Exclusive Letters from Brazil


Exclusive Letters from Brazil
04.07.2014 fri
Macau Daily Times | Edition 2100 | 04 Jul 2014
Movies: Monty python live (mostly)
Books: The sleepwalker’s guide to dancing by mira jacob
Music: Trigga by trey songz
Wine: the austrian montecassino
Food: keep calm and drink your riesling
Pen pals are a childhood memory
for most of us. The habit of
writing a letter to an old friend or
to a complete stranger abroad is
apparently making its comeback.
A young Portuguese living in
Brazil, Patrícia Cardoso, and her
project Cartas de Sapana have
joined the trend X3
Comedy: Dead parrots
Jill Lawless, AP
and lumberjacks
Python fans
skits, interspersed with saucy song-and-dance numbers
and clips — both live-action
and animated — from the
classic TV series “Monty Python’s Flying Circus.”
Like aging rock bands, the
Pythons have lost a member along life’s highway
— Graham Chapman, who
died in 1989. The five surviving Pythons are now over
70. Like the Rolling Stones,
they’re more wrinkled than
you remember, but still perform with gusto.
Each makes a distinct contribution. Eric Idle, who assembled this event with some of
the Broadway pizazz of his
hit musical “Spamalot,” is a
From left, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin and Terry Jones of the comedy group Monty Python
and crack each other up.
Terry Jones is an underrated,
understated performer, while Terry Gilliam — the sole
American in the group — is a
master of grotesques. There’s
so much comic talent onstage
that there is always something worth watching.
The only thing missing is
surprise. It’s inevitable —
fans have waited decades for
this — but the Pythons get a
standing ovation before they
open their mouths. Many
fan-favorite sketches are
here: the dead parrot, Spam,
“The Lumberjack Song,” the
four Yorkshiremen, the Spanish Inquisition. Lesser-seen
gems also get an airing, including the argument sketch and Anne Elk, with her
John Cleese and Michael
Palin still perform together
with quick-fire comic timing,
omedy is a bit like history. It repeats itself, and
what started out as satire can
mellow into farce.
The Monty Python troupe
burst forth from Britain as
the 1960s became the ‘70s,
with a delirious blend of satire, surrealism and silliness.
Almost 35 years after their
last live performance, they
have reunited for 10 farewell
shows at London’s O2 Arena.
Were they comic geniuses?
The evidence of Tuesday’s
opening night says yes.
Should geniuses stage affectionate send-off shows for
their fans? Maybe not.
(Mostly)” features performances of many of their best
Stephen Fry arriving for the first night performance of the Monty Python Show Live at the O2 Arena, London
theory on the brontosaurus.
Some of the new touches are
clever. It’s hard to resist a
show that gets the eminent
physicist Stephen Hawking
to sing (in a filmed segment).
It ends — how could it not?
— with the 15,000-strong audience joining in a jolly sing-along of “Always Look on
the Bright Side of Life.”
It’s just all ... so nice. The
unpredictability and danger
of Python sometimes seem
far off, though there are hints
of that edginess in Gilliam’s
surreal animation, and in
some of the old TV routines.
These remind you that Monty
Python came from a specific
time, an era of Cold War nuclear fear and tacky patterned wallpaper. Their targets
‘Sleepwalker’s Guide’
Trey Songz is complacent
on 6th album
is a beautiful family saga
“The Sleepwalker’s Guide to Dancing”
(Random House), Mira Jacob
t the start of Mira Jacob’s beautiful debut, “The Sleepwalker’s
Guide to Dancing,” Amina Eapen’s
mother summons her home to Albuquerque, New Mexico, claiming that
her father is acting strangely (though
it’s possible the real reason Kamala
wants her daughter home is so she can
set her up with a doctor). When Amina arrives, however, she learns that
her father’s condition is more serious
than her mother let on, and bears
some connection to the feud 20 years
earlier with the family back in Salem,
India, that permanently estranged
Thomas Eapen from his mother and
Even as it deals with weighty, dark
subjects like loss and grief, and the
struggles of an immigrant family,
Jacob’s novel is light and optimistic,
unpretentious and refreshingly witty. Jacob has created characters with
evident care and treats them with
gentleness even as they fight viciously with each other. Her prose is sharp
and true and deeply funny. The book
is 500 pages long and had I the luxury of time I would have read it in
one sitting. This is the literary fiction
I will be recommending to everyone
this summer, especially those who
love multigenerational, multicultural
family sagas.
