Arrested Development: Theory and Evidence of Supply


Arrested Development: Theory and Evidence of Supply
Arrested Development: Theory and Evidence of
Supply-Side Speculation in the Housing Market∗
Charles G. Nathanson
Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
Eric Zwick
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago and NBER
September 2015
This paper studies the role of speculation in amplifying housing cycles. Speculation is easier in the land market than in the housing market due to frictions that make
renting less efficient than owner-occupancy. As a result, undeveloped land both facilitates construction and intensifies the speculation that causes booms and busts in house
prices. This observation reverses the standard intuition that cities where construction
is easier experience smaller house price booms. It also explains why the largest house
price booms in the United States between 2000 and 2006 occurred in areas with elastic
housing supply.
JEL Codes: D84, G12, G14, R31
We thank John Campbell, Edward Glaeser, David Laibson, and Andrei Shleifer for outstanding advice
and Tom Davidoff, Morris Davis, Robin Greenwood, Sam Hanson, Chris Mayer, Alp Simsek, Amir Sufi, Adi
Sunderam, Jeremy Stein, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, and Paul Willen for helpful comments. We also thank
Harry Lourimore, Joe Restrepo, Hubble Smith, Jon Wardlaw, Anna Wharton, and CoStar employees for
enlightening conversations and data. Prab Upadrashta provided excellent research assistance. Nathanson
thanks the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the Bradley Foundation, the Becker Friedman
Institute at the University of Chicago, and the Guthrie Center for Real Estate Research for financial support.
Zwick thanks the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the Neubauer Family Foundation, and
the Harvard Business School Doctoral Office for financial support.
Asset prices go through periods of sustained price increases, followed by busts. To explain
these episodes, economists have developed theories based on disagreement, speculation, and
strategic trading. This literature focuses on the behavior of asset prices in stock markets, but
it is natural to ask whether these ideas can explain housing markets as well. Like any other
financial asset, housing is a traded, durable claim on uncertain cash flows. An enduring
feature of housing markets is booms and busts in prices that coincide with widespread
disagreement about fundamentals (Shiller, 2005), and there is a long history of investors
using real estate to speculate about the economy (Kindleberger, 1978; Glaeser, 2013).
Yet housing differs in a fundamental way from the typical asset studied in finance. The
typical financial asset is in fixed supply, and its dividends are worth the same to all buyers.
Housing is a good —its value derives from the utility flows it delivers to end users. The
dividends from housing have different values for different people. And because firms can
respond to high prices with new construction, housing supply is not fixed.
In this paper, we incorporate speculation into a neoclassical, price-theoretic model of
housing to examine whether the finance view of price booms generalizes to non-financial
markets.1 The translation is not seamless: speculation affects house prices only under certain
conditions. In particular, we find a non-monotonic relationship between the elasticity of
housing supply and the tendency of speculation to raise house prices. A simple formula
maps investor beliefs to house prices using intuitive, measurable objects like the demand and
supply elasticities of housing. We apply this formula to understand the variation across cities
during the housing boom of 2000 to 2006. In particular, we explain why the strongest house
price growth occurred in cities, like Las Vegas, where housing supply before 2000 seemed
able to absorb rising demand and prevent price growth. The extreme price growth in these
anomalous elastic cities is a well-known puzzle for existing theories of housing markets, in
which rapid construction holds down prices (e.g., Glaeser, Gyourko and Saiz, 2008).
Our model combines finance and price theory using three ingredients. First, as in Miller
(1977), Harrison and Kreps (1978), Diether, Malloy and Scherbina (2002), Scheinkman and
Xiong (2003), and Simsek (2013), market participants “agree to disagree” about the future
level of asset prices. In our setting, disagreement about prices arises in response to an
unexpected housing demand shock. Some people believe the shock will persist; others believe
it will dissipate. This disagreement generates trade because people hold heterogeneous priors
and do not update their own beliefs upon learning the beliefs of others. Morris (1996)
argues that such disagreement best fits unprecedented situations—like unanticipated secular
Other papers have applied speculative finance models to housing. Piazzesi and Schneider (2009) and
Burnside, Eichenbaum and Rebelo (2014) incorporate optimism and non-standard learning into search models
of the housing market, Favara and Song (2014) incorporate a rental margin into a model of disagreement
with short-selling constraints, and Giglio, Maggiori and Stroebel (2014) empirically evaluate whether rational
bubbles exist in the housing market. Unlike those papers, our work focuses on housing supply; we explore
how a realistic model of housing supply alters the predictions of finance models of speculation.
shifts in housing demand—in which people have not yet had a chance to engage in rational
learning. As Glaeser (2013) documents, housing booms have historically been accompanied
by unanticipated events like the settlement of new cities or the discovery of new resources.
Second, we permit housing to have flexible supply that responds to current demand as
well as expectations about future demand. Housing is supplied by a competitive market of
developers, who buy land at market prices and turn it into housing. As in Saiz (2010), the
amount of developable land is fixed in the long run by geography and regulation, leading the
marginal cost of housing supply to rise as the city grows. Free entry in construction links
land and house prices, so investors who are optimistic about housing demand can speculate
in both land and housing markets. Following models of speculation in stock markets, we rule
out short-selling in land and housing. The case for short-sale constraints is even stronger in
real estate, where a lack of asset interchangeability makes it impossible to cover a short.
Third, residents receive heterogeneous utility from living in housing, and some of this
utility accrues only when they own their houses. This non-transferable ownership utility
captures the inefficiencies arising from the separation of ownership and control. Such moral
hazard inefficiencies have long been recognized in corporate finance (Shleifer and Vishny,
1997), and Henderson and Ioannides (1983) use them to explain why some residents choose
to own rather than rent. The equilibrium result of ownership utility is that homeownership
is dispersed among individual residents rather than concentrated among a few landlords who
rent out the housing stock. Dispersed ownership is one of the most salient aspects of the
housing market, with over 60% of the housing stock owner-occupied.
Our analysis examines how an identical shock affects house prices in cities at different
stages of development. We first characterize how house prices aggregate disparate beliefs
about future demand. Only two statistics from the belief distribution matter—the average
belief and the most optimistic belief—and the belief implied by market prices is a weighted
average of these two. The weight on the most optimistic belief increases with the availability
of land and decreases with the share of housing that is owner-occupied. A sufficient statistic
for the influence of optimism is the short-run elasticity of housing supply, which reflects
how easily speculators can participate in the market. When a city consists solely of owneroccupied housing, prices reflect the average belief and are not biased toward optimism.
This result holds even though short-selling housing is impossible. Speculation raises prices
only when optimists can take concentrated positions. Because owner-occupied housing is
dispersed among residents with varying beliefs, owner-occupied housing subdues speculation.
We explore how belief aggregation combines with classical supply and demand forces to
influence prices in response to the shock. A given realization of future demand affects house
prices less when building houses in the future is easy, that is, when the long-run supply
elasticity is high. This classical effect weighs against the result on belief aggregation, which
holds that house prices look more optimistic when the short-run supply elasticity is high.
And when neither the short-run nor long-run elasticities are high, the dispersion economies
of owner-occupied housing dominate. Thus speculation amplifies house prices most in the
middle: a city with short-run elastic, but long-run inelastic supply. In such a city, developers
can build housing easily today, but anticipate running out of available land in the near future.
This theoretical condition likely characterized the anomalous elastic cities at the start
of the boom in 2000. Several of these cities face long-run limits to their growth, but little
regulation of current construction. For instance, Las Vegas is surrounded by land owned
by the federal government, and Congress passed a law in 1998 prohibiting the sale of land
outside a development ring depicted in Figure 1.2 During the boom, land investors acted
as if they expected these governments to stop selling land and restrict future development.
We show in Section 4 that land prices rose strongly in these cities, which would not have
occurred had investors anticipated unlimited land in the long run.
We present evidence of land market speculation between 2000 and 2006 from U.S. public
homebuilders—behavior we term “supply-side speculation.” These firms tripled their land
holdings during this time, while land prices rose significantly across the country. Statements
by these firms in their financial reports confirm that perceived land supply constraints drove
this behavior. At the same time, the homebuilding industry saw its stocks short-sold more
frequently than 95% of the industries in the United States.
Our model also offers new predictions for the variation in house price booms within a
city. Optimistic speculators hold rental housing, just as they hold land. All else equal, prices
appear more optimistic and hence house price booms are larger in types of housing that are
easier to rent out, such as condos and multifamily units. Similarly, neighborhoods where a
greater share of housing is rented witness stronger price increases. This prediction matches
the data: house prices increased more from 2000 to 2006 in neighborhoods where the share
of rental housing in 2000 was higher.
Las Vegas provides a stark illustration of our model. The ample raw land available in the short run
allowed Las Vegas to build more houses per capita than any other large city in the U.S during the boom. At
the same time, speculation in the land markets caused land prices to quadruple between 2000 and 2006, rising
from $150,000 per acre to $650,000 per acre, and then lose those gains. This in turn led to a boom and bust in
house prices. The high price of $150,000 for desert land before the boom and after the bust demonstrates the
binding nature of the city’s long-run development constraint. A New York Times article published in 2007
cites investors who believed the remaining land would be fully developed by 2017 (McKinley and Palmer,
2007). The dramatic rise in land prices during the boom resulted from optimistic developers taking large
positions in the land market. In a striking example of supply-side speculation, a single land development
fund, Focus Property Group, outbid all other firms in every large parcel land auction between 2001 and 2005
conducted by the federal government in Las Vegas, obtaining a 5% stake in the undeveloped land within the
barrier. Focus Property Group declared bankruptcy in 2009.
Long-Run Development Constraints in Las Vegas
2-9: Las comes
Vegas Valley
page 511980-2030
of the
Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada’s
Regional Transportation Plan 2009-2035 (RTCSNV, 2012). The first three pictures display the Las Vegas
metropolitan area in 1980, 1990, and 2008. The final picture represents the Regional Transportation Commission’s forecast for 2030. The boundary is the development barrier stipulated by the Southern Nevada
Public Land Management Act. The shaded gray region denotes developed land.
Regional Transportation Plan, 2013-2035
A Housing Market with Disagreement
Our housing market model is set in discrete time with an infinite horizon. The infinite
horizon allows us to compare the effect of an identical demand shock in cities at different
stages of development. Inside this infinite horizon framework, we embed a two-period model
of disagreement. A two-period disagreement model inside an infinite horizon housing model
provides a simple setting for studying the static interaction between disagreement and house
Housing Supply. The city we study has a fixed amount of space S. This space either is
used for housing or remains as undeveloped land. The total housing stock in the city at time
t is Ht and the remaining undeveloped land is Lt , so S = Ht + Lt for all t.
A continuum of real estate developers invest in land and construct housing from the land
at a cost of K per unit of housing. The aggregate supply of new housing is ∆Ht . Construction
is instantaneous, and housing does not depreciate: Ht = ∆Ht + Ht−1 . Construction is also
irreversible: ∆Ht ≥ 0. Both housing and land are continuous variables, and one unit of
housing requires one unit of land.
