Issue No.19 - Rushworth P
Issue No.19 - Rushworth P
Email: Phone: 58 561 230 Website: Issue 19 Fax: 58 561 940 23rd November 2012 NOVEMBER 26th CCLLEN Employers Breakfast 7.30 am 26th-29th Year 11 Surf Camp 28th 2013 - Year 7 Transition Activities 30th Last day of classes for Year 11 students. DECEMBER 2nd SAKG Working Bee 9am –12noon 5th Musical Concert - Shire Hall 6th CFA Awards Night 7th Last day for Year 10’s IF written permission has been gained. Newsletter home 10th College Council 7pm 11th State-wide Transition Day 12th YEP Air Ambulance Excursion 17th VCE Results announced Above: Our victorious Regional finalists after their win - now to prepare for STATE finals next week. Good luck Girls! Below: Daniel West and Blake Rosenberg recording Jeff Perry’s interview, for the recent Highway Home workshop...more inside! PAGE 2 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 News from the Principal…. Remembrance Day Service With Remembrance Day occurring on a Sunday this year the College held it’s biannual Remembrance Day Service for the Community and past students on Monday 12th November. It was wonderful to welcome all past students and community members to the College and feedback received over the past week has indicated that our visitors really appreciated the opportunity to gather with the College community for Remembrance Day. Highlights of our events for the service included the morning tea, supported by our potential 2013 College student leaders, a wellresearched and presented speech by former student Alice Fraser on Frank McNamara and a heartfelt recollection by Miss. Frankie O’Toole on her recent visit to the Western Front in France. On behalf of our College community, thank you to our guests and visitors on the day and a special thank you to our presenters. Thank you to Kerrie Raglus and Christine Mather for their work behind the scenes and organising the service. VCE Exams Congratulations to our VCE students who have now officially completed their exams for 2012. Our Year 12 students will be eagerly awaiting the announcement of their results later in the year. Our Year 11 students have completed formal exams which have been conducted with Year 12 exam conditions. The aim of this, alongside gauging student progress, is to prepare students for Year 12 and ensure that they are aware of the conditions of Year 12 VCE exams. Exams this week have proven a timely reminder to some students to check what materials they may take with them and to be sure of exam commencement times. Parent Payments 2013 It gives me great pleasure to inform our College community that the parent payments requested for all students will be reduced in 2013. In a time of increasing costs for families and the loss of many local jobs over the past twelve months, College Council has taken the bold move to reduced charges for 2013. After a careful analysis of our costs and how we can best support students and families College Council has determined the following parent payments for 2013. The parent payment determined by College Council each year provides the vital funds necessary for Rushworth P-12 College to continue to provide excellent facilities, and sufficient teaching and curriculum resources to ensure a high quality education for all students. A significant proportion of the school’s cash budget is made up of parent contributions. The School Council has determined the parent payment per student for 2013 as follows: Curriculum Requisites 120.00 ICT Levy Total Year P-2 Materials & Services 70.00 35.00 $225.00 Year 3-6 70.00 120.00 70.00 $260.00 Year 7/8 90.00 135.00 120.00 $345.00 Year 9/10 80.00 150.00 120.00 $350.00 Year 11/12 80.00 150.00 120.00 $350.00 Further information for all families about the 2013 Parent Payments will be distributed in the coming weeks. ISSUE 21 R U S H WO R T H P - 1 2 C O LL E G E N E WS LE T T E R PAGE 3 Friendly reminder Over the past week we have had students raise a couple of concerns with us in regards to their peers and what other students are doing. All students and families are reminded: Students should remain in the school grounds throughout the school day, unless of course they have an approved lunch pass. A consequence for leaving the College grounds is an after school detention. Students should bring a water bottle with them on a daily basis with the oncoming warmer weather. A hydrated student manages the school day a lot better than a dehydrated one. Please note that soft drink and energy drinks are not to be consumed at school. As always, we appreciate the support of parents and families with these reminders and our work to make the College a better place for all students. Kind regards, Brad Moyle Campaspe Cohuna LLEN VET in Schools Excellence Awards We are extremely proud to announce that Year 10 student Leigh Horgan was not only a successful finalist in these recent awards but also the winner of his category—Engineering. Leigh, along with his parents Peter & Sherry were present at the Moama Bowling Club on Wednesday the 21st November at the CCLLEN VET in schools Excellence Awards. Leigh was amongst 55 other finalists in a range of VET in schools program categories. Leigh had been nominated for the awards by the College, his VET trainers and Work Placement Employers. In the lead up to the event, Leigh was interviewed by a panel of judges and deemed a finalist for the awards night. It was with great pleasure that Chairperson of the CCLLEN, our own Kerrie Raglus was able to present this award to Leigh on behalf of the sponsor Advance Computing, Kyabram. Leigh received a certificate and a $150 cheque. Thanks to Chris Hogan, David Tyler & Kerrie Raglus