Volume 14 Issue 3 - West Coast Knitters` Guild


Volume 14 Issue 3 - West Coast Knitters` Guild
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W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
• Editor: Paulette Lane 604-730-4628 paulette_lane@msn.com, newsletter@westcoastknitters.org
• Contributors: Anna Knowlson, Valerie Pollock, Y Emmons, Jane Stringer
• Distribution: Janet Crawford, Stephanie Langley
Volume 14 Issue 3
Whole number 80
May 2012
Published 6 times per year. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
To be content in life, you must have a passion, ours is knitting.
West Coast Knitters’ News
Fibre Heaven
In preparation for a workshop on fibre that I
am presenting in May, I have been swatching
as many different fibres as I can find. Fibre
heaven. Besides all the usual suspects, I have
swatched yarn made from recycled blue jeans,
ceramic, soy, corn, stainless steel, copper,
camel, yak, nettle, with milk yarn and sugarcane yarn next in line.
During all this swatching, I remembered being
on the search for cotton knitting yarn in 1970.
My husband had bought a garter stitch sweater
knit in variegated cotton, about 5 stitches to the
inch. Very unique for the time and I wanted to
make one for myself. I visited every yarn shop
in the city and neighbouring cities but never
did find the cotton yarn or even a multicoloured yarn. Wool, acrylic, nylon, angora,
cashmere, mohair but no cotton. Yarn shop
owners could not believe I would want to wear a
sweater made out of cotton, let alone knit one.
I was 9 or 10 years ahead of myself because
fashion trends find their way to the general
public and in the 1980’s the yarn floodgates
opened for knitters and we’ve been riding that
wave ever since. Now multi-coloured yarn is
no longer unique, cotton is one of our yarn staples and yarn can be made from anything.
Keep Canada Knitting and Crocheting
What’s Inside
Show and Tell
Kirsten' Zerbini - Freeforming
Sylvia Olsen
Hemp History Week in June
Our Back Pages
Guild Members Charity Knitting
Calendar of Events
Back To Basics with Patons
Strangling Bobbles
Cropped Drape Cardigan
Overview of January Meeting
Courtesy of Anna Knowlson
Mariela welcomed 50 members and guests. Judith Loy is visiting from Ontario and is glad to
be where it is warm! Judith is a friend of Agnes
Merton. Lisa David is a “refugee” from the closure of Birkeland Brothers where she met Angela K who introduced her to the Guild.
The Cambie Art Supplier is now an online store,
it is no longer physically located on 57th Ave. It
is located in Burnaby now at 7-3856 Sunset St.,
Burnaby, BC V5G 1T3: 604-436-3374 http://
Yarn Bombing continues in North Vancouver.
The North Shore Community Arts Council has
Bev Gray reminded us that the knitted dolls go- encouraged it in conjunction with the Capilano
ing to Haiti are due at the April meeting. Many University Textile Program. A grant of $7,500
cute and beautifully made dolls were brought to has been allotted!
the March meeting. Bev also reminded us that
Kirsten Zerbinis – Two Sisters Stringworks,
the squares for the Guild Anniversary Afghan
indy dyer, spinner, fibre artist and teacher from
are due at the April meeting.
Port Moody talked about her passion for free
form knitting and crocheting. Kirsten brought
Mark your calendar, the Annual Knit-in-thePark is booked for August 11, 2012.
(Continued on page 2)
Page 2
her two girls – and we were treated to on-the-fly parenting
as Kirsten tried to present her work and take care of her
children at the same time. All considered, she did an excellent job everything! I was astonished at her ability to switch
focus where needed, and the great organized energy she
brought to her topic!
fearlessly and taking up a personal knitting challenge to be
completed in the course of 2011. Some members put their
ideas in writing and here are the various challenges that
were listed:
- knit something on three needles
- finish a Shaun the Sheep monster blanket; finish my miSee Ravelry for more information on Kirsten's own work,
tred square self-designed vest
and the topics she covered. She brought many sample
- complete two things from my Ravelry queue
items, such as Tea-cozies, crochet branching into wear- finish: black wool top-down cardigan, silver hemp pullables, experiments, a basket of her hand dyed and spun
over; free form tam
yarns. It was a lovely riot of colour!
- finish all my UFO’s – 2 vests, 4 sweaters, 3 pairs of socks,
She talked about the Australian invention of “contiguous
1 baby sweater; start the Christmas stocking project
knitting”, which is a way of knitting a garment all in one
- make one Moebius; reduce stash
connected piece. For an example see www.ravelry.com/
- finally make my mother a sweater that fits
- more fine art knitting (Sea-to-Sky toque, scarves, shawls);
Kirsten talked about how her spinning influenced and inmulti-purpose designs like the cowl/toque/head and neck
spired her projects. She likes to crochet with a lot of similar
shades of yarn in the same project. So, she dyes yarn in
small batches to achieve several shades of a colour which is - knit a Fair Isle bag
something you cannot do if all the yarn goes into the same - red Cowichan type hoodie cardigan
- Christmas vest
dye pot at once. http://twosistersstringworks.com/
- knit up the lovely wools I have making either the pattern I
Thought for the month: "I think knitting is just mysterigot the wool for or creating something else
ously, incredibly magic. I mean who would ever think that
you could just take two sticks and rub them together with a - learn to steek
bit of thread in between and out would come this incredible - get good at walking while knitting and do lots of it; first
tapestry of colour?" Kaffe Fassett
pair of socks; first pair of mittens
At the January meeting last year, we talked about knitting
(Continued on page 3)
Executive -The following members volunteer their time
to make the guild better.
President - Mariela Johansen
Past President - Bev Gray
Vice-President - Edita Michalek
Treasurer - Lorna Brown
Secretary and Recorder - Anna Knowlson
Membership - Jane Stringer,
Newsletter Editor - Paulette Lane
Distribution - Janet Crawford, Stephanie Langley
Web Editor - Anne Walsh
Members at Large - Elizabeth Purves, Mary Scott, Janet Crawford
Workshops - Holli Yeoh, Irene Martin
Show & Tell - Valerie Pollock
Door Prizes– Eileen Kitamura
The Guild meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm
in the Oakridge Centre, 41st and Cambie, Vancouver in the
Seniors Room. Annual Membership: $25 per year September
to August. Associate Membership is $12 per year to receive
the newsletter and registration notification for workshops.
info@westcoastknitters.org www.westcoasknitters.org 
West Coast Knitters’ News is published 6 times per year.
Contributions are welcome and encouraged. If you have read
a good knitting book or magazine, have an interesting story to
tell about your knitting or travels with your knitting or
another knitter's knitting, or how you found the WCK, if you
have a knitting tip or learned something from a book or
another knitter that enlightened you, or if you have an idea
for the newsletter or a complaint, I would like to hear about it. If
you have something knitting or fibre related to sell, you can
reach all the members with a free ad in the newsletter.
If you have a fibre related business, we accept advertising
from members or fibre related shops for a nominal fee.