Undeveloped land possesses some use other than residential housing. The role of this
alternate use in the model is to smooth out the city’s development as land is depleted,
leading the housing supply elasticity to decrease continuously with development. Without
this alternate use, short-run housing supply would be perfectly elastic up to the point of
land exhaustion, after which it would become perfectly inelastic. This crude structure would
not affect our results; in fact, the results are much easier to demonstrate in this case. We
introduce the alternate use to show that our results are robust to a continuous supply
elasticity, and to match the empirical likelihood that this elasticity does decline continuously
with development.3
To this end, the developers rent out land on spot markets at a price of rtl . Rental demand
for undeveloped land comes from firms, such as farms, that use the city’s land as an input.
These firms buy their inputs and sell their products on the global market. Therefore, their
aggregate demand for land depends only on rtl and not on any other local market conditions.
This aggregate rental demand curve is Dl (rtl ), where Dl (·) is smooth, decreasing, and positive
function such that Dl (0) ≥ S.
Other papers have produced supply elasticities that decline smoothly using different model specifications.
Saiz (2010) does so by assuming homeowners must commute to a central business district, and Paciorek (2013)
models construction costs as increasing in the share of available land that has been developed. As we discuss
in Section 4, an empirical literature surveyed by Gyourko (2009) indicates that housing supply elasticities
declined tremendously between 1970 and 2000 in certain cities in the United States.
The profit flow of a developer j at time t is
πj,t = rtl Lj,t + plt (Lj,t−1 − Lj,t ) + (pht − plt − K)∆Hj,t ,
} |
development profit
homebuilding profit
where pht is the price of housing and plt is the price of land. The real estate development
industry faces no entry costs, so the industry is perfectly competitive. Because homebuilding
is instantaneous and does not depend on prior land investments, profits from this line of
business must be zero due to perfect competition.4 We denote the aggregate homebuilding
profit by πthb = (pht − plt − K)∆Ht .
Each developer begins with a land endowment and issues equity to finance its land
investments. It maximizes its expected net present value of profits Ej ∞
t=0 β πj,t . The
operator Ej reflects firm j’s expectation of future land prices. Firm-specific beliefs represent
the beliefs of the firm’s CEO, who owns equity, cannot be fired, and decides the firm’s
land investments. The number of each developer’s equity shares equals the amount of land
it holds, and each developer pays out its land rents as dividends. The market price of
developer equity therefore equals the market price plt of land.
Individual Housing Demand. A population of residents live in the city and hold its
housing. These residents receive direct utility from consuming housing. Lower-case h denotes
the flow consumption of housing, whereas upper-case H denotes the asset holding. Flow
utility from housing depends on whether housing is consumed through owner-occupancy or
under a rental contract. Residents also derive utility from non-housing consumption c. Each
resident i maximizes the expected present value of utility, given by
β t ui (ct , hown
, hrent
where β is the common discount factor.
Flow utility ui (·, ·, ·) has three properties. First, it is separable and linear in c. This quasilinearity eliminates risk aversion and hedging motives. Second, owner-occupied and rented
housing are substitutes, and residents vary in which type of contract they prefer and to what
degree. Substitutability of owner-occupied and rented housing fully sorts residents between
the two types of contracts; no resident consumes both types of housing simultaneously.
Finally, residents face diminishing marginal utility of owner-occupied housing. This property
leads homeownership to be dispersed among residents in equilibrium.
We discuss evidence supporting the perfect competition assumption in Section 4.
The utility specification we adopt that features these three properties is
ui (c, hown , hrent ) = c + v(ai hown + hrent ),
where ai > 0 is resident i’s preference for owner-occupancy, and v(·) is an increasing, concave
function for which limh→0 v 0 (h) = ∞. The distribution of the owner-occupancy preference
parameter ai across residents is given by a continuously differentiable cumulative distribution
function Fa , which is stable over time. Owner-occupancy utility is unbounded: dFa has full
support on R+ . This utility arises from an agency problem in which a resident would like
to maintain the house in some idiosyncratic way, but doing so is costly for the owner and is
not contractible in detail. The Appendix derives the functional form in equation (2) as the
equilibrium outcome of such an agency problem.
Resident Optimization. Residents hold three assets classes: bonds B, housing H, and
developer equity Q. Global capital markets external to the city determine the gross interest
rate on bonds, which is Rt = 1/β, where β is the common discount factor. Residents may
borrow or lend at this rate by buying or selling these bonds in unlimited quantities.
In contrast, housing and developer equity are traded within the city, and equilibrium
conditions determine their prices plt and pht . Homeowners earn income by renting out the
housing they own in excess of what they consume. The spot rental price for housing is rth ;
landlord revenue is therefore rth (Hi,t − hown
i,t − hi,t ). Shorting housing is impossible, but
residents can short developer equity. Doing so is costly. Residents incur a convex cost ks (Q)
to short Q units of developer stock, where ks (0) = 0 and ks0 , ks00 > 0. As in Duffie, Garleanu
and Pedersen (2002), this convex cost is a reduced form capturing features like risk and
credit that are omitted from the model but limit shorting empirically.5
Short-sale constraints in the housing market result from a lack of asset interchangeability.
Although housing is homogeneous in the model, empirical housing markets involve large
variation in characteristics across houses. This variation in characteristics makes it essentially
impossible to cover a short. Unlike in the housing market, asset interchangeability holds in
the equity market, where all of a firm’s shares are equivalent.
The Bellman equation representing the resident optimization problem is
V (Bi,t−1 , Hi,t−1 , Qi,t−1 ) =
Bi,t ,Hi,t ,Qi,t
ci,t ,hown
i,t ,hi,t
ci,t + v(ai hown
i,t + hi,t ) + βEi,t V (Bi,t , Hi,t , Qi,t ),
} |
continuation value
flow utility
In Duffie, Garleanu and Pedersen (2002), each investor can short only 0 or 1 units of stock. This
specification provides the simplest form of a convex cost: the marginal cost of shorting beyond 1 unit is
infinite, whereas the marginal cost of shorting beyond 0 units is 0. As in the current paper, Duffie, Garleanu
and Pedersen (2002) study short-selling when investors hold heterogeneous beliefs and agree to disagree, and
make a reduced form convex cost assumption to enable the study of short-selling in a Walrasian market.
where the maximization is subject to the short-sale constraint
0 ≤ Hi,t ,
the ownership constraint
i,t ≤ Hi,t ,
and the budget constraint
− Bi,t +
| t i,t−1
borrowing costs consumption
pht (Hi,t−1 − Hi,t )
housing returns
+ plt (Qi,t−1 − Qi,t )
equity returns
rth (Hi,t − hown
i,t − hi,t )
housing rental income
rtl Qi,t −
| {z }
max(0, ks (−Qi,t )) .
shorting costs
Aggregate Demand and Beliefs. Aggregate demand to live in the city equals the number of residents Nt . This aggregate demand consists of a shock and a trend:
log Nt = zt + log N t .
|{z} | {z }
| {z }
demand shock trend
The trend component grows at a constant positive rate g: for all t > 0,
log N t = g + log N t−1 .
The shocks zt have a common factor x. The dependence of the time-t shock on the common
factor x is µt , so that
zt = µt x.
Without loss of generality, µ0 = 1: the time 0 shock z0 equals the common factor x. We
denote µ = {µt }t≥0 .
At time 0, residents observe the following information: the current and future values of
trend demand N t , the trend growth rate g, the current demand N0 , the current shock z0 ,
and the common factor x of the future shocks. They do not observe µ, the data needed to
extrapolate the factor x to future shocks. Residents learn the true value of the entire vector
µ at time t = 1. The resolution of uncertainty at time t = 1 is common knowledge at t = 0.
Residents agree to disagree about the true value of µ. At time 0, resident i’s subjective
prior of µ is given by Fi , an integrable probability measure on the compact space M of all
possible values of µ. These priors vary across residents, and knowing the priors of other
residents does not lead to any Bayesian updating. This “agree-to-disagree” assumption rules
out any inference from prices at t = 0. Therefore, for instance, an investor who ends up
holding the land can realize he must be the most optimistic investor, but this realization
fails to move his posterior away from his prior.
As argued by Morris (1996), this heterogeneous prior assumption is most appropriate
when investors face an unusual, unexpected situation like the arrival of the shock we are
studying. Examples in the housing market include the settlement of new cities (like Chicago
in the 1830s) or the discovery of new resources (like the Texas oil boom of the 1970s). In the
case of the U.S. housing boom between 2000 and 2006, we follow Mian and Sufi (2009) in
thinking of the shock as the arrival of new securitization technologies that expanded credit to
low-income borrowers, although an equally valid interpretation would be demographic shifts
leading to a secular increase in housing demand. The shock to housing demand between
2000 and 2006 is x, and µ represents the degree to which this shock persists after 2006.
Even economists disagreed about µ during the boom, as Gerardi, Foote and Willen (2010)
The resulting subjective expected value of each µt is µi,t = M µt dFi , and the vector of
resident i’s subjective expected values of each µt is µi = {µi,t }t≥0 . The subjective expected
value µi uniquely determines the prior Fi . The distribution of µi itself across residents admits
an integrable probability distribution Fµ on M , which is independent from the distribution
Fa of owner-occupancy preferences. The CEOs of the development firms are city residents,
so their beliefs are drawn from the same distribution Fµ .
Equilibrium. Equilibrium consists of time-series vectors of prices pL (µ), pH (µ), rl (µ),
rh (µ) and quantities L(µ), H(µ) that depend on the realized value of µ. These pricing and
quantity functions constitute an equilibrium when housing, land, and equity markets clear
while residents and developers maximize utility and profits:
Consider pricing functions ph (µ), pl (µ), rh (µ), rl (µ) and quantity functions H(µ), L(µ).
rent ∗
Let Hi,t
, Q∗i,t , (hown
i,t ) , and (hi,t ) be resident i’s solutions to the Bellman equation (3) given
his owner-occupancy preference ai , his beliefs µi , and these pricing functions. Let L∗j,t be developer j’s land holdings that maximize expected net present value of profits in equation (1),
given the pricing functions; L∗t is the sum of these land holdings across developers. The
pricing and quantity functions constitute a recursive competitive equilibrium if at each t:
1. The sum of undeveloped land and housing equals the city’s endowment of open space:
S = Lt (µ) + Ht (µ).
2. Flow demand for land equals investment demand from developers, which equals the
resident demand for their equity:
Lt (µ) =
(rtl (µ))
Q∗i,t dFµ dFa .
3. Resident stock and flow demand for housing clear:
dFµ dFa
Ht (µ) = Nt (µ)
= Nt (µ)
rent ∗
i,t ) + (hi,t ) )dFµ dFa .
4. Construction maximizes developer profits:
Ht (µ) − Ht−1 (µ) ∈ arg max πthb .
5. Developer profit from homebuilding is zero:
max πthb = 0.
Elasticity of Housing Supply. The housing supply curve is the city’s open space S less
the rental demand for land Dl (rtl ). We denote the elasticity of this supply curve with respect
to housing rents rth by St . The supply elasticity determines the construction response to the
shocks {zt }. It will also serve as a sufficient statistic for the extent to which land speculation
affects house prices. This section describes the supply elasticity St along the city’s trend
growth path, which occurs when x = 0.
