ibizan 817 a7


ibizan 817 a7
Carnival ‘16
Text & Images Claire B
After a dubious start
to the day the
itself and the Carnival in Ibiza Town
went ahead on Sunday February 7th.
Everyone was watching the skies, but
eventually the rain
stopped, the wind
dropped, the sun
came out and the
show went on, albeit
slightly later than
planned. And what
(Continued on page 8)
Axe The Tax?
Ibizan Online Poll Shows 59% of Respondents Opposed to Ecotax.
33% State Strongly Opposed, 19% Lack
Opposition Plans Confrontation In Government Session
Controversy Regarding Limitation on Tourist Numbers
Political positions over the tax are divided and
the next session of parliament is likely to see
battle lines firmly drawn with the PP Popular
Party intending to confront the government
with a whole raft of objections.
The new taxation, which has become known as
the Eco tax, is a levy that will be charged upon
every night/bed of
tourist occupation in the
Balearics. The initiative has been presented as
a means of raising funding to offset the environmental consequences of Balearics tourism,
however those environmental groups that
(Continued on page 3)
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Page 2
also online at theibizan.com
New Ways to Read Online
The Ibizan’s website has a new format offering
readers 3 alternatives to read the weekly edition
online, all being available within a single web
The aim is to offer as wide a range of choice as possible reflecting the wide range of devices and internet
services and speeds used to access the online editions.
From the last issue of 2015 readers have the options
eissue—our page by page replica of the printed
newspaper. Perfect for those viewing on Desktop screens, but with over 40% of eissue readers
accessing on phones and tablets it clearly has its
fans among small screen users too. The eissue
has the advantage of live links throughout.
pdf—a downloadable replica of the printed issue
that can be saved locally and read offline at your
leisure. To keep the file size manageable the pdf
version is compatible with adobe version 7 onwards.
text—the complete issue extracted as plain text
with an image of each printed page.
Readers can choose to subscribe to the Ibizan to receive notifications of new issues as they become available.
Up and Running!
budgetary delays and problems contantly thwarting the
implementation of the facility.
President of the IFCC, Helen
Watson, said "Today we have
seen the fruit of all our work"
The service commenced on January
25, and already has 42 patients on the waiting list, of
which 32 are now receiving treatment.
Representatives of the Ibiza and Formentera Cancer
Association have visited the new radiotherapy unit at
Can Misses Hospital. Manager of the Department of
Health, José Balanzat, and radiation oncologist, Alberto
Noah, hosted the visit alongside the team of medical staff
that will operate the facility.
Back in 2008 IFCC presented the Consell d'Eivissa a
40,000 signature petition calling for facilities in Ibiza to
save cancer patients the need to travel to Majorca for
their therapy treatment. Since then the group have
worked tirelessly to realise the project, with political and
Ed: Fantastic news, and huge gratitude owed to Helen and
everybody involved in IFCC, plus the many groups that have
worked on so many fund raising projects to help the IFCC in
their work.
Negative Inflation
Expo Expansion
A report published by the National Statistics Institute
(INE) has revealed that in January the Consumer Price
Index, the official measure of inflation, dropped 1.9%
from the previous month due to falling prices of electricity.
This means that last month, inflation registered in negative figures once again, at -0.3% - something which
financiers have tried to avoid.
The report also showed that the Consumer Price Index
was 0.3% lower than the rate registered 12 months
Last year closed with inflation at 0% at the end of December 2015.
The reason for the drop in the inflation rate has mainly
been attributed to the fall in electricity prices in homes,
which has been reduced 6% annually.
At the beginning of last year, electricity prices actually
went up, but this January they are much lower than
they were a year ago.
According to the INE, inflation is now at the same rate
that it was in November 2015, although it did claw
back negative figures that it had been registering since
July 2014.
In January 2015, inflation sat at -1.3%, the lowest rate
since July 2009. Since then, the IPC only registered
positive figures in June and July last year (in both cases
+0.1%). By the end of the year it had increased to 0%.
At the start of this year, food prices and services remained the same, but the reduction in the IPC also came
about because of cheaper prices of pharmaceutical products and, to a lesser extent, cars, clothing and shoes.
Prices dropped in almost every autonomous region, but
the biggest reductions were registered in the Canary
Islands and Melilla (-0.7%), followed by Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura (-0.6%). The
only region where prices went up was in the Basque
Country, while in Cataluña they remained stable.
Recinte Firal Improvements approved
A tender budget of 800,000 euros has been agreed for
the creation of a multipurpose hall to compliment the
facilities at Recinte Firal on the outskirts of Ibiza Town.
The building currently comprises a large space for trade
fairs and small rooms for meetings. The new area will
allow many different types of events to be staged including those needing telecommunications and audio visual
systems. On completion the area will expand by 315
metres to a total of 751 square metres of space available.
eGovernment budget
set at 500,00€
Vice president Viviana Sans has announced the award
of the contract to implement eGovernment technology to
T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU for a total of 523,000euros.
T-Systems bid was described as “the most economically
advantageous tender” and will last 4 years. The budget
also includes the reform and modification of the
council’s corporate website.
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
Page 3
Ibiza Tram Sham?
Whilst we use our best efforts in reporting all news objectively we will have to consider this piece as editorial - because the cynic inside us just cannot present the story without at best considerable scepticism.
Reports on the proposal for a tram connecting Ibiza airport
and ferry port ran on various media channels through the
week. Our first thoughts were more to ‘obvious hoax’ than
news, however due to the type of Tram put forward the idea
isn’t quite as outlandish as it might first appear.
Though the proposals do not require a civil engineering
project creating a completely new rail transport infrastructure, even the requirement of an overhead cable system and
devoted lanes within the existing road network seem rather
ambitious on an island that has been arguing for years over
what would seem the comparatively simple issue of where
to site a ticket office for its ferries. An island where, let us
not forget, we build a multimillion euro central bus terminus
in which our buses do not fit, an island that includes a guaranteed to flood when it rains intersection on its new road to
the airport. An island where taxi drivers average 120mph
and do so 6 inches from your rear bumper because there are
not enough of them, and hold protests to ensure there are
no more allowed. An island where a parking space in the
capital is, for three months of the year, rarer than somebody
using indicators on a roundabout. Given that we seem unable to get the basics of transportation beyond that of comedy status, the implementation of a completely new public
transportation system seems a bit of an unhelpful distraction.
When you then realise that said Tram would rely upon Ibiza’s
internet cabling for its steering and operation when most of
us would be happy to upload a photo without going to make
a cup of tea half way through, it starts to take on something
that has the potential as our next glorious and hilarious
Anybody that has suffered the indignity of peak season public transport from the airport will have gained an understanding of the misery of livestock on their way to the
slaughterhouse and so we would love to be proved wrong,
however we fear that any progress towards a tram service
will be slower than an August shuffle along the airport taxi
Transport just isn’t our strong point, and why should it be,
there is never far to go.
