asahi keiki co.,ltd.
asahi keiki co.,ltd.
DIGITAL PANEL METER, TRASMITTER CATALOGUE 2004 Catalogue 2004 COMPANY PROFILE ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. was established in 1950 as a manufactuer of industrial measuring instruments. We have since expanded into digital panel meters, intelligent meters and bimetallic thermostats. Rapid changes in electronic technoligy keeps us at the forefront of these product areas. We constantly strive to meet customer's demands for erver higher quality and reliability. ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. ● Head Office :33-6, YAGUCHI 2-CHOME, OHTA-KU,TOKYO 146-8505, JAPAN ● Telephone :(03)3759-3893 ● Fax :(03)3757-2989 ● Establishment :Sept, 1950 ● Capital :¥ 50,000,000.– URL http://www.asahikeiki. co. jp E-mail:dpm-overseas@asahikeiki. co. jp SPECIAL SCALING RANGE CODE Range Input Display 1V 1 to 5V 0 to (100 to 1999) one point fixed 1B Voltage (from 0V) 0 to (100 to 1999) one point fixed 1T Voltage ±1999 to ±1999 one point fixed 2A 4 to 20mA 0 to (100 to 1999) one point fixed 2B Current (from 0mA) 0 to (100 to 1999) one point fixed 2T Current ±1999 to ±1999 one point fixed *1V, 2A Except process monitor 1V and 2A *Need additional cost for the above ranges DC Voltmeter and Ammeters AP-101 13page A5000 15page 1/8 DIN Size Low Cost AP-200 AP-141 16page 1/8 DIN Size Low Cost 18page 1/32 DIN Size AP-201A 19page AP-501A AP-301 Thin case Low Cost 25page AH-331 31page AP-244A 1/32 DIN Size BCD output 1/32 DIN Size Low Cost 26page 1/8 DIN Size Thin case, Low cost 21page AP-520A 28page 1/8 DIN Size LCD, Low cost open case Setpoint Comparator AM-215 35page A5000 AM-147 1/8 DIN Size RS-232C 1/32 DIN Size Two setpoint 37page AMH-762 44page 1/8 DIN Size High Conversion 49page 1 AC Voltmeter and Ammeters AP-166 AP-560 47page 1/8 DIN Size Average 48page A5000 49page AL-512 55page 1/8 DIN Size Process Monitor AS-203A AL-501A 51page A5000 53page 1/8 DIN Size LED, Two-wire 1/8 DIN Size LCD, Two-wire 1/32 DIN Size Low cost 17page Thermo Meter A5000 AT-205 57page 58page 1/32 DIN Size TC, RTD Strain Gauge A5000 59page ASG-251 60page 1/32 DIN Size Universal Type NEW NEW A7000 series 2 61page A6000 series 64page Transmitter NEW NEW NEW TZ-1X 69page AC Power Supply DC V,A NEW TZ-1B 70page AC Power Supply Potentiometer TZ-1D 71page AC Power Supply CT NEW TZ-1E 72page AC Power Supply PT TW-3M 74page Programable TZ-5H DC V,A 84page TZ-1F 73page AC Power Supply DC V,A (Small) TW-2X 75page 2 output TZ-41 Self power TH-1X 79page slim size 86page TZ-5A 87page RTD 3 TABLE OF CONTENT Table of Contents..................................................................................................................4,5 Explanation..........................................................................................................................6~8 Applications ......................................................................................................................9~11 Application Examples ............................................................................................................12 DC Voltmeter & Ammeter AP-101 3 1/2 Digit V,A ............................................................................................13 AP-102 3 1/2 Digit V,A, BCD ..................................................................................14 ✽ A5000 4 Digit V, A ................................................................................................15 AP-141 4 1/2 Digit V ..............................................................................................16 AP-142 4 1/2 Digit V, BCD ......................................................................................17 AP-200 3 1/2 Digit V, 1/32 DIN ..............................................................................18 AP-201A 3 1/2 Digit V, 1/32 DIN ..............................................................................19 AP-202A 3 1/2 Digit V,A, 1/32 DIN, BCD ..................................................................20 AP-244A 4 1/2 Digit V, 1/32 DIN, BCD ......................................................................21 AP-301 3 1/2 Digit V, Thin case ..............................................................................25 AP-501A 3 1/2 Digit V, Thin case ..............................................................................26 AP-502 3 1/2 Digit V, A ..........................................................................................27 AP-520A 3 1/2 Digit V, LCD ......................................................................................28 AP-540 3 1/2 Digit V,A ............................................................................................29 AH-330, 331 3 1/2 Digit V, open case ............................................................................31 AH-381 3 1/2 Digit V, LCD, open case ..................................................................32 ✽ A7000 series ..........................................................................................................................61 ✽ A6000 series ..........................................................................................................................64 Comparator (Meter Relay) AM-123 4 Digit, Two setpoint ..................................................................................33 AM-213 4 Digit, Two setpoint ..................................................................................34 AM-215 4 Digit, 1/32 DIN, Two setpoint ............................................................35,36 AM-147 4 Digit, RS-232C ..................................................................................37,38 AM-749 4 1/2 Digit, Four setpoint, RS-485, RS-232C ........................................39,40 AMH-752 3 1/2 Digit, High Conversion rate (4000/sec) ......................................41~43 AMH-762 4 Digit, High Conversion rate (4000/sec) ............................................44~46 ✽ A7000 series ..........................................................................................................................61 ✽ A6000 series ..........................................................................................................................64 AC Voltmeter & Ammeter AP-166 4 Digit, Average ........................................................................................47 AP-560 3 Digit, Line Monitor ..................................................................................48 ✽ A5000 4 Digit, TRUE-RMS ....................................................................................49 ✽ A7000 series ..........................................................................................................................61 ✽ A6000 series ..........................................................................................................................64 Process Monitor (1 to 5V, 4-20mA, etc) AS-101 3 1/2 Digit, A,V ..........................................................................................50 AS-203A 3 1/2 Digit, A,V 1/32 DIN ............................................................................51 AS-201 3 1/2 Digit, V 1/32 DIN ..............................................................................52 AL-501A 3 1/2 Digit, A, Two-wire, LCD ....................................................................53 AL-213 3 1/2 Digit, A, Two-wire, LED, 1/32 DIN ....................................................54 AL-512 3 1/2 Digit, A, Two-wire, LED ....................................................................55 AS-243 4 Digit, A,V ................................................................................................56 ✽ A7000 series ..........................................................................................................................61 ✽ A6000 series ..........................................................................................................................64 4 Thermometer ✽ A5000 Sensor K,J,T,S,B,R,PT-100Ω......................................................................57 AT-205 Sensor K,J,PT-100Ω, 1/32 DIN ..................................................................58 ✽ A7000 series ..........................................................................................................................61 ✽ A6000 series ..........................................................................................................................64 Strain Gauge Meter ✽ A5000 4 Digit ........................................................................................................59 ASG-251 3 1/2 Digit 1/32 DIN ..................................................................................60 ✽ A7000 series....................................................................................................................61~63 ✽ A6000 series ..........................................................................................................................64 Transmitter ✽ TZ-1X ✽ TZ-1B ✽ TZ-1D ✽ TZ-1E ✽ TZ-1F TW-3M TW-2X TW-2XA TW-2C TW-3R TH-1X TH-1C TH-41 TH-1M TZ-5L TZ-5H TZ-5X TZ-41 TZ-5A TZ-5B TZ-5C TZ-5D TZ-5E TZ-5F DC V,A AC Power Supply ..........................................................................69 Potentiometer AC Power Supply ................................................................70 CT AC Power Supply ................................................................................71 PT AC Power Supply ..................................................................................72 DC V,A (Small) AC Power Supply ..............................................................73 DC V,A ......................................................................................................74 DC V,A (2 output) ......................................................................................75 DC V,A (2 output) AC Power Supply..........................................................76 TC, RTD......................................................................................................77 Alarm setter ................................................................................................78 DC V,A ......................................................................................................79 TC, RTD......................................................................................................80 Two-wire (2ch) ..........................................................................................81 DC V,A ......................................................................................................82 Distributor ..................................................................................................83 DC V,A ......................................................................................................84 DC V,A ......................................................................................................85 Two-wire ....................................................................................................86 RTD ..........................................................................................................87 Potentiometer ............................................................................................88 TC ..............................................................................................................89 AC, A ..........................................................................................................90 AC, V ..........................................................................................................91 DC, A,V ......................................................................................................92 Accessories ..............................................................................................................93,94 ✽New Model 5 DIGITAL PANEL METER EXPLANATION 7. Power Supply OUTLINE Digital panel meters are commonly used for various displays in a wide range of equipment and analog-to-digital conversion in highly advanced control systems due to recent progress in highly accurate digital measurement. Digital panel meters (DPMs) have wide applications and come in various types suitable to many application specifications, and differ from digital multi-meters (D.M.M) in that they are used especially for single function, single range measurement. Recently, a digital meter relay consisting of a digital panel meter with a comparison function using digital switches has been developed, thereby enabling not only the reading of normal values, but also the comparison of large, medium and small values. Recent progress in electronics, especially in transistor technology has been remarkable, and the progressive development of ICs, LSIs and ultra LSIs, has greatly facilitated the transmission of information and the emergence of a highly advanced information society. The small size and low cost of DPMs is a result of innovations in semiconductor technology and has led to the widespread replacement of analog indicators as part of industry's move to automate equipment and reduce labor costs. DPMs provide a high level of measurement accuracy impossible with analog instruments and have an added advantage in that they can be accurately and unambiguously read at a glance. In addition, DPMs have a system output function which converts analog signals from sensors to digital signals for direct input to equipment such as computers, recorders and computing units to facilitate recording and automatic control. Asahi Keiki can provide a number of digital panel meters to meet a wide range of applications through reliable design and quality control based on long experience with digital techniques. This is supported by extensive and rigorous past production testing which is part of our quality-assurance control system using standards that are directly traceable to National standards. This quality assurance system is backed by an equally extensive and experienced after sales service. 1) 2) 3) 4) AC 90 to 132V and 180 to 264V selectable, 50/60Hz DC 5V ±5%, Mostly uses stabilized power DC 24V ±10% or 20% DC 12V ±10% 8. Input type 1) Floating input Input terminals are all isolated from the external case, power supply and output circuit as is most desirable for system applications. Photo-couplers, pulse transformers and relays are used as isolators. In addition, this type can have a large common mode rejection ratio (CMR). The AC power drive display only and system application DPM (with parallel BCD output) belongs to this type. 2) Non-floating input 2-1 Input with isolated common point One input terminal is connected to one output terminal, but, it is isolated from the external case and power supply. 2-2 Input with common point and one power supply terminal One input terminal is connected to one power supply terminal. The DC 5V driven display-only DPM belongs to this type. From the above different standpoints, the following types are available. 