Annual Report 2009
Annual Report 2009
Annual Report October 2009 Contents Services Provided Chairperson’s Review WALSHtrust Board Trustees JRA Survey Reports Chief Executive’s Report Education, Employment and Business Development Services 2-3 4 4-5 6 7-8 9 General Manager’s Report 10 Human Resources, Training and Development 11 Audited Financial Accounts European Union of Supported Employment Workforce Development 12-13 14 15-16 TrainingWorks! 17 EmploymentWorks! 18 Students’ Comments 18 independent ENDEAVOURS 19 jigsaw Peer Facilitation Services 20 Clinical Leader’s Report 20 Elaine Underwood Scholarship 21 Acknowledgements 22 Directory 23-24 “Healthy lives shaping healthy communities” Services provided by WALSHtrust Community Services experience, participation and links to the community. The types of issues that can be addressed include: TrainingWorks! • Stress and anxiety (including insomnia) WALSHtrust is registered as a private training establishment with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). The Training Opportunities Programme is funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). We provide foundation literacy and numeracy learning. It is a unique course especially tailored and delivered to meet the needs of people with past or present mental health concerns or anyone who requires individual support to further their education or employment prospects. The programme runs for 44 weeks of the year with open entry to students at any time. Students are encouraged to engage in either the National Certificate in Employment Skills Level 1, or the National Certificate in Retail Level 2. Students are supported in gaining work experience in a workplace of their choice wherever possible to support their pathway into either paid employment or further tertiary training. Our training programme enables learners to make informed choices about a career, with sufficient knowledge to be more confident that they can succeed in the wider community. independent ENDEAVOURS This service was set up in response to the ‘Pathways to Inclusion’ initiative – with the Government directing focus on providing genuine employment opportunites and community participation for all people with disabilities, including those who experience mental health problems. The aim of independent ENDEAVOURS is to provide opportunites for West Auckland clients to re-learn or gain new living skills so that confidence grows and independence is possible. The service provides individual and group education programmes, and community confidence courses which offer 2 • Communication skills/relationship skills/social skills • Management of anger and other uncomfortable emotions • Self-esteem and confidence • Coping with change • Goal-setting and motivation • Job search skills and overcoming barriers to employment. EmploymentWorks! Those who have experienced disability have been asking for services which supported them in pursuing their employment goals for many years; not sheltered work nor work preparation programmes, but ‘real jobs for real pay’. Supported Employment is a response to that request. WALSHtrust is contracted by the Ministry of Social Development and the Accident Compensation Commission to support over 100 people each year into employment. The service has five full time and two part time Employment Consultants working to place our clients in work and support them to retain their employment once it is achieved. The service plays a key role in promoting healthy attitudes towards disability amongst employers and the community at large. Employment Consultants who have worked in this area for many years, still speak of the dramatic difference a job can make to people’s lives – how they see their world; how they see themselves; and how they see their future. WALSHtrust is a member of the Association of Supported Employment in New Zealand (ASENZ) and is actively involved in forums, conferences and training within the Employment Support sector. Services provided by WALSHtrust jigsaw Peer Facilitation Services jigsaw Peer Facilitation services are a community support service run by trained staff whose background involves a personal experience of mental illness and recovery. The service is based in the community where people have access to resources, social / support groups, one on one support and Wellness Recovery Action Plans to manage the recovery process and to help promote connections in the community. Jigsaw Peer Facilitators provide a service that supports people in their own recovery, growth, self-determination, and wellness. Mobile Community Based Mental Health Support The service is client directed community support and is based within the community of West Auckland focusing on working with people who experience mental illness to realize their potential in their home community. The community support staff at WALSHtrust are dynamic and work with a person’s strengths, networks and life stage. People come in touch with our service when they self refer for community mental health support or when they are supported to refer through a family GP or a mental health service. Our team members focus on recovery and the knowledge that people can live well in the presence or absence of mental illness. Our team aim to help people to make informed choices when it comes to accessing housing, budgeting advice, practical day to day living choices, develop a wider social network and how to work through some of the challenges that people face in life. People meet with a community support worker in their own home or at different locations in West Auckland. “It gets better and better.” – Iaeva Housing and Recovery Services WALSHtrust provides the recovery based services to 32 people within West and East Auckland area. In addition to this, a further nine people are provided with Accommodation Packages of Care in West Auckland. The aim of these services is to provide a safe and supportive home-like environment that is conducive to preparing people for independent living, whilst at the same time responding to their individual needs. To this end, the services replicate so far as is possible, the realities, responsibilities and obligations of community living. Services are offered in assisting to develop and practice general, social and domestic living skills which can support successful social integration. Services may include: • Provide strengths based focused support specific to each individual • Prioritise client interests/aspirations • Identify natural supports that can be ongoing in the wider community • Utilise community resources as appropriate on individual clients “It’s very good living here at Pomaria.” – Sione “The short time I’ve been here has been great for me because I’m here to learn and pass all my units.” – Heather 3 Chairperson’s Review guidance and management of the finances. Jacynth Joblin, long time, dedicated community worker and advocate passed away in April