I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board will be held on: Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue: Monday 22 August 2011 9.30am Council Chamber Orewa Service Centre 50 Centreway Road Orewa Rodney Local Board SUBMISSIONS The meeting will reconvene on Tuesday 23 August 2011 at 9.30am and Wednesday 24 August 2011 at 9.30am (if necessary) Volume 7 SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. CEI\lr - 5 AU, :::1 or retur th~~ubmission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the l.ocal Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0"Mrs D I live in the following local board area: J(..,Q"""'d"'n",,-."'e"':1=>-- Full name: Postal address: Email: c; Organisation: ~"'5 ~ Phone (daytime): (e'\) Phone (evening): Date of submission: Mobile: ~.l A B;"e.t<. _ Cc~~~ ro'1fostc~~~~i~_.~~ \ 4'2-"Z.-__]llo _ Ifyou do not know your local boar area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's rcentre tollfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if yo want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes over! at) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below, Attachments: Yes ~ No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP fOLO •.•,RE Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee III Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 I • 0 I !.~ ~5A{jS ' Rainbows End and Rivers Environmental Group Inc. Submission ,to 2011 '.' 'Co ~.JC the Rodney Local Board Draft Local Board Plan ," I REaREG would like to commend the Rodney Local Board on the Rodney Draft Local Board Plan, and express its "appreciation for all the hard work and thought that has gone into the drafting of the document. The following comments/suggestions by page and paragraph. relate to the plan as indicated Pg 2 Vision: REaREG feels strongly that perhaps one of the most daunting challenges facing the Council in the next several years will be the preservation of the openness and rural character of Northern and Coastal Rodney. We feel that it is extremely important that the Council quickly define clearly the zoning definitions that will provide the framework with which we can achieve a system of carefully controlled development that preserves the L)nique open space character of our rural and coastal environment. This process begins with the use of clear, unambiguous language in all planning instruments, be they strategic overview or specific zoning statute. To this end, the Vision statement well defines what we hope to see happen in the ensuing years. Pg 8 Priorities: While this may seem a semantic argument, we feel that the placing of "Care for the environment" as Priority Seven is perhaps sending the wrong message. We would argue that "Care for the Environment" is not a separate initiative or functional area to be vertically prioritised with the other listed priorities. To the contrary, it is an element or subset of each of the other priorities. Building and strengthening the economy should r:tOtbe accomplished without factoring in ecological factors such as sustainability and longterm impact on the environment. of . . .. Managing growth and development, again, cannot be done properly without giving consideration to environmental impact. As the Northern Gateway motorway project demonstrated, transportation planning must' always factor in environmental concerns. The innovative environmental solutions applied during the construction of the Northern Gateway sets a rigorous standard for future transport development. Recreation in Rodney is strongly focused on outdoor activities that bring us into direct contact with the environment. So again, consideration for how those activities impact on the environment an essential element of that process. is In summary, seeing "Care for the Environment" listed at the bottom of a list of priorities does, to some extent, send the message that we consider the environment last, when that is not necessarily true. Perhaps we need to find a better way to "repackage" or restate the objective in a more inclusive and distributive way. Pg 10 Priority one: Build and Strengthen our Economy: REaREG strongly endorses the principle of retention of rural land for primary production purposes. There are two very strong arguments for this. First, land that has been ceded to other uses, such as residential subdivision or light industry can never be reverted to food production. Letting productive land transition to uses that prevent it ever being used for primary production again is short-sighted and counterproductive. Secondly, we have to be ever mindful of the tipping point argument, specifically, that at some point, by allowing too many developments in an area whose amenity is defined by open space, we risk losing the amenity that draws us here in the first place. Pg 11: REaREG endorses the creation of improved transport infrastructure as well as walking and cycleway connections. Making the amenity of the area easily accessible to internal and external tourists is a laudable means of taking some pressure off the area vis a vis residential development. Pg 13: Priority Two: actively Manage Growth and Retain Coastal and Rural Character: We commend the board on acknowledging the need for preserving existing planning documents. Our members and many other local people participated actively in the drafting and finalisation of the Matakana Sustainable Development Plan, and feel confident that it represents a good, solid overview of the communities' wishes. It should serve well as a building block/foundation document for future planning,. and as such should be preserved and integrated into future planning processes. The values listed in the final paragraph, pg 13 are well stated, and area a good reflection of what we value about our area. Pg 14, 15: Priority infrastructure: Three: Provide Effective and REaREG strongly endorses the development of Management Plans such as the Mahurangi Action Plan. has resolved to begin the process of drafting a similar Matakana and Glen Eden River catchments, and believes Estuarine areas should have a long term plan to restore improve water quality. reliable Catchment Our society plan for the that all the margins and REREG also endorses the objective of toll free calling within the entire Auckland region. Given that there is no technological justification for the continued existence of National. toll calls, removal of tolls within greater Auckland would be a good start at achieving a more rational billing structure. Pg 16 -19 Priority Four: Provide Safe Efficient, and Multi Modal Transportation Networks: REaREG endorses the general approach to transportation infrastructure described in this section. r We would like to emphasise to the Board that, with regard to the State Highway 1 extension from Puhoi to Wellsford, there is a roll on effect related to speeding the flow of SHl tr9ffic from Auckland through Northern Rodney in that local arterial routes are placed under greater stress due to the fact that traffic gets to our area faster. The kilometres of stalled, creeping traffic on SHl that has come to characterise peak holiday traffic will be transposed into similar situations on the main roads that feed our major holiday destinations such as Omaha. It is almost predictable that the dysfunctional mess at Hill Street intersection will become even worse as Auckland holiday traffic arrives in Warkworth en mass unimpeded from Puhoi. REaREGstrongly suggests that the Board begin to concurrently plan for improvement of major arterial roads in North East Rodney to ensure that we are not merely" moving the tail back" with the SHl extension. Accordingly we strongly endorse the proposed construction of the link from SHl to Matakana. Pg 20-21 Priority Five: Provide for the Recreational Needs of the Community: REaREGstrongly endorses the initiative to prepare a parks strategy to determine future land acquisition and development priorities for Rodney. One of the outstanding features of the Auckland region is the system of ex-ARC regional parks. These parks represent an important legacy of picturesque public open space that will serve us for generations.. They also are a guarantee that significant tracts of our coastal environment will not be absorbed in the outward development pressure from metropolitan Auckland. It is extremely important that we not only guarantee the continued existence of these parks, but plan, wherever possible to augment the park system since they not only provide unique outdoor recreational .. .. opportunities, but also serve as nature preserves and a means of protecting biodiversity. Pg 24-27 Priority Seven: Care for Our Environment: REaREG strongly endorses the initiatives listed in this section of the draft plan. We value the support that we have received to date from the council with regard to our local initiatives eradication; and hope that we can continue future. As we expand our activity to include continue to work with the council to ensure parallel the council's program. such as noxious weed this relationship in the pest eradication, we will that our local initiatives SUBMISSION FORM_ r/tJORJ/'Y So' ° o _ E J VE l; AI ° ''Ill' Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your s bmissiol'T'.<!opi4s nune dra locai board plans are available at: °AUCKOA "D ° ~, • public libraries, (ouncH service centres and local board offices • online at www.auck! COUNCIL WA.RKW(';;' it{ • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submisSion on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordanc.ewith the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremai/). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No G-"~ Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyourname, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrD Full name: Mrs 0. Miss B""'o;'Q .::::JJ~i"et~~ Other____ ;j4LZZtdL I?od"f!j I live in the following local board area: Organisation: .. _ Postal address:_~~-<,--W-~s.,~_I __~,~_("""';: __ ./k.-/~ Email: <3L~:.=~"..l.L Phone (daytirne): Postcode: _V~?_s._~ _ _~.Ia..,:;!{ ...,. Phone (evening): __ l?!; Date of submission: ryR'j(JI I Mobile: _ 0).( ;300~ Signature: _~ _ "'~"'2===-'------------ •• Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Counci/'s customer centre toll free (09) 307 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ----------------------_._------_. __ ._-----------------_._---- I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -------------_._--------_._--------------------_._------_. .._-----------------------_._--------_._-------------------------------- ------------------_._----_._----------_._-----_._- __ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----._---------------------_._---------_._------------------ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? ------ - - --~------_._---------- --_._----_._--~--._._---_. ._--_._----- ------------------------ - ----- - NOTES If you have additional Attachments: Yes 0 pages or supporting dQf..:um~nts.pleas€- 03tt-3chthem to your submission and select Yf:S below. No 0 If you want to make a stJbmissi'Jn about more than one draft local board aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b} you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach YOLircomments and send to: Submi"ion. Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III QD v2(902 .-,..••.•,.. , ,,"."""--:.0.:-=.- .. '.p ~-,:.""_, ..•"",,.''''"_-:-' ~ -.,-.;> SUBMISSION-FORM_" -to Loco.£, Boavd .j1"VlS QCII ~::?ubiY'\l5SI0~- ~=. Board ~w;<:z.6 p,-lCkl " •....• cJ Cow>"C,1 ~. l-.ccc<J ,," --, .~~"~.--~.- :PR~;;'I:rd 6 =#::-. P,.,u:",k. Ba{J Q023C'JO . I', .: G .:: Ii. r: jlt..;.:;;2. Have your sayan yourdralt"local board plarLPleaseread the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the 9ra;, local board plans are available at " AUCKLANDCOUNCil. W"it~:w(">. -H public libraries, council service centres and local board offices . 7 j4UGK <-jq('.jj> G 2011 online at www.aucklandcounciLgovLnzlhaveyoursay Auckland Coundl customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, coundl service centres or mail it using the freepest envelope provided or retum this submission form to public Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the dralt local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. P~easenote that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS FOryour submission to be valid. you must indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 ifyou answered yes above, please provide, as much detail as possible in the form below in add'ltion to your name. postal address or email and signature. This will enable us ta arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. 0' Title: Mr 0 Mrs Miss 0 Dr 0 OOer____ Full name: Mo.-4."", W0\~ I.. "" Postal address: Email: ' '63 tdJooctcock=5 ~J ,iSl) \ ; w CN" (c-~Cvkh 10'2 Phone (evening): Date of submission: '2],.7 -Rad~ J I live in the following local board area: Organisation: (; Q 8" . Q ~ - I \ Postcode: Oq'iS" _ I Phone (daytime): _ Mobile:._" _ Signature: _~I_Vl~Iv:e~,,~l.v\...= _ Ifyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website www.aucklandcoundLgovtnzllocalboards and use the 'find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. orcontactAucJdand Coundl'scustomercentre tallfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one dralt local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) 1bo«e. v, rod!'h,,,,-,, J W /1.g" ~Yh 4a dQ - < .> I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I' Other: Dishwasher Microwave Water pumps Auto garage door opener Fridge Freezer Washing machine Drier Spa pool DefectslHazardsIRequlsltions (If hone lease state NILY \ ./ ) - Code of Compliance Issued? Date: LIM Issue date Additional Remarks / ./ ./ /' ./ \ r"' - earri~ SUBMISSION FORM_ ,j - 5 AU 2011 S rk'/oR/r~/ ED c. '-' / AUCKlAND COUNCIL Have your sayan your draft [oca[ board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your subr~opie~ft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.mJhaveyoursay, libraries, council service CEntres or mail it using the freepost €"nve(ope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft loca[ board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft loca[ board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Loca[ Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail aspossible in the form below inaddition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Tit[e: Mr D Full name: Mrs 1;2(Miss D Dr 0 Othe,r I live in the following local board area: Or&anisation: _ ~~~L~~~____ Postal address:_llliLe.g,..;14 eV\~jl()jJ-fll.\!A._&9.J1d._...1I0_(j!J.l9V Email: __ ._______________ Phone (daytime): Phone (evening):_._ Date of submission: (fj'i?fh JI_____ _ __ or __ ~/?,~_(!)~ch~IU-y~~ _ J . Postcode: _ _ _ Mobi[e:_C.:b , (>'/. Loll 3_"L.. Signature: l~.£....JA->-~-.---------- Ifyou do not know your local boa 'darea, please visitthe website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre to/lfree (09) 3070707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following drah loca[ board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) r I agree with the fol~owin~ priorities proposed in the draft local ?oard plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) ...l.A) p tU£.(J........5 0 1"4 !ICM.. /,/<.e -'I-.... ") -----_._------------_._-_._-------_._--_._--------------------------------------------------------.---------_._-----------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft 10(BI board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) --------------------_._--_._------------------------------------------- _ Do you ha'le any other comments on the draft local board plan? - --------------~--- -------------- ----------_._---------_.------------_._-~--------------------- --------------------- NOTES If JOU h;:lve additional Att.cnm~nt.s Yes 0 pages or suppf.Jrting dor.:uments. pleas,:: ~tt3(h thern tv your submission ".1nd seleo:t Yf:S below. No 0 If you want to make 3 submission about more t.han on€: draft loca.l board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fiH in one submission form and attadl your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write' ali' if your comments apply to ali draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submis.ion - Local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost. 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board PlilnS 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your sayan your draft local board pC~e:~!~~ra~an local board plans are available at: before making your • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101, Please complete your submission online at www.auck!andcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, (ounei( service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council Will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, alt submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title:MrO MrsO MissO ~rO Full name: ~"G(\.u I live in the following local board area: Organisation: K.-.d~.£L.\tB_h.(.e Postal addres~.l_O_~.lJif::C(\ ~~~S 1J!=-4> _ --ifod7---_ Postcode: Phone (daytime): Phone (evening): _Cll] lk:t_2-[ Date of submission: Other_____ -4 f{ IffJI1 I q J- {h .___ . _ _ Mobile:_ Signature~. £<.bL-d -----------.---------Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website WNW.aucklanacounc .govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) -----------------------------_._-----------------------------I agree with,lChe following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to sURPort your response) _-w-',Qv \Lf("c-p ~ L-S:-~::ll~N fRaM -niL!:: Ron{'l\\0G..-\~,\~, _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you hav€' any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents. Attachments' Yes 0 please attach them to your submission and select Yes below No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III aD -::r05 /7t75 AcpUI4 G2~ SUBMISSION FORM_ rA:. /Or'el-/,/ J Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before makin local board plans are available at: - 5 AUG 20:1 • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at w...vw.auck! • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncH.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your drattlocal board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the drat! local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local 80ards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This wi enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hean"ng. Title: Mr Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other I live in the following local board area: -C)~\.lID W \~M...J?Je.'iS Organisation: address: __25_~\t\I~ f'\:&-Q,_$p.,~'-L~&:.~I\____ RCJ'cI~~", _ Full name: Postal Email: _ Phone (evening): Date of submission. 02...7!lf:0 !:L ._ 64d.=LCllf-:__ . . 8, _ Postcode: OC/ ~~S-=~ __ Phone (daytime): _ Mobile: Signature: _ Ifyou do not know your 1:K!a!ba,d.;rea, please visitthe website www aucklan ca oards and use the 'FindYourWard and LocalBoard'too/, oreontact Auckland Council's customer centre to/l free ( 3010101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is aboul the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to supQort your response) DE:f'FI NA.Th 'j1-!\ N C{ F-o~ "TI-\.\ S ~(LJ:::.A. 'Il--\E:: i1)"~ "'n:l L6'rf2.oJ ~ 'S l.N I ""-M I ,.., 5\ A..IL.L'S, p.S IH~ An....-=: _'\HI <;, \":>_~ ~ E:.oF u;;;: ~ """ ~~ "\. < ~'E ~ :::tH txr ~::L-~Jc.,--\-_D- P.J2~~D~ _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in tbe draft local bOard plan (please provide comments to support your response) , ----------------------------------------------------------------_. ----_._--------------------_._----------r" Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the drat! local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ---------------_._-_._. __ ._-------_. __ ._----------------- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan 7 NOTES If IQU have additional pages or supporting do(urn~nts,please attach th~mto your submission and select Yes below. Attachments- Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than onE: draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate fomn for each plan, or b) you can rill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, tist which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 201 1, Local Board SeNices, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 , "I, ,,'. ~I Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III E SUBMISSION FORM_ - 5 AUG 2011 Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your local board plans are available at: AUC:(lANI) COUN • . :Go I.e;;iprffi~ d aft • public libraries, (ouncil service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission torm to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, alt submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you mustincfude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No ~ Ifyou anSWeredyes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs CiY'Mi~S.0, pr Full name: 01.'-_<\_ Postal address:..1L 0 SL ,/161(. Other . 'fQS1{,' (I.e s -C;r:aJrWc,:v Email:llJ.llL~lLJls2i-J./l(!Oy.;;lie.iA)f.\ Phone (evening): £rganisation: ~~ Phone (daytime): DC; /..i1.:'f~4c!'7G Date of submission: _gd<3.Lf~---~. _ I live in the following local board area: _ Mobile:_ _E_j_£LJ1 .. _ n-L. __ 02..1D"1.4i~rc1 Signature~ I ~~_ V.~ ~ ~~ Postcode: Qif[ 't. _. . Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.auck/ and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0107. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to ma,e a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) j,~k- IS dSD /11 ode; .1t-tJ4-J.m.cb i I,'LI we es 7 ' I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _ Do you have any (lther comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Atlachments' Yes 0 pages or supporting documents, please "ttach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than onE- draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Aucktand 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ P/(/O.~/7Y SHave your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making y local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission torm to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dralt local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. if you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr D ~s.if Full name: Miss D Dr 0 >;t2: Email: • __ (bel"")' I live in the following local board area: ~ __~ ~ ~c.he.J .ft {'. Organisation: Postal addr~ss:_Z 7'1 S:.ho.o (_.ZC2l_~lQ.fa, _.. Phone (daytime): ,~~$"S3L. ~I II Phone (evening):_ 4. Date of submission: __ +6 _ .~ Postcode: (5:._$";.•..•... >"-'-1 b3 MObile:...D.z~/ Signature: __ _ -0.2..7$__ .__ ' ~ • __ . ..~.~ ~ ...._ Ifyou do not know your/:J,~ board area. please visit the website www.aucklanduncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301010 1. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I ~2e with the following priorities proposed i the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your re tA.,st ~oV; 4fp::a-t... --thRV..t2....._WP,s;. _ O/ea_-i_ hCJ -' ec£eot;Ec;cir~~J.62 t&7 L-vO$ 'W ~c onse) 15~Q.n' '-::J.e/--:f. -pv..hlL-;20a/ lids _ _', Cl ~ l?..!.22i3e-e.1 r I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._--- -_. Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------- Do you havE'any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments. Yes 0 pages or supporting document.s. please '3tt03ch them to your submission and select Y~s below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more t.han one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fiU in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form. list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, LOlal Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 'r,,'. H'~I Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Councit Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ /1 qJ u~ rh,_, ~~ :5 rPR/oR./r'j Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: .- • public librari€'s, council service centres and local board offices • ontine at www.aucklandcoundl.govt.nzlhaveyoursay 5 AJIJ 2011 - • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (D9) 301 0101. •... . AUC return this' submission form to public Please complete your submission online at VI.' libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submiSSion on your draft local board plan. Aucktand Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered ye' above, plea,e provide as much detail aspossible in the form below inaddition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to 'peak at the hearing. ct. Mrs Ed" MI:s D. Dr Other I live In the following local board area: _Rc"~o_d_,_~_~ _ _1118£1<::: (..l../ 'd-r _. Orjlanisation: _ ,_---1. .--Postal address: __ .;(.,l (t./vo (,_'-Q Ffh()r/lAC~_I_"-Pf..:, t,.b J~h.-f'ostcode: Q!ll0.,__ . _ Title: Mr 0 Full name: Email: Phone (evening): __ Date of submission: J~ti.?_ _ qZ ..1 ' __ -::to _._____ - 02-'1--=J 10 z..V Phone (daytime): l"1obile: Signature: .__ ~. -*: . _ Ifyou do not know your loca boa, area, please vi,itthe website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nZ/localboardsandu5ethe 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in thi draft local ~oar~lan.(p'I.ease provide comments to su~ort lour ~esponse), l/t-Ild-.(!A'-{~d c-. _~_iA)'M.f1/\/~-ff!J ..-tl/~L/"'" ll"v<., C~o.. !;'"/~j,(M* ~D.~ Ovu< yJJe~"..zti~,,_.Y!tM' K-A'~. _ ------------- ._---------------_._--------------------------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----------------------_._-----------------_.----------------_._---_._---------------------------------_._---_._------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? - ~----------_._---------_.- ----------. - ------ _.. - -- --- ------------------ --~------~--_._---------.-----------_._---- NOTES If YOl.1 h€1v€additional Attachments' pages or supporting documents. pl~asl;: attach them to Y')lH submission and sele(t Yf:5 below. Yes D No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than on~draft local board a) you can complete a separate form for each plan. or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write' all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, free post 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreeoostAuthority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Servic'?s Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ rKIOrZI?j s ,H-<t'un-- ~,.< Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission ..Copits of the draft local board plans are available at: J ••.••• " •..• • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices - 5 AUG 2011 • online at wvvw.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. AVe " or return this su miSSIon foTrhfto-public Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcoundLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan, Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011, Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared, At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101, YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremai/). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing, Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0" Miss 0 Dr 0 Other full name: -.l~lQ \R Pt Organisation: Postal address:_~_t", 'C0i'lcl-__ Phone (eventngl:-.2S-<:I:...~~~~"l------Date of submiSSion: Q_____ ~ It J---- . . bob0..'j:€' EmaiL ~9.i('q. g0dy-y~~ _ I live in the following local board area: ::D~\=- Postcode: Phone (daytime) _ . Moblle:__ Signatur" ~~ _ _ _ _ Ifyou do not know your local boa, are, please VISitthe website WMV,auckiandcouncil,govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101, YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft tocal board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) )L..\P,Q~BJ::.ti~-A CQmo.uN\\I_~J"..._QIZC<~l:1¥-I1+\:: 5~L.f(£S'1"R \c:IS __fu.f:l.I".j C L?SE.7_--l'£',-¥--&Qv.AB.~~~_c:.L~-=:._:1lJ£D.5 CAI'-cCJ--:lJ E I) SC-+Jc6...L..~' . _ '-=~~ roe I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------------_._-------------------------_._---_._--------------_._----------------------------------------_._.----------_._----------------------------------_._-_ .. ---------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------------- .._--------,--------_._-----------_._---------- 00 yO!) h-3'/i2any oth~r comments on the draft (ocal board plan? -------------------------- ------------- ------_.----------------------------------- -_.- ----_._----~------------ ------------------_._----- NOTES If YO'J tiddittiJnal Attachments: Yes 0 pages or suppcJrting -io,=uments, ple-as':" 3ttach th~rn to your submission and sele<:t YeS below. No 0 If j;)U want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in oni? submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the (ontact details on this submission form, Ust which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space p"'"ided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft locel board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submi"ion - Local Board Plans 201 1, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III f?-D 'S~ ~I-11:::$io~SUBMISSION FORM_ '~ ••n '0- ~.". "_ 0=" .•..••.••. _ __ .. Locc.2-- Boco..-di(laVlS ,-.<'~' _ '--PR'I;'~-I;;"6 . 7 *' ~ .~-- .'? QCil t-.oc~ Boa,rd~, • ~~=o f0,l.'CKi Cl,...,,) Co~cli fhuc.Je. B""'J q;;J.~OO ,4uG-K •... ~-('oj.!> 114-~ I. - Have your say onyour draft. local board plan. please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copi~ !2!the draft local board plans are available at: . 5. public libraries. councii service centres and local board offices ';J Z"., online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzJhaveyoursay 1A1-' "t\.. C~VL C ~---'---"-Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free 109) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. or return this submission form to public libraries. council service centres or maii it using the freepost enveiope provided. Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Councii will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aUsubmissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aUsubmissions (including personal details of submitters _ names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call 109) 301 0101. . YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid. you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address oremail and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location {oryou to speak at the hearing. I live in the following local board area: rganisation: C-0 Kcd:d-== HPostcode: oq R5 Cj'3q=:; Phone (daytime): Mobiie: Sign andcoundl.govt.nzllocalboatds and use the a 'scuscomercentIe tollfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) ~N~Y ) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan {please provide commen Piease list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) /. Dear Linda, Recently, Kate Coughlan ho is I;:ditor for House and Garden an as u know I have had a long working asso iation with, contacted me with regaf<lto Look ood Feel Better. The magazine is suppo ing this chuse and the tour is alsa'ln conjunction\with the Cancer Society. You are no oubt aware10fthe programme,) a nutshell it is ba ed on the 'lipstick' therapy (i e. when you're not feeling well, to know you're looking good can give a real boost). / J Look Good Feel etter is a free service spe.c"lficallydesigned to impro+ the quality of life of cancer p ients by helping restore I st confidence and self estee to those women who are dealin with the appearance rejMed side effects of cancer tre ment. A registered cha Ity it relies totally on s (ffunding and community don tions in New Zealand. It i available in all main ncology centres throughout the ountry and operates in 2\ countr' s in the world. Many Om ha residents are 0 ening their homes to support this ca if you wo Id consider this r quest. It is a cause that strikes dear t to provid a boost to the rale of those suffering this dreadful di and ulti ately gives thel and injection of confidence and positiv everyon else. Kindest 'ishes Madelene ~(p ~/C~ KOfL ~CN 'd--O\O Qo-)' ( V'. () lO - 4 -:;;ec '-". .' "'" se and I am asking you my heart as to be able ease is heart-warming y which rubs off on SUBMISSION FORM_ ?~IOR;-/-// - 5 AU 2 11 s ./- rf") INC' Have your say on your draft local board plan_ Please read the draft plan before making your submlSsion~Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, (ouncil service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcounciLgovLnz/haveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101_ Please complete your submissiononline at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt tocal board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions_ Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101_ YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail)_ Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature, Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing_ Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss Q" Dr 0 Other Full name: C 11a" t,'1 IN E Cio22J2-,~_d_____ .2-46, Postal address: Email: C••&!2-(/~€~oe Phone (eveningl:-D2 Date of submission: 1\(\N/h\ ••• fj \I,L'" "-1M - '-< '-0 I live in the following local board area: Organisation: . 1(0) 1\ '2- ' :7 '5lC\(' f:. - _lo c!J~ . _ Postcode: _ Phone (daytime): Mobile: _ . _ Signature: _ Ifyou do not know your/ocal oard area, piease visit the website www_aucklandcouncil_govt_nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101_ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) _f..0!~ US P t'j1U' -net ,.....Qi:L- A ;s,r-l {fl, I ~~ f'O..s::L'=-~ .. _ I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----------------------------------------_._----------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments- Yes 0 pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, Ust which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authonty Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III f2D -::;(2 / -:t/2 , ,",.._.,.~~ ... __..,~' ,_,.'~__ ~ 10 _ ~er.J SUBMISSION-fORM- . kDCoJ Bea,rd ~<...'C.-kl C!""ol '~~"""--;;;.'-'P;'I;;-I;;" S *,.1 _', 7 t" Have your say on yotirdraft,local .Boa•..d :;;.,h;'Y"\15s,a~-Loc~ -na•...s f'l • ~.......,;<z.d Cc>~iJ Pnue.k.B~ qCl300 i4u0K •...I"l-f'lP 114-'&2- .7 board plan.. please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: '. •• - A-q Uk public libraries, council service centres and local board offices online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay ~~. .J ~...,l •• Auckland Coundl customer centre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. !. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. ~:,:;,~~::~~~~:;':ice ;QCil or retum this submission form to'public ' osk-f centres or mail it using the freepost envelo~'9\ ' Use this form to make your submission on your draft local bo~ckla~L I accept submissions o~raft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissio s dos at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a la ~ the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002. all submissions (induding personal details of submitters .,. "ames and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. " YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address oremail and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location feryou to speak at the hearing. Title: MrD 'Mrs ~Miss RA Full name: Postal add~ess: Emai~ OrO lv'l !NtiIut> f IQo t \\' s\- od \ 0 ~, Phone (evening): Date of submission: Other____ (/ L 11......t eM '; :? X ~1 /1 , t ;) Organisation: !2./(U (,... ' 5,...e \\ > Phone (daytime): __ j'l" , OS -~,:2.5 - u 2 b b IS \R'\ J<6 d~I:1---- I live in the following local board area: ' Mobile: I I ' Signature: Postcode: D4 z"o '-l-'"-"'J.'-\'-"'u'-z='-b='-'b=o'---------- ?} \ '1-=':1. C2 O ~ I 1f _J..•... ~. "'1V'__ J•... V=--';J'-'<!L- "'. ----------- ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcoundl.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and IDcal 8oafd' tool. orcontactAuddand Coundl'scustomercentre toUfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION ,My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, See the' notes overleaf) \..dQ pi . ,) (" fO OJ .Ll.) Ide) «. f-zc 1,.4 IY'O [ p «( IV' -." t' ,- I-I.~:~ I agree ,with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Ple~se list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response)'. ,. " j, / RODNEY TIMES Advertising Grid ~Squares ~ 3 /~E LOGO \ 6/ 7 " 11 12 16 17 21 22 4 5 I \ 13\ I 18 V 23/\/ r 10 14 15 19 20 25 ~ i/\ ! 1\ 37/1 26 27 31 32 36 II /1 Oiapa O/ew )lean /1 Terry // Linda !/ Lorraine Steven 29 \ 33 34 38 3~ I 30 35 , 40) T \ \ "-- ) ~('3 --t(3 r ~ ., •.••-.-.- .•.~•.,. -=-"" " -.. SUBMISSION fORM_ .~,=_..,,'- ii" -'f;:;rl~;-l";(" . f" 7 ~-::.:::> -to _ *" Loc~ :;?vbiY115SI0~- /"'cccJ c>=,d ~ PL'Ckl Cl••.••• ,) j4uc..K QCiI ~,-,ll=d COwr>Cil p(W,?,1€- B,"~, I K. ' J5oclY'd .fjClVlS q ;;1.:300 t-- "-11"'Ip /I Li-9- Have your sayan your draft,locaLboard plan. please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: '. - public libraries, council service centres and local board offices Its? U/1- online at - - - - • - Cev-ctV(; - 5 ,. Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. or retum this submission form to public, libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. - - ' Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aUsubmissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aUsubmissions (including personal details of submitters .,. "ames and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryoursubmission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes abDve, please provide as much detail as possible in the form belDw in additiDn tDyour name, postal address Dremail and signature. This ,will enable us to arrange a suitable time and IDcatiDnforyou to speak at the hearing. 0 Title: MrO 'Mrs 0 M~: Full nam : Postal address: ~ Organisation:' e... Email______________ Phone (evening): Date of submission: h Mobile: Signature: ' \I _ J , Phone (daytime): q:, "6 ~<o d-~ I live in the following local board area: Postcode: ~3Z:-=~D_I _ 0"1 Li -z.. 'Z..$' 0"1 V' -o-t-t1 dJ NO\.) ""-\ v/ . Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcoundl.govt.nzIlocalboardsandusethe 'Find YDurWard and Local Board' tool, DrcDntactAuckland CDundl's customer centre tollfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the nDtes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ,-s=:\; (YI~cJ\o~~~. So 1~'O~~o\ S.;;- \C'~\ ~~~ 0> ~'~ ~"'~ \"-=~~~~ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ',' ii RODNEY TIMES Advertising Grid 40 Squares 3 6 4 8 5 10 9 \ 1'6 / 1; 12 13 17 18 20 2/ 23 25 26 28 31 15 29 30 34 35 39 40 I 36 / / 37 / /Diana / Drew / Je / T rry n linda /[orraine / Steven ,38 / I:.~ ~- -------5'-J ~i 2 II A SUBMISSION FORM_ rK/ Or'Z/ --;:' Ys :.. I ~ - iJ ell Have your sayan your draft local board plan_ Please read the draft plan before making your submission_ Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at W\ • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your drat! local board plan_ Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011_ Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addioon to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable Ume and location for you to speak at the hearing, Title: Mr D Mrs Q' Miss D Dr D Other Postal address:_ \). Email: I live in the following local board area: c. o~,,,,.e.- Full name: (V\._OL,~\ ~;L Organisation: _le.'~\w . . Postcode: _ _ Phone (eVening):_~~l.\-:>~"3> Date of submission: _ t Mobile:_ F / If I \ Signature: Ifyou do not know your local oard area, please Visitthe website www_aucklan and use the 'FindYourWard and LocalBoard' tool, oreontact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0707_ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -~~..,;l_~--DC?ec1ecl_Q......--?(X)l_c..O~-?S:~~L~ ------LGc,~~-€ (-AIco-,A _ -\ '~?-~-~~l~-------- I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -------------------------------------------------------.Please tist any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments' Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. No pleas!: -3ttach th~m to your submission and select Yes below. 0 If 'Iou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one subrnission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission. Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board ,elVices, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 '0,(,,.1'-; Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III PD -::t115(gr5 ---AipU}4- SUBMISSION FORM_ jPR./OI'GI7Y --- - 5 A':.~2 1 s "c ~ I, 0'- Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of t ie'<l'iaft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt..nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission torm to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Councit will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all sllbmissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and ,ignature. Thi, will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs l!1' Miss 0 Dr 0 Other full name: f;. S" _ __ yl<..t. _ r<.Jtt'\'-%Jre.saJ~Ma:1, ~ Phone (evening): O'? Date of submission: I live in the following local board area: Organisation: __ ~TQJJ; 'Rd.; ROb.; postaladdress:_''L7_f!..Qi"t Email: _ &;Z;3:.."lSI..:i--£!~_.____ WCJ.-rK~ Phone (daytime) Mobile:_ Cl'2..( SignatureZ~~_. Postcode, l.p__ <- 9:s-t3 09 3~ S "i O~ ._ Ifyou do not know your local boaIr~a, please visit the website www.aucklandcountt1.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's CIlstomercentre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in thJ?dra(t local board Plan:I:z?Provide 1f-1tc ~~j-cg~~ F$ ~~~ Co ~ .•.•. t:l ~ b S~""I_~~r-e. comr;;endo support your response) j~ '1: 'ffiif: I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please proVia~ments ~d- F-~tL.. te support your response) ----------------------_._------_._------------_.------ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you h<:lve additional Attachments Yes 0 pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 It you want to make a submission about more than onE draft local board plan: aJyou can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can filLin one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' c.omplete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft Local board pLans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to aU draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 201 1, Local Board SelVices, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 ",,1. ,", Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission -local local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III Qq ''' .•_,_'c.'='' ,,' '='_,-~' ,' ••'___ '-:flco (~/((J ~ -to _ SUBMISSION FORM_ , ',.-------, ,-='- 0-- ,.._--:;, :;?..,bmI5SI0~B=,rd hOc",! pu<:-,<I Cl""oi . Pnvc.le.B~ J3OC1('d .fjCl •.•.•S &leu Loc~ ~ ~.~=-o Co..,...,c.! QC2300 , & ,:rR10R.II'-I 6==f<-/. j4wG-Kt--1<-17'1P 114-~ Have your sayan your draft, local board plan-Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: .10 ~ ''- public libraries. council service centres and local board offices online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzJhaveyoursay Ll.~ U A. ,...~.e I-iLl( I: -5 ,..;'~" ..,,'I , Auckland ,Council customer centre. call t~ll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. "- ' 'or return this submission form to public ~ libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. ' Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002. all submissions (including personal details of submitters _ iiames and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. - YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ' Foryour submission to be valid. you must indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as poSsible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address or email and signature. This will enable us'to a""nge a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. rs ~ss 0 I live in the following local board area: lA. 'Iv! Organisation: Postcode: ,uJ1'l;3-n~ (daytime): Mobile: ~ -'3 - 1\ _ t- signature~.::::'=~~"'C>>-LA.~~=c==-~--------- Ifyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website www.aucklandcoundl.govtnz/localboardsand 'Find YourWard and Local Board' tool, orcontactAuck/and Coundl's customer centre toll{ree (09) 301 0101. use the YOUR SUBMISSION ,My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ---:DaC;)'>,!~~,~"C'~A.~jJ,,~4,"-G y~ ~ e&~~ ~- I agree with the followmg pnont,es proposed m the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) , Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response)', " I RODNEY TIMES Advertising Grid 40 Squares \ I 3 4 5 9 10 14 15 19 20 24 25 URE LOG9 6/ 8 ' 7 '\ /' 11 12 I 13 I 16 17 18 I I \ 21 \ 22 ) 1~3/ 26 28f 27 29 / 30 / I I 31 32 113 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 / // Diana / Drew / Jean / Terry / Lincif'a / ,/ Lorraine Steven / / / PD -=;r=J- (1f t SUBMISSION FORM_ AUC <:0') "J -- Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, councH service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcoundl.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. or return this submission torm to public libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council wrll accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. if you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No B Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr ~ + full name: Mrs 0 MISS0 Dr 0 Other I live In the follOWinglocal board area M7ibJ_&CtH-£atJ,.~____ Postal address:-fl!1-Email. fl!1 (){')llt~ Phone (evenrng)._ Date of submISSion. eCJd~ Organisation. . _ -.6:P~~_~-----.-----------__ Postcode. _01 ~_I _ lJ~f A. ~, f\ ~ Phone (daytime). ~ 9 If-2.S.-3:._6_2-_, _ '/.-) J:,l9. Mobile:_ -;:-Jh~-----:>~----------Signature: _/,qv--: ~=====~~ _ ~+II Ifyou do not know your local board area please visit the websrte and use the Hnd Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I ~8{;e with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments -/...'IJ; L! If/dLlJiflf: 10 .YfBfJ.-..LJ:.tb!:JtL.UL21 _1PLd>__ ~--A:-~_C2f7.Pl~!mS_~cmvJ 1lv2l/KiJ ~ go; / '/5 5'/i /..-V to support y~e) -4z..[j) tJG 1--/7tveLN6- c5'/AfCb- ~~= !Vb -;- II:tMZ.P~_._' , _ .__ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----_._----------_.- --------------------_.- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft to cal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any rJther comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments. Yes 0 No 0 jf 'lou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft tocal board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to aUdraft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepos! 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 ".' , "~l 'O,{•••'.' Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III ~ SUBMISSION FORM_ L. ..••_. ~ r R/ OR.I'lV .-r-AU ;) S '"ue 2011./ I I.!'I'''' ~O'JNCfL' Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plio before making your submission. Cop,es of the.draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. (ouncH service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncH.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. if you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail aspossible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature, Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr~ Full name: __ 0 Miss 0 Dr ~w/~ Postal address: __ Email: 0 Other b_'t.r \-..,/ jfj;:;:; fCc/' Signature: . . _ ~~ __ ~ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visitthe website 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's ClJstomercentre toll free (09) 301 010 1. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to ma~e a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ---------------_ __ ._--------------------_._----------- .. e. I agree with the following priorities proposed in the d~t _~.~ ~q( a . local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -------------------_._. _ _ Z-=-' Mobile:_C>.uZ6..!t:..'l.'2 t(trjh -..l __ . d:id.L---- Phone (daytime): 't'.2-2?- 3, ( .5 Date of submission: ._ Postcode: ..£._._____________ Phone (evening): __ Roo/~ I live in the following local board area: Organisation: / __ ._----- --_._------_. __ ._-------- -----------------------_._-_._--------_._-------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._-------- .. Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Attachment'. Ye,O Yf;S below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than onf; draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fiU in one submission form and attach your comments. For'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the spa(E;~ provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plan,), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plan, 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 " •• iJ «'"J '.~,r. ~I~I Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III ----_. SUBMISSION FORM_ 'D CO'JfI\CJ' " PRIO/f;/7YS (..- J Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.m/haveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board ptan. Auckland Council wIll accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, B August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail aspossible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrO Mrs~ OrO o.ther____ -W-4e-:~Cv7L~- /r / Full name: Postal addr~ss::".,b q £- Phone (J"fningl:-_Q9 Date of submission: -----------0-. Organisation: L-,,/, 1L;:'--::::L f.!:=f>2_. __ ._._____________ Email: ~c.d~Zt-.e-v/fJo--.--z (P..h,o ;P-j"'> ( S --.8'M Postcode. 7H.-.",J'~~(daytime):~f'd'~ Mobile:_-C2.k II KoJ"--4.r I live in the following local board area' I 2.b ~ 'l '12 - -tJ!i{j,~/ __ _ "'? Signature: __ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visitthe website entre toll free (09) 301 'FindYourWard and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's custon and use the 070 7. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proPoj' , " ___~,M~~_~6_ ''''e''.,,'.~.,"'"i"'" ~+4.. ~~ 5' ~om~""""'"''' "''' ''''00.] . _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --- ---------------- ._---- --_._--------.- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ..... Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please 03ttach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments. Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft tocal board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 201 1, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III A-cp L1+- SUBMISSION FORM_ rA-/ 01<:/-1'-/ ~~ - 5 A".} 2011 S I Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your su local board plans are available at: - . ssiOA..-COp~sof the draft • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 01Ol. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcoundLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council Will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, B August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you mustinclude your full name together with at least one formy'contact Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No (post or email) . IZf Ifyou anSwered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr cI,~e.-iJ:Jh D D D I:: ---(Pde Mrs Miss Dr Other Postal address:_n Email:~e Phone (evening): Date of submission: 6ot~ (Z> .:Je.aA I?ocI~ I live in the following local board area: Full name: Organisation: -ll:. V Postcode: ~>'\...~,'I\2- Phone(daytime): -t; __ 8J4lL-----.- Mobile: Signature: _ c:/ _-0 q ID _ .L:J.....- vr_~ _ _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, piease visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0701. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) priorities 'p<oposedWhe ••.• -__ L.2v1 L(J ~ draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) . .lS:V ...b b2T~-~~--.----------'-"'J~IJZL~( ~A5 ( & t."1eMJP' I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --_._---------------------_. __ ._._._-_._~---------------------_._--- Please list any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft tocal board plan Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If yml have additional Attachments' Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. pleasr::attach them to your submission and select Yf:S below. No 0 IIyou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fiU in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form. list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans). then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237B02 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III PD -::r2( ( -=f-2 ( N({J~- SUBMISSION FORM_ f/ I '-5 A"G 2 11 G2.~' p. /t/QIf/7Y S :e... °f.'JC, Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submis~orr:£opiesof local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.auck! the draft ~ • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, piease call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryoursubmission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou anSwered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to yourname, postal address or email and signature. This wilt enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrD Mrsg Full name: _UQ.1. Miss 0 DrD q.~ ' lac'£ Postal address:~_et'ilW-L_"P Email: :kclOAJ@9/((9(\o lr f?ocl0:!::J4 I live in the following local board area: =:; Organisation' ~ 1~~-'J3.a~ ()"i ot1~ (evenlng):l1:'J..."JIoJi,,' Phone Date of submission. __ Other____ Phone (daytime) Mobile: Signature ) Postcode: (!J q~."~ __ 0'1 ~~b~=3~J~6~ __ ~~ _ ~d. Ifyou do not know your local board area, please VISitthe website 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0701. the YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ~th the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your resfl'lnse) u»~~\uW\ -.lL" cgp.aL\!! vltWt_~ ":>- ~.~~ c)\\\Q\lt;~ " .fiQ).4..tiS. __ u.l<!l(A 0 cLl~\,)~-tl \I'\. ¥p-.0J!-1.~_."S. i~'I.~)e~~f)~'\' _ CJ_,._. i do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft local board plan _ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments: Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. No ple-ase attach them to your submission and select Yes below. 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which drah local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to aU draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 'OlllHfll Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III I2D --::::;22/7 Z2 SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft::::~e~:~ZmISS~ local board plans are available at: Copies of the draft • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices I • online at www.aucklandcouncH.govLnz/haveyoursay I • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at , or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. J SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No cr-' Ifyou anSwered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Full name: Mrs D'i Miss 0 Dr 0 ---Jl~:....... Other Postal address:_~~ll_':9~..K.I Email: Phone (evening): Date of submission: ~("'y1 I live in the following local board area: :£dC\.. J__ . Organisation: :L~__ ••• ...-.____Phone(daytime):q.-2~_8.!l.~£~2~.~--.-------Mobile:_. fflS:)" Signature: __ Postcode: _~_q1=O~' __ ._. L'\,: Q~~~ _ . . _ ~_' 'fyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nZ/localboardsandusethe "FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (it you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _____________ ~J0 I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _ Do you have any other comments on the draft locat board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes D No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, freepost 237B02 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 'Gll)HI~t Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Loca! Board Plans 2011 Loca( Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III aD --=t23(?23 SUBMISSION FORM_ RECE r~/O/?/yy VEO - 5 AUG 2011 Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submissi n,~opies of the draft~ . ." .•.••• .~I.•.• It local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 010l Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. . YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves 0 No 0 'fyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to yourname, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs ~MiSS full name: I\e 'De Postal address: Email: Phone (evening), 0 Hau, Dr 0 Other____ qc, I ,sg;ldsp,i- tz.,J1 \Z.V2 pod "1- I live in the following local board area: Organisation: I Weit:WDvfu M'lZ V\.R _ Postcode: _1'Pi'l?~~~~' _ ••• ~1_lf~5~O~C;~g~._1~ tV\.:.Phone(daytime):~r.tJ~_ Mobile: "1 _ _ Date of submission: Signature: 'fyou do not know your local board area, pie se visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) A'{fO\. Ce ,\;:lIe. ~ yJarlCrJ"D Itll/t I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below, Attachments: Yes D No D If you want to make a submission about more than one drah local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Rt8P fOLOH,~f FOlDH,,, Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Locat Board Plans 2011 Loca! Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III _(: SUBMISSION FORM_ I :lA"" (J iOn ~ ~ P~/CJR/l)' SA, ' '/ ' Have your say on your draft loca[ board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies'of the draft loca[ board plans are availab[e at: • public libraries, council service centres and board offices • online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at w\!vw.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay, or return this submission form to public libraries, council seNice centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submiSSion on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft loca[ board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider atl submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Loca! Government Act 2002, all submissions (including persl'nal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you mustinclude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a pubtic hearing? z Ifyo" answered Ye5 signature. Thiswill enab Tit[e: Mr 0 Mrs Full name: _j>~ Postal address: __ Yes 0 No 0 above please provide as much detail aspossible in the form below in your name, postal address or email and us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Miss q Dr 0 [ live in the following [ocal board area: Organisation: Other____ l 'INi;:;_Y~fVPl-l;-l__ r0,0)2><' Z:'S G Email: _. Phone (evenmg):---!t:.2.ZDate of submISSion: __ ~_d. __V'-<-<..j_~ I-J""'I:IAI~IH___________ Postcode: .____ Phone (daytime): ~~._2--7- 2."-~O. __O g,Pf';' Mobile: _ Signature: __ _ 0 __. _ . _ _ - Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visitthe website www.aucklandcou .go Q/localboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre tollfrV(09) 301 0701. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft [ocal board plan, see the notes overleaf) -_. __ .__ ._._---_ _----------------_._-_._------- .. I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca[ board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) ---------------------------_._-----------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca[ board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------_._-------------------------_._._---------------------_._._- --------_._----------_._-------------------------_._-------_.-------------------------_._-_._---------------------_. __ ._-----_._Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan ~~::;;:;suPPort~~~LZ;t ___ rcA.~u.-~_ frll Lj'£'-N" op 1& ~ .__ .n t L~ 5wtl1-<"-'-'-j ~/£ ~ IS L--...li__ .P_~" fC",v-/o( Le/J Ir i d t,;.~UU tL , ~~J(" , t-~~-~--'.__ ,e-JI)"-.o..v- a..-..d l-o. <>_ '~ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If 'JOlJ hav'2"additIonal At,achments: Yes pages or supp0rting 1or.:umt:::nts, plea:;1';;-attach them to y')ur submission 'Jnd select Yf:5 below. D No D If you want to make: ::3submission about morE than one draft local board a) you can cornpl€:te a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space prrJvided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your cumments and send to: SubmISsion - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freeoost AuthOrity Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Locat Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Private Council Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ .' - 5 A~ 20Y9-<.11 ---____ 't'JUYT P.le rl\-IO,f',/rY~ ~. . .,,~ Have your say on your drah local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Cop,es of the drah local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, calt toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt..nzlhavtyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your drah [ocal board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) wilt be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr D Mrs ~ Full name: ~rl Postal address~~ D Dr CL Other____ I live in the following local board area: ~/\,,(3/f Organisation: _ <....J ~e..d:L e,-a-~-o-U------P-o-st-co-d-e-: -O--~o,'--d..----O-- KoPP"0 y' f770..J..,-::;;j fc,J- ~-_ Email: ~e>ef4L-Q Y+;::.c..." Phone(evening):~\.I"2S Date of submission: Phone (daytime): ,,,'7? b,b "\ _ MObile:_£~-5/0 Signature: _~ _ __ ~ ~ _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.auckiandcounciL.