Summer 2012


Summer 2012
Issue #3 • Summer 2012
this is Jack
as told by mom Sarah
Jack with mom and dad
E WAS DIAGNOSED with Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Never heard of it? Neither had I until I was sitting in
the emergency room with my 6-week old, Jack, who
was having breathing problems. After he was diagnosed,
doctors told us he had approximately 3 months to live. Our
world fell apart. How could this happen? How could we say
goodbye to the baby we fell in love with at first sight? We have
never felt so much pain. SMA causes a degeneration of the
Doctors told us Jack would eventually need to be on oxygen 24
hours a day; he would need a feeding tube since he would lose
the ability to swallow. He would also need a suction machine
as well as a machine that would mimic a cough for him.
Knowing that Jack’s care would be very demanding, my
husband and I moved to Colorado from our home in Arizona
to live with my mom.
world revolved around Jack’s care. I was lucky if I got
to shower. I remember the day I got a call from a
woman named Adrienne. She explained that she was
from an organization called, “There With Care.” She
asked me what they could do to help. I will never
forget that feeling, like a little bit of weight had been
lifted. I felt a little hesitant at first. Like other families
may be more in need than us. She assured me that
each family has different needs in many different
circumstances and that they helped each of them in their own
unique way. She asked me to tell her a little bit about our
situation. I couldn’t believe how helpful and thoughtful this
complete stranger was. She explained that they could deliver
food so that we would not have to stress about grocery
shopping. It was like a little bit of my world stopped crumbling
around me. I could focus on my child, I could focus on his
comfort, I could focus on making memories.
“It was like a little bit of my world stopped
crumbling around me. I could focus on my
child, I could focus on his comfort, I could
focus on making memories.”
motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord. The signals
from the neurons to the muscles are lost, and muscles can’t
function. It is a terminal disease that would hinder his ability
to sit up, crawl and walk. Eventually he would be unable to
eat, speak, cough, swallow and even breathe.
We should be able to watch Jack grow up. We should be able
to dream about his future. But instead we were left waiting,
waiting for the inevitable.
(Continued on page 3)
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
from our executive director
Board Chairperson Peggy Larson Fuller
Board Director Michael Barnathan
Board Director Pam Bernal
Board Director Chris Columbus
Board Director Paula DuPre’ Pesmen
Board Director William Fuller, MD
Board Director Geoffrey Hansen
Board Director Michael Lewis
Board Director Diane Nelson
Board Director Mimi Roberson
Board Director Jacqueline van Someren
Board Secretary Amy Carpenter
Jane Butcher, Michael Clateman, Esq.,
Dr. Daphne Haas-Kogan, Dr. Jeffrey Hansen, Anne Hanson,
Rose Healion, Wendy Kahn, Tommi McHugh, Marti Sullivan,
Patricia Wilson, Dr. Julie Zimbelman
Executive Director Paula DuPre’ Pesmen
Development Director Dana Bacardi
National Expansion Director Amy Carpenter
Program Coordinators Adrienne Ambraziunas, Mary Beth Appel,
Isabela Nunez, Kim Richter
Volunteer Director Beanie Brady
Events Director Shanna Lawless
Hospital Coordinator Cate Buck
Program and Development Administration Robin Spitz
Grants Director Nina Andaloro
Programs Associate Tim Ramenofsky
Development Coordinator Lora Covington
Corporate Relations Kathryn Messman
Steering Committee Laura Lee, Pam Bernal,
Cindy Davis
Creative Director Dan Ragland
Website and Social Media Director Brenda Evans
Care Ambassador Steve Doane
Volunteer Training Director Lori Kashman
E-Commerce Coordinator Monica Butler
IT Support Sal DeVincenzo
Baby Care Program Christina Cook, Susie Regnier,
Melanie Patterson
Warehouse Coordinator Sarah Housman, Hanna Keefe
Patient Gift Program Marsha Ambraziunas
Holiday Program Michelle Gallop
Soup Station Coordinator Judi Belenski
Soup Station Program Deborah Downs
Team Chop Coordinator Cheryl Markel
Team Bake Corky Wilcox, Karen Leuschel, Barb Senger
Events Committee Brenda Evans, Sal DeVincenzo, Steve
Doane, Bryan Ellis, Michelle Gallop, Elizabeth Glass, Meghan
Hambacher, Kristin Kalush, Lori Kashman, Holly Kennedy,
Carol LaBelle, Mary Lee, Remy Lovett, Cheryl Markel, John
Digger Pelaez, Tim Ramenofsky, Katie Selvage, Anne
Shusterman, Mary Spicer, Carol Steinbrecher, Sarah Vincent
Administrative Volunteers Kathy Wight,
Lyne Cahn, Beth Botansky
Interns Bonnie Drake, Lindsey Frew, Hannah Friedman, Sarah
Housman, Hanna Keefe, Katie Leeper, Remy Lovett, Dolly
Muziri, Katie Selvage, Blake Wittenberg
Dear There With Care Community,
Not long ago, as I left the office to deliver a bag of goodies to a
patient and his family at the hospital, our coordinator Mary
Beth said, “Take this book, he’ll love it.” When I arrived in the
hospital room there was a little guy fighting cancer…a guy not
too happy to have company.
I quietly reached into the bag and pulled out the book and set it
on the bed. “Mr. Happy,” I read from the cover and held it up.
Justin cracked a smile from ear to ear. I began to read about
how Mr. Happy meets Mr.
Miserable and is determined
to make him happy, too. I
continued reading the book
and each page brought bigger
smiles and soon laughter.
Before long Mom was
laughing, I was laughing,
and most important, Justin
was laughing.
We pulled out some other
treats – Crocs and character
Jibbitz, Legos, and occasionally
returned to Mr. Happy and
soon a few minutes became a
Delivering a little care to Justin
few hours. As I said good-bye
and his family
and headed back to the office, my
heart was melting for this family. I was able to go home and that
wasn’t the case for them. They were facing more tests, more
treatments, and many unknowns.
Several months later, Mary Beth got a text from Mom saying,
“Sit down for this one. The cancer is gone. None, zero,
zip…gone! Justin is officially cancer free. We are elated.”
As the text quickly got passed around, tears were flowing in our
office because we knew what that meant to them. It was the
news they were wishing for. We knew in an instant that Justin
and his mom and dad and sisters were now the “happy” family,
and that it wasn’t a book that brought the smiles this time.
Those of us at There With Care, including our many volunteers,
donors, advisors, and staff, are humbled to be one small chapter
of Justin’s family’s story.
