Our Iowa Family
Our Iowa Family
Our Iowa Family The History and Stories of these families and more: Rash, Higgason, Hammer, Brown, Campbell, Adams, Fahey, O’Neill, Phinney By Robert A. Fahey 2 3 Table of Contents Family Tree Diagram – Descendants of Dean and Avonelle Rash ..................................................................... 6 Joyce Rash & family photos ............................................................................................................................... 14 Jim Rash & family photos .................................................................................................................................. 18 Clyde Rash & family photos ............................................................................................................................... 22 Barb Rash & family photos ................................................................................................................................ 25 Janice Rash & family photos .............................................................................................................................. 28 Marian Jean Rash & family photos .................................................................................................................... 32 Sharon Rash & family photos ............................................................................................................................. 35 Carol Rash & family photos ............................................................................................................................... 38 Linda Rash & family photos ............................................................................................................................... 40 The Old Place ..................................................................................................................................................... 41 The McClean Place ............................................................................................................................................. 65 Descendants of Thomas Rash ............................................................................................................................. 73 Descendants of Johannes Hammer ................................................................................................................... 186 Descendants of John Brown ............................................................................................................................. 227 Descendants of John Higgason ......................................................................................................................... 235 Descendants of Colin Campbell ....................................................................................................................... 256 Descendants of John Adams ............................................................................................................................. 269 Photo, 1909 - Family of Melvin and Esther Rash............................................................................................. 274 Photo, 1895 - Sons and daughters of Robert Rash, and their descendants ....................................................... 276 Photo, 1998 - Avonelle Higgason Rash and family on her 90th birthday ......................................................... 280 Miller Cemetery ................................................................................................................................................ 282 Descendants of Francis Fahey .......................................................................................................................... 287 Descendants of Bernard O'Neill ....................................................................................................................... 313 Descendants of John Phinney ........................................................................................................................... 322 Sue .................................................................................................................................................................... 333 4 Introduction I’m writing this in 2009, near the end of the first decade of this new century and new millennium. There were millennia before that, but we’re using the Christian calendar. You know what A.D. means? It doesn’t mean “After Death” any more than B.C. means “Before Christ,” but there seem to be plenty of people running around believing that. It means Anno Dominus, the Latin for “In the Year of Our Lord.” Avonelle Rash, my mother’s mother, was a strong believer in Our Lord, and read her Bible regularly. She passed five years ago now, in the Year of Our Lord 2004. She continued a long tradition of Christianity in the family. Hers was a more generic Christian faith, but go back a little and you’ll find generations of Quakers, also known as Friends. Religion played an important part in their lives. Being anti-slavery and anti-war, they found themselves unpopular in the southern states, and that’s part of why our history is tied to Iowa. We’ll start off with the fundamentals. The nine pages immediately following this introduction comprise a single family tree diagram. It shows a rural Union, Iowa farmer named James Dean Rash and his wife Hazel Avonelle (Higgason) Rash, and all their descendants as of this writing. After that, we’ll delve into history and trace Dean and Avonelle’s roots back as far as we can manage. The last 14 percent of this book is given over to my father’s side: the Faheys, O’Neills and Phinneys. It’s just as detailed as the rest of the book, but considerably fewer people are involved. There’s a fascinating history there, too, with stories of struggles and hardship, veterans of most wars this country has been in, and a concert pianist struck down at age 37 by the Flu Pandemic of 1918. I long debated whether to make my father’s side into a separate book, but ultimately decided I wanted my niece Katie to have her mother’s whole family history in a single volume. If you define the complete scope of this book as giving vital statistics about my grandparents and their children, then most everything you could want is here. First, the facts: names, birthdates, birthplaces, wedding dates, death dates and more. Second, where possible I’ll give you the personal words, stories, photos and even maps that surpass the raw data and tell something about a family. Our family. If, however, you define the scope of this book as being the complete genealogical story of this family, then you’ll have to take up where I’ve left off and write new chapters. Going back in time, my information falters. I just say, well, this person came to America (or what would become America) from such-and-such country in Europe, and if you want to know more then look it up for yourself. I’ve done my job, made a nice start for you, now keep going. Going forward in time… Well, there’s the real problem, isn’t it? I don’t know how much farther I get to go forward in time, any more than did my ancestors or my beloved Sue. On the day this book is published, I’ll try to make sure it includes all of Dean and Avonelle’s descendants up to that point. After that, it’s up to you. Keep it going. Bob Fahey 2009 The humblest of individuals can be transformed by the grandeur of the associations inherited by him – Dean Stanley, 1815-1881 5 1938 –Joyce Rash More photos of Joyce and family starting on page 14. More about Bettie Higgason on page251. Terry Johnson 6 Avonelle Rash with son Jim Jim Rash More photos of Jim and family starting on page 18. 7 Clyde Rash Clyde Rash More photos of Clyde and family starting on page 22. 8 Barb Rash More photos of Barb and family starting on page 25. 9 More photos of Janice and family starting on page 28. Janice Rash, July 1941 10 Marian Jean Rash More photos of Marian Jean and family starting on page 32. Marian Jean Rash, July 1941 11 Sharon Rash Sharon Rash More photos of Sharon and family starting on page 35. 12 Linda Rash More photos of Carol and family starting on page 38. More photos of Linda and family starting on page 40. 13 Carol Rash Joyce Rash & family photos Joyce (Rash) Johnson & Gunnar Johnson, May 1998 Off to the Air Force - Joy & Gunnar, Oct 1945 Joyce Rash Johnson & kids Caren Johnson Swales & Terry Johnson, December 2007 14 Joyce Rash, 16 years old, 1942 June 18, 2011, l to r: Caren Johnson Swales, Whitney Swales Lee, Kyle Joseph Lee, Joyce Rash Johnson, Bobbie Carr Johnson. Joyce Rash with her great-uncle Cressie Allen (see page 242), husband of Ina (Higgason) Allen, who was sister of Joyce’s maternal grandfather Walter Higgason. Ina and Cressie were aunt & uncle to Joyce’s mother Avonelle (Higgason) Rash. Baby Joyce Rash 15 Avonelle Rash & son Jim Rash age 7 months, Cressie & Ina Allen place, Hampton, Iowa, 1930 Avonelle Rash, daughter Joy Rash age 4 yrs, son Jim Rash, age 7 months, 1930, Hampton, Iowa Joy Rash, age 8, 1934, Cressie & Ina (Higgason) Allen place, Hampton, Iowa Joan Johnson Stoddard Joan Johnson Stoddard 16 Christmas 2005 – L to R: Christopher Stoddard, Joyce (Rash) Johnson, Jordan Stoddard Terry & Barbara “Bobbi” Carr Johnson, 1996, 25th Anniversary Joan Johnson Stoddard with Sons Christopher and Jordan, 1995 17 Jim Rash & family photos Jim Rash & pal Skip Hotopp Jim Rash Jim & Betty Ollinger Rash, 1998 18 Dean Rash with son Jim Jim Rash & sister Marian Jean Rash 19 Don & Gayla Rash Winslow Betty (Ollinger) Rash Jim Rash & sister Carol Rash at the Old Place 20 Sheryl & Vernon Rash, 2009 Harvinder Singh Vij 21 Andrea Lynne Rash Vij May 2009 Clyde Rash & family photos Terri Rash Arnold, Clyde Rash, Rosemary Rash Pence, Kathy Rash, Oct. 1992 Kathy, Clyde & Elaine Rash, June 1984 22 Richard “Rick” Rash Rick Rash & son Nick Rash Aug. 6, 1988 – Front l to r: Grace Luella, Terrie Rash Arnold, Noel Arnold, Clyde Rash. Back l to r: Gina Wiele Rash holding Elizabeth Rash, Stanley Rash, Rick Rash, Alex Pence holding Lucas Pence, Rosemary Rash Pence, Kathy Rash, Elaine Rash Lindaman holding Andy Lindaman, Paul Lindaman holding Jacob Lindaman L to R: Rick, Stanley, Kathy, Allen, Rose, Elaine holding Terrie 23 Clyde Rash, 1941 Sarah Arnold, 2009 Barb & Clyde Rash, 1952 Allen Rash L to R: Stanley “Sam” Rash, Clyde Rash, Richard “Rick” Rash Allen Rash 24 Barb Rash & family photos Barbara Rash Barbara Rash Coen & husband Don Coen, May 1998 25 Barb Rash, July 1941 Matt Halvorson Christopher Coen May 1998 Mike Coen Andrew Coen May 1998 Vicki Coen Barbara Rash Feb. 2009, l to r: Barb, Mike, Vicki, Tim, Sandy & Don Coen 26 Margo Coen May 1998 December 2011, l to r: Tara Vien, Lance Vien, Chuck Vien, Carly Kenyon (Lance's fiance and mother of Henry), Vicki Vien, and baby Henry Vien Top row, l to r: Sandy Halvorson, Gary Halvorson, Amanda Halvorson, Trevor Coen, Margo Coen, Vicki Vien, Chuck Vien. Middle row: Penny Aasen (Mike's fiance), Mike Coen, Barb Coen, Don Coen, Tara Vien. Front row: Deb Coen, Tim Coen, Kayla Halvorson, Carly Kenyon (Lance's fiance and mother of Henry), Lance Vien. Children in front: Jemma Ross (Deb Coen's granddaughter), Maria Halvorson, and Henry Vien 27 Janice Rash & family photos Dick & Janice Rash Thorson, May 1998 Carolyn Walters Briggs & husband David Briggs in Hawaii 28 Sunday dinner, Janice Rash detail Aaron Jensen & wife Gemelle Jamie Jensen, left, & sister Jennifer Jensen Wallach Carolyn 29 Fawn & Brennan Walters Jason & Carter Walters Kevin & Brenda Walters Brennan, left, & Carter Walters David Walters & fiancée Katie Jo Christiansen Ben Walters holding Carter Walters 30 David Walters, Kati Jo Walters, daughters Macy and baby Ellie, in early 2015 Cindy with Charlie & Emma Charlie, age 14, and Emma, age 16 Brandon, age 26 31 Marian Jean Rash & family photos Ron Coen 1964 at the McClean Place Clockwise: Marian Jean, Steve, Ron, Gary, David, LuAnne Jeanna & her mother LuAnne Ron & Marian Coen, 50th Anniversary 32 Jeanna Nichole Shipe Steve & Lottie Coen & son Chris Chris & Laura Coen & sons Gareth & Gabriel David & Liz Coen & children Adam & Shelby Adam & Shelby Coen 33 Gary & Sally Coen & daughter Emma Devin Allen Shipe Dillon Franklin Shipe 34 Emma Coen Logan Allen Shipe Sharon Rash & family photos Avonelle & daughter Sharon Rash Sharon (Rash) Doe and husband Bob Doe, 1998. See page 152. Doug, Nathan, Ryan & Janiece Doe, 1998. See page 175. 35 Scott Doe, May 2009. See page 175. Sharon Rash – detail from group photo on page 37. Mark Doe, May 2009 Sharon Rash, July 1941 Christy Doe Hart, husband Bryan, daughter Jaci, son Ross. See page 175. Janiece Gibbs Doe & Doug Doe, May 2009. See page 175. Sharon Rash at 21, 1959 Sharon Rash at 17 Sharon Rash at 17, detail 36 Sharon Rash’s first grade class. She’s in the front row, second from the left. Paige Doe & grandparents Bob & Sharon Doe, May 2009 37 Carol Rash & family photos Nov. 22, 2003, L to R: David Youll holding Katie Youll, Pat Fahey Youll, Bob Fahey, Sue (Grissinger) Fahey, Carol (Rash) Fahey, Tom Fahey Back, l to r: Bill Pilkington, Linda (Rash) Pilkington, Carol (Rash) Fahey, Tom Fahey. Front: Pat Fahey, Bob Fahey 38 Carol Rash Bob and Pat Fahey, February 1966 Carol in red dress Tom, Carol & the kids at the McClean Place Carol Rash with brother Clyde’s uniform 39 Linda Rash & family photos Carol Micah Pilkington May 27, 2007, age 32 1998 - Front: Linda (Rash) & Bill Pilkington. Back: Tom & Carol (Rash) Fahey. 40 The Old Place “The Old Place,” or “The Old Home Place” are not terms invented by our family. You’ll find the terms in family histories everywhere. When we descendants of Dean and Avonelle Rash say it, we’re talking about a specific patch of land on the north edge of Marshall County, not far southwest of the tiny city of Union in Hardin County. Its original owners of course were the Indians, but when frontiersman pushed West, this spot and the neighboring land was homesteaded by the Rash family. They lived and farmed there for generations. Some of the land, including the spot where the house stood, is still owned by the family, though no one lives out there now. Here is a quick summary of what is detailed in the Descendants of James Rash section of this book (see page 73). In the 1850s Robert Rash moved with his wife and children from Tennessee to Keokuk County, Iowa. There he, his wife, and much of their kindred remained. But in 1856 four of his sons and their families continued a bit farther northwest. They were Melvin, John, Lewis and William Watson Rash (I always say both William and Watson because he seems to have used them interchangeably). They bought adjoining parcels of land along Honey Creek for $1.25 an acre from the government, and made what we now call The Old Place. The Old Place, camera facing northwest. Editor’s notes: In fact, a very old picture of the Old Place, because my aunts and uncles told me they always remembered the porch as being enclosed, not open as in this photo. The left door on the porch led into the kitchen, and the other door led into the living room. The kitchen is an add-on; originally only the taller, northern portion stood. Dean Rash’s father Monroe and presumably his father lived here. Eventually Elnora moved into a larger house nearby, which later became the home of Dean’s brother Laurence and his family. The Old Place became the home of Dean and Avonelle Rash and their many children. Besides this house, the Old Place included a barn and several outbuildings. 41 The Old Place is where Dean and Avonelle Rash’s children, for the most part, grew up, and where most of them were born. We grandchildren grew up hearing stories about the things our parents did at the Old Place when they were growing up. The oldest among us grandchildren might remember going there as very small children. To most of us it was just an empty field with a crumbling house where lots of memories were stored. Of course, it took on a mythical quality. It became the place of the Olden Days, when everything was much better and there were no bad people. Then we got a little older and wised up that things both good and bad happen in every place and every time, but still the Old Place keeps a special place in our hearts. Here’s a later picture, showing the now-enclosed porch and two big catalpa trees. The camera is facing west. 42 Counties are divided up into “townships,” which despite their name are not towns or ships. Think of them as sub-units of a county. These units are further broken down into numbered square sections called, interestingly enough, sections. The red and orange areas below are part of an 1892 Hardin County plat map. The red area shows sections in the southeast corner of Providence Township. The orange area shows sections in the southwest corner of Union Township. Rash brothers’ names can be found in sections 30, 31 and 36. You can also find the West Union Cemetery. The adjacent large tract of land owned by D.B. Miller makes it easy to see why it became better known as Miller Cemetery. Red and orange areas above: Hardin County. To the right: Marshall County. This space: Story County. The white area is part of a 1930 plat map of Marshall County. It shows sections in the northwest corner of Bangor Township. Monroe died in 1928, so his name on the map apparently refers to his estate. By this time, Dean and Avonelle had taken up residence at the Old Place. This map post-dates the Hardin County map by 38 years. For a look at land ownership on this same spot at a time closer to the period of the Hardin County map, see the next illustration. Unfortunately it’s more of a sketch, and doesn’t show roads & creeks. 43 The following plat drawing shows land of the Rash family and their neighbors in 1901 in Section 6 of Bangor Township in Marshall County, immediately south of Rash land in Section 31 of Union Township in Hardin County. The circled numbers indicate ownership, and correspond to the name list that follows the map. 44 Collected Memories In 1989 my Aunt Linda, one of the nine children of Dean and Avonelle Rash, collected statements from her sisters and mother about their memories of "The Old Place." She typed it all up and distributed it, to everyone's benefit. In May of 2006 I asked Uncle Jim to write something, and I have added it here. The siblings are ordered youngest to firstborn, with their mother in the place of honor, closing. Aunt Linda (Rash) Pilkington’s original opening statement: To my sisters, brothers, and mother. I hope that I have typed this in an accurate manner so as to have faithfully recorded your thoughts. I also hope that it will give the people who live after us some little idea of the kind of people we were. It in no way captures the richness of our lives, or records even a fraction of the joy and pain we felt, no record could. But it makes a small effort to show some of our memories, and a bit of our lives. Best wishes, and love to you all, from Linda. 45 July 4, 1989 Linda Kay (Rash) Pilkington I'm sure it is true for everyone, but when I think of those far-off, growing-up days, I have so many memories it is hard to choose just one or two. I can remember (barely) the kerosene lamp in the middle of the round, oak table, in the kitchen, and I have the impression of my family's faces, gathered around it. I can't remember who was there, but I seem to remember the pretty light the lamp reflected. Later, I remember the man installing the electric wiring in the old house. I believe that my brothers helped install that for the family. I remember so many instances of kindness and generosity from my sisters and brothers. For a number of years one or the other of them made sure that we had a Christmas tree. Janice always tried to make sure that Carol and I had a doll each Christmas. One of my guiltiest memories is opening a box before everyone was down, one Christmas morning. I wasn't able to read yet, and I opened Carol's present. Since I was the "baby" of the family I got by with that, and then got to open my own present, and so Carol didn't have a gift to open that year. The guilt hovered over me for days (actually years, we take things hard in this family). I have always thought that this incident showed something about the kind of people we were. We might do things to hurt each other, but our strict consciences abused us for it, and we tried with all of our heart to be good to each other. We truly wanted good things to happen for our brothers and sisters. I remember how hard Mom worked, in her gardens, and canning. I can remember how wonderful (nothing has ever matched that taste) the sweet corn was. How marvelous the first batch of corn tasted! Mom would cook it in the pressure cooker, and it would be hot. We were too impatient to let it cool, we would take it down to the pump, and pump water over it to cool it. The chicken Mom cooked in that pressure cooker was unmatchable. I understood why the "Colonel's" was finger licking good, when I learned that he had cooked his chicken under pressure, just as Mom had. I turned on that cooker, and I think Mom did too, the Sunday that it blew up in her face, and burned her so badly. I remember skulking around the house after she had gone to the doctor, and wondering what would happen to her. I will never forget the rumbling, thundering, angry, thunderstorms in Iowa, and how afraid of them Mom was. We were dragged from our beds, and from our sound sleep and made to go downstairs to sit in the living room. Mom sat holding her feet off the floor, and casting frightened looks at the windows. We had to hold our feet off the floor too. If it were daytime we weren't to put our hands in water, wash our hair, go near the windows, or the electrical outlets, or watch television. We would sit in the living room, longing for sleep, but knowing that we wouldn't be able to go back upstairs until the last bit of thunder was heard rolling off into the distance. I always thought it was unfair that I was the only one in the family who had to wear glasses. After trying to disguise my affliction for a couple of years, I finally gave up and got them in the seventh grade. Dean told a story about when he stopped suspecting, and became convinced, that I must have glasses. Our dog, Skipper, had been missing, and Dean and I got in the car and went up to Jelsma's (a neighbor's farm)to look for him. Dean said, "We were driving into the driveway at Jelsma's and Linda said, "There he is." "I looked at what she was pointing to, and it was a pig." Another memory about Christmas, was when I was the last one at home, and we were living at the McClean place. I can't remember where Dean had gone, but it had started snowing a day or so before Christmas, and Mom and I were alone. The weather conditions were terrible, there hadn't been any traffic by the house, and we hadn't been able to get to town to buy any presents. Christmas day was grim and cold; I had to keep reminding myself that it was really Christmas. About 2 p.m. we heard a car plowing away through the snow. We looked out just in time to see Sharon, and her little kids, pull into the yard. She lunged through the snow carrying her children, and then made a trip back for the things she had brought us. I'm sure that it had been difficult for her to make the drive, and I know that she must have been tired for she was working two jobs at that time. But she had thought of us despite those things, and come to bring us our presents. She had brought me a pretty, red dress, and Mom a cute little sugar and cream set; but even more, she had brought us Christmas. 46 Carol Mae (Rash) Fahey July 4, 1989 MY STORY My favorite memory, as a child, are of Saturdays. Dean would come home, tired from working, sit down, and take off his cap. he would rub his head and say, "Well, Smarty, what's the program for tonight?" Mom would say, "Well, I'd like to get a few groceries and go visit Mama for a while." We would all get cleaned up and get our good clothes on, and off we would go. We would stop at the store on the way to Grandma's and buy things for our "car picnic". We would stop along a quiet road and have our feast. We had bologna sandwiches, rolls, and milk. Then off we would go to Grandma's. The kids would walk uptown from Grandma's and look around in the stores. Sometimes, if we were real lucky, we would get to go to a movie. In later years they had ice cream at the locker in Eldora, and sometimes we would get to stop for an ice cream cone. We always hoped that we could stay all night at Grandma's but we didn't get to do that very often. She lived in the little red house during those years. It was always a treat to go to Grandma's. Carol Rash in 2008 in front of what was the Locker in Eldora, now an auto parts store. A locker was a business that stored food in days when home refrigerators were less common. They often doubled as ice cream parlors. Sharon Ann (Rash) Doe July 4, 1989 One of the first memories that I have of the "old place," I was standing by the west door when a truck delivered the new white kitchen cabinet. Mom said she got that in July before Carol was born in November. So I was almost three years old. She also got a new bed at the same time but I don't remember that. I remember another time when Marian and I were playing up the lane by the mailbox and a storm came up. Someone called for us to get down to the house. Later, lightning struck the cement corner post that we had been playing on. The last time I checked, that post was still brown. Some of my other memories are: The year we had the large strawberries in the garden south of the house. The other good garden food that we ate, such as, corn on the cob, fried cabbage, green beans, fried potatoes, and buttered beets. I remember the lunches we ate along the road on our way to “Eldorie,” as Dean called it. I still feel our surprise when Mom got out of the car with the new baby, Linda, in her arms. Later, I remember pushing Linda in the big, black buggy, and how blue her eyes were. I think back to how we pulled each other around on rags, after Mom had waxed the floors, in order to shine them. I remember how on wash day, Mom would sort the clothes in piles on the kitchen floor, and I used to lay on the piles. She would say, "can't you kids go outside and play?" We used to play "Annie, Annie, over" over the wash house and the brooder house. We would climb up on the wash house, cross over to the house and climb clear up to the chimney, at the top. I was always so afraid when I jumped from the wash house to the house roof. I would stand in the front yard and yell real loud in order to hear my echo. Nobody ever got to drive down the lane without one of us kids seeing them and yelling, "there's a car coming." Some of the good things about the farm were how cute the chicks and ducklings were. I can remember a few fights with my sisters. One time Marian and I got in a fight and she chased me clear across the field to Laurence's house. I stood in the road outside the house because I knew that she wouldn't beat me where they could see her. She stood back in the trees and waited for me for a long time, but I stayed where I was. I knew that she still had plans to catch me and beat me. 47 Marian Jean (Rash) Coen July 4, 1989 I left the old place when I was just barely fifteen, and my memories are of the peace of living there. In particular, I remember awaking in the East bedroom with the room full of sunlight, and a soft breeze blowing the curtains out. I could smell the perfume of the catalpa blossoms in the air, and sounds of a tractor in the distance. The house quiet, and feeling good I'd go downstairs looking for Mom and find her in the garden working. If she saw me, she would give me work to do, but after I Catalpa flowers escaped, I had the entire day to play. There were trees to climb and choke cherries to eat. Streams to wade and corn dolls to make. Ripe gooseberries "down North", and wild strawberries on the "by road". I remember Tiny and me going to Phylis and Ruth Bryant's. I have to confess that one day when we went to visit and they were gone, we laid under their grape vines and ate the biggest, sweetest grapes, at our leisure, until we couldn't eat anymore, and then we went home. That's a kid's view of life, then. Of course, when it rained in the summer you couldn't drive down the lane, and ditto in the winter, with the snow. But those problems were over my head at the time Catalpa leaf & bark July 4, 1989 Janice Lee (Rash) Thorson Marian and I were playing west of the barn, in the pasture. Even though we had been born and bred in the country, and were truly, "farm girls", we were dumbfounded by a strange animal we found lying, dead, in the grass. We approached it. It was obviously dead and, being kids, we picked up sticks and poked at it. We gave it a pretty good going over with the sticks, just to be safe, and then we took it home to Mom and Dean in order to find out what kind of an animal it was. It was ugly, that was for sure. It was a grayish brown color with a long pointed snout, and a terrible, long, hairless tail. We grabbed it by the tail and drug it home, left it by the door and ran into the house to find Mom and Dean. I'm not sure what they were doing, but our description of the animal made them curious enough to drop everything and run out to see. IT WAS GONE! We were incredulous. We had only been inside for a minute. Could someone have taken it? Then Dean laughed, and Mom joined him, and they explained about the wily possum. "He was playing possum, just pretending to be dead." Marian and I were amazed. That creature, with his open mouth, and stone still body, that we had beaten with sticks, and drug home by his tail, was just fooling us. He certainly gave a wonderful performance, but I bet he was awfully sore the next day. July 4, 1989 Barbara Ann (Rash) Coen Dean had an old sow that had given birth to a litter. He had her in a pen down north of the grove. He had to separate them from her so that she wouldn't lay on them, and kill them. I and one of my sisters (I can't remember which one, but probably Janice or Marian) asked him if we could go along and watch. He said that we could if we stayed back, away from the fence. Dean got in there with that hostile old sow; he held a gate between them. I can remember how he would grab a piglet and put it in a box, but at the same time being very careful, and having to be quick with the gate to keep the sow from getting him. We were so scared that she would get him that I'm sure our eyes were big as silver dollars. I was probably only about nine years old, but I have never forgotten it. 48 Later, when I had just turned 16, and gotten my driver's license,-I asked Dean if I could take the car (by myself) to an activity at school. I was especially hesitant about asking, because I knew that he had just had the expense of putting a "brand-new" battery in the car, and I was a "brand-new" driver; he might not want to take a chance on me. After much discussion, and a little pep talk, I was allowed my first solo-run. On my way home that night, the car started making a terrible, clanging sound. I drove it about a mile and a half south of Union, parked it, and walked home. The next morning I went with Dean to see what was wrong. All the way over I was mentally preparing myself for a horrible tongue lashing, and maybe a good thrashing, for ruining the car. Dean checked under the hood and discovered that the fan belt had broken, and the fan had cut a hole in the battery. I knew that the battery had cost him a lot of money and I felt so bad. All Dean said was, "Well, I guess it wasn't your fault." He never mentioned the subject to me, again. James Rash May 29, 2006 The stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, which was one month after I was born! What a dubious claim to fame -- or infamy! The great depression followed and endured for many years leaving families barely able to eke out a living. Being on the farm was a great advantage mainly because we had plenty of garden space. Our parents worked hard. Our mother canned hundreds of quarts of vegetables each year so we had food but there was little money for anything else. During the late 30's the farmland was overrun with gophers so the county set a five cent bounty for each gopher we caught. My father showed me how to trap them and for about three years that was my only source of income. Every week, during the summer, I would have 15 or 20 cents and could go to the movie in Eldora (10 cents) and have a cherry coke afterward (5 cents). My favorite cowboy by far was Gene Autry and his horse Champion. In one movie Gene was chasing a car. The speedometer showed "90" and Gene still caught up. He may have cut across somewhere. Gene Autry & Champion All of us kids loved going to Eldora to visit our grandmother. She was always there and always glad to see us. Joyce Elaine (Rash) Johnson July 4, 1989 Childhood memories are like snapshots in our minds, like quicksilver, they slip away, if we let them. As a small girl, the summer costume was a large straw hat, overalls, and best of all, bare feet. The perfect thing for exploring a much loved farm. I remember a large tree stump in the orchard, that is where we "tap-danced". Every little girl wanted to be Shirley Temple. I went to a country school through the 6th grade. The atmosphere and smells of that little 1 1/2-room school will always be with me. I really did walk two-and-a-half miles to school ... but there were four of us, and in my "snapshot" it was always a beautiful, spring day. For the Christmas program a fresh tree was cut and we had real candles on the tree. I don't remember the presents but I do remember the fragrance of those trees and the excitement building all week, for the big event. When I left the little school and returned to Union, the brick school house seemed huge to me. I was fascinated by the attic and the bell tower ... I know my brothers and sisters all remember them. I loved playing basketball and softball at Union. My softball was good enough that the boys allowed me to play on their side once in a while. I wonder if I could still smack that ball and catch a fast ball without flinching?? I remember all of us going to Eldora to spend the day with our Grandmother, quite often. She always had time for us, and she and 49 Mom visited and kept track of all of us. Mom's brothers and sisters were in and out. I remember them well when they were young. Marian Jean was the baby of the family when I was home ... she was a cutie. Of course, we were all admirable children and had no faults to speak of. Right Mom? Through it all, our Mother was our rock, she protected us and loved us, in spite of our shortcomings. We all love her and know she deserves God's blessings, in abundance. Hazel Avonelle (Higgason) Rash July 4, 1989 When we moved to the home place, Brother (Jim) was 7 months old, and Joy was 3 years old. We had lived in an apartment in Eldora until then. Dean farmed with horses, and milked seven cows. His mother had given him 50 young hogs, and 25 hens. chickens. I set the hens on eggs and hatched about 40 young One day, Dean's brother, Laurence, called to me to "come down here". He was loading oats from the old double crib, north of the red barn. When I got there he showed me an old hen that had at least 30 baby chicks. She had made her nest in the oats. There were one or two chicks too small to follow the mother, and more due to hatch out. Since the old hen tried to keep the chicks away from me, and we didn't want her wandering too far away with such little chicks, Dean helped me put her in a chicken coop. My first chickens! I felt as if I had found a gold mine! The young rooster would crow every morning; and later, we had lots of fried chicken. I didn't like living in the country, or on the farm when I first moved there. I was used to town and seeing my family, so I was very lonely. I used to walk through the pasture to Aunt Eva Rash's house. The kids would walk with me. Aunt Eva was always glad to see me. She was my grandpa Hammer's sister, and everyone who came to her house was made to feel as if they were special. She was a very dear lady, and I loved her very much. (For more about Eva Darthula Hammer Rash, daughter of Seth Hammer and Elizabeth Gotshall Musgrove and sister of Avonelle’s grandfather Adam Mark Hammer, see page 208.) I think everyone should have a chance to live on a farm and take care of chickens, pigs, ducks, and cows. It is a wonderful place to raise a family. I'm glad that our kids were raised in the country. It was great watching them grow up, going up the lane to school, then back home on the bus at night. They would try to race each other to get the leftovers from dinner, or to be first to fry some eggs, to have with bread and butter and milk. I loved watching and hearing them play, and they had the whole country to play in. They loved being near, and playing with the baby animals. It seems as if I can still hear the boys as they would play down in the lot at the farm with their home made tractors, making tractor sounds. Babe had a two wheel cart he had put together, and he used to haul Barbara on it. One day, it fell apart. He got mad at her, and said, "Now look what you've done." She looked sad, and I had to take him in hand. The boys used to trap gophers because they could collect a nickel for each foot, for their spending money. One day they went to set traps, and Marian Jean followed them without our knowing it. She was just big enough to walk, and I was scared to death when I couldn't find her. I was looking everywhere, when I saw them coming, with her trailing far behind. They said that they didn't know that she was following until they were a long way from home. Once they did, they had just let her follow along instead of bringing her home. Babe had a terrible fall from a tree, when he was six or seven. He was trying to put up a swing. I was up at Grandma Higgason's and Grandma Rash was watching the boys. She told me that he fell twenty feet, that it knocked him out, and she had to blow in his face to bring him to. Later, we found that he had a broken shank. It grew back wrong, and he has a bad leg to this day, because of that fall. Babe called his brother, Boy Blue, when he was little; that's where the name "Brother" came from. That's what other people thought that he was saying. When Brother was just old enough to talk, he was looking out the window, saw the snow, and said, "Oh, see the sugar!", I said, "that's not sugar." Quick, as could be, he asked, "Salt, then?" Each boy had different dogs that they really liked. Brother brought home every stray dog that he found. The first stray was a German Shepherd. That dog just loved him. If he was wrestling with neighbor boys, the dog would take the other boy right off Brother. Once Brother and Babe got in a fight and Brother set the dog on Babe. Babe started to run and the dog ran after him and jumped right at his throat. I yelled, "Trixie, down! " The dog stopped. If I hadn't been there he would have bitten Babe. That dog was a good watch dog. Babe had a black shepherd dog that he got when it was a puppy. Babe would wrestle in the yard and Babe would giggle, and say "Don't Sheppy"; the dog tickled him so. 50 It was scary when the kids got hurt. One time, when he was about 10, Brother jumped down, and landed on a nail. I was expecting one of the girls, at the time, and when I tried to pull out the nail I felt sick. Dean came along, and I said, "Go pull that nail out of his foot." He did, and then he said, "I have to take him to the doctor. He is going to need a shot." He was about sick, after having to pull out the nail. Another time, Babe and Marian Jean were playing, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She came down on her back and it knocked her out. It scared me so much that I threw a wash-pan of water in her face. She came to, and was mad at me for throwing water on her. The kids had a wonderful place to play as they grew up. In the winter they played in the barn, and in the summer they had the whole countryside. I think that helped turn them into some very nice people. How much I enjoyed them bringing me wild flowers, even dandelions. I had to keep all of the flowers for several days or they felt bad. The kids would find little rabbits and try to raise them on doll-bottles of milk. I remember that Tiny (Sharon) had a pigeon, when she was three. She fed it bread and milk, and kept it in a chicken coop. When she wanted to play with him she would reach in and grab him by the tail. In time, he didn't have any tail feathers, because she had pulled them out. That was one, very ragged looking bird. Linda was crazy over cats. We had all kinds of cats on the farm, but a black stray kitten came, and she was determined to have him. He was wild as a deer, but she kept feeding him, and finally got close enough to pick him up. He gave her a bad bite on her finger. Dean worked hours to catch him because we were afraid that he might have rabies. We kept him penned up for 10 days in order to make sure that he wasn't sick. When Doctor Weaver treated Linda's finger, and heard about all of the trouble we had catching that cat, he said, "Now, leave the cats alone." Tiny hurt her finger, and hand, in a worse way. One day, she came home from school as I finished up my wash. She was going to empty my wash water, but before she did, she decided to wash some of her jeans. As she was standing by the washing machine she noticed a string on the wringer. She started to pick it off, and caught her finger in the wringer. I was going out the door with a basket of wet clothes, when she started yelling, and pulling back on her finger. I dropped the basket, but instead of hitting the release bar on the machine, I turned it off. She was still trying to pull her finger out, and then I stopped panicking enough to hit the release bar. When she got to the doctor she had to have seven stitches in her hand. The girls all played house in the corn crib and the older girls were in 4-H Clubs. As they grew older, almost all of the girls worked for a neighbor of ours, Florene Johnson. That was the way they earned money for their clothes. We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs on that farm. If we hadn't laughed we would have sunk; I believe. One time Tiny and Marian Jean got tickled and couldn't keep from laughing. Dean told them to stop it, but they couldn't, and so they crawled into the pantry, and stuffed their mouths shut with dishtowels. The kids used to gather around the table to do homework, near the kerosene lamp that lighted the kitchen. On Saturday night they would gather in the living room, and then each would get his/her turn to go to the kitchen and take a bath. When the kids were small, we had always stressed that they weren't to talk to strangers, or ever get in a car with a stranger. Dean and I were gone one day, and the kids decided to take a walk along the side of the road. A truck came by, and Janice heard one of the men say, "There it is." She figured they were talking about her, and maybe planning on grabbing her. She got scared and ran clear to Jessup's (a neighbor). When she calmed down, she went home to find that her brothers and sisters had upset chairs, and turned the table around, in order to scare her a little more. Another time, when just the last 3 were at home, Carol was gone to an activity at the school. Dean wasn't home, and so we were all probably a little scared. Suddenly, Tiny said, "I heard Carol yelling for us." I was scared. I didn't know how to shoot the gun, but I got it down anyway, and Tiny, Linda, and I went up that dark, old lane to look for Carol. She wasn't there, of course, and I'm not sure what we would have done if she had been, and someone had been bothering her. I didn't have any idea about how to put shells in the gun. Carol got home about then, and was all upset because we had been looking for her. We walked back down the lane and went to bed. When I brought Linda home from Iowa City, I handed her to Barbara. She said, "Whose is she?" I said, "She's ours." They were so delighted. Even the boys would pick her up when she was sleeping and carry her around. Once when I was giving her a bath, and talking to her, like you talk to babies, Carol, who was playing near us asked, "Mommy, don't you like anyone else but the baby?" She was almost 5 years old and had been "the baby". It bothered her for me to have another baby. 51 When Carol was born, Mae Jelsma said for the kids to come up there and stay. She got supper for them, and served them bacon and eggs. Tiny was three years old and she watched Herman as he served himself. Mae said that Herman took a real big helping. Tiny said, "Don't take all the bacon, Herman." Mae said that he was embarrassed, and for years the kids said, "Don't take all the bacon, Herman." whenever they were teasing each other at the table. One of our happy times was when we got the house wired for electricity. That was when Linda was four, and that year, Brother got a Christmas tree that reached to the ceiling. He bought Linda a doll-carriage, and then asked her what the package was, under the tree. She said, "A doll buggy. I can see the wheels. Babe and Brother helped wire the house. I had always said that if I ever got electricity I would have every light in the house on to show Max and Gladys (my brother and his wife) when they came. When they came one night Gladys teased me because all the lights weren't on. We appreciated everything we got. We didn't have lots of possessions, and so everything that was new was exciting. When we got a new refrigerator, a new kitchen cabinet or a new bed, we were happy about it. It was hard to do, but I loved to make that old house look pretty. One time, I worked for Oliver Wooten and bought all new wallpaper. Dean worked for Diamond Paint, in Marshalltown, and bought paint. We really gave the house a face-lift. When Tiny graduated from school, she painted the outside of the house. The bees were always after her. She would get mad, jump off the ladder, throw the broom, and say, "I'm not painting anymore." But she always went back. She griped, but she would work. Barbara was always a wonderful helper for me. When she was in school she would come home and fill the reservoir (A place on the cookstove in which water was stored, and kept warm). She was good about doing the ironing too. All of the girls had chores to do, but Barbara was the one who would do her chores without being nagged. Linda sent me an article about a woman's first attempt at gardening. It brought memories to me of my first gardens. Dean taught me how to plant my first garden. He had always helped his mother plant their gardens. There are three gardens that I remember very well. One time, we decided to plant a strawberry patch. Dean sent to Gurney's in South Dakota for 150 strawberry plants. When they came they were brown, and looked dead. One of our neighbor's, Keith Fraser said, "send them back, don't set them out." We decided to try them, anyway. Babe was about 14 or 15 and he helped me. It was hard work. I was so stiff from bending over that I could hardly stand up. What was discouraging was that only 7 of those plants lived. In a year they had multiplied; we had a large patch with big, beautiful berries. Since it hurt my back to pick them, Dean said that he and the kids would do the picking. They did, and brought in 2 dishpans full. After they left, I went back out and picked two more pans full. People and things mentioned in the preceding stories: Mae V. (Smith) Jelsma, 1904-1993, & Herman Jelsma, 1903-1980; both at Union Cemetery. Neighbors of the Old Place. Herman was born the same year as Dean Rash. He and Mae Smith were married June 25, 1924 at Tama, Iowa. Parents of: Waldo Jelsma, 1925-1951, James “Jim” (Connie), b. 1927, Arlene (Bud) Boege, 19322007, Dallas (Pam), b. abt 1934, & Stanley (Shirley Beecher, page 226), b. abt 1936, and one other son whose name I don't have. Carol Mae Rash was given her middle name after Mae Jelsma. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phyllis & Ruth Bryant are the Rash kids' cousins, the daughters of Carl J. Bryant, 1899-1973, & and Pearl (Rash) Bryant, 1905-1979, both at Miller Cemetery. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Florene (Rogers) Johnson, 1893-1984, at Union Cemetery, Union, Iowa. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clifford Jessup, 1893-1968, & Gail Jessup, 1898-1975, at Union Cemetery. Neighbors of the Old Place. Parents of Stephen Jessup & Margaret (Jessup) Johnson. In World War I, Clifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Jessup, was recruited Aug. 9, 1917 in aviation. He transferred to the Signal Corps, Kelly Field, Tex., aerial sect., 80th Aero Squadron; was sent to England, Jan., 1918; served in France with 639th Aero Squadron. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clifford Jessup Aunt Eva, Aunt Evie: Eva (Hammer) Rash, 1868-1949, wife of Arthur Thomas Rash, 1864-1933 52 Sister of Adam Hammer, who was Avonelle (Higgason) Rash's grandfather on the side of her mother, LaVera (Hammer) Higgason. This makes her the great-aunt of Avonelle and great-great-aunt of Avonelle's children. She lived a short distance north of the Old Place; you crossed a small bridge over Honey Creek to reach the house. In later years she lived above the store in Union, and Avonelle’s children remember visiting her there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Doctor Weaver, who treated Linda's finger, was Dr. Kenneth H. Weaver, 1902-1968 Eastlawn Memory Gardens Cemetery, Eldora Township, Row 9sw, Lot 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brooder house – Structure where baby chickens are kept warm. The chicks are housed until they are about six weeks old, when they no longer need heat. Items not mentioned in the preceding stories but shown in the sketch on the following page: The area labeled Dean’s Truck Patch is not an area for parking pickup trucks. A truck patch, or truck garden, is an old term for a vegetable garden, in particular vegetables grown for market. The word truck, a verb meaning "to give in exchange" or "to barter," entered English in the 13th century from the Middle English trukken, the Anglo-French truker and troker, and the Latin troccare. Carol (Rash) Fahey said, “It is where you raise some root veggies like potatoes and turnips and big stuff like sweet corn and cantaloupe.” When Carol’s boyfriend and future husband Tom Fahey dropped her off in his car, Avonelle watched from the house. If they lingered too long in the car, she flashed the yard light on and off. Carol’s daughter Pat collected the light fixture as a souvenir of the story. The kids figured out that if a chain of them joined hands and the person on one end touched the electric fence, the current traveled through all of them but only the person at the other end felt the shock. That’s just mean. A bull threatened Carol and she climbed a tree to get away. He waited a while before leaving and letting her climb down. In an argument at the dinner table, Sharon once flung a fork at Carol, and it stuck in her elbow. Carol was disappointed that it fell out before their mother could see it, because then Sharon would have gotten in much deeper trouble. Okay, this story isn’t particularly shown in the sketch, other than a label showing where the kitchen was. Clyde Rash at the Old Place, facing SW, the wash house and the house behind him. Camera facing NE. Clyde at the Old Place, detail 53 The following sketch shows the general layout of the Old Place, and the locations of some of the events in the preceding stories. It’s also a good reference for the photos on the following pages. The “grove” mentioned by Joyce apparently refers to a pair of cherry trees and an apple tree, both near the house. 54 Aerial view of the Old Place, marked with an X. Honey Creek is toward the east, thus the odd shape of the meeting of the roads, so a bridge can cross the creek. Aunt Pearl (Rash) Bryant’s place was near there, the location of those ill-gotten grapes Aunt Marian mentioned. To the west is Gerhart Avenue, which is what Aunt Marion meant when she wrote about wild strawberries on the "by road." Glick Avenue, due south of the Old Place, is where the mentioned neighbors lived, including the Jessups and the Jelsmas. To the north you can see the county line, straddled by the Rash brothers’ properties. 55 Here are a pair of very rough sketches of the upstairs and downstairs portions of the house, so that Jim Rash might supply his estimates of the sizes of the rooms. Since he was a surveyor before retiring, the estimates are probably very close. Upstairs Downstairs 56 South side of house. Camera facing north, kitchen window at center of picture. Window on enclosed porch at right. South side of house, camera facing northeast. This pump is for rain water, collected from the pipes visible on the house. A different pump was used at the well. South side of house, young Dean between kitchen window & not-yet-enclosed porch. Camera facing north. 57 Dean Rash with duck, detail Carol Rash, the wash house behind her. Camera facing NE. Back, l to r: Sharon & Carol Rash. Front, l to r: Linda Rash, Terry & Karen Johnson - 11-09-1952 Barn behind them, camera facing northwest. May 1958 - Barb Rash Coen with children Mike & Vicki, facing east, camera facing west. Behind them, the windmill and the barn. 58 Linda Rash and Shep at the Old Place. The camera is facing northwest and is looking at the east end and south side of the barn. The concrete basin next to the windmill is the horse tank, which holds water for horses and other large animals. For convenience it’s right next to the pump and the well, which are under the windmill. The pump can be worked by hand or by hooking it to the rotating shaft coming down from the top of the windmill. You can see the shaft next to the ladder. In May 2008 David Youll took some wood from the shaft and lathed a pen for each of Dean & Avonelle’s children. Here are some illustrations from old agricultural manuals: 59 The ignition coil side of a Fordson tractor, manufactured by Ford and Son Inc. Dean Rash on a Fordson tractor at the Old Place, mid-1930s. Avonelle on this photo: “He isn’t dressed up. He wore a cap every day. He was probably going out to work. He’s probably in his thirties. Boy, he had powerful arms. He had Atlas books and he practiced all that when he was young. I’ve rode with him on that tractor. He said, ‘Come ride around in the field with me.’ No rubber tires then for tractors. It was all lugs.” 60 Audrey & Vernon Rash, Old Place living room Old Place living room, 1959, l to r: Carol Rash holding Elaine Rash, Avonelle Rash, Linda Rash. Herding grandkids for photos at the Old Place, the wash house behind them, camera facing southeast. Mike & Vicki Coen at the Old Place, the corn crib behind them. The camera is facing north. Avonelle at Old Place with grandchildren, l to r: Elaine, Rosey, Vernon, Steve, David, Audrey, Carolyn, Luanne Clyde Rash with daughter Rosie and holding son Allen at the Old Place. Camera facing southeast 61 Dean holding Jim & Avonelle holding Clyde Clyde Rash & daughter Elaine, about 1957 East side of the house, camera facing west. The catalpa trees appear to be laden with blossoms. 62 Dean Rash with a horse team at the Old Place. 63 Avonelle & son Jim Rash at the Old Place, camera facing east. Behind them is the wash house and the house. You can see a small roofed area protruding from the north wall of the wash house. This is the root cellar, a cool place where Avonelle stored root vegetables such as potatoes, and the many jars of vegetables she canned. It was entered from inside the wash house. This little roof provided handy access for the children to the wash house roof and thence to the roof of the house, the sort of dangerous practice their own children would continue at the McClean place. Rash Barb, 1952 – Behind her the house and the brooder house. Camera facing west. Carol & Linda Rash, about 1950. Wash house & a stalking cat behind them, camera facing east. 64 The McClean Place In 1960, when Dean and Avonelle Rash’s kids were mostly grown and living on their own, and when the well at the Old Place had gone dry, they and daughter Linda moved a fairly short distance northeast to a farm house on land owned by the McClean family: The McClean Place. It was just down the road from the Miller Cemetery, where many of their ancestors rested. Near the cemetery had been Miller country school, which Avonelle’s mother LaVera had attended. They lived at the McClean Place through the 1960s and most of the 70s. It seems like 18 years is enough to establish it as the Rash Place, but we all still call it the McClean Place. Actually, as I write this, the McCleans haven’t owned the place for many years. This is the place many of Dean and Avonelle’s grandchildren remember visiting as kids. There was a two-story white house, quite large in comparison to the house at the Old Place. There was a big red barn and red corn crib, a windmill and a few outbuildngs and sheds. Large evergreens stood on the south and east sides of the house, and a wooded area reduced the winds from the west and north. It had been a real, working farm, but Dean, 57, was no longer a full-time farmer. They still kept chickens, through, and never lacked for eggs. There was plenty of turf for kids to explore, chickens to annoy, a big friendly dog named Snoopy, and many semi-wild cats who hunted for their own food but also gladly accepted dinner scraps. When one of their kids set off on a car drive, their car packed with their own kids, this was the house that waited for them after they turned off the paved roads and onto the farm roads, which are still gravel, dirt and oil to this day. People who were already there could 1960s, in front of the McClean Place, camera facing west. Back: a bemused Dean, Avonelle & daughter Carol. Front: Carol’s children Pat & a non-cooperative Bob. A watercolor of the barn at the McClean Place by Kathleen Rash, daughter of Clyde Rash and granddaughter of Dean and Avonelle. 65 hear your car a long way off on those roads, and typically they came outside to have a look as your car pulled into the yard. The house had a long porch, screened at one point but open in later years, and there you caught your first glimpse of Grandma. Ed McClean, 1865-1949, and wife Lizzy (Elizabeth), 1866-1945, built it. They had one daughter, Floss, born in 1891, who had tuberculosis. The large screen porch was added for her; she spent much time there. Dean and Avonelle rented the place from Floss (McClean) Mason, who by then lived in Marshalltown, and later from her son Bud. Ed, Lizzy and Floss are all at Union Cemetery. Avonelle said, “My mother said that when she was a girl there was just a little yellow bungalow there.” In this aerial photo, Miller Cemetery is the light rectangle to the left on 330 th Street, and the McClean Place and its neighboring woods are the dark rectangle to the right. 66 The front, east side of the house, the camera facing northwest. The door and windows to the right are on the dining room. An adjacent door, hidden by a tree branch here, opens onto the front room and the staircase. 1978 – Janice in the front yard, the camera facing west. Behind her is the dining room, and to the north of that the back porch, and to the north of that the shed that provided foolhardy grandchildren access to the roof of the house. Bob Fahey in the mid-1960s at the south end of the McClean Place porch, which is still screened at this point. Note the dashing improvised boots. The camera is facing north-by-northeast. 67 1964 – The Coen family facing southwest in the front room at the McClean place, the camera facing northeast. The door on the right side of the photo leads to the large front porch. Its glass is inlaid with intricate designs, unfortunately not visible here. The other door leads to the dining room and the stairs lead to the three bedrooms upstairs. Marian (Rash) Coen and husband Ron are in the back. Their children, left to right, are LuAnne, Steve, David and Gary. In the 1970s, Dean Rash facing south in the front room. L to R: Bob, Tom, Pat & Carol (Rash) Fahey 68 April 1976 – In the southeast corner of the living room at the south end of the ground floor. Linda (Rash) Pilkington and daughter Micah. April 1976 - In the threshold between the front room and the living room at the south end of the ground floor, facing south, camera facing north. Kneeling, Bill Pilkington. Standing, l to r: Kathy Rash, Linda (Rash) Pilkington, Elaine Rash. In the northwest corner of the living room at the south end of the ground floor. The chair faces south. Seated: Scott Doe. On the floor are his brother Mark and sister Christie. 69 1976 – Dean Rash in the south yard, facing north. The camera is looking south through the window seen in the photo above this one. Detail of the calendar in the photo below. April 1976 – Avonelle Rash & granddaughter Micah Pilkington in northwest corner of dining room. You can see into the kitchen with its well-remembered knick-knacks and the roaster oven that usually contained Keebler Deluxe Grahams and Fudge-Stripe cookies. Window looks on back porch. Nov. 1974 – Bob Fahey & his Grandpa Dean Rash play checkers in the dining room. Dean’s North Iowa Checker Champ trophy is in the center of the photo. The camera is facing northeast. Sharon (Rash) Doe with sons Mark (left) & Doug in the southeast corner of the dining room. The door leads to the front porch. An oldstyle phone & a calendar from the electric company. Mid-1960s. March 1976 - Jim & Dean Rash, successive North Iowa Checker Champs, play a game in the dining room. Camera facing east-bysoutheast. The walls are paneled & the old-style phone is gone. Avonelle Rash’s dining room garden is established and later would continue in her dining room in Marshalltown. 70 Jim Rash talks about him and Dean and checkers: “My father had a keen analytical mind and was sharp with mathematics. In 1956 and in 1957 we both participated in the North Iowa checker tournament held at the YMCA in Mason City. There were about twenty participants, each time some were former champions, and my father won in 1956 after a long and grueling day. I thoroughly enjoyed watching him work his way through some of those complicated late game situations. Ironically I was able to outlast everyone and win the tournament the very next year with my father watching. At the time there were some newspaper articles which I no longer have but I still do have the trophy "North Iowa Checker Champ." 1961, Vicki Coen and a puppy. The corn crib and the shed at the north end of the barn. Camera facing east. 71 Avonelle Rash and daughte Sharon working and clowning in the kitchen. Avonelle is making one of her famous pies. The camera is facing west. The door in the background leads to the furnace and basement entrance on the back of the house. Immediately south of the kitchen is the bathroom with the large claw-footed bathtub, remembered well by the grandchildren. 72 Descendants of Thomas Rash The farthest back I’ve traced the Rash family (so far) is Thomas Rash, born about 1639 in England. The following pages describe 12 generations. I have added historical accounts, obituaries, footnotes and photos to flesh out our story. Generation No. 1, Wales 1. THOMAS1 JOHN RASH was born about 1639 in Wales, England, and died Aug. 26, 1732 in Delaware. He married MARY THOREL. She was born in 1650, and died August 26, 1732 in Delaware. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/3SDB-Q4R Wales is part of the United Kingdom, bordered by England to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. Wales is the orange (dark) area on this map. Thomas John Rash may have been Thomas John “James” Rash: The name James Rash appears along with that of Thomas Hawkins on a February 1653 colonial Land Office Grant document for land in an area called Herring Creek in Northumberland County, Virginia. His parents were John Rashe and Ann Parbine. James Immigrated from England to Northumberland County, Virginia, in 1653. Sponsored by Thomas Hawkins. I have found online discussions about this man’s first name at https://boards.ancestry.com. Some say that while his legal name was Thomas John Rash, for some reason his nickname was James. Others say Thomas and James are separate people and Thomas is not among immigrants sponsored by Hawkins, and so Thomas’ parents are not John Rashe and Ann Parbine. Notes for MARY THOREL from http://newsarch.rootsweb.com/th/read/RASH/2001-06/0992388894: Mary Thorel's will was probated in 1732, page 67 of Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800. The will recognizes her two sons John Rash and Joseph Rash: grandsons, Samuel and Joseph; granddaughters Elizabeth, Mary, Elinor and Sarah; daughter-in-law Ann, wife of John, and the Executor, son John. Mary Thorel was married three times with the 2nd husband being a Rash. The Thorel name could be one of her other husband's surname. One of her marriages was to a Pardue by whom she had a son, Walter. Children of THOMAS JOHN (possibly James) RASH and MARY THOREL are: 2. i. JOSEPH2 RASH, b. 1686, Kent Co., Delaware; d. December 4, 1745, Murderkill, Kent Co., Delaware. ii. Mary Rash, b. 1688 iii. Elizabeth Rash, b. 1691. 2.5 iv. JOHN RASH, b. Abt. 1693 Kent Co, Del.; d. Dec. 23, 1760; m. ANN JONES; d. Bef. Dec. 23, 1760. Generation No. 2 2. JOSEPH2 RASH (THOMAS1) was born in 1686 in Kent County, Delaware, and died Dec. 4, 1745 in Murderkill Hundred, Kent County. In 1711 he married SARAH MASON, daughter of Richard Mason, in Murderkill Hundred. She was born Dec. 4, 1686 in Kent County and died in 1732 in Kent County. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/3SDB-QHC Notes for JOSEPH RASH, from http://boards.ancestry.co.uk/surnames.rash/105/mb.ashx: The "Calendar Of Kent County Delaware Probate RECORDS 1680-1800" discloses wills which were made or probated between 1732 and 1778. On page 109 is a will notation for Joseph Rash which identifies three sons, John, Ambrose and Joseph, three daughters, Sarah, Patience and Grace and his wife, Sarah. The will was made November 17, 1745 and it was probated on December 14, 1745. On page 130 is the notation for the will of Ambrose which identifies his mother Sarah, his brother John and three sisters, Sarah, Patience and Grace. The same as in his fathers will on page 109 but, no wife or child. This will was made on October 26, 1748 and it was probated on November 26, 1748. In addition there were also wills for John Rash probated on January 3, 1761, for James Rash probated on January 28, 1769, for a Mary Thorel who was married to an Unknown Rash which was made August 26, 1732, for Joseph Rash probated August 19, 1778 and for Samuel Rash probated June 18, 1755. All of these wills name the Rash descendants to whom portions of the will are bequeathed. Children of JOSEPH RASH and SARAH MASON are: 3. i. JOHN3 RASH, b. 1712, Kent County, Delaware; d. Nov. 20, 1790, Kent County, Delaware. ii. JEMIMA RASH, b. 1715, d. 1741. iii. AMBROSE RASH, b. 1717, d. 1748. iv. JOSEPH RASH, b. 1720 Spotsylvania, Va, d. Oct. 25, 1776 Louisa, Va. v. PATIENCE RASH, b. 1722, d. 1739, m. Amos Hinseley. vi. SARAH RASH, b. 1724, d. 1748 St George, Spotsylvania, Va., m. John Forkham. vii. GRACE RASH, b. 1732, d. 1745, m. John Clayton, mother of John Clayton . 73 Editor’s note: About the Hundreds of Delaware - Hundreds are unincorporated subdivisions of counties, equivalent to townships, and were once used as a basis for representation in the Delaware General Assembly. While their names still appear on all real estate transactions, they presently have no purpose except as a geographical point of reference. 2.5 JOHN RASH (THOMAS1) was born about 1693 in Kent County, Delaware and died Dec. 23, 1760. He married ANN JONES. She died before him, circa 1755. Notes for JOHN RASH from http://newsarch.rootsweb.com/th/read/RASH/2001-06/0992388894: John's will was probated on January 3, 1761, per page 192 of the "Calendar of Kent County Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800". It recognizes his sons Joseph, James, and William; his daughters Elizabeth Swails, Mary Downham, Sarah Smith and Hannah Forkam. John's wife Ann, is not recognized because she was already dead. Children of JOHN RASH and ANN JONES are: i. JOSEPH RASH, b. 1725, d. 1778. ii. JAMES RASH, b. 1738, d. 1769. iii. WILLIAM RASH, d. abt 1800, father of Sue Rash, 1758-1763. iv. ELIZABETH RASH, b. 1726, d. 1752, m. Mr. SWALES. v. vi. vii. MARY RASH DOWNHAM. SARAH RASH SMITH. HANNAH RASH FORKAM. Generation No. 3 Kent County, Delaware: 3. JOHN3 RASH (JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1712 in Kent County, Delaware, and died Nov. 20, 1790 in Kent County. He married 1) REMICAH “Micah” WILSON Abt. 1732 in Wilkes County, NC. She was born Abt. 1712 near Wyoming, not the state but a town of that name in Kent County, Delaware, and died Bef. 1782 in Kent County. He married 2) Mary Voshell, b. abt 1710. The 1899 book Biographical and Genealogical History of the State of Delaware on page 1369 states about the Rash family: One of the earliest families in the state of DE, possessed land in Kent Co. over 200 years (in 1899). John Rash owned much real estate and resided near Wyoming. He married Miss Micah Wilson. Children of JOHN RASH and MICAH WILSON are: 4. i. DANIEL4 RASH, b. Abt. 1729, North Motherkill Hundred, Kent Co., Delaware; d. November 11, 1839, Wilkes County, North Carolina. ii. Letitia Rash, b. Abt. 1741, m. Isaac Beer. iii. Angela Ansley Rash, b. 1746, d. 1803, m. William Whitby. iv. Patience Patuma Rash, b. 1748, d. 1810, m. Eben Walls. vi. Hester, maybe Ester Rash, b. Abt. 1749, m. William Green. vi. Andrew Rash, b. Abt. 1751, lived to age 87. vii. Joseph Rash, b. Sept. 14, 1757, d. abt 1836. viii. Martin Rash, b. Abt. 1760, lived to age 87 Generation No. 4, The Revolutionary War 4. DANIEL4 RASH (JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1729 in North Motherkill Hundred, Kent Co., Delaware, and died November 11, 1839 in Wilkes County, North Carolina. In 1761 he married (1) BARBARA WALLACE, born in 1736 He married (2) RUTH L. MUNCEY in Kent County, Delaware, daughter of NATHANIEL MUNCEY and MARY BUSH (more about them on page 272). She was born in Kent County, Delaware, and died Bef. 1830 in Wilkes County, North Carolina. Her lineage is traced in the short chapter Descendants of John Adams, starting on page 269 and ending with her on page 273. Daniel Rash was in the Revolutionary War, as documented by Nancy Miller Thompson Smith Gavlak: Robert Rash born 25 April 1805 at Wilkes Co., North Carolina died at Richland, Keokuk, Iowa on 1 October 1882 and his (first or ) wife Setha (y) Lettie Bryan born 31 January 1804 at (ca Iredell Co.) North Carolina died at Richland, Keokuk, Iowa on 31 July 1880 married August 1824 (ca Iredell Co., N.C.) #. The said Robert Rash was the child of Asa Rash born 1781 at Wilkes County, North Carolina died at Wilkes County, North Carolina on (W.P.) Feb. 1829 and his (first or ) wife Nancy Coleman born 1782 at Wilkes County, North Carolina died at Wilkes County, North Carolina on after 1870 married 12 Nov. 1800 Wilkes Co. , N.C *. The said Asa Rash was the child of Daniel Rash born ca 1829/30 (Editor’s note: surely they meant 1729/30) at Kent County, Delaware died at Wilkes County, North Carolina on 1839 (Editor’s note: that would make him 110, which is unlikely) and his (first or ) wife Ruth Muncy (Muncey) born ca 1735 at Kent County, Delaware 74 died at Wilke's County, North Carolina on Bef. 1830 married ca 1760/63 Kent Co. Delaware. ^. The said Daniel Rash was the child of John Rash born ca 1706 at Kent County, Delaware Died at Kent County, Delaware on November 1790 and his (first or ) wife Micah (Remicah) Wilson born ca 1707 at _________ died at Kent County, Delaware on Bef. 1782 married ca 1728/29 Kent Co., Delaware (Give below authorities for EACH statement of birth, Marriage, Death dates and places and connections between generations from the applicant through the generation of the Revolutionary ancestor. Published authorities should be cited by title, author, date of publication, volume and page. Send one certified, attested copy or photocopy of each piece of unpublished data. Proofs for line of descent comprise wills, administrations, deeds, church, town and court records, Bible, census and pension records, tombstone inscriptions, genealogies and such other records. TRADITION is not acceptable. Give National Numbers and relationships of any close, relatives credited with this ancestor. #. Mrs. W.O. Abshire, G.G.R.S., 10 Jan. 1984, p. 2 (Coleman); Will of Asa Rash, Will Book 4, p. 127, Feb. 1829, Wilkes Co., N.C.; Abshire, ob. cit., pp. 2, 3 * Abshire, ob. cit., pp. 1, 2, 3; File C.R. 104.508.30-Wilkes Co. Estate Records in N.C. Archives, Typed record of above estate, and other transactions of Daniel Rash, pp. 113a, 21, 22. George L. Caley, letter dated 4 Aug. 1984, Muncy pp. 3, 4; Records of the Moravians in North Carolina, Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission,. 1962, Edited by Adelaide L. Fries, M.A., Volume IV, 1780-1783, pp. 1675, 1680. ^. Will of John Rash, Kent County, Delaware dated 7-1-1782, typed copy pp. 6, 7. http://www.ibiblio.org/mtnivy/BAJ/crouch.htm Wilkes County, North Carolina From HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF WILKES COUNTY, Published in Wilkesboro, N.C. by John Crouch in 1902: Wilkesboro, the capital, is a beautiful town of about 800 population, situated on the south bank of the Yadkin near the center of the county. It was founded in 1778 by John Parks, John Barton, George Morris and John Witherspoon, who were appointed by the General Assembly to select a county seat for Wilkes County. It is about 175 miles northwest of Raleigh. The committee appointed by the General Assembly to survey the dividing line between Wilkes and Surry made the following report of their work, which is the first paper recorded in the county records: Wilkes County Line &c. "A return of the proceedings of the commissioners who were appointed to run the dividing line between the counties of Surry and Wilkes to wit: Beginning on Rowan county line about half a mile below Daniel Rash's at a white oak standing in the head of a branch of Hunting creek thence north crossing Mulberry Field road about half a mile below Hamlin's old store house, thence through Solomon Sparks' plantation, leaving the said Sparks' home in Surry county, thence crossing the Brushy mountain at the head of the north fork of Swan creek, then crossing the Adkin river a little below Capt. Parks (and through the lower end of Carrol's plantation on the north side of said river thence crossing the south side of said river thence crossing the Big Elkin at the Long Shoals, thence crossing the south fork of Mitchell's river about half a mile above Bigg's road, thence crossing the top of the Piney Knob to the main ridge of mountains about two miles west of Fisher Peak thence to the Virginia line; being run exactly 26 miles west of Surry court house, agreeable to act of Assembly by: Robt. Lanier, Henry Speer, Joseph Hendron Commissioners from http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/RASH/1999-08/0935324236: From: bobby bryan <bgbryan@iglobal.net> Subject: Rash Lineage Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 07:17:16 -0500 Daniel RASH was in Wilkes County as early as the 4th of March 1778 when an entry mentioned "adjoining land of Daniel Rash, part of Wilkes and part in Rowan." (Entry #10). On 9th September 1779 his improvement on the head branch of Hunting line between Wilkes and Surry Counties. 20th November 1778 he entered 50 acres of land south fork of Hunting Creek; being part in Wilkes and part in Surry including his improvement (Entry #511; Wilkes Land Entry Book 1778-1781). He is granted this land adjoining the rowan Line 9th November 1784 (Deed Book A-1, page 499). On 12th April 1796 he bought 159 acres on Pipe Camp Branch (Deed Book D, page 284). The 6th September 1796 he bought 50 acres adjoining his own land on Hunting Creek (Deed Book C-1, page 297) and on the 23rd December 1799 he received a State Grant for 100 acres adjoining his own line (deed Book D, page 613). On 6th September1801 he sold Levi Rash 150 acres land on Pipe Camp Branch, with Asa Rash and James McBride witnessing the deed (Deed Book C-1, page 383). Daniel Rash appeared in Capt. Alexander Gordon's District, Wilkes County 1782 Tax List with 150 acres land, four horses and eleven head of cattle. The following is a table of the subsequent Wilkes County tax lists showing the Rash's thereon: Daniel Rash: 1784, 150 acres, 1 poll; 1785, 150 acres, 1 poll; 1786, 150 acres, 1 poll 1787, 350 acres, 1 poll; 1788, 150 acres, 2 polls; 1790, 150 acres, 2 polls; 1791, 150 acres, 2 polls; 1792, 230 acres, 3 polls; 1793, 410 acres, 1 poll; 1794 150 acres, 2 polls; 1795, 50 acres; 1796, 260 acres, 1 poll; 1797, 200 acres, 1 slave; 1799, 385 acres, 1 poll;1805, 250 acres, 1 slave. Thomas Rash: 1793, 1 poll; 1794, 1 poll. James Rash: 1794, 1 poll; 1795, 100 acres, 1 poll; 1796, 100 acres, 1 poll; 1797, 100 acres, 1 poll; 1799, 100 acres, 1 poll. 75 Levi Rash: 1805, 200 acres, 1 poll. Asa Rash: 1805, 100 acres, 1 poll. Luke Rash: 1805, 100 acres, 1 poll. (Wilkes Taxables, William Lenoir Family Papers, U. N. C. Library, Chapel Hill, N.C. & 1805 Wilkes Taxables, microfilm.) Daniel Rash is shown on the N.C. State and Federal Census as follows: 1787: 1 male between 21-60; 6 males under 21-Over 60; 4 females. 1790: 3 males over 16; 4 males under 16; 5 females; 4 slaves. 1800: 2 males 16-26; 1 male over 45; 1 female under 10; 2 females 10-16; 1 female over 45. 1810: 1 male over 45; 1 female over 45. 1820: Not found. 1830: 1 male over 100 alone (Nancy Rash, possibly widow of Asa, living next door). January 1792 Daniel Rash was paid 1 pound, 4 pence for corn & (Voucher #946; Accounts of the U.S. of America for Sundries furnished the Militia of N.C., S.C. & Virginia as allowed by Auditors, &c. N.C. Archives. There is no doubt that Daniel Rash served as a Militiaman in the Revolutionary War as well as being a Patriot by virtue of furnishing supplies. On the 23rd July 1791 Daniel Rash made oath that his son, Thomas Rash was not yet 21 years of age and would not be until May next (C.R. 104.326; Criminal action Papers, Wilkes County; N. C. Archives). On the 6th March 1795 Ruth Rash came forward and released Daniel Rash, her husband, who she had sworn a warrant for, for fear he would kill her (C.R. 104.326; Criminal Action Papers, Wilkes County; N. C. Archives.) Daniel Rash lived to be over a hundred years of age. There is no Will recorded for him in Wilkes County. However, in file C.R. 104.508, Wilkes Estates Records in the N.C. Archives, there are loose papers concerning the settlement of his estate as follows: 25 Feb 1837, Sale of the Estate of Daniel Rash. Purchasers: James Madison, James Nicholson, Daniel Adams, Thomas Rash, Luke Rash, William Ball, Nancy Rash, Jordan Privit, William Rash, Joseph Ladd, Agness Rash and Lewis bryan. A paper dated 1839 reads: Wilkes County N. C. to Sheriff of said county, you are to summons Daniel Dowell, Nancy Dowell and James Redding to appear and answer to William Garras, Administrator of Daniel Rash, Senr. deceased.....Daniel Rash's Legatees: Nancy Rash (widow of Asa), James McBride and Levi Rash......January 1840; Report of committee composed of James Martin and Thomas Roberts, appointed by the court to settle with William Garris, administrator of Daniel Rash, deceased...$846.29 3/4 came into the administrators hands...Three of the Legatees, to wit: Nancy Rash (widow of Asa who deceased 1829). James McBride and Levi Rash (who deceased 1822), had received advancements in their father's (his) lifetime, which is more than their equal share, therefore, they are entitled to no more of said deceased's estate. Other Legatees who had received nothing in their father's lifetime were as follows: Nancy Dowell, Elizabeth Coleman, Luke Rash, James & Mary Wilson, John Rash, Miriam Logan, James Rash, Thomas Rash & David Rash. The amount to be divided between the Legatees of which they are entitled to receive is as follows: (to each $96.97 1/4: John Rash, Miriam Logan, James Rash, Thomas Rash, David Rash, Nancy Dowell, Elizabeth Coleman, Luke Rash, James & Mary Wilson. John Rash married 7 November 1788 Elizabeth Logan, John Logan, bondsman (Page 191); Miriam Rash married 18 January 1791 John Logan, Hugh Logan, bondsman (Page 141; typescripts Surry County, N.C. Marriage Bonds compiled by LDS); Levi Rash's wife was Jean/Jane in the administration of his estate. James McBride, Sr. named daughters, Jean Rash and Sarah Rash in his Will dated 4 January 1808 (Wilkes Will Book 2, pages 230 and 231); Asa Rash married 12 November 1800 Nancy Coleman, Levy Rash, bondsman (page 206) Betsy Rash married 2 June 1805 Robert Coleman, Asa Rash bondsman, (page 54) from http://www.gencircles.com/users/stelnik/1/data/935: "Wilkes Co. Heritage" article written by Rhodene Frederick ---- Wilkes Co Heritage, NC RC 975-682 hev +: Daniel A. Rash was born approximately 1730, in Motherkill, Kent County, Delaware. The son of John and Micah Wilson Rash. Daniel was living in Delaware in 1770, but was in the Wilkes area by 1778 when he received a state grant. The Rash family, Welsh by descent, is one of the oldest in Delaware. The family is remarkable for longevity, more than one of its members having been centenarians. Daniel died in 1836 and was at least 106. He was a militiaman during the Revolutionary War and was wounded in the head and knee. Daniel was nursed by the Moravians until Ruth and some neighbors from Hunting Creek came to take him home. He married Ruth Muncy, daughter of Nathaniel Muncy of Kent county, Delaware. One interesting document is a restraining order found in Wilkes County filed in 1795 by Ruth Rash to prevent her husband from killing her. Surely this is the head wound and not a bad-tempered ancestor we have. Daniel lived in the Hunting Creek area and the land is referred to in the descriptions of the county lines for Surry, Iredell, and Wilkes Counties. He was a farmer by trade. As did so many men in those days, he bought and sold land. The first two known children of Daniel are John Rash, born around 1768 who married Elizabeth Logan, 7 Nov 1788; Miriam Rash, born around 1768, married John Logan, 18 January 1791. These two children may have been by Daniel's first wife. Daniel & Ruth Muncy Rash had the following children: Thomas Rash born May 1771, died before 1840, married Sarah McBride daughter of James, Sr. and Sarah McBride. James Rash, born around 1773. Levi Rash, born between 1773/1778, died 1822 married Jean McBride, daughter of James, Sr. & Sarah McBride. Luke Rash, born between 1773/1778, died 1843 married Mary. The inventory of the personal estate of Daniel Rash show that he must have been a very generous man. There were countless notes where he had loaned sums of money to people living in the area. One item sold in the public sale 23 February, 1837 was a Bible to William Ball for $2.30. Would you believe the estate took a note for the $2.30! Generosity must have run in the family as well as longevity. From "Records of the Moravians in North Carolina": Page 1675: Feb 8, 1781 Yesterday and today no meetings could be held because of the disturbances. In the morning many officers and privates were in town. They were boisterous at the still-house, and in the Tavern things went badly, with much cursing, abuse and harsh threats 76 so that we feared for our lives and our property. They arrested various persons who came into the town. In the afternoon a company of Georgia light-horse came through, they bought a wounded militiaman named Daniel Rash, (from Hunting Creek) who remained here in the care of our doctor, (He had been shot through the head and knee.) Soon after, the Wilkes men left. As a last act one of the privates had seized a pair of leggings from Br. Bagge, but one of his comrades made him return them. It is to be noted that these men left just as the Brs. Bibihaus and Holder were about to set out for General Greene's headquarters, to present a petition asking his Excellency for a Salvegarde and protection, and so they were able to start in peace. During the evening there was again some disturbance in the town, made by a Georgian who had left some work with the shoemaker, but it was soon over. The night was quiet. Page 1680: Feb. 19, 1781 The wounded Daniel Rash, who was here for treatment for a week and a half, was taken home by his wife and neighbors. The afternoon was again, disturbed by a party of Wilkes Militia, but the brothers and sisters were very happy that in the twilight we could again have a gemein stunde, after being deprived of services for four days. Editor’s notes: What are Moravians? The Moravian Church or Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine is a mainline Protestant denomination. Its religious heritage began in Kunvald late 14th century Bohemia (modern Czech Republic). Its official name is Unitas Fratrum meaning Unity of the Brethren (not to be confused with the small Unity of the Brethren church based in Texas). It is also occasionally referred to as the Bohemian Brethren. It places a high premium on Christian unity, personal piety, missions and music. The church's emblem is the Lamb of God with the flag of victory, surrounded by the Latin inscription: Vicit agnus noster, eum sequamur; or in English: Our Lamb has conquered, let us follow Him. What is a gemein stunde? The 1860 book The Life of Schleiermacher defines it as “an exposition of Scripture or address directed to members of the church, as distinguished from the public preaching of the Gospel. A vehicle for conveying admonition and encouragement.” Who is His Excellency? Having read David McCullough's excellent book "1776," I can tell you this was the unofficial title given by many to the commander of the Continental (Revolutionary) Army, Gen. George Washington. Nathaniel Greene, also mentioned, was Washington's top general. Apparently Daniel REALLY lived over 100 years, through 110 sounds unlikely. I have seen wife Ruth’s birth year given as 1735 and 1748. The latter sounds more likely. With the former, she would have had children at age 55. Ruth’s uncle Samuel Muncy (1712 - 1786, brother of her father Nathaniel) and cousin John Skidmore Muncy (died in 1797, son of Samuel) also served in the Revolutionary War. Children of DANIEL RASH and RUTH MUNCY are: 5. i. ASA5 RASH, b. 1780, North Carolina; d. February 1829, Virginia. 6. ii. LUKE RASH b. 1786 Wilkes Co. NC, d. 1843 Wilkes Co. Generation No. 5 5. ASA5 RASH (DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1780 in North Carolina and died Oct. 30, 1828. He married NANCY COLEMAN Nov. 12, 1800 in Wilkes County, NC, daughter of CHARLES COLEMAN and MARY “Polly” CAMPBELL. She was born in 1782 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and died in 1870 in Wilkes Co. He is buried in Greenwell Cemetery, Johnson County, Tenn. Asa was not named in his father Daniel's estate settlement papers, but his widow Nancy Rash was. Land records from Wilkes County Deed Book C-1, pg 44 show that Asa lived in Wilkes County in 1801 and 1802. Asa bought land on Osborne's Creek from his brother James. This was also known as the Hunting Creek area. A deed between the brothers shows £1000 for 100 acres, signed by Luke Rash, Thomas Rash and James Rash on Sept. 1, 1802. Asa was involved in another land transaction on Sept. 6, 1801 in the same county. Asa's will is dated Feb. 1829. It can be found in the Wilkes County Will Book, 4, pg 127. He names his wife Nancy and his thirteen children. Robert Coleman, his brother-in-law, was executor of his estate. William Garvis was the guardian of the minor children, Thomas, Amos and Mary Rash. Nancy’s father Charles Coleman, 1756-1826, served in the Revolutionary War as a quartermaster in the 3rd Regiment, North Carolina. Mary “Polly” Campbell Coleman’s father (Nancy’s grandfather) Percival Adam Campbell was born August 30, 1735 in Dunblane, Perthshire, Scotland (now Stirling District, Dunblane, Scotland) and died in 1781 in North Carolina. Children of ASA RASH and NANCY COLEMAN are: i. CHARLES RASH, b. 1801, N. Carolina; d. Feb. 13, 1831, Iredell Co., NC. Married Lydia Cass, had seven children: James, Asa, Sarah, Charles, Able, Elizabeth and Aaron Rash ii. DANIEL RASH, b. 1802, Wilkes Co., N. Carolina, d. 1860, m. Sally. Children: Levi, Nancy, Sallie & Asa Rash. iii. ELIZABETH RASH, b. 1804, North Carolina, d. 1847; m. HIRAM/BIRAM BALL Jan. 18, 1825. Children: Miles, William M., and Isaac J. Ball. 7. iv. ROBERT6 RASH, b. April 13, 1805, Wilkes Co., North Carolina; d. Oct.1, 1882, Richland Township, Keokuk Co., IA. v. LEWIS LEVI RASH, b. 1807, Wilkes Co., NC, d. Dec. 29, 1854, buried in Cook Cemetery, Hancock Co., IN, m. Rebecca. Children: Rebecca M., Daniel, Amos, Mary Ann and Thomas M. Rash. 77 vi. NANCY RASH, b. Abt. 1811; m. LUKE A. RASH, December 3, 1837. vii. BEVERLY RASH, b. 1812, d. Nov. 28, 1851; m. MARY BROWN. Convicted of choking his wife to death and hanged. The Dec. 4, 1851 edition of the Salisbury NC newspaper The Carolina Watchman gives an account of his final words and public execution. The 1850 Census of Wilkes Co., NC shows their children Henry, Temperance & Grace Rash living with Grace Brown, age 65. It is assumed that this was the mother of Mary Brown. viii. JOHN RASH, b. abt 1816 in Wilkes Co., IN, m. Ruth. Children: Sarah L. and Nancy Rash. ix. THOMAS (called Meredith) RASH, b. abt 1817, Wilkes Co., NC, not to be confused with his cousin Thomas Martin Rash (see page 83), son of Luke Rash. x. PHOEBE RASH, b. 1821, Wilkes Co., N. Carolina; m. George Paulet and John Morgan. Children: Sarah A., William, John W., Elizabeth, Martha and Rebecca Morgan. xi. AMOS RASH, b. 1821 Wilkes Co., NC; m. REBECCA COLEMAN and DELILAH E. SMITH, 22 children. xii. ASA RASH JR., b. March 1823, Wilkes Co., NC d. Feb. 5, 1888 Hancock Co., IN, m. Martha Shepherd, b. Jan. 26, 1829 Wilkes Co., d. Feb. 4, 1884, dau of William Shepherd. Both are buried in Cooper Cemetery, Hancock Co. xiii. MARY J. RASH, b. July 6, 1827 Wilkes Co., NC, d. Nov. 26, 1890, received rest of state from her grandmother Mary Campbell Coleman. Married WILLIAM TYRE and Alfred WARREN. Children: Sarah M., Rebecca, William, Henry A., Nancy A., Emily and John Warren. Alfred b. June 24, 1813, Wake, NC, d. Feb. 5, 1903. Mary and Alfred are buried in Zion Baptist Church Cemetery, Union Grove, Iredell County, North Carolina. 6. LUKE5 RASH (DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1786 in Wilkes County, NC and died in 1843. He married MARY, b. Abt. 1796. Child of LUKE RASH and MARY is: 8. i. THOMAS MARTIN6 RASH, b. Abt. 1818, Iredell County, NC. Generation No. 6 7. ROBERT6 RASH (ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 13, 1805 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and died Oct. 1, 1882 in Richland Township, Keokuk County, IA. He married SETHA LETTIE BRYANT in August 1824 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, daughter of LEWIS BRYANT. She was born January 31, 1804 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and died July 31, 1880 in Richland Township, Keokuk County, IA. From the 1880 book "Directory of Keokuk County Iowa" page 690: Rash, Robert, farmer, Sec. 13, P.O. Richland; born April 13 1805; is a native of Wilkes county, North Carolina; he lived there till 1833, during which time he was married to Miss Setha Bryan, in August 1824; she is a native of North Carolina; he remained there till 1835; and from there went to East Tennessee, where he remained till 1850; not being satisfied with this location he came to this county in 1853 and settled in the place he now lives on; has 100 acres of land well improved; his family consists of eight children, living: Malinda E., Levi M., Lewis E., John A., William W., Daniel W., Nancy J., and Amanda A; lost two; Mr. Rash is a member of the United Brethren Church (i.e., the Moravians. See page 77) and is a good neighbor and well respected citizen. Editor’s note: The presence of the Rash family in Iowa (well, those Rashes who are OUR forbears) begins with ROBERT RASH. 78 This 1874 Keokuk County plat map was made during Robert Rash’s lifetime and it shows the size and shape of his plat of land, spanning the corners of Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24. Note the nearby Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, on the far left. 79 The following 1887 plat map of Richland Twp, Keokuk Co. was made five years after Robert’s death, but the plat of land spanning the corners of Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24 is labeled “Robert Rash Estate.” Richland is included here as a point of reference. Reed Cemetery, the final resting place of Robert and his wife Setha, appears in the upper left corner of this map. As with many country cemeteries and schools, it appears to have taken its name from the owner of the surrounding land: Hugh Reed. I visited Reed Cemetery in May of 2009, along with my father Tom Fahey and my mother Carol (Rash) Fahey, the great-great-granddaughter of Robert and Setha Rash. You have to stop near a bend in the road, park your car and hike across a corn field to get there. We talked to the man who farms the land and lives within sight of the cemetery. He has no relations interred there, and he told us that if we had come 10 years earlier we might not have found it amid the brush. But he had cleared the area, cleaned up the monuments and built a fine white fence around it all. We told him he had done a wonderful thing and we were very grateful. In this aerial photo, the cemetery is at the left, a light area demarcated by the white line of the fence. The GPS coordinates for parking are 41.23544 N, 92.01704 W 80 May 2009 – Bob Fahey & his mother Carol (Rash) Fahey at the graves of Robert & Setha Lettie (Sethy) Rash in Reed Cemetery, near the towns of Richland and Ollie in Keokuk County, Iowa. Carol is their great-great-granddaughter. 81 Robert Rash obituary: Robert Rash (1805-1882) ANOTHER PIONEER GONE ACROSS THE SILENT RIVER-Robert Rash an old and much respected citizen of this township died last Sunday in his seventy-third year, of Paralysis. Mr. Rash was born in the state of North Carolina, and was married there, when he moved to Tennessee where he lived for a number of years, when he again moved to this state and settled in this township in an early day. He was attacked some 18 months ago with paralysis, since which time; he has been much affected, until last week he had another stroke, which left him totally unconscious, until last Sunday his spirit took its final flight to join his wife who had been called home something over two years ago, and now they be side by side in the Brushy Bood Cemetery; the family have the sympathy of all the neighbors where they had lived so long and were respected so well. This obituary was found online at http://iagenweb.org/boards/keokuk/ obituaries/index.cgi?review=196731 The submitter added this note: I found this obituary buried in a newspaper clipping scrapbook (without source notations) which had been donated to the Iowa Genealogical Society, so I do not know which paper it was in or the date of publication. The cemetery which the obit lists as his and his wife's (Setha Lettie Bryant/Bryan) burial place is actually Reed Cemetery (formerly Grays Cemetery) in Richland Township. Rash Robert, late 1870s More About ROBERT RASH: Burial: Reed Cemetery, Richland Township, IA, located 41.23544 N, 92.01704 W Occupation: Farmer More About SETHA LETTIE BRYANT: Burial: Reed Cemetery, Richland Township, IA, located 41.23544 N, 92.01704 W Info.: Last name was Bryan according to Ref Directory of Keokuk Co Iowa 1880 Nickname: Sethy; this name on tombstone Setha Bryant Rash’s first name is a feminized version of Seth, the third son of Adam & Eve in the Bible, which states that everyone alive is descended from him (Abel had no descendants, & Cain’s descendants all perished in Noah’s flood). Seth Hammer, page 193, also is named for this Biblical patriarch. Children of ROBERT RASH and SETHA BRYANT are: i. PEGGIE7 RASH, b. April 11, 1825, North Carolina; d. January 1, 1883, Iowa. Info.: Maybe spelled Peggy 9. ii. MELINDA E. RASH, b. January 10, 1827, North Carolina; d. March 12, 1907, Kansas. 10. iii. MELVIN LEVI RASH, b. March 28, 1828, East Bend, Wilkes Co., North Carolina; d. January 9, 1913, Union Twp, Hardin County, Iowa. iv. ROBERT BURTON RASH, b. October 16, 1829, North Carolina; d. December 15, 1851, Keokuk County, Iowa. Burial: Reed Cemetery, Richland Township Robert and Setha Rash, year unknown 82 10.5 11. 12. 13. 13.5 14. 14.5 v. LEATHA CAROLINE RASH, b. March 12, 1831 Tennessee; d. January 8, 1902; m. GEORGE WELCH. vi. LEWIS ELLIS RASH, b. April 24, 1832, Jefferson County, East Tennessee; d. October 2, 1912, Hardin County, Iowa. vii. JOHN ANDERSON RASH, b. March 12, 1834, Jefferson County, Tennessee; d. April 19, 1902, Union County, Iowa. viii. WILLIAM WATSON RASH, b. November 18, 1836, Tennessee; d. March 22, 1915. ix. DANIEL “Danny” W. RASH, b. March 30, 1838 TN, d. March 14, 1895 Missoula County, Montana. x. NANCY J. RASH, b. December 29, 1839, Tennessee; d. February 12, 1908, Keokuk County, Iowa. xi. AMANDA ELIZABETH RASH, b. March 12, 1843, Tennessee, d. Feb. 18, 1910 Richland, Iowa. Children of Robert and Setha Rash, taken about 1898 or 1900, thus ages given are approximate. Back, left to right: William Watson Rash, 63, John Rash, 65, Melvin Rash, 71. Front, left to right: Amanda (Rash) Jones, 56, Lewis Rash, 67, Nancy (Rash) Lundin, 60. 8. THOMAS MARTIN6 RASH (LUKE5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1818 in Iredell County, North Carolina. He married MARY LUCINDA LUNSFORD, born Abt. 1820 in North Carolina, the daughter of Eli Lunsford and Mary Ann Henderson. Children of THOMAS RASH and MARY LUNSFORD are: i. MARY7 S. RASH, b. September 23, 1843, d. June 13, 1920; married Fillian Netherton; 12 children. ii. ROBERT TAYLOR RASH, b. June 13, 1847, d. April 17, 1932; married Mary Malinda Frisby. iii. JOHN V. RASH, b. 1845. vii. DEMMICE RASH, b. July 1854, d. Aug. 19, 1931. iv. JANE RASH, b. 1846. viii. ELIZA RASH, b. 1855. v. MELINDA RASH, b. 1849. ix. JULIA ANN RASH, b. Feb. 7, 1857, Paint Rock, NC, d. Aug. 3, 1934 Paint Rock. vi. ALFRED RASH, b. 1851. x. JACKSON RASH. 83 Generation No. 7 9. MELINDA E.7 “Lindie” RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born January 10, 1827 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and died March 12, 1907 in Parsons, Labette County, Kansas. She married JACOB E. ELLER September 3, 1849 at Dandridge, Jefferson Co., TN, son of JOHN ELLER and ELIZABETH WINTERBOWER. He was born in 1822 in Tennessee, and died in 1883 in Parsons. Melinda, Jacob and daughter Leanna are buried side-by-side in Oakwood Cemetery, Parsons. At the time of the beginning of the Civil War, they were living in South Carolina. Jacob joined the Northern forces. To prevent possible harassment and persecution of his family by their Southern neighbors, the Army moved the family to Iowa. After the war, in May 1869, Jacob moved his family by covered wagon to Labette County, Kansas, in the southeast corner of the state. There, Jacob took up a homestead about three miles east of Parsons. Lanty, the oldest son, being already married by this time, took up a homestead nearby. Melinda, at the time of the move, was pregnant with Levi Allen, who was born within days of their arrival. The 1880 census shows Jacob and son Lanta, both farmers, and their families in Labette County, KS. Children of MELINDA RASH and JACOB ELLER are: i. LANTA “Lanty” ELLER, b. Aug. 3, 1847, TN, d. May 2, 1928, m. 1) Julia Brolliar, b. 1851, m. 2) Margaret Farrell, b. in 1860s in Virginia. Children with Julia: Son Charles b. 1872, daughter Carrie b. abt 1875, son Elmer Emanuel 1878-1978, m. Rena, 1876-1964. Children with Margaret: Son Shannon b. abt 1896 KS, m. Mabel, b. abt 1896; son Leslie b. Jan. 1897 KS, m. Flossie, b. abt 1898. Lanty is buried in Franklin Cemetery, Labette Co., Kansas. ii. LEANNA ELLER, b. 1850 d. July 14, 1888. iii. ANDREW ELLER, b. March 14, 1852, TN, d. 1931 Oklahoma; m. Lillian A. Pearse, b. Oct. 20, 1858, d. March 2, 1909. They are buried in Elm Spring Cemetery, Neosho, Mo. Three daughters: Eva Reese Eller, Myrtle Eller and Hazel Eller. iv. ANNA G. ELLER, b. January 1854, in 1873 m. Naaman Kellogg (1850 - 1932), son of Chester Kellogg and Sylvia Seekins Kellogg. Had sons Walter Alva (1875-1903) and Albert Harrison (b. 1876, d. bef. 1932). v. JOHN D. ELLER, b. Nov. 15, 1856 TN, d. 1916. vi. WILLIAM HARRISON ELLER, b. 1860 TN, m. Anna Lee Garrett Sept. 8, 1889, b. June 1868, d. Dec. 30, 1909, daughter of John Marshall Garrett and Georgia Ann Lawrence. vii. J. WATSON ELLER, b. 1865 in Iowa, d. April 22, 1922 in Butte, MT. viii. LEVI ALLEN ELLER, b. May 22, 1869 Parsons, Kansas, d. Aug. 20, 1945 Missola, Mont., m. Estella A. Buker Nov. 25, 1890, b. April 21, 1871 Stevensville, Mont., d. Nov. 15, 1945 Superior, Montana. They had sons Robert and Loyd. Levi and Estelle are buried in Missoula Cemetery, Missoula, Missoula County, Montana. 10. MELVIN LEVI7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 28, 1828 in East Bend, Wilkes Co., North Carolina, and died January 9, 1913 in Union Twp, Hardin County, Iowa. He married ESTHER LEWIS March 22, 1857 in Richland Twp, Keokuk County, Iowa, daughter of THOMAS LEWIS and PRUDENCE WALDRIP. She was born May 28, 1839 in Indiana and died Oct. 21, 1919 in the home of son Daniel, Union, Hardin County IA. Melvin and Esther (Lewis) Rash, possibly the same day as the following 1909 photo but apparently later. 84 Notes for MELVIN LEVI RASH: From "History of Hardin County", page 293: Melvin Rash Settling along Honey Creek southwest of where the present town of Union lies were the brothers Melvin, John, Lewis and Watson Rash and their families. Each family staked out their homestead and walked to Fort Dodge to purchase their land for $1.25 an acre. The year? 1856. Melvin Levi Rash was born on March 28, 1828 in East Bend, Wilkes County, North Carolina. At an early age his family moved to Jefferson County Tennessee and on to Keokuk, Iowa, where both of his parents are buried. He married Esther Lewis from Indiana when she was just 15 years of age. Melvin and Esther (Lewis) Rash, 1909. Notice the clothing & brooch are the same as in the preceding photo. Melvin and Esther along with Melvin's brothers and their families journeyed across Iowa by covered wagon drawn by oxen. When crossing the Iowa River, the oxen came loose from Melvin's wagon leaving young Esther clinging to a heifer calf. She was immediately cautioned not to let go of the calf. It was too valuable to lose. They would desperately need it for starting a new herd of cattle when arriving at their destination. Esther and the calf were saved, but the new life the pregnant Esther carried was not so fortunate. Enduring many hardships those first few years, the brothers joined together to clear their land and build their home. Sod houses were built first as clearing the land and getting in crops were most important. Later better homes were built. They found the ground so fertile they could plow a furrow and plant corn every other furrow. Fish, deer, wild turkeys, wild geese, prairie chickens, pheasants and quail were among the plentiful game found to plenish the larder until they could stock their farms with domesticated animals. Large gardens and orchards were planted. At first Iowa City was the nearest railroad market. But then Waterloo and Marshalltown were used until the Iowa Central Railroad came closer and the town of Union was formed in 1869. Once a year, the brothers would trek to one of these towns to sell their grain and livestock and to buy supplies for the following year. Shoes were bought in various sizes and the children were expected to make do wearing whichever pair came the closest to fitting. Melvin and Esther had eleven children. Ursula (m. Joe Davis), Monroe, Hulda (m. Jim Shultz), Everette, Charlotte (m. 1. George Hammer, 2. Eli Shultz), Daniel, Millard, Frank, Rhetta (m. Lee Glenney), Clifford and Clayton. Home was a place where family, friends and travelers alike were welcomed. They taught their children that conversion was of the Holy Spirit; water was not necessary . Services were held in their home until the Stanford Church (Quaker) was built southeast of their homestead. Most of Melvin's sons farmed near Union. At the time of their marriage, each of his children were given 40 acres. When Melvin died there were four houses on his original homestead. Melvin died on January 9, 1913 and Esther on October 21, 1919. They, as well as many of their sons and daughters, nieces and nephews and grandchildren, are buried in the Miller Cemetery south of Union. by Edythe Rash Robertson, granddaughter http://iapioneers.blogspot.com/2007/11/levi-melvin-rash-obituary.html Obituary from the Union Star, Thursday, January 16, 1913: Another Old Settler Called Levi Melvin Rash was born in North Carolina March 28, 1828 and in early childhood moved with his parents to Jefferson County, Tennessee, where he grew to manhood. At the age of twenty-one, he with his parents came to Iowa locating on a farm near Richland, where in 1856 he was united in marriage to Miss Esther Lewis. They came to Hardin County the same year, settling on a farm near where he lived at the time of his death. Unto this union twelve children were born, the eldest dying in infancy, Arsoola at the age of 34, and Millard F. at the age of 38. His aged wife, six sons and three daughters, 40 grandchildren, and eleven great grandchildren are left to mourn their loss. The surviving children, Monroe, Evert, Daniel, Frank, Clifford, Clayton, Hulda Shultz, Charlotte Shultz, and Rhetta Glenney all live near the old home and were present during his sickness and death and did all that loving hands could do to comfort and sustain him. Also Mrs. Millard Rash came up from Richland, and did all that a daughter could have done to make his last hours comfortable. He and his estimable wife endured the privations of pioneer life, but no one was ever turned away from their door without aid, and many are the families that have enjoyed their hospitality while they were securing a home of their own. "He that watereth shall be watered also himself: Prov. 11-25. And while he was helping others he was also helped himself, but his children will remember him not for the acres he possessed but for the good advice he gave them as a loving father. In the earlier part of his life he was a member of the Baptist church. In 1902 he joined the Friends at Stanford and as long as his health permitted he could always be depended on for help. After his health failed, and he could not attend the regular service he remained a faithful member, always helping in a financial way. He departed this life Jan. 9, 1913 at the age of 84 years 9 months and 11 days. The funeral service was held from the home, Jan. 10, at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. Hickman. Interment in the Miller Cemetery. 85 Another obituary: Pioneer farmer of Southern Hardin County passes away Following an illness of ten days, due to paralysis, induced by old age, Levi Melvin Rash, a pioneer farmer of southern Hardin county, died at his home, four miles southwest of Union, Thursday. Mr. Rash was a native of North Carolina, where he was born March 23, 1828. In 1833 his parents moved to Jefferson County, Tennessee, and in 1849, Mr. Rash came to Keokuk county, settling near Richland. There he took as his wife, in 1856, Esther Lewis who survives him. Directly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Rash came to Hardin County, and have since resided on the same farm that they homesteaded from the government. Of the eleven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Rash nine are living, in the persons of Monroe, Daniel, Frank, Clifford and Clayton Rash, all living near the old Rash home place; Edward (Evert) Rash of this city; Madames J.N. and Eli Shultz, and Lee Glenney, also of the same neighborhood where their parents lived. The children who are dead were Mrs. Joseph Davis, who passed away June 11, 1894, and Millard F., who died Aug. 5, 1911. Mr. Rash was a birthright member of the Friends Church, and had led a consistent Christian life. Although at the time of his death he was a member of the Friends church, during intervening years he had been affiliated with both Methodist and Free Methodist Churches. Mr. Rash's funeral was held from the residence Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, interment following in the Miller cemetery. From the Clerk of the District Court of Hardin County, Iowa - Doris J. Lewis date May 6, 1966 We have records here of an Estate opened here for Melvin Rash (Estate #2624). This estate file shows that Melvin Rash passed away in Union Twp., Hardin county on Jan. 9, 1913. He left a will leaving all personal property and a life estate to his wife, Esther. Then it was to be divided equally among Monroe Rash; Hulda Rash Shultz; Evert Rash; Dan M. Rash; Charlotte Rash Shultz; Frank F. Rash; Clifford Rash; Clarence Rash (son of Millard Rash, deceased); Rhetta Rash Glenney and Clayton L. Rash and Arsula Rash Davis; Arsula Rash Davis, being deceased, her share going to her four children - - Denny Davis, Gertie Sawin, Ralph Davis and Ray Davis. An estate was also opened for Esther Rash (#3642) and it shows her date of death as Oct. 22, 1919. Melvin Levi (or is it Levi Melvin?) Rash Land Patent details from http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/PatentSearch/Detail.asp?PatentDocClassCode=MW&Accession=0030%2D178&Index=3&QryID=721 39.45&DetailTab=1 Patentee: LEVI M RASH Warrantee: JESSE W SMITH Military Rank: LIEUTENANT Survey State: IOWA Acres: 153.9 Metes/Bounds: No Fract. Section: Yes Meridian: 5th PM Counties: Hardin Mineral Reservations: No Authority: March 3, 1855: Scrip Warrant Act of 1855 (10 Stat. 701) Document Nr.: 30326 Accession/Serial Nr.: MW-0030-178 Legal Land Description: Aliquot Parts: SW Sec./Block: 31/ Township: 86-N Range: 19-W Title Transfer Issue Date: 12/1/1859 Land Office: Fort Dodge Cancelled: No U.S. Reservations: No Aliquot parts are a rectangular survey system notation used to describe a section of land. A section is equally divided into halves and quarters. In legal terms, a section is always described in relationship to the four points of the compass. Standard compass abbreviation being N, S, W, E. Such as the N½ of Section 5 or the NW¼ of Section 5. A section number identifies a section in a township. A block number identifies a block (or piece) of land within a township. A "township" is a major subdivision of the public lands under the rectangular system of surveys. A township number identifies the number of tiers a township is located north or south of the baseline. A township direction indicates on which side (north or south) of the baseline the township is located. A "range" is a row or tier of townships lying east or west of a principal meridian (PM). A range number identifies the number of tiers a range is located east or west of the principal meridian. A range direction indicates on which side (east or west) of the principle meridian the township is located. A section of land is denoted as a fractional section if it is not a complete section (e.g., less than 640 acres due to a body of water). More about the Scrip Warrant Act of 1855: Land Scrip and land warrants were certificates from the Land Office granting people private ownership of certain portions of public lands. Congress authorized issues of scrip. It was used primarily to reward veterans, to give land allotments to children of intermarried Native Americans, to make possible exchanges of private land for public, to indemnify people who lost valid land claims through General Land Office errors, and to subsidize agricultural colleges. The greatest volume of scrip or warrants was given to soldiers of the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, and, in 1855, to veterans of all wars who had not previously received a land bounty or who had received less than 160 acres. Warrants of the first two wars were for land located in military tracts set aside for that purpose; those of the Mexican-American War allowed entry to any surveyed public land open to purchase at $1.25 an acre. A total of 68,300,652 acres was thus conveyed to 426,879 veterans, their heirs, or their assignees. 86 More About MELVIN LEVI RASH: Info.: Maybe married Mar 22 1856 Two late 19th-century news clips about Melvin, both with fun closing editorial remarks: 1894-12-07 Union Star - Melvin Rash, John Rash, Eli Shultz, Cal. Weatherly, W W. Rash, L.E. Rash and B.J. Rash left Tuesday evening via. the Iowa Central for Kansas City and Springfield, Mo and Stuttgart, Arkansas, on an excursion to look at land. They may buy the whole of Arkansas. 1899-07-28 Union Star - Melvin Rash sold Wallace &Chamberlain one car of cattle and two cars of hogs Wednesday. It was a fine bunch of stock, just such as grow on Honey Creek. Mr. Rash understands the stock feeding business and no mistake. Obituary for ESTHER LEWIS: The Union Star; Union, Iowa; Oct. 27, 1919 Esther Lewis, daughter of Thomas and Prudence Lewis, was born near Oxford, Indiana, May 28, 1839, removing with her parents to Richland, Iowa when a young girl. In 1856 she was united in marriage to Levi Melvin Rash. They came to Hardin Co. the same year, settling on a farm near where she made her home for so many years. Unto this union twelve children were born, the oldest dying in infancy, Arsoola at the of thirty-four and Millard F. at the age of thirty-seven. The surviving children are Monroe, Evert, Daniel, Frank, Clifford, Clayton, Hulda Bucknell, Charlotte Shultz, and Rhetta Glenney, with 44 grandchildren ; 27 great grand children and 1 great great grandchild. She has been an invalid for a number of years and since the death of her husband in 1913 has made her home with her children. She was a member of the Stanford Friends Church and lived a consistent Christian life before her family and the community, departing this life at the home of her son Daniel Oct . 21, 1919 at the age of 80 years, 4 months and 28 days. More About ESTHER LEWIS: Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County, Iowa Through Esther, a long Scottish history enters the family and is inherited by us, her descendants. See the Campbell genealogy, beginning on page 256. Melvin Rash’s house as it looked in the 1970s. It has since been torn down. Built in the 1800s. Children of MELVIN RASH and ESTHER LEWIS are: 15. i. ARSULA8 RASH, b. July 17, 1859; d. June 13, 1894. 16. ii. MONROE RASH, b. Nov. 9, 1861, Union, Hardin County, Iowa; d. Nov. 30, 1928, Union, Hardin County, Iowa. 17. iii. HULDA RASH, b. February 14, 1864, Iowa; d. abt 1931 in Canada. 18. iv. EVERETT EDWARD RASH, b. June 24, 1866; d. 1941. 19. v. CHARLOTTE “Lottie” RUTH RASH, b. January 18, 1869; d. March 21, 1944. 20. vi. DANIEL M. RASH, b. February 18, 1871, Union, Iowa; d. January 4, 1921, Union, Iowa. 21. vii. MILLARD F. RASH, b. June 18, 1873, Union, Hardin Co., Iowa; d. Aug. 6, 1910, Providence Twp, Hardin Co., Iowa. 22. viii. FRANK FLOYD RASH, b. November 23, 1877, Iowa; d. Feb. 2, 1960 in Dobson, NC. 23. ix. RHETTA PRUDENCE RASH, b. August 1, 1880, Union, Iowa; d. September 1960. 24. x. CLIFFORD B. RASH, b. June 4, 1882; d. September 1965. 25. xi. CLAYTON L. RASH, b. July 23, 1885, Union, Hardin County IA; d. July 14, 1961, Gifford, Hardin County IA. 87 Melvin and Esther Rash and their children, about 1890, thus ages given are approximate. Standing, left to right: Daniel, 19, Charlotte, 21, Millard, 17, Hulda, 26, Frank, 13. Seated, left to right: Everett, 24, Melvin, 62, Esther, 51, Monroe, 28. Front, left to right: Clate (Clayton), 5, Rhetta, 10, Cliff (Clifford), 8. Missing is the eldest, Arsula Rash Davis, 31. A much more ambitious photo of Melvin & Esther’s family, from 1909 and with 40 people in it, is on page 274. Daughters of Melvin and Esther Rash Left to right: Hulda, Charlotte and Rhetta Rash. Arsula had died by this time. 88 89 Sons of Melvin and Esther Rash, 1909, ordered eldest to youngest. Front, left to right: Monroe (father of Dean, Laurence & Pearl), 47, Everett, 43, & Dan, 38. Back, left to right, Millard, 36, Frank, 32, Cliff, 27, & Clate, 23. 10.5. LEATHA CAROLINE7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 12, 1831 in Tennessee, and died Jan. 8, 1902 in Fern Prairie, Clark County, Washington. She married GEORGE WASHINGTON WELCH, son of William Welch. He was born in 1825 in Preston County, West Virginia, and died in 1880 in Clark County. Both are buried in Fern Prairie Cemetery, Camas, Clark County. Residence: George had 40 acres in Green Castle Township, Marshall County, Iowa, according to 1871 plat map. Living there, according to 1870 census. Apparently sometime in the 1870s they moved to Washington state. Children of CAROLINE RASH and GEORGE WELCH are: i. JULIANN8 “Julia” WELCH, b. Feb. 24, 1850, Iowa, d. Aug. 14, 1933, Camas. Deaf, according to 1870 census. Married Patrick Dunn (1846-1924), had four children: May Nelson, Margaret Fay Dunn Canada (1887-1935), Peter H. Dunn (18911973) & Frank Merrill Dunn (1892-1976). All but May are in Fern Prairie Cemetery. ii. FRANCIS “Frank” WELCH, b. June 18, 1862, Marshalltown, Iowa, d. Jan. 23, 1930 in Camas, WA. Married 1) Catherine “Katie” Proebstel, b. Nov. 16, 1857 d. Jan. 10, 1910 of cancer, mother of Ben. Married 2) Hannah Parker, b. Jun. 7, 1865, d. Nov. 26, 1916. Frank and both wives are buried in Fern Prairie Cemetery, Clark Co., WA. iii. IDA WELCH, b. Abt. 1863, Iowa. v. ABRAHAM WELCH. iv. ELDA WELCH, b. Abt. 1864, Iowa. vi. WILLIAM WELCH. 11. LEWIS ELLIS7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 24, 1832 in Jefferson County, East Tennessee, and died Oct. 2, 1912 in Hardin County, Iowa. He married (1) RACHEL HAMMER Dec. 26, 1856 in Jasper County, Iowa, daughter of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH JANEWAY. She was born May 23, 1836 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died Nov. 13, 1893 in Hardin County, Iowa. He married (2) EUDELLA “Dell” HUGHES McCOLLUM in December 1896, widow of William Todd McCollum and daughter of ISAAC HUGHES and EMILY. She was born March 24, 1861 in Illinois and died August 30, 1915 in Iowa. Notes for LEWIS ELLIS RASH: From the 1883 book "History of Hardin County, Iowa" p. 935, (http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~iabiog/hardin/h1883/h1883union.htm#Lewis%20E.