after a long illness. We welcome Waitakere City Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse as a new patron for our organisation. Penny has been a great supporter and friend of WALSH for many years and joins current patron and co-founder, Clive Hullett. Penny will host a breakfast at Waitakere City Council on October 7th to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week. This year WALSH has had much to celebrate and I am proud to present this annual report and audited accounts for the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Our Mission of ‘your choice, your recovery, your community’ is manifested both in this year and throughout our 20 year history. Our achievements have and continue to be made possible through the combined efforts of our talented, skilled management team, workforce and excellent governance. We have worked together to develop and monitor the organisation’s budget, business plans and strategic direction. The Trust Board have met monthly and this year we said farewell to two of our hard working Board members. Thomas Wepiha retired and we thank him for his While we reflect on another good year, we are well aware that the environment we operate in continues to change. Remaining true to our Mission and Strategic Plan, are more important than ever. They must however provide a framework for innovation and opportunities to work in new ways; to challenge us as an NGO in the operation and delivery of all our services. Good, progressive and sustainable governance is also a key to the success of the organisation. The Board has spent time planning a review to look at policy, skills and remuneration, and will continue that work during this coming year. To the many people who have contributed in many ways to the year and the excellent results described in this report, thank you for your support, your enthusiasm and your good cheer. Suzanne Sinclair Chairperson WALSHtrust Board WALSHtrust Board Trustees Back row left to right - Ian MacClure, Andy Cawston, Marihi Langford, Rob Warriner. Front row left ro right - Dorothy McGray, Madhavan Raman, Suzanne Sinclair. Inset - Dr Bob Large. 4 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 WALSHtrust Board Trustees Suzanne Sinclair Relationship Manager, Central/Local Government Interface Team, Department of Internal Affairs. Justice of the Peace, Ex MP for Titirangi, Former Auckland City Councillor. Ian MacClure Community Representative and a long serving member of WALSHtrust Board. Andy Cawston Chairman and Chief Executive, International Alliance of Guardian Angels NZ Charitable Trust. Ex Client, WALSHtrust, Trustee, Waitakere SDA School, Ex Pricewaterhouse Coopers Senior Manager, Risk Management. Master Mason, #500 Lodge of the Liberal Arts. Marihi Langford Associate Service Manager, Maori Mental Health and Addictions, WDHB Director NZN8IV Enterprises Management Committee Muriwhenua Incorporation, Iwi - Ngati Kuri Dorothy McGray Chairperson ACE Space - Waitakere Learning Shop, Community Representative on Project Twin Streams Opanuku Stream Management/Advisory Group. Madhavan Raman Previously Regional Manager, Housing New Zealand Corporation, South Auckland Region. Now retired. Dr Bob Large Psychiatrist at Auckland Regional Pain Service, Auckland District Health Board. 5 6 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 10% 60% Items Indicating the Highest Change Since 2008 18 16 0 14 10 12 6 8 4 2 0 I look for ways to do my job more effectively 70% I know how my work contributes to the success of this organisation 20% The person I report to treats people with respect 80% I have the freedom and flexibility I need to do my job 30% This organisation cares about the well being of its people 90% This organisation has a clear vision of where its going and how its going to get there 40% This organisation ensures that I am adequately trained for the work I do 100% My job gves me a sense of personal achievement 50% I feel I am working for a successful organisation 60% I believe in what this organisation is trying to accomplish % of Staff Who Agree Culture and Values 2009 I get recognition when I do a good job I feel my contribution is valued in this organisation Common Purpose Communication and Cooperation Your Team Your Job Learning and Development Performance and Recognition Results Summary Teams in this organisation work well together Poor performance is dealt with effectively in this organisation The pay and benefits I receive are fair for the work I do I feel informed about this organisation and its activities The person I report to communicates the goals and objectives of our team effectively I know how my work contributes to the success of this organisation 0 Overall Perceptions 100% This organisation cares about the well-being of its people This organisation is interested in the views and opinions of its people % Change WALSHtrust JRA/Unlimited Magazine “Best Places to Work Survey” 2009 2008 90% 80% 70% 10 Highest Rating Items 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% Chief Executive’s Report to a new, and more appropriate site utilising a number of smaller, 3 bedroom houses in Pomaria Road. We have been discussing a new future for Langford House for some time; our appreciation goes to Wanda Condell (Waitemata DHB Locality Manager) for her support with this initiative. Langford House is now the subject of a major refurbishment project to be undertaken during the latter half of 2009, early 2010. The last 12 months have seen some major developments at WALSHtrust. Our 2005-2012 Strategic Plan highlighted the importance of introducing new sources of revenue. In 2008, WALSHtrust was contracted to provide both supported living and employment services to clients of ACC. This has demanded adjustment and some useful updating of some of our administrative processes. Last year, we were also contracted by the regional office of Ministry of Social Development to provide services assisting people in their preparation for employment. 