voyageur - Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club
voyageur - Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club
VOYAGEUR The Newsletter of the Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club Bulletin du Club de marche des Voyageurs d’Ottawa Volume VI Issue 2 Club Executive Kathy Luten President Phone: (613) 8307437 Donna Sullivan VicePresident Phone: (613) 2246880 Winter/Hiver 2007 A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT. . . Summer has faded and Fall is quickly passing into Winter, as a club we only have one more scheduled event – The Christmas Lights Walk December 16, starting at 18:00 hrs from the Elephant & Castle. This year the Christmas Lights walk will take walkers through down town Ottawa to take advantage of the beautiful lights in and around Parliament Hill. Make sure you come out and enjoy this evening. On November 3, 2007 the Ottawa Voyageurs, Nepean Nomads along with the Ottawa Carleton Volksport Association held our joint Volunteer Appreciation Walk and lunch. The weather was great and 71 walkers participated in the walk. The Maple LeafAlmrausch Club served up a great lunch. Dorothy Prieur Secretary Phone: (613) 2246880 Steve McPhee Treasurer Phone: (613) 8247332 Benoît Pinsonneault Trail Director Phone: (613) 7469071 Karen Venema Membership Director Phone: (613) 7315417 Marc StGermain Publicity Phone: (613) 8244261 Mailing address: Ottawa Voyageurs PO Box 331 Orleans ON K1C 1S7 Articles published in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ottawa Voyageurs d’Ottawa Volume VI Issue 2 In early October, Graham Fawcett, CVF President announced that the OVO once again won the President’s Challenge Trophy for the excellent and completely documented submission. Thank you, Benoît Pinsonneault for your leadership and volunteers for their efforts that resulted in our Club’s success. As the year winds down I want to remind you that the National Capital Walking Schedule continues with walks: Sunday, 02/12/2007 YRE New Edinburgh – Shell Station 1 Montreal Rd. start time 1000; and Saturday, 08/12/2007 YRE Elephant & Castle Rideau & Sussex Rideau Centre start time 1000. The 2008 National Capital Walking Schedule will start in January and printed copies will be out soon and posted on the website at Your 2008 membership is now coming due and Table of Contents will need to be paid prior to the Annual General OVO Birthdays…………………..……2 meeting which will be held February 13, 2008 (see 2007 Volunteers……………….…….2 the notice later in the newsletter), in order for you Trail Director’s Message…….…..3 Volunteer Photos………………….…4 to vote. Québec la Belle…….……………..…5 The Ottawa Voyageurs are adopting a section of WRW Photos……………………………7 Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard between the 174 and Ripon QC Photos…………………….7 Feets Feats………………………….….8 Convent Glenn Shopping Centre. There will be a Walking & Winter…………….……..8 ceremony to unveil the signs. There will be at each Needed Trip Coordinator………..9 end of this section of Jeanne d’Arc. Blvd. The Windy Wonderland …………….…10 OVO will be required to clean up the litter along 2008 YREs…………… ……………….10 OVO AGM…..……………………….…11 this section of the road way twice a year and will 2008 OVO Events………………...12 be provided with all the clean up supplies we need. CVF Convention …………………..13 We hope that you will volunteer to help us make OVO Membership form……..….16 our community better. Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 1 of 16 O.V.O. Birthdays January to June Best wishes to the following members who will be celebrating birthdays during the next six months. We apologize if we missed yours. If you would like to see it in future newsletters, please be sure to give us your d.o.b when completing your Membership Application for the upcoming year. 23 24 January 2 Jane Fawcett 2 Dennis Benke 2 Hélène Theriault 4 Tammy Dupuis 10 Georgina King 13 Claire Goulet 14 Dolorès StGermain 19 Patrick Kelly 20 John Lake 21 Peter Taylor 22 M J Gibson 25 Lorna Giles 28 Marc StGermain 30 Hélène Hubbard 30 Hélène Archambault 31 Jackie Revell Joe MacDonnell Rosalyn Blackett March 7 Pierre Lalonde 10 Chuck Powell 11 Nancy Shaver 18 Sally Hare 23 Yolande Tremblay 31 Nell Khandkar April 3 4 5 11 11 13 15 16 16 19 17 27 30 30 February 12 Houda Saya 13 Gayle MacCormick 15 Doug Chase 15 Olga Nikolajev 15 Arthur Andreassen 16 Betty Gallimore Lynda O'Dwyer Hélène Viel Maria McConkey Joyce Gilchrist Marie Claude Dorothy Prieur Diane Hoskins Kathy Luten Joyce Taylor Angela Payne Sherry Greaves Errol Patrick Dale Powell Shirley Atkins May 2 4 5 6 13 15 18 18 23 23 25 28 29 John Ausman Valérie Tremblay Carmen Reimer Claudette Roy David Rupar Marion Boom Elvira Disano David Edmonds Michael Hawkes Jean Guillemette Inez Liepins Heather Briggs Karen Venema June 1 7 11 11 11 11 17 29 30 Graham Fawcett Phyllis Margerum Trevor Luten Valérie Pinsonneault Barbara Wright Norma McCartney Lise Tremblay Kevin Kluke Susan Middlesworth 2007 Ottawa Voyageurs Volunteer List ACHESON, ED ANDREASSEN, KIRSTEN & ARTHUR ARCHAMBAULT, GÉRALD & HÀ ATKINS, SHIRLEY BASSETT, HUBERT BENKE, DENNIS BLIGHT, DARLENE BOGUE, SUE BOOM, MARION BRIGGS, HEATHER BURNFORD, RICHARD & CÉLINE CHRISTIANSEN, LINDA COOPER, DON & JOAN CROWDER, PERRY DEROCHE, PAT DORÉ, DEBBIE ESTABROOKS, JANE FAWCETT, GRAHAM & JANE GALLIMORE, BETTY GOOD, NANCY & DENNIS HARRISON, CAROL HICKMAN, HAROLD & DEBBIE HOSKINS, DIANE & DONATA HUTCHINSON, RUTH JOBST, CAROL KHANDKAR, NELL KING, GEORGINA KLUKE, KEVIN KURTZ, KATHLEEN LUTEN, KATHY & TREVOR MACDONNELL, JOE MCCONKEY, JIM & MARIA MCPHEE, STEVE MIDDLESWORTH, SUSAN MILFORD, ROSALEE MYRE, LOUIS O’DWYER, LINDA OLSON, OLE PINSONNEAULT, BENOÎT & DIANE PRIEUR, DOROTHY REVELL, JACKIE SABOURIN, ROBERT STGERMAIN, MARC SULLIVAN, DONNA TASCHEREAU, JUDY TAYLOR, JOYCE VENEMA, KAREN VIEL, HÉLÈNE WHITE, MAUREEN WILSON, SUSAN Thank you for your support! Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 2 of 16 Un mot du directeur des sentiers A Word from the Trail Director par Benoît Pinsonneault by Benoît Pinsonneault Une autre magnifique année de marche qui se termine toutefois avec une baisse légère mais constante de participation tant pour les marches continuelles que pour les événements. Alors qu’à michemin de notre programmation, soit après neuf événements, nous étions au même point que l’année précédente, soit une moyenne de 67 participants par événement. À la fin de septembre 2007, et ce, après la marche du Coloris automnal dans le parc de la Gatineau, notre moyenne s’est affaissée à 61 participants, avec une seule marche à faire pour compléter notre programmation 2007 alors que nous terminions l’année 2006 avec une participation de 64 personnes comme moyenne cumulative. Votre participation, en plus grand nombre, est essentielle à la survie de votre club, tant au niveau des événements que des marches continuelles. Faites vous un honneur de compléter, au moins une fois par année, toutes et chacune de nos marches continuelles et de participer, en autant que peut se faire, à la majorité de nos événements. Le changement apporté à notre programmation 2007, en faisant passer les marches du mercredi soir de 4 à 6, n’a pas pour autant augmenté le nombre de participants. Alors qu’en 2006 la moyenne pour les mercredis soir était de 50 marcheurs, en 2007, elle a diminué à 49 participants par événement, ce qui est bien en deçà de la moyenne cumulative. e Nous avons célébré le 20 Anniversaire de la FCV lors de notre marche du 1 er juillet qui partait cette année du Newfoundland Pub sur le Chemin de Montréal, non loin de l’ancienne base militaire de Rockcliffe. Nous avons répété la marche initiale des années 1985 et 1986 de la base de Rockcliffe qui fut à l’origine du Rockcliffe Rovers Volksmarch Club. Les marches inaugurales étaient de 10 et 20 km et étaient encore fraîches à la mémoire de Ole Olson. Il était le maître œuvre de cette marche souvenir. La seule nouveauté fut l’ajout du 5 km des temps modernes. Plusieurs marcheurs restèrent après la marche pour festoyer au Pub et déguster le gâteau anniversaire. Également à cette même date du 1 er juillet 2007, le taux de participation à nos marches continuelles, mis à part notre nouvelle marche de la randonnée des phares, était à la baisse de 9% comparativement à l’an dernier. Avec l’ajout des marcheurs qui ont participé à notre nouvelle marche de la randonnée des phares, l’écart à la baisse n’était plus que de 3%, soit en Volume VI Issue 2 Another splendid year of walking is about to end with a small but constant decrease in participation both for the YREs and the scheduled events. Whereas halfway in our program, i.e. after nine events, we were at the same point as last year, i.e. averaging 67 participants per event. At the end of September 2007, after the Fall Rhapsody walk in Gatineau Park, our average fell to 61 participants, with only one walk to go to complete our 2007 program while we finished year 2006 with a participation of 64 people as a cumulative average. Your participation, in greater number, is essential to the survival of your club for our scheduled events as well as for our YREs. Make yourself an honour to walk, at least once a year, each and everyone of our YREs, and participate, as much as possible, in the majority of our scheduled events. The change brought to our 2007 program, by increasing our Wednesday Night Walks from 4 to 6, did not increase the number of participants. While in 2006, the average for Wednesday Night Walks was 50 walkers, in 2007, that number decreased by one to 49 participants per event, which is well below the cumulative average. We celebrated the CVF’s 20th Anniversary at our walk of July 1, which departed this year from the Newfoundland Pub on Montreal Road, not far from the former military base of Rockcliffe. We repeated the initial Rockcliffe Base walk of years 1985 and 1986, which was at the origin of the Rockcliffe Rovers Volksmarch Club. The inaugural walks were of 10 and 20 km and were still fresh in Ole Olson’s memory. That is why he was the Trail Designer for this memory lane walk. The only innovation was the addition of a 5 km route in line with the modern times. Several walkers stayed behind after walk to feast at the Pub and to enjoy the anniversary cake. Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 3 of 16 somme une fausse statistique, si on ne tient pas compte de notre nouvelle marche continuelle. D’autre part, nos marches continuelles représentent un apport substantiel au bienêtre financier de notre club. Adoptez donc une marche continuelle près de chez vous et participezy aussi souvent que possible. Votre club a besoin de votre support. Notre Volksmarche annuelle qui devrait être l’événement qui nous rassemble tous alors que nous fêtons et ajoutons une année de plus à notre existence maintient son taux de participation dans les 70 (soit 76 en 2006 et de 73 en 2007). Tous et chacun de nous devrions nous faire un devoir d’au moins participer à cet événement d’anniversaire, qui est en quelque sorte notre raison d’être. Le marcheton de charité au profit du Centre de ressources communautaires OrléansCumberland semble végéter depuis quelques années attirant à peine tantôt une trentaine de personnes ou encore une quarantaine de personnes. Tous les argents perçus et donnés en cette journée sont versés au CRC Orléans Cumberland pour leur banque alimentaire. L’an prochain sera la 10 e année de partenariat avec le Centre et nous vous invitons à venir en grand nombre et à laisser aller votre générosité. Cet argent reste dans notre communauté et sert principalement à nourrir les enfants. Soyons fiers de cette réalisation ! La moindre contribution est des plus appréciées. Pour l’année qui s’en vient, notre programmation demeurera sensiblement la même. Pour notre marche de découverte, à la fin du mois de mai, nous vous proposons de redécouvrir Navan avec lunch à la brasserie locale comme activité sociale. Cette marche fera également partie du nouveau programme FCV 2008 intitulé : Programme des brasseries, établissements vinicoles et fromageries. Il s’agit de notre seule marche flottante à l’extérieur de la ville, mis à part celle du Parc de la Gatineau. À chaque année, nous vous invitons à découvrir un nouvel endroit ou à redécouvrir un endroit du passé, depuis longtemps oublié. Remettons de la vie dans notre club par une plus grande participation ! Bonne et Heureuse Année 2008 ! Continuez à marcher ! Also on this same date of July 1, 2007, the rate of participation in our YREs, putting aside our new Lighthouse Walk, was down by 9% compared to last year. With the addition of the walkers who participated to our new walk Lighthouse Walk, the gap was only 3%, which is really a false statistic if we ignore our new YRE. On the other hand, our YREs represent a substantial benefit to the financial wellbeing of our club. So adopt an YRE close to your home and walk it as often as possible. Your club needs your support. Our Annual Volksmarch, which should be the event that gathers us all together while we celebrate and add on one more year to our existence, maintains its rate of participation within the 70 (76 in 2006 and 73 in 2007). Everyone should make it his/her duty to at least attend this anniversary event, which is to some extent our raisond'être. The Charity Walkathon, a fundraising for the OrléansCumberland Community Resources Center has stagnated for the last few years attracting hardly around thirty to forty people. All the money received and pledged on that day is given to the CRC Orléans Cumberland food bank. Next year marks the 10th anniversary of our partnership with the Center and you are invited to attend in great numbers and to be generous. This money stays in our community and is mainly used to feed the children. Let us be proud of this accomplishment! Even the smallest contribution will be greatly appreciated. For the coming year, our program will mostly remain the same. For our discovery walk, at the end of May, we suggest you rediscover Navan with a Luncheon at a local brewery as a social activity. This walk will also be part of the new 2008 CVF Program called: Winery, Cheese and Brewery Walking Program. It is our only variable walk outside the city, apart from the one in Gatineau Park. Each year, we invite you to discover a new area or to rediscover a site of the past, long forgotten. A greater participation would most definitely revitalize our club! Happy New Year 2008 to all! Keep on walking! Volunteer Appreciation Day Walk – Pine Grove Forest Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 4 of 16 Québec La Belle ! Par Benoît Pinsonneault Le jour 2 fut entièrement consacré au cœur du Vieux Québec, tant dans la haute que dans la basse ville. Le bus nous débarqua face au Château Frontenac à 9h30 a.m. et nous y reprit à 4h30 p.m. La marche du matin fut celle de la haute ville; le long des murailles, sur les plaines d’Abraham, la montée vers la Citadelle et le retour au Château Frontenac par la passerelle longeant la falaise et le fleuve StLaurent. Quelle vue magnifique ! Les fervents marcheurs furent un peu moins nombreux lors de la marche de l’aprèsmidi qui explorait la basse ville, le long du fleuve et des quais ainsi que le Vieux Québec, ses petites rues de macadam et ses bâtiments de pierre ancestraux pour finalement retourner au Château Frontenac en gravissant la Côte de la Montagne. Un voyage dans la belle ville de Québec est toujours quelque chose de mémorable, peu importe la saison ou le nombre de fois que l’on répète l’expérience. Québec a toujours un visage différent à nous présenter. Le quatrième voyage annuel en autobus des Voyageurs d’Ottawa (OVO), les 27, 28 et 29 juillet 2007, à Québec n’en fut pas