The Question Mark - Mineola Public Schools


The Question Mark - Mineola Public Schools
Mineola High School
Dr. Whittney Smith
Assistant Principal:
Mr. Puccio
Assistant Principal:
Ms. Trojanowski
Assistant Principal
Ms. Fahey
Question Mark Staff
Sanskriti Bimal
Christina Peitler
Tara Bolarte
Ziya Patel
Esther Lee
Edwin Melara
Tara Orefice
Difa Abdin
Kacie Rumm
Sarah Stiehl
Kelly Koo
Daniel Rodrigues
Sam Levitan
Chris Scott
Faculty Advisor:
Mr. Drew Smith
Inside This Issue...
-Interview with Mr.
Fretz, P. 4
-Presidential Campaign,
P. 6
The Question Mark
V ,
December 2015
Holiday Toy CollecƟon By Tara Bolarte
Once again this year the spirit of service and giving is shining brightly at
MHS, evident in the incredibly successful Holiday Toy Collection. Through the
Key Club and the National Honor Society, so many donations were collected that
they were able to provide holiday gifts for 17 families, including over 60 needy
children in our own communities. According to Ms. Owens, Key Club advisor,
this year all of the families in need were adopted by MHS classes, faculty, and
administrators, which is remarkable. All of the donations are wrapped by members of the Key Club and the National Honor Society (it seemed like miles of
wrapping paper!) and delivered
to the families. Julie Ortiz and
Felicia Villa said that it was “eye
-opening to see how our neighbors need our help…” and that it
is a “great thing” to be a part of.
The collection ran from November 25th-December 14th. Organized by Ms. Burke, Ms. Owens,
and Ms. John, and because of the
exceptional efforts of those involved a lot of local families will
enjoy a happier holiday.
Students work merrily to wrap the gifts from
the toy collection.
on Twitter! Or scan the
QR code below.
Teachers from an upper secondary school in Denmark visited MHS on December
7th. Read the story on page 7.
TO THE CLASS OF 2017: Senior Year Secrets by Sanskriti Bimal
Senior year is a time that kids look forward to from a young age; I personally remember being in elementary school, looking up to the seniors,
and just thinking, “I can’t wait to be just like them.” Many would say
that their senior year is a time filled with one’s last memories in high
school with their lifelong friends. While that’s true, some may overlook
one of the most crucial parts -- college applications.
In a couple of months, I, along with the Class of 2016 will be graduating
and moving into the next chapter of our lives. However, before we leave
MHS and many head off towards the college life, I have some words of
advice for the Class of 2017.
I can proudly say I have emerged from the college application process alive and unharmed. Below is a list of
tips to keep in mind when embarking on this very path.
1. Think about testing in advance. Would you prefer to take the SAT, ACT, or both and how many times
each? Don’t forget to think about SAT subject tests too!
2. Create a list of potential colleges by August before your senior year. This will serve as a solid foundation
to build upon if necessary.
3. is a great resource to learn about schools, plan your college process, sign up for tests,
and more.
4. In the summer, acquaint yourself with the Common Application to see what essays and supplements are
required for your application. If a college doesn’t accept the common app, go on its website to find the application ahead of time.
5. If possible, visit all the schools you’re interested in prior to starting the actual application process. If you
go with friends, don’t let them influence your opinion.
6. Ask for letters of recommendation as your junior year is ending, especially if you choose a “popular”
7. Arrange appointments with your guidance counselor when necessary. It’s your counselor’s goal to help
you with this process, so do not feel intimidated to go to them for information, from scholarships to FAFSA
to essays.
8. If you plan to apply to many schools, you’ll undoubtedly be required to write a plethora of essays. There’s
no need to panic, but it is a necessity to be strategic. Are there free choice essays that you can use for multiple schools? Do your research beforehand.
9. Be organized! Expect to get A LOT of mail from colleges. Designate a drawer or file to keep track of all of
your college papers.
