Untitled - seameo recsam
Untitled - seameo recsam
48th SEAMEO Council Conference THE MINISTRY of Education, Thailand, hosted the largest gathering of education ministers in Southeast Asia at the 48th SEAMEO Council Conference from 6 - 9 May 2015 at the Royal Cliff Hotels Group, Chonburi, Thailand. The three-day conference was attended by the Ministers of Education and higher education officials from 11 SEAMEO Member Countries namely; Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, TimorLeste, and Vietnam, representatives from SEAMEO Associate Member Countries, SEAMEO Affiliate members, SEAMEO Regional Centres and international organisations/ institutions. Representing RECSAM was Dr. Hj. Mohd. Johan bin Zakaria, the Centre Director. Centre Directors’ Meeting (CDM) 2015 2 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 THE ANNUAL MEETING of SEAMEO Regional Centre Directors was held at S31 Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand from 8 - 10 June 2015. This year, the Meeting was attended by more than 80 participants comprising the Centre Directors, Deputy Directors, key officials of SEAMEO Centres/Network, representatives from SEAMEO Associate and Affiliate Members as well as the invited presenters and observers. The three-day Meeting which was chaired by the Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Dr. Gatot H. Priowirjanto also tackled proposals for new projects and collaborative activities. Representing RECSAM were Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director and Mr. Shamsul Azha B. Md. Yusuf, Deputy Director (Administration). The Centre presented a research report on “SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES)” during the meeting held in Bangkok. RECSAM inks MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with UM SEAMEO RECSAM and UM (Universiti Malaya) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate academic cooperation between the two institutions. The MoU was signed by Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director of SEAMEO RECSAM and Associate Prof. Dr. Mariani Md Nor, Dean of Faculty of Education from University of Malaya at University of Malaya on 25 May 2015. Through this partnership, both institutions will conduct joint research activities, exchange publications, reports and other academic materials & information and share activities and programmes in areas of mutual interest. Also present at the event were Dr. Adelina Asmawi, Deputy Dean, Dr. Ahmad Zabidi Abdul Razak, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Education from UM, Dr. Evelyn Khor, Deputy Director of International & Corporate Relations (ICR) Office of UM and Dr. Suhaidah Tahir Deputy Director (R&D Division) of SEAMEO RECSAM. Official Visit by UNESCO Representative Sessions during the meeting RECSAM recently welcomed Mr. Renato Operttibelando, Programme Specialist from UNESCO-IBE (International Bureau of Education) based in Switzerland on 10 & 11 June 2015. The visit was facilitated by Mr. Baharulnizam Baharum, Marketing Executive. The delegate spent time with RECSAM’s management and academic staff discussing ideas and best practices in areas including programme design and evaluation and RECSAM’s role in training and research & development (R&D). The delegate was also given a tour of the campus. The two- day visit included study visits to SMJK Perempuan Cina Pulau Pinang,SK Minden Height and Penang UNESCO Heritage Sites. The visit was part of the joint-project entitled Malaysia-UNESCO Cooperation Programme (MUCP) - Strengthening STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Curricula for Girls in Africa, Asia and The Pacific, of which Malaysia is the content consultant. The visit also helped strengthen the linkages between RECSAM and UNESCO and promote STEM curricula through educational collaboration for mutual benefits. University of Western Sydney (UWS) Global Experience Programme TWO TEACHER TRAINEES and a lecturer, Assoc. Prof. David Cole, from University of Western Sydney, Australia (UWS) came to Penang for the educational and cultural UWS Global Experience Programme organised by RECSAM and lasted from 25 June - 10 July 2015. The goal of the programme was to provide opportunities for the Australian pre-service teachers to gain a greater understanding of the Malaysian culture and education system and to enhance the formation of closer relationships between Australian and Malaysian educators. The student-teachers were placed in a secondary school and a primary school in Penang to let them gain the cross cultural educational experience of being a teacher or teacher assistant in a local school. The schools were SMK Padang Polo and SK Bukit Gelugor respectively. The programme proved to be successful where both the trainee teachers and school communities shared and learned a lot from both parties. The University of Western Sydney (UWS) Pre-service Overseas Education and Cultural Tour Programme is an annual affair conducted in Penang since 2005. It is a collaborative programme between three parties namely; SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang State Education Department and University of Western Sydney, Australia. The Certificate Presentation Ceremony was held at RECSAM on 10 July 2015. Study Visit for Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ipoh ON 30 July 2015, RECSAM facilitated a one-day study visit for a group of student-teachers and lecturers from IPG (Institut Pendidikan Guru) Ipoh Campus. The study visit highlighted on benchmarking Mathematics pedagogy for teachers/educators in the 21st century. The participants were engaged in an informal discussion and knowledge sharing session with the Center’s Training Programme Division Specialists, Dr. S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam and Mr. Pedro Lucis Montecillo Jr. Topics discussed include 21st Century Skills and Mathematics, 21st Century Teaching & Learning, 21st Century Assessment and 21st Century Classroom. A total of 40 (forty) student-teachers and lecturers benefited from this study visit. Seminar on STEM Education for 21st Century Skills A TWO-DAY seminar-workshop on “STEM Education for 21 st Century Skills – Brightening Awareness of STEM Education as the National Agenda” was held at RECSAM on 14 & 15 May 2015. The seminar, which was organised by RECSAM was guided by experts, namely, Prof. Dr. Lynn D. Dierking from Oregon State University, Prof. Dr. Lilia Halim, from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Dr. Noor Zaila Wahab, the Principal Assistant Director of Teacher Standards from the Ministry of Education of Malaysia. The main objective of this seminar was to expose participants to the philosophy, framework and standards of STEM education and familiarise themselves with the effective teaching and learning approaches to contextualise STEM in formal, non-formal and informal learning environment. Hands-on workshops were also held whereby participants were exposed to various technological tools in teaching and learning to enhance students’ science, engineering and technological literacy, problem-solving skills, communication skills and 21st century skills. A total of 74 (seventy four) primary and secondary science and mathematics teachers and teacher-educators from various institutions attended this seminar-workshop. Professional Learning Community (PLC) Programme: Symposium on Lesson Study RECSAM recently ran a symposium on Lesson Study under the Professional Learning Community (PLC) Programme entitled “Creating Challenging Problems to Stimulate Children’s Thinking” held at different locations and dates, namely; SK Minden Height on 17 August 2015, Penang State and SK Precint 9 (1), Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur on 19 August 2015, respectively. The conduct of this symposium was aimed to bring together teachers to share their experiences and practices of Lesson Study in the PLC Programme and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and academic performance of the students. The symposium was guided by three Japanese experts. They were Prof. Dr. Masami Isoda from University of Tsukuba, Mr. Yoshikazu Ya m a m o t o ( M a t h e m a t i c s t e a c h e r ) a n d Mr. Tasumi Sumi (Science Teacher) from the Elementary School attached to the University of Tsukuba in Japan. Lesson demonstrations in science and mathematics were conducted concurrently at different venues by the two Japanese teachers and two Japanese university students (Noine and Koji Shimizu) with the assistance of two translators coming from SMK Kepala Batas, Mr. Ooi Guan Lee and from Curriculum Development Division MOE Malaysia, Asst. Director Dayang Nor Ashikin Harun. Likewise, RECSAM specialists, namely Dr. Suhaidah Tahir and Dr. Thien Lei Mee (mathematics lesson); Mr. Hideo Nakano, Mr. Dominador D. Mangao and Dr. Nur Jahan Ahmad (science lesson) lent support to the lesson demonstration and post lesson observation discussions. The symposia had successfully attracted a total of 280 educators (130 teachers from Penang and 150 teachers from Putrajaya). The symposium was organised in collaboration with the Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia, University of Tsukuba, Japan, SEAMEO RECSAM and Penang State Education Department. A number of high ranking officials graced the conduct of the symposium, including the following: Director Ee Hong, Mr. Jeffry, Mr. Shahril from the Teacher Training Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia; Mr. Norizan from Putrajaya Education Department; Mr. Nor Hisham from Penang Education Department; Director Dr. Hj Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Specialists and staff from RECSAM; Dr. Chew Chin from IPG Tuanku Bainun; Mr. Muhammad Yusni B. Mohd Junos from IPG Kampus Ipoh; Mr. Azrie Abu Talib from JPN Seremban; and Mr. Ilias bin Tajudin and Pn Rohayati Mansor, principals of the host schools, to name a few. 3 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES): Workshop Series Number 2 THE SECOND WORKSHOP series on “Comparison of the National Education Curriculum of SEAMEO Member Countries in Science and Mathematics” was held at RECSAM on 11 May 2015. The workshop aims to review and map the national education curriculum in science and mathematics of seven SEAMEO Member countries, benchmark the mapped curriculum with science and mathematics curricula of high-performing countries in international assessments and to develop draft framework for the common core regional standards in science and mathematics. The workshop also guided the master teachers in reviewing and mapping their national education curriculum related to science and mathematics. This workshop received 32 (thirty two) participants including RECSAM’s Specialists and science and mathematics master teachers from Penang State. SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES): Workshop Series Number 3 4 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 WITH THE AIM of developing common shared and agreed upon standards for what every learner should know and be able to do in Science and Mathematics in the SEAMEO Member Countries, RECSAM has continuously been conducting a series of workshop on SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES) to develop the Common Core Regional Standards in Science and Mathematics (CCRS). SEA-BES Workshop Number 3 was conducted by RECSAM on 21 and 22 May 2015 with the aim of developing the framework for the CCRS. The process of developing the curriculum framework was guided by foreign experts, namely; Professor