Michelle Scheraga, AP
Trey Songz, “Trigga” (Atlantic Records)
ix albums in and making R&B
hits almost seems too easy for
Trey Songz.
He’s got the vocals of a crooner
with the swagger of a rapper, and
on his latest release, “Trigga,” the
heartthrob once again darts between the bedroom and bottle
service, sending his sweet vocals
soaring over a landscape of seductive beats, beautiful melodies and
lyrics that beg to be repeated.
But Songz’s latest set is missing
something: growth. Shuffle through the tracks on “Trigga” and
while there’s plenty of fun, there’s
almost zero evidence that Songz’s
created something that would
make his latest album more memorable than the five preceding
it. For all its catchiness — thanks
in part to a sampling of Teena Ma-
— bureaucracy, religion, sexual hypocrisy — stemmed
from that society, too.
Still, many of those targets
are still alive and kicking,
and the best Python sketches
remain snippets of absurdist bliss. The Silly Olympics, whose events include a
steeplechase for people who
think they’re chickens, is sublime physical humor. The
man who speaks in anagrams
is a masterpiece of wordplay.
For Python fans, the show
— whose final night on July
20 will be broadcast to 1,800
movie theaters around the
world — is huge fun. Nonfans may feel trapped in a
vast in-joke. But there are
enough laughs that they may
not mind.
rie’s “Oh La La La” — lead single
“Na Na” sounds like something he
could have released alongside his
biggest pop hit, the Nicki Minaj-assisted “Bottoms Up,” in 2010.
Songz blurs the lines between
good and bad guy on second single “Smartphones,” singing “time is
not on our side” in a such a beautiful way, it’s easy to forget that the
track is about the singer pocketdialing his main chick while he’s
hanging with his side chick. And
that’s where he excels — singing
sweetly about acting badly — as
he demonstrates on “Disrespectful” featuring Mila J, the sister of
up-and-comer Jhene Aiko.
Songz ranks high on the list of
R&B contemporaries, but perhaps
a little self-reflection and musical
risk-taking would prove he’s bested earlier versions of himself.
“Ain’t you tired of this life, don’t
you ever get bored,” Songz quotes
his girl asking on the song “Y.A.S.”
Some fans will have to wonder
the same when it comes to Trey’s
Melanie J. Sims, AP
04.07.2014 fri
Cartas de Sapana: Bringing
back meaningful words
Catarina Pinto
atrícia Cardoso - a 27-year
-old Portuguese living in
Brazil - knew people who
had never received a letter. Yes,
that letter we used to write out of
our own words, picking up a pen,
drafting carefully each word on a
paper, then sending it by post.
“For me, this idea [of having never
received a letter] is unimaginable,”
she tells us. Bearing in mind that
not all of us are in love with writing, Patrícia thought of launching
a project that could combine one
of her greatest passions with some
people’s inability to translate their
feelings for someone into words.
Cartas de Sapana is a recently launched project aiming at providing
clients with a personalized letter
-writing service. “I am very much
clinging to paper. I have always
liked to write in notebooks, postcards, letters. I still treasure some.
This era where everything seems
to be virtual started to be a bit
frustrating for me,” she explains.
Putting pen to paper, she created
Cartas de Sapana – all the way
from Brazil to anywhere people
feel like sharing feelings through
the words of another person.
“The project is simple but risky.
Simple because it’s just a letter,
something everyone recognizes.
But risky because I am writing in
the name of another person, there
might be some reluctance [in this
I ask a few
about [the
but without
being too
intrusive, just a
few details or
memories that
are important
films on letters’ writers
“HER”, directed by Spike Jonze and released last year, centers its
storyline on a man working as a professional writer, drafting letters for
people who are unable or unwilling to translate feelings and ideas into
“Central do Brasil”, released in 1998, also tells the story of a woman
working as a letters writer, but this time helping illiterate people communicate with others.
sense],” she added.
Nevertheless, Patrícia is convinced
that reluctance should be put aside
for a moment, as this is a personalized letter-writing service.
“Those who are interested can contact me through Facebook or email
and tell me who they want to write
the letter to and the reason behind
writing such letter (…) I ask a few
questions about their relationship,
but without being too intrusive,
just a few details or memories that
are important,” she explains.
The next step is writing the letter
itself, send a draft to the client and
add changes if needed.