With gratitude,
Paula DuPre’ Pesmen
Executive Director
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
the magic of care
Every day the phones ring at There With Care with calls from social workers for families who need our help. Every hour we are
reminded how important it is to be able to be there for a family with a critically ill child. In 2012, we will help more than 250
families - more than any other year in our history. We continue to provide this support to each and every family who call on us
through the magic of care that you help us provide.
Did you know that There With Care is able leverage $1 into $4 worth of
products and services for our families? Some of the ways we do this are by
working with food banks and other local and national food resources, and by
collecting gently used baby items. We also partner with local businesses to
provide discounted services such as auto repairs, housecleaning, therapy and
hold diaper drives and many other collaborations. This all works thanks to so
many inspiring people, like you!
Thank you for reaching out into your own communities and engaging your
families, your employers, your book clubs, your co-workers, your neighbors,
your kids, your friends.
So many of you connect the work of There With Care to your communities,
wave your wands and help turn every dollar into four. This magic directly
impacts the services we provide to families.
Amazed. Inspired. Grateful. That's how your generosity makes us feel. Thank
you for being There With Care.
Cindy Davis and Melissa Koester from Crocs
deliver diapers to TWC from the
Crocs Cares Diaper Drive
Dana Bacardi
Development Director
this is Jack
(Continued from page 1)
Our goals were to keep Jack as comfortable as possible and to
cherish the moments with him that we were fortunate to
have. Chris and I decided we had a choice of how we spent
our final weeks or months with our baby boy. We could either
spend every day crying, locked in a room, or we could enjoy
every single moment, making beautiful memories along the
way. We created Jack’s bucket list. It included blowing
bubbles, catching raindrops in the palm of his hand, touching
the grass with his bare feet, finger-painting, going to the
aquarium and the zoo, swinging in a park, and making a snow
angel. We were determined to have the short time we had
together be filled with love and true living.
Over the months, Adrienne became much more than a
stranger. She let me know that we could receive meals donated
from a local restaurant, 4580. Since Jack had to travel with so
much equipment, going out to a restaurant was very difficult.
Having a special meal one night a week uplifted our spirits.
AS THE HOLIDAYS APPROACHED, Jack was getting worse
and was having a lot of trouble breathing and digesting food.
Adrienne called our family to ask us if we would like
Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner delivered. We hadn’t even
thought about the holidays. She explained that they had
volunteers who donated presents to families in the There With
Care community.
Our family decided to celebrate Christmas early. We bought
Jack some reindeer pajamas and a few small presents. The next
morning we all stayed in our pajamas, opening presents with
our baby.
Jack took his last breath in my arms at just 6 ½ months old,
two days before Christmas. That night, there was a knock at
the door. It was one of the There With Care volunteers with our
Christmas gifts and dinner. We opened the gifts that were
meant for Jack on Christmas Eve. They were so thoughtful to
think of him.
Jack is the strongest person I know. Not a day goes by that I
don’t think of him and the love he gave us. He has touched so
many lives in his little time here. Having Jack has taught Chris
and me that moments are made to be forever memories and
that life is too fragile to not enjoy to the fullest.
We love our baby more than we ever thought we could and
wish nothing more than to have him with us here today. We are
forever grateful for this amazing organization that brought a
little sunshine into our world when we needed it most.
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
Our Volunteers
here With Care supplements the food that is
delivered by volunteers to families with the
help of Team Chop, Team Bake and so many
others in our community.
Some of the key ways food quality is improved comes
through weekly donations from Door to Door
Organics and Growing Gardens. The produce is
collected and taken to an industrial kitchen where
Team Leader Cheryl Markel and the amazing
volunteers of Team Chop prepare, bag and label
nutritious meals that can easily be reheated by a
Some of Team Chop and Team Bake Volunteers – Baking with Care
family after long days in the hospital. The volunteers
of Team Bake collect frozen bananas and other delicious foods and regularly bake breads and other items that accompany grocery deliveries.
Rudi’s Bakery, Whole Foods, Chipotle and Starbucks donate food so that each family receives breads and baked goods on a weekly basis.
Catering by Piyanad prepares and donates a portion towards frozen meals that easily heat up, which are needed by families who are in a critical
phase of illness with their children. These fresh and nutritious foods are delivered weekly to families by volunteers who personally shop for
them and arrive at their door with groceries, and with care.
There With Care programs—
support where it’s needed
(Gas assistance, auto
repairs, taxis to
First family served
There With Care of the Bay Area
n February, There With Care of the Bay Area opened its
doors to serve families treated at Lucile Packard Children’s
Hospital in Northern California. The new chapter is
growing quickly in volunteers serving families, under the
warm and devoted leadership of Michelle Chang, who shares
this note from the Director of Social Services at the Lucile
Packard Children’s Hospital (LPCH):
I simply cannot say enough positive things about this extraordinary
organization. There With Care has provided essential support
to patients and families at LPCH. They customize the assistance
to meet the unique needs of each family and are always
creative, enthusiastic, professional, and above all - kind,
caring, and compassionate.
– Jack Komejan, Director of Social Services – LPCH
19%–Home Maintenance
(Handicap access,
housecleaning for
Compromised Immune
and more)
24%–Meal Program
(Groceries, frozen and
hot prepared meals)
Support (Items needed for
patients and siblings)
7%–Baby Essential Programs (Car seats,
cribs, infant clothing, diapers and more)
3%–Professional Services
(Therapy, legal assistance)
3%–Soup Station (Soup Served
each week at the Neo-natal ICU)
1%–IT Program (Telephone and Internet Assistance)
10% of our expenses go towards organization operation costs.