2009 was always promising to be a busy year. In February we underwent a demanding (and very helpful) audit against the contracts we hold with Waitemata DHB. Of 242 audit items, we achieved a full attainment against 225, with partial attainment against just 17. A wonderful and immensely significant outcome and achievement. It is the very first time that all our mental health support services (not just Housing and Recovery) have been required to submit to such a critical examination. In March, we took on the huge task of shifting our Level 4 Housing and Recovery Services from Langford House, Like many NGOs across the country, we have been preparing and updating our procedures and systems to report to the Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD). In June we submitted our first “live” report to the Ministry of Health; one of less than a handful of NGOs to have achieved this milestone. Over the last 18 months we have been working alongside Wellink Trust (Wellington), Pact (Dunedin), and Comcare (Christchurch) to explore the establishment of a formal, national coalition of organisations. In July, the ARC Group was launched at a function in Wellington. Collectively we have committed to opening our organisations to exchange ideas and learn together. We see this as creating a powerful mechanism to drive provision of outstanding community based mental health support services, refinement of evidence-based practice and development of a high quality, dedicated and capable workforce. ARC Group members now recognise and acknowledge their interest in the success of each other. It has taken determination, perseverance, courage and hard work (over a number of years) to get us to this point. We have clearly made some progress towards “healthy lives shaping healthy communities”. We have also set a new benchmark for ourselves to maintain. There has been no magic trick performed here. Staff at WALSHtrust show a real willingness to develop their skills and capabilities to better respond to the needs of people who use our services. The Future of Community Health Services In Australia, ; a paper written at the request of Professor David Richmond, Department of Premier and Cabinet, New South Wales Government. Authors: Alan Rosen, Roger Gurr, Paul Fanning 7 Chief Executive’s Report continued Continued over page This last year has also seen us employ some really good people; very knowledgeable and experienced people. We have tried to encourage trust and develop a focus on a clear mission. If you’ve got smart people, all focused on the same mission, heading down the same path, then eventually, if not inevitably, you find that you will make progress. The kinds of achievements WALSHtrust has enjoyed recently are never just given; they must be earned. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has contributed to and been involved with WALSHtrust during the last 12 months. You should be very proud of your accomplishments and contribution. As the New Zealand economy promises a slow recovery from recession, mental health services are finding themselves under pressure to better account for huge increases in funding received over the past 10 years. And this reality should be welcomed. In spite of these increases in funding, access numbers have remained comparatively static. In spite of these increases, the ratio of funding received by community-based non government organisations has trended downwards. In spite of these increases many District Health Boards continue to struggle to keep in check, if not reduce, historical deficits. A paper prepared for the New South Wales State 8 Government in 2008 strongly argued that hospitaldominated care produces limited health outcomes and is in fact, an unsustainable strategy. By contrast the paper highlighted community-centred health care as more efficient and cost effective. The authors note, with some envy, comparative evidence of this contrast that has emerged in New Zealand - particularly within the provision of mental health services. The social exclusion of people who experience mental illness has a huge impact not only on the people themselves, but also on our communities. A diagnosis of mental illness not uncommonly leads to a downward spiral of unemployment, poverty, family/whanau breakdown, loss of home, status, friendships and regard, and further deteriorating health. If we are to effectively promote the social inclusion of people who use mental health services, then we also need to ensure the social inclusion of those services themselves. New Zealand clearly holds an enviable position, and in many ways has led reformist approaches to mental health service provision. The next steps as we struggle through a global economic recession, and flu pandemic, might be inspired by Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s chief of staff: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. It provides an opportunity to do things you could not do before”. Rob Warriner Chief Executive Education, Employment and Business Development Services develop employment understanding, gain robust skills and begin job search. Already the clients are benefiting from working more intensively and helping each other as a client support group. Over the year all staff have made a concerted effort to be “in touch” with stakeholders. This has led to some great opportunities to deliver the WALSHtrust message which was evident in the Waitakere “After 5” held in March at Hickory Avenue where over 100 staff and local employers gathered to meet and be presented with “what we do” by Rob Warriner, our Chief Exectutive. Changes and Challenges and Celebrations Since July 2008 we have said farewell to a number of staff from the Employment Support Services and welcomed some new faces. We would like to recognise the contribution each has made in their own individual way. Jay Brown left our education team in December last year to go to Australia and we would like to acknowledge his very distinctive input into our students and also the great DVD he produced for the end of year celebrations. Patrick Harris and Marianne Harlaar left EmploymentWorks! in the new year to go on to other related services within our community and applying their special skills in new ways. In February we welcomed Paul Revill to lead our Employment Services team and we added Stephen Cullen to our Training Service, Julie Redman and Hope Ridout to our Employment Service, Jayne Gray, Michael Lau’ese and Keleni Talau to our Peer Facilitation Services and to the new service Preparing for Work we added Barbara Woodman and Robyn Faucett. It has been great to see these new staff engage in these roles and quickly become valuable and effective contributors to our clients and services. This year we have added the Preparing for Work contract to the suite of services we provide for Work and Income offices in Central Auckland. This has offered us new opportunities to work with a different client base and stakeholders. Response to the service so far has been extremely positive. EmploymentWorks! and independent ENDEAVOURS have introduced “Toolbox” seminars; these seminars offer weekly opportunities for clients to learn and Preparing for Work Late in 2008 WALSHtrust was awarded the contract for Preparing for Work assessments for Central Auckland Work and Income offices. The assessments assist case managers and sickness and invalid beneficiaries plan for returning to the workforce or training and outline the possible steps and support they might need to take to get there. The service is mobile and two staff work across the 13 individual Service Centres from Avondale to Waiheke Island and as far south as Otahuhu and Glen Innes. Clients are booked in advance for interviews which are mostly conducted in the referring Work and Income offices. Since the service started in October last year we have quickly gained a positive reputation with clients and case managers alike and we have been able to deliver reports to them in half the time required by our contract. Work and Income staff have been highly supportive to our staff and feedback has been extremely positive: “Totally professional approach to our mutual clients always looking to go the extra mile to ensure smooth and streamlined services.” “I found your service/ professionalism/expertise faultless… great feedback on a weekly basis”. This is high praise from our clients. The service has been re-contracted for another year and we look forward to continuing positive results. Paul Look Education, Employment and Business Development Services Manager WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 9 General Manager’s Annual Report received increasingly positive feedback from our clients and families as they attain their goals and aspirations. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the steadfast contributions of our support teams, whose work is the basis for the organisation’s success. To ensure our continued evolvement and sense of focus, we have recruited strategically, which has seen the strengthening of our leadership team. The addition of individuals with extensive and proven professional and leadership experience has reinforced our confidence in the pursuit of our objectives for the coming year. WALSHtrust’s dedication to making a difference, to assisting those when required and to drive its vision “healthy lives shaping healthy communities” to ensure all individuals can participate in the communities they choose, is the foundation of our success. The past 12 months has seen the acknowledgement that our determination is valued and the work we complete is at the forefront in the delivery of individualised support. Our successful participation in two intensive external audits, coupled with the achievement of the Waitakere Business Award for Training and Development, has affirmed our belief that our pathway towards the achievement of our vision is resolute. We have continued in our quest to enable people to fully participate in the lives they wish to lead and have We feel privileged that during the past year we were given the opportunity to deliver support to individuals associated with Accident Compensation Corporation. Whilst in the early stages of its development our experience to date has been favourable and we anticipate this service to grow significantly over the coming year. Last year’s report reflected our 20 year history and it was with great pride that we celebrated the outstanding work of our predecessors. I am confident that with the current passion and commitment of the staff, our future holds many opportunities. We will ensure that the determined spirit that has come to symbolise WALSH over the years, remains strong. Will Ward General Manager “The past 12 months has seen the acknowledgement that our determination is valued and the work we complete is at the forefront in the delivery of individualised support.” 10 Human Resources, Training and Development opportunities offered, including those accessed through the Skills Based Remuneration Framework, and have contributed to the value the Trust can offer clients through putting their new skills and understandings into everyday practice. Last year, staff commitment to the further development of their skills and competent practice stood out, and was rewarded and recognised in the community by WALSHtrust receiving the 2008 Waitakere Business Award for Training and Development. A great achievement, particularly considering the calibre of the other finalists for the Award; Mega Mitre 10 and Canam Construction. The Award publicly acknowledged the commitment of the Trust to excellence and best practice in the provision of support to our clients; we can stand tall amongst organisations in West Auckland. The prize included funding for Unitec courses; two staff members took advantage of this great opportunity and successfully applied to use the prize money to further their studies. All staff, at every level of the organisation have participated in the training and development Every year, the WALSHtrust Board present the “Oscar “ Award which is given to a staff member judged by the Board, based on nominations from staff, as having made an outstanding contribution to the Trust. In 2008 this award was presented to Barbara Reid for the efficiency, friendliness and professionalism she brought to her role in reception. In addition, through the year, four staff were presented with a “Golden Globe” Award in recognition of their excellent contributions and these were, Sandra Lord, Otis Yancey, Rebecca Goldsmith and Cintamani Mallinson. It was particularly pleasing to achieve very positive feedback in all areas from a comprehensive external audit carried out in February 2009. The focus for HR will be to maintain the high standard of systems and processes and continue to look for quality improvements in 2010. My appreciation and grateful thanks go to everyone who has provided me with assistance, support, feedback and suggestions throughout the year helping me to achieve positive HR outcomes for the WALSHtrust. Pam Tate Human Resources, Training and Development Manager “We are proud of the outcomes achieved through hard work, collegiality, commitment and enthusiasm. All are to be congratulated for the successes and achievements.” 11 West Auckland Living Skills Homes Trust Board Profit and Loss Statement As at the 30th June 2009 INCOME Income for Services This year Budget Last Year 4,685,511 4,481,034 Direct Costs Auditor Legal Fees Bank Loan Interest Paid Other Staff Costs Wages & Salaries Agency Staff Cost Administration Costs Note 1 Depreciation (Equipment) Sector Development Costs Note 1 Depreciation (Bulidings) Vehicle Costs 147,152 5,715 2,601 19,311 211,278 3,252,220 52,228 247,837 61,421 368,846 81,370 318,006 160,887 3,400 21,594 193,679 2,804,558 73,268 218,324 95,295 275,659 81,370 295,250 Total Expenditure 4,767,984 4,222,284 Operating Net Surplus (-Deficit) (-$82,473) $258,750 Non-operating Income 82,896 113,138 Transfer to Reserve Fund $0 $350,000 EXPENDITURE Donations Received One-Off Payments Interest & Dividend Received Net Surplus (Deficit) after non-operating income Net Surplus (-Deficit) after Transfers 5,035 12,500 65,360 $422 $422 30,000 36,536 46,602 $371,889 $21,889 Statement of Financial Position As at the 30th June 2009 ACCUMULATED FUNDS Total Accumulated Trust Funds 2,513,928 2,513,506 This is represented by: CURRENT ASSETS Cash & Bank Funds Prepayments (Insurance) Wages Advanced MoH Debtors Tenacy Bond 861,732 35,584 2,016 498,554 15,363 981,504 16,715 - 341,167 3,320 Total Current Assets 1,413,249 1,342,706 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade Creditors G.S.T. Payable Holiday Pay Accruals Other Specific Grants Packages of Care Flex Funding Accrued Autumn Payment 117,599 81,552 129,799 13,333 84,595 17,922 58,572 72,748 148,728 13,333 86,665 17,922 Total Current Liabilities 444,800 397,969 Working Capital 968,449 944,737 Note 1 NON CURRENT ASSETS As per Schedule 1,731,938 1,795,625 Note 2 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Loans and Mortgages 186,459 226,857 Total Net Assets 2,513,928 2,513,506 Chairperson Dated / / 2009 CEO Dated / / 2009 The notes and accounting policies form an integral part of these financial statements. 