political fever sweeps campus - The Library


political fever sweeps campus - The Library
$100K TO
By Kelly Pleskot
Contributing Writer
UCSD Extension announced
plans last week to apply $100,000
in grants geared toward education programs for unemployed San
Diegans amid the current economic
crisis. The grants will allow the first
500 San Diegans who apply to take
free career-seminar classes at the
According to Ed Abeyta, the
UCSD Extension registrar and director of student services, the seminars
were designed to instruct students
in basic, critical career skills in areas
like personal finance, leadership,
networking and business etiquette.
Participants will learn about corporate politics, salary negotiation,
career changes and creating resumes,
and develop other necessary abilities
such as interviewing.
UCSD Extension began distributing the grants Oct. 30, when the
offer went into effect; within the
first five days, 60 grants had been
handed out.
Participants may choose up to
three seminars at once, normally
priced at $45 to $75 each, with limited
availability. UCSD Extension spokesman Henry DeVries said the distribution of these grants will help the
extension achieve its overall goals.
“We saw that part of our mission
is helping to train the San Diego
workforce,” he said. “We think it
will help people discover jobs that
are out there that they didn’t know
While the UCSD Extension has
never before offered these types of
grants, the decision to do so comes
on the heels of a plan to promote
professional education, workforce
development and public service in
the community.
Abeyta also stressed that these
seminars will allow participants to
enhance their career skills by interacting with peers.
“During times like these, being
able to come together in the classroom is one of the key components
[of the program],” Abeyta said.
According to DeVries, the extension program’s new efforts to provide aid are meant to combat harsh
economic conditions — which have
left many in the United States struggling to make ends meet — and
rising unemployment in California
and San Diego County.
“We saw that we could help the
local economy by making these
grants,” DeVries said. “Our mission
is to have a local impact.”
According to the California
See GRANTS, page 2
Top right: Students at Great Hall celebrate upon the announcement of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s victory against
Republican candidate Sen. John McCain. Top left: As of press time, Obama had taken 349 electoral votes while McCain received 163. Left:
Student activists demonstrate in support of Proposition 4 at Price Center Nov. 4. Bottom: Proposition 8 sparked protest on Library Walk.
n epic two-year race came to a
close Tuesday evening as students
gathered across campus to witness Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)
open a new chapter in American
history, claiming a landslide victory against Sen.
John McCain (R-Ariz.) to become the 44th president of the United States.
National exit polls suggest that between 21.6 and 23.9 million voters between the ages of 18 and 25 participated in the election, compared to 2.2 million in 2004. The San Diego County Registrar’s Office
estimated that 5,000 ballots were cast at on-campus polling stations.
Political science professor Thad Kousser said Obama’s age, background and message of change made him more appealing to young
voters than any previous presidential candidate.
“We see this huge increase in youth registration and turnout
because we have this candidate who is clearly different,” he said.
“[Obama] is closer in age and appeals to the younger demographic.
His positions may be similar to others, but he looks different and
talks different.”
Kousser added that the McCain campaign’s use of Facebook
See ELECTION, page 2
Obama 53%
McCain 46%
McCain 37%
4 NO
5 NO
6 NO
High-Speed Rail
7 NO
10 NO
11 YES
12 YES
Alternative Energy
Animal Confinement
Gay Marriage Ban
Hospital Bonds
Victims’ Rights
Parental Notification
Alternative Fuel
Drug Rehab
Police Funding
Veterans’ Bonds
Source: California Secretary of State, as of press time
Protein Discovery Could Reverse Genetic Disorders
A new piece of the
genetic puzzle gives
scientists the tools to
exercise greater control
over human DNA.
By Christina Homer
Senior Staff Writer
Two UCSD biologists announced
the discovery of a human protein last
week that rewinds single-stranded
DNA into its normal double-stranded
form, potentially preventing critical
genes — such as those responsible
for genetic disorders — from form-
ing. Previously, only proteins that
unwound DNA were known to exist.
DNA is a double helix with four
bases in the middle — guanine, cytosine, adenosine and thymine — whose
sequence determines an organism’s
genes. The two strands are complementary to each other, meaning that
their bases fit together like puzzle
During replication and gene
expression, the two strands come
apart. This process is often facilitated by a protein called DNA helicase,
which uses energy stored in the form
of ATP to pull the strands apart. The
newly discovered protein, known as
HepA-Related Protein, does just the
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Women’s soccer: The
Tritons went 1-1-2 in their
last four games before the
league championships.
“It is the first time anyone has
observed DNA actively being
rewound,” UCSD professor of biology
and project supervisor Jim Kadonaga
said. “Often, it has been presumed that
the strands always find themselves.”
This DNA zipper binds at the fork,
where double-stranded DNA becomes
two strands of single-stranded DNA.
The protein is actually a motor protein, which means that it travels along
the DNA and burns ATP as its fuel
Scientists working on the project
stumbled across the new function
while studying mutations in HARP
that cause the rare genetic disorder
Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia. Symptoms of the disease include
strokes, congestive heart failure,
kidney failure and premature death
among children.
“We assumed that [the new protein] had a more mundane function,”
Kadonaga said. “It was actually the
reverse of that. We found that it binds
to the fork and burns up ATP. ATP is
like gasoline for a motor protein. If
something binds a fork and burns up
ATP, you would assume it is a helicase.
Timur, who was doing the experiment,
had the brilliant idea that it might be
the reverse of a helicase.”
See PROTEIN, page 3
Poorly Drawn Lines .........2
New Business..................3
Letters to the Editor ........4
Word Up ..........................4
Classifieds .....................10
Sudoku ..........................10
Poll: Are you most concerned
about local, state, or national
issues in the 2008 election?
Nov. 6
H 77 L 52
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H 77 L 54
Tell us at www.ucsdguardian.org.
Nov. 8
H 76 L 55
Nov. 9
H 66 L 53
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A.S. Teams With Registrar to Facilitate Polling S.D. Employment
▶ ELECTION, from page 1
and other popular media outlets also
accounted for the spike in youth
Poll clerks at the Revelle College
voting booth in the Why Not Here?
Lounge said students began lining
up 15 minutes before the scheduled 7
a.m. opening. By midafternoon, all of
380 English ballots had been administered, so clerks resorted to using
Spanish, Filipino and Vietnamese
ballots with English translations.
Raz Autman, a touchscreen inspector stationed on campus, said students
seemed more eager to vote than they
did in past elections, rushing to vote
between classes and patiently waiting
in line despite the rain.
“The students seemed more dedicated, geared in, focused — very willing and very concerned about today’s
society,” he said. “They want change.”
Other items of chief concern
on the ballot included California
Proposition 4, which would have
delayed abortions for unemancipated
minors until 48 hours after parental
notification by a physician; California
Proposition 8, which outlaws samesex marriage; and San Diego County
Proposition D, which bans alcohol on
San Diego beaches.
Students protested both propositions on Library Walk in the weeks
leading up to the election.
Revelle College freshman Josh King
The students seemed
more dedicated,
geared in, focused
— very willing and
very concerned
about today’s society.
They want change.”
— Raz Autman,
touchscreen inspector
was among a group of students on
Library Walk holding anti-Proposition
8 signs as voters approached the Price
Center polling location.
“Now that I am 18, I can take my
political views to action,” he said. “I
think this election is a historic election both in terms of national and
state politics. Both the candidates
were claiming to be agents of change
and I wanted to impact this change.”
The San Diego Registrar reported
2,328 ballots cast in San Diego County,
with 53.18 percent supporting Obama,
44.51 percent supporting McCain and
1.64 percent supporting third-party
candidates. Precinct-specific data
breaking down candidate support by
voter demographic will not be released
until 30 days after the election.
For the first time ever, the A.S.
Council worked with the city registrar to ensure efficiency and alleviate
long lines. Councilmembers watched
the polls throughout Election Day to
answer questions and ensure that no
registered voters were turned away.
As the votes were tallied, students
gathered at various on-campus locations — including Great Hall, the
Loft and Porter’s Pub — to watch a
televised broadcast of the election
Readers can contact Joyce Yeh at
Michael Neill
Department, the state’s unemployment rate was 7.7 percent, as of
September of this year. The rate in
San Diego County has risen significantly since last year, and remains
at 6.4 percent as of September.
The same department estimated
that 1,300 San Diego jobs were lost
between August and September.
This level of unemployment is the
highest since the mid-1990s, and is
expected to continue rising over the
next several months.
UCSD Extension instructs over
22,000 individuals per year in 3,200
The extension program offers
80 certificate programs held at
the UCSD campus, as well as in
Sorrento Mesa, Rancho Bernardo
and Mission Valley.
Readers can contact Kelly Pleskot at
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Rate Lowest
Since Mid-1990s
▶ GRANTS, from page 1
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Council Pushes Loft Funding
Issue Off on Special Committee May Be Useful
in DNA Repair
swarm of concerned cam- of University Events Office Martin
pus community members Wollensen sent to the council earlier
came forth at last night’s A.S. this week.
