PDF - Moss Motoring
PDF - Moss Motoring
BRITISH MOTORING MANAGEMENT Alan ParadiseEctfor Annette ParadiseManaoVno; Editor Justin Fortfealure Ertior Joy KellerAuoaiteErftcv Wiley DavlsFc-aVo £o.iw Lacey HondersonEdionaMssisMni Nicole LeapGraptx Designer Jean SavagoAi Director NancyWadeGrapteDcsgncr John Sprinzel Commuting Bailors Paul Richardson Kan SmHh GeoHWheatloy How10ConradBritish Motoring: Most Motors. Lid (05.681.3400 Goleta.CA 93117 440 Rutherford Street EditorialQueries.Commentsand Photos: La Mesa. CA 91941 619.4635100 BrlishMotoring 4700SpringStreetSuite 304 datnbuees thismag*?vio wfi the Lnderstendng tut the BruitUttomgrugum It puMiMd txjt tmes pecyear by MossMotors. LM. MotsMotors. Ltd or DSCG. Inc. inlormalon presentedatIran vanxs scutes trom wMi can not te reproducedn whole or pat or eaored wetoU and photographs arato property ot Brtin MMrryand tore canbe nowarranty « respensibaty as io to botHy, cortpteteness andaccuracy. AlnMntit. leu. tal-atens Editorial ccrtntjutlons ara welcome, however, edtfors tM wntlen ccnsenl ol Moss Motors, ltd. Manuscnpts must be presented n written form and recommanl that conlneutors query In advance. Ccvitnb.torurrmltvjKcorripirued by returnro>tegeand we assume norespooslolrvla loss or damaged mtforuB Motors. Ltd reserves the ngM to ise maiernr> at acerjrrpareodty elect/or*: Be Alrietographsmusthave accornpenytog capbonsPhetomodelreleasereqUndon parsons aif^<^rapM(n«ricWng putic events) MrdacreOon andwe reservemenghttoodenutenalu m ourregurerrents Contributor's an o! maengcontnbun she! costume an eipresswarranty Ml the material ongvial andno rtngement en to rights ot otor* M conlnbutoos to BritishMotoring, 4700 SpringSlreel Su 304. Lo Mesa. CA 91941. 619463.5100 letters lo I edior wl be accepted lor pubacaton provided run •.-....-•• • •. '••:•.••: '..-;.: . • finkarl Uofomga* raterve MossMators G4tCenJcal ;::••: address and telephore number accompany Pie S1SO.O0 GIFTCERTIFICATES a lie baaing amourts' Technical articles Multi-page leature stories and PersonaMy proHea S8000GIPT CERTIFICATES JJSOOGIflCERTlF.CATES Bookreviews, Oub arWoreprints. Technical t»s. Cartoons. Humorous anecdotes.Puusts, Photos(escluding anyphotocontestortibuaonst. British Moromno Conte Letter Box Feedback, comments, questions. Family Affair Passing down the enthusiasm. A Glorious Gloria —-n urban legend. A vintage Triumph that comes with its British cars cross the block. Within reach ot any budget. Triumph's Spillireline still otters remarkable appeal in a tidy, tun and compact package. Page Jaguar continues lo build logondary sports cars. Photo by miey Davis. 0'i Tnn 21 Events Calendar Car Mart 3 Places to go...things to do. Classic British cars for sale. 24 trendsetter its E-Type predecessor lias become. Perhaps in a decade or two the XKR will bo remembered as the Benchmark In The Dessert The Spitfire became Triumph's answer to the Midget. 12 Filling The Void 17 A forgotten British aquatic classic. 20 Healey Marine BRITISH UOIOHINO A the thermostat housing neck and taped it in others who have successfully replaced their place. This forced the J.B. Weld into the shape of windshields with little trouble. a nice Ke-inch wall inside what were now two Larry Dale concentric aluminum bands. Within a few hours Richland, \VA the rebuilt thermostat housing neck was as hard as a rock and apparently as good as new. Using silicone sealer as both a lubricant and a sealer, the old radiator hose slipped perfectly over the new neck. The real test came when reinstalling the hose fluid. Silicone won't eat new Appcn, a German owner of two clamps. I left the aluminum can lubber seals, but your old brake Doves, has a list of over 30 cars. I am in the process of trying lo reconcile rings in place lor extra strength and the new J.B. Weld neck the three main lists to get a final easily withstood the gripping pressure of count. I am confident that the final number will be no lower than the '> v ~%* I am always pleased to receive my copy of British certainly one of the rarer TRs out there (as there are only three in the thermostat housing arrived, I removed the thermostat bypass U.S.). But, I also want the record lo hose to replace the housing relied lact and not urban legend. and discovered the outlet was This past August my wife. Vickie, and I Motoring. I find it one of the belter company attended the Monterey Historic Races in Laguna Seca, California. Vickie drove our 1959 Scott's CTR4 Dove. Paul wrote "In my opinion Gary's restoration is a masterpiece, not only for the MGA Twin Cam and I drove out right-hand drive '53 Mark II TD/C. Just as we arrived at the paddock patking area, the thermostat housing on the TD/C gave up the ghosl Due to age (over 30 seals should be clutch. The entile system must be completely cleaned of old brake fluid, and clutch travel will need radiator hose clamps. Our trip home to San Francisco was successful. When the new Jim Jennings Lexington, KY fluid-soaked replaced. You will have a different pedal feel, brake and full the niid-20s. I am not trying to remove the rarity of the Dove. It's most publications available to members of the Britishcar hobby. I must, however, take exception with the final sentence ol Paul Richardson's article on Gary I'm responding lo a letter from the Autumn 2001 issue. To Glen in Wichita: you have a 1965 Sprite and live in Kansas.The climate doesn't justify the time and trouble of using the silicone f~- -, to be changed. You willalso need to change the way you maintain your vehicle. When not in use, silicone brake fluid can slip past seals in systems designed to blocked with mineral deposits. retain DOT 3 fluid. The quality Who knows how the water ever circulated back to the and condition of your brake parts will engine before the thermostat opened at 160degrecs Now J.B Weld has been permanently added to the toolboxes ol my MGs. William Sherman determine the amount of seepage. Do not drive alter storage until you have checked for fluidcontamination of brake components. I understand the silicone brake fluid logic. DOT 3 does absorb moisture, and rust can be a problem If San Mateo, CA you don't have access to a fluid tester and your eyeball method can't tell the difference between 5 5-percent Several months ago I replaced an MGU and 15-pcrccnt moisture content, change your fluid windshield in my son's car. Prior to doing so I checked with a British car repair shop that told every few years It's good preventive maintenance that's cheap and easy. BTW, I just happened to have a concours standard he has achieved, but also for years since it had been replaced! and the probable restoring one of only six or seven Doves in existence out of the 55 or so that were produced." There is no doubt as the high quality of Gary's electrolytic damage to the housing's non-original alloy body, the upper neck on the housing had me that the job was very difficult and would cost a minimum of $200 They referred me to the big enough envelope to hold this photo of my 1975 disintegratedinside the radiator hose. This left no restoration. Enclosed is a photo of my TR-1A Dove more than 30 percent of the neck intact. With no description ol the replacement process included several years. 1took several months totaling 798 hours — the last of four TfUA built and thus, the last replacement part lo be found, I followed the in Moss Motor's MGB-15 catalog, page 125. Itom start to finish to do the restoration. Dove made. In the photo it is alongside Gary'scar Using the information provided, we undertook Larry "Digger* Wickstrom at the TIME event at Mallory Park in May of 2000. Gary's car is superb. The problem is with the end of advice of several Vintage MG racers at the event. I cobbled together a solution to get my TD/C through the 150-mile trip home. I cut two one- the task. Everything went relatively smoothly New Hope,MN © until we came the sentence. There arc, depending on your inch wide circular aluminum bands out of a soda windshield and frame back on the car. The fun definition of "existence," at least two or three times that number known Dove owners around the globe. As the Dove consultant for VTR, I have compiled a can. I adjusted the aluminum bands to the exact part really began at this point Simply put, it was a hear. The problem was lining up the bolts on and laped it together, Here's where J.B. Weld ihc windshield frame with the holes on the car. list of 29 Doves in one condition or another. Jon conies in. Bit by bit I mixed nearly two tubes ol Marshall, the TR-1 and by extension Dove registrar Quick Set J.B. Weld and applied the mixture to After an indeterminable amount of sweating and swearing I decided to drill out the three rivets which hold the