Oxidative tissue injury in experimental disease
Oxidative tissue injury in experimental disease
Oxidative tissue injury in experimental disease models of multiple sclerosis Doctoral thesis at the Medical University of Vienna for obtaining the academic degree Doctor of Philosophy Submitted by Mag. Cornelia Schuh Supervisor: O. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Lassmann Center for Brain Research, Spitalgasse 4, 1090 Vienna Vienna, 02/2014 ii Declaration Hereby, I declare that this submitted thesis is my own work for obtaining the academic degree Doctor of Philosophy from the Medical University of Vienna and has not been previously submitted by me at any other University. The experimental part of the thesis was performed at the Department of Neuroimmunology at the Centre for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna. My work comprised immunohistochemical analysis and quantification of MS lesions and different animal models of MS including material collected in our lab during the last decades. I conducted the analysis of microglia activation patterns, oxidative damage and iron accumulation. I performed T cell cultures and the induction of passive transfer EAE with the support of Monika Bradl. The tissues derived from other animal models originate from collaborative studies. The induction of MOGEAE in DA rats was performed in collaboration with Maria Storch. Tissues from C57BL/6 mouse MOG-EAE were derived from the group of Lesley Probert. The coronavirus-injections were conducted together with Helmut Wege. The mouse MOG-EAE material originates from the group of Lesley Probert. The CD8+ T cell transfer was conducted in the lab of Roland Liblau. The LPSinjections were done by the group of Ken Smith. The Theiler´s virus injections were studied in cooperation with Claudia Lucchinetti. The cuprizone experiments were performed in the lab of Anne-Marie Van Dam. For all the mentioned models, original histopathological analysis was performed in close collaboration with Hans Lassmann. The original papers describing the respective animal models are cited correspondingly in the thesis. The antibody recognising oxidised phospholipids was provided by Christoph Binder. Barbara Scheiber-Mojdehkar shared the ferrocene protocol with us. Jan Bauer supported my work on frozen material. I performed the experiments on myelinating spinal cord cultures at the University of Glasgow in the group of Chris Linington. My stay in Glasgow was enabled by a MSIF Du Pré grant. Hans Lassmann provided his expertise in neuropathology on human and animal material and supervised this thesis study. iii Table of contents DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................................ ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................... vii LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................................................... viii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................................. ix ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ............................................................................................................................................ xi PUBLICATIONS ARISING FROM THIS THESIS ......................................................................................................... xiii ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... xiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................... xv 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 HALLMARKS OF MS ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 CLINICAL COURSE ............................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 MECHANISMS OF TISSUE INJURY IN MS .................................................................................................................. 3 1.3.1 Oxidative stress and mitochondrial injury ................................................................................................ 4 1.3.2 Footprints of oxidative damage in MS ..................................................................................................... 7 1.3.3 Iron in MS ............................................................................................................................................... 10 1.4 OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE DAMAGE AND IRON ACCUMULATION IRON IN MS........................................................... 14 1.5 EXPERIMENTAL MODELS ................................................................................................................................... 16 1.5.1 Animal models used in this thesis ........................................................................................................... 17 Passive transfer of MBP-specific T cells in Lewis rats ..................................................................................... 17 Active immunisation with MOG/CFA in DA rats ............................................................................................. 18 Active immunisation with MOG35-55 in C57/BL6 mice .................................................................................... 18 Passive transfer of hemagglutinin (HA)-specific CD8 T cells in HA-transgenic BALB/c mice ......................... 19 Intraspinal LPS-injection in SD rats ................................................................................................................. 19 Cuprizone diet-induced demyelination in C57BL/6 mice ............................................................................... 19 Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV, JHM strain)-induced demyelinating disease in Lewis rats................................ 20 Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV, DA strain)-mediated demyelinating disease in SJL mice ..22 + 1.5.2 Oxidative injury in animal models .......................................................................................................... 22 1.5.3 Outlook to MS therapy ........................................................................................................................... 23 iv 1.6 2 3 4 AIMS OF THIS THESIS ........................................................................................................................................ 24 RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 2.1 IRON ACCUMULATION IN THE RAT CNS DURING AGEING .......................................................................................... 25 2.2 ACUTE CD4 T CELL-MEDIATED EAE IN AGED LEWIS RATS ....................................................................................... 28 2.3 CHRONIC RELAPSING MOG-INDUCED EAE IN DA RATS ........................................................................................... 37 2.4 CHRONIC RELAPSING MOG-INDUCED EAE IN C57BL/6 MICE .................................................................................. 39 2.5 INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATION INDUCED BY CYTOTOXIC T CELLS............................................................................. 40 2.6 INNATE IMMUNITY-DRIVEN INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING LESIONS........................................................................ 42 2.7 TOXIC CUPRIZONE-INDUCED DEMYELINATION ........................................................................................................ 43 2.8 MHV-JHM CORONAVIRUS-INDUCED ENCEPHALOMYELITIS ...................................................................................... 44 2.9 THEILER'S MURINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS VIRUS (TMEV)-INDUCED DISEASE................................................................ 49 2.10 IN VITRO OXIDATION ......................................................................................................................................... 57 2.11 IRON LOADING OF GLIAL CELL CULTURES ............................................................................................................... 59 + DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................. 71 3.1 GENERAL DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................................... 71 3.2 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS ................................................................................................................. 79 MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................................. 80 4.1 MATERIALS FOR HISTOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 80 4.1.1 Buffers .................................................................................................................................................... 80 Boric acid, 50 mM ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Citrate buffer 10x stock pH 6.0, 10 mM ......................................................................................................... 80 Dako buffer ..................................................................................................................................................... 80 EDTA buffer 20x stock pH 8.5 ......................................................................................................................... 80 PBS buffer 4x stock ......................................................................................................................................... 80 Sodium acetate buffer pH 4.9, 0.05 M ........................................................................................................... 80 Sodium potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.4, 5 mM ....................................................................................... 81 Sörensen buffer pH 7.4, 0.2 M........................................................................................................................ 81 TBS 20x stock, 1 M .......................................................................................................................................... 81 TBS/CaCl2 (2 mM) ........................................................................................................................................... 81 Tris/HCl buffer pH 8.5, 0.1 M .......................................................................................................................... 81 4.1.2 Stock solutions and developing agents .................................................................................................. 81 Amino ethylcarbazole reagent (AEC) developing agent ................................................................................. 81 CSA stock solution .......................................................................................................................................... 82 DAB developing agent .................................................................................................................................... 82 DTPA 100x stock, 5 mM .................................................................................................................................. 82 Eosin solution ................................................................................................................................................. 82 v Fast blue developing agent ............................................................................................................................. 82 Geltol mounting medium ............................................................................................................................... 83 HCl/ethanol .................................................................................................................................................... 83 Iron detection reagent (Ferrocene assay) ...................................................................................................... 83 Luxol fast blue (LFB) and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining solutions ........................................................... 83 Methanol/H2O2 ............................................................................................................................................... 83 Proteinase K solution ...................................................................................................................................... 83 Scott’s solution ............................................................................................................................................... 84 4.2 MEDIA FOR CELL CULTURES................................................................................................................................ 84 4.2.1 Restimulation medium for T cells ................................................................................................................... 84 TCGF medium for T cells ................................................................................................................................. 84 Freezing medium for T cells ............................................................................................................................ 84 4.2.2 5 Media for T cells ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Media for glial cells ................................................................................................................................ 85 Mixed glia medium for microglia isolation ..................................................................................................... 85 Mixed glia medium for oligodendrocyte isolation .......................................................................................... 85 Digestion medium .......................................................................................................................................... 85 Sato medium .................................................................................................................................................. 85 Neurosphere medium (NSM) ......................................................................................................................... 86 Hormone mix 10x ........................................................................................................................................... 86 Astrocyte medium .......................................................................................................................................... 86 SD solution (soybean trypsin inhibitor) .......................................................................................................... 86 Plating medium .............................................................................................................................................. 87 Differentiation medium (DM) ......................................................................................................................... 87 METHODS .................................................................................................................................................... 87 5.1 MS PATIENTS.................................................................................................................................................. 87 5.2 EXPERIMENTAL MODELS .................................................................................................................................... 89 5.2.1 + CD4 T cell-mediated EAE in Lewis rats .................................................................................................. 89 Immunisation with MBP/CFA and T cell line preparation............................................................................... 89 Induction of MBP-specific T cell EAE in Lewis rats .......................................................................................... 90 5.2.2 Chronic relapsing MOG EAE in DA rats ................................................................................................... 90 5.2.3 Chronic relapsing MOG EAE in C57BL/6 mice ......................................................................................... 91 5.2.4 Acute CD8 T cell-mediated EAE ............................................................................................................. 91 5.2.5 LPS injection-induced inflammation ....................................................................................................... 91 5.2.6 Curpizone-induced demyelination .......................................................................................................... 92 5.2.7 Mouse hepatitis virus strain JHM (MHV-JHM) coronavirus-mediated demyelinating disease............... 92 5.2.8 Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus (TMEV)-mediated demyelinating disease ............................. 93 5.2.9 Control animals ...................................................................................................................................... 93 + vi 5.3 HISTOLOGY..................................................................................................................................................... 93 5.3.1 General staining protocol ............................................................................................................................... 94 E06 staining for oxidised phospholipids ......................................................................................................... 96 Double stainings ............................................................................................................................................. 96 Quantification of immunohistochemistry ...................................................................................................... 97 Pre-absorption of p22phox antibody ............................................................................................................. 98 5.3.2 Histochemistry ........................................................................................................................................ 98 Haematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E) ......................................................................................................... 98 Luxol fast blue myelin stain ............................................................................................................................ 98 Histochemistry for non-heme tissue iron ....................................................................................................... 99 5.3.3 In vitro oxidation of native fresh frozen tissue sections ......................................................................... 99 5.3.4 Ferrocene assay for iron quantification ................................................................................................ 100 5.4 GLIAL CELL CULTURE TECHNIQUES .................................................................................................................... 101 5.4.1 Mixed glia cultures ............................................................................................................................... 101 5.4.2 Microglia cultures ................................................................................................................................. 101 5.4.3 Oligodendrocyte cultures ..................................................................................................................... 101 5.4.4 Myelinating spinal cord cultures .......................................................................................................... 102 Neurosphere-derived astrocytes .................................................................................................................. 103 Dissociated spinal cord cultures ................................................................................................................... 103 5.4.5 Iron loading of cells .............................................................................................................................. 104 5.4.6 Immunofluorescence of cell cultures .................................................................................................... 104 5.5 6 Immunohistochemistry ........................................................................................................................... 94 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS..................................................................................................................................... 105 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................106 CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................................................................................132 vii List of figures FIGURE 1: PATHOLOGICAL HALLMARKS OF MS RELATED WITH THE CHANGE FROM RRMS (PINK) TO SPMS (GREEN) ............................. 3 FIGURE 2: SUMMARY OF REACTIVE OXYGEN AND NITROGEN SPECIES DETOXIFICATION ....................................................................... 5 FIGURE 3: THE RESPIRATORY CHAIN OF MITOCHONDRIA .............................................................................................................. 7 FIGURE 4: THE PRODUCTION OF ROS AND SUBSEQUENT LIPID PEROXIDATION ................................................................................. 8 FIGURE 5: SUMMARY OF HOW ROS CAN CONTRIBUTE TO MS PATHOGENESIS............................................................................... 10 FIGURE 6: PROPOSED MECHANISMS OF IRON TRANSPORT IN THE BRAIN ....................................................................................... 13 FIGURE 7: THE EXPRESSION OF P22PHOX AND INOS AND THE ACCUMULATION OF OXIDISED PHOSPHOLIPIDS (E06) AND IRON IN MS LESIONS .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 FIGURE 8: SCHEMATIC SUMMARY OF MECHANISMS OF TISSUE INJURY IN ACTIVE MS LESIONS. .......................................................... 24 FIGURE 9: IRON ACCUMULATING HOTSPOTS IN THE AGED LEWIS RAT. .......................................................................................... 26 FIGURE 10: IRON HISTOCHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMICAL IRON QUANTIFICATION IN THE RAT SPINAL CORD. ............................................ 26 FIGURE 11: HISTOCHEMICAL IRON QUANTIFICATION IN THE RAT BASAL GANGLIA............................................................................ 27 FIGURE 12: CORRELATION OF TWO DIFFERENT METHODS OF IRON QUANTIFICATION. ...................................................................... 28 + FIGURE 13: WEIGHT LOSS AND EAE DISEASE STAGES IN ACUTE CD4 T CELL TRANSFER EAE IN YOUNG AND AGED LEWIS RATS. ............. 29 FIGURE 14: IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY OF MARKERS FOR INFLAMMATION AND NEURODEGENERATION IN THE SPINAL CORDS OF YOUNG AND + OLD LEWIS RATS SUFFERING FROM ACUTE CD4 MBP-SPECIFIC T CELL TRANSFER EAE. ......................................................... 30 FIGURE 15: QUANTIFICATION OF STAININGS FOR INFLAMMATORY AND NEURODEGENERATIVE MARKERS IN THE LUMBAR SPINAL CORDS OF + YOUNG AND OLD LEWIS RATS SUFFERING FROM ACUTE CD4 MBP-SPECIFIC T CELL TRANSFER EAE. ........................................ 31 + FIGURE 16: OXIDATIVE BURST AND OXIDATIVE INJURY IN ACUTE CD4 T CELL TRANSFER EAE IN LEWIS RATS. ..................................... 32 + FIGURE 17: THE EXPRESSION OF P22PHOX AND INOS IN ACUTE CD4 T CELL-MEDIATED EAE IN YOUNG AND OLD ANIMALS. ................ 33 + FIGURE 18: IRON DEPOSITION IN CD4 MBP-SPECIFIC T CELL TRANSFER EAE IN YOUNG AND OLD LEWIS RATS. .................................. 34 + FIGURE 19: INFLAMMATION AND NEURODEGENERATION IN IRON-ACCUMULATING HOTSPOTS IN CD4 T CELL TRANSFER EAE. .............. 35 FIGURE 20: OPTICAL DENSITOMETRY OF TBB STAININGS OF IRON ACCUMULATING HOTSPOTS IN OLD EAE AND CONTROL ANIMALS......... 36 FIGURE 21: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN CHRONIC RELAPSING EAE OF MOG-IMMUNISED DA RATS. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 FIGURE 22: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN CHRONIC RELAPSING EAE OF MOG-IMMUNISED C57BL/6 MICE. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40 + FIGURE 23: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN CD8 T CELL-MEDIATED EAE IN MICE. ........................ 41 FIGURE 24: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION INDUCED BY LPS INJECTION INTO THE SPINAL CORD DORSAL COLUMN OF SD RATS. ............................................................................................................................................... 43 FIGURE 25: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN CUPRIZONE DIET-INDUCED ACTIVE DEMYELINATION IN MICE. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 44 viii FIGURE 26: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN MHV-JHM CORONAVIRUS-INDUCED ENCEPHALOMYELITIS IN LEWIS RATS.......................................................................................................................................................... 47 FIGURE 27: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN TMEV-INFECTED MICE 3 DPI. ................................... 50 FIGURE 28: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN TMEV-INFECTED MICE 45 DPI. ................................. 51 FIGURE 29: QUANTIFICATION OF MICROGLIAL NODULES IN TMEV-INDUCED INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING DISEASE. ....................... 52 FIGURE 30: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN TMEV-INFECTED MICE 90 DPI. ................................. 53 FIGURE 31: OPTICAL DENSITOMETRY OF E06 IMMUNOREACTIVITY IN MEDULLARY LESIONS OF TMEV-INFECTED MICE AT DIFFERENT DISEASE STAGES. .................................................................................................................................................................. 54 FIGURE 32: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN TMEV-INFECTED MICE 180 DPI. ............................... 55 FIGURE 33: OXIDATIVE BURST, OXIDATIVE INJURY AND IRON ACCUMULATION IN TMEV-INFECTED MICE 220 DPI. ............................... 56 FIGURE 34: E06 STAINING AFTER IN VITRO OXIDATION. ............................................................................................................ 57 FIGURE 35: 8OHDG STAINING AFTER IN VITRO OXIDATION........................................................................................................ 58 FIGURE 36: IRON LOADING OF PURIFIED OLIGODENDROCYTE CULTURES........................................................................................ 59 FIGURE 37: CHARACTERISTICS OF MYELINATING SPINAL CORD CULTURES ...................................................................................... 60 FIGURE 38: DOSAGE-EFFECT OF IRON CHLORIDE ON THE INTEGRITY OF MYELINATING SPINAL CORD CULTURES. .................................... 61 FIGURE 39: IRON ACCUMULATION IN MYELINATING SPINAL CORD CULTURES AFTER IRON CHLORIDE TREATMENT. ................................. 62 FIGURE 40: IRON ACCUMULATION IN MICROGLIA IN MYELINATING SPINAL CORD CULTURES AFTER IRON CHLORIDE TREATMENT. .............. 63 FIGURE 41: IRON ACCUMULATION IN MICROGLIA CELLS OF MYELINATING SPINAL CORD CULTURES AFTER SHORT-TERM FERRITIN TREATMENT. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 64 FIGURE 42: OLIGODENDROCYTE AND MYELIN INTEGRITY AND FERRITIN ACCUMULATION AFTER SHORT-TERM FERRITIN TREATMENT. ........ 65 FIGURE 43: IRON ACCUMULATION IN MICROGLIA OF MYELINATING SPINAL CORD CULTURES AFTER LONG-TERM FERRITIN TREATMENT. ..... 66 FIGURE 44: OLIGODENDROCYTE AND MYELIN INTEGRITY AND FERRITIN ACCUMULATION AFTER LONG-TERM FERRITIN TREATMENT........... 67 FIGURE 45: LOSS OF MICROGLIA UPON IRON CHLORIDE TREATMENT. ........................................................................................... 68 FIGURE 46: MICROGLIA NUMBERS IN DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTAL SETUPS OF FERRITIN TREATMENT. ................................................... 69 FIGURE 47: IRON ACCUMULATION IN IRON CHLORIDE- AND FERRITIN-TREATED MICROGLIA CULTURES. ............................................... 70 List of tables TABLE 1: QUANTIFICATION OF MARKERS FOR INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATIVE INJURY IN DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTAL MODELS FOR CNS INFLAMMATION AND MS ........................................................................................................................................... 48 TABLE 2: CLINICAL DATA OF MS CASES AND CONTROLS OF THE STUDY COHORT. ............................................................................ 88 TABLE 3: PRIMARY ANTIBODIES AND ANTIGEN RETRIEVAL PROCEDURES FOR IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY .............................................. 95 TABLE 4: SECONDARY ANTIBODIES FOR IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY.............................................................................................. 95 TABLE 5: PRIMARY ANTIBODIES FOR IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE STAININGS OF CELL CULTURES........................................................... 105 ix Abstract Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterised by inflammation and demyelination. Major advances have been made in unravelling the mechanisms of inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes underlying the disease. A number of different animal models of MS contributed not only to a better understanding of MS pathology but also explained fundamental immunological concepts. Additionally, experimental models enabled the development of immune-modulatory therapies for MS patients. In recent years, growing evidence for a major role of oxidative injury in demyelination and neurodegeneration in MS has been emerging. Hence, we aimed to characterise the nature and the extent of oxidative damage in different experimental models in comparison to MS. For this purpose, we emphasised the expression of enzymes involved in reactive species production (the essential NADPH oxidase subunit p22phox and inducible nitric oxide synthase; iNOS), the accumulation of oxidised phospholipids and iron, which is a potential amplifier of oxidative damage. The different animal models were triggered by diverse inflammatory mechanisms, each representing distinct aspects of MS pathology. The only experimental model accumulating oxidised phospholipids to a comparable extent as MS lesions was the coronavirus-triggered demyelinating encephalomyelitis. In MS as well as in the coronavirus-model, oxidative injury was associated with a profound activation of microglia and macrophages. This was characterised by the pronounced expression of p22phox but only scattered expression of iNOS. The second virus model in our study, Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus-induced chronic demyelination, did not reach the level of microglia and macrophage activation, regarding p22phox expression, observed in the coronavirus-model. Further, a staining for oxidised phospholipids was detectable but only to a lesser extent compared with the coronavirus-induced disease. In both virus models, iNOS expression was minor. In contrast, animals suffering from passive T cell transfer experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) exhibited profound p22phox and iNOS expression at the peak of the disease. Similarly, we found p22phox-expressing macrophages in animals suffering from chronic T cell and macrophage-induced disease, but few iNOS+ cells. In contrast, chronic lesions of x animals affected by antibody-mediated demyelination contained phagocytosing macrophages lacking p22phox and iNOS expression. Further, acute lesions induced by CD8+ T cell transfer or by mechanisms of the innate immune system showed p22phox expression in activated microglia and macrophages, but iNOS reactivity was marginal. Additionally to oxidative damage and activation patterns in microglia and macrophages concerning iNOS and p22phox, we assessed the impact of iron in experimental demyelination. Age-dependent iron accumulation and subsequent lesion-associated cellular iron release, as observed in the human brain, was only poorly reflected in the central nervous system of rodents. Therefore, we used a complex cell culture-based approach to study a possible amplification of neurodegeneration by iron accumulation in oligodendrocytes. Unfortunately, we were only able to induce iron accumulation in microglia but not in any other cell population. The presented study reports a diverging extent of oxidative injury and underlying mechanisms in different models for inflammatory demyelination. We conclude that rodent models seem to lack amplification processes that have been suggested to play a role in MS pathogenesis. Therefore, established experimental models appear to reflect the aspect of oxidative injury in the human disease only to a minor extent. xi Zusammenfassung Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine chronische durch Demyelinisierung gekennzeichnete entzündliche Erkrankung des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS). Große Fortschritte konnten in der Aufklärung der Entzündung und Neurodegeneration zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen erzielt werden. Eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Tiermodellen trug zu einem besseren Verständnis der MS-Pathologie und fundamentalen immunologischen Konzepten bei. Außerdem ermöglichten experimentelle Modelle die Entwicklung von immunmodulatorischen Therapien für MS Patienten. Die Forschung der letzten Jahre erbrachte wichtige Hinweise dafür, dass oxidativer Schaden eine wichtige Rolle im Hinblick auf die Neurodegeneration in der MS spielt. Daher war unser Ziel, die Beschaffenheit und das Ausmaß von oxidativem Schaden in verschiedenen Tiermodellen zu ermitteln und direkt mit MS Läsionen zu vergleichen. Hierbei konzentrierten wir uns auf die Expression von freien Radikale-produzierenden Enzymen (die essentielle Untereinheit der NADPH Oxidase p22phox und die induzierbare Stickstoffmonoxid Synthetase, iNOS), die Anreicherung von oxidierten Phospholipiden und Eisen, das oxidativen Schaden verstärken kann. Die Erkrankungen in den verschiedenen Tiermodellen wurden durch unterschiedliche inflammatorische Mechanismen induziert, die jeweils andere Aspekte der MS Pathologie repräsentieren. Das einzige Modell, in dem wir annähernd so viel oxidativen Schaden wie in MS Läsionen detektierten, war die durch Coronavirus-Infektion hervorgerufene demyelinisierende Encephalomyelitis. In der MS als auch im Coronavirus-Modell war der oxidative Schaden mit einer massiven Aktivierung der Mikroglia und Makrophagen verbunden. Diese zeichnete sich durch ausgeprägte Expression von p22phox und geringes Vorkommen von iNOS aus. Das zweite in unsere Studie eingeschlossene Virusmodell war eine chronische Demyelinisierung, die durch Theiler´s Virus (TMEV) verursacht wurde. In diesem Fall erreichte jedoch die Expression von p22phox in aktivierten Mikroglia und Makrophagen nicht das Ausmaß des CoronavirusModells. Außerdem konnten wir im TMEV-Modell oxidative Schaden zwar detektieren, aber zu einem geringeren Grad als im Coronavirus-Modell. Die iNOS Expression erschien in beiden Modellen ähnlich gering. Läsionen, die durch den passiven Transfer von T-Zellen xii hervorgerufenen wurden, zeigten massive p22phox und iNOS Expression in der akuten Phase der Entzündung. Ähnlich dazu fanden wir p22phox exprimierende Makrophagen in Tieren mit chronischen Läsionen, die durch T-Zellen und Makrophagen hervorgerufen wurden, aber im Gegensatz dazu wenige iNOS positive Zellen. Chronische Läsionen von Antikörpern mediierter Demyelinisierung enthielten phagozytisch aktive Makrophagen, die aber keine Expression von p22phox oder iNOS zeigten. In akuten Läsionen, die durch den Transfer von CD8+ T-Zellen oder Mechanismen des angeborenen Immunsystems hervorgerufen wurden, detektieren wir die Expression von p22phox in Mikroglia und Makrophagen. Im Gegensatz dazu war iNOS nur geringfügig zu finden. Zusätzlich zum oxidativem Schaden und den verschiedenen Expressionsmustern von p22phox und iNOS, untersuchten wir auch den Einfluss von Eisen in den jeweiligen experimentellen Modellen. Die alters-abhängige Eisenanreicherung in Oligodendrozyten und dessen Freisetzung, die man in MS Läsionen findet, werden nur wenig in Tiermodellen widergespiegelt. Wir versuchten die Rolle von Eisen in der Neurodegeneration mittels Zellkultur zu studieren, konnten eine Eisen Anreicherung aber nur in Mikroglia und nicht in Oligodendrozyten hervorrufen. Unsere Studie zeigt, dass in den verschiedenen Tiermodellen der MS auch ein unterschiedliches Muster von oxidativem Schaden zu finden ist, dessen Ausmaß aber in den wenigsten Fällen jenes der MS erreicht. Dies liegt möglicherweise daran, dass den Tiermodellen mögliche Amplifizierungsmechanismen fehlen, die in der MS Pathogenese eine wichtige Rolle spielen. xiii Publications arising from this thesis Revised manuscript resubmitted to Acta Neuropathologica Oxidative tissue injury in multiple sclerosis is only partly reflected in experimental disease models Cornelia Schuh1, Isabella Wimmer1, Simon Hametner1, Lukas Haider1, Anne-Marie Van Dam2, Roland S Liblau3, Ken J Smith4,Lesley Probert5, Christoph J Binder6, Jan Bauer1, Monika Bradl1, Don Mahad7, Hans Lassmann1 1: Department of Neuroimmunology, Centre for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 2: Department of Anatomy & Neurosciences, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3: Inserm, U1043 - CNRS, U5282 - Université de Toulouse, Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan (CPTP), Toulouse, F-31300, France 4: Department of Neuroinflammation, University College London Institute of Neurology, United Kingdom 5: Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, Greece 6: Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 7: Centre for Neuroregeneration, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom xiv Abbreviations BBB blood-brain barrier CFA complete Freud´s adjuvants CNS central nervous system DA dark agouti Dpi days post injection EAE experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis iNOS inducible nitric oxide synthase LPS lipopolysaccharide MBP myelin basic protein MHC major histocompatibility complex MHV mouse hepatitis virus MOG myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein MS multiple sclerosis MPO myeloperoxidase NAWM normal-appearing white matter NO nitric oxide NWM normal white matter PLP proteolipid protein PPMS primary progressive multiple sclerosis ROS reactive oxygen species RRMS relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis RT room temperature SD Sprague Dawley SPMS secondary progressive multiple sclerosis TBB DAB-enhanced turnbull blue TMEV Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus xv Acknowledgements I very much enjoyed being a PhD student at the Centre for Brain Research thanks to many wonderful people who made this time of my life a good one. I am not only grateful for seeing myself as a part of the Centre for Brain Research, but also of the PhD program Cell Communication in Health and Disease which is embedded in the Medical University of Vienna. In the first place, I want to express my gratitude to Prof. Hans Lassmann who is a patient teacher. His door is always open for us and he is never weary of advising us on the most important aspects of our work or supporting us wherever he can. Prof. Lassmann is very kindly leading his team. Additionally to Prof. Lassmann, Prof. Monika Bradl and Prof. Jan Bauer also guided me through these years of learning and developing. Our success is based on the supporting pillars of the lab, the busy hands of Marianne Leisser, Ulli Köck and Angela Kury. Without their expertise and help, I would have been lost in histology. Further, without the organisation skills of Gerti Makkos and Regina Hirnschall I would have descended into total chaos. My fellow students deserve a huge hug for thanking them for being my friends, spending coffee and beer breaks with me but also for valuable discussions about projects, prospects, spelling mistakes, actually everything that is important in the life of a student. My thanks go to Isabella, Simon and Maja for being my PhD student buddies and to all my peers from the Neuroimmunology lab, the CCHD and the Centre for Brain Research: Lukas, Maria, Isi, Josef, Josephine, Michi, Hend, Itziar, Phillip, Riem, Justyna, Marco, Carol-Ann, Babsi, Caro, Flo, Gabriel, Markus, Christoph, Fabian, Simona, Bleranda, Niko, Joana, Taro, Tobias, Simon, Marko, Maila, Till, Mesi, Eva and Rhaki. More thanks go to Buena Vista Social Club and Early Grey. My stay at the University of Glasgow would not have been possible without Prof. Chris Linington. He and his wife Allison adopted me and gave me shelter and support. Further, Maren, Christina, Katja and Daniela made my stay in Scotland unforgettable. xvi I owe my deepest gratitude to my family for their encouragement throughout my life. My parents and my brother always believe in me. My parents always told me that I can do everything I wanted and made my whole education possible. I thank my partner Matthias for his absolute confidence in me, which is very encouraging. I would not have the opportunity to write these acknowledgements without him. He always believes in my ideas, irrespective of how crazy they might be. I want to thank all the people I met during this journey, including people I did not mention in particular. During a Phd student’s life, also short encounters or moments can be a big help and support. Introduction 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Hallmarks of MS Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most prevalent non-traumatic neurological disorder among young adults in Europe and North America with more than 2 million people worldwide suffering from the disease. MS is occurring with a frequency of 2:1 regarding female versus male patients (Hirtz et al, 2007; Noseworthy et al, 2000). In 2008, the world health organisation together with the multiple sclerosis international federation estimated the worldwide prevalence of MS as 30 per 100000 human beings. They reported that the risk to develop MS is highest in Europe (80 per 100000), followed by the Eastern Mediterranean (15.9 per 100000), America (8.3 per 100000), the Western Pacific (5 per 100000), South-East Asia (2.8 per 100000) and Africa (0.3 per 100000) (Atlas multiple sclerosis resources http://www.who.int/mental_health/neurology/Atlas_MS_WEB.pdf, in the 14.01.2014). world 2008, To current opinion, an autoimmune inflammatory process is driving tissue injury in MS (Lassmann et al, 2007). Although an autoimmune pathogenesis of MS is widely accepted and reasonable, the causing autoimmune mechanism has not yet been nailed down. Therefore, the trigger of MS remains unknown (Lassmann, 2008; Lipton et al, 2007; Noseworthy et al, 2000). 1.2 Clinical course In most patients, MS starts with a relapsing/remitting (RRMS) disease course from which they suffer a number of years. When they reach a certain threshold of irreversible neurological damage, they enter a secondary progressive disease (SPMS) (Confavreux et al, 2003; Confavreux et al, 2000; Leray et al, 2010). Generally, RRMS changes to SPMS between an age of 35 to 50 years. A small portion of patients starts with a primary progressive disease course (PPMS), frequently in the time span of life when RRMS patients enter SPMS (Confavreux & Vukusic, 2006; Lassmann et al, 2007). Clinical data propose that inflammation and the formation of new white matter lesions are driving the disease in RRMS. The development of new lesions is rare in SPMS but this progressive stage is rather characterised by diffuse grey and white matter atrophy (Miller et al, 2002). These experiences suggest that inflammation is driving the early disease while a Introduction 2 neurodegenerative process, developing at least partly independently of inflammation, is underlying the progressive stage of MS (Zamvil & Steinman, 2003). MS was first described as an inflammatory process with concomitant focal plaques of primary demyelination in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord (Charcot et al, 1880). At all disease stages, MS is associated with inflammation comprising primarily perivascular and parenchymal lymphocytes and activated macrophages or microglia (Frischer et al, 2009; Prineas & Wright, 1978). Moreover, CD8+ T cells outnumber other T cell populations, B cells or plasma cells (Babbe et al, 2000; Frischer et al, 2009). Active lesions, as typical for RRMS, are characterised by a disturbance of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) (Hochmeister et al, 2006; Kirk et al, 2003), which can be visualised with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by gadolinium enhancement (Gaitan et al, 2011; Grossman et al, 1988; Miller et al, 1988). In contrast, BBB damage is not detectable anymore by gadoliniumenhanced MRI in PPMS and SPMS despite inflammation, active demyelination and neurodegeneration. This indicates an inflammatory process that is compartmentalised behind a relatively closed BBB (Lassmann et al, 2012). Active lesions are associated with the local expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and their respective receptors (Cannella & Raine, 1995; Huang et al, 2000). Demyelination is associated with acute axonal injury and axonal loss (Ferguson et al, 1997; Trapp et al, 1998) which is to some extent counterbalanced by remyelination (Kornek et al, 2000). In progressive MS patients (SPMS and PPMS), new and active demyelinating lesions are scarce. However, pre-existing established plaques can expand slowly at their rims (Prineas et al, 2001) which entails pronounced cortical demyelination and is related with major diffuse injury of the normal appearing white and grey matter (Lassmann et al, 2012). The lesion expansion is accompanied by a moderate infiltration of inflammatory cells, primarily T cells, and high-grade microglial activation. Myelin degradation product-containing cells are rare, which proposes a very low level of demyelination. Moreover, diffuse inflammation and activated microglia accompany axonal injury and secondary demyelination in the normal appearing white matter (NAWM) of progressive MS patients (Allen & McKeown, 1979; Allen et al, 2001; Kutzelnigg et al, 2005; Lassmann et al, 2007). Additionally to severe white matter injury, the cortex is also affected (Bo et al, 2003; Peterson et al, 2001). Moreover, MS is characterised by astrocytic scar formation (Lassmann et al, 2007). Introduction 3 The most common lesion types in all MS stages, particularly prevailing in patients with long disease duration, are inactive lesions. They are characterised by a lack of myelin, axonal loss and astrocytic scar tissue. In the lesions, T and B cells are sparse and the number of microglia in the lesion is lower than in the NAWM (Lassmann et al, 2012). Figure 1 summarises the pathological hallmarks of different MS courses in relation to disease duration and age. Figure 1: Pathological hallmarks of MS related with the change from RRMS (pink) to SPMS (green) During disease duration, inflammation, BBB disturbance and the formation of new lesions decrease, whereas already emerged lesions expand and cortical demyelination and diffuse tissue injury occur. Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: [Nature Reviews Neurology] (Lassmann et al, 2012), copyright (2012) 1.3 Mechanisms of tissue injury in MS Along with different players of the innate and the adaptive immune system, CD8+ T cells (Na et al, 2008; Saxena et al, 2008) and autoantibodies specific for neuronal or glial antigens (Linington et al, 1988; Mathey et al, 2007) drive demyelination, oligodendrocyte death, axonal and neuronal injury. Moreover, cytokines and reactive oxygen or nitric oxide species released by activated macrophages and microglia damage the tissue, especially the vulnerable myelin sheaths (Lassmann et al, 2012). The different patterns of tissue injury in RRMS lesions correlate with the heterogeneous components of the immune system causing demyelination. The most common patterns of tissue injury are antibody- and complement-associated pathology (pattern II) and hypoxia-like tissue injury (pattern III). In pattern III lesions, demyelination is induced by oligodendrocyte apoptosis reminiscent of white matter stroke lesions. Another pattern (pattern I) Introduction 4 represents patients bearing lesions associated with T cell infiltration and microglia activation only (Lucchinetti et al, 2000). The majority of MS lesions fail to remyelinate, especially in PPMS and SPMS, even though oligodendrocyte precursors and axons are present (Franklin & FfrenchConstant, 2008). 1.3.1 Oxidative stress and mitochondrial injury A major role for oxidative injury in demyelination and neurodegeneration in MS has been suggested (Lassmann et al, 2012). Oxidative damage can be induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS have unpaired electrons and are thus very reactive. Furthermore, they can give rise to more new reactive species. The most abundant forms of ROS in cells are superoxide (O2-), the related hydroxyl radical (OH·) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (van Horssen et al, 2011). Superoxide is produced by NAD(P)H oxidases and can be transformed into hydrogen peroxide by superoxide dismutases (SODs) (Deby & Goutier, 1990) or give rise to other forms of ROS (Fridovich, 1978). Hydrogen peroxide can, together with divalent transition metal ions, catalyse the formation of reactive hydroxyl radicals via the Fenton reaction. Superoxide and nitric oxide (NO), which is produced by nitric oxide synthase (NOS, e.g. inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS), give rise to peroxynitrite (ONOO-) (Beckman, 1991) (Fig. 2). In our bodies, immune cells produce ROS during the so-called oxidative burst in order to fight pathogens and facilitate phagocytosis (Forman & Torres, 2001; Hampton et al, 1998). Introduction 5 Figure 2: Summary of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species detoxification − Superoxide (O2· ) is converted by superoxide dismutases (SODs) into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In presence of nitric oxide (NO), superoxide can form peroxynitrite (ONOO·). Hydrogen peroxide can be detoxified by endogenous antioxidant enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase, peroxiredoxins) but in combination with transition metals also catalyse the formation of highly toxic hydroxyl radicals (OH·); adapted from [Biochimica et Biophysica Acta] (van Horssen et al, 2011) copyright (2011) and [European Journal of Clinical Nutrition] (van Meeteren et al, 2005) copyright (2005). In line with the emerging role for oxidative injury in MS pathogenesis (Lassmann et al, 2012), tissue injury in MS is characterised by activation of microglia and macrophages (Prineas et al, 2001) which can produce oxidizing radicals (Colton & Gilbert, 1993). Inflammation-linked oxidative burst in activated microglia and macrophages emerges to drive oxidative injury (Fischer et al, 2012; Fischer et al, 2013). Moreover, different subunits of the NADPH oxidase were shown to be expressed in active MS lesions, as for example the essential subunit p22phox (Fischer et al, 2012). Oxidative burst by activated macrophages and microglia promotes demyelination and axonal injury. Additionally to the lesion areas, the NAWM of progressive MS patients contains activated microglia, which also form microglia nodules (Lassmann et al, 2012). Introduction 6 The expression of enzymes crucial for different pathways of reactive species production and their products are highly increased in active MS lesions. Nitrotyrosine is a footprint of peroxynitrite-mediated cell damage and nitric oxide (NO) production. The strong oxidant peroxynitrite is generated by the reaction of NO with superoxide at sites of inflammation (Cross et al, 1998). Myeloperoxidase and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were detected in acute MS lesions primarily in microglia (Liu et al, 2001; Marik et al, 2007; Stadelmann et al, 2005). Moreover, the expression and activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO), which catalyses the formation of the cytotoxic oxidant hypochlorous acid, is increased in MS tissue (Gray et al, 2008). As the patterns of demyelination and axonal injury in acute MS lesions are reminiscent of stroke lesions, energy deficiency and hypoxia-like tissue injury could play an important role in MS pathology (Aboul-Enein et al, 2003; Trapp & Stys, 2009). Mitochondria are vulnerable to injury induced by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (Fig. 3) (Bolanos et al, 1997; Higgins et al, 2010). Accordingly, mitochondrial injury could potentially expand oxidative injury (Campbell et al, 2011; Mahad et al, 2008). In MS lesions, mitochondrial injury was detected by defective complex I (NADH dehydrogenase) and compensatory increased complex IV activity (Fig. 3) (Lu et al, 2000). Gene expression studies of motor cortex tissue of MS patients also indicate mitochondrial damage (Dutta et al, 2006). Furthermore, oxidative damage was also shown to affect mtDNA (DNA derived from cytoplasmic compartment of cells, mitochondrial DNA) in chronic active plaques (Lu et al, 2000). Immunohistochemical studies on respiratory chain proteins discovered major mitochondrial injury in active MS lesions, primarily affecting complex IV (Fig. 3; cytochrome c oxidase, COX) (Mahad et al, 2008). In contrast, increased mitochondrial quantities and enzyme activity were found in inactive lesions (Mahad et al, 2009; Witte et al, 2009). This increase in terms of mitochondria number seems to compensate for the augmented need for energy in demyelinated axons (Lassmann et al, 2012). Defective mitochondria would account for pathological hallmarks in MS, as reduced energy production can be detrimental for demyelinated axons with impaired activity of ion channels (Bechtold et al, 2006; Black et al, 2006; Friese et al, 2007). Small diameter axons are more likely damaged than thicker axons as they contain a lower number of mitochondria in relation to their surface (Evangelou et al, 2001; Stys, 2005; Trapp & Stys, 2009). In oligodendrocytes, mitochondrial injury leads to apoptosis via the activation of poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) which was shown to be the mechanism for oligodendrocyte death in the cuprizone-induced model for demyelination (Veto et al, 2010). Defective mitochondria and inflammation-induced oxidative stress generate free radicals (Bedard & Krause, 2007; Love, 1999; Murphy, 2009). As mentioned before, this can be amplified Introduction 7 by the presence of extracellular divalent metal ions which can catalyse the formation of oxygen radicals via the Fenton reaction (Jomova & Valko, 2011). Figure 3: The respiratory chain of mitochondria The mitochondrial respiratory chain comprises four complexes (I-IV) and complex V, the latter being responsible for ATP synthesis. NO can irreversibly damage complexes I and IV through peroxynitrite - (ONOO ). Additionally, NO competitively inhibits complex IV; adapted from [Brain] (Mahad et al, 2008) copyright (2008). 