Former A.S. councilmember Kyle
Council meeting, which was again
dominated by issues of funding for Samia urged the council to tighten
the Loft and the Programming Office. the language stipulated in the memo
Students communicated their feelings and be ready to bargain for increased
about adding the $2.65 per student per control over the Loft.
“If I were a councilmember and
quarter provision for the Loft to the
this [memo] was it, I would fail it in
A.S. activity fee referendum.
“I think that any business should council,” Samia said of the MoU. “This
employ a sustainable business model,” isn’t student control. That isn’t shared
former Physical Sciences Senator governance, that’s a department using
Rishi Ghosh said. “A.S. is not here our money doing what they want.”
After over two
to give free money
hours of debate
to businesses on
over the language
Several othmemo, Associate
ers also expressed
Vice President of
their disapproval.
Connie Shieh
Student Advocacy
Dorothy Young,
Chair of the
Student Affirmative Action Committee, suggested that President Donna Bean
told council that the administration set up a special committee to discuss
should run its own referendum.
and revise the memo rather than sim“There’s a secret boycott on the ply tabling the discussion of the Loft
Loft,” Richard Chiem of the Food Co- for another week.
op said in addition. “What I feel from
Bean subsequently established the
the Loft is a sense of wasted money.”
Special Committee on the Loft which
Two special presentations followed some councilmembers gleefully began
the lengthy and impassioned session calling “SCLOFT.”
of public input — one from Stephanie
After shelving the issue of the
Usry from the Center for Student Loft for the new special committee
Involvement and the One Stop Desk, to grapple with, the council worried
and the other from Transportation over their own referendum, and how
and Parking Services Director Brian student organizations and programD’Autremont.
ming would be funded. The immediate
While Usry’s presentation was short concern fell upon funding for Winter
and sweet, D’Autremont’s was tailed Quarter activities.
The council made little progress,
by many questions regarding parking
despite spending over five hours in
privileges and shuttle services.
Discussion over adding the Loft the forum. Many councilmembers also
provision to the A.S. activity fee refer- voiced frustrations over being unable
endum indicated the transition into the to begin campaigning for the referendum.
second half of the lengthy meeting.
The council scrutinized a draft
“I’m severely disappointed in this
Memorandum of Understanding council’s inability to take action,” AVP
for the Campus Activity Fee for the of College Affairs Jack Cheadle said
Loft Referendum, which Director near the end of the meeting.
▶ PROTEIN, from page 1
To confirm the new suspected
function, the group created a number of bubbles; within each, doublestranded DNA separated into two
strands and later rejoined as a single
section of double-stranded DNA. The
scientists then added HARP, which
erased those bubbles.
The team — which includes Timur
Yusufzai, a postdoctoral fellow in the
lab — plans to examine the general cell processes in which the newly
discovered protein may be involved,
including DNA repair and general
maintenance of human genes. They
also hope to discover more enzymes
of this class.
“There are many helicases,”
Kadonaga said. “There are likely to
be other reverse helicases like HARP.
The other thing is that helicases are
involved in separating DNA strands,
RNA strands and DNA-RNA hybrids.
There are probably reverse helicases
that do the same things. This could be
the beginning of a whole field.”
Kadonaga’s lab is searching for similar proteins in other organisms. Another
reverse helicase was found in fruit flies,
easy organisms on which to perform
genetic studies due to their rapid rate
of reproduction, allowing researchers
to track the progress of the gene and to
better understand mutations like those
that cause the human disease Schimke
immuno-osseous dysplasia.
“These things don’t happen that
often — to find something so fundamental,” Kadonaga said. “There aren’t
that many enzymes that alter the structure of DNA, and to add an entire new
protein to this category is exciting.”
Readers can contact Christina Homer
at chomer@ucsd.edu.
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Props to Nebraska voters for joining
California, Washington and Michigan in
banning the consideration of race as a
factor in university admissions.
Flops to campus polling-place organizers,
for failing to provide ample ballots to the
Why Not Here? Lounge, which ran out and
had to rely on foreign-language ballots.
Watch Nearby
Surge Toward Equality Sullied by Blow to Gay Rights Props, They
Could Be
Here Soon
he 2008 election saw a huge
national shift to the left: The
Senate is only a few blue seats
away from a Democratic supermajority, and the Obama camp, under
substantially liberal ideals, cut itself a
heaping portion of the electoral pie.
Most of California’s propositions
were met with a similarly left-wing
reaction — an initiative requiring
minors to get parental permission
before receiving abortions was
rejected by voters and a call for
the humane expansion of farm-animal cage space was overwhelmingly
passed. It seems, however, that even
though we can potentially damage
California’s egg industry so that
our poor chickens can turn around
in their cages, we can’t even consider those who make up the large
homosexual population of our state
human enough to grant them the
right to legally marry.
The gay-marriage debate has
been in and out of the public discourse for quite some time now; just
last May, the California Supreme
Court overturned the former ban
so that hundreds of couples could
tie the knot. Of course, this set the
churches into a rage, because their
sacred tradition was apparently
being trodden upon by some other
societal species (of course, to prove
this, they’ve conveniently selected
only the parts of the Bible condemning same-sex love, ignoring all sorts
of other out-dated philosophies
championed in the pages of text
surrounding this decree). And now,
fter a months-long wait, being
bombarded daily by poll fluctuations and learning more
about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (lack
of) qualifications than we could’ve ever
wanted (but even I have to admit,
she is kind of hot), Americans finally
stepped up to the plate on Tuesday
and elected Democratic candidate Sen.
Barack Obama of Illinois president,
ending nearly a decade of Republican
rule at the White House and launching
in an amendment to the state constitution that not only violates the
age-old separation of church and
state but also manages to contradict
every other freedom-of-choice ideal
so largely supported this season,
Proposition 8 officially defines marriage as the union between one man
and one woman.
When President-elect Barack
Obama took the California and
United States popular vote this
Tuesday, there was a hope in the air
we haven’t felt for years. America has
taken an epic step forward not only
in finally admitting and looking to
change the failures of a conservative administration like George W.
Bush’s, but in electing someone to the
presidency who, a century ago, would
have been essentially unable to vote
because of his skin color.
This shocking move from one
of the Union’s most progressive
regions — during a time when the
rest of United States is making such
a dramatic push for equality — is a
blatant step backward in our path
toward building a perfect nation
for all.
In 2000, a similar measure
passed by a 23 percent margin. Less
than a decade later, Proposition 8
passed by a much narrower 5 percent. The supporters of this hateful
measure best look around — times
are changing. Within our lifetimes,
all adults will rightly enjoy the free-
dom to marry whomever they love,
and Proposition 8 will be nothing
more than a sloppy mark on our
constitution, as foolish and fleeting
as Prohibition.
Matthew McArdle
Hadley Mendoza
Simone Wilson
Reza Farazmand
The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the
University of California at San Diego. Views expressed
herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board
and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of
Regents, ASUCSD or members of the Guardian staff.
California Should Take Note: Higher Education Is Worth the Cost
igher education officials
around the country are
ecstatic following Tuesday’s
election results, and not just because
President-elect Barack Obama has
plans to reform student-loan programs, establish a tuition tax credit
in exchange for service, offer new
investments in research and expand
science and technology programs.
Voters nationwide made clear
their support for higher-education
initiatives, including rejecting a proposal in Massachusetts that would
have eliminated that state income
tax and in turn dealt a crippling
blow to the state’s education sector,
which relies heavily on income taxes
for support. In New Mexico, voters approved two bonds with major
implications for higher education:
Bond C, which delegates $40.5 million to universities for health facilities, and Bond D, which supports a
new $19-million arts facility for New
Mexico State University. Voters in
Arkansas and Maryland approved
lottery measures whose profits will
help bolster education programs, and
Montana voters said yes to propertytax levies to support the University
of Montana.
With the University of California,
California State University and
California Community College system in such dire need of assistance
(student fees continue to increase
year after year while state support is
dropping), Californians should learn
from citizens of other states and take
education matters into their own
hands next time the ballot comes
around, conducting and bankrolling
higher-education initiatives. Maybe
then California colleges wouldn’t be
constantly pleading for funding and
students and administrators could
breathe a little easier.
Activity Fee since 1985. The previous
increases that were referenced, especially noting the $7 last year that went
directly to S.P.A.C.E.S, are not part of
the A.S. operating budget.
One final clarification — the
council now holds its meetings in
the Price Center East Forum and not
the Price Center Ballroom, as noted
in “Lax Council Can’t Afford This
—Emily Chi
A.S. All-Campus Senator,
Director of Public Relations for the
Office of the President
address this issue if we are to survive
as a species without causing immense
human suffering. Estimates suggest
that it would take a mere $30-40
billion per year to provide contraception worldwide, and this amount will
decrease with time due to research
and more efficient production. This
small sum would allow women everywhere to choose family size and plan
for their families’ futures.
It is sufficient to bring our skyrocketing population into decline.
It will give women everywhere
the freedom of choice. Without it, no
woman is free. It is imperative for the
future of the planet.
— Milton H. Saier Jr.
