April - 2009 - Orange County 49er`s
April - 2009 - Orange County 49er`s
the Golden Aura April 2009 n Ge Membership Mee l a tin er When: 3rd Tuesday of each month Time: 7:30 pm Where: Garden Grove Woman’s Club 9501 Chapman Avenue Garden Grove, California 92841 (Corner of Chapman and Gilbert) gs Check us out on the Internet at www.oc49ers.com CLUB OUTINGS Regular scheduled outings take place the last full weekend of the month. “Regular” Club outings in November, December and January are scheduled around the Holidays and/or inclement weather. Orange County 49ers 1 Th esident’s Minu r P e t e I t must be about that time of the year, Spring. The desert dirt is getting drier, it looks like a green carpet with yellow and purple flowers in full bloom, and there is gold out in that there desert, just waiting to be found. In February, Bill Beddow found a small nugget at Puppy Feet. A gram in weight would be a kind statement, but a nugget none the less. Not to be out done, his wife, Donna was out metal detecting on one of the Club’s Claims in March, and her reward was a beautiful nugget that weighed in at just over 1.2 ounces. Who says, size doesn’t matter. You can see a picture of her nugget on the 49er’s Web page at www.oc49ers.com. So recharge the batteries on your detectors and wipe off the dust on your dry washer and join us at the end of the month for our outing at Puppy Feet, and prospecting our various claims in that region. As you will read later in this edition, Skipper has spent considerable time working with the BLM so that we may have access our claims ( justified under the 1872 mining laws) without the need for the present permit being issued by the BLM. You will be receiving a letter from us that the BLM will originate. You will need to carry this letter along with your Membership Card when working the three claims (Amazing Grace, HMC1 & HMC2). To be in compliance with the mining laws, you need to remember that we are prospectors and miners. When we are at our claims, we are occupying them, not camping. Thank you Skipper for all your time and effort. We are being told of deep holes being dug and not backfilled on some of our desert claims. If you would like the club to lose their rights to mine on these particular claims, continue leaving large holes and your wish will come true. If you are not the one digging and leaving the holes, but you see a fellow Member doing such, please inform a Board Member so that we may explain the “facts of life” and Membership in the Orange County 49ers to those individuals. 2 The Golden Aura A reminder, the May Outing is fast approaching and will be held in the desert at LDMA. For those of you who are LMDA members, you may camp anywhere. For those of you who are not LDMA members, the 49ers will be located just to the right as you enter the LDMA property. We will have portipotties delivered for this event. For non-LDMA members you will need to sign in and execute a release of liability form. As you know, the Orange County 49ers are being offered a new wet claim located in the lower part of the gold country. Tentatively, we are planning on checking out this claim the weekend after our May Outing, which would be Friday and Saturday the 29th and 30th of May. We will confirm that date later and supply you with any pertinent details in the May edition of the Aura. Our speaker for the month of April will be Bill Samarin. He will be speaking to us about a plug-hole-digger he has developed along with showing us the latest detector from Whites. A long time member, Jim Younkers is under going serious health issues. Please remember him in your prayers. Jim was always a pleasure to have at the outings as he is mild mannered, has a good sense of humor and with his mechanical background, he always had a solution when you had problems your equipment. Jim, we are all wishing you the best. A reminder, the Membership Roster will be printed before summer. Do up date us with your information if you have had any changes to your address, phone number or email address. We are still looking for an Editor. With the ability of the electronic world today, one does not have to live locally to be the editor. This issue of the Aura is being assembled by Bryan DeGhetto and Robert Selinger is having it printed and sent. The Club thanks you both. Hope to you see you in the desert for our monthly Outing. Happy Prospecting Steve Orange County 49ers 3 ure’s Repor s a e t Tr May 2009 INCOME: 50-50 Income..................................................................................$ 15.00 Membership Renewal.......................................................................650.00 New Membership.............................................................................500.00 Raffle................................................................................................195.00 Refreshments.......................................................................................7.60 Shirts, etc.............................................................................................0.00 Miscellaneous.......................................................................................0.00 May Outing Tickets........................................................................$420.00 Total Income.............................................................................$ 1,787.60 EXPENSES: Newsletters....................................................................................$ 268.00 Postage..............................................................................................69.30 Raffle Prizes.....................................................................................121.20 Referrals.............................................................................................40.00 Refreshments.....................................................................................16.40 Rent..................................................................................................100.00 Supplies..............................................................................................00.00 May Outing Flyers..............................................................................42.87 Raffle Ticket Printing........................................................................358.27 May Outing Stamps............................................................................72.70 May Outing Labels.............................................................................12.98 Total Expenses..........................................................................$ 1,101.72 CHECKING ACCOUNT 03/01 Beginning Balance....................... 11,293.13 03/31 Ending Balance............................ 12,288.17 Outstanding Checks......................... 309.34 Checkbook Balance................... 11,978.83..............$ 11,978.83 CERT DEP 00/00 CD Balance.................................... 2,328.89................$ 2,328.89 CD Statements are sent Quarterly TOTAL CLUB ASSETS............................................................$ 14,307.72 YTD Income..............................................................................$ 3,410.03 YTD Expenses...........................................................................$ 1,452.28 May Outing Income:.....................................................................$420.00 May Outing Expenses:.................................................................$486.82 4 The Golden Aura OUTING REPO H C R RT A M Well folks I have some great news for some and some bad news for most. Donna Beddow found a 1.25oz Nugget!!!!! That’s great news for her and bad news for us. You will have to ask her where she found it, But I don’t know if she will be telling. For all you Miners out there let’s make this clear Donna found the Nugget, All her husband did was lick off the dirt. As for the outing , you could not have asked for a better weekend. I went around for most of the day Saturday just saying hello and doing some prospecting. I shoveled a little with Perry and Chuck. Found a few little flakes. I spotted a few locations where I will be setting up the Dry Washer next time I go out. The April outing will be again at Puppy feet. Please email me a note on some of your last finds, I sure would like to put them in the next Aura. Bryan Orange County 49ers 5 burg Facts s n a R In the late 1800s, the Rand Mountains hadn't been named yet. They'd been prospected a little, but passed over by most Rainbow Chasers. In the early '90s, 3 gold hunters discovered that one of the peaks in this small mountain range was a mountain of gold. These 3 prospectors -- John Singleton, F. M. Mooers and Charlie Burcham -- were down on their luck. They barely had enough food and supplies to keep them alive while they established their claim, and each day they used the gold they found to finance another day's digging. They were almost to the point of selling their claim to a developer when Rose Burcham, Charlie's wife, arrived and saved the day -- and their fortune. She wouldn't allow the sale, and found a way to finance the mine's development. To her husband and his partners, this was a woman who was worth far more than her weight in gold. The Yellow Aster became one of the biggest gold mines on the Mojave. The prospectors called their discovery the Rand. The town that sprung up became Rand Camp, then Randsburg. The mountains they were in became the Rand Mountains, and the owners changed the name of the mine to the Yellow Aster. The town and the area boomed. Soon over 2,500 people inhabited Randsburg making it a beehive of activity. Gold mines blossomed on the hillsides, and the boom was on. The boom faded, as they do around here; but the town would not die. Both silver and tungsten were discovered in the nearby hills, just as the area was beginning to die. Today, a few hundred hardy souls remain and keep the spirit of Randsburg alive. The town survives off a little mining, and a little tourism, as do the nearby communities of Red Mountain and Johannesburg. The heart of the town hasn't changed much since the first solid buildings went up. It's a little desert community built on the side of the mountain, a few strings of false-fronted buildings, lackadaisical sidewalks and collages of old cars, trucks and mining equipment. There isn't a straight street or right-angle corner in the entire town; built on the hillside, the roads meander with the lay of the land. History is important here. A museum, open only on weekends, houses a surprising amount of mining artifacts and memorabilia. The general store has a long counter and malt machines dating from the 1930s. Desert USA 6 The Golden Aura County 49e e g n a Or eral Meeting Minu rs n Ge March 17, 2009 tes The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Reid at 7:30 pm. The flag salute followed. Treasurer, Kathi Brown reported that forty-two members have not renewed their memberships. The motion carried to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. The may outing will be held at LDMA Duisenburg. There will be a chili cook-off on Friday and a potluck dinner on Saturday evening. Please note that you must be a member of LDMA to mine there. Raffle tickets will be available for pick up at the April meeting. The rest will be mailed out. Skip Skipper has met with the BLM and was assisted by much research material that Stan Kinkade had collected. Please remember that we are “miners” and we “occupy our claims”. This not casual use. Skip will obtain a letter of exemption from the BLM and copies will be provided in the newsletter. Club members will need to carry a copy of this letter along with their club membership card. Also by September, anyone using the local roads off of the claims will need to obtain a permit from the BLM. We need a new Editor. If you are interested, please contact a board member. Tak Honda won the gold nugget. Chuck Brand pocketed his share of the 50/50 drawing and Tom Grogan took home the nugget door prize. Secretary, Ann McFarland Orange County 49ers 7 Howdy Fellow unty 49e o C e g n rs Ora Well it's that time of year again, Time to start thinking and planning for the Orange County 49er's annual May Extravaganza outing Gold Digging Pot Luck eatin thing we do every year. Date: Where: Gold: Food: May 22-24 LDMA's Duisenburg Camp Puppy Feet, Broken Shovel and Cash1 or Skipper's secret location. Friday Nights World Famous OC'S 49er's Chili Cook-off (judging starts at 6:30pm) Who will be the big winner this year? Remember Grand prize is a Copper Gold pan. Saturday Night will be our outstanding POT LUCK DINNER. Burgers and Dogs on the grill at 6:00 The Club will provide: meat, buns, condiments, paper plates, napkins and utensils. Please have all the good Vittles in the club house by 6:00. Eatin should start around 6:30 or as soon as the meat is done. We are looking for your Pot Luck items to be able to serve 8 to 10 Hungry Miners and their Hot to Trot women. Bring some wood and we can sit around the fire and listen to Steve sing us some Cowboy songs. Very important please pack out what you bring in, just like HMC there is no trash service. We need to make sure we leave the place cleaner then we found it. This way we will be able to keep using Duisenburg in the future. See y’all out there. 8 The Golden Aura BLM Update On Thursday March 26, I had a meeting with BLM Ranger Randy Porter at our claims. We went over several claims that the BLM have been looking at other than the ones in the Rand Mountain Management Area. We discussed the access to our claims, as well as, what it is that we expect to do with our claims. Reclamation was a big issue with them as was what type of mining we are doing. After about five hours of talking and driving around the claims, Randy Porter told me he was pleased with the condition of our claims and that he would issue us a Letter of Exemption for HMC-1, HMC-2, & Amazing Grace. If you drive on any of the roads around the claim, you will need the permit. You can get the permit at the Ridgecrest and Jawbone BLM Office. If you have any questions or need the address, call me. We are going to need to keep in mind what we say and do when we are out on the claims. We are not recreational miners and we do not camp on our claims, we OCCUPY the claim while we work the claim. Camping depicts recreational activity. You need to remember that we are PROSPECTORS and MINERS. The BLM is looking for a reason to remove us from our claims and will be checking to see that we follow all of the 1872 Mining Laws and current regulations. VP Skip Orange County 49ers 9 uled Outing d e h s Sc 2009 Dates and Locations are Subject to Change! Month Meeting Outing Claim Access Rest Rooms January 20th 24 & 25 HMC-1 Easy Yes February 17th 21 & 22 Puppy Feet Easy Yes March 17th 28 & 29 Puppy Feet Easy Yes April 21st 25 & 26 Puppy Feet Easy Yes May 19th 23, 24 & 25 LDMA Duisenberg Easy Yes June 16th 27 & 28 Condor or TBA Easy No July 21st 25 & 26 Condor or TBA Easy No August 18th 5, 6 & 7 Tailings Med Yes September 15th 26 & 27 Black Gulch Easy Yes October 20th 24 & 25 Condor or TBA Easy Yes November 17th Dec 5-6 Goler 4-WD No December 15th Holiday Dinner Access Easy Good access for Passenger Car, 2 Wheel Drive, RV, and Trailers. Access Medium Can be accessed by 2 Wheel Drive. RV’s, Trailers and 5th Wheels check with other members!!! Access Tuff Serious 4 Wheel Drive Trail/Dirt Road. Restrooms Are Chemical Toilets (Porta-Potties) that we rent for specific outings. It is highly recommended that you attend the meetings and check with other members to discuss accessibility to these claims before going. 10 The Golden Aura Ticket e l f f s Ra If you have not received or you would like to purchases more Raffle Tickets for the May outing Please contact Kathi Brown at 562-233-3022 or email katper56@msn.com Remember Tickets can be purchased at the General meetings and any tickets remaining will be sold at the outing. Before and after the drawing. Orange County 49ers 11 tism AdveMremberseOnts (49er 12 The Golden Aura nly) tism AdveMremberseOnts (49er nly) Orange County 49ers 13 Orange County 49ers, Inc. P.O. Box 1491 Orange, CA 92856-1491 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED