BANK BEOTHEES` STOEE `• ••f:\yt`-::`-:^^^Sf`^^
BANK BEOTHEES` STOEE `• ••f:\yt`-::`-:^^^Sf`^^
< -_,_^ 'HAVE-YOU SEEN OTJB-EXOELLENT Line of Carpenters'Tools ? Great variety, Best duality. Plumbing done in all its branches propetiy-dene-—-——^ McD. Little A broad campaign, ot publicity on the subject of 'rural life Is needed In this state today to brine the problems of the farmers to. the forefront. The city problems, are blazoned, upon the front.pages of vthe metropolitan dallies and echoed in the country press, drat the troubles of the farmers are seldom told, except by those who seek to profit by the story, 'and Ahe glitter • of the package oftttmes onscnres the substance. A searching In vestlgatlon Into;--the needs' of^ the mers will reveal many Inherent-defects In our economic system that can be easily remedied when properly understood and Illuminated by the power of the press. The rural press, the pulpit and the school are a trinity of powerful Influences that the farmer must utilize to their fullest capacity before he can occupy a commanding position In public affairs.. These gigantic agencies are organized in every rural community and-only await the patronage and cooperation of the farmers to fully develop their energy and . usefulness. They are local forces working for the best Interests of their respective .communities. Their work Is to build and their object la, to serve. They .prosper only through' the development and prosperity of the community. • Every former-In this state .should subscribe for the local paper, as well Where are Your Valuables ? Y.our jewelry, silver, stocks' bonds, deeds, mortgages or deeds,—are they exposed to danger of loss-by fire or burglar?- At a small cost they may be placed in our Fire ' "and Burglar Proof Vault, -where they-will, be bfixond the possibility of loss. as farm periodicals and such ott publications as he mar find profitable, Edw. u —eontraetor-&-BuUder Jobbing i Shop Work Fumiture Repairipg ' N ~~~lhfluanco That Murt B« Utilized In Building Agriculture. • ; Hammonton, N. J. 517-519 Federal St., Camden Try Grasselli Lime and Sulphur Solution, and Graselli Arsenate of Lead. GEORGE ELVINS, Hammonton, - New Jersey i to agriculture by recording the frailties, the, mishaps and inordinate ambitions . of humanity, or by filling 1U columng-wlth the ecljoea of-the atrug glea ot busy streets, or by enchanting stories of city life which lure our children from the farm, i.' It has a higher' and nobler task. Too of ten.the pages of tbe city dailtei bristle With the struggle1 of ambltlout men In their "wild lust for power, and many times tbe flames of personal conflict sear the tender buds of new civilization and Illuminate•• the '. way to destruction. The Is the governing P o w e r o b i o , sentl mont and my^SoM steadfast to principle JjStfkeop the ship of state In thfi^-foadiitead of progress. Th« r ?ufhl preen can best serve the inter oats of the farmers by applying it* energies to the solution of problems affecting the ' local community. II must atom the mighty life- current that la moving from the farm to the cities, swooping before It a thousand boys and girls per day. It lias to deal with the fundamental problems of civilization at their fountain houd. Its mluulon la to direct growth, touch efficiency and mold tho Intellectual life of the country, placing before the public the dally problomu of tho farmers find giving first attention to the legislative, co-operative; educational and noolal needs of tho agricultural clauses within Its roupoctlvo community. Tho Power of Advertising. .'..-, v THE PLACE TO BUY Lumber , Millwork Lime Cement " Coal Wood1" Paint Glass Roofings Fertilizers Wall-board Terra Ootta Pipe Cyclone Fence Both Phones Prompt Delivery Let us estimate on your wants. . 1 . .•., *'"''•'''('•''•'•fl''*i'W- '••'•*'"••'':'•'(' '••"''' ' - . " • • ' ' . ' " [ " ' • ' ' ' • ' : ' ', Tho Influence of advertising la clearly vliillilo In tho homos and hublta 01 tho farmer™, nnil the advorUnlng col vnma of tho promt arc matting tholi Imprint,-ujioir'thu lives -of -our Tiooplor Tho farmor POBIICHHCM the things that are best advertised. Tho farmer In entitled to nil the ndvantagna and doaorvca nil tho luxtirloH of llfo. Wo noofl more art, solour.o and uiioful facilities on the farms, and many, homes and farm* iiro well balanced In this roupect. |>u( tho advortlaor can rondar a nnrvlnq by teaching tliu advantngns of mndern miulpmont tliroiiK.lioMt tlio coluriina ol tho rural proas. newer* In the Town of Hammonton. Bo It Ordained, br the Mayor and Town Council ol tbe Town,of Uaminpnton: Section I. The rotes or taxi* for ihe uie ol the system of sewers In the Town ol Hammonton shall be as follows : No. 1. . Dwelling Houses and Apartments. Rate Kach added Sinks, Hot and Cold Water..tOO . lavatory I." l-JJ .•»Until Tub "•••2-!S ''K Hhowernath J.JJJ •2! Foot Bath ., : '•« .-" WnterCloset...... J.OO MO Stnttonnry Wn«h TubH .1.00 Water Motors lor Wonhlng..l.W (Jrliials «.°° No. 2. Hotels.TUiardlng Houses, and , Restaurant* 1.00 Kltchcn'HInk J.JJJ 1.00 HathTnl too. -' f,r HtatioiiiriTWash Tulw llcer Piinuis Shower llnlh... No. .1. _ ,V ?-°?. pi'-'-' ' • •: .^ 1.00 each Indlvld1-iJJ ualseat. Drlnal ; I-OK Urinal Continuous 1'low ....n.00 lavatory ,« «' 2.oi> HhoworJInlh ..' too Water ClonfitK, other public liiillillng.. x 9.M cnch No. 4. Factories. Water(,'losoU S.M Z.DO llrlnnln 1.00 ITrlnnls,(AintlnuousI'low ,.!).M H.OH Hlllksi...,...,, .....J.N) . I-nvitliiry...,.......',.....-.... 2. W No. I). Stores A Oilier I'lnc-CH ol Ilimlni-io, ........ v <•«. Ijtvnlnrr .............. . Watur closot ........ , ' rllnkn.,'. , Z.ftO No, l>. loo M»miliii!liir|itK. I'liintx. wnier oicnet Little James Rubba', six "How the: Vote was Won.' '-* son of Matteo Rubba, died oi Easter" coines on: April 4th this old, Thursday, after a short illness, o •.year.: ,;'• -. -., v . • ''-- _'••' membranous croup. Every one 1 Regular meeting of-^Town-Coun liked the little fellow, and sympa 'oil next Wednesday evening, , thize with the sorrowing family Born, on Wednesday, JanTaoth Funeral services will be held th'ii JQiSi to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ranere afternoon, at two o'clock. '""•"'"" a daughter. . :. Professor Carr, Deputy Bee In - Mr. and Mrs. 'Franfc~~Wemer spector...ior_..iIew-Jer!iey.,.:.wUL.gLv_< , of Philadelphia, were Hammonton an industrial lecture on Bee Cul ture, iu the auditorium of the High ..guests over Sunday. School, on next Monday evening "-••Fi.-'P.- Tomfcinson .has .reritec 25th, at eight o'clock-sharp, ,undei the Co'riaway house, on First Ro'ad auspices of Hammonton Grange and is,now moving in. Everybody and their friends *are . Mrs. M. B. Button and family invu,ed. Prof. Carr says Hainmbn ' .have changed C.eir address to 557 ton and vicinity offe'r^an excep tional opportunlty'for practical bee Haddon Ave., Camden. Raspberry blossoms yiek The Hammonton Telephone anc culture. the finest quality-of honey.' -Telegraph Company circulated the The Weatherwax -Bros. Quarte ••new directory this week. their large audience, las Miss^ertha Eckhardt has been delighted week Friday night. They more elected music and drawing teacher than made good the promises on in the May's Landing school. their circulars. Their selections Little Ha-; Ha Council are arrang- are clean and worthy, their reridi ing for a sauer-krout supper and jtions, both vocal and' trumpets apron sale, ui the near future. artistic. In recitations and imperParticulars later. , sonations they excel. All,-seem .* The Ladies of the Parish Aid of to agree that this was one of the St. Mark's Church will hold a cake best entertainments,, ever providec j«ala ar'^Mrs'. _Ballard ( s rooms, on by 'the" Lyceum Association. At least twice, the brothers sang at Saturday, January ^pd. the- ,.Billy Sunday meetings,, in Hugo Kind's catalogue of roses, Philadelphia, by invitation. dahlias, perennials and berry plants was completed-this weekr by the Un-Claimed Letters. > printers, Messrs. Hoyt& Sou. TJie7 Men's Class of "the Baptist The following letters remained Sunday School lender thanks to uncalled-for in the Hammontohthe friends who helped to make Post Office on Wednesday, Jan. i^dre^wt1;a '" W-ii-vivS?^-?-'.^'' Monfort's Secojid Genuine .?, ; ''\' ; ''--; : : "Jianiijary iJBllannel Shirts i .-.' Were'Ss/so, now" $2".'5o ' •-' \Vere $2.75, now $2.'25 Were $2.25, now $1,75 ' Were $2.00, now $1.69 ,> ; Were $1.75, now $1.25 ' Were $1.69, now $i;35 ". ' 'Were J>i.50, now $i7ig ~ "Were $1, now 89 c and 75 c. A- few men's Soft Hats, Were $1.25 ^T 50 and ^2, nil for 75 c. each —^Department. for every member of the-f Mixed Sweaters,-were $3, $2.75, -Black or tan, • lace, $2.50, jta.25, now fa while they last. metal, patent lejUhj' calfskin shoes ^.,••**,• vici» :/rt n11 tte - prevailing-' A few pair of heavy all-wool Hose, popular st'j'--^ ' "•' •''' the 50 cent kind, at 25 cents. r r-*$4t e guarantee perfect fit; A few Boys' blue and Men^shoes, $2.00 to $5.00 Caps, were 50 cts. i ——" Misses' shoes, $2 to $3.50 Boys' shoes, Jr.25 to $2.56 . cflcw Boys' Aviation Caps, were Children's shoes, 50 c to $1 .25. $i,now 75 cents; Slippers, 65 c, $1 to $1.50 ' Rubbers, Rubber Bootn, and All onr $i stiff & soft Dress Shirts, Arctics that are guaranteed,, while they l«Bt, nt 75 cents. 4 from 50 cents up. WE ARE We are starting the New Year llrliinlN • I.IK1 2.Ml I.IHI , • •»— L J.M 'A<KI No, IV. Hlivuvlilnrlloim'iii. Wand I'nvn, V"| Inlm ft") No, 111. ldillroii<IHti«U<iii«*< ! l»ir«jii'»,Nanm riilon ii»(illii'r nilplloiliillilliiuii. Hmillonil. Kvory iicirmm or imrsiiiiH, (•(iriiorilloiiiirriiruiiriillniiiwlmtinii alruntlv inmlK, r wlin Kluill linrcnllur nnilui rdnniui Ion with nlil nyHliini ol •IIWIIM, Mlinll, Kir lliu flrnl rimr, n rlmrnril (or that 1 iliirtlnii <ir Inn I'nlxiulnr imrriiiiinliilngnllor tliodnto ol Kiili! imnnimTho farmers nre In'need of personal leadership, They Jmva volltlonl lend Hiiiillniin. This orillnnnou n h n u i n k i i cilfuot * Ask for the "International," and save as high, in some cases, as Eight Dollars on a Suit at_6 o'clock p. m., j except Saturday evening7 during January and February MQNFOET'S Gents' Furnishing Goods '""'••• *"f and Shoe Store t V ,'• . . : ' ^^.•\'^:--. •• LllHliillsHiisMlsMlttllis^^ * i *' V)»v'.^f^»''^^'-/i-M^^t-'gMvU-t^4,^.tw> .Trj!C^Tu^!Jr"JrCT w^^^amm^mmmmm*im*iiM*mi)*****^^ t '•'•'« J SSSK: ':\ mini.) A special meeting of the W. P " U. will be held on Tuesday evening, January 26th, at the home of the president, Miss Mary P. Conkey , A good attendance is desired. * . We wish to -thank the Italian boys, and all . those who were so kind ai|d good to us. in our hour of deepest 'sorrow. MRS. MARGARET ANDERSON . • - AND A "Valentine Social" will be given oii Friday evening, Feb. 12, in the Social Room of the Baptist Church, by the girls of Mr*. Burl's Sunday School 'class. A silver -offerings-will -taken—_AJLare welcome. * Town Council held , a special meeting on Mondayeyening. They passed the appropriations ordinance which is published in another column ; also granted a pool roorh liceiir<e to Joseph Sasso, successor to John -Utibba. . The Continental Fire Insurance Company's calendar, thin 'year, contains a copy of a famous 'oil painting, " Hirst Slurs and Stripes on the Ocean," which is well worthy of preservation. Mr, W. R, Tilton has a number of them for distribution. Burl, youngest soh of Justice Geo. li. Slrouse, was pushed from one of the sce-snws on Central School ground, and injured his left elbow. The swelling wafi so great that the doctor could not determine , whether or not (he bone was fractured; but. the injury Is very painful. Save good appelites for the offered by the hulicM of tliu Universally Church, next Tuesday, Jan. adth, from six Io eight o'clock, Read it,—Saner kraut, frankfurters, mntthcd potatoes, cold roust pork, apple sauce, while, ry\ and graham bread, Dutch bread, tea and coffee, Supper 25 cents; children under twelve, 15 cents. * VTlio Ladies Aid Society (if St, Mlirk'H Church will hold n progijessive eiicbrc and reception' at tlje Knlfigii-iii-tlic-l'liieri, on Tues<yuy evening, January afith. Many miindsonie and tlrieful pri/.os have been donated- A eordwl welcome IH extended to the public, Cards Vt H o'clcA-k, •' I* V TomUlnst)!! & Son's huge auto vllin wail .destroyed .by buck-fire, l/|ist Saturday night, near Aucora, i/iint tialtir return IKIIUQ trip, llciiidvs ,]Jn 1thee ret of the machine, ciinlt and "'thi! loss> ol puckngeti were cotiBumed to the value of otic hundred nnd twenly.llve dollarH, 'iMicy expect to re ICHH HllOr niovlug buHincHH miortly. BANK BEOTHEES' STOEE The new lower prices Have proven to be great factors in helping us dispose of the remaining Overcoats and Suits. , People are taking advantage of the/ extra values now offered. 50 for Overcoats.,.. - Even if you "couETnot get any wear out of it this season, it would be a good investment at these prices. "__.'.... * ' •- But there are still plenty of cold; days ahead,, tip wear out of it this season. for Women's and Misses' Coats $.6 $10 for Overcoats thatJwere $15" $4.75 for Women's and Misses? X^oats , -j -^—•——'—— —__ -- triaf were $6.50 that were $18 $15 for Overcoats lEat Persons calling for ahy of the above will please state that it was advertised. THOS. C. ELVINS, Postmaster. $7.50 for Cravenelts " tbat were $10 and'$i2.5O Favorite Songs. On Thursday, a vote was taken at Hatnfflouton High School as to thefivemost popular songs used | ' 5, school. One hundred pupils voted, and the vote was as follows: "Star Spangled Banner,"'44. "Hark I Hear the Angels Sing," 41 votes. "Angelic Songs ore Swelling," 21 votes. "Some where i'.' 15'. ' There were thirty five or forty others which received a. scattering vote ; but the Above tally received the highest count. _ $22.50 . 0 for Coats that were 'U $7.50 and 5. <;o for Coats that were $9 and $8.50 ' $10 for Coats that were. '$7.50 for Suits that were $10 $13.50 and $15 $10 for Suits that were $12.50 and $13.50 , $12.50 for Suits that were $15 and $16.50 "$!t'5 for Coats that were $20 and $22.50 $15 for Suits that were *• $22.50, $20 and $18 $7.50 for Coats that were $lo and $12.50 $1.50 for 'Boys' Overcoats that were $2.25 and $2.So. Sizes 3 to 7 $3 for Women's Short Coats • that were $4.50 V The Cordnar's-Inquest .Coroner Cunningham held an inquest last Saturday afternoon.' Town- Hall was crowded with nterested spectators. The several witnesses, though not agrceingin all details, agreed, that a pitcher of wine contributed to their enjoynentTtJ" the ride. It wanaJBo testiled that the passengers tried*to nduce thedriver tonui more slowly* The accident itself occurred OH was stated last'week, -and the jury returned this verdict,— "We find that the said Jos. Itt-nzo and William Anderson came 0 their death through the reckless Irivlng of one "Lawrence Kdwards, who was driving an automobile on Central Avenue, in Hammonton, on the eleventh day of January, 1915-" Kdwards was held under £500 >ond for appearance at Court. Bank Brothers' Store, Hammonton DR. J. A. WAAS DENTIST Bellevue Avenue, Hi\nmioiiton Flro Insurance at Cost. The Hammonton Paint IB Jlie very best pitiiit ever used in Ilaiiunoiiton. There arc Mcorca of buildingH in town covered \vith this paint, " which look well after eight or ten yearn of wear. Tho Cumberland Mutual Flro Insurance Company The Iliunmotitoii I'ainl IH sold for less than other ilrst-clariH paint. insure your property at lews \V;?haH no ciiual, as1 it works well, cost than others. Reason: operat'g • Atlantic Wins at Bowling. covers well, and wears well. * light, ; no loading oi The local ITCW went to Atlantic >rcin!itm' for profits ; sixty-seven Sold by JOSEPH I. TAYLOR ^ity, Wednesday evening, to 1'lay of satisfactory service. Cash 1 return game of howling, and H over #100,000. HOUBO, Sign, and (]arrlaao Painter, mine out defeated, The score : 'tir imrtliuilivrit, nun ' mid I'lcamuit StH., Atlantic. <!ltr ... Wnylantl DoPuy.Aot, Hammonton, N. J. , Id.'I Ilanunonton, N. ]. llnmnii IH:i..«l4..ui7. .1117..'.™, iri Our, I iiucnu iiw,.w .i:n>, n. " Wllllninn ....nrt.jr.u .nil. I M I , , » « . |,T,,y IIIM..I7ll..Si« Mil •'" llniiini Wurhiir,,. A. I ' l n n . , , , (liHllr.iy , , C. Hlntili , . lull n«i IKII itm i l l l n i i l ( > II. I 'Inh ,, IIUI , H n ,1111 I7H . ,1111 I '.'II Wi III! /.,ii;n ..niiii 1HI 7-.M ,..ini..|iti!. . i l l . mi. i'':l , , , HI7, .i4H..i!tu. inn nt .,,11111,, 177,, 111. 14:1,, Vii rt , ,,147., Id 11,1111 1MII, 1 Walter'J . Vernier IZHtliimtt-H ohforfiilly furnished. I'roiniit AttvMtlou to nil hinds of I'hiinliliiK work Will prevent Inrgo lillln In tho unit. tliiiiuiionlou AvtMiuti I.nci'l pAuua 7M . Ilnmniouton, N. J. Illlcl Is tho Cheapest I A, J. niDBK, Miss Bertha Twomey Notary Publjc Commissioner of Deeds OaUti> hi Odd Frllown llulldlnu. -AltftimlllGtitflkftliinaoltnoft|)ro|i«rlr nnA prmnutly Attmujcd to. ICvi-nimn Bt lloriiBlnniiiu'iKilllcn, lUmmoutDn, WILLIAM DOERFEL Mnprtintiutntlvo W. H. Bornshouso^ Firo Insiiranco A. H. Phillips Co. Llfo Insurance Co. Strongest Com panics PLUMBING & HEATING Ponn Mutual of Philadelphia . Lowest Rn^et) Contractr . U7 Tiilnln.,.. ------ ---- -- - -- ..... '• 7ltt -7IH 74U 7IIII 7IK 1 1 lull onn Kitinii ............ I Initnmii, Illlll llvn .................. llnniimn, IU'J4 'I'lllllr, |l Gives Best Service CHAS. T. THUR8TO Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter , ..HM Hill H" KH The Ham mont 'n Telephone llniniuontoii, N. J. I.ocal I'hdiie ijo.t Fire Insurance]! MONEY All Forms olllloli Grade Lllo Insurance Oonvoyanoing, 1'OH Notary Public, MORTGAGE! .LOANS and Loan nnd Lllo Insurance Coiniiii.'i.sioncr of Decd.s l''<iikturi-n Cnmlilnml. Iliiiit wliutlicr roil llvn iinllo, Oattlett Uuildinu, - Atlantic City Ilainnionton. Auk nlmutll nt I'KOI'I.KH H A N K ll'l/d. '• \ul A^U ^10 and $12.50 Slr. O. S»cca—2 "BcrlhtSBinpiBDn ____ Kcirrlcn.... _ii!iL ^'^1 }t s j if Women's and Misses' Coats, — a big slice of tEe former prices cut off. • $4 and $5 for Overcoats . . . . . . that were $7.50 Mrs. Hebcccn Droklu» . Mr. and Mrs.~Robt. McC. Miller ire—being—e«Hgfu4ul*ted—ypon~the —birth—of-'a-dHoghterrAvho-arrived •at their Philadelphia .home last !!!!!!!',!.< ,»'wi Minks , 2.M iivatory *.w No. II), Ijumclrh'ii. fltoTim'Tirnin ot ->Vmti->Viit«r • (inly,,,,,,,,', ,,.,I2,IH1 Itluir Ixtiinilry ilrnlimtiiul Wnnli Winur Only 7.00 No, II, Dull lam ami Milk IVqiilum. Hlnk lor WinilililK Iliittlos,.. ,IJ,IJO Jivnlnrv j""""S'',!l Wntor ()l(i»iil ',(, 'Mm lntro<lu iittii<|iiMul IX>««"Jffl«, ,f J' lluoonilwr . We sell as cheap «as anybodsr youfly©cents for you pay us^for Men's Made-to-Measure Suits » % and Overcoats. Wulll'KV* ,^fc— /, 1 No. II, lliirlxirHliopN. . '.'Ml Knch Clmlr ..'WO Wator Olowit .......... ;. Mhowor Until !MK) Mulli.Tiil No, 7. Ht»l)li>«. 'unli I'nvirlnr CiirrlnucM ... !•!. IKI Nlnk or ll<ii-HiiTrcMighiinch. .'4.riO 2.00 l.rvvatnry,.. .......... , 1'rliialn .......... ............ -! .«.(«• WaturClriNDt No, fl. imrnui'. {,1X1 One twenty-five per year. J,rSATDKbAT. JANT/ART-S3r 1916 With.a BIG REDUCTION pn I.IW I.IH) HOYT & SON, Publishers and Printers. Throe conU per copy. , I Jivnto'r'ir.'!.'.'.'..,.,.'.,-...;'.'.''WO Water ('IdHvt '1.^0 Water Molord 4.«> on, but they nood local Industrial m«iieii;''KIIWnKHICIK <>. IIHII'I 1 , Mayor. M lrsl,)V.II,HlfM.V.'lMj["«lljrt, t , community and educational lenders. r l IUI4> JOSEPH B. IMHOPF •:.:^ should be without it The local papei Is part ot-the-communitj_Ilfe and the editor understands the farmer's prob lemsi It is the local press that will study the local problems and through The best /all-wool - Sweaters, that The' New Year will find io ojir Its columns deal with subjects of most \vere .$7, $6.50, $6, "and $5-5o,. big footwear department a widevital importance to local life of the community. ' ' A N OhDINANCE Hxln» the rates or taxes to now JS-each, while they last. range of choice style and depend< » be nnld h/lhe owner or owners of properable makes'of shded and-slippers--,/ tlmcoimcctlnirwltiralia-iJBtrnrthesystem ol . A Noble Tatk. We sell Empire King SI*RAYING PUMP papers In too many instances the country mlmlo the -city press by giving promioLMce to scandals, accident! and political agitation. The new If you want a first-class jrurpl civilization has placed upon th« rural press .renewed responsibilities, and enlarged possibilities for usefulSPRAYING NOZZLE ness, tt cannot perform its mission At a Low Price, We can furnish it A N ORDINANCE requiring BcnonsownlnE •^-property (routine on street or streets throfiah which nny newer or^ drain lonnlng n imrt ol tlifl.m'ulem of sewer«tcohstriicted In the Town ol I laminonton. tk> connect with nnd use unld synteni oloewofii, aud deposit therein the Bewngo Irom such proiwrty or properties.. Whereiu. there has been constructed and there Is now In operation a system ol sewers In said Town ol Hammonton: Thcrelore lie" ft Ordained, by the Mayor and Town Council ol the Town ot Hammonton: - Section I. That all persons owning property minting on liollevue Avenue Irom Eng Harbor Itoad to Main Itond: Orchard Street from Third "Street to Madison Avenue: Pleasant Street Irom Packard Street to-Washington Street; French Street Irom Tllton Street to Second Street: Pratt Street Irom Tllton Street to Kec Harbor Itoad; Somerby street Irom Italtroad Avenue to Washington Street: Tllton Street Irani Bellevue Avenue to ITatt Street: Third Street Irom'Bellovue Avenue to Cot late Street: Horton Street Irom Bellevue Ayenuc to 1'ieanant Street: Second Street Irom Hellevue Avenue to Knlrvlow Avenue: EEK Harbor Koad Irom Hellmiuo Avenue to Orchard St.: Ilallroad Avenue Irom Orchard Street to Somerbr Street; Thirteenth Street from Washington -Mlrcet-to Ecsr-Harbor-RoadT Txrelllh Street Irom Front street toXlrnndSt-; Washluitton Street Irom OrchnFd Street to Thirteenth Street: West End Avenue Irom I'weltth street to Orchard Street: drand St. Irom Twellth Stret-t to Orchard Street: Urape Street Irom Kgt Harbor Itoad to Valley Ave.: Vine Street Irom Etc Harbor Itoad to School t-ane; and School Lane: Peach Street Irom .-:RE Harbor Rood to Central Avenue: Cherry Street from Ket Harbor Itoad to Third St.: Maple Street Irom EM Harbor Itoad to Central Avenue: Central Avenue, from Ilellevue Avenue to Valley Avenue;, Brrtadway from Central Avenue to Valley Avenue: Valley Avenue Irom Ilellevue Avenue to Broadway; Third Street from Bellevue Avenue to Maple Street; Second Street Irom Ilellevue Avenue to Cherry Street: E»c Harbor Road from Bellevue Avenue to Maple.Street; Front St. Irpra Twelfth Street to^Possmpre Avenue: and Woodman Avenue: In the Town of Hammonton. Atlantic county; New Jersey; belne streets throueh which said sewer Is constructed, shall within ISO days Irom the adoption of this ordinance, connect with said sewer and use name to deposit therein tne sewage from "section 2. CNotIce,of the adoption ol tlils Jrdluauce shall be slVerrBy the Town Clerk to the persftna rouulrcd herein to make connection with said sewer.'by ranlllne ncopy of thte ordinance tii the last known post oillce oddresfles of sold persons, within !W days from the'dato ot the adoption ol this nrdlnauce. _ • Section 3. Sald,sew«r concectlons shall be Tnado in nccor' — - ^ -• latlons prescribed by ordinance by said Town o f Hammonton. " • - . . - • • —Section 4. Antperson or persons, corporation or"corporatIon«;wB3^liall1allrt>r-»efuseto-niako-sald. sewer .