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft locai board plan (please provide comments to support your response) S. ~¥ ~~,~- ~~L~~E~~<k' =--.rJ!. do n - ~ ';rth the fol a ,. \\e~ ,. . I~ reposed in the ~ ~-e~~=-0~~ ~~,..-.y-.,.--..----..,,~-------- cal board plan lea . __ ~~ response) ~~a~ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) __ ------------_._-_._-----------------_. ._--------------------------_._------------_._-_. __ ._-------------------------------- 00 YOl) have any other comments on the dr~ft local board plan? ----_._------------~------------_. ----------------------------------------- __ .- ._---- -------------- _. . . NOTES If YO'J h-:'lve additional AttaChments. Yes 0 pages or sUPpcJrting docuiTl~nts. pleas,: -9tt:3ch them to Y')II, submission ~ndselect Yf:S below. No 0 If you want to make a subrnissionabout more than one draft ll)cal board plan: a) you (an complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can filt in on~submission form and attad) your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space pro.lided above (write 'ali' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submi"ion - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III RECEIVE, SUBMISSION FORM_ -, - 5 AUG 2011 !),r ,'. , ~ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your subTiS'SlOn:fopies pf the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auck[and Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auck[and Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 Ju[y 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Loca[ Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes [3"N'0 0 Ifyou answeredyes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name, postal address or email and signature. This willenable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0"Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other___ Full name: fA, 'If'K :7/1;I'\.!w' or-iL ,/It." wc..C~ C!v..h I live in the following local board area: Organisation: ft/ ,-r::;, Postal address: ]'7 ff.,.", ~o,.J. aDI M/;;..Aw',.Jz. i Email: HqCLv...20J C(eN..{\if.NLPhone(daytime):O.lI1-2.>-..I{.i!I.; Phone (evening): (' q U 2- £ ')1 q :lMobile: #/ WJr-1{ i-b", ({ Postea de: 0 c( £i { _ 4. 8. Date of submission: 'Lo I ( Signature: -'-f$'-.-'-1_--'~'-'-"'-'::...,,'~~=-----------_ Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overlean I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca[ board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0/ No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RLBP ~OlOHER!. Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III • Attachment Warkworth Football Club Mark Illingworth - Committee member Members of the Mahurangi Community Sports and Recreation Collective Draft local board plan Priority Five Acquire additianalland for playing fields at Warkworth The fields are already a full capacity and there is very little land left that would be suitable to be brought for sports fields. Implement a programme for the continued improvement of the quality af aur sparts fields. The sports fields at Shoesmith Domain are over used and an upgrade of the fields would allow for more playing time. Complete the Warkworth Shawgraund's develapment including the Atlas site Warkworth Football Club desperately needs more fields to be completed and allocated to them at the Showgrounds. They wish to be part of the multi sports complex and development of the Showgrounds. Additional Comments The Foot ball club would like to see the bottom part of Shoesmith Domain filled to the same level as the top playing field this would add another full size field. When the current fields are at capacity it is difficult to further the sport. • . - 5 AUG 2011 '. SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes ~NO 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. E1 Mrs 0 Miss D. Dr 0 Other Title: Mr Full name: M. lArk Postal address: q 7 J Email: to{' <'-.... Phone (evening): Date of submission: J ff, ~ WOo "K "'./ r It.. I live in the following local board area: Organisation: go.'.J MI W~Y!t....;~ I e,y . /of< I. IJ Z Phone (daytime): 1 I..r 'L ,- "/ { S' ft Mobile: 8. 2 C I \ Signature: t1 .7'(2~ (i\.OI"V?$L'~ " 2.. (1 wJcrff... 0 _ Postcode: 01 9{ . (j (- _ 4 Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website 'Find Your Ward and LocalBoard' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. the YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? - NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0" No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fillin one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Rl9P fOlOH!R! FOLD HlH FreepoSI Authority Number 237602 Freee Submission - local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III Attachment Mark Illingworth Draft local board plan Priority Five Acquire additional land for playing fields at Warkwarth Some fields are already a full capacity and there is very little land left that would be suitable to be brought for sports fields. When asked to look 30 years out for future needs the land needs to be purchased now BEFORETHERE IS NONE lEFT. Implement a programme for the continued improvement of the quality of our sports fields. The sports fields are over used and an upgrade of the fields would allow for more playing time. Complete the Work worth Showgrounds development including the Atlas site All sports need to be allocated space at the showgrounds along with a multi sports complex, including swimming pool this will end up being the hub of the local community for all ages. Warkworth is and will always be the central location for the surrounding areas. Prepare a sport and recreation strategy I do not want to see all the money used up in consultants and have no physical work done. $6, 690, 000 seems a huge amount of money. Additional Comments The collective should be consulted on local sports matters and listened to. I would like to see the bottom part of Shoesmith Domain filled to the same level as the top playing field. It is a lot easier to see all the children on the same level and makes it an even more useable area. The only way to keep children out of trouble is to keep them occupied and in courage them with a variety of sports but we are unable to do this without adequate facility. _ r ••. _ __ SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission, Cof..iesof the draft local board plans are available at: \..--• public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes Q(NO D Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak atthe hearing. r:1 Title: Mr Mrs D Miss D Dr D Other___ Full name: M.(l('k 'It.-L':£1V5"';c'lZ -rH Postal address: 97 7h. OM,,,, j,o;.. /Z.,;# tZD I Email: ~.iJ.f.fJ 7... Phone (evening): C 9 Y I. 'L'il 9? -f".j<Co...-z.g.\: Date of submission: &. ..(••• f:i . toll ft/o.r-A I live in the following local board area: Organisation: #1'/ II-tt...le IIC 7 Wcyh <# c:rR Postcode: Phone (daytime): 0 q L,i 2[I J Mobile: r q( Signature: !h ,~:;;;;J? LJ o,r-/I.-. C ifAt? ('> '1 [; ( _ Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Ido not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES if you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes g' No 0 Ifyou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a} you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RLB~ ,OlD HER! FOlDl1,Rf Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III • Attachment Warkworth Athletics Club Mark Illingworth - committee member Members of the Mahurangi Community Sports and Recreation Collective •.... - Draft local board plan Priority Five Acquire additional land for playing fields at Warkworth The fields are already a full capacity and there is very little land left that would be suitable to be brought for sports fields. Implement a programme for the continued improvement of the quality of our sports fields. The sports fields are over used and an upgrade of the fields would allow for more playing time. Complete the Warkworth Showgrounds development including the Atlas site All sports need to be allocated space at the showgrounds along with a multi sports complex, including swimming pool this will end up being the hub of the local community for all ages. Warkworth is and will always be the central location for the surrounding areas. Additional Comments Warkworth Athletics wants to stay on Shoesmith Domain. The Athletics track is marked for all to use. The Primary School use the athletics track everyday in season as it is right in front of the School and when gear is needed the Athletics club is happy to shear. The High School has the same arrangement. This works well for all concerned. I would like to see the bottom part of Shoesmith Domain filled to the same level as the top playing field. It is a lot easier to see all the children on the same level and makes more useable area. • SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board Pla:::l:::l local board plans are available at: ;;'~h~ 1::i.n b5?re making your submission. Copies of the draft • public libraries, (ounci! service centres and local board offices A tiJ • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. A ,. V - C I -o~ 5 AUG 2011 . V1~ Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. AUCKLAND rev r,,-u", •• submission form to public ......i SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. AllCktand Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the l.ocal Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (induding personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No Ifyou anSWeredye, above, please provide signature. This will enable us to arrange 0 a' much detail as possible in the form helow in addition to your name, postal address or email and a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other I live in the following local board area: FuH name: Organisation: --.d:u, 6 ? .~ . Postal addres~:_1-£S_&<NCe.-Email: Phone (evening): ~~_- _ ;g"-:;3- _ Postcode: Phone (daytime): G.1,'lb05.2,O z. Date of submission: f?o~~ _ _ _ Mobile: Signature: If (;c -----_- _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website WM' and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft (ocal board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, seE' the notes overleaf) I ag":,e with the following priom,es propose,! In the driJIt local board plan )please prOVidec~mments to jUPP9rJ your response) __ hLe- l7ec.d ~L6f~ln-~, _--_(!OQrr (} ;:rei ,," c I-....: (oIeLl-Bd" II,. h'r CIv.l..dLe..o q',1.d..-_q.a0-1 h /0 Ib.£ __6LS£s._i S r>" ~ t h,~ be ~,... ..e ( <;, c. < h, 1(c<U'~ _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------------------------------------------- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments: Yes D pages or supporting documents. pteasE-attach them to your submission and select Yes betow. No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft tocal board plan: aj you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fiU in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 201 1, Local Board Services, freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 '< •• 1, lil~' Ffeepost Authonty Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Aucktand Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ f/I'(,/{)K:, /7'-j "S" Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making y6ur submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at VlflNw.aucklandcoundLgovLnz/haveyoursay J "C.- L. •••• • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or re rn~I~g-~~gO?1 feriT"t:oipUbliC SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt tocal board plan. Auckland Counci( wilt accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday S July 2011 and Monday S August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, S August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Soards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must includeyour full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing' Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs.n<' Miss [J.., D~O full name: L(~q Other /?..,-,/,.," ' I live in the following local board area: 'YC\.\k~ ._====~-=.'~~-=-~ Organisation: __ ~_~ __ Postal address:_~--s~ocL~~=Email: Phone (daytime): Phone (evening) Mobile_ ~k~...l.S Signature: ~<2....A~-,- Postcode: 1."omp('~-.; 09" 4: ?:, (S":"'B3_b Date of submission: _:zL.=-.'ir - 4----- _ ~__' _ 0 q'1,_CL~__ . . _ ¥a'S -------- Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to mare a submission on more than one draft local board ptan, see the notes overleaf) J\ r I agree :ith the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response)_ 'R\o.~1!\...9_~:fQc..~\\~~ ffi3h\~~~0<J~.e:. od~'H{~.e... ~{ A\:;~ ~C\8-0~~ C\Q ~(\ ~ C~qfuVl~ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----------------------------------_._------------------_._- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ----. Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES It you have additional pages or supporting documents, Attachments: Yes 0 please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft (ocal board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form. list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans). then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011. local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 '':>,[,1'<'<, Freepost AuthOrity Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III a{) -:j3cJj'730 SUBMISSION FORM_ S f'R/OfZI1V Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • pubUc libraries, council service centres and local board offices ECE'V • online at - 5 AUG 2011 . • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 3010101. 'AU~KlAND Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. -. I . r.n. ,.._... torm to -publIC "'SUDml~lon or re 1 SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland CouncH witt accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This wiIJ enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. rvl Title: Mr 0 J::jrs Full name: -.12£1. Postal address:13_t Email: _l2-Y0\2.l? ~iS~ Ii Dr ~.,.qth~r _j--__ !::tV C\ I Ii bi0V c::,•. ~cl~v~ .-f V pclOi i~~/<-1{Q' (v'n? Phone (tvening):-G.'lLt 2.C; Itb...5.&._____ Date of submission: ---3==-3:-=-1-(----- I live in the following local board area: Organisation: ---~------------'---P-os-tc-o-d-e:- /?(';;O/0f!j _-_-_-_.-_-.-_--=- Phone (daytime)"'_'_MObile:~_&c1~_n Signature: _ A ~_J~~ _ ~ CJLl""'_~ '-__ -____ - Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to ma~e a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) f agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ~ ~ lit--i7W~~--~~~Q.-t -1l1A-~~I""5 _~C72cr-USq~-e. tTha:tHl("L $7- CcJ\tv\1M. ~. J- ------ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES II you have additional Attachments: Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one:draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland' 142 Freepost Authoflty Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III E SUBMISSION FORM_ ED , . - 5 AUG 2011 pR 1"1'-1 5 1o"., AUC~'{p~~~OIJNCll' Have your sayan your draft local board plan_ Please read the draft plan before making your submission_ jlies-of-the-<iraf1; [ocal board plans are availab[e at: • public libraries, council servicE':' centres and local board offices • online at I/II'Nw.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auck[and Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101_ Please complete your submission online at www.auck! or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt tocal board plan. Auckland CouncH will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011_ Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared_ At a later date the Local Boards wil[ hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form 'j?'ntact (post oremail)_ Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No ~ Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name, postal address or email and , signature_ This will enable us~o an ge a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing_ - Tit[e: Mr 0 ~rf Full name: Postaladdress: 0 Miss ,,"O~"',='"",,' .~, _ /0d~ . Dr 0 Other , ,,~ '" ili. Organisati'l": _tfE1Lti-_flLyu -21--.J3-N\~(;f Email: L.t:kvy_,__ l,~~£b aim etA -,-:ce;-,;:..... Phone (evening):______________ Date of submission: ~IJ~_-_-:g~_.-e.---(2..,Q;-.-l;Postcode: Phone (daytime):_______ Mobi[e:_ K - '8 - '1_______ _ . qTC5 _ _ 0 2 ffjJL'lf)-_"€_~:s~ _ Signature: ~~_---.-------------- Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcounciLgovt_nz/localboardsandusethe 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the fOll0 ~~ priorities ing pro~osed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to sUE art your response) OvMdJ2#=-tRJ;.\-h-O 1 '\__~tW??1 16~ oz:i2j ~ 0::1.-'0 I '\I\. /Iv :J' mM ~'<2 -\V\@~__ '11 -e @ tld J.~J 11:hiLi __J/)C ~ ~f!f [do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca[ board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ---------------------------------------_._-------------------------- _._---------------------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft [ocal board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) ------ --- --- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? -------~----_._-------------------------~--~---~--------NOTES If you have additional Attachments' Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. No pleasE' attach them to your submission and select Yes below. 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate lonm for each plan, or b) you can fiUin one submission lonm and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III (20 -q32 / ~ ., -to _ '752- :?<.>b;'Y'\I:;$,a~- L.oc~ ]!x:a"df1"....• s ,QCI/ - "'.•.-~-=. ,. SUBMISSIONfORM~ -~ hOC~ '*. '._=«~'~'--'0:'-;;;:;;;<1~;~I';f:d ~':::::) ;:"F;' ... 1 1" 7 B=,rd CO~II RI, . " ~=-o pucKI Cl"",) 0 Pnu,?,1e. B~ q;;J.30 ,4uGK <.-IG1'IP 1/4-:;;!- # ''/'.' Have your say on your draft. local board plan-Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Co ies of the draft f 1-'\~ local board plans are available at public libraries. council service centres and local board offices c". • . . dda d 'L vt.nzIh ;::> vv.';\/"'. ""', "" C\ A Uo. 20' ~ onhne at n counci go "veyoursay ....-J . ~;f . r ••••• .; Auckland Coundl customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. . 'AUCKLANn rA". 11 O toP Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandCOUndLgovt.nzlhaVeYOursay.orretumthIsSubmissionJ f1Tl UbliC.1I libraries, coundl service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. .• " ~ Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002. all submissions (including persona.l details of submitters .,. names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. . YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must indude your full name rogetherwith at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please much derail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name. postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. E1Miss 0 Dr 0 Other____ Full name: :So rn~SO'" \£A f y"[ct c.& Postal addr~: ~s. Title: Mr 0 Mrs Q BI",h ••••• 1?S'cQ1~~::'¥' \{'CO. Email Phone (evening): 0 l\: L ..:S LP [live in the following local board area: Organisation: . $£0 rei . Postcode: 50 C.On'hone (daytime): 02 l ?Q l Mobile:.__ ~C9O--'2=-,l_"1:",--",-L~1 ""I...•T_So..D k\\ 't _ Date of submission: . " . Signature: ~~'S;'CJ'" Ifyou do not know your I Iboard area. please visit'the website VfflW.aucklandcoUndl.goVlJitOGJ1lX,.rds and use tJie 'Find Your Ward andlncal Board'tool. orconractAucklandCoundl'scustomercentretollfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on m()re than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following prioritieS proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) .. T 1do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (piease provide comments'to support your respo~e) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan [please provide comments to support your response)' . . - /. / I 4 7. Rebll""', 7.1 The ."'lement required pursuant 10 the Act in relation to rebales, discounts end •.••• ='::.- • B. B.1 I . B.1.1 The Agent is entilled to receive a depcsij en the Clienrs beha~; ~ B.1.2 I /,. from the The Agent is entrtJed to deduct its commission and expenses depoSij: and mo~\ ~ ttl deposij is not received by the Agent, the Client will immediately pay the !'sent the commission and expenses 85 set Qut in an invoice submitted 10the Client. I Confidentiality 9.1 10. 0 • ~ The Client agrees: B.1.3 9. 'i...~..~·~"'.-·~~·". discounts Bnd commJulon. The CHent shall not disdose or permit to be disdosed to any third pa any information contained in this agreement that is not already in the public domain 'Other than in accordance with this agency agreement. This dause shall appl after termination or expiry of this agreement. Client Acknowle 10.1 gements I The Client cknowledges that it has: 10.1.1 I . Legal, Technical and Other Advice: had a reasonable opport mty to seek legal. technical and other advia\ or infonmation and that ij has either Obtained that advice or information has decided not to do so Offlts own or jCCOrd; 11. 10.1.2 ~proved Guide: been given a ,ropy of the Approved Guide relating to agency agreements published by the Real Estate Agents Authority; 10.1.3 Complaints and Dispute Resolution: been made aware of the gent's in-house complaints and displiie resolution procedures. The Client has elso been advised that ij may/acoe •• the Real Estate Agents Au\hority's complaints process and sdditipnsl information at www.ress.govt.nzwithout first using the irrhouse procedures and that any use of the i house prpcedures does not precliide tha Client making a complaint to tha Authority. I I Tennination 11.1 12. / EMer party ("notifying party") ma lenninate this agreement immediately by notice to the other ("the cefaulting party"1~ the defauUing party is in breach of this agreament and has failed to remedy the/breach (ff it is capabia of being remedied) wMin 5 wor1<ingdays of being notified by the notifying party to do so. Tenmination is without prejudice to the right otttiEl Agent to retain and obtain sny commissions, rebates, discounts and other paymants or benefits due undar this agreement, an of which (ff quantifiable at the time) shan becoma dua and payable on tenmination even though the due dale may not heve anived. Notice. 12.1 This agreement and any notice. undar ij may be given by hand or by fax or email to the numbers set out in the Schedule or the Property Description Sheet If there is SUBMISSION FORM_ H(:lV~your say on your draft local board plan. PIE3S€read thE draft plarl before making your submission local bO'3rd plans ar~ available at • pubUc Iibrarif:S, council service centres and IrJcal b0ard offices " online at www.;:;tJcklandc0ur,cil.govt.m:lhavejoursdj • Auc~land Council custorner !-'')pies f.lf the dr03ft centre. call taU free (e.9) 30; 0101. Please cornplete your submission oniinE: at W'Nw.aucklandcoundLgovtmJhaveyoursay, libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envetopE: provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to make your Sl)bmission on your dratt local board plan. Auckl'3nd CouncH WIll a(cept submission::. on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 20' 1. Submissions dose at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions dos€:. a summary of the submissions wiH b~ prepared. At a later date the local Boards witt hold hearings to consider ~\l submissions. Please note that in F.lccordance with the Local Governrnent Act 200.2, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be rnade public If you have any queries about the draft local boord plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS For your submission to be valid, you must include your full name together Do you wish to speok in support of your submission with at least one form of contact (post oremail). at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a 5uitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. [,tle: Mr 0 Full narne. Mrs ~i~S 0 Dr 0 Other I live in the following _.KerS'liJ:L ~sk__ Postal address. __ 3s:sl---=-~:: Phone (ev;nin;)~:Qf~~ Date of subrnission: __ g:-~_I-/.._____ _ . .:2L2_G.@/I-;y._~ Email: _f~ local board area: Organisation' .___ _ Postcode: _ Phone (daytime) 0_Q Mobile: Signature: _ __ ~----- k::-.:LLlk.5&-------------- If you do not knowyour local board area. please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council', customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION iv1y submission is about the foltowing draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft tocal board plan, c:.e'2 the notes overleaf) ---------------------_._------------_._---------_._-------------_._~.I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (pleasE provide comments to support your response) _~_U?~~~h~.J.~:L-~~eL~--iR---~.Ile..--Ol-S.~I~~~---P9P-L/-.----.-p.U?.p-e-> ~c..,,~.kC <;, ~_~_(X t~_~--.-----.------------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed _. in the draft local board plan (please provide comments __ ._--_._-- --_._------------------- to support your response) --- -----------_.--------_._._-- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan [please pro'/ide comments to support your response) -------------------------------_._._--------------------------------------------------------_._-_._-_. __ ._-------------------- Do you have any other cornrn<::nts on the (fraft local board plan? ----------~--------- ---------------_._-- -----_._------------~-_. --- ---------------------------------------------------NOTES If je,lj n.:J"e additIonal Att'lchrc,ent, I.s f:JagesI')f supporting [J No ljocumE:nts plEaSE:attach th~m to your submission 3f10 select 'f~s below, 0 It j()u want to mi3k.e a subrnlssi'Jn abuut more than on~ (lraft local board pli?n' a) you can r..:ornplet€ a separat€: frJrm for each pli1n, S-f b) you can fill in one submissIon form and attach your comm~nts. For b' comptetE thE: contact details on this submission form, list whith draft tocal board plans you wish to (omrnent on in the spate pHJvided ~bOVE(write 'all' if your comment.s apply to aU draft tocal brJard plans), then anach your comm~nts and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board S~r"ices, Freepost 23i'802 ~lJcrland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 '"I .• '> Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ P R- }O R: ) '1"-1 S- l Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the dra t plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices ~ A (j)u ft • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (u9) 301 0101. ECE,V L .'> - 5 AUG 2011 . • ~ . AUCKLAND en' "!~" or retiJro this submlss\<;m.form to public Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council wiH accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. if you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signarure. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0'" Mrs 0 Full name: 'f2M Miss 0 DrD Other COo {'.6 Postal address:j_b-----.1J::i-<;~......r Email: __ flo ;:>~ Phone (eveningL~£l9J.d Date of submission: • Organisation: C'~ 'ii i . t:r. :l'<.J . _____L__ ~ ~ _ Postcode: _ _ _ Phone (daytime' S (J'1 Z; "6 -S. - tf - Rcc;/,'=S.q I live in the following local board area: If Mobile:_ Signature: Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt. Iboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer cefltre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----------------------------_._--~-- ._--------------------- ----------------------_._._----------------------------------------------------------_._-_._---_._----------------------- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -------------------------------- --- -- ---- ~-~-----~--------------- Do you hav€' any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments: Yes 0 pages or supporting documents, please -3ttach them to your submission and select Yf:5 below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board p',an: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submi5sion form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthonty Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ pI'<. lOR. V['-.!) S; Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft pl/n before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, (ouncil service centres and local board offices • online at A (jJu)'Q • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, counci( service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. EC IVE - 5 AU . 2011 . (12."" or return ;his\ldbtn.\~~~ f<frJ1ttopubtiC .J SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your drattlocal board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. P(ease note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, alt submissions (induding personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No GI"'" Ifyou anSwered ye, above, plea,e provide as much detail as possible in the form below inaddition to your name, pmtal address or email and ,ignature. Thi, will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to 'peak at the hearing. Title: Mr ~ full name: Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other_~__ -'S.62/f9-r-J Postal address: Email: q -r-::6}R0 lZLl... r-;-A-f2AJ&.....&~ .______________ Rod,-_' ._ I live in the following local board area: Organisation: Be.. rl oS ,J£L.LS Phone (daytime): Postcode: . . _ _ .. _-_ J' (j7?--------~ ~ Ifyou do not know your local board area, plea,e vi,it the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's clI,tomer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. Phone (evening):-'~~5::9'7~---Date of submission: "8 - Z' - --.LI-_ MS'lgOnbailteu:-re', 6. ~ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ,A.ITV CrI-- J1L---?f'-L,,---;)-6-])-'-----P--lQ-C--, -L'17 '7' I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -_._-----_._-------------------_._------------_._-_._--------------------------------------------_._------------------------_ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) .. Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments. Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes betow. No 0 If jrJu want to make a submission about more than one draft local br.lard plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' il your comments apply to aU dralliocal board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 ""[.M'"' FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ I/{PUI:i PK: ) o «",V{\J '""~'ocmw", Cd""; S "",r, 0-11 I Have your say on your draft local board plan_ Please read the draft plan before mJing your submission_ Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101_ Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovLnz/haveyours-ay, or return this submission form to public libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your drat! local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011_ Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011_ Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please caU (09) 301 0101_ YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail)_ Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing' Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to affange Title: MrO MrsO Full name:~~~ Postal address:~-,t~ Email:-:t<.1d-01~il5 Miss~rO time and location for you to speak Other at the hearing. Rocl~ I live in the foUowing local board area: :Oi'4~~~~-l)g1____,--,-,h------------'-J--Q~LZ_O __ O!j ft.i='2& '6''1 ~ _ Organisation: Post' ~ Phone (evening): Date of submission: a suitable 'if - . (=. (\l. Phone (daytime): ?r ~/-J-.---- Mobile:_ ~~ . Signature: _~ _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www_aucklandcounci'-govt_nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0701. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft !ocal board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft (ocal board plan, see the notes overleaf) 1 agree with the following priorities proposed in the draftloca! board p!an (please provide comments to support your response) ~--¥k¥-ttlJ-Js~~~*~~--~~~~ ~V:~ ~~~2 \. --- I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draftloca! board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._-------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft tocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -------------------------------------------------------- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments If you want Yes 0 pages or supporting No documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. 0 to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form. list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number your comments 237802 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 and send to: III SUBMISSION FORM_ ... -ECE'Vt-l i4tl?rn- ~ PR / 0 « 1--1v) 5 AUG 2DiI .' , rrw.~ . AUCKlAN the orahl Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan bjll'ore'm'aking your submi,,~es_of local board plans are available at: • public libraries. council service centres • online at .J and (ocal board offices • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.auck! libraries, councH service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local 80ards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft loca[ board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Tit[e: Mr 0 Mrs @"Miss 0 Dr 0 Other____ I live in the following loca[ board area: Full name: _t1'<z-'!£:~"""'''q Postal address1~-",--""-V.--!:'=_'i..Q<:L_2~~JlL-~..L~_____ Organisation: Postcode: J:L'L"LQ..c I Email: _ke..,,-,","'-~ f Of Q d oJ e-"....""-d~I\)_~Phone (daytime): Phone (evening): 09 4:k-'i'('C CfL____ Mobile: _o~~~_q~~/ . _ _ Date of submission: ----S' 'S" =..1L Signature: ••••••••• 3-kf-e:u. "'""'.if-' Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcoun,jl.govt.nzMcalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Counci!"scustomer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ------------_._._---------_._-------------------------_._---I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) -r\..,a,..f ....~-S:-...1__'___~--Ar_ .••. _o_. ._ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft [ocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------_._-------------- ----- ---- ._----- --------------------- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft tocal board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents. Attachments: Yes 0 please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 Ifyou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contad details on this submission form, list which draft (ocal board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private 8ag 92300, Auckland 1142 r", .f', Freepost Authonty Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ " _. -. ; p f(. lOiZ I 'I'j - 5 AUG 2CiI . I '). ! 5" 'AUCKIAND Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your subm •• local board plans are available at: • '-'r • the draft - public libraries, council service centres and local board offices A Q U rt • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay CQ.v,1>-e • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at \\f\rVW.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay, libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council Willaccept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid. you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves 0 No 13" Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other Full name:~' Postal address:_.-li_l Email: f!1S: __ !;()( r:fJ..i.f:L__~~~ qYla Organisation: ~_._ MM.StLaiL-!:Z.b 13 _ Postcode: _ Phone (daytime):_/ Phone (evening):_____________ Date of submission: I live in the following local board area: :'8 -"8. --lj.____ _ Mobile:_.Q2I-..2.bl2fL'i'-_:s_~ Signature: __ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ if you do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboardsandusethe 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's clistomer centre toll free (09) 301 010 1. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._-_._-----------------------_._--------------_._---------------------------------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------------------_._----------_._----------_.- ----- - -- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? ------------------_._._----------_._------------------._-NOTES If you have additional Attachments: Yes 0 pages or supporting No documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckiand Council. Private 8ag 92300, Auckiand 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III ~ECEIVE SUBMISSION FORM_ ~;:?/ CJ/fI 'iY . - 5 AUG 2011 . AUCKLAND COUNC" Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making ,:/ollrslIbmission:Cop,es of t~e draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. I::J-cp u n- ~ -2 ~ -ec.•......... fV~ Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full na",e together with at least one form of eon tact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyourname, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title:MrO MrsO MissO full name:' ,.(~t\ l ~ tv Postal addrJ;! 7 M 4b Email: Phone (evening): Date of submission: DrO Other _ fq -(y bv t vv . eM-- J/...(A./ kQIiOf ;(od~ I live in the following local board area: Organisation: _ Posteode: Phone (daytime): Mobile: O;L/I Signature: o ;)/! berT-V °9[&16 _ b Ifyou do not know your local oard area, please visit the website 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 010 1, _ the YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide eomments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes D No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP fOLDH!~f fOLD HfRE Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III 01 . ~/V 5 . - AUG 2011 .' SUBMISSION FORM_ PR JaR. 1-]'-1 5 _Aucfl~NDcn,: ,~.,' Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the d~ft plan before making your subl'tll",ioR.Cop,es of the draft local board plans are available at: ---..: • public libraries, council service centres and (ocal board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 3010101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.m./haveyoursay, or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government (induding Act 2002, aU submissions personal details of submitters - names and addre;ses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs Full name: Pu _H2.L Mi ~Dr b Postal pddrFss: -- Email:~\4D_ Phone (evening 0 Q Il' .(0. O~\2.Q Date of submission: -1 Other I live in the following local board area: Organisation: C (--"'-:;.--S-_-I1Y-_~jls __ viz $Ui Ch------- Phone (daytime): S-S\J~ - '3----, _I-l____ Mobile:_.o Postcode: 20 OJ. ~'2..91:)YO':::' 5 12.3_. . Signature: _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0701. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to mare a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) reewith the follo~,~ pnorilles proposed In the dr~ft local board plan (plea~e provide u\'nments !--~~~J-42-iQ(2k. _ 1£ CO 5 \\QlnJ~ \n S(1Q.US 5;gCtch -toa 0,0 to suppor (}.n lJ<;- ~E:£1L_::THL$~_J _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ----------_. __ ._--------------- ------------------------ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------_._---------_._---------.-----------_._------- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you h;:lve additional Attachments' Yes D pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No D 1f you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 II, , H~I '.:;>.",,"" Freepost AuthOrity Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III ~ECEIVCL SUBMISSION FORM_ ..~f2D:::J4) . - 5 AUG 2011 . .AUCK~.:t?,~gV,N:-~lOR /-7 I Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please rea local board plans are available at: I ~4/ Y ~ he d, ~t plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs ~MiSS Full name: --1\, Postal address: Email: .A\~_ 0 qr 0 Other_ Vo.-v<;; Wl.W.bC3\ (/\ Phone (evening): . -Rcd""J I live in the following local board area: Organisation: ----------------- 6oa...\\o=t2 e Q,(b Postcode: Phone (daytime): I ( 4/ 7/ Mobile: Q a \\ 5 098\ Co _ S?J '3 \ ¥? Date of submission: S Signature: Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's custo tre toll free (09) 301 0107. ':/' YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with theJoliowing priorities pro osed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --:::1- Q.. I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes D No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237B02 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 fOlOHER!: 'OIO"'IR( Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission -local local Board Services Auckland CouncH Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III " ~ ;::7 E SUBMISSION FORM_ - 5 AUG 2G;1 "/ fRJOR.lf'-l 5" AUC~IANl?C0'INC . Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the daft plan before making your submission. Lopi~s oi the.draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncjl.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. AQuA Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board ptan. Auckland Council wilt accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou anSwered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. / Title: MrD Full name: Mrs 0 Miss.~rD Other____ C1'u'-L'f..-f:JJ1.{;L-'-p* Postal address: J....q !:;:au~Cres~ I live in the following [ocal board area: Organisation: '.. ;::(bclry . _ _ Email (j:\J.i@lliL.-~~.UL~moj.,\. CDv!l._ Phone (evening): __ t'._t' ~ Date of submission: ----S. - S - It Signature: __ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website WMV.aucklanoun il.govt,nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer cef/tre toll free (09) 307 0107. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft loca[ board plan (if you want to mare a submission on more than one draft loca[ board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to sup[?ort your response) ./J1-14--fJJf:1!..£L~~tRi:t£~k gul..fflfa~ c;a'{/eI~'b:1ed. c::-x t" '" -J..-•••.__-+-I.' .' ~ --L.. . .-I.. U)_LM4.(lU-!:-L~,-_-_-.-------------"",_~ 'iff __ 1JL.,. ~ ~ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft [ocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._------------------------------------- ---------- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (p[ease provide comments to support your response) If/.? v<.Met..Jtdo Jl.-------.------.------- -------- 00 you have any other comments on the draft tocal board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments: If you want Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. pleasE' attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 to make a submission about more than one draft local board a) you can complete a separate fomn for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, Ust which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 'C;>',,"".; Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board SeIVices Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III C :D , - 5 AUG 2011 SUBMISSION FORM_ jf{J)C/4 ~UCKLAND Pf<. lotZl---rj 's COUNCIL' WI', \) '.f I 1 Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft loca! board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared, At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002, all submissions (including persona! details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No if Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr D Mrs ~MiSS fC~ ~ Full name: D Dr D Other____ f'J ()r-S1-1 Postal address: 3."d'l <n.{) Email: -W"'G,L..Q Phone (evening): Y'¥<. ~c,;': I live in the following local board area: Organisation: . w..J.)Q<. <.rL,q f2 . -:>. 16),. ~<I( "",,111-\ _~_~~~1~< _ ._.'0 . Postcode: . I¥~ Signature: _ . Phone (daytime):\~_~'+.~"'=\-*~--~-.-.-Mobile: oS> '1 'L? '" \ 'Z <.0__ , 1,---.---- Date of submission: ';-- .__ _ __ . c--> "-C. ~",c....... _ Ifyou do not know your {ocal ard rea, please visit the website o/WW.aucklandc;~\ and use the 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre tal/ free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draftloca! poard plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one dr~lJlocal board ptan, see the notes oven.eaf) J ••• .-. . \ I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) p~,", ~}M C. QQ.,.-J ~\..f.'I I-\<---Q ,;-y, 01..~ ~1C.H_l _ IG ;r o'S l-I r-<I.:ki2 1.'\.) he - ~AJ ,,"'"' •' A \f\:L--1 l "V\ j7uVLT ~ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments: Ves 0 pages or supporting No documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes betow. 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ PRI Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submi si~. (;,~ local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices A (j5 G' • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. AUCKLAND COUNCIL W,\RKWORT -f ,;--, I'-f' Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. 0 Title: Mr Full name: Mrs ~MiSS Postal address: 0 ~ \11 ~, Other I live in the following local board area: I~~ Ii F:;;o.M:'f~ Organisation: __ i!..d S"".d.L Kc=I:--~ --+Q.+- o~-;~';/.; i5 M d~ Postcode: Email'. Phone (daytime): 51 5 Phone (evening): Mobile: ~~'-'O"<''-+-~I---_-_-_-Date of submission: /1 Signature: --+,/i'-'"U"-'~l'""""_<L.<.j!="__ Ifyou do not knowyour loci board area, please VISitthe webSitewww.aucklandcounClI.govt nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board'tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre tollfree (09) 301 0101. 1 z:[/ g;Z I _ _ -_--_ _ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in t draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes D No C If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans). then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RLBP 100D "tRf Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 201 1 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ 1?,:z)OO 1 I I, l/i'"'-j I I -5 AUCKlAND COUNCIL WARKWORT" Have your sayan your draft local board plan_ Please read the draft plan before making your submission_ Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer AOUA centre, call toll free (09) 3010101_ Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submisSion on your drat! local board plan_ Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011_ Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101_ YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremai/)_ Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou an5wered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing_ Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 11:2'Dr 0 I live in the following Other full nameYOMXL-.l~~W l\ Orr-nisation: Postcode: -0~~~.Q\.\~l3~~~ -O~--- Phone (daytime):~~~~'\~b~6~1-~ Phone (evening):______________ Date of submission: 6 ---------J------- ---- Postal addreS5:_.!1:-.k~d..+r_\.,j<2.\\s~---------__ Email: K d/\.l,l local board area: Mobile:__ ---<'i - g- - II Signature: _ _ _ _~~ _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcounci/.govt_nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101_ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, the notes overleaf) --------_._-------------------------------------------------~ree X:2 with the following '=£e-0- priorities ~ proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments ¥ ~~--- ~ to support your response) -------------------------------_._---------------------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------_._--------------------------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft [ocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------------------------------------------------- Do you have any other comments on the draft tocal board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments' Yes 0 pages or supporting No documents, please attach them {O your submission and setect Yes below. 0 If you want to make a submission about more than on~draft local board plan" a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Free~ Submission local -local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III SUBMISSION FORM_ PR lOR A 'CKlANO COUNC" '---t'- ",,,.\C,". 01' Have your sayan your drah local board plan. Please read the draft plan befolaki~r local board plans are available at: submission. Copies of the drah • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices ~'tee • online at • Auckland CounCIlcustomer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. /' I Please comptete your submIssIOn online at www.aucklandcounCllgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. • Cz... ~ I~ or return thIs submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council wlH accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Loca! Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enab us to arrange a su;(able time and location for you to speak at the hearing. I live in the following local board area: -fl-Od--'7--,------ Organisation: _ Postcode: _ _ Phone (dayti Mobile:_ vt.nzllocalboards and use the free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (i}l0u want ,to make a sUbmissio: on m:r.r thboneott _l~\.l\<£lL-k,Jdp_~~~ cr; local boar.d plan, see the notes ove.rl~af) () -~\fC> ~ (l.P \ ~l ~\ht~-tewLt~---- I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate lonm for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 201 1, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III f2D -=14 -::;-1141SUBMISSION FORM_ AUCKLAND COUNCIL \\ \P~ Pr\ lofCl ~y '5 j Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submisSion on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswi/! enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Jr-p:; 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other Full name: -f--L~~{!V/~ Postal address:_~LD.D-';_.VUa Email: Phone (evening): Date of submission: q:;./ ffiL fatQ.uQ._.___ ._____ 5< - I live in the following local board area: Organisation: Phone (daytime): jJ.____ 07f MObile:_7A7I~--;:-;Signature:Y~_~f- Q___ a~ ' Q o.,3.if= . _ Postcode: z.19..'i9_(~ __ ~ . _ _ 'fyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submISsion is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) raft 10c')lbo.ard plan (plea.:nprovide COMments to s~7rt your response) (Cl' _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments- Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact detaiis on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ 5 --r () C I' r \ I 0 fC'; 'I "/ ~ ' AUCKLAND ,O!)NCIL \., , • , Have your sayan your draft local board plan, Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices 1I0uA • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Pleasecomplete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011, Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101, YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No D Ifyou anSWeredyes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr D Mrs D Miss B Dr D Other____ kod/lLr.{ I live in the following local board area: _J::b,(\i~~k-_____ Organisation: Postal address: 15 &.-J.<:Q,co~~'5_+_.___________________ Full name: @ ~o..\ Email: ~--5grl \. Co.YY' S lj7 Phone (evening):_~-a1P~C V . _ . __ p<-'" 7J7n------;'5 ~ __._____________ Mobile: -~I-f------ Date of submission: Postcode: Phone (daytime): I Signature: Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Counci/'s customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101, YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I lA/CA-. -I 1Jd-;:.i'\A __-l.-L<:"'~_. _v 1 ~ (d _Jg~e ( ch> . cv,~ SeN' ,0 ~ /0 ,fIc:Jt'~ S(b...<=1s. .. c" d . . _ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft local board plan Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission fonm and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission fonm, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to aU draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Freee Submission -Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Auckland Bag 92300. 1142 III , I2D _'74Q/ '::/40; 10 _ Loc~ Boa.-d .f!"",s ~. , ~:~I ~5d~o~7'-'1<=O ,~""".,.~=.~,_,._,."""_.,,,,<~,. ""-,,,_, SUBMISj310NFORM=- ~ '--"~""";ii'PR'I;~-l:r" " 7 ,:?L>biY115S1d~- 6 *,",j../ QCiI Pnv7"'k. Bc,~ q;;J.~OO ;4UyKvlG-f'lP, .I'l<-:il-._ Have your say on your draft local board plan-Please read the draft plan before makrng your submlsslo~. Cop'''' ofl/le-dra local board plans are available at /, 1M "" I public libraries, council service centres and local board offices' , online at<;:_ . Auckland Council customer centre. Calltoll free (09) 301 0101. . , - E0 5 AUG 20" J. I ' _~!..A,Den; J •••• Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. or retum this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepOst envelope provided. Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aUsubmissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aUsubmissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addreSses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you mU5t indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or ernaH). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ityou answered yes above, please provide,as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, posml address oremail and signature. This will enable U5to a/Tange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. . TItle: Mr 0 Mrs Q-1'1iss L CIt Full name: Postal address: Email: 01"-01 C, S "... 0 Dr 0 OOer Y15Iy (Jvr e'?3 of ,'7') ~.." I?cd~__ I live in the following local board area: _ Organisation: Postcode: Q et 8 I I. '1...0,'1 ~ Phone (daytime): (I 1. .5 0 q 5 7 Mobile: ' Phone (evening): Date of submission: I (,$ I Signature: ifyou do not mowyour local board area. please visit the website WYMf.aucklan coundLgovtnz/localboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. orconmctAuckland Coundl'scustomercenrre toUfree (09) 301 0101. 8' /1 YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan,' (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) \"-J tl .-"0 (be r e.. Ct. -5 i..A! ..YlO[r-> ,C .•. es. ...I--tOf':'L 0 I 1 / kVlOvV)/1 OW ..In SUVin1 I agree wltn the following prior .es proposed in tlJJidraft 1&:11 board plan (please prOVidecomments fa support ydJrresponse) OL{.. .. 'I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) , 5 more than one set of contact details tor the Client, then this agreement and any notices may be sent to any of them and notice to any person or entity that is listed 8S Client shali be notice to all of them. Notices to the Client rna _also be sent to any solicitor notbd in the Property De~ion Sheet 12.2 This a9 'ent and notices under it Sh~be deeme 0 be delivered: when handed over in person, or if sent by fax. when transmitted !. 1 fr0"l the sender's machine, or 200:,/ if sent by email, in accords ce ~ Transactions Ad j the default rules in ttie E~ctronic The Chenj' confinns that it has read, understood and agreed to the terms indudin the Schedule and the Property Description Sheet. 0jf IS agreement I '~~~~"~.~"~ ..~~~. ~'7".~.~.7°O.~~. Whe this agreement is being signed on behalf of the Client as authonsed pe~n. Signature of ChenUs or authorised person Signature of Agent or AUthorised person t1~\e, Further information on agency agreements is available This information can be accessed: by visiting by phoning: 0800 for REM (0800 367 7322) 2902-35.0007 the Client and / / from the Real Estate Agents Authority. _12a,<.1ElJ/_l50 SUBMISSI N..F.oR _ 10, p L.oc~ Bocri'd fjaVlS ~",biY"\l5S'O~- /..OCN BCQ,rd ~ (:J l.ocX I "'''0,) C O~ 5 *': Have your say local board plans are available at: , ~ Prtvc.le. Bo.~ QCII ~'-'=o iI q OJ. 300 j"'l-wC-K e--jqNP jlC;;:;L. •••• • ead the draft plan before making your submission .•Copies.of ill dr. '- 1: - public libraries, council service centres and local board offices online at www.aucklandcouncil.govtnzlhaveyoursay I ) Auckland Council customer centre, call roll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. 0 5 AUG 2011 : '€f(u'Odt:~ ,. COUNCIL' or retum this submission form to public SUB~}~;:;SlCl,j ~QK~.'~ Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid. you must indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to yourname. postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss iii Dr 0 Other____ Full name: G\\ 'qgS J;:::t~Ja1?i q\ll Postal address: Sbk Email: whg D~ eo'" I live in the following local board area: Organisation: Le.@h R{):;jd l2.'DS l.J\:\aV'\'Cf'.\e9vl 62x+<9 . <.g. () '1 Phone (evening): 0'1 42"2 hf;zSOJ Date of submission: ~ I t \::1.0' I Phone (daytime): Q<1 Postcode: 4-';). Q "'bSCI Mobile:._-;:=:::::;;::;;;;:o;::::;::::: Signature: _~_-=-"'t=\=!'_S_>~")"_ _ _ Ifyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website www.aucklandcoundl.govtnzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. orcontact Auckland Coundl's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft locai board plan (please provide comments to support your response) L-ong) Ovevch-li( . I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Page 9 of 13 ver=ohhl4 rw8mbn4 11/04/20 II ~QU4 SUBMISSION FORM_ ----s rR/oA'/7\. ~ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the drYt: plan before making your submISSion. Cop,es of the draft local board plans are available at: • CEIVED public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.goVl.nzlhaveyoursay - • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete 5 AUG 2011 AUCKLANDCOUNCIL your submission online at wwv.,J.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay, or public libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, B August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to (onsider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Loea! Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your fuli name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail aspossible in the form below inaddition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to a/ge a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrO MrsO Missj2{ OrO Postal addres& Other_ 9/1:1< Full name: c..ecs::~~rll\€. Date of submission: I live in the following local board area: );tj;/':''5''S'D~--_t.. 1?' ~ _1?c._Cct~'_~~~ ~.:J~ 9i2 .-~B..~~VJ.9~--'- STJ~,)~~-~ :~oa~~ (evening)L~'1 __ ~S;.~rRanisation: _. ._ _ ~ Postcode~ ') ~_lli _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website v" ,a 'FindYour Ward and Local 80ard' too/, or contact Auckland Council's custo l::f 2..._Q._'._ 1"0:.,, . _ ''Y.~1l~ "t _4- i l" ~h:~:~aytime)<O Signahe. _ _ ~ . _ and use the entre toll free (09) 307 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, !Joe€' the notes overleaf) -.---------------.------~~;hJI~oIlOWing 1_' priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comment.s to support your response) 'fI COt.: j:ll...-. ~ .J \~()v~r-4-~(J.. l::z-.'¥ S'~c:2:-)r'-l, k e- .:::n:Jn.£Lv~_\!!)V"1 o-.E W ~~ G N N"O C<lN \J [;:;. f7\ , rt" 11"- 'O\2)b "A/2E. A ". ---\,.,rA V1~e.fl::._)_,______ ~r,--------- L>.~~\2I ~U--'lL ..... 0..-_.. /_ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -_._-------_._-------------------.-_._------------------------- _.__ ._-_._------_._----_.- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._----------------------------------------------------_._------_._------------ Do you have any oth':!f comments _.- on the draft tocal board plan? ~-------------------_. --------------_._------ -_ .... _-------------_._----------------_._-- -- ----------_._---_.- -------------_._----- ------ NOTES If YOl.l h-1\1e additional Attachments' Yes 0 pages No Of 5upprJrting do<::uments, plea5~~ttach them to y')ur submission and sete<:t Yf:') betow. 0 If je)u want to make a submission about more than onl2 rjraft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each ptan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attadl your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submi"ion - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Ser/ices, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Aucklaed 1142 ',l,.,'., FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - locat Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III fi CE'VE1 . - 5 AUG 2 SUBMISSION FORM_ P(z1 otZ I /j,/ JI . AUCKIANO COl "'" .•. WA",WORYI.' "S Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council wilt accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable Ume and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other Full name: -i3lii-~yeA Postal address: Email: M,--:: _ _ I 7 (.. jJu..J< I r.J,,-~ f2.. f).2.. 'N'gJLi_f-oJ;.r4-- Phone (evening): __ / 7 Date of submission: cP (/(be/tv-< I live in the following local board area: ~..J~Jf -.-g;-'iir-=-1l------ I J Organisation: Postcode: Phone (daytime): Mobile:_ _ _ __ _ signature~---------_---- Ifyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Counci/'s customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft loca( board plan, see the notes overleaf) -----_._------------------------------_._-------------I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------------------------------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------------------------------------------------- _ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, ptease attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Ves 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 237802 Freepost Authonty Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ AUCKLAND COUNCIL' \'. )'- Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft [ocal board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.auck!andcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoufsay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Ilc.'t Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncH.govt.nzihaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. iJ I:..or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft [ocal board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 Ju[y 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Loca[ Boards will hold hearings to consider a[[ submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Loca[ Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 'fyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to yourname. postill address or ema,l and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs ej Miss 0 Dr 0 Other____ Full name: -l'\4.b.~\:lI:I:LAJ.E.5 -ffilL1.1--G~~tlh-Q;;?,,-~:L.Phone (daytime): Phone (evening) Date of submission: z=- Mobile:_OLl2C,(; S( - IL____ I Y'\ "" 1 . I2-D, VJ.Mjewovtlli_____ Postal address'-L2~Ut Ema,l: 1D-rl [ live in the following [ocal board area: Organisation: ~ Postcode: ._________ ..1_ ~ _ _ _ '1 Q 1- _ Signature: Ifyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website www,aucklandcouncil.govt loca/boards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft loca[ board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _A L\\~1~_!..5 'N E:1.L O""\Je;,~) S ll\.) ill' OS Af2-...b3 _ _Lt-~C.KJIlJ2\9(,f.£;, 1}tr: CCJ~V61 ...II:1-.~Gf:TTOG~ LN_A .i2V2f,AL..t\:t:lI1.(;J1+-t Cbl~vhQN.IM-f:0,L( roIL AU ~0~. .__ fAO L II:L I do not agree with the fo[lowing priorities proposed in the draft [ocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III :JjIOvJ (Joo------------- /1/ I'\. {2D~/9 SUBMISSION FORM_ . vi"'-l ~ CPR.)oR AUCKLAND COUNCIL W'R''VORTII Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before makIng your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, (ouncil service centres and local board offices • online at Ao • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. uA- G2.h.-h~ Please complete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0; Mrs Full name:~~"' p Miss Ef Dr 0 Other __ .L1-sJ.Jo 1--- . ...JUit.-:. < ;;21Z Phone (eveningL(l~!2;l.7'~iZJ Date of submission: _~~ . .:> Postcode: _ _0...2.__0_<> Phone {daytime): Mobile: __ I-I_.____ a,«... ?..,"'~_. U ,:-_gQif,3.L1--.2L-'::!...~Ji/:>r Postal address:.7lS Email: l:",OlsJ,.hj:J-Ik" I?:cI'""'*4 I live in the followin15local b~ard area: jrganisation: ,(.n."'.':Y.!- . _ _ ~---- Signature: 0( ~~hl . _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.Zllocalboard5 and use the 'FindYour Ward and local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre tof{free (09) 307 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to ma,e a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) -------------------------------_._-~ree LQv with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca~ board plan .(PleaSe provide comments to support your response) --l"-if .,/ ." fT\<;~ __ '{I" ir d..'O~."U"1"..s ..&~. &>I ~ V---C.~ r t-J<'Ilu . CiuE's J .£u" c/ e> Pr)o c...:> 'LA' Jk!7 H..J -I I ;.'\ _ .£..~ J r do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ---------------_._-----------------_._----------_._------ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------_._-----_._--------------_._---------------------- Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Attachments' Yes D pages or supporting No documents, please attach them to your submission and select YeS below D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan. or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach YOL"comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III SUBMISSION FORM_ AUCKlAND COUNCIL' WARKWORTI-f Have your say on your drah local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the drah local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and (ocal board offices • online at 'MNW.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. Pleasecomplete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries. councH service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. all submissions (induding personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with atleast one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal addreS5 or email and signature. This will enable U5 to arrange a suitable time and iocation for you to speak at the hearing. 0 0 ___ j m....9~ .e.-t WvfYl~fY\-,Y")c.o,.;,.0 .1SQI ~Js.. Title: Mr 0 Mr~ Full name: Miss Dr Other Organisation: Postal address: Email: Phone (evening): _... . 3' - .__.. ~ .. Mobile: Signature: If ~~. ,hgQ~_ Phone (daytime): Date of submission: R.od~~~vJ~ _ I live in the following local board area: c{ _ <' ~~ 5Z Cf . / Czj == _ .._.___ ,LL~ ~- _ Postcode: CJ-ir}lL~ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.auck/ and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre t01lfree (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (i~ want to make a 5ubf~ssion on more than 0Pr draft tocal board plan, see the nays) overl~jf) ...0::.$,. e:-~ +; 'YU... -So ~..eJ1--f~1fV&--S. dO"N2.. I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provi, ~ ~~_bk ..j1...Q.. ~()....:~ 9. J"".. Vo. 10 comments to support your response) ~~--b--L.--.--/....s.--.~~.~/---- I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please fist any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 'Q,l,"'l~l FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Private Auckland Council Bag 92300, 1142 III ;2D-::r6Cb ( =;pXp ''''.-'''' s__" >_ ~enJ 10 _ ,_,_~.- SUBMISSION FORM_ 'b~~"'_' -' hCC<>-! P",:e-KI -:i- .>PR~;;'~:;'!'.5 *"/. Have your say on yourdraft-local :;?..,b;'Y1J5S10~- L.oc~ .6ca"d QCiJ -nCl"'S Bc-a"d ~ ~'-'=-o ",,,,,,,I Ca>~IJ Prw*u~djqr<;Cl~/~~ . board plan. please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies oup~ draft local board plans are available at: . i> \.,.v j"""",:-"'q public libraries, council service centres and local board offices I' lJCKLAND COUNt J online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free (09) 3010101. AUG 2011 )~~ W\RK\\ORTH Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. or return this submission form to public libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aUsubmissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Ad 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters _ ,iames arid addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAilS Foryour submission to be valid. you must indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please provide,as much detail as possible in the form below in adamon to your name. postal addness oremail and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location [aryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs g Miss 0 Dr 0 OOer____ ~~~e Full name: Postal address: Email: 1"'\j'P'" \c,p.,\;, S Plr _&:: n1t)C\V\~ 1? e.... :0\e SQ,b, Phone (evening): Date of submission: ~v'Y\ l c,,,, fl." . L O. ~ 7 I J;li ! 11 j Kcx--I NJ---- I live in the following local board area: . Organisation: ------------------ <.., B ?'gc\.... . Phone (daytime): Mobile: Signature: Postcode: ~ Q9 4-2,-'5 b? G6 Cj _~:a ....7Jl"'z~l'"~~"--".'---"-.----------~ Ifyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local BoaCd'tool. orcontact Auckland Coundl's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION ,My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response)' ' CONTINUATION 14.00 OF GENERAL TERMS OF SALE Bond The Vendor's solicitors shall procure and forward to the Purchaser or its solicitors, the bond which is attached to this agree ent ("Bond"). On settlement the Purchaser shall: sign and deliver the Bond; pay to the Omaha Biach Resident's Society Incorporated ("Society") the sum of $5,000 or such other sum as the Society may determine from time to time (being a reasonable suf{! increased to allow for inflation and any likely increase in the costs to which the Bond relates) and; (c) pay the Society's so icitors reasonable legal fees for completion of the Bond. The Purchas hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorise the Society to hold and disburse t e Bond in accordance with the provisions of th Bond. 15.00 Settle I ent It shall be a condition of settlementlthat the Purchaser provides a the Vendor a completed Bon , and deed of covenant referred to in clause 18. of this agreement. 16.00 I Apportionments All outgoings in spect of the Property (including any levy payabl to the Society) will be apportion d on the Settlement Date so that the Vendor bea and pays all outgoings up to d including thejSettlement Date and after that d te the Purchaser will bear and pay II outgoings in respect of the property. 17.00 Society The Purchaser a Society, and that Constitution of th acknowledges th scheme for the b that each owner bound by the pro acknowledges th the obligations a Society, includin complying with t (if any) of the So I knowledges that Omaha Beach limited has inca orated the he owners ofiProperty within the Precinct (which s defined in the Society) must , be members of the Society. The urchaser t each of thl¥ properties within the Precinct are n w subject to a nefit of each property within the Precinct (includ ng the property) so nd any occLpier of each of the properties withi the Precinct are isions in tHis section of the agreement. The P rchaser t the Purchaser must become a member of th Society and fulfil a member of the Society as set out in the Co stitution of the paying any levies set by the Society from ti e to time and e directibns of the Society, including the dir ctions of the manager iety. ~ECEIVED SUBMISSION FORM_ - 5 AUG 2011 Po JO I"'-'~ 0 ~ UCKIANOC~jl'r P '" ",. / '- f'\ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read local board plans are available at: WARKWO Tf1 • -J! e draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at W\Nw.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 3010101. Please complete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mr~ek:~ D~ li1 Full name: Postal address: Email: Other 1VI~ (1d£r.~ l<odC!::<4 ---------------C.;!r-Z.D--- I live in the following local board area: Organisation: 6-fJ2'!:/4Lj!i-/J!J.f:1/.s-6.ckL_______ oo,.-!iJ6'i. OQ.h.:s~ Postcode: . . Phone (evening): Date of submission: ~ Mobile:_ -2 -'-'I . _ _ Phone (daytime): -1tf:2;;,- Signature: J"vf~--=l--.--------.----- Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'FindYourWard and Local Board' too/, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ------------------------------_._-------_._-----------I agree with the following Rriorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comment~ t support YO~f resP4~ t[0VI. _5Iq//s _. e ~ClIXL ~ ~e/1 ~e /0 q~ . rt:J;'~ /J !1y.18)..~r WeIr 7ejj!fb . 4Isq,a~ =dJ-a: -/b r' ~r> '" 'C., cY I nul/C/o s. ------------_._._._------_. __ Qy.r C rY11Vl.-JJ£JPctL.ffdC; Cf-Io:c;ure Ct?/lft:L-to g~ a ,?J/cU:;:!--IQL-'';7, t' SChDO/ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board p~ DD (please provide comments to sup ._-------- _._---------------_._-----------_._-_._---------------.- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft lo(al board plan (please provide comments to support your response) rt your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional Attachments' Yes D pages or suppolting documents. please -3ttach them to your submission and select Yes below, No D If you want to make a submission about more than one- draft ll)cal board ptan: aJ you can complete a separate Form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write' all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepos' 237B02 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 "" ,.~. Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Locat Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III 'C IVED - 5 AUG 2011 SUBMISSION FORM_ .J!..."" r'R../otZ /'-7L 5 Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draf~n local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at AtJeKLAND COUNCIL • W"RkWORTH before making your submission. Copies of the draft • Auckland Council customer cEntre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council selVice centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Governme-nt Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at/east one form of contact (post or email). Yes 0 No 0 Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs Full name: 0 SlricZ Miss [34i'r 0 Other /e""ru'" 4/ /Jt.. •. fMpre I(J~_R'''D(/~/,.J Email: -fb.'4JIJdL-!>j~J..<l- ~f!~___ Postal address:_ Phone (evening):-ft2.L;Z:~ Date of submission: g' l?r7?d"-'-l.4 I live in the following local board area: Organisation: _ J _ Postcode: Phone (daytime): Mobile: Signature: _ _ . _ ~;:. _ I[you do not know your local bo rd ar a, please visit the website and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) --_._---------_._--I ------_._._._---------------_._----_._- with the followinjl priorities proposed in t~e draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ..:.£.-kik----.:tv _k c./,k rv S;,.n WI !-p 78M --------------------------_._-- ~a..-v-eJ , _ ------_._------------ I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -----------_._------------------_._---_._----------------------_._._. ._--------------------------------_._----------------------_._-----_. ._----_._----------------_._-------- __ __ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------------_._----------_.-----------_._------------------ -----------------------_._-------------------------- Do yOU have any CJther CDmmo:!nts on the draft local board plan? _._-- ----_._--.--------- ~~- --------------- --- -------------_._-----_._------- --------------- -------_._- ---------._---- ---------------- -- NOTES If YOIJ h:j'I':: additional Attochrnents: Yes 0 pages or supprJrting do(ufTlents. pleas!;' 03ttach th~m to YQIJ( submiSSion "Jnd setect Yr:s be{o'l>!. No 0 If you want to make a submissiLJfI about more than one ':traft local board ptan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board SerYIces, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost AuthOrity Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III PD~ry:r/1h1 :.~ " ~ tr.''''/' -~ A G 2011 .fJJ-; . SUBMISSION FORM_ r, , JC elL Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. local board plans are available at: • public Ubraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer Copies of the draft centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, councH service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to make your submisSion on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No g' If you answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal addre55 or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. 0 Title: Mr ~ Mrs Full name: /'/)/}.~ Phone 0 Dr 0 Other I live in the following e~G l:,q-i54€ buU- I.f.c,feOJd?t.:;0....7 Postal addressJ, Email: Miss Organisation: 0~ J)J(7...:..S .6C"',;:;{! JLI.tI/.It!: -/./:<., , c;:,. "z. (evening): __ D_'1_tf-1 I b,/~ .2. 8. Date of submission: i)OI I _ _ Post code: ~_. Phone (daytime): Mobile: __ ~_'0 local board area: _cJ~_'.,J:_:.Y__ ~__.__,j1'C _ -O-1-'f-Z 'I- _~il.l_,,~ C1, _ rl'!l'_c;,,_'t.'1 ~ __ ~:JZdL._.;_;r._:tJjJ __ . Signature: _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website WNW.aucklandcounCil.govt/nz/localboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre to/l free (09) 30 7070 7. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (it you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) ..,.* _tlY.e>d..t":/_f) -Ll.J:>IIOC M>(. I agree with the following priorities ..t1%tC ;J~l>b->f AMDt;.e.r "!"'JD...Y"'e in the draft local board plan (please provide comments kr 1t>O M",0.1 ~ !'i!:".J ~O 11k ~.,.. .Jtf:1_..P.2 ~ Please list any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) AS:O ,6C ~ so..."-,OLI h>Dr84«- 4-t-I"tOSr IIJ ~ ~'f"t9-'S(..J£:.I J Mi>U~...!..Jt"t> $DJ'::>(fvt"'-1J, _ to support your response) I"1e-(cf1 ~t'_~ MOur/JJ.:._ S~ II'C"-J~ _!-J).:J('~_JoJn>,r, than the ones in the draft local board plan ,4uilA6fX.C ~~_'-O:A"'J~ t?A-e<f1U1t-R<.~_q!PAJ(>-£7_~~ 4-r' 17f6 ,b}lJr' _;:.,e fOe A- your response) S'(/Il-C~ _.fbe. t?UI?4-e,~<;-_,4-~~ ;,l'r,o...lJ _ t:r- t4<JO ~l in the draft local board plan (please provide comments Mf>.J~_~ -nk- s~ii'~nVor.,Jar s.c.<e.r ~S.-P to support ,I}'-' V(ff D,1f' '" a:n 1b Ll:X>< J'H' AU.tCA-rU»-" ,ff'C ~ ()U •.•. t&2,JO+_$M-~r~. ,.Ja:c ttrl'-4.,~ M< riO-! k' SU-s""'17f-_, . I do not agree with the following priorities proposed _2({(;t.{_1S. 77ICi'£ ~ ot:_'1II£_~lA<-{,J.r~ -p/d£, '1IIttw txu6J, proposed Ii!UL~A'fIoNA-(., I'ICaJJ Dr- /It'N1IJc, 10 iUtJ.j 'pi! M+y' lioJoIodl!6. /"1 S'I'I:}~ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 ."""Of Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission local - local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III SUBMISSION FORM_ -yr-z 10 R 1-7"-) '5 AUCKlAND <:OlJNCll' w, W,,. ,/I ~ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. Of return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 OlD1. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid. you must include your full name together with atleast one form of contact (post or email) . Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No ~ Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Full name: Mrs IS] Miss ~ -IS ""~~_____ Postal address:._cQ Email:_IJL.b~ Phone (evenlOg): Date of submission: Dr DOt. __ her _ __ ~JL £,_c/,_~ __, V I live in the following local board area: Organisation: ~ _,:..j~J:e~_____ a!!)..g..l'\' c..~ - 1> -K _ I.{------ _ . Postcode: _"_- l'f(one(daytime).~..2-"l.f&E _ --- Mobrle:_ trr=::d==:Signature: _~' __-__' _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website!localboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to mafe a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ------------------------------------------_._-I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) .~ s~::i~J~}- -l~-# ~ ~~~~~~_.- ~~~_~~-._------- I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) - -- ._z-:==--==_~=_--~==-~-=--_=___=~_=-..=.--=-=---_. Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provrd~ comments to support your :;/ ~~-_~~_=~=._-_~~~==== Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If YOll have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach Attachment,. Yes D No them to your submission and setect Yes below. D It you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission fomo and attach your comments. For'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237B02 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission local - Local Board Plans 2011 Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III . !2D '~f/7Wf '10 _ . ..,..,,'.,.' .... ".~,_ .. ,•..~.=.,'.',',,0.' ~ SUBMISSION.fORM~ ".. . ::;;;.,b;'Y-\I5SI0~- Loce-R-- BOCly'd .flOVlS hDC~ '--'--,~-., ", •.,,",'. ".,,_.,''''_-~' 2k .f'R loR 11\1 S *../. (:It.'cl<1 local board plans are available at: . Have your say on yourdraft,local P, Be.a,rd Cl •••••• ,) :>lell ~ ~<.;=o CC>~11 ftuf:!tgdl"l~;.d-.~,~c;.. ,.... board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submISSion. Cop,es of tlie draft (. public libraries, council service centres and local board offices aCYLJ "v online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay _ _. - 5A .' • E ' l • UG 20 II -"!"CKlA Ce.,;.,w.. COUNCr I W. tlNO :\ 0, TH . j I Auckland Coundl customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please compiete your submission online at www.aucklandcoundLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board pians between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - iiames and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. ' . YOUR CONTACT DETAILS FOryour submission to be valid, you must indude your full name togetherwith at least one form of rontact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: ~r 0 Full name: 0 'Mrs ~ss C [')cr Postal address: 40;) Emai~ -"- ,r--= Sri! OrO Other C~ RQI I kle . I live in the following local board area: ~ Organisation: __.-_ NPlRI'<;"'OIQ.:JI-I Phone (daytlme): Phone (evening): K ccI~ Postcode: _ _ . Mobile: 0 l Date of submission: Signature: Ifyou do not know your local oard area, please visit the website >\MOW.a andcoundl.govt. localboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and LOcalBoard' tool, or contact Auddand Coundl's eustomercentre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on m~re than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) lA..:)e ~ 'r<a.0<: aced c:=:,l'< -h.:? c.h,,\c\ce.o. \sOO",-' nO,,,) \\\)\05 +n O?Cl~ sw,cnll, lceclc~-es grad •• I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) , Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response)' ' External Internal Chattels (to be Includ ~ Fixed Floo Cover!n s Blinds \ Curtains ~----------------------------------Drapes Light flttlna TV aerials I _ -5AUG 2011 AUCJ(I, JNCI!. SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries. councH service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council wIll accept submissions on the draft local board plans between friday 8 July 2011 and Monday S August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Soards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to bevalid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremai/). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No GY' Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs M Miss 0 Dr 0 Other Postal ?ddress:_ b Got~ Email:b..!_t!Y=~f«I . Phone (evening): I live in the following local board area: v-lA/Z.LJV0=-r._I__ guu.. full name: bl-L:-(-"Nr-Jt=. Organisation: 612 i3-t _2_'_~ _ A_F_C- _ . _ Postcode. OC)b2 __ o f!<Ytb _ conz.. _ oq '-PI'S GII.8 Lf - g - .;Loll Date of submission: Signature: _ If you do not know your (ocal board area, please visit the website W'lNVV.auckland ocafboards and use the 'Find YourWard and local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submISsion is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board pian, see the notes overleaf) &io<-l~ ~ tZ£CL£.rr71o,..lAt..-,-Je:E;b.S ~Ol'- --p-tE:; Cc>;v-.N"'<--''-J'I'-/. I agree with the foHowing priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) 0JOJI cJ /;~e- -P l::e:I!i:,LJSab C/,rrb ueA!. CUAf!:,S IYXYG ce.c/&::d'to:Y""" eJ.f5ZP----CdlbI~~ ~V1"O,--..~e«f very h.#-c;;rd hou-c. pr/c:J-v?S eire 10, Er=' f"'lu'V'b.e/S b _2'::S?vd!..e fa ~ -10::>s/Y'Oali -to Ci~c,/e I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Jc'J.f~i..G<.._~-iS .:S~~-j-UO.Njfely_.c;;--.QL_rpf_'Le~--r.!~~:£d __-- __ ----------------------------------------------------Please list any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft local board plan -(0., &!.n-9-~i-/0 d:¥/L-Wo.qy-. AfZ. c;:rl ~.5-t' f)~r:![ .qr~ In -Ih;,i --.-Cld~0- O«Ofr:'~eck-=3b(Jjhe.Fe Vu:;;e a,'ft..',r A {so Nould a(,fO be VI OL-{b greA-f r~ 10 ros-f I rot:! -:r- J'OZ- h a. ~ £,."dO"S' JCte-, IS d Do yo~ ?ave any other comments on the draft local board plan? ilis-t -10 lC.Q.U_,SUfC e~_/rl_I'0 __ _j-trb__a~~ __- ro._J ~o,d 0CJr'eJt--wO_iS_-(gtu-. _ NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan. or b) you can fiU in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form. list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission Auckland - Local Board Plans 2011, Council, Private Bag 92300. Local Board Services, Auckland Freepost 237802 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Board Plans 2011 III SUBMISSION FORM_ ,P~Jor::./-/v/ S Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the drat! plan before making YOlJrSUD local board plans are available at: . • • public Iibrari€'5, council service centres and local board offices raft - 5 AUG 2011 • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay AUC~~tt.~&g~NCll • Auckland Council cu,tomer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nvhaveyoursay, or return this submission form to public Ubraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submiSSion on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? YesO No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as mueh detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Full name: Postal addr~ :::Ten Dr D~Other ~ISS _~- _ __ ksh ._ I live 10 the follOWing local board ar_e_a_. Organisation Postcode: = ~._-_-_-_______________________ Emal!: _d~~~CQ).)(hc;,co.n~__ Phone (eve~lng): _~_-I-~~t2;;';> Date of submiSSion: -R Rr_._C>d_~ _ ~ _ Phone (daytime): J? Moblle: /-1L ._.____ _ ~4------------------ Signature: _ Ifyou do not know your loca board area, please V/Sltthe websrte and use the e toll free (09) 301 0101. 'FindYourWard and Loea/Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer c YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, the notes overleaf) -----------------_._---_ .._----------_. I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board Pla~lease LI::~-{M.tL;__O>~~~rp ~\ ~-~I:J-~£~.~;~J-~ .--. "ov • I • ~ , __ .__ ._------------ provide :r;nmen;>-to ~'egJ?rt support your response) _t=ii2:Yl_Q __ ~GL~_-tv~dH"-::L--. I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._----------_. __ ._---------------------------_._---_.----. Please !ist any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do YO')have 3ny other comments on the draft local board plan? -_._----------------_. --- __ ._- --_._-------- -------------------- ----_.- ------------- ----_._-- ----------------- ---------- - --- ---- - - NOTES II YOl.!have additional Att.:lChments. Yes D pages or supporting (1or.:uments, pte'35~ -3ttach them to your submis.sion and seter.:t Yf:S below. N0D If you want to make a submission '3bout more than one draft local board ptan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments_ for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission local - Local Board Plans 2011 Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 III flECEIVED - 5 AUG 2011 SUBMISSION FORM_ AUCKlAND COU . W,'RRWORT/i NClt S- rIfIO'<:;/'l'j HavE: your ~d'j un your draft local board pl~n. PIE:"BSe read the draft plan beflJre y0ur submission C0pies of the draft {ocal bOBrd plans an: avaH-3bte at. • r,ubUc libranes, council service centres and [(.Jea!l)'Jard office:: • onlinE ot www • Auc<land AQuA- centre, call taU free (09) 301 0101. Council custorner PleasE: complete your submission onlinE: at www.aucklandcoundl.govt..mJhaveyoursay, CE=ntres or rn,jil it using the freepost envelope provided. Ubraries, cuuncilservice e.. CQv"r'l" .. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to m-3ke your slJbmission on your drdtt lor_aI board plan. t..ucktand Council will accept submIssions on the dr'3ft close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and I~onday 8 August 2011. Submissions 2011 Once submissions dose. a summary of the ~ubmissions will be prepared. At a 13ter date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider ;;r,U submissivns. Please note that in -7.ccurdance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - narnes and addresses) will be rnade public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must indude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 l{you answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and locat;on for you to speak at the headng. Title: Mr 1;/Mrs 0 Full name: Miss 0 _:J~ ~.. 0 Other M~~"6£______ Dr I live in the following Organisation: Phone ' :.. Phone (evening):_. ._______ Date of submission: __ (daytime): ._ Postcode: _4:-ZZ_b'__, .._6_/ _Oqti:--1. . Mobile:_02.._~K635..b.. $ ~ ~_II____ Signature: .._ _ J2_ELM_5....Q_IJlYe~r(.J'!tl..(i:JJL address:J Email: _R_.o_c/,_",_~_.._._ .. local board area: .... _ . ~- .. _ ..__ ..__ .._ _ Ifyou do nat knowyour local board area, please visit the website\ and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0701. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the fol.lowing draft local board plan (if you want to mare a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see thE: notes ovede:af) --------_ I.a~-with .. _--_._ .. _._--_ .. _-------_ the followln~ pnottles proposed .... 101':\ board in the draft - ..../ll!... _lJJ!JJJfA '1L.....v../" .J-:.....lI ..LlIlIMA 'ale --GfJ.W.I4-u1V'-J- ..ft1.d1~~~--------I do not agree with the following prioritiEs proposed PleaSE list any other plan (p)ease 9"",,rnrnery' /i.s~t lei The to si'ppoot .... __ __ .- . your response) 't«t.l..~6 .. ---.. ---------.-- in the draft tocal board (please provide comments you think arE: more important priorities __ ._-----------_._-._--------_ _ .. - .. -.. - .. - tv support your response) than the ones in the draft tocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------_ -----------------_ .. _ _._-_ _-----_ .. .. .._----_ .. _----_ .._---_._--_ .._-_.----_ .. _-------.._-------------_ .._-------_._---_._- Do Y0lJ h,:l"lfeany other comm~nts on the rjraft local board plan? _ .._----_._----------------_._---- -----_._--------------------_._--------------------------- NOTES If YOIJ h:'ve additional Att-3chrnent-;. (~S 0 !=-,agesor supporting tjocum€;nts, No plJ;'3se: i;lttBch th~rn to YOIJr SIJbmiSSlOn -3nd select YE'S below. 0 It yr)u want tCJ ma~.e Clsubrnissirm abuut more than Grl~ draft (ocdl board ptE-n' a) you can completE a separatf= form for each plan Of b) you can fill in one submiSSion form and attar:h your comments. For b' complete the (ontact dl2tails on this submission form, list whith draft local board plans you wish to (omment on in the space prOVided .:tbove (write 'aU' if your (Ornment5 apply to aU draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Locat Board Plans 2011, local Board Sl':.'f',1ices,Freepost Auckland Council, Private Bog 92300, Auckland 1142 237802 FreepostAuthorlty Number 237802 Freee Submission -local8oard Local Board Ser •.lces Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Plans 2011 III flECEIVED SUBMISSION FORM_ - 5 AUG 2011 AUC~~ND COUNCE•. ",.. Haw: your say (.In your draft loc31 Do"rd plan. PiE-asert2aCithe drafi plorl l.oc2.1board plans arf; available at- CrE:r0r~ making '\(Jrq YlJur submission (.0pies - (jT~ :. • pubUc Ubrarie". (oundl service centres and IvCdt b(;ar(! offices • unline • 2lt www.<3!J.:klandc0urlcil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay Auckland Council customer CE;-ntre, cal! toU free (09) 301 0101. Please con,plete your submission onlinE o3t ww'N.audlandcoundl.govt.n7Jhaveyoursay, libraries. council service CEntres or mall it using the freefJost envelope provirled. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM submissions USE:this form to make your submission on your dr(jtt local board plan. Auckland Council WIll accept on thE: draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011 Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider -311submissions. Pleas~ note that in .:jccordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU subrnissions (including personal details of submitters - n"mes and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101 YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (p05t or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou anSwered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address or email and signature. ThIS will enable us to arrangf..'a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing 0 Miss D Dr 0 Other Full name:?J1JJ",!