Welcome Back to the Community Pools!


Welcome Back to the Community Pools!
in this issue
June 20162005
Jan.– Feb.
The official newsletter of the Crosspointe Homeowners’ Association
1/ Welcome Back to the Pools!
2/ Crosspointe Contacts
3/ Important Numbers / Pool Hours
4/ Social Committee: Movie Night
5/ Social Committee: Summer Events
7/ Talkin’ Tennis
8/ Introducing the 2016 Cruisers Coaching Staff
10/Board Notes / 2016 HOA Assessments
13/Rebublic Services / Reminders Regarding Pets
14/Paylease Payment Option
15/Your Crosspointe Lifeguards
16/ Meet Your 2016 Lifeguard Staff
19/ Obtaining a Disclosure Packet / ARB Information
20/ Watching Our Neighborhood
21/ National Night Out
22/ South County Federation
25/ FSR Connect
26/ Easter Egg Hunt
28/ Crosspointe Gardener: Hydrangeas
30/Fireworks Safety / Call for Grads
31/Classifieds / Community Calendar
Fun Summer Events:
Page 5
Vol. 29, Issue
Issue 51
Welcome Back to the
Community Pools!
Tom Wears, Pool Committee Chair
e’d like to welcome
residents and associate
members back to the
Crosspointe pools for
the 2016 swim season. We hope you’ve
found the pools and facilities in good
shape and that you’ve enjoyed the first
weeks of the season. Here are a few
reminders that will help ensure a safe
and fun experience.
Late Registration
If you didn’t get your 2016 stickers or
pool passes through on-line registration or during one of our many walkin registration sessions, registration
forms will be processed on a weekly
basis on Friday afternoons only. Also
check the Crosspointe website (www.
crosspointe.info) for online registration
Pool Rules
The Crosspointe Pool Committee
publishes the “Pool Rules” to ensure
that patrons are able to enjoy our pools
in a safe and comfortable manner. The
2016 Pool Rules are available at the
pools and on the Crosspointe website
at www.crosspointe.info. Please read
and heed them. Several changes have
been made this year to address issues
encountered in 2015. These changes
··A maximum of 10 guests per
member family may be brought to
Crosspointe pools.
··A maximum of 25 people plus
chaperones (30 maximum) may
reserve space for a party at one of
the pools (more details below).
··The requestor for any pool party is
personally responsible for ensuring
that chaperones and only approved
guests are assembled prior to entry
into the pool for an approved pool
Pool Parties
Patrons may reserve a gas grill and
space for a pool party on a first-come
first-served basis by making arrangement directly with the manager of the
pool you wish to use. There are grills
at both pools and pool rules permit
four simultaneous parties. There is no
charge for this service. Parties are not
permitted during holidays and holiday
weekends. Guests must pay the guest
fee. Pools are also available to rent for
parties outside normal hours. Rental
fees vary based on the particulars of
continued on page 2
Welcome back to the Crosspointe pools!
crosspointe contacts
FirstService Residential
11351 Random Hills Rd.
Suite 500
Fairfax, VA 22030
TEL 703.385.1133
FAX 703.591.5785
Community Center
8275 Glen Eagles Lane
Fairfax Station, VA 22039
Open Mon.–Fri.,
9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
TEL 703.690.2321
FAX 703.690.8574
Community Manager
Heather McDevitt
Assistant Manager
Randy Santander
Trash Contractor
Republic Services
Review Board
Joana Garcia, Chair
Budget & Finance
Phil Ciarlo, Chair
Communications Committee
Chair, Terri Raines
Neighborhood Watch
Gary Saturen, Chair
Open Space
Bob Falkenstein, Chair
Pool Committee
Tom Wears, Chair
Tennis Committee
Kevin Garrahan, Chair
Social Committee
Marcia Helms, Chair
Crosspointe Cruisers
June 2016
Board of Trustees
Howard Kaufer, President
Bob Klocek, Vice President
Alan Sullivan, Secretary
Brian Riley, Treasurer
John Cewe, 703.690.3534
Pat Ciarlo, 703.690.0269
Bruce Burton, 703.690.2360
Ed Mills, 703.690.2130
Larry Rice, 703.690.6101
continued from page 1
the party, including the numbers and ages of participants,
number of guards required, and length of the party. Contact
the pool managers for more information.
Again, No Poopin’ in the Pools!
It’s time once again for the annual Poopin’ in the Pools
article. This is not a pleasant topic to read about (or write
about), but for the safety and pleasure of our patrons it’s
important. The water-borne illness caused by the parasite
cryptosporidium is a serious, highly contagious illness,
which is spread through fecal contamination. When contamination is detected in one of the pools, Fairfax County
regulations require that the pool be shut down and treated
for thirteen hours to kill any parasites. This means that the
pool will have to be closed until the next day. Not only is
this inconvenient for our patrons, but it means more use of
expensive treatment chemicals.
To help us keep our pools open and keep our operating
costs down, we ask patrons to follow the following CDC
·· Please don't swim when you have diarrhea.
··Please don't swallow the pool water.
Swim Team Co-Reps
Dave Pyle and Michelle Martin
Swim Team Assistant Rep
Josh Helms
Dive Team Rep
Joy Wolfe
·· Please practice good hygiene. Take a shower before
swimming and wash your hands after using the toilet or
changing diapers.
··Please take your kids on bathroom breaks or check
diapers often.
·· Please change diapers in a bathroom and not at poolside.
Dive Team Assistant Rep
Ann Powell
Civic Associations
South County Federation Rep
Cathy Bonnefil
SCF Alternate
Robert Robertory
Fairfax Federation Rep.
Joana Garcia
Mount Vernon Federation
Springfield District Council
John Cewe
The Crosspointe Chronicle is the official
newsletter of the Crosspointe Homeowners’ Association (HOA), 8275 Glen Eagles
Lane, Fairfax Station, VA. 22039.
Contents are for information only. Articles
express the opinions of the authors, not
the HOA. The HOA Board of Trustees, the
Communications Committee, the Chronicle
editor, and the contributors assume no
responsibility for errors, omissions, or
consequences resulting from information
provided in this or any previous edition.
The HOA does not officially endorse any of
the products or services advertised herein.
Published 10 times a year by the
Crosspointe Communications Committee.
Distribution to 1350 Crosspointe homes.
Copies available online.
Web site: www.crosspointe.info
Communications Committee Chair:
Terri Raines
Circulation Managers:
Donna & Jim Davis
Production: Rudolph Desktop Design
For inquiries: cp.chronicle@verizon.net
Crosspointe Chronicle
Glen Eagles
Oak Chase
Weekend &
Weekend &
Opening to
End of School
11am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
11am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
End of School
to July 31
11am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
August 1
to Labor Day
10 am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
10 am – 9 pm
Homeowners who are not in good standing may have their pool privileges suspended
until their account balance is brought current.
·· Please wash your child thoroughly
(especially the rear end) with soap
and water before swimming.
Diapers must be swim diapers such as
Huggies Little Swimmers or Pampers
Splashers. For more information about cryptosporidium, see the following information sheet at the Centers
for Disease Control website:
Volunteers Needed
The Pool Committee needs
volunteers to serve on the
committee. We’re looking
for people who are willing
to help oversee the operations and maintenance of
the pools and associated facilities.
Here's your chance to contribute to the
welfare of your community. We welcome anyone with a desire to help keep
our two fine pools in tip-top shape.
The Pool Committee meets
monthly on the
first Tuesday
of each month,
March through
If you're willing to help,
please contact
Tom Wears at
or at twears@
Community Numbers
Community Center.................... 703.690.2321
FirstService Residential............. 703.385.1133
Republic Services (trash)........... 703.818.8222
Police & Fire (Emergency).......... 911
Police (Non-Emergency)............ 703.691.2131
Fairfax County Animal Control... 703.691.2131
Virginia Power.......................... 888.667.3000
Washington Gas........................ 703.750.1000
Verizon..................................... 703.876.7000
Cox Cable.................................. 703.378.8400
Water Authority........................ 703.698.5800
VDOT........................................ 800.367.7623
VDOT (Snow Plowing)................ 800.367.7623
VDOT (Potholes)........................ 800.367.7623
To Report:
Missing Street Signs
(Fairfax County)........................ 703.877.2800
Outages, including street lights
(Virginia Power)........................ 888.667.3000
Abandoned Cars
(Fairfax County Police)............... 703.691.2131
Please set out trash in secured
containers to avoid attracting large
birds, especially Turkey
Vultures, who have been
seen rummaging through
Crosspointe Chronicle
June 2016
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
Join the
Social Committee
Summer eVeNTS
It’s going to be a great summer with some new opportunities!
This is a fun time whether you gather family, friends, meet new neighbors or
come solo. Enjoy the pool, basketball court, beach volleyball court or relax
with a favorite book, board or card game, coloring book, etc. Bring a picnic,
grill or buy from the invited food truck (schedule to be announced soon).