The 5pm Playa D’en
Bossa to Ibiza bus
would benefit from
Internet Trams
Ses Salines Trail
President Vicent Vicente Torres announced that the proposed tourist trail
in Ses Salines could begin next winter.
During an official visit at which the president was accompanied by San Jose
Mayor Josep Mari Ribas and representatives of the Roman Catholic dieses and
Balearic Institute of Nature a handover
of new resources was made which it is
hoped will go towards encouraging
greater use of the facility by tourists.
President Torres made mention of the
centre having been started using funding from the old tourist Eco tax. New
acquisitions include video monitors,
mobile telescope and binoculars, new
public information boards and various
publications with information as to Salines waterfowl which have been trans-
lated into six languages.
The proposed tourist trail now before
the Balearic commission of the environment would involve a 1.8million euro
investment to connect Playa den Bossa
to San Francisco and in addition to the
pathways include areas for bird watching and burial of overhead service cables.
San José Next for Net…
Residents in San Jose may look forward to the word buffering becoming
far less frequent in their lexicon following Telefonica’s announcement
that it is the next area into which they will extend Ibiza’s fibre optic network. This follows a similar recent announcement of provision to San Antonio thereby combining to vastly improve internet quality of service on
the West and South of the Island.
With commitments that San Jose will be operational before the summer
an investment of 2million euros has been made for installation of subterranean cables which will cover approximately 6000 households in the municipality.
Claims are being made that the new fibre optic service will offer speeds of
up to 10x higher than the current ADSL, however we have already received comments that the real usage does not come
anywhere close to the claimed speeds—though surely a
huge improvement over current services where many
areas receive less than 1mb.
In launching the project Telefonica’s Director of
Sales talked of video conferencing, cloud Movistar’s Director of Sales made no referservices and advanced digital homes ence to internet controlled cyber-trams in
alongside 4G mobile coverage to all announcing Fibre Optic services to San José
areas, however interestingly
there was no mention of internet
controlled cyber-trams on the agenda. The deployment is intended to encompass San
Jose, San Jordi, Port des Torrent, Cala Tarida and Cala Vadella.
would stand to benefit most
appear far from satisfied
with the level of assurances
offered that the taxes raised
would be ring-fenced solely
for green projects.
The proposals are synchronous with considerable debate around the illegal unregulated market in tourist
accommodation which has
increased hugely in availability through promotion on
websites such as AirBnB. In
this regard the Minister for
Tourism announced this
week proposals for a
“coordinated plan” of regulation and inspection involving all town halls, the government through the ministry of tourism and ominously
for those who rely on income in the unregulated
sector, the Spanish tax
office. See the back page
property section in this
week’s edition for a report
on the regulation proposals.
Opposition PP state high
amongst their objections
that it is wrong to attempt
any imposition of
the tax
with the issue of
the unregulated market
unresolved. The government
have responded to the PP
claims saying that they are in
no position to criticise as the
issue is one on which they
were happy to “turn a blind
eye” throughout their last
term of office, up to the
recent change in the Balearics power balance at the
December elections.
There has also been talk of
placing a finite ceiling on the
number of tourists allowed
to visit the islands, another
point on which the PP state
they intend to push for clarification in parliament.
Statements made following
recent trade fairs of a 2016
boom in early bookings for
Ibiza would seem to indicate
that the proposal for a tourist tax levy has not yet had
any negative effect on Ibiza’s popularity as a destination, however it seems inevitable that this political hot
potato will be boiling for
some time to come.
Our straw poll was conducted over 24 hours and accessed through social media
and online. Whilst we do not
claim it as definitive nor
scientific the intention was
to gain some idea as to
whether the true feelings of
local people would reflect
the very vocal objections
and criticisms made in the
‘Village’ aspects of life in
Ibiza can prevent people
from feeling able to express
their views against the tide
of opinion. Several people
expressed these feelings to
us around the issue of Oil
exploration off the coast of
Ibiza. Our poll was conducted on an anonymous basis
and though there is clearly a
strong bias of people opposed to the tax, perhaps
the more surprising result is
that just under a quarter of
people are actually in favour.
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Page 4
also online at theibizan.com
Food & Drink
Villa Mercedes
Words Carly Sorensen, Photos Hattie Scanlan
Since moving here in 2011, we've been big fans of Villa
Mercedes. It's classy and cool without being pretentious, serves delicious gourmet style food at affordable
prices, is set in beautiful grounds with a building
straight out of a classical Mediterranean painting and
has friendly and efficient staff managed by the ever
attentive, professional, personable and super slick
Javier. The atmosphere at Villa Mercedes is a unique
combination of upmarket yet friendly, cool yet welcoming and bustling yet calm. It's long been our go-to destination for a romantic dinner or celebration and is the
first place we recommend to visitors looking for a special place at which to eat out.
We were greeted by Javi who told us our table was
ready inside and to come on up when we were ready. In
all honesty, he is one of the
reasons we love the place so
much. We can go months without visiting but he always remembers us and greets us as old
friends - his attention to detail and
customer care is second to none. At
the entrance a smiling photographer,
and Javi again, greeted us with a table
loaded with Valentine's appropriate props
and snapped a lovely 'date night photo' before we
were led to a rose petal strewn candle lit table in the
window with a great view out over the marina. Our
waiter appeared within seconds, presenting us with a
drinks menu and explaining the Valentine´s menu with
a smile and a flourish and was quickly back with our
selected rose cava and some bread and allioli.
Now, onto the food. Oh my goodness, the food. Two
starters came out, the first was 'Amorous Prelude' a
beautiful asparagus, eel and cream cheese sushi which
had been lightly battered and quickly fried to give it a
warm crisp coating and sumptuous texture. I've never
had sushi like this before and will most definitely be
eating it again. Next came 'Eternal Passion' - a delec-
Pintxas 2016
San Antonio’s much loved culinary crusade is back
for its 8th edition.
The event to which half the island turns out for a
Thursday evening traipse around the many participating bars offering the small and scrumptious savouries in
what is a hotly contested contest for the coveted champion perfect Pintxo.
Running from 18th February to 24th March each tick
on your list of establishments will cost you just 2.50
euro for a Pintxo and beer/wine, or 4.50 at those venues offering a tapas and beer or wine.
This year there are no less than 46 participants spread
throughout San Antonio and slightly
further afield
with those outside town
serviced by a minibus
Use our map to
plan your route
and kudos to
can do the lot in
one night. Is
that possible?
2015 winning
Pintxa by reigning
Bar Es Puig
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
table salad of pan seared scallops,
mushrooms and king prawns on a bed of
beetroot carpaccio accompanied by a fresh
crisp salad topped with an edible flower and
drizzled in citrus dressing which was a fabulous
combination of smooth and crunchy textures and
earthy, rich and fresh flavours. Absolutely divine.