To make a contribution, ask a question or ask for assistance
in preparing a contribution, contact Paulette at 604-730-4628
or newsletter@westcoastknitters.org
Deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month previous
to publication:
December 15 for the January newsletter
February 15 for the March newsletter
April 15 for the May newsletter
June 15 for the July newsletter
August 15 for the September newsletter
October 15 for the November newsletter 
W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
(Continued from page 2)
- knit a sweater that fits; reduce stash
- make a sweater that fits
- knit Ilga Leja’s new scarf pattern
- complete all projects for my knitting classes: cape, Fair
Isle yoke pullover, cardigan, cardigan with hood, shawl
collar cardigan, pullover with crochet yoke
- make some socks
- finish sweater
- purchase wool and start Fair Isle sweater that I have the
pattern for
- complete a shawl with two balls of fine variegated Italian
mohair that I bought six years ago
- knit from my stash and not buy any new yarn
- to knit a shawl
- make something that uses wrap and turn technique; make a
pair of socks for self
- continue with charity projects and learn to knit socks
- finish short socks; knit shawl from own handspun yarn;
knit Moebius; knit another pair of socks that fit; knit second pair of short socks; knit a shawl from Noro sock yarn
- use up stash of Patons and Mission Falls; get confident about
sweaters; knit at least one thing with a lace-type stitch
- knit more and use up existing stash
- knit son’s ski hat with Union Jack pattern and Mohawk
- knit a Thomas Tank Train sweater
You may recognize your challenge on the list. I seem to remember that at least one of these projects was featured at
Show & Tell at a previous meeting – so it was obviously a
success. It would be fun to know whether some of these
plans worked out.
Page 3
It was asked if Franklin Habit, who writes the Panopticon
blog, http://the-panopticon.blogspot.ca could be invited to
give us a workshop.
A Lucy Neatby workshop will be booked for 2013. Everyone seems interested. http://www.lucyneatby.com/
Members were asked to think about topics for smaller workshops and pass them along to Edita.
Bev Gray asked the members who hold positions on the Executive and Committees to let her know if they are continuing for the next year. The AGM is in June.
The North Shore Community Arts Council wants to do a
yarn bombing project. One of the artists is coming to the
May meeting to tell us more! They want to give knitting a
higher profile and more prominence.
Regarding the Cowichan Sweater, a great article was in the
Globe & Mail on March 26, 2012 that talked about the
Cowichan Sweater as an iconic symbol of BC. The Government of BC gave Charles and Diana a pair of Cowichan
sweaters when they married. The pattern for it is available
on Ravelry. It is by Marjorie Peter from Duncan. (She
makes sweaters that are similar to each other but never identical.) The Federal Government said that the Cowichan
Sweater is an object of national historical significance. In
her youth, Ms. Peter used to knit a sweater in two days, using double pointed needles. These days the same project
takes two weeks.
Anna Hunter, owner of Baaad Anna's Yarn Store talked
about activities at her store. Baaad Anna's is hosting Sylvia
Olsen, author of Working with Wool. A Coast Salish Legacy
& the Cowichan Sweater. Ms. Olsen also wrote Yetsa's
Sweater for children. She married a Tarslip man and learned
about Cowichan knitting from her mother-in-law; she writes
from her experience on the Tarslip Reserve.
Sylvia Olsen is not native, and does not presume to teach
Cowichan knitting, but she is giving two presentations. On
Overview of April Meeting
Friday, April 20 at 7 pm, she will talk about her book and
Mariela welcomed 50 members and guests. Joan Conklin, a the history of the Cowichan Sweater at Baaad Anna's Yarn
ceramic artist, met Linda Hull at Three Bags Full. Elizabeth Store. Sliding scale fee is from $5 to $20. On Saturday,
Prasad was introduced to the Guild by Margaret Venkataya. April 21 from 1 to 3 pm, she will give a workshop, Secrets
Kim is a friend of Angela and Sue deGannes.
of Innovation and Courage to Invent. The cost of the workThis meeting is the last day to deliver your dollies for Haiti. shop is $45, which includes yarn.
Anna also let us know that Briggs and Little roving is now
Cambie Art Supplier closed it’s storefront location is now
an online shop. www.cambieartsupplier.com or (604) 436- available at her store. She talked about Community Craft
Rentals that she is starting in her store. She is renting fibre
equipment such hand carders, drum carder, drop spindles,
Fiona McLean from Knit Social invited the Guild to have a
spinning wheel, ball winder, swift for seven day at a reason“Knit Doctor” table at their Knit City Knit Social event in
able price.
October. She thinks it would be a good presence for the
Anna told us about Starry Night Meadows Farm, an alpaca
farm on Mayne Island. They process the fibre from four alLorna Brown gave a brief Treasurer’s report. She handed
pacas at their own mill on the farm. The four animals, one
out copies of the financial statement and explained all the
named Rudy, produce four beautiful shades of yarn, which
parts of the statement in detail. We are in good shape financially.
(Continued on page 4)
Page 4
March Show & Tell
Carol Stephanson opened our Show and Tell with a great
story about her Navy Rowan Felted Tweed cardigan that
was the result of collaboration online with Astrid
(Attimania) in the 'Contiguous' Ravelry group. Carol wanted
to try out this top-down shoulder shaping designed by Suzie
M in Australia, but didn't feel up to tackling the project
alone. Astrid (from Germany) designed the v-neck cardigan
for Carol using this technique and keeping only a step ahead
of her as she worked. The sweater is lovely blue with slight
white flecking from the tweed, with a v-neck and slightly
ribbed button band, and a subtle diamond-shaped lace motif
on the back. Carol enjoyed the process, but has some frustrations with the final product - the garment stretched during
blocking and she finds the back neck too wide.
by Valerie Pollock
"I should have refreshed my memory on YouTube about
doing Entrelac before I started it as I forgot a couple of details, like slipping the first stitch on each square. When I did
check, I was trying to decide if I should rip back an start that
part over and that is when I set it aside. This is not a pattern
to set aside for long because it is hard to pick up the rhythm
of the lace Entrelac. I planned to finish it in February but got
busy with the Bermuda shawl instead. So I will finish the
shawl and bring it back to show you when it's completed.
The next challenge will be deciding whether to start the bottom over or not. If I start slipping the stitches and it looks
just that much better then I will rip."
Elizabeth Knight has been working on the challenge of
making sweaters - specifically sweaters that she has designed to fit herself. The first she shared with us was a kiLinda Hull responded to the call in Mariela's email to the
mono-style cardigan with no buttons but a wide-lengthwise
knitting challenge we set ourselves last year. Here is the
rib around the front edge and collar. She knit it in a large
story of her challenge to herself:
"Having knit two Ilga Leja's shawls called Bermuda, which basketweave pattern using a single strand of unspun offwhite/tan White Buffalo yarn. The second cardigan/jacket
I'm showing you tonight, I set the challenge that I would
knit her design Morocco. Both patterns were designed using was knit in Elle Merino from her native South Africa, which
she bought online from Elann.com. Elizabeth has described
Koigu, a variegated yarn with long colour changes. Bermuda is the funnest [sic] piece of knitting that I've ever done this as a green sweater, but it is such a pale green as to be
with the exception of Cat Bordi's Moebius knitting. At least almost grey. She knit in a stockinette stitch with a pattern of
three other knitters have used the same term to describe the squares outlined in purl stitches. Her challenges included
Bermuda scarf. This Bermuda shawl is close to completion coming up with the texture pattern - and the fact that this is
but as I will be gifting to to a good friend, I probably won't only the third sweater she has ever knit! Finally, since she
believes that every woman needs one pair of pink cashmere
have it to show next month. It is knit in Koigu in brilliant
PJs, she knit herself just that, using Elan Baby Cashmere.