After approval, the client makes
the deposit (each letter costs between EUR15 and EUR20) and Patrícia sends it with the Cartas de
Sapana stamp.
Trying to make it different from similar projects, she knew the design
of her brand would have to meet
certain demands. “A letter is something extremely personal, it could
not have a design or an approach
that does not convey that idea.”
Looking amongst her own personal experiences, Patrícia recalled
the time she had lived in Nepal in
2009. “The family I’d lived with
used to call me ‘Sapana’ which
means ‘dream’. As this project is
also a dream of mine, I couldn’t
think of a better name.”
Choosing a stamp with an elephant
was yet another personal choice, as
the elephant is “the most remarkable image I treasure from my journey in Nepal. I wanted people to
understand this is an image holding
a story behind it,” she says.
Patrícia has been living in Brazil
since 2011, where she works for
a TV producer company. “By the
end of 2011, I thought it was the
right time to live the personal and
professional experience of my life.
I booked a one-way flight to Rio
de Janeiro. I knew no one. But I
believe that asking for other people’s help is still one of the most
foolproof methods. I made a new
family that took me in, and got a
job at TVZERO, where I still am
Soon embracing a new project this
time in Portugal, Patrícia, who studied journalism and filmmaking,
assures that Cartas de Sapana does
not have a fixed zip code. It can go
anywhere. “Anywhere in the world, there is someone deserving the
most beautiful words.”
Amongst those having already
resorted to Cartas de Sapana, one
letter was both particularly remarkable and challenging. A woman asked Patrícia to write a letter
to her father, who she hadn’t seen
in 15 years. “Her father had a few
emotional problems, his wife had
just beaten cancer. And this woman wanted to tell her father that
she loved him, that although she
couldn’t find the right words, she
had always been present, and that
he was a source of inspiration to
her,” she recalled.
Patrícia understood that with great
stories, come even greater responsibilities, “as these are the words of
a daughter to her father – a relationship that I respect very much.”
On the other hand, it can be extremely rewarding, she added, since
both father and daughter were
able to reunite and their love was
“Knowing that, through this service, they reconnected (…) that
things that had been retained were
[finally] said, that makes me very
happy, proud and thrilled.”
pen pals are back
PEN pals are a childhood memory for most of us. The habit of
writing a letter to an old friend
or to a complete stranger abroad
is apparently making its comeback, The Guardian reported this
month. From the International
Geek Girl Pen Pals Club, to The
League of Extraordinary Pen Pals,
many overseas letters writers have
been reinstating an old form of
communicating, at times to even
help with language practice. “Pen
pal enthusiasts say they find handwriting relaxing and meditative,
and believe their relationships are
just as central to their lives as faceto-face ones,” it reads.
The Austrian
by Jacky I.F. Cheong
Stift Göttweig Grüner Veltliner
Messwein 2013
Stift Göttweig Göttweiger Berg
Riesling 2013
The sacramental wine of the millennium-old monastery
is produced as per Reinheitsgebot (purity law) with permission of the bishop; any form of alteration, eg chaptalisation and de-acidification, is strictly forbidden. Light
lemon-yellow with pastel golden reflex, the floral nose
reveals bergamot, yuzu, green apple and apricot, decorated by frangipani. With animated acidity and slight petillance, the delicate palate supplies lime peel, grapefruit,
quince, guava and bell pepper. Medium-light bodied at
12%, the refreshing entry continues through a composed
mid-palate, leading to a clean finish.
Known as Göttweiger Berg since 1083, the vineyard is an
intricate microclimate comprising natural humidity of the
Danube, cool and warm air from the Dunkelsteiner Woods
and Pannonian Basin respectively. Bright lemon-yellow
with soft golden reflex, the beguiling nose radiates bergamot, Sicilian lemon, greengage and ume, adorned with
wet stone. With racy acidity, enticing minerality and perceptible petillance, the invigorating palate delivers lemon
peel, pomelo, grapefruit, apricot and mirabelle. Medium
-light bodied at 12.5%, the stimulating entry carries onto a
composed mid-palate, leading to a persistent finish.