For the next course there was a choice of sea bass or
beef. I plumped for the fish, whilst Mike selected the beef
and both were just as delicious as the previous dishes. My fish
was cooked to perfection – moist, fluffy and flavoursome – and
the griddled asparagus spears, spring onions and zingy passionfruit
sauce were the perfect accompaniments. Mike's beef was tender and
melt-in-the-mouth with a creamy truffle potato mash and generous
squirt of a scrumptiously light and airy yet flavour filled cheese
foam. This truly was the food of love, and the sounds of pleasure
emanating from our table and those around us confirmed it!
After leaving us to enjoy each other's company, the cava and the
smooth sounds of live sax over chilled Balaeric beats, our smiling
waiter brought over a gorgeous looking dessert of pannacotta with a
burst of raspberry coulis in the middle and a spoon of dark chocolate
melted, poured then set over the top. This was sprinkled
with a delightful combination of freeze dried raspberry and mint shavings. Again, pure, delicious
indulgence. To finish off the gastronomic
glory was coffee accompanied by a
'French Kiss' – a tasty chocolatey
mouthful of decadence - followed by
a complimentary glass of cava. All
in all, an absolutely wonderful
evening out. We enjoyed some
much needed 'us time' in a
beautiful romantic atmosphere with food that was
truly out of this world. Hats
off to you Javier and team,
you surpassed yourselves.
Page 5
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Page 6
also online at theibizan.com
A Place Called Home?
Accessing NHS
services as a
British Expat
Where do you call home? Even those of us committed as lifelong
Ibizans may make a slip of the tongue when referring to the UK
or Ireland as ‘home’. Perhaps that will never go away, but as
much as we may consider our place of birth as that we call home,
the reality is that we have turned our back on it and so perhaps
understandably it has turned its back on us, certainly as far as
health care is concerned.
The UK tabloid’s present the NHS as something pretty well anybody can access, regardless of their nationality or previous contributions to the state that supports it, but an assumption based
on this ’open to all’ impression, or one of it being your birthright, could prove a very costly mistake if you were to need
healthcare in the UK and have not taken the necessary steps to
access medical services.
To this end the Department of Health have reissued instructions
on what you need and how to get it. After all, you’re Johnny Foreigner now.
ike many expats in Spain at some
point you will be returning home for
a holiday. Hopefully when the times
comes, you will have thought about how you will
be covered for healthcare while back in the UK.
It’s not as straightforward as it may have been
in the past and there are new procedures to
follow. If you are confused and not exactly clear
on how you would access the NHS, please read
on! We have divided the information by social
security status (e.g. state pensioner, worker etc)
and how you are accessing public healthcare in
Spain. So please read below and look for which
numbered group best fits your personal situation.
If you have any questions about the information
below, please feel free to contact our team
The Healthcare Team”
1. State Pensioners with a UK issued S1 form
OR Posted workers from UK to Spain (you may
have an S1 form issued by HMRC or using a UK
issued EHIC in Spain):
What kind of cover do you get?
You have the right not to be charged for the secondary
care and will need to access healthcare on the same basis
as a UK resident. Primary care is free at the point of use.
It’s up to GPs surgery whether they will accept patients
from abroad.
What this means:
If the local surgery accepts, you can see a GP. If you do
need to see a specialist you will need a referral from the
GP. You will only be charged for treatment if UK residents
would be charged for the same treatment.
You will also pay for prescriptions on the same basis as a
UK resident. If exemptions apply to paying for residents,
they will apply to you too. This means that state
pensioners will not pay for prescriptions while in the UK.
Please note that Primary care is usually NHS GP offices
and some Walk-in-Clinics (depending on the set up), as
well as some dentist and ophthalmology services.
Secondary care is everything else, including A&E and
hospital treatments.
What you need to present at the GP surgery or hospital?
State Pensioners will need to:
ask reception or the billing department to call the
Overseas Healthcare Team on 0191 218 1999 to verify
that you do have a registered S1 in Spain. Please have
your national insurance number at hand.
Posted workers will need to provide:
NHS number OR
ask reception or the billing department to call the
Overseas Healthcare Team on 0191 218 1999 to verify
that you do have a registered S1 in Spain. Please have
your national insurance number at hand.
2. Worker in Spain contributing to Spanish
social security or in receipt of Spanish state
pension or benefit:
What kind of cover do you get?
You are covered on a Spain issued European Health
Insurance Card (EHIC) or tarjeta sanitaria europea. This
means you are covered for any state-provided medically
necessary care that cannot wait until your planned date
of return to Spain.
You will pay for prescriptions on the same basis as a UK
resident. If exemptions apply to paying for residents, they
will apply to you too.
What you need to present at the GP surgery or
Spain issued EHIC
3. Accessing healthcare in Spain as “limite de
What kind of cover do you get?
You are covered on a Spain issued Certificado Provisional
Sustitorio (CPS), which is like a temporary EHIC. This
means you are covered for any state-provided medically
necessary care that cannot wait until your planned date
of return to Spain
It's Good to Talk
By Kate Stillman
Dear Kate
I have never been formally diagnosed but I have what I
would call depression for at least the last 5 years. Some
days are better then others and I am able to appear to
function normally even though what is going on inside
feels far form normal and on other days I literally curl up
under the duvet or on the sofa and can’t communicate
with anyone.
My partner doesn’t really get it but accept it when I have
a bad day and leaves me to it, often still keeping social
arrangements with friends if we had made them, which I
know is somehow the right thing for him to do but I
sometimes find difficult and even jealous that he can have
a social life and I can’t. Friends kind of get it, some are
sympathetic and some try to be but I always have this
underlying feeling that they think I should just snap out
of it. We don’t really talk about it.
However the most difficult thing for me is when people
ask why am I sad, or what’s wrong. The answer is that
I’m not sad about something but I am depressed, I am as
frustrated as everyone else that I can’t pin it on a “thing”
address it and get better.
You will pay for prescriptions on the same basis as a UK
resident. If exemptions apply to paying for residents, they
will apply to you too.
What you need to present at the GP surgery or
Spain issued CPS (you will need to apply for this every
time you decide to travel within EEA countries)
4. Early Retiree (covered by private healthcare
or convenio especial):
What kind of cover do you need?
Private travel insurance or you can choose to pay for any
NHS services you use
You will pay 100% for prescriptions or whatever your
insurance covers
What you need to present at the GP surgery or
You will need to show your insurance policy or pay
More information at
More Ibizan Guiri Guides at
I feel as if I have been fighting this for ages, too long in
fact and now I really want to find ways of making it
pass. DO you have any ideas on how I could do this?
