Clonard Chronicle


Clonard Chronicle
Clonard Chronicle
Edition 10 - July 29
225 Church St. Geelong West. 3218
Ph: 5278 2155 Fax: 5278 9909
Brigid, you were a woman of peace,
You brought harmony where there was
You brought light to the darkness.
You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and
And may peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world.
The vast majority of students, together with their parents, can be
very proud of their efforts and achievements in the first semester.
It is just as important to recognise that fact that all students
can strive to improve in some aspect of their studies. I would
encourage students to conscientiously note the suggestions
from their first semester teachers in order to make some efforts
towards these improvements. Parent Teacher Evening for Yr.12
students will take place on Thursday the 11th of August. Parents
will be advised (via letter) of the arrangements for this evening.
Parent Teacher interviews for the remaining students (Yrs 7-11)
will take place on Tuesday the 20th and Thursday the 22nd of
September. Further details concerning these arrangements will
be published closer to these dates.
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of Clonard College,
Welcome back for the commencement of Term Three. I trust that
the holiday break enabled students and their families to spend
some precious time together and that all students have returned
with the enthusiasm and determination to tackle the second half
of the year.
Last week we welcomed back to the College, Ms Lillian Josevska
and Ms Tracey Newnham (maternity leave) who will be job
sharing a position in The Arts Domain.
I would like to welcome the following students who are starting at
Clonard this Semester:
Jacqueline Mitsios 9G
Bethany McLaughlin 9G
Olivia Fahey 9B
Shannon Williams 9B (returning student)
Grace Smith 7B
It is wonderful to have these new students and their families as
part of the Clonard community.
Next week, on Thursday the 4th and Friday the 5th of August the
much anticipated College Musical, Seussical will take place at the
Geelong Peforming Arts Centre (GPAC). The show commences
at 7.30pm and concludes at approximately 9.30pm. Tickets can
be purchased at GPAC ($25 adults, $20 students). Tickets can
also be purchased through Clonard including a family ticket( two
adults, two children or one adult and three children) for $80. Both
cast and crew have been working towards this event since March,
so we look forward to seeing what I am sure will be a wonderful
performance. So many students, staff, parents and volunteers
have contributed to ensuring the success of the Production and
these people will be duly recognised in the next newsletter. I
would however, especially like to acknowledge our Producer,
Mrs Linda Kiernan in advance for her drive, enthusiasm and
unwaivering committment to ensure that the production takes
place this year and above all, that it has been a positive and fun
learning experience for each of the girls involved.
End-of-Semester Reports/Parent Teacher Interviews
End of semester reports were distributed to all families at the
end of the last week of Term Two. Please contact the College
immediately if you have not sighted your daughter’s end-ofsemester report, as this is a vital instrument in gauging their
progress for Semester One.
Senior Years Information Evening
Last night, the the Senior Years Information Evening took place.
This was a chance for parents and also students currently in
Yr 10 to hear an explanation of the various VCE and VCAL
pathways available for students and the timelines and processes
associated with subject selection. Thank you to all families who
supported this evening.
Japanese Art Project
This week we welcomed staff and students from Joshibi High
School of Art and Design in Tokyo who will be with us for two
weeks completing a joint art project. Thank you to our Arts
Domain Coordinator, Ms McKenzie, Mrs Whelan and our Arts
staff for facilitating this visit.
Yr 9 Camp/Yr 10 Work Experience
The Yr 9 camp entitled “Girls Big Week Out” will take place in
the week commencing Monday the 8th of August. Information
regarding this camp is contained elsewhere in this newsletter.
In the same week our Yr 10 students will complete Work
Experience. Thank you to Ms Evans and Ibu Dewar and all staff
involved in the arrangements associated with these activities.
Santa Teresa
On Saturday the 6th of August eight Yr 10 students along with Mr
Jones, Ms Power and Mr Schmidt will venture to Santa Teresa
in the Northern Territory to continue our relationship with the
Catholic school in the community. Our students will undertake
their work experience in the community, while the staff will also
assist the school by taking some classes amongst other duties.
Our newsletters are constantly full of student achievements.
Some achievements we hear about whilst others achieved with
little fanfare from the student or their family. Congratulations
to Rosie Shanahan (Yr 9) on her achievement in making the
Victorian Catholic All Schools U15 Netball side that will compete
at the National Championships in the September Holidays. In this
newsletter you will read an article from Jmara Hockley Samon on
her experience of being part of the U17 Australian Development
Squad in Canberra. I had the pleasure of seeing some of our
students compete in the school equestrian championships in
the holidays. Congratulations to Ebony Elgers, Lauren Harding,
Jamie Harding and Natasha Czerenkowski on the way that they
represented the College at this event.
A Brigidine Year 7 - 12 Secondary College for Girls.
Newsletter and Personal Details Updates
The next edition of the newsletter will be the final mass-produced
hard copy. As you are aware we have attempted to gather all
the necessary information from parents in order to distribute
the newsletter via email. This distribution will take place for the
first time on Friday the 2nd of September. Some hard copies will
be available to be collected by students from the front office
if parents do not have an email address. We still have a large
number of forms that were mailed to parents last term that need
to be returned. Your cooperation in returning these would be
much appreciated.
Unit 3 and 4 Parent Teacher Interviews
Staff member, Mrs Sue Bath (father-in-law) and Grace Bath 8W
(Grandfather) passed away last week.
As in past years we have again arranged an opportunity for
parents (and in particular students) to come in for interviews with
staff who teach units 3 and 4 - these interviews will take place
between 4.00 - 7.30pm on Thursday 11th of August in the Year
12 block. We have chosen this date as it follows the release of
midyear exam results on Monday the 8th of August. If you are
unable to attend please do not hesitate to make contact with your
daughter’s subject teachers by ‘phone or email. Letters will be
going home in the next few days to parents of those students
studying a unit 3 & 4 sequence. Students are encouraged to
make the most of the opportunity (i.e. to attend even if parents
are themselves unable to attend). The interviews are a time for
positive goal-setting and to note not only areas of concern/areas
for improvement but also to affirm what your daughter is doing
well. We welcome your attendance. Times may be booked with
individual teachers via your daughter. Please let us know if you
have any inquiries.
Evelyn Dawson/Leonie de Jong
VCE Co-coordinators
Best Wishes
At the Garden....
The Clonard College community extends its sympathy to
Tiarna Foord Year 7 & Emily Hodge Year 9 whose Grandmothers
passed away.
Staff member, Mr Michael McCallum on the passing of his Mother
in the holidays.
It’s winter, it’s cold and miserable and the trees branches are
bare, but the greenhouse is warm all the seedlings there have
been growing. We have been busily re-planting the new seedlings
in bigger pots so that they can grow bigger. Clipping the tree
branches might be hard work but it’s always fun to try.
Damian McKew
We are always in the garden; rain, hail or shine, but we need
your help.
Mon 1st Aug
Thu 4th Aug
Fri 5th Aug
Mon 8th Aug
Thur 11th Aug
VCAL Workplacement Yr 11
Arts Week
School Production - Seussical The Musical
GPAC 7.30pm
School Production - Seussical The Musical
GPAC 7.30pm
Year 10 Work Experience Week
Yr 12 mid year exam results
Yr 9 Camp
Yr 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews (4-7.30pm)
Congratlulations to Jemma Singleton and
Melanie Hartshorne who recently competed
in the State Championships for Synchronized
swimming. They each received 3 gold medlas for
duet, team of 4 and a combination routine of 10.
Jemma also received a shield for the most
improved over all the age groups, and a first
for her solo event. This was chosen by the
national coach. Both Jemma and Melanie will
be competing their duet with the National Junior
Team in New Zealand in October. Jemma will also
be competing her solo.
Good luck girls for the international competition in New Zealand.
Rosie Shannahan of year 9, has just been
selected as goal shooter for the Victorian
Catholic Secondary Girls Netball team. In
September they will be playing the National
tournament in Shepparton. Congratulations
Rosie and good luck for the tournament.
We meet at the greenhouse every Tuesday at lunchtime, and
have lots of fun learning about the garden, eating freshly picked
home grown fruit and have some very interesting encounters
some of the creatures we share the garden with. You don’t have
to know anything at all to help you just need to come along and
lend a gloved hand. You can come for 5 minutes or half an hour
we don’t mind. Bring your friends have a great time! Everyone is
welcome and can make a difference.
Isabella & Nicole CSG
My School
The birds fly swift over my head.
Students chattering in their classes.
I hear the sound of T-bars ahead.
The sweet smell of freshly cut grasses.
A lonely leaf blowing across the road.
People play on bright coloured playgrounds
The construction trucks carrying their heavy load.
On the oval I trip over dirt mounds.
The smell of coffee strangles the smell of cars.
A tree reaches for its lover that’s just out of reach.
I run my pencil across the fence’s metal bars.Hold my breath
under the bush that steals my smell, like a leech.
Clonard is my school, my learning place
And it will fill up my brain’s empty space.
by Alexandra Pix
Stop Press - Stop Press
The following 7 students obtained an EXCELLENT score at
recent Alliance Francaise Poetry competition Yr 9 Tuesday
King, Diana Nguyen Dang, Sweetzel Abella and Margareta
Zias. Yr 10 Zinhaan Khan, Skye Perry, Daniella Rosa. They
are now finalists in Melbourne on Saturday August 6th. We
wish them every success Madame Lindquist, Lyon and
Mademoiselle Baqtatouche
A Brigidine Year 7 - 12 Secondary College for Girls.
It was great to see everyone on time to Clonard early on the
morning of the 18th of May, where two buses were waiting to take
the 60 girls up to Olympic Park. The first bus left filled with our
1500m and Hurdles athletes, ready to compete in the first events
of what was going to be a very long and tiring day. After a quick
stop off at Caltex to pick up the remainder of the team, the rest of
the trip had the girls eagerly checking their events and the times
they would be competing.
Once we arrived at Olympic park the girls had enough time for
a quick warm-up before the first events began. Throughout the
day in all the events it was good to see Clonard so strongly
represented with all the girls putting in 100%, and there certainly
were some terrific results that came out of the day.
Some of our star athletes that brought home first place ribbons
Amelia Gallichan - Inter A 1500m + Inter B 800m
A Brigidine Year 7 - 12 Secondary College for Girls.
Megan Walker - Junior A 1100m Walk
Nicole Banovac - Junior B 1100m Walk
Jessie Burns - Yr 9 A 200m
Taylor Sobczyk - Yr 9 B 200m
Jmara Hockley Samon - Inter A 1100m Walk + Inter A 800m
Pheobe Cummings - Yr 10 High Jump (Equal First)
Jessica Smigowski - Yr 7 B Long Jump
Beth Gray-Macintosh - Yr 8 A Shot Put
Ruby Shannahan - Yr 8 B Shot Put
Alexandra Pix - Yr 8 B Triple Jump
Jorja Crompton, Taylah Olive, Cass Olive, Angela Santro - Yr 10
4 x 100m Relay
Victoria Honner, Taylor Sobczyk, Mikaylah Skilton, Georgia
Clarke - Inter A 4 x 100m Relay
Although athletics is mainly an individual sport the Clonard girls
showed outstanding teamwork to ensure everybody got to their
events on time and all events were filled, also taking in turns
during the day on long jump duty.
competition this year in division 2 was very strong and all teams
needed to play quality basketball in order to make the finals.
The junior and intermediate team both finishing up in 3rd place,
after just missing out on the gold medal match. The junior team
showed their never give up mentality, always giving 100% until the
final buzzer rang, while the intermediate team used their height to
their advantage and played very gutsy basketball throughout the
day. Our senior team was unfortunately down a few key players
but it was clear to see that they gave it everything they had and
had a lot of fun.
All the girls showed incredible teamwork and support within the
team and played each game demonstrating great sportsmanship,
A big thanks to coaches Mr Tong, Ms Vines, Ms Blythe and Tayla,
and a congratulations goes out to all the students who played on
the day, you should be so proud of yourselves girls!
Overall Clonard finished 3 which is a fantastic result, the
Intermediate team finishing 2nd in their division and both the
Junior and Senior teams finishing up 7th.
A special Thankyou to Mr Tong, Mr Patterson and Ms Patterson
for coming along to help on the day and also to Mrs Griffin for
helping with the massive task of organising the teams.