orange/yellow colours. Certainly her colours, not mine. I
have inspired at least three other people to knit the Bermuda One of the challenges she set herself was to knit lace and so
she included a trim of lace on the cuff of the pants, and inshawl and they are having a good time so if you like short
cluded a panel of not-quite-lace down the front of the top.
rows, you should do it. I believe the cost of the pattern is
This “lace” pattern differs from most in that there are no
$10.00 on Ravelry.
holes! The challenges for this project included practicing a
"I started the Morocco shawl/scarf but didn't like knitting it raglan sleeve and the shaping for the pants.
once I got started. There was no point in continuing so I
started looking around for an interesting Entrelac pattern. I Stella Li showed us a very cute ribbed teapot sweater that
remembered learning Entrelac knitting about 11 years ago. I she designed herself, using Gedifra Fashion Charme in grey.
came up with Ruth's Entrelac Butterfly Shawl. It is the first This wide-ribbed garment stretches beautifully over the pottime I've seen a lace Entrelac. The designer is Ruth Thome belly of the teapot and is joined by two tabs crossing under
the handle to attach with buttons. She also shared her comand is on Yarn Love.com, but available for $6.00 on
pleted Storm Water Shawl by Nancy Lobban (available
Ravelry. Only 60 people on Ravelry have knit it. She recthrough Handmaiden), which she knit in Fleece Artist Sea
ommends Noro Silk Garden Sock Yarn, Mini Mochi, and
Silk, in periwinkle blue. The rectangular shawl is a checkerZauberball and a few other yarns but Kauni works very
board of garter stitch alternating with lace blocks.
well, too.
(Continued on page 5)
April Overview (Continued from page 3)
also just have no confidence. And you know what? I don't
have time, because I'd rather be doing other things, like
Thought for the month: have written some songs, but I
knitting. - Amanda Seyfried (who confessed on the Ellen
would really call what I've done poetry at the end of the
Show that she knits constantly, even while
day, because I'll sit with my guitar for hours and hours on
on the elliptical trainer!) 
end for, like, a week and then I won't touch it for a month. I
will be available at Baaad Anna's.
Page 5
W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
(Continued from page 4)
Sharon Mowat shared two Baby Surprise Jackets by Elizabeth Zimmerman. The first, in pale creamy yellow acrylic
furry yarn and blue/green acrylic uncut chenille loop yarn.
It was a challenge to keep track of the increases as the pile
of the yarns obscured the stitches. The second, in blue/pink/
aqua/lavender acrylic DK baby yarn, came up in a small
size. She found it challenging to read the instructions...
Sharon also designed and knit a watch cap with a stocking
stitch body and a brim, knit top down in medium grey
heavy worsted acrylic. The increases formed six spirals at
the crown.
sunset. She knit two of these beauties, and doesn't yet have
a recipient in mind.
Elizabeth Purves has knit a lovely snowflake poncho for
the Guild Sale. The pattern from Nicky Epstein's book Knitting on top of the World is knit in Nashua Chunky wool Alpaca, Schulana Merino Alpaca and Microfibre Peter Rabbi
Angora, Elizabeth used duplicate stitch to embroider a large
white snowflake on the robin's egg blue poncho. She also
knitted a white tie arrangement with large bobbles. The
overall effect is very whimsical and attractive.
Janis Waller showed us some projects knit by fellow guild
members, Irene Martin and Carole Szabo. Irene knit two
Mariela Johansen shared her exquisite, “never-again”, Fair of Jean Wong's hat design in Wooly Stripes by Nashua.
Isle bag from Knitpicks. The Sipalu Bag, designed by Kerin One was knit in blue variegated and the second in burgundy
Dimeler-Laurence, was knit in Knitpicks Palette in 13 col- and olive green. Janis also knit a watch cap in grey/blue
ours of blues and greens. Some of the many challenges
with a dark grey boucle type roll-back brim. These hats are
Mariela experienced included the daft construction, which for the Guild Sale. Carole's project was a fine crocheted
involved picking up the sides and bottom from the central
necklace with flowers, in variegated cotton. Carole used a
design. She changed the design for the upper border as she tiny #4 hook to crochet this original design.
didn't like the arrowhead motif for the bag. Final construction is now underway with adding the lining and the strap. Nigel Pottle knit a small lace tablecloth from the pattern
Lotus Flower by Herert Niebling. He used two balls (1000
Stephanie Langley's friend found some 100% acrylic at a yds) of Pakucho Organic Lace Cotton by Ecobutterfly Orthrift store and passed it along to her, so she decided to
ganics. Sage Green is the natural colour of the cotton. One
make a Linus blanket. She designed the blanket herself, us- challenge that Nigel experienced while knitting this tableing the two colours of cream and rhubarb to create wide
cloth in the round was the huge stitch count - he had to knit
stripes in the blanket. The rhubarb was knit in stocking
back eight rows, with about 8-900 stitches per row, and then
stitch and the cream was knit with a cabled pattern. It took a knit back again two rows later! The final product is stunlong time to knit, and Stephanie had to calculate the amount ning, with the lotus flower clearly depicted in the lace.
of yarn to use for each section so that she wouldn't run out.
Holli Yeoh showed us some variations of the Entrelac MitCaroline Chao showed us two very cute alligator scarves
tens pattern that she designed for the book Noro Accessowhich she knit for her son. One was green 100% wool and ries, published by Sixth & Spring. Using Noro Kureyon in
the other in grey acrylic. She got the pattern from a Facepurple/red/pink/teal, she test knit different sizes by changbook friend, but the pattern wasn't very clear, however the ing the number of stitches in the entrelac diamonds. The
results were great!
original pattern uses a twelve-stitch diamond, and she tested
Jane Stringer purchased a skein of Poems (Wisdom Yarns) mittens with nine, ten, eleven, and thirteen-stitch diamonds,
in Whitehorse as a souvenir and decided to knit Woolly
which beautifully adjust the sizing of these interesting mittens.
Wormhead's pattern Symetrie, which is a tam using a
Valerie Pollock shared the small shawl Asterope by Romi
"simple chevron based pattern to create multiple lines of
(Rosemary Hill) knit in Cascade Yarns Alpaca Lace. The
symmetry and reflection". This chevron pattern, combined shawl features a central lace V pattern with large bands of
with a self-striping yarn, creates a kaleidoscope-like flower stockinette stitch and lovely fan shaped motifs bordering the
on the top of the tam. The stunning colours that Jane chose, bottom edge. Knit in a beautiful teal blue/green, the shawl
red/purple/blue/yellow/orange, make the tam look like a
might require repeat blocking, as alpaca is not renowned for
its memory. 
Do you avoid making buttonholes?
Here’s another option. Knit the buttonhole band without
buttonholes. Then, using a knitting needle much larger
than the project needle, work it in between the stitches
where you want to place a buttonhole to push the stitches
aside and finish the hole with a buttonhole stitch. Some
knitters believe this is THE best looking buttonhole. 
Page 6
April Show & Tell
Wendy Emslander showed her beautiful cardigan in teal
pure wool superwash that she purchased from Marion Topping's stash. The pattern is Holli Yeoh's new Ribbed Cardigan which was published in Knit Simple Magazine, Winter
2011/12. The cardigan features ribbing that shifts from 1x1
ribbing at the bottom to 1x7 ribbing in the yoke, and shaping
that is achieved with different needle sizes. Wendy is happy
with the fit and it looked great!
by Valerie Pollock
line up the back of the calf. Rachel is knitting them in Noro
Kureyon sock yarn in pink and purple and notes that the dark
colours can suddenly shift to light, making the stripes less
distinct. The colours in these socks, which she is making for
herself, make her think of Gauguin.