Thank you, MD
Dear MD
Thank you for your e mail and I am sorry to hear you are
feeling the way you are. My first bit of advice is that you
book an appointment with your Gp explain what is going
on and ask that a full evaluation is done. It may well
transpire that your diagnosis of depression is correct but
there could be a multitude of other things that are making you feel the way you do. Some physical and some
emotional, which ever it is it is important that you eliminate anything physical so you can focus on the emotional
if necessary or in fact the other way around.
I hear you when you say it is frustrating when people ask
you what is wrong or why are you sad, depression is so
very difficult to explain to anyone and often the sufferers
have difficulty in understanding it for themselves let
alone trying to explain it to anyone else. It is so much
more complex then being sad or having a bad day but to
the rest of the world that is often what it appears like. I
imagine there are people that matter to you, people whom
you need to understand how you are feeling so they know
how to support you, and there are others that maybe you
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
Page 7
A Day In The Life of
Belle at Expo Kids 2016
Princess Belle
Hello lovely readers! You may know me from Beauty and the
Beast. I've dreamt of coming to Ibiza since I read about it in
one of my beloved books and this year my dream came true!
I've been here for a while now meeting the little ones of the
island at birthday parties and last Saturday I attended my first
big Ibiza event, the incredible Expo Kids day at the Palacio de
Congresos in Santa Eulalia. And what a fantastic day it was! I
danced, sang, read to and played with thousands of children
throughout the day, did glitter tattoos and make up and even
spun some candy floss! It was so much fun, and all my friends
from Ibiza Princess and Superhero Parties were with me too
… Ariel, both the traditional and the new Cinderellas,
Rapunzel, Snow White, Anna, Elsa, Spiderman, Iron Man and
Captain America. We had the best time entertaining the
happy Ibiza children! Spiderman danced, Iron Man showed off
his gadgets, Captain America taught some superheroes in
training how to use his shield, the Cinderellas, Ariel and
Rapunzel did makeovers, glitter tattoos and painted nails and
Anna and Elsa sang, danced, taught the little girls how to be
Princesses and did wishes with magic dust they'd brought
don’t see so often that don’t need to know so much detail.
Maybe the time has come to explain to those who are
close exactly how you do feel and what you need from
them. Generally you will find that most people simply
need to be communicated with so they feel that they are
doing what you want and not what they think you might
need, once this happens life can become a lot easier and
you will be able to focus on getting better rather then
worrying or getting frustrated by those around you .
I love your fighting spirit, you seem so strong but I also
wonder about the amount of energy you are using in
fighting this thing, be it depression or something else,
and if some of that energy might be better used accepting
that this is not something external to you but a part of
you. Not the thing that defines you but a part of you that
you accept and learn to manage so that the control and
impact it has on you and your everyday life becomes less.
By accepting something it gives us an opportunity to
control it, fighting often makes it more difficult to control.
I hope you are able to get the diagnosis that allows you
to move forward, please stay in touch and do feel welcome at our FREE support group which continues to
meet in confidence every Tuesday.
Warm regards, Kate
from the trolls in Arendelle! It was truly magical to see the
children's faces alight with wonder and joy. Of course, we all
chatted to our guests and posed for photos with them too...a
lovely little girl gave me a beautiful yellow flower, another
one shared her biscuits with me and I got lots of hugs, kisses
and high fives. I had the biggest smile on my face and
practically floated back home afterwards as I was so happy!
Someone said that more than five thousand people came
through the doors throughout the day, not only to meet us,
but also to play on bouncy castles, do arts and crafts, get their
faces painted, make sculptures from Jumping Clay, buy toys,
test out artificial grass, enjoy sweets, baked goods and tasty
candy floss and popcorn and to meet clowns and balloon
modellers. There was also a collection of food and donations
for Caritas, which was a wonderful way to give back to the
community. There was so much to see and do, I think it was
my favourite day yet out here in Ibiza...here's to many more
similar days to come! Huge thanks to Ibiza
Music Shop and the
organising it all
and to all of the Mums,
Dads, Grandmas, Grandpas and
children who came along and made the day
so special. I hope to see you all again soon!
When not moonlighting as a roving reporter for the
Ibizan, Carly, sorry Princess Belle, is available for
Parties along with a whole host of her co-Princesses
and Superheroes.
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Page 8
also online at theibizan.com
Continued from page 1
another fantastic carnival it was. Thousands
of people lined the streets of the town to
watch the parade as it passed in a riot of
colour and music and clouds of confetti. With
over 2,000 participants taking part this year,
we were treated to appearances from Snow
White, Pirates of the Caribbean, Priscilla
Queen of the Desert, African dancers and
animals, Samurais for Peace, ageing schoolgirls, Star Wars characters, Braveheart warriors, dancing surfers, Eurovision Freaks, walking windmills, hundreds of dancers and lots
more, plus the usual contingent of strange
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and odd-ball characters which make it a fun
event. It’s always a great show and in the
February sunshine, one of the best days out
in the year. With plenty of food and drink in
the Vara de Rey, including a giant paella, the
party went on well into the afternoon whilst
the prize-giving ceremonies took place.
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help you need.
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
Page 9
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Page 10
also online at theibizan.com
Community & Agenda
Thursday 18th Feb to Wednesday 2 Mar 2016
ARIES - Six of Swords
Dry your eyes, don’t look back nostalgically at the
past. You’ve been through a difficult time, but
the worst is now over. Out of stormy waters, into
calmer seas; is the basic meaning of this card.
The figure in the boat is you leaving behind any
pain; the swords represent the mind so you need
to overhaul the way you think.
TAURUS - Queen of Swords
This Queen's energy is strong and resilient. She's
not easily swayed by emotions and therefore
counsels don't be taken in by a sob story; set
your boundaries. You're caring and compassionate by nature, but that doesn't mean that others
should see your kindness as a weakness or that
you're gullible. Libra, Gemini or Aquarian women
offer help or support.
GEMINI - Judgement
Finding your voice or having your say in a nonjudgemental way is often difficult; you’ll need to
take a step back before you say anything that
others could take umbrage at. Weigh matters up
carefully even if you know you’re in the right.
Associates eventually see your point and are
willing to compromise. Your energy rises up like
the phoenix.
CANCER – Nine of Pentacles
Financially, you’ll have reasons to feel more secure about your long term future. However,
you’d like to feel certain about the commitment
of others and you’ll need reassurance that you’re
on the same page. Whether in business or your
personal life, you have to feel emotionally connected. Look for ways to balance your material
and emotional needs at this time.
LEO - Nine of Cups
Success on every level, especially emotionally.
Make a wish, because the universe is listening.
There's a sense of breakthrough with this card
because you've worked hard to achieve a dream
and the reality is within your grasp. We all go
through dark times but now you're being rewarded for past good deeds and deserved blessings
coming your way this fortnight!