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
e express our sincere appreciation to the donors who make this work possible for children
and families facing critical illness. Because of our generous donors, we are able to answer
the needs of our community during a difficult time. We thank the following donors who gave
their help through financial and in-kind gifts between April 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
Lois Abbott
Richard Adams
Jeremy Adamson
Elke Brigitta Adler
Ellen Adnopoz
Ellen Adrian
Rebecca Aguilar
Olivia Ahnemann
Edythe Albano
Angel Alexia
Aubrea Alford
Phyllis Allen
William Allingham
Alicia Alpenfels
Elaine Alper
Debbi Alpert
Rachel Amaru and Christopher Kapantais
Bryce and Adrienne Ambraziunas
Ray and Marsha Ambraziunas
Daniel Ambruso
Kathleen Amenta
Nina Andaloro
Deborah Andersen
Dave and Alli Angulo
Francie Anhut
Paula, Dana and Dr. Greffe from
Center for Cancer and Blood
Disorders at CHC
Barry Ansin
Diane Anthony
Scot Anthony and Anne-Marie Reader
Dr. Theodore and Deborah Appel
Mary Beth Appel
Vivian Aranda
Carolyn and Cam Arvas
Nikki Asebedo
Tommie Atanasoff
Janelle Aune
Lara Austefjord
Anton and Dana Bacardi
Suzi Bach
Dan Bacon
Jenifer and Thomas Bailey
James Baker and Angela Chen
Jill Bald
Cheryl and James Ballantyne
Jim and Suzanne Balog
Marianne Balsick
Albert Banisch
Lisa Barenberg
Michael and Charla Barnathan
Charles Barnett
Paula Barton
Gintaras and Pamela Baukus
Harold and Emily Baum
Mary Bean
Adriane Bee
Judi Belenski
Jeremiah and Susan Bell
Chris Bell and Michele Moses
Chris Benham
Howard Benjamin
David Bennett
Diane Bennett
Jeff and Lisa Bennett
Kim Bennett
Nancy Bennett
Sam and Andy Bennett
Hanan and George Bentley
Deb Benyik
Bernadette Berger
Dan and Paulette Bergeron
Lana Bergman
Amy Beringer and John Grubb
Ali Berman
Ron and Pam Bernal
Mandy Best
Trina Bibbero
Jason Bice
David Bierman
Bryan Biesterfeld
Daniel and Joanne Biggar
Asher and Irene Birnbaum
Linda Bjelland
Marcy Blacken
Terence Blake
Randall Blondeau
Leah Bluestein
Marie and Jim Boeckner
Liz Boedecker
Richard Boeye
Jillian Bogert
Barbara Bogner
Allison Boice
Bret and Cindy Bolin
Melissa Bolton
Sarah and Chris Bonelli
Beth Botansky and Mitch Friedman
John Bovey
Mike and Kim Boyd
Grace Boyle
Barb Brabec and Geoffrey Hansen
Kay Bradford
Stephanie Brady
Brian Branchford
James and Judy Brantz
Kendris Bratrud
Abby Brekken
Jane Brekken
Elizabeth Bridges
Amy Britton
Christina Brodsly
Becky Brooks
Tyler Brooks
Philippa Brophy
Allen Brown
Gregory Brown
Buddy Brown and Lisa Lund-Brown
Lisa Brownlee
Marie Bruggeman
Joan Bryan
Peggy Bryans
Cate Buck
Karen Buelter
Jim Bull
Theresa and Mark Bullimore
Debbie Bunten
Jessica Burkholder
Nathan Burns
DeeAnn Buschbacher
Dan Busse
Mark Buswinka
Jane Butcher
Kenna Butler
Monica Butler
Glendon Butterfield
Conor Byrne
Sheila Cage
Lyne Cahn
Marc Cahn
Andrew Call
Timothy Callahan
Bill Campbell and Alice Fiori
Candace and Gary Canales
Stephen and Margaret Cann
Bridget Carlin
Matthew Carman
Sophia Carmien
Stephanie Caron
Megan Carosi
Stephen and Amy Carpenter
Thomas and Sally Carpenter
Mark Carson
Cat Caruso
Robert and Anna Casey
Theresa Casey and Jeff Seldin
Colin Casillas
Marisa Castaneda
Carl Castillo and Kimberly Lord
Lydia Cavallo
Sue Cavnar
Sr. Rose Stephen Cento, CSJ
Collis Chandler, III and Anne Norris
Friends of the Chandler Family
Russell and Patricia Chaplin
Angel Charles and Robert Birdsall
Deborah Chavarria
Michelle Chessler
Ellie Childs
Holly and Mabon Childs
Tyler Chiocchio
Emily Chislett
Nicole Cho
Curtis Chong
Joe Christensen
Roger and Marion Christoph
Mary Clasen
Michele Lee Clements
Carl Closset
Kristen Coffel
David Cohen
Eric Cohen
Kelli Cole
Myles Colligan
Rebecca Colligan
Jim and Mary Collins
Sandra Collins
Wanda Collins
Ellie Coludro
Chris Columbus and Monica Devereux
Adolfo and Olga Comas-Bacardi
Melissa Conaulty
Susan Conley
Sandy and David Conner
Diane Connolly
Angela Cook
Ali Cooper
Gene and Jo Copeland
Meghan Corbet
Theresa Corrao and Mathew Leonard
Tanja Courtiol
Lora Covington
Jennifer Coyne
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
Scott and Christine Crase
Paula Crawford
Michelle Cromer
Diana Cruzan
Isabela Cubillan Nunez
Jennifer Culbertson
Adrienne Custode
Matt and Lara Cutter
Amy Dageenakis
James Damron
Raj Dani
Richard Daubner
Michael Davies
Stewart Davies
Catherine Davis
Joel and Cindy Davis
Andrew and Brooke Davison
Megan Dawson
William and Aimee Day
Bella DeFrancia
Dave and Julie DeGroff
Maya DeHart
Danielle Depue
Louise Deverell
Julie DiCarlo
Manfred Dienstbier
Michael Digiovanni
Charles Dignan
Josh and Kate Dinar
Laura and Jeff Ditges
Steve Doane
Robin Doerfler
Robyn Donahue
Sharon Doney
Diane Dooley
Michael Dooley
Melanie Doppelt
Matt Dorighi
Lenny and Shanda Douglas
Preston and Caroline Douglas
Linda Drozd and Rick Amenta
Andrew Drummond
Maria Dryden
Becky Dubrow
Barron and Elizabeth Boedecker
delivering diapers
Judith Dufala
Julie Dunn
Christoph Durkee
Susan Dutcher
Gina Earles
Robert and Kate Eastman
Linda Eberle
Sissel Eckenhausen
Joy Eckstine
B and A Edwards
Undine Ehrman
Delphine Eichorst
Kristen Eisenman
Willard and Margaret Eldred
Christian and Kim Elgart
Mike and Michelle Elings
Boulder Cotillion collecting toys
and gifts
Jennifer Elliott
Bryan and Hope Ellis
Gary Ellis
Greg and Brenda Ellis
Tracy Emmanuel
Matt and Caroline Engelbert
Douglas Engle
Care Enichen
Britta Erickson
Matthew Ertl
Judy Erwin Cornick
Cristina Escobar
Jerry Eshbaugh
Drew and Timolyn Esson
Brenda Evans
Christy Evans
Elizabeth Evans
Jolie Evans
Katherine Evans
Molly Evans
Rebecca Evans
Patricia Eversoll
Mary Ewing
Nancy Ewing
Sara Ewing
Jon and Jennifer Eyberg
Sue Eyler
Vaheed Fakoor Sevvom
Patti Farouche
Deidre Farrell
Marta Farrell
Jennie Feiger
Daniel and Debbie Feiner
Deb Felio
Michael Fenton
Brad Fink and Carole Brandt-Fink
Alexandra Fischer
Erica Fischer
Donna Fisher
Regina Fisher
Margaret Fitzgibbons
Sara Fitzpatrick
Tracey Flanagan Duncan
Jim and Susan Florsheim
Devon and Patrick Flynn
Graeme Forbes
Peter Ford
Chris Ford and Heather McLaughlin
Nicholas Foreman, M.D.
