.
“Fantastic food, beautiful decoration, great music
made this year party unforgettable. I believe that we
can organize much bigger event next year. We have a
group of people who really know how to do it.
Margaret & Wiesiek Sobieraj, Dana & Stefan
Buchholz, Mirka & Mirek Krysinski, Beata & Tomek
Pawlaczyk did a great job”.
Starring: Bozena Dykiel, Anna Dymna
Director: Jerzy Hoffman (1982)
Language: Polish
Subtitles: English
Once again - Happy New Year
Jack Slawiec – St. Louis Church Finance and Property
JERUSALEM, JAN. 7, 2010 (Leaders of the Jewish ultra
orthodox community in Jerusalem are condemning
spitting and harassment against Christians perpetrated
by some of the community's young people.
A press release from the Embassy of Israel to the Holy
See announced Monday that the Beth Din Tzedek, the
tribunal of the Orthodox Jewish Community and the
highest instance of the ultra Orthodox Jewish
community in Jerusalem, issued a letter denouncing
these actions.
Council 14246
The Knights of Columbus is a men’s organization created to
unite men in their faith and help others in difficult times.
Through their Good Neighbor Project, Knights distribute
donated bread and pastries from Panera Bread to those in
need. Frank Piveronas spearheads this project and has been
the “bread man”, dropping of welcome goods to “The
Friendship House” In South Portland every Saturday.
Students meet on Sundays in a lower parish hall.
Lesson for adults’ resumes at 10:30 A.M. and a class
for children begins at 10:45 A.M.
The letter, translated from Hebrew by the embassy,
stated, "Recently, repeated complaints have been made
by gentiles regarding recurring harassment and insults
directed at them by irresponsible youths in various
places in the city, especially in the vicinity of Shivtei
Yisrael Street and adjacent to the grave of Shimon the
This reported harassment and violence includes
spitting and curses directed at clergy and nuns, antiChristian graffiti painted on the walls of churches and
holy places, and throwing of stones.
The letter continued, "Besides desecrating the Holy
Name, which in itself represents a very grave sin,
provoking gentiles, according to our sages -- blessed be
their holy and righteous memory -- is forbidden and is
liable to bring tragic consequences upon our own
community, may God have mercy."
The embassy communiqué noted that the letter
represents the desire of the ultra Orthodox Jewish
community to combat tensions with its Christian
Repetitio est Mater Studiorum
Representatives of the Israeli foreign ministry and the
Jerusalem municipality met with Rabbi Shlomo
Papenheim of the Ultra Orthodox Haredi Community to
address these issues and discuss the letter denouncing
the attacks.
The letter, which was signed Dec. 30, called on "anyone
who has the power to end these shameful incidents
through persuasion, to take action as soon as possible
to remove these hazards, so that our community may
live in peace."
Source: Bibula.com
Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Portland, mieszcząca się
przy Congress St. posiada w swej sekcji zagranicznej zbiór
polskich ksiąŜek , zarówno dla dzieci jak i dla dorosłych.
Od tego czy ktokolwiek je wypoŜycza czy teŜ nie ,
dyrekcja biblioteki uzaleŜnia swoją decyzję co do
zakupu nowych pozycji literackich do polskiej kolekcji.
Zachęcam do lektury.
Ponadto, jeśli ktoś z państwa posiada w swoim
księgozbiorze wartościową pod względem kulturowym
literaturę polską którą chcialby przekazać na rzecz
biblioteki, proszę o kontakt pod numerem telefonu
773 3616
Maciej G Tasarz
Św. Andrzej Świerad
Św. Andrzej Świerad przyszedł prawdopodobnie na świat
pod koniec X w., zmarł zaś w 1034 r. w Nitrze na Słowacji.
Urodził się w chłopskiej rodzinie w okolicach Krakowa –
Oława pod Wrocławiem i Tropie Sądeckie pretendują
do miejsc jego urodzenia.
Działał we Wrocławiu, na górze ŚlęŜy, Opatowcu,
na Podhalu, w Skałce i na górze Zabor pod Nitrą. Był
znakomitym lekarzem, w Europie zasłynął jako
uzdrowiciel chorób kręgosłupa.
Pani Ania Niegowska poszukuje osób
zainteresowanych utworzeniem polskiego klubu
ksiąŜki i filmu (coś na wzór funkcjonujących tutaj
“book clubs”). Propozycja obejmuje czytanie ksiąŜek
autentycznie polskich autorów i oglądanie takichŜ
Leczył Emeryka – syna króla węgierskiego i cesarza
Henryka II.
