ICSCC Meoo #S, Jiir\e lWS
ICSCC Meoo #S, Jiir\e lWS
ICSCC Meoo #S, Jiir\e lWS The Official Publication of the International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Announcements: Race Results: Race #8, 2005 Race #9, 2005 Race #3 IRDC Seattle May 22,2005 Race #4 CSCC Portland June 5, 2005 Points through Race #4 I hope everyone is enjoying the six-week break in our racing schedule. For myself, it allows me time to install a new clutch and head gasket in Linda's GP Paseo and time to finally get my SER ready for its first race of the year in Spokane. additional thing a driver can do that doesn't cost any money is to thank the volunteers in person. Your acknowledgement with a kind word, hand written note or thank you for the work they do so we can race, creates an unbelievable amount of goodwill. While the drivers may be enjoying a break from racing, I have to sympathize with our race work- Race 3 at Pacific Raceways again saw a drop in entries from 2004. However, Race 4 at Portland ers. Here is their schedule: ........... . reversed the season long trend and we had our ICSCC Race- Cascade P.I.R. first increase in entries this year. One bright • June 4/5 SCCA Race - Rose Cups • June 10-12 spot of the season has been the large number of C.A.R.T. • June 16-19 Canadian drivers attending races at Mission, • July 1/2/3 SOVREN - Pacific Raceways Portland and Seattle. I'm not sure if it is beSCCA Race- P.I.R. • July 1/2/3 cause of the weaker dollar, the desire to try • July9/10 CACC Race - Mission other tracks or just the racing with ICSCC. I do • July 8/9/10 Historic Races- P.I.R. know that this would be a great year to recipro• July 15/16/17 ICSCC Race- TC Spokane cate and attend one of the two remaining races • July 23/24 ICSCC Race- SCCBC at Mission this year. Linda and I have met many Mission wonderful racers and volunteers in Mission and ALMS Race- P.I.R. • July 29/30/31 we look forward to each SCCBC race weekend. This schedule gives workers one weekend off in ten weeks. It is easy to understand why we Just a couple of friendly and timely reminders for have a race worker shortage. M.E.T.A. all the drivers. First, there is still time to enter (Motorsports Emergency & Turnworkers Assn) Team Continental's race at Spokane. In order is a club dedicated to race workers. One way for us to continue racing in Spokane, ICSCC for racers to learn more about our workers, their drivers must support this venue like we did last concerns and what makes them tick is to join year. Secondly, now is the time to start thinking META (www.meta.bc.ca); yearly dues are about rule change proposals. Your clubs will be $20.00 (CON) and well worth it. With your dues holding Contest Board meetings starting in July you receive the monthly newsletter Mayday and August. which includes a "Worker Profile" in each issue. See you at the races. . On the subject of workers, ICSCC drivers have Dan Heinrich been extremely generous in donating to the ICSCC President worker fund, and it is greatly appreciated. One Please respect our volunteers-no calls or faxes after 9 p.m. President ~dvisor Dan Heinrich Racing2132@aol.com Chris Bowl Starion 73@aol.com 3020 SW 66th Ave Portland, OR 97225 503 297-8118 25805 118th PI SE Kent, WA 98031 253 859-8322 253 859-8323 Fax Vice President Dick Boggs bdboggs@aol.com 13749 97th Ave. N.E. Kirkland WA 98034 425 823-4883 Vice President Dennis Peters dennislpeters@earthlink. net 7645 Ray Nash Dr. NW Gig Harbor, WA 98335 253-851-2801 res. 253-405-2648 cell Secretary Katherine Whitworth icscc_sec@hotmail.com 4580 Viewmont Ave. Victoria, BC V8Z 5L2 250-4 79-897 5 res. 250-704-007 5 fax !Treasurer Linda Heinrich Racing2132@aol.com 3020 SW 66th Ave. Portland, OR 97225 503 297-8118 Race Steward Ken Hill khill178@earthlink.net 2127 163rd Dr. SE Snohomish, WA 98290 425-334-7 435 ~ssistant Steward Art Metz streamline60@msn.com 12221 E 22nd Ave. Spokane, WA 99209 509-927-9358 License Director Bill Vine mrv@tx3.com 750 Watson St. N. #D1 Enumclaw, WA 98022-7316 360-825-2770 res License Registrar Olivia Muro OliviaConlicense@msn.com P.O. Box 87 Fairview, OR 97024 503-665-0785 res. 503-674-7507 fax Sound Control Robin Farnworth rsfarny@aol.com P.O. Box 1364 Coupeville, W A 98239 360-678-1185 home 360-320-1426 cell Memo Editor & Website Danielle Baxter icscc@telus. net P.O. Box 219 Fort Langley B.C. V1 M 2R5 604 882-8078 Race Officials Div. Lynn Yeo lynnyeo@telus. net 16230 - 93A Ave. Surrey, BC V4N 4Z9 604-951-4068 Points Keeper Mike Blaszczak 19106 NE 51st Street Sammamish, WA 98074 mike@screwylizardracing.com Medical Officer Doug Jennings ·ennings4 7@attbi.com 467 Solnae Place NW Bremerton, WA. 98311 360-692-6244 Legal Advisor Charles Denkers 4208 SE Harrison Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-222-6102 Bus Insurance Advisor Wohn (Skip) Yocom !skip. yocom@usi. biz 5201 NW Nelco Circle West Linn, OR 97068 800 251-4246 Bus Historian perry Frechette ~erryf@telus. net 2356 West 5th Ave. Vancouver, B.C. V6K 155 604 734-4721 !Tel & Fax PR North I South Positions Open Banquet Facilitator DeeAnn Lensen advancedspa@msn.com 16529 108A Ave. Surrey, BC V4N 2B9 604-951-8214 Banquet Support Peggy Ann Walker cracegirl@hotmail.com PO Box 1211 Newberg, OR 97132 503-684-0353 503-913-7987 360-537-9103 Bus The ICSCC Memo is a publication of the International Conference of Sports Car Clubs. The ICSCC Memo and its contents in entirety are copyright by the International Conference of Sports Car Clubs. Any reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical. without the express written permission of the International Conference of Sports Car Clubs, is prohibited. The ICSCC Memo accepts written comments subject to ICSCC policy limitations but will not be held responsible for the content of such letters. Letters only published if submitted with the author's name, address and phone number. The ICSCC Memo is printed in Canada by University Printers, Langley, BC. Editor- Danielle Baxter, PO Box 219 Fort Langley, BC, V1 M 2R5, tel. 604-882-8078. The publisher reserves the right to reject any paid or unpaid advertisement. INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB PRESENTS "CARQUEST Motorsports Challenge" AUGUST 6-7, 2005 This race is sanctioned by ICSCC under the 2005 regulations as a championship race. This is a transponder race- a limited number of rental transponders will be available at the track. Reservations are suggested. Come out and be a part of the action at Pacific Raceways where the sounds and smells of summer racing are in the air. Entries Open: Upon receipt of this announcement Entries Close: JULY 29, 2005 @ 11:59 PM Entry Fees: ICSCC & Other Licenses $195.00 IRDC members $185.00 Additional Entries: $110.00 $90.00 Late Entry Fees: $5.00 Crew Passes: 5 free with each entry Fees are as stated in Canadian$, must hold Canadian Drivers License Canadian Entries: New Procedure: *** Mail Entries to: You may fax your entry and pay at the track with NO LATE FEE! I.R.D.C. Registrar Cecilia Hill 2127 - 163RD Dr. SE Snohomish, WA. 98290 Phone 425-334-7 435 Fax 425-334-7435 Email: irdc_reg@hotmail.com Registration Hours: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM 7:30AM to 1:30PM 7:30AM to 10:30 AM IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL CARS IN RACE GROUP _3_ WHO HAVE HAD THEIR ANNUAL TECHNICAL INSPECTION MUST PRESENT THE CAR AND PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR TECHNICAL INSPECTION AT THE RACE. RACE ROTATION FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE RACE ROTATION 4 (ALL SESSIONS) Group #5 Group #6 Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 Group #4 Group #7 Group #8 GT/IT ITA-B-C,GTL. E-F-G-H IMP PROD, ITS FORM FV, FFF/500, S-2000, CS-2000, A-F SR. BG PROD A-B-C-D PROD, SPO, SPM, SPU, PR03, SBMW PROD E-F-G-H-1-J PROD, CLUB RABBIT, PR0-7, SPEC MIATA FORM CF, FF, FL, FA, FM, F-2 GT GT-1 -2-3, GTA, GTP, AS, RX-7, ITE, RS Novice Closed Wheel Novice Open \A/heel Not available at this race IRDC Race Chairman can be reached at (425) 869-2868. CARQUEST Motorsports Challenge 5:00PM 5:30PM 7:30AM 7:30AM 8:00AM 8:30AM 9:05AM 9:25AM 9:45AM 10:05 AM 10:25 AM 10:45 AM 11:05 AM 11:30AM 11:40 AM 12:05 PM 12:30 PM 1:00PM 1:30PM 2:00PM 2:30PM 3:00PM 3:15PM 3:30PM 8:00AM 7:30AM 9:05AM 9:35AM 10:05 AM 10:35 AM 11:05 AM 11:35 AM 12:05 PM 12:15 PM 12:40 PM 1:15PM 1:50PM 2:25PM 2:40PM 3:15PM 3:50PM Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Friday August 5, 2005 8:00PM 8:00PM Registration Technical Inspection Saturday August 6, 2005 1:00PM Registration 2:30PM Technical Inspection 8:30AM Novice Track Tour, Meet at License Directors Pit 9:00AM Novice Meeting (Mandatory) 9:20AM Group 4 - Pratice 9:40AM Group 5 - Pratice 10:00 AM Group 6 - Pratice 10:20 AM Group 1 - Pratice 10:40 AM Group 2 - Pratice 11:00 AM Group 3 - Pratice 11:25AM Novice CW Pratice 12:00 PM Lunch 11:50 AM Driver's Meeting 12:25 PM Novice CW Pratice 12:55 PM Group 4 - Qualifying 1:25PM Group 5 - Qualifying 1:55PM Group 6 - Qualifying 2:25PM Group 1 - Qualifying 2:55PM Group 2 - Qualifying 3:25PM Group 3 - Qualifying 4:00PM Senior Obsevers to Pre-Grid Novice CW Race Sunday August 7, 2005 10:00 AM Registration 11:00 AM Technical Inspection 9:30AM Group 4 - Qualifying 10:00 AM Group 5 - Qualifying 10:30 AM Group 6 - Qualifying 11:00 AM Group 1 - Qualifying 11:30AM Group 2- Qualifying 12:00 PM Group 3 - Qualifying 12:35 PM Lunch 12:30 PM Driver's Meeting (Mandatory) 1:10PM Group 4 - Race 1:45PM Group 5 - Race 2:20PM Group 6 - Race 2:35PM Track Clean-up 3:10PM Group 1 -Race 3:45PM Group 2 - Race 4:20PM Group 3 - Race A-8-C-D Production, SPO, SPM, SPU, Pro 3, S8MW E-F-G-H-1-J Production, CR. Pro 7, SM CF, FF, FL, FA, FM, F2 GT 1/2/3, GTA/P, AS, RX7, ITE, RS ITA/8/C/S, GT Lite, E-F-G-H Improved Production FV, FFF/500, S2, CS2, A-F SR. 8G Novice Closed Wheel I.R.D.C. EVENT SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Open to cars eligible under I.C.S.C.C. and S.C.C.A. current regulations. There will be no starting of any race engines prior to 9:00 a.m. No class changes after 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Drivers are responsible for properly and completely filling out their entry registration form(s). Multiple Entries: A driver entering the same car in more than one event shall indicate on each entry form whether the entry is for the driver's "primary" or "additional" event. If the entries are oversubscribed for a particular event (entries exceed the number of cars allowed on the track) drivers and cars entered as an "additional" event will be restricted from participating, on a first come, first served priority based on the date the entries are received, in order to allow participation by all drivers and cars for whom the event is their primary event including novices upgrading to a championship event on that week-end. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is NOT allowed at any time during the racing event, except in the area covered by the liquor permit issued by the Washington State Liquor Control Board. The time and location is a condition of operation of the track and is enforced by track officials, ICSCC, and IRDC officials or law enforcement authorities. All Entrants shall present at tech inspection empty, sealable, container(s) marked with driver's name and car · number, capable of holding 2 gallons of liquids. These are to be used to remove all oil, cleaners, brake fluid, etc., from P.R. Anyone caught dumping oil at the raceway will be fined and banned from Pacific Raceway. There will be a $10.00 per tire charge imposed by the track for the disposal of tires. Damage to the track, grounds or buildings, regardless of cause, will be charged to the driver responsible. Any damage to any equipment or devices utilized by the sanctioning body (ICSCC) or sponsoring club (IRDC) to conduct this race, regardless of cause, will be charged to the driver responsible. NOISE RULE I.C.S.C.C. 1112 enforced! 103db@ 50 ft. No exceptions. All persons in pre-grid or in racing hot pits shall wear long pants, shirts that cover their shoulders and no open-toed shoes during all practices, qualifying and races. A Minor Release form is required for ALL minors upon entry to the track (NO EXCEPTIONS). Minors must be under direct supervision of an adult at all times. No minors under 18 years of age, are allowed in the hot pits or pre-grid. Operation of any type of wheeled transportation (bikes, scooters, motorcycles, skateboards, skates, etc.) is forbidden for anyone under the age of 16 years. All cars will be off trailers for tech inspection. There will be no refunds on prepaid pit passes. Driver must appear in person at registration to add a crew member to the list on their registration form. All participants are required to have and display at all times the appropriate pit, crew, guest, or worker pass issued for this event. Passes are required for reentry to Pacific Raceway during this event. No overnight camping at the track on Sunday night without the consent of P.R. management. There will be no refueling in the grid area unless accompanied by a fire extinguisher and operator. No motorized tow or support vehicles allowed on pre-grid unless authorized by the Grid Marshall or Race Chairman. Support vehicles behind pre-grid must be parked along the fence No open fires are allowed in the paddock, pre-grid or within the track in-field. All gates are locked at 11:00 PM Friday and Saturday nights. The main gate will open at 7:00 AM. Only one support vehicle or trailer is allowed in the pits per competition car. There will be no saving of pit or paddock areas except as required by I.C.S.C.C. regulations with exception of Novice License director or by Race Chairman for cause. All other pit and paddock areas are on a first come, first served basis. Violators of this regulation can be subject to disqualification. The length of scheduled events may be altered by the Race Chairman due to emergency conditions beyond the control of I.R.D.C. personnel. I.R.D.C. reserves the right to refuse entry to this event to anyone. Line formation to enter the track on Friday afternoon shall start at the main registration booth. The waiver sheet must be signed prior to entry into the pits on Friday. No bicycles, scooters, or walking allowed on the access road adjacent to the main straight from the paddock to pregrid. This is a P.R. rule. King County bicycle helmet laws are enforced at P.R.- anyone operating a bicycle or scooter is required to wear a helmet. No motor vehicles allowed in the infield except for race workers. Pets must be leashed at all times and owners are responsible for cleaning up animal waste. All in-car timing system transmitter beacons will be placed at a marked location as defined by the Race Chairman. All transmitters outside of the specified area will be confiscated and retained by the Race Chairman. Turn 1/ Pit Out blend line violators will be dealt with by the Race Steward. · Race ~ 2.(115 Race~ CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB: Gary Bockman 3824 SW Marigold Street Portland, OR 97219 Phone: (503) 245-5479 I Fax: (503) 294-7050 Email: BSIRACING@msn.com CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB: Linda Heinrich 3020 SW 66th Avenue Portland, OR 97225 Phone: (503) 297-8118 I Fax: (503) 286-5237 Email: Racing2132@aol.com INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB: Terry Reinig 814 32nd Avenue S Seattle, WA 98144 Phone: (206) 498"261 0 Email: t.reinig@comcast.net INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB: Cecilia Hill 2127 163rd Drive SE Snohomish, WA 98290 Phone: 425-334-7435 Email: irdc_reg@hotmail.com NORTHWEST MOTORSPORTS: NIA NORTHWEST MOTORSPORTS: NIA SPORTS CAR CLUB OF B.C.: Tom Roy 817 Shorewood Drive Parksville, BC V9P 1 S1 Canada Phone: (250) 248-6614 Email: tomroy13@shaw.ca SPORTS CAR CLUB OF B.C.: John and Pri Randall 5 Lakeshore Drive Cultus Lake, BC V2R 4Z9 Canada Phone: (604) 858-3453 Email: John_Randall@telus.net TEAM CONTINENTAL: Scott Hanken 20057 S. Leland Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: (503) 657-5158 (Home) Phone: (503) 231-0421 (Work) Email: scott@controlcontractors.com TEAM CONTINENTAL: Jacquie Janulis 15725 NW St. Andrews Dr. Portland, Oregon 97229 Fax: 503-690-0395 Email: jjgocougs@att.net 2l1JS Hubbard/Downing Inc. Announces the HANS, Head and Neck Support® to be custom fitted and expertly serviced locally to Northwest Racers For !be 6rst time since the inception of !be HANS® device in the mid 1980's, onationwide servicing dealer program has been inlroduced to bring the information and expertise necessary for proper fit and seledion of this important safety device directly to the racer. Recognizing !be need to explain, demonstrate, rustom fit ond sell the HANS® device, osearch begon in 2002 to locate just !be right company to present !be devke to !be Podfic Northwest radng comllUlily. After overy careful search, Arnahllo Racing Enterprises of Bremerton Wasllington has been selected to represent the HANS® device to racers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montano. "We ore honored that HubbordjDowning hos selected our company to bring the HANS® device to northwest racers. They set very high standards because of the serious nature of driver sofety and because of the need to be sure the correct model of the device is properly 6tted to the exact need of each racer. Our 17 years in the safety equipment business, selling and servicing racers 1rackside through our 28 ft. showroam/1rader and our respected business reputation was the reason we were chosen." In addition to represenfing the HANS® device, ArrnodiUo Radng is your complete trockside store featuring these great products: Red line Od (most al oils and gear lubes in stack including Water Wetter), Safety Equipment (Bell, Simpson, Bieffe, Morna and OMP helmets, gloves, shoes, suits) ond featuring Corbon-X Underwear; Goodridge Compefifion Plumbing; Numbers, Letters, Nuts and Bolts, stop watches, broke pods, Mechanix Wear gloves, chemicals, too much inventory to tist. They also carry ogreat selection of racing books and fanweor. If you need it, there is a good chonce ARE has it ot the track on race weekends. "Andy supplies great products at reasonable prices and has on amazing inventory at track side." -Alastair l.odc:ett '67 Mustang SPO ARMADILLO RACING "Armadillo Racing &Andy Colhns is Great! What's better is dealing with real people, seUing reo! products, and being locol Rob Barler to boot. Thanks, gong, for being there and providing the support, educotion and experience.· - "Andy is fair and good to deal with. Good to work with on honest person that will work with you."- Plil Edwanls RX-7 On Track WUh All Your Racing Needs • www.ormodilloraclng.com • 1-888-211-9129 (Toll free USA and (onoda) Photos on the 'Net! Memo# 6 Memo# 7 Memo# 8 Memo# 9 Memo# 10 Rainbow Action Imagery has photos of your car on the internet. At our website you can see all the photos from an event in one place, pick the ones you like, and order them online. To see your photos: July 13 August 10 September 14 October 12 November 30 1. ~ Deadlines are for submission of material for each issue ~ 2. Go to www.dotphoto.com Enter username gerryf and password rainbow 3. Pick a photo gallery to view ~ ~ From there, follow directions for ordering online or con~ tact Gerry or Sue for further info, at ~ gerryf@telus.net or phone us at 604-734-4721. Reach over 450 racers, marshals and officials ~ Commercial Advertising Rates: Full page $80 I issue for full year, or $110 I issue 112 page $50 I issue for full year, or $70 I issue 114 page $30 I issue for full year, or $40 I issue 118 page $20 I issue for full year, or $25 I issue Commercial classified $10 I issue full year or $12 I issue Your IN-STOCK source for Brake Parts (and thousands of other items) PERFORMANCE• FRICTIO~ Submissions (9r questions). should be directed t9the Memo &Website ~(fitqr: s HAWK~ P.O. Box219 Fort Lartgle,y, BC. V1M2R5 604-.8.82~8078 or icscc@telus.net You can post your own non-commercial ad on the ICSCC Drivers' Meeting Forum! Go to www.icscc.com/discus/ and check out the Buy & Sell board. P E R F D R M A N C E Our Competition Brake Department Has Over: • $260,000 On-hand Inventory • 15,000 In-Stock Items Hawk & Performance Friction Brake Pads • AP. Outlaw & ICP Calipers Cast Iron Brake Rotors • Lightweight Brake Rotors Girling, Tilton &Wilwood Master Cylinders • Remote Fluid Reservoirs Tilton Pedal Assemblies • Balance Bars • Proportioning Valves Air Inlet Ducts • Air Duct Hose • Stainless Braided Hoses and Fittings Bleeder Screws and Speed Bleeders • Racing Brake Fluids (7 varieties) Brake Light Switches • Temperature Indicating Paints • and much more! ''The most complete website" Real-time stock status • Detailed descriptions and photos Please read the guidelines for use of the board. It is recommended that you post a notice when an item is sold, as posts are rarely culled. (Lots of ads, with lots of 'sold' notices, makes the board more attractive than being sparse and tidy would). Order on~l1ne for a chance to win $2,500! PegasusAuto Racing.com Pegasus Auto Racing Supplies 2475 South 179th Street • New Berlin, Wl53146 1-800-688-6946 order line 1-800-742-Cl484fax • 1-262-317-1200tech line And visit member clubs' sites: Find ICSCC forms, race announcements, classified ads, officials' contact information, race results, points and much more on the ICSCC website at www.lcscc.com CSCC IRDC SCCBC TC www.cascadescc.com www.irdc-racing.com www.sccbc.net www.teamcontinental.com INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB SALUTE TO THE TROOPS Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21·22, 2005 GROUP1 POS CA TOWN DRIVER C PROD I 45 Mike Bloszczok 1:40.644 DPROD I 146 Guy Selle PRO 3 I 395 Ted Anthony Jr. I:40.370 2 42 Derek Smith 3 32 Bill Spornitz 4 148 William Diefenbach 5 3 Christopher Bowl 6 392 Bob Mearns 120 Gregory C. Miller 8 192 Dole Beuning I:40.669 9 338 Cyril Greenawalt DNF 135 Lance Richert SPM I 70 Moe Russell 2 39 Eric Krouse 3 128 Roland Ayolo 4 756 Dave Whieldon 5 723 Leo Redavid 6 157 Jeffery Wicks 7 52 Manfred Duske B I Bud Reichard DNS 127 Hal Hilton DNS 162 Patrick Boyle SPO I 794 Tim Brown 2 80 Joel Siegel DNF 36 Terry Word DNS 96 Ron Rowse SPORTBMW 40 Stan Bovetz SPU 378 Morgan Mansfield 74 Brett Leahy 0 Bill Thew 155 Rick Bostrom 5 87 Alan Russell COlOUR MAKE lAPS 0/A ClUB/liCENSE FASTlAP SPONSOR Screwy lizard Rocing.com ICSCC 7 BMWCCA Sammamish, WA BMW 325is White 18 Federal Way, WA Nisson Sentro Red/White 17 Kenmore, WA BMW 325is Yellow/Black 18 Mukilteo, WA Sammamish, WA Kirkland, WA Kent, WA Woodinville, WA Kirkland, WA Seattle, WA BMW 325is BMW 325 is BMW 325is BMW 325is BMW 325i BMW 325is BMW 325is Blue/Silver