Anne Patterson had a cute little knitted ball (pattern is Gevlochten Bal/ Braided Ball by Maureen Hartog) that she is
contributing to the Guild Sale. This great child's toy is knit in
Nigel Pottle shared a scarf he has designed that he is calling red, yellow and navy Sublime yarn. The ball is knit in I cord
strips and then woven together to form a ball. The pattern is
Whale's Tails. The lace pattern, knit in deep blue Mirasol
Tupa, 50% merino/50% silk, resembles the flukes of a
available (for free!) on Ravelry.
whale. He knit both sides from the centre back to the ends
Carol Stephanson shared her exquisite linen v-neck pulland then grafted the two pieces together. Grafting the pieces over (pattern Pipit by Heidi Kirrmaier) knit in mid-blue Euwith stocking stitch, reverse stocking stitch and garter stitch roflax Linen. The pattern is long and involved with an unproved a challenge for this piece, but the lace forms an inter- usual construction, but step-by-step, and with help from the
esting diamond pattern in the centre back. He knit it for him- designer, Carol finished the sweater, which she knitted for
self, but has been asked to sell it to an acquaintance who saw herself. She has found that the linen softens up nicely and
it being knit in a coffee shop.
can be tossed in the washer and dryer, but it does bias. It is
Anna Knowlson has knit two tams from the same pattern,
also breezy to wear - so good for warm days. 
Norah Gaughan's Phylotaxis, which is a spiral based on the
pinecone. It is from Norah's book Knitting Nature. Anna
felted one (Paton's Classic Wool in Jade Heather) tam and
left the other unfelted (light blue Nashua). She found it challenging to get the headband the right size, and experimented
with 90 stitches (too big), 72 stitches (too small) and 84
stitches (just right).
Mary Scott showed us a frilly, ruffled scarf knit using Lacey
by Berroco, in red with a touch of black. It took about an
hour to knit this fun scarf for her friend. She also shared a
Shoulder Cozy from Churchmouse Yarns and Teas which
she knit in a merino/kid yarn in shades of blues. This design
looks like a mini poncho or capelet and is a simple garter
stitch pattern, available on Ravelry.
Rachel Zuckermann has been knitting more Burning
Stripes by Susan Luni. These socks have an interesting
“boomerang heel” and distinct colour change that forms a
Guild Contact e-mails
President: Mariela Johansen
Vice-president: Edita Michalek
Membership: Jane Stringer - ejberesford@shaw.ca,
Newsletter editor: Paulette Lane
General information or comments
Comments can also be posted on the guild website,
www.westcoastknitters.org 
Page 7
W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
Kirsten' Zerbini—Freeforming
At the March meeting, Kirsten' Zerbinis, owner of Two Sisters Stringworks, http://twosistersstringworks.com/, a small
fibre dyeing business with a "studio" in Port Moody spoke to the Guild about her latest yarn-based passion, Freeform
Crochet. Some of us may remember when Kirsten spoke to the Guild three years ago about her business at the time,
Yummy Yarns.
Freeforming is a method of making a highly textured fabric.
The primary technique used is crochet, but some freeformers use knitting as well. There are no patterns, only a variety
of methods, and each artist’s approach is different.
lem with those ugly blankets and sweaters.
Now me, I'm primarily a knitter. I've been knitting for 30
years. I made my first sweater when I was 14, and I've never
really taken a break from learning new things, mastering
new technique, refining and finessing my skills. I'm a knitter, capital "K". I steek without reinforcing first, I know several ways to cast on, and my seams look great.
I started with freeform knitting. The freeform books and
websites all showed the work done in mostly crochet, but I
wasn't quite ready to go there yet - I was a knitter. I would
bend knitting to my will.
That same year, someone at the Port Moody Arts Centre
showed me a book by Prudence Mapstone, prominent Freeform artist and teacher, and I was off.
Knitting, though, no matter what you do, tends to blockiness. You can shape knitting, absolutely. You can cast off,
I did learn to crochet when I was a kid, and I helped my
cast on, increase and decrease on the edges or in the middle,
stepmother out with a granny square blanket, but otherwise and you can certainly create irregular shapes. You are alI never really thought much of crochet. It seemed like a de- ways working with a row of loops at a time, though, straight
cent way to put an edge on some knitting, and I admired the lines, and you will always be working against that.
technical skill that went into fine lace, but it was never
Crochet, on the other hand, leaves you with only one live
something I was interested in doing. And most of the crochet I saw was pretty awful. It was too textured for my taste, loop at a time (unless you're doing Tunisian crochet). The
too busy, and at worst it was ugly, ugly, ugly - awful acrylic stitch types allow a greater variety, too - they can vary in
height and direction. There is nothing stopping you from
blankets made in awful colours. Crochet was something I
easily making arcs, circles, spirals, meandering paths. It's
tried to be polite about.
the easiest thing in the world to break the plane and create
Things changed when I became a handspinner and a knitting something three-dimensional, and crochet is fairly flexible,
teacher. I started to meet fibre artists and enthusiasts of vari- so joining one piece to another isn't too challenging.
ous ilks, and I learned about a lot of exciting new things.
There are many styles of Freeforming as there are practitioHandspinning taught me to really understand yarn. The
ners. Some people are all about the colour, and some focus
wide range of yarn that a spinner could produce from the
on shape. Some employ a lot of fancy, technical stitches and
varieties of staple length, crimp pattern, sheen, and plying
some keep it simple. Some use small motifs and some use
style to say nothing of the possibilities inherent in smalllarge, some work on a single piece of fabric and some make
batch dyework - it was very exciting. It changed my knitsmall patches and attach them together, or appliqué them to
ting, and it opened me up to weaving and tapestry.
a backing. And there seems to be a strange contention over
Then one day I was selling my handspun yarn at a craft show the value of the bullion stitch.
when a woman came by my booth. She liked my yarn; she
I'm not a highly technical crocheter; I'm really all about the
picked up a few skeins to choose between. She asked an all
important question: had I ever crocheted with my handspun? yarn. Freeforming, for me, is an extension of my spinning.
Right from the beginning I discovered that my freeform
I demurred, and I'm afraid my mouth ran away with me just blanket made an excellent "sink" for my not-so-well-made early
a little bit. I didn't sneer, but I probably did at least squint a handspun experiments. And presently, I love to work with the
little bit, and I said that I wasn't really a crocheter, that most variety that is afforded to me by making my own yarn.
of the crochet I'd seen had been a little - thick, and busy.