VIRGO – Eight of Wands
Success is indicated in all areas of life, including
romance and work, if you aim high. Lowering
your expectations will only attract mediocre
people or opportunities, so raise the bar in life
and put out for the best. Being quick on the
uptake will also bring great success. You snooze
you lose; don’t take long to make your mind up.
LIBRA – The Sun
This card promises happy times as well as new
opportunities coming your way which, if you’re
quick enough, should be grasped by both hands.
You're on the way to increasing your personal
wealth so embrace the feeling of success. If your
health has given you cause for concern, this healing card brings vitality and a sense of wellbeing
at last.
SCORPIO – Ace of Cups
For some of you, this card indicates the beginning of a new love affair so if you’re available,
how nice! For the attached; watch that a flirtation doesn’t go too far unless you’re prepared to
accept the consequences. The spiritually minded
amongst you will be gain new insight and awareness which brings an inner peace. You feel relaxed and healthy.
Your path becomes clearer as a sense of determination and optimism replaces your world weary
feeling of late. Your positive attitude will be
infectious so that those around you are happy to
step in line with your plans. The Star brings hope
and encouragement after a stressful time. Any
health concerns/issues fade as you feel energised and up for adventure!
CAPRICORN – Page of Pentacles
Get your thinking cap on as you’ve lots to weigh
up and you’re in a bit of a quandary over a financial matter. If you’re asked for a loan, wait a
while before making any firm commitment. For
some there are career changes or some sort of
promotion. Consider furthering your education
or take a course to improve your knowledge.
AQUARIUS – Three of Pentacles
A great time to consolidate business opportunities; you’ve plenty of enthusiasm and are excited
about your future prospects. This is especially so
if working as part of a team. If you’re looking for
funding from projects then meetings will go well
and you’re able to convince those in positions of
power or influence that you’re the person they
PISCES - Justice
This card usually turns up when life takes you on
a new direction. Not all will be happy with your
choices, but you and you alone should be the
judge of that. We play a balancing act trying to
please others; however you must put yourself
first. Creatively, you're inspired and if you work
at it, you will produce something really amazing.
Cycling and
walking tours
Ibiza Town
Claire B
The Sports Board of the City
Thursday 13o
Friday 14º
Saturday 13o
Sunday 16º
Monday 17º
Tuesday 14º
Wednesday 14o
of Ibiza has begun its annual
programme of cycling and
walking tours from Ibiza
Town. They are on Sunday
mornings. Costs for both are
3€ in advance or 5€ on the
day. It is best to sign up in
advance as places are limited
for some, especially the
cycling tours. There’s a minimum age of 12 years for
cycling. See the link to the
programme below for full
details and where to buy
March 13 - Sa Caleta: Eivissa
– Sa Carroca – Can Jordi – Sa
Caleta – Platja d’en Bossa –
Eivissa. (33 km with 500 mts
climb - an easy route with a
technical stretch).
April 3 - St. Rafel: Eivissa – Es
Fornàs – St. Rafel – Puig d’en
Valls – Eivissa. (22 km with
473 mts climb).
April 17 - Infern (Rafel Trobat): Eivissa – Sa carroca –
Serra grossa – Fornàs – Eivissa. (25 km with an uphill
climb to sa Serra Grossa but
the rest of the route is easy climb of 561 mts).
May 8 - Peu de sa Talaia:
Eivissa - Sa Carroca – Mitja
Capella – Camp de futbol de
Sant Josep – Can Jordi – Sa
Carroca – Eivissa. (30 km
with climb of 475 mts - medium level with some technical
February 21 - Dalt Vila, Cap
Martinet and s’Estanyol. Vila
– Dalt Vila – Talamanca – Cap
Martinet – Ses Feixes – Piscina des Viver. 12 km. Level medium/easy. Leave from
Piscina Municipal des Viver
at 9.30am.
March 20 - Es Rafal Trobat
and Serra de sa Murta.
Route: Piscina Can Misses –
Cas Mut – Cementiri Nou –
es Rafal Trobat – Sa Carroca
and back to the starting
point at 13.30 by bus. 14 km.
Level: medium/easy. Leave
from Piscina Municipal de
Can Misses at 9.30am.
April 23 - Night time full
moon walk - Es Fornàs and
Sant Rafel. Route: Piscina
Can Misses – Can Negre - sa
Coma - camí des Fornàs Parc de bombers. 13 km.
Level: medium/easy. Leave
from Piscina Municipal de
Can Misses at 21.00pm. Return by bus at 23.30.
Full programme and details
of where to sign up:
Pancake Race
Cala Llonga
Brian Whetton
Last Saturday's Pancake
Race afternoon in Cala LLonga went ahead despite
strong westerly gusts of
wind which almost turned
the pancakes into Frizbies. A
shorter than usual undercover course was used to avoid
the "tossers" being affected
by the wind! Following the
three races it was all back to
Bar Pio for some delicious
sweet or savoury pancakes.
If that wasn't enough there
followed a BBQ prepared by
Becky and Manolo from The
Bunch of Grapes. Even
though the live music couldn't go ahead, due to "local
politics", it was still a very
enjoyable afternoon
St Eulalia
Teatroespana Wed 17th Feb.
Fri 19th Sat 20th & Sun 21st
at 17-30hrs; The Hateful
Eight (2015 Cert 18 3hrs
7mins) In the dead of a Wyoming winter, a bounty
hunter and his prisoner find
shelter in a cabin currently
inhabited by a collection of
nefarious characters.
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
Page 11
Hi Nick, I am hoping that you could put a
note in the paper that on Saturday 13th
we held our annual charity valentines
night for cancer and raised over 200€ with lots of coppers still to be counted. If
you could give a big thankyou on my behalf to the community in Es Canar it
would be most appreciated. Many thanks,
Jo, The Red Lion.
while in
r ...
Es Cana
Playa D’en Bossa
Claire B
Claire B
Ibiza Insights is a new series
of informal weekly talks
covering Ibiza’s history and
culture, organised by local
journalist Maya Boyd. Held
on Thursday evenings, there
have already been 2 really
interesting talks, given by
Emily Kaufman, author of
The History Buff’s Guide to
Ibiza who kicked off the
series with an illuminating
whistle-stop overview of
2,000 years of Ibizan history
from 654BC to AD1235. Each
week will focus on a specific
topic and will delve in more
detail into certain eras and
epochs during this time.
Thursday Feb 18 at 7.30pm
sees Martin Davies, one of
Ibiza's most prolific archivists, talking about ‘Jewish
Ibiza: Fact and Fiction’ – a
survey of compelling and
often illusory reports about
Pityusan jews over the past
two millennia. Martin is an
Ibizologist, author and the
founder of Barbary Press
and this is a rare opportunity
to see him talk in public.
