September 2014 - William Fogg Library


September 2014 - William Fogg Library
William Fogg Library Newsletter
P.O. Box 359, 116 Old Road, Eliot, ME 03903
(207) 439-9437
Monday and Wednesday 1-8
Tuesday and Thursday 10-5
Saturday 9-1
Adult Services Fall Programs
Meet the Author
Crystal Ward Kent will be at the
library promoting her new book
Harvest Maine
Monday, September 22 from 6-7 pm
Fall 2014
Adult Book Discussions
Wednesday Evening Book Group meets the third
Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.
The Monday Book Club meets the second Monday of the
month, alternating between the William Fogg Public
Library and Rice Public Library in Kittery 4—6 pm.
Dance Party Fundraiser: Helpers Needed
Foreign Policy Speaking Series
Sponsored by the Maine Humanities
Council, Margaret Chase Smith Foundation and Mid-Coast Forum on
Foreign Relations.
Laura Henry| Russia Wed., Sept. 24 6-7 pm.
Brad Babson| Korea Wed., Oct. 29 4-5 pm.
Seth Singleton| Middle East Wed., Nov 19 4-5 pm
Please visit our website, Facebook page or contact
the library for more specific information about this
foreign policy speaking series
2nd Annual Authors’ Fair Tuesday, Oct. 7 5-7 pm
20 Maine authors have been invited to attend our
event. Please stay tuned for more information!
The library is hosting a dance party on November 15,
2014 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the York American Legion
Hall. The event will featured Lisa Marshall's popular
band, "Something in the Water," with lots of great pop
and rock tunes.
We are looking for some volunteers to help make appetizers and desserts to serve as refreshments. Please
sign up at the library if you can help. Thank you!
We are also looking to raffle off some themed gift baskets at the event.
If you can create a basket, donate items for a basket,
or donate cash for us to purchase items with, that
would be great! Thank you! Please sign up at the library.
If you are a business and would like to be an event
sponsor, please inquire at the library, or visit our website
Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life"
Movie Night and Discussion Hosted by
Donna Tobey
Wednesday, Oct. 22 at 6:30 pm
Based upon the book by the same name, "You Can
Heal Your Life: The Movie" has a recurrent theme of
survival and overcoming life's struggles by consistently
practicing positive thinking and the law of attraction.
Donna Tobey will host the event. Donna is certified,
licensed and approved as Heal Your Life® Workshop
Space is limited, so please call (207) 439-9437,
email or stop by the
library to sign up. Thank you.
Healthcare Enrollment/Re-enrollment
Information Session
Wednesday, Nov. 5 from 6-7:30 pm
Outreach and Education Specialist, Beth O’HaraMiklavic, from Maine Community Health Options will
visit the library to share information about enrolling
or re-enrolling in various health insurance plans. and go to the Fundraising
Noche Mexicana Fundraiser!
Join us at Margaritas Mexican Restaurant, 775 Lafayette
Road, Portsmouth, NH on Thursday, September 25 from
4:00 to close. Margaritas will host a Noche Mexicana
Fundraiser and donate 15% of pre-taxed food and beverage sales from participating families, friends and supporters to the William Fogg Library. Guests can choose
items from any of their menus, takeout orders included.
Please visit the library to pick up your coupon for the
event. Thank you!
For more information, please contact the library
(207) 439-9437 or
Page 2
William Fogg Library
Lots of Fun for Kids this Fall!
After School is
cool at the library!
Fall Schedule
September 2 - December 19, 2014
Thursdays at the Fogg House
The library is committed to offering free quality
programs for children and their families. These
programs are designed to foster an early and
ongoing love of books, libraries, and learning. Help
your child develop essential early literacy skills by
bringing them to story time!
(parents get to hang out in the library)
Lapsit, Squirm and Wiggle w/ Hilary
(Ages 6-18 mo)
Tuesdays, 9:30-10:00 am
Through board books, rhymes, songs and creative
movement, this story time will enhance and nurture
your child’s curious mind and developing mobility.
Toddler Time w/ Hilary
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:15 am
(Ages 18-36 mo)
This program encourages children and their
grownups to actively participate in stories, songs
and finger plays. Movement activities enriched
with props will facilitate imagination and growth.
A simple craft will also be provided.
(Ages 3-6 yrs)
Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 pm w/ Nicole
or Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 am w/Hilary
from 3:45-5:00
New this fall is an afternoon reading club for boys
and girls in grades 1-3. We’ll meet to make new
friends, talk about books, read together, do some
cool crafts and play games. A snack of popcorn,
fruit and water will be provided. The first meeting
is September 18th. Call or come in to sign up.
Youth Community Service
Do you need community service hours for school or
scouts? We are in need of volunteer library pages
to shelve books, clean and straighten the stacks,
perform simple clerical duties and prepare craft
materials for the children’s room. If you have a
few extra hours per week after school, in the
evening or on Saturday morning, come in and fill
out an application. Preference will be given to
current library patrons.
We want to give a heartfelt thank you to our
2014 summer youth volunteers!
Each story time is based around a theme and includes picture books, flannel board stories, finger
plays, and a craft. Parents/caregivers are welcome
to join their children or make it an independent
activity (please do not leave the library).
Jacob Tice, Maren McKenna, Caroline McKenna,
Ben Gildersleeve, Paul Spezia, Jackson McCann
and Katherine Baillargeon.
New Materials in the Kent Room
We have many new board books, picture books,
chapter books, easy readers, nonfiction, audio
books, DVDs and Wii Games for you to borrow.
