Chit-Chat - The Wykeham Collegiate


Chit-Chat - The Wykeham Collegiate
Old Girls’ Newsletter
Volume 11: Issue 1
Term 1 2015
TWC Old Girls Guild
TWC Old Girls’ Vision and Birthday Celebrations for 2015
Last year in August, we received an email from an Old Girl, Janine Siedle, requesting
financial assistance for her Grade 10 daughter, Jess, who was attending Destiny Life
Academy in Ballito. Janine, a single Mother with stage 4 cancer, was under financial
pressure from her escalating medical bills. It was, however, her wish to see her
daughter attend The Wykeham Collegiate and experience the opportunities which
she had enjoyed and benefited from.
At this time the Old Girls bursary had already been allocated and we were not in a
position to assist Janine. The Old Girls Bursary Fund can only financially support one
Old Girl’s daughter with 25% of the total tuition fee every 5 years.
Janine has been weighing heavily on my heart since she passed away at the
beginning of this year. I wish we could have been in a position to help her realise
her dream. And, the dreams of other Old Girls who would like their daughters to
attend The Wykeham Collegiate.
As a tribute to Janine, my vision for this year is to increase the Old Girls Bursary
Fund to a point where we can assist more daughters of Old Girls with the costs of
My vision for 2015:
250 Old Girls  R150 Debit Order per month 5years
Not many Old Girls are in a position to donate a lump sum of money. We are
looking to raise the money via a R150 monthly debit order for just 5 years.
Please email Pru Deenik, or speak to her (033) 3420752 if
you would like to be a part of this 5 year initiative. Alternatively, visit the TWC
website for more details. You will find us under the TWC Old Girls
25th Birthday Celebrations
2015 also sees the Old Girls celebrating the school’s 25th birthday.
We are hosting a number of celebratory Old Girls evenings
throughout South Africa which culminate in a 25th birthday
luncheon on Founder’s Day. Contact the Old girls you know and
book a table. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Michelle Lesur
Chairlady Old Girls Guild
1957 Wykeham Reunion
Pam Withers, Ros Whittaker, Robina Cullen, Elizabeth van Rooyen, Anne Lindley
Valerie Juul, Judy Bredin
1967 Wykeham Reunion
“Too much to say and not enough time”
Shirley Illman neé Greene, Di Milford neé Knight
Ann Erskine neé Johnson, Peta Wales neé Boreham, Meryl Kaumpek neé Stainbank
Old Girl Reunions and Networking Events
The first term got off to a busy start with Old Girls’ events being organised around the country. On 12
February a group of Old Girls got together at The Oblivion Wine Bar in Cape Town. What a stunning
evening it was. I loved meeting and seeing everyone again. There was a mix of all three schools and all
ages which was exactly what I wanted to achieve. The next event was held in Johannesburg on Saturday 7
March, a tea in the beautiful gardens of The Johannesburg Country Club, Auckland Park. Thanks to Claire
Du Bourg, our Johannesburg Old Girls representative, the morning was a huge success. So many Old Girls
from around Gauteng turned out to enjoy the event. On Thursday 12 March I organised an evening at the
Keg and Hedgehog in Pietermaritzburg which went very well, and lots of fun was had by all. The final event
was held at the Makaranga Garden Lodge in Kloof. Thanks to Caryn Mester who organised the event. The
evening was a great hit.
I would like to thank all the Old Girls from TWC, Wykeham and The Girls Collegiate who supported these
events. Hopefully next year we will have even more ladies attending. Thank you too, to all those who
donated so generously to The Wykeham Collegiate Foundation. Your donations will assist us to keep the
school’s traditions and The Wykeham Collegiate at the forefront of girls’ education in South Africa.
Please note that next year’s Reunion and Networking dates will be in the final 2015 Newsletter under
upcoming events so please diarise these. I would love to see you there.
Cape Town Reunion - Oblivion Wine Bar
Johannesburg Country Club - Aukland Park
Pietermaritzburg - Keg and Hedgehog
Kloof - Makaranga Garden Lodge
Old Girls News
Amy Volker
TWC 2010
Completed BSc Occupational Therapy at Wits University in 2014. Currently doing my Community Service
year at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital in Soweto.