for attending the event in support of Leigh. It was a very positive and rewarding experience. PAGE 4 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 Rushworth P-12 College would like to congratulate the following students on their successful appointments as members of the college student leadership team. The students were initially voted for by their peers and then the top three progressed to the interview stage. The students were then interviewed by Mr Brad Moyle (Rushworth P-12 College Principal), Mrs Mica Rosenberg (College Council President) and Mr Chris Hogan (VCE Coordinator). Each student showed they were very capable of representing the college in a respectful and professional manner, they were also well prepared for the interview process. They each brought new and exciting ideas for the college and we can’t wait to put them to work. Congratulations to Timmy Wall & Brodie Aburrow who will be the Rushworth P-12 College’s captains for 2013. Congratulations to Breese Jenkins (Vice-Captain Brocklebank) Jack Parker (Vice-Captain McNamara), and Emily Digney (Vice-Captain Student Voice). Congratulations to all students and thank you to all who nominated, we look forward to seeing what you will bring to the College in 2013. Chris Hogan Later Years POD Leader & VCE Coordinator ISSUE 21 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 5 On SALE soon! The Year 9 YEP students have produced a cookbook in partnership with residents at the Waranga Hostel. Copies of the Cookbook will be on SALE at the Hostel shortly.. A Collectors edition! Stanhope-Girgarre Junior football Club and Rushworth Juniors are now the: SGR GIANTS We will be hosting a TRIVIA & AUCTION FAMILY NIGHT Mixed General Knowledge Questions Stanhope Hotel Function Room Lucky Door Prize FRIDAY 7th December @ 7pm Games Voucher Tree $15 per person Tables 8 –10 Auction Items Bookings PH: 0438 546 374 Drinks at Bar prices Supper provided PAGE 6 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 For the last stage of our ‘This Highway Home’ Project 10 students from Gr. 5 to Yr. 9 were selected to be a part of a two day video editing workshop at Rushworth P-12 College in conjunction with Stephen Oakes from Courthouse ARTS in Geelong. The aim of the small group workshop was to teach students the process and skills of collecting, capturing, editing and presenting digital media using technology available to the students on their net books. Students ventured into the community to interview locals Annette Habegger and Jeff Perry. They collected photos, video and audio and using programs such as Audacity, Windows Movie Maker, Photoshop Elements and Song Smith to create a 5-10minute video presentation. The workshops were followed up with a practical day excursion to Geelong and on Friday the 16th of November. Here students had the opportunity to explore Court house ARTS and see first hand their amazing facilities and meet the staff. Students had the opportunity to present their videos to a panel where they received some fantastic feedback. Before jumping on the bus to head back to Rushworth we all took a stroll along the beach and had a well earned ice cream! I would like to say a big thank you to all the students involved, what great ambassadors for the college! And a big thank you to Miss Cray for being our new Highway Home recruit and coming along for the ride! Frankie O’Toole Students Involved: Grade 5 – Ryan Millar Grade 6 – Molly Risstrom Yr. 8 – Hayley McIntosh Yr. 8 – Tom Brown Yr. 9 – Luke Zonneveld Stephen Oakes (Courthouse Artist) introducing the workshop to the students Ryan and Tom learning how to use the video camera and tripod Grade 5 – Phoebe Stewart Yr. 7 – Daniel West Yr. 8 – Liana Coyle Yr. 8 – Blake Rosenberg Yr. 9 – Jazmyne Weatherhead Jazmyne sharing her skills with Phoebe and Molly Hayley and Liana enjoying the bus ride to Geelong ISSUE 21 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 7 Capturing Annette’s digital portrait Molly and Phoebe interviewing local Annette Habegger Daniel using the field recorder during the interview Ryan and Luke asking Jeff all the tough questions Two days filming and interviewing in Rushworth, Then we headed to Geelong, to Courthouse Arts…... PAGE 8 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 Clockwise from top left: A look through the gallery, striking a pose on the stage, Ice cream anyone?, what’s a trip to Geelong without a stroll on the beach?, preparing for our Courthouse presentation…. After a great day in Geelong - we took the Highway Home ISSUE 21 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 9 VETERAN’S REUNION Monday the 12th of November saw the College welcome back former students and community representatives for our bi-annual Veteran’s Reunion. Guests travelled from far afield (many in their 80’s making the trip from Melbourne) as well as locally. After a lovely catch up and time to reacquaint with one another over morning tea, it was time to hold our service in the main hall. Principal Brad Moyle, welcomed all those assembled, and introduced one of our 2012 College Captains, Rhylie Stockdale—who read the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae. Our future student leaders, then laid the wreath while Tim Wall read “The Ode” an excerpt from the poem, “Fallen” by Laurence Binyon. Rushworth & District Band members, Graeme Collard & Stewart Nurse then played a very moving Last Post and The Rouse. Having these community members supporting the College brought a great authenticity to the programme and we thank them for attending. Alice Fraser and Frankie O’Toole then gave two very different but totally inspiring and