%20Rash): Lewis E. Rash, whose parents emigrated to East Tennessee, and thence to Keokuk county, Iowa, in 1847, was born in East Tennessee, April 24, 1834. In 1856 he married Rachel Hammer, who was born in the same State, May 23, 1836. There was a family of twelve children, ten of whom are living, viz. -- Alvah C., Columbus E., Nancy E., Flora Ann, Bennie J., Emma R., Solon L., Henry T., Bertha J., and Andrew S. In 1857 Mr. Rash came to Hardin county, and located on the place where he now lives. Mr. Rash came to the county in limited circumstances; but has accumulated a fine property. He has 160 acres of land in Union township, which is valued at $35 per acre; 200 acres in Grant township, valued at $40 per acre, also 80 acres valued at $35 per acre. Lewis Rash, about 67, in about 1899 From the 1911 book "Past and Present of Hardin County, Iowa," pages 735-736 (http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~iabiog/hardin/pp1911/pp1911_r.htm#Lewis%20E.%20Rash): Lewis E. Rash Prominent among the older residents and larger landholders of Hardin county is Lewis E. Rash, who came to the county more than fifty years ago and entered wild land. He has, by his diligence and perseverance in his occupation, gained a competence and attained prosperity and become a man of influence in his community, who is ever ready to aid in whatever promises the betterment of public conditions. Lewis E. Rash was born in eastern Tennessee on April 24, 1834, the son of Robert and Setha (Bryant) Rash. His parents moved to Keokuk county, Iowa, in 1847, and, spending their active lives there died in Keokuk, the mother on November 13, 1893. They were the parents of the following children: Peggie, deceased; Lindie, who married Jacob Eller, lived for a long time in Tennessee and died in Kansas; Melvin, of Union township, Hardin county; Burton, deceased; Caroline, who married James Welsh, and is deceased, as is her husband; Lewis E.; John, who married Miss Glover and lived in Union township, now deceased; Watson; Nancy; Amanda, deceased, who married Will Jones, deceased, and Dannie, deceased. In 1856 Lewis E. Rash was married to Rachel Hammer, who was born in eastern Tennessee on May 23, 1836, and died in 1893, after thirty-seven years of married life. To this union twelve children were born: Alva Curtis, who was born on December 3, 1857, now living in Garden, Nebraska; Columbus Elliott, born in May, 1859, now living near Union, the subject of another sketch; Nancy C. was born on June 16, 1861, and is now deceased; Flora Ann, born on December 15, 1863, married Lewis Thompson; Benjamin J., on March 25, 1865; Emma R., on April 16, 1867; Solon L., on August 28, 1869; Henry Thomas, on August 11, 1871; Bertha Jane and Burton F., on November 10, 1874 (Burton died on March 17, 1875); Andrew Seth, on January 12, 1878, and Gertie May, on February 22, 1881, and died on March 12, 1881. In January, 1897, Mr. Rash was married to Mrs. Udella McCollom, the widow of William McCollom and the daughter of Isaac and Emily Hughes. She was married to Mr. McCollom in 1877, in Ohio. He died in 1893. To their union five children were born, Stella, Ensa, James, Emily and a boy who died in infancy. In 1857, shortly after his first marriage, Mr. Rash came to Hardin county, Iowa, and located on the farm where he now lives. He took up one hundred and sixty acres of wild land, and added to this two hundred acres in Grant township and eighty more in Union 90 township. This land he improved and made into a first-class farm, one which has no superior in the county and on which he has spent his time and attention since coming to this county, for which he has received a merited reward in his present prosperity. Mr. Rash is widely known in Hardin county as a successful farmer. He is now retired from active life and is enjoying his later life in the society of his friends and the comforts which his own exertions have procured. Obituary, The Union Star, Oct. 10, 1912: Lewis Ellis Rash was born April 24, 1834 in Jefferson Co., East Tenn., died October 2, 1912, age 78 Years, 5 months and 8 days. In childhood he came with his parents, Robert and Lettie Rash, to Keokuk Co., Iowa. In his 21st year he came to Jasper Co. and on December 26, 1856 he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Hammer and in the spring of 1857 they moved to Hardin Co., settling on the land that he had previously entered from the government and upon which he continued to reside until the time of his death. Mr. Rash had 5 brothers and 5 sisters, two only surviving him. Melvin, the oldest son who with his young wife settled at the same time in 1857 and whose farm has always joined that of his brother, Lewis, and Watson, the youngest brother, who now lives in Union and is a veteran of the Civil War and was a farmer in this county for many years, after the close of the war in 1865 During the gold excitement in Colorado in the spring of 1861, he crossed the plains driving a team of oxen to Pikes Peak, but he returned in the fall of the same year, having disposed of his wagon and team. His wife and then three children in the mean time remaining on the homestead. In the early years many hardships were endured, for a few years Iowa City was the nearest railroad market, then Waterloo, to which place he hauled his wheat and at one time receiving only 25 cents per bushel for oats. A little later the railroad reached Marshalltown from Chicago and for 7 or 8 years that was the market, until the Iowa Central was built and the town of Union became the local market. Lewis Rash was a man of a Hospitable disposition never in his life turning any man away from his door hungry or without shelter for the night, or for days as the occasion offered. On Nov. 13, 1893 his wife, Rachel, passed away and in Dec. 1896 he was married to Mrs. Eudella McCollum, whose children were Estella M., Euza L., James O., and Emily S. McCollum who, excepting Miss Euza who died May 3, 1897, are now living and were present at the funeral as were also the surviving children of his wife, Rachel, being nine in number. At the time of his death there had been born to Mr. Rash 12 children of whom 9 are living; 48 grandchildren of whom 41 are living and 18 great grandchildren of whom 16 are living. In young manhood Mr. Rash united with the Baptist church in which faith he continued to live and during his last sickness, which lasted about nine days, he expressed a willingness and readiness to depart. Thus has lived and passed a loving husband and father; a pioneer, a quiet friend and neighbor, a respected citizen. The funeral was held at the home Friday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. W.H. Hickman of the Friends church assisted by Rev. C.A. Gilbert of the M.E. church of Union, Many relatives, old settlers and friends were in attendance. His six sons were the pall bearers and the body was laid to rest by the side of his departed wife in the Miller cemetery on the beautiful afternoon of October the 24th. The children of Lewis and Rachel Rash were twelve in number, seven sons and five daughters, ten of whom grew to manhood and womanhood and nine have married and have families, two Berton F. and Gertie M. died in infancy, The eldest, A.C. lives near Gordon, Neb. He and his estimable wife are the parents of 12 children, 10 of whom are living; two daughters are married; one son is a minister of the Methodist church. Alva, as he is familiarly known, has a stock ranch and farm; has 600 acres in cultivation and the balance 840 acres in pasture. He has lived for the past 27 years on a farm near the homestead first taken in 1885. Thomas Jefferson Hammer, in his 1917 Biography of Seth Hammer, wrote, “Great changes have taken place in Iowa since the fifties. Looking back over a half-century, I have a vision of miles of open prairie that lay between Hammer Grove and Timber Creek, to the north, in Marshall County. There were points on the road, then little traveled south of the Kentucky settlement, from which a house could not be seen with the naked eye. We used this road in going to the Rash settlement, in Hardin County. I remember helping Lewis Rash drive a cow and young calf (which father had given to Rachael) from our home in Jasper to Hardin County, in the spring of 1859. Though then under ten years of age, I yet retain a panorama of that part of Iowa in its newness, wildness and ocean-like vastness. Before my mind’s eye arise northern Jasper, northern Marshall and southern Hardin Counties, with their miles upon miles of unimproved prairie land, only awaiting the touch of farmers with vision, to make that fertile region “blossom as the rose”. Editor’s notes: That last quote is from the Bible, Chapter 35 of Isaiah. Despite most accounts saying Lewis Rash was born April 24, 1834, I am inclined to agree with accounts saying he was born in 1832. This would reconcile with his brother John being born March 12, 1834, which otherwise would be quite a remarkable feat. 91 This house was built about 1864 or 65 according to recollections written in 1932 by Lewis’ daughter Flora. Excerpt from History and Recollections of My Father and Family, by Flora Rash Thompson, 1932: Father left his home in Tennessee when a boy of 15 or 16 years of age, working his way to Keokuk Iowa. The rest of the family coming later where Grandfather and Grandmother lived the rest of their lives. Father was married to Rachael Hammer in Jasper county (December 26, 1856). The following spring 1857 they came with uncle Melvin Rash and his wife to Hardin county. They entered farms from the government $1.25 an acre. Uncle John coming and entering the farm in between Father’s and Uncle Melvin’s, the three farms joining. Uncle Watson the youngest son served in the Civil War (with the Northern Army) was later married and bought land, about ½ mile northwest of the Miller school. Father erected a log house in which they and Uncle Melvin and wife lived in the first year. Uncle Melvin built a house east of Father’s on what is known as Honey creek about 1 mile from Father’s. Uncle John building halfway between what is known as “Badger Hill.” The house with some remodeling still stands and is owned by his son Arthur Rash. Alva was born December 3rd, 1857 the winter following their coming to Hardin County. Four of us children were born in the log house. Alva, Columbus, Nancy and myself. A new lumber house was built in 1864 or 65, there was one large room, serving as living room and kitchen a cook stove, replacing the fire place, which served in the old log house, one bedroom downstairs and pantry, one large room upstairs, which was neither lathed or plastered the snow being nearly knee deep when we got out of bed in the morning, after an Iowa blizzard. Bennie was the first to be born in the new house March 25, 1866. A straw shed answered the purpose as a barn for several years. The new barn must have been built in about 1873. Uncle Frank Hammer did the work alone which took the greater part of the summer. Father first hauled his grain to mill to Marengo, and later to Waterloo. He drove oxen the first few years. I recall the first team of horses. Alva and Columbus both worked ox teams in the fields. Later a mill was built at Marshalltown, and later one at Union, Iowa. Mother used to carry her eggs to Bangor in exchange for groceries and tobacco, walked all the three miles there and back and thought nothing of it. Father raised most of his Tobacco, called long green. He would dry it and make it in twists. The land was raw prairie when Father and Mother first came to Hardin County. No fences, trees, just grass. The first fences I remember were called the stake and rider fences. Two posts put in the earth crossing each other then another pole laid on top of this. The cotton wood grove south of the house was planted first, then the apple grove west of the house. Later a grove of maples were put out on the north side of the house, when I was about 16 years old. Uncle Ben and Father planted the maple seeds. The trees still stand. 92 We did not spin wool but Mother carded (editor’s note: combed, disentangled) wool for inside comforters. Took the raw wool and carded it until it was fine enough to lay smooth. We had all our stockings, mittens, and etc. to knit. Uncle Alva was a good knitter and could knit as any woman and taught me how to knit. Our first school was known as the Sawin school house, which was across the road from where the Miller schoolhouse is still standing. I think the Miller school house was built about 1873, the land being donated by Dan Miller. Here we had church services, Sunday school on Sunday PM most of the time, prayer meeting on Thursday evenings. We had no regular hired preacher and do not think they charged anything for their services. The Quaker preacher was usually preacher as a side issue, and earned his living some other way. Henry Hickman was one that we had more often that most any other. Our social affairs mostly centered around the school house. Literary with interesting debates. Al Mason was often on a debating team at some of these times. Singing school was another, Alva and myself took lessons one winter when Marian Travis taught. Father lived to be 81 years old; at this writing has 43 grandchildren, 71 great-grandchildren. Excerpt from Memories of My Grandfather Lewis E. Rash, by Clint Thompson, 1970: I remember the first time I ever saw him after I was old enough to remember. Although details of events preceding and following the meeting left no imprint on my memory. Quotations and details of the meeting related by my mother at a later date. He was in the back yard splitting chunks of wood into cook stove size when Mother, Jessie and I arrived. My brother, Carl, was a baby in arms at the time. Don't know where he was at the time. After the amenities with mother and Jessie, he looked me over carefully. "Fine boy you've got there," he said. "Is he as good as he looks?" "Little mischievous at times." Mother said. "Otherwise he is fairly good." Grandfather grinned broadly and winked at me. And I knew then, young as I was, that I had found a friend. One of the things that always fascinated me at Grandfather's house was nesting houses for birds in the back yard. During the spring and summer months, they would be occupied by Martins. The reason for the bird houses and the Martins was that the Martins were deadly enemies of larger chicken-stealing birds such as hawks and owls. The Martins were very swift in flight and would chase the larger birds beyond the range of vision, leaving a cloud of feathers floating in the air behind. Grandfather's home was always kept well supplied with stove wood, maple syrup and maple sugar from two large groves of soft maple trees, one grove south of the house, the other to the west, The two groves must have covered an area of fifteen acres or more. East of the house was an apple orchard of an acre or more. The earlier varieties of apples kept the household well supplied with apples for cooking and eating purposes. Later varieties were processed through a juicing press, the juice used for making apple cider, both sweet and hard, apple juice and vinegar. The hard cider was for the men only, the sweet cider for the women and the apple juice for the children. The vinegar was, of course, for culinary uses. The last time I saw Grandfather Rash was at a Fourth of July celebration in Union, Iowa. He was sitting on a bench watching the athletic events, His beard was then long and white. But he still had the friendly gleam in his eye. We sat and talked until one of his foster sons came by to take him home. There was one other thing I learned during this, our last visit. Grandfather still had a flare for exploration and adventure, for he seemed very proud of me as the first of his sons or grandsons to break away from the small town and farming environment and go out into the great world of far places and adventure. - Big Spring, Texas April 17, 1970 Lewis Rash Land Patent details from http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/PatentSearch/Detail.asp?PatentDocClassCode=MW&Accession=0030%2D181&Index=4&QryID=721 39.45&DetailTab=1 Patentees: LEWIS E RASH, SALOME ADAMS Warrantee: GUY ADAMS Military Rank: PRIVATE Survey State: IOWA Acres: 113.66 Metes/Bounds: No Title Transfer Issue Date: 12/1/1859 Mineral Reservations: No Authority: March 3, 1855: ScripWarrant Act of 1855 (10 Stat. 701) Document Nr.: 58565 Accession/Serial Nr.: MW-0030-181 Land Office: Fort Dodge Township: 86-N; 86-N Cancelled: No Range: 19-W; 19-W U.S. Reservations: No Fract. Section: Yes; No Legal Land Description: Meridian: 5th; 5th Aliquot Parts: W½NW; SENW State: IA: IA Sec./Block: 31/; 31/ Counties: Hardin; Hardin For an explanation of “aliquot parts” and other terms used in the above land patent details, see page 86. 93 More About LEWIS ELLIS RASH: Info.: 1856 census says lived in residence of Seth Hammer, along with his brother John Rash. Lewis married Seth's daughter Rachel in Dec. 1856. Occupation: Farmer Religion: Baptist Notes for RACHEL HAMMER: On her tombstone, her name is spelled Rachel, not Rachael. Also, I have a photocopy of a page, apparently from a family Bible, labeled Family Records, Deaths, that records the spelling as Rachel. Although I have seen her name spelled Rachael in several places, it’s clear to me the correct spelling is Rachel. She possibly was born in eastern Tennessee Notes for EUDELLA HUGHES: She and Lewis both were widowed in 1893 and married in December 1896. Lewis’ younger children were comparable in age to her children. Eudella’s first husband, whom she married in 1877, was William Todd McCollum, b. Apr. 5, 1848, d. Aug. 12, 1893. They had four children, one of whom is buried near her in Miller Cemetery. William is buried in Cedar Cemetery, Sac City, Sac Co., Iowa. Burial information for LEWIS ELLIS RASH, RACHEL HAMMER and EUDELLA HUGHES: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Children of LEWIS RASH and RACHEL HAMMER are: 26. i. ALVA CURTIS8 RASH, b. December 3, 1857, Union, Hardin County, IA; d. July 21, 1921, Gordon, Neb. 27. ii. COLUMBUS ELLIOTT RASH, b. May 1859, Union Twp, on the old Rash homestead; d. 1943. Burial Union Cemetery. 28. iii. NANCY ELIZABETH RASH, b. June 16, 1861; d. October 22, 1889. 29. iv. FLORA ANN RASH, b. December 15, 1863, Hardin County, Iowa; d. February 1, 1936, Whitten, Hardin, Iowa. 30. v. BENJAMIN JESSE RASH, b. March 25, 1865 Iowa City, Wright Co., Iowa; d. Dec. 20, 1951, Hubbard, Hardin Co., Iowa. 31. vi. EMMA ROSALIE RASH, b. April 16, 1867, Union, Hardin County, Iowa; d. Aug. 11, 1942, Estherville, Emmet Co., Iowa. 32. vii. SOLON LINCOLN RASH, b. Aug. 28, 1869 Union, Ia, d. May 19, 1949 Union. 33. viii. HENRY THOMAS RASH, b. Aug. 11, 1871 Iowa City; d. Feb. 22, 1955 Hardin Co. ix. BURTON FRANCIS RASH, b. November 10, 1874; d. March 12, 1875. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Iowa. Info.: Twin to Bertha Jane 34. x. BERTHA JANE RASH, b. Nov. 10, 1874 Union, Ia; d. April 10, 1950 Creston, Ia. xi. ANDREW SETH RASH, b. January 12, 1878; d. September 15, 1919 in the hospital at Iowa Falls, Iowa. He had 480 acres of land in Texas. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa xii. GERTIE MAY RASH, b. February 22, 1881; d. March 12, 1881. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Andrew Seth Rash, 18, 1895 Children of EUDELLA HUGHES MCCOLLUM RASH and 1ST husband WILLIAM MCCOLLUM are: i. ii. iii. iv. ESTELLA MAY8 MCCOLLUM, b. May 1878, d. June 28, 1963, m. Mr. Bundt. Nickname: Stella. Buried in Cedar Cemetery, Sac City, Sac County, Iowa. JAMES ORR MCCOLLUM, b. May 3, 1882 at Sac City, Iowa, first husband of Carrie Hammer (see page 209). EMILY S. MCCOLLUM, b. March 24 1884 Ill., d. April 9 1940. ENZA LEOTA MCCOLLUM, Apr. 11, 1880-May 3, 1897. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 12. JOHN ANDERSON7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 12, 1834 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died April 19, 1902 in Union County, Iowa. He married MARY ANN GLOVER, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Frazier Glover, on Dec. 10, 1863 in Richland, IA. She was born Feb. 16, 1840 in Salem, IA, and died Oct. 15, 1899 in Union, Hardin Co., IA. More About JOHN ANDERSON RASH: Occupation: Farmer Obituary in the Union Star, April 25, 1902: Died John Anderson Rash April 19, 1902. Born in Jefferson County, Tenn. March 12, 1835. Married Mary Ann Glover Dec. 10, 1863 and moved to Hardin County the spring of 1864. Four children: Arthur T., Albert V., Eliza A., and Hattie A. Services at Miller schoolhouse by Rev. Hickman, burial in Miller Cemetery. John Rash, about 65, in about 1899 94 Obituary for MARY ANN GLOVER: Mary Ann Rash died at her home, southwest of Union, in Hardin county, on October 15th, 1899 of dropsy. Mary Ann Glover was born at Salem, Iowa, in the year 1840, was married to John A. Rash at Richland, Iowa, on December 10th, 1862. There was born to them Arthur T. Rash and Eliza Hammer, living, and Albert V. and Hattie A., deceased. Mrs. Rash was a true Christian woman and was converted at the age of sixteen, and an active member of the Friends church. Her suffering was intense, yet she bore it all without complaint. And the end came as if falling asleep. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Hickman, and was largely attended. Interment took place in the west Union cemetery. BEAUTIFUL HANDS. Such beautiful, beautiful hands, They're neither white nor small. And you, I know, would scarcely think That they were fair at all; I've looked on hands In form and hue A sculptor's dream might be, Yet are these aged, wrinkled hands Most beautiful to me. Such beautiful, beautiful hands; Tho' heart, was weary and sad, These patient hands kept toiling on That the children might be glad; I often weep, as looking back To childhood's distant day, I think how these hands rested not When mine were at their play. Mary Ann (Glover) Rash, 54, & husband John Anderson Rash, 60, in 1895 Such beautiful, beautiful hands, They're growing feeble now, And time and toll have left their mark On hand, and heart and brow; Alas, alas! The nearing time, The sad, sad day to me, When 'neath the daisies cold and white, These hands will folded be. But 0 beyond these shadowy lands, Where all is bright and fair, I know full well these dear old hands Will palms of victory bear; Where crystal streams thro' endless years Flow over golden sands. And where the old grow young again I'll clasp my mother's hand. Editor’s notes: The poem in the obituary is by Ellen M.H. (Huntington) Gates, 1835-1920, a poet born in New England. Dropsy is an antiquated term for edema, an abnormal accumulation of fluid beneath the skin, or in one or more cavities of the body. More About MARY ANN GLOVER: Burial: Miller Cemetery, aka the West Union Cemetery, Hardin Co., IA Info.: Possibly born at Henry, IA Children of JOHN RASH and MARY GLOVER are: 35. i. ARTHUR THOMAS8 RASH, b. Sept. 20, 1864, Union, Hardin Co, IA; d. Oct 18 1933, Union. As of the 1900 census, Arthur & his family were living with his recently widowed father John. ii. ALBERT VINTON RASH, b. Dec. 3, 1865, Iowa; d. Aug. 10, 1887, Union, Hardin Co, IA. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 36. iii. ELIZABETH ELLEN RASH, b. 1870, Iowa; d. 1931, Hardin Co., IA (stroke). iv. HATTIE AMANDA RASH, b. Jan. 17, 1876, Union, Hardin Co, IA; d. Aug. 18, 1883, Union. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa. 95 Albert V. Rash 13. WILLIAM WATSON7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born November 18, 1836 in Tennessee, and died March 22, 1915. He married (1) MARY MCCONNELL May 3, 1857 in Keokuk County, Iowa, born in 1836 and died Feb. 11, 1859 in Keokuk Co. He married (2) ELLEN AMELIA NEGUS September 13, 1866 in Hardin County, Iowa, daughter of Benjamin and Mercy Ann Dorman Negus. She was born Sept. 21, 1846 in Broome Co., New York, and died Sept. 16, 1925 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa. More About WILLIAM WATSON RASH: Info.: First name is William, went by middle name Watson News item in the Eldora Herald, Nov. 22, 1901: Watson Rash has bought the J.F. Ruddick property and will move to Union this week. Military service: Civil War veteran. Listed on plaque at Union Cemetery. William Watson Rash obituary: William W. Rash died at his home in Union Monday evening, March 22nd, 1915 aged 78 years. He had been in failing health for several years, but until a short time ago was able to be about town occasionally. William Watson Rash, about 63, in about 1899 Mr. Rash was born in Knox County, Tenn. in 1833, where he lived until 12 years of age, when he moved with his parents to Richland, Iowa, residing there until he enlisted in Co I, Fortieth Iowa Infantry, and served three years in the Civil War. After the close of the war he came to Union and resided on a farm west of town until he retired 14 years ago, since then living in Union. Mr. Rash was married twice; to the first union being born, Will of Richland. In 1866 he united with Ellen A. Negus and to this union there came eleven children; Lee of Little Cedar, Fred of Riceville, Mrs. O.E. Bunier of Des Moines and Harry of Union, surviving their father. Mr. Rash was a member of the Friends church for years, and died trusting in his Savior. The funeral was held at the Christian church at 2:30 Wednesday, and was conducted by Rev. Henry Hickman. Interment was in Union Cemetery. News item in the Union Star, Feb. 24, 1899: “Died Mrs. Mercy Ann Dorman-Negus at the home of her daughter Ellen A. Negus Rash. Mrs. Negus was aged 79. Burial in Miller Cemetery.” No marker can be found there for her but her husband Benjamin is there. William Watson Rash, 59, & wife Ellen, 49, 1895 Ellen Negus Rash, 62, & William Watson Rash, 72, 1909 William’s Civil War record, from the book Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of Rebellion: Service Record: Enlisted in Company I, Iowa 40th Infantry Regiment on 10 Oct 1862. Residence: Richland, Iowa Promoted to Full 8th Corporal on 18 Sep 1863. Age at Enlistment: 25 Promoted to Full 6th Corporal on 1 Feb 1864. Enlistment Date: 14 Aug 1862 Promoted to Full 2nd Corporal on 17 Feb 1865. Rank at enlistment: Private Promoted to Full Corporal on 1 Apr 1865. State Served: Iowa Promoted to Full 5th Sergeant on 24 Jun 1865. Survived the War?: Yes Mustered out on 2 Aug 1865 at Fort Gibson, CN. 96 Burial for ELLEN AMELIA NEGUS: Union Cemetery, Union Twp, Hardin Co., Iowa Children of WILLIAM RASH and MARY MCCONNELL are: i. WILLIAM WATSON RASH, b. Feb. 1, 1859. His mother died 10 days later. Residence as of 1915: Richland, Keokuk Co., Iowa. He died June 24, 1917 at Richland, just two years after his father died. Married Ann Eliza McConnell, daughter of Henry McConnell and Rachel Newport, b. Sept. 17, 1861, d. Feb. 25, 1949, had seven children. Children of WILLIAM RASH and ELLEN NEGUS are: i. SHERMAN8 RASH, b. Abt. 1868. 37. ii. ABIGAIL ANN RASH, b. Aug. 28, 1870; d. Oct. 7, 1900. 37.1 iii. LEE WILLARD RASH, b. Oct. 12, 1873 in Iowa, d. Feb. 16, 1958 at Alexandria, Minn. iv. MARY ETTA RASH b. 1874 37.2 v. FREDERICK LUCIEN RASH, b. March 29, 1875 Iowa, d. June 24, 1967, Norwalk, Ohio. vi. JOHN EDDIE RASH, b. 1878. vii. MARGARET “Maggie” RASH, b. 1880 Johnson Co. Tenn. viii. GRACE RASH, b. 1882 d. 1975, on April 25, 1905 at Union m. Everette Oren Bunker, b. 1877, d. 1937. They are buried in Resthaven Cemetery, West Des Moines, Iowa. ix. GERTRUDE RASH, b. abt 1884 x. RAY OWEN RASH, b. Nov. 17, 1885. xi. HARRISON “Harry” B. RASH, b. Dec. 12, 1887 Iowa, d. July 16, 1969 Iowa. Buried in Graceland Cemetery, veterans section, Knoxville, Marion Co., Iowa. 13.5 DANIEL “Danny” W. RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 30, 1838 in Jefferson County, Tennessee and died March 14, 1895 in Missoula County, Montana. He married 1) ELIZABETH LEWIS Nov. 28, 1859 in Keokuk County, Iowa, daughter of William Lewis and Chloe (Pringle) Lewis. She was born Aug. 22, 1840 at Richland, Iowa and died March 6, 1921. Daniel married 2) Bertha McEntyre on Jan. 24, 1894 at Missoula, Montana. Bertha was born about 1866. In 1872 Elizabeth married her second husband, William D. Hadley, 1813-1903, and they had five children. Her third husband was Jacob Linus Craven, 1849 - 1917. Elizabeth Craven and daughter Elvira are buried in Glenwood Cemetery, Glen Elder, Mitchell County, Kan. Daniel is buried in Missoula Cemetery, Missoula, Montana. Children of Daniel Rash and Elizabeth Lewis are: i. Emanuel “Manuel” D. Rash, b. Nov. 25, 1859 Iowa City, Iowa, d. Feb. 3, 1948 Oklahoma City, OK; m. Alice Cooper, b. 1876; had 4 children. He and Alice are buried in New Hope Cemetery, Meeker, Lincoln County, Oklahoma. ii. Elvira Rash, b. Feb. 1, 1864 Iowa, d. July 1 1930 Glen Elder, Mitchel County, Kan.; m. Clarkson Lowdermilk, had 4 children. Shortly after signing up for the Civil War draft registration in July 1863, Daniel was reported Elizabeth Lewis Rash Hadley Craven as "going west" and not heard from once leaving his wife Elizabeth and children behind. She eventually presumed him dead and remarried. Only when he died in 1895 did she learn what really happened, and both wives filed for his estate. The Hadley Vs Rash case went to the Montana Supreme Court, which in 1898 found in favor of his second wife. Manuel Rash family – Emanuel & wife Alice, children Lydia & Oscar. 97 14. NANCY JANE7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 29, 1839 in Tennessee, and died Feb. 12, 1908 in Keokuk County, Iowa. She married O LIVER LUNDIN Feb. 12, 1859 in Keokuk County, Iowa. He was born in May 1826 in Sweden and died in 1916. The 1910 census shows the widowed Oliver living with daughter Elva and her family in Cashmere, Chelan County, Washington. Nancy and Oliver are buried in Highland Cemetery, Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa. More About OLIVER LUNDIN: Occupation: Blacksmith, according to 1870 & 1880 census. The London-based Iron: The Journal of Science, Metals & Manufacture, in its Aug. 8, 1874 edition said: An ingenious wheel for vehicles has just been constructed by Mr. Oliver Lundin, of Richland, Iowa. By suitable construction, by screwing up a band nut, discs are pressed against the ends of the spokes, securely clamping them in place. This construction allows any of the spokes to be removed and replaced by new ones without taking off the tire. Children of NANCY RASH and OLIVER LUNDIN are: 37.3 i. OSCAR LEE LUNDIN, b. 1860 Marshalltown, IA, d. Nov. 8, 1931 Stratford, Mo. 37.4 ii. ROBERT E.8 LUNDIN, b. July 1862, d. Dec. 30, 1959. iii. SAMUEL WATSON LUNDIN, b. Abt. 1863. 37.6 iv. TILFORD LUNDIN, b. Abt. 1866, d. 1946 in Montana. 37.7 v. ELVA MAE LUNDIN, b. May 18, 1871 in Iowa, d. May 7, 1927. Nancy Rash Lundin, about 56, in about 1895 Nancy Rash Lundin, about 60, in about 1899 14.5 AMANDA “Manda” ELIZABETH7 RASH (ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 12, 1843, in Tennessee and died Feb. 18, 1910 at Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa. On Jan. 16, 1859 in Keokuk County she married WILLIAM“WILL” JOHNSTON JONES, born Jan. 25, 1834 in Texas and died Feb. 11, 1890 at Richland. They and their children Miles, Elsie, Ralph, Hugh and Claren Clyde are buried in Friends Cemetery, Richland. The children of William and Amanda were all given names that totaled 16 letters. They didn't notice the number of letters until after the first three or four children, then they purposely chose names to have 16 letters. - Note provided by Ruth Jones Bukwa, winter 1976. Children of MANDA RASH and WILL JONES are: i. Miles Elmore Jones, b. Sept. 18, 1859 in Keokuk County, d. Nov. 25, 1929 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. On Aug. 22, 1880 in Keokuk County m. Lucy Jane Barker, b. Jan. 25, 1863 in Keokuk County, d. Sept. 2, 1953 at Mt. Pleasant, daughter of Henderson Barker and Elizabeth Stephens. Jane and their sons Albert, Fred and Raymond are also buried in Friends Cemetery. ii. Iris Rosetta Jones, b. May 20, 1861, d. Nov. 12, 1932, m. Francis Alcwyn Jones. Child: Floyd Alexander Jones, 1881-1932. iii. Edwin W. Jones, b. Dec. 29, 1862, d. April 2, 1885. iv. Laura Elnora Jones, b. Feb. 18, 1865, d. May 27, 1929, m. Dayton Farmer. Children: Otto, 1889-1951, Gleda, b. 1893. v. Infant Son Jones, b. December 26, 1866, d. December 29, 1866. vi. Elsie Evalyn Jones, b. March 22, 1869, d. Dec. 28, 1943. vii. Ralph Benton Jones, b. 1872, d. Aug. 26, 1938. Didn't marry. viii. Hugh Sheldon Jones, b. Aug. 3, 1874, d. Dec. 22, 1939, on July 11, 1903 m. Minda Rella Porter, 1879-1976, dau of Silas Porter and Jane Bennett. ix. Infant Son Jones, b. April 04, 1876, d. April 08, 1876. x. Claren Clyde Jones, b. Dec. 21, 1880 at Richland, d. Oct. 24, 1956, m. Kate Amanda Wagner, b. Oct. 3, 1880, d. Nov. 7, 1925 at Adams, OH. Children: Otha, Amanda, Virgil, Leon, Von William, Oren and Agnes. xi. Ethel S. Jones, b. Oct. 5, 1883 at Richland, d. March 27, 1886. Amanda Rash Jones Generation No. 8 8 7 6 5 15. ARSULA E. RASH (MELVIN LEVI , ROBERT , ASA , DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 17, 1859 in Iowa, and died June 13, 1894. She married JOSEPH D. DAVIS, son of Riley Jackson Davis and Sarah Ann Valentine, on March 5, 1876 at her father’s home in Union, Hardin County, Iowa. Joe was born about 1856 to 1861 in Indiana. Joe married again Feb. 7, 1897 in Polk 98 City, Polk County, Iowa to Selina Blake, born about 1874, daughter of John and Martha Blake. Joseph’s parents Riley & Sarah Davis are buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Iowa; I have been unable to locate the burial places of Joseph, Arsula, or Selina Davis. More About ARSULA RASH: Name spelled Ursula, according to History of Hardin County page 293. I also sometimes see it spelled Arsoola. Arsula and Joe were married in a double wedding, in which Arsula’s cousin Nancy married Eli Shultz;see page 115. More About JOSEPH D. DAVIS: Name Jim according to History of Hardin County page 293. Nickname: Joe Children of ARSULA RASH and JOSEPH DAVIS are: i. ETTA A. DAVIS, b. Nov. 24, 1876 IN, d. Aug. 15, 1883, shares grave marker with sister Lena. ii. LENA L. DAVIS, b. May 5, 1879, d. Aug. 21, 1883, buried Union Cemetery, Union, Iowa. Grave marker says, “Children of J.D. & A. Davis”. What happened to these two sisters in August, 1883? 37.8 iii. DENSON “Denny9 L. DAVIS, b. Oct. 20 1880, d. March 22, 1953, m. Maggie Benbow. 38. iv. GERTRUDE “Gertie” ELIZABETH DAVIS, b. July 20, 1886; d. Oct. 3, 1947. As of the 1900 census, Gertie, 13, was living in the home of her grandparents Melvin & Esther Rash. 38.5 v. RAY W.9 DAVIS, b. February 20, 1888; d. December 18, 1918. vi. RALPH M. DAVIS, b. Feb. 20, 1888; d. 1917; m. JESSIE E. PORTER, b. Jan. 25, 1887 Iowa City, Iowa, d. May 2, 1973 Tucson, Ariz., daughter of George W. and Eliza J. Porter. Ralph and Jessie’s son, Joseph G. Davis, was born Dec. 6 1914, d. Oct. 11, 1945. After Ralph's death Jessie married Peter Lepley Jan. 15, 1919 in Des Moines, son of Eli Manuel Lepley & Katie Cramer. Ralph and Jessie are bured in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa. Peter Lepley (1877-1943) is buried in nearby Sheppard Cemetery. Ralph served in World War I. — Ralph and Ray were born the same day. There was a third child, a triplet, who died in infancy, possibly named Donald. Ralph Davis, 1895 16. MONROE8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born November 9, 1861 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa, and died November 30, 1928 in Union. He married ELNORA BROWN March 23, 1898 in Ollie, Iowa, daughter of JAMES BROWN and REBECCA CROWNER. She was born September 26, 1863 in Ollie, Iowa, and died in January 1940 in Union. Obituary for MONROE RASH: The Union Star; Union, Iowa; Dec. 6, 1928 Monroe Rash Laid to Rest Sunday P.M. Long Time Resident Of This Community Passes Away Friday Following Two Years of Failing Health; Aged 67 Funeral services for Monroe Rash were held at the home at two o'clock Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. Tristram Dillon. A mixed quartette consisting of Mrs. Harry Clark, Miss Violet Humphreys, Mr. Harold Clark and Mr. Frank Humphreys accompanied by Miss Mamie Frazier. The pall bearers were: Elihu Jessup, H.A. Frazier, Harry Clark, Clarence Cook, Warren Hammer and Harry Minteer. Burial was in the Miller cemetery. Monroe Rash, son of Melvin and Esther Rash, was born November 9th, 1861 near Union, Hardin County, Iowa and died November 30, 1928, at the age of 67 years and 21 days. He had been in failing health for over two years. He was the eldest son of a family of twelve children, four of whom preceded him in death. In early manhood he accepted Christ and was later united with the Friend's Church of Stanford of which he has been an earnest and consistent worker until the time of his death. He lived in the neighborhood southwest of Union until he attained his majority. Shortly afterward he spent two years in western Nebraska. With the exception of three years of his later life spent in Eldora, he has lived in the vicinity near his present home. On March 23, 1898 he was married to Miss Elnora Brown of Ollie, Iowa. To them were born sons, Lawrence and Dean of Union and one daughter Pearl of Marshalltown all of whom survive him. 99 He is also survived by three sisters Mrs. Huldah Bucknell, of Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, Mrs. Charlotte Shultz and Mrs. Rhetta Glenney of Union and four brothers; Evert of Marshalltown, Frank and Clifford of Union and Clayton of Aurora, Illinois, besides many other relatives and friends. One sister Mrs. Arsoola Davis, and two brothers, Millard and Daniel, have passed on before him. He had always lived a quiet life, was always more than willing to help his fellow men in any way possible. He was a good husband and kind father and will be greatly missed by his family and in this community. The blight of home and happiness Is felt when fond ones part And the bitter tear that follows is The life blood of the heart We wish to thank all our friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy during the time of the illness and death of our husband and father and for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. Nora Rash and family. Editor’s note: The verse is by FitzGreene Halleck, 1790-1867, an American poet, born and died at Guilford, Connecticut. More About MONROE RASH: Occupation: Farmer More About ELNORA BROWN: Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Nickname: Nora For more about the Brown family and pictures of Nora’s birthplace, see page 227. Children of MONROE RASH and ELNORA BROWN are: 39. i. LAURENCE MONROE9 RASH, b. July 9, 1899; d. September 1976, Zearing, Iowa (nursing home). 40. ii. JAMES DEAN RASH, b. February 20, 1903, Union, Iowa; d. March 2, 1979, Union, Iowa. 41. iii. REBECCA PEARL RASH, b. November 11, 1905; d. 1979, Union, Iowa. Monroe & Nora Rash & family – Left to right: Dean, Pearl, Monroe, Nora, Laurence 100 101 Dean, left, and Laurence Rash L to R: Laurence, Pearl and Dean Rash 17. HULDA8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born February 14, 1864 in Iowa, and died about 1931 in Canada. She married (1) JAMES NATHAN SHULTZ Feb. 22, 1880 in Iowa, son of Jesse and Elizabeth Mincer Shultz. He was born April 21, 1861 in Iowa, and died July 29, 1913. She married (2) DICK F. BUCKNELL Aug. 6, 1914 at the Baptist parsonage in Eldora, Ia., Rev. W.E. Stanley officiating. More About HULDA RASH: Name spelled Hulda on tombstone, though I’ve seen Huldah in several places. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa More About DICK BUCKNELL: Info.: Last name possibly Buckner Residence: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada More About JAMES NATHAN SHULTZ: Nickname: Jim Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Hulda Rash Hulda Rash, about 26 Occupation: As of 1880 census, worked on father-in-law Melvin Rash's farm Children of HULDA RASH and JAMES SHULTZ are: 41.2 i. ETHEL9 SHULTZ, b. 1881. In 1899 m. Oris Spence of Clemons 41.3 ii. LEOTA SHULTZ, b. 1883. 41.4 iii. HENRY B. SHULTZ, b. 1892, Iowa. 41.5 iv. ESTELLA FAY SHULTZ, b. July 31, 1894, Iowa.. 1895 – Hulda, 31, James Shultz, 34, Henry, 3, & baby Stella Hulda Rash Shultz, 45, 1909 Stella Shultz, 15, 1909 Jim Shultz, 48, 1909 102 Henry Shultz, 17, 1909 18. EVERETT EDWARD8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 24, 1866, and died Nov. 30, 1940. He married NANCY EVELYN “Eva” SWAIM Aug. 20, 1886, daughter of William Walter Swaim and Mary Ann Davis. She was born Nov. 19, 1869 and died Oct. 31, 1947 in Hastings, Neb. Everett Rash, about 4, about 1870 Everett Rash, 43, 1909 Everett Rash, about 24, about 1890 Eva Swaim Rash The 1920 census lists his occupation as “Stove Keeper, R.R. Shop” Obituary found at http://www.geni.com/people/Everett-Rash/385810727400004659 Funeral services for Everett Rash, 1011 South Third avenue, who died at his home Wednesday will be held at 2 P.M. Friday at the Estel funeral home in charge of Rev. Wiley Hinecker. Burial will be in the Miller cemetery near Union. Mr. Rash was born in Hardin county, near Union, June 24, 1866, and Married Miss Evelyn Swim in this city Aug. 20, 1887. They lived at Union for several years, then moved to a farm near Marshalltown and 30 years ago came to this city. Besides his widow he is survived by six sons and daughters, Artis Rash, at home; Mrs. Ollie Crabtree and Floyd Rash, Clayton, Ill; Mrs. Lena Jenkins, Bettendorf: Mrs. Goldie Cope and Mrs. Opal Leonard. Four children preceded him in death. A grandson, Kenneth Rash of this city, 20 other grandchildren and four great grandchildren also survive as do two sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Charlotte Shultz, Mrs. Lee Glenney, Frank and Clifford Rash, all of Union and Clayton Rash of this city. Nickname for NANCY EVELYN SWAIM: Eva Everett Rash, 43, 1909. Children of EVERETT RASH and EVA SWAIM are: i. Ora Edna Rash, b. Jan. 31 1888 in Oregon, d. abt 1890 ii. Robert Melvin Rash, b. Sept. 11 1890 in Oregon, d. 1909. iii. Archibald “Artie” M. Rash, b. Sept. 18, 1891 Iowa, d. June 12, 1942 iv. Ollie Leona Rash, b. Aug. 13, 1893, Union, Ia., d. June 30, 1983. Last residence: Galesburg, Ill. M. 1) Oakie Barnett Crabtree, 1882 - 1944, 2) John Rentz, d. 1960. Children: Helen Leona Crabtree, 1912 2001, Ruth Evelyn Crabtree, 1915 - 1934, Barnett Oakie Crabtree 1925 - 1955. v. Gladys Esther Rash, b. Aug. 24, 1894; d. Jan. 25, 1937, Marshalltown, IA. On Nov. 7, 1921 at Dubuque, Ia. married Harold Glover, son of Herbert Glover and Anna Masek. Had an adopted son. 42. vi. Floyd Ole Rash, b. Feb. 16, 1896 in Hardin County, d. Oct. 6, 1952 at Quincy, Ill. 42.1 42.2 42.3 Ollie Rash Gladys Rash vii. Lenna Iona Rash, b. Nov. 1, 1896 in Union, Iowa, d. April 1, 1990. On Feb. 26, 1920 in Iowa married Samuel Burton "Burt" Jenkins, b. abt 1893 in Iowa, son Cyrus P. Jenkins and Ella Males. Lenna and Burt had five sons: Robert B., Harold R., Eugene, Wilford C., and Lyle L. Jenkins. viii. Goldie Clementine Rash, b. April 6, 1900 at Union, Iowa; d. Sept. 16, 1968 at Marshalltown, Iowa. ix. William Dale Rash, b. Dec. 3, 1903 at Union, Iowa, d. Sept. 3, 1906 at Union. The baby in the following photo. x. Opal Mary Rash Essen Leonard, b. July 10, 1907, Hastings, Nebraska, d. April 7, 1980, Elwood, Nebraska. 103 Everett & Nancy Rash family, circa 1903 Children standing in back, l to r: Ollie Leona, Robert M., Artie, Floyd. Seated: Everette and Nancy, with Gladys Esther between them. Everett is holding Goldie and Nancy is holding William. Front and center is Lenna Iona 19. CHARLOTTE “Lottie” RUTH8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 18, 1869 in Iowa, and died March 21, 1944. She married 1) GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMMER Jan. 29, 1887 in Hardin County, Iowa, son of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH GOTSHALL MUSGROVE. He was born June 26, 1866, and died March 18, 1893 aged 26y7m20dy. On Aug. 18, 1896 in Hardin County she married 2) ELI ELLIS SHULTZ. He was born Feb. 7, 1857 in Iowa, one of the sons of Jesse and Elizabeth Mincer Shultz, and died June 30, 1920. This is the same Eli Shultz who was first married to Charlotte’s cousin Nancy Rash, 1861-1889, see page 115. More information for CHARLOTTE RASH and GEORGE HAMMER: Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa According to the 1895 state census, the widowed Lottie and her three Charlotte “Lottie” Rash, children were living with her brother Monroe Rash. According to the age 21, about 1890 1930 census, the twice-widowed Charlotte was living in Union with her daughter Cora Hammer. Children of CHARLOTTE RASH and GEORGE HAMMER are listed on page 207. Charlotte also was stepmother to Eli Shultz’s children from his first marriage, listed on page 115. Lottie Rash Hammer Shultz, age 40, 1909, with second husband Eli Shultz 20. DANIEL M.8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 18, 1871 in Union, IA, and died Jan. 4, 1921 in Union. He married ALICE ADELLA HIGHBARGER March 29, 1894 in Canon City, Col., daughter of HENRY HIGHBARGER and SARAH A. CALLEN. She was born Dec. 23, 1867 in Cincinnati, IA, and died Feb. 1, 1956 in Wichita, Kansas. Write-up at http://www.geni.com/people/ Daniel-Rash/ 4033125359940075648: Daniel accompanied one of his brothers to Canon City Colorado who had moved there hoping to cure his Tuberculosis. Daniel met Alice there and they married, then returned to a farm near Union Iowa. Dan Rash, abt 19, abt 1890 Daniel Rash 104 Daniel Rash, 38, 1909 Union Star, Thursday, January 6, 1921: DIED - D.M. Rash killed by falling tree on Tuesday. He is survived by his wife and five children -- Inez, Glenn, Ruth, Lela and Marvin. Interment in Miller Cemetery. Daniel M. Rash, third son of Melvin and Esther Rash, was born Feb. 18, 1871 on a farm southwest of Union and was killed Jan. 4, 1921. On March 29, 1894 at Canyon City , Colo. he married Alice Highbarger. He is also survived by five brothers and three sisters: Everett Rash of Marshalltown, Monroe Rash, Frank Rash, Mrs. Charlotte Shultz and Mrs. Rhetta Glenney of Union; Clifford Rash of Marble Rock; Clayton Rash of State Center and Hulda Bucknell of Canada. Obituary: Daniel M. Rash, the third son of Melvin and Esther Rash, was born on a farm southwest of Union and where all but seven years of his life was spent, and was accidentally killed Jan. 4th, 1921 aged 49 yrs, 10 mo. and 17 days. He was united in marriage with Alice Highbarger at Canyon City, March 29, 1894. To this union five children were born, Inez, Glenn, Ruth, Leia and Marvin. He was converted a number of years ago and was a member of the M.E. church. Besides the wife and children he is survived by five brothers and three sisters, Everett of Marshalltown, Monroe. Frank, Mrs. Charlotte Shultz and Mrs. Rhetta Glenney of Union; Clifford of Marble Rock; Clayton of State Center and Mrs. Hulda Bucknell of Canada. Funeral services were held at the home Thursday afternoon, Jan. 6th, in charge of Rev. Henry Hickman. Avonelle Rash on the death of Daniel Rash: "He was working with his 18-year-old son sawing down trees and it fell and killed Dan. They were going to go to dinner. They put a general ring on the line to let people know. Dan's wife took the kids back to Kansas. She was from Kansas." Editor’s Notes: Sarah Callen Highbarger "Party lines" once were common among rural exchanges, where numerous subscribers shared a common telephone wire, and knew when a call was for them according to the number of times the phone rang. A "general ring" used a special number of rings to tell subscribers when a general message was being sent out. The "18-year-old son" Avonelle spoke of was either Glenn Rash, almost 23 at the time of the tragic accident, or Marvin Rash, almost 12. Grandma Avonelle Rash used to mention how Dan died every time she saw a photo that included him. It was like his whole life was leading up to his appointment with that tree. In a sense, I guess it was. The preceding write-up from geni.com doesn’t mention which of Dan’s brothers sought a cure for tuberculosis in Canon City, but Millard’s 1910 obituary lists tuberculosis as the cause of death. That means he suffered from TB for at least 16 of his 37 years before succumbing. Canon City, Colorado is correct, despite one article calling it Canyon City. Alice Highbarger Rash Dan and Alice (Highbarger) Rash 105 Sarah, 1909 Inez, 1909 Glenn, 1909 Ruth, 1909 More About ALICE ADELLA HIGHBARGER: L to R: Dan, Lelah, Alice & baby Henry Marvin, 1909 Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Alice moved with her family to Canon City, Colorado at age 16 in 1883. She cooked for the railroad crews who built the tracks through the Royal Gorge. She met Daniel there. - http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~callen/pafg03.htm Children of DANIEL RASH and ALICE HIGHBARGER are: i. INEZ9 RASH, b. July 20, 1896 Bangor Twp, Iowa; d. Nov. 1, 1981. Graduated Union High School 1915. Taught high school in Iowa and Kansas. She and brother Henry Marvin Rash are buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Ks ii. MELVIN GLENN RASH, b. April 25, 1898 Bangor Twp, Iowa; d. April 1971 Wichita, Sedgewick Co., Ks; m. Rhoda Mildred Tharp, b. April 12, 1889 in Baxter Springs Ks., d. Nov. 25, 1964 in Wichita, Ks. No children together, but she had some by previous marriage. Glenn & Rhoda are buried in Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Ks. iii. RUTH RASH, b. September 13, 1903, Bangor Township, Marshall Co., Iowa; d. January 30, 1976. iv. LELAH FAYE RASH, b. March 11, 1907, Bangor Township, Marshall Co., Iowa. v. HENRY MARVIN RASH, b. March 7, 1909, Bangor Township, Marshall Co., Iowa, d. August 2, 1935, Wichita, KS. Marvin & sister Inez are buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. 21. MILLARD F.8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 18, 1873 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa, and died Aug. 6, 1910 in Providence Twp, Hardin County, Iowa. He married (1) NINA ESMOND SHULTZ Aug. 7, 1899 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa, daughter of ELI SHULTZ and NANCY RASH. It was a double wedding in which Nina’s cousin Ethel, daughter of Eli’s brother Jim Shultz, married Oris Spence of Clemons. Nina was born Aug. 12, 1882 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died Feb. 9, 1965. More information about Nina on page 141. He married (2) EFFIE LUVENIA COX Dec. 3, 1907 at Richland, Keokuk Co., Iowa, daughter of James Cox and Elizabeth Yates. She was born July 29, 1879 at Richland, Keokuk Co., Iowa. After Millard’s death she married Lance Bowen Brady, 1878-1964. She died Nov. 5, 1971 at Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS, and was interred with Lance in the Old Mission Mausoleum there. Millard Rash, abt 17, abt 1890 Millard Rash Millard Rash, 36, 1909 Obituary for Millard Rash, Eldora Herald, Aug. 18, 1910, page 3: Millard Rash who has been a sufferer for several years with tuberculosis of the bone, passed out of this life at his home southwest of town Saturday afternoon. The funeral was held Monday at 2 o’clock, interment at Miller cemetery. He leaves a wife and one son by a former marriage. More About MILLARD F. RASH: Name spelled Millard on tombstone, though I often see it spelled Milliard 106 Millard & second wife Effie Millard & first wife Nina Children of MILLARD RASH and NINA SHULTZ are: i. GEORGE9 RASH, b. 1900; d. 1901. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 45. ii. CLARENCE LEROY RASH, b. Jan. 26, 1904 Renwick, Humboldt Co., Iowa; d. Feb. 13, 1960 Rock Island, Rock Island County, Ill. Burial: Rose Hill Cemetery, Greene, Butler Co., Iowa. 22. FRANK FLOYD8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 23, 1876 in Hardin Co., Iowa, and died Feb. 1, 1960 in Dobson, NC. He married EMMA S. SNOW Dec. 13, 1905 in Union, Hardin County, daughter of V AN SNOW and SARAH HARRIS. She was born Sept. 18, 1883 in North Carolina, and died Feb. 28, 1959. Info.: Name might be Francis; it’s Frank on tombstone Memory: Called Monroe "Onerow" for fun Burial for Frank Rash & Emma Snow: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Obituary: Emma S. Rash, daughter of Martin and Sarah Snow, was born September 18, 1883. Passed away February 28, 1959 at the age of 75 years, 5 months and 10 days. United in marriage to Frank Rash in 1905 at Union, Iowa. Born to this union three children, Mildred of Dobson, N.C., Raymond of Frank Rash, abt 13 Orlando, Fla., and a son who died in infancy. Survived by her husband, two children, a brother, seven grandchildren and one great grandchild Children of FRANK RASH and EMMA SNOW are: i. MERROL C.9 RASH, b. Oct. 4, 1907; d. March 14, 1908 of meningitis, which is inflammation of the meninges (the three membranes that envelop Frank and Emma Snow Rash Frank Rash, 32, 1909 the brain and spinal cord). Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 46. ii. RAYMOND LEVI RASH, b. Oct. 30, 1909, Iowa, d. May 7, 1987 Orlando, Fla. 47. iii. MILDRED LOIS RASH, b. April 8, 1914, Iowa, d April 7, 2002 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co., NC. 107 Emma Rash, 25, 1909 23. RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 1, 1880 in Union, Iowa, and died in September 1960. She married LELAND “Lee” JAMES GLENNEY Oct. 24, 1898 in Eldora, Iowa, son of William George Glenney (born in Ireland) and Emeroy “Emma” Beecher (born in PA). Leland was born in 1877 in Iowa and died Aug. 25, 1967 in Hardin County, IA. More About RHETTA PRUDENCE RASH: Name spelled Rhetta according to her 1960 tombstone and the book History of Hardin County, page 293. However, the neighboring 1902 tombstone of infant Lilly Fern reads, “Daughter of Lee & Retta Glenney.” Burial for Lee and Rhetta: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 48. 49. 50. Children of RHETTA RASH and LEE GLENNEY are: 48 i. EARL V.9 GLENNEY, b. Feb. 19, 1899 in Iowa; d. 1965. ii. LILLY FERN GLENNEY, b. Jan. 24, 1901 Iowa; d. June 4, 1902, complications of Rhetta, 29, 1909 measles. Burial: Miller Cemetery 48.5 iii. NETA GLENNEY, b. Oct. 25, 1903 Iowa; d. March 11, 1990. 48.9 iv. BURMA ESTHER GLENNEY, b. Feb. 6, 1906 in Union, Ia., d. Sept. 28, 1992. v. DOROTHY MAE GLENNEY, b. Jan. 28,1908 Iowa, d. Jan. 27, 1981, on Nov. 17, 1926 m. MILTON CALVIN BENBOW, b. Aug. 5, 1900 Iowa, d. Jan. 27, 1981. Residence: Colorado. Both are buried in Mountail Vale Memorial Park, Canon City, Colorado. 49 vi. IVA MARIE GLENNEY, b. Jan. 7, 1910, d. Dec. 14, 2001. 49.3 vii. EDNA MABEL GLENNEY, b. Sept. 25, 1911, d. Oct 25, 2000. 49.4 viii. WILMA HELEN GLENNEY, b. Aug. 26, 1913, d. June 24, 2009. 49.5 ix. KENNETH HAROLD GLENNEY, b. May 25, 1916 in Iowa, d. bef 2009. Residence: Missouri 50 x. MURINE GLENNEY, b. Oct. 11, 1919; d. Aug. 19, 1998. 108 Rhetta Rash Glenney Lee Glenney Rhetta Glenney Lee Glenney About 1917, Children of Lee & Rhetta Rash Glenney, left to right: infant Kenneth Harold Glenney, Juanita "Neta" Leroy Glenney, Esther Burma Glenney, Dorothy Mae Glenney, Iva Marie Glenney, Edna Mabel Glenney, Wilma Helen Glenney. 24. CLIFFORD B.8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 4, 1882 in Iowa and died in 1965. He married LAKE H. HINSHAW on February 16, 1905 in Eldora, Iowa, daughter of ALPHEUS HINSHAW and FRANCES ANN WHISTLER. She was born September 24, 1883 in Garden City, Hardin County, Iowa, and died July 7, 1950 in Iowa. She was the sister of Wayne Hinshaw, see page 140; brother and sister married on the same day in the same town, Eldora, but it was not a double wedding. He married Roxy in May, 1951. She died in August, 1961. Lake and Wayne's grandfather William Hinshaw, a native of Tennessee, in 1851 moved to Keokuk county. Burial for CLIFFORD B. RASH: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Iowa Residence: Union, Hardin County, IA Social Security Number: 485-05-2408 Clifford Rash, abt 8, abt 1890 Clifford Rash, 27, 1909 Obituary for LAKE H. HINSHAW: UNION – Funeral services were held Sunday for Mrs. Clifford Rash at the Community church, in charge of the Rev. Wayne Sawtell. Burial was in the Miller cemetery. Mrs. Rash, 66, passed away at the Eldora Memorial hospital, death due to diabetes with complications. As Lake H. Hinshaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Hinshaw, she was born near Garden City Sept. 24, 1883. She was 8, the family moved to the Stanford neighborhood, where she lived until her marriage Feb. 16, 1905. She was a birthright member of the Friends church. Surviving are the widower; three children, Wilfred Rash, Ellsworth, Lester, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Frances Lennier, Hubbard; five grandchildren; three brothers, Wayne Hinshaw, New Providence; Leonard, Union, and Faye, Clemons, and two sisters, Mrs. Elsie Mason and Mrs. Justin (editor: Daisy) Davis, Marshalltown. Pallbearers were Howard Rash, Fredrick Rash, Clarence Mason, Richard Davis, Lloyd Davis and Edgar Hinshaw. Flower ladies were Mrs. Elda Cummins, Mrs. Grace Sawin, Mrs. Claude Davis and Mrs. Warren Hammer. Kathryn Packer sang accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Beecher. 109 Wilferd Rash, 3, 1909 Children of CLIFFORD RASH and LAKE HINSHAW are: 51. i. WILFERD9 HAROLD RASH, b. Aug. 31, 1906, Bangor, Iowa; d. 1987. Clifford and Lake Hinshaw Rash 52. ii. FRANCES ALETA RASH, b. July 26, 1908; d. June 30, 1982. 52.5. iii. LESTER RONALD RASH, b. Sept. 15, 1916; d. Nov. 5, 1987. iv. ELEANOR MAY RASH. Late 1916 or early 1917 – Wilferd, Frances & baby Lester. Christmas 1923 – Front, left to right: Lake, 40, Lester, 7, & Clifford, 41. Back, left to right: Frances, 15, and Wilferd, 17. 25. CLAYTON L.8 RASH (MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 23, 1885 in Union, Hardin Co. IA, and died July 14, 1961 in Gifford, Hardin Co. IA. He graduated from Union High School in 1904. He married JERUSHA LOU MONTGOMERY Dec. 11, 1907 in Peoria, daughter of JOHN WILLIAM MONTGOMERY and MARGARET RETTER ROGERS. She was born Nov. 13, 1889 in Lancaster County, KY, and died Oct. 7, 1979 in Iowa Falls Care Center, Iowa Falls, IA. From History of Hardin County, page 292: Clayton L. Rash was the youngest son of Melvin and Esther Rash, who settled in Hardin County in 1856. Clayton was born Aug. 23, 1885, near Union, Iowa. Clayton met Jerusha Lou Montgomery in Bloomington, Ill. where he was visiting, Jerusha was born in Lancaster County, Kentucky. They were married on Dec. 11, 1907, and shortly after their marriage went to Texas to try their hand at farming but soon returned to Iowa. 110 Clayton ran a Livery Stable in Marshalltown, a Pop factory in Waterloo, and did carpenter work for a while, but always returned to farming. Clayton and Jerusha raised seven children, Margaret (m. 1 Walton Perkins, m. 2 Mel Angell), Frederick, twin daughters Ethyle (m. 1. Wilford HOELSCHER, m. 2 Harold Flickinger), Edythe (m Charles Robertson), Irene (m. Lloyd Cox), and twins Howard, and Harriet (m Durwood Miller). Theirs was a closely knit family and enjoyed many good times together. Their children, as well as grandchildren will always remember how they were taught to identify the trees, birds., and flowers on their walks in the timber. They were taught to respect other people and their property. They played games together, Clayton excelled in checkers, and taught the children you can't always win but you can try again. Life was meant to enjoy work or play, so learn to laugh and do your best andrust in the Jerusha & Clayton Lord. Anyone in need was always welcome in their home or at their table. Clayton passed away near Gifford on July 7, 1967 and Jerusha on Oct. 7, 1979. Both are buried in Miller Cemetery near Union, Iowa. by Ethyle Rash Flickinger, daughter Obituaries: Clayton L. Rash Son of Melvin and Hester Rash was born July 23, 1885 Passed away July 14, 1961, at his home at the age of 75 years, 10 months and 9 days United in marriage to Jerusha Montgomery Dec. 11, 1907 Born to this union seven children: Mrs. Margaret Perkins, Aurora, Illinois; Frederick, Eldora; twin daughters, Mrs. Edythe Robertson, Hubbard, and Mrs. Ethyl Flickinger, Ames; Mrs. Irene Cox, Charles City; twins Howard, Poquoson, Va., and Mrs. Harriet Miller, Eagle Grove. Clayton Rash, abt 5, abt 1890 Clayton Rash, 23, 1909 Survived by his wife, children, eighteen grandchildren, fourteen greatgrandchildren and a brother, Clifford of Union Preceded in death by his parents, five brothers, three sisters and a grandson Robert Rash. Eldora Herald-Ledger, July 25, 1961, page 11: Clayton Rash, 75, Buried Near Union Funeral Services were held July 18 from the Community Church of Union for Clayton Rash, who passed away at his home near Gifford July 14 at the age of 73. The Rev. Lloyd McDonald officiated with burial in the Miller Cemetery near Union. Pallbearers were Raymond Davis, Wilford Rash, Earl Glenney, Dean Rash, Vern Hammer and Carl Bryant. Clayton L. Rash, the son of Melvin and Hester Rash, was born Aug. 23, 1885. He was united in marriage to Jerusha Montgomery on Dec. 11 1907. Survivors include Mrs. Rash; seven children, Mrs. Walton (Margaret) Jerusha Montgomery Rash, 19, & daughter Margaret, 1909 Perkins of Aurora, Ill., Frederick Rash of Eldora, Mrs. Charles (Edythe) Robertson of Hubbard, Mrs. Harold (Ethyle) Flickinger of Ames; Mrs. Lloyd (Irene) Cox of Charles City; Howard Rash of Poquoson, Va., and Mrs. Durwood (Harriet) Miller of Eagle Grove; 18 grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; and one brother, Clifford of Union. He was preceded in death by five brothers, four sisters and a grandson. More About CLAYTON L. RASH: July 7, 1967, Clayton death in History of Hardin County. Nickname: Clate Notes for JERUSHA LOU MONTGOMERY: Jerusha, her parents and her sister America Jane Montgomery (see page 123), all are buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, IA. Obituary, Eldora Herald-Ledger, Tuesday, October 16, 1979: 111 Jerusha Rash Funeral Tuesday Funeral services were held Tuesday, Oct. 9 from the Salem United Methodist Church in Hubbard for Jerusha Lou Rash, 89, who died Sunday at the Iowa Falls Care Center in Iowa Falls. Rev. Dean Fullerton officiated with Georgia Miller as organist and Diane Hoelscher as soloist. Interment was in the Miller Cemetery at Union. Casket bearers were Charles Robertson, Thomas Hoelscher, Rodger Hoelscher, Jerry Cox, Douglas Miller, Vincent Butler and Larry Smith. Jerusha Lou Montgomery Rash was born at Lancaster, Ky. on Nov. 13, 1889 to John and Margaret Rogers Montgomery. She received her grade school education in Kentucky, moving at the age of 13 with her parents to Bloomington, Ill. She was united in marriage with Clayton Rash on Dec. 11, 1907 at Peoria. They resided in Texas and Illinois and Hardin and Marshall counties in Iowa. They farmed and managed a restaurant business [editor: the Sunnyside Café] most of their lives. She was a member of the Friends church in New Providence. She was preceded in death by her husband on July 14, 1961. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents, one son, Frederich, one brother, John and two sisters, Ada Schultz and Bertie Peterson. Survivors include five daughters and one son, Mrs. Melvin (Margaret) Angell of Aurora, Ill., Mrs. Harold (Ethyle) Flickinger, Mrs. Charles (Edythe) Robertson, both of Hubbard, Mrs. Lloyd (Irene) Cox of Mazeppa, Minn., Mrs. Durwood (Harriet) Miller of Eagle Grove, Howard Rash of Grafton, Va.; 19 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren. Children of CLAYTON RASH and JERUSHA MONTGOMERY are: 51.1 i. MARGARET ESTHER9 RASH, b. 1908 51.2 ii. FREDERICK MYRON RASH, b. March 13, 1911 Bangor Township, Marshall Co., Iowa, d. April 24, 1967. 51.3 iii. ETHYLE MAY RASH, b. Oct. 9, 1912 in Bangor Township, Marshall Co., Iowa. 51.4 iv. EDYTHE FAY RASH, b. Oct. 9, 1912 in Bangor Township, Marshall Co., Iowa, d. Dec. 1, 1999. 51.45 v. IRENE LUCILLE RASH, June 14 1917-March 10 1997; m. LLOYD COX abt. 1937. Had 2 daughters & a son. 51.5 vi. HOWARD CLIFFORD RASH, b. April 9, 1921 at State Center, Ia., d. Nov. 8, 2002 at Yorktown, Va. 51.6 vii. HARRIET MARIE. RASH, b. April 9, 1921, twin of Howard. The 1940 census shows the twins still living at home. 26. ALVA CURTIS8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born December 3, 1857 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa, and died July 21, 1921 in Gordon, Neb. He married CLARA M. DAVIS on June 22, 1884 in Union. She was born in August 1866 in Iowa and died in 1949. The 1885 Iowa census shows them living in Grant Township, Hardin County. They are buried in Gordon Cemetery, Gordon, Sheridan County, Nebraska. Obituary for ALVA CURTIS RASH: DIED -- Alva C. Rash was born at Union, Hardin County, Iowa Dec. 3, 1857 and died at Gordon, Neb., July 21, 1921. He was married June 22, 1884 to Miss Clara Davis and came to Nebraska in April 1885. Twelve children were born in this home, four sons and eight daughters; ten of whom are living, two having died in infancy. The living children are: Mrs. Pearl Thompson of Winterset, Iowa; Mrs. Grace Havener of Gordon and Guy R., Roy H., Ross D., Bessie B., Mrs. Elsie Catron, Vaughn, Viola and Wilma all of Gordon. Besides these, he leaves a wife, four brothers and three sisters. Excerpt from obituary of Alva’s father Lewis Rash, Union Star, Oct. 10, 1912 (for more, see page 90): The children of Lewis and Rachel Rash were twelve in number, seven sons and five daughters, ten of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. The eldest, A.C., lives near Gordon, Neb. He and his estimable wife are the Alva Rash, 37, 1895 Alva Rash parents of 12 children, 10 of whom are living; two daughters are married; one son is a minister of the Methodist church. Alva, as he is familiarly known, has a stock ranch and farm; has 600 acres in cultivation and the balance 840 acres in pasture. He has lived for the past 27 years on a farm near the homestead first taken in 1885. Excerpt from History and Recollections of My Father and Family, written in 1932 by Alva’s sister Flora Rash Thompson: Alva was married to Clara Davis and left soon for Nebraska in a covered wagon, taking several horses. They took a claim eight miles from Gordon, called a tree claim; if one set out a certain number of trees, they were given a deed to the land. They first lived in a dugout, and later built a sod house. All their children were born in that sod house. They later built a new modern house. I visited them in 1916 and the walls were still standing of the old sod house. They left the farm the following year, two boys going into service in the World War. The Story of Alva Rash written by grandson Ross D. Rash: Grandfather Rash moved from West Branch Iowa to Nebraska in the late 1880's. He loaded all the family possessions on a wagon and then loaded the team and wagon on the C&NW (cold and no whiskey) Rail Road for the trip to Valentine Nebr. which was the end of the line at the time. From there it was 90 miles over trails along the Niobrara River to the Gordon Area where he planned to homestead. (Read "Old Jules" by Mari Sandoz for a description of what the country and life in it was like in those days.) About 20 miles west of Valentine is what's left of the town of Crookstown NE. (named after Col. Crook, I believe). At that time it consisted of a saloon and post office/general store and was the place of residence for several "crooks" who would sell protection to the homesteaders traveling through. (If 112 you give me your money I will make sure nobody else robs you). As Grandfather Rash approached the town a lone horseman rode out from the saloon and stood in the middle of the road (on his horse). When Grandpa was about 200 yards from the man he made a big show of pulling out his double barrel shotgun and loading it, placing it across his knee so that the barrel pointed down the road over the head of the team. When he was about 20 yards from the man he picked up the shotgun and asked the man "What can I do for you this morning?" To which the man replied "Nothing today" and rode back to the saloon to wait for the next wagon. After he was located on his homestead which is 8 miles southeast of Gordon, he had the family join him in the "old Soddy" sod house which was the usual type of construction in a country that at that time had no trees other than a few evergreens along the river. It was a "cashless" society in those days. You raised food and either ate it or traded it for something else you needed badly, but you rarely sold anything. The story is that they lived there for two years before they had enough spare cash to buy a two cent stamp to send a letter back to Iowa to let the folks there know how they were getting along. Sod Houses were made by plowing up the grass into strips about 2 foot wide and 10 inches or so thick. A hole about 2 to 3 foot deep was dug into the ground on the side of a hill and the strips of sod were used to build up the walls until a room was provided. Some wood beams would be purchased for the roof frame and more sod would be used for the roofing. Depending upon your financial resources the windows would consist of a hole, waxed paper, or glass. Doors would be a buffalo hide or wood. I don't know anything specific about the sod house except Father said that it wasn't unusual to wake up on a cold morning with frost on the blankets, his bed was in the attic. As the family grew to 10 living children, the farm did not provide much cash for purchased items, so for that and other reasons Grandpa branched out into the "horse trading" and "well drilling" businesses. As a result he and some of the older boys would be gone from Spring to Fall leaving the farm for my Grandmother and the younger boys to run. One of the stories that left a lasting impression on my young and tender mind is as follows: On one tour of their regular customers whose wells would periodically need repair, they stayed for several weeks. The crew consisted of Grandfather and three or four of the boys. One of the usual and customary forms of entertainment was to joke about the hired cooks handy work. The first night some of the boys made a joke about one of the dishes and the new cook became exceedingly upset and distraught and threatened to quit if there were any more unfavorable comments on her cooking. The owner took Grandpa aside and gave him to understand that she wasn't joking and that he had had a lot more trouble finding a good cook than finding a good well repair service, so Grandpa read the riot act to the boys. The next morning she served a mountain of pancakes to the boys and informed them that they were expected to eat all of them. What she didn't tell them was that she had reinforced the pancakes with some cotton batting so that they could not be cut or chewed into smaller pieces. The boys chewed and chewed and swallowed their way through the mountain of pancakes with complements and smiles. After the last pancake had gone down the hatch, the cook and the owner burst out laughing and continued to do so until the tears ran down their faces. The boys had been outdone at their own game. Cash was so scarce that there was no money to pay the taxes of a few dollars (2 or 3 of them) so the farm was foreclosed for the taxes but they stayed there and continued to farm it. My suspicion is that no self respecting man would buy anybody's farm for the taxes in those days,a nd anyone lacking in self respect was probably smart enough to not try. Several years later good crops allowed him to buy the farm back for past due taxes. He ultimately enlarged the farm to 1,800 acres. Alva and Clara Davis Rash and children – Unfortunately we don’t have names associated with the faces. A guess, based on apparent ages: Left to right: Bessie, Elsie. Next, seated: Clara, holding Viola, then Alva, and at lower right Vaughn. The four remaining are unclear, except the older boy likely is Roy. The other boy could be Ross or Guy. The two older girls may be Pearl and Grace. Year guess: about 1904. The Story of Clara Davis Rash, written by granddaughter Lois Hinton: Clara and Alva Rash with their little daughter Pearl arrived in Gordon by team and wagon from Hardin County, Iowa in 1884. They had come as far as Valentine by train and made the hundred miles or so with the wagon. They located on their homestead nine miles southeast of town. Here was their home for thirty-four years. A two room sod house was erected upon their arrival. This they lived in for some thirty years. Clara and Alva raised ten 113 children. During the time between 1914 and 1919 a five bedroom two story home was erected, together with a huge barn and various other buildings to comprise their farm. How spacious their new home must have seemed after living in the soddy for so long. Alva farmed, traded and sold horses and ran a well machine and raised cattle. He gradually added to their homestead until he had a fair sized operation. During this time Alva was gone some of the time drilling wells and trading horses. So, Clara and the children did the farming and took care of the livestock. Their farm was a half-way stop on cattle drives from the Sand Hills to market. Their home was always a hospitable busy place that was the center of much activity Clara was needless to say a busy lady and endured the usual hardships of a pioneer mother and homemaker. They retired and moved to Gordon in 1919. Both were proud of their life and enjoyed reminiscing of days gone by. One fond memory of Clara's was that she had attended school in West Branch, Iowa with Herbert Hoover (Editor: 1874-1964, 31st President of the United States 1929–1933. He was indeed from West Branch and remains the only Iowan president). Clara was very anxious for each of her children to receive the best possible education, and encouraged and insisted they all graduate from high school and attend college if at all possible, which six of the children did. Clara and Alva were very active members in their community and instrumental in starting a Sunday School. in their school district. They were loyal and faithful members of the Methodist Church. They enjoyed and endured the trials and tribulations of a pioneer couple, coming from the lush farming country of Iowa to the prairie land of Nebraska. They lived the good life and helped settle up the country to make it the community it is today. Children of ALVA RASH and CLARA DAVIS are: 53. i. PEARL9 MILDRED RASH, b. Oct. 23, 1884 South Dakota, d. June 13, 1971, more on page 139. 54. ii. GRACE LENORA RASH, b. Feb. 1886, d. Oct. 14, 1975. More on page 139. iii. MINTA RASH, 1887-1889, Gordon Cemetery. 55. iv. ROY H. RASH, b. Oct. 27, 1888 Nebraska, d. March 27, 1965. More on page 140. 56. v. GUY R. RASH, b. Sept. 1890 Nebraska, d. 1946; m. Tella Marie Johnson. More on page 140. 57. vi. ROSS DAVIS RASH, b. Sept. 10, 1892 Neb., d. May 1966, m. Vera Cooper, several children. More on page 140. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. BESSIE BARD RASH, b. Sept. 21, 1894 Nebraska, d. Nov. 2, 1966 Los Angeles County, Calif.; m. WILLIAM REDFERN, b. 1890, Nebraska, d. 1944 SD, children Dorothy & Doris. Bessie is buried in Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whitter, Calif. ELSIE EFFIE RASH, b. April 21,1896, Gordon, Neb., d. Feb. 17, 1978, Los Angeles, Calif, m. (1) Roy Lee Catron, 18941948; m. (2) Wayne Walker, 1901-1982. Infant Rash, 1898-1898, Gordon Cemetery, Neb. VAUGHN RASH, b. 1900 Neb., d. 1969, m. Eula Drinnon. VIOLA RASH, b. 1902 Neb., d. 1988, m. Leo J. Sharp. WILMA FRANCES RASH, b. 1909 Neb., d. 1992, m. Alfred McCollister, son James B. Residence: Gordon, Neb. Burial: Mt. Hope Cemetery, Valentine, Cherry County, Nebraska. 27. COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 29, 1859 in Union Twp, on the old Rash homestead, and died in 1943 in Hardin County, Iowa. He married MARTHA “Mattie” E. SMITH March 7, 1881, daughter of THEOPHILUS SMITH and MARY NASH. She was born Sept. 3, 1863 in Tipton County, Indiana, and died in 1944. Columbus and Mattie are buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Hardin Co., Iowa. His marker says he died in 1940. From the 1911 book "Past and Present of Hardin County, Iowa" Columbus E. Rash, pp. 917-918 Iowa is essentially a farming state, and her position among the states depends upon the character of her farms, and no farms in the United States are better or have a better reputation than the farms of Iowa. This is due both to the natural fertility of Iowa soil and to the ability an efficiency of the Iowa farmers. For even the wonderfully fertile soil of the state would give it no high rank in farming, were it not for the application of the men who cultivate it. Mr. Rash is a type of the best and most efficient Iowa farmer, who, by care, attention and labor, has become the proprietor of a farm in Union township, which has no superior in the county. Columbus E. Rash was born in 1859 on the old Rash homestead in Union township, the son of Lewis E. Rash, a pioneer of Hardin county, whose record appears elsewhere in this work. Columbus attended the common schools of his township and spent his boyhood and young manhood on his father's farm, until the time of his marriage. On March 7, 1881, Columbus E. Rash was united in marriage to Martha Smith, the daughter of Theophilus and Mary (Nash) Smith. Her father is dead and her mother is living in Ohio. Mr. Smith was married on January 16, 1881. In 1871 he located in Tipton township, Hardin county, Iowa, where he followed farming until his death, on March 1, 1904. His body lies in the Chapel cemetery of Providence, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of the following children: Frances Ellen was born on March 28, 1869; Sarah E. was born on March 17, 1872, and married Robert Frank; Clara Etta was born March 25, 1877, and married J. L. Young; Martha, the wife of Mr. Rash, was born Sept. 3, 1863. To Mr. and Mrs. Rash have been born two children: Maude was born on July 31, 1883, and married Wayne Hinshaw, who lives in Kent, Washington. She is the mother of one child, Forrest. Claude H. Rash was born on July 3, 1890, and died on December 22, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Rash have also an adopted son, Maynard C., who was born on April 6, 1891, and is to them as their child. Mr. Rash is one of the successful farmers of his community, and gives much attention to stock raising. He breeds Jersey Red hogs, draft horses and grade short-horn cattle, and has by stock raising greatly increased the fertility of his farm. In politics he is a Republican, is active in school work and has held 114 Columbus Rash, 36, 1895 Columbus Rash several school offices. Fraternally, he is a member of the Odd Fellows at Union, Iowa. He is a member of the Methodist church. Mr. Rash is a man whose attributes of character have made him respected and influential in his neighborhood, to whom he is widely and favorably known. Editor’s note: Theophilus is a Biblical name. It means "Friend of God" in Greek, and is thus similar to the Latin word Amadeus, which was the name of the classical composer Mozart. Theophilus is the name of a person or an honorary title to whom the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are addressed. It should come as no surprise that the Theophilus of the preceding write-up named his daughter Martha. Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary, and in the Gospel of John was witness to Jesus' resurrection of her brother. Children of COLUMBUS RASH and MARTHA SMITH are: 58. i. MAUDE9 E. RASH, b. July 31, 1883; d. 1962 at New Providence, Hardin Co., IA. ii. CLAUDE H. RASH, b. July 3, 1890; d. December 22, 1890; Burial in Union Cemetery. iii. MAYNARD C. RASH, b. April 6, 1891 in Iowa; d. April 19, 1918 in New Providence, IA; Adopted child; Burial in Union Cemetery, born in 1901 according to marker. 28. NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 16, 1861 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died Oct. 22, 1889 in Cedar Landing, Oregon, where she was buried. She married ELI ELLIS SHULTZ March 5, 1876 in the home of Melvin Rash at Union, IA. Eli, son of Jesse and Elizabeth Shultz, was born Feb. 7, 1857 in Hardin Co., and died June 30, 1920 in Union. More About NANCY E. RASH and ELI SHULTZ: Theirs was a double wedding, in which Nancy’s cousin Arsula Rash (Melvin Rash’s daughter) married Joe Davis; see page 98. Nancy and her husband moved in 1882 to Oregon. When she died in 1889, leaving five young children, he returned to Iowa. Eli’s second wife was Nancy’s cousin (Arsula’s sister) Charlotte Rash, 1869-1944, see page 104. Children of NANCY RASH and ELI SHULTZ are: 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. i. ii. iii. iv. v. HATTIE DELL9 SHULTZ, b. January 15, 1877, Iowa; d. July 20, 1943, Iowa. ROY JAMES SHULTZ, b. July 25, 1880; d. September 10, 1935. NINA ESMOND SHULTZ, b. Aug. 12, 1882, Hardin Co., Ia; d. Feb. 9, 1965. More about Nina on pages 106 and 141. ELVA MAY SHULTZ, b. June 6, 1884; d. March 11, 1958. LINK ERNEST SHULTZ, b. October 26, 1886; d. January 29, 1958. 29. FLORA ANN8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 15, 1863 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died Feb. 1, 1936 in Whitten, Hardin Co., Iowa. She married LEWIS WALLACE THOMPSON Dec. 10, 1885 in Marshalltown, IA. He was born Aug. 29, 1862 in Marshall County, Iowa to James and Louisa Carter Thompson, and died Dec. 10, 1937 in Whitten. Flora and Lewis are buried in Benson Cemetery in Grundy County, Iowa, near Whitten (Whitten is near the county line). Excerpt from History and Recollections of My Father and Family, written in 1932 by Flora Rash Thompson: I was next married and moved into Marshall County where Jessie and Clint were both born. The fall of 1899 we with our two children, Bennie (Flora’s brother Benjamin), Jim and Hulda (Flora’s cousin and her husband Jim Shultz) and their two girls Ethel and Lee, went to Oregon. We first went to Eli’s (Jim’s brother Eli Shultz) near the town of Rainer, Oregon. Lewis first worked in a shingle mill. Later ran an engine for a sawmill. Son Carl was born the following Feb. 28, 1890. When Carl was 10 weeks old I with the three children came back to Iowa, Lewis coming the following fall. We lived in Hardin County until 1892 and moved to Grundy County. Frank the first to be born in Grundy County, Hazel was also born here. When Hazel was three years old in Fall 1896 we moved to Whitten, Iowa. Here Henry and Clarence were born. Henry died at one year and is buried at the Miller cemetery. Children of FLORA RASH and LEWIS THOMPSON are: i. Jessie (female) Lillian Thompson, b. Nov. 11, 1886 in Marshall County, Iowa, d. April 18, 1939 in Hardin County, Iowa. She was a veteran, an Army nurse. Buried in Benson Cemetery, Grundy County, Iowa. 64. ii. Clinton Wallace Thompson, b. Feb. 2, 1888, d. December 26, 1984. 64.3 iii. Carl Earl Thompson b. Feb. 28, 1890, d. Dec. 21, 1971 in Venice, Florida. iv. James Franklin “Frank” Thompson, b. Jan. 2 1893 in Grundy County, Iowa, d. July 25, 1974, m. Eleanora Soule Rowland b. 1900, d. 1972. They are buried in Benson Cemetery, Grundy Co., Iowa. v. Hazel Pearl Thompson, b. April 21 1895 in Iowa, d. Dec. 18, 1989 at Sunny Hill Care Center, Tama, Iowa. Taught rural school in Hardin Count.y. Taught 38 years at Tama Junior High and was named principal in 1957, for a career of 45 years. Buried in Benson Cemetery, Grundy Co., Iowa. vi. Henry Vern Thompson, b. Sept. 29, 1898 at Whitten, Hardin Co., Iowa, d. May 11, 1899, buried Miller Cemetery, Union, Hardin Co., Iowa. 64.5 vii. Clarence Lewis Thompson, b. Sept. 29 1901 at Whitten, Iowa, d. Jan. 8 1984, m. Edna Minnie Wolff b: June 21 1903 d: Aug 25 1975. 115 Flora Rash Thompson 30. BENJAMIN JESSE8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 25, 1865, and died Dec. 20, 1951 in Hubbard, IA. On Feb. 28, 1897 in Union, IA he married LOUISA MARGARET “Maggie” HALL. She was born in 1873 in Iowa and died in 1944 in Hubbard, IA. More About BENJAMIN JESSE RASH: Residence: Had a farm in Missouri but lived with his wife & children on a rented farm at Popejoy, Iowa. Burial: Quaker Cemetery, Hubbard, IA Benjamin’s nickname: Bennie or according to 1880 census Benny. Margaret’s nickname: Maggie Burial information for MARGARET HALL: Quaker Cemetery, Hubbard, IA Children of BENJAMIN RASH and MARGARET HALL are: 65. i. CORRINE RASH, b. 1901, m. Fred Moll. ii. CLARA RASH, b. 1905; m. JOE SHIMEK; b. 1906, NC. iii. LEWIS CARLTON RASH, b. July 13, 1910 Iowa; m. KATHERINE BEAVERLANDER; b. NC. Benjamin Rash 31. EMMA ROSALIE8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 16, 1867 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died Aug. 11, 1942. On Jan. 27, 1889 at Eldora, IA she married AARON HILLER, son of CHRISTIAN HILLER and MARY ANN PHIEL. He was born in February 1862 in Leaf River, Ogle County, Ill., d. bef. 1942. Info.: At some point they lived near Armstrong, Emmet County, Iowa. In 1932 they lived in Ocheyedan, Osceola County, Iowa, according to History and Recollections of My Father and Family, by Emma’s sister Flora Rash Thompson. Some Aaron Hiller info from http://iagenweb.org/fgs/hillera.txt Children of EMMA RASH and AARON HILLER are: i. DUANE9 HILLER, d. bef. 1942 ii. GLENN HILLER, d. bef. 1942. iii. ORVILLE HILLER, b. August 1888, Grant Twp., Hardin County, Iowa, d. abt 1904. Buried in Iowa Falls, Iowa. 66. iv. SADIE MAE HILLER, b. March 4, 1891, Hardin County, Iowa; d. May 15, 1965, East Chain Twp, Martin Co., Minn. Emma Rash Aaron Hiller v. EDNA ROSALIE HILLER, b. March 24, 1898, Radcliffe, Hardin County, Iowa; d. October 10, 1948, Los Angeles, Calif.; on Sept. 24, 1919 in Iowa m. JOHN J. DONOVAN, son of E.O. Donovan and Catherine V. Garvey. Had three children. vi. EARL HILLER, b. June 5, 1910, Swea Twp., Kossuth County, Iowa, d. after 1942. Emma and daughter Sadie Hiller Burdette are buried in Armstrong Grove Cemetery, Armstrong, Emmet County, Iowa. Obituary: Mrs. Emma Hiller, 74, of Gridley, died at 7 o'clock Tuesday [Aug. 11, 1942] morning, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.J. Burdette. Mrs. Hiller has been a resident of Gridley for the past ten years. She has been ill for several years prior to her death. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 o'clock at the Sternborg Funeral home. Burial will be in the Armstrong cemetery. Mrs. Hiller is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jack Donovan of California and Mrs. A.J. Burdette of Gridley, Iowa. One son, Earl Hiller of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, three brothers, Solon Rash of Union, Iowa, Bernie Rash of Marshalltown and Henry Rash of Des Moines. Mrs. Hiller's husband and three sons preceded her in death. (Vindicator and Republican, Estherville, IA, August 13, 1942) 116 32. SOLON LINCOLN8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 28, 1869 in Union, Iowa and died May 18, 1949. On July 4, 1889 at Hubbard, IA he married (1) ABIGAIL “Abbie” ANN RASH, daughter of WILLIAM RASH and ELLEN NEGUS. She was born Aug. 28, 1870 in Iowa and died Oct. 7, 1900 in Union Township. He married (2) ALLIE D. FAILE Dec. 4, 1901 at Marshalltown in a double wedding where his cousin Lee Rash married Ettie Asher, see page 121. Allie was born Jan. 10, 1874 in South Carolina, daughter of David Faile and Sarah Taylor, and died April 29, 1936 in Hardin Co., Ia. He married (3) BERTHA JESSUP, born in 1871 and died in 1947. More About Solon Lincoln Rash from his grandson Larry Rowen: He built up a farm of 320 acres, and lost 80 of them along Honey Creek during the Great Depression of the 1930s. He also lost the house he had built in 1910. That still left 240 acres to his heirs. Source of his name: Solon, c. 638 BC–558 BC, was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and elegiac poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaic Athens. His reforms failed in the short term yet he is often credited with having laid the foundations for Athenian democracy. The city of Solon, Johnson County, Iowa, is named for this Athenian, and its high school mascot is the Spartan, the enemy of Athens. Burial for Abigail: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Nickname: Abbie Info: First cousins with husband. Their fathers Lewis E. Rash & William Watson Rash were brothers. Solon & Allie wedding photo Burial for SOLON RASH and ALLIE D. FAILE: Union Cemetery. Children of SOLON RASH and ABIGAIL RASH are: 67. i. EFFIE LILLIAN9 RASH, b. Dec. 15 1889, d. Feb. 4 1908. 68. ii. LURA ELLEN RASH, b. July 17, 1899, d. Jan. 5, 1961. Children of SOLON RASH and ALLIE FAILE are: 69. iii. EDD ELLIS9 RASH, b. Oct. 3, 1908 Ia, d. July 19, 1991. 70. iv. LENA MAY RASH, b. Sept. 17, 1910, d. Feb. 1, 1979. 71. v. WADE EVERT RASH, b. June 16, 1914, d. Dec. 21, 2002 72. vi. MARJORIE FLOSS RASH, b. Aug. 5, 1918, d. March 8, 2013. Solon Rash, 26, 1895 Solon Rash 33. HENRY THOMAS8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born August 11, 1871 in Iowa, and died February 22, 1955 at Winterset, Madison Co., Ia. He married ELSIE M. BUCKNELL, daughter of C.J. Bucknell (see his land, near the Rash’s land, on the map on page 43) and Eliza Pillsbury, Sept. 4, 1902 in Hardin County, Iowa. She was born Aug. 17, 1880 in Iowa and died in November 1926. More About HENRY THOMAS RASH: Owned 320 acres of land in Texas and 120 in Iowa. In 1932 Henry and his children lived at New Providence, Hardin County, Iowa, according to History and Recollections of My Father and Family, by Henry’s sister Flora Rash Thompson. The 1930 census lists only Henry and daughter Faye in his household. Excerpts from obituary in the Winterset Madisonian: Henry Rash Henry Rash, 1895 (http://iagenweb.org/boards/madison/obituaries/index.cgi?read=164355): Henry T. Rash, a resident of Winterset for the last five years, died at Madison county Memorial hospital in Winterset Tuesday, Feb. 22. He had been ill but a few days, and entered the hospital Tuesday morning for major surgery. Mr. Rash was 83 years of age at his death. He was a native of Hardin county, where he was born at Union on Aug. 11, 1871, a son of Lewis and Rachel Rash. His early life was spent in farming, which occupation he followed until about 1915. After that, for many years, 117 he worked at the trade of carpenter, living at Hubbard and New Providence. He had been retired in recent years. In addition to the two children, he is survived by 3 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held this Thursday from the funeral parlor at Union, and burial will be made in the Miller cemetery. Children of HENRY RASH and ELSIE BUCKNELL are: 73. i. ERNEST LLOYD RASH, b. Jan. 18, 1909, d. May 7, 1974. 74. ii. FAYE PEARL9 RASH, b. Jan. 14, 1915; d. Dec. 4, 1994. 34. BERTHA JANE8 RASH (LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born November 10, 1874, and died Apr. 10, 1950 at Creston, Union County, Ia. She married W ILLIAM JOSHUA SWAIM July 27, 1893, son of William Walter Swaim and Mary Ann Davis. He was born Dec. 16, 1867 in Indiana, d. Jan. 21, 1946 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa. More About BERTHA JANE RASH and WILLIAM JOSHUA SWAIM: Info.: Bertha was twin to Burton Francis Rash. William Swaim was a farmer. His nickname was Will. In 1932 they lived at Murray, Clarke County, Iowa, according to History and Recollections of My Father and Family, by Bertha’s sister Flora Rash Thompson. Bertha & William & sons Ray & Wayne are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Creston, Iowa. Bertha J. Rash Swaim Children of BERTHA RASH and WILLIAM SWAIM are: 75. i. RAYMOND9 EDWARD SWAIM, b. Jan. 28, 1894 in Iowa, d. July 19, 1957. Iowa Pvt Co D 160 Infantry, WW I. 76. ii. INEZ SWAIM, b. Sept. 2, 1895 in Black Hawk Co., Iowa, d. April 1983 Creston, Union Co., Iowa. 77. iii. LILLIAN BERNICE SWAIM, b. Sept. 10,1899 in New Providence, Iowa, d. June 19, 1949 Afton, Iowa. 78. iv. WAYNE WILLIAM SWAIM, b. Sept. 1, 1901 Eldora, Iowa, d. April 5, 1961 Creston, Iowa. v. DALE SWAIM, b. Jun. 2, 1903 Hardin Co., Iowa, d. Mar. 21, 1905 of pneumonia. Burial Miller Cemetery, Union, Ia. 79. vi. PAUL LLOYD SWAIM, b. Nov. 27, 1904 Hardin Co., Iowa, d. Jan. 24, 2002. vii. BESSIE SWAIM, b. Sep. 21, 1906 Eldora, Iowa, d. Sep. 3, 1907 in Eldora of spinal meningitis. Burial Miller Cemetery. 80. viii. EDITH MILDRED SWAIM, b. Sept. 3, 1908 Hardin Co., Iowa, d. Dec. 18, 2000. 81. ix. PEARL VERNA SWAIM, b. June 26,1910 Hardin Co., Iowa, d. Oct. 9, 1997 Clearfield, Taylor Co., Iowa. x. REVA RACHEL SWAIM, b. Dec. 20, 1912 in Iowa, d. April 21, 2004 in Creston, Iowa, m. LOREN KEITH BENEDICT, b. Sept. 18, 1915, d. Nov. 7, 2010, son of Melvernan and Rose (Little) Benedict . They lived in Creston, Iowa. They are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Creston, Union County, Iowa 35. ARTHUR THOMAS8 RASH (JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born September 20, 1864 in Union, Hardin Co, IA, and died in October 1933 in Union, Hardin Co, IA. He married EVA DARTHULA HAMMER December 20, 1885, daughter of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH GOTSHALL MUSGROVE. She was born Aug. 24, 1868 near Newton, IA, and died July 1, 1949 in Union, Hardin Co, IA. More About ARTHUR THOMAS RASH: As of the 1900 census, Arthur & his family were living with his recently widowed father John. Occupation: Farmer Waterloo Daily Courier, Oct. 27, 1933: Union, Ia. — Funeral services for Arthur T. Rash were at the Methodist church in Union, Rev. Joe Speas, pastor of the Stanford Friends church, had charge. Arthur Thomas Rash, son of John A. and Mary Ann Rash, was born on the old Rash homestead Sept. 20, 1864, and with the exception of four years it always was his home. The four years were spent on a farm about a mile west of the present Rash home. He is survived by his widow, who was Eva Hammer before their marriage Dec. 20, 1885, and four sons, Leonard, Errol, and Clem, Union, and Fletcher, Waterloo. More About ARTHUR RASH and EVA HAMMER: Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Residence: Union, Hardin Co, IA Eva D. Hammer Rash & husband Arthur Rash 118 Arthur Thomas Rash Arthur Thomas Rash 119 Arthur & Eva Rash family about 1910. Back row, left to right, Leonard, Viola, Fletcher. Front row, left to right, Errol, Arthur, Eva, Clem For more About EVA DARTHULA HAMMER and her second husband, see page 208. Children of ARTHUR RASH and EVA HAMMER are: 82. i. LEONARD JAMES9 RASH, b. May 24, 1887, Union, Iowa, d. May 21, 1962. 83.5 ii. FLETCHER GERARD RASH, b. February 1891, Iowa, d. 1939; m. (1) LOTTIE SMITH; m. (2) MABEL DOLAN, b. 1893. 83 iii. VIOLA JANE RASH, b. Feb. 3, 1895, d. Oct. 19, 1931. 84. iv. CLEM ALLISON RASH, b. June 30, 1899, Hardin Co., Ia; d. Age 78 at Villa del Sol, Marshalltown, Ia. 85. v. ERROL ARTHUR RASH, b. June 16, 1906, Union, Ia, d. Dec. 7, 1967, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Ia. 36. ELIZABETH “Eliza” ELLEN8 RASH (JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1870 in Iowa, and died in 1931 in Hardin Co., IA (stroke). She married ADAM MARK HAMMER July 3, 1886, son of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH GOTSHALL MUSGROVE. He was born in 1863 in Jasper County, Iowa, and died in 1933 in Hardin Co., IA (Prostate cancer). More information on him and their children on page 203. 37. ABIGAIL ANN8 RASH (WILLIAM WATSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born August 28, 1870 in Iowa and died Oct. 7, 1900 in Union Township, Hardin Co. Iowa. On July 4, 1889 in Hubbard, Hardin County, Iowa she married SOLON LINCOLN RASH, son of LEWIS RASH and RACHEL HAMMER. He was born Aug. 28, 1869 and died May 19, 1949. Elizabeth Rash Hammer Burial information for ABIGAIL: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Iowa Nickname: Abbie. Children are listed on page 117 under (32) Solon Lincoln Rash. 120 Elizabeth Rash Hammer 37.1. LEE WILLARD8 RASH (WILLIAM WATSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in Oct. 12, 1873 in Iowa and died Feb. 16, 1958 at Alexandria, Minn. He married (1) FLORA P. BRYSON, daughter of Benjamin Bryson and Ellen N. Shutty or Shultz, Oct. 19, 1893 at Union, IA. Flora was born Sept. 16, 1876 in Hardin County and died June 15, 1900. He married (2) ETTIE MAY ASHER, daughter of John Asher and Minerva Lauch, Dec. 4, 1901 in Marshalltown, IA, in a double ceremony where his cousin Solon Rash married Allie Faile, see page 117. Ettie was born Oct. 12, 1878 and died Feb. 16, 1958 at Alexandria, Minn. Burial information for FLORA BRYSON and son HERALD RASH: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa; I have been unable to learn why they died at about the same time. Lee and Ettie are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Alexandria, Douglas County, Minn. Children of LEE RASH and FLORA BRYSON are: i. ROSS WILFORD RASH, b. June 1893 in Iowa, d. Sept 1977 at Koshkonong, Oregon Co., Mo.; m. Jessie M. Hughes, b. Aug. 7, 1893 at Waterloo, d. Oct. 17, 1976 at Fort Dodge, Iowa, daughter of John L. Hughes and Mildred Wilkin. ii. HERALD9 RASH in Iowa, b. January 20, 1896; d. July 26, 1900. Children of LEE RASH and ETTIE ASHER are: i. LETHA RASH iii. JOHN RASH. ii. CLEO MAY RASH 37.2. FREDERICK LUCIEN RASH (WILLIAM WATSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 29, 1875 in Marshall County, Iowa and died June 24, 1967 at Norwalk, Ohio. On April 21, 1896 in Grundy Center, Grundy Co., Iowa he married Maude Blanche Spurlin, born in June 1877 in Iowa to Jeremiah “Jerry” Spurlin and Mary Jane “Jennie” Dawdy, died Feb. 15, 1956 at Amherst, Ohio. They are buried in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Amherst, Ohio. Children of FRED RASH and MAUDE SPURLIN are: i. Howard W. Rash, b. Oct. 31, 1896 in Iowa, d. March 13, 1986 in Cleveland, Ohio. ii. Cecil Rash, b. Nov. 8, 1897, d. Nov. 8, 1897 in Missouri. iii. Asa "Ace" Ensio Rash, b May 25, 1899 Missouri, d. Sept. 30, 1989 Lorain, Ohio. On Jan. 28, 1924 at Cuyahoga, Ohio m. Ernestine Knipper, b. May 22, 1902, d. June 5, 1997, daughter of Joseph Knipper and Helena Weitz.. Asa & Ernestine operated Rash's Produce Stand on Milan Avenue many years. They are in Crownhill Cemetery, Amherst, Ohio. iv. Virgil L. Rash, b. Oct. 11, 1901 Dover Twp, Pocahontas Co., Iowa. v. Homer Loyd Rash, b. Sept. 24, 1904 in Missouri, d. July 9, 1976, Amherst, Lorain County, Ohio; m. Martha Marie Johnson, b. 1906, d. 1998. They are buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Fred Rash, about 20, 1895 Lorain, Lorain County, Ohio. vi. Jeanette Hazel "Jennie" Rash, b. Oct. 30, 1906 in Lebanon, Missouri, d. March 21, 1973 at Amherst, Lorain County, Ohio. On May 3, 1924 at Adrian, Mich m. Edward "Eddie" Wilhelm Sabiers, 1899-1957, son of Rudolph Sabiers and Philomena Miller. They are in Crownhill Cemetery, Amherst, Crownhill County, Ohio. vii. Josephine “Josie” Ellen Rash, b. August 30, 1910 in Missouri, d. Aug. 5, 2000 in Iowa, m. James Hess, of Lorain, Ohio. viii. Robert I. Rash, b. June 6, 1912, Lebanon, Kan., d. Nov. 10, 2011 at Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, m. Bernetta E. Bremer, 1914-2003, daughter of Louis Charles Bremer and Clara Magdalene Langevin. Had 4 children and many greatgrandchildren. Robert and Bernetta are in Woodlawn Cemetery, Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio. Two of Fred and Maude’s children were in the Eldora Herald, Nov. 21, 1918, page 9: Little Jennie Rash from Little Cedar who is staying with her grandmother Mrs. Watson Bash, is out of school with the mumps. Elseware on the same page: Asa Rash of Little Cedar spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Rash, in Union, and his young sister, Jennie. Young Rash had a narrow escape one day last week near Conrad, where he was picking corn, when his team ran away, and in trying to check them one of the bits broke. He then lost control of the team. They made for a wire fence, and he jumped from the back end of the wagon, but none too soon as the high box rose in the air and crashed down into kindling wood. After they had run for some time and broken the wagon reach, they were finally stopped. The accident happened before daylight. 37.3. OSCAR LEE LUNDIN (NANCY JANE7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 11, 1860 at Marshalltown, Iowa and died Nov. 8, 1931 at Stratford, Mo. He married 1) Anna M. Kindley, born April 4, 1861 at Honey Creek, Iowa., died March 18, 1906 at Chicago, Ill. On Nov. 4, 1908 in Marshall County, Iowa he married 2) Corie E. Burdick Newton, born about 1863, daughter of Lenas C. Burdick and Samantha E. Wright. On March 17, 1911 he married 3) Mary Amelia “May” Currier, born Oct. 11, 1864, at Rock Island, Ill, died June 29, 1944 at Ripley, Mo. May was married four times, Oscar being her fourth husband. She had eight children from her first two marriages. She is buried at Doniphan Oak Ridge Cemetery, Doniphan, Ripley Co., Mo. Children of Oscar Lundin and Anna Kindley are: i. Charles Wade Lundin, b. 1883 d. 1946 Mary Courier Lundin 121 Mary Courier Lundin ii. iii. Levada Inez Lundin, b. 1887, m. Mr. Jackman Lovera Lundin, b. 1891 d. 1941, m. Theodore Hauser iv. v. Ralph K. Lundin, b. 1906 d. 1974 Worth Verling Lundin 37.4. ROBERT EMMET LUNDIN (NANCY JANE7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in July 1862 in Iowa and died Dec. 30, 1959. About 1888 he married Josephine Ella Brabb, who was born about 1865 in Michigan. The 1900 and 1910 censuses show them living in Brighton, Washington Co., Iowa. The 1930 census shows them living in Griswold, Cass Co., Iowa. Robert and Josephine are buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Brighton, Washington County, Iowa. Children of ROBERT LUNDIN and JOSEPHINE BRABB are: i. GUY M. LUNDIN, b. July 26, 1889 Cedar, Kansas. On his WWI draft registration card he listed his occupation in Brighton, Iowa as "tonsorial artist" - a barber. In Colorado he married Beryl Fernald in 1924 and Ethel Hollander in 1934. ii. RALPH BERYL LUNDIN, b. Sept. 23, 1891 in Iowa, d. Feb. 15, 1953 in Los Angeles, Calif. iii. HOYT B. LUNDIN, b. June 28, 1896 in Brighton, Iowa, d. Aug. 8, 1961 in Los Angeles, Calif., in 1922 m. Helen Walling. iv. LORENE VIOLA LUNDIN, b. abt 1899 in Brighton, Iowa, in 1922 m. Gerald Barnes, b. abt 1896. 37.6. TILFORD V. LUNDIN (NANCY JANE7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1866 in Keokuk County, Iowa and died Oct. 15, 1946 in Montana. On Feb. 21, 1895 at Sigourney, Keokuk Co., he married Carrie Stevens, born about 1873 in Princeton, Ill., daughter of Jonathan Stevens and Helen Black. She died March 9, 1935 in Montana. Tilford is buried in Tobacco Valley Cemetery, Eureka, Lincoln Co., Mont. Children of TILFORD LUNDIN and CARRIE STEVENS are: i. CIEL LUNDIN, b. Nov. 6, 1895 in Keokuk Co. Ia, d. Nov. 11, 1975 in Montana. In 1917 m. Harland Horace Sampson. ii. OLIVER LORAINE LUNDIN, b. May 22, 1897 in Brighton, Iowa, d. Jan. 19, 1949 in Helena, Montana, on April 11, 1918 in Eureka, MT m. 1) Mary Clair Downs, , b. April 27, 1897 in Willmar, Minn., d. April 23, 1919 in Eureka; m. 2) Mabel Hunter Oct. 29, 1921 in Montana, b. abt 1897, daughter of George Hunter and Elizabeth Mayo. iii. WARD G. LUNDIN, b. March 21, 1914 in Montana, d. Feb. 25, 1975 in Montana. 37.7. ELVA MAE LUNDIN (NANCY JANE7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 18, 1871 in Iowa and died May 7, 1927. On Apil 9, 1893 at Ollie, Iowa she married Robert H. Bottger, born Sept. 23, 1869, son of John C. Bottger and Hannah Shy, and died Jan. 18, 1937. The 1910 census shows them living in Cashmere, Chelan County, Washington. Elva’s father Oliver, 83 years old and recently widowed, is living with them. Elva, Robert and Elva’s parents are buried in Highland Cemetery, Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa. Children of ELVA LUNDIN and ROBERT BOTTGER are: i. MARVEL BOTTGER, b. July 1895, on July 2,1913 at Kalispell, Mont. m. Frank McGee, son of Louis McGee & Julia Burk. ii. IRENE BOTTGER, b. Jan. 24, 1897 at Ollie, Keokuk County, Iowa. On July 24, 1919 at Ollie m. Dallas Robert Clossen, son of C.L. Clossen and Mary Bell Ogier. iii. FREIDA B. BOTTGER, b. Jan. 24, 1902 at Ollie. On Feb. 15, 1922 at Ottumwa, Iowa m. George R. Dolley. iv. GILBERT T. BOTTGER, b. Aug. 6, 1905 at Ollie. Generation No. 9 37.8. DENSON9 “Dennie” LOREYS DAVIS (ARSULA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 20, 1880 in Union, IA and died March 22, 1953 at Albany, Linn Co., Ore. On June 22, 1901 he married MARGARUITE “Maggie” PEARL BENBOW, born Feb. 11, 1886 at Hubbard, Hardin County, IA, and died Sept. 12, 1947 at Sweet Home, Linn Co., Ore., daughter of Daniel Harrison Benbow & Elizabeth Ellen Fitzgerald. They are buried in IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn Co., Ore. Children of DENNY DAVIS and MAGGIE BENBOW are: i. NELLIE10 MAY DAVIS, b. Feb. 2, 1902 in New Providence, Hardin County, IA, d. Sept. 25, 1956 at Sweet Home, Linn Co., Ore. On June 13, 1918 in Marshall County married John Sagasa Montgomery, b. November 1895 at Garret, Kentucky, d. June 7, 1959 in Oregon, brother of Jerusha Montgomery Rash (see page 111) and America Montgomery Davis (see page 123). America’s husband Ray and Nellie’s father Denny were sons of Arsula Rash & Joe Davis (see page 98). Nellie and John are buried in IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Ore. Nellie and John are the grandparents of Darlene Montgomery Carlson, who contributed some information to this book. Darlene joined the Daughters of the American Revolution, tracing the Montgomerys back to the Revolution without a surname change. ii. PAUL DAVIS, b. 1904. 122 38. GERTRUDE “Gertie” ELIZABETH.9 DAVIS (ARSULA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 20, 1886 at Union, Iowa, where she grew up. She died Oct. 3, 1947 at the home of her brother in Sweethome, Oregon, where she was visiting. She married RALPH HENRY SAWIN Sept. 16, 1902 at Marshalltown. He was born Jan. 14, 1878 to Ezekiel S. and Julia G. Haskins Sawin and died May 10, 1949. The couple farmed in the Eldora area except for a period in Alameda, a Texas town that no longer exists. Gertrude was survived by nine grandchildren. Gertrude and Ralph are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Ia. Children of GERTRUDE DAVIS and RALPH SAWIN are: 89. i. HAROLD CLARK SAWIN, b. July 14, 1906 Alameda, TX; d. Sept. 12, 1972 Berwick Ia. 90. ii. EDNA MARIE SAWIN10, b. Oct. 19, 1910 Alameda, TX, d. Sept. 21, 1995 Marshalltown.. iii. HELEN JULIA SAWIN, b. March 13, 1916; d. Dec. 1, 1996; on May 28, 1938 m. CLYDE GALE; b. Nov. 8,1913, d. Nov. 29, 1990. Residence: Union. Helen & Clyde are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. IA. Clyde’s military service: Tec 5 US Army WWII iv. RALPH RAYMOND SAWIN, b. Aug. 13, 1920, d. Jan. 26, 1947. Burial: Miller Cemetery. Gertrude Davis, 9, 1895 38.5. RAY W.9 DAVIS (ARSULA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 21, 1888 in Iowa and died Dec. 18, 1918 in Union, IA. On June 26, 1914 in Marshall County Iowa he married AMERICA JANE MONTGOMERY, daughter of JOHN MONTGOMERY and MARGARET RETTER ROGERS. She was born March 11, 1897 in Kentucky and died May 21, 1990 in Iowa. Ray and America are buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, IA. America’s parents & her sister Jerusha Montgomery Rash (see page 111) also are in Miller. Ray’s June 1917 draft registration card lists his occupation as carpenter and he states he has a wife and two children (so, was son Wendell born in 1917?). Ray died 18 months later. Did he die in the flu pandemic of 1918? America “Meck” Jane Montgomery married four times, and three of her married names are displayed in order on her grave marker: Davis Knott Wilcox. After Ray Davis died, Meck married Clare Carter, of Union, in August, 1921. They were divorced the next year. Then she married Richard Noah Knott, 1880-1953. Her fourth and last husband was James Wilcox. She lived in Eldora. Children of RAY DAVIS and AMERICA MONTGOMERY are: i. ELEANOR10 DAVIS, b. 1916. ii. WENDELL DAVIS, b. 1918, m. Mildred, had son James Davis. 39. LAURENCE MONROE9 RASH (MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 9, 1899, and died in September 1976 in Zearing, Iowa (nursing home). He married OPAL HOSEY Oct. 23, 1945 in Buckhannon, Upshur Co., WV, daughter of THOMAS HOSEY and ROSELLA PAINE. She was born Sept. 29, 1916 in Centralia, WV, and died in May 1976. Laurence Rash, 10, 1909 Laurence Rash Laurence Rash Laurence & Opal (Hosey) Rash Notes for LAURENCE MONROE RASH: Social Security Number: 478-68-1272 Obituary: Rites Saturday For Rash, 77 UNION -- (Special) -- Services for Lawrence Rash, 72, who died Wednesday at a nursing home in Zearing, will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Calvary Baptist Church with Pastor Robert Quick and a Marshalltown pastor, Gregg Boyle, officiating. Burial will be in Miller Cemetery. Mr. Rash was a former member of the Bangor Friends Church and the Union American Legion post. In, 1918, he was in the student army corps at Iowa State University. Laurence Rash in high school yearbook, The Eldorian 123 Laurence and Opal Rash, son Thomas kneeling in front - 1969 He was born at Union July 9, 1899 son of Monroe and Elnora Brown Rash, and was graduated from Eldora High School. He married Opal Hosey in Buckhannon, W. Va., Oct. 23, 1945. Surviving are two daughters,, Lydia Hosey of Sutton, W. Va., and Mrs. Frank (Nora) Hoy of Rhodes; a son, Thomas Rash, Marshalltown; a brother and sister, Mrs. Pearl Bryant, and Dean Rash, Union; 10 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Besides his wife in May, he was preceded in death by two daughters. Editor’s note: The spelling of his first name in most cases I've seen is Lawrence. However, the exceptions are notable and make the rule. His grave marker and his two hand-written books spell it Laurence. I accept this as the correct spelling. Obituary for OPAL HOSEY: UNION - Services for Mrs. Lawrence (Opal) Rash, who was dead on arrival at a Marshalltown hospital Saturday, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Calvary Baptist Church. Pastor Herbert Quick will officiate and burial will be in Miller Cemetery near Union. She was born at Centralia, W. Va., Sept. 29, 1916, daughter of Thomas and Rosella Paine Hosey, and married at Buckann, W. Va., Oct. 23, 1945. She and Mr. Rash always lived on the same farm southwest of Union Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Lydia Sutton, W. Va., and Mrs. Frank (Nora) Hoy, Rhodes; one son, Thomas Rash, Marshalltown; a brother, Doy Talbott, living in Maryland; a sister, Mrs. Morris (Della) Bickle, Rock Cave, W. Va.; 10 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Friends may call at the Biersborn Funeral Home. Children of LAURENCE RASH and OPAL HOSEY are: i. NORA ROSELLA10 RASH, b. 1948, Iowa . ii. THOMAS RASH, b. 1949. iii. BETTY BELLE RASH, b. May 26, 1952; d. Stillborn. Miller Cemetery, Union. iv. PEARL AVONELLE RASH, b. May 31, 1954; d. Stillborn. Miller Cemetery, Union. v. LYDIA HOSEY RASH, b. November 1930; d. August 1995, Sutton, West Virginia. Opal (Hosey) Rash 40. JAMES DEAN9 RASH (MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 20, 1903 in Union, Iowa, and died March 2, 1979 in Union, Iowa. He married HAZEL AVONELLE HIGGASON in Grundy Center, Iowa, daughter of WALTER HIGGASON and LAVERA HAMMER. She was born May 22, 1908 in Zearing, Iowa, and died Dec. 22, 2004 in Marshalltown, Iowa. James Dean Rash, 1903, detail James Dean Rash, 1903 124 Dean Rash, 6, 1909 Dean Rash Dean Rash, 16, about 1919 Dean Rash, 47, about 1950 August 1976 – Dean & Avonelle Rash July 1931 – Dean, Avonelle, Jim & Clyde Rash. Avonelle & daughter Janice Avonelle Rash, detail Avonelle (Higgason) Rash Avonelle (Higgason) Rash Obituary: Services for James (Dean) Rash, 76, of Union, who farmed near Union all his adult life, were held Monday, March 5, from the Union Community Church. Rev. Lloyd McDonald of New Providence officiated, assisted by Rev. David Peightal of Union. Gary Hauser was organist and Dave Jensen was vocalist. Casket bearers were Richard Thorsen, Ronald Coen, Robert Doe, Donald Coen, Bill Pilkington and Max Higgason. Honorary casket bearers were Jim Jelsma, Robert Martin, Albert Johnson, Robert Johnson and Herman Jelsma. Interment was in the Miller Cemetery near Union with Biersborn Funeral Home of Union in charge of arrangements. Son of Monroe and Elnora Brown Rash, he was born near Union March 20, 1903, was graduated from Eldora High School and married Avonelle Higgason in Grundy Center. A brother and a grandchild preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife and nine children, Mrs. Gunnar (Joyce) Johnson of Columbus, Ind., James of Des Moines, Clyde Rash and Mrs. Richard (Janice) Thorsen of Marshalltown; Mrs. Donald (Barbara) Coen of Lakeville, Minn., Mrs. Ronald (Marian) Coen of Abilene, Tex., Mrs. Robert (Sharon) Doe of Melbourne; Mrs. Thomas (Carol) Fahey of Joplin, Mo. and Mrs. Bill (Linda) Pilkington of Aurora, Colo.; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Bryant of Union; 32 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. 125 Children of DEAN RASH and AVONELLE HIGGASON are: 94. i. JOYCE ELAINE10 RASH, b. 1926, Eldora, Iowa. 95. ii. JAMES VERNON RASH, b. 1929, Eldora, Iowa. 96. iii. CLYDE ARLO RASH, b. June 23, 1931, Union, Iowa (home birth); d. November 26, 2007, Marshalltown. 97. iv. BARBARA ANN RASH, b. 1932, Union, IA (home birth). 98. v. JANICE LEE RASH, b. 1934, Union, Iowa (home birth). 99. vi. MARIAN JEAN RASH, b. 1936, Union, Iowa (home birth). 100. vii. SHARON ANNE RASH, b. 1938, Union, Iowa (home birth). 101. viii. CAROL MAE RASH, b. 1941, Union, Iowa (home birth). 102. ix. LINDA KAY RASH, b. 1946, Iowa City, Iowa University Hospital. Children of Dean & Avonelle Rash – In back, left to right, are sons Jim & Clyde. In front of them, the four sisters of about the same height are, left to right: Barb, Janice, Joyce & Marian. The three sisters in front are, left to right, Carol, Linda & Sharon. 126 1998 – All nine Rash siblings with their mother Avonelle (Higgason) Rash, seated. They are, left to right, youngest to firstborn: Linda, Carol, Sharon, Marian, Janice, Barb, Clyde, Jim, & Joyce. 127 This team photo has been displayed for many decades at the Hardin County Historical Society in Eldora. It remains on display. Dean Rash - Eldora’s high school yearbook, The Eldorian, included this among the write-ups of football players: “Huck played his first football at guard this year. He was a good fighter and outplayed many of the men he run up against despite his lack of experience. He outplayed his men by pure grit which made up for his inexperience.” 128 41. REBECCA PEARL9 RASH (MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 12, 1905 in Marshall County near Union, Iowa, and died Aug. 12, 1979 in Eldora, Iowa. She married CARL JOSEPH BRYANT Dec. 24, 1932 in Rock Island, Illinois. He was born April 3, 1899 in Clemons, Iowa, son of Robert Bryant and Maud Spence, and died Dec. 19, 1973 in Eldora. Pearl went by her middle name. She was a graduate of Eldora High School, studied music and piano at Des Moines Univ. for two years & trained as a nurse at Deaconess Hospital in Marshalltown. She worked as a practical nurse until her marriage. Pearl and Carl lived in Clemons, Lamoille, Marshalltown & Union, Iowa and are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa. Bryant family 1957 Front Pearl & Carl, back l to r Phyllis & Ruth Bryant family 1945 Pearl, Carl, Phyllis (back) & Ruth Pearl Rash, 1906, detail Pearl Rash 1906 Pearl Rash with doll buggy, age 6, 1911 or 1912 Children of PEARL RASH and CARL BRYANT are: i. PHYLLIS JOANNE10 BRYANT, b. 1934, Union, Iowa; m. THEODOR NEILSEN WESTERGAARD October 29, 1965, at Minneapolis, MN. He died Oct. 11, 1987. Education for PHYLLIS: Minnesota Bible College, Minneapolis 103. ii. RUTH ANGELEN BRYANT, b. 1938, Marshalltown, Iowa. 129 41.2. ETHEL9 MAY SHULTZ (HULDA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 16, 1881 in Iowa and died June 14, 1951. On Aug. 7, 1899 in Hardin County, Iowa she married ORRIS GEORGE SPENCE, born in 1875 in Marshall County, Iowa and died May 13, 1944 in Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Minn., son of George W. Spence and Sarah Deal. Ethel and George and son Kenneth are buried in Woodland Hills Memorial Park, Mankato. Children of ETHEL SHULTZ and ORRIS SPENCE are: i. MARIE10 SPENCE b. March 15 1901 Clemons, Marshall Co., Iowa, d. May 3, 1980. ii. RAYMOND ORRIS SPENCE b. Oct 6, 1905 Clemons, Marshall Co., Iowa, d. Sept. 10, 1976 Lindstrom, Minn., m. Coletta, had 3 children. Ray and Coletta are buried in Fairview Cemetery, Lindstrom. iii. iv. v. MUREL J. SPENCE b. Feb. 20, 1913 in Blue Earth County, Minn., d. Dec. 23, 1977 Alameda, Calif.; m. Lillian. They are buried in Chapel of the Chimes Memorial Park, Hayward, Alameda County, Calif. CLEMENT EARL SPENCE, b. April 29, 1915 Vernon Center, Minnesota, d. April 18, 1967 Alameda, Calif., twin of Ken. KENNETH SPENCE, twin of Clem, d. Nov. 22 1972 41.3. LEOTA9 SHULTZ (HULDA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 24, 1883 in Marshalltown, Iowa and died May 29, 1964 in Marshalltown. On Aug. 11, 1900 in Hardin County, Iowa she married ROLAND “ROLLIE” A. SKINNER, born April 28, 1881 in Marshall County, Iowa dnd died Aug. 30, 1966 in Marshalltown, son of Marion Skinner and Eliza Every. Leota and Rollie are buried in Bangor Friends Cemetery, Marshall County, Iowa. Children of LEOTA SHULTZ and ROLLIE SKINNER are: i. LILLIE10 SKINNER, b. 1901. In 1919 m. William Vanhoy, b. abt 1893, son of Daniel and Sarah (Nicholson) Vanhoy. ii. FLORENCE LUCILLE SKINNER b. March 7, 1905 in Marshalltown, d. May 30, 1994 in Peoria, Ill. On Dec. 12, 1925 m. Miles Edgar Berrier, b. Jan. 26, 1904 in Blain, Penn., d. September 1979, son of William and Tursey (Shoop) Berrier. Florence and Miles are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown. iii. LEONA SKINNER b. June 24, 1918 in Bangor, Marshall Co., Iowa, d. May 8, 2012 in Marshalltown; m. Freeman Augustus Donaldson, b. Aug. 21, 1914, d. Oct. 29, 1980, son of Orville Karrouth Donaldson & Clara Louise Hanson Donaldson. Had daughters Patricia and Barbara. Buried in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown. 41.4 HENRY BURTON9 SHULTZ (HULDA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 7, 1892 at Union, Iowa and died Jun. 8, 1970 in Iowa. On Jan. 22, 1912 at Eldora, Iowa he married TURA E. COLER, daughter of Edwin C. Coler and Cora McCall. She was born Jan. 21, 1894 in Union and died Nov. 28, 1974 at Chariton, Iowa. Henry and Tura farmed in the Union area until 1924 when they moved to Marshalltown. In 1934 they moved to a farm near Osceola, then to a farm near Williamson, retiring in 1962, and moved to Chariton. They are buried in Bethel Cemetery, Lucas County, Iowa, Children of HENRY SHULTZ and TURA COLER are: i. ALFRED10 SHULTZ. ii. GEORGE SHULTZ. iii. EDWARD SHULTZ. iv. v. BESSIE SHULTZ m. Mr. Winn. ELLEN SHULTZ m. Mr. Baker. Henry Burton Shultz, 1909 41.5 ESTELLA FAY9 SHULTZ (HULDA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 31, 1894 in Iowa. She married (1) GLENN JOHN PENROD Dec. 25, 1912 in Hardin County, Iowa. He was born about 1892 in Missouri, son of Henry and Hattie Hockenberry Penrod. The 1920 census listed his occupation as farm laborer & location as Providence Twp, Hardin Co., Ia. On May 12, 1928 in Marshall County, Iowa she married (2) JAMES EARL BROWN, born aboutt 1895, son of William G. and Dora E (Brothertar) Brown . ESTELLA’s nickname: Stella 42. FLOYD OLE9 RASH (EVERETT EDWARD8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 16, 1896 in Hardin County, Iowa and died Oct. 6, 1952 in Quincy, Ill. Occupation: baker. He was the first husband of Blanche Irene Hawn Rash Brimmer Tiernan, born Feb. 18, 1895 in Whitney, Iowa, daughter of Charles Hamilton Hawn and Ella Cave Hawn. Floyd married Blanche Aug. 28, 1914 in Marshall County, Iowa. They divorced. The 1920 census shows their son Kenneth living in his grandfather Everett Rash’s house. Floyd is in the Everett and Nancy Rash family photo on page 104. Stella Shultz In 1920 Floyd’s girlfriend Gertrude Bresslin, 19, of Red Oak, Iowa committed suicide by taking carbolic acid, also known as phenol. She had been staying at a Red Oak inn as Floyd’s wife. The 1920 census lists her as such. With her body was found a letter to her sister saying she intended to kill herself. 