Professor of Biology, UCSD
Editorial Misunderstands
Reasons for Council’s Delay
Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to
address a few concerns and clarify
a few issues brought up in the editorial: “Enough Excuses, Get Our
Referendum Together,” published on
Oct. 23.
The editorial gives a laundry list
of reasons for postponing the vote,
even going so far as to suggest the
apathy of the A.S. Council. Quite the
opposite — it is in fact’s the council’s
invested interest in the referendum
and its effects on the student body
as a whole that has resulted in the
carefully calculated and completely
appropriate postponement.
To further clarify the delay, I will
enumerate a few specific reasons.
1. The referendum must be
approved by Vice Chancellor of
Student Affairs Penny Rue before
it can be put to a student vote.
UCSD is the only UC campus that
requires this approval, as other UC
campuses have committees with
student majorities that specifically
deal with referenda. Rue initially did
not approve of the the referendum,
which naturally resulted in neces-
sary refinement and revision.
2. Doing its best to ensure the
well-being of students, the council
wanted to take measures such as
visiting college councils and various
student organizations to hold discussions about how the referendum
would directly affect them. Gauging
the response of the council and student organizations is not only vital
to running a successful referendum,
but it would be irresponsible to do
3. With the addition of the
Sustainability Resource Center to
the referendum, the council did not
comply with University of California
Office of the President policy
Section 82.00, as “the referendum
process shall not be accessible to
a Registered Campus Organization
or any student group other than a
student government.” The SRC was
just presented to the council this
quarter and time was needed for the
council to assess whether or not the
SRC should be included in the referendum (the decision was yes), find a
place to put it in the A.S. infrastructure and draft up a charter.
To also address Daniel Watt’s letter,
published Oct. 27, I would once again
like to reiterate that there has not
been an increase to the A.S. Campus
Open Letter to PresidentElect Barack Obama
Dear Sen. Obama,
I wish to express my pleasure with
the way you have conducted your
campaign and look forward to having
you as our president. In my opinion,
there is one principal problem facing
mankind: human overpopulation. It
is at the crux of all of the world’s
secondary problems, be they social,
political, environmental or economic
— all are exasperated by overpopulation. We need to support the United
Nations Population Fund and other
nongovernmental organizations that
▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its
readers. All letters must be no longer than
500 words, typed, double-spaced and signed
with a name and applicable title. Letters
must also contain a phone number. We
reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.
Letters may be dropped off at the Guardian
office on the second floor of the Student
Center or e-mailed. Send all letters to:
The UCSD Guardian
Opinion Editor
9500 Gilman Dr. 0316
La Jolla, CA 92093-0316
Matthew McArdle
our country in a vastly new direction
— both in the domestic and foreignaffairs arenas.
Thank whoever it is up there that
he won, because our economy — most
specifically, our financial sector — is
in shambles of epic proportion, Social
Security in on the brink of collapse,
we continue to lose Americans soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, domestic health-care policy is in desperate
need of an overhaul and the rest of
the world really doesn’t like us. And
while Obama definitely isn’t some sort
of magic elixir for every problem we
face, his ideas are certainly different
from the bushel of crap our current
president has been spewing, and pretty
much anything is better than what
we’re doing now, right?
But while the country was focusing
so hard on the presidential race —
learning vocabulary terms like swing
state, troopergate, bailout plan and Joe
the Plumber — and being reminded
just what it is that the Electoral College
does, it was the statewide races that
slipped largely under the radar, attracting far less attention despite the fact
that several of them dealt with issues
that have far-reaching implications.
I’m not talking about the House
and Senate races, either, even though
so many Democrats prevailed, some
even wresting control from once
unquestionably reliable Republican
strongholds such as North Carolina
and Colorado — an incredible transition of power that will definitely
bolster Obama’s policy plans. I’m
talking about statewide propositions,
measures and initiatives, which many
times deal with hot-button issues,
oftentimes propose ridiculous concepts that are rightfully struck down
or upheld by voters and sometimes
shock the nation with their outcomes
(notable examples being Oregon’s
1994 Ballot Measure 16, which legalized physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, and California’s
1996 Proposition 215, which legalized
marijuana use as treatment for certain
medical ailments).
Both of these propositions were
groundbreaking and led other states
to follow suit; many states have since
passed medical marijuana laws, the
most recent being Michigan, where
voters approved medical cannabis
this year. Washington state voters this
year also approved an initiative similar to their southern neighbor’s Ballot
Measure 16.
It’s important for voters in all states
to pay attention to such propositions
because it’s not uncommon for them
See WORD, page 5
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students.
By Niven Wilson
For California Columnist, Massachusetts Trumps Arkansas
▶ WORD, from page 4
to cause a shockwave that reverberates
through the rest of the country, leading
to similar propositions in other states.
And after some of this year’s ballot
measures, voters across the country
would be unwise to write off the results
without seriously thinking about the
consequences of the outcomes and
whether they should expect a similar proposition arising in their states
sometime in the future.
Major issues this year included gay
marriage, rights of the unborn, suspension of the income tax and affirmative
action, all of which produced interesting results that demand us as individuals to critically think about their
In Colorado, voters rejected a
proposal that would have defined a
human life at conception, and voters
in South Dakota rejected an initiative
that would have prohibited abortion
in all cases except rape, incest and
when the mother’s life was in danger.
In California, voters did not approve a
proposition that would have required
parental notification for minors seeking an abortion. Such results tell us as
a nation that abortion rights remain
of fundamental concern, with notoriously blue states like California in step
with purple states like Colorado and
red states like South Dakota.
But in addition to issues that
demonstrate national solidarity, we
should note measures such as that
of Arkansas’ Initiative 1, which bans
gay couples from adopting children,
and Massachusetts’ Question 2,
which decriminalizes marijuana possession. Both measures passed with
comfortable margins, and undoubtedly those issues will spread to other
states. (Personally, I think the people
of Arkansas are absolutely ridiculous
while Massachusetts voters rock.)
So while you rejoice in Obama’s
victory, be careful not to lose sight of
other issues snaking their way across
America. That way, if they ever appear
on your state’s ballot, you’ll be prepared to make an informed decision.
What is the law?
A weapon to be wielded?
Or more than that?
A set of tools.
A creative approach.
A helping profession and collaborative process.
Explore the wide scope of the law
in a school devoted to the big picture.
David Harvey
▶ Number of votes won in Washington, D.C.
by President-elect Barack Obama out of
225,224, garnering him 93 percent of the
popular vote.
etting connected
Web entrepreneurs launch program at UCSD that compiles online
information about their academic future into a one-stop hub.
he typical college student can log
on to Facebook to receive notice of
a friend’s forgotten birthday, nominate Stephen Colbert for president and
exchange electronic bumper stickers to
display on a profile page. Now, using
the Veechi application on Facebook,
students from UCSD, UC Berkeley
and UC Davis can also search for
instructor ratings, reviews and grade
distributions at their colleges.
Veechi Corporation launched
its beta Facebook application on
Oct. 26 to gain recognition and get
feedback. Less than a week later,
Veechi had amassed over 1,000 users
and has continued to grow steadily. Additionally, the corporation has
been in talks with with the UCSD Career
Services Center for its first partnership.
Joining the many college success tools
available to provide students with access to
academic resources online, Veechi compiles
supplements provided by programs such as
RateMyProfessors.com, PostYourTest.com and
UCSD’s Course and Professor Evaluations,
which can all be obtained instantaneously
with a few clicks of the mouse.
“We are leveraging the power of Facebook
and [harnessing] that power of the social network to the advantage of the students,” Veechi
founder Abraham Shafi said.
With the anticipation of launching Veechi.
com — a Web site independent from the
Facebook application — by Spring Quarter,
the site’s UCSD campus representative Travis
Lowe began searching for a partner to assist
the site in facilitating career and internship
information into their available services.
“When I walked into [the Career Services
Center], the response was warm and interested, so we decided to move forward with UCSD
first,” Lowe said. “The reason we decided to
start the discussion here was that it would give
us a background in how we would work with
other campuses in the future.”
Located in Silicon Valley, the company
is the brainchild of Shafi, who met Lowe at
Diablo Community College before they transferred to separate universities. As the chief
persuasion officer, Shafi gears Veechi to adapt
to its target users; he promotes and recruits
for the company.
Veechi’s goal is to help students conquer
college. The name itself originated from a
Greek advertisement that caught Shafi’s eye
when he visited New York City. The slogan
of the advertisement was “Veni, Vidi, Vici,”
the illustrious Latin phrase uttered by Julius
Caesar that translates to “I came, I saw, I conquered.” The Veechi team plays on that phrase
by embellishing the Facebook application with
By Gloria Wu • Contributing Writer
fter midnight in the United States capital,
when most of the nation was glued to their
televisions and the Nov. 5 early morning
editions of the Washington Post were hitting the
racks, I found myself, a Republican, in a cheering
mob of Democrats.
Strangers met in the streets like old friends,
hugging, clapping and crying together. If Oprah
hadn’t been at Grant Park in Chicago she could
have been leaning on someone next to me. A
Elephant in
the Room
Katie Corotto
celebration of success poured out from D.C. bars,
crowded the Washington streets and rallied in
front of the White House. The future of the next
four years had finally been decided with the election of Barack Obama.