une exception. Le Club Volkssport NordSud est jumelé à notre club depuis quelques années et nous retournions la politesse à notre club jumeau, suite à leur participation en grand nombre à notre fin de semaine du Festival des tulipes de l’an dernier. Quel bel exemple de partenariat et d’entraide mutuels ! Nous étions 28 gais lurons à bord de l’autocar au départ de la Place d’Orléans à 8h00 a.m. le vendredi, 27 juillet 2007, sous la conduite de notre chauffeur, James Grandlouis, spécialement réclamé, suite à une demande populaire, ayant été notre chauffeur lors de deux voyages précédents. Notre première marche s’effectua à la Pointe aux Anglais, près d’Oka, une marche des phares. Après un long circuit pour revenir pratiquement au point de départ, nous avons pu finalement visionner le phare qui se cachait, à peine, à quelques centaines de mètres de notre point de départ. Notre deuxième marche de la journée s’est déroulée à Loretteville, Québec. Elle était guidée avec l’aide d’un bon nombre de membres du Club Volkssport NordSud, accompagnés de leur présidente, Lisette Boivin. Un magnifique parcours, d’un équilibre parfait entre la nature et la vie urbaine ! Volume VI Issue 2 Une bonne partie de nos covoyageurs ont profité de l’aprèsmidi pour visiter et magasiner dans le Vieux Québec. Il est difficile de fermer les yeux et de résister à pareilles occasions et opportunités. La journée s’est terminée par un copieux buffet qui nous fut gracieusement offert par les membres du Club Volkssport NordSud à Loretteville. Les restes de cette nourriture abondante et excellente nous furent offerts le lendemain, lors de notre départ de Québec, à titre de collation et d’adieu de la part de nos hôtes. Merci à tous les bénévoles de notre club jumeau pour leur accueil et hospitalité tout au long de notre séjour dans leur magnifique et splendide ville de Québec. Après une dernière marche à Québec (secteur Loretteville), la bouffe et les adieux, nous nous sommes dirigés vers Montréal pour une sixième et dernière marche, soit une autre randonnée des phares à Lachine, où nous attendait la directrice du Québec, Louise Grondines, qui nous servit de guide pour cette splendide marche le long du canal Lachine. Un autre magnifique voyage, organisé par Donna Sullivan, viceprésidente, OVO, avec l’aide de Dorri Prieur, secrétaire, OVO, prenait fin. Merci aux deux principales organisatrices et autres bénévoles pour un travail et un succès hors pair ! Ce voyage annuel est réellement l’événement majeur qui nous permet de mieux connaître nos habituels compagnons et compagnes de marche et de socialiser pleinement en dehors du paysage et des tâches locales. C’est une minivacance d’une longue fin de semaine à laquelle un plus grand nombre devrait participer. Merci Québec ! Merci Club Volkssport NordSud ! Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 5 of 16 Québec La Belle ! By Benoît Pinsonneault A trip to Québec City (La Belle) is always something to remember, whatever the season or the number of times you repeat the experience. Québec always offers a different feature. The Ottawa Voyageurs (OVO) 4 th Annual Bus Trip, on July 27 to 29, in Québec City, was no exception. Club Volkssport NordSud has been our twin club since a few years and we were paying them back the favor, following their huge participation in our Tulip Festival weekend of last year. What a fine example of partnership and mutual cooperation! streets and ancestral stone houses to finally return to We were 28 happygolucky walkers boarding the bus at Place d’Orléans, on Friday, July 27, 2007, at 8:00 a.m., with James Grandlouis, our bus driver, as specially requested by popular demand, having been our driver during two previous trips. Our first walk took place at La Pointe aux Anglais, near Oka, a lighthouse walk. After a long circuit bringing us almost back to our start point, we could finally see the lighthouse, which was hiding hardly a few hundred meters from our start point. Our second walk of the day took place in Loretteville, Québec. It was guided with the help of several members of Club Volkssport NordSud, accompanied by their President, Lisette Boivin. A magnificent trail, a perfect balance between nature and city life! Day 2 was entirely dedicated to the heart of Vieux Québec, as much in upper town as in lower town. The bus dropped us in front of the Château Frontenac at 9:30 a.m. and retrieved us at 4:30 p.m. The morning walk was the upper town one: along the old city walls, on the Plaines of Abraham, climbing towards the Citadelle and returning to the Château Frontenac by the boardwalk along the cliff and the St. Lawrence River. What a wonderful sight! The avid walkers were less numerous for the afternoon walk, which was exploring the lower town, along the river and the wharfs as well as Vieux Québec, its narrow cobblestone the Château Frontenac by climbing Côte de la Montagne. Most of our fellow walkers took advantage of the afternoon to visit and shop in the Vieux Québec. It is difficult to keep a blind eye and to resist such an opportunity. The day ended with a hearty buffet, which was graciously offered by the Club Volkssport NordSud membership in Loretteville. Leftovers were presented to us, upon our departure from Québec, the next day, as a snack and farewell by our hosts. Thank you to all the volunteers from our twin club for their welcome and hospitality during our entire stay in their magnificent and splendid City of Québec. After one last walk in Québec (Loretteville sector), the food and farewell, we headed for Montréal for our sixth and last walk, which was another lighthouse walk in Lachine, where the Québec Director, Louise Grondines, acted as our guide for this marvelous walk along the Lachine Canal. Another wonderful trip, organized by Donna Sullivan, OVO VicePresident, with the assistance of Dorri Prieur, OVO Secretary, was over. Thanks to the two main organizers and other volunteers for outstanding work and success! This annual trip is really the major event, which gives us the opportunity to get to know our regular fellow walkers better and to fully socialize outside our local scenery and tasks. It is like a mini long weekend vacation in which a greater number should participate. Thank you Québec! Thank you Club Volkssport Nord Sud! Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 6 of 16 Photo on the right: Walkers who walked the 1 and 5 Km distances as part of the World Record Walk on October 3 rd , 2007. In total 31 walkers registered to walk the WRW with the Ottawa Voyageurs d’Ottawa Ripon Québec Discover Western Québec Walk Photos Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 7 of 16 Feet’s Feats reprinted from the July & October 2007 issues of Volkssport Canada EVENTS 300 Events Charles Powell 350 Events Dale Powell 375 Events Shirley Akins 400 Events Shirley Akins 425 Events Shirley Akins 650 Events Jane Estabrooks 700 Events Graham Fawcett 750 Events Benoît Pinsonneault 50 Events Karen Venema Heather Briggs Errol Patrick 75 Events Karen Venema Heather Briggs 225 Events Jane Fawcett 250 Events Jane Fawcett Lorna Giles 750 Events Graham Fawcett 1100 Events Marion Boom Trevor Luten 1150 Events Marion Boom 1250 Events Darlene Blight Bernice Murphy 1300 Events Darlene Blight Doug Chase DISTANCE 500 Km Karen Venema Heather Briggs Lise Tremblay 1000 Km Karen Venema Errol Patrick 2000 Km Jane Fawcett 2500 Km Jane Fawcett 3000 Km Jane Fawcett 3000 Km Lorna Giles 3500 Km Lorna Giles 4000 Km Lorna Giles Charles Powell 5000 Km Shirley Atkins Robert Giles 5500 Km Shirley Atkins 6500 Km Jane Estabrooks 7000 Km Jane Estabrooks 10000 Km Graham Fawcett 11000 Km Benoit Pinsonneault 21000 Km Trevor Luten 22000 Km Marion Boom 25000 Km Darlene Blight Congratulations to one and all! Please send your event books to: Lea Tocher, CVF Awards Coordinator 450 Rouge Rd. Winnipeg, MB R3K 1K4 NOTE: The following article was written for publication in the Ottawa Outdoors Magazine, Winter Issue Are Walking and Winter Compatible? By Benoît Pinsonneault Trail Director Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club Walking is an exercise that requires no special abilities. We have been doing it since early childhood and possible injuries that could result from it seldom occur. Associated costs are minimal. Usually, the activity is free unless you are a member of a walking club where membership costs could apply. Good socks, a good pair of walking shoes/boots, as well as appropriate clothing, all of which you probably already own, is all that is required to practice this popular sport. However, winter puts somewhat of a damper on this practice. Of course, snow, ice, black ice and all of Mother Nature’s other whims are factors to be Volume VI Issue 2 considered. Nonetheless, safe winter walking is always feasible in the National Capital Region (NCR). Group walking takes place every weekend from the beginning of November to the end of April, alternating between Saturdays and Sundays for fun, fitness and friendship of all the participants. These walks are usually followed by a group meal, in various restaurants in the NCR, as a social activity for those who want to join the group after a healthy walk. Winterlude marks the beginning of the special scheduled events for the NCR walking clubs associated with the Canadian Volkssport Federation. There is either a walking or skating activity organized for each Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 8 of 16 Saturday of those three weekends. A 5 or 10 km walk or skating on the Rideau Canal from Dows’ Lake Pavilion are the first weekend’s activities. For the second weekend, the walk starts from the YM/YWCA on Argyle St., in Ottawa, and brings you to the Confederation Park, across Ottawa’s City Hall, to view the ice sculptures. As for the third weekend, the activity moves on the Quebec side, in Gatineau. We especially invite you to join us at the Casino du Lac Leamy for a walk through the JacquesCartier Park to enjoy the Winterlude activities on that side of the river, as well as the giant snow sculptures. Back to the Casino, fellow walkers are invited to join us to savour the Casino’s excellent buffet and/or try your luck at the different games of chance offered by the Casino, is you so desire, though a simple visit of the premises for first time visitors would be worthwhile. You may ask yourself if there is a difference between a walking club and a hiking club. For the writer, the difference is significant: the