Przypuszcza się, Ŝe odbył pielgrzymkę do Ziemi Świętej,
gdzie poznał ideały wschodnich eremitów i po powrocie
w ojczyste strony naśladował ich Ŝycie. Po ukończeniu 40
lat pozwolono mu na zamieszkanie w pustelni.
filmów. Spotkania odbywałyby się raz w miesiącu( za
wyjątkiem wakacji, świat etc. ) w domach uczestników
lub byłoby to wspólne wyjście do kawiarni. Wymiana
refleksji/dyskusja połączona bylaby ze wspólnym
posiłkiem (potluck).
Pozwoliłoby to nam, Ŝyjacym na emigracji na
utrzymywanie i rozszerzenie kontaktu z bogatym
dorobkiem kulturalnym naszej ojczyzny Polski.
Jego podstawowym zajęciem było karczowanie lasu.
Prktykowł surową ascezę – zmarł w skutek gangreny,
spowodowanej ciasno zapiętym wokół ciała łańcuchem.
Kanonizowany w 1083 r. z inicjatywy króla Węgier
Władysława syna Storady, siostry Chrobrego. W ParyŜu
przechowywany jest jego Ŝywot opisany przez Maura
w 1064 r. Bibliografia o św. Świeradzie obejmuje ponad
200 pozycji.
W ikonografii przedstawia się go w habicie pustelnika.
Zainteresowanych pani Ania prosi o kontakt
tel: 653-9901 bądź email: niegowska@pol.net
January 10 : Agaton, Dobrosław, Jan, Nikanor,
Paweł, Wilhelm
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń
It is a sanctuary of great renown in Poland, devoted to
the worship of the Virgin Mary. The sanctuary is located
in Wielkopolska in a village called Licheń - 10 km far
from the capital of the province - Konin.
The history of the sanctuary dates back to 1813, the
times when `the battle of nations` took place near
Leipzig. Polish soldiers were fighting under Napoleon,
among them Tomasz Kłossowski who got seriously
hurt. Facing death,he began an earnest invocation to the
Holy Virgin begging her not to let him die on the
foreign land. According to the legend, Our Lady
revealed to him in the light of the crimson sun setting
over the battlefield. She was wearing the crown, an
amaranth dress and a golden mantle, and hugging a
white eangle. The Virgin Mary comforted the soldier
and foretold he would recover and return to Poland. She
also told him to find a picture of her and place it in
public in his homeland. The healed solidier returned to
his home near Licheń. Year after year he wandered
about various sanctuaries seeking out the miraculous
image of Out Lady. In 1836 he eventually found in
Lgota - a vilage on his way back from a pilgrimage to
Częstochowa. Initially he placed the portrait in his own
house, and then hang it up on an old pine-tree in the
nearby forest - puszcza
January 7 1882.
Death of Ignacy Łukasiewicz,
inventor of the kerosine lamp
Kerosene lamp was designed by a Polish pharmacist
named Ignacy Łukasiewicz (1822 - 1882), a world
pioneer in the research of crude oil distillation.
In Lwów, Łukasiewicz and his partner Jan Zeh
carried out research on the distillation of crude oil in
order to obtain oil mixes that would be cheaper than
those commonly used at the time. His research
brought results at the end of 1852. A year later, after
In 1850 the Holy Virgin revealed to a sheperd Mikołaj
Sikatka who was pasturing cattle neat the portrait hung
in the forest. In her proclamation Our Lady summoned
people to reformation, to break with the intemperance
and profligacy. She exhorted them to tell their beads and
reminded of the celebration of Sunday, and asked priests
to celebrate propitiatory services. She also postulated for
moving her portrait to a more dignified place. She
promised that those who earnestly prayed before it
would escape death during the plague which was to be
the punichment for the absence of reformation of the
sinners. The Holy Virgin predicted the formation of the
sanctuary and the monastery in Licheń, from which her
glory would flow. Mikołaj, the poor sheperd started to
expound Our Lady`s message but he was persecuted and
imprisoned by the invasive Russian authorities. At first
people wouldn`t beiieve the sheperd`s. Only two years
later - when, according to the Virgin Mother`s prophecy,
the cholera epidemic came and decimated people, did
they remember her warning conveyed by the sheperd
from Gršblin. Then people thronged to the Holy Virgin
to kneel before her portrait and tell their beads, to the
place where the sick recovered and the dying
recuperated. Thus the cult of Our Lady in the
miraculous image orginated.