12 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 13 European Union of Supported Employment In May I was fortunate to be able to attend the conference of the European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) to present an 80 minute workshop. The workshop was titled: “Supported Employment, at the Leading Edge of Mental Health Development in New Zealand.” The title offers a double edge. For those who believe that it is not at the leading edge, the response is “then it should be”. Those who agree will already recognise the invaluable by-products of having a job such as income, new roles and responsibilities, well-being, meaning, participation… social inclusion. The last point risks becoming another buzzword; but it’s relevance is profound. “Adults with long-term mental health problems are one of the most excluded groups in society. Although many want to work, fewer than a quarter actually do… Two thirds of men under the age of 35 with mental health problems who commit suicide, are unemployed”. (Mental Health and Social Exclusion Report, Office of The Deputy Prime Minister.) The workshop strongly featured the development and effectiveness of supported employment services in New Zealand. We had a great, enthusiastic and participative audience (enjoying a sugar rush from the pineapple lumps we distributed!) which made for some provocative discussion. Probably the key theme was the importance of consistently measuring the effectiveness and quality of services. There remains doubt (often unexpressed) about the ability of people who are disadvantaged by mental illness, to work in the mainstream workforce. New Zealand is able to boast great examples and strong evidence of supported employment in action, to a standard on a par with the best in the world. However we are challenged by 1) a lack of evidence based in consistent and robust measurement and evaluation of outcome indicators, and 2) (and not unrelated to the former) our “great examples” being quite isolated and not consequent nor responding to a clear strategy for development. Rob Warriner Chief Executive “The workshop strongly featured the development and effectiveness of supported employment services in New Zealand. We had a great, enthusiastic and participative audience.” 14 Workforce Development WALSH staff develop their work skills through a variety of study courses. This year we congratulate Krista Gosney, Anita Keukeu and Sifa Makatapama who all successfully completed their one year study goals. Krista, Anita and Sifa were interviewed in August to find out how they found study in their chosen course - Diploma in Mental Health Support Work and the Certificate in Mental Health Support Work. All three spoke highly of their study establishments at MIT and Mahi Tahi Trust - the friendships made, the support and nurture received from staff, but mostly their achievements! The ‘Leadership and Structure’ paper was a challenge as Krista said: “... in the end it became my best assignment and I really enjoyed it! I learnt a lot about the Ministry of Health while doing research for my essay. I also learnt a lot about ethics...” There were challenges in other ways, particularly around meeting family needs as Anita explained: “My study was full-time and a challenge to balance family ill-health, work and assignments - not easy… I still can’t believe I have finished my course and I would definitely recommend it to others”. Sifa found all papers challenging and fun: “Now I miss studying - not having somewhere to go or something to do and getting the results back was such a great feeling that I looked forward to each time”. WALSH’s support of tertiary level education in mental health continued this year in July. We were pleased to assist six to seven second year Nursing students from The University of Auckland, with their Mental Health Community Services Project. WALSH set up a two hour morning orientation of key WALSH staff who talked with the students about such things as their role, the provision of service areas, history and management of client presentations, general answering of questions and a catered lunch! The students completed their project with a group presentation about their visit to WALSH to their peers and several WALSH staff were invited to the university as guests. Overall it was a successful visit with positive, valuable feedback. Earlier in the year three Community Support Workers, Rebecca Goldsmith, Liz Bowman and Kevin Amanaki attended the annual Community Support Workers Summit, a two day conference in Wellington. The development of their website Aotearoa Mental Health and Addiction Support Workers: www.supportworkers. arose from the conference - our staff were excited to be a part of this and promote it. Skills Based Remuneration and Development Framework The Trust’s Skills Based Remuneration and Development Framework continues to provide a structure by which participating staff can demonstrate, through assessments, their range of competencies over the required skill sets for their role. The Framework is a vehicle that supports skill development, competency and critical reflection. Over the past year staff have increased their knowledge and understanding, identified their strengths and have been supported to become increasingly competent in their daily professional practice. 122 skill sets were successfully completed during the year and these successes contributed to increased remuneration. 