I love to juxtapose a fat single that has such great stitch
Stiff. It never draped well. It mostly turned out, well, kind
definition, with a finer plied yarn. I love to create a subtle
of hideous.
fabric that has seven different shades of dark purple made in
Then she introduced herself, and to this day I'll remember
different ways from different wools, and I love to create
the moment when I realized I'd just insulted crochet, to the something with a really high contrast, too. I find that I get a
face of Kim Werker, editor of Interweave Crochet.
lot of the same satisfaction from freeforming that I get from
To her credit, she laughed, and agreed with me, but left me dyeing and spinning wool, but because it's a different mewith $35 for the skein of yarn she bought, the advice to try dium, I have different possibilities available to me. Knitting
and crochet can be just the beginning of freeforming, too.
using a much, much bigger hook than the ball band called
(Continued on page 8)
for, and the idea that maybe crochet itself wasn't the prob-
Page 8
Sylvia Olsen
by Y (Betty Ruth) Emmons
Sylvia Olsen collaborated with so many folks to produce her book Working with Wool, A Coast Salish Legacy & the
Cowichan Sweater. Sylvia bubbled and sizzled thru the telling of stories at Baaad Anna’s on Friday, April 20, 2012. She
spoke of the Innovation of the Cowichan Sweater, and the Fusion between her kids growing up in heaps of yarn and having their own business in three colour natural wool bags.
Sweaters are the stories of both the wearer and the maker; here are four examples.
1. Sylvia’s hand knit linen dress reflects innovation in three colour Cowichan knitting.
2. Man wearing Mary Maxim sweater relates its parental heritage.
3. Y tells history of red Yorkshire Cowichan.
4. Happy member of audience tells story of making linen skirt.
Word Gems of Sylvia: knitting all round the world is a great civilizer; Mary Maxim patterns were not knockoffs, they
were lateral moves; artistry flows from people doing patterns they want; if sweater becomes brown it is local wool; a
woman with a lot of wool is a rich woman (Y: remember that when you look at your stash); the Cowichan Sweaters defined British Columbia.
There’ll always be a Cowichan. 
Change of Address
Please make the following changes to your membership list.
Jean Wong - jean@knittingwithjean.com
Shirley Milligan - orcaknits@yahoo.ca
Mary-Anne Focker - misswoollyknits@hotmail.com
Zsuzsi Huebsch - zzroomie@gmail.com
Caroline Chao - carolinefeng3@yahoo.com.tw
Michael Monteforte (previously Burgio),
304-430-9th Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 3W4
778-397-0936 
Lynne Hilton - rolly_hilton@shaw.ca
Anne Patterson - a.patterson@telus.net
Jean Forward - jmf51@shaw.ca
(Continued from page 7)
It’s an art form that can also include embroidery, felting,
beading, quilting, and weaving.
very interesting territory.
If you are interested in learning more about the details of
this art form, a quick Google search will turn up some Internet resources, including a few Ravelry groups, some tutoriI have never before thought of myself as an artist. I was a
als both free and for sale, and a host of inspiring pictures. I
crafter, and that was fine. When I started dyeing fiber and
spinning yarn for sale, I started putting "artisan" on any forms recommend you take a look at some of the wonderful work
being done, some for personal use, some as gallery display
that asked me to state a profession. But an artist - that was
never me. I didn't always follow patterns, but a sweater isn't art pieces, some for sale. Whether or not you give it a try, looking at Freeform work can give you a new perspective on
(or if it is, you risk being ticketed by the fashion police!).
Suddenly, though, I'm making a lot of artistic decision with your materials. 
every piece. I'm deciding about the colour balance, the juxtaposition of shapes and textures. I'm keeping an eye on the
small shapes and the overall lines. I'm deciding whether to
repeat a motif or leave something as a singular element,
something to draw the eye. I'm still not sure it's art, but it's
certainly design, and that's an interesting new experience for
me - my last art class was in grade six, and I didn't really
enjoy it. Maybe if they had let me use yarn instead of paint, I
would have liked it better.
So that's what I'm spending a lot of my time doing these
days - I'm making art. Some of it is functional or wearable,
but ultimately it's more decorative than useful, and that's
Page 9
W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
Hemp History Week in June
June 4-10, 2012 is Hemp History Week.
Hemp is an all purpose yarn suitable for all types of garments and climates. It is a yarn that gets better with washing and does not have to be handled with care. However, it
is illegal to grow any kind of hemp in the US and industrial
hemp, the kind used for knitting yarn, rope and clothing,
can be grown in Canada only with a license. Industrialhemp is not the marijuana plant. Both are from the Cannabis plant family sativa l., but are completely different varieties. The THC content of the marijuana hemp plant is 3% to
20%, while the THC content of the industrial hemp plant is
lower than 0.03%. The industrial hemp plant has no drug
value. The following is a list of interesting facts about
• The US Declaration of Independence is drafted on hemp
• Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper.
• Abraham Lincoln used hemp seed oil to fuel his household lamps.
• Henry Ford built an experimental car body made with
hemp fiber, which is ten times stronger than steel.
• Hemp fibers are longer, stronger, more absorbent and
more mildew-resistant than cotton.
• Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun’s
UV rays more effectively than other fabrics.
• Hemp grows well in a variety of climates and soil types.
It is naturally resistant to most pests, precluding the
need for pesticides. It grows tightly spaced, outcompeting any weeds, so herbicides are not necessary. It
also leaves a weed-free field for a following crop.
• Hemp can be made into fine quality paper. The long
fibers in hemp allow such paper to be recycled several
times more than wood-based paper.
• For a period in the late 1800s, Canada produced most of
the hemp England needed, and at the time England was
the largest hemp consumer in the world.
• In the 1930s, nylon was introduced in the US, and a concerted effort was made to use wood pulp for paper instead of hemp. Public worries about the use of marijuana as a drug led the US to outlaw the growing of all
hemp in 1937. Canada followed suit the following year.
• In 1998, it again became legal to grow industrial hemp
in Canada with a license. By 2010, 26,800 acres of industrial hemp were cultivated in Canada, about 800
acres in Quebec and the rest mainly in Manitoba. 
Counting Rows for Cable Crossings
To calculate the number of rows worked between cable crossings count the horizontal rungs startingwith the last cable
stitch worked. When the number of rungs equals number of rounds (or rows) between crossings, it's time to cross again,
on the next round. Example: for a cable that crosses every sixth round, when there are six rungs starting with the last
cable cross, then cross on the next round. 
Guild Friendly Yarn Shops offer 10% discount on yarn to guild members.
Show your membership card before making your purchase.
Baad Anna’s, 2667 East Hastings, Vancouver BC V5K 1Z5 604-255-2577
Beehive Wool Shop, 1700 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2G7 250-385-2727, 1-888-334-9005
Black Sheep Yarns, 88 Grant Street, Port Moody, BC V3H 0B6 778-355-9665
88 Stitches, #602-21183-88th Ave, Langley, BC V1M 2B5 604-888-6689
Gina Brown Yarns, 3424 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6R 2B3 604-734-4840
Homecraft Importers, 2348 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6K 1P1 604-738-2614
Knitopia Wools Company, #1411 Hillcrest Mall, 1457 Johnston Rd, White Rock, BC V4B 3Z4 778-294-5440
Maiwa Handprints Ltd., #6 1666 Johnston St., Granville Island, Vancouver, BCV6H 3S2 604-669-3939
Needle & Arts Centre, 910 Island Highway, Campbell River, BC V9W 2C3 250-287-8898, 1-888-588-7834
Pagan Yarns, 112 Hilchey Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 1P4 250-923-2780
Penelope Fibre Arts, 16055-8th Avenue, Surrey, BC V4A 1A1 778-292-1282
Shan's Needleworks, Suite 101-624 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC V3L 1X6 604-526-2637
Three Bags Full, 4458 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5V 3R3 604-874-WOOL/604-874-9665
Unwind Knit and Fibre Lounge, #8, 1161 Sunshine Coast Highway, Gibsons BC V0N 1V4 604.886.1418
Urban Yarns, 4437 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6R 2H8 604-228-1122
Wool & Wicker, #120-12051 Second Avenue, Richmond, BC 604-275-1239, 1-877-966-5945 
Page 10
Our Back Pages
For the Guild’s 20th Anniversary, this space featured previously printed articles from the Guild newsletter. With only six
issues in the year to share some of the treasures, I decided to keep this going for a few more issues. The article below is
from March 2002 , Volume 4, Issue 1.