Kerry J Kennedy from Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong; Professor Masami Isoda from CRICED, University of Tsukuba, Japan; and Dr. Mark Windale from Centre for Science Education, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom. The consultants shared their perspectives on curriculum development and processes from their respective home countries and the importance of benchmarking. This workshop was made possible because of the financial support from British Council Thailand and SEAMEO Secretariat. The SEA-BES project is led by RECSAM and in collaboration with SEAMEO sister centres such as QITEP in Science, QITEP in Mathematics and SEAMOLEC. The workshop was attended by 25 participants including the Centre Director and specialists from RECSAM, key staff from SEAMEO QITEP in Science & Mathematics and science and mathematics master teachers from Penang State. SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES): Workshop Series Number 4 AS PART OF SEA-BES SERIES OF WORKSHOPS, RECSAM conducted SEA-BES Workshop Number 4 on 23 July 2015 which focused on “Developing Draft Aims and Domains of the Common Core Regional Standards in Science and Mathematics (CCRS)”. The objectives of this workshop were to: (a) revisit the mapped science and mathematics curriculum of SEAMEO Member Countries, namely; Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore against the benchmarked countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Australia, and USA, and other relevant documents such as TIMSS and PISA Frameworks 2015, and (b) develop draft general and specific aims, content topics/sub-topics per domain across key stages. The three key stages are as follows; Key Stage 1 covers Grades 1 to 3; Key Stage 2 covers Grades 4 to 6; and Key Stage 3 covers Grades 7 to 9. Twenty three (23) RECSAM’s Specialists and science and mathematics master teachers from Penang State participated in the one-day workshop. SEAMEO Basic Education Standards (SEA-BES): Workshop Series Number 5 THE SEA-BES Workshop Series Number 5 with emphasis on the “Development of Draft Aims, Domains, Content and Performance Standards, and Generic Skills of the Common Core Regional Standards in Science and Mathematics” was held at RECSAM on 27 August 2015. This workshop aimed to continue developing the draft aims, domains, content and performance standards as well as the generic skills across three key stages that was started in workshop number 4. The workshop was then followed by presentation of initial outputs (i.e. aims, content topics per domain and generic skills per key stages). The outputs produced from the workshop will be further refined in the succeeding workshops prior presentation at the regional meeting and workshop tentatively set on October 20 - 22, 2015 involving the curriculum experts in science and mathematics from the 11 SEAMEO Member Countries. The workshop was attended by 29 (twenty nine) participants including the Centre Director and Specialists from RECSAM, lectures from local university and teacher training institution, and science and mathematics master teachers from Penang State. Workshop on the “Development of Malaysian Science Teachers Quality Standards (MSTQS) using Southeast Asia Regional Standards for Science Teachers (SEARS-ST)” RECSAM recently conducted a workshop on the “Development of Malaysian Science Teachers Quality Standards (MSTQS) using Southeast Asia Regional Standards for Science Teachers (SEARS-ST)” on 26 and 27 May 2015. The workshop was aimed to provide a platform to discuss the key aspects of science teaching and the challenges of science teachers who need to engage the next generation of students. The goal of MSTQS was to document a set of standards outlined in SEARS-ST and its local descriptors in the context of Malaysian education system. Expert Smiles for the camera from the United Kingdom (UK), Dr. Mark Windale from Sheffield Hallam University also participated in this workshop. Presentations and discussions focused on developing local descriptors for SEARS-ST and formulation of draft for the MSTQS. A second layer of discussions comprised seminarcolloquium that provided dedicated dialogues on the aspects of students’ performance in international large scale assessments such as TIMSS and PISA as well as teacher quality standards and their respective dimensions were held. Addressing the theme “The development of Malaysian Science Teachers Quality Standards (MSTQS): How can this affect science teachers’ performance to raise students’ achievement in TIMSS and PISA?”, invited speakers such as; Dr. Ng Soo Boon from Curriculum Development Division (CDD), Ministry of Education of Malaysia, Dr. Devadason Robert Peter from Teacher Education Institute (Ipoh Campus) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lay Yoon Fah from Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPE), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and RECSAM’s Specialist, Dr. Ng Khar Thoe shared their research findings related to the determinant success factors of the educational systems in the countries and how can the development of MSTQS from SEARS-ST affect science teachers’ performance to raise students’ achievement in TIMSS and PISA. Both workshop and seminar-colloquium received a total of 20 (twenty) and 51 (fifty one) participants comprising of teachers / teacher educators, researchers and officers involved in science education and teacher education in Malaysian educational settings. Professional Development Programme for Mathematics Teacher Educators of ASEAN A MALAYSIAN Technical Cooperation Programme on “Professional Development Programme for Mathematics Teacher Educators of ASEAN” was successfully conducted by RECSAM from 27 July - 14 August 2015. This training programme