Envision Financial regional report


Envision Financial regional report
keeping it simple
2011 REGIONAL Report
President’s message: Shelley Besse
Regional council chair’s message: Myrna Webster
Envision regional council
Corporate citizenship report
Member report
Employee report
First West Foundation report
Organizations supported by the
Envision Financial Community Endowment in 2011
inside back cover
Senior leadership at Envision Financial
The Envision Financial region of First West Credit Union is served by a team of senior leaders that live and work in the communities
Envision serves, making local decisions for the good of the credit union’s members.
The senior business leaders that interact directly with members include:
Shelley Besse – President
Norman Attridge – Assistant Vice-President, Business Services
Kenneth D’Sena – Assistant Vice-President, Wealth Management Services
Loree Gray – Vice-President, Retail Banking
David Lanphear – Assistant Vice-President, Insurance Services
Mohamed Samman – Vice-President, Credit
Securities and securities-related financial planning services are offered through Qtrade Advisor, a division of Qtrade Securities Inc., member of the Canadian Investor
Protection Fund. Mutual funds and securities-related financial planning services are also offered through Qtrade Asset Management Inc., member MFDA.
Welcome to Envision Financial
It’s about being true to the things we believe.
It’s about making a real difference in the financial lives of our members.
It’s about building a network of like-minded credit unions with the size to work big
and the grassroots common sense to work local.
Envision Financial is part of First West Credit Union, B.C.’s third-largest
member-owned financial cooperative. Envision works big with the strength, efficiency,
diversification and stability of a larger financial institution. But unlike other big financial
institutions, Envision also works local with the same local leadership, local governance,
local decision-making and deep-rooted community connections
you’d expect from a smaller credit union.
With First West, Envision is charting a bold new course—preserving our local identity
and unchanging values while creating a stronger, brighter, more successful future
for the good of our members and the communities we serve.
Come experience the Envision difference.
President’s message
Shelley Besse
President, Envision Financial
In 1985, I began a new career as a service representative at a local
credit union in Hope. In 2012, I’m excited to be starting a new journey as
the president of the very same credit union I joined twenty-seven years ago.
Envision Financial is a big part of my life. I love this organization and the
employees and members here who make it what it is. It’s an honour to
be leading a high-performing team that believes in making a real difference
in the lives of our members and in our local communities.
It’s also a privilege to be serving you—our members—who are entrusting
our organization to help you reach your financial dreams.
2011 was a year of change, success and celebration for
with us, so we asked them to tell their friends and
Envision Financial. This was our second year as a division
family how we are making a real difference in their
of First West Credit Union and a partner of Valley First.
lives. The results were outstanding. By early
Other organizations said that this type of partnership
September, we had already achieved
couldn’t exist in our industry. They thought it was
our annual target. To all of our new
impossible to maintain our local focus within a larger
members, welcome to Envision and
organization, yet two years into this model I can say with
to all of our long-time members,
confidence that it’s not only working, but we are now
thank you for sharing your
thriving as a result. Our record net member growth last
Envision experience with
year is one proof-point of our success.
your friends and family and
for continuing to choose
Growing our membership base
Envision for all your
For many credit unions, membership growth is stagnant
financial needs.
and membership population is aging. In 2011, we
challenged ourselves to grow our membership base,
particularly in the younger demographic. We continually
hear from our members that they love doing business
Building meaningful relationships
Keeping it simple
I’m proud to share that our member satisfaction
The next stage of our journey will be continuing to
scores continue to be among the highest in our
make it easier for our members to do business with
industry. This is due to our focus on strengthening
us. We recognize that members want to conduct their
our relationships with our members. Last year, we
banking anytime, from anywhere, in a way that is
began making a shift in the way we do business, having
convenient for their lifestyle. That’s why we’re investing
our relationship managers provide both lending and
in new online and mobile enhancements. In 2011, we
investment services. Our goal is to provide our
were pleased to introduce Interac e-Transfers, Small
members with investment information, advice and
Business Online Banking and Mobile Banking Alerts—
expertise with a relationship manager they know
look for more enhancements including Me-to-Me
and trust.
transfers and mobile apps in 2012.