moving speeches. Alice spoke very passionately about our own VC—Frank McNamara , and the effect he had had on her studies whilst she was a student here. Ms Frankie O'Toole then inspired (and moved us) with a very personal journey of her journey through France and Belgium this year—visiting those places she had previously had very little understanding of— and the emotional discovery of the sacrifices those before us had given, so that we can enjoy the life we know now. As I said—very moving speeches from both our guests and as a College we thank them for their contribution to our ceremony. Guests then mingled, with a lot of time had reminiscing in our Saluting their Service area - telling stories about family relatives, past students and teachers. It was wonderful to be a part of these conversations. To hear the stories of how school used to be, the teachers they had, the way the town was, family connections etc. Priceless information really. Our next reunion will be in 2014, and we hope to start casting the net for further former students, from any era really, who would like to be a part of this special day. If you would like to get in early and register your interest we would love for you to contact the College. Because as we know time does fly really fast.. PAGE 10 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 SCHOOLIES: ADVICE FOR PARENTS It’s that time of year again, when year 12 school leavers head off to various locations for the annual 'schoolies' celebrations. For young people who participate in schoolies, it is an important time in their life and acknowledges the end of their schooling and a rite of passage into adulthood If you are a parent it may be a worrying time, especially if it is the first time your child will be without direct adult supervision for an extended period. The Australian Drug Foundation suggests you can help your teenager enjoy schoolies while reducing the risk of problems with a 3-tier strategy: Be informed Be the model Be the voice Be informed: To help your teenager enjoy the celebrations and reduce the risk of trouble, you need to know where your children are staying, who they are going with, and their plans for activities. It can also help to speak to their friends and find out their plans. Access to alcohol is a given for young people at schoolies events, but research has found that alcohol can interfere with the development of the brain (which continues until the mid-20s). Practical advice for those attending is to drink as little as possible, never get drunk, and encourage their friends to do the same. It’s essential for young people to understand alcohol laws. In most states and territories anyone who supplies a minor with alcohol is breaking the law unless they are the child’s parent or guardian, or have their approval, and act in a responsible manner. Read the fact sheet about supplying alcohol to minors. Be the model: How you behave and handle situations is a powerful guide for your children. An important strategy is to plan to handle adverse events: ask your children to come up with Plan B and Plan C in the event of a problem. Teenagers will suggest they can call for help on a mobile phone, but what if they lose the phone, or the battery is low? What can they do if someone is hassling them to have a drink, take a ride in a car, or leave their friends? Be the voice: Research indicates young people drink less when they know their parents prefer them not drinking. If possible, chat to the parents of your teenager’s friends, and try to agree on common expectations. A united front by all parents is useful. Above all, make sure your teenager knows they can contact you at any time if things go wrong. Schoolies week is a time of release and celebration for graduating Year 12 students in Australia. It can be a liberating but also a risky time, particularly in the context of exposure to alcohol and other drugs. Preparation and planning by students and their families can help them enjoy it rather than regret it. ( Leanne James School Nurse Educator ISSUE 21 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 11 Summer School 2012/13 - Do something different this summer! Hospitality Training Australia invites Year 9,10,11, 12 students and friends and family to Summer School 2012/13, where you can learn to pour an espresso, mix a mojito, and gain industry recognised skills and qualifications while you’re at it. Earn your RSA, RSG, OHS, Food Safety and first Aid certificates along the way. Or, if your prefer the Kitchen, cook up a storm at our Summer School for Cooking! Summer School 2012/13 runs 2, 3 or 4 days per week and commences throughout December 2012 until the end of January 2013. Choose between a Certificate in Hospitality (coffee, Bar & Waiter), or a Certificate II in Hospitality (cooking) for $125.00. To learn more, pick up a brochure from Careers Central, or visit ‘Foot in the Door’ Hospitality Program This course is ideal for anyone wishing to gain part-time work in a café or restaurant. It is ideal for students, and other individuals, wishing to approach Hospitality establishments with some formal qualifications to support their job application. Participants will learn coffee making skills, receive their Responsible Serving of Alcohol as well as training in Hygiene and occupational health and safety units. The course will be held at BRIT—Echuca Campus Delivered over 4 days—Monday 3rd December to Thursday 6th December, 9.00am till 3.300pm Cost for the course is $160.00 no eligible*, eligible* $72.00 concession* For further details contact Brendan Lethlean 03 5483 1320 Instructor Internship Opportunity - Applications Now Open EA have released a limited number of places on their Ski & Snowboard Instructor Internship Programs for the 2013/14 winter season in Canada. The Program is offered in conjunction with top ski resorts (such as Revelstoke, Big White and Lake Louise) and is very popular with school leavers because it provides an opportunity to obtain paid employment at a top Resort, and complete an internationally recognised ski or snowboard instructing qualification. 