Learn Grow Inspire


Learn Grow Inspire
Recovery College
Personal development
Becoming a Recovery College Tutor
10x Better and The Escape Plan
Assertiveness: I’m OK,You’re OK
Speaking Up
Assertiveness: I’m OK,You’re OK (Polish language session)
Practical Spanish for Beginners
The Escape Plan (Polish language session)
Move on Training
Self Esteem: I Can Win!
Brand You
Becoming a St Mungo’s Apprentice
English and Maths Support
Supporting Other People with Their Reading and Writing
Everyday Maths
Health and wellbeing
Medical Dialogues
Gender Awareness
Managing Difficult Feelings
5 Ways to Wellbeing
Skilled for Health
First Aid Awareness
The Philosophy of Mental Health
Secrets of Self Esteem
Overcoming Anger
Positive Thinking
Philosophy for Life
Yoga for Relaxation
Original prospectus design and layout:
Felipe Ladewig
Getting active
Thinking about Relationships
What the Papers Say
Volunteering: Where do I begin?
IT Drop-in Sessions
Back to Work Benefits
Inside Out: Representing St Mungo’s in the Community
London for Free and Life beyond Mungo’s
Quick tips for Keeping your New Place Clean
Microsoft Office Skills
Putting Down Roots Tasters
CSCS Training and Testing
Unleash Enterprise in Your Life
Squeaky Chains: Build a Bike
BICSc Cleaning Training
Football for Change
Relationship Skills: Dates, Disasters and Happiness?
Suitcase Media: Basic IT and Web Design
Astronomy and Cosmology
Creativity and self expression
Introduction to Sketching, Life Drawing and Art History
Hat Making
Thinking about Thinking
Intro to Guitar 11
Guitar Taster
Art Studio
Doing the Right Thing?
Film Skool
Guildhall Music Sessions / The Messengers
Practical Sewing Skills
Introduction to Printmaking
Introduction to Short-film Making
DJ Skills Workshop
Creative Writing
Circus Skills Workshop
Drumming without Drums
Now That’s What I Call the 1990’s
Creative Dance: Leap Out of the Shadows (part 1)
Creative Dance: Leap Out of the Shadows (part 2)
Maxine’s Soul and Funk Show
Becoming a Recovery College Tutor 1 & 2
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside In
The course will look at getting the most from
participating in groups and also thinking about
setting up and running groups.
Date/ Time
18 March
25 March
11am - 2pm
Teaching and learning approaches
Group activities and discussion. Continued
support will be provided after completion for
those students who wish to run their own
Rushworth St
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
10x Better and The Escape Plan
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside In
Based on the ideas of a St Mungo’s resident,
10x Better will enable you to establish and
participate in your own group. A 10x Better
group helps you set goals, get motivated and
achieve more than you expect.
Using Groundswell’s innovative Escape Plan
notebook, personal experience and group
discussions, you’ll be supported to explore
the evidence of what has worked for other
people and begin to relate those themes to
your own lives.
This session is ideal for anyone interested
in peer support or their own recovery
and personal development and is open to
everyone, whether you have experienced
homelessness or not.
Date/ Time
25 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There will be ongoing support from Outside
In after the session.
There is no assessment but we would
welcome your feedback on the course.
Assertiveness: I’m OK,You’re OK
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside In
Assertiveness is an essential life skill but
it does not come naturally to everyone.
This course helps us to understand what
assertiveness really means and explores
the use of simple techniques to help you
become more assertive and confident. We
believe that after the course and with a bit
of practice everyone can become more
assertive. This course is simple, but effective.
Date/ Time
28 January
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There is no assessment but we would
welcome your feedback on the course.
Speaking Up
Lead tutors
Course overview
Outside In
This session explores self-advocacy and uses
simple techniques to enable you to say what
you want confidently and assertively. We’ll
look at some practical tips, case studies
and principles that will better equip you
to get your voice heard in even the most
difficult situatuion. The course will be fun
and interactive. It’s ideal for everyone and
follows on nicely from Outside In’s SelfEsteem and Assertiveness sessions.
Date/ Time
4 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There will be ongoing support from Outside
In after the session.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome your feedback on the course.
Asertywność: jestem OK, ty jesteś OK
Lead tutors
Opis Kursu
Aneta Zajac
Asertywność jest istotną umiejętnością
życia, która jednak nie przychodzi
naturalnie większości ludzi. Kurs ten
pomaga nam zrozumieć, co tak naprawdę
asertywność oznacza oraz umozliwia
zgłębiać proste techniki które ułatwią Ci
stać się bardziej asertywnym i pewnym
siebie. Wierzymy, że po zakończeniu tego
kursu i przy odrobinie praktyki, każdy
może stać się bardziej asertywny. Kurs
ten jest prosty, ale skuteczny.
Date/ Time
26 February
10am - 1pm
Rushworth St
Metody nauczania i uczenia się
Kurs ten będzie wykorzystywać
interaktywne podejście, w tym
strukturyzowane prezentacje jako
podstawy do dyskusji grupowych i działań
Nie ma oceny, ale będziemy wdzięczni za
Twoją opinię na temat tego kursu.
Practical Spanish for Beginners
Lead tutors
Course overview
Belen Altozano
No prior knowledge needed. Students
will learn basic Spanish to use in real life
situations.Vocabulary handouts will be
You will learn how to:
• Introduce yourself
• Ask and answer personal questions
• Ask for and give directions
• Order food and drinks in a restaurant
• Count, tell time, dates and months
• Essential conversational vocabulary
• Express yourself in emergencies
• Appreciate Spanish and Latin American
Date/ Time
23 January to
13 March
5:30 - 6:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Reading and writing will be kept to a minimum
and teaching will be developed in group
activities. Each session is independent so if you
miss a session, you’ll be able to understand
what’s being covered in the next one.
