Fourth Quarter, 2013 - United Doberman Club
Fourth Quarter, 2013 - United Doberman Club
UDCFOCUS Official Publication of the United Doberman Club Contents Message from the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Message from the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Got Dobe? Got toy drive? Got pool? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Versatility Spotlight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Versatility Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Leslie Carpenter Mission Statement The United Doberman Club or UDC http:// is made up of Doberman enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and protecting the Doberman and its heritage as a working dog. UDC is advancing the interests of the breed by educating members about working ability, conformation, temperament, health, breeding, training and maintenance of the total Doberman, sound in mind and body. The UDC encourages its members to participate in a variety of activities for which the Doberman is suited, including Agility, Conformation, Drill Team, Guide Dog, Obedience, Ring Sports, IPO, Search & Rescue and Therapy. The 2013 United Doberman Club National. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 National Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Trophy Donations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2013 Fall Classic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 UDC 2013 Service Dog of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 IDC Weltmeisterschaft, Italy 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 IDC 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Judith Fellton Memorial Award 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Editor in Chief The New IPO VO Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Robin Nuttall | DD Graphix Publisher DD Graphix | Robin Nuttall 3506 Westwind Drive Columbia, MO 65202 Advertisers W W W.DDGRAPHIX.NET is published four times a year (plus the National Catalog) by the United Doberman Club, 238 S. Lincoln St., Denver, CO 80209. UDC Focus is a tax exempt educational organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication, either editorially or in advertising copy, are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the United Doberman Club. This publication is not liable for contents used in advertisement. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. Leslie Carpenter. . . . . . . . Inside cover Masaya Dobermans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Treasure Seeker Dobermans. . . . . . . 4 Monida Anthony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Incredible Dobermans. . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Julianne & Ricardo Ferado. . . . . . . . 36 Solstorm Dobermans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Victoria Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Michelle Limoges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Traci Mulligan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Lynn Eggers & Jill & Art Graves. . . . 12 Susan Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 von Luka Dobermanns. . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chris Francke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 K9 Vertex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Catherine LaBarre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2014 UDC National. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Darlene Pavlovich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Meryl Winnie & Ray Carlisle. . . . . . . 30 Bonnie Guzman. . . Inside back cover Desperado Dobermans. . . . . . . . . . . 31 vom Koby Haus. . . . . . . . . . Back cover UDC FOCUS 3 Message from the President Doberman(n) Worldview Our members have made us all proud to own Dobermanns. We sent Wendy Schmitt and Victoria Hall to the IDC this year and they did an excellent job of representing us. Treasure Seeker Dobermans As soon as they got back Victoria put on a very nice Fall Classic in Pomona CA. She’s like the Energizer Bunny! The trial was well run and the helpers’ protection work was very nice. Jeff Helsdon, president of the DPCA, was there supporting us as he always does. Thank you, Jeff. He went to bat for us and got us a great venue. Our 2014 National will be held on the west coast next Spring. Erynn Lucas from the Central Valley Club in the Sacramento area put in the bid and has exciting plans. There have been a lot of requests for a left coast National. I hope everyone can come and make it the best one yet. The updates on our manuals are nearing completion. We are considering a supplemental FOCUS issue to distribute this information to the membership. Beth Bishop is preparing a member survey to send out to all members in order to get your input for the coming year. I urge everyone to respond. On a personal note, thank you to all for your kind words and condolences on my loss of my Jett-Jett, UDC/ADA Ch. Tahi-Reme Gloria ZTP-V1b, SchHIII, IPOIII. One Dobermann for all, Patrick O’Connor, UDC President Message from the Editor This issue marks the end of a second year of on-time Focus issues. The increase in advertising revenue has been gratifying to say the least. I know many members would like all issues to be printed issues. Unfortunately today’s costs for printing and mailing make that impossible unless members are willing to pay much higher advertising prices. As it is, because of little advertising support of non-print issues, the UDC is Robin with Zipper (UAG2 URO1 Ch cutting back to three issues Regatta It’s About Time, BN RE MX a year. I was sad to see this MXJ MJS RS-O JS-O GS-N RL2 CGC) happen as I feel the magaPrada, (Ch Regatta Devil Wears zine should be a quarterly Blk-N-Tan JS-N) and Cala (UAg1 URO2 USJ ARCH BJF O’er The Hills N’ one, but also understand the Far Away, RE OA NAJ WAC TT CGC, reasoning behind it. Going RATN, 11 years young) electronic is a very sensible thing for the club to do. It eliminates printing and mailing costs, which are several thousand dollars per printed issue. But if advertising is not going to support those issues, they must be pared down. I encourage members to try advertising in the electronic issues, it’s inexpensive and a great way to share recent accomplishments. On a personal note, I am thrilled to say that Cala is still with me, and for now at least still able to compete in one last sport, Barn Hunt. She has spondylosis but is otherwise healthy and as contrary as ever. More and more, I wonder why it should be such an exceptional event for a Doberman to live past 10, when so many of my friends have dogs of similar size/type who are healthy well up into their teens. Prior to now, I have refrained from writing a true Editorial piece for the magazine, but now I feel it is time. Our unique and amazing breed is facing a crisis. Since my entry in the breed in 1982, I have seen an alarming downturn; not only in health and longevity, but temperament and functional structure. Many people, including myself, are turning to alternate, healthier breeds. Putting years of love, training, and conditioning into a dog only to have to retire that dog early or have it die young is heartbreaking. I believe this breed is on the brink of failure as a breed. NOTHING is more important than preserving the Doberman. If we do not address the health, longevity, temperament, and structural issues facing this breed openly and truthfully, I truly believe the Doberman as we used to know it will be fundamentally extinct within a generation. Working and Conformation breeders, proponents of American and European bloodlines, all have an important contributing role to play. Rescuing the breed should be our first and only true priority, and all else should unfold from that. Let’s look forward and make it happen. Best wishes to you all in 2014. Robin Nuttall 4 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 5 Incredible Dobermans Incredible Dobermans Got Dobe? Got toy drive? Got pool? Solstorm Dobermans D ock diving is a fantastic sport that builds extreme confidence and a sense of teamwork with your dog. It’s a sport that has a close-knit network of people who help, encourage, and cheer each other on to greatness – even your competitors root you on! I am proud to be part of this amazing world, and I’m so passionate about the sport. Happy diving! I began diving with my Doberman Summer a little more than a year and a half ago. I was introduced to dock diving when a close friend of mine, who is heavily involved in the sport, was competing and I went to watch. My natural attraction to water and love of swimming lured me in. Summer and I began training at Alpha K9 University in Fishers, Indiana. Alpha K9 is a large facility with a 32-foot dock, a 40-foot pool, and a one-of-a-kind puppy dock. The puppy dock is only about 5 inches over the pool and is designed to build confidence in the dog or puppy that has never dock dived before. After viewing the facility at Alpha K9, Summer and I joined a beginner class. We started on the puppy dock and within a few one-hour sessions, my Dock Diving Diva was sailing off the dock. Once she was confident on the puppy dock, we moved to the competition side and began the process again. Within an hour, she was flying off the competition side. Days of practice rolled into months of practice – we had to get our throws and timing down perfectly. It’s a common assumption that dock diving is as easy as tossing a toy in the pool and the dog jumping in to retrieve it; think again. The sport involves timing, positioning, and finding the dogs “sweet spot” on the dock. If you start too far back and the dog takes off the end of the dock too early, it will hurt how far of a jump you end up with. Leaving the dock 2 feet early will take a 21’ dive and turn it in to a 19’ dive. Timing throws correctly and the dog’s location on the dock are just as important as prey/toy drive. by Diane Linstrom we were used to. In the training facility, it was a fairly quiet indoor area with a minimal amount of people and dogs. In this competition, kids were hanging on the pool edge, splashing and yelling – something Summer had never experienced before. I brought Summer out for a short practice session before our competition. She nailed it! Her total focus was on that toy and our work at hand, and she ignored the distractions around her. I felt great about our first experience in a real competition. The next morning, it was time to compete. Summer and I hit the dock, and she hit the water with a 16’10” dive. Remember when I said it was all about timing and positioning on the dock? Well, we trained on a 32’ dock but a regulation dock is 40’. We hit our sweet spot at 32’, so why did I think it was OK to sit her at the end of 40’? Because I was a nervous wreck! My dog felt my nervousness. She still had a respectable dive, but it was not the dive I was used to. For her next dives, I shortened us up on the dock to 32’. Summer and I won our next wave in Master division with a 21’2” dive, and we were invited to finals. We placed second in Big Air finals with a 21’7” dive. We have been to several competitions now. I am no longer nervous on the dock since I’ve found our rhythm, and we’ve placed each time. We have continued on to earn our National Senior jumper title and have one more leg left to earn our Regional Master Jumper title. One of my most enjoyable moments is coming up the ramp with my Dock Diving Diva Dobermann and hearing the announcer introduce us: “Dobermanns are not typical in the sport of dock diving.” That’s Summer’s cue to haul nub down that dock and show the crowd how versatile a Dobermann truly is. As the crowd claps with delight, one of the best feelings in the world is hearing the announcer exclaim, “… and that Dobermann can fly!” We practiced our throws and found Summer’s spot on the dock. Before we knew, it she was hitting Master Division dives (21-23’). My trainer at Alpha K9, Keli Andrea, was thrilled about how well Summer and I worked as a team. Keli encouraged us to get out there and win! I decided to try competing with Dock Dogs, one of the largest dock diving organizations in the country. I found an event in Missouri the third weekend of June, and off we went to our first regional dock diving competition. When Summer and I arrived, it wasn’t anything like I expected. We were right in the middle of a farmers’ market in a parking lot. There was a pool, a dock, lots of dogs, lots of competitors, and lots of spectators. There were also vendors, loud music, and announcers. This wasn’t what 8 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 9 Gravin Garmina v d Accani Canadian CD & TD, WAC, BH, CGN, SAR Dog (live find) accredited through SARDAA... DOB - 5/28/2007 Michelle Limoges Gravin Garmina von der Accani, Canadian CD and TD, WAC, BH, CGN, SAR Dog (live find), new VC Call name – Tyndre DOB – May 28, 2007 Sex - Female Owner – Michelle L. Limoges, 9111 – 84 Avenue, Edmonton, AB Phone – 780-468-6245 Email – T6C 1E5 and Jim Clossen’s female Berretta von der Accani, BH. How & when did you acquire this dog? Tyndre is my fifth SAR dog. When I was looking for a puppy, Sue Kelly-Walsh of Spokane, WA suggested the litter to me since it was out of her male Jim v Aurachgrund, SchH3, AKC/UDC CD, AD, GFFB SG 1A, WAC, CGC Tyndre Photo - Ellen Higgins Sire - Jim v Aurachgrund, ScH3, AKC/UDC CD, Ad, GFFB SG 1A, WAC, CGC Dam - Beretta von der Accani, BH