130 In 1922 Blanche became part of a nationally reported scandal when she married Prof. John P. Tiernan of Notre Dame University immediately after his divorce from his wife Augusta, who allegedly had a son by another man. Tiernan reconciled with his first wife and Blanche was left on her own. Children of FLOYD RASH and BLANCHE HAWN are: i. VERDINE LUCILLE RASH, b. 1916 Marshalltown, Ia., d. Dec. 27, 1990. Married Dale Wright, twin sons Richard Wright and Robert Wright, b. March 16, 1936. ii. KENNETH DALE RASH, b. Sept. 5, 1918 Marshalltown, Ia. iii. MARY CATHERINE “Toddy” RASH, b. May 14, 1920, d. 1990, m. Don Wright. Res: Indiana. Kenneth Dale Rash 42.1. LENNA IONA RASH (EVERETT EDWARD8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 1, 1896 in Union, Iowa and died April 1, 1990. On Feb. 26, 1920 in Marshall County, Iowa she married SAMUEL BURTON "Burt" JENKINS, born Oct. 19, 1892 in Marshall County, Iowa, son of Cyrus P. Jenkins and Martha Ellen Males. Lenna is in the Everett and Nancy Rash family photo on page 104. Children of LENNA RASH and BURT JENKINS: i. ROBERT BURTON JENKINS b. Oct. 9 1920 Marshalltown, Ia. ii. HAROLD RAYMOND JENKINS b. Dec. 10 1922 Marshalltown iii. EUGENE CALVIN JENKINS b. Sept. 20 1924 Marshalltown iv. WILFORD CARL JENKINS b. Oct. 27, 1926 Marshalltown. v. LYLE LESTER JENKINS b. Oct. 25, 1929 Marshalltown. Lenna Rash Jenkins and Burt Jenkins 42.2. GOLDIE CLEMENTINE9 RASH (EVERETT EDWARD8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 6, 1900 at Union, Iowa, and died Sept. 16, 1968 at Marshallton, Iowa. She married WALTER RUFUS COPE May 14, 1918 in Iowa. He was born Feb. 22, 1898, son of William Albert Cope and Florence Polk, and died April 13, 1969 in Marshalltown. Burial: Rose Hill Memorial Gardens, Marshalltown. Goldie is in the Everett and Nancy Rash family photo on page 104. Children of GOLDIE RASH and WALTER COPE are: i. ARCHIE10 OLIVER COPE, b. Apr 12 1919 Marshalltown Iowa, d. Jan 1986 Marshalltown, m. Dorothy Helen Curshan; had several children. ii. WALTER EVERETT COPE, b. 1920 Marshalltown, Ia., d. Nov. 30, 1996 Marshalltown, m. Berta May Cline; 5 children. iii. GENEVIEVE LIA COPE, b. Aug. 25, 1924 Marshalltown, Iowa; m. Benjamin Franklin LUKEHART, b. July 25, 1920 Marshalltown, d. Aug. 23, 1991; 5 children including Linda Christine Lukehart b. Jan. 9, 1947 in Marshalltown, IA. iv. RAYMOND ERROL COPE, b. Aug. 17, 1929 Marshalltown, Iowa, d. Nov 4, 1990, Des Moines, Iowa, m. Barbara Jean Johnson, b. March 4, 1932, d. March 15, 1992; 2 children. v. JAMES DONALD COPE, b. April 3, 1939, d. July 22, 1997, m. Marjorie Kay “Cookie” Eames, b. Aug. 8, 1942; 3 children. Genevieve Lia Cope Lukehart Linda Christine Lukehart 131 Walter & Goldie (Rash) Cope 42.3. OPAL MARY9 RASH (EVERETT EDWARD8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 10, 1907 in Hastings, Nebraska, and died April 7, 1980 in Elwood, NE. On Aug. 18, 1923 in Iowa she married 1) CORWIN GEORGE ESSEN, born Oct. 3, 1906 and died in 1931, son of Henry and Lilly Thompson Essen. She married 2) LESTER MARTIN LEONARD, son of Charles and Ruby Coontz Leonard, on Dec 3, 1933. He was born March 21, 1907 in Marshalltown and died June 28, 1961 in Hastings. Burial information: Opal and Leonard are in Parkview Cemetery, Hastings, Adams Co., NE. Children of OPAL RASH and CORWIN ESSEN are: i. Howard George Essen, b. March 9 1924 Oelwein, Ia., d. Feb. 20, 1977 Wichita, Ks, m. Lois Hoy, 4 children. ii. Marie Marcella Essen McClure Hayes, b. Jan. 22 1926 Marshalltown; m. Keith Thorn, many children. Children of OPAL RASH and LESTER LEONARD are: iii. Mary Opal Leonard b. Oct 4 1933 Marshalltown, d. Jan 3 1934 Marshalltown. iv. Lester Martin Leonard Jr., b. Feb. 15 1935, d. March 17 1980, m. Evelyn Jean Dotson, had six children: Rona Lee, Lester Martin III, Charles William, Lestie Renee, Charlene, & Donald Benjamin. v. Vernon Darrel Leonard b. Sept 20 1936 Marshalltown, d. Aug. 8 1987 San Diego, CA; m. Janet Mewhirter, 4 children. vi. Donald Benjamin Leonard, b. Sept. 28,1939, d. Jan. 10, 1997, survived by daughters Donna Lester, Vern, Don, Lester, Opal & Myrna Leonard, about 1945 Huston, Regina Leonard, Cindy Chavira and Julie Barrientez, and son Donald B. Jr. vii. Myrna Leonard, m. Robert Huthmacher.x viii. Helen Jean Leonard, m. Robert Dutton 44.3. RUTH9 RASH (DANIEL M.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 13, 1903, and died Jan. 30, 1976. Ruth and her sister Lelah married brothers. She married JOHN FRANKLIN MARDOCK Jan. 30, 1927, son of Anna (Wehrley) Mardock and James Dillon Mardock. He was born Sept. 12, 1903 in Cleo Springs, OK, and died Jan. 9, 1990 in Colorado Springs, CO. Children of RUTH RASH and JOHN MARDOCK are: i. RUTHANNA10 MARDOCK, b. 1929, d. aft 2000, m. Mr. Stowe. ii. MARILYN MARDOCK, b. Sept. 27, 1931, d. Oct. 10, 2000 in Colorado Springs, Co. of cancer; m. Freddy Lee Ireland, survived by three daughters. iii. JOHNNY MARDOCK, b. 1933, d. aft 2000. iv. KEITH MARDOCK, b. 1935, d. aft 2000. Ruth Rash, 1909 John Mardock 44.5. LELAH9 FAYE RASH (DANIEL M.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 11, 1907 in Union, Iowa and died May 5, 2002 in Colorado. Lelah and her sister Ruth married brothers. She married LAWRENCE IVAN MARDOCK Nov. 26, 1926, son of Anna (Wehrley) Mardock and James Dillon Mardock. He was born Sept. 14, 1905 in Cleo Springs, OK, and died March 11, 1980 in Wichita, Ks. More About LELAH RASH: Name might be spelled Lela Children of LELAH RASH and LAWRENCE MARDOCK are: i. Dr. ROBERT “BOBBY” LAWRENCE MARDOCK, b. Sept. 5, 1927 in Wichita, KS, d. Jan. 9, 2016 in Colorado; m. Mary Louise McCurry May 12, 1951 in Wichita. Had 5 children, 17 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren. Buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Ouray, Colorado. ii. JUDITH “JUDI” KOLENE MARDOCK, b. July 7, 1944 in Wichita, KS, d. July 18, 2014 in Wichita. Judie was adopted. M. Donald Russell Lavy Feb. 2, 1963 in Wichita; had three children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. 132 Lelah Rash, 1909 45. CLARENCE LEROY9 RASH (MILLARD F.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 26, 1904 at Renwick, Humboldt Co., Iowa, and died Feb. 13, 1960 at his home in Rock Island, Ill. He married V IOLET B. HARRENSTEIN Dec. 20, 1935 at Greene, Iowa. She was born in 1903 in Iowa and died Dec. 14, 1974 in Rock Island. Clarence and Violet are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Greene, Butler Co., Iowa, as are daughter Gwenyth and her husband Robert. Excerpts from obituary for Clarence Rash, Mason City Globe-Gazette, Feb. 16, 1960, page 6: GREENE – Clarence Rash, 56, died suddenly at his home in Rock Island, Ill., Saturday. A former Greene resident, he was married to Violet Harrenstein at Greene, Dec. 20, 1935. Surviving are his wife, a son, Melvin, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.; a daughter, Mrs. Robert (Gwenyth) Schrage, Allison; three grandchildren, his mother, Mrs. Nina Eikenberry, Charles City; a half-sister, Mrs. Everett Squires (Editor: Florence Smith), Greene; a half-brother, Lt. Cmdr. John Smith, California. Children of CLARENCE RASH and VIOLET HARRENSTEIN are: i. MELVIN D. RASH, b. abt 1937 in Iowa. ii. GWENYTH RASH, b. Nov. 29, 1925, d. Dec. 31, 1971; m. Robert Schrage, b. March 24, 1924, d. Aug. 5, 2014, son of Ernest W. and Hermine (DeBower) Schrage. Children: Steven (Linda) Schrage, Mark (Susan) Schrage, Dawn Manders. 46. RAYMOND LEVI9 RASH (FRANK F.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 30, 1909 in Iowa and died May 7, 1987. On Nov. 6, 1937 in Florida he married (1) HELEN REGINA CRUSOE, born in 1917 in Key West, Florida, daughter of Edwin E. Crusoe and ; they divorced in 1945. He married (2) MARY ELIZABETH VERNON of Florida, born March 27, 1920 in Spartanburg, SC, died Oct. 30, 1999. Residence: Orlando, Fla. Raymond and Mary are buried in Glen Haven Memorial Park, Winter Park, Orange Co., Fla. Children of RAYMOND RASH and HELEN CRUSOE are: i. RAYMOND10 LEVI RASH, b. Nov. 17, 1938 in Baltimore, Maryland, d. Aug. 27, 2007 in Tampa, Fla.; m. Shari Kay Bradford, 1938-2006; children Dwayne & Janice. ii. DIANA RASH. Children of RAYMOND RASH and MARY VERNON are: iii. GLENN10 VERNON RASH. iv. TERESA LYNN RASH. v. JUNE ANN RASH, m. Mr. Piley 47. MILDRED LOIS9 RASH (FRANK F.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 8, 1914 in Iowa and died April 7, 2002 in Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co., NC. She graduated from Union High School in 1931. In 1934 she married MALO WILLIAM REECE, son of Evan Early Reece and Levadia Mayme Gibbs. He was born Sept. 3, 1914 in Hardin Co, Iowa and died Jan. 9, 1979 at Dobson, Surry County, NC. Mildred and Malo are buried in Union Cross Baptist Cemetery, Dobson. Children of MILDRED RASH and MALO REECE are: i. STEVEN10 REECE, m. 1967. ii. GARY REECE, b. 1936, m. 1952, had three sons. 48. EARL VAUGHN9 GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 19, 1899, and died in August 1965. He was a farmer. On April 25, 1919 in Hardin County, Iowa he married JOSEPHINE PIERCE, daughter of GEORGE PIERCE and ELIZABETH BORDER, both buried in Chester Friends Church Cemetery, New Providence, Hardin County, Iowa. Josephine was born June 30, 1899 in Whitten, Hardin County, and died June 6, 1972. Earl and Josephine are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin County. Children of EARL GLENNEY and JOSEPHINE PIERCE are: 107. i. ALBERT W.10 GLENNEY, b. July 10, 1920, d. July 3 2007. ii. WENDELL E. GLENNEY, b. Abt. 1921. iii. ARLENE MARIE GLENNEY, b. 1923 in Union, Iowa, m. Ernest Theodore Crosser Nov. 27, 1943 at Marshalltown, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Crosser, Eldora, Iowa, b. Dec. 17, 1921 in Iowa, d. Dec. 23, 2002 in Eldora.. Ernest was serving in the Navy. He is buried in Eldora City Cemetery, Eldora. iv. CATHERINE IONE GLENNEY, b. Sept. 24, 1924 in Union, d. April 3, 2013 in Marshalltown. On Feb. 23, 1924 in Union m. Virgil Arthur Mackie, 1919-2002, son of Calvin and Mae Peterson Mackie. Had daughter Marlene (Dan) Sanford. Catherine and Calvin are buried in East Lawn Memorial Garden, Eldora, Iowa. v. VIRGINIA MAY GLENNEY, b. Sept. 18, 1926 in Union, Iowa, d. March 20, 2014 in Marshalltown, Iowa, m. George Harrington, who died in 1968. Children: Gary, Sue and Carol. She and daughter Carol are buried in Rose Hill Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Marshalltown, Iowa. Earl Glenney & Josephine Pierce 48.5. NETA9 L. GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 25, 1903 in Union, Iowa and died March 11, 1990 at Sutherland, O’Brien County, Iowa. On April 7, 1920 in Marshall County Iowa she married (1) DELBERT CHANCE, born in 1903 in Hardin County, Iowa and died June 20, 1970 in Box Butte County, Neb, son of Thomas and Bertha Swaggart Chance. The 1930 census shows Neta and her three children living with her parents Lee and Rhetta. In 1930 Neta married (2) FRED BRUCE ANDERSON, born Aug. 18, 1896 and died Feb. 23,1973, son of Oscar Anderson and 133 Jennifer Selser. Neta, Fred and son Robert are buried in Sheppard Cemetery, Gifford, Hardin County, Iowa. Children of NETA GLENNEY and DELBERT CHANCE are: i. HELEN10 REBA CHANCE, b. July 26, 1920, Hardin Co., Ia, d. Oct. 4, 2000, San Antonio, Florida, On Oct. 4, 1943 m. Alva Cecil Dickenson, 1906-1975. They are buried in Eldora Cemetery, Eldora, Ia. ii. RHODA MARLEE CHANCE, b. 1922, Hardin Co., Ia, d. 1969, m. Myron Cockerham of New Providence July 3, 1939, b. 1918, d. 1966. They are buried in Union Mound Cemetery, Sumner, Bremer County, Iowa. iii. MAYO WAYNE CHANCE, b. July 21, 1925 in Iowa. Child of NETA GLENNEY and FRED ANDERSON is: iv. ROBERT10 LEROY ANDERSON, b. Aug. 11, 1932 in Union, Ia., d. Feb. 3, 2015 in Marshalltown, Ia, m. Wyola Hagan. Had 3 children and great-grandchildren. Neta Glenney about 1917 Delbert Chance & Neta Glenney Fred Bruce Anderson 48.9. BURMA9 ESTHER GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 6, 1906 in Union, Iowa and died Sept. 28, 1992 in Chicago, Ill. She married LEO POCH, a lawyer from Chicago, born Feb. 14, 1906 and died Nov. 22, 1996 in Chicago. Child of BURMA GLENNEY and LEO POCH is: i. JANETTE10 POCH, b. 1937, Illinois. 49. IVA MARIE9 GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 7, 1910, and died Dec. 14, 2001 in Grandview Heights Care Center, Marshalltown, IA. She married (1) WEFUL KLEE Burma Glenney about 1917 BENBOW May 26, 1927 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa. He was born Jan. 15, 1908 inBangor, Iowa and died Oct. 1, 1960 in Marshalltown, Iowa, son of Elam and Lizzie Marshall Benbow. Klee’s brother Milton married Iva’s sister Dorothy. Iva married Leo and Burma Glenney Poch (2) FLOYD RAYMOND ELLIS June 14, 1963. Floyd, son of Alfred and Cora Ellis, was born July 15, 1891 at Montour, Iowa and died June 9, 1964 while on a fishing trip at Belle Plaine, Minn., and is buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Iowa with his first wife Nellie Marie Fredrickson. Iva also is buried in Union Cemetery, with her first husband. Excerpts from the obituary for IVA MARIE GLENNEY, Iowa Falls Times-Citizen: She grew up in the Union area and graduated from Union High School in 1927. On May 26, 1927, she married Klee Benbow in Union, and they farmed in the area until his death in 1960. Soon after she moved into Union and on June 14, 1963, she married Floyd "Butch" Ellis. Iva was a homemaker and cooked for many years at the Union Supper Club, retiring in the 1980s. She is survived by two daughters; a daughter-in-law, Dolly Benbow of Port Orange, Fla.; a stepdaughter, Ethel Hammer and husband, George, of Union; two sisters, Wilma Cockerham of Zearing, and Dorothy Benbow of Colorado; a brother, Kenneth Glenney of Missouri; 11 grandchildren; and many great-greatgrandchildren. Children of IVA GLENNEY and KLEE BENBOW are: i. MARILYN10 BENBOW, m. PAUL SHERBON, 1929-2011, son of: Ward and Martha (Johnson) Sherbon. Residence: Marshalltown. Children: Robert (Dixie), Ron (Karla), & Terry (Terri Jo). ii. CORINNE BENBOW, on Dec. 8, 1949 m. BILL ROBERTSON, son of Mrs. Elsie Robertson, Eldora, at the Community church in Union, Iowa. Residence: Clarion, where Bill was in farming. Later: Columbia, Mo. iii. RONALD LEE BENBOW, b. Sept. 22, 1927 Iowa, d. Dec. 22, 1992 Florida, m. Dolly, m. Elizabeth, b. 1932. He is buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Hardin Co., Iowa. iv. ETHEL ELLIS, b. 1918 d. 2002; Stepchild of Iva, daughter of Floyd Ellis. Married George Vernon Hammer, see page 221. Iva Glenney about 1917 134 49.3. EDNA9 MABEL GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 25, 1911 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died Oct. 25, 2000 in Lincoln, Neb. She married (1) PETE GREGWIRE in 1928. She married (2) STEVE TJARKS Dec. 10, 1943 in Marshalltown, IA. He was born March 9, 1894 in Alden, Hardin Co., Iowa and died March 25, 1968 in Marshalltown. She married (3) BERT R. ALEXANDER Oct. 16, 1969. He was born Dec. 18, 1901 in Iowa and died July 11, 1980 in Marshall County, Iowa. He is buried in Liscomb Cemetery, Liscomb, Ia. Child of EDNA GLENNEY and PETE GREGWIRE is: i. DORIS JEAN10 GREGWIRE, b. June 12, 1930, d. Aug. 22, 1993. Last res.: Salina, KS. 49.4 WILMA HELEN GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 26, 1913 near Union, Iowa and died June 24, 2009 at Nevada, Iowa. She married MYRL RUDOLPH COCKERHAM Sept. 24, 1939. He was born July 28, 1913 near New Providence, Iowa and died May 13, 2001 in Ames, brother of Myron Cockerham, page 134. They and son Jerry are buried in Chester Friends Church Cemetery, New Providence, Hardin Co., Iowa. Edna Mabel Glenney about 1917 Children of WILMA GLENNEY and MYRL COCKERHAM are: i. James Cockerham. Res.: Rhodes ii. Jerrie Cockerham, m. Mr. Friest. Res.: Nevada. iii. Jeanie Cockerham, m. Mr. Zwygart. Res.: Nevada. iv. Jolene Cockerham, m. Mr. Conrad. Res.: Zearing. v. Jerry Leroy Cockerham, b. 1940, d. 1940. vi. Judy Cockerham, m. Mr. Jones, d. bef. 2009. Excerpts from Wilma’s obituary: Wilma Cockerham, age 95, formerly of rural Hubbard, Wilma Glenney Wilma Helen Glenney Wilma Glenney died on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at Story County Long about 1917 Cockerham Term Care in Nevada, IA. Wilma Helen Cockerham was born August 26, 1913 on her family’s farm near Union, Iowa. She was one of ten children born to Leland and Retta (Rash) Glenney. Wilma received her education by attending rural school near her home and then graduated from the Union Consolidated High School with the Class of 1932. She also spent some time in Wisconsin receiving her higher education. Wilma was united in marriage to Myrl Cockerham at her parent’s home near Union in a ceremony officiated by Rev. Arthur Moon. They spent their entire working lives farming. She loved to cook, bake, garden and quilt. She remained on the farm until January 2006 when she went to Story County Long Term Care Facility. Those remaining to cherish her memory include her son James Cockerham of Rhodes; three daughters Jerrie Friest of Nevada, Jeanie Zwygart of Nevada and Jolene Conrad of Zearing; eight grandchildren; eleven great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter. http://www.boekefuneralhomes.com/?action=1&value=12&obituaries_action=2&obituaryid=35210&siteid=38&obituaries_page=16 Excerpts from Myrl’s obituary: Myrl Rudolph Cockerham, 87, of rural Hubbard, died of renal failure Sunday, May 13, 2001, at Mary Greeley Medical Center in Ames. He attended rural schools and on Sept. 24, 1939, he married Wilma Glenney. They farmed near Whitten for a time then near Buckeye and settled on a farm southwest of Hubbard in 1955. Myrl also helped at Thompson Auto Salvage in McCallsburg. He is survived by his wife, Wilma, of Hubbard; a son, James, of Rhodes; three daughters, Jerrie Friest of Ames, Jeanie Zwygart of Cameron, Mo., and Jolene Conrad of Zearing; eight grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; an infant son, Jerry; a daughter, Judy Jones; two brothers, Clair and Myron Cockerham; and a sister, Beatrice Frazier. 49.5. KENNETH9 HAROLD GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1916 in Union, Iowa and died in 2009. He married WILMA RUTH SHAVER March 18, 1933 in Eldora. She was born Aug. 2, 1914, in Sullivan County, Mo., daughter of Robert and Emma (Rouse) Shaver, and died Jul. 10, 2008. They divorced in 1943. Ruth married 2) Glen Slate May 27, 1951. They were married 57 years. Ruth is buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin County, Iowa, as are Ruth and Kenneth’s daughter Frances and her husband Vernon. Kenneth’s sister Murine married Wilma Ruth’s brother Denzil Shaver. Child of KENNETH GLENNEY and RUTH SHAVER is: i. FRANCES V.10 GLENNEY, b. 1933; d. 1985; m. VERNON E. LLOYD; b. 1931; d. 1987. 135 Ruth Shaver Slate 50. MURINE9 GLENNEY (RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 11, 1919, and died August 19, 1998. She graduated in 1937 from Union High School. She married DENZIL ARCHIE SHAVER, son of Robert and Emma Rouse Shaver, in 1937 in Eldora. He was born July 27, 1918 in Sullivan Co., Mo., and died July 18, 2001 at the Eldora Nursing Home. In 1984 the family moved to Union where Denzil opened the Buy & Sell Antique Store, which he operated with his daughter until his health failed a few months before his death. He was a 4-H volunteer and had received the Farm Bureau Conservation Award while farming at Tama. Murine's brother Kenneth married Denzil's sister Wilma Ruth Shaver. Murine, Denzil, son Arnold & daughter Shirley are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Children of MURINE GLENNEY and DENZIL SHAVER are: i. Karen Shaver, b. abt 1939, m. Mr. Bachman. ii. Arnold Denzil Shaver, b. March 24, 1942 in Union, Ia, d. March 9, 2011 in Union. 3 sons. iii. Shirley Ann Shaver, b. June 4, 1946, d. Jan. 8, 2000, m. Leonard Grego, b. July 24, 1935, d. Feb. 23, 2001. Four children. Denzil Shaver Murine Glenney Arnold Shaver 51. WILFERD HAROLD9 RASH (CLIFFORD B.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 31, 1906 in Bangor Township, Marshall County, Iowa, and died Feb. 1, 1987 at Ellsworth, Iowa. On March 20, 1930 in Grundy County, Iowa he married (1) HAZEL IRENE BACHMAN, born Feb. 7, 1913 at Silver City, Iowa, died July 9, 1987 at Norco, Calif., daughter of Monroe Bachman and Etta Bankus. He married (2) VERNETA F. WHITMORE, daughter of Stephen & Goldie Hauser Whitmore, on Jan. 20, 1945 at Marshalltown. She was born Dec. 6, 1921 at Clear Lake, Iowa and died Friday, April 13, 2012 at the Hubbard Care Center in Hubbard, Iowa. Wilferd, Verneta and son Darrell are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa. His marker says Wilferd, not Wilfred. Hazel married 2) Dean Johnson and they lived in Riverside County, Calif. Children of WILFERD RASH and HAZEL BACHMAN are: i. ELEANOR MAY RASH, b. March 21, 1933 Bangor Twp, Ia. On Sept. 26, 1970 at Riverside, Calif. m. Leo H. Miller, b. abt 1929. ii. DARRELL ROBERT10 RASH, b. July 24 1937; d. Dec 30 1939. Children of WILFERD RASH and VERNETA F. WHITMORE are: i. Selwyn D. Rash, b. 1949 Iowa, m. Mary Kay. Res.: Ellsworth. Children: Stephen (Steffani) Rash, Brian Rash, and Adam (Mindy) Rash ii. Kathe Rash, m. Jim Ketelsen. Res.: Ames. Parents of Andrea and Alyssa Ketelsen Wilferd Rash, 3, 1909 Wilferd Rash, 10, 1917 Wilferd Rash, 17, 1923 52. FRANCES ALETA9 RASH (CLIFFORD B.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 26, 1908, and died June 30, 1982. She married WILLIAM “Bill” LENNIER July 6, 1930. They are bured in Hubbard Cemetery, Tipton Township, Hardin Co., Iowa Children of FRANCES RASH and WILLIAM LENNIER are: 107.5 i. FRANCES LOUISE10 LENNIER, b. April 2, 1932 in Eldora, d. June 11, 2015. ii. BILL LENNIER, b. 1936; m. Ms. GILHAUSER, 1957. Frances Rash, 9, 1917 136 Frances Rash Lennier Bill Lennier 52.5. LESTER RONALD RASH (CLIFFORD B.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 15, 1916 and died Nov. 5, 1987 in Garden Grove, Calif. On Dec. 28, 1944 in Los Angles, Calif. he married HELEN THERESA QUATTRINI, born Jan. 11, 1922 in Elmira, New York, daughter of August and Angela (Salerno) Quattrini. They divorced in May 1975. Lester served in the Coast Guard and was a newspaperman. He is buried in Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, Calif. Helen married 2) William Meader. She died Aug. 24, 2014 and is buried in Tahoma National Cemetery, Kent, King County, Washington. In addition to her four children with Lester, she had three grandsons and a granddaughter on the way: Jesse, Eden, Steven & Vivian. Lester Rash Children of LESTER RASH and HELEN QUATTRINI are: i. Lester Ronald Rash II, b. 1945 in Burbank, Los Angeles Co., Calif., res. Garden Grove, Calif. ii. Michael Alan Rash, b. December 1950 in Burbank, res: Seattle, Wash. iii. Kathleen “Kathy” Ann Rash, b. July 3, 1952 in Winkler, Texas, d. March 28, 2015 in Snoqualmie, King County, Washington. Survived by husband Peter Nelson, son Jesse Ravenscroft and his wife Rachele, and granddaughter Vivian Ravenscroft. iv. Gregory Rash, b. 1957. Helen Quattrini Kathy Ann Rash 51.1. MARGARET ESTHER9 RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 12, 1908 in Marshalltown, Iowa. She married (1) WALTON PERKINS abt. 1927, son of WALTON PERKINS. He died in 1963. She married (2) MELVIN “Mel” ANGELL in February 1969. In her mother Jerusha’s 1979 obituary she is listed among survivors as Mrs. Melvin (Margaret) Angell of Aurora, Ill. Children of MARGARET RASH and WALTON PERKINS are: i. GAIL10 M. PERKINS, b. March 4, 1932. ii. A son. 51.2. FREDERICK9 “Fred” MYRON RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 23, 1911 in Union and died April 24, 1967 in Eldora. He married BERNICE M. SCHOPP Sept. 12, 1931 in Aurora, IL. She was born July 7, 1912 to Thomas and Lucille (Ennis) Schopp in Aurora, and died Aug. 26, 2010 in Preston, MN. They are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Eldora, Hardin Co., Ia. His name is spelled Frederich according to his mother Jerusha's obituary. Residence: Eldora Children of FREDERICK RASH and BERNICE SCHOPP are: i. ROBERT10 R. RASH, b. 1931; d. April 1956. ii. RAYMOND LEE RASH, b. 1933, m. Barbara Collins July 23,1960 at the Grandview Baptist Church in Davenport, Iowa. Residence: Tucson, AZ. Children: Scott Hugh Rash, b. Feb. 15, 1963 and Carey Rae Rash, b. Sept. 29, 1967. iii. KAY MARIE RASH, b. 1948, graduated Eldora High School, m. Harlin Taylor. Residence: Lanesboro, MN. Excerpt from Bernice Schopp Rash’s obituary in the Des Moines Register, Aug. 30, 2010: Ray Rash, 1951 Kay Rash, 1964 She was a homemaker and a member of St. Mary Catholic Church and the church Altar and Rosary Society. She professed a love and commitment to the Lord. Bernice had been very active in the Senior Citizens Kitchen Band and loved playing cards. Following the death of her husband Fred, she worked for Dr. Griffle's Veterinary Clinic in Eldora. She will be missed by her children; Raymond (Barbara) Rash of Tucson, AZ. and Kay M. (Harlin) Taylor of Lanesboro MN; two grandchildren, Scott Rash and Keri James and five great-grandchildren, Tyler, Alli, Raymond, Emma and Josiah. 137 51.3. ETHYLE9 MAY RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 9, 1912 in Iowa. She married (1) WILFORD HOELSCHER Abt. 1935. He was born April 4, 1908 and died March 6, 1951. She married (2) HAROLD DANIEL FLICKINGER about 1958, son of Christian and Bessie (Townley) Flickinger. He was born Sept. 13, 1908 in Dayton, Webster Co., Iowa and died Nov. 6, 1993 in Hubbard, Hardin Co., Iowa. He is buried in Dayton Cemetery, Webster Co., Iowa, with his first wife Dorothy Bergquist, who was killed in an auto accident in 1957. More About ETHYLE RASH: Twin of Edythe. Both sisters majored in art and exhibited oils, pastels and watercolors at art shows. Children of ETHYLE RASH and WILFORD HOELSCHER are: i. THOMAS FREDERICK HOELSCHER, b. 1938 ii. ROGER WILLIAM HOELSCHER, b. 1941. Harold Flickinger and Ethyle Rash Hoelscher Flickinger 51.4. EDYTHE9 FAYE RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 9, 1912 in Iowa and died Dec. 1, 1999 in Hubbard, Hardin County, Iowa. She married CHARLES MEREDITH ROBERTSON in December 1933. He was born April 2, 1911 at Shanandoah, Iowa and died Feb. 25, 1998 at Hubbard, son of John H. Robertson & Myrtle Maude Hildebrand. Edythe & Charles are buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard. More About EDYTHE: Twin of Ethyle. Both sisters majored in art and exhibited oils, pastels and watercolors at art shows. Last residence for Edythe: Hubbard. Children of EDYTHE RASH and CHARLES ROBERTSON are: i. RICHARD10 ROBERTSON, b. 1934. ii. DONNA MAE ROBERTSON, b. Jan. 18, 1936; m. VINCENT BUTLER. iii. JUDY ROBERTSON, b. 1939; m. LARRY DEAN SMITH. iv. CHARLENE ROBERTSON, b. Feb. 7, 1949, m. RICK LEE CLINTON. 51.45 IRENE LUCILLE RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 14 1917 and died March 10 1997. She married LLOYD WILLIAM COX about 1937. He was born May 23, 1916 and died March 17, 1981. They are buried in Oronoco Cemetery, Oronoco, Olmsted County, Minnesota. Children of Irene Rash and Lloyd William Cox are: i. Jacqueline Lee Cox, b. March 26, 1939; m. Ernest Reth ii. Karen Lou Cox, b. Oct. 23, 1941; m. Melvin Warnke iii. Jerry Lloyd Cox, b. Oct. 4, 1943; m. Carolyn Bronik; 2 daughters 51.5. HOWARD9 CLIFFORD RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 9, 1921 at State Center, Marshall County, Iowa and died Nov. 8, 2002 at Yorktown, York County, Va. He married MYRTLE LOUISE FRICK abt. 1943, daughter of George and Annie Hathcock Frick. She was born Aug. 29, 1921 and died Dec. 6, 2005 at Yorktown. Howard was the twin of Harriet. Yorktown, VA — Howard Clifford Rash, 81, passed away on Friday, November 8, 2002. A native of Iowa, he was a Peninsula resident for the last 41 years. Mr. Rash was the former owner/operator of Memory Lane Antiques, a Navy veteran of World War II, and a member of Woodman of the World. He is preceded in death by his son, Melvin Rash. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife of 63 years, Myrtle Louise Rash; a daughter, Ranae L. Harvell and her husband, Frederick, of Yorktown; a son, Larry Rash of Yorktown; a sister, Patsy Miller of Iowa; and a granddaughter, Shanna Harvell. A graveside service will be held 1 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, in Peninsula Memorial Park with Rev. Don Stroud officiating. Yorktown, VA — Myrtle Louise Rash, 84, passed away Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2005. Myrtle was a native of Albemarle, N.C., and had been a Peninsula resident since 1959. She was a member of Grafton Baptist Church in Grafton. She was a loving mother and grandmother who always put her family first and was loved by everyone who knew her. She was preceded in death by her loving husband of 59 years, Howard C. Rash, and a son, Melvin Douglas Rash. She is survived by a son, Larry C. Rash of Yorktown; a daughter, Ranae Harvell of Yorktown; four sisters, Jettie Parker, Polly Hopkins and Alene Luther of Norwood, N.C., and Reba Livingston of Newport News; and a granddaughter, Shanna Harvell of Yorktown. A funeral service will be at noon Friday, Dec. 9, in Amory Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Don Stroud officiating. Interment will be in Peninsula Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8, in Amory Funeral Home, Grafton. Children of HOWARD RASH and MYRTLE FRICK are: i. LARRY10 CLIFFORD RASH, b. Sept. 29, 1943. ii. MELVIN DOUGLAS RASH., b. June 8, 1946, died May 22, 1968. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 59, Site 3965, Arlington, Virginia. More on him follows Ranae. 138 iii. RANAE LOUISE RASH, b. 1956, m. 1) Frederick Harvell, daughter Shanna Harvell; m. 2) Mr. Carroll. More about Melvin Douglas Rash: Daily Press, Hampton Roads, Va., Dec 28, 2009: YORK, PA -- It took 41 years, but a York County airman missing in action since the Vietnam War has finally been laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery after his remains were positively identified earlier this year. Melvin Douglas Rash, of Grafton, was buried with full military honors Dec. 7 at the revered Washington-area cemetery. He had been missing since 1968, when his Air Force C-130 airplane was presumably shot down over Vietnam. After years of dead ends, the plane's wreckage was finally positively identified in 2002 in a jungle area near the Laotian border. It took six years before military investigators — with permission from the Vietnamese government — were able to get to the site and use archaeological techniques to sift through the remaining wreckage and surrounding area where they found human remains later matched to five of the plane's nine crew members. Rash was one of those five, said Rash's older brother Larry Rash. "I've done more grieving in the last few months than I had since he went missing," Larry Rash said, Sgt. Melvin Douglas Rash adding that the family held out that there would be a homecoming. "Eventually, the hope just faded — although we never really gave it up. Finding the remains forced closure." Rash's parents, Howard and Myrtle Rash, died in 2002 and 2005, respectively. In addition to Larry Rash, Melvin Rash is survived by a sister, Ranae L. (Rash) Carroll. Even though the military notified the family in 2002 that Melvin Rash's plane had been discovered, the parents' health was such that they were never able to understand that their son may have been found, Larry Rash said. Larry Rash said his brother joined the Air Force in 1966 after graduating from York High School. Melvin Rash spent two years in the military and was within a couple months of leaving Vietnam, after two tours of duty, when the plane and crew failed to return from a mission. At the time, Melvin Rash was a load master on the C-130, the crew member responsible for prepping cargo for parachute drops. On the night of the crash, the crew was dropping flares over hostile territory when they came under fire, Larry Rash said. "The rest of the squadron lost contact with the plane, and it is believed there were no survivors," he said. "Fire on the ground is all we had until 2002." With the recovery of Rash's remains, his status on York County's 9-year-old War Monument will be updated from its current missing in action designation. 51.6. HARRIET9 MARIE “Patsy” RASH (CLAYTON L.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 9, 1921 at State Center, Ia. She married DURWOOD D. MILLER Jan. 18, 1942 in Seattle, Wash. The son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Miller of Hampton, Iowa, he was born Nov. 30, 1916 and died March 9, 1993 at Eagle Grove, Wright Co., Iowa. He was employed at a defense plant with the Boeing Aircraft corporation in Seattle. Harriet was a twin of Howard. Children of HARRIET RASH and DURWOOD MILLER are: i. DOUGLAS10 MILLER b. 1947 at Eagle Grove, Wright Co., Ia. On July 6, 1968 m. Margaret Huntley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Huntley of Renwick, Ia. Two children. ii. VALERIE LOUISE MILLER b. 1950 at Eagle Grove, m. Larry Eugene Naumann, two children. 53. PEARL9 MILDRED RASH (ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 23, 1884 in Wessington Springs, SD and died June 13, 1971 at the Horton Nursing Home in Winterset, Iowa. She married WILLIAM McROBERT THOMSON June 8, 1910 near Gordon, Nebraska, son of Hugh and Cynthia Bard Thomson. He was born March 4, 1874 and died April 25, 1930 in Des Moines of appendicitis and peritonitis. They moved in 1910 to Madison County, Iowa. Both are buried in Stringtown Cemetery, Winterset, Ia. Children of PEARL RASH and WILLIAM THOMSON are: 108. i. DONALD GLENN10 THOMSON, b. 1902, residence Kalispell, Montana. 109. ii. KENNETH EARL THOMSON, b. Jan. 9, 1913 Gordon, Neb., d. Dec. 9, 1988 at Estherville, Iowa, where he resided. 110. iii. DOROTHY ESTHER THOMSON, m. Alvin Roby, residence Cedar Rapids. 111. iv. MARJORIE CLAIR THOMSON, m. Mr. Wilson, residence Branson, Mo v. HUGH CLAIR THOMSON, residence Rialto, Calif. 54. GRACE9 LENORA RASH (ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 28, 1886 in Nebraska and died March 30, 1957. She married (1) HARRY HAVENER, b. Nov. 25, 1883 in Iowa and died April 27, 1924. She married (2) JOHN WELLCOME MARSHALL, born Dec. 15, 1877 in Ripon, Wisconsin and died Feb. 5, 1955 in Gordon, Sherican County, Neb. Grace and both husbands are buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Gordon. Excerpts from John Marshall’s obituary: John Wellcome Marshall, son of George and Olive Louden Marshall, was born Dec. 15, 1877, at Ripon, Wisc. He moved with his parents to Boon County, NE at the age of 11 years. He was united in marriage to Charlotte Welch, Nov. 6, 1901. To this union were born four sons and one daughter. One son, Francis Arthur, died in infancy. They moved to their farm 8 miles southeast of Gordon in the spring of 1912. His wife died May 30, 1924, and he was then united in marriage to Grace Lenora Havener on Aug. 8,1925, and to 139 this union was born one daughter, Bonnie Lee, who preceded him in death at the age of three years. He leaves to mourn him, his widow, Grace Marshall; three sons, Paul, Wesley and Vernon; one daughter, Mildred Engle; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Velma Thompson; one stepson, Virgil Havener; 10 grandchildren, 6 step-grandchildren and 5 great-great grandchildren. - http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nesherid/obit-2005.htm Children of GRACE RASH and HARRY HAVENER are: 112. i. VELMA10 HAVENER, b. abt 1912 in Nebraska. 113. ii. VIRGIL HAVENER, b. abt 1915 in Nebraska. Child of GRACE RASH and J.W. MARSHALL is: iii. BONNIE LEE10 MARSHALL, Aug. 20, 1926-Sept. 28, 1929. Obituary: Bonnie Lee, infant daughter of Welcome and Grace Marshall, was born Aug. 20, 1926 at the home of her parents nine miles south of Gordon. She passed away at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Clara Rash, in Gordon Sept. 28, 1929, after a short illness of six days, having lived to bless the home only three years, one month and eight days. She leaves to mourn her loss her loving parents and four brothers: Paul, Wesley and Vernon Marshall and Virgil Havener, and two sisters: Mildred Engle and Velma Havener. 55. ROY H.9 RASH (ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born October 27, 1888 in Gordon, Nebraska and died March 27, 1965 in Nebraska. He married EDITH M. JOHNS, born about 1894 in Nebraska, daughter of Enoch Johns. His 1917 draft registration card listed his occupation as farmer and said, “Is married but is attempting to obtain a divorce. Do not think him a Quaker.” His description was medium height, stout build, dark blue eyes. Children of ROY RASH and EDITH JOHNS are: 117. i. GRANT CURTIS10 RASH. 118. ii. MARGARET RUTH RASH, b. abt 1935 in Nebraska. 56. GUY R.9 RASH (ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in September 1890 in Nebraska and died April 28, 1946 in Gordon, Nebraska. He married TELLA MARIE JOHNSON, born Sept. 6, 1893 in Nebraska and died May 25, 1990 in Coos County, Oregon. Guy, Tella and children Elmer and Fern are buried in Gordon Cemetery, Gordon. Children of GUY RASH and TELLA JOHNSON are: i. ELMER ROSS10 RASH, b. Jan. 17, 1914, d. Nov. 16, 1916. ii. FERN LELORA RASH, b. Sept 1918 Wyoming, d. 1922 114. 115. 116. iii. iv. v. HAZEL WANDA RASH, b. 1921, d. 1993. DONA MAE RASH, b. 1923 Nebraska, d. 2009 LYLE RASH, b. 1927 Nebraska, d. 2002 Oregon. 57. ROSS DAVIS9 RASH (ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 10, 1892 in Gordon, Nebraska and died in May 1966 in Gordon. He married VERA G. COOPER, daughter of Gerald and Emma Hetzel Cooper. Ross and Vera are buried in Gordon Cemetery, Gordon, Neb. Children of ROSS RASH and VERA COOPER are: 119. i. LOUISA “Lois” CAROL10 RASH, m. Fred Hinton & Kenneth Hull, daughters Patricia & Candence Hull. ii. ROSS DUANA RASH, m. OLANDORA LUEBKE. iii. JANET MARILYN RASH, Aug. 29, 1933 - Jan. 6, 2001. Husband Jim McKee died Dec. 26, 2015. Her obituary: Janet Marilyn McKee of Boulder died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Saturday, Jan. 6, 2001, in Louisville. She was 67. Born Aug. 29, 1933, in Gordon, Neb., she was the daughter of Ross D. Rash and Vera Cooper Rash. She married Richard J. McKee on April 12, 1955, in Gordon. She earned a bachelor of music education degree from the University of Nebraska. A resident of Boulder since 1966, Mrs. McKee was an organist at St. Paul's United Methodist Church and a piano teacher. Mrs. McKee was a member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church and PEO Chapter CZ, was an Eco Cycle block leader and librarian for Boulder County Parks and Recreation, a volunteer naturalist and a volunteer at Mesa School. Survivors include her husband of Boulder; three sons, James Kevin McKee (spouse Deborah Neff) of Mountain View, Calif., Brian R. McKee (spouse Janet Griffitts) of Tucson, Ariz., and David A. McKee (spouse Linda Mixon) of San Francisco, Calif.; a daughter, Glynis A. McKee (spouse Kyle Gresham) of Boulder; a brother, Ross Rash of Udall, Kan.; a sister, Louisa Hinton of Gordon; and a granddaughter. 58. MAUDE9 E. RASH (COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 31, 1883 in Iowa and died in 1962 in New Providence, Hardin Co., IA. She married WAIN HINSHAW Feb. 16, 1904 in Eldora, Hardin County, IA. Wayne was born May 22, 1881 in Radcliffe, Hardin County, IA, the son of Alpheus and Frances Ann (Whistler) Hinshaw, and died Dec. 14, 1956 in Liscomb, Marshall County, IA. He was the brother of Lake Hinshaw Rash, see page 109; brother and sister married on the same day in the same town, Eldora, but it was not a double wedding. 140 More About WAYNE HINSHAW: Residence: Eldora, Iowa; Kent, Washington Wayne’s occupation: In Eldora, an employee of Mr. Fagg, the dairyman. The 1910 sheds light on who Mr. Fagg was: It shows a Joseph Fagg and family in Eldora. Under business the entry is “Milk Farm.” Burial information for WAYNE HINSHAW and MAUDE E. RASH: New Providence Cemetery, Providence Township, Hardin County, Iowa. Wayne’s parents also are buried there. Children of MAUDE RASH and WAYNE HINSHAW are: i. FORREST10 W. HINSHAW, b. 1909 in Iowa, d. 1982, m. M ARIE. Burial: New Providence Cemetery, Providence Township, Hardin County, Iowa. 120. ii. EDGAR E. HINSHAW, b. Aug. 25, 1919 in Iowa, d. Oct. 24, 1979. 121. iii. EVELYN F. HINSHAW, b. Dec. 21, 1912 in Iowa, d. April 1, 1989. 122. iv. MARY AGNES HINSHAW, b. June 28, 1916 in Iowa, d. Jan. 20, 1993. Maude Rash, 12, 1895 59. HATTIE DELL9 “Della” SHULTZ (NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 15, 1877, and died July 20, 1943. She married WALTER ELCANY SWAIM Sept. 24, 1892 in Marshall County, Iowa. He was born Aug. 19, 1873, son of William Swaim and Mary Ann Davis, and died July 21, 1931 in Hardin County, Iowa. Both are buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, Hardin Co. Hattie’s cousin Clint Thompson, 1888-1984, son of FLORA RASH and LEWIS THOMPSON, wrote about her in 1970: “Shortly after her mother (Nancy E. Rash Shultz) died in Oregon, my uncle and hers, Benjamin Rash, who was in Oregon at the time, brought Della and the other children in the family back to my grandfather, Lewis E. Rash’s house near Union, Iowa, where all of them remained until Uncle Eli (their father, Nancy’s husband) remarried. All, that is, but Della. She stayed on at grandfather’s house until she married. She, Della, and my Aunt Bertha J. Rash were about the same age.” (Bertha, born Nov. 10, 1874, was two years older than her niece Della. Bertha, Della’s mother Nancy & Clint’s mother Flora were sisters, all daughters of Lewis Rash, see page 118). Children of HATTIE SHULTZ and WALTER SWAIM are: i. OLEN10 LESTER SWAIM, b. December 2, 1892, d. 1971; m. MABLE HODGE; b. 1920. ii. NANCY EDNA SWAIM, b. June 15, 1900; d. May 1950; on Nov. 17, 1918 in Hardin County, Iowa m. Adolphus Oscar Noble, born December 1998, son of JH Noble and Lona Stowers. iii. VERNIE SWAIM, b. Dec. 9, 1911; d. 1919. 123. iv. CECIL ADELBERT SWAIM, b. 1917, d. Dec. 5, 2000. 60. ROY JAMES9 SHULTZ (NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 25, 1880 in Union, Ia. and died Sept. 10,1935 in Neillsville, Wisc. He married MAGGIE LEE BOOFER Sept. 10, 1903. She was born Dec. 25, 1888 in Willow Springs, Mo. to John and Sara Clark Boofer, and died June 10, 1979 in Neillsville. After Roy’s death she married Fred Habrel, 1881-1961. Children of ROY SHULTZ and MAGGIE BOOFER are: 124. i. CLAUDE LAVAUNE10 SHULTZ, b. 1904. 125. ii. THELMA MAY SHULTZ, b. 1906. 126. iii. MILDRED MAXIE SHULTZ, b. 1910. 127. iv. LOIS IRENE SHULTZ, b. 1912. 128. v. ELSIE EMLINE SHULTZ, b. 1914. 129. vi. MARGARET FERN SHULTZ, b. Oct. 9, 1921, d. 1983. Roy James Shultz Roy Shultz, 15, 1895 61. NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ (NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 12, 1882 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died Feb. 9, 1965 at Rock Island, Ill. She married (1) MILLARD F. RASH Aug. 7, 1899 in Union, Hardin Co., Ia, son of MELVIN RASH and ESTHER LEWIS. He was born June 18, 1873 in Union, Hardin Co., Ia, and died Aug. 6, 1910 in Providence Twp, Hardin Co., Iowa. She married (2) JOHN HAYES SMITH March 13, 1907 at Algona, Iowa. He was born Sept. 3, 1876, and died March 24, 1936. On Aug. 8, 1946 she married (3) Ed Eikenberry, b. April 11, 1874, d. Oct. 2, 1949. He is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery and she is buried in Pleasant Grove Cemetery north of Greene, Ia, where she had lived. Among her survivors was her stepbrother Vern Hammer, the only still-surviving child of Charlotte Rash and George Hammer (see page 207). For more information about Millard Rash see page 107. Children of NINA SHULTZ and MILLARD RASH are: i. GEORGE9 RASH, b. 1900; d. 1901. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 45. ii. CLARENCE LEROY RASH, b. Jan. 26, 1904; d. Feb. 13, 1960. 141 Children of NINA SHULTZ and JOHN SMITH are: 130. i. FLORENCE IVADELL AGNES10 SMITH, b. 1909. 131. ii. BLANCHE ISOLA SMITH, b. November 19, 1912; d. January 30, 1958. iii. RUTH VALENTINE SMITH, b. February 14, 1915; d. July 29, 1949; m. DAVID LEROY IVAN PETERSON. 132. iv. JOHN JUNIOR SMITH, b. 1923, d. 2014. Residence: Ogunquit, York Co., Maine. Nina Shultz, 13, 1895 Nina Shultz Nina Shultz 62. ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ (NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 6, 1884 in Ranier, Ore. and died March 11, 1958 in Rockford, Ia. She married DALLAS D. RASH July 15, 1902 at Algona, Kossuth Co., Iowa. He was born July 17, 1881 in Iowa to William and Aneliza McConnell Rash. He died June 27, 1960 at his Rockford home of a selfinflicted shotgun wound after living alone for two years. They are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Floyd Co., Ia. She is in the big photo on page 276. Children of ELVA SHULTZ and DALLAS RASH are: 133. i. LYLE10 RASH, b. July 17, 1904 at Renwick, Iowa and died March 2, 1962 in Los Angeles, Calif. ii. MAYNARD RASH, b. 1908 in Iowa, d. 1982; on Oct. 18, 1945 m. IRMA D. RODEMAKER, b. 1915, d. 1988. Residence: Allison, Ia. Both are buried in Riverside Cemetery. iii. DALE RASH, b. Aug. 22, 1915 in Vernon Township, Wright Co., Iowa, d. 1940. Buried in Riverside Cemetery. Elva Shultz Link Shultz, 23, 1909 63. LINCOLN “Link” ERNEST9 SHULTZ (NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 26, 1886, and died Jan. 29, 1958. On Jan. 13, 1913 at Waterloo, Iowa he married ADA D. MONTGOMERY, daughter of John W. Montgomery and Margaret Rogers, and sister of America Montgomery (see page 123). Ada was born Jan. 4, 1893, and died Aug. 9, 1974. She is buried in Davenport Memorial Park, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. I have found his name spelled both Lynk and Link, but most often as the latter. Child of LINK SHULTZ and ADA MONTGOMERY is: 134. i. ALTA GAIL10 SHULTZ, born on Thanksgiving Day in 1915. 64. CLINTON WALLACE9 THOMPSON (FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born February 2, 1888 in Bangor Twp., Marshall County, Iowa, and died Dec. 26, 1984 in Fort Worth, Texas. He married MAMIE CLARICE “Clara” MILLER Dec. 14, 1914 in Grundy Center, Iowa. She was born Sept. 28, 1895 in Osage, Mitchell County, Iowa, daughter of Morten Halfdan Miller and Hannah Mary Larson, and died Aug. 14, 1982 in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. They moved from Iowa to West Texas in the 1920s. Clinton and Mamie are buried at Fort Worth. Nickname: Clint. At some point he lived in Waterloo, Iowa, where he was a telegraph operator for the Rock Island Railroad. Children of CLINTON THOMPSON and MAMIE MILLER are: 135. i. NANCY MILLER10 THOMPSON, b. 1929, Colorado City, Mitchell, Texas. 136. ii. SIBYL JEAN THOMPSON, b. Sept. 4, 1915, Iowa, d. Nov. 7, 1992, Texas Mamie Miller Thompson 137. iii. HELEN GENEVIEVE THOMPSON, b. July 19, 1917, Grundy Center, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. July 8, 2006, Boerne, TX 138. iv. RICHARD WALLACE THOMPSON, b. 1920, Grundy Center, Grundy Co., Iowa, d. bef. 2006. 139. v. RUTH JANE THOMPSON, b. 1922, Baird, Callahan, Texas. 142 64.3. CARL9 EARL THOMPSON (FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 28, 1890 in Rainier, Washington and died Dec. 21, 1971 in Venice, Florida. At some point he was a cashier at the bank in Whitten, Iowa. He married Fanny Belle Vigars, born in 1893 in Eldora, Iowa to James H. and Anna Crossan Vigars and died Jan. 19, 1987 in Flanagan, Illinois. Carl, Fanny and sons James and Rodney are buried in Clayton Twp Cemetery, Benson, Woodford Co., Ill. Children of CARL THOMPSON and FANNY VIGARS are: 140. i. JAMES LEWIS THOMPSON, b. Jan. 15, 1917, d. May 3, 2003. 141. ii. RODNEY VIGARS THOMPSON, b. Aug. 22, 1922, d. March 8, 2013. 64.5. CLARENCE9 LEWIS THOMPSON (FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sep. 29, 1901 at Whitten, Iowa and died Jan. 8, 1984 at Rockwell City, Calhoun County, Iowa. He married EDNA MINNIE WOLFE, born June 21, 1903 in Illinois, died Aug. 25, 1975 at Rockwell City, Calhoun, Iowa. The 1940 census shows Clarence, Edna and their five children living in Lake Creek Township, Calhoun County, Iowa. Clarence and Edna are buried in Rosehill Cemetery, Rockwell City. Children of CLARENCE THOMPSON and EDNA WOLFE are: 142. i. 143. ii. 144. 145. iii. iv. v. vi. BLAKE C. THOMPSON, b. Feb. 19, 1923 Junction Twp, Greene Co., Iowa. ROBERT E. THOMPSON, b. Dec. 25, 1924 Junction Twp, Greene Co., Iowa, d. 2001. FRANK LEROY THOMPSON, b. Aug. 8, 1927 Junction Twp. WESTON THOMPSON, b. Feb. 23, 1931. DONALD THOMPSON, b. abt 1935, m. DORIS GREGG. ALEENE THOMPSON, b. Sept. 5, 1937. Edna Wolfe Thompson Clarence L. Thompson 65. LAURA CORRINE9 RASH (BENJAMIN JESSE8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1901 in Iowa. She went by her middle name. On April 23, 1919 in Franklin County, Iowa she marrried 1) LEO ALBIE FOSTER, son of George and Nellie Foster. She married 2) FRED CHARLES MOLL, son of Fred Moll and Nellie Bertha Ollmann, born July 28, 1897 in LeSueur, Minnesota and died Oct. 31, 1990 in Iowa. The 1940 census has the family living in Montgomery, Minn. Fred & daughter Margaret are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown, Iowa. Children of CORRINE RASH and LEO FOSTER are: 146. i. NEIL FOSTER., b. 1924 in Iowa, d. 1981. 147. ii. JUANITA MAY10 FOSTER., b. abt 1925 in Iowa. Children of CORRINE RASH and FRED MOLL are: 146. i. NEIL MOLL, stepson to Fred. 147. ii. JUANITA MAY10 MOLL, stepdaughter to Fred. 148. iii. iv. LOUIS E. MOLL, b. abt 1927 in Iowa, d. after 2007. MARGARET MOLL, b. May 10, 1930 in New Prague, Minn. and died Jan. 15, 2007 in Iowa. 66. SADIE MAE9 HILLER (EMMA ROSALIE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 4, 1891 in Hardin County, Iowa, and died May 15, 1965 in East Chain Township, Martin County, Minnesota. She married (1) T.J. INSTEAD, born in 1905. She married (2) ARTHUR J. BURDETTE, born Sept. 12, 1888 in Reynolds Station, Kentuky, son of Obed Burdette and Margaret Obenchain, and died in 1963. She married (3) RAY FLORIAN KESLER March 2, 1911. She, Arthur & her mother Emma are buried in Armstrong Grove Cemetery, Armstrong, Emmet County, Ia. Children of SADIE HILLER and ARTHUR BURDETTE are: 149. i. PORTIA10 BURDETTE. 150. ii. ARTHUR BURDETTE. iii. DONALD BURDETTE. 67. EFFIE LILLIAN9 RASH (SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 15, 1889 in Iowa and died of pneumon1a Jan. 3, 1914 at Union, IA. On Feb. 4, 1908 at Union she married WILLIAM HENRY WILLIAMS, 1888-1970. They resided in Whitten, Hardin Co., Iowa. She is buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Ia. He is buried in Union Cemetery, Hardin Co., Ia., with his second wife, Effie’s sister Laura. Their children, Lucille and Clyde, were raised by Ephrain and Nellie Reece after their mother’s death. Nellie Candes Rowen, 1879-1948, was the daughter of Hiram Rowen and Elizabeth Reed. Children of EFFIE RASH and HENRY WILLIAMS are: 151. i. LUCILLE MARIE10 WILLIAMS, b. 1910, d. 1983. 152. ii. CLYDE SOLON WILLIAMS, b. 1911, d. aft January 1961. 143 68. LURA ELLEN9 RASH (SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 17, 1899 at Union and died Jan. 5, 1961. She married March 22, 1923 in Des Moines to WILLIAM HENRY WILLIAMS, 1888-1970, widower of her sister Effie. Lura and Henry are buried in Union Cemetery, Hardin Co., Ia. She was survived by her husband; her son, three grandchildren and two stepchildren. Child of LURA RASH and HENRY WILLIAMS is: 153. i. DALLAS MASON10 WILLIAMS, b. 1928. Residence: New Providence, Ia. 69. EDD ELLIS9 RASH (SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 3, 1908 in Iowa and died July 19, 1991. He married V IRGINIA, born about 1914 in Wisconsin. He was a veterinary doctor in Hardin County, Iowa. He was a captain in the Army in World War II. Residence: Iowa Falls. He is buried in Saint Mark’s Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Ia. Children of EDD RASH and VIRGINIA are: i. JOHNNY10 A. RASH, b. 1940 in Iowa. ii. JIMMY RASH. iii. JAY RASH. 70. LENA MAY9 RASH (SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 17, 1910 in Union, Iowa and died Feb. 1, 1979 at Sherman, Grayson Co., Texas. She married HOWARD ROWEN, son of Clyde and Josephine Lockard Rowen, in 1934 at Grundy Center, Iowa. Howard was born in 1915 and died in 1965. He adopted Lena’s son Larry. Howard farmed until 1948, then moved to Union and was a carpenter the rest of his life. Lena is buried in Akers Cemetery, Sherman. Howard is buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Iowa. Children of LENA RASH and HOWARD ROWEN are: 154. i. LARRY ROWEN, b. Feb. 13, 1932. 155. ii. PEGGY ANN10 ROWEN, b. Oct. 26, 1934. iii. MARJORY ROWEN, b. Sept. 7, 1936, m. JOE NEYMEYER. Another photo of her on page 163. 155.5 iv. RUTH CAROL ROWEN, b. Dec. 22, 1939, m. RICHARD 71. WADE EVERT9 RASH (SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 16, 1914 in Iowa and died Dec. 21, 2002. He married MARY A. YOUNGSMITH, born in 1915 and died Sep. 3, 1984. Residence: Marshalltown, Iowa. They are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown. Children of WADE RASH and MARY YOUNGSMITH are: i. LEANN RASH10 RASH, m. LARRY. ii. DONNA RASH. iii. LINDA RASH. iv. SHERRI RASH. v. EDDIE RASH, m. Cathy Irene Brand, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. Duane Brand of Baxter, June 2, 1972 at Melbourne, Iowa. Lena Rash Rowen Howard Rowen Larry, Marjorie, Peggy Rowen. ages 5, 1, 3 72. MARJORIE FLOSS9 RASH (SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 5, 1918 in Union, Iowa and died March 8, 2013 at Scenic Manor Nursing Home in Iowa Falls, Iowa. She graduated from Union High School in 1935. The 1940 census shows her living with her brother Edd’s family. She married WILBUR WARREN Jan. 10, 1944 in Iowa Falls, son of Richard and Emma Oppold Warren. He was born July 22, 1920 and died in February 1999. Excertps from Marjorie Rash Warren’s obituary: Funeral Mass will be 10:30 A.M. Thursday at the St. Mark Catholic Church in Iowa Falls with burial at St. Mark's Cemetery. Marjorie had been a homemaker and was a member of the St. Mark Catholic Church in Iowa Falls. Marjorie is survived by her two daughters, Ann Brown of Iowa Falls and Jane Warren of Pleasanton, CA; a son, John Warren of Coralville; five granddaughters, Lorri Milewski of Grosse Ile, MI, Allison Warren of Coralville, Elizabeth Warren of Coralville, Susan Winter, and Jennifer Warren; a grandson, Steven Brown of Papillion, NE; and three great-grandchildren, Alia Brown of Papillion NE, Colin Brown of Papillion, NE, and Aaron Amaya of Grosse Ile, MI. 144 Marjorie Rash Warren Children of MARJORIE RASH and WILBUR WARREN are: i. ANN10 WARREN, m. Mr. Brown. Residence: Iowa Falls. ii. RICHARD S. WARREN b. 1946, d. October 1999. iii. JANE WARREN, Residence: Pleasanton, Calif. iv. v. JOHN WARREN, Residence: Coralville. MARY WARREN, b. 1956, d. 1956. 73. ERNEST LLOYD9 RASH (HENRY THOMAS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 18, 1909 in Iowa and died May 7, 1974 in Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa. He married VIOLET FARROW, born about 1908 in Iowa. Residence: Winterset, Madison County, Iowa. They are buried in Phelps Cemetery, Decorah. He went by his middle name. The 1940 census listed his occupation as office manager for a refrigerator company and his family’s address as Des Moines, Polk Co., Ia. Children of LLOYD RASH and VIOLET FARROW are: i. JAMES “Jim” KENT RASH, b. abt 1938 in Iowa. Residence: Portland, Ore. ii. GLORIA RASH, m. John Torrison. Residence: Manilowak, Wis. 74. FAYE PEARL9 RASH (HENRY THOMAS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born January 14, 1915 in Iowa, and died December 4, 1994 in Winona, Minn. On Sept. 30, 1934 in Kellerton, Ringgold Co., Iowa she married RAYMOND GORSUCH, born about 1915 in Ringgold Co., son of C.E. Gorsuch & Mary Benedict. Residence: Winona, Minn. She is buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa. Child of FAYE RASH and RAY GORSUCH is: i. PAMELA10 GORSUCH, b. 1947. 75. RAYMOND9 EDWARD SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 28, 1894 in Bangor, Marshall Co., Iowa and died July 19, 1957 in Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa. He married CECIL IRENE SMITH (sister of Glen Smith, who married Raymond’s sister Inez Swaim) Dec. 24, 1919 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa. She was born about 1896 in Iowa and died in 1925. Ray’s military service: Iowa Pvt Co D 160 Infantry, WW I. Ray, his brother Wayne and their parents Bertha and William are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Creston, Union County, Ia. Children of RAY SWAIM and CECIL SMITH are: i. LAWRENCE10 EUGENE SWAIM. ii. WINIFRED SWAIM, m. KENNETH CROOK. 76. INEZ9 VIVIAN SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 2, 1895 in Black Hawk Co., Iowa and died in April 1983 in Creston, Union Co., Ia. She attended New Providence Academy, a Quaker school in New Providence, Hardin County, Ia. She married GLEN ELBIEW SMITH (brother of Cecil Smith, who married Inez’ brother Ray Swaim) Sept. 21, 1916 in Hardin Co., Ia. He was born April 12, 1894 in Haworth, Ill. and died in September 1983 in Creston. Inez and Glen lived northeast of Hopeville, Iowa. They are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Creston, Union County, Iowa. Children of INEZ SWAIM and GLEN SMITH are: 156. i. RALPH10 R. SMITH, b. 1919. 157. ii. ROBERT EARL SMITH, b. Jan. 15, 1928 in Clark Co., Ia. 158. iii. MORRIS GLEN SMITH, b. 1830 77. LILLIAN9 BERNICE SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 10, 1899 in New Providence, Hardin Co., Iowa and died June 20, 1949 in Afton, Union Co.,Iowa. She married HARRY JOSEPH LAMB (brother of Dennis Lamb, who married Lillian’s sister Pearl Swaim) March 6, 1930, son of Clinton Lamb and Mary Moye, b. Nov. 21, 1890 in Galena, Floyd Co., IN, d. 1953 in Union Co., Iowa. Both are buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Afton. Children of LILLIAN SWAIM and HARRY LAMB are: 163. i. NORMA10 CAROL LAMB, b. 1931 164. ii. DALE CLINTON LAMB, b. 1933. iii. DONALD KEITH LAMB, b. 1936, m. WANDA STRAUP (possibly Stromp). iv. FAYE INEZ LAMB, b. 1938, m Mr. Leeps. v. WANDA SHIRLEY LAMB, b. 1939 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa, m. Melvin Allison. Lillian Swaim Lamb 78. WAYNE9 WILLIAM SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sep. 1, 1901 in Eldora, Iowa, and died April 5, 1961 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa. About 1925 in Clarke Co., Iowa he married (1) MABEL SELSOR, born about 1901 in Clark Co, daughter of Stephen and Birdie (Gillette) Selsor. On March 28, 1948, he married (2) Mabel Blanche Pashek, daughter of John and Marie (Mika) Pashek, born Dec. 20, 1911 on her family’s farm in Adams County near Nevinville, Ia, d. Dec. 14, 2008 in Creston. Wayne & his second wife are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Creston, as are his brother Ray and their parents Bertha and William. Children of WAYNE SWAIM and MABLE SELSOR are: i. ROSS10 SWAIM, b. 1927, m. NORMA GREENWALT. 145 162. ii. BERNICE SWAIM, b. 1923. 79. PAUL9 LLOYD SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 27, 1904 in Hardin County, Iowa. His last residence was in Martinsburg, Audrain Co., Missouri. He married LOLA GENEVA METTS April 1, 1925 in Osceola, Clark Co., Iowa, daughter of Francis M. Metts and Eliza Jane Baker. She was born Aug. 26, 1904 in Clarke Co., Iowa and died in 2002. Children of PAUL SWAIM and LOLA METTS are: 159. i. WALTER10 LLOYD SWAIM, b. March 6, 1926, d. 2002. iii.CHARLES SWAIM, m. MARTHA CONKLIN. 160. ii. WILLARD SWAIM, b. Feb. 21, 1928, d. July 30, 2012. iv.LEO DEAN SWAIM, m. MARY (possibly Marie) TATE. 80. EDITH9 MILDRED SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 3, 1908 in Hardin Co., Iowa and died Dec. 18,2000. On June 12, 1929 in Clarke Co., Iowa she married CLAYTON BEVANS, son of Jim and Cora Bevans. She is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Creston, Union County, Iowa. Child of EDITH SWAIM and CLAYTON BEVANS is: i. LYLE10 BEVANS, m. URSULA THOMKE. 81. PEARL9 VERNA SWAIM (BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 26, 1910 in Hardin Co., Iowa and died Oct. 9, 1997 in Clearfield, Taylor Co., Iowa. She married DENNIS LAMB (brother of Harry Lamb, who married Lillian Swaim) March 19, 1931 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa. He was born Jan. 16, 1905 in Floyd Co., Indiana and died April 4, 1984 in Clovis, Curry Co., NM. Pearl, Dennis & son Bernard are buried in Murray Cemetery, Murray, Clarke Co., Ia. Children of PEARL SWAIM and DENNIS LAMB are: 161. i. LOWELL10 DENNIS LAMB, b. Jan. 14, 1934 in Iowa, d. March 11, 1975 at Wichita, Ks. ii. BERNARD PAUL LAMB, b. Dec. 14, 1934 in Murray, Ia, d. 1960. iii. Kathy Sue Lamb b. Jan. 21, 1949 v. Jerry Wayne Lamb iv. Connie Lou Lamb vi. Jimmy Joe Lamb 82. LEONARD JAMES9 RASH (ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 24, 1887 in Union, Iowa and died May 21, 1962 at Evansdale, Black Hawk Co., Iowa. On March 11, 1914, in Omaha, Neb, he married RUTH CLINKENBEARD, born Nov. 10, 1892 in Iowa and died in August 1987 in Black Hawk County, Iowa, daughter of Charles and Mary McCracken Clinkenbeard. Leonard and Ruth are buried in the Garden Of Memories, Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. Leonard Rash, abt 1910 Leonard James Rash Excerpts from Leonard Rash obituary, Waterloo Daily Courier, May 22, 1962: Services will be held at the Chapel of Memories at 1:30 p.m. Friday for Leonard J. Rash, 74, of. 430 Morrell Ave., Evansdale, who died at 11:40 p.m. Monday at his home of carcinoma. Pastor Hilliard Comeaux, pastor of the Church of Christ, will officiate. Burial will be in the Garden of Memories (Waterloo). He has lived in Evansdale for the past 15 years after moving to Waterloo in 1942 from Union. He was with the maintenance department of the John Deere Tractor Works for 11 years before his retirement in 1953. Surviving are his widow, son Leo of 1201 Downing Ave. and three daughters, Mrs. Richard Wagner of Pontiac, Ill., Mrs. Allison Westcott of 648 Dawson and Mrs. Roger Sparks of Clemons. Two brothers, Errol of 1227 Evergreen and Clem Sr. of Marshalltown and seven grandchildren also survive. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother and a sister. Children of LEONARD RASH and RUTH CLINKENBEARD are: 165. i. ELMA10 RASH, b. Dec. 15, 1914, d. August 29 167. iii. 1981. 168. iv. 166. ii. LOIS A. RASH, b. May 6, 1916 d. July 30, 2001. 146 LEO JAY RASH, b. May 8, 1923, d Dec. 20, 2006. INA MAE RASH, b. Aug. 31, 1925. 83. VIOLA JANE9 RASH (ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 3, 1895 in Iowa, and died Oct. 19, 1931. She married RUSSELL A SMITH, son of Wesley and Arvilla Smith. He was born March 4, 1888, and died March 30, 1952. They are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Children of VIOLA RASH and RUSSELL SMITH are: 169. i. LESLIE “Les” A10 SMITH, b. May 10, 1913; d. January 12, 1997. 170. ii. JAMES HENRY “Hank” SMITH, b. Dec. 16, 1914, d. Oct. 1, 1994. iii. RICHARD SMITH, b. 1916; d. 1922. 171. iv. CLARENCE EDWIN SMITH, b. April 15, 1919; d. Feb. 22, 1961. v. LEONARD R. SMITH, b. March 5, 1921, d. 1985; m. Twila Earhart, 1918-2006. They are buried in Rose Hill Memorial Gardens, Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa. 173. vi. MABEL I. SMITH, b. March 22, 1923, d. July 6, 2008. vii. ERROL WAYNE SMITH, b. May 7, 1925, d. Nov. 12, 1966; m. Violet M. Rathmeier, 1926-2012. They are buried in Zoar Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa, Lot 60 173.5 viii. ix. x Russell and Viola Jane Rash Smith LOIS VIVIAN SMITH, b. Sept. 12, 1926, d. Feb. 8, 2008. GERTRUDE “Gertie” MARIE SMITH, died at 6 weeks. RUTHIE ARLENE SMITH, died at age 5. 83.5 FLETCHER RASH (ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 24, 1891 south of Union, IA, and died in 1939 in Marshall Co., IA. He married 1) Lottie Smith and they were later divorced. On Dec. 9, 1933 he married 2) Mrs. Mabel Dolan at Waverly, IA, born in 1893. Fletcher and Mabel are buried in Union Cemetery, Union, IA. Excerpts from article about Fletcher Rash’s death, Oelwein Iowa Daily Register, July 3, 1939: Missing for more than two days, Fletcher J. Rash, 48, of 415 Campbell avenue, a salesman for Standard Battery & Electric Co. was found dead of monoxide gas Thursday evening at the wheel of his automobile in a farm grove four miles south of Union, Ia., a short distance from his birthplace. Resident of Waterloo the past 27 years and a sales representative of the Standard company since April, 1914, Rash reportedly made his last business call in Garwin, Ia., at 4 p.m. Tuesday, following which he was to have returned home. His whereabouts unknown Tuesday night, Rash was last seen shortly before 9 a.m. Fletcher, about 1910 Fletcher Rash Wednesday when he obtained permission from a field worker on the Rash homestead farm, along the Hardin-Marshall county line, to drive toward the river and wooded tract. The man thought Rash was a fisherman. Late Thursday afternoon, the farm hand while plowing sighted the parked automobile in the grove and on finishing work at 7 p.m. Thursday investigated, finding Rash's body and a length of hose leading from exhaust pipe into the car. Marshall county's coroner, Dr. R.C. Wells, Marshalltown, said the death was apparently a suicide, attributed to despondency over ill health. Fletcher J. Rash came to Waterloo 27 years ago to become an employee of the Galloway company and later of the Standard company. Following a divorce from his first wife, Lottie (now Mrs. J.D. Cohn), Rash on Dec. 9, 1933, was married at Waverly, Ia., to Mrs. Mabel Dolan, who survives. Also surviving are the mother; two stepsons, Leland Dolan, an instructor at Oelwein, Ia., high school, and John Dolan of Grimes, Ia.; and three brothers, Leonard and Clement Rash, both of Union, and Errol, of Le Roy, Minn. One sister. Mrs. Viola Smith, and the father preceded him in death In Waterloo, Mr. Rash was a member of the Westminster Presbyterian church. 147 84. CLEM ALLISON9 RASH (ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 30, 1899 in Hardin County, IA, and died at age 78 at Villa del Sol, Marshalltown, IA. He married HATTIE ELLEN CRAIG April 6, 1918 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa, daughter of C HARLES AUGUSTUS CRAIG and ADDIE E. NEWBY. She was born February 24, 1900 in Union, Hardin County, IA, and died Dec. 7, 1975 in Community Hospital East, Marshalltown, Iowa. The 1920 census shows Clem, 20, and wife Hattie, 19, living with Clem's parents. Obituary for CLEM ALLISON RASH: Clem Rash Sr. Dies Saturday Clem A. Rash Sr., 78, 412 Woodbury St., died Saturday at the Villa del Sol. He was born June 30, 1899 in, Hardin County, the son of Arthur T. and Eva D. Hammer Rash. He was married to Hattie Craig April 6, 1918, in Union. She preceded him in death in December, 1975. A sister and three brothers also preceded him in death. Surviving are two sons, Clem Rash Jr., Marshalltown, and Harold Rash, Tama; five daughters, Dorothy (Mrs. John) Yantis, Liscomb; Ardis (Mrs. John) Veld, Steamboat Rock; Reba (Mrs. Sherrill) Adams, Storm Lake; Colleen (Mrs. Dwight) Ulery, Marshalltown, and Joan (Mrs. Bob) Tesdall, Roland, 17 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Mr. Rash was school custodian for city schools until retiring in 1964. He was a member of the Grace United Methodist Church. Services will he at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Avey Funeral Home. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown, Ia. Obituary for HATTIE CRAIG: Mrs. Rash Dies Sunday; Rites Set Tuesday Mrs. Clem (Hattie) Rash Sr., 75, of 412 Woodbury St., died Sunday morning at Community Hospital East where she had been a patient since Nov. 26. Services will be Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at Avey Funeral Horne, with the Rev. Henry Riegel, pastor of Grace United Church, officiating. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Rash was born Feb. 24, 1900, the daughter of Charles and Addie Newby Craig, at Union, and attended Albion High School. On April 6, 1918, she was married to Clem Rash at Union. She was a member of Grace United Methodist Church Survivors include her widower, Clem Rash Sr., and seven children; Clem Rash Jr., Marshalltown; Harold Rash, Tama; Mrs. John (Dorothy) Yantis, Liscomb; Mrs. John (Ardis) Veld, Steamboat Rock; Mrs. Sherill (Reba) Adams, Storm Lake; Mrs. Dwight (Colleen) Ulery, Marshalltown, and Mrs. Bob (Joan) Tesdall, Roland. Other survivors are two sisters; Mrs. Nedra Wilson, Spirit Lake, and Mrs. Lucille Stoffell, Estherville; four brothers; Howard Craig, Carson, Calif., Horace Craig, Sun City Ariz.; Edward Craig, Sioux Falls, S.D., and Eldon Craig, Spencer; 17 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two sisters, two brothers and a grandson. Memorials may be directed to the Heart Fund. Children of CLEM RASH and HATTIE CRAIG are: 174. i. HAROLD10 CHARLES RASH, b. Sept. 7, 1918 in Iowa, d. Dec. 5, 2005. 175. ii. DOROTHY IONE RASH, b. Oct. 17, 1920 near Union, Ia, d. Jan. 1, 2013 in Conrad, Ia. 176. iii. CLEM ALLISON RASH, b. April 18, 1923 in Iowa, d. Dec. 24, 2008. 177. iv. ARDIS ANN RASH, b. June 27, 1925 near Union, Ia, d. Feb. 28, 2009 178. v. REBA MAURINE RASH, b. abt 1927 in Iowa 179. vi. COLLEEN EVA RASH, b. April 20, 1929 in Union, Ia., d. March 29, 2008 in Ames, Ia. 180. vii. EVELYN JOAN RASH., b. 1930 Iowa. Hattie Ellen Craig About 1930 – Back, l to r: Clem, Colleen, Hattie, Harold. Front, l to r: Dorothy, Clem, Ardis, Reba. 148 85. ERROL ARTHUR9 RASH (ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 16, 1906 in Union, Iowa and died Dec. 7, 1967 at Waterloo, Iowa. He married FERN LORENE WREN February 6, 1930. She was born about 1910 in Iowa and died in May 1975 in Vancouver, Clark Co., WA. Errol was employed by the John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works for 18 years until his retirement. He is buried in the Garden of Memories cemetery, Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. Info.: As of the April 1930 census, Errol and wife Fern lived with Errol's parents Arthur & Eva in Errol Rash Union Township, Iowa. Child of ERROL RASH and FERN WREN is: Errol, Fern & Edwin Rash 181. i. EDWIN THOMAS10 RASH, b. June 17, 1932. Errol Rash Generation No. 10 89. HAROLD CLARK SAWIN (GERTRUDE9 DAVIS ARSULA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1), was born July 14, 1906 in Almeda, TX and died of cancer Sept. 12, 1972 at his home in Berwick, Iowa. On March 1, 1930 in Eldora, Iowa he married Violet Audrey Smith, b. Oct. 15, 1910 in South Dakota, d. Aug. 23, 1982 in Berwick, daughter of Jesse Smith and Sadie Young. Harold and Violet are buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, Iowa. Children of HAROLD SAWIN and VIOLET SMITH: i. Kathleen Ann Sawin, b. Nov. 13, 1945, d. Feb. 22, 1983 of carbon monoxide poisoning. Buried in Berwick Cemetery, Berwick, Polk County, Iowa. Left husband Jerry Davis and a son, Jeff. Harold & Violet Smith Sawin ii. Robert “Bobby” Gene Sawin, b. Oct. 2, 1934 Des Moines, Ia., d. March 6, 2011 Des Moines. Survived by wife Lee; four children from his first marriage, five step-children. Marie Sawin, Glenn Davis & son Paul Davis 90. EDNA MARIE10 SAWIN (GERTRUDE9 DAVIS ARSULA8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 19, 1910 at Alameda, TX, and died Sept. 21, 1995, at Marshalltown, IA. She married GLENN ALBERT DAVIS, son of Fred N. Davis and Elizabeth Tamar Davis (born Holloday), born May 19, 1905, at Albion, IA, died Oct. 22, 1967, at Albion. Residence: Albion. She went by her middle name. They are buried in Rose Hill Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Marshalltown. Child of MARIE SAWIN and GLENN DAVIS is: i. PAUL ALBERT11 DAVIS, b. 1929, d. 2001, m. Helen Marie Cole, b. 1929, both buried Rose Hill Memorial Gardens, Marshalltown. Six children. 92. NORA ROSELLA10 RASH (LAURENCE MONROE9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1948 in Iowa. She married (1) LARRY HOY Aug. 22, 1966 in Marshalltown, IA. He was born June 22, 1944 in Rhodes, Iowa, and died Abt. 1998. She married (2) FRANK HOY Feb. 15, 1974. He was born Abt. 1935 in Rhodes, Iowa, and died in March 1988 in Rhodes. She married (3) HOWARD W. APPEL October 12, 2007 at Lipan Point, on the south rim of the Grand Canyon. He was born in 1944 in Wichita, Kan. Children of NORA RASH and LARRY HOY are: 214. i. LORI ANN11 HOY, b. 1967. ii. JOANNE MARIE HOY, b. 1968. Children of HOWARD APPEL are: 215. iii. KARL11 APPEL, b. Abt. 1980. iv. STEVEN APPEL, b. Abt. 1984; m. GINA, Jan. 12, 2008; 149 Nora Rosella Rash, age 6, 1st grade 1954-55 Nora Rash, high school graduation, age 17, 1966 b. Abt. 1987. 93. THOMAS10 RASH (LAURENCE MONROE9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1949. Children of THOMAS RASH are: i. TAMMY RASH, b. May, 1982. ii. TIMOTHY THOMAS RASH, b. July 19, 1979. Timothy’s daughter is Riley Elizabeth Rash, b. Aug. 5, 2003. 94. JOYCE ELAINE10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1926 in Eldora, Iowa. She married GUNNAR WINFRED JOHNSON June 9, 1944 in Victoria, Texas. He was born May 23, 1925 in Centerville, IA, and died August 9, 2004 in Northwest Medical Center of Benton County in Bentonville, Ark. Notes for JOYCE ELAINE RASH: Residence: Bella Vista, Ark. Thomas Rash, high school graduation The years 2004 through 2009 were especially hard on Joyce. In that span she lost a brother, her husband, her mother and two of her three children. Obituary: BELLA VISTA -- Gunnar W. Johnson, 79, of Bella Vista died Aug. 9, 2004, at Northwest Medical Center of Benton County in Bentonville. He was born May 23, 1925, in Centerville, Iowa, to Alfred R. and Marjorie Alice Monteith Johnson. He was educated in Centerville, Iowa, and attended the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He was an Army Air Corps veteran of World War II. He married Joyce Rash, on June 9, 1944. He lived in Burlington, Iowa, and worked as a machinist for the Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad for 17 years and was a small business owner. He operated the Taylor Rental Store in Columbus, Ind., until moving to Bella Vista in 1990, where he was a member of the United Lutheran Church, the Siloam Shepard Group and the American Legion. He was a pilot. His hobbies included flying radio-controlled model aircraft. --An online posting Gunnar made at http://www.monteith.org/fdbk01.htm Subject: A little more Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 21:11:57 -0500 I have some information on the Iowa Monteith clan. My mother was the daughter of Ira Oliver Monteith. She is listed on the home page. Information is: Her father was an itinerant photographer, traveling the near south some times, going from town to town taking photographs and portraits to make a living. He has one living son Dwight Oliver Monteith that retired from the Air Force as a Major General. My mother has 4 living children Gunnar Johnson, Bella Vista . Arkansas- daughters are Wanda Wiemer, Bella Vista , Arkansas-next daughter , Sandra Gustafson, Panacea, Florida- Next is Marjorie Kay Limback, Des Moines, Iowa. Children of JOYCE RASH and GUNNAR JOHNSON are: i. TERRY SCOTT11 JOHNSON, b. March 13, 1948, Burlington, IA; d. Feb. 17, 2009; m. BARBARA LYNN CARR Aug. 29, 1971 at Jollity Methodist Church, Edinburg, Indiana. She was born in 1950 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Notes for TERRY SCOTT JOHNSON: Residence: Pueblo West, CO. Obituary: Service: Monday, Feb. 23, 2009 Terry S. Johnson, 60, passed away Feb. 17, 2009. Survived by his beloved wife, Barbara Johnson of Pueblo West; mother, Joyce Johnson, Bella Vista, Ark.; sister, Caren Swales, Denver; niece, Whitney Swales, Denver; and nephews, Jordan and Christopher Stoddard, Ohio. He was uncle to Troy, Teri Lynn, Thomas Scott, and Todd Kabrich of Indiana, Illinois and North Carolina. He was preceded in death by his father, Gunnar Johnson; and sister, Joan Stoddard. Terry was born March 13, 1948, in Burlington, Iowa. He graduated from Wausau (Wisconsin) High School and Purdue University. He was a product innovator and sold his patent numbers, 4, 724, 596; 4, 984, 388; 5, 120, 485 to Geld Wen Corporation. He currently owns patent 6, 613, 404 for the Suppression of Heat Flux in Insulating Glass Structures for the commercial/residential construction and refrigeration display case markets. He was an amateur artist and enjoyed hunting with his dogs. Most important, Terry was a playful, gracious gentleman. Viewing from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Funeral service, 2 p.m. Monday in the Montgomery & Steward Chapel with the Reverend Cindy Josephson officiating. Those who desire may make memorials to American Heart Association, through Montgomery & Steward Funeral Directors, 1317 N. Main St., Pueblo, CO 81003. Online condolences, MontgomerySteward.com 150 Editor’s note. A detailed description of Terry’s patent may be seen online at http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6613404.html Here is a brief description and illustration: United States Patent 6613404 Suppressing heat flux in insulating glass structures Abstract: Inner (32) and outer (34) juxtaposed glazed panes are separated from each other by an interlayer containing a gas, and the gap between the panes is closed by a seal (48) near the perimeter of the panes. A thermally conductive, hermetically sealed receptacle (36) is positioned between the panes. The receptacle contains a phase change material (38) that reversibly absorbs, stores, and releases heat in response to temperature changes at least at one of the glazed panes. Residence for TERRY JOHNSON and BARBARA CARR: Pueblo West, CO Nickname for BARBARA LYNN CARR: Bobbi Children of JOYCE RASH and GUNNAR JOHNSON continued: 216. 217. ii. CAREN SUE JOHNSON, b. 1949, Burlington, IA. iii. JOAN ELLEN JOHNSON, b. October 19, 1954, Burlington, IA; d. December 14, 2005. 95. JAMES VERNON10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 23, 1929 in Eldora, Iowa and died Dec. 12, 2014 in Des Moines, Iowa. He graduated in 1946 from Union High School. He married BETTY JOANNE OLLINGER November 28, 1953 at St. Mary’s Church in Williamsburg, IA, daughter of JOHN OLLINGER and KATHERINE PITSCH. She was born in 1930 in Harper, IA. Children of JAMES RASH and BETTY OLLINGER are: 218. i. VERNON DEAN11 RASH, b. 1955. ii. AUDREY MARIE RASH, b. April 12, 1956; d. May 11, 1968, appendicitis. Burial: Glendale Cemetery, Des Moines. There is a photo of her on page 61. 219. iii. GAYLA DIANNE RASH, b. 1958. 220. iv. MICHAEL JAMES RASH, b. 1960. 220.5 v. ANDREA LYNNE RASH, b. 1967; m. HARVINDER SINGH VIJ, August 11, 2006, Paulist Center Chapel, Boston, MA; b. in 1964, New Delhi, India. In March 2010, Harvinder & Andrea adopted Andrei James “A.J” Vij, born Feb. 8, 2009. In October 2014, asked for a brief biography for this book, Jim Rash wrote, “Betty and I celebrated our 60th anniversary one year ago on November 28, 2013. Raising our family has been the most important part of those years and we still are thankful to have them near. Also with seven sisters it is a joy to see them and their families at the annual picnic.” Unknown to anyone at that time was that he had cancer and would die two months later. Before that, he had never before been a patient in a hospital. Obituary: Des Moines - James V. Rash, 85, died Friday, December 12, 2014 at Taylor House Hospice. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:30 am, Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Interment will follow at Glendale Cemetery. James, son of James Dean and Avonelle (Higgason) Rash, was born September 23, 1929 in Eldora, IA. He served in the Korean War and on November 28, 1953 was joined in marriage to Betty Joanne Ollinger, his devoted wife of 61 years. Jim was a licensed land surveyor and he worked for the Iowa Department of Transportation for over 30 years. Following his retirement in 1990, Jim continued to work as a land surveyor in the private sector for another 20 years. Jim was a member of St. Joseph parish for over 60 years and had an extraordinary commitment to his Catholic faith. Survivors include his wife, Betty; children: Vern Rash, Gayla (Don) Winslow, Mike Rash, Andrea (Harv) Vij; ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Jim was preceded in death by his daughter, Audrey Marie Rash and his brother, Clyde Rash. Jim was a loving husband, father, grandfather and brother, and he will be missed by all who knew him. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/desmoinesregister/obituary.aspx?n=james-v-rash&pid=173460655& 96. CLYDE ARLO10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 23, 1931 in Union, Iowa (home birth), and died November 26, 2007 in Marshalltown. He married GRACE LUELLA SMITH. She was born in 1937 in Volga, IA. Clyde is buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, Hardin County, Iowa. Residence of CLYDE ARLO RASH: Marshalltown, 1204 E. Nevada Children of CLYDE RASH and GRACE SMITH are: 221. i. RUTH ELAINE11 RASH, b. 1954, Eldora, IA. 222. ii. ROSEMARY KAY RASH, b. 1956, Iowa City, IA. 223. iii. ALLEN EUGENE RASH, b. December 1, 1957, Eldora, IA.; d. June 28, 2009. iv. KATHLEEN MARIE RASH, b. 1959, Eldora, IA. Nickname: Kathy. v. STANLEY BRYON RASH, b. 1962. Nickname: Sam. 224. vi. RICHARD EDWARD RASH, b. 1964. Nickname: Rick. 225. vii. TERESA LINN RASH, b. 1966, Marshalltown, IA. Nickname: Terrie 151 97. BARBARA ANN10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1932 in Union, IA (home birth). She graduated in 1952 from Union High School. She married DONALD CLIFFORD COEN, son of ALVIN COEN and MINA CLINGERMAN. He was born in 1931 in Greene, IA (home birth). Children of BARBARA RASH and DONALD COEN are: i. MICHAEL JONATHAN11 COEN, b. 1956, Marshalltown, IA. 226. ii. VICKI DAWN COEN, b. 1957, Colorado Springs. 227. iii. SANDRA DEE COEN, b. 1959, Colorado Springs. 228. iv. TIMOTHY DEAN COEN, b. 1962, Minneapolis, MN. 98. JANICE LEE10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1934 in Union, Iowa (home birth). She married (1) CARROLL LAVERNE WALTERS May 4, 1953, son of Gail Bachman of Eldora, IA. He was born April 5, 1933 in New Providence, IA, and died April 30, 2002 in Des Moines, IA. She married (2) RICHARD DEAN THORSON May 19, 1973. He was born in 1935 in Marshalltown. Children of JANICE RASH and CARROLL WALTERS are: 229. i. CAROLYN SUE11 WALTERS, b. 1955, Eldora, IA. 230. ii. CINDY LEE WALTERS, b. 1957, Eldora, IA. 231. iii. KEVIN GILBERT WALTERS, b. 1959, Eldora, IA. 99. MARIAN JEAN10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1936 in Union, Iowa (home birth). She married RONALD EARL COEN Dec. 10, 1951 in La Porte City, Iowa, son of ALVIN COEN and MINA CLINGERMAN. He was born Nov. 27, 1933 in Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa, and died Jan. 23, 2008 in Joplin, Mo. Nickname for MARIAN JEAN RASH: Sis Obituary for RONALD EARL COEN: http://www.meaningfulfunerals.net/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=184623&fh_id=10419&s_id=8042B5E684E8128301137817EDF5475F Ronald Earl Coen, 74, of Joplin, Missouri, entered into eternal life on January 23, 2008, at home after a long illness. The son of Alvin and Mina Coen, Ron was born on November 27, 1933, in Charles City, Iowa. He was a long-time employee of Fisher Governor Company in Marshalltown, Iowa and McKinney, Texas. Ron and his wife of 56 years, Marian Jean Rash, were united in marriage on December 10, 1951 in La Porte City, Iowa. He is survived by his wife and their children, all of whom were by his side when he passed from this life. In addition to sons David (Elizabeth) of Arlington, Texas, Gary (Sally) of Bellevue, Washington, Stephen (Lottie) of Fort Worth, Texas, daughter Luanne Oldham (Paul) of Bridgeport, Texas, Ron is also survived by his brothers Dale (Lorraine) of Nora Springs, Iowa, Don (Barbara), of St. Francis, Minnesota, six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Cremation arrangements are under the direction of Parker Mortuary. Private interment will be in Shepard Cemetery in Union, Iowa. Editor’s note: William Fisher founded the Fisher Governor Co. in Marshalltown, Iowa, in 1880. He had been hired by the local water works company and one night as a fire raged through the city, he was responsible for hand throttling the steam-driven water pumps. At the end of the fire, Fisher, exhausted from hand throttling the pumps, made the decision to develop a method for automatic control of the pumps. The end result was the Type 1 constant pressure pump governor designed to automatically maintain a constant pressure in pipes carrying fluids, gases and steam. Manufacture of the device started in 1880 and in September 1884 Fisher received a patent for his invention. As of this writing in 2009, Fisher regulators (http://www.fisherregulators.com) are manufactured and marketed by Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, a division of Emerson (http://www.emerson.com). Children of MARIAN JEAN RASH and RONALD COEN are: 232. i. STEPHEN CRAIG11 COEN, b. 1952, d. 2013. 233. ii. GARY ALLEN COEN, b. 1953, Marshalltown, IA 234. 235. iii. iv. LUANNE COEN, b. 1954, Marshalltown, IA. DAVID LINN COEN, b. 1955, Marshalltown, IA. 100. SHARON ANNE10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1938 near Union, Iowa (home birth). She graduated in 1957 from Union High School. She married ROBERT “Bob” WAYNE DOE on May 29, 1960 at Peace United Church of Christ, Marshalltown, IA. He was born in 1936 in Marshalltown. Sharon graduated Union High School in 1957 and worked as a live-in nanny to a family in Des Moines before getting a job as a telephone operator at General bell telephone a year later. Eventually Sharon moved back to Marshalltown and met her husband Robert and they were married in 1960. She worked at many jobs while their four children were growing up including Marshalltown Hospital, and retired in 1996 from the Maytag Company office. Bob is the son of Wayne and Wilma (Hansen) Doe. He graduated high school from Marshalltown in 1954. He joined the Army Engineers where he took heavy equipment school until discharging in 1957. He then went to the junior college in Marshalltown and met Sharon at the YMCA’s Young Adult Club dance in 1959. They married in 1960. Bob worked at IBM in Des Moines for two years then worked at Lennox in the research department for two years. After that he ran a Phillips 66 gas station, and then a Sinclair station by the drive-in theater in Marshalltown and last bought the gas station on Highway 330 near Rhodes, which he turned into MidCountry Equipment--an auto parts, car, and equipment sales business and as of late 2014 had not officially retired yet. 152 Children of SHARON RASH and ROBERT DOE are: 236. i. DOUGLAS DWAYNE DOE, b. 1960, Marshalltown ii. MARK ROBERT DOE, b. 1961, Marshalltown, IA. 237. 238. iii. iv. CHRISTY LYNNE DOE, b. 1964, Marshalltown SCOTT WILLIAM DOE, b. 1966, Marshalltown 101. CAROL MAE10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1941 in Union, Iowa (home birth). She graduated in 1959 from Union High School. She married THOMAS PATRICK FAHEY May 27, 1961 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, son of R OBERT FAHEY and ANNA O'NEILL. He was born in 1941 in Eldora, Ia. A separate history of the Fahey family starts on page 287 and the O’Neill family on page 313. Children of CAROL RASH and THOMAS FAHEY are: 239. i. PATRICIA ANN11 FAHEY, b. 1964, Aurora, Colorado. ii. ROBERT ALLEN FAHEY, b. 1962, Seville, Spain (his father was stationed there in the Air Force); m. SUSAN JANE GRISSINGER, November 22, 2003, Overland Park, KS (Holy Cross Catholic Church); b. February 26, 1959, Kansas City, Mo. (St. Luke's Hospital); d. January 26, 2009, Overland Park, Ks (St. Luke's Hospital South). Notes for SUSAN JANE GRISSINGER: Obituary that ran in the Kansas City Star and the Joplin Globe and which, as of this writing, can still be viewed online along with photos, memories and tributes at http://www.tributes.com/suefahey: Sue Fahey, 49, Overland Park, Kansas, died the evening of Monday, January 26, 2009 at St. Luke’s South Hospital, Overland Park, Kansas. A gathering of family and friends will be held 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 29th at D. W. Newcomer’s Sons Johnson County Chapel, 11200 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, followed by a celebration of her life at 7:00 p.m. at the chapel. Graveside services will be held 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 31st at Miller Cemetery, near rural Union, Iowa. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests contributions in Sue’s name be made to the American Cancer Society, 6700 Antioch, Merriam, Kansas 66204. Fond memories and condolences for the family may be left at www.dwnewcomers.com. Susan Jane Grissinger was born February 26, 1959 to John and Julia Grissinger. She lived most of her life in Overland Park except for her time at college and teaching art classes in Alma, Kansas. She graduated from Shawnee Mission South High School, and earned a degree in Art Education from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. She worked for many years at Employers Reinsurance Co., Overland Park. She married Robert Allen Fahey on November 22, 2003 at Holy Cross Catholic Church, Overland Park. They shared a happy home, each married to their best friend, and told each other "I love you" several times a day. She was a source of support, happiness, inspiration, and love to her husband, family, and many dear friends. She is survived by her husband; her mother, Julia Grissinger, Overland Park; her brother, John Grissinger, Roeland Park; an aunt, Billie Grissinger, Colorado Springs; numerous other relatives; and her oldest and dearest friend, Andi Heiling, who had been like a sister to her since their days at college. Arrangements, D.W. Newcomer’s Sons Johnson County Chapel, 913-451-1860. Cause of Death: Lung cancer. She didn’t smoke. Nickname: Sue. Her marker at Miller Cemetery reads Sue Grissinger Fahey For more about Sue see page 333. 102. LINDA KAY10 RASH (JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1946 in Iowa City, Iowa University Hospital. She graduated in 1964 from Union High School. She married WILL MAURICE PILKINGTON May 26, 1967. Nickname: For much of his life he was Bill, then he switched to Will. Child of LINDA RASH and WILL PILKINGTON is: i. CAROL MICAH11 PILKINGTON, b. 1974. In August 2014 at the request of the editor of this book, Linda wrote the following autobiography: I was tempted to begin as Dickens did with David Copperfield: I am born. But I figured that was too far back and I would have to condense everything else that happened in my life, or eliminate it, and even for a life as uneventful, and quiet, outwardly, as mine has been, that was too much condensing and eliminating. So where do I start? What most distinguishes me from the little girl that I was, and the "woman of a certain age" (that's a euphemism for old) that I am, is that I was a very shy child. No, not very shy. I was an extremely shy child. My father had been shy, my mother was often shy, but I was painfully shy. I think that shyness is different from lack of confidence. I know that shyness made school difficult for me. But there was an upside. The "old place", that place that I can't forget, was a place of peace and joy to me. A place where I was happy. I could dream, read, and make up my own adventures. And it was there that the shy little girl, who seldom talked to other children, was shocked to find herself telling a group of neighbor kids: when I grow up I'm going to be a writer. I just blurted it out; I don't think I'd ever thought about it. But there it was, the love, and hope, the ambition that followed me, secretly, for so many years. And, that love of books, and the desire of my heart, wanting to write my own books. That desire that was so often an ache in my heart, as well. Because becoming a good writer and a successful author is difficult. At least for me. 153 And after all of these years, what has come of it? Many jobs that had nothing to do with writing. Years of waiting, and finally: one notebook for book clubs, one children's book, and one play book, to go with the Arthur Collins and the Three Wishes book. And there are the greeting cards, and a website, and unfulfilled dreams at a time of life when all of my dreams should have come true. And, I'm sure that I should have made them come true. And that is where all of the trials and adventures that I won't write here, took place. Trying to make the dreams come true. That seemed to be the goal for us each week. I bet it’s the same for many of you. But I think that is the way it is in life. All of us have impossible dreams. And we have great moments of creativity, wonderful imaginative moments. Some great moments of success. And they are so joyful. Even the hard work that comes with them. And the accomplishments are sweet. And we aren't done yet. We have some miles to go before we sleep. And, I'm not done with writing; I hope. I still like to make up adventures, and to write them when I can. And I do. And I still hope, and I dream. And you must too--whoever you are, and whatever your circumstances are as you read this, bad or good, or miserable. You must pick up your burdens, and your failures, and go on, as bravely as my mother always did. What happened to the rest of my life? A wonderful husband. Will Pilkington who I met on a blind date in 1966, and married in a small wedding in 1967. I have always wondered why they called the man who stood with the groom the "best man" --why wouldn't the bride want to marry him if he was best? But luckily, despite the other guy being called the best man, Will/Bill Pilkington, was the best man I could ever have married. I will not flatter him, or embarrass him, but even if I hadn't married him, I know that I would think of Bill as "the best man" I had ever known. And that is a kind of greatness. When we married Bill had a good job, that he liked, at United Parcel. He had chances for advancement. I had a job at the hospital, up the street, as the night switchboard operator. We were doing great. So, of course, I decided I wasn't happy and that we needed to move. And that we would find happiness in Colorado. There were reasons. It's just in looking back that we aren't sure what they were, or if the reasons were as urgent as we thought. . We moved to Colorado in 1969. We moved without jobs to go to, or a place to live. We were sure we would easily find all of that when we got there. We packed up our pretty furniture from our pretty, romantic, little apartment on church street in Marshalltown Iowa. And with the help of my sister Sharon, her husband Bob, and some other helpers that I have forgotten. We packed the U-Haul, and on a snowy, slippery, Iowa morning, we moved to Colorado where we had a total of two acquaintances. Yes, it was a mad thing to do. And we were bound to suffer for it. And we did. And we missed years with our family. I know that now, but I was a very young twenty-something at the time. And, Bill loved me and wanted me to be happy so we moved. Note that phrase: Bill loved me and wanted me happy. That happened often, and caused him a lot of worry and work. But in the end, we loved each other, and wanted each other to be happy. We weren't always happy, but the important part was that we kept trying to make each other happy. Every day, even when we were angry. And always, every morning of our lives, I've been so glad to see him. And I know that Colorado, and the adventures, and many trials, put something into my life that made writing even more important, and necessary. If you wonder what happened to the painfully shy child, I think that what usually happens is that somewhere in the forties the hormones mature, or disappear. I stopped being shy. I became strong, and determined. I hope, not one of those unpleasant, assertive women that we all dislike. But, eventually, we all have had enough aggravation from our fellow-men, and rather than developing Christian patience, we get strong. Or maybe we just become ill-tempered. Whatever it is, we change. I will try to do better. I know that I smile, and I laugh. And I love beautiful things. And that there have been some extraordinary moments. The other dream of my life was to have a child. My sisters had children quickly and without fuss, but it took me seven years to have Micah. Carol Micah Pilkington, my daughter, a wonderful writer, a very good editor, and a pretty woman. Creative, Talented, funny and strong. Capable of great charm. I am proud of her, I always have been and I always will be. May she be happy for all of her life. May she treasure her life, and treat herself and others well. May God Bless her, and all of my Rash family. God's Sweet Blessings on all of the descendants of my parents. May they be good, ethical, trustworthy people. May they love the United States, and fight to keep her free, and keep her theirs. May they never give this country away. And, may they try, really try, each day to do better. And, till the end, my love, and my memories always return to Avonelle and James D. Rash, and our beloved Iowa, family. As Dickens's said: God Bless us Everyone! 154 103. RUTH ANGELEN10 BRYANT (REBECCA PEARL9 RASH, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1938 in Marshalltown, Iowa. More About RUTH ANGELEN BRYANT: Degree: 1961, B.A. in Art, University of Minnesota Child of RUTH ANGELEN BRYANT and JAMES E. LAWSON, b. in 1937, is: 239.5. i. JENNIFER ERIN11 BRYANT, b. 1973, San Clemente, CA. 107. ALBERT W.10 GLENNEY (EARL V.9, RHETTA PRUDENCE8 RASH, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 10, 1920 in Union, IA and died July 3, 2007 at Mitchellville, IA. He married VELMA R. MILLER on Dec. 11, 1939 in Ruth Bryant, 1957, age 19 Ruth Bryant Kirksville, MO. She was born June 14, 1919, and died Sept. 9, 1998. Both are buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, Hardin County, IA. Wendell was employed as a maintenance worker with Lennox Industries for 39 years and a member of Local UAW #893. He enjoyed camping and fishing. His survivors included great great grandchildren. Children of ALBERT GLENNEY and VELMA MILLER are: i. SHARON11 GLENNEY, m. Steve Mitchell. Residence: Rockford, Michigan. ii. JOHN GLENNEY, m. Rosemary. Residence: Fairgrove, Missouri. iii. CONNIE GLENNEY, m. Mr. McFarland. Residence: Des Moines, Iowa. iv. DONALD GLENNEY, m. Rev. Lola. Residence: Bradenton, Florida. v. DAVID GLENNEY, m. Julie. Residence: Runnells, Iowa. vi. RICKY GLENNEY, m. Lisa. Residence: Humbolt. 107.5. FRANCES LOUISE10 LENNIER (FRANCES ALETA9 RASH, CLIFFORD B.8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 2, 1932 in Eldora and died June 11, 2015 in Colorado. She married DUANE R. SCHAAF Aug. 5, 1956 in her hometown of Hubbard, Ia. A graduate of the University of Northern Iowa and C.U. in Boulder, she was a career teacher and taught elementary grades in the Denver Public Schools. Children of FRANCES LENNIER and DUANE SCHAAF are: i. Dave Schaaf m. Kathi, two children. ii. Mark Allen Schaaf, b. May 31, 1962, d. Jan. 13, 2013 in South Carolina. Buried in Fort Logan National Cemerery, Denver, Co. Inscription: TSGT US Air Force - Persian Gulf Frances Louise Lennier Schaaf 108. DONALD GLENN10 THOMSON (PEARL9 RASH, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1902. He married EDITH BLACK. Child of DONALD THOMSON and EDITH BLACK is: i. DAVID HUGH11 THOMSON. 109. KENNETH EARL10 THOMSON (PEARL9 RASH, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in Jan. 19, 1913 in Gordon, Neb. and died Dec. 9, 1988 Estherville, Ia., where he resided. He married CHARLOTTE ZERFOSS Dec. 29, 1939 at Estherville, daughter of Judd Zerfoss and Fossie Webber. She was born March 23, 1915 at Superior, Dicksinson Co., Iowa and died July 18, 2010 at Spirit Lake, Dickinson Co. Excerpts from Kenneth’s obituary: He moved with his parents at an early age to Winterset where he received his education. He moved to the Superior area in 1934. He retired in 1977. He was a member of Superior United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother. He, Charlotte, daughter Mary, and Charlotte’s parents are buried in Superior Township Cemetery, Dickinson Co., Iowa. Children of KENNETH THOMSON and CHARLOTTE are: i. MARY11 K. THOMSON, b. April 2, 1950, d. Jan. 16, 2010, m. 1) Larry Wee & 2) Mr. Allen. Had a son, two daughters and grandchildren. ii. RUTH THOMSON, m. James Peterson; res: Spirit Lake. iii. iv. DOROTHY THOMSON, m. Robert Worthington; res.: Minnesota. JANET THOMSON, m. Mr. Baker; res.: Homestead, Fla. 110. DOROTHY ESTHER10 THOMSON (PEARL9 RASH, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married ALVIN “Peck” ROBY. Children of DOROTHY THOMSON and ALVIN ROBY are: i. CLARK11 WALTER ROBY, b. Jan. 16, 1944, Des Moines, Ia., d. Nov. 7, 2009, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Married Jan Hyberger June 5, 1971 in Cedar Rapids. Survived by her; a son, James (Krissy) Roby; 2 grandchildren, Jakob and Emma. 155 ii. CAROL ANN ROBY, m. Dave Solum 111. MARJORIE CLAIR10 THOMSON (PEARL9 RASH, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 29, 1917 in Winterset, Iowa and died Nov. 9, 1995 in Branson, Mo. She married DONALD R. WILSON Dec. 31, 1937 at Anamosa, Iowa. He died before 1995. She is buried at the Ozarks Memorial Park Cemetery in Branson, Mo. Children of MARJORIE THOMSON and DONALD WILSON are: i. SHARON LEE11 WILSON, m. Mr. Oliver. Residence: Branson, Mo. ii. DENNIS RAY WILSON, m. Linda. Residence: Branson, Mo. 112. VELMA10 HAVENER (GRACE9 RASH, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1912 in Nebraska. She married 1) Mr. Thompson. She married 2) DELMAR FOSTER. Children of VELMA HAVENER and DELMAR FOSTER are: i. ELMER GLENN11 FOSTER, b. 1955. ii. VELMA FOSTER, b. 1955. iii. LARRY FOSTER. 113. VIRGIL10 HAVENER (GRACE9 RASH, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1915 in Nebraska. He married (1) MARY DIVINE. He married (2) NADINE GARDNER. Child of VIRGIL HAVENER and MARY DIVINE is: i. VIRGIL LEROY11 HAVENER, b. abt 1935, Nebraska. Living with his grandparents Grace and John in 1940 census. Children of VIRGIL HAVENER and NADINE GARDNER are: ii. JERRY LEE11 HAVENER, b. 1948. iii. PATRICIA LEE HAVENER, b. 1950. iv. v. VIRGINIA LENORE HAVENER, b. 1954. JEANINE LOUISE HAVENER. 114. HAZEL WANDA10 RASH (GUY R.9, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 24, 1921 in Gordon, Nebraska and died May 6, 1993 in Sonora, Tuolumne County, Nebraska. In 1945 she married ROY H. MILLER, born in 1923. She is buried in Buena Vista Cemetery, Murphys, Calaveras County, California. Children of HAZEL RASH and ROY MILLER are: i. JUDITH ANN11 MILLER. ii. JERRY EARL MILLER. iii. iv. STEPHEN ALLEN MILLER. JACKIE LYNN MILLER. 115. DONA MAE10 RASH (GUY R.9, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 21, 1923 and died June 14, 2009. She married ERNEST “Ernie” ALBERT LUTHER. He was born Sept. 6, 1921 and died Sept. 27, 2011. They owned and operated the Beach Junction Grocery. They and daughter Patti are buried in the IOOF Cemetery, Bandon, Coos Co., Ore. Note about DONA MAE RASH: Her first name really is spelled with just one ‘n’. Children of DONA RASH and ERNEST LUTHER are: i. LYNDA JEAN11 LUTHER m. Mr. Smalley. Residence: Corvallis, Ore. ii. JAMES LEE LUTHER. iii. PATRICIA “Patti” ANN LUTHER.b. June 30, 1950, Gordon, Sheridan Co., Neb., d. July 1, 1967, Bandon, Coos Co., Ore, in an automobile accident. iv. MARY ELLEN LUTHER. v. JONI M. LUTHER. 116. LYLE10 HOWARD RASH (GUY R.9, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 11, 1927 in Nebraska and died Feb. 3, 2002 at Redmond, Oregon. In 1946 he married ROSE ELLEN GARNER , born Dec. 12, 1926 in Eli, Neb., daughter of Jesse and Clara Weatherill Garner, and died Nov. 26, 2008 of pulmonary disease in Florence, Ore. Lyle and Rose divorced. In 1973 she married Robert Walker; who died in 2002. In 2004 she married Robert G. Robinson, who survived her, along with stepdaughter Kathleen Pixley and stepson Michael Layman, and two of her three daughters with Lyle. Rose and daughter Susan are buried at Pacific Sunset Cemetery, Florence. Lyle is buried at Williamette National Cemetery, Portland, Ore. Children of LYLE RASH and ROSE GARNER are: i. JANET LEA11 RASH b. Aug. 5, 1947 in Gordon, Neb. ii. CAROL ANN RASH, m. Mr. Woods. iii. SUSAN MARIE RASH, b. Jan. 30, 1953, d. Feb. 2, 2002; m. Mr. Pinkney. 117. GRANT CURTIS10 RASH (ROY H.9, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) He married DOROTHY. Child of GRANT RASH and DOROTHY is: i. MICHAEL11 RASH. 156 118. MARGARET RUTH10 RASH (ROY H.9, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1935 in Nebraska. She married ROBERT MYFLER. Children of MARGARET RASH and ROBERT MYFLER are: i. THEREAS11 MYFLER. Info.: I'm guessing this should be Theresa ii. ROY BENJAMIN MYFLER. 119. LOUISA “Lois” CAROL10 RASH (ROSS D.9, ALVA CURTIS8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married 1)KENNETH HULL. In 1974 she married 2)FRED GEORGE HINTON, June 2, 1917 – July 22, 1988. Fred is buried in Gordon Cemetery, Gordon, Sheridan County, Neb. Children of LOUISA RASH and KENNETH HULL are: i. CADENCE D.11 (possibly Candence or Candice) HULL. ii. PATRICIA HULL. 120. EDGAR E.10 HINSHAW (MAUDE9 RASH, COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 25, 1919 in Iowa and died Oct 24, 1979. He married Verna M. Jutting Jan. 20, 1940, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ubbe Jutting of Ackley, Iowa. She was born in 1920. Residence: Marshalltown, Iowa. Edgar and Verna are buried in New Providence Cemetery, Providence Twp, Hardin County, IA Children of EDGAR E. HINSHAW and VERNA JUTTING are: i. FORREST11 HINSHAW, m. MARCIA RICHARDS. ii. Roger Hinshaw iii. Viki Lavonn Hinshaw, b. July 25, 1949. 121. EVELYN10 F. HINSHAW (MAUDE9 RASH, COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1), born Dec. 21, 1912 in Iowa and died April 1, 1989. She married W ALLACE H. CHANCE, born Aug. 17, 1912 and died Sept. 13, 1997. Evelyn and Wallace are buried in New Providence Cemetery, Providence Twp, Hardin Cty, IA Children of EVELYN HINSHAW and WALLACE CHANCE are: i. RUTH11 CHANCE, b. abt 1939. ii. RICHARD CHANCE. 242. iii. JOAN CHANCE, b. 1933, d. 1992. 122. MARY AGNES10 HINSHAW (MAUDE9 RASH, COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 28, 1916 in Honey Creek, Providence Township, Iowa and died Jan. 20, 1993. She married (1) LLOYD HUEN Nov. 23, 1936 in the Little Brown Church, Nashua, Chickasaw County, Iowa. On Dec. 8, 1947 she married (2) LORENZO “Larry” ALVA SNOW, son of John Alva Snow and Ella Harvey. He was born June 15, 1901 in Madison Township, Buchanan County, Iowa, and died of a heart ailment Oct. 6, 1959 in Eldora. Larry owned and operated Snow's Snack Bar in Eldora. Mary and Larry are buried in New Providence Cemetery, Providence Twp, Hardin Cty, IA. Children of MARY AGNES HINSHAW and LARRY SNOW are: 243. i. HELEN MAE11 SNOW (Huen?), b. February 1, 1938; d. February 15, 1995; m. Wayne Rieks. ii. LaVonne Sue Snow, b. June 14, 1952. 123. CECIL ADELBERT10 SWAIM (HATTIE DELL9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1917 and died Dec. 5, 2000. On Nov. 27, 1938 in Marshalltown, Ia, he married ANNA GRACE TUPP, daughter of Walter Charles and Flossie Fay (Armstrong) Tupp. She was born Sept. 7, 1916 in Union, Ia. and died April 29, 2008 in Iowa Falls. They farmed in rural Hubbard and Eldora. They also lived in Madison, Mo., and near Owasa. They retired from farming in 1978 and moved to Eldora. Cecil and Grace are buried in Sheppard Cemetery, Hardin Co., Ia. Children of CECIL SWAIM and GRACE TUPP are: i. JOYCE11 SWAIM, b. 1940, m. Bob Pearce, had 4 children, res. Iowa Falls. ii. RUTH E. SWAIM, b. April 24, 1942, d. Feb. 22, 2005, m. Dennis J. Tidman, b. July 15, 1940, d. March 20, 2010; had 5 children, res. Eldora. Ruth and Dennis are buried in Union Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Iowa. iii. LOIS SWAIM, b. 1944, m. James Tidman, b. March 15, 1942, d. Sept. 19, 2013. Had 2 children, res. Steamboat Rock. James is buried in Union Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Iowa. His brother Dennis m. Lois’ sister Ruth. iv. JERRY SWAIM, b. 1948, had 2 children, res. Clive. 157 124. CLAUDE LAVAUNE10 SHULTZ (ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 29, 1904 and died July 5, 1950. He married RUTH ALYCE GOODWIN Feb. 29, 1928. She was born Sept. 30, 1909, and died Jan. 2, 1970. They are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Rockford, Ill. Children of CLAUDE SHULTZ and RUTH GOODWIN are: 244. i. HARRIET RUTH11 SHULTZ, b. 1929. 245. ii. JAMES ERNEST SHULTZ, b. Feb. 14, 1930, d. Sept. 19, 2011. 246. 247. 248. iii. iv. v. BERYL FRANCES SHULTZ, b. 1932. DAVID NOEL SHULTZ, b. 1944. THOMAS LEON SHULTZ, b. 1946. 125. THELMA10 SHULTZ (ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1906. She married HAROLD BASIL NOAH July 10, 1926, son of George Henry and Blanche Tibitts Noah. Harold was born in 1904. Children of THELMA SHULTZ and HAROLD NOAH are: 249. i. DONALD HAROLD11 NOAH, b. 1927. 250. ii. MARVELLE MARIE NOAH, b. 1929. 251. 252. iii. iv. BETTY MAE NOAH, b. March 13, 1931. BEVERLY JEANNE NOAH, b. 1932. 126. MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ (ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 9, 1910, in Tacoma, Wash. and died Nov. 25, 1991 at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Minn. She married BERT FIELD Aug. 28, 1927 near Nora Springs, Ia. He was born May 26, 1909, in Magnolia, Ill., to Hallie (Hall) and Nomen Field Sr. and died Jan. 2, 2004 at his home in Rudd, Ia. Mildred & Bert, son Jim & daughters Marilyn and Mary Ann are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Rockford, Floyd Co., Ia. Children of MILDRED SHULTZ and BERT FIELD are: 253. i. JAMES “Jim” BART11 FIELD, b. 1928, d. 1985. 254. ii. MARGERY DARLENE FIELD, b. 1930. 255. iii. KAROL KAY FIELD, b. 1938. 256. iv. v. vi. DENNIS EUGENE FIELD, b. 1940. Marilyn Louise Field, b. 1936, d. 1937. Mary Ann Field, b. 1942, d. 1944. 127. LOIS IRENE10 SHULTZ (ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1912 in Iowa and died Jan. 31, 1985. She married WILLIAM FRANCIS EHLERS May 30, 1930, son of John Ehlers and Mary Pruka. He was born Jan. 30, 1909 at Neillsville, Clark County, Wisc., and died Sept. 29, 1971 at Neillsville. He is buried in the Neillsville City Cemetery. Children of LOIS SHULTZ and WILLIAM EHLERS are: 257. i. ROBERT LAWRENCE11 EHLERS, b. 1931. 258. ii. JANICE MARIE EHLERS, b. 1936. 259. iii. JUDITH ANN EHLERS, b. 1941. 128. ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ (ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1914. She married LEE W. KAPFER November 23, 1929. He was born in 1911. William Ehlers Children of ELSIE SHULTZ and LEE KAPFER are: 260. i. WILBERT “Bill” LEROY11 KAPFER, b. 1930. 261. ii. BOBBY LEE KAPFER, b. April 28, 1933, d. March 16, 2011 262. iii. RICHARD LAVAUNE KAPFER, b. 1935. iv. LLOYD FRANCIS KAPFER, b. February 10, 1936; d. March 26, 1936. 263. v. MICHAEL TERRY KAPFER, b. 1945. 129. MARGARET FERN10 SHULTZ (ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born was born Oct. 9, 1921 and died in 1983. She married HARLEY KENNETH HANBY Dec. 6, 1948. He was born July 12, 1920 & died Aug. 9, 1991. Both are buried in Brookside Cemetery, Milston, Jackson Co, Wisc. Children of MARGARET SHULTZ and HARLEY HANBY are: 264. i. VICKIE LYNN11 HANBY, b. July 15, 1952. ii. RANDY ROSS HANBY, b. January 4, 1954. iii. KATHERINE MARGARET HANBY, b. October 27, 1958. 130. FLORENCE IVADELL AGNES10 SMITH (NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1909 and died after 1968. She married EVERETT SQUIRES May 1, 1934. He was born in 1910. They lived in Greene, Ia. Children of FLORENCE SMITH and EVERETT SQUIRES are: 265. i. NANCY ANN11 SQUIRES, b. Nov. 14, 1937. 267. 158 iii. MICHAEL WILLIAM SQUIRES, b. 1945. 266. ii. MARY LOU SQUIRES, b. 1942. 268. iv. JOSEPH JOHN SQUIRES, b. 1946. 131. BLANCHE ISOLA10 SMITH (NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 19, 1912, and died Jan. 30, 1958 in Iowa. She married JAY EDGAR SWEET Aug. 13, 1934, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Easterday of Nora Springs, Iowa. He was born April 21, 1910, and died Nov. 27, 1971. Excerpts from her obituary in the Waterloo Daily Courier, Sunday, Feb. 2, 1958: CHARLES CITY —Mrs. Blanche Isola Sweet, 45, died late Thursday afternoon en route by ambulance to the Cedar Valley hospital; Floyd County Coroner W. C. Baltzcll and her attending physician attributed death to acute pulmonary edema; burial in Pleasant Grove cemetery near Powersville (same cemetery as her parents); survivors include her husband, three daughters; Mrs. Donald Dobbs, Santa Monica, Calif.; Mrs. Ulysses Garber, Nora Springs; Ruth Ella at home; two grandchildren; one brother, John Smith, serving with the Navy in the Philllpines; one sister, Mrs. Everett Squires, Greene, and one half brother, Clarence Rash (see page 133), Rock Island, Ill. Children of BLANCHE SMITH and JAY SWEET are: i. NINA KATHERINE11 SWEET, m. DONALD DOBBS, had son Charles Jay Dobbs. 269. ii. LORETTA MAE SWEET, b. 1937, d. 1995, m. Ulysses Garber. iii. RUTH ELLA SWEET, m. SAMUEL BANKSTON. 132. JOHN JUNIOR10 SMITH (NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in Feb. 18, 1923 in Greene, Iowa and died Feb. 26, 2014 in Lewiston, Maine. He married 1) BETTY RIDLEY in March 1945. She was born in 1922 and died before him. He married 2) Dorothy Belanger, who survived him. He served his country for more than 20 years during World War II, Korea and Vietnam, retiring as lieutenant commander. John and his son Steve both served on the USS Hornet, John in WWII and Steve in Vietnam. After his service, John went to the University of Maine, Orono, and received his bachelor's degree in education. He was a science teacher at Livermore Falls High school for many years until his retirement. John's passion was flying his Cessna 150 his "square tail" airplane. He was buried with full military honors in the Maine Veterans' Memorial Cemetery, Civic Center Drive, Augusta. Child of JOHN SMITH and BETTY RIDLEY is: i. STEPHEN11 “Steve” ROGER SMITH, 1946-1996, m. Laurel Pray, 1951-2012. They are buried in National Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Manicopa Co., Az. Survived by daughter Nicole Smith and son Christopher Smith (wife Eva). 133. LYLE10 RASH (ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 17, 1904 at Renwick, Humboldt Co., Iowa and died March 2, 1962 in Los Angeles, Calif. He is buried in Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Calif. He married (1) SELMA VIOLA GRAFF Nov. 21, 1925 at Nevada, Story Co., Iowa. She was born April 11, 1904 to Christian and Rosa (Hallbauer) Graff and died Sept. 24 1983. The 1940 census shows Lyle and family living in Popejoy, Franklin Co, Iowa. News stories about their children’s weddings show Lyle living in California and Selma in Iowa. He married (2) MARTHA W. RUSSELL Sept. 12, 1946. Selma, her parents and son Ronald are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Popejoy. Children of LYLE RASH and SELMA GRAFF are: i. RONALD RASH, b. abt 1928, d. Jan. 15, 1947 270. ii. NORMA JEAN RASH., b. May 13, 1929, d. Dec. 26, 2003 271. iii. ALLAN RASH, b. Nov. 29, 1932, d. June 12, 2002 272. iv. NANCY LEE RASH, b. abt 1935 273. v. VIRGINIA RASH, b. May 8, 1936, d. July 17, 1965. 274. vi. SANDRA LAURENE RASH, b. abt 1939 vii. WILLIAM RASH, m. Sandy. Lyle Rash 134. ALTA GAIL10 SHULTZ (LINK ERNEST9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 26, 1915 (Thanksgiving Day) in Union, Ia. and died Sept. 8, 2001 in Davenport, Ia. She married CARL HOWARD SWANSON June 22, 1940, son of Carl E. and Mabel (Ahlene) Swanson. He was born March 11, 1915 in Moline, Ill. and died May 23, 2003 in Davenport. Both are buried in Davenport Memorial Park, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa Excerpts from their obituaries in the Quad-City Times (Davenport, IA): Before her marriage, Alta was employed at J.C. Penney Co. Inc., Davenport. After her marriage, she was a full-time mother and homemaker. She enjoyed sewing, playing cards, her family and home and preparing food that came from her garden. Howard was quarry superintendent at the Martin-Marietta Co. of Buffalo, Iowa, retiring in January 1978 after 44 years of service. He was a former member of Trinity Masonic Lodge and the Mohassan Grotto, both of Davenport. In addition, he was a former member and board member of the Blue Grass Community Club. Among the things he enjoyed were farming, mechanics and gardening. He loved to play cards with his friends and treasured the times spent with his beloved family. Children of ALTA SHULTZ and CARL SWANSON are: 275. i. GARY ALLEN11 SWANSON, b. 1943. 276. ii. BONNIE LEE SWANSON, b. 1945, m. Jim Walker, Wilton, Ia. 277. iii. GENE HOWARD SWANSON, b. 1947. 159 iv. GLEN EARL SWANSON, b. 1951; m. KATHLEEN TERESA MCHUGH Sept. 28, 1974; b. 1953. 135. NANCY MILLER10 THOMPSON (CLINTON WALLACE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1929 in Colorado City, Mitchell, Texas. She married DR. RAY DONALD SMITH October 11, 1952 in Forth Worth, Tarrant, Texas. He was born in 1927 in Sweetwater, Nolan, Texas. More About NANCY MILLER THOMPSON: Author of The Norwegian and American Ancestry of Mamie Clarice Miller Thompson 1545-1982. Avonelle Higgason Rash enjoyed corresponding with her via mail about genealogy. Children of NANCY THOMPSON and RAY SMITH are: i. RAY DONALD11 SMITH. ii. KIMBERLY SMITH. 136. SIBYL JEAN10 THOMPSON (CLINTON WALLACE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 4, 1915 in Grundy Center, Grundy, Iowa and died Nov. 7, 1992 in Travis, Texas. She married 1) John McCormack, who died in 1934, and 2) VERNON A.J. WHITTINGTON, born Dec. 13, 1904, died July 31, 1978. Children of SIBYL THOMPSON and V.A. WHITTINGTON are: i. MARLYN JOICE11 WHITTINGTON. ii. SARA ELLEN WHITTINGTON. 137. HELEN GENEVIEVE10 THOMPSON (CLINTON WALLACE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was July 19, 1917 in Grundy Center, Grundy Co., Iowa and died July 8, 2006 in Boerne, TX. She married B. ELVIS MCGRARY July 24, 1935. He died bef. 2006. Excerpts from obituary at http://www.vaughanfuneralhome.com/Default.aspx?