A quick ‘tick the box’ assessment will be done
at the end of each session for you to review
what you have learnt.
Plan Ucieczki
Lead tutors
Opis kursu
Aneta Zajac
Ten jednodniowy kurs pozwala dowiedzieć
się jak uciec z bezdomności. Plan projektu
badawczego Groundswell odkrył, w
jaki sposób ludzie z powodzeniem z
niej wyszli. Na podstwie prawdziwych
doświadczeń ten projekt badawczy
zidentyfikował siedem głównych wątków,
które umożliwiły bezdomnym wyjście
z tej sytuacji. ‘Outside In’ wierzy, że
każdy powinien mieć wiedzę na temat
‘planu ucieczki’. Sesja ta jest idealnym
rozwiązaniem dla każdego, kto interesuje
się wsparciem ze strony ludzi, będących
w podobnej sytuacji, odzyskaniem
równowagi oraz rozwojem osobistym.
Jest ona korzystna bez względu na to czy
doswiadczyłeś bezdomności, czy też nie.
Date/ Time
19 February
10am - 1pm
Rushworth St
Metody nauczania i uczenia się
Korzystąjac z notatek innowacyjnego
‘planu ucieczki’ Groundswella ,
osobistych doświadczeń oraz dyskusji
grupowych, prowadzący zajęcia będą
wspierać uczących się do zbadania
przykładów które zadziałały w przypadku
innych bezdomnych i pomogą im
odnieść te wątki do ich własnego życia.
Nie ma oceny, ale będziemy wdzięczni
za Twoją opinię na temat tego kursu.
Move on Training
Lead tutor
Course overview
Mauve Hunte Bowlby
MOT volunteer
This 2 day course explores some key issues
around, and support towards, successful
move-on into your own accommodation.
Topics covered include:
• Growing with change
• Managing your finances
• Wellbeing
• Rights and responsibilities
Date/ Time
Tuesday & Wednesday
28 & 29 January
Wednesday &
26 & 27 February
Tuesday & Wednesday
25 & 26 March
Tuesday & Wednesday
29 & 30 April
11am - 4pm
King’s Bench Street
Teaching and learning approaches
Group discussions and workshops,
interactive activitiesd and fun.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Self Esteem: I can Win!
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams,
& Outside In
Looking generally at what low self-esteem
is, how it can be a problem, and what kind
of impact it can have on a person’s life,
we’ll explore ways of addressing negative
self-beliefs and learn how to accept and
celebrate ourselves, acknowledging our
strengths and qualities.
Date/ Time
21 January
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There will be ongoing support from Outside
In after the session.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome your feedback on the course.
Brand You
Lead tutor
Course overview
Judith Higgin
We’re all different and all have something
interesting to say, yet sometimes we don’t
feel we’re true to ourselves or have come
across as we would have liked. This course
gives you practical tips on how to present
yourself in a way that is true to who you are.
Date/ Time
28 January
2 - 3:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Drawing on the world of marketing and
branding, we explore together ‘brand you’:
who you are, what makes you memorable
and how to present yourself better.
We’ll look at:
• As you’re starting to get out and about getting into the swing of things
• Making yourself stand out and finding a
better way tof communicating it
• Practical advice that you can apply to
lots of areas of your life.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Becoming a St Mungo’s Apprentice
Lead tutors
Course overview
Kate Thomson &
Eileen Egerton
The session is aimed at those who are
intending on applying for St Mungo’s
Apprenticeship scheme or who might
suport others in doing so. Successful
applicants are invited to attend Assessment
By the end of the session learners will
• Developed understanding of the
Assessment Centre
• Developed roleplay skills
• Identified ‘red flag’ behaviours
• Developed understanding of criteria
that is being assessed
Date/ Time
12 February
11am - 3pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use a practical and
interactive approach including group
discussions and role plays.
There is no formal assessment but we
recommend feedback on the course.
English and Maths Support
Lead tutors
Course overview
Simon Phillips
and volunteers
If your English and maths skills are holding
you back, try this session. It’s an informal
drop-in focusing on practical uses of literacy
and numeracy skills. Come along on any
Tuesday afternoon first; meet a tutor and
establish some aims and set your learning
objectives, then join the group.
Date/ Time
Tuesdays and
Thursdays from
21 January
10:30am - 1pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
It is mainly self-study with support from a
tutor when required. There are practical
exercises on paper and using computers.
You can choose to work on your own or
with others.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Supporting other People with their Reading and Writing
Lead tutor
Course overview
Simon Phillips
Many people find reading and writing
difficult. This is a short course that will give
you some simple, practical techniques and
exercises you can use to support people
who struggle with these skills. It will look
at how to help those who cannot read or
write at all as well as how to offer assistance
to those who want to brush up their skills.
Date/ Time
18 March
2:30 - 4:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
This is an interactive and practical session.
It will involve individual, group and pair work.
As you will be expected to support others
with their literacy, you will need a good level
of English to be able to attend.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Everyday Maths
Lead tutor
Course overview
Simon Phillips,
Lauren Coldwell
This course is a chance to think about how
we use maths in everyday life.You’ll be able
to brush up on basic numeracy and learn
some skills that could help to save a few quid
here and there. The sessions will be informal
and will be aboout learning new things an
sharing knowledge. All levels catered for,
- if you’re comfortable with your maths,
come along and help others who need a
bit of support, or take the opportunity to
stretch yourself with something harder.
There will also be the opportunity to gain a
Date/ Time
Thursdays from
23 January
2:30 - 4:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Informal group sessions, each covering a
different topic.
Informal assessment. There is the opportunity
to gain a qualification if desired.
Medical Dialogues
Lead tutor
Course overview
UCL Students
23 January
20 February
13 March
2 - 4:30pm
Are you interested in Health & Social care,
medicine, or the health sciences?
The Recovery College in collaboration
with University College London is running
a series of activities and discussions about
various aspects of medicine and healthcare.
Facilitated by UCL students, each session
will focus on a different aspect of the human
body or the healthcare system.
Teaching and learning approaches
Rushworth St
A short talk followed by group discussion
and/or activities.
Date/ Time
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Gender Awareness
Lead tutors
Course overview
Esther Sample/
Kyle Kitchen
An opportunity to discuss concepts of
gender and gender equality and how they
affect our lives. Topics will include:
• What does gender mean?
• Gender through history including the
women’s rights movement and fight for
the vote
• How does gender effect our lives today?
• What are our concepts of masculinity
and femininity and how do they affect us?
Date/ Time
24 February
1:30 - 5pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Managing Difficult Feelings
Lead tutor
Course overview
Dave Bell
Four sessions looking into definitions,
symptoms, personal historical context,
simple measurement tools, the aggression
cycle, techniques to cope with anger and
ways to develop a coping with anger plan.
Date/ Time
Mondays from
27 January to
17 February
2:30 - 4:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Group work facilitated by experienced
group work practitioner(s). There will also
be an expectation that participants will
complete some work outside of the group.
Simple measurement tools will be used at the
beginning and end of the course, and the final
session will make up part of the evaluation
5 Ways to Wellbeing
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside in
This fun and interactive session is ideal
for anyone with an interest in promoting
wellbeing for themselves or others.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a set of
evidence-based actions which promote
people’s wellbeing. These activities are simple
things individuals can do in their everyday
The Five Ways have been used by health
organisations, schools and community
projects across the UK and around the
world to help people take action to improve
their wellbeing. They’ve been used in lots of
different ways, for example to get people to
start thinking about wellbeing, to develop
organisational strategy, to measure impact,
to assess need, for staff development and
to help people incorporate more activites
which promote wellbeing into their lives.
Date/ Time
4 March
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Skilled for Health
Lead tutors
Course overview
This course promotes awareness and
knowledge around health-related issues.
Each session will look at one of the
• Positive thinking
• Healthy eating: Food groups and portion
• Healthy eating: Food labels and budgeting
• Avoiding debt
• Substances: Alcohol and the cost of
• Time management
Date/ Time
Fridays from
7 February to
14 March
1 - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Group activities and discussion based around
the Skilled for Health materials.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Lead tutor
Course overview
Mary Callaghan
These meditation sessions focus on a range
of mental activities designed to calm the mind
and direct your thoughts.
You will learn practical techniques which
relax the body and place the mind in a
state of readiness in preparation for deeper
Date/ Time
Tuesdays from
21 January to
25 March
4:30 - 5:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Group actvities and discussion.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
First Aid Awareness
Lead tutors
Course overview
Ian Waddington/
Freddie Still
This is a flexible way of learning basic first
aid skills – simple to learn and easy to
remember. The course is taught by trained
Red Cross first aid educators.
Date/ Time
5 February
2 - 5pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Using everyday scenarios and items, these
sessions cover the first aid skills that are
most relevant to you in a relaxed and
informal atmosphere.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
The Philosophy of Mental Health
Lead tutor
Course overview
Paul Wells
What is mental health? Does it even
exist? Is someone physically ill or is this a
metaphor for challenges with living? Is it
all a sane response to an insane society?
We discuss key topics over three distinct
sessions with a mixture of philosophical
thought, half-baked conjecture and
contributions from a few big thinkers.
Whether your thoughts are grandiose
or humble, come along and join the
Date/ Time
29 January
19 February
19 March
3 - 5pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The sessions will be mainly group
discussions based on people’s ideas and
work from prominent thinkers in the field.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
The Secrets of Self Esteem
Lead tutor
Course overview
Margaret Barron
A series of workshops led by the facilitators
from the Brahma Kumaris that will point you
in the right direction to peace and happiness.
Date/ Time
24 January
2 - 4pm
Rushworth St
Discover the secrets of self-esteem and
uncover the way to a happy and balanced life.
Teaching and learning approaches
Group actvities and discussion.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Overcoming Anger
Lead tutors
Course overview
John McConnel
A series of workshops led by the facilitators
from the Brahma Kumaris that will point you
in the right direction to peace and happiness.
Date/ Time
19 February
2 - 4pm
Rushworth St
Letting go of pain enables us to be both
peaceful and assertive.
Teaching and learning approaches
Group actvities and discussion.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Positive Thinking
Lead tutor
Course overview
Georgina Long
A series of workshops led by the facilitators
from the Brahma Kumaris that will point you
in the right direction to peace and happiness.
Date/ Time
20 March
2 - 4pm
Rushworth St
Explore the power and influence of thought
and the impact of positive attitudes.
Teaching and learning approaches
Group actvities and discussion.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Philosophy for Life
Lead tutor
Course overview
Julian Evans
This two-hour course explores the lifephilosophies of the ancient Greeks, and
how we can use them today to live happier
and more resilient lives. We will look at
Socrates, Diogenes the Cynic, the Stoics
and Epicureans, and we’ll explore the links
between Greek philosophy and Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The emphasis is
on making philosophy accessible, interactive,
useful and fun.
Date/ Time
12 February
1 - 3pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Talk and workshop format.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Yoga for Relaxation
Lead tutor
Course overview
Mary Callaghan
Tuesdays from
21 January to
25 March
3:30 - 4:30pm
The course is about finding some quiet time
for yourself. It is open to all, but would be
particularly suitable for people who have
little or no previous experience of yoga and
who would like to try this beautiful discipline
as a path of self discovery, using movement,
breathing practices and some relaxation
Teaching and learning approaches
Rushworth St
We will approach our class gently and
progressively so everyone can take part and
benefit regardless of ability or any injury or
disability. We work on chairs or on mats
(mats will be supplied). Students should
wear loose, comfortable clothes.
Date/ Time
There will be time during the class to reflect
on your progress and experience. Yoga is
not competitive. Each person is unique and
so is their experience. It is a continuous
journey of self-discovery, rather than arrival
at an end point.
Thinking about Relationships
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside In
Relationships are important but can also be
demanding and difficult. This course looks at
practical ways we can make the relationships
in our lives stay positive and work well.
Date/ Time
11 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There will be ongoing support from Outside
In after the session.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
What the Papers Say
Lead tutors
Course overview
Judith Higgin
What’s happening in the media at the
moment? Are newspapers, TV and radio
having to change because of how we get news
through Twitter and Facebook? Where do
you get your news and what’s behind those
headlines? Come and discuss the UK media
and find out more about how it works.
Date/ Time
28 January
11 February
25 February
11 March
4:30 - 5:30pm
Rushworth St
Students will be asked to do some research
outside between sessions such as following
the same story in several media outlets.
Teaching and learning approaches
Group discussion and analysis of news stories.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Volunteering - Where do I begin?
Lead tutor
Course overview
Elly Childs/
Jacob Przeklasa
Are you interested in finding out more about
volunteering? Not sure what sort of roles
there are out there that might suit you?
Maybe you’d like to give something back to
your local community. We will also look at
the benefits of volunteering, both for the
volunteer and the community, and other
related issues such as boundaries and best
Date/ Time
6 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Presentation and small group exercises.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
IT Drop-in Sessions
Lead tutor
Course overview
Maurice Parkes
Wednesdays from
22 January to
26 March
3 - 5pm
This is an informal drop in session for
people with all levels of IT knowledge,
including those who’ve never used a
computer before. You’ll be able to set up
an e-mail account, learn to use the internet
and a variety of other programmes. For
those with more knowledge it will be an
opportunity to further develop their skills.
Teaching and learning approaches
Rushworth St
Tutor demonstration and practical
Date/ Time
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Back to Work Benefits
Lead tutors
Course overview
Graham Burton/
Shane Harris
It can be difficult to know what you are
entitled to and what you should do when
returning to work. This session will
concentrate on back to work benefits and
will cover a range of material including
JSA/ESA, Tax Credits, Back to Work
Credit, Housing Benefit, Benefit Run On
and Permitted Work. It will also run
through how the Jobcentre and the Work
programme expect claimants to act.
Date/ Time
22 January
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Group discussion and some workshop
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Inside Out: Representing St Mungo’s in the Community
Lead tutor
Course overview
Russell Benson
The St Mungo’s Community and Events
fundraising team are often asked to speak
to groups and/or individuals about our
work. We would like all our clients, staff and
volunteers to be involved in this process to
help us reach more people and give people
new experiences and skills.
This course is for anyone who is interested
in attending talks, cheque presentations and
public events at schools, churches and faith
groups or other community settings.
Date/ Time
25 March
11am - 4pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will be led by a trainer and there
will be plenty of group discussions, with
some activities and practice.
The course will not be formally assessed.
There will be opportunities to attend talks at
our supporter’s schools and groups over the
year and anyone attending the course will be
able to register their interest in doing this.
London for Free and Life Beyond Mungo’s
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside In
“When a man is tired of London, he is tired
of life; for there is in London all that life can
afford.” Samuel Johnson
This session explores ideas of community,
social networks and is an opportunity to
reflect on how we spend our time. We’ll
look at ways to develop a structured week
doing the things you want to do and how
this is key to building a successful life away
from homeless services. It will be a creative
exploration of what there is to do and
hopefully we’ll uncover some hidden gems
- previously unknown walks, museums and
other places of interest.
“I’ve been walking about London for the last
thirty years, and I find something fresh in it
every day.” Walter Besant
Date/ Time
11 March
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Quick Tips for Keeping Your New Place Clean
Lead tutor
Course overview
Derek Eaton
This course offers training to help you gain
basic skills in cleaning your home.
The course consists of:
• Basic awareness of cleaning techniques
• Chemicals and equipment
• Your cleaning questions answered
Date/ Time
20 January
17 February
17 March
14 April
10:30am - 12:30pm
Teaching and learning approaches
Group learning with individual hands on
Rushworth St
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course. There will
also be the opportunity to progress onto
more advanced training.
Microsoft Office Skills (Excel, Word)
Lead tutors
Course overview
Ben Sprague and
Gavin Morgan from
Aiimi (Microsoft
If you have always wanted to use Microsoft
Office to compose documents, help manage
money or get creative but don’t know how,
please come to this session. The course
will provide hints and tips on how to use
Microsoft Word, and Excel in a variety of
ways for a variety of different reasons.