11 internship places have been released for Ski Schools in Canada. Programs start November 2013 Interested Students Should Apply by: emailing EA at This will also give you access to their online instructor starter kit. EA are looking for students who: - Have a passion for skiing or snowboarding (Low level intermediate to advanced ability welcome) - Have a willingness to learn through training and working - Have an interest in travel and adventure - Are available between December 2013 and April 2014 - Are looking for a life changing experience - Have the financial support to participate (the all inclusive program costs start at approx. $5900) * Limited employment positions available in 2013: Due to limited instructor employment positions and increasing popularity, it is very important that students apply early. Many miss out each season. Kerrie Raglus , Student Pathways PAGE 12 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 Sport, Health and PE - What’s been happening? Last week we celebrated Health and PE week at the College with lots of activities happening to get the students thinking about their health and fitness and to get them up and active at lunchtimes. Throughout the week we had a daily quiz question on the bulletin with a winner drawn each afternoon, the lucky winners were Imogen Giffening, Natalie Zonneveld, Jack Horsley, Molly Risstrom and Phoebe Stewart who each won a drink bottle. Lunchtimes were filled with plenty of different activities including Staff vs. Students cone ball, a “Killer Hoops” basketball day, a “Mr. Muscle” bench press competition using some of our new gym equipment and a boys Netball clinic. In addition to this, Thursday was “Wear your Flashest Runners to School” day with students invited to wear their most impressive runners to school for the day. Judging was held at recess with Jordann Rodgers announced the winner of the sportsbag prize for her fabulously creative shoes which certainly stole the show! Other students who were given an honorable mention (and a bouncy ball for their efforts) were Nicole Johnson, Shirley Ratawake, Oliver Rathjen and Toni Wright. A huge thank-you to all of the teachers and students who participated in the celebrations throughout the week! At Left: Flashest shoes winners—Jordann Rodgers, and Mr Hogan congratulating Nicole Johnson & Shirley Ratawake on being runnersup. Lost Property There is a large amount of lost property accumulating in the Stadium left behind after Sport and PE classes. If you are missing any pieces of uniform please drop by and have a look. ISSUE 21 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R PAGE 13 If you missed the news - Year 7 VOLLEYBALL TEAM to compete in STATE FINALS!! The 29th of November sees Rushworth P-12 College, once again, competing in the State Finals for Volleyball. In August of this year a small group of students expressed an interest in training for the Goulburn Murray Division Volleyball competition. Although at this point they didn’t have enough players to form a full team they did not allow this to undermine their belief in their own ability to successfully compete. The girls, along with assistant coach Breese Jenkins trained every Tuesday lunch time honing both individual and team skills. By the 18th of October a full team headed off to Shepparton to find out exactly how much the training had payed off. The girls had a fairly easy run into the finals where they met teams from Moama Anglican Grammar School and Notre Dame College. Though these teams presented a challenge, our girls met them with admirable determination and composure. Without losing a match all day the girls proceeded to the next round of competition, vying for the chance to represent the Hume Region in the state championships. Competing with girls from Wangaratta, Myrtleford and Yarrawonga, Rushworth once again showed an uncanny ability to perform under pressure. Throughout this season these girls have displayed admirable team qualities. Their dedication to training, desire to do well and willingness to support each other has allowed them to overcome a number of obstacles. Upcoming dates: Year 7 Girls Volleyball team compete at STATE titles— Thursday 29th November Good Luck to our Volleyball girls next week, Win or lose you are already winners to us! PAGE 14 R U S HWO R T H P - 1 2 C O LLE G E NE WS LE T T E R ISSUE 21 Disclaimer The Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, and Rushworth P-12 College do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department or College for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements . If you have anything you would like to have published in our college newsletter please email articles to: VCE Books for SALE!! Business Management VCE Units 3 & 4 (with CD) $20 Essential Maths 3rd Edition (Further Mathematics) New 2012 $20 Year 12 English novels; Tennessee Williams (A Streetcar Named Desire) $10 A Human Pattern - selected poems (Judith Wright) $10 Michael Frayn (Spies) $10 Design Technology Units 1-4 $20 For more details phone: 0400 195 534 REMEMBER - TERM 4 is a SUNSMART TERM COLLEGE HATS must be worn during any outside activities.
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