Cameragram - Montreal Camera Club
Cameragram - Montreal Camera Club
Cameragram DECEMBER 2012 MONTREAL CAMERA CLUB WESTMOUNT PARK CHURCH 4695 DE MAISONNEUVE WEST, WESTMOUNT, QUEBEC H3Z 1L9 WEBSITE: PETER FERST Look forward to great presentations IN 2013! PETER FERST — THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY IMPROVING YOUR MARKS IN COMPETITION VIVIAN MAIER — A LECTURE BY GORDON CAMPEY FOUNDED 1893 MONTREAL CAMERA CLUB WESTMOUNT PARK CHURCH 4695 DE MAISONNEUVE WEST, WESTMOUNT, QUEBEC H3Z 1L9 WEBSITE: Bonnie Nichol Editor Winter/Spring Progam at a Glance January 7 14 20 21 28 30 Third Print Competition Images due for Third Nature competition Third Nature Competition Guest Speaker: Peter Ferst Imges due for the third pictorial competition Outing: Stars de Montréal hockey Third Pictorial Competition Guest speaker: Christian Autotte SPPQ Deadline February 4 11 16 18 25 Fourth Print Competition Images due for Fourth Nature Copetition Fourth Nature Competition Interpretive Theme Night Outing: Omega Park Guest speaker: Gordon Campey Images due for Fourth Pictorial Competition Fourth Pictorial Competition March 4 Fifth Print Competition Images due for Fifth Nature 11 Fifth Nature Competition Ugo Magni Images due for Gemboree 16 Outing — Exporail 18Gemboree Images due for Fifth Pictorial Competition 25 Fifth Pictorial Competition April 1 8 9 14 20 22 28 May 6 11 13 2 No meeting — Easter Ashod Alemain — “India” SPPQ Interclub Competition Image Show Competition Outing — Studio workshop Pictorial, Creative and Street Image of the Year Competition Print and Nature Images of the Year Competition Annual General Meeting and John Zimmerman “Africa” Outing: Kathryn Mason Awards Night and Closing Party 3 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS M embers are courageously entering images into the competitions and are sometimes dismayed by the marks they get. Why is this so? What was wrong? “I want to improve but the judges are short of time and I do not get enough of an explanation to understand and improve.” “Three judges, sometimes three very different marks — why?” The Judges say “this is a very pleasing image” then end up giving me a bad mark — why is this, it drives me crazy? Peter will address all of these issues, but most importantly, he will give you some simple guidelines that if you actually follow and apply will greatly improve your ratings and make all three judges go “wow”, obtain improved marks, remove your frustrations and inspire you to continue to submit. WINTER / SPRING 2013 JANUARY 14TH SECOND HALF NATURE AN EVENING with Photojournalist AND TEACHER BIOGRAPHY Peter B. Ferst started his photographic career at the age of twelve taught by and working in the dark room of his uncle a well-known London (UK) photographer. Following his graduation as a professional engineer in the UK he immigrated to Canada in 1969 and after a few years founded his own companies. Following the sale of his business he transferred from being a part time Naval Reserve Officer into full time service with Royal Canadian. PETER FERST The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly ! Improving your marks in the competitions During all these years he continued to pursue his photographic interests. On retiring from full time service in 2005 he became fully engaged as a photographer working as a photo journalist with leading Canadian Photographers in various fields such as fashion, portrait and Art photography. He is a member of faculty at the (Westmount) Visual Arts Center teaching photography (including Lightroom and Photoshop) at all levels. A member of the club for over eight years he has served on the executive as Pictorial chairman and as a judge. 4 5 JANUART 28TH MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY CHRISTIAN AUTOTTE I In this workshop you will learn: — how to familiarize yourself with the different tools for macro photography, — aspects which we must pay attention to — the equipment that is needed and the basics to know. BIOGRAPHY A graduate of the New-York Institute of Photography and a freelancer for more than 25 years, Christian Autotte is one of the sales associates at L.L. Lozeau since 2001. Besides being a photographer, he has also done some work as a cameraman for documentaries, specializing in macro work, one of his favourite subjects. Nature lover, he spends most of his free time hiking, canoeing, or cross-country skiing, usually with a camera within arm’s reach. This workshop should be of great interest to those who would like to learn