Stift Göttweig Further
Gottschelle Grüner Veltliner
Erste Lage Reserve 2012
Stift Göttweig Silberbichl Riesling
Erste Lage Reserve 2012
Sourced from Silberbichl, a southeast-facing terraced vineyard first documented in 1562, berries were manually
harvested in early November. Luminous lemon-yellow
with vivid golden reflex, the multifarious nose emanates
calamansi, yuzu, peach and nectarine, embellished by
fragrant minerals. With pristine acidity, steely minerality
and subtle petillance, the prodigious palate exudes lime
peel, sudachi, quince and white strawberry, imbued with
kerosene. Medium-full bodied at 13%, the precise entry
evolves into a spicy mid-palate, leading to a minerally
Grown on gravel and thick loess, berries of the old vines (50
to 70 years old) were manually harvested in early November. Rich lemon-yellow with shimmering citrine reflex, the
profuse nose presents lime, greengage, honeydew and brioche, enriched by fleur de sel. With spirited acidity and pulsating minerality, the opulent palate provides pomelo, Tianjin
pear, nectarine and asparagus, infused with Pfefferl (Grüner
Veltliner’s idiosyncratic pepper). Medium-full bodied at 14%,
the fleshy entry transforms into a peppery mid-palate, leading to a vegetal finish.
Situated in the Wachau opposite the town of Krems an
der Donau, Stift Göttweig was founded in 1083 by St
Altmann, Bishop of Passau. The magnificent baroque
abbey was designed by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt,
whose chefs d’oeuvre include Schloß Belvedere, Palais
Schwarzenberg and Peterskirche. The Benedictine abbey
is renowned for the fresco of the Imperial Staircase, a
masterpiece by Paul Troger, whose illusionistic ceiling
paintings decorate many abbeys in Niederösterreich
(Lower Austria), eg Altenburg, Geras, Melk, Seitenstetten
and Zwettl.
Forestry and viticulture were the mainstay of the local
economy since time immemorial, and wine became increasingly important in 14th century, as the Bavarian
clergymen were enchanted by the wines produced by
their Austrian cousins. By 16th century, Stift Göttweig’s
wines were a favourite of the aristocracy not just in Austria, but across Europe. A Polish Queen (Anna von Österreich?) once purchased 300 Eimer – equivalent to 16,800
litres – of wine in one go.
The Benedictines still own a stake in the wine estate, which has 26ha of prime vineyards. One of the 26 members
of the ÖTW (Österreichsiche Traditionsweingüter), an
association of leading estates not unlike Germany’s VDP
(Verband Deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter),
Stift Göttweig’s Erste Lage (equivalent to German Großes
Gewächs) wines are amongst the best of Austria.
The picturesque Wachau Cultural Landscape became a
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000, pipping Germany’s
Upper Middle Rhine Valley by merely two years. A glorious Austrian victory indeed – next time it will be on a
football pitch!
To discover the historic legacy of Austrian gems, contact
Mr Franz-Josef Gansberger of Weingut Stift Göttweig; W:
www.weingutstiftgoettweig.at; E: office@weingutstiftgoettweig.at; T: +43 (0)2732 801440
Jacky I.F. Cheong is a legal professional by day and columnist by night.
Having spent his formative years in Britain, France, and Germany, he
regularly writes about wine, fine arts, classical music, and politics in
several languages
Grand Imperial Court
11.00 - 04.00 - Mon - Sun
T: 88022539
Level 2, MGM MACAU
Imperial Court
Mon - Friday
11:00 - 15:00 / 18:00 - 23:00
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays
10:00 - 15:00 / 18:00 - 23:00
T: 8802 2361
VIP Hotel Lobby, MGM MACAU
Jin Yue Xuan
101, 1/F, Galaxy HotelTM
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2200
10am – 3pm / 5:30pm-11pm
Aux Beaux Arts
14:00 - 24:00 Tue - Fri
11.00 - 24.00 Sat & Sun
Closed every Monday
T: 8802 2319
Grande Praça, MGM MACAU
31/F, Banyan Tree Macau
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 6090
6pm-12am Bar & Oyster
6pm-11pm Dinner
Tuesday Closed