15 Workforce Development Excerpt taken from Rebecca Goldsmith Job: Mobile Mental Health Community Support Worker “I believe everyone has a right to a satisfying life and so I love my role as mobile mental health community support worker because I’m supporting people to achieve that”. I work for WALSHtrust, a community-based mental health support service provider in Waitakere (West Auckland). Our clients typically have experience of axis 1 diagnosis such as schizophrenia, bi-polar or major depressive episodes. I provide practical support to clients’ in their homes, or somewhere of their choice in the community, by supporting them in achieving goals they’ve identified to regain independence. This could involve anything from finding accommodation, to overcoming anxiety about leaving the house, or reconnecting with family. We follow a recovery and strength model based on the belief that people can recover from mental ill health and have a life worth living. We build on past achievements and learning, emphasising positives rather than deficits. This role also has a strong advocacy aspect to it. Our caseload depends on our client’s needs. Some clients only need to be seen once a week for an hour; others will require more intensive support involving several planned visits throughout the week. Strong listening skills are key; if you come in with the attitude that you know best, then you’re not listening to your client and your support does more harm than good. The relationship is essential – without trust you have nothing. We also have to set professional boundaries to avoid confusion about nature of the relationship. We are not there as a friend. WALSHtrust has great coaching and supervision processes in place. Working in the community can be isolating so it is really important to have people back at the Trust to brainstorm and debrief. I’ve been in this job nearly two years. We have two teams of six staff, each with a team leader. Excerpt taken from employment today September/October 2009 16 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 If you’re thinking about working in mental health, this job will give you very good grounding because you are involved with people experiencing mental ill health. Nothing in books will prepare you as well. TrainingWorks! TrainingWorks! began the year with Stephen Cullen joining the team after the resignation of Jay Brown. Steve brings with him the experience of teaching “Antarctic” programmes in schools throughout the country and more recently teaching sport development programmes in Auckland. He has settled into WALSH very quickly and has developed a great rapport with students. The year got off to a bit of a slow start but after the midterm break our student numbers are at capacity. This year we have maintained our focus on the National Certificate in Employment Skills Level 1, however the National Certificate in Retail Level 2 remains available for students with a strong desire to work in retail and the aptitude to work on this programme is in a self directed manner. An early highlight for the students this year was the visit of Shortland St actor Ben Mitchell and his producer Moe Hobbs. He shared the inspirational story of his journey into acting as a career and Moe explained the workings of a television programme like Shortland St. This visit was thoroughly enjoyed by all students. With some further changes to the way we do “Work Experience” 12 students undertook work experience placements from 15-23 June. Students were again encouraged and supported in finding their own work experience and those who were unable to do so were found placements by the tutors. It was a positive experience for all concerned with good connections being made with employers and with students gaining skills and confidence for the work place. TrainingWorks! are grateful to the employers who were willing to provide this opportunity to students. Tutors have completed or are in the process of completing their NCALE (National Certificate in Adult Literacy Education) giving further impetus to the focus of the embedding of foundation literacy and numeracy skills throughout the training programme. In assisting students to develop the levels of attendance and punctuality required for the programme and to enter into the working world TrainingWorks! have initiated a “Student Attendance Incentive” scheme allowing students to be recognised and rewarded for excellent attendance and punctuality. This has been received positively by students with a number working hard towards incentives which include a digital camera. Again we are grateful for the support of individuals and businesses in the provision of incentives. It is always a joy to hear the success stories of former students. We enjoyed the visit of a former student who shared with current students her journey from TrainingWorks! to her recent completion of a Level 4 Makeup Artistry course and the opportunities this has given her. TrainingWorks! looks forward to further positive outcomes for our students and being part of their journey to achieve their goals. Gail Tongs Tutor “I enjoy being on the TrainingWorks! course held at WALSHtrust. I’ve met some good people and there’s a lot to learn. The course is an opportunity for me to improve myself and prepare for work - I’m looking forward to the future.” – David 17 EmploymentWorks! The supported employment service at WALSHtrust (EmploymentWorks! - EW) continues to go from strength to strength. The team has grown in the first six months of 2009 with the addition of Paul Revill as the Employment Support Services Team Leader, Julie Redman as a part time Employment Consultant and Preparing for Work assessor and Hope Ridout as the Employment Support Facilitator, assisting the team leader with initial client meetings and facilitation of workshops such as Toolbox 4 Work. These additions have added even more experience, skills and relevant expertise to a team that is already performing very well. Two of our employment consultants are enrolled in the first ASENZ (Association for Supported Employment in NZ) organised National Certificate in Employment Support. They are managing the work/ study/ life balance well and are over half way to completing the course. The EmploymentWorks! team is collectively brainstorming ideas/ strategies to keep the momentum of successful employment outcomes on the up, and to combat the negativity that exists in the media about the current economic climate. Our ACC contract for supported employment is also developing well. Referrals are on the increase and the EmploymentWorks! team have built strong relationships with the ACC offices in Henderson, North Harbour and Manukau. Stakeholder management and regular communication with the ACC service co-ordinators are important factors in the continued success of this service. Toolbox 4 Work is a joint collaboration between two WALSH Services EmploymentWorks! and independent ENDEAVOURS meeting an increased demand in referrals to both services. It addresses the support needs of our clients for up-skilling in job search techniques, the ability to actively job search with support and connecting with other networks and job seekers. The workshop has been well attended from the start and interest is growing across WALSHtrust services and within the wider community and health sector. Paul Revill Employment Support Services Team Leader Students’ Comments “What I like best about the course is the help the tutors offer us. What is interesting about it is it gets me out of the house. It also gives me something to do. I enjoy my time here because it is good for me. I like the way the course has good ways to learn. The tutors do a very good job.” – Ed “What I like best about this course is that the tutors are nice and I like coming to course. I think you meet lots of new people and you can also get to meet the tutors and what they like. And you get your NCEA level 1.” – Mohammed “I like the WALSHtrust because of all the things they have to offer you that would benefit you in a working environment. – Fred “I have found the course ideal for me because it gets me out of the house, I learn things and discover things about myself. Most people are kind. I’m learning the computer and I’m starting to remember English, reading, maths and spelling. Eventually I want to be in a paid job.” – Tina “Have started a course full time with the WALSHtrust, have been coming now for 7 months. It has boosted my confidence and communication and self esteem. I enjoy the company and the people in the classroom and playing games, and doing units. I also enjoyed the work experience in June, working for Briscoes.” – Carol 18 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 independent ENDEAVOURS independent ENDEAVOURS is into it’s fifth year of operation, providing residents of Auckland with opportunities to re-learn or gain living skills to increase confidence and independence in participating in their community. The service is constantly changing to meet client needs and provides a range of workshops that cover a number of aspects of community life. We are currently providing two streams to address client needs: Experiential and Education Workshops Natural Prospectz experiential workshops are a series designed to offer different levels of experience, with opportunities to explore the local environment, and this year the second in this series ‘Natural Directionz’ was held and proved to be a great success. ‘Natural Directionz’ is a fun and challenging confidence building course in the Henderson community,.and is designed for people to just ‘have a go’. We engage with local facilities, like the library, and engage in activities to test comfort zones, like rock climbing and kayaking. Group members give each other great support and encouragement and this stimulates inspirational discussions about selfesteem and motivation. The workshops we offer aim to promote: • Self- esteem and confidence • Management of anxiety, anger and other uncomfortable emotions • Goal-setting/motivation/resilience • Coping with change Opportunities are also provided from time to time for people to become more involved in their local communities through events and projects. These are embraced with vigour and feedback is always very positive. Independent Endeavours is about meeting needs and encouraging positive change. We look forward to those changes and challenges in the year to come. Chris Tennent (NZROT) Development Facilitator “I like coming to WALSHtrust because of the positive atmosphere. Making friends is the best. I enjoy the assignment texts that are given and completing them is always a buzz. I also enjoy the walks we have and the time we spend at the computer cafe is awesome. Two thumbs up for WALSHtrust.” – Delwyn 19 jigsaw Peer Facilitation Services It isn’t easy being a peer support worker, when a big part of the job is to bring your personal “stuff” right out in front for all to see. It takes guts, determination and a huge sense of self-awareness to carry around your “baggage” on a daily basis, along with your work skills and knowledge. Our staff work really hard to support their clients and it is the connection and true empathy that creates such supportive relationships that foster a sense of belonging and purpose for everyone involved. Jackie Kenyon Peer Support Leader One word that sums up the last 12 months for Jigsaw is ‘growth’. It is ironic really that this word which represents the “G” in “jigsaw” should take such a centre stage for the service and staff instead of the clients who it is aimed at. But that is really the whole essence of our service. We accept that we are not the experts; we accept that just like the people we hold the hope for and support, we like them are constantly learning and growing. So just like small children learning to walk, we, a young service who often learns by falling, is growing up. Yep we are big kids now, we are walking the walk and talking the talk. We are taking responsibility for everything we do, (and analysing it) whether it be supporting a client or taking ownership of our service delivery goals. The training wheels are well and truly off and we are moving forward in more ways than one. This brings me to one of our main highlights of the past year. We moved house. Yes we moved to our own little “place” out in the community, finally completing the peer support philosophy that peers can access peers in a community setting away from waiting rooms and clinical offices. But what makes this so special is that we moved into the cottage at Langford House, which is the very site where WALSHtrust began some 21 years ago. So surrounded by beautiful trees, grapes on the vine and a cat to pat on a daily basis, I realise that one could not ask for much more in a working environment. Who would have thought many years ago when WALSHtrust started residential care for “consumers” with mental illness, that 21 years later the “consumers” would be running a service right there on the same site. Isn’t it fantastic to see that times have changed? The thought of this gives me a great sense of pride that jigsaw has been part of the changes that are occurring in the area of mental health, and that WALSHtrust are right there at the forefront. 20 WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 Clinical Leader’s Report Since taking over the role of Clinical Leader in November 2008 I have been extremely impressed with the fantastic work that has been done and is still being achieved at WALSHtrust. The start of 2009 has been extremely busy for us, with one major audit being conducted in February. This audit looked at two main contracts we have with the Waitemata District Health Board. The feedback we received from the auditors was positive and was reflective of the great work that has been done over the last year to bring our services in line with national and local best practices. The next major focus in early 2009 was to move Langford House to Pomaria Road. This was a big decision for us to make as Langford House was WALSHtrust’s first house 21 years ago! Pomaria Road is made up of four newly furnished three bedroom houses, with each house having its own lawn and carport. The move did present a few unexpected challenges, however it also opened up numerous new opportunities for us to explore. The appointment of Kerrie Anderson as the Clinical Advisor in early March has allowed for individual clinical support to be offered across all the Housing and Recovery and Community Support Teams, allowing the service to continue to provide innovative tailored support for all individuals choosing to use our services. Lastly, I wish to thank the clinical teams and the other NGO’s for supporting the work that we do and for the work that they are doing in our local community. Robyn Cliff Clinical Leader The Elaine Underwood Scholarship The specific purpose of this scholarship