1.3.2 Footprints of oxidative damage in MS As mentioned before, high levels of ROS are generated during the pathogenesis of MS. The expression of ROS-producing enzymes is increased in active MS lesions (Lassmann et al, 2012). Antioxidant protective mechanisms are overwhelmed which leads to oxidative stress. Consequently, ROS harm polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane lipids, proteins and DNA/RNA. The CNS is particularly prone to lipid peroxidation as it employs a lot of oxygen and comprises high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (van Horssen et al, 2011). Molecules indicative for oxidative stress and decreased amounts of antioxidant enzymes and substances were observed in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of MS patients during acute disease bouts, for example increased levels of malonedialdehyde, oxidised gluthatione, lipid hydroperoxides (Ferretti et al, 2005; Karg et al, 1999) and glutathione reductase but decreased activity of Introduction 8 glutathione peroxidase (Calabrese et al, 1994). Moreover, markers of oxidative damage were found in MS lesions, for example 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal arising through lipid peroxidation (Fig. 4) was shown to accumulate in macrophages and reactive astrocytes in active MS lesions (van Horssen et al, 2008). Another marker for oxidised phospholipids (E06) was detected in oligodendrocytes, myelin, neurons and axonal spheroids in active MS lesions (Fischer et al, 2013; Haider et al, 2011). Additionally, malonedialdehyde (MDA2) was found in oligodendrocytes, myelin and astrocytes in active MS lesions. The presence of 8-hydroxy-2deoxyguanosine (8OHdG, Fig. 4) refers to oxidative damage to nucleotides and was detected in nuclei of oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and phagocytosing macrophages (Haider et al, 2011). Figure 4: The production of ROS and subsequent lipid peroxidation The production of ROS through NADPH oxidases and mitochondria, the detoxification through SODs and the further reaction with metals via the Fenton reaction is depicted. The generated OH radical can be involved in lipid peroxidation and DNA damage and give rise to adducts of oxidative damage like 8OHdG, malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal; adapted from [Toxicology] (Jomova & Valko, 2011) copyright (2011) Introduction 9 Mitochondria are permanently producing ROS as a result of electron leakage in their electron transfer cascade which is normally counterbalanced by local antioxidant enzymes (Boveris & Chance, 1973; van Horssen et al, 2011). ROS induce the transcription of various cellprotective enzymes. Genes encoding these proteins have the common promoter element ARE (antioxidant response element). ARE-controlled gene transcription is orchestrated by the transcription factor Nrf2 (nuclear factor E2 related factor 2), which translocates to the nucleus under conditions of oxidative stress (Itoh et al, 2004; Itoh et al, 2003; Motohashi & Yamamoto, 2004). Nrf2 drives gene expression of proteins involved in detoxification and antioxidant defense, like SODs (McCord & Edeas, 2005), glutathione peroxidases (Thimmulappa et al, 2002), peroxiredoxins (Kim et al, 2007) and catalase (Dringen et al, 2005). MS lesions show expression of Nrf2-induced enzymes, including SOD1, SOD2 and catalase in macrophages and astrocytes (van Horssen et al, 2008). In summary, there is accumulating evidence speaking for an important role of oxidative stress in different steps in the formation and persistence of MS lesions (Fig. 5). Counterbalancing the redox state in the MS brain is an attractive therapeutic target. Apparently, endogenous Nrf2-regulated protective mechanisms are not sufficient enough to protect the brain from ROS-induced cell destruction. One way to increase the activation of the Nrf2 system could be further induction of Nrf2 through reagents that promote the transcription of endogenous antioxidant enzymes, such as tert-butylhydroquinone, dimethylfumarate, sulforaphane or hydroxycoumarin (Nguyen et al, 2003; van Horssen et al, 2011; Wierinckx et al, 2005). Strikingly, BG00012, an oral form of dimethylfumarate, showed anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects in clinical trials (van Horssen et al, 2011). Introduction 10 Figure 5: Summary of how ROS can contribute to MS pathogenesis. (1) Monocytes produce ROS, which facilitates infiltration of more monocytes by tight junction destruction and cytoskeletal modifications. (2) Activated microglia and macrophages produce ROS contributing to demyelination and oligodendrocyte death. Furthermore, ROS promote intracellular myelin degradation in those activated cells. (3) Microglia- and macrophage-derived ROS can mediate axonal degeneration and (4) contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction in affected axons. Subsequently, increased ROS and decreased ATP levels are produced in demyelinated axons. (5) Increased need for energy in chronically demyelinated axons leads to accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria which in turn produce more ROS and further promote axonal injury. [Biochimica et Biophysica Acta] (van Horssen et al, 2011) copyright (2011) 1.3.3 Iron in MS Additionally to mitochondrial injury, iron accumulating in the brain during aging and its release from intracellular departments in active MS lesions (Hametner et al, 2013) could potentially further add up to oxidative injury. Inflammation is related with a disturbed metal iron homeostasis, which can exacerbate oxidative stress. This is thought to play an important role in neurodegenerative diseases such as MS but also in Parkinson´s disease, Alzheimer´s disease and Huntington´s disease (Crichton et al, 2011). Iron accumulates in the normal brain during ageing, reaching a steady level between the age of 40 to 50 years (Hallgren & Sourander, 1958). Interestingly, this is also the time span of Introduction 11 life when patients typically develop PPMS or SPMS (Confavreux et al, 2000). The highest amount of iron in the human as well as the rodent brain is found in certain areas, such as the substantia nigra, the basal ganglia and the cerebellar nuclei. The predominant cell type that stains for iron is the oligodendroglia (Benkovic & Connor, 1993; Meguro et al, 2007; Todorich et al, 2008). They store iron mostly as non-heme iron in the classical iron storage molecule ferritin (Connor & Menzies, 1995; Dwork et al, 1988; Hallgren & Sourander, 1958). Iron accumulation during ageing does not seem to have apparent adverse effects but a surplus of iron can be as detrimental as iron shortage (Crichton et al, 2011). Iron loading enhances the vulnerability of oligodendrocytes to cytokine toxicity (Zhang et al, 2005), whereas a lack of iron, for example during development, causes hypomyelination (Beard, 2008; Ortiz et al, 2004; Wu et al, 2008). Iron is essential for many metabolic steps in the CNS including myelin synthesis, neurotransmitter production, nitric oxide metabolism and oxygen transport. Further, iron is indispensable for oxygen consumption and ATP production during oxidative phosphorylation, because it is part of the catalytic centre of the iron-sulphur clusters of NADH dehydrogenase (complex I), succinate dehydrogenase (complex II), cytochrome bc1 (complex III), cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) (Crichton et al, 2011; Kim et al, 2012; Todorich et al, 2009). Iron is conveyed through our circulation by transferrin which binds two atoms of ferric iron 3+ (Fe ). A major way of cellular iron uptake is receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin-iron and subsequent recycling of the transferrin receptors. Transferrin binds its receptor which leads to internalisation into the endosome. The acidification of the pH during the endosome maturation to the lysosome leads to the release of iron from transferrin. Subsequently, iron is transported into the cytoplasm through the divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) (Fleming et al, 1998; Harding & Stahl, 1983; Raub & Newton, 1991; Sipe & Murphy, 1991). DMT1, also known as NRAMP2, can also be found in the plasma membrane of cells and used for iron (Fe2+) import (Fleming et al, 1998; Fleming et al, 1997; Gunshin et al, 1997). In contrast to the several known iron import mechanisms, there is just one established route for iron export. This includes the only known iron exporter ferroportin and the ferroportin-coupled ferroxidases hephaestin and ceruloplasmin. Ferroportin exports Fe2+ which is subsequently oxidised by hephaestin or ceruloplasmin to Fe3+. Without the ferroxidases, iron export is not possible and it accumulates in the cytoplasm (De Domenico et al, 2008; Donovan et al, 2000; Jeong & David, 2003; Vulpe et al, 1999). Excess cellular iron is retained in the intracellular iron storage protein ferritin. Ferritin is a heteropolymer of 24 subunits of the two different ferritin chains ferritin heavy (H) and light (L) (Theil, 2004). The ferroxidase activity of ferritin H and the ferritin L ability to nucleate iron to the Introduction 12 mineral iron core collaborate to store iron. The central core of ferritin can store up to 4500 iron atoms (Crichton et al, 2011; De Domenico et al, 2008). Iron transport into the brain is tightly regulated by the BBB. It mostly involves transferriniron and transferrin receptors on the blood capillary endothelial cells but the precise mechanisms of further iron shuttling remain unclear. Astrocytes at the BBB most probably play an important role as iron importers into the brain. After crossing the BBB, iron could be released from transferrin near the astrocytic end-feet by hydrogen ions, ATP and citrate (Morgan, 1977; Morgan, 1979). Cells in the CNS could then take up citrate-, ATP- or transferrin-bound iron according to their possibilities and needs (Crichton et al, 2011). Iron is crucial for oligodendrocyte function. Thus, many studies focussed on the mechanisms of iron uptake. In vivo and in vitro studies implicated that transferrin-iron is indispensable for oligodendrocyte development and myelination (Adamo et al, 2006; Badaracco et al, 2008; Escobar Cabrera et al, 1997; Espinosa-Jeffrey et al, 2002; Espinosa de los Monteros & Foucaud, 1987; Paez et al, 2006a; Paez et al, 2006b; Saleh et al, 2003). Although transferrin is a fundamental ingredient of oligodendrocyte cell culture medium (Bottenstein, 1986), several publications argue for an iron-independent trophic effect of transferrin on oligodendrocyte survival (Adamo et al, 2006; Badaracco et al, 2008; Escobar Cabrera et al, 1997; Paez et al, 2006a; Paez et al, 2006b). The expression of transferrin receptors was detected on oligodendrocyte precursors in vitro, but they are down-regulated during maturation (Escobar Cabrera et al, 1997; Paez et al, 2004). Furthermore, oligodendrocytes cultures depleted from transferrin were shown to take up iron (Takeda et al, 1998). In more recent studies, ferritin H was reported to bind to oligodendrocyte progenitors (Hulet et al, 1999a; Hulet et al, 2000; Hulet et al, 2002; Hulet et al, 1999b) and to be imported by receptor-mediated endocytosis (Hulet et al, 2000). Tim-2 (T cell immunoglobulin mucin domain 2 protein) appeared to be the receptor for ferritin H on oligodendrocytes (Chen et al, 2005; Todorich et al, 2008) and ferritin H to be a major iron source for oligodendrocytes (Todorich et al, 2011). Microglia were suggested to act as iron distributors (Todorich et al, 2009) because they accumulate iron early postnatally and loose it again while oligodendrocytes accumulate it (Cheepsunthorn et al, 1998; Connor et al, 1995). Upon injury, oligodendrocytes are replaced by proliferating and ultimately maturing NG2+ oligodendrocyte progenitors (Keirstead & Blakemore, 1997; Schonberg et al, 2012). This can be affected by activated macrophages and microglia releasing iron and ferritin (Schonberg & McTigue, 2009; Schonberg et al, 2007; Zhang et al, 2006). Indeed, NG2+ oligodendrocyte progenitors take up ferritin derived from activated macrophages in vivo (Schonberg et al, 2012). Introduction 13 While ferritin appears to be a major source for iron for oligodendrocytes in vivo, they can also be loaded with iron chloride in combination with ascorbate in vitro (Schulz et al, 2011). In summary, while there are advances in knowledge about iron transporters and the translational regulation of iron-related proteins and systemic iron homeostasis, many precise mechanisms involving iron management between neurons and the different glial cells remain unexplained (Crichton et al, 2011). A summary of proposed iron shuttling mechanisms in the CNS is depicted in Figure 6. Figure 6: Proposed mechanisms of iron transport in the brain Transferrin-bound iron binds to transferrin receptors on the endothelial cells of the BBB. This leads to receptor-mediated endocytosis. Subsequently, iron can be transported into the cytosol by DMT1 and then stored in ferritin or used for physiological functions (for example respiratory chain function in mitochondria). The exact mechanism how iron is crossing the BBB is not clear yet. After overcoming the BBB, iron can be oxidised by ceruloplasmin in astrocyte membranes and again bind to transferrin. This can be used as iron source by neurons which express transferrin receptors. Oligodendrocytes appear to import iron bound to ferritin with the receptor Tim2. Microglia presumably take up iron through phagocytosis. [Biochimica et Biophysica Acta] (Leitner & Connor, 2012) copyright (2012) Introduction 14 1.4 Oxidative burst, oxidative damage and iron accumulation iron in MS As described before, macrophage and microglia activation in MS is characterised by the expression of p22phox and iNOS (Fischer et al, 2012; Fischer et al, 2013; Marik et al, 2007). We differentiate between microglia and macrophages by their morphological phenotype as there is no microglia-specific marker to date. In the human control brain, p22phox is expressed by scattered microglia (Fig. 7a, Table 1, page 48). In the NAWM of MS patients, p22phox is detected in microglial nodules (Fig. 7b) and in areas of initial lesions (Barnett & Prineas, 2004; Fischer et al, 2012) (Fig. 7c). At later lesion stages, p22phox is only present in cells with macrophage morphology (Fig. 7d). iNOS is expressed by individual cells in the NAWM and in initial lesions (Fig. 7e, f) and by a considerable number of microglia and macrophages in active MS lesions (Marik et al, 2007) (Fig. 7g, Table 1, page 48). Oxidative burst in active MS lesions has been related with the occurrence of oxidised phospholipids (Fischer et al, 2012; Fischer et al, 2013; Haider et al, 2011). In human controls, only low levels of oxidised lipids are detected (Fig. 7h) whereas intense immunoreactivity is found in initial and active MS lesions (Fig. 7i-l). Oxidised phospholipids accumulate in oligodendrocytes and myelin (Fig. 7i, j), in astrocytes (Fig. 7k) and in damaged axons and neurons (Fig. 7l) (Haider et al, 2011). The release of iron from oligodendrocytes and myelin in active MS lesions could potentially amplify oxidative injury (Hametner et al, 2013) (Fig. 7m-q). As described above, oligodendrocytes store iron during ageing (Fig. 7n, o). Staining for iron is found in the extracellular space in active MS lesions (Hametner et al, 2013). Subsequently, iron is imported by microglia and macrophages (Fig. 7p, q). Introduction 15 Figure 7: The expression of p22phox and iNOS and the accumulation of oxidised phospholipids (E06) and iron in MS lesions Introduction 16 p22phox expression in the normal white matter (NWM) of a human control brain is found in scattered microglia (a). The NAWM shows activation of microglia by forming microglial nodules which are p22phox + (b). Macrophages and microglia in the initial (c) and active lesion (d) of an acute MS case exhibit profound p22phox expression. Individual microglia stain for iNOS in the NAWM (e) and initial lesions (f) in acute MS. In active lesions, primarily macrophages express iNOS (g). Oxidised phospholipids (E06) do not accumulate in the NWM of human controls (h). In contrast, high intensity of E06 is detected in initial lesions of acute MS (i). Double stainings for E06 (blue) and cell-specific markers (brown) confirm the accumulation of oxidised phospholipids in oligodendrocytes (TPPPp25; j) and cytoplasmic granules of astrocytes (GFAP; k). Also dystrophic neurons show E06 staining (l). Iron staining of an MS brain shows iron accumulation in the subcortical white matter (m; arrow heads) and at the rim of active lesions (m; arrows) from a SPMS patient. Established lesions exhibit less intense iron staining (m, asterisks). Oligodendrocytes in young human controls accumulate a low amount of iron (n; age: 30), whereas the aged human control (o; age: 84) and the MS patient (m; age: 57) reveal intense iron staining in oligodendrocytes and myelin. Microglia at the lesion rim of a RRMS patient accumulate iron (p). The centre of an active lesion shows decreased iron staining, mainly in (perivascular) macrophages (q). scale bar: 50 µm except for m = 1 cm 1.5 Experimental Models Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is the most commonly used model for inflammatory demyelination of the CNS (Gold et al, 2006). These animal models driven by autoimmunity against CNS antigens explained fundamental immunological concepts (Steinman, 2003), including T cell immune surveillance in the CNS, immune-mediated tissue injury, demyelination, neurodegeneration and molecular mechanisms participating in brain inflammation. Based on this knowledge, established anti-inflammatory therapies for MS have been developed. EAE can be induced in many species including mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, rhesus monkeys and marmosets, by active immunisation with myelin and non-myelin antigens (for example myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) or S-100β) (Hohlfeld & Wekerle, 2004; Kipp et al, 2009). The transfer of organ-specific activated autoimmune CD4+ T cells can induce EAE in healthy animals (Ben-Nun et al, 1981). Furthermore, autoantibodies against the surface-exposed myelin antigen MOG potentiate T cell-induced demyelination (Linington et al, 1988). Additionally to CD4+ T cells, myelin-specific CD8+ T cells were shown to have encephalitogenic potential (Huseby et al, 2001). Therefore, these animal models support the notion that MS is an autoimmune disease (Kipp et al, 2009). Introduction 17 MS is a complex disease with heterogeneous pathological mechanisms in different patients and different disease stages with variable clinical outcomes and immunological phenotypes (Gold et al, 2006). One obvious difference between EAE and MS is that MS develops spontaneously whereas EAE has to be induced. Further, EAE experiments are performed in inbred animal strains under standardised conditions. Therefore, EAE can never reflect the genetic heterogeneity in the MS population (Gold et al, 2006). None of the existing experimental animal models covers the complexity of MS. Therefore, a variety of different models is used to unravel different aspects of MS pathology (Kipp et al, 2009). 1.5.1 Animal models used in this thesis A number of well-characterised animal models exist that account for understanding pathological mechanisms in MS and are necessary to test new therapies before applying them in clinical trials. In order to study oxidative injury, oxidative damage and iron accumulation, we chose different models of MS, each reflecting different aspects of tissue injury. Passive transfer of MBP-specific T cells in Lewis rats This model originates from a major achievement in the 1980s (Ben-Nun et al, 1981). In this work, the autoimmune nature of EAE was confirmed by inducing EAE with in vitro propagated MBP-specific T cells in naïve syngeneic recipient animals. In the Lewis rat, clinical disease starts 3-4 days and reaches a peak 5-6 days after T cell transfer associated with axonal injury (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006). The disease is primarily mediated by CD4+ TH1 T cells and is associated with pronounced microglial activation and recruitment of blood-derived monocytes primarily in the spinal cord (Hickey et al, 1992). Finally the disease ends with a complete remission of the animals about 12 days after T cell transfer. Although this model established that MBP-specific T cells can induce autoimmune CNS disease, it is important to note its limitations. The EAE course is monophasic and demyelination is sparse (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006). Hence, a T cell response alone is insufficient to induce extensive demyelination and chronic disease, which are both characteristic for MS. Despite these limitations, passive transfer EAE is a very reproducible model and has contributed to unravel basic mechanisms involved in T cellmediated CNS inflammation. This was essential for the development of anti-inflammatory therapies (Gold et al, 2006). Introduction 18 Active immunisation with MOG/CFA in DA rats Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is a special myelin auto-antigen because MOG-immunisation induces the production of demyelinating antibodies additionally to an encephalitogenic T cell response in susceptible species (Linington et al, 1988). These anti-MOG antibodies exacerbate disease severity and cause fulminant demyelination in mice, rats and primates (Genain et al, 1995; Linington et al, 1988; Schluesener et al, 1987). Dark agouti (DA) rats actively immunised with MOG1-125 exhibit a chronic relapsing-remitting disease reflecting many pathological aspects of MS including axonal injury. First disease bouts are characterised by perivenous and subpial inflammation and mediated by CD4+ T cells, macrophages and granulocytes being also associated with demyelination. Lesion formation is observed in the spinal cord but also in the forebrain and optic nerves (Storch et al, 1998). Chronic disease is associated with large demyelinating lesions. Anti-MOG antibodies induce dismantling of myelin through complement activation and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity (Piddlesden et al, 1991; Piddlesden et al, 1993). This combination of mechanisms of tissue injury is reminiscent of the pathology found in early MS patients with Pattern II lesions characterised by the precipitation of immunoglobulins and complement (Gold et al, 2006). Active immunisation with MOG35-55 in C57/BL6 mice Additionally to DA rats, a chronic-progressive MOG35-55 EAE can also be induced in C57/BL6 mice representing the most commonly used animal model in MS research. To induce MOG-EAE in mice, pertussis toxin injections are necessary to boost disease. In contrast to DA rats, primary tissue damage in C57/BL6 mice is not associated with an autoantibody response. This is due to their inefficient complement cascade and MHC haplotype-associated inability to mount an antibody response to rodent MOG (Bourquin et al, 2003; Gold et al, 2006). MOG35-55-induced EAE in C57/BL6 mice is characterised by demyelination caused by T cells and macrophages which is reminiscent of pattern I MS lesions (Calida et al, 2001; Gold et al, 2006). In our model, clinical disease arises 10 to 15 days after sensitization. This acute episode appears to be similar to the disease peak of acute T cell transfer EAE. The first disease bout is followed by a short remission and a relapse with a progressive increase of clinical disease related to demyelination over the following weeks (Taoufik et al, 2011). Introduction 19 Passive transfer of hemagglutinin (HA)-specific CD8+ T cells in HA-transgenic BALB/c mice CD8+ T cells were shown to be a major population of inflammatory cells in MS lesions (Babbe et al, 2000; Neumann et al, 2002). Mouse models showed that CD8+ T cells can be encephalitogenic in vivo (Cabarrocas et al, 2003; Ford & Evavold, 2005; Huseby et al, 2001). This is only possible when the tight control of CD8+ T cells is circumvented. For our study, we used a model where EAE was triggered by passive transfer of influenza virus peptide hemagglutinin (HA)-reactive CD8+ T cells into transgenic BALB/c mice expressing HA specifically in oligodendrocytes (Saxena et al, 2008). At variable time points after T cell-injection, demyelinating lesions with partial preservation of axons occur in brain and spinal cord. The lesions contain CD8+ T cells and activated microglia and macrophages. It was shown that CD8+ T cells attack oligodendrocytes with granzyme B, which is associated with oligodendrocyte apoptosis and demyelination (Saxena et al, 2008). Intraspinal LPS-injection in SD rats A model to induce inflammation and primary demyelination in the CNS is intraspinal lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-injection in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats (Felts et al, 2005). This causes focal inflammation within the dorsal column 12-24 hours after the injection. Early infiltrates mainly comprise granulocytes and a small number of macrophages and T cells. About one week after LPS injection, this early inflammatory phase is succeeded by focal primary demyelination with relative axonal preservation. This was accompanied by profound activation of microglia and macrophage infiltration (Felts et al, 2005). In this model, demyelination is presumably induced indirectly by LPS-activated microglia. LPS can activate microglia via mechanisms of the innate immune system (Toll-like receptor 4, TLR4), which causes the production of cytokines as well as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Lesions caused by LPS-injection are to some extent reminiscent of pattern III MS lesions, which show oligodendrocyte apoptosis due to hypoxia-like tissue injury (Felts et al, 2005; Gold et al, 2006; Marik et al, 2007; Sharma et al, 2010). Cuprizone diet-induced demyelination in C57BL/6 mice In contrast to above-mentioned animal models, the cuprizone model represents a toxininduced disease and is a common model to study mechanisms related to de- and re-myelination in the CNS (Carlton, 1966; Kipp et al, 2009). Cuprizone (bis-cyclohexanone oxaldihydrazone) is Introduction 20 a copper chelator causing demyelination by primary oligodendrocyte apoptosis rather than by a destruction of myelin sheets (Kipp et al, 2009). Continuous cuprizone-supplemented diet (0.20.5%) causes progressive demyelination in C57BL/6 mice starting around day 10 (Morell et al, 1998; Van Strien et al, 2011). Large parts of the corpus callosum and the periventricular white matter are demyelinated around 35 days in C57BL/6 mice after cuprizone diet onset. Additionally to the corpus callosum also other parts of the brain can be affected by demyelination as for example the deep cerebellar nuclei (Groebe et al, 2009), the hippocampus (Hoffmann et al, 2008; Norkute et al, 2009) and the putamen (Kipp et al, 2009). The demyelination pattern in SJL mice has been reported to differ from that in C57BL/6 mice (Taylor et al, 2009). The cuprizone model is an example for a reversible demyelination and remyelination system as, after changing the mice to normal chow, spontaneous remyelination occurs. Moreover, remyelination can be restricted by a prolonged cuprizone diet (Kipp et al, 2009). The mechanism of cuprizone-induced oligodendrocyte apoptosis is not completely explained but it definitely involves a pathological change of mitochondrial morphology. Therefore, a dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain seems to be evident (Arnold & Beyer, 2009). Additionally, the activity of carbonic anhydrase II (CA II) decreases in cuprizonefed animals already before the onset of demyelination (Cammer et al, 1995; Komoly et al, 1987). CA II is involved in buffering acute pH shifts in the brain. Therefore, a perturbation of the intracerebral pH (acidosis) could potentially contribute to oligodendrocyte pathology (Kida et al, 2006). Further, it is still under debate if the copper-chelating property of cuprizone is involved in its neurotoxic effect or if an inhibition of oligodendrocyte differentiation (Cammer, 1999) or microglia or macrophages-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines are accountable (Kipp et al, 2009; Pasquini et al, 2007). The primary oligodendrocyte death occurring in the cuprizone model is accompanied by microglia activation. This is reminiscent of MS lesion formation. Especially type III MS lesions are believed to be in part mimicked by the cuprizone model (Barnett & Prineas, 2004; Kipp et al, 2009; Lucchinetti et al, 2000). Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV, JHM strain)-induced demyelinating disease in Lewis rats Virus infections are suspected to be one of the possible risks or causative factors for the development of MS as viral and also bacterial infections, apart from genetic predisposition, are considered to increase the immunogenicity of autoantigens. A common idea is that a virus could induce molecular mimicry, which leads to a shift from a microbial epitope- to a self-directed immune reaction. In contrast, tissue damage upon viral infections can also be a bystander or Introduction 21 nonspecific effect caused by a local inflammatory milieu (Kamradt et al, 2005; Lipton et al, 2007; Morahan & Morel, 2002; Wucherpfennig, 2001). Moreover, other virus infections of the CNS such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE, caused by measles virus) (Payne et al, 1969; Tellez-Negal & Harter, 1966) and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML, caused by JC polyomavirus) (Padgett et al, 1971; Zurhein & Chou, 1965) are characterised by demyelination. Rodent CNS pathogens causing chronic demyelination include two well-described RNA virus models: mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a member of the enveloped Coronaviridae (Bergmann et al, 2006; Lavi et al, 1984) and Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), a member of the non-enveloped Picornaviridae (Brahic et al, 2005; Lipton, 1975). Although both viruses induce an acute CD8+ T cell response in their host, they manage to circumvent immune surveillance and cause chronic CNS infection with concomitant myelin loss (Bergmann et al, 2006). Typically, MHV infects the gastrointestinal tract of mice as a natural pathogen (Bergmann et al, 2006). Direct intra-cerebral injection of the neurovirulent coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain JHM causes a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease in Lewis rats (Barac-Latas et al, 1997; Korner et al, 1991; Wege et al, 1998; Zimprich et al, 1991). Virus persistence is accompanied by chronic CNS inflammation and prevailing primary demyelination (Stohlman & Weiner, 1981). Viral replication is supported by macrophages, microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (Bergmann et al, 2006). Virus infection leads to different disease courses. Animals can develop an acute inflammatory disease primarily affecting the grey matter with viral antigens being expressed in neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Other animals suffer from a late-onset disease which starts around 30 days after virus injection. These animals exhibit either a chronic panencephalitis of the grey and white matter or a chronic demyelinating encephalomyelitis of the brain stem and the spinal cord white matter. At this late disease stage, virus antigen is mainly expressed in glial cells (Zimprich et al, 1991). MHV infection of the CNS induces a diversity of immune responses causing tissue injury including neutrophils, macrophages, NK cells (Bergmann et al, 1999; Zhou et al, 2003), CD8+ and CD4+ T cells (Dandekar et al, 2004; Haring et al, 2001; Pewe & Perlman, 2002; Stohlman et al, 2008), innate immunity (TLRs) and anti-viral antibodies (Lin et al, 1999; Tschen et al, 2002; Zimprich et al, 1991). Introduction 22 Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV, DA strain)-mediated demyelinating disease in SJL mice Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV)-induced demyelination is an established model to study MS-related symptoms (Lipton, 1975; Rodriguez et al, 1986). TMEV causes neurological and enteric diseases in susceptible mouse strains such as SJL (Lipton & Jelachich, 1997). Intracerebral infection with the TMEV DA strain induces a biphasic disease in susceptible mouse strains, such as SJL (Daniels et al, 1952; Lipton, 1975; Lipton & Dal Canto, 1979). An early phase of acute encephalitis and concomitant primary demyelination is followed by a chronic demyelinating disease (Dal Canto & Lipton, 1975; Drescher et al, 1997). TMEVresistant mouse strains, such as C57BL/6, only exhibit early acute disease and clear the virus quickly without developing chronic demyelinating disease (Lipton, 1975; Lorch et al, 1981). In contrast, virus clearance fails in TMEV-susceptible strains and the virus is lingering in macrophages, microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (Clatch et al, 1990; Jelachich et al, 1995; Qi & Dal Canto, 1996; Stroop et al, 1981; Tsunoda & Fujinami, 1996). Virus infection induces a complex immune response including CD8+ T cells (Ruby & Ramshaw, 1991; Zinkernagel & Althage, 1977), TH1 helper T cells (Lipton et al, 2005), natural killer cells (Paya et al, 1989), macrophages (Lipton et al, 2005) and anti-viral antibody production (Rodriguez et al, 1988a; Roos et al, 1987) 1.5.2 Oxidative injury in animal models Like in MS, reactive oxygen and nitric oxide species contribute to the pathogenesis of tissue injury in EAE (Nikic et al, 2011; Ruuls et al, 1995). As oxidative damage appears to be a key mechanism of tissue damage in MS, antioxidant therapies are apparent ways to reduce disease progression. Animal experiments discovered that administration of antioxidants like lipoic acid (Chaudhary et al, 2006; Schreibelt et al, 2006), the peroxynitrite scavenger uric acid (Kean et al, 2000), flavonoids (Hendriks et al, 2004; Muthian & Bright, 2004), free radical scavengers (Moriya et al, 2008), the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine amide (Gilgun-Sherki et al, 2005), green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (Aktas et al, 2004) and propolis caffeic acid phenethyl ester (Ilhan et al, 2004) limited progression and clinical signs of EAE. In contrast, to date antioxidant therapies in MS patients were of limited success presumably because most antioxidant substances cannot cross the BBB and have a short therapeutic window. Moreover, high dosages of antioxidants are needed to have a protective effect even in EAE (van Horssen et al, 2011). Introduction 23 Referring to endogenous antioxidative defence mechanisms, animals suffering from EAE show decreased catalase activity (Guy et al, 1989a), whereas catalase administration decreased clinical disease and loss of BBB integrity (Guy et al, 1989a; Guy et al, 1989b; Ruuls et al, 1995). Furthermore, intraperitoneal injections with peroxidase increased BBB integrity in EAE (Guy et al, 1989b). SOD2 expression was found in astrocytes and microglia in EAE animals (Qi et al, 1997). Hence, endogenous antioxidant enzymes are also potential therapeutic targets. There have been several studies showing protective effects of Nrf2 in vitro and in vivo (Shih et al, 2005a; Shih et al, 2005b; Yang et al, 2009; Zhao et al, 2006). 