Date/ Time
19 February
19 March (Excel)
4 - 6pm
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach,
including structured guidance as a basis for
practical activities
Rushworth St
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome your feedback on the course
Putting Down Roots Tasters
Lead tutors
Course overview
Ian Kavanagh/
Jeff Morgan
Join St Mungo’s most green project for a
chance to experience a taster session at
these award winning gardens.
Teaching and learning approaches
Date/ Time
18 March
10am - 2pm
Melior Street
The session will involve a peer client led
experience in a particular gardening practice.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
CSCS Training and Testing
Lead tutors
Course overview
Employment team
Candidates must be interested in moving
into work in the construction industry.
Candidates will learn about Health, Safety
and the Environment - required knowldge
for gaining work in the Construction
Industry. Neither prior knowledge nor
equipment needed.
On completion, candidates will gain a CSCS
card and suport for their progression.
We are keen to help you into work and
have been very successful with previous
Unfortunately we can only offer this course
to St. Mungo’s residents.
Date/ Time
Ongoing on
Monday to
10am - 1pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Candidates will work individually using DVDs
to do practice tests. This will be supported
by Job Coaches in the Employment Team.
Once both the candidate, and the CSCS test
administrator are confident, the on-site test
will be arranged.
The final assessment is an online test.
Unleash Enterprise in Your Life
Lead tutors
Course overview
Colin Vint, Ciara
Morrin, Derek
Get creative with your enterprise skills.
Date/ Time
Tuesdays from
21 January to
11 February
10:30am - 12:30pm
Rushworth St
• Week 1 Ideas generation - coming
up with ideas, developing an idea,
understanding enterprise
• Week 2 Research - taking learning from
week 1 and starting to research your/the
group’s idea
• Week 3 - Budgeting and resources
• Week 4 - Kick starting your ideas into
life, goal setting, next steps, sources of
No knowledge is needed to attend this
course, just a commitment to learning.
Teaching and learning approaches
Peer learning, action learning
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Squeaky Chains: Build a Bike
Lead tutors
Course overview
Nigel Hulme
Learn how to build and maintain a bike.
Date/ Time
• Week 1 - Health and safety, choose your
bike, punctures and axles
• Week 2 - Bottom brackets and back
• Week 3 - Gears and breaks
• Week 4 - Completion of bike, MOT, cycle
awareness training, road test your bike
from 15 January
to 5 February.
From 12 February
to 5 March.
From 9 April
to 30 April.
10am - 3:30pm
Squeaky Chains
bike shop,
Rushworth St
No knowledge is needed to attend this
course, just a commitment to learning and a
respect for others on the course. Students
can work on their own bike subject to the
agreement of Squeaky Chains.
Teaching and learning approaches
Action learning and on the job practical
learning, peer learning.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome your feedback on the course.
BICSc Cleaning Training
Lead tutors
Course overview
Derek Eaton
This course offers training to help you gain
a licence to practise, which is recognised in
the cleaning industry.
The course consists of 3 modules:
Date/ Time
Thursdays &
Fridays, for 4
weeks starting
29 January
9.30am - 4pm
Rushworth St
• Chemical competence
• Machine: safe use and care
• Storage of equipment and materials
The course runs for 12 sessions you
are encouraged to attend each one in
preparation for the practical assessment.
Teaching and learning approaches
Group learning with individual hands on
Practical assessment for which a certificate
will be awarded if you are successful.
Football for Change
Lead tutors
Course overview
Coaches from
Fulham football
club and the
Homeless FA
By joining this pilot football course you
will get to train with coaches from Fulham
Football Club and the Homeless FA. There
will be classroom discussions where players
and coaches will discuss topics that are
important to success on the pitch and in life.
These include communication, leadership,
teamwork, anger management, perception
and physical health.
Date/ Time
Fridays from
24 January to
28 March
11am - 2pm
Teaching and learning approaches
Group discussion, activites and playing of
There is no formal assessment for the
course.You will be helping to develop
this into a nationwide scheme so we will
welcome all feedback on the course.
Relationship Skills: Dates, Disasters and Happiness!
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Outside In
What are the skills needed to make a
relationship work?
This course will use forum theatre - by guest
actors - to create a debate and discussion
about how to best approach new and longterm relationships. Forum theatre allows the
audience to act as the director and instruct
the actors on what to say and do. Through
this approach the group will learn together,
reflect on their own situations and create
a set of principles to follow for successful
Date/ Time
18 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Group activities and discussion based around
forum theatre.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Suitcase Media - Basic IT & Web Design
Lead tutors
Course overview
Jimmy Connelly
Week 1 - Learn what is inside a computer
and how it works.You will take a computer
to pieces and put it back together again.You
can do it!
Week 2 - Learn how to build a basic
webpage from scratch.You will learn to use
tools such as a text editor, web browser and
a simple html document - don’t worry all
will be explained on the day.
Week 3 - Use a graphic image editing
program to create web animations and edit
pictures. You will be really impressed with
what you have created
Week 4 - You wil be recording audio and
editing in a program called Audacity. By the
end of the day you will have produced an
audio track that can be played on any MP3
Date/ Time
Mondays from
20 January to
10 February.
From 3 March
to 24 March.
10:30am - 1:30pm
Suitcase Media,
Rushworth St
No prior knowledge needed
Teaching and learning approaches
Peer support and practical activities.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome your feedback on the course.
Astronomy and Cosmology
Lead tutors
Course overview
Andy Williams/
Gordon Chaston
Have you ever wondered how stars and
planets are formed? Is it possible for there
to be life on other planets? How big is the
universe? What was the big bang and should
we be afraid of black holes?
