- Your Ward News
- Your Ward News
STOP VOTING FOR PUPPETS! If you vote NDP, Liberal, or Conservative, you are WASTING YOUR VOTE! In 1974 Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau gave Rothschild control of our Bank of Canada. That is why unemployment, taxes, and prices are so high. Since 1974, every major political party leader has been a Rothschild puppet. They do not have the balls to shake this parasite loose, for fear of being ASSASSINATED! U.S. President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order to mint silver coins. His plan was to shut down the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve and have the American people print their own currency. Within weeks he was ASSASSINATED! Newly sworn in President Lyndon Johnson's first act, out of sheer fear, was to rescind Kennedy's executive order! Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, a Socialist who was loved by his people, announced he would issue a "Gold Dinar" coin to put all of Africa on the gold standard. Countries would stop paying interest to the Rothschild banks, thereby lifting the continent out of poverty. Within weeks the ZioMarxist-controlled mainstream media made up false accusations that Gaddafi was "bombing his own people". Then the ZioArmies quickly invaded and he was ASSASSINATED! Israel and the U.S. want to invade Syria, Iran and North Korea, claiming their leaders are "evil" (if it was not for Vladimir Putin and Kimmie's nukes, they would have). NOT A COINCIDENCE! The only countries in the world that do NOT have a Rothschild bank are Syria, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Cuba! Watch Sudan and Cuba carefully over the next few years. STOP ROTHSCHILD! VOTE INDEPENDENT ON OCTOBER 19! This message is brought to you by THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY OF CANADA. 163 Main Street, Toronto, ON. Phone: (647) 349-7865 www.NCparty.ca JAMES SEARS THANKS BEACHES-EAST YORK VOTERS Due to an outpouring of support from voters in Beaches-East York, Dr. James Sears received way more than the 100 nomination signatures he needed. He will submit his nomination form to Elections Canada, but Dr. James Sears is not a candidate yet. During the audit process, Elections Canada can reject the nomination form and signatures for a variety of reasons. The Illuminati do not want to see man-of-the-people Dr. James Sears on the ballot. Since the counting process takes place in secret, they may try dirty tricks to sabotage his candidacy. However, if things go as planned and Dr. James Sears is officially declared a candidate, you will receive his first election propaganda by mail in mid-September. James M. And Kelly P. Are HUGE “Your Ward News” Fans! They Instantly Recognized Dr. James Sears In the Lobby of 265 Main Street And Were Proud To Sign His Nomination Papers. DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. $5.00 S 2 WARDS: 31 & 32 FIVE Dollars BEACHES & EAST YORK MÉTIS OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 2007 NDP LEADER TOM MULCAIR IS AN ANGRY, THIEVING, PSYCHOPATHIC CREEP Tom Mulcair is an emotionally unstable, pathologic liar with anger management issues, who will destroy Canadian society if he ever became Prime Minister. What on Earth were NDP Marxists thinking when they begged him to lead them? Jack Layton had a weakness for rub & tug whores, but then again, cold fish Olivia Chow likely did not provide him with the sexual passion craved by a man of his political aspirations. Jamaican men refer to asexual Oriental women like Olivia as “starfish”— By Dr. James Sears, while you fuck Editor-In-Chief, them, they lie in bed perfectly Your Ward News. still, with their arms and legs stretched out. Nonetheless, for all his faults, Layton was not a bad guy. destruction of his reputation by Creepy Tom. Duhaime’s lawyer asked Mulcair for a simple apology. Pig-headed, nihilistic Mulcair refused. Mulcair was sued. He had multiple opportunities to apologize before the matter went to court in 2005. When Justice André Dionne found Mulcair guilty of slandering Duhaime, he wrote “The words of Mr. Mulcair went well beyond an expression of contrary views, open debate, even passionate engagement and freedom of expression in a free and democratic society. The harm done to (Mr. Duhaime’s) reputation is irreparable. One can hope that this judgment will act as ointment for the injury he has suffered and will help him put it behind him.” In true Marxist style, Mulcair refused to take any responsibility for the $95,000 judgement plus his massive legal fees, so he convinced the Liberal Party of Quebec to pay them! Not only does this parasite expect other people to pay for his fuck ups, but he uses his house as an ATM, remortgaging it every so often to pull out tax-free equity. An investigation of his home’s title reveals Mulcair took out 11 new mortgages between 1984 and 2009, gradually piling on more and more debt. The question is WHY? He had been gainfully employed throughout that period, But Tom Mulcair is no Jack Layton. Every single person I making far more money than most of us. So how is Mulcair burning through all that tax-free money? Does he have spoken to who watched the first federal leaders’ have a drug, gambling or spending addiction? Does he debate was seriously creeped out by the stiff-bodied, pay prostitutes in seedy Montreal torture chambers mask-faced Mulcair. I have seen more lifelike figures at thousands of dollars a month to relieve his pent-up Madame Toussand’s Wax Museum. Perhaps he was frustrations? We are not going to ask Mulcair because heavily medicated by his doctor to prevent his characteristic fits of irrational rage. In order to understand even if true, those matters are his personal business. the seething anger harbouring within this man, you have But the question we MUST ask is if Mulcair cannot to look at his history. Once you do, I guarantee you will manage his personal finances, then how on Earth can we NEVER vote NDP until they give him the boot. expect him to manage government finances? Today When sleazy Tom Mulcair was a Liberal MPP in the Quebec National Assembly, he was sued for defamation by Yves Duhaime. During a live TV broadcast Mulcair said of Duhaime “Consider article 121 of the Criminal Code, influence peddling …. We need a police investigation.” The accusation was totally baseless. Off air after the show, Mulcair became a deranged psycho, shouting at soft-spoken Duhaime "J’ai hate de te voir en prison VIELLE PLOTTE!" which loosely translated means “I’m looking forward to seeing you in prison you DIRTY CUNT!” A lying psychopath like Tom Mulcair knows that such a vile allegation, even if false or later retracted, can ruin a career. The character Cassio in Shakespeare's play Othello summed it up best with "O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial." Reputation is everything that makes a person a respected member of the human race. On speaking to the media a few days after the TV show, an unapologetic Mulcair blamed his “good Irish temper” for his outburst, but instead of retracting his remarks, he used the word “corruption” multiple times, even though he KNEW he had no evidence Duhaime was corrupt. Duhaime fell into a deep depression due to the Mulcair earns around $250,000 per year as Leader of the Official Opposition. In 2013, the last year where records are available, he was the #2 expensing MP in Ottawa, expensing OVER $550,000 for travel, salaries, etc. In addition, when in Ottawa, this opportunistic parasite lives for free at the residence of the Leader of the Official Opposition, Stornoway. Remember how Mulcair repeatedly made false accusations that Duhaime was “corrupt”? Pedophiles often work in organizations that protect children so they can both molest them with impunity and deflect their guilt by pointing the finger at others. Similarly, “corrupt” people often get into politics to be given trust over money, and they accuse other people of being “corrupt” in order to throw us off the trail of their own thievery. Keep these facts in mind when we expose Mulcair’s latest sleazy endeavour, which was overseeing the theft of $2.75M of taxpayers’ money by members of the NDP, including our very own small-time