Monarch Eco-trip - Butterfly Pavilion


Monarch Eco-trip - Butterfly Pavilion
the monarchs
February 27 - March 4, 2017
Perhaps the most awe-inspiring of all of North America’s
natural events occurs with one of its most unlikely
creatures – the delicate and beautiful monarch butterfly.
Every year, nearly 300 million of these wondrous
creatures spread their brilliant orange-and-black wings
and set flight on a remarkable journey 2,500 miles
from Canada and the Northeastern United States to
their ancestral wintering grounds in the spectacular
Transvolcanic Range in Michoacan, Mexico. The
location of their sanctuaries remained a mystery for
thousands of years until they were discovered in 1975.
Tragically, this important habitat is being threatened
by logging and pesticides. However, the benefits of
ecotourism are creating a new awareness among
the local people of the importance of preserving this
ecosystem so the magnificent butterfly phenomenon
can continue.
Far away from Mexico’s famous and crowded tourist
towns, the pristine central highlands offer adventurous
travelers a rare alternative to the typical Mexican beach
vacation. While the monarchs are the main focus of this
adventure, our travels to Mexico’s charming colonial
villages will immerse you in traditional Mexican life.
Be one of the few visitors to witness this remarkable natural
event and help to preserve the wonders of the monarchs.
This trip is limited to 14 travelers, so please send in your
reservation form or call us today at 720-974-1863 or e-mail
us at to reserve your space.
February 27 - March 4, 2017
Day 1 / FEBRUARY 27
Arrive Mexico City, Mexico
Upon arrival in Mexico City, you will be met and
transferred to our hotel. This evening we will have an
orientation/welcome dinner at 7:00pm. (D)
Day 2 / FEBRUARY 28
Rosario / Angangueo
From Mexico City, we travel through the central
highlands. The surrounding countryside is breathtaking - the enormous snow-capped volcano
Xinantecatl towers over deep green pine forests.
We will continue on to the picturesque mountain
village of Angangueo to check into our hotel and
have lunch. Angangueo is magical indeed; narrow
historic streets grace this traditional mining village,
with forested hills surrounding its simple beauty. In
the afternoon, we will venture out to the nearby
Rosario Butterfly Sanctuary for our first encounter
with the king of the butterflies. Our journey begins in
the back of an open truck as we drive through the
pastoral countryside to the starting point of our first
excursion. When we exit our vehicle, we will typically
see our first butterflies fluttering about. We ascend
the majority of the steep trail on horseback, then
continue by foot until we reach the epicenter of the
resting monarchs. Millions of monarchs cover the
tall oyamel trees, and, as the sun warms their blackand-orange wings, the butterflies fill the air, illuminating the entire area - including us! Mexico’s sanctuaries are the only places in the world where you can
actually hear butterflies’ wings beating. The beauty
of the butterflies is so ethereal that many Mexicans
still hold the Aztec belief that the souls of the dead
are reborn as monarchs. (B, L, D)
Day 3 / MARCH 1
Chincua / Angangueo
In the morning, we drive to the Chincua Butterfly
Sanctuary for our second memorable experience
with the monarchs. As Carlos Gottfried, president of
México’s Monarca A.C., says, “When you stand in a
monarch sanctuary, your soul is shaken and your life
is changed.” In Chincua, we ride our horses most of
the way, and then walk down into the area of high
butterfly density. This afternoon we enjoy a tour of
the charming town of Angangueo. (B, L, D)
Day 4 / MARCH 2
Rosario / Valle de Bravo
This morning we return to El Rosario to observe the
butterflies one last time. Next, we travel to the lovely
village of Valle de Bravo, a typical Mexican town
with narrow cobblestone streets lined with red-tile
roofed houses along the shores of an enormous
man-made lake, Lago de Avandaro (Avandaro
means “dream place” in the Tarascan Indian language). Tropical vegetation, from bougainvillea
tumbling over terraces to brilliant flowers in the
Plaza Independencia, attracts a multitude of birds.
We will have the opportunity to relax in luxury after
two days of butterfly tracking. We can also take a
short walk to a local waterfall, where birdlife often
appears. We will spend the night at the luxurious
Hotel Avandaro Spa & Resort. (B, L, D)
Day 5 / MARCH 3
Valle de Bravo / Toluca / Mexico City
This morning we enjoy a short hike to a beautiful waterfall then we continue on our return trip
to Mexico City with a stop in Toluca, originally an
Indian settlement dating back to the 13th century.
Here we visit Cosmo Vitral Jardin Botanico, a spectacular botanical garden lit by stained-glass panels
created by Tolucan artist Leopoldo Flores. Tonight,
we will enjoy a wonderful dinner en route to our
accommodations in Mexico City. (B, L, D)
Day 6 / MARCH 4
Mexico City / Home
This morning you will be transferred to the airport for
your flight home.