Date/ Time
31 January
21 February
14 March
3 - 5pm
Rushworth St
We’ll be exploring these questions and many
more. The course will be interactive and
mix facts and theories with lively debate
and discussion; the facilitators will bring
enthusiasm and passion to the subject
Ideal for complete beginners and budding
scientists alike, you’ll be inspired to want to
discover more about this fascinating subject.
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach,
including structured guidance as a basis for
practical activities.
No formal assessment but we welcome your
feedback on the course.
Introduction to Sketching, Life Drawing and Art History
Lead tutors
Course overview
Esther Sample/
Viv Roberts
This course is an opportunity to have a go
at different sketching techniques focusing
on both still life and real life models, as well
as learning about different artists and art
It’s not necessary to have any prior
experience of art or drawing. It aims to
improve drawing confidence and allow you
to continue to sketch in your own time.
You will have the opportunity to use the
mediums of pencil, pen and chalk. There are
also plans to include a trip to an art gallery
at the end of term.
Date/ Time
Thursdays from
23 January to
13 March
5 - 7pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use a practical approach to
allow participants to try drawing techniques
for themselves. There will also be some
demonstration, group discussion and
You will have time to reflect on the different
techniques and how they work for you.
The session will not involve your work being
judged against others, and aims to give you
space to explore which techniques you enjoy.
Hat Making
Lead tutors
Course overview
Jill Connell
Mondays from
27 January to
17 February
2 - 3:30pm
Make your own handmade wool felt hat.
We’ll look at the different materials available
for hat making and you will design, make and
decorate your own hat to take away with
you. No experience necessary.
Materials will be available, but if you have an
old felt hat or some decorative fabric, bring
it along.
Teaching and learning approaches
Rushworth St
Demonstrations and practical activities.
Date/ Time
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Thinking about Thinking
Lead tutors
Course overview
Stuart Bakewell/
Starting from the statement ‘I think therefore
I am’, this short course examines some of
the key questions about the nature of human
existence. What do we mean by thinking?
How do we actually do it? And what impact
might that have on our ideas about meaning,
purpose and personal identity?
Date/ Time
5 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach,
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Intro to Guitar II
Lead tutors
Course overview
Leila Persaud
This eight week course offers you the
opportunity to build on skills learnt in the
Intro to Guitar I course.
You will:
• Learn to play easy melodic lines from
sheet music
• Learn to identify chord changes in a
piece of music of your choice
• Practise playing more complex chords
• Practise playing as part of a group
• Learn to follow a music score of a piece
of music of your choice
• Try out some basic improvisation to a
piece of music you know already
Date/ Time
Mondays from
27 January to
17 March
2 - 4pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
• Tutor demonstration
• Experiential using instruments individually
• Experiential using instruments in groups/
• Reference to basic guitar music books.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Guitar Taster
Lead tutors
Course overview
Leila Persaud
This session offers you the opportunity
to explore guitar playing by:
• Trying out playing a guitar individually
• Trying out playing in groups
• Trying out strumming some easy
• Learning very generally about different
styles of guitar playing.
Date/ Time
23 January
12 - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
• Experimental using instruments
• Experimental using IT.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Art Studio
Lead tutor
Course overview
Mark Jennings
The art studio will run as a rolling programme
of weekly sessions, with a shared studio space
and a range of good quality art materials
provided. The sessions are unstructured
so you can work on what interests you and
develop the particular art-making skills you
need. The course co-ordinator is also on
hand to offer practical advice about using
the art materials and to give feedback, when
needed, to enable you to develop your ideas.
Date/ Time
Fridays from
24 January to
28 March
1.30 - 5.30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The art studio uses peer support and skillssharing as its primary approach to teaching
and learning. Everyone in the session is both
a student and a teacher! The aim is to offer a
relaxed and supportive environment in which
you can benefit from working in the company
of people who share your interest in art.
A key aim of this course is to enable you to
use your art making as part of your recovery
journey. Developing your ideas and gaining
confidence in your abilities can have a positive
effect on how you view yourself. There is no
formal assessment for the course, but from
time to time you will have the chance to
review your work and how it has progressed.
Doing the Right Thing?
Lead tutors
Course overview
Stuart Bakewell/
When confronted by a choice, is there a
‘right’ thing to do, and how do we know
what that might be? Ought we do anything
more than please ourself? Do we owe any
consideration to others? And if so why?
This short course sets out to consider these
questions in more detail and introduce some
ways to think about these problems.
Date/ Time
19 February
11am - 2pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
The course will use an interactive approach,
including structured presentations as a basis
for group discussions and practical activities.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Film Skool
Lead tutor
Course overview
Silvy da Silva
A look at the language of cinema via
alternative and rare films. In this eight week
film appreciation course we’ll watch and
discuss a series of films with thematic links.
We’ll explore how meaning and content is
communicated visually and also consider the
contexts within which the films were made
– how they fit within the period of their
production, in terms of society, culture – art,
science, politics, and other trends. From the
visual, aesthetic point of view we’ll look at film
masterpieces in which the visual storytelling
– through composition, framing, camera
movement and angle, lighting and use of
colour – is particularly innovative and stylish.
Date/ Time
Tuesdays from
21 January to
25 March
4 - 7pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Screenings of shorts and an unusual feature
will begin with an introduction to the films,
possibly some trailers of upcoming films, and
discussions. How we structure the sessions
and even select the themes of the films will
be based on feedback from the group.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome as much or as little participation
in the discussions as you choose to give plus
feedback about the course.
Guildhall Music Sessions / The Messengers
Lead tutor
Course overview
Guildhall School of
Music & Drama
Continuing the excellent work from the
first joint project of St Mungo’s & Barbican/
Guildhall School of Creative Learning, we
are once again offering the chance to play
in the fantastic band The Messengers! The
band includes musicians from the Guildhall
School of Music & Drama and working
alongside them you will be creating new
music together.
Date/ Time
From Monday
17 February
to Thursday
20 February
10am - 4pm
Performance on
25 February
2 - 10pm
Teaching and learning approaches
Whether you’ve had previous experience
playing an instrument or would just love to
have a go this is a great opportunity gain
new musical skills, meet new people and be
part of a band making its own music
Refreshments and lunches will be provided
each day for all participants.
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome your feedback. There will be a public
performance at the end of the course.
Practical Sewing Skills
Lead tutor
Course overview
Gillian Roach
Make new and mend existing items of
clothing, for example repair torn jeans or
hem long skirts and trousers.
You’ll also complete basic sewing projects
such as making cushion covers and pyjama
Date/ Time
Tuesdays from
11 February to
4 March
11:30am - 2pm
Teaching and learning approaches
Practical hands-on experience.
Rushworth St
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Introduction to Printmaking
Lead tutor
Course overview
Isabel Wilkinson
Printmaking is a spontaneous and hands-on
way of expressing yourself in art and design
work. After an introduction to the craft
of printmaking and the work of historical
printmakers, you will use inks and dyes to
create your own images, with equipment
provided by the college. This session will
provide an opportunity to learn a new
practical skill and produce beautiful prints on
paper and fabric that you can take away with
you. No experience necessary.
Date/ Time
Mondays from
27 January
to 24 February
2:30 - 5:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Demonstrations from the tutor and one-onone and group guidance.
There is no formal assessment but you are
encouraged to develop your ideas over the
duration of the course into a piece of work
you can take away with you.
Introduction to Short-film Making
Lead tutor
Course overview
Jamie Rhodes and
LCC students
During this 8-week course, you will be guided
through the process of making a short film,
from script to screen.You will work as part
of a team to develop a story and write a film
script. The team will then shoot and act in
your film. The finished film will be screened in
a local independent cinema.
Date/ Time
Mondays from
27 January to
17 March
4 - 7pm
Rushworth St
On the day of the shoot, you may be required
to be available for a full day of filming. This will
depend on the story that is developed, and
will be confirmed during the course.
Teaching and learning approaches
A mixture of watching short films, informal
teaching, group discussion and practical
work. The resulting film will be entirely
dictated by the students and the story they
want to tell.
There is no formal assessment but students
will receive a DVD copy of their short film,
and a bound copy of their script.
DJ Skills Workshop
Lead tutor
Course overview
James Huxley
Setting up equipment, mixing skills, basic
DJ Skills; this course will offer people an
introduction to DJ'ing or the opportunity to
further develop their own skills.You will get
the chance to mix on your own and with
guidance and support from the course tutor.
Date/ Time
Wednesdays from
22 January to
26 March
5 - 7pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
• Tutor demonstration
• Hands on experience using decks
• Discussion with professional DJs
There is no formal assessment for the course.
The aim is to provide an opportunity for
participants to develop their passion for
music in a creative manner.
Creative Writing
Lead tutor
Course overview
Laura Chernaik
Thursdays from
23 January to
27 March
2 - 4pm
Do you have a story to tell? A poem to write?
Do you want to bring something you’ve
written to share with the group? In these
workshops, we will use writing exercises,
reading, and discussion to develop our skills
as creative writers. We will focus on writing
stories and poems, life writing and on talking
about our writing process.
Teaching and learning approaches
Rushworth St
Writing exercises, reading, group discussion,
and tutor feedback.
Date/ Time
There is no formal assessment. The aim is
for participants to have the opportunity to
develop their passion for writing in a creative
manner. We welcome feedback on the course.
Circus Skills Workshop
Lead tutor
Course overview
Laurence Watson/
Freddie Still
Learn to juggle or try your hand at poi,
diablo, hula hoop and more.You don’t need
any experience or equipment - just come
along and give it a go!
Date/ Time
Mondays from
20 January to
24 March
5 - 7pm
Teaching and learning approaches
This workshop teaches a range of safe skills
using different equipment and provides
students with hands on guidance and
Rushworth St
There is no formal assessment though we
welcome feedback about the course.
Drumming without Drums
Lead tutor
Course overview
Simon Charterton
The session involves gentle co-ordinated
physical activity, which provides mental
stimulation and improves overall wellbeing.
We use maracas, shakers, body/vocal
percussion and site-specific objects (tables,
chairs, whatever’s available) to gently build
spontaneous beats and pulses without the
need for bulky, noisy drums. We will have
fun re-creating familiar beats (like Eastenders
and We Will Rock You) and playing
interactive games such as rhythmic versions
of Pass the Parcel.
Date/ Time
11 March
3 - 4:30pm
King’s Bench
Teaching and learning approaches
The aim of the session is to work
supportively and collectively to encourage
group working and social interaction.
Drumming without Drums is an activity that
is accessible to all regardless of ability or
previous experience.
There is no formal assessment for the course,
the aim is simply to provide a relaxed, uplifting
session to improve well-being. We want
people who come to this course to have
fun, be entertained, and enjoy some gentle
exercise in the process.