Jennifer Foskett
Amy Foster
Jack and Nathalie Fox
Pat Frahm
M.S. and C.J. Frankel
Rick Frankel
James Franklin
Tamera Franklin
Paige Frawley
David Fredericks
Douglas Freeman
Juri Freeman
Brian Freer
Michael and Marylou Frendo
Michele Frendo
John and Marcia Frew
Alan and Jean Friedberg
Michelle Friedrich
Nancy and Frank Friedwald
Sarah Friend
Kent Friesen
Lisa Frizell
Keoki Fuentes
Erik Fuller
Jessica and Kris Fuller
William Fuller, M.D.
Andrew Funk and Peggy Freeh
Nicole Furman
Carolyn Gaechter
Deborah Gaines
Kristin Galbreath
Sharon Galdieri
Kathy Gallion
Michelle Gallop
Leigh Gannan
Kimberly Gannett
Tracie Garber
David Gardiner
Grace Gardiner
Lolly Gardiner
Avi Gardner
Jane Garmyn
Stephanie Gatewood
Richard Geise
Erik Gellerstedt
Mike Gelormino
Glorianne Gendron
Mark Gendron
Matt Gendron
Caryn Gerber
Janet Giambrone
Catie Gibson
Doug Gier
William Gilbert
Machal Gillach
Peter and Barb Glanville
Daryll Glass
Elisabeth Glass
Kathy Golden
Andrew Goldman
Alisa Goldschmidt
Matthew Goldstein
Vicki and Richard Goldstein
Doug Golliher
P and S.I. Goodman
Christi Gordon
Stacy and David Gordon
Lia Gore
Vicki Gowler
Linda Graham
Douglas and Lisa Granat
Gillian Grant
India Grayson
Joseph Greene
Timothy Greenfield
Jonathan Greenstein
Brian Greffe, M.D.
Rich and Robin Gribbon
Robert and Patricia Gribbon
Luciana Griffin
Cathy Groene
Joel and Jenny Grosshans
Drew and Melissa Grumhaus
Shandele and Oliver Gumucio
MacLean Guthrie
Jan Haas
Bryan and Pamela Hagerty
Cindy Hagg
M and K Hall
Samantha Hall
Joakim Hallbert and Maria Hopfgarten
Jen Hamada
Holly Hamann
Meghan Hambacher
David Hampe
Van and Chris Hanover
Ron and Bobbi Helart
Lynn Hellwig
Molly Hemenway
Chris Hennig
Kelly Collins Henninger
Jessica and John Hernandez
Ana Maria Hernando
Elena Hershey
Katy Hess
David Heyman
Ryan Hiatt
Joanne Hilden
David and Joan Hill
James and Pam Hill
Jules Hochman
Matt Hoffman
Tracy Hollister
Suzanne Holmes
Dean Holmstrom
Jillian Holmstrom
Ryan Hoover
Merritt Hopper
Jennifer Hoppert
Confio Software's There With Care Team at St. Baldrick's Event
Angela Hansen
Christopher Hansen
Jack Hansen
Mary and Michael Hansen
Meg Hansen
Scott Hansen
Emmie Harris
Kevin Hart and Jill McReynolds-Hart
Duke and Pam Hartman
John Harwood II and Corbin Harwood
Ana Hasfura
Kellon and Amanda Hassenstab
Marcia and Royce Hatch
Bernard Hatcher and Stephanie
Brad Hattenbach and Linda Pelaez
David and Katie Hawk
Jackie and Harold Hawkey
Brett Hawton
Desiree Hayes
Susan Riker Hayne
Taru Hays
Peter and Arlene Heinz
Charla Hoppins
Dacia and Sofie Horn
Melonie Housman
Sarah Housman
Ann and Kevin Howe
Kaye Howe
Tami Huberty
Tom and Karen Hubner
Ralph and Sarah Hubregsen
Brian and Tucker Humphrey
Stephen Hunger, M.D. and Camille Pane
David Hunsicker
Laura Hunsinger
Jennifer Hunt
Patricia Hunter
Sue Huntington
Christopher Hurt
Ed Hut
Sonny and Mary Anna Hutchison
Brenda Ipock
Sandra Ireland
Justine and Grant Irland
Beverly Irwin
Lisa Irwin
there with care wish list
• Bouncy seats
• High chairs
• Table booster seats
• Bassinets
• Mobiles
• Pack ‘n Plays
• Diapers (sizes newborn to 6)
• Baby wipes
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
Mary Beth and Kate Dinar
with a generous donation from
H Burger
John Isaac
Kathleen and Mike Jaden
Andrea Jaffe
Mike and Melody Jamali
Nancy and Tom James
Curt and Jannet Jamison
Carol Janik
Kazia Jankowski
Maryan Jaross
Joel Jensen
Scott Jensen
Jason and Allison John
Emily Johnson
Daphne and Mark Jolley
Barbara Jones
Jonathan and Karen Jones
Juliet Jones
Scott and Lisa Jones
Dave and Nancy Jordan
Ginny Jordan
Marsha and Michael Joyce
Wilson Judd and LaVada Glass-Judd
Ginger Juhl
Michael Kabjian
Peter Kallai
Kathleen Kallhoff
Mike Kalush
Shelly Kandian
Michael Kanemoto
John and Millicent Kang
Karl Kassler
Kathryn Kattar
Holen Katz
Andrew and Helen Keller
Colleen Kelley
David Kellogg
Pamela Kelly
Amy Kemp
Loren Kennedy
Patrick Kennedy
Rini Kester
Claire Khadakkar
Andre Kiburis
Igor Kil and Tatiana Vazioulina
Anna Kim
Nancy Ann King
Brooke Kingsley
Jessie Kinyon
James Kirwan
Silvia Kjolseth
Julie Klein
Roberta Klein
Steven Kleinbaum
Erin Klitz
Barb and John Knapp
Wilder Knight
Mandi Knox
Tina Koebel
Marcia Kohler
Brian Kolar
Robert and Elizabeth Kolar
Stephanie Kolar
Neil and Debora Kolwey
Rachel Konrad
Amy Koop
Annie Kopelman
Helen Kornblum
Diana Kotecki
Kathryn Kowalczyk
Shai Kowitt
Marty Koyle
Marty Koyle and Ellen Canfield
Shannon Kozee
D Kramer
James and Lisa Krieg
Michael and Beth Krissel
Beverly Krodel
Ronald Krodel
Beth Krodel and Bryan Smith
Gwen Kubec
David Kurtz
Enid Kurtz
Shelly and Daniel Kurtz
Carol LaBelle-Ehrhardt
Travis and Christine LaBerge