was aimed to strengthen the capacity of mathematics teacher educators through enhancing their skills to promote active teaching and learning. Course participants were exposed to a wide range of topics covering Problem Based Learning, Assessment for & of Learning and Effective Questioning Techniques. This year’s training programme received eighteen (18) participants from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR. This in-service training programme was supervised by Mr. Pedro L. Montecillo, Jr, Specialist from Training Programme Division and was funded by MTCP (Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme). Professional Development Programme for Science Teacher Educators of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam A MALAYSIAN Technical Cooperation Programme entitled “Professional Development Programme for Science Teacher Educators of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam” was conducted by RECSAM from 27 July - 14 August 2015. This training programme which aimed to strengthen the capacity of science teacher educators through enhancing their skills to promote active teaching and learning was supervised by Mr. Lee Shok Mee, Training Programme Specialist. Course participants were exposed to a wide range of topics covering Higher Order Thinking Skills, ICT for Active Science Teaching and Learning, Assessment for Learning and Effective Questioning Techniques as a means to improve instructional practices in their schools. This three-week training course was made possible through the sponsorship of MTCP (Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme). This training programme received a total of 6 (six) participants. Seminar for Principals of Secondary Schools in Gombak District, Selangor RECSAM recently conducted a seminar on “Enhancing STEM Thinking to Meet the Challenges of the 21 st Century including TIMSS and PISA” for a group of secondary school principals from Gombak District, Selangor on 20 May 2015 at RECSAM. The seminar was conducted with the aim to strengthen STEM thinking of these principals as well as to improve and enhance teachers’ various skills in bid to boost the school’s performance in TIMSS and PISA assessment. Seminar participants were exposed to basic philosophy of STEM education and the usage of technology in teaching and learning to enhance students’ science, engineering and technological literacy, problem solving, communication and 21st century skills to overcome challenges and issues for the future. The seminar received a total of 24 (twenty four) participants, mostly secondary schools principals from Gombak District in Selangor. 5 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) TWO THIRD COUNTRY TRAINING PROGRAMME (TCTP) courses entitled: (i) “Training of Trainers: Professional Programme for Secondary Science Education” and (ii) “Training of Trainers: Professional Programme for Secondary Mathematics Education” were conducted by RECSAM from 18 May - 12 June 2015. Twelve (12) mathematics teacher educators attended the Mathematics course under Dr. S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam’s supervision while the other 12 teacher educators attended the Science course under the supervision of Mr. Lee Shok Mee. Course participants were exposed to a wide range of topics covering Lesson Study, Problem-Based Learning, 21st Century Learning, Assessment for Learning and Questioning Techniques. This one-month in-service training programme was conducted by RECSAM and funded by Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) and The Colombo Plan Secretariat. A Workshop for Triam Udom Suksa School 6 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 A TWO-DAY workshop for students on “Enhancing 21st Century Skills through Meaningful Science and Mathematics Learning” from Triam Udom Suksa School, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand was held at RECSAM on 5 & 6 May 2015. This workshop was aimed to cultivate interest in science and mathematics among secondary school students. Through this workshop, the students were exposed to the fundamental problem solving skills for the 21st century learning of science and mathematics. Workshop participants were exposed to various meaningful science and mathematics hands-on activities such as; (i) learning science with toys (ii) exploring magic of science, and (iii) exploring the mathematics through Origami, and 3-D straw models. A total of 83 (eighty three) students and teachers participated in this two-day programme which was facilitated by our Specialists from the Training Programme Division. Workshop on Promoting Thinking Skills through Blended Learning Tools for Borderless Learning A TWO-DAY workshop on “Promoting Thinking Skills through Blended Learning Tools for Borderless Learning” was conducted by RECSAM on 28 & 29 May 2015. The purpose of this workshop was to expose participants to various digital tools for blended learning platforms with pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) to promote thinking skills in the borderless world. The SEAMEO Borderless School project is an area identified under the vision of Golden SEAMEO in the next decade in response to the need for sharing resources through blended mode learning environment with easy access of information from diverse background. Various cutting edge technological tools for blended learning such as Learning Activity Management System’ (LAMS) and other e-learning platforms were introduced to allow participants develop and upload Open Educational Resources (OERs) on these platforms. Discussions and presentations related to the current trends of cutting edge technological tools and promoting thinking skills for borderless learning were also convened. The workshop concluded with