UCDC students, usually off work on
Tuesdays for our research seminar, filed out of
the classroom on Election Day either headed to
the streets to gauge the reaction of the city as the
polls came in or to the Mayflower Hotel, where
the Democratic National Committee was holding its election night party. The Obama supporters — nearly everyone in the room — wore
their buttons and T-shirts, excited and feverish
in anticipation. The few Sen. John McCain (RAriz.) supporters, weary of the insults they’d
been bearing, gathered together to make a trip
to the liquor store; they’d be drinking early.
See ELEPHANT, page 7
eet the one restaurant worth blowing your
paycheck on. It’s a gastronomical explosion, a dedicated-to-freshness haven of
hearty, down-to earth dishes epitomizing multicultural Californian cuisine. Unlike often-overpriced, blandish La Jolla fare, it is 100 percent
worth its upscaled prices.
Whisknladle (pronounced wisk-en-lay-del)
redefines “fresh” — literally. When owner Arturo
Kassel and executive chef Ryan Johnston took
over in 2006, they changed the originally named
“Fresh Seafood Restaurant” to “Fresh[er],” reflecting their emphasis on serving only fresh, organic
ingredients. Last January, the duo decided to
remodel the eatery again to better match their
philosophy: “You get out of the pot, what you put
into the pot.”
Kassel and Johnston weren’t kidding. They take
back-to-basics to the extreme, using only gardenfresh ingredients from three local organic farms.
From baking bread and smoking pork to churning ice cream and making mustard, Whisknladle
chefs craft a multilayered tasting experience akin
to home-cooked food from a master chef — e.g. if
Wolfgang Puck was your mom. And if the celebrity chef, like Kassel and Johnston, served only
microbrews, hand-picked all wines (most under
$60) and hand-built a four-foot by four-foot
cedar-lined meat-curing room.
This custom method of preparation is reflected
in the balanced, tapas-style menu, which changes
due to Kassel and Johnston’s “commitment to stay
seasonal and cook on a whim.” The four-personworthy cutting board, a selection of savory house
cured meats and flaky, nutty cheeses is a musthave. A trio of butternut squash ravioli feels surprisingly hearty, filled with creamy yellow squash
and topped with smoky roasted chestnuts and
sage. The slow-cooked lamb osso bucco almost
melts off the bone, accented with rich coco beans
and colorful mustard greens. Each bite is complimented by a sip of lemon-and-cucumber flavored
water, and Whisknladle’s fresh-baked Frenchstyle bread is always abundant.
It’s Whisknladle’s attention to detail that ulti-
See VEECHI, page 7
By Allie Cuerdo
Senior Staff Writer
mately seals the deal. The understated-yetclassy patio setup gains points for its scaledback touches: the single hanging lightbulbs, the
wrought-iron woven chairs, the heated overhead lamps. Earthy tones, simple white plating
and new full-bar seating brings its amenities
to a 360. Along with the impeccable service
— waiters don’t pester you every moment,
but fade in and out appropriately — there
can be no possible rating but 10 out of 10 for
Despite La Jolla prices in the range of
$31 to $50 for a three-course meal — with
appetizers ($8 to $18), entrees ($16 to $30)
and dessert ($10) — Whisknladle proves
its worth with local organic ingredients,
thoughtful homestyle cooking and a tasteful, cozy atmosphere.
1044 Wall Street
La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 551-7575
/G U A R
Web Site Plans Future of Networking at UCSD Dancing to Obama’s Tune of
Pending Change: ‘Yes We Can’
▶ VEECHI, from page 6
a Roman theme. At the top of the
Web page, a small piece of Roman
trivia is highlighted and changes
every time the user refreshes the
page. To draw people in, the team
has developed a ranking system for
each time a user writes a review or
invites friends to join the application. The user will then be given
electronic Denarii, or Roman currency, which will eventually accumulate. The amount of Denarii a
user has will determine status in
the Veechi community, which ranks
from citizen to emperor. Surprises
are promised for those at the top
However, students are less preoccupied with their Veechi status
and more concerned with retrieving
reviews about courses and instructors.
“I don’t like the [ranking] system but I guess it helps that it has
both reviews and grade distributions,” Revelle College freshman
Kailin Duan said. “[Veechi] is pretty
much the same as PickAProf.com. I
don’t think it’s completely necessary
to use, since it gets its information
from other sources.”
Veechi provides the names of the
toughest and easiest instructors on
campus, including the grade ranges
given by each instructor. Moreover,
students can add reviews and ratings of courses that they have taken
in the past and view other students’
opinions on courses they are interested in taking in the future. The
application also helps students find
and get to know their classmates.
Currently, the beta application is
performing its most basic functions:
it is providing students with an aid
to plot their academic courses. The
Veechi team is focusing primarily
on marketing strategies to spread
the word across campuses. Veechi
uses information already made pub-
lic by UCSD and relies on its users
to keep it updated. The existing
information is sparse, because the
corporation is relying on resources
already available for its users, something it hopes to change with prospective partnerships.
“I think this could be a potentially unique social platform that
will be very positive for students,”
Associate Director of the UCSD
Career Services Center Craig
Schmidt said after an initial meeting
with Shafi. “There’s a lot of potential
there to assist students in providing
By the end of the
year, we hope to
reach the entirety of
college systems in
California, barring
private schools.”
— Travis Lowe, UCSD campus
representative for Veechi.com.
key resources.”
Veechi plans to launch its program at every UC and California
State University campus this winter.
“By the end of the year, we hope
to reach the entirety of college systems in California, barring private
schools,” Lowe said. Shafi expects
that Veechi will continue to expand
nationally and then internationally
as long as the application remains
relevant among college students.
At the moment, Lowe said
Veechi is biding its time and waiting to receive results from the three
schools. He has been the driving force behind the negotiations
between Veechi and the Career
Services Center.
Veechi’s reputation currently
relies mostly on word of mouth and
Facebook invitations, but the team
is working on buzz advertisements
as well.
Lowe and Shafi met with the
UCSD Career Advisor Directors on
Nov. 5 to discuss how they could
utilize the Career Services Center’s
Once Lowe and Shafi have generated enough users and information, they will begin implementing
the next step in their plan: providing employment opportunities for
college students. They plan to use
Veechi to help students make career
decisions by choosing classes that
could best prepare students for their
desired career and then help them
find appropriate employers. Veechi
will help place students in internships or extracurricular activities
that will assist them in making the
most of their college years. Students
would be able to contact employers through their Facebook application, while employers could seek
students from a separate account
on the Veechi homepage; currently,
this page only operates as a front
that directs traffic to the Facebook
This is where their partnership
with Career Services Centers on
various college campuses will play
a key role. However, at this point
the UCSD Career Services directors
say that it is premature to determine
whether the center will partner with
“At this point it’s too early to have
any other kind of proclamation,
but we certainly want to encourage
them,” Schmidt said. “They have
struck us as very creative and have
definite possibilities.”
Readers can contact Gloria Wu at
▶ ELEPHANT, from page 6
I went to work late that afternoon,
deciding to stay at the MSNBC studios
until every poll closed. But it was worth
forgoing the early bar-time festivities to
get updates through the flurry of news
wires and NBC staff e-mails. When the
wire came through that Obama was
the 44th president of the United States,
the information was listed as “hot” and
embargoed by the network until the
appropriate release time; I immediately
called my mom, my roommates and a
few friends from back home. As each
person reported the outcome to whichever bar, club or party they were attending, I could hear cheers.
I tried to leave the studio around
11:30 p.m. to join my friends for
Obama’s victory speech at Hawk ’n’
Dove, a local bar on Capitol Hill, but my
producer was convinced that none of
the interns should walk back and after
having my arm twisted, I was driven
home in a black town car reserved
for NBC’s big wigs. While the driver
scrutinized me in the rearview mirror
— trying to determine if I was related to
an anchor or sleeping with one of them
— I watched the crowds outside in the
streets chanting, cheering and honking
all the way to the White House. By the
time I reached Pennsylvania Avenue it
was so packed with people and vehicles
that I had no choice but to walk.
In front of the White House, my
plans changed again. A small crowd
outside the gates, holding Obama signs,
yelled for President George W. Bush to
start packing. “If you need help, Bushie,
let me know, because you’ve got to
go!” one woman shouted through the
metal bars. A flood of people, marching
directly from the DNC party down the
street, made their way into the area.
Anticipating a large crowd, security fences had been erected to section
off Lafayette Park and the main gate,
funneling the crowd in and around
— but not close to — the driveway to
the president’s front door. The snipers
seemed to multiply in the minutes that
I greedily snapped pictures, but there
was no tension between the crowds and
the police. I watched a group of men
get overfriendly in their celebration,
pushing and prodding the rest of the
crowd, and I hurriedly moved out of the
way expecting fists. When a few police
officers arrived on the scene moments
later, they exited their vehicles and after
brief hesitation began hollering right
alongside the revelers.
As the minutes wore on and Obama’s
speech came to a close, a crowd that
had once been 50 became 5,000, peppered with teens and elderly; blacks and
whites; high-ranking suited officials and
average Joes in T-shirts. News stations,
with bright lights and boom sticks, captured the entire event for the world to
see; most of the reporters were foreign.
The world was watching and the crowd
loved it as they yelled and pumped their
fists for the cameras. Eventually, one
man started to sing “Na na na na, na na
na na, hey, hey, hey, good-bye!” and the
entire crowd serenaded President Bush
until the lights of the White House were
finally extinguished.
At the back of the park, cars slowed
so that both driver and passengers could
roll down their windows and shout in
approval, earning high-fives from courageous crowd members who stole into
the intersection. It was as if each person
in the car, or on the sidewalk, or in the
crosswalk, were personally responsible
for bringing about change. Even I, a
skeptic fiercely loyal to McCain, realized that there’s something to say about
a bombardment of car horns synchronizing with the crowd’s cheer, “Yes we
can,” and so I did what felt right — I
danced along with the beat of the song
the masses were singing.
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Sonia Minden
Ras_G & the Afrikan Space Program
• “Yesterdays Tomorrow”
• “Deep Space 9ine”
• “Mountain Shifts”
• “Lean-To”
Que Calor Que
Tengo Yo: Spinal
Tap Moves South
PT. 2
ne hot 8 a.m., recovering from a reggaeton
hangover the size of Patagonia, I made the
biweekly trek up one of Valparaíso’s steepest
hills to the vocational high school where I taught
my broken English to Chilean schoolboys — uniformed hooligans on a career path into construction, plumbing or air conditioning — without the
slightest interest in anything but tripping each other
in the aisles and scoring my MSN screen name.
It was likes/dislikes day. I like hip-hop, I wrote
on the chalkboard. Me gusta heep-hope, they
repeated, not forgetting (heaven forbid) to make
Than Narrow
ach script penned by Kafka-esque
screenwright Charlie Kaufman seems
to be the expansive appendix of its
predecessor — most famously, “Adaptation”
borrowed the making of his own “Being John
Malkovich” to re-tell Susan Orlean’s novel
The Blood Orchid — an evolution of one art
project into another, constantly deconstructing philosophical and theoretical corollaries.
This time around, it’s classical theater
(the acoustic ancestor of Hollywood cinema)
that focuses Kaufman’s directorial debut,
the awe-inspiring “Synecdoche, NY.” Highly
ambitious and erudite, the film splices electric ideas — such as a pipe bomb in a po-mo
pastiche — with the life story of one dying
soul, who hopes to leave a lasting legacy of
the genius nestled somewhere within him.
Theatrical director Caden Cotard (Phillip
Seymour Hoffman) arrives at midlife crisis,
fun of my accent for a good 10 minutes beforehand.
As I fought the roar of restless youth to impart my
university-scrambled understanding of an impossibly awkward tongue onto unhearing ears, one particular gentleman — with re-hardened pink candy
in the cracks of his teeth — proposed, roughly
translated, that we take a fucking load off and do
something cool already.
The children proceeded to make the executive
decision stop learning English — don’t blame them,
really — and instead treat me to one of the coolest
somethings I’ve witnessed in my short lifetime: an inSee CUMBIA, page 7
Synecdoche, NY
Starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener & Samantha Morton
Directed by Charlie Kaufman
Rated R
trapped in a life lacking ephemeral luster
and sapped of spontaneity by a pervasive
Schenectady suburbia. On top of all that,
he’s wedded to a struggling artist (Catherine
Keener) who suffers from repressed AnneSexton fantasies of murdering him — which
doesn’t much help his marriage. Making
matters worse, his therapist is more concerned with promoting her New York Times
bestseller than actually providing mental
But there is one sign of hope: the coquettish and buxom box-office ginger Hazel
(Samantha Morton), who flirts unabashedly
with Cotard. Yet just when things start to
look up, in that extramarital affair sort of way
— they jackknife asunder.
When diagnosed with an unknown
condition that systematically paralyzes his
organs, Cotard cuts loose from his wife
and daughter. Shortly after, he receives a
MacArthur Genius grant — seemingly undeservedly — that allows him to carry out a
bizarre and elaborate dream of orchestrating
a massive magnum opus, set in an enormous
New York City warehouse that could double
as an urban aviary.
Meanwhile, his affair falls apart, and for
the next 30-odd years we watch Cotard
alchemize his own dwindling life (and the
myriad lives of others) into art, until the line
between the two becomes blurred beyond
See SYNECDOCHE, page 7
“Days and Clouds”
KEN CINEMA / NOV. 7 / 7 P.M. / $9
4TH & B / NOV. 6 / 8 P.M. / $22.50
Woody Allen isn’t the only one who can
depict the feuding trials of a bourgeois couple
with daring gall. Silvio Soldini’s “Days and
Clouds” is close behind with the story of Elsa
and Michele, whose middle-aged marriage
begins to tear on the jagged rocks of Italy’s
economic crisis. The glamorous city of Genoa
is cast in a more humble light, its dirty streets
reflecting the machismo-stunting of a husband
suddenly faced with the unfamiliar hardships
of unemployment. The couples’ tailspin into
poverty and depression transcends its setting
to call into question self-worth and the value
of marriage. (EG)
Nebraska dance-punkers the Faint spazz through SoCal with their familiar tin-can-Nintendo
thrash, racking gear churns with synth scrapes to wring out the fight from our visceral pits.
Newly rinsed and dented on 2008’s Fasciinatiion, their pioneering electro-goth remains intact
and joyously depraved. Yeah, we’re gonna sweat off the week’s political grime, hair matted with
someone else’s grease and choking on Dance Macabre freakouts — “Agenda suicide/ the drones
work hard before they die” — before the keyboard waves reach sublimity and we sink into the
groping masses; so dress in gear that won’t mind being clawed and/or shredded. (SM)
■ Broken Hymns, Limbs and Skin
ritically lauded New York quintet O’Death has
released its second LP of farmhouse creepers
just in time for the Halloween festivities. True
to their name — which puts a gothic spin on the
Irish-American surname — Broken Hymns, Limbs
and Skin is a full-blown hoedown held in the quietest of nights by insomniatic old folks with perdition
on their minds.
Frenzied fiddles and dissonant banjos — pierced
by Greg Jamie’s bluegrass chanting — scratch and
thud their way across bipolar tracks that update
mood and tempo at every turn. It’s not hard to see
past the frenetic rockers’ rural influences and corral them more toward the psychoward — but that’s
exactly what they’re going for.
O’Death’s lyrics further kin them to horror-movie
soundtracks. “Mountain Shifts” hears Jamie gently
purring, “Her hair lays violent/ Dead in the streets”;
goosebumps spread like wildfire as he urges all with
the malevolence of a guiltless murderer, “I hope that
she’s peaceful/ Wherever her body may be.” The grim
Hawthornian hubbub reaches near-laughable levels,
but is pulled off with such honest fervor that we’re all
but spellbound by the hysteria.
Halloween may be over, but a warning to all
you hipster pussies out there: Don’t listen to Broken
Hymns at night. No matter how much we may roll
our eyes at its morbid fascinations, O’Death’s sophomore record has us jumping at shadows — clearly,
the stuff of nightmares.
O’Death will play live at the Casbah on Nov. 23.
— Hannah Kang
Contributing Writer
Ras_G & the Afrikan Space Program
■ Ghetto Sci-Fi
exit strategy
Engineering Building
Nov. 6, 11 a.m.
The Loft
Nov. 7, 8 p.m.
Nov. 7, 4 p.m.
Price Center Theater
Nov. 8, 6 p.m. & 8 p.m.
The Loft
Nov. 10, 8 p.m.
Porter’s Pub
Nov. 7, 12 p.m.
Espresso Roma
Nov. 10, 8 p.m.
La Jolla Playhouse
Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m.
f you’re one of the few familiar with Ras_G
and the Afrikan Space Program, you’ll know to
expect the unexpected from Ghetto Sci-Fi, his
first official LP. With snap-crackle-popping and
jazz-inspired feedback, the urban scientist knocks
skulls open with new dimensions of beats and sonic
Operating out of Space Base 2031 — his extraterrestrial beat fortress in the heart of South Central,
L.A. — Ras’ flow feels like a 3 a.m. blunt: hazy and
a little off. Building on a handful of earlier recordings, Sci-Fi showcases a stylistic range unseen in
past works, orchestratng a stream-of-consciousness
beat journey — from spaced-out lo-fi to straight-up
headbangers, to plain old weird and wonderful noise.
No two tracks are alike, and Ras_G moves seamlessly
through his time-suspended otherworld.
The funky Rastafarian already has plans for a
follow-up on Flying Lotus’ gargantuan Brainfeeder
Records, tentatively titled Brotha From Anotha
Planet, promising even more ethereal swerves.
Clearly, Ras is here, and people are listening. As if his
old 10- and 12-inchers and EPs were practice jam
sessions, Sci-Fi sees him ready for the playing field.