Humpback Whale Extension
February 24 - 27, 2017
Off the Pacific coastal village of Puerto Vallarta
lies the mating and breeding ground of hundreds
of humpback whales. From our first-class tropical
accommodations, we will head out by small vessel to
view these leviathans. We may also have the opportunity to snorkel and bird watch on this wonderful
tropical wildlife extension.
Fee: $1495 per person, double occupancy
Deposit: $250 per person
Single Supplement: $695
Included: Three nights in a luxury hotel, transfers,
three whale-watching excursions, one dinner, three
breakfasts and two lunches, some gratuities, use of
special equipment (hydrophone, life jackets, etc.).
Not Included: Airfare between Mexico City, Puerto
Vallarta and your home city; personal expenses;
gratuities; some meals.
Tour Cost
$3095 per person, double occupancy
Single Supplement: $795 (not guaranteed see
Group size is limited to approximately
14 participants.
Included in Tour Cost
All transportation within Mexico (except for flight
to Puerto Vallarta for the optional extension);
all accommodations; all meals from dinner on
Day 1 through breakfast on Day 6; soda and
beer with meals; bottled water; park entrance
fees; horseback riding at sancturaries; taxes
and service charges, except Mexico’s departure
and airport taxes; services of Natural Habitat
Adventures’ (NHA) professional Expedition
Not Included in Tour Cost
Air transportation between your home city and
Mexico City (and from Mexico City to Puerto
Vallarta for the optional extension); alcoholic
drinks (except for beer with meals); airport and
departure taxes; gratuities to Expedition Leader;
items of a personal nature (laundry, telephone,
etc.); travel insurance.
Please be advised that single rooms may not
always be available throughout the entire trip.
For those single travelers who desire a roommate, we will make every effort to arrange a
match. However, if we cannot do so, half the
single supplement fee will apply.
Air Transportation
We urge you to check airline cancellation
penalties before purchasing airline tickets since
international departure times and flights can
change. Tours can also be cancelled due to low
enrollment. Neither NWF nor NHA accepts liability for cancellation penalties related to domestic
or international airline tickets purchased independently in conjunction with a tour.
Travel Documents
Visas are not necessary, but a passport valid for
six months after return date is required for entry
into Mexico and re-entry into the United States.
Travel Insurance
We strongly suggest purchasing travel insurance. Travel insurance information will be sent to
you upon receipt of your deposit.
We enjoy cool, dry mountain air averaging 65
degrees, with temperatures often dropping into
the 30s at night.
Physical Fitness
Visiting the butterfly sanctuaries requires walking for approximately two miles at a time, altitudes up to 10,660 feet, on very steep inclines
and sometimes over rough, rocky terrain, in
some cases walking up or down over 600
steps to reach the butterflies. The physical exertion involved can be considered strenuous for
people who are less active. Horses are available
to ride for some portions of certain trails at the
sanctuaries, though trails are narrow and rugged and riders must be alert to maintaining
balance. Due to the small stature of the horses
that are local to the Mexican highlands, the
maximum rider weight each horse can carry is
260 pounds.
The hotels on this tour have been chosen for their
authentic Mexican atmosphere and proximity to
wildlife. Angangueo is a tiny mountain village
with limited amenities, but enormous charm.
Because this area is remote, more luxurious
accommodations are not available. But we feel
that the village’s ambience, its involvement in
monarch preservation, and its access to Rosario
and Chincua butterfly sanctuaries compensate
for the basic accommodations. In contrast, in
Valle de Bravo we stay in the Hotel Avandaro, a
five-star resort complete with 18-hole championship golf course and full-service fitness, health,
and beauty spa. All of our accommodations
have private bathroom facilities.
Images: © Cindy Miller Hopkins, Mike Bruscia & Eric Rock
Please reserve
place(s) on The Kingdom of the Monarchs, Feb 27 - Mar 4, 2017.
Date of Birth:
Dietary Preference:  Regular  Vegetarian
Date of Birth:
Dietary Preference:  Regular  Vegetarian
*Street Address:
*PLEASE NOTE: Travelers not living at the same address must fill out separate reservation forms.
 Please call me to arrange air travel from my home city of:
 I would like to participate in the Humpback Whale Extension, February 24 - 27, 2017
Deposit Information
Kingdom of the Monarchs Deposit: $500 per person.
Humpback Whale Extension Deposit: $250 per person
 Check enclosed, payable to Natural Habitat Adventures
 MasterCard  Discover Card
Account #:
CVV #______Exp Date:
Cardholder Name:
PLEASE NOTE: Your final payment will be charged to your credit card at 90 days prior to departure.