is to support young people and/or users of mental health services to successfully complete undergraduate study (such as the Diploma in Mental Health) or post-graduate study which has clear relevance and links to the development of community based mental health services in New Zealand. WALSHtrust makes available $2,000 every year to the Elaine Underwood Tertiary Education Fund. The fund provides financial assistance in the form of a one-off grant (for a maximum amount of $500 per individual in any 12 month period). Applications can be made through the WALSHtrust website in October www.walsh. The Elaine Underwood Scholarship was established in memory of Elaine Underwood – a special individual who worked tirelessly in the west Auckland community on behalf of those with mental ill health, and whose passion and vision is inspirational to many working within the mental health sector today. WALSHtrust is committed to the ongoing development of community based mental health services through workforce development and involvement in the community. In this regard we aim to facilitate access to educational opportunities for young people and/or users of mental health services through the provision of scholarships. This was WALSHtrust’s fourth year offering the Elaine Underwood Scholarship and we continue to see a good number of people applying. Three people were fortunate to be successful in their application this year. All three attended the presentation ceremony in January 2009 and were awarded with the Elaine Underwood Tertiary Education Fund Scholarship in the form of a cheque, to support them in their studies towards community mental health. Congratulations go to: Deborah Heke Kevin Amanaki Tomy Joseph The scholarship is offered by the WALSHtrust Board in memory of Elaine. WALSHtrust Board 21 Acknowledgements Mary Leighton – ACC Peter Conaglen – Auditor Karla Bergquist – WDHB Wanda Condell – WDHB Anna Macnicol – Ministry of Social Development Angela Verhoeven – HealthWest PHO Chris Hanford and the team at Drake Sally Cole – BVQI Marion Blake and David Bradley – Platform Keri Woods – Psych Assessments Paula Bennett – MP Ross Henderson – HR Consultant Lynne Pillay – MP Rob Coltman – Fortune Manning Fiona Ironside and Howard Dawson – DHB Funding Davenports West – Lawyers Tony Forlong – Kumeu Taxation Services Gary and Ann Vittle – Vittle Panelbeaters Donny Rangiaho/Phillip Kohunui – Mahi Tahi Trust All Seasons Pharmacy, Te Atatu South Emma Dore – SF Auckland Hollings Pharmacy, Glen Eden Peter van Dam – SF Auckland Pharmacy One, Ellerslie Judi Clements – Mental Health Foundation Brian Caston – Vitality Helen Wood – Waitemata DHB Charmaine Hyland – Context Architects Ltd Kerry Davies – PSA Roy Wilson – Career Moves Waitemata DHB Adult Mental Health Service Tyrone Pini – ASENZ Naomi Cowan – Equip Pat Watson – Community Waitakere Margaret Marsh – PC Tutor John Wadsworth – Waitakere Business Enterprise Tertiary Education Commission Jeffrey’s Plumbers Lorna Murray – Connect SR Rhonda and Noel Harris – Abbey Press David and Julia Vale – Helio Design Ltd ARC Group Members – Virginia MacEwan (Wellink), Kay Fletcher (Comcare) and Louise Carr (PACT) Rui Rodrigues – AUT Abycgan Devitt – Trainer Losa Pattison – ensa Consultancy Ltd We would also like to thank the many employers in the Waitakere City community who support TrainingWorks! in placing our students into work experience and again the many employers who support EmploymentWorks! – making a reality, the inclusion of people who have been challenged by mental ill-health in the mainstream workforce. And not forgetting the reason for WALSH - a BIG thank you to the people in the community who choose to use WALSHtrust mental health support services. Thank you! Donny Rangiaho (left in photo) passed away suddenly in May 2009. Kua hinga he totara i te wao nui a Tane. No reira, haere nga mate, haere nga mate, haere nga mate, E koroma, e kui ma, haere ra. Nga totara nunui o ia wahi 22 Staff Directory as at September 2009 Patron Mr Clive Hullett Kaumatua and Kuia Bill and Violet Tangariki Solicitors Davenports West Auditor Peter Conaglen Tax Advisor Tony Forlong (Kumeu Taxation Services) Penny Hulse (Deputy Mayor Waitakere City) Trust Board Chairperson Suzanne Sinclair Trustees Andy Cawston Ian MacClure Chief Executive Rob Warriner Senior Management Team General Manager Marihi Langford Dorothy McGray Dr. Bob Large Madhavan Raman Will Ward Education Employment and Business Development Manager Paul Look HR, Training and Development Manager Pam Tate Accountant Ken Sutadisastra Executive Secretary Fiona Mackenzie Administration Administration Co-Ordinator Helen Feu’u Office Assistant Marian Taylor Office Assistant Leanne Cole Accounts Assistant Robyn Blair Receptionist Barbara Reid Mobile Community Support Services Team Leaders Cintamani Mallinson Fiona Power Mental Health Support Workers Community Sandra Lord Chris Warren Cooper Watkins Hernan Barrionuevo Ashis Kumar De Karen Schmid Julieanne Manoa Rebecca Goldsmith Daniel Hewitt Sonia Veelenturf Winky Smith Hannah Young Daryl Sims Michael Lau’ese Community Services (Other) jigsaw Peer Facilitation Services Team Leader Jacqueline Kenyon Peer Support Workers Jayne Gray WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 23 Staff Directory as at September 2009 EmploymentWorks! Team Leader Paul Revill Employment Consultants Lucy Loulanting Ken Thomson Hope Ridout Neenu Madan D’Souza Bronwyn Friend TrainingWorks! Gail Tongs Steve Cullen independent ENDEAVOURS Chris Tennent Julie Redman Jonathan Aldom Housing and Recovery Services Clinical Leader Robyn Cliff Clinical Advisor Kerrie Anderson Quality and Service Development Leader Don Anton Housing and Recovery Co-Ordinator Glenda Billings Team Leaders Betty Cooper Sam Bogitini Tuniyaro Quentin Gregory-Hunt Residential Mental Health Workers Lisa Rex Richard Sum Tim Weston Otis Yancey Deborah Heke Dominika Salagierska Anastasia Forbes Anita Keukeu Mohammed Shahabuddin Kris Gorbert Maureen Reid Penny Mansell Nalini Singh Anne Luby Randhir Singh Rosemary Ikhu-Omoregbe Unna Brown Suzanne Johnson Tomy Joseph Alexis Ntawe Elizabeth Bowman Rosario Dias Teresita Runciman Wendy Martin Mohmoud (Chris) Ammar Lindsay Lightfoot Raj Devi Prakash Rajarao Linda Williams Sherry Xaio Rodrigo Barahona Sarai Tufala Calvin Tairua Kevin Amanaki Krista Gosney Kedar Uprety Sifalina Makapatama Vika Mahina Julia Woolford Carole Ritchie Nelson Augustine Shashank Regmi Mishka Paterson Tai Amituana’i Mary Joseph Mamachen Thomas Interview Panelist Gerrard Leslie Tina Elder Mishka Paterson Derek Thode Heather Meikle Maintenance Desmond Bellette Stephen Bellette Health and Safety Client Representative Mishka Paterson Quality Forum Client Representative 24 Heather Meikle WALSHtrust Annual Report 2009 8 Hickory Avenue, PO Box 21865, Henderson, Waitakere City 0650, New Zealand Phone 09 837 5240 Fax 09 836 6341
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