Trials of the Tubular Cast-On!
As a relatively new knitter, I make it a point to try new
things whenever possible, or incorporating new ways of doing the same old thing into a project. Thus, having heard
about the tubular cast-on and seen pictures of its smooth,
rolled edge, I decided to learn it the next time I started a
sweater in ribbing.
by Sivia Harding
•On the next row, cross every other two purl/knit stitches to
make the proper sequence of purls and knits. Again, the
easiest way I found to do this is to switch the stitches on
the needles as you come to them. If this sounds too complicated (although it isn't!) you can always use a cable
needle to hold every other purl stitch to the back for one
stitch, in effect crossing it to the back of the next knit
After consulting two experienced knitters and three books,
stitch, then slip it onto the left needle and purl it. That is,
and seeing many different ways to make the cast-on, I made
K1, move the next purl stitch to the back, knit the next
a few swatches. This is a report on what I found was the
stitch, purl the stitch that was held back, purl the next
easiest way to achieve that nice edge in a K2, P2 rib.
stitch., repeat to last 2 stitches, P2tog. The result will be
•This cast-on starts provisionally, in other words with waste
44 stitches of K2, P2 ribbing,
yarn that will be removed later. You can use your favourite way to do this, or (as I did) simply knit two rows When I tried this, I was worried that the crossed stitches
would show and look terrible, but they show only miniof stockinette stitch, starting with a purl row, in a
smooth yarn approximately the same weight as your pro- mally, especially when a forgiving fibre like wool is used.
Although one side, which you can make the back of the
ject yarn. Cast on half the number of stitches you will
need for the finished piece, plus one. In other words, if piece, shows slightly more than the other.
I also tried this cast-on for ribyour finished piece requires 44 stitches, cast on 23.
bing in the round. It worked
•After casting on, purling one row and knitting one row in
quite well when I joined the
waste yarn, start your project yarn and continue with
stockinette for four more rows, ending with a knit row. round on the "crossing" row.
The yarn tail can be used later
Here is where the fun starts:
join the edge together for
a seamless look.
•Purl the first stitch, and then insert your right needle into
the next stitch four rows down, where you started your I hope you will enjoy using
project yarn. You will see the row clearly as a row of
this technique for lovely
different-coloured purl bumps surrounded by the waste ribbed edges.
yarn. Transfer the picked-up stitch to the
NOTE: Thanks to Paulette
left needle and knit it.
Lane and Rebecca Lai of the
•Continue across the row, purling a stitch
Guild for sharing their time
from the left needle, then picking up and
and expertise with me. My
knitting a stitch from below. You will
other references were The Harhave 45 stitches in K1, P1 rib.
mony Guide to Knitting as a
Creative Craft, page 19;
At this point the waste yarn has fulfilled its
The Big Book of Knitting, by
purpose and can be removed. The simplest
Katharina Buss, page 22; Knitway to do this is to cut it close to the knitting
ters Magazine, Summer 2001,
and pick out the threads. Or, if you are like
Taming the Tubular Cast On
me and enjoy saving every bit of yarn, pull
Part 1, by Charlotte Morris,
the yarn out one stitch at a time. You will be
page 72; and Vogue Knitting
left with a smooth, elastic edge and one row
International, Fall 2001, Caof ribbing. Your four rows of stockinette have
bling Without a Cable Needle,
been rolled up like magic.
by Meg Swansen, page 28. 
Now, you might ask, how to get that nice K1,
P1 edge to transform into K2, P2 ribbing? Easy.
Page 11
W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
Guild Members Charity Knitting
Project Linus
Mary Scott—mvscott@telus.net or Wool and Wicker in
The second Friday of each month at Wool and Wicker ( 120
- 12051 Second Ave. Richmond), to fold and pack up donated blankets. These blankets are all new, machine washable and dryable. Some are knitted, others are crocheted,
some quilts have also been donated. All sizes are accepted
but larger than 36"x36" up to crib/lap size are the most
practical. The Variety Club picks up the blankets and distributes them
New, handmade, washable blankets given as gifts to seriously ill and traumatized children, ages 0-18. All sizes and
styles of blankets are welcome, including quilts, tied comforters, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans, and receiving blankets in child-friendly
Guild Sale for Nova House
Lorna Brown—lobrown@shaw.ca
Items are collected all year: Hats, flap caps, mittens with and without fingers, socks, children's
garments, animals/dolls/toys to sell in the Fall.
Whatever is not sold at the sale is given to Nova
House or one of the other charities.
Nova House, a transition house for abused women and children. CHIMO Crisis Centre in Richmond is responsible for
funding and managing Nova House. CHIMO relies on donations from groups like the WCKG and caring individuals
to keep this essential service operating.
Aunt Leah’s Independent Lifeskills Society
Journey with youth to self sufficiency
Mariela Johansen—president@westcoastknitters.org
pel Mission. Please leave the stamps on the envelopes or cut
a half-inch margin around the stamps. Thousands of dollars
are raised for the Mission from donated used postage
Union Gospel Mission offers hope to hungry, hurting and
homeless men, women and children in Metro Vancouver.
Loneliness, danger and separation from loved ones are just
some of the problems seafarers face. Around the world,
night and day, The Mission to Seafarers provides help and
support to those in need. www.missiontoseafarers.org/
Purple Cap Campaign for the Period of Purple Crying
Deadline is October 26, 2011. Newborn-size purple caps
will be collected at the October Guild meeting.
Purple cap knitting campaign aims to raise awareness
about the Period of PURPLE Crying. Purple caps are
distributed to new parents in birthing hospitals across
BC along with the PURPLE DVD and booklet during
the week of November 22 in celebration of National
Child Day, November 20. http://clickforbabies.org/
www.purplecrying.info http://dontshake.ca
St. Paul’s’ Hospital Obstetrics
Bev Gray – beverleygray38@gmail.com
St. Paul’s currently has enough newborn and baby
items. A request will be made when more items are needed.
Canada Comforts Society
Mary Scott—mvscott@telus.net
Knitted items for the needy of the world are required: clothing, hats, scarves, blankets, washcloths for cleaning newborns.
Blanket sizes: Baby: 40in x 40in Crib: 45in x 60in
Single Bed: 60in x 72in
Throws or Afghans for the resident’s to wrap themselves in
Canada Comforts Drop-Offs:
while watching TV. Baby blankets and newborn sweaters
for teen Moms are also appreciated.