_f?. ~~:o -'S__ ;t1 I!L<;£.. Title: Mr GYMrs Postal address_3fc4tL/L-f!J Email:.h."""'0;,t::4. Phone (evening):. Date of submission' I live in the fOll,owinglocal board area: __ ~anisation: H-1L 17 .4"=..1__ .. . _ . _ __~tl_k_!iI_t-LL.".KW-[~$tCOd:, J) ~&-7--- ;;?J..'L-, _~I\.{/59_._.C_O Phone(day~, -_~----?J-----L( ;:(od~ .__ Mobile, __ - Signature: _. _ . -;,-=-~_ ~.!.?2'25 ,C:> .. .._ _~ . _ ~ _ 'fyou do not know your local board area. please visit the website WINVV.aucklandcoundl.govt.nzllocalboards 'Find Your Ward and Loca/Board' toor or contact Auck/and Council's customer centre tal!free and use the (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION lV1ysubmission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to I agre~wi~~~ ma~e a submission on fono~ p~s __ ;:._!'£~._ more than one draft local board plan, ser: thE:n0tes i;verll?af) ~ose~ c~ l:he <--. draft local board plan (please: providE comments to support your response) Cc..... ~_~ L ~ _ o-S I do not agree v'lJiththe following prioriti125 proposed in the draft local board plan (pleas!'; providE: comments to suPPOrt your response) Please list any other priorities you think are: more important than the f.)nesin the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) 00 YOlJh3ve .any oth~r comrn,=nts on the rjraft local board plan? ---~-------------~--- -----~----'------~~----_._-----------------~~- NOTES If jGI.J h.a.••e additional Attachment-,- ies [:ragesor supporting rjocurn~nts, ple8SE: ijttach th~m to YOIJr submission .and :,el.ect rr-:5 below, 0 f'ioD It yr:Juwent to make a subrmssirJrJ about more than on~ c:1rah local board pleorl' a) you can complete a separate frJrm for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your commr::nts, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which drah local board plans fOU wish to comment on in the spaCE: provided .above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to aU draft loedl board plans), then .attach your cornmE-nts and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011. local Board SHvices, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthonty Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III .,-..'-.-•. .,c-~~,,., ,=,~_~~-.-.__.~~- ~ -to" SUBMISSIONfOAM_ .~~~-",,----'--o~, .._-_.~ , ~ .If<lOf\ I 1'/ Have your say on yourdraft.localboard <5 -fj".--.s :;?..,bfY-\I5SI0~-LoccJl--- Bocri"d hOC,;.) Beard ~ ~'-'=o P.l:~J<1Cl,--,,) Cowrocil PTluc.le- BC-u;] Q;;!30o i4u0Kt--I"H''IJ) 11<.;-" *" /. QCII . plan.. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of-the.d@I~t local board plans are available at public libraries, council service centres and local board offices online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101., ID ~ \ _ vV[ "",,,,,,,,,;,,,~ eEl V E D G.<-~.c.UG -v' --.J. -('dO ll:?.-\::? \ AUCKlAND WAR \\.uCOUNCIL' rll '. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay. f( / / 2011 or return this submission forn to public libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters .,. iiames and addresses) will be made public. II you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. . YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid. you must include your full name togetherwith at least one form of contact (post orema/I). Do you wish to speak in support 01 your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please provide,as much detail as possible in rhe form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature, Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. J¥ / Title: Mr 0 Mrs MissD Dr 0 Oth~f---- V_"\\ 0?". '2---vr f - Full name: Postal address: .~ Email: ,', \1,-,),,, 2:l (V\ o~' ~~~::: ~ ~:1; 01,,*] __ 0 Organisation: rill: ~ :J " t2-- r":,,iv-. <D;;;~:4 ..:. Phone (evening):' Dateofsubmissi~2l 4< (live in the lollowing local board area: b ease 4-- I S 0'1 Postcode: 7.-9 "2-Phon~ (daytime): Mobile: Signature: _ ----:d'-: /:;:---Ab~ Ifyou don~tknow Yisitthe, website wNw.auddandcoundI.95'./rnzll;iia::;;;;;; 'FindYour Ward and local Board'tool, or contact Auckland Coundl's customer centre tollfree (09) 3010101. I ';;ethe , YOUR SUBMISSION .My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submissio'n On more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overieaf) I agree ,with the following priorities proposed in the Rraft local board plan (please p'rovide mments to support your response) ~C;~~~ ;\-~~--<\~~ "'~'0'l&..1/'''>--ki'r.?: .,L.:ociS; c ~ (j0;\/\'k.A10 '~:(7.tJ.;,.hYf: I d 0 .\-<.'" .-:: =;~f ~';un ~ .th hi' .' . . \N /} I '(1~ \/'J".l-<-not agree WI t e ollowmg pnonties proposed 'n the draft local board plan (p\eese provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide .comments to support your response)', -J (\ Pert D - Agent's 81>1_ relating to Rebates, Discounts end Commissions J 1. I, the Agent confinn in relation to eny expenses for or in~nnectio estate agency wor1<carried out by me lor the Client in connection with covered by this egentgreement I .'(~) 1 will not rece ,end em not entitled to receive, eny rebels, discounts or commissIOns. *(b) I will receive a retain, or am entitled to receive and retain, the reba s, discounts or commissions specified be 'Select the peregre h thet epplies. Omil this parBg"'P sbove rovidethe Expenses to be Incune 2. if you selec1ed pa"'g"'ph 1(a) above. If you sel pa",g"'ph 1(b) details for each rebate discount or commiss. n. Provider of rebate, discount Amount of bate, discount or commission orcommls6 n [specify goods or se . sto [specify name of person or $[specify ajual or esbmeted which rebate, discou or organisebOl1) amount' (in uding GS1}] commission relates] , Estimates must be clearly marked 8S s ch I I I I I I J I I N_ \ Expenses means any sum or reimbursement for expenses or charges incurred in connection with services provided by an agent in the capacity 01age '1. Hotes for Agent A copy of this Agreement signed by or 00 behalf of the Agent must be given by or on behalf of the Agent to the Client within 4B houTS after if bemg signed by the Client or by Its authorised signatory. An Agent must not submfl this egreement to the Client for signing unless aI/ material partiCulars. incJudinf} the Properly DescriptIon 11>0 Approved alent nrior 2902-35.0007 Shee1. •••• been _ or "'ched. Guide relating ID agency agreements published to sionina, by the Real Em•• Agents AuIJKxIty must be given ID flECEIVED - 5 AUG 2011 SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: rJ • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay /Y • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. / q u ,.... ~~ I' Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, councilseNice ~ or return this submission form to public centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local 80ards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. all submissions (induding personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrO Full name: MrsO Miss 0" DrO -CoP~~R Other____ -1Ci-~_~~_---- ~-~-JSe:i9=~,------ Postal address:_ft~_~~o.1 Email: ~ Postcode: ~_~____ Phone (daytime): __ __ Signature: Phone (evening):i:l2.S6-~____ Date of submission: I live in the following local board area: Organisation: _~ ]". _ . _ _ _ MObile:_Dl1.3~~\~lt_~(I~----~_-_--_ ~ ~____ --.!~le%~ 'fyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's cu'tomercentre toll free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) cm,= I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide (omments =t-t-:r=l?>L--ft~c-J:;;LQLft( ~ to support your response) la I do not agree with the following pnontles proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate fomn for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III ~ECE'VED - 5 AUG 2011 SUBMISSION FORM_ PR 10 R /rf'--f AUCKlAND COUNCIL' 5 W,\RKWORTf-f Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. ,q {/J uA Ct? /7 Please complete your submission online at wwv'I.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay, libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. rI,,€- or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt tocal board plan. Auckland CouncH wilt accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local 80ards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, alt submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrD rr}~ss 0 Dill Other ~___ Full name: ;t\CW~~",->-~""'.s:o~ganisation: I live in the following local board area: ~J~ .__ -p- A1~ _~ Postal address:_~.L~:l::h2i]21.~( Email: D~-th2 •••• -.S.2L\~e • ...\-~~_-~P"Q;::-;.ytime): Phone (evening):_O"1 Date of submission: <.1-9,.,>" 10 .,'15:___ S _ 8:- I{ Mobile: Ketz!1\kf-- tJC;V~"fostcode: . Od.-\ Signature: Y\~~~ O. _ __ . _ ~~~~~ _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan ::u wart to make "$i1l:..0n more one dr~ft local board p~:'J.i,e (1 ~U(-&w--~iK I agree Jith t~iH~;;~g ~rii?s t~~rleaf) ~~e~4f:lf~rq'7!f;f~-it(\b--S3"eg t"'Pe propo'te I [,M?o::;\lijJ (Rn '1(/:a1/ p~de co~ to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) --------------------------------_._------_._-_._-------------_._-_._---_._-_._---------------_._-_._---_._-_._---_._----_ .. Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ------------_. __ ._--------_._-----_. __ ._-------------- - Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional AttaChments: Yes 0 pages or 5upp0rting documents. please dttach them to your subrnission and select Y~s below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to aU draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submi"ion - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board SeNices, freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III flECEIVED - 5 AUG 2011 SUBMISSION FORM_ AUCKLAND COUNC t WARKWOt{Tii HavE:your say on your draft loca! board plan. PI!:-3s'2 read the draft plar, berore rnahng your submission. board plans are available at. (0pj~s of the draft IOC2,[ • jjubtic libraries, council service centres and l0cal D(;arrj office:. • online ot W'Nw.?lJcklandc0ur,cil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Aucrland Council customer centre, call tol.l free (09) 30i 010i. Please c:ornplete your submission online at wwYJ.aucklandcoundl.govt.mJhaveyoursay, Ubraries, council service c.entres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to male your $IJbmission on your draft board plan. ~,u(kl-3nd Council will accept subrmssions on the draft local board plans between Friday B July 2011 and l"1onday B August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider ::.illsubmissions. Ptease note that in accordance with thE Locr.ll Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - ndrnes and addresses) wiH be mad~ public If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission pror.ess, piease call (09) 301 Oi01 YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you mustinclude your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above. please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address or email and signature. This wUl enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrV'Mrs 0 Miss 0 DrO Full name: 3"fhh__ Other ~JrJt_____ address:J.f~_JD()Vf.._ I live in the following local board area: __ Organisation' ._____________________ £g~"'~/._ry~J . Postcode: _ _ _ rlo.tbh--_Q~-~I;k.£b~--------- Phone (daytime): ._. _ rn /I" II Phone (evening): Y_ol" 7~kSl.:...3'-'-~------- MObile.__ ~.L.<.--..#--~----------------Date of submission: ---~2'-=(.I, ... _ >Ignature. ~ _ Email: ,'q Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' toor or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 3010701. YOUR SUBMISSION IVlysubmission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to ma~e a submiJrion on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) . B1-~.4-,;c--Cdb:L.t.(e-----_-.---_..-------- -------- I agr~ ~ith the followin~ priorities proposed in the draft~p~n ---~J4,-~~M:' &5~_~ ~ __ (please pro:ide corn~ent.s2Pport your response) =__~ __~--~-- ------_._----_ -~~-.. _---_._--- I do not agree ""ith ti-)e following priorities.proposed in the draft (ocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ---------------------------------------Please List 3ny other priorities you think are: more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft local board plan -------------------_._--------------------_._--------------- - Do YIJLJ h-3ve any other (omm~nts un the Qiaft local board plan? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - NOTES If you ha,,~ additional pages (es Att.03cnme:nts 0 No 'J( supporting Ijo(umf:nts plf;as~ -3tt~ch th~m to YO~.Jr5tjbmissiQn -3nd select {E-Sbelc.w. 0 If you want to m'lke a subrnlssirJrJ abuut more than a) you can complete a s-eparate form for e-ach plan, b) you can fill in one submission orlE: draft l(J(al board plan. ':Ir form and attach your comments. For b' complet€:' thE: contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board ptans you wish to (omment on in th€ space apply to aU draft loc"l board plans), then attach jour comments dnd send to: provided ~bove (write 'aU' if your comments Local Board Plans 2011. Local Board Sf:rvices, Freepost Submission Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300. Auckland 1142 M 237802 Freepost AuthOrity Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ AUCKLAND COUNCIL' WAR!\WORTH Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcoundLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at or return this submission form to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to make your submission on your draft tocal board plan. Auckland (cuncH will accept submissionson the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please cali (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to yourname. postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs ~MiSS Full name: 0 Dr 0 Other____ 6('n.--<; J ::l';,LL.-S I live in the following local board area: ",CcL1J&i::LoC Postal address:_.s:::Z::Z_~Lt!2J'l. Email: __ .____________ 'O,---.a..~lB? Phone (daytime): Phone (evening):_._._. ..... __ Date of submission: 1£- q' - .______ 11_.____ _ Organisation: _ f!;r:I-_'1 Postcode: 2 CJ-~ Oq ~ l5 $1eXk_. _ Mobile:_ Signature: __ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website!localboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool, orcontaet Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ,q "I "'-tl "c I agree with ~OWing __ . ~i2. C.J2 ,."J.~f.~e._____________ .. priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (Please.provide comments to support your response) £0 rZ.-- '::1--'2 v --rJ.t cl £L..:;i:LC-.I2.=L~y~ _ -----------------------------_._--------I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft tocal board plan Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents. Attachments: Yes 0 No please attach them to your submission and select Yes below_ 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III -- ~D11\ )171 SUBMISSION FORM_ PRJ oK: )-';1 5 Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and (ocal board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission ontine at 1II.', libraries, councH service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions ciose, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form Jf contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No ~ Ifyou anSwered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This wit! enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: MrO t-.!'l0 Full name: -.LIf!l..c2Lo. Postal address:_~t-< Miss [2(D"r D. Other____ I live in the follOWinglocal board area: &:hr.$,lij,jp..q _ Organisation: lilClcv.Koo:;e Q"-,""",..:e,, £J>!U_~_&-~~_____ ---==_------ Email: Phone (evening) Phone (daytime): ---- '6 Date of submIssIon: Mobile: ....--g'"" -- I( Signature: UC>. Postcode: 4.L._~_.< .. '..'\ .L"'_ _ __ ~~=?F~ -.-<:..=....< •• . ~ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website w.vw.aucklandcou:CJI.9VtnZ/loc~boards and usethe 'FindYour Ward and LocalBoard' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 010 1. ------ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to m,.<;kea jl-'bmission on more thaz::ra~)OCal -d,dfl. ?- tJo-< f~..e... boaro ptan, see the notes overleaf) ;r zx:i 1::J~~.-J1~ ~/?.~~c>./.i~~CR~",~~. I apee with t~e following pnorities proposed In the draft loc I board plan (please provide comments to suprr:;t ~ l'i4;Y;;CIlA - ~ rdJ/LrLz.-_~L<rc~_' ~ w ' , ,.s L.!LV~ 9<> /0= _---f4,¥we-~4V~j-,-_.e1dl-~ ? .v- a..,<~~ L<!4'S-..r-7<..L.9 ._._ response) _-;- O''''~ I do not agree with the follOWingpnonties proposed In the draft local board plan (please prOVidecomments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan' NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or SJPporting documents. Yes 0 If you make a submission want to and select Yes below. 0' Attachments: No please attach them to your submission about more than one draft (Dca! board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission fonm, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Freee Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 . "'=""""'="" III eD SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on yc~r draft local board pta;"!, ?lease read the draft ?t2i: before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: e public libraries. council service centres and local board offices online at ';,/vN/.aucklandcounciLgovt.r:z/haveyoursay e Auckland Council customer centre, caU toll free (09j 301 OiD1. $. Piease complete your submission online at \w.Jw.aucklandccunciLgovt.n:/haveyoursay. cr return this su~mjssion form to public libraries, council ser.,rice centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSiON FOR~1 Use this form to make your subm:ssion on your draft local board plan .. '::.L.ickland Council will accept submissions on the drah loca! board plans between Friday 8 Juty 2011 and 8 August 2011. Submissions dose at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary cf the sUDm:s,si,:;r:switt ~e prepare:::. At a ta<:er date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accoocance with the Lccal Govern~ent Act 2002, alt submissions (including personal details of subm!tters - names and addresses) \.vHlbe made public. If yot.: have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please cail (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be ~'aiid,you must include your full name roget.'if:rwitn at least one form of ccnraet (post or email). Yes 0 No Do you wish to speak in support or your submission at a public hearing? if you answered yes aboy.e, please provide signature. This '7nable Title: Mr~';!jS9 Full name: us to arrange a suitable time and location for yo~ to,s~ea<.at the hearing.. M~ le,(rL Postal address: Dr U Other____ <?l~ >'T'00f€ 10 <-J I \ \ "JCi' ~ Email: Phone (evening): 0 mu::.n derail as possibie in the form beio~v in addition to your name, postal address or email and 25 ~ ./) I lIve i~ tr.~ rolto..•..... lng local boara ar-=a: Organlsation: Ave. ;"- . t.' d A. c:2 7 _ Posteode: ------- -~~_~_----- oq 9-1..)'") o~f" Date of submission: Mobi:e: Signature: !f you do not knowyour local board area, pleaSE visit ::he'v'/ebsite vN/w.aucklan" unclgovr.nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tooi, or contacr. Auckland Council's customEr centre tol! jree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft Iocat board plan (if you want to make a submission or. mo:-e tnai; one draft local Dcard pla1, see tr:e notes overleaf) ;" i agrq,;th -.1.-.... +-1 ['.';<2-' i-1'l>'C9dLc Ce.1 fr'?- tlt';;:;;;CrioritifbPos~:';4a~~rd .- Li/!A 12.t;:wolZrH plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca.l board pta:; (please provide comrr.ents to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are mere impor:ant (please provide comments to support your response) tna:1 the on6 in the draft local beard ptan ,l3)il3, SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. or return this submission form to pub tic Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this torm to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAilS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your fuJi name together with at least one form of contact (post oremaH). 0 Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? YesQ"No IIyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address signature. This wi(/ enable us to arrange a suitable ame and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr I.\JMrs 0 Mi;s 0 Full name: -.LJ~ a Postal address: Email: 7 Dr 0 I live in the followin1::0cal boar5!larea: l organisatiol _ld'f1Q h ~£1iLo19- "SI.LLC.LL.C-L.11.bGj l-O~ -4-'2 5- 0 fj 6 J.:... _ .f2...x...-~"jLL)_1Lo...Q.d----.1AL!.LL~1L0 t t h- ..- Phone (eveningl:-Q q Date of submission: I I (; -2 ",'0. • 0 email and ,J2._.o..d--n-<?~.."Y~-.--- Other -=r:...~~.n (';\ or CJ 6 . Phone (daytime):-fl-C(._, 1 Mobile: l I Postcode: -0 . Signature: C . 111L-.J"--Y.-L-f-~a~n~_. _. _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission p r I agree with the foHowing priorities ~e f\ e e d •. • 1...L_.lAL WoZ. a 11 (' ~ ,':l "I £2_- os b....D.--.W 9 Y' 0 ed . ._ proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments '" n o~r r ---Ae t on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) L..c::LLL:1::.-Y V, I j e p t iL poi' Soc to support your response) c " r 1=-!'Lt hi ~....IL"'-..ll-~Ul....l2...-1.1Ll~...D...I:....-.J: '" 0 a--i4--4t-->.L(l'r-! . c C R 11 T reI: 0 r .e <? .- " C 5-..Qnlv c ,- '" d . ' . ,-,fdrnJ(! ld 6 I ,c:. cj "5£L"uvvl P j' 0 I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) -._---_.-Please tist any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft tocal board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _I:__ .l.&'-Q-.ll...I J~LO\/JI\ 'r 0--5..e-e H,' U ., t r e e't Do you have any o,ther comments on the draft local board plan? r W__, _~J-:t ,1 Q b-'Lil e tv1 CJ r 1<. r: I \ I II :h~y-2.. r r ~ 'q TIM ~5 I aT _. _ NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and setect Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Pians 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 Freepost AuthOrity Number 237802 Free~ / Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 01Ol. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland (ounei( WIll accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local 80ards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, aH submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (pmt or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature ThiS will enable us to arrange a 5Uftable time and location for you to speak at the hearing Title: Mr~O MlssO DrO full name: ~.l'2dtv C Postal address: <t7 p~ Email: _J-o..c"'Vr@>r!"" • L~ Phone (evening):_O~'t--Z5-2.'F.22___ Date of submission: tf:b -~o/- I live In the following local board area: Organisation: Other____ MI?, ~ ~&KvVotD::tI ...•.. b-g-II Phone (daytime):_V'l-7 Mobile:_ \ 'V/rlf{'j(~,eTJt, _ Postcode: ?-ft:-CL-lL9)-----------11 _ Signature: ~~-------_------ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 3070107. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ----------.-prO I agree with the following priorities proposecfin the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) _._-------------------_._------_._---------------------- Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft tocal board plan? l<tOt1B" ~"=Ir--- . ~ C/Iv'lV'-'''"'''-,,;..--"J:>I2~ .rI~ NOTES 17 I~ti I'" /?,'II(IWI ;Q - ;1<-~WIC/~ ~J _/- gF7l-<~ 'C>i?",,- ,~---.!..>_ v~ ",~~7tnsr-.>7bR,Y ~rlnY .::;:~Sv'c I<'F ~,1'f:> 'rtI4U; •..... ,t.1t:.-"- t;f .;b. ':$r:$ / /} /(t=z:,::vrL"""') /YJ //~/~~"'" 0/= _ 3-7'- "-7", , ~8 "I?---", CJPAa: 701 qs-o If you have add.tional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. . Attachments: Yes D No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'aU' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 201', Local Board Services, freepost Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 237B02 Freepost Authonty Number 237802 Free~ -- Submission -local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services I <::> c" Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, I ( Auckland 1142 '"' I . . . ~ , III SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101, Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. or return this submission form to public libraries. council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions 2011. Once submissions dose, a summary of the submissions wilt be prepared. Will accept submissions on the draft close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be must include your full name together with atleast one form of contact (post oremai/). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No I3V Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location [or you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs B'Miss 0 Dr 0 Other I live in the following local board area: Full name: jJ\.~.~\t=...~~_W~C::>l~anisation: 3J .l~ti1-".!:J ~ . Email: ~clLS~~ch Postcode: Phone (daytime):_~ b.Q..b_'"1~ Phone (evening): Mobile: Postaladdress:.LIo l'.:)_~-;'Q~ ~-,-...=-_ _QS._L_O. _ _ f~~ Dateofsubmission:.1'/<::111 ----Signature: ~Ifyou do not know your lo~al bJard area. please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' too!- or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft (oeal board plan. see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the (please provide comments to support your response) drah local board plan _ Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents. Attachments: Ves 0 No please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For lb' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 'n,I,"!"\ Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ PR-IOK; }'i'J 5 Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • pubUc libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at A 9 U,A- • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. C2,-" ~ Please complete your submission online at or return this submission torm to public libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your dratt local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No ~ Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss D' Rr 0 Full name: !?In1=\_5"c.U. postaladdres;:_~L]wm~_J_ ~ Email: Phone (evening): Other I live in the following local board area: Organisation: i1'1'Cr-~-_---Nl.-/J-.L{k;.f...h.. . 41 C; 4 $ 44 ~WardwlAj~ -- tCak LTD ~ Phone (daytime): --~Postcode: _O_~~2~O _ 0 Z I 0 lJ111~2.~s _ Mobile:~1 1" ~ _ . Date of submission: ---..:l1. -IS - lL____ Signature~-----.------_--Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.auck/andcouncil.govt.nzlloca/boards and use the 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. - YOUR SUBMISSION IVly submission is about the foHowing draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft (ocal board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ---------------------------_._-------------_._------------------------------_. ._-------_._--------_._----------------------------_._-----------_._------_._------------ __ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ----------------------------------------------------- Do YOl) have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional Anachments. Yes 0 pages or supporting documents. pleasE' attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No d If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. for 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, freepost 237B02 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 FreepostAuthority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III 7) 1Hz I cJ (? I f '--I 2 S JUL 2 II . StlBMI SIQ f,QRM_ I I .I -~ JNCll Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at wwv ..... aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the local Government Act 2002, all submissions (induding personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and 5ignature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. 'J< Title: Mr [3'"Mrs 0 Full name: I Miss 0 Dr 0 "'<E¥o~~~ Other T I live in the following local board area: ...L"j:::tl.•Q£l.._ Organisation: Roo",,,,v . ( l2C2J';'''L.J~i:l_1.:t.'L,/sf 4)( I~HQ..,'10stcode: Postal address: __t.I. kDiw ~. J Email: -.::i"1~/1g' c--'~~~~_"'7;,,___ "}-95= Phone (evening): _.~~ Date of submission: Phone (daytime): .li"", _Q5'--'..-O. _ ... Mobile:_~~..,'-'2u(,"_J4""_"9c:9''-2.''__. _ . . Signatures:-~~~, 2 Wi Ifyou do not know your loca/boardarea, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzl~boards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 070 1. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) +0 k'1ft-v><~.vLb" (n_-~ --'.-¥m VI t -) I;, I pk~_- --~flO vi 6:b aCf(hb'X~--- I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please tist any other priorities you think are more important (please provide comments to support your response) than the ones in the draft local board plan _ if Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? -------------------------------------------- NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents. please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about mare than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - local Board Plans 2011, local Board Services, Freepost 237B02 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 ,r.•111 "(0, Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission -local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Co ies of local board plans are available at: R E eEl V • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay - • Auckland Council customer centre. call toll free (09) 301 0101. E~ 2 AUG 2011 AUCKLAND COUNCIL W.\Rl<WORTtI Please complete your submission online at libraries. council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return-this subrirlsm orm to pu lie SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 201 1. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday. 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process. please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid. you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition toyour name, postal address or email and signature. This will enab)?'JS to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. d Miss 0 Title: Mr 0 Mrs Full name: Postal address: 6> Email: Dr 0 Other____ ki('a.- uo.. &1. fI'1 tJe-L1RarOd$rg~ Ca,v,pK::v11 I Phone (evening): 0;2/Date of submission: ~.e-( I live in the following local board area: "!Zy"vel - I J 0/od:t--io ,yl... Phone (daytime): Postcode: -------_ OQCJ - ;2gqq 1 Mobile: z;,/;r,!