Between now and late April
the programme is likely to
include talks on topics such
as myths and folklore, Ibiza’s
pirates, art and architecture
(including the infamous Ibiza
flora and
fauna, the
secrets of Ibiza’s churches, Canon
Isidor Macabich, the impact
of the Spanish civil war on
Ibiza and an in-depth look at
the Moorish legacy on Ibiza –
architecture, irrigation, music and words. There are also
talks planned on Ibiza's more
recent (and no less thrilling)
history with speakers covering the little-documented
Figueretas jazz scene of the
1950s, the bohemian port
scene of the 60s, the hippies
vs Franco and the birth of
the Balearic beat. Plenty of
food for thought over the
long, dark, winter evenings.
The talks last for about an
hour and there’s plenty of
chances to ask questions.
Attendees are asked to
make a 5€ donation to cover
the costs of the speakers
and hosting the event. Talks
are currently held in the
back room at Bar Costa in
Santa Gertrudis at 7.30pm,
but look at the Facebook
page to check, as there’ll be
another venue in March
whilst Bar Costa shuts for its
annual vacation. Food and
drinks are available before,
during and after, making the
whole evening an interesting
and social occasion. All the
talks are in English.
To know what’s happening
each week, sign up to the
Facebook page where details are posted - Ibiza Insights.
Sankeys Ibiza is putting
on a free club night
every Saturday until
April 22 down in Playa
D’en Bossa. Saturday
Feb 20 will be the 3rd
week and will see Ibiza
and Tribal Sessions
resident DJ Manu GonCheers Jo, You didn’t say
zalez playing a 3-hour
anything about this endset from 1.45-4.45. The
ing up in the paper.
night is also giving
space on the decks to
female DJs living in
Ibiza in a bid to give
one or more of them a
I think he must have
residency at the club,
and this week warming
nicked it from facebook.
up the proceedings is
Cheek of it!
the Spaniard Stephanie
Rosse from 12-1.45 and
finishing off the proceedings in the basement is Marta Dlm to
complete an all Spanish
basement line up.
Starting at 9pm and
6.30am, this night is
already starting to
pull in the crowds and
keep Ibizan residents dancGreat work Jo, and all in the Es
ing through the winter
Canar community.—another great
example of the ifcc fundraising
Entrance is free all night and
we report on in the news this
there’s a free aperitivo until
week. Well done!, regardsa, Ed
Glad I put a posh frock on, we
may as well make the best of
it, altogether, say Cheese!
an Office...
… Back At The Ibiz
Rock & Roll
San Antonio
Claire B
As part of the ongoing fiesta
in San Antonio, on Saturday
Feb 20 there’s a Rock & Roll
Festival with live bands and
dancing. Starting at 21.30 in
the Passeig De Ses Fonts,
playing live are
Lou Reyes & Los
Rockin CorsaWonder if they fell for it?
rios, Anita
Perhaps I should have
mentioned why I’m editing
in my pants. Er, hot-seat?
Trio and
I’m an idiot.
Frigolos. There
will be dance lessons
and performances from The
Sunset Swing Club.
View From The Pew—The Temptations of Jesus
Rev. Dr Peter Pimentel
This season of Lent lasting forty days and forty
nights is based on the forty day and forty night
fast of Jesus in the desert as he battles with
the mystery of evil. Early Christian tradition
says this event took place on the mountain
site of Jebel Quarantal in the Jericho area.
Emperor Justinian in the sixth century
erected a church on the summit to commemorate Jesus’ initial besting of the
Devil. The desert stretches west for a
dozen miles as it rises from the Jordan
River valley to the heights of Jerusalem,
a virtual no-man’s-land.
It seems historically likely that Jesus
did in fact begin his public life with a
spiritual battle against the mystery of
evil. The first century Jewish biographies of Jesus known as the Gospels
are replete with accounts of Jesus
vanquishing evil during his exorcisms.
These accounts must give us a good
idea of the sorts of things Jesus did.
We have every reason to believe that
Jesus was not just an exorcist but a
highly successful one.
The temptations of Jesus in the desert
were visions that Jesus had during his
momentous fast. This is clear from the
accounts: “And the devil took him up and
showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.” (Luke 4:5). That is only possible if
Jesus was “taken up” in a vision. The Devil then
said: “All these I will give you if you fall down and
worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone Satan! For it is written, ‘you shall worship the Lord
your God and him only shall you serve’”. (Matthew
4:9-10). That’s a profound challenge for each and
every one of us even (or perhaps more so!) today.
The Devil also “took him” (presumably also in a vision) to Jerusalem and “placed him on the pinnacle of
temple” with the challenge to jump! (Luke 4:9-13).
To survive that you would surely convince everyone
that you really were the Messiah of Israel! The traditional site for the pinnacle of the temple is the
southeast corner which looms 450 ft over the Kidron
Valley. That particular location was notorious in the
time of Jesus rather like the spot near the Clifton
Suspension Bridge at Bristol! The Jewish Historian
Josephus (AD 37-AD 100) says about the southeast
corner: “the valley was very deep that if anyone
looked down from the top of the battlements he
would be giddy, while his sight could not reach to
such an immense depth.” (Antiquities 15:411-412).
Services: Sunday21st February 10:30am San Rafael Church
The English-Speaking Church on Ibiza & Formentera. See website for locations & information. Tel
971 343383
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
Page 12
Victoria Beckham
It’s New York Fashion Week 2016, and it kicked
off with Posh Spice herself delivering perhaps
the best collection I’ve ever seen.
At VB’s show, my fave models of the moment
Karlie Kloss and Jourdan Dunne plus photographer
(the very naughty minded) Terry Richardson took in the
event from the front row.
Victoria Beckham's show took place under the
Renaissance glory of the hand painted dome of uber
venue Cipriani's, clashing happily against a modernist
checkerboard carpet. Harper and the boys sat, as good as
gold, with David on the front row, as mum showed her
latest collection... Here’s my pick of the best.
then tweed, in shades
of burgundy, dresses
that clung paired with
stompy heeled ankle
nothing fragile here.
This was not so much
the pieces but the
layering, she said backstage, and I can
see what she meant: though the bits
were good separately, the whole was
greater than the sum of the parts. Oh,
and I wanted to wear lots of it.
I salute you Vb! X
Read Amanda’s fashion blog
Steal That
Celebrity Style:
Blake Lively.
The cling
Drop waist dresses hugged the
body, then frilled out into
striped lampshades. Ribbed knit trousers clung, flaring
out to drag along the floor over...
The clash
In print (a checked blouse with a striped skirt) or colour
(tangerine and navy, khaki and blue.)