1) Single ended input 2) Differential input The former has 2 terminals, Hi and Lo, but the latter can measure the signal between 2 input terminals regardless of the voltage applied to each input terminal and the common point, which is similar to a differential OP amplifier. Therefore, this type completely differs from the floating input type in that measurement is impossible if the common point is not used, being of the 3-terminal type. This type has large CMR to further increase the common mode rejection effect. 9. Input impedance and bias current METER SELECTION 1. Applications 1) For display only For reading of general instruments 2) For control of systems provided with system BCD input. 2. Measured signals 1) Voltage/current 2) DC/AC 3. No. of display digits Currently, 3 1/2 (1999), 4 (9999) and 4 1/2 (19999) digits are available. Resolution defined in terms of what division in % of full scale is necessary to be read. For example, the resolution of a DPM displaying 1.999V is 1mV. DPM input impedance is usually more than 100Mス, (excluding DPMs with an attenuator for an input range of more thanア 2V), but this is the ratio between input voltage change and input current change. Current close to the constant current, called bias current, also flows through the input circuit and therefore, if there is high resistance in the signal source, a voltage drop is produced across the resistance which is added to measured voltage as an error. Therefore, attention should be paid to the bias current according to the circuit used. 4. Measuring range This ranges from µV minimum to V maximum as required. For example, if the number of digits and the voltage value corresponding to the least significant digit such as ±199.9mV or ±1.9999V are determined, the measuring range is also determined. 5. Accuracy The maximum error guaranteed by the manufacturer is called accracy. For example, ±0.15% rdg. ±1 digit for 3 1/2 digits or ±0.03% rdg ±1 digit for 4 1/2 digits. The latter means that the error of thedisplayedvalue 19999 is within ±7 digits and that of the displayed value 10000 is within ±4 digits. 6. Measuring Speed The speed required depends on the measured object and may not be very important when the DPM is used only for display. However, an increase in speed in the entire measuring system results in improved efficiency and labor savings, and it should be noted that an increase in measuring speed reduces the time needed to integrate (averaging) the input signal to bring about signal change and fluctuated display with the signal change. Therefore, it is necessary to select speed in accordance with applications. 6 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. DIGITAL PANEL METER EXPLANATION CAUTIONS 1. Prior to operating the digital panel meter, carefully read the instruction Manual. 2. Environment where the meter is used. 1) It is desirable that meter be used under the normal room temperature from 0 to 50。C and relative humidity of 80% or less. The temperature is the most important factor exerting an influence upon meter reliability. Therefore, use the meter under the normal room temperature as much as possible. Absolutely avoid dew condensation caused by rapid temperature change. 2) Pay attention to not applying vibration and shock to the meter. 3) Use the meter where no dust, chemicals and gases harmful to its electronic components exist. 3. Storage For long storage, avoid direct rays of the sun and store in a temperature from -10 to +70°C and relative humidity of 60% or less. It is desirable that the meter be packaged in the same manner as that done prior to shipment. 4. Noise 1) Power supply circuit The digital panel meter driven by AC power may be influenced by electric noise entering through the power line. A capacitor for noise prevention is inserted between the line on the primary side of a power transformer. However, it is actually impossible to build a perfect noise prevention circuit in such a small device as a DPM. Therefore, if power relays, magnet switches and/or high frequency devices are connected to the same power line and/or abnormal voltage caused by lightning etc., may be generated in the line, externally connect a line filter, varistor or noise absorption circuit. 2) Shield The circuit in the digital meter is protected from electrostatic induction by the employment of a shielded case and electrostatic shielded terminals of the power transformer. Therefore, if any problem occurs due to noise, connect the common terminal E to the ground or equipment grounding terminal. If any problem caused buy space induction may occur, ground the metal case. For a molded case, is it effective when it is covered with a metal case which most be grounded. 6. Handling of system output line 1) Bundling of wires In general, the data output from the digital meter is a T.T.L IC with latch, and no consideration for real data transmission is paid at all. Since it has the signal source impedance of several K%Ω, The proximity of large current power line, relay and magnet switch circuits to the output line may cause a malfunction due to electromagnetic induction caused by electrostatic induction and magnetic field induced by surge voltage and/or current pulses. may shorten meter life. Therefore, the output wires should be bundled independent form other wires and to be wired apart from the power line as much as possible. 2) Length of transmission line The length of transmission line may have to be changed depending on noise around the meter and surroundings. 2-1 Direct transmission of output line: 2 m or less 2-2 Transmission when a buffer circuit is used for each bit of output line: 50 m or less 2-3 Transmission when an isolator such as a photocoupler or mercury relay is used for each bit of output line: 500 m or less Caution: The above lengths are only for your reference. Therefore, the actual length must be determined depending on each application. 5. Handling of measuring input line The input impedance of the digital meter is very high in value of 1Mス to 100Mス so that the meter may influenced by induction noise depending on its surroundings. 1) Use a shielded 2-Conductor wire for the input line. 2) Connect a RC filter in the input line. However, pay attention that response time may become longer depending on RC time constants. ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 7 DIGITAL PANEL METER EXPLANATION 1. High DC voltage measurement 5. Combination with printer When voltage exceeding the maximum voltage in the standard range is measured (for example: more than 200 V), a multiplier is connected externally. When the BCD output of the digital panel meter is printed out and recorded using digital printer. 6. Combination with recorder When the analog output of the digital meter is recorded using a recorder (pen writing recorder). 2. High AC voltage measurement When voltage exceeding the maximum voltage in the standard range is measured (for example: more than 200 V), a multiplier or potential transformer (PT) is connected externally. 7. Combination with BCD display unit When the BCD output of the digital panel meter is connected to a BCD display unit for remote display. * For the multiplier: Same as 1. High DC voltage measurement. 3. Large DC current measurement When large DC current exceeding 2A is measured, a shunt is connected externally. 8. Combination with converter 4. Large AC current measurement When AC current exceeding 0.4 A to 2 A is measured, a current transformer (CT) is connected externally. 8 When each sensor output is connected to a converter which converts the output to 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V or any other voltage or current and also appropriate scaling is made to the digital panel meter, the meter widens its applications to thermometer, pressure meter, tachometer, etc. In addition, input isolation and level conversion are enabled when the digital panel meter is combined with an isolated converter. ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. APPLICATIONS Measuring mixing volumes of materials in tanks. Detecting warping of printed circuit boards. The ASG-157 series digital panel meter supplies power to load cells, subtracts tare weight and also has a built-in output circuit, thereby enabling the measurement of weight at low-cost. The ASG-157 together with load cells helps you make an appropriate mixed liquid by measuring the weight of each of two different chemicals. Using the 2-input (A and B channels) computing function. The AMH-762 series digital panel meter applies analog signals from laser displacement sensors installed above two points on the board to its A and B channels, thereby detecting a warp of the board by computing (A-B). AMH-762 A5000 Measuring and evaluating press fitting of parts used for precision machinery. The peak hold function of the A5000 is used to check and then evaluate parts which are press-fitted to cylinder blocks, etc. Helping you control rolling. Our digital panel meters can help you control the rolling process by, measuring the number of roller revolution and also the moving distance of a specific roller in the vertical direction. The AC-963A displays the number of roller revolutions and outputs alarm signals together with a rotary encoder coupled to the shaft of that roller. In addition, the AM-123 inputs the output signal of an eddy current sensor to display the moving distance of the roller and also to output acoustic alarm signals as well as visual alarm signals with changes in display colors. A5000 AM-123 Measuring distortion of round bodies and eccentricity of shaft. Detecting, measuring and then evaluating the length of lead wires extending from capacitors. The peak valley hold function of the A5000 together with a laser displacement or eddy current sensor is used to measure irregularity of round shaped bodies or bending of shafts. Using the 2-input (A and B channels) computing function. The AMH-762 applies sensor detection signals to its A and B channels. It helps you inspect the cutting length of lead wires extending from capacitors by using its (A—B) function. It compares, evaluates and then outputs the computation result at a high sampling speed of 1000 times/sec. In addition, it can also obtain the maximum and minimum of any computed value by using its peak hold and valley hold functions. A5000 AMH-762 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 9 APPLICATIONS Helping you inspect the condition of riveting, etc. Detecting warping of door glass by a differential transformer. The AMH-752 can store severd/ satisfactory patterns of riveting by using its pattern select function. It can store eight types of high/high, high, low and low/low set points, hysteresis values and eight types of scaling values by using its pattern select function. As the allowable range can be instantly changed by the front switch or pattern selection from the rear terminal board, the meter can be conveniently used in any line where two or more different riveting materials exist. A sensor power supply is built in the meter. The AM-147, AM-749 or AM-213 has a built-in power supply of 12V or 24V DC for an external device. Therefore, it can be easily connected to a warping sensor with a builtin amplifier. It its direct setling function is used, it can easily set HH, HI, Lo and LL values used for evaluating a warp from measures data detected by the sensor. AMH-762 AM-147 Evaluation at high speed in high-speed mode. Helping you process foods and control the process. Evaluating the clearance of piston rings at high speed. The AMH-762 can evaluate measured data at a speed of 4000 times/sec by the successive A/D conversion method. It can be conveniently used in any environment where inspection time is short. The front panel of the meter can be washed as the case is in dust proof and waterproof construction. The AT-216, AT-213, AC-221 and AC-281 conform to the IP66 standard. These meters are most suitable for use in an environment where temperature, pressure, weight, etc. Are measured in the HACCP process control. AT-216 AMH-762 A5000 Outputting digital signals to peripheral equipment. Two or more measured values are multi dropped by RS485. Used as a converter with the display function which outputs digital signals to its peripheral equipment in BCD or RC 232C. The RS232 or BCD output function can be selected for all meters. It our digital panel meter is used as a converter whose signal is input to sequencers or personal computers, it can display and check actual input parameters, therefore, it is used conveniently for calibration. Contributing to saving the number of output wires. There are many digital panel meters with the output of RS485 in the lineup. Up to 30 meters including one host computer (31 in total) can be connected with two signal wires used, the address set to each meter and an RS485 - to - RW232C converter connected. In addition. If the dedicated "DIGIPANE485" software is used, collected data can be tabulated or graphically displayed. A7000 A5000 AM-749 A5000 RS485 - to - RW232C Converter (Commercially available) 10 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. APPLICATIONS Inspecting the greased condition of precision parts. There meter sizes are selectable for easily accommodating meters in racks. Inspecting the presence or absence of grease. The AS-105 has built-in 24V DC power supply, scaling function and analog comparator. It can configure inspection systems at low cost. Din sizes of 96 mm (W) × 48 mm (H), 72mm (W) × 36 mm (H) and 48 mm (W) × 24mm (H) There are three meter sizes available so that any meter size which satisfies its accommodating space is selectable depending on the application. In addition to these three sizes, the cases of the901 series large display and SP-501A this type (35mm deep) digital panel meters are designed in consideration of their mounting environments. A5000 Measuring large current and high voltage. Our digital panel meter is connected to CT, PT, DC divider or DC shunt. For example, the AP-168 for AC measurement has its standardized CT connection ranges. It inputs a current of 5A on the CT secondary side to enable scaling of any current value on the primary side. A5000 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 11 TRANSMITTER APPLICATION EXAMPLES 1. ISOLATION TRANSMITTER TZ-1X 2. NON-ISOLATION TRANSMITTER TZ-5X 3. TEMP. TRANSMITTER TZ-5C 4. CURRENT TRANSMITTER TZ-5D 5. CURRENT TRANSMITTER TZ-5D 6. POWER SUPPLY TZ-5L 7. POTENTIOMETER TRANSMITTER TZ-5B 12 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-101 ■ Features ✽Standard 3 1/2 Digit DC V & A • Low Cost • Bright LED 14.2mm (Red) • AC180~264V, 90~132V, DC5V, DC24V • 200mV~200V, 200µA~2A Measurement • ±800V Measurement (option) ■ DC Voltage Measurement AP-101-11 AP-101-12 AP-101-13 AP-101-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999 V ±19.99 V ±199.9 V Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ±500V AP-101- Power Supply Range Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C±5°C) ■ DC Current Measurement Range AP-101-21 AP-101-22 AP-101-23 AP-101-24 AP-101-25 ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A Maximum Resolution 100nA 1µA 10µA 100µA 1mA Internal Resistance 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω Input Protection ±10mA ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A 11 21 14 25 15 ±800V (Option) ■ Dimensions 96 Front 48 Model { { 1. AC90~132V 2. AC180~264V 3. DC5V (Isolated) 4. DC24V (Isolated) ~ Range ~ Model ■ Ordering Code Accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C±5°C) ±0.3% rdg. ±1 digit only for AP-101-25 ■ Specifications 73 50 6.6 Side 92 +0.8 −0 +0.6 −0 Panel cut Min.70 45 Min.120 ■ Connection Diagram COM HOLD START Single Ended 50PA (Typ.) 2.5/sec TYP.40dB (50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED. 14.2mm 3 1/2-digit A “-” is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes. Power Supply: AC90~132V AC180~264V DC5V±5%, 100mA (Max.) DC24V±20%, 30mA (Max.) Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85% RH Power Consumption: 1.5VA Dimensions: 48(H) × 96(W) × 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 150g (For AC), 85g (For DC) Dielectric Strength: AC type; Between input (Lo) terminal and earth, DC500V Between power supply terminal and input terminal, earth, common, case, AC1500V/1 min. DC type; Between input (Lo) and power supply (0V), DC±500V Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: INPUT HI 1 LO 2 3 4 5 6 7 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 8 D.P DC POWER 103 102 101 0V + 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-102 ■ Features ✽BCD Output(Option) DC V & A • BCD(option) • Bright LED 14.2mm(Red) • AC180~264V, 90~132V, DC5V • 20mV~200V, 200µA~2A Measurement • ±600V Measurement(option) • BCD Open Collector available ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AP-102-10 AP-102-11 AP-102-12 AP-102-13 AP-102-14 ±19.99mV ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V ■ Ordering Code Maximum Resolution 10µV 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Internal Resistance 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω Input Protection ±10mA ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A AP-102- { 1. None 2. BCD (TTL) (2.5/sec) 3. BCD (Open Collector) Output 5. None (12.5/sec) 6. BCD (TTL) 7. BCD (Open Collector 1. AC90~132V Power Supply 2. AC180~264V 3. DC5V (Isolated) 10 21 Range 14 25 15 ±600V(Option) - Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C±5°C) { ■ DC Current Measurement Range AP-102-21 AP-102-22 AP-102-23 AP-102-24 AP-102-25 ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A Maximum Resolution 100nA 1µA 10µA 100µA 1mA Accuracy:±0.2% rdg. ±1 digit(23°C±5°C) ±0.3% rdg. ±1 digit only for AP-102-25 ■ Dimensions 96 Front 48 Model { ~ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ±250V ±500V ~ Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ ■ Specifications +0.6 92 +0.8 −0 Min.70 Panel cut Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm Min.120 ■ Connection Diagram 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 H 2 8 2 8 2 8 101 102 DC TYPE LOWER 1 LO 2 3 4 5 6 INPUT AC TYPE LOWER 1 LO 2 3 9 K 4 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 7 8 10 L 11 12 M N 13 P 14 R 102 103 ENABLE DP DC5V 103 102 101 0V +5V 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 EARTH (E) INPUT HI 103 8 J 100 101 50-60Hz CANGE 100 D.COM 2 B START 1 A HOLD 1 D.COM 4 POL 1 PC 4 OVER 1 COM HOLD UPPER 4 HI 14 ENABLE BCD OUT 1 COM HOLD Tri-state parallel BCD positive logic latch output Polarity signal: “1” level at plus input “OVER” signal: “1” level at overflow input Printing command signal: A positive pulse of approx 1ms at every measurement completion Each signal of the above: TTL level Fanout=2 *Each signal of the above can be changed to negative logic B.C.D Output Side ■ BCD Data Output (Isolated from input (Lo)) Measured data: 73 50 6.6 45 −0 Single Ended 50PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec or 12.5/sec(50Hz), 15/sec(60Hz) More than 40dB(50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED, 14.2mm 3 1/2 -digit A”-” is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 or -1999 flashes. Power Supply: AC90~132V, AC180~264V, DC5V±5% Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 1.5VA Dimensions: 48(H) × 96(W) × 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 150g(For AC), 85g(For DC) Dielectric Strength: AC type;Between input(Lo)terminal and earth, DC500V Between power supply terminal and input terminal, earth, common, case, AC1500V/ 1 min. DC type;Between input(Lo)and power supply(0V), DC500V Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: DP 103 102 101 AC POWER SUPPLY DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER A5- ■ Features DC V & A • Low Cost • Power Supply AC100~240 V DC9~60 V ■ DC Voltage, Current Range Measurement Range 11 ±99.99 mV Range 12 13 14 15 Measurement Range ±999.9 mV ±9.999 V ±99.99 V ±600 V 01 02 Display offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 10 µV 100 MΩ ±100 V ±(0.1% of FS) Display Maximum Resolution 10 µV 1 mV 10 mV 100 mV Input Impedance 100 MΩ 1 MΩ 10 MΩ 10 MΩ Input Protection ±100 V ±250 V ±250 V ±600 V Accuracy ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.1% of FS) ±(0.15% of FS) Maximum Resolution 1 µA 10 µA 100 µA Input Impedance 10 Ω 1Ω 0.1 Ω Input Protection ±100 mA ±500 mA ±3 A Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.3% of FS) offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Range Measurement Range Display ±9.999 mA 23 03 offset ±9999 ±99.99 mA 24 full scale 0 to ±9999 ±999.9 mA 25 Input configuration : Single ended Measuring method : ∆∑type Normal mode rejection : More than NMR 50dB (50/60 Hz) Caution: Range 15 UL approval guarantee up to 300VDC ■ Process 18 Range 1V 2A Measurement Range 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA Display offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input Impedance 1 MΩ 10 Ω Input Protection ±100 V ±100 mA Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) Input Impedance 1 MΩ 10 Ω Input Protection ±100 V ±100 mA Accuracy ±(0.2% of FS) ±(0.2% of FS) ■ Process with sensor power supply Measurement Range 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA Display offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Power supply for sensor : 12 V DC ±10% 50 mA 24 V DC ±10% 25 mA ■ Dimensions Conversion Rate: Maximum Display: Overrange Indication: Zero Display: Decimal Point: External Control: Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Power Supply: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength (AC): Dielectric Strength (DC): Insulation Resistance: Main display Red LED 14.2 mm height Sub display Green LED 8 mm height 12.5 times/sec. 9999 When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or –OL Leading zero suppression Settable to any digit position Start/Hold, Peak Hold, Digital Zero 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH –10 to 70°C less than 60% RH AC 100 to 240V±10% (AC main unit) DC 9 to 60 V (DC main unit) Approx 4 VA (at 100 V) 96 mm × 48 mm (H) × 147.5 mm (D) DIN size Approx. 450 g Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals 92 45 96 MIN.70 ■ Ordering Code A5 92 +0.8 -0 45 +0.6 -0 Display: 121 147.5 ■ Specifications 7 Range 1V 2A 48 19 Input 01. DC voltage (±99.99 mV) 02. DC voltage (±999.9 mV to ±600 V) 03. DC current (±9.999 mA to ±999.9 mA) 18. 1-5V, 4-20mA 19. 1-5V, 4-20mA with EXC Output 0. None 1. HI & LO setpoint 2. Analog output 3. RS-232C 4. RS-485 5. HI & LO setpoint + analog output 6. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-232C 7. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-485 Display 1. Single board 2. Multiple Main 1. AC100 - 240 V (±10%) board 2. DC9 - 60 V ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. MIN.120 15 DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-141 ■ Features ✽Standard 4 1/2 Digit DC V & A • Low Cost • Bright LED 14.2mm(Red) • AC180~264V, 90~132V, DC5V, DC24V • 2V~200V Measurement • ±700V Measurement(Option) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AP-141-12 AP-141-13 AP-141-14 ±1.9999V ±19.999V ±199.99V ■ Ordering Code Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 1MΩ 1MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±250V ±500V AP-141- Power Supply Range ■ Specifications 14 15 ±700V (Option) ■ Dimensions 96 48 Front 73 50 6.6 Side +0.6 92 +0.8 −0 Min70 45 −0 Single Ended 100PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec More than 50dB(50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED, 14.2mm 4 1/2 -digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 0000 or -0000 flashes Power Supply: AC90~132V AC180~264V DC5V±5% 150mA (Max.) DC24V±20% 35mA (Max.) Operating Temperature: 0~50˚C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 2VA Dimensions: 48(H) 96(W) 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 160g(For AC), 90g(For DC) Dielectric Strength: AC type;Between input(Lo)terminal and earth, DC500V Between power supply terminal and input terminal, earth, common, case, AC1500V/1 min. DC type;Between input(Lo) and power supply(0V), DC500V Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: 12 ~ Accuracy:±0.03% rdg ±1 digit (23°C±5°C) { { 1. AC90~132V 2. AC180~264V 3. DC5V (Isolated) 4. DC24V (Isolated) Panel Cutout Min120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm ■ Connection Diagram DC POWER 0V + HI 3 LO INPUT 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 101 102 103 104 D.P Internally Connected Lo and D. COM 16 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. COM 2 START HOLD COM 1 E AC POWER DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-142 ■ Features ✽BCD Output (Option) DC V & A • BCD (Option) • Bright LED 14.2mm (Red) • AC180~264V, 90~132V, DC5V • 200mV~200V Measurement • ±700V Measurement (option) • Current Measurement (option) • BCD Open Collector available (option) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AP-142-11 AP-142-12 AP-142-13 AP-142-14 ±199.99mV ±1.9999V ±19.999V ±199.99V ■ Ordering Code Maximum Resolution 100µV 100µV 1mV 10mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 1MΩ 1MΩ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ±500V AP-142- - Accuracy:±0.03%rdg ±1digit (23°C±5°C) 1. None 2. BCD (TTL) 3. BCD (Open Collector) 1. AC90~132V Power Supply 2. AC180~264V 3. DC5V (Isolated) 11 ■ Specifications Range { { 14 15 ±700V (Option) 1D Differial input (11, 12 range) ■ Dimensions 96 48 Front 73 50 6.6 B.C.D Output Side 92 +0.8 −0 +0.6 −0 Panel cut Min70 45 ・At Open Collector Measured data: Polarity signal: “OVER” signal: Printing command signal: Min120 ■ Connection Diagram BCD OUT 1 1001 4 10 10 10 L 11 12 M N 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 H 8 J 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 101 100 D.COM ENABLE 104 4 1 3 10 102 103 9 K BCD OUT 1023 10 ENABLE 13 P 14 R START HOLD D.COM 102 1 4 POL Upper 101 1 4 PC 100 1 4 KEY (option) Negative logic transistor "ON" at logic "1" Transistor "ON" at plus input Transistor "ON" at overflow input Transistor "ON" during a period of approx. 1ms at every measurement completion Transistor output capacity:Applied voltage, 30V max. (NPN) current, 10mA max. Saturated output voltage less than 1.2V at 10mA ・At TTL level Measured data: Tri-state parallel BCD positive logic latch output Polarity signal: "1" level at plus input "OVER" signal: "1" level at overflow input Printing command signal: A positive pulse of approx 1ms at every measurement completion Each signal of the above: TTL level Fanout= 2 *Each signal of the above can be changed to negative logic OVER ■ BCD Data Output (Isolated from input (Lo)) { ~ Single Ended 100PA (Typ.) 2.5/sec More than 50dB (50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED 14.2mm 4 1/2-digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 0000 or -0000 flashes. Power Supply: AC90~132V AC180~264V DC5V ±5%, 170mA (Max.) Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 2VA Dimensions: 48(H) × 96(W) × 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 190g (For AC), 125g (For DC) Dielectric Strength: AC type; Between input (Lo) terminal and earth, DC ±500V Between power supply terminal and input terminal, earth, common, case, AC1500V/1 min. DC type; Between input (Lo) and power supply (0V), DC ±500V Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: Output DC 5V 0V +5V HI 2 3 4 LO AG INPUT ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 101 102 103 104 D.P COM 1 HOLD START COM Lower E AC POWER 17 DIGITAL PANEL METER AP-200 ■ Features DC V & A •Low cost • Screw terminal • 1/32 DIN size, Depth 39.7mm • 200mV ~ 200V measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement ■ Dimensions Range Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection AP-200-11 AP-200-12 AP-200-13 AP-200-14 ± 199.9mV ± 1.999V ± 19.99V ± 199.9V 100uV 1mV 10mV 100mV 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ ± 100V ± 100V ± 250V ± 500V 48 Front 24 Model Single Ended 50PA(TYP) 2.5/sec LED, 10.16mm (Red) A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position Flashes 1999 or -1999 DC5V ± 5% 0~50; 35 to 85%RH Approx 60mA (TYP) 48(W)24(H)39.7(D)mm DIN size Approx. 30g Between LO and case, DC1500V/min. Between LO and case, DC500V more than 500 Ω ■ Ordering Code AP-200- 5 7.7 4.3 Side ■ Specifications Input configuration: Input Bias: Conversion Rate: Display: Polarity: Decimal point: Overrange Indication: Power Supply: Operating Temperature: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Insulation Resistance: 10.16 Accuracy: ±(0.1% of rdg 1 digit) (23; ± 5;, 35to85%RH) Stability max 2 digit for only AP-200-11 39.7 Back Panel cutout 45 +0.6 −0 +0.3 22.2 −0 Range 65mm Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram 1 2 3 4 5 Terminal No. 1 2 3 4 5 18 Description Input HI Input LO HOLD Power supply 0V Power supply +5V ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 35mm DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-201A ■ Features ✽Standard 3 1/2 Digit DC V & A • Low Cost • Bright LED 10.2mm(Red) • DC5V(Non-Isolated) • 200mV~200V Measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement Range AP-201A-11 AP-201A-12 AP-201A-13 AP-201A-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±500V AP-201A- Range { 11 ~ Model ■ Ordering Code 14 Accuracy:±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C5°C) Stability Max. 2 digits for only AP-201A-11 ■ Dimensions 48 Front 73 4.8 51 Side +0.6 45 −0 Min.35 22.2−0 +0.3 Single Ended. 50PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB(Typ.)(50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED, 10.2mm 3 1/2 -digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position Flashes 1 or -1 of the most significant digit for an input signal exceeding the maximum display range. Power Supply: DC5V±5%, 60mA Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: Approx. 