Grand Lapa, Macau
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F
T: 8793 3821
11am-3pm / 6pm – 10pm
(Close on Tuesday)
Grand Lapa, Macau
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F
T: 87933871
Mon -Thurs
06:30 am – 3:00 pm / 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Fri – Sunday
06:30 am – 10:00 pm
G56a, G/F, Galaxy MacauTM Casino
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
11am –11pm
Catalpa Garden
Mon - Sunday
11:00 - 15:00 / 17:30 - 23:00
Hotel Royal, 2-4
Estrada da Vitoria
T: 28552222
MGM Patisserie
09:00-21:00 Daily
T: 8802 2324
Main Hotel Lobby, MGM MACAU
07:00 - 23:00 Mon - Sun
T: 8802 2385
Grande Praça, MGM MACAU
28/F, Hotel Okura Macau
Galaxy Macau™
T: 8883 5099/6368 4808
11:00am – 2.30pm
2/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE
T: 8805 8918
Mon - Sunday
6:30am – 11:00am
Morton’s of Chicago
The Venetian(r) Macao-Resort-Hotel
Taipa, Macau
T:853 8117 5000
• Bar
Open daily at 3pm
• Dining Room
Monday - Saturday: 5pm - 11pm
Sunday: 5pm - 10pm
Spice Garden
G23, G/F, East Promenade
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
12pm-3pm / 6pm – 12am
Weekend & PH: 12pm – 12am
Square Eight
T: 8802 2389
24 hours
Level 1, MGM MACAU
La Gondola
Mon - Sunday
Praia de Cheoc Van, Coloane,
next to swimming pool
T: 2888 0156
11:00am – 11:00pm
201, 2/F, Galaxy HotelTM
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
Mon – Sat: 6pm-11pm
Sunday Closed
G43, G/F, East Promenade
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
Myung Ga
G27, G/F, East Promenade
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
11am –11pm
38 Lounge
Altrira Macau,
Avenida de Kwong Tung, 38/F Taipa
Sun-Thu 5:00pm – 2:00am
Fri, Sat and Eve of public holiday:
5:00pm – 3:00am
Clube Militar
975 Avenida da Praia Grande
T: 2871 4000
12:30pm – 3:00pm / 7:00pm – 11:00pm
9 Praia de Hac Sa, Coloane
T: 2888 2264
12:00pm – 9:30pm
The Macallan Whisky Bar & Lounge
203, 2/F, Galaxy HotelTM
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
Mon – Thu : 5pm-1am
Fri – Sat, PH & Eve: 5pm-2am
Sunday Closed
G21, G/F, East Promenade
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 2221
Mon – Fri: 12pm-3pm / 6pm-11pm
Sat, Sun & PH: 12pm – 11pm
O Santos
20 Rua da Cunha, Taipa Village
T: 2882 5594
Wednesday - Monday
12:00pm – 3:00pm /6:30- 10:00pm
Grand Lapa, Macau
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, The Resort
T: 8793 4818
12pm – 2:30pm / 6:30pm – 10:30pm (Close
on Mondays)
Nagomi Lobby Lounge & Bar
G/F, Hotel Okura Macau
Galaxy Macau™
T: 8883 5116
10:00am – 11:00pm
Tastes of Asia (14 Stalls)
Vida Rica (Restaurant)
17.00 - 02.00 Tue-Sun
Closed every Monday
Grande Praça, MGM MACAU
Café Bela Vista
Dim Sum Lunch
Kam Lai Heen
G40, G/F, Banyan Tree Macau
Galaxy MacauTM
T: 8883 6061
7am – 11pm
2/F, AIA Tower,
No. 251A – 301
Avenida Comercial de Macau
Lion’s Bar
Tuesday to Sunday
7pm – 5am
(Close every Monday)
Tel: 8802 2375 / 8802 2376
Vida Rica Bar
2/F, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE
T: 8805 8928
Monday to Thusday: 12:00 – 00:00
Friday: 12:00 – 01:00
Saturday: 14:00 – 01:00
Sunday: 14:00 – 00:00
Grand Lapa, Macau
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F
T: 8793 3831
Monday to Thursday: 6:30 pm – 12:00pm
Friday to Saturday: 6:00pm – 02:00am
Sunday: 6:00pm – 12:00 midnight
04.07.2014 fri
Irene Sam
iesling, the word itself stirs a thousand sensual
imaginations. Fruity, flowery, acidic, fresh, and
tenderly sweet. The adjectives to describe the
wonder go on and on. A grape originally from the Rhine region of Germany, it is often considered to be the
best grape varieties for white wine along with Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Personally, I love the fact
that Riesling wines are rarely oaked, and have great
personalities corresponding to their “terroir.”
On an exceptional summer evening, MGM MACAU
organizes a Riesling wine dinner at Grand Imperial
Court, featuring sumptuous dishes prepared by a team
of dedicated chefs who are passionate about their work.