&tabid=1118&obitid=187 Helen Thompson McCrary, 88, passed away on Saturday, July 8, 2006 at the Town and Country Manor Care Facility in Boerne, Texas. Helen was born on July 19, 1917 at Grundy Center, Iowa. Her parents were Clinton W. and Mamie Miller Thompson. She moved with her family to West Texas in the 1920's. She graduated from Big Spring High School. Helen Thompson McGrary She married B. Elvis McCrary on July 24, 1935. She was an active participant in all the activities of her four children. As a member of the First Presbyterian Church for over sixty years, she was a Sunday School teacher and served as an officer in various women groups. In the community she was active in several organizations, especially the Parent Teachers' Association. She excelled in playing bridge in which she became a Life Master in duplicate bridge. Later in life she enjoyed working on her genealogy and was accepted into memberships of the Mayflower Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonial Dames, and Iowa Pioneers. Children of HELEN THOMPSON and B. ELVIS MCGRARY are: i. ii. JAMES C. MCGRARY, m. Sue. Residence, Boerne, Texas. BENJAMIN RICHARD MCGRARY, m. Judy. Residence, Odessa, Texas. iii. iv. DANIEL THOMPSON MCGRARY, died bef. 2006, m. Jan. KELLEY A. MCGRARY, m. Shain Howard. Residence: Big Spring, Texas. 138. RICHARD WALLACE10 THOMPSON (CLINTON WALLACE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1920 in Grundy Center, Grundy, Iowa and died bef. 2006. He married BARBARA JANE WEDELL. Children of RICHARD THOMPSON and BARBARA WEDELL are: i. BARBARA SUSAN11 THOMPSON. ii. RICHARD WEDELL THOMPSON. iii. LYNN D. THOMPSON. 139. RUTH JANE10 THOMPSON (CLINTON WALLACE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1922 in Baird, Callahan, Texas. She married I.B. HARTZOG. Children of RUTH THOMPSON and I.B. HARTZOG are: i. IRA11 HARTZOG. ii. CLARICE BENTLY HARTZOG. iii. iv. BETTY RUTH HARTZOG. NANCY AMY HARTZOG. 140. JAMES LEWIS10 THOMPSON (CARL9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 15, 1917 and died May 3, 2003. He married GENEVIEVE BAUMAN. James, his brother and their parents are buried in Clayton Township Cemetery, Benson, Woodford Co., Ill. Children of JAMES THOMPSON and GENEVIEVE BAUMAN are: i. CONNIE11 THOMPSON. ii. BONNIE THOMPSON. iii. JAMES THOMPSON. 160 141. RODNEY V.10 THOMPSON (CARL9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 22, 1922 and died March 8, 2013. He married RUTH FORD Nov. 30, 1946, in Yuma, Ariz. She and their children survived him, as did four grandchildren, Rebekah (Shawn) Hayes, Joshua (fiance, Phyllis Arista) Thompson, Christin (Stephen) O’Bryan and Cathryn Pratt; and one great-granddaughter, Abigail Marie Hayes. Rodney, his brother and their parents are buried in Clayton Township Cemetery, Benson, Woodford Co., Ill. Excerpts from his obituary in the Peoria (Illinois) Journal Star on March 10, 2013: An Army veteran, Rodney served his country in the Army Air Corps during World War II. He was stationed in Pearl Harbor at Wheeler Field in Oahu when the Japanese attacked. During the war he served as sergeant in the 431st Fighter Squadron in the Asiatic Pacific Theater. He served from Oct. 28, 1940, to Oct. 26, 1944, ending his service in New Guinea. Rodney worked for Farmer’s State Bank in Benson for 25 years. Children of RODNEY THOMPSON and RUTH FORD are: i. CYNTHIA11 THOMPSON, m. James Pratt. ii. STEPHEN THOMPSON, m. Teresa. iii. Rodney Thompson KEVIN THOMPSON 142. BLAKE C.10 THOMPSON (CLARENCE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1923 in Iowa. He married FRANCES DAUDIN. Children of BLAKE THOMPSON and FRANCES DAUDIN are: i. SUSAN11 THOMPSON. iii. CRAIG THOMPSON. ii. CLINTON THOMPSON. 143. ROBERT10 E. THOMPSON (CLARENCE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 25, 1924 in Iowa and died Oct. 7, 2001. On Nov. 10, 1949 at Las Cruces, NM, he married M ARGARET Z. KYLES, born Oct. 1, 1928 at Rockwell City, Iowa, died May 25, 2009 at Lake City, Iowa. They are buried in Lake Creek Cemetery, Calhoun County, Iowa. Excerpts from Margaret's obituary: She graduated from Rockwell City High School, with the Class of 1946. She then attended Briar Cliff College for two years. The couple established their home on a farm southwest of Rockwell City. They also operated a furniture restoration service. She was a member of St. Francis Catholic Church, and the Calhoun Co. Historical Society. Margaret is survived by her children; 10 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; sister, Patricia Jackson of Alameda, CA; and brother, Frank (Ellen) Kyles of Lena, IL. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents, Joseph Shelby and Elda M. Powers Kyles; brother-in-law Taylor Jackson; and son-in-law Daniel Burds. Children of ROBERT THOMPSON and MARGARET KYLES are: i. THERESA11 THOMPSON, m. Mr. Burds, residence Waterloo, Iowa. ii. RONALD THOMPSON, m. Marilyn, residence Rockwell City. iii. JULIE THOMPSON, m. Marvin Turpen, residence Eldora, Iowa. iv. GARY THOMPSON, residence Pomeroy. v. MICHAEL THOMPSON, residence Rockwell City. 144. WESTON10 THOMPSON (CLARENCE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 23, 1931 in South Dakota. On June 30, 1953 he married MARY KATHRYN HEIDEMAN, born July 4, 1934, daughter of Rockwell City, Margaret Kyles Thompson Iowa state senator Henry Heideman and Lillian Robinson. As of this writing they are both living but they have a prearranged marker in place at Lake Creek Cemetery, Calhoun County, Iowa. Mary’s parents are buried there. Children of WESTON THOMPSON and MARY HEIDEMAN are: i. CAROL11 THOMPSON, m. NORMAN ROORDA. ii. SHIRLEY THOMPSON. iii. DAVID WESTON THOMPSON. iv. KATHY ANN THOMPSON, m. Mr. Bennett, became Calhoun County Iowa Recorder. 145. ALEENE10 THOMPSON (CLARENCE9, FLORA ANN8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 5, 1937. On Oct. 2, at Vermillion, S.D.1954 she married MAYNARD MAGUIRE, son of Thomas and Ada Mae Gabriel Maguire; b. Oct. 26, 1934 in Garfield Township, west of Rockwell City, Iowa, and died Jan. 1, 2008 at Mercy Medical Center in Mason City, Iowa. Maynard worked for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service for 40 years. Some of his responsibilities were to assist in planning and design of area windbreaks throughout Calhoun County. He is buried in Rosehill Cemetery, Rockwell City, Calhoun Co., Iowa. Children of ALEENE THOMPSON and MAYNARD MAGUIRE are: i. Allan Maguire, m. Cathy. Residence: Farmington, Minn. ii. Linette Maguire, m. Darwin Meinders. Res: Rockwell. 161 iii. Brent Maguire, m. Shelly. Residence: Rockwell City. iv. Jay Maguire, m. Jana. Residence: Rockwell City. 146. NEIL10 MOLL (CORRINE9 RASH, BENJAMIN JESSE8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 23, 1924 in Iowa and died Dec. 7, 1981. He married GERTRUDE POLASKI. He is buried in the Iowa Veterans Home Cemetery, Marshalltown. Children of NEIL MOLL and GERTRUDE POLASKI are: i. LINDA KAY11 MOLL. ii. GARY ALLEN MOLL. 147. JUANITA MAY10 MOLL (CORRINE9 RASH, BENJAMIN JESSE8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1925 in Iowa. She married WILLIAM C. STIPANOVICH, born April 29, 1926, died Feb.4, 1991. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa. His marker reads AMM3 U.S. Navy, World War II. Children of JUANITA MOLL and WILLIAM STIPANOVICH are: i. BETTY LOU11 STIPANOVICH. ii. DAVID LEE STIPANOVICH. iii. LAURA ANN STIPANOVICH. iv. KAREN MAE STIPANOVICH. 148. MARGARET10 RUTH MOLL (CORRINE9 RASH, BENJAMIN JESSE8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 10, 1930 in New Prague, Minnesota and died Jan. 15, 2007 in Marshalltown, Iowa. She was raised and educated in Minnesota and moved to Marshalltown, Iowa at the age of thirteen. On Sept. 25, 1952 in Marshalltown she married J ERRY WAYNE WAGNER. He died in February 1968. She is buried in Riverside Cemetry, Marshalltown. Child of MARGARET MOLL and JERRY WAGNER is: i. TERRY (possibly JERRY) JAY11 WAGNER. 149. PORTIA10 BURDETTE (SADIE MAE9 HILLER, EMMA ROSALIE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) Children of PORTIA BURDETTE are: i. PATRICIA11 BURDETTE. iii. JUDY BURDETTE. ii. CAROL BURDETTE. Margaret Moll Wagner 150. ARTHUR10 BURDETTE (SADIE MAE9 HILLER, EMMA ROSALIE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) Children of ARTHUR BURDETTE are: i. JOAN11 BURDETTE. ii. JANET BURDETTE. 151. LUCILLE MARIE10 WILLIAMS (EFFIE LILLIAN9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1909 and died in 1983. She married IRWIN “Everett” SEWARD, born April 26, 1905 in New Providence, Ia., son of Ira “Eddy” Seward and Amanda Viola Beach. They are buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Hardin Co., Ia. Child of LUCILLE WILLIAMS and EVERETT SEWARD is: 278. i. MARGARET ANN11 SEWARD. Everett Seward 152. CLYDE SOLON10 WILLIAMS (EFFIE LILLIAN9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, 6 5 4 3 2 1 ROBERT , ASA , DANIEL , JOHN , JOSEPH , THOMAS ) was born Sept. 24, 1911, in Hardin County, Iowa and died March 19, 1997, in Mesa, Ariz. On Feb. 8, 1935, in Rock Island, he married DORIS STEWART, daughter of George and Mabel Horgan Stewart, both descendants of Marshall Co. Iowa pioneer families. He was manager at the Shell Service Station at 4th and Wilkes, Davenport, for 13 years. He was then employed at the Rock Island Arsenal until his retirement in 1977. Surivivors included his wife; sons, Keith S. and Kent C. Williams, both of Davenport; seven grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a half-brother, Dallas Williams, New Providence, Iowa. He is buried in Davenport Memorial Park, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. Children of CLYDE WILLIAMS and DORIS STEWART are: i. KEITH11 S. WILLIAMS. ii. KENT C. WILLIAMS, m. CAROL. 162 153. DALLAS MASON10 WILLIAMS (LAURA ELLEN9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1928 in Iowa. On April 17, 1949 in Conrad, Ia. he married DARLENE WALTER, born April 17, 1928, daughter of Paul Marshall Walter & Mary Louise Brindle Walter of Union. Dallas and Darlene both graduated from high school in 1945 in Union. From a 1996 biography of Darlene at http://www.las.iastate.edu/plaza/one_name.php?id=1741#: They lived on his home farm in rural Union Marshall County Iowa until moving to her family farm where they now live in Providence Township, Hardin County Iowa and farm in Hardin and Marshall County. It is a livestock and grain farm where all members of the family helped in the farming operation while living at home. She has lived in Providence township most of her life. Darlene grew up in the Chester Community between Union and New Providence, Iowa. Children of DALLAS WILLIAMS and DARLENE WALTER are: i. CYNTHIA ELLEN11 WILLIAMS m. Howard Lindaman (ISU ‘71). ii. MARVIN DALLAS WILLIAMS (ISU ‘75) m. Rosemary Arrowsmith (NWMSU ’72) iii. MARK WILLIAMS (ISU ‘80) m. Deborah Bowling (Kilgore College). iv. MARY CAROLE WILLIAMS (ISU ‘86) m. Scott Cook (ISU ‘86). Darlene Walter Williams 154. LARRY10 R. ROWEN (LENA MAY9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 13, 1932. He married 1) KAY McGLOUGHLIN in 1955. He married 2) LAVERNE MURRAY Jan. 5, 1974. They reside in Sherman, Texas. Children of LARRY ROWEN and KAY McGLOUGHLIN are: i. STEPHEN LEE11 ROWEN, b. April 4, 1956. ii. JIM ROWEN, b. March 31, 1958 iii. SHEILA ROWEN, b. March 29, 1965. May 24, 2014 - Larry Rowen with wife Laverne Murray Rowen, left, and sister Marjory Rowen Neymeyer, right. Information about Marjory and another photo of her on page 144. 155. PEGGY ANN10 ROWEN (LENA MAY9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 26, 1934. On Jan. 2, 1955 she married CARROLL DEAN “Louie” DICKENSON in Union, Hardin Co., IA. He was born Dec. 20, 1934, son of Basil Otto Dickenson and Ella Avonelle Palmby, and died July 1, 1981 in Rochester, Olmsted Co., MN. He is buried in Eldora Cemetery, Hardin Co. Peggy graduated from Union High School in 1952 and Carroll in 1953. Peggy disappeared on Memorial Day in 2001; she was last seen when her brother Larry dropped her off at the nursing home where she lived. Children of PEGGY ROWEN and CARROLL DICKENSON are: 163 i. ii. iii. Kevin Dean11 Dickenson, b. 1956. Kristie Dickenson, b. Sept. 1958 Kent Dickenson 155.5. RUTH10 CAROL ROWEN (LENA MAY9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 22, 1939. She married RICHARD MATNEY in 1957. Residence: Marshalltown. Children of RUTH ROWEN and RICHARD MATNEY are: i. LORI11 MATNEY, b. 1958. ii. RICK MATNEY, b. September 1961. 156. RALPH10 R. SMITH (INEZ9 SWAIM, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1919 in Iowa. He married VIVIAN WENTWORTH. Children of RALPH SMITH and VIVIAN WENTWORTH are: i. WANDA11 SMITH. ii. NOREEN SMITH. 157. ROBERT10 EARL SMITH (INEZ9 SWAIM, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 15, 1928 in Clarke Co., Iowa. He married MARTHA ANN BROWNING Jan. 9, 1956. She was born Dec. 31, 1931 in Kirksville, Adair Co., Mo. Child of ROBERT SMITH and MARTHA BROWNING is: i. STEVEN11 ELVIEW SMITH, b. Sept. 19, 1956 in Creston, Ia., m. SHARON KAY TOWNSEND, b. April 28, 1956. 158. MORRIS10 GLEN SMITH (INEZ9 SWAIM, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1930. He married DOROTHY RAEDER, possibly Roeder. Child of MORRIS SMITH and DOROTHY RAEDER is: i. TIMOTHY11 SMITH. 159. WALTER10 LLOYD SWAIM (PAUL9, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 6, 1926 and died Sept. 5, 2002. He married BERNICE F. DAVIS in May 1948 at Mexico, Mo., daughter of Robert W. & Amelia Haiducek Davis of Benton City, Mo. Children of WALTER SWAIM and BERNICE DAVIS are: i. DONNA11 SUE SWAIM, m. Dale Isgrig, had three children. ii. KENNETH MICHAEL SWAIM, m. Vickie Henderson, had one child. iii. MARY ANN SWAIM, m. Steve Wilson, had two children. iv. STEPHEN GERALD SWAIM, m. Lynda Love, had one child. v. vi. vii. ROBERT PAUL SWAIM, d. 1995. JOHN FRANCIS SWAIM. REBECCA SWAIM. 160. WILLARD10 MANCIL “Shorty” SWAIM (PAUL9, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 21, 1928, in Afton, Iowa and died July 30, 2012 at Golden Living Center in Wellsville, Mo. On Aug. 25, 1951, in Martinsburg, Mo. he married DONNA IRENE PEARL. He is buried in Swaim Cemetery, Martinsburg,. Excerpts from obituary of Willard Swaim: Navy, entering on Feb. 28,1946 and being honorably discharged on Sept. 16, 1949. He reenlisted on Sept. 3, 1953 and served until being honorably discharged on Aug. 30, 1957. He was a member of Martinsburg Community Church and the American Legion Post 552. Shorty had owned and operated Shorty's Auto Sales in Martinsburg. Through the years, he sold cars at various dealerships in the surrounding area. Shorty had also worked at the soybean mill in Mexico for several years. Many people didn't know it but Shorty was a poet and had written numerous poems throughout the years. Shorty is survived by his devoted wife of over 60 years, Donna Swaim, of the home in Martinsburg; children and their spouses, Donald Lloyd “Don” and Susan Swaim, William Joseph “Joe” and Barb Swaim, Linda Louise Sheehan and Willard Mancil “Bill” Jr. and Karen Swaim, all of Martinsburg. Children of WILLIARD SWAIM and DONNA PEARL are: i. DONALD LLOYD11 SWAIM, m. Susan. ii. WILLIAM JOSEPH SWAIM, m. Barb. iii. iv. 164 Willard Swaim LINDA LOUISE SWAIM, m. Mr. Sheehan. WILLARD “Bill” MANCIL SWAIM JR., m. Karen. 161. LOWELL10 DENNIS LAMB (PEARL9 SWAIM, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 14, 1934 in Iowa and died March 11, 1975 at Wichita, Kansas. On Dec. 30, 1953 at Fontenelle, Iowa he married JERRI JEAN BENSON, born Sept. 14, 1936, died Jan. 27, 2008. They are buried in Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Inscription on his marker: MSGT, U.S. Air Force, Korea, Vietnam. Children of LOWELL LAMB and JERRI BENSON are: i. DELORES11 LAMB. ii. DONNA LAMB. iii. JERRY LAMB. iv. v. vi. JAMES “JIMMY” LAMB. KATHY LAMB. CONNIE LAMB. 162. BERNICE10 SWAIM (WAYNE9, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married CLAIR MULESBY. Children of BERNICE SWAIM and CLAIR MULESBY are: i. BUDDY11 MULESBY. ii. JERRY LEE MULESBY. 163. NORMA10 CAROL LAMB (LILLIAN9 SWAIM, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1931. She married GLENN HARVEY THOMPSON, born March 27, 1930 in Beaver City, Neb. to Harvey and Ruby Manley Thompson, and died May 27, 2004 at Afton, Iowa. They married June 5, 1949, in the Evangelical Church at Afton. They settled near Talmage, farming in Talmage and Afton area. In 1959, they moved to Thayer and owned and operated the Hilltop Service Station and Cafe. They also operated Thompson Trucking service, and he continued working as a mechanic and in radiator repair, retired in 1987. Glenn is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery, Afton. Glenn was survived by Norma, five children, 14 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. They had two sons who died in infancy. Children of NORMA LAMB and GLENN THOMPSON are: i. GLENDA11 CAROL THOMPSON, b. 1950, m. Kermit Davidson, residence Creston. ii. RHONDA KAY THOMPSON, b. 1958, m. Richard Denton, residence Bella Vista, Ark. iii. BRENDA JOANN THOMPSON, b. 1960, m. Mr. Thaden, residence Greenfield. iv. DONNA JEAN THOMPSON, b. 1964, m. Mitch Ramsey, residence Osceola. v. GLENN HARVEY THOMPSON Jr., b. 1955, m. Rose Marie Holback, residence Norwalk. 164. DALE10 CLINTON LAMB (LILLIAN9 SWAIM, BERTHA JANE8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 29, 1933 in Madison Township in Clark County, Iowa, and died Aug. 16, 2013. He married FERN HANSON. Excerpt from his obituary: He is survived by his loving wife of 59 years Fern Lamb, and… step daughter Linda (Dave) Seagren, his sisters Norma Thompson, Faye Leeps, Shirley (Melvin) Allison and his brother Don (Mary) Lamb, 13 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, and 1 great great grandchild. Dale worked and lived most of his life in Iowa, spending 24 years at Oscar Mayer in Perry. He moved to Cottonwood, Arizona to be near his brother and enjoy the drier climate a few years ago. Children of DALE LAMB and FERN HANSON are: iv. MARCIA LAMB, m. Doug Devilbiss. i. JOY11 LAMB, m. Dean Chevalier. v. VICTOR LAMB. ii. ROY DEAN LAMB, d. bef. 2013 vi. MELANIE LAMB. iii. DIANA LAMB, m. Mr. Johnson. Dale Clinton Lamb 165. ELMA10 MAUREEN RASH (LEONARD JAMES9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 15, 1914 at Union, Iowa and died Aug. 29, 1981 at Pontiac, Livingston Co., Ill. In 1930 she married RICHARD E. WAGNER, born May 10, 1891 at Union, died Sept. 26, 1966. They are buried in Memorial Park Cemetery, Pontiac. Excerpts from a story in the Pantagraph newspaper, Bloomington, Ill., Sunday, Aug. 30, 1981, Page 3: A 65-year-old Pontiac woman was killed at 5:15 a.m. Saturday when she was struck by a 24-car Illinois Central Gulf Railroad piggyback freight train. Elma Wagner, a resident of Livingston Manor, was killed by the northbound train on the tracks across from the nursing home. Officials said the train was traveling between 50 and 60 mph. Harry Pryor, Bloomington, the train's engineer, told state police he saw an object lying on the tracks. He said he blew the whistle and attempted to stop when he realized the object was a person, but was unable to avoid hitting Mrs. Wagner. She was born Dec. 15, 1917, in Union, Iowa, a daughter of Leonard and Ruth Clinkenbeard Rash. She married Richard Wagner. He died Nov. 10, 1966. Surviving are a son, Lynn, Graymont; her mother, of Evansdale, Iowa; a brother, Leo Rash, Liberty, Mo.; and two sisters, Ina Mae Sparks, Clemmons, Iowa, and Lois, Waterloo, Iowa. She was a member of Central Christian Church. She was a switchboard operator at Evenglow Lodge from 1968-1972, then was switchboard operator at Pontiac Correctional Center from 197678. Nursing home officials would not comment on how she got onto the tracks. The nursing home, two miles south of Pontiac, is across Old U.S. 66 from the railroad tracks. Livingston County Coroner Keith Von Qualen will schedule an inquest. Children of ELMA RASH and RICHARD WAGNER are: i. LYNN11 WAGNER. ii. EVOENE WAGNER. 165 166. LOIS10 ALETA RASH (LEONARD JAMES9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 6, 1916 at Union, Hardin Co., Iowa and died July 30, 2001 at Evansdale, Black Hawk Co., Iowa. In 1932 she married ALLISON L. WESTCOTT, b. April 21, 1916 in Union, Iowa, d. May 7, 1997, son of John and Alma Rice Westcott. Children of LOIS RASH and ALLISON WESTCOTT are: i. GEORGE11 WESTCOTT. ii. MARY ANN WESTCOTT. iii. SUSAN WESTCOTT. 167. LEO JAY10 RASH (LEONARD JAMES9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 8, 1923 in Morgan Township, Harrison Co., Iowa and died Dec. 20, 2006. He graduated in 1941 from Union High School. During his lifetime he worked many different positions. He was an over the road driver, a foreman at the Waterloo, IA Street Department, and in Maintenance for Ford Motor in Claycomo, MO. He married ARLENE JEAN ANDERSON on Jan. 26, 1945 in Waterloo, Ia. She was born July 10, 1925 in Waterloo to Palmer and Rose Anderson and died April 6, 2011. She was survived by son Roger and grandson Leonard Rash. Children of LEO RASH and ARLENE ANDERSON are: i. ROGER DALE11 RASH, b. Oct. 15 1945 in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa; m. Charlotte Marie McAllister, b. Jan. 9, 1945, d. Nov. 13, 1986 in an auto accident. She is buried in Taylorsville Cemetery, Arlington, Fayette County, Iowa. ii. MAURINE MAE RASH, b. 1950 in Black Hawk County, Iowa. Arlene Anderson Rash 168. INA MAE10 RASH (LEONARD JAMES9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 31, 1925. She graduated in 1942 from Union High School. She married ROGER W. SPARKS, son of Floyd and Louise Carkhuff Sparks, Oct. 5, 1945 in Waterloo. He was born July 24, 1920 in Marshall County, Iowa. and died July 6, 1989 at Mary Greeley Medical Center, Ames, Story Co., Iowa. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a staff sergeant during World War II. Roger and his parents are buried in Clemons Cemetery, Clemons, Marshall Co., Ia. Children of INA RASH and ROGER SPARKS are: i. KATHY11 SPARKS, m. Mr. Goecke. Res.: Radcliffe. ii. ROSA LEA SPARKS, graduated 1983, m. Mr. Bachman Nov. 28, 1986 at Clemons, had son Chase & daughter Megan. Roger Sparks 169. LESLIE “Les” A.10 SMITH (VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 10, 1913, and died January 12, 1997 in Marshalltown. In April 1941 he married INA MYRTLE GRAY, daughter of Benjamin Gray and Effie May Dupree. Ina was born July 16, 1916 in Missouri and died May 22, 1980 in Missouri. Ina Gray Brennecke is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Milan, Sullivan Co., Mo. Leslie is buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Iowa. Children of LESLIE SMITH and INA GRAY are: 277.3 i. ERROL FRANK11 SMITH, b. Feb. 10, 1942, Eldora, d. March 11, 1993, Marshalltown. 277.7 ii. LARRY LEROY SMITH. 170. JAMES HENRY10 “Hank” SMITH (VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 16, 1914 and died Oct. 1, 1994. He married LUCILLE C. WITTE, born Oct. 20, 1925, died Oct. 30, 2005. They and son Randal are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Shell Rock, Butler Co., Iowa Children of JAMES SMITH and LUCILLE WITTE are: i. RUSSELL11 SMITH. iv. ii. JAMES ALLEN SMITH. iii. JOAN SMITH. v. RANDY SMITH, Oct. 12, 1966-Sep. 17, 2008 RICHARD SMITH. 166 Hank & Lucille Smith 171. CLARENCE EDWIN10 SMITH (VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 15, 1919 in Albion, Marshall Co., Ia, and died Feb. 22, 1961 in Albion. He married HELEN FERN HAUSER, born Aug. 31, 1927 in Bromley, Marshall Co., Iowa, died March 8, 2007 in Moline, Rock Island Co., Ill., daughter of Harold Lorance Hauser and Erma Jean Matney. After Clarence’s death Helen married Conrad “Hal” Halden. Clarence is buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa; Helen in Rose Hill Memory Gardens, Marshalltown, Iowa. Military service recorded on Clarence’s tombstone: Iowa PFC Co L 168 Infantry World War II BSM. Here is a breakdown of that shorthand for his military service: PFC - Private First Co L - Love Company BSM - Bronze Star Class Medal Children of CLARENCE SMITH and HELEN HAUSER are: i. VIOLA JEAN11 SMITH, b. April 22, 1947, d. bef. 2007, m. Mr. Peterson. ii. DANIEL EDWIN SMITH, m. Pam. Nickname: Danny. Clarence Smith Helen Smith Halden iii. JOLENE SMITH, m. Alan Cook iv. CLARENCE DUANE SMITH, m. Marlene vi. DIANE SMITH, b. Nov. 28, 1949, d. 1950. 173. MABEL10 I. SMITH (VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 23, 1923 in Union, IA and died July 6, 2008 in Marshalltown, IA. She married (1) G LENN MOORE Aug. 6, 1943. She married (2) JACK MEYERS. She married (3) Laverne Halverson June 22, 1970. Excerpts from obituary in the Times-Republican : Cremation rites will follow the service and a public burial service will be 9 a.m. Thursday at Miller Cemetery in rural Union. Mabel was born on March 22, 1923, in Union, Iowa. She grew up in the area of her birth and attended the public schools. On Aug. 6, 1943, she was united in marriage to Glen E. Moore. The couple made their home in Marshalltown and they were blessed with five children. Mabel worked as a cook at Van's Cafe and Smitty's Restaurant. She also worked at Clean-Rite Cleaners and provided housekeeping and child care for families. Glen and Mabel later divorced, and she married Laverne Owen Halverson on June 22, 1970. She will missed by her five children: Sharon (Bernard) Uhde, Bonnie Daniel, Delores (Jack) Kudelka and Mary Jensen, all of Marshalltown, and Glen "Roy" Moore of Shiloh, Ill.; sister-in-law, Violet Smith of Monroe; 12 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. In eternal life, Mabel joins her parents; her first husband, Glen Moore; her second husband, Laverne O. Halverson; three sisters: Lois Fisher, Gertrude and Ruth Smith; and her six brothers: Richard, Les, Clarence, Leonard, Errol Wayne and Hank Smith; and her great grandson, Eric Mack. Children of MABEL SMITH and GLENN MOORE are: i. SHARON KAY11 MOORE. ii. BONNIE LOU MOORE. iii. GLEN LEROY MOORE. iv. v. DELORES MOORE. MARY KATHRYN MOORE. Mabel Smith 173.5 LOIS10 VIVIAN SMITH (VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 12, 1926 at Union, Iowa and died Feb. 8, 2008, at her Marshalltown, Iowa home. She married LEE FISHER Jr. Aug. 11, 1944, in Marshalltown. He was born July 31, 1926 and died Dec. 18, 1998. They are buried in Bethel Grove Cemetery, Albion, Iowa. Obituary: Lois Vivian Fisher, 81, of Marshalltown, died on Friday, February 8, 2008, at home while in the care of her loving family and Iowa River Hospice. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 12, 2008, at the Mitchell Family Funeral Home. Lois will be laid to rest in Bethel Grove Cemetery (Albion, Iowa). Friends may call on Monday from 5-7:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorials may be directed to the family. For condolences, please visit www.mitchellfh.com. The Mitchell Family Funeral Home is caring for Lois and her family. Ph 844-1234. Born on September 12, 1926, she was the daughter of Russell and Viola (Rash) Smith in Union, Iowa. She attended school in the Union and Zearing areas. She was united in marriage to Lee Fisher on August 11, 1944, in Marshalltown. Lois was employed at Packaging Corporation of America, retiring after 25 years. She enjoyed crocheting, playing Bingo, fishing, and her family. Left to cherish her memory are her 5 children: Audrey Snider of Marshalltown, Blanche Darrow of Bentonville, AR, Kathryn (David) Hessenius of Marshalltown, Linda (Larry) Adams of Marshalltown, and Michael (Sandra) Fisher of Chelsea; her 16 grand- children, her 41 great-grandchildren, her 22 great-great-grandchildren, and her sister, Mabel Halverson of Marshalltown. She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, her sisters Gertrude and Ruthie, her brothers Les, Hank, Richard, Errol, Clarence, and Leonard, and grandson, Daniel Rustman. http://iagenweb.org/boards/marshall/obituaries/index.cgi?review=325258 167 Lee & Lois Smith Fisher Lee & Lois Smith Fisher on their 50th wedding anniversary Children of LOIS SMITH and LEE FISHER are: i. AUDREY FISHER, m. Mr. Snider, res. Marshalltown. ii. BLANCHE ELFREDA FISHER, m. Leo Draegert, two children. iii. KATHRYN FISHER, b. Oct 2, 1948, d. May 6, 2009 in Marshalltown, m. David Hessenius, three children. iv. LINDA JEAN FISHER, b. Oct. 21, 1949 in Marshalltown, m. Larry Adams, res. Marshalltown, four children. v. MICHAEL JAY FISHER, b. Aug. 7, 1951 Marshalltown, m. Sandra Kay Smith, res. Chelsea, Tama Co., Ia, three children: Tammy Jo, Rebecca Sue, Andrew Lee. 174. HAROLD10 CHARLES RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Sept. 7, 1918 in Iowa and died Dec. 5, 2005 in Waterloo, Iowa. He graduated in 1937 from Union High School. On May 3, 1941 in Marshalltown, Iowa he married EILEEN O. THOMPSON, daughter of Wyatt and Hattie Cooper Thompson. They later divorced. Eileen was born Nov. 8, 1915 in Rariton, Ill. and died March 25, 2006 in Aplington, Iowa. She is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery, Gladbrook, Tama County, Iowa. Harold is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Tama, Tama Co., Iowa. He is in a group photo on page 148. Harold Rash obituary in the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Dec. 7, 2005: Harold Rash, 87, of Aplington, formerly of Tama and Toledo, died Monday, Dec. 5, 2005, in Allen Memorial Hospital, Waterloo, after a short illness. Services: 10 a.m. Thursday, Kruse-Phillips Funeral Home in Tama, by Pastor Charles Orr. Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Tama. Survivors include one daughter, Hyla Boelman of Coralville; two sons, Craig Rash of Denver, Iowa, and Steven Rash of Clutier; four stepsons, William DeBoer of Guthrie Center, Eugene DeBoer of Adel, Roger DeBoer of St. Cloud, Minn., and Duane McCarthy of Grants Pass, Ore.; two stepdaughters, Marjory Ann Eiklenborg of Parkersburg and Darlagene Kratoska of Toledo; five sisters, Joan Tesdall of Meza, Ariz., Ardis Veld of Steamboat Rock, Coleen Ulery of Marshalltown, Dorothy Yantis of Liscomb and Reba Adams of Storm Lake; and one brother, Clem Rash Jr. of Marshalltown. Children of HAROLD RASH and EILEEN TURBETT are: i. HYLA11 RASH, m. ROBERT BOELMAN; 2 sons ii. CRAIG RASH. iii. STEVEN RASH, m. CONNIE HEALEY; 2 children 175. DOROTHY10 IONE RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 17, 1920 near Union, Iowa and died Jan. 1, 2013 in Conrad, Iowa. She graduated in 1939 from Union High School. On June 17, 1941 near Conrad she married JOHN W. YANTIS of Conrad, son of Jacob and Mary Niehaus Veld. He was born April 18, 1920 in Iowa and died Feb. 13, 1995 in Liscomb, Marshall Co., Iowa. They are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa. Excerpts from obituary of DOROTHY RASH: She grew up in and around Union. She was a 50 year member of the Coinette Chapter 273 of the Eastern Star, and a member of Whitten Community Church where she was a long time teacher of summer bible school and Sunday school. She held offices in the Ladies Missionary Society and the church Women's Council. She enjoyed being in parades with John riding in the stagecoach and buggies. She fished at every opportunity and truly enjoyed catching king salmon in Alaska with her grandsons. She enjoyed traveling and besides trips to Alaska she also enjoyed Hawaii, the Carribbean, Canada and Mexico. She enjoyed all family picnics but her special pride were her grandchildren and great grandchildren. 168 Dorothy will be missed by her children, John Paul (Linda) Yantis of Chandler, AZ and Ellen (Bill) Hoffman of Grundy Center, grandchildren, Jessica (Todd) Guthrie of Gilbert, AZ, BJ Hoffman (Beth)of Windsor Heights, Adam (Brandie) Hoffman of Clarksville, great grandchildren. Nicholas, Jacob, Levi and Gavin Yantis, Peyton, Brooklyn , Brogan and Carson Hoffman, sisters, Joan Tesdal, Reba (Sherril) Adams, Mary Yantis and Helen Collins. She was preceded in death by her, husband, John, her parents, granddaughter Sarah Yantis, grandson, Matthew Yantis, brothers Harold Rash and Clem Rash Jr., sisters, Coleen Ulery, Ardis Veld, sisters in law, Allene Dickinson, Rena Rash, brothers in law, John Veld, John Dickinson, Earl Yantis, Tim Yantis, Robert Tesdal, Maynard Collins, and Dwight Ulery. http://www.andersonfhs.com/obituaries/obituary-listings?obId=712 Children of DOROTHY RASH and JOHN YANTIS are: 279. i. JOHN PAUL11 YANTIS, m. Linda Paxton. Residence: Chandler, Ariz. 280. ii. ELLEN YANTIS, m. Bill Hoffman. Residence: Grundy Center, Iowa. Dorothy Ione Rash Yantis 176. CLEM10 ALLISON RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 18, 1923 in Iowa, died Dec. 24, 2008 at the Iowa Veterans Home. He married RENA VALLEE.BYERS July 17, 1943 at Riverside, Calif., daughter of Lewis and Leta Bland Byers. She was born Oct. 14, 1924 and died Jan. 6, 2004. Nice quote from his obituary: "He never knew a stranger or a donut he didn't like." Burial: Clem Jr & wife Rena are in Riverside Cemetery at Marshalltown, along with his parents Clem Sr & Hattie. There is a childhood photo of Clem Jr. on page 148. Obituary excerpts from http://www.timesrepublican.com/page/content.detail/id/513355/Clem-A--Rash-Jr---85.html: Clem A. Rash Jr., 85, of Marshalltown, died Dec. 24, 2008, at the Iowa Veterans Home where he has resided since September 2003. Funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Monday at Center Street Baptist Church. He will be laid Clem Rash Jr. Rena Byers Rash to rest in Riverside Cemetery, with full military honors by VFW Harry C. Harter Post #389. Born on April 28, 1923, in Union, Iowa, he was the son of Clem Allison and Hattie Ellen (Craig) Rash Sr. He graduated from Union High School in 1942 and while there played on the high school baseball team. Clem served our country honorably in WWII, receiving the Purple Heart. He served in the United States Army Company K 398th Infantry stationed in Germany and France. He also was awarded two overseas service bars and a European-African Battle Ribbon with bronze battle stars. Mr. Rash was united in marriage to Rena Vallee Byers on July 17, 1943, at Mission Inn in Riverside, Calif. They made their home in Union, Laurel and later Marshalltown. He was a custodian with the Laurel and Marshalltown school systems. He also owned his own business of commercial cleaning service. He was an active member of Center Street Baptist Church and enjoyed taking part in all activities at the church. He was a caretaker of the church building and loved visiting with friends, fishing, trading cars and always had a candy bar for anyone. Clem really knew no strangers and was blessed with a warm, caring nature and a perpetual smile. He was the "adopted grandpa" type at the schools, letting kids be a part of his daily routine cleaning or going up on the school roof to get that runaway baseball. He was very loved and respected. Clem liked to sit on the courthouse square or at the mall, and visit and observe people, and was fondly remembered for a quote, "He never knew a stranger or a donut he didn't like." Left to cherish his memory are his loving daughter, Pam (Albert) Lewison of Minnetonka, Minn.; his sisters: Dorothy Ione Yantis of Conrad, Ardis Ann Veld of Eldora, Reba Maurine (Sherrill) Adams of Storm Lake and Evelyn Joan Tesdall of Mesa, Ariz.; sister-inlaw, Vera Howard of Marshalltown; brother-in-law, Robert Howard of Villa del Sol in Marshalltown; several nieces and nephews; and a host of friends. Child of CLEM RASH and RENA BYERS is: i. PAM11 RASH, m. BERT LEWISTON. Residence: Minnetonka, Minn. 177. ARDIS ANN10 RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 27, 1925 near Union, Ia and died Feb. 28, 2009 in Grundy Center, Ia. She married JOHN WILLIAM VELD June 21, 1947, son of Jacob & Mary (Niehaus) Veld, b. Dec. 15, 1921 in Grundy Co., d. Sep. 11, 1991 in Hardin Co. Ardis and John are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Grundy, Grundy Co., Iowa, as are John’s parents. Ardis is in a group photo on page 148. Obituary for Ardis Rash Veld from http://thegrundyregister.com/obituaries-feb-march-p722.htm Ardis Ann Veld, 88, of Steamboat Rock died February 28, 2009, at Grundy County Memorial Hospital in Grundy Center. Funeral services were March 6 at the Engelkes-Abels Funeral Home in Grundy Center. Burial followed at Rose Hill Cemetery in Grundy Center. A memorial fund has been established. Ardis was born June 27, 1925, near Union, the daughter of Clem and Hattie Rash Sr. Ardis worked at the Soldier’s Home in Marshalltown after her schooling. On June 21, 1947, she was united in marriage to John Veld. The couple lived in rural Whitten until they moved to Steamboat Rock in 1952. John and Ardis lived on a farm in rural Steamboat Rock for the remainder of their lives. She is survived by her son, Marvin and his wife Myrna of Steamboat Rock; two grandsons, Jacob John Veld of Steamboat Rock and Jeremy John Veld of Houston, Texas; two great-grandchildren, Darren John Veld and Abigail KayRae Veld; three sisters, Dorothy Yantis of Conrad, Joanne Teasdale of Mesa, Ariz. and Reba Adams of Storm Lake. 169 She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, John; two brothers, Clem Rash Jr. and Harold Rash; and a sister, Colleen Ulery. Child of ARDIS RASH and JOHN VELD is: 281. i. MARVIN11 VELD, m. Myrna. 178. REBA10 MAURINE RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 10, 1926 in Union, Iowa and died Aug. 22, 2014 in Storm Lake, Iowa. On June 21, 1947 in Union she married SHERRILL ADAMS, born Aug. 4, 1922 in Union, Iowa. Residence: Storm Lake, Ia. Excerpts from her obituary: She spent her youth in Union, graduating from Union High School in 1944. Reba was a dedicated employee. She worked at Sernett's Department Store for twelve years while its doors were open in Storm Lake. She then was employed at Buena Vista University and worked there until she retired. Reba enjoyed the students, faculty and staff. In her spare time, Reba loved to spend time in the kitchen cooking and baking. She enjoyed spending time watching song birds and squirrels in the yard. Reba also enjoyed fishing and camping. As her children grew, she enjoyed the many family vacation trips to Minnesota, the northwest states, and Canada. Reba enjoyed doing crossword puzzles on her breaks with her coworkers. Most of all, Reba loved spending time with her family and friends. Those left to cherish her memory include her husband, Sherrill Adams of Storm Lake, Iowa; children; grandchildren: Casey Fix (fiancé, Jennifer Winners) of Storm Lake, Iowa; Kelly Adams of Storm Lake, Iowa; Chris (Jill) Adams of Belle Plaine, Iowa; Jamie (Jenny) Adams of Newell, Iowa; Luke Adams of Pierre, South Dakota; Sam Adams of Pierre, South Dakota; five greatgrandchildren; sister, Joan Tesdall of Mesa, Arizona formerly of Roland, Iowa; extended family and friends. Reba was preceded in death by her parents; infant son, Bart; brothers, Harold Rash and Clem Rash Jr.; sisters: Dorothy Yantis, Ardis Veld, Colleen Ulery; brothers-in-law: Robert Tesdall, Reba Rash & Sherrill Adams, John Veld, John Yantis, Dwight Ulery and Gerald Adams; sisters in-law: Rena Rash, Shirley June 21, 1947 Adams (Hunter); Bonnie Adams (Weberg); and niece, Kris Adams (Moore). Children of REBA RASH and SHERRILL ADAMS are: 282. i. BOYD11 ADAMS, m. Kathy. Res.: Sac City, Iowa. 283. ii. BECKY SUE ADAMS. Res.: Storm Lake, Iowa. iii. iv. BRENT ADAMS, m. Bobi. Res.: Pierre, S.D. BART ADAMS, d. Died in infancy. 179. COLLEEN10 EVA RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Apr. 20, 1929 in Union, Hardin Co., Ia. and died March 29, 2008 in Ames, Story Co., Ia. She married D WIGHT ULERY July 17, 1948 in Union. He was born in 1927. There is a baby picture of Colleen on page 148. Children of COLLEEN RASH and DWIGHT ULERY are: 284. i. RICHARD WAYNE11 ULERY. 285. ii. RANDY ULERY. 286. iii. DENISE ULERY. From http://www.purseldavis.com: In Loving Memory Of Colleen Eva (Rash) Ulery was born on Saturday; April 20, 1929 in Union; Hardin County, Iowa. She was the daughter of: Clem and Hattie Rash. Colleen attended Union Community School District. On Saturday; July 17, 1948, she married Dwight Ulery in Union, Iowa. They had three children, Wayne Richard (Myrna) Ulery of North Platte; Lincoln County, Nebraska. Randy Binford Ulery of Altoona; Polk County, Ia. and Denise Ann (Doug) Ray of Grinnell; Poweshiek County, Iowa. She retired from Colleen Eva Rash Ulery the Iowa Veterans Home after 25 years of service. Her life revolved around her family and friends. She will be deeply missed by all. Colleen Eva (Rash) Ulery, age 78, of Marshalltown; Marshall County, Iowa entered into eternal life on Saturday; March 29, 2008, at the Mary Greeley Oncology Unit in Ames; Story County, Iowa. Those left to mourn her passing are: Her children; her siblings: Clem Rash Jr. of the Iowa Veterans Home, Dorothy Yantis of Liscomb; Marshall County, Iowa. Ardis Veld of Steamboat Rock; Hardin County, Iowa. Reba and Sherrill Adams of Storm Lake; Buena Vista County, Iowa and Joan Tesdall of Roland; Story County, Iowa who now resides in Arizona. Her nine grandchildren: Renee Ulery-Ascencio, Jarrod Ulery, Tiffany Tiernan, Trisha Devick, Tia Evamae Frydendall, Tyler Devick, Jamie Haughenbury, Jennie Ulery and Ben Ulery and fourteen great-grandchildren. She will be joining her beloved Dwight; her parents; and eldest brother: Harold Rash of Toledo; Tama County, Iowa. May they rest in peace. Graveside services will begin at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the Rose Hill Memorial Gardens, Marshalltown, Ia. The family would like to invite guests to LeGrand Friends Church following the service. 180. EVELYN JOAN10 RASH (CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1930 in Iowa. On Nov. 15, 1948 at Hiawatha, Kansas, she married ROBERT WAYNE TESDALL, son of Jonas Tesdall and Hannah Hauge. He was born July 23, 1925 at Huxley, Iowa, and died Dec. 29 1977 at Veterans Hospital in Des Moines of cancer. He was a farmer. Res.: Route 1, Radcliffe, Hardin Co., Iowa. Nicknames: Robert went by Bob and Evelyn Joan went by Joan. 170 Children of JOAN RASH and BOB TESDALL are: 287. i. LARRY11 ROBERT TESDALL, on July 27, 1968 m. June Jenks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jenks of Waterloo. 288. ii. LINDA JOAN TESDALL, on Dec. 12, 1970 m. Larry Searl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Searl of Story City, Ia. 289. iii. LORETTA KAY TESDALL, m. Steven Wierson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wierson, Roland. 290. iv. LARAINE PATRICIA “Patty” TESDALL, on June 23, 1972 m. Steven Phillips. 181. EDWIN THOMAS10 RASH (ERROL ARTHUR9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 17, 1932 in Iowa. On March 12, 1954 in Pomona, Calif. he married JOANNE DARLENE HAMES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hames of Pomona. They then resided in Pomona, where he was a timekeeper for the Convair Corp. Children of EDWIN RASH and JOANNE HAMES are: i. TOBY ALLEN11 RASH, b. 1955. ii. EDWIN THOMAS RASH, b. 1957. iii. iv. MICHAEL STEVEN RASH, b. 1958. KAREN JO RASH, b. 1962. Generation No. 11 214. LORI ANN11 HOY (NORA ROSELLA10 RASH, LAURENCE MONROE9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 22, 1967. She married WALTER WARNIAHA about 1986 in Wisconsin. Children of LORI HOY and Mr. WARNIAHA are: i. SEAN12 WARNIAHA, b. Abt. 1987. ii. KYLE WARNIAHA, b. Abt. 1989. 215. KARL11 APPEL (NORA ROSELLA10 RASH, LAURENCE MONROE9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1980. He married JENNA WHITE. She was born Abt. 1982. Children of KARL APPEL and JENNA WHITE are: i. BROOKE12 APPEL, b. Abt. 2002. ii. BRADEN APPEL, b. Abt. 2006. iii. BRISTOL APPEL, b. Abt. 2008. 216. CAREN “Cookie” SUE11 JOHNSON (JOYCE ELAINE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1949 in Burlington, IA. She married (1) JERRY WALTERS. She married (2) DAVE SWALES in June 1974. Caren explains her nickname and why she changed the spelling of her first name: “The spelling change! When I was in high school we moved (all three years) and one move, to Wausau, Wisconsin was after the school year began. There was another Karen S. Johnson so Wausau High School said I'd have to use my middle name. I don't like my middle name. I like Caren with a C and changed it then. After 9/11, when every document has to match or you get stopped boarding planes, robbing banks, etc.) I've had some problems. So, I had my birth certificate amended. My passport, social security card, driver's license, and now birth certificate has Caren...which I really like. “Cookie is a nickname my dad gave to me when I was very little (probably under 5 years old), supposedly because I loved cookies. A friend from Burlington, Iowa, who I've known since 5th grade, still calls me Cookie and some of my favorite aunts (including your mom) call me Cookie once in awhile. I like it when they do!” Child of CAREN JOHNSON and DAVE SWALES is: i. WHITNEY12 SWALES, b. Nov. 11, 1981, Colorado Springs, on June 18, 2011 at the Grant-Humphreys Mansion in Denver m. Kyle Joseph Lee, b. Aug. 26, 1982 in Denver, son of Bing Wah Lee & Sharon Lynn Nattress Lee. Editor’s note: 9/11 is the common shorthand for Sept. 11, 2001, the day terrorist hijackers crashed jet airliners into the Pentagon and New York’s World Trade Center, murdering thousands of people and changing how the United States treated security. 217. JOAN ELLEN11 JOHNSON (JOYCE ELAINE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 19, 1954 in Burlington, IA, and died Dec. 14, 2005 in Denver, Colo. She married WILLIAM “Bill” STODDARD August 7, 1976 in Crawfordsville, Indiana. She was a registered nurse for 28 yrs at Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis Ind. She is buried in Golden Cemetery, Golden, Jefferson County, Colo. Photos of Joan and sons on pages 16 and 17. Children of JOAN JOHNSON and WILLIAM STODDARD are: i. CHRISTOPHER PAUL12 STODDARD, b. 1987, Indianapolis, IN. ii. JORDAN MATTHEW STODDARD, b. 1987, Indianapolis, IN. 218. VERNON DEAN11 RASH (JAMES VERNON10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1955. He married SHERYL OLSON. She was born in 1958. Photos on page 21. Children of VERNON RASH and SHERYL OLSON are: i. MICHELLE ELIZABETH12 RASH, b. 1994. ii. EMILY KATHRYN RASH, b. 1999. iii. 171 STEPHANIE MARIE RASH, b. 2005. 219. GAYLA DIANNE11 RASH (JAMES VERNON10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1958. She married DONALD EDWIN WINSLOW II. He was born in 1958. There is a photo of Gayla and Don on page 20. Children of GAYLA RASH and DONALD WINSLOW are: i. ALYSSA JANE12 WINSLOW, b. 1986. ii. NOLAN KYLE WINSLOW, b. 1989. iii. PAIGE MORGAN WINSLOW, b. 1993. 220. MICHAEL JAMES11 RASH (JAMES VERNON10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1960. He married LORA JEAN BEIK. She was born in 1963. Children of MICHAEL RASH and LORA BEIK are: i. ELIZABETH MARIE12 RASH, b. 1988. ii. LAUREN NICOLE RASH, b. 1991. iii. ALEC MICHAEL RASH, b. 1994. Alec was a star pitcher for his Adell, Iowa high school team, Adel-DeSotoMinburn (ADM), with a 90 mph fastball and an ERA under 1. In 2012, at age 18, he was asked to play in the Philadelphia Phillies farm system. He opted for a full scholarship at the University of Missouri at Columbia. In 2015 he left MU to pursue a collegiate basketball career at Park University, Parkville, Mo. Alec Rash 220.5. ANDREA LYNNE RASH11 RASH (JAMES VERNON10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1967. She married HARVINDER SINGH VIJ Aug. 11, 2006 at Paulist Center Chapel, Boston, MA. He was born 1964 in New Delhi, India. In March 2010, Harvinder & Andrea adopted Andrei James “A.J” Vij, born Feb. 8, 2009. There are photos of Andrea and Harvinder on page 21. Write-up about Andrea Rash Vij from the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass.: Andrea L. Vij has served on the faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies at New England Conservatory since 2001. In addition to her teaching duties, she served as NEC’s Undergraduate Academic Advisor beginning in 1999 and currently holds the title Coordinator of Academic Advising. Active as a performer in the Boston area, she has appeared as both soloist and ensemble member with the Boston Cecilia, as an early music performer in the Boston Early Music Festival and the Society for Historically Informed Performance summer series, and as a recital soloist. A dedicated private voice teacher, Andrea is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing and Pi Kappa Lambda, and in 1995 received the Distinguished Music Alumna Award from Drake University. B.M., voice and B.M.E., music education, Drake University; M.M., choral conducting, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign. Voice with Laurie Monahan, early notation with Anne Hallmark, choral conducting with Don V. Moses and Ann Howard Jones. Also faculty of Franklin School for the Performing Arts. Child of ANDREA RASH and HARVINDER VIJ is: i. Andrei James “A.J” Vij, born Feb. 8, 2009. 221. RUTH ELAINE11 RASH (CLYDE ARLO10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1954 in Eldora, IA. She married PAUL JODELL LINDAMAN September 1, 1979. He was born in 1954. Children of RUTH ELAINE RASH and PAUL LINDAMAN are: i. ANDREW "ANDY" JOHN12 LINDAMAN, b. 1987, Marshalltown, IA. ii. JACOB SCOTT LINDAMAN, b. 1983, Ames, IA. 222. ROSEMARY KAY11 RASH (CLYDE ARLO10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1956 in Iowa City, IA. She married ALEX WELDON PENCE October 9, 1976. He was born in 1951. Child of ROSEMARY RASH and ALEX PENCE is: i. LUCAS JAMES12 PENCE, b. 1984. 223. ALLEN EUGENE11 RASH (CLYDE ARLO10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born December 1, 1957 in Eldora, IA, and died June 28, 2009, in Marshalltown, IA. He married CHRISTINE SCHMIDTSTONEWALL September 14, 1984. She was born in 1956. Obituary information for ALLEN EUGENE RASH from the Times-Republican newspaper in Marshalltown http://www.timesrepublican.com/page/content.detail/id/517690.html?nav=5006 July 1, 2009: Allen Eugene Rash, 51, of Gilman died Sunday June 28, 2009, at Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center. 172 A celebration of Al's life will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, July 3 at the Mitchell Family Funeral Home. Visitation will be 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, July 2 at the funeral home. He will be laid to rest in Miller Cemetery in Union. Memorials may be directed to his family. For condolences, please visit www.mitchellfh.com. The Mitchell Family Funeral Home is caring for Al and his family. Al was born December 1, 1957 in Eldora, to Clyde and Grace (Smith) Rash. He attended school in Marshalltown. In September of 1984, Al was united in marriage to Christine Schmidt in Hot Springs Ark. The couple made their home in Gilman, where they raised their children Erica and Danny. Al was a gifted self-employed carpenter, who absolutely loved building things. He also enjoyed softball, having played slow-pitch for many years. Al was also talented in the wood-burning arts, model car building, and hitting sevens on the slot machines. He liked to go fishing and drive golf balls in his backyard. Al's early departure from this life will be greatly mourned by all who knew and loved him. Left to cherish Al's memory, and celebrate his life is his loving wife Chris; his daughter Erica Carter of Joliet, Ill.; his son Danny Rash of Mankato, Minn.; his mother Grace Rash; his sisters: Elaine (Paul) Lindaman, Rose (Alex) Pence, Kathy Rash, and Terrie (Noel) Arnold; his brothers Stan "Sam" Rash and Rick (Gina) Rash. July 4, 2009: Funeral services for Allen Rash, 51, of Gilman, were held on Friday, July 3, 2009 at Mitchell Family Funeral Home with Pastor David Kiel officiating. Burial was in Miller Cemetery in Union. Honorary pallbearers were Rick Pierson, Dennis Phillips, Skeeter Radcliffe, Dave Weuve, Mike Hayward and Duane Yilek. Groups from Kapaun and Brown and Hartwig Plumbing were in attendance. Children of ALLEN RASH and CHRIS SCHMIDT-STONEWALL are: i. DANIEL "DANNY" ALLEN12 RASH, b. 1987. ii. ERICA STONEWALL. 224. RICHARD EDWARD11 RASH (CLYDE ARLO10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1964. He married GINA MARIE WIELE January 31, 1986. She was born in 1966 in Rockford, IL. Nicknames for RICHARD EDWARD RASH: Ricky or Rick Children of RICHARD RASH and GINA WIELE are: i. ELIZABETH ANN12 RASH, b. 1986, Marshalltown, IA. ii. NICK RASH, b. 1990. 225. TERESA “Terrie” LINN11 RASH (CLYDE ARLO10, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1966 in Marshalltown, IA. She married NOEL ARNOLD Aug. 6, 1988 in Elim Lutheran Church, Marshalltown, Iowa. He was born in 1959. Child of TERESA RASH and NOEL ARNOLD is: i. SARAH12 ARNOLD, b. 1993. 226. VICKI DAWN11 COEN (BARBARA ANN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Dec. 10, 1957 in Colorado Springs. On Sept. 5, 1980 she married CHARLES “Chuck” VIEN, son of Leslie Roger Vien and Ida (Hatlen) Vien of Clarkfield, MN. He was born in 1956 in Clarkfield. Children of VICKI COEN and CHARLES VIEN are: 321. i. DONALD LANCE12 VIEN, b. Aug. 13, 1978, Minneapolis, MN. ii. TARA LESLIE VIEN, b. Jan. 6, 1982, Red Wing, MN. 227. SANDRA “Sandy” DEE11 COEN (BARBARA ANN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1959 in Colorado Springs. She married GARY LEE HALVORSON. He was born in 1946 in Cloquet, MN. Children of SANDRA COEN and GARY HALVORSON are: i. AMANDA LEE12 HALVORSON, b. 1983, Minneapolis, MN. ii. MATTHEW GARY HALVORSON, b. 1988, Shakopee, MN. 228. TIMOTHY DEAN11 COEN (BARBARA ANN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1962 in Minneapolis, MN. He married CICELY BENJAMIN. She was born in 1963 in Sioux City, IA. Children of TIMOTHY COEN and CICELY BENJAMIN are: i. CHRISTOPHER TIMOTHY12 COEN, b. 1987, Burnsville, MN. ii. ANDREW “Andy” JAMES COEN, b. 1988, Burnsville, MN iii. TREVOR JACOB COEN, b. 1992, Burnsville, MN. iv. MARGO AMELIA COEN, b. 1994, Burnsville, MN. 229. CAROLYN SUE11 WALTERS (JANICE LEE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1955 in Eldora, IA. She married (1) DAVID AAGE JENSEN. He was born in 1954 in Eldora, IA. She married (2) DAVID DONALD BRIGGS in August 2000. He was born in 1957 in Des Moines, IA. 173 Children of CAROLYN WALTERS and DAVID JENSEN are: i. JENNIFER LEIGH12 JENSEN, b. 1974, Des Moines, IA; m. JEREMY WALLACH, June 18, 2000. ii. AARON DAVID JENSEN, b. 1976, Des Moines, IA; m. GEMELLE BRION; b. 1980, Mountainberg, AR. iii. JAMIE LYNNE JENSEN, b. 1981, Des Moines, IA. 230. CINDY LEE11 WALTERS (JANICE LEE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1957 in Eldora, IA. She married ROBERT MANN. Children of CINDY WALTERS and ROBERT MANN are: i. BRANDON MICHAEL MANN, b. 1983, Des Moines, IA. ii. EMMA RUTH12 MANN, b. 1993, Des Moines, IA. iii. CHARLES ROBERT MANN, b. 1995, Des Moines, IA 231. KEVIN GILBERT11 WALTERS (JANICE LEE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1959 in Eldora, IA. He married BRENDA LYNN CUFFEL April 1, 1978. She was born in 1961 in Marshalltown, IA. Children of KEVIN WALTERS and BRENDA CUFFEL are: 322.1. i. BENJAMIN LEE12 WALTERS, b. 1978, Marshalltown, IA, 322.2. ii. JASON RYAN WALTERS, b. 1980, Marshalltown, IA. 322.3. iii. DAVID MICHAEL WALTERS, b. 1986, Iowa City, IA; married Katie Jo Christiansen, b. 1987. Daughter Macy Jae Walters born in August 2011, daughter Ellie Lynn Walters born in 2014. 232. STEPHEN CRAIG11 “Steve” COEN (MARIAN JEAN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1952 in Gifford, IA and died Aug. 31, 2013 of a heart attack. He married LOTTIE SUE FINLEY March 1, 1974. She was born in 1954. Obituary in the Marshalltown Times-Republican, Sept. 7, 2013; Stephen Craig Coen, 61, of Fort Worth entered into eternal life Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013, at a hospital in Sugar Land. Funeral: 10 a.m. Saturday in Arlington Funeral Home Chapel. Officiant will be Craig Butler. Burial will be in the Cottondale Cemetery in Wise County, Texas. Visitation: 6 p.m. to 8 p. m. Friday at Arlington Funeral Home. Memorials: Family requests that memorials be made to Mission Arlington or Meals on Wheels. The son of Ron and Marian Jean Coen, Steve was born on July 21, 1952, in Iowa. He was an attorney with a law practice in Arlington. He began his legal career as a paralegal for the IRS and, returning from law school, worked as an IRS attorney for 18 years before starting his own law practice. He was a loving husband, dad, grandpa and son. He enjoyed life and golfing with friends. Steve and his wife of 39 years, Lottie Sue Finley, , Steven Coen were united in marriage March 1, 1974, in Denton. They have one son, and both; along with several other family and friends, were by his side when he passed from this life to his home in heaven. Survivors: His wife, Lottie; son, Chris and wife, Laura, grandsons, Gareth and Gabriel, of Grand Prairie; Mother, Marian Jean Coen of Joplin, Mo.; brothers, Gary and wife, Sally, of Bellevue, Wash., David and wife Elizabeth, of Arlington; sister, LuAnne and husband Paul Oldham, of Trophy Club; two nephews; three nieces; three great-nephews; and a host of other family and friends. http://www.timesrepublican.com/page/content.detail/id/563565/Stephen-C--Coen--61.html?nav=5006 Child of STEPHEN COEN and LOTTIE FINLEY is: 323. i. CHRISTOPHER WAYNE12 COEN, b. 1982. 233. GARY ALLEN11 COEN (MARIAN JEAN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1953 in Marshalltown, Iowa. He married SALLY JAYNE PATTERSON August 9, 1986 in Austin, Texas. She was born in 1957 in Roswell, New Mexico. Child of GARY COEN and SALLY PATTERSON is: i. EMMA JAYNE12 COEN, b. 1994, Wilmington, Delaware. 234. LUANNE11 COEN (MARIAN JEAN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1954 in Marshalltown, IA. She married (1) TOM SHIPE. He was born in 1954. She married (2) PAUL OLDHAM. He was born in 1942 in Ashland, Ky. Children of LUANNE COEN and TOM SHIPE are: i. JEANNA NICHOLE12 SHIPE, b. 1972, Dallas, TX; m. JOE LUNA, October 27, 2007. ii. JASON ALLEN SHIPE, b. 1974, Dallas, TX; m. (1) DONNA WARD; m. (2) SANDI; m. (3) DENISE. 235. DAVID LINN11 COEN (MARIAN JEAN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1955 in Marshalltown, IA. He married ELIZABETH RAY October 13, 1986. She was born in 1963. Children of DAVID COEN and ELIZABETH RAY are: i. ADAM KEITH12 COEN, b. 1988, Arlington, TX. 174 ii. SHELBY COEN, b. 1993, Arlington, TX. 236. DOUGLAS DWAYNE11 DOE (SHARON ANNE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1960 in Marshalltown, IA. He married JANIECE LEE GIBBS September 14, 1991. She was born in 1964 in Marshalltown, IA. Nickname for JANIECE LEE GIBBS: Jan Children of DOUGLAS DOE and JANICE GIBBS are: i. NATHAN DOUGLAS12 DOE, b. 1993. ii. RYAN JAMES DOE, b. 1996. 237. CHRISTY LYNNE11 DOE (SHARON ANNE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in1964 in Marshalltown, IA. She married BRYAN DEAN HART June 9, 1988 in Marshalltown, IA. He was born in 1962 in Marshalltown, IA. Children of CHRISTY DOE and BRYAN HART are: i. ROSS ROBERT12 HART, b. 1992, Marshalltown. ii. JACILYNE CHRISTINE HART, b. 1995, Marshalltown. 238. SCOTT WILLIAM11 DOE (SHARON ANNE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1966 in Marshalltown, IA. He married KELLY RENEE FERCH June 20, 1987. She was born in 1967 in Marshalltown. Children of SCOTT DOE and KELLY FERCH are: i. PAIGE ASHLEY12 DOE, b. 1987, Marshalltown, IA. ii. MITCHELL LEE DOE, b. 1991, Marshalltown. iii. MICHAEL SCOTT DOE, b. 1999, Marshalltown. 239. PATRICIA ANN11 FAHEY (CAROL MAE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1964 in Aurora, Colorado. She married DAVID CHARLES YOULL December 22, 1990 in Joplin, Missouri, son of CHARLES YOULL and IONA HAMILTON. He was born in 1963 in Kansas City, Missouri. Child of PATRICIA FAHEY and DAVID YOULL is: i. KATHERINE “Katie” FAHEY12 YOULL, b. 2002. 239.5. JENNIFER ERIN11 BRYANT (RUTH ANGELEN10, REBECCA PEARL9 RASH, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1973 in San Clemente, CA. She married MARK E. HAWORTH May 20, 2000 in Laguna Beach, CA. He was born in 1970. More About JENNIFER ERIN BRYANT: Degree: 1996, Music & Theatre, USC in L.A. Child of JENNIFER BRYANT and MARK HAWORTH is: i. BENJAMIN HAYDEN MARCUS12 HAWORTH, b. 2006, Beverly Hills, CA. Jen, Mark & Ben Haworth, December 2007 242. JOAN11 JOSEPHINE CHANCE (EVELYN10 HINSHAW, MAUDE9 RASH, COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 22, 1933 at New Providence, Hardin Co., Iowa and died Aug. 2, 1992 at Nevada, Story Co., Iowa. She married JOHN B. WILLIAMS, b. Aug. 18, 1927 and died April 29, 1994. They are buried in Evergreen Memory Gardens, Nevada. Children of JOAN CHANCE and JOHN WILLIAMS are: i. RICK12 WILLIAMS. ii. SANDRA “Sandy” WILLIAMS. iii. GARY WILLIAMS. iv. KEVIN WILLIAMS. 175 243. HELEN MAE11 SNOW (MARY AGNES10 HINSHAW, MAUDE9 RASH, COLUMBUS ELLIOTT8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 1, 1938, and died Feb. 15, 1995. She married WAYNE RIEKS , born May 28, 1933 and died March 9, 1993, son of Herbert Rieks and Clara Halfpop of Hubbard. Helen, Wayne and Wayne’s parents are buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Tipton Township, Hardin County, Iowa. Child of HELEN SNOW and WAYNE RIEKS is: i. SHELLY JEAN12 RIEKS. 244. HARRIET RUTH11 SHULTZ (CLAUDE LAVAUNE10, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1929. She married ROBERT EDDIE ANDERSON Jan. 26, 1951. He was born in July 1929. Children of HARRIET SHULTZ and ROBERT ANDERSON are: i. DOUGLAS ROBERT12 ANDERSON, b. 1951; m. DONNA MARIE HATFIELD, Sept. 10, 1977. 324. ii. DONALD BLAINE ANDERSON, b. 1953. iii. DUANE BRUCE ANDERSON, b. 1956. v. DALE EDWARD ANDERSON, b. March 12, 1963; d. March 12, 1963. iv. DEBRA GAIL ANDERSON, b. 1960. vi. DENISE RUTH ANDERSON, b. July 30, 1969; d. July 30, 1969. 245. JAMES ERNEST11 SHULTZ (CLAUDE LAVAUNE10, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 14, 1930 in Minburn, Ia and died Sept. 19, 2011 in Machesney Park, Ill. He married JOYCE MARIE QUIST April 21, 1952. She was born in 1931. Obituary: James Ernest Shultz, 81, of Machesney Park passed away Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, after a long illness. Born Feb. 14, 1930, in Minburn, Iowa, the son of Claude and Ruth (Goodwin) Shultz. After moving to Rockford in 1942, he attended East High School and then enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1948. He served for two years at General Douglas McArthur's headquarters while stationed in Japan, and later spent two years stationed in California. While there he was united in marriage to Joyce Quist on April 21, 1952. They moved to Rockford after his discharge in 1954. James was a longtime member of Central Christian Church. He was employed by Ingersoll Milling and later worked at Rockford Machine & Tool before retiring from Hydro-Line. After retirement, he enjoyed working part-time for Napleton Auto Werks picking up and delivering cars. Survivors include his wife, Joyce; children, Wayne (Connie) Shultz of Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Kathy Gorrel of Machesney Park, Cindy (Ronald) Zick of Durand, Patricia Rogaski of Dubuque, Iowa, James (Connie) Shultz of Machesney Park and John (Lynn) Shultz of Dubuque; 11 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; sisters, Harriett (Robert) Anderson and Beryl (Roger) Johnson; brothers, David (Dawne) Shultz and Thomas (Kathy) Shultz; and numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by parents; and grandchildren, Matthew Bellows and Beverly Gorrel. Service at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 23, in Central Christian Church, 6595 Guilford Road, Rockford; the Rev. Sherm Nichols will officiate. Burial in Sunset Memorial Gardens. Visitation from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, in Delehanty Funeral Home Ltd., 401 River Lane, Loves Park. In lieu of flowers, memorials to Parkinson Research or Central Christian Church. For more information, visit delehantyfh.com. Published in Rockford Register Star from September 21 to September 22, 2011 Children of JAMES SHULTZ and JOYCE QUIST are: i. WAYNE ALLEN12 SHULTZ, b. 1953. ii. KATHRYN “Kathy” RUTH SHULTZ, b. 1954. iii. CINDY LEE SHULTZ, b. 1955. iv. v. vi. PATRICIA JOYCE SHULTZ, b. 1956. JAMES DANIEL SHULTZ, b. 1959. JOHN CLAUDE SHULTZ, b. 1959. 246. BERYL FRANCES11 SHULTZ (CLAUDE LAVAUNE10, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1932. She married ROGER EUGENE JOHNSON March 8, 1952 in Rockford, Ill. He was born in May 18, 1930 in Rockford, son of Walter W. and Melba (Linden) Johnson, and died Nov. 23, 2013 in Rockford. He retired from Rockford Power Train after 42 years. He is buried in Sunset Memorial Gardens, Machesney Park, Ill. Children of BERYL SHULTZ and ROGER JOHNSON are: i. WILLIAM PAUL12 JOHNSON, b. 1965. Res.: Rockford. ii. KENNETH TODD JOHNSON, b. 1967, m. Jennifer. Res.: Loves Park, Ill. iii. NANCY RUTH JOHNSON, b. 1971, m. Andrew Mercaitus. Res.: Stillman Valley. Roger Johnson 247. DAVID NOEL11 SHULTZ (CLAUDE LAVAUNE10, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1944. On July 11, 1963 he married STEPHANIE LYNN CROWELL, born in 1944. Children of DAVID SHULTZ and STEPHANIE CROWELL are: i. HEIDI RE12 SHULTZ, b. 1964. ii. SUSAN ELIZABETH SHULTZ, b. 1966. 176 248. THOMAS LEON11 SHULTZ (CLAUDE LAVAUNE10, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1946. He married BEVERLY JOAN BROWN. She was born in 1946. Children of THOMAS SHULTZ and BEVERLY BROWN are: i. TIMOTHY RUSSELL12 SHULTZ, b. 1971. ii. CHRISTINA LEANNA SHULTZ, b. 1973. 249. DONALD HAROLD11 NOAH (THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Oct. 1, 1927. He married AUDREY MAXINE FITES Sept. 9, 1946. She was born in 1924. Children of DONALD NOAH and AUDREY FITES are: i. LYNN EDWARD12 NOAH, b. Sept. 6, 1947, m. LAURA JEAN FOX, Nov. 26, 1967. ii. CHARLES HAROLD NOAH, b. & d April 10, 1953. iii. JOHN ARTHUR NOAH, b. Feb. 9, 1957. 250. MARVELLE MARIE11 NOAH (THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 28, 1929. She married GAYLE MONROE ETHINGTON October 27, 1947 in Silver Springs, MD, son of Hazael Monroe Ethington and Chloe Nelson Ethington. He was born Nov. 13, 1917 in Floyd County, Ia, and died Sept. 13, 1984 in Nora Springs, Floyd County. He and his parents are buried in Rudd Evergreen Cemetery, Rudd, Floyd County. Children of MARVELLE NOAH and GAYLE ETHINGTON are: i. GREGORY LEE12 ETHINGTON, b. March 17, 1949 Charles City, Iowa, d. Jan. 24, 2014 Mason City, Iowa. On Oct. 14, 1978 m. Nancy Smith; one daughter, Heather. Buried Rudd Evergreen Cemetery, Rudd, Floyd County, Iowa. ii. THOMAS EUGENE ETHINGTON, b. Feb. 10, 1952; m. KRISTY KAY CHODUR, July 17, 1976; b. 1957. iii. BRADLEY GAYLE ETHINGTON, b. Jan. 25, 1956. 251. BETTY MAE11 NOAH (THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in March 13, 1931. She married (1) ORRIN DEAN WALKER April 1, 1950, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Walker of Nora Springs, Iowa. He was born in 1929. She married (2) DONALD ROGERS in 1978. Children of BETTY NOAH and DEAN WALKER are: 325. i. PAMELA KAY12 WALKER, b. March 17, 1951 at Cedar Valley Hospital in Charles City. 326. ii. JANICE MARIE WALKER, b. June 5, 1952. iii. DONALD DEAN WALKER, b. April 5, 1956. iv. THOMAS CLAIR WALKER, b. Sept. 18, 1960. 252. BEVERLY JEANNE11 NOAH (THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1932. She married (1) JOHN RAY CHRISTENSEN. He was born in 1937. She married (2) LESLIE AMLUND MATHRE May 8, 1951. He was born in 1922. Children of BEVERLY NOAH and LESLIE MATHRE are: 327. i. CHERYL ANN12 MATHRE, b. 1952. ii. DIANNE LESLIE MATHRE, b. 1954; m. KIM DOUGLAS LARSON, October 14, 1972; b. 1952. iii. LARRY DEAN MATHRE, b. 1956. 253. JAMES “Jim” BART11 FIELD (MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1928 and died in 1985. He married (1) KAREN WEATHERWAX. He married (2) GLORIA NELSON. He and his parents are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Rockford, Floyd Co., Iowa. Child of JAMES FIELD and GLORIA NELSON is: i. LISA JAY12 FIELD, b. 1962. 254. MARGERY DARLENE11 FIELD (MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1930. On April 16, 1949 she married VIRDEN JAY DEMARAY, born in 1928. Children of MARGERY FIELD and VIRDEN DEMARAY are: 328. i. ROGER DEAN12 DEMARAY, b. 1949. 329. ii. RONALD REABURN DEMARAY, b. 1951. iii. RANDALL EUGENE DEMARAY, b. 1952; m. WENDY LEA JONES, December 22, 1973; b. 1952. 330. iv. RICHIE JOE DEMARAY, b. 1955. v. RUSSEL WAYNE DEMARAY, b. 1956. 177 255. KAROL KAY11 FIELD (MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1938. On Feb. 16, 1957 she married (1) DOUGLAS WENDELL HOBBS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell M. Hobbs. He was born in 1939. In 1957 he graduated from Rudd Consolidated School and in 1959 he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. She married (2) JAMES BURTON “Burt” KELSEY Feb. 9, 1974 in Dike, Ia. He was born Feb. 16, 1922 in Mason City, IA, the son of Wilbur and Elva (Burton) Kelsey, and died July 30, 2009 at the Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit in Mason City. Burt served during World War II on the submarine the U.S.S. Saury. He is buried in Rudd Evergreen Cemetery, Rudd, Floyd Co., Ia., next to his first wife Mary Lois Kelsey. Child of KAROL FIELD and DOUGLAS HOBBS is: i. BRYAN DOUGLAS12 HOBBS, b. 1960, m. Kathy. Res.: Rudd. Burt Kelsey 256. DENNIS EUGENE11 FIELD (MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1940 and graduated from the Rudd High School. At the time of his first marriage he was employed at Rudd Motors. In 1965 he married (1) LARRAINE SHERREE JACOBSEN, a graduate of the Nora Springs-Rock Falls High School, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jacobsen of Nora Springs, Iowa. She was born in 1948. On Nov. 23, 1970 he married (2) SHARON KAY HANSON ESSER, daughter of Glen & Alvera Gasteiger Hanson. Children of DENNIS FIELD and LARRAINE JACOBSEN are: i. CHESTER ALLEN12 FIELD, b. 1963. ii. CHRIS EDWARD FIELD, b. 1967. Children of DENNIS FIELD and SHARON HANSON are: iii. SHARI RAE12 ESSER. iv. DEANNA LYN FIELD, b. 1971. 257. ROBERT LAWRENCE11 EHLERS (LOIS IRENE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1931 and died about 1982. He married P ATRICIA ANN COLLIER April 1, 1952. She was born Dec. 2, 1931 in Lamb Co., TX, daughter of Turner & Louise (Murby) Huskey, and died Mar. 3, 2006 of cancer in Las Cruces, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico. Children of ROBERT EHLERS and PATRICIA COLLIER are: i. ROBERT SCOTT12 EHLERS, b. 1953, m. Maria. Residence: Deming, NM. ii. SUSAN LYNNETT EHLERS, b. 1961, m. Don Krafcheck. Residence: Bailey, CO. iii. LISA JACQUELINE EHLERS, b. 1962, m. Bryan McCuller. Residence: Las Cruces. iv. DANA LYNNE EHLERS, d. bef. 2006. v. MICHAEL EHLERS, d. bef. 2006. Patricia Collier Ehlers 258. JANICE MARIE11 EHLERS (LOIS IRENE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, in the late 1970s 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LEWIS ELLIS , ROBERT , ASA , DANIEL , JOHN , JOSEPH , THOMAS ) was born in 1936. She married ROBERT EDWARD BLACK June 9, 1956. He was born in 1928. Children of JANICE EHLERS and ROBERT BLACK are: i. CATHRYN NADINE12 BLACK, b. 1957. iii. LAURA DIANE BLACK, b. 1960. ii. DEBRA ALISON BLACK, b. 1958. 259. JUDITH ANN11 EHLERS (LOIS IRENE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1941. She married JAMES DUWAYNE HODGES April 25, 1964 in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He was born Aug. 16, 1940 in Marshfield, WI to Melvin & Ida (Gotz) Hodges and died Dec. 27, 2010 in Ishpeming, Marquette Co., Mich. The family moved to Ishpeming in 1970 when James became a partner with Rollie Haines in Rollies Karpet Lounge on Division St., and he continued to work at the furniture store until a month before his death. James and son Kenton are buried in Ishpeming Cemetery. Children of JUDITH EHLERS and JAMES HODGES are: i. KENTON JAMES12 HODGES, b. Jan. 31, 1965 Sheboygan, d. July 30, 2006; m. Tracy Meyer, children Allissa & Marcus; m. Goldie Stacey, childfen Jordan & Isaac. ii.KEVIN WAYNE HODGES, b. 1966; married. Children Brett & Ben. 260. WILBERT “Bill” LEROY11 KAPFER (ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born March 5, 1930. He married BETTY JEAN WOODFORD Sept. 5, 1949. She was born Jan. 3, 1927 in Augusta, Wisc., and died July 18, 1990 in Rockford, Winnebago Co., Ill. 178 Children of WILBERT KAPFER and BETTY WOODFORD are: 331. i. DARYL WAYNE12 KAPFER, b. June 2, 1950. 332. ii. TERRY LEE KAPFER, b. May 21, 1953. iii. SHERRY DAWN KAPFER, b. July 20, 1955. 261. BOBBY LEE11 KAPFER (ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born April 28, 1933, in Neillsville, Clark Co., WI and died March 16, 2011. He married MARY ELLEN ADDY June 20, 1953 in Topeka, KS. She was born March 8, 1934 in Rossville, Kan. to Lee Kenneth and Julia Katherine (Miller) Addy and died Aug. 24, 2006 in Black River Falls, WI. Obituary from the Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI, March 23, 2011: Bobby L. Kapfer, 77, of Black River Falls died Wednesday, March 16, 2011, in Black River Memorial Hospital. Bobby Lee Kapfer was born April 28, 1933, in Neillsville to Lee W. and Elsie E. (Schultz) Kapfer. He was raised in Neillsville and graduated from Neillsville High School. Bobby served in the U. S. Air Force and was a Korean War veteran. He married MaryEllen Addy June 20, 1953, in Topeka, KS. Following their marriage, the couple lived in Neillsville, Rockford, IL, Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM, Wisconsin Rapids and Medford. They settled in Black River Falls in 1976. MaryEllen died Aug. 26, 2006. Following his discharge from the Air Force, Bobby was employed at the Ford Garage and Fred Wall’s Deep Rock Station in Neillsville. He later became employed by Northern Auto Supply a various locations, the Ingersoll Milling Company of Rockford and Woods Brothers Auto Parts in Santa Fe, NM. After settling in Black River Falls, he became employed by Northern Auto. He later became employed part-time by Gary’s Auto Body, Shamrock Distributing and Car Quest Auto Parts all of Black River Falls. Bobby was a member of the Black River Falls United Methodist Church and the Miles-Hagen American Legion Post 200. He was proud to have been a long-time member of the Miles-Hagen American Legion Post firing squad. He enjoyed fishing, NASCAR auto racing, socializing with family and friends, hunting and Country Western music. Survivors include a daughter, Lynda (James) Baxter of Black River Falls; two sons, Kenneth (Judith) Kapfer and Christian Kapfer, both of Black River Falls; four grandchildren, Jason Baxter, Tyler Kapfer, Brandon Kapfer and Katelin Bauer; two great-grandchildren, Bailie Baxter and Rylan Kapfer; three brothers, Wilbert “Bill” Kapfer of South Beloit, IL, Richard (Anita) Kapfer of Roscoe, IL, and Michael (Judy) Kapfer of Stoughton; his companion, Joyce Moldenhauer of Hixton; his mother-in-law Julia Katherine Depenbrink of Sierra Vista, AZ; and numerous other relatives and friends. In addition to his wife, MaryEllen, Bobby was preceded in death by his parents, Lee and Elsie Kapfer and a brother, Lloyd Kapfer. Children of BOBBY KAPFER and MARY ADDY are: 333. i. LYNDA LAWIESE12 KAPFER, b. Aug. 4, 1956. ii. KENNETH ROBERT KAPFER, b. Aug. 19, 1958, m. Judith. iii. CHRISTIAN W. KAPFER, b. Sept. 19, 1969. 262. RICHARD LAVAUNE11 KAPFER (ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Jan. 2, 1935. He married ANITA MARIE MOORE Nov. 16, 1961. She was born Feb. 24, 1941. Children of RICHARD KAPFER and ANITA MOORE are: i. KELLY KAY12 KAPFER, b. May 6, 1962. ii. KIMBERLY ANN KAPFER, b. April 1963. iii. KIP LEE KAPFER, b. Aug. 31, 1964. 263. MICHAEL TERRY11 KAPFER (ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 29, 1945. He married JUDITH ANN GAULT Jan. 24, 1971. She was born Dec. 27, 1949. Child of MICHAEL KAPFER and JUDITH GAULT is: i. JOSHUA MICHAEL12 KAPFER, b. Dec. 4, 1974. 264. VICKIE LYNN11 HANBY (MARGARET FERN10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born July 15, 1952. She married EDWARD THOMAS NOVAK Nov. 7, 1970. He was born Feb. 12, 1946. Children of VICKIE HANBY and EDWARD NOVAK are: i. SUSAN MARIE12 NOVAK, b. 1973. ii. NEIL ANTHONY NOVAK, b. 1975. 265. NANCY ANN11 SQUIRES (FLORENCE IVADELL AGNES10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 14, 1937. She married CURTIS DANIEL KYHL, son of State Senator and Mrs. Vernon Kyhl of Parkersburg, Butler Co., Iowa, Aug. 16, 1958 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greene, Iowa. He was born in 1937. They made their home in Story City. Iowa, where she taught. Curtis in January 1960 left for Fort Belvoir, Va., to report for duty in the Army Corp of Engineers. He graduated from Iowa State University at Ames in November 1959 with a degree in 179 Mechanical Engineering and received his Army commission at that time. In January 1965 he was accepted as a registered representative of the New York Stock Exchange, living and working in Waterloo out of the office of the G.H. Walker Co. investment firm. Children of NANCY SQUIRES and CURTIS KYHL are: i. CARY12 KYHL, b. 1959. ii. CLINTON KYHL, b. 1960. iii. iv. KIMBERLY KYHL, b. 1964. CHRISTOPHER JOHN KYHL, b. Nov. 22, 1966. 266. MARY LOU11 SQUIRES (FLORENCE IVADELL AGNES10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1942. She married DENNIS HARRY OTT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ott of Greene, Iowa, in August 1964 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greene. He was born in 1940. She was a recent graduate of St. Mary's School of Nursing in Rochester, Minn., and he was in the Army Medical Corps, stationed at Fort Chaffee near Fort Smith, Ark., where they made their home. Children of MARY SQUIRES and DENNIS OTT are: i. THERESA ANN12 OTT, b. 1965. ii. SONYA MARIE OTT, b. 1968. 267. MICHAEL WILLIAM11 SQUIRES (FLORENCE IVADELL AGNES10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1945. He married CLAUDIA NIELSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Nielson of Dike, Grundy Co., Iowa, April 1, 1967 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Cedar Falls, Iowa. She was born in 1948. They made their home on a farm southwest of Greene, Iowa. Children of MICHAEL SQUIRES and CLAUDIA NIELSON are: i. JENNIFER ANN12 SQUIRES, b. 1970. ii. MARIANNE E. SQUIRES, b. 1973. iii. KAREN BETH SQUIRES, b. 1976. 268. JOSEPH JOHN11 SQUIRES (FLORENCE IVADELL AGNES10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1946. He married RITA ROMAINE TRUEX Nov. 9, 1966 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greene, Butler Co., Iowa. She was born July 19, 1946 in Charles City, Floyd Co., Iowa, the daughter of Carl and Lyla Smith Truex of Marble Rock, Floyd Co., Iowa, and died Dec. 3, 2011, at her Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa home. At the time of the wedding she worked as a reservationist for Braniff International Airways and he had recently joined the Marine Corps. Rita worked as a nurse at North Iowa Hospital and later North Iowa Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa where she was a nurse and later nurses' supervisor. Child of JOSEPH SQUIRES and RITA TRUEX is: i. TIMOTHY JOSEPH12 SQUIRES, b. Jan. 16, 1967. 269. LORETTA MAE11 SWEET (BLANCHE ISOLA10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 7, 1937 in Iowa City and died Sept. 7, 1995 at the Ninth St. Chautauqua Guest Home, Charles City, Iowa. She married ULYSSES EDMOND GARBER June 2, 1953, son of Guy and Zoe Mills Garber. He was born May 25, 1926 and died May 15, 1992. Both are buried in Hillside Cemetery, Marble Rock, Floyd Co., Iowa. Children of LORETTA SWEET and ULYSSES GARBER are: 334. i. DALE EDWARD12 GARBER, b. 1954. 335. ii. LINDA LEA GARBER, b. 1958. iii. DENNIS EUGENE GARBER, b. 1960. iv. v. DOUGLAS EUGENE GARBER, b. 1964. DAVID EDWARD GARBER, b. 1964. 270. NORMA11 JEAN RASH (LYLE10, ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 13, 1929 in Iowa Falls and died Dec. 26, 2003. She married NATHAN “Nate” HUNT Oct. 6, 1946, son of Charles Dewey Hunt and Ruth C. Mitchell Hunt. Nathan was born in 1923 and died Nov. 15, 1988 at Ellsworth Hospital, Iowa Falls. He was a veteran of the U S Army Air Force serving in the Asian Pacific from 1943-46. He worked at Schager Produce in Alden, Welden Bros of Iowa Falls and Iowa Limestone of Alden-retiring in 1986. Residence: Alden, Hardin Co., Ia. Obituary: ALDEN - Norma Jean Hunt, 74, of Alden died Friday, Dec. 26, 2003, at Ellsworth Municipal Hospital in Iowa Falls. Funeral services were Monday, Dec. 29, at the United Methodist Church in Alden with Rev. Rick Layman officiating. Burial was in the Oak Hill Cemetery, Popejoy. Norma was born May 13, 1929, in Iowa Falls to Lyle and Selma (Graff) Rash. She graduated from the Popejoy High School in 1946. On Oct. 7, 1946, Norma was united in marriage to Nathan Hunt at Hampton. She was a homemaker and enjoyed reading. Norma was a member of the United Methodist Church, the Royal Neighbors, Oak Hill Cemetery Society and the Alden Legion Auxiliary. Survivors include three sons, Steven and wife Linda and Michael and wife Teri all of Alden, and Douglas and wife Becky of Iowa Falls; three daughters, Barbara Gardner and Rhonda Davis and husband Bill all of Alden, and Pamela Hunt of Williams; 12 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; six step-great-grandchildren; two sisters, Nancy McKinley of Alden and Sandra Hackbarth of Hampton; one brother, William Rash of Tucson, Ariz.; and a sister-in-law, Joan Rash of Alden. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Nathan; two brothers, Ronald and Allan Rash; a sister, Virginia Willis; a step-greatgrandchild; and a daughter-in-law, Kathleen Hunt. Surls Funeral Home of Alden was in charge of arrangements. 180 Iowa Falls Times-Citizen http://iagenweb.org/boards/hardin/obituaries/index.cgi?review=65849 Children of NORMA RASH and NATHAN HUNT are: i. STEVEN12 HUNT, m. Linda. ii. MICHAEL HUNT, m. Teri. iii. BARBARA HUNT, m. Mr. Gardner. iv. v. vi. PAMELA HUNT. RHONDA HUNT, m. Mr. Davis. DOUGLAS HUNT, m. Becky. 271. ALLAN11 M. RASH (LYLE10, ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Nov. 29, 1932 in Popejoy, Franklin Co., Iowa and died June 12, 2002 in Ames, Iowa. He married JOAN M. FILBRANDT, daughter of Mrs. Amanda Filbrandt of Dows and Edward Filbrandt of Eldora, April 20, 1958 at the First Lutheran Church in Dows, Ia. Obituary: ALDEN-Allan Rash, 69, of Alden, formerly of Davenport, died on Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at Mary Greely Medical Center in Ames. Funeral services were held at the First Lutheran Church in Dows with burial in the Fairview Cemetery in Dows. Rev. Richard Layman officiated. Allan was born Nov. 29, 1932, in Popejoy to Lyle and Selma (Graff) Rash. He was educated at Oakland Township School in Popejoy and graduated in 1950. After completing school, Allan worked for local farmers during the war. In December of 1952, Allan began serving in the United States Navy. He served during the Korean War and was honorably discharged from active service in December of 1956. On April 20, 1958, Allan was united in marriage with Joan Filbrandt at the First Lutheran Church in Dows. In March 1964, Allan and his family moved to Davenport, where he was a welder with the J.I. Case Company until 1970. At that time Allan took a position with Oscar Meyer as a welder and mechanic on their food service production machines. Due to health problems, Allan retired on May 12, 1982, and in July of 1994, the couple returned to live in Alden. Allan was a member of the First Lutheran Church in Dows and the Davenport American Legion. For over 20 years, Allen has endured COPD, a heart condition, cancer, and other illnesses. He is survived by his wife, Joan, of Alden; two children, Gary, and his wife, Kim, of Buckeye, Julie, and her husband, Lauren Hendren, of Stuart, Fla.; grandson Jeremy Rash of Casstown, Ohio; two step-grandsons, Jacob Hendren, and Michael Hendren both of Davenport; three sisters, Norma Hunt, of Alden, Nancy McKinley, of Alden, and Sandy Hackbarth, and her husband, Donald of Hampton; brother William and his wife, Sandy, of Tucson, Ariz.; brother-in-law Robert Filbrandt of Dows; and many nieces, nephews, and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; brother Ronald; and sister Virginia Willis. Children of ALLAN RASH and JOAN FILBRANDT are: i. GARY12 RASH, m. KIM. Residence: Buckeye, Hardin Co., Ia. ii. JULIE RASH, m. LAUREN HENDREN. Residence: Stuart, Fla. 272. NANCY11 LEE RASH (LYLE10, ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1935. In January 1960 at the Methodist church in Popejoy, Iowa she married ROBERT MCKINLEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. McKinley of Ames, Iowa. Residence: Alden, Hardin Co., Ia. Nancy graduated from Popejoy High School and had been employed by the Farmers State Bank of Dows. Robert graduated from Ames High School and at the time of the wedding was working as a farmer near Boone. Child of NANCY RASH and ROBERT MCKINLEY is: i. GRETCHEN12 MCKINLEY. 273. VIRGINIA11 ANN RASH (LYLE10, ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 7, 1936 and died July 17, 1965. She married Airman First Class JAMES CALVIN CLARK WILLIS Sept. 5, 1958 in Basil Switzerland, the son of James Calvin Willis and Eddie Leola Clark Willis, Des Arc, Prairie Co., Ark. He was born Jan. 30, 1933 at Des Arc and died Oct. 21, 1991 at Sherwood, Pulaski Co., Ark. After marrying, they lived in Wiesbaden, Germany. They are buried in Sand Hill Cemetery, Des Arc. Child of VIRGINIA RASH and JAMES WILLIS is: i. RENAE12 WILLIS, born abt 1959 in Germany. 274. SANDRA11 “Sandy” LAURENE RASH (LYLE10, ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1939. She married DONALD JAMES HACKBARTH of Dows, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hackbarth of Moline, IL, on Oct. 26, 1958 at the First Methodist Church in Popejoy, Iowa. Residence: Dows, then Hampton, Franklin Co., Ia. Sandy graduated in 1956 from Popejoy High School and at the time of her wedding worked at the Wright County Reporter office in Dows. Donald graduated in 1953 from Dows High School and at the time of the wedding was employed on the farm by LaVerne Olson. Child of SANDRA RASH and DONALD HACKBARTH is: i. DONNA12 HACKBARTH. 274.5 WILLIAM11 RASH (LYLE10, ELVA MAY9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) He married SANDY. Residence: Tucson, Ariz. 181 275. GARY ALLEN11 SWANSON (ALTA GAIL10 SHULTZ, LINK ERNEST9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1943. He married MARY JOSEPHINE SOPPE Jan. 12, 1964. She was born in 1944. Children of GARY SWANSON and MARY SOPPE are: i. KIMERI SUE12 SWANSON, b. 1965. ii. KORY JOH SWANSON, b. 1967. iii. KARI LYNN SWANSON, b. 1969. 276. BONNIE LEE11 SWANSON (ALTA GAIL10 SHULTZ, LINK ERNEST9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1945. She married JAMES DOUGLAS WALKER Sept. 4, 1965. He was born in 1945. Children of BONNIE SWANSON and JAMES WALKER are: i. DOUGLAS JAMES12 WALKER, b. 1969. ii. SCOTT ALLEN WALKER, b. 1971. 277. GENE HOWARD11 SWANSON (ALTA GAIL10 SHULTZ, LINK ERNEST9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1947. He married PAMELA KAY CATOUR April 25, 1970. She was born in 1949. Child of GENE SWANSON and PAMELA CATOUR is: i. BETHANIE ANN12 SWANSON, b. 1972. 277.3 ERROL FRANK11 SMITH (LES10 SMITH, VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Feb. 10, 1942, at Eldora, Iowa and died March 11, 1993, at Marshalltown, Iowa. He married THELMA MARIE WOOD June 20, 1970 in Harvard,Ill., daughter of ALBERT WOOD and JENETTA MOORE. She was born May 18, 1950 in Sparta, Wisc. Errol is buried in Bethel Grove Cemetery, Albion, Marshall Co., Iowa. Children of ERROL SMITH and THELMA WOOD are: i. EFFIE MAY SMITH, b. March 23, 1972, Harvard, Ill. ii. TERRY LEE JANSSEN, b. Nov. 20, 1964, Chicago,Ill. iii. STACEY ELLEN SMITH, b. Sept. 25, 1973, Harvard. 277.7 LARRY LEROY11 SMITH (LES10 SMITH, VIOLA JANE9 RASH, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1). Children of LARRY SMITH are: i. LARRY JUNIOR SMITH. ii. SHELLY SMITH. iii. LANETTE TENILLE SMITH. iv. v. ROXANN SMITH. MARIE SMITH. 278. MARGARET ANN11 SEWARD (LUCILLE MARIE10 WILLIAMS, EFFIE LILLIAN9 RASH, SOLON LINCOLN8, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married ALFRED HEMPHILL. Children of MARGARET SEWARD and ALFRED HEMPHILL are: i. LORENA12 DIANE HEMPHILL b. Nov. 7, 1953. ii. CRAIG HEMPHILL. 279. JOHN PAUL11 YANTIS (DOROTHY10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) He married LINDA PAXTON, daughter of Lloyd Paxton and Erma (Kelsey) Paxton of Marshalltown. Residence: Chandler, Ariz. Children of JOHN YANTIS and LINDA PAXTON are: i. JESSICA12 YANTIS. ii. MATTHEW YANTIS. iii. SARAH YANTIS, d. Died 3 years of age. 280. ELLEN11 YANTIS (DOROTHY10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) On June 30, 1974 at Camdenton Christian Church in Whitten, Iowa she married WILLIAM “Bill” L. HOFFMAN Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hoffman of Waterloo, Iowa. At the time of the wedding Ellen had been employed as the high school librarian in the Comanche Schools and Bill was employed by Chemplex Corp., Clinton, Iowa. Residence: Grundy Center, Iowa. Child of ELLEN YANTIS and WILLIAM HOFFMAN is: i. WILLIAM JOHN12 HOFFMAN. 281. MARVIN11 VELD (ARDIS ANN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born about 1947. On Nov. 10, 1973 he married MYRNA LEA RADECHAL, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. 182 Cy Radechel of Grundy Center, Iowa. At the time of the wedding Marvin was a farmer and Myrna was a lab technician at Grundy Center Memorial Hospital. Child of MARVIN VELD and MYRNA RADECHAL is: i. JACOB JOHN12 VELD. 282. BOYD11 ADAMS (REBA10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) He married JEANINE JORGEUSON. Children of BOYD ADAMS and JEANINE JORGEUSON are: i. CHRISTOPHER12 ADAMS. ii. JAMES ADAMS. 283. BECKY SUE11 ADAMS (REBA10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married RICK FIX. Children of BECKY ADAMS and RICK FIX are: i. CASEY12 FIX. ii. KELLY FIX. 284. RICHARD “Ricky” WAYNE11 ULERY (COLLEEN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) He married PATRICIA OARKHUFF. Children of RICHARD ULERY and PATRICIA OARKHUFF are: i. RENAE12 ULERY. ii. JARROD ULERY. 285. RANDY11 ULERY (COLLEEN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) He married ROXANNE OEKER. Child of RANDY ULERY and ROXANNE OEKER is: i. JAMIE12 ULERY. 286. DENISE11 ULERY (COLLEEN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married TOBY DENICK Nov. 1, 1974. Child of DENISE ULERY and TOBY DENICK is: i. TIFFANY12 DENICK. 287. LARRY11 ROBERT TESDALL (JOAN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) On July 27, 1968 m. JUNE JEANETTE JENKS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jenks of Waterloo, Ia. Child of LARRY TESDALL and JUNE JENKS is: i. ROBERT12 TESDALL. 288. LINDA11 JOAN TESDALL (JOAN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) On Dec. 12, 1970 m. LARRY SEARL, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Searl of Story City, Ia. Children of LINDA TESDALL and LARRY SEARL are: i. LARRY12 SEARL. ii. JESSIE SEARL. 289. LORETTA11 KAY TESDALL (JOAN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married STEVEN WIERSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wierson, Roland. Children of LORETTA TESDALL and STEVEN WIERSON are: i. ERIC12 WIERSON. ii. MELISSA WIERSON. 290. LARAINE PATRICIA11 “Patty” TESDALL (JOAN10 RASH, CLEM ALLISON9, ARTHUR THOMAS8, JOHN ANDERSON7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) She married STEVEN PHILLIPS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wierson, Story City, Story Co., Iowa, on June 23, 1972, at Salem Lutheran Church, Roland, Iowa. Both graduated in 1972 from Roland-Story High School, Story City, Iowa. Children of PATRICIA TESDALL and STEVEN PHILLIPS are: i. SHAWN12 PHILLIPS. ii. LISA PHILLIPS. iii. 183 CHRISTOPHER PHILLIPS. Generation No. 12 321. DONALD LANCE12 VIEN (VICKI DAWN11 COEN, BARBARA ANN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born Aug. 13, 1978 in Minneapolis, MN. Child of LANCE VIEN and CARLY MEGHANNE KENYON is: i. HENRY WINSTON VIEN, b. Oct. 21, 2011. 322.1. BENJAMIN LEE12 WALTERS (KEVIN GILBERT11, JANICE LEE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1978. He married DALE. Children of BENJAMIN WALTERS and DALE are: i. CHLOE, from Dale’s first marriage, adopted by Benjamin. ii. LUCY WALTERS, b. 2010. 322.2. JASON RYAN12 WALTERS (KEVIN GILBERT11, JANICE LEE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1980 in Marshalltown, IA. He married FAWN BUDIZAK. Children of JASON WALTERS and FAWN BUDIZAK are: i. CARTER LEE13 WALTERS, b. 2007, Denver, CO. ii. BRENNAN WALTERS, b. 2009. iii. KENDALL JO WALTERS, b. 2011. 322.3. DAVID MICHAEL 12 WALTERS (KEVIN GILBERT11, JANICE LEE10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1986 in Iowa City, IA. He married KATIE JO CHRISTIANSEN, b. 1987. Child of DAVID WALTERS and KATIE CHRISTIANSEN is: i. MACY JAE13 WALTERS, b. Aug. 2011. ii. ELLIE LYNN WALTERS, b. 2014. 323. CHRISTOPHER WAYNE12 COEN (STEPHEN CRAIG11, MARIAN JEAN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1982. He married LAURA LEE NUTT August 13, 2004 in Arlington, TX. She was born in 1984 in Grand Prairie, TX. Children of CHRISTOPHER COEN and LAURA NUTT are: i. GARETH DANIEL13 COEN, b. 2006, Arlington, TX. ii. GABRIEL BRYANT COEN, b. 2007, Arlington, TX. 323.5. JASON ALLEN 12 SHIPE (LUANNE11, MARIAN JEAN10 RASH, JAMES DEAN9, MONROE8, MELVIN LEVI7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1974 in Dallas, TX. He married (1) DENISE, (2) DONNA WARD. Child of JASON SHIPE and DENISE is: i. DEVIN ALLEN SHIPE, b. 1992. Child of JASON SHIPE and SANDI is: i. DILLON FRANKLIN SHIPE, b. 1996. Child of JASON SHIPE and DONNA WARD is: i. LOGAN ALLEN SHIPE, b. 2008. 324. DONALD BLAINE12 ANDERSON (HARRIET RUTH11 SHULTZ, CLAUDE LAVAUNE10, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1953. On Feb. 15, 1975 he married DEBRA ANN LOWMAN, daughter of Bill and Jean Lowman. She was born Oct. 18, 1956 and died April 1, 2011 of cancer. She is buried at Sunset Memorial Gardens, Machesney Park, Winnebago Co., Ill. They lived in the Rockford, Ill. area. Debbie graduated from Auburn High School in 1974. As an entrepreneur, she owned In Good Taste Catering. Child of DONALD ANDERSON and DEBRA LOWMAN is: i. JENNIFER DAWN13 ANDERSON, b. 1975, m. Kurt Erickson, had 2 daughters. Debra Lowman Anderson 325. PAMELA KAY12 WALKER (BETTY MAE11 NOAH, THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1951. She married (1) JAMES BOECKMAN. She married (2) LELAND “Lee” ELLIS in 1970. He was born in 1943. She married (3) DENNIS HULL. He was born in 1950. Child of PAMELA WALKER and JAMES BOECKMAN is: i. THOMASINA13 BOECKMAN, b. 1970. Children of PAMELA WALKER and LEE ELLIS are: ii. TONYA LEA13 ELLIS, b. 1971. iii. TASHA LYNN ELLIS, b. 1973. 326. JANICE MARIE12 WALKER (BETTY MAE11 NOAH, THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1952. She married STEVEN SCHWEM. He was born in 1951. 184 Children of JANICE WALKER and STEVEN SCHWEM are: i. SONDRA MAE13 SCHWEM, b. February 18, 1969. ii. KRISTINA MARIE SCHWEM, b. May 6, 1971. iii. RICKY LYNN SCHWEM, b. March 7, 1973. 327. CHERYL ANN12 MATHRE (BEVERLY JEANNE11 NOAH, THELMA10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1952. She married BRUCE ALLEN JACOBSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jacobson of Ames, Iowa, June 14, 1968 in Story City, Iowa. He was born in 1949. They made their home in Ames. Children of CHERYL MATHRE and BRUCE JACOBSON are: i. STACEY13 JACOBSON, b. 1969. ii. TROY LYNN JACOBSON, b. 1971. 328. ROGER DEAN12 DEMARAY (MARGERY DARLENE11 FIELD, MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1949. He married LOU ANN HEARN Feb. 16, 1974 at the United Methodist Church in Rudd, Floyd Co., Iowa. She was born in 1954. Children of ROGER DEMARAY and LOU ANN HEARN are: i. AARON ANN13 DEMARAY, b. 1974. ii. TIFFANY ANN DEMARAY, b. 1976. 329. RONALD REABURN12 DEMARAY (MARGERY DARLENE11 FIELD, MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1951. He married ELLEN CAROL HEARN August 8, 1970. She was born in 1951. Children of RONALD DEMARAY and ELLEN HEARN are: i. JASON MATTHEW13 DEMARAY, b. 1971. ii. JESS MICHAEL DEMARAY, b. 1975. 330. RICHIE JOE12 DEMARAY (MARGERY DARLENE11 FIELD, MILDRED MAXIE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1955. He married JULIEANN KAYE JEFFREY September 5, 1973. She was in 1954. Children of RICHIE DEMARAY and JULIEANN JEFFREY are: i. CHRISTIAN MARK13 DEMARAY, b. 1974. ii. CALEB JOE DEMARAY, b. 1976. 331. DARYL WAYNE12 KAPFER (WILBERT LEROY11, ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born June 2, 1950. He married REBECCA JEAN CLINGENPEEL July 11, 1970. She was born July 8, 1951. Child of DARYL KAPFER and REBECCA CLINGENPEEL is: i. MICHELLE JEAN13 KAPFER, b. April 4, 1972. 332. TERRY LEE12 KAPFER (WILBERT LEROY11, ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born May 21, 1953. He married KAREN MARGARET RATZE June 30, 1973. She was born May 16, 1954, daughter of Louie and Frances J. Boettcher Ratze, Rockford, Ill. Child of TERRY KAPFER and KAREN RATZE is: i. ANGELA DAWN13 KAPFER, b. Nov. 13, 1974. 333. LYNDA LAWAWIESE12 KAPFER (BOBBY LEE11, ELSIE EMLINE10 SHULTZ, ROY JAMES9, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1956. She married JAMES JOSEPH BAXTER August 16, 1975. He was born in 1955. Residence: Black River Falls, WI. Child of LYNDA KAPFER and JAMES BAXTER is: i. JASON ROBERT13 BAXTER, b. June 18, 1976. 334. DALE EDWARD12 GARBER (LORETTA MAE11 SWEET, BLANCHE ISOLA10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1954. He married VIRGINIA MAE BADE July 25, 1975. She was born in 1956. Child of DALE GARBER and VIRGINIA BADE is: i. SCOTT ANTHONY13 GARBER, b. 1976. 335. LINDA LEA12 GARBER (LORETTA MAE11 SWEET, BLANCHE ISOLA10 SMITH, NINA ESMOND9 SHULTZ, NANCY ELIZABETH8 RASH, LEWIS ELLIS7, ROBERT6, ASA5, DANIEL4, JOHN3, JOSEPH2, THOMAS1) was born in 1958. On Nov. 1, 1975 she married DANIEL LEE HALL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of Nashua, Iowa, at the Grace United Methodist Church, Floyd, Floyd Co., Iowa. He was born in 1949. At the time of the wedding he was employed at the Chickasaw County Land Fill and the couple planned to reside near Ionia, Chickasaw Co. Child of LINDA GARBER and DANIEL HALL is: i. APRIL LEA13 HALL, b. 1976. 185 Descendants of Johannes Hammer Generation No. 1 1. JOHANNES HAMMER was born in 1630 in Helbedündorf, Thuringia, Germany. He married ELISABETH FISCHER. Child of JOHANNES HAMMER and ELISABETH FISCHER is: 2. i. HENRICH BASTIAN2 HAMMER, b. Nov. 19, 1655, in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Bayern (Bavaria), Deutschland (Germany), d. 1687 Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Generation No. 2 1 2. HENRICH BASTIAN HAMMER (JOHANNES ) was born Nov. 19, 1655 in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Bayern (Bavaria), Deutschland (Germany) and died in 1687 at Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.. He married ANNA CATHERINA WEDEKIND, who was born in 1664 and died June 1, 1749, daughter of Caspar Wedekind. Child of JAMES HAMMER and ANNA WEDEKIND is: 3. i. AARON JOHANNES2 HAMMER, b. Abt. 1682, Libesia, Palatinate, Germany; d. June 10, 1765, Roxbourgh Twp., Philadelphia County, Penn. Generation No. 3 3 2 3. AARON JOHANNES “John” HAMMER (HENRICH , JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 15, 1683 in Germany, and died June 10, 1765 in Roxbourgh Twp., Philadelphia County, Penn. He married (1) JANE ANDREWS. He married (2) JANE STANFIELD in 1709. She was born Abt. 1689 in Wales, Great Britain, and died Abt. 1742 in Philadelphia County, Penn. Editor’s note: Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom, bordered by England to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its west. Wales is the orange (dark) area on this map. Notes for AARON JOHANNES “John” HAMMER: From the 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa, page 530: Zweibrücken, Germany Wales, United Kingdom Aaron Hammer was born in Celacia, Germany, from which country he emigrated to America in 1725, settling in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in which county his son Abraham was born in 1731. He adopted the Quaker religion and became a worker in that faith and the next three generations of Hammers adhered to the same. Editor’s note: I have unable to find any reference to a place called Celacia ever having existed anywhere. Another source, http://www.geni.com/people/AaronHammer/6000000002006087984, says he was born in Zweibrücken, a city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, on the Schwarzbach River. Thomas Jefferson Hammer, in his 1917 Biography of Seth Hammer, said Aaron Johannes Hammer “early in the Eighteenth Century emigrated from Germany to Great Britain, stopping for a time in Wales. Marrying in Wales, he subsequently emigrated to America, settling in Bucks County, in the Colony of Pennsylvania, the advantages of which Colony William Penn had set forth to the inhabitants in the Rhine country.” So Aaron was born in Germany, lived in Wales and there married a native, and they came to America. Here is a broader map that shows both Germany and England. 186 Editor’s note: Pennsylvania Colony was granted to William Penn on March 4, 1681 by King Charles II of England. Pennsylvania got its name for Penn's father, naval hero Sir William Penn, and the Latin word silva, meaning "forest". The name itself means "Penn's Woods". Penn received the colony as payment in lieu of a £16,000 debt that the Crown owed his father. Establishment of the colony also solved the problem of the growing Society of Friends or "Quaker" movement in England, which was causing much embarrassment to the established Church of England. This development figures prominently in our family history, and you will see the Friends mentioned many times in these pages. Children of AARON HAMMER and JANE STANFIELD are: i. ISAAC4 HAMMER, b. Abt. 1703; d. February 23, 1755. ii. AARON HAMMER, b. Abt. 1711. iii. ELIZABETH HAMMER, b. Abt. 1712, Cressheim, German Twp, Philadelphia, Penn.; d. Abt. 1776; m. BENJAMIN DICKINSON Nov. 4, 1731; b. Aug. 2, 1705 in Gwynedd, Philadelphia, PA, son of William Dickinson and Sarah Leadbeater. iv. JOHN HAMMER, b. Abt. 1714, Cressheim, Philadelphia, Penn.; d. April 12, 1772; m. R EBECCA JONES, Dec. 2, 1736; b. Abt. 1717. v. MARY HAMMER, b. May 25, 1723, Cressheim, Philadelphia, Penn.; m. J OSEPH EVANS, Dec. 2, 1736; b. Abt. 1720. vi. WILLIAM HAMMER, b. Abt. 1724, Cressheim, Philadelphia, Penn.; d. September 1, 1783. vii. HANNAH HAMMER, b. Abt. 1726, Plymouth, Philadelphia, Penn.; m. J ONAS SUPPLEE, June 1747; b. Abt. 1725. 4. viii. ABRAHAM HAMMER, b. April 1731, Bucks County, Pennsylvania; d. 1791, Warren Co. TN. Editor’s notes: The names Elisha, Isaac and Abraham turn up repeatedly in these pages about the Hammers. Here are the Biblical origins of those names: Elisha (Hebrew: "My God is salvation") is a prophet. He became the attendant and disciple of Elijah (1 Kings 19:16-19), and after Elijah was taken up in a fiery chariot into the whirlwind, he was accepted as the leader of the sons of the prophets, and became noted in Israel. He possessed, according to his own request, "a double portion" of Elijah's spirit (2 Kings 2:9); and for sixty years (892-832 BC) held the office of "prophet in Israel" (2 Kings 5:8). Abraham is the founding patriarch of the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Midianites and Edomite peoples, as described in the book of Genesis. According to Genesis, Abraham was the tenth generation from Noah and the 20th from Adam. Abraham was sent by God from his home to Canaan, the land promised to his descendants by Yahweh. Abraham was tested and showed a willingness to follow God's command to sacrifice his son Isaac, making him an example of faith and obedience. God stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac. Isaac (Hebrew: "he will laugh") was the only child of Abraham and Sarah, and the father of Jacob and Esau. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. Isaac died when he was 180 years old, which made him the longest-living patriarch. He was also the only one whose name was not changed, and the only one who did not leave Canaan (although he once tried to leave and God told him not to do so). Generation No. 4 4 3 4. ABRAHAM HAMMER (AARON JOHANNES , HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in April, 1731 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and died in December 1791 in Randolph County, NC. He married RACHEL MEETING Dec. 29, 1755 in Abington, PA, daughter of AARON MEETING. She was born in 1731 in Pennsylvania, and died in 1778 in Randolph County, NC. In 1760 they moved south from Pennsylvania; we next hear of the family in North Carolina. They are buried in Holly Springs Friends Meeting Cemetery, Ramseur, Randolph County, North Carolina. They were Quakers. Children of ABRAHAM HAMMER and RACHEL MEETING are: 5. i. ELISHA5 HAMMER, b. 1756, Cresheim, German Twp, Philadelphia Co., Pa; d. May 18, 1837, Warren Co., Tennessee. 6. ii. ISAAC HAMMER, b. Nov. 20, 1763, Orange Co. (now Randolph Co.) N.C.; d. Oct. 14, 1835, Huntsville, Indiana. iii. RACHEL HAMMER, b. November 20, 1764, Randolph, NC; d. March 6, 1825. iv. MARY HAMMER, b. July 31, 1768, Randolph Co., NC; d. 1831; m. J OHN ADAMSON, 1786; b. Abt. 1766. v. JOHN HAMMER, b. 1769, Randolph, NC; d. September 13, 1841, Henry, IN. vi. ABRAHAM HAMMER, b. January 5, 1771, Orange, NC; d. November 15, 1850, Randolph, NC. vii. MARGARET HAMMER, b. 1772, Randolph, NC. Notes on Abraham Hammer Sr’s family: In the minutes of the Abington (PA) Quakers meeting, 12 mo, 29d, 1755, he gave a written acknowledgement of the outgoing of his marriage to a non-Quaker, after members had condemened his action. The acknowledgment was accepted and he again became a member. The name of his wife is not mentioned in these records. 187 In the minutes of the same meeting, Abraham on 10 mo, 29d, 1759, requested and received a certificate from Abington Meeting to go to Orange County (now Randolph Co.), N.C. to become a member of the Cane Creek Monthly Meeting. Because his wife Rachel was still not a Quaker, neither she nor any of their children were mentioned. It was not until June 7, 1760 that Abraham presented his certificate to Cane Creek MM. On the "11th mo, 5th d, 1768 Abraham Hammer and George Henry" were dismissed from the meeting because they had joined a group protesting the taxes imposed on them and "also for making warlike preparations, due labor being extended, this meeting now disowns them. This happened at the time when men in that area were preparing to take part in the battle of Alamance by the regulators. His signature along with over one hundred others appears on a petition handed to North Carolina Governor William Tryon, protesting taxes. The family became members (Cane Creek MM granted certificate to Deep River on April 6, 1782) of Deep River MM (Yadkin County, NC) in 1782 and two years later, they were again members of Cane Creek (received on cerificate from Deep River dated May 3, 1784). Additional entries in Cane Creek MM (October 7, 1766) are for Abraham's daughter Mary, who married John Adamson "outside of Friends discipline" and later (September 6, 1806 Mary Adamson confessed her marriage "outside of Friends disipline") was re-admited. The youngest son, Abraham Jr. married and was condemned in 1787, then in 1803 he and his wife were received again. Generation No. 5 5. ELISHA5 HAMMER (ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1756 in Cresheim, German Township, Philadelphia County, Pa, and died May 18, 1837 in Warren County, Tennessee. He married (1) ELIZABETH RAINS in 1775 in Randolph County, NC, daughter of ASAHEL RAINS. She was born Abt. 1760 in North Carolina, and died Abt. 1818 in Warren County, Kentucky. He married (2) VIOLET WADE in 1821 in Warren County, Tennessee. She was born in 1790 in Virginia. More About ELISHA HAMMER: Info.: In 1759 moved to North Carolina as a child. Religion: Quaker More About VIOLET WADE: Info.: Citation: [S86] 1850 Census - Tennessee - Warren County, dist 13 Population Schedule, unknown repository address. Editor’s note: So, Violet apparently lived at least to the age of 60, outliving Elisha who died in 1837 at age 71. When they married, she was 31 and he was 65. He was 34 years her senior, more than twice her age. He had five children older than her. Children of ELISHA HAMMER and ELIZABETH RAINS are: i. AARON6 HAMMER, b. 1780, Randolph, NC; m. ESTHER LANE, October 26, 1801, Randolph County, NC. ii. MOSES HAMMER, b. Abt. 1782, Randolph, NC. 7. iii. HANNAH HAMMER, b. Abt. 1784, Randolph County, NC. iv. JOHN HAMMER, b. April 12, 1786, Randolph, NC; d. Sept. 13, 1841, Liberty, Henry, Indiana; m. NANCY ANN YORK, Sept. 2, 1803; b. March 17, 1785, Wayne, Indiana, USA; d. Aug. 10, 1846. Her baptism: LDS v. RACHEL HAMMER, b. 1788, Randolph, NC; m. ISAAC RAINES, January 27, 1808, Butler, Ohio; b. Abt. 1788. vi. POLLY HAMMER, b. 1790, Randolph, NC; m. ROBERT HARRISON, April 25, 1811, Butler, Ohio; b. Abt. 1791. vii. ELIZABETH HAMMER, b. 1792, Randolph, NC. viii. ELISHA HAMMER, b. 1794, Randolph, NC. ix. ISAAC HAMMER, b. 1796, Randolph, NC. x. RALEIGH HAMMER, b. 1799, Randolph, NC. xi. JANE HAMMER, b. 1802, Randolph, NC. Editor’s note: North Carolina is the red (dark) area on this map. It is south of Pennsylvania, which also is shown on this small map. Compare to the map on the preceding page. Child of ELISHA HAMMER and VIOLET WADE is: i. MIRIAM6 HAMMER, b. 1826, McMinnville, Warren Co., TN; d. 1900, McMinnville, Warren Co., TN. 6. ISAAC5 HAMMER (ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 20, 1763 in Orange Co. (now Randolph Co.) N.C., and died October 14, 1835 in Huntsville, Madison County, Indiana. He became the Rev. Isaac Hammer. He married (1) LYDIA MORGAN MENDENHALL Abt. 1784 in Guilford Court House, Randolph NC, daughter of JOSHUA MENDENHALL and LYDIA. She was born Abt. 1766 in North Carolina and died in 1793. He married (2) HANNAH MILLS Jan. 10, 1798 in Lost Creek, Jefferson Co. Tennessee. She was born Aug. 16, 1776 in Lost Creek, Jefferson Co. Tennessee, and died Jan. 20, 1812 in Lost Creek, Jefferson Co. Tennessee. Hannah is buried in Lost Creek Friends Burial Ground, Jefferson County, Tennessee. He married (3) the widow MARY (STANLEY) UNDERWOOD December 8, 1815. She was born Abt. 1766. He married (4) RACHEL JONES June 26, 1834. Isaac is probably buried in Huntsville Cemetery, Fall Creek Township, Madison County, Indiana, but possibly in the Isaac Hammer Cemetery, Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee. Editor’s note: For Tennessee, we move a bit to the west, as shown on these two maps: More About ISAAC HAMMER: Occupation: Hatter and fuller (worker who cleanses wool of oil and impurities). Info.: 1824, Purchased 50 acres Warren Co., Tn. Deed book 1, P. 317. 188 Jefferson County: Thomas Jefferson Hammer, in his 1917 Biography of Seth Hammer, wrote, “About the year1778, the Tories impressed Isaac into the British army. He was about eighteen years of age at that time, and being a Quaker, he refused to serve. For such refusal he was struck over the head with a sabre, the scar of which, as a memento of his moral heroism, he carried through life. Finally, through the entreaties of his mother, together with his youth and doubtful value as a recruit to the Tory army of George III, he was released.” Editor’s notes: Tories were American colonists who remained loyal to the Crown in the American Revolutionary War. If our birth year for Isaac (1763) is correct and if this incident did take place in 1778, then Isaac was about 15 at the time. Dr. Marian R. Hammer, in his 1930 book Biography of Jesse & Curtis Hammer and Family Reminiscences, places the incident just before or after the battle of Guilford Court House, which was on March 15, 1781, in Greensboro, Guilford County, NC, which makes Isaac about 18. Children of ISAAC HAMMER and LYDIA MENDENHALL are: i. JESSE6 HAMMER, b. July 13, 1785; m. (1) Rebecca about 1805, m. (2) LILAH UNDERWOOD, January 18, 1823. 8. ii. ELISHA HAMMER, b. May 1, 1789, Orange County, North Carolina; d. May 21, 1847, Jasper County, Iowa. iii. AARON HAMMER, b. June 30, 1792. iv. JONATHON HAMMER, b. January 30, 1795. Children of ISAAC HAMMER and HANNAH MILLS are: v. HENRY5 HAMMER, b. June 22, 1801, Tennessee; d. 1874, Iowa, m. Francis Perkins, Dec. 16, 1798 - Oct. 21, 1851. Both are buried in Adamson Grove Pioneer Cemetery, Jasper Co., Ia. Notes for HENRY HAMMER: The 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa on page 285 records, "In 1874 occurred the death of pioneer Henry Hammer Sr., who settled in Buena Vista township in 1848. He was a native of Tennessee and reached the ripe old age of seventh-three years. He was an anti-slavery man all of his eventful life." vi. CHARITY HAMMER, b. June 26, 1803, died in her 12th year. vii. RACHEL HAMMER, b. February 9, 1806, m. David Beals. viii. JOHN HAMMER, b. January 15, 1808, died at age 28, didn’t marry. ix. NATHAN HAMMER, b. February 3, 1810. x. LABAN HAMMER, b. Jan. 11, 1812 in Jefferson County, Tennessee. Lived for many years at Le Grand, Ia., buried at the Friends Cemetery there. On March 7, 1888 at Quarry, Marshall Co., Iowa m. Beula T. Farguhar Perisho, b. 1841 in Ohio, daughter of William Farguhar and Elizabeth Coffin. Notes for LABAN HAMMER: Biblical origin of his name: Laban is a complex man who first appears in Genesis 24:29-60. Greatly simplified, Laban exemplifies the man who places his family before everything else. Jacob worked seven years to earn the right to marry Laban's younger daughter Rachel, only to be tricked into marrying the elder daughter Leah, because Laban did not wish to risk leaving Leah unwed. Jacob then worked another seven years for Laban in order to marry Rachel as well. When Jacob wanted to move away with his wives and children, Laban would stop at nothing to keep them from moving, because they had a steady and certain life where they were. Laban Hammer land patent details from http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/PatentSearch/Detail.asp?PatentDocClassCode=STA&Accession=IA0710%5F%5F%2E406&Index=46 &QryID=74986%2E55&DetailTab=1 Patentee: LABAN HAMMER Land Office: Fort Des Moines Legal Land Description Cancelled: No Aliquot Parts: N½SE Survey U.S. Reservations: No Sec./Block: 11/ Acres: 80 Mineral Reservations: No Township: 86-N Metes/Bounds: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Range: 20-W Entry (3 Stat. 566) Fract. Section: No Title Transfer Document Nr.: 8842 Meridian: 5th PM Issue Date: 5/15/1855 Accession/Serial Nr.: IA0710__.406 State: IA Counties: Hardin For an explanation of “aliquot parts” and other terms used in the above land patent details, see page 86. 6.5. ABRAHAM5 HAMMER (ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born January 5, 1771 in Orange County (now Randolph County), NC, and died Nov. 15, 1850 in Orange County. He married CATHERINE TROGDON Sept. 1, 1792 in Cane Creek, NC. She was born Oct. 4, 1771 in Randolph County, NC, and died Feb. 7, 1866 in Randolph County. Children of ABRAHAM HAMMER and CATHERINE TROGDON are: i. ELIZABETH6 HAMMER, b. March 16, 1794. ii. ABIGAIL HAMMER, b. January 1, 1796. iii. ABIJAH HAMMER, b. March 10, 1798. iv. RACHEL HAMMER, b. April 9, 1800, Randolph Co., NC. v. LEVISA HAMMER, b. March 5, 1803. vi. ELISHA HAMMER, b. June 19, 1805. 189 vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. MATILDA HAMMER, b. June 23, 1807. MARY HAMMER, b. February 1, 1810. ISAAC HAMMER, b. August 23, 1812. JOHN HAMMER, b. April 13, 1814. ABRAHAM HAMMER. CATHERINE HAMMER. Generation No. 6 6 5 4 7. HANNAH HAMMER (ELISHA , ABRAHAM , AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Abt. 1784 in Randolph County, NC. She married JOHN YORK January 8, 1801 in Randolph County, NC, son of J OHN YORK and MARY. He was born in 1780 in Sandy Creek, Randolph County, NC, and died October 30, 1838 in Shoal Creek, Caldwell County, Missouri. According to http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=10621488, John York didn’t simply die at Shoal Creek, but was one of 17 Mormons killed in the Haun's Mill Massacre, which occurred on Oct. 30, 1838. York also is named among the slain in this Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haun's_Mill_massacre The article says a mob/militia unit from Livingston County attacked a Mormon settlement as part of the 1838 Mormon War between Latter Day Saints and their neighbors in the northwestern region of Missouri. As a result of the war, nearly all Mormons in Missouri, estimated at more than ten thousand, were forced to leave the state. Marriage Notes for HANNAH HAMMER and JOHN YORK: Citation: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 Groom: John York Bride: Hannah Hammer Bond Date: 8 Jan 1801 Bond #: 000115355 Level Info: North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 ImageNum: 003289 County: Randolph Record #: 01 310 Bondsman: Elisha Hammer Witness: J Bain. Children of HANNAH HAMMER and JOHN YORK are: i. AARON7 YORK, b. 1801; d. 1858. 9. ii. NATHANIEL YORK, b. 1806, Randolph County, NC; d. 1851, Peoria, Miami County, Indiana. iii. JOHN P. YORK, b. September 7, 1808; d. July 28, 1880. iv. MADISON YORK, b. 1809; d. Aft. 1827. v. ELISHA YORK, b. 1813; d. Aft. 1873. vi. MILES MONROE YORK, b. October 11, 1815; d. July 8, 1889. 8. ELISHA6 HAMMER (ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born May 1, 1789 in Orange County, North Carolina, and died May 21, 1847 in Jasper County, Iowa. He married RACHAEL LEWIS June 6, 1810 in Lost Creek MM (apparently a reference to the Morristown, Tennessee, Metropolitan Statistical Area), Jefferson County, Tennessee, daughter of EVAN LEWIS and SUSANNA MOON. She was born April 8, 1792 in Lost Creek and died Dec. 30, 1858 in Jasper County, Iowa. More About ELISHA HAMMER: From the 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa, Vol 1, page 530: Elisha, son of Isaac, was born in North Carolina. May 1, 1789, and at an early age moved with his parents to Tennessee, settling in Jefferson county. He was a miller and owned a mill on the historic stream of Lost Creek. He was a minister of the Friends church. His family consisted of ten children. In 1846 the Rev. Elisha Hammer sold his mill, loaded up his earthly belongings and drove overland to Iowa, bringing his wife and six sons, four of whom were married, and they brought their families: also two daughters. The Hammers wintered in Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa, where the father taught school. In the spring of 1847 Rev. Elisha Hammer came to Jasper county and settled in the neighborhood of Hammer's Grove and there he organized the Friends church and became its first pastor, serving without pay, and there he continued to reside until his death, in 1847, and he was buried at Pleasant Plains. He was a useful man and accomplished much good wherever his lot was cast. He was a Whig and a strong Abolitionist. More About RACHAEL LEWIS: Death possibly 1853 Editor’s note: It was the Rev. Elisha Hammer who brought the Hammer family to Iowa, settling in Jasper County, which is immediately south of Marshall and Hardin counties, where so many of his descendants would live. But first we convey the family’s rich pioneer history in Jasper County. 