presentations of workshop outputs and feedback to improve the e-learning platforms. An inter-centre collaboration meeting between RECSAM and SEAMOLEC was also held under the framework of the SEAMEO Borderless School on the second day of 7 the workshop. A total of 25 (twenty five) participants participated in this workshop. The workshop, which RECSAM co-organised with SEAMOLEC was guided by experts and consultants from the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, LAMS foundation, SEAMOLEC and the United Kingdom (UK). A Magical Workshop on Creativity in Mathematics Education A TWO-DAY magical workshop on “Creativity in Mathematics Education” was conducted by Ms. Teoh Poh Yew on 1 & 2 June 2015 at RECSAM. The aim of this workshop was to enhance teachers’ capability to help their students recognise and solve mathematics problems and to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Workshop participants were taught how to facilitate the learning of mathematics creatively using some mathematical magic, games, and puzzles. The two-day training was conducted in a workshop format with 5 to 6 participants in a group. This fun-filled, hands-on and minds-on workshop received 19 (nineteen) participants. A Workshop on Learning Science through Games, Simulations, and Electronic/Mobile Devices Dr. JANCHAI Yingprayoon, from Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand recently conducted a workshop on “Learning Science through Games, Simulations, and Electronic/Mobile Devices” for a group of primary and secondary science teachers on 8 & 9 June 2015 at RECSAM. Workshop participants were exposed to various ICT related tools and activities such as shadow and simulation activity, high speed photography, the making of 3D photos and movies and electrostatics activities to improve students learning of science. At the end of the two-day workshop, the participants were given a platform to share their own experiences on using games, simulations and mobile devices in science teaching. This two-day workshop received 23 (twenty three) participants. A Workshop on GeoGebra Mathematical Activities for Instruction RECSAM recently conducted a workshop on “GeoGebra Mathematical Activities for Instruction” on 12 & 13 May 2015. Associate Professor Dr. Zaleha Ismail is an Associate Professor in the Department of Science, Mathematics and Creative Multimedia from the University of Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Dr. Hj. Mohd. Sazali Hj. Khalid, Specialist from Research & Development Division facilitated the two-day workshop. Workshop participants were introduced to the versatility of GeoGebra software in teaching and learning mathematics in order to accommodate problem-solving skills, communication skills and 21st century skills. Also, through this workshop participants were expected to draw effectively some important mathematical diagrams using the software. The workshop was coordinated by Dr. Nur Jahan Ahmad, Specialist from Research & Development Division. A total of 31 (thirty one) participants benefited from this training workshop. Workshop on Critical Thinking in the 21st Century ASSOC. PROF. DAVID R. COLE from the Centre for Educational Research (CER) in University of Western Sydney, Australia recently conducted a workshop on “Critical Thinking in the 21st Century” on 9 July 2015 at RECSAM. Workshop participants were exposed to different approaches and aspects of critical thinking such as philosophy, metacognition, creative thinking and epistemology. The workshop sessions also addressed the fundamentals of International Baccalaureate approach (Theory of Knowledge), Foundation for Critical Thinking Approach, Critical Thinking Assessment Materials and Unit of Work from the Big History Project (Globalisation). A total of 22 (twenty two) participants attended the workshop. STEM Workshop Using Local Materials MR. HIDEO NAKANO, Specialist from RECSAM recently conducted a workshop entitled “STEM Using Local Materials” for secondary science and mathematics teachers and educators on 11 & 12 August 2015. The aim of this workshop was to introduce participants to effective hands-on activities using low-cost educational materials to build teaching aids to improve the teaching and learning of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects. The two-day training was conducted in a workshop format with 5 to 6 participants in a group and participants were taught how to build inexpensive science educational materials that they can use in their classrooms through step by step instructions. Workshop participants were also exposed to various hands-on activities and demonstrations such as sound activities with wave visualisation, paper-based activities using wind energy and plastic straw 3D models for statics to name a few. 28 (twenty eight) participants participated in this workshop. A Workshop on Test Item Construction for Assessing Socio-scientific Understanding A TRAINING workshop on “Test Item Construction for Assessing Socio-scientific Understanding” was conducted by RECSAM from 4 - 6 August 2015. The aim of this workshop was to expose participants to socio-scientific issue teaching and learning approaches and to construct a set of assessment items including scoring guides for students aged 14 years old. The workshop also provided guide for developing or constructing exemplar questions (bilingual) that would assess students’ understanding related to current socio-scientific issues on environment, human health, technology and energy issues. 28 (twenty eight) participants participated in this workshop. 