Now That’s What I Call the 1990’s
Lead tutor
Course overview
James Atkins
It was the era of Girl Power and New
Labour. Over the course of ten weeks, we
will be looking into the musical influences of
the 1990’s. From grunge to hip-hop, britpop
to boybands, each session aims to explore
these genres and the songs that represented
them. The course will also examine the
social and political issues of the 1990’s, and
how they can be directly connected to
musical output of the time.
Date/ Time
Thursdays from
23 January to
27 March
5 - 7pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
We will be listening to key songs of the era,
with background to the style/genre of the
particular song. There will also be TV clips
and discussion around key political events of
the 1990’s.
There will be no formal assessment, but
learners are encouraged to share their
memories/views of the music of the 1990’s.
Learners will also have the opportunity for
group sing-along to some of the most popular
songs of the era.
Creative Dance: Leap Out of the Shadows (Part 1)
Lead tutor
Course overview
Annarita Mazzilli
This is is a two part project leading to
the creation and performance of a dance
piece. The project has been develped in
collaboration with Mazzilli Dance Theatre.
The first part of the project will focus on:
• Developing dance and movement skills
• Developing an awareness of emotional
physical creativity
• Developing the ability to work within a
• Building and preserving self-confidence
and a sense of worth
You will learn simple dance phrases and
respond individually and within the group to
simple creative tasks.
Date/ Time
Wednesdays from
22 January to
12 February
1:30 - 4:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Tutor demonstration, group and pair work.
Students of all physical ability are welcome.
Unfortunately however, the building does
not accommodate wheelchair users.
There is no formal assessment but there will
be time during the class to reflect on your
Creative Dance: Leap Out of the Shadows (Part 2)
Lead tutor
Course overview
Annarita Mazzilli
Following on from the first part of project,
this course is for those wishing to learn
more about dance from creation to
production, and will focus on:
• Expressing and exchanging ideas
• Building a sense of solidarity and working
with compassion, empathy and awareness
within a group
• Building and preserving self-confidence
and a sense of worth
• Developing an individual form of
expression and applying it within the
Students may be asked to work on activities
outside of the group and it’s hoped that
everyone will commit to the successful
completion of the project.You can choose
to take part only in the choreography if you
Date/ Time
Wednesdays from
26 February to
26 March
1:30 - 4:30pm
Rushworth St
Teaching and learning approaches
Tutor demonstration, group discussion and
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
Maxine’s Soul & Funk Show
Lead tutor
Course overview
Maxine Jordan
This course is about indulging a passion
for all things funky and soulful. Bring your
own tunes or listen to ours. At the end of
the course you’ll create a mixtape of your
favourites to take home.
Date/ Time
Mondays from
24 February to
17 March
1 - 3pm
Teaching and learning approaches
Listening to and discussing great music,
dancing optional.
Rushworth St
There is no formal assessment but we
welcome feedback on the course.
About Us
What is Outside In?
Outside In is the St Mungo’s client representative group. We believe all
clients should actively participate as equal partners in the running and
governance of St Mungo’s.
Outside In gets involved in the decision making that gets clients’
voices heard and offers peer support to help people achieve what they
want and improve their lives for the better.
We feel passionate about equality and creating a group in which all
members feel comfortable to participate. For example, our women’s
group meet to offer peer support, enjoy lunch and a chat.
If you enjoy motivating people, believe in peer support and can spare
two hours per week for 10 weeks then 10x Better is an opportunity
for you. We also deliver training and workshops to clients and staff.
Escape Plan Programme
Why not receive training to deliver The Escape Plan Programme. This
is client led and runs over 10 weeks. Each session looks at a different
theme related to escaping homelessness and a goal is set around the
Our social policy group meets monthly to influence national government and policy-makers. On a six-weekly basis we meet with the
directors to discuss clients’ views on the work of St Mungo’s and their
suggestions for improvment..
About Us
Basic Skills:
If you have IT and/or reading skills etc which you want to share with
others then get involved in our Basic Skills projects.
Peer Facilitators Training:
Are you interested in increasing your confidence and learning how to run
groups and deliver workshops to clients and staff? If so find out more
about our Peer Facilitators Training. We have opportunities to co-facilitate
workshops with Outside In and as part of the Recovery College.
Other areas you may be interested in:
We have a say when policies and procedures are being reviewed
We are sit on interview panels for new staff
We get involved in peer research
We run a grants scheme to fund client-led activities
We support and train clients and staff to work together and run
services as a partnership
• We plan events to promote opportunities and raise awareness
• We organise a client festival every December
• We offer peer support and signposting towards other
opportunities to all St Mungo’s clients!
If you are interested in getting involved
with any of these opportunities either to
facilitate or attend, please contact
Vanessa Mooneeapen
07795 237862
Booking a Course
To sign up for a course you will
need to come and enrol at the
college.You can do this by:
Coming to one of our enrolment
days on 15th, 16th and 17th January
from 11am - 4pm at Rushworth
Or getting in touch with the
administrator and booking an
appointment to come in and see
us. We can be reached at
07739 195332
33 Rushworth St
If you would like to talk to
someone about options
or have more questions
please get in touch. We will
either answer your question
immediately or get back in
touch with you.
The Recovery College is
developing day by day, and
we are only at the start
of our journey - if you
have any comments or
suggestions we would love
to hear from you.
We also hope to offer many
more courses, so please
also let us know what
opportunities you would like
to have available and if you
would like to be involved in
developing or running them.
Partners and sites of interest
Some courses at the Recovery College are being developed in
partnership with Crisis Skylight, Workers Educational Association, City
Lit and the Barbican.
Each of these organisations offers a wide range of educational and
vocational courses in locations across London.
You can browse details of their courses in the Recovery College library
or check out their websites: