Nordstrom, Inc. Domestic USA Routing Guide
Nordstrom, Inc. Domestic USA Routing Guide
Nordstrom, Inc. Domestic USA Routing Guide Updated: June 24, 2016 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4 How to Get Started ............................................................................................................................... 4 Shipping Guidelines.............................................................................................................................. 5 Small Package Shipments ................................................................................................................... 5 Collect/Prepaid Shipments ................................................................................................................... 5 Shipping Timeframes (Ship Windows) ................................................................................................. 6 International Shipments ........................................................................................................................ 6 Shipment Destinations ......................................................................................................................... 7 SECTION 2 SHIPMENT PREPARATION .............................................................................................. 8 General Rules ....................................................................................................................................... 8 PO Verification...................................................................................................................................... 8 Nordstrom Order Verification System (NOVS) ..................................................................................... 9 Maximum Shipment Weight Limits ....................................................................................................... 9 Carton Dimensions Required on Surface and Air Shipments .............................................................. 9 Volume Shipments ............................................................................................................................. 10 Declaration of Value ........................................................................................................................... 10 Palletization of Freight ........................................................................................................................ 11 How to provide a Unique Bill of Lading Number for an EDI 856 ASN ................................................ 12 Bill of Lading Preparation ................................................................................................................... 12 SECTION 3 SPECIAL HANDLING....................................................................................................... 13 Shipments Requiring Special Handling .............................................................................................. 13 Hazardous Materials........................................................................................................................... 13 Designer Apparel ................................................................................................................................ 14 Consignment Orders .......................................................................................................................... 14 Customer Owned Goods Repair Claims ............................................................................................ 15 Furniture and Residential Shipments ................................................................................................. 15 Gourmet Foods................................................................................................................................... 15 Jewelry and Watch Shipping Procedures .......................................................................................... 15 SECTION 4 FREIGHT INVOICING AND INQUIRIES .......................................................................... 21 Freight Invoicing and Reimbursement................................................................................................ 21 Freight Chargeback Inquiries ............................................................................................................. 21 Refusals and Related Charges .......................................................................................................... 22 SECTION 5 CARRIER PAGES ............................................................................................................ 23 A. DUIE PYLE .................................................................................................................................... 23 A. DUIE PYLE – Gilbert ...................................................................................................................... 24 BTX Global Logistics .......................................................................................................................... 25 XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way Freight............................................................................................ 27 CTE – RJR ......................................................................................................................................... 29 CTE – California Transport Enterprises ............................................................................................. 31 Gilbert ................................................................................................................................................. 33 Lynden International ........................................................................................................................... 35 New Penn – Gilbert ............................................................................................................................ 36 NorCon, LTD. ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Oak Harbor Freight ............................................................................................................................. 40 UPS .................................................................................................................................................... 41 SECTION 6 ORIGIN STATE PAGES ............................................................................................... 44 ALABAMA (AL) ................................................................................................................................... 44 ALASKA (AK) ..................................................................................................................................... 46 ARIZONA (AZ).................................................................................................................................... 47 ARKANSAS (AR)................................................................................................................................ 48 CALIFORNIA (CA): Los Angeles Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 900-918......................................... 50 CALIFORNIA (CA): Northern California Zip Code Prefixes 939, 956-969 ......................................... 51 CALIFORNIA (CA): San Francisco Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 940-955 ..................................... 52 CALIFORNIA (CA): Southern California Zip Code Prefixes 919- 938 ............................................... 53 COLORADO (CO) .............................................................................................................................. 54 CONNECTICUT (CT) ......................................................................................................................... 56 DELAWARE (DE) ............................................................................................................................... 58 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) ........................................................................................................ 60 FLORIDA (FL) .................................................................................................................................... 62 GEORGIA (GA) .................................................................................................................................. 64 HAWAII (HI) ........................................................................................................................................ 66 IDAHO (ID) ......................................................................................................................................... 67 IDAHO (ID) (con’t.) ............................................................................................................................. 68 ILLINOIS (IL) ...................................................................................................................................... 69 INDIANA (IN) ...................................................................................................................................... 71 IOWA (IA) ........................................................................................................................................... 72 KANSAS (KS) ..................................................................................................................................... 74 KENTUCKY (KY) ................................................................................................................................ 76 LOUISIANA (LA)................................................................................................................................. 77 MAINE (ME) ....................................................................................................................................... 79 MARYLAND (MD)............................................................................................................................... 81 MASSACHUSETTS (MA): All Zip Codes ........................................................................................... 83 MASSACHUSETTS (MA): All Zip Codes—(con’t.) ............................................................................ 84 MICHIGAN (MI) .................................................................................................................................. 85 MINNESOTA (MN) ............................................................................................................................. 86 MISSISSIPPI (MS) ............................................................................................................................. 88 MISSOURI (MO)................................................................................................................................. 90 MONTANA (MT) ................................................................................................................................. 92 NEBRASKA (NE)................................................................................................................................ 93 NORTH CAROLINA (NC) ................................................................................................................... 95 NORTH DAKOTA (ND) ...................................................................................................................... 97 NEVADA (NV) .................................................................................................................................... 99 NEW HAMPSHIRE (NH) .................................................................................................................. 101 NEW HAMPSHIRE (NH) (con’t.) ...................................................................................................... 102 NEW JERSEY (NJ) .......................................................................................................................... 103 NEW MEXICO (NM) ......................................................................................................................... 105 NEW YORK (NY): New York City and Long Island Metro Area Zip Codes Prefixes 100-119 ......... 107 NEW YORK (NY): Zip Code Prefixes 120-149 ................................................................................ 109 OHIO (OH)........................................................................................................................................ 111 OKLAHOMA (OK)............................................................................................................................. 112 OKLAHOMA (OK) (con’t.) ................................................................................................................ 113 OREGON (OR): ................................................................................................................................ 114 PENNSYLVANIA (PA): Excluding Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 170-196 ..................................... 116 PENNSYLVANIA (PA): Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 170-196 ...................................................... 118 PUERTO RICO (PR) AND U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS (VI)................................................................... 120 RHODE ISLAND (RI)........................................................................................................................ 121 RHODE ISLAND (RI) (con’t.) ........................................................................................................... 122 SOUTH CAROLINA (SC) ................................................................................................................. 123 SOUTH DAKOTA (SD) ..................................................................................................................... 125 TENNESSEE (TN)............................................................................................................................ 127 TEXAS (TX) ...................................................................................................................................... 128 UTAH (UT)........................................................................................................................................ 130 VERMONT (VT)................................................................................................................................ 132 VIRGINIA (VA).................................................................................................................................. 133 WASHINGTON (WA)........................................................................................................................ 135 WEST VIRGINIA (WV) ..................................................................................................................... 137 WISCONSIN (WI) ............................................................................................................................. 139 WYOMING (WY) .............................................................................................................................. 141 SECTION 7 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION .............................................................................. 143 Shipping Guidelines from U.S. Mainland to Hawaii .......................................................................... 143 Shipping Guidelines from U.S. Mainland to Puerto Rico.................................................................. 143 Shipping to HauteLook ..................................................................................................................... 144 Nordstrom-Approved Carrier Quick Reference ................................................................................ 144 SCAC Code Listing........................................................................................................................... 145 Expense Offset Policies ................................................................................................................... 146 Freight Agreement Codes/Descriptions ........................................................................................... 146 Freight Chargeback Codes/Descriptions ......................................................................................... 147 SECTION 8 STORE/DC LIST ............................................................................................................. 148 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................... 155 APPENDIX B SAMPLE NORDSTROM FREIGHT PARTNERSHIP .............................................. 158 APPENDIX C SAMPLE BILL OF LADING ..................................................................................... 159 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION How to Get Started Purpose of this Guide The Nordstrom Routing Guide provides instructions on carrier selection and shipping specifications for all Domestic Purchase Orders with an FOB point in the United States. Carrier selection is based on: • Shipment point of origin (state or zip code) • Shipping method/routing mode • Shipment weight • Ship To Distribution Center or Consolidator How to use this Guide Please review the Shipping Guidelines section of this manual carefully. Violation of the instructions and/or rules contained in these guidelines may result in refused shipment(s) and/or additional charges to the supplier. You may use this guide to identify which carrier to use for any given shipment and to determine whether any special handling is required by either Nordstrom or the carrier for that shipment. Please note that the information in this guide is updated periodically and can change without notice. We do not recommend that you print any section of this guide. Please refer to the online version of the Routing Guide found at to make sure you have the most current information available. Finding the Authorized Carrier for Your Shipment Follow these steps to identify the authorized carrier for your freight shipment to Nordstrom: • Consult Maximum Shipment Weight Limits (in Section 2: Shipment Preparation) to calculate the total weight of your shipment. • Refer to Section 8: Store/DC List to determine which Distribution Center is associated with the store(s) on your Purchase Order (PO). • Determine which authorized shipping mode – Air or Surface – has been specified on the PO. • Go to the Origin State Pages (Section 6) and select the page for the state (or zip code area) from which the shipment will originate. o Review the ‘General Rules’ section of the State Page. o Locate the chart, about mid-page, containing column headers ‘Ship To DC’, ‘PO Specifies Surface’, ‘PO Specifies Air’. o Determine what DC(s) you are shipping to, the weight you are shipping (NOTE: Refer to ‘General Rules’ for instructions on how to calculate weight) o Determine the shipping mode from the Nordstrom PO you are shipping o Locate the authorized carrier based on mode, weight, and DC you are shipping to. o Note: It is possible to have more than one carrier by DC—be sure to check carefully. After identifying the authorized carrier for your shipment, refer to the Carrier Pages (Section 5) for specific instructions on shipping with this carrier. For More Help Please email with any carrier or shipping questions. You may also call 1-877-4441313, select option 4. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 1: Introduction 4 Shipping Guidelines Who May Authorize Carriers This routing guide is the only authorized source of instructions about carrier selection, receiving addresses and shipping specifications for Domestic Purchase Orders (POs). Nordstrom Buyers may select the shipping method for a PO, but they are not authorized to select the carrier. If the carrier name that appears on the PO does not agree with the authorized carrier as determined by the Routing Guide, please contact Failure to comply with this routing guide places full liability for loss or damage on the supplier. • • Deviation from these instructions without approval of the Nordstrom DC Traffic office, or Nordstrom Corporate Transportation office may result in a $100.00 handling charge, which will be deducted from your invoice. If you choose to send your shipment via a carrier not authorized by Nordstrom, your shipment must be sent prepaid. If you opt for collect billing via a carrier not authorized by Nordstrom Traffic, Nordstrom reserves the right to either refuse the shipment or reverse the freight charges back to the shipper. Use of any carrier or shipping method (routing) not specifically authorized in this guide or by Nordstrom Traffic will result in the supplier paying all transportation charges, regardless of whether or not Nordstrom might have incurred lower or higher transportation costs with the unauthorized shipping method. Supplier/Shipper Benefits When suppliers follow the Nordstrom Routing Guide instructions on carrier selection and shipping, they enjoy several benefits, including: • Discounted carrier rates when sharing freight costs with Nordstrom; • Pre-scheduling and prioritization of shipments for delivery at the Ship To DC. Small Package Shipments In an effort to decrease the number of small package shipments received at our Distribution Centers, Nordstrom requests that your shipping dock make every effort to consolidate packages/Purchase Orders FROM your single shipping location TO the Nordstrom Ship To DC so that your shipments may meet our standard shipment criteria... Collect/Prepaid Shipments All shipments to Nordstrom must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’ via an appropriate authorized carrier, with the exception of Parcel Post shipments. Small Package shipments on UPS must be billed to Nordstrom’s Third Party Bill To account, (see UPS pages in section 5 ‘Carrier Pages’ for details). POs that stipulate ‘Vendor Pays Total Freight’ should be shipped ‘Collect’, or ‘Bill Third Party’ via an authorized carrier as explained in this guide. Nordstrom will deduct any freight charges owed from the next check remittance... This is typically advantageous to the shipper, as they are able to take advantage of Nordstrom’s contracted rates. Nordstrom will not reimburse shippers for any ‘prepaid’ shipments, whether via authorized or nonauthorized carriers... Should you accidentally ship ‘prepaid’ via an authorized carrier, please contact for assistance with rebilling the freight charges to Nordstrom. See also Section 4 ‘Freight Invoicing and Reimbursement’ Note: Suppliers are responsible for any loss and/or damage associated with prepaid shipments . Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 1: Introduction 5 Unauthorized Carriers The following rules apply when shipping via a carrier not listed in this guide: • The merchandise must be shipped PREPAID (including any accessorials involved with delivering per our guidelines); • The merchandise must be delivered to the destination DC (or store if not delivering to a DC) within the shipping window on the PO. • Your prepaid carrier must contact our DC’s for delivery appointments prior to the delivery attempt. At the time of contact the carrier must present your bill of lading number, carrier pro#, ship date, PO numbers and carton count per PO. Shipping Timeframes (Ship Windows) The PO shipping window (i.e., ‘Not Before date’ to ‘Not After date’), indicates the first and last date that merchandise may leave the shipper’s dock. . Merchandise shipped outside of this shipping window may be refused by the DC’s or the carrier, and if accepted by a DC may result in a chargeback... If one of the shipping window dates falls on a weekend or a holiday, the order must be shipped on the weekday following the earliest ship date or prior to the latest ship date in order to be considered valid. If for any reason the supplier cannot meet the latest ship date, an extension may be requested from and granted only by the Nordstrom buyer who owns the Purchase Order. In all cases, the Routing Guide instructions on carrier selection must be followed. Buyers are not authorized to give instructions on carrier selection. Failure to comply with this guideline will result in the supplier being held liable for all freight and handling costs incurred. International Shipments Nordstrom participates in the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). Nordstrom will not be responsible for international freight charges nor will we act as the importer of record for Customs and Border Protection clearance or Importer Security Filing. The price you negotiate with Nordstrom should include all costs associated with producing the product and importing it into the United States. Important: If your order is sourced outside of the United States and the domestic Purchase Order states ‘FOB factory’, it is incorrect and/or invalid. The correct term of sale on the Purchase Order should be ‘Delivered Duty Paid’ (DDP), and the named DDP point should be the United States Border Crossing City. The DDP Location is determined by the shipper. Nordstrom will not act as or be listed as the Importer of Record. When shipping from outside of the United States, you will be the shipper of the merchandise and your carrier will bill you for the freight movement from your factory to the DDP location. This freight cost is at your expense and will appear on the freight bill as prepaid by the shipper. All domestic PO shipments originating in Canada or Mexico must be shipped PREPAID to your United States Border Crossing City at least 2 days prior to the PO cancel date. Nordstrom takes ownership and is responsible for freight charges that are incurred after the cargo clears U.S. Customs at the Border Crossing City. If your PO is DDP, it is regarded as a domestic purchase order. For authorized routing, reference your United States Border Crossing City to determine the state or zip code page to use in the Routing Guide as your Origin State for carrier selection. All Nordstrom DC’s regard the ship date from your United States Border Crossing City as the actual domestic PO ship date. If a PO sourced outside of the United States shows the term of sale as ‘FOB factory’, contact your Nordstrom buyer to alert them that this PO is being sourced outside of the United States and that ‘FOB factory’ is an improper term of sale for future POs. International shipping points with ‘FOB factory’ on a Domestic type order are invalid and can be refused. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 1: Introduction 6 Shipment Destinations Nordstrom Distribution Centers Ship to the Nordstrom Distribution Centers listed in Section 8: Store/DC List, unless the buyer has provided an override Ship-To DC on the PO Direct-to-Store If Ship-To is a store number rather than a DC number, the PO is considered a ‘Direct-to-Store’ PO. Please contact for more information. For Designer Merchandise please refer to Page 15 of this guide. Nordstrom Rack Exception Purchase Orders If you your Nordstrom purchase order is coded with PO type ‘PM’ it is considered a Rack Exception PO. All cartons on this order should be routed to one DC location. If the PO is a ‘Bulk Pack’ Rack PO these orders are typically routed to a single DC location (can be any DC). The Nordstrom Rack buying office should have previously notified you of these exceptions, and what DC(s) to route your cartons to. If you have any questions on what DC’s to route your cartons to, please contact your Nordstrom Rack buyer. ASN and GS1-128 Label Requirements For ‘Bulk Pack’ the ASN requirement for bulk shipments is that there is one ASN per ship-to location (DC). Standard ASN requirements still apply; there must be one ASN per shipment per DC per day with a unique sub-BOL number in the REF*BM segment of the ASN data. In the case of bulk shipments the ‘mark-for’ segment is the DC. The GS1-128 Label ‘Mark for’ location for bulk-pack shipments would be the ship-to DC. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 1: Introduction 7 SECTION 2 SHIPMENT PREPARATION General Rules We urge all shippers to consolidate their shipments to the smallest possible number of shipments per week (as PO shipping windows permit). The heavier the shipment, the more economical the freight charges. This is especially important to shippers if they are sharing freight costs via Freight Agreements and/or PO Freight Allowances. If your warehouse ships numerous small package shipments each day or week, please contact us at and we will be glad to help you review your carrier selection process to ensure correct interpretation of the Nordstrom Routing Guide. Shipment Definitions Shipments fall into three general categories: 1. Gilbert and NorCon Consolidation Shipping States If the state of origin page lists Gilbert, New Penn or NorCon as the carrier/consolidator, then a shipment is defined as all cartons for all POs going to all DC’s on a given day. The sum total weight of your entire shipment for the day will determine the appropriate carrier to contact for cargo pick up. 2. A.Duie Pyle, CTE, XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way, FedEx Freight, Oak Harbor Freight and BTX Global For these carriers, a shipment is defined as all POs and cartons shipping to a single DC on a single day. If you are shipping to 4 DC’s on a given day, then you would be sending a total of 4 shipments (one per DC). 3. Small Package Carriers: UPS, FedEx Express, US Mail For these carriers a shipment is defined as each package. PO Verification All shippers are required to verify their POs with the carrier at the time of scheduling a pickup for their shipment to Nordstrom. This requirement is not valid for UPS small package shipments. Carriers must verify that the shipper’s POs are valid and that they are ready to enter the Nordstrom Transportation pipeline prior to issuing a Pickup Number and scheduling a pickup. Carriers will not schedule a pickup until they have confirmed that the POs are valid. Shippers have access to the Nordstrom Order Verification System (NOVS) website, which enables them to check the status of their POs. However, shippers must continue to verify their POs with the carrier. The validity of a PO is dependent upon the actual ship date, which is the day the carrier signs for the POs on the shipping dock. Please refer to the Carrier Pages (Section 5) to locate contact numbers and PO Verification instructions for the specific carrier your company will be using for shipping. NOTE: All shippers are required to ship within the Nordstrom PO shipping window, regardless of an ‘Accept’ or ‘Refuse’ message from NOVS. In all cases, shipping outside the ship window could result in a freight chargeback or refusal at the DC. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 2: Shipment Preparation 8 Nordstrom Order Verification System (NOVS) Shippers may check the status of their POs via the Nordstrom Order Verification System (NOVS), which is available on Nordstrom’s Supplier Portal ( Each authorized member of your company who wishes to access NOVS must register and acquire their own user ID and password. Typically your Accounts Receivable Department will have completed the Supplier Portal set-up process and will act as the Administrator for all of your company’s individual accounts. If your company does not currently have access to the Supplier Portal, please contact us at Maximum Shipment Weight Limits The following standard shipment weight limits are covered in this guide: • Maximum surface shipment per DC: up to 10,000 pounds or up to 1,800 cubic feet • Maximum air shipment per DC: 1,000 pounds Charges for surface shipments are assessed based on the higher of two values: • The actual weight of the shipment – OR – • The dimensional weight of all cartons within a shipment, as calculated using the following formula: H x W x L = Cubic Inches x 0.000578704 = Cubic Feet x Cartons = Shipment Cubic Feet Sample Dimensional Weight Calculation Height Width Length Cubic (In (In (In Inches Inches) Inches) Inches) 36’ 27’ 30’ 29,160’ Factor Cubic Feet 0.000579 16.88 Number of Cartons 24 Total Cubic Feet 405.12 If your shipment exceeds 10,000 pounds per DC or 1,800 cubic feet per DC, please review the Volume Shipments guidelines below. Maximum Carton Dimensions/Weights The maximum cartons dimensions are (in inches) 36x27x30 The maximum weight per carton is 50 lbs Please refer to the ‘Carton and Labeling Requirements’ section of the Full Line and Rack Supplier Compliance Manual found at for more detailed information. Carton Dimensions Required on Surface and Air Shipments Our carrier programs require the shipper to provide accurate carton count by size (dimensions) on your Bill of Lading or Airway Bill at time of shipment. For example: 4 ctns @ AA X BB X CC 10 ctns @ CC X DD X EE Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 2: Shipment Preparation 9 Volume Shipments Contact Nordstrom at least 3 business days prior to your requested ship date for instructions; Surface shipments (per DC); • Weighing more than 10,000 lbs. or having a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet Air shipments (per DC); • Weighing more than 2,000 lbs. To schedule a volume load pick up, please email or call the 877-4441313 option 4 option 2. • Your shipping dock must be accessible to a standard 53 foot tractor-trailer combination. • Cartons are to be floor loaded into the trailers. However, if the entire load will fit on the trailer using pallets this can be allowed, but only if the pallets are not double stacked. Loads that are received double stacked may incur an unloading chargeback. The chargeback amount will be deducted from your invoice. • When shipping multiple POs, we ask that you make every effort to load by PO number, keeping all POs in close proximity to facilitate ease of count confirmation at the DC receiving dock. • Carriers typically allow two hours load time per trailer. Detention time begins after the second hour. The vendor must make every effort to load the trailer within two hours. In cases of extreme detention, the vendor may be subject to a chargeback to cover the resulting detention charges. If applicable, this charge would be deducted from your invoice. • Any add-on cartons to the shipment must be either emailed to or called in to 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2 prior to pick up. • Nordstrom pays for full Valuation Insurance on all volume shipments. Do not put a release value on the bill of lading. Bills of lading must be marked with the designated DC number and address. • The shipper must apply a numbered seal to all loads and this number must be noted on the bill of lading. Failure to properly seal the trailer transfers all shortage liability to the shipper. If you have any questions about volume shipments, please call 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2. . Declaration of Value Do not declare value on surface or air shipments, except in the following cases: • When shipping Jewelry or Watches via the US Mail system. • When shipping Jewelry or Watches to departments 68, 89, 214 and 589. See: Jewelry/Watch Shipping Procedures (in Section 3: Special Handling). Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 2: Shipment Preparation 10 Palletization of Freight Nordstrom DOES NOT require palletization of freight being shipped on a Volume Load, or through our consolidators Gilbert, NorCon, and CTE. Nordstrom REQUIRES the palletization of cartons when shipping on LTL carriers direct to Nordstrom DC’s. This does NOT apply to shipments to Nordstrom Consolidators CTE, Gilbert, and Norcon. We recommend you consult with the carrier about palletizing prior to arranging a pickup. Follow these instructions when palletizing freight: Shipments direct to Nordstrom DC’s via Nordstrom carriers XPOLogistics formerly Con-way Freight, Oak Harbor Freight, and BTX Global: • All cartons on the pallet must be plainly visible to allow for accurate carton count. • DO NOT mix cartons for different DC’s on the same pallet • Stack the heaviest weight cartons on the bottom row • Use your best judgment based on burst strength of the cartons being stacked and overall stability of the pallet when building the pallet. Keep in mind the door height of the truck you’ll be loading the pallet onto. • After carrier has counted the cartons on the pallet, shrink-wrap the pallet using heavyweight film wrapped as tightly as possible to ensure stability, especially including any single cartons on the top row. Use clear plastic film. • Nordstrom requires its carriers to sign for cartons. If a carrier is unable to confirm the number of cartons tendered for any reason (i.e. due to carton stacking method or lack of visibility for shrinkwrapped pallets), shipper must either resolve the conditions that prevent the carrier from an accurate count, or accept responsibility for any shortages upon delivery to Nordstrom. • Absolutely do not mark or note the Bill of Lading: ‘x pallets said to contain y number of cartons.’ If freight is tendered to a Nordstrom carrier in a ‘Said-To-Contain’ manner and the correct numbers of pallets are received, all carton shortages will be treated as a vendor shortshipment. • Your Bill of Lading must contain a total carton count by DC, and the number of pallets by DC that are being shipped. Shippers must require the driver to sign for the total carton and pallet count by DC that they are receiving for all live-loaded shipments. • You must list the pallet weight separately on the BOL by DC, i.e. ‘2 pallets, 50 lb pallet weight’. Shipments via Nordstrom carriers NorCon or Gilbert (if carrier approves palletized pickup) : • All cartons on the pallet must be plainly visible to allow for accurate carton count. • Cartons should be palletized BY DC for the majority of your shipments. A very limited exception is provided for the following situations: If there is only a small quantity of cartons left after palletizing by DC, the last pallet may contain mixed DC’s provided it is clearly labeled as ‘MIXED DCS’. • Stack the heaviest weight cartons on the bottom row • Loading the pallet more than six feet high is not recommended; use your best judgment based on burst strength of the cartons being stacked and overall stability of the pallet when building the pallet. • After carrier has counted the cartons on the pallet, shrink-wrap the pallet using heavyweight film wrapped as tightly as possible to ensure stability, especially including any single cartons on the top row. Use clear plastic film. • Nordstrom requires its carriers to sign for cartons. If a carrier is unable to confirm the number of cartons tendered for any reason (i.e. due to carton stacking method or lack of visibility for shrinkwrapped pallets), shipper must either resolve the conditions that prevent the carrier from an accurate count, or accept responsibility for any shortages upon delivery to Nordstrom. • Absolutely do not mark or note the Bill of Lading: ‘x pallets said to contain y number of cartons.’ If freight is tendered to a Nordstrom carrier in a ‘Said To Contain’ manner and the correct numbers of pallets are received, all carton shortages will be treated as a vendor shortshipment. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 2: Shipment Preparation 11 How to provide a Unique Bill of Lading Number for an EDI 856 ASN The VICS Standard Bill of Lading Number A Bill of Lading (BOL) number is a unique identification number assigned by the shipper and is mandatory for all Bills of Lading and Master Bills of Lading. For more information, please visit the VICS website ( or call (609) 620-4590. Companies Sending EDI Shipments Companies sending shipments via EDI must create a unique BOL (VICS) number to serve as a tracking number for each shipment. This unique number must not be reused for at least 18 months. The BOL number must consist of a maximum of 20 alpha or numeric characters. Special characters such as dashes cannot be used. For further information on Nordstrom BOL requirements refer to our EDI 856 ASN Mapping Document at Companies Sending Non EDI Shipments Companies sending Non EDI shipments must create a unique BOL number to serve as a tracking number for each shipment. The BOL number must consist of a maximum of 20 alpha or numeric characters. This unique number must not be reused for at least 18 months. Bill of Lading Preparation Detailed carrier-specific bill of lading instructions are provided in the Carrier Pages (Section 5), Examples of VICS sub-bills and Master Bill of Lading requirements are available on the VICS web site at (or see Appendix C: Sample Bill of Lading). Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 2: Shipment Preparation 12 SECTION 3 SPECIAL HANDLING Shipments Requiring Special Handling The shipment types discussed in this section require special handling above and beyond the general shipping guidelines provided in the previous section. Hazardous Materials Shippers are legally and solely responsible for identifying, packaging, marking, labeling and documenting each hazardous material shipment. Documentation for all Air and Ground Delivery Service shipments must be in compliance with IATA or 49 CFR regulations. Shippers must comply with any additional FAA or other government regulations in effect at the time of shipment. Shipping Hazardous Materials via Air Shippers should ship only those articles that are authorized for air shipment (as of the ship date) in IATA’s Dangerous Goods Regulations, and must follow the labeling and shipping requirements as set forth in these regulations. Copies of these regulations may be ordered by calling 800-716-6326, or online at Shippers must also comply with any additional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or other official requirements in effect at the time of shipment. Hazardous materials may only be shipped via Air if this has been requested in the Purchase Order shipping method field. All other articles not specifically authorized for air shipment must be shipped Surface. If a shipment authorized for Air does not qualify for air shipment, contact the destination DC Traffic Office or for instructions. Shipping Hazardous Materials via Surface Shippers must follow the labeling, classification and shipping instructions set forth in the 49CFR regulations. Shippers are legally and solely responsible for identifying, packaging, marking, labeling and documenting each hazardous material shipment UPS and Hazardous Materials Shipments containing hazardous materials, as defined in Title 49 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), must be shipped in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Regulations or 49 CFR in effect at the time of shipment. UPS also has its own requirements for shipping Hazardous Materials. Go to and enter ‘Hazardous Materials’ in the search field for a list of Hazardous Materials related topics. Shippers are legally and solely responsible for identifying, packaging, marking, labeling and documenting each hazardous material shipment. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 13 Designer Apparel Nordstrom departments 87 (Designer 1), 614 and 630 (Designer 2) are considered Designer Apparel departments. Vendors shipping to these departments should ship as follows: 808/568 Designer Web All Designer merchandise (above departments) for Store 808/568 must be sent to: Store 808/DC 599 Store568/DC 569 Nordstrom Direct th 7700 18 St. S.W. Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Nordstrom EC Fulfillment Center 30 Distribution Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 PH (319) 846-4000 Fax (319) 846-4208 PH (717) 366-1300 All European-Sourced Designer Apparel Merchandise Except for stores 808 and 568 as noted above, vendors shipping for Nordstrom departments 87 (Designer 1) 614 and 630 (Designer 2) should continue to utilize DC 699. Please refer to the PO Header for further details. DC 699 839 Commerce Drive - Collington Center Upper Marlboro, MD 20774-7421 Phone (301) 390-7800 Fax (301) 390-1229 All Domestically-Sourced Designer Apparel Merchandise Please note that Vendors shipping to Department 86 (American Designer Sportswear Collection) should follow the standard routing for their State as found in the Store / DC List and State Pages. Consignment Orders Consignment Purchase Orders do not appear in our carriers’ PO Verification systems. When verifying a PO with a carrier, please be sure to indicate that you are shipping a Consignment PO. The carrier will contact one of our DC’s and the DC will verify in RMS that your PO is a Consignment PO and that it is good to ship at this time. The DC will then instruct the carrier to accept your request for pickup. Failure to notify the carrier that a PO is a Consignment order will result in a refusal message response. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 14 Customer Owned Goods Repair Claims With the exception of fine jewelry/watches and heirloom/one-of-a-kind Nordstrom items, Customer owned nd repair claims should be shipped via UPS 2 Day Air. ‘REPAIR’ will need to be printed in the ‘Reference 1’ field on or WorldShip. If the repaired Customer Owned goods are fine jewelry/ watches or heirloom/one-of-a-kind Nordstrom items, please refer to the FedEx Express Fine Jewelry and Watch DVX Shipping Instructions below. If the claim was generated at a Distribution Center, ship to the generating DC. If the claim was generated at a store, ship to the generating store. Furniture and Residential Shipments All furniture shipments and some residential shipments require special handling. For instructions on furniture and residential shipments, please call Nordstrom Corporate Logistics at (206) 454-6712 or send email to, identify yourself as a furniture or residential shipper. Gourmet Foods Vendor/Suppliers shipping candy that is chocolate and /or perishable to must ship SURFACE Method to DC with transit time within 3 days to deliver on/by Thursday unless otherwise indicated by specific PO terms. Perishable items such as chocolate and candies must be labeled ‘perishable food item’ on the Bill of Lading. If items are shipped via Air carrier in a cold pack containing dry ice, the shipper must declare ‘On Dry Ice’ on the Bill of Lading and on the carton’s outside label. Refer to the Nordstrom Full Line and Rack Supplier Compliance Manual (Section 6: Packaging and Carton Label Requirements), available at, for marking and labeling instructions. For further assistance on gourmet food shipments (especially chocolates and perishables), please contact Nordstrom Corporate Logistics at (206) 454-6712 or via email at Jewelry and Watch Shipping Procedures Nordstrom Purchase Orders that consist of jewelry and watch items destined for departments 68, 89,214, 589,and 608 which require Declared Value protection based on the invoice value at the time of shipment. Shipments for these departments may be sent via UPS or prepaid via USPS (United States Postal Service) per below instructions. Shipments destined for departments 28, 30, 35, 64, 161 and 484 are exempt from these special handling procedures and should be shipped following our standard routing process (see applicable Origin State Page). Shipping Jewelry and Watches via UPS When shipping jewelry or watches via UPS, it is very important that the correct packaging, labeling and account number be used. All of these instructions are designed to ensure that your shipment arrives at its destination without loss, damage or delay. Shippers must follow these instructions exactly in order to be reimbursed for lost or damaged packages. Failure to do so will result in the shipper being liable for any loss or damage incurred with the shipment. UPS High-Value Waiver rd When shipping on Nordstrom’s High-Value 3 Party UPS account number you must first have completed the UPS High-Value Waiver process in order to be covered under the UPS High-Value liability policy. This process is conducted by a local UPS security team and involves a review of the shipper’s packaging and Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 15 handling process, and other metrics that impact security. This process can take two-three weeks to complete, so it is very important to get started on it right away. Contact your local UPS account representative to arrange. Important: Any loss or damage to merchandise shipped on Nordstrom’s High-Value account, without the shipper having completed the High Value Waiver process could result in the shipper being responsible for the loss. Creating a UPS shipment You must create your UPS shipment on a UPS system like World-Ship, I-Ship,, or other UPS-Package-Level Detail compliant shipping system, and use a system-generated shipping label on each carton. Hand-written UPS shipping labels are not permitted, and if used will result in the shipper being liable for any loss, damage or delay. An ‘end of day’ manifest upload must be performed at least daily, to make sure that your shipment details are uploaded to UPS. Failing to do so could result in delayed visibility to tracking information for your packages, or denial of declared value coverage by UPS in the event of loss or damage. Check with UPS if you have any questions about this process, and to confirm that your system is compatible. The Nordstrom PO number you are shipping must be entered in one of the Reference Fields. The Nordstrom department number, found on your purchase order, must also be entered in one of the reference fields, i.e. ‘Dept. 89’, or ‘Dept 214’ etc. Do not include PO. number or department number on the same line as the consignee name/address of your shipping label. This information belongs in the reference fields as described above For packages that will contain items with a declared value of $1,000 or more, it is recommended that you create a duplicate shipping label per carton by using the ‘reprint label’ function of your shipping system. This duplicate label will be applied to the inner carton (see ‘Packaging Procedures’ below) as extra protection in case the label on the outer shipping carton is somehow damaged or removed. IMPORTANT: Do NOT create a new shipping label for this task—make sure you are only reprinting (or photocopying) an existing label. Nordstrom UPS 3rd Party Account Number Unless shipping pre-paid, you must use the Nordstrom High-Value Third-Party UPS inbound account number for all Nordstrom shipments to Nordstrom DC’s and stores. Contact Nordstrom at to receive the correct UPS account number. Please provide the following information when requesting the Nordstrom Account number: Vendor name Shipper name (if different than vendor name) Nordstrom PO number that you will be shipping State in your message that you are a Fine Jewelry shipper Very Important: If you are shipping an N-Direct Drop Shipment, please state this information as well as these shipments require the use of a different account number. Nordstrom will respond with the account number as soon as possible, but not later than the next business day. This account number must be used to bill freight and declared value charges third-party; ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Receiver’ options will not be accepted, and will result in charges being billed directly to the shipper by UPS. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 16 Declared Value Guidelines (for shipments to Nordstrom stores or DC’s) It is very important that all shipments for Fine Jewelry departments destined for a Nordstrom DC or store be shipped with values declared per below table. IMPORTANT: Nordstrom will not reimburse shippers for loss or damaged shipments for which our Declared Value guidelines were not followed. Invoice Value per Package Value to Declare $100-$299 Do not declare value $300-$1,999 Actual invoice value $2,000-$4,999 $5,000 $5,000-$50,000 Actual invoice value $50,000 is the maximum allowable declared value per package If the invoice value is more than $50,000 per package, split the shipment between as many packages as required to keep the maximum declared value per package at $50,000 or less. If the shipment cannot be split (i.e. one item valued at more than $50,000) please contact for instructions on how to ship. Customer-Owned Goods/Repaired Items Declare the total value of the merchandise (as represented by the originating store’s documentation) including any additional value added by the shipper (i.e. updated setting, etc) for every package. Note: For any package with declared value of $1,000 or more, a Proof of Pickup document will print along with your shipping label. This document MUST be signed by your UPS driver upon pickup. The shipper should also request that the driver scan each of your packages at time of pickup so that UPS will receive a pickup scan for these packages as soon as the pickup is completed. Service Levels Refer to the table below for the appropriate service level to choose by ship day. Ship Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Service Level Table (for shipments to Nordstrom stores or DC’s) UPS Ground UPS Ground UPS Second Day UPS 3-Day Select (to Zone 2 (to Zone 3 Air locations) locations) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Note: When shipping with 3-Day Select service level, you will need to select ‘other’ as the packaging type in your label creation process. This will allow user to declare value per instructions. How to determine the UPS Zone for your Destination To confirm the correct UPS Shipping Zone, follow these instructions: Go to You do not need to log-in for this information. Select the ‘Shipping’ tab from the row of tabs near the top of the screen. From the ‘Additional Shipping Resources’ menu on the right side of the screen, click on the ‘View Zone & Rate Charts’ link Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 17 Under ‘Packages and Services, Choose Your Location’ click on the ‘48 Contiguous States’ link After the page loads, scroll down to the ‘Download Zone Charts’ menu, and type your origin (shipfrom) zip code in the space provided. Click the blue ‘Download’ button Open the Excel file that downloads, and find the zone by service level for all destination zip codes based on your shipping zip code. You will find the Ground destination Zone listed in column B ‘Ground’. You may wish to keep this chart as a reference for any future shipments. Locate the zip codes for each of the DC’s (or stores if shipping direct to store). Note the ones that fall in Zone 2 or Zone 3. These you will ship via Ground service level per chart below. For all other zones ship using service level listed in chart below; do NOT ship via Ground Weight Breaks for UPS High-Value Shipments • Add the total weight for all po’s shipping to the same DC on the same day • Consult table below for routing instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 569 699 799 PO Specifies Surface or Air Weight Carrier UPS (see Service Level Table 1-200 lb above) 201+ lb Contact for carrier instructions Packaging Procedures All jewelry and watch shipments sent to Nordstrom via UPS must be double boxed to ensure that they are securely packaged. Please follow these shipping and packaging procedures exactly: • Place the jewelry and/or watch item(s) in a plastic bag. • Place the plastic bag in a UPS Small Box or other sturdy corrugated cardboard carton, taping the bag to the bottom of the carton to prevent any rattling or shifting inside the box. Mark the top of this inner box with the correct Nordstrom store number, PO number and department number. • If you created a duplicate shipping label (as recommended in ‘Creating a UPS Shipment’ above), apply the extra label to the inner carton---this will allow UPS to deliver the carton should the shipping label on the outer carton become damaged or lost. • Verify the shipping value and contents per your company’s security procedures and seal the box. • Place the small box inside a UPS medium or large box or other sturdy corrugated cardboard carton, adding packing material as needed to prevent the inner box from moving during transit, and then seal the outer box. • Attach the UPS shipping label to the top of the outer carton. Carton Markings The outside of the shipping carton must not provide any indication (including label or brand names) that the shipment may contain jewelry, watches or other high value items. In addition to the shipping label (see ‘Creating a UPS Shipment’ above), each carton should be marked with the following information: • Nordstrom PO number • Nordstrom store number • Nordstrom Department Number (i.e. ‘D 89’, ‘D 214’ etc) • Write on the carton the month shipped, as the month number with a circle around it. (i.e. a package shipped in December would be represented by a circled number ‘12’) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 18 Do NOT use a UPS Drop-Box or UPS Store for shipment. You must contact UPS and ask for a pickup if you do not already have a daily pickup with UPS. Nordstrom Direct Drop Shipments If you are shipping in the Nordstrom Direct Drop Ship program, please contact the N-Direct team at for information about declared value and service levels for these orders. Important: You will be shipping on a different UPS account number than the one used for shipments to DC’s or Stores. Contact your N-Direct Drop Ship team or to receive the correct account number for drop-ship orders. Shippers/vendors are required to track all Nordstrom fine-jewelry shipments and to obtain full proof of delivery information If you are unable to confirm delivery of any package within 24 hours (excluding weekends/holidays) after the scheduled delivery date, you or your designated representative must report the package missing on UPS will conduct a search for the package, and if the package cannot be located and delivered, they will send the shipper a Damage/Loss Notification Claim letter, which allows the shipper to begin the claims process (see below). Shipper must also notify the Nordstrom buyer of the missing cartons by tracking number, with on copy. Filing a Claim for Loss or Damage on The shipper is responsible for filing all loss/damage claims with UPS on If your package fails to deliver within 24 hours (excluding weekends/holidays) after the ‘expected delivery date’ (found in Tracking), follow these instructions: Lost Shipment Claims with Declared Value • Go to • Select the ‘Support’ tab • In the ‘Browse by Topic’ section, locate ‘Receiving Your Shipment’ in the menu, and click on ‘File a Claim’ • Under ‘Report Package Problem’, enter the requested package details. This will initiate the tracer process. This can take 7-10 business days to complete. • If the package is unable to be located, UPS will send you a Damage/Loss Notification claim letter, which you will need in order to begin the claims process. • Follow the claims process described in detail on • Once the claim is approved, the shipper will receive a check from UPS for the invoice amount or the declared value amount, whichever is less. Lost Shipment Claims for invoice values less than $300 File a Claim with UPS as instructed above. UPS will pay approved claims up to a maximum of $100/shipment directly to the shipper. The shipper will need to email with the following detail in order to be reimbursed by Nordstrom for the difference between the amounts recovered from UPS and invoiced amount. • Tracking number of lost package • Nordstrom P.O. Number • Nordstrom store/DC the package was packed for/destined to • Copy of the invoice for the contents of the package • Copy of the UPS Damage/Loss Notification Letter • Copy of the UPS remit to the supplier • Supplier contact (email and phone) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 19 • State in the subject line of the email ‘UPS Claim’ and include the DC number the claimed package was destined for so that it can be sent to the correct claims department. Damaged Shipments with Declared Value The Nordstrom D.C. (or store if sent store-direct) will notify the shipper of any cartons received damaged, with contents damaged or missing. Nordstrom will provide digital photos of the damaged carton(s) and/or contents whenever possible, plus a description of the damaged or missing items. The shipper will then be responsible for filing a claim with UPS on UPS will pay approved claims directly to the shipper, including declared value shipments. • Go to • Select the ‘Support’ tab • In the ‘Browse by Topic’ section, locate ‘Receiving Your Shipment’ in the menu, and click on ‘File a Claim’ • Follow the step-by-step instructions. Damaged Shipment Claims with invoice values less than $300 The Nordstrom D.C. (or store if sent store-direct) will notify the shipper of any cartons received damaged, with contents damaged or missing. Nordstrom will provide the shipper with digital photos of the damaged carton(s) and/or contents whenever possible, plus a description of the damaged or missing items. The shipper will then be responsible for filing a claim with UPS on (see ‘Damaged Shipments with Declared Value’ above for instructions). UPS will pay approved claims up to a maximum of $100/shipment directly to the shipper. The shipper will need to email with the following detail in order to be reimbursed by Nordstrom for the difference between the amount recovered from UPS and the invoiced amount. • Tracking number of damaged package • Nordstrom P.O. Number • Nordstrom store/DC the package was packed for/destined to • Copy of the invoice for the contents of the package • Copy of the UPS Damage/Loss Notification Letter • Copy of the UPS remit to the supplier • Supplier contact (email and phone) • State in the subject line of the email ‘UPS Claim’ and include the DC number the claimed package was destined for so that it can be sent to the correct claims department. Shipping Jewelry and Watches via USPS The following rules apply to jewelry and watch shipments sent via US Mail for departments 68, 89, 214, 533 and 589: • Surface: Use Registered Mail. • Air: Use Express Mail. • Declare and pay for full replacement value on all shipments. o Registered Mail offers insurance of up to $25,000 per carton. o Express Mail offers insurance of up to $5,000 per carton. • Mark all cartons with the correct Nordstrom store/DC number, PO number and department number. (Please refer to Section 6: Packaging and Carton Label Requirements in the Nordstrom Full Line and Rack Supplier Compliance Manual, available at, for marking and labeling instructions.) • Proof of postal charges is required. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 3: Special Handling 20 SECTION 4 FREIGHT INVOICING AND INQUIRIES Freight Invoicing and Reimbursement All shipments must be sent to Nordstrom ‘Collect’, or ‘Bill Third Party’. There are specific requirements for UPS small package shipments (see UPS carrier pages for details). Use of any carrier or shipping method (routing) not specifically authorized in this guide or by Nordstrom Traffic will result in the supplier paying all transportation charges, regardless of whether or not Nordstrom might have incurred lower or higher transportation costs with the unauthorized shipping method. Nordstrom does not reimburse vendors for prepaid shipments sent via carriers not authorized by Nordstrom Traffic or Nordstrom Corporate Transportation offices. Nordstrom will not accept any accessorial charges from carriers not authorized in this guide, even if the freight charges are prepaid. These charges must all be billed to the shipper—consult with your carrier about how to correctly set up your BOL to have any of these accessorial charges billed to your account. If you accidentally ship ‘Prepaid’ instead of ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party using one of our authorized carriers and you wish to have the charges re-billed to Nordstrom, please contact and provide the following information: • Shipper name • Vendor name/vendor number • Carrier used • Pro number/tracking number(s) • Ship Date • Request to re-bill to Nordstrom • We will contact you within 2 business days regarding your request Note: Re-bill requests must be made within 60 days of ship date. Requests made later than 60 days will be denied. If at any time you are not clear about which carrier to use or have any other questions, email us at Freight Chargeback Inquiries Please note that all freight chargeback inquiries must be made within twelve months of the shipping date, In order to ensure the fastest possible resolution of any disputes, we encourage suppliers to avoid accumulating inquiries for monthly, quarterly, seasonal or annual review and to submit any questions promptly, preferably within 60 days of the shipping date. A Freight Chargeback Statement listing chargeback reason(s) and itemized shipment information for each chargeback are emailed to vendors every Wednesday after it has been deducted from your check. These statements are emailed using address on file with our CMIO Chargebacks team. If you are currently not in receipt of these emails or you wish additional contacts receive this information please email and we can update our records. If you still have questions about your freight chargebacks after receiving the Freight Chargeback Statement, you may send your inquiry along with the Freight Chargeback Statement and supporting documentation (which may include a copy of the signed Bill Of Lading, buyer email, your Freight Contract Agreement, PO showing the freight allowance, etc.) to the Traffic department at this Ship To DC for your PO. The DC name and email address is listed in the upper right hand corner of the Freight Chargeback Statement. Inquiries on POs shipped more than twelve months ago and/or submitted without supporting documentation will not be addressed. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 4: Freight Invoicing and Inquires 21 Refusals and Related Charges This section outlines the supplier’s liabilities and responsibilities when Nordstrom refuses a non-compliant shipment or Purchase Order. Reasons for Shipment/Purchase Order Refusals Some of the reasons shipments and/or Purchase Orders may be refused by Nordstrom are: • The PO number on the Bill of Lading or package label is missing or invalid. NOTE: On shipments containing multiple PO numbers, a single invalid or missing PO number may result in refusal of the entire shipment. • The Purchase Order and/or shipment is non-compliant and has been refused because: o The order was shipped outside the shipping window, either prior to the Earliest Ship Date or after the Latest Ship Date o The order has been cancelled, is not on file or is not activated in our system. (Please be sure to verify all Purchase Orders before shipping.) o The order contains unauthorized substitutions, overages or defective goods. o The shipment was delivered to the wrong Ship to DC. o The shipment was sent Collect on Delivery (COD), even when shipped via UPS and/or Parcel Post. o Your Prepaid (house carrier/non-routing guide carrier) or Hand Carry deliveries/POs were shipped after the Latest Ship Date. o Your carrier did not pre-schedule a delivery appointment at the Ship to DC 24 hours prior to delivery. o Your carrier is not the Nordstrom authorized carrier identified in this manual and the goods were shipped after the Latest Ship Date. Fees Assessed for Refused Shipments When a shipment or order is refused, the supplier will be held liable for the following: • Return freight fees • $100.00 handling fee • Inbound freight charges • Any charges incurred due to the refused shipment (i.e., redelivery and storage charges) If a shipment qualifies for refusal but is nevertheless accepted by Nordstrom, the supplier may still be held liable for the above charges or fees via freight offset charges. Refused Shipment Handling and Liability Refused goods routed through Gilbert, NorCon or CTE (Consolidators) may be held on hand at the Consolidator’s facility. The Consolidators will notify the shipper whose name appears on the bill of lading if the shipment or order is refused or undeliverable. Storage charges are accumulated until the Consolidator receives both disposition instructions in writing and payment of charges from the shipper. All refused goods received at a Nordstrom facility will be returned to the vendor at the vendor’s expense. Return Authorization stickers will not be used on refused merchandise. If the vendor chooses not to receive this returned refused merchandise, the merchandise may be destroyed, salvaged through jobbers, or sold in our off price channels. Supplier bears full liability for loss or damage on refused shipments resulting from non-compliant shipments or Purchase Orders, and improper shipping, packaging or labeling. Recalls Only a Nordstrom merchant or buyer is authorized to recall a refused shipment or PO. The Nordstrom merchant or buyer must contact the appropriate Ship to DC Traffic Office in order to initiate any recall action Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 4: Freight Invoicing and Inquires 22 SECTION 5 CARRIER PAGES A. DUIE PYLE Verifying PO and Pick-Up Scheduling • Call : 1 800 523-5020,and DIAL Ext. 1996 Strategic Accounts • Please identify yourself as a NORDSTROM shipper • Email: • SCAC Code - PYLE Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Addressing Consigned to: NORDSTROM DC# DC Street Address DC City, State, Zip Code • Mark Freight Charges ‘Collect’ • In the ‘Bill Freight Charges To’ field, fill in as below: NORDSTROM, Inc. C/O Veraction 3400 Player’s Club Pkwy, Ste 300 Memphis, TN 38125 Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Routing Guide Section 8: for Ship to DCs- refer to Store/DC List. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL per day DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) See Origin State pages if more than 8 pallets per BOL destination are to be tendered Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Service Selection • LTL service Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 23 A. DUIE PYLE – Gilbert Verifying PO and Pick-Up Scheduling • Call : 1 800 523-5020 Ext. 1996 * Identify yourself as a NORDSTROM Shipper • Email: • SCAC Code - PYLE Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Addressing Consigned to: NORDSTROM C/O A. Duie Pyle – Gilbert 1000 Industrial Avenue Keasbey, NJ 08832-0186 • In the ‘Bill Freight Charges To’ mark as ‘COLLECT’ Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Routing Guide Section 8: for Ship to DCs- refer to Store/DC List. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL per day DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) See Origin State pages if more than 8 pallets per BOL destination are to be tendered Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Service Selection • LTL service Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 24 BTX Global Logistics Air Shipments First-Time BTX shippers, Air service levels: Pursuant to TSA security directives, BTX must verify first-time shippers as ‘known shippers’ as defined in the TSA/IACSSP prior to any air shipping activity. First-time shippers with no pending air shipments: Shippers may pro-actively contact BTX prior to having any pending shipments in order to confirm status and/or begin the known shipper process. The shipper must be prepared to provide their full corporate information and Dun & Bradstreet Duns number, if available. If the shipper is a 3PL or other logistics company, a valid Indirect Air Carrier (IAC) number will be needed prior to any air shipping activity. First-time shippers with pending air shipments: First-time shippers who have not previously verified known shipper status with BTX (as described above), and have a pending air shipment for Nordstrom, must contact BTX at least 2 business days prior to desired pickup date in order for BTX to begin the Known-Shipper verification process. NOTE: If BTX is not able to verify the shipper’s status in time to achieve the required ship date and service level, BTX will work with Nordstrom Corporate Logistics to determine a shipping alternative. Nordstrom Corporate Logistics will coordinate this effort with the shipper. ‘Known Shippers’ Once the shipper’s status has been confirmed by BTX as ‘known’, the shipper may proceed directly to the following standard process in order to book shipments with BTX. Note: any shipper name or address change will result in the need for a re-verification of the known shipper status. Carrier Contact Information • All shipping origins: (877) 384-5559 email: • BTX website: • SCAC Code - BTXA Shippers are encouraged to register with the BTX website to enable the ability to create shipments, arrange pickups, and track shipments online. Please contact the appropriate BTX Service Center (listed above) for assistance. Shipment booking cut-off times Please contact BTX as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours in advance of pickup date in order to book a shipment and arrange a pickup. In some origins, same day pickups may be arranged but the requests must be received by BTX no later than noon local time the day of the pickup. Air Waybill Creation Create one Air Waybill (AWB) per destination per day. Mark the freight terms as ‘Collect’ Complete the requested shipper information Complete the requested consignee information Service Level The standard Nordstrom service level for air shipments is Second Day Air. Unless you are otherwise instructed by the Nordstrom Expedite team or Corporate Logistics office, use this service level for all shipments. If you are shipping on a Thursday or Friday, use service level ‘Ground’ unless otherwise instructed by the Nordstrom Expedite team or the Corporate Logistics office. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 25 BTX Global Logistics (con’t.) Purchase Order (P.O.) Information Enter the PO number you are shipping, the number of cartons by PO and carton dimension (in inches, L x W x H), and the total weight of these cartons. If you are shipping multiple POs, list them separately and include the above information by p.o. If you have cartons of different dimensions for the same PO. list the number of cartons per each carton size. Example: P.O. 1234567, 10 cartons 18’ x 14’ x 12’, 120 lb P.O. 1234567, 5 cartons 16’ x 14’ x 10’, 75 lb P.O. 1234568, 12 cartons 24’ x 16’ x 12’. 150 lb Description of Items Enter the description of the items you are shipping. Be as specific as possible, and conform to classifications and tariffs in place at the time of shipment. Totals Enter the total number of cartons, the total weight, and the total number of pallets (if applicable) tendered. Dimension limits While Nordstrom does not require you to tender freight to BTX on pallets, it is common practice to do so and is not prohibited. The maximum size for a palletized shipment is 48’ x 40’ x 50’ Tendering Freight Shipper must tender freight to the carrier by Air Waybill. Carrier will sign the waybill for total number of cartons. Shipper may not tender waybills as ‘STC’, nor will the carrier pick up any waybill that is not counted by carton and signed. Shrink-wrapping should be done only after driver has physically counted the cartons on pallets. Ground Shipments Ground service level, shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day When tendering shipments to BTX for Ground service level, the shipper does not need to be a ‘Known Shipper’ as described in the Air Shipments section above. Use the same carrier contact information as described above, and provide the carrier with a Bill of Lading per DC destination, containing the following information: Shipper Company Name, address, contact and phone number Consignee (typically a Nordstrom DC) company name and full address Nordstrom purchase order number, number of cartons per purchase order, and the weight of those cartons (please include carton dimensions if available) Freight terms: Collect Driver is required to count and sign for individual cartons and the pallet count being picked up. ‘STC’ (said-to-contain) shipments are not allowed, and any shortages/damages reported will be the responsibility of the shipper if a ‘STC’ shipment is tendered to carrier. The MAXIMUM number of pallets per BOL for this program is 13. Any shipments requiring more than 13 pallets per destination must be sent to the Volume Load Desk ( Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 26 XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way Freight Carrier Contact Information Website: For Verifying POs and Pick-Up Scheduling – *All NORDSTROM shipper pickup requests must be submitted via the below contacts for the central XPOLogistics office. • • • Do not call your local XPOLogistics freight terminal. Call (888) 696-3650 Email Address; SCAC Code – CNWY Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Addressing Consigned to: Nordstrom DC# DC Street Address DC City, State, Zip Code • • Mark Freight Charges ‘Collect’ In the ‘Bill Freight Charges To’ field, fill in as below: Nordstrom Inc, c/o Veraction 3400 Player’s Club Pkwy, Ste 300 Memphis, TN 38125 Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for Ship To DC’s. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL per day DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) See Origin State pages if more than 8 pallets per BOL destination are to be tendered Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Service Selection Standard LTL service Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 27 XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way Freight (con’t.) With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Collect’. Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step Action 1 Make out one Bill of Lading document: • For each DC; • For each day. 2 Mark the Bill of Lading ‘collect’. 3 Include the following information on the Bill of Lading: • Shipper’s name; • Shipper’s address; For each verified Purchase Order, list: • Purchase Order number; • Number of cartons by PO number; • Department number by PO number; • Weight in PO number; • Accurate carton count by size dimensions; • Description of all articles in shipment. Be as specific as possible and conform to classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the shipment. If additional pages are needed to list POs, mark them ‘Page 2 of 3’, etc., and only total the number of cartons/total weight on the last page. Do not declare value. (See Declaration of Value in Section 2: Shipment 4 Preparation for complete details.) • Suppliers must tender freight to pick up carrier by DC, which must correspond to each bill. Failure to comply will result in a consolidation traffic freight chargeback, plus handling fees. Verification of Delivery Nordstrom strongly recommends that Proof of Delivery (POD) inquiries be made within 120 days of the ship date. It is always best to verify delivery within two weeks of the ship date. Contact any of the Nordstrom DC Traffic Departments with questions. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 28 CTE – RJR Carrier Contact Information • Phone: (800) 540-0244 • Fax: (323) 357-1724 • • SCAC Code - CAIE Verifying PO and Pick-Up Scheduling • We recommend that shippers use CTE’s on-line web tool for scheduling pick-ups rather than faxing documents and information. Please contact CTE directly about how to be set up for this web tool. • Call (800) 540-0244. Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Addressing Consigned to: Nordstrom DC # C/O CTE – RJR 26300 Corporate Ave. Hayward, CA 94545 Time Line and Procedure for PO Verification, Scheduling a Pickup and Sending your ASN 856 to Nordstrom Prior to requesting pickup you must: • Verify all POs that will be physically presented to the carrier driver on the requested pickup day. • Edit your Bill of Lading and physical cartons to match. Only valid POs may be presented to the carrier driver. • Your ASN 856 must match your Bills of Lading and physical cartons exactly! • Key Matching Fields: Bill of Lading numbers, DC number, carton count by PO number. After all POs for the requested pickup day have been validated and shipping paperwork has been matched to the ASN 856: • You must obtain a pickup number from your carrier by 3:30 PST, locking in pickup for the next day. o If you miss the 3:30 PST deadline and your PO is at risk of becoming Past Cancelled, you must contact the POs Nordstrom buyer for a PO extension. o The pickup number may be used as the CN Pro number in the ASN 856. o The SCAC code of the pickup carrier must be used in the ASN 856. Your ASN 856 must not be sent to Nordstrom until after the driver has signed ‘CLEAR’ on your Bill of Lading. • ‘Clear’ means that no changes were made to the carton count on your Bill of Lading by the driver. • If the driver makes any changes to the carton count on your Bill of Lading, your ASN 856 must be edited to reflect the actual physical shipment picked up by the driver before it is transmitted. • The date of the driver’s signature must match the ASN 856 Ship Date field. If you have any questions about these procedures, please direct them to Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for Ship To DC’s. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 29 CTE – RJR (con’t.) With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Collect’ • Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step 1 2 3 4 • Action Make out one Bill of Lading document: • For each DC; • For each day. Mark the Bill of Lading ‘collect’. Include the following information on the Bill of Lading: • Shipper’s name; • Shipper’s address; For each verified Purchase Order, list: • Purchase Order number; • Number of pieces (cartons or GOH) by PO number; • Department number by PO number; • Weight in LBS. by PO number; • Accurate carton count by size dimensions; • Description of all articles in shipment. Be as specific as possible and conform to classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the shipment. If additional pages are needed to list POs, mark them ‘Page 2 of 3’, etc., and only total the number of cartons/total weight/Lbs. on the last page. Do not declare value. (See Declaration of Value in Section 2: Shipment Preparation for complete details.) Supplier must tender freight to pick up carrier by DC, which must correspond to each bill. Contact any of the Nordstrom DC Traffic Departments with questions. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 30 CTE – California Transport Enterprises Carrier Contact Information • Phone: (800) 540-0244 o Within California: (323) 357-1720 • Fax: (323) 357-1724 • • SCAC Code - CAIE Verifying PO and Pick-Up Scheduling • We recommend that shippers use CTE’s on-line web tool for scheduling pick-ups rather than faxing documents and information. Please contact CTE directly about how to be set up for this web tool. • Call (800) 540-0244 or (323) 357-1720 (within California). Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Addressing Consigned to: Nordstrom DC # C/O CTE 2610 Wisconsin South Gate, CA 90280 Time Line and Procedure for PO Verification, Scheduling a Pickup and Sending your ASN 856 to Nordstrom Prior to requesting pickup you must: • Verify all POs that will be physically presented to the carrier driver on the requested pickup day. • Edit your Bill of Lading and physical cartons to match. Only valid POs may be presented to the carrier driver. • Your ASN 856 must match your Bills of Lading and physical cartons exactly! • Key Matching Fields: Bill of Lading numbers, DC number, carton count by PO number. After all POs for the requested pickup day have been validated and shipping paperwork has been matched to the ASN 856: • You must obtain a pickup number from your carrier by 3:30 PST, locking in pickup for the next day. o Your carrier will give you a 4-hour pickup window, and you must have your shipment ready by the start of that window. o If you miss the 3:30 PST deadline and your PO is at risk of becoming Past Cancelled, you must contact the POs Nordstrom buyer for a PO extension. o The pickup number may be used as the CN Pro number in the ASN 856. o The SCAC code of the pickup carrier must be used in the ASN 856. Your ASN 856 must not be sent to Nordstrom until after the driver has signed ‘CLEAR’ on your Bill of Lading. • ‘Clear’ means that no changes were made to the carton count on your Bill of Lading by the driver. • If the driver makes any changes to the carton count on your Bill of Lading, your ASN 856 must be edited to reflect the actual physical shipment picked up by the driver before it is transmitted. • The date of the driver’s signature must match the ASN 856 Ship Date field. If you have any questions about these procedures, please direct them to Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for the Ship To DC’s. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 31 CTE – California Transport Enterprises (con’t.) With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Collect’ • Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step 1 2 3 4 • Action Make out one Bill of Lading document: • For each DC; • For each day. Mark the Bill of Lading ‘collect’. Include the following information on the Bill of Lading: • Shipper’s name; • Shipper’s address; For each verified Purchase Order, list: • Purchase Order number; • Number of pieces (cartons or GOH) by PO number; • Department number by PO number; • Weight in LBS. by PO number; • Accurate carton count by size dimensions; • Description of all articles in shipment. Be as specific as possible and conform to classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the shipment. If additional pages are needed to list POs, mark them ‘Page 2 of 3’, etc., and only total the number of cartons/total LBS. on the last page. Do not declare value. (See Declaration of Value in Section 2: Shipment Preparation for complete details.) Supplier must tender freight to pick up carrier by DC, which must correspond to each bill. Contact any of the Nordstrom DC Traffic Departments with questions. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 32 Gilbert Carrier Contact Information • Email; • Phone: (732) 709-5330 or (800) 245-6161 • Fax: (732) 709-5502 or (732) 709-5503 • SCAC Code - GBEA Automated Purchase Order Verification and Pick Up Request Line • Call (732) 738-1455. • Dial ‘NOR’ when prompted for retailer’s name and follow the instructions. • To speak with a customer service representative, press #0. Master of Bill of Lading Address Nordstrom C/O Gilbert 1000 Industrial Avenue Keasbey, NJ 08832-0186 Sub Bill of Lading Address • Nordstrom DC# Important note: Include the DC number, but not the DC address. DC addresses must not appear on Sub Bills of Lading. Time Line and Procedure for PO Verification, Scheduling a Pickup and Sending your ASN 856 to Nordstrom Prior to requesting pickup you must: • Verify all POs that will be physically presented to the carrier driver on the requested pickup day. • Edit your Bill of Lading and physical cartons to match. Only valid POs may be presented to the carrier driver. • Your ASN 856 must match your Bills of Lading and physical cartons exactly! • Key Matching Fields: Bill of Lading numbers, DC number, carton count by PO number. After all POs for the requested pickup day have been validated and shipping paperwork has been matched to the ASN 856: • You must obtain a pickup number from your carrier by3:00pm EST, locking in pickup for the next day. • Your carrier will give you a 4-hour pickup window, and you must have your shipment ready by the start of that window. Your ASN 856 must not be sent to Nordstrom until after the driver has signed ‘CLEAR’ on your Bill of Lading. • ‘Clear’ means that no changes were made to the carton count on your Bill of Lading by the driver. • If the driver makes any changes to the carton count on your Master Bill of Lading, your ASN 856 must be edited to reflect the actual physical shipment picked up by the driver before it is transmitted. • The date of the driver’s signature must match the ASN 856 Ship Date field. • The driver will sign only the Master Bill of Lading. If you have any questions about these procedures, please direct them to Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for Ship To DC’s. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 33 Gilbert (con’t.) With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Collect’ • Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step 1 2 3 4 Action If shipping to more than one DC on the same day, create a unique sub-bill for each DC itemized by: • PO number(s) and department number, with carton count and LBS. for each PO. Cross-reference individual sub-bills on the Master Bill of Lading. Combine all surface shipments to Nordstrom from your facility on the same day onto one Master Bill of Lading, including: • Total cartons and total LBS. by each DC. At the bottom of the Master Bill of Lading, include: • Total cartons for all DC’s; • Total weight in LBS. for all DC’s. NOTE: The Master Bill of Lading is the document the carrier’s driver will sign. • • Staple the individual shippers’ sub-bills under the one Master Bill of Lading. Cross-reference individual shippers’ sub-bill numbers on the Master Bill of Lading. Supplier must tender freight to pickup carrier by DC, which must correspond to individual subbills. Failure to comply will result in a consolidation traffic freight chargeback, plus handling fees. Examples of VICS sub-bills and Master Bill of Lading requirements are available on the VICS web site at (or see Appendix C: Sample Bill of Lading). Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 34 Lynden International Carrier Contact Information & Verifying PO & Pick-Up • Phone: (800) 562-7017 • Ask for Nordstrom Coordinator • Website: • SCAC CODE - LYAH Lynden International should only be used for shipments going ‘store direct’ based on the Purchase Order terms (instructions) for the Nordstrom Stores listed below. The store addresses can be found in Section 7 - Shipping Guidelines to Hawaii. Nordstrom Store 48 Victoria Ward Center Rack Nordstrom Store 706 Ala Moana Center Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Address Consigned to: Nordstrom Hawaii Store # Street Address Honolulu, HI zip code Routing Instructions • Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for Ship To Store’s. Service Selection The service selection for Lynden International in this guide is: • Priority Service With Freight Charge Terms Marked ‘Collect’ • Create an individual shippers bill of lading as follows: Step Action 1 Make out one Bill of Lading document: • For each DC; • For each day. 2 Mark the Bill of Lading ‘collect’. 3 Include the following information on the Bill of Lading: • Shipper’s name; • Shipper’s address; For each verified Purchase Order, list: • Purchase Order number; • Number of pieces (cartons or GOH) by PO number; • Department number by PO number; • Weight in LBS. by PO number; • Description of all articles in shipment. Be as specific as possible and conform to classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the shipment. If additional pages are needed to list POs, mark them ‘Page 2 of 3’, etc., and only total the number of cartons/total LBS. on the last page. Do not declare value. (See Declaration of Value in Section 2: Shipment 4 Preparation for complete details.) • Supplier must tender freight to pick up carrier by Store, which must correspond to each bill. Failure to comply will result in a consolidation traffic freight chargeback, plus handling fees. Contact Nordstrom Corporate Logistics at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 1 for any questions. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 35 New Penn – Gilbert Carrier Contact Information • Phone: (800) 950-5046, extension 4370 • Fax: (717) 274-5593 • Website: • SCAC Code – NPME Verifying PO and Pick-Up Scheduling • Call (800) 950-5046, extension 4370. Prior to requesting pickup you must: • Verify all POs that will be physically presented to the carrier driver on the requested pickup day. • Edit your Bill of Lading and physical cartons to match. Only valid POs may be presented to the carrier driver. • EDI suppliers only: Your ASN 856 must match your Bills of Lading and physical cartons exactly! • Key Matching Fields: Bill of Lading numbers, DC number, carton count by PO number. After all POs for the requested pickup day have been validated and shipping paperwork has been matched to the ASN 856: • You must obtain a pickup number from your carrier by3:00pm EST, locking in pickup for the next day. • Same-day pickups are not possible for much of New Penn’s network and are entirely optional and based on carrier availability in a given area. DO NOT DEPEND on same day pickups. If your ship window depends on a same-day pickup, contact the Nordstrom buying office for an extension. • Your carrier will give you a 4-hour pickup window, and you must have your shipment ready by the start of that window. Your ASN 856 must not be sent to Nordstrom until after the driver has signed ‘CLEAR’ on your Bill of Lading. • ‘Clear’ means that no changes were made to the carton count on your Bill of Lading by the driver. • If the driver makes any changes to the carton count on your Master Bill of Lading, your ASN 856 must be edited to reflect the actual physical shipment picked up by the driver before it is transmitted. • The date of the driver’s signature must match the ASN 856 Ship Date field. • The driver will sign only the Master Bill of Lading. If you have any questions about these procedures, please direct them to Master of Bill of Lading Address Nordstrom C/o New Penn - Gilbert 1000 Industrial Avenue Keasbey, NJ 08832-0186 Sub Bill of Lading Address • Nordstrom DC# Important note: Include the DC number, but not the DC address. DC addresses must not appear on Sub Bills of Lading. Bill of Lading Instructions Consigned to: Nordstrom DC # C/o New Penn - Gilbert 1000 Industrial Avenue Keasbey, NJ 08832-0186 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 36 New Penn – Gilbert (con’t.) Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for the Ship To DC’s. With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Collect’ • Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step 1 2 3 4 Action If shipping to more than one DC on the same day, create a unique sub-bill for each DC itemized by: • PO number(s) and department number, with carton count and LBS. for each PO. Cross-reference individual sub-bills on the Master Bill of Lading. Combine all surface shipments to Nordstrom from your facility on the same day onto one Master Bill of Lading, including: • Total cartons and total LBS. by each DC. At the bottom of the Master Bill of Lading, include: • Total cartons for all DC’s; • Total weight in LBS. for all DC’s. NOTE: The Master Bill of Lading is the document the carrier’s driver will sign. • • Staple the individual shippers’ sub-bills under the one Master Bill of Lading. Cross-reference individual shippers’ sub-bill numbers on the Master Bill of Lading. Supplier must tender freight to pick up carrier by DC, which must correspond to individual subbills. Failure to comply will result in a consolidation traffic freight chargeback, plus handling fees. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 37 NorCon, LTD. Carrier Contact Information • Phone: (513) 942-5768 • Fax: (513) 942-2798 • Web: • SCAC Code – NCON Verifying PO and Pick-Up/Delivery Scheduling • • EMAIL – Call (513) 942-5768. Volume Multi-DC Truckloads (Over 8 pallets/10,000 lbs.) need to be placed at least 48 hours (2 Full business days) in advance. Please be sure all POs included are valid for at least 2 more days from the advance notice pickup request. POs must be valid on actual pickup day. Master of Bill of Lading Address Nordstrom C/o NorCon, LTD 9811 Harwood Ct. Fairfield, OH 45014 Sub Bill of Lading Address • Nordstrom DC # *GPS Note; NorCon’s City in GPS is Westchester but US Mailing address is Fairfield Important note: Include the DC number, but not the DC address. DC addresses must not appear on Sub Bills of Lading. Time Line & Procedure for; PO Verification, Scheduling a Pickup/Obtaining a Delivery Appointment and Sending your ASN 856 to Nordstrom Prior to requesting pickup or delivery appointment you must: • Verify all POs that will be physically presented to the carrier driver on the requested pickup day or in your delivery. • Edit your Bills of Lading and physical cartons to match. Only valid POs may be presented to the carrier driver or delivered to NorCon. Provide # of cartons AND # of pallets by DC. • Your ASN 856 must match your Bills of Lading and physical cartons exactly! • Key Matching Fields Bill of Lading numbers, DC number, Carton count by PO number. After all POs for the requested pickup day have been validated and shipping paperwork has been matched to the ASN 856: • You must obtain a pickup/delivery appointment number from your carrier by 3:30 EST, locking in your pickup for the next day. o Your carrier will give you a 4-hour pickup window, and you must have your shipment ready by the start of that window. o If you miss the 3:30 EST deadline and your PO is at risk of becoming Past Cancelled, you must contact the POs Nordstrom buyer for a PO extension. o The pickup number may be used as the CN Pro number in the ASN 856. o The SCAC code of the pickup carrier must be used in the ASN 856. Your ASN 856 must not be sent to Nordstrom until after the driver has signed ‘CLEAR’ on your Bill of Lading. • ‘Clear’ means that no changes were made to the carton count on your Bill of Lading by the driver. • If the driver makes any changes to the carton count on your Master Bill of Lading, your ASN 856 must be edited to reflect the actual physical shipment picked up by the driver before it is transmitted. • The date of the driver’s signature must match your ASN 856 Ship Date field. • The driver signs only the Master Bill of Lading. If you have any questions about these procedures, please direct them to Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 38 NorCon, LTD. (con’t.) Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for Ship To DC’s. With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Collect’ • Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step 1 2 3 4 Action If shipping to more than one DC on the same day, create a unique sub-bill for each DC itemized by: • PO number(s) and department number, with carton count and LBS. for each PO. Cross-reference individual sub-bills on the Master Bill of Lading. Combine all surface shipments to Nordstrom from your facility on the same day onto one Master Bill of Lading, including: • Total cartons and total LBS. by each DC. At the bottom of the Master Bill of Lading, include: • Total cartons for all DC’s; • Total weight in LBS. for all DC’s. NOTE: The Master Bill of Lading is the document the carrier’s driver will sign. • • Staple the individual shippers’ sub-bills under the one Master Bill of Lading. Cross-reference individual shippers’ sub-bill numbers on the Master Bill of Lading. Supplier must tender freight to pickup carrier by DC, which must correspond to individual subbills. Failure to comply will result in a consolidation traffic freight chargeback, plus handling fees. Examples of VICS sub-bills and Master Bill of Lading requirements are available on the VICS web site at (or see Appendix C: Sample Bill of Lading). . Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 39 Oak Harbor Freight Carrier Contact Information Verifying PO and Pick-Up Scheduling *All NORDSTROM shipper pickup requests must be submitted via the below contacts for OAK HARBOR, do not call your local OAK HARBOR terminal. • • • Phone; : 1-800-285-6254 or 253-288-8370 or 8391 or 8369 • Please identify yourself as a NORDSTROM shipper Email: SCAC Code – OAKH Bill of Lading Instructions/Shipment Addressing Consigned to: Nordstrom DC# DC Street Address DC City, State, Zip Code • Mark Freight Charges ‘Bill Third Party’ • Third Party Bill to Address: Nordstrom c/o Veraction 3400 Player’s Club Parkway Ste 300 Memphis, TN 38125 Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. See Section 8: Store/DC List for Ship To DC’s. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL per day DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions With Freight Charge Terms marked ‘Bill Third Party’. • Create an individual shipper’s Bill of Lading as follows: Step Action 1 • • Create one Bill of Lading document: • For each DC you are shipping to • For each day you are shipping 2 Mark the Bill of Lading ‘Bill Third Party’. 3 Include the following information on the Bill of Lading: • Shipper’s name • Shipper’s address • Third Party Billing address (see above) For each verified Purchase Order, list: • Purchase Order number • Number of cartons by PO number • Department number by PO number • Weight in LBS. by PO number • Accurate carton count by size dimensions • Description of all articles in shipment. Be as specific as possible and conform to classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the shipment. If additional pages are needed to list POs, mark them ‘Page 2 of 3’, etc., and only total the number of cartons/total weight/LBS. on the last page. Do not declare value. (See Declaration of Value in Section 2: Shipment Preparation for 4 complete details.) Suppliers must tender freight to pick up carrier by DC, which must correspond to each bill. Failure to comply will result in a consolidation traffic freight chargeback, plus handling fees. Suppliers must allow carrier to count individual cartons for each Bill of Lading. Tendering or signing any BOL as ‘STC’, or Said-to-Contain, is unacceptable and will result in the shipper being held responsible for any shortages. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 40 UPS Carrier Contact Information • Phone: (800) 742-5877 or (800) PICK-UPS • Web Site: • SCAC Code – UPSN rd Shippers must have an active UPS account number in order to use Nordstrom’s 3 Party UPS account. If you do not have an active UPS account number, you may sign up online at and click ‘Register’ at the bottom of the page. Or you may call (800) 742-5877. You can request UPS shipping software, WorldShip, to put on your computer if you are a daily pick up account. Worldship can also be downloaded from: Jewelry and Watch Program Nordstrom Purchase Orders that consist of jewelry and watch items destined for departments 68, 89,214, 589,and 608 must ship under the UPS High-Value requirements contained in Section 3: “Special Handling, Jewelry and Watch Shipping Procedures”. This requires using a different UPS account than standard UPS shipping covered below. Shipment Addressing All Nordstrom shipments are to be addressed to: Nordstrom DC # Nordstrom DC Street Address Nordstrom DC City, State, and Zip Code See Section 8: Store/DC List for the ‘Ship to’ DC’s and their addresses. Nordstrom Third Party Bill to Account Number and Address Set Up Procedure Contact to receive the Nordstrom UPS account number to ship on. Please provide the following information: • supplier name/number • supplier contact information • PO number(s) being shipped • State and zip code you are shipping from • Total weight by DC rd We will email our 3 Party Account and Address to you no later than the next business day after receiving your email. Should we change the UPS account number for any reason, we will update the Routing Guide alert section on the home page of You will then need to follow the above process to receive the new account number. Please check the Routing Guide regularly to be sure to get any updates. Important • If Nordstrom is paying the freight charges for your shipment, DO NOT ship on your own account and ask that Nordstrom reimburse you—we must have UPS charges billed to our account in order to receive our contracted rates. • Shipments to Canada are covered by our Canadian Routing Guide ( and require a different UPS account than the one used for US shipments. Routing Instructions Refer to the Purchase Order for FOB point, shipping method, freight terms, shipping window and stores. Service Selection nd • If PO specifies ‘Air’, use UPS 2 Day Air service level. • If PO specifies ‘Surface’, use UPS Ground service level. Please contact prior to shipping if you are being requested to use any other service level. Nordstrom will not pay for use of any other service level without prior permission. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 41 UPS (con’t.) UPS General Instructions rd • You must use an authorized 3 Party account number to bill third party to Nordstrom. • In order to transmit electronic Package Level Detail (PLD) for each shipment, you must use a UPS shipping system, such as World Ship, UPS Internet, or a UPS compatible shipping system. • It is important to complete the ‘End of Day’ process when using UPS systems like World Ship at least once per day for your shipment data to be transmitted to UPS. This is a critical step that is needed to ensure your packages are shipped and received without delay. Failure to perform this task could result in a freight chargeback due to incorrect ship date being shown on the tracking information reported by UPS to Nordstrom. • The use of hand-written air bills is not authorized. Your shipment could be delayed or returned unless system-generated shipping labels are created using a UPS system or UPS-compatible shipping systems. • The date your UPS shipment is created is the date that is transmitted to Nordstrom as the actual ship date. Keep this in mind if you are creating UPS shipments prior to actual ship date, as it could result in a charge back if the reported ship date falls outside the PO ship window. • All packages must have the Nordstrom PO number (example: ‘12345678’) clearly entered in the ‘Reference 1’ field of the shipping system and appear on the shipping label. You will not be able to process your shipment via UPS Shipping System without this information. • If you do not have a daily pickup from UPS: When preparing a shipment on UPS World Ship system, and scheduling a pickup for your packages on line, only request a pickup for the first package you process. DO NOT request more than one pickup per day. • The PO number and the department number must be clearly written near the label on all packages. Please be sure that the carrier shipping label does not cover up the GS1-128 carton label. • Please provide accurate carton count by size (dimensions) when creating your shipment. • We suggest that all small package shippers track each shipment to delivery. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 42 UPS (con’t.) UPS Claims/Liability The shipper must file all cargo claims with UPS directly. The shipper is responsible for all loss and damage regardless of FOB point stated on the Purchase Order. Nordstrom pays for merchandise that is received in good repair only. If your shipment is never received or is received short or damaged, the balance of your invoice must be covered by your cargo claim with UPS. UPS gives 9 months from the day of delivery or from the scheduled day of delivery if delivery was not made for the filing of claims for domestic packages. International package claims must be filed within 60 days of the date of delivery. Domestic Air Shipments: UPS Limit of Liability for domestic air and ground shipments is $100 per outer carton per shipment or the replacement value of the shipment, whichever is less. UPS offers Declared Value for packages up to a limit of $50,000, If the shipper chooses to purchase additional Declared Value to cover the contents of their cartons; the premium is the responsibility of the shipper. Damage Claims: Concealed damage must be reported to UPS within 9 months of the date of delivery (Domestic) and within 60 days of the date of delivery (International). A written claim must be submitted to UPS for standard Limit of Liability loss and damage claims. Time Limit for Filing Claims for Loss or Damage to Property As a condition precedent to recovery, all claims for loss or damage to property must be filed in writing or electronically with UPS within the following time limits: Domestic shipments, claims must be filed within nine months after delivery of the package or in case of failure to make delivery then within nine months after a reasonable time for delivery has elapsed. Written claims must be sent to UPS (address on the UPS Claim form found at Attn: Cargo Claims. Shippers who choose to purchase additional Declared Value to cover the contents of their cartons are responsible for any associated premiums. Nordstrom will not reimburse for Declared Value charges. Shippers are also responsible for any additional premiums, such as hazardous material, delivery confirmation, fax P.O.D. (Proof of Delivery), Saturday pick up charges, delivery and address correction fees, etc. Shippers tendering unauthorized packages are responsible for paying the list rate charges published by UPS. Verification of Delivery Nordstrom strongly recommends that Proof of Delivery (POD) inquiries be made within 90 days of the ship date. It is always best to verify delivery within two weeks of the ship date. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 43 SECTION 6 ORIGIN STATE PAGES ALABAMA (AL) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 0 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, contact for routing instructions Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Carrier Selection Tables: Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 5: Carrier Pages 44 ALABAMA (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL 799 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 45 ALASKA (AK) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Notes for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND service level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs 201-10,000 lbs Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 46 ARIZONA (AZ) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Ship To DC 89 299 569 599 699 799 399 499 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs CTE PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs CTE Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE Bill of Lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 47 ARKANSAS (AR) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC 799) on the same day. For DC799 see weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 799 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 48 ARKANSAS (AR) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 799 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments to DC799 on a SINGLE Bill of Lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 49 CALIFORNIA (CA): Los Angeles Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 900-918 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs CTE PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 599 569 699 799 399 499 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs CTE NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 50 CALIFORNIA (CA): Northern California Zip Code Prefixes 939, 956-969 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. See instructions on the Carrier Page • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs CTE RJR PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 299 569 599 699 799 89 399 499 Carrier 1-200 lbs nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs CTE RJR Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day onto a SINGLE Bill of Lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 51 CALIFORNIA (CA): San Francisco Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 940-955 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Ship To DC 299 569 599 699 799 89 399 499 PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC PO Specifies SURFACE 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs CTE RJR PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs CTE RJR Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day onto a SINGLE Bill of Lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 52 CALIFORNIA (CA): Southern California Zip Code Prefixes 919- 938 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lb lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 3032637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs CTE PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 299 569 599 699 799 89 399 499 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs CTE Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day onto a SINGLE Bill of Lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 53 COLORADO (CO) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way. For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination perday, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Second Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 54 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 55 CONNECTICUT (CT) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For DC569 POs listed as ‘Air’, see separate ‘Air’ routing for that DC below. Note that shipments for DC 569 will move via ground due to proximity of shipping location to DC 569. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs Gilbert Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 56 CONNECTICUT (CT) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Second Day Air 200-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs Gilbert* *no air for this location 569 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 57 DELAWARE (DE) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For DC699 and DC569 shipments listed as ‘Air’, see routing for these DC’s below—note that they will ship via Ground due to the proximity of the shipping location to each DC. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs Gilbert Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 58 DELAWARE (DE) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 569 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs Gilbert* *no air for this location NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 59 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s Except DC 569 on the same day. • For DC 569 shipments, combine the total weight of all POs shipping on the same day, and refer to the table below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC699/DC569) on the same day. For shipments to DC699/DC569, see table below for instructions • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2634. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NewPenn-c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 569 101-10,000 lbs A. Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 60 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (DC) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 569 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A. Duie Pyle* *no air for this location NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 61 FLORIDA (FL) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party. Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via ConWay For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 62 FLORIDA (FL) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS 2nd Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground XPOLogistics Standard LTL 799 201-10,000 lbs Note: Combine surface and air shipments shipping to DC799 on the same day onto one BOL NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 63 GEORGIA (GA) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC 699 and DC 799) on the same day. For DC’s 699 and 799, see weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 800 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 699 & 799 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 699 799 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 64 GEORGIA (GA) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL* No Air to these DCs Combine both surface and air shipments on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading. Each DC must have their own Single bill of lading. NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 65 HAWAII (HI) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE Shipments greater than 1,000 lb per DC contact for Routing Instructions • For AIR shipments greater than 300 lbs per DC contact for routing instructions. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Hawaii Stores Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier UPS GROUND 1-2,000 lbs 1-10,000 lbs Self Delivery by appointment , PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air Shipments over 2,000 lb per DC contact Contact if you need clarification on this routing. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 66 IDAHO (ID) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 67 IDAHO (ID) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 68 ILLINOIS (IL) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC 299 and 599) on the same day. For DC299 and DC599, see weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC except DC299 and DC599 on the same day. For shipments to DC299 and DC599, see tables below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 69 ILLINOIS (IL) (con’t.) PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Con-Way Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 70 INDIANA (IN) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 71 IOWA (IA) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC299 and DC599) on the same day. For DC299 and DC599 see table below • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 800 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GOUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 72 IOWA (IA) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-10,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Note: Combine both Surface and Air shipments shipping to either 299 or 599 onto one BOL per DC per day NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 73 KANSAS (KS) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC299 and DC599) on the same day. For air shipments to DC299 and 599, see below table. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 800 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ Or ‘Bill Third Party’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 74 KANSAS (KS) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-10,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Note: Combine both Surface and Air shipments shipping to either 299 or 599 onto one BOL per DC per day NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 75 KENTUCKY (KY) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC299 and DC599) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see below table. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 800 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 Carrier 1-200 lbs nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 76 LOUISIANA (LA) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to each DC) on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303- 2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 77 LOUISIANA (LA) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-10,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 799 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 78 MAINE (ME) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 569, on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the total weight of all POs shipping on the same day, and refer to the table below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 800 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 79 MAINE (ME) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 80 MARYLAND (MD) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s EXCEPT DC 699 and DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 699 and DC 569 on the same day, by each separate DC, combine the total weight for all POs shipping on the same day and refer to the table below for carrier selection. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC EXCEPT DC 699 or 569 on the same day. For air shipments to DC 699 or 569 see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 454-6712 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 5110,000 lbs A. Duie Pyle c/o Gilbert Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 81 MARYLAND (MD) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs 569 699 1-100 lbs 101-10,000 lbs A. Duie Pyle c/o Gilbert* *no air for this DC UPS Ground A. Duie Pyle c/o Gilbert* *no air for this DC NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 82 MASSACHUSETTS (MA): All Zip Codes See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s EXCEPT DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the weight of all POs shipping that day and refer to the table below for carrier selection. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC • EXCEPT DC 699 or 569 on the same day. For air shipments to DC 699 or 569 see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 83 MASSACHUSETTS (MA): All Zip Codes—(con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 699 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert *no air for this location Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 699 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading UPS Ground 1-100 lbs 569 100-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle* *no air for this DC (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 84 MICHIGAN (MI) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC, EXCEPT DC’s 299 and 599 on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs Norcon PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 85 MINNESOTA (MN) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC, EXCEPT DC’s 299 and 599 on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see table below. • • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 86 MINNESOTA (MN) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 87 MISSISSIPPI (MS) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 799 on the same day. For DC799, follow weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC799) on the same day. For air shipments to DC799, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics Ground Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 799 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 88 MISSISSIPPI (MS) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 799 201-2,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 89 MISSOURI (MO) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 299 and 599 on the same day. For DC299 and DC599, follow weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC, EXCEPT DC’s 299 and 599 on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 90 MISSOURI (MO) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 91 MONTANA (MT) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 92 NEBRASKA (NE) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 299 and 599) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see below table. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 800 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 93 NEBRASKA (NE) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 94 NORTH CAROLINA (NC) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC699 & DC 799) on the same day. For DC 699 and DC799 follow weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 699 and 799) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 699 or 799 see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 454-6712. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 569 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lb 201-10,000 lb UPS Ground XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 95 NORTH CAROLINA (NC) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs UPS Ground 1-200 lb 569 699 799 201-10,000 lb Day Air XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine air and surface shipments onto one BOL for each DC NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 96 NORTH DAKOTA (ND) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 299 and 599) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect’ or ‘Bill Third Party’. • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 97 NORTH DAKOTA (ND) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine air and surface shipments onto one BOL for each DC NOTE: For Air shipments more than 800 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 98 NEVADA (NV) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 399 and 499) on the same day. For shipments to DC’s 399 and 499, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 99 NEVADA (NV) (con’t) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 569 599 699 799 399 499 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 100 NEW HAMPSHIRE (NH) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the weight of all POs shipping to DC, and refer to the table below for carrier selection. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 101 NEW HAMPSHIRE (NH) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 799 569 699 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 800 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 102 NEW JERSEY (NJ) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC699 and DC569) on the same day. For air shipments to DC699 and DC569 see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC699 and DC569) contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs Gilbert Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 103 NEW JERSEY (NJ) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 569 699 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs Gilbert Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 569 and DC 699 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading. Each DC must have their own single Bill of Lading. NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 104 NEW MEXICO (NM) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 569 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 105 NEW MEXICO (NM) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 569 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 106 NEW YORK (NY): New York City and Long Island Metro Area Zip Codes Prefixes 100-119 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs Gilbert Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 107 NEW YORK (NY): New York City and Long Island Metro Area Zip Codes Prefixes 100-119 (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 569 699 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs Gilbert Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 569 and DC 699 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading. Each DC must have their own Bill of Lading. NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 108 NEW YORK (NY): Zip Code Prefixes 120-149 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the weight of all POs shipping that day and refer to the table below for carrier selection. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC699) contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NewPenn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 109 NEW YORK (NY): Zip Code Prefixes 120-149 (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to this DC 51-10,000 lbs NewPenn c/o Gilbert Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 699 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 1-100 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to this DC 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle* *no air to this DC (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 569 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 699 569 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 800 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 110 OHIO (OH) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 569 699 799 Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lb BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to these locations 201-2,000 lb BTX Global Logistics Economy Ground Service* *no air to these DCs 569 699 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 800 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 111 OKLAHOMA (OK) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 112 OKLAHOMA (OK) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 113 OREGON (OR): See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC89) on the same day. For air shipments to DC89, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 114 OREGON (OR) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 115 PENNSYLVANIA (PA): Excluding Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 170-196 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the total weight of all POs shipping on the same day, and refer to the table below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC 699 and DC 569) on the same day. • For air shipments to DC699 and DC 569, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC 699 and DC 569—see below) contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NewPenn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 100-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 116 PENNSYLVANIA (PA): Excluding Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 170-196 (cont.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to this location 699 51-10,000 lbs 1-100 lbs 569 101-10,000 lbs NewPenn c/o Gilbert* *no air to this DC Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading UPS Ground* *no air to this location A.Duie Pyle* *no air to this DC (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) NOTE: For Air shipments more than 800 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 117 PENNSYLVANIA (PA): Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 170-196 See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC 699 and DC 569) on the same day. For air shipments to DC 699 and DC 569, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC699) contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-20 lbs UPS Ground 21-10,000 lbs Gilbert NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 118 PENNSYLVANIA (PA): Metro Area Zip Code Prefixes 170-196 (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 799 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-20 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to this location 569 699 21-10,000 lbs Gilbert* *no air to this location Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 119 PUERTO RICO (PR) AND U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS (VI) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. Contact Nordstrom Corporate Logistics at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 1 for assistance with your routing options. Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 120 RHODE ISLAND (RI) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the weight for all POs shipping on the same day, and refer to table below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC 699 and DC 569) on the same day. For air shipments to DC 699 and DC 569, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC 699 and DC 569) contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 121 RHODE ISLAND (RI) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 799 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-50 lbs UPS Ground* *No air to this DC 699 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert* *no air to this DC 1-100 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to this DC 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle* *no air to this DC 569 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 122 SOUTH CAROLINA (SC) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC 799) on the same day. For DC799, follow weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC799) on the same day. For air shipments to DC799, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC799) contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 799 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 799 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 123 SOUTH CAROLINA (SC) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 799 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 799 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 124 SOUTH DAKOTA (SD) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 299 and 599) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 125 SOUTH DAKOTA (SD) (con’t.) PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 126 TENNESSEE (TN) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 799 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 127 TEXAS (TX) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 128 TEXAS (TX) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 129 UTAH (UT) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 399 and 499) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 399 and 499, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 130 UTAH (UT) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 599 569 699 799 399 499 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 131 VERMONT (VT) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s, EXCEPT DC 569 on the same day. • For shipments to DC 569, combine the weight of all POs shipping on the same day, and refer to the table below to determine correct carrier. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637 • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. PO Specifies SURFACE Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 699 799 Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs New Penn c/o Gilbert 1-100 lbs UPS Ground 101-10,000 lbs A.Duie Pyle (Direct to DC, bypass Gilbert) 569 PO Specifies AIR Ship To DC Weight 89 299 399 499 599 569 699 799 Carrier nd UPS 2 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 132 VIRGINIA (VA) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (EXCEPT DC 699 and DC 569) on the same day. • For shipments to DC 699 or DC 569, combine the weight of all POs (per each DC) shipping the same day and refer to table below to select carrier. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC 699 and DC 569) on the same day. • For air shipments to DC 699 or DC 569, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC 699 or DC 569) contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 569 699 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to DC 699 on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 133 VIRGINIA (VA) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to these locations 569 699 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL* *no air to these locations NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 134 WASHINGTON (WA) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 89 and 499) on the same day. For air shipments to DC’s 89 and 499, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC (except DC’s 89 and 499) contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 135 WASHINGTON (WA) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 299 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs Oak Harbor Freight Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lb nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 136 WEST VIRGINIA (WV) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC 699 and DC 569) on the same day. • For shipments to DC 699 or DC 569, follow weight breaks listed below. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC 699 or DC 569) on the same day. • For air shipments to DC 699 or DC 569, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 569 699 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 137 WEST VIRGINIA (WV) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 599 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground* *no air to this location 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL* *no air to this DC Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading 569 699 NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 138 WISCONSIN (WI) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to all DC’s (except DC 299 and 599) on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC (except DC’s 299 and 599) on the same day. For shipments to DC’s 299 and 599, see table below. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs per DC contact Corporate Logistics at (206) 303-2637. • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-50 lbs UPS Ground 51-10,000 lbs NorCon 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 139 WISCONSIN (WI) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 399 499 569 699 799 299 599 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air 201-2,000 lbs BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Combine both surface and air shipments shipping to the same DC on the same day on a SINGLE bill of lading NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 140 WYOMING (WY) See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules • Suppliers must call carrier 24 hours prior to shipment for pickup and PO verification. Same day pickup requests will not be accepted. • For SURFACE shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • For AIR shipments, combine the weight of all cartons for all POs shipping to the same DC on the same day. • See Section 5: Carrier Pages for carrier-specific shipping instructions. • For SURFACE shipments per or by DC greater than 10,000 lbs or a cubic measure greater than 1,800 cubic feet, contact the Nordstrom Volume Shipment Routing Desk at 877-444-1313 option 4, option 2, at least 3 business days prior to the requested ship date. • For AIR shipments greater than 2,000 lbs contact Corporate Logistics • All shipments must be sent ‘Collect.’ • Routing instructions are subject to change. Please consult the Routing Guide prior to each shipment. Special Note for palletized LTL shipments: DO NOT ship more than 8 pallet positions per BOL destination per day via XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way For shipments of more than 8 pallets per BOL destination per day, route via BTX Global Logistics GROUND Service Level (see carrier page). DO NOT ship pallets higher than 84’ maximum (including pallet) Chargebacks will result for failing to follow these instructions Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies SURFACE Weight Carrier 1-200 lbs UPS Ground 201-10,000 lbs XPOLogistics Standard LTL Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 141 WYOMING (WY) (con’t.) Ship To DC 89 299 399 499 569 599 699 799 PO Specifies AIR Weight 1-200 lbs 201-2,000 lbs Carrier nd UPS 2 Day Air BTX Global Logistics nd 2 Day Air NOTE: For Air shipments more than 2,000 lbs per DC, please contact for Routing Instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 6: Origin State Pages 142 SECTION 7 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Shipping Guidelines from U.S. Mainland to Hawaii See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules Stores 48 and 706 are supported by DC 499 in Newark, CA (see section 8 for DC address). If the PO dictates to pack and ship these stores to DC 499, please follow the instructions for shipping to DC499 from your state page in this Routing Guide. If the PO dictates to ship direct to store, please follow these instructions: PO Specifies AIR Direct to Store (Ship Direct to Store) Weight Carrier 1-150 lbs UPS Next Day 151-1,000 lbs Contact Corporate Transportation 206-303-2637; Hawaii Store Addresses: Store 48 Victoria Ward Center Rack 330 Kamakee Street Honolulu, HI 96814 Phone:(808) 589-2060 Store 706 Ala Moana Center 1519 Kapiolani Boulevard Honolulu, HI 96814 Phone: (808) 953-6100 Mis-routed POs (incorrect DC or unauthorized Direct-to-Store) will be subject to vendor chargebacks. If you have any questions please contact Corporate Logistics by emailing to or calling (206) 303-2634. Shipping Guidelines from U.S. Mainland to Puerto Rico See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing packages for shipment. General Rules Store 701 is supported by DC 799 in Gainesville, FL (see section 8 for DC address). Please set your shipping system up to associate store 701 with DC799 and follow the instructions for shipping to DC799 from your state page in this Routing Guide. For Store 701 address, please click the ‘Store Address’ link found at If you are instructed by the Nordstrom buyer to ship direct to store, please contact, and provide the following information: • Shipper name • Shipping location (City/State/Zip) • P.O. number • Number of cartons • Total weight and dimensions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 7: Miscellaneous Policies 143 Shipping to HauteLook Shipments destined to HauteLook (Store 828 and 591) are handled directly by the HauteLook team, and not covered by this Routing Guide. Please contact HauteLook at for Routing instructions. Nordstrom-Approved Carrier Quick Reference Carrier Name A. Duie Pyle BTX Global Logistics (BTXA) CTE (California Transport Enterprises) and RJR XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way Freight FedEx Freight (FXNL) Gilbert Lynden International NorCon Ltd. NewPenn Oak Harbor Freight UPS Phone Number 1 800 523-5020 Ext. 1996 877-384-5559 (800) 540-0244 (888) 696-3650 (800) 825-2443 (732) 709-5330 or (800) 245-6161 (800) 562-7017 (513) 942-5768 (800) 950-5046, ext. 4370 (800) 285-6254 (800) 742-5877 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 7: Miscellaneous Policies Fax Number Call for fax # (323) 357-1724 Call for Fax # Call for Fax # (732) 709-5502 or (732) 709-5503 Call for Fax # (513) 942-2798 (717) 274-5593 (253) 931-5137 Call for Fax # 144 SCAC Code Listing This table lists the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) for Nordstrom authorized carriers. The SCAC is used to populate TD503 field on the EDI 856 document. When a Nordstrom authorized carrier dispatches an agent or joint-line carrier to pick up your Nordstrom shipment(s), you may use the dispatching carrier’s SCAC in the EDI 856 TD503 field or you may contact the agent or joint-line carrier and ask them for their SCAC. Please note that this list should not be used for carrier selection purposes and does not constitute an endorsement of any carrier by Nordstrom. Please refer to the Origin State Pages for help with locating the Nordstrom authorized carrier for your shipment. Pick Up Carrier Name A. Duie Pyle Averitt Express Boland Trucking BTX Global Logistics C R S T, Inc. CH Robinson (Robinson Transportation) Cohen Express XPOLogistics formerly Con-Way Freight, Inc Covenant Transport CTE (California Transport Enterprises) Dayton Freight Dynamic Express Eagle Global Logistics EDS Trucking FedEx Freight Gilbert Gilbert Express Gordon Trucking Grandview Express Land Span Lynden International M A T Parcel New England Trucking New Penn NorCon Ltd. Oak Harbor Freight ONG Pickup and Delivery Service R and L Transfer Ross Express Royal Logistics Streamline Shippers T and M Delivery Transport America UPS (United Parcel Service, all services) UPS Canada (United Parcel Service of Canada) US Mail-Registered Vendor’s Own Truck Pickup Carrier SCAC PYLE AVRT BOLD BTXA CRPS RBTW CHNP CNWY CVEN CAIE DAFG DYXI EGLS EDSI FXNL GBEA GBXI GORK GRWE LSPN LYAH MPXE XNDL NPME NCON OAKH OPUD RNLO RXIC ROYF SSHA TMDC TCAM UPSN UPSC USPS SELF Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 7: Miscellaneous Policies Pickup Carrier Inbound To DC and A.DuiePyle-Gilbert NorCon DC’s DC’s DC’s DC’s Gilbert DC’s DC’s DC’s NorCon Gilbert DC’s Gilbert DC’s DC’s DC’s DC’s DC’s DC’s Store CTE New Penn/Gilbert Gilbert DC’s DC 89, 399, 499 only CTE NorCon New Penn-Gilbert NorCon DC’s Gilbert DC’s DC’s DC’s DC’s DC’s or Consolidators 145 Expense Offset Policies Transportation Routing Guide or Purchase Order Violations Freight Agreement Allowance Per Routing and PO: 100% Shipment cost plus $100.00 Handling fee. Per Purchase Order Contract or Freight Partnership Contract: Options are either 100% or 50% for both Air and Surface shipment costs, or 60% for Air shipments and 30% of shipping costs. Freight Agreement Codes/Descriptions Reason Handling Code Fee AAC AA1 AA2 ASC AS1 AS2 A01 A02 A03 A04 A2C A3C A4C FOB F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Freight Agreement Reason Description Short Description PER AGREEMENT-HALF FREIGHT AIR + ADVANCE FEES PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK FULL FREIGHT AIR PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK HALF FREIGHT AIR PER AGREEMENT-HALF FREIGHT SURFACE + ADVANCE FEES PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK FULL FREIGHT SURFACE PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK HALF FREIGHT SURFACE PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK FULL FREIGHT PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK HALF FREIGHT PER AGREEMENT-DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AIR & SURFACE PER AGREEMENT-1/2 DIFF BETWEEN AIR & SURFACE PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK HALF FRT + ADVANCE FEES PER AGREEMENT-CB DIFF OF SURF & AIR + ADVANCE FEES PER AGREEMENT-CHARGEBACK 1/2 DIFF SURF & AIR+ADVNC CHARGEBACK ADVANCE CHARGES BASED ON FOB POINT PER PO FREIGHT TERM-CHARGEBACK FULL FREIGHT. PER PO FREIGHT TERM-CHARGEBACK HALF FREIGHT. PER PO-DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AIR & SURFACE FREIGHT PER PO-1/2 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AIR & SURFACE PER PO-CHARGEBACK AT PER UNIT RATE FOB CONSOL = 25% OF TOTAL SHIPMENT CHARGE 1/2AFOBC AAC FULL-AIR AA1 HALF-AIR AA2 1/2 FOBC ASC FULFRTSU AS1 HLFFRTSU AS2 FULFRTAG A01 HLFFRTAG A02 DIFSA-AG A03 1/2DIFAG A04 1/2+ADVC A2C DIFSA+AD A3C 1/2DIFSA A4C ADV CHGS FOB FULL FRT F01 HALF FRT F02 DIFF S/A F03 1/2 DIFF F04 UNT RATE F05 FOBC=25% F06 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 7: Miscellaneous Policies 146 Freight Chargeback Codes/Descriptions Violation Reason Code Handling Fee I01 I02 I03 I04 I05 I09 M01 M02 M03 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 R01 R02 R03 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N R04 Y R05 R06 R07 R09 R10 R11 Y Y Y Y N Y R12 Y Z99 Y Freight Chargeback Reason Description Short Description ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST SHIP COLLECT PER RTG GUIDE DBL BILL ADV/PU PAID TO CONSOL ROUTING VIOLATION-SHIPPED UPS OVERWEIGHT ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST SHIP UPS ND TO DC CHARGEBACK FOR FAILURE TO CONSOLIDATE SHIPMENTS RTG VIOLTN-MUST CALL FEDEX FRT FOR P/U MERCHANDISE SHIPPED TO INCORRECT DISTRIBUTION CNTR MERCHANDISE WAS TO HAVE BEEN SHIPPED STORE DIRECT EVENT MISSHIP AIRED DIRECT TO STORE PO VIOLATION-PO STATES SURFACE-SHIPPED AIR PO VIOLATION-PO STATES AIR-SHIPPED SURFACE PO VIOLATION-MERCHANDISE SHIPPED PAST CANCEL DATE PO VIOLATION-MERCHANDISE SHIPPED TOO SOON MERCHANDISE REFUSED DUE TO INVALID PURCHASE ORDER INBOUND FREIGHT FOR MERCH REFUSED AT DOOR CHARGES FOR REFUSED/RECALLED MERCHANDISE OUTBOUND FREIGHT ON MERCHANDISE CLAIMED OR REFUSED INBOUND FREIGHT ON MERCHANDISE CLAIMED PO NOT AUTHORIZED TO SHIP STORE DIRECT NOT AUTHORIZED TO SHIP OVERNIGHT FAILURE TO COMPLETE BOL REQUIREMENTS ROUTING VIOLATION-INCORRECT CARRIER USED RTG VIOLATION-MUST CALL GILBERT FOR PICKUP FREIGHT CHARGEBACK - MUST NOT USE DECLARED VALUE ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST CALL XPOLogistics formerly CON-WAY FOR PICKUP RTG VIOLATION-UNDERWEIGHT MUST SHIP UPS ND TO DC ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST CALL NORCON FOR PICKUP RTG VIOLATION-MUST CALL FEDEX NATIONAL FOR PICKUP ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST CALL CTE FOR PICKUP DETENTION CHARGES/VOLUME SHPMNTS EXCEEDS 2HR LIMIT ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST CALL COLONIAL FOR PICKUP ROUTING VIOLATION-MUST CALL BTX GLOBAL LOGISTICS FOR PICKUP SEE CHARGEBACK EXPLANATION BELOW S/B CLCT I01 MISC. I02 A OVR WT I03 UPS TO DC I04 NONCNSOL I05 FEDEXP/U I09 MISSHIP M01 S-DIRECT M02 EVNT M/S M03 S/B AIR P01 S/B SURF P02 PAST CAN P03 TOO SOON P04 PO INVLD P05 PO REFSD P06 PO RECAL P07 CLM-RFSD P08 CLM-OTHR P09 NO STDIR P10 OVERNITE AIR NO P.O. P12 WRNGCARR R01 GBEA P/U R02 DCLR VLU R03 Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 7: Miscellaneous Policies CNWY UNDER WT R05 NCON P/U R06 FXNL P/U R07 CAIE P/U R09 EXCD LIM R10 CLNK P/U R11 BTXA P/U R12 MISC. Z99 147 SECTION 8 STORE/DC LIST Store/DC Look-Up Process • Nordstrom sends the store ordering locations on the EDI 850 SDQ segment • In most cases, you may use the following list to locate the correct Ship To DC for the store(s) listed on the SDQ segment • However, in some cases we may ask that you ship to a DC other than the one indicated on the Store/DC list. If a DC shipping location appears in the N1 segment that follows the SDQ segment of the EDI 850, you must ship to that DC rather than to the DC usually associated with the store ordering locations • Vendors shipping to Nordstrom departments 87 (European Designer Sportswear Collection) and 614 should review the Designer section on page 14 in order to insure proper routing • Vendors shipping to Department 86 (American Designer Sportswear Collection) should follow the standard routing for their State as found in the Store / DC List and State Pages Nordstrom Product Group Orders • Nordstrom sends the Store/DC combinations in the purchase order Ship to DC 89 5703 North Marine Drive Portland, OR 97203-6421 Full Line Stores 1 2 4 5 6 9 10 12 20 23 24 25 32 73 189 Downtown Seattle Northgate Bellevue Square Southcenter Tacoma Spokane Alderwood Anchorage Downtown Portland Salem Clackamas Town Center Washington Square Murray City Creek Center 3 11 14 15 16 17 22 27 28 33 71 72 74 109 111 112 125 130 138 Phone : (503) 240-6071 Fax: (503) 735-4012 Rack Stores Southcenter Square Rack Anchorage Rack Factoria Square Rack Gold Creek Rack Downtown Seattle Rack Outlet Collection Rack Clackamas Rack Tanasbourne Town Center Rack Portland Rack Sugar House Rack South Towne Rack Station Park Rack University Crossing Rack Northtown Mall Rack Northgate Rack Oakway Center Rack Cascade Plaza Rack Boise Town Rack Bellevue Rack (SPRING 2017) Corp Reserve Stock (FLS & Rack Stores ) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 148 Ship to DC 299 5050 Chavenelle Road Dubuque, IA 52002-2616 Full Line Stores 34 35 37 220 221 222 223 225 228 230 232 235 236 238 239 240 282 283 720 722 723 724 730 731 732 733 746 Park Meadow FlatIron Crossing Cherry Creek Michigan Avenue Oakbrook Mall of America Old Orchard Woodfield Mall Somerset North Oak Park Mall West Country Twelve Oaks Partridge Creek Fashion Mall at Keystone Kenwood Towne Centre Saint Louis Mayfair Mall Ridgedale Center The Dallas Galleria North East Mall Northpark Stonebriar Mall Houston Galleria Barton Creek Square Mall The Shops at La Cantera The Domain (FALL 2016) Woodlands Mall 171 174 Trunk Club | Clubhouse TC Dallas TC Chicago 36 110 135 136 137 140 224 229 231 233 242 Park Meadows Rack BelMar Rack Twenty Ninth Street Rack Cherry Street Rack Chapel Hills East Rack Foot Hills Mall Rack Woodfield Rack Village Square Rack Troy Market Place Rack Mall of America Rack Orland Park Place Rack Rack Stores Phone : (563) 556-4050 Fax: (563) 557-3535 Rack Stores 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 254 256 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 279 280 281 284 285 286 287 288 289 715 719 721 727 734 735 736 738 739 740 741 744 745 747 Rookwood Rack Shops at Orchard Place Chicago Avenue Rack Brentwood Square Rack Rivers Edge Rack Orchard Corners Rack Manchester Highlands Rack Crystal Court Rack (SPRING 2017) Woodbury Rack (SPRING 2017) Shops on Main Rack (SPRING 2017) Arborland Center Rack Baldwin Commons Rack Lincoln Park Rack Springbrook Prairie Rack Oakbrook Place Rack Arbor Lakes Rack Mayfair Collection Rack Counterpointe Mall Rack The Shops at State and Washington Rack The Shoppes at Knollwood Rack The Greene Town Center Rack Southloop Rack Shelbyville Road Plaza Rack The Plaza at Jordan Creek Rack Kildeer Village Square Rack (SPRING 2017) West Towne Crossing Rack Algonquin Commons Rack (FALL 2016) West Oaks Rack (FALL 2016) Fashion Outlet Rack (FALL 2016) Cedar Park Town Center (SPRING 2017) Gallery on the Parkway Rack Baybrook Square Rack Preston Shepard Place Rack Rim Rack The Shops at Southlake Rack Gateway Rack Park Lane Rack Parks at Arlington Rack Sunset Valley Rack Centre at Post Oak Rack Market at Town Center Rack Alamo Quarry Rack Willowbrook Mall Rack 748 749 785 Village Plaza at Bunker Hill Rack Woodlands Plaza Rack Belle Isle Station Rack 260 297 298 Last Chance (Chicago) (FALL 2016) CS Rack Warehouse CS Rack Warehouse Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 149 Ship to DC 399 1600 South Milliken Ontario, CA 91761-7812 Full Line Stores 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 330 333 340 341 342 343 344 345 348 349 353 360 361 362 364 380 381 386 South Coast Plaza Brea Mall Los Cerritos Center Montclair Plaza Main Place Mall The Galleries at Tyler in Riverside The Shops at Mission Viejo Irvine Spectrum Center Fashion Island Americana at Brand Topanga Plaza Del Amo Fashion Center Westside Pavilion Paseo Nuevo Santa Anita The Oaks Grove at Farmers Market Santa Monica Place Fashion Valley Center University Towne Center Horton Plazas North County Fashion Square Chandler Fashion Center Fashion Show Mall 173 Trunk Club | Clubhouse TC Los Angeles Phone : (909) 390-1040 Fax: (909) 605-7116 Rack Stores 150 151 155 160 165 166 167 168 328 329 331 332 334 336 337 338 347 350 351 352 354 356 357 358 359 363 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 376 377 378 379 383 388 389 393 396 471 770 Tempe Marketplace Rack Wilmot Plaza Rack (FALL 2016) Winrock Rack (FALL 2016) Rancho Niguel Rack Marina Pacifica Mall Rack The Shops at La Jolla Village Rack (FALL 2016) Cerritos Plaza 183 Rack Tustin Marketplace Rack (FALL 2016) Chino Spectrum Towne Center Rack Brea Union Plaza Rack Towne Center Rack Lakewood Center Rack Colonies Crossroads Rack Outlets at Orange Rack Laguna Hills Mall Rack Metro Pointe at South Coast Rack Culver City Rack Glendale Fashion Center Rack Beverly Connection Rack Hastings Village Rack Burbank Empire Center Rack Edinger Plaza Rack Riverside Plaza Rack Topanga Rack West Covina Rack Plaza Bonita Rack The Shops at River Walk Rack The Shops at Town & Country Rack Commons at Temecula Rack Carmel Mountain Plaza Rack South Bay Marketplace Rack The shops at Summerlin Rack Esplanade Shopping Center Rack The Fountains at Farah Rack Ontario Mills Rack Stephanie Street Rack Chandler Festival Rack Mission Valley Rack Scottsdale Promenade Rack Grand Plaza Rack Arrowhead Crossing Rack The Corner Rack Mountain Grove Rack Janss Marketplace Rack Fresno Rack Last Chance (Phoenix) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 150 Ship to DC 499 37599 Filbert Street Newark, CA 94560-3537 Full Line Stores 420 421 422 423 425 426 427 429 430 434 706 Hillside Mall Walnut Creek Stanford Shopping Center Corte Madera Valley Fair Stonestown San Francisco Centre Arden Fair Stoneridge Galleria at Roseville Ala Moana* 188 Phone : (510) 794-5440 Fax: (510) 795-5816 Rack Stores 47 Waikiki Rack* (FALL 2016) 48 Ward Village Shops Rack* 428 Colma Rack 431 San Leandro Rack 432 Westgate Mall Rack 433 Howe ‘Bout Arden Center Rack 435 East Bay Bridge Shopping Center Rack 470 Roseville Rack 472 Ravenswood Rack 473 DT San Francisco Rack 474 Market Street Rack 475 Oakridge Rack 476 Persimmon Place Rack 477 Redfield Promenade Rack 478 Pacific Commons Rack 479 Sunvalley Shopping Center Rack 481 Palladio at Broadstone Rack 