190 Children of ELISHA HAMMER and RACHAEL LEWIS are: i. MAHLON7 HAMMER, b. March 3, 1811, Tennessee; d. Dec. 15, 1831 in Jefferson County, Tenn.; m. Susan Mynot June 15, 1831. Burial information for MAHLON HAMMER: East Tennessee. Info.: Birth possibly Mar 31, not Mar 3 10. ii. SETH HAMMER, b. April 24, 1813, New Market, Jefferson County, Tennessee; d. 1881, Jasper County, IA. 11. iii. SUSANNAH HAMMER, b. Oct. 10, 1815, Lost Creek, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; d. Sept. 17, 1890, Jasper County, Iowa. 12. iv. HENRY HAMMER, b. December 15, 1817, Jefferson County, Tennessee; d. December 6, 1879, Jasper County, Iowa. 13. v. JESSE MILLS HAMMER, b. Oct. 4, 1820 near New Market, Jefferson Co TN; d. Sept. 2, 1873, Richland, Iowa. 14. vi. IRA LEWIS HAMMER, b. March 9, 1823, Jefferson County, Tennessee; d. 1880, Jefferson, TN. vii. LYDIA HAMMER, b. October 6, 1825; d. August 1827. Burial: East Tennessee viii. ELISHA HAMMER, b. April 30, 1828, Jefferson County, Tennessee, d. May 21, 1907, Marshalltown, Iowa; m. (1) LYDIA MILLS Jan. 5, 1853 in Jasper County, Iowa; m. (2) MARGARET E. GUTHERIE, April 18, 1860, Jasper County, Iowa; At age 70 on Jan. 13, 1898 at the Methodist Church in Mount Ayr, Ringgold Co., Iowa; m. (3) Sarah J. Warren Willey, b. abt 1834 in Jefferson Co., Tenn., daughter of James Warren and Jane Taylor. The 1900 census shows the couple living in Mt. Ayr. Children of ELISHA HAMMER and RACHAEL LEWIS continued on next page. First, more information about:the junior Elisha: The 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa records on page 94 that from 1858 to 1962 Elisha Hammer was the county treasurer and recorder. Page 191 of the same book records the first Masonic lodge instituted within Jasper County was Newton Lodge No. 59, founded under dispensation of James L. Hogin, grand master, March 30, 1855. The first officers included Elisha Hammer, secretary. Pages 218 and 531 state he served in the Seventh Iowa Cavalry, as Captain of Company "G" Page 271 records, "The first school (in Newton, in Jasper County Iowa) was taught by Elisha Hammer in the old court house, and spelling schools were frequent and interesting." This was around 1850. Notes of the Kellogg Historical Society, Vol. III, 1983, state Elisha Hammer came to Jasper County in 1846 with his parents, the Rev. Elisha Hammer and wife Rachel. “They were the first settlers northeast of Newton and it soon became known as ‘Hammer's Grove’. He was a civil engineer and surveyed the land for Newton and adjacent parts of the county. He taught the first school in Newton. In March of 1862, he organized Company "G", 7th Iowa Cavalry and was commissioned Captain on June 16, 1863. The Company served in Nebraska and Kansas and he was honorably discharged on July 17, 1865. After he came home he moved to Oswego, Kansas, then back to Des Moines, Iowa. His death came in 1907 at the Iowa Soldier's Home in Marshalltown. He was buried beside his first wife, Lydia, in the Center Friends Cemetery.” Obituary for Elisha Hammer from The Newton Daily News, Saturday, May 25, 1907, Page 1, Column 4: Captain Elisha Hammer died in the hospital at the Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown Tuesday at the age of 79 years. He was a native of Tennessee. Was born in Jefferson County April 30, 1828. His first suit of clothes, when he became a young man, were made by the late President Andrew Johnson*. At the close of the war he was in Washington and while there was a dinner guest of President Johnson. During the Civil War Captain Hammer served in Co. G, 7th Iowa Cavalry Volunteers. After the war closed he came to Jasper County and built a large brick dwelling a few miles east of Newton. With his older brother, Jesse Hammer, he owned a sawmill in Adamson Grove and at the time the Rock Island Railroad was built through this section of the country, sawed many of the ties for which they had a contract to furnish that road. In his early days he taught school, and also studied medicine, but never was a regular practitioner, although in the early fifties when he crossed the western plains, his knowledge along this line came in play and he was the doctor for the company with whom he traveled. Captain Hammer from March 1863 to May 1866 was stationed on the frontier and was located at Fort Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, and at Topeka, Kansas. During this time there was much trouble with the Indians. Deceased was a Mason. For years he had been a member of a Des Moines lodge, but was one of the charter members of Newton Lodge No. 59 A. F. and A. M. He was married twice. His first wife was a Miss Mills, a sister of Mrs. J.B. Owings of this city. After her death he married a Mrs. Willis, who was a cousin of Bob Taylor#, of Tennessee. One daughter and four sons survive him. Mrs. Julia Bachelor of Des Moines; Harrison Hammer of Valley Junction; Charles Hammer residing in Minnesota; and Guy Hammer who lives in Texas. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the Friends Church at Amboy and interment was in the Center Cemetery. The son from Valley Junction, the daughter from Des Moines, and his brother, Aaron Hammer, and his nephew, Dr. M.R. Hammer of this city, attended the funeral. ~ http://iagenweb.org/boards/jasper/obituaries/index.cgi?review=69039 Editor’s notes: The cemetery mentioned is the Center Friends Cemetery, Amboy, Kellogg Township, Jasper County, Iowa. *About President Andrew Johnson and that suit: In 1826, Johnson (1808-1875) arrived in Greeneville, Greene Co., TN after fleeing an apprenticeship in Raleigh, NC. He chose to remain there after learning that the town's tailor was planning to retire. He purchased the tailor shop, which he moved from Main Street to its present location at the corner of Depot and College streets. He was inaugurated Vice President in early 1865 and a month later became the United States’ 17th president upon Abraham Lincoln's assassination. # Bob Taylor, 1850–1912, was a U.S. Representative from Tennessee from 1879 to 1881, Governor of Tennessee from 1887 to 1891 and from 1897 to 1899, and subsequently a United States Senator from that state from 1907 until his death. Capt. Hammer’s nephew Enos Hammer, son of his brother Henry Hammer, served and died under his command. More information on page 197. Two other nephews, Aaron Thompson Hammer and John Hammer (more about them on page 199), both sons of Capt. Hammer’s brother Jesse Mills Hammer, also served under Capt. Hammer. 191 Service information for Capt. Hammer & his nephews, from the 1878 book The History of Jasper County, Iowa, page 428: Seventh Cavalry, Company C: Capt. Elisha Hammer, com. June 16, 1863, honorably disd. July 17, 1865 Enos Hammer, enlisted March 2, 1863. Corp. John M. Hammer, enlisted March 2, 1863. A.T. Hammer, enlisted Aug. 2, 1864. Obituary for Capt. Elisha Hammer’s wife Lydia Mills Hammer, from the Newton (IA) Record, Friday, Feb. 28, 1896, Page 1, Column 1: Mrs. Lyday Hammer, wife of Elisha Hammer, well known by our old citizens as among the early settlers of Jasper County, died quite suddenly of heart disease at her home in East Des Moines, last Sunday morning. The body was brought to Amboy on Wednesday, where funeral services were held at Center Friends Church, and the body interred in the Friends Cemetery near by. Mrs. Hammer’s maiden name was Lydia Mills, she was born January 12, 1833 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and with her parents came to Keokuk County, Iowa. In 1853 she was united in marriage to Elisha Hammer by Judge Edmundson, on the old home farm east of Newton. She leaves three sons and one daughter – Harrison Hammer and Mrs. Julia Batchelor, of Des Moines; A. Jay Hammer, of Muchakinock, and Guy Hammer, of West Waterloo; all of whom with the bereaved husband, were in attendance at their mother’s funeral; also her two sisters, Mrs. Martha Owens, of Newton, and Mrs. Mary Beals, of Page County, and her brothers, Benj. Mills, of Hardin County and Macy Mills, of Keokuk. Mrs. Hammer was converted and united with the M.E. Church during the *Hestwood Revival in the winter of 1861-62. She was a faithful, consistent Christian, and highly respected and loved by all who knew her. Her old friends in Newton and vicinity will be deeply grieved on learning of her death. For her husband and children, the tenderest sympathy is felt by everybody. ~ http://iagenweb.org/boards/jasper/obituaries/index.cgi?review=33286 *Editor’s note: J. F. Hestwood was a pastor of the Methodist Episcopal (M.E.) Church. Children of ELISHA HAMMER (the senior Elisha, not his son Capt. Hammer) and RACHAEL LEWIS continued: ix. AARON HAMMER, b. June 2, 1831, Jefferson Co., TN, d. Nov. 25, 1914. In 1860 m. Margaret Guthrie, had 7 children, five of whom survived him. Burial Center Friends Cemetery, Jasper Co., Kellogg, Twp, Ia. Margaret died in 1877. x. MARY ANN, possibly Polly A., HAMMER, b. Nov. 15, 1834, Jefferson, TN; d. August 29, 1874, Jasper, IA. xi. ISAAC HAMMER, b. June 20, 1836, Jefferson, TN; d. 1862, Austin, NV. Burial: Simpson Park, near Austin, Nevada Info.: Spring 1862 left Iowa for California with brother Jesse & their nephew Jesse; Isaac died on the way. 1875 plat map of Newton Township in Jasper County, Iowa. Note the label “A. Hammer” in Section 13. 192 Generation No. 7 9. NATHANIEL7 YORK (HANNAH6 HAMMER, ELISHA5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1806 in Randolph County, NC, and died in 1851 in Peoria, Miami County, Indiana. He married ELIZABETH BETSY BISHOP June 9, 1825 in Preble County, Ohio, daughter of NATHANIEL BISHOP and NANCY FRESHWATER. She was born in 1805 in North Carolina, and died Aft. 1887 in Miami Co., Indiana. Nickname for ELIZABETH BISHOP: Betsy Children of NATHANIEL YORK and ELIZABETH BISHOP are: i. HANNAH8 YORK, b. 1828; d. March 22, 1895. ii. MARY YORK, b. 1830 Ohio. iii. BENJAMIN S. YORK, b. January 18, 1832 Ohio; d. August 1, 1909. iv. SARAH ELIZABETH YORK, b. 1834 Ohio; d. June 16, 1923. v. LAURA J. YORK, b. May 18, 1836, Indiana; d. Bef. 1872; m. D AVID HARTLEROAD, November 17, 1852, Miami County, Indiana; b. 1828, Portage County, Ohio; d. January 9, 1891, Miami County, Indiana. Burial information for DAVID HARTLEROAD: Miami County, Indiana 10. SETH7 HAMMER (ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 24, 1813 in New Market, Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died March 16, 1881 in Iowa. He married (1) ELIZABETH JANEWAY in 1833 in Tennessee, daughter of BENJAMIN JANEWAY and MARY JANE CHILDERS. She was born in 1819 in Strawberry Plains, Jefferson County, TN, and died in 1840 in Jefferson County, TN. Seth’s sister Susannah married Elizabeth’s brother Charles Janeway. Seth married (2) ELIZABETH HACKNEY November 6, 1841 in Blount County, Tennessee, daughter of AARON HACKNEY and JANE JONES. She was born Abt. 1818 in Tennessee, and died December 30, 1858. He married (3) MARY ELIZABETH GOTSHALL MUSGROVE March 22, 1860, widow of Allen Musgrove. She was born Abt. 1835 in Jasper County, Iowa, and died in 1870. He married (4) ANN ELIZABETH “Lillie” CHANNEL May 19, 1872 in Jasper County. She was born Abt. 1839 in Pennsylvania. Doing the Math on Seth Hammer: Seth Hammer was married 4 times without an intervening divorce. He had a child in his home from 1834 to 1881. Seth Hammer had 15 children by four wives, all named Elizabeth. Seth born in 1813 Marriage 1, Elizabeth Janeway, born in 1819, marriage in 1833. Seth is 20, wife 14. 01. 1834 Nancy Hammer - Seth is 21, wife 15 02. 1836 Rachel Hammer - Seth is 23, wife 17 03. 1838 Jesse Hammer - Seth is 25, wife 19 04. 1840 Benjamin Hammer - Seth is 27, wife 21 Elizabeth Janeway Hammer died in 1840, age 21. They were married 7 years. Marriage 2, Elizabeth Hackney, born in 1818, marriage in 1841. Seth is 28, wife 23. 05. 1846 Seth Francis Hammer - Seth Sr is 33, wife 28 06. 1849 Thomas Hammer - Seth is 36, wife 31 07. 1851 Sarah Hammer - Seth is 38, wife 33 08. 1853 Louisa Hammer - Seth is 40, wife 35 Elizabeth Hackney Hammer died in 1858, age 40. They were married 17 years. Seth Hammer, age 56, about 1869 Marriage 3, Elizabeth Gotshall Musgrove, born in 1835 (a year after Seth's first child Nancy), marriage in 1860. Seth is 47, wife 25. 09. 1861 Allen Hammer - Seth is 48, wife 26. Allen died in 1862. 10. 1862 Adam Hammer - Seth is 49, wife 27 11. 1864 Harriet Hammer - Seth is 51, wife 29 12. 1866 George Hammer - Seth is 53, wife 31 13. 1868 Eva Hammer - Seth is 55, wife 33 Elizabeth Gotshall Musgrove Hammer died in 1870, age 35. They were married 10 years. Marriage 4, Elizabeth “Lillie” Channel, born abt 1839, marriage in 1872. Seth is 59, wife 33. 14. 1873 Rubie Moyer Hammer - Seth is 60, wife 34 15. 1875 Ruie Elizabeth Hammer - Seth is 62, wife 36 Seth Hammer died in 1881, age 68. He and his fourth wife were married 9 years. She is listed in the 1880 census as age 41. His eldest child Nancy would have been 47 in 1881, but died in1870. His son Benjamin also died in 1870. His oldest surviving child was Rachel, 193 45. His youngest was 6. He had a child in his home continuously for 47 years. He had step-children as well. His third wife, Elizabeth Gotshall Musgrove, widow of Allen Musgrove, was the mother of Jake and Jane Musgrove. The 1880 census shows Seth’s household included seven children, four of them from his fourth wife’s deceased husband: George Channel, 19, Pearly Channel, 17, William Channel, 16, and Samuel Channel, 13. The 1850 Census lists Seth's occupation as "sawyer." Thomas Jefferson Hammer's 1917 book Biography of Seth Hammer says Seth and brother Henry built a bridge across the North Skunk River and operated a water-powered sawmill on the west side. The 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa on page 94 records that in 1846 Seth hammer became the first county recorder for Jasper County, holding that office two years. The same book on pages 346 and 347 records that the Newton Township was the geographical center of Jasper County and that in 1849 the township trustees included Seth Hammer. Seth Hammer and brother Henry Hammer land patent details from http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/PatentSearch/Detail.asp?PatentDocClassCode=STA&Accession= IA0620%5F%5F%2E254&Index=55&QryID=74986.55&DetailTab=1 Patentees: SETH HAMMER, HENRY HAMMER Survey State: IOWA Acres: 40 Metes/Bounds: No Title Transfer Issue Date: 5/1/1855 --------------Patentees: SETH HAMMER, HENRY HAMMER Survey State: IOWA Acres: 40 Metes/Bounds: No Title Transfer Issue Date: 3/10/1852 --------------Patentees: SETH HAMMER,, HENRY HAMMER Survey State: IOWA Acres: 40 Metes/Bounds: No Title Transfer Issue Date: 11/1/1852 Ann Elizabeth “Lillie” Channel Hammer, about 1888, age abt 49 Land Office: Fort Des Moines Cancelled: No U.S. Reservations: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) Document Numbers Document Nr.: 3670 Accession/Serial Nr.: IA0620__.254 Legal land description: Aliquot Parts: SWNE Sec./Block: 20/ Township: 80-N Range: 18-W Fract. Section: No Meridian: 5th PM State: IA Counties: Jasper Land Office: Iowa City Cancelled: No U.S. Reservations: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) Document Numbers Document Nr.: 4319 Accession/Serial Nr.: IA2380__.288 Legal land description: Aliquot Parts: NESW Sec./Block: 21/ Township: 80-N Range: 18-W Fract. Section: No Meridian: 5th PM State: IA Counties: Jasper Land Office: Iowa City Cancelled: No U.S. Reservations: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) Document Numbers Document Nr.: 5165 Accession/Serial Nr.: IA2400__.028 Legal land description: Aliquot Parts: SWNW Sec./Block: 8/ Township: 80-N Range: 18-W Fract. Section: No Meridian: 5th PM State: IA Counties: Jasper For an explanation of “aliquot parts” and other terms used in the above land patent details, see page 86. More About SETH HAMMER: Burial: Center Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa. GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 41.72940, Longitude: -92.97970 Occupation: Sawyer. In April 1846 was elected the first recorder in Jasper County Iowa. Editor’s note: For many more details about Seth’s life, see Thomas Jefferson Hammer's 1917 book Biography of Seth Hammer. More About ELIZABETH JANEWAY: Possibly Elisabeth, not Elizabeth More About ELIZABETH HACKNEY: Burial: Center Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa Info: Brothers Seth, Jesse and Ira Hammer married sisters Elizabeth, Lucinda and Sarah Hackney, respectively, daughters of Aaron Hackney and Jane Jones. Seth married Elizabeth Nov. 6, 1841. Jesse married Lucinda May 1, 1841. Ira married Sarah Nov. 25, 1843. More About ELIZABETH GOTSHALL MUSGROVE HAMMER: Burial: Center Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa 194 More About ANN ELIZABETH “Lillie” CHANNEL: Maiden name unknown. Possible first husband information: 1870 mortality records (http://www.iagenweb.org/jasper/census/mortality/1870.htm) show George Channel, a married farmer of Newton Township, Jasper Co., Ia, , died in July 1869 at age 50, of consumption (tuberculosis). Children of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH JANEWAY are: 15. i. NANCY8 HAMMER, b. 1834; d. 1870. 16. ii. RACHEL HAMMER, b. May 23, 1836, Jefferson County, Tennessee; d. November 13, 1893, Hardin County, Iowa. iii. JESSE MILLS HAMMER, b. 1838; d. 1888, Fresno Flats; m. F RANCIS “Frankie” CROSS, 1868, Dayton, Nevada. Burial for JESSE MILLS HAMMER: Fresno County, California Info.: Spring 1862 left Iowa for California with his Uncles Jesse & Isaac Hammer and an acquaintance John Rogers iv. BENJAMIN JANEWAY HAMMER, b. 1840; d. Dec. 1870; in 1862 in Tennessee m. DIANNA DARTHULA ANDERSON, b. March 1, 1841, d. Oct. 19, 1916. She is buried in Hazelwood Cemetery, Grinnell, Poweshiek County, Iowa. Notes for BENJAMIN JANEWAY HAMMER: Nicknames: Benny, B.J. Burial: Center Friends Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa. Occupation: Teacher In 1846, when Benjamin would have been just six years old, his father Seth and much of the Hammer family moved to Iowa. Benny was left behind in Tennessee with his maternal grandfather and namesake, Benjamin Janeway, "against his father's wishes," according to Thomas Jefferson Hammer's 1917 book Biography of Seth Hammer. Benny's mother Elizabeth Janeway Hammer had died the year he was born, perhaps in childbirth; I have no record of the cause. Benjamin visited Iowa in 1857 and was reunited with his father. Thomas wrote, “Brother Benny then stood six feet tall and, considering my small stature, I thought him a ‘big man’, though he was only seventeen at the time.” Later in the same book Thomas recorded, “My brother B.J. (Benny)… secured his education at an academy in Tennessee. In mathematics he had taken up algebra and trigonometry, probably with a view of following the engineering profession, and also had given some attention to the languages. “He was in Tennessee when the Civil War burst upon the South as the result of her supreme folly, and at the first reasonably safe opportunity, escaped with his wife and her young sister, coming to Iowa early in 1864. I distinctly remember the winter term at the “little brick” was in session and the teacher was “Sis” Guthrie. “Some time after his arrival at Hammer Grove, perhaps a year or so, Benny was appointed teacher of our school, where his fitness as an instructor of the youth was quickly and satisfactorily demonstrated. Benny’s government had that quality of kindly firmness, which at once gained the good will of the school, and his method of instruction drew out the best in the pupil. I do not remember ever having asked Benny a question, pertaining to the studies, he could not answer, or mentioning any historical subject with which he was not, in some degree familiar. “During the series of meetings, conducted by the Friends at Center, in the winter of 1868-9, Nathan Ballard, leader, Benny publicly acknowledged the faith he believed arid his subsequent life, though short, was a living testimony of the sincerity of his profession. “Not being possessed of robust health, the confining work of the school-room and the severity of the climate, to which he was not native, he succumbed to the ailment common to that latitude and passed away in December, 1870, in his thirty-first year.” Children of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH HACKNEY are: 17. v. SETH FRANCIS8 HAMMER, b. 1846, Iowa; d. 1934. 18. vi. THOMAS JEFFERSON HAMMER, b. born Nov. 22, 1849 in Iowa, d. Feb. 27, 1920 in Los Angeles, Calif 19. vii. SARAH ELIZABETH “Sadie” HAMMER, b. April 1851, Iowa; d. 1930. 20. viii. LOUISA JANE HAMMER, b. Jan. 6, 1853, Iowa; d. May 16, 1928, Jasper County, Iowa. Children of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH MUSGROVE are: ix. ALLEN ELISHA8 HAMMER, b. 1861, Jasper County, Iowa; d. 1862. Burial: Center Cemetery, Jasper County, Ia. 21. x. ADAM MARK HAMMER, b. 1862, Jasper County, Iowa; d. 1933, Hardin Co., IA (Prostate cancer). 22. xi. HARRIET ANN HAMMER, b. May 13, 1864; d. July 19, 1938. 23. xii. GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMMER, b. June 26, 1866; d. March 18, 1893, 26y7m20dy. 24. xiii. EVA DARTHULA HAMMER, b. May 24, 1868, Iowa; d. July 10, 1949, Union, Hardin Co, IA. Children of SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH CHANNEL are: xiv. RUBIE MOYER8 HAMMER, b. 1873, died in infancy. Burial: Center Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa. Spelled Ruby in Jesse D. Hammer's continuation of Seth Hammer genealogy. 25. xv. RUIE ELIZABETH HAMMER, b. May 1875, d. 1942 195 11. SUSANNAH7 HAMMER (ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born October 10, 1815 in Lost Creek, Jefferson Co., Tennessee, and died September 17, 1890 in Jasper County, Iowa. She married CHARLES GARRETT JANEWAY in 1835 in Jefferson County, TN, son of BENJAMIN JANEWAY and MARY JANE CHILDERS. He was born in 1813 in Strawberry Plains, Jefferson Co., TN, and died Feb. 11, 1896 in Kellogg, Jasper Co, IA. Editor’s notes for SUSANNAH HAMMER: Susannah married Charles Janeway. Susannah’s brother Seth Hammer married Charles' sister Elizabeth Janeway. The resulting children thus were “double cousins”. Susannah was called “Aunt Susie”. In 1846 Susannah's husband Charles Janeway went along with Susannah's brother Seth and much of the Hammer family to Iowa. Susannah and the children remained in Tennessee and did not follow to Iowa until 1857, according to Thomas Jefferson Hammer's 1917 book Biography of Seth Hammer. So, they were married 11 years, then separated 11 years, and then reunited. What curious story lies behind that arrangement? When they came in 1857, they brought along Seth’s son who had been left behind in 1846, Benny. Obituary for Charles Garret Janeway, 1896: Close of a Long Life Father Charles Janeway died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Uriah Hinshaw, last Charles & Susannah Hammer Janeway, who lived Tuesday morning, Feb. 11th, aged eighty two years, one month and two days. in separate states 11 years and were reunited. He was born in Tennessee, January 9, 1814, and left his native state and settled in Jasper County, near where he died, over forty years ago. His aged companion preceded him to the "Glory Land" some five or six years. He had been the father of fourteen children, nine living, of whom seven were permitted to be with him during his last illness; Dr. D.F. Janeway, Argonia, Kansas, Elisha and Enoch Janeway, Haddam, Kansas; Mrs. Susie Martin and husband, Hubbard, Iowa; Mrs. Uriah Hinshaw, Mrs. S.A. Morris and Janus Janeway, of this vicinity. His grandchildren and great grand children number between 85 and 90. The funeral services were held at Center (Friends) Church near Amboy, on Wednesday, February 12, attended by a large concourse of relatives and old friends and neighbors. ~ The Newton Record, Friday, Feb. 14, 1896, Page 1, Column 5. The 1878 book History of Jasper County Iowa on page 541 says Charles Janeway is a member of the Friends, is Republican in politics, and owns 190 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre. Charles Janeway and Susannah (Hammer) Janeway were buried in Center Friends Cemetery, Kellogg, Jasper Co., IA. Children of SUSANNAH HAMMER and CHARLES JANEWAY are: i. Enoch8 Elbert Janeway, b. born Feb. 3, 1837 Strawberry Plains, Jefferson Co., TN, d. Dec. 3, 1917, res. Haddam, KS. ii. Benjamin Janeway, b. Sept. 1838 in Strawberry Plains. iii. Elisha Janeway, b. 1840 in Strawberry Plains, resided Haddam, KS. iv. Seth Janeway, b. Sept. 8, 1841 in Strawberry Plains, d. Jan. 12,1931 in CA. v. Nancy Janeway, b. 1844 in Strawberry Plains. vi. Margaret “Peggy” Janeway, b. 1844 in Strawberry Plains, d. Sept. 18, 1916, m. Uriah Hinshaw June 30, 1864. They had six children, resided Newton. Uriah Hinshaw b. Sept. 15, 1845 in Friendsville, TN, son of David and Elizabeth (Lewis) Hinshaw, d. March 5, 1929, at his home in Long Beach, Calif., age 83. vii. Rachael Janeway, b. 1846 in Strawberry Plains. viii. Sarah Janeway, b. 1846 in Strawberry Plains. ix. Charles Janeway, b. 1850 in Strawberry Plains. x. Dr. Daniel Fulton Janeway, b. Jan. 6, 1852 in Strawberry Plains, resided Argonia, KS, d. April 1929 in Stillwater, Payne Co, OK. The 1880 census shows him and none of his siblings living with his parents in Kellogg. The 1885 state census shows only Charles and Susannah in the Kellogg household. xi. Susannah "Susie" Janeway, b. 1853 in Strawberry Plains, m. Mr. Martin, resided Hubbard, IA. xii. James “Jimmy” H. Janeway, b. Jan. 1857 in Strawberry Plains. xiii. Martha E. Janeway, b. 1859 in Jasper Co, IA, d. Aft. 1942. Married Stephen A. Morris Oct. 12, 1879, resided Newton. He was born July 23, 1858 in Newcomerstown, Ohio, d. 1942 in Kellogg. They had eight children, three of whom died in early childhood. Buried in Our Silent City Cemetery, Kellogg, Jasper County, Iowa. xiv. Eva Janeway, b. 1861 in Jasper Co, IA. 12. HENRY7 HAMMER (ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born December 15, 1817 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died December 6, 1879 in Jasper County, Iowa. He married Hannah Mills Oct. 10, 1837 in Tennessee. She was born Jan. 15, 1821 in Jefferson County, TN to Zachariah and Ann Woodward Mills. Hannah died Aug. 3, 1899, Jasper County, Iowa. The couple owned one of the six covered wagons that came to Iowa in 1846 with Henry’s brothers and father the Rev. Elisha Hammer. Notes for HENRY HAMMER: For Henry Hammer land patent details, see page 194. Thomas Jefferson Hammer's "Biography of Seth Hammer" says Seth and brother Henry built a bridge across the North Skunk River and operated a water-powered sawmill on the west side. 196 Excerpt from Henry Hammer’s obituary in the Newton (IA) Journal; December 11, 1879, page 3: Another Pioneer Gone – Mr. Henry Hammer, whose name is familiar to nearly everybody in this section of the State, died at his home in the Hammer Grove. He was one of the very earliest pioneers of Jasper county, having settled here in 1847. He leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. In his death our county loses one of her best and noblest citizens. http://iagenweb.org/boards/jasper/obituaries/index.cgi?review=302522 Obituary for Hannah Mills Hammer from The Newton (IA) Record, Thursday, August 10, 1899: Aunt Hannah Hammer, who had for fifty-two years been a resident of Jasper County, died at her home near Amboy last Thursday, aged nearly four score years. She was a lovely old woman, esteemed not only by her numerous relatives, but by all who have ever known her. Her maiden name was Hannah Mills. She was born in Jefferson County, Tenn., in 1820. In her young womanhood she was married to Henry Hammer. In 1846 they moved to Richland, this State, and the following year came to Jasper County and settled on the farm in Hammer Grove, where her husband died about twenty-five years ago, and where she continued to live until her life work was ended. She had been the mother of ten children, five of whom are living: Z.M. Hammer, Amboy, Mrs. Betsy Mills, Richland, Ira L. Hammer, Kellogg, Mrs. Ella Murdock, Laurel, and H.C. Hammer of Amboy, with whom the aged mother had made her home for a couple of years, also, a granddaughter, Miss Ethel Vanness, whom Aunt Hannah had raised from infancy. The funeral occurred on Friday afternoon, and the remains of the dear old mother in Israel were laid to rest beside those of her husband and four children in the Friends grave yard near Center Church - one son, Enos, who was a soldier in the 7th Iowa Cavalry being buried at Topeka, Kan., in 1864. http://iagenweb.org/boards/jasper/obituaries/index.cgi?review=73866 Editor’s note: The cemetery mentioned is the Center Friends Cemetery, Amboy, Kellogg Township, Jasper County, Iowa. Children of HENRY HAMMER and HANNAH MILLS are: i. Zachariah M. Hammer, b. Jan. 17, 1839 Jefferson Co., TN, , d. March 4, 1924. On Dec. 12, 1859 m. Louisa Jane Tharp, dau. of John and Nellie Tharp, b. Sept. 2, 1842, Henry Co., Ind., d. Oct. 9, 1914 Newton, Ia. Had 8 children. ii. Ira Lewis Hammer, b. July 11 Jefferson Co., Tennessee, 1840, d. Sept. 18, 1919. Our Silent City Cemetery, Kellogg, Ia. Married 1) Eliza Oldfield, b. 1842, and had 6 children. Married 2) Catherine Burrows Parson, b. 1842. iii. Betsy Ann Hammer, b. July 20, 1842 Jefferson County, Tennessee, d. Oct. 1917 in Richland, Keokuk Co., Ia, m. John Mills, b. Jan. 28, 1847 in Keokuk County, and had seven children. iv. Mahlon Hammer, b. Oct. 9, 1844 Jefferson County, Tennessee, d. Sept. 6, 1864 in Jasper County, Ia. v. Enos Hammer, b. Dec. 20, 1846 Iowa, d. July 17, 1864 at Topeka, KS, where he was buried. vi. Lucinda Jane Hammer, b. August 2, 1849 Iowa, d. April 16 1893. Married W.L. Bales, b. 1847 in Jefferson Co., TN, and had seven children. vii. Perry Mills Hammer, b. March 16, 1852 Iowa, d. Aug. 21, 1914 in Des Moines, Ia. In 1872 near Amboy m. 1)Martha "Mattie" Anderson, 1853-1898, and had 2 children. M. 2) Dorabelle Conklin, b. Aug. 20, 1862 in Greencastle, Indiana and d. April 16, 1937 in Burlington, Ia., and had a child. M. 3) Dora Mount, b. 1855 in Jasper Co., Ia., and had a child. viii. Lydia Ellen Hammer, b. Sept. 27, 1854 Iowa, d. Aug. 27, 1913 in Oklahoma. Married Lindsey Murdock, b. in 1850, d. in Oklahoma. ix Elisha Monroe Hammer, b. March 16, 1857 in Jasper Co., Iowa, d. Aug. 31, 1874, in Jasper County. x. Henry Curtis Hammer, b. May 16, 1862 at Hammer’s Grove in Jasper Co., Iowa, d. Feb. 21, 1948 Jasper County. Residence three miles southwest of Newton. Married Caldonna “Donna” McBee Dec. 1, 1881, b. 1863 in Virginia to Harvey and Esther Anderson McBee, d. Dec. 28, 1941 in Jasper County, had nine children. xi. Elizabeth E. Hammer, b. Feb. 28, 1865 Jasper Co., Iowa, d. July 4, 1866, Jasper County. xii. Mary Talitha Hammer. b. May 27, 1867 Jasper Co., Ia, d. Dec. 1, 1884, Jasper County, m. Will T. Vannect, had a child. Notes for ENOS HAMMER: Thomas Jefferson Hammer's Biography of Seth Hammer records, "The dark cloud of secession arose and covered our fair ancestral home with the dread shadow of war, accompanied by the roar of death-dealing cannon and the din of fierce and bloody battle, filling the sunny Southland with sorrow and tears, and Enos, the younger of the baby cousins of '46, marched away (Editor: from his home in Jasper County, Iowa) to guard the Indians on the Western Plains and keep them within the bounds of neutrality. But owing to the many privations and the unsanitary conditions of camp life, "disease marked him for its own", and the young and gallant soldier passed out of the lines, beyond the sound of the "reveille", the fife and drum, increased in value." The 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa records Enos in a section called Volunteer Roster of the County: "The following roster of soldiers who went from Jasper county has been carefully compiled from the adjutant-general's reports which were issued by authority of the state between the years 1862 and 1866." On pages 218 and 219 Enos Hammer is listed as one of those in the Seventh Regiment, Iowa Cavalry, Company G. No mention is made of his death. Pages 218 and 531 state that the Captain of Company G was Enos’ uncle, Elisha Hammer. Editor’s notes: The other of the "baby cousins of '46" was Seth Francis Hammer, son of Seth Hammer, who was the brother of Enos' father Henry Hammer. Enos’ mother Hannah Hammer filed for his pension. 13. JESSE MILLS7 HAMMER (ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born October 4, 1820, near New Market, a town in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died September 2, 1873 in Richland, Iowa. He married (1) LUCINDA HACKNEY May 1, 1841 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, daughter of AARON HACKNEY and JANE JONES. She was born Jan. 21, 1821 and died about 1847. In the winter of 1848-49, he married (2) MARGARET W. SPARKS, daughter of JOHN R. SPARKS and ELIZABETH MATTHEWS. She was born Oct. 3, 1830, and died at age 30 Nov. 24, 1860 at her home two miles west of Lynville, Jasper 197 Co., Ia. He married (3) Emma Woodward April 19, 1863, in Newton County, IA. She died before 1868. On Oct. 20, 1868 in Newton, Iowa he married (4) Mrs. Jane (Mills) Hammer, the widow of his nephew Mahlon Akilen Hammer, whom she had married on April 10, 1854. She was born about 1838 and died Feb. 5, 1887. Jesse is buried in the Old Methodist Cemetery, Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa. Write-up about JESSE MILLS HAMMER on page 530 of the 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa: “Jesse Hammer… was born October 4, 1820, in Jefferson county, Tennessee. There he grew up, received what education he could in the rude schools of those early days and there he married, his wife dying in early life, leaving him with two sons. In 1846 he joined his father, who decided to leave that country since he was opposed to slavery and his views had been resented by his neighbors, and they all came to Iowa. He settled in Jasper county and was destined to become quite prominent and influential. “Here he married Margaret W. Sparks, daughter of John R. Sparks, who owned a flour mill at Lynnville, of which mill Jesse Hammer later became miller, operating the same successfully for a number of years. He later became miller of Doctor Warren's mill near Oskaloosa. He was the owner of two hundred acres of land in Newton township. He was elected the first sheriff of Jasper county. but refused to serve. His marriage with Margaret Sparks was the first of record in this county. His brother Seth was the first recorder of the county, having been elected in 1846 or 1847; another brother. Elisha, was captain of Company G, Seventh Iowa Cavalry, in the Civil war. “Jesse Hammer was married four times, his first wife having been a Miss Hackney, of Tennessee, and they were married in Jefferson county, Mr. Hammer's wedding suit having been cut out by Andrew Johnson*, later President of the United States, who lived in the adjoining county. By his second wife, Margaret Sparks, was born Dr. Marion R. Hammer… he being their oldest child. In all, Jesse Hammer was the father of fourteen children. “John R. Sparks, mentioned above, was not only known as the proprietor of the mill at Lynnville but he John R. Sparks was also a large land owner, and at one time paid the largest tax of any one in Jasper county. He was prominent in the early industrial life of the county, having established the first flour mill, the first saw mill and the first carding mill in Jasper county, all being erected near Linnville. Two sons of his, William Henry and Matthew T… were soldiers in the Civil war, having served in the Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry; they were captured at Tunnel Hill in 1864 and incarcerated in Andersonville prison, where they died. The death of Jesse Hammer… occurred on Sept. 2, 1873 at Richland, Iowa, whither he had gone on a visit.” About Margaret Sparks’ brothers (sons of J.R. Sparks) William Henry and Matthew T. Sparks: Tunnel Hill is a town in Whitfield County, Georgia. The general area of Tunnel Hill hosted many engagements and camps throughout the course of the war. The Andersonville prison, officially known as Camp Sumter, was the largest Confederate military prison during the American Civil War. The site of the prison is now Andersonville National Historic Site in Andersonville, Georgia. A Union soldier described his entry into the prison camp: "As we entered the place, a spectacle met our eyes that almost froze our blood with horror, and made our hearts fail within us. Before us were forms that had once been active and erect;—stalwart men, now nothing but mere walking skeletons, covered with filth and vermin. Many of our men, in the heat and intensity of their feeling, exclaimed with earnestness, "Can this be hell?" "God protect us!" Despite the preceding write-up's statement that Jesse's "marriage with Margaret Sparks was the first of record in this county," page 331 of the same book specifically notes they were the second couple married, and names the first couple. *About President Andrew Johnson and that 1841 wedding suit: In 1826, Johnson (1808-1875) arrived in Greeneville, Greene Co., TN after fleeing an apprenticeship in Raleigh, NC. He chose to remain there after learning that the town's tailor was planning to retire. He purchased the tailor shop, which he moved from Main Street to its present location at the corner of Depot and College streets. He was inaugurated Vice President in early 1865 and a month later became America’s 17th president upon Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Two sons of Jesse Hammer also served in the Civil War. According to Thomas Jefferson Hammer’s 1917 book Biography of Seth Hammer, page 46, Aaron Thompson Hammer and John Henry Hammer served under Jesse’s brother Capt. Elisha Hammer in Company G, 7th Iowa Cavalry. Their cousin Enos Hammer, son of Jesse and Elisha’s brother Henry Hammer, served and died under Capt. Hammer’s command. More information on page 197. More About JESSE MILLS HAMMER: Spring 1862 left Iowa for California with brother Isaac and their nephew Jesse (son of their brother Seth). Isaac died on the way. In February 1863 Jesse left California, came back by way of Panama and New York City, and arrived home in March 1863. The other, younger Jesse remained in California. More About LUCINDA HACKNEY: Brothers Seth, Jesse and Ira Hammer married sisters Elizabeth, Lucinda and Sarah Hackney, respectively, daughters of Aaron Hackney and Jane Jones. Seth married Elizabeth Nov. 6, 1841. Jesse married Lucinda May 1, 1841. Ira married Sarah Nov. 25, 1843. More About MARGARET SPARKS: Named after her mother ELIZABETH MATTHEWS SPARK’s sister Margaret Matthews. Burial: Swan Cemetery, two miles west of Lynnville , Jasper County, Iowa Children of JESSE HAMMER and LUCINDA HACKNEY are: i. AARON THOMPSON8 HAMMER, b. Mar. 10, 1843, d. May 2, 1898. Married at Churdan, Ks. One daughter: Jesse. ii. JOHN HENRY HAMMER, b. June 11, 1845 in Jefferson Co., Tenn., d. April 7, 1928, m. Eliza T. Woodward in 1865. Had 9 children: Albert T., Edward A., Lucinda E., Carrie O., Martha R., William, Carl, Ferdinand & Chester Hammer. 198 Obituary for Aaron Thompson Hammer in The Newton (IA) Record, Thursday, May 5, 1898: A.T. Hammer - better known as Thomp Hammer in this vicinity where the greater part of his life had been spent - died in the hospital at the Soldier's Home in Marshalltown at 4 o'clock Monday morning, aged fifty-five years, one month and twenty-two days. Comrade Hammer had been an inmate of the Home for something over a year. For some time he had suffered with Bright's disease, which refused to yield to the best medical skill that the hospital afforded. Last Sunday morning his half-brother, Dr. M.R. Hammer, of this city, accompanied by his wife and two sons, drove over to Marshalltown to spend the afternoon with him, and left him in the evening, feeling quite cheerful and happy, although knowing that the end could not be very far removed yet little dreaming that it was so near. Monday morning the Doctor received a telegram saying that he had passed away at four o'clock. Jasper F. Hammer, another brother, of Ottumwa, was with him when the final summons came. A.T. Hammer was the eldest son of Jesse Hammer, one of the pioneers of Jasper County. He was born in Jefferson County Tenn., March 10th, 1843. He came with his parents to this vicinity in 1847, and his youth and early manhood were spent here. In 1863 he enlisted in Capt. Elisha Hammer's Company G, Seventh Iowa Cavalry, and served faithfully until the close of the war a good part of the time as regimental clerk at Col. Heath's headquarters. He grew up and died strong in the belief in the doctrines of the Friends' Church. The body was brought to Newton on Tuesday. Funeral services were held at the Central Church of the Friends' near Amboy, at 2 o'clock yesterday, attended by a large concourse of his friends and relatives, who followed the remains to their last resting place in the Quaker Cemetery. Thomp was a good man and his death has caused deep sorrow in many hearts. ~ http://iagenweb.org/boards/jasper/obituaries/index.cgi?review=73864 Editor’s notes: The cemetery mentioned is the Center Friends Cemetery, Amboy, Kellogg Township, Jasper County, Iowa. Bright's disease is a historical classification of kidney diseases that would be described in modern medicine as acute or chronic nephritis. Children of JESSE HAMMER and MARGARET SPARKS are: iii. ELIZABETH LUCINDA HAMMER, b. June 2, 1851, died in infancy. Named after her grandmother Elizabeth Sparks and her father’s first wife Lucinda. Her remains were eventually reburied in the grave with her mother at Swan Cemetery. iv. MARION R.8 HAMMER, b. Jan. 26, 1853 in Jasper County, Ia, d. July 11, 1940. Write-up for MARION R. HAMMER in the 1878 book The History of Jasper County Iowa: HAMMER, M. R., Dr.; Physician and surgeon; Sec. 21; P. O. Newton; born in this county in 1853; he is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk; he commenced practicing medicine in 1875; he is a promising young physician, with a rapidly growing practice, the result of promptness and attention to his customers, coupled with a practical knowledge of his business; he is the only physician in this county a native born son of the soil, and the sixth physician of his name in the United States. He married Miss Emma Dooly in 1876. Editor’s notes: The 1912 book Past and Present of Jasper County includes a much longer write-up of Dr. Hammer, his career, his arrest for attempted manslaughter, his time in jail, the commutation of his sentence and the restoration of his name and career. It is too long to reprint here, so I merely recommend you look it up. Dr. Hammer authored the 1930 book Biography of Jesse & Curtis Hammer and Family Reminiscences, the sole source I have found for the information given here about Jesse’s children other than himself, Aaron and John. Certain other isolated Hammer family names and dates in this book were drawn from his work. He graduated Feb. 17, 1881 from Northwestern Medical College, Saint Joseph, Missouri. He and Emma Dooley, daughter of George and Jane Dooley, had 2 children: Marion R. Hammer Jr, b. Aug 27, 1878 in Jasper Co. Iowa, and Jesse Marion Hammer, b. Oct. 22, 1884 in Plymouth Co. Iowa. Dr. Hammer married (2) Laura C. Tunnell Jan. 28, 1914 at Nashville, TN, and they had 2 children. Laura was born about 1871. Some final, odd notes about Dr. Hammer: The online guide to the Newton Union Cemetery, Jasper County, Ia, records the following about his burial: Sec 11, Lot 28, Block 14; buried in glass casket 1 1/2" thick and tightly sealed. He selected the casket himself 5 year earlier. Had made all arrangements 2 years prior to his death. Casket was so large that Will Murdock had to keep it near chapel since most of his doors were too narrow. The printed guide, available at the cemetery, provides this: A private mausoleum, or vault, was constructed Dr. Marion R. Hammer by Dr. Marion R. Hammer. Because of the poor manner in which it was constructed, it was never used. Dr. Hammer also had a copper covered cyprus coffin built locally and it was placed in the community mausoleum. Dr. Hammer supervised the construction of the coffin, and several times he climbed into it to insure that it would properly fit. The coffin deteriorated in the mausoleum, and Dr. Hammer was buried in a massive glass casket. Probably no person buried in Newton Union spent more time and effort planning for his own burial than Dr. Hammer. Children of JESSE HAMMER and MARGARET SPARKS continued: v. SAMUEL LAFAYETTE HAMMER, b. July 13, 1854 in Jasper County, Ia, m. Phebe Minthorn June 2, 1875 at Independence, Ks. Residence: Portland, Ore. They had five children. vi. JASPER FREMONT HAMMER, b. April 8, 1856 in Jasper County, Ia., d. Dec. 27, 1925. Buried at Ottumwa, Ia. Had three children: two girls who died in infancy and one boy. vii. MARTHA ELLEN HAMMER-GUTHERIE, b. May 23, 1858. Residence: Des Moines, Ia. viii. MARY EMMA HAMMER-MATHEWS, b. June 2, 1860, died at Winfield, Kansas. Children of JESSE HAMMER and EMMA WOODWARD are: ix. ALTA HAMMER, b. May 13, 1864. x. ETTIE N. HAMMER, b. Aug. 18, 1865, died in infancy. Burial Center Friends Cemetery NE of Newton, Ia. Children of JESSE HAMMER and JANE MILLS are: xi. JAMES C. HAMMER, b. Oct. 20, 1869, died in infancy. Burial Center Friends Cemetery NE of Newton, Ia. 199 xii. xiii. FRANK VERNON HAMMER, b. Sept. 30, 1871, died in infancy. Burial Center Friends Cemetery. JESSE MAHLON HAMMER, b. March 10, 1874, six months after the death of his father. He was named after his father and his mother's first husband. He earned a degree in engineering at Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, later known as Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Ia., then lived in Chicago, Ill. Jefferson County, Tennessee - This was a house built about 1784 and given as a meeting hall for the Friends (Quakers) at Lost Creek. When the next meeting house was built, this one continued to serve as a school. No trace of it remains today. 14. IRA LEWIS7 HAMMER (ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born March 9, 1823 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died in 1880 in Jefferson, TN. He married SARAH HACKNEY November 25, 1843 at the Quakers’ Lost Creek meeting hall in Jefferson County, TN, daughter of AARON HACKNEY and JANE JONES. She was born March 17, 1825 in Blount County, TN. and died March 11, 1896 in Tennessee. Ira, Sarah, and five of their seven children died of tuberculosis. Info: Brothers Seth, Jesse and Ira Hammer married sisters Elizabeth, Lucinda and Sarah Hackney, respectively, daughters of Aaron Hackney and Jane Jones. Seth married Elizabeth Nov. 6, 1841. Jesse married Lucinda May 1, 1841. Ira married Sarah Nov. 25, 1843. Obituary for Sarah Hammer, The Newton Record, Friday, March 27, 1896, Page 1, Column 6: Relatives have received word of the death of Mrs. Sarah Hammer, which occurred in Friendsville, Tennessee, where she has resided for the past few years. Her age was about seventy-five years. She was the widow of Ira Hammer, and they were well known by the older residents of the Adamson Grove vicinity. Her disease was consumption from which she had been suffering for many years. Her husband, five children and one grandchild died of the same disease, and her only remaining descendants now are one grandchild and two great-grandchildren. ~ http://iagenweb.org/boards/jasper/obituaries/index.cgi?review=33315 Children of IRA HAMMER and SARAH HACKNEY are: i. AARON FRANCIS HAMMER, b. Oct. 27, 1844, d. Nov. 25, 1844. ii. MARY JANE7 HAMMER, b. Oct. 13, 1845, Tennessee. She married Daniel Wheatcraft and had two children. iii. ELISHA HAMMER, b. Dec. 7, 1847, Ia, d. Jan. 30, 1868, Jasper Co., Ia., buried in Center Friends Cemetery, Amboy, Ia. iv. RACHEL ANN HAMMER, b. Jan. 25, 1850, d. Feb. 24, 1871, Jasper Co., buried in Center Friends Cemetery, Amboy, Ia. She married Thomas Lowery. v. HENRY LEWIS HAMMER, b. July 4, 1852, d. April 11, 1872, Jasper Co., Iowa. buried in Center Friends Cemetery. vi. NANCY ELIZABETH7 HAMMER, b. July 8, 1854, d. May 13, 1856, Jasper Co., Iowa. vii. ISABELL ELDORA HAMMER, b. March 28, 1858 Jasper Co., Iowa. Buried in Center Friends Cemetery. 200 Generation No. 8 15. NANCY8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born July 20, 1834, in Jefferson County, Tenn., and died Feb. 8, 1870 in Jasper County, Iowa. She married JOHN SLATER in December 1855 in Iowa. He was born April 17, 1832 in England, and died Jan. 25, 1910 in Moingona, Boone County, Iowa. John’s second wife was Louisa Enfield Battin, 1826-1893, whose first husband was Peter Batttin, who died in April 1864 in the Civil War. Burial information for NANCY HAMMER, JOHN SLATER and Louisa Enfield Battin Slater: Quincy Cemetery, Boone County, Iowa More About JOHN SLATER from the 1902 book A Biographical Record of Boone County Iowa: With the industrial interests of Moingona John Slater is identified, being successfully engaged in the manufacture of brick in the village of which he is a very prominent citizen. More than a third of a century has passed since he came to Boone county, for he took up his abode within its borders on the 1st day of January, 1866, when there were only two other men living in Moingona. Mr. Slater was the first man to engage in the manufacture of brick in this county, and throughout the intervening years he has carried on his business in an honorable, straightforward manner, winning a good living and gaining the respect and confidence of those with whom he is associated. Mr. Slater is a native of England, his birth having occurred in Cumberland county, on the 17th of April, 1832. He is a son of Thomas and Mary (Mark) Slater, both of whom were natives of England. In 1850 the father came to America, bringing with him his family, and later settled in Keokuk, Iowa. After the death of his first wife, Nancy Hammer, John Slater wedded Mrs. Louisa Battin, but she also passed away and he now boards with his daughter, Mrs. Boone. (Editor: Louisa, 1826-1893, also is buried in Quincy Cemetery, Boone County, Ia. Also, “Mrs. Boone” must be a reference to Mary, since John and Nancy had only one daughter. There is a Mary Boone, 1862-1956, in Quincy Cemetery.) John Slater In his political views Mr. Slater is a Republican and has always voted for the men and measures of that party. he has served as justice of the peace of Moingona for some time, discharging his duties with absolute fairness. he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church of this place and is a representative citizen, deeply interested in everything pertaining to the progress and improvement of the county along lines of material, social or moral upbuilding. he has been a witness of the changes that have occurred in this county for a long period and his enterprise has been a potent factor in Moingona's development. Children of NANCY HAMMER and JOHN SLATER are: i. THOMAS MARK9 SLATER, b. Nov. 3, 1856, d. May 22, 1891. Burial Quincy Cemetery, Boone Co., Ia. ii. HENRY SETH SLATER, b. April 4, 1858, d. March 4, 1895. Burial Quincy Cemetery, Boone Co., Ia. 26. iii. JOHN FRANCIS SLATER, b. 1863, d. 1929. 27. iv. MARY ELIZABETH SLATER, b. 1864 Iowa, d. 1956 Iowa. Burial Quincy Cemetery, Boone Co., Ia. v. CURTIS ELLSWORTH SLATER, d. Bef. 1917. vi. WILLIAM SLATER, d. Bef. 1917. 16. RACHEL8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born May 23, 1836 in Jefferson County, Tennessee, and died November 13, 1893 in Hardin County, Iowa. She married LEWIS ELLIS RASH December 26, 1856 in Jasper County, Iowa, son of ROBERT RASH and SETHA BRYANT. He was born April 24, 1832 in Jefferson County, East Tennessee, and died October 2, 1912 in Hardin County, Iowa. Clint Thompson, 1888-1984, son of FLORA RASH and LEWIS THOMPSON, in 1970 wrote a short document called Memories of My Grandmother Rachael Hammer Rash: She was, as I remember her, a rather fleshy woman. She was always friendly and good natured, and always enjoyed having her grandchildren come to visit. She was an excellent cook, although, during the times I can remember, she always had plenty of help with the housework – there were always from one to a half-dozen orphans living at her house. One of them I remember well was Della, daughter of Eli Shultz and Nancy E. Rash. Shortly after her mother died in Oregon, my uncle and hers, Benjamin Rash, who was in Oregon at the time, brought Della and the other children in the family back to my grandfather, Lewis E. Rash; house near Union, Iowa, where all of them remained until Uncle Eli remarried (Editor: to Nancy’s cousin, Charlotte, see page 104). All, that is, but Della. She stayed on at grandfather’s house until she married. She, Della, and my Aunt Bertha J. Rash were about the same age. – Big Spring, Texas, April 3, 1970 For more information about Rachel Hammer and Lewis Rash and their children, see page 90. 17. SETH FRANCIS8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1846 in Iowa and died in 1934. He married AMANDA JANE BATTIN Sept. 22, 1872 in Moingona, Iowa, daughter of Petter and Louisa Battin (or possibly Harbert Battin and Fredericka Maria Eliza Rachel Ernst). She was born May 4, 1855 in Boone County, Iowa and died May 9, 1896 in Sheridan County, Nebraska. She is buried in Luthern Flats cemetery, aka Mirage Cemetery, in Kearney Co., Neb. More About SETH FRANCIS HAMMER: 201 Thomas Jefferson Hammer, in his 1917 Biography of Seth Hammer, records the following about Seth’s son Seth Francis: “Previous to his marriage, S. F. Hammer went west, stopping at Dayton, Reno and Eureka, Nev., for more than two years, visiting California while on the Pacific Coast. Returning to Iowa in 1871, he engaged in merchandising with J.H. Bales (husband of sister Sadie), at Amboy, located on father’s farm. “Moving to Hardin County, in 1873, he purchased a farm in Grant Township. Later he engaged in the lumber and farm implement business at Hubbard, about six miles north of his farm. “In 1885 he, with his family, moved to Nebraska, where he took up a homestead, remaining in Nebraska until 1896, when, with his four remaining children, he returned to Hardin County, Iowa, where he entered into partnership with J. H. Bales, president of the First National Bank of Eldora, for the purpose of engaging in farming and raising livestock and breeding fine horses. The partnership continued ‘till 1910. Later he engaged in the real estate business at Eldora. In 1914 he, in company with Mrs. Sadie E. Bales (his sister), made a trip to California. Becoming interested in the orange industry, while in the Golden State, purchased citrus land near Orosi, Tulare County. Returning to Iowa for a couple of years, he again came to California, accompanied by his daughter, Leota, to become a permanent resident and improve his land by setting it to orange, lemon and other varieties of fruit trees. Later he was joined by his son, Jesse, a graduate of Penn College, Iowa, (Editor: founded in 1873 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., by members of the Religious Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers) and Attie, wife of the latter.” Residence: 1930 census says Orosi, Tulare County, Calif. Editor’s note: “Sadie” is the nickname of Seth Francis’ sister Sarah. Children of SETH FRANCIS HAMMER and AMANDA BATTIN are: i. HARRY DELANO9 HAMMER, b & d. 1873, died in infancy. Burial: Honey Creek Cemetery, Hardin County, Iowa ii. MARTIN THOMAS HAMMER, b. March 23, 1876 in Hardin County, d. Oct. 7, 1909 at his New Providence home of pneumonia. Burial: New Providence Cemetery, New Providence, Hardin County, Iowa 40. iii. EFFIE LOUISA HAMMER, b. April 22, 1878 in Iowa, d. Feb. 20, 1956. 41. iv. JESSE DUANE HAMMER, b. July 1880 in Iowa. v. SARAH LEOTA HAMMER, b. Dec. 1888 in Nebraska, d. 1978 in Nebraska. Info.: 1930 census says 41, single, living with father in Orosi, Tulare County, Calif. vi. ELVA ELIZABETH HAMMER, b. Sept. 25, 1895, d. July 5, 1896. Burial: Beside her mother in Nebraska 18. THOMAS JEFFERSON8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 22, 1849 in Iowa and died Feb. 27, 1920 in Los Angeles, Calif. He married (1) MARY PRICE DUNCAN Dec. 1, 1880 in Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa. Mary was born about 1854 in Ohio, the daughter of A.J. Duncan and Mary Smith, and died March 5, 1882. He married (2) LUELLA DEBRA KNOWLES in June 1884 in Denver, Colorado. She died in 1889. On June 4, 1891 in Los Angeles he married (3) MARY ANN PRAY, born about 1864 in Mexico. Occupation of THOMAS JEFFERSON HAMMER: Journalist, writer; authored biography of his father Seth Burial information for MARY PRICE DUNCAN: Riverside Cemetery, Denver, Colorado Burial information for LUELLA DEBRA KNOWLES: Rosedale Cemetery, Los Angeles, California Child of THOMAS HAMMER and MARY DUNCAN is: i. MARY BELLE "MAMIE"9 HAMMER, b. March 1, 1882; d. July 6, 1895. Burial: Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Oregon Children of THOMAS HAMMER and MARY PRAY are: ii. THOMAS JEFFERSON8 HAMMER, b. June 1892 Calif., d. Feb 27, 1912. Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeles, Calif 42. iii. OLIVE INEZ HAMMER, b. October 1893 in California. iv. ELWOOD FRANCIS HAMMER, b. May 1896 in California. v. ROSS WENDELL HAMMER, b. Jan. 1899 Calif., d. Oct 13, 1912. Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeles, Calif 19. SARAH “Sadie” ELIZABETH8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 1, 1851 in Iowa and died April 19, 1930. She married JAMES HENRY BALES September 13, 1868 in Kellogg, Jasper County, Iowa. The son of S.H. Bales and Frances Mitchell, James was born Sept. 6, 1846 in Jefferson County, Tenn. and died Dec. 19, 1911 in Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa. Sadie, James H. and son James G. are buried at Eldora City Cemetery, Eldora. More About JAMES HENRY BALES: Burial, Eldora, Iowa. His obituary said he came to Iowa in 1857 and served in the Thirty-Third Iowa in the Civil War. Thomas Jefferson Hammer, in his 1917 Biography of Seth Hammer, records the following about JH and Sadie: “In 1871 J.H. Bales opened a grocery and dry goods store at Amboy, Jasper County. Disposing of the store, in which S.F. Hammer was a partner, to John Luna Bales, Mr. Bales moved to Hardin County, buying a farm in Grant Township. Later he opened a store in Idaho, in the same township. In 1877 he moved to Reasnor, Jasper County, where he engaged in general merchandising. Returning to Hardin County in 1882, he again opened a store, this time at Hubbard, carrying general merchandise. “Having received the appointment to a deputyship in the County Treasurer’s office in 1884, he moved to Eldora, where he served four years as Deputy and four years as County Treasurer. In 1891 Mr. Bales opened the Bank of Hubbard, at Hubbard, of which he was elected president. In 1892 he purchased a block of stock in the City Bank of Eldora and was elected president of that institution. Later it was made a State bank, taking the name of the City State Bank of Eldora. In 1892-3 the business of the bank had increased to such a magnitude that Mr. Bales and his associates decided to make it a national bank, so it became the First National Bank of Eldora. Subsequently the stockholders of the First National Bank organized the First Trust and Savings Bank of Eldora, Mr. Bales being the prime mover in the enterprise. 202 “His widow, Mrs. Sadie E. Bales, while retaining her residence at Eldora, spends much of her time in California, James Gillespie Bales, her foster son, and family, occasionally accompanying her to the Golden State.” For more about J.H. Bales and his business partnerships with brother-in-law Seth Francis Hammer, see page 201. Children of SADIE HAMMER and JAMES BALES are: i. CURTIS E. BALES, b. abt 1866 in Iowa. ii. FAY BALES, b. 1872 iii. iv. JAY BALES, b. 1874 JAMES GILLESPIE BALES, b. June 17, 1884, d. July 5, 1966; m. Anna C. Jahnson; child Lula Bales. 20. LOUISA JANE8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Jan. 6, 1853 in Jasper Co., Iowa and died May 18, 1928 in Jasper County. She married BENJAMIN BASIL TROUT December 6, 1870 in Kellogg, Jasper County, Iowa. He was born May 5, 1850 in Sterling Township, Brown Co., Ohio and died Oct. 27, 1932 at Fresno, Calif. Both are buried in Palo Alto Cemetery, Newton, Jasper Co., Ia. Their children Edna, Guy and Ross are buried in Honey Creek Cemetery, New Providence, Hardin Co., Iowa Thomas Jefferson Hammer, in his 1917 Biography of Seth Hammer, records the following about Benjamin: “After farming some years in Jasper County and accumulating enough to engage in the mercantile business he took an interest in a hardware store at Hubbard, Hardin County; but the business not proving as remunerative as he had hoped, he with his wife, moved to Kansas in 1885. Before leaving Iowa, however, they had the misfortune to lose, through sickness, their three bright and promising children, Edna, Guy and Ross. In Kansas, Ben B. farmed for a few years, when he returned to Iowa, settling at Reasnor, Jasper County. Here he again engaged in the hardware business, prospered, bought land and accumulated a sufficiency to take care of himself and Jane during the remainder of their lives. Some time after retiring from the hardware business at Reasnor he made each of his five living children a present of ($1,000) one thousand dollars. In Benjamin Louisa 1917 they still resided at Reasnor.” Children of LOUISA HAMMER and BENJAMIN TROUT are: i. EDNA9 TROUT, b. May 30, 1879 Hardin Co., Ia, d. June 8, 1883 Hardin Co. 4y 9d ii. GUY TROUT, b. March 18, 1881 Hardin Co., d. June 15, 1885 Hardin Co. 2y2m28d iii. ROSS TROUT, b. Dec. 21, 1882 Hardin Co., d. March 5 1884 Hardin Co., 1y2m15d. iv. CARL TROUT, 1885-1942, m. Katherine Lust, 1890-1970. Residence: Reasnor. Both buried in Palo Alto Cemetery, Newton, Ia. v. DORA TROUT, Sept. 21 1887-1971, Reasnor Location of Reasnor in Jasper County, Location of county in Iowa. vi. LULA SUTTON TROUT, b. Aug. 2, 1890 at Reasnor, Iowa, d. Sept. 6, 1972 Prairie City, Iowa, m. Robert Butin, b. Feb. 14, 1889 Iowa, d. Nov. 7, 1948, Reasnor, Iowa, son of Marion & Phoebe Earp Butin. Lula & Robert are buried in Hewitt Cemetery, Jasper County, Iowa. vii. BASIL B. TROUT, b. Sept. 19, 1893, Iowa, d. Nov. 19, 1963, Fresno, Calif. Married Hazel Burgess, 1890-1951. In WWI served in the Convoy Service in France. Residence: Reasnor. Burial Belmont Memorial Park, Fresno, Calif. viii. LE ROY “Roy” TROUT, b. July 16, 1895 Reasnor, Iowa, d. Aug. 7, 1970, m. Edna Bean, b. 1893 in Iowa, d. Feb. 4, 1957. Residence: Reasnor. They are buried in Aspen Grove Cemetery, Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa. Dora Trout obituary from The Monroe Mirror newspaper, Monroe, Jasper County, Iowa, dated Aug. 8, 1971: Mrs. Clarence (Dora) Tool, 83, of ClearView Manor in Prairie City, a longtime resident of Jasper Co., died Saturday at the Manor. Burial was in Palo Alto Cemetery. Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Lulu Butin of Prairie City; and several nieces including Mrs. Jane Northcutt of Monroe. Mrs. Tool was a member of the Reasnor United Methodist Church. She was born Sept. 21, 1887 at Pratt, KS and was educated in Jasper County schools. She was married to Clarence Tool Sept. 28, 1905, at Reasnor. 21. ADAM MARK8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1863 in Jasper County, Iowa, and died in November 1933 at the home of his daughter LaVada Hammer Bittner in Hardin Co., IA (Prostate cancer). He married ELIZABETH “Eliza” ELLEN RASH July 3, 1886, daughter of JOHN RASH and MARY GLOVER. She was born in 1870 in Iowa, and died in 1931 in Hardin Co., IA (stroke). For detailed information about John Rash and Mary Glover, see page 94. 203 Adam was survived by two sons and six daughters, 30 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Adam and Eliza are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Iowa. Adam born 1862 according to Avonelle Rash's notes. Residence: Union, Hardin Co, IA Children of ELIZA RASH and ADAM HAMMER are: 43. i. CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, b. 1888, Union, IA; d. 1921, Union, of tuberculosis. 44. ii. LAVERA INA HAMMER, b. June 10, 1890, Union, Iowa; d. Dec. 9, 1975. 45. iii. LAVADA MINA HAMMER, b. June 10, 1890; d. 1963. 46. iv. ELMER JOHN HAMMER, b. March 5, 1894; d. Dec. 26, 1968, Santa Ana, California. 47. v. HARRIET “Hattie” DELL HAMMER, b. May 4, 1896; d. Aug. 24, 1990. 48. vi. EVA ELIZABETH HAMMER, b. March 1897; d. Wisconsin. 49. vii. BETHEL LENA HAMMER, b. November 5, 1902, d. 1990. 49.5 viii. LUELLA “Toots” JANE HAMMER, b. March 2, 1906, d. 1988; m. CARL PETERSON. 50. ix. VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN HAMMER, b. Jan. 7, 1908; d. Jan. 14, 1986, Prostate cancer. 204 Luella “Toots” Hammer, about 1916 205 Hammer family, about 1893 – Adam and Eliza, Carrie and twins Vera and Vada Hammer family 1895 – Adam, Eliza, Carrie, twins Vera & Vada, & Elmer Adam & Eliza Hammer & children, about 1916 – Back, left to right: Carrie Hammer, Beth (Hammer) Teske, Elmer Hammer, Eva (Hammer) Madole, Hattie (Hammer) Bittner. Front, left to right: Adam Hammer, Verlin Hammer, LaVera (Hammer) Higgason, LaVada (Hammer) Bittner, Eliza Hammer, Luella (Hammer) Peterson. 206 22. HARRIET “Hattie” ANN8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born May 13, 1864 in Iowa and died July 19, 1938. On Feb 17, 1881in Jasper County, Iowa she married HENRY PAULIN BAILEY, son of Julius Bailey and Naomi Jones. He was born Oct 14, 1858 in Missouri and died April 8, 1931. More About HARRIET ANN HAMMER and HENRY PAULEN BAILEY: Burial: Hubbard Cemetery, Tipton Township, Hardin County, IA Residence: Farm in Grant Twp, Hardin Co IA Info: For some years, Hattie acted as correspondent for two or three county papers. Children of HARRIET HAMMER and HENRY BAILEY are: i. CLARENCE CAESAR9 BAILEY, Died in infancy. ii. GEORGE CADY BAILEY, b. Feb 19, 1883 in Iowa, d. Feb. 13, 1901. Buried in Hubbard Cemetery. 51. iii. WILLIAM RUBY BAILEY, b. April 28, 1886 in Iowa, d. Jan 21, 1974. Buried in Hubbard Cemetery. 23. GEORGE WASHINGTON8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born June 26, 1866, and died March 18, 1893, age 26y7m20dy. He married CHARLOTTE “Lottie” RUTH RASH January 29, 1887 in Hardin County, Iowa, daughter of MELVIN RASH and ESTHER LEWIS. She was born January 18, 1869, and died March 21, 1944. For more information about CHARLOTTE RASH and her second husband Eli Shultz, see page 104. Union Star, April 7, 1893, page 1: George W. Hammer died March 18, 1893, at 7 o'clock, at his father-in-laws, Saturday morning. He was born near Newton, Jasper County, Iowa, on June 26, 1866. He was the youngest son of Seth and Elizabeth Hammer. He was kind and affectionate to his parents and all whom he met with. He left home when about fourteen years old to try and make a living for himself, his parents being dead at that time. Mr. Hammer went in for a few years to Ft. Dodge from Des Moines, where he found a position on the railroad, where he remained about five years. He then came to Union, Iowa, and was married to Miss Charlotte Rash on January 29th, 1887. She was a noble good-hearted lady and was well thought of. Mr. Hammer leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. For the past two years his health had been failing and on Feb. 15, 1892, he started for Cannon, Colorado, where he remained about five months and then returned to Union, with no change for the better, and upon hearing that Mrs. Charles Kindley, of Burlington, had received much benefit, and a number of others who were doing well in the Infirmary, he concluded to give that institution a trial. On the 17th of January he went to Burlington and began the treatment there. He remained several weeks when the doctor told him he had better return home and rest a few weeks and if he felt any better then to come back. But he only lived three weeks after he came back. He stood his sickness well, and often said he was ready to go at his Master's call. he was a member of the Friends church. The funeral was conducted by Charles Kindley, whom he put so much confidence in while at Burlington. He last words were, "God be with you till we meet again." We want to express our sincere thanks to friends who so kindly assisted through the sickness, death and burial of our husband and brother. Eva D. Rash Burial information for GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMMER and CHARLOTTE RUTH RASH: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Charlotte Rash Hammer According to the 1930 census, the twice-widowed Charlotte Rash Hammer Shultz was living in Union with her daughter Cora Hammer. Children of CHARLOTTE RASH and GEORGE HAMMER are: 52. i. WARREN EARL9 HAMMER, b. November 15, 1887, Hardin County, IA; d. April 16, 1962, Denver, Colorado. ii. CORA E. HAMMER, b. May 1, 1889; d. January 2, 1937. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa 53. iii. VERNON GEORGE HAMMER, b. January 6, 1893; d. 1991, Eldora Community Hospital, Eldora, IA. Charlotte also was stepmother to Eli Shultz’s children from his first marriage. Cora Hammer, 20, 1909 207 Cora Hammer, 42, 1931 24. EVA DARTHULA8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 24, 1868 near Newton, IA, and died July 1, 1949 in Union, Hardin Co, IA. For more information about her parents SETH HAMMER and ELIZABETH MUSGROVE, see page 193. She married (1) ARTHUR THOMAS RASH Dec. 20, 1885, son of JOHN RASH and MARY GLOVER. He was born Sept. 20, 1864 in Union, and died in 1933 in Union. For more information about EVA HAMMER and ARTHUR RASH and their children, see page 118. Eva married (2) JOHN BENBOW. He was born May 20, 1872 in Marshall Co., IA, and died Nov. 14, 1941 in Bangor, Marshall Co. He was the son of Benjamin and Caroline Manlove Benbow. John's first wife of 31 years Georgiana May died in 1938. John and Georgiana are buried in Bangor Friends Cemetery. Obituary, Hardin County Index: Funeral services for Mrs. Eva Benbow, 81, were held Sunday afternoon at the Community church in charge of Rev. B.H. Harris. The casket bearers were Leo, Jay, Edwin, Harold and Clem Rash, Leslie and Clarence Smith, all grandsons. Mrs. Roger Sparks, Elma Rash, Mrs. Allison Westcott and Mrs. John Yantis, granddaughters, cared for the flowers. Mrs. Ralph Beecher accompanied Kathryn Packer who sang. Interment was in the family lot in the Miller Cemetery. Eva Darthula Hammer, daughter of Seth and Elizabeth Hammer was born near Newton, August 24, 1868, and passed away in Waterloo, July 1, 1949. Her mother died when Eva was a small child and she came to Hubbard to make her home with a sister, Mrs. Sadie Bales (see page 202), later moving to Eldora. In December, 1885, she was united in marriage with Arthur Thomas Rash, they located on the Rash homestead 4 ½ miles southwest of Union, where she resided until the death of her husband in 1934, when she moved to Union. To this union five children were born. Mr. Rash, a daughter, Viola Smith, and a son, Eva Hammer Rash and Arthur Rash wedding photo, Dec. 20, 1885 Fletcher Rash, preceded her in death. She was married to John Benbow of Bangor in July 1941, where they resided until Mr. Benbow’s death in October 1942, when she returned to Union. She is survived by her three sons, Leonard and Errol of Waterloo, Clem of Union, 19 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Besides rearing her own family she assisted with her daughter’s children. She was a life-long member of the Friends Church. 25. RUIE ELIZABETH8 HAMMER (SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in May 1875 in Jasper County, Iowa and died in 1942. She married 1) JOHN K. RICHARDS. He was born March 30, 1870 in Iowa and died in 1897. She married 2)JOSEPH W. LAFRANGE, born Dec. 16, 1875 in Calabogie, Ontario, Canada. Residence for Ruie and John: Great Falls, Montana. She is buried in Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles County, Calif. Children of RUIE HAMMER and JOHN RICHARDS are: i. Anna Pearl (or possibly Pearl Agnes) Richards, b. Nov. 4, 1896 in Nebraska, d. March 19, 1975, Oxnard, Ca., m. 1) Harry Poole; m. 2) Edward J. Haig Nov. 16, 1921 in Los Angeles, Calif., son of James Haig and Anna White. Children: Pearl L. Haig, James Haig, Dorothy Poole Haig. She is buried in Ivy Lawn Memorial Park, Ventura, Calif. ii. Earl Richards, b. born Dec. 23, 1897 in Council Bluffs, Ia, d. May 8, 1964 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., Ala., m. Mary Etta Costello. Children of RUIE HAMMER and JOSEPH LAFRANGE are: i. James K. Lafrange, b. Sept. 8, 1911 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, d. Jan. 23, 1963 Los Angeles, Calif. ii. Joseph William Lafrange, b. June 21, 1909 Fairburn, SD, d. Aug. 6, 1967, Birmingham, Alabama. 208 Generation No. 9 26. JOHN FRANCIS9 SLATER (NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1863 and died in 1929. In 1910 he married CLARA A. BUCHARD, born in 1864 and died in 1944. He was a brick-mason at Madrid, Iowa. John, Clara and children Glen and Loyal are buried in Our Silent City Cemetery, Kellogg, Jasper County, Iowa. Children of JOHN SLATER and CLARA BUCHARD are: i. GLEN10 SLATER b. 1882, d. 1918 ii. LOYAL B. SLATER, b. 1885, d. 1950 iii. THOMAS SLATER. iv. v. HENRY SLATER. JOHN FRANCIS SLATER. 27. MARY ELIZABETH9 SLATER (NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1862 in Jasper County, Iowa and died Jan. 9, 1956 in Goodell, Hancock County, Iowa. On. Dec. 26, 1883 in Boone Co., Iowa she married WILLIAM M. BOONE, a resident of Moingona, Iowa, born in September 1863 in Boone County, Iowa and died in 1940 in Moingona, son of John L. and Lucy Jane (Gilmore) Boone. William was a retired railroad man. Mary, William and son Justin are buried in Quincy Cemetery, Boone, Boone Co., Iowa. Children of MARY SLATER and WILLIAM BOONE are: 54. i. ALMA10 B. BOONE, b. Aug. 28, 1888 in Boone County, Iowa, d. Feb. 4, 1951. ii. JAMES JUSTIN BOONE, born Jan. 2, 1892 in Iowa, d. May 5, 1917. 55. iii. RUBY J. BOONE, b. June 1895 in Iowa, d. August 1985. 40. EFFIE LOUISA9 HAMMER (SETH FRANCIS8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 22, 1878 in Hardin Co., Iowa and died Feb. 20, 1956 at Cassville, Barry County, Missouri. She married EZRA LEE BARKER Aug. 24, 1911 in Hardin County. He was born May 30, 1866 in Farmers Township, Fulton Co., Illinois, son of George Rutledge Barker and Margaret Catherine Frizzell, and died July 20, 1960 at Cassville. He moved to Cassville in 1943. He was a retired farmer. Effie and Ezra are buried in Newton Burial Park, Nevada, Vernon County, Missouri. Child of EFFIE HAMMER and EZRA BARKER is: 88. i. LOLA10 RANDOLPH COLE, b. 1897, Foster child. Res.: Anthony, Texas. 41. JESSE DUANE9 HAMMER (SETH FRANCIS8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in July. 1880 in Hardin County, Iowa. On Feb. 24, 1916 at Indianola, Warren Co., Iowa he married ATTIE GLEASON (possibly GLENSON) COLE, daughter of Napoleon Bonaparte Cole and Mary Elizabeth Cock. Attie was born Abt. 1881. More About JESSE DUANE HAMMER: Graduate of Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa, founded by Quakers in 1873. Now William Penn University. Residence information for ATTIE GLENSON COLE and JESSE DUANE HAMMER: 1930 census says Orosi, Tulare County, Calif. Child of JESSE HAMMER and ATTIE COLE is: i. LAWRENCE DUAIN10 HAMMER, d. Died in childhood. 42. OLIVE9 INEZ HAMMER (THOMAS JEFFERSON8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in October 1893 in California. On July 28, 1912 in Los Angeles, Calif., she married JOHN JAMES ROBINSON, born in 1892. Child of OLIVE INEZ HAMMER and JOHN ROBINSON is: i. GERALDINE10 ROBINSON, m. JOSEPH MEAFER. 43. CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1888 in Union, Hardin Co, IA, and died in 1921 in Union, Hardin Co, IA, of tuberculosis. She married (1) JAMES ORR MCCOLLUM (see page 94) May 30, 1905 in Hardin County. She married (2) CLARK HENRY ROWLEY May 16, 1911 in Iowa, son of CLARENCE ROWLEY and Lillian “Libbie” Loeche. He was born June 22, 1882 in Lincoln, Neb., and died July 15, 1968 at Eldora Community Hospital. More About CARRIE MAY HAMMER: The 1910 census shows Carrie McCollum and son Austin McCullum living in her father Adam Hammer's home, apparently divorced from James McCollum. James is listed as living with his mother Eudella "Dell" McCollum and her second husband Lewis Rash. Carrie died at age 33 of tuberculosis (TB), a common and often deadly infectious disease that usually attacks the lungs. The classic symptoms are a chronic cough with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Treatment is difficult and requires long courses of multiple antibiotics. Mass vaccination against tuberculosis did not start until after World War II. 209 Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Info.: Born 1887 according to Avonelle Rash's notes Burial info for CLARK H. ROWLEY: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. IA Child of CARRIE HAMMER and JAMES MCCOLLUM is: i. AUSTIN10 MCCULLUM, b. June 11, 1905, d. July 1981. Children of CARRIE HAMMER and CLARK ROWLEY are: 90. ii. ALBERT10 H. ROWLEY, b. Aug. 12,1911, d. 1991. 91. iii. CLARENCE A. ROWLEY, b. July 28, 1913, Union, Hardin Co, IA; d. Aug. 25, 1973, Des Moines, Polk, IA. 92. iv. HELEN MARIE ROWLEY, b. July 3, 1916; d. October 5, 1997, Marshalltown, IA. v. ALICE FERN ROWLEY, b. 1920; d. Died at 6 months old. Carrie Hammer, about 1897 Carrie Hammer, about 1916 44. LAVERA INA9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born June 10, 1890 in Union, Iowa, and died December 9, 1975 in Eldora Community Hospital, Eldora, Iowa. She married WALTER BRUCE HIGGASON October 4, 1907 in Marshalltown, IA, son of WALLACE HIGGASON and JOSEPHINE DINSMORE. He was born in May 1886 in Henderson County, Illinois, and died in 1960. Notes for LAVERA INA HAMMER: Social Security Number: 485-12-5511 Obituary for LAVERA INA HAMMER: Mrs. Higgason's Rites Set ELDORA - (Special) - Services for Mrs. LaVera M. Higgason, 85, a lifelong Hardin County resident who was for many years a practical nurse, will be at 2:30 p.m. Friday at the Longnecker Funeral Home. The Rev. Paul E. Syster will officiate, and burial will be in Miller Cemetery southwest of Union. Mrs. Higgason, who had lived in Eldora 47 years, died Tuesday at Eldora Community Hospital. She was born near Union July 20, 1890, a daughter of Adam and Eliza Rash Hammer, and was married at Marshalltown Oct. 1, 1907, to Walter B. Higgason, who died in 1960. LaVera Hammer Higgason LaVera Hammer Surviving are six children: Mrs. Dean (Avonelle) Rash of Union, Mrs. Frances Mayer of Los Angeles, Calif., Orville Higgason and Max Higgason Sr. of Eldora, Mrs. Howard (Arlene) Bitters of Iowa Falls and Mrs. James (Bettie) Dix of New Providence. There are 24 grandchildren, 68 great-grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren. Also surviving are a brother, Verlin Hammer of Marshalltown, and three sisters, Mrs. Harriet Bittner, Mrs. Bethel Teske and Mrs. Luella Peterson, all of Des Moines. Four sons, one in infancy, preceded Mrs. Higgason in death, as did a brother and three sisters. Information about Walter Higgason and the children of Walter and LaVera is on page 244 in the Higgason section. 45. LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born June 10, 1890, and died in 1963. On June 11, 1910 in Marshall County, Iowa she married OLIVER “Ollie” HENRY BITTNER, son of John and Matilda Bittner, born March 15, 1880 and died in August 1953. LaVada and Oliver and family lived in Union, Ia. LaVada’s sister Harriet married Oliver’s brother Joel Bittner (see page 211). More About LAVADA HAMMER and OLLIE BITTNER: Burial: Sheppard Cemetery, Union Township, Hardin County, Iowa More About OLIVER H. BITTNER: Nickname: Ollie Children of LAVADA HAMMER and OLIVER BITTNER are: i. ii. 101. iii. iv. WILBUR ELMER10 BITTNER, b. Oct 30, 1910 Union, Hardin Co., Iowa; d. March 28, 1938 Hardin County. Burial: Sheppard Cemetery, Gifford, Hardin County. OLIVER BITTNER, b. Dec. 17, 1911, d. April 2 1979; Nickname: Bood; m. HELEN REMHOFF, b. April 1914, d. 1994, dau. of Charles & Ella Remhoff. Res. Eldora. ALMA W. BITTNER, b. June 21, 1913 in Eldora, d. Dec. 17, 1975 in Eldora. JOHN A. BITTNER, b. Dec. 9, 1914; d. Dec. 8, 1915. Burial: Sheppard Cemetery, Gifford, Hardin Co., Ia. 210 LaVada Hammer about 1916 LaVada Hammer Bittner 102. 103. v. vi. 104. vii. 105. viii. 106. ix. 107. x. 108. xi. 109. xii. 110. xiii. xiv. xv. IRMA A. BITTNER, b. 1916, d. 2007, m. Ralph Fouts. EUGENE “Gene” MILTON BITTNER, b. Jan. 24, 1917; d. April 26, 1993, Marshalltown, IA. Res. Albion. JULIA E. BITTNER, b. April 3, 1918, d. March 4, 2009, m. Cecil Butler. Res. Union. MARCIA J. BITTNER, b. 1920, d. aft 1975, m. Walter Brothers & Dale Jay. KENNETH C. BITTNER, b. January 30, 1921; d. January 26, 1992. Nickname: Kenny. Res. New Providence. HARRIET J. “Hattie” BITTNER, b. Feb. 19, 1924, d. Feb. 27, 1992, m. John Baker, New Providence, Iowa. AVONELLE BITTNER, b. 1925, d. 1998, m. Glen Pippen. Nickname: Annie LELAND G. BITTNER, b. Feb. 18, 1927, d. Jan. 20, 2010, res. Liscomb. LILLIAN F. BITTNER, b. 1929, d. 1996, m. Ed C. Schoborg, res. Union. NEIL MARTIN BITTNER, b. Jan. 4, 1931 in Iowa, d. Nov. 22, 1995 at Eldora, Iowa. On Aug. 21, 1953 in Eldora m. BERNICE FAITH FRERICHS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frerichs. Res. Eldora. They are buried in Steamboat Rock Cemetery, Hardin County, Iowa. JACK HANSON BITTNER, Died as an infant. Oliver “Bood” Bittner, son of LaVada 46. ELMER JOHN9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born March 5, 1894 in Bangor Twp, Marshall Co., Iowa and died Dec. 26, 1968 in Santa Ana, Calif. On Feb. 26, 1913 in Marshall County he married (1) EDNA M. WALTERS, born in 1893, daughter of Matt Walters and Jennie Hensicks. On Feb. 16, 1934 in Des Moines he married (2) IVA SWANSON SMITH, born in 1894 in Marshalltown, Iowa, daughter of Pete Swanson and Esther McCurdy. More About IVA SMITH: No children, survived Elmer in 1968. Elmer’s second wedding certificate listed his occupation as farmer. Notes for ELMER JOHN HAMMER: Born 1892 according to Avonelle Rash's notes Obituary excerpt: Rites Monday for Elmer Hammer Funeral services will be held Monday, Dec. 30 at: 1:30 p.m. from the Biersborn Funeral Home in Union for Elmer Hammer, 74, a former Union resident who died Thursday morning, , Dec. 26, at his home in Santa Ana, Calif. The Rev. Ron Johnson, pastor of the Church of Christ in Union, will officiate. Interment will be in the Miller Cemetery, southwest of Union. Survivors include his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Lewis Price of Wellsburg; five sisters, Mrs. Eva Newton of Pocahontas, Wisc., Mrs. Hattie Bittner, Mrs. Frank Teske and Mrs. Luella Peterson, all of Des Moines, and Mrs. LaVera Higgason, of Eldora; and one brother, Verlin Hammer of Marshalltown. His parents preceded him in death. Children of ELMER HAMMER and EDNA WALTERS are: i. AURELLA10 HAMMER, b. 1913, d. 1995. ii. SHARON HAMMER. Elmer Hammer, about 1916 Elmer Hammer 47. HARRIETT DELL9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born May 4, 1896, and died Aug. 24, 1990 in Iowa. On Feb. 14, 1914 in Marshall County, Iowa she married JOEL W. BITTNER, son of John and Malinda C. Jones Bittner, born June 28, 1888 and died May 15, 1956 at University Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa. Harriett and Joel resided in Eldora, Iowa. Harriet’s sister LaVada married Joel’s brother Oliver Bittner (see page 210). Harriett Hammer, 1897 Harriett “Hattie” Hammer Hattie Hammer about 1916 Hattie Hammer Bittner More About HARRIETT DELL HAMMER: Born May 4, 1894 according to Avonelle Rash's notes. Nickname: Hattie 211 Burial information for HARRIETT DELL HAMMER and JOEL W. BITTNER: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Children of HARRIETT HAMMER and JOEL BITTNER are: i. DUANE R.10 BITTNER, b. 1934; d. 1962; m. P EGGIE ESTES. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa. Ames Daily Tribune, page 16, July 30, 1962: Duane R. Bittner, 28, Des Moines, was killed Saturday night when his car crashed into a bridge abutment on Iowa 215 about three miles south of Eldora. He was alone in the car, driving to pick up his wife and family at Gifford. Bittner died only two miles from his destination, where his family was visiting. ii. GERALD L. BITTNER, b. 1918; d. 1920, Had water on the brain* as a newborn. iii. DALE BITTNER, b. Jan. 29, 1915, d. Jan. 1, 1993. iv. JOEL BITTNER, b. abt 1923. Nickname: Bud. * Hydrocephalus, also known as "water on the brain", is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles, or cavities, of the brain. This can cause increased pressure inside the skull, enlargement of the head, convulsion, mental disability and death. 48. EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born March 26, 1897, and died Aug. 31, 1975 at the Divine Savior Hospital, Portage, Wisconsin. On Sept. 20, 1913 in Hardin County, Iowa she married (1) GAYLORD HAUSER MADOLE, son of Thomas Madole and Paulina Hauser. He was born July 8, 1893 near Whitten, Hardin Co., IA, and died Dec. 19, 1945. She married (2) GEORGE P. NEWTON, born April 25, 1896 in Iowa to Joseph Frank Newton and Caroline Holub and died Sept. 14, 1960 in Marcellon, Wisc. George was a salesman. Eva is in a family photo on page 206. Children of EVA HAMMER and GAYLORD MADOLE are: 113. i. ii. 114. 115. 116. iii. iv. v. THOMAS ROBERT10 MADOLE, b. March 10, 1914, d. 1989. WENDELL HARLAND MADOLE, b. July 19, 1916, m. IRENE J. SMITH, b. abt 1921. No children. Residence: Waterloo, Ia. LAVERNE MILLARD MADOLE, b. October 1919. ARLENE JEANNETTE MADOLE, b. 1921 d. Nov. 11, 1998. IONE ARDIS MADOLE, b. Jan. 29, 1922, d. June 15, 1977 Eva Hammer Gaylord Madole Editor’s notes: According to the 1930 census, son LaVerne & daughters Arlene & Ione were living in the home of their grandparents Adam & Eliza Hammer in Eldora; no mention of Eva and Gaylord. Gaylord is buried at Calvary Cemetery, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, along with second wife Laura, 1903-1980. Eva and George are buried at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Portage, Columbia Co., Wisc. Wisconsin State Journal, Tuesday Sept. 2, 1975: Portage — Mrs. Eva E. Newton, age 76, died on Sunday, August 31, 1975, at the Divine Savior Hospital, Portage. Survivors include three sons, Thomas Madole, Portage, Wendell Madole, Waterloo, Iowa, Laverne Madole, Kansas City; two daughters, Mrs. (Arlene) Walter Klocko, Portage, Mrs. (lone) Norbert Berger, Berlin; a brother, Verlin Hammer, Marshalltown, Iowa; four sisters, Mrs. Hattie Bittner, Mrs. Louella Peterson, Mrs. Beth Teske, all of Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Vera Higgason, Eldora, Iowa; eleven grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at St. Mary's Catholic Church, at 10:30 a.m., on Wednesday, Sept. 3 Beth Hammer about 1916 49. BETHEL LENA9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 5, 1902 in Iowa and died June 6, 1990. Her nickname was Beth. She married FRANK CARL TESKE, son of Henry and Albertina (Tresemer) Teske, Jan. 7, 1928 in Des Moines, IA. He was born Dec. 9, 1897 in Iowa and died in 1993. Beth and Frank are buried in Highland Memory Gardens Cemetery, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Child of BETHEL HAMMER and FRANK C. TESKE is: i. FRANK10 H. TESKE, b. April 11, 1933 in Iowa. 49.5 LUELLA “Toots” JANE HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born March 2, 1906 in Iowa and died Aug. 5, 1988. She married CARL PETERSON, born in 1905. They are buried in Glendale Cemetery, Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. 212 Luella Hammer and Carl Peterson 50. VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9 HAMMER (ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born January 7, 1908 in Union, IA, and died January 14, 1986 of prostate cancer. He married F LETA LENORE BRIDGES November 7, 1929 in Albion. She was born March 18, 1913, and died December 15, 2003. Obituary for VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN HAMMER: Services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday at the Fellowship Baptist Church for Verlin B. Hammer, 78, of 811 Washington St., who died there Tuesday evening. The Rev. David Jaspers will officiate and burial will be in the Miller Cemetery at Union. Born Jan. 7, 1908, in Union, he was the son of Adam and Eliza Rash Hammer, and was educated in the Union school. On Nov. 7, 1929, in Albion, he was married to Fleta Bridges. They have made their home in Marshalltown 30 years, where he was employed by the Chicago Northwestern Railroad. He was a member of the Fellowship Baptist Church. Preceding him in death were a son, four sisters and a brother. Survivors include his wife, Fleta, four sons and one daughter: Robert and Eugene, both of Claypool, Ariz., Marvin of Perry, Ohio, Stephen of Topeka, Kan., and Beverly Shenkle of Shenandoah. Also surviving are three sisters, Bethel Teske and Luella Peterson of Des Moines, and Harriet Bittner of Eldora; 21 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. Editor’s notes: Jan. 16, 1986, was a Thursday, so the obituary tells us Verlin died Tuesday Jan. 14, 1986. According to the 1930 census Verlin and Fleta were living in the household of his parents in Eldora. Obituary for FLETA LENORE BRIDGES HAMMMER: Fleta was born on March 18, 1913 in Eldora Iowa, , the daughter of John E. and Lillian Pieters Bridges. She was united in marriage with Verlin Hammer on November 7, 1929 in Liscomb, Iowa. She worked as a homemaker taking care of her family. She also baby sat for working many years. She was associated with the Fellowship Baptist Church in Marshalltown. Fleta enjoyed attending various church activities, including weekly Bible study classes. For hobbies she enjoyed flower gardening, sewing and reading. Fleta Hammer is survived by: three sons: Stephen Dennis (Dorothy) Hammer of Topeka, Kansas, Marvin Dale Hammer of Vinton, Iowa, Robert Neil (Anne) Hammer of Roosevelt, AZ, 20 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband; Verlin, two brothers; Frank and LeRoy, two sisters; Viola and Helen, two sons; Gordon and Eugene, a daughter; Beverly June Shenkle and three children in infancy. Verlin Hammer about 1916 Verlin Hammer 1978 Fleta Lenore Bridges Hammer Fleta Hammer Burial information for FLETA LENORE BRIDGES: Dec. 18, 2003, Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Children of VERLIN HAMMER and FLETA BRIDGES are: 118. i. GORDON BRYAN10 HAMMER, b. July 30, 1930; d. September 16, 1981, Lackland Air Force Base Medical Center, San Antonio, TX. 119. ii. ROBERT NEIL HAMMER, b. 1932. 120. iii. BEVERLY JUNE HAMMER, b. 1934. d. between 1986 & 2003. 121. iv. EUGENE FORREST HAMMER, b. 1936, d. between 1986 & 2003. 122. v. MARVIN DALE HAMMER, b. 1938, d. May 17, 2011. 123. vi. STEPHEN DENNIS HAMMER, b. 1949. 51. WILLIAM RUBY9 BAILEY (HARRIET ANN8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 28, 1886 in Iowa, and died Jan. 21, 1974 at Valley View Nursing Center, Eldora. On Dec. 18, 1907 he married BESSIE MAE PERISHO, b. Sept. 20, 1889 in Grant Twp, Hardin Co., Iowa , d. Nov. 30, 1951 in Eldora, Ia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Perisho. William Ruby and Bessie May are buried in Hubbard Cemetery, Tipton Twp, Hardin Co., Ia Children of WILLIAM BAILEY and BESSIE PARISHO are: i. SADIE PEARL BAILEY, b. April 16 1916, d. Feb. 21, 2004; m. ORVILLE ANDREW CERKA, 1907-2005, son of Benjamin August Cerka and Margurite Angelin Cerka. Had two sons and a daughter, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They are buried in Magnolia Park Cemetery and Mausoleum, Houston County, Georgia. ii. FLOYD10 PERISHO BAILEY, b. Jan. 21, 1912, d. May 26, 1986. Burial Hubbard Cemetery, Hardin Co., IA iii. GLEN R. BAILEY, 1913-1991, res. Zearing, Iowa v. RAYMOND BAILEY, Sweetwater, Texas. iv. MARION BAILEY, b. abt 1915, res. Roland, Iowa. vi. LYLE BAILEY, Des Moines, Iowa. 213 52. WARREN EARL9 HAMMER (GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 15, 1887 in Hardin County, IA, and died April 16, 1962 in Denver, Co. He married GEORGIA E. WALTON Nov. 30, 1910, daughter of RILEY WALTON and KATHERINE. She was born Feb. 16, 1891 in Hardin County, IA, and died July 20, 1961. More About WARREN EARL HAMMER: Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Info: Warren’s brother Vernon married Ruby Walton, the sister of Warren’s wife Georgia Walton. Obituary for WARREN EARL HAMMER: Son of George and Charlotte Hammer was born Hardin County November 15, 1887 Passed away April 16, 1962 Denver Colorado at the age of 74 years, 5 months and 1 day. On November 30, 1910, he was united in marriage to Miss Georgia Walton. To this union two children were born: Fern (Mrs. Ralph Beecher) and Donald both of Denver, Colorado. Survived by his children, four grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, a brother Vern of Union, and a sister (editor: step-sister, see page 141), Mrs. Nina Eikenberry of Charles City. Preceded in death by his wife in 1961, his parents and one sister Warren Hammer, 7, 1895 Warren Hammer, 21, 1909 Obituary for GEORGIA E. WALTON HAMMER: Daughter of Riley and Katherine Walton was born February 16, 1891, in Hardin county Passed away July 20, 1961 at the age of 70 years, 5 months and 4 days United in marriage to Warren Hammer November 30,1910 Born to this union two children, Mrs. Ralph Beecher and Donald, both of Denver, Colo. Survived by her husband, children, four grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Ruby Hammer of Union, two brothers, Leo of Indianola and Gussie of Whitten. Preceded in death by her parents, one sister and brothers. Services held at the Union Community Church Saturday, July 22, 1961. Clergyman: Rev. Lloyd McDonald. Casket Bearers: Lloyd Beecher, Vernal DeLawyer, Forest Huston, Glenn Norman, Levi Cook, Robert Carithers. Interment: Miller Cemetery Children of WARREN HAMMER and GEORGIA WALTON are: 124. i. DONALD EARL HAMMER, b. Abt 1913 in Iowa. 125. ii. FERN IRENE HAMMER, b. March 31, 1915 in Iowa, d. March 24, 1951. 53. VERNON GEORGE9 HAMMER (GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born January 6, 1893 in Iowa, and died in 1991 at Eldora Community Hospital, Eldora, IA. He married RUBY A. WALTON June 30, 1915 in Marshalltown, IA, daughter of R ILEY WALTON and KATHRYN SMITH. She was born August 1, 1895 in Whitten, IA, and died in 1975 at Eldora Community Hospital, Eldora, Iowa. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin County Iowa Nickname: Vern Info: Vernon’s brother Warren married Georgia Walton, the sister of Vernon’s wife Ruby Walton. Obituary for RUBY A. WALTON: UNION - (Special) - Services for Mrs. Vern (Ruby) Hammer, 79, who died Tuesday at Eldora Community Hospital, will be Friday at 1:30 at the Union Community Church. Burial will be in Miller Cemetery near Union. The Revs. Preston Hinderks and Lloyd McDonald will officiate. She was born near Whitten Aug. 1, 1895, a daughter of Riley and Kathryn B. Smith Walton, and attended the Locker country school. On June 30, 1915, at Marshalltown she married Vernon George Vern Hammer, 2, 1895 Vern Hammer, 16, 1909 Hammer, and they lived in the Union-Whitten communities since then. She was a telephone company employee in Union for several years and belonged to the Community Church and its Queen Esther Sunday School class. Surviving are the widower; three sons, George of Union, Asa of Springfield, Va., and Howard of Lakewood, Colo.; eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. One daughter died in infancy; six brothers and a sister also preceded her in death. Children of VERNON HAMMER and RUBY WALTON are: i. MARGARET L. HAMMER, b. 1917, d. 1919. Burial: Miller Cemetery. ii. GEORGE VERNON10 HAMMER, b. Aug. 18, 1918, d. Oct. 15, 2009. 214 iii. iv. ASA W. HAMMER, b. March 21, 1921 in Iowa, d. June 25, 2010 in Highlands, Florida; m. DOROTHY HAUSER. Both graduated Union High School in 1938. HOWARD H. HAMMER, b. Sept. 24, 1929 Iowa, d. Sept. 10, 2007; on June 5, 1953 m. Doris, 1931-2015. They are buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Four children, six grandchildren. Generation No. 10 10 9 54. ALMA B. BOONE (MARY ELIZABETH SLATER, NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 28, 1888 in Boone, Boone Co., Iowa and died Feb. 4, 1951. On Dec. 24, 1908 in Des Moines, Iowa she married CARL V. NYGREN, son of Alfred Nygren and Christine Samdel. Carl was born Jan. 11, 1887 and died April 17, 1962. Alma, Carl and son Boone are buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Moingona, Boone Co., Iowa. Child of ALMA BOONE and CARL NYGREN is: 141. i. BOONE ELSWORTH11 NYGREN, b. 1910, d. 1989. 55. RUBY10 J. BOONE (MARY ELIZABETH9 SLATER, NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born June 6, 1895 in Iowa and died in August 1985. On June 17, 1914 in Moingona, Boone Co., Iowa she married HERMAN H. CUNNINGHAM, born in 1894 and died in 1958, son of W.S. Cunningham and Serelda Staley. Ruby, Herman and son Harold are buried in Amsterdam Cemetery, Goodell, Hancock Co., Iowa. Children of RUBY BOONE and HERMAN CUNNINGHAM are: 143. i. WILLIAM LLOYD CUNNINGHAM, b. May 3, 1917, d. Aug. 14, 2005. 142. ii. HAROLD MARLAN11 CUNNINGHAM, b. Nov. 18, 1923 Moingona, Ia, d. Nov. 2, 2012, Belmond, Ia. 88. LOLA10 RANDOLPH (EFFIE LOUISA9 HAMMER, SETH FRANCIS8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1897. She married ALBERT ELMER COE, born in 1895. Her first name might be Lolo or Lorene. Children of LOLA RANDOLPH and ALBERT COE are: i. ALBERT WILLIAM11 COE, born and died May 2, 1938 at Anthony, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, where he is buried in Story Cemetery. ii. JAMES BLAIR COE. 90. ALBERT10 H. ROWLEY (CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 12, 1911 and died July 8, 1991. He married BESSIE IRENE KETLEY, born July 22, 1923 and died Dec. 18, 1987. They are buried in Albion Cemetery, Albion, Marshall Co., Iowa. Child of ALBERT ROWLEY and BESSIE KETLEY is: i. DEBRA11 ROWLEY. 91. CLARENCE A.10 ROWLEY (CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born July 28, 1913 in Union, Hardin Co, IA, and died Aug. 25, 1973 in Des Moines, Polk Co., IA. He married FLORENCE LOUISE COYNE. She was born Aug. 12, 1915 to Thomas P. Coyne and Lucy A. Harrah in Marshalltown, Iowa and died in March 1986. Clarence Rowley obituary in the Hardin County Index, Aug. 31, 1973: Funeral services were held Wednesday, August 29, from the Community Church at Union for Clarence Rowley, 60, of Des Moines, a former Union resident who died Saturday in Des Moines. Interment was in the Miller Cemetery near Union. Biersborn Funeral Home of Union was in charge of arrangements. He was born July 28, 1913, in Union to Clark and Carey Hammer Rowley. He was raised and educated in that area. He was employed in Des Moines as a television repairman prior to his death. Mr. Rowley was preceded in death by an infant son. Surviving are his wife, Florence; three children, George of Des Moines, Patricia of Crescent City, Calif., and Betty Ann at home; six grandchildren; one brother, Albert of Albion; one sister, Helen Meyer of Marshalltown and a half-brother, Austin McCullum of Madrid. Editor’s note: Clarence & Florence share their Miller Cemetery marker with “Maxine,” which doesn’t seem to match the obituary’s mention of an infant son preceding him in death, but rather a daughter. Children of CLARENCE ROWLEY and FLORENCE COYNE are: 204. i. GEORGE EDWARD11 ROWLEY, Des Moines. ii. MAXINE ROWLEY, 1937-1937. iii. iv. PATRICIA ROWLEY, Crescent City, Calif. BETTY ANN ROWLEY 92. HELEN MARIE10 ROWLEY (CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born July 3, 1916, and died October 5, 1997 in Marshalltown, IA. She married (1) FRANCIS C. FETTERS. He was born Oct. 19, 1917 in Iowa, and died Sept. 18, 1998 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., Nevada. The 1940 census shows 215 Helen, Francisand their first three children living in the household of Helen's father Clark Rowley. Helen married (2) GLENN DONALD MYERS. He was born June 25, 1916, and died August 3, 1983. Burial for HELEN MARIE ROWLEY, GLENN DONALD MYERS and son GLENN DONALD MYERS Jr.: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co. Ia Military service for GLENN DONALD MYERS: Pvt US Army WWII. Children of HELEN ROWLEY and FRANCIS FETTERS are: 205. i. MERLE FETTERS, b. abt 1936 in Iowa, d. abt 2004. 206. ii. CARROLL11 EUGENE FETTERS, b. Jan. 20, 1938, d. July 11, 2004. iii. DAVID FETTERS b. 1940, res. Marshalltown and Phoenix. iv. RUTH FETTERS m. Mr. Brandt. Residence: Phoenix. v. LUCY MAE FETTERS, m. ROBERT C. CLARK. Residence: Des Moines, Iowa. Children of HELEN ROWLEY and GLENN DONALD MYERS are: i. GLENN DONALD MYERS Jr., b. April 2, 1954 in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Ia., d. Feb. 5, 2011, Marshalltown, Ia. ii. DARRELL MYERS, m. Joyce, res. Marshalltown. 101. ALMA W.10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born June 21, 1913 and died Dec. 17, 1975. She married ANTHONY “Tony” PRISKE Feb. 10, 1929 in Eldora, the son of Joseph Priske and Elizabeth Fromholz Priske. He was born in 1900 and died in 1976. Both are buried in Union Cemetery, Union, Ia. Children of ALMA BITTNER and TONY PRISKE are: 222. i. PAUL11 PRISKE, b. abt 1931 in Iowa, res. Marshalltown. 223. ii. MARVIN PRISKE, b. abt 1932 in Iowa, res. Orlando, Fla. iii. LAWRENCE PRISKE, b. abt 1936 in Iowa, res. Cedar Rapids. iv. BARBARA PRISKE, b. abt 1937 in Iowa, m. Truman Thomas, res. Orlando, Fla. v. LOLA PRISKE, b. abt 1939 in Iowa, m. James Cathy, res. Florida. 102. IRMA A.10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Dec. 16, 1916 in Iowa and died in 2007. She married RALPH FRANK FOUTS, born March 29, 1915 in Iowa and died May 8, 1990 in California. Both are buried in Sheppard Cemetery, Gifford, Hardin County, Iowa. Children of IRMA BITTNER and RALPH FOUTS are: i. BARRY11 FOUTS. ii. JUDITH FOUTS. 103. EUGENE MILTON10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Jan. 24, 1917, and died April 26, 1993 in Marshalltown, Iowa. He graduated from Union High School in 1935. On May 24, 1941 in Kirksville, Mo he married EVELYN BERNADINE HODGE, the daughter of Walter and Dora Vista Hodge. She was born April 23, 1917 in Hardin County, IA. She died Oct. 30, 2006 in Albion, Marshall Co., IA. Gene, Evelyn and their son Darrell are in Albion Cemetery, Albion. Nickname for EUGENE BITTNER: Gene Children of EUGENE BITTNER and EVELYN HODGE are: i. DARRELL11 BITTNER, June 28, 1943 - May 8, 1969, was killed in service, Sgt. Btry C 6 Bn 15 Arty Vietnam BS M (Bronze Star). 224. ii. DEBRAH BITTNER, m. Mr. Kadner. Evelyn Bernadine Hodge Bittner 225. iii. ROBERT BITTNER, m. Jenifer. iv. DONNA JEAN BITTNER, m. Mr. Guthrie, d. bef 2006. Darrell Bittner 104. JULIA ELLEN10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 3, 1918 and died March 4, 2009. On July 6, 1937 in Lancaster, Mo. she married CECIL BENJAMIN BUTLER, born Feb. 5, 1901 and died Oct. 18, 1990. Residence: Union, Iowa. Both are buried at Union Cemetery, Union. Obituary excerpts: Julia E. Butler, age 90, of Union, passed away Wednesday, March 4, 2009, at Villa Del Sol, with her family by her side, while under the care of Iowa River Hospice. Funeral services will be 10:30 A.M., Monday, March 9, at Union Church of Christ. Visitation will be Sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M., at Biersborn Funeral Home in Union. Burial will be at Union Cemetery. Memorial donations to honor Julia may be directed to the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, or Iowa River Hospice. 216 On July 6, 1937 (editor: the same year she graduated from Union High School), Julia was united in marriage to Cecil Butler in Lancaster, Missouri. Julia was a homemaker and loved gardening and wildflowers. She also enjoyed feeding the birds and was an avid card player. Julia was a member of the Union Church of Christ where she volunteered in many aspects. Julia will be missed by her children Jackie Morgan of Marshalltown, Wayne (Joyce) Butler of Ackley, Leah (Larry) Jiroutek, Fairmont, MN, Lonnie Butler of Oxford Junction, Valorie “Joey” (Scott) Oxenfield of Kellogg, Kevin (Sian) Butler of Hudson; 20 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren, and brother, Leland (JoAnn) Bittner of Liscomb. Julia is preceded in death by her parents, 14 brothers and sisters, sons, Kenneth and Larry Butler, daughter, Melody Butler and her husband Cecil in 1990. http://iagenweb.org/boards/marshall/obituaries/index.cgi?read=225648, http://www.obitsforlife.com/obituary/102507/Butler-Julia.php Children of JULIA BITTNER and CECIL BUTLER are: 226. i. LARRY BUTLER, b. abt 1938 in Iowa, d. bef. 2009. Residence: Marshalltown, Ia. ii. JACQUELINE “Jackie” BUTLER, b. abt 1939 in Iowa, m. 1) Mr. Morgan, m. 2) Tom Sheenan. Residence, Indianapolis, Ind. iii. MELODY ANN BUTLER, b. June 20, 1953, d. Dec. 4, 2005. Burial: Union Cemetery. iv. KENNETH O. BUTLER, b. April 27, 1948 Union, Ia, d. Oct. 18, 1969. Killed in an auto accident. Burial: Union Cemetery, Union. More about the accident after this list. v. WAYNE BUTLER, m. Joyce. Residence: Clarence, Cedar Co. Ia. vi. LEAH BUTLER, m. Larry Jiroutek. Residence: Cedar Rapids, Ia. vii. LONNIE BUTLER. Residence: Cedar Rapids, Ia. viii. VALORIE BUTLER, m. Scott Oxenfield. Residence: Union, Ia. ix. KEVIN BUTLER, m. Sian. Residence: Union, Ia. Julia E. Bittner Butler About the auto accident that killed Kenneth Butler: According to the Oct 21, 1969 edition of the Eldora Herald Ledger, the car in which he was a passenger struck a bridge abutment on Highway 30 at Tama. Cynthia G. Haren, 21, of Grundy also was killed in the accident and driver Terry Schoborg (Kenneth’s cousin, son of Lillian Bittner) sustained injuries. A Tama police officer said the car flew 71 feet from the west end of the bridge, struck the east bank of the river, traveled another 100 feet and struck a telephone pole. The body and chassis of the vehicle separated and the body traveled another 38 feet. 105. MARCIA J.10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Feb. 21, 1920 in Hardin County, Iowa and died Mar. 29, 2006. She married 1) DALE A. JAY, born about 1919 to John and Inez (Price) Jay, and 2) WALTER BROTHERS, born May 20, 1920 and died Dec. 10, 2010 at Villa Del Sol in Marshalltown, Iowa. The 1940 census shows Dale and Marcia living with Marcia’s parents and siblings in Union, Iowa. Child of MARSHA BITTNER and DALE JAY is: 227. i. KAY11 JAY. 106. KENNETH C.10 “Kenny” BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born January 30, 1921, and died January 26, 1992. He married KAYE GATES. He is buried in Sheppard Cemetery, Gifford, Hardin County, Iowa Child of KENNETH BITTNER and KAYE GATES is: i. DENNIS11 BITTNER. 110. LILLIAN FRANCES10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 19, 1929 in Iowa and died Feb. 3, 1996. She married EDMUND COLUMBUS SCHOBORG, born Nov. 20, 1918 in Haverville, Marshall Co., Iowa and died June 13, 1995 in Iowa, son of Bernard and Anna Heger Schoborg. Residence: Union, Iowa. They are buried in Rose Hill Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa. Children of LILLIAN BITTNER and EDMOND SCHOBERG are: i. TERRY11 SCHOBORG, m. FAYE. ii. RANDY SCHOBORG, m. JEAN DANTHEN. iii. VICKI SCHOBORG. 109. LELAND GERALD.10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Feb. 18, 1927 at Union, IA and died Jan. 20, 2010 at his home in Liscomb, IA. He married JOANNE JOHNSON Jan. 28, 1953 at Union. She was born June 27, 1931 in Steamboat Rock, Iowa and died Aug. 24, 2011 at Ellsworth Municipal Hospital in Iowa Falls, Iowa. She was the daughter of Ben and Julia (Grievs) Johnson. Leland and JoAnn are buried in Steamboat Rock Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa. Excerpts from JoAnn’s obituary at http://mitchellfh.com/sitemaker/memsol.cgi?user_id=1036745: They had lived in Liscomb for the last 54 years. JoAnn had worked in the Liscomb and BCL school lunch program for 11 years and The Trading Post in Liscomb for 2 years. Joann was a member of the Liscomb Church of Christ Church, Ladies Aid, and the Hobby Club. She enjoyed basketball on TV, singing with her brothers and sisters when they were together for holidays and her favorite thing was to cook for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 217 Excerpts from Leland’s obituary from http://mitchellfh.com/ObituaryDetail.php?ID_Obituary=1049: They made their home at Liscomb where he was employed as building custodian/maintenance at the Liscomb School and was a member of the Liscomb Church of Christ. Mr. Bittner retired in 1987 from Fisher Controls in Marshalltown. Leland enjoyed meeting with his friends at the Gingersnap in Union and drinking coffee, watching basketball and football, the Iowa Hawkeyes, music and going out to eat with his children and grandchildren. He will be greatly missed by them all. Left to cherish his memory are JoAnn, his loving wife of 57 years, sons: Greg (Paula) Bittner of Eldora and Scott Bittner (LeeAnn Switzer) of Union, grandchildren Jeff Bittner (Trina Stringer), Heather Bittner (Cory Ratliff), Adrian (Joey) Bloomer and Grant Wallace, five great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and a host of friends. In death he has rejoined his parents, five brothers and seven sisters. Children of LELAND BITTNER and JOANNE JOHNSON are: i. GREG11 BITTNER. ii. SCOTT BITTNER. JoAnn Johnson Bittner Leland G Bittner 107. HARRIET “Hattie” J.10 BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Feb. 19, 1924 in Union, Iowa and died Feb. 27, 1992 in Union. She married JOHN BAKER. Residence: New Providence. She is buried in East Lawn Memorial Garden, Eldora, Hardin County, Iowa. Children of HARRIET BITTNER and JOHN BAKER are: i. MICHAEL11 BAKER, m. SARAH DUFFY. ii. JOSEPH BAKER. iii. iv. DEE BAKER, m. RONALD DALE. RICKY JOHN BAKER. 108. AVONELLE10 “Annie” BITTNER (LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 17, 1926 and died Feb. 28, 1998. She married GLEN PIPPIN, son of Andy and Sophia Pippin, born May 12, 1926, died April 6, 1986, Y3 (Yeoman 3rd Class) US Navy WW II. Avonelle, Glen and Glen's parents are buried in Bethel Chapel Cemetery, Liberty, Clarke Co., Ia. Children of AVONELLE BITTNER and GLEN PIPPIN are: i. GLENDA11 PIPPIN. ii. ROXANN PIPPIN. 111. AURELLA10 F. HAMMER (ELMER JOHN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 23, 1913 and died Oct. 13, 1995 She married LOUIS “Louie” ERNEST PRICE, born Dec. 3, 1910 and died Nov. 20, 1998, the son of Berryman and Hannah Schwarck Price. Aurella, Louie and his parents are buried in Sheller Cemetery, Grundy County, Ia The 1940 census listed Louis and Aurella as farmers in Melrose Township, Grundy County, IA. No children were listed so Sharon was born after that time. Child of AURELLA HAMMER and LOUIS PRICE is: 228. i. SHARON M.11 PRICE. Aurella F. Hammer Price 112. DALE10 BITTNER (HARRIET DELL9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Jan. 29, 1915 in Iowa and died in 1994 in Eldora. He was a sergeant in the US Army in WW II. He married (1) BETTY JEAN. He married (2) GRETCHEN L. BOLICH, born Jan. 4, 1920 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa daughter of Fred and Ann Marie (Schroppel) Bolich, and died Feb. 26, 1992 in Eldora. Her first husband was Orville Poppe. Dale and Gretchen are buried in East Lawn Memorial Garden, Eldora, Hardin Co., Iowa. Obituary in the Des Moines Register Feb. 28, 1992, http://www.obitcentral.com/obitsearch/obits/misc/misc-49.htm: Gretchen L. Bittner, 72, of Eldora died of cancer Wednesday at Eldora Regional Medical Center. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Paul Lutheran Church, and burial will be in Eastlawn Memory Gardens Cemetery. Mrs. Bittner was born in Des Moines. She was a homemaker and member of the Lutheran Church, Lutheran Ladies Aid Society and American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Firemen's auxiliaries. Among survivors are her husband, Dale; a son, Dale of McGregor; three daughters, Teresa Huston of Marshalltown and Mary Ferrell and Sharon Dempsey, both of Eldora; and her mother, Anna Marie Bolich, and a sister, Audrey Kropf, both of Des Moines. Friends may call from 5 to 9 p.m. today and 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday at Creps-Abels Funeral Home. Child of DALE BITTNER and BETTY JEAN is: i. JEANNE11 BITTNER. Child of DALE BITTNER and GRETCHEN BOLICH is: i. DALE BITTNER. 218 113. THOMAS ROBERT10 MADOLE (EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born March 10, 1914 in Union, Hardin Co., Iowa and died June 27, 1989 in Warsaw, Benton Co., Mo. He married TWILA O. PICKERING. She was born March 11, 1915 and died May 29, 1967 in Portage, Wisconsin. The 1940 census shows Thomas’ younger brother Wendell and his wife Irene lived with Thomas, Twila and Carolyn in Waterloo Township, Black Hawk County, Iowa. Vicky and Thomas apparently were not yet born. Thomas and Twila are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Portage, Wisc. Children of THOMAS MADOLE and TWILA PICKERING are: 229. i. CAROLYN11 MAE MADOLE, b. Sept. 20, 1934. 230. ii. VICKY MADOLE. iii. THOMAS D. MADOLE. 114. LAVERNE10 MILLARD MADOLE (EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in October 1919 at Union, Iowa and died Sept. 6, 1992. He married LAURA MAE CLARK RASMUSSEN, born about 1913, daughter of Fred S. Clark and Laura Clark, Oct. 29, 1939 at Atherton, Missouri. The 1940 census shows Laura had a son, Carl R. Rasmussen, 11, and a daughter, Margie Rasmussen, 8, by her prior marriage. They and Laura’s parents all were living in 21-year-old Laverne’s household in Jefferson Township, Fayette County, Iowa. Cpl. Carl Rasmussen was stationed in Japan and Korea for nearly five years, and on Feb. 6, 1951 in Yokohama, Japan married Shigeko of Japan. Children of LAVERNE MADOLE and LAURA CLARK are: 231. i. JOANNE MADOLE b. 1951. 232. ii. JAMES MADOLE. iii. JANET MADOLE, m. JAMES CORNING. 233. iv. v. JERRY MADOLE. JEANINE MADOLE. 115. ARLENE10 JEANNETTE MADOLE (EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Oct. 8, 1921 in Iowa and died Nov. 11, 1998 in Portage, Wisc. On May 30, 1939 she married WALTER WILLIAMS KLOCKO. Walter, son of FREDRICK KLOCKOW, was born Dec. 29, 1921 in Pomeroy, Calhoun Co., Ia, and died Oct. 27, 2007. Residence: Marcellon, Wisconsin. Arlene and Walter are buried in Silver Lake Cemetery, Portage, Columbia Co., Wisc. Children of ARLENE MADOLE and WALTER KLOCKO are: 234 i. BARBARA ELIZABETH KLOCKO, b. Oct. 11, 1939, Iowa City, Ia. 235. ii. THOMAS11 WILLIAM KLOCKO, b. Sept. 3, 1942, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Ia., d. Oct. 2, 1971. 236. iii. ARDES JANE KLOCKO, b. Dec. 8, 1943, Waterloo, Ia. 116. IONE10 ARDIS MADOLE (EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Jan. 29, 1922 in Iowa and died June 15, 1977 in Portage, Wisconsin. She married 1) ROBERT SPARS of Portage, son of Deloris Spars, on March 19, 1943, at Waterloo, Iowa while he was on military leave and 2) NORBERT BERGER. Robert Spars, b. Jan. 29, 1922, d. June 15, 1977, is buried in Silver Lake Cemetery, Portage, Columbia Co., Wisc. Children of IONE MADOLE and ROBERT SPARS are: 237. i. LINDA11 SPARS. 238. ii. MARYBETH SPARS. 117. FRANK10 H. TESKE (BETHEL LENA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 11, 1933 in Des Moines, Ia. He married (1) MARILYN. He married (2) KATIE. More About FRANK TESKE: 5 children Children of FRANK TESKE and MARILYN are: i. STEVE11 TESKE. 1 son ii. TERRI TESKE. 118. GORDON BRYAN10 HAMMER (VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born July 30, 1930, and died September 16, 1981 in Lackland Air Force Base Medical Center, San Antonio, TX. He married (1) BILLIE JEAN OWEN. daughter of Elizabeth Carole Owen, in 1949 in Hardin County, Iowa. She was born in 1930. He married (2) SYBEL BROWN May 18, 1951. She was born Oct. 9, 1928 and died Dec. 27, 1999, and is buried next to Gordon. 219 Obituary for GORDON BRYAN HAMMER: City Couple's Son Buried in Texas Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Hammer, 811 Washington, have returned from San Antonio, Texas, where they were called by the death Sept. 16 of their son, Gordon Hammer, 51, at the Lackland Air Force Base Medical Center. Graveside services were held with full military honors at Fort Sam Houston Cemetery in San Antonio on Monday. Mr. Hammer was a native of Eldora and a 1948 graduate of Whitten High School. He served 22 years in the Air Force, including four overseas tours of duty, and Gordon Hammer 1978 Gordon Hammer retired as a master sergeant. His wife, Sybel, survives in San Antonio. Also surviving, in addition to his parents, are four brothers, Robert Hammer and Eugene Hammer, both of Globe, Ariz., Marvin Hammer, Vinton, and Stephen Hammer, Topeka, Kan., and a sister Beverly Shenkle of Shenandoah. Child of GORDON HAMMER and BILLIE OWEN is: 239. i. MARTHA JEAN11 HAMMER, b. November 10, 1949. 119. ROBERT “Bob” NEIL10 HAMMER (VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1932. On Sept. 25, 1950 he married ANNIE GELDER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gelder of Wellsburg. An Army reservist, Robert reported for duty the next day. Residences: Claypool & Roosevelt, both in Gila Co., Az. Children of ROBERT HAMMER and ANNIE GELDER are: i. ROBERTA ANN11 HAMMER, b. 1952. ii. JAMES LAVERNE HAMMER, b. 1954. 240. iii. JERRY LYNN HAMMER, b. 1956. 241. iv. v. vi. SANDRA KAY HAMMER, b. 1957. YVONNE MARIE HAMMER, b. 1959. JOLENE FAYE HAMMER, b. 1960. 120. BEVERLY JUNE10 HAMMER (VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 7, 1934 in Eldora, Ia and died Jan. 28, 1991 in Hamburg, Ia. She married JOHN RICHARD SHENKLE Aug. 17, 1952. He was born April 9, 1930 and died July 23, 2010. Residence: Shenandoah, Iowa. John was survived by his children plus five grandsons and three great-grandchildren. Beverly and John are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Shenandoah, Iowa. Children of BEVERLY HAMMER and JOHN SHENKLE are: 242. i. DEBRA “Debbie” JEAN11 SHENKLE, b. 1953. Res.: Shenandoah. 243. ii. CYNTHIA “Cyndi” ANN SHENKLE, b. 1956, m. Mr. Moll. Res.: Sparks, Nev. iii. KARYN ELAINE SHENKLE, b. 1960, m. Mr. White. Res.: Omaha. iv. BRIAN PAUL SHENKLE, b. 1970. Res.: Shenandoah. 121. EUGENE FORREST10 HAMMER (VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born June 20, 1936 in Union, Iowa and died April 4, 2003 at a hospital in Globe, Arizona. He was an Air Force veteran and a foreman for Magma Copper. He married ETHEL HALLADAY April 7, 1958. She, their children and three grandchildren survived him. Residence was Claypool, Gila Co., Az. Eugene is buried in Mountain Breeze Memorial Gardens, Miami, Arizona. Children of EUGENE HAMMER and ETHEL HALLADAY are: i. FORREST VICTOR11 HAMMER, b. 1958, m. Debra. Residence: Globe, Arizona. ii. DOREEN KAY HAMMER, b. 1962., m. James Mills. Residence: Globe, Arizona. 