Come in and check them out!
What’s in your closet?
Reserve now to showcase your
collection in our display case. We have had over
100 different collections shared, from bouncy balls,
key chains and bobble heads to tractors, LEGOs and
sock monkeys!
Popular Mechanics for Kids (seasons 1-4) and
Liberty’s Kids, (the complete series) on DVD
I Survived series in paperback
The Kent Room Craft Table is now available all
year round. There is a fun new craft to make and
take every two weeks.
New series titles for Judy Moody, 39 Clues, The
Beyonders, Spirit Animals, The Sixty-Eight
Rooms and 13 Treasures.
Come surf the web with our new kid friendly
search engine Kidsclick!
William Fogg Library
From the Library Trustees
Jessie Kent, Peter Dennett, and Steve Beckert
Hooray! The William Fogg Library no longer has “fallen
arches”! Thanks for bearing with us through this reconstruction. We think it looks wonderful – just like when it
was new. We are sincerely grateful to our Architect,
Kelly Davis and Structural Engineer, Bob Champagne for
donating their invaluable services. Also, a special thanks
to Bill Robinson and his crew for the special efforts to
avoid creating dust and interfering with the library’s
daily work. We truly appreciate all who dropped money
in the jar for this project; it all helps. This was an unexpected maintenance project so any donation will be
gratefully accepted. In fact, our annual fundraiser in
November will be specifically for library operations and
maintenance. Watch for details!
We thank all our patrons who made a concerted effort
to be at Town Meeting and stayed to the end. We just
happened to be the last Article on the Warrant but happily, there was no objection to our request.
There are more maintenance items to be addressed at
the library and we will attempt to do them when it will
be of the least inconvenience to everyone.
Purchases of historic afghans and
engraved bricks are very helpful!
We appreciate all the votes received in
Kennebunk Savings Bank’s Community Survey!
From the Friends of
the William Fogg Library
Happy Fall to All… The Friends have several fundraising
projects in the works. We would be grateful for your
Readers Bloom – we need your odd buttons…preferably
the cloth covered round ones with the metal hook on
the back. They will become the center of our beautiful
paper flowers that will be given for all donations of a
dollar (or more) at Eliot Festival Day. Buttons can be
dropped off at the library.
The Piebrary – We are selling slices of pie from our Eliot
Festival Day booth…Are you willing to bake and donate
your best pie for a good cause? We will have a signup
sheet at the library.
Friends Fundraiser Raffle – 10 dollars buys 12 chances to
win a cash prize! Will you buy a ticket? Can you sell a
ticket? These will be on sale at the library and at the
Eliot Festival Day booth.
Page 3
Octoberfest - will be next year – 2015. We want to
expand it. All comments and suggestions are welcome.
Please attend our next Friends of the Library meeting.
We need you, your ideas and your help! Eliot is a small
town with a big heart; come be part of what makes us
special…The William Fogg Library.
And don’t forget to read between the leaves!
Submitted by Joanne Reed.
As I recall, my words in the last edition of the library's
newsletter carried our regret for the snowstorm which
interfered with the Friends' Red, White & Chocolate
event. With confidence, I all but promised good weather for our annual picnic in July. We had decided to
spend the evening recognizing our wonderful library
staff. The tent had been erected, the event well
planned by Deb Crosier and Karen Van Dorin, the chicken marinated, etc., etc. It was just a "damp" shame
the fierce downpour began just minutes before the
planned start of the picnic!
We definitely want to honor our librarians (and don't
quite trust our luck with the weather), so we have
decided to invite you to join us when we have our next
scheduled quarterly meeting. We will meet in the Fogg
House Saturday, October 18th, at 10:30 a.m. We will
provide the coffee and goodies. We invite you to bring
your smiles and expressions of gratitude for these outstanding women.
The Friends of the Library is a vital support group, dedicated to raising funds which are then used for
programs and furnishings not covered by the library's
budget. Have your children been involved in the school
-vacation programs; Wildlife Encounters, Summer Reading Program, Make and Take Craft Table,
Fizzy fun, Center for Wildlife presentations and
Children’s Museum of N.H. presentations.
Have you used WiFi? These are just a few of the things
we help provide. The Town has limitations as to how
much it can expend for various needs, so our library
was granted less-than-requested funding. Please consider supporting our efforts by joining our organization. You will find a membership application on the
back page of this newsletter. If you have any questions, call me at 439-2404.
Submitted by Carolyn Bogh
ELIOT, ME 03903
ZIP CODE 03903
We would also like to sincerely thank our
devoted volunteers
Deb Crosier and Mary Dennett
New Audio Book Lease Program
The library has a brand new audio
book program through TEI landmarkaudio.
We now have 21 new audio books
on our shelves and we will rotate 7
new titles every three months.
Come in and check them out!
Upcoming holiday hours
Monday, 10/13 CLOSED
Tuesday, 11/11 CLOSED
Wednesday, 11/26 9-5
Thursday, 11/27 CLOSED
Wednesday, 12/24 10-2
Thursday, 12/25 CLOSED
Wednesday, 12/31 9-5
Thursday, 1/1 CLOSED
William Fogg Public Library
P. O. Box 359
Eliot, ME 03903
(207) 439-9437
A very special thank you to
J.S. Pelkey Funeral Services Inc.
for sponsoring the mailing of this
Join the Friends of the William Fogg Public Library
E-MAIL —————————————————
Building and Grounds
ONE YEAR ($10) FAMILY ($25) LIFETIME ($75)
P. O. BOX 359
ELIOT, ME 03903