We are also proud to act as chauffeur for Raksha’s Mmmmmystere, (Parquetta) Cdn. CD, WAC and SAR Dog (HRD) accredited through SARDAA Int/Can/UDC Ch. Wittrock’s Zzzzzaaron,CD,AD,B,T2,CGC,ATT, VCX, WAC,ScH3 x Raksha’s Witchey Woman v Deerun, CD Michelle L. Limoges, Edmonton, AB Canada 10 Email - UDC FOCUS Did you have any specific goals in mind when you selected this dog? Tyndre was always destined to be trained as a ‘live find’ dog only. Many experienced SAR dog trainers/handlers have for years advocated training single purpose dogs. Since my other SAR Dog Raksha’s Mmmmmystere, CD, WAC, CGN (Parquetta) is trained for human remains only, I had a need for a second dog to cover off that profile for our team. My last SAR dog Wittrock’s Cascadian Tiger (Retta) was cross trained for live and human remains and like many other cross-trained SAR dogs worked very well. However, now that I have single purpose dogs, I find this approach is definitely advantageous. Specific qualities sought in selection process. Together with a colleague in our organization – Search & Rescue Dog Association of Alberta – we developed a selection process for our SAR group. We used a couple of different selection criteria from different sources and then added our own adaptations based on our experience with evaluating dogs for SAR work. Basically a successful SAR dog should have a stable, confident temperament, low sound sensitivity, willingness to work with people, medium prey drive, but high hunt drive, and toy crazy. In Tyndre’s case, she thinks all those who hide for her have her toy and will play with her; therefore, she’s gung-ho to find them! Future goals? Tyndre has done well in her career so far with several successful searches to her credit. She obtained her TD in 2012 and we have been exploring the world of trailing lately however this is not a training profile that is used in Canada at the moment, so there is going to be a lengthy learning curve! UDC FOCUS 11 Versatility Report Congratulations to the following very special Dobermans and their proud owners for their attainment of the VC and VCX titles from February through October 2012! New Versatility Companion (VC) 26-Feb-12 UCH Platinum’s Winner Takes It All, MX, MXJ, WAC, ATTS: Beth Szczygiel Lynn Eggers & Jill & Art Graves 2-Mar-12 AKC Ch. Talladega’s American Thunder, NA, NAJ, NF, NJP, OA, OAJ, WAC, ROM: Michelle Kramer and Jim Lauver New Versatility Companion X (VCX) 08-Jun-12 UKC, UDC-Ch. Incredible Caper v Rebholz, BH, WAC, CGC, TR-1, OB-3, SchH A, BSA-E-3-A, ATT, SJ: Traci Mulligan 16-Jun-12 UDC-Ch. Sant Kreal Soldier, IPO 1, WAC, ZTP SG 1A: Mitch Edley 20-Oct-12 UDC Ch. Beja’s Redneck Brother Rudy, CD, SchH 1, WAC, ZTP SG1B, CGC, OB1, TR1: Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio All Versatility Companion Dogs (VC) 7-Apr-92 Carlo Vom Donautal, SCHHI, B, CDX, WAC, GHC: Donald H. Marlowe 26-Aug-93 Eclipse Vom Donautal, B, WAC, CGC: Gail B. Dodd 17-Sep-97 Camilla Vom Kaiserhaus, CD, SCHH3, T1, WAC, CGC: Lori Janes 7-Apr-92 BA - CAN - PR Ch Prancing Pony’s J. Gabriel, Am/Can - PR CD, TT, GHC: Sharon Renae Barzen 12-Oct-93 Alexa Vom Donautal, CD, B, SCHHI, WH, GHC, WAC, CGC, ATTS: Sue W. Hall 1-Nov-97 WWKC Ch Magenta’s Luckie Ambrosia, B, SchH 1, ZTP V1B: Nellie Walter 12-Apr-92 Baretta Vom Donautal, SCHHI, B, WAC, GHC: Gail Dodd 8-Jun-92 Camden’s Sunshine, CDX, WAC, TDI, CGC: Cathy L. Camden 28-Jun-92 Boss Vom Donautal, TD, T1, B, GSSD Ready-Search: Ricardo Ferado 28-Jun-92 Satan’s Midnight Warrior III, B, SCHHII, AD: Curtis S. Northrup 5-Jul-92 Phonix Vom Norden Stamm, SCHHIII, CD, TD, FH, WAC: Sue Kelly-Walsh 13-Aug-92 Falkenburgs Illissa V D Nieuwe Loot, B, CGC, ATT: Wolfgang & Claudia Pfirrmann 5-Oct-92 Ch Wiking De Nieuwe Loot Van Stevinhage, IPOI, ZTP: Jack & Ella Kooy and Wolfgang Pfirrmann 15-Oct-92 Inverurey’s French Fantasy, UD, SCHHIII, GHC, WAC, ATT, D-CD: Ellen L. Higgins 25-Oct-92 Prancing Pony Dana V Warlock, CD, TD, B, SCHHI, WH, WAC: Julianne Ferado 10-Nov-92 Gravin Onyx Vom Neerland Stamm, CDX, B, SCHIII, WH, GHC, CGC, TDI: Paulette & G. Price Bethel and Mary Rodgers UDC FOCUS 21-May-94 Shady Acre’s Ideal Mr. Spock, BH, SCHII, UD, ATT, CGC: Beverly Press 1-Jul-94 Panda Von Dynasty, CDX, B, TD, SCHHII: Dennis Helm & Melodie Limpach 29-Nov-97 Ch Sarena’s Shake Rag Jamie, BH, WAC, CGC: Lieselotte & Ray Hookey 28-Feb-98 Cara’s Black Rose Angelina Bahir, CDX, B, NA, CGC: Bruno Klang 28-Feb-98 Allie Vom Kaiserhaus, BH, T1, SchH 1, WAC: Linda C. Kurz & Joseph L. Kurz 1-Oct-94 Ondra Vom Binselberg, B, SCHHI, WAC, CGC, ATTS: Luis M. Vazquez 28-Feb-98 Delight Of Starfire, CDX, WAC, CGC: Nancy Brunker 4-Feb-95 Echo Vom Donautal, CD, B, GHC, WAC, CGC: Sue W. Hall 24-Apr-98 Alisaton Star-Trip V Dalclar, CD, WAC, AD, CGC, FEMA LEVEL II: Gail McCarthy 31-May-95 Ch Kansa’s Intoxicatin’ Aquarius, CD, ROM, CGC, TDI: Julie K. Stade 30-Jun-95 Tika Von Royal Gin, B, UDC ATT, CGC: Nellie Walter & DeDe Beck 12-Apr-96 Ch Bjf A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, CD, TDI,CGC: Jim Briley & Mark & Julie Stade 19-Apr-96 Agape’s Seasons Of The Lion, CD, BH, CGC, ATT: Connie Galloway & Mollie Stroff 28-Jul-96 Sentinel Spelcaster V Zysing, CD, B, OFA, ATT, CGC: David Stroff & Cathy L. Camden 23-Dec-96 Yukon Vom Weisen Haus, SchH III, ZTP SG1A, CD, CGC, TDI: Soile Jarvenpaa 23-Nov-92 Copyright Protected Kristoff, CD, T1, SCHHI, ATT: Linda Ann Tobiasz 21-Feb-97 Sentinel’s Specter, B, WAC, CGC: Cathy L. Camden 24-Nov-92 Royolyn Eighteen-Twelve, AM/CAN CD, TD, T1, WAC, SAR: Michelle L. Limoges 15-May-97 U-CD Miss Pegasus Sue, UDX, WAC, CGC: Nancy Brunker 4-Apr-93 A Spicy Lady V D Ziegelhaus, TD, T1, ATT, SAR: Shirley M. & David Hammond 12 26-Oct-93 Amaita Von De Aracoururo, B, SCHHI, WAC, CGC, TT: Luis M. Vazquez 17-Sep-97 Red Oak’s Aubrey, AKC-CKC CDX, D-CD, B, TI, SCHH1, GHC, WAC, STT, CGC: Ellen L. Higgins 24-Apr-98 Ch Patriot’s Stars ‘N’ Stripes, CD, ROM, AD, CGC: Gail McCarthy 24-Apr-98 Herro Vom Bogenstadt, SchH 3, IPO 3, B, CD, WAC, ZTP: Lori Janes 28-Jun-98 UDC Ch Rebholzer High Intensity, B Brevet, UDC FFB: Desiree Malouin 28-Jun-98 Red Oak’s Blair, AKC-CKC CD, T 1, SchH 1, WAC, HIC, CGC: Ellen Higgins 18-Jul-98 Willow Von Dynasty, CDX, B, T 1, SchH 1, WAC, ZTP G1A, CGC: Lisa Johnson 31-Dec-98 U-CDX Dawn Of Starfire, UD, WAC, CGC: Nancy Brunker 8-Jan-99 Sentinel’s Merlin, B, WAC, ATTS, CGC, TDI, STT: Cathy L. Camden & David Stroff 19-Feb-99 Cerberus Vom Norden Stamm, CD, B, SchH 2, WH, ATTS, CGC, NNDDA: Francis Fayne 19-Feb-99 AKC Ch Mandolin Bring On The Night, CD, ROM, ATT, CGC: Joannah Davis & I. Annette Williams UDC FOCUS 13 All Versatility Companion Dogs (VC) Continued 27-Feb-99 Noble House Cita Frisco, AKC UD, B, SchH 2, ATT, CGC: Ellen Marchand 6-Apr-99 U-AGI U-CD Navistar’s QB Sneak v Triadel, Am-Can CD, NA, NAJ, NJ, OA, TT, CGC: Debra Hartzell 8-May-99 U-AGI Achates v Moss Hill, BH, NA, NAJ, NJ, WAC, CGC: Peg Mueller 6-Jun-99 U-CDX Papageno, Can CD, Am CDX, WAC, ATTS, TDI, CGC: Fred Dunaway 11-Jun-99 IABCAA Int’l. Ch Jag vom Donautal, B, CGC, Certified for K-9 Basic Cadaver Search: Ricardo Ferado 7-Aug-99 Ch BJF Crescendo V Aquarius, CD, ROM: Jill & Art Graves 26-Nov-99 Collinwood’s True Colors, CDX, BH, AX, AGD, WAC, CGC: Linda Ann Leiviska 10-Feb-02 Cris’s Black Star Sapphire, AKC CD, ASCA CD, Mex-PC, AKC OA & OAJ, NADAC NA, NG & NJ, ASCA RS-N & JS-N, WAC, HIC, TDI, CGC, LC-10L: Cristina Maxwell 4-Mar-02 U-CD Boris von Rosenhof, SchH 3, FFB VG1A, STT, D-CD, CGC, AD: Anne Rammelsberg 11-Mar-02 Cara’s Matik Gift for Gab, CD, WAC, BH, CGC, ATT, Therapy Dog: Vicky K. Brachfeld 10-May-02 Can Ch Equinox Designer Genes, Can CD, HIC: Judy Bohnert 12-May-02 UCI Natl.-Intl. Jungsten Ch Sentinel’s Excalibur, BH, ATT, Certified Service Dog: Cathy L. Camden 12-May-02 Aesir vom Kollund Kro, BH, SchH 3, IPO 3, WAC, ZTP V1A, CGC: Lori Janes 12-Mar-05 UCD, UACH Bel-Mar’s I Love Trouble, CD, OA, NAJ, NJP, NAP, NGC, NJC, OJC-V, ATT, CGC: Beth Bishop 25-Jun-05 IABCA Int’l Ch Cameron Capone dei Dohse, CD, BH, WAC, CGC, AD, RE: Cornelia Grabichler 29-Oct-05 DARE’s Terra Firma, CDX, ThD, CGC, TDI, Dog Guide: Laura Holum 26-Dec-05 Bell’Lavoro La Vittoria Dolce, CD, WAC, TDI, CGC: Salvatore Ceraldi & Vicky Brachfeld 18-Feb-06 Bell’Lavoro Aleksia Nano, BH, WAC, CGC: Kristin Roberts & Vicky Brachfeld 15-Apr-06 IABCAA Nat’l Jugend Ch JBars Portia Kye In The Sky, CD, BH, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, TDI, CGC: Linda Kye 15-Apr-06 IABCAA Int’l Ch, UKC Ch JBars Schatzi Windwalker, CD, BH, T1, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, TDI, CGC: Larry Kye 23-Jun-00 UCD Can Ch Serenity Sherbourg Vondura, TT, TDI, CGC: G. Lynn Winter, DVM 10-Aug-02 Bonita Von Der Schwarzen Lagune, BH, ZVV 1, SchH 2, IPO 3, TDI, CGC: Vicky K. Brachfeld 29-Jul-00 Sloothaak, CDX, BH, T1, CGC: Anne Rammelsberg 24-Aug-02 BJF Renejade Mirror Image, CDX, NA, NAJ, WAC, FFB, BH, ATT: Wendy Schneider & Nancy Christensen 15-Apr-06 Redlion Fu Z Mu Z Wuza Bear, CD, NJP, TDI, CGC, RAE2, RL3, RL2X, RL1X, ARCH, CD-H: Deborah Stevenson 21-Feb-03 Odo von Dynasty, CD, WAC, CGC, Delta Society AAT: Margaret T. Flowers 15-Apr-06 Ravenswood Aspen Extreme, CKCUKC CD, AKC CDX, OA, AXJ, ATTS, CGC: Beth Szczygiel 23-Mar-03 Morgana’s Forevr Chasin Phonix, SchH 1, CD, WAC, AD, ATT, BH, CGC: Makayla King 28-Jul-07 Giuseppina von Wilhamhoff, BH, WAC, OB-1, CHIC: Marylyn DeGregorio 4-Dec-00 Forgotten Lore of Kimbertal, SchH1, CD, BH, TKII, AD, TT, CGC: Amy Mills 7-Jan-01 Magenta S Hanz v. d. Habichttal, B, SchH1, T2, WAC, ATTS, CGC: Stephen & Joan Koren 27-Jan-01 Rebholzer Live Wire, B, SchH3, T3, CD, WAC, ATT, CGC: Traci Mulligan 27-Jan-01 Montwood Hotspice v Rebholz, BH, T1, D-CD, ATT, CGC: Traci Mulligan & Gary Knights 27-Jan-01 Rebholzer-Rohan Sum’R Siege, BH, SchH 1, WH, WAC, STT, CGC: Traci Mulligan 3-Mar-01 Can Ch Pentium A Dream Within Equinox, Can CD, WAC, CGC: Judy Bohnert & Carla Mai Nissen 21-Apr-01 Smokey Joe von Wilhamhoff, SchH 1, CGC: Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio 30-Jun-01 Renejade Rock and Roll, TD, NA, NAJ, OA, OAJ, AXJ, NAC-1, AD-1, WAC, CGC: Linda S. Robertson 12-Aug-01 Lothlorien The Wizard v. Cara, CD, UDC-ThD, CGC, Hearing Service Dog: Margaret (Peg) Wyse 12-Jan-02 Armee Begablten v. Wimmerhaus, BH, SchH 1, ZTP VG 1B, AD: Alvin L. Clemons 10-Feb-02 U-CD Cris’s Mystic Black Jade, AKC CD, AKC OA & OAJ, NADAC NJ & OA, ASCA GS-N & RS-N, WAC, ATT, HIC, TDI, CGC, FM: Cristina Maxwell 14 All Versatility Companion Dogs (VC) Continued UDC FOCUS 15-Jun-03 Sentinel’s Diana The Hunter, BH, ATT, ATTS: Cathy L. Camden 26-Jul-03 Elkhaus Ice Storm, CD, BH, WAC, ATT, HIC, CGC: N. Shannon Elkins & Steven Elkins 16-Aug-03 Brigitte Von Moeller Hof, CD, CGC, ATT: Meg Flowers 8-Sep-07 Eric Iberico del Kingsware, BH, TD, TR-1, FH, SchH 1, WAC, TT, CGC: Renee C. Michel 20-Oct-07 General Jack Von Whitedheim, BH, WAC, ATTS, TDI, CGC: Peter J. Lindic 26-Dec-07 Can Ch Trymine Xzotic Flair v Domtom, CD, TT, CGN: Tamara Champagne 22-Feb-09 Ziris Van Schuylenburcht, BH, WAC, CGC, AD: Amanda Shadfoth 16-Mar-09 Ferrara vom Excalibur, BH, SchH2, IPO1, WAC, ADPR: Cornelia Grabichler 6-Sep-09 Citto von der Wudritz, BH, IPO III, TDI, CGC: Vicky K. Brachfeld 6-Sep-09 UKC Ch, UKC CD D’Lano’s Guns N’ Roses, WAC,ATTS,TDI, CGC, RN: Linda Rusinko & Deborah Otlano 6-Sep-09 UDC Ch Cicily vom Koby Haus, BH, BSB-E3A: Jim & Janis Toman 6-Feb-10 CKC Ch Seven’s Strekoza Pennylane, RA, TT, ROMC: Leah Hamaluk 26-Feb-12 UCH Platinum’s Winner Takes It All, MX, MXJ, WAC, ATTS: Beth Szczygiel 6-Feb-10 Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya, BH, SchH1, IPO2, VPG3, CD, CGC, RN, WAC: Brandi Williams 2-Mar-12 AKC Ch. Talladega’s American Thunder, NA, NAJ, NF, NJP, OA, OAJ, WAC, ROM: Michelle Kramer and Jim Lauver 9-May-10 Bell’Lavoros Primo Diamante Rio, BH, WAC, ATT, CGC, ThD: Marie Iulo 9-May-10 Cara’s Thorny Issue, BH, WAC, ATT, CHIC, CGC: Jeffrey Saporito 17-Oct-10 UKC Ch Cara’s Hot Mama, BH, WAC, ATT, CGC: Linda & Peter Lindic 06-Sep-98 Can Ch Cara’s Alisa, CD, WAC, UDC, ATT, FFB, BH, CGC, TDI: Rose M. Kruser 30-May-92 Am/Can Ch Black Oak Country N Western, Am/Can CD, TD, T1, ROM, CGC: Linda Suligoy 15-Oct-98 Am-Can Ch LeMils Lethal Weapon, Am-Can CD, Am-Can ROM, TT, TDI, CGC: Penny Cary 14-Aug-92 Ch Henrike V. D. Nieuwe Loot, CD, B, T2, SCHHI, CGC: Wolfgang and Claudia Pfirrmann 08-Mar-99 Ch Patriot’s Stars N Stripes, CD, ROM, FFB V1B, AD, CGC, 1st Level Certified-Search Dogs NE: Gail McCarthy 20-Oct-92 Ch Destiny’s Special Blessing, Am/ Can CD, B, ROM, TDI, TH.D, ATT, CGC: Carole Bohanan-Uhler and John Uhler 08-Nov-93 Am/Can Ch Cara’s Talon, Am/Can CD, B, ROM, CGC: Bonnie Wittrock 09-May-94 Ch Findjan’s Outrage, CD, ROM, GHC, CGC, ATT: Nancy E. Christensen 29-Jun-94 AKC-CKC Ch Destiny’s Windflower, AKC-UDC CD, B, ROM, ATT, TDI: Carole Bohanan-Uhler 10-Mar-95 Ch Cara’s Valar Lothlorien, CDX, BH, ATT, TDI, TH.D., CGC: Bunny Lanning and Ray Carlisle 18-Oct-03 Renejade Bells and Whistles, CDX, ASCA-CD, NA, NAJ, WAC, ATT, CGC: Nancy Gearhard 8-Mar-08 Elkhaus Entrapment, CD, BH, ATT, CGC: N. Shannon Elkins 31-May-95 Am/Can/UKC, SKC, Ch U-CDX Ravenswoods High Performance, CDX, ROM, B, Can CDX, CGC, TT, VCX: Cindy Noland 20-Mar-04 U-CD Brulans Baron Vom Gravin, CD, WAC, Delta Society AAT: Cindy M. Starley 16-Mar-08 Highland’s Mountain Express, RA, RE, OA, AXJ, ATTS, CGC: Beth Szczygiel 11-Aug-95 Ch BJF Much Ado About Nothing, CD, CGC, TDI, AG 1-2, ROM: Kathy and Mike Horniman 20-Mar-04 Salmans Eich v Blitzkrieger, AKCCKC CD, BH, SchH3, Can TT, CGC: Phyllis E. McNaughton 21-Jun-08 Bearcreek Quinnkastra Top Gun, CD, BH, T1, OB3, ATT, ATTS, CGC, WAC: Suzan Shipp 28-Feb-98 D-Ch Branwen Vom Haus Kurz, BH, NA, AD, NJC, TT: Linda C. Kurz & Joseph L. Kurz 17-Jul-04 Sentinel’s Lady of the Lake, CD, BH, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Cathy L. Camden 21-Jun-08 CKC Ch Gentry’s Blackhawk Down, CD, AGNJ, AGI, HIC, CKC TT, CGN, CKC ROM: Caitlin Rathburn 28-Feb-98 Finnish Ch Belmont Vom Norden Stamm, CD, JK2, ZTP, CGC, TT: Soile Jarvenpaa & Elina Jarvinen 30-Nov-08 Bowie’s Semper Fidelis v Dru, CD, WAC, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Kim Somjen, DVM 24-Apr-98 Am/Can Ch Gold Grove High Chaparral, Am/Can CD, CGC, BH, ROM: Sharon A. White 22-Feb-09 Ascomannis Laevatein, CD-H, RL1, BH, WAC, ATT,ADPR: Laura V. Baugh 06-Sep-98 Ch Sarena’s Shake Rag Jamie, CDX, BH, ROM, VC, CGC, TDI, FFB: Lieselotte & Ray Hookey 19-Feb-05 Wittrock’s EEEEEvil EEEEEva, CD, B, WAC, ATT, CGC, Delta Society Therapy Dog: Cheryl Fite & Ross Peterson 6-Feb-10 Ch Gentry’s Beck ‘N’ Call, CGN, CD, RN, RAMCL, TT, ROM: Caitlin Rathburn 6/7/2013 Wittrock’s Jazzzzzelle, CDX, TD, CGC, RN: Chris & Ruth Franke 8/3/2013 Gravin Garmina Von Der Accani, CD, BH, TD, WAC, SARDAA WILDERNESS/ URBAN: Michelle Limoges All Versatility Companion Excellent Dogs (VCX) 26-Dec-07 Bell’Lavoro Discorso Dela Cita, BH, WAC, CGC: Erica Green & Vicky Brachfeld Cara’s Shining Dark Crystal, CD, WAC, OA, OAJ, BH, SR, SS, NAC, CGC: Carolyn & Ralph Gastley 10-Dec-11 Legard’s Batman, CD, BH, TT, TR2, WH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, CGC: Janet G. Smith 07-Apr-92 Ch Lothlorien’s High Elven Rune, UDT, ROM,SCHHI, TDI, CGC: Bunny Lanning 4-Oct-03 Can Ch Destiny’s Charisma, BH, WAC, ATT: Rose M. Kruser 9-Jan-05 6-Feb-10 Aurora’s Jetta, CD, RA, NAC, VADC, VSGDC, AGNS, AGIJ, CGC, CGN, ThD: Leah Hamaluk 03-Apr-99 UDC Ch Renejade Windsor v Jazlin, CD, BH, SchH 3, WAC, ZTP VG 1A, AG II, CGC: Nancy Christensen 10-Apr-99 Can Ch Wittrock’s Cascadian Tiger, CD, TD, WAC, B, CGC, SAR-Dog: Michelle Limoges 08-May-99 Can Ch Cara’s Color of Night, U-CD, CKC CDX, BH, SchH A, ATT, STT, ATTS, CGC: Sue Morrissey 12-Apr-02 Am/Int’l/UDC/UKC Ch U-CDX Hillco’s Texas Blazing Star, AKC-ASCA CDX, BH, ROM, OB2, AD, D-CD, D-FFB VG1A, TDI, ThD, CGC, ATT, TT, HIC, VCX: Irina Sasu 05-Oct-02 Ch Anrich Dreamkeeper of Saxony, TT, CDX, BH, AD, ATT, CGC: Diana and Gordon Shore 30-Dec-02 Am/Intl/Intl Baby/Natl. Jugend/UKC Ch Talent’s Classic, BH, AKC/UKC CD, ASCA CDX, ROM, OB2, CGC, AD, TDI, ATT, TT, HIC, VCX: Irina Sasu 26-Apr-03 AKC/CKC Ch Alisaton Aurora Borealis, AKC UD, CKC CDX, D-CD, BH, OB2, ASCA CD, ROM, CGC: Pam Burns 26-Apr-03 Ch Cara’s Queen Of The Night, CKC UD, D-CD, BH, WAC, ATT, CGC, Can TT: Susan Simeon & Ray Carlisle 03-Jul-99 Ch Teeco’s Night Hawk, CD, ROM, CGC, TDI, NGC, NJC: Laura Hulke 20-Jul-03 DV Ch Alexa vom Bernecker Schloss, VPG1, FH2, AD, ZTP V1A: Elaine Brown-Galonska & May Jacobson 05-Aug-99 UDC-AKC Ch Mandolin Bring On The Night, CD, ROM, CGC, ATT, FFB V1A: Joannah Davis & I. Annette Williams 20-Jul-03 UDC Ch Destiny’s Sunshine Santino, SchH1, AFFB, WAC, ATT, CGC: Janis & Jim Toman 31-Dec-99 Can Ch Destiny’s Man on a Mission, CD, WAC, BH, SchH 2, T 1, ATT: Carole Bohanan-Uhler 06-Jan-04 Can/UDC Ch Wittrock’s Zzzzzaaron, CD, AD, B, ATT, WAC, T1: Bonnie Wittrock 08-Jul-00 AKC/UDC Ch BJF Crescendo v Aquarius, CDX, ROM, BH, T-1, ATT, CGC: Jill & Art Graves 06-Jan-04 Am/Can/UDC Ch U-GrCh, U-Ag1 Talent’s Supersonic, CD, BH, NA, NAP, ROM, CGC: Peg Mueller 08-Jul-00 Ch BJF Sonata v. Aquarius, NA,NAJ, ROM, CGC, FD, FDX, FDCH: Jessica Wilcock, DVM 01-Feb-04 Ch UCDX Smack-Dab’s Diamond in the Myst, CDX, BH, ROM, UKC Total Dog: Karen Gunter 21-Apr-01 Ch Pentium A Dream Within Equinox, Can CDX , AKC CD, WAC, HIC, CGC, TT: Judy Bohnert & Carla Mai Nissen 20-Mar-04 AKC-UDC Ch, IABCA Int. Ch Mt. Windsor’s After Burn, CD, BH, ATT, ROM, ATTS: Nancy M. Troyer 11-Mar-02 Ch U-AG2 Montwoods Kira of Delcrest, CD, OA, OAJ, ROM, NAC, NJC, FFB V1A, TT, CGC: Debra Hartzell 03-Jul-05 UDC/UKC/Int’l. Ch Cross the Rubicon dob Mann, CD, TDI, WAC, ATT, TT, CGC: Irina Sasu UDC FOCUS 15 All Versatility Companion Excellent Dogs (VCX) Continued 29-Aug-05 Am/Int’l. Ch Rhapsody’s Passage to India, RN, CD, ROM, TDI, YTT, CGC: Irina Sasu 08-Mar-08 Ch Gem’Giveeon Lumene, CD, BH, SchH1, NA, NAJ, AFN, WAC, ATT, BSB, CGC: Debra Hartzell 24-Sep-11 UDC & UKC Ch Cara’s Hot Mama, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS-TT, CGC, VC: Linda & Peter Lindic 29-Oct-05 UDC Ch Mandolin The Heat Is On, CD, BH, SchH1, WAC, ATT, CGC, RN: Joannah Davis 21-Jun-08 UDC/IABCAA/Int’l/UKC Ch JBars Schatzi Windwalker, CD, BH, T2, FFB VG1A, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, WAC, TDI, CGC: Larry Kye 10-Mar-12 AKC Ch, UKC Grand CH Talladega’s American Thunder, NA, NAJ, NF, NJP, OA, OAJ, WAC, ROM: Michelle Kramer and Jim Lauver 21-Jun-08 UDC Ch General Jack Von Whitedheim, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, TDI, CGC, VC: Peter J. Lindic 08-Apr-12 AKC, UDC Ch Lancaster’s Sassi Godiva, CD, D-CD, BH, SchH1, WAC, STT, G-FFB V1A: Nancy Lawson Weber 31-Aug-08 UDC Ch Bell’Lavoro Augustus, BH, FH1, SchH3, IPO3, AKC WD3, WAC, ATT, ZTP 1B, CGC, VCX: Sean Salke 08-Apr-12 AKC, UDC Ch Chaos vom Koby Haus, SchH III, IPO3, FH2, AD, ROM, ZTP SG1A: Loel Turpin 30-Nov-08 UDC Ch Bell’Lavoros Nero Strega, BH, WAC, ATT, ZTP IA, RThD, CGC: Vicky Brachfeld 27-Apr-12 AKC Ch Viking’s Charlie Brown, CDX, VPG III, IPO III, NA, OAJ, ROM, ZTP 1A: Lyn G. Kargaard 31-Jan-09 UDC Ch Lemils Dynamite Kiss, CD, BH, WAC, ATT, TDI, CGC: Joannah Davis 08-Jun-12 UKC, UDC-Ch. Incredible Caper v Rebholz, BH, WAC, CGC, TR-1, OB-3, SchH A, BSA-E-3-A, ATT, SJ: Traci Mulligan 29-Oct-05 AKC/UDC Ch Imagemaker’s Plezed Ta Meecha, CD, ROM, ATT, CGC, RN: Sandi Atkinson 25-Feb-06 UDC/Can Ch Destiny’s Charisma, UDC/Can CD, AKC CDX, IPO3, SchH3, WAC, G-FFB V1A: Rose M. Kruser 08-Apr-06 Ch Bell’Lavoros Dio Di Giove, BH, ThD, CGC, ZTP1A: Vicky Brachfeld & Dean Calderon 15-Apr-06 UDC Ch/Int’l Ch Rhapsody’s Integrity, CD, RA, ATT, FFB, WAC, CGC: Irina Sasu 30-Oct-06 UDC-UKC Ch Come As You Are Inelya Renejade, AKC CD, ATT, WAC, CGC, RA: Nancy Christensen 12-Jan-07 UDC / Intl. Ch Elkhaus Ice Storm, CD, BH, WAC, ATT, HIC, CGC, G-FFB, T1, VC: N. Shannon Elkins 05-Feb-07 UDC Ch Bell’Lavoros Rocca Scura, BH, T1, IPO 2, WAC, ATT, RThD, CGC: Mary Chrusciel 28-Jul-07 Am/Can/UKC Ch Sasanoa Glorious, WAC, RN, Can TD, ROMC, PCD, CGC, TT, TDI: Evelyn Stackpole, Penny Cary and Hosea Carpenter 28-Jul-07 UDC Ch Swift Run Showstopper v Kkro, BH, WAC, ATT, BSA E1A, CGC: Tammy Marshall-Weldon 06-Sep-09 AKC/UKC Ch D’Lano’s Make My Day Traditions, RA, NAJ, ROM, ATTS, CGC: Deborah Otlano 06-Sep-09 AKC Ch, UKC GrCh Zima Is Mine Always, ROM, CD, RN, CGC, ATTS, TDI, CGC: Deborah Otlano 23-Oct-09 UDC Ch , UKC Ch Gravin Vera V. Neerlands Stam, CD, RN, WAC, CGC: Lynda L. Herndon 06-Feb-10 UDC, UKC Ch Beja’s Sorella Suzy Q, BH, WAC, ATT, ATTS, ADA CAC, CHIC: Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio 09-May-10 UDC Ch Tri-Star’s Avalon Sunset, OA, AXJ, NF, WAC, ATT, CGC: Laura Hulke 17-Oct-10 UDC Ch Cicily vom Koby Haus, BH, WAE, ATT, BSB-E3A, CGC: Jim & Janis Toman 16-Jun-12 UDC-Ch. Sant Kreal Soldier, IPO 1, WAC, ZTP SG 1A: Mitch Edley 20-Oct-12 UDC Ch. Beja’s Redneck Brother Rudy, CD, SchH 1, WAC, ZTP SG1B, CGC, OB1, TR1: Anthony & Marylyn DeGregorio 08-Dec-12 AKC Ch. Foxhall’s The First Lady, WAC, BH, ROM, VPG II, IPO III: Lynn Eggers and Jill & Art Graves 15-Dec-12 AKC Ch., UKC Ch. Catawba’s Power Play, CD, RA, VPGI, ROM, ATT : Whitney Newman and Susan Miller 31-Jan-13 AKC Ch., CA, USJCH, UAGI, URO1, GRCH Fayek Pitch Black v Firefly, WAC: Miriam Pike Living IPO3, Active Search & Rescue, and Active Assistance Dobermans T he following is a list of living IPO3 (or Equivalent), Active Search and Rescue and Active Assistance Dobermans currently living in the USA. For Dobermans born in the USA, I noted that after their DOB. The list is as complete as I could provide at this time. I will be publishing an updated list in each yearbook edition of the UDC Focus. Any errors or omissions are unintentional. Please email any corrections to and I will note them for next year’s list. IPO 3 Titled Dobermans ASCOMANNIS KARO SCHH3 ZTP-SG1B . 06/06/2004. Denmark. Dog. Breeder: Lisa Schuler. By Cox v.d. Mooreiche- Ascommanis Fenya. Owner: Christopher Frank ASCOMANNIS MAGNUS IPO3. 10/1/2005. USA. Dog. Breeder: Anne Boyce. By Eiko GermaniaAscomannis Freya Owner: Anne Boyce BANE’S FAMILY JEWEL WUSTENSTURM IPO3. 10/19/2004. USA. Bitch. Breeder: John Kowalczyk. By Alfred V Hausman- Evita V Dragonerreich. Owner: Jason Bane BEJA’S WINNING HAND BLACKJACK IPO3. 9/11/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Anthony& Marylyn De Gregorio. By Bell’lavoros Augustus IPO 3- Cara’s Katrina. Owner: Patricia Viola. BELL’LAVOROS AUGUSTUS IPO3, FH. 9/29/2002. USA. Dog. Breeder: Vicky Brachfeld. By Gino Gomez Del Citrone-Cara’s Matik Gift for Gab. Owner : Sean Salke BUSTER WIMMERHAUS IPO3. 1/30/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Kelly Mccauley. By Burklin Vom Wimmerhaus- Noele Von De Aracoururo. Owner: Beverly LeBeau. UDC CH. CARA’S MATIK GIFT FOR GAB SCHH 3, ZTP VG1B, T2, CDX, D-CD, VCX. 3/28/1999. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Ray Carlisle. By Cara’s SkeeterRubina V Brandenburg. Owner: Vicky Brachfeld. CARA’S LYRIC VON TALON SCHH3. 3/10/2002. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Ray Carlisle. By Cara’s Graaf Quinton- Cara’s Miss Talon. Owner: Olivia Strong. UDC CH CARA’S ON THE EDGE IPO 3 UDC- CD. 3/06/2005. USA. Dog. Breeder/ Owner: Ray Carlisle. By Cara’s on the Sly-Cara’s Firefly. Send me your new and updated Versatility Profile Questionnaires for the quarterly “Versatility Spotlight” feature in Focus! Don’t pass up this unique opportunity for recognition of your Doberman companion and your accomplishments together as a working team! If you have a VC or VCX Title and would like to submit or update your Versatility Profile Questionnaire, please call or write and I will be happy to send you a new questionnaire. If you have earned new titles since your VC or VCX Title was awarded, let me know and I will be pleased to announce your new titles in the next Versatility report! If you would like more information on the UDC Versatility program or a VC-VCX application, please print out the Versatility Title Requirements and Application Form from the UDC website at or call me at (425) 2264810 (evenings, or anytime to leave a message) or contact me at my email address: Julianne Ferado, UDC Versatility Committee, P.O. Box 58455, Renton, WA 98058-1455 16 UDC FOCUS CATAWBA’S PENNY GIRL IPO3. 2/01/2003. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Susan Miller. Owner: Mark Berkowitz. UDC CH. CHAOS VOM KOBY HAUS SCHH3, IPO3, ZTP, AD, FH2. 5/2006. USA. Dog. Breeder/Owner: Loel Turpin. By Destiny’s Sunshine SantinoKoby v. Aurachgrund. DARKNEMO Vom KOBY HAUS IPO3, ZTP. 2/18/2008. USA. Dog. Breeder: Loel Turpin. By Jim v Aurachgrund- Koby v Aurachgrund. Owner Jonathan Alvarez. DEACON VOM LANDGRAF IPO 3. 09/14/06. USA. Dog. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. By Ascomannis Gero - Lussi von der Krillenburg. Owner: Larry Kye. Russian/ Ukrainian CH DELUX DE GRANDE VINKO IPO 3. 5/22/2006. Dog. Breeder: Natalia Ditko. By Fedor del Nasi- Notrdam de Grande Vinko. Owner: Irina Barrett Can/ UDC CH DESTINY’S CHARISMA IPO3, UD, RAE, OA, NAF, NAJ, VCX, ZTP V-1A . 4/25/2000. USA. Bitch. Breeder/Owner: Rose Kruser. By Destiny’s Man on a Mission- Cara’s Alisa. UDC CH DESTINY’S DIGITAL IMAGE, UD, RN, UDC-CDX, OF AX, MXJ, SCHH3. 9/27/2000. USA. Breeder: Carol Bohanan-Uhler & Mary Chruiscel. By Apt to B Jackaroo Tattoo- Destiny’s Fast And Furious. Owner: Shirley Harry. DRU’S PORTIA D’AURELIA CD, IPO3. 9/2/2004. Bitch. Rescued Doberman. Owner: Alissa Weaver. EIKA VOM LANDGRAF IPO3. WS25912208. 2/27/2008. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. By Cosmo vom Maindreieck- Lussi von Der Krillenburg. EIKO VOM LANDGRAF SCHH3, AD, ZTP SG-1A. WS25912208. 2/27/2008. USA. Dog. Breeder/ Owner: Wendy Schmitt. By Cosmo vom Maindreieck- Lussi von Der Krillenburg. ELISCHA VON DER BURGSTATTE IPO3. 4/12/2005. Bitch. By Chico v.d. DoberwacheCarla v.d. Burgstatte. Owner: Catherine Lewis. EVA DEI DOHSE CD, RN, SCHH3, FH. 8/1/2004. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Lindsay Davis. By UDC-CH Cara’s Graaf Quinton- Lussi von der Krillenburg. Owner: Erynn Lucas. AKC CH FOXHALL’S THE FIRST LADY IPO3, ROM, CD, VCX. 12/05/2005. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Lynn Eggers. By AKC/UDC CH BJF Crescendo v Aquarius UD- AKC CH Foxhall’s American Spirit. Owner Lynn Eggers and Jill & Art Graves.. GAMY VON DER BURGSTATTE SCHH3. 11/20/2006. Bitch. By Chico v.d. DoberwacheCarla v.d. Burgstatte. Owner: Arnold Jacobson. UDC CH HARA’S BOEING V. WUSTENSTURM IPO3, MR1, FRBrevet, PSA-PDC, BSA-E1A. WS11265901. 10/19/2004. USA. Bitch. Breeder: John Kowalczyk. By Alfred V Hausman- Evita V Dragonerreich. Owner: Clary. HISMERH KATANA KO IPO3. 2/22/2006. Bitch. Breeder: Merab Khiskiadze. By Irinland Eros EratoTeraline Afina. Owner: Irina Barrett. JAMMER VOM AURCHGRUND, SchH3, AKC/CKC CD, CGC. 3/14/2001. Dog. Breeder: Werner and Sibylle Strobel. By Jonas vom Haus WeißenbergerAngie v Aurchgrund. Owner: Sue Kelly-Walsh & Ellen Higgins JEAN DARK HIGH LOVE Schh 3 IPO 3 SL1. 