NEW this Summer at “Thursdays at the Pool”— Oak Chase Pool
Do you have a favorite card, dice or board game you would love to play and
are willing to teach others? A special area is already reserved for you with
time for games 7 p.m.–8 p.m. with intro lesson of that game 6:30 p.m. Euro
Board Games already has a June date. Contact Social soon with your game
idea and preferred Thursday. Some ideas: dice games—Left, Right, Center,
Backgammon, Bunco, Yahtzee, and card games—Gin, Euchre, Hearts, Spades,
Bridge. Depending on interest, regular games can be arranged.
Drop-in Book Favorites!
If you are always asking people what they are reading and if they would
recommend it, “Drop-In Book Favorites” is the place for you! Let’s pick a theme
and share recommendations. Based on interest, people may want to read a
book together or help create a Crosspointe Book Club.
„„ 6–6:45 p.m. for kids (accompanied by adult) to share and for other kids, parents and grandparents to get ideas
„„ 7–8 p.m. for teens and adults
Hosting requires only a few minutes and an interest in books.
Contact Social to sign up, for genre ideas or bring your own ideas.
Some suggestions to get started:
Animals—Big Book of Animals, Charlotte’s Web, H is for Hawk, Secretariat
Productivity—Spark Joy, Smarter, Faster, Better, Getting Things Done
Some genre ideas—Biography, History, Creativity, Exploring Nature, Sports,
Romance, Science, Science Fiction, etc., etc.
All Crosspointe volunteer
committees appreciate your
help. The Social Committee
has some extra summer needs
involving 20–30 minutes of
your time.
Contact Marcia
if you will help.
Steve Schwartz
The Board Gaming Group will be
holding one last game session
before taking a break for the
summer. If you are interested
in playing board games and
getting to meet and know other
Crosspointe residents, attend the
next gaming session on Sunday,
June 19, at the Crosspointe
Community Center from 6–9 p.m.
The Social Committee is sponsoring "Thursdays at the Pool" this
summer. On Thursday, June 16, we
will be teaching the board game
"Ticket to Ride" at the Oak Chase
pool shelter. "Ticket to Ride" is a
card-collecting train game where
players journey and claim railway
routes across the country. Stop
by and learn this board game on
Thursday night and then attend
and play the game at the Sunday,
June 19 game session.
“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.” …Plato
Crosspointe Chronicle
June 2016
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
Tennis Committee
Kevin Garrahan,
Tennis Committee Chair
Pictured below:
Wind screens
being unfurled by
tennis players.
Committee chair
Kevin Garrahan
is in the
Tennis Committee
The Crosspointe Tennis Committee
met on April 25 and discussed the following issues:
·· Committee leadership
Here are two easy ways to have
your tennis cake and eat it too:
·· Committee charter
·· Maintenance needs
New Cracks
The Tennis Committee plans to obtain
proposals from tennis court contractors for multiple options to address the
situation. Given that the Glen Eagles
courts are nearly 30 years old, and the
anticipated useful life of most outdoor
asphalt courts is 20 years, it is expected
that those courts might need a new
asphalt overlay in 2017 or 2018.
The tennis courts at Oak Chase and
Greentree Manor are not as old and
may only require minor repairs such as
the filling of cracks and/or resurfacing
in the coming years.
In the meantime enjoy the courts because overall, they are still in excellent
Crosspointe Chronicle
Use hand signals
Use hand signals with your partner
so that he or she knows when you
will be poaching so that they can
get an early start in trying to cover
your empty alley. This can work
most of the time, but still cannot
stop a hard, well-placed shot in the
Kevin Garrahan was unanimously
elected to chair the Tennis Committee
for 2016.
During recent inspections of the
courts, Tennis Committee members
observed that several new cracks have
emerged this spring. This is not unexpected given the age of the asphalt
When playing doubles, do you ever
wish that you could both be very
aggressive at the net with lots of
poaching and still prevent your opponents from hitting an easy shot
down your alley?
Ground Repair
Crosspointe’s landscaping contractor, Pro Grounds, has taken steps to
re-seed grassed areas surrounding the
Glen Eagles courts where the grass
cover is thin or the topsoil has been
eroded. These repairs include aerating the soil, installing grass seed, and
covering the seed with a thin layer of
compost and soil. The restored grass
cover will prevent erosion of the embankments, facilitate proper drainage
around the courts, and enhance the
natural beauty of the setting.
Electrical Shack
The Tennis Committee’s inspection
of the tennis facilities noted that the
small electrical shack located between
the two banks of courts at Glen Eagles
is in need of structural repairs. The
community manager will request proposals for repairs and/or replacement
from contractors.
Have the net player do an abbreviated (shorter) poach
Instead of dashing all the way
across to the other side of the
court, just slide 2-3 feet towards
the center of the court and then
stop and get set back in the ready
position. It is critical that you be
sure to stop and reset because that
way you can easily move either
back towards the alley, towards the
center of the court, or backwards
to cover a lob. Try this and you’ll be
amazed at
how much more
you can cover!
June 2016
Cruisers Swim & Dive
Introducing the 2016
Crosspointe Cruisers coaching staff
Dave Pyle & Michelle Martin– Swim Team Reps; Joy Wolfe – Dive Team Rep
The Crosspointe Cruisers are gearing up for another exciting season! The coaches are working hard to ensure
the team’s readiness for our upcoming meets. Among our coaching staff are both new and familiar faces.
Molly Miller is returning to the team
as our Head Swim Coach. She was
a member of the Crosspointe Cruisers growing up and she worked for
Crosspointe for four summers. She has
also been the assistant head coach for
three summers at Westwood Country
Club in Vienna.
Molly attended James Madison
University where she was a JMU Club
Swimming Team member for four
years. While there, she worked as an
assistant coach for a local USA Swimming year-round team.
Molly graduated from JMU with a
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies, a minor in Elementary Education and a Bachelor
of Science in Mathematics. She went
on to earn a Masters of Arts in Teaching at the JMU Graduate School and
is in her fifth year teaching 6th grade
students at Eagle View Elementary
School. She has a great deal of experience coaching all age groups and
ability levels and we are excited to
welcome her back to the Cruisers!
Rachael Burnett is returning this
summer as our Assistant Head Coach.
Rachael grew up swimming in the
NVSL and was an assistant coach for
her team for three years. She was also
the head coach at Old Keene Mill
June 2016
Swim and Racquet in 2014 and is a
current senior prep coach for Machine
year as a Junior Coach. She is a South
County High School rising senior and
she swims for NCAP year-round.
Rachael graduated from West Virginia
University in 2014 with a Bachelor of
Science in Exercise Physiology with
an emphasis in aquatic therapy. She
is currently continuing her education
at the Northern Virginia Community
College to become a Physical Therapist Assistant. While at WVU she
swam on the varsity swim team for
four years. Rachael was a Big East and
Big XII swimmer of the year in her
time there and became an All American. She also qualified to swim at the
2012 USA Olympic Trials in the 200,
400, and 800 freestyle events and the
400 IM! She is excited about being a
Tommy Lane is returning to the
Katie Egbert
Cruisers this year as a Junior Coach
after learning the ropes as an Intern
Coach last year. He is a South County
High School rising junior and a member of the Crew team.
Autumn Kane
is joining the coaching
staff this year as a Junior Coach. She
is a rising senior at Paul VI Catholic
School where she runs on the varsity
Cross Country team and plays in the
varsity Orchestra. She is really looking
forward to swimming and coaching
the Cruisers this summer with her
little brother and sister!
is returning this year
as our Assistant Coach. She is a rising
junior and Community Health major
at Texas A&M University, and this
will be her fifth year as a coach for the
Cruisers! She is really looking forward
to seeing all the swimmers from last
year, and also meeting new kids that
she'll have the opportunity to work
with this summer!
sophomores at South County High
School, are getting their feet wet
as Cruiser Intern Coaches, helping
out a couple of days a week with the
Mayleigh Davis is returning to the
this summer as our new Head Dive
Coach. He is currently the head coach
at the Madeira School and coaches at
Cruisers this summer for a second
Madi Gilbert & Will Pyle,
Alex Parker is joining the team
Crosspointe Chronicle
Cruisers Swim & Dive
CP Dive Coach Alex Parker
CP 2016 Swim Coaches
Dominion Dive Club on the weekends.
Alex has coached the last few summers at Greenbrier and most recently
Oakton (whose team was undefeated
in 2015!).
Growing up in Fairfax, he swam and
dove for NVSL, and continued both
sports at Fairfax High School where
he went to both regionals and states
in both sports. Furthering his love for
water sports, he even played for the
US Naval Academy’s youth water polo
During high school Alex attended
both the Mason Dive Academy and
Dominion Dive Club to further his
diving skill. After attending two years
at Colorado Mesa University, he came
back to Fairfax to pursue coaching.