Ellen LaGow
Scott and Susan Lancashire
David Lane
Claire Largesse
Lauren Larsen
Andrew and Amy Larson
Peggy Larson
Kimberly Lavold
David and Dorothy Lawless
Michael and Shanna Lawless
Whitney Lawless
Stephen and Emilia Lawson
Shelley Lawton
Molly and Nick Lazzara
Shari Leach
Richard and Jeanie Leddon
Andy and Laura Lee
Theresa Lee and Robert Smith Jr
Jeffrey and Kim Leeper
Geoffrey Lehr
Teresa Lerose
Kathleen Leroy
Payton Lester
Carol Levenherz
Sarah Levin
Beth Levin Kelley
Ileene Levine
Barbara Levoff
Cynthia and Ryan Lewis
Danielle Lewis
Michael Lewis
Rich and Vivian Lewis
Deborah Lieberman and Jonathan
Marlys Lietz
Kim Lightfoot
Cheryl Liguori
Sarah Liles
Jennifer Lind
Jean and John Linderman
Catherine Lissendon
thank you to the volunteers and
donors who have provided the
incredible gift of:
$1,385,664 donated volunteer and professional service hours
$1,261,722 donated in-kind items
Helen Lorell
Jeffrey Lorell
Gloria Lorton
Kristen Lovato
Laura Love
Glen Lovit and Mary Junkersfeld
Troy Lowrie
Cathy Luchetti
Anna Lull
Daniel Lynch
Stephanie Lytle
Casey and David MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. David MacKenzie
Stephen and Maureen MacMackin
Sally and Cam MacMillan
Margaret Macy
John and Jenny Madden
Diana Madsen
Christoph Magerl
Julie Maier
Lika Maldutis
Michael Malloy
Kelly Maloney
Armando Manago
David and Joanna Mandell
Sarah Mansell
Steve Manuel
Maurie Marcil
Cheryl and Robert Markel
Sara Markey, M.D.
Sheri Marks
Jen Markus
C Marshall
Christina Martin
Jenifer and Lawrence Marx
Jami Maselli
James and Barbara Mason
Patti and Gordon Mason
Wesley and Kelsey Mason
Jai Massari
Shannon and Anne Matheny
Colleen and William Martchenke
Steven Mathias
Jody Mathie, MD and John Hoffman
Susan Matos
Bill and Susan Maxfield
Webroot's There With Care Team at St. Baldrick's Event
Beverly Littlejohn
Robbie Lockard
Dave and Elisa Locke
Ann Lockyer
Bretta Loeffler
Jennifer Long
William Lopatin
JoAnn Lopez
Donna Mazzitelli
Kevin McCabe
Karen McCarthy
Darla McCartney
Jenny McCarty
Kevin McCarty
Megan McConnell
Margaret McCormick
Kelly McCrann
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
Patrick and Jennifer McCroskey
Stacy McElvaney
John McElveen
Andy McEwen
Todd McFadden
Elizabeth McGarr
Andrea McGill
Shaun McGovern
Kim McKeen
Sarah McKenzie
Katie McLaughlin
Susan McMaster and James McMaster III
Renee McMichael
Mary McNaughton
Gerald and Bonnie McNellan
Michael McNellan
Jeanette McQueen
Susan McVicker
Karen McVoy
Donna Mecca
Tania Medel
Linda Medina
Deb Meile
Leslie Merrill
Constance Merritt
Lawrence Merritt
Patti Ann Merritt
Alice Messinger
Paul and Jesse Meyer
Lindsey Micel
Kelsey Michl
Bryce Miller
Janey Decker Miller
Kelly Miller
Heather Mills
Jay Mills
Mary Mindham
Richard and Linda Mintzer
Todd Miranowski
Doyen Mitchell
Holly Mitchell
Kelsey and Josh Mitchell
Geri Mitchell-Brown
Heather Mock
Michele Moffett
Christi Mollohan
Jessica Moment
Roger Moment
Holly Monahan
Timothy Monarski
Connie Monsees
Barbara Monseu
Suzanne Moore
Erin Moran
Trace Moriarty
Masahiro Morimoto
Dom and Wendy Morone
Betsy Morreale
David and Virginia Mortell
Ben Moss
Rob and Gwen Mossman
Brooke Moulton
Joy Mulder
Nancy Mulligan
Katherine Murphy
Michelle Murphy
James Murray
Robert Myers
Ashok Nagaraj
Tara Naitaqi
family support by
the numbers
86% – families we serve who live below poverty guidelines
111 – average number of days a family receives support
$2,317 – average cost to serve a family through crisis
224 – total families served in 2011
Glenn and Robbin Neher
Edward and Wendy Nekritz
Elizabeth Nelson
Kelly Nelson
Farley Neuman and Sheila Brown
Jeanne Newman
Paul and Kathleen Newman
Preston Niesen
Paul Nicholas
Zobi Nieto-Handerhan
Timothy Nikander and Maryann
Vadim Nikitin
Sandra Nolan
Bill Norris
Chris Nugent
Edward Nunn
Melissa Nunn
Steve and Holly O’Keefe
Mary O’Malley
Katherine O’Neill
James Oatman
Noelle Oberg
Bruce and Christy Ochs
Jill Ogborn
Christian Ogden
Alexandra Oleary
Michael and Sally Oliver
Peggy and Burton Olmsted
Dan Olson
Doug Olson
Russ Olson
Stirling Olson
Larissa Ortega
CL Orzak and KJ Simpson
Barbara and Ray Osborn
Carol Osborne
Todd Osborne
Scott Ostrin
Janet Oswald
John Otto
Joshua Owen
Dimitra Palmos
Clinton Paquette
Lise Parent
Lauren Park
Lizbeth Parker
Nancy Parker
Todd Patrick
Pegi Patwardhan
Judith Paul
Ioannis Pavlidis and Beanie Brady
Juli Pearce
Bill Pearlman
Penni Pearson
Jill Pechacek
Susan Peck
Michelle Peebles
Alfred and Bridget Pelaez
Mara Pelaez
Angela Peltz
Kathryn Penzkover
Laura Perdew
Julie Perkins
Dawn Perteet
Sandra Pesmen
Curt Pesmen and Paula DuPre' Pesmen
Julie Petcher and Ronald Petcher, M.D.