The revelation war examined by a special episcopial
committee. At the request of the parish - priest, Florian
Kosiński, the committee decided to move the portrait to
the parish church in Licheń. The celebration took place
on 29 September, 1852 and
it was strongly attended by
priesthood and about 80,000
numerous failed attempts to use kerosene in oil
lamps, together with constructor Adam Bratkowski
and pharmacists Miklosh and Zeh, the Lwów
pharmacist constructed the first prototype of a
kerosene lamp. The lamp was made of tin and had
the shape of a cylinder, which served as a kerosene
tank, with the upper part featuring transparent mica
windows. To provide the airflow for the flame, the
tube had openings below and above the flame. The
lamp burner was made of a wick dipped in the
kerosene container. On July 31, 1853, the operating
room of the Lwów hospital was lit with kerosene
lamps, which made nighttime operations possible.
Throughout his life, Łukasiewicz was connected to
the Carpathian region, where crude oil deposits,
known as the rock oil at the time, had been
discovered. He started the first crude oil mine in the
world in Bóbrka near Krosno, now the site of the Oil
Industry Museum, with the first oil well called
Franek. The first oil refinery was constructed in
nearby Ulaszowice in 1856, and when it burned
down, a modern refinery was built in Chorkówka.
Thanks to the demand for kerosene and the profits
from the partnership, Łukasiewicz became a rich
man. Several crude oil mines in the Carpathian
region, a clinic in Bóbrka and a church in Zręcin
near Krosno were built at his initiative.
The orgin of the the
Sanctuary in Licheń dates
from those times. Despite
the prosecution it has been
developing to become
famous not only in Poland
but all over the world as
well. Till 1939, 3 thousand
various acts of grace,
including many miraculous
recoveries were recorded.
During the World War II both the church and the
presbytery were turned by Germans into a seat of the
Youth Nazi Organization. At the right moment the
portrait was removed from the church and hidden, and
thereby it escaped destruction.
In 1949 the parish in Licheń was assummed by a Marian
Monastery. Marians started restoring the sanctuary from
the war damage. It was not easy, for the communist
authorities tried to prevent it - through the criminal
court, lawsuits, perseccution and constant impediment
of pilgrims. However, the year 1967 came. On the Feast
of Assumption of the Holy Virgin, Cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński, the Primate of Poland crowned the
miraculous image of Our Lady of Licheń, in the
presence of the Ordinary of the Wrocławska Diocese Bishop Antoni Pawłowski, many other bishops,
hundreds of priests, monks und nuns, and about 150,000
The number of pilgrims has been increasing ever since.
Some statistic from 1996 give an idea of the quanitity.
January 9 1797.
Jan Henryk Dabrowski organizes his
legion in Italy, and thus honored by
having his name included in the
Polish National Anthem.
650,000 of the Holy Communions given
7,390 coach pilgrimages registered
3,000 quest - officiating priests registered. The
foregoing figures are not complete for not all of the
groups of pilgrims register themselves in the celebrants`
registry. No one is able to count individual pilgrims
Jan Henryk Dąbrowski has come down in the history
arriving at the sanctuary. It has been estimated that the
of Poland as the organiser of Polish Legions in Italy
place is visited by about one million pilgrims a year.
during the Napoleonic Wars. He began his work in
Among them there are poeple who come here each year,
1796, when he was summoned to France by
eg.: all - Polisch pilgrimage of village administrators
and folk circles, pilgrimage of the civil servants and
Napoleon Bonaparte and given the task of creating
educationat workers. There are also diocesan meetings
Polish forces which would be part of the army of the
newly created Republic of Lombardy. This was a year of young adults, meetings of anonymous alcoholics,
retreats of secular diocesan catechists, retreats for
after the 3rd Partition of Poland between Russia,
handicapped people, winter and summer retreats for
Prussia and Austria. Poland disappeared from the
young adults, and many others. During their stay in
map of Europe, but Polish military formations gave
Licheń, the majority of pilgrims go to confession, for
the country a chance to re-enter international affairs the most important purpose of theSanctuary in Licheń
seems to be reconciliation witch God.
with support of France in the Polish independence
efforts. Thus, the creation of a Polish army in Italy, at Due pilgrims` generosity, a new Sanctuary of Out Lady
of Licheń was built as a thanksgiving and propitiation
a time when the Italians refused to fight under the
votive offering for the 2000 th anniversary of the birth
French banner, pleased both sides to this agreement.
of Jesus Christ.
Dąbrowski, who was born in Pierzchów as a son of a
Saxon army officer, grew up and was educated in
German Saxony. Nonetheless, he did not forsake his
Polish roots and when the Four-Year Sejm
announced a draft to the Polish army in 1791, this
cavalryman educated in a Dresden military school
was asked to reform the Polish cavalry. He was in
Poland in 1794 when the Kościuszko Insurrection
erupted. He took an active part in the uprising,
defending Warsaw and leading an army corps in
support of a rising in Greater Poland. His courage
was commended by Tadeusz Kościuszko himself, the
Supreme Commander of the National Armed Forces,
who promoted him to the rank of general. Not only
Kościuszko appreciated him; after the collapse of the
uprising, he was offered commissions in the Russian
and Prussian armies, but chose to fight for Poland.