Should you prefer to pay by check, you must indicate your preference below.
 I will pay my final payment by check. Please do not charge my credit card for final payment.
Double (please provide name of accompanying person if not shown above):
Single preferred (not guaranteed) with single supplement of $795
Single, wishing to share (not guaranteed) with smoker non-smoker
Waiver of Liability
I understand that by signing below I am acting for myself and for everyone in my party in acknowledging that the
Refund & Cancellation Policy, Wildlife Viewing, Terms & Conditions and Please Note sections in this brochure have
been read and accepted. I also understand that I and everyone in my party will be required to sign a release
of liability form prior to and/or during my trip. I give my permission for NHA to charge my final balance on my
credit card at 90 days prior to departure, unless otherwise noted on this form. I also give my permission for NHA
to use any image taken of me or anyone in my party by NHA or its affiliates for promotional purposes.
Note: Each participant must sign this waiver.
Please complete this form and mail it to:
Polly M. Andrews
Vice President of Programs and Interpretation
Butterfly Pavilion
720-974-1863 office
(303) 657-5944 fax
6252 W. 104th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80020
Payment Policy
A deposit of $500 is required to confirm your
reservation. Final payment is due 90 days prior to
departure, October 9, 2016. Your final payment
will be charged to your credit card 90 days prior
to departure, unless you indicate otherwise on your
reservation form. Please submit a check prior to the
final payment due date should you prefer to pay
by check.
Refund & Cancellation Policy All cancellations must
be made in writing. Cancellations processed
more than 90 days prior to departure
will require a $100 handling fee.
Cancellations made 90 to 45
days prior to departure require
a loss of 50% of the entire
program fee, including all
extensions. Cancellations
made within 44 days of
departure require a loss
of the entire program
fee, including all extensions. We reserve the
right to cancel this tour,
and in such case the entire
payment will be refunded
without penalty or handling
fee or any further obligation on
our part.
Wildlife Viewing
Since our programs specialize in viewing wildlife,
every effort is made to plan programs where wildlife is known to exist. However, the animals we visit
live wild and free and we cannot fully predict or
control their migratory patterns (nor would we want
to). In an attempt to locate wildlife which may have
deviated from its normal pattern, or in the interest
of traveler comfort or safety, we may be required to
make reasonable changes in itineraries. If it is necessary to change hotels or other facilities, comparable accommodations will be substituted wherever
possible. If changes or fluctuations in exchange
rates occur, additional costs may require the program fee to change with little or no notice. Should
NHA be required to cancel a trip due to unforeseen
circumstances, travelers will be refunded for their
trip cost, but neither NHA, nor Butterfly Pavilion
will be liable for accompanying expenses (such as
gear purchases, airline tickets, etc.).
All participants should be in good health and
capable of walking over rough terrain at altitude. By
forwarding the deposit for passage, the passenger
certifies that he/she does not have any physical or
other condition or disability that would create a hazard for him/herself or other passengers.
Terms & Conditions
It is Butterfly Pavilion’s, NHA’s and our cooperating
agents’ and representatives’ goal to select reliable
suppliers and contractors to provide air and other
transportation, hotels, guides and other travelrelated services; we do not assume responsibility,
directly or indirectly, for any loss, damage or injury
to property or person in connection with such
services. Each traveler agrees not to hold Butterfly
Pavilion, NHA, its owners, employees,
agents and representatives liable,
in the absence of their own
gross negligence, for any loss
or injury, expense or damage that results directly or
indirectly from any act or
omission of any person or
firm that is to or does provide goods or services in
connection with the trip or
with any available option.
You agree that Butterfly
Pavilion, NHA and its cooperating agents and representatives shall not be liable for
circumstances arising as a result
of acts of God, weather, detention,
annoyance, delays and expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, theft, pilferage,
force majeure, military, political or terrorist action,
civil disturbances, government restrictions, failure
of any means of conveyance to arrive or depart as
scheduled, and discrepancies or changes in transit
over which they have no control. NHA reserves the
right to change the program fee, dates or itinerary
with little or no notice. If such changes do occur, no
refunds will be made beyond those described in our
cancellation policy, and NHA will not be liable for
expenses incurred as a result of the change (such as
air ticket change fees, etc.).
Please Note
The information contained in this brochure was
prepared well in advance of the departure date.
Because of the program provided, dates, pricing,
hotels, modes of transportation and in some cases,
itineraries, change. If this situation does occur,
we will attempt to provide similar alternatives
but are not always able to do so. We hope you
understand. Please be certain to read Terms &
Conditions and Refund & Cancellation Policy
prior to signing on to this adventure.
6252 W. 104th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80020
February 27 - March 4, 2017
the monarchs