The relationship between land rents rtl and house rents rth allows us to calculate this elasticity. Because trend growth g > 0, new residents perpetually enter the city, and developers
build new houses each period. Perpetual construction ties together land and house prices.
In particular, as developers must be indifferent between building today or tomorrow, house
rents equal land rents plus flow construction costs:
rth = rtl + (1 − β)K.
The supply of housing is open space net of flow land demand: S − Dl (rth − (1 − β)K). The
elasticity of housing supply is thus St ≡ −rth (Dl )0 /(S − Dl ). When the flow land demand Dl
features a constant elasticity l , the elasticity of housing supply takes on the simple form
= h
rt − (1 − β)K
− 1 l ,
where Ht is the housing stock at time t. The arrival of new residents increases both rents rth
and the level of development Ht /S. The supply elasticity given in equation (4) unambiguously falls (see Appendix for proof):
Lemma 1. Define housing supply to be the residual of the city’s open space S minus the
flow demand for land: S − Dl . The elasticity St of housing supply with respect to housing
rents rth decreases with the level of city development Ht /S along the city’s trend growth path.
Supply-Side Speculation
At time 0, residents disagree about the future path of housing demand. Speculative trading
behavior results from this disagreement. This section describes how owner-occupancy frictions crowd speculators out of owner-occupied housing and into rental housing and land. Demand and supply elasticities determine how prices aggregate the beliefs of owner-occupants
and of optimistic speculators.
Land Speculation and Dispersed Homeownership
We first consider the developer decision to hold land at time 0. Developer j’s first-order
condition on its land-holding Lj,0 is
Ej pl1 /(pl0 − r0l ) ,
risk-free rate expected land return
with equality if and only if Lj,0 > 0. A developer invests in land if and only if it expects land
to return the risk-free rate. At time 0, developers disagree about this expected return on
land because they disagree about the future path of housing demand. The developers that
expect the highest returns invest in land, while all other developers sell to these optimistic
firms and exit the market. We denote the optimistic belief of the developers who invest in
e l ≡ maxµ E(pl | µj ).
land by Ep
Optimistic residents finance developer investments in land through purchasing their equity. Less optimistic residents choose to short-sell developer stock. Developer stock allows
residents to hold land indirectly: its price is pl0 and it pays a dividend of r0l . Resident i holds
this equity only if he agrees with the land valuation of the optimistic developers, in which
e l . Otherwise, he shorts the equity, and his first-order condition is
case Ei pl1 = Ep
e l − Ei pl ).
ks0 (−Q∗i,0 ) = β(Ep
Disagreement increases the short interest in the equity of the developers holding the land.
e l = Ei pl for all residents, so no one shorts.
Without disagreement, Ep
Only the most optimistic residents hold housing as landlords. A resident is a landlord if
he owns more housing than he consumes through owner-occupancy: Hi > hown
. The firsti
order condition of the Bellman equation (3) with respect to Hi,0 when it is in excess of hown
E ph /(ph − r0h )
| i 1 {z0
risk-free rate expected housing return
with equality if and only if Hi,0 > hown
i,0 . Only the most optimistic residents invest in rental
housing, just as only the most optimistic developers invest in land. Land and rental housing
share this fundamental property. During periods of uncertainty, the most optimistic investors
are the sole holders of these asset classes.
During the housing boom of the early 2000s, landlord investment constituted a significant
component of real estate purchases. Haughwout et al. (2011) show that the fraction of new
mortgages to borrowers with at least two rose from 20% to 35% between 2000 and 2006, and
Chinco and Mayer (2014) show that 18.4% of single-family home purchases between 2000
and 2007 were to buyers whose property tax bill mailing address differed from the property
Owner-occupancy utility crowds these optimistic investors out of owner-occupied housing,
which remains dispersed among residents of all beliefs. The decision to own or rent emerges
from the first-order conditions of the Bellman equation (3) with respect to hown
i,0 and hi,0 .
We express these equations jointly as
rent ∗
v 0 (ai (hown
r0h  .
= min a−1
i,0 ) + (hi,0 ) )
i (p0 − βEi p1 ),
} |{z}
marginal utility of housing
The left term in the parentheses denotes the expected flow price of marginal utility v 0 from
owning a house; the right term denotes the flow price of renting. A resident owns when the
owner-occupancy price is less than the rental price. As long as the owner-occupancy preference ai is large enough, resident i decides to own even if his belief Ei ph1 is quite pessimistic.
Homeownership remains dispersed among residents of all beliefs.
This point relates to the work of Cheng, Raina and Xiong (2014), who find that securitized
finance managers did not sell off their personal housing assets during the boom. They
interpret this result as evidence that these managers had the same beliefs as the rest of the
market about future house prices. An alternative interpretation, made clear by equation (6),
is that the managers did doubt the market valuations, but continued to own housing due to
the ownership utility ai .
We gain additional intuition about the own-rent margin by substituting equation (5) into
equation (6). We denote the most optimistic belief about future house prices, the one held
e h ≡ maxµ E(ph | µi ). The decision to own
by landlords investing in rental housing, by Ep
rather than rent reduces to
e h − E i ph )
ai ≥ 1 +
Without disagreement, a resident owns exactly when he intrinsically prefers owning to renting, so that ai ≥ 1. Disagreement sets the bar higher. Some pessimists for whom ai ≥ 1
choose to rent because they expect capital losses on owning a home. Other pessimists continue to own because their owner-occupancy utility is high enough to offset the fear of capital
losses. Proposition 1 summarizes these results.
Proposition 1. Owner-occupancy utility crowds speculators out of the owner-occupied housing market and into the land and rental markets. The most optimistic residents—those holding the highest value of Ei ph1 —buy up all rental housing and finance optimistic developers
who purchase all the land. In contrast, owner-occupied housing remains dispersed among
residents of all beliefs.
Proposition 1 yields two empirical predictions about developer behavior during a boom.
The most optimistic developers buy up all the land. Unless they start out owning all the
land, these optimistic developers increase their land positions following the demand shock.
They hold this land as an investment rather than for immediate construction. The second
prediction concerns short-selling. Residents who disagree with the optimistic valuations of
developers short their equity.
Prediction 1. Optimistic developers accumulate land in excess of their immediate construction needs.
Prediction 2. Disagreement increases the short interest of developer equity.
The idea that real estate speculation transpires primarily in land departs from the literature,
which has focused mostly on investors in houses.6 In Section 4, we test these predictions
by examining the balance sheets and market equity of U.S. public homebuilders during the
boom and bust of the early 2000s.
Belief Aggregation
Prices aggregate the heterogeneous beliefs of residents and developers holding housing and
land. The real estate market consists of three components: land, rental housing, and owneroccupied housing. The most optimistic residents hold the first two, while the third remains
See, for example, Barlevy and Fisher (2011), Haughwout et al. (2011), Chinco and Mayer (2014), and
Bayer et al. (2015).
dispersed among owner-occupants. House prices reflect a weighted average of the optimistic
belief and the average belief of all owner-occupants. The weight on the optimistic belief is
the share of the real estate market consisting of land and rental housing; the weight on the
average owner-occupant belief is owner-occupied housing’s share of the market.
To derive these results, we take a comparative static of the form ∂ph0 /∂x. The shock
z = µx scales with the common factor x. We differentiate with respect to x at x = 0
to explore how prices change as the shocks, and hence the ensuing disagreement, increase.
Our partial derivative holds current demand N0 constant to isolate the aggregation of future
There are both costs and benefits to this first-order approach. The benefit is it allows
us to derive simple, intuitive formulas in terms of supply and demand elasticities. A long
literature in public economics and price theory uses perturbation arguments for this reason
(Chetty, 2009). The cost is that we abstract away from the effects of a large shock on
the housing market. For instance, a large enough shock would lead optimistic investors to
displace nearly all owner-occupants from their homes. To us, the clarity of the first-order
approach outweighs what is lost by not considering the effects of a large shock more explicitly.
e h . The shock increases the optimistic
We first use equation (5) to write ph0 = r0h + β Ep
e h , directly increasing prices. It also changes the market rent rh . This rent is
belief β Ep
determined by the intersection of housing supply and housing demand:
S − Dl r0h − (1 − β)K =
D0h (r0h )
| {z }
housing demand
housing supply
D0h (r0h )
e h −Ei ph )/rh
(v 0 )−1 (r0h )dFa dFµ
rental housing
Z Z ∞
−1 h
0 −1
e h − Ei ph )) dFa dFµ .
+ N0
e h −Ei ph )/rh
M 1+β(Ep
owner-occupied housing
= N0
The housing demand equation follows from equation (6) and equation (7). We determine
the shock’s effect on rents by totally differentiating equation (8) with respect to x at x = 0,
keeping current demand N0 constant. When the elasticity of housing demand D is constant, the resulting comparative static ∂ph0 /∂x adopts the simple form given in the following
proposition, which we prove in the Appendix.
Proposition 2. Consider the partial effect of the shock in which current demand N0 stays
constant but future house price expectations Ei ph1 change. The change in house prices averages the changes in the optimistic resident belief and the average belief:
e h
S + (1 − χ)D ∂β Ep
χD ∂βEph1
= 0 S
0 + D
S0 + D ∂x
e h = maxi Ei ph is the most optimistic belief, Eph =
Ei ph1 dFµ is the average belief,
where Ep
S0 is the elasticity of housing supply at time 0, D is the elasticity of housing demand, and
χ = 0 (hown
i,0 ) dFa /H0 is the share of housing that is owner-occupied when x = 0.
The weight on the optimistic belief in Proposition 2 represents the share, on the margin,
of the real estate market owned by speculators. The supply elasticity S0 represents land, and
(1 − χ)D represents rental housing. The remaining χD represents owner-occupied housing
and is the weight on the average owner-occupant belief. The average owner-occupant belief
coincides with the unconditional average belief because at x = 0, beliefs and tenure choice
are independent.
Proposition 2 yields four corollaries on the difference in belief aggregation across cities
and neighborhoods. Prices look more optimistic when the weight (S0 + (1 − χ)D )/(S0 + D )
is higher. This ratio is greater when the supply elasticity S0 is higher:
Corollary 2.1. Prices look more optimistic when the housing supply elasticity is higher, i.e.
in less developed cities.
Disagreement reverses the common intuition relating housing supply elasticity and movements in house prices. Elastic supply keeps prices low by allowing construction to respond
to demand shocks. But land constitutes a larger share of the real estate market when supply
is elastic. Speculators are drawn to the land markets, so elastic supply amplifies the role of
speculators in determining prices during periods of disagreement. When supply is perfectly
elastic, S0 = ∞ and prices reflect only the beliefs of these optimistic speculators:
Corollary 2.2. When housing supply is perfectly elastic, house prices incorporate only the
most optimistic beliefs; they reflect the beliefs of developers and not of owner-occupants.
Recent research has measured owner-occupant beliefs about the future evolution of house
prices.7 In cities with elastic housing supply, such as the cities motivating this paper, developer rather than owner-occupant beliefs determine prices. Data on the expectations of
homebuilders would supplement the research on owner-occupant beliefs to explain prices in
these elastic areas.
See Landvoigt (2014), Case, Shiller and Thompson (2012), Burnside, Eichenbaum and Rebelo (2014),
Soo (2013), Suher (2014), and Cheng, Raina and Xiong (2014).
Prices aggregate beliefs much better when housing supply is perfectly inelastic (S0 = 0)
and all housing is owner-occupied (χ = 1). In this case, the price change depends only on
the average belief Eph1 :
Corollary 2.3. When the housing stock is fixed and all housing is owner-occupied, prices
reflect the average belief about long-run growth.
In many settings, such as when investor information equals a signal plus mean zero noise,
prices reflect all information when they incorporate the average private belief of all investors.
Owner-occupied housing markets with a fixed housing stock display this property, even
though short-selling is impossible and residents persistently disagree. These frictions fail to
bias prices because homeownership remains dispersed among residents of all beliefs, due to
the utility flows that residents derive from housing.
The weight (S0 + (1 − χ)D )/(S0 + D ) on optimistic beliefs is also higher when χ is lower:
Corollary 2.4. Prices look more optimistic when a greater share of housing is rented.
Speculators own a greater share of the real estate market when the rental share 1 − χ is
higher. Prices bias towards optimistic beliefs in market segments where more of the housing
stock is rented.
The Cross-Section of City Experiences During the Boom
We derive a formula for the total effect of the shock z on house prices. This formula expresses
the house price boom as a function of the city’s level of development when the shock occurs.
Our analysis up to this point has explored the partial effect of how prices aggregate beliefs
Ei ph1 , without specifying how these beliefs are formed. To derive the total effect of the shock,
we express the changes in these beliefs in terms of city characteristics and the exogenous
demand process. Specifically, we calculate the partial derivative ∂ log ph0 /∂x holding all beliefs
fixed at µi = µ, and then use Proposition 2 to derive the total effect of the shock x on house
prices. As before, we evaluate derivatives at x = 0.8
At time 0, each resident expects the shock zt to raise log-demand at time t by µt x. The
resulting expected change in rents rth depends on the elasticities of supply and demand at
time t:
∂ log E0 rth
= S
t + D
Evaluating derivatives at x = 0 describes the model when construction occurs in each period. When x
is large enough and the shock z might mean-revert, a construction stop at t = 1 is possible and anticipated
by residents at t = 0. This feature of housing cycles distracts from our focus on housing booms and how
they vary across cities.
This equation follows from price theory. When a demand curve shifts up, a good’s price
increases by the inverse of the total elasticity of supply and demand. The total effects of
the shocks {zt } on the current house price ph0 follows from aggregating the above equation
t h
across all time periods, using the relation p0 = E0 ∞
t=0 β rt :
∂ log ph0
= S
+ D
P∞ t h S D −1
t h S
D −1
The mean persistence of the shock is µ = ∞
t=0 µt β rt (t + ) /
t=0 β rt (t + ) , and
S is the long-run supply elasticity given by the weighted harmonic mean of future supply
elasticities in the city:
βt rth
≡ − + P∞ t t=0
h S
D −1
t=0 β rt (t + )
The higher this long-run supply elasticity, the smaller the shock’s impact on current house
prices, holding µ fixed.
We now put together the two channels through which the shock changes prices. Equation
(11) expresses the price change that results when µ is known, and equation (10) describes
how prices aggregate residents’ heterogeneous beliefs about µ. Proposition 3 states the total
effect d log ph0 /dx, which we formally calculate in the Appendix.
Proposition 3. The total effect of the shock x on current house prices is
d log ph0
S0 + (1 − χ)D
e+ S
+ D}
0 + 0 + |
aggregate belief
S is the long-run supply elasticity, D is
where S0 is the current elasticity of housing supply, e
the elasticity of housing demand, χ is the share of housing that is owner-occupied, µ
e is the
mean persistence of the most optimistic belief about µ, and µ is the mean persistence of the
average belief.
Equation (12) is the key result of this paper. This equation expresses the size of a house
price boom in terms of observable city characteristics like supply and demand elasticities for
housing. By using different values for the parameters, we now predict which types of cities
experience the sharpest house price increases after a demand shock. We use these predictions
in Section 4 to explain the variation in price growth across cities between 2000 and 2006.
To start, equation (12) demonstrates how a city with perfectly elastic housing supply can
experience a house price boom. Housing supply is perfectly elastic when S0 = ∞. In this
case, the house price boom is µ
S + D ). This price increase is positive as long as the
long-run supply elasticity e
S is not also infinite.
Prediction 3. A house price boom occurs in a city where current housing supply is completely
elastic, construction costs are constant, and construction is instantaneous. Supply must be
inelastic in the future for such a price boom to occur.
In the Appendix, we prove that a limiting case exists in which S0 = ∞ while e
S < ∞.
A house price boom results from a shock to current demand accompanied by news of
future shocks. When supply is inelastic in the long run, these future shocks raise future
rents, and prices rise today to reflect this fact. This price change occurs even if supply is
perfectly elastic today, because residents anticipate the near future in which supply will not
be able to adjust as easily.
This supply condition—elastic short-run supply, inelastic long-run supply—occurs in
cities at an intermediate level of development. Figure 2(a) demonstrates the possible combinations of short-run and long-run supply elasticities in a city. We plot the pass-through
1/(S + D ); a higher pass-through corresponds to a lower elasticity. Lightly developed cities
have highly elastic short-run and long-run supply, and heavily developed cities have inelastic short-run and long-run supply. In the intermediate case, current supply is elastic while
long-run supply is inelastic, reflecting the near future of constrained supply.
Disagreement amplifies the house price boom the most in exactly these nearly developed
elastic cities. The amplification effect of disagreement equals the extent to which optimists
bias the price increase given in equation (12). When owner-occupancy frictions are present
(χ = 1), the difference between the price boom under disagreement and under the counterfactual in which all residents hold the average belief µ is
S + D
0 + D e
This amplification is largest in nearly developed elastic cities, where S0 is large and e
S is
small. Because this amplification increases in S0 and decreases in e
S , nearly developed elastic
cities provide the ideal condition for disagreement to amplify a house price boom.
Figure 2(b) plots the house price boom given by equation (12) across different levels of
city development, for both the case of disagreement and the case in which all residents hold
the average belief. The amplification effect of disagreement is the difference between the two
curves. Optimistic speculators amplify the price boom the most in the intermediate city.
Highly elastic short-run supply facilitates speculation in land markets, biasing prices towards
their optimistic belief. This bias significantly increases house prices because housing supply
is constrained in the near future. The optimism bias is smaller in the highly developed city.
As a result, price increases in intermediate cities are as large as the price boom in the highly
developed areas.
In fact, the price boom in some intermediate cities can exceed that in the highly developed
Comparative Statics with Respect to Level of Development
a) Supply Elasticity
Pass−Through of
Demand Shocks to Prices
Years of Development
b) Price Increase
Annualized Price Increase
With Disagreement
Without Disagreement
Years of Development
Notes: The parameters we use are µ
e = 1, µ = 0.2, x = 0.06, g = 0.013, D = 1, β = 0.936 , and l = 1.
We hold the amount of space S fixed and vary the initial trend demand N 0 . The x-axis reports annualized
trend demand given by log N 0 /g. (a) Short-run pass-through is 1/(S0 + D ); long-run pass-through is
S + D ). We calculate the rent and housing stock at each level of development using equation (A1)
in the Appendix, and then calculate the supply elasticities using equation (4). (b) Each curve reports
the derivative in equation (12) times x, which we calculate using the elasticities shown in Panel (a). The
e = 1 > µ = 0.2.
“without disagreement” counterfactual uses µ
e = µ = 0.2 instead of µ
cities. The parameters we use in Figure 2(b) generate an example of this phenomenon. This
surprising result reverses the conclusion of standard models of housing cycles, in which the
most constrained areas always experience the largest price increases. This reversal occurs
as long as owner-occupancy frictions are high and the extent of disagreement is sufficiently
Prediction 4. If disagreement and owner-occupancy frictions are large enough, then the
largest house price boom occurs in a city at an intermediate level of development. There
exists χ∗ < 1 and δ > 0 such that for χ∗ ≤ χ ≤ 1 and µ
e − µ ≥ δ, the price boom d log ph0 /dx
is strictly largest at an intermediate level of development N 0 < ∞.
The next prediction of equation (12) concerns why house price booms occur in some
elastic cities but not in others. Elastic cities are those for which S0 ≈ ∞. As shown in Figure
2(a), these cities differ in their long-run supply elasticity e
S . When e
S = ∞, the house price
boom d log ph0 /dx = 0. Prices remain flat because construction can freely respond to demand
shocks now and for the foreseeable future. House prices increase in elastic cities only when
the development constraint will make construction difficult in the near future:
Prediction 5. Consider two cities that experience the same demand shock and in which
current housing supply is perfectly elastic (S0 = ∞). House prices rise more in the city in
which the long-run supply elasticity e
S is lower.
Empirically, elastic cities could be distinguished based on the level of house prices and the
extent of development before the shock. Because house prices increase with development,
elastic cities nearing their development constraints should have higher house prices than
other elastic cities.
Finally, equation (12) predicts variation in house price increases within a city. A city’s
housing market consists of a number of market segments, which are subsets of the housing
market that attract distinct populations of residents. Because they attract distinct populations, we can analyze them using equation (12), which was formulated at the city-level. All
else equal, housing submarkets in which χ is higher experience smaller house price booms.
Recall that χ is the share of the housing stock that is owner-occupied rather than rented
when x = 0. It is a sufficient statistic for the distribution Fa of owner-occupancy utility.
When χ is larger, the price increase d log ph0 /dx is smaller:
∂ d log ph0
=− S
< 0.
∂χ dx
+ D
0 + e
This derivative is negative because the optimistic belief µ
e exceeds the average belief µ. We
summarize this result in our final prediction:
Prediction 6. Suppose market segments within a city differ only in χ, the relative share
of renters versus owner-occupants they attract (the shock x and the short-run and long-run
supply elasticities S0 and e
S are constant within a city). Then house price booms are smaller
in market segments where χ is larger.
Optimistic speculators hold rental housing, just as they hold land. Prices appear more
optimistic, and hence house price booms are larger, in market segments where a greater
share of housing is rented.
Stylized Facts of the U.S. Housing Boom and Bust
This section provides evidence in support of the model’s assumptions and tests its six empirical predictions using the U.S. housing boom that occurred between 2000 and 2006.
The Central Importance of Land Prices
A key assumption of the model is that housing supply is limited in the long run by development constraints. These constraints lead land prices to rise during a housing boom, as
developers anticipate the exhaustion of land. As a result, house prices and land prices rise
in unison.
Tracing house price increases to land prices distinguishes our model from “time-to-build.”