con artist, MP Matthew Kellway. We have already shown that Mulcair knows a thing or two about sleazing freebies from taxpayers, so he may very well be the mastermind behind this scam. Here is how the NDP scam was working before they were caught red-handed … CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 1 · E 0 P 1 T 5 INDEX: JEWISH TERRORISTS BURN PALESTINIAN CHILD ALIVE. Page 3 READING THIS NEWSPAPER? GOOD FOR YOU! Pages 4-5 THE MAILMAN SWEARS HE DELIVERED TO 10 GOWER STREET. Pages 6-7 “MAD SCIENTISTS” MAY BE CONSPIRING TO UNLEASH DARK FORCES. Pages 8-9 SABOTAGE BY CANADA POST WORKERS DELAYED DELIVERY. Page 10 MARXIST TERRORISTS VANDALIZE “YOUR WARD NEWS” OFFICE. Page 11 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Page 13 DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE After the 2011 election, the NDP opened innocent-sounding “satellite offices” in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City. They funneled taxpayers’ money into the cost of these offices. The only way they can legally do that is if the employees in those offices are working to support the MP’s in “the performance of their parliamentary functions in Ottawa.” In other words, those taxpayer-funded offices and workers would have to be helping the MP’s help YOU--their constituents. The House of Commons “board of internal economy” performed a forensic investigation of those expenses and uncovered that the NDP fraudulently shifted taxpayer money to these satellite offices for partisan purposes. In other words, Mulcair’s NDP used YOUR tax dollars to promote the NDP, instead of promoting your interests in Ottawa! For over a year Marxist crime boss Mulcair and his NDP commie crime syndicate threw up roadblock after roadblock to delay and deny the board’s findings of fraud. In February 2015 the House of Commons “board of internal economy” FINALLY HAD ENOUGH of the NDP delay tactics, and ruled that your tax money was indeed stolen. The board of internal economy sentenced the fraudsters to a very harsh punishment: they ordered 68 current and former NDP MPs to repay EVERY DIME—the whole $2.75 million in salary and costs incurred by staffers working in the so-called “satellite offices”. No criminal charges have yet been filed. 8 of the NDP MP’s that embezzled funds were in the Toronto area, including former NDP MP Olivia Chow and our very own NDP MP Matthew Kellway. These 8 MP’s conspired to defraud the taxpayers by pooling their parliamentary office budgets to cover the salaries of staffers working at a posh “satellite office” on Yonge Street. In last month’s issue of Your Ward News I said that I heard Kellway was a “nice guy”, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I now take that back—“nice guys” do not steal money from families and seniors in order to promote themselves. PLEASE NOTE: Even if we as a community defeat fraudster Matthew Kellway on October 19th, he still has to repay the money he stole! Mulcair Looks Happiest When He Is Pandering To Jews. He Said “I am an ardent supporter of Israel in all situations and in all circumstances". In His Natural, Unmedicated State, Mulcair's Mood Ranges From Angry To SEETHING WITH RAGE! Why Is Creepy Mulcair So Uncharacteristically Joyous As He Watches Jack Layton Eat? And Why Did Compulsive Overeater Mulcair Refuse To Take A Bite Of Layton’s Sandwich? Did Mulcair Slip Anti-Zionist Layton Polonium-210 At Schwartz's Montreal Hebrew Deli? Healthy-Looking Layton Was Dead Just 4 Months After Eating This Sandwich! · PAGE 2 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. JEWISH TERRORISTS BURN PALESTINIAN CHILD ALIVE The ZioMarxist-controlled mainstream media, the Canadian Jewish community, and all three major party leaders, continue to ignore acts of genocide and terror perpetrated against Palestinians by bloodthirsty Zionist Talmudic Jews. Here is yet another example. By Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News. It takes a lot for me to emotionally decompensate, but researching this article caused me to break down in tears. And I did so multiple times while writing this piece. I am so heartbroken and livid that you have no idea what is spinning in my head. I had to edit it several times to tone it down so as not to breach our hate speech laws. At 4AM on July 31, 2015, 18-month-old Palestinian Ali Dawabsha was burned alive after 4 masked Jews threw Molotov cocktails into his family’s house and the one beside it in Duma village in the occupied West Bank. They spray-painted the words “Revenge” and “Long live the Messiah King” with a Star of David on the home. Luckily the other home was empty. Editor-In-Chief: Dr. James Sears Owner/Publisher: LeRoy St. Germaine Graphics & Layout: Robert James Senior Journalist: J. J. This paper is owned by the Your Ward News Media Group and is being published in print and by web to provide an unbiased view on activity in the City of Toronto. Your Ward News Media Group is owned by LeRoy St. Germaine, in support of Freedom of Expression. OUR DISTRIBUTION AREA: Ali Dawabsha just before he was burned alive YOUR WARD NEWS IS DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. vehicles in the West Bank. The vast majority of these cases were never solved, and in many of them the Israeli police did not even bother to take elementary investigative actions.” Just over a year ago a gang of Jews abducted Jerusalem teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair and burned him alive. The case is still dragging through the courts. On August 16, 2012, Jamila Hassan, Ali was incinerated to death as his bloodcurdling cries husband Ayman, and children Iman, 4, and were heard by neighbours. His father was 80% burnt Muhammad, 6, were riding in a taxi south of and after over a week of agony, died. Ali’s mother Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, with another was in critical condition with serious burns over 90% of passenger and the driver. The car was hit by a her body, and her health began deteriorating rapidly Molotov cocktail. The case was dropped due to “lack when she learned that the husband she loved so of evidence”. dearly died. Ali’s 4-year-old brother is 60% burnt and Recently, Israel passed a law that sentences still hanging on. Palestinian Two Jews children to up to are in 20 years in custody, but prison for based on throwing the track stones. Israel record of the claims it is not Israeli an apartheid courts, they state. South will likely Africa was never be called an convicted. apartheid state, It is not the but South first time African blacks Jews have only experience burned “social” Palestinians apartheid, not alive. They the evil being justify these perpetrated acts based against the on the Palestinians. Satanic Jewish Harper, Babylonian Trudeau and The funeral of 18 month old Ali Dawabsha Talmud, a Mulcair have all book which would be said they “unconditionally banned in Canada as support” Israel. I believe “hate speech” if there was them in that they have not an exemption for said nothing about this “religious scripture”. attack or any other for that matter. Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said … Jews are obsessed with myths about gas “A burned infant was chambers and ovens. only a matter of time due But there is one REAL to the authorities’ policy oven that the Zionist to avoid enforcing the Talmudic Jews who law on Israelis who harm murdered this boy should Palestinians and their be worried about: property. This policy creates impunity for GOD’S OVEN! It is hate crimes, and called HELL and it is encourages assailants where they are going to to continue. In recent go if they do not years, Israeli civilians immediately repent for set fire to dozens of their sins and accept Palestinian homes, Jesus Christ into their 4 year old Ahmed Dawabsha is mosques, businesses, hearts. agricultural land and barely holding on to life · PAGE 3 · If your home or office is in this area and you are not receiving our newspaper, CONTACT US ASAP! The opinions and views expressed in or through this newspaper or our websites are the opinions of the designated authors and/or advertisers. They may not reflect the opinions or views of the publisher or the views of any other individual. www.YourWardNews.com 163 Main Street (@ Gerrard) Toronto, Ontario M4E 2V9 (416) 693-NEWS (6397) ward32news@yahoo.ca DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. READING THIS NEWSPAPER? GOOD FOR YOU! The Borg-like obedience cult of “the left” has gone to great lengths to try to shut down Your Ward News. Luckily for our readers, the men behind this paper are hardened soldiers in the war against the Marxist parasite. I see a lot of controlled thinking these days. You know who I’m talking about; the 80-90% of people who allow someone else to do their thinking for them. In this age where the controlled corporate media collectively spin the narrative, it’s an easy trap to fall into. This is a story of freedom of speech and freedom of the press and how it relates to the paper you are holding in your hands right now. By Lawrence McCurry What I have witnessed surrounding the publication and distribution of this small independent paper over the last couple of months scares the hell out of me. It scares me in terms of what Canada has become and where it’s going. Most of all it scares me that a group of people with a common political agenda can convince so many people that the heavy handed CENSORSHIP they inflict in the public’s name is not only acceptable, but a good and justifiable thing to do! First let’s look at what this paper is and the terrible sins it committed to drive the political left into such an apoplectic froth. When Dr. James Sears came to Your Ward News he brought with him a style and a vision for the paper that is unique and not seen in most publications since the 1960’s. Your Ward News is a rich mix of humor, satire and alternative media-style journalism. While keeping with the tradition of publisher Leroy St.Germaine, Your Ward News pokes fun at and holds up a critical mirror to far left politics and politicians that have permeated the Canadian body politic like a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge. Writer, filmmaker, media critic and trouble maker. Sears pulled no punches in referring to the left as Zionists, communists, Marxists and scoundrels, using Nazi imagery and art to reflect the way he feels the left act and conduct themselves. Sears recognized that the left controls those who don’t think for themselves, by using the tools of political correctness and cultural Marxism. Sears challenges the left by ignoring these methods of control, “To Hell with political correctness, it’s a control method”. The sin of Your Ward News was pointing out that The Emperor has no clothes. George Bernard Shaw said “All great truths begin as blasphemies” was a “Nazi Rag” and should be shut down. Around the same time a Jewish Canada Post letter carrier filed a complaint with his union that he was offended by the paper, which prompted a hate speech investigation by police and Canada Post. The fact that the police and Canada Post cleared the paper of the ludicrous allegation and forced the union to do its job and deliver it, did not stop the campaign. Next the creepy followers of the left obedience cult started mercilessly calling and visiting the paper’s advertisers nonstop. Most of these advertisers were small businesses that were frightened by this and could not afford to stand up to the pressure of their phones ringing night and day, and the visits of these creepy “political activists” frightening away their customers. Part of this campaign was a word of mouth and social media attack warning people of this evil publication and how this little newspaper would corrupt their minds, homes and children. Not only was the paper publicly attacked as a racist and Nazi rag, but the editor Dr. James But this paper is Sears was also more than just Sears; personally attacked as there’s Robert the being a misogynist graphic artist, who and racist himself, skillfully creates and when competing powerful visual community images that the newspapers reported humorless left don’t have the intellect to appreciate; Leroy our publisher, whose tenacity on YWN, they referred to him in a condescending manner by his old Twitter handle of and fearlessness inspire us all; and half a dozen contributing writers, who bring truth with DIMITRI THE LOVER … an account used to spoof radical feminism. a unique style and point of view. The next salvo in this campaign to squash the free speech of this paper was truly The left have gone to great lengths not only to close this paper down but to ensure frightening as it came from the provincial government of Liberal Kathleen Wynne. On people don’t read or look though it and maybe, just maybe, start thinking for themselves. July 16 Beaches-East York MPP Arthur Potts announced at a press conference held half a block away from the office of Your Ward News that the province is providing an It started when a leading propaganda spin doctor of the radical left, Warren Kinsella, additional $449,000 of your tax money to fund a 15-force provincial police team that tweeted out the call and blogged to the Borg-like obedience cult of the left that the paper investigates and prosecutes hate crimes and hate propaganda. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 4 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE According to the East York Chronicle, Potts said that “he was chosen from the Liberal caucus to make the announcement in part because he has expressed strong concerns about an east Toronto publication known as Your Ward News, which has enraged many people in East York and area with articles, editorials and photo/ cartoons that many regard as being racist, antiSemitic and pro-Nazi.” What he did not say was that the paper had been very critical of the Ontario Liberal party and considered his party to be the ones acting like Nazis. Needless to say Canada Post carriers’ union followed this up by holding back delivery of the August edition of the paper by filing yet another complaint, this time with the outrageous claim that the ink in the newspaper caused a rash on the union employee that had to sort the paper at the postal plant. More total nonsense that held up delivery of the paper for yet another two weeks. Finally, after the union was forced by management to do their job, the office of Your Ward News was vandalized by somebody spray-painting the words “NAZI FUCK” across the front of the building. This was not the act of some tagger or graffiti artist, but a calculated act of terrorism; a terrorist act that was encouraged by our government. This act of terrorism was aimed like a gun at the employees who put out YWN to intimidate and frighten. Potts also said “The Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Yasir Naqvi, is very aware of my feelings about the publication.” Potts then babbled on about Canada Post saying “as a Crown corporation it should have a higher moral compass and not associate its services with such an awful publication. Whether or not it breaks the law, this publication is deeply offensive. I think it’s also a bad business decision by Canada Post. I’m certainly a lot less likely to use its services.” I find it shocking that many in Canada (especially the political left) seem to have no concerns about freedom of speech in Canada. Many have no problems with restrictions on freedom of speech or censorship on material they personally disagree with. One can only look at this for what it is: A far left wing government using half a million dollars of your tax money to … Any way you look at what’s happened in the last couple of months, this is a clear case of attempted censorship of the press and free speech. 1. Bribe the police to reverse their decision or find a way to shut down a newspaper that is critical of the way they govern. 2. Publicly encourage a crown corporation or its union that supports their agenda not to do its duty to treat this paper like any other customer. 3. Encourage anybody else to do whatever they can to join them in this frightening act of censorship. Danforth Furniture Raymond 2726 Danforth Ave 416-913-4488 HELP WANTED: Phone Sales Pro for CASH daily work: 647-350-3865 Entertainers and musicians available for events. Call: 416-69MUSIC FREE COMPUTERS WANTED for non-profit group. 