«ojineotlon_wlthln the time limited by this ordinance snalV uwn convlctlnn. pay a penalty of-Ten Dollars (J10) and th« costs ol prosecution..—._ — ... Sections. This ordinance shall take effect Immediately.FHEnEnicK c_: BUBTj Attest W. )t. SEKLV. Town Clerk. • Introduced December S3.1914. Passed December 28,1914, A job for t&e~Town : _ TV' ; '*{ f _ Either erect bridges ^...l^JjpP Over Bellevue Ave., ^ - ,jy J{| Or pave it properly. ' ' """*• . Everybody is '^Sitting-the trail." You, will eventually i • But why'not now? Sunday after Epiphany. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion, 7.00; Tho Local Piper • Molt Useful 'Litany'and Holy Gomniunion^al Agency-on the.Farm—Tha Prigi* 10.30; ^Sunday School, ".'11.45'" Evening .Prayer,'4.00 ,. 7~7 Pulpit and School « Trinity of ' By Poter Radford .. • Lecturer National Farmers' Union Odd Fellows Building. Central Ave., Hammonton. N. J. -"Mrs. A. feodgers, of Brbokly*^ mother jof_Mf8. R. T-Jerrell, diet pji Wednesday night, in a privatehospital in Brooklyn, after loiif and severe suffering.-' Deceaset > was here ,011 a visit, frienda 'wil p1ace.;a:trtbe:r^!denc^ph'.^erinaiBt Meeh, 1920 E^'. 'Oakdale'; Street remember, at her daughter's idelphia, :on: ilonday. next, ai u: ,•• Mitt. :• Meeh; .during her fev years' resideuce/here, had en'dearec herself to.tnany. ••f:\yt'-::'-:^^^Sf'^^ •f^^ifri'i'^-i.'.-.'Kr-S'i'.;.'':.)* : livM ^v%Ai;.:;:.«' .•V*': •',«*•: last 'lew moraehts, Robert Harden WHERE BIROS SLEEP. LOOKING "AMERICAN." himself. Esther, hesitate before you give any People have often wondered whore . The desire of the emigrant bor, reply to** this roan." tho smaller kinds, sleep at night, tor. "How dare you. Interfere, -you "Jail-,. when wo stroll about at dusk, or fresh from the Old World, to adopt the bird?" Illsmero cried, In blustering later-still, .we seldom, notice any that customs and fashions that he observes • In America, often leads him Into ludi"The tones. ' ' police •hall" b« notified have Bottled down to take tholr crous or pathetic efforts to Improve- his Instantly." nightly rest. It would soom that thoy personal appearance. In 'Through th* . Throwing his chair noisily, "ho seek out, usually, retreats whore they arose and strode towards the door. are not likely to be observed; also Mill." Mr. F. K. Browne (Al Prlddy) given an amusing account of his own > Harden suddenly stood aside. : they can be sheltered from rain attempts when a lad of twelve tojoofc rest,-when th»~ puraucn- fxiund- him — That to-ao," -he onawered. An ~op- "Th« pollc*' aro here," he sold; "and where or rough'weather. . "American." ' ^ V."_ •oms hours later. But h« had allppod fell upon the three as | come to moke an arrest, but- not mine, In tlwwlntennbnthr no doubt they There were some In.thai mill where" beyond- theirv reach, througn th» door they returned to the house. for I have received a free pardon." try to get roosting places to which of death.. •..,..'.'. "It has como Into my mind all d l j : Illsmero fell back a stop at tho night the cold does not reach, or only I began work who had an Inordinate , for. ornament and dress, and I ' once where wo last met, Mr.—Ware," I of the two uniformed men eyeing him and corners about desire •aw In them merely contrasts that had no Idea the world waa 4o Jasper Illsmere observed, suddenly, 'so menacingly. -Simultaneously they sllghUjt-ndoka barns or houses. Some uotUo among brought out my own Inaufllclcnclaa. lovely! I, .who have lived all nj3> life "I remember that scone aulta came forward. quite well." well.' come evergreen shrubs and trees, and a first sign of their Influence upon In narrow Ixjndou streets, seemed Not more vividly-than Harden blm- "We have a warrant for your ar- few, It Is probable, near the ground meThe woe my purchase of a ten-cent '. The heavy mist that had fallen over I icarcely to know what the country solf—the crowded court, the acarlot- rest, Jasper Illsmere, upon a, charge of in clumps of grass. Of course some celluloid rose which bad a perfumed , , robed judge..pronouncing sentence, the conspiracy." 'the landscape Buddenly cleared a lit- was like." get Into holes In hay and other'stacks, tfopal whole hateful scene Cashed back into tie, revealing- two.- human figures, The girl spoke In low, emo "With myself ai your victim," put and a favorite resort on a cold night spongo In its heart. This sponge could be tilled again when the scent had tones that were warm with sheer dehis mind. — ' •' standing out as dork patches agalnat in Harden, quietly. "Tour confederan old bird's nest. This suits beat evaporated, l" had a ton-cent bottle thp surrounding haze. Both men were light A glow was In her eyes, and "May'I recall you presently?" ate has betrayed you—Jim Blake, the aIs small : bird, such as tho wren. of Jockey-club for 'this purpose, the clad in fllmllar attire, hideous, convict her face, that, hod been very pale and Illsmere added, meaningly. man you bribed because he woe a of these has boen seen to quit contents of which I spilled over my clothes, utarred-with arrows—the liv- wan a few -'months back, had a soft Harden lifted his eyes, gazing skilful forger, to falsify my books, let-' anOne empty thrush's neat, tho clay of , straight Into the other's, and reading ting him Into the office for that pur- which gave but a poor shelter. Sev- handkerchiefs and clo'thes, and wont ery Of-shame^ ..The elder was leaning bloom upon It the mill leaving a perfumed, trail heavily agalnit, hla companion, a Stealing a glance at her as they In their light of malicious triumph pose at dead of night, that 1 might bo eral of them will creep Into one of to . strolled through this tidy orchard, a his own doom. younger' and more powerful man, your scapegoat and bear the burden their own compact nests, entering the .behind mo. Since I could not 'swagger In suoa . whoso well-built, stalwart form neem- Place O£ ruined beauty, with tho de- "When you like," he. said, quietly. of your own embezzlements. The dark Interior by the small entranceglaring and costly shirts as some wore, firm was on the verge- of financial .-ed framed for Btrength and endur- caying hues of -autumn upon the trees ^ and a carpet of fallen leaves rustling • Harden returned to London In a ruin through your own rash specula- hole one by one, till the number must I bought from a falter, one Saturday .-... ance. ' have made them snug and warm for night, a wonderful adjustable shirtTheir journey acroia the waste of beneath. ' their tread, the .man at her sombre mood. tions with other • people's money, but the night Ivy-covered walls are a bosom for ten cental It permitted Ihe land that was almost as trackless as side thought how lovely she was, with He had guessed the conditions which you saved yourself at my expense." prreat boon to birds. The sparrow wearer, to change, the pattern~bt his the desert had been, long and weari- every action of her adorable, every Illsmere was likely to make before he "It Is all 9 pock of lies!" raved Oils finds thorn very ploasailt, though this shirt-bosom twelve times, and the pat- some, the road a veritable pathway of tone of her voice music to his captive had the opportunity of stating them. mere, desperately. "And If It -were common; bird Is not fusay In Its terns ranged oJl'the way from a-sober "Three days In which to leave Eng- not, If you were Innocent of this, what thorns, with rmuntlng fear pursuing ar. choice, and will sleep almost any- •minister.ul white, tnrougn Innocent and them at every step, shaping Itself Into "Bsther, I brought sad news to you land—otherwise exposure of your Iden- of those stolen gems, whose purchase where, provided the place is not with Inoffensive tints and checks, till they • phantoms of grim, armed men, ready months .back when I told you that tity to the police." price you have been living on? You In easy reach of his enemy, the cat. reached the vivid, startling stripes and to spring upon them from behind each your ' father was . dead. But I have • The thought camo to him that per- would still be a thief.' While the leaves remain upon the of the "sporting man!"' tried, as well as I was able, to ta'ko haps It would be best It. he defied crowing bush and granite boulder. But further words were lost, as he trees In woods and copses, many birds dots These marvelous effects were very Was It only hours, -or had. days his place and carry out t)j_a trust he Illsmere and went back to jail. When was hustled away, cursing and threat- resort to these, quitting the hedgepassed since they had made that wild Imposed on me. Have I^Jgfcceeded In his time was served he would at least ening to the end. though In his heart rows before they become bare in au- simply brought about The Maglo Bosom, as it was called, was a circular bo freo>.not a hunted man for the rest he knew that at lost his guilt had dash for freedom, breaking ' away any measure?" tumn. Some of the pollard oaks and piece of .stiff pasteboard on each side from the gang of-despairing, wretched "In fullest measure'," she answered. of life. But for Esther's sake he dare been traced home to him. beeches, which keep on most of their smiling at him, yet with a touch of of which were posted- six segments of pot risk this. In the unavoidable pub'rricn, the world's rejected? ~~ "You heard what he said, Esther— leaves during the winter, are much enameled paper, shaped like letter Their plans had been forming for wlstfulness in her gaze. "Why, I <jwe licity bis roarrest would mean her that I am a thief?" by several birds. V's, Just large enough to fit behind the some time past—a word or two In mo- everything to you —everything In tho name would be dragged In. He must She turned to him, her face alight sought Another resort of birds, where they lapels of the waistcoat. There were ments when observation, and vigilance world. You came and rescued me spore her that with renewed Joy. .not BO frequently seen as In some six turns of .the circle for six patterns had boen slumbering—and had been from poverty—came at the very mo- As he left the train at Waterloo, It "How can I believe a word that he ore places, •put Into execution upon this morning ment when the wolf of hunger was was to receive a fresh shook. A face, said?" she asked. "The word of a rushes. Is beds' of reeds and bul- on one side, and .then by merely turn,of mist—rising fog that, gave their In? howling at the door. What should I glancing towards him through the man to whom you owe those cruel lost One species specially fond of these ing the whole thing round, the other six effects were possible. .The- only sane attempt at least some .faint, des- have done but for you? My absent press of passengers, caught -his own years, wasted In prison?" Is the pled wagtail, a sociable bird, so father, whose long-delayed return gaze, and he felt himself graw tense pcratq chanco of success. "But If I confessed to you, dear, that large parties may be noticed at trouble was I didn't wear a vest In from abroad I was awaiting, dead, I the mill, and so I could/only use the In every limb. A face he knew as _ The rifles of the civil guard had rung that though not stolen by .me, those dusk flitting about the reeds, till sud- bosom : to and from my work, and tojik out. but .aim-was difficult, though one was alone In this lonely, crowded that of a fellow-convict, released some jewels were yet plundered property— denly they drop below • the~~plumy core that others-should—notice—the— of the bullets had hit the elder man— world; only, my dear Aunt Mildred- weeks before his own escape. He what should you sayi?" tops, and we see .no more of them magic transformation. I wore It to a a~shouIder~wou'na~tha.rhB:d"bled free^ poor, -alas!— like' myself, to~ befriend must elude~hlm, ~or~~even the respite She looked at him blankly; then she for that night. Upon fine evenings Sunday School that I attended inter- . . ' . . ' . . which Illsmere had promised would be gave a little cry and suddenly placed ly, buf seemed otherwise not danger- me." we may be amused by the wheeling mlttontly, ~ond /astonished my classof no avail. "You owe no gratitude to me," he ous; Indeed, he had scarcely felt It at both .hands before her face, as If In about In the air of a crowd of swal- mates by six transformations during -tho time. - But It was that wound and said, almost •harshly. "I have only It was true that he had shown some shame. lows and martins by the- side -of a the -hour'S'-sesslottl " >»*$ubse4uent loss of b'.ood which had carried out, the trust your father gave kindness to this man, saving his life "6ii I I believe I understand—yes, all stream, edged by tall' water-weeds Then I began to contrast my hair that hod been threatened by a con- Is revealed to me," she murmured. told upon him .now, until ho was to me," •forcfed to pause, faint and stumbling, For a moment his thoughts flew vict who had run amuck. But there It—It was. no He, your friendship and scattered willows. Evidently one with other fellows' black and- orderly they have Is to obtain a sup- curls. That disturbed' me, for neither nsalnst -trie other's supporting shoul- back to that morning of mist and was no reliance to be placed upon a with my father^—you two met, but In object per, since they go) hawking up and comb nor brush could part my own peril, when1 he and the dead man had "crook's" gratitude. .' • der. prison. It was he who originally stole Pushing forward Into the middle of those stones, and you who sold them down, catching theo . Insects common hair or make It stay down. I was so' ' . :- ' • '.-."•'. "It's'no good, old pal," ho muttered, made their escape. Luck had favored about such placer and having a bit .Harden, and he had managed to reach afootball excursion crowdr Harden" troubled over the matter that I con. in an exhausted voice. "You-must gd "for my benefit at his wish. But they of fun together or a change, till London at last after surmounting. Infancied he had throw"n the-' other off flded In my aunt She sent me down . •on alofie, and leave me here." must be restored," she went on. fever- they aro tired. These, however, to a butcher shop for a large-sized : "Call mo a coward, man, and have finite difficulties. Once In the great his scent but- he did noUbreathe free- ishly, reading In hla face * that her among reeds, but marrow-bone. Then- she hod me pro-* .-''"..done with It!" cried Robert Harden, city theh rest wa_s easy- Money had ly until he was once mSSe-fff the .ho- swift Inference was correct "I should lies of_the_iteea. -ducn- my hotue-ot— Jockey-club.—After ___-_._ \ v l t h n rmigrinPflff thflt h' to con- paved t ? have no rest until every ng reeds or rushes els, the dead man's hidden was_no_slgn_oCthe-man whose-eagerr has been used on me was repaid." boiling the bone In water for two ' ceo! tho horrible fear that hod sprung ind ''warblers; also, hours, she made me extract the mar- • well, purchased without sus- uplifted face had plainly revealed de-~~~ 4o-4l£e-ln-Mmr—"WhatTsKould I leave He took her hands closely 'in his. sire for recognition. cllnga, though they picion: from this man,with breeding, row. Then I had to add acertain ' " yoxA-now? Leave you -to pay for my "There Is no need, strange 'as that av—prefer—woodsr mixture' -s.-'gdoa stirring. Aunt next •hnre In our priaon-hrfmklng.-sj— well. nnd good birth JBtamped^-upon —hlm,-l _.Tel_the-_sightrot—hlm-but-strength- Tnnynsoundr TogetKer~wrth~thpse Jewwhich some birds produced a cold-cream Jar, put tho with the accent and bearing of a gen- ened his resolve to submit - t o .-Ills elSr-ln-the safe from-wh!cn-they~w"efe ~\~ as your own?" conooc.tloil_ ill .11 -olid— let-It- cool- over " ' •' "Btit. dnn't you understand. Har- tleman, whoso appearance had scarce- mere's-~condinons7 and drop out. of taken, was a paper. The woman Esther's life. other good night night. den? There Is nothing further I need ly suggested that his possession of the -from^whorit-they—were~~stolen was my (if they do), we have lave a remarkable, Jewels .hndftrUon otherwise -thnnas !—Jfes,—he-wtmld~go: nnd the next In the -morning she ettld. •'Now, Al, — fear fromrrnanr-rm-golng-to-phy-the own aunt, and this paper was her orllng. Taking an that'sn. Jar of the best hair-grease you • . - ' " • • " biggest debt of all. the final debt explained by the plausible tale Harden morning .found him with trunks ready will.- In which all her possessions were Instance of, the starling. autumn walk about — or Robert Ware, as he was known packed, his preparations almost comt the sunset hour co_jJ#!T' buy for money anywhere." Harden, I'm, -booked." bequeathed to myself. The. will was among the fl elds a pleted. But ho •«till'hod one task to now — was forced to Invent. ' id copses, we. come True enough. It had a goqd odor, and * •'.'•''• He collapsed down on to the ground, supposed to exist, and had been The hue and cry after the escaped perform, the hardest of ail—a last let- searched for high and low, to be dis- suddenly upon a multitude of star- Was smooth, like the ointment the bar..-.'•'• and In. another moment Harden was to ourselves what bar put on my head when he cut my . kneeling by his side upon the coarse convict had long ago died down, and ter to write to Bather, In which to covered, by myself along with tho could h t such -a host to- hair. I rubbed some on. and not only stubble. He propped the other's head ho was beginning to feel aomo pea.ce b i d ' h e r farewell.. His pen had Just jewels that your father had "so safe- gether.. begun to move slowly when he was of. mind, although there were moments did I have the satisfaction of seeing'. gently against a boulder, with hands ly hidden. Sweetheart, - those gems If th of unnerving panic that would seize interrupted by the entrance of a were my own—all of my property I rheod In compact pay hair shine brilliantly, but 1t also " tender as a woman's. . iValter. . , . . ' . , upon him at times. their bodies seem stayed parted In the middle) I went But to-day . an "Come, man; you're not so badly <hen touch, proscribed as I was. "A man wants to see you, sir—In- could hurt as that. Rouse yourself. We over-whelming 'Joy flooded hla being, but what remain are youre—fitting to darken tho sky, and the swish or to the mill that moralrig with, my shall get away yet. Think I with free- Ilko the sweeping waters of a flowing sists upon it. In fact, and will not go adornments for my wlfe-to-b9." .. . whirr of their thousand wings re- Magic Bosom proudly, displayed, and dom thoro la joy. and hope and life tide, for the certain conviction had away. It 1* you he describes, though , "But—but oh, Hobert—a ' thief's minds, us of the. roar of ^i big water- my cap balanced on the back of my fall. Very surprising , to- us is., the head, so that everybody could see tho oguln—all waiting for us to claim, como to him that Esther cored a lit- ho protends not to. know your name. daughter!" . • regularity of their movement^ when He Is vory troublesome " He .' ' r ' and tha parting. • .. beckoning to us with outstretched tle. Ho held her, .tenderly In his arms, they perform- their • mdneuVoj|s, Yot now, as he looked at her clonely, paused, seeing Harden's gase go bo- 'silencing her lips. i iiands." spreading out, yond him towards the door, where th* then closing .again, he detected a certain shadow upon Its "For you, lad, I hope; but not for "The woman I lovel" he said. sometimes 'forming columns, . man whom Harden had hoped ho had me. That unlucky shot did for mer customaryy brightness. If - they- has -bee wrclr'Ille'd;" 'possjlbly they "Esthcyrsomcthlng Is 'troubling you. eluded at Waterloo Station stood, havIt's been bleeding ever since. I tell ing apparently followed the waiter. have some of .the. older ones acting you my momenta are few. Don't What IsAtT" In o. recent Issue of Upptocotf a we NATIVE PRIDE. as leade'r« or officers. " ; ' Ml '. :flnd She started a little, then glanced up- With a rather grim faco Harden made argue—It la nucleus. But listen!" - a., choice. -Collection .of the- phras»» a sign to thejntter. to-depart.— L!nnot«, offaln, asoemblo In parties, ___T-hcru-,\vaa_command-4n_tho-other's without which no cub reporter, boWhen the door had shut he though not so large, upon those happy A town In Rhodesia Is not goner.— sxl"Yus, there Is eomotblng— not that voice, fnlnt thoiiRli Itn tones were. lleyea the language 'to be complete. dresacd his unwelcome visitor In curt ally a town, declares Mrs. M. L. heaths of commons unvlslted by the Hero Harden win obediently silent. One It's vory much," she said.' "Only— accents. ' aro. a few of them! - - look Into thlit face, with the grey^hue well, Aunt Mildred and I have had a Woods In "Pastels Under the Southern bird-trapper, .and, as the sun sinks A_ charming.