On the morning of the 16th of May, 26 girls from our junior,
intermediate and senior badminton teams joined Mrs Griffin and
myself on a bus at 7.30am to make the trip up to the Melbourne
Sports and Aquatics Centre. Luckily the traffic was light so we
arrived well over half an hour before the first round commenced,
giving the girls plenty of time to warm up.
It was obvious from the start that the competition was very
strong this year. To the girls credit, they all showed outstanding
sportsmanship on and off the court throughout the day and
always kept their heads up giving 100% even when the scores
were not in our favour.
To win a round, the scores of all four pairs added together must be
greater than the scores of the opposing school. Our intermediate
and senior teams both won 2 rounds for the day. The Juniors
came very close to winning against Marion College but lost by
just 4 points in the end, so unfortunately narrowly missing out on
finals, but it was clear to see all the girls had improved significantly
over the day.
A special thanks goes to Brodie Thulbron who played up a division
to make the numbers in our senior team, and also to Mrs Griffin
and Ms Patterson for giving up many lunchtimes to pick teams
and run training sessions leading up to the day.
Elizabeth Fraser
Tori Honner
Kara Shuttleworth
Tayla Reid
Gaby Cleary
Em Terrill
Sharni Tremain
Caroline Evans
Shan McDowell
Tess Hallam
Hayley Bodrogkozy
Zoe Fatouros
AJ Chalmers
Steph Boyce
Paige Fairchild
Ali Drake
Laura Morrissey
Courtney Hobbs
Sarah Van Arend
Georgia Clarke
Shanae Bourke
Amelia Gallichan
Dom Cleary
Simone Dooley
Katherine Eastman
Clonards junior and senior hockey team went up to Melbourne
for the SCSA tournament, the first time they had played together
as a team and for a lot of the girls it was the first time they had
ever played hockey! We were lucky to to have no rain on the day
but it was still awfully cold and the girls had to rug up between
matches to keep warm. The improvement shown over the 4
matches played in both our junior and senior team was great
to see. The Juniors finishing 4th overall, won their third game
defeating Sacred Heart Girls College 1 goal to nil. The senior
girls fought out all of their games showing their improvement in
the last game drawing with Sion who were Grand final favourites,
nil all. This was a great effort considering the team included quite
a few year 9 girls who were playing up a division, so a massive
thank you to those girls. It was a great day for all who attended,
and another thank you to Mrs Griffin, Ms Fish and Ms Curran who
helped organize the teams and attend the day.
Georgia Randall
Lauren Harding
Elizabeth Fraser
Paige Rae
Bree-Elle Crompton
Paige Sobczyk
Nicole Banovac
Anita Jovic
Amy Muscat
Elise Scacco
Taylor Reid
Ali Simpson
Jorja Crompton
Laura Watach
Taylah Crompton
Jacqui Mendes
Sweetzel Abela
Emma Ly
Steph Thomson
Carly Pilgrim
Joanne Simpson
Dianne Abela
Sarah Haywood
Cass Richmond
Taylah Ellis
Cathy McNaughton
Danni Posadowski
Brodie Thulbrom
Felicity Weir
Tianna Lee
Beth Gray-Macintosh
Emma Ly
Olivia McGrane
Gabby Cleary
Elizabeth Fraser
Jacqui Mendes
Fiona Hamilton
Jess Lambrecht
Sweetzel Abella
Erin Carlile
Paige Rae
Danielle Hill
Paige Sobcyzk
Emily Goegan
Elle Howie
Perri Digby
Emma Brodie
Maddi Norrie
There were high expectations on all our basketball teams when
they went up to compete at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatics
centre. After the first round of games we realised that the
A Brigidine Year 7 - 12 Secondary College for Girls.
State Netball
Careers News
A high standard of netball was shown by all Clonard teams at the State Netball and
Hockey centre on Tuesday 26th July.
Herald Sun Melbourne Career Expo - this
The year 12 team played consistently all day, this being their final tournament together.
Ending up 3 on the ladder after winning 5 games and loosing 2 only by a few goals.
Over 150 exhibitors, plus seminars and VCE
Despite having the same casualty they have every year, the team soldiered on to still
exam advice
come out with plenty of wins and have a lot of fun in doing so!
10am - 3pm, July 29, 30 and 31 at the Melbourne
The Intermediate team consisted of nine year 9 girls and one year 10, so even though
this group of girls did so well last year in the junior competition, the expectations were Exhibition Centre
not as high as they would be mostly playing against girls a year older. Despite this age
difference the girls managed to finish 3rd on the ladder losing only 2 of their games one of these to Our Lady of Mercy College who were the top side, and only by one goal.
The girls played outstanding netball and worked so well as a team, a great credit to Open Days are almost here!
them all.
Year 10’s, 11’s and 12’s start exploring your
Our Junior team was in the top division so played against some very talented teams options at University Open Days
in their 5 games, which mostly were played on the outside courts. Fortunately for the
girls it rained when they were not playing so none of their games had to be cancelled, OPEN DAY DATES (usually 10am – 4pm):
but the courts were still very wet and slippery, whilst it was also extremely cold. The
• Sat 6 Aug – Monash Uni (Berwick, girls gave it all they had and fought out every game to the final siren.
Gippsland, Peninsula)
Thank you to all the staff and parents that helped out on the day, Carmel, Miss
• Sun 7 Aug – La Trobe Uni (Melbourne); Hitchcock, Jacinta McDowell and Sarah Feola.
Monash Uni (Caulfield, Clayton, Parkville); William Angliss TAFE
Carla O’Brien
Rosie Shannahan
Shan McDowell
• Fri 12 Aug – La Trobe Uni (Shepparton)
Hannah Buckle
Sarah Fearnsides
Mollie Roberts
Georgie Barclay
Hayley Wilson
Jacinta O’Mealley
• Sun 14 Aug – Australian Catholic Uni (ACU) (Melbourne); Deakin Uni (Warrnambool);
Annie Feola
Katherine Eastman
Alyssa Boardman
Tash Scott
Laura Watach
Britany Dietrich
Dom Cleary
Marissa Stepancic
Kara Shuttleworth
Amy Dojcinovski
Elly Ryan
Hayley Neville
Ruby Shannahan
Tori Honner
Jemma Ryan
Gaby Nero
Alicia Nolan
• La Trobe Uni (Mildura); RMIT (University and TAFE)
• Sat 20 Aug – Holmesglen TAFE
• Sun 21 Aug – Deakin Uni (Geelong)
Gordon TAFE (Geelong), La Trobe Uni (Albury/Wodonga); Uni of
Swinburne (Hawthorn,
Melbourne; Lilydale and Prahran)
Pheobe Cummings
Cross Country
In true Cross Country weather, 24 girls from Years 7-10 competed at Albert Park in the
SCSA Inter School Cross Country. We had 16 girls competing in the Junior competition,
a great race by Ali Simpson year 7 who finished 18th in her division, competing against
140 other girls with a time of 12.48. Placing 4th in the intermediates was a great effort
by the team with only 4 Clonard girls competing in the age group. We also had 4 brave
girls step up into the senior division to make up a Clonard team, so thank you and well
done to Kelly Hoskin, Caitlyn Rundle, Jade Lockwood and Hayley Wilson! A special
congratulations to Jmara Hockley-Samon who placed 4th overall but finished 1st in
division 2 running 3km in a time of 10.53. Thanks to Mr Patterson and Tayla for taking
us up to race, and keeping the girls in line. Great effort by all the girls who competed!
• Sun 28 Aug - ACU (Ballarat); Ballarat
Uni; Box Hill Institute; Deakin
(Burwood); La
Trobe Uni
Attendance at university and TAFE Open Days
is really important. This is especially so if you
plan to apply for a course which requires an
interview, folio presentation or audition as part
of the application process (art and design,
music and drama courses for example). Put
the dates in your diary. Year 10 is a great time
to start some visits. Reading about a course
that interests you is good; visiting the institution
offering the course is even better.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Ali Simpson
Megan Walker
Mikaylah Skilton Jmara Hockley
Elizabeth Fraser
Caitlyn Leary
Caitlyn Rundle
Ashleigh Skilton
Georgia Fraser
Hayley Wilson
AAFC - Australian Air Force Cadets
Helena Gdak
Jo Johnson
Kelly Hoskin
Information night Thursday August 4 2011,
Paige Rae
Emma Whittington
Montana Edgar
Jade Lockwood
Nicole Banovac
48 Sherbourne Tce Newtown
Rachel Wood
Contact Don
Chloe Stojanovic
Tayla Robertson Sports Department
A Brigidine Year 7 - 12 Secondary College for Girls.
complete and return
Towards the end of second term, forms were mailed out for
collection and verification of parent/guardian details including
current mobile phone numbers and email addresses. The College will soon engage a number of new digital systems
which require the use of these details.