hiking trails are much more challenging and adventurous than those used by our walking clubs. Most of the trails that we use in the NCR are less hilly/bumpy and are fairly well groomed with a low to moderate inclination, which is rarely significant. Our Trail Rating System is twofold: the incline (from 1 to 5) and the terrain (from A to E). The greater the number/letter combination is, the more difficult the walk will be. Some of our walks also bring us on the National Capital Greenbelt trail system, in areas such as Shirleys Bay, Stony Swamp, Pinhey Forest, Pine Grove, Mer Bleue and Green’s Creek, as well as in the Gatineau Park. These walks are certainly a little bit more demanding and more of a hiking nature than our standard walking program. Every year, at the end of May, the Ottawa Voyageurs offers you a new place to discover. For example, in May 2006, we went to Casselman Village, Ontario. In May 2007, we discovered the Black Mountains’ trails (Level 4C) in Ripon, Québec, and for May 2008, we are proposing to explore and rediscover Navan, Ontario. The club membership for the Ottawa Voyageurs and the Nepean Nomads is very similar and is annually, roughly 150 members per club. Age average in both clubs is 50+. The average number of participants for a winter walk is between 30 and 40 people. For all the other scheduled events of the year, participation is around 60 walkers per event. All our walks have two walking distances: 5 km (onehour walk) or 10 km (twohour walk); sometimes the trails are fully marked and you only have to follow the markers, at other times, it is a guided or a map walk. Most of our walks have a social aspect attached to them, which is, usually, eating together in a restaurant or pub, after an outing; it could also be a BBQ and/or a corn roast hosted by one of the clubs at minimal cost. To find out more on our walking activities in the NCR, do not hesitate to consult our hotline at (613) 7880691 for updated information. The Canadian Volkssport Federation website is as follows: which links will bring you across the Volkssport’s world (or popular sports) across five continents through the Internationale Volkssportverband (IVV), the International Federation of Popular Sports. Locally, the Nepean Nomads Walking Club (Ottawa West end) website is the and the one for the Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club (Ottawa East end) is the For more information on the rest of our programs, which carry on through the year, please check these two sites. Come and walk with us for fun, fitness and friendship! Ottawa Voyageurs d’Ottawa Walking Club Membership for 2008 Please note that you must be a member in good standing to vote at the OVO Annual General Meeting. Please take a moment to renew your membership by contacting: Karen Venema, Membership Director Phone: (613) 7315417 ATTENTION NEW BUS TRIP ORGANIZER REQUIRED A.S.A.P. The weekend of July 25, 26, & 27, 2008 the OVO Bus Trip will take us to Vermont. Given the increased value of the Cdn $ the Executive thought it was time to visit the U.S. Due to work commitments, Donna Sullivan is unable to continue as organizer of the annual OVO road trip. Donna has agreed to assist who ever takes on the planning of the bus trip, but we need a volunteer asap in order to cost out the trip prior to our AGM February 13 nd . Please call Kathy Luten to volunteer. Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 9 of 16 Walking in a Windy Wonderland By Marc StGermain The Magdalen Islands, “Land of Wind and Sea”, are a string of islands located off the coast of Prince Edward Island. These islands, a summer vacation playground for mainland Quebecers welcomed an additional busload in late August. Our sister club, the Club Volkssport NordSud from Loretteville ,organized a marvellous nine day trip to this paradise, cohosting a series of walks with the Dartmouth Volksmarch Club. Fun and friendship were evident from the first day, with onbus activities, small group dinners at various restaurants on the Moncton overnight, and continuing on during our travel via bus and ferry on the second day. Fitness was added to the fun with six sanctioned walks. The diverse trails provided an excellent overview of the natural beauty the Magdalen Islands offer. We scaled hills and dunes, skirted cliff tops, marvelled at impressive land formations and enjoyed sea side strolls on beach walks, going barefoot in the sand. We were fortunate to be accompanied by local guides for several walks, informing us of various aspects of historical/geographical and geological significance. Additional day time activities included a guided bus tour with a very colourful local guide, museum tours, a lagoon boat cruise, and of course, plenty of time for shopping. Evenings featured scrumptious meals catering to all tastes (seafood lovers were in heaven), local brews, and exuberant table discussions on the days’ activities. After dinner activities included a local theatre production, campfire tales, moonlit walks, dips in the hotel’s pool and sauna, as well as quiet drinks at the hotel bar. We left the tranquility of these marvellous islands with heavy hearts, with stops in Charlottetown and Fredericton, for our final overnight, enroute back