Traditionally, housing supply has been modeled as inelastic in the short run and elastic in
the long run (DiPasquale and Wheaton, 1994; Mayer and Somerville, 2000). This paradigm
described the U.S. housing market very well for a time. Topel and Rosen (1988) show that
essentially all variation in house prices between 1963 and 1983 in the United States came
from changes to the construction costs of structures. Temporary shortages of inputs needed
to build a house, such as drywall and skilled labor, could explain this pattern, with the
fluctuations in these input prices causing house price cycles.
Between 1983 and 2000, a secular shift occurred in housing supply in the United States.
Land prices became a much larger share of house prices (Davis and Heathcote, 2007), especially in certain cities (Davis and Palumbo, 2008). A large literature, surveyed by Gyourko
(2009), has attributed this change to the rise of government regulations restricting housing
supply. These rules bound city growth by limiting the number of building permits that are
issued to developers. When demand to live in the city rises, land prices increase because the
city cannot expand.
Developers in a city without supply restrictions today might expect them to arrive in the
future. Anticipating these regulatory changes, developers bid up land prices immediately
after a demand shock, even in the absence of current building restrictions. In such a city,
supply is elastic in the short run, but inelastic in the long run—it’s “arrested development.”
Under arrested development, a nationwide housing demand shock increases land prices
everywhere, not just in cities where regulations currently restrict supply. Land prices rise
even in areas with rapid construction. In contrast, time-to-build predicts construction cost
increases and not land price increases. If temporary input shortages are driving house prices,
then land prices, which are fully forward looking, should remain flat.
To assess the relative importance of land prices, we gather data on land prices and
construction costs at the city level between 2000 and 2006. We use land prices measured
directly from parcel transactions during this time. This approach contrasts with that used
by Davis and Heathcote (2007) and Davis and Palumbo (2008), who measure land prices
as the residual when construction costs are subtracted from house prices. A direct measure
of land prices addresses concerns that such residuals capture something other than land
prices between 2000 and 2006. The land price data we use are the indices constructed by
Nichols, Oliner and Mulhall (2013). Using land transaction data, they regress prices on
parcel characteristics and then derive city-level indices from the coefficients on city-specific
time dummies.
We measure construction costs using the R.S. Means construction cost survey. This
survey asks homebuilders in each city to report the marginal cost of building a square foot
of housing, including all labor and materials costs. Survey responses reflect real differences
across cities. In 2000, the lowest cost is $54 per square foot and the highest is $95; the mean
is $67 per square foot and the standard deviation is $9. This survey has been used to study
the time series and spatial variation in residential construction costs (Glaeser and Gyourko,
2005; Gyourko and Saiz, 2006; Gyourko, 2009).
When construction is positive, competition among homebuilders implies that house prices
must equal land prices plus construction costs: pht = plt + Kt . Log-differencing this equation
between 2000 and 2006 yields
∆ log ph = α∆ log pl + (1 − α)∆ log K,
where ∆ denotes the difference between 2000 and 2006 and α is land’s share of house prices
in 2000. The factor that matters more should vary more closely with house prices across
cities. Because α and 1 − α are less than 1, the critical factor should also rise more than
house prices do.
Figure 3 plots for each city the real growth in construction costs and land prices between
2000 and 2006 against the corresponding growth in house prices. Construction costs did rise
during this period, but they rose substantially less than land prices, and construction cost
increases display very little variation across cities. The time-to-build hypothesis, then, does
explain some of the level of house price increases in the U.S. during the boom, but none of
the cross-sectional variation. Land prices display the opposite pattern, rising substantially
Input Price and House Price Increases Across Cities, 2000-2006
Construction Costs
Land Prices
Input Price Increase
House Price Increase
Notes: We measure construction costs for each city using the R.S. Means survey figures for the marginal cost
of a square foot of an average quality home, deflated by the CPI-U. Gyourko and Saiz (2006) contains further
information on the survey. Land price changes come from the hedonic indices calculated in Nichols, Oliner and
Mulhall (2013) using land parcel transactions, and house prices come from the second quarter FHFA housing
price index deflated by the CPI-U. The figure includes all metropolitan areas with populations over 500,000 in
2000 for which we have data. For land prices, we have data for Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas,
Denver, Detroit, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix,
Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, and Washington D.C.
and exhibiting a high correlation with house prices. Each city’s land price increase also
exceeds its house price increase. This evidence underscores the central importance of land
prices for understanding the cross-section of the house price boom, and broadly supports the
relative contribution of arrested development over time-to-build.
Land Market Speculation by Homebuilders
The model makes two predictions about developers. First, during a boom optimistic developers amass land beyond construction needs. Second, this behavior is met by short-selling of
their equity. We examine both predictions among a class of developers for whom rich data are
publicly available: public homebuilders. We focus on the eight largest firms and hand-collect
landholding data from their annual financial statements between 2001 and 2010.9
Consistent with Prediction 1, the eight large firms we study nearly tripled their landholdings between 2001 and 2005, as shown in Figure 4(a). These land acquisitions far exceed
land needed for new construction. Annual home sales increased by 120,000 between 2001
and 2005, while landholdings increased by 1,100,000 lots. One lot can produce one house, so
landholdings rose more than nine times relative to home sales. In 2005, Pulte changed the
description of its business in its 10-K to say, “We consider land acquisition one of our core
competencies.” This language appeared until 2008, when it was replaced by, “Homebuilding
operations represent our core business.”
Having amassed large land portfolios, these firms subsequently suffered significant capital
losses. Figure 4(b) documents the dramatic rise and fall in the total market equity of these
homebuilders between 2001 and 2010. Homebuilder stocks rose 430% and then fell 74% over
this period. The majority of the losses borne by homebuilders arose from losses on the land
portfolios they accumulated from 2001 to 2005. In 2006, these firms began reporting writedowns to their land portfolios. At $29 billion, the value of the land losses between 2006 and
2010 accounts for 73% of the market equity losses over this time period. The homebuilders
bore the entirety of their land portfolio losses. The absence of a hedge against downside risk
supports the theory that homebuilder land acquisitions represented their optimistic beliefs.
It is hard to argue that this rise and fall of equity prices reflects any monopoly rents
homebuilders earned by building houses during this period. During the boom, homebuilding
was extremely competitive. Haughwout et al. (2012) document that the largest ten homebuilders had less than a 30% market share throughout the boom, with firms outside the
largest sixty constituting over half of market share. Although some consolidation occurred
between 2000 and 2006, these numbers portray an extremely competitive market. If anything, consolidation may reflect purchases by optimistic firms of pessimists who chose to
Our analysis complements Haughwout et al. (2012), an empirical study of the homebuilding industry
that presents similar facts from different data.
Supply-Side Speculation Among U.S. Public Homebuilders, 2001-2010
a) Land Holdings and Home Sales
b) Market Equity
Lots Controlled
Home Sales
Land Writedowns
c) Short Interest
Cumulative Density
Builders (7.4%)
Investment Banks (2.4%)
Average Short Ratio (%)
Notes: (a), (b) Data come from the 10-K filings of Centex, Pulte, Lennar, D.R. Horton, K.B. Homes,
Toll Brothers, Hovnanian, and Southern Pacific, the eight largest public U.S. homebuilders in 2001. “Lots
Controlled” equals the sum of lots directly owned and those controlled by option contracts. The cumulative
writedowns to land holdings between 2006 and 2010 among these homebuilders totals $29 billion. (c) Short
interest is computed as the ratio of shares currently sold short to total shares outstanding. Monthly data
series for shares short come from COMPUSTAT and for shares outstanding come from CRSP. We compute
mean short interest between 2000 and 2006 for each six-digit NAICS industry and plot the cumulative
distribution of these means. Builder stocks are classified as those with NAICS code 236117 and investment
bank stocks are those with NAICS code 523110.
abstain from land speculation.
Consistent with Prediction 2, these homebuilders witnessed heightened short-selling of
their equity during the boom. Figure 4(c) plots the distribution of the average monthly short
interest ratio, defined as the ratio of shares currently sold short to total shares outstanding,
across all industries between 2000 and 2006. The short interest of homebuilder stocks lies
in the 95th percentile, meaning that investors short-sold this industry more than nearly all
others during the boom. As a point of comparison, the short interest in homebuilders was
triple that in investment banks, another industry exposed to housing at this time. The short
interest in homebuilders provides direct evidence of disagreement over the value of their land
Several recent papers argue that optimism about house prices was widespread between
2000 and 2006. For instance, Foote, Gerardi and Willen (2012) document twelve facts
about the mortgage market during this time inconsistent with incentive problems between
borrowers and lenders, but consistent with beliefs of borrowers and lenders that house prices
would continue to rise. Case, Shiller and Thompson (2012) directly survey homeowners
during the boom and find that they expected continued appreciation in house prices over
the next decade, as opposed to the bust that eventually occurred. The disagreement our
model relies on is in fact consistent with such widepsread optimism. Homeowners and
investors can be optimistic on average, with dispersion in beliefs around this optimistic
mean. Furthermore, only the most optimistic investors price land in the model. Thus, a few
extraordinarily optimistic investors have a large price impact, even when nearly all people
agree about the future of house prices.
The Cross-Section of Cities
House price increases differed markedly across cities during the 2000-2006 U.S. housing
boom. Predictions 3 through 5 of the model derive house price increases as a function of city
development levels. We test these predictions by interpreting them as comparative statics
and then examining them against the empirical variation in house price increases across
cities. Not only are these predictions borne out, but they explain some of the most puzzling
aspects of this cross-city variation.
We document these puzzling cross-sectional facts using city-level house price and construction data. House price data come from the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s metropoli10
An earlier draft of this paper provided the time series of short interest in homebuilder stock from 2001
to 2010. Short interest rose from 2001 to 2006, but rose even further from 2006 to 2009. Homebuilder short
interest was highest as the bust was beginning. This peak may indicate that disagreement reached its peak
after the boom, complicating the idea that disagreement was high during the boom. Alternatively, the late
peak could indicate that shorting is more attractive for pessimists when they anticipate a bust in the near
tan statistical area quarterly house price indices. We measure the housing stock in each city
at an annual frequency by interpolating the U.S. Census’s decadal housing stock estimates
with its annual housing permit figures. Throughout, we focus on the 115 metropolitan areas
for which the population in 2000 exceeds 500,000. The boom consists of the period between
2000 and 2006, matching the convention in the literature to use 2006 as the end point (Mian,
Rao and Sufi, 2013).11
Figure 5(a) plots construction and house price increases across cities. The house price
increases vary enormously across cities, ranging from 0% to 125% over this brief six-year
period. The largest price increases occurred in two groups of cities. The first group, which
we call the Anomalous Cities, consists of Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and inland California.
The other large price increases happened in the Inelastic Cities, which comprise Boston,
Providence, New York, Philadelphia, and the west coast of the United States.
The history of construction and house prices in the Anomalous Cities before 2000 constitutes the first puzzle. As shown in Figures 5(b) and 5(c), from 1980 to 2000 these cities
provided clear examples of very elastic housing markets in which prices stay low through
rapid construction activity. Construction far outpaced the U.S. average while house prices
remained constant. In a model like Glaeser, Gyourko and Saiz (2008), in which each city is
characterized by a constant housing supply elasticity, the subsequent surge in house prices
in these cities is impossible. Perfectly elastic supply should meet whatever housing demand
shock arrived in 2000 with higher construction, holding down house prices.
