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pdf - Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia
MENGENAI AAJI Kontan.co.id, 31/1, Investasi Asuransi Jiwa Tumbuh Tipis http://m.kontan.co.id/news/investasi-asuransi-jiwa-tumbuh-tipis INVESTASI ASURANSI Investasi asuransi jiwa tumbuh tipis Oleh : Tendi Mahadi Minggu, 31 Januari 2016 18:31 WIB JAKARTA. Industri asuransi jiwa di dalam negeri menghadapi tantangan tak enteng di tahun kemarin, termasuk dari sisi investasi. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mencatat pertumbuhan dana investasi industri sepanjang 2015 cuma naik tipis dibanding catatan di 2014. Berdasarkan catatan regulator, hingga penghujung 2015 kemarin industri asuransi jiwa mencatatkan dana investasi sebesar Rp 283,1 triliun. Angka ini naik tipis 1,6% dari jumlah investasi di tahun sebelumnya yang tercatat Rp 278,6 triliun. Ketua Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia (AAJI) belum lama ini menyebut kondisi perlambatan ekonomi yang berbarengan dengan memerahnya nilai di pasar modal ikut berdampak pada pasar asuransi jiwa di 2015. Meski begitu toh dana investasi dari pelaku industri tetap menunjukkan pertumbuhan. "Ini menunjukkan optimisme perusahaan asuransi jiwa masih besar untuk jangka panjang," katanya. Secara komposisi, dana investasi asuransi jiwa di sepanjang 2015 sendiri didominasi oleh saham yang mencapai Rp 82,5 triliun. Lalu diikuti reksadana sebesar Rp 68 triliun. Penempatan investasi di deposito mencapai Rp 48,3 triliun. Kemudian surat utang menjadi tempat penempatan terbesar berikutnya baik dari negara maupun korporasi. Masingmasing nilainya mencapai Rp 45,1 triliun dan Rp 24,4 triliun. Editor : Hendra Gunawan INDUSTRI ASURANSI JIWA Thejakartapost.com, 30/1, Insurance Firms Go Online To Boost Premiums http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/01/30/insurance-firms-go-online-boost-premiums.html Insurance firms go online to boost premiums The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Sat, January 30 2016, 5:19 PM In addition to recruiting new agents, Sequis Life and FWD Life recently launched mobile applications to boost their new-premium income. Sequis Life president director Tatang Widjaja said the company‟s newest mobile app, „Sequis Ez‟, for agents and revamped site “Sequis Online” for customers were part of its efforts to increase gross premium income by 14 percent this year after increasing by 12 percent last year. “[The system] will assist us in managing and monitoring our agencies‟ performance, boosting operational efficiency and burnishing the firm‟s image especially to attract the younger generation as active tech users,” he said at the launch of the app and new site in Jakarta recently. Tatang said the firm spent between Rp 100 billion (US$7.2 billion) and Rp 150 billion each year to develop its IT system. „Sequis Ez‟ can be downloaded by agents as a tool to display real-time forms and guidelines to help them promote unit-linked and traditional products and close deals with potential customers. The app captures physical documents and validates purchases. “We now have 14,000 agents and are aspiring to recruit 2,000 more this year,” he said. „Sequis Online‟, meanwhile, was the company‟s website from which customers could purchase traditional products with monthly premiums starting from as little as Rp 33,000, Tatang added. “The site is part of our efforts to boost sales through micro customers. Only 2.51 percent of the country‟s 250 million people have purchased insurance products. It means there are more than 100 million potential customers. We want to get this bulk first before enlarging the figure,” he explained. The number of internet users in Indonesia jumped 20.5 percent in 2014 to 88.1 million people. The number of smartphone users is predicted to hit 103.6 million in 2017 from around 61.2 million in 2014. According to