Brooke Peters
Kenneth Peters
Elisha Peterson
Inga Peterson
Sasha Peterson
Eric Pierce
Caroline Pirritt
Jamison Plavec and Ellen Lenya Shore
Christine Poggioli
Chris and Rhonda Pohlman
Darlene Polidoro
Bruce Porcelli
Christopher and Renee Porter
Elizabeth Pounder
Colleen Powers
Tara Powers
Manoj Prasad
Beth and Howard Preis
Kathy Prescott
Frank Price
Janet and Mark Price
Lauren Price
Eileen Prichep
Jennifer Pringle
Yuri and Alexandra Prizemin
Nadine Pyter
Bryce Quayle
John Quinn
Barbara Quintana
Daniel Radcliffe
Gail and Leonard Rago
Michele Raidy
Naveen Rajan
Jenna Ralston
Sri Ram
Tim Ramenofsky
Kathleen Ramirez
Aaron and Lara Ramsey
Nancy Rao and Cory Sperry
Timothy Rastello and Marion Taylor
Raquel Ray
Mary Rea
John Reading
Emily Redfield
William and Kathy Reece
Mary Jane Regan
Ann Reid
Emily Reis
Valerie Renkert
Marina Revzina
David Rheingold
Adam Rhum
Nicolas Richardson
Ryan Richardson
Kim Richter
John Ricotta
Lynne Rienner
Barbara Rinehart
Carol and Richard Rinehart
Debra Roads
AnnaSophia Robb
Richard Robbins
Nicholas Roberts
Michael Robson and Wendy Kahn
Rodehaver Family
Arturo Rodriguez
Guillermo and Rebeca Rodriguez
Ashley Rogers
Jonathan Rogin
Mary Rollins
Rebecca Rose
Steve Rosen
Joey Roth
Judy and Rolf Roth
Bess Rubinstein
Helene Rubinstein
Sergey Rudenko and Vera Balaeva
Pesha Rudnick
Stephanie Rudy
Ashleigh Ruehrdanz
Anna and Robert Ruple
Emiliano Ruscitti
Newman and Gloria Rutherford
Lynn Ryan
Bob and Dee Sachs
Jonathan Sachs
Jennifer Salstrom
Tara Salz
Eileen Sammells
Jasvir and Narinder Sandhu
Kipling and Bailey Sandoval
Tina Scala
Janna Scarborough
David Scarola
Amy Scheff
Loretta Schink
Schmelzer Family
Taylor Schmidt
Kevin Schoedinger
Jonathon Schoenbery
Natasha Scholze
Earl and Joyce Schrammel
Kurt Schrammel
Amy Schwartz
Jeffrey Schwartz
Cynthia Rixey Scott
Laura Scott
Peter Scott
Castle and Roxi Searcy
Allison Sedey
Sarah Seifert
Jeanice Selko
Katie Selvage
Barbara Senger
Leonard and Sheila Servetar
Amanda Sevvom
Emily Sewell
Joyce and William Skaggs
Blake and Patricia Skinner
John Skram
Gail Sloat
Arthur Smith
Dyane and Clif Smith
Glenda Smith
Jan and Eric Smith
John Smith
Ryan Smith
Sally Smith
Susan Smith
Terri Smith
Olivia Smyth
Laura Snider
Nina and Min Sohn
Madeline Solano
Martha Solis-Turner
Ariel and Kristen Solomon
Mark and Amy Soltes
Nicole Som
Craig Sommers
Nurjehan Spahn
Jodee and Michael Spalding
Peggy Spiro
David Spitz
Robin Spitz
Stuart and Murial Spitz
Daniel Springer
Laura and Stephen Staats
Elizabeth Stands
Molly Stauffer
Carol Steenburgh
Annie Stein
Michael Steinberg
Elizabeth Steiner
Jenel Stelton-Holtmeier
M and J Stemper
Daniel, Sharon and Ari Stern
Ralph and Fran Stern
Sunday Stevens
JoAnn Stibrich
Stefanie Stibrich
Tom Stockebrand
Michael Stone
Gina Strano
Twig Salon donating their time for Give Hair With Care Event
Susan Sgambati
Katherine and Geoff Shaffer
Nancy Shanahan
Dave Shapiro
Dave Sharpe
Roie and Mike Shields
Cathleen Shoenfeld
Nick Shortle
Anne Shusterman
Tracy Sickels
Barbara Sieckman
Kenton Sieckman
Sinead Siems
Christopher Silliman
Will Silverstein
Stephen and Joan Simmons
Thomas and Karen Simmons
William Simmons
Lesley Simonson
Ryan Simpson
Ron and Michelle Singh
Josephine Sjelhoj
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
Ali Strawford and Adrian Sussmann
Emilio Suarez
Chris and Jere Sullivan
Linda Sundbye
Ron and Jann Swanson
Kathy Swindell
Corrie Symons
James Szabo
Marge Szoke
Betsy Tarpley
Robert and Shirley Tatem
Laura Taylor
Mandy Taylor
Stephanie Teller
Jeff and Nancy Tellock
Scott and Danielle Tennant
David Tenzer and Ana Lazo Tenzer
Michelle Teo
Cindy Terowsky
Bryan Tervo
Ann Marie and Brian Tewey
Alrick Thedwall
Cameron Thiel
Elizabeth Thompson
Jeff and Kristy Thompson
Sadie Tilman
Kelly Titterington
Dana with Iva from Big Red F
Restaurants, one of our
Signature Event sponsors
Stephanie Titus
Tara Todd
Michelle Tomasko
Ronald and Lisa Tomaszewski
Marina Totalca
Shawn Townsend
Tonya Trapp
Stacey Travis and Michael Travis, DDS
Janet Triller
Peter and Sue Troller
Barbara Truan
Joel Tucker
Stacy Tucker
Nancy Turner
Richard Turner and Britta Erickson
Sarah van der Hoop
Nicko and Jackie van Someren
Holly Vance
Carolin vanderLaan
Jody Vann
Kathryn Vertigan
Cyril and Stephanie Vidergar
Karin Viggio
Sarah Vincent
Maria Vitale
Kathy Voight
Jessica Vom Steeg
Andrew Vu
Burt, Jean and Zoe Wagner
Arthur Wainwright
Jack Walker
Matthew Walker
Ryan Walker
Patrick and Hilary Wallace
Scott and Kjirsten Wallace
Mike and Ingrid Walsh
Lori Walter
Mike Walters
Jason Wange
Joanne Warner
Peter Waters
David Waugh
Kathy Webber
Brad Weeks
Mark Wehde
Sofia Weidknecht
Jeffrey Weinman
David and Kathryn Weinstein
Elizabeth Weinstein
Matt Weinstein
Sara Weinstein
Taylor Weinstein
Penny and Ernie Weis
Robert Weiss
Jennifer Wert
William West
Hugh Westermeyer
Candice Westphal
Craig Whetstone
Michael Whisman
Patricia Whitaker
Jeffrey and Renee White
Kimberly and Jonathan White
Carolyn and Adam Whitehead
Margaret Whitehead
Jon and Gin Whitney
Amy Wiley
Dick Williams
Frankie Williams
Lois Williams
Melanie Williams
Amanda Berg Wilson
Jennifer Wilson
Amy Wimmer
Brian and Brooke Winter
Eric and Rachel Winter
Gary and Marjorie Winter
Clare Wise
Blake Wittenberg
Kristen Wolf
Todd and Eliza Woloson
Christie Wood
Curtis and Kathlyn Woodard
Auto Repair Place
Autotailor, Inc.