Kelsey Brown
TWC 2010
I finished my B.Sc Medical Sciences in 2014 at Tuks. I am currently doing 3rd year medicine at Wits and
absolutely loving it.
Tamsin Thomas
TWC 2010
Teaching English and Sign Language at St. Vincent School for the deaf in Rosebank. Finished Honours in
South African Sign Language and Psychology at Wits University.
Jane Volker
TWC 2013
Studying BSc Psychology and Human Physiology at UJ. I am enjoying it and am very happy living in
Sarah Burns
TWC 2004
Living in Johannesburg, teaching Grade 3 at Northcliff Primary School.
Jennifer du Plessis neé Calitz
TWC 2000
Teaching Art and Music at TWC. Married to Brandon in 2013, expecting our first baby in June 2015. Have a
small business making and selling cakes, cupcakes and biscuits.
Anne Kriel-Brown neé Beattie
Girls Collegiate 1973
Still teaching at Hilton College, write text books, IEB accounting moderator. I own a small business called
‘File-a-Punch’. Grandmother to two future TWC girls.
Kelly Howe
TWC 2006
Not married with kids yet! Working at Moffatt Optical.
Elana Roberts
TWC 2006
I am a practising advocate in Pietermaritzburg.
Sanchia Jogessar
TWC 1999
After successfully developing and establishing the first Optometry School in Malawi, as well as building
Malawi’s first Academic Vision Centre, I have now decided to begin a new project in a business venture in
Nelspruit. I’m also involved in British Council’s mentorship program which encourages strong leadership
positions in young people.
Eurisa Singh
TWC 2000
I’ve become a full time marketing consultant marking around KZN. Currently lecturing. Enjoying PMB with
my daughter and glad to bump into other Old Girls at Kirsty and Sarah Scotts gym. Be reconnecting with
other TWC Old Girls too!
Barbara Hatfield neé Smith
Wykeham 1970
I have two Grand Daughters at TWC Primary School. Have been living in Dubai for a decade, but will be
returning to the Cape at the end of the year.
Kirsty-Lynne Hume
TWC 2003
Living in Pietermaritzburg. Currently unmarried and enjoying reconnecting with lots of Old Girls.
Hayley Schmidt neé Woodley
TWC 2006
I am a Grade 2 teacher at Curro Embury College in Durban. I have an eight month old daughter, Megan
Mary. I have been married for two wonderful years!
Robyn McMillan neé Stevens
Girls Collegiate 1985
Married James McMillan and we have 2 daughters, Sibelle and Sarah. Work with designer Amanda Laird
Cherry. I manage the business and I live in Kloof, KZN.
Caryn Mester neé Dobeyn
Girls Collegiate 1985
Married to Sean and we have a boy and a girl, Nicolas and Erin. We live in Kloof KZN. I run an online travel
Cindy-Lee Wilson
TWC 2004
Working in Marketing at Mr Price Sport, Head Office, in Durban.
Dina Fontana
TWC 2006
I’ve been back in Durban working in my family business (Fontana Manufacturers) since 2010. Very excited
to be getting married on 2 May 2015!
Zama Ndlela
TWC 2007
I am currently a trainee buyer at the Mr Price Group and just had a daughter of my own.
Heather Pattenden
TWC 2005
Currently working at Thomas Moore in Kloof as the design/art teacher in the high school. Living in Kloof
and thoroughly enjoying it. Having travelled to the States and India, submitting works for exhibitions and
teaching, my time is taken up with all sorts. Loved attending the Kloof reunion, seeing everyone again!
Emily Stockil-Smith neé Stockil
TWC 2001
Expecting my first child in May. Currently an English teacher at Westville Girls’ High School. Delightfully
married and loving life in Durban.
Wendy-Leigh Cousins neé Woodley
TWC 2004
I am living in Hillcrest with my husband of two years. I have recently joined the Mr Price Group as a buyer
for Miladys.