10. Create a timeline and meet your goals. If you want to complete your college essay by October 20th, do it!
Deadlines are a crucial aspect of this process.
For those intimidated by the process — take a deep breath! If you stay organized, you will have little to worry
about. Good Luck!
Thanksgiving Food Drive
By Tara Bolarte Each year, Mineola High School holds a Thanksgiving Food Drive, orchestrated by the
National Honor Society, where students are asked to bring in food donations. Dozens of homerooms and classes collect food over two weeks. Teachers, administrators, and staff also contribute money to purchase turkeys. The purpose
of doing this drive is to provide a Thanksgiving
meal for many families in our communities who
would otherwise not have one. By participating
again, our MHS community showed its truly
giving nature.
Interview with Mr. Fretz
By Edwin Melara
Mr. Fretz is a social studies teacher here in Mineola High School. He used
to serve in the United States Marine Corps, and along with being a teacher, he also coaches track and field both winter and spring seasons!
Q) What inspired you to be a teacher, and what do you love about it?
I think the reason I love teaching is because kids are so positive. People are a product of their own environment, and it makes me feel good, knowing when kids are positive. I think that students need to be
around positive adults so they can build confidence. I also think it's a really important job, as today's
students are going to be tomorrow's lawyers, doctors, and architects. They need to have a strong
foundation in order to lead the country.
Q) Why Social Studies?
I think social studies is a really fun subject, and there are a lot of cool subjects you can connect to. I've
always been interested in international politics, from when I was in the military.
Q) What motivated you to coach track?
I ran cross-country and track all 4 years of high school. Exercising was a big part of my life in the military. Most importantly, when you coach track, it's a different environment than the classrooms. I get to
know kids better, and it's a lot of fun.
Q) Which college did you go to, and what did you study?
I went to St. Joseph's college, where I studied adolescent education and history. I also went to St. Joseph's for my masters degree, and I studied special education.
Q) What is your ideal vacation spot?
I love to snowboard and I enjoy going to the West Coast to ski. I'd love to go on a cruise, as I've never
been on one before. I also love the beach and sand. I used to scuba dive, so any place with water
would be good.
Q) What are you favorite hobbies during your free time?
I'm a huge sports fan; I love football, baseball, basketball and hockey. I love music, and I also like going out to eat.
FEATURES - World News
The Tragedy of Terrorism in the US and Abroad
San Bernadino Shootings By Ziya Patel
On December 6th in San Bernardino, California a wife and her husband shot 14 people to
death and injured 21 others in a deadly attack. Tashfeen Malik and her husband, Syed Rizwan
Farook went to a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center and fled after the horrendous shooting
spree. This violent act is now described as an act of terrorism due to the evidence of planning and
information tying the couple to extremist organizations. However, there is no credible evidence that
they were acting under the direction of ISIS, though they were supporters of ISIS's beliefs. Tashfeen
Malik declared loyalty to ISIS as the attack was happening. The attack was not spontaneous. The
couple had left their 6-month year old baby with family members two days before, and they had a
large weaponry cache of different guns and over 5000 bullets. Authorities also discovered that
Farook had been practicing his marksmanship at a shooting range days before.
Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting Anniversary
By Tara Bolarte
December 14th was the third anniversary of the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in
Newton, CT which resulted in 26 deaths - teachers and students, some of whom were not even 7 years old.
This makes us think about too many similar mass shootings in the last year even before the recent attacks in
San Bernadino and Paris.
November 29th: 3 people killed at a Planned Parenthood
October 1st: 8 students and teachers killed at Umpqua Community College in Oregon
T h e Pa r i s A t t a c k s
By: Ziya Patel
Rewind back to November 13. That was the day when the bombs dropped and the
shooting happened in Paris, the capital of France. About 130 people were killed and over 300
people got injured. This attack was led by a group of terrorists known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS). ISIS
claimed responsibility for the attacks saying it was revenge for the France airstrikes on ISIS targets in Syria
and Iraq.