1.5.3 Outlook to MS therapy To date, MS can be at least party treated in early disease stages by anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory treatments that reduce the severity and frequency of demyelinating bouts. In contrast, the success of therapies is limited in patients once they are suffering from progressive disease. Moreover, the development of neuroprotective therapies has proven to be difficult. Many new therapeutic approaches showed promising result in T cell-mediated experimental animal models but had no or exacerbating affects in MS patients (Friese & Fugger, 2005; Gold et al, 2006; Hohlfeld & Wekerle, 2004). The divergence in therapeutic success between EAE and MS can be at least partly ascribed to the different nature of inflammation (Friese & Fugger, 2005). CD4+ auto-reactive T cells drive inflammation in EAE, whereas mainly CD8+ T cells are found in MS lesions (Booss et al, 1983; Hayashi et al, 1988). Furthermore, in MS mostly MHC I- restricted CD8+ T cells undergo clonal expansion (Babbe et al, 2000) and MHC I molecules are expressed in MS lesions in inflammatory cells, neurons and glia (Hoftberger et al, 2004). After all, EAE is a valuable model but clearly not a perfect analogue of MS and does not reproduce the heterogeneity of the disease (Hohlfeld & Wekerle, 2004). Further, the target antigen(s) in MS are not known, in contrast to, for example, neuromyelitis optica with aquaporin 4 as the target antigen in the majority of patients (Jarius et al, 2008; Lennon et al, 2004). To adress the problem of therapy limitations for progressive MS patients, one has to discover the mechanisms driving the disease and to develop animal models that mimic this chronic disease more closely (Lassmann et al, 2012; Noseworthy et al, 2000). Introduction 24 1.6 Aims of this thesis As described before, inflammation with concomitant oxidative burst and mitochondrial injury are proposed to me major mechanisms of tissue injury in MS. Oxidative damage can potentially be amplified by the presence or iron (Fig. 8). The aims of this thesis were to study the expression of p22phox and iNOS, as two sources for reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in different rodent models of inflammatory demyelination. Further, analysis of iron accumulation in inflammatory lesions of these models was of interest. Finally, we wanted to compare the extent of oxidative injury in rodent models with that in MS tissue relying on identical tools. Additionally, we intended to study iron accumulation in rodents during aging and the effect of iron on neurodegeneration in aged animals. Additionally, we were interested in in vitro iron loading experiments of a complex cell culture system, as the established in vivo animal models showed only limited iron accumulation. Figure 8: Schematic summary of mechanisms of tissue injury in active MS lesions. Oxidative damage mediated by oxidative burst of activated macrophages and microglia (expression of p22phox and iNOS), radical-mediated mitochondrial injury (which leads to energy failure) and extracellular iron can sum up to the profound oxidative damage in MS lesions. Results 25 2 Results 2.1 Iron accumulation in the rat CNS during ageing Iron accumulates in the human brain in oligodendrocytes and myelin (Connor & Menzies, 1995) (Hallgren & Sourander, 1958) (Hametner et al, 2013). The increase of iron is associated with tissue damage, as iron can catalyse the Fenton reaction to potentiate the generation of oxygen radicals (Crichton et al, 2002). Hence, the liberation of iron from oligodendrocytes and myelin in active MS lesions is regarded as a potential amplification factor for oxidative injury (Hametner et al, 2013). Iron accumulation in the rodent brain was described before (Benkovic & Connor, 1993). In order to study the role of iron in the amplification of neurodegeneration in CNS inflammation, we first identified iron-accumulating regions in the CNS of aged Lewis rats. After pinpointing iron-storing hotspots, we analysed the level of neurodegeneration in these regions in rats suffering from MBP-specific T cell transfer EAE. In order to study iron accumulation in the rat CNS during ageing, we analysed the iron content of tissues from Lewis rats from the age of 2 to 14 months with two different methods: the histochemical staining DAB-enhanced turnbull blue (TBB) and the biochemical quantification by the ferrocene assay. Only in rats above an age of 12 months, we could find iron deposition in areas which are known to accumulate iron deposition in the human and rat brain (Benkovic & Connor, 1993; Hallgren & Sourander, 1958). We detected TBB+ oligodendrocytes in the basal ganglia and the cerebellar nuclei and defined the regions depicted in Figure 9 as the so-called iron accumulation hotspots. Results 26 Figure 9: Iron accumulating hotspots in the aged Lewis rat. Iron accumulates in oligodendrocytes and myelin in the basal ganglia and the cerebellar nuclei. Shown are brain slices of a 16 months old Lewis rat stained for iron with DAB-enhanced turnbull blue (TBB). CPU = corpus striatum; POA = lateral preoptic area; SN = substantia nigra; IP = interpeduncular nucleus; ND = nucleus dendatus, scale bar = 1 mm. Besides the brain, we tested also the spinal cord for iron accumulation. TBB stainings of rat spinal cords did not reveal any iron accumulation in particular cells (Fig. 10a, b). Likewise, the ferrocene assays did not reveal any increase of iron content (Fig. 10c). Figure 10: Iron histochemistry and biochemical iron quantification in the rat spinal cord. TBB stainings revealed that iron did not accumulate in particular cells of the spinal cords of Lewis rat during aging. Depicted are spinal cord sections of a 25 days (a) and of a 12 months old Lewis rat (b). scale bar = 0.5 mm. Iron quantification by ferrocene assay revealed no significant increase of the iron concentration in spinal cords of aged rats (c, 2-4 months: n = 16; 12-14 months: n = 17). Results 27 Furthermore, we performed TBB stainings of the basal ganglia of Lewis rats (Fig. 11b). Optical densitometry of equally sized pictures revealed a significant increase of iron staining intensity (Fig. 11a, p ≤ 0.001) in representative areas (Fig. 11c, d). Figure 11: Histochemical iron quantification in the rat basal ganglia. Quantification of TBB stainings by optical densitometry revealed an increase in iron staining in the basal ganglia of aged rats. Equally sized pictures were analysed (a; 2-4 months: n = 20; 12-14 months: n = 13; p ≤ 0.001 indicated by ***). TBB stainings of the basal ganglia of a 14 months (b, c) and 2 months (d) old Lewis rat are depicted. scale bars b = 0.25 cm; c, d = 50 µm For methodological reasons, we correlated the outcome of our two different methods for iron detection. We compared the DAB-enhanced Turnbull blue staining (TBB) as an established histological detection of iron (Meguro et al, 2007) and the ferrocene assay for the biochemical quantification of the iron contents of fresh tissue (Fish, 1988). For that purpose, we analysed the optical density of equally sized pictures taken from the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, which revealed iron accumulation with increasing age. As depicted in Figure 12, we correlated the Results 28 results of TBB staining quantification with those of the ferrocene assay of whole cerebella and found a linear correlation (r = 0.485, p < 0.001, n = 52). Figure 12: Correlation of two different methods of iron quantification. Histochemical and biochemical iron quantification of rat cerebella correlate. Optical densitometry of DABenhanced Turnbull blue staining (x-axis) was compared with iron quantification by ferrocene assay (y-axis) of rat cerebella from animals aged 2 to 20 months (n = 52, r = 0.485, p < 0.001). 2.2 Acute CD4+ T cell-mediated EAE in aged Lewis rats After pinpointing the iron hotspots, we induced passive transfer EAE in 2 and 14 months old female Lewis rats and compared their disease course and histopathology. For that purpose, we first prepared MBP-specific CD4+ T cells as described in the Material and Methods part. We injected activated MBP-specific T cells and monitored the disease course by weighing the animals and by staging the EAE according to criteria described in the Material and Methods part (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006). The transfer of CD4+ MBP-specific T cells elicited a monophasic disease in both, young and old animals, starting 3 days after T cell transfer. As depicted in Figure 13, both age groups showed a similar loss of weight (Fig. 13a) and disease course (Fig. 13b) after the transfer of the same quantity of activated MBP-specific CD4+ T cells. Results 29 + Figure 13: Weight loss and EAE disease stages in acute CD4 T cell transfer EAE in young and aged Lewis rats. Young (2 months indicated by the blue line) and aged (14 months indicated by the red line) Lewis rats exhibited a similar disease course according to loss of weight (a) and EAE disease staging (b), mean ± SD). Animals were sacrificed at the peak of the disease (day 6 after T cell transfer) or in the recovery phase (day 13 after T cell transfer) in order to study inflammation, neurodegeneration and iron accumulation. At the peak of the disease, CNS inflammation comprised of pronounced T cell infiltration which was associated with microglial and macrophage activation and transient axonal dysfunction (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006). We quantified inflammation by counting the number of CD3+ T cells in the lumbar spinal cord slides of young (Fig. 14a, b) and old animals (Fig. 14c) at the acute and recovery phase of EAE. At the acute disease phase, we found a significantly higher number of T cells in the spinal cords of young rats compared with old ones (Fig. 15a, p = 0.005). The percentage of area covered by ED1+ macrophages and microglia was determined by densitometric analysis of pictures taken of whole lumbar spinal cord sections from young (Fig. 14d, e) and old (Fig. 14f) animals. We did not find a difference in macrophage and microglia activation between old and young animals (Fig. 15b), neither at acute nor recovery phase. Furthermore, we counted APP+ axonal spheroids in the lumbar spinal cord sections as a measure for neurodegeneration in young (Fig. 14g, h) and old (Fig. 14i) animals. In this case, old animals showed a significantly higher number of axonal spheroids at the acute phase of EAE than young animals (Fig. 15c, p = 0.039) which indicated enhanced axonal injury. Results 30 Figure 14: Immunohistochemistry of markers for inflammation and neurodegeneration in the + spinal cords of young and old Lewis rats suffering from acute CD4 MBP-specific T cell transfer EAE. + At the peak of EAE , CD3 T cells infiltrate the lumbar spinal cords of young (a, b, 2 months) and old (c, 14 + + months) Lewis rats. ED1 macrophages in young (d, e) and old (f) animals and APP axonal spheroids in young (g, h) and old (i) animals at the EAE peak are depicted. scale bar = 0.5 mm except for b, e, h = 50 µm Results 31 Figure 15: Quantification of stainings for inflammatory and neurodegenerative markers in the + lumbar spinal cords of young and old Lewis rats suffering from acute CD4 MBP-specific T cell transfer EAE. + Young (2 months) animals exhibited a higher number of infiltrating CD3 T cells at the acute phase of EAE compared with old (14 months) animals (a; young acute: n = 5, young late: n = 6, old acute: n = 8, old late: n = 6; p = 0.005 indicated by **). The percentage of area of lumbar spinal cords covered by ED1 + macrophages and microglia was similar in young and old animals in the respective EAE stage. The + number of APP axonal spheroids was higher in old animals at the acute stage of EAE than in young animals (c; young acute: n = 5, young late: n = 6, old acute: n = 6, old late: n = 9; p = 0.039 indicated by *). As described in the introduction, oxidative damage plays a central role in the pathogenesis of MS. Therefore, we wanted to study the type and extent of oxidative injury in EAE. At the acute phase of EAE, demyelination in CD4+ transfer EAE was rare (Fig. 16a) (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006). Cells with microglial morphology did not express p22phox or iNOS (Fig. 16b-e). In contrast, cells with macrophage morphology in the lesions intensely stained for p22phox and iNOS (Fig. 16d, e). We did not find any evidence for the formation of microglia nodules in the NAWM. In the recovery phase of EAE, cells with macrophage morphology expressed the phagocytosis-associated molecule ED1 but neither p22phox nor iNOS (data not Results 32 shown). A specific staining for oxidised phospholipids was neither detectable in young nor in aged EAE animals (Fig. 16f). In one aged control animal, we found degenerating neurons specifically staining for oxidised phospholipids (Fig. 16f, insert) confirming that the epitope of E06 in rodents was detectable using the same staining protocol as for MS tissue. + Figure 16: Oxidative burst and oxidative injury in acute CD4 T cell transfer EAE in Lewis rats. + Demyelination was rare in acute CD4 mediated EAE (a). Inflammation was associated with the expression of Iba-1 (pan-microglia/macrophage marker) (b, c) but p22phox (d) and iNOS (e) expression were limited to cells with macrophage morphology. Inflammatory lesions were not associated with immunoreactivity for oxidised phospholipids (E06). We detected single E06-positive degenerating neurons in an aged control animal. scale bars = 50 µm except a, b = 0.5 mm Analysing macrophage activation in lumbar spinal cord lesions of CD4+ transfer EAE, we observed comparable expression of p22phox and iNOS at the acute phase of EAE in young and old animals (Fig. 17). Results 33 + Figure 17: The expression of p22phox and iNOS in acute CD4 T cell-mediated EAE in young and old animals. Quantification of p22phox and iNOS expression by optical densitometry of spinal cord slides in young (2 months) and old (14 months) acute EAE animals did not reveal any significant differences (young n = 6, old n = 8). We analysed iron deposition in lumbar spinal cords of young and old Lewis rats at the acute and the recovery stage of EAE. In inflammatory lesions, very few macrophages showed iron accumulation. Quantification revealed the highest number of iron-accumulating cell clusters in old animals at the late stage of disease (Fig. 18a). The TBB+ cells were mostly perivascular and had a macrophage-like morphology (Fig. 18b) Results 34 + Figure 18: Iron deposition in CD4 MBP-specific T cell transfer EAE in young and old Lewis rats. Quantification of TBB stainings of spinal cord sections revealed that old animals at the recovery stage of EAE show the highest number of iron deposits compared with all the other groups (a; young acute n = 6, young late n = 8, old acute n = 5, old late n = 6; p ≤ 0.001). A representative picture of iron deposition in the spinal cord at the late stage of EAE from an old animal is depicted (b). scale bar = 50 µm In order to study the effect of iron on neurodegeneration, we additionally quantified inflammation and neurodegeneration in the iron accumulating hotspots in passive CD4+ T cell transfer EAE of animals with 2 and 14 months of age. Generally, inflammation was less pronounced in the brain than in the spinal cord. We analysed T cell and macrophage/microglia activation and neurodegeneration in the acute (day 5 after T cell transfer) and the recovery phase (day 13 after T cell transfer, data not shown). Analysis of the single iron accumulating areas in the brain of EAE animals did not reveal any pronounced differences in infiltrating cells and the number of APP+ axonal spheroids was very low (Fig. 19). Results 35 + Figure 19: Inflammation and neurodegeneration in iron-accumulating hotspots in CD4 T cell transfer EAE. 2 + The number of T cells per mm (a), the area fraction covered with ED1 macrophages/microglia (b) and + 2 the number APP axonal spheroids per mm (c) were analysed for each hotspot of iron accumulation. We studied 6 young (2 months) acute and 8 old (14 months) acute EAE animals. Depending on the section´s plain the n numbers of the single hotspots differed (young: CPU n = 5, IP = 4, ND = 1, POA = 3, SN = 5; old: CPU = 8, IP = 7, ND = 5, POA = 7, SN = 8). Quantification of T cells, macrophages and axonal spheroids in iron accumulating hotspots did not reveal major differences between young and old animals. As iron was shown to accumulate in neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s disease and MS (Adams, 1988; Craelius et al, 1982; LeVine, 1997; Loeffler et al, 1995), we densitometrically quantified iron in the hotspots in old EAE and control animals. We did not find any significant differences in the optical density of TBB stainings between EAE and control animals (Fig. 20). Results 36 Figure 20: Optical densitometry of TBB stainings of iron accumulating hotspots in old EAE and control animals. Quantification of TBB staining of iron hotspots of aged control animals, old acute EAE animals and old animals in the recovery phase did not reveal any differences. We studied 4 aged controls, 8 acute EAE and 6 recovery phase EAE animals. Depending on the section´s plain the n numbers of the single hotspots differed (control: CPU n = 4, IP n = 3, ND n = 3, POA n = 4, SN n = 4; acute EAE: CPU n = 8, IP n = 6, ND n = 5, POA n = 7, SN n = 8; recovery phase: CPU n = 6, n = IP 5, ND n = 5, POA n = 6, SN n = 5). In summary, we compared MBP-specific CD4+ T cell transfer EAE in 2 and 14 months old Lewis rats and found comparable EAE courses. We detected a higher incidence of T cell infiltration in young animals, comparable macrophage infiltration but a higher number of APP+ axonal spheroids in lumbar spinal cords of aged animals. Moreover, we found an increased number of iron-positive macrophages in old animals in the recovery phase of EAE. In the brain, we generally found low grade inflammation and neurodegeneration with no difference in the optical density of iron. Our findings about the expression of p22phox and iNOS and the occurrence of oxidised phospholipids (E06) and iron accumulation are summarised in Table 1 (page 48). In order to expand our study to a larger spectrum of different models for CNS inflammation, we analysed archival material that had been used in former studies done in collaboration with our laboratory. We investigated oxidative injury, oxidative burst and iron accumulation in different rodent models that are based on a variety of disease mechanisms and phenotypes. Results 37 2.3 Chronic relapsing MOG-induced EAE in DA rats Active sensitisation of DA rats with MOG1-125 is to date the model reflecting MS pathology most closely (Storch et al, 1998). MOG immunisation first resulted in extensive primary inflammatory demyelination (Fig. 21a-c, g) which was followed by a chronic relapsing disease (Fig. 21d-f, h) (Storch et al, 1998). In initial stages of active lesions, mostly granulocytes but also macrophages expressed p22phox (Fig. 21b) and few macrophages stained positively for iNOS (Fig. 21g). In chronic active lesions, despite massive on-going demyelination (Fig. 21d) and the presence of activated macrophages/microglia expressing ED1 (Fig. 21f), p22phox or iNOS reactivity was largely absent (Fig. 21e, h). We did not observe microglia nodules in the NAWM. Furthermore, animals suffering from MOG-induced chronic relapsing EAE did not accumulate oxidised phospholipids in active or inactive lesions (Fig. 21i) with one exception. In one animal out of 20, we found small clusters of E06+ neurons in the spinal cord anterior horn showing also central chromatolysis (Fig. 21i, insert). Control animals did not show any TBB staining in brain and spinal cord tissue but in most EAE animals we detected iron accumulation in perivascular macrophages in the lesions (Fig. 21j). Our findings about the expression of p22phox and iNOS and the occurrence of oxidised phospholipids (E06) and iron accumulation in MOG-induced EAE in DA rats are summarised in Table 1 (page 48). Results 38 Figure 21: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in chronic relapsing EAE of MOG-immunised DA rats. Initial lesions showed a characteristic perivenous pattern of demyelination (a) with clear p22phox (b) and iNOS (g) reactivity. Mainly granulocytes expressed p22phox (b, insert). The chronic phase of the disease was characterised by extensive active demyelination in the spinal cord grey and white matter (d) with the presence of macrophages containing myelin degradation products (d, insert). These lesions comprised of + high numbers of ED1 macrophages (f) but their majority did neither express p22phox (e) nor iNOS (h). Only few macrophages in the lesions expressed p22phox (e, insert). The vast majority of lesions did not accumulate oxidised phospholipids (i). In one out of 20 animals, only individual neurons with + morphological evidence for retrograde degeneration were E06 (i, insert). Single macrophages and microglia in the lesions accumulated iron (j). scale bars = 0.5 mm except for g-h = 50 µm Results 39 2.4 Chronic relapsing MOG-induced EAE in C57BL/6 mice Active MOG35-55-immunization of C57BL/6 mice represents the most frequently used animal model for MS and is associated with profound demyelination and extensive axonal injury and loss in the chronic disease stage. Inflammation is dominated by perivenous T cell and macrophage infiltration, as well as microglial activation (Mendel et al, 1995; Taoufik et al, 2011). In our model, acute disease started 10 to 15 days after MOG-sensitization with pathology resembling the disease peak of acute MBP-specific T cell transfer EAE. After a short remission, the animals suffered from a relapsing disease with a progressive deterioration. Confluent demyelinating plaques appeared in the brain and the spinal cord around day 20 and propagated until day 34. Demyelination was associated with axonal injury and loss. In the present study, we evaluated animals suffering from active demyelination and neurodegeneration at day 21, 27 and 35 after MOG-immunization (Taoufik et al, 2011). Tissue damage was characterised by infiltration of CD3+ T cells (Fig. 22a) and severe microglia activation (Fig. 22b). The expression of p22phox was confined to cells with a macrophage-like morphology (Fig. 22c), whereas activated Iba-1+ microglia around the lesion were devoid of p22phox staining. Moreover, we could not detect any microglial nodules in the NAWM (Fig. 22b, c). We identified single cells with a macrophage-like morphology expressing iNOS (Fig. 22d). A minor reactivity for oxidised phospholipids (E06) was observed in few dystrophic axons (Fig. 22e). We did not find any iron accumulation in oligodendrocytes or myelin, but only in scattered iron-containing perivascular or meningeal macrophages in individual lesions (Fig. 22f). Our findings about p22phox and iNOS expression and the accumulation of oxidised phospholipids (E06) and iron in MOG-induced EAE in C57BL/6 mice are summarised in Table 1 (page 48). Results 40 Figure 22: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in chronic relapsing EAE of MOG-immunised C57BL/6 mice. + + Active lesions were associated with the infiltration of CD3 T cells (a) and Iba-1 cells with a macrophageand microglia-like morphology (b). Numerous macrophages in the lesions expressed p22phox (c) while positive iNOS staining was restricted to few perivascular cells (d). E06 reactivity (oxidised phospholipids) was only detected in single axonal spheroids (e, insert). Scattered lesion-associated meningeal macrophages accumulated iron (f). 2.5 Inflammatory demyelination induced by cytotoxic T cells Inflammation in MS lesions is dominated by CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (Babbe et al, 2000). Hence, we studied oxidative injury in a CD8+ T cell-driven EAE model (Saxena et al, 2008) characterised by demyelination (Fig. 23a) and CD3+ T cell infiltration (Fig. 23c). Microglial activation was evident (Fig. 23b, d) but p22phox was not expressed on microglia in the NAWM. In and around the lesions, a considerable proportion of cells with a microglia as well as a macrophage morphology expressed p22phox (Fig. 23e). We detected iNOS immunoreactivity in restricted perivascular macrophages (Fig. 23f). Microglial nodules were absent from the NAWM (Fig. 23b). Similarly to MOG-induced EAE, we did not detect any hint for oxidised phospholipids in CD8+ T cell-mediated CNS inflammation (Fig. 23g). Iron accumulation was absent from the NAWM of the brain and the spinal cord as well as the majority of active lesions (Fig. 23h). In single lesions, perivascular macrophages accumulated iron in 4 out of 7 animals studied (Fig. 23i). Our results about p22phox and iNOS expression and the occurrence of oxidised phospholipids (E06) and iron accumulation in CD8+ T cell-induced EAE in DA rats are highlighted in Table 1 (page 48). Results 41 + Figure 23: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in CD8 T cell-mediated EAE in mice. Demyelination (a) and perivascular T cell infiltration (c) were associated with profound microglial activation (b, d). Perivascular macrophages and to a lower degree also surrounding microglia (both based on + morphological hallmarks) expressed p22phox (e) while only restricted perivascular cells were iNOS (f). There was no immunoreactivity for oxidised phospholipids (E06) detectable (g). Iron accumulation occurred only in single lesions in perivascular macrophages (i). scale bars = 50 µm except for a, b = 0.5 mm Results 42 2.6 Innate immunity-driven inflammatory demyelinating lesions A major role for innate immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of MS has been suggested (Barnett & Prineas, 2004; Marik et al, 2007). Consequently, we analysed inflammatory demyelinating lesions induced by the focal injection of bacterial LPS into the spinal cord white matter of SD rats (Felts et al, 2005). At early stages of inflammation, some macrophages and microglia were shown to express iNOS (Marik et al, 2007). In these initial lesions, p22phox was expressed mainly by granulocytes (Fig. 24g), which were succeeded by p22phox+ macrophages during lesion progression (not shown). Demyelination and axonal injury were observed 7 to 9 days after LPS injection and were most pronounced after 12 to 15 days (Felts et al, 2005). At this disease stage, active demyelinating lesions (Fig. 24a) were characterised by massive microglial activation (Fig. 24b, c, e) and low numbers of CD3+ infiltrating T cells (Fig. 24d). Mostly macrophages and few cells with microglial morphology expressed p22phox in the lesions (Fig. 24f) whereas in the lesion centres p22phox expression in macrophages was minor (Fig. 24h). Microglial nodules were absent from the NAWM. We detected rare iNOS expression in cells with microglia and macrophages morphology (Fig. 24i). In lesions at day 12 after LPS injection, myelin was very weakly positive for E06 (Fig. 24j). Iron stainings showed to be largely negative besides individual perivascular iron-positive macrophages in the lesions (Fig. 24k). The results of our stainings for p22phox, iNOS, E06 and iron accumulation in LPS-injection-driven CNS inflammation are summarised in Table 1 (page 48). Results 43 Figure 24: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation induced by LPS injection into the spinal cord dorsal column of SD rats. At the peak of active demyelination (a) (12 days after LPS injection), lesions showed massive macrophage + infiltration (b, c, e) but only individual CD3 T cells (d). In these lesions, macrophages and single cells with a microglial morphology at the lesion edges expressed p22phox (f). They were preceded by p22phox + granulocytes in the initial disease stages (g, 1-3 days after LPS injection). In the lesion centres, p22phox expression on macrophages was minor (h). In contrast to pronounced p22phox expression in active lesions, very little iNOS reactivity was detected (i). Oxidised phospholipids appeared to a minor extent at the lesions (j). Iron positive macrophages were sparse (k). scale bars = 50 µm except for a, b = 0.5 mm 2.7 Toxic cuprizone-induced demyelination Cuprizone-supplemented diet causing demyelination in mice is regarded as an adequate model of demyelination in MS (Kipp et al, 2009). Actively demyelinating lesions (Fig. 25a) in the corpus callosum 35 days after disease induction exhibited oligodendrocyte apoptosis, microglial Results 44 activation and astrocyte gliosis (Van Strien et al, 2011). The lesions contained Mac-3-expressing macrophages, which indicates active phagocytosis, and cells with microglial morphology (Fig. 25b). In contrast, p22phox reactivity was completely absent (Fig. 25c) and iNOS was only expressed by individual cells with microglial morphology (Fig. 25d). Neither stainings for oxidised phospholipids (Fig. 25e) nor for iron (Fig. 25f) revealed any positive signal. Our findings about the expression of p22phox and iNOS and the deposition of oxidised phospholipids (E06) and cuprizone diet-induced demyelination are summarised in Table 