The new sexy
Silhouettes followed the body, but VB's is a very modern
type of sexy- a double bustier top of first ribbed knot,
Sophia Valentine
I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year, it seems so long
ago already! I was glad to be able to
catch up on some reading, and watch
movies. I love checking out glossy
magazines, and for me, celebrity styles
tend to stand out more. I like to see what the artists, actors, actresses etc wear to premiers, or even just on a day
to day basis. Every other week I will bring you the fashion
of a particular celeb. This week it’s one of my favourite
actresses, Gossip Girl’s, and Gucci models very own: Blake
Lively. Her wardrobe is flawless, whether she’s glammed
up, or casual.
If you want to steal her style, here are the sort of clothes
she wears. You don’t have to
spend a fortune and copy the
designer outfits, as the highstreet offers similar affordable priced clothing. Also, the
majority of her outfits can be
worn whatever your age, as
her style is simple, yet classy.
Blake is almost always seen
sporting a pair of heels. She
usually wears a classic stiletto, or knee, or ankle boots. If
she does wear flats, it’s usually pretty pointy toe shoes, or
flip-flop sandals that look
great with almost any outfit.
The above mentioned footwear can glam up your look in
an instant, whether you’re
wearing leggings, jeans, a
dress, or skirt.
A mac coat. On the cold
nights, a knee-length mac
coat is perfect. Blake has a
huge selection of these coats,
all different colours:
beige, grey, white and so on. She even wears mac’s with
leather sleeves, to give it that bit of rock-girl-chick edge.
She’s also pictured in leather jackets quite a lot too, and
smart blazers. These coats, again, can be worn with anything.
Dresses / Skirts. She tends to favour dresses and skirts,
and who wouldn’t when they look so pretty and girly?
Knee-length skirts are perfect worn to work, or in the
daytime. A shorter skirt is usually her night-time look.
Dresses are also her signature look. Again, she tends to
stick with ones just skimming the knee, giving off a
dressy, but classy look. Floor length dresses and gowns,
she is seen regularly wearing to premiers and big events.
Jumpers / Vests. These can be worn with almost anything,
whether it’s teamed with jeans, or leggings for the day
look, or added to a skirt for a more stylish evening look.
Trousers. Blake tends to wear trousers, more than she
does jeans. Trousers can be worn with absolutely everything and perfect for the day or night, and even to work.
They tend to look smart, and hide any sign of casual-wear.
Handbags. Blake completes her outfit with a statement
handbag. Again, this doesn’t have to be designer, but it
will stand out more if matching your outfit, whether it’s
the colour, or material. Her favourites are either an oversized bag, or a clutch bag.
So there you have it. If you want her
style, stock up on: heels,
skirts, dresses, vests, trousers and oversized / clutch
If you have a celebrity
whose style you’d like to
see mentioned here, then
please head on over to my
blog and let me know! I
have many favourites from
the likes of Olivia Palermo,
Audrina Patridge, Kendall
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
The Workout Club Ibiza
And Hostal La Torre
Hostal La Torre, is located in
an exclusive are of Ibiza, Cap
Negret, just 3 km from the
centre of San Antonio, surrounded by Mediterranean
vegetation, the coves of Cala
Gracio and Punta Galera. A
place to relax and enjoy one of
the most magic sunsets in the world.
The hotel has 17 rooms, which are all quiet and comfortable with fully fitted bathrooms, designed for all your
needs. Complimentary towels and toiletries are provided.
It is a beautifully decorated luxurious hotel with modern
facilities and a superb outside area within peaceful surroundings of pine and olive trees. Set against the backdrop of the Mediterranean where the sun sets in front of
Amanda O’Riordan
Summer is still some way off but I’m already itching to
get over to Ibiza. We all know that a week on the White
isle can leave us partied out, bloated and exhausted, but
have you ever contemplated a 7 day retreat in Ibiza without Pacha, Paella and Sangria con Cava?
Page 13
From 1st to 8th of May, you can have this all-inclusive
wellness retreat experience. A balanced combination of
relaxation, wellness activities, and mindset where all
senses will be used in comfortable and harmonious surroundings.
For more details, prices and bookings
How about detoxing and re-energising your mind, body
and soul Balearic style? Well, the people behind our
favourite sunset bar, Café Mambo, have launched an
idyllic Wellness Retreat guaranteed to recharge your
batteries, energise your mindset and send you home with
a sparkle in your eyes.
On the increasingly trendy San Antonio coastline,
The Workout Club and Hostal La Torre is a wellness spa
and yoga retreat in hotel surroundings. Their mission is
to let their guests feel brighter, lighter and tighter and
they’ll assist you in staying on track when returning
home with an aftercare coaching programme.
hian ary
To Rnnivers
py A Xx
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Live FA
See Ou up This Wee
r Adve
rt On P end.
age 13
Natural Born Runner. Bath’s
Joseph scores a hat-trick in
England’s 6 nations match v
Jezza’s Sports Report ...
Let's start with ...
and oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear! With
England 2-0 up and 3 to go in the
One Day Series in South Africa,
there was me hoping that Captain
Morgan's boys would finish it off,
with worst case scenario a 3-2 Series win to go with England's Test
Series win. But hey, this is England
we're talking about, and, yes, you
guessed it, a 3-2 win but for the
Proteas as they won 3 on the trot, 2
easily and one by one wicket, to
take the Series and continue their
amazing ODI result sequence, not
having been beaten in a home Series since 2002. Shame really, because in two of England's losses,
Root scored a ton and Hales a maiden 100, and there were good bowling performances by Topley, Ali and
Rashid. Anyway, on to the T20's
now to complete the tour and let's
hope the boys can get in good fettle for next month's World T20 Cup.
Rugby Union
now, and the 6 Nations, and England have got off to a flyer, with
two away wins, the first in Scotland
and t'other at the w/end in Rome,
beating Italy by 40-9, featuring an
18 minute hat-trick of tries from
Bath favourite, centre Joseph. Still,
as the press have reported England
have won the 2nd Division, but now
face the big boys, with next up
Ireland (a draw agin Wales and a 109 loss to France) at Twickenham
and then Wales at home and France
away. As for the Welsh, after their
draw in Dublin meaning that neither can win a Grand Slam, they
came back to form to beat Scotland
in Cardiff, but only just, by 27-23. As
for the wooden spoon, looks like
either Italy or Scotland as they
meet in Rome later. In the Women's
6 Nations, there were wins for England, 33-24 over Italy, Wales 23-10
over Scotland and France, 18-4 over
Ireland. As for the domestic scene,
a shock at Saracens as the Premiership leaders were thrashed by
Wasps 64-23, and there were wins
for Bath, at last, Gloucester, Northampton, and Sale.