Avid For Adventure
Avnet Technology Solutions
Awakening Through the Body
B&C Steel
Balfour Senior Living
Barbara and Company
Becoming Mothers
Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti LLP
Berg’s Small Moves, LLC
Bhakti Chai
Big Red F Restaurant Group
Bluestone Marketing
Body In Progress
Boom Yogurt Bars
BottleHood Inc
Boulder Ballet
Boulder Creek Events
Boulder Cycle Sports
Coburn Development, Inc.
Coldwater Creek
Collectors Care
Confio Software
Crocs Inc.
Dan Ragland Design
Delta Dental of Colorado
Denver Zoological Foundation, Inc.
Deyo Designs
Dining Delights, LLC
Dish Gourmet
Dog Daze Photo
Doggie Depot Day Care
Door to Door Organics
Earl’s Denver Glenarm
Eco Products
Elder Auto
Eldorado Water
Elevation Reps of the Rockies, Inc.
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
with thanks
There With Care is grateful to those of you who have donated your
gently used baby items. Your strollers, cribs, bouncy seats, books,
clothing and more have helped hundreds of families in the NICU at the
hospital. A huge Thank You to you all!
Brad Woods
Carly Woods
Charlie and Kirsten Wright
Laura Wright
Adrine Writer
Diane Writer
Sarah Wu
Kelly Wyatt
Cindi Yalkich
Melissa Yerke
Ed Yoblonski
Mary Lee York and Eric Smith
Susie Youn and James Booth
Emily Yu
Jessie Zettlemoyer
Rich and Marilyn Zeigler
Andrew and Kerry Ziller
Scott and Julie Zimbelman
Aaron and Kathy Zimmer
Diane Zoltowski
1313 Salon
29th Street Theatre
3rd and Vine
8Z Mortgage
A Custom Look Photography
Academy Park Pediatrics, P.C.
Adde’s Catering Kitchen
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Affinity Videonet, Inc.
Affordable PC Medic
Air-O-Pure Portables
Alison Blair Studio
Alivan’s Master Wandmakers
All American Merchant Financial
Services, Inc.
Anglogold Ashanti North America, Inc.
Applejack Liquor
Arbonne International
Art and Soul
Artisan Center
Aspen Family Care
Aspen Medical Aesthetics
ATEK Heating & Air
Boulder Indoor Soccer
Boulder Internationl Film Festival - BIFF
Boulder Performing Arts
Boulder Universal
Boulder Wine Merchant
Brasserie Ten Ten
Breckenridge Brewery and Pub
Broadway in Boulder
Brown Palace Hotel
Buell Center for the Performing Arts
Buffalo Lock and Key
Buffalo Wild Wings
Bull Publishing Company
Butterfly Pavilion
Caboodle Unique and Handmade Gifts
California Pizza Kitchen
Catering by Piyanad
Celestial Seasonings
Cherry Creek Grill
Chess House
Childish Things
Children's Hospital Colorado
Enter the Earth, Inc.
Europa Creative
Fast Frame of Boulder
Fastball Technologies, Inc.
Fine Arts Mannequins
Finger & Toes, Inc
First Bank
Flatirons Bank
Full Cycle
Futuristic Films
Fuzziwig's Candy Factory
G.E.T. Enterprises, Inc.
Garney Construction
Ghost Plate and Tap
Gigi’s Cupcakes
Glacier Homemade Ice Cream
Graham & Company, P.C.
Grapevine Liquors on Monaco
Great Clips Monaco Parkway
Love for Lily Shares the Love at There With Care
Children's Hospital Colorado Center for
Cancer and Blood Disorders
Christy Sports
Cinzetti’s Northglenn
Classic Cabinets and Design
Clementine Studios
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
Great Harvest Bread Company
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Growing Gardens
H Burger Co
Hacienda Colorado
Happy Madison Productions
Happy Noodle House
Hardy Klahold Photography
Hawk Quest
House Clean Services LLC
Housman Family Corporation
IBM Employee Services
Ignite Marketing
Impact Wealth Advisors, Ltd.
In The Telling Press
Innovation Group
Insight Designs Web Solutions, LLC
Integrity Cleaning & Restoration Services
Dana with volunteers from Larry
H. Miller Toyota
InTune String Ensemble
IV Seasons Skin Care
James Nursery
Jax Fish House
Jay’s Valet
Jet Hotel
Jill’s Restaurant
Jim McCormick Sales
John Atencio
John’s Cleaners
Johnson and Pike
K/O Paper Products
Kaiter Enterprises Inc
King Soopers #35
LaBelle Nails
Lake’s Mountain Organics
Larry H. Miller Toyota Boulder
Laser Quest Denver
Laughing Goat
Lesson Studio
Liberty Street Securities, LLC
Link Design Lab
Little Me’s
Lucky's Market
Lululemon Athletica
Lynch and Associates
M&D Construction
MacMillan Investments, Inc.
Madison House, Inc.
Mariel’s Boutique on Larimer Square
Martin Auctioneering
Marv’s Towing
MDS Counseling Center
Mentor Graphics Foundation
Mijo’s Inc
Mike’s Camera
Miller Coors
Miss Magoo
Monkey Toes
Morphology Games
Mountain Kids
Mountain Sales
Mountain Sun
My Handle Bar
My Sweet Bakery
Natural Radiance
Neve Designs
Nite Ize
North Boulder Little League
Oh My Bag
Old Chicago Broomfield
Open Arts
Painted Primrose
Papou Pizzeria
Parascript, LLC.