7 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 Colloquium Assoc. Prof. David R. Cole from University of Western Sydney, Australia gave a talk on “Critical Thinking in the 21st Century” on 8 July 2015 at RECSAM. The talk attracted 106 participants. Assoc. Prof. David R. Cole A session during the colloquium Consultancy Services 8 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 1 Mr. Lee Shok Mee, Specialist from Training 2 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir, Deputy Director from Research Programme Division was invited as a Consultant to conduct a workshop on “Improving Classroom Instruction through Lesson Study” organised by the International College Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University at Nongnooch Resort Pattaya, Thailand from 11 - 15 May 2015. & Development Division was invited as a Plenary Panel Discussion Speaker on “Conceptualizing Quality Mathematics Education” at the 7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education” hosted by the Philippines Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators and University of San Carlos in Cebu City, Philippines from 11 - 15 May 2015. 3 Dr. Thien Lei Mee, Specialist from Research & 4 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir (Deputy Director), Dr. Thien Lei Development Division was invited as an international expert to conduct a PISA Training workshop on “Data Analysis and National Report” organised by the Ministry of Education and Training, Secondary Education Sector Development Program in Hanoi, Vietnam from 23 - 27 June 2015. Mee and Dr. Mohd. Sazali bin Hj. Khalid, Specialists from Research & Development Division conducted a workshop on “Motivasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Matematik” organised by Politeknik Nilai and Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Politeknik Nilai from 6 to 8 July 2015. 5 Dr. Koay Suan See, Deputy Director 6 Dr. Ng Khar Thoe and Dr. Hazura Ab Bakar were invited as (Training Programme) was invited as Chief Judge for the “Pedagogy Innovation Competition” organised by Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG), Penang Campus on 25 July 2015. panel of judges in “Pertandingan Inovasi Sains dan Kejuruteraan Piala Pengarah Pendidikan Pulau Pinang 2015” organised by the Penang State Education Department at Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Tuanku Bainun, Bukit Mertajam from 11 - 14 August 2015. 7 Mr. Hideo Nakano, Specialist from Training Programme Division was invited as a Consultant to conduct a sharing session on “Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Learning” organsied by Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG), Penang Campus at IPG on 20 August 2015. Meetings and Other Events 1 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director attended the “48th SEAMEO Council Conference” organised by SEAMEO Secretariat and Ministry of Education of Thailand at Royal Cliff Hotels Group, Jomtien-Pattaya, Chonburi from 6 - 9 May 2015. 3 Dr. Ng Khar Thoe, Specialist from Research & Development Division attended the meeting of “Ketiga Ahli Jawatankuasa Induk Program Karnival Gaya Hidup Lesteri 2015” organised by Regional Center of Expertise (RCE), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) at USM, Penang on 20 May 2015. 2 Dr. Koay Suan See, Deputy Director (Training Programme) and Dr. S. Kanageswari Suppiah Shanmugam, Specialist from Training Programme Division attended the “Pemurnian Laporan Kajian Peningkatan Kemahiran Guru dan Murid dalam TIMSS dan PISA” meeting organised by the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Putrajaya on 12 & 13 May 2015. 4 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director and Dr. Koay Suan See, Deputy Director from Training Programme Division attended the International Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) High Level Policy Forum on “EvidenceBased Science Education for Developing Countries” organised by Academy of Sciences Malaysia at Istana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur from 25 - 27 May 2015. 5 Dr. Hazura Ab Bakar, Specialist from Research & Development Division participated in a workshop on “Developing Outdoor Learning Guidebook” organised by RECSAM on 25 May 2015. 7 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director and Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir attended a project meeting on “Strengthening STEM Curricula for Girls in Africa and Asia and the Pacific (Phase 1) IBE UNESCO” organised by the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia on 8 June 2015. 9 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director and Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir, Deputy Director (Research & Development) attended a meeting on “Perancangan Projek Strengthening STEM Curricula for Girls in Africa, Asia and the Pacific (Phase 1)” organised by IBEUNESCO (International Bureau of Education-UNESCO) at Putrajaya on 8 & 9 June 2015. The meeting was then followed by a visit to Sekolah Seri Puteri in Cyberjaya on 9 June 2015. 10 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director 11 Dr. Thien Lei Mee, Specialist from Research & 12 Ms. Rabiatul Adawiah bt. Megat Jiwa, 6 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director attended the “Penang State Teachers Day 2015 Celebration” organised by the Penang State Education Department and Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Politeknik Seberang Perai, Penang on 28 May 2015. 8 Development Division attended a meeting on “Student Outcomes Measurement (SOM)” organised by the Research, Intellectual Property and Translation, Education Development Division of LeapEd Services Sdn. Bhd. in Kuala Lumpur on 15 June 2015. 13 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director and Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir attended a meeting on “Strengthening STEM Curricula for Girls in Africa and Asia and the Pacific - Phase 1, IBE UNESCO No. 1/2015” organised by the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Putrajaya on 29 June 2015. 