The level of care and service that our employees offer
We also recognize that we need to make our days
to our members further explains our high levels of
and hours of operation more convenient for our
member satisfaction. For example, this past year our
members. In January 2012, all of our branches
Chilliwack City team noticed that one of our elderly
transitioned to consistent, six days a week banking
members was having trouble making ends meet and
and we also introduced Sunday openings at our
had no family nearby to help her out. When they found
Willoughby, Chilliwack City and Abbotsford Village
out that she didn’t even have groceries in her house,
insurance offices.
they took action, bringing in items and purchasing gift
cards to a nearby grocery store. The branch team also
Thanking the ones who matter most
began researching local resources for seniors and drove
I look forward to seeing what 2012 holds as we
her to an agency, which helped her identify grants and
continue to build on the great successes we’ve
programs offered for low income seniors. Towards the
achieved in 2011. I’d like to extend a big thank you
end of the year, they noticed that her health had
to each and every one of our employees for your
deteriorated and contacted the member’s doctor.
commitment to building deep and meaningful
The doctor was so surprised and amazed that a financial
relationships with our members, enabling us to
institution would act like a family member and go to
deliver the products and services they need to achieve
such great lengths to look after this member and do
their life goals. Most importantly, I’d like to thank you,
what they could to ensure her safety and well-being.
our members, for continuing to choose Envision
Financial as your trusted financial services provider.
Shelley Besse
President, Envision Financial
Regional council chair’s message
myrna webster
Envision Financial Regional Council Chair
Envision Financial was originally founded in 1946 by a group of local fishermen
and farmers whose unique needs were not being met by traditional financial
institutions. They created a locally-responsive financial institution that worked
with its members to help them achieve their goals through all stages of life.
Sixty-five years later, our organization has stayed true to
its roots. Localness, community involvement, life-long
relationships and decisions based on common sense,
rather than policy, are what continue to set us apart
from our competitors.
recommendations on where Envision’s funds should
go to best meet the needs of our local communities.
We also attend local community events to represent
and speak up on Envision’s behalf. You can read more
about the real difference we are making in our
communities later on in this report.
When Envision Financial merged with Valley First two
years ago, the goal was to create a credit union that had
the backing of a large financial institution, but with the
local decision-making approach of a neighbourhood
credit union. For this reason, First West Credit Union
created the Envision regional council—we embody
First West’s ideal of acting local.
We also play a role in business development for Envision
and in identifying potential director candidates for the
First West Nominations Committee. Our backgrounds are
diverse and we are able to use our connections in fields
that include education, law, commercial fisheries, real
estate development and hospitality to suggest
development opportunities for Envision.
The concept of regional councils is unique to the
First West model and it differentiates us from other credit
unions who have recently completed traditional mergers.
2011 marked the second year of the Envision regional
council. Although we are still growing into our role, we
are proud of the progress made over the past year.
All of your regional council members are
committed to making sure that the interests
and needs of all Envision members are
heard and represented. We invite
members to share their comments
and concerns with us at anytime by
emailing governance@firstwestcu.ca.
Active involvement in your credit union
helps us stay true to our roots—
acting local.
Our main objective is to ensure our organization is
meeting the unique needs and interests of Envision’s
members, customers, employees and communities in
the broader context of First West. We strive to build
relationships with community groups and with Envision
members so we can represent their needs to the board
of directors and ensure that they are considered as the
credit union charts its future course.
Myrna Webster
Myrna Webster
Envision Financial Regional Council Chair
All members of your regional council take an active
part in Envision’s community involvement. We make
Envision Financial regional council
Myrna Webster
Lois Wilkinson
David Letkemann
Don Murray
Peter Podovinikoff
Peter Scherle
Regional Council
Regional Council
Corporate citizenship report
Investing in our communities
Learning in Nature’s Classroom
The Envision Financial team strives to foster vibrant
Last year, Envision partnered with Langley’s Maples
communities by taking a proactive approach to our
Discovery Gardens and Langley Environmental Partners
partnerships and investing in ways that will truly make a
Society to sponsor Nature’s Classroom, an educational
difference. Whether providing financial support through
pilot program for children. This program gave local
philanthropic donations, sponsorships and scholarships
students from grades three to seven the opportunity
or developing innovative community partnerships and
to grow their own food while learning how to preserve
programs, we are here to help.
our ecosystem and be stewards of the environment.