One of the grand gastronomic works on the menu is
langoustine tartar, rainbowmato with yuzu tomato sorbet, basil essence and sea urchin, by Elie Khalife, Chef
de Cuisine at Aux Beaux Arts. As we are savoring the
food, not far away from our dining table, Adolphus Foo,
Director of Wines begins to pour the wine.
“It is a blind tasting, which means that I am not going to
tell you about the wine first. Just taste,” he instructs.
I slowly move my fingertips towards the first glass. I
have no idea which bottle I am drinking, but after the
first sip, I feel as if I have been transported to apple
and green pear wonderland. It turns out that it is the
Dönnhoff, Kreuznacher Kröetenpufhl Riesling Kabinett 2012. Expressive, yet pure, the wine is extremely
unique, packed great minerality and character. Indeed,
without coincidence, the Mittleren Nahe region in Germany is known for its steep and rural valley with rich
volcanic soil, and the wine reflects such elements without reservations. This wine goes extremely well with
Elie’s creation, especially due to the fact that the heirloom tomatoes he uses for the dish also has a certain
level of minerality to it. A match made in heaven.
Out of the fives glasses of Riesling offered on the table, there is actually another glass that really rocks my
world. After enjoying several sips, I am completely
hooked and seduced by the vanilla and orange cream
aroma oozing from the rich, golden liquid. The Weingut St. Urbans-Hof, Leiwener Laurentiuslay Riesling
Spätlese, 2007 combines vanilla with citrus notes,
bittersweet and floral, all opulently expressed on the
palate. Personally, I prefer to pair this glass of wine
with the dessert, lime flower sabayon with cucumber ice
cream, cashew nut macaroon, white chocolate, jasmine
and finger lime.
“This dessert is my interpretation of summer. Nothing
is heavy, loud, or too sweet. You should take your time
to savor the nuances. It should provide a variety of taste
because of its sophistication,” Günther Wolfsgruber,
Executive Pastry Chef explains.
Sophistication is an understatement. Günther’s masterpiece is stunning, a colorful reflection of all the joyful
aspirations that human beings have during this lovely
season. The flowery note on the palate is once again further enhanced with a sip of the Leiwener Laurentiuslay
Riesling Spätlese, 2007. Minerality from the cucumber,
flowery perfume from the lime flower, and the nutty
flavors are all combined deliciously at the end. Just like
the beautiful Riesling wine, the sensation is almost too
good to be true.
Xuantong as well as letters and calligraphic works
by cultural luminaries such as Zhang Taiyan, Lu
Xun, Hu Shi, Zhou Zuoren and Shen Yinmo. The
exhibition gives visitors a rare opportunity to get
reacquainted with the great charm and inner life
of these literary heavyweights amid the thoughtprovoking modern cultural movement.
A Colourful World, A Dream Come True The Art Exhibition of the Mentally
Handicapped People in Macau
Though the patients may not be good at calculating
or speaking, some of them have the gift of art. Skill
in painting, dancing and singing are just some of
the abilities they possess. They have a unique vision
of the world and their work is special. Come and
witness their talents in this art exhibition!
Macao Association of Parents of the Mentally
Handicapped is a non-government organization
in Macao that was established in 1991. The
association is still struggling for the rights
and welfare of mentally handicapped people.
The organization is doing its best to stop the
discrimination that most patients experience.
subject of urban changes. In this collection Ieong
playfully looks at the nature of the most popular
jobs in Macau and initiates a dialogue between the
photographer himself and those jobs by means of
various costumes, settings and camera techniques.
By acting out various roles in different occupations
he aims to explore the discrepancy between
expectation and reality, subjectivity and objectivity.
This exhibition also includes his previous work for
the 13th China Pingyao International Photography
Festival, as well as installation artwork made
especially for this event with the aim of showcasing
the local cultural vibrancy and reflecting the urban
transformation of Macau.