After emigrating to France, he started the work of his
Although the area is picturesque, Licheń is not a
touristic place. It is a place of cogitation and man`s
spiritual revival, earnest, faithful and trusting prayers
said by pilgrims to the Holy Virgin - the healer of our
body and soul.
life - the creation of the Polish Legions. They were to
consist of Polish exiles. He scored a huge success by
managing to preserve the traditional Polish uniforms,
national insignia and the Polish officer corps.
The only concessions he made with regard to the
uniforms were the epaulettes, which bore the colours
of Lombardy, and French tri-coloured bows.
Dąbrowski's Manifesto addressed to Poles, and
published in Italian, French and German periodicals,
elicited a great response from the Polish émigré
Jerzy Duda Gracz
community and soon Milan, the capital of Lombardy,
began to fill up with scores of volunteers, in spite of
the penalties enforced by the partitioning powers. The
volunteers included patriotic émigrés as well as
Polish prisoners released from the Austrian army.
Within a short time, the Polish general gathered
seven thousand volunteers, whom he turned into a
disciplined and brave army. Polish soldiers fought at
Napoleon's side from May 1797. Unfortunately, they
did not reach Poland and did not liberate the
country, as Dąbrowski had dreamed.Napoleon did,
however, notice the growing dissatisfaction of his
brave soldiers and their commanders. They were
particularly disappointed by a peace treaty between
France and Russia signed in Luneville, which dashed
Polish hopes of Bonaparte freeing Poland. Instead,
fearing rebellion, he decided to disperse the Legions.
This meant the collapse of the Polish formation. A
rebellion. Only three hundred legionnaires returned.
olej, płótno, 120 x 100 cm,
wzdłuŜ dolnej krawędzi napis autorski:
After the Legions were disbanded, Dąbrowski stayed
particularly harmful move was the decision to send
six thousand men to Haiti in 1803 to crush a local
on in the service of Bonaparte. Once again he tried to
create a Polish formation in 1806, which Napoleon
wanted to use to recapture Greater Poland from
Prussia. Polish volunteers again turned up, albeit
with much less enthusiasm. Even Dąbrowski himself
became disillusioned when he was prevented from
fighting against the partitioning powers in the
remaining Polish territories.
In 1807 the Duchy of Warsaw was established in the
This polish proverb says it all. By popular
demand, here are some polish recipes.
Polish Sourdough Rye Bread
recaptured territories, but it was totally dependent on
Bonaparte. Disappointed with the Corsican,
Dąbrowski settled near Poznań. Not for long,
however. Already in 1809 he set out to fight Austria
under the command of Prince Józef Poniatowski.
After the Battle of Raszyn, the Polish army entered
Galicia and on 15 July captured Cracow. In June
1812 Dąbrowski and his Polish army joined Napoleon
on his Moscow expedition.
But already by October the Franco-Russian war was
over and the French forces, decimated by a severe
winter, had to retreat. Their defeat was completed by
a battle lost during the crossing of the River Berezyna
.Jan Henryk Dąbrowski was not able to continue the
fight any further. Awarded the Order of the White
Eagle, he retired to his estate in Winnogóra near
Poznań, where he died in 1818.
Traditional Northern European rye breads are dense
and dark brown. Americanised versions tend to
contain very little rye flour, and approximate the
colour and flavour of traditional rye with cocoa,
apple cider vinegar and coffee. This Polish version
has a high rye flour content, lightened with white
flour, and contains no darkening agents, producing
a fluffy, mild-tasting, nutritious loaf for newcomers
to rye. The white flour may be replaced with
wholemeal for a heartier and more rustic loaf
January 11 1386.
Wladyslaw Jagiello crowned
King of Poland.
2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast
1 teaspoon white sugar
2 cups water
4 cups rye flour
1 cup buttermilk, room temperature
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon salt
8 cups bread flour
1 tablespoon caraway seed
Wladyslaw Jagiello (1348-1434) became grand duke of
The night before making the bread, in a medium
sized mixing bowl, dissolve one packet of yeast and the
sugar in 2 cups of water. Let stand until creamy, about 10
minutes. Stir in the rye flour until the mixture is smooth.
Cover and let stand overnight.