In addition to keeping some of the produce for
Envision’s charitable giving focuses on four areas:
Strengthening the voluntary sector
Lifelong learning
Arts and culture
Protecting the planet
themselves, part of the students’ harvest was donated
to the Langley Food Bank, which provided the students
with a tangible way to help those who are less fortunate.
Supporting health care in Maple Ridge
Since 2008, Envision has supported the Ridge Meadows
In 2011, Envision was proud to contribute $1 million in
Hospital Foundation. In 2011, Envision employees once
charitable donations to worthy causes and organizations
again participated in the family-friendly Fund Run, which
in our communities throughout B.C.
raised over $29,000 towards the purchase of new capital
equipment for Ridge Meadows Hospital. As well, our
Ridge Meadows branch participates in an annual
Christmas poinsettia campaign and many employees are
involved with the annual fundraising gala. Additionally,
Envision employees sit on the organizing boards and
volunteer their time, ideas and passion for charity.
“The Chilliwack Seniors Transportation Program is an
integral part of the Chilliwack community, enabling
seniors to be active and connected in their local
community. By supporting this program, Envision
promotes a healthy lifestyle and helps our local seniors
reduce their risk of isolation. If we are ever in need,
Envision is always the first organization we would
ask for help­—they are always there to lend a hand
and live out their commitments to the community.”
Lynda Hayden
Chilliwack Seniors Centre
Corporate citizenship report
“Envision is an organization that leads by example, helping
spread awareness of local needs with enthusiasm, energy
and a giving spirit. Two years ago, Envision partnered with
us to launch Angel Tree in Delta. Through this unique program,
Envision branches display a Christmas tree decorated with
paper angels with the gender and age of a local child,
allowing members of the general public to purchase a gift
for someone in need in their community. This past year,
Envision extended the program across all communities in which
it does business. Envision’s support on this project has been
phenomenal and has truly enabled us to touch the lives of
so many families and bring joy during the holiday season.”
Carly Geistlinger
Coordinator, Community Services,
Corporate citizenship report
Swinging to a better community with Beach Grove
Running for healthcare in Chilliwack
Amateur Golf Tournament
For the 13th year, Envision has partnered with the
For the past six years, Envision has been a proud sponsor
Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation to hold the
of the annual Beach Grove Amateur Golf Tournament in
Envision Run for Mom. Held annually, the Mother’s Day
Delta. Each year, many of B.C.’s finest golfers attend this
celebration and fundraising event includes an eight
premier event. To date, Envision has helped raise over
kilometre sanctioned race, a five kilometre fun run/walk,
$65,000 to support local charities. Recipients of these
and a one kilometre kids run.
funds have included Delta Hospital and, most recently,
the Boys and Girls Club of Delta Richmond. “Envision
Funds raised helped purchase priority equipment for
Financial has been a tremendous partner over the past
programs benefitting women and children at Chilliwack
six years,” says Brent Derrheim, Beach Grove Head Golf
General Hospital. In 2011, over $28,000 was raised for the
Professional. “Without their support, the tournament
purchase of new fetal heart rate monitors for the
would not be able to give back to this very worthy cause
hospital. This multi-year partnership has also seen many
in our community.”
Envision employees on the organizing board, once again
demonstrating that Envision employees are proud to
offer more than just financial support.
“The OH BABY project at Peace Arch Hospital is a
family-centered community endeavor that built a
new maternity ward, increasing its capacity by
three-fold and creating a new and private space
where new families can feel safe and respected.
Envision’s $150,000 will benefit over 1,000 families a
year who deliver their babies at Peace Arch Hospital.
Envision is an organization that believes in and
is committed to caring for their community.
They consistently live out and stand by their values
and we are proud to call them our partner.”
Jackie Smith
Peace Arch Hospital and
Community Health Foundation
A selection of Envision’s community partners in 2011 includes:
Abbotsford Arts Council
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Abbotsford Community Foundation
Ladner May Days
Abbotsford Hospice Society
Ladner Village Quilt Walk & Classic Car Show
ACT Ridge Meadows
Langley Food Bank
Angel Tree Program
Langley School District Foundation
B.C. Children’s Hospital Foundation
Langley Seniors Resource Society
B.C. Cooperative Association
Maples Discovery Gardens Co-op
B.C. Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund
Mission Community Services Society
Big Brothers and Big Sisters Fraser Valley
Mission Hospice Society
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley
Newton Community Festival
Canuck Place
Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation
CARE Transit
PowerPlay Strategies
Chilliwack and District Senior Resources Centre
Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation
Chilliwack Arts and Cultural Centre Society
Run for Water Society
Chilliwack Canada Days
Salvation Army, Gateway of Hope
Community Justice Initiatives Association
Salvation Army, Red Kettle Campaign
Delta Hospital Foundation
Semiahmoo House Society
Deltassist Family & Community Services
Success By 6
Douglas College Foundation
Surrey Food Bank
Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation
Surrey Hospice Society
Fraser Canyon Hospice Society
Surrey Rent Bank
Fraser River Heritage Park
Surrey School District
Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation - Chilliwack
United Way of Fraser Valley
Friends in Need Food Bank
United Way of Lower Mainland
Hope Brigade Days
United Way of Northern British Columbia
Hope District Arts Council
United Way of the Central & South Okanagan/
Hope Hospice Society
Kitimat Concert Series
Vantage Point
Kiwanis Fraser Valley Music Festival
White Rock/South Surrey Community Foundation
YWCA Women of Distinction Awards
Lifelong learning
Emerging opportunities
Arts and culture
Strategic philanthropy
Strengthening the volunteer sector
Member report
Making a real difference for our members
email or text message when their password has been
Our goal is to make a real difference in the financial lives
changed or a new bill payee has been added to their
of our members and our member satisfaction scores show
account. Later in the year, we introduced Interac
that we’re heading in the right direction. We continue to
e-Transfers, which allow our members to complete
exceed industry averages with scores of 83 per cent for our
real-time electronic transfers to anyone with an e-mail
credit union members and 83 per cent for our insurance
address or cell phone and a Canadian deposit account.
clients. Although our numbers are high, we know that we
Look to envisionfinancial.ca for more information on
can still do more to consistently provide an exceptional
Me-to-Me transfers and mobile apps coming in
experience for all of our members and clients.
early 2012.
Welcoming new members and thanking our
Making decisions locally
long-time members
In 2011, we continued to focus on making decisions
Over the past few years, many credit unions have not
about our members’ financial future at the local level
experienced membership growth. In 2011, Envision
by the person sitting across the desk or, at most, the
focused on growing its membership base and through
branch manager. We recognize that our members
our efforts, we grew by over 4,000 net new members.
want fast, friendly responses based on their personal
As our members are very satisfied with the service they
situations and needs. This is a principle our credit union
receive, many of them were happy to refer their friends
was originally founded on—it’s in our roots and it’s
and family to Envision. Many new members also came
what being local is all about.
to Envision because of the deep and meaningful
relationships our employees have built in their local
communities, which further contributed to our
“Since opening an account at Envision, I have always received
membership growth. We feel privileged to work with
outstanding service from every staff member I deal with.
both new members and long-time members to help
Whether it’s the front desk staff or a service representative,
them reach their financial goals.
everyone treats me as if I’m the most important member in the
branch. When my partner and I recently took out a mortgage
Making banking easier
with Envision, we both commented that we have never experienced
Our members have busy lives so we are striving to
a more painless and smooth transaction. Rene Caspers, our
personal account manager took care of every detail, including
make our services simple, convenient and accessible.
providing us with a list of available law firms in the area and
That’s why we’re focused on providing new online and
insurance options—outstanding! Whenever anyone asks me if
mobile services. In early 2011, Mobile Banking Alerts
I know of a good financial institution, I don’t hesitate to send
were launched, which provide additional security for our
them to Envision and tell them about the great service and
members. This enabled them to receive notification by
positive environment I’ve experienced.”