60mA Dimensions: 24(H) × 48(W) × 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 40g Dielectric Strength: Between input(Lo) terminal and mounted plate. AC1500V/1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Panel cut Min.65 ■ Connection Diagram 1 2 HI LO 3 4 101 INPUT ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 7 COM Operable only when input Lo and power supply (0V) are extermally connected HOLD Input configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: 24 ■ Specifications 3 102 10 0V +5V D.P 8 9 10 POWER 19 DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-202A ■ Features ✽ISOLATED Power Supply DC V & A • BCD (option) • DC5V, DC12V, DC24V (Isolated) • Bright LED 10.2mm (Red) • Conversion Rate 2.5/sec or 12.5/sec (50Hz), 15/sec (60Hz) • 200mV~200V, 200µA~2A Measurement ■ Ordering Code ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AP-202A-11 AP-202A-12 AP-202A-13 AP-202A-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±500V AP-202A- - - { Output Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C ±5°C) AP-202A-21 AP-202A-22 AP-202A-23 AP-202A-24 AP-202A-25 ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A Maximum Resolution 100nA 1µA 10µA 100µA 1mA Input Resistance 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω *1Ω *0.1Ω Input Protection ±10mA ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A Power Supply { 3. DC5V (Isolated) 4. DC24V (Isolated) 5. DC12V (Isolated) { 11 21 Range ~ Range { ~ ■ DC Current Measurement Model 1. None 2. TTL 3. Open Collector 1. None 2. BCD (2.5/sec) 6. BCD (12.5/sec 50Hz) 7. BCD (15/sec 60Hz) BCD Out 14 25 ■ Dimensions 48 Front 73 4.8 51 B.C.D Output (option) Side 45 +0.6 −0 Min.35 Single Ended 50PA (Typ.) 2.5/sec or 12.5/sec (50Hz), 15/sec (60Hz) 40dB (Typ.) (50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED, 10.2mm 3 1/2-digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes. Power Supply: DC5V ±5%, 120mA DC12V ±20%, 50mA DC24V ±20%, 25mA Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 650 mW Dimensions: 24(H) × 48(W) × 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 50g Dielectric Strength: Between Input (Lo) terminal and power supply (0V), DC ±500V Between power supply terminal and case, AC1500V/1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals 22.2 +0.3 −0 ■ Specifications Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: 24 Accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C ±5°C) ±0.3% rdg. ±1 digit only for AP-202A-25 * These resistors are connected to the outside of the unit. Panel cut Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram 9 10 11 12 2 8 2 8 2 8 101 13 14 15 17 16 18 19 21 20 22 102 COM 7 8 23 24 HI LO INPUT 20 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 3 4 101 5 6 7 COM 2 BLANKING 1 HOLD BCD OUT Lower 3 102 10 0V D.P 8 9 25 26 COM 5 6 POL 3 4 103 1 PC 1 2 100 102 4 HOLD 1 OVER Upper 101 1 4 ENABLE BCD OUT 100 1 4 10 + POWER DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-244A ■ Features ✽BCD Output(Option) DC V & A • 5V, 24VDC(Isolated) • Bright LED, 8mm(Red) • 2V to 200V Measurement • BCD Output(option) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Range AP-244A-11 AP-244A-12 AP-244A-13 AP-244A-14 ±199.99mV ±1.9999V ±19.999V ±199.99V Maximum Resolution 10µV 100µV 1mV 10mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 1MΩ 1MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±250V 48 Front 24 Model ■ Dimensions Accuracy:±0.03% rdg ±1 digit (23°C±5°C) ■ Specifications Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: 5 65 Side 45 +0.6 −0 Min.35 Power Supply: Operating Temp.: Power Consumption: B.C.D (option) 87 ±1 22.2 +0.3 −0 Single ended 100PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec, 12.5(50Hz), 15(60Hz)/sec NMR50dB(50/60Hz) LED 8mm 4 1/2 digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 0000 flashes 5VDC±5%, 24VDC±20% 0~50˚C, 35 to 85%RH 120mA at 5VDC(Max.) 30mA at 24VDC(Max.) 24(H) 48(W) 87(D)mm Din size 50g Between input(Lo)terminal and mounted plate, AC1500V/1 min. Between input(Lo)terminal and power supply(0V), 500VDC/1 min. Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: Panel Cutout Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ BCD Data Output(Isolated from input(Lo)) ■ Connection Diagram POL ENABLE COM BCD OUT 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 8 2 2 8 OVER 6 7 100 1 4 101 1 4 1 1 5 9 3 7 Type of BCD { 1. none 2. TTL 3. Open collector Output { 1. none 2. BCD(2.5/sec) 6. BCD(12.5/sec) 7. BCD(15/sec) Power Supply { 3.4. 512toto12VDC 24VDC 4 6 8 2 1 0 10 10 { 8 2 3 10 10 COM 2 BCD OUT 1 2 HI LO 3 4 5 8 9 Lower 3 4 2 101 10 10 10 0V D.P 10 + POWER 11 1V ~ Range 103 104 4 1 HOLD 2 ■ Ordering Code - 1 Upper INPUT AP-244A- 102 4 PC Negative logic transistor "ON" at logic "1" Transistor "ON" at plus input Transistor "ON" at overflow input Transistor "ON" during a period of approx. 100 to 200ms at every measurement completion Transistor output capacity: Applied voltage, 30V max current, 10mA max Saturated output voltage less than 1.2V at 10mA •AT TTL level Measured date: Tri-state parallel BCD positive logic latch output Polarity signal: "1" level at plus input "OVER" signal: "1" level at overflow input Printing command signal: A positive pulse of approx 100 to 200ms at every measurement completion Each signal of the above: TTL level Fanout=2 * Each signal of the above can be changed to negative logic COM START HOLD •At Open collector Measured data: Polarity signal: "OVER" signal: Printing command signal: 14 2A ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 21 MEMO 22 MEMO 23 MEMO 24 DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-301 ■ Features ✽Compact Size, 14.2mm LED DC V & A • Compact Size, 36(H) × 72(W) × 29(D)mm • Bright LED, 14.2mm (Red) • DC5V(Non-Isolated) • 200mV~200V Measurement • Isolated DC24V Available (Option A or D) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AP-301-11 AP-301-12 AP-301-13 AP-301-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V ■ Ordering Code Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±500V AP-301- A. Screw Terminal, 4-20 mA (Range code 11) B. Screw Terminal, Scaling (Range code 11-14) C. Screw Terminal, Range Select (Range code 12-14) D. Screw Terminal, DC-DC Isolated power supply(5V DC) ∗BLANK-None Option Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C ±5°C) ■ Specifications Range { 11 1V ~ 14 ■ Dimensions 72 Front 36 Single Ended 50PA (Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB (Typ.) (50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED, 14.2mm 3 1/2-digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes Power Supply: DC5V ±5%, 80mA (Max.) Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 400mW Dimensions: 36(H) × 72(W) × 29(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 35g Dielectric Strength: Between input (Lo) terminal and case, AC1500V/1 min. Between input (Lo) terminal and power supply (0V), DC500V Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals 4.8 29 16.3 Side +0.6 68 +0.7 −0 Min.58 33 −0 Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: Panel cut Min.96 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram 1 HI 2 LO 3 BLANKING INPUT Operate only when input Lo is externally connected to power (0V) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 4 HOLD 5 103 6 102 7 10 1 8 0V 9 +5V D.P POWER 25 DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-501A ■ Features ✽Super Thin Case, Low Cost DC V & A • Low Cost • Bright LED, 14.2mm (Red) • Thin Case (Depth 34.5mm) • DC5V(Non-Isolated) • 200mV~200V Measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement Range AP-501A-11 AP-501A-12 AP-501A-13 AP-501A-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±500V Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C ±5°C) AP-501A- Range { 11 ~ Model ■ Ordering Code 14 ■ Dimensions ■ Specifications 96 Differential (11/12-range), Single Ended (13/14-range) Input Bias Current: 50PA (Typ.) Conversion Rate: 2.5/sec Normal Mode Rejection: 40dB (Typ.) (50/60Hz) Zero Stability: Automatic Zero Adjustment Display: LED, 14.2mm 3 1/2-digit Polarity: A "-" is displayed automatically Decimal Point: Settable to any digit position Overrange Indication: Display 1 or -1 of the most significant digit for an input signal exceeding the maximum display range. Power Supply: DC5V ±5%, 120mA Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: Approx. 120mA Dimensions: 48(H) × 96(W) × 34.5(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 50g Dielectric Strength: Between input (Lo) terminal and mounted plate. AC1500V/1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Front 48 Input Configuration: 34.5 12.2 6.3 Side Min.70 45 +0.6 −0 92 +0.8 −0 Panel cut Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram When use single ended, connect terminal ② and ③ (COMMON and 0V Terminal is internally connected) LO INPUT 26 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 4 COM HI 3 5 HOLD 2 ANALOG・G 1 6 7 8 9 10 2 103 10 101 0V +5V D.P POWER DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-502 ■ Features ✽ISOLATED Power Supply DC V & A • Low Cost • Bright LED 14.2mm(Red) • Serial Data Output • Thin Case(Depth 32mm) • DC5V(Isolated) • 200mV~200V, 200A~2A Measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement AP-502-11 AP-502-12 AP-502-13 AP-502-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ±500V Input Resistance 1KΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω Input Protection ±10mA ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A Range { 11 21 1V ~ Range ~ Model ■ Ordering Code AP-502- 14 25 2A Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ± 1 digit(23˚C±5˚C) ■ DC Current Measurement Range AP-502-21 AP-502-22 AP-502-23 AP-502-24 AP-502-25 ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A Maximum Resolution 100nA 1µA 10µA 100µA 1mA Accuracy: ±0.2% rdg.±1 digit(23˚C±5˚C) ±0.3% rdg.±1 digit only for AP-502-25 ■ Dimensions 96 Front 48 Model ■ Specifications 32 12.2 6.3 Side +0.6 92 +0.8 −0 Min.70 45 −0 Single Ended 50PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec More than 40dB(50/60Hz) Automatic Zero Adjustment LED, 14.2mm 3 1/2-digit A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes. Power Supply: DC5V±5%, 120mA(Max.) Operating Temperature: 0~50˚C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: Approx. 120mA Dimensions: 48(H) 96(W) 32(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 60g Dielectric Strength: Between input(Lo)terminal and power supply(0V), DC500V. Between input(Lo)terminal and mounted plate. AC1500V/1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: Panel Cutout Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram 1 2 HI 3 4 5 6 LO IN PUT 7 STB COM COM 8 9 SOUT PC HOLD 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 103 10 D.P 101 0V +5V POWER ISERIAL DATA OUT ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 27 DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-520A ■ Features ✽LCD Display DC V & A • LCD, 12.7mm • Thin Case (Depth 34.5mm) • DC5V(Non-Isolated) • 200mV~200V Measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement Range AP-520-11 AP-520-12 AP-520-13 AP-520-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 10mV 100mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±500V Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±1 digit (23°C ±5°C) AP-520- { Range 14 ■ Dimensions ■ Specifications Differential (11/12-range) Single Ended (13/14-range) Input Bias Current: 50PA (Max.) Conversion Rate: 2.5/sec Normal Mode Rejection: 40dB (Typ.) 50/60Hz Zero Stability: Automatic zero adjustment Display: LCD, 12.7mm 3 1/2-digit Polarity: A "-" is displayed automatically Decimal Point: Settable to any digit position Overrange Indication: Display 1 or -1 of the most significant digit for an input signal exceeding the maximum display range. Power Supply: DC5V ±5% Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: Approx. 15mW Dimensions: 48(H) × 96(W) × 34.5(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 60g Dielectric Strength: Between input terminal (Lo) and mounting panel DC500V. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals 11 ~ Model ■ Ordering Code 96 Input Configuration: 48 Front 34.5 12.2 6.3 Side Min.70 45 +0.6 −0 92 +0.8 −0 Panel cut Min.120 Panel thickness 1.0 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram When use single ended, connect terminal ② and ③ (COMMON and 0V Terminal is internally connected) LO INPUT 28 4 COM HI 3 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 HOLD 2 ANALOG・G 1 6 7 8 9 10 2 103 10 101 0V +5V DECIMAL POINT POWER DC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-540 ■ Features DC V & A • Bright LED, 14.2 mm (Red) • Thin Case (Depth 34.5 mm) • Power supply DC 5V (Non-isolated) • 200 mV∼200 V measurement ■ Dimensions Maximum Input Resolution Impedance ±199.99mV AP-540-11 10µV 100MΩ ±1.9999V AP-540-12 100µV 100MΩ ±19.999V AP-540-13 1mV 1MΩ ±199.99V AP-540-14 10mV 1MΩ Accuracy:±(0.03% of rdg +1 digit ) (23°C±5°C 45~75%RH) Model Range Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±500V 96 Front 48 ■ DC Voltage Measurement ■ Specifications Start: Decimal point: Operating temperature: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight (unit): Dielectric strength: Insulation resistance: Accessory: ■ Ordering Code 34.5 6.3 12.2 Side 92+0.8 -0 Panel cut Min.70 Display: Polarity: Hold: Single ended 100 pA (TYP.) 2.5/sec More than NMR50dB (50/60 Hz) 19999 When input exceeds the maximum display, 0000 flashes LED, 14.2 mm (Red) A “-” is displayed automatically START/HOLD terminal and 0 V shorted or level "0" START/HOLD terminal and 0 V open or level "1" Settable to any digit position 0~50°C 35~85%RH DC 5 V±5% 75 mA (Max.) 48(H) × 96(W) × 34.5(D)mm DIN size Approx. 60 g Between LO and case, AC 1500 V/l min. More than DC 500 V 100 MΩ at the above terminals Connector, instruction manual 45 +0.9 -0 Input configuration: Input bias current: Conversion rate: Normal mode rejection: Maximum display: Overrange indication: Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram AP-540- 11 Range 12 13 14 { 1 2 3 HI L0 NC 4 5 7 8 9 10 104 103 102 101 0V +5V D.P DC POWER INPUT START/HOLD ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 6 29 MEMO 30 OPEN CASE METER AH-330, 331 ■ Features ✽EASY Installation DC V & A • Uncased, 3 digits(AH-330) 3 1/2 digits(AH-331) • Bright LED, 14.2mm(Red) • Hold for AH-331(option) • Power Supply DC5V±5% (AH-331) Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±100V ±100V AH-330 4.2 Parts Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg.±1 digit(23˚C±5˚C) 12.47 12.47 12.47 3.1 000000000 8 2.54 NO.1 POL 17.78 *B DP2 DP1 59 0.64 11 23 29.5 OVF 4-2.8φ 65 (mm) AH-331 4.2 Option Parts 8.54 2 2.54 Single Ended 50PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB(Typ.) Automatic zero adjustment LED, 14.2mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, lights up "OVER" LED(AH-330)or 1999 flashes(AH-331) Power Supply: DC5V±5% Operating Temperature: 0~50˚C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: AH-330 75mA, AH-331 80mA Dimensions: 29.5(H) 65(W) 18.2(D)mm Weight: Approx. 