122. MARVIN DALE10 HAMMER (VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Sept. 7, 1938 and died May 17, 2011. He married MARY MCCONNELL April 8, 1961. Residences were Perry, Ohio, Vinton, Ia. & Ames, Ia. He is buried in Miller Cemetery, Union, Hardin Co, Ia. Children of MARVIN HAMMER and MARY MCCONNELL are: i. JEFFREY SCOTT11 HAMMER, b. 1968. ii. JENNIFER LEIGH HAMMER, b. 1970. 123. STEPHEN DENNIS10 HAMMER (VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1949. He married DOROTHY HURLA June 24, 1972, daughter of Anthony and Mary (Miller) Hurla. Nickname: Steve Residence: Topeka, Ks. Children of STEPHEN HAMMER and DOROTHY HURLA are: i. ii. STEPHANIE LOUISE11 HAMMER, b. 1973. THOMAS NEIL HAMMER, b. 1974. iii. iv. 220 Marvin Hammer RICHARD WILLIAM HAMMER, b. 1976. BENJAMIN JAMES HAMMER, b. 1979. 124. DONALD EARL10 HAMMER (WARREN EARL9, GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Feb. 19, 1912 and died Feb. 25, 1989. He graduated in 1929 from Union High School. He married RUTH HOBSON. Last residence: Casa Grande, Pinal County, Arizona. Child of DONALD HAMMER and RUTH HOBSON is: i. PENNY ANN11 HAMMER. ii. ROBERT HAMMER, b. 1937 d. 2012. 125. FERN10 IRENE HAMMER (WARREN EARL9, GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born March 31, 1915 in Iowa and died March 24, 1951 in Orange, CA. She married R ALPH BEECHER, born Dec. 28, 1912 in Union Twp, Iowa, son of Ernest Beecher and Jennie Moffitt. Ralph and Fern both graduated from Union High School, he in 1930 and she in 1931. Children of FERN HAMMER and RALPH BEECHER are: 244. i. SHIRLEY BEECHER, b. abt 1936 in Iowa. ii. LYNN (male) BEECHER, b. abt 1938 in Iowa. iii. BEVERLY BEECHER, b. abt 1940 in Iowa, m. JIM WALTON. Fern Hammer Beecher 126. GEORGE VERNON10 HAMMER (VERNON GEORGE9, GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Aug. 18, 1918 near Union, Ia and died Oct. 15, 2009 at Eldora, Ia. He graduated from Union High School in 1935. He married ETHEL ELLIS. Oct. 5, 1940 at Marshalltown, Ia. She was born in 1918 and died in 2002. She was the step-daughter of Iva Marie Glenney (see page 134) and daughter of Iva's second husband Floyd Ellis. Obituary excerpts: George V. Hammer, 91, of Eldora, formerly of Union, died Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009, at Eldora Nursing and Rehab Center. George graduated from Union High School and then served honorably in the United States Army. He was stationed in Massachusetts and Oregon doing carpentry work. On October 5, 1940, George married Ethel Ellis in Marshalltown. The couple lived in Union and spent winters in Apache Junction, Arizona, where they enjoyed square-dancing and golfing. They were married for 62 years. George built 117 homes and remodeled countless other homes. After retirement, he worked as a George Vernon Hammer building inspector in Apache Junction. He was a member of the Union Community Church, the church choir, and American Legion. He was formerly the mayor of Union and also was on the Hardin County Conservation Board. He enjoyed camping and fishing. George will be missed by his children, Floyd (Kathy Hamilton) Hammer of Union, and Patty Hammer of Union; his grandchildren, Scott (Chandra) Hammer, Chris Hammer, and Ginger Hammer; and his great-grandchildren, Brock, Maggie, and Sebastian; and his brother, Bo (Doris) Hammer of Sebring, Florida. In death, he has rejoined his parents; his wife, Ethel Hammer; his brother, Howard Hammer; his sister, Margaret Hammer, who died in infancy; and his favorite dog in the world, Gus, a Scottish terrier. http://mitchellfh.com/ObituaryDetail.php?ID_Obituary=941 Children of GEORGE HAMMER and ETHEL ELLIS are: 245. i. FLOYD11 HAMMER, b. 1941 in Union, Iowa. ii. PATRICIA HAMMER, nickname Patty. Residence: Union. 221 Generation No. 11 141. BOONE ELSWORTH11 NYGREN (ALMA10 BOONE, MARY ELIZABETH9 SLATER, NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1910 and died in 1989. On Aug. 27, 1936 in Council Bluffs, Iowa he married IRENE PETERSON, born March 17, 1915 in Ogden, Boone Co., Iowa, and died in 2002 in Boone, Boone Co., Iowa, daughter of Gus and Zelda (Wisecup) Peterson. Boone and Irene are buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Moingona, Boone County, Iowa. Child of BOONE NYGREN and IRENE PETERSON is: i. KAREN RAY12 NYGREN, m. Mr. Dash, residence Atwood, TN. 142. HAROLD MARLAN11 CUNNINGHAM (RUBY10 BOONE, MARY ELIZABETH9 SLATER, NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 18, 1923 at Moingona, Boone Co., Iowa and died Nov. 2, 2012, at the Rehabilitation Center of Belmond, Wright Co., Ia. He married M ARCELLA JEANNE GREEN on Feb, 14, 1953. She was born July 17, 1931 at Belmond and died June 13, 2007 at Belmond. Harold lived on the family farm north of Goodell, Hancock County, for 68 years and farmed most of those. He also was a crop insurance adjuster. Harold and Marcella are buried in the Amsterdam Cemetery, Goodell. Children of HAROLD CUNNINGHAM and MARCELLA GREEN are: i. MARK CLAIR12 CUNNINGHAM. 246. ii. GAIL MARIE CUNNINGHAM, b. Dec. 8, 1955 Belmond, d. June 10, 2001 Sanborn, Ia. iii. SHARON LOUISE CUNNINGHAM, b. 1957. Harold Cunningham 143. WILLIAM LLOYD11 CUNNINGHAM (RUBY10 BOONE, MARY ELIZABETH9 SLATER, NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born May 3, 1917 near Boone, Boone Co., Iowa and died Aug. 14, 2005 at Belmond, Wright Co., Iowa. He married ERMA ARLENE FROHLING, daughter of Menno and Kate (Pals) Frohling, June 22, 1937 at the Little Brown Church near Nashua, Iowa. She was born Aug. 31, 1919 on a farm northeast of Belmond and died Oct. 3, 2000 in a nursing home at Belmond. Lloyd went by his middle name. He worked as a mechanic at the Ford Garage in Belmond for 18 years and later purchased an auto body shop which he operated for 20 years. Erma attended country school and graduated from Belmond High School. She was a homemaker and worked with her husband at the body shop. William was survived by his three children, six grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. William and Erma are buried in the Immanuel Reformed Cemetery east of Belmond. Children of LLOYD CUNNINGHAM and ERMA FROHLING are: i. MARLAN12 CUNNINGHAM, m. Karen Azeltine, children Lauri & David. Residence: Ankeny, Polk Co., Iowa. ii. KIRK CUNNINGHAM, m. Cathy. Residence: Prescott, Arizona. iii. GLENDA SUE CUNNINGHAM, m. Larry Field. Residence: Fairbanks, Alaska. Lloyd Cunningham 204. GEORGE EDWARD11 ROWLEY (CLARENCE A.10, CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) He married (1) ARDELLA ALLEN. He married (2) JACQUELINE SHEFFERT. Children of GEORGE ROWLEY and ARDELLA ALLEN are: i. ALLEN12 ROWLEY. ii. DANNY ROWLEY. Children of GEORGE ROWLEY and JACQUELINE SHEFFERT are: iii. DWAYNE12 ROWLEY. iv. GEORGE ROWLEY. v. KIM ROWLEY. vi. JASON ROWLEY. 205. MERLE11 FETTERS (HELEN MARIE10 ROWLEY, CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born about 1936 in Iowa and died about 2004. He married SALLY ZIMMERMAN. Children of MERLE FETTERS and SALLY ZIMMERMAN are: i. MARY HELEN12 FETTERS. ii. KEVIN LEE FETTERS. iii. iv. 222 DEBRA FETTERS. DIANE FETTERS. 206. CARROLL11 EUGENE FETTERS (HELEN MARIE10 ROWLEY, CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Jan. 20, 1938 in Union, Iowa and died July 11, 2004 at Valley Care Medical Center in Pleasanton, Calif. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Marshalltown, Iowa. On Sept. 9, 1968 at Las Vegas he married 1) O PAL JEAN BENTLEY, daughter of James and Clara Bentley. She was born Oct. 6, 1931 at Liberal, KS and died April 29, 1983 at her Turpin, OK home. She is buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Woodward, Oklahoma. On Sept. 10, 1988 in Marshalltown, Carroll married 2) SANDRA JEAN SWEARINGEN, born in 1942. He drove a semi on and off for 45 years, lastly for Mara Transportation in Bangor, Iowa. He enjoyed watching his son, Dan race modified cars and going fishing. Child of CARROLL FETTERS and OPAL BENTLEY: i. DANIEL FETTERS m. Debbie. Residence: Montour, Tama County, Iowa. Carroll Fetters 207. GLENN11 DONALD MYERS (HELEN MARIE10 ROWLEY, CARRIE MAY9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born April 2, 1954 at Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa and died Feb. 5, 2011, at his home Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa. Glenn graduated from Marshalltown High School in 1973. He was employed in the food service area with the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown. In his spare time he liked to collect comic books. He was survived by: sisters; Lucy (Bob) Clark of Des Moines; Polk Co., Iowa, Ruth Brandt of Trenton, Grundy Co., Mo.; his brothers: Darrell (Joyce) Myers of Marshalltown, David Fetters of Marshalltown. He is buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa 222. PAUL11 PRISKE (ALMA W.10 BITTNER, LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born about 1931 in Iowa. He married BETTY WILKINSON, daughter of Albert and Nancy Willey Wilkinson of Chelsea, Tama Co., Iowa. Glenn D. Myers Jr. Child of PAUL PRISKE and BETTY WILKINSON is: i. STEVE12 PRISKE. 223. MARVIN11 PRISKE (ALMA W.10 BITTNER, LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born about 1932 in Iowa. He married WILMA. Children of MARVIN PRISKE and WILMA are: i. COLLEEN12 PRISKE. ii. GARY PRISKE. iii. RICKY PRISKE. 224. DEBRAH11 BITTNER (EUGENE M.10, LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) She married RICHARD KADNER. Children of DEBRAH BITTNER and RICHARD KADNER are: i. BRADLEY12 KADNER. ii. BRIAN KADNER. 225. ROBERT11 BITTNER (EUGENE M.10, LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) He married LINNETTE SHORE. Child of ROBERT BITTNER and LINNETTE SHORE is: i. TRAVIS12 BITTNER. 226. LARRY11 BUTLER (JULIA E.10 BITTNER, LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born. about 1938 in Iowa and died before 2009. On Aug. 19, 1967 at the First Methodist Church in West Bend, Iowa, he married DONNA DOTY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doty of Rodman, Palo Alto County, Iowa. When they married they were both employed by the Fisher Governor Company, Marshalltown, Iowa. Residence at time of marriage: 609 North Center Street, Marshalltown. Children of LARRY BUTLER and DONNA DOTY are: i. AARON12 BUTLER ii. ERIC EUGENE BUTLER, b. March 1, 1975 223 227. KAY11 JAY (MARSHA J.10 BITTNER, LAVADA MINA9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) She married RICHARD THORSON. Children of KAY JAY and RICHARD THORSON are: i. KIM12 THORSON, m. ROBERT CARNEY. ii. JOEL THORSON. 228. SHARON M.11 PRICE (AURELLA10 HAMMER, ELMER JOHN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) She married ROGER SAWYERS. Children of SHARON PRICE and ROGER SAWYERS are: i. DAPHNE12 SAWYERS. ii. CHRISTOPHER SAWYERS. Sharon Price 229. CAROLYN11 MAE MADOLE (THOMAS ROBERT10, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Sept. 20, 1934. She graduated from East High School, Waterloo, Iowa. On May 2, 1953 at Kirksville, Mo., she married JENS PAUL LORENZEN, son of Jens Paul Lorenzen Sr. and Emma Eastman. He was born Nov. 6, 1931 in Waterloo, Iowa and died May 27, 1962 of carcinoma in the Veteran's Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. He was a police officer in Westwood, Johnson County, Kan. He was buried in Johnson County Memorial Gardens, Overland Park, Kan. He was survived by Carolyn, three young daughters and an unborn child. Carolyn married 2) William Smith and lived in Kansas City, Kansas. She married 3) Phillip Brennan and lived at Warsaw, Benton Co., Missouri. Children of CAROLYN MADOLE and JENS LORENZEN are: i. JODY MARIE LORENZEN, b. abt 1954. ii. JACKIE11 LEE LORENZEN, b. abt 1955. iii. iv. JENNY DEE LORENZEN, b. abt 1958. TRACY LORENZEN, b. abt 1962. 230. VICKY11 LYNN MADOLE (THOMAS ROBERT10, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) On April 10, 1971 in Madison, Wisconsin she married ROBERT JOHN HAMELE, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hamele, Portage, Wisc. At the time of their marriage she was a receptionist and switchboard operator at Humiston-Keeling Co. and he a machine operator for H and H Evon Products. Child of VICKI MADOLE and ROBERT HAMELE is: i. ROBERT12 JON HAMELE, b. July 14, 1972 in Madison, m. April 27, 1996 in Madison to Michele Carol Donnelly, b. March 24, 1974 in Detroit, daughter of Michael Donnelly and Carol Jahn. Children of Robert Jon Hamele and Michele Carol Donnelly: 1) Brandon Thomas Hamele, born January 2, 2000, in Madison. 2) Alyssa Michelle Hamele, born July 4, 2002, in Baraboo, Wisconsin. 3) Danielle Marie Hamele, born July 28, 2005, in Lexington, Kentucky. 4) Christopher Robert Hamele, born November 12, 2007, in Lexington, Kentucky. 231. JOANNE11 MARLENE MADOLE (LAVERNE10, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1951. She married GERALD “JERRY” GLENN PATTERSON Jan. 1, 1999 in Fort Bend, Texas. He was born about 1942. Children of JOANNE MADOLE and JERRY PATTERSON are: i. LAURIE12 MARIE PATTERSON b. Feb. 19, 1975 in Taylor, Texas. ii. LISA MARLENE PATTERSON b. May 5, 1978 in Lubbock, Texas. 232. JAMES11 MADOLE (LAVERNE10, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) He married FRANCES BLOCK. Nickname for JAMES MADOLE: Jimmy Children of JAMES MADOLE and FRANCES BLOCK are: i. JAMES12 MADOLE. ii. STEVE MADOLE. 233. JEANINE11 MADOLE (LAVERNE10, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) She married DOUGLAS OWENS. Children of JEANINE MADOLE and DOUGLAS OWENS are: i. JEAN MARIE12 OWENS. ii. DOUGLAS OWENS. iii. 224 MARLENE OWENS. 234. BARBARA11 ELIZABETH KLOCKO (ARLENE10 MADOLE, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Oct. 11, 1939, in Iowa City, Iowa. She married MARTIN GENRICH April 4, 1959. Children of BARBARA KLOCKO and MARTIN GENRICH are: i. STEVE12 ROSS GENRICH, b. Oct. 7, 1959. ii. SANDRA JANE GENRICH, b. Dec. 8, 1960. 235. THOMAS11 WILLIAM KLOCKO (ARLENE10 MADOLE, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Sept. 3, 1942, in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Ia. and died Oct. 2, 1971, in Minot, North Dakota. He married PHYLLIS LENORE HANSON May 29, 1965. Thomas was killed in an auto accident Child of THOMAS KLOCKO and PHYLLIS HANSON is: i. CONNIE JO12 KLOCKO, b. Nov. 5, 1965. Might be Spelled Konnie 236. ARDES JANE11 KLOCKO (ARLENE10 MADOLE, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Dec. 8, 1943 in Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Ia. She married JOHN N. HIBNER Oct. 7, 1961. Children of JANE KLOCKO and JOHN HIBNER are: i. GREGORY N. HIBNER., b. May 3, 1963. ii. ANGELA JANE HIBNER , b. April 6, 1964. Nickname: Angie 237. LINDA11 SPARS (IONE10 MADOLE, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) She married FRANCIS CARBETT. Children of LINDA SPARS and FRANCIS CARBETT are: i. MICHAEL12 CARBETT. ii. ELIZABETH CARBETT. 238. MARYBETH11 SPARS (IONE10 MADOLE, EVA ELIZABETH9 HAMMER, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) Child of MARYBETH SPARS is: i. STEPHANIE12 SPARS. 239. MARTHA JEAN11 HAMMER (GORDON BRYAN10, VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Nov. 10, 1949. She married 1) PETER CULLEN HOLMES. She married 2) MILTON A. KRUG. Nickname for MARTHA JEAN HAMMER: Marty Children of MARTY HAMMER and PETER HOLMES are: i. CHRISTOPHER SCOTT12 HOLMES. ii. JENNIFER ELIZABETH HOLMES. Children of MARTY HAMMER and MILTON KRUG are: i. JARROT EDWARD KRUG. ii. MICHALE ANDREW KRUG. 240. JERRY LYNN11 HAMMER (ROBERT NEIL10, VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1956. Child of JERRY LYNN HAMMER is: i. MELISSA ANN12 HAMMER. 241. SANDRA KAY11 HAMMER (ROBERT NEIL10, VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1957. Child of SANDRA KAY HAMMER is: i. JOSEPH12 BRYAN. 242. DEBRA “Debbie” JEAN11 SHENKLE (BEVERLY JUNE10 HAMMER, VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1953. She graduated from Nevada High School in 1971. She married Mr. Lodestein. Residence: Shenandoah, Iowa. Child of DEBRA JEAN SHENKLE is: i. ROBERT12 LODESTEIN, b. 1973. 243. CYNTHIA “Cyndi” ANN11 SHENKLE (BEVERLY JUNE10 HAMMER, VERLIN JENNINGS BRYAN9, ADAM MARK8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1956. She married Mr. Roll. Residence: Sparks, Nev. Child of CYNTHIA ANN SHENKLE is: i. RYAN SCOTT12 MILLER, b. 1978. 225 244. SHIRLEY11 BEECHER (FERN10 HAMMER, WARREN EARL9, GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born about 1936 in Iowa. She married STANLEY JELSMA, born about 1936 in Iowa, son of Herman and Mae V. (Smith) Jelsma (more about them on page 52). Child of SHIRLEY BEECHER and STANLEY JELSMA is: i. STEPHEN12 JELSMA. 245. FLOYD11 VERNON HAMMER (GEORGE VERNON10, VERNON GEORGE9, GEORGE WASHINGTON8, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born in 1941 in Union, Iowa. He married 1) JO BETH JENSEN and 2) KATHY HAMILTON. Residence: Union, Ia. Child of FLOYD HAMMER and JO JENSEN is: i. SCOTT ALLEN12 HAMMER, b. 1962, m. Chandra. From the web site of the Community Church of Union (http://www.unioncommunitychurch.com) in 2012: Floyd Hammer was reared and educated in Union. He graduated from Union Whitten High School (in 1959, Carol Rash Fahey among his classmates) and UNI. Kathy Hamilton owned and operated Hammer Products in Union. Now they are both retired and are spending their time and talents supporting and promoting Outreach Africa. Outreach Africa (http://www.outreachafrica.org) is a non-profit Corporation whose purpose is to provide food, medical services, and other needs for the people of Tanzania, East Africa. The couple was honored at the White House July 15, 2013 by President Obama and former President George H.W. Bush. The 89-year-old Bush established a “Daily Point of Light” award in 1990 to recognize volunteers around the country and Obama invited the former president to the White House to present “Point of Light” number 5,000. Kathy and Floyd Former President George Bush and President Barack Obama with Floyd Hammer and Kathy Hamilton in the “We saw children dying of starvation. There was no food and no money,” East Room of the White House, July 15, 2013 Hamilton said. “Three little boys who were scavenging for food ate something which was poisonous and they died. We left for home overwhelmed by the need and by our need to do something about it.” The couple’s first effort with volunteers in their small town of Union, Iowa, yielded 2,000 meals. “Each Labor Day volunteers all over Iowa help pack four million meals and in the United States and Canada tens of thousands of volunteers of all ages and nationalities have so far helped us to pack a total of 232 million meals — so far,” Hamilton said with a laugh, and the crowd gathered in the East Room of the White House applauded. Generation No. 12 246. GAIL MARIE12 CUNNINGHAM (HAROLD11, RUBY10 BOONE, MARY ELIZABETH9 SLATER, NANCY8 HAMMER, SETH7, ELISHA6, ISAAC5, ABRAHAM4, AARON JOHANNES3, HENRICH2, JOHANNES1) was born Dec. 8, 1955 in Belmond Hospital, Belmond, Wright Co., Iowa and died June 10, 2001 in Sanborn, Ia. On July 9, 1976 at Belmond, she married 1) David Glenn Lange, son of Glenn Albert Lange and Lois Carol Pringnitz. David was born July 5, 1949 in Mason City, IA. She married 2) Lynn Edwin Bailey on July 8, 2000 in Nashua, Iowa. He was born in 1942 and died June 10, 2001. Gail and Lynn died as a result of an auto accident and are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Rowan, Wright Co., Iowa. Children of Gail Cunningham and David Lange are: i. Bethany13 Lynn Lange, b. Jan. 29, 1980, Belmond Hospital, Belmond, IA, m. Matt Remeke. ii. Melanie Lange, b. Dec. 2, 1981, Belmond Hospital, Belmond, IA. 226 Descendants of John Brown Generation No. 1 1. JOHN1 BROWN Sr. was born in May 1747 in Maryland and died May 8, 1826 in Knox Co., Ohio. He married Sarah, b. abt 1750 and d. bef 1820. In 1808 came with Henry Markley to Berlin Twp., Knox Co., from Bedford Co., Pa. This is not John Brown the famous abolitionist (1800-1859). John and son Jeremiah are buried in Basset Cemetery, Knox Co., Ohio. Children of JOHN and SARAH BROWN are: i. JEREMIAH BROWN, b. April 1775 MD, d. March 15, Ohio ii. MARY BROWN, b. 1785 MD, m. Johannes Pinkley. iii. JOHN BROWN Jr., b. abt 1787, MD, d. bet 1840 & 1849, m. SUSANNA KARRIGER Nov. 17, 1812, Knox Co., OH. 2. iv. THOMAS2 BROWN, b. April 20, 1789, d. Feb. 4, 1859. v. NATHANIEL BROWN vi. MARGARET BROWN, b. abt 1790, m. William Smith Mar 27 1810. Generation No. 2 2. THOMAS2 BROWN (JOHN1) was born April 20, 1789 and died Feb. 4, 1859 at Ollie, IA. He married NANCY M. MARKLEY abt 1810 in Knox Co., OH, daughter of HENRY and JANE “JENNY” MORRISON MARKLEY. She was born Dec. 15, 1792 in Westmoreland Co., Pa. and died May 3, 1879 in Keokuk Co., Ia. Notes for THOMAS BROWN: http://www.beforetime.net/iowagenealogy/keokuk/GenealogicalAndBiographicalHi storyOfKeokukCountyIowa1903/BrownJoseph.html From the 1903 book, "A Genealogical And Biographical History Of Keokuk County, Iowa": Thomas Brown, born and reared in Pennsylvania, was one of the brave men who struggled for the second and complete vindication of America in the War of 1812, and shortly afterward came west and settled in Knox county, Ohio. There in the forests, from which the Indians and wild beasts had not yet been driven, he cleared a farm and built his home. Here was his residence until 1848, and then in a wagon he journeyed to Iowa with his family; he took up the present farm of one hundred and sixty acres and brought it into a state of cultivation; this he later increased by three hundred acres. He lived faithful to all the duties of citizenship, allied with the Democratic party, and passed away in 1854. While in Ohio he married Nancy Markley; she came from Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, to Knox county, Ohio; her parents were among the earliest settlers of the latter county. To this worthy couple were born sixteen children, of whom only three are now (1902) living. Joseph Brown was the fifteenth in order of birth of these children and was born December 22, 1833, in Knox county, Ohio. It was in his sixteenth year that he came with his father to Iowa, and there he completed his education in the district schools. His father died when he was twenty-one years old. -------------------------------From the pamphlet "Ramsey-Halford Record, 1747 - 1968," By Zetta Zartman Ramsey, Chapter XII, Markley and Brown: Thomas Brown, born April 20, 1789 at Bedford Co., Pa., came to Berlin Twp., Knox County, Ohio. He married Nancy Markley, born December 15, 1792. They both came with their parents from Bedford to Berlin Township, Knox County, Ohio, in 1808. 227 They were the parents of sixteen children; Jane, born June 5, 1812; Mary, born October 3, 1813; Elizabeth, born June 19, 1815; Sarah, born February 20, 1817; Henry, born October 10, 1818; James, born May 9, 1820; Nancy, born January 3, 1822; Rebecca, born April 21, 1823; Lucinda, born April 3, 1825; Christian, born January 30, 1827; Hannah, born March 27, 1828; Emily, born May 15, 1829; Norris, born January 12, 1831; Thomas, born May 7, 1832; Joseph, born December 22, 1833; Benjamin, born August 5, 1836. Henry died February 3, 1834; Rebecca died January, 27, 1834; Lucinda died January 25, 1834; Christian died January 25, 1834. Diphtheria was the cause of the deaths. Benjamin died August 12, 1839. The five children died in Knox County, Ohio. Thomas Brown I and Nancy Markley Brown moved with their family from Knox County, Ohio to Iowa in the fall of 1848. Some of their family had preceded them there. They settled near their son, James, who settled near Ollie in 1845. Thomas Brown I died February 4, 1858. His wife, Nancy M. Brown, died May 3, 1879. They are buried in Rock Creek Cemetery. A great number of their descendants are resting in the same cemetery. The church which they attended at Rock Creek was built in 1845 and is kept in good condition. Services are held there at least once a year and funerals are often held there when burial is in Rock Creek Cemetery. In Nancy Markley Brown the fall of 1947, I visited the church and cemetery, intending to take pictures of the resting place of the parents of Elizabeth Brown Ramsey to give to other relatives, but the weather did not permit. Editor’s note: Weather DID permit 62 years later, when Carol (Rash) Fahey and son Robert Fahey visited. The photos follow: 228 May 2009 – At the graves of Thomas and Nancy Markley Brown are their great-great-granddaughter Carol (Rash) Fahey and her son Bob Fahey. May 2009 – In the background, the Rock Creek Church built in 1845 and attended by Thomas and Nancy Brown. Carol & Bob are at the grave of Sarah Brown, daughter of Thomas and Nancy & sister of Carol’s great-grandfather James Brown. 229 Children of THOMAS BROWN and NANCY MARKLEY are: i. JANE3 BROWN, b. June 5, 1812 Knox Co., Ohio; d. March 29, 1882 Keokuk Co., Ia.; m. ROBERT FLACK March 4, 1841 in Ohio; b. August 31, 1812; d. January 7, 1897. Burial: Rock Creek Cemetery, Jackson Twp, Keokuk Co., IA 3. ii. MARY BROWN, b. Oct. 3, 1813 Knox Co., OH; d. Oct. 28, 1886 East Palestine, OH. 4. iii. ELIZABETH BROWN, b. June 19, 1815 Knox Co.; d. July 9, 1892 iv. SARAH BROWN, b. February 20, 1817 Knox Co.; d. November 20, 1890, Keokuk Co. Did not marry. Burial: Rock Creek Cemetery, Jackson Twp, Keokuk Co., IA v. HENRY BROWN, b. Oct. 10, 1818 Knox Co.; d. Feb. 3, 1834, Knox Co., Diphtheria (a contagious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. It has largely been eradicated in industrialized nations through vaccination). Burial: Brown Cemetery, Knox Co., Ohio. 5. vi. JAMES BROWN, b. May 9, 1820, Berlin Twp., Knox County; d. April 5, 1898. vii. NANCY BROWN, b. Jan. 3, 1822 Knox Co., d. March 17, 1913 Keokuk Co., m. Pertiller Perkins Whitson. Both are buried in Rock Creek Cemetery, Jackson Twp, Keokuk Co., IA viii. REBECCA BROWN, b. April 21, 1823 Knox Co.; d. Jan. 27, 1834, Knox Co.; Diphtheria. Burial: Brown Cemetery, Knox Co., IA ix. LUCINDA BROWN, b. April 3, 1825 Knox Co.; d. Jan. 25, 1834, Knox Co.; Diphtheria. Burial: Brown Cemetery, Knox Co., IA x. CHRISTIANA BROWN, b. Jan. 30, 1827 Knox Co.; d. Jan. 25, 1834, Knox Co.; Diphtheria. Burial: Brown Cemetery, Knox Co., IA xi. HANNAH BROWN, b. March 27, 1828 Knox Co.; d. June 3, 1887 Keokuk Co.; m. 1) THOMAS E. ASHCRAFT Nov. 23, 1852 Keokuk Co., Iowa, m. 2) G.W. HAYES March 19, 1876 Keokuk County. Burial: Rock Creek Cemetery, Ollie, IA xii. EMILY T. BROWN, b. May 15, 1829 Knox Co., d. 1886, m. WILLIAM A. ASHCRAFT Oct. 11, 1855 Keokuk Co., b. 1834 in Indiana, d. Dec. 31, 1899 Jasper County, Missouri. Both are buried in Jasper County. They had 6 children. Emily’s sister Hannah married William’s brother Thomas. xiii. NORRIS BROWN, b. Jan. 12, 1831 Knox Co.; d. Dec. 8, 1855. Burial: Rock Creek Cemetery, Jackson Twp, Keokuk Co., IA 5.5. xiv. THOMAS BROWN, b. May 7, 1832 Knox Co., d. April 17, 1913 Jefferson County, Iowa. 6. xv. JOSEPH BROWN, b. Dec. 22, 1833 Knox Co.; d. Dec. 31, 1908 at Ollie, Keokuk Co, Ia. Burial: Rock Creek Cemetery. xvi. BENJAMIN BROWN, b. Aug. 5, 1836 Knox Co.; d. Aug. 12, 1839, buried Brown Cemetery, Knox County, Ohio. Editor’s note: According to census records, after her husband Thomas' death in 1859, Nancy Markley Brown lived her remaining 20 years with her daughter Sarah, her son Joseph and Joseph’s wife, also named Sarah. Generation No. 3 3. MARY3 BROWN (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born Oct. 3, 1813 in Knox County, Ohio, and died Oct. 28, 1886 in East Palestine, Columbiana County, Ohio. She married JOHN ROBERTS Jan. 24, 1837 in Knox Co., OH. Their residence: East Palestine, Ohio. Children of MARY BROWN and JOHN ROBERTS are: i. SADIE4 ROBERTS. ii. NANCY ROBERTS. iii. ANNA ROBERTS. iv. v. EDWARD ROBERTS. THOMAS ROBERTS, b. August 5, 1850. 4. ELIZABETH3 “Eliza” BROWN (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born June 19, 1815 in Knox Co., OH, and died July 9, 1892. She married JOHN RAMSEY April 24, 1838 in Knox Co., OH., son of Andrew Ramsey and Isabella Halferty. He was born March 27, 1812 in Stark, Ohio and died Aug. 11, 1888 in Worthington, Ohio. Residence: Near Butler, Ohio. Both are buried in Zion Cemetery, aka Four Corners Cemetery, Butler, Richland County, Ohio. Obituary for John Ramsey, Bellville Star, Aug. 16, 1888: Ramsey, John -- Independence. John Ramsey, a pioneer and one of our best and most respected citizens, who had been down sick for a long time, died Saturday forenoon having reached the age of 76 years, 4 months and 15 days. The funeral took place from the late residence of deceased, one mile east of this place, and was conducted by the Rev. Otto Spreng, who preached the funeral sermon at the Evangelical church here. The hour fixed upon to leave the house was 2 p.m. Deceased lived in this immediate neighborhood about all his long and useful life and his funeral was very largely attended owing to his great popularity in the large circle in which he moved. During his life he filled many prominent public offices with credit to himself and also to those who had honored him by putting him in the honored places which he filled. In politics he was a staunch Democrat and won all his public laurels through the medium of that great party. The removal of Mr. Ramsey from our midst has left a vast vacant opening which only the hand that removed can close and his absence will long be mourned by a very large concourse of relatives and warm friends. Peace to his ashes. Children of ELIZABETH BROWN and JOHN RAMSEY are: i. ISABELLA4 J. RAMSEY, b. April 26, 1839. ii. THOMAS RAMSEY, b. April 26, 1840 Ohio, d. Oct. 26, 1927 Butler Village, Richland County, Ohio. He was a farmer. iii. iv. ANDREW RAMSEY, b. July 13, 1848 in Ohio, d. Jan. 26, 1918 at Butler, Ohio. Burial in Zion Cemetery, Butler. He was a farmer. JAMES ALBERT RAMSEY, b. July 26, 1857 in Ohio, d. Nov. 6, 1936, Ohio. Wife Elizabeth. Both buried in Owl Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Ankenytown, Knox County, Ohio. 230 5. JAMES3 BROWN (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 9, 1820 in Berlin Twp., Knox County, Ohio, and died April 5, 1898 in Keokuk Co., IA. He married REBECCA ANN CROWNER, daughter of John and Martha Cochran Crowner, Aug. 21, 1856 in Richland County, Ohio. She was born Abt. 1830 in Ohio, and died Sept. 26, 1887. James and Rebecca are buried in Halferty Cemetery, Richland Twp, Keokuk Co., IA Children of JAMES BROWN and REBECCA CROWNER are: 7. i. MARTHA A.4 BROWN, b. May 19, 1857, Keokuk County Ia., d. Apr. 12, 1914. Burial Halferty Cemetery. 8. ii. THOMAS BROWN, b. April 3, 1860, Iowa; d. January 16, 1928. 9. iii. ELNORA BROWN, b. September 26, 1863, Ollie, Iowa; d. January 26, 1940, Union, Iowa. iv. CROWNER BROWN, b. November 8, 1868, Iowa; d. May 2, 1940. James died in 1898 so this photo is at least that old. Thomas Brown was born in 1860, so in this photo his age is, at most, 38. Willard Brown, Thomas’ son with his first wife Linny Mitchel, was born August 11, 1894, and appears old enough that this photo could date to shortly before his grandfather James’ death. Notes for JAMES BROWN: From the pamphlet "Ramsey-Halford Record, 1747 - 1968," By Zetta Zartman Ramsey, Chapter XII, Markley and Brown: James Brown went to Iowa in 1845 and settled near Ollie. He married Rebecca Ann Crowner. Their children were: Martha, born May 19, 1857; Thomas, born April 3, 1860; Nora, born September 26, 1863; Crowner, born November 8, 1868. Did not marry. Died May 2, 1940. Martha, daughter of James, married Wilson Fye. Their children were: Lillian and Bessie. No record of Lillian. Bessie married David Terrell. They resided in Ollie, Iowa. David Terrell died March 14, 1948. They had two children: Wilson David and Almeda. Notes for CROWNER BROWN: From the pamphlet "Ramsey-Halford Record, 1747 - 1968," By Zetta Zartman Ramsey, Chapter XII, Markley and Brown: Crowner, son of James and Rebecca, did not marry. He lived on the same farm with his brother, Thomas. It was the Homestead of their father. Crowner died May 2, 1940. Family stories are that Nora called people “Crowner” if she thought poorly of them, a reference to her brother’s first name or possibly the surname of her mother’s father. 231 5.5. THOMAS3 E. BROWN (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 7, 1832 in Knox Co., Ohio, and died April 17, 1913 in Jefferson County, Iowa. He was a farmer. He married SUSANNAH MOFFETT March 8, 1855 in Ollie, Ia., dau. of Robert Moffet & Asenath Powell. Susanne was born Nov. 30, 1833 in Connorsville, Fayette Co., IN, and died Aug. 15, 1891 in Clay Twp., Washington Co., IA. Thomas and Susannah are buried in Howard Grove Cemetery, Jefferson Co., IA Children of THOMAS BROWN and SUSANNAH MOFFETT are: i. ESTELLE JANE BROWN, b. Dec 5, 1855, Keokuk Co., IA; d. Aug 24, 1858. Burial: Rock Creek Cemetery, Keokuk Co., IA ii. ALONZO “Lon” ELLIOT BROWN, b. Aug 5, 1857 in Keokuk Co., Iowa; d. May 19 1908, Washington Co., Iowa; m. Josephine Arilla Nelson Jan. 5, 1881 in Oskaloosa, IA, b. Sept. 17, 1861 Nashville, TN, d. March 27, 1946 Washington Co., daughter of Samuel Nelson and Arilla James. They are buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Brighton, Washington Co. Had three children: Elbert, Bessie & Clarence. After Alonzo’s death Josephine m. Wesley Hendricks. iii. MARY ESCESTA BROWN, b. Sep 26 1859 in Iowa; d. Jul 30 1915 in Iowa. On Jan. 18, 1880 m. FREMONT SUMNER MCPHERSON, b. Aug. 6, 1856 in Iowa, d. June 17, 1927 in Jefferson County, Iowa. She is buried in Howard Grove Cemetery, Jefferson Co., Iowa. He is buried in Friends Cemetery, Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa iv. NANCY ALCENA BROWN, b. Jan 29 1862; d. Apr 17 1862. v. ELZORA BROWN, b. Jun 12 1863, Ollie, IA, d. Feb 5 1932. On Mar. 25, 1886 m. ALBERT WINTER WOODFORD, b. 1863, d. 1934. They are buried in Clay Cemetery, Rubio, Washington Co., IA vi. CORA AVIS BROWN, b. Aug 28 1866, Richland, IA; d. Apr 26 1939, Veo, Jefferson Co., IA; on Feb. 13, 1890 m. GEORGE BRAY, 1867-1940; 3 children. Cora & George are buried in Howard Grove Cemetery, Jefferson Co. vii. ROBERT ELVA BROWN, b. Feb 17 1869 in Washington Co., Iowa; d. Nov 21 1953; m. SUSAN MEACHAM, Feb 23 1899. Burial: Clay Cemetery, Washington Co. viii. WILLIAM DELMAR BROWN, b. Aug 18 1871 in Iowa, d. July 3 1946 in Kansas; m. ADA PRINGLE, b. Nov. 2, 1871 in Keokuk Co., Iowa, d. Oct. 5, 1951 in Kansas. They are buried in Lyons Municipal Cemetery, Lyons, Rice County, Ks. ix. SYLVIA JANE BROWN, b. Feb 3 1874, Ollie, IA; d. April 22 1965 Richland, Ia.; on March 14, 1900 m. CHARLES H. MEACHAM, b. 1872, d. 1953. They are buried in Clay Cemetery, Washington Co., IA x. EMILY MAUDE BROWN, b. Nov. 23, 1876 in Ollie, Ia, d. March 8, 1947 Washington Co., Ia; m. CHARLES W. DAVIS Nov. 14, 1906. Burial: Clay Cemetery, Washington Co., IA 6. JOSEPH3 BROWN (THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born Dec. 22, 1833 in Ohio and died Dec. 31, 1908 at Ollie, Keokuk Co., Ia. He married SARAH HICE in 1876 in Pennsylvania, daughter of WILLIAM HICE and HANNAH. She was born June 20, 1838 in Beaver County, PA, and died Oct. 11, 1925. She came to Iowa at age 35 They are buried in Rock Creek Cemetery, Jackson Twp, Keokuk Co., Ia. Notes for JOSEPH BROWN: http://www.beforetime.net/iowagenealogy/keokuk/GenealogicalAndBiographicalHistoryOfKeokukCountyIowa1903/BrownJoseph.html From the 1903 book, "A Genealogical And Biographical History Of Keokuk County, Iowa": Joseph Brown To endure the toils of early pioneer life, not to give up amid the many discouragements that beset one who ventures beyond the beaten paths, and at last to feel that the vast structure of civilization around him has been partially reared by himself, is a reward that comes to the early settlers of our country and causes a feeling of contentment with life's efforts. In the history of Keokuk county Joseph Brown and his father deserve a prominent place. Thomas Brown, the father of our subject, was born and reared in Pennsylvania, was one of the brave men who struggled for the second and complete vindication of America in the War of 1812, and shortly afterward came west and settled in Knox county, Ohio. There in the forests, from which the Indians and wild beasts had not yet been driven, he cleared a farm and built his home. Here was his residence until 1848, and then in a wagon he journeyed to Iowa with his family; he took up the present farm of one hundred and sixty acres and brought it into a state of cultivation; this he later increased by three hundred acres. He lived faithful to all the duties of citizenship, allied with the Democratic party. and passed away in 1854. While in Ohio he married Nancy Markley; she came from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, to Knox County, Ohio; her parents were among the earliest settlers of the latter county. To this worthy couple were born sixteen children, of whom only three are now (1902) living. Joseph Brown was the fifteenth in order of birth of these children and was born December 22, 1833, in Knox county, Ohio. It was in his sixteenth year that he came with his father to Iowa, and there he completed his education in the district schools. His father died when he was twenty-one years old, and then he rented the old home place and one hundred acres besides; the latter he had to clear before it was suitable for cultivation. He now owns two hundred and twenty acres of fine land. In August of 1861 Joseph Brown enlisted in the Fortieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry and through three years he served in many of the important engagements of the war, being on the skirmish line at the siege of Vicksburg. Being mustered out in 1864, he returned to his farm labors. In 1876, in Pennsylvania, Mr. Brown married Sarah Hice, who was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, in 1838; she came to Iowa when thirty-five years of age. Her parents were William and Hannah Hice, both old settlers of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Brown had two children, one of whom is dead. Henry Hice was born in 1879 and is now farming the old homestead. Mr. Brown is identified with the Republican party, and is prominent in the affairs of the Baptist church, which he helped to build. All matters of importance to the community have found in him a zealous supporter. and his influence has ever been on the side of right. 232 Editor's notes: Joseph was allied with the Republican Party, founded in 1854, the year of the death of Joseph's father Thomas Brown, who was allied with the Democratic party. The Republican Party was founded in Ripon, Wisconsin, by anti-slavery expansion activists and modernizers. It quickly surpassed the Whig Party as the principal opposition to the Democratic Party. It first came to power in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency and presided over the American Civil War and Reconstruction. The 1880 census shows Joseph’s sister Sarah, 62, living with him, his wife Sarah, 42, and their one-year-old son Henry. From the pamphlet "Ramsey-Halford Record, 1747 - 1968," By Zetta Zartman Ramsey, Chapter XII, Markley and Brown: Joseph, son of Thomas I and Nancy Brown, born December 22, 1833, married Sarah Hice, born June 20, 1838. They resided in Ollie, Iowa. They had one son who died in infancy and a son, Henry Hice, born January 18, 1879. He married Elsie Wagner, born September 12, 1880. They resided in Des Moines, Iowa. They had no children. Elsie Brown died October 16, 1946. H. Hice Brown married Lottie Wagner, sister of Elsie W. on July 24, 1948. H. Hice Brown died October 7, 1953 at Alhambra, California. He was buried at Rock Creek Cemetery, near Ollie, Iowa. Child of JOSEPH BROWN and SARAH HICE is: i. HENRY HICE4 BROWN, b. Jan. 18, 1879; d. Oct. 7, 1953 in California. On Feb. 22, 1899 at Hedrick, IA he married (1) Elsie Wagner, b. Sept 12, 1880 at Ollie, d. 1946, daughter of Philip Wagner and Mary Long. In 1948 he married (2) Lottie Wagner, b. April 22, 1887, d. June 12, 1982, sister of Elsie. Henry and Elsie are buried in Rock Creek Cemetery, Ollie, Keokuk County, Iowa. Lottie is buried in Ollie Brethren Cemetery, Ollie, Iowa. Generation No. 4 7. MARTHA ANN4 BROWN (JAMES3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born May 19, 1857 in Keokuk County Ia. and died Apr. 12, 1914 at Ollie, Keokuk Co. On Feb. 25, 1879 in Keokuk County she married (1) WILSON GAYLORD FYE. He was born about 1850 in Iowa. He died, year not recorded, leaving her widowed. On March 9, 1892 at Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa she married (2) DEWITT CLINTON BAKER, son of John Baker and Martha Frazier. He was born July 22, 1833 in Jefferson County, Tennessee and died Feb. 25, 1911 at Ollie. Martha is buried as Martha Brown in Halferty Cemetery, Keokuk Co. Wilson’s burial is unknown. Dewitt is buried as “DC Baker” with his first wife Virtue in the Old Methodist Cemetery at Richland, Keokuk Co., IA. Notes for DEWITT CLINTON BAKER from the 1903 book History of Keokuk County, page 305: A retired farmer and representative citizen of the village of Ollie, Mr. Baker has been intimately identified with the industrial activities and material progress of this favored section of the Hawkeye state, and he is most appropriately given a place in this compilation, which has to do with those who have been the founders and builders of Keokuk county. Like many another of the sterling citizens of this state, Mr. Baker is a native of Tennessee, having been born in Jefferson county, on the 22nd of July, 1833. DeWitt Clinton Baker was reared and educated in his native state, where he completed his education at the age of twenty years. He forthwith gave inception to his independent career, since he then came to Iowa in 1853, and became one of the pioneer settlers of Keokuk county. He located on a tract of government land in Richland township, where he developed a fine farm and where he continued to maintain his home until the year 1876, having been successful in his enterprise, which included diversified farming and stockraising. In the Centennial year he removed to Jackson township, where he became the owner of a landed estate of about four hundred acres, the major portion of which he reclaimed and placed under effective cultivation, while his business ability and progressive spirit was shown in the work which he accomplished in connection with the development of the agricultural resources of this section, since for a period of about eight years he devoted his attention largely to the buying of raw land, clearing and improving the same and then disposing of the property, whose value had been, or course, greatly enhanced. Thus he contributed in no small measure to the substantial progress of this section, and his course was ever such in connection with his various transactions as to retain to him unqualified confidence and respect on the part of all with whom he had dealings. On the 28th of December, 1854, Mr. Baker was united in marriage to Miss Virtue A. Edwards, who was born in Brighton, Washington county, Iowa, the daughter of Joseph and Margaret Edwards, who were pioneers of that county, as were they later of Keokuk county. Of the ten children born to our subject and his estimable wife, three are deceased, - Margaretta, Melissa and Lela. Those surviving are as follows: Martha, Joseph E., Ella, John C., Nora A., Charles D. and William F., all of whom were born and reared in this county. Mrs. Baker died November 7, 1890, at Ollie, Iowa. In March 1892, Mr. Baker married Martha A. (Brown) Fye, widow of W.G. Fye, who was born in Keokuk County May 19, 1855. She was the daughter of James and Rebecca Brown, who came from Ohio and settled in Iowa in the early days; they spent their declining days and died in Iowa. Mrs. Baker has two daughters by her first marriage, Lillian and Bessie Fye. At the time of the Civil war Mr. Baker enlisted in the Third Missouri Volunteer Infantry, a mounted regiment, with which he served six months. In 1862 he enlisted a second time, for three years, becoming a private in Company I, of the Fortieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, with which he was in active service until January, 1865, when he received his honorable discharge, having done valiant service in support of the Union during the great fratricidal conflict in which a man's foes were veritably of his own household, as was exemplified in the case of our subject, for his father was a soldier in the Confederate service. During his long term of service the subject of this review was in many notable conflicts, having participated in the siege of Vicksburg and been present at the time of the taking of the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, while his regiment also took part in Banks' celebrated Red river expedition and participated in the battle of Jenkin's Ferry and several minor engagements. Mr. Baker was mustered out of the service at Little Rock, Arkansas, in January, 1865, and after receiving his honorable discharge returned to his home in Keokuk county, and turned his attention to farming in Richland 233 township, of which fact mention has already been made. In 1889 he took up his residence in the thriving town of Ollie, where he is the owner of considerable property, while he still retains in his possession a good farm of eighty-eight acres. Mr. Baker has ever maintained a lively interest in public affairs of a local nature and has done all in his power to forward the advancement and material property of his home county. His political support was given to the Democratic party until 1896, when he became a Republican, and he has been called upon to serve in various offices of trust and responsibility, among which it may be noted that he has been incumbent of the position of justice of the peace in Jackson township for fifteen years, while for three years he was a member of the county board of supervisors. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order and the Knights of Pythias, while he and his wife are devoted members of the Baptist Church in their home town, taking an active part in its work. The family has long been prominent in the social life of the community, and its members all enjoy the unqualified esteem of those who know them, while a refined hospitality is ever in evidence in the attractive home of our subject and his wife. Children of MARTHA BROWN and WILSON FYE are: i. LILLIAN5 FYE, b. Feb. 1880 in Keokuk Co., Iowa, d. 1934 Keokuk Co. In December 1929 in Ollie, Ia m. William Marshall Smithart, b. 1868 in Keokuk County, d. 1939, son of Lewis Smithart and Martha Jane Bragg. Lillian and William are buried in Rock Creek Cemetery near Ollie, Keokuk Co. ii. BESSIE FYE, b. March 22, 1882 in Jackson Twp, Keokuk Co., Iowa, d. 1964. On June 3, 1906 in Ollie, Ia m. David S. Terrell, b. 1877, son of James J. Terrell and Catherine Bowersox. David died March 14, 1948. Bessie and David resided in Ollie, Iowa and are buried in Ollie Cemetery. They had two children: Wilson David and Almeda. 8. THOMAS4 BROWN (JAMES3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born April 3, 1860 in Iowa, and died January 16, 1928. On Jan. 9, 1890 in Keokuk County, Iowa he married (1) LINNY MITCHEL, daughter of John and Rebecca Brobec (possibly Robeck) Mitchell, born June 24, 1865 in Ohio, and died May 8, 1909. On Dec. 4, 1911 at Richland, Keokuk Co. Iowa he married (2) ADDIE BALES WONDERLICH. She was born March 30, 1873 near Ollie, Iowa, daughter of Levi M. Bales and Mary M. Lemley, and died May 12, 1960. Thomas and both wives are in Halferty Cemetery, Richland Twp, Keokuk Co., IA Child of THOMAS BROWN and LINNY MITCHEL is: i. WILLARD J.5 BROWN, b. August 11, 1894 in Iowa; d. November 19, 1966, m. Alice Michener, b. May 1, 1900, d. 1965, daughter of Enos and Lydia Bryan Michener. Both buried in Halferty Cemetery, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Ia. Child of THOMAS BROWN and ADDIE WONDERLICH is: ii. CYRIL5 VINTON BROWN, b. Nov. 1, 1912 in Iowa, d. Jul. 11, 1973, m. Helen L. McConcha, b. Aug. 24, 1911 d. Nov. 11, 1968. Residence: Near Ollie, Ia. Both buried in Halferty Cemetery, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Ia. 9. ELNORA4 BROWN (JAMES3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born September 26, 1863 in Ollie, Iowa, and died January 26, 1940 in Union, Iowa. She married MONROE RASH March 23, 1898 in Ollie, Iowa, son of MELVIN RASH and ESTHER LEWIS. He was born November 9, 1861 in Union, Hardin County, Iowa, and died November 30, 1928 in Union, Iowa. Nora and Monroe are buried in Miller Cemetery, Hardin County, Iowa. Pallbearers at her funeral were Warren Hammer, Vern Hammer, Keith Frazier, Clifford Jessup, Herman Jelsma and Charles Norman. Log cabin where Elnora Brown was born While there are of course many more descendants of John Brown, this particular guide is content to stop here, with Elnora Brown marrying Monroe Rash. To pick up the story of them and their descendants, see page 99. 234 Descendants of John Higgason Generation No. 1 1. JOHN HIGGASON was born in 1721 in King William County, Virginia and died in 1748 in Hanover County, Va. About 1740 he married CATHERINE “Catey” CHRISTMAS, born in 1723 in Hanover Co. and died in 1769 in Hanover Co., daughter of Thomas Christmas and Anne Duke. Children of JOHN HIGGASON and CATY CHRISTMAS are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Samuel Higgason, b. 1743, Hanover County, Va, d. Feb. 14, 1835, Sumner County, Tennessee. Moses Higgason, b. Bet. 1746-1755, Hanover Co., Va. John Higgason, Jr., b. 1749, Hanover Co., Va. Charles Higgason, b. 1751-1761, Hanover Co., Va. Richard Higgason, b. 1752-1761, Hanover Co., Va. Elizabeth Higgason, b. 1753, Hanover Co., Va., d. 1812, m. James Anderson, b. 1751, d. 1809. Benjamin Higgason, b. 1758-1765, Hanover Co., Va. Thomas Higgason, b. April 21, 1760, Hanover Co., Va., d. 1834, Shelby Co., Kentucky. Walter Higgason, b. Abt. 1765, Hanover Co., Va. Virginia, with Hanover, Louisa, King William and York counties highlighted. Generation No. 2 2. THOMAS CHARLES2 HIGGASON (JOHN1) was born April 21, 1760 in Hanover County, Virginia and died about 1834 in Shelby County, Kentucky. He married NANCY ANN WHITE, daughter of William White and Anna, Sept. 11, 1786 in Louisa County, VA. She was born about 1765 in Virginia and died about 1849 in Shelby County. Children of THOMAS HIGGASON and NANCY WHITE are: i. Suprey Higgason, b. Nov. 22, 1789, Virginia, d. Feb. 18, 1858, Liletown, Green County, Ky. ii. Thomas C. Higgason, b. Abt. 1790, d. Shelby County, Kentucky. iii. Polly Mary Higgason iv. William B. Higgason, b. 1795, Hanover Co.. Va. v. Melissa Ann Higgason Vawtner, b. 1811, d. 1849. As a boy or a very young man, Thomas Higgason served in the militia in the Army of the American Revolution. His brother Samuel also served. The following images show some of the documents filed in Shelbyville, the county seat of Shelby County, Kentucky, for Thomas’ pension in 1832, when he was 72 years old. Most of it is so difficult to read that I have substituted my own interpretation instead of images of the pages. Page 1, the card: Service: Virginia Higgason, Thomas Number: S13393 Carded 235 Kentucky, with Oldham, Nelson, Shelby and Green counties highlighted. Page 2: 1313 Kentucky Thomas Higgason Shelby County in the State of Kentucky who was a Sergeant unreadable in the company commanded by Captain Dabney* of the Reg 2 commanded by Col. Meredith# in the Virginia line for 4 months Sergeant 10 months private Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 55 Dollars 33 Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1834. Certificate of Pension issued the 24 day of March 1835 William Sprigg Shelbyville Kentucky Arrears to the 4th of March 1833 $110.66 Semi-annual allowance ending 4 Sept. $27.66 Total $138.32 Revolutionary Claim Act, June 7, 1832 Recorded by Daniel Boyd, Clerk Book 6 Vol. 7 Page 12 * James Dabney, 1736-1802, commanded a company of Louisa county minute men, 1776. He was born and died in Louisa Co., Va. - page 57 of the 1906 book "Lineage Book, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. XXI" # Samuel Meredith, 1741-1817, was a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress from 1786 to 1788 Page 3: State of Kentucky, Shelby County On the 20th day of August in the year 1832 personally approved before the County Court of said County, Thomas Higgason, a resident citizen of said county who being duly sworn according to law unreadable on his oath make the following accertation in order to obtain the benefit of the unreadable of the Act of Congress of the 7th June 1832 providing for certain surviving officers and soldiers of the Army of the Revolution saith that he was born in Hanover County in Virginia about the 21st of April in the year 1760, that he saw his birth registered in an old family Bible which was left by his father John Higgason, and after came into this dependent's possession after the death of his father. The Registry of this birth he always believed to be in his father's hand writes that he unreadable this Registry of his birth so made into a Bible which he now has. He states that at the age of a little upwards of sixteen years old he entered as a substitute in the minute service for Bartlet Anderson and served one month for turning out then served one month more for John Dickerson and then was dismissed and returned home. My Captain during the time of the above named service which was in the year 1776 was Capt James Dabney and I believe John Crutchfield was his Lieutenant. Col. Samuel Meredith who was a brother in law I think to Patrick Henry, commanded the minute men with whom I served. The tale of my next service I cannot recollect, I was drafted in 236 Page 4: the Militia under Capt John Stark and marched to Williamsburgh and was stationary there about two months, returned home. Some time after this I marched under Capt Elisha White sent to Williamsburgh and from there to York, and back to Williamsburgh and was unreadable counting two months. In the next tour I marched under Capt. Jack Thompson who I believe was under Col William Dandridge to Williamsburgh. Col. Ennis was in my Company. We marched from this place to York from thence to Rick Nack and back. I then marched under Capt Edward Bullock as a substitute for my brother and acted as orderly sergeant in this tour we were detailed for nine weeks, I believe under Maj. Thornton. I then went as a substitute for David Crenshaw under Capt. Willliam Hughes and served one tour by marching from point to point as ordered. I then marched as a substitute under Capt. Samuel Richardson of unreadable County Virginia and served a tour as orderly sergeant at the Alternate Barracks. Col William Fountain commanded the Regulars at the time. When the period of our service terminated, the men were just called into line, wheeled to the night about and dismissed. This was the only unreadable of discharging the militia that ever I observed. The only man that I knew up in this state who knew that I rendered any service in the Revolution was Valentine Meriweather, unreadable lives in Oldham County. On last Wednesday I sent my son Thomas Higgason to Oldham to see him Page 5: and get him to come up to this term of the Shelby County Court to make his affidavit, or to get him to give it in Oldham as he would unreadable. But when my son got there he had just died, and was buried just two days before my son got there. Unreadable Valentine told me that he was commissary unreadable service with me. I do not recollect the different regiments to which I was attached. Unreadable time I served was in two months, making I unreadable believe fourteen months service in the militia and minute services. He states that he never received a pension or annuity from the United States or from any state. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and he declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the United States or any state, and that he never received a pension from any service whatever. Thomas Higgason I, Thomas C. Higgason residing in Shelby County (several unreadable lines) ...but when he got there the said Valentine had died just two days before he got there. Unreadable Higgason (this must be the signature of Thomas Higgason's son Thomas Higgason) We, Samuel Waddy, Stephen H. Maddox are residing in Shelby County and state unreadable certify that we are well acquainted with said Thomas Higgason who unreadable and was sworn to the above declaration. 2.5. SAMUEL2 HIGGASON (JOHN1) was born in 1743 in Hanover County, Virginia and died Feb. 14, 1835 in Sumner County, Tennessee. He married Sally Gentry in 1774 in Louisa County, Virginia. She was born about 1752 in Louisa County and died in Sumner County, Tennessee. Samuel and his younger brother Thomas both served in the American Revolutionary War. Just as Samuel was settling into married life and his career, the war started and he was called into service in the Virginia State Militia. In the spring of 1776, leaving his pregnant wife at home to be taken care of by her family, he set out for Richmond, Virginia, where he mustered into Capt. Benjamin Timberlake's Company and was to serve for 3 months. During this 3 month time period, he marched from Richmond to Jamestown and from there to Williamsburg. After remaining there for a while his term of enlistment expired and he returned home to his family in Louisa County. Then in the Fall of 1777, he was again called into service this time for two years and he was still assigned to Capt. Timberlake's Company. This time, however, he was sent to Albemarie County, Virginia, to guard prisoners. In January of 1780, after this 2 year term expired, he re-enlisted in Capt. Hawkin's Company of Artificers (skilled craftsmen) and was sent to Richmond. His duty as an artificer 237 was to make coffins and to mend wagons and carts for the Continental Army. He stayed in the militia as an artificer for several months after the defeat of Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis in October 1781. Cornwallis' surrender to a combined American and French force at the Siege of Yorktown, York County, Virginia, ended significant hostilities in North America. It prompted the British government to negotiate an end to the conflict. After the war, Samuel returned to Louisa County, where he and his wife raised their children and he worked as a carpenter. It is unknown why that in about 1805, at the age of 62, Samuel and all but one of his children moved to Sumner County. He purchased 45 acres of land on Sink Creek from Thomas Patton and lived for the next 27 years until he died. Children of Samuel Higgason and Sally Gentry are: i. Frances Higgason, b. Abt. 1776, Louisa County, Va. ii. David Higgason, b. Bet. 1782 - 1785, Louisa County, Va. iii. Richard Higgason, b. Abt. 1783, Louisa County, d. June 1849, Sumner County, Tennessee. iv. Nancy Higgason, b. Bet. 1784 - 1788, Louisa County, Va. v. Samuel D. Higgason, b. Abt. 1791, Louisa County, Va. vi. Cecilia Higgason, b. Abt. 1793, Louisa County, Va. vii. John Overton Higgason, b. Feb. 24, 1796, Louisa County, Va., d. Aug. 16, 1872, Sumner County, Tn. Generation No. 3 3. WILLIAM3 B. HIGGASON (THOMAS2 , JOHN1) was born in 1795 in Hanover County. Virginia and died May 4, 1858. He lived there and in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. On Feb. 24, 1824 in Nelson County, Kentucky he married SARAH “Sally” ANN HERRON, born in 1805 at Simpsons Creek, Nelson County, daughter of Samuel Herron and Alice Combs, and died July 4, 1858. William and Sally are buried in Adair Cemetery, Henderson Co., Ill. Notice the line of progression: Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois are contiguous and move steadily westward. Children of WILLIAM HIGGASON and SARA HERRON are: i. Ann Eliza Higgason, b. July 21, 1826 Kentucky, d. May 20, 1902, m. Jacob Robins. ii. William Thomas Higgason b. Sept. 4, 1829 Greene Co., KY, m. Martha Evans, b. abt 1831 in Indiana, had six children. Res.: Indiana. iii. Nancy W. Higgason b. Oct. 1832 Montgomery Co., IN, d. March 14, 1900, m. Milton D. Hopper, b: bef. Sep 1831, d. March 25, 1865. iv. Samuel J. Higgason b. 1833, Montgomery County, Indiana, d. 1895 v. Francis Marion Higgason, b. Feb. 11, 1834 Montgomery Co., IN, d. 1915, m. Mary Jane Thorn, b. 1835, d. 1881. vi. Albert B. Higgason b. 1838 Indiana. vii. Mary E. Higgason b. 1840 Indiana. viii. Beverly R. Higgason b. 1842 Indiana. ix James Higgason b. 1844 Indiana. x. Martha A. Higgason b. Jan. 25, 1849 Montgomery Co., IN, d. Feb. 1, 1930. 238 Indiana, with Montgomery County highlighted Generation No. 4 4. SAMUEL J.4 HIGGASON (WILLIAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was a farmer born in 1831 in Montgomery County, Indiana and died March 15, 1895 in Hedrick, Keokuk Co., Iowa. On July 8, 1854 in Montgomery County he married Mary Dicky Campbell, born Nov. 5, 1837 in Indiana, parents born in Kentucky, and she died Nov. 14, 1905 in New Sharon, Mahaska County, Iowa. Both are buried at Cedar Twp Cemetery, Fremont, Mahaska Co. IA. The 1880 census shows they lived in Cedar, Mahaska County, and one of the five children in their home was Wallace B. Higgason, age 21. The 1870 census shows them living in Henderson County, Illinois, where they had lived throughout the 1860s and where most of their children were born. Mary’s father, John D. Campbell, is not, as far we know, connected with the Campbells whose genealogy begins on page 256. Samuel J. Higgason and Mary Dicky Campbell Higgason Children of SAMUEL HIGGASON and MARY CAMPBELL are: i. JOHN HIGGASON, b. abt 1855 Indiana. ii. AUGUSTUS ALLEN HIGGASON , b. Jan. 1857 Henderson Co., Ill., d. Oct. 5, 1932, m. Belle Stafford. 5. iii. WALLACE BRUCE2 HIGGASON , b. Feb. 10, 1859 Henderson Co., Ill., d. April 15, 1915 Marietta, Minn. iv. SARAH ELIZA HIGGASON , b. 1861 Henderson Co., Illinois, d. April 30, 1924 Los Angeles County, Calif., m. Filmore Garner; several children. Both are buried in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa. v. EMMA HIGGASON , b. abt 1863 in Henderson Co., Illinois. vi. ELIZABETH E. HIGGASON , b. abt 1865 in Henderson Co., Illinois. 239 4.5. MARTHA ALICE HIGGASON (WILLIAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born Jan. 25, 1849 in Montgomery County, Indiana and died Feb. 1, 1930 at the home of daughter Mary. On June 23, 1867 she married THOMAS B. EMMERT, born July 24, 1847 in Boone County, Indiana and died Dec. 21, 1918. Both are buried in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa. From the 1887 book Portrait and Biographical Album of Mahaska County, Iowa, page 385: T.B. EMMERT, of Spring Creek Township, a farmer, stock-dealer and shipper, residing on section 29, was born in Boone County, Ind., July 24, 1847, and is a son of William and Fannie (New) Emmert. The father was a native of Indiana, and a farmer by occupation; he died in Indiana in 1867; the mother was a native of Kentucky, and still lives at the old homestead in Indiana (Editor: William, 18121867, and Fanny, 1808-1899, are buried in Mount Zion Cemetery, Jamestown, Boone County, Indiana). The subject of this sketch, T. B. Emmert, removed to the State of Illinois, in March, 1868, and remained there three years, and from there came to Mahaska County, settling in Harrison Township, near Cedar, where he remained until 1882. when he removed to his present home of 100 acres in this township, in addition to which he owns thirty-two and one-half acres of timber and pasture on section 31, and 320 acres of improved land in Harrison Township. On the home farm he has a fine house and barn, and excellent out-buildings, and the land is in the best possible cultivation. Mr. Emmert has made life a success in a business way, by reason of superior ability, careful management, and honorable and upright dealings, and these have been his characteristics since he has settled here. Honesty is the best policy in all things, and rarely fails to bring to him who believes and practices it not only success in life, but the highest regard and esteem of his fellow-men. Children of MARTHA HIGGASON and THOMAS EMMERT are: i. William A. Emmert, b. Sept 24, 1868, d. 1920. Buried in in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa. ii. Avis V. Emmert, b. Dec. 1. 1869 iii. Fannie M. Emmert b. July 28, 1871, d. Oct. 5, 1872 iv. Mary Myrtle Emmert, b. Nov. 28, 1873, d. 1951, m. Guido Herman Stempel, b. May 1868. Both are buried in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa. v. Nellie Emmert, b. March 5, d. June 20, 1882 vi. Thomas Harry Emmert, b. Oct. 18, 1885 Generation No. 5 5. WALLACE BRUCE5 HIGGASON (SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS2, JOHN1) was born February 10, 1859 in Henderson County, Illinois, and died April 15, 1915 in Marietta, Minn. He married 1) JOSEPHINE “Josie" DINSMORE October 13, 1881, daughter of WILLIAM DINSMORE and MARY HAMPSON. Josie’s parents were born in Ohio and she was born Nov. 14, 1860 in Martinsburg, Keokuk County, IA, and died Dec. 20, 1901 in her home in Zearing, Story County, IA. Both are buried at Cedar Twp Cemetery, Fremont, Mahaska Co. IA, as are their parents and Josie’s brothers and sisters. On March 7, 1906 Wallace married 2) Ida Brandon in Des Moines, Iowa, born Jan. 15, 1877 in Warren County, Iowa, died Jan. 29, 1938 in South Dakota. daughter of S.A. Brandon and Parthena Lee. In 1923 Ida married 2) Herbert Vedder. She and Herbert are buried in State Veterans Home Cemetery, Hot Springs, Fall River County, SD. Josie’s father William served in the Union army in the Civil War, in 1864 in Company H, Iowa 47th Infantry Regiment. Wallace Higgason Josie Dinsmore Higgason Obituary from Fremont Gazette May 6, 1915: Wallace B. Higgason was born in Henderson County, Illinois Feb. 10, 1859, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ina Allen of Marietta, Minn., aged 56 years, 2 months and 6 days. At the age of 16 he came to Iowa with his parents and settled near Fremont. On Oct. 13, 1881, he was married to Josie Dinsmore, who passed away December 20, 1901. To this union were born three daughters and two sons, Mrs. Cressy Allen, Marietta, Minn.; Mrs. Jas. Ruxton, Zearing Iowa; Miss Hazel Higgason, Sioux Falls, S.D. Walter B., Union, Iowa; and William D., Des Moines, all of whom survive him. Of his father's family he is survived by three, Mrs. Eliza Garner, Oskaloosa; Mrs. Lizzie Howard, Axtell, Mo.; and Gus Higgason, Boise City, Idaho. He was converted in the Billy Sunday meetings. He has been a great sufferer from the two diseases, cancer and tuberculosis, but when the final summons came to him he passed away quietly and peacefully into the new life. The funeral services were conducted at William Dinsmore Mary Hampson Dinsmore Marietta and the body was accompanied to Fremont by Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Ruxton, Walter and William Higgason, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Garner and Mrs. Lizzie Howard. A brief service was conducted by Rev. Williams at the cemetery Saturday afternoon. 240 Editor’s note: William Ashley "Billy" Sunday, 1862-1935, after being a popular outfielder in baseball's National League during the 1880s, became the most celebrated and influential American evangelist during the first two decades of the 20th century. More at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Sunday Occupations for WALLACE B. HIGGASON: Real estate agent and veterinarian. The 1885 & 1895 Iowa censuses both show him and family living in Cedar, Mahaska Co., Iowa. The first lists his occupation as farmer and the second as carpenter. From the 1956 book 'Community History, Zearing, Iowa' by Donald H. Grimm: The Higgason family was a prominent Zearing family in the early 1900's. Wallace B. Higgason was a veterinarian in our community. Obituary for JOSEPHINE DINSMORE: Mrs. Josephine Higgason, wife of W.B. Higgason, was born in Martinsburg November 14, 1860. Removed near Fremont in 1866 where she attended school and grew to womanhood. She was married October 13, 1881. Five children were born of this union, all were present with the afflicted husband to mourn for wife and mother. She was converted at the age of 12 years and made a public profession of faith in Christ. Before her death she called her family about her and talked of her departure, bidding them follow her Lord and master. Her mortality was interred at Fremont where resides her parents, brothers, sisters and many friends. Her parents, Wm. and Mary Dinsmore still survive, though aged. Her sickness was of short duration. She died at her home at Zearing, Iowa, December 20, 1901; triumphant in faith, aged 41 years, 1 month and 6 days. "THE GIRLS OF 78" There is an organization at Fremont, termed, "The Girls of 78". These girls were twenty pupils of the Fremont schools and having grown to womanhood, saw fit to organize a society to yearly meet and renew their youth by pleasant association. Their friendship began in early school life and continues to the present time. They looked forward to the next anniversary always with fond anticipation of a good time. Josephine Higgason was one of the members and while nearly a quarter of a century has passed away since these pleasant days of school life, not one member has passed over to the beyond until December 29, 1901, When the angel of peace whispered, "Come Home." and Josephine obeyed the call. Her life had an influence for good, her cheerful disposition has brought much joy and her kindness of heart has always been a cementing quality, assisting in binding together the affections of others. Where it has pleased the good Father to remove from our midst one of our band, be it resolved that we submit to the will of him who doeth all things well. Realizing that our loss is her gain, since to die in faith is to live in Christ again. We extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved family and friends, realizing that she will be greatly missed at our reunions and elsewhere, since her cheerful presence so often dispelled the clouds. Resolved that we appreciate, in behalf of others, the kind care and attention given our companion and friend in her final affliction, and a copy of these resolutions be read upon the meeting of our next annual reunion and a copy presented to the family of the bereaved. Editor’s note: The preceding two obituaries say Josie died on Dec. 20 and the “Girls of 78” write-up says Dec. 29. Wallace & Josephine (Dinsmore) Higgason & children, about 1892. Back, left to right, Ina (Higgason) Allen & Orpha (Higgason) Ruxton. Front, left to right: Walter Bruce Higgason (father of Avonelle Higgason Rash), twin brother William Dinsmore Higgason, and Hazel (Higgason) Seubert. 241 Children of WALLACE HIGGASON and JOSEPHINE DINSMORE are: 5. i. INA3 L. HIGGASON, b. July 20, 1882, d. Aug. 29, 1960. 6. ii. ORPHA AVIS HIGGASON, b. 1884, d. Nov. 11, 1966. Birth year may be wrong because twin brothers born that year. 7. iii. WALTER BRUCE HIGGASON, b. May 30, 1884 in Henderson County, Ill., d. Nov. 6, 1960. iv. WILLIAM DINSMORE HIGGASON, b. May 30, 1884, d. March 4, 1931 of tuberculosis in Huntington Park, Los Angeles Co., Calif., survived by wife. Burial: Los Angeles National Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., Calif., Plot: 78, 13 R Info.: Twin brother of Walter Nickname: Billy; "Uncle Willy" to Avonelle & siblings 8. v. HAZEL HIGGASON SEUBERT, b. Aug. 28, 1889; d. Jan. 28, 1978. Twins Walter (left) & William Higgason Generation No. 6 6. INA6 LEONA HIGGASON (WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2 JOHN1) was born July 20, 1882 in Cedar, Mahaska Co., Iowa, and died Aug. 29, 1960 at the Shane Nursing Home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Burial was in Zearing Cemetery, Zearing, Iowa. On Sept 16, 1903 she married LOAMI CRESSIE ALLEN, son of Esau Anderson Allen and Desty Elzira McDowell. He was born Jan. 20, 1879 in Wapello Co., Ia. and died Nov. 14, 1937 in Zearing, Ia. The 1940 census shows the recently widowed Ina, 57, and son Dale, 28, as Franklin County, Iowa residents but visiting her sister Hazel in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. More About LOAMI CRESSIE ALLEN: Went by his middle name Children of INA HIGGASON and CRESSIE ALLEN are: i. WYNBURN BRUCE ALLEN, b. April 25, 1905, Zearing, Ia., d. March 10, 1949, Zearing, m. Georgena Blanch Falen, Served in military 1927-30. Child: Donna Mae Allen b. March 6, 1933 Washington Twp, Franklin Co., Iowa. Ina Leona Higgason Cressie Allen Ina Higgason Allen, 1956 ii. ARLO ESAU ALLEN, b. April 29, 1907, Zearing, d. Feb. 4, 1952, Hampton, Ia., m. Helen Margaret Corning, b. abt 1913 in Iowa. Had three children. Daughter Joan b. abt 1934 in Iowa. iii. MILO REX ALLEN, b. Aug. 8, 1909, Zearing, d. in Feb. 1970, m. Alice Stockdale, had 3 children. Daughter Eloise b. abt 1938. iv. DALE CHESTER ALLEN, Denver, Co., b. abt 1912 in Minnesota, d. aft 1960, m. Loretta Rachel Leonard, had three children. v. LYLE CRESSIE ALLEN, Marion, b. abt 1915, d. aft 1960, m. Loretta Lavonne Vincent, had two children. Sons of Ina Higgason and Cressie Allen, left to right: Lyle, Arlo, Milo, Wynburn and Dale. 242 The 1956 book 'Community History Zearing, Iowa' by Donald H. Grimm, states: “The name Allen has been a prominent name in our community since 1880. The Allen family has always had an excellent reputation in the community. Members of the family did not neglect their duties as citizens. They were good business men and farmers. “The local Allens are descendants of Joseph Allen Sr. and Elizabeth Ingram Allen, married June 23, 1853. They moved to our community in 1892 from Wapello county, Iowa. Esau A. Allen, a son of Joseph Sr., came to this community from Wapello county in 1881. They farmed until 1903. Then Esau and his son, L. Cressie, were in the hardware business in Zearing.” 7. ORPHA6 AVIS HIGGASON (WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born in 1884 in Iowa and died Nov. 11, 1966 at Evangelical Hospital, Marshalltown, Iowa. That birth year may be wrong because her twin brothers were born in 1884. On July 6, 1904 at Nevada, Iowa she married JAMES ALLEN “Jim” RUXTON, born Dec. 20, 1882 south of McCallsburg, Story County, Iowa and died March 12, 1955 at a hospital in Iowa City. He was a farmer and oil man, working for Socony Vacuum Oil company for 13 years. He was the youngest son of Adam and Margaret (Wallace) Ruxton, both born in Scotland. Adam, who died in 1929, was a member of the board of directors of a local bank for many years. Orpha and James were lifelong residents of the Zearing community, and are buried in Zearing Cemetery. Orpha was survived by her daughter, nine grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. From the 1956 book 'Community History, Zearing, Iowa' by Donald H. Orpha Higgason Ruxton Orpha Higgason Grimm: Zearing Telephone Association We do not have the exact date the local telephone company was organized. The first office was a small booth in the Ingledue drug store. Elwood C. Ingledue died in 1902. So we know that there was telephone service in Zearing before that date. Orpha Higgason worked in the drug store. A part of her duties was to take care of the switchboard. Orpha said that there was little activity at first. She said that when the bell rang it always startled her. The first rural line was constructed northwest from Zearing. James A. Ruxton joked about that. He said that the reason was his interest in the telephone operator, Orpha. James and Orpha were married but we do not know how great a part the telephone played in the romance. Excerpts from Recollections of Margaret Bryant: Orpha Ruxton … and her husband farmed for many years and owned the Mobil gas station, restaurant and Beer Depot for over 17 years. James Allen Ruxton … drove the Mobil oil tank wagon for 17+ years. His father was one of eight brothers who came with their father from Scotland and settled in Henry County, Illinois. A museum in Geneseo, Illinois has history of the Ruxtons. To this union was born one daughter, Eva Josephine Ruxton. She was the only grandchild that Adam and Maggie had. The home place for Adam & Maggie was on Highway 65 and was a post office where mail was delivered. Child of ORPHA HIGGASON and JAMES RUXTON is: 10. i. EVA4 JOSEPHINE RUXTON, b. Aug. 29 1904, d. July 20 1971 in St. Anthony, Iowa; m. Wilton L. Reese. Jim & Orpha Ruxton’s gas station on Highway 65 at Zearing, Iowa, 1933 243 8. WALTER BRUCE6 HIGGASON (WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born May 30, 1884 in Henderson County, Ill., and died Nov. 6, 1960 at Long Nursing Home, Iowa Falls, Iowa. He married LAVERA INA HAMMER October 4, 1907 in Marshalltown, IA, daughter of ADAM HAMMER and ELIZABETH RASH. She was born June 10, 1890 in Union, Iowa, and died December 9, 1975 in Eldora Community Hospital, Eldora, Iowa. More information about her on page 210 in the Hammer section. More About WALTER BRUCE HIGGASON: Info.: Had a twin brother named William. Occupation: Mechanic in Union, IA at Ford dealership Obituary: Iowa Falls – Services for Walter Bruce Higgason, 75, who died Sunday at an Iowa Falls nursing home, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday from the Anderson Walter Higgason Walter Higgason Home for funerals with the Rev. Preston Hinderks, pastor of the First Congregational Church, in charge. Burial will be in Miller Cemetery southwest of Union. Higgason was born May 30, 1885 in Fremont. He was married to LaVera Hammer, who now lives in Eldora. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Dean Rash, Union; Mrs. C.W. Meyer, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Howard Bitters, Iowa Falls, and Mrs. James Dix, New Hartford and four sons, Wallace, West Bend; Orville and Max, Eldora, and William, Sunland, Calif. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Orpha Ruxton, Zearing, and Mrs. Hazel Seubert, Sioux Falls, S.D. Children of LAVERA HAMMER and WALTER HIGGASON are: 11. i. HAZEL AVONELLE4 HIGGASON, b. May 22, 1908, Zearing, Iowa; d. December 22, 2004, Marshalltown, Iowa. 12. ii. FRANCES MARIAN HIGGASON, b. July 14, 1911, Eldora, Iowa; d. November 7, 1984, Burbank, Calif. 13. iii. WALLACE BRUCE HIGGASON, b. October 26, 1913, Iowa Falls, Iowa; d. March 20, 1974, Emmetsburg, Iowa. 14. iv. ORVILLE JOHN HIGGASON, b. June 22, 1914, Union, Iowa; d. May 8, 1996, Eldora, Iowa. 15. v. MAX ROBERT HIGGASON, b. March 18, 1916, Union, Iowa; d. October 26, 2007, Eldora, Iowa. vi. VERN HIGGASON, b. January 27, 1918; d. January 9, 1919. Children of LAVERA HAMMER and WALTER HIGGASON are continued on the next page. First, more about little Vern: Obituary for VERN HIGGASON: Vern Higgason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Higgason, died Jan. 9, 1919, aged 11 months and 22 days. The little one departed from this life after an illness of about two weeks, his death being caused by influenza. Short services were held at the Miller cemetery Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W.H. Hickman. Editor’s note: Little Vern was a victim of the worldwide flu pandemic of 1918 & 1919, the worst in history. It was caused by an unusually virulent and deadly Influenza A virus strain of subtype H1N1. It is estimated that anywhere from 20 to 100 million people were killed. An estimated 500 million people, one third of the world's population, became infected. The pandemic killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I, which killed 15 million from 1914 to 1918. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Between the war and the flu, it must have felt like the end of the world. I had a little bird, Its name was Enza, I opened the window, And in-flew-enza. - American skipping rhyme circa 1918 Avonelle Higgason Rash used to tell the heartbreaking story of when she was 10 years old in her parents’ home in Union (the house, pictured here, still stands as of this writing in 2009), watching her father swoop her baby brother up and down, trying to get him to catch his breath. She begged her mother, “Can we keep him?” Vern’s grave, next to his parents’ in Miller Cemetery, originally was marked with a rock. Decades later a wooden sign was added. In 2011 we finally pooled our resources to buy an engraved stone monument. 244 Children of LAVERA HAMMER and WALTER HIGGASON continued: 16. vii. 17. viii. ix. 18. x. ARLENE HIGGASON, b. May 6, 1921, Eldora, Iowa; d. March 21, 2004, Holy Spirit Retirement Home, Sioux City, IA. WILLIAM DINSMORE HIGGASON, b. Jan. 8, 1923, Union, IA; d. Feb. 28, 1970, Veterans Hospital, Des Moines, IA. RONALD HIGGASON, b. October 31, 1924; d. June 1, 1942, died at 17 when a car with six youths in it crashed into a tree in Hardin County. Two young women were injured. Burial: Miller Cemetery, Hardin Co., Iowa BETTIE COLLEEN HIGGASON, b. 1927. Ronald Higgason age 3 Left to right: Ronnie, Arlene, Bill, and Bettie Higgason LaVera (Hammer) Higgason and children, late 1960s. Back, left to right: Orville, Max, Arlene (Higgason) Bitters, Bill, Betty (Higgason) Dix. Front, left to right, Avonelle (Higgason) Rash, LaVera, Wallace, Frances (Higgason) Lewis. Photos on the wall, left to right: Orville, Arlene, Bill. 245 9. HAZEL6 HIGGASON (WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born Aug. 28, 1889 in Iowa and died Jan. 28, 1978. She married JOSEPH SEUBERT, son of Ludwig and Hazel Seubert, born Jan. 13, 1889 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and died April 13, 1939. They were directors of a Sioux Falls real estate firm incorporated in 1929, Joe Seubert Inc. They and son Robert are buried in Saint Michael’s Cemetery at Sioux Falls. Children of HAZEL HIGGASON and JOSEPH SEUBERT are: i. DONNA4 SEUBERT, b. Feb. 18, 1922 Sioux Falls, S.D. Became a nun, Sister Mary Therese, and served in Sacramento, Calif. In 1984 she moved to Eugene, Ore., where she died May 29, 2013. Burial was in the little cemetery at the monastery of the Carmelite Nuns, Eugene. ii. ROBERT “Bud” J. SEUBERT, b. March 12, 1925 in South Dakota, d. Aug. 2, 2000. Hazel Higgason Sr. Therese or, as her cousin Avonelle called her, Donna Generation No. 7 10. EVA7 JOSEPHINE RUXTON (ORPHA6, WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born. Aug. 29, 1904 in Zearing, Story Co., Ia., and died July 20 1971 at the Marshall County Hospital. On March 7, 1923 in Zearing she married Wilton L. Reese, son of William A. Reese and Elnora Bowman of Zearing. He was born in May 1896 and died in 1945. She lived in the Zearing and St. Anthony communities all her life and was survived by 26 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Eva and Wilton are buried in Zearing Cemetery. Children of Eva Ruxton and Wilton Reese: i. ii. iii. iv. Margret Reese, b. abt 1925 in Iowa, m. Mr. Bryant. Res: St. Anthony, Marshall Co., Iowa. Jeanette Reese, b. abt 1927 in Iowa, m. Mr. Myers. Res: Anaheim, Calif. Richard Reese, b. abt 1929 in Iowa. Res: South Gate, Calif. Ronald “Ronnie” Reese, b. abt 1930 in Iowa. Res: Anaheim, Calif. Annice “Annie” Reese, b. abt 1931 in Iowa, m. Mr. Colbertson. Res: Escondito, Calif. vi. Robert Reese, b. abt 1933 in Iowa. Res: Phoenix, Ariz. vii. Delores Reese, b. abt 1935 in Iowa, m. Mr. Clark. Res: St. Anthony. viii. Maylane Reese, b. abt 1937 in Iowa, m. Mr. Andrews. Res: Rock Falls, Ill. v. 11. HAZEL AVONELLE7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born May 22, 1908 in Zearing, Iowa, and died Dec. 22, 2004 in Marshalltown, Iowa. She married JAMES DEAN RASH in Grundy Center, Iowa, son of MONROE RASH and ELNORA BROWN. He was born Feb. 20, 1903 in Union, Iowa, and died March 2, 1979 in Union, Iowa. Both went by their middle names, Avonelle and Dean. Obituary for Hazel Avonelle Higgason Rash, Times-Republican, Marshalltown, Iowa: Avonelle Rash, 96, of 2401 S. 2nd St., died Dec. 22, 2004, at Marshalltown Medical and Surgical Center in Marshalltown. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at Pursel Davis Funeral Home and Crematory. Burial will follow services in the Miller Cemetery in rural Union. Visitation will be Monday from 12:30 p.m. until service time at Pursel Davis Funeral Home and Crematory. Memorials may be directed to the family in her name. Avonelle is survived by her seven daughters, Joyce Johnson of Bella Vista, Ark., Barbara (Don) Coen of Joplin, Mo., Janice (Dick) Thorson of Marshalltown, Marion (Ron) Coen of Joplin, Mo., Sharon (Robert) Doe of Melbourne, Carol (Tom) Fahey of Joplin, Mo. and Linda (Bill) Pilkington of Aurora, Colo.; two sons, James (Betty) Rash of Des Moines and Clyde Rash of Marshalltown; 32 grandchildren; numerous great grandchildren; her brother Max Higgason of Eldora; and her sister Betty Dix of Iowa Falls. From the program at the service: Officiating: Reverend Phil King, First Friends Church Music: Anne Sweeney, organist; Andrea Rash, soloist Casket bearers: Scott Doe, Vernon Rash, Mark Doe, Michael Rash, Douglas Doe, Kevin Walters, Robert Fahey Children of AVONELLE HIGGASON and DEAN RASH are listed on page 126 under James Dean Rash. 246 12. FRANCES MARIAN7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born July 14, 1911 in Eldora, Iowa, and died Nov. 7, 1984 in Burbank, Calif. On Sept. 15, 1928 she married (1) JASPER EARL LEWIS at Grundy Center. Jasper, son of Frank and Eva (Lip) Lewis. Jasper was born Jan. 4, 1909 at Greencastle, Mo. and died Oct. 17, 1954. She married (2) CARL WILLIAM MAYER in 1958 in Las Vegas, Nev. He died Aft. 1984. Obituary for Frances Marian Higgason Mayer: Former Iowa Falls resident Frances M. Mayer, 73, died in Burbank, Calif., on Nov. 7, 1984. Her funeral service was held on Nov. 12, at the First Congregational Church in Iowa Falls with burial at Union Cemetery. Rev. William Frost officiated. She was born on July 14, 1911, to Walter and LaVera Hammer Higgason at Eldora. She was educated in Eldora and New Providence schools. She married Jasper Lewis on Sept. 15, 1928; he died in 1954. She married Carl William (Bill) Mayer in 1958 at Las Vegas, Nev. She had lived in California since she remarried. She was a member of the United Community Church of Burbank. Her survivors include her husband; two daughters, Mrs. John (Evelyn) Pierce and Mrs. Victor (Donna) Klein, both of Iowa Falls; three sisters, Avonelle Rash of Marshalltown, Betty Dix of New Providence and Arlene Bitters of Iowa Falls; two brothers, Orville Higgason and Max Higgason, both of Eldora; seven grandchildren and 14 greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Jasper and four brothers. Info: She and first husband Jasper are buried in Union Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin County, Iowa. Nickname for FRANCES MARIAN HIGGASON: Fran Nickname for CARL WILLIAM MAYER: Bill Children of FRANCES HIGGASON and JASPER LEWIS are: 19. i. DONNA5 MAE LEWIS, b. 1930. 20. ii. EVELYN LEWIS, b. 1929. Fran with daughters Donna & Evelyn Jasper and Frances (Higgason) Lewis, Dec. 1952 Frances Higgason & Bill Mayer 13. WALLACE BRUCE7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born Oct. 26, 1912 in Iowa Falls, Iowa, and died March 20, 1974 in Palo Alto County Hospital, Emmetsburg, Iowa. On Oct. 15, 1934 at Eldora, Iowa he married ANNABELLE ALBRIGHT, b. March 4, 1914 at Kellogg, Iowa, d. April 15, 1981 at the same hospital, daughter of Lee and Della Latcham Albright. Both are buried in West Bend Cemetery. In addition to the five grandchildren who survived Wally, one great-grandchild survived Annabelle. Obituary for Wallace Higgason from the West Bend Journal, March 28, 1974, page 1: Funeral services for Wallace Higgason were held Saturday, March 23 at 2 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, with Rev. Walter Sieck officiating, Schellhammer Funeral Home was in charge, with burial in the West Bend Cemetery. 247 Wallace Bruce Higgason, son of Walter and LaVera Higgason, was born on October 26, 1912 at Iowa Falls, Iowa. He moved with his parents to Eldora, Iowa as a small child where he grew up and was educated. In 1937 he moved to Algona, Iowa and in 1945 he moved to West Bend where he owned and operated the West Bend Auto Co. On October 15, 1934 he was united in marriage to Annabelle Albright at Eldora, Iowa. Wallace passed away last Wednesday evening, March 20, at the Palo Alto County Hospital in Emmetsburg, reaching the age of 61 years. Surviving are his widow; one daughter, Mrs. Donald Hanselman of West Bend, and 5 grandchildren; four sisters, and two brothers, Orville and Max Higgason of Eldora, Iowa; Mrs. Francis Meyer of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Dean Rash of Union, Iowa; Mrs. Howard Bitter of Iowa Falls, and Mrs. Betty Dix of New Providence, Iowa. He was preceded in death by one daughter, father, and 3 brothers. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, West Bend, a member of Iowa Auto Dealers Assoc. and U.S. Old Timers Assoc., and served on Iowa Lakes Community College Board. During the services Mr. David Fehr sang, “How Great Thou Art” and “Good Night and Good Morning” accompanist was Mrs. Robert Meyer. Honorary bearers were: Irvin Keene, George Faber, Delbert Lauver, William F. Weir, R. H. Plants, C.L. Girres, Lyle Runchey, Francis Ryan, Jens Pedersen and Dr. W.J. Morrison. Casket bearers were: Gilbert Schmidt, Paul Anliker, Ronald Girres, Richard Fish, Ray Egan, Alvin Pedersen. Floral committee was Mrs. Eddie Anliker and Mrs. George Thatcher. More About WALLACE BRUCE HIGGASON: Owned a body shop in Algona and then a garage in West Bend, Iowa. Nickname: Wally Children of WALLACE HIGGASON and ANNEBELLE ALBRIGHT are: i. ANNE LEE5 HIGGASON, died in an auto accident Oct. 28, 1940, age 5. Burial: Hazelwood Cemetery, Grinnell, Poweshiek County, Iowa 21. ii. RITA RAE HIGGASON, b. Feb. 10, 1937 Eldora, Iowa, d. Dec. 24, 2012 at West Bend, Iowa. Wally Higgason Wally Higgason, late 1960s 14. ORVILLE JOHN7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born June 22, 1914 in Union, Iowa, and died May 8, 1996 in Eldora, Ia. He married THELMA GERALDENE “JERI” MORLAN, daughter of Roy and Ethel Leota Altiser Morlan, Aug. 12, 1942 in Milan, Missouri. She was born July 2, 1925 at Pollock, Missouri, and died Jan. 31, 1994 at Eldora. It was a wartime wedding; he joined the armed forces and she remained in Eldora. Burial for ORVILLE HIGGASON and JERI MORLAN: Eastlawn Memory Gardens Cemetery, Eldora, IA Children of ORVILLE HIGGASON and JERI MORLAN are: i. DENISE5 HIGGASON, m. RON HAZELWOOD. Res: Eldora 22. ii. NANCY LOU HIGGASON. iii. VICKI S. HIGGASON, b. July 16, 1958. Res: Yonkers, NY Orville Higgason Orville Higgason Jeri Morlan Higgason 15. MAX ROBERT7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born March 18, 1916 in Union, Iowa, and died Oct. 27, 2007 in Eldora, Iowa. He married GLADYS NADINE CLARK, daughter of Clyde and Minnie McPherson Clark., Oct. 1, 1937 in Mount Pleasant Church, rural Eldora. She was born Jan. 15, 1919. Obituary, Times-Citizen on Oct. 31, 2007, http://iagenweb.org/boards/hardin/obituaries/index.cgi?review=173852: 248 ELDORA - Max R. Higgason Sr., 91, of Eldora, died from natural causes Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007, at the Eldora Nursing and Rehab Center in Eldora while under the care of Hospice of North Iowa. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Eldora with Pastor Corey Larson officiating. Burial followed in East Lawn MemoryGardens in Eldora, with military honors provided by Walter-Sayer Post 182 of the American Legion and Roll-Harless Post 3974 of the VFW. Memorials may be directed to the First Congregational United Church of Christ, Eldora Nursing and Rehab Center, or Hospice of North Iowa. CrepsAbels Funeral Home in Eldora was in charge of the arrangements. Max was born March 18, 1916, in Union, son of Walter and LaVera (Hammer) Higgason. He attended country school near Union, then high school in Eldora. He was a veteran of World War II serving with the U.S. Max Higgason Marine Corps in the Pacific Theater. On Oct. 1, 1937, Max was united in marriage to Gladys N. Clark at Mount Pleasant Church, rural Eldora. He worked as parts manager at Wood Auto of Eldora for more than 50 years, and many nights and weekends were spent at the dealership fixing his children’s cars. Max retired in 1978. He was a member of the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Eldora where he served as a deacon and trustee, Walter-Sayer Post 182 of the American Legion, RollHarless Post 3974 of the VFW, and Pine Lake Country Club. Max enjoyed gardening, and during retirement cutting firewood, golfing and fishing. Jerry (upper left), Gladys & Max Higgason 1998 He is survived by his wife, Gladys; sons, Max Jr. and wife Nancy of Eldora, Jerry and wife Dee of Urbandale, and Denny and wife Linda of Sioux Falls, S.D.; sister, Bettie Dix of Iowa Falls; nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death were his parents; sisters, Avonelle, Frances and Arlene; and brothers, Wallace, Orville, Verne, William and Ronald. Children of MAX HIGGASON and GLADYS CLARK are: 23. i. ii. 24. iii. MAX ROBERT5 HIGGASON, b. Nov. 5, 1938. JERRY LYNN HIGGASON, b. June 12, 1940. On Feb. 10, 1961 in Steamboat Rock, Ia., m. DELORES KAY LUIKEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Luiken of Steamboat Rock. Residence for JERRY and DELORES: Urbandale. Nickname for DELORES: Dee DENNIS “Denny” HIGGASON, b. May 25, 1944. Max Higgason Sr. 50th anniversary, Max & Gladys Higgason 16. ARLENE7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born May 6, 1921 in Eldora, Iowa, and died March 21, 2004 in Holy Spirit Retirement Home, Sioux City, IA. She married HOWARD ALVIN BITTERS Nov. 23, 1942 in San Antonio, Texas, born July 11, 1914, son of Edgar and Everetta (Wescott) Bitters of Iowa Falls, and died Oct. 31, 1993. Obituary from http://iagenweb.org/boards/hardin/obituaries/index.cgi?review=55892 SIOUX CITY - Arlene H. Bitters, 82, of Sioux City died Sunday, March 21, 2004, at Holy Spirit Retirement Home in Sioux City. Funeral services will be Thursday, March 25, at 11 a.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Iowa Falls with Rev. Don Preston officiating. Burial will be in the Union Cemetery, Iowa Falls. Friends may call at Surls Funeral Home in Iowa Falls from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 24. Arlene Higgason Arlene (Higgason) Bitters Arlene was born May 6, 1921, in Eldora to Walter and LaVera (Hammer) Higgason. She graduated from Eldora High School in 1940. On Nov. 23, 1942, she was united in marriage to Howard Bitters at San Antonio, Texas. Arlene was employed by Riverside Book and Bible, retiring in 1991. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church. 249 Survivors include two sons, William and wife Margaret of Sioux City and Greg of Iowa Falls; one daughter, Connie Gunsolly andhusband Gary of Mesa, Ariz.; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; two sisters, Bettie Dix of New Providence and Avonelle Rash of Marshalltown; and a brother, Max Higgason and wife Gladys of Eldora. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; five brothers, Wallace, William, Ronald, Orville and Vern Higgason. ©Iowa Falls Times-Citizen 2004 Children of ARLENE HIGGASON and HOWARD BITTERS are: i. ii. iii. WILLIAM EDGAR5 BITTERS, b. abt 1948, m. MARGARET. Their residence: Sioux City, IA GREG ALAN BITTERS, b. 1951, m. Christian Slagle Jan. 4, 1975, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Denis Slagle, Roland. Residence: Iowa Falls, Ia CONNIE BITTERS, m. GARY GUNSOLLY. Jan. 1, 1985 in Union County, SD. Their residence: Mesa, Arizona Greg Bitters, May 2012 Howard & Arlene (Higgason) Bitters 17. WILLIAM “Billy” DINSMORE7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born January 8, 1923 in Union, IA, and died Feb. 28, 1970 of lung cancer in Des Moines, IA. On Oct. 5, 1957 in Los Angeles, Calif., he married Ruby Ruth Vineyard Gentry, born July 4, 1923 in Tulsa, Okla., daughter of Roy Vineyard and Mayme Brown. Ruby married a third time July 15, 1967 in Los Angeles to George C. Sprotte. She died Feb. 13, 2011, and is buried as Ruby Sprotte in Glen Haven Memorial Park, Sylmar, Calif. William lived in California 20 years, during which time he was married and divorced, and his daughter Gloria was born. He returned to Eldora, and when he got sick his mother Vera cared for him in her little house, until finally he went to the veterans’ home. She had already lost one son as an infant and another as a teen. “It broke her little heart when her boy died,” said Carol Rash Fahey. Military service: IA Cpl Marine Corp WWII & Korea. Obituary: Higgason Funeral in Eldora Monday Funeral services were held Monday, March 2, from the Longenecker Funeral Home in Eldora for William D. Higgason, 47, of Eldora, who died Saturday at Veterans Hospital in Des Moines. Bill Higgason Don LaVelle provided the vocal music for the services which were in charge of Rev. E.C. Wolfe. Mrs. W.O. Guenther was organist. Serving as flower ladies were Mrs. Donald Hanzelman, Miss Denise Higgason and Mrs. John Pierce. Casket bearers were Gregory Bittner, William Bittner, Jeff Dix, Max Higgason, Jr., Clyde Rash and James Rash with interment in the Miller Cemetery near Union. William D. Higgason was born Jan. 8, 1923 at Union to Walter and LaVera Hammer Higgason and served in World War II in the United States Marine Corps. An interior finisher by trade, he grew up in the Union and Eldora vicinity, graduating: from the Eldora High School, returning to Eldora about five years ago. He was preceded in death by his father and is survived by his mother of Eldora; a daughter, Gloria of Granada Hills, Calif.; seven brothers and sisters, Mrs. Dean (Avonelle) Rash of Union, Mrs. C.W. (Frances) Mayer of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Howard (Arlene) Bittner of Iowa Falls, Mrs. James (Bettie) Dix of New Providence, Wallace Higgason of West Bend, Orville Higgason of Eldora and Max Higgason. Child of WILLIAM HIGGASON and RUTH GENTRY is: i. GLORIA5 HIGGASON, b. in 1959 in Los Angeles; m. William T. McClure March 31, 1979 in California. 250 Ruth Vineyard Bill Higgason, late 1960s 18. BETTIE COLLEEN7 HIGGASON (WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born August 30, 1927. She married JAMES H. DIX June 28, 1947 in the First Baptist Church Parsonage, Iowa Falls, son of HERBERT DIX and TENA HEERTS. He was born February 5, 1927 in Parkersburg, and died May 26, 2003 in Mary Greely Hospital, Ames, IA. He is buried in New Providence Cemetery, New Providence, Hardin Co., Iowa. Residence of BETTIE COLLEEN HIGGASON: Iowa Falls, Iowa There is a another childhood photo of Bettie on page 6. Obituary excerpts for JAMES H. DIX from http://iagenweb.org/ boards/hardin/obituaries/index.cgi?review=65227 NEW PROVIDENCE - James H. Dix, 76, of New Providence died of cancer Monday, May 26, 2003, at Mary Greeley Hospital in Ames. A memorial service will be held Saturday, May 31, at 10:30 a.m. at Iowa Falls Evangelical Free Church, 19939 State Hwy. 941, Iowa Falls. He graduated from Iowa Falls High School in 1944 and entered the United States Navy. On June 28, 1947, he married Bettie Higgason at the First Baptist Church Parsonage in Iowa Falls. He was secretary-treasurer of the Hardin County Mutual Insurance Company in Iowa Falls from 1968-91. He formerly owned Dix Real Estate and Insurance Company in New Providence. He is survived by his wife, Bettie, of New Providence; a daughter, Tannette Sollitt and husband David of Balsam Lake, Wis.; a son, Jeff Dix, of New Providence; a brother, Steve Dix, of Lake Okoboji; a sister, Dorothy McMillen, of Owatonna, Minn.; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents. ©Iowa Falls Times-Citizen Children of BETTIE HIGGASON and JAMES DIX are: 24.5 i. TANNETTE SUE5 DIX, b. in 1948 in Webster City, Iowa, m. DAVID JOHN SOLLITT, b. 1945 in Eldora, Iowa. ii. JEFF JAMES DIX, b. 1950 in Waterloo, Iowa, m. LEAH. Children: Jason Cory Dix b. 1977; Tiffany Nicole Dix b. 1978. Photo of Jeff on page Error! Bookmark not defined. 251 Bettie Higgason Bettie Higgason Dix, late 1960s Jim & Bettie Dix, 1998 Generation No. 8 19. DONNA8 MAE LEWIS (FRANCES MARIAN7 HIGGASON, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born in 1930. On June 11, 1949 at the Little Brown Church near Nashua, Iowa she married VICTOR E. KLEIN, born Sept. 9, 1927, died Aug. 6, 1995, buried in Union Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Klein,. Donna and Victor lived in Iowa Falls and both graduated in 1949 from Iowa Falls High School. She married a day after her sister. There is a childhood photo of the sisters on page 247. Children of DONNA LEWIS and VICTOR KLEIN are: 25. i. MICHAEL6 DEAN KLEIN, b. 1950. 26. ii. DAVID KLEIN, b. 1952. 27. iii. STEVEN KLEIN, b. 1956. iv. ANDY KLEIN, b. 1962. Victor & Donna Mae Lewis Klein Donna Lewis, 1949 Donna Lewis Klein & sons, l to r: Mike, Andy, Steve, David. Victor Klein, 1949 Evelyn Lewis and Johnny Pierce and family - Back row, l to r: Keegan Joseph Kelsey, son, Charles “Chuck” Kelsey, father; Joe Pierce, son; Johnny Pierce, father; Frank Oppold. Seated on rock, l to r: Sue Marie Pierce Kelsey; Anna Cecilia Pierce, Joey's daughter; Martha “Marty” Pierce, Evelyn Lewis Pierce; Francine Marian Pierce Oppold; Ginny Marie Oppold Washburne. On ground, l to r: Jesse Charles Kelsey, Mary Theresa Oppold Huisenga, Mike Oppold. 20. EVELYN8 JEANNE LEWIS (FRANCES MARIAN7 HIGGASON, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born in 1929. On June 10, 1949 she married farmer J OHN LINDLEY PIERCE, born Nov. 19, 1928 and died Sept. 16, 2006, 252 son of Joseph John Pierce and Marian Harris Pierce, Hardin Co., Iowa. She married a day before her sister. There is a childhood photo of the sisters on page 247. Children of EVELYN LEWIS and JOHN PIERCE are: i. FRANCINE MARIAN6 PIERCE, b. 1952; m. FRANCIS “Frank” OPPOLD. Children: Ginny Marie Oppold Washburne, Mary Theresa Oppold Huisenga, Michael Oppold. ii. SUZANNE MARIE PIERCE, b. 1955; m. CHARLES “Chuck” KELSEY. Children: Keegan Joseph Kelsey, Marie Pierce Kelsey, Jesse Charles Kelsey. iii. JOSEPH EARL PIERCE, b. 1957; m. Martha; daughter Anna Cecilia Pierce b. 1994 Des Moines, Ia. 21. RITA RAE8 HIGGASON (WALLACE BRUCE7 HIGGASON, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born Feb. 10, 1937 in Eldora, Iowa and died Dec. 24, 2012 in West Bend, Palo Alto County, Iowa. On April 14, 1961 at Peace Lutheran church, West Bend, she married DONALD G. HANSELMAN, born about 1936 in Iowa, son of George and Grace Hanselman. Rita is buried in West Bend Cemetery, West Bend. Children of RITA HIGGASON and DONALD HANSELMAN are: Evelyn Lewis Pierce, 1998 i. LISA MARIE6 HANSELMAN, b. 1962 at Emmetsburg, Iowa; m. Peter Woldberg; res. Johnstown, Colo. ii. STEVEN DONALD HANSELMAN; m. Lori; res. Sioux Falls, SD. iii. KELLY WALLACE HANSELMAN, b. 1966; m. Nicki; res. Solon, Iowa. iv. JEFFREY A. HANSELMAN, b. 1970; m. Jeni; res. Omaha NE v. JAMES “Jimmy” DEAN HANSELMAN, b. 1973, Palo Alto County, Iowa; m. Kellie; res. Temecula, CA 22. NANCY8 LOU HIGGASON (ORVILLE JOHN7, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN2) She married MICHAEL “Mike” DAVID BROGDEN, son of Clarence.E. and Mami Brogden of Leon, June 18, 1971 at United Church of Christ in Eldora. Residence: Merced, Calif. Children of NANCY HIGGASON and MICHAEL BROGDEN are: i. SHANNON6 MARIE BROGDEN b. Sept. 30, 1971 in Minnesota, died following a car accident on April 13, 1996 in Decatur County, Iowa. Burial: Leon Cemetery, Decatur County, Iowa. ii. TANNER LEE BROGDEN. iii. ANNIE BROGDEN. 23. MAX ROBERT8 HIGGASON (MAX ROBERT7, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C. , JOHN1) was born Nov. 5, 1938. He married NANCY MCDOWELL, daughter of Dean and Juanita McDowell, on May 1, 1960. Residence: Chariton, Iowa. Children of MAX HIGGASON and NANCY MCDOWELL are: 28. i. DAVID6 HIGGASON. ii. PENNY HIGGASON, Adopted child. iii. CHRISTY LYN HIGGASON. Max and Nancy McDowell Higgason wedding 253 24. DENNIS8 “Denny” C. HIGGASON (MAX ROBERT7, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C. , JOHN1) was born in 1944. In 1969 he married LINDA JEAN KLOCK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon F. Klock of Alexandria, S.D. Children of DENNIS HIGGASON and LINDA KLOCK are: i. RYAN6 HIGGASON. ii. HYDIE HIGGASON. 24.5 TANNETTE8 SUE HIGGASON (BETTIE7, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C. , JOHN1) was born in 1948 in Waterloo, Iowa. On Aug. 22, 1968 in Eldora, Iowa she married DAVID JOHN SOLLITT, b. 1945 in Mendota, Ill. Children of TANNETTE HIGGASON and DAVID SOLLITT are: i. KRISTIN6 JILL SOLLITT, b. in 1969, m. Mark Alan Thomas July 13, 2002 in New Hope, MN. ii. KERI SUE SOLLITT, b. in 1972 in El Paso, Texas. Denny Higgason Tannette Higgason Sollit & family in 1997 - Back row: Jeff Dix and David Sollitt, in front of them is Tannette. Front l to r: Keri Sollitt; Jim & Bettie Dix (parents of Jeff & Tannette, see page 251), Kristin Sollitt Thomas. Generation No. 9 25. MICHAEL9 DEAN KLEIN (DONNA8 LEWIS, FRANCES MARIAN7 HIGGASON, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born in 1950. On May 29, 1971 at Geneva, Iowa he married Vickie RaNae Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson. Children of MICHAEL KLEIN and VICKIE CARLSON are: i. CHRISTOPHER7 KLEIN, b. 1973. ii. HEATHER KLEIN, b. 1975. 26. DAVID9 KLEIN (DONNA8 LEWIS, FRANCES MARIAN7 HIGGASON, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born in 1952. He married VIRGINIA LEBEAU. Children of DAVID KLEIN and VIRGINIA LEBEAU are: i. JENNIFER7 KLEIN, b. 1976. ii. ELEANOR KLEIN, b. 1977. 254 27. STEVEN9 KLEIN (DONNA8 LEWIS, FRANCES MARIAN7 HIGGASON, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) was born in 1956. He married DIANE HADWIGER. Both graduated high school in 1974 in Iowa Falls. Child of STEVEN KLEIN and DIANE HODWIGER is: i. STEPHANIE7 KLEIN, b. 1976. 28. DAVID9 HIGGASON (MAX ROBERT8, MAX ROBERT7, WALTER BRUCE6, WALLACE B.5, SAMUEL J.4 WILLIAM3, THOMAS C.2, JOHN1) married JODIE SPICKERT. Children of DAVID HIGGASON and JODIE SPICKERT are: i. SIERRA7 HIGGASON. ii. SPENCER HIGGASON. iii. SAWYER HIGGASON. David, Sierra & Jodie Higgason, 1998 Christmas 2014. Front, L to R: Sawyer, Sierra and Spencer Higgason. Back: David and Jodie Spickert Higgason. 255 Descendants of Colin Campbell Generation No. 1 1. DUNCAN COLIN CAMPBELL was born in 1122. He married FINDOIG FINVAL MACGILMORY. She was born in 1123. Child of COLIN CAMPBELL and FINDOIG is: 2. i. DUBHGHALL CAMPBELL, b. 1158, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. 1200, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. Loch Awe (Scottish Gaelic: Loch Obha) is a large body of water in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It has also given its name to a village on its banks, variously known as Loch Awe, or Lochawe. There are islands within the loch such as Innis Chonnell and Inishail. Argyll, archaically Argyle (Earra-Ghàidheal in modern Gaelic), is a region of western Scotland corresponding with most of the part of ancient Dál Riata that was located on the island of Great Britain, and in a historical context can be used to mean the entire western coast between the Mull of Kintyre and Cape Wrath. The name derives from Old Gaelic airer Goídel (border region of the Gaels). Scots and Irish are generally called Gattheli (i.e. Gaels), from their ancient war leader known as Gaithelglas. However, the word airer naturally carries the meaning of the word 'coast' when applied to maritime regions, so the place name can also be translated as "Coast of [the] Gaels". Argyll (sometimes anglicized as Argyllshire) is a registration county of Scotland. Its neighboring counties are Inverness-shire, Perthshire, Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire, Ayrshire and Bute. Argyll, the dark area in this map of Scotland Generation No. 2 2. ARCHIBALD DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL (COLIN1) was born in 1158 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died 1200 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. He married FINDOIG FINVAL MACGILMORY, daughter of NACHTAN MACGILMORY. She was born in 1158 in Scotland, and died in 1192 in Scotland. Child of DUBHGHALL CAMPBELL and FINDOIG MACGILMORY is: 3. i. GILLE ESCOIB CAMBELL, b. Abt. 1199, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. 1280, Menstrie, Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Menstrie (Meanstraidh in Scottish Gaelic) is a village in the county of Clackmannanshire in Scotland, UK. It is about 5 miles east-north-east of Stirling. It is one of a string of towns that, because of their location at the base of the Ochil Hills, are collectively referred to as the Hillfoots Villages or simply The Hillfoots. Generation No. 3 3. GILLE ESCOIB CAMBELL (DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Abt. 1199 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died in 1280 in Menstrie, Clackmannanshire, Scotland. He married Erricka of Carrick, aka daughter of DONNCHADH MAC GILBERT and AVELINE (STEWART). She was born Abt. 1201 in St. Clair, Argyll, Scotland, and died in 1280 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. Child of GILLE CAMBELL and AFRAIG is: 4. i. CAILEAN MÓR CAIMBEUL, b. Abt. 1230, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. 1294, String of Lorne, Scotland. Notes for GILLE ESCOIB CAMBELL: http://www.geni.com/people/Gille-Escoib-Cambell/6000000007158928212?through=6000000000437962551 The Campbell family headquarters had been the great castle at Innis Chonnell on Loch Awe, and remained so until the 1400's when Sir Duncan Campbell (great grandson of Sir Colin) moved to Inveraray. He was created Lord Campbell and thereafter a steady string of titles were awarded to the family. His grandson was created Earl of Argyll in 1457. 256 Sir Gillespic Campbell of Menstrie lived at Menstrie, Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Innis Chonnell is an island in Loch Awe, Scotland. On it, Ardchonnel castle dates from the 11th century, and belonged to the ancestors of the Duke of Argyll who was the chief of Clan Campbell. It is now a ruin covered in heather. The saying "It's a far cry to Lochow" came from here, since they often launched attacks from this island. Inveraray (Scottish Gaelic: Inbhir Aora) is a royal burgh in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. It is on the western shore of Loch Fyne, near its head, and on the A83 road. It is the traditional county town of Argyll and ancestral home to the Duke of Argyll. Innis Chonnell, ruins of the castle visible among the trees Generation No. 4, “Colin the Great” 4 4. CAILEAN MÓR CAIMBEUL (GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN) was born Abt. 1230 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died in 1294 at String of Lorne, Scotland. He married JANET ROSSLYN CAIMBEUL (ST CLAIR, SINCLAIR), daughter of JOHN SINCLAIR. She was born in 1232 in Rosslyn Castle, Roslin (read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code for some fun theories about that name and place), Midlothian, Scotland, and died in 1271 in Dunnyglass, Scotland. Cailean Mór Caimbeul, also known as Sir Colin Campbell, the real founder of the family, sixth in descent from the first Gillespie, distinguished himself by his warlike actions, and was knighted about 1281. He added largely to his estates, and on account of his great prowess he obtained the surname of Mohr or More ("great"), hence “Colin the Great.” It was first suggested in the 1970s that Cailean's mother was Afraig, a daughter of Cailean mac Dhonnchaidh, the probable father of Niall, Earl of Carrick. Although it has also been suggested that this Afraig was the daughter of Niall himself, there is no doubt that Afraig was of the family of the Gaelic Earls of Carrick. This means that Cailean himself was the cousin of the future king, Robert I of Scotland (popularly known as Robert the Bruce, was King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329). That relationship explains why the Campbells were so attached to the Bruce cause during the Wars of Scottish Independence. Cailean himself took part in the Great Cause, and was one of the Bruce representative advocates to King Edward I of England in 1291. By 1296, and perhaps by 1293, Cailean held the position of "Ballie" of Loch Awe and Ardscotnish, a position he was granted either by King John Balliol or Edward I of England. It was this position that made him the enemy of his powerful neighbor Iain of Lorn, the MacDougall Lord of Lorne. Cailean defeated him but pursued the victory too eagerly and was slain circa 1294-6 by the MacDougalls at the "Red Ford" on the borders of Loch Awe. So many died in this battle that the stream ran red with their blood, hence the name. Cailean's great fame lies in the fact that the later Earls and Dukes of Argyll claimed descent from him, and styled themselves "Mac Cailein Mór", son or descendant of "Colin the Great". Child of CAILEAN CAIMBEUL and JANET CLAIR is: 5. i. NEIL MACCAILEN MORE CAMPBELL, LORD OF Loch Awe, b. 1258, Argyll, Scotland; d. 1315, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. Generation No. 5 5 5. NEIL MACCAILEN MORE CAMPBELL, LORD OF Loch Awe (CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born in January 1258 in Argyll, Scotland, and died in February 1315 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. He married 1) unknown Crawford, daughter of Andrew Crawford, circa 1303. He married 2) M ARIOTA CAMERON, born in 1260 in Arygll, Scotland and died in 1310 in Loch Awe, Scotland. He married 3) Lady MARY BRUCE circa 1312, b. circa 1282 at Carrick, Galloway, Scotland, died Sept. 22, 1323 at Fearn, Ross & Cromarty, Scotland. Notes for NEIL MACCAILEN MORE CAMPBELL, LORD OF Loch Awe: http://www.geni.com/people/Sir-Neil-Campbell-of-Loch Awe/6000000004533931900?through=6000000002187771183 Niall mac Cailein, also known as Sir Neil Campbell, was a nobleman and warrior who spent his life in the service of King Robert I of Scotland, His Gaelic name means "Niall, Colin's son" since he was the son of Cailean Mór. His services to the king elevated the Campbells into the higher ranks of the Scottish nobility. Niall's earliest appearance in the sources occurs in 1282 on a witness list to a royal charter in favor of Cambuskenneth Abbey. He appears again in 1302, still in the service of the English crown. He was at Westminster in 1305, because his rights were being challenged by a knight called Robert Keith. In Spring 1305, King Edward decided in favor of Keith. In the same year, Edward granted some Campbell lands to an English knight, Sir John Dovedale. Such judgments reflected deteriorating relations with the English crown. So when Robert the Bruce decided to rebel in 1306, it is not surprising that Niall and his brother Domhnall were among the would-be king's first adherents. Niall was present at Scone in March 1306 when Robert was crowned King of Scots. After the defeats Robert 257 suffered at the Battle of Methven and Battle of Dalrigh, Niall was one of the few men who stuck by Robert, as John Barbour testified later in the century. All the evidence suggests that Niall remained in Robert's war band for the years to come, fighting both the Englishside generally and the MacDougalls in the west of Scotland. Niall even acted as a representative of Robert in negotiations with the English crown, on two occasions, in 1309 and 1314. As a reward for his loyal services to King Robert, Niall received his daughter, Mary Bruce, in marriage. By this marriage, Niall and Mary parented a son, Iain. Robert granted the couple the lands confiscated from David Strathbogie, almost certainly so that Iain would eventually become the Earl, which is indeed what happened. This was part of a general policy by Robert of redistributing lands and titles to his close kin. Niall, however, had been married previously, to Mariota Cameron, by whom he had at least two sons, Cailean and Dubhghall. In 1315, King Robert granted the baronies of Loch Awe and Artscotnish to Niall’s son Colin, for the service of a 40oared galley for 40 days per annum. This grant is the real beginning of the Campbell lordship of Loch Awe. Niall left a strong legacy of heroism and royal favor, from which his offspring would benefit enormously. Child of NEIL CAMPBELL and MARIOTA CAMERON is: 6. i. COLIN (CALLEN) OIG CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe, b. 1280, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. May 2, 1342, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. Generation No. 6 6 6. COLIN (CALLEN) OIG CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe (NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born in 1280 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died May 2, 1342 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. He married HELENA CAMPBELL (MOR), daughter of Sir John 'Mor', the son of the Earl of Lennox. She was born in 1285 in Lennox, Dunbartonshire, Scotland, and died in 1356 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. Notes for COLIN (CALLEN) OIG CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe: http://www.geni.com/people/Sir-ColinCampbell/6000000002187771146?through=6000000006444119072 Sir Colin Campbell of Loch Awe gained from King Robert I the title of Lord of Loch Awe [feudal barony] on Feb. 10, 1315, and was granted the lands of Loch Awe along with Ardsheodnish. He accompanied the expedition of King Robert I to Ireland in 1316 to win its throne for the King's brother, Edward Bruce. In 1334 Colin assisted Robert, 7th High Steward of Scotland, to recover the Castle of Dunoon from the English at Argyll, following which he was appointed its Hereditary Keeper, an office still held by the Dukes of Argyll. Child of COLIN CAMPBELL and HELENA (MOR) is: 7. i. SIR ARCHIBALD MORE CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe, b. Abt. 1310, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. 1372, Gillespie, Loch Awe, Scotland. Generation No. 7 7. SIR ARCHIBALD MORE CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe (COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Abt. 1310 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died in 1372 in Gillespie, Loch Awe, Scotland. He married ISABELLA MARY LAMONT, daughter of Sir JOHN LAMONT and JOAN LAMONT. She was born Abt. 1318 in Lamont, Locow, Argyll, Scotland, and died in 1364 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland. Notes for SIR ARCHIBALD MORE CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe: http://www.geni.com/people/Lord-Archibald-Campbell/6000000006444119072?through=6000000004292884017 Archibald (or Gillespic) Campbell, Lord of Loch Awe, was granted several forfeited estates in 1343, and received also from Mary, Countess of Menteith, a grant of Kilmun, confirmed by charter of King David II Oct. 11, 1363 (David II, son of King Robert I, was King of Scots from 1329 until his death in 1371). He was an M.P. (Member of Parliament) and in June 1368 he was directed to come to the King to be bound to keep the peace and restrain marauders on other lands. At the same time it was proposed that the King and Court should pass through his lands in connection with the price of the wool to be purchased for payment of the King's ransom to England (David II was captured by the English and returned for a ransom). On March 26, 1371 Archibald paid homage at Scone to Robert II, nephew of David II and his successor as King. Robert II granted him Loch Gilp, Earndrome, Loch Melfort and Loch Longe with half the dues of ward and relief within that district. Child of SIR CAMPBELL and ISABELLA LAMONT is: 8. i. COLIN "LONGANTACH" CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe, b. Abt. 1344, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. Abt. 1370, Loch Awe, Scotland. 