Steve Wilding,
Envision Financial member
“During a recent visit to an Envision branch, I was completely
wowed—not only by the treatment I received, but also by the
treatment my daughters received. Kelly Clarke took the time to
answer my questions and explain the benefits of starting accounts
for my girls. What really stood out, however, was when Kelly
re-arranged her afternoon for us to open the accounts, and
then gave the girls a piggy bank, a certificate and branch tour.
Her professional but fun approach is what makes Envision stand
out as an amazing financial institution. My daughters felt so
important—Envision will have these two as members for a
very long time!”
Adrienne Sargeant,
Envision Financial member
Member report
Protecting our members
Investing in local business
Envision Insurance Services continued to provide
Small and medium-sized businesses form the backbone
expert advice for our members in the areas of home,
of our province’s economy. At Envision, our roots are in
auto, commercial and travel insurance in 2011.
small business. Today, our business banking team offers
Ensuring peace of mind is our top priority, so we strive
a full range of banking, lending, insurance and financial
to provide our clients with the best possible coverage.
planning services, ensuring local businesses in B.C.
Results from our satisfaction surveys show that our
communities have the financial resources they need to
clients are noticing these efforts. In addition, our
succeed. In 2011, we were proud to build on our existing
retention numbers increased 2.43 per cent, which
product offerings by launching Small Business Online
shows that more clients are choosing to stay
Banking and AgriInvest—a federally-funded financial
with Envision.
program that helps agricultural producers protect
farm income from small declines or provide funds for
Building a brighter future
Our wealth management experts manage over
$670 million in assets and provide our members with
high levels of service and advice, working with them
to reach their financial goals and dreams. Our team
provides a number of services including comprehensive
financial planning, investment strategies, tax-optimization
tactics and personal insurance plans. In 2011, we began
making a shift in this area of our business, ensuring our
investment to reduce risks or improve profitability.
Our member satisfaction scores of 85 per cent are very
strong relative to our peers and demonstrate the value
of the personalized approach our team provides.
Going forward, we will continue to focus on providing
unsurpassed service with extensive expertise in the real
estate development, agriculture, not-for-profit and small
and medium-sized business sectors.
retail banking team can provide both lending and
investment advice, allowing them to provide a higher
level of service, more often to a greater number
of members.
“We have been Envision Insurance clients since their office first began operating
in Yarrow. Envision Insurance meets all of our insurance needs, including insurance
for our house, truck, trailer, cars, travel insurance and our children’s vehicles
as well. I am in the office numerous times over the course of the year and I am
always impressed by the level of service the staff provide! They are patient,
knowledgeable, helpful and always go out of their way to make sure I have an
amazing experience. It’s a great feeling to know that when I walk in the door
I’m going to get a smile and a friendly hello.”
Maxine Falk
Envision Insurance client
Employee report
Building engagement
Investing in our people
At Envision Financial, we know that our employees
A key component of employee engagement is employee
are integral to our success. In 2011, an employee
training and development. In 2011, Envision offered
engagement survey was conducted to gain insight
more than 120 courses aimed at learning and skills
from our employees on our workplace, enabling us to
development so employees can better serve our
make Envision an even better place to work. The results
members and grow into new roles. These courses
of this survey show us that there are some distinct areas
included classroom and online learning, as well as
of strength that we have as an organization and we
experiential learning approaches such as coaching and
compared well in most areas against other financial
mentoring. Our organization also invests in ongoing
institutions and high-performing companies.
post-secondary learning for our employees by providing
Some examples of strengths include our total rewards
program, flexible approach to work schedules,
corporate social responsibility and the area of
interest-free educational assistance loans, which only
need to be repaid if an employee voluntarily leaves the
organization within two years.
supervision. The survey also identified some
opportunities for improvement at the company-wide
“I am an active volunteer and appreciate having the support
level, including managing and communicating
of Envision. It has been a tremendous gift, allowing me to
about change and how leadership decisions align
make a difference in my local community of Chilliwack.
with our 6 Big Ideals. The feedback we receive from
Since 2008, I have completed over 360 volunteer hours with
our employees helps us cultivate a workplace that
the Lions Club and the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. It is so
rewarding to see self-confidence and leadership grow within
is engaging and rewarding for years to come.
the kids. Support and funding of these programs makes a
real impact with youth. Envision’s generous donation of $100
for every 40 hours I volunteer doubles my efforts, thereby
making an even greater impact.”
Sherry Taylor,
Personal Account Manager, Yarrow branch
Employee report
Growing with our people
to non-profit agencies throughout the province.
The majority of posted positions across our organization
This September also marked the fifth annual
are filled with internal talent. This demonstrates the
Days of Caring, in which over 160 Envision employees
success of our career development program and ability
participated in 11 projects, volunteering a total of
to move employees from one department to another
729 hours in our local communities.
to gain the leadership expertise and skills needed to
be promoted. In 2011, there were 92 promotions and
45 lateral moves in the Envision region. Our career
development programs are offered to all employees.
Additionally, employees can create a personalized
development plan that maps out their learning and
experiential opportunities to prepare for future success.
Spreading our vision
When First West’s strategic plan was launched in early
2011, we formed a Believe Team—a group of employees
who are passionate about bringing our culture to life
across the organization. This team is responsible for
championing our vision and values, and building
engagement within their local branches or offices.
Supporting our volunteers
These 67 employees are helping us enhance our locally-
Envision employees care deeply about many personal
focused and responsive experience for our members.
causes and we support them in those endeavours.
That’s why we provide up to three paid days off per
year for employees to volunteer in their communities.
We also provide our employees with the opportunity
to financially support the causes they are involved
with—for every 40 hours an employee volunteers at
an eligible organization, Envision will donate $100 to
a charity of the employee’s choice. In 2011, 2,296 hours
were acknowledged by $5,740 in charitable donations
Going Lean
Lean is a globally recognized continuous improvement
program that aims to maximize value to the customer
while minimizing waste. At Envision, Lean is an integral
part of creating exceptional member experiences.
To recognize Lean training, coloured belts are awarded
including white (beginner), green (intermediate) and
black (advanced). At the end of 2011, the credit union
had five Lean Blackbelts, 26 Lean Greenbelts, and trained
an additional 267 employees in basic Lean concepts.
“My husband is critically ill and during this trying
As a credit union pioneer in Lean principles, the
time Envision has been a source of tremendous support
organization is now sought out for its expertise by
for us. My fellow team members continually offer me
other financial institutions and companies.
compassion and I am deeply grateful for our amazing
benefits program. Its flexibility has made this difficult
time a bit easier—we needed a great plan and Envision
did more than meet our needs. Knowing we are
covered and taken care of has removed extra worry
and allowed me to focus on caring for my husband.”
Susan Krochter,
Clearing Administrator,
Envision regional office
Evangeline Barons,
Personal Insurance Broker,
Aldergrove Insurance
“I am so proud to be an Envision employee—everyday I am
privileged to work with many wonderful and thoughtful people
who go out of their way to help one another simply because
that’s what we do here. Earlier this year when my son Tyler and I
experienced a devastating house fire, I found out just how much
of a family Envision truly is. Employees who I had not even met
went out of their way to provide Tyler and I with financial support
and called or emailed to ask how they could help. The generosity
and kindness I experienced is still overwhelming.”
First West Foundation report
The First West Foundation cares about the well-being of the communities served by First West Credit Union and our
regional divisions: Envision Financial and Valley First. We use income generated from our endowments to help improve the
quality of life for British Columbians in these communities, proudly contributing more than $2 million to charities over the
last fifteen years.