/I signature:.~ _ Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboardsandusethe .Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 070 7. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) CtO::::r;o;:, ~\5 pkJOk1P - (\41polk, C; V1/IWJlN\ mCq rO Q / I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Do you have any other comments on the draft [ocal board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft [ocal board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft [ocal board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft [ocal board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auck[and Council, Private Bag 92300, Auck[and 1142 ilLSI' fOUlHI! Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. council 5eNice centres and local board offices • online at WVffl.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions wHl be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards wilt hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes D No ~ Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the [orm below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr D Mrs D Miss~Dr Full name: /2oJcl-e/ D Other C6>/A2t--deJ EmaiIIDlc6.rY.U?2:e(&/fYlhlcJe.CO Phone (evening): 09 ~ Date of submission: f .~ I /;2 17~r:;C 'I Organisation: Old ~4~C\l t<bI, Postaladdress'/Sb ;QOLJN G I live in the following local board area: !?£) I _ ~NOI"J; Phone (daytime): . Mobile: .20// Signature: 0..2 ~ 01 Postcode: Stc2<»-:> /:5£ :2 ~ ~ ~;i; 07&1 ~ ;;AO;g-<.r ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website www.aucklan£ 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0107. YOUR SUBMISSION Ar- c::::rlla~cJ. My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you \vant to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) /Yf;(Y< 1// AVE I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft locai board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please Ust any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) SUBMISSION TO DRAFT RODNEY LOCAL BOARD PLAN 4 August 2011 I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan: • Priority Five: Provide for the recreational needs of our community. I would like to see multi-sport facilities constructed at the Warkworth Showgrounds to cater for netball, all weather hockey, and swimming (and other aquatic sports). Specifically: • Indoor and floodlit, outdoor netball courts, built to international specifications. • Floodlit, full size water hockey turf. • A 25m swimming pool treated by ultra violet light requiring low levels of Chlorine. • Associated fencing, club rooms and traffic management plans / provisions. Why a multi-sport • Showgrounds is essential There are no lit netball court facilities in Warkworth Warkworth • facility at Warkworth for the newly formed Netball Club (nine teams in its first year) to use for training. Existing netball courts (not full size & unlit) are located at the Warkworth Primary School, restricting access and usage. • Warkworth Netball Club has recently affiliated with Mahurangi Rugby Club which is already located at the showgrounds. • Weekly travel to sports fixtures in Wellsford or the North Shore is costly and may exclude participation of lower income players at a time when the recession and amalgamation to Auckland Council is having a significant financial impact on local families. • SH1 through the Dome Valley is a notoriously dangerous stretch of road, and poses a significant risk to people travelling to Wellsford for sport. Providing local facilities in Warkworth could reduce the number of vehicles, accidents and fatalities on this road. Page I of 3 Rachel Callender. Submission to Rodney Draft Local13oard Plan • The number of people playing hockey in Rodney has decreased in recent times - this could be put down to the inaccessibility of playing facilities and the cost of playing at / travelling to Rosedale. • Whangarei, which was one of the first provinces to have a dedicated all weather hockey turf, continues to produce top level hockey players demonstrating participation • the importance of having adequate facilities to increase and skills in the sport. Being a coastal township with a growing population of families, it is essential that Warkworth has a community swimming pool for water safety education and swimming training to reduce the likelihood of drownings. • Warkworth has a strong sense of community, but there are few activities and facilities available for youth - many international case studies demonstrate that sport and physical activity play an important part in young people's lives as a means of crime prevention. Recreational activities can reduce vandalism and other property offences in local areas. Sport and physical activity programs may also address other local problems, such as alcohol and illicit drug use amongst young people. • Getting physically active has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to help deal with depression and obesity. Providing a multi-sport facility to encourage regular physical activity - such as playing sport or swimming would have significant health and wellbeing benefits for the local community and surrounding districts. • Providing a multi-sport facility to international standards would provide significant economic benefits to the local area via hosting international, televised fixtures and associated sponsorship. • A multi-sport facility at Warkworth Showgrounds will enhance community cohesion by providing a central hub for social games and competitions e.g. business house, as well as functions. • A multi-sport facility at Warkworth Showgrounds will reduce travel costs and encourage greater participation in sport. • A multi-sport facility at Warkworth Showgrounds could be used by local schools that have burgeoning roles and limited funding to upgrade existing, aging facilities. • The development of a multi-sport facility at Warkworth Showgrounds will balance the influx of retirement developments providing youth / children something to do. Page 2 of3 Rachel Callender, Submission to Rodney Dratl Local Board Plan • • The development of the multi-sport complex at the Warkworth Showgrounds supports the Warkworth Structure Plan that: o identifies the need for activities for youth and the longer term need to add extra sports fields in recognition of Warkworth's role as the natural hub for the northern part of the District. o Acknowledges the need for the town to strengthen social and community networks that operate and create a place which everyone - residents, business, person, visitors, as well as young and old - have a stake in. Page 3 of3 Rachel Callender, Submission to Rodney Draft Local Board Plan 1t-•..• . .~>"d SUBMISSION FORM_ +0- S.0b""":l~'o,,- hoc,.J.. board '"?ianS' • p.«, 1 () fW," 'I 5 -- k)",cd BOQyd Aucklc,v->oi &>oi) Su'<.)l<,U Counc() PrJuaW 303 CJ;;;300 AUCK LA/\.IJl 114/' Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies olthe draft local board plans are available at: public libraries, council service centres and local board offices online at www.aucklandcounciLgovt.nzlhaveyoursay Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday B July 2011 and Monday B August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, B August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Piease note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to yourname, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. 8' TItle: Mr 0 Mrs Miss 0 Dr 0 Other . Full name: PJR c KlOn t\ lA N \" I live in the following local board area: Organisation: f{odnllC! -J Postal address: I A Kec.dtl C<\t=sC, '5Q6L-LCC 1?t7r'1C.Jt Postcode: <5 Email: l\ce neb \, I ,V"'ioJclsea(('cd ,eO, rJz Phone (daytime): _••. ( ~:2~5~4-~?,~4-~n~ Phone (evening): Date of submission: J. 7 - 7 -II Mobile: Signature: _ q.:z.O _ --,.,I/' ~4k-.,,~=-'--''''o/,-_. _ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toILfree (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) roposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (piease provide comments to support your response) GENERAL CONDITIONS DISPLAY 8< CLASSIFIED (a) That the advertisement does not contain anything" that is misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive or which otherwise breaches the Fair Trading Act 1986. • that is defamatory or indecent 0( which otherwise oHends against generally accepted community standards. that infringes a copynght or trademark or otherwise infnnges any intellectual or industrial property rights. (~) It!S the responsibil!! the Advertiser to advise the Publisher of any efror and the Publisher is notfto be held responsible for unnotrfled recurring errors. No responsibility whatsoever will be accepted lor any error or inaccuracy in advertisements placed by telephone. 11. To cancel an advertisement a cancellation number must be obtained from us, that breaches any provision or any statute, regulation, by-law or other rule or law, and (b) That the advertisement complies in every way with the Advertising Codes of Practiceissued by the Advertising Standards Authority Inc. (" ASA~) and WIth f!IIery other code or industry standard relating to advertising in NevvZealand, and (c) Publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any liability on our part or in a claim being made against us. 12. The charge for an advertisement will be in accordance with the published rate card applying at the time for the publication, unless we agree otherwise in writing. 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We will not be liable for any indirect or (onsequentialloss (which indudes loss of revenue or profit) from an.wcor or omission or failure to publish and if we are found to have any reet liability for any circumstance that liability is limited to the cost of the space of the advertisement. / 1. In accepting an advertisement (including a notice) lor publication, and in publishing it we are dOing so in consideration of and relying on the advertiser's express warranty, the truth of which is essential: INhere the advertiser utilises any aspect 01 our creative servicesin the design or production of an advertisement (including photographic or design work) the I advertIser acknowledges. that we 0'M'l the copyright in such work and that such / .....-orkis not work for whICh a commissioning payment has been made or agreed. 5. We may refuse to publish. or Wit.hdraw an advertisement from pUblicatio"/ Without having to give a reason _ 6. 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Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 OlDl. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions wilt be prepared. At a later date the local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please, note that in accordance with the local Gover1ment Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - n.mes and addresses) wilt be made public. If yO" have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 OlD1. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No W Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr ~ Full name: Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr 0 Other___ Postal address: 1'.0 . ear< 70SEmail: R Q0 N 6 Y I live in the following local board area: Organisation: P.e.+<-r 6 ",ck.f-c " wltR.kwot<..TH _ Postcode: _O~9~'t~/ Phone (daytime): 01 1t:z.:2.. -:>r'2-Q Phone (evening): Date of submission: _ _ Mobile.: Signature: ~t~'e.=JC.t.crO=.~.~~fJ~__________. ._ Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board pian (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Ido not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan Sf.e,Lk (pleas provide comments to support your response) ~ ~ U .fk 4-0 '. c'...•. f'. " +v--.'- ~ ~ , Itk ,; .R' ""'"""'\?'O .t-o f1r~ , ~ .•••::> ~ ""-",,r-k.~ , -J ~ -tv-.'-...-,. ~ +'."...-- 'c..... ,-,,-SLJ. j\, "'-'~. Do you ha~: r~ S'c., :~l other comments on th, draft local board plan? , I bc......k no>e..cA' b~ cypp~; -t.. r'o NOTES ~ 5<:- ..,...k 00" ~ If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below, Attachments: Yes 0 No B If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments, For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlllP f010I;t~1. fOLD F reepost Authority Number 237802 Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland (ouneH Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 H[~, '. --' fZo SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your drah local board plan. Please read the drah plan )efore making your submission. local board plans are available at: 1& Copies of the draft public libraries, (ouncH service centres and loeat board offices a. online at w~w/;rsay e Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. 0:- return this subm:ssion form to public Please complete your submission online at \WJw.:3:ucklandc:cu:lciLgo'.''v"eyoursay. libraries. councH service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. SUBMISSiON FORM Use this form to make your submission on your drarc local board plan, Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and iVonday 8 August 2011, Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary cr the su~mis5ions wiH be prepared. At a later date ~he Local Boards will hold hearings to consider aU submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Gaverr:ment Act 2002, all submissions (including persona! details of submitters - names and address€:5) wiH be ,r.ade public. if you have any que~;e5 about the draft local board plans or submission pracess, please call (09) 301 0101, YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must iriCludeyourfu{[ name rogetherwit"'i at {eastonejarm Do you wish to speak in support of your submission if you answeredyes at a public heaiing? Yes n No of contact (post oremaif). 0 above, please provide as much detail as possihiE .:,;:he form below in addition ro your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswill enable us to arrange a suitable time 3.',dlocation for you to speak at the hearing. /) Title: Mr 0 Mrs U Miss 0 Dr 0 Orher____ Full name: &(MO~('C C1f'/e1<> .,c-v Postal addres::~ Email: . ~.~ f- dOd;;;;:; 0~ 3 .• I S'/I /L.r.z 0 Z!C,~d 0;k;~<d'~9{J?(daYtime): Phone (evenlng),______________ Date of submission: I live in the following ,ocal board area: Organisation:_~~ 0 /""- c' _ Postcode: y 4- 2 '1 ci "- <2 S <' c. G '7 .2 0' ,:;> q Mo~"e: ~_ Qc::> /'/ S!g"-,oIUie: c. tfyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the weiJsjre VN/'N.:auckland- ur:di.go...'oca!boards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customycen:re toll iree (09) 301 0107, YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the fonewing draft local boaid plan (if you want to make a submission on mo;-e tnan one draf~,lccal beard pl.3.:1, see the nctes overleaf) r':, .;.".1-1 r ...e-' fJ'1I Hal,e (;12,1.hf:_ - ?JOg /.? wOI<.TN i agree with the followin priorities proposed in the drah: lecai boarc pla., (ple2se provide comments to support your response) . ,. r' V Ad "kz '. eJ"'-:; U4 L-e--a--e.C-/' ,."."" -/ e-. '" &= c;..o(;"", .4"-v1' k'A"C 1do not agree ..•.. oIith the foltcwing priorities proposed in the craft local board p!a:l (please provide comments M 4. 6'r"&'o"H_ > Vt<'dls;'~,,!? to SL:pport your response) Please list any other priorities Y0l: think are rr:ore importai.t me:",:ne ones in :he draft tocal 'ca.rd plan (please provide comments to support your response) SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. counell service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcounell.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close. a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. all submissions (including persc1Tlaldetails of submitters ... names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves 0 No ~ Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 0 Dr u;:YOther____ Full name: I-fA!'IS ~v E:R.T5 Postal address: k",ppner ?t'i5" fio' I?c>o I live in the following local board area: Organisation: f-?D t Email: JLveclJ"""'>1hei8h&st=lht:r?"C."".,Z Phone (evening): ..--{<V1ot<LQ St<'-'VERI;)AI.-F Phone (daytime): Mobile: ~ (CJ't~ N c; Y _ Postcode: 4;z=?, D9''i't =.:<--6 Date of submission: ~I Z91/1 Signature: ------'===---Jf"--U"'~I--'-,-"?~..<>-P=_~...c...-===tfyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzllocalboards and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0107. _ YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) RDoL/IL2.-!j I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft 10c~1board plan (please provide comments to support your response) ~IR~ ' 'I.-') ~ f{(Q c I """"--' <U,9- Y& ':l .e...s ' (L /M.t; f "'>.w I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft 10..':!'1 board plan (pleas,,-provide comments to support your response) ..1 d<.> ~ / ~ ....:;::,II( ..;-IU.~ ~>u..~,fU'-ct.Ac.. dvcu ~ /w-;.;f{i."",,/-ex ~ •.'I aci'o.m<ldl<cl.rf'~1 h:>,_p~c.I..< , //Wi 'r.;~h.ivtlj,' ~ --Uu.Zv-e -:J.~ O-C/kw~ff / <:>/ ,&<./£.;" ~, t-P.&.::' ~ Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) hd .£. Do you have any other comments on the draft local board Pian? ~ f~ r () ,_' -I?~ ~w>.wV h' -f;Ou-J2~D4 ~Mj;j,;> yQu,/ V!cnv)aAd ;.z => ~~ d61 ~~ ' NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Ves below. Attachments: Ves D No W If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP IOlD •.•!.l Freepost Authority Number 237802 ~.-~,?"""''\1. f,f'_. .-- -J..; Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 -1111 SUBMISSION FORM: I, -' " , I \ ,,. ~ ,I rG I' I , , I 1 " ~ J Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: _I 'f-. \) I 1\ • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. ~ < Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. .I or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you ha"e any 1ueries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 3010101. YOUR CONTACT OETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form '}fr0ntact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No [2( Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr0'" 1'1\53 Mis'ilD Full name: \)~[I\h Postal address: Email: Phone (even g): DrD ~ul" '. Other I live in the following local board area: A Il-J-U Organisation: R\)JVj~: --- [ Postcode: ij oq"'7 ). 11\".(;) I\v~"",\ . \) U Ly'L~ -----~iliih0---------- Date of submission: 4. 1...') \ \~ Signature: -t \J Ifyou do not know your/ocal board area, please visit the website 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 01 0 7. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan -(if you want tOrTlaKe a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) the NOTES If you have additional pages or ;JWporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below, Attachments: Yes 0 No I2f If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP ..., - , I t ~ ..r-.•",.. f -\" , . "I , ' •• ,- fOlD _ ~ t_~ FreepostAuthority HlRE .•...• - _ • ,~TIl Number 237802 AUCKLAND COUNCIL Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 08 "US 2011 ---f\D/~s-17~S. SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft tocal board plan. Please read the draft plan jefore making local board plans are available at: $ YOllr submission. Copies of the draft public libraries. council service centres and local board offices •. online at v,,\w, • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission cnline at \w.'w.aucklandcou:1cil.govt.r.z/haveyoursay. 0:- :-eturn this subm:ss!on form to public libraries, council service centres or maH it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMiSSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissIOns on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July Z011'and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary the submis)ions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings or to consider aU s~bm:ssions. Pleas€: ncte that in a.:co;'"c~;;C€ with 'the Loccl GC'vernment Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) wiH be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryoursubmission to be valid, you must jr,c!ude your full narne together with at least one form of contact Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing' Yes 0 No (pest or email). 0 Ifyou answeredyes above. please provide as much detail as possibiE ,:nthe form below i() addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and lOCation for you to speak at the hearing. ,/) Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0" Miss 0 ::s.....,\ \.~, Fun name: Postal address: Email: Dr 0 Other____ C:"' \.....A{2r< Organisation: ('I\f\N;2L- b i2,vl:: u/J6 Postcode: _ \0'" P...::tA,'c In" H. Phone (daytime): 0:<' 0 MODile:. _ Signawre: _ LL 3/8/2cl/ Date of submission: _ A 10\\1 , Phone (evening): ;-<... Ll ci /'\.Q '1 I live Ir. the follcwir.g local board area: , _ i !(you do fiot know your focal board area, please visit the website wvw/.auck.landcaundl.go' and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Beard' tool, or :onract Auckland Council's customer cenrre toll jree (09) 301 0107. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission 1s about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission or. mo;-e than O;"le dra~ l;:;cal beard ?ian, see the notes overleaf) ;(",,;)(':-1-1 i .agree ~ r'';<l.- - the following priorities with \ \ i-1'i""'-t.,'c C.z,1 +-(<2_ I proposec .-- Nlf-liKt-Ji>'<:'TI-I in the Giar: l:xai board plan (please pi"Ovide comments to support t3l2~~AO_2"bEA~_~ _¥\\-@~YS -::9'IN e. \ --" us::J KIe, I do not agree vvith the following priorities proposed in the draft lCC3t PLease Ust any other trla:-, !"e Qres in priorities (please provide comments you think are rr:ore important to support your response) \\ (' ! I your response) .~t?O~11 PI 00):, b.,;ard pla" (please provice comments to support your response) :he draft local board plan SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the free post envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submi5sions. Please note that in accordance with the-Local Government Act 2002, aU submissions (induding personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your fulf name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No if Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. t15 Dr 0 Other -k ~.Je_.\. = () Phone (evening): Date of submission: ~ 5 f?<=x:).,re.~ I live in the following local boar area: \ Organisation: ~c;\ '3:9 l C' Postcode: .CO. VI?. Phone (daytime): OS' 42-2 Cr3??(::::' ~_____ Mobile: ~! I e.hs. . Signature: - ft I I - govt. nz/localboards and use the tolf free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to ma a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) "Q I do not agree with the following priorities propo 1 cxa Y:<2 Ifyou do not know yourlocal board area, please visit the website~. uckja~cil. 'FindYour Ward and Local Board' tool. orcontaet Auckland Coun~tomercentre I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board pi I please provide comments to support your response) in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other prior es you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide com ts to support your response) I Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, piease attach them to your submission and select Yes below. At'achments: Ye..r:( No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: • • Submission - Local Board Pians 2011, Locai Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 ~RE Freepost Authority Number 237802 AUCKLAND Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 COUNCIL OS AUG 20\\ SANDSPIT SOS INC Sands pit SOS Inc is a community group based in Sandspit which has as its objective: To protect and conserve the coast, coastal catchment, and environs of the Sandspit, Glen Eden and Matakana estuaries for the benefit of the environment and for the enjoyment of the general public. Our submission therefore has a strong focus on environmental matters as they affect our coastal and rural catchments. Sandspit SOS Inc considers that the draft plan has been well thought out and is a positive step in developing a strong plan for Rodney's future path. I We make the following comments on the plan. Our Vision, p2 It will be a challenge for the Council to ensure that the rural and coastal environments are protected while providing for the recreation needs of the area and .strengthening the local economy. Rodney's planning documents need to be transparent on zoning, be written in a clear and unambiguous manner, control development, and identify areas that need protecting especially our coastal areas and waterways. Priorities, p8 The plan lists seven priorities, the last being care for our environment. By putting it at the end, it appears to be an add-on and perhaps not as important as the other priorities. Sandspit SOS Inc considers that the views covered in this objective, while laudable, need to be woven throughout the other six priorities. For example, building the economy and providing recreation opportunities for Rodney's residents cannot be sustainably achieved without applying an environmental focus to planning and decision making. Perhaps relevant objectives on environmental impacts could be included under each objective. Priority One: Build and Strengthen our Economy, p10 Sandspit SOS Inc recognises the need for the building and strengthening of Rodney's economy. However, this needs to be done in a considered way with care being taken on where business and industrial developments are located. The size and scale of any development needs to be appropriate for the area where it is located. The argument is often used that there is already some development in an area so more development is okay. It ne;eds to be acknowledged that there is a point when the threshold for development in an area has been met and the landscape cannot take more change. It is also important to ensure that the infrastructure of an area can support any developments without adversely affecting the environment and amenity for the community. Priority Two: Actively Manage Growth and Retain Coastal and Rural Character, p13 It is good to see that the main objective under this priority is to actively manage the pressures of growth and maintain and enhance the character of Rodney's townships and rural areas and coastal environment through excellent urban and rural planning. There are already some good planning documents, such as the SandspitlSnelis Beach/Algies Bay Structure Plan 1999 and the Sandspit Reserve Management Plan 1997. As well as reviewing the over-arching planning documents, these local plans also need to be revised and enhanced with community input. It is also important that these documents are maintained and do not become out of date with the result that developers think they can be ignored because they are obsolete. We support the values expressed at the end of this section. 1 Sandspit 50S Inc, August 2011 Priority Three: Provide Effective and Reliable Infrastructure, p14 The development of infrastructure must always be sustainable and environmentally focussed. We are pleased to see that the draft plan acknowledges the environmental significance of Rodney's harbours, beaches and rivers and acknowledges that there must be plans to better manage discharge, etc into them. Sandspit SOS Inc has a special interest in the Sandspit, Glen Eden and Matakana River catchment area and has commenced an estuary care group. Our group may be interested in developing a Management Plan to cover this area. Priority I Four: Provide Safe, Efficient, and Multi Modal Transportation Networks, p16 Sandspit SOS Inc has concerns for the fragile Sandspit Road. Proposed developments in the area would put further pressure on this vital link for Sands pit residents. Developments need to be located in areas where there are good roading networks, and there needs to be regular maintenance on local roads which provide the only access to residential areas. We are supportive of the proposed safety issues listed on page 18 to be worked on in conjunction with Auckland Transport and The New Zealand Transport Agency. While roading networks need to be developed, parking also needs to be addressed. At peak times, parking in areas such as Sandspit becomes a nightmare, with vehicles parked illegally for long periods of time, a lack of enforcement to discourage such actions, and residents being unable to park their cars to access the spit and estuaries. Issues such as these need to be addressed, but not by providing more large car parks that are not rn proportion to their location. Priority Five: Provide for the Recreational Needs of the Community, p20 Sandspit SOS Inc supports most of the proposals in this section. Access to parks, walkways and our rivers and beaches is important to Rodney residents. Improving access to these areas is important, but must be managed in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. It is also important that communities are consulted when new developments are proposed for an area or improvements or changes are proposed for existing amenities. Priority Six: Engage with our Diverse Communities Cultural Needs, p22 and Provide for Their Social and As a community group we are pleased to see that the Local Board sees itself as having an important role to play in communicating and supporting community groups. Priority Seven: Care for Our Environment, p24 As stated previously, Sandspit SOS Inc has a strong interest in protecting and conserving the natural environment of the region, and specifically the environs of the Sands pit. Glen Eden and Matakana estuaries. We strongly endorse the initiatives listed in this section of the draft plan. Sandspit SOS Inc is pleased to see that the Local Board will strongly advocate for funding and will support community groups actively caring for our natural environment. We strongly support the Sandspit Reserve Restoration Plan submission. Our group looks forward to working with the Local Board on environmental initiatives we are developing for our local area. 2 sandspit 50S Inc, August 2011 Submission on Rodney Local Board Plan Matakana to Omaha WalkwayjCyclway This submission relates to the ..... 4 .....Transport and is focussed on a project to provide a Walkway/Cycleway linking the communities of Matakana, Omaha beach and Point Wells. It is part of a a wider strategy to provide safe walking options for the Communities of "Mahurangi East". from Scotts Landing to Leigh. We believe this project fits well with Council's strategy to provide walkway's and Cyclesways in its planning for the future. We need $ 66,520.00 to complete the next stage of the walkway. Map of Eastern Mahurangi. The Matakana Community Group is preparing for Stage two of the Walkway/Cycleway from Matakana to Omaha Beach. Stage 1 was completed in March 2011. This stage was supported by Rodney District Council and Watercare. The project aims to provide safe walking and cycleway access between communities in this popular tourist destination. The construction of Stage two will enable walkers and cyclists to walk or cycle the full 8km from Matakana to Omaha without having to utilise the congested traffic routes linking Matakana with Point Wells and Omaha Beach. ••• .