482 Coddingtown Rack (Santa Rosa, CA) (FALL 2016) Corp Reserve Stock (FLS & Rack Stores) * For Hawaii Store-Direct shipments, refer to Section 7 – Shipping Guidelines to Hawaii Ship to DC 569 – Elizabethtown FC 30 Distribution Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Store Phone : (717) 366-1300 Fax: (717) 366-1498 Ship to DC 599 – Cedar Rapids FC 7700 18th Street SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Store Phone : (319) 846-4000 Fax: (319) 846-4208 568 808 870 871 Elizabethtown Cedar Rapids FC iFulfillment Center iFulfillment Center Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 151 Ship to DC 699 839 Commerce Drive Upper Marlboro, MD 20774-7421 Full Line Stores 227 234 237 520 521 522 523 524 526 527 528 531 534 535 536 600 621 622 623 626 628 629 631 632 635 637 639 750 751 172 175 169 Beachwood Place Easton Town Center Ross Park Garden State Plaza Menlo Park Freehold Raceway Mall The Westchester Roosevelt Field Westfarms The Mall at Short Hills Providence Place Natick Mall South Shore Plaza Burlington Northshore Tysons Corner Pentagon City Towson Town Center Montgomery Annapolis Mall MacArthur Center King of Prussia The Mall in Columbia Dulles Town Center Short Pump Town Center Cherry Hill Christina Mall Southpark Streets at Southpoint Trunk Club | Clubhouse TC Washington DC TC New York Phone : (301) 390-7800 Fax: (301) 390-1229 Rack Stores 241 Legacy Village Rack 276 Easton Market Rack 277 Crocker Park Rack 278 Sun Center Rack 510 Destiny USA Rack 512 The Shops at Skyview Rack 513 Gateway Center Rack 514 Huntington Shopping Center Rack 515 Union Square Rack 519 City Center Rack 529 The Gallery at Westbury Plaza Rack 533 Warwick Mall Rack 537 Fulton Market Rack 539 Bergen Rack 541 University Station Rack 542 Liberty Tree Rack 543 Middlesex Commons Rack 544 Willow Grove Park Rack 545 West Farm Shopping Center Rack 546 Shoppers World Rack 547 Newbury Rack 548 Manhassest Center Rack 550 The Shoppes at Blackstone Valley Rack 551 Chestnut Street Rack 552 Maine Crossing Rack 553 Braintree Rack (FALL 2016) 554 Boulevard Consumer Square Rack 555 Mercer Mall Rack 560 Colonie Center Rack 624 Potomac Mills Rack 625 Columbia Crossing Rack 627 Towson Rack 633 Gaithersburg Rack 634 The Overlook at King of Prussia Rack 640 Fair Lakes Promenade Rack 641 Carolina Pavilion Rack 642 Cherry Hill Garden State Park Rack 643 Annapolis Harbour Center Rack 644 Tysons Corner Rack 645 Christiana Fashion Center Rack 646 Livingston Center Rack 647 Rockaway Commons Rack 648 Hamilton Cross Rack (FALL 2016) 649 Wayne Town Center Rack 650 Crossroads at Eatontown Rack 656 Lincoln Plaza Rack (FALL 2016) 670 Dulles Town Crossing Rack 671 Pentagon Center Rack 672 Friendship Center Rack 673 Downtown DC Rack 674 Springfield Town Center Rack 675 12th Street Rack (FALL 2016) 676 PA Northway Rack (FALL 2016) 677 Pembroke Mall Rack 754 Renaissance Center Rack 696 CT Rack Warehouse 697 EC Rack Warehouse Corp Reserve Stock (FLS & Rack Stores) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 152 Ship to DC 799 5497 NE 49th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32609 Full Line Stores 701 759 760 762 763 765 766 768 772 773 774 775 789 The Mall of San Juan Green Hills Perimeter Mall Town Center at Boca Raton Shops at Merrick Park International Plaza The Mall at Wellington Green Dadeland Mall Phipps Plaza Palm Beach Gardens Aventura Waterside St. John Town Center Phone : (352) 384-2111 Fax: (352) 384-2025 Rack Stores 711 712 716 717 743 755 756 757 758 764 771 777 778 779 781 782 783 784 786 787 788 791 792 793 796 797 798 Bowman Place Rack Ft. Lauderdale Rack (FALL 2016) Riverwalk Rack (FALL 2016) Ambassador Place Rack Promenade Shops Rack University Commons Rack The Markets at Town Center Rack The Mercato Rack Brentwood Place Shopping Center Rack Mall of Georgia Crossing Rack Sawgrass Mills Rack Miracle Marketplace Rack Millenia Crossing Rack Kendall Town & Country Rack Tampa Rack Buckhead Station Rack North Point Market Center Rack Palm Beach Outlets Rack Shoppes at University Town Center Rack River Ridge Rack Perimeter Expo Rack Harbison Court Rack Magnolia Park Rack Countryside Mall Rack Lake Brandon Plaza Rack The Shops at Midtown Miami Rack The Mall of Louisiana Rack NQC (Nordstrom Quality Center) 187 187 Nordstrom Quality Center Contact for routing instructions Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 153 | HauteLook Stores Ship to DC 591 – HauteLook c/o Bergen Logistics Building 1 Phone : (201) 624-2170 (ext 206) 7300 Westside Ave Email: North Bergen, NJ 07047 Store 591 HL East Coast Fulfillment Center Ship to DC 828 – San Bernardino Fulfillment Center 17335 Glen Helen Pkwy Phone : (909) 333-7700 (Receiving Department) San Bernardino, CA 92407 Email: Store 828 San Bernardino Fulfillment Center Canadian Stores Ship to DC 868 (visit for more information) 110A Iron St Etobicoke, ON M9W 5L9 Full Line Stores Rack Stores 830 831 832 833 834 835 Chinook Centre, Calgary AB Rideau Centre, Ottawa ON Pacific Centre, Vancouver BC Sherway Gardens, Toronto ON (FALL 2017) Yorkdale Centre, Toronto ON (FALL 2016) Eaton Centre, Toronto ON (FALL 2016) 844 On Toronto One Bloor, Toronto ON (SPRING 2018) Nordstrom Routing Guide Section 8 STORE/DC LIST 154 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Term Definition Airway Bill (AWB) The air industry’s equivalent to the motor carrier’s Bill of Lading. Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) Electronic packing slip or 856. Bill of Lading A contract of carriage between shipper and carrier. A Bill of Lading serves three purposes: • It sets the terms and conditions of the contract. • It acts as the receipt for the goods to be transported. • It provides documentary evidence of the party entitled to deliver. Cancel Date The Cancel Date shown on the Purchase Order. The Cancel Date is the last day to ship. It is commonly referred to as the “Past Cancel Date”. Claim A deduction processed against a vendor’s account for merchandise returns, shortages, cost differences, markdowns, advertising co-op, rebates, etc. Cargo Claims Claims written against a carrier for recoupment of merchandise cost and freight charges as a result of damage or shortage of goods delivered or complete non-delivery. Carrier Liability A contract carrier is liable for all loss, damage and delay with the exception of act of God, act of a public enemy, act of a public authority, act of the shipper, and the inherent nature of the goods. Carton A corrugation packaging type not to exceed 36" x 24" x 24" or 50 pounds. Contract Carrier A for-hire carrier who does not serve the general public, but who serves shippers or consignees with whom the carrier has a continuing contract. Collect Freight invoice payment terms indicating that charges will be billed to Nordstrom. Consignee The receiver of a freight shipment, usually the buyer. Consolidation of Shipment A Nordstrom requirement that all purchase orders going to the same DC on the same day must be consolidated onto one Bill of Lading or sub-bill, depending on which carrier is being used. Consolidator Assembles interliner or LTL shipments, organizes the freight by DC and purchase order, manifests shipments by DC and transmits to each DC to pre-alert them of the merchandise and delivery date. Releases freight by assembly to the DC. Cubic Feet Carton Length by Width by Height; multiplied. Cubic foot measurement. Customer’s Owned Goods Merchandise that has already been sold to a customer. Customer’s Owned Goods are usually Repair Claims being sent back to Nordstrom from the repair vendor. DC Nordstrom Distribution Center. See Section 8: Stores/DC List for stores serviced by each DC, and DC addresses and phone and fax numbers. The DC is usually the Ship To point on the Purchase Order. Department Number The department number is found on the Purchase Order under "Dept. No." The department number contains a type of merchandise belonging to a group of departments in a merchandise division. Dimensional Weight (Dim Wt) Carton Length x Width x Height; multiplied. Dim Wt or Cubic Foot measurement. EAN European Article Number. A unique thirteen digit vendor number, the European equivalent of a UPC code. Earliest Ship Date The Earliest Ship Date shown on the Purchase Order. The Earliest Ship Date is the first day to ship. It is commonly referred to as the Start Ship Date. EDI Electronic Data Interchange. All-inclusive terms for Electronic Data interchange transactions. Ability to transmit EDI transaction types varies with each vendor. Electronic Documents The Electronic Documents utilized by Nordstrom include: Electronic Invoice EDI810 Version 4010VICS UPC Catalog EDI832 Version 4010VICS Purchase Order EDI850 Version 4010VICS Product Activity Data EDI852 Version 4010VICS PO Acknowledgment EDI855 Version 4010VICS Advance Shipment EDI856 Version 4010VICS PO Buyer Initiated EDI860 Version 4010 GS1 128 Carton Label Version 4010VICS Functional Acknowledgement EDI997 Version 4010VICS Floor Ready Term referring to merchandise that is received ready to be transferred directly to the selling floor. Freight Allowance Amount of freight the supplier pays per purchase order or signed Corporate Freight Partnership Contract (freight agreement). 0 1 = 100% 2 = 50% 3 = 60% 4 = 30% Freight-Only Invoice Supplier pays no (zero) freight costs. Full, Paid: Supplier pays 100% of the freight costs. ½, Half: Supplier pays 50% of the freight costs. Difference between Air and Surface. On air shipments only, supplier pays 60% of the air freight costs. Half the difference between Air and Surface. On air shipments only, supplier pays 30% of the air freight costs. An invoice for prepaid freight charges sent to the DC Traffic Office. Nordstrom only reimburses for freight charges associated with jewelry, watches, gourmet food shipments and consignment orders. Appendix A Nordstrom Routing Guide GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 155 Term Definition Freight Chargeback (See Freight Agreement and Freight Violation Chargeback Codes/Descriptions for chargeback reason codes and descriptions) Supplier freight deduction document. There are two types of freight chargebacks: • Agreement: Supplier agrees to share freight charges. • Violation: Supplier is charged full freight charges plus a handling fee of $100. Violation is either of Purchase Order contract or the Carrier Selection and Routing Guide. Nordstrom deducts freight charges owed from the next check remittance. FOB Point A term of sale that defines who will incur transportation charges for the shipment, who will control the movement of the shipment, or at which point the title to the goods passes to the buyer. The original meaning was "free on board" ship. • FOB Factory: Title of goods passes to the buyer at the factory. Supplier pays no (zero) freight, unless a freight allowance is applicable. • FOB Consolidator: Title of goods passes to the buyer at the consolidation point. Supplier pays all freight costs to the point of consolidation, plus any additional freight costs, which are dependent on what is agreed in the freight allowance field on the PO. • FOB Store: Title of goods passes to the buyer at the Nordstrom DC or Store. Supplier is liable for the shipment until it reaches Nordstrom. Please note that FOB Store does NOT mean ship Direct to Store. Refer to the “FOB Point” Purchase Order field. Full Freight The supplier/shipper agrees to pay 100% of the freight charges. Refer to the "Freight Allowance" Purchase Order field. Full Load Shipments weighing over 1,000 lbs for Air shipments and 10,000 lbs for Surface shipments. Please contact the Volume Load desk if you have a shipment that fits this criteria— at least 3 days prior to the requested ship date. GOH “Garment on Hanger”, a hanging packaging shipping type. Gourmet Foods Perishable merchandise such as candy, or other food items. Hazardous Materials A hazardous material is a substance that poses more than a reasonable risk to the health and safety of individuals and includes products such as explosives, flammables, corrosives, oxidizers, and radioactive materials. Includes perfumes and other contents packaged under pressure being shipped via Air and Air shipments that contain Dry Ice cold pack. Importer of Record The company or individual who is listed as the importer with U.S. Customs at the time the goods enter the U.S. The Tax ID# or social security number of the "Importer of Record" must also be submitted to Customs. The Importer of Record bears all responsibility and liability for the imported merchandise. Inbound Freight Freight in route to a Nordstrom facility (usually a Distribution Center). Interliner The pickup carrier, usually for an LTL shipment. The carrier transports merchandise from the vendor to a consolidator. Jewelry Jewelry and watch shipments are shipments for specific departments. See Jewelry and Watch Shipping Procedures (Section 3). Landed Duty Paid The total cost of a product delivered to a given location, i.e., the cost of production plus the transportation cost to the customer’s location. U.S. Customs Clearance is the responsibility of the seller. The seller or agent of the seller is the "Importer of Record". All U.S. Customs duties and applicable taxes are for the account of the seller. Delivery to the named place of destination is for the account of the seller. LTL “Less than truckload”, a shipment weighing less than the minimum weight required to use the lower truckload rate. A pickup/interliner carrier direct to the DC’s or into a consolidation. Usually shipments over 70 lbs and under 10,000 lbs. Lumper A term applied to a person who assists a motor carrier in the loading and unloading of property. Manufacturer ID The first six digits of the UPC number. This ID may be used to identify the manufacturer. A single manufacturer may have multiple manufacturer IDs. Master Bill of Lading A uniquely numbered contract of carriage document that summarizes more than one DC shipment or sub-bills of lading. The Master Bill of Lading is the document that is signed by the carrier driver. Mode Method of transportation (service) used for shipments, usually Surface and sometimes Air. Refer to the "Ship Via Routing Guide or shipping method" Purchase Order field. Outbound Freight A shipment shipped from a Nordstrom facility to another Nordstrom facility or a vendor. Order Date The date the order was placed with the vendor. This is not the Earliest Ship Date. Pickup Carrier The interliner carrier, usually for an LTL shipment. The carrier transports merchandise from the supplier to a consolidator. PID Product Information number or vendor style number. Also known as vendor product number or VPN. POD Proof of Delivery. PO Verification Purchase Order Verification is a service provided by our consolidators. It confirms that the Purchase Order is active and is ready to ship. PO Verification may also be performed via email to Nordstrom. See Section 2: Shipment Preparation for further information. Prepaid Freight invoice payment term indicating that charges are billed to the shipper or supplier. Purchase Order A legal, binding contract between the Nordstrom buyer and the supplier. The Purchase Order number is an 8-digit identifier and is required on all packaging and documentation. QR Quick Response. The capability to send sales information to a vendor and have merchandise replenished immediately via EDI transactions. Appendix A Nordstrom Routing Guide GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 156 Term Definition Refusal A refusal occurs when a Purchase Order delivered to a consolidator or Nordstrom facility is in violation of the Purchase Order contract. Refusals are put On Hand and all expenses are borne by the seller. The seller has 30 days to give disposition to the agent in possession of the shipment. After 30 days, the shipment may be salvaged to recover expenses. Return Authorization An authorization number which is obtained from the supplier prior to the shipping return vendor claim. Samples Merchandise not for resale. Samples usually have no cost. Shipper The sender of the freight shipment, usually the seller or seller’s warehouse. Shipping Window The period of time between (and inclusive of) the PO Earliest Ship Date and Cancel Date. Short Shipments Shipment contents which are less than the packing slip count or a carrier shipment which has delivered less than the carton count on a Bill of Lading or freight delivery receipt. SKU Stock Keeping Unit. A SKU refers to a specific style, color and size of an item. Store Pack Packing by style, color and size (SKU) for a store. Sub-Bill A Bill of Lading always used in conjunction with a Master Bill of Lading. A sub-bill lists the detail information for a DC shipment, including PO’s and department number, itemized by number of cartons and weight, etc. Supplier Number Identifying number for the ‘ordered from’ company in the Nordstrom Merchandising System. GS1-128 Scannable bar-coded label located on the outside of a shipping carton. UPC Universal Product Code. A unique twelve digit vendor number. The first six digits are a supplier’s UC Block ID; the next five digits are a specific product identifier (SKU); and the last digit is a check digit. VAN Value Added Network. The designated communication network used to transmit and receive EDI transactions. Vendor Number The Vendor Number is found on the Purchase Order “Pay To Vendor” VICS Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Standards for EDI transactions, established by the Uniform Code Council (UCC). VMR Vendor Managed Replenishment. Vendor “Basic Stock” system that automatically creates Purchase Orders and replenishes merchandise based on sales and model information via EDI 852 sales and 855 Reverse Purchase Order. Volume Shipments A Full Load that exceeds the standard size/weight guidelines. • Surface: 10,000 pounds or more, or over 1,800 cubic feet, per consolidated shipment. • Air: 1,000 pounds or more per consolidated shipment. Volume Shipments are considered by the DC for possible Full Load shipment routing. Weight Break The weight at which carrier determination is made. Appendix A Nordstrom Routing Guide GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 157 APPENDIX B SAMPLE NORDSTROM FREIGHT PARTNERSHIP NORDSTROM FREIGHT AGREEMENT CONTRACT PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Supplier #(RMS9) Supplier site #(RMS13): Nordstrom Contact (please print): Store: Extension: Agreement is for all Nordstrom Departments unless noted below: X Pay-to Vendor#(RMS9) Supplier # (RMS13: Vendor Name: Phon e: Fax: Email : Date: Vendor Shipping Address: Vendor Contact and Title (please print): This contract applies to all shipments from the named Vendor or any of its divisions to any NORDSTROM Distribution Center or Store. The contract is effective from the date of signing until modified by agreement of both parties. Vendor agrees to pay the following. Please check the appropriate box(es): 1. 100% Freight Surface Air Both Total Freight 3. 60% Freight 2. 50% Freight Surfa ce Air Both Half Freight Air 4. 30% Freight Air Difference between Air & Surface 1/2 difference between Air & Surface 5. Pickup Charge to Consolidator 6. Ship to Country VENDOR's Signature: NORDSTROM's Signature: Not applicable for Canada USA Cana da Both Nordstrom Buyer: Please Email SIGNED Contract to; – Attn: Eric Cummins Appendix A Nordstrom Routing Guide GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 158 APPENDIX C SAMPLE BILL OF LADING Date: Page _______ BILL OF LADING SHIP FROM Bill of Lading Number: ______________________ Name: Address: City/State/Zip: SID#: BAR CODE SPACE FOB: SHIP TO Name: Address: City/State/Zip: CID#: CARRIER NAME: _______________________________ Location #: __________ FOB: Trailer number: Seal number(s): SCAC: Pro number: THIRD PARTY FREIGHT CHARGES BILL TO: B AR C O DE SP AC E Name: Address: Freight Charge Terms: (freight charges are prepaid unless marked otherwise) Prepaid ______ Collect ___X__ 3rd Party _____ Master Bill of Lading: with attached underlying Bills (check box) of Lading City/State/Zip: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER # PKGS CUSTOMER ORDER INFORMATION WEIGHT ADDITIONAL SHIPPER INFO (Dept#) GRAND TOTAL CARRIER INFORMATION HANDLING UNIT QTY TYPE PACKAGE QTY TYPE COMMODITY DESCRIPTION WEIGHT H.M. (X) Commodities requiring special or additional care or attention in handling or stowing must be so marked and packaged as to ensure safe transportation with ordinary care. See Section 2(e) of NMFC Item 360 LTL ONLY NMFC # CLASS RECEIVING STAMP SPACE GRAND TOTAL Where the rate is dependent on value, shippers are required to state specifically in writing the agreed or declared value of the property as follows: ‘The agreed or declared value of the property is specifically stated by the shipper to be not exceeding COD Amount: $ ______________________ Fee Terms: Collect: _X__ Prepaid: Customer check acceptable: __________________ per ___________________.’ NOTE Liability Limitation for loss or damage in this shipment may be applicable. See 49 U.S.C. � 14706(c)(1)(A) and (B). RECEIVED, subject to individually determined rates or contracts that have been agreed upon in writing between the carrier and shipper, if applicable, otherwise to the rates, classifications and rules that have been established by the carrier and are available to the shipper, on request, and to all applicable state and federal regulations. The carrier shall not make delivery of this shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges. SHIPPER SIGNATURE / DATE Trailer Loaded: _______________________________________Shipper Signature Freight Counted: CARRIER SIGNATURE / PICKUP DATE This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, packaged, marked and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the DOT. By Shipper By Driver By Shipper By Driver/pallets said to contain _X__ Carrier acknowledges receipt of packages and required placards. Carrier certifies emergency response information was made available and/or carrier has the DOT emergency response guidebook or equivalent documentation in the vehicle. Property described above is received in good order, except as noted. By Driver/Pieces Nordstrom Routing Guide Appendix C: SAMPLE BILL OF LADING 159