2/25/2006. Sweden. Dog. Breeder Jeanett Lemmeke. By Come As You Are Dalli – Smart Wood Hills L’ Oreal. Owner: Kjersti Daabakk. KOBY VOM AURACHGRUND SCHH3, AD, FH2. 5/05/2002. Bitch. Breeder: Werner & Sibyle Stroble. By Erik v. Strundertal- Gipsy v. Aurachgrund. Owner: Loel Turpin. LAZER VOM BLITZKREIGER SCHH 3. 3/28/2002. Dog. Breeder: Deanna Anslow. By Hakim v. Blitzkreiger- Allee v. Blitzkreiger. Owner: Tom Klonis. MAGENTA’S DYNAMITE DECISION SCHH3. USA. Breeder: Joyce Terrell. By Alexander v. Haus JagenSina v. d. Mooreiche sch 3. Owner: Curtis Johnson. MASAYA’S BLACK SABBATH IPO3, AD, ZTP. 3/15/2010. USA. Dog. Breeder/Owner: Brandi Williams. By Citto v.d. Wudritz - Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya. MORGANA’S IRRESISTIBLE TREASURE IPO3. 2/8/ 2008. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Penelope Brooks MD By Bell’lavoros Augustus- Morgana’s Heart of Fire. Owner: Tyler Carpenter & Leslie Carpenter & Penelope Brooks, MD<?>. QUINNA VON AURACHGRUND IPO3 ZTP. 4/24/2007. Germany. Bitch. Breeder: Werner and Sibylle Strobel. By Floyd von Utgard-Martha von der Krillenburg. Owner: Chris Rasmussen SWIFT RUN’S KRYSTAL STORM SCHH3. WR03586903. 7/14/2001. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Tammy Weldon. By Alexander v Haus JagenPorsche v Bogenstadt . Owner: Tracy Gallagher. SWIFT RUN’S SCOUT VON KKRO VPG 3, CDX, RN. WS06244202. 11/13/2003. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tammy Weldon & Lori Janes. By Alexander v Haus Jagen- Bella Vline Kollund Kro. Owner: Anne Smith. ILEXUS VOM SWIFT RUN SCHH3. 7/10/2000. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Tammy Weldon & Jean Ward. By Alexander v Haus Jagen- Porsche vom Bogenstadt. Owner: Cindy Herweyer. SWIFT RUN’S VOLCAN MASAYA VPG 3, IPO 3, CD, RN. WS18732407. 7/02/2006. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Tammy Weldon & Carol McIvor. By Agir Miss Jakoso-Kitty Black Gong. Owner: Brandi Williams. UDC CH INCREDIBLE COURAGE, STT, ZTP-V1A, IPO 3. 9/19/2006. USA Dog. Breeder/ Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. By F Hiram Abif Royal Bell- Tah Reme Xtrem. Int’l CH. VICARAL’S VESNA IZ GRATSIANO SCHH3. 3/08/2008. Bitch. Breeder: Tatiano Pravda. By Boris iz Doma Domeni- Chelsea Iz Gratsiano. Owner: Victoria Hall. UDC FOCUS 17 UDC/AKC CH. VIKINGS CHARLIE BROWN, CDX, ROM, OA, OAJ, IPO3, VPG3, VCX, ZTP1A. 3/20/2005. USA. Dog. Breeder/ Owner: Lyn G. Kargaard. By CH. Wingates Compulsion RN- CH. Nova’s Zelda V Kelview CDX,RA, BH, ROM. Mondio Ring 3 Dogs ANDOLF VON HESS MR3. 04/2007. Breeder: Ivan Rios. By Agir Miss Jakoso IPO3 - Ascomannis Leika. Owner: Maureen Haggerty. Active Law Enforcement Certified Dogs ARTOS VOM BRENNEMAN( Duel Purpose Narcotics). 2/18/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. Owner: Tom Brenneman. ASCOMANNIS RINGO (Duel Purpose Narcotics). 2009. Denmark. Dog. Breeder: Lisa Schuler. By Frisko v.d Mooreiche- Ascommanis Lea. Owner: Jake Jacoby. CARA’S BLACK SCORPION (Narcotics). 2/04/2006. USA. Dog. Breeder : Ray Carlisle. By Cara’s Marshal Law v. Beck- Cara’s Miss Eclipse. Owner: Sam Blaski. Int’l CH FIRST STRYK’S DEADLIEST CATCH BH, ATT, ZTP-1A ( Explosives). 2/18/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder/Owner: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. FIRST STRYK’S IVY TOWER (Narcotics). 2/18/2007. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. Owner: Steve Miller. UKC/ Int’l CH FIRST STRYK’S ZEN OF THE BUDDHA (Narcotics). 2/18/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. Owner: Peter Betchley. UKC CH STONEFOX RING OF FIRE, NDD, SD (Narcotics). WS29791101. 4/05/2009. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tamara Estes. By Stonefox The Dark LordDaystar’s One Lucky Penny. Owner: Karen Shivers. Active Search and Rescue Dogs ANDOR VON HESS (HRD & Historical resource). 4/06/2007. Dog. Breeder: Ivan Rios. By Agir Miss Jakoso IPO3- Ascomannis Leika. Owner: Pam Burns ARES SAGE SIMON (HRD). WZ00924804. 2/23/2008. Dog. Breeder: Paul & Linda Simmons CH D-CH BLUE CHIP REIGN OF FIRE CDX, ROM, BH, OB1 (HRD). 1/30/2007.Bitch. Breeder: Christine Spiniello. By BISS Am./Can. Ch. Anozira’s Cactus Jack- BIS/BISS AKC/UDC CH Blue Chip Purple Reign. Owner: Bunny Lanning & Christine Spiniello. DAGGAR’S NEVER REGRET A MOMENT CD (Cadaver). 6/22/2008. Bitch. Breeder/Owner: Shannon Kiley By Outlaw v d Horringhauser HohRed Rum’s Bloody Dagger Prophecy. 18 UDC FOCUS DAGGAR’S SAVOR THE MOMENT (Cadaver). 6/22/2008. Bitch. Breeder/Owner: Shannon Kiley By Outlaw v d Horringhauser Hoh-Red Rum’s Bloody Dagger Prophecy. FIRST STRYK’S ROYAL PURPLE (HRD). 2/18/2007. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. Owner: Irene Korotev. FIRST STRYK’S TASMANIAN DEVIL (US Army k-9, HRD). 2/18/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. Owner: Mary Britton FIRST STRYK’S WAY OF THE WARRIOR (HRD). 2/18/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tiffany Mahaffey. By Kob Black Gong-Irinland Emili Ester. Owner: Maria Ciski. GRAVIN GARMINA VON DER ACCANI CD, CGN (SAR-LIVE). WS22129606. 5/28/2007.Bitch. Breeder: Britta and Jim Closson. Owner: Michelle Limoges (Canada) CH HEARTWOOD’S ALL NIGHT BOOGIE (Air scent).10/29/2007. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Juanita Fagan. By Foxfire All Star - Heartwood’s Just Sooo Hot. Owner: Karen Mihaljevich. HUNTER DEI DOHSE (DEA certified 5 drug Narcotics). 8/13/2007. USA. Dog. Breeder: Lindsay Davis. By Gopal Dei Dohse- Ellie Dei Dohse. Owner: Pamela Stevens. IRINLAND EMILI ESTER BH (HRD). Russia. Bitch. Breeder: Tatiana Kulchenko. By Irinland Fawn Furios- Irinland Evita Eden. Owner: Tiffany Mahaffey Joe Pete (HRD). 2010. USA. Dog. Owner: Cris Bean KATRINA KAY NEIGH (Type 1 urban and wilderness trailing dog). 5/08/2006. Bitch. Owner: Davene King KISATCHIS MAN CD (NAPWDA certified in Trailing). Owner Irene Korotev MAMABA KEATHLY (Cadaver). 12/01/2007. Breeder: Shannon Kiley. Owner: Eric Keathly. MASAYA’S ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE (HRD). 12/30/2008. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Brandi Williams. By- Arras V. Moeller Hof- Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya. Owner: Gail Cramer. TAKODA SWIFTRUNS AGIR (NASAR Trailing & HRD). 5/28/2005. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tammy Weldon. By Agir Miss Jakoso- Swift Run’s All That Jazz. Owner: Brian Kennedy. RAKSHA’S MMMMMYSTERE, CD, CGN (HRD). WS13809501. 6/13/2005. Bitch. Breeder: Kathleen Graves. By Wittrock’s ZzzzzAaron- Raksha’s Witchy Woman v Deerun. Owner: Michelle Limoges (Canada). Assistance Dogs ALLEN’S I CAN BOOK IT (Assistance). 11/2004. Dog. Rescue. Owner: Milissa Allen BIS CH BAYSTAR’S LAUGH IN (Assistance). 1/06/2008. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Linda & Ed Palsat. By Trotyl de Black Shadow- Baystar’s American Woman. Owner: Brenna Spencer. DOBEWAN’S I LOVE LUCY (Guide dog certified by Pilot Dogs, Inc). 10/01/2007. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Wanda McCain. By Bearcreek QuinnKastra Top Gun- Jbars Something To Talkabout. Owner: Rebecca Floyd. SWIFT RUN’S FIREY ANGEL RELAYIN FOR LIFE (Service). 6/18/2009. USA. Bitch. Breeder: Tammy Marshall-Weldon & Anna M. Platt. By Belllavoros Dio Di Glove-Jessebae Dancin with the Stars. Owner: H. Jane Crooks. WITTROCK’S LAST GUNZ ZZZZZLINGER CGC, CD, RE, (certified Service Dog). USA. Dog. Breeder: Bonnie Wittrock. By Int. CH Eclipse’s Kaymen Chaser BH, CD – Wittrock’s Never say Never. Owner: Fran and Paul Griffith In Memory of Those Who Passed Over the Rainbow Bridge in 2013 von Luka Dobermanns ANFALL VOM KOLLUND KRO SCHH3. WP74910103. 12/10/1996. USA. Dog. Breeder: Lori Janes. By Herro V Bogenstadt- Camilla V Kaiserhaus. Owner: Dustin Vance ARRAS VON MOELLER HOF SCHH3, IPO3, RH-1, U-CD, AFFB SG1A. 1/12/2000. USA. Dog. Breeder/ Owner: Chris Rasmussen. By Swift Run’s Brother Brix-Farina v Bahnhof. BRISKA’S ADAM IPO3. 9/02/2006. Sweden. Dog. Breeder: Ronnie Eng & Cecilia Eng. By Asco von der Burgstatte- Briska’s Winnie. Owner: Richard Jones. COVAE VOM LANDGRAF SchH3, IPO3, FH2. 10/22/2005. USA. Bitch. Breeder/Owner: Wendy Schmitt. By Kiro von Bayern- Lussi von der Krillenburg. UDC CH. INCREDABLE CHANEL IPO 3. 9/19/2006. USA . Bitch. Breeder: Patrick & Lorna O’Conner. By F’Hiram Abif Royal Bell- Tahi Reme X-treme. Owner: Marie Miller UDC/ADA CH TAHI REME GLORIA IPO3 STT, ZTPV1B. 1/25/2004. Bitch. Breeder: Erika Szokol. By Gino Gomez del Citone-Tahi-Remi Triniti. Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. SWIFT RUN’S WARRIOR BH RN STP1 (HRD). 3/16/2008. USA. Dog. Breeder: Tammy Weldon. By Swift Run’s Magnum Enforcer- Asti V. Rubenhof. Owner: Bonnie Guzman. UDC FOCUS 19 K9 Vertex The 2013 United Doberman Club National by Bonnie Guzman, Sport Doberman Club Colorado A fter a long absence, the Sport Doberman Club stepped up to the plate and hosted the 2013 UDC Nationals. Being a show chair was a first for me but we were able to assemble an incredible team of dedicated Doberman folks to get the job done. We started early by getting a web site set up in order to get the information out early. Many thanks to Jessica Ross! As soon as we had info to be posted, it was done the same day. Many long hours were spent sorting through show venues, IPO fields and determining what to have indoors and outdoors. We have a lot of open space in Colorado but unfortunately, it can be very difficult to find IPO fields that are regulation sized and within a relatively reasonable drive of Denver. We opted to have the trials on the fields owned and maintained by Black Diamond Schutzhund Club. John Hinderschott and Diane Yandrich could not have been more helpful and easy to work with. They made this transaction so easy for us. Denver is in a unique position to have an extraordinary indoor facility devoted just to dog sport. It is called the Denver Dog Sports Arena, conveniently located right on I-70 in the central metro area. Obedience, rally, agility, chiropractic, nose work, obedience and many other venue practitioners rent out space at this facility every day. It is state of the art facility with all the indoor creature comforts needed for our event. Nancy Christensen and I toured the facility and felt it would be perfect for the Nationals venue. More to come on that later. Since most/all of the members of the Sport Doberman Club are also members of the Doberman Pinscher Club of the Rocky Mountain Area, we sought to co sponsor some events to draw more entries and also share the burden of work and costs. We were able to offer a WAE as well as a CGC sponsored by both clubs. We also shared the work on providing food at the venues. The host hotel, the Marriott Courtyard at Stapleton, was a beautiful facility that made it simple to have a dog in your room. All rooms were on the ground floor and had immediate access to nice green grassy dog walking areas via a sliding glass door on each room. The hotel was wonderful to work with. Monday, April 22 was our meet and greet in the evening, held at the hotel. Nancy’s room was the meeting spot and somehow, we managed to get everybody squeezed in there for treats and drinks. There were many old friends to revisit with and many new people and new UDC members. Because Colorado weather is so unpredictable, we are always prepared for everything and Mother Nature did not 20 UDC FOCUS fail to show her power. For those of us staying in RV’s at the arena site, we were met with severe cold, snow and wind. Poor Irene and Dave Korotev sprung a leak in their roof and had to stay indoors instead. Fortunately, the terrible weather was shortlived and the sun was back out in a day or so. Tuesday, the 23rd, was our first official day. We started right in with the TT, done by Nancy. This was followed by the first Conformation show which had to start a bit late as our judge, Joyce Vanek, lives in the mountains and the roads were still icy and snow covered. She made it! It was Joyce’s first venture at a UDC event but she did a great job. We had enough room for two rings to be set up so we were able to have obedience start pretty much on time in the next ring. Pat Maynard is a well known and very Dobie friendly obedience judge and she did a great job walking folks through the pattern. Because of the arena size, we were able to have a separate room just for CGC’s. Considering the snow on the ground and the wind outside that day, we are mighty grateful we were indoors for the CGC. Dustin Darnell is an experienced CGC evaluator. Tim Cruser came along to help as well. Lunch was informal and fortunately, INDOORS! Jon Sander is a heck of a good cook and he made some great chile for lunch, as well as having the option of chile dogs. Nobody went hungry. The end of the first day wound up with a wonderful and comprehensive presentation of SAR dogs and how to choose a SAR dog, presented by Irene Korotev. Irene brings many years of SAR experience to the table and we were very fortunate that she and Dave were willing to drive all the way to Colorado and put up with our fickle weather. The dogs performed a demo and did a great job. Wednesday, the 24th, was supposed to be combination of a seminar and health day but unfortunately, Health Day had to be cancelled due to lack of participation. We were very sad about that as we had every health test imaginable lined up for the event. Waine Singleton put on a fantastic seminar for Entry Level Protection Dogs. We had some last minute add on dogs and had a total participation of 13 dogs. There were some younger pups there as well as dogs