Our model explains this pattern by distinguishing short-run and long-run housing supply
elasticities. Prediction 3 tells us that prices do rise in a city with perfectly elastic short-run
supply, as long as supply becomes inelastic soon. Figure 1 demonstrates long-run barriers
in Las Vegas. More broadly, the land price increases across the country shown in Figure 3
indicate the presence of these constraints in other cities, or at least developers’ anticipation
of them.
The second puzzle is that the price increases in the Anomalous Cities were as large as
those in the Inelastic Cities. The Inelastic Cities consist of markets where house prices rise
because regulation and geography prohibit construction from absorbing higher demand. We
document this relationship in Figures 5(b) and 5(c), which show that construction in these
cities was lower than the U.S. average before 2000 while house price growth greatly exceeded
the U.S. average. As shown in Figure 5(a), house prices increased as much in the Anomalous
Cities as they did in the Inelastic Cities.
Davidoff (2013) also documents these facts, and we use his approach of comparing construction and house
prices before 2000 to during the boom. Gao, Sockin and Xiong (2015) show that price growth during the boom
display a non-monotonic relationship with respect to Saiz (2010)’s measures of long-run supply elasticity.
They develop a model in which intermediate levels of supply elasticity impede information aggregation in
housing markets, leading the intermediate cities to experience the greatest house price volatility.
The U.S. Housing Boom and Bust Across Cities
a) Price Increases and Construction, 2000-2006
Cumulative Price Increase
Anomalous Cities
Inelastic Cities
Annual Housing Stock Growth
b) Historic Construction
c) Historic Prices
Anomalous Cities
U.S. Average
Inelastic Cities
Anomalous Cities
U.S. Average
Inelastic Cities
Notes: Anomalous Cities include those in Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and inland California. Inelastic Cities
are Boston, Providence, New York, Philadelphia, and all cities on the west coast of the United States. We
measure the housing stock in each city at an annual frequency by interpolating the U.S. Census’s decadal
housing stock estimates with its annual housing permit figures. House price data come from the second
quarter FHFA house price index deflated by the CPI-U. The figure includes all metropolitan areas with
populations over 500,000 in 2000 for which we have data. (a) The cumulative price increase is the ratio of
the house price in 2006 to the house price in 2000. The annual housing stock growth is the log difference in
the housing stock in 2006 and 2000 divided by six. (b), (c) Each series is an average over cities in a group
weighted by the city’s housing stock in 2000. Construction is annual permitting as a fraction of the housing
stock. Prices represent the cumulative returns from 1980 on the housing in each group.
This pattern poses a puzzle for models without disagreement. All else equal, less elastic
supply should cause higher price increases. Thus it is odd that the price booms in the
Inelastic Cities did not exceed those elsewhere by a significant margin.
Prediction 4 explains the pattern. As long as disagreement is large enough, the same
demand shock raises prices more in cities at an intermediate level of development than in
cities where supply is already very inelastic. According to our model, land availability in
the Anomalous Cities facilitated speculation and thus amplified the increase in house prices.
Less undeveloped land existed in the Inelastic Cities, so this amplification effect was smaller
there. Evidence of disagreement during the boom comes from the stylized facts about public
homebuilders in Section 4.2.
The final puzzle is that some elastic cities built housing quickly during the boom but,
unlike the Anomalous Cities, experienced stable house prices. These cities appear in the
bottom-right corner of Figure 5(a), and are located mostly in the southeastern United States
(e.g., Texas and North Carolina).12 Their construction during the boom quantitatively
matches that in the Anomalous Cities, but the price changes are significantly smaller. Why
was rapid construction able to hold down house prices in some cities and not others?
Prediction 5 explains that what distinguishes these cities are their long-run supply elasticities. A city can have perfectly elastic short-run supply, yet its long-run supply is indeterminate. Some of these short-run elastic cities face constraints soon while others do not.
Cities approaching barriers in the near future have inelastic long-run supply and experience
house price increases; cities with elastic long-run supply do not witness price increases. The
model’s explanation of Figure 5(a) is that the Anomalous Cities are the ones approaching
the long-run constraints, whereas the cities in the bottom right did not face development
barriers in the foreseeable future.
Some evidence on these elastic cities comes from the financial statements of Pulte, one
of the homebuilders studied in Section 4.2. In a February 2004 presentation to investors,
Pulte listed several of the Anomalous Cities as “supply constrained markets you may not
have expected”: West Palm Beach, Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Myers, Sarasota, and Las Vegas
(Chicago was also listed). In contrast, Pulte stated that Texas was “the only area of the
country without supply constraints in some form,” and listed many of the non-anomalous
elastic cities (Atlanta, Charlotte, and Denver) as “not supply constrained overall,” although
“supply issues in preferred submarkets” were noted.13 The slides are presented in the Appendix.14
The cities with annual housing stock growth above 2% and cumulative price increases below 25% are
Atlanta, Austin, Charlotte, Colorado Springs, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Des Moines, Fort Collins, Fort
Worth, Houston, Indianapolis, Lexington, Nashville, Ogden, Raleigh, and San Antonio.
Other cities with supply constraints only in submarkets were Phoenix, Jacksonville, Detroit, and Minneapolis.
The Pulte slides provide narrative support for some of the other assumptions and predictions of the
An alternate explanation for these facts is that the Anomalous Cities simply experienced
much larger demand growth between 2000 and 2006 than the rest of the country. Abnormally
large demand growth would increase prices and construction, leading the Anomalous Cities
to occupy the top-right part of Figure 5(a).15 While our discussion above considers the case
of a common demand shock, Figure 5 makes it clear that demand growth did differ across
cities. If all cities experienced the same demand growth, then there would be no cluster of
cities in the bottom left. These cities likely saw low price growth and construction because
demand was flat during this time. The experiences of these cities raise the possibility that the
Anomalous Cities saw abnormally large demand growth just as these cities saw abnormally
small growth.16
We examine whether the Anomalous Cities experienced abnormally large demand shocks,
and whether these large shocks are sufficient to account for the extreme price movements
in these cities. Mian and Sufi (2009) argue that the shock was the expansion of credit to
low-income borrowers. It is possible that this shock affected the Anomalous Cities more
than the rest of the nation, for instance because they contained greater shares of low income individuals, and that this greater exposure to the shock led to abnormally large price
increases. To address this possibility, we calculate the house price booms that would be predicted from each city’s supply elasticity and relevant demographics in 2000. Figure 6 plots
the actual house price growth against the predicted price growth for each city in Figure 5(a).
The Anomalous Cities remain clear outliers. Abnormal demand growth from low-income
borrowers does not explain the extreme experiences of these cities.
We construct the predicted price increases in the following manner. Suppose that between
2000 and 2006, each city experienced a permanent increase in log housing demand equal to
xj . From Proposition 3, the resulting increase in house prices equals
∆ log phj =
+ D
where e
Sj is city j’s housing supply elasticity, and D is the (minus) elasticity of housing
demand. Mian and Sufi (2009) show that the following demographic variables predict the
presence of subprime borrowers at the ZIP-code level: household income (negatively), poverty
model. Pulte stated that “[Anti-growth efforts] are not new for heavily populated areas (Northeast, California) but now are widespread across the country.” This statement indicates that at least one major
developer—the largest public homebuilder at the time—recognized the rise of supply restrictions throughout
the country, consistent with our assumption of finite long-run land supply.
Another explanation is that the value of the option, described by Titman (1983) and Grenadier (1996),
to develop land with different types of housing may have been largest in the anomalous cities, but many of
these areas consist of homogeneous sprawl (Glaeser and Kahn, 2004), lessening this concern.
Section 3 was silent on the model’s predictions for construction. We analyze these predictions in the
Appendix. The cross-sectional construction predictions are much more sensitive to variation in the demand
elasticity across cities, which is why we have focused on implications for price growth instead.
Anomalous Cities and Differential Demand Shocks, 2000-2006
Actual Price Growth (%)
Anomalous Cities
Inelastic Cities
45-Degree Line
Predicted Price Growth (%)
Notes: This plot compares actual price growth during the boom to predicted price growth as a function
of city level demographics, where predicted price growth proxies for differential demand shocks. Actual
price growth is the log change in the second quarter FHFA house price index deflated by the CPI-U. We
compute predicted price growth from a cross sectional regression of actual price growth on a set of city
level demographics: log population, log of median household income, percent white, percent white and not
hispanic, percent with less than 9th grade education, percent with less than 12th grade education, percent
unemployed, and percent of families under the poverty line. Demographics come from the 2000 Census.
rate, fraction with less than high school education, and fraction nonwhite. We measure these
variables at the metropolitan area level in the 2000 U.S. Census, and use them to predict
the unobserved shock xj . We denote this vector of demographics, plus a constant and
log population, by dj . Under the null hypothesis that these demographics alone predict
the shock, we may write xj = βdj + ηj , where β is the same across cities, and dj ⊥ ηj .
Substituting this expression into equation (13) yields the estimating equation
Sj + D )∆ log phj = βdj + ηj .
Estimating β using this equation allows us to calculate the house price boom predicted
by the supply elasticity e
Sj and the demographics dj . In equation (14), the left represents the
house price increase adjusted by the elasticity of supply, while βdj is the housing demand
shock predicted by the city’s exposure to subprime. We use Saiz (2010)’s supply elasticity
estimates for e
Sj , and a value of 0.6 for the housing demand elasticity D . This value lies in
the range of estimates calculated by Hanushek and Quigley (1980). Using these data, we
produce an estimate βb using ordinary least squares on equation (14). The resulting house
price boom predicted from demographics and supply elasticity equals
E ∆ log phj | dj , e
Sj =
b j
Sj + D
In theory, these predicted price increases could have lined up well with the actual increases
in the Anomalous Cities. This alignment would have held if the subprime demographics
predicted the shocks, these cities were very exposed to subprime, and their housing supply
were inelastic enough. This story fails to explain the anomalous house price booms, which
experienced higher price growth despite elastic supply and even conditioning on observable
drivers of demand. Furthermore, the growth in subprime credit was widespread, with highhousing supply elasticity cities experiencing large expansions in subprime credit without
house price growth (Mian and Sufi, 2009, Table VII).
Variation in House Price Booms Within Cities
The model also predicts larger price increases in market segments within a city that attract
more renters than owners (Prediction 6). A sufficient statistic for this effect is χ, the share
of the housing stock that is rented. Prediction 6 holds only when supply elasticities and
demand growth do not vary across market segments. This “all else equal” assumption is
unlikely to hold empirically, so our discussion focuses on the conceptual predictions about
within-city variation made by the model.
We first consider variation in χ across neighborhoods. Neighborhoods provide an example
of market segments because they differ in the amenities they offer. For instance, some
areas offer proximity to restaurants and nightlife, while others provide access to good public
schools. These amenities appeal to different groups of residents. Variation in amenities
hence leads χ to vary across space. Neighborhoods whose amenities appeal relatively more
to owner-occupants (high a residents) than to renters (low a residents) are characterized by
a higher value of χ.