Crosspointe Chronicle
He is excited to start coaching our CP
Dive Team and believes that NVSL
summer divers can achieve a lot in a
short amount of time with the right
mix of having fun, proper teaching
technique, and having great team
Max Powell is joining the Dive staff
as our Assistant Coach. Max began
diving with Crosspointe in 2008. He
currently holds both South County
HS boys dive records (6 dives and 11
dives) as a freshman and is ranked in
the top 50 nationwide as a 2015 USA
Diving FINA JO ( Junior Olympic)
Competitor, diving for Dominion
Dive Club.
CP Assistant Dive Coach
Max Powell
Max's best memories at Crosspointe
were going to his first All-Stars in
2011 and breaking the freshman dive
record, and also coaching the CP dive
team as a Junior Coach for his first
year in 2015.
Max is looking forward to another
great season of coaching and diving for
Each year the Cruiser coaches are
dedicated and working hard to improve each individual swimmer and
diver. Their work is already paying off
and the season looks very promising.
The Crosspointe Cruisers have great
expectations from both their athletes
and their coaches in the upcoming
season. Go Cruisers!
June 2016
Your 2016
HOA Assessments
As a member of the Crosspointe Homeowners Association, you should receive
a bill (statement) for the quarterly
assessment about two weeks before the
due date, unless you are enrolled in the
Automated Payment Program.
Quarterly assessments are $225 per quarter, exclusive of pipestem assessments,
and are due on January 1, April 1, July
1, and October 1 (these due dates never
The Board of Trustees encourages owners to utilize the Automated Payment
Program offered by FirstService Residential. Owners may also use the PayLease
service (www.paylease.com) to make
If using the statement you MUST send
your payment to:
Crosspointe Swim & Racquet, Inc.
c/o FirstService Residential
P.O. Box 11983
Newark, NJ 07101-4983
Do not mail the payment to the community manager or leave it in the community center dropbox.
A late fee of $25 is charged for payments
more than 30 days past due. Should
payment not be received within 45 days
of the due date, additional collection fees
will be assessed to the owner’s account.
Also, privileges to use the pool or any
other Crosspointe recreational facility
may be suspended if your assessments
are not paid.
Remember—you are responsible for
paying your quarterly assessment by its
due date even if you do not receive the
June 2016
Board of Trustees
May 13,
Board Notes
John Cewe, Board of Trustees
oting the presence of a
quorum, the meeting was
called to order at approximately 7:05 p.m.
Members present included: Howard
Kaufer, President, Bob Klocek, Vice
President, Alan Sullivan, Secretary,
Brian Riley, Treasurer, Trustees: John
Cewe, Ed Mills and Larry Rice.
Resident /Other Issues
Two residents addressed the Board of
Trustees (BOT) concerning a property
on Copperleaf Lane. The property has
been cited for some significant violations of the Crosspointe (CP) Architecture Review Board (ARB) standards. The BOT is vigorously pursuing
remediation efforts.
BOT Meeting Minutes
The April 2016 BOT meeting minutes
with administrative revisions were
Prospective Communications
Committee Chairperson
The BOT met with Ms. Terri Raines,
a CP resident. Ms. Raines has volunteered to chair the CP Communications Committee. Crosspointe has
not had an active Communications
Committee for the past 10 years. A
brief discussion of the committee
chair’s responsibilities and the recently
updated committee guidelines ensued.
The BOT, subsequently in its meeting,
voted to appoint Ms. Raines as Communications Committee Chair for the
2016-17 term. Ms. Raines will work to
schedule a committee meeting sometime in May or June.
Financial Statements
The association’s financial statements
for March 2016 were reviewed and
approved. It was noted that the next
meeting of the Budget and Finance
committee (BFC) is planned for July.
It was also noted that First Service
Residential (FSR) has been requested
to provide “chart of account” information for that meeting and update
the committee on efforts to segregate Operating Reserve and Capital
Replacement Reserve interest balances
on CP’s financial statements.
Committee Reports/Business
The BOT reviewed and accepted
committee minutes for the ARB,
Pool, Tennis and Social Committees.
Minutes for the Open Space Committee were subsequently emailed to BOT
New Business
Crosspointe 2015 Audit
The BOT reviewed the draft 2015
Audit of Crosspointe’s (CP) financial
statements undertaken by Goldklang
Group CPA, PC. The BFC recommended the BOT accept the Audit
as amended. The BOT deferred final
approval to its June meeting to be able
to meet with the Goldklang Group
The Auditor’s opinion reflected in the
draft audit indicates CP’s financial
statements present the association’s
financial condition fairly.
Further, the opinion indicates the
results of the Association’s operations
and cash flows for the years ending in
2014 and 2015, conform to account-
Crosspointe Chronicle
Board Notes
ing principles generally accepted in the
United States.
Audit and Tax Preparation contract
The BOT accepted Management’s recommendation on a contract proposal
to provide for audit and tax preparation services for 2016 and 2017.
Pool Rules
The annual update of the Pool Rules,
as proposed by the Pool Committee,
were approved, with minor administrative revisions and clarifications.
Review of other Community HOAs
Governing Board structure
At the April BOT meeting, a proposal to revise the current CP BOT
structure and include two new officer
positions: 2nd Vice President and Assistant Treasurer, was discussed.
The proposal was deferred pending
research by the community manager of
other HOA governing boards’ structure. That research was provided at the
May meeting and was limited to only
FSR managed communities.
The BOT also reviewed the Bylaws
of Crosspointe Swim and Racquet,
Inc., specifically Article X; “Officers.”
Article X defines the duties of the
Crosspointe BOT Officer positions:
President, Vice President, Secretary
and Treasurer.
The majority view of the BOT was to
continue with the status quo officer
position structure. During the discussion of this issue, it was noted that
Article X does not define an Officer
succession order. The BOT discussed
pursuing a future bylaw revision that
would define the succession order of
BOT officers.
Crosspointe Chronicle
Review of March 15, 2016 Annual
Homeowners Association (HOA)
Meeting Minutes
with information on the cost of other
financial services companies for future
The Annual HOA March 2016
meeting minutes were adopted, with
administrative revisions.
South County HS event sign
Crosspointe and FSR “Connect”
Web sites
The BOT discussed the Crosspointe
and FSR “Connect” Web sites.
The BOT reviewed and discussed
proposed changes to the FSR Connect site to enhance utility. The BOT
deferred a final decision on those
changes pending receipt of additional
research by the community manager,
and related clarification from counsel.
The community manager also advised
the BOT that the Webmaster for
Crosspointe’s Web site anticipates
providing a “BETA” demonstration
of proposed site changes, intended to
enhance site utility and user friendliness, in June.
Morgan Stanley (MS) Cash Account
The BOT reviewed a recommendation
by Morgan Stanley; the community’s
Financial Advisor, to consider transferring significant cash balances into
Certificates of Deposit (CDs).
The BFC did “not” endorse the proposal primarily due to potential insufficient monthly liquidity concerns.
The BOT requested the BFC reconsider a lower balance amount transfer
at its planned July 26 meeting, and
provide a subsequent recommendation
to the BOT.
The BOT also requested the community manager provide the BFC
The BOT discussed a sign placed on
CP common area for an event at the
local high school.
Upate on Heron Pond Dam
The community manager provided an
update related to the dam located at
Heron Pond.
Contracts, Maintenance and
Operations Review
Finally, the BOT reviewed monthly
information on selected major contracts, maintenance and administrative tasks undertaken by First Service
Residential management staff.
Review of Payment Collection and
other matters
The CP Trustees reviewed the monthly payment status, collection status and
delinquency analysis reports and other
The BOT also reviewed and, or took
action on, a recommendation from the
ARB and a resident.
Following a call for any other new
business, the members voted to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:59 p.m.
The next BOT meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday,
June 8, 2016 in the Crosspointe
Community Center on
Glen Eagles Lane.
June 2016
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
regarding pets in
Single Stream Recycling Collection:
Republic Services will collect mixed paper, food/
beverage glass and plastic bottles, food/beverage aluminum & tin, corrugated cardboard & fiber-board; all recyclables can be placed together.
‰‰ Food & beverage “SMALL NECKED” plastic bottles
‰‰ “WIDE NECKED” tubs: yogurt, dairy containers
‰‰ #1 Plastic bottles (water and soda)
‰‰ #2 Plastic containers (milk and detergent)
‰‰ #3 –7 Plastic containers (yogurt and margarine)
‰‰ Food & beverage tin & aluminum Cans
‰‰ Mixed paper: junk mail, newspaper, magazines,
‰‰ Cereal boxes, flattened cardboard
‰‰ Food & beverage glass bottles and jars
‰‰ Cardstock, file folders, envelopes, office paper
‰‰ Computer paper & printouts, Post-it Notes, etc.
‰‰ Pizza boxes—with NO contamination of food waste
the individual homeowner. Please call Customer
Service at 703.818.8222 to schedule a pickup.