completely new to protection sports. Waine is a gifted and talented individual and clearly loves to teach. It was my first time meeting and working with him but I now see why he is so popular. He gives 1000% to anything he commits to. He also loves working with Dobermans and sees how talented our breed is in protection sport. Many thanks to Waine for a long and UDC FOCUS 21 Thursday evening was our banquet, silent auction and AGM. We wanted to keep dinner simple and affordable and we could not have made a better choice than La Mariposa Restaurant, which was a stone’s throw from the host hotel. Once again, we had a wonderful UDC member, Marsha Sheppard, working behind the scenes to organize and present an INCREDIBLE silent auction. There was a very good selection of goodie bags with a variety of items, wonderful leather leashes, dog bedding and attire,some incredible sculpted pieces that many people were drooling over to bid on. I think nearly everybody walked away with what they really wanted and as a result, we were able to raise a good amount of money to offset expenses. The evening ended with a short AGM presented by our president, Patrick O’Connor. Everybody was tired and I am sure ready to roll into bed at the end of the night. © John C. Ross Puppy Bitch Adobe’s Navajo Spirit of Life owned by Sandi and Neil Atkinso. valuable day. The day was not over, however. That evening, we were presented an incredible lecture on Essential Elements, by Sandra Murray. She has an extensive background in structure, movement, and form and was able to tailor part of her presentation to specifically include the Doberman. This seminar was open to the public and we did have some non Doberman folks attend. Thursday, April 25th was our second round of conformation and obedience. Fortunately, we now had sunny and warmer weather so life was much easier taking doggies out for relief time. Friday, April 26th was another busy day. We started out with two Breed Survey Advanced entries, evaluated by Nancy. What would we do without Nancy? The evaluation was assisted by then apprentice judge, Doug Matson. Both entrants seemed pleased with the process and appear to have learned from the experience. Friday was also practice day for IPO entrants as well as the BH eval. Jennifer Reid arrived and made it to the field on time, thanks to Suzanne Belfiore. Amazingly, we had only one BH entry. Weather remained cooperative and the IPO entrants took full advantage of practicing on the field as well as doing some tracking at the sod farm. Once again, Waine made Victoria Harris is a well known Doberman breeder and judge. It is clear she appreciates each and every working dog who enters in Conformation. Every entry brought a smile to her face and she is always so gracious in her critiques. © Bonnie Guzman Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 owned and handled by Marsha Sheppard. UDC FOCUS Ch Incredible Courage, ZTP-V1A, SchH3, IPO3 owned by Patrick O’Connor, WAE. himself available in any allowed way possible to ensure success of all participants. Saturday morning, the 27th, started bright and early at the sod farm. We had a total entry of 9 IPO dogs so we had a full day ahead of us. As with all IPO trials, there is a lot of tense waiting and fingers crossed for success. Not all dogs qualified but we did have a high tracking score of 93. Shortly thereafter, we started obedience followed by tracking. The weather was near perfect; not too hot, not too cold at least for participants. Towards the end of the day, things warmed up for our helper, Waine. He managed to do protection on all 9 dogs with a minimum of breaks. Jennifer Reid was just a wonderful and pleasurable judge to work with. Her critiques were informative, consistent and provided good feedback to the competitors. We had a wonderful food vendor available for four hours; the Tastery Truck. Nobody wanted for a good meal, gourmet style. They were a big hit. Denise Wolfsen, of DenWolf Productions, is an experienced and seasoned dog show videographer and an IPO competitor herself. She videorecorded every possible moment and made individual videos available for people who participated, if interested. We also had a still photographer available for part of the conformation/obedience venues. Juanita Troyer, an experienced photographer and conformation person ( Irish Wolfhounds) gave of her time at no charge. John Ross rose to the occasion as well and took many additional great photos. Behind the scenes that day, Jon and Nancy were busy getting the WAE area set up. Fortunately, the arena grounds are large enough that we were able to use the fenced, back parking lot for the WAE. Weather was starting to really warm up and we now were in shorts and tank tops. Gotta love Colorado weather. 22 © John C. Ross Also, some special thanks to others who pitched in and helped: Mike and Eva Gisseman for their extra help at the show arena and their help with food, Stacia Gunderson for helping at the AGM, Doug and Jacque Matson for their take charge presence and for arranging the ribbons/ rosettes in perfect fashion (something I had forgotten to delegate and didn’t feel competent doing myself, quite frankly) and Doug’s wonderful IPO pictures, and Bettina Cholewinski for providing gourmet desserts. Not to be forgotten couple more folks for phone consults and expertise: Jim Toman, Lindsay David and Chris Rasmussen All three were invaluable regarding strategy planning. The week ended with lots of tired participants ready to make their way home. The show committee was exhausted but we expected that. It was all worthwhile. I think everybody had a good time and came with great competitive spirit. In the second ring, we had our second day of Obedience with Sue Oviatt-Harris. Sue is a delightful and easy going judge who put all entrants at ease. We all had a good time whether we Q’d or not. The WAE was judged by Eric Peterson. It was my first time meeting him and I can say it was just sheer pleasure working with him. He is easy going, good humored but very organized and detail oriented. We had a very good turnout for the WAE. Thanks to all the participants. Joannah Davis, Carol Kearns, Suzanne Belfiore, Jessica Ross ( web site guru and superstar), Marsha Sheppard, Anne Conroy, Marie Miller, Michelle Limoges, Irene Korotev, Linda Lindic, Thomas Barriano and Jill Graves. Their efforts and contributions were continuous and tireless. Although I am not new to dog shows, this was most definitely my first venture being a show chairperson. I had a supporting cast of experts who made this a pleasure to do for the UDC. I’d like to give my sincere thanks to those who worked tirelessly for months on this show: Sandi Atkinson ( I call her the show wizard), Nancy Christensen, Jon Sander, © Bonnie Guzman Sue Kelly-Walsh and Int’l CG Desperado’s Hogan von der Accani, CD, WAC, CGC, IPO2, BSA-E1A UDC FOCUS 23 National Results As with all shows, nothing goes off without a glitch. We had uncertain weather, some delays in start times, disorganized ribbons and a few other things I’m sure I’ve forgotten about. Dog Name Owner Score Place BABY/PUPPY TEMPERAMENT TEST– NANCY CHRISTENSEN JUDGE We knew it would be a challenge for some IPO competitors to work on sparse sod in a high altitude arid climate as well as perform on less than normal Kentucky Blue Grass fields. We knew it could be done though because Colorado has a number of very successful IPO trials every year. As with all things in life, being mentally prepared, participating with a positive attitude, and maintaining a sense of humor always results in success. We are happy that the 2013 UDC Nationals were a success. Thanks for allowing us to host this event. © Bonnie Guzman Remigius Immertreu vom Feverhaus Stacia Gunderson Destiny’s Reflection Carole Bohanan-Uhler Pass Adobe’s Navajo Sun Dancer I. Annette Williams & Sandi & Neil Atkinson Pass Adobe’s Navajo Spirit of Life Sandi & Neil Atkinson Pass Pass Tamra’s Buzz About Roobee; Carol A. Kearns & Michael Lamson Pass Echorun’s Black Sea Knight v Dobewan Suzan Shipp & Wanda McDain Pass Pass AKC CH Foxhall’s The First Lady, IPO3, ROM Lynn Eggers & Jill & Art Graves Pass UKC CH Adobe’s Apache Gots’idi Go’she Sandi & Neil Atkinson Fail Echorun’s Luck of the Draw Geniece Blair & Robert Baker Incredible Grace Shirley KeaoughPeterson & David W. Peterson Pass Incredible A’Diva, BH, TT Shirley KeaoughPeterson & Patrick & Lorna O’Connor Pass Kansa’s Zip A Dee Doo Dah Douglas & Jacqueline Matson Pass VG 2 VG 1, BOS Puppy VG 1, Best Puppy Swift Run’s Hell Hath No Fury Bonnie Guzman VG 2 Tamra’s Buzz About Roobee Carol A. Kearns & Michael Lamson AB — Echorun’s Luck of the Draw; 24 UDC FOCUS E 1 (CC) 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: OPEN DOG © Bonnie Guzman Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Marsha Sheppard E 2 (CC) Incredible Grace Joannah Davis & L. Michelle Lewis E+ 1 (CC), WD, BOSV, BOS Shirley KeaoughPeterson & David V. Peterson E 1 (CC), RWB AKC CH Foxhall’s The First Lady, IPO3, ROM Lynn Eggers and Jill & Art Graves E 1 (CC), WB, BV, BOB Incredible A’Diva, BH, TT Shirley KeaoughPeterson & Patrick & Lorna O’Connor AB — Suzan Shipp & Wanda McDain VG 1 Remigius Immertreu vom Feverhaus Stacia Gunderson VG 2 Destiny’s Reflection Carole Bohanan-Uhler VG 1, BOSP Sandi & Neil Atkinson VG 1, BP Swift Run’s Hell Hath No Fury Bonnie Guzman VG 3 Tamra’s Buzz About Roobee Carol A. Kearns & Michael Lamson G 2 Sparks Rock N The Party v Marienburg Shauna Molzahn and Adam Molzahn AB — 1 Sandi & Neil Atkinson Geniece Blair & Robert Baker 1 (CC) Adobe’s Navajo Spirit of Life 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: 12-18 YOUTH BITCH © Bonnie Guzman E 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: 6-12 PUPPY BITCH Adobe’s Navajo Spirit of Life Hidden Acres Mile High Magic v Wyndem Sue Kelly-Walsh 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: 6-12 PUPPY DOG 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: 6-12 PUPPY BITCH Jon Sanders & Mary Ann Hollis & Mary Leahy Int’l CH Desperado’s Hogan von der Accani, CD, WAC, CGC, IPO2, BSAE1A Fail 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: 6-12 PUPPY DOGS Destiny’s Reflection 1 (CC), RWD Echorun’s Black Sea Knight v Dobewan Stacia Gunderson Carole Bohanan-Uhler E 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2 VICTORIA HARRIS JUDGE: BABY PUPPY 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1 JOYCE VANEK JUDGE: BABY DOGS Remigius Immertreu vom Feverhaus Douglas & Jacqueline Matson 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: VETERAN BITCH Pass Marsha Sheppard © Bonnie Guzman Kansa’s Zip A Dee Doo Dah 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: OPEN BITCH Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Patrick & Lorna O’Connor 2 (CC) CH Lemils Dynamite Kiss, BH, CD, RE ADULT TEMPERAMENT TEST– NANCY CHRISTENSEN JUDGE Echorun’s Black Sea Knight v Dobewan E 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: VETERAN DOG YOUTH TEMPERAMENT TEST– NANCY CHRISTENSEN JUDGE © Bonnie Guzman Score Place Nancy E. Christensen 4/23/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #1: WORKING DOG Bonnie Guzman Jon Sanders & Mary Ann Hollis & Mary Leahy Owner AKC/UKC CH Renejade Fast Fletcher, WAC Pass Swift Run’s Hell Hath No Fury Hidden Acres Mile High Magic v Wyndem Dog Name VG 3 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: 12-18 YOUTH BITCH Hidden Acres Mile High Magic v Wyndem Jon Sanders & Mary Ann Hollis & Mary Leahy VG 1 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: OPEN DOG Echorun’s Luck of the Draw Geniece Blair & Robert Baker G 3 AKC/UKC CH Renejade Fast Fletcher, WAC Nancy E. Christensen E 2 (CC), RWD Kansa’s Zip A Dee Doo Dah; Douglas & Jacqueline Matson E 1 (CC), WD, BOS 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: WORKING DOG Int’l CH Desperado’s Hogan von der Accani, CD, WAC, CGC, IPO2, BSAE1A; Sue Kelly-Walsh E 1 (CC) Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Marsha Sheppard E 2 (CC) UDC FOCUS 25 National Results Dog Name Owner Score Place Owner Score Place Incredible Grace Shirley KeaoughPeterson & David V. Peterson Pass Incredible A’Diva, BH, TT Shirley KeaoughPeterson & Patrick & Lorna O’Connor Pass Best of Breed Dan & Marsha Sheppard, Legacy Dobermans Omnia Paratus Navy Sea Cobra Suzan Shipp Pass Chris Hertling Montwood Arista The Whole Enchilada Bettina KimballCholewinski BOS to Best of Breed Pass Winners Dog Trisanna Dobermans, Dorothy Foegen Winners Bitch Trisanna Dobermans, Dorothy Foegen 1st Place Performance Dogs Dan & Marsha Sheppard, Legacy Dobermans 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: CHAMPION DOG CH Lemils Dynamite Kiss, BH, CD, RE Joannah Davis & L. Michelle Lewis E 1 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: OPEN BITCH Shirley KeaoughPeterson & David V Peterson Incredible Grace E 1 (CC) RWB 4/25/13 CONFORMATION SHOW #2: VETERAN BITCH AKC CH Foxhall’s The First Lady, IPO3, ROM Lynn Eggers and Jill & Art Graves Incredible A’Diva, BH, TT; Shirley KeaoughPeterson & Patrick & Lorna O’Connor E 1 (CC), WB, BV, BOB AKC GRCH Sparks Party Like A Rockstar Shauna Molzahn & Adam Molzahn AB VG 2 CH Incredible Courage, ZTP-V1A, SchH3, IPO3 Patrick O’Connor Pass 4/23/13 OBEDIENCE TRIAL #1 PAT MAYNARD JUDGE: NOVICE A Swift Run’s Warrior,CGC BH RA STP1 WAC HRD Cert/NAPWDA Bonnie Guzman — NQ 4/23/13 OBEDIENCE TRIAL #1: NOVICE B Mandolin Juneau v Renejade, CD; Jan Bergin — NQ Int’l CH Desperado’s Hogan von der Accani, CD, WAC, CGC, IPO2, BSAE1A Sue Kelly-Walsh 188.5 1, HIT Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Marsha Sheppard — NQ Echo Run’s Oh-Be-Joyful, CGC, CD Carol A. Kearns and Michael Lamson 182.5 2 4/25/13 OBEDIENCE TRIAL #2 SUSAN OVIATT-HARRIS JUDGE: NOVICE A Swift Run’s Warrior,CGC BH RA STP1 WAC HRD Cert/NAPWDA Bonnie Guzman — Jan Bergin — Nassor’s The Saints Silence Jennifer Thornton VG1B Cairo vom Schattenfell Steven Burger & Jessie Fredricks VG1B Michael Gisseman Int’l CH Desperado’s Hogan von der Accani, CD, WAC, CGC, IPO2, BSAE1A Sue Kelly-Walsh 190.5 2 Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Marsha Sheppard 191.5 1, HIT Echorun’s Alliance Fugitive, BH Winterfell Arya, BH Thomas Barriano A: 14 B: 78 C: 74 166 Cara’s Sonja The Red Vom Bezzina Bradley Bezzina A: 70 B: 72 C: 93 234, 1, High Protection Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Nassor’s The Saints Silence Marsha Sheppard Pass White Sage’s Spock, BH, OB1 John & Jessica Ross Pass Carol A. Kearns & Michael Lamson AB Tamra’s Buzz About Roobee UKC CH Adobe’s Apache Gots’idi Go’she Sandi & Neil Atkinson Incredible Grace Shirley KeaoughPeterson & David V. Peterson Incredible A’Diva, BH, TT Shirley KeaoughPeterson & Patrick & Lorna O’Connor Pass Fail Pass 4/25/13 WAE ERIC PETERSON EVALUATOR 26 UKC CH Adobe’s Apache Gots’idi Go’she Sandi & Neil Atkinson Fail Yiska Vom Adlercrest Michael Gisseman Pass Echorun’s Luck of the Draw Geniece Blair & Robert Baker Fail UDC FOCUS Marsha Sheppard Jennifer Thornton A: 76 B: 86 C: 90 252, 1, High Obed, High HOT, HPAA A: 18 B: 72 C: 90 180 4/27/13 IPO TRIAL: IPO 3 Flannchadh vd Bavarienburg Thomas & Jana Rabke Barriano A: 93 B: 71 C: 0 164 Int’l CG Desperado’s Hogan von der Accani, CD, WAC, CGC, IPO2, BSA-E1A Sue Kelly Walsh A: 21 B: 85 C: 91 197 Cairo vom Schattenfell Steven Burger & Jessie Fredricks A: 72 B: 74 C: 92 Dino Tomassi Sr. A: 71 B: 93 C: 0 A: 80 B: 85 C: 89 Eika Vom Landgraf, IPO3 CH Incredible Courage, ZTP-V1A, SchH3, IPO3 Patrick O’Conner In Memory?Honor Of In Memory of CH Tallyesyn’s falcons fire CGC,TDI,WAC PHOENIX Larry & Linda Kye In Honor of Portia Beautiful and Sweet And the best SAR dog in Arkansas INTL CH JBars Portia Kye In The Sky CD, UCD, BH, K-9 SAR Cadaver Level A, VC, ATT, TDI, CGC 1st Place Working Dogs Feverhaus Dobermanns In memory of Sergeant Di Campovalano 1st Place Working Bitches Incredible Dobermanns, Patrick & Lorna O’Connor In memory of SPICE, may her energy never die. Veteran Bitches 1st Place DAVID & Shirley Peterson In memory of Tahi Reme X-Treme, aka Spice; Incredible foundation, for whom we are forever grateful Ellen Higgins HIT 1991, 1992 Inveruery’s French Fantasy, UDT, SchH 3, Can CDX, WAC, CGC, GHC, VC;HIT 1993, 1995 Red Oak’s Aubrey, AKC/CKC CDX, D-CD, SchH 1, T1, WAC, CGC, CHC, VC; HIT 1999,2000 Red Oak’s Blair, AKC/CKC/UDC CD, SchH 2, AKC/CKC TD, T2, WAC, CGC, VC Best Veteran 1st Place Champion Dogs Pete & Linda Lindic In honor of UDC CH, UKC CH General Jack Von Whitedheim, WAC, ATTS-TT, BH, AD, WH, CGC, TDI, VCX. 1st Place Champion Bitches Pete & Linda Lindic In honor of UDC CH, UKC CH Cara’s Hot Mamma aka Schotzie E33BH, WAC, ATTS-TT, TR-1, CGC, VCX In memory of CH BJF Crescendo v Aquarius SchH3, IPO3, WD3, UD, RA, AD, T1, ZTP-ViA, VCX Bonnie Bailey Winners Dog Trisanna Dobermans, Dorothy Foegen Winners Bitch Susan Brown 164 Best Youth Diana La Mesa 254, 1, High Tracking, HIT 1st Place Open Dogs Dan & Marsha Sheppard, Legacy Dobermans 1st Place Working Dogs Feverhaus Dobermanns In memory of Sergeant Di Campovalano 1st Place Working Bitches Incredible Dobermanns, Patrick & Lorna O’Connor In memory of SPICE, may her energy never die. Veteran Dogs 1st Place Jill & Art Graves In Memory of Dillin AKC/UDC CH BJF Crescendo V Aquarius SchH3, IPO3, WDS3, UD, RA, ROM, ZTP-V1A High Point All Around: Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 owned by Marsha Sheppard Sponsor In Memory?Honor Of Veteran Bitches 1st Place David & Shirley Peterson In memory of Beatrice vom Elbauetal, BH, German ZTP V 1A, VPG I Best Veteran Vermont Total Doberman Club In memory of Anew Les Deux Peupliers BH T1 WAC ATT CGC 1st Place Champion Dogs Bonnie Bailey In loving memory of Swift Run of the Maverick 1st Place - Novice A Central Valley Doberman Club Congratulating all that are out there working and showing their dogs 1st Place - Novice B Mark & Suzanne Belfiore In memory of Legacy’s VooDoo Lounge UD RE MX MXJ CGC 1st Place - Open Christopher & Ruth Franke In honor of Wittrock’s Jazzzzzelle CGC, RN, CD, TD, CDX 1st Place - Utility Enchant Dobermans High in Trial Obedience Ellen Higgins HIT 1991, 1992 Inveruery’s French Fantasy, UDT, SchH 3, Can CDX, WAC, CGC, GHC, VC HIT; 1993, 1995 Red Oak’s Aubrey, AKC/CKC CDX, D-CD, SchH 1, T1, WAC, CGC, CHC, VC HIT 1999,2000 Red Oak’s Blair, AKC/CKC/UDC CD, SchH 2, AKC/CKC TD, T2, WAC, CGC, VC 1st Place - Novice B Mark & Suzanne Belfiore In memory Brimor Opals Firedance CDX 1st Place - Open Christopher & Ruth Franke In honor of Wittrock’s Jazzzzzelle CGC, RN, CD, TD 1st Place - Utility Enchant Dobermans High in Trial Obedience Monica Anthony IPO TROPHY DONATIONS High Obedience Alissa Weaver High Tracking Bonnie Guzman High Protection Vicaral Dobermans In memory of Kiziah’s Luther Penn Dragon In honor of DRU’s Portia d’Aurelia, SchH3, IPO3, FH1, AKC CD, CGC In memory of Aesir Sch III IPO III WAC ZTP V1A CGC VC, Achates Sch III, Anfall Sch III, Augsburg U-CD, U-Ag1,WAC,TDI, CGC, Adele Sch I, Andvari, all Vom Kollund Kro. High HandlerOwner Trained Kollund Kro Dobes High IPO1 Vermont Total Doberman Club High IPO2 Susan Brown High IPO3 Lynn Eggers, Jill & Art Graves In the name of Ch. Foxhall’s the First Lady, ROM, IPO3 High in Trial Redwood Working Doberman Club in honor of One Dobermann for all High TR Anne Conroy In memory of Ascomannis Odin IPO 2 High OB Enchant Dobermans CONFORMATION TROPHY DONATIONS SHOW #2 Best of Breed 238, 2 Throphy OBEDIENCE TROPHY DONATIONS SHOW #1 1st Place Performance Bitches 4/27/13 IPO TRIAL: IPO 2 Pass Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy, CD, IPO2 Fail 4/27/13 IPO TRIAL: IPO 1 4/23/13 AKC CGC TEST DUSTIN DARNELL EVALUATOR John & Jessica Ross Sponsor CONFORMATION TROPHY DONATIONS SHOW #1 4/27/13 IPO TRIAL JENNIFER RIED JUDGE: BH Yiska Vom Adlercrest NQ NQ Throphy 4/26/13 BREED SURVEY ADVANCED NANCY CHRISTENSEN EVALUATOR 4/25/13 OBEDIENCE TRIAL #2: NOVICE B Mandolin Juneau v Renejade, CD Trophy Donations Dog Name HIGH POINT ALL AROUND Kollund Kro Dobes In memory of Aesir Sch III IPO III WAC ZTP V1A CGC VC, Achates Sch III, Anfall Sch III, Augsburg U-CD, U-Ag1,WAC,TDI, CGC, Adele Sch I, Andvari, all Vom Kollund Kro. UDC FOCUS 27 2014 UDC Nationals Sponsor In Memory/Honor of 2014 UDC National DIAMOND LEVEL: $200+ Annonymous In loving memory of our boy Bingo = Ascomannis Ingo SchH3, IPO3, GHP3, AD, ZTP 1A- SG, DKT ,DGT . Owen Hogle In Honor of Tess PLATINUM LEVEL: $100 - $199 Cara Dobermans Sue Kelly-Walsh--Desperado Dobermans Steven & Sharisse Chavez In Memory of Ilsa der Uber Schutzengel 5/07-3/11 Julie Stade, BJF Dobermans In Memory of Dillin AKC/UDC CH BJF Crescendo V Aquarius SchH3,IPO3,WDS3,UD,RA,ROM,ZTP-V1A Tri-State Doberman Club Frank DeLaglio In memory of Cheryl Gates Michael Gisseman GOLD LEVEL: $51 - $99 Irene Korotev In memory of First Stryk Don’t Step on my Blue Suede Shoes, Lucca, WAC, SAR - HRD loyal partner of Carrie Gove, MoSAR K-9 Jon Sanders & Mary Ann Hollis Imperia Dobermans SILVER LEVEL: $26 - $50 Carol Kearns Working Doberman of the Carolinas Stephen & Bunnie Lezon BRONZE LEVEL: $1 - $25 Michelle Limoges Tribute to all Doberman Search & Rescue dogs. Marie Ciski In honor of First Stryk’s Way of the Warrior (Gabriel), CGC, WAE, SAR-HRD Bunny Lanning Ch, D-Ch Blue Chip Reign of Fire ROM, BH, CDX, RE, OB1 SAR-HRD Nancy Christensen © Bonnie Guzman May 14th-18th, 2014 will be held by the Central Valley Dobermann Club of California Conformation, obedience and IPO trial to be held as well as educational seminars and health clinics 28 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 29 Irinland Ingeborge Isida’Cara (Ch. RUS, UKR, BEL Irinland Origin Oloff IPO1 x Ch. RUS Irinland Beatrissia Betta) Breeder: Tatiana Kulachenko UD, VER, RA, ASCA-CD, ATT, CGC Desperado Dobermans Meryl Winnie & Ray Carlisle Cara’s Steal The Sun From The Sky (Cara’s Top Shelf Sch 3, IPO 3, FH x Irinland Ingeborge Isida’Cara UD, VER, RA, ASCA-CD, ATT , CGC) Breeder: Ray Carlisle and Meryl Winnie CDX, BN, RN, ASCA-CD, CGC Owned By Meryl Winnie & Ray Carlisle-Cara Dobermans Working Partners of Meryl Winnie 30 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 31 2013 Fall Classic by Victoria Hall IPO 3, PSA-PDC, AD, ZTP SG V1A, CGC, WAC, TDI T Masaya Dobermans he weekend of October 12th & 13th, 2013 the UDC held their IPO 3 Fall Classic Championship trial in conjunction with the DPCA National in Pomona, Ca. on the infield at the Sheraton Hotel & Fairplex. We had entries from California, Arizona and Utah. Draw night was held in the hotel on Friday evening the 11th. Each competitor received a Fall Classic logo t-shirt and a tote bag. The tote bags had healthy dog treats in them courtesy of Terry Fisk of Show and Sport ( The American Motorcycle Association races were scheduled for Saturday so we used that day for tracking off site. By 6 am on Sunday morning as promised by the hotel, the area was clear of motorcycles and we had access to the very nice grass infield for the obedience and protection portion of the trial. Thank-you DPCA president Jeff Helsdon and Ellen Hanley DPCA show chair for facilitating the hotel’s compliance and cooperation. We had a number of dedicated people help out with making the Fall Classic a success. Roca Sport donated a custom helper suit for each helper while photographer Jowhar Karim of J.Karim Photography was busy taking actions shots and portraits of our Dobermans. The use of the trial equipment was donated by the Arizona Schutzhund Club. A big thank-you to our trial secretary Pat Murphy, our trophy coordinator Anne Conroy, our donations coordinator Marie Miller, tracking coordina- tor Linda Calamia, track layer Steven Lemmer, our superb helpers Weston Kester and Lionel Madden and our DVG judge, Ted Hartman. And a huge thank-you to everyone who came out and supported us, helped set up equipment and load up when everything was all over. It was a super weekend! The 2013 UDC IPO 3 Fall Classic Champion is Vicaral’s Vesna iz Gratsiano, owned, trained and handled by Victoria Hall. Vesna won the championship with a very respectable 95 in tracking, 92 in obedience and 95p in protection for a total of 282. Vesna is a dynamic girl who loves to work all three phases but, her favorite part is to “get the bad guy.” Vesna earned High in Trial, High OB, High Prot, High Tracking, High HOT and Helper’s Choice. This was Vesna’s grand finale; a super nice way to end her career and retire to become a Mom. Our other IPO 3 Championship competitors were: Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v. Legacy owned, trained and handled by Marsha Sheppard. Stasi is a young dog and Marsha is a new IPO competitor. They struggled a bit in the tracking but, their commitment to being a team was always apparent. Stasi passed the tracking phase with a 70 and went Hips HD-1 (Excellent) Germany; vWD Clear; Thyroid Normal; CERF; Echo Normal 2013 Competitors and helpers at the 2013 Fall Classic Left to right back row: Lucky Luciano del Nasi aka :Ludek”, Joelle Jacobs, Lionel Madden, helper, Steven Chavez, Cara’s Fedor Bas Rutten, Weston Kester, helper, Ted Hartman, judge (holding some of Vesna’s awards), Victoria Hall, Vicaral’s Vesna iz Gratsiano (CH), Steven Lemmer (track layer), Marsha Shepherd, Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v Legacy aka “Stasi”. Front row: Erynn Lucas, Haida van Het Wantij (lying down), April Ward, Immortal’s I Am the Big Bang (lying down), Mike Gisseman and Yiska vom Adlercrest (lying down). 