Consistent with Prediction 6, house prices increased more between 2000 and 2006 in
neighborhoods where χ was lower in 2000. We obtain ZIP-level data on χ from the U.S.
Census, which reports the share of occupied housing that is owner-occupied, as opposed to
rented, in each ZIP code in 2000. χ varies considerably within cities. Its national mean is
0.71 and standard deviation is 0.17, while the R2 of regressing χ on city fixed-effects is only
0.12. We calculate the real increase in house prices from 2000 to 2006 using’s
ZIP-level house price indices. We regress this price increase on χ and city fixed-effects, and
find a negative and highly significant coefficient of −0.10 (0.026), where the standard error
is clustered at the city level.
However, this negative relationship between χ and price increases may not be causal.
Housing demand shocks in the boom were larger in neighborhoods with a lower value of χ.
The housing boom resulted from an expansion of credit to low-income households (Mian and
Sufi, 2009; Landvoigt, Piazzesi and Schneider, 2015), and ZIP-level income strongly covaries
with χ.17 Furthermore, a city-wide demand shock might raise house prices most strongly
in cheap areas due to gentrification dynamics (Guerrieri, Hartley and Hurst, 2013), and χ
covaries positively with the level of house prices within a city.
The appeal of χ is that it predicts price increases in any housing boom in which there
is disagreement about future fundamentals. In general, χ predicts price increases because it
is negatively correlated with speculation, not because it is correlated with demand shocks.
Empirical work can test Prediction 6 by examining housing booms in which the shocks are
independent from χ.
The second approach to measuring χ is to exploit variation across different types of
housing structures. According to the U.S. Census, 87% of occupied detached single-family
houses in 2000 were owner-occupied rather than rented. In contrast, only 14% of occupied
multifamily housing was owner-occupied. According to Prediction 6, the enormous difference
in χ between these two types of housing causes a larger price boom in multifamily housing,
all else equal.
This result squares with accounts of heightened investment activity in multifamily housing during the boom.18 For instance, a consortium of investors—including the Church of Eng17
The IRS reports the median adjusted gross income at the ZIP level. We take out city-level means, and
the resulting correlation with χ is 0.40.
Bayer et al. (2015) develop a method to identify speculators in the data. A relevant extension of their
land and California’s pension fund CalPERS—purchased Stuyvesant Town & Peter Cooper
Village, Manhattan’s largest apartment complex, for a record price of $5.4 billion in 2006.
Their investment went into foreclosure in 2010 as the price of this complex sharply fell
(Segel et al., 2011). Multifamily housing attracts speculators because it is easier to rent
out than single-family housing. During periods of uncertainty, optimistic speculators bid up
multifamily house prices and cause large price booms in this submarket.
In this paper, we argue that speculation explains an important part of housing cycles. Speculation amplifies house price booms by biasing prices toward optimistic valuations. We
document the central importance of land price increases for explaining the U.S. house price
boom between 2000 and 2006. These land price increases resulted from speculation directly
in the land market. Consistent with this theory, homebuilders significantly increased their
land investments during the boom and then suffered large capital losses during the bust.
Many investors disagreed with this optimistic behavior and short-sold homebuilder equity
as the homebuilders were buying land.
Our emphasis on speculation allows us to explain aspects of the boom that are at odds
with existing theories of house prices. Many of the largest price increases occurred in cities
that were able to build new houses quickly. This fact poses a problem for theories that
stress inelastic housing supply as the source of house price booms. But it sits well with our
theory, which instead emphasizes speculation. Undeveloped land facilitates speculation due
to rental frictions in the housing market. In our model, large price booms occur in elastic
cities facing a development barrier in the near future.
Our approach also makes some new predictions. Price booms are larger in submarkets
within a city where a greater share of housing is rented. Although we presented some evidence
for this prediction, further empirical work is needed to test it more carefully.
work would be to look at the types of housing speculators invest in.
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Micro-foundation of owner-occupancy utility. We present a moral hazard framework in
which ownership utility matches the specification of equation (2). Our framework follows the spirit
of Henderson and Ioannides (1983)’s treatment of tenure choice, in which maintenance frictions
lead some residents to own instead of rent.
Housing must be maintained while it is occupied, or else it yields 0 utility for the tenant.
There are two ways to maintain housing. “Tenant maintenance” allows the resident to keep up the
property while customizing its features, choosing, for example, the color of the walls, the way the
lawn is cut, et cetera. The set of possible customizations is K. Resident i’s utility from housing
customized as k ∈ K is v(ai,k h), where ai,k > 0 is his preference for k. Individual customization
choices are not contractible, but the right to customize one’s house is. If a landlord retains the
customization rights, then the tenant cannot customize the house. Moral hazard arises due to a
doomsday customization k = d. This customization incurs a cost ηd (h) to the owner of the house.
All residents prefer this customization to all others: d = arg maxk∈K ai,k . However, the costs of d
outweigh the benefits: for all i and h,
v(ai,d h) < ηd (h).
The doomsday customization represents the proclivity of residents to damage a house when they
do not bear the costs of doing so.
A house can also be maintained at “arms-length,” in which case a common, one-size-fits-all
approach is used that yields the tenant utility v(h). Tradesmen with expertise in arms-length
maintenance can maintain housing at no marginal cost to themselves. Tenants do not possess
this expertise, and their cost to engage in arms-length maintenance on h units of housing equals
ηa (h). This cost exceeds the benefit of maintaining the property: ηa (h) > v(h) − v(0) for all h.
Arms-length maintenance is not contractible: if a property owner hires a tradesman to perform the
maintenance, the tradesman can shirk and the owner has no recourse. As a result, all landlords
who rent out housing are tradesmen themselves (or are firms with in-house tradesmen).
In equilibrium, the utility from renting h equals v(h). Note that the landlord will never sell the
customization rights to the tenants. Suppose the landlord sells the rights. Then the tenant chooses
his preferred customization, without taking into account the resultant costs, which the landlord
bears. The tenant therefore chooses k = d. Knowing this, the landlord demands at least ηd (h)
for the customization rights. But the most the tenant is willing to pay is v(ai,d h) − v(h), which
is less than ηd (h). Therefore they agree not to trade. The landlord keeps the rights, and employs
arms-length customization, leading the utility from renting to be v(h).
Now consider the case of owner-occupants. An owner-occupant may choose the customization,
but also bears the costs if he chooses k = d. Let k(i) denote the solution to his optimization problem
maxk∈K v(ai,k h) − ηd (h)1k=d . Due to the costliness of the doomsday customization, the resident
never chooses it: k(i) 6= d. Indeed, if k 0 is any other customization, then v(ai,k0 h) > v(ai,d h) − ηd (h)
due to the above inequality. We define ai ≡ ai,k(i) . The utility from owning and engaging in tenant
maintenance therefore equals v(ai h). This form corresponds exactly to equation (2). An owneroccupant could theoretically engage in arms-length maintenance instead, but would only make that
choice if ηa (h) < v(h) − v(ai h), which is never the case because ai > 0 and the inequality above on
ηa . The owner-occupant also chooses not to hire a tradesman to perform arms-length maintenance
because this agreement is not contractible and the tradesman will shirk.
Proof of Lemma 1. First we prove that construction occurs in each period. Construction
occurs at time 0 because the housing stock starts at 0, and the housing demand equation (9) is
positive. For a contradiction, let t1 > 0 denote the first period in which construction does not
occur. Let t2 > t1 denote the next time construction occurs (t2 may be infinite).
We now claim that rth > rth1 −1 for t1 ≤ t < t2 . Along the trend growth path, x = 0, so no
uncertainty exists and by equation (7), a resident rents if and only if ai < 1. Because Fa has full
support on R+ , some residents must rent. Landlords hence exist in equilibrium, and their arbitrage
equation pht = rth + βpht+1 holds. Aggregate housing demand resulting from the first-order condition
(6) is
Z 1
Z ∞
0 −1 h
0 −1 h
h h
(v ) (rt /ai )/ai dFa .
(v ) (rt )dFa +
Dt (rt ) = Nt
By assumption, the housing stock and hence housing demand is the same for t1 − 1 ≤ t < t2 .
Equation (A1) decreases in rth because v 00 < 0. Because x = 0 and g > 0, Nt increases with t.
The left side of equation (A1) stays constant for t1 − 1 ≤ t < t2 while Nt increases. Therefore, rt
increases for t1 − 1 ≤ t < t2 .
Because construction occurs at t1 − 1, we have pht1 −1 = plt1 −1 + K, which results from zero
homebuilder profits. Zero construction at t1 can only occur when pht1 ≤ plt1 + K, from homebuilder
profit maximization. The landlord and landowner arbitrage equations at t1 − 1 deliver rth1 −1 ≥
rtl1 −1 + (1 − β)K. The quantity of undeveloped land stays constant for t1 − 1 ≤ t < t2 and hence rtl
does as well, because firm land demand Dl does not change over time. Therefore rth > rtl + (1 − β)K
for t1 ≤ t < t2 . Then
pht1 =
β t−t1 rth + β t2 −t1 pht2 >
β t−t1 (rtl + (1 − β)K) + β t2 −t1 (plt2 + K) = plt + K,
t1 ≤t<t2
t1 ≤t<t2
which contradicts the zero construction inequality pht1 ≤ plt + K. This contradiction proves that
construction occurs at all times t.
We now show that rents rth increase over time. Because construction occurs at all t, pht = plt + K
for all t. Undeveloped land must always exist because perpetual construction occurs. Therefore,
landowners are indifferent between holding land until tomorrow or selling it, so plt = rtl + βplt+1 .
Together with the landlord arbitrage equation, this equation gives rth = pht − βpht+1 = plt + K −
β(plt+1 + K) = rtl + (1 − β)K. Equilibrium rents are determined by S − Dl (rth − (1 − β)K) = Dth (rth ),
where housing demand comes from equation (A1). The left side increases in rth , whereas the right
side deceases. Nt increases over time, which shifts up Dth . Therefore rth increases as well.
Finally, we can show directly that the supply elasticity decreases over time. The elasticity by
definition is
rth (Dl )0 (rth − (1 − β)K)
Dl (rth ) rtl (Dl )0 (rtl )
t =
= h
= h
− 1 l ,
S − Dl (rth − (1 − β)K)
rt − (1 − β)K Dth (rth ) Dl (rtl )
rt − (1 − β)K Ht
which coincides with equation (4). We have shown directly that Ht and rth increase over time.
Therefore, when l is constant, St decreases over time.
e h . Let ∂/∂x denote
Proof of Proposition 2. We use equation (5) to write ph0 = r0h + β Ep
e h /∂x. We
the partial derivative in which N0 stays constant. Then ∂ph0 /∂x = ∂r0h /∂x + ∂β Ep
calculate ∂r0 /∂x by differentiating equation (8) at x = 0. Let d(·) = (v ) (·), and let bi =
e h − Ei ph )/rh . Note that when x = 0, bi = 1 for all i. Then
1 + β(Ep
l 0 ∂r0
− (D )
(r0h ) 0 dFa dFµ
M 0
Z Z ∞
e h ∂βEi ph
∂r0h ∂β Ep
−2 0 h
d(r0h )
ai d (r0 /ai )
dFa dFµ − N0
+ N0
dFµ .