1 (page 48). Figure 25: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in cuprizone diet-induced active demyelination in mice. Loss of myelin in the corpus callosum (a) was associated with the presence of phagocytosing macrophages and microglia (b). In contrast, macrophages did not express p22phox (c) and iNOS only to a minor extent (d). We detected no deposition of oxidised phospholipids (e, E06) or iron (f). scale bars = 50 µm 2.8 MHV-JHM coronavirus-induced encephalomyelitis Virus infections have been suggested to be one of the possible risk or causative factors for the development of MS (Lipton et al, 2007). We analysed CNS lesions of Lewis rats infected with MHV-JHM mouse hepatitis virus which leads to a complex immune response comprising CD8+ T cells (Dandekar et al, 2004; Pewe & Perlman, 2002) and specific anti-viral antibodies (Lin et al, 1999; Tschen et al, 2002; Zimprich et al, 1991). Intracerebral injection of MHV-JHM coronavirus (Barac-Latas et al, 1997; Korner et al, 1991; Wege et al, 1998; Zimprich et al, 1991) induced an initial panencephalitis characterised by profound CNS inflammation and tissue Results 45 damage and virus spread in neurons and glial cells (Korner et al, 1991; Zimprich et al, 1991). This initial disease was succeeded by a subacute or a chronic disease. In the chronic stage, virus infection was mainly found in glial cells associated with demyelination and axonal damage (Fig. 26a-f) (Korner et al, 1991; Wege et al, 1998; Zimprich et al, 1991). Inflammation was mainly mediated by CD8+ T cells (Fig. 26d, i) and activated macrophages and microglia (Fig. 26i, j, k). Microglial activation had been shown to be profound throughout the CNS in all disease stages (Korner et al, 1991; Zimprich et al, 1991). In this virus-induced model, we observed microglial nodules in the NAWM that expressed Iba-1 and p22phox (Fig. 26j-m). The density of microglia increased towards the lesion edge (Fig. 26k, left side), was at a maximum at the area of initial demyelination (Fig.26k, centre) and decreased towards the lesion centre (Fig. 26k, right side). In the lesion centre, many cells exhibited macrophage morphology. Immunohistochemical stainings for p22phox revealed a staining pattern very reminiscent of the Iba-1 staining in the NAWM (Fig. 26l) and the lesion (Fig. 26m). The expression of p22phox was most prominent in active lesions and the surrounding NAWM, but was minor on macrophages in the inactive lesion centre (Fig. 26l, m). Stainings for iNOS were largely negative and, if positive, only found in individual cells with macrophage morphology (Fig. 26n). Strikingly, we detected intense E06 staining within active lesions (Fig.26o, p, q) and to a lesser extent in the NAWM. Additionally, we detected positive stainings for oxidised DNA (8OHdG) in the coronavirus-induced lesions (Fig. 26r). Iron deposition in the lesions was restricted to perivascular macrophages. Our observations concerning the expression of p22phox and iNOS and the accumulation of oxidised lipids and iron in MHV-JHM coronavirus-induced CNS disease are highlighted in Table 1 (page 48). Results 46 Results 47 Figure 26: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in MHV-JHM coronavirusinduced encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats. Virus infection induced extensive demyelination (a) with relative axonal preservation (b, f). Virus antigen was expressed in the periplaque white and grey matter (c) in neurons (g) and in glial cells in the white matter (h). Active lesions were characterised by T cell-mediated inflammation (d), the majority being CD8 + + (blue; i) and ED1 macrophages (brown, i). Active demyelination was associated with severe microglial activation (k). In the NAWM, the activated microglia clustered to form microglia nodules (j) expressing also p22phox (l). Microglia numbers increased towards the lesion edge (k; left side), reached a peak at areas of initial demyelination (k, centre) and decreased in the lesion centres, where most cells were of macrophage morphology (k; right side). Staining for p22phox in serial-cut sections exhibited a staining pattern very reminiscent of the result of the Iba-1 stainings (l, m). iNOS expression was rare or absent (n). Oxidised phospholipids (E06) accumulated in the lesions in myelin (o), in cells with apoptotic nuclei, in macrophage granules (p) and in axonal spheroids (q). Additionally, evidence for oxidised DNA (8OHdG) was discovered (r). Most lesions were negative for iron staining (s), although we found iron deposition in individual lesions in perivascular macrophages. scale bars = 50 µm except for a-d = 0.5 mm Results 48 Table 1: Quantification of markers for inflammation and oxidative injury in different experimental models for CNS inflammation and MS model acute pt EAE young acute pt EAE aged chronic MOG EAE mouse chronic MOG EAE rat CD8 EAE LPS injection cuprizone diet coronavirus MHV-JHM encephalomyelitis acute MS young control animals old control animals human controls mechanism CD4+ T cells CD4+ T cells CD4+ T cells CD4+ T cells + demyelinating antibodies CD8+ T cells innate immunity toxic demyelination virus, CD8+ T cells, innate immunity unknown n.p. n.p. n.p. Iba-1 10.90 (5.23) 8.59 (4.87) 11.12 (17.66) p22phox 10.46 (3.66) 9.10 (3.83) 3.28 (8.33) active lesion iNOS E06 2.25 (2.10) 122 (44) 2.99 (1.62) 130 (37) 0.02 (0.56) 185 (46) 9.33 (16.18) 0.30 (3.90) 0.01 (0.06) 124 (172) 0.01 (0.73) 7.58 (7.42) 6.90 (17.30) 11.97 (7.03) 1.17 (2.53) 0.80 (3.70) 0.04 (0.04) 0.00 (0.31) 0.02 (0.86) 0.00 (0.00) 233 (97) 200 (35) 130 (46) 0.05 (0.32) 0.01 (1.00) 0.01 (0.01) 15.81 (13.16) 3.79 (4.73) 0.00 (0.09) 644 (138) 0.01 (0.70) 12.60 (18.86) 8.69 (12.12) Iba-1 p22phox 0.47 (2.58) 553 (313) NWM/NGM iNOS E06 2.55 (1.69) 3.28 (2.98) 4.41 (5.58) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) a 2.47 (1.31) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) a 0.04 (0.02) 125 (48) 110 (39) a 336 (132) iron 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.00) 0.18 (0.92) * iron BG SC 0.03 (0.04) 2.94 (2.08) * 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) * Quantification of Iba-1, p22phox, iNOS, oxidised phospholipids (E06) and iron staining in active lesions of different rodent models for CNS inflammation in comparison with acute MS cases and human controls. Depicted are values (median (range) derived from optical densitometry (area fraction for Iba-1, p22phox, iNOS and iron and integrated density for E06) of equally sized pictures taken under standardised conditions of the respective animal model or MS case. Bold numbers indicate a significant increase compared to control animals, or in case of MS compared to human controls, using Mann-Whitney U post hoc tests and Bonferroni-Holm correction. In case of iron staining, lesions were compared with the respective control tissue. a indicates a significant increase compared to animal controls. Iron staining in basal ganglia (BG) was significantly increased in old compared with young controls. * Iron accumulation in MS and human controls was not quantified in the present study, as it is dependent on location and age as described elsewhere (Hametner et al, 2013). NWM = normal white matter; NGM = normal grey matter; EAE = experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; pt = passive transfer; BG = basal ganglia; SC = spinal cord; LPS = lipopolysaccharide; n.p. = not present; (young control animals n = 6; old control animals n = 6; acute EAE young n = 6; acute EAE aged n = 8; chronic MOG EAE mouse n = 15; chronic MOG EAE rat n = 14; CD8 EAE n = 6; LPS injection n = 20; cuprizone diet n = 5; coronavirus encephalomyelitis n = 11; acute MS n = 7; human controls n = 6) Results 49 2.9 Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus (TMEV)-induced disease In order to extend our results on animals with a chronic virus-triggered disease, we studied a second established virus-induced model for CNS inflammation, the Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) infection (Lipton, 1975; Rodriguez et al, 1986). Intracerebral infection with TMEV resulted in a biphasic disease in susceptible mouse strains (Daniels et al, 1952; Lipton, 1975; Lipton & Dal Canto, 1979). An early phase of acute encephalitis with primary demyelination was succeeded by chronic demyelinating disease (Dal Canto & Lipton, 1975; Drescher et al, 1997). We analysed CNS lesions of SJL mice infected with TMEV from day 3 to 220 after virus injection. Virus infection caused a complex immune response involving cytotoxic T cells (Ruby & Ramshaw, 1991; Zinkernagel & Althage, 1977), TH1 helper T cells (Lipton et al, 2005), natural killer cells (Paya et al, 1989), macrophages (Lipton et al, 2005) and antibody production (Rodriguez et al, 1988a; Roos et al, 1987). Intracerebral injection of TMEV induced encephalitis (Fig. 27a-g) including profound CNS inflammation and tissue damage and virus localisation in neurons (Fig. 27d) (Dal Canto & Lipton, 1982). In this initial disease stage at 3 days post injection (dpi), the injection site was devoid of Iba1+ cells (Fig. 27a) and iNOS expression (Fig. 27c) but in the NAWM microglia showed signs of activation (Fig. 27a, insert). The injection site was related with profound p22phox expression primarily in granulocytes (Fig. 27b). Initial tissue damage was associated with E06 immunoreactivity in macrophages (Fig. 27e, f). The iron deposition occurred due to leakage of blood upon injection trauma (Fig. 27g). Results 50 Figure 27: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in TMEV-infected mice 3 dpi. + The injection site was devoid of Iba1 cells (a). In the NAWM, microglia showed an activated morphology (a, insert). Mainly granulocytes expressed p22phox (b) whereas we found no iNOS reactivity (c). In this early disease stage, the virus infected neurons (d). Tissue damage at the injection site was associated with E06 immunoreactivity in macrophages (e, f). Iron deposition occurred at the injection site due to bleeding (g). scale bars = 50 µm. With progression of the disease (45 dpi), inflammation and tissue damage spread to the spinal cord (Fig. 28a-h) where mainly glial cells were virus-infected (Fig. 28d) (Aubert et al, 1987; Dal Canto & Lipton, 1982; Lipton, 1975; Lipton et al, 2005; Rodriguez et al, 1983). Inflammation was mediated by activated macrophages and microglia (Fig. 28b, c, e) (Mack et al, 2003). Similarly to coronavirus-induced disease, TMEV infection caused the formation of microglial nodules in the NAWM. They expressed Iba-1 (Fig. 28b, c) but, in contrast to coronavirus-infected animals, not p22phox. The number of microglial nodules (Fig. 28c) increased with disease duration and reached a peak at 120 dpi (Fig. 29). The expression of p22phox was minor although macrophages and microglia showed signs of phagocytosis (Fig 28e, Mac-3 expression). Lesions were largely iNOS negative. Sparse iNOS reactivity was only found in individual cells with macrophage morphology (Fig. 28g). Iron deposition in the lesions in spinal cord (Fig. 28h) and brain (Fig. 28i) was restricted to perivascular macrophages. Results 51 Figure 28: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in TMEV-infected mice 45 dpi. Demyelination and inflammation spread to the spinal cord (a-h). Demyelination was associated with profound microglia activation (b) and the formation of microglial nodules (c). Virus infection was mainly found in cells with glial morphology (d). Activation of macrophages and microglia, indicated by the expression of Mac-3, was not associated with the expression of p22phox (f) or iNOS (g). Iron accumulated in individual perivascular macrophages in spinal cord (h) and brain (i) lesions. scale bars 0 50 µm except for a, b = 0.5 mm Results 52 Figure 29: Quantification of microglial nodules in TMEV-induced inflammatory demyelinating disease. The number of microglial nodules increased with disease duration. At 35 dpi, we counted significantly more microglial nodules (p = 0.044 indicated by *) than 3 dpi. The number of microglial nodules reached a peak 120 days dpi (p = 0.006 compared to 3 dpi, indicated by **; p = 0.03 compared with unsusceptible animals 45 dpi, indicated by *), (n = 5 except for 45 dpi n = 4). During chronic disease (90 dpi), the animals exhibited profound lesions in the medulla (Fig. 30) characterised by demyelination (Fig. 30a) and microglial activation (Fig. 30b). Despite morphological hints for microglial activation, we did not detect p22phox (Fig. 30c) or iNOS (Fig. 30d) expression. In contrast, the lesions were associated with E06 immunoreactivity (Fig. 30e, g, h). Quantification of E06 optical density of medullary lesions revealed an increase of oxidised phospholipids with disease duration with first significant results at 90 dpi (p ≤ 0.001) compared with TMEV-injected but non-susceptible animals at 45 dpi (Fig. 31). Spinal cord lesions only partly accumulated oxidised phospholipids (Fig. 30i, j) Results 53 Figure 30: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in TMEV-infected mice 90 dpi. Animals exhibited profound demyelination (a) and inflammation (b), especially in lesions in the medulla. Inflammation did not co-localise with the expression of p22phox (c) or iNOS (d). Oxidised phospholipids accumulated in macrophages in medullary lesions (e, g, h). Spinal cord lesions were only partly associated with E06 immunoreactivity (i, j). Iron accumulated infrequently in individual perivascular macrophages (f). scale bars = 50 µm. Results 54 Figure 31: Optical densitometry of E06 immunoreactivity in medullary lesions of TMEV-infected mice at different disease stages. Densitometric quantification of equally sized regions of interest taken under standardised conditions (for example Fig. 30e) revealed an increase of oxidised phospholipids with disease duration (p ≤ 0.001 for 90 dpi, p = 0.004 for 120 dpi, p = 0.005 for 220 dpi when compared with 45 dpi non-susceptible control; indicated by *** or ** respectively). Later chronic disease stages were characterised by pronounced lesion formation in the spinal cord (180 dpi, Fig. 32), the cerebellum and the medulla (220 dpi, Fig. 33). Demyelinating lesions in the spinal cord (Fig. 32a) were associated with virus-infected cells (Fig. 32b), activated macrophages and microglia (Fig. 32c, Mac-3) and T cell infiltration (Fig. 32d). Cells with macrophage morphology stained weakly for p22phox (Fig. 32e). iNOS was only expressed in individual macrophages (Fig. 32f). Only single perivascular macrophages accumulated iron (Fig. 32g). Results 55 Figure 32: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in TMEV-infected mice 180 dpi. Spinal cord lesions displayed demyelination (a) and virus infection in glial cells (b). The lesions were associated with activated macrophages (c) and T cell infiltration (d). Inflammation was related with weak + p22phox expression in cells with macrophage morphology and with individual iNOS macrophages (f). The majority of lesions was devoid of iron deposition (g). scale bars = 50 µm except for a-c = 0.5 mm. The profound lesions in the cerebellum and the medulla at late disease stages (day 220 dpi, Fig. 33) were associated with T cell infiltration (Fig. 33a) and macrophage and microglia activation (Fig. 33b, c). The lesions were largely negative for p22phox (Fig. 33d) and iNOS (Fig. 33e) expression. Oxidised phospholipids were detected in macrophages (Fig. 33g). Only single cells stained positively for virus antigen (Fig. 33h). Iron accumulation was sparse in the lesions (Fig. 33f) but was detected in oligodendrocytes and myelin in the basal ganglia (Fig. 33i). Results 56 Figure 33: Oxidative burst, oxidative injury and iron accumulation in TMEV-infected mice 220 dpi. Cerebellar and medullary lesions were associated with T cell infiltration (a) and macrophage/microglia activation (b, c). Inflammation was mainly not related with p22phox or iNOS reactivity (d, e). Lesionassociated macrophages accumulated oxidised phospholipids (g). Only individual cells were virus-infected (h). The majority of lesions was devoid of iron deposition (f) but iron accumulated in oligodendrocytes and myelin of the basal ganglia (i). scale bars = 50 µm except for a-c = 0.5 mm. Results 57 2.10 In vitro oxidation Although antibodies recognising oxidation-specific epitopes had been used before in rodent tissue (Chou et al, 2009; Horkko et al, 1996; Palinski et al, 1996), we tested if the epitopes could be produced and detected in our experimental settings. For that purpose, we oxidised native slides of fresh frozen rat brain in vitro and stained for oxidised phospholipids (E06) or for oxidised DNA (8OHdG). We found that the epitope for E06 could be produced by iron-induced lipid peroxidation (Ribeiro et al, 2007; Takatsu et al, 2009). Densitometric quantification of equally sized regions of interest taken under standardised conditions (Fig. 34a) revealed an increase of oxidised phospholipids upon iron treatment (Fig. 34b). This could not be enhanced by addition of H2O2. Figure 34: E06 staining after in vitro oxidation. The E06 epitope of oxidised phospholipids could be generated by in vitro oxidation of fresh-frozen native brain sections via free-radical generating systems containing iron (c, e). Densitometric quantification of E06 staining revealed an increase of E06 staining intensity in iron-treated compared with control sections (f; n = 6, p ≤ 0.001, indicated by ***) Depicted are representative unmodified pictures taken under standardised conditions prior to densitometric quantification. a = untreated (TBS control), b = ascorbate, c = FeSO4/ascorbate, d = H2O2, e = FeSO4/ascorbate + H2O2; scale bar = 50 µm Results 58 After using a similar iron-induced peroxidation system (Lodovici et al, 2001), we also detected oxidised DNA (8OHdG) by immunohistochemistry. DNA oxidation was induced by incubating native brain slides with the most effective treatment being iron chloride (Fig. 35g) and iron sulphate (Fig. 35e, f) compared to controls (Fig. 35a-d). In summary, both epitopes shown to occur in MS tissue could be produced by iron-induced in vitro oxidation and detected with immunohistochemistry on rat brain tissue. Figure 35: 8OHdG staining after in vitro oxidation. The epitope of oxidised DNA could be generated by in vitro oxidation of native brain cryo-sections via free-radical generating systems containing iron. Iron chloride treatment (g) was most effective compared to iron sulphate treatments (e, f) and controls (a-d). a = untreated (TBS control), b = ascorbate, c =glutathione (GSH), d = H2O2, e = FeSO4/ascorbate, f = FeSO4/ascrobate + H2O2, g = FeCl/GSH; scale bar = 50 µm Results 59 2.11 Iron loading of glial cell cultures Iron accumulation in the studied rodent models for CNS inflammation appeared to be minimal compared to the human brain. As they were not appropriate to study the effect of iron on neurodegeneration, we chose an in vitro approach. Iron loading of glial cells is established to study iron management in the brain (Rathore et al, 2012; Schulz et al, 2011). In preliminary experiments, we treated purified oligodendrocyte cultures with iron chloride together with ascorbate (in a relation of 1:44, as published (Rathore et al, 2012; Schulz et al, 2011)) and found iron accumulation as visualised by TBB staining (Fig. 36). Figure 36: Iron loading of purified oligodendrocyte cultures. Treatment of oligodendrocyte cultures with iron chloride (10 µM FeCl3) for 6 h resulted in iron accumulation, as depicted by double staining of TBB with galactocerebroside (GalC, marker for oligodendroglial lineage) (b) compared to untreated cells (a). scale bar = 50 µm As it was published that cytokine toxicity in oligodendrocytes could be enhanced by iron (Zhang et al, 2005), our aim was to study the effect of iron accumulation on inflammatory demyelination and secondary neurodegeneration. For this purpose, we chose the in vitro model of myelinating spinal cord cultures (Elliott et al, 2012; Sorensen et al, 2008). These complex long-term cultures comprised a confluent feeder layer of neurosphere-derived astrocytes (Fig. 37a, GFAP+ cells), on top of which neurons spread (Fig. 37b, SMI31+ cell processes) that were partly surrounded by mature myelin sheaths (Fig. 37b, MOG+ myelin). On top of this, the cultures also contained microglia (Fig. 37c, Iba-1+ cells). Our aim was to primarily load the oligodendrocytes in these cultures with iron in order to study the impact of iron on demyelination and possibly secondary neurodegeneration. Results 60 Figure 37: Characteristics of myelinating spinal cord cultures Mature myelinating spinal cord cultures (28 days after cell seeding) contained a confluent layer of + + neurosphere-derived astrocytes (a, GFAP ) on top of which neurons spread (b, SMI31 ) that were partly + myelinated (b, MOG mature myelin sheaths). A considerable number of microglia covered the cultures (c, + Iba-1 ). scale bar = 50 µm For iron loading of myelinating spinal cord cultures, we considered two experimental strategies. Treatment with iron chloride (Rathore et al, 2012; Schulz et al, 2011) was shown to cause iron accumulation in purified glial cultures. We confirmed this in our preliminary results for oligodendrocytes (Fig. 36). Our second approach was treating the myelinating spinal cord cultures with ferritin, which was shown to be a major source for iron for oligodendrocytes in vitro and in vivo (Schonberg et al, 2012; Todorich et al, 2011). To target our first strategy, we tested the effect of different iron chloride dosages on the integrity of myelinating spinal cord cultures by staining for mature oligodendrocytes and myelin (PLP) and neurons (SMI31) (Fig. 38). Cultures treated with 250 µM iron chloride (Fig. 38b) appeared comparable to control treated cells (Fig. 38a). In contrast, cultures treated with higher dosages (500 or 750 µM) showed signs of cell damage, as for example disturbed transport of neuronal processes (Fig. 38c, d; SMI31+ swellings). Results 61 Figure 38: Dosage-effect of iron chloride on the integrity of myelinating spinal cord cultures. The integrity of myelinating spinal cord cultures was primarily assessed by staining for mature oligodendrocytes and myelin (PLP) and neuronal processes (SMI31). Myelinating spinal cord cultures treated with ascorbate only (control, a) and 250 µM FeCl3 appeared similar, whereas the cultures integrity + was disturbed by higher dosages (c, 500 µM, d, 750 µm) as reflected by swellings of SMI31 neuronal processes. All treatments were performed overnight. scale bar = 50 µm We continued further experiments by treating the myelinating spinal cord cultures overnight with 250 µM iron chloride. In order to assess iron accumulation, we performed TBB stainings which revealed TBB+ structures after iron chloride treatment (Fig. 39a) compared to ascorbate (Fig. 39b) and untreated (Fig. 39c) controls. Results 62 Figure 39: Iron accumulation in myelinating spinal cord cultures after iron chloride treatment. Iron accumulation in myelinating spinal cord cultures was visualised by TBB staining. Overnight treatment + with 250 µM FeCl3 (a) resulted in an increase of TBB structures compared to ascorbate (b) and untreated (c) control. scale bar = 50 µm In order to identify the iron accumulating cell type, we performed double labellings with oligodendrocyte and microglia markers and found that the only staining co-localising with TBB was Iba-1 (Fig. 40a, TBB was converted from the brown TBB depicted in Fig.40b to the false colour blue in order to enable overlay with fluorescent stainings). In control-treated cultures, we did not detect any iron accumulation (Fig. 40c, d, the same colour conversion as in Fig.a and b is depicted). Results 63 Figure 40: Iron accumulation in microglia in myelinating spinal cord cultures after iron chloride treatment. Overnight treatment of myelinating spinal cord cultures with 250 µM FeCl3 caused iron accumulation in microglia (a, b). In order to enable an overlay of light microscopy and fluorescence, TBB was converted from brown (b, TBB) to the false colour blue (a). There was no iron deposition in the control-treated cultures (c, d). scale bar = 50 µm In conclusion, treating myelinating spinal cord cultures with iron chloride resulted in iron accumulation in microglia cells but not in oligodendrocytes. Ferritin was shown to be a major source of iron for oligodendrocytes (Todorich et al, 2011). Moreover, it was transferred from macrophages to oligodendrocyte precursors in vivo (Schonberg et al, 2012). In myelinating spinal cord cultures, iron accumulation due to ferritin loading appeared after 48 h of treatment (Fig. 41). TBB+ cells appeared to be microglia (Fig. 41a, in c TBB was converted to the false colour green in order to enable an overlay with Iba-1 staining in d). As representative result for short time treatment 48 h ferritin treatment is depicted, but 72 h incubation led to a similar result. Control cultures did not show any sign of iron accumulation (Fig. 41b). Results 64 Figure 41: Iron accumulation in microglia cells of myelinating spinal cord cultures after short-term ferritin treatment. Ferritin treatment (5 µg/ml, 48 h) of myelinating spinal cord cultures induced iron accumulation in microglia + (Iba-1 ). TBB staining (a) was converted to the false colour green (c) to enable an overlay with Iba-1 (d). Control cells did not show iron staining (b). scale bar = 50 µm Furthermore, we analysed oligodendrocyte and myelin integrity of ferritin-loaded cultures. As depicted in Fig. 42, PLP+ oligodendrocytes and myelin appeared similar in control (a) and ferritin-treated cultures (b). Ferritin treatment increased ferritin levels (ferritin light chain, FTL) in cells with microglial morphology (Fig. 42b) compared to controls (Fig. 42a). FTL staining colocalised with ED1 (Fig. 42d), confirming that microglia accumulated ferritin. We could not detect FTL+ cells in control-treated cultures (Fig. 42a, c). Results 65 Figure 42: Oligodendrocyte and myelin integrity and ferritin accumulation after short-term ferritin treatment. Ferritin (b, 5 µg/ml, 48 h) did not have a toxic effect on oligodendrocytes or myelin when compared with control cultures (a). Ferritin treatment induced ferritin accumulation (ferritin light chain, FTL) in cells with microglial phenotype (b), which was confirmed by double staining of FTL with ED1 (d). Control cultures did + not contain FTL cells (a, c). scale bar = 50 µm In conclusion, one short-term ferritin treatment of myelinating spinal cord cultures caused ferritin accumulation in microglia. Another possibility to load myelinating spinal cord cultures with ferritin was treatment over a longer time span. As depicted in Fig. 43, repeated long-term exposure with ferritin from day 16 to day 23 after cell seeding led again to iron accumulation in microglia (Fig. 43a, in c TBB was converted to the false colour green in order to enable an overlay with Iba-1 staining in d). We could not detect any iron accumulation in control-treated cultures (Fig. 43b). Results 66 Figure 43: Iron accumulation in microglia of myelinating spinal cord cultures after long-term ferritin treatment. Repeated ferritin treatment (1 µg/ml ferritin with every feeding from day 16 until day 23 after cell seeding) + of myelinating spinal cord cultures induced iron accumulation in microglia (Iba-1 , d). TBB staining (a) was converted to the false colour green (c) to enable an overlay with Iba-1 (d). We could not detect iron staining in control cultures (b). scale bar = 50 µm Additionally, we analysed oligodendrocyte and myelin integrity of long-term ferritinexposed cultures. As depicted in Fig. 44, PLP+ oligodendrocytes and myelin appeared comparable in control (a) and ferritin-treated cultures (b). Long-term exposure to ferritin induced ferritin accumulation in cells with microglial morphology (Fig. 44b) compared to controls (Fig. 44a). Ferritin (FTL) staining co-localised with ED1 (Fig. 44d), confirming that microglia accumulated ferritin. We could not detect FTL+ cells in control cultures (Fig. 44a, c). Results 67 Figure 44: Oligodendrocyte and myelin integrity and ferritin accumulation after long-term ferritin treatment. Repeated exposure to ferritin (b, 1 µg/ml ferritin with every feeding from day 16 until day 23 after cell + seeding) did not have a toxic effect on oligodendrocytes or myelin (PLP ) when compared with control cultures (a). Long-term ferritin treatment induced ferritin accumulation (ferritin light chain, FTL) in cells with microglial phenotype (b), which was confirmed by double staining of FTL with ED1 (d). Control cultures did + not contain FTL cells (a, c). scale bar = 50 µm In summary, both short and long-term ferritin exposure induced iron and ferritin accumulation in microglia but not in oligodendrocytes which was similar to our observation in cultures incubated with iron chloride. As the phenomenon of iron-accumulating dystrophic microglia was reported in Huntington’s disease (Simmons et al, 2007) and Alzheimer’s disease (Lopes et al, 2008; Streit & Xue, 2013), we assessed the number of microglia in iron chloride and ferritin-treated cultures. We found a significant decrease of microglia numbers in cultures treated overnight with 250 µM iron chloride compared to control cultures (Fig. 45). Results 68 Figure 45: Loss of microglia upon iron chloride treatment. Treatment of myelinating spinal cord cultures with iron chloride (b, overnight, 250 µM FeCl3) significantly + decreased the number of microglia compared to ascorbate-treated control cultures (a). Iba1 microglia cells were counted from 10 pictures taken per coverslip with 3 coverslips analysed per experiment. The number of microglia in iron chloride and ascorbate control treated cultures was normalised to the number of microglia in untreated control cultures (p ≤ 0.001, n = 4). scale bar = 50 µm Additionally, we assessed the number of microglia in different short and long-term treatments of myelinating spinal cord cultures with