The next day, dissolve the remaining package of
yeast in the buttermilk. Add the rye flour mixture, the
baking soda, the salt, 4 cups of the bread flour and stir to
combine. Add the remaining 4 cups of bread flour, 1/2 cup
at a time, stirring well after each addition (you may not
need to add all of the flour). When the dough has become
a smooth and coherent mass, turn it out onto a lightly
floured surface and knead until smooth and supple, about
8 minutes. Sprinkle the caraway seeds on the dough and
knead them in until they are evenly distributed throughout
the dough.
Lightly oil a large mixing bowl. Place the dough in the
bowl and turn to coat with the oil. Cover with a damp cloth
and let rise in a warm place for about 1 hour or until the
volume has doubled.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Lithuania in 1377 and was crowned king of Poland in 1386.
He was the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty, and as
king opened a new epoch in the history of Poland, a central
European country with close ties with western, Latin
civilisation. Through Ladislaus Jagiello, Poland entered into
a union with Lithuania, a country covering a vast territory
between the Baltic and the Black Sea, inhabited by a
mixture of pagan Lithuanians and Orthodox Christians in
the Rus territory captured by Lithuania. This union served
an important political aim: of checking the expansion of the
Order of the Teutonic Knights who were defeated by the
combined Polish-Lithuanian-Ruthenian forces at Grunwald
on 15 July 1410. But it also resulted in some serious
Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and
divide into three pieces. Form each piece into a loaf and
place in 3 lightly greased 9x5 inch bread pans. Cover and
let rise until nearly doubled, about 1 hour.
Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 35
minutes or until the bottom of the loaves sound hollow
when tapped.
problems in the East, with which the kingdom not always
could cope. In 1413, Ladislaus Jagiello concluded a new
union at Horodlo, which strengthened Poland's links with
Lithuania, and issued new privileges for the gentry in order
to secure the throne for his sons.
Security official guarantees
Pope's safety
King Jagiello Monument in Central Park New York City
Vatican City, Jan 8, 2010 / 01:15 pm (CNA).- Security official
Trzeba godnie uczcić to święto
Salvatore Festa, who coordinates activity between the Italian
police who serve at the Vatican and Holy See officials,
guaranteed Pope Benedict's security, as new measures have
been taken following the Christmas Eve incident in which the
Pope was pulled to the ground by a disturbed woman.
In an interview with L’Osservatore Romano, Festa recalled that
during the Christmas Eve Mass, measures were immediately taken
to protect the Pontiff when the young Swiss woman, Susana Maiolo
lunged at the Holy Father.
Święto Trzech Króli było w Polsce ustawowo dniem wolnym
od pracy do 1960 roku. Zostało zniesione przez władze
komunistyczne w czasach walki państwa z Kościołem
katolickim. W 2008 roku Sejm odrzucił projekt inicjatywy
obywatelskiej domagający się przywrócenia dnia wolnego 6
stycznia, pomimo zebrania ponad miliona podpisów
poparcia, tłumacząc swoją decyzję względami
ekonomicznymi. Przemilczano fakt, Ŝe takim jest on aktualnie
w dziewięciu krajach Unii Europejskiej, takŜe protestanckich,
m.in.: w Niemczech, Grecji, Hiszpanii, Austrii, a takŜe w
Szwecji i Finlandii oraz we Włoszech.
Niedawno usłyszeliśmy zapowiedź, Ŝe PO poprze projekt
obywatelski ustawy, jednak zacznie ona obowiązywać od 2011
roku. Czas pokaŜe, czy tak się stanie. Na razie tylko pracownicy
Urzędu Miasta Łodzi 6 stycznia nie muszą iść do pracy.
Stosowne rozporządzenie wydał prezydent Jerzy Kropiwnicki 9
grudnia 2009 roku.
Dlaczego jest to dzień tak waŜny dla katolików? Uroczystość
Objawienia Pańskiego jest dziś jedynym dniem świątecznym, w
którym są oni zobowiązani do uczestnictwa we Mszy św., a który
jednocześnie nie jest wolny od pracy. Biskupi w liście
skierowanym do marszałka Sejmu na początku września 2008 r.
