TAILGATE NEWS May 27, 2016 - Southern Arkansas Tailgate News
TAILGATE NEWS May 27, 2016 - Southern Arkansas Tailgate News
Gate Briefs Sherry’s Corner By SHERRY KELLEY Gurdon Mayor An amazing transformation occurred on Thursday at the Cabe Bible verses is a section for the Fields. The Alcoa team and other volunteers used rakes, shovels and late James Crews, a Gurdon busipaint brushes to update and upgrade the softball and little league nessman, who believed exposure to Christian scriptures would encourage fields. The purple paint on the backstop and wall coupled with the deep readers to seek and accept Jesus. Mark 2:3-5 King James Version reddish brown of the new infield surfacing made the park come alive (KJV) 3 And they come unto him, with deep rich color. And that’s just the beginning. Volunteers are bringing one sick of the palsy, which scheduled to paint the concession stand purple. was borne of four. Both the stand and the wall will be adorned with gold “G’s” for 4 And when they could not come extra team spirit and flare. A great big thank you to plant manager Britt nigh unto him for the press, they Scheer and administrator Kathy Combs and all the hardworking Alcoa uncovered the roof where he was: volunteers for their time, effort and funding. and when they had broken it up, they Combs said it was one of their favorite Action Grants because of let down the bed wherein the sick of the amazing transformation. Scheer said this latter half of 2016 is the palsy lay. going to be a good one for the Gum Springs Plant. “It’s going to be 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he busy and toward the end of the year it is going to be very busy at said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, Alcoa,” said Scheer. thy sins be forgiven thee. Another success story comes from Baptist Health Gurdon Family Clinic. The final cost for the storm sirens was nearly double the predicMalvern School Board tion. The community partners at Baptist Health have generously agreed will meet June 28 to pay the entire amount. Last week we met with Donna McMillan and The Malvern School Board, Tony Hardage for a tour of the new early warning alert system. which usually meets on the second The Market On Main is staying busy and many good comments Bible Verses Monday of the month, has changed its June meeting to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28 at the administration meeting room. Graduation at Malvern was on Saturday, May 14. Names of the 126 graduates were on page 8 of the Southern Arkansas Tailgate News in the May 20 issue. Go under Oldies Two on the dashboard to review it. are coming from the patrons of our new community event center. The Market was the site for several large graduation parties and a surprise birthday party this week. The restaurant incubator phase for The Market On Main will be launched in June. A state highway study of Gurdon’s traffic patterns will begin soon. I will keep you posted. Gurdon’s High School Graduation at the Cabe Auditorium was an amazing evening on Friday night. The 1200 seat auditorium was full and it was standing room only for those for the spectators who didn’t arrive early. 2016 is a great class full of students that will make a positive impact in the future. Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day Weekend. CLOSE-UP CARWASH Saturday morning, at the old AP&L building in Gurdon on Main Street, the new group planning to take a Close-Up trip to Washington D.C. in the spiring of 2017, conducted a carwash. This reporter got there too late for a photo of students in action, but his wife, Michelle Nelson, had her Nissan Rouge get the full treatment. (John Nelson photo) 24-hour towing Drug busts on tap at Gurdon PD Gurdon Deputy Marshal Toby Garner said Tuesday he is waiting on warrants and a judge getting home from a leave of absence before his men go to work to remove even more drug dealers from the area. While no time table can be set until those two things come to pass, the police department is busy gathering information to retire said pushers from their illegal business dealings in Gurdon. Celebrate Recovery still available Although Celebrate Recovery leaders have the key and permission to use the Faith Mission for their classes, the size of the group does not merit it. For now, Celebrate Recovery will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday at the home of John Nelson, 111 East Cherry Street in Gurdon. 6 • NEW AND USED TIRES Securities offered through Hilltop Securities Member FINRA/SIPC Family Legacy Homes See us on Facebook! Locally Owned And Proudly Serving All of Arkansas! Call Sue Masters or Darla Ray for All of your housing needs. We want Palm Harbor / Pecan Valley 3/2 2200 sq. ft. people to On Clearance Now for $87,900 have a comfortable place to live at an affordable price! Questions? Backing area schools 5484 Highway 67 • HASKELL Ph: (501) 776-1086 Email us: sue@ familylegacyhomesar.com • MECHANIC ON DUTY D. Davis & Co. NEW HOURS: 10-5 p.m. Wed, Thurs. & Fri. Sat., 10-3, Closed Sun., Mon., & Tues. HEALTH FOODS Personal Service & GOOD PRICES! 426 South Main Street • Malvern PHONE: (501) 337-0658 THE TAILGATE NEWS; southarktailgatenews.com *MAY 27, 2016
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