Paris tightened its security for the safety of the people, and temporary border checks were introduced
as part of Paris’ immersion into a state of emergency. The President of France, François Hollande, said the
attacks were an act of war by ISIS planned in Syria, organized in Belgium, and carried out with French
complicity. On November 15, France launched the biggest airstrike of Opération Chammal which is the name
of the French military operation currently ongoing in Iraq and Syria in an attempt to contain the expansion of
ISIS and to support the Iraq Army. Even the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama
supports France and wants to stop ISIS from executing any other plans to harm other countries. The suspected
lead for operating these attacks was claimed to be Abdelhamid Abaaoud who was killed in a police raid in
Saint-Denis on November 18. What happened in France and in the US are devastating tragedies that have had
a tremendous impact on international security measures and on US presidential campaign.
National News
Presidential Debate!
By Christina Peitler
to The New York
Times, Republicans
are fighting for
stronger government
and stronger foreign
affairs. The New York Times also suggests that society was not prioritizing terrorism as a most important
concern. That is, until the attacks in Paris and San
Bernadino. Prior to that, a poll revealed that only 8%
of people saw terrorism as the biggest threat, that
number has grown to more than 40%. indicates that Republicans are often criticizing
Barack Obama’s military tactics. Jeb Bush spoke out
stating "It’s not a law-enforcement operation and the
mindset in our country at least needs to change to recognize it for what it is.” Both Democratic and Republican candidates offered heartfelt condolences for the
victims in Paris and San Bernadino. Donald Trump
ignited a controversy by his call for banning all Muslims from immigrating. All candidates on both sides
expressed strong disagreement with this idea.
The year is ending and 2016 will mark the last
year for Barack Obama. The last few months we've
seen many tragedies that have tested the candidates
running for President because their responses are under such scrutiny. With economy issues, terrorism and
shootings everywhere, the next President will need to
take on the responsibility to bring justice and peace to
not only America but the world as well.
The presidential debate is heating up with the
elections less than a year away. The main political
parties (Democrats and Republicans) have their candidates competing and debating against other candidates
within their own parties. The candidates are also busy
touring the country sharing their views on topics like
planned parenthood, Isis, the economy, and, of course,
the attacks in San Bernadino and Paris. An important
part of the election process is the debates. Right now,
candidates from the same party have gone head to
head by answering questions and expressing their ideas. This will help to decide who will be the candidate
for each party.
The polls are in for late December, according
to Donald Trump leads the
Republican polls, but Ted Cruz has jumped ahead in
Iowa, a pivotal state in the election. Hillary Clinton
leads the Democrat polls, but Bernie Sanders has a
lead in the New Hampshire polls.
A significant part of the presidential debate is
social media. reports that Donald
Trump has almost 1,000,000 Twitter mentions, by far
the highest mentions among the other candidates. Hillary Clinton is in second with 497,000 mentions. Both
candidates have also been in the news lately with controversies and scandals. Social media seems to have a
huge impact in the polls and the way people support
the politicians.
The devastating attacks that occurred in Paris
Interested in seeing which candidate represents more of what you
didn't just shake France, it impacted the entire world. agree with, take the short quiz called match your vote on
Cities everywhere honored France's colors. Everyone . Click “Politics,” “Elections”, “Match Your Vote”
spoke their words of sorrow on social media with the
trending hashtag #peaceforparis. American political
 Read the newspaper
leaders, including Barack Obama, sent their condo Watch the news on TV
lences and held press conferences regarding the in Follow RELIABLE online news feeds
creasing fight with Isis. The candidates also had ex Ask your social studies teacher
pressed their condolences and thoughts on the tragedy.
International News MHS News
More to the Mona Lisa!