Yard Waste Collection:
(March 7–December 19)
Yard Waste is considered a by-product of
regular yard maintenance and not the debris
as a result of landscaping renovation. During
yard waste season, ALL HOMES in Fairfax and
Loudoun County will have a weekly scheduled
pickup day for yard waste. Recycling of yard
debris is mandatory from March 7 through
December 19. In January and February, please
place yard debris out with your household
trash. Composting, chipping, and mulching
are great ways to recycle your yard waste.
‰‰ Books (hardbacks, paperbacks, textbooks, tele-
All yard debris to be collected must be prepared
accordingly and placed at the curb for collection:
‰‰ Brush and limbs must be cut into 4-foot lengths
‰‰ Glass recyclables not acceptable are windows, drinking glasses, cups, plates, cookware, mirrors, light
bulbs, broken glass
‰‰ Metal recyclables not acceptable are pots, pans, foil,
pie tins, scrap metal
‰‰ Styrofoam containers
‰‰ “Not Acceptable” is any recyclable that is contaminated with food
‰‰ Plastic film such as grocery bags and dry cleaning
bags are not recyclable within this program and
considered a contaminant
Pre-scheduled Bulk Pickup
Republic Services will collect furniture and
other large, non-metal, non-commercial
household items placed on the curb at no
extra charge. Bulk Item Pickup should be
prescheduled for the 2nd trash pickup day.
Containers or bundles weighing more than
50 pounds, or longer than 4 feet in length,
commercial construction trash/renovation
debris (any items resulting from renovations
in home) must be pre-scheduled for removal.
Ferrous metal/white good items, such as appliances, will be picked up with additional billing to
Crosspointe Chronicle
Keep your dog leashed
If you are a dog owner, you are required by the Fairfax County Leash
Law to keep your dog on a leash.
Letting your dog run unrestricted
on Crosspointe property is a violation of the law and reportable to the
Fairfax County Animal Control at
703.691.2131. Any resident who
witnesses a dog running throughout
the community that is not on a leash
is encouraged to contact the Animal
Control office at the number above
and request that the Animal Control
Office respond.
and bundled (arm-full size) with rope or twine and
should not exceed 50 pounds.
‰‰ Grass clippings, leaves, and twigs can be placed in
a container you provide, paper bags, or clear plastic
bags. Yard waste placed in dark bags NOT marked
with an “X” will not be collected.
‰‰ Tree stumps and tree limbs that are larger than the
6 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length will not be
Excluded Waste
Rocks, concrete, dirt, mulch, tires, soil, sod, tree
stumps, paint, motor oil, combustibles, toxic
or hazardous wastes, or any other material
excluded from the disposal site or any applicable state or federal law as being hazardous or
toxic are not permitted; as well as flammable
products, dead animals, fecal matter, manure,
brick, landscaping timbers, friable asbestos,
lead acid/wet cell batteries, bio-hazardous
material, needles, and other medical waste.
Republic Services * 4619 West Ox Road,
Fairfax, VA 22030 * 703.818.8222
Pick up after your pet
Please remember that Fairfax County
ordinances also state that you must
pick up after your pet. When pet
waste is left on sidewalks, streets and
grassy areas, it is flushed into the nearest waterway when it rains. This waste
then goes into storm drains where it
travels to ponds or creeks untreated.
Storm drains do not lead to wastewater treatment facilities. Please do
your part and pick up any waste left by
your pets, whether it is on Crosspointe
property, your neighbors property, or
your property.
June 2016
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
Your Crosspointe lifeguards
eing a lifeguard is a big
responsibility. In the eyes
of the swimmers, young
and old alike, the lifeguard is a fail-safe mechanism—we look to them as a ready
source of help in time of an emergency.
Therefore, all Crosspointe lifeguards
are well trained. Certified in water
safety, CPR, and First Aid, their most
important responsibility is to ensure
YOUR safety, and the safety of ALL pool
patrons. To that end, the Crosspointe
lifeguard staff also upholds the pool
rules and procedures governed by
Crosspointe committees. Please help
make their jobs easier by knowing the
rules of the pool and adhering to them.
Crosspointe Chronicle
Along with watching over YOU, our
lifeguard staff has many other duties
that keep them busy. They monitor the
daily operations of the pool: maintaining the filtration system, cleaning
the pool, implementing front desk
procedures, carrying out deck and
bathhouse maintenance, reserving the
pool parties, and making sure the pools
operate smoothly on a daily basis. They
also offer swim lessons. Please ask at
the desk for more information on pool
parties or swim lessons.
Lifeguarding helps our young people
develop the skills and experience valued by colleges and future employers.
Colleges and employers look for applicants who can deal effectively with
Working as a team to help
you safely enjoy the water
people, who have a take charge attitude
and who are willing to work to develop
new skills. And those are just some of
the attributes that you’ll find in our
lifeguards at the Crosspointe pools this
season: a team that can’t be beat, working together to help our patrons enjoy
the water and to provide a safe and fun
environment at our pools.
So, join with the Crosspointe Pool
Committee in welcoming all of our
returning and new staff members to
the Crosspointe pools this summer.
Now turn the page and
meet your lifeguard staff
for the summer of 2016!
June 2016
Lifeguards Rule!
Curtis Pilcher
Pool Coordinator
Taylor Klioze
Cole Lankford
Assistant Manager
Slayten Speer
Assistant Manager
This is Curtis's fifth year lifeguarding. As
Crosspointe's Pool Coordinator, he can be found
overseeing the activities at both Crosspointe
pools. Currently attending Mary Washington, he
is majoring in Environmental Science and plans to
go into waste water management.
This is Taylor's fifth year as a
lifeguard at Crosspointe…and
this year she returns as our Glen
Eagles Pool Manager. This fall
she'll be a sophomore at Coastal
Carolina University, majoring in
Marine Science. Taylor plans to
go to dental school and, until
then, spends her quality time
with her friends, on the lake or
at the beach.
This will be Cole's fourth year as
a Crosspointe lifeguard. A high
school senior, he has worked
on Capitol Hill as a legislative
assistant and policy advisor.
Soon heading off to Longwood
for his first year of college, Cole
plans to transfer to either UVA
or JMU. He likes watching and
playing hockey, hunting and
fishing, and he is excited to be
back working at Glen Eagles
this summer.
Slayten has two years of lifeguarding experience at Oak
Chase and returns to us as an
Assistant Manager. Presently
a student at the Annandale
campus of NOVA, Slayten plans
to major in business at a 4-year
Curtis, who plays Ultimate Frisbee for Mary
Washington, also plays guitar, likes to hike, and
skates in his spare time.
Meet Your Li
Alexa Hartnett
John Fitzpatrick
Assistant Manager
Keighan Speer
Head Guard
Jake Borenstein
Matt Donovan
Alexa worked for Crystal Aquatics
last year at Cottontail Pool. A
nursing student at the University
of Florida, she plans to work as
a PICU Nurse when she graduates. After working for another
year, Alexa plans to return to
graduate school to become a
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She
plays soccer and flag football,
and enjoys music, photography,
nutrition and fitness.
Swimming with both South
County and Crosspointe teams,
John has worked at both of our
Crosspointe pools for three years.
This year he returns to us as an
Assistant Manager. Graduating
from SOCO this year, John will
attend JMU in the fall with plans
to become a successful investor
or secret agent.  John also likes
hiking and fishing and relaxing
with friends.
Keighan has spent two summers
at Oak Chase, a winter season at
South Run Rec Center and the
Spring Hill community pool. A
rising high school senior, she
plans to become an investigative
journalist and would like to attend Syracuse, American University, Emerson or Northwestern.
She is director of the school
news show, editor of the school
newspaper & literary magazine.
She runs cross country and track,
likes to read and participate in
community outreach activities.
This is Jake’s second year as a
lifeguard at Oak Chase. A rising
junior, he plans to attend college
and get a masters degree at
either UVA or Virginia Tech. He
enjoys lifting weights, fantasy
football, and baseball.
This is Matt’s second year as a
lifeguard at Oak Chase. A rising
senior, he'd like to attend college
at Ole Miss. His sport of choice
is baseball, but he also enjoys
lifting and his time with friends.
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
ifeguard Staff
Evan Anderson
Autumn Kane
Summer 2016
Merrick Klunder
Lily O'Donnell
This is Evan's second year
lifeguarding at Glen Eagles.
Finishing up 11th grade, he
plans to attend either Florida
State or the University of
Alabama. Evan's favorite
hobbies are hiking and
snowboarding; he also likes
to spend his spare time lifting
A first-year guard. Autumn is a
rising senior at Paul VI Catholic
HS. Planning to attend law
school to pursue a career as an
attorney, she is currently looking
at universities and military academies. A member of her school's
varsity indoor and outdoor track
teams, as well as co-captain of
the varsity cross country team,
she also swims for the Cruisers
and will be a swim coach this
This is Merrick's first year lifeguarding. He is a freshman at
Bishop Ireton, where he plays
lacrosse. His future plans are to
serve his country in the United
States Navy and attend the
US Naval Academy. When not
spending time with family and
friends, Merrick enjoys taking
care of his yard and playing
the piano.
This is Lily’s first year as a lifeguard. A 10th grader, she would
like to attend either JMU, USC,
or Ole Miss. Involved in high
school cheerleading, she also
enjoys working out and hanging with friends or her dogs.
Seth Dunn
PT Guard
Sean Johnson
Sam Kachinsky
PT Guard
Sarah Keeth
Karleigh Moore
Malcolm Slugg
A first year guard and rising
junior, Matt is still undecided
on plans for the future. If college plans materialize, schools
of choice could be Virginia Tech
or UVA. Involved in high school
football, basketball, and track,
Seth is also on the Crosspointe
Cruisers swim team. When not
playing sports, he likes to play
the piano.
Sean worked for us at Oak Chase
last summer. A rising senior, he
wants to fly helicopters in the
Coast Guard and attend the
Coast Guard Academy. He plays
baseball, lifts weights, and hangs
with friends in his spare time.
Sam worked at Oak Chase last
summer and is excited to be
returning for her second year at
Crosspointe. A rising senior and
a varsity cheerleader, Sam is still
undecided about future college
plans. When not cheering, Sam
likes to ski and spend time with
her friends.
Sarah has worked three summers lifeguarding at Oak Chase
Pool. A high school senior, she
wants to be a veterinarian, and
plans to go to Virginia Tech to
major in animal science. She
volunteers at the Crosspointe
Animal Hospital and also plays
and coaches volleyball.
Karleigh has lifeguarded at Burke
Swim & Racquet before joining
us at the Oak Chase pool. A rising high school sophomore and
cheerleader, she plans to go to
Radford University one day. She
loves to swim and is excited to
be lifeguarding this summer.
This is Malcolm's second year as
a lifeguard with us at Crosspointe.
A rising high school senior, with
plans to attend Virginia Tech,he
enjoys taking part in Model UN
and being with friends. Excited
to be lifeguarding here, Malcom
told us, "I can't wait to work with
you this summer!"
Crosspointe Chronicle
Glen Eagles
Oak Chase
June 2016
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
Architechtural Review Board
You’ll need to obtain a disclosure packet
The Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act (POAA) requires property
owners who live in a community association and are selling their home to
obtain an association disclosure packet and
to provide it to the new purchaser. If you are
preparing to sell your home, you may obtain
this disclosure packet by going online at
Why does my Disclosure Inspection look
different from my Annual Inspection?
Joana Garcia, ARB Chair
rosspointe homeowners enjoy
a neighborhood that is well
maintained and aesthetically
appealing. Our reputation as a premier
neighborhood is dependent upon each
homeowner’s commitment to keep our
homes well maintained and consistent
with the neighborhood theme.
In order to ensure this consistency, we
conduct an inspection of each home
every year and we also conduct disclosure inspections on each home once it
is under contract.
Annual inspections are intended to
review every property for maintenance
issues such as, but not limited to:
·· paint wear
·· wood rot
·· condition of the siding
·· landscape maintenance
·· condition of driveway, etc.
These inspections are a “street-view”
inspection, are conducted in the
spring/summer, and are a tool to
ensure homes are maintained consistently and adequately.
Disclosure packet inspections go
further in depth. The Virginia Prop-
Crosspointe Chronicle
erty Owner’s Association Act (POAA)
requires that all sellers disclose the
existence of a homeowners association and that the purchaser is provided
with a disclosure packet so the buyer
is aware of any violations before they
purchase the home.
These inspections are intended to:
review the entire property, review
the electronic and hardcopy file for
Architectural Review Board (ARB)
approved applications, and disclose
whether an ARB application is needed
for an exterior alteration that has not
already been previously submitted and
This inspection can result in the need
for ARB application submission and
approval and may affect the date of
Please take a look at the timing of
disclosure packet requests and submit
ARB applications as soon as possible
to ensure a timely return.
If you have any questions, please
don’t hesitate to email me at arb.
crosspointe@gmail.com or the
Crosspointe Property Management
office at cp.admin@verizon.net, or call
The ARB application
and approval
Homeowners are reminded that all ARB (Architectural Review Board) applications are due by
the close of business on the Monday prior to
the ARB meeting. Any application submitted after that date will be considered a post
deadline application, which may or may not be
looked at by the ARB at their meeting.
If the ARB does not review a post deadline application at their meeting, the application will
be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled
ARB meeting. Additionally, all incomplete ARB
applications will be returned to the homeowner for additional information. Once the
application is complete, it will be placed on the
agenda at the next scheduled ARB meeting.
After an application has been approved, an
inspection will be performed 120 days after
approval, or sooner if the homeowner notifies
the office the project has been completed. The
inspection is conducted to verify the project
was completed in accordance with the approved application.
If the project was not completed, a new application must be submitted and ARB approval
obtained. If the project was not completed in
accordance with the ARB approval, the homeowner will be notified and the issue(s) will
need to be resolved.
As always, homeowners who have an application on the agenda for review are highly encouraged to attend the ARB meeting to answer
any questions the ARB
might have regarding
the application.
If you have any questions,
please contact the community center office at
June 2016
Neighborhood Watch
Watching our
Gary Saturen,
Neighborhood Watch
he last
has been
another quiet
period for most
of our residents. There is still a large
number of reports all over northern
Virginia, and specifically throughout
Fairfax County, of vehicles being
entered and items stolen. Sometimes
the items which are removed are valuable; in other cases the only losses are
June 2016
loose change. Nobody really knows
how many perpetrators are involved
in these “auto tamperings.” What they
have in common is that:
··most of the vehicles are unsecured (literally left parked on the street with the
doors unlocked or windows open), and/or
··the items of value are easily observable
from the outside.
The police are asking that we communicate to our residents how easily this
can be discouraged, by simply concealing valuables (in the trunk, for example, if not removed from the vehicle),
and by ensuring that the vehicle itself
is secured—locked and with windows
fully closed.
I know that I cover this subject in
almost every issue of the Chronicle; all
I can do is keep pointing out the obvious. The rest is up to you!
A Local, Ongoing Investigation
You may or may not be aware, but on
April 20, at about 6:00 p.m, police officers as well as members of the Fairfax
County Fire and Rescue, responded
to Lake Braddock Secondary School
after being notified that there was an
unresponsive female found in one of
the school’s bathrooms. The victim was
transported to Inova Fairfax Hospital
where she was pronounced “deceased.”
This matter is under investigation,
and the public is being asked to come
forward with any relevant information
related to this matter.
While this certainly is not a
Crosspointe matter, it did occur at one
of the schools in this general area, and
is, therefore, a local matter of concern.
I’ll keep you informed as information
is made public about the circumstances
of this case.
Crosspointe Chronicle
Local Scams
Another matter the police have asked
us to provide information on to our
residents is the local scams common
throughout the county at this time
of the year. These are categorized by
unsolicited workers who show up
offering to do work to your home or
property. The reasons these are referred
to as “scams, ” is that the work they offer to do may not even be needed, may
be done with poor quality products,
may be done by unlicensed or untrained persons, etc. How do you know
whether it’s a scam?
Here are some “red flags:”
··There’s no company name on their
vehicles, or there’s just a temporary magnetic sign. Many times the vehicles they
use have out of state license plates.
··They don’t give written price quotes, and/
or they have no business cards.
··They ask to be paid in cash, as soon as the
work is done, and/or they ask for a large
part of the cost up front as a deposit.
··They don’t offer references you can contact easily and locally.
Don’t hire persons you haven’t asked to
come provide you an estimate.
Always check references.
Don’t let these persons enter your home.
They may really be there for another
purpose, such as to get inside and steal
Check www.dpor.virginia.gov to make
sure these companies are licensed to
perform services in Virginia and to see if
complaints have been filed against their
Crosspointe Chronicle
Get to know your
neighbors and meet
your local heroes!
Save the Date! Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Hello Neighbor!
The National Night Out event in Crosspointe will take
place on Tuesday, August 2nd at the Oak Chase Field
(across from the Oak Chase Pool). We hope you and
your families will join us!
National Night Out is an annual event designed
to strengthen our community by encouraging
neighborhoods to enhance the partnerships with each
other and with their local law enforcement partners
and first responders. The goal is to increase crime
and drug prevention awareness, build support for,
and participation in, local anti–crime programs,
and most importantly, send a message that our
neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
It’s also the perfect opportunity to get to know your
neighbors even better. Everyone is welcome to attend!
More details about National Night Out in Crosspointe
will be provided in the upcoming July Crosspointe
Chronicle. We hope to see everyone on August 2nd!