M 1
= N0
+ N0
d(r0h )
The extensive margins terms for the rental and owner-occupied populations cancel. We simplify
this equation to
R R ∞ −2 0
e h /∂x − ∂βEi ph /∂x dFa dFµ
M 1
R R1
R R ∞ −2
(D ) + N0
d0 (r0h )dFa dFµ + N0
ai d0 (r0h /ai )dFa dFµ
The proposition assumes a constant elasticity of housing demand D . This property occurs
when individual demand d(·) displays the same constant elasticity. Indeed, from equation (A1),
the elasticity of housing demand when x = 0 is
R ∞ −2 0
R1 0
0 rd (r)dFa + 1 rai d (r/ai )dFa
= − R1
R ∞ −1
which holds when rd0 (r)/d(r) = −D for all r. We can therefore rewrite ∂r0h /∂x as
R R ∞ −1 h
e h /∂x − ∂βEi ph /∂x dFa dFµ
M 1
R R ∞ −1 h
R R1
d(r0 )dFa dFµ + N0
ai d(r0 /ai )dFa dFµ
r0 (D ) + N0
Because Fa and Fµ are independent, we can write
Z Z ∞
Z ∞
i 1
Ei ph1 dFµ =
i d(r0 /ai )dFa Ep1 ,
where Eph1 ≡ M Ei ph1 dFµ is the average belief about ph1 . Recall from equation (A1) that (hrent
i,0 ) =
d(r0h ) if ai < 1 (and 0 otherwise) and (hown
i,0 ) = d(r0 /ai )/ai if ai ≥ 1 (and 0 otherwise). The share
R ∞ −1 h
of housing that is owner-occupied is χ = 1 ai d(r0 /ai )dFa /( 0 d(r0h )dFa + 1 a−1
i d(r0 /ai )dFa ).
We can therefore divide through the equation for ∂r0h /∂x by the total housing stock to get
D χ ∂β Ep
e h /∂x − ∂βEph /∂x
0 + D
e h /∂x yields equation (10) of the proposition.
Substituting into ∂ph0 /∂x = ∂r0h /∂x + ∂β Ep
Proof of Proposition 3. We will calculate the effect of the shock zt on rth by differentiating
the equation S − Dl (rth − (1 − β)K) = Dth (rth ) with respect to x at x = 0, where Dth (rth ) is given by
equation (A1). This derivative is valid if and only if this equilibrium condition holds for x around 0.
The condition holds as long as construction occurs at t. Our first task is thus proving the existence
of an open set I ∈ R such that 0 ∈ I and for x ∈ I, construction occurs for all t.
As in the proof of Lemma 1, we can prove that construction must occur at t1 if, conditional on
the absence of construction at t1 , rt > rth1 −1 for t1 ≤ t < t2 where t2 is the next time construction
occurs. The key step in that proof was that Nt increases with t. We define an open set I1 containing
0 such that Nt still increases in t for x ∈ I1 . Because M is uniformly bounded, there exist µmin
and µmax such that µmin ≤ µ0 ≤ µmax for all µ0 that are coordinates of vectors in M . Recall that
Nt+1 /Nt = eg+(µt+1 −µt )x . Because g > 0, the set I1 = −g/(µmax − µmin ), g/(µmax − µmin ) is
open. For any x ∈ I1 , Nt+1 /Nt > 1. With this result, the proof of this increasing rent condition
matches verbatim the proof given in the proof of Lemma 1 when t1 > 1. When t1 = 1, Dth1 −1 is no
longer given by equation (A1) but instead by equation (9).
The only new fact we must show therefore is that if construction fails to occur at t = 1,
e h
then rP
0 < r1 . To do this, we first show that Ep1 − Ei p1 = O(x) as x → 0 for all i. We have
p1 = t=1 β rt . All residents agree on H0 and N0 because they are observable at t = 0. Let t2
be the next time construction occurs given H0 . Once it occurs it will occur afterward forever due
to the arguments in the proof of Lemma 1. In principle, residents could disagree about t2 , but we
will now show that for x small enough they do not. While construction does not occur, rents are
determined by H0 = Nt Dth (rth ) and S − H0 = Dl (rtl ). Because Nt increases over time, rth must as
well. When construction occurs next period but not today at t, pht < plt + K while pht+1 = plt+1 + K,
so using the landlord and landowner arbitrage equations defined in the proof of Lemma 1, we find
that (Dth )−1 (H0 /Nt ) < (Dl )−1 (S − H0 ) + (1 − β)K while construction fails to occur. The first time
construction does occur, t = t2 , is defined as the lowest value of t for which this inequality fails
to hold. Because we are in discrete time, and because the relationships Nt = N0 egt+(µt −1)x and
µmin ≤ µt ≤ µmax hold, there exists an open I2 3 0 such that when x ∈ I2 , t2 is the same for all
realizations of µ ∈ M . For 1 ≤ t < t2 , rth is the solution to H0 = Nt Dth (rth ), and for t ≥ t2 , rth
solves S − Dl (rth − (1 − β)K) = Nt Dth (rth ). In each case, because Nt = N0 egt+(µt −1)x , the resulting
rth is a differentiable function of x for any value of µt and is the same at x = 0 for any value of µt .
e h − Ei rh = O(x) as x → 0 for all i, and the same then holds for ph .
Therefore, Er
We now return to showing that if construction fails to occur at t = 1, then r0h < r1h . Using
equation (9), we write D0h (r0h ) = N0 f0 (r0h ), and using equation (A1), we write D1h (r1h ) = N1 f1 (r1h ).
Without construction at t = 1, we have N0 f0 (r0h ) = N1 f1 (r1h ). Note from equation (9) and equation
e h − Ei ph = O(x) as x → 0 for
(A1) that f0 = f1 + O(x) as x → 0; this fact follows because Ep
all i. Using N1 = N0 eg+(µ1 −1)x , we can conclude that eg+(µ1 −1)x f1 (r1h ) = f1 (r0h ) + O(x) as x → 0.
Because eg+(µ1 −1)x > 1 as x → 0 and f1 is decreasing, there exists an open I3 3 0 such that for
x ∈ I3 , r1h > r10 . This inequality is what we needed to show to prove that construction occurs at
time 1, which is all that remained to prove that construction always occurs. We set I = I1 ∩ I2 ∩ I3 .
All of that proved that for t > 0, the effect of the shock zt on rth results from differentiating the
equation S−Dl (rth −(1−β)K) = Dth (rth ) with respect to x at x = 0. Doing so yields −(Dl )0 drth /dx =
µt Dth + (Dth )0 drth /dx, from which it follows that drth /dx = −µt Dth /((Dl )0 + (Dth )0 ) = µt rth /(St + D ).
Similarly, the partial effect of the shock on current rents r0h , holding beliefs constant and letting N0
change, is ∂r0h /∂x = r0h /(S0 + D ). Putting together this partial effect with the one in Proposition
2 yields
∞ S
0 + (1 − χ)D
β t rth
= S 0 D+
0 + +
where µ
et is the most optimistic belief of µt and µt is the average belief of µt . Because all residents
agree that µ0 = 1, we may rewrite this expression as
S0 + (1 − χ)D
S0 + D
S0 + S t
β t rth
St + S
The text defines the mean persistence of the shock µ to be µ =
t=0 µt β
t r h (S
t t
+ D )−1 /
+ D )−1 . We use this definition, and divide through by p0 =
holds at x = 0, to derive
t=0 β
t r h (S
t t
i=0 β
t rh ,
∞ S
0 + (1 − χ)D
β t rth
S0 + D
S0 + S
St + S
0 + (1 − χ)D
S + D
S0 + D
S0 + S
d log ph0
β t rth
where we have used the definition of the long-run supply elasticity e
S given in the text. This
equation for d log ph0 /dx matches equation (12) in Proposition 3.
Proof of Prediction 3. We demonstrate a limiting case in which S0 = ∞ while e
S < ∞. Let
Dl (r) = br− for some constant b > 0. Consider the limit as b → 0. We know that rth ≥ (1 − β)K
because rth = rtl + (1 − β)K and rtl ≥ 0. Define N ∗ to be the value of Nt that solves the equation
S = Dth ((1 − β)K), where Dth is given by equation (A1). For Nt < N ∗ , housing demand fails to
exceed available land at the minimum rent, and there is no demand for land in the limit, so the
market clearing rent must be rth = (1 − β)K while Ht < S. By equation (4), St = ∞ in this case.
But for Nt > N ∗ , demand exceeds supply at the minimum rent, so rth > (1 − β)K and Ht > 0,
leading to a finite elasticity. Since Nt grows at a constant rate g, for any Nt < N ∗ we have S0 = ∞
but e
S < ∞.
Proof of Prediction 4. When χ = 1, the limit as N 0 → ∞ of d log ph0 /dx is µ/D . For any
0 < N 0 < ∞, we can choose µ
e to be large enough so that the price change given by equation (12)
is larger than µ/ , because this price change becomes arbitrarily large with µ
e. By continuity, we
can do the same for some χ < 1.
Construction analysis. By the definition of supply elasticity, the change in the log housing
stock is S0 d log r0h /dx. The total effect of the shock on rents combines the effect in the end of the
proof of Proposition 2 and the direct effect of the shock on N0 derived in the proof of Proposition
e h ∂x − ∂βEph /∂x)/(S + D ). We substitute in for the
3. It is dr0h /dx = r0h /(S0 + D ) − χD (∂β Ep
beliefs from the Proof of Proposition 3 and divide through by r0h , and then multiply by S0 to get
d log H0
= S
1− S
µ − µ) ,
+ D
0 + D
where ρ ≡ ph0 /r0h is the price-rent ratio of the city before the shock at x = 0.
Equation (A2) shows that disagreement reduces the construction response to the shock. The
greater is µ
e − µ, the less the housing stock expands as a result of x. Furthermore, strong enough
disagreement leads the shock to decrease the housing stock, as the derivative is negative. As long as
trend growth g is large enough, positive construction still occurs, but the shock lowers construction
relative to what would have happened without the shock. The average homebuyer disagrees with
optimistic beliefs, and hence more optimism leads to less housing demanded and less construction.
The strength of this effect depends on the elasticity of demand D . If demand is very inelastic,
then D is small and the disagreement attenuation term diminishes in importance. Inelastic demand
makes it harder to explain the cross-section of cities, as inelastic demand amplifies the price increases
in the highly developed cities, making it harder to explain how intermediate cities experience the
largest price growth. Demand elasticities may differ across areas. For instance, a utility function
without a constant elasticity might lead demand to be more elastic at higher prices. This pattern
could allow inelastic demand in the intermediate cities and elastic demand in the highly developed
ones, allowing the model to more easily explain the cross-section of prices as well as quantities.
Land Supply Slides from Pulte’s 2004 Investor Conference
Notes: Slides excerpted from a presentation by Pulte Homes, Inc., on February 26, 2004, to investors and
disclosed under SEC Regulation FD requirements. Last accessed on March 15, 2015, at