By Christina Peitler
One of the most famous paintings in the world,
the Mona Lisa has been studied and examined for decades. Known for the mystery of the person in the
painting and her smile. reports a scientist by
the name of Pascal Cotte has spoken out that after 10
years of examination and research, he has found another woman underneath the Mona Lisa. In the photo
to the right, the Mona Lisa that we now is next to what
Cotte believes to be underneath the painting. Unlike
the Mona Lisa, the major difference is that she is not
The scientist’s finding have not been taken
lightly in the science community with many controversies. Professor Kemp states "I do not think there
are these discrete stages which represent different portraits. I see it as more or less a continuous process of
evolution. I am absolutely convinced that the Mona
Lisa is Lisa. " It is thought that the painting was added
on for the buyer likes or could just be the evolution of
the painting. Overall, if their is a different painting, it
will crush every belief we had on the Mona Lisa.
The technology used on the painting was the
Layer Amplification Method. The lights used are intense and able to extract into the original painting. Mr.
Cotte is traveling around, spreading his finding even
with the criticism. What do you think? Was their really another woman before the Mona Lisa or was it just
the base of the painting?
On December 7th, seven teachers from HF-Centre
Efterschlaegen, a secondary school in Copenhagen,
Denmark visited MHS to observe classes, talk with
students, and have a dialogue with teachers about education in Mineola. The teachers, all of whom speak
excellent English, seemed to enjoy their interactions
with students and teachers. Here are a few things our
students found interesting:
 It is a 2 year school; equivalent of about our 11th
and 12th grade
 School is mandatory (and free) up until age 16
 There is one comprehensive test at the end of the 2
years - many teachers DON’T give TESTS before
 They teach a “New York” class that is very popular
 Students pay to go to upper secondary school so
there is competition among the schools - which
has the best reputation and offers the most interesting courses
ADELPHI VISIT: MHS Alum, Nuvia Velasquez Visits 8th
Grade Classes
Two Adelphi University students visited some 8th grade classes
as a part of the Immigration Unit in social studies. Each spoke
about his/her experience immigrating to the United States, sharing their memorable and emotional experiences as they worked
hard to become the successful students and positive contributors
to society.
There are mixed reviews for “Hotel” this season’s iteration of AMERICAN HORROR STORY
on FX. Many people think that this season is better than last but not as good as the first three seasons. According to senior Lauren Jenkins, “Season 1, “Murder House” was the best because it really
kicked it off—there weren’t shows like that before. It had a lot of turns you didn’t expect.” Eliseu
Silva agreed that Season 1 was the best. “I liked the relationship between Tate and the daughter.”
Flightless by Sarah Stiehl (continued from page 10)
I was convinced that Flora would convince Elaine to join her. I had always felt
bad for Elaine. I had basically dragged her down with me. People would ask her
why she would hang out with me, despite me being so different. She had a chance
to end it all. I watched as she opened her mouth and I expected the worst
My jaw dropped, Flora's more than mine, however.
"If you think I'd actually say 'Yes' to that request, you're solely mistaken."
Elaine walked over to me and took my hand in hers. She sent Flora an icy stare.
"Sabrina is different. I don't see why that's a problem. The actual problem is that
we're all the same. So what, she only has one wing? I think that's amazing."
I looked over to Elaine in utter shock. I opened my mouth to speak, but was soon interrupted. "She's
a flightless fairy. She's special, unique. I'm honored to be her friend. Besides, what does it matter about how
many wings she has? It all depends on her personality." She engulfed me in a tight hug. I looked over to Flora, who's face was the color of a ripe tomato. She let out an exasperated yell as she took off into the air.
"Elaine," I began to speak, but was quickly cut off. She broke the hug and placed her hands on my
shoulders. She looked straight into my awestruck eye
"I meant everything I just said, Sabrina. You may feel otherwise, but just because you're not like the
others, it doesn't mean that that's a bad thing. It's okay to be different."