As the Martian himself explains, “Some say sky’s the
limit, but I say that space is the limit ... With this
record I reached to the sky, so with my next record I
seek the endless void.” The Afrikan Space Program
is in full blast — tell an Earthling near you.
Ras_G & the Afrikan Space Program will play
live at the Echoplex in Los Angeles on Nov. 7.
— Andres Reyes
Staff Writer
HORNY SLAPSTICK DUO CATERS Theater Mimics Life Mimics ‘Synecdoche’
Role Models
Starring Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Paul Rudd & Sean William Scott
Directed by David Wain
Rated R
By Amanda Martinek
Contributing Writer
isfits Danny (Paul Rudd) and
Wheeler (Sean William Scott) have
quite possibly the easiest job in the
world: they visit schools and tell kids to
“Just say ‘No’ to drugs,” forcing them to
down copious amounts of their nuclear horse-piss Minotaur Energy Drink,
“Wet Hot American Summer” director David Wain’s “Role Models” trims
down on cult humor to crowd-please
the mainstream, but remains savvy
enough to make formulaic fart humor
wholly enjoyable. His sex-obsessed duo
nosedive into fantastically crude slapstick after Danny quenches a couple
piss-packs too many, crashing their
novelty company car in a faux-DUI
bender. The young men are dealt an
ultimatum: 30 days in the state pen
or 150 hours of community service at
Sturdy Wings, a local altruistic mentoring program for kids who certainly
need it.
Turns out a couple of sex-crazed
dropouts don’t make the best mentors.
Danny is paired with Augie (Christopher
Mintz-Plasse), better known as McLovin’
from “Superbad,” who is once again
typecast as every high school’s awkward
roller-backpack kid. Living as a life-size
avatar of his Dungeons and Dragons’
warrior character the mythic land of
Zanthia, Augie’s extracurricular activi-
ties include battling himself and making out with imaginary elves. Wheeler,
the typical “Animal House” goof, gets
paired with the adorable Ronnie (Bobb’e
J. Thompson), a young, troublesome
class clown who’s determined to get rid
of his previous slew of do-gooder big
Fanning the eccentricity, Sturdy
Wings is run by ex-blow aficionado Gayle
Sweeny (Jane Lynch), whose experience
in delivering awkward sexual daggers
of awkward sexual comments, as demonstrated in 2005’s “The 40-Year-Old
Virgin,” comes in handy. She promptly
asserts that she’s not here to service
the community — she’s here to “service
these young boys.”
“Models” draws a lot of its laughs
with a typical arsenal of post-“American
Pie” absurdity, peppered with the occasional Judd-Apatow aside. Witty joustings, tasteless quips and ever the sly
sexual innuendo follow a well-perforated pattern, generally one-upping
lowbrow college humor like “Scary
Movie 4” by triggering the never-statisfied pleasure centers of horny teens
Though its actors inevitably fulfill
their self-stereotypes — Paul Rudd is
the jerk, Sean William Scott the goof-off
and Christopher Mintz-Plasse the uberdweeb — “Models” still throws around
enough pop-culture references and droll
wisecracks to have us rooting for its antiheros until the sidesplitting finish.
▶ SYNECDOCHE, from page 6
Kaufman has a penchant for tabling our assumptions of reality, and “Synecdoche” certainly peels
the wallpaper around us with a razor quill. Ambling
along the sidewalk outside the theater warehouse,
Cotard mentions his affection for the production title
“Simulacrum.” Although brief and seemingly unecessary, the philosophical allusion is one of the director’s
many keyholes into his greater vision.
Drawing on the postmodern ideas of Jean
Baudrillard, Cotard attempts to mimic reality so insistantly that his theatrical replica of New York eventually
replaces the city itself — a contemporary fetish our
generation perpetuates with MMORPGs, reality TV
and practically every other form of media. As Cotard
boxes himself within a staged imitation of life, he
eventually finds himself in a storyboard of actors who
know what he’ll do before he even does it — a reality
more realistic than the outside world.
After hearing Forest Whitaker’s acceptance speech
at the Academy Awards two years ago, it seemed that
maybe there was something more to acting than merely mimicking emotive expressions. As a film filled with
well-loved celebrities portraying unadorned Juilliard
versions of themselves, one of “Synecdoche”’s most
endearing profundities is its tribute to an actor’s divine
ability to reflect a universal humanity.
Employing a tone not unlike that of magical
realism, Kaufman’s work exudes a mature style and
aesthetic creativity lacking in modern American
cinema’s infatuation with blockbusters and placating comedies. Although many audiences will prefer
his surrealist escapades and kitsch tales of love lost
(“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”), there’s
something to be said for a film that novelly confronts
one of humanity’s timeless tragedies, in which we’re
all passing strangers with a desire to leave our mark
on the world.
Yet, as Kaufman proves with Emersonian slant,
perhaps there is something to embrace besides ourselves — or the selves we assume to be our own.
Do It Yourself: The Office-Supply Cumbia Beat
▶ CUMBIA, from page 6
class freestyle competition between the most ambitious
MCs of the bunch (who had apparently found some free
time between air-conditioning cram sessions). With even
more agility than it took to kick their soccer ball around
the school basketball court — and more darty grace than
I’ve seen in any rapper’s flow, anywhere, before or since
— these kids blew this sour critic’s standards right out of
the water. Granted, the Spanish language provides almost
limitless opportunity for rhyme considering practically
any verb can be conjugated to sound like another, but
their shit was ridiculous by any measure.
A scattering of “producers” had gathered between
the competitors, some breathing into hollowed fists
for a simple beatbox, but one in particular standing at
attention with a metal-spiral notebook, a single plastic pen poised above and the devil’s grin all over his
flushed little face. Right there, along that coiled silver
spine — as the MCs dove in, adam’s-apple drumsets
right behind them — I witnessed the most simple,
most beautiful of all Latin beats: the unrelenting trot
of cumbia’s clean-then-filthy, nasty-then-nice plunkchicka, plunk-chicka, wrist flicking its pen-strument to
climb up and pummel down the metal rungs, recalling
every Mexican beater I’d ever passed with its windows
down and every summer I’d spent at my dad’s construction site with the radio on blow-out.
Leading up to this moment, a self-satisfying exploitation of the least thought-requiring dance music on Earth
— that royal reggaeton — had apparently left my Hiatuscranny craving something that made me grit and wince
a little. Fortunately, the same oversized, underseatbelted
See NARROW, page 9
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Balls-Out Plunk-Chicka in
the Back With No Seatbelt
Little Joy
■ Little Joy
■ Ode to J. Smith
wo scruffy guys in Ray-Bans and their cute female counterpart
record a debut that sounds imported from an Alfonso Cuaron
movie, rife with homoerotic binge drinking. Unfortunately,
Strokes drummer Fabrizio Moretti, Los Hermanos singer/guitarist
Rodrigo Amarante and his girlfriend Binki Shapiro are not half as
exciting. The trio that is Little Joy replaces their former intense sensuality with chilled-out pool-party tunes — great as background noise
but no deeper than the shallow end.
Little Joy begins with a pair of perfect margaritas: “The Next Time
Around” and “Brand New Start” personify beach-chic with lazy vocals,
surf-twang guitars and simple tin-pot drumming. But the album loses
focus fast, distracted into a string of identical sleepy guitars repeatedly
reworked into the same tasteless potato-salad songs. This random scattering of potholes between head-bopping tracks like “Keep Me In Mind”
makes for an awkwardly stilted, uneven pace — enough to give even the
most dedicated fans a little bout of seasickness.
Occasionally, a little focus and practice shine through: “No One’s
Better Sake” picks up the party with stop-and-go strumming and
intentionally random piano chords that trimly avoid discordance.
Country-vocal sensibilities hung on the galloping guitars of “How To
Hang A Warhol” are also refreshingly precise.
Due to the massive audience behind their main sheen, it’s safe to
assume that Little Joy will be instant indie success — atmospheric, anxiously-in-love Los Hermanos delivered in slurred-sexy Strokes lyrics and
bathed in beach party vibes from an LA recording studio — but inconsistent haste threaten disaster.
Little Joy will play live at the House of Blues, San Diego on Dec. 5.
hile fans of rocky rock might find the glossy melancholy of Travis passe, their sixth LP is heavy on beat
and light on the tinkly jangle of The Boy With No
Name and The Man Who; not only is Ode to J. Smith their
first record to feature a prominent electric guitar since
1997 debut Good Feeling, but there’s hardly a tambourine
to be found. Like so many other Brit-rock bands this year
(ahem, Coldplay), Travis has remodeled its polite quietude
for a new bristling drama and thirst for energy.
Any progression from their opiate-lidded musing
should be commended, and Travis’ go at raw, chugging
rock chords only slightly wobbles in places. The neutered
“Broken Mirror” is a self-explanatory slow-cooker, but
is soon compensated by “Song To Self,” which starts
out with ethereal organs, plunging into a wonderland
of country-fried guitar. “Before You Were Young” highlights Fran Healy’s lightly wispy, frayed voice in a ballad
reminiscent of an R.E.M. hook, and the upbeat, lilting
“Last Words” does just fine without the repetitive hi-hat
of a busy drum kit.