Pasta Jay’s
Paysage International
Peaceful Mountain Labs
Phase 5 Inc., Propaganda Labs
Picture Perfect Treats
Pizzeria Basta
Pizzeria Locale
Plato’s Closet
Polycom, Inc
Quanta Power Generation
Racines Restaurant Denver
Rags to Riches
Rally Sport
RC Special Events
Real D
Red Robin
Restaurant 4580
Richard’s on 3rd
Rightmynd Creations
Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant
Rives Construction
Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children
at P/SL
Rolfing Structural Integration
Kim and Brianna with Rocky
Mountain Children's Health
Row 14
Rudi’s Organic Bakery
Rumbi Island Grill
Salt Bistro
Sam’s No. 3
San Francisco Soup Company
Serendipity Spa
Seth Ellis Chocolatier
Shamane’s Bake Shoppe
Sill-TerHar Motors, Inc
Spicer’s Events
St Julien Hotel Company, LLC
Starr’s Clothing
Steam Pro Carpet Cleaning
Sterling Rice Group
Strings Restaurant
Style Solutions, LLC
Sun and Skin Research
Sunbelt Rentals
Susan Caso, MA, LPC
Sushi Tora
Sweet Bird Studios, Inc
Sweetwood Cattle Company
Tasterie Truck
Tattered Cover Book Store
Tebo Development
Texas Roadhouse
The Alternative Board
The Bitter Bar
The Carpet Studio
The Cleaning Fairies
The Cup
The Enchanted Room
The Kitchen
The Med Restaurant
The Organic Dish
The Redstone Group
The Ritz
The Spa at St Julien
The Sunderland Group, Inc
The Wizard’s Chest
Timbuk Toys
Timolyn Esson Fine Art and Photography
Tom Redditt Sales
Tower Electric
Toyota Dealer Match Program
TRC Marketing
Tres Pupusas
Trident Telephone and Electronics, Inc.
Tundra Specialities
Tutor Doctor
Twig Salon
Uncommon Nest Interiors
Unite Hair
Unity Colorworks, LLC
Upslope Brewery
Uptown Tavern
Vanity Fur
Vectra Bank
Village Inn Pizza
Walnut Cafe
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Waycrosse, Inc.
Webroot Software, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank
Whiting Oil & Gas Corporation
Wildflower School of Voice
Will Day Art
Winco/DWL Industries
Wizard Within Wands
Wolf’s Foreign Car Care Inc.
Woody Creek Bakery & Cafe
Wynkoop Brewing Company
You Shoes By Crocs
Young Dentistry for Children
Zugkraft Automotive, LLC
Bender Family Foundation
Cargill MacMillan III Family
1974 Trust Foundation
City of Thornton Foundation
Community First Foundation
Cousin Living Trust Foundation
David C. Wilson Donor Advised Fund
EZCORP Foundation
Gilkison Foundation
Invest in Others Charitable Foundation
James H. Woods Foundation
Jared Polis Foundation
JJJ Foundation Inc
John Duncan Charitable Trust
L&N Andreas Foundation
Mark Vann Foundation
Michael and Nancy Burgermeister
Family Fund
Milton Shoong Foundation
Nathan B. and Florence R. Burt
Papa Marv Fund
Raymond Wentz Foundation
Rocky Mountain Children’s Health
Rose Community Foundation
Russell Maguire Foundation
Sander Family Foundation
Shannon Family Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Smith Family Giving Fund
Sorenson Family Foundation
Special Ties Foundation
The Anschutz Foundation
The Boedecker Foundation
The Miranowski Family Charitable Fund
The Nan and Paul Faust Family
Charitable Fund
The Oak Foundation
The Schramm Foundation
The Sprout Foundation
The Telluray Foundation
Theodore Cross Family
Charitable Foundation
Toney Family Foundation
Twisted Foundation
Xilinx Community Fund
Zonta Foothills Foundation
Alpha Phi Omega, Epsilon Xi/CSU
Bead for Life
Boulder Valley Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship
Cakes 4 Cancer
Cancer League of Colorado, Inc
Colorado Department of Law
Community Food Share
Dawson School-Community Service Club
Douglas Elementary School
Feed The Children
Flyin' Wheels
Girl Scout Troop 71028
Harmony Preschool
Hike4Cancer, LLC
Hope Is Here, Inc.
Jon D. Williams Cotillions
Love for Lily
Rocky Mountain Hospital for
Children at P/SL
The Americas Association for the
Care of Children
Trinity Lutheran Church
We would like to thank our sponsors,
supporters and attendees who made our
events a big success. To see our sponsors
go to If you have made
a contribution and do not see your name
listed, please contact us at so we can make
sure you are acknowledged in our next
shop with care
Please visit our online store at and browse our thoughtful shop filled with many new caring and helpful
items for loved ones facing medical issues. While supporting those in your life – you are also supporting the families
served by There With Care. Spread the word about these helpful items.
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
kids care too!
In Tune Ensemble collects baby items for
Baby Care Bags
Liv sending a truckload of donations
and care she collected for families
Colton, Bennett and Kaden shave
heads for Team TWC at 2012 St.
Baldrick's Event
2012 Cotillion Drive benefitting
There With Care
Mom and daughter at the
2012 Give Hair With Care event
Anna donating her hair at
Give Hair With Care event
Proud mom with Jack from
Team TWC at the 2012 St.
Baldrick's Event
Kids of Larry H. Miller
Toyota staff join their folks
volunteering at TWC
Boulder Country Day Students delivering Care Bags
Ellie sharing her childhood things
with There With Care Families
Making a Difference with
the TWC Team at St.
Students from Alexander Dawson
School volunteering
Anna and family bringing donations
from Mountain Kids
Bella donating gift cards
Troop 4373 bring in cookies for
our pantry
"Thank you so much for the gas card. Your generous gift will help our family take our daughter back and forth to her
treatments. During this difficult time, its nice to know that there are groups of people who care and are willing to give
a helping hand." – Parent, Oncology Patient
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •
2825 Wilderness Place, Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301
“Thank you for taking the time to truly listen. It's hard to ask for help - but I didn't even have to ask, you guys
gave before I had to. I hope everyone can experience the kind of love you show." – Parent, Oncology Patient
8th Annual Stone Haus
Charity Golf Tournament
To Benefit There With Care
Thursday, September 13, 2012
A Red Carpet Adventure
Thank you to our sponsors for
support in printing this newsletter
and bringing you
There With Care News.
Saturday, October 13, 2012 – Denver
Sunday, October 14, 2012 – Boulder
Tickets on sale NOW at
For group tickets and sponsorship opportunities
please contact:
There With Care News • Summer 2012 •