Dancing With The Stars Finale
By Tara Orefice
On November 24th, season 21 of Dancing With The Stars came to an end with Bindi Irwin and Derek
Hough winning first place. Nick Carter and Sharna Burgess followed in second, and Alek Skarlatos placed
third with his dance partner Lindsay Arnold. This doesn't come as much of a surprise though- Bindi and Nick
had been the top dancers since the beginning of the season, so it wasn't shocking when the results came in.
Overall, this was a very intense season with many highs and lows. Do you think season 22 will live up to its
Shuffled Playlist
By Tara Orefice
Here are some of your favorite song titles with the letters scrambled. If you can figure them out,
email your answers to Mr.Smith at for a chance to win A FREE
DONUT! (One submission per person, winners picked at random) Contest ends January 31st.
1. ieohlnt lgnbi -
HINT: You can't figure this out? I think there's a phone number that can help..
2. ischtes- HINT: Can't get it? Don't get so sewn up over it!
3. Thaw od ouy nmae- HINT:You're running out of time to solve
this one!
4. lolhe-
HINT: Salutations!
5. tcna leef ym ecaf HINT: Outside on a winter afternoon…
Flightless by Sarah Stiehl
The story of a beautiful fairy - who
could no longer fly…
I'm falling. There's nothing to grab on to.
All I can hear is the wind rushing past my small, elfish ears.
All I see is the ground, coming up to meet me.
I had always thought the ground had looked beautiful with it's
lush green grass.
However... It's not so beautiful when you're about to plow into it
I can feel the liquid trickle down my face as the ground rolls me
a long.
I come to a stop, and I'm now looking at the clear blue sky.
My senses are numb. I can't feel anything at the moment. My
ears are ringing and my vision is blurry.
I black out. "And...?" I asked, my knuckles turning white as I
gripped the sheets to the bed I was laying on in suspense.
"Y-you..." My dear mother was trembling. "You've lost
a wing, Sabrina."
Ever since then, I've had to live life without a left wing.
I've had to live on the ground. I've had to live as a fairy who
couldn't fly. I've had to live flightless.
I stepped out of the school building, having a friendly
conversation with my best friend, Elaine.
Elaine had light blonde hair and eyes of the most beautiful blue. She had two wings, unlike me. Her personality was
just as beautiful as her appearance, and I was glad to have her
as a friend. She was there for me when no one else was. With
her, I felt like I actually fit in.
As we walked out of the tall, majestic stone structure, I
heard a familiar giggle sound to my left, we went silent. I could
feel a hand on my left shoulder. I shuddered. I knew exactly who
it was. My expression darkened, as well as Elaine's. Flora.
Flora was a fairy, like everyone else at our school. She
had an ivory skin tone with green eyes and brown hair. She had
a pretty face, but her personality was the exact opposite.
"Fast forward 2 years and you haven't done anything
about that other wing of yours. Why don't you fall off another
tree and lose that one, too?" Asked Flora. She ran her fingers
"Sabrina..." I heard someone call to me. I groaned
along the edge of my frail right wing. I grit my teeth. It had been
two years of this girl's tormenting and I still hadn't gotten used
"...Sabrina!" I heard my name again, louder this time.
My eyes opened, but almost immediately closed again to it.
"That's enough, Flora..." Elaine spoke. Flora heard her
after being exposed to the sudden light. I opened them once
voice and whipped her head around to look at my friend.
again, adjusting to the brightness. I began to sit up, but it was
"And you! Why do you even hang out with this...
then that I felt excruciating pain pulsing throughout my body. I
saw stars. I fell back down to a laying position as my face twist- Freak?! She only has one wing! She's a fairy... Yet she can't
even fly!" Flora walked over to Elaine and slung an arm over
ed into a grimace.