In the end, Travis’ try at heaviness weighs a tad lopsided, Healy’s dreamy vibes often clashing with a newfound drum-and-bass booming. At its highest, Smith
captures a glimmer of old alternative staples, but lows
arrive as nothing more than shoddy Oasis sound-alikes.
Travis will play live at the Troubadour in Los Angeles
on Nov. 11.
— Allie Cuerdo
— April Stephenson
Senior Staff Writer
Contributing Writer
Looking for a great
pharmacy school?
Look no further than
the University of
▶ NARROW, from page 7
carload of Chileans that whisked me nightly through Valparaíso’s
official tour of ’ton (who called themselves las FARP in an alcoholic
play on the revolutionary forces), had even more to offer within my
next genre fixation, spinning a between-bar road soundtrack of the
most well-loved plunk-chickas on the continent. Grupo La Noche’s
“Es El Amor” and “Lastima” swelled in accordians and teary-eyed
trumpets — the boys even used air-drawings to underscore the
heartbreak — and ’90s ass-men Amar Azul sung of the most out-ofthis-world mini-skirted hips they’d ever seen shake to the merengue.
Even if my hips had no natural way of moving like that (especially
under three other bodies in the way-way-back), I got the shoulder
switchback down to a trade.
But by far the most-spun party music by our passenger-seat DJ
— the roof-pounding Felipe, metalhead by day, king of cumbia by
night — could be found in the glorious Dumpster dives of Argentine
group Supermerk-2, modern-day pioneers of shantytown cumbia.
What are the chances that the local expert on the most excellent
of trashy dance cuts, something I in another lifetime might have
devoted an entire thesis to, would be my personal babysitter?
The Supermerk-2 shout in jokey prehistoric grunts that can’t
have seen a day of training, mouthing off about the 3 a.m. quest
for more booze, driving a garbage truck (unless there’s some awesome metaphor I’m missing here), being super horny and wanting
your mom. They throw out all instruments they couldn’t find in
the local party store, bulging their eyeballs, tweeting on whistles
and honking the kazoo until our eardrums develop a case of the
hiccups, scribbling that waxy mess all over a downbeat — PLUNKchicka — wrapped so close in cymbals and notebook spirals that
we’re all but fly-trapped in a web of bungee. They prove once and
for all that a Latin beat will always win the dance-off — more street,
more spontaneous, more elastic, far more intoxicated and, most
importantly, shaken to by the sexiest stuffs on Earth.
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Men’s Crew Places 13th
Against Tough Competitors
By Brianna Lee
Staff Writer
CREW — Racing on Nov. 2, the UCSD
men’s crew team competed in its second event of the season when the team
traveled to Newport Beach for the
Newport Autumn Rowing Festival. The
regatta welcomed programs from all
over California, including top competitors from UC Berkeley and Stanford
University. The men’s open-eight
race included 32 universities, and the
Tritons’ A boat claimed a 13th-place
finish while the B boat dashed toward
the finish one second later, propelling the Tritons to top the UC Irvine
Anteaters’ finish by a wide 17-second
“Both our top boats did exactly what
we went there to do and that was push
each other, row well and put up fast
times,” said sophomore Justin Gordon,
who sat fourth seat in the A boat.
Leading in first and second place
were UC Berkeley and Stanford.
“Competing with teams like Cal
and Stanford is always exciting,” senior
co-captain Jonathon Lynch said. “Our
program is in the process of making
competitions against competitors like
that just another day in the office. It
won’t happen overnight, but if we keep
putting together consistently aggressive
and competitive boats eventually we
will reach that point.”
The Tritons’ next race will be the
San Diego Fall Classic, which is set for
this weekend at Mission Bay.
“This weekend should be another
interesting test of our fitness and skill,”
Gordon said. “I would love to see us
make up even more ground on our
competition and use our speed to make
our other boats faster.”
Readers can contact Brianna Lee at
Women’s Soccer Seeks
Seventh Conference Title
▶ W. SOCCER, from page 12
different,” McManus said. “We’ve
had the same shots and the same
opportunities, but haven’t found the
back of the net.”
Looking ahead to the matchup
against the Gators on Friday, UCSD
owns the all-time series 9-2-1 against
San Francisco State despite the loss
earlier this season. McManus said
the team will try to close down the
Gators’ opportunities on set plays.
“They score most of their goals
on set plays like corner kicks and
free kicks,” he said. “We’re working
on trying to mark the right way
against a very athletic team ... It will
be a tough match but we’re excited
to try and avenge the earlier loss to
UCSD will take on San Francisco
State at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 7 at
RIMAC Field.
Readers can contact Matt Croskey at
Preseason Poll Predicts Lady
Tritons to Finish Second
▶ BASKETBALL, from page 12
poll, the Tritons were picked to finish second in the conference behind
rival Chico State. Elliot acknowledged
that the poll holds her team with high
esteem, but cautions that the team’s
season hasn’t even started.
“It was a sign of respect for our
returners because we play in such a
tough conference,” Elliot said. “But
every coach will say that preseason
rankings mean nothing.”
Ilg said she believes the team held
itself to a high standard even before
the preseason rankings were released.
“We have high expectations and
we are not going to settle,” Ilg said.
“We train every day to be the best
— nothing else.”
Elliot hopes that this mindset, in
addition to the team’s defensive energy, will draw in more spectators in
support of the team.
“We need fans to be there,” Elliot
said. “We’re representing the entire
student body every time we step on
the floor, and we’re trying to do that
with a lot of integrity, class and heart.
This is what college basketball is
about. Getting behind your team and
supporting them — we need that.”
The Tritons play an exhibition game against cross-town rival
University of San Diego on Nov. 14
before starting their regular season at
home on Nov. 16 against Dixie State
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Tony Fernandez
Janani Sridharan
Men’s Soccer
The senior forward ended his regularseason career by scoring five times in
the last four games to help the Tritons
finish with a 10-6-2 record.
UCSD Earns Third Seed Despite Struggles
By Matt Croskey
Senior Staff Writer
By Brent Westcott
Senior Staff Writer
MEN’S SOCCER — The Tritons
hit the road to take on California
Collegiate Athletic Association foes
Cal State San Bernardino and Cal
Poly Pomona on Oct. 31 and Nov. 2,
respectively, earning mixed results,
losing to San Bernardino 2-1 before
thrashing Pomona 4-0. The split decision means the squad will finish the
year with an overall record of 10-6-2
and a CCAA record of 6-6-2. With 20
conference points, UCSD will finish
in fourth place in the CCAA South
The Tritons looked to extract
some revenge against a Cal State San
Bernardino squad that handed them a
3-0 loss at Triton Soccer Field on Sept.
28. However, the Coyotes struck first
as sophomore forward Jose Godinez
was able to put home a deflected cross
that landed right in front of him in
the match’s 22nd minute. The Tritons
regrouped after the slow start and
found an equalizer early on in the
second half. In the 55th minute, sophomore defender Aaron McDowell
played a ball into the box that senior
forward Tony Fernandez volleyed over
the keeper for his sixth goal of the season. Later in the second half, Godinez
sprang free for a strike after a through
ball from Coyote sophomore midfielder Obi Agwu. Godinez’s second
goal of the match put the victory out
of reach for the Tritons.
The conditions in San Bernardino
made the game tougher on the
“It’s in the middle of the desert and
it is always a hard place to play,” senior
goalkeeper Peter Akman said. “I think
we outplayed them, but sometimes the
dice don’t roll our way.”
With their postseason hopes gone
with the loss, the Tritons traveled
to Cal Poly Pomona to take on the
Broncos at Kellog Field. UCSD netted three goals in the first half and
tacked on another in the second half
to rout the Broncos 4-0. Sophomore
midfielder Joe Shah opened the scoring with the first goal of his career
in the 11th minute, heading home a
cross from sophomore defender Josh
Jackson. Shah was again involved in a
score in the 18th minute, assisting on a
goal by sophomore defender Brandon
Yee that put the Tritons up 2-0. Junior
midfielder Tony Choi connected on
a penalty kick in the 41st minute to
increase the lead.
In the second half, Fernandez continued his scorching play in the 84th
minute as he connected on a header
for his seventh goal of the season.
Fernandez, who tallied five goals in
the final five matches of the season,
was assisted on the play by senior
midfielder Ali Shams.
While the Tritons fell short of the
postseason, Pascale said his first campaign as head coach was a successful
“My goal was to create a winning
culture where we take each day seriously and get the most out of ourselves,” Pascale said. “They did their
best all season and from that standpoint I can be happy.”
Akman said he believes the program will be in good hands going
forward under Pascale’s leadership.
“I think [Pascale] is going to bring
the best out of his players for years to
come,” Akman said.
Readers can contact Brent Westcott at
The women’s soccer team will need to turn around its offense, which failed to score in the last two
games of the regular season, if the Tritons want to go far in the CCAA Championships on Nov. 7-9.