In particular, future editions of the College newsletter will be
delivered via email. This is a really good reason for parents and
guardians to ensure the form has been completed and returned to
College reception so you can keep in touch with school events.
For families without internet access it will still be possible to collect
a printed version of the newsletter from College reception whilst
those parents without their own email address might consider
registering a daughter’s Clonard email address for newsletter
delivery and ask their daughter to notify them of delivery and
provide the opportunity to read the newsletter via the allocated
College netbook (where applicable).
Echuca Camp
Just this week, some of the J&D members travelled to Echuca
to meet up with Justice and Democracy students from other
Brigidine schools. The purpose of this camp was to gain a
better understanding of how important the land is in the history
of the Aboriginal people. By listening to the stories of some who
were forcibly removed from their land, we were better able to
understand the devastating impact that this had on their sense
of identity, dignity and heritage. One message that particularly
resonated with us all was the power of words – how we must learn
that while there are times to talk, there are also times that we
must stop and listen. We feel privileged that we were welcomed
onto the land of the Yorta Yorta people by members of the Yorta
Yorta community who were happy to talk of their experiences and
desire for reconciliation and equality. Anthea Hinchey J & D
Other on-line initiatives which will follow include bookings for
parent-teacher interviews, parent access to the College intranet
(SIMON) to track events, messages, attendance, and home work
tasks, and access to web-based surveys to provide feedback to
the College.
If the original form has been misplaced, contact College reception
(52782155) to request a replacement.” John Cahill IT Deparmment
Holiday Program
J&D again joined up with
students from Sacred Heart, St
Joseph’s and Trinity Colac to
spend a day of the holidays
socialising with children
and teenagers of refugee
background. The cold
weather (with just the
occasional shower) was
perfect for lots of running
The soccer,
treasure hunts, table
tennis and gym games
kept us nice and warm.
Meanwhile, the painting,
board games and cooking
workshops gave us some
downtime – and the chance
to catch our breath! Thanks
to our hosts at St Joseph’s, our
day was filled with great activities
and loads of fun.
In reflecting on our involvement in
this program we agreed that a highlight
for us is when we see the familiar faces
of those who have been coming to the
Holiday Program consistently over the last
three years. We look out for them as we
have stories to share and news to catch up
on. Further to this, we always look forward
to welcoming those that we meet for the
first time – many of whom have arrived in
Australia just recently. We are moved by
their initially shy but obvious enthusiasm
which develops into their evident delight in
the day and we are humbled by their quiet dignity in the face of the
trauma and adversity that they have suffered in their young lives.
In spending time with these people, we recognise the importance
of welcome, compassion and the respect for the dignity of others.
Anthea Hinchey J & D
Under 17 Australian Development Squad
Training Camp: 19th - 22nd May 2011
After competing at the Australian Youth Championships in March
this year, I was lucky enough to be selected, along with 83 other
U17 Athletes from across Australia to participate in a 4 day training
camp at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) in Canberra. This
was a fantastic opportunity to meet other athletes who are some
of the best in Australia in their event. Some athletes were off to
Lille, France for the World Youth Championships in mid-July. We
met and trained with athletes of our event group, the Australian
Coaches for our event, and other important people who work with
elite-athletes at the AIS. The weekend was to learn all about the
transition from Junior competition to senior competition, making
senior teams (e.g Commonwealth and Olympic Teams) and major
considerations of an athletes career. I took away many new and
interesting facts from this trip to apply to my athletics and future
careers and also some great friendships with some amazingly
talented people. Our squad was called the “Future Sparks,” the
future of Australian Athletics.
Jmara Hockley Samon
-Congratulations Jmara! A wonderful achievement for yourself,
your family and the Clonard College School Community.
Parent Seminar Series 2011
A program for parents, carers, guardians and grandparents of students
in Catholic primary and secondary Schools
Presenter: Chris Daicos
This seminar will look at ‘communication killers’ and how to avoid them when trying to communicate with young
people. It will also provide a hands on opportunity to practice empathy, active listening and reconsider questioning
skills to help parents and others engage with young people.