different concentrations of ferritin. In all experimental setups of ferritin treatment, we could not detect a decrease in microglia numbers (Fig. 46). Results 69 Figure 46: Microglia numbers in different experimental setups of ferritin treatment. Short and long-term exposure of myelinating spinal cord cultures with different concentrations of ferritin did not lead to a decreased number of microglia. In some conditions an increase of microglia was observed (b, as one example of cells treated with 0.5 µg/ml ferritin for 72 h) compared to control cultures + (a). Iba1 microglia in different experimental approaches of ferritin treatment were counted from 10 pictures taken per coverslip with 3 coverslips analysed per experiment. The number of microglia was normalised to control cultures (c). The results of single experiments are depicted. scale bar = 50 µm Taken together, different in vitro iron loading approaches of myelinating spinal cord cultures with iron chloride or iron bound to ferritin induced iron accumulation in microglia but not in any other cell type. Iron loading with iron chloride decreased the number of microglia whereas ferritin did not have a toxic effect. As myelinating spinal cord cultures are complex and contain many other cells types, we tested if iron loading with iron chloride and ferritin could be reproduced in purified microglia cultures. Treatment of microglia cultures with iron chloride and ferritin induced iron accumulation, detected by TBB, compared to control cells (Fig. 47). Results 70 Figure 47: Iron accumulation in iron chloride- and ferritin-treated microglia cultures. TBB stainings revealed that treatment of purified microglia cultures overnight with iron chloride (b, 10 µM FeCl3) and ferritin (c, 5 µg/ml) induced iron accumulation compared with untreated cells (a). scale bar = 50 µm In summary, our iron chloride and ferritin loading experiments with myelinating spinal cord cultures induced iron accumulation in microglia but not in oligodendrocytes although purified oligodendrocytes basically can accumulate iron (Fig. 36) and were shown to take up ferritin (Schonberg et al, 2012). Iron chloride treatment of myelinating spinal cord cultures led to a decrease of microglia numbers whereas ferritin had no toxic effect. Furthermore, we could reproduce iron chloride and ferritin uptake in purified microglia cultures (Fig. 47). Discussion 71 3 Discussion 3.1 General discussion Our investigations indicate major differences between MS and a selection of different animal models of inflammatory demyelination regarding microglia activation patterns and the extent of oxidative injury and iron accumulation. We studied the expression of enzymes essential for oxygen and nitric oxide radical production, p22phox and iNOS, respectively. The expression pattern of p22phox and iNOS is variable between the different investigated models and apparently dependent on the nature of the disease-inducing stimulus and the primary inflammatory response. The expression of enzymes involved in radical-generating cascades has been reported in inflammatory infiltrates of different models of CD4+ T cell-mediated inflammatory demyelination (Cross et al, 1996; Koprowski et al, 1993; Misko et al, 1995; Ruuls et al, 1995; Van Dam et al, 1995; van der Goes et al, 1998). More precisely, iNOS mRNA expression and activity were increased in the spinal cords of mice after passive transfer of MBPspecific T cells in mice (Cross et al, 1996). iNOS mRNA and protein expression were also detected in rats after active immunisation with MBP (Koprowski et al, 1993; Van Dam et al, 1995). Further, microglia and macrophages isolated from rats after active immunization with guinea pig spinal cord homogenate were shown to produce ROS in vitro (Ruuls et al, 1995). The expression of enzymes involved in reactive species production was primarily reported in macrophages (Okuda et al, 1995; Van Dam et al, 1995) and was generally associated with increased disease severity (Cross et al, 1996; Koprowski et al, 1993; Misko et al, 1995). Apart from antimicrobial and toxic effects, NO can be protective because it inhibits T cell proliferation (Fu & Blankenhorn, 1992). Further, iNOS serves in negative feedback regulation in TH1-mediated autoimmune reactions (Bogdan, 2001). The administration of different NOS inhibitors during EAE has led to conflicting results regarding disease severity and progression. Some investigators reported that pharmacologic inhibition of iNOS exacerbated disease severity and/or prevalence in rat EAE (Ruuls et al, 1996; Zielasek et al, 1995). Likewise, Gold et al. reported an aggravation of the disease in actively immunized animals upon iNOS inhibition. In contrast, blocking of iNOS had protective effects in passive T cell transfer EAE. These experiments were performed in parallel in Lewis rats and the target antigen in both cases was MBP (Gold et al, 1997). Interestingly, also Cross et al. reported that iNOS inhibition reduced Discussion 72 disease pathology in adoptive transfer EAE in mice (Cross et al, 1994). Hence, it was concluded that iNOS can play two different roles in EAE depending on the way of disease induction. In case of passive T cell transfer EAE, NO production by encephalitogenic T cells is suggested to be mostly tissue-damaging. In contrast, NO seems to have rather disease-dampening effects after active immunisation (Bogdan, 1998; Gold et al, 1997). Strikingly, this does not hold true for other experiments, as Brenner et al. reported a protective effect of iNOS inhibition in passive and active MPB EAE in mice (Brenner et al, 1997). In contrast, NOS2 (the gene encoding for iNOS) knockout mice exhibited a higher disease incidence and a more fulminant disease course than wildtype controls after active immunisation with MOG35-55 or MBP (20-mer peptide) in different mouse strains (Fenyk-Melody et al, 1998; Sahrbacher et al, 1998). In summary, species- (rat versus mouse) and mouse strain-dependent factors seem to account for the different roles or effects of iNOS in EAE. Furthermore, the specificity of applied iNOS inhibitors and their bioavailability in the target tissue may be an issue (Bogdan, 1998; Fenyk-Melody et al, 1998). The previously mentioned finding about iNOS inhibition-mediated disease amelioration in T cell transfer EAEs is in line with our observation of profound iNOS expression in the acute phase of our MBP-specific T cell transfer EAE. Further, the species- and disease mechanism-dependent role of iNOS is also reflected in our data. As previously reported, we detected iNOS expression mainly in cells with macrophages morphology (Okuda et al, 1995; Van Dam et al, 1995) although iNOS was detected also in astrocytes (Tran et al, 1997). In combination with ROS, NO-related reactive species can account for axonal injury (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006; Choi et al, 2012; Moreno et al, 2011) through the production of peroxynitrite (Cross et al, 1997). In our models, we found different microglia and macrophage activation patterns according to the expression of the essential NADPH oxidase subunit p22phox and iNOS. While we detected profound expression of iNOS and p22phox in the acute MBP T cell transfer EAE, CNS inflammation induced by T cells and macrophages (MOG35-55-immunised C57BL/6 mice), by CD8+ T cells (passive transfer of HA-specific T cells into HA-transgenic mice) or by innate immunity (LPS injection into the spinal cord white matter) appeared differently. At time points of acute demyelination, mainly macrophages stained intensely for p22phox but iNOS was only detected in scattered cells. In case of the LPS-injection model, iNOS expression in very early stages of inflammation (day 3 after injection) in microglia and macrophages has been published before. In line with iNOS inhibition experiments mentioned above, iNOS seems to play a role rather in the induction phase of the disease after LPS-injection than in the very fulminant phase. Discussion 73 In the inflammatory demyelinating disease triggered by active immunisation of DA rats with MOG1-125 resulting in myelin-reactive antibody production, p22phox expression was primarily detected in early demyelination stages in granulocytes. In this early disease stage, iNOS was expressed by individual macrophages. In later chronic demyelinating disease stages, p22phox expression was limited to single macrophages and iNOS+ cells were very rare. This is in contrast to the profound expression of the phagocytosis-related marker ED1 by macrophages in the chronic demyelinating lesions. In animals suffering from cuprizone-induced demyelination, p22phox and iNOS expression were both very minor despite a marked staining for the phagocytosis-related marker Mac-3 within macrophages in the demyelinating areas. Throughout our study, we distinguished microglia from macrophages by their morphological appearance as there is currently no microglia-specific marker available. Thus, our study does not allow conclusions, whether macrophages within the lesions were derived from the microglial cell pool or from recruited monocytes. The minor expression of p22phox and iNOS was an unexpected finding since proinflammatory cytokines, which are presumably extensively produced in the lesions, were shown to induce the expression of NADPH oxidase and iNOS in microglia in vitro (Cheret et al, 2008; Lijia et al, 2012; Misko et al, 1995). Like other phagocytes, microglia express the phagocyte NADPH oxidase (Sankarapandi et al, 1998), an enzyme comprising four regulatory cytosolic subunits (p47phox, p67phox, p40phox, rac proteins) and a transmembrane heterodimer of p22phox and NOX2, which generates superoxide (Cheret et al, 2008). LPS, for example, induces the production of superoxide which was shown to enhance the expression of iNOS and interleukin-1beta secretion (Cheret et al, 2008). In the MHV-JHM coronavirus-induced demyelinating disease, iNOS expression was described in macrophages in acute lesions (5-7 days after infection) and astrocytes in demyelinated lesions. In contrast to our model, this was found by in situ hybridization after intranasal inoculation with the virus (Grzybicki et al, 1997). We studied iNOS protein expression by immunohistochemistry in intrathecally infected animals and found sparse iNOS+ microglia or macrophages. We did not detect astrocytic iNOS staining in our experimental setup. NO was shown to suppress viral replication in vitro (Lane et al, 1997) and iNOS mRNA was expressed after MHV-JHM infection in vivo (Wege et al, 1998). Nevertheless, iNOS does not seem to have a function in controlling viral replication in the CNS as inhibition of iNOS either had no or a delaying effect on the progression of MHV-induced demyelination (Lane et al, 1999; Wu et al, 2000). In contrast to iNOS, microglia and macrophages in the demyelinating lesions stained Discussion 74 intensely for p22phox. Additionally, we found p22phox-expressing microglial nodules in the NAWM. The profound expression of NADPH oxidase could be one reason for the considerable accumulation of oxidised phospholipids (E06) only in this model. The second virus-induced model included in our study was TMEV-mediated demyelinating disease. In contrast to MHV-JHM, TMEV-infection triggered p22phox expression only shortly after virus-injection mostly in granulocytes. Moreover, TMEV did not induce the expression of p22phox in microglial nodules, which were therefore only identifiable by Iba-1 expression. The number of microglial nodules increased with disease progression but they never showed p22phox expression. Despite considerable staining for the phagocytosis-related molecule Mac-3, the expression of p22phox as well as iNOS was rare in cells with macrophage morphology in TMEV-induced lesions. In our experimental setup, we could reproduce the reported iNOS expression in macrophages but not in astrocytes (Oleszak et al, 1997). Our findings support the common opinion that microglia activation in the context of an integrated immune response in vivo is more multifaceted than an activation of purified microglia in vitro (Boche et al, 2013; Colton & Wilcock, 2010; Raivich et al, 1999). This view is reflected by the many different possible ways of inducing NADPH oxidases. They were shown to be activated by Toll-like receptor (TLR2) signaling in a model for spinal nerve injury (Lim et al, 2013) and by a number of cytokines with proposed anti-inflammatory functions, as for example interleukin 4 and 13 (Nam et al, 2012; Park et al, 2008; Park et al, 2009). Further, thrombin was reported to activate both NADPH oxidases and iNOS (Choi et al, 2005). Other factors involved in NADPH oxidase activation are cholesterol load (Rackova, 2013) and divalent cations such as zinc (Higashi et al, 2011; Kauppinen et al, 2008). Further, a relationship between sodium influx and ROS production has been shown (Hossain et al, 2013). All these listed factors could act together in the complex inflammatory process in the CNS. Oxidative injury and mitochondrial damage are thought play a major role in tissue destruction in MS. Furthermore, treatments addressing oxidative injury or mitochondria protection have been shown to have a beneficial effect in EAE. Orally administered resveratrol, a naturally occurring polyphenol, decreased neuronal damage in PLP-immunised SJL mice without modulating the immune response (Shindler et al, 2010). A similar effect of resveratrol was reported in MOG-immunised C57BL/6 mice (Fonseca-Kelly et al, 2012). Resveratrol mainly has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties but was also shown to act pro-oxidant in the presence of transition metal ions (de la Lastra & Villegas, 2007). This may be an issue Discussion 75 concerning MS therapies as iron was shown to accumulate in the human brain and might augment oxidative damage (Hallgren & Sourander, 1958; Hametner et al, 2013). Mitochondrial CoQ10 (MitoQ), a derivative of coenzyme Q10 having anti-oxidative potential in vitro (Manczak et al, 2010) and in vivo (Smith & Murphy, 2010) reduced disease course and inflammation in MOG-immunised C57BL/6 mice (Mao et al, 2013). Moreover, an adenovirusbased gene-transfer of SOD2 in mouse EAE (DBA mice immunised with spinal cord homogenate) had neuroprotective effects (Qi et al, 2007). Uric acid , a scavenger of peroxynitrite, reduced clinical signs in EAE (MBP-immunised PLSJL mice) in contrast to ascorbic acid which had no effect (Hooper et al, 1998; Spitsin et al, 2002). Interestingly, MS patients were reported to have lower levels of uric acid in their serum than controls (Hooper et al, 1998). Idebenone, a synthetic analog of coenzyme Q10, was shown to have protective effects in Friedreich´s ataxia and cerebral ischemia (Di Prospero et al, 2007; Rego et al, 1999). In contrast, it had no impact on EAE (in MOG35-55 immunised C57BL/6 mice) (Fiebiger et al, 2013). Nevertheless, oxidative injury plays a role in animal models, as antibodies specific for oxidised phospholipids were detected in MS patients as well as in MOG35-55 immunised C57BL/6 mice (Qin et al, 2007). We did not detect an accumulation of oxidised phospholipids in the majority of the selected models but this does not generally exclude a role of oxidative injury. However, our study reveals a major quantitative difference in the extent of oxidative damage between MS lesions and inflammatory demyelination in animals. This could be explained by a number of differences between rodents and humans. The observation that NADPH oxidases and iNOS are already expressed to a certain extent in the normal human brain, but not in rodents, could be one possibility to explain a higher susceptibility of humans to oxidative damage than rodents. Another point is that laboratory animals are housed under standardised low pathogen conditions avoiding infections and therefore peripheral immune stimulation (Perry & Teeling, 2013). Another important point is that the basic level of microglia activation increases during ageing (Lopes et al, 2008; Streit et al, 2004). Moreover, other age-related factors and the intensifying lesion burden possibly add up to oxidative injury in MS patients. One potential contributing factor could be iron accumulation in oligodendrocytes and myelin during ageing (Hallgren & Sourander, 1958). Iron is proposed to boost oxidative injury occurring in MS lesions when it is liberated from degenerating oligodendrocytes or myelin upon demyelination (Hametner et al, 2013). In our study, iron accumulation is limited to aged rodents and only Discussion 76 detectable in certain areas of the brain such as the brain stem nuclei. In rodent CNS inflammation, we detected iron deposition only in perivascular macrophages, most likely caused by leakage of blood into inflamed areas (Forge et al, 1998). Aged Lewis rats did not differ from young rats regarding EAE course and severity and showed similar amounts of infiltrating macrophages. Aged animals exhibited a lower number of infiltrating T cells but a higher number of APP+ axonal spheroid, which is a measure for neurodegeneration. Although this could be caused by aged-related factors, it cannot be accounted to iron accumulation. Iron does not accumulate during ageing in the spinal cord which is mostly affected by inflammation. Due to the low CNS iron burden of rodents, established animal models are not appropriate to study the effect of iron on the amplification of oxidative injury. New models have been designed to increase the iron load in the rodent CNS, for example ceruloplasmin knockout mice. Ceruloplasmin is a ferroxidase essential for ferroportin-mediated iron export, linked with iron detoxification and management. Ceruloplasmin knockout mice show iron accumulation in astrocytes in the cerebellum at an advanced age which is accompanied by neurodegeneration (Jeong & David, 2006). These animals do not accumulate iron in the non-injured spinal cord. However, upon spinal cord injury, knockout animals showed augmented iron accumulation and radical-mediated injury and reduced functional recovery due to enhanced neurodegeneration (Rathore et al, 2008). Humans bearing a mutation in the gene encoding ceruloplasmin (aceruloplasminemia) accumulate iron in astrocytes and suffer from neurodegeneration. In patients suffering from aceruloplasminemia, oxidative stress is represented by the presence of 4-hydroxynonenal on neurons and astrocytes (Kaneko et al, 2002; Miyajima et al, 1987). Another model associated with iron accumulation is the so-called sex-linked anemia (sla) mouse. Sla mice have, due to a partial deletion, a dysfunctional hephaestin gene. In these animals, spinal cord grey matter oligodendrocytes show increased iron content with ageing, as hephaestin is another ferroxidase indispensable for iron export (Schulz et al, 2011). Iron chelator treatment during EAE was reported to reduce disease severity in different EAE models. Bowern et al. reported disease amelioration due to subcutaneous desferrioxamine treatment before disease onset (in Lewis rats immunised with spinal cord homogenate) (Bowern et al, 1984). Likewise, desferrioxamine injection at the EAE peak in MBP-immunised SJL mice reduced clinical signs (Pedchenko & LeVine, 1998). Oral administration of deferiprone (Mitchell et al, 2007) as well as intramuscular injections of apoferritin (LeVine et al, 2002) reduced disease activity in PLP-immunised SJL mice. This disease-ameliorating effect was ascribed to reduced oxidative stress and immune cell proliferation (Mitchell et al, 2007). The positive effect of iron-scavenging substances in EAE should be translated to MS therapy with reservation, Discussion 77 because the brain iron load and resulting oxidative stress is considerably higher in humans than in rodents. In order to nail down a possible amplification of neurodegeneration by increased iron load, we chose an in vitro approach. It has been reported that purified oligodendrocytes can be loaded with iron in vitro (Rathore et al, 2012; Schulz et al, 2011) and that increased iron levels in oligodendrocytes renders them more vulnerable to cytokine toxicity (Zhang et al, 2005). This was only shown for oligodendrocyte precursors and does not ultimately mean that iron has the same effect on mature oligodendrocytes, demyelination or even on secondary neurodegeneration. This, however, cannot be studied in purified oligodendrocyte cultures. Therefore, we chose the complex cell culture system of myelinating spinal cord cultures. Although we successfully reproduced iron loading in purified oligodendrocytes using iron chloride, the only cell population accumulating iron in the myelinating cultures were microglia. Neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes did not incorporate iron. Iron chloride treatment reduced the number of microglia in these cultures. This is reminiscent of a phenomenon called microglia dystrophy or senescence which was associated with iron toxicity and described in the aged brain, Alzheimer´s and Huntington´s disease (Lopes et al, 2008; Simmons et al, 2007; Streit et al, 2009). Moreover, microglial dystrophy in MS lesions and microglial loss in the center of active lesions were reported in MS (Hametner et al, 2013). Apart from iron chloride, ferritin was shown to be an iron source for oligodendrocytes in vitro and in vivo (Schonberg et al, 2012; Todorich et al, 2011). Similarly to iron chloride loading experiments, ferritin treatments induced iron accumulation only in microglia. In contrast to pure oligodendrocyte cultures (Todorich et al, 2011), oligodendrocytes in the myelinating cultures could not be forced to take up iron or possibly to keep it. Moreover, oligodendrocytes were shown to take up ferritin from macrophages which were preloaded with ferritin and injected into the spinal cord of rats (Schonberg et al, 2012). Possibly, the ferritin-treated myelinating spinal cord cultures were lacking an additional stimulus in order to trigger ferritin uptake in oligodendrocytes. Another explanation for the lack of iron and ferritin accumulation in oligodendrocytes within this particular culture system could be that they shuffle iron according to their needs. They could also lack some factors that in vivo oligodendrocytes have. In order to analyse the iron management properties of myelinating spinal cord cultures, the expression of transferrin and ferritin receptors in the different cell populations has to be characterised. Another factor important factor in MS pathology is the increasing lesion burden. A smouldering activation of microglia may be intensified by retrograde degeneration from distant Discussion 78 chronic lesions. This notion is supported by a study suggesting that cortical areas in the MS brain are more prone to develop new lesions when they are connected with distant former lesions (Kolasinski et al, 2012). However, in case of animal models, even the profound demyelination, axonal loss and retrograde degeneration found in DA rat MOG EAE (Storch et al, 1998) did not induce microglia activation in the normal appearing grey and white matter. The only animal model exhibiting an accumulation of oxidative damage to a similar extent as MS patients was the chronic inflammatory demyelination triggered by intrathecal injection of the MHV-JHM virus. One reason for that could be the profound expression of NADPH oxidases and the resulting production of ROS in the lesions. In the TMEV-infected animals, we found a higher reactivity for E06 (oxidised phospholipids) than in non-susceptible control animals but to a lower degree compared with MHV-JHM virus-infected animals. The MHV-JHM-induced chronic inflammatory demyelination and MS have some aspects in common. The virus causes a chronic progressive inflammatory process leading to extensive lesions of primary demyelination with a variable degree of axonal loss and diffuse damage in the NAWM (Barac-Latas et al, 1997; Zimprich et al, 1991). Similar to MS lesions, CD8+ T cells dominate inflammatory infiltrates (Dandekar et al, 2004; Pewe & Perlman, 2002), which is associated with a high activation level of microglia and macrophages (Wu & Perlman, 1999). In the MHV-JHM- as well as the TMEVmediated disease, we found clusters of activated microglia, commonly called microglia nodules, in the NAWM. Such microglia nodules are typical for MS pathology (Barnett & Prineas, 2004; Prineas et al, 2001; van Horssen et al, 2012). In case of MHV-JHM, many mechanisms of tissue injury have been elucidated involving CD8+and CD4+ T cells (Dandekar et al, 2004; Haring et al, 2001; Pewe et al, 2002; Pewe & Perlman, 2002; Stohlman et al, 2008) and anti-viral antibodies (Lin et al, 1999; Tschen et al, 2002; Zimprich et al, 1991). Similarly, also the TMEV-induced demyelination is characterised by CD8+ T cells (Ruby & Ramshaw, 1991; Zinkernagel & Althage, 1977), NK cells (Paya et al, 1989), antibody secretion (Rodriguez et al, 1988a; Roos et al, 1987), macrophages and TH1 T cells (Lipton et al, 2005). Moreover, a continuous virus infection in the CNS could provide a persistent stimulus for microglia activation via Toll-like receptors. This should be true for both virus models, although lesions in MHV-JHM-infected rats exhibit a higher degree of oxidative damage than TMEV-infected mice. This could be due to a higher infection rate of MHV-JHM, a better persistence of the virus or possibly a difference due to species (rat in MHV-JHM versus mouse in TMEV infection). Nevertheless, the chronicity and long-lasting disease duration of virus-induced models for inflammatory CNS demyelination could provide certain similarities in the pathology compared with MS. Discussion 79 3.2 Conclusion and future prospects In order to promote the development of new MS therapies it is essential to study the constitution and extent of oxidative injury in rodent animal models of inflammatory demyelination and to compare it directly to MS. For that purpose, we studied a broad sample of different acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the rodent CNS relying on identical tools as for the MS tissue. Our work could have an important impact on the design of new therapeutics for MS and the preceding experimental studies. The remarkable differences concerning the mechanisms of tissue injury between established animal models and MS could account for discrepancies in outcome for neuroprotective therapeutics between animals and humans in trials. One possible example for a new therapeutic intervention would be the boost of endogenous anti-oxidant defence mechanisms, for example by Nrf2-mediated pathways. Nrf2-induced transcription of oxidative stress defence mechanisms was suggested to take place in active MS lesions. Apparently, this endogenous response is not able to cope with ROS-induced cellular damage in MS (van Horssen et al, 2010). This strategy could prove to be efficient in established EAE models but not necessarily in situations of profound oxidative injury when endogenous defence mechanisms may be already exhausted. Thus, we propose the design of new experimental animal models reflecting oxidative damage in MS more closely than classic EAE experiments. Possibly, animals suffering from chronic virus-induced demyelination could provide new insights. Additionally, new transgenic animals having a higher base level of microglia activation, for example by overexpressing NADPH oxidases, could improve the situation. Different approaches would be animals with impaired mitochondrial function or profound iron accumulation in the CNS. Apart from rodents, EAE can be induced in nonhuman primates, such as marmoset and rhesus monkeys, by active immunisation with MBP, PLP or MOG. Dependent on the species and the immunisation procedure, EAE in nonhuman primates reflects various clinical signs of MS including acute, relapsing-remitting, primary progressive and secondary progressive disease. In contrast to rodents, monkey colonies are outbred and exhibit a higher variation within experimental groups. Further, they are phylogenetically closer to man than rodents. Marmoset EAE turned out to be a valuable model for the preclinical validation of anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory MS therapies (Gold et al, 2006; t Hart et al, 2000). The characterisation of the nature and the extent of oxidative damage in nonhuman primate EAE could have a major impact on the development of new MS therapies. Materials and Methods 80 4 Materials 4.1 Materials for histology 4.1.1 Buffers Boric acid, 50 mM 0.1545 g boric acid (Merck) was dissolved in distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 8.0 with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Distilled water was added to a final volume of 50 ml. Citrate buffer 10x stock pH 6.0, 10 mM For the stock solution, 21 g citric acid monohydrate (Fluka) were dissolved in distilled water and the pH was adjusted to 6.0 with NaOH. Distilled water was added to a final volume of 1 l. This stock solution (0.1 M) was diluted 1:10 in distilled water for the working buffer (10 mM), which was used for antigen retrieval. Dako buffer For the working solution of Dako buffer 100 ml Dako cytomation wash buffer 10x (Dako, S3006) were diluted with 900 ml distilled water. EDTA buffer 20x stock pH 8.5 1.21 g Tris base (AppliChem, 10 mM) and 0.37 g EDTA (Merck, 1 mM) were dissolved in 50 ml distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 8.5 (or 9.0) with HCl. PBS buffer 4x stock 90 g NaCl (Merck) were dissolved in 2.5 l 0.2 M Sörensen buffer. Sodium acetate buffer pH 4.9, 0.05 M 6.8 g sodium acetate (Merck) were dissolved in distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 4.9 with acetic acid. Distilled water was added to a final volume of 1 l. Materials and Methods 81 Sodium potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.4, 5 mM 0.68 g potassium dihydrogen phosphate (Merck) were dissolved in distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 7.4 with NaOH and distilled water was added to a final volume of 1 l. For homogenization of tissue used for protein analysis (e.g. western blot), 1 µl of 1 M phenylmethylsulfonylfluorid (PMSF) can be added per 1 ml sodium potassium phosphate buffer. Sörensen buffer pH 7.4, 0.2 M 13.8 g NaH2PO4 (Merck) and 71.2 g Na2HPO4 (Merck) were dissolved in 2.5 l distilled water. TBS 20x stock, 1 M 60.57 g Tris base (AppliChem) and 180 g NaCl (Merck) were dissolved in 500 ml distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 7.5 with 400 ml 1M HCl (Fluka). Distilled water was added to a final volume of 1 l. TBS/CaCl2 (2 mM) 0.294 g CaCl2 were mixed with 50 ml TBS 20x stock and 950ml distilled water. TBS/CaCl2 was stored at 37 °C for proteinase K digestion. Tris/HCl buffer pH 8.5, 0.1 M 12.1 g Tris base (AppliChem) were dissolved in distilled water and the pH was adjusted to 8.5 with HCl. Distilled water was added to a total volume of 1 l. Tris/HCl (0.1 M) buffer was stored at 37 °C for fast blue development. 