32 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 33 Monida Anthony obedience routines and their traffic portion. All are bright and upcoming young dogs with a great future in IPO. One of the newer titles offered now is the IPO-VO and Erynn Lucas from northern California trained and handled her girl, Haida van het Wantij to a stunning 278 total score with 99 in tracking, 85 in obedience and 94p in protection. The VO is an opportunity to get the dog and handler used to the trial field experience and to see where the dog needs work in preparation for the IPO 1. The IPO 2 dog Cara’s Fedor Bas Rutten owned, trained and handled by Steven Chavez had a nice tracking score of 85, obedience score of 84 and an impressive 95p in protection for a total of 264 earning his new IPO 2 title. Looking forward to seeing a lot more of this boyo! Helpers Lionel Madden (left) and Weston Kester (right) with Helper’s Choice dog Vicaral’s Vesna iz Gratsiano IPO3. The custom made helper suits they are wearing were donated by Roca Sport from Mexico. Roca Sport is amazing in the support they provide for the sport of working dogs. on to an obedience score of 84 and protection of 80p. Obedience and Protection were more to Stasi’s liking this weekend and they passed with a solid 234. Stasi went on the following week to do a very fine job in the DPCA Top 20 Obedience ring, Riva von Luka, BH, IPO-VO, BN, Am./Can. RN, CGN, CGC, WAC 2010 ADA SIEGER, 2012 UDC Fall Classic High Protection Dog, 2013 Winner of the UDC National IPO Trial CH. Incredible Courage SchH 3, IPO 3, ZTP V1A, CAC,CGC, STT x Eva dei Dohse SchH3, IPO3, AWD1, StPr1, FH, WAC, CD, RN, CGC vWD: VetGen clear Hips: Germany - HD A, OFA Excellent 4/2012 Elbows: OFA Normal 4/2012 CERF: normal 7/2011 OFA eyes: 11/2012 Thyroid: OFA normal 4/2011, 4/2012, 9/2013 Cardio: WSU DNA negative, Echo normal 2.2012, Holter Normal 6.2012 (OVC participant), OFA echo normal 9/2013 OFA Full Dentition OFA CHIC: 92428 We followed the obedience & protection competition with an awards presentation, lots of photographs and then headed off to the Pomona Mining Company restaurant. Over 30 people came and ate, chatted and shared a great day. Next year the Fall Classic will be held in early October in Topeka Kansas with the DPCA National. Hope to see you there. Freddiemercury vom Dragonerreich with owner, trainer, handler Norman Agustin didn’t quite make it to their IPO 3 this weekend. Freddie was excused during the protection phase. The greatest obedience demands in the sport of IPO is in the protection phase. Unfortunately, Freddie had different ideas about the requirements than Norman did. They will be back to try for their 3 another time. We had 3 BH entries: Lucky Luciano del Nasi owned and handled by Joelle Jacob; Yiska vom Adlercrest owned and handled by Mike Gisseman and Immortal’s I Am the Big Bang owned and handled by April Ward. All passed their Photo by Bob Mille r Loved, Trained, Handled and Owned By Monica Anthony For More Information Contact Erynn Lucas at or Cara’s Hit Man Stasi v. Legacy IPO 2 34 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 35 UDC 2013 Service Dog of the Year ASCOMANNIS HEIKO, AKA HARM Julianne & Ricardo Ferado Reg Name ASCOMANNIS HEIKO, Field-Qualified for Wilderness Search with German Shepherd Search Dogs of WA State DOB March 27, 2002, DOD September 1, 2012. Place of Birth, Denmark. Breeder Lisa Schuller Sire/ Dam Bronco Von Der Doberwache x Snoopy Von der Weyermuehle. Owner: Ricardo Ferado Renton, WA 98058-1455 36 UDC FOCUS I am making this nomination posthumously, because, in addition to being a loving and loyal friend and companion, HARM was Rick’s dedicated search partner for many years, right up until the very end. Our beautiful and beloved HARM was an exceptional search partner to Rick. Rick obtained HARM from his breeder, Lisa Schuller, all the way from Denmark. Rick wanted a puppy who would be capable of following in his previous search partners’ pawprints by working successfully in both Search and Schutzhund, so he was looking for an extremely peopleoriented, outgoing puppy with stable temperament, excellent prey drive and superior work ethic. It was soon apparent that HARM possessed not only the pedigree, but all the inherent qualities Rick wanted in his new search prospect. HARM pretty much had two speeds … “full speed ahead” and “asleep” … he had to be doing something all the time! While Rick and HARM had fun working in Schutzhund, HARM tended to have a bit too much fun in the protection phase, so, to avoid conflict and confusion, Rick’s primary focus with HARM was his SAR work. Rick was thrilled when HARM was field-qualified for Wilderness Search with German Shepherd Search Dogs of WA State in November 2005. Together Rick and HARM worked more than 40 official searches over a period of seven years, including wilderness, water, cadaver and evidence searches. In addition, Rick and HARM represented GSSD at many Public Relations events, including their favorite venue, the annual Special Olympics events held at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Olympia, WA. HARM came to us “complete” with natural ears, tail and dewclaws; we did have his tail docked and his dewclaws removed after he arrived, but HARM became our first experience with a natural ear puppy. We were amazed to learn that we would actually have to tape his ears down for a time, so we wouldn’t end up with a unique “flying nun” look! As he matured, HARM’s very expressive natural ears gave him a somewhat “softer” facial expression that was especially appreciated by the search and rescue community. We lost HARM very suddenly in 2012 to liver failure due to cancer of the liver; he was diagnosed on Monday August 27, and he passed in his sleep on Saturday Sept 1. HARM had just turned ten years old in March of 2012, and he had never shown any signs of being sick until a couple of days before he was diagnosed. We miss him so much. He lived a long and healthy life until the very end. At least we were all spared the pain and stress of a long illness, but we are still in shock from losing him so suddenly and unexpectedly. UDC FOCUS 37 Victoria Hall IDC Weltmeisterschaft, Italy 2013 By Victoria Hall & Wendy Schmitt, photos Victoria Hall O n May 25/26, 2013 Wendy Schmitt with Eiko vom Landgraf and Victoria Hall with Vicaral’s Vesna iz Gratsiano represented the UDC at the IDC IPO 3 World Championship as the American Team in Somma Lombardo Italy. Our two American entries placed well competing against the best IPO 3 competitors in the world. Eiko vom Landgraf was 10th and Vicaral’s Vesna iz Gratsiano was 12th out of 43 competitor dogs. Both dogs are owner/ handler trained and Eiko is owner bred as well. Going to a world event is not a spur of the moment decision. There is first of all, qualifying, then commitment, fund raising, then constant training and preparation of the dog, airline flight plans, housing arrangements abroad, dog food considerations, training and acclimating overseas. It works out better if you can have a team with a similar work ethic and commitment to compete at the same level. Interestingly, both Eiko and Vesna earned their IPO 3’s at the same regional competition and are only one week apart in age. Eiko is one week older than Vesna. It seemed right that they should go to Italy together. This is our story of how we got to the 2013 IDC IPO 3 World Championship. In May 2012 Wendy decided that she wanted to compete at the world level in IPO at the 2013 IDC the following year in Italy. She had to put the idea on the shelf as she was called away to work for several months out of state. During her out of state stint she was able to attend and win the UDC Fall Classic on Sept 30th, 2012 with her very serious Eiko vom Landgraf. At that event she had the opportunity to watch Vicaral’s Vesna iz Gratsiano also compete at the IPO 3 level and earn 2nd place. Wendy and Vesna’s owner Victoria had a bit of time to get better acquainted. When Wendy was finally able to get back to her home state of California the first of Jan. 2013 she was able to start planning to attend the IDC the following May. She thought back to the Fall Classic and thought Vesna might be a nice addition to the team and called Victoria and suggested to her that Vesna should be a competitor at the IDC in Italy. Victoria was flabbergasted! Then intrigued, then excited. By God we were going to Italy! She and Wendy started making plans, visiting about timing and frustrating over the lack of information coming out of Italy. It is comforting to know when you are aging a track that your teammate Victoria Hall and Vesna (left) and Wendy Schmidtt and Eiko (right) represented the UDC in Italy. 38 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 39 in another state is also aging a track and will answer the phone and commiserate with you over whatever you are struggling with. The training became a 6 day a week endeavor. Tracking on imaginary grass (weeds)—we knew we needed to find grass but, northern California’s grass was skimpy and Arizona hadn’t grown any yet. Wendy was tracking in cemeteries and Victoria was driving 55 miles to beginning growth Bermuda fields. But, they persisted and eventually Wendy had some grass and by the time her’s died off, Victoria’s area grew. And still they didn’t know what the tracking conditions in Italy would be. Well intentioned European competitors offered advice that the conditions would be sparse and dry. It “always had been before.” Yet, Italy was experiencing an unusual amount of rain. It was going to be anyone’s guess. Wendy & Victoria were guessing a lot taller grass than anything they could find to train on. Obedience and protection training was intense and constant. They had to bring their obedience precision up to the highest level possible both in the routine and in the secondary ob in the protection. Finding safe, strong and fast helpers was a priority. Training helpers who could bring intensity and pressure were an absolute necessity and traveling hours to get to those helpers was just one more thing that had to done. Wendy &Victoria knew the helpers in Italy would be world championship level and it’s a good thing they trained that way. As it turned out the front half helper had worked the Malinois world championship the previous year. He was fast, intense with hard stick hits and drives that pushed the limits. Since training helpers and training fields are not free, both teams incurred an amazing amount of expense but, the preparation opportunities were worth it. The trip was long (20+ hours) but, both dogs took it well in stride. Travel like this is a huge challenge for our dogs so, they needed to arrive in Italy a few days ahead of the trial to allow Vesna and Eiko a chance to acclimate and train. Upon arriving we found our villa, which was basically a large suite on a second floor and it was very nice. It sported a lovely, large balcony, multiple sleeping areas for the team and large bathroom. Sharing this villa was much less expensive than hotel rooms and it had a great grass area for the dogs. Vesna was the sweetheart girl for the villa/hotel personnel. Every time they saw her they said “bella Vesna” (beautiful Vesna) and ran to pet her. Italy loves Dobermans and has a lot of them. We saw many Doberman faces watching us from their fenced yards as we walked and drove around the city. Vesna and Eiko were welcome in the hotel dining room and at the breakfast buffet every day we were there. The Italian officials and many other teams from around the world welcomed us when we checked in and helped us get our paperwork verified. Silvia, one of the secretaries was delighted to meet us. Many years before she had owned a Doberman she dearly loved from the American Cara kennel. She was excited to share her story with Victoria, an American. All the competitors were shared out with the many IPO training clubs in the Somma Lombardo area. Silvia directed us to a club that we shared with some of the members from the Swedish and Spanish teams. The Italian dog clubs were very welcoming; very nice people. The one we trained at enjoyed sharing their strong Italian espresso. That was an experience! It certainly cured any jet lag. One of the proudest moments of our lives was entering the stadium in Somma Lombardo, Italy in the opening ceremonies to hear our National Anthem being played. Our Flag was proudly carried ahead of us and we heard cheering and clapping as we walked in. It was uplifting and welcoming to our spirits. had made it very difficult to find enough tracking fields. All things can happen in a trial. The stadium was a large grass soccer field within a track and had a huge covered seating area. The flags of all the competing countries were displayed along with the IDC and Italian host club banners. The obedience judge had advised everyone at the handler meeting that he would be scrutinizing every step of the retrieves and he was right there close to us every moment. He didn’t miss anything— very sharp pencil. In protection, the blinds were the full 80 meters apart and the judge kept the dogs in the bark and hold for a long time. Some dogs had a problem with that but, Eiko and Vesna were solid. The front half helper was quick and consistent. His turn in the back transport was to the stick side which is opposite of many helpers. And that is why we train it both ways! The back half helper was tall and strong. Both Eiko and Vesna hit him hard but, he caught them well and carried them through the spin, immediately starting the drive as they came out of the turn. The drives were hard with significant stick hits. The Italian audience cheered and clapped for our performances and both Eiko & Vesna received standing ovations for their protection routines. When a whole stadium of people are on their feet cheering your dog’s long bite, you are smil- ing so proudly that your face threatens to break! Getting those last two outs are pretty special too. On day one Eiko earned 88 in obedience and 94 in protection. On day two, Vesna earned 82 in obedience and 93 in protection. During the closing ceremonies our National Anthem played again as we proudly followed our flag into the stadium and took our places with the other teams. First we were lined up as teams and then in our respective places that we earned. Eiko in 10th place and Vesna in 12th place. The German team was the IDC World Championship team, the Italian team placed 2nd, and the Finnish team was third. The IDC World Champion was Ataraxie’s Big Ben owner/handler Jurgen Gutbrod (Germany), 2nd place dog was Ottomac,, owner/handler Guiseppe Soprani (Italy) and the 3rd place dog was Wilma vom Eschenbruck owner/handler Franziska Kalmbach (Germany). We represented our country, our breed and the UDC the very best that we could and were honored to do so. Victoria and Wendy want to say a big thank-you to everyone that helped us get there. UDC has some great Dobermans and we need to continue to