In 2011, in the Envision region, we supported charities and initiatives helping children, families and youth at risk by
donating more than $230,000 from the Envision Financial Community Endowment. Funds from this endowment were
also directed to projects that strengthen the social services sector because we recognize the exceptional work done by
non-profits and their role in contributing to the prosperity of our province. Up to 30 per cent of the available funding
was allocated to charities for their much needed organizational development needs.
Expanding the Foundation’s reach
Last year was also a landmark year for the First West Foundation as we expanded the Foundation’s reach to communities
served by Valley First. The Valley First Community Endowment, established in 2010, generated over $40,000 of funding for
organizations that run food-related programs for at-risk children, youth, seniors and families in the Okanagan, Similkameen
and Thompson areas.
2011 highlights – Envision region:
• Total funds donated to community causes in the Envision Financial
region: $230,458
• Total projects funded: 21
Building a lasting legacy
The Foundation continues to give credit union members the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy in their communities
by creating named endowments. In 2011, the Foundation welcomed the addition of the Ben H. Voth Legacy Fund, an
endowment that will provide scholarships to students in construction industry-related education programs to help them
achieve their post-secondary education goals.
The First West Foundation will continue to encourage contributions from credit union members and the broader
community as we work to grow the Envision Financial Community Endowment and expand the First West Foundation’s
ability to support life-changing causes in our communities. For more information about the First West Foundation,
visit us online at www.firstwestfoundation.ca and see what’s happening in 2012.
Organizations supported by the Envision Financial Community Endowment in in 2011
Abbotsford Community Services - $7,500:
Training for all supervisory-level staff at the
organization plus development of curriculum for ongoing training of new supervisors.
Abilitas Foundation - $12,000:
Cold Water Ranch Respite Lodge for B.C .children, youth and families living with disabilities.
Ann Davis Transition Society - $3,000:
Girls’ empowerment group self-esteem workshops.
Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast B.C. - $15,000:
After school prevention program.
B.C. Cancer Foundation – Abbotsford Cancer Centre - $30,000:
Fourth installment toward $150,000 pledge for a Campaign for Healthcare Excellence.
Children of the Street Society - $10,000:
Predator-watch workshops for youth, teachers
and parents.
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre
of B.C. - $10,000:
Online suicide prevention program.
Delta Hospice Society - $12,500:
Hospice residence ($50,000 donated over 4 years).
Fraser Canyon Hospice Society - $2,200:
Volunteer training program.
Fraser Valley Healthcare Foundation - $20,000:
Fourth installment toward $100,000 pledge toward Chilliwack General Hospital rennovations.
Hope & Area Transition Society - $20,838:
Violence prevention educational program offered to all
school-aged children in the Fraser-Cascade School District.
Kitimat Community Services Society - $2,000:
Staff retreat and teambuilding initiative.
Kitimat Community Services Society - $5,295:
Kitimat Youth Centre technology upgrades.
MADD Canada, Lower Mainland Chapter - $5,000:
MADD Canada Leadership Conference.
PoCoMo Youth Services Society - $15,000:
Project Reach-Out mobile youth outreach program.
Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation - $11,600:
Addictions treatment centre equipment upgrade.
Salvation Army Chilliwack - $10,000:
Replacement of kitchen equipment for their
community kitchen.
Deltassist Family and Community Services - $10,346:
Self-referred anger management group.
South Fraser Community Services Society - $9,929:
Non-violent crisis intervention training workshops for staff and volunteers.
Family Services of Greater Vancouver - $8,250:
No-fee, self-referred counselling clinic.
Quest Outreach Society - $10,000:
Refrigeration unit for low-cost grocery market.
Other distributions:
Envision Employees’ Endowment: An endowment built up through donations by Envision Financial employees,
the charities funded are also chosen by employees. 2011 distributions totalled $4,000 to five organizations.
Flow through grants: Flow through grants are donations that the Foundation collects from donors intended for specific
charities. A total of $38,382 was collected and distributed to various charities.
Envision Financial, a division of First West Credit Union
6470 201 Street
Langley B.C. V2Y 2X4