unaudited 2015 year-end financial report, Sequis Life booked total gross premium income of Rp 2.89 trillion, a 12 percent increase year-on-year (yoy). Total assets went up 1 percent to Rp 15.3 trillion and profits up 38 percent to Rp 735 billion. At the same time, it paid out claims worth Rp 136 billion and $432,650. The company has around 400,000 policy holders. It aims to see its gross premium income increase by 14 percent this year to more than Rp 3 trillion. According to the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI), the industry‟s total premium income rose by 16 percent to Rp 100.8 trillion as of September last year. Besides Sequis Life, other life insurance firms have also adopted digital sales as their business strategy. FWD Life, for example, has been using the FWD Life mobile app for its agents and customers to sell and buy products, since its first operation in 2014. The company recently launched another app, FWD Digital Agency for its agents to help them recruit other agents in a paperless and faster wayFWD Life vice president director Jens Reich said that with the app, the firm hoped to double its number of agents from 2,500 to 5,000 this year. It also expects to have 1 million policy holders by 2017 from 26,000 currently. Besides launching the app, the firm is also partnering with 62 Excelso Cafe branches to provide meeting points for various promotions for its agents and customers. (rbk) Bisnis Indonesia, 2/2, hal 22, Premi Tebal Dengan Platform Digital Kontan.co.id, 1/2, Surat Utang Menjanjikan Imbal Hasil Lebih Stabil http://m.kontan.co.id/news/surat-utang-menjanjikan-imbal-hasil-lebih-stabil Surat utang menjanjikan imbal hasil lebih stabil Oleh : Tendi Mahadi Senin, 01 Februari 2016 12:07 WIB JAKARTA. Kondisi pasar saham yang anjlok sepanjang tahun lalu membuat industri asuransi jiwa berpikir ulang menanamkan dana di pasar saham. Tahun ini, beberapa perusahaan asuransi memilih menyimpan dana di surat utang yang dianggap memiliki imbal hasil lebih stabil. Berdasarkan data Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), di tahun lalu, total dana investasi industri asuransi jiwa mencapai Rp 283,1 triliun atau naik 1,6% dari 2014. Sementara hasil investasi perusahaan asuransi jiwa mencapai Rp 6,48 triliun. Ini artinya return investasi industri asuransi jiwa hanya sekitar 2,29%. Sementara, secara komposisi, dana investasi asuransi jiwa di 2015 didominasi saham sebesar Rp 82,5 triliun atau 29,1% dari total investasi. Penempatan investasi di saham itu lebih mini dari 2014 sebesar Rp 88 triliun atau 31,5% dari total investasi. Ketua Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia (AAJI) Hendrisman Rahim bilang, penempatan investasi saham dikurangi sejalan pergerakan bursa saham yang menurun. "Sebagai gantinya dialihkan ke tempat lain terutama reksadana dan deposito. Karena risikonya agak terkontrol," kata dia. Pada 2015, penempatan dana di reksadana terctata Rp 68 triliun, deposito Rp 48,3 triliun, surat utang negara (SUN) Rp 45,1 triliun, dan obligasi korporasi sebanyak Rp 24,4 triliun. Pantau saham Hendrisman menambahkan industri asuransi jiwa masih memantau pergerakan pasar saham. Kalau di kuartal I-2016 membaik, asuransi jiwa berpotensi kembali menempatkan dana di saham. Asuransi Jiwa Bersama (AJB) Bumiputera termasuk yang mengandalkan penempatan dana investasi di surat utang. Perusahaan ini berharap strategi tersebut bisa membuat hasil investasi lebih stabil. Apalagi, kata Direktur AJB Bumiputera Ichsan Nathin, potensi fluktuasi pasar saham masih cukup besar. "Fokus di obligasi dan surat berharga negara," kata dia. Tahun lalu, dana investasi Bumiputera mencapai Rp 12 triliun. Dari dana ini 30% berupa obligasi. Return investasi di kisaran 12% sampai 13%. Nah pada tahun ini, Bumiputera berharap bisa menghasilkan return 13%. Selain mengandalkan obligasi, Bumiputera juga akan optimalisasi aset dan