Kate Forsdyke
TWC 2005
I currently work for Kontiki in Europe as a tour driver which means I drive a bunch of rowdy 18-25 year olds
(mainly Australians) around exploring the best of Europe. I have done this for the last 4 years now and am
about to return for my last season. (I have done 6 seasons in total, 5 summers and 1 winter. I started off as
an onsite rep which meant I cooked and cleaned for the clients that came through the sites (I started in
Rome), through that I developed an interest in becoming a driver. I got my coach license and then did 2
summer seasons based in Italy (Venice, Florence and Rome). I loved the company so much I did the
training to become a Contiki tour driver, definitely not for the faint hearted, training really tests a person’s
personality, drive, ambition and determination. Through this adventure I have certainly learnt a lot about
the world and myself. People always comment that they are jealous of my travels and lifestyle but it is
definitely not for the faint- hearted. My plan now after spending the last 4 months back home it to return
for good after my last 6 months abroad and pursue a career in the arts field.
I definitely feel that everyone needs to travel in their lives, whenever that may be. I said I was going for six
months and that was four years ago. There is so much out there to explore and discover.
Mhairi Pattenden
TWC 2005
Currently working in the Visual Art Department at St Mary’s DSG, as well as an independent contractor for
Vega in Durban. I also co-own a small business called Vintage Rose, based in Pmb. Loving life and all it
throws at me.
Tamsin Hunt
TWC 2005
I live in Umhlanga Rocks, having moved back to KZN from Stellenbosch in 2012. Engaged to Shaun Jones,
my partner of nine years. Attorney specialising in personal injury litigation.
Valerie Lockyer neé Juul
Wykeham 1956
I am living in the Algarve, Portugal and am now retired. I have worked until retirement at the end of my
73rd year. Firstly running a handicrafts shop, public relations person of a hotel complex, villa management
and for the last eight years as a travel agent. I have Portuguese citizenship but also South African. Now I
care for abandoned cats, teach privately – English to Portuguese pensioners at a senior university and
Portuguese to English living in the Algarve and help with the homeless and poor in the community by being
involved through the two church congregations that I attend. My husband Terry died in December 2013.
Daughter Sandra is in Perth, Australia, Anthony is in Wales and Richard works and lives near me. All three
are married.
Jessica Von der Meden
TWC 2011
Final year of undergraduate at UCT in Geology and Environmental Geographic Science.
Cecile Levine nee Liefman
Girls Collegiate 1958
Cecile Levin was educated at Girls’ Collegiate School, Pietermaritzburg and
studied music at the University of Cape Town and at the University of Natal. She
has taught music at schools and tertiary institutions in Cape Town and
Cecile has been a writer, on and off, all her life. As a schoolgirl and
student she wrote children’s stories for the Natal Witness and the Sunday
Times. She has published two books for young children: Take Note, a
songbook, and A Special Gift, a musical play.
She and her husband, David, live in Durban. They have twin daughters
and a son, seven grandchildren – and no cat!
Declutter! Downsize!
For Alison, recently divorced, hoarder par excellence,
and an acknowledged procrastinator who hates
change, it’s all too much!
As she decides on the fate of family treasures or
mere memorabilia or just plain rubbish – into the
In- or Out-box – Alison remembers life as a
schoolgirl in Pietermaritzburg in the 1950s, as a
student and teacher in Cape Town, and as a wife,
mother and grandmother in Durban in the twentyfirst century.
Alison’s bossy older sister directs proceedings
telephonically from Maritzburg; her good friends
advise her in Durban, and, from the couch, Joey, her
eccentric cat, makes wry comments on Alison’s
progress – or lack thereof.
Frequent tea and coffee breaks, with delicacies, sustain
Alison during this difficult time…In the end the job
somehow gets done. A piece of cake!
A lightly humorous and unusual book – including mouthwatering recipes! Available from Adams Bookshops or from
Special Events Term 2 2015
Friday 1 May
Market Day
Saturday 30 May
Founders Day