For questions, please contact Crosspointe resident,
Liz Haransky, at lizcert98@yahoo.com.
June 2016
Civic Association
Association Report
South County
Federation May Meeting
Cathy Bonnefil, SCF Rep
The Lorton Clock Tower
Ten years ago, then-Supervisor Gerry
Hyland joked that in order to make
the tower’s clock actually tell time,
“Maybe they have to wait to get
Quasimodo to be there to ring the
bell.” That moment has come. Ownership of the Lorton Clock Tower has
been transferred to the South Fairfax
Chamber of Commerce (SFCC).
Even more important is that the deal
includes funds to make sure that the
clock continues to work . . . with or
without Quasimodo!
Mount Vernon District Supervisor,
Dan Storck
Mount Vernon District Supervisor,
Dan Storck, addressed several issues:
„„ “Last week, I stopped at the Liberty (formerly known as “Liberty
Crest”) development; and they are
really coming along, and we’re excited about the way they are going
at it.” Full details on the development may be found in the April
edition of the Chronicle, or on-line
at: http://southcountyfederation.org/
„„ “Christine (Morin) and I recently
had a wonderful conversation with
Frank McDermott (the attorney
June 2016
A summary of events which affect the Crosspointe
area, including what transpires at the South
County Federation (SCF) and the Fairfax Federation,
both neighboring organizations comprised of
homeowners and civic associations.
representing ESI, the owner of
the Lorton landfill). He wants to
change the direction of the relationship with us, and wants to
move most of the work (regarding
steps to close the landfill and meet
requirements in the 2006 SEA) to
the inside.
They are aware of the sensitivity
we have regarding how the trucks
access the plant, closure procedures,
and what happens with the mountain. We have legal staff looking at
all this.
Basically, we are trying first of all
to improve relationships with ESI.
There will be a briefing at the end
of May.
„„ “Some good things came out of
the recent Board (of Supervisors)
ÂÂ “A Meals Tax proposal is going forward on the ballot to help
diversify our revenue sources, rather
than always relying on property tax.
If passed, this tax would add up to
4% on a meal, so you would pay 40
cents on a $10 sandwich. Overall,
this tax should raise $100 million in
a year.
ÂÂ “The county is investing an
additional $13 million per year
(on a permanent basis) to improve
schools infrastructure!
ÂÂ “Tax relief for the Elderly is
being studied, and the Board has
directed that county staff present
the state of the current tax relief
program at a future Budget Committee meeting.
„„ “The Embark Richmond Highway
project is totally reworking the
transportation system in our county.
It should have a huge impact. Earl
Flanagan (member of the Fairfax
County Planning Commission) is
our representative on the Embark
Advisory Group. If you have questions, contact Earl directly.” „„ “My new Chief of Staff will be
Christine Morin, replacing Brett
Kenney, who has accepted another
job in North Carolina.”
New Rules Govern Proffer Authority
Unless you are a developer or contractor, the following information may
not seem that exciting. Nevertheless,
a good piece of the SCF meeting was
taken with discussion about a newly
published 30-page document from
Fairfax County specifying the pending
changes to Proffer Authority.
This lengthy document states that, as
a general rule, the new changes will
apply “only to new residential development or use, and rezoning or Proffered
Condition Amendment (PCA) application filed on or after July 1, 2016.
It further states:
ÂÂ All proffers for new residential
development must address a proposed development’s impacts that
are specifically attributable to the
ÂÂ “Off-site” proffers must address
the need to expand existing capacity of 4 categories of public facilities:
(i.e. transportation, public safety,
public school, and parks)
ÂÂ “Off-site” proffers must provide
Crosspointe Chronicle
Civic Association Report
Civic Association Report
a “direct and material benefit” to the
proposed residential development.
The full document may be found at:
Earl Flanagan (Fairfax County Planning Commissioner) feels that, “This
won’t affect school systems too much,
but could affect the height of certain
buildings, paint colors, etc.”
Transportation Issues
„„ Lorton Road / Silverbrook Road
The SCF is working with
Supervisor Storck’s staff to bring
together all the stakeholders (e.g.
INOVA , FDOT, and County
Planning Commission) to try
to agree on a plan which would
Crosspointe Chronicle
include two right turn lanes from
West-bound Lorton Road onto
Silverbrook Road.
„„ Senior Fairfax County transportation
officials to attend SCF meeting
At the June 14 SCF meeting, we
will have Tom Biesiadny, Director
of the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, as well as
Tom Burke (Senior Transportation
Planner with the Fairfax County
Department of Transportation).
They will address several transportation concerns including the proposed connector road from prison
property to Laurel Crest Road and
police presence on HOT lanes vs
regular lanes.
„„ Proposed Southrun Bike Lanes
A community meeting was held
on May 12, hosted by FCDOT,
to discuss not only bike lanes, but
also traffic and safety issues on
Southrun Road. Improvements are
planned for Southrun from Silverbrook Road to Pohick Road.
Several SCF attendees at the
May 10 meeting engaged in a discussion regarding their safety concerns, including the speed limit and
the lack of sidewalks along part of
Southrun. Parking along Southrun
may be decreased to accommodate
the bike lanes.
„„ Change in turn lanes at the Richmond
Highway and Gunston Rd intersection
There is currently a great impact
on eastbound Gunston Cove Road
traffic approaching Route 1 during
maximum traffic time. At such
continued on page 24
June 2016
Civic Association
Association Report
continued from page23
times, through traffic cannot make
it through the green light because
of excessive right-turn traffic. In
addition, many right-turning trucks
are clipping the corner.
According to a letter from VDOT,
“The lane use configuration for
the east bound approach will be
modified from LEFT + THRU/
RIGHT which will improve the
traffic conditions for this approach
during the PM peak. Accordingly,
we will be moving forward with
the design and implementation of
the traffic signal modification for
this intersection which will take
a couple of months. It should be
noted that the east-bound free
flowing right-turn lane will be
June 2016
widened to improve the turning
radius for semitrailer trucks as part
of the project as well.”
Land Use Issues
„„ Update regarding Artis Senior Living
The SCF Land Use Committee (LUC) is waiting for proffer
conditions to be submitted by the
applicant, after which the LUC will
bring forth a resolution at the June
SCF general membership meeting.
The Planning Commission Public
hearing is currently scheduled for
June 26. As previously documented
in SCF’s Motion on the subject, we
continue to support the applicant
in opposing the construction of
any service drive that would extend
beyond the access point for the proposed Senior living facility at 8911
Ox Road.
„„ Update on possible location for the
new Police Station / Animal Shelter
The SCF has requested that planners look into having a sub-police
station inside the new fire station, in
addition to the new main police station. There are 3 possible locations
for the new station, all of which are
pretty close to our communities.
1. Triangular piece opposite the
Nike Missile Site on Lorton Road
2. Lorton Road near Silverbrook
Road, near the Giles Run sign
3. Next to Middle School off of
Silverbrook Road
Environmental & Parks Issues
„„ Junk Yard Blights
Mr Joseph Chudzik, an environmental activist from Mason Neck,
Crosspointe Chronicle
Civic Association Report
Civic Association Report
stood to address a couple of junk
yard blights along Richmond Highway. In the case of the AAAA Used
Auto Parts at 10212 Richmond
Highway, the owner has closed the
business and “walked away” rather
than comply fully with Dept of
Environmental Quality and Fire
Marshall mandates. In the second
case of junkyards located at 94159419 Richmond Highway and Giles
Run, the County has been precluded from enforcing zoning ordinance
standards because the junk yards
were established before the enactment of the ordinance. County staff
continues to monitor this property.
„„ Fairfax Lighting issues on athletic
fields and after-hours use
This was addressed by Linwood
Gorham, the Mount Vernon District Representative on the Fairfax
County Park Authority Board. He
said that athletic field lighting is
supposed to be programmed to be
on only until 11 p.m., but that some
person(s) have succeeded in overriding the programming. Actions
have been taken to correct this, and
all should be back to normal. Linwood suggests that people contact
him directly if lighting is observed
to be on at inappropriate times.
„„ Summer Concerts
Linwood talked up various summer
concerts around our area. Details
and specific dates may be found at:
„„ Work House Event Center / MV
Recreation Center
Linwood also pointed out that,
“Through an upcoming Bond,
we are in position to get $27
million for restoration of the MV
Recreation Center, and $7 million
will fund finishing of the Event
Center at the Work House. We
would like to see the demolition
of non-historic buildings and the
preservation of historic buildings.”
South County Federation
Education Committee
needs fresh blood!
Christine Morin, the current Chair, has faithfully served for 10 years
and needs to step aside. She asks for a new volunteer to step up.
I encourage Crosspointe readers to consider this as a real opportunity
to learn about our community. This is a role which probably would not
require more than a few hours per month, including reporting at the
South County Federation; and I guarantee that you will meet some
truly interesting individuals.
If you are even slightly curious about this, just contact me at mabonnefil@msn.com or call me at home 703.495.9574.