napisali: “W ostatnich latach Kościół w Polsce przeniósł na
niedzielę, względnie obniŜył rangę liturgiczną kilku zniesionych w
ten sposób świąt, by nie prowadzić do konfliktu sumienia u ludzi
wierzących, zobowiązanych do pracy w dzień świąteczny”. Ale –
jak podkreślili – nie uczyniono tego w odniesieniu do Święta
Trzech Króli “ze względu na wyjątkową wagę tej uroczystości
oraz uniwersalne przesłanie, jakie jest jej treścią: objawienie
Chrystusa wszystkim narodom i kulturom”. Autorzy inicjatywy
ustawodawczej dodają, Ŝe “Pokłon Mędrców ze Wschodu,
niebędących członkami Narodu Izraela, oznaczał potwierdzenie
misji Zbawiciela w wymiarze ponadnarodowym. Wydarzenie to
stanowiło objawienie BoŜe wobec ówczesnych elit politycznych i
Warto pamiętać, Ŝe na Wschodzie pierwsze ślady uroczystości
spotykamy juŜ w III wieku po Chrystusie. Tego właśnie dnia
Kościół grecki obchodził święto BoŜego Narodzenia, ale w treści
znacznie poszerzonej: jako przyjście Boga do ludzi w tajemnicy
Wcielenia i objawienie tego doniosłego wydarzenia pogańskiemu
światu reprezentowanemu przez magów (mędrców, królów –
róŜnie na ten temat wypowiada się tradycja) przybyłych do
Betlejem ze Wschodu. W Kościele zachodnim Uroczystość
Objawienia Pańskiego jest obecna juŜ od końca wieku IV. Widzi
on w mędrcach siebie jako rodzinę ludzką, której przedstawiciele
przychodzą z róŜnych krańców świata, aby oddać pokłon
Dziecięciu. Jest to zatem dzień, kiedy zaakcentowany zostaje
uniwersalizm Wcielenia, który swoje apogeum osiągnie w całym
dziele Odkupienia, w Misterium KrzyŜa i w Zmartwychwstaniu
Festa noted that Vatican official Domenico Giani reacted
immediately to the situation.
Speaking later about the special training provided to those who
protect the Holy Father, Festa explained that the first thing the
security guards are taught “has to do with guaranteeing the Pope's
security without keeping him from fulfilling his mission to the
“You cannot keep the Pope from approaching the railings to greet or
bless those who seek or call out to him. For this reason, his closest
agents receive a specific kind of training.”
These members of the security team periodically receive updated
training sessions to learn new safety techniques, Festa explained,
thus ensuring that the Pope is provided the best protection possible.
In response to a question about persons who wish to harm Pope
Benedict XVI, Festa explained that a second tier of undercover
security agents are specially trained to spot dangerous people...in
order to intervene rapidly under any circumstances.”
Festa also noted that security agents who control the entrances into
St. Peter’s Square and operate the metal detectors “receive special
instruction on how to identify every object that is scanned, even if
the most sophisticated techniques are used to camouflage it.” He
added that so far, no weapons have been found among those in
Pismo Święte nie wskazuje, ilu było mędrców. Mogło ich być
wielu. Nasza tradycja przyjęła, Ŝe było ich trzech. ZłoŜyli trojakie
dary: złoto, kadzidło i mirrę. Ich imiona to: Kacper, Melchior i
Baltazar. Kacper (“Godny chwały”) pochodził z Etiopii, miał być
czarnoskóry i najwyŜszy wzrostem; Melchior (“Bóg jest moją
światłością”) ponoć pochodził z Nubii (Egipt) i był najniŜszy;
wreszcie Baltazar (“Bóg przyjął jego Ŝycie”) podobno pochodził z
Azji Wschodniej.
W uroczystość Objawienia Pańskiego znaczymy drzwi naszych
domów inicjałami K + M + B 2010 kredą poświęconą w
kościołach. Oznaczają one bądź imiona mędrców, ewentualnie
według interpretacji średniowiecznej są skrótem wyraŜenia
“Christus Mansionem Benedicat”, co oznacza: “Niech Chrystus
błogosławi to mieszkanie”, lub “Christus Multorum Benefactor”
(“Chrystus Dobroczyńcą Wielu”). Znaczenie kredą drzwi
nawiązuje do wydarzenia z Księgi Wyjścia (Wj 12, 21-33), kiedy
to Naród Wybrany przed wyjściem z niewoli znaczył drzwi i progi
domów krwią baranka, a wówczas Bóg “nie pozwolił
niszczycielowi wejść do tych domów” (Wj 12, 23).
Jest jeszcze coś, o czym warto wspomnieć: próby gwałtownej
komercjalizacji Świąt BoŜego Narodzenia sprawiły, Ŝe na naszych
oczach niepostrzeŜenie dokonało się bardzo niepokojące
przesunięcie akcentów w kwestii czasu i sposobu przeŜywania tej
tajemnicy. OtóŜ, o ile mówi się o świętach juŜ od połowy
listopada, o tyle zupełnie w naszej świadomości zaciera się fakt,
iŜ okres BoŜego Narodzenia kończy się dopiero Niedzielą Chrztu
Pańskiego. Do tego dnia fakt Wcielenia jest przedmiotem
pogłębionej refleksji w Kościele. Medytacja nad betlejemskim
wydarzeniem ma nam pomóc pojąć BoŜy zamysł podjęty
względem kaŜdego z nas, zrozumieć uniwersalizm zbawienia.