Vancouver: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House, contact
Nancy 604-879-8208 - 800 E. Broadway (east of Fraser St)
Aunt Leah’s Society helps prevent children in foster care
from becoming homeless, and mothers in need from losing N. Vancouver: North Shore Neighbourhood House 604-987
custody of their children. To support them on their journey -8138 - 225 E. 2nd Street. Leave items in the laundry bag in
of self-sufficiency, we provide supported housing, job train- the Exec. Director’s office
ing and coaching on the essential skills. www.auntleahs.org Surrey: Charlotte Phillips 604-531-8712
Union Gospel Mission, Seaman’s Mission
Margaret Venkataya—alma_venkataya@live.ca
3838 156B St. (close to White Rock)
Victoria yarn donations: Beehive Wool Shop, 1700 Douglas
Meet at Margaret’s home in Richmond to knit toques on the Street, Victoria, BC 250-385-2727, 1-888-334-9005 
second Tuesday of the month from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Everyone is welcome.
Margaret also collects used postage stamps for Union Gos-
Page 12
Calendar of Events
May 13-24—Lakes & York Knitters’ Tour with Jean Moss—First five days in the beautiful Lake District near Windermere and the last six days in the historic city of York. Workshops will be given by Martin Storey, Carol Meldrum and Jean
Moss. Luxury accommodation, visits to off-the-beaten-track yarn producers, places and people that knitters, textile and
fibre lovers will relish including the Rowan Mill, Holmfirth, Wordsworth's house at Rydal Mount and Castle Howard.
www.jeanmoss.com/tours.html Ravelry Travelers with Jean Moss group.
May 12—-Surrey Sheep to Shawl—Cheer on local spinning and weaving teams as they participate in this traditional
competition. Watch as raw sheep’s wool is carded, spun, and plied into yarn, then woven into a shawl, all in four hours!
Demos of sheep shearing, wool displays, try weaving on heritage looms or spinning on real spinning wheels. Kids can
weave a bookmark, or make sheep crafts and pictures. 11:00 am–4:00 pm drop in, admission by donation. Surrey Museum,
17710 - 56A Avenue, Surrey, BC 604-592-6956 www.surrey.ca/culture-recreation/7848.aspx
May 25-27—14th Annual Okanagan Knitting Retreat—Knitting Foundations...Skills to build on—Sorrento Centre,
Sorrento, BC. Choice of three workshops: Fibre Foundations with Paulette Lane, Lace Foundations with Myriam Dostert,
Fair Isle Foundations with Celeste Culpepper, Colour Foundations with Janet Armstrong. Optional Friday workshops are a
reprise of workshops from previous retreats. Visit www.janetarmstrong.com for full details and online registration. Contact
Janet Armstrong at 250-545-2474 or info@janetarmstrong.com.
May 25-June 3—10th Annual Saskatchewan Stitches Conference—Creative classes with renowned fibre and needle
work artists that attracts knitters, crocheters, sewers, quilters and rug hookers from across Canada, plus guest instructor
Lily Chin. St. Peter's Abbey at Muenster, Saskatchewan , www.hausofstitches.ca/ Follow Haus of Stitches on Facebook.
June 1-3—Willow Weekend 2012—Explore the wide range of techniques that are willow basketry. Three distinguished
willow instructors, Jo Campbell-Amsler, Katherine Lewis, Judy Zugish, each specializing in her own aspect of willow
weaving, are gathering in north central Washington for a weekend filled with presentations and workshops. Entiat Grange,
14108 Kinsel St., Entiat, Washington. Claudia Mullek 509-784-1877, willow2012@nwbasketweavers.org
June 2-16—14-Day Scotland, Shetland & Norway Cruise—Cruise out of Holland to Scotland, Shetland and Norway
onboard the beautiful Rotterdam with one of the world's leading Shetland lace experts, Joan Schrouder. Join Craft Cruises
as we set sail out of Rotterdam to some of the most scenic cruising areas in the world on a Norwegian coastal voyage that
includes Shetland and Scotland. Enjoy the backdrop of dramatic landscapes as you learn new knitting skills and shop for
trendy European yarns. Contact Shannon at spence@craftcruises.com www.craftcruises.com
June 15-17—Yarn Camp: A Knitter's Summer Retreat – Guest instructor Felicia Lo of SweetGeorgia Yarns will lead
Unapologetic Colour for Knitters, colour theory, knitting strategies, dye techniques. Registered Massage Therapist Kristin
Richards on site. Visit 88 Stitches Yarn Shop with Felicia. Springbrooke Retreat Centre, 22778 72nd Avenue, Langley, BC
June 22 - 29—Fiber week—Olds College and Shuttleworks Ltd—An annual celebration of the fibre arts—Spinning,
weaving, knitting, felting. Check website for workshops and instructors. Registration open March 1, 2012. Olds College,
4500 - 50th Street, Olds, AB.1-800-661-6537. www.oldscollege.ca/programs/ContinuingEducation/fibreweek/index.htm
June 24 - July 1—Playing With Colour On Salt Spring Island—Week-long all-inclusive workshop dyeing yarn or
fibre with both commercial and natural dyes. Experiment with colour and techniques to bring out the best in hand-dyed
yarns. Tuition, dyeing supplies, accommodation, meals $950 ($850 for returnees) + $40 for yarn kit. If sufficient demand,
an additional session June 15-22. Welcome to attend both sessions. Alice Trueman, truemana@telus.net 250-538-0211
July 16-22—Fibre Arts Week in Pincher Creek, the beautiful foothills of Southwest Alberta at the Bloomin’ Inn to
work with industry-leading instructors and learn new techniques to perfect your skills. Incredible classes, fibre arts demonstrations, interesting lectures every day for one fibre-intensive week. Visit www.fibreartsweek.com regularly for updates, or
register to be updated by email, fibreartsweek@gmail.com
August 4—Pic-Knit—Pack a lunch and join a summer picnic of knitters, crafters and suppliers. Watch demonstrations,
get tips and learn tricks, shop at the Fibrearts Marketplace. Drop in by donation. 11:00 am-4:00 pm. Surrey Museum,
17710 - 56A Avenue, Surrey, BC. 604-592-6956 www.surrey.ca
August 11—15th Annual WCKG Knit in the Park—Gather in Stanley Park at the covered picnic area near the miniature train. Bring your knitting and a chair to sit in the sun. Bring your lunch and/or some goodies to share, coffee and tea
provided. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Close to the bus and parking.
(Continued on page 13)
Page 13
W E S T C O A S T K N I T T E R S ’ N E WS
Back To Basics with Patons
by Anne Woodall, Knit Traders, Kingston Ontario
Up until a few years ago when the Patons Back to Basics I,
II and III were discontinued, they were our go-to books for
judging yarn requirements and sizes for all three of the
most popular weights of yarn.
If you can imagine, in a cute little $4.95 book, they have
packed in Worsted Weight patterns for cardigans, pullovers, vests and jackets from sizes 2 to 5XL. We will be
sure to keep a copy handy at all times to help our customers
Well, bless their little hearts, the team at Patons have heard adapt their own design ideas to these versatile patterns.
our double pleas: Give us back a classic reference book that Patons Back to Basics book 1001
has a selection of basic knitted garments in a wide range of We can only hope that the sport weight and chunky weight
sizes AND MODERNIZE THE DARN THING! (We used versions are in the works. 
to give customers directions to adapt the cardigan pattern
so that it didn't look like Charlie Farquharson's cardi.)
Strangling Bobbles
by Beth Brown-Reinsel Knitting Traditions knittingtraditions.com
I know many people don't like to knit bobbles. Bobbles tend to recede to the wrong side of the fabric, they are all loose
and messy to each side of the bobble, and they always seem to land on an inappropriate place on one's anatomy! Except
for the last issue stated there, I have a solution! By pulling the yarns to either side of the bobble, one at a time over the
bobble, the gaps will close up and trap the bobble on the right side of the work.