take our place on the world stage. Next year we need to take a full team and take our place on the podium. Because of the constant rain the previous 3 months the tracking fields were wet and difficult and mowed only a couple days before. Even though we had worried about the tracking conditions, we did very well. Vesna earned a 95 in tracking and Eiko earned a 93. Vesna’s tracking on day one was in damp and soggy conditions with tufts of grass and dead vegetation between the clumps. Eiko’s tracking on day two was a little drier but, on the same fields as the day one tracking, which certainly was an oddity. The rain 40 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 41 Traci Mulligan ly tterf u B n o r olzer I IDC 2013 ebh R . h C -N ATT C J S UD A C BH Doug Matson – Kansa Dobermans I had not planned on going to IDC this year. Then, just a few weeks before the event a delightful young couple that I had met at previous dog shows in Europe who live in Hungary contacted me and invited me to go to IDC with them, so I could not refuse. I flew into Budapest and spent a couple of days with them in Nádudvar, in the Hortobágyi region before going on to The International Dobermann Club (IDC) world sieger show held at Teleki Castle, Satulung, Romania. Since my hosts had no reason to attend the IDC Congress business meeting the day before the show, we did not journey to the show site until Saturday morning, the day of the Puppy and Youth judging. Of course, as most of you have heard, the main news from the Congress meeting was the announcement by the Dobermann Verein (DV) that they plan on changing the DV Dobermann standard to dis-allow cropped or docked dogs in the standard beginning January 1, 2015. There is much speculation whether this is just a threat or whether the DV will follow through with the standard change, but there is no indication that they are not serious about changing the standard. It was evident that the The Dobermann Club Romania had done a lot of work to put on a very nice IDC event. It was one of the best organized IDC events that I have attended. Congratulations DCR!!! Photo: Mary-Beth Ribble Gem’Givveeon Hot Guy VPG 1 x UDC/UKC Ch. Incredible Caper v Rebholz SchH A OB3 APr2 SJ CGC ATT WAC BSA VCX There was a total entry of 565 dogs. The statistics of the entry are shown here. The single entry from the US was a French bred Black Baby Male, Invador Danpora De La Villa Valiano from California owned by Brice Chevalier. Black Sieger - ORSON v. Nemesis (Fedor del Nasi - Helena v. Nemesis) – Germany The judging panel for this year’s show was: Brown Sieger - Grand Mollis Armani (Teraline Indigo x Sant Kreal Monna Liza) – Russia • Hans Wiblishauser (Germany) • Dr. Pierluigi Pezzano (Italy) • Thomas Becht (Germany) • Günther Ehrenreich (Austria) • Gabriela Ridarcikova (Slovakia) • Papp Laszlo (Romania) As is standard at IDC, the Baby, Puppy, and Youth classes were judged on Saturday and the Adult Classes and judging of the Sieger and Jugendsieger awards were judged on Sunday. The weather was clear and beautiful both days and the temperature was pleasant. Photo: Susan Brown Stay tuned for details on an exciting spring litter! 42 ~ Fully health tested ~ Arlington, Vermont UDC FOCUS 802-375-6121 The finals ring had an excellent hard surface and was well decorated for the occasion. The host club had a special area set up for taking photos with a very colorful backdrop. Unfortunately, at the time of the late afternoon when the finals were judged, there was a harsh glare from sun shining from the backdrop that did not give the results that were planned or desired. The Siegers and Siegerins are noted below: Black Siegrein - Wita del Monte Aspro (Vaydee Jungle Beat x Hellectra) – Italy Brown Siegerin - Havana dei Due Intenti (Red Rascal del Fiorsilva x Hophelia dei Due Intenti) – Italy Black Jugendsieger - Toscano del Diamante Nero (Urbano del Diamante Nero x Clara del Diamante Nero) –Italy Black Jugendsiegerin - J’Adore Gucci v. Nobel Line (Purgaj’s Porsche di Altobello - Beckers Mystique v.Nobel Line) - Sweden Brown Jugendsieger - Aguirre v. Westwall (Orson v. Nemesis x Stella v. Klingbach) – Germany Brown Jugendsiegerin - DOROTHEA v. Nibulengenring (Orson v. Nemesis - Vilija v. Klingbach) - Germany I did not choose to fight the usual large crowd of Dobermann Paparazzi for position to take photos of the winners because I knew that in a few days there would be would be hundreds of them on the internet. You can find the full results and numerous photos on The Dobermann, www., Dobermann Review,, or any of the other common European Dobermann websites. UDC FOCUS 43 As with any large show of this magnitude, there is always a certain amount of controversy and varying opinions of the winners or who should have won in their place. However, the judges decisions are always final. There were some loud vocal protests by certain contingencies of countries when their favorite did not win. This type of poor sportsmanship has become somewhat common in recent years at IDC and this year was no exception. Susan Brown There was even a physical altercation in the back of the crowd, but it was far away from where I was positioned. In the end, a few were very happy with their wins, some others happy with their placements, and others not so much, but such is the usual result at the dog show. I would like to give credit to the host Romanian club again as the Finals Judging was carried out in an efficient and well organized manner. It was completed before the sun was set which allowed adequate light for taking the Sieger win photos. The 2014 IDC Meisterschaft is scheduled to be in Belgium. The 2014 IDC Congress and Sieger Show is scheduled to be in Slovakia. 44 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 45 Chris Francke Judith Fellton Memorial Award for 2013 goes to Rayanne Chamberlin & Bristol The Judith Fellton Memorial Award is given out annually at the DPCA Nationals. The award acknowledges achievement by a rescue Doberman. Every year the DPCA seeks a rescue Doberman that is credit to the breed. If you would like to read more about the Judith Fellton Memorial and Rayanne and her dog Bristol, you can type this in your address bar - htm or, go to>Awards>Fellton Memorial Award. I am so proud to be able to share with United Doberman Club Members that a fellow UDC Member and part of our Search & Rescue Group, Rayanne Chamberlin along with her dog Bristol was granted this recognition for 2013. Rayanne is a founding member of Michigan Search and Rescue and has produced the UDC FOCUS 3rd Qtr. SAR issue the last three years. In 2013 Rayanne and Bristol became the 4th Doberman dog team in history to have achieved FEMA Level 1 deployment status. A remarkable achievement. Rayanne writes “An award that recognizes a rescue Doberman is truly heartwarming. The Judith Felton award is a huge honor for Bristol and me. And although Bristol received this award for passing the FEMA CE (certification evaluation), she is just a symbol of what a rescue dog - whether Doberman or not can achieve when given the chance. Additionally, this is an individual honor, but no one (person or dog) achieves this type of honor without the support and assistance of many, many people along the way. Bristol and I will continue to work and strive to provide those who are victims of a disaster with the best possible canine search team. I’m so humbled by receiving this award ... and so thankful for all the people who helped us get to this point. Bristol is my 4th rescue dog that has worked in search and rescue. All have been wonderful dogs who simply needed a job. Bristol wouldn’t even have this job if Debbie McReynolds of Midwest Doberman Rescue hadn’t bent the rules and allowed her to placed so far from St. Louis. So many people along the way made this possible.” 46 UDC FOCUS UDC FOCUS 47 The New IPO VO Title by Erynn Lucas Editor’s Note: Erynn successfully titled her dog to an IPO VO at the recent UDC Fall Classic. T Catherine LaBarre here is a new title being offered in IPO. It is a transitional title that is between a BH and an IPO1. It is currently unknown about what will happen in the future with this title (like if it will be allowed as a breed test or not) but for now it can be a nice intermediate step on the way to achieving an IPO 1 degree. General Dogs going for the VO degree must have already achieved a BH. It is a three phase title but each phase is shorter and less intensive than an IPO1 phase. Dogs must be at least 15 months to enter. Tracking The track for the VO is laid by the handler and consists of two legs with one corner. It is 200 paces long with only a single article at the end. Be aware though, that one single article is worth 21 points so you want to make sure your dog will lay down on it at the end! It also doesn’t have any age to it. The handler lays the track and immediately gets their dog to proceed to check in with the judge. It is worth 100 points total. Obedience Obedience is a bit of a mashup between the BH routine and portions of the IPO1. There is both on leash heeling and off leash heeling although the pattern though does not need to be the same as the IPO1 or the BH routine. Instead of 50 paces on the straightaway you are only required to go 40. An about turn is demonstrated and after the fast and slow pace the team must demonstrate 2 right turns an about and then a left turn in to the group. These need not be demonstrated in the typical IPO or BH pattern though. In between the on leash heeling and off leash heeling you must go through a group. Unlike the BH routine you only go through the group once and it is on leash. You make the typical figure 8 stopping somewhere in the middle and demonstrating a sit. During the on leash heeling there are two gunshots. After both heeling portions there is a down out of motion and recall. There is no sit motion exercise. The buildup is the same 10 to 15 paces then you make the down command and continue 30 paces away from the dog. At the direction of the judge you recall the dog who must show a correct front and finish. Following the motion exercise there is a flat retrieve. This is different than IPO1 however as the retrieve object does not have to be a dumbbell. It can be ANY item of the handler’s. I used a dumbbell for my older female and a tug toy when I did the VO with my puppy. Anything is fair game here. Balls, toys, some even use rolled up socks. The 48 UDC FOCUS actual retrieve must be shown the same as when it is with a dumbbell. The dog must go out fast, return fast and sit quietly until it is outed. The distance of the toss is shorter than in IPO1. It is a small five pace toss. Following the flat retrieve there is a jump. The jump is lowered for VO participants. It is not one meter but rather 80 cm. That is roughly 31 inches instead of roughly 40 inches. It is a nice variation for both old dogs that struggle to make the height and young puppies that shouldn’t be jumping full height routinely. With this exercise though, there is no retrieve. The handler and dog position themselves like a regular retrieve but instead of tossing something over the jump the handler is allowed to take one or two steps to encourage the dog to go and give a jump command. The dog must go out and jump the jump cleanly and then without picking anything up the dog is recalled by the handler to make a clean jump back and show a front. The front and the finish are shown the same. There is no wall in the VO and there is no go out exercise. There is a long down under distraction but it is short. You pick up your dog after the third exercise of the other team that is on the field. Protection The protection routine is pretty fun and hands on. You check in with the judge on leash and then proceed to the middle of the field. You remove the leash and send the dog directly into the find blind for a bark and hold. There is no blind search. Upon the judge’s signal you go into the blind and hold the dog by the collar and pull it back a few paces. As you are pulling the dog back the helper is supposed to be leaving the blind and going directly into an escape. There is no setup for this escape, it is a dynamic exercise. When the helper is approximately 5 paces away the judge signals you to release and the dog must go directly into the helper and try to prevent the escape. When the helper locks up you out the dog and it should be shown cleanly and the guard work should be the same as IPO1. While the dog is guarding you walk up and again hold the collar of the dog. At this point the helper walks briskly away about 20 paces and then turns to make an attack. You cannot pump the dog up while holding it, but neither is it required to sit quietly. At the judge’s signal the handler releases the dog for the grip. There are no stick hits but there is supposed to be the threat of the stick. Once again, when the helper locks up and out command is given and at this point there is a little bit of control work. A side transport must be demonstrated to the judge but it is on leash. After checkout you must heal the dog away a few paces before the routine is officially over. With this protection routine, there are no re-attacks no stick hits and no TSB rating. UDC FOCUS 49 Darlene Pavlovich Bell’Lavoros Gioiello Di Resurrezione Bonnie Guzman Photo: Traci Mulligan Photo: Traci Mulligan 50 UDC FOCUS Photo: Traci Mulligan UDC FOCUS 51 vom Koby Haus 52 UDC FOCUS
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