-- ----- - - _.~ -l' .o •• ~.-; :.::--=: _ Expected Benefits • Encouraging more community based and led initiatives This Walkway Project has already seen the local primary school endorse the programme with students from the school actively involved in planting trees from their "Trees for Survival" nursery at strategic points on the first stage of the walkway. We expect a variety of sport and recreational groups to make use of the track . • Improving community spirit and connectivity To date, our Walkway project has had three major fund-raisers. These were a Film evening, a Cabaret Evening and a Fun Run. In total more than 800 people have been involved. People from all parts of the community and from other regions, supported these events . • Supparting a wide and diverse range of activities Essentially the walkway is for walking and cycling, but there is a significant tourist potential because of the scenic nature of the track's location. The economic potential for local businesses (including those at the Matakana markets) could be significant, with walkers or cyclists beginning or ending their forays at Matakana. • Promoting valunteering and social investment The Matakana Community Group has attracted a good number of "retired persons" willing to donate significant labour for the walkway. The Organisation of the Fun Run attracted donations of time from a wide range of local businesses, Service Clubs, and Community Organisations such as Fire Service and St. Johns. In the long term the walkway could well host a variety of community events utilising running, walking, orienteering etc. as part of community fund raising activity . • Strengthening of the relationship between the Council and the community. Stage 1 of the walkway passes through Council Land. A significant factor in completing the first part of the project has been the willingness of Council to work with a Volunteer Organisation (Matakana community Group) to build a very useful amenity. Significantly too, Stage two of the walkway is a joint Auckland Council! Matakana Community enterprise, with the Walkway following the alignment of a Council easement for a new Sewer line, across the property of Skip and Jill Whitmore at Tongue farm road. (See attached Survey maps). The Project Planned Programme of Works Matakana Walkway-Cycleway Date November 2011 Milestone 1 Organisation Re-establish a Walkway management 0 committee through the Matakana Community Group and formalise arrangements with preferred contractors. Stage 2 Outcome The project will be Cost Nil 0 0 0 December 2011 Milestone 2 Complete Earthworks from A -G 0 Form entrance at Tongue Farm road, ready to proceed. (see map) install 3 sets of culvert pipes, remove large 0 0 0 January 2012 Publish a works programme for Stage 2 Enlist a new team of volunteers to work with contractors. and contact key stakeholders. Establish Health and Safety management policy poplar tree, The track will be Form Track with Grader and Excavator, formed to a width establish new drainage, cut and batter as of 2.4metres from required Tongue Farm Road Install further culverts as required. to Whitmore Road Compact clay surface with Sheepsfoot and the wetland roller area at H (see map) re instate wetland zone, forming bunds as will be formed/ necessary. reinstated. Milestone 3 Install Boardwalks Follow plan detail provided by Bucklon Associates. The Boardwalks will be completed ram all posts necessary to carry the two structures and the viewing platform Build the boardwalks and the viewing platform providing See separate costings and quotations See separate costings and quotations connection to the clay track. Milestone 4 Metal the Walkway/Cydeway February 2012 0 trail base-course, compact with roller and grade for whole walkway 0 trail AP6S medium base couse, compact and grade 0 trail Gap20 finishing metal, Compact. The surface of the Walkway will be prepared to a standard to carry walkers and cyclists and also suitable for light maintenance vehicles Milestone 5 Complete Walkway fencing March 2012 0 Construction of 8 Wire Post and Batten The walkway will be Fence complete, and 0 Install 3 Outlet gates for ease of separate from maintenance owner's farm 0 Secure entrances to the track until it is activity officially opened. 0 Post appropriate signage for the walkway. See separate costings and quotations Milestone 6 Revegetation of Section I and Plant Wetlanll Section H March 2012 o Establish one hectare of native and exotic trees, shrubs and ground cover to enhance and protect track from erosion, oRe-plant the wetland area with suitable flax, grasses and other vegetation to develop a wetland habitat. o Plant trees and shrubs along the walkway border. Stage 2 Walkway/Cydeway Earthworks (Digger, Grader, Roller, - machinery hours) Culverts The walkway will be ready for public use. The Project will be completed, opening public walking from Matakana to Omaha. Costs. (See attached quotations) 19900 3600 Aggregate & cartage 13959 Boardwalk Timbers & Fencing materials 13886 Boardwalk construction & Machinery Fencing Construction 7200 7975 66520 Appendix 1 Track Construction Detail provided gratis by Buckton Consultants Warkworth. See separate costings and quotations I. .-•.._- u. ••• _._ - ~~~._ .-. ---.... r ~ 1 LOll TyplaII80lInhnlk CJoM.-5ectIon •• dand_'a .•_ .•~~-~I I~:-e"'- ~-- -._-_ •. ~_fl_..a__ ::Q~ "'1'/ ..••- ( ----J( TypIcoIllotah fcf W~ Pllot4 DP 13160 0I1d • I Cydewoy Raub> """ lot 1 DP 1341118._na •• -onr1 Appendix 2 Construction Qutations POBox 161 MATAKANA Phone/Fax Mobile 094257214 021951518 28 July 2011 Matakana Community Group Email NEW WALKING AND CYCLING TRACK FROM TAKATU ROAD TO TONGUE FARM ROAD Thank you for the opportunity to provide my estimated price for the above works Em, Estimation of truck, grader and excavator hours Truck 14 hrs @ $100 I hour Grader 44 hrs @ $85 I hour Excavator 93 hrs @ $120 I hour All prices exclude G5T. Please contact me if you require any information regarding this. Yours faithfully Rob Mackisack Director From: Lu & Kay Rathe [] sent: Friday, 29 July 2011 8:19 a.m. To: Scott McCallum Subject: Re Walkway estimate Scott McCallum MATAKANA COMMUNITY GROUP. Thank you for the opportunity to provide an ESTIMATEto BUILD Walkway AND REINSTATE WETLAND AREA ATTHE WHITMORE PROPERTYAT MATAKANA. GRADER $4400.00 EX120 $10,230.00 TRUCK $1190.00 SHEEPSFOOT ROLLER $2400.00 FINISHING ROLLER TOTAL $1200.00 $19,420.00 PLUS GST If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, LU RATHE RATHECONTRACTORSLTD 0274414363 094229902 From: Lu & Kay Rathe [] Sent: Friday, 29 July 2011 B:19 a.m. To: Scott McCallum Subject: Re Walkway estimate Scott McCallum MATAKANA COMMUNITY GROUP. Thank you for the opportunity to provide an ESTIMATEto BUILD Walkway AND REINSTATE WETLAND AREAAT THE WHITMORE PROPERTYAT MATAKANA. GRADER $4400.00 $10,230.00 EX120 TRUCK $1190.00 SHEEPSFOOT ROLLER $2400.00 FINISHING ROLLER $1200.00 $19.420.00 PLUSGST TOTAL If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, LU RATHE RATHECONTRACTORSLTD 0274414363 094229902 Brian Hodson Fencing Contractor Telephone (09) 420- 5337 2130 Kaipara Coast Highway Mobile 027-495-7696 PO Box 28 Kaukapakapa 0843 Kaukapakapa GST No: 71-619-540 Attention Scott McCallum Matakana Community Group quote Construct 1450m 8 wire post & batten fence including hanging of 3 gates @ Whitmore's property. 1450m @ $7 per m Tractor establishment fee Sub total $10150.00 $ 150.00 $10300.00 $ 1545.00 $11845.00 GST Total Regards Brian Hodson ALL RURAL FENCING Malcolm Webster, POBox Ltd 166. Warkworth,0941 Ph 09 425 4300. email Mb 0274 477 062 TO: Omaha to Matakana Walkway Project 28th July 2011 c/- Neville Johnson 202 Matakana Valley Road Matakana 094229337 Attention: Neville Johnson & Scott McCuliam Estimate for erection of 8 wire post and batten fencing along side walkway from Whitmore road to Tounge Farm Road: Approx length 1450 metres With 16 corners and 3 gateways fitted This is labour only pricing My price for this is All prices plus GST Payment terms: Within 7 days of completion Thank you Malcolm Webster $7975.00 r-~~::-:~c":;-,-"C~'----'.C"C,_=.--' f;3TIW,'i; ~H SALES ','u,rlo'<'''.''Of<TH SCO:! MC~AU.lIol. toI'-'TAK.<\".\ COtAlvtJNrT1 :?RCl.PI CA~-l eAlES ',"AA.'<WO?TH ",<:,,"""""''''''''''."''' ••••.f..:"'~Iltd<'_'lI".I'l3.M GCon U-::CAlll.'w\ tolAT Il,K.\tlA, C::""-lt.JIT'r ft. wr.c,,~!113 C.rTlllr>o' '';...•:''7:; '.1.-'- ~~~AY ..•..•. u. ',,-,".111_'" 2'»JC~ 200 :r.!m RIOOIAT'" FRAt.ll:2 -N 't,SI'.'NN C;,0t0l '4R~C ,~~'.R.ct-(' 1m x M ~,u:u, ~'t>A.}{ti~ 7JJQ"",,~;ll130'll>4t' 7; JI.5U Ail£:' r.Q ~ B3 F.3 -U ClL ~7\1 ~10:;.'..OHT!W •.•••. ~ 1+1 l:"I).n' ••.. .M ~.:; 1'iClI.A'l:>i# FENCE POS-S l.~ ~ e'J:u-;47T AWFlf'~11l ~H.\I,u:' ~ ft({;"ltHh," II10M ").1'.1 CoTIoI '170U ,.". "''' ,,. "'::: "''' '3<" ..,;.,a R!'{~~;a:" 25.~llGTlI lCOOl) wo-ll'l.l'-1 :l1!.1 H02M1:J;' •• '.l:S;1 ".~ 114 173-I~m.'M RQl..W -I-; Fl3"tct; P'OS7S2."'1 9O-'lutr.l 'G.' '.12 nC) H-1""FJI"':l" I"\",,::':f1_f1~' ~~"'tU.r. ee.oo K,I..•.•..AltbeJ rE'n~25HTU' ~~!~DI<.G ~t.:::~ 11.'(" ..• v: If.;I. & 2(°.CC t-lAN''''l~.\lC'~ ~I !I.O': ,.'" ~"" I' .3r ,-t~.'J(,) "..., '''''' m .. 5:",')0 OOL , ".IX 1;n>'.'l' EA"" '." •••• EA"" ;0('(' '~.$C u,~ IlJIl~ ." "ATHl"Ar:OAlV''''X t'I:Y> .." O.LX UI"J-'U, i\\Ll :lOQ'{\\ m", ,." 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""_.n •...•••• _ •.•"_n•.•..•.•.•. ,..••.. __• .,.. .•. ';,- "'" .,." "'" +~ '.1.:" Box 82 Matakana 24'h July 2011 :""-'fl ~"i' Sllf"~To\l c,J.r t"l"'V'" ".••...'""'_ .•.•.,"'.~(..,..Ic .•.•.•.J •••••• , .•••."'O:'••• Scott McCallum Matakana Community Group Inc. ~'" :ACII .•..... \F r..• _"' •.~_~oI._,,~"''''IT_,. Appendix 3 Back ground. 61.).00 :t.l.:11 IO'SAL I~#'~ """-" 15»O'Z Matakana to Omaha Walkway and Cycleway Seoping Report for Stage 2 1.0 Executive Summary This scoping report documents the second stage of the walkway being built between Matakana and Omaha Beach. The estimated costs and the issues relating the development of the track/cycleway have been investigated. The report has been authorised by The Matakana Community Group Inc. and includes input from a wide range of contractors and associated professionals. The construction of Stage two of the Walkway/Cycleway will enable walkers and cyclists to walk or cycle the 8km for Matakana to Omaha without have to utilise the congested traffic routes currently linking Matakana with Point Wells and Omaha Beach •. Stage 2 crosses the property of Skip and Jill Whitmore from Whitmore road to a point on Tongue Farm Road using an easement granted for the walkway and also serving as access for pipes to be installed as part of the Auckland Council's Matakana to Jones Road sewer. An Overall estimate of costs for Stage 2 is as follows: 23500 Earthworks including culverts 13959 Metalling including trucking costs 29061 Boardwalk and fencing costs including machinery and Labour 66520 Two further stages will be required to complete the full walkway. These are: • the footbridge required to bring the walkway across the Matakana River into Matakana • three sections of track yet to be constructed adjacent to roads at Jones Road, Takatu Road and Tongue Farm road. (See Survey Map) Acknowledgements The report acknowledges the significant input from the previous Rodney District Council and staff in promoting and approving Stage one of the walkway/cycle track which was formally opened on March 5th 2011 It also acknowledges the commitment of a wide range of Matakana residents who have provided active support for the project. Background Stage 1 of the walkway cycleway was completed on 5 th March 2011. This section of the track was completed at a cost of $51,200.00 The full Walkway will provide safe walking and Cycle access between Matakana and Pt Well/Omaha Beach. J .., .-'---..- J - C, I..... --~1'tqoOoolCI -~ .. --~ '" ~~~ - ~~::;- x•• ~':{;.j Stage 1 saw the walkway built through Council land at Jones Road Matakana. The project team appreciated the team approach adopted by Watercare CEOMark Bourne, who arranged a shared costing for fencing at the Water Treatment plant, and the willingness of RDCto implement the necessary legal requirements for the track to proceed. The personal input of (then) mayor Penny Webster was very encouraging. The next map shows the path of the walkway through Council property. The red line indicates the walkway course. The blue line identifies the fencing around Watercare facilities. The purple line shows the perimeter of the Council property. Opportunities and Objectives - Community Support 'Warn-up for the Run in the rain" The completion of Stage 1 was timed to open the walkway as part of a Matakana Community Group Fundraising initiative: A fun Run entitled the Matakana Fruitloop" This event brought the walkway into strong community focus with more than 600 participants raising more than $20,000 towards the cost of stage 1 of the walkway. Because the route for the fun run also included access through seven other local vineyards and orchards, the event was of wide interest with visitors coming from far afield. This event is planned again for 2012 and it is realistic to expect more than 1,000 entrants and a further strong financial outcome for walkway funds. This event has highlighted the potential for enterprise in the area, around the walkwayjcycleway. In particular: • a boost for B&B accommodation in the area • benefits for businesses hiring out cycles • increased patronage for a wide range of retail businesses • Stage 2 is Set to Start The picture shows Project Manager Scott McCallum and Landowner Skip Whitmore (on tractor) ramming the first marker posts for the boardwalks on Stage 2. SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan ~efore making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: $ pubUc libraries. council service centres and local board offices e. online at \A.'\ • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at \w,,,say, libraries, counc!lservice 0:'" return this submission form to public centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions dose. a summary or the su::,mis:;ions \\liU be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all sllbmissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Governme,1t Act 2002, aH submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made pubUc. if you haVE any queries abo~t the drah local board plans or submission process, please cal! (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must irdude your full f1ame to9C!cher '/ith at least one form of contact (post 'Jremaif). Do you VJish to speak in support or your submission at a ;:n.!blichearing? Yes 0 No D I{you answeredyes above, please provide as mucn detail as possible in the jorm below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time arId locarion for you to speak at the hearitlg. i") Title: Mr D Mrs ~ Miss 'E \\ '" Ful! name: Postal address: Email: Date of submission: Dr 0 Other____ C Irs, Q;v \ Phone (evening): 0 I Uve in the following local board area: cvv-.. cJ... v-.l (L.<- l.z",-, cj cj r\. Q. /'- Organisation: _ c:: r-'\-\-.. Postcode: 0 "I "I Phone (daytime): 0 ~ .4- :l. S- 3- 0 &- - '1 c 9 I :t c II Ho~ile:. SignaIure: T_ --- ~ _ L",;;;;;;;;:::;J !fyou do not know your local board area, please visit thE website v"'v.t1N.aucidaridcoundl.go'/ and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer cen:!e tol/ iree (09) 307 0707. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about Ihe following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on mOie than oile draft lcca: ccard plan, see: the notes overleaf) ('t, ,;),,:1-1 ri';<i-- - 4'1 I Ha -i;e Cr2.1 frQ,.. Wa....'- \.< IN or-Y\"-' i agree with the following priorities proposed in t~e dran local board Flan (please provide comments to support your response) fj" Co.- '" IA-"-"'C-"<" c~ "'" W o..-...J~c..~k ,,;.., ~ ~ ~ _ r;-y....,A \<\~"J ~ h,....... A>-'--\( <s~ ~""'. ~fr<-=LL,~ ..J -""'1~'~ {'-r- v.... I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the craft local boad plan (pLease provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities Y0l.:think are more important (please provide comments to support your respoose) U"la7'lthe: onES in :he draft (ocat beard plan SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nzlhaveyoursay. libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Yes 0 No S"'--Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name. postal address oremaif and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs g--Mlss Full name: Postal address: -Q C Email: • I 0 e Phone (evening): ~~ --4==( Roc/hOY live in the following local board area: Organisation: t i Postcode: Q f? I:l. Phone (daytime): g;qgg fi'f II Mobile: _ G~0~?Jfflil(1 --~!!~,~""---4.A./<--A;7 _ Date of submission: Signature: _A~ ••• ~== •..•.. '-"--------Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, orcontact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you wj1nt torake a submission on more than one draft local board plan. see the notes overleaf) Kodnl''1 ' Ido not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan lease provide co ments to support your response) " .5{1. , Do you have any other comments on the drah local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes 0 No ~ If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: aJ you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council. Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves 0 No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs 0 Miss 0 V Dr 1M'"Other Full name: I live in the following local board area: Organisation: Phone (evening):_____________ Phone (daytime): Mobile: /(uMty.<hZl5 ct7J17~1i IN? X Postal address: i'0t50 5£'2, kUIUEU Email:•••••• ly:ckP ci4rl'" eel Yl Z ' Date of submission: .3 A-v!!f::!d-s.1 ZV/I _~~v~c:I._'??J~~ Postcode: ~C22Jk.~~=I----elf Z q'tSO Signature: Ifyou do not knowyour local boa'ld area, please Vl5ltthe webSIte www.aucklandcounctl.govt.nzllocalboardsandusethe 'Find VourWard and Local Board' tool, orcontact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0701. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a su mission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) ?,;:,./ c:b.h 'u/tl,' _ _ d e.v~4- _ _ Do you have any other comments on the, draft local board plan? glkz~~ t2~;Gv-d> 1h?d< fC IVtVtck10C'1,e ~ff&?j "'" /l..-, h \1--</,,",'12/7' milo oa led '0 k !he qvK -?)/'?"'U45r /z.z C bt.-?c(yr/_ NOTES Ifyou have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes D No J If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 il.LBP fQlO ••(~( Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - Local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III • RECEIVED 'SUBMISSION FORM_ - 5 AUG 2011 Have your say on your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your local board plans are available at: b~\{~~It.\:'&.~pM~~r t • public libraries, council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local Boards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid,you must include your full name together with at least one form of contact (post or email). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves D No D Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form below in addition to your name, postal address or email and signature. Thiswillenable us to arrange a suitable time and location foryou to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr' Mrs ~s~ Dr D Other I live in the following local board area: Full name: 9-1-\", {'-'\.(l~ Organisation' Postal address: \ 'l.\. c..c e") l.\ "'t e "'Email: ?phone (daytime): Phone (evening): ~ ~k:(~~ Mobile: k ~v..{\~.W\~;(o.V1:Z.. Date of submission: ~ I L\ -fs. \A VV\. €...l.\. 0 R"'t ( exJ...., Signature: Ifyou do not know your local board area, please visit the website and use the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool. or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0101. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft loca Ido not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) - Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional pages or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. Attachments: Yes D No D If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237802 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP FOlD HER! FOl[H<fRE Freepost Authority Number 237802 Free~ Submission - local Board Plans 2011 Local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III • RECEIVED . . . - 5 AUG 2011 . AUCKlAND COUNCIL HUAPAI • SUBMISSION FORM_ Have your sayan your draft local board plan. Please read the draft plan before making your submission. Copies of the draft local board plans are available at: • public libraries. council service centres and local board offices • online at • Auckland Council customer centre, call toll free (09) 301 0101. Please complete your submission online at libraries, council service centres or mail it using the freepost envelope provided. or return this submission form to public SUBMISSION FORM Use this form to make your submission on your draft local board plan. Auckland Council will accept submissions on the draft local board plans between Friday 8 July 2011 and Monday 8 August 2011. Submissions close at 4pm on Monday, 8 August 2011. Once submissions close, a summary of the submissions will be prepared. At a later date the Local 80ards will hold hearings to consider all submissions. Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters - names and addresses) will be made public. If you have any queries about the draft local board plans or submission process, please call (09) 301 0101. YOUR CONTACT DETAILS Foryour submission to be valid, you must include your full name together with at least Jne form of contact (post oremail). Do you wish to speak in support of your submission at a public hearing? Ves Iii No 0 Ifyou answered yes above, please provide as much detail as possible in the form beLow in addition to your name, postaL address or email and signature. This will enable us to arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak at the hearing. Title: Mr 0 Mrs ~iSS Full name: -z7l r0'A 0 Dr 0 Other____ t==£4tVi4d/\) Postal address: '1 l/AMIRP"J ~f'>D Email: c~oMf -c.,., N;'::' Phone (evening): ttl! q{~ C9,x::r-tZA fZ=O!'J€.Y I live in the following local board area: Organisation: W pI m AU _ Postcode: I"-U O;;s-g) erllq/ =s:- Phone (daytime): Mobile: 0'2-( 'LS-<f- "1/67 Date of submission: J. 8-II Signature: ~",c..,.:~==-_""''-------------Ifyou do not knowyour local board area, please visit the website the 'Find Your Ward and Local Board' tool, or contact Auckland Council's customer centre toll free (09) 301 0107. YOUR SUBMISSION My submission is about the following draft local board plan (if you want to make a submission on more than one draft local board plan, see the notes overleaf) I agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) I do not agree with the following priorities proposed in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) Please list any other priorities you think are more important than the ones in the draft local board plan (please provide comments to support your response) PArYSGfg;s hne=.2-=C'T?orJ O{- SHf..f, T- MV{L,w"o.; AffJeessr,v(.. , A cJevJ f<=;/\f{)'p C!=x/T oiL j'.yPv"eeD. W;+I/I'1;C!()~ Scf!=CIJA-5',. fIft{) rer-JC-€ IrJ /fiG: V"lS"'f MorVT?! ,4. 'Z. C~i.-;/ ~p N6UJS s:,g> of C--4 ~ 1<;' G4~ 7Hf2c..Uc:i1l 7?/61R,. -'2ct(). Do you have any other comments on the draft local board plan? NOTES If you have additional ~es Attachments: Yes!Q( or supporting documents, please attach them to your submission and select Yes below. No 0 If you want to make a submission about more than one draft local board plan: a) you can complete a separate form for each plan, or b) you can fill in one submission form and attach your comments. For 'b' complete the contact details on this submission form, list which draft local board plans you wish to comment on in the space provided above (write 'all' if your comments apply to all draft local board plans), then attach your comments and send to: Submission - Local Board Plans 2011, Local Board Services, Freepost 237B02 Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 RlBP fOlO HER, Freepost Authority Number 237802 Freee Submission - local Board Plans 2011 local Board Services Auckland Council Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142 III \ RE: Hamilton Road Sealing Hamilton Road is a no exit street of 1400 metres, built on a ridge, with the land dropping away either side, so that most houses are built very close to the road. It has a high-density rural housing of 30+ properties; nearly half of these properties have a second dwelling on them, so perhaps 40 to 45 inhabited dwellings. The first 6 homes in the first 200 metres suffer greater dust & noise pollution to an unacccptable Icvcl. A no cxit road, everyone drives past these properties. These same 6 homes also have 15 preschool & school aged children, that is an average on II, per household in the first 6 houses in the first 200 meters! The condition of the road means the children are unable to walk to the Muriwai Road intersection school bus stop without shoes & legs being covered in mud in winter, and in summer they have to endure clouds of dust as cars race past them at IOOkph perfectly legal on our open road. This risks both their health & safcty. The first 200m of Hamilton Road also has no grass verge lor the children to walk on, as the road falls away to one side, and has a bank on the other, so they are forced to walk on the road. Even a simple activity such as playing on the front lawn results in children's clothes becoming filthy. rine dust is a known allergen, especially severe on children. In the l$years that we have lived here the tratlie has increased from an occasional car a approximately 300 a day (June 2011 had a daily average count of284 cars, and May 2008 had 314). Assuming most of this tratlic occurs in the 12 hours of daylight, then this represents a vehicle every 2 minutes on average, and it is obviously higher than this in peak times. At this levcl of usage the council seems to find it impossible to maintain the road in an acceptable condition. It is full of potholes, and even though the council does try to fill these regularly, they soon reappear because of the high tratlic density. There are ollen breaks through thc base course to the clay below, and a modest rainfall soon turns thc road into muddy slush. With the recent heavy winter rainfall, we have 'run off' happening from both the downhill sloping concrete driveways of7 & 9 Hamilton Road (located at 70 metres up & 90 metres up respectively) on the left, (west side) of the road. The run ofT is creating large ruts and the road surface is sliding towards the east side of the road on a diagonal down to where the seal meats gravel at approx 60 metres up from Muriwai Road. The gravel is pooling here, as it can go no further because of the seal, and thcn is running off the bank on the East side, it almost looks like a slip has occurred. My recommendation is to have the seal extended from the current 60m up from Muriwai Road to run to approx 200m up the road. The reasons being: • The slant from West to East in the road between the current seal at 60m & 120m means the gravel is being lost down the bank. • There is an unsafe blind curve in the road bctween 80m to 160m where people brake hard and can slide on loose gravel. • As we are on the ridge, just prior to sunset this is a terrible spot for being blinded by the sun, and you truly cannot see more than Im in front of the car. • There arc 6 homes with young children, that will benefit from seal to 200m. / \ Not only is the lack of sealing an inconvenience to us, with safety concerns, but it also comes as a financial cost: Our vehicles depreciate quicker due to sevcre road surface conditions & dust infiltrating everything within the vehicles. We use more water during the dry summer months, when buying in water is at a premium, for washing the house, decks, & vehicles due to their being covered in dust. We can sometimes water blast the deck & outdoor furniture facing the road up to 3 times a week, just so that we can actually usc it! In mid summer I use the Dryer to dry clothes when it is an Easterly and the dust clouds are billowing over where I would normally like to hang my clothes on the washing line. For many months over summer my clothes would come off dirtier than what they go into the wash if I hung them out!. There is time & expense involved for cleaning out gutters & water tanks more often than normally would be required due to silting, not to mention extra vacuuming & dusting needed inside the house! The cost of having to replace CD players & DVD players more regularly than normally required due to the dust getting into the lasers. We usually need to replace our DVD player in the lounge facing the road annually due to dust. Back in 2008, contractors estimated the cost to seal the complete 1400m road at 10m width, at approx $612k. It would be of huge benefit to even just have the road sealed to 200m. We are only asking for approx 140 metres (the unsafe distance between the current sealed 60m and 200 metres) to be sealed!!! NOT the full length of the road at 1400m, so being 10% of this, equates to presumably between $60k & $70k to seal? Sealing to 200m would ensure the high density population of young children at the beginning of the road would have no dust & noise pollution to contend with, giving them a much healthier & safer environment to live. This would be of benefit to all residents of Hamilton Roads of course being a No Exit road, as everyone needs to drive the first 200m!! Without sewerage or water services the only direct cost to council is recycling & the occasional grading & remetalling required. We have owned & lived at our property for nearly 15 years, and for many years our Rates bill actually showed a separate sum for the sealing of our road, leading us to the expectation that it would be scaled. Many years ago this disappeared from being a separately listed cost. and was just merged into the bulk. What actually happened to this specific money that the Hamilton Road Residents have paid?? Based on a below average valuation of $700k per property, x 30 properties, when I assume that there are more properties than this now, this low estimate for Hamilton Road equates to $2.1 million rateable value. I am sure you have the exact figures at hand. Surely the rates that we residents are paying to Council will warrant this small cost to benefit our safety, and overall wellbeing? Tanya, Paul, Gregory (6) and Nicholas (4) Franklin 9 Hamilton Road, Waimauku 0881 PH: 411 9105 / •