cover plate in place over the two inside diameter of the thermostat housing's neck to the replacement of the with the TR Registerin the UK, knows of I 1 Doves the outside surface of the aluminum can band. I that are roadwotthy and suspects that there may be took a second aluminum band, cut it in hall and another four or so that arc not on his list He also knows seven more are under restoration. So, British wrapped it around the still soft, but rapidly hardening, J.B. Weld. I forced this outside the bolls on each side of the car. Il considerably simplified the job After replacing and tightening the bolts, I riveted the cover back in sources list between 14 and 25 Doves. Jorge von band to the desired two-inch outside diameter of place I have suggested the process to several SPRING 200? • URITISII MOTORING MGB.Most peopleliketo spreadtheir work(Hit over SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORING 5 Riding the bus home wasn't cool. Getting picked up was much better A minivan would do, this supposed lo be a car for your wife?" Perhaps, plenty of room. A sedan wasn't so bad either, much in the intcresi of marital better than the bus There are, of course, ideal harmony, they decided situations that can bend the inclinations of an lo find a car suitable lor the both ol them What impressionable child, causing them to make totally irrational decisions later in life. Getting picked up after school in a British roadster is just such an ideal It's a sunny afternoon and while the other kids arc piling into neglected Dodge Caravans, you arc hopping into your father's 1972 MGB. It's enough to permanently skew any kid into thinking that a British automobile would make a perfect first car. they eventually found was a 1972 MGB with a proper grille All of this historical meandering, of course, brings us right back lo where we started, Sarah Johnson She is the most recent stop in this familial British automobile saga. Before she could drive, the search for a car began Sarah Johnson didn't even have a license when jfcf claimed ownership ofhtl IP80 MGB. Hrrmolrxr Never once questioning had Ioifni'r (Vr carlo llliiphoto siiool Ixcuutr Sarah was only fifteen years oldat iJw lime. their judgement, the Johnson family eventually located a 1980 MGB with 68,000 miles on the odometer. The car had been owned by a stringol three ministers. This, quite obviously, was an indicator of a good buy. Heaven sent one could say if so inclined. Alter a few driving lessons involving the use of a clutch and manual transmission,Sarah Johnson was in the (old, a die-hard British car-owning lunatic. Insane and loyal.The envy of all the kidsas they look Jerry Johnson started allof this out from dusrv mini van windows. © nWnm. Hispurchase oja 197] MGB uiouU >lurt it trend that ipoulrl nUCO illl IfV way lo the youngest memhers oj the family. Sarah Johnson was skewed in just such a way. When her lather, David Johnson, bought Ins MGB, he was following in his father's footsteps. At the age of 62, Jerry Johnson bought a 197.3 MGB with an improper grille. He was too old for this to be considered a mid-life crisis, but considered himself much loo young for a Caprice Classic. David, meanwhile, under the guise of "my wife wants a roadster," went shopping for something British and convertible After scouring the classifieds he located a Bugeye Sprite in excellent condition. A rudimentary inspection, however, revealed a complication. David, you sec, is over six feet tall. He didn't fit in the car. Some folks at this point, would say, 'I Icy man, wasn't David Johnson continuedin his father's footsteps Heclaimril lo he wanting the carforhiswife, hut hisheight weighed heavily m |(k purchasing decision. SPRING 200? • BRITISH MOTORING 7 GLORIOUS GLORIA fun and asked Duncan what sort nf 'MG' the car was · which caused some very explicit, yet jovial, dirc:<.:tional instructioRS to be lcvclctl. The car caused an enormous stir at the convention and al,;o wok the allc:ntion of a local TV film crew. I asked Duncan, why did you decide." to co111plc1dy restore the car, It looked in excellent condition when I last s.iw it. 1 Wcll, it was in good condition when I bought it, but I estimated that 1hc l:ar, as it stood, would he awarded about 360 1loints out of 400 in il concours competition. There were: several things that needed puuing right to bring the car up to pristine condition. This went in tandem with a lont:timc ambition of mine to win the bcst·in-show award at a VTR National Convention wi1h a car I'd preparc:d myself. I finally decided that to achieve this with the C.lori3 every detail of the car would hilvc to be as near perfect as I could get it, a11J I 'ipcnt many hours researching the original specification of the car while t.iking note of obvious areas that needed attention. I finally decided thilt to make a re.ii job o( it I would have to undcrtakc a full strip.down and ground-up restoration. I was also looking forward to the project as I knew 1t would be a labor of love and I would enjoy the: challenge of restoring a r.Jre, pre.war vint.age Triumph for posterity."' Following 1111 nn that comment, I asked Ouncan, who served an apprenticeship as a jig ant.I t0olmaker and has a degree in cnsinccring, if he h3d any major problems during the strip-down. •The first thins to realize about takinx on a full restoration is 1hc fact that you need plenty of space. I've got a three car garage at home, but by the time I'd stripped the Gloria down I'd filled it . and I'd also got parts under the bed, in the kitchen cupboards and in the anic: he said. 1 0nc of the problems I encountered was with the wooden structures inside the sill sections under the doors between the A and B posts. They hJd rotted and, as these arc main stmcturcs, I had to replace them. I started off with a piece or ash about thrcc·inchcs square and four feet long. I had to shape the wood by hand to make a perfect fit. The chassis was stripped, c;;and-blastcd, e1chcd and �prayed wirh chassis hlack. Parts like the front axle and Slt:ering rods were powder·COi.'l.ted. For preservation purposes I replaced all the original nuts and bolts with st:iinlcss steel ones. I was very lucky lO h.ivc a local supr,licr for this. I also <lid most of the: bodywork myself. All the panels were stripped 10 bare metal anti repairs made wl11.:rc needed and a guy I know did the rinal spray coat ,md ln1rnishing: added Duncan. Durin� the restoration Duncan reponcd very kw mechanical 1 problems. Thc engine was in such good condition that all I did wils a By Paul Richardson I t wa� .it 1hc 1997 Vintage Triumph Register convention in fort \'(forth, Tex.is, tha1 I first saw the 1935 Triumph Cloria Southern Cross owned by my old friend Duncan \\?ood. Duncan, an Englishman workln9 in Texas, bought tht car in London in 1996. The Glori.J has only had five owners, all of whom Duncan h.1s on record, including Colonel Stokes, the first owner. Colunt:I Stokes purchased the car new on July 8, 1935 and kept it until 1950. The cnr also has a fiuhting history because Colonel Stok<:(;, as wa!. allowt.:d for senior officer� in those days, took the car with him on an Army posting to North Africa during World War 2. The story i:ocs that while travelini: to and from a command center in the C.loria he wa� fired on by the enemy. It was reported that when the Colonel returned to England, the Gloria carried evidence or a bullet B SPRIIIO 2002 • BRITISH .