Uroczystość Objawienia Pańskiego wpisuje się w tę logikę – nią
się tłumaczy ranga wydarzenia, ona teŜ uzasadnia konieczność
przywrócenia jej świątecznego wymiaru.
ks. Paweł Siedlanowski
Izrael: władze potępiają publiczne
chrześcijańskich duchownych
Plucie na chrześcijańskich duchownych i zakonnice na
ulicach Jerozolimy przez niektórych
ultraortodoksyjnych śydów jednoznacznie potępiła
ambasada izraelska przy Stolicy Apostolskiej.
Costly ‘marriage penalty’ in
proposed health care bill draws
Republican Leader John Boehner. Credit: Republican Conference
Washington D.C., Jan 8, 2010 / 06:42 am (CNA).- Proposed
health care reform could require some married couples to pay
$2,000 or more compared to unmarried couples living together,
prompting some leaders to criticize the “marriage penalty.” They
voiced concerns the provision would discourage marriage.
The penalty arises because the planned subsidies for purchasing
health insurance are tied to federal poverty guidelines. According to
the Wall Street Journal, this would limit subsidies for married
couples with a combined income compared to subsidies for
unmarried couples.
The rules would not affect those who receive health insurance from
an employer. They would only affect those who buy subsidized
insurance through the new insurance exchanges set up by the
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that about 17 million
people would receive such subsidies in 2016 under the House
health care bill.
Under the legislation, health insurance premiums are capped for
those who make less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level.
The annual cost is capped at 1.5 percent of income for the poorest
but increases to 11 percent of income for those closest to the cutoff.
The Wall Street Journal says that under the House bill an unmarried
couple with an income of $25,000 each would have a premium cap
of $3,076, but if they marry their $50,000 combined income would
make their annual premium cap jump to $5,160.
In a Thursday statement House Republican Leader John Boehner
of Ohio said the penalty could cost couples that marry “thousands of
dollars” in higher insurance costs.
Republicans said that the effect on married couples ineligible for
subsidies is even greater, possibly more than $5,000. However,
other analysts point out that the figure is difficult to measure
because of assumptions about the price of insurance policies.
Democratic staff who helped author the bill said the penalty exists,
but they hold that it cannot be altered without creating other
They said that making the subsidies neutral towards marriage would
lead to a married couple with only one breadwinner receiving a
larger subsidy than a single parent at the same income level.
Przedstawiciele ultraortodoksyjnej wspólnoty Haredi, fot.
Wielowiekowa praktyka publicznego opluwania wyznawców
Jezusa – przez niektórych wyznawców judaizmu uznawana za
akt poboŜności – nasiliła się w Izraelu w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat.
Amerykański dwutygodnik „National Catholic Reporter” donosi, Ŝe
władze izraelskie podjęły energiczne starania, by ukrócić te
praktyki. Doprowadziły one ostatnio do oficjalnego spotkania
pomiędzy ministrem spraw zagranicznych z przedstawicielami
władz Jerozolimy oraz wyznawcami ortodoksyjnego odłamu
judaizmu zwanego Haredi. Podczas tych rozmów wspominano o
moŜliwych międzynarodowych reperkusjach spowodowanych
takim zachowaniem w stosunku do chrześcijan.
Stacy Dickert-Conlin, an economics professor at Michigan State
University, said there is a tradeoff between the progressive,
equitable and marriage-neutral aspects of the bill and legislators
“can’t accomplish all three.”
Jenny Tyree, an analyst at the Colorado-based Focus on the
Family, told the Wall Street Journal that the legislation would
penalize the poor, who she said have the most to gain from
Some conservative groups have claimed the legislation will
dissuade people from marrying, but Dickert-Conlin said most
research indicates people do not make decisions about marrying
based on government benefits
Jednocześnie specjalne oświadczenie wydała ambasada Izraela
przy Stolicy Apostolskiej. Potępia ona w nim nękanie
chrześcijańskich duchownych i dołącza specjalny list wydany
przez Beth Din Tzedek – najwyŜszy trybunał rabinacki
ultraortodoksyjnej wspólnoty Haredi w Jerozolimie.
30,000 expected for sixth Walk
for Life West Coast
„Wzywamy wszystkich, którzy mogą zakończyć te wstydliwe
incydenty przez perswazję, by jak najszybciej podjęli kroki w celu
usunięcie niebezpieczeństw, tak by nasza wspólnota mogła Ŝyć w
pokoju” – napisano w liście, podkreślając, Ŝe tego typu czyny
mogą spowodować „tragiczne konsekwencje dla wspólnoty”
RównieŜ niektórzy z przywódców Ŝydowskich wspólnot religijnych
krytykowali ostatnio zachowanie niektórych studentów jesziwy,
opluwających chrześcijańskich duchownych, chodzących w
rejonie Starego Miasta w Jerozolimie. Ich zdaniem, takie
zachowania moŜe rodzić antysemityzm na świecie.