Crosspointe Chronicle
Crosspointe Emails
and FSRConnect
Members and residents interested in
receiving Crosspointe informational
emails from the Board, Management,
Committees, other, please email
the Assistant Community Manager,
Randy Santander, at cp.admin@verizon.net or call the Crosspointe Management Office at 703.690.2321 and
provide your name and Crosspointe
address. Request that your email
address be added to the community
email list. You will receive assessment
reminders, event updates, trash information and updates, pool registration reminders, and other important
If you would like to view various
Crosspointe documents, reports, and perhaps most important - all
of your personal account information and account history, register
for FSRConnect. The FSRConnect
site is an additional online site
that supplements the Crosspointe
website. You can update/edit your
information and submit address or
e-mail changes when necessary. You
can monitor your payment history
and obtain your current assessment
account balance. This is a secure site
so you must register and be provided
with a PIN. If you have not already
registered on this site, go to http://
or use the link on the Crosspointe
website: www.crosspointe.info under
the “Resources” drop down menu.
Don’t delay. Call or email the
Crosspointe Management office and
get c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d!
June 2016
Crosspointe Easter Egg Hunt
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle
Crosspointe Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg
Liz Merck
On Saturday, March 19, Crosspointe's annual Easter Egg Hunt was held,
bringing together families from across the community. Children of all
ages searched for more than 1,000 eggs that were hidden near the community center on Glen Eagles Lane and visited with the Easter Bunny
who paid a special visit. Here are some photos from the celebration.
Crosspointe Chronicle
June 2016
The Crosspointe Gardener
sun and/or not enough water. Typically
morning sun and afternoon shade is a
safe compromise.
Check the tag for sun requirements
when you install a plant. My new
Quick Fire Hydrangea actually prefers
full sun.
Fertilizer should only be applied if a
soil test indicates this is necessary. A
2–3" layer of mulch will help retain
moisture and suppress weeds.
Florist varieties of hydrangea (the kind
they sell around Mother’s Day in the
food stores) typically are less winter
hardy here in Virginia and may not
grow or bloom well outdoors.
Beautiful Hydrangeas are always
a summer favorite
Ellen Peterson, MLD
Master Gardener and Horticulturist
hat is your favorite
garden plant?
Do you have just
one or are there
several that make
you smile? I tend to love anything that
flowers. Right now, the fringe tree near
my driveway is in full bloom and has
a wonderful fragrance, especially at
night. My peonies are getting close to
blooming as well. Perhaps I love them
because they bring back fond childhood memories. During the summer,
my hydrangeas will move to the top of
my list of favorites.
Hydrangeas are relatively easy to grow
in northern Virginia and will provide
color well into the fall. I extend their
value by cutting the flowers, drying,
and using them in floral arrangements
in my home.
June 2016
I’ve recently planted a cultivar called
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Quick Fire’.
I’ve been told that the plant ‘has it all’
—a long bloom period with gorgeous
pink and rose-toned flowers. I can’t
wait to see if this plant lives up to its
reputation. There are so many different
hydrangeas; my garden just isn’t big
The topic of hydrangeas always produces
several questions:
What are the growing conditions
for a hydrangea?
Hydrangeas are woodland plants and
require moist, well-drained soil and
partial to full shade. If grown in full
sun, leaves tend to bleach, flowers
scorch, and the plants dry out quickly.
With that being said, if a hydrangea
gets too much shade, it may not bloom
well. If the leaves of a plant are droopy,
the plant is probably getting too much
When and how should a hydrangea
be pruned?
This question can be answered only
when you determine if the flowers bloom on new or old wood. The
majority of hydrangeas bloom on wood
produced the previous year, known as
‘old wood’.
They produce flower buds in late
summer for the following season’s
spring bloom. Therefore, they should
be pruned after flowering prior to the
development of the next season’s buds.
Hydrangeas that bloom on old wood
include Oakleaf (Hydrangea quercifolia)
and Bigleaf (Mophead/Lacecap) (H.
Dead or damaged wood can be removed at any time. A plant can be reshaped by cutting stems back to a pair
of buds or removing the oldest canes to
the ground during mid-summer. This
practice allows more light and better air circulation for disease control.
It can also increase the size of flower
‘Nikko Blue’ and ‘Bluebird’ are popular
cultivars of Bigleaf Hydrangea.
Crosspointe Chronicle
The Crosspointe Gardener
Hydrangeas that flower on current season’s growth or ‘new
wood’ can be pruned during the winter or early spring before growth takes place. These hydrangeas include Smooth
and Panicle Hydrangeas (Hydrangea arborescens and H.
paniculata). These plants can even be pruned to the ground
and will bloom reliably. If they aren’t pruned at all, the
plants become larger with smaller blooms. You don’t have to
prune these plants!
Smooth Hydrangeas are native to the moist Virginia
woodlands and grow well in our local gardens with shade
and regular moisture. My favorite Smooth Hydrangeas are
called ‘Annabelle’ and ‘Incrediball’.
Two well-known Panicle cultivars are named ‘PeeGee’ and
‘Tardiva’. They have white flowers that change to faint pink
as they age. A new interesting cultivar is called ‘Limelight’
with flower clusters that begin a lime green and change to
pink. Cool!
In recent years, new cultivars have been introduced that
are able to bloom on current season’s
growth as well as on old wood.
Flowering is probably showiest on
old wood but if a cold winter kills a
plant to the ground, there is no worry
that blooms will still appear. It is probably best to leave these plants un-pruned other
than to remove dead or damaged canes. A popular
cultivar is called ‘Endless Summer’ and has beautiful
purple and blue flowers.
Another method for altering soil pH for an individual plant
is to apply a liquid soil drench:
To make flowers blue—dissolve 1 T of aluminum sulfate in 1
gallon of water. Drench the soil around the plant in March,
April or May. An alternative is to broadcast ½ cup of wettable sulfur per 10 square feet of bed area and water it into
the soil.
To make flowers pink—dissolve 1 T of hydrated lime in 1 gallon of water. Drench the soil around the plant in March,
April, or May. An alternative is to broadcast 1 cup of dolomitic lime per 10 square feet of bed area and water it into
the soil.
Avoid applying the solutions to the bark or leaves of the
plant because damage can occur. If an accidental splash occurs, rinse the area well with water.
A hydrangea can be a wonderful addition to your garden if
you understand the culture, care, and pruning requirements
for your plant. As always, contact me at 703.495.9027 or
LN856@aol.com if you have any questions or problems.
How can a flower color be changed from pink to blue?
Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) has to be the
most popular hydrangea species because of its huge blue or
pink flower clusters. The color of the flowers is influenced
by the soil pH, which affects the availability of aluminum in
the soil.
In our typically acidic soils of northern Virginia, more aluminum is available for root uptake which creates the blue
flowers. Alkaline soils prevent the availability of aluminum
so pink flowers are the result. The genetics of different cultivars can also influence their depth of color.
It is possible to change soil pH but this can be a gradual
process, taking up to 6 months. For more accurate results,
it is best to get a soil test to determine soil pH. Depending
on results, powdered or pelletized lime/sulfur can be added
to the soil during the fall to obtain pink/blue flowers the
following summer.
Crosspointe Chronicle
June 2016
Community News
Final call to recognize
our community
The Chronicle will recognize all
Crosspointe high school or college graduates in our July issue.
Just send us your name, address, a
photo, the name of the college you
will be attending and the name of the
school you are graduating from.
Feel free to brag a little...let us know your
accomplishments, participation in sports,
clubs, and community activities. If you are
choosing a different path, tell us about
your career goals and plans for the future.
Please include a phone number where we
can reach you if we have any questions.
Attach a photo to an email and
send it along with your information to cp.chronicle@verizon.net.
If providing a file from a digital or cell
phone camera, please provide at least a
1.2 MP (or 1280 x 960 resolution) file size if possible. If
providing a scan, please
scan your photo at 300 dpi.
Or, leave a photo and
typewritten information in the community dropbox located
outside of the Crosspointe
Community Center. Your
photo will be returned
to you, if requested.
Fireworks Safety
he Fourth of July just
would not be the same
without those breathtaking fireworks. However,
those beautiful fireworks can turn
your holiday into a tragedy within
Many people are injured each year
in Fairfax County due to fireworks.
Some are injured seriously and left
with permanent damage.
Any firework that explodes, emits
a flame or sparks higher than 12
feet, or performs as a projectile is
prohibited by the Fairfax County
Fire Prevention Code. A permit is
required for the sale of all fireworks,
and permits are only valid from
June 1 to July 15 of each year.
Many fireworks are not available
in Northern Virginia because they
are illegal. Firecrackers, cherry
bombs, and skyrockets are just a
few examples of fireworks that may
be purchased in other areas, but are
illegal here.