647-350-2328 I have talked to half a dozen people who hate this paper without ever having read it or even having looked at it; only having heard what others have told them to think. If you have read this paper and still hate it, then good for you! At least you came to this viewpoint yourself, not letting someone else do your thinking for you. CA$H PAID DAILY! COMMISSION TELESALES JOBS. Call: 647-350-3865 · PAGE 5 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. THE MAILMAN SWEARS HE DELIVERED TO 10 GOWER STREET But most residents of the 164 unit apartment complex never got the August issue of Your Ward News. Either the mailman is lying or a mysterious event took place that can only be explained by a Quantum Physicist. Most Canada Post letter carriers are ethical. Even if they disagree with the contents of our paper, they protect our right to free speech by delivering it. However, overwhelming evidence points to the mailman at 10 Gower Street not doing his job and LYING about it! Since I have not looked him straight in the eye and posed the question, observing changes to his speech pattern and body language, I will reserve judgment. As a Christian, I will not risk potentially committing false witness against our Marxist messenger. I have 3 “Mail Watch” Captains at 10 Gower Street (a former judge’s clerk whose dad was a member of the infamous “Boyd Gang” of bank robbers, a retired judge’s secretary, and a physically disabled By Dr. James Sears, bookworm). I now have 4 more volunteers. For sure NONE OF Editor-In-Chief, THEM received our paper in August. They also never received it in Your Ward News. March, but Canada Post disputed their claims. We reluctantly acquiesced in March but vowed never to do so again. Our “Mail Watch” Captains’ mail slots are randomly peppered amongst a bank of slots in the mailroom, so the mailman accidently missing a row or column due to being drunk, stoned, or mentally pre-occupied, does not explain our findings. A Rift In The Space-Time Continuum Or A Lazy, Lying Mailman? On the off chance that my 3 random “Mail Watch” Captains were anomalies, I visited the building on two separate occasions right after the August mailing, and interrogated dozens of residents as they came in and out, whilst holding a copy of our August issue, which is very hard to miss. With the exception of one woman who claimed she received it, every resident I polled claimed they did not. That included one astute individual who was previously on the board of directors of the building! Interestingly, the SOLE PERSON that claimed she received the August paper was also the SOLE PERSON who claimed to have been interviewed by a Canada Post representative about our complaint. I find that suspicious because in the same way a sleazy Child Psychologist will repeatedly point at an anatomically correct doll’s genitalia until they elicit a positive answer, it is possible that the Canada Post investigator, wanting to close the investigation, convinced her that she received our paper (she seems like the highly suggestible type). According to Canada Post, the mailman at 10 Gower Street swore up and down he delivered to every unit in the complex. After Canada Post’s “investigation” was complete, they told us … “As requested, we have conducted an internal investigation, involving our Security and Investigation team. Our investigation confirmed with the property manager and tenants at 10 Gower that the delivery was received. Therefore we must consider this matter closed.” Of course, the above findings came as no surprise. If word ever got out that an entire building potentially did not receive Unaddressed Admail, advertisers across Canada would FREAK and Canada Post could lose MILLIONS in ad revenue. But as far as I am concerned, the matter is NOT “closed”. From left to right: Jenny, her dad David (not shown), Susan, and Stella, were just four of dozens of 10 Gower Street residents who did not receive our August issue. Mailboxes Appear Secure, But You Can Reach Through To Steal Neighbours’ Mail CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 6 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE It turns out that the “No Frills/Canadian Tire” flyer bundle is also delivered spottily at 10 Gower Street. I was told by several residents that sometimes neighbours have to borrow each other’s flyer because they do not all receive one! I am sure that like me, both No Frills and Canadian Tire pay thousands of dollars a month for delivery. Commencing this month, my Private Investigator will poll residents in random buildings in our mailing area and obtain sworn affidavits from those who do not receive our newspaper. The few hundred dollars a month spent on my P.I. is well worth our peace of mind. On investigating the mail boxes, I discovered that theoretically a person with long thin arms could reach through his mail slot and pull our paper out from 8 adjacent slots. However, to steal most of the mail going to 164 apartments would take over a dozen “Spiderman” residents, with their mailboxes laid out in an array, stealthily working as a team. And it would be difficult to pull off this heist discreetly, as each thief would be as obvious as a scrawny midwife delivering octuplets! Since we have ruled out all other possibilities, it appears the mailman is to blame. BUT WAIT!!! There is one other possible explanation, but it is a scary one: In March and August the Unaddressed Admail at 10 Gower Street was sucked into an intermittent Rather than sabotaging our mailing for political reasons, I suspect the mailman may just temporal rift in the space-time continuum; a rift vibrating at the same frequency as when be LAZY. He may dread lugging around 4 big, awkward bundles of 50 newspapers the ink in our paper is laid out in certain shapes (most likely Swastikas and Stars Of each, which is the requirement for 10 Gower Street. Perhaps he grabs one bundle along David). with his other mail, then randomly fills mail slots, making sure to hit those of management in order to cover his ass. He knows that if an investigation is launched, If that is the case, it is theoretically possible that our newspaper has gone backward or Canada Post does not poll every resident—it speaks to Marisa the property manager forward in time, or has passed into a parallel universe, and right at this moment is being and strong-arms a few residents for statements, then closes the file. read by aliens in another dimension. As both a Christian and a huge Stephen Hawking fan, I will give the mailman the benefit of the doubt, and blame a rift. Or are we victims of an inside job? I left a message for Marisa to find out if anyone other than the mailman has a mail room key. She did not return my call. But I doubt that a I have asked my wife Colette to write an article on “CERN” for this month’s paper, to demonstrate to the aliens how advanced our civilization is, in order to encourage them to building run by “Society of St. Vincent de Paul” would steal mail. establish “first contact” by landing atop 10 Gower Street next time the rift opens. · PAGE 7 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. “MAD SCIENTISTS” MAY BE CONSPIRING TO UNLEASH DARK FORCES Geneva’s CERN facility is about to become powerful enough to destroy the entire Earth. Are they just a group of scientists innocently researching the basis of matter, or a cabal of Luciferian Masons hoping to open a Stargate to the Underworld? The secret society behind “CERN” claims the acronym is derived from the French “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”, a provisional body founded in 1952 with the mandate of establishing a world-class physics research organization in Europe. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. Located in Geneva, the LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets, 100 meters underground, with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way. So besides "studying" particles, CERN can now create electron positrons (antimatter) "out of nothing" using just light, according to the engineers of the lasers. Anti-matter was first produced in 1955. One gram of anti-matter would equate to 4 Hiroshima bombs. It is inherently unstable, so containing it is a problem. Anti-matter is everywhere where there is no matter. You cannot see, feel or touch it, but once you bring it out into our reality, just one drop of it needs a massive containment facility. Fast forward to today and it seems CERN could produce large amounts of anti-matter very quickly. Maybe now you can understand why many people find it unsettling that upon entering CERN’s research campus, you are greeted by a 2 metre high statue of Shiva the Destroyer. It sounds cool, but upon deeper investigation, it According to Hindu scripture, appears CERN has a sinister purpose behind it. Shiva is a cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to As CERN’s LHC is becoming more powerful, Colette is the wife of Dr. James Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking claims it destroy a weary universe and make preparations for the Sears and a Clinical Hypnotist could collapse space and time, and destroy the God Brahma to start the universe. Many physicists are concerned that specializing in past life process of creation. In CERN can create anti-matter in amounts never essence, he creates a “New regression. She is also a before possible, so it may attract even more Universal Order” (sound researcher of the esoteric anti-matter in a self-feeding frenzy of expanding familiar?). meaning in occult symbolism. chaos. Others warn it will open a Stargate and unleash unfriendly entities onto the Earth. Christian theologians have warned that it could release Lucifer from his prison. LHC’s magnets resemble large Masonic eyes The particles within the LHC travel at close to the speed of light, which means each particle is completing over 11,000 laps of the 27km circular tunnel per second. Two rings with beams of trillions of particles zoom around in opposite directions before they are made to collide. And that is where the physics of space and time, as well as antimatter, come into question. CERN’s diabolical LHC is getting an enormous upgrade. China announced it wants to build an even LARGER version of it. But much more imminently important is CERN’s introduction of extremely powerful lasers. It presently uses radio frequency fields to accelerate particles, but now Romania has developed laser plasma accelerators. These lasers produce up to 10 petawatts of power, which is MORE THAN 1,000 TIMES THE POWER OF ALL ELECTRICAL POWER STATIONS IN THE WORLD COMBINED; in short, an extremely high intensity burst, in the range of 100,000,000,000,000,000 watts of power! When focused on a material’s surface for a short burst of time, the surface "instantly" enters a plasma state. Shiva, the Destroyer of the Universe, outside CERN HQ View from inside of the LHC “Cern”, Celtic God of the Underworld, with a curled snake in his left hand and an icon of a snake biting its own tail in his right hand. Both are symbols of eternity, and resemble the shape of the LHC. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 8 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE If that is not creepy enough, consider the fact that CERN’s logo is a stylized spiral of 6's, as in “666”. There was also a well-produced opera filmed inside the tunnels of CERN called “Symmetry” which depicts a complex ritual to unleash darkness from the depths of hell. And the acronym of the facility “CERN” is also coincidentally the name of the ancient Celtic God of the Underworld! Are Luciferian Masons behind CERN? surrounding the project. Therefore, it appears that the people behind CERN are indeed Luciferian Masons. CERN has been hit with a series of delays and setbacks, including a sudden explosion between two magnets a mere nine days after the accelerator was first turned on, and the arrest of one of its contributing physicists on suspicion of terrorist activity (did he try to sabotage the project when he realized the true nature of it?). CERN was even mentioned in the show South Park and in Dan Brown’s mystery-thriller novel “Angels & Demons, in which a canister of anti-matter is stolen from CERN. Here is further proof that CERN is controlled by dark entities: In 2012 CERN discovered what they called the “Higgs boson particle”, which brings mass to all matter. To the shock of many physicists, they nicknamed it the “God particle”. CERN is funded by more than 22 countries which seem to pour unlimited tens of millions An aerial view of the 27km LHC gives you an idea of its immense size of dollars into this project. We need to ask why. There seems to be more going on than merely the If in CERN’s study of the mind the “God composition particle” of matter. It maintains is more like matter, then the people at anti-matter CERN are would be trying to pull maintained by apart the very the “anti-God structure of particle”. life itself. Since CERN is What trying to create purpose does anti-matter, this research then it is also serve, why TRYING TO are they CREATE ANTIoperating GOD, which with such falls in line with reckless all of the occult abandon, and The short opera “Symmetry” depicts the opening of the gates of hell what are their symbolism true motives? It is quite clear the rotating 6’s form “666” (watch the creepy trailer at www.SymmetryMovie.com) As of September 1, 2015 O.A.C. · PAGE 9 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. SABOTAGE BY CANADA POST WORKERS DELAYED DELIVERY OF “YOUR WARD NEWS” BY 2 WEEKS IN AUGUST Last month Canada Post workers sent our paper to hate speech lawyers for the SECOND time! After it was cleared for delivery, it was blocked AGAIN when a mail sorter claimed our paper’s ink gave her a “RASH”. The last broad that falsely accused me of giving her a rash was a neurotic middle-aged divorcée I seduced at Queens Quay Loblaws. The next morning she called me and claimed the rash on the inside of her thigh was an STD from me! I suspected a friction burn. Her doctor concurred. Lonely and horny, she later apologized and begged to see me again (who could blame her). I said “FUCK OFF PSYCHO!” Now my WRITTEN WORDS are accused of giving a Canada Post worker a “rash”. I do not know if the claim was concocted or the delusion of a neurotic nut, but it is further proof the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) is grasping at straws to prevent delivery of our paper. Here is the story … By Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News. In April Canada Post consulted top hate speech lawyers who concluded our paper was NOT “hate speech”. After a 2 week delay we were cleared for delivery. Canada Post’s commercial account manager promised me the paper would never be screened again because the legal opinion was final. Our papers went out like clockwork each month. On July 30, 2015, approx. 48,000 copies of our August paper were screened and cleared for delivery at two Canada Post stations (approx. 8,000 at 70 Wynford Drive and approx. 40,000 at 600 Commissioners Street). They were to begin going out on August 4. 8,000 copies were delivered by Wynford on August 4, but ZERO went out from Commissioners. NDP incumbent. Our investigation reveals he is in a TIGHT TWO-WAY RACE with Liberal Nathaniel ErskineSmith. The riding was a Liberal stronghold for years. Local residents unimpressed with Kellway and afraid of Mulcair, are strongly swinging back to the Liberals, who have a Postal Workers are running out of excuses not to well-organized deliver Your Ward News. Will they torch a truck and campaign. The NDP may have enlisted claim our ink “SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTS”? CUPW to block our newspaper and stifle criticism of Kellway, a vulnerable incumbent. In the August issue I also announced I may run as an independent candidate. I wanted to poll constituents before jumping into the race. I am an anti-Marxist, so Kellway fears facing me at the debates. One of his operatives may be behind the shenanigans at Commissioners. CUPW supports the NDP. The postal station has a brand new Superintendent who is an NDP sympathizer. We suspect he is orchestrating the illegal censorship of our paper. In addition, 1,720 copies of our paper (35 large bundles) VANISHED from Commissioners. Our order is COUNTED 5 TIMES before being deposited at Commissioners--automated count by printing press, visual count by press operator, visual count by press supervisor, visual count by my obsessive-compulsive assistant Robert James, and visual count by Canada Post worker at Commissioners. Robert FOR SURE deposited MORE THAN the number of papers needed (he always rounds up to the nearest 50). The process is DEADLY ACCURATE and we never had a problem in the past. After leaving several voicemails and emails for the commercial account manager, I learned on August 12 she had just returned from vacation, and while she was gone a rouge employee(s) at Commissioners took advantage of her absence, ignored the standing order to clear the paper, and sent it back to “hate speech” lawyers for another opinion, which we passed with flying colours on August 11. But the paper still had not gone out. Why? Because the rouge employee (s), livid and desperately grasping at straws, concocted the preposterous claim that the ink being used to print our paper CAUSED A RASH ON A MAIL SORTER’S HAND! Canada Post’s Occupational Health and Safety team was called in and eventually confirmed the “rash” was not due to our paper. We were finally cleared for delivery on August 13. Area residents have received our newspaper monthly since 2007, and by Canada Post since March. Same printer. Same presses. Same ink. Each month it is read by almost 200,000 people, each of them coming in contact with the ink. No known case of "skin irritation" has ever occurred. The same printer prints many community newspapers using the same ink, printing millions of copies every month. Neither readers nor delivery persons nor printer employees have ever experienced "skin irritation". But here is what may have gotten “under their skin” to trigger the “irritation”: The August issue is the first one where we attack Matthew Kellway, the Beaches-East York As the bundles sat for 2 weeks at Commissioners, newspapers were stolen, either by curious workers or as purposeful sabotage. Whenever Robert deposits our papers, he witnesses Canada Post workers swarming the skids to grab copies. That 2 week hold on our papers caused the bundles to sit idle and workers to vandalize the order. My money is on sabotage in that there is no way 1,720 copies were for personal use. To date Canada Post cannot explain where 35 large bundles of papers went. They claim they are still “investigating” the matter. I have chosen to play along, so I told our commercial account manager that if posties want papers to read, I will provide extras just for them. Due to Canada Post workers stealing our August paper, they skipped 1,720 homes and never told us. I only found out when I conducted a forensic audit of the mailing records. So if you did not receive a paper last month, please let us know your address and we will drop off a copy. VOLUNTEER TO BE A “MAIL WATCH” CAPTAIN Canada Post has tried every underhanded trick to block delivery of our paper. Hopefully they now accept that resistance is futile. Most letter carriers are honest, but we are concerned that rouge Marxist posties will sabotage delivery! Every house, apartment and business in postal codes M4B, M4C, M4E, and M4L, receive our paper by LATEST the 7th of every month. Help us keep our posties honest by joining our team of “Mail Watch” Captains. Your duties will include: Reporting to our licensed Private Investigator if our paper does not arrive on time. On the day you receive our paper, polling your neighbours and visually inspecting their mailboxes to confirm everyone got it. Informing your postie that you love our paper, appreciate him/her delivering it, and will base your Christmas gratuity on prompt delivery. To be a "Mail Watch" Captain contact us: 416-693-6397 ward32news@yahoo.ca IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE OUR NEWSPAPER LAST MONTH OR ANY MONTH SINCE MARCH, LET US KNOW ASAP SO WE CAN LAUNCH AN INVESTIGATION! PAST ISSUES OF OUR PAPER ARE AT: http://issuu.com/yourwardnews/docs · PAGE 10 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. MARXIST TERRORISTS VANDALIZE “YOUR WARD NEWS” OFFICE Desperate, cowardly Marxist terrorists have called and emailed threats to our office for months in a futile attempt to silence us. They have harassed our advertisers to no avail. Frustrated at our resilience, they have now vandalized our office. On August 19, 2015, concerned neighbours awoke to the words “??? NAZI FUCK” spraypainted on one of the storefront windows of the Your Ward News head office at 163 Main Street, just South of Gerrard. The first word of the phrase is unclear, but it is clearly an anti-Aryan hate crime. By Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News. The office is in the heart of the Beaches-East York federal riding, and the vandalism takes place in the middle of a federal election campaign. The word “Nazi” is not pluralized, so the message is likely not meant for our staff. Rather, it appears to be directed at one individual. I had been actively collecting signatures to nominate me as an independent candidate, so it may have been an ill-fated attempt to intimidate me into not running. The first word is hard to make out. If it was “Sexy” I would know for sure it was directed at me. Toronto Police Are Working Hard To Catch The Marxist Terrorists Police showed up, took a statement, and snapped a couple of photos. We have heard nothing further from them. I was not present at the time the police were there, but Leroy and Robert informed me that the female cop was HOT. A few days later I heard from a neighbour that a local loudmouthed gossip was spreading false rumours that our office had been “raided by the OPP and RCMP” and our paper was “shut down”. Obviously she had wandered by when the cops were there, and she made up a story. If I had known, I would have drawn a chalk outline of a dead body out front. referred to Your Ward News committing “heinous acts” and “hate crimes”, inciting people to commit anti-Aryan hate crimes against us. Such vehement provocations add to public misconceptions, and encourage brainwashed, low IQ Marxists to commit low-grade terrorism like this graffiti. Political whore MPP Arthur Potts added fuel to the Marxist fire by holding a very inflammatory, irresponsible press conference down the street from our office, where he into not running for office. I am running as an independent and our newspaper will shut not down unless they pull our charred, bullet-riddled bodies out of the office. Obviously, all of the above agent provocateurs are aware of the vandalism that took place at our office, yet none of them have shown up or contacted us out of concern. So what is next? Will a firebomb be thrown through our front window? Councillor McMahon, MPP Potts and MP Kellway care not about the people living in the apartments above our office. If we are successfully driven out of our location but residents are murdered, to the Marxists they are just “collateral damage”. Marxists will Blame for the vandalism clearly lies with the irresponsible online posts of people like Liberal strategist Warren Kinsella and "social justice warrior" Patrick Clohessy; as well as bomb whole countries and murder millions of innocent people for geopolitical gain. So what are a few apartment dwellers above our office worth? a letter-writing campaign by people like Ward 32 Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon, ZioMarxist lawyer Martin Gladstone, and Marxist union boss Sid Ryan. Their actions Of course, Publisher Leroy St. Germaine, Your Ward News staff, and I, will NOT be have directed misguided rage at both me and the newspaper I edit. intimidated by such cowards trying to violate our free speech rights and intimidate me NAME THAT GRAFFITI AND WIN DINNER WITH DR. JAMES SEARS The first word in the graffiti that Marxist terrorists spray-painted on the Your Ward News office has stumped us. We need our readers’ help in deciphering what it says. Submit your suggestions by September 25th. Our staff will review your entries and pick the one that is the most interesting, creative, witty and illuminating. Your prize will be dinner and drinks for you WTF? Is our graffiti vandal an illiterate? Poor and a friend with Dr. James Sears at a fine penman? Ebonics expert? Drunk or on drugs? Beaches-East York establishment, courtesy of Your Ward News. You will have all night to pick his omniscient brain about anything and everything. Submit your interpretation of what the first word says, along with your name, telephone number, and address, to: ward32news@yahoo.ca Your Ward News must receive your entries by no later than midnight September 25, 2015. Contest is open only to readers in our circulation area. Employees and contributors to Your Ward News, their family members, and those actually responsible for the graffiti, are not eligible to enter. There is no age or sex restriction. Fags and their hags are welcome to enter. · PAGE 11 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. FREE HDTV BY ANTENNA Rogers & Bell RIP YOU OFF! Get FREE HDTV by Antenna. ZERO monthly! We can save you hundreds of dollars per year! With our EAGLESTAR Pro: Top Performance Indoor/Outdoor HDTV Antenna. Get totally free H.D. channels from Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo with no monthly payments. Guaranteed minimum 20 channels, or return the antenna for a full refund. STOP making those monthly payments to BELL, ROGERS and other CABLE providers. Stations include CBC, CTV, City TV, Global TV, CHCH, TVO, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Justice Network, ESCAPE, LAFF, The CW, Bounce, GritTV, Comcast Network, GetTV and MUCH, MUCH more depending on location. Free over-the-air HDTV signals look BETTER than cable or satellite. DO NOT SETTLE FOR CHEAP IMITATIONS! Visit 163 Main Street at Gerrard Street East or call: (416) 693-6397 FROM FARMER MARK'S ORGANIC FARM DIRECT TO YOUR DINNER TABLE! Organic Canadian Lamb/Sheep, government inspected and delivered to you, direct from Farmer Mark's Organic Farm in Norwood, Ontario ... no middle person ... for only $4 PER POUND! Anyone Can Afford To Eat Like This Buy Delicious, Organic Lamb/Sheep In Bulk • Our animals eat grass and hay grown in soil that has never seen pesticides. Contact Farmer Mark today at: farmermark@nexicom.net • Our farm is 100% off-grid, using solar power and wood boiler heat. • We have Organic chickens and eggs if you want them. • Farmer Mark even makes custom "zero carbon footprint" furniture, using cedar growing on his property that he cuts down by hand (send him a picture or drawing of what you want built and he will give you a quote). FARMER MARK · PAGE 12 · "My name is Farmer Mark and I bought this ad to support Your Ward News' right to free speech!" DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 48,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER 200,000. vaccines work, GMO’s are safe, 6 million Jews were gassed, manmade global warming exists, diversity is our strength … dive deeply into the myth and become a versed missionary spreading the word against the misinformation. Go get a haircut you fucking fag. Chris H., Dawes Road paper and impact of the page’s words on their emotions. You are misguided. I will go on the assumption you are a Luciferian who I can bring over to the true light of God. Not until I have taken down the pillars of the establishment (that was a Samson analogy). You are a “dark worker” who perverts true harmonious and supportive symbols as a Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief Most importantly, I do not want the readers reaction to strict Christian dogma, i.e. taking of this paper to follow me. Rather, I would ------------------------------------------- an ancient protective symbol like a 5 pointed like them to emulate me. A million armies of star, or a cross, and flipping it upside down, one are far more powerful and resilient to puts spirit below material, making you a Last night you hit on my wife outside being co-opted than would be a single army Sobey’s with a lame pickup line asking if materialist who believes in getting ahead in of a million. spite of others. she lived in the neighbourhood. She knew who you were and ignored you. Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief Satanists worship Saturn, the planet of Since March of this year, Your Ward Pickup artist scum! death, and believe time is an illusion. News has been presenting a tough ------------------------------------------Luciferians think they are better than them, challenge to us Reader-Voters. We are Mr. Fuck You but like high-level Masons, are actually evil asked to do something about fascists, In our Beaches Facebook group I saw a in that they are trying to possess humanity. communists, Marxists, and other LOL! I was getting nomination paper YouTube video of Mr. McCurry They have coopted many true religions and parasites in our midst. We need help to signatures. I ask if the person lives in the interviewing you. You’re very attained positions of leadership in identify them, and suggestions for what charismatic, intelligent and well-spoken. area because they have to be a Beachesgovernment, finance and law to increase to do about them, if anything. We don’t East York resident to sign. That being said, I’m a CSW. I can say with certainty you their power over others. have these answers because we have last night as an experiment I only accosted are definitely a sociopath. enough free time and enough funds free depressed-looking, middle aged broads. I Luciferians love that Satanists pervert to enjoy our free time. We don’t like think your wife was the one that resembled C. D., Malvern Avenue society and climb corporate ladders but they being disturbed by politics. a charging bison. Luckily she ran before I are not "enlightened" with the "true" was caught in her gravitational field. You are so typical of Soviet Marxists who knowledge that spirit is in control. However, We don’t care about bad guys that do would diagnose human rights activists with Lucifer is a dark spirit that only creates bad stuff they don’t show, and we don’t psychiatric conditions, then send them to the Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief who prey on the light in humans. see. Maybe Your Ward News should tell nut house. FYI, psychiatric conditions are ------------------------------------------- demons Religions become powerful and darkness us who is what, and what to do. So only CONTROLLED with drugs or seeks this kind of power over others. Just much happens behind closed doors that psychotherapy. However, 90% can be I received a newsletter today in the mail, because religions have been corrupted by we can’t keep track of. Since March, our CURED simply by GETTING LAID … promoting the NC Party. I have nothing negative influence does not mean you give talk about fascism, etc., seems like many something you likely have not done since against religion, however, when you are up on your duties as a divine being created stories about UFO’s that few of any of us the 90’s. going to incorrectly display other religion by God to advance and mature your spirit report seeing. It’s all so easy to forget such as Satanism and Judaism, leads me and fight to protect all life, especially about. Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief to believe you have zero knowledge of and all innocence. You think it is ------------------------------------------- the two. Researching your party further, children your duty to just get ahead, "enjoy" your life Wilbur Davidson, Gerrard Street I noticed you are a Christian based and seek pleasure while all the good in the organization. Big no no, in my eyes Stop Voting for Puppets would mean to You say you do not like being “disturbed by world is corrupted and drained of its vital politics and religion are absolutely the never vote for you! You are the biggest politics”. Pericles said “Just because you essence. two things that never get put together as one out there—a puppet of Satan. You, don’t take an interest in politics, doesn’t James are as Hitler in the 30s who was a one. Oh, by the way, I am a practicing We are at WAR and it is time for you to stop mean politics won’t take an interest in Satanist in the East York area. So I nondescript, backward narcissist. nursing your precious ego, put down your you”. People filter out politics like so much guess you could say this is why I am You're in love with your own rhetoric! baggage, and arm yourself with the power of background noise, until it is too late, and a offended. Well, if I went out and made And you have the same scary Messiah the light. Fill your heart with joy because the law is passed that violates their rights and out politicians as evil Christians wouldn't persona as Jim Jones and Obama. You end of evil is coming. Your power is in your freedoms. you be offended too? are the moral wrecking ball, with your heart, not in your loins. Stop being "fairy tale for grownups" bid for power As for defeating the Marxist parasite, we manipulated and acting offended, and which would lead us to WWlll faster than I’m not attacking your organization, in cannot do so until the Canadian people instead seek truth from the light. Darkness fact, I grow to care about humans more ISIS! I understood that the Catholics become aware of Marxist social engineering breeds deception. Humans hold love and launched the American Civil War against and more. That's True Satanism, techniques. Once they understand how truth in their hearts. The light always wins in humanism. We don't agree with those the South. It hardly matters what you Marxists manipulate them through mass the end. believe the Confederate Battle Flag myth politicians and nor would any agree with media and the educational system, they crossing the beliefs over with politics is: it's still perceived by Hollywood Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief cannot be brainwashed. But you are indeed they're separate books and guidelines. sympathizers as a symbol of slavery. correct that the challenge we face is This is something I have a problem with, ------------------------------------------Hitler too had Queers eliminated by the educating people on how to identify Marxist early SA Brownshirts, and then the SS— because now you just created ideology and avoid falling for it. propaganda blatantly, pointing the finger The Bill Cosby rape joke you made in the "providing muscle during rallies." A at the Jewish and Satanic communities. I August 2015 Letters To The Editor Conservative doesn't typically agree with Accomplishing this task is very difficult section was out of line. You should be really, have only noticed the two major aberrant lifestyles; but, they do not kill because the Marxist conspiracy has spread ashamed of yourself. forces fighting for the love is Islam and such persons. I'm skeptical that you so broadly and deeply throughout the body Christianity. Find a new way of know Jesus Christ, but do believe your politic, and is flaunted so shamelessly in expressing your beliefs and after reading Anonymous biggest hero is Hitler! plain sight, that people cannot believe it through your newsletter, I don't really exists. The Canadian mindset has to first I will let Roosh know it bombed. care about your book burnings, Davy Crockett come to the realization that a Satanic evil propaganda of propaganda and so on. has infected our society. However, naïve, Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief I urge you to watch “Adolf Hitler: The decent, timid Canadians cannot fathom such ------------------------------------------I really hope you find real peace and Greatest Story Never Told” at audacious depravity. Most people reject express true love not hate. Your www.tgsnt.tv to eliminate your even the assumption that human beings newsletter was covered in negative I saw graffiti spray painted on your misconceptions about my hero. Hot could espouse a philosophy which must energy in fact its aura was disgusting. office. Please don’t let them intimidate bisexual Vietnamese porn star Tila Tequila ultimately destroy all that is good and you. You’re the only honest paper I’ve just lost a lucrative TV contract because she Never do that again. To anyone. That's decent. horrible what you want to feed to ever read. Good luck. watched this film and became pro-Hitler. humans. Anyway, have a great day and The best advice I can give our readers is not Ron Ashdale, The Beaches As for your other accusations, I am a good luck I guess. No you will never to believe anything anyone tells them, Christian who rejects Satan, a narcissist have my vote so long as I am dedicated including what I say, until they do their own Leroy St. Germaine and I have balls bigger who indeed LOVES my own rhetoric, to Satan. Hail Satan. independent research outside the than our brains. Do not worry. believe ISIS was created by the CIA and mainstream media. They should especially P.S. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I WANT TO Israel (notice they claim to be Jihadists but not trust anything authority figures advise Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief never attack Israel), agree Jesuits had some BE ON YOUR MAILING LIST! NO, I them to do. They should never be shamed DON’T! influence on the American Civil War but it ------------------------------------------into feeling guilty about doing what they pales to that of the Jews (look up Judah P. We cannot publish every letter we think is right, merely because they read or Thank you for understanding. Benjamin), and have no problem with receive. Please note that this month, heard something. homosexuals because the New Testament positive letters outweighed negative permits it (I am NOT an “Evangelical Judeo- S.T. ones by a ratio of 17 to 1. Start with one generally accepted truth you Christian” who believes in Jewish Old discovered to be false. Learn as much as Dr. James Sears, You contradict yourself. Saying that our Testament laws forbidding faggotry). you can about it, until you can successfully Editor-In-Chief publication is "covered in negative energy" debate a brainwashed adherent to the myth. c/o Your Ward News and mentioning “love” sounds Luciferian. Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief It does not matter what the myth is … 163 Main Street ------------------------------------------- Satanists only comment on the physical Toronto, ON. M4E 2V9 ward32news@yahoo.ca · PAGE 13 · THE 1st ANNUAL TORONTO OLD-FASHIONED ANTI-MARXIST BOOK BURNING Bring the whole family out to help us fan the flames of Canadian political history, as we cleanse the body politic of commie filth. The New Constitution Party of Canada is proud to sponsor The 1st Annual Toronto Old-Fashioned Anti-Marxist Book Burning. Admission is free. The evening will feature educational speeches from members of the NCP, live music courtesy of the Beaches Blues Festival, refreshments and food courtesy of Dr. James Sears, and of course, the burning of Marxist effigies and books. Attendees are encouraged to bring Marxist books to be dropped into the fire pit by Dr. James Sears. He will arraign each item. If he finds it guilty of corrupting our body politic by spreading Marxist ideology, he will sentence it to the ash heap of history. We welcome Marxist books of every kind: Marxist political doctrine like the Communist Manifesto; cultural Marxist filth like Kathleen Wynne’s paedophilic sex education curriculum; FemiMarxist literature by authors like Margaret Atwood; EnviroMarxist Agenda 21 propaganda by scientific sellouts like David Suzuki, etc. We are open-minded and prepared to terminate any parasitic prose, without prejudice. ITINERARY: We will announce a detailed schedule of events and speakers in the November 2015 issue of Your Ward News. If you or your group would like to speak at our event, please contact Dr. James Sears at www.NCparty.ca. PLEASE NOTE: No matter how tempting, we will not burn religious scripture or national flags. Our sharp focus will be on Marxist books. ONE FINAL NOTE: Unlike the Marxists, we terminate books we disagree with --not the authors themselves. One Million Germans Attended The 1937 Nuremberg Rally — Help Us Beat Hitler’s Record! Marxist Book Burning Is Fun For The Whole Family. Kids Love Watching Their Textbooks Go Up In Flames! Nothing Brings A Community Together Like Burning Marxist Books And Effigies While Everyone Salutes And Yells "HAIL VICTORY! EXPEL THE PARASITE!" Handsome Heterosexual NCP Men Will Be On Hand — No Metrosexuals Allowed! DATE: Postponed Due To Federal Election Campaign New Date TBA In Our November 2015 Issue TIME: 6pm to 10pm LOCATION: TBA This message is brought to you by THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY OF CANADA. 163 Main Street, Toronto, ON. Phone: (647) 349-7865 www.NCparty.ca