258 Generation No. 8, “Colin the Wonderful” 8 8. COLIN "LONGANTACH" CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe (SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Abt. 1344 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died circa 1412 in Loch Awe. He married MARIOTA LADY ARGYLL, daughter of JOHN CAMPBELL, OF ARDSCOTNISH AND GLEN ORCHY. She was born Abt. 1348 and died in 1420. Notes for COLIN "LONGANTACH" CAMPBELL, OF Loch Awe: http://www.geni.com/people/ColinCampbell/6000000004285745820?through=6000000011278176623 Colin "Iongarrlach" (the Wonderful) received a charter in 1361 from his kinswoman Christina heiress of Dugald of Craignish to lands in Craignish. In 1364 he had a deed of gift from Robert Erskine of Erskine to Menstrie belonging to the son of John Campbell of Menstrie. He obtained a grant from Robert II to land in Nether Cowal June 20, 1404. He also had a charter from Robert, Duke of Albany to the lands of Strachachy in the barony of Cowal Stewart and of all other lands which he held of the Earl of Menteith dated May 5, 1409. These grants were mostly in reward for his assisting the King in restraining the incursions of the Highlanders who had invaded the western parts of the country. Child of COLIN CAMPBELL and MARIOTA ARGYLL is: 9. i. DUNCAN9 CAMPBELL, 1ST LORD CAMPBELL, b. 1390, Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland; d. August 12, 1453, Scotland. Generation No. 9 9. DUNCAN9 CAMPBELL, 1ST LORD CAMPBELL (COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was head of Clan Campbell for 40 years. He was born in 1390 in Loch Awe, Argyll, Scotland, and died August 12, 1453 in Scotland. He married MARGARET STEWART, daughter of SIR ADGOWAN and ELIZABETH GRAHAM. She was born in 1397 in Ardgowan, Scotland, and died March 4, 1459/60 in Scotland. Notes for Duncan "Na-Adh" Campbell, 1st Lord Campbell: Sir Duncan Campbell, who served as his majesty’s justice general, one of his privy counsel, and lieutenant with the shire of Argyll during the reigns of James I (King of Scots, 1394 –1437), and James II (King of Scots, 1430 –1460). By the latter he was made high chancellor of Scotland, and in 1445 he was summoned to parliament by the title lord Campbell. His first wife was the lady Margaret, daughter of Robert, duke of Albany, governor of Scotland. Their children were Celestine (who died young), Archibald, and Sir Colin Campbell. His second wife, also named Margaret, was daughter of Sir John Stewart of Blackhill. Their sons were Duncan, Neil, and Arthur. Duncan succeeded his father Colin about 1414. In March 1440 Sir Duncan le Cambel, knight, Lord of Loch Awe granted a charter to the church of Dunnovyng or Dunoon giving one half mark from his lands in Ardenaslate for wax candles to be lit before the image of the Virgin Mary in the church in behalf of the souls of his grandfather celestin Cambel and Isabella Lamont his wife, his father Colin Cambel, his mother Mariota, daughter of M'Cwill Cambel, his late wife Marcellina Stewart, his present wife Margaret Stewart and the soul of Celestin, lately his son and heir. The writ is dated Dunoon castle March 12, 1439 and was witnessed by his wife Margaret and his sons Nigel and Colin. Duncan's closeness to the Albany Stewarts led to King James I of Scotland viewing him with some suspicion, and James sent Duncan south as a hostage in England. The documentary record calls him Campbell of Argyll, and gives his share of the liability for the king's ransom as 1500 merks, more than any other hostage save one. In time Duncan and the king were somewhat reconciled and following James's assassination Duncan was among the supporters of Queen Dowager Joan. During the minority of King James II, Duncan professed support and loyalty to the regency, while constantly expanding his power in Argyll, often at the expense of the Crown. He was nevertheless knighted before March 1440 and created a Lord of Parliament as Lord Campbell of Loch Awe by James II in 1445. His second son by his wife Margaret, Colin, was the founder of the Campbell of Glenorchy and Breadalbane line. His other sons by his second marriage, Archibald, Duncan, and Neil, created the Campbell septs of Otter, Kilmichael and Ormidale, respectively. His grandson Colin, son of his only child by his first wife, Gillespic (Archibald) (d. 1440), succeeded him as Chief of the Clan Campbell and continued Duncan's efforts to increase their power. 259 St Munns Church and medieval tower, with the northern Holy Loch in the background Medieval tower of collegiate church at Kilmun Duncan died between February 1453 and 21 May 1454, and was buried in a magnificent sculptured tomb in the collegiate church at Kilmun which he and Margaret Stewart had founded in 1442 for prebendaries (cathedral administrators) to pray for the souls of his first born son and his first wife, Marjoy. The church was badly damaged by the Lamonts in 1646 when they massacred all those taking refuge in the tower (which is still standing). The site is now called St. Munn’s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Munn%27s_Parish_Church St Munn's Parish Church is a Category A listed building in Kilmun on the Cowal Peninsula, Scotland. This church occupies the summit of a slight knoll about ten meters from the shoreline of the Holy Loch. The existing building of 1841 is on the site of a medieval parish church, endowed as a collegiate church in 1442 by Sir Duncan Campbell of Loch Awe, and a tower of that period stands to the west of the present building. At the north-east side of the church there is a mausoleum of the Campbell Dukes of Argyll. Rebuilt in 1795-6, it houses the effigy of Sir Duncan Campbell (died 1453) in full armor. There is a second effigy, of a female, probably Campbell's second wife, Margaret, daughter of Sir John Stewart of Ardgowan. Child of DUNCAN CAMPBELL and MARGARET STEWART is: 10. i. COLIN CAMPBELL, 1ST LORD OF GLENORCHY, b. Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyll, Scotland; d. 1475, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. Generation No. 10 10 10. COLIN CAMPBELL, 1ST LORD OF GLENORCHY (DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLI11) was born in 1425 in Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyll, Scotland, and died Sept. 24, 1475 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. In 1453 he married JANET STEWART. She was born in 1419 in Scotland, and died Sept. 24, 1475 in Scotland. Child of COLIN CAMPBELL and JANET STEWART is: 11. i. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, b. 1455, Kilchurn Castle, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland; d. Sept. 9, 1513, Battle of Flodden Field, Branxton, Northumberland, England. 260 Generation No. 11 11 11. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY (COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born in 1455 in Kilchurn Castle, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland, and died Sept. 9, 1513 in the Battle of Flodden Field, Branxton, Northumberland, England, and is buried at Kilmun, Argyll and Bute, Scotland. In 1479 he married MARGARET DOUGLAS. She was born in 1456 in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland, and died in Scotland. Kilchurn Castle is a ruined 15th century structure on the northeastern end of Loch Awe, in Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Flodden Memorial at the site of the battle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Flodden The Battle of Flodden or Flodden Field or occasionally Battle of Branxton was fought in the county of Northumberland in northern England on Sept. 9, 1513, between an invading Scots army under King James IV and an English army commanded by the Earl of Surrey. It ended in victory for the English army, and was the largest battle in numbers fought between the two nations. James IV was himself killed in the battle, becoming the last British monarch to suffer such a fate. As the nineteenth century antiquarian John Riddell supposed, nearly every noble family in Scotland would have lost a member at Flodden. The dead are remembered by the song (and pipe tune) "The Flowers of the Forest". Child of DUNCAN CAMPBELL and MARGARET DOUGLAS is: 12. i. SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF GLENORCHY, b. Jan. 6, 1479/80, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland; d. Aug. 12, 1523, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. Generation No. 12 12 12. SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF GLENORCHY (DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Jan. 6, 1479/80 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland, and died Aug. 12, 1523 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. He married MARJORY STEWART, daughter of JOHN STEWART and ELEANOR SINCLAIR. She was born in 1486 in Balveny, Fifeshire, Scotland, and died July 26, 1524 on the Island of Lochtay, Perthshire. Child of SIR COLIN and MARJORY STEWART is: 13. i. COLIN CAMPBELL, 6TH OF GLENORCHY AND ARKINGLASS, b. Abt. 1515, Argyll, Glenorchy, Scotland; d. April 11, 1583, Balloch, Scotland. Generation No. 13, “Grey Colin” 13. COLIN13 CAMPBELL, 6TH OF GLENORCHY AND ARKINGLASS (SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Abt. 1515 in Argyll, Glenorchy, Scotland, and died April 11, 1583 in Balloch, Scotland. He married K ATHERINE RUTHVEN, daughter of SIR WILLIAM RUTHVEN and JANET HALYBURTON. She was born Abt. 1525 in Kynnard, Perth, Scotland, and died September 1580 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. Child of COLIN CAMPBELL and KATHERINE RUTHVEN is: 14. i. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, 7TH LAIRD OF GLENORCHY, b. Aug. 7, 1550, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland; d. June 23, 1631, Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyll, Scotland. 261 Generation No. 14, “Duncan of the Castles” 14 14. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, 7TH LAIRD OF GLENORCHY (COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Aug. 7, 1550 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland, and died June 23, 1631 in Glenorchy, Lorn, Argyll, Scotland. On Nov. 18, 1573 he married Jean/Janet STEWART, daughter of JOHN STEWART, 4th Earl of Atholl, lord chancellor of Scotland, and MARGARET FLEMING. Jean was born in 1557 in Atholl, Argyll, Scotland, and died in September 1593 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. He married 2) Elizabeth Sinclair, only daughter of Patrick, 5th Lord Sinclair, and by her had two sons and four daughters. Duncan is buried at Finlarig, Scotland. He was the eldest son of "Grey Colin" Campbell, whom he succeeded in 1583. He was knighted c. 1590 on the occasion of the King's marriage. He had a long and successful career as the 7th Laird of Glenorchy. But he was chiefly known for his building of castles. These were: Finlarig, at the west end of Loch Tay; Achalader, on the north end of his lands, guarding the entrance to Rannoch; Lochdochart, on an island in the loch of that name; and Barcaldine, in Benderloch. In addition, he repaired and added to Kilchurn Castle. Because of this, he went by the name of 'Duncan of the Castles.'" He was also known as Black Duncan and Black Duncan of the Cowl. Castle Finlarig Castle Barcaldine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finlarig_Castle Finlarig Castle is an early 17th century castle standing on a mound on a peninsula between the River Lochay and Loch Tay, roughly 1 kilometer north of Killin in highland Perthshire, Scotland. Built in 1629, the castle is an L-plan tower-house, formerly protected by an outer enclosure or barmekin, which is now in a dangerously ruinous condition. It was one of many strongholds built in Argyll and Perthshire by the Campbells of Breadalbane. The castle was visited by Rob Roy MacGregor in 1713. Near the Castle's north wall is a stone-lined pit which, legend has it, was used for beheading prisoners of noble blood. Expert opinion suggests that the pit was actually a water cistern, but that doesn't make quite such an interesting tale. Commoners were hanged on a nearby oak tree. Near the Castle are the remnants of the Breadalbane Mausoleum, a mock-Tudor chapel erected in 1829. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcaldine_Castle Barcaldine Castle is a 17th century tower house castle located at Barcaldine near Oban, Scotland, built between 1601 and 1609. Ruins of Achallader Castle The castle fell into disrepair in the later 19th century, when Barcaldine House became the principal residence of the family. It was restored between 1897-1911 and now operates as a hotel. 262 The ghost of Sir Duncan Campbell is said to have been spotted roaming Barcaldine searching for the man who murdered him. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achallader_Castle) on Duncan's acquisitin of Achallader Castle: Achallader Castle is a ruined 16th century tower house about 3.5 miles north of Bridge of Orchy, Argyll, Scotland. Tradition - It is said that when the Fletchers owned Achallader, Sir Duncan Campbell ordered an English servant (or soldier) to pasture his horse in the Fletchers’ corn. When warned off by the Fletchers - in Gaelic - he did not understand; when he did not remove his horse they shot him. Black Duncan, affecting concern that the Fletcher laird would be hanged for the killing, advised him to flee to France. Before he fled he passed the property to Black Duncan, supposedly until his return, to prevent it being forfeited to the Crown. The Fletchers never recovered the property. Bearing in mind that Wikipedia entries can be edited anonymously by anyone, the following angry retort was found tacked onto the preceding paragraph: “Yes this may well be the tradition however the real truth is that Black Duncan knew there was a change in the law coming so he sent our chief off, claimed the land and then massacred our clan at Glen Aray in the wee Hamlet of Drimfern. This perpetuation of the great Campbell name is nauseating. The chief should hand the castle back because deception is a criminal offence and he has inherited land that was taken by deception.” Child of “Black” DUNCAN CAMPBELL and JEAN STEWART is: 15. i. SIR ROBERT CAMPBELL, 9TH LAIRD,3RD BARONET OF GL, b. 1575, Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland; d. November 17, 1657, Down, Ireland. Generation No. 15 15. SIR ROBERT15 CAMPBELL, 9TH LAIRD, 3RD BARONET OF GLENORCHY (DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born in 1575 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland, and died Nov. 17, 1657 in County Down, Ireland. He married ISOBEL ELIZABETH MACKINTOSH, daughter of LACHLAN MACINTOCH and AGNES MACKENZIE. She was born in 1583 in Torecastle, Dunnackton, Scotland, and died Dec. 24, 1667 in Glenorchy, Scotland. http://www.geni.com/people/Sir-Robert-Campbell/6000000008630789217?through=6000000002006087068 A contract for the marriage of Sir Robert Campbell of Glenorchy, 3rd Bt. and Isabel Macintosh was signed on 16 December 1605. Sir Robert was also known as Robert Campbell of Glenfalloch. He held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.) for Argyll [Scotland] between 1639 and 1641 and from 1643 to 1649. He succeeded to the title of 3rd Baronet Campbell, of Glenorchy, co. Perth [N.S., 1625] on 6 September 1640. He had eight daughters. Among the children of SIR ROBERT CAMPBELL and ISOBEL MACKINTOSH is: 16. i. JOHN16 CAMPBELL, 10TH LAIRD OF GLENORCHY, 4TH BT., b. 1607, Glenorchy, Scotland; d. June 1686, Falkland, Fife, Scotland. Generation No. 16 16. JOHN16 CAMPBELL, 10TH LAIRD OF GLENORCHY, 4TH BT. (SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born in 1607 in Glenorchy, Scotland, and died in June 1686 in Falkland, Fife, Scotland. Around 1635 he married 1) Mary Graham, first daughter of WILLIAM AIRTH and AGNES GRAY. She was born in the early 1600s in Airth, Menteith, Scotland, and died January 28, 1653. He married 2) Christian, daughter of John Muschet, of Craighead in Monteith. Sir John was M.P. for Argyllshire, 1661-63. Notes for JOHN CAMPBELL, 10TH LAIRD OF GLENORCHY, 4TH BT.: http://www.geni.com/people/John-Campbell/6000000002006087068?through=5202341201150126692 http://www.geni.com/documents/view/6000000002006087068?doc_id=6000000013842434001 Child of JOHN CAMPBELL and MARY GRAHAM is: i. JOHN17 CAMPBELL, 1ST EARL OF BREADALBANE, b. July 17, 1635, Breadalbane, Scotland; d. March 19, 1716/17. 17. Generation No. 17 17 17. JOHN CAMPBELL, 1ST EARL OF BREADALBANE (JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born July 17, 1635 in Breadalbane, Scotland, and died March 19, 1717. He married M ARY RICH, daughter of HENRY RICH and ISABEL COPE. She was born in 1636 in Kensington, London, England, and died February 8, 1665/66 in Glenorchy, Argyll, Scotland. 263 Notes for JOHN CAMPBELL, 1ST EARL OF BREADALBANE: http://www.geni.com/people/John-Campbell/5202341201150126692?through=5202297265110062001 http://histfam.familysearch.org/getperson.php?personID=I161607&tree=Nixon http://thepeerage.com/p15041.htm#i150406 Excerpts from the Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell,_1st_Earl_of_Breadalbane_and_Holland: He was a member of Scottish nobility during the Glorious Revolution and Jacobite risings and also known as 'Slippery John'. An astutely political man, Campbell was one of the men implicated in the Massacre of Glencoe. He sat in the Scottish parliament as member for Argyllshire from 1669 to 1674. In October 1672, as principal creditor to George Sinclair, 6th Earl of Caithness, he obtained the inheritance of his lands and properties. After the 6th Earl's death without heirs; he became Earl of Caithness and Viscount of Breadalbane. In 1678 he married the former Earl's widow, Mary Campbell, the Countess of Caithness, an economical step which saved him his obligation to pay her 12,000 marks a year. In 1681 Campbell obtained a new patent which made him Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, Viscount of Tay and Paintland, and Lord Glenorchy, Benederloch, Ormelie and Wick, in the Peerage of Scotland, with special power to nominate his successor from among the sons of his first wife. Breadalbane had a reputation for double-dealing which led to a lasting belief that he had a direct hand in the Massacre of the Macdonalds of Glen Coe in February 1692. In reality he was one of the few men to recognize the political damage the episode caused in the Highlands. However, the discovery of his negotiations with the Jacobite chiefs caused his imprisonment in Edinburgh Castle in September, but he was released when it was known that he had been acting with William's knowledge. On the occasion of the Jacobite rising in 1715 he excused himself on 19 September from obeying the summons to appear at Edinburgh on the ground of his age and infirmity. He had taken money to provide 1200 men to the uprising, and only sent 300. His 300 men were withdrawn after the Battle of Sheriffmuir, and his death in 1717 removed the need for an inquiry into his conduct. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadalbane,_Scotland Breadalbane —from Scottish Gaelic Bràghad Albainn, "the upper part of Alba"—is a region of the southern/central Scottish Highlands in Atholl. Clan Campbell has a Breadalbane branch. It is retained in the title of Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, and later, the Marquess of Breadalbane. The Breadalbane Gathering is a popular 2/4 March tune for the Great Highland Bagpipes. Much of Breadalbane is in the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. Ben More is the highest mountain in the national park. Child of JOHN CAMPBELL and MARY RICH is: 18. i. JOHN18 CAMPBELL, b. November 19, 1662, London, Middlesex, Richmond Upon Thames, England; d. February 23, 1751/52, Abby, Holyroodhouse, Scotland. Breadalbane Hills in winter Main geographical divisions of Scotland Atholl district in Scotland 264 Generation No. 18 18. JOHN18 CAMPBELL (JOHN17, JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN(CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Nov. 19, 1662 in London, Middlesex, Richmond Upon Thames, England, and died Feb. 23, 1751/52 in Abby, Holyroodhouse, Scotland. He married FRANCES CAVENDISH, daughter of HENRY CAVENDISH and FRANCES PIERREPONT. She was born June 25, 1660 in Newcastle, Scotland, and died Feb. 4, 1689/90 in Scotland. Information about the place where John Campbell died, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holyroodhouse The Palace of Holyroodhouse, commonly referred to as Holyrood Palace, is the official residence of the monarch in Scotland. The palace stands at the bottom of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, at the opposite end to Edinburgh Castle. Holyrood Abbey was founded by David I, King of Scots in 1128, and Holyrood Palace has served as the principal residence of the Kings and Queens of Scots since the 15th century. Queen Elizabeth II spends one week in residence at Holyrood Palace at the beginning of each summer, where she carries out a range of official engagements and ceremonies. The palace is open to the public throughout the year, except when members of the Royal Family are in residence. Holyrood Palace front with the abbey ruins and 16th-century north-west tower on the left Child of JOHN CAMPBELL and FRANCES CAVENDISH is: 19. i. DOUGLAS NEIL19 CAMPBELL, b. 1722, Scotland; d. 1756, Scotland. Generation No. 19, Emmigration from Scotland 19. DOUGLAS NEIL19 CAMPBELL (JOHN18, JOHN17, JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born in 1722 in Scotland, and died in 1756 in America. He married MARY RICHARDS. She was born in 1726 in Scotland, and died May 2, 1751 in England. Why did this man immigrate to America when he was born into a long established noble family of Scotland? The 1939 book Our Campbell Ancestors, 1742-1937, by Sarah E. Temple, states, “Information comes from the family of Samuel (b. 1775, d. 1828, 4 th child of John and Hester Campbell [see next entry, Genration No. 20]). In an effort to preserve history there was recorded in the family Bible ‘Samuel, son of John, son of Cornelius or Neil, son of Duncan, leader of the Black Duncan Clan never conquered.’ A granddaughter of John’s, in copying the entry, included as a heading ‘This man’s name was Dugan (Duncan or Nealy)’. Samuel’s eighth child was Samuel Neil, b. 1816. The use of the name Neil is significant. Samuel Neil’s son, Eddy M. Campbell, b. 1856, took much interest in his lineage, and supplied the following information, probably in an effort to account for the ‘Neil’ in his father’s name. ‘It was Niel, or Cornelius, Campbell who, in 1746, after the Battle of Culloden (in which the Stuarts were overthrown and the Commonwealth established) became, through the death of his brother, next in line for succession to the Dukedom of Argyle. His loyalty to the Stuarts procured for him the dislike of Cromwell and he resigned his commission as Admiral in the English Navy and renounced all claims to the title and estate of the Duke of Argyle.’ Family tradition also held that there were domestic and religious differences between him and his relatives which probably caused him to go to America about 1750.” You may have noticed in the preceding paragraph that “Neil or Cornelius” does not make a very good match with Douglas Neil Campbell, the name this book gives as the husband of Mary Richards and the father of John Colrin Campbell. Helping the case a little is a passage from page 18 of Our Campbell Ancestors: “Jonathan Campbell, grandson of John and Hester Campbell (through their 10th child) stated at his golden wedding celebration…that his great-grandfather’s name was Douglas Neal.” Children of DOUGLAS CAMPBELL and MARY RICHARDS are: 20. i. JOHN COLRIN20 CAMPBELL, b. April 3, 1742, Killin, Scotland; d. March 19, 1824, Mt. Holly, Warren Co., OH. ii. Mary Campbell Clark iv. Samuel Campbell iii. James Douglas Campbell v. Hester Campbell Pierce 265 Generation No. 20, The American Revolution 20. JOHN COLRIN20 CAMPBELL (DOUGLAS NEIL19, JOHN18, JOHN17, JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born April 3, 1742 in Killin, Scotland, and died March 19, 1824 in Mt. Holly, Warren Co., Ohio. He married HESTER A. CLARK, daughter of HENRY CLARK and ELIZABETH UNDERHILL. She was born July 7, 1748 in Nottingham, Chester Co., Penn., and died Jan. 29, 1818 in Mt. Holly. John and Hester are buried in Mt. Holly Cemetery, aka the Old Bethel Cemetery, Wayne Township, Warren County, OH. Notes for JOHN and HESTER CLARK CAMPBELL: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/MtHolly/mtholly.htm In the American Revolutionary War, John Campbell served in the South Carolina Militia under Col. Thomas Brandon from 1775 to 1783. Plaques in the Mount Holly/Old Bethel cemetery commemorate him and other veterans. The Mount Holly cemetery started as a burial ground on the farm of John Campbell and later became the Old Bethel Cemetery in Mount Holly. At one time there was a Methodist church adjacent to the graveyard but no signs of the church building remain. The cemetery is set back off the road surrounded by farmland. The cemetery was "restored" in the mid 1920s. Cemetery readings list about 130 burials dating from 1818 through 1897. The first known burial in the cemetery was that of Hester Clark Campbell in 1818. Directions to the cemetery: From State Route 73 in Waynesville, go North on US Route 42 for 4.0 miles; left on N. Cincinnati Columbus Road for 0.16 miles; left on first road on left (more like a path heading straight west). GPS Coordinates: 39°33' 47" N 084° 02' 03" W Notes for HESTER CLARK CAMPBELL: http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/QUAKER-ROOTS/1997-12/0882078253 Her husband John was not a Quaker and this caused her difficulty for years. Monthly Quaker meeting records, Warrington, York Co., PA, state: "Esther Clark complained of, Aug. 12, 1769, for marriage by a priest to-one not a member". On Sept. 9, 1769 she was disowned by the Society. She asked for reinstatement on Feb. 12, 1774, when she "offered acknowledgment of marriage out of meeting" and asked for a certificate of membership to Bush River, SC. Certificate granted April 9, 1774. Plaque at Old Bethel Cemetery, Warren Co., Ohio Grave marker at Old Bethel Cemetery, Warren Co., Ohio. It replaced the original small and humble marker. Children of JOHN CAMPBELL and HESTER CLARK are: i. James Campbell, b. July 19, 1769 Pa., d. 1816 – m. Elizabeth Parnell, b. 1779 to James Parnell & Esther Townsend. ii. Henry Campbell, b. May 24, 1771 S.C., d. Oct. 13, 1838 – m. Margaret Darby. iii. Elizabeth Campbell, May 8, 1773 – Sept. 16, 1848 – m. Samuel Martindale. iv. Samuel Campbell April 15, 1775 - Sep 25, 1828 – m. Peggy (Margaret) Cobb. v. Mary Campbell, Jan. 13, 1777 - 1801 – m. Joseph Little. 266 21. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Jonathan C Campbell, Sept. 8, 1778 – Jan. 18, 1849 – m. Rachel Burns. Lillice Campbell, May 1, 1780 – April 13, 1847 – m. Zadock Hurley. “KITTY”21 CAMPBELL, b. March 2, 1782, Warren, OH; d. September 4, 1856. Rachel Campbell, March 2, 1782 - Feb 19, 1822 – m. 1) Matthew Compton & 2) Samuel Owen; twin to Kitty. John C Campbell Nov. 5, 1785 – March 28, 1854 – m. 1) Mary Carson/Cason & 2) Lydia Pearson Rebecca Campbell, March 24, 1791 - 1850 – m. Benjamin Allen Jeremiah Campbell, Sept. 11, 1793 – The 1939 book Our Campbell Ancestors, 1742-1937, by Sarah E. Temple, provides a fuller account of John’s Revolutionary War story. He served on both sides, starting on the British side and switching to the American side. On page 26 the book states two variant accounts of John’s dual service existed in the family by oral tradition: First Account: “During the War John Campbell and two other men were standing talking together when a guard of British soldiers rode up to them and sked who they were for. One said ‘America’ and was shot down where he stood. The others (including John) said ‘King George.’ They were taken past their homes and forcibly sworn into the British Army. After that, John Campbell did not see his family for ten months, although he was only thirty miles from them, and twin daughters were born during his absence [Editor: The birth of Kitty and Rachel establishes the year as 1782, conflicting with the earlier statement that he served on the American side from 1775 to 1783]. Meanwhile he became convinced that the Americans were right, and would win, assisted, as they seemed to be, by a higher power. Acting on his own conviction, at a time when he and his command were obliged to retreat, he stumbled and fell into a dry mill race. With quick thought he took off and concealed his red coat, apprpriated the clothing of a dead American and quit the British forces, entirely.” Second account: “Soon after the beginning of the Revolution he joined the British forces and fought in the interests of the King of England. He came to feel that there was justice in the claim of those who intended to make America their home the the country should be politically independent. Finally, because of conscientious scruples and a great faith in prayer, he abandoned his first affiliation and joined the opposing army. “One evening, about dusk, having meditated on what course to pursue, he determined then and there to forsake the one force and join the other. There seemed but one way to accomplish his purpose. He pulled his sword from its sheath and cut a swath through the men about him, saying, ‘Let us die like men and not like dogs.’ As he reached the border of the camp, he tripped and fell. At the same time a bullet flew over his head. It was natural, when they saw him fall, to think that he had been shot, so they left him to die, feeling there was one less traitor to combat. John felt that Providence had spared his life. “When all was quiet, he stealthily crept to a log and lay against it, until he felt he would be safe in making his escape. As he lay waiting, two Tories came and sat on the log by which he was hiding. In their conversation they talked of him, John, and how he had been shot in his effort to escape. Fortunately they quietly walked away, without discovering him and he was free to seek the ranks of their enemy, whom he joined in their fight for liberty.” Concerning John’s wife Hester Clark Campbell, Our Campbell Ancestors states her grandfather Jonathan Clark “came from England about 1690 to William Penn’s Quaker Colony.” It says the papers for the 1741 marriage of Jonathan’s son Henry Clark to Elizabeth Underhill (Hester’s parents) describe Henry as “son of Jonahan Clark, late of the County of Cecil and Province of Maryland.” Furthermore, John Campbell grew up in the Clark home and upon reaching manhood married their only daughter Hester. Generation No. 21 21. HESTER “KITTY”21 CAMPBELL (JOHN COLRIN20, DOUGLAS NEIL19, JOHN18, JOHN17, JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born March 2, 1782 and died Sept. 4, 1856 at Attica, Fountain County, Indiana. She married ISAAC WALDRIP Jan. 30, 1806 in Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio, son of J OHN WALDRIP and TABITHA PARRISH. He was born June 28, 1779 in Newberry County, SC, and died Sept. 28, 1847 in Lexington, Holmes Co., Mississippi. Accounts of his name seem to use Waldrip, Waldrup and Waldrop interchangeably, but as far as I’m concerned his grave marker settles the matter with the first spelling. Kitty and Isaac Waldrip are buried in Bethel Cemetery, Attica, Fountain Co., Indiana. "Pioneers who first set their stakes here were from Ohio, but most of them originally resided and were probably natives of Virginia, the Carolinas and Pennsylvania. ... In 1827, Isaac Waldrup bought land [in Davis Twp., Fountain Co., IN], and the next year brought his family in." From Chapter 20/21 (no pagination in this book), “Past and Present of Fountain and Warren Counties, Indiana," Ed. by Thomas A. Clifton. B. F. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, In, 1913. Children of KITTY CAMPBELL and ISAAC WALDRIP are: 22. i. PRUDENCE22 WALDRIP, b. 1804, New Jersey; d. 1841, Benton, Elkhart County, Indiana. ii. LARKIN WALDRIP. iii. WILLIAM WALDRIP, b. Jan. 11, 1818 Warren County, Ohio, d. Aug. 20, 1891 Attica, Fountain County, Indiana. On March 14, 1839 m. 1) Rebecca Ann Dickson. On June 5, 1841 m. 2) Jane Ann Shipps, b. 1818, d. 1897. Six children. He, Jane and son Isaac are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Attica, Fountain County, Indiana. iv. HENRY WALDRIP. 267 Generation No. 22 22 21 22. PRUDENCE WALDRIP (HESTER CAMPBELL, JOHN COLRIN20, DOUGLAS NEIL19, JOHN18, JOHN17, JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born Jan. 10, 1804 in New Jersey, and died May 6, 1841 in Benton, Elkhart County, Indiana. She married THOMAS LEWIS in 1838 in Benton, son of JOHN LEWIS and MARTHA KELLY. He was born June 25, 1801 in Clark County, Indiana, and died Feb. 25, 1862. Prudence is buried in Roberts Chapel Cemetery, Bartholomew County, Indiana. Children of PRUDENCE WALDRIP and THOMAS LEWIS are: i. Rachel Lewis, b. 1823, d. 1832. ii. Hannah Lewis, b. 1829 Ohio, d. 1910 Minn. iii. Wesley Lewis, b. November 27, 1830, Warren, Indiana; d. 1916, Fountain County, Indiana; m. HANNAH COX; b. Abt. 1840, Missouri. iv. Zamna Lewis, b. 1833 Benton County, Indiana, male. v. Preston Appleberry Lewis, b. 1835. vi. Cynthia Ann Lewis, b. abt 1837 Benton County, Indiana, d. Feb. 8, Hannah Cox Black Lewis & Wesley Lewis 1863 Tehama, Calif., m. James Runyan, b. 1865, children Mary, Arthur & Cynthia. vii. Esther Lewis, b. May 28, 1839, Benton County, near Oxford, Indiana; d. Oct. 21, 1919, Union, Hardin County IA. viii. William Lewis, b. abt 1826 Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio, d. 1904. ix. Isaac Waldrip Lewis, b.Sept. 20, 1827 Clark, Holmes Co., Ohio, d. Jan. 14, 1908 Oak Grove Township, Benton Co., Indiana; father of Morris, David, Jennie, Homer, Frank, Mary, Sarah and Thomas. x. Zimri Lewis, b. 1833 Benton County, Indiana, male. Generation No. 23 23 22 23. ESTHER LEWIS (PRUDENCE WALDRIP, HESTER21 CAMPBELL, JOHN COLRIN20, DOUGLAS NEIL19, JOHN18, JOHN17, JOHN16, SIR ROBERT15, DUNCAN14, COLIN13, SIR COLIN CAMPBELL OF12 GLENORCHY, DUNCAN11 CAMPBELL, 2ND EARL OF GLENORCHY, COLIN10, DUNCAN9, COLIN "LONGANTACH"8, SIR ARCHIBALD MORE7, COLIN (CALLEN) OIG6, NEIL MACCAILEN MORE5, CAILEAN MÓR4 CAIMBEUL, GILLE ESCOIB3 CAMBELL, DUBHGHALL2 CAMPBELL, COLIN1) was born May 28, 1839 in Benton County, near Oxford, Indiana, and died October 21, 1919 in the home of son Daniel, Union, Hardin County IA. She married MELVIN LEVI RASH March 22, 1857 in Richland Twp, Keokuk County, Iowa, son of R OBERT RASH and SETHA BRYANT. He was born March 28, 1828 in East Bend, Wilkes Co., North Carolina, and died Jan. 9, 1913 in Union Twp, Hardin County, Iowa. For more about Esther and Melvin Rash and their children, see page 84. Esther Lewis Rash With Esther marrying Melvin, the Campbell genealogy intersects with the Rash genealogy. See pages 73 and 84. Through Esther a long Scottish heritage is added to our family, dating back to 1122. 268 Descendants of John Adams Generation No. 1 1. John AP Adams was born circa 1272 at Charlton Adam, a village in the county of Somerset, England and died in 1343. He married Alice AP Adams, born circa 1272, daughter of John Adams and Elizabeth DeGournai. Note: The prefix AP means “son of”. Child of John AP Adams and Alice Ap Adams: i. William AP Adams, 1300-1342 Generation No. 2 2. William AP Adams was born circa 1300 at Chepstow, a town in the county of Monmouthshire, Wales, England and died in 1342. He married Margery adams, born circa 1306 at Chepstow and died in 1332 in England. Children of William Ap Adams and Margery: i. John Ap Adams, Kt. ii. Sir John AP Adams, Lord of Beverstone IV, 1327-1370 Generation No. 3 3. Sir John ap Adams, Lord of Beverstone IV was born circa 1327 and died in 1370 in the county of Gloucestershire, England. He married Lady Millicent Ap Adams (Bessylls), born in 1334 at Chepstow and died in 1388 in Gloucestershire, daughter of Sir Mathew Besylls and Lady Elizabeth Bessylls. Somerset (the dark area) is a ceremonial and nonmetropolitan county in South West England. Children of Sir John ap Adams, Lord of Beverstone IV and Lady Millicent Ap Adams (Bessylls): i. Sir John AP Adams, 1359-1424 ii. Thomas AP Adams, 1350-1379 iii. Elizabeth AP Adams, b. 1361 Generation No. 4 4. John AP Adams, Lord of Beverstone, was born circa 1359 in Monmouthshire, Wales, and died in 1424 at Beverston, a village in the Cotswold district of Gloucestershire, a county in southwest England. He married Clara Powell, born circa 1364 at Gloucestershire, England and died in 1392 at Beverston. Child of Sir John Adams and Clara Powell: i. Roger Powell Adams, 1392-1422 Generation No. 5 5. Roger Powell Adams was born in 1392 at Beverston and died in 1422. He married Jane Ellyott, born in 1394 at Beverston and died in 1422 at Beverston, daughter of Thomas Ellyott. Child of Roger Powell Adams and Jane Ellyott: i. Thomas Adams, 1422-1452 Generation No. 6 Above, the Cotswold district shown within Gloucestershire, a county in South West England. Beverston (also spelled Beverstone) is a village and civil parish in the Cotswold district. It is home to Beverston Castle. 6. Thomas Adams was born in 1422 at Beverston and died in 1452 at Beverston. He married Marie Upton, born in 1424 and died in 1452 at Beverston, daughter of Thomas Upton and Joanna Trelawney. Children of Thomas Adams and Marie Upton: i. John Avril Adams I, 1452-1483 ii. Randall Adams, 1454-1505 269 Generation No. 7 7. John Avril Adams I was born in 1452 at Barton St. David (those three words go together, no comma), a village on the River Brue in Somerset, a county in southwest England, and died in 1483 at Beverston. He married Jane Rannelegh, born in 1454 at Beverston and died in 1484 at Beverston. Children of John Adams I and Jane Rannelegh: i. John Robert Adams II, 1482-1557 ii. Isabel Adams, 1484-1500 iii. Robert Adams, 1484-1557 Generation No. 8 8. John Robert Adams II was born in 1482 at Dartmouth, a town in the county of Devon in England, and died Aug. 2, 1557 at Barton St David, and is buried in Barton Saint David Cemetery. He married Catherine Stebbing. She was born in 1495 at Dartmouth and died at Barton St David, where she is buried. She was the daughter of John Small Stebbing and Alice Stebbing Borroridge. Beverston Castle Children of John Adams II and Catherine Stebbing: i. John Stebbing Adams III, 1508-1575 ii. Robert Adams, 1509-1557 iii. Nicholas Adams, 1512-1566, a politician. iv. George Adams, 1514-1590 v. Andrew Adams Generation No. 9 9. John Stebbing Adams III was born Jan. 1, 1502 at Beverston. He died in 1542 at Barton St. David, and is buried in Barton St. David cemetery. He was married three times: Margerye Squire, daughter of Oliver Squire (Squyre) and Margaret Myrffun, was born in 1504 at Dartmouth and died in 1572 at Barton St. David, and is buried in Barton St. David Cemetery. Deborah Mabbs, daughter of John Mabbs, was born Feb. 14, 1535 at Wem, a small market town in Shropshire, a county bordering Wales in the West Midlands of England. Alice De Barton, daughter of Gilbert De Barton and Margaret Rigmayden, was born in 1505 at Barton St David and died in 1572 at Barton St David. Children of John Adams III and Margery Squire: i. Randall Adams, 1529-1607 ii. Richard Adams, 1530-1603 iii. Henry Adams, 1531-1596 iv. Johanna Adams, 1533-1535 v. Thomas Adams, b. 1535 vi. John Adams IV, 1537-1604 Children of John Adams III and Deborah Mabbs: i. Edward Mabbs Adams, Sept. 17, 1552-Feb. 22, 1630. ii. Blaze Adams, 1564-1618 This chapter may have to be amended, because the entry for this John Adams at http://www.findagrave.com/cgibin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=62073810 takes his ancestry back much father than this chapter to famous historical figures: "John was christened at Barton St. David Church on 4 January 1508. He is on the Muster Roll for the tything of Barton in 1539 as "able bylman fyndyng harnys". He was charged with the duty of providing one "bowe" (bow) with a sheath of arrows as a tax on his goods. [1]" Sources [1]: - Adamses of Somersetshire, England and Braintree, Mass., Compiled by J. Gardner Bartlett for Edward Dean Adams, privately printed, New York, 1927. - Dorset Pilgrims, by Frank Thistlethwaite, Published by Heart of the Lakes, Interlaken NY, 1993. 270 "His known ancestry begins with ARNULPH, Bishop of Metz, France, born before the year 600, died 631 A.D. and descends 5 generations to CHARLEMAGNE, Emperor of the West, born 2 April 742, who was King of the French and Emperor of Rome. “Charlemagne begat Louis I (The Pious, King of France) and his son, Charles II, King of France begat a long line of counts, dukes, barons, etc. until came Sir JOHN A P ADAM, Knight. “At this, the 31st generation, John Adams' great great grandfather, Sir John A P Adam, dropped the prefix "A P" and added "s" to Adam.” Note: The prefix AP means “son of”. Generation No. 10 10. RANDALL10 ADAMS (JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in April 1529 in Wem, Shropshire, England and died Aug. 23, 1607 in Shropshire. He married 1) Margaret Esper, born in 1535 in Wem, died in 1600 in England. He married 2) Anne Watkis. Children of RANDALL ADAMS and Margaret Esper are: 11. i. THOMAS11 ESPER ADAMS, b. 1558, d. 1607. ii. William Esper Adams iii. Roger Esper Adams, b. abt 1560 Wem, d. 1607. Generation No. 11 The name of the town of Wem is derived from the Saxon "Wamm", meaning a marsh, as marshy land exists in the area of the town. Typed with an initial Captal letter and then lowercase letters, Wem (W E M) is easily misread as Wern (W E R N). 11. THOMAS11 ESPER ADAMS (RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born Feb. 24, 1558 in Wem, Shropshire, England and died Aug. 23, 1607 in Wem. He married MARGARET MARY ERPE in 1581 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire England, daughter of JOHN ERPE and Elizabeth Purslowe. She was born in 1560 in London and died Aug. 25, 1594 in Shrewsbury. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/MBKR-DCJ Child of THOMAS ADAMS and MARGARET ERPE is: 12. i. WILLIAM12 ERPE ADAMS, b. 1594, d. abt 1660. Generation No. 12 12. WILLIAM12 THOMAS ADAMS (THOMAS11, RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in 1594 in Wem, Shropshire, England, and died about 1660 in Ipswich, Essex County, Mass. He married Elizabeth Kemp July 7, 1625 in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. She was born April 10, 1598 in Cornwall, England and died Jan. 18, 1658 in Ipswich. William came to America about 1628, with the first immigrants of the Massachusetts Colony, settled first at Cambridge, then at Newton, Mass. where he was made a freeman in 1639. Prior to 1642 he removed to Ipswich, where he took up a large tract of land on the Ipswich River, which is now the town of Hamilton, Maine. It was here that he died and is buried. The farm he cultivated was handed down through will or inheritance for over 250 years. On 28 Oct 1647, he was discharged from compulsory military service of the colony, because of his age. Records state that he was a juryman and that he served in that capacity, with little interruption until 1659. On 27 Feb 1644 he was granted twelve acres “beyond Mr Appleton's and near the land of the widow Stacey.” Children of WILLIAM ADAMS and ELIZABETH KEMP are: i. John Adams, b. 1631, d. 1703, Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts 13. ii. HANNAH13 ADAMS, b. April 6, 1639, Cambridge, Mass., d. Nov. 11, 1716, Livingston, New York.. iii. William Adams, d. Jan. 18 1659, Ipswich, Essex, Mass. Married Elizabeth Stacy. iv. Samuel Adams v. Mary Adams, m. Thomas French. vi. Nathaniel Adams, b. 1641, Ipswich, Essex, Mass., d. April 11 1715, Ipswich. 271 Generation No. 13 13. HANNAH13 ADAMS (WILLIAM12, THOMAS11, RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born April 6, 1639 in Cambridge, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and died Nov. 11, 1716 in Queens County, Province of New York. She married FRANCIS MUNCY I, son of John Muncy and Margaret Huggins, Dec. 6, 1659 in Massachusetts. He was born in 1631 in England and died March 30, 1675 in Brookhaven, Long Island, Province of New York. She married John Ramsden in 1675. She married Thomas Wickingham Oct. 3, 1687. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/MCRZ-TY1 Ipswich & Essex Co. location in Mass. Child of HANNAH ADAMS and FRANCIS MUNCEY is: 14. i. JOHN14 MUNCEY, b. Oct. 24, 1660, Ipswich, Essex County, Mass.; d. Feb. 19, 1690, Brookhaven, Suffolk County, NY. Massachusetts location in U.S. Generation No. 14 14. JOHN14 MUNCEY (HANNAH13 ADAMS, WILLIAM12, THOMAS11, RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born Oct. 24, 1660 in Ipswich, Essex County, Mass., and died Feb. 19, 1690 in Brookhaven, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY. He is buried in the First Presbyterian Churchyard and Cemetery, Setauket-East Setauket, NY. About 1680 in Brookhaven he married HANNAH BREWSTER, daughter of NATHANIEL BREWSTER and SARAH LUDLOW. Hannah was born May 19, 1669 in Brookhaven, Suffolk County, NY, and died Nov. 11, 1755 in New York. Hannah married 2) Samuel Thompson, 1668-1749. She and Samuel are buried in Setauket Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Setauket, Suffolk County, New York. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/9QGS-JLS Child of JOHN MUNCEY and HANNAH BREWSTER is: 15. i. FRANCIS H.6 MUNCEY II b. Oct. 24 1680, Brookhaven, Suffolk County, NY, died Oct. 26, 1738 in Long Island City, NY. His mother Hannah would have been only 11 years old in 1680, so clearly these years are approximate. Generation No. 15 15. FRANCIS H.15 MUNCY (JOHN14 MUNCEY, HANNAH13 ADAMS, WILLIAM12, THOMAS11, RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1), named for his paternal grandfather, was born Oct. 24, 1680 in Brookhaven, Suffolk County, NY and died Oct. 26, 1738 in Kent County, Delaware. In 1707 in Livingston, NY he married Abigail M. Skidmore, born in 1676 in Jamaica, Queens, New York and died June 28, 1774 in Kent County, Del., daughter of John Skidmore and Susanna Davis. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/9H75-YMC Child of FRANCIS H. MUNCEY & ABIGAIL SKIDMORE is: 16. i. NATHANIEL16 MUNCEY m. Mary Bush. Nathaniel b. 1716 NY, d. 1811, Kent, Del. Generation No. 16 Brookhaven, Suffolk County, NY 16. NATHANIEL16 MUNCEY (FRANCES H.15, JOHN14 MUNCEY, HANNAH13 ADAMS, WILLIAM12, THOMAS11, RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in 1716 and died in 1811 in Murderkill Hundred, Kent, DE. He served as a private in New York in the Revolutionary War. He married 1) MARY BUSH in 1741. She was born in 1713 in Wilkes City, NY. He married 2) EDITH MAY BUCHMAN. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/9H75-YM2 Children of NATHANIEL MUNCY and MARY BUSH are: 17. i. RUTH L.17 MUNCEY, b. Kent County, Delaware; d. abt. 1830, Wilkes County, North Carolina. ii. Sarah Thomas Muncey b. abt 1743 DE. iii. Elijah Muncey b. abt 1744 NY. iv. Nathaniel Muncey b. abt 1752. v. Luke Muncey b. abt 1763 VA. 272 Generation No. 17 17. RUTH L.17 MUNCEY (NATHANIEL16, FRANCES H.15, JOHN14 MUNCEY, HANNAH13 ADAMS, WILLIAM12, THOMAS11, RANDALL10, JOHN STEBBING9, JOHN II8, JOHN 71, THOMAS6, ROGER5, JOHN4, JOHN3, WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born in Kent County, Delaware, and died abt. 1830 in Wilkes County, North Carolina. She married DANIEL RASH in 1769 in Kent County, Delaware, son of JOHN RASH and REMICAH WILSON. He was born Abt. 1729 in North Motherkill Hundred, Kent Co., Delaware, and died November 11, 1839 in Wilkes County, North Carolina. Child of RUTH MUNCEY and DANIEL RASH is: i. ASA18 RASH, b. 1780, North Carolina; d. February 1829, Virginia. With the marriage of Ruth Muncey and Daniel Rash and the birth of their son Asa, we intersect with the Rash genealogy. See page 73. This short genealogy was included because it goes so far back in England. Only the Campbell genealogy (see page 256) goes back farther, in Scotland. 273 274 Photo, 1909 - Family of Melvin and Esther Rash 275 Link (possibly Lynk) Shultz, 23, son of Eli Shultz (#20) and first wife Nancy Elizabeth Rash, who was a daughter of Lewis Rash, who was a brother of Melvin (#30) and Watson (#29) Rash. Henry Shultz, age 16, son of Hulda Rash (#34) & James Shultz (#27), brother of Stella (#5), grandson of Melvin Rash (#30). Cora Hammer, age 20, daughter of Charlotte Rash (#21) & first husband George Hammer, granddaughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Inez Rash, age 12, daughter of Dan Rash (#13) & Alice Highbarger Rash (#23) , grandson of Melvin Rash (#30). Stella Shultz, age 14, daughter of Hulda Rash (#34) & James Shultz (#27), sister of Henry (#2), granddaughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Vern Hammer, age 16, son of Charlotte Rash (#21) & first husband George Hammer, grandson of Melvin Rash (#30). Eva Swaim Rash, about 43, wife of Everett Rash (#15). Rash, Clate, age 24, husband of Jerusha Lou Montgomery (#25), son of Melvin Rash (#30). Warren Hammer, age 22, son of Charlotte Rash (#21) & first husband George Hammer, grandson of Melvin Rash (#30). Monroe Rash, age 47, son of Melvin Rash (#30) & Esther Lewis Rash (#31), husband of Nora Rash (#22), father of Dean (#38), Laurence (#40) & Pearl Rash (#39). Frank Rash, age 33, husband of Emma Rash (#12), son of Melvin Rash (#30). Emma Snow Rash, age 26, wife of Frank Rash (#11). Dan Rash, age 38, (holding daughter Lelah), husband of Alice Highbarger (#23) and son of Melvin Rash (#30). Lelah Rash, age 2, daughter of Dan Rash (#13) & Alice Highbarger Rash (#23) , granddaughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Everett Rash, age 43, husband of Eva Swaim (#7), son of Melvin Rash (#30). Rhetta Prudence Rash Glenney, age 29, wife of Leland James Glenney, daughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Frances Rash, age 1, daughter of Cliff Rash (#19) & Lake Rash (#18) , granddaughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Lake Hinshaw Rash, age 26, holding daughter Frances, wife of Cliff Rash (#19). Clifford Rash, age 27, husband of Lake Rash (#18), father of Frances Rash (#17), son of Melvin Rash (#30). Eli E. Shultz, second husband of Charlotte Ruth Rash (#21). Charlotte Rash Hammer Shultz, age 40, second wife of Eli Shultz (#20), daughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Elnora Brown Rash, age 46, wife of Monroe Rash (#10), mother of Dean Rash (#38), Laurence Rash (#40) & Pearl Rash (#39). Alice Highbarger Rash, age 42, (holding son Marvin Rash), wife of Dan Rash (#13). Marvin Rash, age less than a year, son of Dan Rash (#13) & Alice Highbarger Rash (#23). 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 32 33 31 30 27 28 29 25 26 Jerusha Lou Montgomery Rash, age 20, wife of Clayton Rash (#8). Margaret Rash, age less than one year, daughter of Clate Rash (#8) & Jerusha Montgomery (#25). Jim Shultz, age 48. Husband of Hulda Rash (#34). Ellen Negus Rash, age 43, second wife of Watson Rash (#29). William Watson Rash, age 73, husband of Ellen Rash (#28), brother of Melvin Rash (#30), son of Robert Rash and Setha Lettie Bryant Rash. Melvin Levi Rash, age 81, husband of Esther Rash (#31), brother of William Watson Rash, son of Robert Rash and Setha Lettie Bryant Rash. Esther Lewis Rash, age 70, wife of Melvin Rash (#30). At the time of this photo, they had been married 52 years. Dorothy Glenney, a daughter of Leland Glenney and Rhetta Rash Glenney (#16). Sarah Callen Highbarger, wife of Henry Highbarger and mother of Alice Highbarger Rash (#23). Hulda Rash Shultz, age 45, wife of Jim Shultz (#27), daughter of Melvin Rash (#30). Ruth Rash, age 5, daughter of Dan Rash (#13) & Alice Highbarger Rash (#23). Glen Rash, age 10, son of Dan Rash (#13) & Alice Highbarger Rash (#23). Wilferd Rash, age 3, son of Cliff Rash (#19) and Lake Rash (#18). Dean Rash, age 6, son of Monroe Rash (#10) and Nora Rash (#22). Pearl Rash, age 4, daughter of Monroe Rash (#10) and Nora Rash (#22). Laurence Rash, age 10, son of Monroe Rash (#10) and Nora Rash (#22). Nine of Melvin & Esther Rash’s 11 children are in this picture, along with their spouses and children. Arsula Rash had died in 1894 at age 17. Millard Rash was alive at the time of this picture, but because he died the following year at age 37, we can guess that he was too ill to attend. However, Millard is shown in another 1909 photo on page 89 and appears fit. Millard might have died of tuberculosis; see more information on page 104. Also pictured here is one of Melvin’s 11 brothers and sisters, William Watson Rash, and his wife Ellen. The brothers came with their parents Robert and Setha Lettie Bryant Rash from Wilkes County, North Carolina to Keokuk County, Iowa. Robert and Setha remained there and are buried near Ollie, IA. The brothers came farther northwest and this picture probably was taken in a barn near Union, IA 23 24 22 20 21 18 19 17 15 16 14 11 12 13 10 9 7 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 276 Restoration work improved the clarity and contrast of this photo. The numbered photo on the next page shows its pre-restoration condition. Photo, 1895 - Sons and daughters of Robert Rash, and their descendants 277 278 There are 82 people in this photo. Avonelle Rash wrote a guide on the back of the photo, but it had considerably fewer than 82 names. Also, in many cases it is ambiguous which name goes with which person. What follows is a guide to the people I am confident of. Avonelle wrote 1894 on the back but the year is established as 1895 because the photo includes baby Viola Jane Rash, who was born Feb. 3, 1895. Starting with five children of Robert Rash and Setha Bryant, pictured are: 1. William Watson Rash, age 58, b. November 18, 1836, Tennessee; d. March 22, 1915. Father of six, all by his second wife Ellen (#45), including: Fred (#24). 2. Lewis Ellis Rash, age 62, b. April 24, 1834, Jefferson County, East Tennessee; d. October 2, 1912, Hardin County. His first wife, Rachel Hammer, daughter of Seth Hammer and Elisabeth Janeway, died two years before this photo. He and Rachel had 12 children, including: Andrew (#21), Henry (#23), Solon (#27), Alva (#28) and Columbus (#35). He married again one year after this photo to Eudella Hughes and had four more children, matching Seth's record of 16. 3. Nancy J. (Rash) Lundin, age 55, 1839-1908. Wife of Oliver Lundin, who was born about 1826 in Sweden. There is a Wade Lundin (#13) elsewhere in this photo, apparently her grandson. 4. John Anderson Rash, age 60, b. March 12, 1834, Jefferson County, Tennessee; d. April 19, 1902, Union County. He married Mary Ann Glover (#48) in 1863. They had four children, including Eliza (#6). 5. Melvin Levi Rash, age 66, b. March 28, 1828, East Bend, Wilkes Co., North Carolina; d. January 9, 1913, Union Twp. He married Esther Lewis (#58) in 1857. They had 11 children, including: Clayton (#14), Clifford (#16), Millard (#20), Charlotte (#59), Daniel (#26), Rhetta (#32), Everett (#34) & Monroe Rash (#30), the father of Dean Rash. 6. Elizabeth (Eliza) Ellen (Rash) Hammer, age 24, born 1870, daughter of John Rash (#4) and Mary Glover (#48). In 1886, nine years before this picture, married Adam Mark Hammer (#7). Parents of nine, including Carrie (#11), Vera (#9), Vada (#8) & Elmer (#10). 7. Adam Mark Hammer, age 31, born 1863, son of Seth Hammer and Elizabeth Musgrove. In 1886, nine years before this picture, married Eliza Rash (#6). Parents of nine, including Carrie (#11), Vera (#9), Vada (#8) & Elmer (#10). 8. LaVada (Vada) Mina Hammer, age 5, born 1890. Twin of Vera (#9), daughter of Elizabeth Rash (#6) and Adam Hammer (#7). Eventually married Oliver H. Bittner. 9. LaVera (Vera) Ina Hammer, age 5, born 1890. Twin of Vada (#8), daughter of Elizabeth Rash (#6) and Adam Hammer (#7). In 1907, 12 years after this picture, married Walter Bruce Higgason. Mother of Avonelle (Higgason) Rash. 10. Elmer Hammer, age 1, son of Eliza Rash (#6) and Adam Hammer (#7). Brother of Avonelle’s mother Vera (#9). Born 1894, and died December 26, 1968 in Santa Ana, California. He married (1) Edna Walters & (2) Iva Smith. 11. Carrie May Hammer, age 7, born 1888, eldest sister of Avonelle’s mother Vera (#9). Daughter of Eliza Rash (#6) and Adam Hammer (#7) 12. Warren Earl Hammer, age 7, b. November 15, 1887, Hardin County, IA; d. April 16, 1962, Denver, Colorado. Son of Charlotte Rash (#59) and George Hammer (#53). Brother of Vern (#51). 1895 - Sons and daughters of Robert Rash, and their descendants 29. Unknown. Possibly Clara Davis Rash, wife of Alva Rash (#28) 28. Alva Curtis Rash, age 37, b. December 3, 1857, Union, Hardin County, IA; d. July 21, 1921, Gordon, Neb. Child of Lewis Rash (#2) and Rachel Hammer. Married Clara Davis the year before this photo; they had 10 children, including Grace (#31). 27. Solon Lincoln Rash, age 25, b. 1869. Son of Lewis Rash (#2) and Rachel Hammer. Married his first cousin, Abigail Ann Rash, daughter of William Watson Rash (#1) (brother of Lewis) and Ellen Negus (#45). Abigail died 5 years after this picture. He married (2) Allie D. Faile & (3) Bertha Jessup. 26. Daniel M. Rash, age 23, b. February 18, 1871, Union, Iowa; d. January 4, 1921, Union, Iowa. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). He married Alice Adella Highbarger (#37) in 1894, the same year as this picture. 25. Jonas. 24. Frederick Rash, age 19, b. Abt. 1875. Child of William Watson Rash (#1) and Ellen Negus (#45). 23. Henry Thomas Rash, age 23, b. August 11, 1871; d. February 22, 1955. Child of Lewis Rash (#2) and Rachel Hammer. He married Elsie Bucknell. 22. Frank Rash or Frank Burdette. It’s unclear. 21. Andrew Seth Rash, age 17, b. January 12, 1877; d. September 15, 1919. Child of Lewis Rash (#2) and Rachel Hammer. 20. Millard F. Rash, age 21, b. June 18, 1873, Union, Hardin County, Iowa; d. August 6, 1910, Providence Twp, Hardin County, Iowa. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). His wife at the time, Effie Cox might be #38. Nina Esmond Shultz (#43), who would become Millard’s second wife four years after this photo, also appears in this photo because she is his second cousin, the daughter of his cousin Nancy Elizabeth (Rash) Shultz. So Nina gets the distinction of being in two of the five family trees that are central to this photo: Melvin’s (#5) by marriage and Lewis’ (#2) by birth. 19. Fletcher Gerard Rash, age 3, b. February 1891, Iowa. Child of Arthur Rash and Eva Hammer. He eventually married (1) Lottie Smith and (2) Mabel. Brother of Leonard (#18). 18. Leonard James Rash, age 7, b. May 1887, Iowa. Child of Arthur Rash and Eva Hammer. He eventually married Ruth LINKENBARD (possibly Klinkenbard) . Brother of Fletcher (#19). 17. Roy James Shultz, age 15, b. July 25, 1880; d. September 10, 1935. Child of Nancy Rash and Eli Shultz (#46). He married Maggie Lee Boofer in 1903, 8 years after this picture, at age 23. 16. Clifford B. Rash, age 12, b. June 4, 1882; d. September 1965. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). He married Lake H. Hinshaw in 1905, 10 years after this picture, at age 23. 15. Unknown 14. Clayton L. Rash, age 9, b. August 23, 1885, Union, Hardin County IA; d. July 14, 1961, Gifford, Hardin County IA. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). He married Jerusha Lou Montgomery in 1907, 12 years after this picture, at age 22. 13. Wade Lundin – Possibly a grandson of Nancy (Rash) Lundin (#3), which would make him the son of one of Nancy’s three sons: Robert, Samuel & Tilford. Probably not the son of Robert, because he had no son Wade listed in the 1900 or 1910 census; nor of Tilford, who had no son Wade listed in the 1910 census. That makes Samuel the prime candidate. He married Georgia E. Walton in 1910, 15 years after this picture, at age 23. 279 48. Mary Ann (Glover) Rash, age 54, born in 1840 in Salem, IA. Second wife of John Anderson Rash (#4). They had four children, including Eliza (#6). 47. Unknown. 46. Eli Shultz 45. Ellen A. (Negus) Rash, age 48, born 1846 in New York, second wife of William Watson Rash (#1). Mother of six, including: Fred (#24). 44. Unknown. 43. Nina Esmond Shultz, age 12, born August 12, 1882, daughter of Eli Shultz (#46) and Nancy (Rash) Shultz. Four years after this photo she became the second wife of Millard F. Rash, when Millard was 26 and she was 17. Yes, the same Millard that is her mother’s cousin. So Nina gets the distinction of being in two of the five family trees that are central to this photo: Melvin’s by marriage and Lewis’ (#2) by birth. 42. Ethel - Don't know last name. It's not Ethel (Halladay) Hammer, Ethel (Ellis) Hammer, or Ethel (Benbow) Hammer, who weren't born til much later. 41. Maude Rash, age 11, b. July 31, 1883. Child of Columbus Rash (#35) and Martha Smith. Later married Wayne Hinshaw. 40. Eva Darthula (Hammer) Rash, age 26 at the time of this photo, wife of Arthur Thomas Rash and daughter of Seth Hammer. Avonelle’s great-aunt (the sister of her grandfather Adam Mark Hammer, #7). Avonelle simply called her Aunt Eva, which is confusing because Avonelle actually had an Aunt Eva Elizabeth Hammer, a sister of her mother LaVera (Hammer) Higgason (#9). 39. Arthur Thomas Rash, age 30, b. September 20, 1864, Union. Child of John Rash (#4) and Mary Glover (#48). In 1885 he married Eva Darthula Hammer, daughter of Seth Hammer and Elizabeth Musgrove. Their sons are #18 and #19, at the far right on the roof. 38. Unknown. Possibly Effie (Cox) Rash, first wife of Millard Rash. Millard's future second wife, Nina Esmond Shultz (#43), is also in this photo. 37. Alice Adella (Highbarger) Rash, age 27, born 1867. Daughter of Henry Highbarger and Sarah Callen. Married Daniel M. Rash (#26) in 1894. 36. Matt R. – Adult male. I have no record of a Matt Rash. 35. Columbus Elliott Rash, age 35, b. May 1859, Union Twp, on the old Rash homestead; d. 1943. Child of Lewis Rash (#2) and Rachel Hammer. He married Martha Smith March 7, 1881. Parents of Maude (#41). 34. Everett Rash, age 28, b. June 24, 1866; d. 1941; m. Eva Swaim in 1886; b. Bet. 1865 1868. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). 33. Unknown 32. Rhetta Prudence Rash, age 15, b. August 1, 1880, Union, Iowa; d. September 1960. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). Three years after this picture married Leland James Glenney. 31. Grace Rash. Child of Alva Curtis Rash (#28) and Clara Davis. She married (1) Harry Havener & (2) J.F. Marshall. 30. Monroe Rash, age 33, b. November 9, 1861, Union, Hardin County, Iowa; d. November 30, 1928, Union, Hardin County, Iowa. Child of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). Three years after this picture married Elnora Brown. 67. Apparently a daughter of Alva Curtis Rash (#28), since he is holding her. Grace (#31) is elsewhere in the photo, so that narrows it to Pearl, Bessie, Elsie, Viola or Wilma. I don’t have birthdates for any of them. 68 – 82. Unknown 66. Vera, last name unclear. 65. Ray W. Davis, age 6, born 1888, son of Arsula (Rash) Davis and Joseph Davis, brother of Gertie & Ralph. He died in 1918, age 30. His brother died at about the same time. Did they die in World War I? Did he die in the flu pandemic of 1918? 64. Elva May (Shultz) Rash, age 11, born 1884, child of Nancy Rash and Eli Shultz. (#46) In 1902, seven years after this picture, she married Dallas Rash. 63. Lynk or Link – possibly Link Ernest Shultz, born October 26, 1886, son of Eli Shultz (#46) and Nancy Elizabeth Rash. Age 9 at time of this pic. 62. Denny, last name unclear. 61. Gertrude “Gertie” E. Davis, age 9, born 1886, daughter of Arsula (Rash) Davis and Joseph Davis, sister of Ralph & Ray. 60. Ralph M. Davis, age 7, born 1888, son of Arsula (Rash) Davis and Joseph Davis, brother of Gertie & Ray. He died in 1917, age 29. His brother died at about the same time. Did they die in World War I? 59. Charlotte Ruth (Rash) Hammer, age 25, born 1869. Daughter of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). In 1887, eight years before this picture, she married George Washington Hammer (#53), son of Seth Hammer and Elizabeth Musgrove. Charlotte and George had four children, including Vern (#51) and Warren (#12). George died two years before this photo. In the year after this photo she married Eli Shultz (#46). 58. Esther (Lewis) Rash, age 56, born in 1839, daughter of Thomas Lewis and Prudence Waldrip. Wife of Melvin Levi Rash (#5). They had 11 children, including: Clayton (#14), Clifford (#16), Millard (#20), Charlotte (#59), Daniel (#26), Rhetta (#32), Everett (#34) & Monroe Rash (#30), the father of Dean Rash. 57. Henry B. Shultz, age 1, son of Hulda (Rash) Shultz (#54) and James (Jim) Shultz (#56). 56. James (Jim) N. Shultz, age 34, born 1861. Married Hulda Rash (#54) in 1880, 15 years before this picture. Parents of Stella (#55) & Henry (#57). 55. Estella (Stella) F. Shultz, infant daughter of Hulda (Rash) Shultz (#54) and James (Jim) Shultz (#56). 54. Hulda (Rash) Shultz, age 31, born 1864, daughter of Melvin Rash (#5) and Esther Lewis (#58). Married James (Jim) N. Shultz in 1880, 15 years before this picture. Parents of Stella (#55) & Henry (#57). 53. Unknown 52. Unknown 51. Vern Hammer, age 2, born 1893, grandson of Melvin Rash (#5), who is holding him. Son of George Washington Hammer (#53) & Charlotte Ruth (Rash) Hammer (#59). Brother of Warren (#12). Married Ruby A. Walton in 1915, 20 years after this picture, at age 22. 50. Unknown 49. Unknown 280 Photo, 1998 - Avonelle Higgason Rash and family on her 90th birthday 281 24. 23. 22. 21. 19. 20. 18. 17. 15. 16. 14. 13. 10. 11. 12. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 2. 3. 4. 1. Doug Doe, 37, son of Bob (#14) & Sharon (#6) Doe, husband of Jan (#4), father of Nathan (#2) & Ryan (#3) Nathan Doe, 4, son of Doug (#1) and Janice(#4) Doe. Ryan Doe, 2, son of Doug (#1) and Janice(#4) Doe. Janice Gibbs Doe, 37, wife of Doug (#1), mother of Nathan (#2) & Ryan (#3). Clyde Rash, 67, son of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, father of Kathy (#44), Terrie (#46), Elaine, Rosemary, Allen, Stanley & Richard. Sharon Rash Doe, 59, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Bob Doe (#14), mother of Doug (#1), Mark, Christy & Scott (#16). Carol Rash Fahey, 56, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Tom Fahey (#8), mother of Bob (#48) and Pat (#9). Tom Fahey, 56, husband of Carol (#7), father of Bob (#48) and Pat (#9). Pat Fahey, 34, daughter of Tom (#8) & Carol Rash (#7) Fahey, sister of Bob Fahey (#48), wife of David Youll (#10). David Youll, 35, husband of Pat Fahey (#9). John Pierce, husband of Evelyn Lewis Pierce (#50). Bill Pilkington, husband of Linda Rash Pilkington (#13). Father of Micah Pilkington. Linda Rash Pilkington, 52, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Bill Pilkington (#12). Mother of Micah Pilkington. Bob Doe, 62, husband of Sharon Rash Doe (#6), father of Doug (#1), Mark, Christy & Scott (#16). Dick Thorson, 62, husband of Janice Rash Thorson (#17). Scott Doe, 33, son of Bob (#14) & Sharon (#6) Doe, husband of Kelly Ferch Doe (#53), father of Paige (#58) and Mitchell (#59) Doe. Janice Rash Thorson, 63, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Dick Thorson (#15). James Rash, 68, son of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, husband of Betty (#23), father of Vernon (#24), Mike (#26), Andrea (#27), Gayla and Audrey. Jim Dix, 70, husband of Bettie Higgason Dix (#51). Lora Beik Rash, 35, wife of Mike Rash (#26), mother of Alec (#25), Elizabeth (#56) & Lauren. Vicki Coen Vien, 40, daughter of Don (#38) & Barbara Rash (#36) Coen, wife of Chuck Vien (#29), mother of Tara (#64) & Donald. Sheryl Olson Rash, 39, wife of Vernon Rash (#24), mother of Michelle (#57). Betty Ollinger Rash, 65, wife of James Rash (#18) mother of Vernon (#24), Mike (#26), Andrea (#27), Gayla and Audrey. Vernon Rash, 43, son of James (#18) & Betty (#23) Rash, husband of Sheryl (#22), father of Michelle (#57), brother of Andrea (#27), Mike (#26), Gayla & Audrey. 25. Alec Rash, 4, son of Mike (#26) & Lora (#20) Rash. 26. Mike Rash, 38, son of James (#18) & Betty (#23) Rash; husband of Lora (#20); father of Alec (#25), Elizabeth (#56) & Lauren; brother of Andrea (#27), Vernon (#24), Gayla & Audrey. 27. Andrea Rash, 31, daughter of James (#18) & Betty (#23) Rash, sister of Vernon (#24), Mike (#26), Gayla & Audrey. 28. Jerry Higgason, husband of Dee (#30), son of Max (#54) & Gladys Clark Higgason, nephew of Avonelle Higgason Rash (#52) & Bettie Higgason Dix (#51). 29. Charles “Chuck” Vien, 41, husband of Vicki Coen Vien (#21), father of Tara (#64) & Donald. 30. Delores “Dee” Higgason, wife of Jerry Higgason (#28). 31. Gunnar Johnson, 73, husband of Joyce Rash Johnson (#34). Father of Terry, Caren & Joan. 32. David Higgason, son of Max Higgason Jr. & Nancy McDowel Higgason, grandson of Max Higgason Sr. (#54) & Gladys (#55). 33. Sierra Higgason, daughter of David (#32) & Jodie (#35) Higgason. 34. Joyce Rash Johnson, 72, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Gunnar Johnson (#31). Mother of Terry, Caren & Joan. 35. Jodie Spickert Higgason, wife of David Higgason (#32). 36. Barb Rash Coen, 67, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Don Coen (#38). Mother of Mike (#39), Vicki (#21), Sandy (#40) & Tim (#41). 37. Gary Halvorson, 51, husband of Sandy (#40), father of Amanda (#62) & Matthew (#61). 38. Don Coen, 67, husband of Barb Rash Coen (#36), father of Mike (#39), Vicki (#21), Sandy (#40) & Tim (#41). Brother of Ron Coen. 39. Mike Coen, 42, son of Don (#38) & Barb Rash Coen (#36). 40. Sandy Coen Halvorson, 38, daughter of Don (#38) & Barb Rash Coen (#35), wife of Gary (#37), mother of Amanda (#62) & Matthew (#61). 41. Tim Coen, 35, son of Don (#38) & Barb Rash Coen (#36), husband of Cecily Benjamin Coen (#67), father of Margo (#66), Andrew (#60), Christopher (#63) & Trevor (#65) Coen. 42. Sharon Rose Knox, wife of Linn Knox, the son of Clyde & Lillian Coen Knox & nephew of Ron & Don (#38) Coen. 43. Marian Rash Coen, 61, daughter of Dean & Avonelle (#52) Rash, wife of Ron Coen. Mother of Steve, Gary, LuAnne, David. 44. Kathy Rash, 38, daughter of Clyde Rash (#5). 45. Noel Arnold, husband of Terrie (#46), father of Sarah (#47) 46. Teresa “Terrie” Rash Arnold, daughter of Clyde Rash, wife of Noel Arnold, mother of Sarah (#47). 47. Sarah Arnold, daughter of Noel (#45) & Terrie (#46) Arnold 48. Bob Fahey, 36, son of Tom (#8) & Carol Rash (#7) Fahey, brother of Pat Fahey (#9). 49. Thomas Rash, son of Laurence Rash (brother of Dean Rash) & Opal Hosey Rash. Nephew of Avonelle (#52). 50. Evelyn Lewis Pierce, 69, niece of Avonelle (#52), Bettie (#51), and Max (#54), daughter of Jasper Lewis & Frances Higgason Lewis, wife of John Pierce (#11). 51. Bettie Higgason Dix, 71, sister of Avonelle (#52) & Max (#54), wife of Jim Dix (#19), daughter of LaVera Hammer & Walter Higgason. 52. Avonelle Higgason Rash, 90, wife of Dean Rash, daughter of LaVera Hammer & Walter Higgason, sister of Max (#54) and Bettie (#51). 53. Kelly Ferch Doe, wife of Scott Doe (#16), mother of Paige (#58) and Mitchell (#59) Doe. 54. Max Higgason Sr., 82, husband of Gladys Clark Higgason (#55), son of LaVera Hammer & Walter Higgason, brother of Avonelle (#52) and Bettie (#51), grandfather of David Higgason (#32). 55. Gladys Clark Higgason, wife of Max Higgason Sr. (#54) , grandmother of David Higgason (#32). 56. Elizabeth “Libby” Rash, 10, daughter of Mike (#26) & Lora (#20) Rash. 57. Michelle Rash, 4, daughter of Vernon (#24) & Sheryl Olson (#22) Rash. 58. Paige Doe, 10, daughter of Scott (#16) & Kelly Ferch Doe (#53). 59. Mitchell Doe, 6, child of Scott (#16) & Kelly Ferch Doe (#53). 60. Andrew (Andy) Coen, 9, son of Tim (#41) & Cicely Benjamin Coen (#67). 61. Matthew Halvorson, son of Gary Halvorson (#37) & Sandy Coen Halvorson (#40), brother of Amanda (#62). 62. Amanda Halvorson, daughter of Gary Halvorson (#37) & Sandy Coen Halvorson (#40), sister of Matthew (#61). 63. Christopher Coen, 10, son of Tim (#41) & Cicely Benjamin Coen (#67). 64. Tara Vien, 16, daughter of Chuck (#29) & Vicki Coen (#21) Vien. 65. Trevor Coen, 5, son of Tim (#41) & Cicely Benjamin Coen (#67). 66. Margo Coen, 3, daughter of Tim (#41) & Cicely Benjamin Coen (#67). 67. Cecily Benjamin Coen, 34, wife of Tim Coen (#41), mother of Margo (#66), Andrew (#60), Christopher (#63) & Trevor (#65) Coen. Gerald L. Bittner, 1918-1920, Florence L. Coyne Rowley, 1915-1986 Clarence A. Rowley, 1913-1973, son of son of Joel & Harriet Hammer Clark & Carrie Hammer Rowley Bittner Maxine Rowley, 1937-1937, daughter Charles William Butler, Oct. 1, 1893-Nov. 3, 1979 Ina Pearl Sizemore Butler, Feb. 9, 1896-Nov. 27, 1964 Elmer John Hammer, March 5, Carrie Hammer Rowley, 1888-1921, 1894-Dec. 26, 1968, son of dau of Adam & Eliza Rash Hammer. First Adam & Eliza Rash Hammer husband was James Orr McCollum, their Clark Henry Rowley, 1882-1968 son Austin McCollum William Dinsmore Higgason, Jan. 8, 1923-Feb. 28, 1970, son of Walter & Vera Hammer Higgason Walter Higgason, May 30, 1884-1960 Vera Hammer Higgason, Jun. 10, 1890Dec. 9, 1975, dau of Adam & Eliza Rash Hammer Harold E. Butler, 1931-1990 Ronald Higgason, Oct. 31, Clyde Arlo Rash, Jun. 23, 1931Marilyn Joyce Detrich Butler, 1924-Jun. 1, 1941, son of Walter Nov. 26, 2007, son of Dean & Avonelle Higgason Rash & Vera Hammer Higgason Oct. 14, 1931- Vern Higgason, Jan. 27, 1918Jan. 9, 1919, son of Walter & Vera Hammer Higgason Duane R. Bittner, 1934-1962, Don Coen, 1931son of Joel & Harriet Hammer Barb Coen, 1932Dau of Dean & Avonelle Higgason Rash Bittner Dean Rash, Feb. 20, 1903-Mar. 2, 1979, son of Monroe & Nora Brown Rash Avonelle Higgason Rash, May 22, 1908Dec. 22, 2004, dau of Walter & Vera Hammer Higgason Harriet Dell Hammer Bittner, May Richard Thorson, 19354, 1896-1990, dau of Adam & Eliza Janice Thorson, 1934Rash Hammer Dau of Dean & Avonelle Higgason Rash Joel W. Bittner, 1888-1956 Daniel M. Rash, 1871-1921, son of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash, uncle of Dean Alice Highbarger Rash, 1867-1956, dau of Henry & Sarah Callen Highbarger Robert Allen Fahey, 1962Son of Tom & Carol Rash Fahey, husband of Sue Sue Jane Grissinger Fahey, Feb. 26, 1959-Jan. 26, 2009, Glenn Donald Myers, wife of Robert Fahey, dau of Jun. 25, 1916-Aug. 3, 1983 John & Julia Polton Grissinger Helen Marie Rowley Myers, Jul. 3, 1916-Oct. 5, 1997, Dau of Clark & Carrie Hammer Rowley Marvin Dale Hammer, Sep. 7, 1938-2011, son of Verlin & Fleta Bridges Hammer Sarah A. Callen Highbarger, Nov. 29, 1832-Sep. 14, 1916, wife of Henry Verlin Hammer, Jan. 7, 1908-Jan. 14, 1986, son of Adam & Eliza Rash Hammer Fleta Bridges Hammer, Mar. 18, 1913Dec. 15, 2003 Carl A. Sawin, 1882-1919 son of Ezekiel & Julia Allen Eugene Rash, Dec. 1, 1957-Jun. 28, 2009, son of Clyde Harry J. Sawin, 1879-1949, son of Ezekiel & Julia Haskins Sawin Bertha Webb Sawin, 1886-1927 Merle Butler, Apr. 14, 1929Nov. 4, 1991 Clyde L. Sawin, 1872-1947, son of Ezekiel & Julia Haskins Sawin Grace L. Brown Sawin, 1882-1974 1905, son of David & Harriet Neal Sawin Julia G. Haskins Sawin, Jul. 18451928 David Sawin, Aug. 21, 1807-Oct. 18, 1897 Harriet S. Neal Sawin, Apr. 15, 1814-Oct. 23, 1890 Carl Joseph Bryant, Apr. 3, 1899-Dec. 19, 1973 Rebecca Pearl Rash Bryant, Nov. 12, 1905-Aug. 12, 1979, Dau of Monroe & Elnora Brown Rash Hulda Rash Shultz, Feb. 14, 1864-1931, Warren Earl Hammer, Nov. 15, 1887-Apr. 6, 1962, son of Margaret Hammer, 1917-1919, George & Charlotte Rash Hammer Margaret A. Butler, 19212003 Ora D. Butler, 1916-1991 Ezekiel S. Sawin, April 1837-Jun. 23, Georgia E. Walton Hammer, Feb. 16, 1891-Jul. 20, 1961, Dau of Riley & Katherine Walton Marcia G. Beecher Cockerham, 1908-1997 Preston W. Cockerham, 1908-1989 dau of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash James N. Shultz, Apr. 21, 1861-Jul. 29, 1913, brother of Eli, William & Mahala, son of Jesse & Elizabeth dau of Vern & Ruby Vernon Hammer, Jan. 6, 18931991, son of George W. & Charlotte Rash Hammer Ruby Walton Hammer, Aug. 1, 1895--1975, dau of Riley & Kathryn Smith Walton Russell A. Smith, Mar. 4, 1888Mar. 30, 1952 Viola J. Rash Smith, 1895-1931, dau of Arthur & Eva Hammer Rash Clarence Smith, Apr. 15, 1919-Feb. 22, 1961, son of Russell & Viola Rash Smith West end of Miller Cemetery Leslie A. Smith, May 10, Mary Moore Jensen, Dec. 30, 1949 – April 1, 2015, 1913-Jan. 12, 1997, child of Russell Smith dau of Mabel Halverson Southwest of Union, Hardin County, Iowa Jay W. Hadley, 1930 - 2015 282 Mabel I. Smith Halverson, Mar. 22, 1923-Jul. 6, 2008, dau of Russell Smith Car Lane Daughter of Charles & Ina Butler, 1923 Eli Shultz, Feb. 7, 1857-Jun. 30, Justin F. Desher, Minnie M. Edwards, 1884- (formerly) Large urn with 1920, hus of 1) Nancy Rash & May 21, 1912-Feb. 1, 1980 Mar. 14, 1886, dau of J.A. no discernible writing 2) Charlotte Rash Hammer; bro. s/o John & 2nd wife Edith & F.T. Edwards (now only concrete base) of Jim, Bill & Mahala Bessie Swaim, 1906-Sep. 3, 1907 Dale Swaim, 1903-Mar. 21, 1905 Children of William & Bertha Rash Swaim Olen Swaim, Dec. 2, 1892-1971, son of Walter & Della Shultz Swaim Mabel Hodge Swaim, Dec. 8, 1919July 2, 2008, dau of Charles & Minnie Noyer Hodge John Henry Desher, Feb. 22, 1908Oct. 31, 1972 s/o John & 2nd wife Edith Verneta F. Whitmore Rash, b. 1921, Dau of Stephen & Goldie Hauser Whitmore Wilferd H. Rash, 1906-1987, son of Cliff & Lake Hinshaw Rash Walter E. Swaim, 1873-1944 Della Shultz Swaim, Jan. 15, 1877-Jul. 20, 1943, dau of Eli & Nancy Rash Shultz Edward Desher, Jan. 26, 1903-Dec. 4, 1971 John D. Desher, 1898-1960 sons of John Desher Darrell Rash, 1937-1939, Agnes Marie Desher, son of Wilferd & first wife 1917-1941, dau of Samuel Hazel Bachman Rash & Agnes M. Desher Clifford Rash, Jun. 1882-Sep., 1965, son of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash Lake Hinshaw Rash, Sep. 24, 1883Jul. 7, 1950, dau of Alpheus & Frances Whistler Hinshaw Agnes Hoisington Desher, 1895-1982 Samuel Desher, 1886-1967 s/o John & 1st wife Etta Etta B. Desher Martin, Melvin Rash, Mar. 28, 1828- 1915-1980, dau of Samuel Jan. 9, 1913, son of Robert & Agnes M. Desher & Setha Bryant Rash Esther Lewis Rash, May 28, America Davis Knott Wilcox, 1897-1990, of John & Margaret Rogers 1839-Oct. 21, 1919, dau of dau Montgomery Thomas & Prudence Lewis Ray W. Davis, 1888-1918, first husband of Dolores Ann Desher, 1935-1938 America, son of Joseph & Arsula Rash Davis John Montgomery, 1866-1944, son Jessie Porter Davis Lepley, 1887 - Lilly Fern Glenney, Jan. 24, 1901-Jun. 4, 1902, dau of Lee & Rhetta Rash Glenney Ralph R. Sawin, Aug. 13, Lee Glenney, 1877-Aug., 1967 Rhetta Rash Glenney, Aug. 1, 1880-Sep., 1960, dau of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash Betty Belle Rash, 1952-1952 Pearl Avonelle Rash, 1954-1954 1920-Jan. 26, 1947, son of Ralph H. & Gertrude Davis Sawin Jun. 18, 1873-Aug. 6, 1910, tuberculosis, son of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash JC unreadable George Rash, 1900-1901, son of Millard F. & Nina Shultz Rash Cora E. Hammer, May 1, 1889Jan. 2, 1937, dau of George W. & Charlotte Rash Hammer Abbie A. Rash, Aug. 28, 1870Oct. 7, 1900, daughter of William & Ellen Negus Rash, first wife of Solon Rash Harold C. Sawin, Jul. 14, 1906-Sep. 1972, son of Ralph H. & Gertrude Davis Sawin Violet A. Smith Sawin, 1910-1982 Helen J. Sawin Gale, Mar. 13, 1916Dec. 1, 1996, dau of Ralph H. & Gertrude Davis Sawin Cliffton Clyde Gale, 1913-1990 Henry V. Thompson, 1898- Andrew S. Rash, Jan. 12, 1899, son of Lewis & Flora 1877-Sep. 15, 1919, son of Lewis & Rachel Rash Thompson Hammer Rash Henry T. Rash, Aug. 11, 1871Feb. 22, 1955, son of Lewis & Rachel Hammer Rash, husband of Elsie Bucknell Rash Glen A. Slate, May 22, 1922W. Ruth Shaver Slate, Aug. 2, 1914-Jul. 10, 2008, dau of Robert & Emma Rouse Shaver Faye Pearl Rash Gorsuch, Jan. 14, 1915-Dec. 4, 1994, dau of Henry T. & Elsie Bucknell Rash, wife of Ray Gorsuch Albert Glenney, Jul. 10, 1920-Jul. 3, 2007, son of Earl & Josephine Pierce Glenney Velma Miller Glenney, 1919 - 1998, dau of Earl & Clara Cornelius Miller Denzil Shaver, Jul. 27, 1918-Jul. 18, 2001 Murine Glenney Shaver, Oct. 11, 1919Aug. 19, 1998, dau of Lee & Rhetta Rash Glenney Enza Leota McCollum, Apr. 11, 1880-May 3, 1897, dau of Eudella Hughes McCollum Rash & William T. McCollum Earl V. Glenney, 1899-1965, son of Lee & Rhetta Rash Glenney Josephine Pierce Glenney, 18991972, dau of George & Elizabeth Pierce Shirley Ann Shaver Grego, 1946-2000 Arnold Denzil Shaver, Mar. 24, 1942-Mar. 9, 2011, Son & dau of Denzil & Murine Glenney Shaver Daughters of Laurence & Opal Hosey Rash Jeffery Earl Glenney, Jul. Dec. 7, 1945-Nov. 4, 2011, son 11, 1982-May 20, 2007, of Albert & Velma Glenney son of David & Julie John W. Glenney, Millard F. Rash, Frances V. Glenney Lloyd, 1933-1985, dau of W. Ruth Shaver Slate, wife of Vernon Vernon E. Lloyd, 1931-1987 Laurence Rash, 1899-1976, son of Merrol C. Rash, Oct. 4, Monroe & Nora Brown Rash 1907-Mar. 14, 1908, son of Opal Hosey Rash, 1916-1976, dau Frank & Emma Snow Rash of Thomas & Rosella Paine Hosey Frank Rash, Nov. 23, 1877-1960, son of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash Emma Snow Rash, Sep. 18, 1883-Feb. 28, 1959, dau of Martin & Sarah Snow Everett R. Neuendorf, 1918-1941, drowned, son of Edward & Henrietta Charlotte Rash Hammer Shultz, 1869-1944, dau of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash. Married 1) George W. Hammer & 2) Eli Shultz Flora Bryson Rash, Sep. 16, George Washington Hammer, 1876-Jun. 15, 1900 Herald Rash, 1896-1900, son of 1866-1893, son of Seth & Elizabeth Musgrove Hammer Lee & Flora Bryson Rash Abigail Rash dau of Joseph G. & Arsula Rash Davis Ralph Henry Sawin, 1878 - 1949, son of Ezekiel S. & Julia G. Haskins Sawin Henrietta Hoisington Neuendorf, 1897-1972 Edward R. Neuendorf, 1891-1964 Eliza J. Davis Porter, May 18, 1843Dec. 2, 1930, dau of James & Maria Davis George W. Porter, Jun. 28, 1837-Jul. 7, 1918 Isaac F. Hoisington, Sep. 22, 1861-Jun. 20, 1946 Violet A. Porter Hoisington, 1871-1936. Parents of Agnes Desher & Henrietta Neuendorf Gertrude Davis Sawin, 1886 - 1947, 1829-Aug. 19, 1897 Carol Joyce Nuendorf Hoeffer, Nov. 18, 1933April 29, 2012; w/o Donald; d/o Edward & Edith Desher, Apr. 11, 1882Henrietta nd Mar. 22, 1960, 2 wife of John Donald Charles Hoeffer, John Desher, Oct. 26, 1864Aug. 14, 1923-Aug. 6, Apr. 5, 1938 2013 Monroe Rash, Nov. 9, 1861- of James & Lusana Richardson 1973, dau of George & Eliza Porter. Montgomery Married 1) Ralph Davis 2) Peter Nov. 30, 1928, son of Margaret Rogers Montgomery, Lepley Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash 1861-1942 Ralph M. Davis, Feb. 20, 1888-1917, Elnora Brown Rash, Sep. 26, Parents of America Wilcox & Jerusha First husband of Jessie, son of Joseph Effie L. Rash Williams, 1863-Jan. 26, 1940, dau of Rash & Arsula Rash Davis Joseph G. Davis, 1914Dec. 1889-1914, wife of Henry James & Rebecca Crowner 1945, son of Ralph M. & Williams, dau of Solon & Brown Jessie Porter Davis Clayton Rash, Jul. 1885-Jul., 1961, son of Melvin & Esther Lewis Rash Jerusha Montgomery Rash, Nov. 13, 1889-Oct. 7, 1979, dau of John & Margaret Rogers Montgomery Frankie A. Flowers, 1886- Eliza Conklin Beecher, Mar. 16, 1886, son of J & S 1843-Jan. 21, 1923 Orman Beecher, Flowers Dustin John Shaver, March 31, 1993-April 9, 2013. Grandson of Arnold Shaver 283 Center section of Miller Cemetery Leslie Beecher, 1873-Feb. 20, 1873 Henry Beecher, 1864-Sep. 24, 1872 Sons of Orman & Eliza Ann Eva L. Beecher, Conklin Beecher 1874-Apr. 1, 1891 Dau of Orman & Eliza Ann Conklin Beecher Miriam L. Mitchell, d. Aug. 7, 1874, 1y 8m 26d, Dau of George W & Morres A. Shultz, d. May Solomon C. Welch, 1848 Lurena A Mitchell 15, 1874, Aged 2y 5m 19d May 10, 1869, 21y 20d Willie T. Welch, 1860 Oct. 30, 1873, 13y 3m 15d Harriet Welch, Mary A. Valentine Parks, Sons of John & Harriet Apr. 15, 1825-Dec. 9, d. Jan. 20, 1871, 23y 21d Welch 1896 wife of George A Parks Ethel Caster, Dec. 30, 1880 – Feb. 1881; 6 wks dau of James Barkley Caster & Rebecca Sayre Caster Edith R. Welch Roberts, Oct. 25, 1877-Aug. 30, 1899, dau of S.O. & Mahala C. Shultz Welch Richard H. Mitchell, d. Sep. 13, May Flora Trumbull, 1870, 6y 5m 6d son of George May 10, 1884-Aug. 31, W & Lurena A Mitchell 1884 Shadrack Orlando Welch, Eddie A. Temple, d. Dec. 3, 1872, 8m 11d, son of Nov. 7, 1852-Dec. 16, Edwin & CA Temple 1921 Mahala C. Shultz Welch, 1852-1934, dau of Jesse & Elizabeth Shultz, sister of Eli, William & Jim Margaret C. Moore Valentine, Aug. 11, Unreadable Minnie Minton Valentine, 1867-Aug. 31, 1868, dau of Levi & Sarah Penn Valentine, Granddaughter of W & MC Unreadable Albert V. Rash, 1865-Aug. 10, 1887 Hattie Amanda Rash, Jan. 17, 1876Aug. 18, 1883 Children of John A. & Mary Glover Rash Mary Ann Glover Rash, Feb. 16, John Anderson Rash, 12, 1840-Oct. 15, 1899, wife Mar. of John A. 1834-Apr. 19, 1902, son of Rash Robert & Setha Bryant Rash, husband of Mary Glover Rash Lewis Ellis Rash, Apr. 24, 1832-Oct. 2, 1912, son of Robert & Setha Bryant Rash. Married 1) Rachel 2) Eudella Rachel Hammer Rash, May 23, 1836-Nov. 13, 1893, dau of Seth & Elizabeth Janeway Hammer Eudella Hughes McCollum Rash, March 24, 1861-Aug. 30, 1915, dau of Isaac & Emily Hughes. Married 1) William T. McCollum 2) Lewis Rash Son James Orr McCollum was first husband of Carrie Hammer Rowley Ephraim Pool, Apr. 6, 1834-Mar. 4, 1875 1st hus of Tabitha Caster Benjamin Negus, 1817Apr. 11, 1874, father of Ellen Negus Rash Tabitha E. Caster Pool Trumbull, Dec. 3, 1843William Valentine, Mar. 6, 1889. Daughter of Aug. 22, 1805-Apr. 26, 1865 William & Elizabeth Grandparents of neighboring Caster 1805-May 7, 1865 graves Miriam, Mary, Richard & Minnie. D.C. Mothersell, Jan. 14, 1872-Jun. 24, 1876 Henry F. Sloan, d. Jul. 21, 1874, Aged 32 Yrs Jennie Allain Caster, 1888 - 1891, 3y2m18d dau of James Barkley Caster & Rebecca Sayre Caster Noresisa Mothersell, d. Oct. 18, 1873, 5y 1m 18d dau of D & S Mothersell Adam Mark Hammer, 1863-1933, son of Seth & Elizabeth Musgrove Hammer Eliza Rash Hammer, 1870 - 1931, dau of John A. & Mary Glover Rash Lury Mothersill, d. Oct. 8, 1866, 4d dau of D & S Mothersell Arthur Thomas Rash, Sep. Burton Francis Rash, Nov. 20, 1864-1933, son of John 10, 1874-Mar. 12, 1875 A. & Mary Glover Rash Gertie May Rash, Feb. 22, Eva Hammer Rash, May 1881-Mar. 12, 1881 24, 1868-Jul. 10, 1949, dau Children of Lewis & of Seth Hammer & Elizabeth Rachel Hammer Rash Musgrove Hammer Rachel M. Robinson, 1845-1864, oldest known grave in this cemetery Gilbert A. Sawin, 1831-1891 Mary Ann Robinson Sawin, 1831-1871 Alma Adell Lancaster, 1859-1887 Unreadable, very small stone D.C.M., very small stone Unreadable, very small stone Unreadable, very small stone Walter H. Cole, d. Aug. 27, 1868, 1y 7m 22d son of D C & R L Cole Violet E. Mitchell, d. Mar., 1873, wife of Abner Mitchell 284 East end of Miller Cemetery Fahey, O’Neill, Phinney Everything before this page concerns the side of the family of my mother, Carol (Rash) Fahey. The remainder of this book is given over to the side of the family of my father Tom Fahey, his brother Joe Fahey, and their ancestors and descendants. 515 2nd Ave in Ackley, Iowa, where Tom & Joe Fahey grew up in the 1940s & 50s. This photo is from the 1990s, long after the family no longer lived there. Fahey farm, northwest of Ackley, 1913, two years after Tom and Mary Fahey moved to the house on 2nd Avenue in Ackley. 285 From a 1908 plat map - Detail of the southeast corner of Osceola Township, in the southeast corner of Franklin County. Sections 28 & 33 show Thomas Fahey’s land, which his son John Michael Fahey (husband of Clara Breithaupt) rented, starting in 1911. Thomas moved into a house at 515 2nd Ave in Ackley. Thomas’ son Robert Alfonso Fahey, husband of Anna Patricia O'Neill, was born on this farmland in 1894, and later raised his family in the house on 2nd Avenue. Section 27 shows John Fahey’s land; this is probably Thomas’ brother John Francis Fahey, husband of Catherine O’Neill. From a 1930 plat map – Detail of the same area, 22 years later. Notice the land formerly labeled Thomas Fahey is now labeled T. Lahey. This is either a labeling error or a remarkable coincidence that the new owner has a similar surname. Thomas "Colonel" Patrick Fahey lived until 1941, so this is probably still his land at this time; his son John would be age 45 and his son Robert 35. The land labeled FS Keninger refers to Frank Keninger, husband of Thomas’ daughter Irene; she was 38 at the time of this map. Notice the land owned by Thomas’ brother John Fahey has passed to someone else; John died in 1915. Sadly, the parceling of land led to dissension in the family; some had frosty relationships. Both maps show country schools at the northeast corners of sections 33 & 35. Both maps show the Illinois Central Railroad passing through Ackley. 286 Descendants of Francis Fahey Generation No. 1 1. FRANCIS1 FAHEY married CATHERINE RYAN. Residence: Ireland. Children of FRANCIS FAHEY and CATHERINE RYAN are: 2. i. JOHN2 FAHEY, b. May 4, 1814, Ireland; d. October 30, 1894. Generation No. 2 2. JOHN2 FAHEY (FRANCIS1) was born May 4, 1814 in Ireland, and died October 30, 1894. On March 14, 1852 in Marion, Ohio he married BRIDGET FAHEY. Bridget was born February 2, 1827 in Tipperary, Ireland and died January 9, 1910 in Osceola Twp, Franklin Co. IA.They are buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Ackley, Franklin County, Iowa. John Fahey was among the first settlers of Osceola Township, which constitutes the southeast corner of Franklin County and includes Ackley. From the 1914 book History of Franklin County Iowa, Vol I, by I.L. Stuart, Supervising Editor; The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company: Osceola township was carved out of Reeve in 1857 and made a separate organization. Theodore Miller, a pioneer, became one of the leading citizens of Osceola township. He was formerly a resident of Freeport, Illinois, and located about one mile southwest of McCormick's Grove, in the fall of 1855. Richard Blake sold to him the old McCormick log cabin, to which J. Koppas put up a claim, the cabin having stood near the line of the Koppas and Blake places. The matter went before Squire Leggett, who lived on the Andrews place in Reeve township, and the verdict was given for the defendant. Koppas shortly thereafter sold out his place to John Fahey, who came from Ohio in 1858. From the 1883 book History of Franklin and Cerro Gordo counties, Iowa...Springfield, Ill.: Union Publishing Company, page 503: JOHN FAHEY, a prominent citizen of Osceola, settled in 1859. He is a son of Francis and Catherine (Ryan) Fahey, and was born in Ireland May 4, 1814. He came to America in 1851, and settled in Marion Co., Ohio, remaining there nine years, and then came to Iowa in the spring of 1854, entering land in Hardin county. Returning to Ohio for his family he removed to his present home in Franklin county. He was married in Marion Co., Ohio, to Bridget Fahey, who is also a native of Ireland, in March, 1852. They are both members of the Catholic Church. They have six children - Thomas, Kate, Mary, Julia, John and Ella. Mr. Fahey is regarded as an excellent citizen, and was a member of the board of supervisors six years, also assessor, and is the present town trustee and road supervisor. His two eldest children are married. Kate was married to John Fitzgerald, who lives in the township in the vicinity of Ackley. Editor’s note: Yes, that IS a good trick to immigrate to Marion in 1851 and move nine years later in 1854. His obituary throws out the “nine years”: Most sources say he moved to Iowa in 1858, which would be seven years after immigrating to Ohio. Obituary for John Fahey, Ackley World, Ackley, IA, November 2, 1894: Died – At his home on Franklin street last Monday morning at five o’clock, October 29, 1894, Mr. John Fahey, aged eighty years and five months. His health has not been good for the past year and for three weeks before his death he was confined to his bed with kidney trouble. Mr. Fahey was born in Ireland May 4, 1814. He emigrated to America, settling at Marion, Ohio, in 1851. He was married the following year to his now bereaved wife. In the year 1854 Mr. Fahey came to Ackley and bought a farm in Osceola township, Franklin country; he did not bring his family here until 1859. He was the father of seven children, six of whom are living, four daughters and two sons, Thomas and John of this place; Mrs. Fitzgerald, of western Nebraska; Sister Mary Maud, of Kansas City; Sister Mary Meinrada, of Chicago, and Mrs. JW Redding of Blairsburg. Mr. Fahey was an exemplary citizen, pleasant, social gentleman with a kind word and courteous greeting for every one. He was honest and trustworthy in all his business relations and a conscientious Christian man. He has more than lived the allotted years of life, but they were years of usefulness and spent in helping and doing good to all who came in contact with him. The funeral will take place at ten o’clock this morning at the Catholic church. 287 High Requiem Mass will be celebrated. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. Obituary for Bridget Fahey: The death of Mrs. Bridget Fahey occurred at her home in this city Sunday evening after an illness of about ten days duration of paralysis. For several days before her death she was unconscious and those about her realized that the end was not far off. Mrs. Fahey was born in Ireland and came to this country in the early days, being one of the pioneer residents of this community, having lived here since 1859. Grandma Fahey, as she was called by many, was a life long member of the Catholic church and the oldest settler of Ackley who belonged to St. Mary’s church. Her age was 84 years, 6 months and 15 days. She was a kind and loving mother and her generosity of heart knew no bounds. Of pleasing personality, she possessed many friends, who miss her genial presence. Her death was peaceful as her life and her wish was attained that if it was God’s Holy Will she desired that her last illness would be of short duration. Five children survive her: Sister Mary Meinrada, John and Thomas of this city, Mrs. John Fitzgerald, of Wood River Nebraska, and Mrs. J.E. Redding of Beresford, South Dakota, all of whom were with her at the time of her death. The funeral services were held at St. Mary’s church Wednesday morning at 10:00 o’clock and burial took place at the Catholic cemetery just east of this city. May her soul rest in peace. John Fahey land patent details from http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/PatentSearch/Detail.asp?PatentDocClassCode=STA&Accession=IA0730%5F%5F%2E014&Index=3&QryID=74061%2E55&DetailTab=1 Patentee: JOHN FAHEY Survey State: IOWA Acres: 80 Metes/Bounds: No Title Transfer Issue Date: 6/1/1855 Land Office: Fort Des Moines Cancelled: No U.S. Reservations: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) Document Nr.: 3116 Accession/Serial Nr.: IA0730__.014 Legal land description: Aliquot Parts: N½NW Sec./Block: 12/ Township: 88-N Range: 20-W Fract. Section: No Meridian: 5th PM Counties: Hardin For an explanation of “aliquot parts” and other terms used in the above land patent details, see page 86. JOHN FAHEY’s occupation: Farmer in 1870 & 1880 Census Residence: Osceola Twp, Franklin Co., IA in 1870 & 1880 Census Children of JOHN FAHEY and BRIDGET are: i. DENNIS3 FAHEY, b. February 28, 1853, Ohio, d. Oct. 13, 1877, Cedar Falls, Iowa, suicide by morphine. 3. ii. THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK FAHEY, b. March 17, 1857, Marion, Ohio; d. April 30, 1941. 3.3 iii. CATHERINE AGNES “Kate” FAHEY, b. September 29, 1859, Ohio, d. 1950. 3.4 iv. MARY FAHEY, b. April 7, 1863, Iowa; d. June 22, 1935. v. JULIA FAHEY, b. December 17, 1862, Iowa, d. between 1894 and 1910. Entered Catholic convent at Ackley March 19, 1889 and became Sister Mary Maude, BVM (Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Occupation: Nun, classroom teacher 4. vi. JOHN FRANCIS FAHEY, b. September 7, 1864, Iowa; d. December 30, 1915, Salem, Oregon. vii. ELLEN “Ella” FAHEY, b. July 28, 1866, Iowa; d. June 16, 1941, Boulder, Co. Entered Catholic convent at Ackley May 24, 1886 and became Sister Mary Meinrada, BVM. She was music & vocal teacher at Sacred Heart School, Ackley. About 1910 she left Ackley and was stationed at St. Pius in Chicago for several years. Her health became poor and she was transferred to Boulder, Colo. In 1936 she marked her golden anniversary as a nun, visited Ackley for a family reunion at her brother Tom’s house, and returned to Boulder. She is buried in Sacred Heart of Mary Cemetery, Boulder. Generation No. 3 3. THOMAS "Colonel" PATRICK3 FAHEY (JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born March 17, 1857 in Marion, Marion County, Ohio, and died April 30, 1941. He married MARY HALLORAN October 14, 1879 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, daughter of M ICHAEL HALLORAN and ANNA CARROLL. Mary was born June 19, 1859 in Genoa, Illinois, and died January 20, 1926 in Hardin County, Iowa. The wedding was a double ceremony in which Thomas’ sister Kate Fahey married John Fitzgerald. No one living at the time of this writing knows why Thomas was called “Colonel.” Thomas and Mary are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Franklin County, Iowa. Mary Halloran Fahey’s mother Anna Carroll Halloran is the sister of John Carroll, mentioned on page 316, so Mary is the cousin of John Carroll’s son Robert H. Carroll, husband of Nina Flannery, mentioned on page 316. Obituary in the Ackley World Journal, May 1, 1941, page 5: Thomas Fahey, past 84 years of age, resident of Ackley since 1911, when he and Mrs. Fahey left their farm home in Osceola township, Franklin county, died at the family home in this city Wednesday. He had been in ill health, having sustained a stroke of paralysis several years ago. Through all, however, he maintained his natural cheerful disposition, and held the affections of all who knew him. He was born at Marion, Ohio, March 17, 1857, and came to Iowa with his parents, at the age of 4 years. He grew to manhood in south Franklin county; through all the years of his life there, he was one of the representative men of the community. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Halloran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Halloran, who too were among the early residents of Osceola township. Mr. and Mrs. Fahey left the old home farm in 1911, and came to Ackley. Mrs. Fahey died in 1926. Their union was 288 blessed with nine children, two of them died in infancy. Surviving are these: Mrs. Sam A. Martin, resident of George, Iowa; Mrs. E. Nangle of Mason City; Mrs. Frank Keninger, west of Ackley; Mrs. Jas. A. Parden at Iowa City; John, Robert and Floyd in Ackley. A brother, John, well remembered by older residents here, died a number of years ago. (Obituary doesn’t mention her, but his sister Ella survived him, dying a month later) Funeral services are to be held at St. Mary's Catholic church, Friday morning, May 2, the Rev. J.J. Murtagh to officiate. Notes for THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK FAHEY from http://iagenweb.org/franklin/1908PlatMaps/NameIndex-F.htm: A 1908 Franklin County plat map shows the following ownership: Name Page Township Section Acres Fahey, Jno. C. 46 Osceola 35 Not listed Fahey, John 39 Osceola 27 155.00 Fahey, Thomas 39 Osceola 28 80.00 Fahey, Thomas 39 Osceola 28 80.00 Fahey, Thomas 39 Osceola 33 80.00 More About MARY HALLORAN: Burial: Jan. 24, 1926, St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Franklin Co., Ia. Her brother Frank also is buried there. Just as Mary’s husband’s parents were born in Ireland, so were Mary and Frank’s parents. Their father Michael Halloran was born in July 1836 in County Mayo, Ireland, and died Nov. 16, 1909 in Swaledale, Iowa. Michael and his wife Anna C. Carroll are buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Rockwell, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Michael married Anna Feb. 15, 1858 in Boone Co. Ill. She was born Jan. 4, 1839 in Ireland, and died Jan. 6, Thomas Patrick Fahey Thomas Patrick Fahey 1913 in Park Hospital, Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Ia. County Mayo is one of the traditional counties of Ireland and is located within the province of Connacht. The county has experienced perhaps the highest emigration out of Ireland. In the 1840s-1880s, waves of emigrants left the rural townlands of the county. Initially triggered by the Great Famine and then in search of work in the newly industrializing England, Scotland and the United States, the population fell from 388,887 in 1841 to 199,166 in 1901. The Great Famine was a period of starvation, disease and mass emigration between 1845 and 1852 during which the population of Ireland was reduced by 20 to 25 percent. Approximately one million of the population died and a million more emigrated from Ireland's shores. The proximate cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight. Although blight ravaged potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840s, the impact and human cost was exacerbated in Ireland, where a third of the population was entirely dependent on the potato for food. Cliffs along the Atlantic coastline Location of County Mayo in Ireland The story of Mary’s father Michael is an interesting one. of County Mayo, near Ballycastle From the 1883 book History of Franklin and Cerro Gordo Counties, Iowa, pages 507 & 508: Michael Holloran was born in Mayo Co., Ireland, in 1837. He moved to Yorkshire, England, in 1850, and there worked on a farm five years, and then joined the militia, serving one year in the British army in the Crimean war, Charles Napier commanding general. He sailed from one port to another and, finally, on the 10th of March, 1857, he landed at New York, where he learned the plumber and gas fitter's trade on Staten Island, under Thomas McNight. From there he moved to Belvidere, Boone Co., Ill. Here he learned the stone cutter and mason's trade, and soon after removed to Scotland Co., Mo., where he remained a year, thence back to DeKalb Co., Ill., where he farmed until 1870, at which time he came to Franklin county, settling on section 30, Osceola township, where he owns 400 acres of land. He was married to Ann Carroll in 1859. By this union there are eleven children: Mary, Kate, Martin J., Julia, Frank P., Annie, Maggie, John W., Michael Edward, Thomas Joseph, and Robert Henry. Mary was married to Thomas Fahey in 1880. Mr. Holloran is a democrat in politics and a member of the Catholic Church. Editor: Anna Carroll Halloran’s parents (Mary Halloran Fahey’s grandparents) were Martin Carroll, 1810-1881, and Mary McDonough Carroll, 1811-1886. Mary Halloran Fahey obituary excerpts, Ackley World Journal, Jan. 21, 1926, page 1: Mrs. Thomas Fahey, after an illness that continued through several weeks, passed away at the family home in this city at an early hour Wednesday morning, the result of anemia. Hopes that were held out in the beginning of her illness began to fade some two weeks ago and she continued to fail. Her death brings sorrow not only to the immediate family circle and relatives but to the many residents of Ackley and Osceola township, Franklin County, who have known the Fahey and Halloran families for the past fifty years, and the sympathy of all goes out to those who are called to mourn the passing of one who has been near and dear. Mrs. Fahey was a daughter of Mr. Michael Halloran, generous hearted, open-handed, early-day residents of the community who were 289 always counted with the best. She was born January 19, 1859, at Genoa, Illinois; her childhood was spent here with her parents, brothers and sisters. Her marriage to Thomas Fahey was a happy one; together they reared a family of splendid children; together they labored and did much for the community’s good. Beside the bereaved husband, she is survived by three sons and three daughters, John, Robert, Floyd; Mrs. S.A. Martin, residing at George, Iowa; Mrs. Jas. Parden, Mason City; Miss Laura, at home, Frank, Edward of Ackley; John at St. Paul; Thomas at Thornton; another brother and a sister. 5. 5.1 5.2 5.5 6. 7. Children of THOMAS FAHEY and MARY HALLORAN are: i. LIGOURI J.4 FAHEY, b. August 26, 1880, Ackley, Iowa; d. Nov. 22, 1961, Neosho, Missouri. ii. JOHN MICHAEL FAHEY, b. Dec. 19, 1884, Franklin Co., Ia and died Oct. 15, 1955 at Meservey, Ia., heart attack. iii. MARY ELLEN “Mae Ella” FAHEY, b. April 24, 1888, Iowa; d. March 29, 1968. iv. MARGARET IRENE FAHEY, b. November 16, 1891, d. Dec. 21, 1971. v. ROBERT ALFONSO FAHEY, b. May 7, 1894, farm in Osceola Twp, Franklin County, Iowa; d. August 28, 1960. vi. ANNA VIOLA FAHEY, b. April 2, 1897, d. Oct. 14, 1897. They referred to her by her middle name. vii. LAURA BRIDGET FAHEY, b. May 26, 1899, in Franklin Co., Iowa; d. May 3, 1986. viii. FLOYD THOMAS FAHEY, b. May 4, 1902, in Osceola Twp, Franklin Co., Iowa; d. May 18, 1979, Mason City. Burial: Elmwood Saint Joseph Cemetery, Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa 3.3. CATHERINE AGNES “Kate” FAHEY (JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Sept. 29, 1859 in Marion, Ohio and died in 1950. She married JOHN FRANCIS FITZGERALD on Oct. 14, 1879 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa in a double ceremony in which her brother Thomas Fahey married Mary Halloran. John was born in September 1857 in Wisconsin and died in 1933. Catherine and John resided in Ackley, in Wood River, Nebraska, and in Crawford County, Kansas. They, sons John and Frank, and Frank’s wife are buried in Girard Cemetery, Girard, Crawford County, Kansas. Children of JOHN FITZGERALD and KATE FAHEY are: i. Joseph "Joe" Fitzgerald b. Sept. 1884 Neb. ii. May A. Fitzgerald b. June 1887 Neb., d. Dec. 17, 1974 California. Buried in San Carlos Cemetery, Monterey, Calif. iii. John Stephen Fitzgerald b. June 19, 1889 Neb., d. April 28, 1970 in Kansas. His grave marker cites his military record: Montana, Pvt 365 Baker Co., World War I. iv. Grace A. Fitzgerald b. Aug. 1892 Neb. v. Leo Fitzgerald b. Aug. 1, 1897 Hood River, Neb., d. October 1976 Parsons, Kan. 7.1 vi. Francis “Frank” Fitzgerald, b. May 10, 1900, d. August 1969. 290 3.4. MARY E. FAHEY (JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born April 7, 1863 in Iowa and died June 22, 1935 in Long Beach, Calif. On Nov. 19, 1889 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ackley she married JAMES “Jim” EDWARD REDDING, son of Martin Redding and Susan “Susie” Flannagan. He was born March 24, 1865 in Illinois and died Oct. 13, 1933. She was known as Mame, a charming and pretty woman. Residences: Cerro Gordo and Hamilton counties, Iowa; Beresford, Lincoln County, SD; Long Beach. Children of JIM REDDING and MARY FAHEY are: i. Maude Redding, b. Dec. 10, 1892 in Iowa, became Sister Mary Adria, d. April 5, 1989, buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery, Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa. ii. James “Jim” Fahey Redding, b. Jan. 31 1895 in Blairsburg, Iowa, d. Oct. 28, 1954 Calif.; on Jan. 28, 1926 in Los Angeles, Calif., wed Mary B. Weidenkopf, 37, daughter of John Weidenkopf and Mary Mulholland. She was born June 14 1888 in Badger, South Dakota and died Aug 19 1963 in Long Beach, California. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/K8N6-HPD iii. Joseph “Joe” Martin Redding, b. Feb. 4, 1897 in Rockwell, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa, d. Feb. 16, 1973 in Los Angeles, Calif.. Lived in Long Beach, Calif. On June 20, 1931 in Los Angeles married Hazel C. Brinkmeyer, b. Sept. 3 1893 Lake Benton, Minnesota, d. March 28, 1991 Long Beach, Los Angeles, Calif., daughter of Henry Enke and Dora Eddy. iv. Marie Lucille Redding, b. May 18 1899 in Ia, d. Dec. 11, 1989 Los Angeles, m. Phil Wallock, lived in Long Beach, Calif. v. Luella Redding, b. abt 1902 in Iowa, m. Earl Lowe who was first married to her cousin Ella Fahey, daughter of John Francis Fahey (brother of Luella’s mother Mary). Lived in Portland, Ore. 4. JOHN FRANCIS FAHEY (JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born September 7, 1864 in Ackley, Iowa, and died Dec. 30, 1915 of pneumonia in Salem, Oregon. He married CATHERINE O'NEILL Jan. 21, 1891, daughter of JOHN O'NEILL and ANNA NOONAN, at St. Mary’s Catholic church, Ackley, Father Meagher officiating. She was born Aug. 20, 1864 in Ackley and died July 26, 1927 in Portland, Oregon. Her parents were born in County Cork, Ireland. On marrying, they lived on one of the farms of John’s father, also named John Fahey. Both are buried in Saint Barbaras Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co., Oregon. Nickname for JOHN FAHEY: Johnny Nickname for CATHERINE O'NEILL: Kate Children of JOHN FAHEY and KATE O'NEILL are: 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 i. ii. iii. iv. v. MARY MAUDE FAHEY, b. Dec. 13, 1891 at Ackley, d. Aug. 5, 1936 Portland. JOSEPH ALPHONSUS FAHEY, b. Feb. 1, 1893 in Ackley, d. Dec. 3, 1932 Portland. MEINRADA CECILIA FAHEY, b. Oct. 13, 1895 Ackley, d. April 27 1982 Salem, Ore. ELLEN “Ella” FAHEY, b. June 10, 1897 Ackley, d. May 8, 1926 Portland. WILLIAM “BILL” FERDINAND FAHEY, b. Dec 3, 1906, Ackley, Ia., d. Dec. 14 1976 Hood River, Oregon. John Francis Fahey and Kate O’Neill and children in 1913. Back row, left to right, are: Ella, Mary, Joe & Meinrada. In front, left to right, are John, William & Catherine (O’Neill) Fahey. 291 Generation No. 4 5. LIGOURI JULIA4 FAHEY (THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Aug. 26, 1880 in Ackley, Iowa, and died Nov. 22, 1961 in Neosho, Newton County, Missouri. On Feb. 19, 1901 in Ackley, Iowa she married SAMUEL A. MARTIN, son of Julius Martin and Bertha Goettel. He was born June 9, 1878 at Ackley and died Jan. 16, 1943. More About LIGOURI J. FAHEY: Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, George, Lyon County, Iowa Info.: Possibly Julia Ligouri instead of Ligouri Julia; census says Julia. Residence: Tiff City, MO Ligouri J. (Fahey) Martin Ligouri, about 1920 Ligouri J. (Fahey) Martin Obituary, Joplin Globe, Nov. 28, 1961: TIFF CITY, Mo. - Mrs. Ligouri (Ma) Martin, 81 years old, died at 6:40 o'clock Wednesday night in Sale Memorial hospital where she had been a patient five days. Mrs. Martin was born August 26. 1880, in Ackley, Iowa, where she lived until moving to Tiff City 16 years ago. Mrs. Martin was preceded in death by her husband, Sam Martin, in 1943. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church in Seneca. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Bertha Mae Veenker of George, Iowa; a son, Julius E. Martin of Tiff City; nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Services and burial will be in George, Iowa, with mass to be conducted in Rock Rapids, Iowa. More About SAMUEL A. MARTIN: Nickname: Sam. Residence: George, Lyon County, IA. Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, George, Lyon County, Iowa. His tombstone transversed the last two digits of his birth year. He was definitely born in 1878, though the stone says 1887. Obituary, Waterloo Daily Courier, Monday, Jan. 18, 1943: ACKLEY— Sam Martin, 65, Saturday at George, Ia.; was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Julius Martin and his father was a member of the firm of Martin & Martin, of Ackley; deceased went to George nearly 40 years ago, and had operated a grocery store; leaves widow, the former Ligouri Fahey of Ackley; one daughter, Mrs. Ralph Veenker; a son, Julius; seven grandchildren and two sisters, Miss Clara Martin, Ackley, and Mrs. Raymond Blackmun, Eldora; funeral Tuesday. Children of LIGOURI FAHEY and SAMUEL MARTIN are: 8. i. JULIUS EMMET "STUB"5 MARTIN, b. Nov. 4, 1901; d. Aug. 14, 1968, Grove, OK. 9. ii. BERTHA MAE MARTIN, b. Sept. 9, 1903; d. April 15, 1993. 5.1 JOHN MICHAEL FAHEY was born Dec. 19, 1884 in Franklin Co., Ia and died Oct. 15, 1955 at Meservey, Ia., of a heart attack. He married CLARA MARIE BREITHAUPT Dec. 28, 1910, daughter of George Breithaupt Jr and Nellie Jenkins. She was born Dec. 16, 1884 inAckley, Iowa and died June 23, 1948 at Iowa City. Notes for JOHN MICHAEL FAHEY (son of Thomas, not to be confused with Thomas’ father or brother, both also named John): From the 1914 book History of Franklin County Iowa, Vol 2, by I.L. Stuart, Supervising Editor; The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, page 247, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~iabiog/franklin/ hfc1914/hfc1914_f.htm#John%20M.%20Fahey: John M. Fahey, a native of Franklin county, is closely connected with agricultural interests of Osceola township, operating a farm of one hundred and sixty acres on section 33, He was born upon this property December 19, 1884, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Holloran) Fahey, who are now living retired in Ackley. In this family were nine children: Ligouri, the wife of Samuel Martin, of George, Iowa; John M., of this review; Mary Ellen, who married James Parden, of George, Iowa; Thomas, deceased; Irene, at home; Viola, who has passed away; Robert, Laura and Floyd, of Ackley. John M. Fahey was reared at home and from his early childhood assisted with the operation of the farm, learning in this way the best and most practical methods of farm operation. In 1911 he rented the John Michael Fahey homestead, comprising one hundred and sixty acres on section 33, Osceola township, and here he has since engaged in general farming and stock-raising. He has followed always the most practical and progressive methods and has met with excellent success in the conduct of his interests. On the 28th of December, 1910, Mr. Fahey was united in marriage to Miss Clara Breithaupt, a daughter of George F. and Nellie (Jenkins) Breithaupt, the former a native of Germany and the latter of St. John, New Brunswick. The parents came to Iowa in 1871 and the father conducted a hotel in Ackley until his death June 28, 1913. His wife survives him and makes her home in Ackley. Twelve children were born to their union.: Annie, deceased; Helena, the wife of Alex Thompson of Marshalltown, Iowa; Matilda, who married 292 Henry Smith, of Wichita, Kansas; Ada, who has passed away; Catherine, the wife of William Neary, of Butte, Montana; George L., also of Butte; Frank, deceased; Lillian, of Charles City, Iowa; Leo, of Columbus, Ohio; Lulu, who has passed away; Clara, the wife of the subject of this review; and Harry, of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Fahey is a member of the Catholic church and connected fraternally with the Knights of Columbus. His political allegiance is given to the democratic party, and although he is not active as an office seeker, he served with credit and ability as school director. He is a young man of energy, enterprise and ambition, and he has become widely and favorably known in his native township for his many sterling traits of character. Editor’s notes: Nellie Jenkins Breithaupt’s native New Brunswick is a Canadian province bordering the northeastern state of Maine. According to the 1930 census, Clara’s older sister Helena, born about 1868, wife (widow?) of Alex Thompson, was living with Clara and John in Ackley. John and Clara’s obituaries both say burial was in St. Mary’s Cemetery but no marker exists for either of them in that cemetery in Ackley. Clara’s sister Annie Elizabeth Breithaupt, who died at age 10, has a marker there. Obituary excerpts for John M. Fahey, Oct. 20, 1955, Ackley World Journal: John M. Fahey, 70, died suddenly Saturday of a heart attack at Meservey, where he with Ed Breuning and Herman Heetland had stopped en route from a fishing trip at Ventura. He had suffered a severe heart attack early this summer but had recovered from that. The son of Tom and Mary Fahey, he was born in Ackley and had lived here all his life. He was married to Clara Breithaupt, who died in 1948. For many years they farmed northwest of Ackley on the Fahey family farm, and later moved into Ackley. Surviving are four sisters and two brothers, Mrs. S.A. Martin, Tiff City, Mo., Mrs. J.A. Parden, Iowa City, Mrs. Frank Keninger, Ackley, Mrs. Elmer Nangle, Mason City, and Bob and Floyd Fahey of Ackley, and several nieces and nephews. Clara’s obituary in the June 24, 1948, Ackley World Journal, page 1, says she died “following a prolonged illness, due to a heart ailment. Her niece Mrs. Ethel DeVine of Detroit, Mich., was with her at the time of her death. “Surviving besides her husband are her two sisters: Mrs. Lillian Cardwell, Oakland, Calif.; and Mrs. Kate Meary, Butte, Mont.; and three brothers: Harry, Salem, Va.; George, Buena Vista, Calif.; and Leo of Bellflower, Calif.” 5.2. MARY ELLEN “Mae Ella” 4 FAHEY (THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born April 24, 1888, Iowa; and died March 29, 1968. She married JAMES AMBROSE PARDEN Nov. 22, 1911 in Iowa, born March 24, 1885 at Rock Valley, Iowa to James W. and Mary Galligher Parden, died Sept. 19, 1971 at Iowa City, Iowa. He worked in George as a bank clerk and then as assistant cashier, and served as city assessor. The 1920 census has James, Mae and their two young daughters living in Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, where his occupation is listed as bank vice president. The 1930 census adds son Robert and they have moved to Iowa City, Johnson Co. Ia., where James and presumably Mae are buried. James Parden obituary in the Iowa City Press Citizen, Monday, Sept. 20, 1971: James A. Parden. 86, of 225 Stiver Street, a prominent real estate man, died Sunday at University Hospital. Funeral mass will be Tuesday at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas More Church with burial in the new section of St. Joseph's Cemetery. Mr. Parden was born March 24, 1885 at Rock Valley. He married Mae Fahey Nov. 22, 1911 at Ackley. He moved to Iowa City in 1926 and was associated with the Iowa City Savings Bank until opening what is now the Parden-Batterman real estate and insurance office in 1923. He was the first president of the Iowa City Real Estate Board, former treasurer of the Iowa State Historical Society. Children of MAE FAHEY and JAMES PARDEN are: 9.2 i. MARY PARDEN, b. March 8, 1915 in George, Lyon Co., Iowa, d. Jan. 2, 1999. 