\fOrORfNG hole somewhere in its body/chassis structure for several years. I .iskcd Duncan what made him buy the car. He replied, �I'd i,,ct my heart on owning a 1930's tourer of some sort and I've alw.tys been .t Triumph enthusiast. As you know, I've been living :rnd working in Texas for several years but I foun<l this car when I was workinu back in England. In my search I'd sc:t:11 several cars I liked but the Gloria was in such good condition that I fell in love with it and bought it. I had it ship1lcd to the States." The Gloria is indeed a bcau1y. I was fortunate to sec the car at the VTR convention ii year ahcr Duncan bought it. I remember Jack Bough, the ex-Lucas racing engineer and senior member of Lucas management in the States for m.iny years, was with me. \Y/e couldn't resist some I SPRING 2002 • DUlrlSfl MO TORINO 9 complete service and tune up. The cylinder compressions were all within five pounds of each completely new harness which was a job and a half. Once I'd got all the new wiring fixed neatly to length with new connectors, I look the harness wasn't too bad, but the car was re-trimmed about olten create problems. "The trim on the Gloria The engine in the Gloria is a I232cc vinyl off and bring all the trim back lo factory seats were also carpeted, so I decided to strip the leather and, besides the floors, the backs of the 20 years ago with vinyl. The trim was originally Rhode Island lo gel it braided." The trim and interior of vintage cars can off the car and sent n away to specialists on brought everythingup to perfect condition. I also other and the oil pressure was fine. In fact the engine runs like .1bird I replaced all the bearings, seals and bushings in the transmission and final drive and as far as steering and suspension was concerned, I replaced bushes where necessary and Coventry Climax unit with overhead inlet and overhauled the hydraulic brake system." side exhaust valves These engine', were built by the Triumph under license from Coventiy Climax. The carburciion is twin S.U.s the With one mounted in the normal position and engine lying in a other positioned on lop of the 4700 rpm and the car is horizontal plane, acting as a downdraught unit. The engine delivers 50 bhp at of 70 mph with a 0 to 60 capable of a maximum(peed time of 28 seconds. Duncan also decided to I le related this experience. completely rcwite the car. wire, so I "You can still obtain the original spec stripped all the old wiring out and made up a Duncan started his restoration in because there were nearly 280 Triumph entrants at the convention — including the highest number of vintage Triumphs entered at a VTR meet in recenl years. Included in the vintage October IQQ8 and finished it in April 2COI... category were another Gloria, a 1929 Super specification," said Duncan. the project and I would like to mention Jon 'I feel duly bound to mention the help the Pre-1940 Triumph Club in England gave me with advice on originality The club was invaluable to Seven, and three Triumph 1800s, all of which were also superb cars Quiney and Ian Harper for their tireless support. Ibis is a truly outstanding effort. Duncan was totally elated with the awards he won and deservedly so. It also goes without saying that the They advised me on the original trim specifications for the Gloria and very kindly sent Duncan started his restoration in October photographs." classic car movement as a whole will benefit from any World Wat 2 bullet holes anywhere in the during his restoration he found no evidence of has now been restored to pristine condition for all to sec. Duncan also informed HnliiliMotoring that this restoration project as a vciy rare vintage car 1998 and finished it in April 2001 — in time to enter the car (or the concours competition at the VTR Convention in Brcckenridge, Colorado, last The 30 months of restoration lime allowed summer. the car to be completed to the highest of cars panels etc., or any nine-millimeter bullets tattling about within the chassis structure. So goes another urban legend. 0 standards This was verified as Duncan fulfilled This was no mean achievement his ambition and won the Concours and Car in Show awards. design thai allowed the scats to be placed outside the chassis rails in a low position for an improved center of gravity Unlike the Herald body, which was bolted together, the Spitfire sported a fully welded unit that was less prone lo (lex and vibration The styling was penned by GiovanniMichelolli,Triumph'spreferred contract designer ai the time The lines were a slight throwback to ihe original IR Styling wilh sloping doors and pronounced rear fender humps. Ihe front lenders and bonnet consist of a single piece that hinges forward, providing ample engine bay access. One problematic design element was the rear suspension The swing axle design lent itself lo serous jacking in the corners, which led to a sudden oversteering condition when the throttle was lilted. This alarming characteristic did nothing to keep enthusiasts from competing with Spitfires however Factory engine tuning kits ensured that Spitfires were plenlilul on the racetrack Hill I SPECG: •Production: (1962-1964) 45,573 •Length: 145.0 in •Whcclhasc 83.0 in. •Weight: 1570 lbs. • Price: (new) Si,800- 2,250 •Engine: I 147 cc Inline 4 •Horsepower: 63 SPITFIRE Hill II IlilG'. The Triumph Spitfire shares a name with totlegendary defender of Great Britain, the Sujicrrririrmc Spitfire fighter aircraft, The Connection, however, is in nam: only and there is no real evidence that suggests ibis was iiilriiliomil Then are legends that claim otherwise. Our surd story hints that Triumph wasgranted permission to adopt the Spitfire name after Vickers. the company that owned Superniarine, produced ibf Vickers Vanguard, a name already in use with the Triumph Vanguard uulomofii'lr II is also claimed thai Triumph's inWurmcnl mill) llic m.imifiicturf of Spitfire aircraft parts was responsible for their ability lo ust ihr name No record mill of any conlrnlion tSrtuirrn ibr lu>o companies regarding this siluurion Prrbdps it was simply a matter of no one really caring lo complain 12 SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORING iii'iiimi mil i i iiiii.: What do you do if you mii'.i own a car manufacturingcompany and the owners of other car companies have unveiled small, affordable sports cars that become very successful from a sales standpoint? Well, simple really You construct a small, affordable sports car ol your own and you make it belter than the competition. This is exactly what Triumph did in response lo the Austin-I Icalcy Sprite and the MG Midget. Introduced in 1962 as the Spitfire Mk I, the car was based on Triumph's Herald sedan, sharing the running gear and independent rear suspension. The Spitfire engine, however, was luned for an extra twelve horsepower over the Herald null and the IB871 In 1964 Triumph responded to the improvements nude lo the Austin He.tley Sprite by releasing the Mk II Spitfire. An evolution of the original, the Mk II boasted an chassis was a backbone additional four horsepower thanks lo a revised manifold and valvetrain components, Interior amenities were upgraded with carpeting and trimmed door panels. Healers, wire wheels and hatdtnps, however, were slill options. mil ii SPECS: •Pioduakin: (1964 1967)37,409 •Length: 145.0 in •Whcclbasc 83.0 in. •Weight: I 570 lbs •Price: (new) $1,800- 2,250 •Engine: 1147 cc Inline 4 •I lorscpowcr: 67 SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORING 13 SPITFIIIE lllli III I19IJ7 19701 When the Mk III was unveiled in 1967 there were more than cosmetic improvements. Not only did the new model receive, at long last, a proper soil top thai did not have lo be stowed in the boot, it mm) to give the engine a final displacementol 1296 found more power as well The original 1147 cc engine was bored out to 73.7 mm (originally 69.3 cc and a much improved 75 horsepower The rear suspension, however, continued to display the lacking characteristic that could be a handful lo drive. "Excitable", "dynamic' and even "festive" were all terms used to describe the Spitfire's tendencies lo snap into an ovcrstccring condition Mk IV in 1970. This would not l)c rectified until the debut of the •Production: (1967-1970) 65.320 mi, iii specs: •Length. 145.0 In •Whcclbase: 83.0 in. •Weight: 1570 lbs. •Price: (new) $2,295 • Horsepower. 75 SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORING •Engine: 1296 CC Inline 4 14 IV series tars The requisite ugly bumper overriders were lacked on, door handles were made Hush and the wheel arches were flared subtly. These visual improvements were married with improvements to the tticky rear suspension geometry. "Ihe transverse ihe differential housing, was modified to allow the leaf spring, previously boiled solidly to the top of spring lo pivot atop the differential This was a visually similar setup but effectively eliminated the snap-oversleerthat made performancedriving in the 111 1974 Triumph released the Spitfire 1500. Spitfire such a harrowing proposition This model featured the 1493 cc engine which was a stroked variant of the original I 300 engine. It is interesting lo note, this sameengine was used in the MG Midget in an effort to simplify the emissions certification for llritish I eyland, which now owned both marques. The 1500 engine produced 71 DIN horsepower and, when mated wilh the simpler and the Spitfire a true 100-mph car. more efficient "Marina" manual transmission, made Its about coCor, styfe andfeel. produce a result thatyou canbe proud ol! The upholstery of your car isan investment of time and money that will return years ol enjoyment. Our accurately crafted kits Choose either theluxurious look, feel and smell ofleather orourcarefully crafted vinyl seat kits. Upholstery grain, pattern and color have been meticulously selected torecreate tho original look and feel olyour classic. The carpet supplied inour kits isa hard-wearing automotive grade material available inshort plush orloop fibers. 