4.1.2 Stock solutions and developing agents Amino ethylcarbazole reagent (AEC) developing agent The AEC stock solution was prepared by dissolving 780 mg AEC (Sigma-Aldrich) in 45 ml dimethylformamide (DMF, can be stored up to 2 months at 4 °C). After thoroughly rinsing the slides with distilled water, 1.15 ml AEC stock were added to 50 ml sodium acetate buffer pH 4.9. Finally, 25 µl H2O2 were added and the development was performed without prior filtration of the solution. Materials and Methods 82 CSA stock solution CSA stock was prepared by dissolving 15 mg sulpho-NHS-LC-Biotin (Pierce, 21335) in 6 ml borate buffer. 4.5 mg tyramine (Sigma, T-7255) were added and the solution was stirred overnight at RT. The solution was filtered with a 0.45 µm filter and small aliquots were stored at 20°C. DAB developing agent For the 3,3’-diaminobenzidine (DAB) stock solution, 1 g DAB (Fluka, 32750) was dissolved in 40 ml PBS buffer and stored at -20 °C in 1 ml aliquots. The DAB working solution for one cuvette comprised of 1 ml DAB stock solution for 50 ml PBS. After filtration, 16.5 µl H2O2 were added. DTPA 100x stock, 5 mM 197 mg diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (DTPA, Sigma-Aldrich, D1133) were dissolved in distilled water. The pH was adjusted to 7.4 with NaOH and distilled water was added for a final volume of 100 ml. For chelating extracellular iron, the 100x stock was diluted in medium and cells were incubated for 5 min at RT. Eosin solution For the eosin 10x stock solution, 10 g Eosin Y (Merck) were dissolved in 100 ml distilled water. For the working eosin solution, 2.5 ml eosin 10x stock solution were diluted with 250 ml distilled water and with 12 drops of glacial acetic acid (Fluka). Fast blue developing agent 4% NaNO2 was prepared by dissolving 0.2 g NaNO2 (Merck) in 5 ml distilled water (can be stored for 2 weeks at RT). For 100 ml fast blue working solution, 100 ml Tris/HCl were maintained at 37 °C. 12.5 mg naphtol-AS-MX (Sigma) were dissolved in 615 µl dimethylformamide (Fluka) and mixed with the Tris/HCl buffer. Next, 25 mg fast blue salt (Sigma) were mixed with 615 µl 2N HCl (Merck) and 615 µl 4% NaNO2. This was added to the Tris/HCl mixture and stirred until the solution was clear. The fast blue mixture was filtrated. At last, 154 μl of levamisole (1 M in Tris/HCl, Sigma) were added. The sections were developed at 37°C. Materials and Methods 83 Geltol mounting medium Sections developed with fast blue or AEC were mounted with geltol. The geltol solution was prepared by thorough mixing of 6 g glycerine (Life Technologies) with 2.4 g mowiol (Calbiochem) in 6 ml distilled water. 12 ml 0.2 M Tris/HCl buffer were added and the solution was stirred for 10 minutes at 50 °C. The solution was centrifuged for 15 minutes at 5000 x g and stored at -20 °C. (For mounting of fluorescent stainings, 2.1 g gallate (Sigma) were dissolved in 10 ml geltol.) HCl/ethanol 0.5 ml concentrated HCl were added to 100 ml 70% ethanol. Iron detection reagent (Ferrocene assay) The iron detection reagent contained 7.04 g ascorbate (Sigma-Aldrich), 7.76g ammonium acetate (Merck), 64 mg ferrocene (Fluka, 82950) and 64 mg neocuproine (Sigma-Aldrich). First, ascorbate and ammonium acetate had to be dissolved in distilled water. Subsequently, ferrocene and neucuproine were added ant distilled water was added to a total volume of 20 ml. Luxol fast blue (LFB) and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining solutions The 0.1% LFB solution was prepared by dissolving 1 g Luxol Fast Blue (Chroma) in 1 l 96% ethanol overnight at 57 °C. The 0.1% lithium carbonate solution was made by dissolving 1 g lithium carbonate (Merck) in 1 l distilled water. For the periodic acid, 4 g periodic acid (Merck) were solved in 500 ml distilled water. For the sulfite solution, 5 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl, Fluka) were mixed with 20 ml 10% potassium disulfite (Fluka) and 500 ml distilled water. Methanol/H2O2 1 ml H2O2 (30%) was added to 150 ml methanol. Proteinase K solution 10 mg proteinase K (Sigma, P0390) were dissolved in 1 ml TBS and 100 µl aliquots were stored at -20 °C. For the digestion of snap-frozen and acetone/PFA-fixed slides, 50 µl proteinase K were mixed in 50 ml warm (37 °C) TBS/CaCl2. Materials and Methods 84 Scott’s solution 2 g potassium hydrogen carbonate (Merck) and 20 g magnesium sulphate heptahydrate (Merck) were dissolved in a final volume of 1000 ml distilled water. 4.2 Media for cell cultures 4.2.1 Media for T cells Restimulation medium for T cells RPMI-1640 (Lonza, BE12-167F) 1% non-essential amino acids (Gibco, 11140-035) 1% L-glutamine (Lonza, BE17-605E) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Lonza, DE17-602E) 1% sodium-pyruvate (Gibco, 11360-039) 1% rat serum (own stock) 300 µl β-mercaptoethanol stock/100 ml medium (for the stock, Sigma-Aldrich 99% βmercaptoethanol was diluted in RPMI-1640 1:500) TCGF medium for T cells RPMI-1640 (Lonza) 10% FCS (PAA, S0115) 10% supernatant of IL-2 producing MLA-IL-2-cells (own stock) 1% non-essential amino acids (Gibco) 1% L-glutamine (Invitrogen) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Lonza) 1% sodium-pyruvate (Gibco) 0.3% β-mercaptoethanol (as described above) Freezing medium for T cells 45% RPMI-1640 (Lonza) 45% FCS (PAA) 10% DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich) Materials and Methods 85 4.2.2 Media for glial cells Mixed glia medium for microglia isolation RPMI-1640 (Lonza, BE12-167F) 10% FCS (PAA, S0115) 1% L-glutamine (Lonza, BE17-605E) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Lonza, DE17-602E) Mixed glia medium for oligodendrocyte isolation DMEM (Lonza, BE12-709F) 10% Horse Serum (HS, PAA, B02309-7031) 1% L-glutamine (Lonza) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Lonza) Digestion medium 2.5 mg/ml papain (Sigma-Aldrich, P4762) 240 µg/ml L-cystein (Sigma-Aldrich, C7352) 40 µg/ml DNAse I (Roche Diagnostics, 104159) In HBSS (Lonza) 1 ml aliquots were stored at -20 °C. Sato medium 16.1 µg/ml putrescine (Sigma-Aldrich, P5780) 60 ng/ml progesterone (Sigma, P0130) 100 µg/ml BSA (PAA) 0.5 ng/ml sodium selenite (Sigma-Aldrich, S5261) 400 ng/ml tri-iodothyroxine (Sigma-Aldrich, T6397) 400 ng/ml L-thyroxine (Sigma-Aldrich, T1775) 50 µg/ml transferrin (Sigma-Aldrich, T8158) 5 µg/ml insulin (Sigma-Aldrich, I1882) 0.5% horse serum (PAA) 1% L-glutamine (Invitrogen) in DMEM (Lonza) Aliquots of stock solutions were stored at -20 °C except for transferrin and insulin that were dissolved immediately before medium preparation. Materials and Methods 86 Neurosphere medium (NSM) DMEM/F12 (Invitrogen, 21331-020) Hormone Mix (own 10x stock) 0.6% glucose (Sigma-Aldrich) 0.1% NaHCO3 (Sigma-Aldrich) 5 mM HEPES (Sigma-Aldrich) 1% L-glutamine (Invitrogen) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Invitrogen) 0.01 % BSA (Sigma-Aldrich) Hormone mix 10x 250 ml DMEM/F12 supplemented with: 250 mg apo-human transferrin (Sigma-Aldrich, I-9278) 25 ml of the mixture of 6.25 ml human recombinant insulin (Sigma-Aldrich, I-9278) plus 19.75 ml distilled water 25 ml putrescine (9.6 µg/ml in distilled water, Sigma-Aldrich, 7505) 25 µl selenium (0.5 mg/ml in distilled water, Sigma-Aldrich, S-9133) 25 µl progesterone (0.625 mg/ml in 95% ethanol, Sigma-Aldrich, P6149) 0.6% glucose (Sigma-Aldrich, G7021) 0.1% NaHCO3 (Sigma-Aldrich, S5761) 5 mM HEPES (Sigma-Aldrich, H4034) The 10x stock hormone mix was stored in 25 ml aliquots at -80 °C. Astrocyte medium DMEM (1 g/l glucose, Invitrogen, 21885-025) 10% FCS (Sigma-Aldrich, F9665) 0.5% L-glutamine (Invitrogen) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Invitrogen) SD solution (soybean trypsin inhibitor) 25 ml Leibovitz L15 medium (Invitrogen, 11415-049) were supplemented with: 13 mg trypsin hinhibitor (Sigma-Aldrich, T9003) 1 mg DNAse I (Sigma-Aldrich, D4263) 75 mg BSA (Sigma-Aldrich) The solution was sterile filtrated and 2 ml aliquots were stored at -20 °C. Materials and Methods 87 Plating medium DMEM (4.5 g/l glucose, Invitrogen, 61965-026) 25% Horse serum (Sigma-Aldrich, H1270) 25% HBSS (Invitrogen) 1% L-glutamine (Invitrogen) Differentiation medium (DM) DMEM (4.5 g/l glucose) 1 µg/ml Biotin (Sigma-Aldrich, B4501) 0.5% N1 supplement (Sigma-Aldrich, N6530) 50 nM hydrocortisone (Sigma-Aldrich, H0396) 10 µg/ml Insulin (Sigma-Aldrich, I1882) 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Invitrogen) 5 Methods 5.1 MS patients The stainings were performed on archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of MS patients collected at the Centre for Brain Research during the last three decades. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Medical University of Vienna (EK. No. 535/2004 and 213/06/2013). The MS study cohort contained autopsy tissues from 15 controls and 24 MS cases, including 8 acute MS patients, 3 relapsing remitting MS (RRMS) patients, 6 secondary progressive MS (SPMS) patients and 7 primary progressive MS (PPMS) patients. The corresponding clinical data of MS patients and controls are depicted in Table 2. Materials and Methods 88 Table 2: Clinical data of MS cases and controls of the study cohort. case number age (years) sex clinical course MS MS 1 34 f acute disease duration (months) 4 MS 2 35 m acute 1.5 MS 3 45 m acute 0.6 MS 4 45 m acute 0.2 MS 5 51 f acute 5 MS 6 52 m acute 1.5 MS 7 78 m acute 2 MS 8 69 f acute 1 MS 9 44 f RRMS 261 MS 10 40 f RRMS 120 MS 11 57 f RRMS 156 MS 12 46 f SPMS 444 MS 13 56 m SPMS 372 MS 14 41 m SPMS 137 MS 15 61 f SPMS 288 MS 16 62 f SPMS 144 MS 17 34 m SPMS 120 MS 18 77 f PPMS 168 MS 19 55 f PPMS 60 MS 20 67 m PPMS 87 MS 21 53 m PPMS 168 MS 22 34 f PPMS 204 MS 23 54 f PPMS 72 MS 24 71 f PPMS 264 control 1 97 f - - control 2 65 m - - control 3 92 f - - control 4 71 f - - control 5 80 f - - control 6 71 f - - control 7 72 m - - control 8 88 f - - control 9 83 m - - control 10 46 m - - control 11 36 f - - control 12 39 f - - control 13 42 f - - control 14 30 f - - control 15 37 m MS = multiple sclerosis; f = female; m = male; RRMS = relapsing-remitting MS; SPMS = secondary progressive MS; PPMS = primary progressive MS Materials and Methods 89 5.2 Experimental models For the analysis of rodent models of MS-like inflammatory demyelination in the CNS, we used rat tissue from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) experiments performed in our lab and rat and mouse tissue from former studies performed in collaboration with our group, as stated in the corresponding sections below. Tissues containing inflammatory lesions with active demyelination or neurodegeneration were selected from a larger collection of archival material. They were defined by the presence of macrophages with early myelin or neuronal degradation products. The following experimental models were analysed: 5.2.1 CD4+ T cell-mediated EAE in Lewis rats Lewis rats were bred and housed under standardised conditions in the Decentral Facilities of the Institute for Biomedical Research at the Medical University of Vienna. All animals had access to food and water ad libitum. Our experiments were approved by the ethic commission of the Medical University of Vienna and performed with the license of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research. Immunisation with MBP/CFA and T cell line preparation Lewis rats aged 8-10 weeks were immunised subcutaneously at the base of tail with 200 µl of a 1:1 mixture of myelin basic protein (MBP) (2 mg/ml in RPMI-1640; guinea pig myelin basic protein, Sigma-Aldrich) and complete Freund´s adjuvants (CFA; incomplete Freund´s adjuvants (IFA) supplemented with 4 mg/ml mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra (Difco Laboratories)) under isoflurane (Abbott) anaesthesia. MBP-specific T cell lines were established as described (Aboul-Enein et al, 2006; BenNun et al, 1981). Shortly summarized, animals were sacrificed with an overdose of CO2 9-11 days after immunisation. The draining lymph nodes were collected, dissociated through a mesh (100 µm mesh size) and taken up in 5 ml restimulation medium containing 10 µg/ml MBP antigen and seeded in 60 mm dishes. The cells were maintained at 37 °C and 5% CO2. For propagation of MBP-specific T cells, cells from the primary culture were transferred to 100 mm dishes and 5-10 ml TCGF medium was added. This was done after 1-2 days of primary culture when the cells had formed clusters and increased in size. In TCGF medium, the cells underwent a proliferation phase. The end of this growth phase was noticed by the lack of cell clusters and smaller size. At this point, the cells were restimulated. Materials and Methods 90 For T cell restimulation, thymocytes were isolated from Lewis rats aged 8-10 weeks. The thymus was excised and dissociated through a mesh (100 µm mesh size). Cells were collected in RPMI-1640 and irradiated with 3000 rad in order to prevent thymocyte overgrowth of the T cell culture. Finally, freshly isolated thymocytes were centrifuged, taken up in restimulation medium and adjusted to a density of 1-1.5 x 107 cells/ml. Prior to restimulation, the cultured T cells were centrifuged, resuspended in restimulation medium and adjusted to a cell number of 1-1.5 x 106 cells/ml. Finally, 1 ml of thymocyte suspension was added to 4 ml of T cell suspension in a 60 mm dish including 10 µg/ml MBP antigen. The MBP-specific T cells were again activated noticeable by an increase in size and formation of clusters after approximately 48 hours. At this stage, the cells could be used for T cell transfer into rats to induce EAE, for further T cell propagation or frozen for later EAE induction. For freezing, T cells were harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in freezing medium. Cryopreservation was performed using a cell freezing container with isopropyl alcohol at -80 °C. Subsequently, cells were stored in liquid nitrogen. Induction of MBP-specific T cell EAE in Lewis rats EAE was induced in female Lewis rats by passive transfer (intraperitoneal injection) of 4.5 x 106 activated MBP-specific T cells in RPMI-1640. The clinical scores and body weight were monitored daily. Clinical signs were accessed according to following criteria: 0 = no clinical signs, 0.5 = partial loss of tail tonus; 1 = complete loss of tail tonus; 2 = hind limb weakness; 3 = complete hind limb paralysis (termination criterion); 4 = hind and fore limb paralysis; 5 = moribund. Animals were sacrificed by an overdose of CO2 and perfused with 4% phosphatebuffered paraformaldehyde (PFA). Brain, spinal cord and organs were dissected and post-fixed for 18 h in PFA. The PFA-fixed samples were routinely embedded in paraffin. Brain and lumbar spinal cord tissue was analysed at the peak (6 days) and at the recovery phase (12 days) after T cell transfer. 5.2.2 Chronic relapsing MOG EAE in DA rats Archival material originating from collaboration studies with Prof. Maria Storch was analysed. Chronic relapsing EAE was induced by active sensitisation with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG 1-125) in complete Freund’s adjuvant in dark agouti (DA) rats as published (Storch et al, 1998). Chronic active lesions in the spinal cord from the first bout or subsequent relapses occurring 12 to 55 days after sensitization were studied in the current Materials and Methods 91 project. This model is characterised by a chronic stage with large confluent plaques of demyelination, loss of oligodendrocytes and a variable extent of axonal injury in parallel with very early perivenous lesions. Tissue injury is known to be triggered by encephalitogenic CD4+ T cells and amplified by demyelinating anti-MOG antibodies (Lorentzen et al, 1995; Weissert et al, 1998). 5.2.3 Chronic relapsing MOG EAE in C57BL/6 mice Chronic relapsing EAE in C57BL/6 mice was induced in the lab of Prof. Lesley Probert and was used for collaborative studies (Taoufik et al, 2011). C57BL/6 mice were actively sensitised with rat MOG35-55 peptide together with complete Freund’s adjuvant. Additionally, mice were intraperitoneally injected with pertussis toxin on days 0 and 2 after MOG-immunization. Typically, clinical disease started 10 days after immunization and continuously increased the following 3 weeks. The early disease phases (around day 10 to 18 after immunization), was characterised by perivenous inflammation by T cells related with microglia activation and macrophage infiltration. Around 20 days after immunization, the animals developed profound demyelinating lesions, which grew in size and number until day 34. Demyelination was accompanied with axonal injury and loss. In the current study, we included animals from day 21, 27 and 34 after immunization. 5.2.4 Acute CD8+ T cell-mediated EAE Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis was induced by passive transfer of + hemagglutinin-reactive CD8 T cells into transgenic BALB/c mice expressing hemagglutinin specifically in oligodendrocytes. This was performed by the group of Prof. Roland Liblau (Saxena et al, 2008) and histological analysis of CNS tissue was performed in collaboration with our group. In the current study, brain and spinal cord were analysed during the active phase of inflammation and demyelination 9 to 28 days after T cell transfer. Inflammation was shown to be induced by the infiltration of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells leading to profound microglia activation, direct T cell-mediated killing of oligodendrocytes and demyelination (Saxena et al, 2008). 5.2.5 LPS injection-induced inflammation LPS-injections into spinal cord of SD rats were performed by the group of Prof. Kenneth Smith (Felts et al, 2005) and spinal cord specimens were used in former collaboration studies Materials and Methods 92 (Sharma et al, 2010). Acute demyelinating myelitis was established by focal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into the dorsal column of the spinal cord of Sprague Dawley (SD) rats leading to focal inflammation in the dorsal column 12 to 24 hours after LPS injection. The disease started with an inflammatory phase, which was followed by a demyelinating phase where focal demyelinated lesions with relative axonal preservation appeared. This was associated with massive microglia activation and macrophage recruitment. The peak of active demyelination occurred 9-12 days after disease induction. In our study, tissue from the inflammatory as well as the demyelinating phase of the disease was analysed. Control animals were injected with saline instead of LPS and sampled in the same way as LPS-injected animals. 5.2.6 Curpizone-induced demyelination Cuprizone-induced demyelination experiments were performed by the group of Prof. Annemarie van Dam (Van Strien et al, 2011). Active demyelination was induced by a 0.2% cuprizone (bis-cyclohexanone oxaldihydrazone)-supplemented diet in C57BL/6 mice. In our study, archival material of animals 35 days after the initiation of the cuprizone diet was studied. At this stage of the disease active demyelination of the corpus callosum was observed. 5.2.7 Mouse hepatitis virus strain JHM (MHV-JHM) coronavirus-mediated demyelinating disease Chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease was induced by intracerebral infection of Lewis rats with MHV-JHM coronavirus. These experiments were done in collaboration with Prof. Helmut Wege (Barac-Latas et al, 1997; Korner et al, 1991; Wege et al, 1998; Zimprich et al, 1991). The virus infection caused different disease courses. One group of animals was suffering from an acute inflammatory disease mainly affecting the grey matter of the CNS with pronounced virus antigen expression in neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Other animals showed a late-onset type of disease reflected either by a chronic panencephalitis affecting grey and white matter, or a chronic inflammatory demyelinating encephalomyelitis mainly involving the brain stem and the spinal cord white matter. At these late stages of the disease, the virus antigen was primarily seen in glial cells (Zimprich et al, 1991). In the present study, we analysed animals with active lesions from all disease stages between 30 and 60 days after infection (Barac-Latas et al, 1997). Materials and Methods 93 5.2.8 Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus (TMEV)-mediated demyelinating disease Chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease was induced by intracerebral inoculation of mice with the Daniels (DA) strain of Theiler´s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). The stainings were performed on experimental material from our collaborators Dr. Claudia Lucchinetti and Prof. Moses Rodriguez (Drescher et al, 1998; Rodriguez et al, 1986; Rodriguez et al, 1988a; Rodriguez et al, 1988b). TMEV injections were performed with SJL mice that are susceptible for the virus infection (Drescher et al, 1997; Lipton, 1975; Rodriguez et al, 1983). Animals were sacrificed at different time points after virus injection (days post injection = dpi, 3, 7, 14, 21, 35, 45, 90, 120, 180, 220). For control reason, injections were also performed in not susceptible C57BL/6 mice (Drescher et al, 1997) which were analysed 45 dpi. 5.2.9 Control animals In order to validate the stainings on diseased animals, brain, spinal cord and lymphatic tissues of untreated young and aged Lewis rats, untreated and saline-injected SD rats and DA rats and C57BL/6 mice without inflammatory lesions were analysed. 5.3 Histology Experimental material was routinely fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) and embedded in paraffin. Neuropathological evaluation was based on haematoxylin/eosin and Luxol Fast blue myelin stains and Bielschowsky silver impregnation. Inflammation was evaluated by immunohistochemistry for CD3. Macrophage activation was analysed using antibodies against Iba-1 (human, rat and mouse tissue), CD68 (human), ED1 (rat) and Mac-3 (mouse). Demyelination was assessed by immunohistochemistry for myelin basic protein (MBP). For the detection of oxidative injury, four different markers were used: E06 (recognising oxidised phospholipids), p22phox (subunit of NADPH oxidase complexes), iNOS (Nos2; inducible nitric oxide synthase) and 3,3’-diaminobenzidine (DAB)-enhanced Turnbull reaction (non-heme tissue iron). Materials and Methods 94 5.3.1 Immunohistochemistry General staining protocol Immunohistochemistry was performed on 5 µm sections as was previously described (Bauer et al, 2007; King et al, 1997). Sections were deparaffinised for 2x 15 min in xylene, rinsed twice in 96% ethanol and endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked in Methanol/H2O2 for 30 min. Then, the sections were rehydrated via 90%, 70% and 50% ethanol series and finally rinsed in distilled water. Prior to staining, antigen retrieval was performed in a steamer for 60 min in plastic cuvettes. Antigen retrieval procedures and primary antibodies are listed in Table 3. After washing with TBS, non-specific antibody binding was blocked by incubating the sections with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS, Lonza) in Dako buffer (Dako) for 20 min. Primary antibodies were applied in 10% FCS/Dako buffer at 4 °C overnight. After washing with TBS, secondary antibodies (Table 4) were applied for 1 h at room temperature (RT) in 10% FCS/Dako buffer. Finally, the sections were incubated with avidin peroxidase (1:100, Sigma Aldrich, A3151) in 10% FCS/Dako buffer for 1 h at RT. Antibody binding was routinely visualised using the chromogen DAB (Sigma-Aldrich). The reaction was stopped by rinsing the sections in tab water. The sections were then counterstained with haematoxylin (Merck) for 20 sec, rinsed in tap water and differentiated with HCl/ethanol and Scott´s solution. Finally, the sections were rinsed in tap water, dehydrated via 50%, 70% and 90% ethanol series and n-butyl acetate and mounted in eukitt (Gröpl Elektronenmikroskopie) under glass coverslips. To validate the staining results, appropriate primary antibody positive controls and blanks were used. In case of CD3 antibody, the staining was amplified with biotinylated tyramine enhancement (CSA) (Bauer et al, 2007; King et al, 1997). After the avidin peroxidase step, the slides were incubated for 20 min with CSA (stock 1:1000) in PBS with H2O2 (1:1000). Slides were rinsed in PBS followed by a second incubation with avidin peroxidase 1:100 for 30 min. Finally, the staining was developed with DAB. Materials and Methods 95 Table 3: Primary antibodies and antigen retrieval procedures for immunohistochemistry Antibody Origin Target Dilution Antigen retrieval Source 8OHdG goat (pAB) 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (oxidised DNA) 1:500 St (E)* Abcam, ab10802 APP mouse (mAb) amyloid precursor protein 1:1000 St (C) CD3 rabbit (mAb) T cells 1:2000 St (E) CD68 mouse (mAb) phagocytic macrophages 1:100 St (E) DA virus rabbit (pAB) virus antigen 1:200 0 E06 mouse (mAb) oxidised phospholipids 1:200 0 ED1 mouse (mAb) rat CD68 1:1000 St (E) GFAP rabbit (pAB) 1:3000 St (E) Iba-1 rabbit (pAb) glial fibrillary acidic protein ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 1:3000 St (E) rabbit (pAb) inducible nitric oxide synthase 1:30000 St (E) rabbit (pAb) inducible nitric oxide synthase 1:375 St (C) Mac-3 rat (pAb) mouse CD68 1:200 St (C) MBP N 556 Ox8 rabbit (pAb) mouse (mAb) mouse (mAb) myelin basic protein virus nucleocapsid anti-rat CD8 1:2500 1:50 1:400 0 0 0 p22phox rabbit (pAb) NADPH oxidase protein 1:100 St (C) TPPP/p25 rat (pAB) tubulin polymerization promoting protein 1:3000 St (E) iNOS antihuman iNOS antirat Chemicon; MAB348 Neomarkers; RM9107 Dako; M0814 Stained by Mayo Clinic Avanti; 330001 Serotec; MCA341R Dako; Z0334 Wako Chemicals; 019-19741 Chemicon; AB5384 Chemicon; AB1631 Serotec; MCA2293FB Dako; A0623 Wege et al, 1984 Seralab; MAS041 Santa Cruz Biotech; sc-20781 Hoftberger et al, 2010 0 = no antigen retrieval; St = steaming using the indicated buffer for 1 h, C = citrate buffer (pH 6.0), E = EDTA buffer (pH 8.6); mAb = monoclonal antibody; pAb = polyclonal antibody Antibodies were used for human, rat and mouse tissue with the following exceptions: CD68 for human, ED1 and Ox8 for rat, Mac-3 for mouse tissue and iNOS anti rat for rat and mouse. * For 8OHdG staining of snap-frozen tissue, the slides were pre-treated with proteinase K. Table 4: Secondary antibodies for immunohistochemistry Antibody Dilution Source biotinylated anti-mouse from sheep 1:500 Jackson ImmunoResearch, 515-065-003 biotinylated anti-rabbit from donkey 1:2000 Jackson ImmunoResearch, 711-065-152 biotinylated anti-sheep/goat from donkey 1:200 Amersham/ Healthcare RPN 1025 biotinylated anti-rat from donkey 1:1500 Jackson ImmunoResearch, 712-065-156 alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antimouse from donkey 1:200 Jackson ImmunoResearch, 715-055-151 Materials and Methods 96 E06 staining for oxidised phospholipids The sections were deparaffinised for 2x 15 min in xylene and rehydrated via 90%, 70% and 50% ethanol series and finally rinsed in distilled water. The sections were rinsed in phosphate buffer (PB)/Tween20 (PB/Tween, Sörensen buffer plus 0.05% Tween20 (Dako). Nonspecific antibody binding was blocked by incubating the sections for 20 min in Dako REALTM antibody diluent (Dako, S2022). After washing with PB, further blocking was performed using the avidin-biotin-blocking system from Dako (Dako, X0590). Avidin was blocked for 10 min by incubation with avidin-block (1:100 in PB) followed by 10 min biotin-block (1:10 in PB). The slides were rinsed with PB and the E06 primary antibody was applied in Dako-diluent at 4 °C overnight. After washing with PB/Tween, endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked in 3% H2O2 in PB for 10 min. After rinsing with PB/Tween, biotinylated secondary antibody was applied for 30 min at RT in Dako-diluent. After washing in PB/Tween, the sections were incubated with avidin-conjugated horse radish peroxidase complex (1:1000, Sigma-Aldrich, S2438) in PB for 30 min at RT. Antibody binding was routinely visualised using the chromogen DAB. For counterstaining, dehydration and mounting, the general protocol for immunohistochemistry was followed. Double stainings Double stainings were performed as previously described (Haider et al, 2011; Marik et al, 2007). For double labelling of E06 and TPPP/p25 for oligodendrocytes or GFAP for astrocytes, E06 staining was basically performed as described in the general protocol for immunohistochemistry but without antigen retrieval through steaming. E06 primary antibody was applied, followed by alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-mouse secondary antibody (1:200, Jackson ImmunoResearch) incubation and fast blue development (blue reaction product; see materials part). For antigen retrieval of TPPP/p25 and GFAP, the sections were steamed in EDTA buffer followed by TPPP/p25 or GFAP primary antibody application, species-specific biotinylated anti-rat (1:1500, Jackson ImmunoResearch) or anti-rabbit antibody (1:2000, Jackson ImmunoResearch), avidin-peroxidase incubation and development in amino ethylcarbazole reagent (AEC, red reaction product). In case of E06 double staining with APP, E06 primary antibody incubation was followed by alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-mouse secondary antibody and fast blue development. For antigen retrieval of APP, the sections were steamed in citrate buffer, followed by APP Materials and Methods 97 primary antibody application, biotinylated secondary antibody (1:500, Jackson ImmunoResearch) and avidin-peroxidase incubation and AEC development. Double labelling of Ox8 and ED1 was performed starting with ED1 primary antibody application, biotinylated secondary antibody and avidin-peroxidase incubation and DAB development, following the general immunohistochemistry protocol. Subsequently, the sections were incubated with Ox8 primary antibody which was followed by alkaline phosphataseconjugated anti-mouse secondary antibody and fast blue development. In this case, no intermediary steaming step was necessary, as DAB blocks all prior antibody sites. Quantification of immunohistochemistry Quantification of immunohistochemistry was performed by manual counting of CD3+ cells or APP+ axonal spheroids. ED1+, Iba-1+, p22phox+, iNOS+ or iron-positive macrophages and microglia were quantified by densitometric analysis of pictures taken under standardised conditions (identical microscope settings controlled by white balance values, gain 1.2 and exposure time of 6 ms) with a Reichert Polyvar 2 microscope using Nikon NIS-Elements D3.10. Area fraction was determined using ImageJ. E06 and iron stainings were quantified by taking pictures under the same standardised conditions. Optical density was determined by ImageJ after converting the pictures to 8-bit, inverting and setting the scale to 1024 = 1. The stainings were quantified from equally sized regions of interest in all cases. The following macros were designed to optimise quantification of area fraction using ImageJ. The macro “Maske” was designed to determine the total number of spinal cord pixels. The macro “Analyze objects” was used to select the positively stained cells and determine their pixel counts. macro "Analyze objects [y]" { a = getInfo("image.filename"); run("Colour Deconvolution", "vectors=[H DAB]"); b = a+"-(Colour_2)"; selectWindow(b); //print(b); run("8-bit"); run("Invert"); run("Set Measurements...", " mean redirect=None decimal=3"); run("Measure"); wert = getResult("Mean", (nResults-1)); //print(wert); run("Subtract...", "value=wert"); run("Invert LUT"); setThreshold(60, 255); run("Analyze Particles...", "size=0-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Outlines display summarize"); Materials and Methods 98 } macro "Maske [1]" { run("8-bit"); run("Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"); run("Invert"); run("Invert LUT"); setThreshold(60,255); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Fill Holes"); run("Create Selection"); run("Set Measurements...", "area mean integrated redirect=None decimal=3"); run("Measure"); } Pre-absorption of p22phox antibody In order to reduce unspecific neuronal stainings caused by the primary antibody for p22phox on rodent tissue, a pre-absorption of the antibody with Lewis rat cortex was performed. 