- young widow la any "What Is It you want, Jlm'BlakeT Cross," A few scattered shops, out of view, they burst forth' Into, a woman •tcnllnR ovor It, told him that- John slight dlaagroemont Against my wish whoso -husband t* dead. • Dorimnnd'n word» were not Idla ones. she has sent our address to someone Say It in half a dozen words, and then broad road deep In red dust, down <]ualnt song, and thon settle for the Oysters ar« . always playfully re. Their frlendnhlp, 'begun In prison, was we used to know. Ho Is a favorite of clear out." which a sudden miscellaneous herd of night ferred to aa succulent bivalves. But there was neither triumph nor blacks occasionally pours, constitute a Many birds, t think, go to roost to bi) Hnvorcil by Denth's keen knife. hers, but not of mine. She ha.i in(Tho vloUma of a railroad aooid*nt "Harden, you'll got possession of vited him to call thla afternoon. I be- anger In the other's face, forbidding town. Of these- natives, Mrs. Woods •Oiler In autumn than they 'da In tho are Invariably buried Into '•Urnlty. spring-. I have noticed that on bright. thomi Ji'wuls, If you manage to get llovu I heard tho front door bell sound by nature though It wns. Ilia sunken gives the following description: 'At a faahlonabl* dinner th* win* «yoa shone with a certain dog-like af- 'They are collected from all paru of •renlngs of March or April, long after always c]cnr nwny? You know their hiding- a short while ago. If so, ha has al- • fection. flows ilk* •water. •unset, the thrushes and blackbirds place—I've tnld you all about that. ready arrived." Rhodesia, from Portuguese territory, Always refer to th* sun fmmlllarly "You think I'cnmo to harass and even from Nyasaland. Dreised In any- trill Joyomly, and when they have Boll Uimn, nnil ,Klv« hnlf of what they -"An unwelcome suitor, whoso attenaa Old SoL fetch tn my Klrl, my child, who may tions border upon persecution—do'I In- blackmail you? nut you'ro wrong. I thing and everything, th4gr pom* pell- •topped the robin will keep on further When an oatdoor *v*nt U poitpxm*d lio In fiir'n nci'd, I know you're not n fer rightly, Knthcr? If so, let mo deal owe you a big d«bt, and I'm going to mell, grinning and chattering, iom« atni Into the night, till, it may be, n by rain, never miss th* opportnnlty provo to you that I'm not ungrateful like young colts bounding Into the, air newly arrived nlghtlngnln takes np thlc-f. Ilko myself, bjit n whlto man— with him." noforo you order me out, aa I Bee you as th«y go. These happy fellow* are tb» strain. One naturalist romarkn of blaming It on JnplUr Plmrlua. a K u l l t l n n n limn, dplvon Into prlnon by "I fear that Mr. Jasper Illamorb In nomembor that the man who fall* xnnni nnlmpiiy cast of fate, anil that not a man easily to bu snubbed," flio Intend tn do, llnton," probably k rejoicing because they are about tho rooks that they aro fond nf from a high building always itrlkaa Htartlod by hln cnrneatneas. Harden being sent tumbling over and over before thny terra flrma with a dull, sickening It'n iink'tiK much of you to soil your said. to some mine where cerconquered hln nnnplolonn, his ropug- tain of their frlsn'ds and relations are roost, and also that they aro light hniiiln by tmichlnK ntoinn property. thud. "Jasper Illamorel" Harden mutteraleepero. If you pnsn nt any hour nf I lilt think nf my child, prrlinpn iilonn ed tho nnma honontli hla hronth, and nnnon, nnd, bending forward, listened already working. Just befora tha exeontlon of a con- , to the hurried, .softly-spoken words tho night, you hnnr onn bird or mnrn iiml pi'imlli'Hn In tlio rriinl world, and ThU U tho natlr* as h* appears, countenance), Onntl hnuvenn! domnod murderer always eat* o. hearty In tho roolcory making a drowsy, t h i n k nf yournrlf. What rhnnou will of nll'mon, how cruel nnd'ntnuino n whloh thn ex-convict uttornd. ' entering on his term of service at the hoarsa caw, breakfast of ham and efge. ynu Htnnd wllliinit funds? Nono what- chnncn that thin on.i nhnuld havu mlnea. I ono* aaw a group of black In writing up the .dog show, don't "Knthor, what I havo told you Is th« men «yi-i>." . . . . . . croaond his path. who had completed their term of fall to mention that • society la going truth. Thin miln, Unhurt Ware—or service and ww» on their way horn*. •>"Vnt--l onnnnt do It. You—you to the bowwows. Ono of tlio partnnra In thu firm GET FAT ON OZONE, dnn't know wlmt thin monnn In mn. wlioro Harden him bi-cil emiiloyod—thu Harden, nn I know him to b«—who They were serious, dlgnlfladf coniotoui No description of tha, hors* ahoW la linn galnnd your Intercnt under fnlio M-y nwn Innncoiu'r hnn licon my mini- (Inn wlioau inonoy lui, wiu> Htippojivd of clean nnd complete costumes, oonnocent touts ininJo upon nion em- oomplete without several allusions to mal) tlint linn kept mn MrniiK In mxil to hnvn oinhuzrluil. Tho clinu Iiml protonoon, ta np o^onpl'^l ronvtot; and nlatlng ot shirt and trousers and a ntory of frliMidnhlp with your hard straw hat Haoh hod hla neat ployed In tlio Firm National IJunlt of beauty and the beast. tlirniiK'i <'VIT>' di'Ki'udiitlnn. Hut how Iniull concluulvoly prnvod aHiilimt him. that Novor fall to record th* fact that fathnr miint ho nil n Hn nn well, fllnoo bundle w i l l It lin wluiii I know inynnlf to l>o n-| "DO fur «h Incrlinlnialnt uvldonuu wan hn and hta gaily painted woodon Chicago Imvo shown that ozpnUliiK tho snclnl outcast who oommlu aulhaii tli'i-f III vnry truth, n« I nhmild lie If onni-urnod, iiltholiKh hu wan uhuolutu- prlnon. npnnt tlm Innt two years In box. the air Inoroiutim tlio wulght of olorlin And nn for tlm innnoy ho pr«.. We wer« ono* appreciative witnesses who hrontlio thu inlstnro, by promot- flldo showed traces ot former boauty 1 I h'uml i>d juwi'ln which 1 know tn lio ly liiiiocoiit. and reflnemont . tended rnino to ynu from ynnr fnther ntnliMi'/" In deacrlhlnff a, flre, use tha words "Oh, w h n t n. niihnnool Thorn 1m In, I hnvo dlm-nvored that It wan Haln«i1 of tho hom«-oomlnK of sunh a miner ing (loop iiml oxlmiiHllvo hroathliiK. ' ; i i u t , Unrdi-n, you ninnnt rofuna n ciuni! out to «noK mo." Thtiro wan at a waynld* station. A party of relaTlui mon upon whom tho nxporlmont "liolocnuflt" and "conflagration" aa i l v l l I K n m n ! Ynu rnii't lot thimn Innt h'nnuliin illntronn 111 thn Klrl'n voicn, lint tiy tho (inlo nf rnmo ntolon Jewell, tives «nd frl*ndn hud oomo from the ntnlnn' by hlmnnlf, no doulit, hnforohln kraal to me*t the roturiitnK wan trlnil worn at work In tho ofton no possible. ThU enabla* tn* fmv Tiinrnotllii nf i i t l n n l>n onililtlnriMl fnr nnci) thu mnn who lovni! . ono. all ' ronder to earn hla snlnry. wan mnbiMiJiIonmntn nRnlnnt my own bus|. hanU'ii viiull, n plnrn tho vnntlliitloii copy hv t i n ' l l i n i i K h t Hint my III lio nlrl. th.' doiif tn II. Innocant of their nakednonn and rnun. Novor loso sight of th* fact that all hounn wuro dlncovcron. inn- iioldi'ii link w i t h my l l f n Hint wnn of which linn alwnyn IMMHI n (lllllcnlt Tho plutoorat surveyed them with n mon from tha South r»n(l West am lio hrnrod lilinnnlf wllll nn ^orfnrt. "A thlof ynu toll mo, n onnvlot nt nni n l > \ - u y n lii-nndnd nnd dliKriicod. nr t h i n IIHIII \viin Inn hit" w lmno bounty I hnvn boen «ub- nenndnlUed *y«; onhlly ho \vavod nwny prohlnm. Tlm o/.oiui wuu prodttood In prominent cUliana, especially when t u n y !>,' In ni'titnl wiuit. Him d'onn Ant Avnl.liiii.-ii tholr imlutatlons nnd ondcnrinrnln, nlitho room liy mcaiiB of novoriil olooMn i n u n t fnon thn nltuntlnn, and t r n n t nlntliiK npnn In th* pleasant pnntlmes of " Hnr fnrn named nufl- vlounly Inn shofllcod and pnlimd tn apIIIHIW I nni In iii-lnnn, I wnn i<nn. In hln K'Hi.l fuiliiii.i Hint hln .'lmni(.ul and .tarring and feathering. dl'iily, w l l h h o t , IndlRnnnt oolor, preciate them. .Timn ho w i t h d r a w trloal inaclilnoir plannil In tho corners. vli'tiM) ninlnr ni| nllnn. Only ynurnnir nli|>i'iii-iini'i> wnlil.l liuflln, t|nt othor. "'Phut tm nliniild hnvn dnrcdl Tlm wclnlil and iilitiHt inonnnriini'onl But from -tho plD.tfoi-i)\ to tho hint of n lii'M> }n nniniilnli'd with my ronl nitnui iluLtlilaJuillu_illiid-uliiio«t-»t-lti»~lilrlhr motnonl lomlpror thounhtn pro- nelKhlinrlnJr treo, nnd haoknnnd hln hu- of rnoti nmn ompmy-,,(f _„ (.,„ v,i,llt —nf- Hf"<ninTitlT~A " ~fnr~tHTi~ji\Wn|H7" IliTiy fni an llm iM'W-i-uuii-r, u (nil, nl.-nh, In-iv viillod. and hor n w l f t n n ____ n r nn llnlllA«i'il I" « Wlltllllll rll'll WltllOtl't i t n k o n H-IIIIII ttio' nsoiilxnrii worn mnllliiK linllvtdiiat, caiiin -nlofiir, hn naw dlnil. "\Vhnlnvoi' ho' In, Riillty or not, wllderod friends tn npiironoh. In n .. . • Ilii'i/. Ihn'ilrii, nlio In dmnl now, ITun Hint hiHlanl nlarl of rei'iiKiiltlnn (hat hn wan hind to mn," ho murmured, (n\\ minutes, bafora tho nynn nf (ha liiiilnllnil, mid nKiiln aflor tho n.iiiililnuu It Is a fact ;U»«it, a' lion's or a tlgur'a | lii.-ill Iliuilon, tn nld Ilin IlvllIK," In thn trnln, ho hnd rlntlmd hlfkora t f> JjfU.'|JJto(i)jrf yoff ' will nater ' thn othor lii'lrnyod, thmiKli had lio.'u in uporiitlon for two monthn, mldlng, In trenuilonh'.tnnoi,. "in—1 1« ).« bin wliolo pnrty with dorotioy, and'i'ii »'"« inioli p i l l - n u n M i t r n n t y |n w l l l l It thoro nroinod nmnoililnif 'dW again. ' Tl/i,ao onjrn'nls shed their rnnrrrntnil nhH taken bnok nnrely, In. t|ielr ,«iyon wllh np'lnidnr It wnn ftniiiil Hint In thin Bhort npnuo l i N i vuli-n Hint ovon llnrilon'n runnlu- ^ii|illy niiHKi'ntnd foal' or wmi It that llknlv to lio roniTrntn.l 'l(iilr^ 01 illnnrllx,'. ,.ono« a year. ' all e x - ' pui'n to iirlminT I Hi I I wniili! nnvo htm lliv«i iinvn wiiv, 11" limit iivnr tlm d y Tlion, and only, thon, did lio omn1«- nf tlmo, ovl'i-y. Ijinn had Kalmul In unpt tlio whlHl^n. Tho ahoddlng <1en r y npnn llardoii'n p n r I T from that; If It worn lii/i I I H I I I , .'lnn|i|nit Inindx Hint foMily f n "Your woli;ht mi wull an In rhniil nnmnnro. nnond to rotnrn tholr "(troo'tln n; and, K Jnonua nntlfftly up<m-!thq dlliiiKte, un'd ' n u l l ) linn nont inn lo look I l i n fntn In I n i n y bilnili. '*! nm the r / l n r i i i ' i l Illi' lirimniirp. for ynu, Minn Donniniid," hn nntd, o|ily ono wlin* linown,^ llnthrr, hW my Axroodliiirly Joyful, all mnnilm,. off lo- munt. And Iho hi'iiiillt wnn not con- thoro In u (iconllar thing coiinofltod ."I'll do wlinl yon w n n t , nld uinn. nninnllily, Kothop In tlio (llrimtlnii of tholr lirnnl. diioil lo tho iihynlnnl nldo of tlm man; w i t h ' ll, ,' \ ' ". "U wnn omul nf ymi t\vo wlfo, Klvn m,, vonr pronilnn, nnd, nvon Y i l i i r M i l l " I'lrl n i l " M nnvi'i- n l n r v n f u r tn loavn nn ' nin'iipljy. wllllut Hinrnhnll nf Ilinn T KnVn thin tho inriilnl rnotiltloir an wnll woro Mon who (mve taken wild anlinald th .1 1'iilui np n ni'i'iiii'ii I h n l p.'rlmpn In In.Hun 1 t ynu i'i.|oiiroil nt hint." iliilckniii'd li) Iho liilialallon of thn from, Anlu nnd Afrlon to IQnrope nay n m n ' i n l o n v o Iho o n n n t r y ban olnunnd, Ili'll nno fur .in-li n mnn nn I to l l u"You THE QUILT. Hiiink mv mint, nnt mo," h,^ nhnll n l l l l ito f r o o " t h a t ' thoy nnver knew n lion or a J ' ' ' puro fri'iih nlr, Tlm nmn Ilixninolvon tlKor. In. I mn nn n u t . M i n t , it tinnlnl i c t i i r n o dinunt Ilintlior, rathor pnlnto.lly. '"Oh, J rnnnnt - - I onnnotl" Thoro or any unlnml of tho oat upoolea, '• i »i«*~ p n f l n l i w l l l l Ilin tn-lnon n t l i t i n n hniinl- Tlii'H nlm Inlrndiiood worn iMitlumlHHtld iihimt tlm mionomi Iho twn mnn In go tbrniiKli the Ited (Ion without ' l^illowlnil Tlm, wlm wan folloivlnn of .llm nnw nyii.tym. Wan Irrnprrnrttliln n v r r n l n n In hop iKViM'Innllniily upon nn'. I ' l l iln MI|H "I fnni'y Ililn ic'iHll.'iiinn a n i l I hnvo nlinddliiK. They will «li«d at Hltatdra. ''or ynnr niiko nnd for I l i l - i dill,I mot notnnwboi'i! hrfnro, IhotiKll tin) nn- vnloo, lint lllnmofo fiinol«n tin dnlohtod n pnlr Of linrnon, th" nwin.i of th.i Tlin prnonnn In fntnlllnr, Thn iiml ooiue out vrlth hnlr Trent) and „ n imKKnntlnn nf w o n l i i m f N iinilorlylnit fm in iintlnod, Hull Ihn ili'lllii Tmn lin.l "yon Jnvo," , I'lndon, my inninorv at iironom " It. Iln nmllod nn.1, homllnrr rnrwnrd, boon runnliiK nut fur imim.>o n wurc or.omi, wlilnli In iilinply n Hlooiy no allk, «nd ynt Kolnir tlinniaaj 'l'lu< n'liui- nnilli'il n f i i l n l mnl>, (lint iMvnloit Mo tnrimd to lliirdon, "I niiiloi'ntnnil \viin nliniit lo, follow lip liln nilviuilnKn! ntriuiKoly li loidllm-, form of fi'iii) oxyKon, In produced in thn Ited Men, thay will ahed again. N» ' yi'l Iiml miBiii m l i n o i i l o m i pnvvnr tn ft-nin M l n n ' l M l l d r o d nonniniid tlml you when bin pnimlnnnln .wnriln worn midonn lutn tioon atila to nocount fur It, Tlln," ho mil.I. "then.i drllhi ni'o vory llm ntimiii-|ilioro by (ho ollniit Miinnlli n w n y llm llnon nf i-ni'n nnil n fl'lnili] nf bur Into hrnllii'r'n',"' ilonly^froxnn by a vnli-n • a w n l l - k n n w n cronkod." tint It U a raot nnvorth«lc»«, n h n n i n nnd inilll Dint hnd nnon'ioil worn of oldiitrlolty, limit.'n liK'llil.'.l )||H lionil, "And inot li'iillh, thoy ni-n nnw," nnnoiitod cti'lii-il l u l u hln f i ' i i l i i i i i n ! nnd Ilin nnilln him nhrnmlT" TlnrdiMi llfloii liln lirou-n vnloo ;nppi\k|t|.f,,<>loiio nt hntnl. Turn. WIIH thin-n, linflllllK, Inni'i'iitnliln, (rll- nnd nl»r<i'V.M him, nn If In nonio nn- Inn w i t h n utart, bo nn\v mi tlio Tlm, "lint ynu nhmilil Inivn ro.m (him tjves of great men mmr remind w» thrnnhold nf tlint room, \vlmrn Inilnnd thin moinln' th' nun wwiubd Tlie »eok«r nftor truth |if a . th»t It U SCTnettimes] b^tu* to remain 1nH nf nnorntn imlvod, of dniiht* «t noynnno nt hla pfirnlntonoo, ho hart boen anletlr MnmlliiK fnr thn th«in. UIIIQ jnl>. ^t f f ^-ti ^- a i[' fif^'^ if\_ m f~*"f IS:-'".' W,'., If; to attend. But she- -thought of^the on Pfnk street ever efajc'o SAVINGS IN COURTJ; ' CONFESSIONS OF A LINER CHAPlovely 'dress Miss Lennoi hn»j''to you'and Mrs. Legge fell out. I could _, .- *—-— ; 'LAIN. ', ' Wear and bow she had no, dress at have prophesied a lot }f I'd'wanted to, . ' "I am not guilty. If I had been, all. She thought,, too,' of the old aunt but I've, been content to Just -alt by .should Jmve engaged a solicitor I "woe There Is 'nothing that produces a watting for her to come home that and watch' anoSJlBteh'.' »Tni' W hand ';tne\'ob .ervatlon' of 'a woman' summotf £eollng-of-8peedy death-qulcker-tbanvery night. .She shook her head.' ; ' • . . In pink stree to Interfere when It's none of my bus- ed before the Darlington bench. sea-slckness. It Is very rare that any"Thank you, Mr. Keene," she said. welcomed Mrs. L a Incss. But this Is my business and . :— .'. r one actually .succumbs to it, but It a Grange. Pink street Is I'm. going to take It In hand., We/ve 'Witness (in pollce_cpurt).:J5Jdon'l persons -sutforB from - it badly is _ . . _ _ . _ _old=~iild-- and WndL : But^I_can't go, I'll write to been neighbors and friends for ovor-a—want you to be hard on him; he Is as difficult to drive home the fact thatr : double. ro3jr_..of solid; quarter of a century, and one He Isn't-gotod a-husband as «ver-I-had."-:—— TffCoTBry^ls~ceRaln7^^~hav~e~'Been^'air ]y_our mofher and "ieirher wfiy7 , plain, comfortable homes going to separate'us now. You come The Clerk: "How many husbands the horrors of a deathbed scene en' before she went to Aries. And so while he waited '-ahe wrote, where it Is no. uncom- with me." •have you had?" Miss Lennox had • told telling Mrs. Keene of the old aunt. acted over people suffering from an mon thing for three generations -to Mfss Jewett Jumped off tho veranda. Witness: "Only one." — ~ her. Hulda had 'taught In Westmore whp"~was expecting her acute attack. Knowing .that In ninetyfollow one after the other. A stranger ns If she had been sixteen. She nine cases out of a hundred It loaves ten years, |n out-of-the-way dlBtKiota>4*ome tne' very" night school closed - I '' •' 4l*lvJ *» 1* 'a* " ' t- I ''nvtrt ol* 1.1 r\v\r\tr\+ "What security have your bankers?" no serious effect, U Is very difficult to Marriage in PlUk street Is almost unknown. grabbed Mrs. 'Tubbs by the arm and could not* '• 'At disappoint .. ' was ' a thing she had not and Virtttr she started hauling her across the street, asked the Official Recelvqr-,of.- a debt- assume that you arfi ministering to the thought of. Even'though she; was on- any one who had loved her so long Mrs. La Grange was a stranger. . Pink street waited a week for her "Where are yo» going?"r gasped or at a bankruptcy court.' dying! .__ABd"aTt times a perfectly sin- ly-.u plain little schoolma'am she had and well. She gave the note to CarolI ''My wife," was the .-laconic reply, cere effort in this direction .will ter- her Ideals, and the few men she met us; And as ne went away she watchto'" get settled arid rested before It Mrs. Tiibbs. began to call. Mrs. Earl Tubbs went '"You come with me," replied Miss and tho debtor wondered \vhy the minate in comedy. People He In their In no way came up to them. It took ed him from the window. It seemed (Irst. Sho lived, at tho right of the La Jewett. Her grasp was like steel, court laughed. bunks pale as death. The chaplain Is all her courage and Ingenuity and to her that he was going out °* her Granges and her house was a little and her face was grim. She piloted i called, and' he Is assured by the suf- strength to,stand In.her place dally life forever, and so taking with him . nearer than Mrs. Bert Legse's. who Mrs. Tubba_Blralght'to. where MrsJ In a case at Newport of two youths ferer that burial at sea Is a certainty. and earn her- wages. And while she a good deal of hope and happiness. .: Grange was gracefully engaged In bathing without wearing sufficient Ho Is of another opinion, but main- was earning back in Westmpre vil- . Hulda did'not see him again. She lived on the other side. So she conclothing a' witness was asked: cutting some roses. tains if possible a sympathetic tone. lage was an old aunt who was pray- went from the schoo) to thejralu on sidered hers the prior right "Mrs. La Grange," said Miss Jew- "They were bathing In the nude: confess to having 'cultivated many ing for her, but who still must he the alone.'Back at home in Mrs. Tubbs felt that It'was Quite an hypocritical looks and sentiments, fed. occasion and she put on her best etfc-- With a confuted little cry Mrs. were tney?" , _ ; . - - . ' . the tiny old house she-pretended to . Grange rooked up. She, perhaps, | "No, In the canal,'1 he replied. which .1 havlTsbnietlmes enjoyed. black dress and her hat and her Now when unexpectedly she was be very gay and hopeful before her —•• One night I was called to the bunk called to Aries to teach the primary old aunt. But at heart she. was most, • 'gloves it is a rule on Pink street to did not like what she saw. "Mrs. La "run In bareheaded." Mrs. La Grange Srangc," went on Miss'Jewett firm- "I see you describe yourself as a of an old^jnan who had had ma! do ,grad§ at a $14 a week 'salary her wretched: She had been home three answered the belt Sie kept no ser- iy, "1 want you here nnd^now to own clerk," said the magistrate , to a mer for "some hours, and had no fur- hope knew no. bounds. Yet for all days when she got a call to teach. vant The women ca' FicS street bny up to me that when you said I told gray-haired man charged with drunk- her strength to exert himself. I hot delight she dread to go. She was' The regular teacher, had goneThome - -'. bread-misers, dish 'wssiers. all the ou that Mrs. Tubbs was a borrower enness; really became' serious for once, He afraid she would not-suit. Her great Ill and she could have the school . electric appliance^ procurable and do vho never returned what she borrow- The Prisoner: "Yes, sir; I have been certainly looked as if the end was goal was to please so well that she for the rest of the year-at-$9 'a week. j working at the docks marking the tlm- near. I assured him everything was should be hired for the tasF-half-of Hulda had once taught a term in their own work. They are not asham- ed, you lied." quite all right. ed to do it Therefore Mrs. Tabbs Mrs. La Grange turned- -white, her with a piece of chalk." the year. But she had grave doubts that very school and she shuddered "No," he said, "you are wrong. It of the trustee. was surprised when Mrs; La Grange Why, I nev—never-^-" she quaked. at the thought of going back to It 'Seven different names ' and ad is my last night In this world of apologized for opening her own ^Minerva Jewett, I won't allow But she wrote a letter of acceptance Miss .Lennox had told herabout dresses, each of them false, were said storms and winds. -Listen-! How It the trustee who was holding the of- and started to -take It to the post ofhis," cried Mrs. Tuhbs. door. *"S to "I'm trying to find a maid," she "Margaret -Tubbs, you keep still," , have been given . by a man sum; howls outside! I only ask two fav- fice foir the first time. He was one fice. On her way she met Carolus '.1 the other day for i traveling on ors, chaplain, at your hands/ First, of the younger men of- the village Keene. murmured. "You don't know of one, napped Miss Jewett. Her jaw had 'moned . : terrible look of strength. "Now, a railway without paying his fare. :ell my children I died thinking of and he belonged to the best family— "I was coming to see you," ho said, do you?" I The Magistrate: "He did not at any :hem; and sedond, ask the gentlemen the Keenes—whose progenitors had "but since-I've met you I'll, walk "No," said Mrs. Tnhbs, "I don't If ,Irs. La Grange, I'll listen to you." of the band If they will kindly play at founded .Aries. After a hundred with you. It's only a Question I have I did I should have hired her myself. Mrs. La Grange hung her head and , time give the name of Ananias?" my door 'The Vital Spark.' I shall years a good portion of the land there to ask you anyway.' Hulda, did you I hope you'll have better luck than iimbjed her roses. "I nev—nev -:' hen be able to dte In peace." I've- ever had with hired help, . my he breathed again. bore the Keene name. The old Keehe ever wonder why I didn't ask you to RECORDS OF GLUTTONY. ' It was a cold night. The wind howl- house was a .landmark. In It lived sign for the rest of the year?" "Look here," said Miss Jewett Btern' dear." "Oh, dear me"," sighed Mrs. La . "Don't you think I don't under- The other day a man named • Harrisrh,ed down the passage leading to the this youngest Keene of all -and his ."No," Hulda replied, "for, J knew . Grange, "that 'doesn't sound very en- tand you and that I didn't after the of Boulder.-Colorado, tried_to-win a old man's bunk. Every member ot .mother.LAnd-the.-schoolhouse—where pretty^jweU._You-dldn!t-like jne." " couraging.- ;And I'm so fragile!" m6 WO devouring a dinner that he -{land "had gone toTbed, and Bill Hulda was to teach was built on the • He.caught her by the arm. "Great *°r dmarh , stuff > about your >husband Adams was always cross if you woke Keene land. Mrs; Bert Legge was the next to .1111 that ~ b QGod!" he said. "Not 1like you? "Why,, h red . f0r a fafflily call. She was a highly strung little rylng you for your money and mis. jtwelve. He Is reported to have at- htm. But I felt that all the elements Hulda 'did not see Carolus Keene i love you.. I'm 'here to ask you to body, She returned much excited. She islng you afterward and about .how tacked at table a 15 pound turkey,with of pathos and" tragedy attended 'the when Aries was reached until Miss be* my wife." had Mrs. La Grange ta herself! How ou need eel a friend—God knew—and j oyster dressing, three loaves.of bread dying-man's request, so I woke Adams Lennox spoke lo her.' He was so '"After'a"long time he said happily: lovely Mrs. La Grange was! She •ou" felt 'I'd fill the bill—-" ' six sweet potatoes, two bunches o! and got all the bandsmen together. I lightly and gracefully built that he "By the way, dear, even if you don't makes me think of my slter who died "Did she. tell you that, too?" cried celery,* four dishes of cranberry :old them the need of soft -play- looked like a boy of sixteen. His teach in the schoolh'ouse you've got •—her heart Is too big for her body. ,Irs. . Tubbs. , ' sauce,, one glass of mint jelly,, six ing. They shivered as they played, face, too, was boyish—smoothly to,see It every day. And I want It to Figuratively speaking, of course. That1 -"She told It to .every wonian__on banana8. with cream, one pound but- but never was the classic piece played shaven, with beautiful teeth and please, you. What color do you like kind of little, sensitive, gentle woman hls street, and every woman hut me1 ter> one order Of squash, two mince more feelingly. To my surprise the dark, alert eyes. He shook hands best?" "White," Hulda answered eagerly. ought never to marry anybody. And >elleved her," replied Miss Jewett. > ples> and two dishes of plum pudding old man enjoyed the music Immense- with her gravely and then led the when it comes to a great, stolid un- 'Thank God, I'm no, fool if. I am an ^^ trandy.-sauce, and six cups of y, and asked for a soft rendering of way to the green schoolhousel. Jt The word made her remember her sympathetic man like Mr. La Grange ild maid. And she's got us all by the coffee. .He had reached the mince- 'The Last Rose of Summer." wasnearly time for.jBch.nol. to npan letter. ShflJonkea-down-at-ltIt was BUI Adams who seemed an- and [denryr-blting+ears^with_her-tattling-dh4--her—prft-' pte stage-wien-he—became uncon. as .Miss Lennox had arranged gan to tear It slowly to pieces. 4ioyed,_and_no_matter_whatJ_ said jam -for-a-boarding—place~she~thought~lt Her lips, wiOnnmncsmfortable-looBrl :ended— confidences. She knew we in-'hemyesrand-changed the subject. were square if she wasn't. Now, Mrs. There are eating-clubs in New York would not believe the patlent__was best to begin at once with business. CURIOUS DRESSCONVENTIONS,^ One-atter-thfl_other..the_Plnk street a^ Grange, I'm walting.