1. See the hole to the side of
the bobble?
2. Pulling the yarn from the
3.and then over!
You can use either a crochet hook or
your knitting needle to gently pull one of
the looser yarns at one side of the bobble. I pull it carefully to make it looser,
then plop it over the bobble. Then I look
on the other side of the bobble, find a
loose yarn on that side, and plop it over
the bobble to the first side. Now the bobble has two yarns from the fabric encircling it. The bobble will look more definite as well. 
(Continued from page 12)
September 29 - October 10—The Italian Knitting Tour 2012—sponsored by Knit Traders of Kingston (formerly WoolTyme Kingston) in conjunction with Service Guaranteed Travel. Eleven days of Italian delights. Rome, then Florence for
the International Lace Biennial. On to Pisa with visits to textile museums and leisurely yarn store hopping. Then Tuscany
with wine and cheese tasting activities, and an Italian cooking class. Flight, transportation, activities, accommodations, activities and most meals for under $3500. www.knittraders.com/travel Contact Pam pfranklin@sg-travel.com
October 25-February 24, 2013—BAM Biennial 2012: High Fiber Diet—Bellevue Arts Museum: Creative approach to
the fiber medium, considering both traditional expressions of fiber art and the fringes of the medium, where concepts of art
and craft merge. Intended to recognize the innovative and extraordinary work being produced by contemporary Northwest
makers (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, British Columbia), and to celebrate the region's distinctive
character. 510 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue WA www.bellevuearts.org/exhibitions/upcoming/bam_biennial_2012 
When knitting a blanket, a large sweater or a large shawl on
a long circular needle, it will, eventually, become too heavy
and/or awkward to keep folding and refolding the blanket
in half as you turn to knit on the other side. It is much easier to use two circular needles end-to-end knitting off of
one set of circular needles onto the other set of circular
needles. This technique also allows you to knit half way
across your project and be able to spread it out to look at
your progress and to spot any errors in your knitting. You
will still have to turn your project around but not fold it in
Linda Hull
Page 14
Cropped Drape Cardigan
A casual open cardi is a great summer cover-up for bare shoulders from the Rowan Savannah Collection.
To fit bust 81-86(92-97:102-107:112-117:122-127) cm;
Finished measurements Across back 44.5(49:55.5:61:68) cm;
Length 42(44:46:48:50) cm;
Sleeve length 51(52:53:53:53) cm.
13(14:15:15:16) 50g balls of Rowan Savannah in Pampas 936
Pair of 5mm knitting needles.
18 sts and 26 rows to 10cm over st-st with 5mm needles.
alt alternate;
patt pattern;
beg beginning;
rem remaining;
cm centimetres;
RS right side;
cont continue;
st(s) stitch(es);
dec decrease;
st-st stocking stitch;
foll following;
WS wrong side.
Left back With 5mm needles, cast on 40
(44:50:55:61) sts. Beg with a k row, work
2 rows in st-st.
Shape sleeve Cant in st-st and inc 1 st at end
of next row and at same edge on foll 10
(18:28:40:52) rows, so ending with a k row. 51
(63:79:96:114) sts.
Cast on 3 sts at beg of next row and foll 26 (24:
21:17:13) alt rows. 132(138:145:150:156) sts.
** Work 31(31:33:33:35) rows, so ending with
a k row.
Shape overarm and shoulder seam Cast off
16(17:18:19:19) sts at beg of next row and foll 2(3:3:3:1) alt
rows, then 17(-:-:-:20) sts at beg of foll 1(-:-:-:2) alt rows, so
ending with a p row. 67(70:73:74:78) sts.
Shape back neck Cast off 13(13:14:14:15) sts at beg of
next row. 54(57:59:60:63) sts. Cast off 17(18:18:19:20)
sts at beg of next row, then 17(18:19:19:20) sts at beg of foll
alt row and at same time dec 1 st at neck edge of next 3
rows. Work 2 rows. Cast off rem 17(18:19:19:20) sts.
Right back With RS facing and 5mm needles, pick up and
k72(75:79:82:86) sts evenly along longer straight row-end
(centre back) edge of left back. Beg with a p row, cont in stst as follows: Work 19(19:21:21:23) rows, so ending with a
p row. Inc 1 st at end of next row and foll alt row. 74
(77:81:84:88) sts. Cast on 2 sts at beg of next row, so
ending with a p row. 76(79:83:86:90) sts. This completes
back neck shaping. ***
Work 18(18:20:20:20) rows, ending with a p row. Dec 1 st
at end of next row and 0(1:1:1:2) foll 0(18th:20th:20th:20th)
rows. 75(77:81:84:87) sts. Work 15(3:7:15:1) rows, so
ending with a p row.
Shape side and underarm seam Dec 1 st at beg of next
row and at same edge on foll 2 rows, then on foll 21
(25:28:34:40) alt rows, then on 21(20:19:16:13) foll 4th
rows and at same time dec 1 st at end of 3rd
(15th:13th:5th:19th) and 1(5:6:4:5) foll 18th (18th:18th:
20th:20th) rows, then on 6(1:-:2:-) foll 16th(16th:-:18th:-)
rows. 22(22:24:24:25) sts. Work 3 rows, ending with a p row.
Cast off.
Front band With 5mm needles, cast on 40 sts. Beg with a k row,
work 94(98:102:106:110) rows in st-st, ending with a p row.
Cast off.
Main section With RS facing and 5mm needles, beg at cast
on edge, pick up and k65(68:71:73:76) sts
evenly along one row-end (centre front) edge
of front band. Beg with a p row, work 13
rows in st-st ending with a p row. Cant in stst and inc 1 st at end of next row and foll 2
(2:3:3:4) alt rows, then on foll 4 rows. 72
(75:79:81:85) sts. Cast on 4(4:4:5:5) sts at
beg of next row, ending with a p row. 76
(79:83:86:90) sts. This completes front neck
shaping, now work as given for Right Back
from ***.
Main section Work as given for Left Back
to **. Work 28 rows, ending with a p row.
Shape neck Cast off 9 sts at beg of next row.
123(129:136:141:147) sts. Dec 1 st at neck
edge of next 2(2:4:4:5) rows. 121(127:132:
137:142) sts. Work 0(0:0:0:1) row, ending
with a k row.
Shape overarm and shoulder seam Cast off 16
(17:18:19:19) sts at beg of next row and foll 2(3:4:5:1) alt
rows, then 17(18:19:-20) sts at beg of foll 3(2:1:-:4) alt rows
and at same time dec 1 st at neck edge of next 3(3:1:1:1)
rows, then on foll 2(2:3:3:3) alt rows. Work 2 rows. Cast off
rem 17(18:19:19:20) sts.
Front band With RS facing and 5mm needles, pick up and
k65(68:71:73:76) sts evenly along longer straight row-end
(centre front) edge of main section. Beg with a p row, cant
in st-st for 57 rows, ending with a p row. Cast off.
TO MAKE UP Join back to fronts along overarm and
shoulder edges. Join side and underarm seams. 
Things that look like mistakes at 11 pm may not look like
mistakes at 9 am the next morning. And even if they are
mistakes, it is a lot easier to correct them in the clear light
of day. Edie Eckman 