mendongkrak risk based capital (RBC). Kontribusi aset berupa tanah bagi total aset Bumiputera saat ini mencapai 35%. "Tapi hanya 10% yang bisa dihitung ke RBC. Makanya kami ingin optimalkan aset tanah ini," kata dia. Caranya dengan membangun kantor yang belum digunakan dan menyewakan kantor lama. Bumiputera juga berencana membangun kawasan terpadu di Depok. PT Asuransi Jiwa Sequis Life pun menargetkan perolehan imbal hasil tak jauh beda dengan tahun lalu yakni 9%. Presiden Direktur Sequis Life Tatang Widjaja bilang, pihaknya masih akan menggunakan strategi investasi. Perusahaan ini masih mengandalkan investasi di SUN dengan porsi 70%. Sequis juga menempatkan dana obligasi korporasi. Dengan penempatan dana ini diharapkan imbal hasil investasi bakal stabil dan tidak terpengaruh fluktuasi pasar saham. Editor : Dikky Setiawan Kontan.co.id, 31/1, Asuransi Jiwa Kurangi Investasi Saham http://m.kontan.co.id/news/asuransi-jiwa-kurangi-investasi-saham Asuransi jiwa kurangi investasi saham Oleh : Tendi Mahadi Minggu, 31 Januari 2016 18:42 WIB JAKARTA. Memerahnya pasar modal di 2015 kemarin direspons industri asuransi jiwa dengan mengurangi komposisi investasi di instrumen tersebut. Sebagai gantinya, porsi investasi di instrumen lain ditingkatkan. Berdasarkan data Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dari total dana investasi asuransi jiwa yang mencapai Rp 283,1 triliun di tahun kemarin, sebesar Rp 82,5 triliun disimpan din keranjang saham. Jumlah tersebut setara dengan 29,1% dari total dana investasi. Penempatan investasi di saham ini lebih rendah dibanding catatan pada 2014 yang sebesar Rp 88 triliun. Saat itu porsi investasi di instrumen saham mencapai 31,5% dari total dana investasi. Ketua Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia (AAJI) Hendrisman Rahim bilang penempatan investasi di saham memang cenderung dikurangi sejalan dengan pergerakan bursa saham yang menurun. "Sebagai gantinya dialihkan ke tempat lain terutama reksadana dan deposito. Karena dua tempat ini risikonya agak terkontrol," kata dia beberapa waktu lalu. Investasi di pos reksadana memang menunjukkan peningkatan di tahun kemarin. Sebelumnya di 2014, porsi investasi di reksadana adalah sebesar 23,3%. Lalu meningkat jadi 24% di 2015 lalu. Porsi investasi di deposito juga menunjukkan peningkatan tipis. Yakni dari sebelumnya 16,7% di 2014 menjadi 17% di tahun lalu. Surat utang baik dari negara maupun korporasi juga mencatatkan kenaikan porsi investasi menjadi 24,5%. Sebelumnya di 2014, porsi investasi di keranjang tersebut tercatat sebesar 23,7%. Hendrisman menambahkan industri asuransi jiwa masih akan terus memantau pergerakan pasar saham. "Kalau di kuartal pertama 2016 sudah membaik, porsi investasi akan kembali ke yang sudah-sudah," ungkapnya. Editor : Hendra Gunawan Media Indonesia, 2/2, hal 19, J Trust Gaet Sinar Mas MSIG Life The Jakarta Post, 2/2, hal 20, Bancassurance Bisnis Indonesia, 2/2, hal 21, Target Pertumbuhan Kontan, 2/2, hal 24, Kerjasama Bancassurance Bisnis Indonesia, 2/2, hal 21, Kontribusi Premi Ke Grup Dipacu Indopos, 1/2, hal 16, AIA : Berbagi EKONOMI MAKRO & REGULASI Thejakartapost.com, 1/2, OJK Exempy Unit-Linked Insurance DPLK Bonds Rule http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/02/01/ojk-exempt-unit-linked-insurance-dplk-bonds-rule.html OJK to exempt unit-linked insurance, DPLK from bonds rule Grace D. Amianti, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Business | Mon, February 01 2016, 5:45 PM The Financial Services Authority (OJK) will exempt two types of business in the pension fund and insurance industries from an upcoming regulation requiring a minimum ownership in government bonds. OJK deputy commissioner for non-banking supervision Dumoly F. Pardede said the new regulation would not be imposed on the Financial Institution Pension Fund (DPLK) and unit-linked life insurance products. The DPLK is a pension fund managed by financial institutions while unit-linked insurance offers protection and investment.