^If you don't ' where the champions are those who dying. "Either jro.n or he be having Tho—first—day's -teaching"oT=~fi~vn7 -ladlea called Jon..Mrs. _La Grange and '^JjPjElld'e^fjjnejnfautejiTO^^ -lage school always~lBrthe—hardest. JIearly-^avery_trade-and—profession' came away charmed with'her patheti- ;o home andntelepTi'one td~your"TuTs;r^One"Tmarilit'atr6utIng"la8t summer Is —'Adams," I said, "play- the man, and Hulda "was"very tired that" night. has - its own unwritten - laws - concerncally appealing ways. They could not band." I said to have eaten 200 clams. He also remember your duties to the dying." Miss Lennox -was tired, too, andIng the drees of Its members. Most say enough good of her. It'was pity Mrs. La Grange owned up. I drank a great quantity of beer, and It It was. now 1 A. M., and It was cross. Their rooms at Mrs. Winch's people know that the bank clerk Is that Mrs. La Grange But at that A week later she was found to is further stated that he was not seen clear the. old man was hungering for adjoined and after they had retired always "expected'to "dress like a genithef "selections, 03 Bill led the bands- to them for the night Miss Lennox tleraan," but few- know that certainpoint each and every one of them have departed.- . And the house was i n his haunts again for two weeks. j An East Side record Is that of eating men Into the bunk to bid the dying came Into Hulda's room to talk things banks have 'definite rules on the subpaused abruptly. It was evident they again for sale. • had opinions they dare not utter, but Pink street Is again at peace. Ev- a peck of English walnuts In the space bne a solemn farewell. over. She had taken off'her dress and ject, laying down just what'must be there originated an air of coldness all erybody Is happy. Miss Jewett has of an hour. Not to- use; salt In the "Good-bye," said the old gentleman; put on-a soft, snugly blue kimono, worn and what must not bo worn. At Coutts' Bank, for Instance, trio up. and down Pink street toward the more true friends than she ever had eating was one of the conditions of 'may we all meet In heaven." ' bound with pink satin. Her fair hair clerks must nil wear frock-coats, and I the record. Candy eating has a record "Amen," I responded. . husband ot the engaging new neigh- before in her life. was In a braid down her back. Sho i also. William McCartney Is credited Tho next morning the old man looked vory young and so pretty, that no one In the employment ot tho bank bor. . i with eating five pounds of chocolate amo Into the barber's shop for some Hulda caught her breath with admir- Is allowed to go .about with bis. For several weeks Pink street was WHY GA8 BILLS ARE HEAVY. |! creams at a sitting.—^New York Sun ihag tobacco! Bill Adams • was turned up. This seems rough 1 gayer ,and happier than It had ever i ation. All at onco she felt more than trousers hero. • . luck In wet weather. been. Then the lute showed Us rift. If your gas bills are heavy, don't tired; nho felt old and wan and shorn •Halloa," said Bill; "a Carter's Bank It Is tho custom Mrs. Earl Tubbs and Mrs. Bert Legge, bjamo the dark weather or tho ex- J all her flowers. Miss Lennox made for3VtallHoaro'a, PRESS THE BUTTON. those employed to wear white ihop on board a ship ain't heaven. of old neighbors and old frlenda though travaganco of your housekeeper. Per-' herself cozy dn tho bed with tho pll- tics—a decidedly-archaic .notion in an old spark, you" are!" .-they were, fell-out. Mrs. Tubhs said haps tho fault lies with tho wallpaper.' An enterprising jeweler has hit on a Ifou'ro IOWH and watched Hulda brush hor thoHo days of gay-colored neckwear. It Is not S3 easy to-arrange divine she had, heard that Mrs. Legge made It is pointed out 1>y Professor 8yli method of pecurlne effective iorvlco on board n ship at times. Ono red hair. " This Idea has been followed for nearly fun of her clothes, she would not tell vanus Thompson, Printlpal ot tho City nove "Tho primary teacher thoy had 250 years. . shop'wlndow illuminations aftor biisl lunday morning I tried to get somo. _ _ : who had told her this. Indeed, she Technical College, that much light Is neafj nourfl at minimum cost, last year wns red haired," .nlje Bald, - O t h e r trades havo" rnleifof "this kind no to play the tunes. I failed. I am "seemed anxious to shield her Inform- wasted owing to tho UHO on our walls Tno jowoler has had Ills window lot a singer. I always sing too high "and before she fauxht a term ev- as woll: drapery firms, for example, ant. To toll the truth, Mrs. Tubbs' of paper which .absorbs an unduly llgatB wlrcd tor push-button control, r too low. I ch'ono tunes that I erybody was down on her. Tho chil- expect shopwalkers and bonds of declothes wore of the sort that could 'orso proportion of light. tho 0 po rat |nK button being placed outeverybody know. I started tho dren fluted- her. You may hnvo aomo partments to wear frock-coats. Momvery easily bo made fun of, and so Beforo wo can look for anythlnK B)(lo tho entrance, with a notice to nought rat. It was a dismal failure. I com- trouble on thp'' account, You've novor hors of tho legal profcnnlon observe there was truth as well as mallco in Ike a sufficient return for the money tho offoct that the goods may .bo In menced a second. That wan worse, hnd a Ca'roIuH Kcono for trustee. tho etla'iotto of tholr calling' by abi tho report. ivo spend on- light, all the rich darlc B n 0c tod at will by simply pressing tho nit I stood to jny guns and Bang it as Probably ho 1 means lo ho hind. I wns staining from wearing light or fancy-' However, thoro was one Pljuk street :oncs, tho donp crimson, which is ao «b,,tton. , solo. .Evojy worshiper struggled half minded not to como back bore colored clothes, and always wear slllt resident whom nobody accused or sus- popular for dining-rooms on account Th,fl' B|mplo nct switches on tho .'of. to lnjn(n. I wanted tho dock to thin year when I hoard he'd boon hntB. pected, and that was-Mrs. La Grango. ot tho ImprosHlon of warmth It glvoa, ,j BhtB( wlllch aro automatically ox >pon.vr1io beads of perspiration roll- oloctod. I know lilm pretty well' be'The ladles who foil out with each nnd the various alindcR of brown BO t l. 1K ulBhed ns Boon as tho prcssuaO SMART BUSINESS. (own my face. Wo had a Bhort fore. When you nay Aries you moan other rushed to her and found sym- much lined in libraries and dons, must penned Tho Innate curiosity of mom iorvlco that morning. N6 collection CaroliiH'Koeno, Ho ownfl tho town pathy. H Is true Mrs. La Grange o replaced by puro whlto or very peoplo lmH already-attracted consldornnd rniiH It to. milt hlmnolf. Ho lonlcn A wagon loaded with lamp Rlobcn proved to bo no peacemaker. Doubt- iKht slmdcfl which ahnorb a minimum nMo ft {tohtlon to tho schomo, which vas taken. Ilko a clover boy, but In reality bo had jimt collided with a' truck, and ht less sho did what nho could, but that ,-, IH n iiolf-wlllod man. Wbon I drat many of tho Rolbofl wore Hinashod, , ., I" Bald to hnvo resulted In n good dt'nl was llttlo. Before summer wn» half Hvnn wjum tho Illumination of a of f , HUMAN HAIR TELLS Btom for tho trader, cnino, horo and found Hint h<) wnn noConsiderable, sympathy wnp felt for _ gono the whole Btroot had divided Into room Is ampin, It may bo -badly lit It RACIAL ORIGIN. Inn to glvo tho nahnnlhoiino nnotlior tho drlvor Raznd at tho lihattorod factions and all nodal activity had tho walln almorli too much nf Unit rout of .croon I wont to him nii(l nnlt- Klana, A bonovolont looking old man , 8f R A N G E LIVING JEWELS. At Bovoral club mootlnKii tho illumination Innlcnd of KlvInK It buck HrlontlHtB nro able, by tho UBO of n i l - h i m not. In do It. Ho.ankod mo oyod him compnnHloniitoly. hostess van tho only lady pronont. liy (llffiiHO rollo.el.lnn. Fnw puipln urn hn mlcroHcoiie, to toll from n Hlnglo why. I told him tho color wnn hid 1 "My poor mnn," ho aald, "I BIIPPOBO T(i IncreiiHo tlm Hnlondor of thnlr iiiniin Imlr to what nrnat racial dlvl- oqim. 'Woll I'm pnrlliil to Hint oolor,' yon will lia,v^ tn pay for (hum., out of nwnrn hnw much Unlit IH tliun wauled Tho condition wat) truly appalling. tollntUiii, Groolo hoatitloii mulco nno of lon tho original wnnror holonRoil. If "WIIH nil bo imld. Anil ho put on thn your own pocltot?" producing hln Ono sweat, calm, Joyouo July morn- iiml thrown nwny. ing Mm. Tiibbs mnrchoij , atralght Thu Aofy iiciirlnt. >itul (trliniion w u l l - thn CnctiyoH, u largo HPoolOH of llrolly, roBH Hoctlon of Urn hair IB olllptlcal, nimlloMt monnnnt Krc-c-n hn could piirso, ncrnimMhn Btroot up to Miss Jowott, paponi now fiinhlnnnhln for dliiliu;- rniinil In tho tropical foroHtn of South ho man wnn black; If round, tho jnan Hnd, nnd IIO'H Itopt It on ovor Blnco." "Yon," wan tho melancholy roply. Arnorlcn. Btrnnuo Jowolo, which iniiHt roomti wnHtn fniiu 70 to 7,1 pnr (icnt.: HH yollow or r<id; whllo tho whlto who snt vory poacaahly reading tho "\Ynll, well," mild tho old man, "hold lint It WIIH tivldniit. tn Iluliln tluil pnpor wiuili'M nhniil Hfi In SH I>D f«d, and inuiit bo. bnthoil twlco n nan'H hair IH oval. Wnnltly Hoportnr on her own voranda, M(HH l.mmnx did nnt (into Ciirohni out your hat. Ilnrn'H a qnartnr for "Mlntirvu Jowott,", flho bognn, por cont.; nvrn nn nnlliuiry ynllow ilny, and InooHnantly tnkan euro ot to Tho Amitrnllnn native han hair with you, and, I darn nay nonio of tlu'nn ho loant dlnniotor, tlio buflhmnn of "you'Vfl boon uuylitK nonio thlnns abofit or tmff \viilHniIHU- waiit<m r>() ii> (ill |>i>r pnivont tlionl from dying. other"p«o|ili> will nlv« you a holpInK ('aroliiH did nnt nnk Hnldn to :-.(-iil. of I IKI |||;lit fur which, in moid Tlio IndlaiiB .catch tlirmo InHoctH hy Sfrlni tho noxt, thon tho American mo Hint I tulin Horloim exception to." hand, too." fur tho liuit biilf df tho your. Ha niiltoil Minn jnwiitt laid down her punor, [•IIBOII, a IdKh prlno In paid. On tlio ImlnncliiK hot oonlB In tho air, at tlio nillan, tlio Ohlnoiio, tho wlilto rac«n M.I mi Luniidx, howovor, and Minn LenTbn drlvor hold out bin hat, and took off h n r , KlnuHoit, mid roolod up other hum!, w h l l o I'tirlrlilK" pupcr nl) ud of a ntlnlc, to attrnct thorn, which f Hiiropo, and lastly tho .lapnnono, nox wnn jubilant. Him oponly pltloil novcrnl pnrnonii dropped iionin .nolnfl thu oxtra limntH of gold nhaln. Blio nrlui thn wiihtiiii only iihont '.!() pur provon that tho light which tlH'HO ho coanituit of all. Into It, At luHt, whmi tho contrltmThn bcnril of a whllo man IH fifty Hulda. tloim hnd fcutird, 1m (implied tho conwax llfly and oho had hnd rod hair lin out. of tlii! llKht. w h l l n n whltn Iniiontn illffunn IB to uttrnot. "I wiiriinil you, my dear," who Bald, wmihnl wall iiliimrlm from ;io lo -111 p u r l Onro In tha liandn of thn woinon, or rout, tblclcor than liln hnlr, anil In limit! of hl» lint Into hln pnclmtn. Thou, foro It turned Kffiy. ''How do you i llm Cuo.iiyon nro iihut up In llttln caKmi liniiBt lilontlcally tho nlvtu nt-tlio Imlr "that yon inlnlit not plcnno. Onrohin potnlliiK to tho rotreutlnfc llgurn who know I'vn boon miyliiR (l\lnK» about :»mt. In jinit Hint wuy, you luiow. Jlut II'H 1'rofnmior Thoinpiinii iitrimitly ri'roin-' of vory lino wlro, nnd foil on fniKf tlm rlilmpunzoo. Thn BtroiiKtli of hud iilnrtod tho nlllnctlon,! lio ohyou?" film Imiulrort, avonly. innndii Unit, holh fin- n- uny In i n n i i t n of MiiK'ir-CIinR. Who" tlio |fl(llon iiiiinn hair In, nn a rulo, |n dlroct pro-, too had. I wlnh I could holp you, Mid- HorVllll! "I hoard what you nnlrt." wliuiir In tho inont iinfavoruhlii tlino irlilli'lul I l K b l l i i K nnd comfort In llm winh to adorn thmnnolvon wllh U'<in« "Hay, nln't. ho u iinmrt mnn? That'll or I Ion to UH thlcluuiuii. ,"I BOO. What did you lionr I imlfl?" .of tlui_yi!ur_I_ill(L-iiu_Jiopa_yau!d my tionn!"— ~~- Mrf).- JuwpU'H tPn«.»_wriii_ilrjr_iiii_pgjy_- InyllKlit I l K h l l n . ; of l u r u n rimnin, I h n ' Hying (inliimln, tho£jili__ni__jliomj_nijl_^ r«i|1tnRn-nTimiinnin'lnVAiMrOiry^Vinfnr^rjn liiiKH (Tf flKhTtulio, whfch thoy urn l u y o n I lluo you HO much nnil wn'ro MODEL QOV. (lor. tlio wnllti, If not w h l l n , iihonM ul riuiKo with tnnto on tholr nltlrtn. Jnnl nloiily aftqiiivlntud." , "I luwnl yoi| milrt Hint I wns n bor- nnd WHAT 18 USED. I 1'iuit lio (if tlio vnry iinloiil tlnlii. Tlmro In nnotbor wny nf inrwntlw? Hnldn until nothliiK. Hho could n n t , rownr who novor nitm-nnd A popular nionilior of tho I, Ilio '(Jmiiiyon. Thoy pans a pin, withHim wnn li>o iKUirly linarthrdkon for "\Voll, you nhi not," wild, Minn JnwAn Irjiihniitn In thn pnor^nnnritnr of nut hurt INK thoni, nndor thn thornx, Icliool Hoard tolla n good ntory of u wiinln, Yot. iihn had fqnroil that, nlio THE 8TUDV OT A n T M O N O M Y . Iliilllinoro liitnly I'oonlvod n vlnltyrmu oil calmly. * orinlii hdhoolboy who onJoyH tlio nnd illicit I h l n pin In tholr Imlr, Tho "N':>, I mil lint, <ind lluit'ii what nliinii rtlHtliurtlon of ImvliiK iittoiniml inlfihl fall. Ilowovor, It iioomort to bo n wniniin Inloroiitmt In thn bottnnjnont A idmrji nolioollidy for Din rnltyumiiiit nf oloKiuioo comiliith In inn mdioo! for olovon yonni wit hunt only ('aroliin whom nlio hnd falloil lo of Iho imfortmmtc>. makoa HIM HO mud. What - huiilmmn cninhlnlni; with tho (Imiiiyon hiiininlimluilldiiyii, wlnhlii|t to lilii limn havo you Rot, Mlnurvii .Towntt, to loll "Mr. (!«noy," mild tihn, "I nni (UK "I10>l ahnoiit or lat". In iivlilnnrn |iliiiiHi>, fur tlui oblldiMii 1(1(0(1 hnr rnllinr w i t h nwn for hhi n rnliiK, lilrdit ui)(1 mnl dlninoiidn, which if tbln, tlm .youth IH tb» promi (iwnur wull iiildUKb. Hho thoiiKht-norrowfully lo IntoroMt' tlio nolKhliorliood In n |l>(«fniicli nil niilniKoouii iinti'iitli nliout minim! lo' a iitur nnd mild, "Dn you prodnon n iln/.7.1|nK hoail dronn, oT K'l'i'K liiiolf to I n n , iHiriiliiuiiiii nielli plo'ii linnk to tin ntiirtdd huro. mo?" I h u l m i m l l - l i i m l i i n i ' y T II'H'I Honiotlnioii, linprliioiilii/; thono nni- if olciyim ini'ilaln, Wlnm llm nli'Vi'iith ddllnrii n woidi, In nny nolhliiK of Inv you mind tolling nin whon; you di'fpnnlt Minn .Tnwott nnt looliliwly ntnmllly IIMI iiiuliil 'wan (lonfflrrod tho Imy'n nii>lhm him i l i l n wldn world," "No, 'liiliu!" inuliid' llniniiH In giuiHo, tlio Moxlcnn at MVH, Tiililin,' who wan rod and mid an unlioil wlioMior hor nun ovi-r hail liiK iihut. up In ninno Inniioniiidlilo illn- your WUKOH?" • l^> lirolhor. "Vmi, II In," mild I woinon twlnt tbom Into nrrtont mink li'lot, And It hurt hnr oru«lly to fool Mr. Ciinoy ninlloil Krlmly. liroftthlnuii with nnK'iri il«r thin llpn hi' yoiilliful ny Mini-nil. "Tlinn why In Inooii, or oliio roll /(honi round tholr Hint nflor nil liln lilndnoiin to hnr '"Tin $10 a wonk I nnrn, rmimj'1 ho Oh, you," nlin roplloil. ^ relaxed Into n unillo. "And what tiuul I I h n l II diin'l Hithnlnr, walntn lllio lon (lory K'rillo, lii'np Ihn niln HIT/" wnn (!nrolnn hud not Illidil linr woll unoiiKb until, "Whin I luivo |mlil Iho ; havo you «ot, Mar^nimt Tulilin, to hn trliiiiiplmnt rojnlndni', Thiiy no thu bull unrtor n dlniloni to \vlnli In kiuip hor In hln (.moil provlnlnn nnd Kriinory l^llH, nn' tho mo of tulllim nn nntrutli wlildh nf. llvliuc -topa'/.iifl, of nntihatod onmrni'hoolhoiinn. inllldnnn, an* ImiiKht. wjuit'a noodort . I novor uttorodT N»w, you Union to iildti, nnrt Hiln nladom blir/nii or pnlnn • Tlm hollilnyii, (tiiinn nnd Mrw. for DrldKot an* mo an' thn flvo childVon." *•• mo." film loiyicd forward. "1/ot'n not "Wull, wull," imld n doctor, an III! n« (tin limont In fronh or Mow In )t, (lion, that ho linn hoon KIHIIIII wnn nrrmmliiK for Ilia big ro- hor, I dopinilt Iho rlnt o' tljfl inonny 1» rlKht down to liuulnoMM. I'vn linen en- Hint n foriiinr pilllnnt In Ihn u t r n n l , \yhon (hoy roturn homo, nfir-bnrt pootliiK junt till" for iioini) limn anil I'm i(lnil lo nun you iiKiilli, Mr. ( H i l l ' tlio flolrmi, Ihoy ninkn tluiin lalio ,hlo to mnlio HO riunnrliahlii n ri'oonl (Hi|ilIon which iilin ulwnyn KIIVO to hnr liarr'ln, mum, I uno« «uKiir-bnrTli« lowimpimplo (IhrlHlinnA wook, flho inoitlly. Tlioy'ro a lilt InrKor,', nV nV <"> I'm wJmt you might OB,!! propnnXJ, low urn you Ihln morning?" n hnth, whlnh r<ifr<inhoii tlunn, and put I nohool?" "Wnll, lio Konnrnlly bud 'mil In bin limit Carolun to any that tlio runon. hnlilM moroi lint wlilit I onn't Kflt Hllm You iui|i I am about thu only two on doctor." imld Mr, (III), thflin bnrlc nKiiln Into tho CIIRO, whlcli thin dlroot wlio'vo boon comtniinlontlva aulloiinly, "diHiii It cunt iinythlnu to ulimlu Uia wlullo nlKht a nort. olldayii." -wiiii lh« prnurt innthor'A In. tlon would lid Imld Din frvcnliiR of tlm htnit. I mnho nhlft with plain flourroply. day iinhool clOBOil, nnrt to nnk .H«Mn,i linrr'lB." up to rtttto. 1'vo boon ntiidylns tho alt- toll you?" In tlur .» V.1 'S INTERCESSION ob««ur«. ,. • ffs'i^ -I), AMONG THE CHURCHES. _ __ _ i —f young married'mau of 30 faces many"responsibilities. •••• None of these is more important than thatof;the:jfuiure_welfare of his- family. He-can provide-well for this^ifLJiejcan afford to save say about 50 cents a day. If he does this it will''buy him a life insurance.policy^for f 10,000. And, of course, his family is ' surely worth that:.saviug to him. < All Sotlls Church: "Mornirig ser vice at 11 o'clock. 'VhB*..,Gardne will begin a course of sermons ' bi '.'What the Christian C lmrcue Contribute to the ''Good of tli World." : Next Sunday, 24th,' he wil consider "The Roman Catholi Church."___The-others of the serie will be, "The 'Protestant -Episco pair1- " Fresbyterian , ii-iiMethodis Episcopal," and others. .' Evening service at' 7.30. . IBalbp ticoh illustrated lectureon' "Custom and Manners of People in the Time of Christ." Miss Ruth <3ardne will sing. .Tji_ese illustrated lecture. are proving most interesting, anc instructive. ••- Baptist Church. The Church is God's employment agency. Work for all kinds of ability'. , Line up with the Church. January 24th, -10.30 a.m., morn ng worsnip, theme, "The Prevail ng Church." Children's topic, "Nuts." ii. 45, Bible School. Vital Statistics fdr Nineteen Fourteen. SHERIFF'S, SALE. By virtue at a writ »f fieri locliui to ate directed, lowed uut-.ol Uio Nuw Jumoy-Court <j| Cliancury, wllllioHoia-nt public vonduo an NINCTEENHUNUlllcn ANU laiTEUN. ntZWlock In tho ulteriiouii <* nald day, In tho Court lloom No. 201, .Second llooPounfnnVS .1.l"t/i??mP,a"y "ullUliiB. In tho Olty ol Atmntlo Clly^Couiity of Atlniulo Aud Btuto All Uinr certain- tract or lot nMand nnd P™^"™'""-"-•'P.VjolgW'^.jIjmmowon« bou , y. loBcrlbcil KB lollows: ? ?. «.JvS.nd. a point in the- Southerl truct ouu hundred and fifty (cot from tho fciwierly side 01 'lluon Street runnlnc OJ & PtZS?1? i?treflt (1)1 nouint'OKterly nnd-N«»»«S Dnrnllol-wlth: thSiSS' Tlitnn r lr<!tl lo ?» ?hl°!i±«V lln(J 0 lmo "V," «»™ « 'erfUlx inche" I? .1I C t 1 , 1 ' u Mrn-^Cottloy: thence (2) Hn,« r T u, 2 i l°"f lino two 1 M«-"«»Elcy'» JI»..,SH id - - W?'. "* leot to '"t-huiabor nine K lds ! : Northwesterly SSI* MX ?"& M i. "'""'cot* lupus said Klulds' MHO' and itt right angles wit I'l'ieamnt Street one hundred and lorty* 'V J'"»<snut Strw ; theuce n .. ' , mty , y ?L" " PJcftsaut Street two beginning. -'nt«o '*« to tho placo of UeliiK:tho same premises that Jonathan II: Brown. by deed bearing date the oliihlh day of November. A. !>..- 11)02 and rccnrdck in tlio • r " .C(? "' Atl«'"lc County In deed book oMrHlTin'fee1."."1 Bnd c»™°™« ™° nn tlie nroiwrty of^rho Cottrell ComB 1 1 ? S*-f .,! " .R1"', lllken In execution at the suit of > 10 Worklucmen'R Jjmu and UulldlnK Association and to be sold by ,, . , , JOSEPH- n, HAKTLK1T. Dated Jnnunry 21. lair,. sherlir KllKNCH & ItlCllAUU.H. doIlcltOrK FORREST F. DRYDEfi. President FOR SALE BY • Hannnonton Poultry Assoe'n South Jersey Republican Issued every Saturday mornlnir Entered In llammonton Post-OItlce as second-clnss mattar by HOYT & SON, PUBLISHKRS Orvllle K. Hoyt William O. Hoyt Subscription Price: fl.25 per year. 81.00 In .-Ulantlc County. Three cents per copy. On sale at oflice. anil nt Well's News Iloom Advertlslnc ISatcs on application. Local Phones.—53?. (533. 1093. 1'r's fee, 818.30 service. 7.30, theme, "Selfishness and its esults." * M. E. Church. Strangers always velcome here. Sermon subject at 0.30 a in., "The thorn and' the fir tree," and at 7.30 p.m., "Faithulness rewarded." Study of the Scriptures at noon. Junior League at 3 o'clock. Prayer service on Thursday, 7.36 p.m. * St. Mark's Church.^ 3rd Sunday iter Epiphany. Morning Prayer nd Holy Communion, 7.00; Litany ud Holy .Comnjunion , i o. 30 ; SunSATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1915. .ay School, 11.45'; Eveniug.Prayer; .00: Feast of the Coiiversion of it. Paul, Morning Prayer and Holy Did you ever see such fine "cement" as that which covered Bellevne Communion, 6 a.m.. . . . . he past week ? The paste (or porridge) was from two to twelve inches The Sabbath day was given that eep, aud fast driven autos • plastered pedestrians a dozen feet away. re might have time to "worship; Jow about that, proposition to pave a portion of the avenue,—the cost ie Church was built so there might o be borne equally by the State; County and Town. We have spent je'a'place. ' Given lime and plage, more than enough on that street to pave it three feet deep with file best ill we find you -at Church ? Pretmaterials. '. ..--—— :—— —_.. ___Trrr— ^—— — yteri«»—G-bufeh— notices-;—hoursr 0 aTm7^aii3~7 . 3O"p7inT TheineT Now that the ground is not frozen very deep, immediate connection _The assnranqe God gives," and _vith the seweFshouid be rh%de. According to the prdlna^nce, there aje ut about ten weeks to do this ; then, if it is noL done, Council will ation." Sabbath School at noon, ave to enforce the law, with a fine. Really, it will be a good invest- o learn the way of God. Prayer ment,—no cess-pools or open (smelling) drains to bother with. Call up meeting, Thursday,, to elp both saint and sinner. * our plumber now, while you have it in mind. . ' ' Don't fail to look after your chimneys. There are three dangers to Street Sprinkling Report. e avoided, — bricks dropping off on somebody's head ; burning out ; MR. EDITOR:' Will you please Twelfth Street,"between Railroads. nd filling up and choking off, causing the coal gas to back into the ubli,sh the following,, statement Local Phone 901. Bell, 47-0. ouse. .... The latter happened in one house the past week, and might or the sprinkling of Bellevue Ay. h ave caused the family serious illness,— and it was not an old chimney, welfth Street to Reading Railther. ' • oa'd, and one square on Egg Har. • -. • It is stated on good authority that the next Postmaster for Ham- or Road : Hammonton. - N. J. For those Cold, Creepy, Chilly, Days Sitting Ina chilly, creepy room Is not at all pleasant, besides It's not safe. U sometimes mean? a cold that, vlll stick to you (or months. Why take a chance, \yhy be uncomfortable? ; Use a Vulcan Odorless ( Gas Heater .?iM B2 monton will be Lewis Langhain. While we would prefer to see some Full nmniint collOPKHl ne,,ofyfJie older Dem&crats appointed,— Messrs? Os"gobd, 'Black, or \Vnttr Com., lor wnler 101 67 wntff wnuiiii ,073 urgan, for instance, —we must acknowledge that 'the young man is Ilvpalrlnc 1'aliitlnyM'Attir WARon ...... 1700 nergelic and progressive, and we wish him success in every .way. Inaurlnt water wnton ...... u 711 (•olleicllnii. At loiwr rent.... 4241' IIHKS Noj >tlie"- Hnmmontoii • •Tmsf'Co'mJla'ily 'bUil'di'tig has" not beeh bur1r fronFis TentTrely "gone^ " They are ^oing business llalanciicaih hold by Itobcrl Htecl,. (7 M7 without interruption, but will be glad when the masons and '.carpenters dr. Steel has managed the bulk re through, which will be soon, leaving it n handsome, commodious, f -this work, and made it possible or tlie residents on these atreetH to nd up-to-date structure: • • ve with some comfort, relieved of To prove that the rumors in regard to contagious diseases in ic terrible dust caused by the We hope thnt lammoiiton are. untrue, the Sanitary Inspector informs us that during utpmobile traffic. ic past ten days there have been reported one case of diphtheria, one ome of our public officials will f membranous croup, and three of measles. So you see there is no , to get the 'State to do some-, ling to relieve us of this unjust ,eed of worrying. ., urtleii. WM. J. SMITH. Saturday'* inquest brought out two facts, — first, that \vine does lot produce clear heads ; and, second, that eomeonc is either giving Poultry Men Elect. ir selling the stuff by the pitcherful. The Hammonton Poultry Associlion, at their annual meeting, last reek Friday. elected Messrs. K'. H. harpe, T. W. VoTe.J. E. Gerhnrl, An Ordinance fur tlio appropriation of moneys fur thu general and Incidental V. Peiz, Gco, R. Pelouxe, T)IOH. J. expenses of tin; Town of llmnmonton for tho your 1915, nnd respecting Celley, H. Q. Packard, i\a Directorn tnxcn to ho nnsenncd nnd mined to cover imld npproprintionn. or the yenr. At the Dirt-elors' Section 1. Ho it ordiiint'il l)y tliu Mayor and Town Council of the Town of retinu, the following wirre clioscii: Hnmmonton, Atlantic County, N«w Juntoy, Unit thuro nlmlt-bu appropriated, Prenidenl, R. II, Shuriw. nml thoy do hifreliy npproprinto tho following mints for thu general nnd inciVice-Pren't, J. H. Gurhurt. iluntul oxp«imi:» of tho tmld T<iwn of Hainmoiiton for tho your 1916 : Secretary, Anton IMez: Kor Town Purpoaen $4,000.00 Truunuict, H. O. Packard. ( Kor Highways 8,600.00 JTH'IC TO rilKIMTOHH. For Firo Deportment 1,000.00 |->t»taol llulunC. llniuMllli, l.)nc-,nn«eil. I'uraunni to tn0f>rderor Kinnniiel(!, Hhitnor, Pur Care urul Maintenance of I'oor 1,000.00 ' irromto <il Ilia I'otinlr ol Atlnnllo. lhl» ,ta» nutwonlliii uii|ill<'i>tlon ol llui iiiiilcrnliinmT, For Slrt'ot Lighting ' 4,000.00 mrutor of IhtiNnhl tbu-i-dnnl, notlrti lindrnliy FAr ( nnd Mnlntoimncit of 1'iirk '500.00 jvon to (ho cniilltorn of t h u mild 4li-i-rili^nt to ihllilt to Ihu nuhniTlhiir. uiiilcr ""Hi or nlllrFor Itonrd of Ilimlth H00.00 ptlnn, tliolr iMulinnunil itmuiindu iivitlnni lti» For Dralimge ROO.(M) t u t u of HID wilil ilcctiilont, wltliln nlnii Kiiillm Ironi thin ilnli<, or tliuy will lid lonivxr For Mninorlnl l)uy 50.00 nrnul iroin iiroMtK-nilnii or rut-ovvrliiK ll>" Him ncnlnui tin- milii<rll>«r. For IntoroHt on Diilit for Si(|<nvnlkn nnd (Jurbn 4KU.UO w. mc'ii.uiu m:ia.v. i^n-i'uior, iiy'n l.rMiitlnK. N. -I, . J|no|iiionlon, N. .1. For InUirvnt on Dolit for Conntniotlon of Huwoni^ii . >Both parties ol Ampricanr birth ; ( D. E.BALLARD BRICK AND CEMENT WORK / And^PIastenng i i Orchard St. Haminonton 9000 FARMS Mat f kirn buroj pnTn to wnuho « twl the tioi /Vintncw c!m m Uxiz <nml lit inocinauoncciieetiiJQgfaniu' TlKnfom'Vn k»r« bij New Yotk, Botoa. Phik •nd ManphM and teccilre t luai emr w. Wo yp mow final Ihu «ar eAer AftKr inllnWoild............,- .................. . Wa can KH Snw turn. No xhuM (en. -t Fo» furtW infom«lioii «n<J (fM cow of booUct "How to S.U Your Farm >! writi to our Meat . Hammonton Electric Light Co. ;•••••• Now is the tvme you want • Good Light Owing to oetterl^cilItLes and lowe material prices, we- are prepared to name .' • -.. • .*"' 1113 172 / Atent far E. A. Strout Farm Agency 10 to 20 " . 3.. . 7..., 2.... S.... I .. t.. ; D.... 8.... &.... 5 Over80 " 3 Cts. Littlefield Ice & Coal Company •• 1009 11)10 US 1012 71 No 'matterjshere you are, if you are aiifay from town current, make your own. . 78 Communicable Diseases...:. Tuberculosis Chicken Pox • Typhoid Fever ... Diphtheria ,.... 78 1910 71 1911 58 Royal Electric Company 71 Distributors for Electric Storage Battery jC6 Brilliant Lamp Works. 15 South Second Street, Hatnmonton 1914 • '< Drop Card for Estimate. 81 , 0.. . 28. .1.18 12.. . 11....'20.. . 18. 3.. ...2. ....2 .74. .. 12 ...0. ....2 ...2 44 143 M . Mrs. Warreo Sooy — 2 Mrs. Stanlitreet. l ir. O. M.Cfewell .... 3 Dr. F.C. Hurt I ~Dr7C. UunnlnghamTTSSUr. J. C. Ultler 25 MOTOR GA.RS, POWER, ECONOMY, DURABILITY RELIABILITY. Harry F. Birch, Agent, May's Landing, N. J. • During the year just past, the Board of Health has lost from its membership two of its oldest members; tfut up to the. present retains WILSON S. TURNER, Sub-Agent their services as Sanitary Inspector andSecretary. The two members Hammonton. appointed to fill the unexpired terms of the retiring .members, Doctors Allison and Myrosc, have shown that they are awake to the interests t of the Town. .;. Your Secretary has had the unpleasant duty of again calling the or attention of physicians to the law compelling them to make prompt re"ports to the Board of Health, of births and contagious diseases. In most 'cases, those receiving such notices make an effort to do better, for n time apital, - - - $50,000 at least, realizing that it is the duty of the Secretary to compel such reports, to be 'made ; but in dne case the physician became angry and 3u rpius~an"d~" informed a member of the Board that he would see to it that your Secre- Undivided Profits, $64,000 tary should never be re-elected to the office. . TunitRCULOSis, Only four cases of this dread disease have been Three per cent interest paid ou time deposits reported during the past year. The smallest number in any previous year that we have record of was in 1911, when n cases were reported'. Two per'cent interest allowed on demand accounts having daily Three of these reported cases have since passpijjio the great beyond, one •of,which was n nun-resident, who was sent loTHnminonton to end her —^balj^iceof-$jooo or more.' days us comfortably, as possible. , ' ^-L__^ Safe Deposit Boxes, for Rent TYPHOID FKVMR. Twenty cases were reported during the past year, which is about the average for the past three years. Only five M. L. JACKSON, President canes. we,re in houses supplied with Town water. W. J. SMITH, Vice-Pres't Three cases came from one house, and the Sanitary Inspector W. K. TII.TON, Cashier reported that nt least two other cases wore trncoil to the name property, pIRKCTOKS 'which according to^the report presented wns in a n y t h i n g but a sanitary [. I,. Jnclreon^' J. A. Wans condition. Flies were in the house and over tin: food by the thousands. . V. Osgood George Klvins J. C. Anderson ... One of the Stau- Inspectors, being sent here to investigate thu cause fm. J. Smith of the disease, found in some cases disinfection of dinohargcrt was im- nm'l Anderson W. R. Tilton Win. L. U.Wk 'properly-done or neglected altogether. ll,e recommended thnt tile local Board of Health compel the building of tnuiitnry wator closets, or altering tlincc already built, to meet those conditions. It is remarkable ilmt (luring tlio past two yuurp not a death linn resulted from typhoid fever. cut ml Ave,, Ilntmuoiiton. ScAULKT FitvitR.' Two cnse» reported, no fatalities. CHICKICN 1'ox. Ui^hteen c^se^renorted. DlviiTintRlA. TMTO CAW* membranous croup, with recovery. of MKASUC9, 'Only twelve cases reported during the year, no deaths. The Beor>lesBank Hammonton, N. J. All that is Good and Latest IN Victor Records. Let us explain some of the advantages of buying yotm VICTROLA at home. • We sell them on the convenient payment plan. Come in and hear them. We have a good number to choose from. ROBERT STEEL, your Jeweler. SAFETY FIRST. USB PAXSON'S SANITARY SWEEPING COMPOUND While Sweeping. It catches the GERMS as well as the DUST ! If yourjobbcr or denier doi-H not have 1'nxHoii'ri Sanitary ^akeview Greenhouses VITAI. STATISTICS. MAKIUAUKA. fifty-five, ten of which were from hiirrouiiding (ownoh i ph. /--*" BIKTIIS. An Increase of twelvo over lust year. STII.'I, lliKTiirt. Klght hlill births, four of which were under the , I'ltckcd In Intrrclrt, hitlf-burrchi, »nd lulm for UHC in HtoroH, liotclH.'qhnrolicH, HclioolH, etc., uiid*in five, ten, nnd 35 cent ^ piickiiKutt for hotirichold imu. | It cIciuiHCH llooi'H itiid brl^hti'im I'liipctH, K'ltvliiK the rooniH If) u piirc nnd Hiinltury condition from the tiriu'of the dlHlnlvclunt I ( und dcodorl/or that It i-oiitiiliiH. ) ifl<<iiit *|i*nor 'or Wiiuryp* iinl«iiii. _ .,., J Uk«n tlirouuh ifiiim *i/o, i»oot. y/tlalnollW. wllhouloW|»,(i«»b» A»k yowr Rroccr for it pudciiKC on tho free Irlnl proposition. I Insist on having Paxson'a Sanitary Oompound; • 'Accept no tmbtuitutc. Our name IH oil baiicl» nnd puckiigcH. For sale by W. L. BLACK, Hammonton, N. J. DitATHS. An Incrrnriu of ten over the previous year. i|i deatliH due to infantile iliiurluieu, the largest number in hix i 1 yenrn. ' H were under 5 years of (>m«. , 9 were over 70 years of age, C deuth rale from pneumonia In Hlill largo. dcullui were canned by accident, the largest iiilmber for 6 yearw, ur Hecrctnry IU»H tried to do hln duty ever Hlnec he has held tin; nnd if rc-eleoted will eonlinne to do MO without fear or favor. Respectfully nubmittcd, , J. C. UlTMlK, Beoretnry. Palms, House Plants, Gut Flowers, Funeral Designs Alr-n'dVB. Hhould bo In before Thursday noon. If t>o»Blblo., UnlfH* parties Imve nn nccount with IIH, they Will not wall Irjr, ft bill (uocensltntlniouraddlnirpostaeetolt) but remit promptly, elthbr In cunh or ono • nnd two cent Btatnpn. No adv. of any sort will bo ln»iort«d between news 116ms. ' ill VSA I.K.— lour low on Twelfth Stroe 40 x 100.' Cheap to quick buyer. •• 1). K<lw. llAllnrd. p*OK f&lo or Ilont—^elEht roonied house. A *• ' couvenlcnccH. Good lochtlon-r on KB Harbor Houd. I'oHsesslon Feb. Int. Apply J. K. Ucrlmrt, llninn-.onton. rJOH Sale—lot nnd barn on nollrvue Ave c 'opposite 1'ooples Unnk. A'ppl to _. J. \V. Tilton. WI2 Klllott Ht.~— West I'hllndcLpliIn. TJor Kent—the house So. 420 North Socon ^ Street,—S10 per month. At>,»ly to Mary Stndler, J'rutt .t-Kce Harbor Itoa rfor llent— Nino room house cor. 1'leAsant r WashlliKtou aw. AllconvonlenceH. bar largo prouiuln. Also, on Koli. loth, 217 Vlii .St., eleht rooms, nil convenlciiceR. . '. A.J.King. E WILL CUT the IJcllovuo N'uruery In W huiiiealtcH. IronllliB Hcllevno, Orchar Pleasant. French, Fourth Streets. Oeo. \Vm. Tinvsctt. /~\KI''ICK Hooins for Ilcnt— furnished '-' uiilurnlshed—electric lighted and steal heated. Mrs. T. C. linllitrd. DOR Itcnt—the store next to steel's Jewelr *• ^Btore,—5*25 per month. Apply to M. Kubtaa. 0 Houses for Sale, on Orchard Stree ,'oupli' minutes' walk (rum stations. Api>lyto tleoree Lobley. ffOK Hent.— thnt. desirable residence o 1 Packard Street, near Hellevue Avenue, I desirable puny. All modem Improvement! KnH.. electric Ilirhtlnp.. bath,, and hot wutc heatlnc.' Apply to A. J. Hlrti-r. Bellovue Avenue. Announceiue.jrt9r—— >O Whom It Mny Concern: Tnko notice • that 1 shall petition nnd' npply to the •UlnntloCiiinuy Court of Common Pleas, nt lay's I.amllnp.'N. J.. on KeJ>ni:iry 19th. 1'Jlu.T on such substquent d»te-:ts muy be deulglated by mild court lor said imrpose, lor nn Tdt-rchanirJiiR^ny naniu Irbnf.Tlacldo I.uca o Plat'lil l.iifaet, U|KO etraii^loir the names ol ijr li)Mntdlntc family to l.ucns. . Placldo I.uca. JIAN'O-TiintiiE nnd Keputrlnc n specialty. W yeiirs' t-xiierlence. Tunlnc. ?2.t)0. - . (ico. llaspc, residence ol K. N. Thomas. Local phone 762. tTfrtrJohiryrmrodearfor Ihe piint five yearn H -with the St. Paul Symphony Orchestra. will accept n limited number of pupils ou the tolln. ForterniR, address onr~Sen-Ice:±Wes. Vaunhn- and HTs automobile— or night—lone r short IVJIIH. Cull up lied Cross I'tiaruiacy,. or U)Ciil XU. LJAPKIl Handera and Decorators. .Intimates cht-erfuliy furnished. . .Cliau. SlmpKon. )roy uoHtnl.^ ±£! WnshliiKton Street. 'KDAH Shinnies nnd Berry Stakes for anlo nt ' luudciiiiti prlveii. elms. I). Sorden. Mnplo Street. I innnnonton. ... j—heavy one-horse spring wacon. *•• with iiole and Khnlts— prnctlcally new— nadeb.vJohn \Valthe-r. Thort. Creamer. Fnlrvlcw Avo. L PPI.K Trees—as nice n lot ol Iroen as I ever saw. Prices rlvht. J. Murray llassett, Packard .Street. JUntoKR.TIKHD DUUIIY lor Kale cheap. **• 1). Kdw. llatlard. L .OH Snlo.—IrrlKutliid *ilnnt: 12 h.p. boiler ; 8 h.p. eiielne: 6 x l;! Ihiuiiliuis pump : ton (plpo: 8-horse plow. \Vlllsellcheap. Win. ColwoII. foil Sale—two desks—ono roll-top and om< Oat-top. . • W. Hkjnncr & Hon. Have a gofMl <-ro\v Iron ABO Potato Sprayer. 1 have no .use lor It. 526 cwili takes It. I_ M. Pnrkhunit. E. P. JONES FUNERAL DIRECTOR And Embalmer rhoiin tu«. Moll, II—X, Hammonton, N. J. Watch this space next w§ek. At Black's General Store Hammonton 31% Save i Save It! of your money High. Grade Toilet Articles Useid every day. " Special Advertising Sale till Jan. 31st Hair Tonic, Rexall If .50 cent size at 34 c ' '>$! " 670 " . Beautifier $1 " 67C " Shampoo . . . 50 cent'size at 34 c ; "'"."" " '34 c Cocoa Butter Cold Cream , . .'so 5o Violet Dulc Vanishing Cream 34 c " Cold Cream .. 50 34 c Rice Powder, Harmony 17 c • 25 17 c " Jergens . . . . .' 25 Vio Dulc Rouge (Theatre) . • 25 170 • .' -•'.' •••X rrcr XTASHWOMAN W»nted-Kood washer-to • * come to house, Apply nt '" I3U Maple Street. lOARn Wanted. Kor icntloiuau and wlfi " with, a rollnvd American family, In homo Ith all modern convenlencea. No othor loardera. NoatnOHa and wholosomo ftwd the uvntUI requisites. Htato prlco por week, . Address "X," llepubllcan otrice. Violet Dulc .Wly of Valley . Heliotropt; Bouquet Jeanice Complexion Powders— Wood Violet D'Artagnan .\ Bouquet JeanR-e . 13 standard Perfumes . 10 cent Talcums, 8 c .. •> . 20 cent Talcums, 16 c . Poultry, Hii|>|)llcB, mill l/lvc Hiock. I1(loiiil llorno, ImrncHH niiil rurrliiuii, (or »al«; alHit I'rutrlu Mtatu luu\il>uttir. *^4H caiuivll nodl (or OIK? hatrhlnn only. AddrcNH '• ' llox Iftl, Ilaniniontnn. \JU/'I': YOIIIIK Hml '.lurnor Mliimtn Inr nalu l ^ nlm> Wvundiitto IUMIH nnd txiokrrtilH, I ' ottoC. liRinliicu I.ost and Found • as • 35 • 25 •35 17 c 17 c 17 c 23 c .50 " • " 34 c •75 " " 49 c .75 " " 49C . 50 " " 34 c 15 cent Talcums, 13 c. . 25 cent Talcums, 17 c At Red Cross Pharmacy wunu In applrlim lo Frunl M M« In. Mlddlfllload. ' Uooillb Bacon is Cheaper! 'tt'tl Kiirnlxhud ItiHiinn. nlmiollli'i-, Inr runt Itu4, <»( iMiilur Mllowi'il. Apply Mm. ItKiharil Clrvrh, -ami ,v (in luinl. R. N. BIEDSALL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER J l l l l l l l l I U P r n n i K l l v -rtlM'ndrd r l'i,. 115 Orrlmrd St., llnminonton A Second-hand Buick TOURING CAR Hull l-w / " grocery in Wanted. WATKIS & NICHOLSON Uiiml I' ll«M. you get satisfaction Miscellaneous I .mm I I'lliillu Hll lorlrttH und I.undHoiipe Gardeners The place where Real Estate In fresh flowers, wivx or metal' uu Ave. Subscribe for the Republiciau I Xo chnrgo Iww than ton centH. • . Each (Inure. Inltlnl, ixnd nnmo counts ." one word; ^ Pnublp price charged miTar -A-UTOilOniljK-toJHire.--Cairiocal phone *?• !Kj2. nivi-tliiie.'ralnorKhlnc. ' James W. Cottrelli \I/IL.L Furnish on' order— Iron kettles for vv bolllne spraying solution, up to 200 cols, with or without jackets. I'hone Iii:f.'. Thos. Creamer. 1 the adv. below, entitled "Hoard Wanted.' 1912 191 I 1914 13.. ...7 Half-a-Cent-a-Word Column COUNTY CAPITAL (JARAGE 12.... 11.... 19.... 21. ....4 •- Scarlet Fcvejr .. Kecclved from Isolated Plants •"_ our Specialty 81 1913 ....0 1..../.0" iJiGrlppe :......:..... ...18 1....;.0 Typhoid Fever ;"..... .. 2... ....o :!:..r.vo Whooping Cough ... ..•1... •...o o.,....o Vlphthorla............ ., 3.,.. ....4...,..0. 4 .. U... . . . 7 . . . Tuberculosis ....2.:.. is.... 11 Pneumunla <.-.,• .. 4... . . . 8 . . . 3 2 .. 4.1. ...4... ..I... ...2 Jlrlghfs Disease .j) ...4 .0.... 11 Infantile Diarrhoea . .. 9..v it ."..7 9. ...4 7.... 10 Digestive Diseases... .. 4..'., 5. . 12.... 1(1.... 15 •Circulatory " ... ..11...:. 18 9 4. ...8.'.....3 Nervous _ • ' " .-.. .'. 1... ...7 2 0 1. ...0 Cancer**.................. .. 1...,...2 B 8 .. 6...,...3 S. ...S Accident.... All other causes....... ..22....,18....- 16. '. 12'.... I K . . . 11 DON'T WORRY about MOVING Get Bussell's Padded Auto Van. NYWHERE Cedar Brook, N. J. ANYTIME Long Distance Moving a Specialty. Bell Phone. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Let me Estimate^ For house wiring. • They wjll . surprise you. .'7.... 4.... 4.... 4 . 4.....7.... 4....15 ... 3.... . 2..-.. 4.... 6....10 .12.... 5....13.... 8 ...10... ...12... .12....12.... 9....14 ... n.... 2.... 5.... 8....JS 71 yo.ur orders for any LOW FIGURES 100 20to30','"' ./ •30to40 " 4 0 t o W "MtoCO. " .. «0to70 '' '. 70to80 " %. Deaths by Diseases......' S. J. B;'.' 1T7 ; ••' . . 78 71 68 , 71 81 Deaths by ARCS " Undjjr one year, American parents 3... . 3.... 1.....!..,. 2. - : . ~ - . ....... •••Foreign .10.;.. 9 7....1SL ,.10.. .'8.... 4.... 7....if 1 to 5 years... . I..'.. 2...'. 0.... 1 ,. 3.. , Bt'olO " Godfrey littirdliiftrllammonton —. Miuiufncturcd by PAX80N MANUFACTUHINO COMP-ANY, lno.,< . an; SiuiHjim Street, I'lilliuk-lphin, I'eniinj Sciciiiif ic Jimcrlcan. " WIRE YOUR HOUSE .-..,..'...13 1U10 1911 11)12 11113 IBM Deaths by Nationalities..^..' American, of American parenU. ..81.. ,-.«...-. 21!.... 32.... 80 ..-a.. .22;'...l!)....10....j!5 ' ,.'.14'.. ,.11...,11....18....10 Italian : .•;<. ... 2.. .. 8.... IT.... 2.... 2 .jrlflh....... .......f.. .. r.. ,. i.... 2.... 2.... 1 Knjllsh ; Oorman '. ... 2.. ,. 2..-.. 3....0.... 2 . 1.... 0.... 0.... L Scotch.;.....; ....:.....,,.., ". 0.... I..'.. 1...: 0 All others •_ _ _ —v ' H^W: Miller, - In ybtir coal bins, no matter . how the sno\v may fly outside, or how cold it may be, you, can bid -defiance jto tlie elements ; but if the coal supply runs short : there's to be trouble. Our coal is the first quality,' full weight to the.ton^l 160,(K) Auuiiint U> ho rnlncil hy tnxntlon ,,,$18,220.78 .(Hto'od) PUKDKKIUK C. HUICT. Mnyor. Attcnt; W. U. HRKI.Y, Town Clerk, ' Inlnxlucu^l Jnminry 111 11IIR t'Mivd Jnnunry IB, 1U1G v b tb* tlca w» tuO»t Ott Ibt Una of If you have .Plenty of Black Diamonds 2115,00 '-.— Suction a. AiiiVho It •arniilnml, innl of tlio niimn m>'«prTroj)rlitt«dl'thflrti ' ahull bu uaiomiod ond rnln.-dliy tnxnllorf tho mini of Ji:t,ffl«.7ll, which mild iiiin In dut<ii'i|ilnutl IIH fullown : Approprlnllonn »|0,27(1 00 Itontiurcoa, , , . Ilnliinco on hnnd from llncoll«ct<:d Tnxon from tho ' yonrlDH 0,048.27' One party American and one Foreign birth ..'-•" Foreign; " male, ....09.... 62.... 02....«! .". " " rcmalo..T.53....67..!.03....n8 Mixedparentage—male.... .'.. 6....11..... 4....18 —female.:..:...«, 4..-..»:'....81...._B_ ' Can be connected to any 0M fixture. Will take off tho chill and moko a room comfortable In a few minutes, •Guarantoad Odorlaf* Absolutely Sanitary Wo have thorn In varloun •tylos and at different prices. 29 . ' An Ordinance. For Intori-nt on Huwor lloUnr Coiinticliiinn d«il)l ... For Jnteretit'on «onln of Opurntion ond Mnlntonnncn of S«wurnK« 9yMt«in .......................... by•<. . ••'/ - Both parent8-Amer|can-blrth— male ....i :" Oliver Chilled Plows O -Simple'x Brooders Feed and Poultry Supplies Funeral Director and Embalmer |... •... ItollowitfgMs .tlie^arr^ ' Registrar kttbe annual report of tuV Board of Healtll-: BRIGHTER^ Our Own" Bacon, cured from choice Jersey pork, By tlxe strip Single Sliced \>r Hiilc. Ciin be mudo a K n n bout or Truck. Tho buck tu-iil 24 cents 26 cents. 213 cents OIIK'H oil', A 1915 Duick Run-about • iMotlvl C- 'j,\,-'~new. The first curing, of "Our Own" Hams. Only a few, but very fine* Ono Trap Buggy Vllli pole.nnd nhnftH, rubber tircM, new. < . fl. TUIlNHU, Advertise in tlio S. J. R. N Jackson's Market •• SHWSOMf* A >' i \ celved and led astray by them. We 'CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY. '.*: "SABBATH-SCHOOL LESSON. _ . can hold, fast to the truth as-It. la In Jesus, and treasure, the .Scriptures Topic for January. 24^1915. For January 24, 1915, • •/ • •_ which ate able to make jus- wise unto WHAT BIBI.E .CHARACTER DO salvation. .. • GIDEON AND THE THREE HUNYOU'LIKE BEST? . • / • • ' • • Everyday Moral Evils. DRED. ''THE DAYS ARE EVIL." But the evils which, surround us-.., Psalm 105, ' Judges" 7. ,' " , i When the apostle admonishes, the and against which we must be on our Golden Text.—Not by might, nor The answer to' that question, .will Christians to walk, circumspectly, be- guard are not all of'an 'intellectual NKIND friends bad long set- ly. "Hty does -nothing "of tho sort H« tled to their .own sattBfoc- leaves' It to his nephew Edward by power, but -by My Spirit, salth 3ecausejho days-are evil (Eph. 6: 15), n4ture. .Some are a question of plain naturally depend In large measure —tIo'n-that-GladyB-and-£hynia -Winch—absolutely-;—and—I've-got~lt-ln hovah -•-o.t-hoBts;~Zech.—4TCr —r~-^ tiaTa describing the d,ayp in which he everyday morality' We live "ln_days J!P_oji_lnejoInt-of_vl&w_from-which.-ltRuddock were permanently black and 'white, signed by two wit— llved^They were not r.ayorjjb'le to the 'In whlohTTor some reason or otfierT 1s considered.' If it Is taken as. meanVon the shelf," when one nesses, so there!" Human beings are not machine- developmentrof true Christianity. The the-moral sense of men has become Ing, Who do you think the noblest of ' • day, to everybody's surprise Mr. Chlppery went white to the lips; they are -hand-made. -Each Inpowers lot'evil were., abroad In the blunted, and In- which men have learn- Bible characters? one answer might —not excepting the young ladles them- his cousin was as flushed as a rips made; dividual has a distinct personality earth. The world'"was the-enemy of ed to view with complacency If not be given, while the same person selves—two suitors appeared on , the tomato. The onlookers stared at one' which is the net result of the qualiChrist. But if we should1 suppose that with approval, actions and conduct at might give a veryTfifferent answer scene. What made the coincidence all another Hke> tho Inhabitant^ of Pom- ties and tendencies which -he inherthe days of the apostle were 'excep- which their forefathers would • have, -If the question was, Whloh character tho more remarkable waa the fact-that peii might have done when they heard Hed as modified or developed 'by his Winch and Arthur Chlppery the first rumblings of VeSiH'lus. tional in this respeqt, we should mako stood aghast. / would you choose for an intimate Edward and his habits of "Let me see that paper," demanded environment (the young gentlemen In question) The Stage. friend? ,-a_great njistahe.'- The form which th'e were not only each other's cousin, but Mr. Winch. thought and of action. The Bible sets that the It has been maintained powers of evil assume, and the guise If it was merely a question of great- the girls' cousins also. "Show us yours," retorted Mr. before us, a. great variety of characin which they'attack-truth and right- stage Is a teacher of morality. . But if ness of character,: tine would have to The Bisters had often admired these Chlpptry Imperatively. ters and shows us their faults as well 'eousness may vary In different peri- ever it was such, it can hardly be choose between such men as Abra- •male relations—secretly and openly; The wills exchanged hands. "Pooh; an obvious forgery," re- as their good qualities, and their ods. JBut there has jfiever been "a claimed that it Is such now. It Is ham, Moses, Samuel, David, Elijah, but they realized that they were only Mr. Winch, after a cursory failures as well as their successes.' . time in-the history lot the world when often rather a teacher, of immorality. Elisha, Jeremiah, Daniel, Peter, Paul plain, homely young women living In marked And the obvious purpose of this manBmall dead-and-alive country town glance, the 'statement, "tho days are evil" did And In these day's it Is pre-eminently and John. But these men were so far athat was too near London to attract » "Dirty work horo."~Bald-.Mr,—Chip- ifold revelation of characters is to-not apply. Sometimes tho forces of such, with Its "immodest exposure of out of the range ^of ordinary attain- marriageable visitors; and Ted and [Aery, squinting at the manuscript bo-_ sho.w how God adapts .Hls.-.methoda . - evil seem more- powerful than at person and Its suggestive, songs and ment that ,lt woyld probably be >dlf= •^.Tthur had all the advantages of town fort1 him from'various'~angTeB."' IT Sa"mb,' of'HealTng w'ith "men to tho needs 'of jokes on the vaudeville stage, and its flcult for* most persons 46-think of UK—either of them having only to doite as on mine; too—April 19th. All,, different sorts of men; and, also, by others; sometimes their assaults upon • ' religion arid morality are more open use of plots and stories In the theatre, taking any of .them except perhaps hold up a finger and dozens of line. right. I'll Instruct my .solicitor t» showing us the failures and mistakes that are not fit for discussion at the Peter or John, as an Intimate friend, handsome, wealthy elrls were at their lodge a" caveat—at once." and bold. But always the attitude of "So'll I; we'll sift Ithis "business ,of all- sorts of men to teach us how Bat such —simple characters . as lilspcaal—BO they said, anyhow. " the'world is one of antagonism" to family board. . The question of attendYet, on one Easter Sunday, these down to the Hilt," declared Mr. Winch to shun their errors and to avdld^he Ing tho theatre is one that must be Ruth .and Boaz and Jonathan and ' • true religion. — • ' two "ludy-killers" paid a visit to old grimly. "It'll be a marvel to me If It 'traps In which they_were caught. • What'is: thus true ofc every age-Is left to the individual conscience, and Nehemlah and. Mary of Bethany and Mr. Ruddock, and Jointly and sever- don't pan out as 'hard labor' for some-This story of Gideon differs in no definite and Invariable rules can be Thomas and James and Luke, "the , true of the one in which we live. The tlly .proposed to take their cousin to body." many respects from 'any other story laid down. The mind and heart can"1 could lay my hand on that beloved physician," and John, Mark, Lonjjon on the following day—Easter days are evil. This does not necesIn the Bible. -So "does the story of 'somebody,' without moving very faiV sarily imply tbat_the days' are worse not he yielded up to Christ.and .yet and Galus, "mine host," ' as Paul Monday. Samson, which we are' to {ako up take'delight in representations which cither," sneered Mr. Chlppery. The girls were dumfounded, nnd as calls hlni—"the well beloved," aa than they ever were in the history of da they, realized that It, was .,nol . Air. W.lnch .got UB and -left- the- room .next., .And. these two .. stories, .while " the world. Nor does It conflict with the are antagonistic to the mbraUty^whTcTi .us • without asoon cruel practical joke being played on hurriedly, and the party broke up In they set before us incidents which are Christ enjoins. well known fact that in some respects giving us too great a consciousness them, ~* altogether abnormal, paint for us they literally, "Jumped at" the confusion. the world shows a. great Improve- The Fashions and Dances of To-day. of inferiority. Idea of the suggested excursion. pictures of characters that are very, And what of the fashions and ment. . It Is well worth while to get acHalf an hour later Mr. Winch en- very common. Samson and Gideon As a party of fours they did the Our Present Daly Advantages. • dances of the day? Time was, when quainted with all the characters por- sights of the metropolis; as two tered the outer office of Little Pabblo- are, In fact, simply exaggerated picmodesty was regarded as woman's bury's only solicitor. separate unil distinct couples they sat Those who live in the twentieth trayed for us In the Bible, although - ;•,'.' . .. "Air. Puffery Is engaged at the mo- tures of ourselves. century* have many advantages over chief virtue. If the fashions In dress- we have not any. opportunity for per- out a performance at the London Pa- ment, We are apt to think of such charsir," replied the ftfnee youth. In vilion muiiie hall; as two.courting coues-and dances are to be taken as i those who lived-at an earlier period, sonal intercourse with them. But the BCS (advanced stage) they traveled In answer to Mr. Winch's breathless In- acters as Abraham, and Moses ard * We are In the midst of an age of criterion, modesty is no longer deem- more clearly we shall feel the great- (5;l¥osltc corner seats back to Llttlo quiry. "If you'll give me your name Daniel, sud Peter and Paul, as a;toed necessary or desirable. Both dress • discovery and Invention. In a maness of the chasm which separates FuDtalebury'by the midnight express. and the nature of your business I'll F.cther a'tnofmal and quite' 'uaapterial sense the days are not evil. and dance seem to have been Invent- even sanctified' human nature, at fts Within six months there were' two 'phone through to him." proachable, and, In. proportion as we We can scarcely conceive how our ed for the express purpose of .doing best, from the one perfect' Man, the great local events.In the village. Ono The required Information was given, do so think, toe -value of tieir examaway with modesty 'and,undermining and the wouldibe litigant spent ani was the double wedding which made forefathers, managed to 'exist in comCjod-man; for.we find in Hirif all the ple and experiences is lost to us; but fort without the railroad, the trolley morality. not completely suc- perfections trad all the beauties'.which the Misses Ruddock Mrs,. .'Wlnch^and anxious two mfnutes on the corner of Gideon and Samson wore men, as far Mrs. Chlppery respectively, . and . tho in uncomfortable stool.-Then the boy's ceed In'doing so, hut their tendency car, the steamship,-the telephone, the can be found In" all the other charac- other was .the funeral which found the load:peered round a doorway. as character or spiritual attainments telegraph, gas, electric light, and a Is undeniably In.that direction. ters combined, and in a fulfer, more same two ladles orphans. "Will you please step this way.- sir? were coriperned. And yet we flnd that When the waltz .was Introduced -into . hundred other conveniences. These perfect, development than in any'of After the lost rites had be"en:'duty kir. Puffery will see you presently." • God 'could -use these ordinary "men to things have removed many physical saclety, men and women of that the others. He Is nobler, infinitely paid and the mourners and guests-re-- The client walked nervously Into tha do great things. He used themin difevils from which lour forefathers suf- period were shocked ,at what they re- nobler, than Abraham, or Moses, or sa'.ed with a high .ten, a whisper tyent" great man's waiting room and the boy ferent according to their capafered. But they have not .eliminated par'ded as gross familiarity between Elijah; or Peter or Paul, and at the round the rooms which caused sundry walked; out arioSshut the door.. As the bilities,ways, but, In each case, the. power atch clicked, ,MrV winch looked up, the dancing partners. If they were to r.oaultoryconversations to become any .of the evils, to which'the apostle same time He is more companion- -lended In'ttf a: general- murmur, In and suddenly became aware that there was of God, and the success of1 Gldlook upon the new darjpes of to-day, refers. For those evils are moral and able, than, any other man. ( , ivlilch a note of Interrogation and the was another client In the room. To eon God wished to show His patience " spiritual. 'And no amount of ma- the animal dances, as they are called And this one perfect friend we can word "will" .seemed to predominate. his horror he '.• recognized the gentle- and gentleness wltfi"those who real-the plain, undisguised carnal dances terial advancement will do away with These murmurs resulted In the conr man; It was_hls consin, .Arthur Chlp- ly do trust Him and.'. try .to- please' li-' have as our constant companion; for that have be_come so fashionable, tho •-" . ;- • • .. eentra.ted gaze of'all those persons n9t; iery. them. The railroads and trolley cars He Is never too busy to listen to Him. God is alwayp willing tq help . and steamships and electric lights waltz would'have appeared to them hy hat we -have to say, or too much likely to 'be - flnfthciaily interested on') Hastily the latter whipped,, up an-. weak faith along,''' out comparison us ulmoBt a symbol of occupied with more Important mat the f(;w ,who ml^ht be, or, . In "'other i out-of-date quettoner's sale catalogue, vltncss—as—much evil as the y,n ]yipn«'rurfrom-the-tabteTTnTcnjecame deeply ab-; expect Him to help us in such a -way coach,-and-salllng ve.aael anfl jandlea. modesty and propriety. If such dances Winch, who were holding levees -at op- I sorbed in jts perusal. Mr._JWlncii; ag_to make It unnecessary to exercise ; ___ of our forefathers witnessed. And and ^d _ngt_d_eveloaed_-lntti--a-craze-|---~j5oBlte~en3s -~of~lhe room-^-tnctr -wives 'oundTKe~3ecoratlve wSJPpaper a sub- faith. while we are saved the ne_ei»salty_oJ. be'ng- engaged washing up. ';,. . ject for contemplative :study. That Is^one important lesson. The contending against many of the ma- whlch has blunted the moral sense of Sir. WJpch Interpreted the glances "For ten minutes ffy th'e .clock tho EPWORTH LEAGUE. directed at himself and. rose to -seek tension "lasted. 'It seemed ten houra. special care which God took to- make terial disadvantages against which men and women, these modern dances his cousin. But the two met half- to the anxious cous!nSt:_Then_a_doorT It quite clear that the people* had not they had to contend, tho powers of would be recognized for what they way, for ilr. Chlppery had come_ori n at the' far end opened and smiling, "won ^the victory for .)hemselves>. teachTopic for January 24, 1915. evil, the powers which antagonize really arc, a dire peril to the modsiml'ar errand. . ' urbane . Mr. Puffery came through,, es another important' lesson. ••- There truth, and righteousness and religion esty and vlrture of the coming gener"These beggars have found out chatting _to tho client with whom he Is a constant tendency in our . minds THE CONTROL OF A'QUICK TEMare as powerful and as dangerous now ation. somehaw thAt there Is a, will,'-' whis- had been engaged. • Courage to Oppose These Evils. to disbelieve In, or at least, to 'ddubt,, ' PER. as then.. • ' „ pered Mr. W'nch rather .loud'.y nnd "Won't keep iyo&. a -moment, gentle- God's agency In our own experiences. It may tako courage on the part of Numbers 12:3. Forces .Which Antagonize the Gospel. pompously, Indicating tho "beggars" men," said the solicitor., as he piloted We ask help In some matter, and "God v If we Inquire, what are some of the 'the Christian to stand out 'against This verse tells us that "the man yvlth a comprehensive wave .'.of his the client to tho outer lobby. . evils of tho day against which tho evils which have become a popular Moses was very meek, above all the hand. "I s'pose we'd better haie It The waiting "gentlemen" " turned sends "the needed -help; through some satisfy'-their curiosity. It's their backa on each other and-fldgeted very ordinary channel, and It "we do Christian must he on his guard, we form of entertainment. But the Chris- men which were ypon the face of the rend anil at these sort o' tlnics, I b'llovo." with their feet. not watch ourselves carefully/our find that they™are, first of all, forces tlon should hnvo It. Tho days are earth." It is an unusual form of ex- .usual "The very thing I was comlng-'.over but It Is very expressive. It Through tho partly closed door they perverted minds will immediately which directly antagonize the Gos- evil; tho unhntnpered sway of present- pression, to suggest; I don't mind In the least," could hear tne murmur of Mr. Puftake It' for granted that the help( did pel. Wo have fallen upon an ago of day customs bodes still worse evil tor reminds us of tho fact that Moses was said Mr. Chlppery. "Better do It from fery's voice. Then the boy's head a man "of like passions" with 'ourthe future. And It Is Incumbent upon thisJiead o' the dining table nnd make made another appenrance, and'a h'ueh-. no come in answer to the prayer,' but doubt and scepticism—an age which as Paul said of himself and -It look moro official like, oh?" would have como just the same if we openly questions the truth and reality tho Christian to take a firm stand selves,' ed, mysterious voice addressed, them (Acts 14:15.) "TP'r'rips ' as well, though I aon ' I Jointly v bad not prayed for it. And whenever of much which bur forefathers ac- against tho evils which threaten to Barnabas. in 'a ionQdehtlal whisper? Meekness Is not a synonym for soft- much mind where I read It." gain tho upper hand, and for himself "Two ladles outside: same names as wo allow ourselves to accept this cepted without question; for example, and "You read |t? Who said you ..were you two ffentq; followed you here;, reasoning we lose the greater benehis family.-to-see,-that-~he ness,- or_fot+jftck_.of..spirit... Only.ia_ theriruYplratlon"of~"tire"" Bible."" There 'tig character can bo really meek. going to read It?" asked tho surprlso'd must son you !at once, .You'll Just bo fit which Ood- was trying1 to bestow have always been those who assailed walks circumspectly nnd -not as a step: Arthur Chlppery. H'loses was by- nature a passionate able, to miuin^b to 'fbro tho Buv*ribr upon us by strengthening our faith It. Dut perhaps never 1ms thijro boon fool. "Woll," retorted Ted Winch fcobly. comes back; IKJ always stops a long and Increasing our love to Him. man. The act which compelled "him Tho days in which wo-.llve nre not "Who clse'll read It If I don't? You while outside n time when men assailed It more with old Turpln." to tly from Egypt (Kx. 2:12-15) looks like to?" ho asked with thinly vc'leJ God wants 'us to soo His hand In all. oponly and boldly. Even nmonpr many favorable* to spirituality. They mat;- Hk«-th»-ac4.1on-ot-a-hot=tempotcd-man^_ With blank looks on thalr faci-p tha nlfjL-the—tempornl-nt-the-oost-of—theBHft.,iH,nr "tho~CTrperitnrccB~of~llf(nvhethor~thBy — two Kcnta" tlp-tood ln(Vthe outer "I,Ike to! ' I'm-n-RoInK to." ' nro pleasant or unpleasant. Ho Wants tho fashion to question tho In- otornn1 ' nml nxalt tll(1 ™ rtnl i y ,nt 'ho nnd his' breaking of th« tables of stone Tho tone I n ' whlcb thin statement olllca, to be Instantly poUhced upon ua to fool that Ho Is always watching Bplrntlon of tho Scriptures and to ro- A*'1"""" °r "'° hoavonly. Tholr ton- on Which God had written the Com WHH bv their respective apousos. utteroS brought bnck vividly to mandnionts was an exhibition of In"Wluxtover lire you doing here, you over us and caring for ua. And He •luc-o Iho Tilble to tho lovol of n (lonp y '» «° ^ "" n ^ nv ,from ,ch1r'» ' tense emotion. • So woro tho smiting Mr. Wlneh'H mind tho one occnnlnn merely human, book. And In vlow of nwny from faith, nnd truth, and right- of tho rock at Kadesh and tho angry when, followlnp ono of tholr disagree- noodle?" cxolalmod Mm, Winch an- wantH im to cultivate a thankful aa grily. "And whnt'H all thlu Hilly rub-' well as n triiBtful spirit and to bear nonsnoBs, nnrt salvation. Wo must bo tlioHn often Hiiblln nnd nlwnyx Insldlwords which accompanied Hint net, ments, ho bad tried conclusions w i t h blnh 'about your ridiculous will?" wltnesH of Ills faithfulness, that othotm nltncliH upon - Iho Hcrlpturon, It on our guard ngalnnt becoming In- (Num. 20:10, 11.) Moscn and Aron A r t h u r Chlppery, nnd discovered to hla "Come' homo at onco, Arthur, you (>rn may bo encouraged to put tholr bohoovos tho Chrlntlan to walk cir- foctnd with tho world's spirit. Tho wore both shu( out of Canaan for Hint wirprlHn jind phyfllcal dlHconintnrn that fat-lii-air!" ejaculated Mrs. Chlppory. bin coiiH(n J'could IIHII 'nni." ..That WIIH days nrn ovll; wo-nuiHt walk clrcnmIniBt In Him. V cumspectly nml not ns n fool. why tbe angry retort which hu would "Ilo you want to ruin us an well aa sin. Wo hnvo In this BtoVy an1 IllustraThn dlvlno character of tho Scrip- nitoclly and fiot ns fooln. Tint ovoii If thn atory of MOHOH Ima llkit t o ' h a v e indnlgod In WIIH (oneil mako uu thn laughliiK-atook of thu tion of tho truth that- God Intervenes ture^ Is not dei'iondont upon inutlietown?" not contnlnod -any oxhlbltlon of liln down to the modunt: "llimh. my dqar—my nollclllor, Mr. In tho affairs of men without interferpleusn yoiirHelf o' conrun, mntlcnl ilcmoimtratlon, hut IH proved JUNQLE MONKEY QIRL. pnssloimto naturo thu fftot that ho pun- lln"Aw-rlght; to know what thu ruffcry," whispered Mr. Winch, Illllns ing with tho froo action of majil? by 'Its power. It In quick and powerHdiiHcd Hiich a nntnro inlnht havo boon terniHyouof happen thn will an??" In thn remainder of llln explanation In will. by. putting thoughts Into tho ful anil nhnrpor than any two-ndgoil An amuzliiK dlBcovory, whlrh rnciillB fairly Inforroil from tllo Intensity or Mr. fhlppnry favored hln relation dumb ulu'w. mlniln of men which Inolto thorn to Hworrt. Of thin, tho hlHtory of tho tlio* story of MowRll I" Hutlyurd Kip hln l o y a l t y - t o God ami to the Intoreati w l l h nn cnKlmatlo wink and "1 have your fiither'n will In Iny tbo iiioanworld for nineteen ynnre Is UiiK'fl "JuiiRlo llook^'lmn liiuui iilnilii of tho peoplo of whom God had innilo favor," (leclareil Mr. I'lilpjlery boldly, net Ion In nuch n mnnlior an will bring a standing toHtlmtiny. And It In In- In indUi. In tho junglo ncitr N;i:im him tint loader. An Intiiimn nature IH •T'r'apH I do. I nlioiildu't bn unr- "I'll nee lt>4hroiii;h Hie eonrtH If It about tbo accompllHhinont of God's PULPIT TOPIC* I BOUCT -\AIHO\J5r HOR5.E FOR IEVEN ENTi AND DEN . BALANCE HI5SEUFON OE END OB DAVM6 DKTVUN iVEAK To Ot UK FOR LtVlNI | AND 6TANO ON Hli AT OE WO-RP nc ByfOATi VVHCRS P/»ssiNt taunKRfi ntftrnatianal Cvrtoojl Co.. N. V*. was a Sunday morning in mid-May. Judith •Biggs, rising after little sleep looked out at the dandelion blows gleamIng like gold pieces on _ ^ t h e hit of lawn underneath he/'whidow, ct the blue skies and the Joyous sunshine, and realized tbiat -she was fifty years old that day and had never done anything In her life that was really worth doing. Judith wna not. .given to selfjpuy. For. such. a. .scrflp-jof .-little -Old .woman? hood she was Very brave and cheerful usually, but that morning she felt almost ill, and her bugbmrs looked bigger and .blacker and more terrifying •by reason of It. The mist In her eyes dimmed tho.outdoor loveliness, nnd, -fllghlngr-she-turned—away—from—thewindow to the little dull Interior of her housekeeping apartment. There wos one' whole room' and ,a piece ot a room. Judith ate, slept, lived, and cooked In tho .whole room Tho piece hold her trunk and her clothes. .Wrs. Hallornn, who owned the house and rented to Judith, used all of the second room savo 'the llttlo plcco that was Judith's and sometimes she encroached, on that, too. Thoro wero several small Halloruns and all tholr extra clothing huiiK in that room. Il«r place wan In order and Him WIIH slttlns down to rend her nlblo' -when tho church holla began to ring. JuilUh Hnt listening. Sho loyod ^tho (found of thu iH-lIrt and know them all. Hho had -Jl«cn hcnrlnK thorn nil her llfo. That heavy bniH», noto WIIH tho BnptlHt; that -hlKh, nieUilllo ponl tjin lCpl«C(>pullnei; tho ConKn>K»tlon:il and tho ProMbyterlan chnnmnil Horonoly. Hut tho hell Hint dominated all wnn, to Jitdlth'H mind, tho MethorilRt bull. Bho WUH o. MclhoillHt For"ywirH who hnrt Hoarrnly nilnneil a church nervlco. Hhe luui her corner of a pew, iimi'.whon Him crept I n t o II nhe felt more' nnnrly at hoimn l i m n a n y w h e r e elite In the world. Wlionoviir Iho Methodlnt tiell rniiK 't iniitnied lo hold n iipeclul call for hor — n call which nhn did not fall lo liccrt, T h i n llionillii;, however, I h m i K k I h n cull—WIIH—flinrn-TiB—Imrtnti'lll HII (TvlTrT Him had no liir.H,imllon t o lieeil It ciumt to IKII' t h a t w i t h till tin) h n n p y world K»lni; I hln lirli;ht m o r n i n g In chnrrh,' nhe i l l l K h l well afforil to n i n y nway. llciihlen, there won lo Im a new man In Ihn p u l p i t , a n t r a n i ; c r who hail cxclinm<etl p u l p l l H w l l h I h n riii-uhii pll'ltor, l l n l l l K a l i t t l e ileiif nlie had not lieunl bin niiiiio r l r h l l y . I f M r H l n c l n worn «nlii(t to prmcli nhe w o u l d gnili" an effort lo no. Mr. S|cnle w o u l d mlmi h<ir, lint. Hie n l r i u i H i t r never w o u l d know w h e t h e r nhe WIIH t h e r e or mil Hnrely imcli a wcnnlncHii HH tihe f e l t wnn omplo exc.iino for hnr i i U i y l i i M ' • " Tlio Ihoimhl oc(iurrert to her Unit porhn,p,H lu-r protmnco at rhnrrh wmilil )iw nwirtocl nftcr nil. It would be IrxI'iNT f"r (l'i' itiriiiiK'i mini to llnil hln ranirroKnllon ,riiri Jiwny, liecnium the nun offarnd creator nllrnctlon than hln sermon. She could only fill one place, • derful, too good to he true that she NORTH-POLE -DIOCESE, ~ Uoner to-work-for-nothIng.-TT'he It is true, but that was better than had seen him again and heard, his tence is, therefore, mechanically comThe Rev. James Richard Lucas, muted more often than not. not to fill it at all.- She decided to dear voice. ' In the reign 6f Francis I. of France put her feelings aside and do her duty "Judith!" Bishop of Mackenzie Jtlyer, has prob- A man was .Recently sentenced to quickness of wit was often more" by going to church. She turned In astonishment. He ably .the most curious diocese in the death for tb.o_murder of- a merchant's promptly rewarded, than actual merit. Before the last bell had ceased had overtaken her and was holding world, for it includes the North Pole. wife. The~ father of the victim is too The monk, Regnlcr~Malnus, 'did not The diocese covers an area.ot halt a pay tho-executloner's;fee, and lack merit, hut ho owed his first adbooming above the old" gray church out his" hand. she was In h'er quiet corner, with her »"Judith, surely In spite of all the million square miles,' but the popula- the merchant is averse to making tho vancement, nevertheless, to a clever " • small hands folded and with her face years you remember me as I remem- tion. Is less than 6,000, made up of payment on the ground that Ills wlfo retort. . Indians and Eskimos and the famous was. a bad woman. Francis, who was very fond of the wearing Its -customary repose. >-The ber you?" congregation rustled and drifted by She gave him her hand. Trembling, IJlonde Eskimos; there are only forty It la possible that the sum neces- gamo of tennis, was playing a match her-7-such a. small congregation as pale, but ibrave, she looked Into his white people,. .cpnslstlng of traders; sary for tho payment of tho execu- one day with •Malnu^. The monk tioner will be collected by subscription finally ended the hard-fought gamo trouhled her- heart to see. There I eyes- "I haye never forgotten you," pollcor-and missionaries. : • The Blshop,'"who has braved tho among the relatives and friends of with a brilliant stroke. ' scarcely was a young face to be seen, she said. [dangers, of the rigorous northern "Judith," Mrs. Granger was speakthe victim, otherwise tho murderer .Tho King was somewhat .out of yet 'automobiles were full of them as ing. "Mr. Sterling Is going homo with climate for twenty-two years, Is at will escape beheading, and will linger humor.on account of his defeat.' they flashed countryward. "Remarkable!" ho exclaimed, sar• •'• Tho hell ceased, the organ played, us to dinner, and you must como, too. present In Toronto, nnd Is superin- out his days In prison. castically, '"to think that such a tho congregation began to - hunt Now, don't say no. I won't hoar it." tending the building of a mission boat, stroke should bo made by a mere thro'ifgh" ffietr hymn books for the "She ISh't going to say no," said" tho destined for the Arctic Circle, for work WHAT 18 TH.E VALUE OF monk!". opening hymn. Tho door behind tlio preacher, and he smiled, as ha spoke. among the Indians nnd Eskimos. The A'NAVIGABLE RIVER? "But, sire," replied tho monk, who pulpit opened and" the minister came So Judith wont homo with • tho boat will cost $5,000 whon It has forth. He. was a'slender man, wltli Grangers to dinner, and while- Mrs. reached Its final destination at Her- Tho Dolmarvla, Peninsula with ltd was ns quick with hln wit as ho wns with his racquet, "It Is your Majesty's hair top white for his One, thin, brown Granger bustled about hor dlnnor got- schel Island. tho von- numerous 'rivers and waterways Is own fault that ,tho1 stroke was not face. It was a sad face, tired, too, t'ng, and Mr. Granger, with his cuffs From ColllngVood, where !_will—bo-takon-lstrnleglcally—located—insofar an trans? made—by—an-abliotr but with a klndngss and goodness and off, glided her, Judith sat with Mr. to Athalbnsca Landing, on portatlon is concerned. Her linos of A week later' Matnus rocolvnd hla sweetness .In It that must have won Sterling on the staled vorandii, and overland tho Canadian Northern Railway, and | railroads vie with river boats for tho appointment as Abbot of Ucaullou. hearts. His dark, keen ' eyca moved they got reacqualntod. of tho groat volume of farm over .tho handful of people gathered Ho told nor about hln lite. It had from thoro will start on hor Journey eWpmont to Horschol Island. Sho and orchard products. This- m'cans thoro below him and rested at last on been full, busy, hurried. Ho hail mar- of 2,000 milesdrift on tho Athabasca competitive transportation and a conQUITE'FUNNY. ono face— a llttlo, white uplifted face ried, and a year or, so before his wife vylll travol sequently extremely) favorable rato. • snoot ninety, mllos of lilvor nnd had died. Ho waft childless and alone. that shono floworllko In- tho dimmest It further moans quick transportation Tho appointment of Prln'co v\loxcorner. Tib had recognized Judith In- Then ha asked about Judith's life and rapids. .to tho big morkotH of tho country and nnclor of Tock to bo Govornor'-Gonnrai sho told him what thoro was to toll. stantly. aiiBy acoosB to tho Eastern innrkato of Cnnnda In Htic'conHlon to tho Duke MR. LINCOLN'S CHILDHOOD. And she linil recognized htm. After "I tavo accomplished nothing," she with early produce. „ of Connaught recallfl a htory conthirty-two ynnra uha Htlll saw In him faltorod,-nml thoro wore toars hv hfir Of all tho yearn of Abraham Lin- Think what such a tromondoim ad- noctod with a cortalu'lilg place- of tho dear looks of tho . man Bho had oyoa. 'Oh, you don't know thnt," ho ro- coln's early childhood wo know almost vantage means to n rofilon so Idnally ontortnlnmont In I/omlon. lovod that othor May time. Him nevoi nothing. Ilo llvort n solitary life In adapted to' tho high priced early Ono day the mainiKor, who waH vory hnil neon him since— never had lionnl provod her gontly. tho wood*, returning from hlH lonn- products of tho truck farm nnd tho anxious to nociiro nomo Royal patronThat wan n wonderful day for hlH iinino inniitlonoil. Now ho ' waH Homo llttlo gamns to hln chqorlonH orchard. flucc.ox County, Dolawnro, ago for !I|H Hhovv, WIIH Informed to bin Judith. Sim wont to church that ovonthoro buforu her at lant. Ilo imd homo. Ho novor.talkod of thono dnyn la tho InrgoHt producer of Htrawbor- grnnt tU-llght that Prlnoo nnd Prin-. with tho OranRorH nnd nRaln conic, honored to thin holy plucu. Thu tx) hlH Intlinatn frlonds. Oncn, whon rles of any county, of hor Hlzo In tho cenH Alexiindnr of Tock propoundheard IXivhl HlnrlliiK preach. And nrworlhloiiH dronnutr bail bocomit (lod'H forward ho w|:ilkort homo with lid' milted what ho romonlborort about tho world. And sho IH likewise ilostlnml honoring tho perfonimnco with t l m l r ludii. to lioconio tho greatest grower of proitonciv f l i n t ovnnlng. Hn was K'rnatwnr with Groat nrltaln, ho ropilort: ll(ir hourt uan full of joy ami prlilo through tho May moonlight. "Thirty-two yearn ago, In- Jimt nucli "Nothim; but t h i n : I had licen llflh- apples, ponchos and chwrlon. Not ly delighted nnrt excited by thin linwn, lu him, In thankfulniMiH that Hint WUH a nlKht an thin," ho wild, "you ran out Ing ono day nnrt caught n llttlo llHli tunny yearH ago tho greater part of and nn tho tlmo for tho pitrfonmmrn permitted to 1100 him ni;uln. Hlut sat to the Kittci to If/11 nio that your pnrnntH whteh | WIIH lakliiK home. [ met n this famous county was glvon over ilrow nonr ho lioriimn"VIH'y~irsn"rtl<>il, very titlll, w l l h hnr iimall linmlii tlh'htly wouldn't lot y^u marry mo. It nomled noldlor In tho road, nnrt hnvlni; nlwnyn! to tho growing of corn and grain. Tim Me decided that, the entrance hull claxiied, loolililK lownril wlnil had that, Judith, lo malm a man of mo. been told at homo t h a t we niiint lilt ' land IH now liec.oinlnK loo valuable, for Hhonlil hit cleared no Hint liti IUIKIIHI jiuulo tlio ono bright tipot In life for Though I marrlixl (inotlicr woman, I pniroiin Hhoiild not. 1m lncoiivenliincoi| good to tho noldlorn, i gavojilm my Knaln growing. her. K v o n t u n l l y every twenty aoren In on K i ) t t l n K out of the Itoynl enrrluKo have carried the Ihontflit of ynu all llBh." Tho liorvlcn wont on and the mill- my life. U In mi dliilnyalty to hereto i i In only a faint lOlmpnn, but thin Krent. i-oglon will support .u by rnlihlng nhdiililiirn w i t h tho cum--I n t e r IMIKUII lo prench. Thn Utlu of nay that -.Imllth, tell me. don't ynu II nliown IH rullior ploannnt— I hn ( f a m i l y , 1'eoplu hy (hn nnoroii nro buy- moll erowd. Mont of t h e rmnpln hn tho mjrinon, Im iialil, WIIH "Tho lOveii fenl Ihnl wo two" may bo happy ytft T" nun clilld ami I In- p a t r i o t i c hoijno- IIIK ii|i ground do\vn tliero and many mamiKoil to dear nway, lint thorn-whir llnl<:uic(t." I .rn ii clnverly t h a n cianny Ami JuilUh wlilnpnrinl that Hho hold. Hut thnro l>i no (|U«ntlnn timl of thono peoplo ROIIIII from Iho went- one youiiK man w l m ' r e f n n o i l to litiili;n. ho unfavelled hln theino. l^lfo wnn IhoilKhl they could. Iliciio Unit yenni of bin life hail t h o l r nni (country, whoro prloon nn» over- Me nalrt he wan wall IIIK for bin wife, early placed In tho n<-alo>i. On one "Hut." oxchilineil this illnlnicteil lunllii|f cffiicl upon tho toinpnnuncnl worked <inrt whoro opportunism for nldo went Horrow, trial, d l n n p p o l n l mamiKitr, " t h i n p|nco niunt. bn kept of I bin i;rciil i n l r l h f n l nnd mitliinclioly frini or cheap Iniirt havo panned. II IH nllnwiililit for a iiiiin lo pun incut; on thn other Joy, f i i l l l l m e i H , iiiarlielH, and oc.onomlcinl tninnportn- clear, liccaiinc I'm expecting (toynlty." mini. HiioiMiHH. No l i f e wan oil her all nil" on liln own iiainii If hit doeii It woll Tim yniiiiK nian Ki'lmiml. Hit had I l l l l o nrlioollm;. lie accom lion to tlinin, In what counts. nnd not loo often Cardinal ManHilUK nr ihn "1 her. Kor every iiorruw "llmv f u n n y | ilo am I I " li| nntrt, n liuiilud . h l n . ultilur Hunih tu. thu only •Jilntf.-unnrt--to—tnll - f t - n t o r y - n f • hln ;II-|I(IO|M In I h e l r iiitlKhliorhooil, one A n I n v a l i d WIIH w a l k i n g out w i t h reply w h i c h cdinplnlely floortyil i h n rrlnml, liliihop Ilruiiintono, who iiiuiinn meiil n HIICCIIHH; for nvery trial n rut Itopl by '/iiclmi'liili Hlnny, nnd iinollier bin wife tho other day when n mini nlriienl. It wail <!<>d who n i u l i i l i i h i c n to luivo' been n. wit IIH witll IIM nil by ('aleli l|ir/,i«l, whorn ho learned tint met them nnrt vory offiiMlvnly nhooli Tim yoilii); limn wiih, of ., I hit oven Imlnnco, l U u lliiKur toiicheil einlnenl. neclnnlaiillc. Onit ' d a y * u n l p l i i i l n i l , anil I l l t l o more. lint or n i l bin liiuui, I'rlnco Alexinnler lilnnelf wnltbii; Hie ncalen that held our poor fni'luunn inoiiilier of bin Hock uiiproiiclliMl him I hollo m l v a n l i i K O H for tlio c u l t i v a t i o n "An" how do yi>u rto? How do you Hie I'rlnceiin, who wan coining). Im,,,-, nml kopt t h e m iilcmly. l i e nmile up w l l h (ho remark Mini hit VViAll'nl n of a youiiK mind and nplrlt . w h l r h ilu',' How In your honllli. now?" ex wife, and hit mlili-il Ihn unn|y^bi(iiliiHt ' 'l to mi for n i l , conilllloiiM nho niiint lie yoiiMK, rich every home now offern lo (In c h i l d r e n , clnlnied; tin' man. . T n l l n r Tint ponlal nervlc( ill IV A n ho preiiclinil . I m l l t h foritot. t h e ami pn.ily. 'I'lm )ilnlio|i niinwitrei) him t h e boiilui, loyil, IllKenllimi Kimien ami "Mono of your I m n l n c M M , " imapiieil w r e t c h e d condition. lumimmj-oi- nml riimiiinhered only the In nn Militant. i l n l j y i l e v n l l i m of p n n n i t a l love, |m Iho Invallil, a n d , JefliliiK bin h a m l li'i'lonil Never noticed It. itn - i n i a r e . It iieemeil meant, to c i m v e y a w n y , hit h u r r l e i l (iff w l l U hlii w i f e "You ni'n inlnlalion," nald hit, "My l i m j w iiliiioliititly iKillilm;. "Well, | hnvo, DurliiK liuit n K p e c l u ] hope (uid comfort lo her. II u p minin In llniimiloiid, not llrliiiiilonit. "My deal'," nho n n h l , r e p r o v l i i H l y , I ponied ono hundred aiiil o Ill'lei) |,rr, cnlloil her. When nt lain I ilo not mnl)o iniildhitii," , AN I D L E EXECUTION!!!!. when ho had ahnveil i l n w n nn H i n t iilatiiniiuit.1 iif ncciiimt w i t h rci| lidi voice icaneil ithit lirnVitil' her henil nml p'r^ycii i i l l e i i l l y In n n p l r l t of I l i u n l i fiilneici. Al'ler Ihn l i c i M ' d t i ' l l o n I hero WIIH a HI lid iioili lownril llin pulpit lo iilmldt ImnilH w i t h l i n t m l n l n l e r . lllll J u d i t h liimcil away, tllm WIIH Inn t i m i d to approach h i m . Him wlnlieil to n l l p n u t i l i i l e l l y ami net Iinino where ulie could Ililnk It all over, Hho foil. IIH If nhn worn In n ilrcmn, II Hnomoil loi> woil- The n i l v o r l l n l i i K Wiin In n rune. \VhiiI'll (lie mailer'/" n eolliiliKU" United. „ i " M u t t e r oiHMIKh!" wan t h e reply. 'Tim foolu have pl^civl Minn, floprann'n I c n l l m o n l n l fill' a ('"1(1 curt) on lint mini" pnge w i t h Ihn iiiiimniicoimtMt. Hint nho hud n norn Hi rout aiiil could not AmoiiK HI" iilniiDto (iliiiloimi hoiioreil In I'ernla In Olio w h i c h n m p i i w c i n an e x e c u l loner, . lifter p o r f o n i i l n n bin ilrcml olllco. tu claim Ihn p a y m i i n l f n i m Iho pnrentit or ritlutlven of Ihn v i c t i m of a limn not exoooiilnji JHIHI,Itarnly, howiivor, IH Iho mini foiTlinninliiK, nml, u» n connei|iloi|<in, , tint mnnlitri-r In ofHui ItnprlHoiiiiil for llfo on nccomil of Iho rofmml of tho exenu- nhit ciinlil Hpcnk, "why \vere you no rude lo h i m ? Hit iinnmml very a n x l n u i i to k n o w how you were" "lltlrte nothing," urowled the IIIVllllil. "I've |voI n rlnhl In lie, That (•Imp In Iho new timlorlulior who opened n now nliop In our neliililiorhooil Iiml wcteh." for liniiioilliite piiyineiil, nml, I H . I •• n'n I nan learn, not. moro limn t \ j , V ° "t my (iiintiunerH ritcolveil tholr lulltM" I'Vleml (In Lonilou art nailery)--Ho they Hklnd your plolure, olil (ilmp'f ,1'nlutor -li'orlunatnlyl 'J'lniy (ivldimt-: ly i'ccoHnl/.ci,l Hn viiluit, nml IIIIIIK It ll'n n iilmmc w h a t luui llttlo boyii lieyoiul peach of lli» nlnnhlug inllltantH, y'linowl i t h i n k of luiml llulo lioyn. ciilnbont upon tho ('hrlntlan n o t . t o let lilninolMio docolvert by tlio glowIng no|ililH|rlen nml hlgh-noundlng protemicH (if thonn who aiiMiill thn Illlile, but to remcmlior tho word of tho l/oril: "Heaven nml e a r t h nliall PIIHH awny. but my word nliall not pniiH nway." Ami nn men n t t n c k the tilble, nn H|ity attack Hn f u n d a m e n t a l doctrlirtiH. Tho vory Imnrt nnd onntor of ( l l i r l n t l a n l t y nrit nHiialled. How perH l w l c n t In tint effort In many (|iiartern to deny the d i v i n i t y of our JIIHIIH CMirlnt. ami to reilucn Him to Iho level of n mitre mail—-a good mini, n perfect ma^i, but only a maul How eonnlmilly , we mod In (hit literature of the. ilu|i thu uutiumpl Ion Hint*ihn hitman nice In not linpolntinly lout In nln. b u t ' h i nbiinilnnlly able lo help <tno|f; nml that coiiHiiipiently vt\> neither noixl nor iwliluln iinlvallon hy tho (loath and rciniirroctlnii of our l/nnl .lonun (ihrUl, llyu lot mi not Im ilecelvoil by thonn IOIIH, Invenloil by tho devil nml ntml hy hlii a n n u l n , Let mi hear In in ml that, mi m a t t e r what tho nnv l n K may nay, we n n l u u l l y nro Hiiro lout, nml comlomneil nlnHern t h a t God" hnn In niitvcy roilminioil ii i by Iho preelonn blood of Hln MERCENARY MOTIVES Tal n wlld-looltltiK orvuturn, upparuuily a human foinnlo child, luui limui fouiul. Tliut iilm In liiiiiiiin IH provril by tho fact that thoro nrn yiu-olniitliMi murlui on both arniti, but nxponuro (o tho of iiluiiKintii luui onuMoil u thick hair down imcli nlilo or tint fnco iiii'l n pi no, whlrh nmlio hur iippiiitniiicii' moro llltn Hint (it u inniihny Iliiui u lummn lioliiK' Thoro In ovldnnco to nlmw H|KI IIIXH alwuyn vviilloul uprliflit. bill lior n i t tliiK ponliirn In (but of a m o n k e y , mi nn< nil hi"1 iiolloiiH. Him wmi vi'ry frlKlitoiinil whon Unit ciuiKlH, uuil rrloil oiid whliuporod. Mil" would mil only (;riiMM mill ritw polivldoii, but. liitur wtxii liiiluROil to tnltn lironk and inlllt. 'Him 1n, of oourno, unn'hlo to thllc,--tmt" thorn In no rtiuilbt Hint nli«renn luuir. i>oinln to tlu> that nho wnn mlmniloninl In liirniic,)an-' monltoyH worn h«r rontnr-iiiiriintii. Nntllvoii In thn liiuimr, hownvni-, il« olnro tluit 111" ohllil wan rni\roil bj— IMIly Mirror. Tho Hiinilay Hnluiol tniiclini- Invil ex pliilnnil Hut riiinlllnr I l l b l n nlory ill loilKth mill tbon milioil 'ronimv I T hn oxpnotflil to (in muoiiK tlio ntu«n> "I' KoutH. nnioilK Hon .Icntin ( I h r l n l ; nml that our "I ililiino," wild 'IViiuiny, ilniiln f u l l y . 'only hopn of nnlvntlnn In fotiurt In Him "Ilow'n n fiillur to toll whon liln nuv I'lillii him a html) itn' bin \n\ nivyn lin'.i by faith. It hohnovoii nn, tliereforej to walk u n<mr<innitq<l klilt" clroiiiniiperfly, nnrt not an fooln. If Two lOiiKllnUi phyulc'iniui urn there nre t hone who clioiiiin to plenno Until' fanny with nuiili liiiinnn Invmi- ImontltiK with <v now paranlln with I Ion ii, wn cannot provmit II. Hut wo which I hoy hope to oxIWrinlimlo (hn (tan prevent, (mrnolvnn from linliiK On- (lien of tholr country In n fow yenm. prlHed If 1 do, now I come to t h l n K contH me every penny \ve liave." . • Ulnilyn \\'ini:h t n r n e i l a iletipalrlnff The perky, noil-committal nntiiru of pair of eyeii <in I ' l i y l l t i i I ' h l p p e r y . the reply Irritated Mr. Winch, 'I'lio Toobu t h e n l i M i l u i d i)ln(u>in"do o n ' t h m i ; better rend It at niicn poopn!" Mlitl K i i M i i i M l . " A n I f ' poor and Ket It over," hn miKKcntcd. f i t l l i K t - ever lv\(J u i i o n i i y to leave a n y The l i t t l e ei-nwd w h i c h hint Kathereil lind: I" "; npen-imlutlied and open-eared round " \ \ ' l u ' i i ll'.i i l n i i h i r u l u Din f u n t l l u r a the ciiiiHliin opened out (o allow them \ \ l l l I ' e a l l K ' - i > n o i i t ( l l t o pay t h n lllltree pnnnaK« In llin ( l i n i n g tabln. l l e l - t . l l o i r ! 1 1 l e n r l l l l l v e x o ' l l l l i n o d IMlylllH. "l.ndlen unit Kenlleineii ami a n > l A h o i r i l i l e i h k l h i K of tin, t r i m u t u t n frlemlii," IICKIUI Mr, (Milppery nervou H - of i i r T n l l i i -il n l i i l t l l ^ d l l o o i i H l y on ly, "(be ileceaned K e n t l e i n a n whom we t h e i v t o a K H a l e i l male*. A t that m o all rcMpcet ban |nfl u will, an nuinn nf ment M r I ' n f f e i y K»ve hln client a you already know, and I liavn henn l l n a l h a i n l n l i a h e and a hearty "wood-' ntikiiit to reud It to you." hye," lie re i n t e r e i l liln olllco with » Under cover (if Iho chnriin of n|i|ii-|i- clK'i'ry, " A n d now, Rrnntloinin " clatlvn K n i n t M ami n, nollliu-y "'it;, H o t he Kel no f n r t h o r ; hl» proapno•earl" lOdwunl Winch wlilnpiintd "Hern Hvo cllenln, nel»«d w l l h Miiddon panlo, It IH," at the niimn time removliiK walloil n n l l l thn door npnna wtui clenr. — J'lU'J-f'J'.'lBCliL'A'liViiluuu .fruni hlu.poau. uiul-.-lumiiiilnuiinh-. lialtoil ut. Mr, ruffnry iiltnrnd a cry of nnrprlno lint lo llln Intonnn Arthur mlxod w i t h InillKimtlnii, nml irn'-' <'hl|ipery waved h t m liucli w i t h ' an l i r l - IIIK In »li<"' bewilderment ivft, thn tubl", hurried "Aw-rlKlit, n w - r l K h l l " t w o f l y l U K f l K I I I ' e H . Whnn they nnd tbon to hln tiUei luimxeineiit ,„,,. mil of lie returned w i t h n. nlKh to tlia d uiii hln own poeln-t a lilue »n two litdlon. Velopn (iXllrll)' ||)<e the olill llll< e k p o o "Anil wlnvt can I liavo (hn p|«nntir« I n n t counlii w i m ' d l l l l n n r v n u n l y l l n K e r - of l i n t tbo liiillm liirnoi) t h r l r bnnkB on lllK. "Tbn will rondn an follown." nnM M r him iiml w i t h noneii (Html upwnrni Clllppery, niiiiiliiK bin I l i u m h I h r o i i u l i t l i e v nalli id ninjimlleiilly mil of tllo Kim. tbn flap of Ihn unvelope ninl n i t r a c t l i i K 11 nhee't (if ncniwled foolnenp. "'I, M o i t l i n n r Uiiili1nel(,' rli-i'ln.i, ' A m i to Ililnli," nald I'liylUn to her •ttnntern, nloclern, 'do lirrnliy ileelllco nlntcr, (itn mlimtnn Inlnr, "thnt fnthor Tint eiiiitoiner In l i n t Kruititry ntorn, (bin lo I HI my Innl will,' ninl no fortli " roneo(tt(>(1 .Ihono llttci-rt wlllnl" hnvlliK nilned hln clolhen, WIIH hop"Well, I'm JlKKcrcill" e«olalmcil Mr, "Ah. my dear, In- wnntrfl to unn n» plug Illlul, Winch, fiillnnliiK thn wonlii w i t h lit.i cnmfnrlivlily inarrlnd linfom ho dleil." "I oftnn wonrtTfid wlmt innda Titd "Didn't you nee l h a l "Inn, 'Krnnli forollliKern on bin own "will" now npreiid nut liernrn him. no <tairor," renmrknd MM'. ^Wlnnh pnllltT' ". iinkert tlin Krocer. "'I hoitunath nil my rnnl nnd ptrthotiKlitfnlly. "I'll bivyo ono or two "Of nonrnit I dhl," nnappert t h e Konnl entnln, after pnymitiit of my Junl (|ii<tatlona to tuOc him wh»n (iiiiitonior, "hut I've ncnn nn ninny nnrt lawful delitn, to my intphcwj* Ar. nwhwnrfl him hUMK Up hern luinotuniliiK Home- lluir Clilpltery, nlxolufn "Hn will I of Arthur," Mr* frewh which wnin'l lhal. l rtliln't "Utoitl" hhrl«kod Mr. Wlnnli nxtilcofl. ' rjilppnry, with' m««nln«r •mnhr.U. helloyo lt,"i a I way ii piiHiilonatit, anil n pnnHlonnte portion IH cnpnhln of developing a Hlroilger nml nobler character I ban ono who In not' ptvnHlonnte; but only a f t e r 1m him succeeded In conquering bin t e m p e r nml 'bringing It under control. M OH en hart learned tutlf-contrnl i l u r I I I K bin f o r t y yi'ivrn of i t x l l e In llvt wlhlenieiiM. anil Hut imnnloiintoncHH of nnturo which might have mmle him n diiiiKcroiiH clmi'act(tr In any ponltlon wan converted lo Hie nervleo of (loil mill of the people <>f <1<1<1. God hat.en f r i v o l i t y nnd InilHTereiKe and l i e loveii I n t e n n l l y . l i e can (Ut Krnat tliliu;-' Ihroiiiih llin liiHtrumontality of n pnnnlonatit man, micll an Mnnon, nr nnvlrt nr I'cler, or I'mil; or .lohn, If He cnn i;cl conlrol of iiuoh n iiiiin'n temper, ninl niiliilmt It, anil direct II I n t o rh;M clmimnlH. rnnnlonale people h n v o a vory hard llltttlo to IlKliI, ul w i t h (lort'H help they cull w i t 'victory, and Vtlm power w h i c h comcn frnm HiilnliKiil punnlon In well vvnrlh llr,hlliiK f"r. Tint temper which i h r c n t o i m i l to bit n (inrmi will bo Iniiiiiriinni'il l u l u u lilciin- or it." • If WIIH Ood who Bent a droain to (mo of tlio MUllanltoH nnd aii Intnrpnitntlon of tlio dream to another of tluiiii and rminort thorn to give utter- ., unco to tholr thoughts Jimt ut tho tlmo v. ben (llileiin \VIIH llHtnnlng. Ayd It wnn (iod who put tho plan .of t\u\ batHo Into tlui in linl of (lldi)on, and who i.inilo Ihn plan a HUCCOHH by caimlnB u panic of fitnr to «ol/.o upon tho MlilliuilifH, which HO coiifiiHod thulr mlniln that iivciry iniiii looked upon every utlior man mi nn oiitmiy. Thin tenobliiK thut (Iod InHuiinccii l l i n iiclloiiH of bad men nn woll mi Ihono of Kooil- IIIIMI riinn nil throiiKli Hut nll)lo._lliu th(i_Ju>d niuii_lH_imf JViitinml Tit liriTlmfliiimtniy" tho fact Unit Im IH working out tlio will of , Ood, IIH JuiliiH did whon lui iKitriiycd u IH Hut iiKitlvo t h a i tlio not, A hoiiHo-hiuiKir, wno had Jiltit cot off tint (rain Htopped up to n boy IIHIIK. !HK around tint million, with hln aaluIntlon: "My lad, I inn 'lookliiK r°r Mr. Hiiiltlinon'n now block, of nitiul-ilntnclieil lioiiiioii. How Tar nro thny from hnro?" "About twenty niliiuteii' wnlk," ro|)lleil thn lioy. "Twenty niliinliti!" <ixrluliii(M| tint lioimo Iniiiler, "Noiuionuol Tho ndvor(Ineinent. nayii flvo," "Well," iiulil tlio boy, "you oiin hnllovo mo or you rim hollovu the nilvortlneiiutiit, only I ain't tryln' to nmko u Halo." , .- ,<?y VAToTiy," , V EMERGENCY CALL, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR EXCELLENT r Line of Carpenters Tools ? Great variety, Best Quality. Plumbing done in'all its branches Repairing- properly done Harry McD. Little -^ OddlFeUows Building." A Vast Number.y Of persons have joined our Christmas. Savings Club. Have you ? , * If not, you had better do so at once. Ask any member what he thinks of it. Central Ave.. Haniinontoti. N. J. -Jobbing Shop Work- Furniture Repairing- 1 Wm. B. Phillips Attorney - at - Law Hammonton, N. J. 5'7-5'9 Federal St., Camden We sell Empire King SPRAYING PUMP If you want a first-class SPRAYING NOZZLE At a: Low Price, We can furnish it Try GrasSelli Lime and Sulphur *~ Solution, and v In a Battleship during a Stofin. r The U. 8. S. Kansas started The, Needlework" Quild of Amen ca, as a factor in relief for local from the Philadelphia • Navy -Yard and National disaster^ has long oil-Jait. nth, bound for Gu'aiitanbeen appreciated, and the members amo, Cuba, fqr the Spring target have doubtless wondered why we practice and. v^ar manoeuvres, but en'cbirtitered ' very'' rough weather have stood aloof at this time, ^s-never before i-the-heart-of Ae and _suslained_damages which nenation has-been stirred by the cry cessitated ber'dbcEfug"ibr twenty ' of distress. Had the call,been at days for repairs. •"••We, reached the Breakwater at another time of the year, we s We doubtless have been first in the field, four o'clock, and anchored, to<prewhat we but the National Officers and Exe- pare for our speed .run, to begin at cutive Committee decided that to eight o'clock next morning. The fiveper cent ask a special collection so near the sea was quite rough at 5.30 a. tn., time of the annual collections of the on the isth, but ass that is the rule discount from. > Branches might tell disastrously on on the coast at this season, no parthe supply of garments for the needs? ticular interest, was manifested. the price of of America, and also on money for We had 'Tif eat fast at seven, and'iu. the National Treasury, Ualf-an-hour were under way. every article A s a National organization speed run began,;:the heavy-sea relief, it is plainly our duty to bear caused the vessel to roll and pitch, —r-you-l our part of the great .world's help- sligTitly at first, but with increasing fulness. We are fortunate' in hav- violence. At four o'clock no mess .iiig-a •specific aim and object for. tables could be''set up for supper, It means dol-. this collection, and to be able to and all .of the. crew, who were not plan and carry it out with the co- seasick jyere: lined up for what we _; _ _ larsjn ypur_ operation of onr Lyons-France would call a hand-out, and each Needlework Guild. sought something to brace against . , . ' - . . . pocket From May, 19-1-3. until July. 1914. while eating, as it was impossible Mrs, Stewart,The Toumler 6T~tlie to stand alone. This routine was every year Guild in America, live*! in Lyons, followed all the next day.. At and founded there a Needlework night, the watch had to lash, to We sell as cheap as anybody can, and return ta: Guild, vyhich is headed by the l their stations to keep from-being you five cents for every dollar Mayor, and officered by represents-1 Washed overboard. Our three main live women. The president^ is a decks became awash.. .The- ship you pay us for goods. daughter of a president of the Swiss was then making her best speed, a Republic, and the secretary is-an little better than nineteen knots, American who has lived for fifteen for endurance, which is an excelyears in Lyons. There is a record for one of her type and body.of section presidents; one is class, and heading directly into a, president of the Lyons Red Cross; seventy mile .gale. At' 9.30 _we two sections are formed of-'working changed course a few degrees'south girls, many of whom, through the and the ship's bow b^an to subclosing df factories and shops, are merge as she pitched into the giant Flannel. Shirts now destitute.^ Lyons has a popu- seas, and^s^en. she* rose, tossed We're $3.50, now $2.50 lation of 600,000 ; of these, prof- •water over the bridge'Tjabont "thirty bably 500,000 were dependent'on eight feet high), and the watch got Were $2.75, no|w $2.25 their daily wage. ,. full benefit of many barrels of salt Were$2.25,noivj£r..75 What The Needlework Guild' of w>ater. The water,: rushing over Were $2.00, now $1.69 America proposes to do is to open the bridge and down on the superWere $1.75, no sv $1.25 . •workrooms where girls aud women structure, made a scene like a great Were $1.69,_no w $i.35 will be kept warm through the day waterfall. It washed down thro' aud be given material to make into the. hatches to the main deck, to , Were $1.50, no v $1.19 garments for the wounded (of whom the guu deck, and on dawn to the Were gi, now 89 c and 75 c. as wtflj— as—September—thousands- berth deck, making it impossible were sent to' Lyons), and be paid so sleep in our .mongolian draw the war wageTbf twenty cents a day. sacks, with the rush of water all A few men's Soft Hat s, were $1.25 workroouisgT— The-fire—and-engineH for Belgian mothers, where they can rooms jwere invaded, and though bring their babies and, children. the 'pumps were kept at work, the All $i Caps now 75 cts. There are many thousands of water came in faster than it could Belgians in Lyons—800 arrived one be pumped and baled out. Visit pur Big Shoa day in September. How long At ten o'clock ^a range-finder, All 50 cent Caps now 4Q.ceu.t8.. these workrooms shall continue, weighing 356 pounds, bolted fast Department and how many can be opened, to a solid two-inch steel stand, was depends upon the help of our mem- snapped Off and went overboard. The best .all-wool Sweaters, that The New Year will find ib-our bers. We are 'asking? for money A few minutes later a sea came were $7, $6.50, ?6, and $5,50,' big footwear department a widft instead of garments because' we over the signal—bridge, carrying now $5 each, while they last. range of choice style, and dependwant to give employment to the with it two large boxes full of flags, able makes of shoes and slippersk starvin^twomen, and because by and a. great semiphore machine buying material at wholesale which;.was on a.'four-inch solid Mixed Sweaters,"were $3, $2.75, for every member of 'the family4 141 America,. we.gej. it at steel stand. Another caved in a Black or tan, lace, button,,gun This pla.n enables us to help, ist— brass rail around the flying bridge £2.50, $2.25, now $2, metal, patent • leather, vlci,. and the wounded soldiers ; 2nd—desti- where the ship is steered, making while they last. tute women in the war couutryy calfskin shoes[ini all[thei j ndltferable minor wreckage. It 3rd—our own mrHs; aud 4th—our also~k~iioc1ced~'off a large telescope, popular styles. A few pair of heavy all-wool Hose, cotton growers. All shipments will down across the barrel of a great the 50 cent kind, at 25 cents. be made through the American Red gun, smashed it, and carried it over We guarantee perfect fit. Cross. In order to conform to our the side. neutrality laws, the work is for all .About midnight, a loud crash. A few Boys' blue and gray Winter Men's shoes, $2.00 to $5.00 nations. was heard and a sudden jar felt. Ladies' shoes, $2 to $4 Caps, were .so cts. now 30 cents. This-circular— letter-was—sent—to- It was found that several prates' Misses' HhotH, $2 to $3.50 evcry Guild member, and the Com- near the bow had warped, and Boys' shoes, $1.25 to $3.50 mittee is hoping for {he earnest co- three steel supports had bent oai A few Boys' Aviation Caps, were Children's tthoe*, 50 c to £1.35; operation of all. If you wish to our gun deck and caused a slight $1, now 75'cents. have a part in this service, send depression on the bow. An exhaust Slippers, 65 c, $i to $1.50 ten cent*,or n« much more as you blower was a target for the waves, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, and caret to give, to Mrs. William and sent about -three feet of water All onr ?i BtifT & soft DresifShirts, Arctics that are guaranteed^ Colwell, liuhiriionton. down, into the dynamo room and while they last, at 75 cents. from 50 cents up.. several magazines and storage comNotice to Farmers. partments. Venter had .altio gained entrance It is very urgent that the farmers % this year should be very careful in into the iuain electric system, causWE AEE ing n short circuit in one of onr 7 the selection of their steed potatoes. inch passage ways. -Hut for the It is recommended' Unit they buy only seed from growers that Ims quick action of three men, in cutlu-cn inspected, The past summer, ting out the juice, this might liuvitlu-' much-dreaded I'owdery Scab resulted ii| a serious explosion, With a BIG REDUCTION on •und Kurnponii Wart Dinfase were owing to the fire being so near to found in this country, and the Ivx- one of our magazines where we nerinuMit Station wild* out a wtiru- keep animation for the- big guns. The daniuge done irt CHtiuiutcd lug to all potato growvrtt lo treat between $30,000 und $35,<xx>. We their need before planting. TruatniL-ul. (i). Jvxuniinc seed fminhed onr speed run at H n» in. to Hire that the tubers an: free from <)ii (lit: 131)1, and nil hands were glad wlu-n tlu: good nliip made- a Hcal>, cnnker, or rot. (2). Kxumiiu- after c a t l i n g for straight course for Hampton Koadtt, black rttreaktf or Hjx>tn, nnd throw- arrived on the i.|lli and anchored Ask for the "International," and save 'as out all that hliow uuy IndicutioiiHof to await ordcrn im to which Navy Yard to proceed for repairrt. On diHeilHC. high, in some cases, as (3). After making mire yon him: the i.Sth we begun coaling tdiip, Eight Dollars on a Suit. all clean m-t:d, treat tin: m-c-d potii- and at two o'clock found that tlu: IOI-H with formalin or formaldehyde, l>oyn had put on iHoo toilHot black i pint lu.3u Killou uf water fur two (llainondH, and then took on itevi-nil honni.' -The bngH nhould nlno hu hundred rounds of ammunition. a radio treated. It would alno IK- well lo That afternoon We received t(> 1'roceed to rotate crops, not grow polaloi-h nil from W»Hhi"Kl°" the mum: liolil two yearn in miccch- r'hiludi'lpbia Navy Yard for repaira, and left the roiulH next morning, hion. Two vi'ry'good ik-ali-m of wliuin arriving at LcaKne IMiind al ^ p . m , to buy w-i-d of for tin: coming' yriir We left thin dock only nix duyw arc : the Ari-onlook I'otulo C.iowrin' ii|{<), not expecting to grl buck In:AHHOi'lullon, Ilonlton, Muliu: ;<• mi- foro July, im'the Kiumari In one of other, The Cortland County 1'otalo the hhlprt to go thro' the 1'itmiina Orowcru' Attttoo'n, Corlland, N. Y. Ciuml to the Hail I'ranclHco K.xpoI wonld migjjftU ro-npciallvi: Hltion In March, and from there on buying in l\\\i (irango or nthrrwliie, an oriental crnlrtc ; but the oriental UH il liirgtt order will demand tin: crnlHi- in doubtful now owing to her allvntlon of 11m dcaleiH mom limn i-ondltloil. Krnin •!% llniitiiinntoti liny a Hinull order. wli" wru lliiiru. " Graselli Arsenate of Lead. GEORGE ELVINS, Hainmonton, - New Jersey * We• are New Year /• starting the . ^ Men's Made-to-Measure Suits and Overdoats. THE PLACE TO BUY • r—4 Lumber Millwork - I>ime Oomont Goal Wood t Paint Glass Booflngs 'Fertilizers Wall-boar^ Terra Ootta Pipe Oyclpno Fence JJoth PhoncH 1'roinpt Delivery Lot us estimate on your wants. ^ We close at 6 o'clock p. m., \ except Saturday evening, \ dunng January and Febriiary 1 (WrlUiui hy dm ii'nr AtUlilIu (!mmti>,j JOSEPH R. IMHOFF L«.,.'«--..,Y.'•,.,; ; . i' i ,..' • ;•. ; •. : '• . <• 'l• '. .; ', / ' ' . a :; %^^: . ,,.•;•-,' •.:*•<•' ' ,' • l>omuiininit«ir ol Wutnh for 'How the Vole wnn Won." Gents' Furnishing GoqiJsr and Shoe Store 2O WORDS lOc OID.ICHM Bound to gerjnixed; Whisky and gasolene, ~ ~~~ShadowrTuesday ? ——Hope so, -'•:'. MONFORT'S STORE Monfort's Second Genuine January Reduction Sale! IHAMMQNTQN MJST COMPANY Edw. Cathcart, Contractor & Builder x Don't you? * If one's in driver and T'other in machine. • >.'••"', Tbroo cents per.popr. . '•'How TheVote Was ^ Won!" t Mrs..Gentel and family are moving to Philadelphia.«, The Board of Education -meets next Wednesday evening. A. J. Rider is suffering from fall, received the past week, > Collector Davis will be in his new office—Spear Building—about Feb; ^Mrs. W. O. Hoyt and daughter •are visiti&g'' relatives in Colliiigs- wood. —L. 1 E. Leroy Jackson will 7 move across the street, into the Berry house. Independent '•Fire Company holds its regular meeting on Wednesday ^yening. ..•••" Mrs. F. A. Lehman is spending a few days with her daughter, in Philadelphia. . .. _ The Civic- Club will meet in their new Club Rooms next Tuesday, at three/ o'clock. ••J. Murray Bassett is issuing a four page supplement to his large nursery catalogue. Gov. Fielder is to be present at the Board of Trade's banque't in March, at Raleigh-in-tbe-Pines. Only one week from next Thursday, Feb. 4th, Pension Day,— '; looked forward: to by the '' boys of HOYT & BON, Publishers and Printers. One;twenty-flve per jrc»r. Bank partook of the annuaf banquet last week Friday night, by invitation of President Jackson, at his residence. BANK The High' School Girls' Basket } •' ' Ball Team went to Salem in the BROTHERS BROTHERS rain last Saturday, aud notwithstandingr their good playing, met defeat',—21 to 15. 1 Two accidents were caused by rough roads, yesterday;—Dr. Chas. Cunningham's front . axle ' was broken, and^Godfrey's deli very car v smashed into a tree. .' Miss Ellis, General' Secretary of. It does not .only apply to Fall-Winter goods alone, but takes in the Associated Charities of Atlantic City, will speak in the Universalist many thousands of dollars worth of merchandise that can be Church to-morrow evening.'cm her work in the "City-by-the-Sea.'' used the year around^- Prices alone jire too feeble a medium The saur kraut supper to be for expressing the extra economy we offer. Think of this spread by Little. Ha-Ha Council will be ready next Saturday eve., clearance of merchandise in terms of quality. Feb. 6th, and the patrons will have from fiW to eight o'clock to satisfy their appetites. Red_Men's Hall will be the place, and- twenty-five It is advisable to get here as soon as possible, prices being so low it is cents will pay the bill, with fifteen hard to foretell how soon a lot will be closed out. At the time this cents additional for each-child. * advertisement is printed there is sufficient quantity of every lot listed. The sad news came on Sunday morning that Mrs. Robert McC; Miller had died on Saturday night, $1-75 black knit Jackets reduced to $1^25 ; sizes 34, 36 ' / following the birth of a daughter the Saturday before. A husband, $2.50.boys' Shaker knit Sweaters reduced to $1.50—navy and two; children, mother, sisters, and Special lot MehV$4 Walk-Ovfer Shoes reduced to $2.56,— _ maroon, with shawl"CoTIar , :-- _ : many relatives and. loving friends, patent colt, dull'ealf,,l£.ussian calf, lace and button •75'cent Mufflers reduced to 50 cents , have universal sympathy. Funeral service was held -'at their home, Special lot men's $3 and $2;50'. Shoes reduced to $1.75,—• pat. Mufflers reduced to 19 cents ' "-." • 5707 'VanDyke Street,"Wissinomcolt, lace or button ; sizes 5-, 5^, 6, 6^4 only Men's outing flannel Shirts reduced, to 39 cents iug, on Wednesday, conducted by ANNUAL . / BANK-'- ; Sale ; •- - An Absolutes and Final Reduqtion. - . Shoei anci Rubbers Reduced. Rev-;' W. L. Shaw was congratulated on getting out on Thursday, $5 women's high-cut Shoes reduced to $4, of. heavy. Russian Boys' 39 cen£ and 48 cent leather Gauntlet Gloves reduced having been taken'with •-•-'—--"' .calf.;.low.heel, lace monton Baptist Church, of .which to 25 cents citis on Sunday.the deceased was a member. $4 and $3.50 woni'en!s high-cut Shoes reduced to-$2; 75,—of Word .was received by Justice Boys' Sweaters reduced to $i ' ——GeorgetErStrouse, thartiisrbrother AMONG THE CHURCHES. • had died on Wednesday afternoon, Special lot women's $4 and $3.50 shoes reduced to $2.50, — Men's $5 i Fur Caps reduced to #4 at Roxborough, Penna. ——— dull calf, patent colt and russet, lace or button M. E. Church. Balzac says, Miss Jennie L. Ellis will speak "The universe belongs^to him who Special lot women's. $3 Shoes reduced to $2.25,— patent colt, Men's $3 Fur Caps reduced to $2 . .on the work or organized charitie wills, who knows, who prays; but Men's $2 Fur Caps reduced to $1.50 dull calf and russett . of Atlantic City^'Jo-moito w _eve!g he_MnsT will. Jie MOST know, he in the Universalist Church. MUST pray-r-in a word, he must SpeciaHot women's^ $2r5O -Shoes-reduced to-$i^9o—patent7 [en's $.i..SQ_Plush_Carjs reduced to $i Boys' and Men's Caps reduced to 15 c, mostly-with ear laps colt, dull calf and russet Two of the -Loan Association possess force, wisdom; faith." We meet next week,—the Working will help you to these if you will Special lot women's shoes reduced to $i ; si2es 2 j Boys' 25 c outing flannel Blouses reduced to 15 cents meu's oh Monday, and the Hani worship wjth tis on the Sabbath, and 4 only when th'e morning' sermon subject uioutou on Thursday. will be "Christians," and the eve„ "How thevotewas Won," living ning sermon subject, "The Answer Special lot women's Shoes reduced to $1.50, some Goodyear welts included ; sizes 2 }4 to 4 , pictures and/ mijsic, iu Bellevu of Pilate." Study of the Word,at Hall on "Saturday .evening, Feb 12.00 o'clock. Junior Epworth Women's rolled-edge 'Rubbers reduced to 55 cents aoth. Tickets, 25 cents. 7 cent Outing.Flannel reduced<to.-5 cents a yard League at 3 o'clock. Prayer Ser- Misses' rolled-edge Rubbers reduced to 50 cents , Benj. Barrett,.&_Son, of__Bluj vice, Thursday evening, at 7.30. * Children's -rolled-edge- Rubbers reduced to 45 cents ; sizes 35 cent Eiderdown reduced to 19 cents a yard ^•Anchor, are sending out a 'price All Souls Church, Morning ser- L - 5/^ to 9 25 c and 18 c Eden Dress Goods reduced to 12^ cts ayard list of plants of many kinds,— vice at n o'clock. Subject, the Children's Rubbers reduced to 29 c ; sizes 5 to 9 printejd for them by Hoyt & Son. 48 c and 45 c Woolen Dress Goods reduced to 29 c a -yard , second.of the series on "What G. A. R. Post meeting at three Christian Churches are Contributing Misses' Rubbers reauced to 35 cents ^$172O~an~dnJT^VwsleTl~DTre^s~Goods' reduced to 75 ^¥ yard o'clock this afternoon, in the South to the Good of the, World." The 48 cent Blankets reduced to 39 cents Jersey Republican office. Business Churches of the Episcopal Order, Men's FLubbers reduced to 45 c; sizes 9, 9j£, io,.io^ only Cnildren's ribbed Drawers reducedjo 5 cts, small sizes only _ot_importance_wJlI be presented pflJlicjilarlyjhe^Protestant Episco Children's Rubber Boots reduced to 75 cents Il hence every comrade should be pal Church, wilPbe considered Children's black ribbed and fleece Drawers reduced to three "Wpuren s-Rttbber-Boots-reduced_taJr.2^ _! 'there. ADJT. morrow morning. for 55 cents ~ "T —.___—;—_:—„ Men's and women's Bedroom Slippers reduced to 25 cents,-'— Evening service at 7.30. Miss Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers' Sheets reduced to 29 cents,—72 x 84 , soft felt soles ' Taxes not paid on or before Mon- Jennie Lois Ellis, of Atlantic City, Ladies' black Cassiraere fleece lined Gloves reduced^to 10 cts day next, Feb. ist, will be returned will speak on "Am I My Brother's) to County Clerk, and recorded as Keeper ?" This address is one of Children's Mitten reduced to 10 c, in white, pink and blue a series by experts in different lines first lien against the property. of social work, on subjects which Lot of 25 cent/ancy Collars reduced to 15 cents A, B. DAVIS, Collector. deal with "Religion as Related to $2 ladies' fancy ribbed Sweaters reduced to $1.25 The next meeting of Hauiinbiiton Life." The fust of this series, Orange, will be held next 'Friday, delivered a few weeks ago, by Mr.' Men's fleece-lined Underwear reduced to 29 cents,— shirt Feb. sth. They expect to initiate Stonaker, of Newark, waa well atnnd drawers four or five new members,—Rgg tended, and very enthusiastically Harbor Grange to. assist. All the received. Men's heavy ribbed Underwear, Haines 50 cent grade, remembers are requested to attend. Miss KlliH is General Secretary duced to 39 cents,—shirts and drawers Work was begun last week Fri- of The Organized Charities, of 95 cent .men's woolen Underwear reduced tp 75 cents ; gray day 'on the llatnmoiitou, Buena Atlantic City, and hence well qualwool, single or double breasted shirt Girls' Knitted Caps reduced to 25 cents,—were 45 cents, 75 Vi»tu and Vlncland Road. The fied to speak on that line of work. cents and $r [^ contractor started, they tiny, just $1.50 men's gray woolen Underwear reduced to $i,—shirt Baptist Church, January jint. the other side of liiinm XiHta, and and drawers, single or double breasted shirt Children's Hats reduced to 25 cents,— of fur cloth, in black, , Come and worship with us. IH working thin way. This road white and red • Boys' fleece-lined Underwear reduced to 19 cents 10.30. arin., morning worship. will open an Improved way from Set of Furs (muff and scarf), reduced to $3'.50, •ivere $6.50New York to Cnpe Mny, nnd be Theme, "What to do in case of Men's $2 fiue woolen ribbed Underwear reduced to #1.25 appreciated by tourists and residents failure." Set of Furs (muff and scarf), reduced to $4, that were #7.50 , Children's talk, "The Compute Men's heavy ribbed Union Suits reduced to 55 cents alike. Set of Furs (muff and scarf) reduced to $9, that were :>f the Soul." Men's $i and $1.25 flannel top shirts reduced to 75 cts. u'.45, 'Bible Scho.oh white In gray, tan and grass green, with collars attached Rod Letter Days. 6.30 p.m., 'Y. I'. S. C, K. prtiyer M tiffs reduced to $2, #3, #4, that were $3.50 t£ $6.50 Men's {1.50 blue flannelette shirts reduced to $i service. According to the calendar, the Muffs reduced to $5, that were $10 7.30 p",in., the people's service— $2 and $2.50 blue flannjel shirts to $1.50 following February dates are of HOUR Horvicc mi(l cvniiKcliHtir H(Ttmfliclentconsequence to diHtingnlHli lion. Theme, "A call tonervice." Boys' Sweaters reduced to 39 c,— maroon color, with collars .Children's flannelette Dresses redncisd to 39 cts ; size 6 to ,=^^ 25 cents, that were 39 c (outing flannel) J'eb. and, (irotind Hog,or CandleSt. Mnrk'n Church. worsted, with sha,wl collars or plain Women's heavy ribbed TliiderweSf "reduced to 35 cents, that ..... in nit Day. nia Sunday, Morning I'ruycr mid lath, I.incoln'H birthday, were 45 cents !Ioly Communion, 7.00; Morning #2.50 and $3 Sweaters reduced to $1.75, in Shaker knit and /I4th, St. Vnleiilinc'H Day. Grayer and I.itaiiy, 10,30 ; Suiuluy, with or without .slmwl collar Women's 95 cent woolen Underwear reduced to 75 cents, in • I 7 t h , AH!I WcdneHiluy (firHt 'day School, 11.45; KvoniiiR 1'ruycr, natural and white , • $4.50 awl $5 Sweaters at $3.50,-—Shaker knit or Hue worsted, i. rnrlficntlon 11, V. M. (Kcb. with or without shawl collar land, \VaHhlngton'H birthday. Women's #,1.50 woolen Underwear reduced to #i, iu natural a), Morning Prayer anil Holy Comand white. minion, 7,00 ; ICvciiIng 1'ruyi-r, men's black Jersey fleeced Coats reduced to 75 cents 1.30. BolQlum Hollo!. lfor tin; I'rctthytcrlan Church, In rcttponHo to the, call for- ten doming hour, ro,v> i theme, "()Vir nit offciingH for the pnrpoHe of ) to (hi! Church," Kyenlnjj, inducting work-roomn for glrhi ,30; tlu-nio, " Looking One'iivSoiil and \voinon in ItelKiuin, thu Needle- » the Kan:," Sublmtli .School, work (inlld ackiKiwledgoH ainonnlH vlth uvcry iiinii of tho Church in nH folloivH ; IK; Itililii ChittH, nt noon. ThurrtThoH. Chalmerri, l f olHom | ( 'joctn. ay evening, at 7,y^ th« Church Mi'H, C, Culubrauo', 5001*1, alln all l(n ntembcrH tij prayer. * Dry Goods Reduced. Men's Furnishings Reduced. Ladies' Furnishings and Miscellaneous Items Reduced. BANK BROTHEES' STORE Hammonton - - - - - - - New Jersey ; : \^ A:<:'fejtoliiil . - . . • . , -..;,;.., ':r ,"'.'.,.; „ • • •,• • ' ; ' • , : ' ; ''•'•"\w^^^^ toMfafaii^i^ti^*^^ f