15 Dr. Nur Jahan Ahmad, Specialist from Research & Development Division attended a meeting on “Penyelarasan Pelaksanaan Kajian Sebenar Kesediaan Guru Terhadap Pendekatan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PDP) Interdisiplinari STEM” organised by the Teacher Education Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Putrajaya on 30 July 2015. 17 Ms. Bhavani Ramasamy, Programme Officer from Training Programme D i v i s i o n a n d M r. B a h a r u l n i z a m Baharum, Marketing Executive attended the “Selection Meeting for Malaysian TCTP-JICA Course 2015” organised by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) at Putrajaya on 8 August 2015. 18 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir, Deputy Director from Research & Development Division attended the “Jawatan kuasa Kurikulum Kebangsaan (JKK) Bil. 2/2015” meeting organised by the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Putrajaya 9 June 2015. attended the 5th Annual Forum for High Officials of Basic Education of SEAMEO Member Countries and Associate Members on “Quality Assurance Framework for Basic Education” organised by the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sport, Cambodia at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia on 11 & 12 June 2015. Programme Officer from Training Programme Division attended the Selection Meeting for “Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP)” organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) at Putrajaya on 19 June 2015. 14 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir, Deputy Director from Research & Development Division attended the “Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik Kebangsaan (JPSMK) Bil. 1/2015” meeting organised by the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Putrajaya on 10 July 2015. 16 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir, Deputy Director from Research & Development Division attended the “Penyelarasan Pelaksanaan Mini Simposium dan Open Class Lesson Study Anjuran Universiti of Tsukuba in Japan, SEAMEO RECSAM and Bahagian Pendidikan Guru, Kementerian Pendididikan Malaysia” meeting organised by Universiti of Tsukuba, Japan, Teacher Education Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia and SEAMEO RECSAM at Putrajaya on 3 August 2015. Dr. Ng Khar Thoe, and Dr. Hazura Ab Bakar, Specialists from Research & Development Division participated in the “Penang State Science and Technology Carnival 2015” organised by the Penang State Education Department and Teacher Education Institute (IPG), Kampus Tuanku Bainun, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at IPG Kampus Tuanku Bainun on 13 & 14 August 2015. Dr. Ng was nominated as Chief Judge while Dr. Hazura was involved as panel judge for secondary level. see page 10 9 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 from page 9 19 Dr. Thien Lei Mee, Specialist from Research & 20 Mr. Lee Shok Mee, Specialist from Training Programme Development Division attended the “Student Outcomes Measurement (SOM) Meeting” organised by LeapEd Services Sdn. Bhd. at Pullman Hotel, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur on 18 & 19 August 2015. Division attended the Groundbreaking Ceremony on “Groundbreaking Innovation, A Momentous Occasion” to kick off the construction work for Tech Dome Penang organised by Tech Dome, Penang at KOMTAR on 19 August 2015. 21 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir, Deputy Director from Research & 22 Dr. Suhaidah bt. Tahir, Deputy Director from Development Division attended a discussion session on “STEMfest 2015 Conference” to be held in Saskatoon, Canada with Mr. Khairuddin bin Abdul Kadir from Global STEM States in Putrajaya at Everly Hotel, Putrajaya on 20 August 2015. Research & Development Division attended a meeting with the Director of Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPGM), Ministry of Education of Malaysia on “SEARS-MT and SEARS-ST Projects” in Putrajaya on 21 August 2015. Staff Development Programmes 1 10 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2 3 5 7 Dr. Suhaidah bt Tahir (Deputy Director), Dr. Ng Khar Thoe and Dr. Nur Jahan Ahmad, (Specialists) from Research & Development Division participated in a forum organised by Taylor’s University entitled “What is Future Learning” at Taylor’s University, Kuala Lumpur on 8 May 2015. M s . N u r F a r a h d i n a B i n t i O m a r, Administrative Executive participated in a training workshop on “Employer Responsibility for Employees” organised by EPF (Employees Provident Fund) Learning Center at Hotel Bayview, Georgetown in Penang on 20 & 21 May 2015. 2 Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan bin Zakaria, Centre Director, Mr. Shamsul Azha, Deputy Director (Administration) and Mr. Baharulnizam Baharum, Marketing Executive participated in a Conference & Knowledge Sharing Session on “Embracing International Standards Practices on Quality Assurance and Management” organised and hosted by SEAMEO VOCTECH, Brunei Darussalam from 12 - 14 May 2015. 4 Dr. Nur Jahan Ahmad, Specialist from Research & Development Division attended the “Kerja Penulisan Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Dan Pentaksiran (DSKP) Sains Tingkatan 2 Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) Bil.1/2015” workshop organised by the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education of Malaysia at Avillion Legacy Melaka from 26 - 28 May 2015. Dr. Thien Lei Mee, Specialist from Research & Development Division participated in a workshop with external consultants, Professor Margaret Wu on “Student Outcomes Measurement (SOM)” organised by LeapEd Services Sdn. Bhd. at Pullman Kuala Lumpur from 29 - 31 May 2015. 6 Dr. Mohd Sazali bin Hj. Khalid, Specialist from Research & Development attended a workshop on “Division Item Development for the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM)” organised by SEAMEO Secretariat & UNICEF EAPRO in Bangkok, Thailand from 1 - 6 June 2015. Dr. Fazzlijan Mohamed Adnan Khan, Specialist from Training Programme Division participated in the “Flipped Learning: Designing Effective Flipped Learning Experiences” workshop organised by the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) at UKM, Bangi, Selangor on 27 August 2015. RECSAM Staff Conferred 2014/2015 SEAMEO Service Award RECSAM marked a good start to 2015 with another achievement! Mr. Ahmad Basrah Awang, General Assistant from Administrative Division at RECSAM was among the recipients of the 2014/2015 SEAMEO Service Award. The awarding ceremony was held during the 48th SEAMEO Council Conference in Chonburi, Thailand from 6 - 9 May 2015. Mr. Ahmad Basrah received the notable award from Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat. Smiles for the camera RECSAM Celebrated Merdeka Day With Sehati Sejiwa MALAYSIANS from all walks of life celebrated the 58th anniversary of the country’s independence in high spirit on 31 August 2015. In Penang, the statelevel Merdeka celebration was held at Bandar Perda, Seberang Perai, Penang where over 150 contingents from government departments and agencies, schools, institutions of higher learning, uniformed and non-governmental organisations took part. This time, our contingent comprised of 35 (thirty five) staff representing Deputy Directors, Specialists, Executives, Programme One for the album Officer, Technical Assistants and Administrative Assistants as well as General Assistants. Mr. Shamsul Azha Md Yusuf, Deputy Director (Administration) was the head of our contingent while Mr. Azwan Hanafi, Technical Assistant from Administration Division, was the commander. The celebration was graced by His Excellency, Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Dato’ Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Abbas, the Governor of Penang and Y.B. Tuan Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang. One Great RECSAM Team THIRTY SIX STAFF (36) (inclusive of management, professional and support staff) from RECSAM were selected for an outdoor teambuilding activity held at D’Puncak Bris Lake Resort, Sik, Kedah on 31 July and 1 August 2015. The two-day programme was specially designed to sustain the team working spirit and motivate and inspire others to deliver better results in line with the core values of the Centre. Rank and file were forgotten as everyone supported and cheered for one another during these activities. The obstacles were tough whereby all members had to overcome three main obstacles such as Smiles for the camera water confidence, lake crossing (180 meter) and the night jungle trekking. The night jungle trekking activity required the team members to take a mountain climb/trek in the middle of the jungle, an endurance course in order to reach the top and provided both physical and mental challenges. The final obstacle had the team members to build a bamboo raft and passage all their team members via their self-built bamboo raft over to Gazambo Island. As easy as it looked, the wrong steps would have landed the whole team in the water. These challenges were also aimed at cultivating good team spirit through effective communication and reaching group consensus in order to become more effective. The activities incorporated in the programme were aimed at fostering the sense of belonging and inter-dependence among the participants which is crucial for overall team building. At the end of the day, all staff got to know each other better, learnt to gain trust and was definitely up for greater challenges to realise their full potential in becoming a great team! Sharing the Joy of Raya One for the album TO FURTHER ENHANCE the spirit of Hari Raya, RECSAM held its festive gathering with all staff on 7 August 2015. All RECSAM staff attended the gathering which commenced from 4.00pm - 5.30pm with lively “Raya” songs. It also created an opportunity for the foreign staff to understand Malaysian culture of “Unity in Diversity” of races and religions in Malaysia a little better. Overall, it fulfilled the objective to promote a healthy and harmonious working relationship and culture at RECSAM. Everyone had a delightful feast and it was a great festive gathering to be remembered! New Faces LET US welcome the following new members into RECSAM’s family! Dr. Fazzlijan binti Mohamed Adnan Khan is the new Specialist based at Training Programme Division who joined RECSAM on 1 June 2015. Dr. Fazzlijan previously served Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan. Pn. Hasdiana Bt Mohd Hassan joined RECSAM on 1 July 2015 as an Assistant Executive (ICT). Pn. Hasdiana previously served Pusat Internet 1 Malaysia. Mr. Julito C. Aligaen joined RECSAM as a Specialist based at Training Programme Division on 13 July 2015. Mr. Julito previously served RECSAM’s Research & Development Division. Ms. Nur Syafiyah binti Mohd Kassim joined RECSAM as Technical Assistant based at Publication Unit on17 August 2015. Ms. Syafiyah previously served A-Line Design, Penang. Farewell TO THE FOLLOWING former staff of RECSAM, we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Your dedication and contribution to the Centre would be greatly remembered! Dr. Corrienna binti Abdul Talib, Specialist based at Research & Development Division completed her contract at RECSAM and left the Centre on 24 May 2015. 11 RECSAM News Vol. 46 No. 2
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