Orange White Blue/Block White/Multi White/Red White/Multi 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 Bellingham, WA Bellevue, WA BMW 325is BMW 325is Block/White White 17 II Redmond, WA Woodinville, WA Woodinville, WA Port Coquitlam, B.C. Vancouver B.C. Kirkland, WA Covington, WA Seattle, WA Issaquah, WA Auburn, WA Nissan 240 sx Porsche 968 BMW 325is Mozdo RX7 Mazda RX7 BMW 325is Datsun 240Z Mazda RX7 Porsche 944 Mazda RX7 Red Red/White White Yellow Red/White/Green Red/White/Blue Silver Red/Purple/Silver Red Yellow/Black 19 18 18 18 18 18 17 13 0 0 II 14 18 27 DNS DNS (A(( (A(( BMWA IROC IRDC IROC IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Vancouver, BC Vancouver B.C. Port Coquitlom Abbotsford, B.C. Ford Mustang Dodge Viper Chev Camara Chev Monte Carlo Red Black/Orange White/Blue Black/Purple/Yell 20 19 10 0 I 3 DNF DNS CACC (A(( TC ICSCC SCCBC ICSCC SCCBC ICSCC Woodinville, WA BMW 325is White 17 24 TC West Vancouver BC Medina, WA Crane, OR Tacoma, WA Sammamish, WA Super 7 BMW 2002 Westfield SPZ Mazda RX7 Alfa Romeo- Black/Silver Green Yellow White/Blue/Red Red 18 18 18 17 16 4 10 13 19 26 S((BC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC (S(( ICSCC IRDC ICSCC CRA ICSCC I :46.039 NWDE ICSCC My Wife Darlene BMWCCA ICSCC 12 15 16 17 20 21 22 BMWA ICSCC IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC BMWA ICSCC BMWCCA DSN Minisport Ray's Boathouse Strictly BMW (orquest Thanks Ken &Wes Power Quoltiy Equipment ICSCC 25 DNF BMWA ICSCC BMWA ICSCC Real Property Training Auburn Foreign Cor I:46.404 1:41.158 Moe Russell Enterprises EKR Mee ford Racing f Cascade Autosport CAN USA Equipment, LTO Krangle Auto/Stuff AutofEnda Hair Studio M325 RacingfCG Motorsports/Pat's Automotive Diamond Village Condo/ZWEBGATE.com AES, Inc The Clearview Group, Inc Pat's Automotive 1:32.132 1:37.983 I:40.752 1:41.755 1:41.075 1:41.707 I:44.515 I :31.628 Brown Bros Racing Siegel's Bagels- Vancouver BC The Chevy Store f Scardillo Cheese Modern Image GraphicsfRowse Brothers Trucking 1:31.529 I:34.086 I:34.670 Frost Engineers Ser. Co NW I:45.558 Super 7 Motorsports Leahy Racing/Speedware Motorsports Lore wood Engineering Lindo Woj f Jeff Clarck and Friends Judy's Daycare 1:36.911 1:41.618 I:40.547 I:43.885 I :51.736 23 2 CRA ICSCC 5 IRDC ICSCC 8 BMWA ICSCC 9 (A(( (A(( ICSCC ELA Motorsports f Eastside Bavarian I :42.256 I :41.762 I :40.975 I :40.917 1:43.710 I:44.497 Unofficiolbmw.com fA wonderful Wife TOTAL IN GROUP= 32 COMMENTS: CAR 192 • 1 LAP PENALTY· AVOIDABLE CONTACT Sunday, May 22,2005 3:51:11 PM TIMING && STEWARD: For Rent Well prepared & fast E30 race car available for full season rental. Arrive & drive with full crew support. Seats available for Enduro. Call with questions. lan at Strictly BMW. 425-747-6044. For Rent Winning Pro-7 Race Cars: We offer six competitive Pro-7 cars for rent. .. and years of experience. Rent for one race or the season. Also available for schools and Novice program. We also have helmets, suits and gloves available. Jeff 253-537-8075 or mazdamanor@msn.com For Rent Club Rabbit, reserve early for 2005 Portland or ? $250 Schools, $350 Track Days, Races starting @ $450. Track support and driver coaching available. Well-prepared reliable front-runner. Other services including race video and computerized lap timing also available. Discounts for multi race packages. Mike, 503-452-3361 or rabidracer@comcast.net 2/05 Racing video Have your racing video transferred to DVD or streaming video for your website. Get multiple races on a single DVD, split screen with video from two races or a competitor's video. Each video titled and each race selectable on the DVD. Other editing services also available. This is a great gift to sponsors, or use it to market your race team. Productions, Mike 503-452-3361 or VLK Racing rabidracer@comcast. net Race Cars for Rent: eight cars to choose from! lTC, CP2/EP, A-Sedan, SPM, even a circle track Dwarf car! Arrive and Drive, Trackside Support, Personal Tutoring. Competition Motors arts, Portland, Ore on, 503-281-1579. 4/05 INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB SALUTE TO THE TROOPS Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES GROUP2 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21-22, 2005 POS DRIVER CAR MAKE TOWN COLOUR LAPS 0/A CLUB/LICENSE SPONSOR FASTLAP CR 93 62 4 41 Brian Elmore Ron Johnson Peter Belfonti David Barton Everen, WA Seattle, WA Portland, OR Ridgefield, WA VW Rabbit VWRobbit VW Rabbit VWRabbit Yellow/Black Red/Yellow Purple/Yellow White/Blue 17 17 17 17 12 IRDC 14 IRDC 16 TC 18 (5(( ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Portland, OR Sammamish, WA Renton, WA Seanle, WA Edmonds, WA VWGoll Mazda Miata Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Acura Integra White Silver/Blue Red Black Whhe 18 18 18 17 17 3 7 9 13 19 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC German Performance Systems/Matrix Integrated MC Autobody/Richmork Label William Grover, Inc Realtor Group 2 Motorsports 1:43.338 1:45.246 1:45.567 1:4S.81B 1:47.061 Snohomish, WA Whistler, B.C. Honda CRX Hondo Civic Red Block 18 18 scm IRDC I(S(( 1(5(( Hydro Physics Pipe Inspection Toyo Tires/Bockcountry Snowcats, LTD 1:41.413 1:41.242 Portland, OR Lake Stevens, WA Federal Way, WA Tacoma, WA Toyota Pasao Datsun SIO Mini Cooper Poncha 924 Red Yellow Blue/White OlivefRedfWhHe 17 17 17 17 17 21 24 2B TC IRDC IRDC IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC St Johns Auto Center/ Advantage Collison Center Bowman· Marian, MFG Proller Racing/DND Fabricating TMB Racing/51 Bernard Rescue 1:46.582 1:47.286 1:48.064 1:48.574 Puyallup, WA Bonney Lake, WA Mazda RX7 MGB·GT White Red 17 17 25 30 IRDC IRDC 1(5(( ICSCC Jelrs Automotive and Friends Vacation Fund 1:45.854 1:50.270 West Linn, OR Lynden, WA Anacortes, WA Salem, 01 VW Rabbit VW Rabbit Dodge Rampage Honda Civic WhitefYellaw Blue/White Red/White/Blue White/Blue 17 17 17 0 Wizard and Friendsflop Tech Motorsparts H20 Only Motorsports Snoqualmie Falls Brewing (a Dan Judy Auto/Americas Tire/Dabler Automotive 1:49.256 1:49.940 1:51.960 Portland, OR Pontiac Fiero Red 14 33 (5(( ICSCC Sonja 2:06.410 Belfair, WA Bellevue, WA Mission, B.C. Snohomish, WA Block Diamond, WA Ienton Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Maxda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Red/White Purple White/Black Red Yell ow/Blue Blue 18 17 17 17 17 0 8 20 23 26 29 DNS IIDC IRDC IRDC CRA IRDC I(S(( ICSCC I(S(( I(S(( CIA ICSCC Jefr s Automotive Jeff's Automotive/ Drive Fast Software Access Automotive/ Titan Tire Corban Racing/ADDCO Inc. Excavating 1:45.767 1:46.632 1:47.468 1:49.648 1:49.674 Federal Way, WA Renton, WA Kirkland, WA 8eUevue, WA Vancouver, Wa BaHia Ground, WA Kent, WA BaHia Ground, WA Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Red/Blue Red/Blue Red led/Blue Silver/blue WhHe Red Silver/blue 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 0 4 IRDC s IRDC 6 IRDC 10 IRDC 11 TC IS TC 22 IRDC DNS TC 1(5(( ICSCC I(S(( ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC TC Motorsports/Group 2 Motorsports TC Matorsports/Graup 2 Matorsports Eucrie Lapin Olympic Aero Services I:46.440 1:4S.66B I:46.449 1:46.827 EPROD 99 Jon Bonforte S4 Mark Cockle 317 William Grover 332 Ralph Paul 344 Roldan de Guzman (5(( IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC FPROD s 23 Rick Delamare Reg Milne GPROD 21 Dan Heinrich 34 Scan Morton so Dave Rinker 36 Andrew Bacon HPROD 07 Jell Clark 8 Andrew Edman I PROD I 2 3 DNS 53 John (Skip) Yocom 77 Hans Kunst ss Paul Panersan 94 Jeff Penick 27 (5(( 1(5(( 31 SCCBC ICS(( 32 IIDC ICSCC DNS (5(( ICSCC JPROD 1 Jack Banton PR07 I 70 Steve Justiss 2 142 Sean Hester 3 1S7 Dave Daan 4 76 AI Carton s 114 Philip Edwards DNS 48 Bambi Jilek SPECMIATA 71 Taryn Sparacio 86 Jan Ament 197 Randy Robertson 78 Chris Romney 186 Jonathan Clark 11 John Bachofner 30 Richard Qualey DNS 61 William Bacholner scm Jelr s Automotive TC Motarsparts Kemp Industries Curran Coil Spring/PSI Motarsports RKL Racing I:44.982 1:45.341 1:45.041 1:45.596 1:46.360 1:46.003 1:47.657 TOTAL IN GROUP= 36 COMMENTS: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:32:36 PM STEWARD: TIMING&& INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES NOW OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21-22,2005 POS CA DRIVER NOW 332 Nicholas Belling 338 Robert Armitage 3 316 Kristofer Spreen TOWN Langley, BC Vancouver, BC Cleveland, OH MAKE Van Dieman Van Dieman Crossle COLOUR LAPS White/Gold Red/Black Red 17 16 16 0/A CLUB/LICENSE SCCBC ICSCC ICSCC (5(( I(S(( scm SPONSOR www.velocityracing.ca/lnfinite web services Armitage & Assac ChirapracticfYelocity Racing Team Spreen TOTAL IN GROUP= 3 COMMENTS: Saturday, May 21, 2005 3:35:38 PM TIMING && STEWARD:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FASTLAP I:26.500 I:28.752 1:33.160 INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB SALUTE TO THE TROOPS Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES GROUPS OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21-22, 2005 POS CAR DRIVER MAKE TOWN COLOUR LAPS 0/A CLUB/LICENSE SPONSOR FASTLAP Cf 1 21 Gabe Henderson 2 328 Kyle Oberndorf 3 33 Richard Trout Roberts 4 6 Mark Keller 5 8 Jack Scher 6 02 Alycia Hodapp DNF 316 Kristofer Spreen DNF 11 Ralph Hill DNF 17 Bob Spreen DNF 39 Rodney Jessen DNF 26 Bob Posner DNS 31 Keith Harwood ledmond, WA Surrey, B.C. Tucson, AZ Snohomish, WA StaHle, WA Auburn, WA Cleveland, OH SeaHie, WA North Bend, WA Bellevue, WA Bellevue, WA Kent, WA Crossle Crossle Crossle Crossle Crossle Crossle Crossle Crossle Crossle Star Formula Crossle Van Dieman led/White Blue Blue/Yellow Blue/Orange Yellow/Black led led Purple/Orange WhitefRed While/Blue Red Black/Yellow 12 12 12 11 11 8 6 5 4 2 2 0 Vancouver, B.C. Langley, BC Van Dieman Van Dieman Red/Black White/Gold 12 11 Woodinville, WA Raven Black 2 3 4 6 7 9 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNS IRDC SCCBC IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC cscc CIA IRDC IRDC IRDC IROC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC H&l CollisonfMTM Wealth Plumbing Mammy LofMy rich uncle Visa/My Kids Blackjack Racing Orion-Macon f Burien Imports DN DFabrication/Steve Giambardini/Mom &Dad Team Spreen The Copy Machine, Inc Team Spreen Eledro &Plumb Serve 1:34.373 1:39.879 1:44.258 1:34.326 1:34.928 1:40.746 1:40.669 1:33.362 1:34.287 1:33.982 1:34.116 F2 338 Robert Armitage 332 Nicholas Belling SCCBC ICSCC SCCBC ICSCC Armitage &As soc ChiropradicfVelocity Racing www.velocityradng.caflnfinite web services 1:35.981 1:30.756 IRDC Scuderia Tranfaglia 1:31.385 FA I 126 Tim Osborne ICSCC TOTAL IN GROUP= 15 COMMENTS: CAR 332 ·1 LAP PENALTY· PASSING ON YELLOW Monday, May 23, 2005 9:31 :38 PM TIMING && STEWARD: INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB SALUTE TO THE TROOPS Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES GROUP4 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21-22, 2005 POS ONF CAR AS DRIVER 61 Danny Nelson 25 Rick Mackin 64 David BenniH TOWN MAKE COLOUR Readon, WA Eugene, OR Woodinville, WA Ford Mustang Chevy Camara Ford Mustang Vancouver B.C. Gresham, OR Abbotsford, B.C. Yellow Blue/Yellow Silver /Purple LAPS 0/A CLUB/LICENSE 16 16 9 11 IRDC 12 TC ONF IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Dodge Viper Black/Orange Chevy Monte Red/Silver/Black Chev Monte Carlo Black/Purple/Vel 17 16 0 1 TC ICSCC 9 cscc ICSCC DNS SCCBC ICSCC Federal Way, WA Edmonds, WA Covington, WA SeaHie, WA Nissan 280 Z Datsun 280Z Datsun 240Z Mazda RX7 Tealtyellow Black Silver RedfPurplefSilv 16 15 6 I 2 14 DNF DNF Redmond, WA Nissan 240 sx Red Woodinville, WA Woodinville Porsche 968 BMW Port Coquitlam, B.C. Tacoma, WA Port Coquitlam, B.C. Vancouver B.C. Kirkland, WA Portland, OR Issaquah, WA Acura Integra Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 BMW325is Datsun 510 Porsche 944 SPONSOR FASTLAP Andy's Classic MustangsfFiowmaster Exhaust API Inc./ Monaco Coach Corp/IPD ADDCO / Daves Mustang 1:51.241 1:48.939 1:55.351 Siegel's Bagels- Vancouver BC Thrifty Auto Supply/D&V Automotive/Oregon Modern Image Graphics/Rowse Brothers Trucking 1:42.848 1:51.397 GTl 1 2 ONS 20 Joel Siegel 98 Dyrk Van Zanten Jr. 96 Ron Rowse GT2 1 88 Edward Humphrey 2 109 Glen Peterson ONF 52 Manfred Duske DNF 1 Bud Reichard IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Armadillo Racing/ERC Racing Fuel Zwebgate.com/Diamond Village/HI( Photo Diamond Village Condo/ZWEBGATE.com AES, Inc 16 CRA ICSCC Mac Russell Enterprises 1:45.559 Red/While Red 16 16 IRDC IROC ICSCC ICSCC EKR Ieachman Racing 1:50.230 1:49.528 Silver /Blue Yellow Yellow Red/White/Green led/White/Blue White/Red Red 16 16 16 16 16 7 0 Westmaunt Motors Pat's Autosport- Auburn CANUSA Equipment, LTD Krangle AutofStuH Auto/Enda Hair Studio M325 Radng/CG Motorsports/Pat's Automotive Circle HEnterprises/Julia PaHerson, Acupunturist The Clearview Group, Inc 1:50.323 1:52.019 1:51.475 1:50.633 1:54.358 1:52.824 1:49.350 1:52.879 1:56.709 28:22.290 GT3 70 Mac Russell In 39 Eric Krause 56 Bruce Ieachman RS 1 2 3 4 5 DNF DNS David Stenner Stephen Pfeifer Dave Whieldon Leo Redavid Jeffery Wicks Jack Dechristopher 17 Hal Hilton 172 162 756 723 157 47 4 6 7 10 13 DNF DNS SCCBC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC (A(( CACC CACC CACC BMWA ICSCC TC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC TOTAL IN GROUP= 20 COMMENTS: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:30:17 PM TIMING&& I I •I STEWARD: INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB SALUTE TO THE TROOPS Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES GROUPS OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21·22, 2005 POS (A EIP 97 184 79 S6 340 6 173 1:42.096 7 12B B ISS 9 312 10 132 II 60 DNS 24 FIP S4 GIP DNS 6 DNS 306 GTL 123 361 HIP DNS 12 ITA 23 s s 6 7 8 9 10 DNF DNS DNS 744 71 19 78 197 142 30 743 07 48 61 ITB 304 ITS 7S 148 3 4S 1:41.448 4 72 s 399 6 317 DRIVER TOWN COLOUR MAKE LAPS IB 0/A CLUB/LICENSE MC Automotive Alternative Cartage/Allan AutatechfSports Imports Hugh and Polly Richards Beachmon Racing Frost Engineering I:37.S8S I:37.602 I:40.470 I:3B.807 1:40.1S6 ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Mea lard Racing f (oscoda Autosport Lindo Woj f Jeff Clarck and friends Moria Jones Racing Roy's Boathouse 1:41.11S I:42.S66 1:43.966 I:47.774 I:44.S40 liD( ICSCC MC AutabadyfSommamish Racing scm ICSCC ICSCC Big·O Tires. Maple Ridge St Johns Auto Center/ Advantage Collison Center Wile I:SI.240 I:S4.6S3 Toyo TiresjBackcountry Snowcots, LTD Hydro Physics Pipe Inspection York Matorsportsjwww.drivingsports.cam TC Motarsparts/Group 2 Matorsparts Top Tech TC Motor sports I:42.2BO I:42.446 I:4S.77S 1:44.525 I:44.496 1:4S.441 I:46.S68 I:46.927 1:4B.S38 1:49.168 I:S0.887 IROC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC 6 IROC ICSCC B BMW ICSCC II BMWCCA Mark McClure Jeff Ramler! Hugh Richards Bruce Beachman Paul fitzgerald Was Hill Sammamish, WA Vancouver, B.C. North Vancouver, B.C. Woodinville Woodinville Bellevue, WA Super 7 Datsun Roadster Mazda RX7 BMW BMW 32Si BMW 32Sis Blue Silver Red/White Red White Blue/Black 18 IB IB IB Roland Ayala Rick Bostrom To~ias Basiliko Tom Olsson Ken Calhoun Gory Way Woodinville, WA Tacoma, WA Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Ellensburg, WA Foil City, WA BMW 32Sis Mazda RX7 BMW 2002 BMW 32Sis Alia Romero Datsun 240Z White White/BiuejRed Green Orange Red Grey/Black 17 17 17 17 17 0 14 IS 20 23 26 DNS BMWA IROC liD( BMWA IRDC liD( Bruce {David) Boyd Sammamish, WA Mazda Miota Silver /OK Blue 17 2S Brion Meakings Don Walker Maple Ridge, B.C. Bothell, WA Datsun SIO Datsun Sl 0 Red Red/While/Blue DNS DNS Linda Heinrich William I. Slottke Portland, OR forest Grove, OR Toyota Paseo VW Rabbit Red Burgundy Bob Walker Federal Way, WA Austin Healey Blue Reg Milne Rick Delamare Kevin York Toryn Sparacio Michael Conatore Chris Romney Randy Robertson Sean Hester Richard Qualey Robert Dunn Jeff Clark Bambi Jilek William Bacholner Whistler, B.C. Snohomish, WA Seattle, WA Federal Way, WA Olympia, WA Bellevue, WA Kirkland, WA Bellevue, WA Kent, WA Seattle, WA Puyallup, WA Renton, WA Battle Ground, WA Hondo Civic Hondo CRX Dodge Neon Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miota Mazda RX7 Mazda Miata Dodge Neon Mazda MX2 Mazda RX7 Mazda Miata Black Red White Red/Blue Silver/Blue Red/Blue Red White Red White Red Blue Silver/blue Mark Godsoe Kent, WA BMW 2002 Brian Horne Andrew Newell Mike Blaszczak Des Moines, WA Seattle, WA Sammamish, WA David Stenner Steve Gwinn William Grover Port Coquitlam, B.C. Mercer Island Renton, WA 18 scm scm IROC (S(( 29 30 me ICSCC ICSCC DNS IROC ICSCC IB IB 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 I 0 0 7 9 13 16 18 19 22 24 27 28 DNF DNS DNS scm IROC FIA IROC TC IROC IROC IROC liD( SCCA IROC IROC TC ICSCC ICSCC FIA ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC SCCA ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC While/Multi IS 31 IROC ICSCC BMW 32Sis BMW 32Sis BMW 32Sis Silver White White IB IB 18 4 IROC ICSCC s BMWA ICSCC 10 BMWCCA Acura Integra BMW Mazda RX7 Silver /Blue Green Red IB 17 17 12 17 21 16 16 scm BMW IROC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC DND Fabricating Jell's Automotive f Drive Fast Software RKL Racing Jell's Automotive and Friends Jell's Automotive BlOC Sunglasses Strictly BMW Strictly BMW ICSCC Westmount Motors William Grover, Inc Realtor TOTAL IN GROUP= 38 COMMENTS: Sunday, May 22, 2005 2:24:43 PM TIMING && FASTLAP SPONSOR STEWARD: 1:46.201 I:S8.780 I :39.492 1:40.379 Screwy Lizard Racing.com I:43.420 I:43.08S 1:4S.2S4 INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB SALUTE TO THE TROOPS Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES GROUP6 MAY 21-22, 2005 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS POS CAR COLOUR LAPS DRIVER TOWN MAKE 0/A CLUB/LICENSE Donn Snyder Boring, OR Swift Block Lee Fjellanger Dennis Fromm Norm Smith David Wroy Neveoux Scoff Nielsen Robert Hornbeck Bothell, WA Portland, OR Renton, WA Surrey, B.C. Federal Way, WA Concrete GP Thunder Legend Legend Legend Legend Legend Chev 34 White White While/Teal Burgundyj(reo White/Red RedfSil 18 18 18 17 16 16 Jay Boggs Richard Boggs Dennis Peters Bothell Kirkland, WA Gig Harbor, WA AMAC AM·7 Amac Am7 Cheetah Purple/BiuefGre Red GreenfBiue 18 17 I IRDC 9 IRDC DNF IRDC Michael Smith Cheryl Gilbert J. Craig Curtis Newport, OR Sammamish, WA White Rock, B( Tsunami (aracal Mysterion Red/White Purple/White Blue 17 17 0 7 (S(( ICSCC B IRDC ICSCC DNF S((B( ICSCC Baffle Ground, WA Swift White 18 SPONSOR FASTLAP CSR DNS 71 DNS (S(( ICSCC Onboord SystemsfLoynings Engine Service ICSCC INEX INEX ICSCC INEX INEX www.nwlegends.cam and thanks Jeff Clark Special Olympics/Pacilic Alaska Forwarders/Fox Sports Advanced Film ond Video LB &RLogging LB&R Logging Co I:42.224 I:42.668 I:43.393 I:42.806 I:46.S60 I:43.4SB ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC My Father's Spare Ports George Dean Racing Engines Action Business Furniture I:29.SBI I:34.SB4 I:33.4S9 Harbor Village RV Pork Broomspeed Racing Concord Interiors/Bow Wow Auto Parts 1:46.3S3 1:46.664 Curran (oil Spring/PSI Motorsports 1:34.101 ESR 8 7SO 722 10 781 762 3 IRDC 4 Legan s Legan 6 S((B( 10 Leg en II IN EX FSR I 2 DNF 87 78 28 FV I S7 2 17 DNF 8B 52 I 37 John Bachofner s TC ICSCC I "I TOTAL IN GROUP= 14 COMMENTS: Car 28 - DNF - Sound Violation Car 78 - 1 Lap Penalty - Passing on Yellow Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:05:11 PM TIMING && STEWARD: INTERNATIONAL RACE DRIVERS CLUB Sanction ICSCC PACIFIC RACEWAYS Track Length 2.25 MILES NCW OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS MAY 21-22, 2005 POS CA NCW I 2 3 4 378 723 336 312 s JBS 6 392 7 344 8 317 9 33B 10 lOS II 371 1:37.946 12 24 13 311 14 303 IS 333 16 ss 17 319 18 302 19 313 20 744 21 304 22 367 23 346 24 39B 2S 334 26 330 DNF 3S9 DRIVER TOWN MAKE COLOUR Morgan Mansfield Frank Redavid Nash Johnson Tobias Basiliko Mark Trefonos Bob Mearns Roldan de Guzman William Grover Cyril Greenawalt John Rissberger Erik Bronnfors West Vancouver BC Vancouver B.C. Kenmore, WA Seoffle, WA Rhododendron, OR Woodinville, WA Edmonds, WA Renton, WA Bellingham, WA Aurora, OR Shoreline, WA Super 7 Mazda RX7 Hindo Civic BMW2002 VWGTI BMW 32Si Acuro Integra Mazda RX7 BMW 32Sis Chevy Camara BMWM6 Gary Woy John Chan Thomas Moll Tyler Kolbo Paul Pafferson Jacob Tabor Jon Reed Stephanie Richert Paul Forgey Mark Godsoe John F. Loudon Denny Sutich Kenneth Redburn Jim Eby Chris Benedict Greg Slyngstad Foil City, WA Issaquah, WA Seaffle, WA Tacoma, WA Anacortes, WA Fairview, OR Seoffle, WA Bellevue, WA Seaffle, WA Kent, WA Tacoma, WA Bellevue, WA Quincey, WA Seaffle, WA Spanaway, WA Sammamish, WA Grey/Black Blue Mazda RX7 White VW Rabbit Red/Gray Dodge Rampage RedfWhitejBiue VW Rabbit WhHe Mazda Miala Red BMW 32Sis White Dodge Neon White BMW 2002 White/Multi Mazda RX7 White Mazda Miato Yellow Ford Fiesta Orange/Blue Mazda RX7 Yellow Hondo Accord Red/Gray BMW 32Sis Green Datsun 240Z vw Black/Silver RedfWhitejGreen White Green Green/Purple While/Multi White Red Black/White Blue Red LAPS II II II II II II II II II II II 0/A CLUB/LICENSE I S((B( ICSCC 2 (A(( (A(( 3 IRDC ICSCC 4 IRDC ICSCC s (S(( ICSCC 6 IRDC ICSCC 7 IRDC ICSCC B IRDC ICSCC 9 BMWA ICSCC 10 TC ICSCC II BMWCCA 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 22 10 23 10 24 10 2S 9 26 B DNF II II II II II II II II II II IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC (S(( ICSCC IRDC ICSCC BMWA ICSCC S((A SCCA IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC liD( ICSCC IROC I(S(( (S(( ICSCC IROC ICSCC SPONSOR Super 7 Motorsports Krangle Auto/Sluff AutojEnda Hair Studio Porter Construction and Long Painting Marie Jones Racing I:3B.B74 I:43.BSO I:44.S93 I :44.301 1:4S.96S Thanks Ken &Was 1:4S.266 I:46.018 William Grover, Inc Realtor I:4S.640 Real Properly Training 1:46.197 Sheryl· Sylvie. Pull· Marsh Transmissions I:44.629 ICSCC Frank Fahey MotorsportsfJanErik Racing/Red Shark Racing DND Fabricating Pat's Automotive Snoqualmie Falls Brewing Co House of Details/D&V Automotive Auburn Foreign Car BlOC Sunglasses Sutich Insurance Agency/Monroe Port House (oscoda Remodelerslnc Koyok.com TOTAL IN GROUP= 27 COMMENTS: Saturday, May 21,2005 4:17:22 PM TIMING && FASTLAP STEWARD: I:46.307 I:34.377 I :4B.076 I:49.S3B I :S2.14B I :S2.976 I:S2.214 I:S4.069 I:S2.211 I:S4.930 2:00.537 I:S9.3B4 2:04.992 I:SI.72B I:S3.114 I:4S.9SS International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 1: AP, BP, CP, DP, PR03, SBMW, SPM, SPO, SPU Official Points for the 2005 Race Season Car Number ...c ... u ... Q . 0 ... II: ill: ::E ID Driver's Name ...::E ...0 (I) ... ::I (I) Racel1 Aprll28 Mlselon Frank McKinnon 45 146 Mike Blaszczak Guy Selle 146 Guy Selle 32 395 338 42 120 369 126 48 3 392 192 135 BiiiSpornitz Ted Anthony, Jr. Cyril Greenawalt Derek Smith Gregory Miller Bruce Feller Peter Jenkin William DeWenbach Christopher Bowt Bob Mearns DaleBeuing Lance Reichert 40 103 StanBovetz John Osborn 70 157 52 128 39 02 19 127 1 18 149 56 350 152 Mac Russell Jeffrey Wicks Manfred Duske Roland Ayala Eric Krause Tom Miller Michael Conatore Hal Hilton Bud Reichard Brian Rissberger Margie Burgesser Bruce Beachman Morgan Smith Patrick Boyle 20 80 157 96 36 Joel Siegel Stew Paquette Ron Rowse Terry Ward 22 378 87 155 74 0 117 172 336 116 97 152 Morgan Mansfoeld Alan RusSell Rick Bostrom Brett Leahy Bill Thew Skip Jones David Stenner NaSh Johnson Darren Dilley Mark McClure Richard Gough Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9, 2005 Race t2 M8)' 8 PIR Race 13 M8)' 22 PR Race M Juna 5 PIR !i~IP:i!~!~Ri~lnil 1 ~!illi!~lf:!IJ~IIIi~Rr 33 (I) (I) Qualifying Points Key: iiHHIIIIIIIU!IIHii R-15 July 18 SRP Racel8 July 17 SRP R•ce 17 July 24 Mlselon ~~~~~~~~~-~--~~; R•ce 18 Race Ill Race 110 Race 111 Race 112 August 7 August 28 Sept 4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PIR Mission PIR PR c i .. Oron Totsl 59 86 47 :ll!ilhi~liii!!DI'II!I:P.llllfii!l i:li:~imD~!!IIl~~!' 25 20 14 19 22 22 22 18 19 16 ~~!~"~~~•!m~~~~ 3 19 18 17 15 3 :!!~!~!l!lllliimmml1*~~~~1: ~!~l: !:!~-~~!U!!tli 22 18 16 ;!~l~!i!illiT!h1i 25 17 16 20 22 18 22 1 15 14 13 ~~i!lEdrlii~J~~~ 19 1 1 3 3 22 1 15 '~:ii<:!iUii!;,::;: 25 3 25 22 .11~\:iiiQiU!llr! 1 19 22 20 16 20 18 tllllllilli~i~~ 25 22 17 54 92 54 53 49 38 21 19 19 18 17 15 3 30 27 95 57 50 42 41 30 20 20 15 15 14 3 3 1 47 47 26 18 68 61 57 44 41 27 25 22 17 1 1 li 8 =Ill ca: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 2: CR, EP, FP, GP, HP, IP, JP, PR07, SM Official Points for the 2005 Race Season Key: ~,\\1':!'i!i:!M\!!'W!i!li',ii;,: ~ 'a Driver's Nsme Car Number a: u IL w 62 93 4 339 3 41 0 Ron Johnson Btian Elmore Peter Belfanti Dale Champion Stelle Leonard David Barton MikeVolk 99 317 332 9 54 22 344 Joh~ IL IL CJ IL :c !!:: ... IL Racel1 Aprtl28 Mission Rllce t2 Maya PIR ~~i~~!MiHJ!m~m 22 Racen Rllcel4 Junes PIR May22 PR 20 25 20 i!lJ.!i~-~j~~~~~:~~ 19 385 Bonforte Bill Gro11er Ralph Paul James Ayoo.e Mar1<Cockle Gregory Scott Roldan de Guzman Robert Waco Robert Trefonas 5 23 39 12 Rick Delamare Reg Milne Greg Cantwell we Storms 34 50 43 95 21 36 123 Scott Morton Daile Rinker DalleDUMing John Galiano Dan HeinriCh Andrew Bacon Unda HeinriCh iirJIIliB~.!!II 07 77 53 8 7 Jeff Clark Hans Kunst Skip Yocom Andrew Edman Larry Olsen 111 lllm~ll'lllllll!l~l!'.I!!'I!Miillllil llllliHiDillill!''mlllll •Ill nt II " - . ··' -'··" --•-• - ' 193 94 53 77 55 94 Chuck Rancatti Jeff PeniCk Skip Yocom Hans Kunst Paul Patterson Jeff PeniCk lllllllf.llllllllilllbt·~~~,&~~~~~Wf.\\!i~~~!i.\! 1 20 JaCk Banton Bruce Douglas 00 IL Qualifying Points 20 19 25 22 20 18 18 3 !iHm~ll!l~il!P.IUI~if~~l~11ii!lif~~:~l\\ 25 20 llllllllU.,r.: 22 19 !allh1111HHII~I 'llll!illl!li!~!H! 22 20 20 l~!ilillilllllli!'ilil 19 19 25 22 3 22 22 22 Rllce ff7 July 24 Mission Rllce te Rllce f i Rllce 110 Rllce 111 Rllce 112 August 7 August 28 Sept4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PIR Minion PIR PR Gross Total 73 52 42 40 25 19 5 78 61 39 25 22 20 18 18 3 79 71 20 5 93 58 52 42 27 22 2 81 27 22 22 22 69 52 51 22 20 1 25 25 24 1111-IM! __i Rllce t8 July 17 SRP 20 20 1 Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9. 2005 Rllce 15 July16 SRP Gl -a,. c ! 3 as ca: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 2: CR, EP, FP, GP, HP, IP, JP, PR07, SM Official Points for the 2005 Race Season Car Number ~ 11. :; <II Driver's Name 157 76 142 70 114 391 48 Dave Doan AI Carton Sean Hester Steve Justiss Philip Edwards Joel Carson Bambi Jilek 71 86 197 78 186 32 11 45 178 6 30 10 16 61 Taryn Sparacio Jon Ament Randy Robertson Chris Romney Jonathan Clark Chris Heinrich John Bachofner Jess Heitman Carto Sparacio Doug Jennings Richard Qualey John Holt Mark Keller William Bachofner Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9. 2005 Qualifying Points Race 111 Aprll28 Mission Key: Race 112 Maya PIR Racet3 May22 PR RaceM JuneS 20 22 25 20 19 19 20 PIR s "''''' "' ,,,,.,,,, 18 18 27 19 27 19 22 20 18 22 20 19 15 17 22 13 18 17 20 18 15 14 24 17 13 27 20 1 16 16 12 Race 15 July 16 SRP Race 116 July 17 SRP Racet7 July 24 Mission eGia/Wlnner Racet8 RaceH Racet10 Racet11 Racet12 August 7 August 28 Sept 4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PIR Mission PIR PR :cc i'C Gross Total 86 83 69 59 18 18 1 90 79 75 54 49 46 43 27 20 17 16 12 6 c ~ ., B Ill cca: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 3: CF, F2, FA, FF, FL, FM Official Points for the 2005 Race Season Car Number IL (J Qualifying Points Racell1 Aprll28 Mission Race II:! MayS PIR Race#3 May22 PR Race 114 Junes PIR 25 3 22 25 19 17 22 18 Race liS July 16 SRP Race I& July 17 SRP Race 117 July 24 Mission Pote.Wina Race A Race 119 Race 1110 Race 1111 Race 1112 August 7 August 28 Sept4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PiR Mission PR PIR Ci 'C Gl 'C ., c Gl Gross Total 77 31 32 Gabe Henderson Mark Keller Alycia Hodapp Neil Shetton Jack Scher Kyle Obemdorf Ralph Hill Stephen Wurster BotrSpreen Trout Roberts Kris Spreen Rodney Jenssen Tom Kreger Bob Posner Dan Iosch Keith Harwood larry Bangert IL "' 332 338 Nicholas Belling Robert Armitage 76 58 c 126 Tim Osborne James Blackwell 27 5 18 45 49 Michaellensen Dave McKay George Burgesser ...J 55 0 Rob Meyering Bob Hillison 30 25 ::!i 79 39 93 Dave Gaylord Rodney Jessen Doug Evans 27 22 3 IL IL IL IL IL 21 6 02 58 8 328 11 24 17 33 316 2 00 26 Driver's Name Key: Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 15, 2005 22 18 3 20 3 13 25 15 17 1 14 16 19 3 3 ,;•.27 25 22 99 60 52 47 36 35 32 31 23 21 20 19 19 9 3 1 1 27 25 25 J!! () - as eta: • IN-~ COIIFIIIIIKI ICSCC RACE ENTRY FORM OF SI'OUS CAl Q.UIS • • ~~ <- I PAYMENT $ ICSCC 02/06//05 I OTHER I CAR# ENTRY FEE (TOTAL) I © DO NIT WRITE liN THIS SPACE I GROUP I CLASS Please type or print Complete all information and sign entry I NOTE: SEPARATE ENTRY FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH RACE GROUP ENTERED STREET ADDRESS NAME I CITY STATEIPROV EMAIL ADDRESS (If applicable) RACE UCENSE11 0 0 ICSCC SCCA 0 0 FOR NOVICE RACE ONLY: 0 OPEN WHEEL 0 CAR MAKE CACC ZIP I POSTAL CODE AREA CODE I TELEPHONE NUMBER CLUB AFFILIATION GROUP I CLASS ENTERED (see below) NON-ICSCC CAR# (Must be a 700 series number) OTHER CLOSED WHEEL TRANSPONDER # (Mandatory) CAR COLOR(S) CAR MODEL SPONSOR(S) DATE OF EVENT SPONSORING I CLUB #RACES ENTERED THIS IS NAME OF EVENT 0 FIRST ENTRY 0 ADD'L ENTRY ENTRY FEE DONATION TO WORKER FUND? $ 0 YES? $ TOTAL ENCLOSED # PAID PASSES $ (add to total) PERSON I TELEPHONE# TO CONTACT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NAME(S) YES NO 0 0 2. 0 0 3. 0 0 CREW 1. GROUP1 GROUP2 GROUP3 GROUP4 GROUPS GROUP6 GROUP7 PREPAID? NAME(S) PREPAID? YES NO 0 0 5. 0 0 6. 0 0 CREW 4. YOUR GROUP AND CLASS CHOICES ARE (enter in box above): OA PROD 0 B PROD DC PROD Do PROD 0 SPU DSPM OSPO 0 PR0-3 0 SBMW DE PROD OF PROD DGPROD OH PROD OIPROD OJ PROD OCR OPR0-7 OSPEC MIATA OCF OFF 0 FL OFA OFM 0F2 DGT-1 DGT-2 DGT-3 DGTA 0GTP0AS 0RX7 0 ITE 0 RS (note run group change) DITA DITB DITC DITS DGTL (formerly_ GT-4 and GT-5) DEIP OFIP 0 GIP DHIP OFV OFFF/500 OS-2 0CS2 DBG DASR DBSR OCSR DDSR DESR OFSR 0 NOVICE Closed Wheel lOR GROUP 8 I 0 NOVICE Open Wheel Failure to submit com(21ete~, signed, and legible forms will constitute a late entry and a late entry fee will be assessed. See Comp. Regs. for details. The undersigned represents and affirms to the sponsoring club, as well as the ICSCC, that the undersigned has reviewed and agrees to compete under the current ICSCC competition regulations and any supplementary regulations which may be issued by a sponsoring club pertaining to this event. The undersigned further certifies that the car's equipment complies with current ICSCC competition regulations. The undersigned certifies that the undersigned has read the race announcement and holds a competition license authorizing the undersigned's participation in this race event. The undersigned releases unto ICSCC and the sponsoring club the rights to use the undersigned's name and images of both the undersigned and the undersigned's automobile for promotional purposes as deemed fit by the ICSCC and/or the sponsoring club. ENTRANTS LEGAL SIGNATURE: DATE: • ----~----------- IN-lX*M COIIFIIIINCI ICSCC RACE ENTRY FORM Of SI'OitTS CAl Q.UIS • L <:'~ Please type or print Complete all information and sign entry • I CAR# I ENTRY FEE (TOTAL) I © DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE I GROUP I CLASS -~------------- $ ICSCC 02106/105 I OTHER I I PAYMENT I NOTE: SEPARATE ENTRY FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH RACE GROUP ENTERED NAME STREET ADDRESS I CITY STATEIPROV EMAIL ADDRESS (if applicable) RACE UCENSE# D D ICSCC SCCA D D FOR NOVICE RACE ONLY: D OPEN WHEEL D CAR MAKE ZIP I POSTAL CODE AREA CODE I TELEPHONE NUMBER CLUB AFFILIATION GROUP I CLASS ENTERED (see below) CACC NON-ICSCC CAR# OTHER (Must be a 700 series number) CLOSED WHEEL TRANSPONDER # (Mandatory) CAR COLOR(S) CAR MODEL SPONSOR(S) DATE OF EVENT SPONSORING I NAME OF EVENT CLUB #RACES ENTERED THIS IS 0 FIRST ENTRY 0 ADD'L ENTRY ENTRY FEE DONATION TO WORKER FUND? $ 0 YES? $ TOTAL ENCLOSED # PAID PASSES $ (add to total) PERSON /TELEPHONE# TO CONTACT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NAME(S) YES 0 NO 0 2. 0 0 3. 0 0 CREW 1. PREPAID? YES 0 NO 0 5. 0 0 6. 0 0 CREW 4. NAME(S) PREPAID? ' GROUP1 GROUP2 GROUP3 GROUP4 GROUPS GROUP6 GROUP7 I YOUR GROUP AND CLASS CHOICES ARE (enter in box above): DA PROD 0 B PROD DC PROD 0 D PROD 0 SPU DSPM 0 SPO 0 PR0-3 0 SBMW OEPROD DFPROD DGPROD DHPROD DIPROD DJPROD OCR DPR0-7 DSPECMIATA DCF OFF 0 FL DFA OFM 0F2 OGT-1 DGT-2 DGT-3 DGTA DGTP DAS 0RX7 DITE DRS (note run ~roup chan~e) DITA DITB DITC DITS DGTL (formerly GT-4 and GT-5) DEIP DFIP 0 GIP DHIP DFV DFFF/500 DS-2 0CS2 OBG 0ASR OBSR OCSR DDSR DESR OFSR 0 NOVICE Closed Wheel lOR GROUP 8 I 0 NOVICE Open Wheel Failure to submit comgleted, signed, and legible forms will constitute a late entry and a late entry fee will be assessed. See Comp. Regs. for details. The undersigned represents and affirms to the sponsoring club, as well as the ICSCC, that the undersigned has reviewed and agrees to compete under the current ICSCC competition regulations and any supplementary regulations which may be issued by a sponsoring club pertaining to this event. The undersigned further certifies that the car's equipment complies with current ICSCC competition regulations. The undersigned certifies that the undersigned has read the race announcement and holds a competition license authorizing the undersigned's participation in this race event. The undersigned releases unto ICSCC and the sponsoring club the rights to use the undersigned's name and images of both the undersigned and the undersigned's automobile for promotional purposes as deemed fit by the ICSCC and/or the sponsoring club. ENTRANTS LEGAL SIGNATURE: DATE: I International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 4: AS, GT1, GT2, GT3, GTA, GTP,ITE, RS, RX7 Official Points for the 2005 Race Season ~ Car Driver's Number Name 25 61 80 45 64 03 79 349 305 Rick Mackin Danny Nelson Rob Rissberger David Baker David Bennitt Kevin Smith David Thieman Larry Russell John Rissberger 20 98 84 96 51 Joel Siegel Dyrk Vanzanten, Jr. Dick Ott Ron Rowse Alan Wendler g 52 109 1 88 01 Manfred Duske Glen Petersen Bud Reichard Edward Humphrey Dean Miller g 70 Mac Russel g 93 Jeff Strohecker ~ 12 39 56 Steve Paquene Eric Krause Bruce Beachman 8! 162 15 7 50 47 17 172 310 186 171 82 342 Steve Pfiefer Jeffrey Wicks ian Thomas Jack DeChristopher Hal Hilton David Stenner George Kondor Jonathan Clark Ca~o Sparacio Terry Miller P-atrick O'Donnel ~ Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9, 2005 Qualifying Points Racel1 Aprll28 Mission Rsce12 MayS PlR Key: C( Racet3 May22 PR Race tl4 JuneS PIR 17 25 22 19 Race IS July 16 SRP i Rscel& July 17 SRP Race 17 July 24 Mission Race 18 Race 19 Race 110 Race 111 Race 112 August 7 August 28 Sept 4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PIR Mission PlR PR , Gross Total 59 51 50 16 41 21 21 20 18 16 25 22 52 49 25 23 18 3 22 3 22 20 22 45 44 30 27 27 62 3 57 49 22 22 22 67 20 3 1 25 17 17 16 25 55 47 33 26 25 17 17 16 3 3 c B fl) Gl u - as CCII: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 5: EIP, FIP, GIP, GTL, HIP, ITA, ITB, lTC, ITS Official Points for the 2005 Race Season Key: Pdie'?Wiri* cc 'C Gl car Number D. Driver's Name Qualifying Points Racel1 April28 Mission Race 112 Maya PIR Racel3 May22 PR 155 184 97 79 56 128 46 103 87 340 173 312 132 60 24 Rick Bostrom Jeff Remfert Marl< McClure Hugh Richards Bruce Beachman Roland Ayala Bob Mullikin John Osborn Alan Russel Paul Fitzgerald WesHill Tobias Basiliko Tom Olsson Ken Calhoun GaryWoy D. 54 Bruce Boyd a D. 6 306 Brian Meakings Dan Walker D. 12 Bob Walker 5 William Slottke Jim Nealon Unda Heinrtch Stephen MacDonald Gregory Cooper Dan Heinrtch Skip Jones Michael Brusher Richard Gough Steve Leonard 22 iii u:: :i: ... ..J Cl 361 12 123 95 50 21 17 80 152 3 Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9, 2005 Race 14 Junes PIR 19 3 20 20 19 16 20 19 18 18 17 14 13 12 1 Racet5 July 16 SRP Race I& July 17 SRP Race tr7 July 24 Mission RacetB Racel9 Race 110 Race 111 Race 112 August 7 August 28 Sept4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PIR Mission PiR PR ,., c Gross Total 61 51 50 40 39 38 27 19 18 18 17 14 13 12 27 1 4 3 25 22 3 1 1 0 47 32 27 27 25 22 3 1 1 0 suGl -<II cca: International Conference of Sports Car Clubs Race Group 5: EIP, FIP, GIP, GTL, HIP, ITA, ITB, lTC, ITS Official Points for the 2005 Race Season car Number ~ Driver's Name 71 5 23 197 19 78 142 07 02 43 04 06 121 86 63 30 186 48 61 10 Taryn Sparacio Rick Delamare Reg Milne Randy Robertson Michael Conatore Chris Romney Sean Hester Jeff Clark Garrett Clark Dave Dunning Greg Marshall Doug Jennings Keith Carter Jon Ament Dennis Roberts Richard Qualey Jonathan Clark Bambi Jilek Wollam Bachofner John Holt ID 304 Mark Godsoe Dave Dunning g 94 Jeff Penick ~ 45 38 72 53 18 75 84 148 89 82 399 1:: Mike Blaszczak Bill Grover David Stenner Skip Yocom Jack Burns Brian Home Lincoln Bums Andrew Newell Terry McBride Terry Miller Seve Gwinn Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9. 2005 Qualifying Points Racet1 Aprll28 Mission Key: ~cel2 Maya PIR Racel3 May22 PR ~cel4 June5 PIR 20 25 19 22 18 17 3 16 18 19 20 16 18 17 15 3 16 15 17 14 13 11 20 18 1 14 14 12 Racet5 July 16 SRP ~eel& July 17 SRP Racen July 24 Mission ~cel8 Racel9 ~cet10 Racet11 Racet12 August 7 August 28 Sept4 Sept24 October 2 PR PIR Mission PIR PR :c Gross Totsl 80 78 72 68 58 52 45 34 30 20 20 19 17 16 14 14 12 27 27 :~~ill.~i-~l!iJ~~~~~ 22 ::!~~~~~~~~1~ii~!M' 20 17 19 20 22 19 16 17 25 18 22 20 19 18 a: 5i B =Ill cr:a:: "0., 54 88 71 63 45 40 27 24 22 20 19 18 International Conference of Sports car Clubs Race Group 6: CS2000, CSR, ESR, F440/500, FSR, FV, 52000, BG, Legends Official Points for the 2005 Race Season Key: ,,,PQki,JYii'jijer···. c 'g 'g car Number Driver's Name "' 312 iii 71 Donn Snyder a: 8 10 Lee Fjellanger David Neveaux a: 28 87 78 Dennis Peters Jay Boggs Richard Boggs > 57 88 17 07 19 23 54 Michael Smith Craig Curtis Cheryl Gilbert Alan Harrington AI Ores Scott Arthur Karl Seger Chuck Boyce Paul Whitworth 37 11 John Bachofner Ray Stec <II 0 0 <II w 8? IL 6 66 "' <II Qualifying Points Racel1 Aprtl28 Mission Racel2 Maya PIR Race 113 May22 PR Racel4 JuneS PIR Race II& July 17 SRP Race 117 July 24 Mission Race 18 Race 119 Race 110 Race 111 Race 1112 August 7 August 28 Sept 4 Sept 24 October 2 PR PIR Mission PIR PR Gross Total 27 Earl Berg Prepared by Mike Blaszczak June 9. 2005 Race 115 July 16 SRP 102 81 25 21 31 27 22 19 60 20 27 22 21 20 20 3 3 27 81 27 76 70 22 20 22 27 c ., B ~~~~ c(O:: my concern comes from competitors 'short cutting' over the concrete to gain an advantage, or as an easy out to compensate for a bad decision. Rather than risk someone unsafely re-entering between turns 2 and 3, the decision was made that anyone that runs four wheels onto the run-off concrete is obligated to return under the control of the worker at the stop sign at turn 3. Those that re-enter without stopping will be black flagged and pulled in for a stop-n-go. This was discussed at the drivers' meeting, and everyone seemed to be in agreement. It's perhaps not a perfect policy, but appears to have worked. We had no contact or unsafe re-entry, nor delays of any kinds because of the chicane. I'm certainly open to suggestions or other ideas if we can improve how this part of the track operates. Four races into the 2005 season and I think I'm getting the hang of this 'Steward' stuff. Thanks to all for your patience. Only two comments this time: . . At Seattle we had several volunte~rs ra1s1n~ concerns over the speeds th~t ~ome dnvers cont1nue to carry thr?ugh yellow. fla~ mc1de~t zones. We spoke about .th1s at the d~1ver s meetm~s at both Seattle and th1s last event 1n Portland. I m happy to report we saw a significant improvement at Portland. Espe~ially during practice or qualifying, if you see an lnCident or yellow flag, do our volunt~ers ~ favor a,nd SLOW DOWN!! If you back out of 1t a little you ve already given up the fast lap: why not really come off the throttle and give our turn workers a little piece That's all I have for now. I hope to see everyone in of mind? We will continue to preach this theme at Spokane. If you have not driven Spokane Raceway Park before, you owe it to yourself to head over for upcoming events as well. the event. Until then ..... Second, the new chicane at PIR appears to be a hit. Everyone I spoke with enjoys the new configuration, Ken Hill indicating it allows more rhythm driving through that 2005 Race Steward section. It shows in that most drivers saw about 2 seconds drop from their old lap times. As Steward, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •11111111 • • • Aluminum Race Radiators 2-row Aluminum Racing Radiators Fast Service Radiator Repair Since 1947 • Custom Modifications • Build to fit Radiators & Inner Coolers • Radiator & Electric Fan Modules • • • 111111111111 II 11111111111111 II II II IIIII I111111111111111111111111111 IIIII II II 1111111 -~ All fines are in US funds. Race #3, Seattle. May 21/22 Group 1 #192 1 lap penalty, avoidable contact Group 3 #316, no qualifying time Sunday session, under weight #332 1 lap penalty, passing under yellow Group 5 Group 6 #142 no qualifying times, car change #28 DNF, sound #78 1 lap penalty, passing under yellow Race #4, Portland, June 4/5 Group 1, Group 2, #747 1 lap penalty, avoidable contact #11 1 lap penalty, avoidable contact 503-777-4706 800-835-3456 6147 SE Foster Rd Portland Or. 7206 111111111 II 111111 II 111111111 II 111111111111 II 111111111111111111111 II 1111111111111111 CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB presents The Jim Swanson Memorial IX August 27th & 28th This is a chicane race run from the Pro Pits! Entry to PIR from Friday night until the end of Sunday will be through Turn 8 only! PLEASE NOTE: THE BRIDGESTONE BRIDGE WILL BE OPEN FROM 7AM TO 10 PM SATURDAY AND FROM 7 AM TO 7 PM SUNDAY ONLY! This race is sanctioned by ICSCC, under the 2005 regulations as a championship race, organized by the Cascade Sports Car Club and held at Portland International Raceway. Gary Bockman, Race Chairman, may be reached at 503 288-4571 until 9 p.m. or by email at BSiracing@msn.com ENTRIES OPEN: Upon receipt of this announcement ENTRIES CLOSE: Postmark or faxed by August 17, 2005 ENTRY FEES: ICSCC or others- cash/check/Visa/MasterCard price Cascade Members- cash/check/Visa/MasterCard price Extra race: NON Cascade Members Extra race: Cascade Members LATE ENTRY FEE NO LATE ENTRIES ON SUNDAY! Pit/Spectator passes $180.00 $170.00 $90.00 $80.00 $50.00 Free Registration and tech will be set up at PIR on Friday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. Mail entries to: Registrar CSCC Linda Heinrich 3020 SW 66th Ave. Portland, OR 97225 Telephone: 503-297-8118 Fax: 503-286-5237 Email: racing2132@aol.com will be allowed. Additional parking is in the grass. Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew members: you may be disqualified as a result of their actions anywhere at PIR! The area behind the Pro Tower is reserved parking for ICSCC and CSCC officials: please do not park there as you will be asked to move. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only ONE support vehicle OR trailer in your pit area Class Rotation 5 MANDATORY TECH FOR ALL GROUP 4 CARS Grp #1- A-B-C-D-Prod, SPOIM/U, PR03, SBMW Grp #2- E-F-G-H-I-1-Prod, CR, Pro-7, SM Grp #3- CF, FF, FL, FA, FM, F2 Grp #4- GT1/2/3, GTAIP, AS, RX7, ITE, RS Grp #5- ITA/B/C/S,GT Lite, E-F-G-H-Imp Prod Grp #6- FV, FFF/500, S2, CS2, A-F SR, BG Grp #7- Novice C/W CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB JIM SWANSON MEMORIAL IX August 27th & 28th FRIDAY 6:00pm - 8:00pm 6:00pm - 8:00pm SATURDAY 7:30am -1:30pm 7:30am - 2:30pm 8:00am8:30am9:00am -9:15am 9:22am - 9:37am 9:44am - 9:59am 10:06am- 10:21am 10:28am- 10:43am 10:50am- 11:05am 11:12am- 11:30am 11:37am- 11:54am 12:01pm- 12:18pm 12:17pm- 1:15pm 12:30 1:20pm 1:47pm 2:12pm 2:37pm 3:02pm 3:27pm 3:52pm - 1:40pm -2:05pm -2:30pm -2:55pm - 3:20pm - 3:45pm -4:10pm 4:15pm 4:20pm- 4:50pm 5:00pm - 5:30pm 5:40pm- 6:10pm SUNDAY 7:30am - 10:00am 7:30am - ll:OOam 9:00am - 9:20am 9:30am -9:50am 10:00am - 10:20am 10:30am - 10:50am ll:OOam - 11:20am 11:30am -11:50am 12:00pm- 12:18pm 12:25pm - 12:43pm 12:43pm- 1:30pm !2:45pm 1:40pm -2:10pm 2:20pm - 2:50pm 3:00pm - 3:30pm 3:40pm -4:10pm 4:20pm -4:50pm 5:00pm - 5:30pm 5:40pm -6:10pm 6:20pm- 6:50pm Registration - Second Floor of the Pro Tower Tech - East end of the paddock Registration Tech Inspection Novice Track Tour @ base of scoring tower MANDATORY NOVICE MEETING WITH LICENSE DIRECTOR Practice Group 5 Practice Group 6 Practice Group 1 Grp 1 A-B-C-D Prod, SPOIMIU, Pro3, SBMW Practice Group 2 Grp 2 E-F-G-H-1-J Prod, CR, Pro7, SM Practice Group 3 Grp 3 CF, FF, FL, FA, FM, F2 Practice Group 4 Grp 4 GTl/2/3, GTAIP, AS, RX7, ITE, RS Novice C/W Practice Grp 5 ITA/B/C/S, GTLite, E-F-G-H Imp Prod Grp 6 FV, FFF/500, S2, CS2, A-F SR, BG ASC Qualifying Grp 7 Novice C/W Formula TR Qualifying Grp 8 Novice 0/W LUNCH Driver Meeting Moto X Stand Novice C/W Practice Group 5 Qualifying Group 6 Qualifying Group 1 Qualifying Group 2 Qualifying Group 3 Qualifying Group 4 Qualifying Senior Observers to Pre-Grid Novice C/W Race Formula TR Race #1 ASC Race #1 Registration Tech Inspection Group 5 Qualifying Group 6 Qualifying Group 1 Qualifying Group 2 Qualifying Group 3 Qualifying Group 4 Qualifying Formula TR Qualifying ASC Qualifying LUNCH!!!! Mandatory Drivers Meeting Race Group 5 Race Group 6 Race Group 1 Race Group 2 Race Group 3 Race Group 4 ASC Race #2 Formula TR Race #2 @ Motocross Grandstands CSCC Supplemental Regulations 2005 Infractions will result in penalties assessed to the driver. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Open to cars eligible under ICSCC current regulations. This event is organized under 2005 ICSCC Competition Regulations, and all who enter PIR are subject to them. Cascade Sports Car Club reserves the right to refuse entry to this event or to PIR at any time. Alcoholic beverages allowed in the beer garden area only, and only after the track closes. You may not bring alcohol into PIR! This is an Oregon Liquor Commission requirement. Any person caught bringing alcohol into PIR will be banned from the raceway. Registration closes at 1:30pm Saturday and at !O:OOam on Sunday. Competition numbers must be readable: Section 1106 enforced. Late entries handled according to ICSCC rules. Entries received after the postmark deadline will be charged $50. Under 18 years old not allowed in hot pits, pre-grid or on victory laps. Under 12 must have direct adult supervision at all times. A current and properly completed minor release form, signed by an authorized adult, must be on record for all minor participants brought into PIR. The scales will be open Saturday from noon and Sunday all day. No skateboards or scooters allowed in the paddock area. Users of bicycles and small motorized vehicles may have riding privileges revoked at any time by the Race Chairperson. Refueling not allowed in pre-grid. Fueling in the hot pits requires a crew member assigned only to manning a fire bottle. Excess spillage will result in a penalty. No smoking allowed in hot pits, pre-grid or any PIR building. Only one support vehicle allowed in paddock. Pit and pre-grid roads must remain clear. Noise rule ICSCC 1112 enforced! 103 dB at 50 ft.: no exceptions! Oregon State Law requires functioning mufflers to be used at PIR. Functioning mufflers must be capable of reducing sound energy by at least 5dB at trackside. Cars losing mufflers, even if they are still below the sound level, will be black-flagged immediately. Damage to the track, grounds or buildings, regardless of cause, will be charged to the driver responsible. Also, damage to any equipment or devices used by the sanctioning body (ICSCC) or sponsoring club (CSCC) to conduct this race, regardless of cause, will be charged to the driver responsible. Family and crew members of drivers are to contact the land line communication person at pre-grid with any questions regarding their driver or car. All entrants for this event shall present at tech inspection an empty, sealable container or containers, marked with the driver's name and license number, capable of holding 2 gallons of liquid. These are to be used to remove all oil, cleaners, brake fluid, etc. from PIR. There will be no drums provided. Anyone caught dumping oil at the raceway will be fmed and banned from the raceway. This is a PIR regulation. If entries exceed the number of cars allowed on the track for a particular event, drivers and cars entered as an "additional event" will be restricted from participating, on a first-come, first-served priority based on the date entries were received. This is in order to allow participation by all drivers for whom the event is their primary event, including Novices upgrading to a championship event. NSF checks will be charged an additional $50 fee. The racing "hot pit" is defined as that area under the control of Hot Pits personnel. This area is located immediately west of the break in the concrete wall halfway up the pit lane. Per ICSCC rule #1607, any person over that "pit wall" during practice, qualifying or races shall wear long pants, shirts that cover the shoulders, and shall not be barefoot or wear open-toed shoes. At the one minute warning, pre-grid becomes a "hot" area. At that time, pre-grid must be cleared of all crew, support personnel and spectators. Notwithstanding the above, ICSCC rule #1607 does not apply to the pre-grid area. All cars that are towed into the paddock area are subject to being dropped off in impound. In order to receive a refund you must notify registration if you are withdrawing from the event after you have checked in at registration. Thank you - Gary Bockman, CSCC Race Chairman 2ffJ5 ICSCC Ev~ Schtdlle Rotn is race group rotation: in rotn.1, group 1 is first on the weekend's schedule, and so on. l>cte EVert" Club July 9 Driver Training Locci1M IRDC P.R. July 15/16/17 Race #5/6 (rotn.1 /2) TC Spokane July 23/24 Race #7 (rotn.3) SCCBC Mission August 6/7 Race #8 (rotn .4) IRDC P.R. August 26 Driver Training P.I.R. August 27/28 Race #9 (rotn.5) cscc cscc P.I.R. September 3/4 Race #1 0 (rotn.6) SCCBC Mission September 23 Driver Training P.I.R. September 24/25 Race #11 (rotn.1) cscc cscc P.I.R. October 1/2 Race #12 (rotn.2) IRDC P.R. October 7 Driver Training TC P.I.R. October 14 Driver Training P.I.R. October 15 Enduro cscc cscc October 22/23 Driver Training NWMS Spokane November 12 ICSCC Banquet All SeaTac Marriott November 12/13 ICSCC Fall Meetings All SeaTac Marriott We've moved ... P.I.R. just across the street! HUGE SHOWROOM, KILLER SHOP Showroom Hours Monday - Friday 11AM to 6PM LLC. FUEL =t:. PARTS =t:. ACCESSORIES =t:. SAFETY GEAR =t:. CAR PREP 2242 N. Williams, Portland, OR 97227 • =t:. ROLL CAGES =t:. RENTAL CARS e-mail: ppsnw@mindspring.com • (503) 281·1579 CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB CHICANE CHALLENGE XIII Sanction ICSCC PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Track Length 1.969 Miles GROUP1 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS JUNE 4-5, 2005 POS DNS 1 2 3 4 DNF DNS 1 2 3 4 5 DNF DNF DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS 1 2 3 DNS DNS CAR DRIVER AP 33 Frank McKinnon BP 50 ian Thomas CP 45 Mike Blaszczak DP 146 Guy Selle PR03 395 Ted Anthony Jr. 42 Derek Smith 32 Bill Spornitz 338 Cyril Greenawalt 67 Bruce Feller SBMW 40 Stan Bavetz SPM 70 Moe Russell 128 Roland Ayalo 756 Dove Whieldan 127 Hal Hilton 52 Monfred Duske 56 Bruce Beochmon 350 Morgon Smith 2 Tom Miller lB Brion Rissberger 149 Morgie Burgesser 764 Mike Malone 788 Mork Powell SPO 96 Ron Rowse 122 Steve Paquelle 747 lou Gruzelier 790 Keith Delaney SPU 172 David Stenner 336 Nash Johnson 87 Alan Russell 0 Bill Thew 155 Rick Bostrom 116 Darren Dilley 378 Margan Mansfield 152 Richard Gaugh TOWN MAKE COLOUR Red LAPS 0/A CLUB/LICENSE 11 (S(( ICSCC DNS scm ICSCC SPONSOR FASTLAP 1:47.546 Portland, OR Ford Mustang N. Vancouver, BC Acura Integra R While/Blue Sammamish, WA BMW 325is White 17 BMWC ICSCC screwylizardracing.com 1:47.480 Chehalis, WA Nissan Sentra Red/White 17 NWDE ICSCC My Wife Darlene 1:48.164 Kenmare, WA Mukilteo, WA Sammamish, WA Bellingham, WA Portland, OR BMW 325is BMW 325is BMW 325is BMW 325is BMW 325i Yellow/Black Blue/Silver Orange Block/White Red/Yellow 18 17 16 16 0 4 10 15 19 DNF BMWC BMWC BMWC BMWC TC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ElA Matarsparts f Eastside Bavarian DSN Minisports Ray's Boathouse Real Property Training Autohaus Bayern 1:44.B61 1:49.923 1:50.665 1:51.95B Woodinville, WA BMW 325is White DNS TC ICSCC Teom Continental Redmond, WA Woodinville, WA Port Coquitlam, BC Issaquah, WA Covington, WA Woodinville, WA Bend, OR Merritt lslond, Fl Aurora, OR Bonks, OR Bottle Ground, WA Bend, OR Nissan 240SX BMW 325is Mazda RX7 Parsche 944 Nisson 240SX BMW 325i Dotsun 240Z Pontiac Fiero Ford Capri Dot sun 510 Porsche 911 Porsche Red White Yellow Red Silver Red Red/Block Red/White/Blue Blue Green/Yellow Blue Red/Blue 18 17 17 16 9 2 5 13 16 22 DNF DNF DNS DNS DNS DNS DNS CRA ICSCC BMWC ICSCC Abbotsford, BC N. Vancouver, BC Belcarra, BC Corvallis, OR Chev Monte Carlo Parsche 911T Ford Merkur Ford Cobra Blk/Yiw/Prpl Red Green Silver 18 18 16 0 1 SCCBC ICSCC 3 scm ICSCC 20 scm (A(( DNS NASA SCCA Part Caquitlam, BC Kenmare, WA Sammamish, WA Crane, OR Tacoma, WA Portland, OR W. Vancouver, BC Seattle, WA Acura Integra Honda Civic Alia GTV Westfield SPZ Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Super 7 Datsun Pl51 0 Silver/Blue White Red Yellow White/Blue/Red While/Green Black/Silver Blue 17 6 9 12 14 17 18 21 DNS 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 0 scm (A(( IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC SCCA SCCA (S(( TC (S(( (S(( TC (S(( (S(( (S(( SCCBC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC CRA ICSCC (S(( ICSCC IRDC ICSCC TC ICSCC scm ICSCC (S(( ICSCC Garage 5 f West Media Film f Thomas Design Mac Russell Enterprises MeeT oro Racing f Cascade Auto sport CANUSA Equipment My Yost Bank Account Diomond Villoge Condos/ Zwebgate.com Beochman Racing DAD/ Son Rocing Northwest Cryogenics f Pippin Hill Farms Errin, Pete &Tess f Morsh Transmissions Armadillo Racing Ent. 1:37.261 1:46.510 1:51.256 1:49.319 1:59.911 1:55.142 1:58.760 HouseVolues.com I Justlisted.com Modern Image Graphics/ Rowse Brothers Trucking Korva World Class Collision Ten Maples Film lo. Sofas! Racing Inc./ Raydye Racing Engines 1:36.678 1:40.523 1:47.988 Westmount Mounts Porter Construction /long Painting Judy's Daycare Yarwood Eng. linda WOJ Cheapfast Racing Super 7 Motorsports f Am soil Pacific Nissan f Elliott Tire 1:47.877 1:46.807 1:50.126 1:50.881 1:51.207 1:50.195 2:00.372 TOTAL IN GROUP= 34 COMMENTS: Car 747- 1 lap penalty- avoidable contact Thursday, June 09, 2005 7:12:46 PM TIMING && STEWARD: CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB CHICANE CHALLENGE XIII Sanction ICSCC PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Track Length 1.969 Miles GROUP 8 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS JUNE 4-5, 2005 POS CAR 1 2 3 4 DNF DNF DNS NOW 332 32B 27 31 338 316 718 DRIVER Nicholas Belling Kyle Oberndarf Wes Tipton Keith Harwood Robert Armitage Kris Spreen luke Vasquez TOWN langley, BC Surrey, BC Newcastle, WA Kent, WA Vancouver, BC Cleveland, OH Tigard, OR MAKE Van Diemen Crossle (rossle Van Diemen Van Diemen (rossle Radical SR3 COLOUR While/Gold Green Blue/Yellow Black/Yellow Red/Black Red Black LAPS 21 21 20 19 13 0 0 0/A CLUB/LICENSE 1 2 3 4 DNF DNF DNS scm scm ICSCC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC SCCBC ICSCC (S(( ICSCC SCCA SCCA SPONSOR www.velacityracing.ca /Infinitive Web Services H&RCollision I MTM Wealth Planning Armitage &Assoc Chiropractic I VelocityRacing.ca Team Spreen Chambers Auto TOTAL IN GROUP= 7 COMMENTS: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:30:59 PM TIMING && STEWARD: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FASTLAP 1:17.261 1:23.236 1:28.011 1:29.026 1:23.360 CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB CHICANE CHALLENGE XIII Sanction ICSCC PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Track Length 1.969 Miles GROUP2 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS JUNE 4·5, 2005 POS I 2 3 4 5 DNF I 2 3 4 DNF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 CAR CR 93 4 339 EP 9 99 22 JB 00 JBS FP 5 23 39 GP 43 95 34 so DRIVER TOWN MAKE COLOUR LAPS Brian Elmore Peter Belfanti Dale Champion Everett, WA Portland, OR Oakland, OR VW Rabbit VW Rabbit VW Rabbit Yellow/Black Purple/Yellow Silver IB 18 16 James Ayotte Jon Bonforte Gregory Scott Bill Grover Robert Waco Mark Trefonas Oregon City, OR Portland, OR Beaverton, OR Renton, WA Cornelius, OR Rhododendron, OR Honda Civic VWGolf Porsche 944 Mazda RX7 Dodge Neon VWGTI Blue White Orange Red Black Purple/Green IB 18 18 18 17 II Rick Delamare Reg Milne Greg Cantwell Snohomish, WA Whistler, BC Eugene, OR Honda CRX Honda Civic Toyota Corolla Red Black Black/Red 1B 18 16 Dave Dunning John Galiano Scott Morton Dave Rinker Andrew Bacon Portland, OR Monroe, WA lake Stevens, WA Federal Way, WA Tacoma, WA VWGolf Honda Civic Datsun 510 Mini Cooper Porsche 924 WhtfGrn/Yiw Green Yellow Blue/White OlivefRed/Wht 18 17 17 I Puyallup, WA Kelso, WA Mazda RX7 MGB GT White Red Salem, OR West linn, OR Mukilteo, WA Honda Civic VW Rabbit Ford Fiesta Portland, OR Portland, OR 36 HP 07 Jeff Clark 7 larry Olsen IP 94 Jeff Penick 53 Skip Yocom 193 Chuck Rancatti JP I Jack Banton 20 Bruce Douglas PR07 70 Steve Justiss 142 Sean Hester 76 AI Carton 157 Dave Doan 391 Joel Carson SM 767 Jon Davies 32 Chris Heinrich B6 Jon Ament 709 Terry Flanagan 197 Randy Robertson 71 Taryn Sparacio 06 Doug Jennings 7B Chris Romney 1B6 Jonathan Clark II John Bachofner 10 Jon Holt 0/A CLUB/LICENSE SPONSOR The Perfect Wife (S(( ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC I:40.747 I:39.43B I:4B.BS4 5 (S(( 6 (S(( 7 (S(( 17 IRDC 24 TC DNF (S(( ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC James Racing f Yawato Homes German Performance Systems f Matrix Integrated Team Bacchus William Grover Inc. Realtor Competition Motorsports Transmedic Transmissions I:36.830 I:36.B79 1:36.917 1:38.769 1:39.185 1:38.754 Hydro Physics Pipe Inspection Backcountry Snowcats Ltd. Sassy Cat Racing 1:36.413 1:34.BBI 1:45.293 Motorsports International 19 20 35 IRDC TC I (S(( ICSCC 2 scm ICSCC ICSCC 34 TC IRDC IRDC IRDC IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Bowman- Morton Mig Roller Racing f DND Fabricating TMB Racing f St. Bernard Rescue 1:39.720 I:40.327 I:39.39B 1:41.761 2:1S.BI9 IB 17 9 (S(( 31 TC ICSCC ICSCC Jell's Automotive Inc. &Friends Olsen Racing Team 1:35.416 1:43.598 White/Blue While/Yiw/Biue Orange/Blue 17 17 17 25 26 33 (S(( (S(( IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Dan Judy Auto f Dobler Autobody f Cascade Signs Wizard and Friends f Top Tech Motorsportd CCI Analytical labs 1:43.996 I:43.297 1:43.951 Pontiac Fiero Datsun 1200 Red Dk Green 16 IS 36 37 (S(( (S(( ICSCC ICSCC Sonja Douglas Ent.fl200's Forever 1:54.925 I:SJ.B96 Belfair, WA Bellevue, WA Snohomish, WA Mission, BC Portland, OR Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Red/White Blue/Black Red White/Black White 18 IB 17 17 17 13 16 27 2B 29 IRDC IRDC IRDC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC Jeff's Automotive Jeff's Automotive/ Drive Fast Software Corban Racing f ADDCO Inc. Excavating Access Automotive/ Titan Tire Elmer's Clackamas 1:36.722 1:37.0B6 1:42.325 I:42.702 1:43.017 Hood River, OR Portland, OR Renton, WA Wenatchee, WA Kirkland, WA Federal Way, WA Bremerton, WA Bellevue, WA Vancouver, WA Battle Ground, WA Tacoma, WA Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miato Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata Mazda Miata SilverfWhite Red Red/Blue Black/Purple Red Red/Blue Yellow Red/Blue Silver/Blue White Red/White IB 18 IB IB IB IB 18 3 4 B 10 II 12 14 18 IS 21 23 30 DNF 18 18 IB 17 12 22 32 JB (S(( scm (S(( SCCA SCCA ICSCC IRDC ICSCC BMWC SCCA IRDC ICSCC IRDC ICSCC (S(( ICSCC IRDC ICSCC TC ICSCC (S(( ICSCC IRDC ICSCC (S(( St Johns Auto Center f Advantage Collision Center TC Motorsports f Group 2 Motorsports Ryan Patrick Vineyards TC Motorsports f Group 2 Motor sports God Speed Racing f Magnolia Spice &Tea TC Motorsports Kemp Industries Cur ron Coil Spring f PSI Motorsports Johnny's Seafood Company TOTAL IN GROUP= 40 COMMENTS: FASTLAP Car 11 - 1 lap penalty - avoidable contact Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:27:19 PM TIMING && STEWARD: I :33.914 1:33.968 I:37.663 I:35.943 1:37.B17 I:37.662 I:37.265 1:39.463 1:40.745 I:3B.935 I :44.234 CASCADE SPORTS CAR CLUB CHICANE CHALLENGE XIII Sanction ICSCC PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Track Length 1.969 Miles GROUP7 OFFICIAL RACE RESULTS JUNE 4-5, 2005 POS CAR TOWN DRIVER MAKE COLOUR LAPS 0/A CLUB/LICENSE NCW I 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 DNS DNS DNS DNS 336 3S9 30S 371 38S 3SO 328 391 302 333 3S7 339 326 367 307 398 Nash Johnson Greg Slyngstad John Rissberger Erik Brannfors Mark Trefonas Morgan Smith Doug Turner Joel Carson Jon Reed Tyler Kolbo Wayne Monahan Dale Champion Andrew Robottom John Loudon Walter Wendolowski Ken Redburn 316 Crescent Kao 319 Jake Tabor 389 Ron Warren 3S8 Jason Guildner 364 Eric Jason 731 Chris Cyree Kenmore, WA Sammamish, WA Aurora, OR Seattle, WA Rhododendron, OR Bend, OR Springfield, OR Portland, OR Seattle, WA Tacoma, WA Milwaukie, OR Oakland, OR Beaverton, OR Tacoma, WA Salem, OR Quincy, WA Bellingham, WA Gresham, OR Toledo, WA Newberg, OR Troutdale, OR Portland, OR Honda Civic BMW32Si Chev Camara BMWM6 VW GTI Datsun 240Z Chev Camara Mazda RX7 Mazda Miata YW Rabbit YW Rabbit YW Rabbit Nissan 240SX Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Ford Fiesta Honda Civic YW Rabbit Ferrari 348TB Mazda RX7 Mazda RX7 Mini Cooper WMe White Blue Red Purple/Green Red/Black Silver/Lime While Red Red/Gray Black Silver Silver/Blue White White Orange/Blue Black/White Black Red White White Red 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 IS 14 0 0 0 0 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 DNS DNS DNS DNS IRDC IRDC TC BMWC (S(( (S(( TC (S(( IRDC IRDC (S(( (S(( (S(( IRDC (S(( IRDC IRDC (S(( (S(( TC (S(( SCCA ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC ICSCC SCCA SPONSOR Porter Construction I Long Painting kayak. com Sheryl, Sylvie, Puft I Marsh Transmissions Frank Fahey Motor sports I JerErik Racing I Red Shark Transmedic Transmissions DAD/ Son Racing Mackin Motor sports 1BASF Elmer's Clackamas Blowsion Kolors I Arai Helmets Jeffs Automotive (-Speed Racing I topshift.com House of Details I D&Y Automotive I Hot Track Polestar Fisheries Inc 99 West &East Trailers 1Speedtrixx Roadmaster Mini USA I Rasmussen Mini TOTAL IN GROUP= 22 COMMENTS: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:30:26 PM TIMING && STEWARD: Motorsports Deal• lor. Fomtula lfazdl Cell Di&tril'M.ttor lor. Aurora IJeariltfll ..... tun,,.,. ...... .,.., ... .,...., ,.,.. ,.,. , loin tcC6 ,..,....., Cfll& , . . • . . . . . . For Information (206) 766-8800 II: Cll' . . . . . . . FASTLAP 1:33.419 1:29.8S9 1:32.67S 1:29.10S 1:34.938 I:34.907 1:34.749 1:38.7S9 1:38.360 1:38.379 1:38.937 1:39.642 1:42.244 1:44.724 1:4S.664 1:48.S62 1:37.6S2 1:40.398 For Sale: 1964-2000 A sports Racer, an older dirt car converted to asphalt, 383 Chev 5-speed winters quick change, 450 + hp, 2000 lb wrapped in a beautiful wood body. $12,950 with a Wooden diesel truck. Jack Banton 503-244-8870. 3/05 For Sale: Dual axle open trailer, light and strong custombuilt with tire rack, electric brakes, good rubber, ramps that stow under the deck. Needs brake job, some surface rust. Easy to use and tows very nicely. Located in Portland, OR area, but registered in WA through 6/06. $1500. Contact Mike at 503-799-6652 or Joe at 503-650-9548. For Sale: 1980 Rover 3500 Vitesse Sedan. Factory 5 conatore@us.ibm.com. 4/05 speed, rebuilt 215 engine, leather seats, air, new paint, lowered, full aero kit. $12,950 obo or trade. Jack Banton For Sale: 1986 Gen. 2 Mazda RX7, GXL, 90% finished, over $10,000 invested in parts: Sparco, MSD, APCO ra503-244-8870 3/05 diator, electric fan, Momo quick release steering, fuel cell, For Sale: Rear fender moulds for converting a formula Tokico shocks and struts, ground control suspension, car into a Sports Racer. Built by Bob Delong and Bill Ste- Dellorto carbs, and much much more. Needs carb. tuned vens for a March 77 S. $250 Jack Banton 503-244-8870. and suspension set up. Call Mike after 7:00 p.m. (360) 3/05 568-8345. Price $4500. OBO. 4/05 For Sale: Solid state inverter Fits cigarette lighter socket and puts out 110 volts, 60 cycles and 60 watts. (new). Will run all sorts of things. $30, Also, 15 inch VGA Compaq computer monitor. $10. Frank Manley 425-7473407: Cell425-417-4101. FMa9575933@aol.com 4/05 For Sale: is for sale. for sale as 242-0166. Crossle 35F: Northwest Legend #8 Club Ford Serious enquiries only please. Other CF cars well: check us first before you buy. Jack 2063/05 For Sale: Here's your chance to own a really great car that you have seen over the last few years, 1993 Integra GS, Low mileage - refreshed engine and head w/all factory parts, .010 OB, ported and matched. OPM LSD, Prothane bushings, B&M Command Pro adjustable fuel pressure, Autometer gauges, DC header, KONI SS adjustable shocks, Eibach springs, 2 sets mounted Toyo's w/ 3 heat cycles each set, 1 set BBS I 1 set Enkei Sport wheels. Many spare parts available, some new in package. Only a few records but is a "winning" car. Runs great and is well balanced. It's ready for YOU to start racing. Asking $10,000 or OBO,Call Mike Yochim, 503-318-1936 or email mike_y54@yahoo.com. 4/05 For Sale: 25 years of Road & Track magazine: 1980 to 2005. Good shape - best offer. Real knock-off 14" chrome wire wheels. From a Ferrari. Adaptors can be For Sale: '77 Merlyn Mk 30 Club. Ford, race ready made to fit any car. Best offer. 916-663-1641. 4/05 SCCA 04 A. Tech, icscc Rbar stamp. Pro Maint. fits tall big driver. This model won 2004 Monoposto Champ. ReFor Sale: 86' Toyota MR2 Production Prep. Car cent Ivy eng. new belts & seat. Avon threaded tires This car is fun and easy to run. Low maintenance, coil mounted, slicks & rains w/spare set wheels. Spares inovers, extra spring, fuel cell, hard bushings, 3 sets of clude original alloy uprights & 8 gear sets. $10,500 Ed at wheel and extra parts, including a complete car. Buy to1fasteddie@centurytel.net, 253 853 6843 4/05 day, race today! Call 360-598-3262 5/05 For Sale: Club Rabbit - ICSCC group 2, all CR updates, 4 championships & 39 1st place wins, drivetrain professionally refreshed 2005, many new spares, 3 sets of whls. and tires including new rains - start racing a winner! $5,200 OBO call Tom Busic @ 503-656-9489 Photos at icscc.com/ads.html. 5/05 TCSCC welcomes ···•·••··•···••···•····•··••····••·••··•··•····••·····•·········• Classified ads run for three issues, after which they : are automatically cancelled unless renewed. ~ .. The numbers at the end of the ad show when the ad: began: 4105 means fourth issue of 2005. ..••...•.•••...•.••••.••.••..•........••.•••.••.•.....•....••.• , ~edctlvely our new Sound Control Officer, Robin Farnworth. This position has been vacant for some time, and it is great to know it is now in Robin's capable hands. ~lily 15-TT... have you sent in your entry yet? (Remember- it's a Friday to Sunday event.) It's all aluminum. It's all about racing. Lighten up! Cl I ,~... ·- A Pace American Company Free 50cc Pit Bike with any purchase o an Optima Trailer! ( svailsble In 5 colors) Your exclusive Northwest Dealer for Optima Trailers. Westside: 503-537-91031866-264-4825 Eastside: 503-513-9990 1 877-634-8393 Memo #5, June 2005 FIRST-CLASS MAIL US POSTAGE PAID LYNDENWA PERMIT NO 11 Return undeliverable mail to: 413B 19th St PMB 337 Lynden, WA 98264 Printed in Canada