"Where am I?" I croaked, staring at the ceiling. I turned my best friend's shoulder. "I'm telling you... Come hang out with
my friends and I. At least we're real fairies..."
my head to look at the person who had called my name. It was
I just stood there and watched as Flora tried to conmy mother. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were tear-stained.
vince Elaine to transition over to the dark side. Elaine looked at
"...You're at the infirmary." She said. I tried to think
me with wide eyes. She then looked down. She was actually
back to what I did to end up in the town's infirmary. No matter
contemplating the idea. I watched her, sending her a pleading
how hard I thought, everything was fuzzy.
look. I couldn't lose Elaine. All of my other friends had left me
"...Why am I here?" I quietly asked. My mother
over the loss of my left wing. They thought I was odd. They had
flinched at my question.
"You fell from the willow tree... You broke three ribs, called me a freak. I was different. To all the other fairies in my
school, the concept of different was bad. Different was frowned
your leg, and..." She paused. My gaze towards my mother had
only become harder as I was trying to figure out what else I had upon. The fact that I couldn't fly was all my classmates would
talk about. People would throw things at me during our lunch
hour because I wasn't like them.
Classic Novel Recommendation:
The Picture of Dorian Gray
one of the sites that publishes such writing. Below is
a wonderfully intriguing story by our own award winning writer Difa Abdin. She has won numerous
By Esther Lee
awards for her creative writing, most recently a naA story of evil, corruption, and scandal, Oscar tional award from Scholastic last year.
Wilde’s only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray is an
eerie Gothic horror story of the life of a wealthy
Two weeks ago he graduated
young man named Dorian Gray living in London in
summa cum laude from Harvard, and
the late 19th century. Influenced by a friend, Lord
yesterday he became one of the FBI’s
Henry Wotton, Dorian Gray wishes for a portrait of
himself to bear all his corrupt lifestyles and aging
most wanted men.
whereas he himself will remain young and beautiful.
-Difa Abdin
But when his absentminded wish is granted, the portrait becomes a hideous secret to be kept hidden away
as well as a heavy burden that haunts his every move.
The very same man who starts out with a “clean
slate” soon evolves into the devil himself as little
does he know that committing one bad deed after another, destroying relationships with the people he
meets, and keeping up a bad reputation will surely
cause his very downfall into moral corruption. This
book warns the readers of the often deceiving beauty
society possess and how the obsession with selfimage and pleasure can lead to making unhealthy bargains that one will be inclined to sell anything, even
one’s very own soul.
Below are a few more samples from Quora. WIN A
PIZZA PARTY for you and three friends by submitting your own original ONE SENTENCE STORY or
by taking a one sentence story and writing your own
original full length version of the story. Email your
submissions to Submissions due by JANUARY 31st, 2016.
He read his obituary with confusion.
-Steven Meretsky
He threw her out of the house for not
earning enough to feed herself, forgetting
that she once turned her blood to milk to
feed him.
-Pranesh Anantharaman
Over the past 10 years, a genre of story writing has emerged, especially online, in which writers
compose a story in just one sentence. is
When the alien stopped to ask the cigarette-smoking girl for directions, it totally
forgot that its breath contains mostly flammable gasses.