to Quebec City. A wonderful adventure, with very friendly locals, tremendous travel companions, superb scenery, exquisite cuisine and a tremendous joie de vivre. This beautiful land of wind and sea deserves to be discovered, and rediscovered, again and again and …. OTTAWA VOYAGEURS d’OTTAWA YREs Area Beacon Hill Blackburn Hamlet Orléans Convent Glenn Orléans Chapel Hill Orléans Falling Brook Orléans Convent Glenn N Ottawa Central Ottawa Centre Town Ottawa/Billings Bridge Vanier/New Edinburgh Ottawa Volume VI Issue 2 Start Point Hill Butcher Shop Mac‛s Convenience Store Bob McQuarrie Recreation Complex Quickie Store Ray Friel Centre Ultramar Service Station Food Mart Express Tribute to the CF – Champagne Pool RA Centre Vanier Shell Station Lighthouse Walk Winter/Hiver 2007 Address 2339 Ogilvie Dr 2672 Innes Road 1490 Youville Dr 1600 Forest Valley Dr 1585 10th Line Convent Glen Shopping Centre 380 Laurier West Ave (@ Kent St) 321 King Edward Ave (@ York St) 2451 Riverside Dr 1 Montreal Rd Shoppers Drug Mart 1559 Alta Vista Dr. Page 10 of 16 Notice of Annual General Meeting Avis de convocation Assemblée Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club Le Club de marche des Voyageurs d'Ottawa générale annuelle Date : 13 February 2008 Dinner : 1800 hours AGM: 1900 hours Location / Lieu: Date : le 13 février 2008 Souper: 18h00 AGA : 19h00 Royal Canadian Legion / Légion Royale Canadienne 800 prom. Taylor Creek Dr. Orléans, Ontario A buffet dinner with cash bar, will be served from 1815 hours. (Cost: $23 person) Un souperbuffet avec bar payant, sera servi à partir de 18h15. (Coût de 23$ par personne) YOU MUST REGISTER AND PAY IN ADVANCE FOR THE AGM DINNER VOUS DEVEZ VOUS ENREGISTRER ET PAYER D’AVANCE POUR LE SOUPER DE L’AGA Nombre de personne(s) : ________ x 23$ Cijoint mon chèque au montant de : ______ $ (Chèque à l'ordre de Ottawa Voyageurs d'Ottawa) Number of people: ________ x $23 Enclosed is my cheque for: $ ________ (Cheque payable to Ottawa Voyageurs d'Ottawa) List names: __________________________ Liste des noms: _______________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Mail your registration and payment by 26 January 2008 to: ____________________________________ Envoyez votre inscription et paiement pour le 26 janvier 2008 à: Ottawa Voyageurs d’Ottawa Attn: AGM Dinner PO Box 331 OTTAWA ON K1C 1S7 If you haven’t done so, please take a moment and renew your OVO membership at the same time! Si ce n’est pas déjà fait, prenez un moment et renouvelez votre adhésion OVO en même temps ! “We were made to walk and for 99% of human existence, that’s how we moved, by walking. Walking is healthy for the heart, the mind and the soul.” David Suzuki Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 11 of 16 Ottawa Voyageurs d‛Ottawa 2008 Events Day Sat Sat Sun Mon Sat Wed Sat Wed Tue Wed Wed Wed Wed Sat Sun Sat Sun Date Event Feb 16 Winterlude – Map Walk May 17 Tulip Festival – Volksmarch May 18 Tulip Festival – Map Walk May 19 Tulip Festival – Marathon May 31 Discover Far-Eastern Ontario / Western Québec Navan, ON June 11 Barley Mow‛s Walk – Orléans, ON June 21 Honouring French Heritage June 25 Montana‛s – Carson Grove Walk – Ottawa, ON July 01 Canada Day Walk July 09 RA Centre - Rideau River Walk – Ottawa, ON July 23 Finnigan‛s Pub – Vanier/Rockcliffe Walk - Vanier, ON Aug 06 Lunergan‛s Pub – Rothwell Heights Walk – Ottawa, ON Aug 20 Royal Canadian Legion – Petrie Island Tour – Orléans, ON Sept 13 OVO Annual Volksmarch Sept 21 Charity Walk in Support of Cumberland Resource Centre Oct 04 Fall Rhapsody – Gatineau Park, QC Dec 14 Christmas Lights Walk N.B. Want to know when and were the next walk is? Call the OttawaCarleton Volkssport Hotline (613) 7880691 Walk MW W MW M MW EMW MW EMW MW EMW EMW EMW EMW W MW MW EMW Volunteer Appreciation Walk 2007 Leslie Gaudette with Earl & Brenda Campsell Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Walking into the light Page 12 of 16 CVF/FCV Convention 2008 May 2325, 2008 Come to Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley Canadian Volkssport Federation/Fédération Canadienne Volkssport In 2008, the CVF/FCV Convention will be hosted by the Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club. We invite everyone to join us in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, for “Fun, Fitness and Friendship”. Contact: Lynda Kanne Convention Coordinator 9028471772 Venue: Acadia University 15 University Avenue Wolfville , Nova Scotia B4P 2R6 18005428425 Email: Web: Accommodations Acadia University is the convention venue. Located in the picturesque town of Wolfville in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Acadia has facilities for conference sessions, our banquet, meals and accommodations. Staying “on campus” has its advantages as you are within walking distance of all events. Other accommodations and restaurants are available in the vicinity. ROOMS_at Acadia University Roy Joudrey Hall: $59.00 single $42.00 shared room rates are per person. HST (14% is extra) Other guest properties: $53.00 single $40.00 double SUITES at Acadia University Suites in Roy Joudrey Hall (include ensuite bath) Suite rates are per suite HST (14% is extra) One bedroom $ 97.00 (2 guests maximum) Two bedroom $182.00 (4 guests maximum) Three Bedroom $ 260.00 (6 guests maximum) Parking: Free parking on campus for conference participants for duration of conference Reservations: Individuals to contact the university directly. Rooms will be available two days before and two days following the convention weekend. Phone 18005428425 or for online reservation Quote the group’s name: “Canadian Volkssport Federation“. A credit card will be required to guarantee the reservation. Other Accommodations: The area in and around Wolfville has many bed and breakfast, country inns, cottages, and motel venues. For a more complete listing, check the Wolfville website at or call Tourism Nova Scotia at 18005650000 . Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 13 of 16 CVF/FCV Canadian Volksssport Federation / Federation Volkssport Canadianne May 2325, 2008 Wolfville, Nova Scotia SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, MAY 23 8 am – 6 pm Convention Registration Wheelock Hall 8 am – 6 pm General Information Desk Wheelock Hall 8 am – 6 pm PostConvention Tour Information Wheelock Hall 8 am – 6 pm YRE Walk Registration Wheelock Dining Hall “B” 8 am – 6 pm Convention and Club Displays Wheelock Lounge 8:30 am – 5 pm CVF BOD Meeting Wheelock Lounge 7 pm – 10 pm Meet and Greet (Wine and Cheese) Including Opening Ceremonies Wheelock Dining Hall SATURDAY,MAY 24 8 am – noon Convention Registration Wheelock Lounge 8 am – 5 pm General Information Desk Wheelock Lounge 8 am – 5 pm PostConvention Tour Information Wheelock Lounge 8 am – 5 pm YRE Walk Registration Wheelock Dining Hall “B” 8 am – 5 pm Convention and Club Displays Wheelock Lounge 8 am – 5 pm Silent Auction Wheelock Lounge 8 am – 8:50 am CVF President’s Walk Registration Convocation Hall 9 am CVF President’s Walk Starts 1 pm – 4 :30 pm CVF AGM KC Irving Centre Theatre 6 pm – 6 :30 pm Dignitaries Meet Wheelock Small Loun 6:30 pm—10:30 Banquet / Awards Ceremonies Wheelock Dining Hall SUNDAY, MAY 25 8 am – 2 pm General Information Desk Wheelock Hall 8 am – 2 pm YRE Walk Registration Wheelock Hall 8 am – 2 pm Convention and Club Displays Wheelock Hall 8 am – 8 :40 am Silent Auction (final bids ) Wheelock Hall 8 am – 8 :50 am Convention Walk Registration Convocation Hall 9 am Convention Walk Starts 10 am—1:30 pm Silent Auction (pick up/pay) Wheelock Lounge 11:30 am – 12 :30 Open Meeting KC Irving Centre Theatre 12:30 pm 1 pm Closing Ceremonies KC Irving Centre Theatre 1:30 pm—4:00 pm CVF BOD Meeting KC Irving Centre SOCIAL EVENTS Date Time Event Friday, May 23 710 pm MEET AND GREETWine & Cheese Location Wheelock Dining Hall Enjoy Nova Scotian wines and cheeses while mingling with fellow Volkssporters. This is the time to show your club spirit! Wear your Volkssport colours and bring your club banner to be hung during the convention. Saturday, May 24 6:30 pm 10:30pm BANQUET Wheelock Dining Room Enjoy the food and the music Easterners are famous for! Sunday, May 25 11:30 am 12:30 pm OPEN MEETING KC Irving Centre Auditorium 12:30 pm 1:00 pm CLOSING CEREMONIES KC Irving Centre Auditorium Everyone Welcome Sunday, May 25 The walking stick will be passed from CVF/FCV Convention 2008 Coordinator to CVF/FCV Convention 2009 Coordinator. Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 14 of 16 Volume VI Issue 2 Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 15 of 16 Ottawa Voyageurs Walking club CLUB DE MARCHE DES VOYAGEURS D’OTTAWA Membership Application Demande d’adhésion MEMBER INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE MEMBRE Renewal / Renouvellement Date: New Member / Nouveau membre Name: Nom : Phone (H): Téléphone (M) : Phone (W): Téléphone (B) : Fax: Télécopieur : Province: Postal Code: Code Postal : Address: Adresse : City: Ville : Email: Courriel : Date of birth: Date de naissance : Would you be willing to help with club activities? Accepteriezvous d’aider le club dans ses activités ? Yes / Oui No / Non COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF THIS IS A FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: À COMPÉTER DANS LE CAS D’UNE ADHÉSION FAMILIALE : Spouse Name: Nom du conjoint: Phone (H): Téléphone (M) : Phone (W): Téléphone (B) : Fax: Télécopieur : Email: Courriel : Date of birth: Date de naissance : Would you be willing to help with club activities? Accepteriezvous d’aider le club dans ses activités ? Yes / Oui No / Non CHILDREN STILL LIVING AT HOME / ENFANTS VIVANT TOUJOURS À LA MAISON : Name: Nom : DOB: DDN : Name: Nom : DOB: DDN : Name: Nom : DOB: DDN : Name: Nom : DOB: DDN : ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE / FRAIS DE COTISATION ANNUELLE Single Membership – $10 Adhésion individuelle – 10 $ Family Membership – $20 Adhésion familiale – 20 $ Cash / comptant Amount Enclosed / Montant ciinclus: Cheque / cheque PLEASE SEND APPLICATION FORM TO: ENVOYER LA DEMANDE D’ADHÉSION À : Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club / Club de marche des Voyageurs d’Ottawa Postal Box 331, Ottawa, Ontario K1C 1S7 For more information, please contact: Pour plus de renseignements contactez : Karen Venema (613) 7315417 Date received: Package sent: Volume VI Issue 2 Cash $ __________ Cheque # ________ Membership #: Membership #: Winter/Hiver 2007 Page 16 of 16