Since even the possession of unapproved fireworks is prohibited in
Fairfax County, such fireworks will
be confiscated and the person possessing them can be charged with a
Class 1 misdemeanor.
Please DO NOT Feed
the Canada Geese
June 2016
This carries a maximum penalty of
a $2,500 fine and/or one year in
Please adhere to the following safety
··When displaying legally purchased, approved fireworks, place
them on a flat surface, clear of
any combustible material and
clear of all buildings.
··Keep all bystanders at least 25
feet away from fireworks.
··Read the directions.
··Do not permit young children
to handle or light fireworks.
··Light only one firework at a
··Never throw fireworks.
··Sparklers can be very dangerous
and account for the majority of
injuries. Pieces can break off and
burn bystanders.
··Young children should not use
sparklers as these can attain a
temperature as high as 1800
degrees Fahrenheit.
··Store fireworks in a cool, dry
Please have a safe Fourth of July
and stay away from dangerous and
illegal fireworks.
For more information on this or
other safety issues, please contact
Public Affairs and Life Safety Education at 703.246.3801.
Crosspointe Chronicle
Classified Ads
Taylor Construction
Specializing in home improvements;
general handyman, deck power washing,
home repairs; roof repairs; interior/exterior
painting; no job is too small. Free estimates.
Licensed, bonded and insured. Call Rick
Taylor at 703.690.0088.
Students R Us Spring Yardwork Sign Up
Is Here!!
signed contracts. Your word is good enough
for us. Our privilege to cut Wounded
Warriors lawns FREE. First cut is free for
all returning customers with a new
customer from your referral. Our services
include mulching, mowing, aerating,
seeding, shrub care, yard cleanup, leaf
removal, snow removal, junk removal and
repairing split rail fences. Call Nathan &
Luke for your free estimate at 703.250.0532
or e-mail f3819@hotmail.com.
SAT Preparation for Juniors and Seniors
Rising Juniors and Seniors registering now.
Many students improve over 400 points.
Strong SAT scores open doors for both
college admissions and incredible
scholarship opportunities. Please call Julia
Ross at 703.830.7037 or visit
Tax, Accounting and Payroll Services
Tired of paying too much in taxes? Need
someone you can trust? Call Denise
Carson, CPA at 703.643.1861 for a quote
and an appointment. Individual, Corporate,
Partnership and Non-Profit Returns. Thirty
years’ experience. Visit us at www.experttaxes.com.
your Community
All meetings and events listed here are held
at the Crosspointe Community Center, 8275
Glen Eagles Lane, unless otherwise noted.
All Crosspointe meetings are open to all
Wed. 1 OSC meets 7:30 pm
Thu. 2 Management RFP Sub-Committee Meeting 7 pm
Mon. 6 ARB meets 7 pm
Tue. 7 Pool Committee meets 7 pm
Wed. 8 BOT meets 7 pm
Mon.13ARB application deadline for
6/20 meeting
We kindly ask that all pet owners pick
up after their pets when walking them.
Your neighbors will appreciate your good
manners …AND cleaning up after your pet
is always the right thing to do.
Help keep Crosspointe beautiful!
Mon.20ARB meets 7 pm
Mon.27Tennis Committee meets 7 pm
Mon. 4Independence Day—Office closed
Tue. 5 Pool Committee meets 7 pm
Tue. 5 Application deadline for ARB
July 11 meeting
Wed. 6 Open Space Committee meets 7:30 pm
Mon.11 ARB meets 7 pm
Wed.13 BOT meets 7 pm
Mon.25 Tennis Committee meets 7 pm
Mon.25 Application deadline for ARB
Aug 1 meeting
Tue. 26 Budget & Finance Committee meets 7:30 pm
For up-to-date meeting information visit
your Crosspointe community website at
www. crosspointe.info.
Crosspointe Chronicle
June 2016
Classified Ads
Next Issue
The next issue of the Crosspointe
Chronicle is the July 2016 issue.
Submit ADS by June 10.
Call the community center office
at 703.690.2321.
Bridal Hair & Makeup
Hair styling, updo, makeup for wedding
& other occasions. On location services.
Hien Nguyen, Hair & Makeup Artist.
571.830.0844. hientada@yahoo.com
Power Washing!!!
Go from green to clean, includes sidewalks,
decks, fences, deck & fence repair, deck
staining & sealing, exterior wood rot, roof &
siding repair, basement finishing, bathroom
remodeling and handy man services. CALLfree estimates Lic & INS. 703.987.5096.
Email jnave@comcast.net
Professional Tutoring
20 years of experience. Grades 1–12 and college. Math through Calculus, Science, Spanish, French, English, History, Study Skills, and
Organizational Coaching. Comprehensive
SAT Preparation and College Coaching programs. Please call 703.830.7037 or visit
House Cleaning Available
Reliable, good references; Flexible Schedule;
Reasonable Rates; I'm providing services for
residents cleaning, move in/out, offices, occasionally, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. For free
in home estimate call Dalila 703.627.0663 or
703.477.5085. Email dalilascleaning@gmail.
com. We provide equipment and cleaning
Consuelo's House Cleaning
House cleaning services & offices weeklybiweekly-monthly-move in/out we do
occasionally. "Flexible Schedule." Very good
references-moderate rates-free estimates.
Consuelo's cell: 703.786.7337. We bring our
own equipment.
Mail Post Replacement
Replacing original mail posts with beautiful
well-crafted mail posts from CROSSPOINTEMAILBOX.COM. Does your mailpost
match the beauty of your Crosspointe
home? One click or call does it all. v/r Pete
Maria's Star Cleaning
Expert in home cleaning. Small teams; careful
workers. Daily, weekly, monthly rates available. Office and carpet cleaning also available.
Licensed, Bonded and Insured. In business
since 1997. Call for references and to make an
appointment, 703.723.3850 or 703.624.2708.
Steve Russell Interior Painting
Honorably caring for the homes of families
like yours, from Great Falls to Clifton, since
1978. An A+ rated member of the Better
Business Bureau. Your condsideration is sincerely appreciated. Call Steve 703.239.0370.
J. Richard’s Lawn Service
Mowing, trimming, edging, clean-up, leaf
removal. Call Richard, 703.307.5577.
Furniture for sale
Custom covered Love Seat with Sunbrella
fabric; Full-size three drawer Pine Desk;
Cargo Queen Bed Frame w/ Headboard;
Lane denim recliner Chair; Apple original
Powerbooks 145 and 150; 36"x 77" maple
TV cabinet; Cargo Dining Table; Four
Cargo Chairs; 30"x78" pine Corner Cabinet;
30" x 50" x 19" dark pine Coffee Table; 30" x
60" x 16" dark wood Coffee Table with glass
insert. Call Wayne 703.282.7792.
Dog Grooming
Crosspointe resident. 7 years experience. All
breeds. $45 for under 15 pounds. Includes
bath, nail trim, ear and anal glands. Same day
service possible without extra charge. Call
Linda: 703.690.4549.
Reading, Writing and Study Skills with
The Writing Well
State certified; 16 years of experience. Reasonable rates online and in person. Visit my blog
(http://www.notsoformulaic.com) for free
family literacy tips and more information.
703.909.7425; the writingwell@earthlink.net
Residents: Your submissions to this newsletter are always
welcomeD. Send your articles to cp.chronicle@verizon.net
by the 15th of the month before publication.
JTL Autowash
Expert car detailing by long-term
Crosspointe resident and member of the
South County Class of 2016. Will work at
your house or mine. To schedule your appointment, call 703.999.6889. More info at
Tutoring Services
5th Grade Fairfax County Teacher, Masters
in Education from JMU, offering tutoring services, some weekdays, evenings and
weekends. Contact, Jackie at 703.859.5117
or email dunbarjm@dukes.jmu.edu
Cleaning Services
House cleaning: reliable, experienced, good
references, flexible scheduling, reasonable rates. We bring our own equipment.
Weekly– bi-weekly–monthly–occasionally.
One-time, move-in/out; offices. For a free
in-home estimate, call Maryen/Raul at
Dog Walking
Crosspointe mom will provide mid-day
walks for your dog and vacation-sitting
in your home. Cat and small animal care
available. Ten years experience caring for
Crosspointe’s animal friends. Reasonable
rates. Call Maureen at 703.690.3811.
To Advertise
Resident Personal Ads
Services, For Sale, etc. ŠWanted,
$5/35 words
ŠŠLost/Found, Carpools, Giveaways
Resident Business Ads
$18/35 words
Non-resident Ads
$20/35 words
Business Cards:. $39.90
Quarter Page:.... $73.50
One Half Page:.. $120.75
Full Page:........... $231.00
5% discount on ads run for three consecutive months with no change. All
ads for the Crosspointe Chronicle MUST
be submitted and paid for BY CHECK
ONLY by the 10th of each month prior
to publication. For information call the
Crosspointe Community Center office
at 703.690.2321, M–F, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
June 2016
Crosspointe Chronicle