300 mg cortex were homogenised per 1 ml TBS. The antibody was diluted in the homogenate 1:100 and incubated at 37 °C for 1 h in a rotating hybridisation oven. Then, the homogenate was centrifuged for 10 min at 300 g. The supernatant was directly used for primary antibody incubation. 5.3.2 Histochemistry Haematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E) Sections were deparaffinised 2x 15 min in xylene and rehydrated via 90%, 70% and 50% ethanol series and finally rinsed in distilled water. The sections were incubated in haematoxylin (Merck) for 5 min and rinsed in tap water. Then, the staining was differentiated in HCl/ethanol and rinsed again in tap water. The sections were incubated in Scott´s solution for 5 min and after another wash in tap water counterstained with eosin solution for 5 min. Finally, dehydration was performed in ascending series of ethanol and n-butyl acetate. Sections were mounted in Eukit (Gröpl Elektronenmikroskopie) with glass coverslips. Luxol fast blue myelin stain Sections were deparaffinised and rehydrated as described above. They were incubated in 0.1% LFB solution overnight at 56 °C. After cooling to RT, the slides were washed in 96 % Materials and Methods 99 ethanol and rinsed in tap water. This was followed by 5 min incubation in 0.1% lithium carbonate for 5 min and differentiation in 70% ethanol (Differentiation is finished when only myelin sheaths remain stained.). After rinsing the sections in tap water, they were placed in 0.8% periodic acid for 10 min, rinsed in tap water and incubated in Schiff´s reagent (Merck) for 20 min. At last, sections were treated with sulfit solution 2 times for 3 min. After rinsing the sections for 10 min in running tap water, they were dehydrated and mounted as described above. Histochemistry for non-heme tissue iron Basically, the DAB-enhanced Turnbull blue staining (TBB) protocol was applied as described (Meguro et al, 2007). Paraffin sections were deparaffinised and incubated in ammonium sulphide (1:10 dilution in distilled water; Merck; ammonium sulphide should not be stored longer than 6 months) for 90 min. Thereby, all Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+. After thorough rinsing in distilled water, the sections were treated with an aqueous solution of 10% potassium ferricyanide (Merck) in 0.5% HCl, giving rise to the insoluble blue complex called Turnbull Blue. Endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked in methanol with 0.01 M sodium azide and 0.3% hydrogen peroxide for 60 min. Finally, the staining signal from Turnbull Blue was enhanced by a 20 min incubation in 0.025% DAB and 0.0005% H2O2 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer. This protocol was established for PFA-fixed and TritonX-permeabilised cell cultures or frozen sections. The treatments can be basically performed as described above with the exception that endogenous peroxidases are blocked in PBS with sodium azide and 0.3% H2O2 instead of methanol. Iron-treated cells and control cells were washed with 5 µM DTPA in medium for 5 min at RT in order to chelate extracellular iron. For cell culture double-stainings for iron and cellular markers, the iron staining was performed until the peroxidase blocking. Subsequently, the antibody staining was performed and finally the iron staining was enhanced with DAB. 5.3.3 In vitro oxidation of native fresh frozen tissue sections Although the antibodies recognising the E06 (oxidised phospholipids) and the 8OHdG (8Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine, oxidised DNA) epitopes had been used before in rodent tissue, we tested if the epitope could be produced and detected with similar sensitivity and specificity in rodent tissue in our experimental settings. Wild-type Lewis rats were perfused with phosphate buffer and brains were snap-frozen in pre-cooled isopentane. Sections (7 µm) were cut and stored at -20 °C. For producing the E06 and 8OHdG epitopes, we used iron-induced oxidative Materials and Methods 100 damage in vitro. Fe2+/ascorbate- and H2O2-induced lipid peroxidation was performed similarly as described (Ribeiro et al, 2007; Takatsu et al, 2009). The sections were treated overnight at 37 °C with 20 µM FeSO4 (Merck), 1 mM ascorbate (Sigma Aldrich) and 500 µM tbH2O2 (Luperox Sigma Aldrich) in TBS buffer. DNA oxidation was performed in a similar way using additionally FeCl3/glutathione (GSH, 3 µM FeCl3 and 15 mM GSH) as a free-radical generating system as described (Lodovici et al, 2001). After in vitro oxidation, the slides were fixed in cold acetone/0.1% PFA at 4 °C for 20 min. In case of E06, this was followed by delipidation in 50%, 70% and 90% increasing ethanol series and xylene, each for 15 min. Subsequently, rehydration was performed by going through decreasing ethanol series. In case of 8OHdG, the sections were pre-treated with proteinase K for 15 min at 37 °C. Subsequently, the slides were blocked in 0.1 % BSA/TBS for 20 min and primary antibodies for E06 and 8OHdG were applied overnight. Endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked in 3% H2O2/TBS for 10 min and secondary antibodies were applied in 1% BSA/TBS. Avidin peroxidase (for E06, 1:100, Sigma-Aldrich, A3151) or avidin alkaline phosphatase (for 8HdG, 1:500, Sigma-Aldrich, AP020114754) were diluted in 0.1% BSA/TBS (avidin peroxidase 1:100, avidin alkaline phosphatase 1:500) and development was performed with DAB or fast blue, respectively. 5.3.4 Ferrocene assay for iron quantification Rats aged from 2 to 20 months were sacrificed with an overdose of CO2 and perfused with PBS. Cerebella were homogenised in sodium potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4, 5 mM). The iron content of rat cerebella was determined using the colorimetric ferrocene assay (Fish, 1988). Iron was released from proteins and stable iron complexes by acidic permanganate treatment at 60 °C for 2 hours. For 20 ml of this iron-releasing reagent, 10 ml 1.2 M HCl were mixed with 10 ml 4.5% KMnO4 (Sigma-Aldrich). Subsequently, iron was reduced by ascorbic acid to Fe2+ and quantitatively complexed by ferrocene. In order to catch interfering copper ions, neocuproine was added to the reaction. This was accomplished by the iron detection reagent. Absorption was measured at 540 nm using a Powerwave X-340 plate reader. Data were normalised to protein concentration determined by total protein measurement using a Nanodrop 2000 spectrophotometer. Materials and Methods 101 5.4 Glial Cell Culture Techniques 5.4.1 Mixed glia cultures Mixed glia cultures were produced as described (Sharma et al, 2010). Mixed glia cultures were obtained from brains of P1 Lewis rats (less than 48 h old). Postnatal pubs were decapitated. The brains were removed from the scull and collected in RPMI medium. After carefully removing the meninges using forceps (no. 5), the brains were transferred into a dish containing mixed glia medium. The brains were dissociated by gentle trituration with a 10 ml pipette and seeded in T75 cm2 cell culture flasks (one brain per flask). Prior to seeding, the flasks were coated with 5 µg/ml poly-L-lysine (Sigma, P9155) in PBS (Lonza) for at least 3 hours at 37 °C and 5% CO2. The flasks were washed three times with PBS before adding the cell suspension. The cells were maintained in 10 ml mixed glia medium at 37 °C and 5% CO2. The medium was replaced one day after seeding and then every other day. The cells constituted a confluent layer after approximately one week. 5.4.2 Microglia cultures After 5-7 days of mixed glia cell culture, a confluent layer mainly consisting of astrocytes and some ependymal cell colonies covered the bottom of the flask with microglia and O2A precursor cells growing on top of them. To detach the loosely adherent microglia from the confluent cell layer, the culture flasks were tightly sealed and placed on a shaker for at least 1 h at 37 °C and 170 rpm. Afterwards, the supernatant was collected and selective adherence was performed on cell culture plastic dishes for 5-10 min at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Microglia attached to the plastic bottom and contaminating astrocytes or O2A cells were carefully washed off with prewarmed mixed glia medium. Microglia were maintained in mixed glia medium until iron loading experiments. For experiments including stainings, microglia were seeded on AclarTM plastic coverslips (GE healthcare, PAA20012x). The remaining mixed glia culture could be used for isolation of astrocytes or maintained at 37 °C and 5% CO2 and used for at least one more shake-off. 5.4.3 Oligodendrocyte cultures The protocol for oligodendrocyte cultures was established based on the combination of different protocols and similar to (Chen et al, 2007). Mixed glia cultures for oligodendrocyte Materials and Methods 102 isolation were produced from P1 Lewis rats. Postnatal pubs were decapitated. The brains were removed from the scull and collected in HBSS (PAA, H15-007) on ice. The brains were dissected by removing the cerebellum, separating the cortices, removal of the midbrain including basal ganglia and peeling off the meninges using forceps (no. 5). The cortices were cut into small pieces with a scalpel. The pieces from up to 10 cortices were collected in a 50 ml tube, excess of HBSS was taken off and the tissue was gently triturated using a 1000 µl pipette tip in 1 ml of digestion medium. The tissue was digested for 30 min at 37 °C in a waterbath. Subsequently, the tissue was homogenised to single cell suspension with a 1000 µl pipette tip before stopping the digestion with the 10-fold volume of pre-warmed mixed glia medium for oligodendrocyte cultures (DMEM/10% HS). The cells were centrifuged at 200 g for 10 min at 4 °C. The cell pellet was resuspended in DMEM/10% HS and seeded in PLL-coated flasks at a density of 1.5 brains per T75 cm2 flask. The cells were maintained at 37 °C and 10% CO2 for at least 10 days with the first medium change earliest after 3 days and then every other day. For seeding of oligodendrocytes, glass cover glasses (Thermo Fisher, 12 mm, 004710183) were coated with PLL (100 µg/ml in PBS). After 10-12 days of mixed culture, the flasks were put on an orbital shaker for 1 h at 37 °C at 180 rpm. The supernatant containing the bulk of microglia was discarded and the monolayer comprising of astrocytes with O2A precursors on top was washed with pre-warmed DMEM (without serum). Then, 10 ml of prewarmed DMEM (without serum) were added to each flask. The O2A precursors were shaken off by hand and collected in plastic dishes with untreated surface (usually used for bacteria culture). After 20 min adherence at 37 °C and 10% CO2, the dishes were swirled gently. The supernatants were taken off, filtered through a 40 µm cell strainer and centrifuged at 200 g for 10 min in 15 ml tubes. The cells were thoroughly resuspended in Sato medium and 5-7 x 104 cells were seeded in 24-well plates on the PLL-coated cover glasses. For the first 2 days in culture, the Sato medium was supplemented with 10 ng/ml PDGF (PeproTech, 100-13A) and bFGF (R&D Systems, 233-FB) in order to support oligodendrocyte precursor proliferation. Subsequently, the medium was replaced by Sato medium containing 0.5% HS but no PDGF or bFGF anymore in order to enable oligodendrocyte maturation. The oligodendrocytes were maintained at 37 °C and 10% CO2 with half of the medium exchanged every other day. 5.4.4 Myelinating spinal cord cultures Myelinating spinal cord cultures were generated as described previously (Sorensen et al, 2008). Materials and Methods 103 Neurosphere-derived astrocytes Neurospheres were generated as described (Zhang et al, 1998) and differentiated into astrocytes as outlined in (Sorensen et al, 2008). Neurospheres were produced from the corpus striatum of P1 SD rats. The brains were removed and cut sagittal with a scalpel to separate the two hemispheres. The corpus striatum was dissected by one cut at the frontal tip of the corpus callosum and one at the lateral ventricle. The corpus striatum was then removed using curved forceps and collected in L-15 medium. The tissue was dissociated by gentle trituration using a glass Pasteur pipette and centrifuged at 140 g for 5 min. The resulting pellet from 2 brains was resuspended in NSM and seeded in T75 cm2 flasks in 20 ml NSM supplemented with 5 ng/ml EGF (Peprotech, 315-09) in order to promote sphere formation. The Neurospheres were maintained at 37 °C and 7.5% CO2 and fed twice a week by adding 5 ml NSM and 5 ng/ml EGF (for the total volume of medium). After approximately 1 week, the neurospheres reached a certain size and started to attach to the bottom of the flask. Then, in order to differentiate the neurospheres to astrocytes, the neurospheres were centrifuged at 140 g for 5 min. The cells were resuspended in astrocyte medium (DMEM/10% FCS) by gentle trituration with a glass Pasteur pipette and seeded on PLL-coated glass coverslips in 24-well plates. The coverslips (13mm, VWR, 631-0150) were coated with 13.3 ng/ml PLL (Sigma-Aldrich, P1274) for at least 1 h at 37 °C, rinsed thoroughly in sterile distilled water, placed into 24-well plates and left to air dry before use. Depending on the neurosphere culture quality, from one flask of neurospheres 4-6 24-well plates were plated for differentiation into astrocytes. The astrocytes were maintained at 37 °C and 7.5% CO2 with half of the medium exchanged twice a week until the cultures were confluent (approximately 7 days). Dissociated spinal cord cultures Dissociated spinal cord cultures were generated from E15.5 SD rat embryos. Embryos were taken out from the gravid uterus and decapitated. The skin covering the spinal cord was gently removed and the spinal cord was carefully dissected. The meninges were thoroughly removed and 3-5 spinal cords were collected per 1 ml HBSS (Invitrogen) on ice. After addition of 100 µl trypsin (2.5%, Sigma-Aldrich, T4549) and collagenase (1% in L15, Invitrogen, 17100-017) to 1 ml HBSS, the tissue was gently dissociated with a Pasteur pipette and incubated for 15 min at 37 °C and 7.5% CO2. The digestion was stopped by adding 2 ml SD solution and the tissue was triturated into a single cell suspension using a Pasteur pipette. The cells were centrifuged at Materials and Methods 104 200 g for 5 min and resuspended in plating medium. A live cell count was performed using a haemocytometer and trypan blue and diluted in plating medium to 3x106 cells/ml. The dissociated spinal cord cells were plated on top of the astrocyte monolayer of neurosphere-derived astrocytes. Three coverslips of astrocytes were placed into a 35 mm petri dish and 50 µl (150.000 cells) of spinal cord cells were placed onto each coverslip. The cells were left to attach for approximately 2 h at 37 °C and 7.5% CO2. Subsequently, 600 µl DM+ and 450 µl plating medium was added to each dish. The cultures were maintained for up to 30 days at 37 °C and 7.5% CO2 and fed every other day with DM by exchanging half of the medium. After 12 days, insulin was omitted from the medium in order to promote oligodendrocyte differentiation. 5.4.5 Iron loading of cells Iron loading of cells was performed as published (Rathore et al, 2012; Schulz et al, 2011). Irrespective of the type of culture, the cells were washed with medium devoid of serum or transferrin prior to iron loading. Subsequently, the cells were incubated for 1 h at 37 °C in 5 or 7.5% CO2 (depending on the culture) in medium without serum or transferrin. The cells were treated with FeCl3 plus ascorbate, prepared in a ratio of 1:44 in distilled water. Ferritin (Sigma F4503) treatments were performed without serum/transferrin starvation by directly adding the respective dilution to the medium. The iron concentration of ferritin was according to the manufacturer between 6.97 mg/ml und 14.9 mg/ml. 5.4.6 Immunofluorescence of cell cultures Cells were fixed with 4% PFA for 20 min at RT, then washed in PBS and permeabilised for 10 min in 0.5% TritonX100/PBS. After 30 min blocking in blocking buffer (1% BSA, 10% Horse Serum in PBS), the primary antibodies were applied for 45 min at RT. For details about primary antibody dilutions and species see Table 5. After washing in PBS, the secondary antibodies were applied 1:400 for 15 min at RT. Finally, the coverslips were washed 3 times in PBS and once in distilled water and mounted in mowiol plus Dapi. For live stainings, primary antibodies were applied in cold DMEM for 30 min at 4 °C. After a gentle wash in cold DMEM, the cells were fixed in 4% PFA and the staining protocol was continued as described above. Materials and Methods 105 Table 5: Primary antibodies for immunofluorescence stainings of cell cultures Antibody Species Isotype Dilution Fixation Source GalC mouse IgG3 1:100 PFA + Triton Millipore, MAB342 ED1 mouse IgG1 1:100 PFA + Triton Abcam, ab3160 FTL rabbit IgG 1:200 PFA + Triton Proteintech, 10727-1-AP GFAP rabbit IgG 1:500 PFA + Triton Dako, Z0334 Iba-1 rabbit IgG 1:1000 PFA + Triton Wako, 01-1974 MOG/Z2 mouse IgG2a 1:100 live Linington lab PLP/O10 mouse IgM 1:100 PFA + Triton Linington lab SMI31 mouse IgG1 1:1000 PFA + Triton Abcam 5.5 Statistical analysis Descriptive statistical analysis involved median value and range, box plots and scatter plots. The linear dependence of samples was classified by Pearson correlation test. For comparison of multiple groups of normally distributed data, one-way ANOVA followed by pairwise comparisons and Tukey adjustment was calculated. In case of multiple comparison of not normally distributed data derived from densitometry, Kruskal-Wallis group testing was followed by Mann-Whitney U post hoc tests and Bonferroni-Holm correction. Active lesions of experimental models were compared with the corresponding age control, although there was no significant difference detected between young and aged control animals (except for iron staining in basal ganglia which was considered separately). A p-value ≤ 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Statistical analyses was performed using PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS Inc.). References 106 6 References Aboul-Enein F, Rauschka H, Kornek B, Stadelmann C, Stefferl A, Bruck W, Lucchinetti C, Schmidbauer M, Jellinger K, Lassmann H (2003) Preferential loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein reflects hypoxia-like white matter damage in stroke and inflammatory brain diseases. 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Science 148: 1477-1479 Appendix 132 Curriculum Vitae Cornelia Schuh PERSONAL DATA rd Date of Birth: January 23 , 1985 Place of Birth: Oberpullendorf, Burgenland, Austria Citizenship: Austria Contact: Oelweingasse 30/12 1150 Vienna cornelia.schuh@gmx.at +43 664 75073300 EDUCATION 06/2012 – 12/2012 Stay at the University of Glasgow, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation; funded by a Du Pre´ grant of Medical and Scientific Research Multiple Sclerosis International Federation 03/2010 – 02/2014 PhD thesis within the PhD program “Cell Communication in Health and Disease” (CCHD) of the Medical University of Vienna 07/2008 – 07/2009 Diploma thesis in the department of Tumour Immunology, Children´s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), Vienna (“Immune Suppressive Mechanisms in Tolllike-Receptor 4 (TLR4) activated Dendritic Cells”) 10/2003 – 12/2009 Studies of Molecular Biology, University of Vienna, Austria Main focus on Immunology and Cell Biology 09/1995 – 06/2003 Secondary School, BG/BRG Oberschützen WORK EXPERIENCE 03/2010 – 02/2014 PhD study Medical University of Vienna Centre for Brain Research, Department of Neuroimmunology Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Lassmann “Oxidative tissue injury in experimental disease models of multiple sclerosis” Appendix 133 07/2008 – 07/2009 Diploma Thesis Children Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) Department of Tumour Immunology, Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Felzmann “Immune Suppressive Mechanisms in Toll-like-Receptor 4 (TLR4) activated Dendritic Cells” 10/2007 – 11/2007 Internship Novartis Austria Supervisor: Dr. Tamas Schweighoffer “Characterisation of antibodies specific for degranulated mast cells” “Expression of transglutaminase 2 and microtiter plate transglutaminase assay” 08/2007 – 09/2007 Internship Max F. Perutz Laboratories University Vienna Department of Chromosome biology, Supervisor: Ao.Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Jantsch “Finding activators and inhibitors of ADAR” 02/2007 – 03/2007 Internship Children Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) Department of Tumour Immunology, Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Felzmann “Immune stimulatory capacity of IDO silenced dendritic cells” 08/2006 Internship CCRI Department of Molecular Biology, Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kovar “Jagged1 cloning of the Jagged1 promoter sequence into pGL4-Luc2” PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES 10/2013 07/2013 09/2012 06/2012 09/2011 th 29 Congress of the European Commitees for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Copenhagen, Denmark; “Iron accumulation and oxidative damage in various models for inflammation/degeneration of the central nervous system.” (poster presentation) th 11 European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Diseases, Berlin, Germany; “Development of an in vitro model to study the impact of iron in inflammatory demyelinating diseases.” (poster presentation) European Congress on Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland; “The role of iron in inflammatory demyelinating diseases: development of experimental in vitro and in vivo models.” (poster presentation) th 8 PhD-Symposium of the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; “The role of iron in inflammatory demyelinating diseases: development of experimental in vitro and in vivo models.” (poster presentation) th 10 European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Diseases, Prague, Czech Republic; “Iron accumulation in models for inflammation/degeneration of the central nervous system: Implications in chronic multiple sclerosis?” (poster presentation) Appendix 134 07/2011 06/2011 12/2010 09/2010 06/2010 09/2009 11/2008 th 11 ESNI Course, European School of Neuroimmunology, Glasgow, Scotland; “Iron accumulation in models for inflammation/degeneration of the central nervous system: Implications in chronic multiple sclerosis?” (Abstract Book) th 7 PhD-Symposium of the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; “Iron accumulation in models for inflammation/degeneration of the central nervous system: Implications in chronic multiple sclerosis?” (poster presentation) Annual meeting of Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI), Vienna, Austria; “Iron accumulation in central nervous system inflammation and degeneration.” (poster presentation) FEBS & EFIS Workshop Inflammatory Diseases and Immune Response: Basic Aspects, Novel Approaches and Experimental Models, Vienna, Austria; “Iron accumulation in models for inflammation/degeneration of the central nervous system.” (poster presentation) th 6 PhD-Symposium of the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; “Iron accumulation and inflammation/degeneration in the central nervous system.” (poster presentation) International Joint Symposium of four Collaborative Research Centres from Berlin and Hannover: Tolerance and Immune-Regulation, Berlin, Germany; “Toll-like Receptor 4 and CD40 Signalling in Dendritic Cells Induce a PHD Finger Family Transcription Factor with Strong Immune Suppressive Potential.” (poster presentation) Bridging Innovation and Translation in Paediatric Oncology, Vienna, Austria; “Identification of Potential Immune Regulatory Master Switches Induced by Tolllike Receptor 4 and CD40 Signalling in Dendritic Cells.” PUBLICATIONS 1. C Schuh, I Wimmer, S Hametner, L Haider, AM Van Dam, R Liblau, KJ Smith, CJ Binder, J Bauer, M Bradl, D Mahad, H Lassmann. (2014). “Oxidative tissue injury in multiple sclerosis is only partly reflected in experimental disease models” 2. A M Dohnal, A Halfmann, M Le Bras, S Vittori, C Schuh, R Luger, D Stoiber, A Kotlyarov, M Gaestel, T Felzmann. (2014, in revision). “The MAPK-activated kinase MK2 attenuates dendritic cell-triggered TH1 and TH17 immune responses” 3. M Lindner, K Thümmler, A Arthur, S Brunner, C Elliott, H Mohan, A Williams, J Edgar, C Schuh, C Stadelmann, S Barnett, H Lassmann, S Mücklisch, M Mudaliar, N Schaeren-Wiemers, E Meinl, C Linington (2014, in revision) “Fibroblast growth factor signalling in multiple sclerosis: inhibition of myelination and induction of pro-inflammatory signalling environment by FGF” AWARDS th PhD-Symposium of the Medical University of th PhD-Symposium of the Medical University of 06/2012 Vienna Poster prize at the 8 06/2010 Vienna Poster prize at the 6 FUNDING 07/2013 07/2012 th Travel grant for 29 Congress of the European Commitees for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Copenhagen, Denmark Du Pré Fellowship of Medical and Scientific Research Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) for a 6 months stay at University of Glasgow; Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation Appendix 135 07/2012 07/2011 01/2010 “Top Stipendium des Landes Niederösterreich” for 6 months stay at the University of Glasgow, Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation th Travel grant for the 11 ESNI Course, European School of Neuroimmunology, Glasgow, Scotland “Top Stipendium des Landes Niederösterreich” for successful graduation in Molecular Biology at the University of Vienna TEACHING EXPERIENCE 04/2013 - 05/2013 Basics of Neuroscience (University of Vienna) 300113; UE Basics of Neuroscience Including conception of taught subjects, the corresponding lectures and handouts and exam questions 03/2013 “Brain Awareness Week” in the Centre for Brain Research Vienna Education of secondary school pupils 03/2012 “Brain Awareness Week” in the Centre for Brain Research Vienna Education of secondary school pupils ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 02/2014 th Member of organizing committee of the 7 international workshop “Bridging the Gap” hosted by the students of the CCHD PhD program 02/2012 th Member of organizing committee of the 5 international workshop “Bridging the Gap” hosted by students of the CCHD PhD program 02/2011 th Member of organizing committee of the 4 international workshop “Bridging the Gap” hosted by students of the CCHD PhD program 06/2002 Cambridge First Certificate of English, Grade A FURTHER INTERESTS Playing the saxophone in the brass marching band “MV Gschaidt” Martial arts Ebmas Wing Tsun, travelling (especially to Scotland) Hiking, cross-country skiing