Plaça Jaume I, 1-5 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès T + 34 938 900


Plaça Jaume I, 1-5 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès T + 34 938 900
Getting to VINSEUM
Plaça Jaume I, 1-5
08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
T + 34 938 900 582
del Penedès
i la Geltrú
Mediterranian Sea
By train:
Line R-4, Rodalies RENFE
By Bus:
From Barcelona, Hispano Igualadina
From Vilanova i la Geltrú, Autobusos Plana SL
From Tarragona, Autocars Penedès
By car:
Motorway AP-7
Main Roads N-340, C-15
Tuesday to Saturday: 10 – 14h and 16 – 19h
Sundays and bank holidays : 10 – 14h
Closed: Mondays, 1st and 6th January, 1st May and 25th
and 26th December
We invite to discover VINSEUM, The Museum
of the Wine Cultures of Catalonia where you
will experience the exceptional world of
contemporary viticulture, within the Penedès
region, whiel holding a glass of wine or cava
in your hand.
Let us take you on a journey the life cycle of
wine from its origins to the final tasting.
In this visit you will see:
The tasks which
the rhythms of
the vineyard
Man’s contributions
to wine
How wine opens
up to the world and
the world opens
up to wine
The moments when
we savor wine
The people who’ve
transformed the
landscapes of the
We invite to discover VINSEUM, The Museum
of the Wine Cultures of Catalonia where you
will experience the exceptional world of
contemporary viticulture, within the Penedès
region, whiel holding a glass of wine or cava
in your hand.
Let us take you on a journey the life cycle of
wine from its origins to the final tasting.
In this visit you will see:
The tasks which
the rhythms of
the vineyard
Man’s contributions
to wine
How wine opens
up to the world and
the world opens
up to wine
The moments when
we savor wine
The people who’ve
transformed the
landscapes of the
We invite to discover VINSEUM, The Museum
of the Wine Cultures of Catalonia where you
will experience the exceptional world of
contemporary viticulture, within the Penedès
region, whiel holding a glass of wine or cava
in your hand.
Let us take you on a journey the life cycle of
wine from its origins to the final tasting.
In this visit you will see:
The tasks which
the rhythms of
the vineyard
Man’s contributions
to wine
How wine opens
up to the world and
the world opens
up to wine
The moments when
we savor wine
The people who’ve
transformed the
landscapes of the
We invite to discover VINSEUM, The Museum
of the Wine Cultures of Catalonia where you
will experience the exceptional world of
contemporary viticulture, within the Penedès
region, whiel holding a glass of wine or cava
in your hand.
Let us take you on a journey the life cycle of
wine from its origins to the final tasting.
In this visit you will see:
The tasks which
the rhythms of
the vineyard
Man’s contributions
to wine
How wine opens
up to the world and
the world opens
up to wine
The moments when
we savor wine
The people who’ve
transformed the
landscapes of the