Zrodlo: Wirtualna Polonia
KrzyŜe są wewnętrzną sprawą
San Francisco, Calif., Jan 8, 2010 / 03:53 am (CNA).- More than
30,000 pro-life activists are expected for the Sixth Annual Walk for
Life West Coast on Jan. 23 in San Francisco. Undercover student
investigator Lila Rose, former Planned Parenthood clinic director
Abby Johnson, and 40 Days for Life director David Bereit will be
among its speakers.
The Walk for Life begins with a rally at 11 a.m. at Justin Herman
Plaza. The Walk begins at noon and proceeds along San
Francisco’s waterfront.
Eva Muntean, co-chair of the Walk for Life West Coast, explained
the motivation for the event.
Trybunał Konstytucyjny w Rzymie uznał w sprawie
obecności chrześcijańskich symboli religijnych w miejscach
publicznych wyŜszość prawa włoskiego nad systemem Rady
Europy. To odpowiedź na kontrowersyjną decyzję
Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu,
który ukarał państwo włoskie za krzyŜe w szkole.
Sędziowie uznali, Ŝe pomiędzy orzeczeniem strasburskiego
Trybunału a prawem włoskim jest konflikt, który wynika z braku
uprawomocnienia. Zdaniem Katolickiego Instytutu Praw
Człowieka i Rodziny, decyzja ta jest właściwym ostrzeŜeniem
przed ideologicznie motywowanymi orzeczeniami Trybunału
Europejskiego oraz przekraczaniem przezeń granic kompetencji.
Niektórzy włoscy prawnicy twierdzą natomiast, Ŝe orzeczenie
włoskiego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego moŜe zaszkodzić religijnej i
światopoglądowej wolności w całej UE.
Nim projekt orzeczenia trafił do włoskiego TK, tuŜ przed Świętami
zajął się nim włoski Senat. Jak powiedział senator Stefan
Ceccanti, profesor prawa konstytucyjnego, krzyŜe w szkołach
włoskich powinny pozostać, poniewaŜ symbol krzyŜa jest
związany nieodłącznie z państwem włoskim.
Włoski senator dodał, Ŝe podstawowym dokumentem
regulującym prawo we Włoszech jest konstytucja. Wynika to z
„kultury religijnej oraz historycznego dziedzictwa narodu
włoskiego, które kreśli granice konstytucji”.
Rząd włoski zobowiązał się do odwołania od decyzji Trybunału w
Strasburgu powołując się od samego początku na artykuł siódmy
włoskiej konstytucji który brzmi: „Państwo i Kościół są niezaleŜne
i suwerenne. Relacje między Kościołem katolickim i państwem
włoskim regulują traktaty laterańskie, które ustanawiają zasadę
wzajemnego uznawania i współistnienia świeckich i religijnych
instytucji". Stąd np. krzyŜe mogą być obecne we włoskich
szkołach i salach sądowych.
Zrodlo: Fronda.pl
"Abortion is wicked and hurts children, women and men -- our
speakers this year directly address the huge financial and political
clout of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider
and recipient of $350 million in tax dollars annually,” she said in a
Jan. 6 press release.
Muntean explained that Johnson had walked away from her position
at a Bryan/College Station, Texas Planned Parenthood abortion
clinic because an abortion doctor asked her to hold the ultrasound
probe and she witnessed a baby die in an abortion.
Rally speaker Lila Rose, a UCLA student, has made undercover
videos of Planned Parenthood staffers apparently colluding in
covering up statutory rape by not complying with mandatory
reporting laws.
David Bereit’s 40 Days for Life campaign of national prayer, fasting
and advocacy outside abortion clinics has witnessed the closing of
five targeted abortion facilities. At least 26 clinic workers reportedly
walked away from their jobs following local campaigns.
40 Days for Life claimed 200,000 participants in 50 U.S. states and
three countries.
Bereit will receive the Walk’s Gianna Molla Award, named for a
canonized Italian Catholic pediatrician who refused to abort her
unborn baby when doctors said it was necessary to save her life.
Molla died soon after giving birth to her daughter.
Rev. Clenard Childress, director of the group LEARN and
BlackGenocide.org, a regular speaker at the Walk since its
inauguration in 2005, will also speak at the rally.
Other speakers include Georgette Froney of Silent No More and
San Diego-based evangelical pastor Jim Garlow.
The Walk for Life West Coast website is at