Time: 10am-7pm (closed on Mondays, No
admission after 6:30pm)
Until: October 5, 2014
Venue: Macau Museum of Art, Av. Xian Xing Hai,
s/n, NAPE
Admission: MOP5 (Free on Sundays and public
Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814
Organizer: Macau Museum of Art
Time: 10am-7pm (Mondays-Friday)
Time: 12pm-8pm (Tuesdays to Sundays)
3pm-7pm (Saturdays)
Until: July 12, 2014
Venue: Avenida da Praia Grande, nº 749, r/c,
3pm-8pm (Monday)
Until: July 27, 2014
Venue: Albergue A2 Gallery, No.8, Calçada da
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 2892 3288
Organizers: Macao Association of Parents of the
Igreja de S. Lázaro
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 2852 2550
Organizer: Albergue SCM
Mentally Handicapped & Rui Cunha Foundation
Feel Free to Imagine – Watercolour and Oil
Paintings Joint Exhibition
Ken Chan and Anna Lo specialise in watercolours,
while Tim Mak and Sammie Chiang concentrate
on oil paintings. Each have different concepts for
their creations: Ken called for attention to the weak
worldwide, Anna attempted to stir our memories
of the past through old buildings and subjects, Tim
has always been fond of the infinite range of facial
expressions, while Sammie fought for love and care
of abandoned cats and dogs. This exhibition is
comprised of a total of 40 displayed artworks.
Time: 9am-9pm
Until: July 18, 2014
Venue: The Art Gallery of the Plaza Restaurant, 1
Andar, Edif Xin Hua, Rua de Nakasaki, Zape
Admission: Free
Email: paintingsociety@outlook.com
Organizers: Painting Society
Pioneering the New Culture Movement – An
Exhibition of Qian Xuantong
This exhibition is presented in four sections with
different themes, namely ‘Expert in Chinese
Classics,’ ‘Advocate of Literary Revolution,’
‘Promoting Vernacular Chinese’ and ‘Literati
Exchange.’ Showcasing diaries, photos, letters,
calligraphic and academic manuscripts from Qian
A Century of Posters
In this exhibition of posters from the 1880s to
1990s collected by Dutch art collector Martijn F. Le
Coultre the exuberance, colour, mystery and social
landscapes of Europe, the Americas and Asia come
vividly to life. More than a showcase for art, this
peep into straddling centuries reflects the way the
world has dramatically changed in the course of 110
years. The exhibition includes lithographs by Jules
Chéret, the ‘Roi de l'affiche’ by Alfons Maria Mucha,
as well as pieces by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec,
Leonetto Cappiello, Joost Schmidt and Raymond
Savignac, among others.
Until: August 24, 2014
Venue: Tap Seac Gallery
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 8399 6699
Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau
Life Dereplication – Photography by Ieong
Man Pan
As a young talent in photography, Ieong’s work
mostly aims to initiate a conversation on the
Birds in Amusement Land – Exhibition of
Birds in Macau’s Wetland
This exhibition showcases our relationship with
nature and how we can interact with our feathered
friends. The displays and informative material help
exhibition-goers better understand the ecology of
birds, the skills of bird-watching and the common
birds of Macau. The organizers’ desire to bring
conservation into sharp perspective is reinforced by
the fact that Macau’s wetland is among China’s Top
Ten Charming Wetlands, an irreplaceable asset that
requires the attention of the whole community.
Time: 10am-10pm
Venue: Exhibition hall of Flower City Garden, Taipa
Time: 10am-5pm (Closed on Mondays)
Venue: Natural and Agrarian Museum of Seac Pai
Van Park, Coloane
Until: September 17, 2014
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 2833 7676
Organizer: Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau
04.07.2014 fri
Collotype • Recurrence – Spatial
Convergence of John Thomson and Wong
Ho Sang
This exhibition features over 200 wet plate
photographs taken between 1868 and 1872 in
far-flung Chinese cities by Scottish Photographer
John Thomson. To enrich the understanding of
Thomson’s technique, contemporary Macau
photographer Wong Ho Sang presents portraits,
landscapes, architecture and still life.
Time: 10am-6pm (Closed on Mondays)
Until: August 31, 2014
Enquires: (853) 8399 6699
Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau
Face of Light Art Exhibition – Stephen
Bennett Portrait Painter
Celebrating the world’s human diversity, the 38
small and large-scale hand-painted portraits of
people from different cultures around the world,
including China and Japan, will be displayed
at this one-of-a-kind exhibition at The Venetian
Macau. Highlights include portraits of Namibia’s
beloved actor N!xau from the film “The Gods Must
Be Crazy;” Hollywood actress Sharon Stone;
and renowned Aboriginal didgeridoo maker Djalu
Gurruwiwi. Two workshops will be arranged
during the exhibition period, in which Bennett will
demonstrate his painting skills live and interact
with visual art students and children from local
Time: 11am-8pm
Until: August 3, 2014
Venue: Level 3, The Venetian Macau (close to
Venetian Ballroom)
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 2882 8888
Organizer: The Venetian Macau
04.07.2014 fri

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