9.3 ii. DOROTHY “Dora” ELLEN PARDEN., b. 1918 at George, Lyon County, Iowa. 9.4 iii. ROBERT J. PARDEN, b. April 17, 1922, d. July 20, 2014. Mae (Fahey) Parden 5.5. MARGARET IRENE4 FAHEY (THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Nov. 16, 1891 in Ackley, Iowa, and died Dec. 21, 1971 in Ackley. On Jan. 7, 1915 she married FRANK L. KENINGER, son of Joseph and Anna Oppold Keninger, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ackley. He was born Nov. 24, 1888 near Ackley and died March 28, 1979 in Ackley. Burial for MARGARET IRENE FAHEY and FRANK L. KENINGER: St. Mary's Cemetery, Ackley, IA Info.: Irene went by middle name Irene Fahey Keninger obituary, Waterloo Daily Courier, Dec. 22, 1971: ACKLEY - Mrs. Frank Keninger, 80, died Tuesday night in the Presbyterian Home at Ackley. Services will be Friday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ackley. Burial in the church cemetery. Rosary at the Brandt-Fritz Funeral Home at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Survivors are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Merle Wallace, of Hampton and Mrs. Harley Burkley, of Ackley; six sons, Harold, of Ackley, Joseph, of Ackley, William, of Ackley, Nicklas, of Seattle, Wash., Paul, of Ackley and Elmer, of Waterloo; two sisters, Mrs. Mae Pardon, of Iowa City, and Mrs. Elmer Nangle, of Mason City; a brother, Floyd Fahey, of Eldora, 32 grandchildren; and six great grandchildren. 293 Irene Fahey Keninger, about 1920 Children of IRENE FAHEY and FRANK KENINGER are: 9.5 i. Anna Mae Keninger Wallace, b. Oct. 16, 1915, d. Oct. 17, 2004. 9.6 ii. Frances Irene Keninger Burkle, b. June 10, 1917, d. Nov. 19, 2011. 9.65 iii. Harold Joseph Keninger, b. March 20, 1919, d. Nov. 10, 2015 Ackley. iv. Leo Thomas5 Keninger, b. March 9, 1921; d. Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Burial: USS Oklahoma, Pearl Harbor. Died in the sneak attack by Japan that caused the United States to enter World War II. The Elliott-Keninger Post of the American Legion, Ackley, is named partially in his honor. Service: Navy, Fireman First Class, USS Oklahoma, BB-37, Battleship Memorial marker at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, next to his parents. 9.7 v. Joseph Wayne Keninger, b. Oct. 9, 1922, d. March 24, 2004. 9.8 vi. William James Keninger, b. Nov. 15, 1924 Ackley, d. April 23, 2009 Ackley. 9.83 vii. Nicholas Gregory Keninger, b. Nov. 17, 1927, d. March 27, 1993 9.84 viii. Paul Alfred Keninger, b. Oct. 14, 1928, d. Jan. 3, 2016; m. Delores Jean Meinders. 9.9 ix. Elmer Lawrence “Red” Keninger, b. July 26, 1930 in Ackley, m. Carol Stirm June 30, 1956 in Waterloo, Iowa. Leo Thomas Keninger 6. ROBERT ALFONSO4 FAHEY (THOMAS “COLONEL” PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born May 7, 1894 on a farm in Osceola Twp, Franklin County, Iowa, and died August 28, 1960 in Allen Memorial Hospital, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., IA. He married ANNA PATRICIA O’NEILL July 28, 1937 in St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, daughter of PATRICK O’NEILL and HARRIET PHINNEY. She was born October 14, 1906 in Iowa Falls, Iowa, and died March 12, 2005 in Joplin, Missouri. Robert Fahey, 1898, age 4 Robert Fahey, Nov. 12, 1939, age 45 Robert Fahey in WWI Army uniform Robert Fahey, 1953, age 59 Obituary for ROBERT ALFONSO FAHEY: Robert Fahey Dies Sunday Services were held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church Wednesday morning for Robert A. Fahey, who died Sunday night at Allen Memorial Hospital. The Rev. J.A. Kress officiated. Burial was in St. Mary’s cemetery. Bob Fahey was a member of a family long identified with the history of this community. He was born on a farm in Franklin Co. May 7, 1894, to Thomas P. and Mary Halloran Fahey. He grew up there and attended school and when his parents moved to Ackley in 1911, he went to work for his brother-in-law in George, where he stayed until he entered service in World War I. Following the Armistice he played with orchestras in central Iowa for several years, and after his mother’s death in 1926 he returned to Ackley to be with his father. On July 28, 1937 he and Ann O’Neill of Ackley were married. A history of the church written at the time of the Centennial here revealed that they were the only couple married there who each had grandparents who were members of the original St. Mary’s congregation. They have since made their home here, and became the parents of two sons. Mr. Fahey was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church and Ellsworth-Keninger Post of the American Legion. Surviving are his wife and sons, A-3c Thomas P. Fahey of Loring AFB, Maine, and Joseph Fahey, at home, four sisters, Mrs. Ligouri Martin, Tiff City, Mo., Mrs. Mae (James) Parden, Iowa City, Mrs. Irene (Frank) Keninger, Ackley, Mrs. Laura Nangle, Mason City, and a brother, Floyd, Independence. Editor’s notes: Robert’s 1918 draft registration card lists his address as George, in Lyon County, Iowa, and his occupation as “drayman,” another word for deliveryman. Robert’s sister Ligouri Fahey Martin and her son Julius E. “Stub” Martin are the reason Robert’s widow Ann, his sons (first cousins to “Stub”), and his grandchildren wound up in Joplin, Mo. Ann moved to Tiff City, Mo. to be near them after Robert’s death, and her sons lived in nearby Joplin to be near their mother. She eventually moved to Joplin. More About ROBERT ALFONSO FAHEY and ANNA PATRICIA O’NEILL:: Burial: St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Iowa 294 Anna O’Neill, 1909, age 3 Ann O’Neill, First grade, 1912-13 Ann O’Neill, 1927, age 21 Ann O’Neill Fahey, 1968 More About ANNA PATRICIA O’NEILL: Info.: DAR No. 296265 Obituary: Anna Patricia Fahey, 98, Joplin, Mo., passed away Saturday, March 12, 2005, at Spring River Christian Village, where she had been a resident since 1995. Mrs. Fahey was born on Oct. 14,1906, in Iowa Falls, Iowa, the daughter of Patrick O’Neill and Harriet Phinney O’Neill. She grew up in Ackley, Iowa, and graduated high school in 1924. She earned a college degree and worked for a time as a teacher. She married World War I veteran Robert A. Fahey on July 28, 1937, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ackley. They made their home in Ackley, where they raised two sons. After the death of her husband in 1960, Anna moved to Tiff City, Mo., to be near relatives. After a few years she moved to Joplin, where she lived for the rest of her life. She was a dedicated and loving wife and mother. She was a member of the Catholic Church. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is survived by two sons, Thomas P. Fahey and his wife Carol, Joplin, and Joseph H. Fahey, Eureka Springs, Ark; three grandchildren, Robert A. Fahey and his wife Sue, Overland Park, Kan., Patricia Ann Fahey and her husband David Youll, Jenks, Ok., and Miles Fahey, Eureka Springs, Ark.; and a great-granddaughter, Katherine Fahey Youll, Jenks, Ok. She was preceded in death by her husband and by a sister, Catherine O’Neill Larsen. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Parker Mortuary, Joplin, with Rev Justin Monaghan officiating. Visitation to follow. The body will be cremated, with interment in Iowa. Marriage Notes for ROBERT FAHEY and ANNA O’NEILL: 1937 newspaper story: Ackley Pair Married Here Former Local Resident Makes First Visit in 10 Years ACKLEY – The marriage of Miss Anna O’Neill, daughter of the late Mrs. Harriett O’Neill to Robert Fahey, son of Tom Fahey, all of Ackley, was solemnized Wednesday morning, July 28 th, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Rev. J.J. O’Meara officiated. The ceremony was witnessed by relatives of the contracting parties, and the couple was unattended. Following a ten-day trip to Mason City and points to Minnesota, they will make their home in Ackley with his father. Children of ROBERT FAHEY and ANNA O’NEILL are: 10. i. THOMAS PATRICK5 FAHEY, b. 1941, Eldora, Iowa. 11. ii. JOSEPH HOWARD FAHEY, b. 1945. 295 1945 – Ann & Robert Fahey and sons Joe, left, & Tom, right. 1959, Ann and Bob Fahey and sons. Left to right: Tom, 18, Ann, 53, Bob, 65, and Joe, 14 296 297 1920s – Bob Fahey, second from left, & band at a dance hall. Bob Fahey, drums; Bill Lovell, trombone; Carl Steffie, piano; Wade Zonewalt, trumpet; Jimmy Deming, saxophone Base Hospital Band, Camp Dodge Iowa, 1918. Bob Fahey is behind and to the right of the bass drum, looking down. 7. LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY (THOMAS “COLONEL” PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born May 26, 1899 in Ackley, Ia. and died May 3, 1986 in Mason City, Ia. She married ELMER M. NANGLE Oct. 25, 1927 in Ackley. He was born May 12, 1898 and died May 25, 1963. Both are buried in Elmwood Saint Joseph Cemetery, Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Mason City Globe-Gazette, May 25, 1963: Elmer M. Nangle, 65, retired freight house foreman for the Rock Island Lines, died Saturday morning at his home, 403 4 th SE. He was a native of Mason City and had worked 39 years with the Rock Island Lines. Mr. Nangle was born May 12, 1898 in Mason City, son of Thomas and Pauline (Summerfield) Nangle. He was graduated Laura (Fahey) Nangle Laura Fahey, about 1920 from St. Joseph’s Academy and began working with the Milwaukee Road in 1914. Two years later he began his employment with the Rock Island Lines and retired in June 1955. He was married to Miss Laura Fahey Oct. 25, 1927 at Ackley. The family had lived in Mason City since that time. Surviving are his wife, a son, Thomas, of Mason City, a daughter, Mrs. Frank (Mary) Staley, Dayton, Ohio, and eight grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister in infancy. He was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, the Knights of Columbus Council 1006, Mason City, and the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks. Requiem high mass will be celebrated at 11 am. Monday in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The Knights of Columbus Rosary was scheduled for 7 p.m. Sunday, St. Joseph Tabernacle Society at 7:30 p.m. Sunday and St. Joseph’s parish Rosary at 8 p.m. at the Hogan-McKee Colonial Chapel, with visitation until the time of services. Burial will be in the St. Joseph’s section of Elmwood Cemetery. Pallbearers selected are H.E. Shaffer, Ralph McCarron, Mel Van Hecke, Paul Hurley, Chester McClung and Lester Cross. Ushers will be B. Michael Dunn, Victor Coyle and Jack McCole. Obituary for Laura Bridget Fahey Nangle: MASON CITY - Mrs. Laura B. Nangle, 86, of 1115 Crestmore Way, died Saturday (May 3, 1986) at a Mason City nursing home. She was born May 26, 1899, in Ackley, the daughter of Thomas and Mary (Halloran) Fahey. She graduated in 1917 from Sacred Heart School, Ackley, and later graduated from Teachers College in Cedar Falls. She taught school in Franklin and Hardin counties. On Oct. 25, 1927, she married Elmer M. Nangle in Ackley. He died in 1963. Mrs. Nangle was a Mason City resident for 59 years. She was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, a church circle, and the Royal Neighbors. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 302 5th SE, Mason City, with the Rev. James King officiating. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery, Mason City. Visitation is after 4 this afternoon at Hogan-Bremer Colonial Chapel, 125 3rd NE, Mason City, where a scriptural rosary will be said at 7 tonight. Mrs. Nangle is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frank (Mary Pat) Staley, Dayton, Ohio; a son, Thomas M. Nangle, Mason City; eight grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren, and nieces and nephews. Children of LAURA FAHEY and ELMER NANGLE are: i. THOMAS MICHAEL5 NANGLE, b. 1933, born Ronald Eugene Collins; Adopted child. ii. MARY PAT NANGLE, b. 1935, born Patricia Trainer; Adopted child. Married Frank Staley. 12. 13. 7.1. FRANCIS “Frank” PATRICK FITZGERALD (CATHERINE A.3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born March 10, 1900 in Nebraska and died in August 1969. On his WWI draft registation card he said he was employed as a farmer by his father in Walnut, Crawford Co., Kan. The card said his eyes were gray and his hair brown. He married Cleo Shook, daughter of James and Alice Shook. She was born in 1902 in Kansas and died in 1980 in Girard, Crawford Co., Kansas. Frank and Cleo are buried in Girard Cemetery. Children of FRANK FITZGERALD and CLEO SHOOK are: i. Helen Frances Fitzgerald, b. May 2, 1924, Walnut, Crawford Co., Kan., d. April 29, 2013, Girard, Crawford Co., m. Ernest Marion Puckett May 6, 1945 in Eerie, Kansas; b. March 22, 1923 Kansas, d. Nov. 18, 2012. Children of Helen and Ernest: Curtis A. Puckett, Colorado Springs, Co.; Edith Puckett Ramage and 298 Frank Fitzgerald Cleo Shook Fitzgerald Nancy Puckett Grantham of Girard, Marjorie Puckett McKinney (died before 1969). Helen & Ernest are buried in Girard Cemetery, Girard. ii. Wilma Louise Fitzgerald, b. April 13, 1927 in Girard, d. Jan. 23, 2014 in Girard. On Sept. 12, 1947 in Girard m. Stanley Virgil Scroggins of Girard, b. Nov. 5, 1925 in Kansas, d. Sept. 8, 2007 in Pittsburg, KS, son of Larry and Thelma Evans Scroggins. Wilma was preceded in death by her husband and son Larry Scroggins and a grandson, survived by daughter Janice Scroggins of Girard, a grandson and a great granddaughter. Wilma and Stanley are buried in Girard Cemetery, Girard. 7.2. MARY MAUDE FAHEY (JOHN F.3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Dec. 13, 1891 at Ackley, Iowa and died Aug. 5, 1936 in Portland, Ore. of leukemia. On May 28, 1912 she married 1) Clarence J. Carlson, manager at the Ackley Journal. He died in 1916 from tuberculosis. She married 2) Ludwig Bertram Woltring of Portland, born June 7, 1890 in Oregon and died in October 1982. Ludwig and Mary are buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. Child of MARY FAHEY and LUDWIG WOLTRING is: i. Robert O’Neill Woltring, b. Feb. 11 in Oregon, 1919, d. Sept. 13, 1982. 7.3. JOSEPH ALPHONSUS FAHEY (JOHN F.3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Feb. 1, 1893 in Ackley, Iowa and died Dec. 3, 1932 in Portland, Ore. of pneumonia at the age of 39. He married May Roi, born April 2, 1897 in Somerset, Wisc. and died Sept. 2, 1987 in Portland. She was a homemaker and self-employed seamstress. On his World War I draft card, he wrote that he was employed as an express messenger by the Wells Fargo Co. in Portland, Ore. He wrote that he was tall and slender, with blue eyes. He was in the Army in France during WWI as a private in Co. D, 37 th Engineers, then returned to Portland and worked for the railroad. Joseph and May A. Fahey are buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Ore. May was survived by her sons and 11 grandchildren. Mary Fahey Woltring Children of JOSEPH FAHEY and MAY are: i. ii. JOSEPH ROY FAHEY Jr., b. June 4, 1925 in Oregon. Res.:Portland, Beaverton, Ore. DENNIS JOHN FAHEY, b. March 20, 1931 in Oregon. Res.: Monmouth, Ore.; Mesa, Ariz. 7.4. MEINRADA CECILIA FAHEY (JOHN F.3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Oct. 13, 1895 at Ackley, Iowa and died April 27, 1982 in Salem, Oregon. In 1919 in Salem, Oregon she married Augustine Andrew Whelan, born Feb. 1, 1885 in Wisconsin and died Sept. 19, 1959in Oregon, son of Michael Whelan and Mary Ann Bennett Whelan. Residence: Newport, Ore. Both are buried in City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co., Ore. Children of AUGUSTINE WHELAN and MEINRADA FAHEY are: i. JAMES “Jim” F. WHELAN, b. June 5, 1919 Seattle, Wa., d. Nov. 17, 1990 Salem, Ore. ii. DOROTHY ELLEN WHELAN, b. April 30, 1920 in Oregon, d. Sept. 12, 2003 Salem, m. Thomas Tandy. Children Thomas and Kathyn Tandy. Burial City View Cemetery, Salem. iii. DONALD BENNETT WHELAN, b. Dec. 24, 1922 in Salem, Oregon., d. June 8, 2004 in Newport, Ore. Residence: Newport. No children. He is buried in Olema Cemetery, Olema, Marin Co., Calif. He and brother David joined the Navy together Oct. 19, 1942. He served for four years during WW II, and was an armed guard and a signalman on liberty ships. He went to the University of Oregon on the GI Bill and graduated in 1950. 7.8 iv. DAVID ANDREW WHELAN, b. July 17, 1924 at Forest Knolls, Calif. Residence: San Francisco, Calif. He served aboard a destroyer in the Pacific war and earned five battle stars. He went to the University of Oregon on the GI Bill and graduated in 1950. Meinrada Fahey Whelan 7.5. ELLEN “ELLA” MARGARITA FAHEY (JOHN F.3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born June 10, 1897 at Ackley, Iowa and died May 8, 1926 at Portland, Oregon. She had tuberculosis and died from an experimental rib operation at the age of 28.She married Earl Lowe, who was later married to her cousin, Luella Redding, daughter of Mary Fahey Redding (sister of Ella’s father John Francis Fahey). Children of EARL LOWE and ELLA FAHEY are: i. Mary Ellen Lowe, Portland, Ore. ii. Betty Lowe, Los Angeles, Calif. Ella Fahey Lowe 299 7.6. WILLIAM “BILL” FERDINAND FAHEY (JOHN F.3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Dec 3, 1906, in Ackley, Ia. and died Dec. 14, 1976 at Hood River Memorial Hospital, Hood River, Oregon of cancer. He married Carla Marjorie Vaughan, b. Sept. 28, 1911 at Hood River, Ore., d. Dec. 13, 1995 at Hood River, daughter of Robert and Myrtle Leona Hardesty Vaughan. Burial: With her parents in Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River Co., Ore. Bill was in the Navy during WWII and was stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii at the same time as his nephew, David Whelan. Obituary excerpts for William F. Fahey, Hood River News, December 20, 1976: Private services were held December 16 for a 30-year resident of Hood River, William F. Fahey, who died December 14 in the Hood River Memorial hospital after a long illness. Mr. Fahey was born December 3, 1906 in Ackley, Iowa to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fahey. The very Rev. Father Francis J. McCormack officiated at the services held at the Anderson Funeral Home chapel. Internment followed at the Lincoln Memorial cemetery in Portland [Multnoma Co., Ore]. Survivors include his wife, Carla of Hood River; two daughters, Jean Lewis of Anchorage, Alaska, Ann Helm of Auburn, Wash.; a son, Don of Tedas; a sister, Meinrada Whelan of Newport, Ore.; eight grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Children of BILL FAHEY and CARLA VAUGHAN are: i. JEAN FAHEY, m. Mr. Lewis. ii. ANN FAHEY, m. Mr. Helm. iii. DON FAHEY. Bill Fahey 300 Generation No. 5 7.8. DAVID ANDREW WHELAN was born July 17, 1924 at Forest Knolls, Calif. Residence: San Francisco, Calif. He married Dorothy M. Schmidt Oct. 26, 1946 in Salem, Oregon and they were married 68 years until her death Nov 29, 2014. He and brother Donald joined the Navy together Oct. 19, 1942. In World War II he served aboard a destroyer in the Pacific and earned five battle stars. He went to the University of Oregon on the GI Bill and graduated in 1950. Children of David Whelan and Dorothy Schmidt: i. ii. David Whelan Jr., b. Nov. 11, 1949. Residence in 2016: San Rafael, CA near his father. William S. Whelan, b. Nov. 5, 1952. Residence in 2016: Corte Madera, CA, also near his father. David Whelan at Pearl Harbor 8. JULIUS EMMET "STUB"5 MARTIN (LIGOURI J.4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Nov. 4, 1901 in Iowa, and died Aug. 14, 1968 in Grove, OK. On Jan. 24, 1925 at Sheldon, O’Brien Co., Iowa he married (1) MARY MARGRET DONOHUE, daughter of Timothy.P. Donohue and Catherine Kelley. Mary was born Jan. 10, 1902 in Iowa and died of cancer May 1, 1948 at Tiff City, Mo. She and her parents are buried in Saint Mary’s Cemetery, Springfield, Greene Co., Mo. The 1930 census shows Julius, Mary and their two children (both born in Iowa) living in Wheeler, Lyon Co., Iowa. He married (2) ROMERE GRINNELL. She was born July 20, 1911 on the Potawatomie Indian Reservation in Jackson Co., KS, and died March 26, 1979 in Joplin, Mo. Julius Martin obituary in the Lyon County Reporter, Aug. 19, 1968: Julius (Stub) Martin, a well-known former resident of George, died Thursday in a hospital at Grove, Okla. He was 66. Martin was born in Lyon county and raised in George. He was in business there for some time with his father, the late Sam Martin. He left George some 15 years ago and moved to Tiff City, Mo,, a town near the Missouri-Oklahoma border. He was engaged in business in that town since that time. Funeral services were held this morning (Monday) at 10 a.m. at the Holy Name Catholic church in Rock Rapids, with Father Victor E. Kollasch officiating. Rosaries were recited at the Vogelaar chapel in George Sunday night. Burial was in the Evergreen Lawn cemetery at George under the direction of the Vogelaar Funeral home. Martin was a veteran of World War I and World War II and the American Legion post of George conducted military rites for the former George resident. Julius Martin was born in Lyon county on November 4, 1902, a son of Sam and Liguori Martin, He is survived by his wife, a son Don, a daughter Mary, two grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Ralph Veenker of George. Children of JULIUS MARTIN and MARY DONOHUE are: i. ii. MARY MAXINE MARTIN, b. April 17, 1926. DONALD JULIUS MARTIN, b. Oct. 27, 1927, d. Feb. 21, 2009. More on page 311. Notes for JULIUS "STUB" MARTIN: Info.: American Legion Military service: TEC4 H&H CO 2 ENGR SP BRIG; World War II Julius and his second wife Romere operated a convenience store in Tiff City, Mo. Ann O'Neill Fahey, after the death of her husband Robert (Julius' uncle), moved to Tiff City and lived in a trailer home directly across the street from the store. Romere was a minor celebrity and had Hollywood history. Notes for ROMERE GRINNELL: http://native.brokenclaw.net/wp/archives/40 Left to right: Julius Martin, Bob Fahey, Pat Fahey, Romere Martin Remembering RoMere Darling - January 13th, 2008 by BrokenClaw Rose Marie Grinnell was born July 20, 1911, on the Potawatomie Indian Reservation in Jackson County, Kansas. Rosie was the youngest of six children of Ona Grinnell and Rosa Ann McCoonse Grinnell. Ona Grinnell was an allotted member of the Prairie Band Potawatomie through his mother’s ancestry. Ona’s paternal ancestors were New England colonists. His father, Philander Grinnell, moved from Rhode Island to Colusa County, California, in the 1860s where he received two land patents. There he married Anna Rice, a Potawatomie Indian whose parents had moved to California from Kansas. 301 Philander and Anna had four children, three of whom survived. The Grinnells rejoined Anna’s kinsman on the Potawatomie reservation near Mayetta, Kansas, sometime before 1900, where Ona met and married Rosa Ann McCoonse. Rosa McCoonse was an allotted member of the Black River and Swan Creek Chippewa (Ojibwa). Her great-grandfather, Chief Macounce, was the powerful successor to Ojibwe Chief Nangi of the Lake St. Clair community of southeast Ontario, Canada. Macounce’s son, Esh-ton-o-quot, aka Francis McCoonse, was a signer of the 1836 Treaty with the Chippewa and became the patriarch of the Kansas Chippewa. He was the principal signer of the 1859 Treaty with the Chippewa and Munsee. Francis McCoonse had many children, one of whom was Joseph McCoonse, father of Rosa Ann. Rosa Ann McCoonse Grinnell died prematurely when Rosie and her siblings were still very young. RoMere Darling Eventually, Rosie moved to Phoenix, Arizona, where she won a Miss Original America contest in 1928 as a teenager. Soon thereafter, she moved to California with other members of her family. She changed her name to RoMere Darling and became a professional dancer and actress. Her name RoMere was a romantic contraction of her given names. Darling was the surname of another Potawatomie family, and RoMere was related to them by marriage. Her aunt, Mary Grinnell, was married to Edward Konkoskie, whose second wife was Annie Darling. Having lost her mother and her aunt at an early age, RoMere probably took to Annie Darling Konkoskie as the closest mother-figure she had. RoMere and her Aunt Annie remained close throughout their lives. Hollywood Career 1934 - RoMere Darling had an uncredited role as an Indian dancer in the MGM film, Laughing Boy, starring the Mexican actor Ramon Novarro as a Navajo. The film received mostly cool reviews of the middle-aged Novarro’s portrayal of a young native American and of the fake backdrops used in parts of the production. However, the film was also controversial and met with some resistance from the Hay’s Office, with regard to the disparaging portrayal of white man’s treatment of native Americans. In retrospect, the film is now viewed in a better light, and MGM gets credit for an early attempt to portray native Americans as complete characters. 1938 - RoMere Darling and several other native American women appeared in a two-page photo layout in the November 15 edition of PIC magazine. PIC was one of a multitude of folio-size entertainment magazines of that era that sold for 10 cents, filled with black and white photos and fluffy articles. Joan Crawford graced the cover of the November 15, 1938, edition and was the subject of the magazine’s feature article. Others appearing in that edition included Tyrone Power, Gary Cooper, and Gracie Allen. RoMere’s article was entitled “The Real Miss America”. It was a beauty contest of native American women, staged as a tongue-in-cheek protest of the Miss America pageant held in Atlantic City some two months earlier. RoMere was chosen the winner! 1942 - RoMere Darling had an uncredited role as a Polynesian native in the Twentieth-Century Fox swashbuckler, Son of Fury, starring Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney. The cast also included John Carradine and a young Roddy McDowall. The story follows an English orphan of questionable birth as he seeks his life and fortune in the tropical isles, then returns home to claim his birthright. PIC Magazine, Nov. 15, 1938 1944 - RoMere Darling played a Brazilian nightclub dancer in the Republic Pictures film, Brazil, starring Tito Guizar and Virginia Bruce. The romantic comedy was written to feature the hit song of the same name by Ary Barroso. The screenplay follows an American writer who travels to Rio de Janeiro to do research and falls in love with a local musician. The film was nominated for three Academy Awards for its musical score. 1945 - RoMere Darling appeared as a Mexican waitress in the MGM hit movie musical, Anchors Aweigh, with Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson, and Gene Kelly. The movie was nominated for five Academy Awards and won the award for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture. The film is probably best remembered for the dance sequence of Gene Kelly with the animated Jerry the mouse. 302 Two shots from the 1945 movie Anchors Aweigh where you can see RoMere in the background 1947 - RoMere Darling had an uncredited role as an Indian woman in Cecile B. DeMille’s historical drama, Unconquered. The film had an all-star cast that included Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard, Howard DaSilva, and Boris Karloff (as an Indian). It is set in the 1763 events of Pontiac’s Rebellion. The film has all the grandeur of a DeMille picture, but it is often criticized for its historical inaccuracies and for its stereotypical portrayal of native Americans. 1949 - RoMere Darling had another uncredited role as an Indian woman in the Gene Autry film, The Cowboy and the Indians. This film has a plot centered around a dishonest Indian Agent, and of course our hero, Autry, comes to the rescue. The film is not considered one of Autry’s best, but it is noteworthy because the cast included Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels, who went on to star together for many years as The Lone Ranger and Tonto. 1949 - RoMere Darling had her only on-screen Hollywood film credit when she played the role of Mrs. Henderson in the United Artists film adaptation of Mrs. Mike, starring Dick Powell and Evelyn Keyes. The film is based on the true story of a Boston socialite who falls in love and marries a Canadian Mountie and the trials and tribulations that follow. One reviewer on the IMDb site described RoMere’s performance this way: "The gentle performance by RoMere Darling as Mrs. Henderson, the native wife of Trader Henderson, attempts to 1949 – RoMere and Gene Autry in The Cowboy and the Indians break through the pre-conceived ideas of most of the movie audience, both in the 1940’s and sadly, of many today." RoMere also toured with Tex Ritter# as an Indian dancer. She was a regular attendant at the Indian Center of Los Angeles, and some details of her later life were published in the Center’s newsletter, Talking Leaf. During this time she was married to Harold Rogers, a Seneca-Cayuga Indian from northeast Oklahoma. Rogers was a Technical Sergeant in the US Army Air Force and was killed during World War II. RoMere traveled to Oklahoma to bury her husband. She would return to the area a few years later, remarry, and settle into life out of the spotlight. Life After Hollywood In 1950 RoMere moved to Tiff City, Missouri, on the Oklahoma border, but she did not completely leave the entertainment field. She organized the Turkey Ford Dance Group in the community of the same name in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, which received good publicity in the news. By now she was married to Julius Martin, so she dropped her showbiz name and became Mrs. RoMere Martin. RoMere started a home business making Indian design shirts for men and women and employed some of her neighbors. Her business was featured in an article in the Tulsa World newspaper. In 1952, RoMere started a program to help needy Indian families at Christmas by collecting and distributing donations of food, clothing, and toys. The program became known as Box 14-A, simply named for her Post Office box in Tiff City. The charity continued to grow each year, so that by 1978, she was helping more than 300 Indian families, representing more than 10 different tribes, in the quad-state area of southwest Missouri, southeast Kansas, northeast Oklahoma, and northwest Arkansas. Julius Martin had died in 1968. RoMere later married 303 the widower, Ovando Collman, who died in February, 1979. She had outlived three husbands, but a month later, RoMere Darling, nee Rose Marie Grinnell, died in a Joplin, Missouri, hospital on March 26, 1979, at age 67, after a long battle with cancer. She had no children. Her obituary was carried by the Associated Press. She was buried at the Bassett Grove Cemetery in Delaware County, Oklahoma, as RoMere Martin. # Woodward Maurice Ritter, 1905 – 1974, better known as Tex Ritter, was an American country music singer and movie actor popular from the mid1930s into the 1960s, and was the father of actor John Ritter. He is a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame. Joel Albert McCrea, 1905 – 1990, was an actor and film star whose career spanned 50 years and appearances in over 90 films. 9. BERTHA MAE5 “Sis” MARTIN (LIGOURI J.4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Sept. 9, 1903 in George, Ia, and died April 15, 1993 in Austin, Tx. On April 14, 1931 she married RALPH ANDREW VEENKER, son of RALPH CALVIN VEENKER and FANNIE CASJENS. He was born March 18, 1900 in George, Lyon County, Iowa, and died March 23, 1967. From the book History of George, Iowa: VEENKER, RALPH SR. - BERTHA "SIS" MARTIN - Ralph was the son of Ralph Sr. and Fannie Casjens Veenker and he married Bertha Mae (Sis), who was the daughter of Samuel and Ligouri Fahey Martin. They both were from early pioneer families. Ralph was born on a farm south of George and lived there until moving to town in his early adult years. He worked at various jobs around town and was a welder at Siebring Manufacturing. During World War II, he worked in construction on military sites in Utah. Shortly after the war, he assumed ownership of Sam's, the local tavern with a card and pool room. The business was renamed Ralph's Place and was one of the first to offer free TV. The place was packed when the wrestling and baseball games were on. It was also the place to buy the Sunday paper, the Des Moines Register. Ralph spent many hours serving his customers and engaging them in conversation. (Sis) was a housewife, assisted her husband as a co-worker. After his death, she lived with her son, Martin. The children in the family are Catherine, Ralph Jr., Martin, Mary, Judith, Dorothy, Rita and Linda and none of them live here now. Bertha Martin Veenker obituary, Lyon County Reporter, April 21, 1993: Funeral services for Bertha Mae Veenker, 89, of Austin, Texas, were held Monday at Holy Name Catholic Church, Rock Rapids, with interment in Evergreen Lawn Cemetery, George. She died Thursday, April 15, 1993, in a hospital in Austin. Bertha Martin was born September 9, 1903, in George. On April 14, 1931, she married Ralph Veenker. They owned and operated Ralph's Place for many years. After her husband's death, she lived with her son, Martin, and his wife for the past 25 years in Iowa City and later in Austin. Survivors include two sons, Ralph of Davenport and Martin of Austin; six daughters, Mrs. Emil (Catherine) Kutka of Topeka, Kansas, Mary Haarsma of Des Moines, Judith Veenker of San Bernardino, California, Mrs. Donald (Dorothy) Staas of San Antonio, Mrs. Timothy (Rita) Stockman of Champaign, Illinois, and Linda Veenker of Sunnyville, California. Children of BERTHA MARTIN and RALPH VEENKER are: 13.05 i. CATHERINE6 “Cathy” JEAN VEENKER, b. Jan. 15, 1932 in Iowa, d. Dec. 20, 2014, m. Emil Kutka. ii. RALPH ANDREW VEENKER, b. April 6, 1933 at Wheeler, Iowa, m. Anne Gilpatrick . She was born in 1933 and died May 13, 1989 and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, George, Iowa. 13.1 iii. MARTIN DALE VEENKER, b. Jan. 12, 1935 Iowa, d. March 6, 2012, m. Helen Hensley. iv. MARY JO VEENKER, b. abt 1937 Iowa, m. Peter Dale Haarsma. Residence: Iowa. v. JUDITH ANN VEENKER, b. abt 1938 Iowa, graduated BA 1960 Iowa State University. Res.: Texas. vi. DOROTHY F. VEENKER, b. abt 1940 Iowa, m. Donald Staas. Residence: Texas vii. RITA MAE VEENKER, b. March 21, 1945 George, Lyon County, Iowa, m. Timothy Stockman , son of Leo and Mary D. Florang Stockman. Timothy was born Jan. 26, 1943 in Iowa City, IA, died Feb. 28, 2007 in Schertz, Texas. He is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, San Antonio, TX. Rita and Tim's sons: Andrew Thomas Stockman, b. Nov 27 1974, m. Dena, res. Urbana, Ill.; Christopher Brian Stockman b. 1977 in Texas, res. Schertz. viii. LINDA VEENKER m. Cris Johnson. Residence: California. 304 9.2 MARY5 FAHEY PARDEN (MAE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born March 8, 1915 in George, Lyon Co., Iowa and died Jan. 2, 1999 in University Hospitals, Iowa City, following a heart attack. She graduated from the University of Iowa in 1936. She had been employed as an administrative assistant for many University of Iowa presidents.She retired in 1983. She served on the Visiting Nurses Association Board and on the parish council of St. Thomas More Catholic Church, where her funeral service was held. Survivors included her sister and brother and seven nieces and nephews. She is buried in St. Joseph Cemetery, Iowa City, Iowa. 9.3 DOROTHY5 “Dora” ELLEN PARDEN (MAE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born June 25, 1918 at George, Lyon Co., Ia and died April 3, 2015. On Oct. 18, 1941 at St. Mary’s Church in Iowa City she married Charles Alfred Smith , son of Edward and Louise E. Besclek Smith of North Liberty. Charles was born Jan. 22, 1918 in Coralville, Iowa. Both graduated from University High School, Iowa City, where they met. He graduated in 1940 from the University of Iowa and went to work at Rath Packing in Waterloo, Iowa, where he stayed for 42 ½ years. In 2011 they celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary. Charles attended Hawkeye games for 80 seasons. He died Nov. 20, 2012 at a hospital in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa. They are buried in St. Joseph's Cemetery, Iowa City. They had three children and eight grandchildren. Residences: Waterloo and Iowa City. Children of DORA PARDEN and CHARLES SMITH are: i. Steve (Mary) Smith of Iowa City ii. Ann (Ron) Tack of Marion and later of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. iii. Elizabeth “Liz” (Terry) Lynch of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Charles Alfred Smith, Dorothy Parden Smith, and children Steve, Ann & Elizabeth 9.4 ROBERT JAMES “Bob” PARDEN (MAE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born April 17, 1922 in Mason City, Iowa, and died July 20, 2014 in Saratoga, Calif. On June 15, 1955, he married Elizabeth “Betty” Taylor, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Felton. He was the former Dean of Engineering at Santa Clara University. He served as Lieutenant in the US Army Quartermaster Corp before earning his BS and MS degrees in Engineering from the University of Iowa. He was a popular conference speaker in the field of engineering management. In 1993 he was inducted into the Silicon Valley Hall of Fame. He was a licensed professional engineer and general building contractor. He founded Parden Construction with his son Jim and served on the Saratoga Planning Commission. He was survived by his wife, four children and nine grandchildren, and his sister Dorothy Parden Smith of Iowa City. Burial: Madronia Cemetery, Saratoga, Santa Clara County, California; Plot: 75 D No. 23. Children of Robert Parden and Betty Taylor are: i. Pattie Bradley of San Jose ii. Jim (Lisa) Parden of Saratoga Robert Parden iii. Jack, (Mary) Parden of Redwood Shores iv. Nancy (Mel) Badgett of Saratoga. 9.5 ANNA5 MAE KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Oct. 16, 1915 in Ackley, Iowa and died Oct. 17, 2004 at Hampton, Iowa. She graduated from Ackey High School in1933, attended I.S.T.C., Cedar Falls, and taught in the rural schools of Franklin County. She married MERLE DAVID WALLACE Feb. 1, 1940 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa and they lived in Grant Township, Franklin Co., Iowa. He was born Nov. 10, 1910 at Hampton to Sam and Martha (Allinson) Wallace, and died Aug. 23, 1993 in Franklin County. He graduated from Hampton High School in 1929 and was a farmer. Anna is buried in Hampton Cemetery, Hampton, Franklin County, Iowa. Child of ANNA MAE KENINGER and MERLE WALLACE is: 13.15 i. MARTHA ELAINE WALLACE, b. Oct. 29, 1942. 9.6 FRANCES5 IRENE KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born June 10, 1917 in Franklin County, Ia. and died Nov. 19, 2011 in Ackley. She married HARLEY KENNETH BURKLE Jan. 7, 1941, b. Jan. 20, 1920, d. April 12, 1975 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minn. Both are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley. Frances Keninger Burkle obituary excerpts from http://www.linnsfuneralhome.com/completeobituary.asp?id=937 Frances I. Burkle, 94, of Ackley, Iowa, passed away Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Ackley Presbyterian Home. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 am Tuesday, November 22nd at the St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, with Father Bernie Grady officiating. She attended rural country schools. Frances was a homemaker, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has resided in the Presbyterian Village for the last seven years. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. 305 Frances I. Burkle is survived by a son: Robert [Kathleen] Burkle of Ackley, Iowa; five grandsons: Larry Burkle, Jr., Rich [Christi] Burkle, Logan Burkle, Brian [Jill] Burkle and Mike Burkle; twelve great grandchildren; two great-great grandchildren; brothers: Joe Keninger, Harold Keninger, Paul [Delores] Keninger, and Elmer [Carol] Keninger; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents: Frank and Irene Keninger; her husband: Harley Burkle; her son: Larry Burkle; her sister: Anna Mae [Merle] Wallace, her brothers: Leo Keninger, Nick Keninger, Bill [Evelyn] Keninger; sisters-in-law: Henrietta Keninger and Beverly Keninger; and brothers-in-law: Wilbur Burkle and Raymond [Marie] Burkle. Children of FRANCES KENINGER and HARLEY BURKLE are: 13.2 i. HENRY LAWRENCE “Larry” BURKLE, b. Nov. 4, 1942, d. April 18, 1998, m. Pat Thies, children Larry, Dick & Logan. 13.3 ii. ROBERT “Bob” FRANCIS BURKLE, b. Aug. 27, 1947, m. Kathleen (Kathy), children Brian and Michael. 9.65 HAROLD5 JOSEPH KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born March 20, 1919 in Osceola Township, Franklin Co., Iowa and died Nov. 10, 2015 in Ackley, Iowa. On Feb. 4, 1943 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ackley, Iowa he married Henrietta “Hank” Mae Eckhoff, born April 8, 1921, died April 26, 1987, daughter of Dick and Belle (Wientjes) Eckhoff. They lived on a farm west of Ackley. They are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley. Children of HAROLD KENINGER and HENRIETTA ECKHOFF are: i. LELAND KENINGER m. Karen Lindaman and had children: Timothy, Stacy and Kelly. ii. BELVA MARY KENINGER, b. Feb. 1, 1945 in Iowa. Harold Keninger 9.7 JOSEPH5 WAYNE KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Oct. 9, 1922 in Ackley, Iowa and died March 24, 2014 at Mercy Medical Center in Mason City. On Feb. 9, 1950 at St. Mark Catholic Church in Iowa Falls, he married Beverly Cleone Christiansen, daughter of Henry S. and Eda Mae (Thoms) Christiansen. She was born Nov. 25, 1927 and died Nov. 14, 2005. Joe and Beverly are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley. Excerpt from Joe’s obituary: Joseph graduated from Ackley High School in 1942. Joe served in World War Two, reporting for duty on Dec. 26, 1942, returning to Ackley on Jan. 2, 1946, where shortly thereafter he started his farming career. Joe served in the Elliot-Keninger Legion Firing Squad for nearly 65 years. Children of JOSEPH KENINGER and BEVERLY CHRISTIANSEN are: i. DENISE KENINGER, m. Ron Sprain, child Mathew Sprain m. Tyler McKenzie. ii. DAVID KENINGER, m. Barb, children Ann (m. Matt Davis), Jeremy & Samuel (m. Amanda). 13.35iii. MARK JOSEPH KENINGER, b. May 25, 1958 Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Ia., m. Regina, b. Feb. 15, 1961; children Holli M. Keninger (m. Danny Keshwani), Trevor Keninger, & Nathan Lee Keninger (b. March 21, 1987 in Iowa, d. Dec. 8, 2006, in Iowa, complications of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is buried in St. Mark Catholic Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Ia). iv. ALAN KENINGER, m. Shari, children Alysa (m. Mike Healy) & Dustin. v. JOLENE KENINGER, m. Robert Harms, children Jacob (m. Heather), Clayton (m. Megan), Blake (b. 1988) & Morgan. vi. TRACY KENINGER, child Rohey (AJ) Jawo. vii. RITA KENINGER, m. Rick Barnhart. Res.: Tulsa, OK. Joe Keninger 9.8 WILLIAM5 JAMES KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Nov. 15, 1924 in Ackley, Iowa and died April 23, 2009 in Ackley. On Jan. 2, 1945 in Ackley he married EVELYN I. HARKEN, born Nov. 12, 1925 and died June 17, 2011, daughter of Eno I. and Hannah (Dieters) Harken. Excerpts from the obituary for Evelyn Irene Harken Keninger: Evelyn Irene Keninger, age 85, of Ackley, died on Friday, June 17, 2011 at the Presbyterian Village in Ackley. Services will be 10:30 A.M. Thursday at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ackley with burial in the church cemetery. Evelyn Irene Keninger was born on November 12, 1925 on the Harken family farm southeast of Austinville, Iowa, the daughter of Eno and Hannah (Deters) Harken. She graduated from the Ackley High School. On Jan. 2, 1945, Evelyn was united in marriage to William Keninger in Ackley. Evelyn is survived by her children, Luanne Chesshire and her husband, John of Newton, Michael Keninger and his wife, Deann of Ackley, Dale Keninger and his wife, Debbi of Ackley, Kathy Bartling and her husband, Myrln of Iowa Falls, Jon Keninger and his wife, Teresa of Ackley, Kent 306 William James Keninger Evelyn Harken Keninger Keninger and his wife, Audrea of Ackley, Jean Strong and her husband, Randy of Hudson, WI, and Jane Wiertsema and her husband, Steve of Rochester, MN; 22 grandchildren; 3 step-grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Merna Sietsema and her husband, Gordon of Hampton. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, William; a sister, Mildred Ubben; and a brother, Kenneth Harken. Obituary excerpts for William James Keninger, Iowa Falls Times Citizen: ACKLEY—William J. Keninger, 84, of Ackley, died on Thursday, April 23, 2009, at the Presbyterian Village in Ackley. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., on Monday at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ackley, with burial in the church cemetery. He was a member of the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ackley and the Franklin County Soil Conservation. Bill is survived by his wife, Evelyn; children, Luanne Chesshire and husband, John of Newton, Dale Keninger and wife, Debbie of Ackley, Michael Keninger and wife, DeeAnn of Ackley, Kathleen Bartling and husband, Myrln of Iowa Falls, Jon Keninger and wife, Teresa of Ackley, Kent Keninger and wife, Audrea of Ackley, Jean Strong and husband, Randy of Hudson, Wisconsin and Jane Wiertsema and husband, Steve of Rochester, Minnesota; 22 grandchildren; three step-grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; a sister, Frances Burkle; and four brothers, Harold Keninger, Joe Keninger and Paul Keninger, all of Ackley and Elmer (Red) Keninger of Waterloo. He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, Nicholas and Leo Keninger; and a sister, Anna Mae Wallace. Children of WILLIAM KENINGER and EVELYN HARKEN are: 13.4 i. Luanne Kay Keninger, b. Aug. 1, 1949 at Hampton, Iowa, m. 1) David Allen, m. 2) John Chesshire of Newton. 13.5 ii. Dale Keninger, b. April 7, 1954, farmer, m. Aug. 2, 1975 to Debbi Kreimeyer of Ackley. 13.6 iii. Michael Ray Keninger, b. Sept. 28, 1955, m. Deann Winters of Ackley. 13.7 iv. Kathleen “Kathy” Mary Keninger, b. April 6, 1959, m. Myrln Bartling of Iowa Falls. 13.8 v. Jon Francis Keninger, b. July 23, 1961, m. Teresa of Ackley. 13.9 vi. Kent Keninger, b. Jan. 26, 1964, m. Andrea Oelmann of Ackley. vii. Jean Renee Keninger, b. Sept. 2, 1967, m. Randy Jon Strong of Hudson, WI, b. May 13, 1967 in West Union, Iowa, son of Arthur Leroy Strong and Patricia Kay (King) Strong. viii. Jane Michelle Keninger, b. Sept. 2, 1967, m. Steve Wiertsema of Rochester, MN, b. Aug. 17, 1966. 9.83 NICHOLAS5 GREGORY KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Nov. 17, 1927 and died March 27, 1993. Residence Seattle, Wash. On Jan. 14, 1949 he married Joyce Norma Albert McLennan, b. April 18, 1927 in Vancouver, Canada, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. A.J. McLennan of Vancouver, British Columbia. She died. Sept. 21, 2013 in Des Moines, WA. Nicholas adopted Joyce’s children Colleen & Gregory. Joyce’s first husband was Raymond Albert. Children of NICHOLAS KENINGER and JOYCE MCLENNAN are: i. ii. Colleen Keninger, m. Mr. Chapman. Greg Keninger, m. Cheryl 9.84 PAUL5 ALFRED KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Oct. 14, 1928 in Hampton, Iowa and died Jan. 23, 2016 in Hampton. On Jan. 2, 1954 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ackley he married Delores Jean Meinders, daughter of John aud Jeanette (Greenfield) Meinders. At the time of the wedding they both worked for the Schoeneman Implement Company. He served in the Army. He was a farmer all his lilfe. His obituary said, “He enjoyed fishing, horseshoes, and Case IH tractors. If it wasn't red it stayed in the shed.” He graduated from Ackley High School in 1946 and she in 1950. Delores was born Oct. 7, 1931 at Faulkner, Franklin Co., Iowa and died June 1, 2014 at Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa.. Paul, Delores and son Gary are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Franklin Co., Iowa. Joyce McLennan Keninger Children of PAUL KENINGER and DELORES MEINDERS are: i. Gary Lee Keninger, b. May 5, 1954 Iowa, d. April 25, 1991 Iowa, m. Delaine Berry, sons Shawn and Kody Keninger. ii. Jeffrey Keninger, b. Jan. 5, 1961 Waterloo, Iowa. iii. Kendra Jean Keninger, b. Jan. 9, 1965. 9.9 ELMER5 LAWRENCE “Red” KENINGER (MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born July 26, 1930 in Ackley. On June 30, 1956 at St. John’s Catholic Church in Waterloo, Iowa he married Carol Jean Stirm, born about 1936 in Iowa, daughter of Kenneth and Criscilla Paul Keninger Delores Keninger Stirm of Waterloo. Elmer retired after 31 years in the dairy business in Waterloo. Sons Craig and Kyle are buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery, Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. 307 Children of ELMER KENINGER and CAROL STIRM are: i. Debra Kay Keninger, b. May 13, 1957; on April 23, 1977 in Waterloo m. Richard Duane Abben, b. abt 1955, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Abben. ii. Kevin Kay Keninger, b. Oct. 4, 1958 Waterloo. iii. Craig Anthony Keninger, b. Dec. 13, 1959 Waterloo, d. Feb. 27, 1974, muscular dystrophy. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Deanne Marie Keninger, b. Feb. 24, 1961. Lisa Renee Keninger, b. May 7, 1962. Curtis Neal Keninger, b. Aug. 26, 1963. Kelly James Keninger, b. May 10, 1965 Waterloo. Kyle Dean Keninger, b. Sept. 14, 1966 Waterloo, Iowa, d. Oct. 14, 1966 Waterloo. 10. THOMAS PATRICK5 FAHEY (ROBERT ALFONSO4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1941 in Eldora, Iowa. He married CAROL MAE RASH May 27, 1961 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, daughter of JAMES RASH and HAZEL HIGGASON. She was born in 1941 in Union, Iowa (home birth). Newspaper stories about THOMAS PATRICK FAHEY: Three Men Signed By Air Force Here The Waterloo Air Force recruiting office yesterday reported three enlistments. The men were assigned to Lackland AFB, Tex., for basic training. The enlistees are Richard J. Rosonke, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Rosonke, of New Hampton; Thomas P. Fahey, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fahey of Ackley; Jerry L. Shepard, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shepard, of 1204 Dorothy Dr. Rosonke and Fahey will attend electronics school and Shepard will be trained as a mechanic. --Thomas P. Fahey, formerly of Ackley, has received the Air Medal for his missions as a tail-gunner on a B52, while stationed in Guam.. Tom & Carol Fahey, May 27, 1961 He completed eight years in the Air Force May 27, 1967. Tom, Mrs. Fahey, Bob and Pat are now living at 605 N. Moffet, Joplin, Missouri where he is assistant manager of the Missouri Mills Fabric store. Children of THOMAS FAHEY and CAROL RASH are: 14. i PATRICIA ANN6 FAHEY, b. 1964, Aurora, Colorado. ii. ROBERT ALLEN FAHEY, b. 1962, Seville, Spain; m. SUSAN JANE GRISSINGER, November 22, 2003, Overland Park, KS (Holy Cross Catholic Church); b. February 26, 1959, Kansas City, Mo. (St. Luke's Hospital); d. January 26, 2009, Overland Park, Ks (St. Luke's Hospital South). For more about Sue see pages 153 and 333. Tom Fahey in 2001, in front of the former hospital in Eldora, Iowa, where he was born in 1941. Bob & Pat Fahey 308 11. JOSEPH HOWARD5 FAHEY (ROBERT ALFONSO4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1945. He married KATRINA ABIGHT. Notes for JOSEPH HOWARD FAHEY: Newspaper story: Joseph H. Fahey was discharged from the Navy June 6, 1967 and spent the summer with his mother at Tiff City, Missouri. He is now living at 628 Byers, Joplin, Missouri where he is attending Missouri Southern College. He is also employed at The Attic, an exclusive dress shop. Military service: Navy, discharged June 6, 1967 Joe Fahey Miles Fahey Joe Fahey, Sept. 1961 Child of JOSEPH FAHEY and KATRINA ABIGHT is: i. MILES6 FAHEY. More About MILES FAHEY: Info.: Joseph Miles, goes by Miles At right: Sailor Joe Fahey wears a vest signed by astronauts Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad of NASA's 1965 Gemini 5 spaceflight. 1991, l to r: Katrina, Miles & Joe Fahey 12. THOMAS MICHAEL5 NANGLE (LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1933. He married (1) MURIEL WINTER JOHNSON June 25, 1957. She was born Sept. 27, 1936 in Iowa City, Iowa and died March 5, 2015 at Hospice of Mason City, Iowa. Thomas married (2) PATRICIA ELAINE PAYNE Dec. 23, 1976, daughter of Harold and Ruth Sutcliffe Payne. Muriel married (2) Ralph Wallace, 1916-1994. Muriel and Ralph are buried at Newton Union Cemetery, Newton, Jasper County, Iowa. More About THOMAS MICHAEL NANGLE: Born Ronald Eugene Collins, adopted February 1934 by LAURA FAHEY and ELMER NANGLE. Children of THOMAS NANGLE and MURIAL JOHNSON are: 15. i. LORI ANN6 NANGLE, b. 1958. 16. ii. TIMOTHY MICHAEL NANGLE, b. 1959 in Mason City, Iowa. 17. iii. ANNE MARIE NANGLE, b. 1960. Thomas Nangle & son Tim, 1960 Muriel Winter Johnson 13. MARY PATRICIA5 NANGLE (LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Sept. 22, 1935. On June 26, 1954 at Mason City, Iowa she married FRANCIS MERRILL STALEY of Waterloo, Iowa, born July 26, 1924, son of Francis Anthony and Katharine Ellen (Gaughan) Staley. Among wedding attendees were Mary’s uncle Bob Fahey, with wife Anna O’Neill Fahey and sons Tom and Joe. More About MARY P. NANGLE: Adoption: Nov. 13, 1935. Children of MARY NANGLE and FRANK STALEY are: i. JULIE ANN6 STALEY, b. May 25, 1955. ii. ROBERT JAMES STALEY, b. May 23, 1956; m. PATRICIA DAZIEN, October 1981. 18. 19. 20. 309 iii. iv. v. MICHAEL THOMAS STALEY, b. 1957. JAMES ALLEN STALEY, b. 1958. SUSAN ELLEN STALEY, b. 1960. Generation No. 6 13.05. CATHERINE “Cathy” JEAN6 VEENKER (BERTHA MAE5 MARTIN, LIGOURI J.4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Jan. 15, 1932 in George, Iowa and died Dec. 20, 2014 at Select Specialty Hospital in Topeka, Kansas. She married Emil J. Kutka at Holy Name Catholic Church on May 1, 1965. He was born June 11, 1923 and celebrated his 90th birthday in 2013. Catherine received a degree in Elementary Education from Iowa State Teacher’s College and Bachelors of Business Administration degree with a focus on Accounting from Washburn University. She retired from the State of Kansas (ESSI) where she was a Systems Analyst. She enjoyed bird watching and traveling. She is buried in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Topeka. Children of CATHERINE VEENKER and EMIL KUTKA are: i. Joseph John Kutka, born and died on Aug. 17, 1966. Burial: Mt. Calvary, Topeka. ii. Lori Jean Kutka Porter M.D. b. 1967, m. Brian Porter, four children. Residence: Virginia. Emil Kutka Cathy Veenker Kutka 13.1. MARTIN DALE6 VEENKER (BERTHA MAE5 MARTIN, LIGOURI J.4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Jan. 12, 1935 in George, Lyon Co., Iowa and died March 6, 2012 at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City, Johnson Co., Iowa. On Jan. 19, 1981 he married H ELEN J. HENSLEY in George, Iowa. She was born in 1938. Martin worked on various construction projects and was later the safety manager on construction sites. He was buried in Lone Tree Cemetery, Lone Tree, Johnson Co., Iowa, with full military honors provided by the Lone Tree American Legion Post 457. Children of MARTIN VEENKER are: i. Deb Shaw (Joe Galloway) ii. Lori Haynes (Tee). iii. John Herrington (Heather Moore). 13.15. MARTHA6 ELAINE WALLACE (ANNA MAE KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Oct. 29, 1942. She married William Charles Reed. Child of MARTHA WALLACE and WILLIAM REED is: i. Lorraine Reed, b. Feb. 13, 1969. Martin Dale Veenker 13.2. HENRY6 LAWRENCE “Larry” BURKLE (FRANCES IRENE KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Nov. 4, 1942 and died April 18, 1998 in Iowa. He married Pat Thies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thies, in 1964. At that time he was an employee of Ackley Food Processors Inc. and she worked at Jennings Super Market, Hampton. He is buried in Oak Wood Cemetery, Ackley, Franklin County, Iowa. Children of LARRY BURKLE and PAT THIES are: i. LARRY BURKLE. iii. LOGAN BURKLE. ii. DICK BURKLE. 13.3. ROBERT6 “Bob” FRANCIS BURKLE (FRANCES IRENE KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Aug. 27, 1947. He married Kathleen (Kathy). Children of BOB BURKLE and KATHY are: i. BRIAN R. BURKLE. ii. MICHAEL D. BURKLE. 13.35. MARK6 JOSEPH KENINGER (JOSEPH WAYNE KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born May 25, 1958 at Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Ia. He married Regina, born Feb. 15, 1961. Children of MARK KENINGER and REGINA are: i. Holli M. Keninger, m. Danny Keshwani. ii. Trevor Keninger iii. Nathan Lee Keninger, b. March 21, 1987 in Iowa, d. Dec. 8, 2006, in Iowa, complications of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is buried in St. Mark Catholic Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin County, Iowa. 310 13.4. LUANNE6 KAY KENINGER (WILLIAM JAMES KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE FAHEY4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Aug. 1, 1949 at Hampton, Iowa. She graduated in 1967 from Ackley-Geneva High School. She married 1) David Allen. She married 2) John Chesshire of Newton. Child of LUANNE KENINGER and DAVID ALLEN is: i. JENNIFER ALLEN, b. abt 1984. 13.5. DALE6 WILLIAM KENINGER (WILLIAM JAMES KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE FAHEY4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born April 7, 1954. He was a farmer. He was married Aug. 2, 1975 to Debbi S. Kreimeyer of Ackley, born April 6, 1957, daughter of Delbert and Barbara Kreimeyer. Residence: Ackley, Iowa. Children of DALE KENINGER and DEBBI KREIMEYER are: i. DOUGLAS DALE KENINGER, b. Jan. 15, 1976. ii. DANELLE L. KENINGER, b. Oct 27, 1977. iii. DENAE S. KENINGER, b. Oct. 23, 1980. 13.6. MICHAEL6 RAY KENINGER (WILLIAM JAMES KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE FAHEY4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Sept. 28, 1955 at the Lutheran Hospital in Hampton, Iowa. He married Deann Winters of Ackley. Children of MICHAEL KENINGER and DEANN WINTERS are: i. KELLI KENINGER. ii. MEGAN MIKEL KENINGER. iii. BRENT KENINGER. 13.7. KATHLEEN6 “Kathy” MARY KENINGER (WILLIAM JAMES KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE FAHEY4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) , b. April 6, 1959 at Hampton, Iowa. She married Myrlin D. Bartling of Iowa Falls, born July 12, 1958. Children of KATHLEEN KENINGER and MYRLN BARTLING are: i. ANDREA DAWN BARTLING, b. March 12, 1979. ii. TRAVIS W. BARTLING, b. May 27, 1981. iii. iv. AMBER BARTLING, b. 1983. DUSTIN DWAYNE BARTLING, b. June 12, 1985. 13.8. JON6 FRANCIS KENINGER (WILLIAM JAMES KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE FAHEY4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born July 23, 1961. He married Teresa of Ackley. Children of JON KENINGER and TERESA are: i. CASSANDRA “Cassie” KENINGER, b. 1984. ii. CHRISTOPHER KENINGER, b. 1989. 13.9. KENT6 T. KENINGER (WILLIAM JAMES KENINGER5, MARGARET IRENE FAHEY4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Jan. 26, 1964. He married Andrea S. Oelmann of Ackley, born Sept. 1, 1961. Children of KENT KENINGER and ANDREA OELMANN are: i. CHELSEA KENINGER, b. 1981. ii. JACKLYN KENINGER, b. 1993. 14. PATRICIA ANN6 FAHEY (THOMAS PATRICK5, ROBERT ALFONSO4, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1964 in Aurora, Colorado. She married DAVID CHARLES YOULL December 22, 1990 in Joplin, Missouri, son of CHARLES YOULL and IONA HAMILTON. He was born in 1963 in Kansas City, Missouri. Child of PATRICIA FAHEY and DAVID YOULL is: i. KATHERINE FAHEY7 YOULL, b. 2002. 14.5 DONALD JULIUS MARTIN (JULIUS EMMET "STUB", LIGOURI J FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK, JOHN, FRANCIS) was born Oct. 27, 1927 in George, Iowa and died Feb. 21, 2009 at the Palmetto Health Richland Hospital in Columbia, SC. He was a retired U.S. Air Force veteran and was also a retired Civil Service employee at Shaw Air Force Base. He married EVA MAY EVANS July 27, 1963. She was born May 5, 1936 in England and died April 11, 1997 at Sumter, SC. Children of DONALD MARTIN and EVA EVANS are: i. SARAH CATHERINE MARTIN, b. 1967. Residences: Amsterdam, Netherlands; Bangkok, Thailand (works with the United Nations and a few other organizations as a consultant.). ii. ALYSON HOWELL MARTIN, b. 1969. Residence: Columbia, South Carolina. Sarah Martin 311 15. LORI ANN6 NANGLE (THOMAS MICHAEL5, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born March 26, 1958. She married ROBERT A. BARTUSEK, born Aug. 3, 1950. Children of LORI NANGLE and ROBERT BARTUSEK are: i. LARA WINTER7 BARTUSEK, b. Sept. 26, 1982. ii. ANTHONY “Tony” JAMES BARTUSEK, b. May 1, 1984. 16. TIMOTHY MICHAEL6 NANGLE (THOMAS MICHAEL5, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1959 in Mason City, Iowa. He was hired by the U.S., Chicago and North Western Railroad in May 1978 as an assistant signalman. Child of TIMOTHY MICHAEL NANGLE is: 21. i. LESLIE LYNN7 NANGLE, b. 1984. 17. ANNE MARIE6 NANGLE (THOMAS MICHAEL5, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born September 14, 1960. She married Mr. SANCHEZ. Child of ANNE NANGLE and Mr. SANCHEZ is: i. RICHARD JOHN7 SANCHEZ, b. Sept. 22, 1982. 18. MICHAEL THOMAS6 STALEY (MARY P.5 NANGLE, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1957. He married (1) KIMBERLY EMERICK. He married (2) BRENDA KAY NEVIUS. Children of MICHAEL STALEY and BRENDA NEVIUS are: i. KARLA7 KAY STALEY, b. 1989. ii. KYLE BRANDON STALEY, b. Jan. 26, 1993 Dayton, Ohio. 19. JAMES ALLEN6 STALEY (MARY P.5 NANGLE, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born Sept. 3, 1958 at Charter Oak, Iowa. On Sept. 27, 1980 in Montgomery, Ohio he married THERESA ANN MOORMAN, born Jan. 4, 1956 in Ohio. Children of JAMES STALEY and THERESA MOORMAN are: i. LAURA7 LEE STALEY, b. Sept 9, 1981 Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio; on July 14, 2007 in Chicago, Ill. m. ABRAHAM JARED “AVI” SCHWAB, b. 1981. ii. SAMUEL RYAN STALEY, b. Dec. 12, 1991 in Dayton, Ohio. 20. SUSAN ELLEN6 STALEY (MARY P.5 NANGLE, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1960. She married STEVEN J. SHERROD Nov. 26, 1978 in Montgomery, Oh. He was born about 1954. Child of SUSAN STALEY and STEVEN SHERROD is: 22. i. SCOTT7 SHERROD, b. 1982. Avi & Laura (Staley) Schwab Generation No. 7 21. LESLIE LYNN7 NANGLE (TIMOTHY MICHAEL6, THOMAS MICHAEL5, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1984. She married DAVID J. KIRKPATRICK. Children of LESLIE NANGLE and DAVID KIRKPATRICK are: i. DAVID TIMOTHY8 KIRKPATRICK, b. 2004. ii. HEIDI LYNN KIRKPATRICK, b. 2007. 22. SCOTT7 SHERROD (SUSAN ELLEN6 STALEY, MARY P.5 NANGLE, LAURA BRIDGET4 FAHEY, THOMAS "COLONEL" PATRICK3, JOHN2, FRANCIS1) was born in 1982. Child of SCOTT SHERROD is: i. GAVIN8 SHERROD, b. 2006. 312 Descendants of Bernard O'Neill Generation No. 1 1. BERNARD1 O'NEILL married MARGE O’BRIEN. Child of BERNARD O'NEILL and MARGE O’BRIEN is: 2. i. JOHN1 O'NEILL, b. 1817, County Cork, Ireland; d. Jan. 11, 1907, Ackley, Iowa. Generation No. 2 2. JOHN1 O'NEILL (BERNARD1) was born in in 1817 in County Cork, Ireland and died Jan. 11, 1907 in Ackley, IA. He immigrated to America in 1848. He married ANNA “Annie” NOONAN. She was born in 1838 in County Cork and died July 14, 1885 in Ackley, IA. Both are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Ia. A news clip from the Ackley Enterprise of June 27, 1884: “John O'Neill has just completed a very fine residence on his farm three miles northwest of town. If anyone desires to purchase a good team of horses he would probably do well to call on him as he has one to sell.” Children of JOHN O'NEILL and ANNA NOONAN are: 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.5 6.7 7. 8. 9. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. PATRICK EDMUND3 O'NEILL, b. Nov. 12, 1857, New York; d. Feb. 16, 1934, Ackley, Iowa. MARGARET O'NEILL, b. June 5, 1861, d. Oct. 13, 1940 in Iowa Falls, Iowa. CATHERINE O'NEILL, b. August 20, 1864, Ackley, Iowa; d. July 26, 1927. MARY "MINNIE" O'NEILL, b. Jan. 20, 1863, d. December 17, 1946. JOSEPH O'NEILL, b. Oct. 8, 1867 Ackley, Iowa, d. Jan. 30, 1927 Bismarck, ND. JOHN THOMAS O'NEILL, b. Nov. 3, 1873, d. Jan. 17, 1923. John O’Neill, January 1891 MICHAEL C. O'NEILL, b. abt 1871. DAVID “Dave” D. O'NEILL, b. Feb. 21, 1876 in Ackley, Iowa, d. June 30, 1959 in Florida. EDWARD O'NEILL, b. Sept. 28, 1882 New York, d. Aug. 22, 1932, Dubuque Co., Iowa. 313 314 Generation No. 3 3. PATRICK EDMUND3 O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born November 12, 1857 in New York, and died February 16, 1934 in Ackley, Iowa. He married HARRIET "HAT" PHINNEY (see page 329) Dec. 27, 1897 in Ackley, Iowa, daughter of EDWIN PHINNEY and JULIE REUILLARD. She was born August 29, 1873 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and died July 22, 1937 in her home in Ackley, Iowa. Both are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Franklin Co., Ia. Children of PATRICK O'NEILL and HARRIET PHINNEY are: 10. i. ANNA PATRICIA3 O'NEILL, b. October 14, 1906, Iowa Falls, Iowa; d. March 12, 2005, Joplin, Missouri. 11. ii. CATHERINE JULIE O'NEILL, b. February 22, 1899, Lincoln, Nebraska; d. September 7, 1972, Camarilla, California. To the right: Patrick O’Neill at work in the railroad switchtower at Ackley, Iowa. Below: Exterior view of the tower and tracks. That could be Patrick in the tower window, but it’s impossible to know for sure. The east-west tracks are the Illinois Central Railroad, which operated in Iowa from 1867 to 1972. The northsouth tracks are the Iowa Central Railway, which operated in Iowa from 1888 to 1912. By the time Patrick’s grandsons Tom & Joe Fahey were born, the north-south line was operated by the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway. 315 4. MARGARET3 “Maggie” ELLEN O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born June 5, 1861 in New York and died Oct. 13, 1940 in Iowa Falls, Iowa. On Jan. 25, 1881 in Franklin Co. Iowa she married EDWARD FITZGERALD, born in 1860 in Calumet Co., Wisconsin, son of John Fitzgerald and Jane Quigley, both born in Ireland. Maggie is buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Iowa. The 1885 Nebraska census shows Edward, wife Maggie and their two children living with Edward's parents, brother and three sisters in Lincoln, along with five boarders and five servants. Children of MARGARET O'NEILL and EDWARD FITZGERALD are: i. EDWARD4 “Eddie” JOSEPH FITZGERALD, b. Dec. 26, 1881 in Iowa, d. April 1961 at Estherville, Ia. Burial in St. Matthew’s Cemetery, Clare, Webster Co., Iowa. ii. ANN “Annie” FITZGERALD, b. Aug. 18, 1884 Iowa, died Jan. 14, 1986, San Diego, Calif., age 101. Margaret “Maggie” (O’Neill) Fitzgerald Margaret “Maggie” (O’Neill) Fitzgerald 5. CATHERINE3 “Kate” O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Aug. 20, 1864 in Ackley, Ia., and died July 26, 1927 in Portland, Ore. She married JOHN F. FAHEY Jan. 21, 1891, son of JOHN FAHEY and BRIDGET, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Ackley, Fr. Meagher officiating. He was born Sept. 7, 1864 in Iowa, and died Dec. 30, 1915 in Salem, Oregon. Both are buried in Saint Barbaras Cemetery, Salem. For photos and more information about Catherine, John and their children, see page 291 in the Fahey section. 6. MARY3 L. "Minnie" O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Jan. 20, 1863 in Chateauguay, NY and died Dec. 17, 1946 in Steamboat Rock, Hardin County, Iowa. On April 26, 1892 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, she married HUGH FLANNERY, son of Patrick Flannery and Ellen (possibly Eliza) Devon (possibly Devan or Devine or even Dill). Hugh was born Feb. 20, 1867 in New York and died Oct. 26, 1928 in Iowa Falls. Hugh and his father Patrick are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley, Iowa, but their wives are not. Hugh Flannery obituary, Ackley World Journal, Nov. 1, 1928: Another one of the well known and many years residents of south Franklin county was summoned by the death messenger, Saturday forenoon last. Funeral services were conducted Monday forenoon at Iowa Falls, and the remains were brought to Ackley Monday afternoon, for interment in the Catholic cemetery, where other Mary “Minnie” (O’Neill) Nina (Flannery) members of the family are buried. Flannery Carroll, 1913 For many years he was engaged in farming in Grant township; for many years Ackley had been his trading point and in other ways, religiously and otherwise. He was a son of Patrick and Ellen Flannery, and born at Troy, New York, Feb. 20, 1867. He came to Ackley with his parents when a lad of seven. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Mrs. Robert Carroll, and one brother, Mike of Lake Wilson, Minnesota. On Jan. 31, 1929, three months after the death of her husband, the Journal reported Mary’s mortgage of $2,000 was being foreclosed on by J.R. Jones and Peoples Trust and Savings Bank. Hard times. In 1934 the following property was auctioned off at the Hardin County Courthouse: The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 89, Range 20, Hardin Co., Iowa. Child of MINNIE O'NEILL and HUGH FLANNERY is: i. NINA4 ANNIE FLANNERY. b. Sept. 4, 1895, d. Dec. 10, 1963 in Iowa. In February, 1914 m. Robert H. Carroll, b. Nov. 27, 1888 near Ackley, Iowa, d. May 1965 in Iowa Falls, son of John Carroll and Catherine Keenan Carroll. Nina and Robert had sons Hugh & Joseph and six grandchildren. Nina and Robert are buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Ackley. Robert’s father John Carroll is the brother of Anna Carroll Halloran, mentioned on page 288, so Robert is the cousin of Anna’s daughter Mary Halloran Fahey, wife of Thomas Fahey, both mentioned on page 288. 316 6.5. JOSEPH WILLIAM3 O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Oct. 8, 1867 in Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa, and died Jan. 30, 1927 in Bismarck, North Dakota. He married E STELLA “Stella” TOOLE April 26, 1891 in Ackley, Ia. She was born Nov. 5, 1864 in Dakota Township, Stephenson County, Illinois, and died Aug. 28, 1938 in Norma Township, Barnes County, ND, daughter of Albert and Leah Anna Matter Toole. Joseph and Estella are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, also known as Pleasant View Cemetery, Stafford Township, Renville County, North Dakota, as are their daughter Leah and her husband Martin Bird. Children of JOE O'NEILL and ESTELLA TOOLE are: LEAH ANNA4 O'NEILL, b. May 17, 1893, Iowa; d. July 13, 1976, Olympia, WA; m. MARTIN PETERSEN BIRD, March 31, 1918, Mohall, ND; b. Jan. 30, 1894, Belgrade, Stearns Co., MN; d. Feb. 8, 1972, Kenmare, ND. KATHLEEN O'NEILL, b. Oct. 6, 1894, Ackley, Hardin Co., Iowa; d. Feb. 25, 1959, Kalispell, Joseph O’Neill, Montana; m. NEIL MARTIN BERTELSON, Oct. 25, 1916, Mohall, ND; b. June 1, 1892, January 1891 Belgrade, Stearns Co., MN; d. Aug. 22, 1954, Spokane, WA. JOHN ALBERT GLEN O'NEILL, b. Nov. 30, 1895, Dickens, Clay Co., IA; d. March 5, 1965, Norma, ND. HAZEL MARY O'NEILL, b. May 5, 1897, Dickens, Clay Co., IA; d. April 16, 1966, Kenmare, ND; m. ELDON BEEM, March 4, 1919, Mohall, ND; b. June 12, 1895, Winterset, IA; d. July 9, 1982, Kenmare, ND. Both are buried in Pleasant View Cemetery, Norma, Renville Co., ND. JOSEPH O'NEILL, b. Jan. 1, 1899, Dickens, Clay Co., IA; d. Jan. 11, 1899, Dickens, Clay Co., IA. WILLIAM O'NEILL, b. Jan. 27, 1900, Dickens, Clay Co., IA; d. Jan. 30, 1900, Dickens, Clay Co., Ia. ESTELLA ELIZABETH O'NEILL, b. Nov. 17, 1903, Dickens, Clay Co., IA; d. Jan. 31, 1904, Dickens, Clay Co., IA. i. ii. 12. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 6.7. JOHN THOMAS O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Nov. 3, 1873 in Grant Township, Franklin Co., Iowa and died Jan. 17, 1923 in Los Angeles, CA. He married ELIZABETH "LIL" MULLANE Oct. 15, 1915 at Ackley, Iowa, daughter of William and Margaret (Geary) Mullane. She was born in 1875 and died of cancer June 16, 1924 at Hampton, Franklin Co., Iowa. Both are buried in St. Mark’s Cemetery, Iowa Falls, Hardin Co., Iowa. Child of JOHN O'NEILL and LIL MULLANE is: i. DAVID O’NEILL, b. abt 1916 in Iowa, age 7 when his father died and age 8 when his mother died. John Thomas O’Neill, 1891 Lil Mullane O’Neill 7. MICHAEL3 C. O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born about 1871 in Iowa. He married KATHRYN (possibly Catherine) A. JOHNSTON Nov. 10, 1914. She was born about 1881 in Minnesota. Her father was born in Pennsylvania and her mother in New York. The 1940 U.S. Census shows him and wife and son living in Iowa Falls, Hardin County, Iowa Child of MIKE O'NEILL and CATHERINE JOHNSTON is: i. EDMUND4 M. O'NEILL, b. Sept. 11, 1915 in Iowa Falls, Iowa. 8. DAVID3 “Dave” D. O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Feb. 21, 1876 in Ackley, Iowa and died of coronary thrombosis June 30, 1959 in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. He married MARY HENRIETTA GRESSLIN July 23, 1903 in Hampton, Franklin Co., Iowa. She was born in 1881 in Ackley and died in May 1950. Her parents were Louis and Henrietta (Bauer) Gresslin, buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Faulkner, Franklin Co., Iowa. Dave & Mary are buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa. Mike O’Neill, 1891 News clip from the Ackley World of Aug. 7, 1901: “Dave O'Neill is taking a week's vacation from his duties as pharmacist in the J.M. Nix drug store, and has gone to the home of his father in the country, where he will endeavor to subjugate a couple of bucking broncos, that he bought for this special occasion. He will also visit at St. Paul and Minneapolis.” Excerpts from obituary in the Ackley World Journal on July 2, 1959: David D. O'Neill, Former Wellsburg Pharmacist, Dies Funeral services were held Monday at O'Keefe and Towne funeral home for David D. O'Neill, 83, a former resident of Wellsburg who died in his home at St. Petersburg, Florida last week Tuesday. O'Neill was born in Ackley on February 21, 1876, the son of John and Anne Noonan O'Neill. O'Neill was a registered pharmacist in Iowa for 50 years and owned pharmacies in Williams and Wellsburg in addition to working in stores at Allison, Waverly and Dows. 317 Dave O’Neill He came to Waterloo in 1938 where he also was in the drug store business. In 1955 he moved to St. Petersburg, Florida and was a member of St. Mary's Church there. Survivors are a son, Gerald of Destin, Florida, a daughter, Roberta of St. Petersburg and one grandchild. Children of DAVID O'NEILL and MARY GRESSLIN are: i. ROBERTA MARIE O’NEILL, b. May 10, 1904 Allison, Butler Co, Iowa, m. Carlton M. Teeple. ii. GERALD DAVID O'NEILL, b. March 21, 1914 in Williams, Hamilton Co., Iowa, died July 21, 1989. In 1936 earned a BA at the University of Iowa, as well as a certificate of journalism. Wife Betty K. O’Neill b. abt 1917 in Nebraska. 9. EDWARD3 O'NEILL (JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Johnny Hyde Sept. 28, 1882 in New York, NY and adopted as Ed O’Neill, and died Aug. 22, 1932 in Dubuque County, Iowa. He married FRANCES SPANGLER. She was born June 1, 1887 in Grant Township, Franklin Co., Iowa to Benedict and Amelia Reigelsberger Spangler, and died Sept. 16, 1967 in Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa. Edward and Frances are buried in Mount Calvary Cemetery, Dubuque. Child of EDWARD O'NEILL and FRANCES SPANGLER is: i. DONALD CLETUS4 O'NEILL, b. Nov. 3, 1912 in Dubuque County, Iowa, d. May 17, 1953 in Dallas, Texas. Married Verna, b. Sept. 28, 1918, d. 1968. They are buried in Riverside Cemetery, Howe, Lagrange County, Indiana. Daughter Frances b. abt 1939 in Illinois. Generation No. 4 10. ANNA PATRICIA4 O'NEILL (PATRICK EDMUND3, JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born October 14, 1906 in Iowa Falls, Iowa, and died March 12, 2005 in Joplin, Missouri. She married ROBERT ALFONSO FAHEY July 28, 1937 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Ackley, Iowa, son of THOMAS FAHEY and MARY HALLORAN. He was born May 7, 1894 in farm in Osceola Twp, Franklin County, Iowa, and died August 28, 1960 in Allen Memorial Hospital, Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., IA. For photos and details about ANNA O'NEILL and ROBERT FAHEY and their descendants, see page 294. Children of ANNA O'NEILL and ROBERT FAHEY are: 12. i. 13. ii. THOMAS PATRICK5 FAHEY, b. 1941, Eldora, Iowa. JOSEPH HOWARD FAHEY, b. 1945. The childhood home of sisters Anna and Catherine O’Neill is now a museum site. “The 1870 Limburg I-House reflects the type of lifestyle of the early settlers. This house has been restored to its original state completely through the efforts of community volunteers working with the Heritage Center.” – from: http://www.ackleyheritagecenter.com/I-House.htm The I-House, early 21st century At the I-house, through they probably just called it home, circa 1920. Foreground, Catherine O’Neill; background, Anna O’Neill. 318 11. CATHERINE JULIE4 O'NEILL (PATRICK EDMUND3, JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born February 22, 1899 in Lincoln, Nebraska, and died Sept. 7, 1972 in an Oxnard, California hospital. She married MARTIN J. LARSEN August 12, 1930 in Cedar Falls IA by Father J.C. Weineke. He was born June 15, 1888 in Sioux City, Iowa, and died April 19, 1959 in Sioux City. They are buried in Graceland Park Cemetery, Sioux City, Iowa. Obituary for CATHERINE JULIE O'NEILL from the Sioux City Journal: Mrs. Martin J. Larsen, 73, a former Sioux Cityan, died Thursday at an Oxnard, Calif., hospital after a short illness. Graveside services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Graceland Park Cemetery. The Rev. Stanley O. Satre of the First Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be under direction of the Nelson-Berger Northside Funeral Home. Mrs. Larsen, the former Catherine J. O'Neill, was born Feb. 22, 1899 at Lincoln. She was married Aug. 12, 1930. Mrs. Larsen spent most of her married life in Sioux City, where she was employed in the city public works department. After Mr. Larsen's death in Sioux City April 19, 1959, she moved to California to live with her daughter, Mrs. Worth (Patricia) Cobb at Camarillo. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Cobb and Miss Julie Larsen of Trinidad, Colo.; two grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Anne Fahey of Joplin, Mo. 1930 wedding of Martin Larsen & Catherine O’Neill. At right, sister Anna Catherine O’Neill, 1909, age 10 About 1950 – Catherine, daughter Patricia, & Martin Larsen Julie Maurine Larsen Obituary for MARTIN JULIUS LARSEN from the Sioux City Journal: Martin J. Larsen, 70, 616 1/2 Iowa Street, a lifelong resident of Sioux City and a city employee for 48 years, died Sunday night at a hospital after a long illness. He was employed by the department of public works and formerly was a clerk in the office of the superintendent of streets and public improvements. Mr. Larsen was born June 10, 1888 in Sioux City. He was educated here, graduating from Central High School in 1906. He was a veteran of World War I. He was a member of the First Lutheran Church; Tyrian Lodge, A.F. & A.M.; Abu-Bekr Shrine Temple, and for many years was a member of the Shrine Chanters, Scandinavian societies, and the American Legion. Survivors include the widow Catherine; two daughters, Mrs. Patricia Cobb of Spokane, Wash., and Miss Julie Larsen of Trinidad, Colo.; a sister, Miss Maurine Larsen and two brothers, Elmer and Ray, all of Sioux City, and a grandchild. The body was taken to the Nelson-Berger North Side Funeral Home. Editor's note: A.F. & A.M. means Ancient Free and Accepted Masons 319 More About MARTIN LARSEN and CATHERINE O'NEILL: Marriage Sponsors were Ann O'Neill & Joe Pratt, Colfax IA Children of CATHERINE O'NEILL and MARTIN LARSEN are: i. PATRICIA ANN5 LARSEN, b. 1932; m. WORTH E. COBB. Nickname: Patsy Baptism: Sioux City (Iowa) Cathedral by Msgr. McCarthy. WORTH E. COBB military service: A1C, Alta Vista, VA. Children: son Steven (Tamara) Cobb and their twin sons William and Larsen Cobb all of San Marino, Calif. and daughter Rene (husband Peter) of Eugene, Ore. ii. JULIE MAURINE7 LARSEN, b. Aug 8, 1934, Sioux City, Ia; d. July 8, 2007, Trinidad State Nursing Home, Trinidad, CO. Obituary for JULIE MAURINE LARSEN found at http://www.trinidadco.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3715 Julie Maurine Larsen was born in Sioux City, Iowa on August 8, 1934 to parents Catherine Julie O'Neill Larsen and Martin Julius Larsen. She graduated from Central High School in Sioux City in 1952. She was also a life-long student of the Theocratic Ministry School of Jehovah's Witnesses. Julie had fond memories of when she went to South Dakota to do missionary work in an isolated area. She and Mari Willert moved to Trinidad in 1957. She lived for a while in Houston, Texas; Springfield, Oregon and Las Cruces, New Mexico, returning to Trinidad in 2001. She was an artist, a musician, and a wonderful photographer and loved to chase sunsets and rainbows. Fisher's Peak and Trinidad Lake were her favorite subjects. She was known as a very honest and dependable, genteel person and a loyal friend. She was employed at the Trinidad Credit Bureau as a Credit Reporter; Dr. T.W. Mitchell as a Receptionist; Mt. San Rafael Hospital as an Emergency Room Clerk; Parkway A.M.I. Hospital, Houston as a receptionist; High Plains Medical Center as a Billing Clerk; Trinidad Motor Inn as a Desk Clerk and Dr. Lawrence Low as a Receptionist. She also did house-sitting for many years and fully enjoyed caring for the owner's pets. Many times she assisted Myrtis Miller in her catering business. Julie Maurine Larsen Sharing in Bible educational work as a Christian Witness of Jehovah was her greatest joy in life. She fulfilled her dedication to Jehovah God her Creator by spreading the good news of God's Kingdom. She went to sleep on Sunday, July 8, 2007 at the Trinidad State Nursing Home, faithfully awaiting the resurrection into God's promised new earth- a paradise where there will be no more sickness, sorrow, pain or death. (Revelation 21:4) She lived a simple life. We will see her again. She is survived by a sister, Patricia (North) Cobb of Camarillo, California; Nephew Steven (Tamara) Cobb, and twin grand-nephews William and Larsen Cobb all of San Marino, California and niece Rene (husband Peter) of Eugene, Oregon. Memorial Services will be held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 1713 Goodale Avenue on Saturday, July 14th at 2:00 PM with Minister Larry Swetky officiating, and a gathering is to follow at Mullare-Murphy Funeral Home. More About JULIE MAURINE LARSEN: Baptism: St. Vincent's Hospital chapel, Sioux City IA by Father Athanasius Dangler 12. JOHN ALBERT GLEN4 O'NEILL (JOSEPH3, JOHN2, BERNARD1) was born Nov. 30, 1895 at Dickens, Clay Co., Iowa and died March 5, 1965, at Norma, ND. In 1927 in North Dakota he married RETA IRENE MILLS, daughter of George and Rosa May (Curtis) Mills. She was born June 25, 1905 in Velva, North Dakoka and died in 2003 in North Dakota. Reta wrote a history of her family, including her parents who emigrated from Sumner, Nebraska and homesteaded near Velva. John and Reta are buried in Rosehill Cemetery, also known as Pleasant View Cemetery, rural Norma. Obituary for Glen O’Neill: Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m., from the Church of the Nazarene in Kenmare, for John Albert Glen O'Neill, 69, longtime resident of the Norma community, who passed away unexpectedly Friday at his home. Death resulted from a heart attack. The Rev Ellen Doke, pastor, officiated. Honorary bearers were Oscar Gilbertson, Marvin Duerre, Fred Bruce, Martin Schiffman, Ben Schupp and Harold Lindblad and active bearers were Eldon Cook, Robert Mahnke, Paul Overton, Leonard Zimmer, Iver Martinson and Melvin Johnson. Glen O’Neill, 1963 Mr. O'Neill was born at Dickens, Iowa, Nov. 30, 1895, and came to this community with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. O'Neill 59 years ago. His marriage to Reta Irene Mills was Solemnized at Minot July 27, 1927. He was a member of the Pleasant View Church of the Nazarene, was a member of the board of trustees and had served as Sunday School Superintendent. He had also served as township clerk for many years, a member of the school board and was sextant of Rosehill cemetery. 320 He is survived by his widow, three daughters and three sons. There are fourteen grandchildren. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Martin Bird and Mrs. Eldon Beem, both of Kenmare. Children of GLEN O'NEILL and RETA MILLS are: i. BEVERLY5 O’NEILL, b. abt 1932, m. DONALD DONAHUE. Res.: Minot. ii. LEAH ANN O’NEILL, b. abt 1933, m.DONALD LANE. Res.: Idaho. iii. GLENIUS ADAIR O’NEILL, April 25, 1936-April 28, 2004, m. ARNOLD L. EDINGER Aug. 1960. Had sons Nyk and Mike. Res.: Nampa, Idaho, Mandan, ND, Bismarck, ND. She is buried in North Dakota Veterans Cemetery, Mandan, Morton Co, ND. iv. JOSEPH O’NEILL, b. abt 1938, m. Dolores. Res.: Parma, Idaho, McDermot, NV. v. DAVID O’NEILL m. Joanne. Residence: Norma, ND. vi. LAYNE E. O’NEILL, b. April 30, 1945 in Kenmare, ND, m. Beth. Res.: Norma. 321 Glenius O’Neill Edinger Descendants of John Phinney Generation No. 1 1. JOHN1 PHINNEY was born Oct. 14, 1718 at Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts and died Aug. 14, 1760 in Connecticut. Child of LUTHER PHINNEY is: 2. i. JOHN2 PHINNEY, b. July 17, 1757, Mass.; d. May 31, 1832, Vermont. Generation No. 2 2. JOHN2 PHINNEY (LUTHER1) was born July 17, 1757 in Mass., and died May 31, 1832 in Vermont. He married (1) BETHIAH CARTER Jan. 19, 1786 in Warren, Litchfield County, Conn, daughter of John Carter and Bethiah Tiffany. She was born Dec. 19, 1762 in Warren and died March 5, 1813. He married (2) NANCY HATCH in February 1814. She died July 27, 1818. He married (3) CHRISTIANA LEE in December 1818. He and Bethiah are buried in Carter Cemetery, Monkton, Addison Co., Vermont. Military service: American Revolutionary War. See Vermont Pension Roll and transcriptions on this and the next two pages. Children of JOHN PHINNEY and BETHIAH CARTER are: i. TIMOTHY3 WASHBURN PHINNEY, b. Aug. 18, 1787 Warren, Litchfield County, CT, d. Feb. 12, 1828. ii. SOLOMON PHINNEY, b. June 24, 1789 Warren, Litchfield County, CT, d. Feb. 26, 1808. iii. MARTIN PHINNEY, b. Aug. 21, 1791 Warren, Litchfield County, CT, d. Nov. 14, 1872 Monkton, Vermont. He and wives Mercy & Sally buried in Carter Cemetery. iv. JOHN CARTER PHINNEY, b. July 17, 1793Warren, CT. v. HANNAH PHINNEY, b. April 17, 1795, Warren, CT. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. HARLEY PHINNEY, b. March 12, 1797 Warrem, d. July 8, 1860; He and wife Sarah Crooker buried in Bristol Center Cemetery, Bristol, Ontario County, NY. 5 children. DIANA PHINNEY, b. January 25, 1799. MEROVA PHINNEY, b. 1801 New Haven, CT, d. Mar 17, 1879 Middlebury, Vermont. His son Edgar was in Co. B, 11th VT Regt., and was killed in 1864 at Weschester, Virginia. Both are buried in Middlebury Cemetery, Vt. BETSY PHINNEY, b. June 10, 1803. LAURA PHINNEY, b. August 24, 1805. Child of JOHN PHINNEY and NANCY HATCH is: 3. x. CALVIN3 C. PHINNEY, b. Oct. 2, 1814, Conquest, NY; d. Jan. 29, 1885, Iowa. Following are images of some of the documents filed for John Phinney’s Revolutionary War pension. Because they are difficult to read, I have mostly substituted my own interpretation for images of the actual documents. Series: M805 Roll: 652 Image: 114 File: S41066/BLWT808-100 Page 1, the card: Phinney, John Service: Conn. N.Y. Number: S. 41.066 BLWT 808-100 Page 3: 4,192 Vermont John Phinney or Finney Swifts Page 3 continued: Sergeant Connecticut Line the army of the United States during the Revolutionary War Inscribed on the Roll of Vermont at the rate of Eight Dollars per month, to commence on the 7th of April 1818 Certificate of Pension issued the 5th of Nov. 1818 and forwarded to Ezra Hoit Esq. Addison County, Vermont No. 28 Arrears to 4th of Sep 1818 .430 $39.46 322 Semi-anl. all'ce ending 4th Mar 1819 $48.00 Total $87.46 No. 28/30 Col Swift Revolutionary claim, Act 18th March, 1818 War 1777 Continue New Haven, Addison County died May 31, 1832 See agency book Page 4: July 26, 1820 From S. Swift Middlebury, Vermt Con. August 2, 1821 unreadable S. Swift Middlebury, Vt Page 5: State of Vermont County of Addison, ss. - On this 4th day of July 1820, personally appeared in open Court, being a Court of record (having the power of fine and imprisonment) for the said County John Finney Phinney aged sixty six years, resident in New Haven in said County, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows: For 13 months under an enlistment for that period, commencing in December 1775, in Capt Curtis' (editor’s note: Eleazer Curtis, died 1788, age 52) company, in Col Van Schaick's (editor’s note: Goose Van Schaick, 1736 – 1789) regim of the New York line, unreadable January 1777, he enlisted for during the war unreadable and until the unreadable in Capt. Chapman (editor’s note: Albert Chapman, died Dec. 26, 1819) Company, Col. Heman Swift's (editor’s note: Heman Swift, not Herman, died June 16, 1834) regiment of the Connecticut line. That the date of his original declaration is the Seventh day of April, 1818, the number of his pension certificate is 4.192. And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States, on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not, since that time, by gift sale or in any manner, disposed of my property, or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it, as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary war," passed on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, and property or securities, contracts or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed. Page 9: John Phinney of New Haven in the county of Addison & State of Vermont appeared before me Ezra Hoyt one of the judges of the County Court aforesaid with a view of obtaining a pension from his government under the Act entitled "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the Land and Naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" has exhibited the following evidence. The said John Phinney unreadable says that in January 1777 he enlisted into the Service of the United States in the Company commanded by Capt. Albert Chapman, Heman Swift Col. 2nd Connecticut Regiment, Genl 323 Huntington's (editor’s note: Jedediah Huntington, 1743-1818) Brigade for the Term of the War & served during the War & was honourably discharged still belonging to Col. Swift's Regt. He further saith that he has long since lost his discharge but annexed hereto is his Warrant by Virtue of which he acted as a sergeant in said service. He further says that according to his best recollection when he entered the service he wrote his name as first signed below & that he unreadable the same as signed in the second place while in the service & that he is very confident he enlisted by beginning his name with F. & that he wrote the beginning with P. when discharged. John Finney John Phinney 324 Generation No. 3 3. CALVIN3 C. PHINNEY (JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born Oct. 2, 1814 in Conquest, New York, and died Jan. 29, 1885 in Iowa. He was a carpenter. He married SARAH “Sally” P. WHEATON in 1840. She was born about 1820 in Onondaga County, NY, and died Bef. 1857. It says 1815-1885 on Calvin’s grave marker in Greenwood Cemetery, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa. The marker also includes the three-link symbol of the International Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF). Children of CALVIN PHINNEY and SALLY WHEATON are: 4. i. EDWIN ALSON4 PHINNEY, b. April 24, 1843, Syracuse, New York; d. November 29, 1920, Ackley, Iowa. Mercy Lake Phinney, detail Mercy Lake Phinney ii. MERCY LAKE PHINNEY. iii. Ellen “Ella” Gertrude Phinney Arquitt, b. abt 1849 in Cayuga County, NY. The 1880 federal census and 1885 Iowa census show Adolph Arquitt, born about 1841, living with wife Ella and their six children in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa. Living with them is Ella’s father Calvin Phinney. Generation No. 4 4. EDWIN ALSON4 PHINNEY (CALVIN3, JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born April 24, 1843 in Syracuse, New York, and died Nov. 29, 1920 in Ackley, Iowa. He married (1) JULIE CATHERINE REUILLARD March 17, 1867 in Cedar Falls IA, daughter of PIERRE REUILLARD. She was born March 19, 1844 in France, and died August 12, 1891 in Ackley, Iowa. In 1898 he married (2) Anna Stewart (Hogue) Hampson, b. Sept. 13, 1852 in Greensburg, Decatur County, Indiana, d. Dec 2, 1935 at Puyallup, Pierce, Washington. Civil War notes for EDWIN ALSON PHINNEY: Side Served: Union; State Served: Iowa Residence: Cedar Falls, Iowa Enlisted Dec. 31, 1863 at Davenport, Iowa as a Private in Company B, 31st Infantry Regiment, Iowa, at the age of 20. Transferred into Company A, 17th Infantry Regiment, Iowa. Promoted to Full 5th Corporal on 1 Jul 1865. Mustered out July 25, 1865 at Louisville, Ky. Edwin Phinney Julie Reuillard Source Information: Historical Data Systems, comp. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA National Park Service. U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA; Film Number: M541 roll 21 The Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934, shows widow Annie S. Phinney filed in Iowa. Source Information: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Burial: Dec. 1, 1920, Greenwood Cemetery, Cedar Falls, Iowa; tombstone says Civil War veteran, Company A, 17 th Iowa Infantry. Info.: Middle name might be Alliston, not Alson Occupation: Head miller in the Roosevelt Knickerbocker flour mill, Ackley, IA (built in 1874 in Hardin County, shut down in the 1920s, crowded out of business by changed conditions and the big-producing mills). More About JULIE CATHERINE REUILLARD: Maybe Julia, not Julie. Her father Pierre was born in France and died in Cedar Falls, Ia. Burial: Greenwood Cemetery, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Iowa. 5. 6. Children of EDWIN PHINNEY and JULIE REUILLARD are: i. ADELE5 “Dell” PHINNEY, b. Nov. 27, 1867; d. Nov. 19, 1959, Los Gatos, Calif.; m. WALTER WARD COX; b. in Los Gatos, son of Thomas W. and Margaret L. Cox, d. Oct. 15, 1921. He was a member of the Los Gatos orchestra. They are buried in Los Gatos Memorial Park, San Jose, Calif. 5. ii. HELEN “Nell” PHINNEY, b. Nov. 28, 1869, Cedar Falls, Iowa; d. Nov. 25, 1944, Mason City, Ia. Dell Phinney Cox Dell Phinney, 1886 6. iii. HARRIET "Hat" PHINNEY, b. August 29, 1873, Cedar Falls, Iowa; d. July 22, 1937 Ackley, Iowa. 7. iv. CATHERINE "Kit" PHINNEY, b. January 26, 1876, Cedar Falls, Iowa; d. June 19, 1941. Children of EDWIN PHINNEY and JULIE REUILLARD are continued after the following photo. 325 Walter Cox, 1915 326 Children of EDWIN PHINNEY and JULIE REUILLARD continued: v. JULIA "JULIE" E. PHINNEY, b. May 16, 1881, Cedar Falls, Iowa; d. Oct. 23, 1918, age 37, at Mercy Hospital, Fort Dodge, Iowa, a victim of the 1918 flu pandemic. For more about the pandemic see the entry for Vern Higgason on page 244. Occupations: Concert pianist, bookkeeper at A.R. Loomis & Son, Fort Dodge. Burial: October 24, 1918, Elmwood-St. Joseph Municipal Cemetery, Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa Julie Phinney, 1886, age 5 8. vi. Julie Phinney, 1913, age 32 Julie Phinney Julie Phinney, 1914, age 33 FLORENCE "FLOSSIE" J. PHINNEY, b. June 18, 1884, Cedar Falls, Ia.; d. Feb. 11, 1974, Albert Lea, Minn. Edwin Phinney obituary in the Ackley World Journal, page 1, Dec. 2, 1920: E. A. Phinney who has been in poor health during the past several years, but who, until very recently, has been able to be about, taking an interest in the every day affairs of the community and of the friends about him, passed away at his home Monday evening. The fact that his health had not been good, had in a way prepared those nearest to him for his passing; yet withal his death occasions sorrow, he will be sadly missed from the old home place and by the friends who knew his many excellent qualities. Edwin A. Phinney was born in Syracuse, New York, April 24, 1843. Early in life he came west with his parents; he grew to manhood at Cedar Falls and it was there that he enlisted at the first outbreak of hostilities between the sections; he served through to the end, and was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, having performed valiant service. He returned to Cedar Falls and on March 17, 1867, was united in marriage to Julia Reuillard. To this union were born six daughters, five of whom survive: Mrs. W.W. Cox, Los Gatos, Cal.; Mrs. J.F. Broderick, Mason City; Mrs. P.E. O'Neill, Ackley; Mrs. C.P. Twomey, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. H.E. Fitch, Eaton. Minn. One daughter, Julie E. preceded him in death Oct. 23, 1918. October 23, 1900, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Anna Hampson, who with the children, and one sister, mourn his death. For several years he served as a member of the city council and was identified with the life of the community; he was employed as head miller in Roosevelt's Knickerbocker mills from July 1884, to August, 1912. He was a member of the G.A.R. and the lodge of Woodmen. Rev. Westfall, pastor of the M.E. church, conducted services at the Phinney home; the remains were taken to Cedar Falls for burial, six members of the Loyal Legion serving as a guard of honor. The remains were interred by the side of his wife in Greenwood cemetery. 1918 - Edwin Phinney & 2nd wife Annie, daughter of Samuel Hogue and Elizabeth Stewart, widow of Francis Hampson 327 Edwin’s second wife, Annie, was born Sept. 13, 1852 in Greensburg, Indiana to Samuel R. Hogue and Elizabeth (Stewart) Hogue. She was the widow of Francis Marion Hampson, with whom she had three children: Mayme Yander Hampson McKinley, Samuel Lloyd Hampson and Paul Frances Hampson. The 1900 census shows Paul, age 11, living in Etna Township, Hardin County, Iowa with mother Annie, stepfather Edwin and stepsisters Julia, 18, and Florence, 16. After Edwin's death she lived with her daughter in Joseph, Oregon for 10 years and then with son Samuel in Tacoma, Washington. She died Dec. 2, 1935 in Puyallup, Wash. and was buried in the McKinley family plot in Prairie Creek Cemetery, aka Joseph Cemetery, Section D, Lot 8, Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon. Generation No. 5 5. HELEN5 “Nell” M. PHINNEY (EDWIN ALSON4, CALVIN3, JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born Nov. 28, 1869 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and died Nov. 25, 1944 in Mason City, Iowa. On June 12, 1900, at Minneapolis, she married JOHN FRANCIS BRODERICK, who was born Feb. 19, 1874 in Wisconsin and died in October 1947 in Hot Springs, S.D, son of Patrick Broderick and Hanora Hanifin. His father was born in Massachusetts and his mother in Ireland. John was a locomotive fireman on the Milwaukee railroad in Mason City, Iowa until his retirement in 1938, after having worked for that concern since he was 18 years of age (51 years). He was the president of the Cerro Gordo county local No. 29 of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. He served with Company A, 52nd regiment from Mason City, in the Spanish American war. In November 1929 he was given a verdict of $10,200 by a Hardin County jury after a headon auto collision that doctors testified permanently injured his hip. Helen and John are buried in Elmwood Saint Joseph Cemetery,Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co., Ia. . Helen Phinney, 1886, 17 Helen “Nell” Phinney John Broderick, 1945 His WWI draft registration card records: height, tall; build, medium; eyes, gray; hair, black. Obituary for Helen Phinney Broderick, Mason City Globe-Gazette, Nov. 27, 1944: Mrs. J. F. (Frank) Broderick died at her home, 240 7th S.E., Saturday evening after a month's illness. Mrs. Broderick was born Helen M. Phinney, at Cedar Falls, and grew to womanhood at Ackley, but visited often at Mason City. About 1898 she went to Minneapolis, later coming to Mason City. In June, 1900, at Minneapolis, she married J. F. Broderick, and they made their home in Mason City. Mrs. Broderick leaves, besides her husband, 5 children, Frances in Chicago, Edwin L. in Detroit, Sister M. Agatha, of the Presentation Order, of Fairbank, Florence of Tampa, Fla,, and Julie, wife of Lt. Col. Earl DeForest, of Tampa, Fla. Two children died in infancy. There are 2 grandchildren, in the family of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Earl DeForest. She also leaves 2 sisters, Mrs. Walter Cox of Los Gatos, Cal., and Mrs. Howard Fitch of Albert Lea. She was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic church and the Tabernacle society, a member of the ladies society of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and a member of the auxiliary to the Spanish American War Veterans, of Madison, S. Dak. The funeral will be Tuesday at St. Joseph's church at 9:30 a.m., with Father P.J. Behan in charge. Burial will be in St. Joseph's cemetery. The Rosary will be said at the Meyer funeral home at 8 p.m. on Monday. Children of HELEN PHINNEY and JOHN BRODERICK are: i. FRANCES6 H. BRODERICK, b. July 4, 1901 Mason City, Ia., d. Jan. 18, 1983, Hollywood, Broward County, Florida. Residence: Chicago. Photo on next page. ii. EDWIN L. BRODERICK, b. March 2, 1903 in Mason City, Iowa, d. March 14, 1964 in Newington, Conn. of a heart attack. Married Dorothy, who survived him. No children. He earned a degree in mechanical engineering at Iowa State University, Ames. Was a mechanical engineer for Pratt and Whitney, a division of United Aircraft Corp., East Hartford, Conn. iii. MARY ADELE BRODERICK, b. abt 1907 in Iowa, became Sister Mary Agatha, PBVM (Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary), St. Joseph Convent, Mason City, Iowa. Taught at Immaculate Conception High School in Fairbank, Iowa, 1941 to 1947 (http://www.dubuquepresentations.org/aboutus_heritage_fairbank.cfm). iv. FLORENCE BRODERICK, b. May 23, 1909 in Running Water, Bon Homme County, SD, Sister Mary Agatha Broderick, d. April 26, 1991 in Brandon, Hillsborough County, Florida. Res.: Limona, Fla., which in 1928, so about 21 years old. the 1980s became part of Brandon, Fla. Photo on next page. Another photo on next page. 9. v. JULIE CLARK BRODERICK, b. Aug. 11, 1910 in South Dakota and died March 9, 1989 in Florida. Res.: Limona, Fla. 328 L to R: Florence Broderick, Sister Mary Agatha, Frances Broderick - 1977 6. HARRIET "HAT"5 PHINNEY (EDWIN ALSON4, CALVIN3, JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born August 29, 1873 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and died July 22, 1937 in her home in Ackley, Iowa. She married PATRICK EDMUND O'NEILL (see page 315) December 27, 1897 in Ackley, Iowa, son of JOHN O'NEILL and ANNA NOONAN. He was born November 12, 1857 in Chateauguay, New York, and died February 16, 1934 in Ackley. Both are buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ackley. Obituary 1 for Harriet Phinney O’Neill: Mrs. Harriet O'Neil (born Phinney) died at the family home in Ackley this (Thursday) morning at 8:30 following a very brief illness. At home with Mrs. O'Neil at the time, were her sister, Mrs. Broderick, of Mason City, and Mrs. O'Neil's daughter, Anna. There had been no lengthy illness; she had been active in the performance of her household duties until a few days previously, but she was taken suddenly and seriously ill the evening before her death. Mrs. O'Neil was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Phinney; her mother died when the daughters were small; their father, Mr. A.E. Phinney, indulgent and a loving father, reared them well; they were popular with Ackley young people. Mr. Phinney, for many years, was employed as head-miller in the Roosevelt Knickerbocker flour mills, operated through many years in Ackley. During the past winter Mrs. O'Neil visited with her sister, (Adele) in California. She was 65. Funeral services are to be held at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Saturday forenoon, to be conducted by the Rev. J.J. O'Meara, pastor. Further details in next Thursday's World - Journal. Obituary 2, Ackley World Journal, July 29, 1937: Harriet Phinney O'Neill was born August 29, 1873 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, the daughter of Edwin Alson Phinney and Julie Reuillard. She moved to Ackley with her family as a young girl. She attended Sacred Heart Academy, State Normal, Cedar Falls, and taught in the Franklin and Hardin county schools for six years. On December 27. 1897 she married Patrick E. O'Neill. They first made their home in Lincoln, Nebr., later returning to Iowa Falls, and Ackley, moving to Cedar Falls in 1925 and returning to Patrick and Harriet Phinney O’Neill - Sept 25 1898 Ackley in 1933. Mr. O'Neill passed away Feb. 16, 1934. Mrs. O'Neill died Thursday, July 22 after an illness of eleven days. She leaves to mourn, her daughters, granddaughters, and sisters Mrs. Adele Cox, Los Gatos. Calif., Mrs. J.F. (Helen) Broderick, Mason City, Iowa, Mrs. Charles Twomey, Canton, Ohio, and Mrs. H.E. Fitch, Albert Lea, Minn. One sister, Julie Phinney, preceded her in death, 1918. Funeral services were conducted Saturday, July 24th, at St. Mary's Catholic church, Rev. O'Meara officiating. 329 More About HARRIET "HAT" PHINNEY: Burial: July 24, 1937, Ackley, Iowa Info.: June 3, 1936, D.A.R./ Daughters of the American Revolution More About PATRICK EDMUND O'NEILL: Burial: Feb. 19, 1934, St. Mary's, Ackley, Iowa Info.: Born 1858 according to Ann Fahey's records Nickname: Pat Children of HARRIET PHINNEY and PATRICK O'NEILL are: 8. i. ANNA PATRICIA6 O'NEILL, b. October 14, 1906, Iowa Falls, Iowa; d. March 12, 2005, Joplin, Missouri. 9. ii. CATHERINE JULIE O'NEILL, b. February 22, 1899, Lincoln, Nebraska; d. Sept. 7, 1972, an Oxnard, California hospital. With the birth of Patrick and Harriet Phinney O’Neill’s daughter Ann O’Neill, who would marry Bob Fahey, we intersect with the Fahey genealogy. See page 287. 7. CATHERINE "KIT"5 PHINNEY (EDWIN ALSON4, CALVIN3, JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born Jan. 26, 1876 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and died June 19, 1941. On June 17, 1901 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Ackley, Ia. she married CHARLES PETER TWOMEY of Mason City, son of Jerry and Anna Ward Twomey, both born in Ireland. He was born Feb. 2, 1878 in Aurelia, Iowa and died Dec. 28, 1937 in Canton, Stark Co., Ohio, where he had been manager of Eureka Chemical. His WWI draft registration card records: height, medium; build, medium; eyes, blue; hair, gray; occupation, traveling salesman for Enders Inc. in Albert Lea, Minn. The 1930 Census shows them living in Canton with daughters Alice and Julia Catherine. Charles and Catharine are buried in Calvary Cemetery, Massillon, Stark Co., Ohio. Children of CATHERINE PHINNEY and CHARLES TWOMEY are: i. CHARLES FRANKLIN6 TWOMEY, b. April 1, 1903, Freeborn, Minn., d. August 1969. ii. JAMES “Jim” CARLYLE TWOMEY, b. Sept. 14, 1906 Freeborn, Minn. , d. Aug. 1, 1975. Buried Corozal American Cemetery and Memorial, Panama City, Panama. iii. ALICE LUCILLE TWOMEY, b. Aug. 25, 1907 in Freeborn, Minn. iv. JULIA CATHERINE TWOMEY, b. abt 1916 in Minnesota. Catherine Twomey’s daughter Julia Catherine Twomey Catherine “Kit” (Phinney) Twomey Franklin & James Twomey with their aunt Florence “Flossie” (Phinney) Fitch 330 Jim Twomey, May 1924 8. FLORENCE5 "FLOSSIE" J. PHINNEY (EDWIN4, CALVIN3, JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born June 18, 1884, at Cedar Falls, Iowa and died Feb. 11, 1974, at Albert Lea, Minn. She married HOWARD "HUD" EDWIN FITCH, April 29, 1918, at Ackley, Iowa., son of Julius and Addie Knapp Fitch. He was born July 26, 1890 in St. Paul, Minn. and died Oct. 22, 1973 at Albert Lea, Minn. Both are buried in Graceland Cemetery, Albert Lea, Freeborn Co., Minn., as are his parents. Howard’s 1918 draft registration card shows his occupation as automobile repairman in Minnesota, city name unreadable. The 1940 census shows Howard in Freeborn, Minnesota, employed as a truck driver by the county highway board. 1968 newspaper story about FLORENCE PHINNEY and HOWARD FITCH: Honored On 50th Year Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fitch were honored Sunday with an open house at St. Theodore's School Cafeteria. The reception, which marked the couple's golden wedding, was attended by about 150 guests. Members of Guild Three of St. Theodore's Rosary Society were hostesses. Among those present were two nieces of the couple Mrs. Ann Fahey [editor: daughter of Florence’s sister Harriet], Tiff City, Mo., and Sister Mary Agatha [editor: daughter of Florence’s sister Helen], Algona, Iowa. Mrs. Fitch was Florence Phinney before her marriage. Mrs. Joe Buss poured. Florence Phinney, age 34, 1918, the year she got married Hud and Florence Phinney Fitch - 1943 331 Howard E. “Hud” Fitch Generation No. 6 9. JULIE CLARK6 BRODERICK (HELEN PHINNEY BRODERICK5, EDWIN ALSON4, CALVIN3, JOHN2, LUTHER1) was born Aug. 11, 1910 in South Dakota and died March 9, 1989 in Florida. She married Army Lt. Col. Earl DeForest, who was born April 19, 1903 in Illinois and died in February 1979 in Florida. They lived in Chicago, Ill. and later in Limona, Hillsborough County, Florida. Limona in the 1980s became part of the unincorporated town of Brandon. Children of Julie Broderick and Earl DeForest are: i. Helen7 Ann DeForest, b. abt 1937 in Illinois, m. Mr. Carballosa. ii. Barbara7 DeForest, b. abt 1942 in Florida, m. Mr. Porter. Helen, left, Barbara, center, and their mother Julie Broderick DeForest Late 1940s: Tom (right) & Joe Fahey, sons of Anna O’Neill Fahey and Bob Fahey (see page 294), with their second cousins Helen (tallest) & Barbara Deforest. 332 Sue As the editor/author of this volume, I reserve the right to devote some space to photos and memories of my beloved Sue. We met sometime around 1998, were married in 2003, and would still be together if she hadn’t taken ill. She was an amazing person and here are some selected memories. Sue (Grissinger) Fahey passport photo, 2003 Bob and Sue as holsteins on Halloween, probably about 2002 Vase by Sue I told Sue about my first memory of seeing her, and she often asked me to retell it. I saw her and had a nice thought of her before she set eyes on me for the first time. I was single and in my mid-to-late-thirties and wanted to meet someone. I went to a dance for adult singles at a Catholic church way out south on Holmes in Kansas City. It was a themed dance, starting with old music and moving their way forward through the decades. I was sitting in my car, watching the entrance, not even sure I would go inside. I saw a tall, pretty woman in a dress, with a large flower in her hair. It was sort of a 1940s look. She went inside. 333 I went inside. I was there a little while, danced a little, but really wasn’t having a good time and I stood there, my mind in the clouds. A voice close-at-hand asked, “Have you made up your mind yet?” I looked up and there was the woman with the flower in her hair, smiling at me. I said something like, “Made up my mind?” “About leaving, “ she said. “Have you made up your mind?” I was transparent to her from the start. I said I would stay, and we danced several times. When the evening was winding down, I was working up the nerve to ask for her phone number. She handed me a piece of paper with her number on it: “I didn’t want you to get away without this.” I called the next night, and the night after that, and it soon came to pass that no day was complete until I had talked with Sue. When I played a video game, afterward I would ask Sue if she felt a little safer, since the monster population had been decreased. She said she did. On our honeymoon, we woke up one morning in London and I just wanted to lay there and go nowhere and do nothing. I said apologetically to Sue, "I know we crossed an ocean to be here and we should be out doing things and taking advantage of our time here, but all I want to do is sleep in." She smiled at me, put her hand on the side of my head and said with a laugh in her voice, "We're going to get along just fine." And we went back to sleep, and didn't go anywhere until after noon. And we got along fine and for the next five years I loved her more every day. Detail of photo to the right Sue & Bob near Tower Bridge in London, Nov. 2003 334 Green-eyed pair, about 2002 – Sue Grissinger and her cat Max. She had him from when he was a kitten all through his 18 years, and loved him dearly. Sue Grissinger self-portrait from 1982. Sue was a talented artist and a former art teacher. Sue’s mother Julia, her brother John, & Sue. Nov. 22, 2003 Sue’s favorite childhood photo. L to R: Sue’s mother Julia, Sue, Sue’s brother John, Sue’s father John 335 Sue Anecdotes We were driving around one time and Sue pointed to a building and said, "Look, there's a school for the deaf." I answered, "What?" She repeated, "There's a school for the deaf" I answered, "What?" And then we both laughed, because I had gotten her at her own game. She loved that kind of humor. I never let her forget about that day, and we laughed over it many times. Sue loved her dad and missed him a lot when he was gone. It was the best one ever Sue loved to tell about how if she missed a TV show her Dad would say, "Oh, it was the best one ever." We generalized that to everything, so if either of us did or saw anything the other hadn't, we'd say "It was the best ever." The joke never got old, we did it for years. Creepy Mouse - Sue remembered fondly her Dad playing a game when she and her brother were little. He'd say "Here comes Creepy Mouse," and would walk two fingers up her arm, saying, "cree-py, cree-py, CREEPY... oh CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY!" and on that last part he'd tickle them around the neck and shoulders. Sue loved to play this game with her niece Katie, who loved it as much as Sue had when she was a kid. Sue said her Dad once called a radio station and pretended to be the principal of the school and said school was cancelled that day due to snow. They announced it on the air. Sue said she was too young to remember it directly, but she had heard about it. Taser-remote: We'd be lying in bed watching TV, and Sue would poke the remote control into my side as if she was using a taser. I would always oblige by spasming as if receiving an electric shock, and she smiled and we laughed, and she would say something like "Thanks for playing." Guilt-Away Dust: This was one of our dearest traditions. I think we sort of co-invented it. Whenever one of us felt some guilt because we felt we failed or slighted each other or someone else, we'd ask the other for some Guilt-Away Dust. The other would produce a palmful of invisible dust, put it to their lips and blow it on the guilty-feeling one. Best of all, it worked. It always brought relief and a smile. On one occasion that Sue often remembered with a smile, Sue said it hadn't worked, and she still felt guilty. So I reached into a pocket and brought out the "extra-special, extra-powerful" GuiltAway Dust. That worked, and she loved me for it. Don't Should on me! - Sue had this one when we met. I don't know if she made it up or picked it up from somewhere else. If I said, "You should do such-and-such," she would answer, "Don't Should on me!" She did it to herself, too. If she said, "I should do such-and-such," she would quickly follow up with, "There I go, Shoulding on myself." It was an indictment of the whole Woulda-Coulda-Shoulda school of thought. It was giving yourself permission to be yourself, and to accept and love yourself for who you are. It's really quite beautiful. 336 Spider Slayer - Sue had a thing about spiders. She couldn't abide their existence, but she didn't want to do the dirty work. So I regularly was called on to grab a kleenex, stand on a chair, say, "Nothing personal, señor spider," and flush him away. I was lauded as Sue's great hero. Spider Romance - One night we're lying in bed and Sue spots not one but two spiders near the ceiling. She calls on me to do my spider slayer thing. I said something like, "C'mon, give them a break. Can't you see the male spider is trying to do a little romancing?" I then sang a little Marvin Gaye, "Let's get it on..." Sue picked up the theme and made it funnier, like she so often did. She said, "Only it would be like this," and she sang "Let's get it on..." in a tiny, high-pitched (spider) voice. We loved each other so much for all this goofy little stuff. Monkeys: Sue and I knew each other 10 years: five years of dating and five years of marriage. Sometime shortly before the wedding, we spontaneously introduced a Monkey theme to our in-jokes, and it continued for the rest of our years together. We just called each other "monkey" a lot, and made a lot of silly jokes about the other having monkey-like traits. Some examples: 1. I would ask Sue if she remembered to take her monkey-suppressant pills. 2. I would leave a message on the answering machine saying that I heard on the radio that a large monkey had been spotted in our neighborhood, so she probably should close the kitchen blinds so Animal Control wouldn't see her. 3. Laying in bed, one of us would say, "There's a monkey here!" The other would look around in mock alarm and say, "I don't see a monkey!" The first would then say, "Oh, it's VERY near." 4. Often, after turning off the lamp to go to sleep and laying quietly for a few moments, one of us would just start speaking to the darkness, making up a joke. These jokes usually started, "A monkey walks into a bar..." They often involved the monkey ordering a banana daiquiri, since monkeys are supposed to like bananas. This tradition evolved to go like this: the first person does an elaborate setup with the monkey walking in and exchanging words with the bartender, and then hands it over to the other person by saying, "...and then..." The other would then struggle to come up with some kind of funny conclusion, which sometimes was very funny, but more often escape the burden by saying, "...and then a guy walked in with a machine-gun and killed everybody. The end." 5. One of us would say, "The zoo called, and they left a strange message for you. I don't even understand it. They just said to say they had gotten a big shipment of bananas in..." The other would interrupt at this point and say with animation, "Bananas? Bananas! We gotta get to the zoo right now!" We'll see — I would talk with Sue about doing something, and she sometimes would answer, "We'll see." I would laugh and say, "That means no." She would laugh and say, "It means 'we'll see'." One day she called me at work and she was laughing. "I had to call you," she said. She had just been talking with her mother Julia about doing something, and Julia had answered, "We'll see," and Sue knew that meant No. She wanted to share that with me right away, and we had a good laugh. I miss bright red. I won't wear it but I loved seeing it on Sue. She wore it a lot. For more about Sue, see pages 38 and 153. 337