Page 14
also online at theibizan.com
Rugby League
and a few shocks have occurred
already and we're only in to the
second matches of the Super
League season. Leeds, current holders and due to play in the World
Club Challenge on Sunday, were
thumped 56-12 by current leaders
Widnes, while the week before St
Helens were stuffed by Hull, currently 2nd in the table with 2 wins
from 2. Elsewhere there were wins
for 3rd placed Warrington (2 wins
from 2), 4th placed Wigan (ditto)
and Castleford.
and after the w/end's results,
Leicester remain top of the pile by
2 points despite losing 2-1 at 3rd
placed Arsenal but must be congratulated for their previous 3-1
win at Man City, who are still in 4th
but have now lost back-to-back
home matches, following their
recent 2-1 defeat to on-fire and 2nd
placed Tottenham. Tell me if I'm
wrong, but methinks t'was a big
mistake to go public so early on the
arrival of Guardiola at the end of
the season as City's form since the
announcement has been dire and
some of their “stars”, such as Toure,
are just not performing. As for the
2 North London clubs, I really think
the title is between them and
Leicester, but will Arsenal do their
usual and slip up when the going
gets tough. Mind you, can't believe
their team after Saturday's win as
Ozil Facebooked (is that what you
do?) a group photo of the team (bar
Petr Cech, the only one of 'em
who's actually won the League and
who knows that there's still a long
way to go) celebrating as if they
had already won the title. If that's
not a red rag to a bull for Spurs and
Leicester I don't know what is.
As for me, using a Keegan-style
rant, I'd absolutely love it if either
one of those two won it as not only
am I a closet Spurs fan (but don't
tell anybody!), but I also feel that
Leicester deserve it for their season
so far. Meanwhile 5Th placed Man
Utd, desperate to get in to the CL
places were grateful to neighbours
City as altho' they lost 2-1 at Sunderland (for the first time for over
20 years!) City's loss kept them
only 6 points behind when it could
have been at least 7. Obviously, all
this press talk about Jose replacing
LVG at the end of the season is
getting to them and with Southampton and West Ham putting a
run together, currently 6th and 7th
respectively and only a point behind Utd, the former after their 1-0
win at Swansea, and the latter after
a 2-2 draw at Naaarwich, the pressure must be getting to them. Elsewhere, Liverpool, with a fit-again
Sturridge at last, put their recent
form behind them with a 6-0
thrashing of seriously-in-the-poo
and bottom placed Aston Villa at
Villa Park, Watford scored a late
winner at Crystal Palace, who are
dropping down the table like a
stone, Everton, with 34 attempts at
goal, incredibly failed to take at
least one and paid the price as they
lost 1-0 at home to West Bromwich,
and Stoke bounced back from 2
successive 3-0 losses to win 3-1 at
Bournemouth. Chelsea, at last, are
really beginning to look like the
current champions that they are as
they went to town at the Bridge
stuffing poor Newcastle 5-1. What a
turnaround since Jose left, as under
Hiddink (34 matches now as interim
manager in 2 spells and only ever
beaten once!) they haven't lost in
11 matches and Costa's firing on all
cylinders and it just makes me wonder what could have been. Still, as
they say, the season a'int over yet
'til Oprah Winfrey sings especially
as this week sees the return of the
European Cups as well as the FA
Cup at the w/end. In the Champions
League first k/out round, the Blues
face a daunting task on Tuesday,
playing their first leg at runaway
French Ligue leaders Paris SG, the
3rd time these teams have faced
each other in 3 seasons in the CL
with the current score 1 each, while
in the Europa first k/out round the
remaining 3 English clubs are all
away with Liverpool in Augsburg,
Tottenham in Fiorentina and Man
Utd in Midtjylland (who?). Domestically, it's a break for some Premier
League clubs (including Leicester so
what an advantage they have, eh!)
as the FA Cup takes precedence
with the match of the round taking
place at the Bridge on Sunday as
Chelsea take on Man City, who, I
understand, intend to field a second string due to the fact that they
play in the CL next week! Sorry, no
excuse! There's normally a shock or
two at this stage so look no further
than Leeds at Watford, Blackburn
at home to West Ham and Reading
at home to West Brom, altho' I for
one can't see it! Finally, that Messi
is a cheeky chappy isn't he, as he
set Suarez up for a hat-trick in Barca's win in La Liga at the w/end.
Leading 3-1 with Suarez on a brace,
Barca were given a penalty, so up
stepped Leo and instead of going
for goal himself, he tapped the ball
to the Biter who promptly scored
for his 3rd. Why not just give the
spot kick to Suarez in the first place
or were they just showboating 8in
other words just taking the pi55, in
which case that was seriously arrogant and downright condescending
to the opposition, n'est pas? Whilst
talking La Liga, hoorah, hoorah, at
last, after 11 matches, Gary Neville
gained his first league win as Valencia won 2-1 at home to strugglers
Espanyol, but even then they had to
come from a goal down! Anyway,
well done mate.
'Tis all for this week, speak again in
The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
also online at theibizan.com
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Editor: Nicholas Gibbs
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The Ibizan, Thursday 18th February 2016, Issue 817
Page 16
also online at theibizan.com
Minister Declares War on
Unregulated Holiday Lets.
Tuesday 16th Feb 16: The Minister
announced plans for a coordinated
inspection process of unlicensed
tourist accommodation to the
Balearic Parliament.
The initiative is to involve all of the
Town Councils together with the
Balearic Government, through the
Ministry of Tourism, and the Tax
"It is the first time such an initiative
has been undertaken" announced
Barceló, in outlining the move designed to “bring order to the
unregulated supply in the islands.”
Estimates of the level of accommodation in the illegal sector renting
rooms and entire properties that
do not have the necessary tourist
licences vary greatly with some
claims that 130,000 of 360,000
tourist beds throughout the Balearics fall into the unregulated sector.
The new initiative is announced
alongside proposals for the new
Ecotax on tourist occupancy (see
news section) and opposition politicians say the issue of licensing has
to be resolved before the tax can
be implemented.
PP Deputy Álvaro Gijón claims the
financial consequences could be as
high as a 44 million euro miscalculation resulting from the 40% of
tourists who would not be taxed
due to staying in unlicensed accommodation.
She also pointed out that there are
many problems with multi-family
For its part, the Minister of Tourism
said that "this is not a new
problem" and that the PP are in no
position to criticise as they looked
the other way during their years of
rule prior to the recent elections.
"They had the same number of
opportunities as us and decided to
look elsewhere," said Barcelo.
The Minister announced that a
Ref: 491
2 beds
Cala Tarida
Ref: 517
2 beds
San Jose
Ref: 530
3 beds
Cala Gracio
Ref: 381
6 beds
450m2 built on
18500 plot
San Rafael
Ref: 102
5 beds
355m2 built on
5085 plot
Roca Llisa
Ref: 272
6 beds
302m2 n built
on 2653+m2
Cala Carbo
meeting will be held Thursday at
which the councils will fine tune
the draft regulation, which will
thereafter go to ensure all homes
meet requirements of quality,
safety and service.
Ref: 553
3 beds
Ref: 359
7 beds
140m2 built on
7000 plot
San Jose