more about close-up photography. His pictures have been published in magazines such as Sentiers Chasse et Pêche, Nature Canada, Ontario Out Of Doors, and Photo Life. He also has pictures in permanent display at the National Museum of Nature and the Insectarium of Montréal. SPONSORED BY MONTREAL CAMERA CLUB IS MOST GRATEFUL FOR L.L. LOZEAU’S CONTINUED SUPPORT. THANK YOU. SECOND-HALF NATURE FEBRUARY 11TH Interpretive Challenge Here is a different challenge to MCC members! Back by popular demand, another fun filled evening. Test your post production skills against all challengers. An image (1 specific image) will be sent to all of you. What you do with this image will be entirely up to you. The point of this exercise is to see how you can improve, embellish and create a better image. You will then send the image back to me and all the images will be projected on the large screen and then discussed by all. This is not a competition, there will not be any ribbons, just OOO’s and AAAHHH’s from the audience. John Zimmerman will be sending out a JPEG file of the above image about 1 meg in size. Then its up to each member to work some magic using the digital darkroom. For more information contact: George Liberman - 6 7 The Best Street Photographer FEBRUARY 18TH You’ve Never Heard Of: VIVIAN MAIER, the nanny who has wowed the world with her photography. The discovery in 2007 of her passion as an amateur photographer for recording the interesting peculiarities of Urban America 1950-1990 is remarkable and has catalyzed a renaissance of interest in the art of Street Photography. “Vivian Maier is one of those exceptionally rare things an artist without a biography. She can’t tell us why she took these photographs, or explain what or who she was influenced by so it’s up to us to decide, if we want to. All we have to go on are the images.”she left behind. VIVIEN MAIER — A LECTURE BY GORDON CAMPEY BIOGRAPHY An amateur photographer for 30 years, the advent of digital photography coincided with Gordon’s retirement. To broaden his knowledge and skill he has attended many photography workshops and courses at Lozeau, Marsan and more recently, Maine Media Workshops. His passion for photography goes beyond just taking pictures. He is also very interested in the art and history of photography, having collecting vintage cameras and other historical photographica for the last 15 years. He has lead many workshops and given courses on subjects relating to photography and digital image manipulation. He is currently a member of Club Photo Impression in Rosemont. In the recent past, he has served as both judge and technical speaker at the Montreal Camera Club and has been a collaborator in the MCC Help Portrait team for the last three years. In addition to Photo Club year-end expositions, he has had a number of solo photo exhibits at MCLL (McGill Community for Lifelong Learning) and other locations. His Internet website, www., is a good overview of his photography. Gordon co-moderates art and history of photography study groups at MCLL with Ann Pearson. His February 18 lecture on Vivian Maier will be on a very different note from his past technical presentations at MCC. 8 9 APRIL 8TH ASHOD ALEMAIN Ashod Alemian is a passionate amateur photographer who loves traveling and nature. He comes from a family of photographers — his father was a prominent photographer in Beirut in the 60s and 70s and mother was a portrait photographer in Egypt. Hesitant to totally convert to digital, he still regularly uses an old Nikon F2 35mm camera, his late father’s last gift to him, as well as a simple Sony cybershot. Ashod has traveled ten times to India and visited many different corners of this Subcontinent. On five of those visits, his favoured destination was Ladakh, the land of high passes in the Indian Himalayas with its spectacular scenery and lunar-like landscapes. He enjoys hiking in the highland, walking from village to village, meeting and staying with the locals, experiencing firsthand life in these remote areas. In the first half of his presentation, Ashod will share pictures of the Indian Himalaya, Ladakh and Spiti Valley, the high altitude villages, glacier lakes, breathtaking views of this pristine nature, as well as portraits of locals and village life in a land that has barely been touched by the modern world. In the second half of the evening, he will present photos from other parts of India showing some of its market life with a more extensive look at its fascinating temples and holy sites in Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat and the southern states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. O utings Winter / Spring 2013 Education Chairmen George Liberman Paul Couture Our Education Chairmen have arranged another great line-up of exciting outings for the New Year with something for everyone no matter what your photographic style. Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the opportunity to get to know other members and learn from them while having lots of fun! Details of each event can be found on the indicated pages in Cameragram. January 20, 2013 Stars de Montreal Outing February 16, 2013 Omega Park March 16, 2013 Exporail — Canadian Railway Museum April 20, 2013 Studio Workshop May 11, 2013 Outing Kathryn Mason’s Country Home Magog, Quebec For more information contact: 10 11 SUNDAY, JANUARY 20TH FEBRUARY 16TH OUTING OUTING OMEGA PARK STARS DE MONTRÉAL Omega Park has always been a favourite destination. Especially in the winter when the snow is on the ground and the animals have their winter fur. We have an opportunity totake pictures during a hockey game between the Montreal and Bramton, These teams are part of a Canadian Woman’s Hockey League (CWHL). The first organized hockey for women was played in Montreal and the sport has a storied history in the city. The current incarnation of the Montreal Stars club was born in 2007 with the formation of the CWHL. The Stars’ captainLisa-Marie Breton-Lebreux was one of the enterprising players that helped women’s hockey rebound from the demise of the NWHL. The best way to deal with winter blues is to get dressed warmly and go out in the snow and have fun. Hope to see you all there. We will meet at the gate @ 10:00am VISIT THE WEBSITE: The recipient of three Clarkson Cups in four years (2009, 2011 and 2012), the Stars are known for their formidable roster that consists of Olympians, national team hopefuls and ex-college stars. Our players, Caroline Ouellette, Kim St-Pierre, Sarah Vaillancourt,Charline Labonte and Meghan Agosta became household names through the Olympic Gold that they helped Team Canada win in Salt Lake City, Turin and Vancouver. Fresh off the past two championship-winning seasons, in which the team topped the league’s standings and featured three of the five top leading scorers, the Stars are considered the best female team in North America. Sunday Jan 20th Time 12:00 noon Aréna Mont-Royal 1021 chemin Dunkirk Mont-Royal , QC H2H2N9 12 13 MARCH 16TH MARCH 18TH OUTING EXPORAIL The Canadian Railway Museum Gemboree t is time once again to search through your image collections or get out your cameras and start shooting those topics you lack in order to successfully compete in the popular annual Gemboree Competition which takes place on March 18th. BEAUTIFUL BLUR CAROLE MIKLOS I Alphabet in Photography (no signs) Between the Knees and Shoulders Macro Pictures of People Taking Pictures Beautiful Blur Vintage Furry Things ALPHABET (LETTER M) (Please note: No composites — must be your own photograph; not previously entered in MCC competitions) M BONNIE NICHOL The topics chosen are as follows: Happy Shooting! Further information and entry forms will be available at the club and on the club website closer to the date of the competition. DAVID ASCH arch is a perfect time to get out of the house and visit a railway museum. Part of the museum is indoors and part is outdoors. Imagine photographing steam locomotives, electric streetcars, freight and passenger cars and lots lots more. Pictures of People Taking Pictures George Liberman will provide full details and directions closer to the date of the outing. VISIT THE WEBSITE: Print Theme Competition Topic MARCH 4, 2012 THEME: Stairs BONNIE NICHOL PLEASE NOTE: Prints entered in the Theme Competition are separate and in addition to the prints entered into the regular print competition— and are not counted with the regular competition. 14 15 FRANK HOPKINS Digital Slide Show Competition Celebrating his 90th birthday November 11, 2012 and th his 70 year of membership in the Montreal Camera Club MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013 This annual competition is open to all members. The beautiful Catherine Rasmussen Trophy will be awarded to the winner. Whether a beginner, or more experienced, this is a great chance to show your work to other members and have some fun. There is no limit to the choice of subject. Maximum length is four minutes. Your presentation should be accompanied by music and/or commentary. Please note that this year only digital presentations will be acceptable. SPPQ INTERCLUB GALA 2013 TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2013 at 7:30 pm Thèâtre L’Étoile Banque Nationale 6000 Rome Blvd., Brossard Results of the Interclub competition, Circuit-Photo — print exhibition and Son et images-Prix Paul E. Jean Complete rules will be available at the Club or on the MCC Website in PDF format. Tickets: $25 Directions from your residence to the Centre are available on Google or through Mapquest. For additional information and tickets contact: Rachel Bilodeau at: or Philippe Laporta at: or visit: and still shooting! Congratulations, Frank ! 16 17 SUNDAY SUNDAY 6 MONDAY 7 TUESDAY FRIDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 3 Third Nature Competition Images due for third pictorial competition 21 15 16 17 18 19 10 28 GUEST SPEAKER MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY by CHRISTIAN AUTOTTE THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 11 Fourth Nature Competition 12 13 14 15 16 OUTING OMEGA PARK Interpretive Theme Night Details: George Liberman 22 23 24 25 26 17 Third Pictorial OUTING Competition STARS DE MONTREAL HOCKEY 27 WEDNESDAY Images due for fourth Nature competition GUEST SPEAKER PETER FERST 20 TUESDAY Fourth PRINT Competition Images due for Third NATURE Competition 14 MONDAY SATURDAY Third Print Competition 13 FEBRUARY CAROLE MIKLOS BONNIE NICHOL JANUARY 18 GUEST SPEAKER OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY GORDON CAMPEY 19 20 21 26 27 28 Images due for fourth PICTORIAL competition 29 30 SPPQ DEADLINE 31 24 25 Fourth PICTORIAL Competition Sponsored by L.L. Lozeau 18 19 22 23 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 2 APRIL HELMUT MOHELSKY JOHN ZIMMERMAN MARCH SUNDAY MONDAY 1 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 4 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 NO MEETING EASTER 3 4 FIFTH PRINT THEME: STAIRS 5 6 7 8 9 7 Images due for Fifth NATURE competition 10 11 Fifth NATURE Competition 12 13 14 15 16 OUTING EXPORAIL 14 18 19 20 21 22 25 16 17 21 22 23 24 PICTORIAL, CREATIVE AND STREET IMAGE OF THE YEAR COMPETITION 26 27 Fifth PICTORIAL Competition 28 29 30 28 29 30 PRINT AND NATURE IMAGES OF THE YEAR COMPETITION 31 EASTER 20 20 OUTING STUDIO WORKSHOP 23 GEMBOREE Images due for Fifth PICTORIAL competition 24 15 SPPQ INTERCLUB COMPETITION 7:30 at Théâtre L’Étoile Banque Nationale 6000 boul. Rome, Brossard TICKETS $25 IMAGE SHOW COMPETITION UGO MAGNI Images due for Gemboree 17 8 ASHOD ALEMAIN “INDIA” 21 25 PASSOVER STARTS 26 27 JOHN ZIMMERMAN SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Thank You to our Guest Speakers MAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 2 FRIDAY 3 SATURDAY 4 MCC members enjoyed an exciting Fall Season of excellent guest speakers some who shared their creativity and others who shared their expertise. A huge “Thank You” to all for their generosity! september 10TH An Evening with Professional Photographer YVES BEAULIEU 5 6 7 8 9 10 OUTING KATHRYN MASON — MAGOG QUEBEC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JOHN ZIMMERMAN “AFRICA” 12 13 AWARDS NIGHT 11 14 15 16 17 18 OCTOBER 15TH Real Estate & Architectural Photography Workshop MICHAL JARRY and CLOSING PARTY NOVEMBER 19TH 19 20 21 22 23 24 VICTORIA DAY 25 An Evening with Professional Sports Photographer BERNARD BRAULT NOVEMBER 26TH — second half nature 26 27 28 29 30 Gannets Galore GEORGE LIBERMAN DECEMBER 10TH Enjoy your summer See you all on Monday, September 9, 2013 22 AFRICA Kenya & Rwanda RICK TOMALTY 23 T ip of the Hat DAVID ASCH Sold 13 prints at ARTWESTMOUNT recently and donated all receipts ($2100.00) to charity as the sign indicated on his exhibit. GORDON CAMPEY AND ANN PEARSON at the McGill Centre for Continuous Learning PETER FURST Westmount Visual Arts Exibition December 13th MCC and Friends Yahoo Chat Group Congratulations! —Want to stay in touch with fellow camera club members in between meetings? —Want to share your favorite photography tips and websites and find out what everyone else’s favorites are? —Want to get some constructive critique on your work before presenting it at the club? MCC has a Yahoo chat group for all camera club members and their photography loving friends. For more information or to join — please contact Diane Dupuis-Kallos at MAURICIO CORREA at the Snow Geese Outing 24 25 26 27
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Picture - Montreal Camera Club
Westmount Park Church
4695 de Maisonneuve West
Westmount, QC H3Z 1L9