“For this year, the DPLK and unit-linked insurance products will be allowed to manage their own portfolios in government bonds independently,” Dumoly said in Jakarta recently. Dumoly said the financial regulator decided to exempt the two types of business as they were flexible with adjustments in accordance with the needs of customers, particularly regarding the percentage of investment. Despite the exemption, Dumoly said the OJK would keep suggesting that the DPLK and life insurers with unit-linked products prioritized government bonds when offering investment schemes to customers. “We will evaluate their risk management and ask them to better manage their portfolios if they have an overly high percentage of floating investments in the capital market,” he said. OJK chairman Muliaman D. Hadad said in November that domestic pension funds and insurers would be required to keep a minimum percentage of government bonds in their portfolios to help provide stability for the debt market. Muliaman said the minimum percentage of ownership would keep the country’s bond market from high volatility, while also pushing a stronger domestic investor base. Domestic pension funds and insurers owned 15.1 percent of government bonds in the secondary market as of Dec. 31 last year, Finance Ministry data showed. Foreign investors held 38.2 percent. Dumoly said the upcoming regulation, which is currently under review at the Law and Human Rights Ministry, would require life insurers and non-financial institution pension funds to keep a minimum 30 percent of government bonds in their portfolios by the end of 2016. Meanwhile, general insurers, reinsurers and guarantors would be required to keep 20 percent of government bonds in their portfolios, he said. Similarly, Dumoly said the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) would be required to invest a minimum 30 percent of its portfolios in government bonds institutionally. “However, the Workers Social Security Agency [BPJS Ketenagakerjaan] should also keep a minimum of 50 percent of its social security funds in government bonds,” he said, adding that the OJK would increase the minimum percentages in 2017. With the gradual increase of the minimum percentage, Dumoly said the OJK predicted that the non-banking industry’s investment allocation in government bonds could reach Rp 286.2 trillion by 2020, from Rp 147 trillion currently. Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI) chairman Hendrisman Rahim said the life insurance industry would welcome the regulation as government bonds had the benefit of lower tax, which could become an incentive for life insurers. Meanwhile, Indonesian Life Insurance Association (ADPI) chairman Mudjiharno Sudjono told Reuters previously that a minimum government bond requirement could result in lower investment yields for pension funds, but would be positive for risk management. “Government bonds are much more stable [than shares], which is good for long-term investors like us,” he said. “There are some pension funds that are exposed as high as 40 percent to stocks, which is not good, especially in today’s market.” The Jakarta Post, 1/2, hal 20, OJK to Exempt Unit-Linked Insurance, DPLK From Bonds Rule Kompas, 2/2, hal 20, OJK Fokus Pengembangan Ke Pertanian dan Nelayan Investor Daily, 2/2, hal 23, Premi Asuransi Konvensional Capai Rp. 181 Triliun Kontan, 2/2, hal 24, OJK : Peryumbuhan Premi Asuransi Tahun Ini Bisa 20% Investor Daily, 2/2, hal 23, Asuransi Minta Porsi Kepemilikan Asing Dipertahankan The Jakarta Post, 2/2, hal 20, New Ruling On Foreign Shares In Insurance To Be Issued Soon Kontan, 2/2, hal 24, Porsi Asing di Asuransi Kontan, 2/2, hal 4, IHSG Dibayangi China dan Harga Komoditas
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