20g 14.2 20 2.25 10.5 12.75 ■ Specifications 000000000 14.2 000000000 8 *A 25 25 10.5 14.5 NO.1 Range { 11 17.78 19 *B 0.64 DP1 4-2.8φ 65 Option NO.8 (mm) ~ AH-330331 8 DP3 DP2 59 5.5 ■ Ordering Code 23 29.5 2.54 Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: 000000000 *A 19 ±99.9mV ±0.999V ±199.9mV ±1.999V Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 100MΩ 100MΩ 1.6 AH-330-11 AH-330-12 AH-331-11 AH-331-12 Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV 100µV 1mV 1.6 Range 8.54 Model ■ Dimensions 2.54 ■ DC Voltage Measurement 12 ■ Connection Diagram AH-330 AH-331 1 HI 1 HI 2 LO 2 LO 3 HOLD 3 101 4 102 5 103 INPUT 1 4 10 5 102 6 0V 7 +5V D.P POWER 6 0V 7 +5V INPUT D.P POWER OPTION ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 8 COM 9 HOLD 31 OPEN CASE METER AH-381 ■ Features ✽LCD Display DC V & A • LCD, 10.2mm • Engineering units available • Power supply 5V DC±5% • 200mV~2V Measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AH-381-11 AH-381-12 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ■ Ordering Code Maximum Resolution 100µV 1mV Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ Input Protection ±100V ±100V AH-381Range { 11 12 Accuracy: 0.1% rdg.±1 digit(23°C±5°C) ■ Dimensions mVA℃ AC MkΩ 25 59 64.5 29.5 パーツ 1.6 6.1+0.3 8.54 4.2 0.64 24.1 P-2.54×6 17.78 50.8 ■ Connection Diagram 1 HI 2 LO INPUT 3 4 HOLD 5 COM 6 0V 7 +5V POWER 32 10.2 DC 2.8 2.8 23 12 4-2.8φ 29.5 Single Ended 100PA(Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB(Typ.) Automatic zero adjustment LCD, 10.2mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, display 1 or -1 of the most significant digit Power Supply: DC5V±5% Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 3mA(Max.) Dimensions: 29.5(H) × 65(W) × 16.5(D)mm Weight: Approx. 17g Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Zero Stability: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: 2.54 ■ Specifications ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-123 ■ Features • Three colour display(red, green, amber) • Two-setpoint(Hi & Lo) • Digital Zero, Peak Hold(option) Comparator ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model AM-123-11 AM-123-12 AM-123-13 AM-123-14 AM-123-1V Range ± 99.99mV ± 999.9mV ± 9.999V ± 99.99V 1-5 V Display Input Impedance Input Protection 100MΩ 100MΩ Offset ± 9999 1MΩ ± 250V Fullscale ± 9999 1MΩ 1MΩ ■ Ordering Code AM-123-1 Accuracy: (0.3% of rdg 2 digit) (23˚C5˚C 35 to 85%RH) ■ DC Current Measurement Range ■ Dimensions Display Range Internal Resistance Input Protection ± 999.9µA 100Ω ± 50mA ± 9.999mA 10Ω ± 150mA Offset ± 9999 ± 99.99mA 1Ω ± 500mA Fullscale ± 9999 ± 999.9mA 0.1Ω ± 3A 4-20mA 51Ω ± 70mA 96 Front 48 Model AM-123-22 AM-123-23 AM-123-24 AM-123-25 AM-123-2A { 1.2. Relay Photocoupler Comparator output Accuracy: (0.1% of rdg 2 digit) (23˚C5˚C 35 to 85%RH) (0.3% of rdg 2 digit) for 25 range ■ Specifications Insulation Resistance: Dielectric Noise: Accessories: Compare Control System: Setting Range: Comparative Condition: Relay Contact Capacity: Photocoupler Capacity: Hysteresis: 92 +0.8 −0 Panel cutout Min.70 Maximum Display: Decimal Point: Zero Display: External Control: Memory Backup: Operating Temperature: Power Supply: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: +0.6 Polarity: Overrange Indication: Single Ended 12.5/sec(50Hz), 15/sec(60Hz) NMR50dB or more(50/60Hz) LED, main display 14.2mm sub display 8mm A "-" is displayed automatically When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or -OL ±9999 Settable to any digit position Leading zero suppression Hold, Start, Digital Zero, Peak, Peak-valley, Valley EEPROM 0~50˚C, 35 to 85%RH AC90~264V(50/60Hz) 4VA(TYP)(At AC100V) 48(H) 96(W) 98(D)mm DIN size Approx 280g Between input/compare output DC500V/1 min Between power supply and input, case, compare output AC2100V/1 min DC500V 100MΩ or more at above terminals Power supply normal/common mode ±1500V Instruction manual, unit label, terminal cover Microcomputer -9999~0~+9999 High setpoint < Indication / HI High setpoint > Indication > Low setpoint / GO Low setpoint > Indicatyion / LO AC125V 0.5A Resistive load DC28V 1A Resistive load Voltage MAX. 30V Current MAX. 50mA Saturation voltage less than 1, 2V at 50mA 1 to 999 digit at each setpoints 89 45 −0 Input Configuration: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Display: 9 Side Panel thickness 0.8 to 5mm ■ Connection Diagram Upper terminal HI a c GO b a c LO b a c b ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ (c) (e) (c) (e) (c) (e) ( ):PHOTO COUPLER Lower terminal ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ HI LO COM S/H DZ PH NC POWER ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 33 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-213 ■ Features • NEMA 4 front panel (IP66) • Excitation power supply DC24V • Analog output (4 to 20mA) option • HI and LO setpoints Comparator • 1/32 DIN size ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Input Impedance Input Protection Range Display 100MΩ ± 250V AM-213-11 ± 99.99mV 100MΩ ± 250V AM-213-12 ± 999.9mV OFFSET ± 9999 1MΩ ± 250V AM-213-13 ± 9.999V FULLSCALE ± 9999 1MΩ ± 250V AM-213-1V 1 to 5 V ■ Ordering Code AM-213 - Comparator output Accuracy : ± (0.03% of rdg +2 digit) (23°C ± 5°C 35 to 85%RH) Analog output ■ DC Current Measurement Model Range Display Input Impedance Input Protection OFFSET ± 9999 50Ω ± 60mA AM-213-2A 4 to 20mA FULLSCALE ± 9999 Accuracy : ± (0.1% of rdg +2 digit) (23°C ± 5°C 35 to 85%RH) ※Accuracy is less than 1 (FSC-OFC) / (FIN-OIN) ■ Specifications {1.2. Relay Photocoupler {1.3. None 4 to 20mA 11. ± 99.99mV 12. ± 999.9mV Input code 13. ± 9.999V 1V. 1 to 5V 2A. 4 to 20mA { ■ Dimensions 48 ●Measuring Section Maximum display: Decimal point: Zero display: HI LO 24 Front E M ▲ 88 22 Overrange warning: Single ended 12.5 times/sec(50Hz),15 times/sec(60Hz) NMR50dB or more (50/60Hz) Red LED, 8mm height Automatic “-” display when the computation result is minus When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or -OL ± 9999 Settable to any digit position Leading zero suppression ▲ Input configuration: Conversion rate: Noise rejection ratio: Display: Polarity display: Side ●Common Section Insulation resistance: Excitation supply: Accessories: ●Analog Output (isolated input LO) Range 11.5 +0.6 Display Input Impedance Input Protection OFFSET ± 9999 50Ω ± 60mA AM-213-2A 4 to 20mA FULLSCALE ± 9999 +0.3 Panel cut MIN 65 ■ Connection Diagram INPUT Can adjust analog output to meet display. ※Ripple for resistive load 250Ω, 20mA 45.0 −0 Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm ■ Output Specification Model 6.5 22.2 −0 EEPROM (rewrite 100,000 times) 0 to 50°C 35 to 85%RH -10 to 70°C (less than 60%RH) DC24V ± 20% 85mA (TYP) at DC24V 48mm(W) × 24mm(H) × 388mm(D) approx.100g (unit only) Input terminal (LO) and comparator output, ANALOG (-), DC500V/min. Power supply (OV) and input (LO), comparator output, ANALOG (-), case, DC500V/min. Input terminal (LO) and case AC1500V/min. DC500V more than 100MΩ at the above terminals DC24V ± 10% 25mA ripple less than 200mVp-p Instruction manual, rubber paking, terminal MIN 35 Memory backup: Operating temp.: Storage temp.: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric strength: HI LO EXC ANALOG OUT 0V +24V + − HI a COM LO c a DC POWER 0V +24V ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑪ c 34 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. e c SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-215 ■ Featuers • HI and LO set-point • Bright LED 8mm (Red) • 1 to 5V, 4 to 20mA Measurement • Power Supply DC24V ±20% (Isolated) • Offset +/–9999 adjustable ■ DC Voltage Meaurement Model Range AM-215-11 AM-215-12 AM-215-13 AM-215-1V ±99.99mV ±999.9mV ±9.999V 1 to 5V ● Excition power supply section Excition power supply: DC24C ±5%, 25mA Display Adjustable Offset ±9999 Fullscale ±9999 Input Impedance 100M ohm 100M ohm 1M ohm 1M ohm Input Protection ±100V ±100V ±250V ±250V Accuracy: ±0.03% rdg. ±2 digit (23˚C±5˚C) Range AM-215-2A 4 to 20mA Display Adjustable Offset ±9999 Fullscale ±9999 Input Impedance Input Protection 50 ohm ±60mA Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±2 digit (23˚C±5˚C) ■ Specifications ● Measurement section Input configuration: Operation method: Input Bias Current: Conversion rate: Display: Polarity: Overrange indication: Maximum display: Decimal point: Zero display: Single ended Dual slope 50PA (Typ.) Max. 12.5/sec. (50Hz) or 15/sec. (60Hz) LED, 8mm (Red), 4 digits A “-” is displayed automatically When input exceeds the maximum display, oL or –oL flashes ±9999 (4 digit) Settable at any position (By pressing sheet switch) Reading “zero” suppression ● Comparison section Control method: Computation by microcomputer Setting range: –9999 to 9999 Conparison condition: Measured value > High limit set-value – HI Low limit set value Measured value High limit set value – GO Low limit set value > Measured value – LO Setting condition: Low limit set value < High limit set value Hysteresis: 1 to 999 digit for each set point Relay contact capacity: DC24V resistive road ● External control section Digital zero: ● Analog output section (impossible both of Analog output and RS-485 selected) Output function: DC4 to 20mA or DC0 to 10V Output specification Type 4 to 20mA 0 to 10V ■ DC Current Measurement Model Comparator • Fullscale +/–9999 adjustable Risistive load 0 to 250 ohm More than 10K ohm Ripple Less than 25mVp-p Less than 50mVp-p ● RS-485 output section (impossible both of Analog output and RS-485 selected) Synchronous method: Start and stop Communication method: 2-wire system half duplex (Polling and selecting) Transmission speed: 19200bps/9600bps/4800bps/2400 bps Start bit: 1 bit Data length: 7 bit Error detection: Even parity (BCC) Stop bit: 2 bit Character code: ASCII code Transmission control: No protocol Signal name used: Non-reversible output (+), Reversible (–) No. of connectable meters: Up to 31 meters Line of length: Up to 500m in total ■ Common Specifications Memory backup: Operating temperature: Storage temperature: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectic strengh: Insulation resistance: Short DZ terminal and COM terminal or level “0”. Then digital zero “ON”. Accracy ±(0.5% of FS) ±(0.5% of FS) Accessories: ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. EEPROM (rewrite 100,000 times) 0 to 50˚C, 35 to 85%RH –20 to 70˚C, less than 60%HH DC24V ±20% Approx. 4W 24(H) 48(W) 87.5(D) DIN size Approx. 100g Between power supply (0V), input terminal and each output terminal DC500V/1 min. Between input terminal and each output terminal DC500V/1 min. Between case, power supply, input terminal and each output terminal DC500V/1 min. DC500V more than 100M ohm at above terminals. Instruction manual, setting procedure 35 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-215 ■ Connection Diagram ■ Panel Cut Out +0.6 45.0 -0 LO (e) (c) (e) (c) 0V COM a c a c a (e) c 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MIN 35 Comparator (c) +24V +0.3 EXC GO 22.2 -0 HI POWER ! 1 2 3 4 HI LO + - INPUT 5 ANALOGO UT or RS485 6 TERMINATOR 7 8 9 DZ 0V +V MIN 65 POWER ■ Ordering Code AM-215- ■ Dimensions Comparater output 1. 2. Relay Photo coupler Option output 1. 4. 6. 7. None RS-485 Analog output (4-20mA) Analog putput (0-10V) 11. 12. 13. 1V. 2A. 11 range (±99.99mV) 12 range (±999.9mV) 13 range (±9.999V) 1V range (1-5V) 2A range (4-20mA) 48.0 Input range 24.0 HI LO E 3.5 36 M 84.3 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-147 ■ Features ✽ RS232C output • Conversion rate 12.5times/sec(50Hz) or 15times/sec(60Hz) • Four setpoint(Can display two setpoint) • Maltiple range • Scaling value and setting value stored 8 pattern Comparator • Peak hold, Valley hold, Peak-valley hold, Digital zero, Moving average(standard) • Power supply for sensor 24VDC 40mA • Direct setting function • Power supply 90 to 264VAC ■ DC Voltage Measurement Measuring Range ±99.9mV ±999.9V ±9.999V ±99.99V ±700.0V 1 to 5V Input Range DV 11 12 13 14 15 IV Comparison condition: Display Adjustable Offset ±9999 Fullscale ±0 to 9999 Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 1MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ 1MΩ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ±500V ±700V ±250V Comparison condition High high limit set value Measured value High limit set value Measured value High high limit set value Low low limit set value Measured value High limit set value Low limit set value Measured value Low limit set value Measured value Low low limit set value Comparison relay output: Accuracy: ±(0.03% of rdg + 2 digit)(23°C±5°C 45 to 75% RH) ■ DC Current Measurement Input Range DA 23 24 25 2A Measuring Range ±9.999mA ±99.99mA ±999.9mA 4 to 20mA Display Adjustable Offset ±9999 Fullscale ±0~9999 Internal Resistance 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω 10Ω Input Protection ±150mA ±500mA ±3A ±150mA Photo coupler output: (NPN) Hysteresis: External control: Accuracy: ±(0.1% of rdg +2 digit)(23°C±5°C 45 to 75% RH) ±(0.3% rdg +2 digit) for 25 range ■ General specifications ●Measurement block Input configuration: Operation method: Conversion rate: Noise rejection ratio: Temp. coefficient: Display: Polarity display: Overrange warning: Maximum display: Decimal poin: Zero display: ●External control block Hold: Start: Digital zero: Peak hold Valley hold: Peak Valley hold Pattern selection: ●Comparison block Control method: Setting range: Setting condition: Single ended Dual slope 12.5 time/sec (50 Hz), 15 time/sec (60 Hz) NMR more than 50 dB (50/60 Hz) ±(0.005% of rdg +0.3 digit)/°C Red LED, 14.2 mm height Green LED, 8 mm height for setpoint Automatic "–" display when the computation result is minus When input exceeds the maximum display, display 0L or –0L 0 to ±9999 (4 digit) Settable to any digit position (by front sheet switch) Leading zero suppression ●Common block Memory backup: Operating temp: Storage temp: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight (unit only): Dielectric strength: Shorted COM terminal and S/H terminal or level "0" Shorted COM terminal and S/H terminal or level "1" Shorted COM terminal and DZ terminal or level "0" (displayed zero and that value is stored) Shorted COM terminal and PH terminal or level "0" Any one of 8 patterns is settable in combination of COM terminal and P.SEL terminal 0, 1 and 2 Level "0" : 0 to 1.5V Level "1" : 3.5 to 5 V Input current : less than -2 mA Insulation resistance: Dielectric noise: Power supply for sensor: Accessories: Computation by microcomputer -9999 to 0 to +9999 (Including polarity) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Comparison result HH HI GO LO LL Contact capacity 250 V AC 0.2 A Resistive load 120 V AC 0.5 A Resistive load 28 V DC 1 A Resistive load Voltage = Max. 30 V Current = Max. 50 mA Saturation voltage = less than 1.2 V at 50 mA 1 to 999 digit for each set point Relay reset Shorted COM terminal and R.RE terminal or level "0" Level "0" : 0 to 1.5 V Level "1" : 3.5 to 5 V Input current : less than -2 mA EEPROM (rewrite 100,000 times) back up 10 years 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH (No condensation) -10 to 70°C less than 60% RH 90 to 264 V AC (50 Hz/60 Hz) Approx 10 VA typ (at 100 V AC) 96 mm(W) ✕ 348 mm(H) ✕ 3148 mm(D) DIN size Approx 450 g Input/COM, EXC (0 V), comparative output, 500 V DC/1 min. Input/COM of each output (BCD:FD.COM, ANALOG:-, RS232C:SG, RS-485) 500 V DC/1 min. Power supply terminal/input terminal, COM, EXC (0 V), case, comparative output, 1500 V AC/1 min. Power supply terminal/COM of each output (BCD:D.COM, ANALOG:-, RS232C:SG, RS-485) 1500 V AC/1 min. 500 V DC more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals Power supply terminal normal/common mode ±1500 V 24 V DC±10% 40 mA ripple 100 mVp-p Instruction manual quick manual, setting list, unit label, terminal cover 37 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-147 ■ Ordering Code Comparator ●BCD data output (isolated input (Lo)) • At TTL Measured data: Tri-stage parallel BCD, Positive logic, latch output Polarity signal: Level "1" at minus input Over signal: Level "1" at overflow input Printing command signal: Positive pulse approx. 20 ms at every measurement completion (available negative logic the above signals) TTL level, funout 2, CMOS 5V • At open collector (NPN) Measured data: Polarity signal: Over signal: Printing command signal: Transistor output capacity: ENABLE: Negative logic transistor "ON" at logic 1 Transistor "ON" at minus input Transistor "ON" at overflow input Transistor "ON" during a period of approx. 20 ms at every measurement completion Applied voltage, max. 30V current max. 10 mA saturated output voltage less than 1.2 V at 10 mA Shorted ENABLE terminal and D.COM terminal or level "0", Transistor output are OFF (TTL output is high impedance status) Level "0" : 0 to 1.5 V Level "1" : 3.5 to 5 V Input current : less than - 2 mA AM-147- - Comparator Output Output Power Supply Input Range { { 1.2. Relay Photo Coupler 1. None 2. BCD(Open collector) 3. BCD(TTL) 4. RS-485 5. RS-232C 6. ANALOG(4 to 20mA) 7. ANALOG(0 to 10V) 1. 90 to 264VAC { DV(11,12,13,14,15,1V) DA(23,24,25,2A) ■ Dimensions HH HI Front GO LO LL HH HI SET 48 ■ Output specifications LO LLSET E M ME PH HH. LL S P.NO DZ RE 96 No. of connectable meter: Line length: + – 7 Side MADE IN JAPAN 127 ✻33 92 +0.8 –0 Input/output Input/output 45+0.6 –0 Non-reversible output Reversible output 148 144 Min70 ●RS-485 (Isolated input (Lo)) Conforming to EIA RS-485 Electrical characteristics: Communication method: 2-wires system half-duplex (Polling and selecting) Transmission speed: 2400/4800/9600/19200 bps Start bit: 1 bit Data length: 7 bits Error detection: Even parity (BCC) Stop bit: 2 bits Character code: ASCII code Transmission control: No protocol Signal name used: Signal name Signal Signal direction Panel Cutout Up to 31 meters Up to 500 m in total Min120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm ●RS-232C (Isolated input (Lo)) Electrical characteristics: Conforming to EIA RS-232C Communication method: Full duplex Synchronous method: Start and stop Transmission speed: 2400/4600/9600/19200 bps Start bit: 1 bit Data length: 7 bits Error detection: Even parity Stop bit: 2 bits Character code: ASCII code ■ Connection Diagram (A.OUT) Relay Output 0-10V 4-20mA HH C HI GO LO C LL Upper 1 2 + – 3 4 RS-485 ●Analog output (Isolated input (Lo)) Resolution: 13 bits Output response: Less than 0.5S (0 to 90%) Output 0 to 10 V 4 to 20 mA Resistive load More than 10 kΩ 0 to 550Ω Accuracy (23°C ± 5°C) ±0.5% FS ±0.5% FS 5 6 7 8 9 10 (C) (e) (C) (e) (C) (C) (e) (C) Photo Coupler ON OFF TERMINATER EXC P.SEL Ripple 50 mV P-P Less than 0.5% 0 1 2 P.H 9 10 11 12 Lower 1 2 D.Z R.RE S/H 13 3 4 * Ripple for 4 to 20 mA at resistive load 250Ω, 20 mA 14 5 HI 15 17 16 6 LO COM 0V +24V 7 8 E AC POWER C B A BCD OUT 101 102 100 2 8 2 103 8 2 ENABLE OVER D.COM 8 NC NC NC NC NC D.COM 1 34 2 33 1 4 1 101 4 102 1 4 RS232C output 38 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 13 25 NC NC NC D.COM NC NC POL PC D.COM 103 SG 100 4 1 CTS RTS RXD TXD BCD output 8 2 1 14 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-749 ■ Features ✽ Four Setpoints • Conversion Rate 12.5 times / sec (50Hz), 15 times / sec (60Hz). • Peak, Valley, Peak-Valley Hold, Digital zero. • Eight Pattern Setting (EEPROGRAM Back Up). • Including Power Supply For Sensor 12V 80mA. Comparator • Power Supply (AC90~264V). • Direct Setting Function. ■ DC Voltage Measurement Input Range DV 11 12 13 14 15 IV Measuring Range ±199.99mV ±1.9999V ±19.999V ±199.99V ±700.0V 1~5V Comparison condition Display Adjustable Offset ±19999 Fullscale ±0 to 19999 Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 1MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ 1MΩ Max allowable input voltage ±250V ±250V ±250V ±500V ±700V ±250V High high limit set-value Measured value High limit set-value Measured value High / high limit set-value Low / low limit set-value Measured value High limit set-value Low limit set-value Measured value Low / lowlimit set-value Measured value Low limit set-value Comparison relay: Accuracy: ± 0.03% rdg ±2 digit (23°C±5°C) Photo-coupler output: ■ DC Current Measurement Input Range DA 23 24 25 2A Measuring Range ±19.999mA ±199.99mA ±1.9999A 4~20mA Display Adjustable Offset ±19999 Fullscale ±0 to 19999 Input Impedance 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω 10Ω Max allowable input voltage ±150mA ±500mA ±3A ±150mA Hysteresis: External Control: Contact capacity Accuracy: ± 0.1% rdg ±2 digit (23°C±5°C) ± 0.3% rdg ±2 digit only for 25 range ■ General specifications • Measurement block Measurement function: Specify one measuring range from DC voltage and DC current measuring ranges. Input circuit: Single-ended Operation method: Dual slope Input bias current: 100pA (TYP) Conversion rate: 12.5 times / sec (at 60Hz) 15 times / sec (at 50 / 60Hz) Noise rejection ratio: NMR-More than 50 dB (at 50 / 60Hz) Display: 7-segment LED (Light emitting diode numeric element) Height, 10mm (red) Monitor / sub-display units-Height 8mm (green) Polarity display: "-" is displayed when the computed result is negative. Overrange warning: "OL" LED (red) flashes when input signal exeeds measuring or display range. Mximum display: ±99999 (5 digits) Decimal point: Settable at any position (BY pressing sheets switch) Zero display: Reading "zero" suppression • External control Hold: Shorting between COM and S/H terminals or "0" level Start: Open between COM and S/H terminals or "1" level Value just before COM and DZ terminals are shorted Digital zero: or input level is set at "0" is displayed as "zero" and that value is stored. Peak hold: Respective function is activated when COM and Valley hold PH terminals are shorted or input level is set at "0". Peak valley hold: Any one of 8 patterns is settable in combination of Pattern selection: COM terminal with any one of P SEL terminals 0, 1, and 2. "0" level : less than 1.5V "1" level : 3V to 30V Input current :less than -5mA • Comparioson block Control method: Computaion by microcomputer Measurinng range: High / Low limit setting including polarity, –99999 to Comparison: 0 to +99999 Setting condiotion: By sampling period No setting restrictions for set-value Comparison condition: Comparison result AM-749 HH HI GO LO LL 250 AC 0.2A Resistive load 120V AC 0.5A Resistive load 28V DC 1A Resistive load Sink current, 20mA max. (Less than 30V) Output saturation voltage, Less than 1.2V at 20mA Settable from 1 to 9999 digits for each comparison set value Reset Comparison operation is suspended when COM andr1R.RES terminals are shorted or input level is set at “0”. “0” level : Less than 1.5V “1” level : 3 to 30V Input current : Less than -5mA ■ Common specifications Memory backup: Operating temperature and humidity ranges: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Insulation resistance: Noise rejection: Sensor power supply: Accessory: ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Set data is stored for approx. 10 years by using EEPROM. 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85% RH 90 to 264V AC (50Hz / 60Hz) Appox. 5VA (st 100 AC) 48mm (H) x96mm (W) x161mm (D), DIN size Approx. 600g 500V DC between input / earth E and case 500V DC between input terminal / common, digital common, sensor power supply and relay output 1500V AC between power supply terminal / common, digital common, sensor power supply, case and relay output. More than 100MΩ at 500V DC between each terminal described above Power terminals, normal / common mode, ±1500V square waveform for 1ns at rise, noise, width, 500ns (BY noise simulator) 12V± 10% 80mA Ripple, Less than 200mVp-p Instruction manual 39 ■ Optional specifications ■ Ordering Code •BCD output [Isolated from input(LO)] Measured date: Negative logic NPN open-collector output Polarity signal: Transistor "ON" at minus input OVER signal: Transistor "ON" at "OVER" input Printing command signal: Transistor "ON" for approx. 10ms at the end of measurement ENABLE: All date output transistors are turned "OFF" when ENABLE and digital common terminals are shorted or input level is set at "0". "0" level:Less than 1.5V "1" level":3 to 30V Input current:Less than -5mA Transistor output capacity: Applied voltage, 30V max. Current, 10mA max. Output saturation voltage:Less than 1.2V at 10mA *TTL output is also available. •RS-232C [Isolated from input(LO)] Electrical characteristics: Conforming to EIA RS-232C Communication method: Full duplex Synchronous method: Start and stop Transmission speed: 2400/4800/9600/19200 bps Start bit: 1 bit Data length: 7 bits Error detection: Even parity Stop bit: 2 bits Character code: ASC II Transmission control: No protocol •RS-485 [Isolated from input(LO)] Electrical characteristics: Conforming to EIA RS-485 Synchronous method: Start and stop Communication method: 2-wire system half-duplex (Polling and selecting) Transmission speed: 2400/4800/9600/19200 bps Start bit: 1 bit Date length: 7 bits Error detection: Even parity BCC(Block check character)check sum Stop bit: 2 bits Character code: ASC II Transmission control: No protocol Signal name used: AM-749 - Signal Signal direction Non-reversible output Reversible output + – Input/output Input/output No. of connectable meters: Up to 31 meters Line length: Up to 500m in total Comparator Output Data Output (11,12,13,14,15,1V) { DV DA (23,24,25,2A) Range ■ Dimensions 96 TZ PH DZ RE OL 48 Front HH HI GO LO LL R P CONT S M 153 7 131 Side 161 170 +0.6 92 +0.8 −0 Min.70 Panel Cutout Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm ■ Connection Diagram Upper HH HI c a 1 e Output Resistive load Accuracy (23˚C ±5˚C) Ripple 1 to 5V 4 to 20mA More than 10kΩ 0 to 600Ω ±0.5% F.S ±0.5% F.S 50mVp-p – GO c a 2 3 c e 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c e c e c e c 2 HI B c 13 4 A 14 5 15 16 7 6 LO COM E (Photo coupler output) EXC 0 12V DZ R.RES S/H 12 3 C Digital filter function 100 -digit is fixed to "0" for display Blanking of LEDs on main, monitor/sub-display units. (Only for RS-232C and RS-485 meters) Zero-point shift is digitally, automatically corrected. Activated when digital zero function becomes valid. PH a a(Relay outpuy) c 11 1 LL a 10 9 Lower LO c P.SEL 1 2 0 Tracking zero: 1. None 2. BCD (Open collector) 3. RS-485 4. RS-232C 5. ANALOG Power Supply 1.AC90V~264V •Analog output [Isolated from input(LO)] Any display range to output analog signal can be set. Resolution: 16 bits Output response: Less 0.5s Moving average: Fixed zero: Display blanking: { {1.2. Relay Photo 44.5 Signal name - 45 −0 Comparator SETPOINT COMPARATOR AM-749 17 8 AC POWER ■ Connection Diagram BCD output 100 2 101 8 2 102 8 2 103 8 2 104 8 2 ENABLE 8 OVER DG NC NC NC DG 2 34 1 33 1 4 1 0 10 4 1 10 1 4 1 2 4 10 4 POL PC DG NC NC NC DG 4 10 SG RS-232C 1 3 10 CTS RXD RTS TXD 1 13 25 14 RS485 OFF ON ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ + − NC NC SG TERMINATER D-SUB Connector ANALOG output ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ + − + − 1V∼5V 4mA∼20mA 40 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. NC SETPOINT COMPARATOR AMH-752 ■ Features ✽4000 Time/sec • Conversion Rate 1000/sec~4000/sec • 2 input computation(A, B) • 4-sets/4-pattern Setting • Peak, Valley, Peak-Valley hold(Option) • Digital zero(Option) Comparator • RS-232C Communication(Option) • BCD, ANALOG Output(Option) • Bright LED 10mm(Red) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range AMH-752-11 AMH-752-12 AMH-752-13 AMH-752-14 ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Display Adjustable OFFSET ±1999 FULLSCALE ±1999 Input Impedance Input Protection 100MΩ ±250V 10MΩ ■ DC Current Measurement Range Display Adjustable AMH-752-21 AMH-752-22 AMH-752-23 AMH-752-24 AMH-752-25 ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A OFFSET ±1999 FULLSCALE ±1999 Accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. ±2 digit(23°C±5°C)(a1) ±0.3% rdg. ±2 digit only for AMH-75X-25 ±0.2% rdg. ±4 digit(23°C±5°C)(a1) ±0.3% rdg. ±4 digit only for AMH-75X-25 Internal Resistance 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω Input Protection ±10mA ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A Range AMH-752-1V 1-5V Display Adjustable Input Impedance Input Protection 1MΩ ±250V Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±3digit (23°C±5°C) (a1) (Normal Speed Mode) ±0.1% rdg. ±5digit (23°C±5°C) (a1) (High Speed Mode) ■ 4-20mA Measurement AMH-752-2A 4-20mA Display Adjustable Input Resistance Input Protection 10Ω ±150mA OFFSET ±1999 FULLSCALE ±1999 Accuracy: ±0.1% ±3 digit (23°C±5°C) (a1) (Normal Speed Mode) ±0.1% ±5 digit (23°C±5°C) (a1) (High Speed Mode) *a=Scaling Coefficient ■ Specifications 1.Measuring function: 2.Operation method: 3.No. of input points: *4.Input selection: 5.Input circuit: 6.Input bias current: *7.Conversion Rate: 8.Display: 9.Display speed: Mode No. Conversion Rate (1ch) per sec. Conversion Rate (2ch) per sec. 250 Mode No. Conversion Rate (1ch) per sec. Conversion Rate (2ch) per sec. 11 25 (200) 12 12.5 (400) 12.5 6.25 Specify one type from among DC voltage, DC current and instrumentation input signal measurements. Successive approximation type 2(A ch. and B ch.)ch./channel A, B, A+B, A-B, A & B, and {(A-B)/ |B| }100 Single-ended type 1nA(TYP) 1.25 times/sec to 4000 times/sec(For 1 ch.) 0.652 times/sec to 2000 times/sec(For 2 ch.) LED Measured-value display unit character height;10.0mm(red) Monitor character height ; 8mm(green) 12.5 times/sec(Only in the normal speed mode) Display in the high-speed mode ; Displayed only during hold. 1 4000 (1) High Speed Mode 2 3 2000 1333.3 (2) (3) 4 1000 (4) 2000 1000 500 666.7 Normal Speed Mode 7 8 9 250 125 100 (20) (40) (50) 125 62.5 50 10 50 (100) 25 Normal Speed Mode 13 14 15 10 5 2.5 (500) (1000) (2000) 5 2.5 1.25 16 1.25 (4000) 0.625 ( )Average time 10.Polarity display: 11.Overrange warning: 12.Zero display: 13.Decimal point: OFFSET ±1999 Range 500 High Speed Mode FULLSCALE ±1999 Model 6 500 (10) Normal Speed Mode ■ 1-5V Measuement Model 5 1000 (5) ±500V Accuracy: ±0.1% ±2 digit(23°C±5°C)(a1)(Normal Speed Mode) ±0.1% ±4 digit(23°C±5°C)(a1)(High Speed Mode) Model Mode No. Conversion Rate (1ch) per sec. Conversion Rate (2ch) per sec. 14.Maximum display: 15.External control: Automatic "_" display when the computation result is minus Overflow display when input signal exceeds measuring range LED(red)flashes.(Display:Value just before overflow occurs) Leading "zero" suppression Settabel to any position(by dip switch at the front). ±1999 Start/hold(start hold A type) Start/Start terminal open(or 5 V) Hold/Shorting between digital common and hold terminals(or 0 V) *:Sample hold(start hold B type) Only one measurement is performed from rise of positive or negative pulse of more than 500µ s and the result is out-put. *:Digital zero Function of making the mechanical initial value such as of pressure sensor, potentiometer, etc. to zero electrically. By shorting between the digital common and digital zero (for A ch. or B ch.) terminals, or at 0V;The displayed value just after the above shorting made or voltage is set to 0 V is changed to "zero" and the value at that time is stored. (A ch. and B ch. can be independently controlled.) *:Peak hold, valley hold and peak valley hold •Peak hold Display of maximum value measured •Valley hold;Display of minimum value measured •Peak valley hold; Display of the difference between maximum and minimum value measured The respective display function works with the common and above terminals shorted or at 0 V. (However, only display is made, and comparison output is always in accordance with voltage or current value applied between input Hi and Lo.) *:Settable on the sheet key at the front. ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 41 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AMH-752 ■ Comparison Section 1.Control method: 2.Setting range: ■ Optional Specifications Computation by microcomputer High/low limit setting including polarity(2/4step setting)-1999 to 0 to +1999 Tri-state, Parallel BCD output, Fan out 2 Polarity output/At minus value;"1" Overflow output/At overflow;"1" P.C output;At the end of A/D conversion, plus pulse in approx. 500µs width *Only in the normal speed mode Bidirectional(Full duplex) 1.BCD output: (TTL level) 3.Comparison conditions (display): Comparison condition Comparator Measured value>High/high limit set-value High/high limit set-value≧Measured-value >High limit set-value High limit set-value≧Measured-value ≧Low limit set-value Low limit set-value<Measured-value ≧Low/low limit set-value Low/low limit set-value>Measured-value 4.Comparison display: Comparison result AMH-752 HH (HI) HI GO LO (LO) LL As a comparison result, the respective light emitting diode lights. Output voltage;±0 to 2.5V Resolution;0.25mV/digit Accuracy;0.5% FS(23˚C±5˚C) External resistance;More than 20kΩ Overvoltage;Approx.±3.5V, less than 5V *Any of high speed and normal speed modes is available. 4.Absolute value display comparison: Function of outputting absolute value regardless input single polarity ■ Ordering Code AMH-752 - - - Set data can be reserved for about 10 years using EEPROM. 2.Operating temperature and humidity: 0 to 50˚C, 35 to 85% RH 3.Power supply: 90 to 132V AC 50/l60Hz 180 to 264V AC 50/60Hz (Internal jumper wire selection) 4.Power consumption: Approx. 5VA(at 100V) 5.Dimensins: 48mm(H) 96mm(W) 158mm(D), DIN size 6.Dielectric strength: Between input and grounding(E)terminals, 500V DC Between input and digital common/relay output/transistors output;500V DC,each Between power supply terminal and input terminal/grounding(E)/digital common/relay output/transistor outpu;1 min at 1500V AC, each. 7.Insulation resistance: Between each terminal described above, more than 100MΩ at 500V DC 1.Memory backup: 8.Weight: 9.Accessories: 10.Others: 42 Approx. 600g(mainframe) Input/output screw terminals, 2 pcs. Instruction manual Data output plug(Amphenol 57-30360) For unit display, contact us. ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Output { Power Supply { 1.2. AC90~132V AC180~264V Range { 1. None 2. BCD 3. ANALOG 4. BCD,ANALOG R. RS-232C 11 21 1V ~ ■ Common Specifications { Compares 1. Relay Output Output (0.625Hz~80Hz) 2. Photo Coupler Output (0.625Hz~4kHz) ~ 5.Comparison relay output: HH, HI, GO, LO, and LL(1 "a", each) 6.Relay output cycle: Approx. 12.5ms Conversion Rate: When the speed is slower than 80 times /sec, output for each sampling. At 1ch. input Conversion Rate: When the speed is faster than 80 times/sec, outputs the result at that time at about 12.5 msec intervals.(Excluded at start/hold.) 7.Relay contact capacity: 250V AC, 0.1A Resistive load 120V AC, 0.5A Resistive load 28V DC, 1A Resistive load 8.Photo-Coupler output: Sink current;20mA max.(less than 30 V) (NPN open-collector) 9.Photo-Coupler output cycle: Approx. 250µs at the sampling speed of 4000 times/sec for 1ch. input For others;Depending on each sampling speed 10.Hysteresis: Settable from 1 to 999 digits for each comparison set-value. 11.External control: Comparison output reset with the reset and digital common terminals shotred(or at 0 V) 2.RS-232C: (Conformance) 3.Analog output: 14 25 2A SETPOINT COMPARATOR AMH-752 ■ Dimensions ■ Data Output 96 48 TZ PH DZ RE Front M P Comparator BCD OUTPUT A.OUT COM RS-232C P.SEL D. COM OVER 103 101 PC RTS CTS SG 1 D.COM 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 POL 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 OVE HS HH HI GO LO LL S ※ 158 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 100 8 1 2 4 102 7 7 BCD OUTPUT 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 P.H RXD TXD SG 0 D.COM D.Z.(A) D.Z.(B) ENABLE A.OUT RS-232C P.SEL Control Control ANALOG Side 92 +0.8 −0 Min.70 45 −0 +0.6 SG Panel Cutout 13 25 CTS RXD RTS TXD 1 14 D-SUB Connector Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm ■ Connection Diagram Relay Output HH c HI a c GO a c LO a c LL a c a ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ (UPPER) c=Common a= a Contact Relay Coupler Output HH Upper e HI c e GO c e LO c e LL c e c ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ (UPPER) e= Emitter c= Collector 5.9max φ3.2min 5min INPUT Control E 3.6max POWER Ach A.G Bch A.G COM S/H RESET Lower ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ (LOWER) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 43 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AMH-762 ✽High Conversion rate 1000times/sec (Normal speed mode) 4000times/sec (High speed mode) ■ Features • High Conversion Rate, 1000times/sec (Normal speed mode) 4000times/sec (High speed mode) • 2 inputs computation (A input, B input) • Digital Zero, Peak Hold, Valley Hold, Peak-Valley Hold Comparator • Available 8-pattern Setting for Scaling value and setpoints (Data Back-up EEPROM) •Excitation Supply 24VDC 40mA •RS-232C, RS-485 Output (Option) •BCD, Analog Output (Option) •Power Supply (90 to 264VAC) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range •Bright LED, 10mm (Red) Display Adjustment Input Impedance Input Protectio AMH-762-13 ±9.999V Offset ±10000 Fullscale ±0 to 10000 ±250V 1MΩ Display: Display Speed: Accuracy:±0.1% FS (23°C±5°C) ■ 1 to 5V Measurement Model Range AMH-762-1V 1 to 5V Polarity : Overrange Indication: Display Adjustment Input Impedance Input Protectio Offset ±10000 Fullscale ±0 to 10000 ±250V 1MΩ Accuracy:±0.1% FS (23°C±5°C) Max. Display: Decimal Point: Zero Display: EXternal Control: ■ 4 to 20mA Measurement Model Range Display Adjustment Internal Resistance Input Protectio AMH-762-2A 4 to 20mA Offset ±10000 Fullscale ±0 to 10000 ±70mA 50Ω Accuracy:±0.1% FS (23°C±5°C) ※Condition for accuracy, (FSC-OFS)/(FIN-OIN) is less than 1 ■ Specifications • Measuring Section Input Configuration: Operation Method: No. of Input: Conversion Rate : Mode No. Conversion Rate (1ch) per sec. Conversion Rate (2ch) per sec. 44 Level "0"= 0 to +1.5V Level "1"= +3.5 to 5V Current= less than -5mA ✽Not provided PH, DZA and DZB for RS-232C and RS-485 output High Speed Mode Mode No. 4 Conversion Rate 1000 (1ch) per sec. Conversion Rate 500 (2ch) per sec. Mode No. Conversion Rate (1ch) per sec. Conversion Rate (2ch) per sec. Single Ended Successive approximation type A input and B input 0.5times to 4000times(only use one input) 0.25times to 2000times(use two input) 1 2 4000 2000 2000 1000 Nomal Speed Mode 10 20 40 80 100 500 400 200 100 50 40 250 200 100 50 25 20 200 400 Nomal Speed Mode 800 1000 2000 4000 8000 20 10 5 4 2 1 0.5 10 5 2.5 2 1 0.5 0.25 8 LED,10mm hight (Red) 8mm hight (Green) for monitor 1.25, 2.5, 12.5, 25times/sec for Normal speed mode When pressed key of "C", appear display value for High speed mode A "-" is displayed automatically When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL and flash ±99999 Settable to any digit position Leading zero suppression Hold ; Shorted D.COM and S/HA, S/HB terminal or level "0" Start; Open D.COM and S/HA, S/HB terminal or "1" level Digital Zero; Shorted D.COM and DZA, DZB terminal or level "0" Peak Hold; Valley Hold; Shorted D.COM and PH terminal or level "0" Peak Valley Hold;(Compare the display value) Selected either one Pattern Select; Combination of D.COM and P.SEL terminal ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. SETPOINT COMPARATOR AMH-762 • Comparator Section Control System: Setting Range: Comparative Condition: • Common Section Memory Back-up : Operating Temp: Power Supply: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Insulation Resistance: Excitation Supply: Accessories: EEPROM (Rewrite more than 100,000 times) back up 10 years 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH 90 to 264VAC Approx 10VA TYP. (at 100V) 48(H) 96(W) 161(D) mm DIN size Approx. 600g (unit only) Input/earth, COM, Comparative output, DC500V/ 1 min. Input/D.COM of each output terminal, DC500V/1 min. Power supply/D.COM, case, comparative output, 1500VAC/1 min. 500VDC more than 100M ohms at the above terminals 24VDC ±10% 40mA (Ripple less than 100mV p-p) Instruction manual ● RS-232C (Isolated input (Lo)) Electrical Characterstics: Conforming to EIA RS-485 Communication Method: Full duplex Synchronous Method: Start and Stop Transmission Speed: 2400/4600/9600/19200 bps Start Bit: 1 bit Data Length : 7 bits Error Detection: Even parity Stop Bit: 2 bits Character Code: ASCII code Transmission Control: No protocol Comparator Microcomputer -99999 to +99999 with polarity High High setpoint < Indication /HH /HI High setpoint < Indication High setpointIndicationLow setpoint /GO High high setpointIndicationLow low setpoint Low setpoint > Indication /LO Low low setpoint > Indication /LL Relay Contact Capacity: 250VAC 0.2A Resistive load 120VAC 0.5A Resistive load 28VDC 1A Resistive load Photo Coupler Outpu: Voltage=Max. 30V Current=Max. 20mA Saturation voltage=less than 1.2V at 20mA Hysteresis: 1 to 9999 digit each setpoints External Control: Reset; Shorted D.COM and R.RE terminal or level "0" ● Analog Output (Isolated input (Lo)) Output Resistive load Accuracy(23°C±5°C) 1 to 5V More than 10KΩ ±0.5% FS 4 to 20mA 0 to 500Ω ±0.5% FS ■ Other Functions Moving Average: Fixed Zero: Display Blanking: Tracking Zero: Digital Filter function 10˚digit is fixed to "0" for display Blanking of LEDs on main and monitor display Zero point shift is digitally, automatically corrected. Activated when digital zero function becomes valid ■ Output ● BCD data output (Isolated input (Lo)) •At Open collector (NPN) Negative logic transistor "ON" at logic 1 Measured Data: Polarity Signal: Transistor "ON" at minus input Over Signal: Transistor "ON" at overflow input Printing Command Signal: Transistor "ON" during a period at every measurement completion Transistor Output Capacity: Applied voltage, 30V max. current 10mA max. Saturated output voltage less than 1.2V at 10mA *Available TTL output ● RS-485 (Isolated input (Lo)) Electrical Characterstics: Conforming to EIA RS-485 Synchronous Method: Start and stop Communication Method: 2-wires system half-duplex (Polling and selecting) Transmission Speed: 2400/4800/9600/19200 bPS Start Bit: 1 bit Data Length: 7 bits Error Detection: Even parity (BCC) Stop Bit: 2 bits Character Code: ASCII code Transmission Control: No protocol Signal name used: Signal name Signal Signal Direction Non-reversible output + Input/output Reversible output – Input/output No. of Connectable Meter: Line Length: Up to 31 meters Up to 500m in total ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 45 SETPOINT COMPARATOR AMH-762 ■ Ordering Code AMH-762- VA - ■ Connection Diagram - Upper 1. Relay Comparator Output 2. Photo Coupler 1. None BCD Output 2. TTL 3. Open Collector 1. None 2. BCD Output 3. RS-485 4. RS-232C 5. Analog Output (1 to 5V 4 to 20mA) { HH { Comparator { c (e) GO LO LL ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ( ):PHOTO COUPLER Lower P.SEL Power Supply 1. 90 to 264VAC 0 Range HI a (c) c (e) a (c) c (e) a (c) c (e) a (c) c (e) a (c) EXC 1 D.COM S/HA S/HB R.RE 0V +24V 2 ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ■ Dimensions ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ HI 96 A.B ch LO A.A ch V.B ch V.A ch E AC POWER 90V∼264V INPUT 48 Front TZ PH DZ RE OL HH HS HI GO LO LL CONT ■ Connection Diagram P R M S Connector PH NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC CLR 153 7 131 DZA NC D.COM 2 34 1 33 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC DZB NC D.COM 44.5 Side Output Connector 100 161 2 170 101 8 2 102 8 2 103 8 2 104 8 2 ENABLE 1 8 OVER PH CLR DZA NC COM 2 34 1 92 +0.8 −0 33 1 4 1 Min.70 45 −0 +0.6 100 Panel Cutout 4 101 1 4 102 1 4 103 1 4 POL PC NC DZB NC COM ENABLE 2 104 Analog output 4ー20mA 1ー5V + NC ー NC NC NC NC NC NC + NC ー CLR PH DZH NC COM Min.120 2 34 1 Panel thickness:0.8 to 5.0mm 33 + NC ー NC NC NC NC NC NC + NC ー NC NC DZB NC COM 1ー5V 4ー20mA RS232Coutput SG CTS RXD RTS TXD 1 13 25 14 D-SUB RS485output OFF + 46 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. − NC NC SG ON TERMINATER AC VOLTMETER & AMMETER AP-166 ■ Features ✽Standard Type • Average • Bright LED 14.2mm (Red) • AC 999.9mV~700.0V, AC 999.9mA~999.9mA Measurement ■ AC Voltage Measurement 999.9mV 9.999V 99.99V 700.0V Frequency Range 40Hz~10kHz 40Hz~10kHz 40Hz~4kHz 40Hz~1kHz Input Protection 100V 100V 300V 700V Power Supply Range Accucracy: ±(0.3% of rdg. + 3 digit) (23°C ± 5°C, 35 ~ 85%RH) AP-166-22 AP-166-23 AP-166-24 AP-166-25 999.9µA 9.999mA 99.99mA 999.9mA 12 22 15 25 Internal Resistance 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω Frequency Range 40Hz~1kHz 40Hz~1kHz 40Hz~1kHz 40Hz~1kHz Input Protection 10mA 50mA 200mA 1A 96 Front 48 Range { 1.2. AC90~132V AC180~264V ■ Dimensions ■ AC Current Measurement Model { AC V & A AP-166-12 AP-166-13 AP-166-14 AP-166-15 Input Impedance 10MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ ~ Range ~ Model ■ Ordering Code AP-166- Accucracy: ±(0.5% of rdg. + 3 digit) (23°C ± 5°C, 35 ~ 85%RH) ■ Specifications 95 71 6.5 Single Ended input Impedance 10MΩ 100PF or less Rectifier Circuit: Represents effective Value of sine wave by demodulation of mean Value Conversion Rate: 2.5/sec Response Speed: Approx. 