-Dale Thomas, science fiction writer
MHS Winter Sports Teams
Girls V Basketball
Mallory Donelan**
Kathleen Guda
Velencia Hurd**
Meaghan McCaffrey
Angelina Morelli
Nerogica Nimalan
Elizabeth Ryan
Victoria Venus
Julianne Wotruba
Coach: Mr. Bailey
Girls JV Basketball
Miranda Bradley
Alexandra Broutzas
Mansi Kutwal
Alize Livingstone
Emily McGuire
Erin Miller
Aileen Miller
Tara Minaahang
Alexa Schneider
Anisha Shah
Preeti Singh
Coach: Ms. Dempsey
Boys Winter Track
Anthony Abbatiello
Christopher Almeida
Shanavas Anil
Andrew Ariza
Mike Buono
Peter Campanella
Michael Candela
Andy Chen
Joseph Cueter
Ryan Demagistris
Marcello Depaula
Timmy Donnatin
John Dublynn
Robert Earley
Miguel Ferreira
Josten Franco
Chris Fuentes
Michael Gay
Tristan Gilbert
Andre Goncalves
Jack Grafing
Erick Granados
James Herrera
Hugo Olcese
Matteo Itri
Dean Lambropoulos
Federico Lippmann
Quincy Lopez
Nasif Malik
Joe Martins
Christian Melendez
Joseph Mueller
Fernando Palacios
Nicholas Paternostro
Harrison Pavlou
Daniel Pereira
Eric Pereira
Philip Pereira
Angel Pinto
Danny Pires
Kevin Portillo
Anthony Price
Fernando Quintanilla
Johnny Schnaufer
Louie Schreib
Gabe Silva
Jason Sinert
Joseph Tarantola
Nicolas Tavares
Brian Tavares
Matt Tavernite
Michael Valente
Leonardo Yeung
Coach: Mr. Fretz
Boys JV Basketball
Molly Donelan
Rita Freitas
Briana Galimi
Jacqueline Goncalves
Nikole Holowat
Jennifer Jacob
Sydnie Jean-Noel
Joanne Kubat
Alcina Lima
Maria Martins
Maya Narvekar
Emily O’Connell
Ziya Patel
Ashley Pereira
Caroline Perri
Madison Rees
Girls Varsity Bowling Natalie Regalado
Marissa Buonincontro* Daniela Restrepo
Mackenzie Schnaufer
Elizabeth Caccavale
Claudia Serna
Samantha Henrichs
Katie Shi
Lauren Jenkins
Emily Skupp
Catherine Leong
Marina Torres
Brianna Mundy
Courtney Villalona
Coach: Mr. Leninger
Girls JV Bowling
Charlotte Betz
Boys Varsity Bowling
Brianna Caroleo
*Tony Macchietto
Jesse Kivatisky
Dan Mengler
Natalee Mundy
Vito A Santoli
Lyndsey Reuther
Ryan Sellinger
Coach: Mr. Miller
Anthony Scibelli
Coach: Mr. Bohringer
Girls Winter Track
Abbey Ahmed
Boys JV Bowling
Lindsey Cajes
Stephen Limazopoulos
Christina Cardinal
Noah Love
Nicole Chiu
Josh Mundy
Sevda Cinar
Mark Patton
Christina Crecco
Jordan Sandler
Annie Cripps
Taylor Cunha
Gabriela D’Imperio
Mustafa Abdelaziz
Isaiah Alonzo
Joseph Carr
Nicholas Dos Santos
Jason Eccher
Joseph Fabiano
Kevin Fraccalvieri
Marc Giordano
James Graf
Joseph Lubrano
Nicholas Natale
Cary Novick
Matt O’Connell
Chris Wiercinski
Coach: Mr. Callender
MHS Winter Sports Teams
Boys Varsity Basketball
Anthony Batista
Thomas Bohner
Charles Clancy
Bryan Gonzalez
Nicholas G. Kern
David Lee
Elliot Lee
Rodney Lird
Manuel Martins
John McMahon
Isaac Sanders
John Venus
Coach:Mr. Elliot
Varsity Wrestling
Acevedo Edwin
Bowen Mike
Cueter Mike
Fuentes Henry
Olyntho Otavio
Singh, Balkar
Small Kevin
Sullivan Ryan
Coach: Mr. Guido
JV Wrestling
Anfolisi James
Haziri Jon
Herrera, Matthew
Pomara Vincent
Rodrigues Vincent
Tavares Raul
Velasquez Ericson
Coach: Mr. Massaro
Go Mustangs!
Around MHS...
It is time to purchase your 2016 Signet yearbook.
The cost of this year’s yearbook is $120 dollars plus tax.
If you order your yearbook before
December 25, 2015
you will receive a $10 dollar discount.
You can order your yearbooks at JOSTENSYEARBOOKS.COM
Create a custom ad for your yearbook
Order before January 31, 2016
Full Page $170.00
½ Page $95.00
¼ Page $70.00
1/8 page $40.00
Please see Mr. Block
if you have any questions.