WOMEN’S SOCCER — The stage is
set for the No. 20 UCSD women’s soccer team. Winning two games would
more than guarantee the team a spot
in the NCAA Division-II National
Tournament. One loss and the team will
have to bite its fingernails while it awaits
the 48-team field to be announced.
Despite going winless in three of their
last four contests, the Tritons secured a
spot in the California Collegiate Athletic
Association Championships with a 0-0
tie against Cal State San Bernardino on
Oct. 31.
“This past weekend definitely wasn’t
our best play, but it also wasn’t our worst,”
senior forward Natasha Belak-Berger
said. “The team is up for the matches
this weekend and we’ll be ready.”
UCSD owns the third seed heading
into the championships, to be held at
RIMAC Field. The Tritons will face off
against second-seeded San Francisco
State Nov. 7, one of only three teams to
defeat the Tritons this season. The winner will move on to face either Sonoma
State or Cal State Dominguez Hills in
the finals.
After entering the CCAA in 2000,
the Tritons have dominated the conference — qualifying for nine straight
CCAA Championships and winning
six of them.
“Our players are dedicated to the
game and work very hard,” head coach
Brian McManus said.
With a chance to clinch the top seed
in the CCAA Championships over the
weekend, the Tritons battled to another
double-overtime thriller with Cal State
San Bernardino, this time ending in a
scoreless tie. The tie was followed by
a lackluster performance at Cal Poly
Pomona where UCSD fell 2-0 Nov. 2.
The Broncos got on the board in the
21st minute when their forward snuck
the ball by senior Triton goalkeeper
Jessica McGovern. They would tally the
second goal in the final seconds of the
game to secure the win.
UCSD outshot Cal Poly Pomona 8-7
but couldn’t figure out the Broncos’ substitute goalie, who came into the match
when the starting goalie was injured.
While the performance was substandard for the club, it was understandable
as the Tritons were coming off an emotional 0-0 double-overtime tie against
Cal State San Bernardino. The tie all but
locked up a postseason spot for UCSD
while eliminating the Coyotes.
The Triton defense turned in its third
consecutive shutout, but this time the
Triton offense couldn’t get the golden
goal to support the defense. After scoring 11 times in five games, the UCSD
offense has fallen flat, scoring only once
in the team’s final four matches.
“We’re not worried about these past
four games affecting our performance,”
Belak-Berger said. “If nothing else, it
will inspire us to want it that much
more. We had some players out this
weekend because of injury but they
should be ready to go this Friday.”
To make a legitimate playoff run, the
Tritons are going to need scores from
Belak-Berger, who leads all Tritons with
11 goals, and senior midfielder Loren
Borenstein, who has four.
“We’re not going to do anything
See W. SOCCER, page 11
Tritons Ready for CCAA Title Run ON DECK
By Robert Ingle
Staff Writer
According to head coach Charity
Elliot, the key to success for the UCSD
women’s basketball team this season is
defense. It’s the same key she introduced
to last year’s squad, which finished 2510, 14-6 California Collegiate Athletic
Association with an appearance in
the NCAA Division-II West Regional
Semifinal game.
This year, the Tritons look to up
their intensity on the defensive side of
the court. Elliot has made a point of
stressing ball pressure as a focus for the
team and has implemented several fullcourt presses to utilize this strength.
“We have a very defensive mindset and we want to be known for our
pressure defense,” Elliot said. “Our ball
pressure sets up our defense to be very
up-tempo, with lots of pressuring and
trapping, and we still have some things
we haven’t put in quite yet.”
The Triton squad will apply the
defensive pressure with several familiar faces, including three-time AllConference First-Team senior forward
Michelle Osier and returning starters
senior center Alexis Gaskin and junior
forward Erin Noonan. Accompanying
the trio in the starting lineup are junior
guards Annette Ilg and Leilani Martin,
a transfer from Foothill College, who
have the responsibility of keeping the
opposing teams’ offenses stymied by
harassing its guards.
Though depth was a concern for
the team at the start of the year, several
newcomers and transfer players have
put the team in a good place. As a cocaptain, Ilg said she feels that the Tritons
have already made big strides in coming
together as a team, which was a concern
with so many new faces.
“We’ve proven that we can trust
one another and it can only get better,”
she said.
Elliot has also instituted a motion
offense, but said that it will take time for
the team to understand the system. For
Women’s Soccer
vs. San Francisco State
Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m.
In their first game of the
California Collegiate Athletic
Association Championships, the
third-seeded Tritons face off with
the second-seeded Gators in their
second matchup of the season.
The Gators came from behind
to post a 2-1 victory over UCSD
in San Francisco on Sept. 12,
breaking the Tritons’ six-game win
streak over the Gators. UCSD will
need to win this match in order to
advance to the second round.
Cross Country
at Division-II West Regional
Nov. 8, 8:45 a.m.
The Triton men are ranked
fourth in the region and will have
to place in the top three to make
it to the NCAA Championships
while the fifth-ranked women will
have to place in the top five.
Alaska Anchorage, which swept
the Triton Classic on Oct. 11 and
Chico State University, which
won the CCAA Championships
will be two of UCSD’s toughest
Women’s Volleyball
Junior forward Erin Noonan dribbles around a defender in the Tritons’ preseason game against Biola
University on Nov. 1. Noonan is one of three returning starters for the women’s basketball team this season.
vs. Chico State University
Nov. 7, 7 p.m.
their defense, creating turnovers that
they can expand into fast-break opportunities.
“We really want to be able to run
the other team out of the gym,” Ilg said.
“We’re working on reading screens and
knowing our teammates in the motion
offense, but until then we have to be
able to fast break.”
In the CCAA preseason coaches’
In the Tritons’ last home game
of the season, they will take on
the tough Wildcats, who are in
sixth place in the conference
standings. The Tritons fell to the
Wildcats on the road in five sets
on Oct. 3 and will have the difficult task of shutting down Wildcat
outside hitter Lindsay Macias,
who had the best overall game in
the team’s first matchup.
now, her goal is simply to give opportunities to the players who can make plays
happen on their own.
“We have some players that can
create and we’re trying to put them
in positions where they can be most
effective,” Elliot said. “Our offense has a
long way to go, though you never want
to be peaking at this time of the season
anyway — and we’re not close.”
Until the Tritons learn the new
offense, the players expect to rely on
See BASKETBALL, page 11
Guardian Classifieds are placed online and are FREE for UCSD. Low cost classified placements are for
online and/or print are also available to the public. www.guardianads.com
We are planning to make the
Guardian Green Card available at
various locales on campus. Today,
you can pick one up at EDNA in
the Price Center and the Guardian
office, upstairs in the Old Student
Center. (12/4)
Egg donors needed - We are seeking intelligent, attractive, nonsmoking women between the
ages of 21-29 who are physically
fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. $15,000 plus all expenses. If
you have a desire to help an infertile family please contact us. Email:
darlene@aperfectmatch.com. 1800-264-8828. www.aperfectmatch.
com. Perfectly matching donors
with families since 1998. (11/17)
Don’t forget you can post your UCSD
campus events on the Guardian’s
online Campus Calendar. Go to
www.ucsdguardian.org and link at
the top to “Calendar.” (12/4)
Eucharist 101 -- Join us for a service of Holy Communion this
Sunday, Nov 9th at 1:01 pm at Good
Samaritan Episcopal Church. 4321
Eastgate Mall (at Genesee, 2 blocks
north of UTC). Rides available from
campus - (858) 735-3797. Episcopal/
Methodist United Campus Ministry
- emunited.ucsd.edu (11/6)
UCSD Research study needs
healthy Volunteers ages 12-30 for
participation in 3yrs longitudinal study. Participation involves 6
visits, approximately 7 hrs each.
Participants receive $10/hr. Each
visit includes brief interview, computer and problem solving tasks,
eyeblink reflex, brainwave test.
(619)725-3513. (11/17)
Egg donors needed! Healthy
females ages 18-30. Donate to
infertile couples some of the many
eggs your body disposes monthly. COMPENSATION: $5000-8000.
Call Reproductive Solutions now
(818)832-1494. (12/4)
1 2
3 4
Cancellation: My wedding to my gay
partner, and the champagne toast
to follow on Mission Bay. (11/6)
Crossword Puzzle Solution
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box
(in bold) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies
on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.
©2007 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
Maynard James Keenan
(lead singer of TOOL)
Find the SUDOKU solution on next Mondays Classified Page
Maynard will be at The
La Jolla Whole Foods
Market signing
wine bottles from his
Caduceus Cellers,
Merkin Vineyards
and Arizona Stronghold
5-9 PM
La Jolla Village Center
8825 Villa La Jolla Dr. 858-642-6700
21+ only. No cameras, photography or large
bags allowed. 2 bottle maximum allowed for
the signing. Only wine bottles purchased
during the event will be signed.
Boost your GPA! We’re talking
about your Graduation Plan of
Attack. Do it with 100% Tuition
Assistance, low-cost healthcare,
a supplemental paycheck, a
career jump start, and up to a $20,000 bonus for specific
jobs. All this as a member of the Air Force Reserve with no
prior military experience needed.