2/25/02 - 3/29/02 ^Upholstery We carry all popular kits In stock; some color combinations and styles are made to order soplease allow time in your restoration schedule. PRICES VALID FROM MGA INTERIOR KITS 246 010 Buck 246-140 246-080" 246-020 Buck/Rio 246-210" 246-150 246-030 BtAcx/Wrtrt 246-220" 246-160" 246-100" 246-040 &ur.i/8tK 246-230" 246-170 246-110 246050 Rio 746-115" 746-055" Biu 246240" 246-180 246-120 246060 246-125" 246 065 299.95 299 95 509 95 S509.95 251.95 251.95 428.35 SALE S428.35 MGA INTERIOR 246-070' 246-200" Leather Seat Kits RO 246-130 Our Coupe 246-190' 246-090" RD Vinyl Seat Kits Coupe Deluxe Panel Kits RD 246-370" 246 310 246-380" 246 320 246-390" 246-330 246-400" 246-340 246-410 246-350 246-415" 246-355" 246-420" 246 360 246-425" 246-365 339.95 789 95 278.75 237.75 Includes all upholstered panels, assembled door pockets and sufficient learner and vinylto cover all cockpit rails and the later dash. Basic Panel Kit Coupe 246 290 243 300 246-300 243 355 243 350 139 95 139 95 127.35 127.35 246-280" 243305 246-270 243-290 246-260 243-295 246-250 243-280 RD 243-285 Does not include the rear kick panels or doer pockets. Vinyl is supplied to cover the cockpit rails, dash and e>istng door pockets 1600, MKII Side Curtain Stowage Bags 242-985" 242-845 242-/15 242-915 242-905 242-725 Gut 79.95 72.50 71.95 65.25 $174.75 SALE 242-825 242-945 242-935 242-925 6995 9995 62.95 89.95 ) 1500 KeepItoriginal, or upgradeyourroadsterwith the addition ofa rear carpet set. CARPET KITS 242-835 1. Front Carpet Set 242-975 Black RD 242-705 Coupe 2. Rear Carpet Sets 242-475 242-815 246 445" All 246-435 242-465 3. Trunk Carpet Sets 1500 Sec page 2 lor specific swatches ol upiolstry and carpel colors. 'Kitsdenotedbyan asterisk are madetoorder. Pleaseallow sixto ten weekslordelivery 4. Spare Tire Covers 1600 c tl OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • ORDER BY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME FOR SAME DAY SHIPPIIMG MGB INTERIOR 1962-69 MGB INTERIOR 1970-80 1970-80 OE STYLE KITS 1962-69 INTERIOR KITS Ine highest quality materials assembled wiln greatcare byourown craftspeople. k Madeto originalspecification, weldedseams and patternedvinyl give you car a showroom freshlook. 1 Seat Kits 1 Headrest covers are not inc tided. Please order headrests separately Leather Seat Kits Buck Bi»ai/|Urj Bua/Wi«i tUaltM Rio/Buck Rto/Wmti Rte -,962-63 641-170 641-180 641-190 641-200 641-210 641-220 641-230" 1969 641-310 641320" 641-330" 641-340" 641-350" 641-360" 641-370" Buck 1 1 1970 72 RD 1973-76 641-520 641-560 1 RO1977-80 641-600 Oat* AunmUAf Ric SALE 641-530 641540" 641-550 $269.95 $242.95 641-570 641-580 641-593 27495 250.20 , 641-610" 641-620" 641-630 274 95 233.70 [ 641-625" 641-685 259.95 236.55 641-660" 641-670 219.95 175.95 ; 641-665" 641-695" 169.95 154.65 f Hun CuwruK 641-525 Vinyl Seat Kits 1962-68 1969 641-100 641-240 641-110 641-250" 641-120 641-260" 641-130" 641-270" 641-140 641-150" 641-160" 641-280" 641-290" 641-300" 1 Fabric Seat Kit 1 GT 1973-76 Leather Rear Seat Kits GT1966-68 GT1969 643-210" 641-450" 643-220" 641-4G0" 643-230' 641-470" 643-240" 641-480" 843-250" 643-260" 643-270" 1 Rear Seat Kit 641-490" 641-500" 641-510" 1 GT 1970-72 643-140 641-380" 643-150 641-390" 643-160 641-400" 643-170" 641-410" 643-180" 641-420" 643-190" 643-200" 641-430' 641-440" 1 GT 1973-76 641 650" 641-690 1 Headrest Assemblies Panel Kits Includes alluphoste'eil panelsplusexlramatching material tocoverdoorcaps, dash He andcockpit railwhereapplicable RD 1966-67 643-280 643-350 643-290 643-360 RD 1968-69 '962-65 641-640 1 Fabric Seat Kit Vinyl Rear Seat Kits GT1966-68 G7 1969 641-680 1970-72 649-100 1973-76 649-140 649-150 649 170 19/7-80 641-607 641-615" 641-635 649-130 49.95 43.95 43.95 643-310 643-370 643-330 643-340" 643-345 643-370 643-380" 643-390 643-400 643-410' 643-550" 643-415 643-555 643-480" 643-485 Panel Kits 643-620" 643-675 Induces all uphoslered panes plus extra nialchmgmateriallo cover doorcaps and cockpitrail. 643-490 643-500 643-420" 643-430 643-510 643-440 643-520" 643-450" 643-530" GT 1966-67 643-460" 643 540" 643-470" GI 1968-69 643-560 643-570 643-580" 643-590" 643-600" 643-610" RD 1970 643-635 RD 19/1-76 643-630 RD 1977-80 GT 1970 643-670 643-645 GI 1971-76 643-710 643-640' 643-650 643-660 643-700 643-720' 643-730" 641-535 643-740 643-705 43.95 49.95 49.95 643-300 18995 170.95 199 95 171.95 19995 171.95 189 95 170.95 189.95 17009 . • Complete Interior Packages A'l ire ploces lor interior rerewal at a bargain price. Includes 19/3-/6 design panel and seal kits, headrests sea! loams, backboards and webbing. Carpet kit. door panel clips, doo' cap set, door seal sel. dootpulis. center consale Kd.ano gea-sh It boot RD 1970-60 111-608 111-708 1149.00 976.65 1970-80 DELUXE HAND STITCHED INTERIOR KITS Step up to the look, (eel and smell cl leamer seats with matching piped panels. Designed to recreate tne classic Orlllsh Interiors ol the 5Cs and 60s. Leather Seat Kits Subtlerosliapng lor a balanceol comlorland style. Includesleather head rest covers Buck Buck/Rio Butx/Wanr Rio 7x« Rit, 1970-72 641-700 641-/05 641-710" 641-715' 641-720 $679.95 $564.35 1973-76 1977-80 641-725 641-750 641-/30 641-/55 641-/35 641-/60" 641-740" 641-/65" 641-745 641-770 70995 709.95 603.45 603.45 SALE Leather Rear Seat Kit GT19/0-76 641-850 641-855" 641-860" 641-865" 641-870 359.95 295.15 Panel Kits Plywood backed. Includes leather covers lor the 1973 on style door purl. RD 1970 80 643-750 643-760 643 770 643 780" 643-790 369.95 332.95 GI 1970-76 643-800" 643-810" 643-820" 643-830" 643-840" 36995 332.95 FORSECURE ONLINE ORDERING GOTO: WWW.mOS9rnotarB.CDm BOa.BE7.787B • c FAX:BD5.B9a.B5H5 moss 0VERSEA5:B05.BB1.34f]0 I vrSA ^~ :C- PRICES VALID FROM 2/25/02 - 3/29/02 Kitsdenoled by an asterisk are made to order Pieasoallowsix lo ten weeks lordelivery, See page 2 lor specilicswatches ol upholstryand carpet colors. ) 111 DPEM 7 DAYS A WEEK • DRDER BY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME FOR SAME DAY 5HIPPIMG MOT INTERIOR MGB CARPET CARPET KITS Choose cur unique deluxe kilwithmolded tunnel andrear wneel aichsora quality budgel kit,both aremade Irom quality cutpile automotive carpet similar totneoriginal. Ful.y bound wilh heel pails and mounting snaps. Deluxe Original Configuration Carpet Kits Asoriginal docs notinclude floor matsorside railcovets 1962-67 1968-76 But* Bin 244-300 244-350 244-310 244-360" Biowi 244-3/0 Ra SALE $28495 289.95 $227.96 231.95 Deluxe Full Carpet Kit Standardon lalercars, this kitincudes lioorand side railcarpeting 1962-67 242-770 242-780 244-385 339.95 28196 1968-80 244-320 244-330 244-340 339.95 28a93 244-380 209.95 167.95 Deluxe Rear Carpet Set includes alladditional Gr rearcarpeting. GT 242-760 242-/6U INTERIOR KITS Budget Full Carpet Sets Leather covered seats are what make a classic car. Whymiss the enperlence Includes lioor and side rail carpeting. 1962-67 1968 80 159.95 159.95 242-765 244-315 14335 143.95 Leather Seat Kits Budget Rear Carpet Set Includes all additional GTrear carpeting GT 242-735 244-405 12995 242-875 109.95 4595 Rlfi $489.95 SALE 1391.95 489.95 391.96 245-500 599.55 479.60 Rio Gntlh B.KUI Bun Tu TC 245-000 245-010 245-020 245-030 TD TF 245-040 245-080 245-050 245-090 245060 245-4B0" 245-490 245-100 245-070 245-110 Deluxe Leather Panel Kits Trunk Carpet Set Luxurious leather covered panels and vinyltrim. RD 1968-80 242-850 242-855 SpareTire Cover 242-860 242-865" 93,15 38.75 TC 245-240 245-250 245-260 245-2/0" 245-540" 659.95 547.75 TO 245-280 245-290" 245-310" 245-550" 649.95 53945 TF 245-320 245-330" 245-300 245-340 245-350" 245-560' 659.95 547.75 Original Vinyl Panel Kits Orig.nal stylevinyl covered panelsandtrim. TC 245-360 245-370 245-380 245-390 245-570 384.95 J07.95 245-4C0 245-440 245-410 245-450 245-420 245-460 245-430 245-470 245 580 245 590 384.95 384.95 307.95 TF OE STYLE BLACK CARPET KITS Tocomplete yourrestoration, vintage styleEnglish carpelcut tooriginal patterns. Buck Rig SALE 454-448 454-458 S214.95 27995 $171.95 TD,IF LHD (to (04236 Flat Floor) TD.TF rtllD (to (04236 Flat Floor) 454-468 289.95 231.95 TD TF(Irom (c|4237recessedlootwell) 454-478 284.95 227.95 223.95 FOR SECURE ONLINE ORDERINGDO 10: 800.667. ("Kits denoted by anasterisk are made toorder. Please alow six toten weeks lor delivery. A See page 2tor specific swatches of uphoislry and carpet colors FAX:805.E9B. moss aVERSEAS:BrJ5.6ai.3400 .- ©' - PRICES VALID FROM 2/25/02 - 3/29/DE J L! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • ORDER HY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME FOR SAME DAY SHIPPING TRIUMPH TR250-6 INTERIOR TR2-4A INTERIOR INTERIOR KITS Greatpridegoes intoallol ourupholstery kits.Whether youchoosearomatic leatheror ha'd wearinj vinyl,each ki is hand assembled wilh car L, OE STYLE INTERIOR KITS Duplicatethe nigral look ol your classic Trlumpi. or upgrade to the lines! leather seats Leather Upholstery Front Scat Kits 645-410 Panel Kit 642 805 Leather Scat Kit 642-560 TR250 Vinyl Seat Kit BucK/Wim 645-440 Panel Jkil 642-570 TR6 1969 OEStyleSeat Kit Bum Skaoow Biut/Wmi bun Iah 642 555" 642-565" 642-580" Rio 645-415 ta S37995 29995 NnTu Shadow Burt Buck 31995 259 95 Rid 642-775 645-325 SALE 1 buck* - TR4A - TR4 (Irom(b)208?7CT) TR2-3 (10 TS22013) TR3A-4(roib)l5273CD TR4((b)15274CTtnru20876CT) 475.55 $334.35 281.55 233.9S ! M • lii.-i 642-785 •• 29995 68995 645-315 245.95 642-150" - ii..-. .. .•;,.n 642-155 642-165 642-185 642-455 642-255 Ricvwm 642-145" 642-175 642-195" 642-465" 642-265' T» 642-310" 642-320 642-330' Gu> Ha Hit SALE 418.15 509.95 642-315" $475.55 $579.95 642-305" 642-140" 50995 642-470 509.95 539.95 642-340 418.15 418.15 442.75 UcmiTm 642-590 645-460 642 620 642-610 642600 645-305 642-755" 57995 645-430 SttUM BlVf 645-450 642860 Leather Seat Kit TR6 1970-72 OEStyleSeat Kit Panel Kit 25995 645-295 Rear Seat Kits TR2-3(toTS22013) • TR3A(lromTS60001)-38 - TR3A(rS22014thruTS60000| TR4 269.95 • 642-950" 642-535 842-215 642-355 642-960" 642-545" 642-235 642-365" 642 965" 642 550 642-245 642-390 642-635" 40995 642-645" 25995 219.95 642 655" 239.95 642-665" 336.15 22355 175.95 1 r ^^ 194.35 565.75 Vinyl Upholstery 233.95 Front Seat Kits 645-330 Panel Kit 1973 642-890 Leather Seal Kit 642-865 Head Rest Assembly 642-650 642-640 SftADOwBut Buu TR6 1973-76 OEStyleSeat Kit Panel Kit 1974-76 645-3/0 642-875 NnTu 642-660 Cmiimi 645390 BMi 642-670 642-885 645350 645-380 299 95 642-905 645 400" 64 95 68995 25995 645360 645-405 254 95 642-040 TR3A-4(to(b|l5273CT) 642-020" Trt2-3(toTS22013| TR4 ((b)15274CT thru20876CD 269.95 TR4(from(b)20877CT) 53.25 - 642-025" 642-045 642-065 642-425 642-035" 642-055 642-075" 642-435" 642-210 642-220 642575" 642-030" 319.95 319.95 642-585" 642-230" 299.95 642-440 299.95 275.15 275.15 257.95 257.95 • TR4A 566.75 - 642-085 642-095" 642 240 299.95 257.95 B&2 233.95 221 JO Rear Seat Kits TR 2SO CARPET SETS - TR4 - 1R3A (Irom TS60001) - 38 - TR2-3(loTS22013) TR3A(TS22014thruTS60000) 642-925" 642-505 642-480 642-105 642 935" 642-515" 642-490" 642-115" 642-940" 642-520" 642 495" 642-400" 170.95 135.95 189.95 169.95 642-725" 271.95 319.95 642-705" 642-715" 173.95 642 735" 139.15 Cut PiloCarpet Is similar in look lo the original early wool carpet suppLcd until1958 Itadds a vintagetouch to later interiors. LoopCarpetis correct Panel Kits lor ail cars horn 1958 onwards Cut Pile Carpel Sets TR250 - 639-085 Rio Btta Rro 27495 Featuremarineplywood hackingand Deludesmaterialsto coverdash and doortop rai TR2-3(thruTS22013) 645-000 645-100 TR3A(TS22014thruTS6000O) 645-020 645-025 645 035 645-110 SALE $219.95 TR3A(;romTS60001)-3R Cut Pile Trunk Carpet Sets TR250 Loop Carpet Sets TR250 GMT BtJCK 639-480 639-470 639-080 639-215" 4950 39.60 Highquality rubber-backed wool material with greater durability 639-375 639-360 Brsan Buck RtS 359.95 SALE 287.95 Budget Carpet Sets 14995 274 95 - 4895 - TR4A 645-060 645 045 645-065 645095" 645 055 645-075 v able. 359 95 36995 645-115 35995 645-105' 645-010 645-120 409.95 645-130 389.95 645-140 ta 639-085 TR4A 639 005 TR4 639-070 639060 639-050 639-040 TB2-3A(thruTS60000) TR3A(from IS60001)-3B Ru Buck 639-015 313.15 313.15 321.85 356.65 331.45 SALE 269.95 299 95 $266.55 $309 95 309 95 27495 26655 219.95 Cut Pile Trunk Carpet Sets 125.95 ' 219.95 Duplicates tne originalliber board panelset. 639-167 TR4 264.95 CARPET SETS Cut Pile Carpet Sets TR6 OE STYLE CARPET SETS TR-6 Syntheticcut pileca-pet whichIs longwearingand good looking. TR6 639-390 TR6 639-470 1R4A 639-300 TR2-3D 639-310 639-480 94.50 49.50 80.30 39.60 Loop Carpel Sets TR2SO-6 OE STYLE TRUNK TRIM TR250-6 39.15 la 264 95 639215" 639-080 264.95 639-210 639025 TR4 639-065 TR3A (from TS60001) 3R 639-200 639-045 IR2-3A (thru TS60000) Can Buck TR4A 639-205 264.95 264.95 SALE 233.15 233.15 233.15 233.15 OE STYLE BUDGET CARPET SETS Syntheticcut pilecarpel whichi longwearing and goodlooking. 639390 TR4A c r.O~ DM 149.95 639 380 TR4A 800.EE7.7B7B DVERSEA5:B05.E8I.34C10 u ic lataa Buck FOR SECURE ONLINE ORDERINGGO TO: WWW.moSSmotOrS.com FAX:B05.G0E.P5P5 Q moss 274.95 SALE 125.95 219.95 Kitsdenoted by an asterisk are made to order Please allowsix lo Ionweeks lor dcivt See page 2 lor specific swatches ol upholslry ard carpet colors PRICES VALID FROM D OPEW 7 DAYS A WEEK • DRDER DY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME FOR SAME DAY SHIPPING 2/25/02 - 3/29/02 a AUSTIN HEALEY BM thru BJ7 INTERIOR LEATHER UPHOLSTERY AUSTIN HEALEY BJ8 INTERIOR OE STYLE VINYL UPHOLSTERY SALE 246-650' 246660" 299.95 299.95 146.95 146.95 239.95 239.95 Includes lormed rear q.iartcr panels in correctly embossed material COMPLETE VINYL PANEL KITS 247-225' 67.95 84.95 89.95 59.80 74.75 79.15 ta 207.95 $239.95 221.35 SALE 287.95 Rra 64.95 SALE 51.95 SALE $491.95 OE STYLE LEATHER UPHOLSTERY Rt( ta 274.65 508.35 Step up to tne luxurious feel and smell ol highquality leather with matchingpiping IwrTM lu $599 95 267.95 But 246-730 334.95 619.95 286.15 Rto 246-725 246-8/5 334.95 Sua Correct chrome beading and errbossed patterns 246-866 349.00 flu*/Wmi 246-720 247-006 247-010" 247 015 RirWiWn. 246-865 247-150* Buck/Rio 247-000" 247-145' 246007 BiaeuY/uji 246-710" 247-005' Front Seat Kits 246-990" 246-855 247-140' 327.95 246-700 246-995" 79.15 $386.95 246-690 246-980" 246-845 247-130" 74.75 87.95 399.95 246-680" 246-970" 246-835 247-120" 246-985' 99 95 $44995 246-960" 246-825 247-110" 246-9/5 84 95 8995 247-500 247-640' 247-830 246-6/0 246-965" 247-295 247-490 247-630 247-820 246-815 247-100' 247-290' 247-430 247-470 247-610 247-810 BNI.BN2 246 950" 246-955" 247-287 247-450 247-590 247-800 BN4-BJ7 247-090' 247-286 Frort Seat Kit Rear Seat Kit Fi«ed Armrest BN4(thiu 68959) BM4 (Horn68960) - BT7 247-425 Rear Seat Kils BJ7 247-285 CARPET SET BJ8 (Iron 26705) 559.95 559.95 99.95 21315 SAIE 475.95 475.95 89.95 501.25 247-280 247-420 680.55 247-275 61495 247-410 247-270' 82995 247-265 247-570 247 400 247260 247 710 247-870 247-255 247-690 247-860 247-250 247-550 247-390 246-640" 246-800" 174 95 174.95 853-158 246-630" 246-655" 246-795 246-940" 246-945" 247-220' 269.95 248-070" 248 710 246-790 246 936 246 937 146.95 247-360' Bu« 259.95 S299.95 248 060 248-700 246-930" 174.95 247-217" ta 248-770 248-/40 213.15 295.95 344.35 ) B OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • ORDER HY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME FOR SAME DAY SHIPPING 'Kitsdidenoted by an aste-isk are made to ordor Please allow six to ten weeks tor delivery See page 2 lor specillc swatches of upholstiy and carpet colors. 248-050" 248-090 246-780' 246-935" 247-080' 247-355 247-216" 248-730" 259.95 36995 41995 248-040 248-080 246-770 246-925" 246920" 247075 247-215" Buck 248-790 248-760 248-830" BJ8 (thiu 26704) BJ8 (from2G705) 246-915 246910 24/-0/0" 247-210" 247-350" 247-050' 24/-060' BJ7-BJ8 Tie tinsriingtouch to an 'ntenor restoration DOOR TOP RAIL SET 247-530' 247-245 246-620" 247-670 247-B50" 247-380 247-240" 246-760 247-510 247-235 246-610" 246-900" 247-650 247-840 247-370 247-230 246-600' 246-750 246-905" Front Seal Kit Armrest Kits BN1 BMI.BH2 246-740 246 890" 246-895 247-040 Rear Seat Kit Filed Armrest BN2.BN4 (thru68959) r 8114(from689601 • BJt VINYL UPHOLSTERY BM4-BJ7 246 880" 246-885 247-030" Front Seat Kits BN4(thru 68959) BN4(from68960) - BT7 247-020 Rear Seal Kits BJ7 247-200" 247-340" 247-205" Armrest Kits 247-190" 247-330" 359.95 247-195" 319.95 281.55 351.95 247-180" 247-320 247-910 399.95 247-185" 247-955" 599.95 •1-19.95 247-170" 247 310" 247-995 247-175" 247-900 247-990' 247-160" 247 300 247-890 247-945 248-030' 248-720 248-S60" 509.95 247-935" 247-9B0" 247-985 247-165" 24/-880 247-925 248-020 248 780 248-750 248-890 2/25/OB - 3/E9/0E 359.95 247-975 247-970" BN1 247-965 248010 BN2.BN4(Ihrj 68959) BN4(from68960) BJ7 Bill. BN2 BN4 (thru 68959) 247-960" 248000 Panel Kits BN6-BM7 BJ7 BN4(from66960) - BT7 CARPET SETS Note: BN6-BN7 panel kits now include tie complete tear quarter panoi assemblies. BNI Carefully chosen vintagepile carpel cut and boundto oiglnal patterns trdudes heel mat and all necessarysnaps and slues BN2 248-820 248-800 BII4.BT7 248-880 248-850' 248 810 24B-840 BN6. BN/ Side Shift BN7 Center Shift PRICES VALID FROM BT7,BJ7, BJ8 (thru 26704) 248-870 iC- DVER5EA5:B05.681.34C10 FAX:B(15.B92.2525 BaO.G67.7B7B FOR SECURE ONLINE ORDERING GO TO: WWW.moSSmotors.com moss IBSfc SPRITE & MIDGET INTERIOR TRIUMPH SPITFIRE MK1V & 