3 August
St Ignatius’ College
Peninsula Drive
Ref: Mel. Map 470 F3
7pm – 9pm
(Registration 6.30pm)
Presenter: Andrew Fuller
(Primary & Secondary)
Raising girls to be confident and resilient young women is a fine art given the demands placed upon them.
This seminar will cover the following:
The active ingredients of resilience
How to promote confidence in young women
Friendship skills
Concentration and memory skills
Creating happy girls
Building self-esteem and dealing with the anxieties that are toxic to girls
How to communicate with girls
18 August
St Francis de Sales
626 Pascoe Vale Road
Oak Park
Ref. Mel. Map 16 H6
7pm – 9pm
(Registration 6.30pm)
Registration/Further Information
Contact your school or Catholic Education Office Melbourne, Parent Seminar Series Coordinator:
Mrs Shirley O'Sullivan on 9464 5225 or email
Seminar Cost: $10 per person (to be paid in advance)
Brigidine Chor al
T u esday 9
Kilbreda College
The Festival brings
Augus t 2 011
Mentone at 7:30pm
together all nine
provided on the 8th,
plus meals for
country and
8th and 9th
at Kilbreda.
In addition to
the massed choir
schools are asked
to nominate one
vocal soloist to
perform on the
Contact: John Crowley Principal Marian College Ararat
Further information is also available at
Information for 2011
The Education Maintenance Allowance
(EMA) is provided to assist eligible families
with the costs associated with the education
of their children.
To be eligible for receipt of the EMA you must:
• be either a parent or guardian of a primary or secondary
school student up to the age of sixteen; and
• be an eligible beneficiary of a Centrelink pension, allowance
or benefit within the meaning of the State Concessions Act
2004 or be a Veterans Affairs (TPI) pensioner or be a foster
Consequently parents/guardians are able to access the EMA if
they have a valid Health Care Card or valid Pension Card.
The eligibility criteria must be met as at the first day of Term 1
(1 February 2011) which is the first day for teaching staff) and
Term 3 (18 July 2011).
The EMA application must be submitted to the school by 28
February 2011 for the first instalment and 5 August 2011 for
the second instalment.
The EMA provides an annual amount of $230 for primary
students and $460 for secondary students and is paid in two
instalments. This amount is split evenly between the parents/
guardians and the school. Students turning 16 years in 2011
will be paid on a pro rata basis.
Payment Amounts
Portion Primary school* Second school*
Parent $ 80.50
$ 161.00
School $ 80.50
$ 161.00
Parent $ 34.50
$ 69.00
School $ 34.50
$ 69.00
$ 230.00
$ 460.00
*Student year level (or age for ungraded and special school
students) will form the basis for calculating the amount payable
to parents and schools.
Parents with continuing eligibility, who are paid the first
instalment of 2011 through this school will not be required to
complete a new application for the second instalment. Parents
who transfer children to another school after 28 February 2011
and prior to or on 5 August 2011, must reapply at the new
school for the second instalment.
Contact: School Office for application form and further
Killester College Network
Are you an ex- Killester College student?
You may be interested in knowing that
on October 14th Killester College will be
launching the Killester College Alumni
Network, which will also recognize past School Leaders. Please
keep this date free. Further information will be available on our
website soon.
Past students and teachers are welcome to register their
details on the College’s website:
For further information contact Chris Black on 9547 5000 or
Secondhand Uniform Shop
Good Quality secondhand uniforms for sale. New
socks, tights and footy socks for sale. Opening
time Tuesday Day 2 between 12.45 - 1.15 or by
appointment. Please contact Mrs Marion Buckley
Canteen News
Thanks this fortnight to Jacqui Forster, Carolyn
Dutton, Mary-Rose Coleman, Dianne Lock, Narelle
Unmack & Sue Harman
Combined Catholic College Major Raffle
We are proud to be a part of the Geelong Catholic College Major Raffle once again in 2011.
Your support, by either purchasing or selling tickets, along with encouraging our students to sell tickets, will go towards
improving facilities and programs her at Clonard College. Fantastic prizes are on offer, you have to be in it to win it!
Good Luck!