1500, TR7 INTERIOR SPITFIRE M Kl\! & ISOO Seat Covers REG SALE 644-320" $39995 $327.95 644-330 264 95 211.95 1977 80 Black Houndstooth Seal Corel Ki 644-350 264 95 21135 1977-80 Black Headrest Cover 644 360 29.95 24.55 1971-72 Black Seat Cover Kit 1973-76 Black Seat Cover Kit Seat Cushions 1977-80 Seat Back 644370 54.95 48.70 1977-80 UI Seat Bottom 644 380 54.95 46.70 19//-80RH Scat Bottom 641-390 54.95 46.70 1971-72 Black 644-400 89.95 79.15 19/3 80 Black 644-410 89.95 79.15 Door Panel Sets Door Top Covers LEATHER SEAT KITS Buck 1958-62 Sprite 1961-62 Midget - 1963-65.5 All - 1965.5-68 All 1969 All fixed Back 640-800 1969 All.Reclining 640-955 1970-78 Midget 640-805 1971-80 LH 644-430 644 440 26.95 21.55 1971-80 RH 26.95 21.55 1973-80 Black Rear Quarter Trim Kit 644460 9955 81.95 601.75 601.75 1971-72 B'ack Rear Cockpit Panel 644-470 59.95 54.25 1973-80 Biac« Rear CockpitPanel 644-480 6/9.95 601.75 Black Front tunnel Cover 644490 69.95 37.35 29.85 679.95 601.75 1975-80 Black Armrest 99.95 89.95 679.95 601.75 59.95 49.75 6/9.95 601.75 1975-80 Black Armrest Caver 1971-80 LHGIovebox 644 520 644 530 644-540 644-550 24.95 24.95 19.95 1971-80 RHGIovebox Ric SALE S679.95 $601.75 640-885 679.95 640 835 6/9.95 640-925 Bucx/Wrill RufWxti 640-775 640-785 640-880 640-825 640-845 But Biwvr »u Man AurnwiLfAr • 640-810 55.95 19.95 VINYL SEAT KITS Buca 1958-62 Sp-itC 1961-62 Midget 1963-65.5 All 1965.5 68 All Buu/Wiiti Rid/Wmii But 640-//0 640-895 640-/80 640-793 640-905 640-915 640-855 640-865 640-920 640 840 640-910 1969 All. Fixed Back 1969 All. Hcdirwig 640-945 1970-78 Midgel 640-950 Biot/Wifii 640875 1958-62 Sprite 1961 62 All AuiiMNLUf - Buck BucxAVwr 645-500 645-540 1963 All 1964-66 All 645-620 1967-69 All 645-660 1970-80 Midget 645-700 ta Biu Ri:/Wnrt 243.95 216.20 Black Molded CarpelSel 644-300 359.95 295.15 249.95 216.20 Black Standard Carpet Set 644-310 149.95 119.95 249.95 218.20 249.95 216.20 2/6.50 239.15 233.50 249.95 216.20 649-150 649-170 49.95 birr AuniMNlur Ric 43.95 TRIUMPH TR7 SALE 645-510 645-520 199.95 174.95 645-550 645-560 249.95 218.70 645640 279.95 244.95 Black Carpet Set 645-585 309.95 271.20 072-472 269.95 238.20 19995 174.95 645-630 645-580 645-570 Carpet Sets 26995 640-930 - SALE ta 640-980 640-950 Headrest Assemblies 1970-78 Midgel 649-140 Panel Kits Km 645-670 645-680" 645-710' 645-720 reg sale $244.95 $196.95 CARPET SETS Bu:« Rio Bm 1958-63 All 242-530 242-540 242-550 1964-80 All 242-560 242 570' AuniunLur 242-580 RM SALE 199.95 169.95 199.95 169.95 FORsecure online ORDERING GO10: www.mossmolors.com 800.EE7.7B7B ("Kits denoledby an asterisk iare FAX:B05.E9B.B5e5 made to order. Pease allow sl> to ten weeks Iw See page 2 (or s pecific swalches of upholstry and carpet colors. OVERSEAS:BOS.GB1.34DCj |^kS< £?• PRICES VALID FROM B/S5/0E - 3/E9/0H delivery y B OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • DRDER DY 3:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS YOUR LOCAL TIME FDR SAME DAY 5HIPPIIMG tots MGA:The Complete Story Renovo Sort Top Care Products by DavidStyles The best care you can grre to your fabric or vtnyfcot, e~ t :e top Water based Renova products dean, vraterprccl and revive tired tops sale y. flow availao'c softbound at an attractive price, this definitive work reveals tho complete story of the much loved MGA 7-1/4" x 9-1/2", 192 pages 212-236 $24 95 FabricTopDryCleaner 220-260 $17.95 Fabric TopWater &Stain Proofer.1 L Fabric TopWater &Stain Proofer.500 ML 220-265 29.95 220-280 17.95 Vinyl SoftTopCleaner, 500 ML 220-285 1395 Vinyl SoftTop Protector, 500ML 220-290 13.95 Plastic WindowPolish, 100 ML 220-255 21.95 Plastic Window Pol si. 30 ML 220-275 220-250 49 50 220-270 24.95 Black FabricTopReviver,1 L Black FabricTopReviver,500 Ml Blue FabricTopReviver,1 L 8.50 220-295 49.50 BlueFabricTopReviver, 500 ML 220-300 Brown Fabric lop Reviver,1 L Brown Fabric TopReviver,500 ML 220-305 24.95 49.50 220-310 24.95 tooling costs. Effectively an orphan, llie Spitfire was deemed unalfordahlc hy British Lcyland brass and in 1980 production was terminated. The scrappy Works Type Bonnet Straps Similarto those used on rallyand race cars of the 60s. Anauthentictouchof history. 222-730 $24.95 Magnetic 3rd Brake Light An added measure til safety when driving lo and from events. Easily anda rescue helicopter. Whynot? removesfor when youore showingyourcar. Featuresa verybrighthigh quality light unit mounted on a heavy chrome magnet assembly. Easily connects to your existing wiring harness. 164-005 little niche-fighter had an iWnrfeftiKd photography doesn't always make sense. Here we see two Spitfires $75.95 affordable sports car arena. Though II wasn't the savior of Britain, it did introduce Universal woes across the liritish automotive the pleasures of the sporls car to many who would industry did not look kindly upon the lililc Spitfire. At this Stage in its life, the model no not have been able to afford il otherwise. Perhaps this was the reason Vickers never complained longer had any other cars to help support its about the appropriation of the name. O urn iv SPECS: •Production: (1970-1980) 70,021 •Length. 149.0 in. Fiberglass Hardtops FromRoadsterto GTin 1 minute.A fiberglasshardtopis Lieultimateaccessory tor comfortableyear round motoring. Hand laid fioergl3ss construction and aircraft grade plexiglass windows give tho highest strength and lightestweight. Iho secure stainless steel mounting systemassutos tightfit and case ot removal. Comesicady lo painl,requiressurface shipping. $99900 Midget 458-300 458-305 TR6 458-310 99900 MGB eighteen-year stint in the •Whcclbasc: 83.0 in. •Weight: 1750 lbs •Price: (new) $7,365 •Engine: 1296 cc Inline 4 •Horsepower: 63 89900 Lcfe: The bonnet and fenders hinged forward asa FORSECUREONLINE OAOERMG GO TO: WW VI. m 0 U5 HIOl 01S.C OIH "Hook Mount" Inertia Reel Seatbelt BOO.6G7.787E By popular demand wo have sourced a snap hook version ol our popular FAX:H05.GHH.e5H5 TR6 Inertiareel seatbelt. Featuressnaphooksal each end ol the lap bell. 222-006 $99.95 DIRECT DRDER HOTLINE - OPEN 7 moss DAY5 A WEEK unit, providing ample room forsixmechanics lofix tbr Ciirall al oner. OVERSEAS:BC]5.681.3400 ^n^ fc SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOIORING IS Amidst the stables and green rolling hills of Rancho Santa l:c, filled with legendary NASCAR's steep banks, race track. A legend California, race tars, lies a small at Willow in a garage brutes from terror of the Springs, it's something of a historical question mark The 1965 Triumph Spitfire is rated by Belli The car was originally owned by Steve Fish of Coventry Conversions in Mountain View, California. "Il has been a race car all its life" Jim said. "Even the paint is original I would have painted it but everyone tells me not to tout We maybe ching its history. Who knows, ally did rate at Lc Mans" 0 Philion. We had a thante to talk her husband, Jim Philion, about the car. "We have heard that this tar was Scoltsdale, Arizona is the kind of town where the high-brow intermingle comfortably with the dusty cowboy nature of the working man. rated at lx- Mans," Jim said. "W not beenable to verifylh.il, however" Completely original, right down to the red and white paint job, the tar tarries with it a lew trick pans and a lot of questions. 'Hie first noticeable link to greatness lies under the hood, a massive pair of Weber 40DCOH It is also the site of the Barrell-Jackson Auto Auction, a veritable benchmark in the enthusiasts' world of automotivevalue past and present Here, you will lind t-shirted fellows looking at everything with long necks and twecd-jatketed gentlemen looking for that special Bentley. auction block, many of them tarrying significant historical cache. The this auction that matter in this business. Because of that only very select Spitfires were have Barrett-Jackson attracts ihe types ol cars and buyers such limited numbers, it makes sense to ex-CA racer wots, lot #96'/ went onto the block wilh no reserve, andsoldjor about fS6G. More than 1000 tars crossed the carburetors. These bolt up to a specially made 11-Mud, 8-porl Lc Mans-spcc head, only 20 of which were reportedly manufactured. Wilh destined More interesting linfllish metal on thelotincluded this reswracer XK 120. Thouuh we're pretty sure the color's not original, the rest ofthe car was done tomatch its this, standards arc set that affect the works collector's world as a whole. It is a component The Spitfire also tame from the factory wilh a Salisbury limited slip differential .mil a GX6 good place to spot trends and determine what will be a good transmission. This Mk II is a rarity since it was never investment a road-gomgear. Its destiny was the track and il has and what will be a perpetual sink-hole lor your cash. After a seemingly endless parade been successfully rated al plates like the Monterey Historiesand WillowSprings.There arc document of cars we noted a few important lime sheets wilh lap times of 1:50at Willow, not bad deviations from the expected While for a vehicle so low on horsepower. the traditional heavy-hitlers in the This link nuaaet was a never-sold '80Spitfire. It left the block for $13,500 (lot #934). 16 SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORING SPRING 2002 • BHIIISH MOIOHING If BARRETT-JACKSON RESULTS haughty English hardware league, namely Bcntlcy and Rolls Roytc, experienced depressed prites and low interest, spritely contenders from Austinllcalcy and Triumph enjoyed elevated prices and strengthened interest from buyers. MCs, especially lOfia1)11 4 SERIESIVCOUPE whereas Jaguar action was heallhy and healed. If this were Vegas, the big money would be on Triumph and Jaguar for the good odds and large where worlds collide and standards 63,88c 1964 XKK ROADSTER 40,000* Sl<900 IO.8O0 1963 XKE COMPEITIION COUPE 1966 MARK X 4.2 SEDAN 1966 MARKX SEDAN \l MIS ioj.1 SEVEN 'chummy- tourer 1930 A-40 PICK UP payoff. It's not Vegas, however, it's Scottsdalc, Arizona, a dusty town filled with sell-importance — 1964 XKE ROADSTER 7W»40 ASTON MART IN the B series, did not fare as well as hoped cither, "Moo AUSTIN IIKAIKY of automotive value are forged. © Lot #602: an exceptionally clean '69MG H. Illustrating their dearth in value compared tothe bulk of UK-sourced cars on theblock, Il soldfor a mere $8370. •997 ROADSTER 37,000 1958 ico-fi 11N6 CONVERTIBLE 90,390 |6,2CC 50,000* fis.otxi* 45J6<> 1967 XKE ROADSTER 1C2.6O0 1067 XKK ROADSTER 9.450 1972 XKE UiNVKRIIBLK 22,680 I7J30 25,920 IP87XB CONVERTIBLE IP88XJS CONVERTIBLE 16740 4fcJ80 I997XK«IX)UPE 44.280 iSKioBUCEYESPRITE 19OO31x0 ROADSTER lofij JCCO MARK II BT7 ROADSIER 1962 3000 MARK II ROADSTER lpt>4SOOOROADSTER lyfij 3COOMARK 111 BJ-8 PHASE11 ROADSTER 90*00 MC 193? VA TICKFORD DROPHEAD iy33 TF ROADSTER 1003 ,y:<< MARK III I1JH ROADSTER nfioo ipfiS JCCiO ROADSTER 30.1140 46,000* 2.268 ip66 SPRTIK2-DOOH IXINVERTIIIIJ. 4J90 •995aOTINKf.TAI.R2l) 1997 'XtNTINENTAI.T 2-DOOR COUPE 11,070 16,470 lyfifi300c MARX 111 CONVERTIBLE tp«« SPRITEa -LKXIR CONVERTIBLE BENTLEV IPB4MULSANNE TURBO 32,940 94,300 1966 MARK X SEDAN 1966 XKESERIES1ROADSTER 1067XXEROADSTER 60,480 97,00c ipfJOSAVOY ROADSTER IS^CO* i960 A COUP!'. 1964 1) ROADSIER 26,460 99,000* 1964 B ROADSTER 23.CO0* 1060 II I8JJ99 8.370 1972 II ROADSTER 10,044 146,880 II3.CCO* MORRIS 18.360 1973 MINI (XX)PKR I ACUAH I938SSSAIOON 1049 XK ISO A1JOY ROADSTER IPSO .\K 120 ROADSTER 1932 XK 190 RACE ROADSTER ipjaXK 190 ROADSTER IPJ9 XK 120 ROADSTER 1099 XK 190 ROADSTER BRITISH MOTORING 9,828 1971 VIXEN 23IX) COUPE 96,160 IRII'MI'll 60,480 IpSl TR 3 A 23-220 38,880 •21,600 "Woo 41.380 IPJ3XK 190S COUPE 94,330 1980 si'l 11- IRE CONVERTIBLE 1953 XK 190 S COUPE 1954 XK 1JO ROADSTER 1955 MARK VII MSALOON 1956 D-TYPE 1956 XK UO ROADSIER 25.998 63,000* 48,060 IU37 XK 140 MCROADSTER 32.9'JO 1069SILVERCLOUDII I7,53t: 1957 XK 14a ROADSTER 47,i ' 1 ' IP58XX130DROPHEAD COUPE 94,000 16,200 ll,88o 19.19 XK 150 S ROADSIER l9fiaXKE(X)NVERTIIIIE lod'j XXE ROADSTER 196a XKK ROADSIER 65J40 1967 SILVER SHADOW COUPE 1967 SILVER SHADOW MP.W.2 DOORCOUP 1974 SILVER SHADOW IMOO 34.0CO KOLI-S-ROYCP. t;,< 11 1934 sc/95 CURNF.Y NUTTINC OWENSEDANC 1934SO/99 RANALAH SEDANCA DROPHEAD 70,900 1937 25/30GURNEY NUIIINC 95.040 81,000 31320 1974SILVERSHADOW 4 DOORSEDAN IpBl SILVERSPURSEDAN 27,000 4WS0 1982 SILVER SPIRITSEDAN 38.880 17,850 54,000 32.000* 4.V9CO 109,600 23,760 1003XKE COUPE 25 Ill)' 1984 (XlRNK'HE (XINYKRIIBU-: 1984 SILVER SPIRIT' SEDAN 1963 XKKROADSTER ij>ri4 D-TYPE LYNX 95,040 1987SILVERSPUR 70,900 1988 SILVER SPUR 4-DOORSEDAN 42,120 1964 MARK II 34 LITER 10,800 79.360 17*028 58,320 Ip8p SILVERSPUR IJMOUSINE 52.920 19114 XKE COUPE about $33G (lot #613). Deals areto he had. T.V.K. 64,800 1972 m-CR MOTORCYCLE 1974 TTt-6 RO.AD.STER 1009 XKESERIESI COUPE 106*4 XKEROADSTER 1004 XKEROADSTER and inn-place al BJ '02- -tins'66 MK X4,2 Sedan had been restored toa six-figure tunc, hut soldjor 90,320 taitfioo 27,000 " Mi|;hirs'. miorilrd liil, ikisalt: wasrrc«iiile<L ** Sale Prfca inr.liiii,-.i l.uyrrs prMtiuitv This Is the end. Bidders are.dried out and llie hauler loses momentum auctioneers hold theprice andu s,.. «'v... soldi This S'.Y XK I >0Dwphcad Coupe went for 5i'/(i, updated but unrestored. SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORINQ 19 CAR^MART m & ,1 jt-w^Bnav Tf UTTONWILLOW 2002 VARA British Extravaganza Mark your calendars lor May 4th and 5th. Make sure the little British marvel in your garage isn't leaking brake fluid (or any fluid for that matter) and make plans to attend the VARA British lixtravaganza at Buttonwillow Raceway This will be the seventh year (or the event and it just keeps getting better. I'lanncd activities include: A full 2-day race program with over 250 race cars The MCTriumph Challenge race The Sprite/Midget Challenge race Trackdrives in yourown car on Saturday andSunday A slalom course on the track Saturday evening A funkhana on the skid-pad Barbecue with karaoke Saturday evening Car show Sunday morning Club booth displays In addition to these events there will also be a charity raffle featuring an Iris Blue Austin-Healcy Bug Hye Sprite. Last year's event generated over $90,000 for charity and organizers hope lo top the SlOOK level at this year's raffle. The racing program will be Filled with unique automobiles like Neville McKay's eight raceprepped Minis from Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia. Camping and RV facilities arc available at the . Period co<tumrs, classic British track and there arc numerous hotels in nearby Buttonwillow and cm anJ trlntagt racing action Bakersficld were all a part of the2001 Costs are Si0.00 per day for Spectators and $35.00 for a two day BnTiil) Extrapagama at weekend pass (including barbecue). For more infonnation and registration Outfonu'il/ou> Raceway. contact Kelvin Dodd al Moss Motors, 1-800-235-6954 cxt. 3023. 20 SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOIORING CAR^MART Check out Car Mart Online! www.mossmotors.com, look at British Motoring Selling my collection! 1959 1959MGA Twin Cam Mechanically MGA - tutone, gray excellent. Also. I')57MGA 1500 Roadster. Both for $23,500. (602) 1979 MGB Limited Edition - 265-4737. AZ (Not a copy car). Looks very fenders/aqua body, wires $7,500. 1959 TR3 - white/black interior, wires $7,500. 1959 A/H Bug Eye good. No dings. No rust ever. Engine starts easy and runs perfect. Never left L.A. $5,000 1 1971 MC Midgel - Fresh Paint and many new parts Not perfect, but a real good car. $3,500 OBO Please call (256) 350 9033 Al. 1976 MC Midgel - 60K miles, totally rcsiored except for top. 0 miles engine, bored .020 over, balanced, cam, header, cleclronii Spares $2,000 OBO. (Ted Axe, carb. $2,000. (209) 722-3074. CA 1959 Morris Minor - Two door, green/gray interior, I275cc OBO. (310)473-7318 or email grbosworth@juno.com. CA 1975 TR6 know its way home. $7,500 OBO. (419) 347-5063. OH Excellent driver. engine $5,000. All cars are in Wcbers, headers, electronic egn., Some customizing. Runs and sounds great. Wife hales it, doesn't 1974 MCB, - While, wire wheels, 1964 MC 1100-True dual purpose daily driver, vintage race RHD, 1275, 10:1 compression. prime rose yellow with black interior, 1275cc engine $7,51)0 OOO0O0O very good condition, good runners, no rust, barn kept, and less then 500(1 miles on engine rebuild, $25,000 invested. $10,000 are driven weekly, call lor OBO. (410) 437-6363 or email details. (810)631 6739 Ml 0 captainamf@anl.com. Ml) ignition, double chain, SU twinV/arequest a SI0 sorvico Ceotor buy this car.) Details call Stan (303)423 8129. CO 1967 MCB GT - Partly apart. New Moss pans include clutch, brakes, suspension, gaskets, etc. Restored eacri vehicle achvrtised. For an 1975 MG Midget - 44,000 miles. additional S25 wo will toatura a Completely rust free - stored winters, All canvas«. tires in good color photograph ot your car. shape. Engine runs very good. New spare. $3,500. (262) 639-2110. Wl A 10 inside and out! All original with a new top and tires. Needs dash, banjo wheel. New parts cost over $1,300. Six wire wheels. $1,150. Jim (661) 392-0810. CA British cars 1977 Midget - 20,456 original miles! No rust, dents, scratches, etc nothing. (757) 348-5399. VA 1976 TR6 - White, tan interior. Stored IS years in South Carolina WjwW^WKKtWTtWTWT^WmfWB 1967 TR4-A - Original owner, new paint, carpet, black top, dash cover, tonneau, etc. Pretty car, Inn to drive. Needs younger Text is to be 30 words or less and garage. Thorough mechanical it helps sell the car il an asking restoration completed 9/2000 Original painl, top and interior. 67,876 miles. $7,499 OBO. owner. No hot rod Call (703 (586) 739-5784 or email 550-0339 VA cmebciubc("'aol com. Ml only, no parts, exporters, and no dealers plcaso! prico is quoted. It using a credit card tor payment, be sure lo Includeyour credit card number and expiration date. Closingdate lor the nextissue is Apnl 10. 2002. 1967 Spitfire Mk III - Older restoration, nice driver. $2,500. I 10 6th Street, Harrison, South 1976Midgei Completely rebuilt engine. $1,000 in Moss parts. Has hardtop. 90% 1968 MCB - Total body restoration, rebuilt engine, 1972 transmission w/OD, 1980 fuel pump, 1980 power booster and master cylinder. S9.500 OBO (845) 635-8594 Albie NY Dakota. (605)680-1299. SD restored. A pure joy to drive! $3,300. (559) 592-1078 or email schapanskytij'iuno.com CA P Please send yourad, photo and 0OO remittance to: Moss Motoring Sports Car Mart. 440 Rutherford 1967 Vandcnplas Princess 4R Saloon Built after brief RR/ Austin 1979 MGB, - "New" never driven stored 21 years, I5 total miles, not a restoration, but a new car. Asking $25,000 OBO. Call Warren (559) 485-3184 or email mrsjet@psnw.com, CA Street. Goleta. California 93117. llirlation. R engine, rust free We cannot accept ads via e-mail. Miami car. Stripped, disassembled, complete Needs paint, interior, restoration. Good wood, picnic tables. Rare CMdrive $3,000 J.Dean (954) 524 8277. FL Please label photographs ivrtfi name, address and telephone number. Sorry, photographs cannot be returned. SPRING 2002 • BRITISH MOTORING 23 BRITISH IIIOTOn HG ©o©©o© Spring FlingVIII lake Helen, FL. DianeJames 386-789-2662 djames32725@yahoo.com North Meets South Santa Maria, CA. Lorin Cuthbert 805-937-6851 cuthberl@aol.com GoF36 Sebring, FL. Warron D. Maxon 727-736-1990 graplorboy@aol.com 12-14 The Gathering Winston-Salem, NC.Jamie Palmer 919-779-1224 iarniep@concentric.net 26-28 Brits by the Shore HotSprings,AR. Lee Cowling 888-889-8891 copperheadcables@alltel.net 3 British Extravaganza Sponsored by Moss Motors Buttonwillow. CA. Kelvin Dodd 800-235-6954 British Motorcar Day Braselton, GA. Kenneth Yokelson 770-804-9380 18 doddk@mossmotors.com www.mossmotors.com SpringGoF Salado.TX. GeorgeMerryweather 972-429-6079 gmerry1@airmail.net tmgr.org 10-12 British Classic Car Meet Richmond, VA. Ken Nachman 804-527-1515kmnlr6@aol.com 19 Dixon All British Car Show and Swap Dixon, CA. Mac Sawhill 916-488-9628 Sawhill@Ear1hlink.net http:Avww.UBSCC.org 19 25-26 PLEASE SUBMIT EVENT INFORMATION TO. PLEASE INCLUDE | Event Date 'Club Name/ Event Name Visit our website al • Contact I'liMin Telephone » • Contact Penan Name • E-Mail Address Iif avail I ' Wch PageAiidrrn IIIavailI iinr.Miiiiiiii > i urn lor (uillicr events. ©©©©©©o© MARCH 2002 17 12-15 14-16 APRIL 2002 Wheels & Wavos Santa Barbara, CA. Rick Yost 805-967-8778 21 12-14 11th Annual British Car Days 2002 Old Mesllla, NM. JoeMachadoJr 915-204-6185 26-28 machado338@cs.com Oritlest 2002 Sponsored by Moss Motors Succasunna, NJ. Charles Tregidgo 201-796-8648 4 ctregidgo@att.net 4-5 JC&A Concours D'eleganco Churchhill Down In Louisville, KY. Larry Heck 502-241-6711 18 TRA2002 Wadsworth. OH. Jim VanOrder 740-967-2110 vanordergj@core.com www.triumphrogister.com C Event ol Brutal Aggresslves MK XXII Sonora, CA. KeithSanders 850-478-3171 ksamsmgc@juno.com GoF West Durango, CO. BJIBollendonk 303-794-0688donker@aol com http://www.rmnTgtr.org/ 24-28 Open Roads Healey Intl. Lake Tahoe. CA. www.hcaley2002.com 23-28 21st British Car Field Day Sussex, Wl. John Stockinger 262-521-1072 john.stockinger@gte.net 16 MOG-32 Staunton. VA. Frederick Schwenker 717-642-9217 4-10 MG2002 Grapevine.TX.Wayne Kube 972-618-1984 wkube@augustmal.com wvAV.mg20O2.com 3-6 GoFMk-73 Woltville, NovaScotia. TonyThomas 919-851-3030 alhomas990@aol.comwww.nemgt.org 2-5 11-13 GoF Central MK XXIV Molina. IL. DeanJensenh_deanjensen@hotmail.com VTR 2002 Red Wing, MN. www.vtr2002 org 16-19 British Car Day Cincinnati, OH Bob Santoro 513-752-8138 http://members.aol com/bccgc 14 London to Brighton Run London, IN. Don Haynam 317-887-3867 mgdr@quicknet net 13-14 17-21 26-28 NAMGAR GT-27 ChariottesvNle, VA. Bruce & Carol Woodson 804-264-8551 cvmga@aol.com Grand Island Grand Prix Euro Car Show Grand Island, NY. Richard Mandziak 716-662-1696 www.isledegrande.com larryh@unitedconst.com 11th Annual Champagne British Car Festival Urbana-Champaign, IL. MarkJoslyn 24-26 26-28 C Event ot Brutal Aggresslves MK XXII Flat Rock. SC. Keith Sanders 850-478-3171 ksamsmgc@juno com 27 14th Annual Western Washington A.B.F.M. Bellovue. WA.Amie Taub 425-644-7874 ataub@wortdnet.att.net www.ablm.com www.tyeotriumph.org atuab@woridnet.att.net www.abtm.com Catch the Triumphs Westport, WA 9-11 Fourth Annual "Run to the Gorge" Fife. WA. Arnle Taub 425-644-7874 AUGUST 2002 217-359-6792 mbjoslyn@prairienet.org Bill Hook 206-622-3049 wghook@earthlink.net Alden Classic Sports Car Show Alden, Ml. Dave Looman 231-331-6431 shempi@torchlake.com www torchlake.com.twinbaybrits JUNE 2002 1 The Brits Are Back at Hope Lodgo Fort Washington, PA. Steve Klein 610-825-2617 klassiccar@aol.com www.pond.com/~brilcars/carshow 18th Annual Marques on the Green Louisvillo, KY. Don Minnich 812-923-7349 dons59tr3a@aol.com Sixth Red Mill British Car Day Clinton, NJ. Richard Miller 908-713-6251 mgdriversclub@holmail.com 14-17 25 2002 Encounter Princeton, NJ. Sieve Jekogion 973-492-8115 oncinlo@optonline.net www.austin-healey-stc.org 13th "A Taste of Britain" Lancaster, PA. Sally Harbold 717-632-1778 SEPTEMBER 2002 13-15 British Cars By The Sea 2002 Waterlord, CT. Steve &Annie Wincze 860-693-4249 Battle of the Brits Sterling Heights. Ml. Suzanne Snyder 810 979-4875 snydley@home.com 8 gherschell@mgcarcTub.com www.mgcarclub.com Third Heritage Tour of the UK Richard Miller 908-713-6251 mgdrivorsclub@riotmail.com 5-14 SportsCar&Vintage AutoFestival Farmington, NY. 716-234-0482 14 26-29 www.mgcc.org 20-22 50th Annual Rallyo Glenwood Springs to Denver, CO. Alan Magnuson 303-400-8076 25th Annual Concours D'elegance Ault Park in Cincinnati, OH. Dave Sheohy 513-321-1361 sheehy_d@brandtretailgroup.com 9 Ninth Annual British Motorcar Gathering Hollortown, PA. Michael Jones 610-865-3419 9 EuroCar Day IX Wllllamsvllle, NY. Richard Mandziak 716-662-1696 9 Heartland MG Regional St. Joseph, MO. Mel &ItsyFinch 816-941-8454 itsy@sky.net 7-8 The BritishInvasionsponsored by Moss Motors Virginia IrtJSpdwy, VA 888-722-3099 www.vlrckjb.ccm 7-9 SPRING 2002 • Southeast Regional MG Festival Dillard, GA. Bob Cline 770-436-8542 rcline6096@aol.com www.peachtreemg.homestead.com mgtd52@home.com The British Return to Fort Meigs Perrysburg, OH. Tony Shoviak 419-878-2041 lakeeriebritlshnews@att.net 24 Fallfest Sponsored by Moss Motors Dover. NJ. Lawrence Gersten 908-879-3993 austinhealoy@aol.com Indy British Motor Days Indianapolis, IN. Don Haynam 317-887-3867 mgdr@quicknet.nel Trials 2002 Granville. OH. Murry Mercior 614-888 0838 trsixer@yahoo.com www.BuckeyeTriumphs.org OCTOBER 2002 Hunt Country Classic Middloburg, VA. George Marshall 703-913-7550 20 The Drive In Greenville Spartanburg, SC. Richard Miller 908-7136251 mgdriversclub@hotmail.com 18-20 goorge.marshall@leadscorp corn www.mgcarclubdc.com 31-2 High Country Tour Sedona, AZ. Al Moss racermoss@sedona.net BRITISH MOTORING New 'iraamtziL^ High Gloss Buiiwood Dash Panels Glowing burl and high gloss finish brings a warmth and class befitting your special sports car. TR4 854-581 $279.95 TR4A TR250-6 68-71 854-590 856-701 279.95 279.95 TR6Late72 856-711 279.95 1:18 Scale MGB Models Back in stock, detailed models by Kyosho. Operable bonnet, doors and steering. Green Red 220-684 220-686 S69.95 69.95 Jaguar Duravent Car Covers Custom fitted car covers for your classic cat. Duravent material is waterproof yet breathable. XJ6 Series III and XJS models feature accurate mirrorpockets. E-Type6 cyl. OTS& FHC 1961 -71 237-550 S99.95 E-Type6 cyl. 2+2 1965-71 237-555 99.95 E-Type 12 cyl. OTS 1971-74 237-560 99.95 E-Type 12 cyl. 2+2 1971-73 237-570 99.95 TOLL FREE OVERSEAS ORDERS B0S.6Q1.34.00 Same Day Shipping! Ordered by 3 P.M. your local time M-F 237-575 99.95 XJ6 Sedans 1981-87 237-580 99.95 XJS Coupe 1975-96 237-585 99.95 DATED MATERIAL - PLEASE RUSH • Fax B O S . G 9 2 . 2 S 2 S XJ6 Sedans, I, I11968-80 Moss Motors, Ltd. 440 Rutherford Street P.O. Box 847 Goleta. CA93116 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED **ww**»*»***r«**4ijyQ**5_bIf3Iy 93^7 168416 162/1065 Ken Smith For a Free Parts & Accessories Catalog 520 Pine /We Spc 70 <5olctaC/\ 93117-3733 Call us at 800.667.7872 www.mossmotors.com ll,l.„.!l....ll...l!l„.l..ll.i...l..!l„.II.I...III.,..ll..l