2.5sec(10~90%) Display: LED, 14.2mm 4 digit Decimal Point: Settable to any digit positions Overrange Indication: When input exceeds the maximum display, flash display External Control: Hold; HOLD terminal and COM shorted Power Supply: AC90~132V AC180~264V Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumtion: Approx. 2VA Dimensions: 48(H) × 96(W) × 95(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 270g Dielectric Strength: Between input terminal and earth(E), DC500V/1 min. Between power supply terminal and input terminal, COM, earth(E) AC1500V/1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input Configuration: Side Panel cut Min.70 45+0.6 −0 92 +0.8 −0 Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 5.0mm ■ Connection Diagram Upper ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ HI LO NC COM HOLD INPUT ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. NC E AC POWER 47 AC Voltmeter AP-560 ■ Features • No need power supply • Low cost • Thin case, 1/8 DIN AC V & A ■ DC Voltage Measurement ■ Dimensions Model Range Resolution Input Protection AP-560-1 AP-560-2 60 to 250 V AC 240 to 600 V AC 1V 1V 300 V 700 V Front 48 Accuracy : ± 3 digits (23°C ± 5°C 35 to 85%RH) 96 ■ Specifications Conversion Rate: Overrange Indication: Display: Power Consumption: Operating Temp.: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Insulation Resistance: 2.5/sec none 3 digit, 14.2 mm Red LED 35 mA (MAX) 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85%RH 96(W) 48(H) 22(D)mm DIN size Approx. 55 g input terminal/case, 1500 V DC/1 min input terminal/case, more than 100 M ohm at 500 V DC 6.3 12.2 Side ■ Ordering Code AP-560- 92 +0.8 −0 Min.70 45 −0 +0.6 1. 60 to 250 V AC 2. 240 to 600 V AC Panel cutout Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2 mm ■ Connection Diagram AC 48 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. INPUT AC VOLTMETER & AMMETER A5- ■ Features • Low Cost • Power Supply AC100~240 V DC9~60 V ■ AC Voltage, Current (Average) Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Measurement Range 99.99 V 600 V Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input Frequency Display 23 24 25 Measurement Range 9.999 mA 99.99 mA 999.9 mA 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Range Measurement Range Input Frequency 26 5A 50 Hz or 60 Hz 11 12 13 04 Range 05 14 15 Range 08 09 Maximum Resolution 10 µV 100 µV 1 mV Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy more than 1 MΩ 100 V 100 V 250 V ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) Maximum Resolution 10 mV 100 mV Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy more than 1 MΩ 250 V 600 V ±(0.2% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.3% of rdg + 10 digit) Maximum Resolution 1 µA 10 µA 100 µA Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 10 Ω 1Ω 0.1 Ω 100 mA 500 mA 3A ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) Display Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 1 mA CT 8A ±(0.5% of rdg + 10 digit) Maximum Resolution 10 µV 100 µV 1 mV Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy more than 1 MΩ 100 V 100 V 250 V ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) Maximum Resolution 10 mV 100 mV Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy more than 1 MΩ 250 V 600 V ±(0.2% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.3% of rdg + 20 digit) Maximum Resolution 1 µA 10 µA 100 µA Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 10 Ω 1Ω 0.1 Ω 100 mA 500 mA 3A ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) AC V & A Measurement Range 99.99 mV 999.9 mV 9.999 V Range ■ AC Voltage, Current (TRUE-RMS) Measurement Range 99.99 mV 999.9 mV 9.999 V Input Frequency 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Measurement Range 99.99 V 600 V Input Frequency Display 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Input Frequency Display 23 24 25 Measurement Range 9.999 mA 99.99 mA 999.9 mA 40 Hz to 1 kHz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Range Measurement Range Input Frequency Display Maximum Resolution Input Impedance Input Protection Accuracy 26 5A 50 Hz or 60 Hz offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 1 mA CT 8A ±(0.5% of rdg + 20 digit) Range 11 12 13 06 Range 07 14 15 Range 10 11 Input configuration Response time Crest factor Dead zone Display : Single ended : Approx. 1 sec. : 4:1 at fullscale (only for TRUE-RMS) : 0 to 99 digit ■ Specifications Display: Conversion Rate: Maximum Display: Overrange Indication: Zero Display: Decimal Point: External Control: Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Power Supply: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength (AC): Dielectric Strength (DC): Insulation Resistance: ■ Ordering Code Main display Red LED 14.2 mm height Sub display Green LED 8 mm height 12.5 times/sec. 9999 When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or –OL Leading zero suppression Settable to any digit position Start/Hold, Peak Hold, Digital Zero 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH –10 to 70°C less than 60% RH AC 100 to 240V±10% (AC main unit) DC 9 to 60 V (DC main unit) Approx 4 VA (at 100 V) 96 mm × 48 mm (H) × 147.5 mm (D) DIN size Approx. 450 g Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals A5 Input 04. AC voltage AVG (99.99 mV to 9.999 V) 05. AC voltage AVG (99.99 V to 600 V) 06. AC voltage RMS (99.99 mV to 9.999 V) 07. AC voltage RMS (99.99 V to 600 V) 08. AC current AVG (9.999 mA to 999.9 mA) 09. AC current AVG (5 A) 10. AC current RMS (9.999 mA to 999.9 mA) 11. AC current RMS (5 A) Output 0. None 1. HI & LO setpoint 2. Analog output 3. RS-232C 4. RS-485 5. HI & LO setpoint + analog output 6. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-232C 7. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-485 Display board 1. Single 2. Multiple Main board 1. AC100 - 240 V (±10%) 2. DC9 - 60 V ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 49 DIGITAL SCALING METER AS-101 ■ Features • Low Cost • CE Approval ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Range Display Adjustable Input Impedance Input Protection ■ Ordering code AS-101Power supply AS-101-1V 1~5V Offset ±10 AS-101-2V 0~5V Fullscale 1MΩ ±100V AS-101-3V 0~10V 100~1999 Accuracy : ±(0.1% of rdg. + 2 digits) (23°C ±5°C, 35~85%RH) Range Process Monitor ■ DC Current Measurement Model Range Display Adjustable Input Impedance Input Protection Offset ±10 ±70mA Fullscale 51Ω 100~1999 Accuracy : ± (0.1% of rdg. + 2 digits) (23°C ±5°C, 35~85%RH) AS-101-2A { 1V: 1~5V 2V: 0~5V 3V: 0~10V 2A: 4~20mA ■ Dimensions 4~20mA 48 Front 96 ■ Specifications 71 56 6.5 +0.6 Side 45 −0 Measurement function :DC voltage & current measurement.Front Specify one model from among 4 models. Operation method : Dual slope Input configuration : Single ended Input Bias Current : 2nA(Typ.) Conversion rate : 2.5 times/sec Normal mode rejection :More than 4dB (50/60Hz) (Typ.) Max.display : 1999 Overrange indication : When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 or -1999 flashes Display : LED, 14.2mm, 3 1/2-digits Polarity : Automatic polarity selection Polarity display : A “–” is displayed automatically External control : Hold;COM terminal and S/H terminal shorted Side or level “0” Decimal point : Settable to any digit position Operation Temperature/humidity : 0 ~ 50˚C, 35 to 85%RH Storage temperature/humidity : -10 ~ 70˚C, 60%RH max. Power supply : AC 90V~132V 50/60Hz 2.0VA(Max.) (100V) 180V~264V 50/60Hz 2.0VA(Max.) (200V) DC 24V ±20% 40mA(Max.) Isolated Dimensions : 96mm(W) x 48mm(H) x 71mm(D) DIN size Weight : AC Approx. 175g DC Approx. 100g Dielectric resistance : AC type; Between power supply and input terminal(Lo),COM,case, AC2100V/1 min. DC type; Between power supply(0V) and input(Lo), DC500V Insulation resistance : Between power supply terminal(0) and input(Lo) DC500V more than 100M ohm Accessory : Instruction manual, terminal cover,2-axis,2-screw Standards : IEC1010-1,EN50082-2,EN50081-2 Setup environment : Installation category II, Pollution degree 2 Altitude : 2000m max. Fuse : Type TR-5 19372-0.2A Slow-blow type 50 { 1: AC 90~132V 2: AC 180~264V 4: DC 24V (Isolated) Panel cut 92 +0.8 −0 ■ Connection Diagram INPUT HI LO AC/DC POWER NC S/H COM NC 0V +V ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. PROCESS MONITOR AS-203A ■ Features ✽Miniature Size • Easily adjustable offset-fullscale from the front panel (Span 2000 counts) • Bright LED, 8mm (Red) • DIN size 24(H) × 48(W)mm • Power supply DC5V or DC24V (Isolated) • 200mV~200V, 200µA~2A Measurement • 1~5V, 4~20mA Measurement ■ DC Voltage Measurement Input Protection ±10mA ±50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A Power Supply Range Accuracy: 0.1% rdg. ±2 digits (23°C ±5°C) ■ DC Current Measurement Range AS-203A-21 AS-203A-22 AS-203A-23 AS-203A-24 AS-203A-25 ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A 3. DC 5V (Isolated) 4. DC 24V (Isolated) 11 21 1V 14 25 2A ■ Dimensions Display Adjustable Offset ±1000 Fullscale ±100~1999 48 Fullscale Adjust 24 Model { { Process Monitor Internal Resistance 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω AS-203A- ~ Fullscale ±100~1999 Input Protection ±100V ±250V ±250V ±500V ~ Range ±199.9mV ±1.999V ±19.99V ±199.9V Input Impedance 100MΩ 100MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ ~ Model AS-203A-11 AS-203A-12 AS-203A-13 AS-203A-14 ■ Ordering Code Display Adjustable Offset ±1000 Front Accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. ±2 digits (23°C ±5°C) ±0.3% rdg. ±1 digit only for AS-203A-25 Offset Adjust ■ 1~5V Measurement Model Range AS-203A-1V 1~5V Display Adjustable Offset ±1000 Fullscale 100~1999 Input Impedance Input Protection 1MΩ ±250V Side Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±2 digits (23°C ±5°C) 4.8 51 73 ■ 4~20mA Measurement AS-203A-2A 4~20mA Display Adjustable Offset ±1000 Fullscale 100~1999 Internal Resistance Input Protection 51Ω ±70mA 45 +0.6 −0 Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg. ±2 digits (23°C ±5°C) Panel cut Single Ended 2nA (Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB (Typ.) (50/60Hz) Offset Typ. ±0.1, Max. ±0.3 digit/°C Fullscale Typ. ±0.1, Max. ±0.3 digit/°C Display: LED, 8mm 3 1/2 digits Polarity: A "-" is displayed automatically Decimal Point: Settable to any digit position Overrange Indication: When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes Fullscale Adjustment: 100~1999 Offset Adjustment: ±1000 Span: 2000 counts Power Supply: DC5V ±5%, 90mA (Typ.) DC24V ±20%, 20mA Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Power Consumption: 450 mW at 5V, 480 mW at 24V Dimensions: 24(H) × 48(W) × 73(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 46g Dielectric Strength: Between power supply (0V) terminal and input (Lo) terminal, DC500V Between input (Lo) terminal and mounting panel, AC1500V/1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram 2 3 HI LO Start/Hold ■ Specifications Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Temperature Coefficient: Min.35 Range 22.2 +0.3 −0 Model 1 INPUT 4 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 BL COM 7 8 9 10 OV +5. 24V Power 51 PROCESS MONITOR AS-201 ■ Features ✽ Fullscale Adjustable • Adjustable full scale • Bright LED 10.2mm • Din size 24(H) ✕ 48(W) • 1-5V, 0-5V, 0-10V measurement • Power supply DC5V (NO-ISOLATED) ■ DC Voltage Measurement Model Code Range AS-201-1V AS-201-2V AS-201-3V 1~5V 0~5V 0~10V Display Adjustable 0-100~1999 0-100~1999 0-100~1999 Input Impedance 1MΩ 1MΩ 1MΩ Input Protection ±250V ±250V ±250V ■ Ordering Code AS-201 - Range { 1V 2V 3V Accuracy: ±0.1% rdg ±2 digit (23°C ±5°C) ■ Dimensions Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: Full-scale Adjustment: External Hold: Power Supply: Operating Temperature: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Insulation Resistance: Front Offset Adjust Fullscale Adjust 48 73 51 4.8 Side 45 +0.6 –0 Min.35 Display: Polarity: Single Ended 2nA(Typ.) 2.5/sec 40dB Typ. (50/60Hz) ±0.1 digit (Typ.)/°C ±0.3 digit (Max.)/°C LED, 10.2mm 3 1/2 digit 1V Range:When input less than 1V, a "-" is displayed automatically. 2V, 3V Range:When input less than 0V, a "-" is displayed automatically. Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes 100~1999 Negative 0V or Short DC 5V±5% 70mA (Typ.) 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH 350mW 24(H) ✕ 48(W) ✕ 73(D)mm DIN Size 40g Between Input(Lo) and Mounted panel, AC1500V/1 min. DC500V 100MΩ or more at above terminals 22.2 +0.3 –0 Process Monitor Input Configuration: Input Bias Current: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Temperature Coefficient: 24 ■ Specifications Panel Cutout Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram Connect input Lo and Ov. 2 HI LO 3 HOLD 1 4 101 INPUT 52 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 7 8 9 10 COM 102 103 OV +5V D.P Power PROCESS MONITOR AL-501A ■ Features ✽ Self Power(4 to 2omA) • Self power (4~20mA) • Easily adjustable for offset-fullscale from the front panel • LCD Display, 12.7 mm • Screw terminals • 4~20mA Measurement ■ 4~20mA Measurement Model Range AL-501A 4~20mA ■ Dimensions Display Adjustable Offset ±200 Fullscale 100~1999 Input Protection 96 ±50mA Offset VR Accuracy: ±0.1% F.S. ±1 digit (23°C ±5°C) Fullscale Adjustment: Offset Adjustment: Voltage Drop: Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Power Supply: Operating Temperature: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Accessory: 48 Fullscale VR 22 12.2 6.3 Side 92 +0.8 −0 45 +0.6 −0 Overrange Indication: Front Single Ended 1999 2.5/sec NMR 40dB (TYP) Offset display, ±0.3 digit/°C (Max.) Fullscale display,±0.3 digit/°C (Max.) When input exceeds the maximum display, display +1 and blank other digits 100 to 1999 ±200 digits 2.2V (at 20mA) Typ. 1.6V (at 4mA) Typ. LCD, 12.7mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position Current loop power (4 to 20mA) 0 to 50 °C, 35 to 85% RH 48(H) ✕ 96(W) ✕ 22(D)mm DIN size Approx. 55 g (unit only) Input (Lo) terminal and earch(E), 500VDC/1min. Instruction Manual Process Monitor Input Configuration: Max. Display: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Temperature Coeficient: Min.70 ■ Specifications Panel Cutout Min.120 ■ Ordering Code AL-501A Panel thickness 0.8~3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram Hi Lo INPUT (E) EARTH ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 103 102 101 DECIMAL POINT 53 PROCESS MONITOR AL-213 ■ Features • Self power (4-20mA) • LED display 10.16mm (red) • Screw terminal ■ 4-20mA Measurement Model AL-213 Display Offset ± 200 Fullscale 100-1999 Accuracy: ± (0.1% of FS + 1 digit) (23℃ ± 5℃) 35-85%RH Input Protection ± 50mA 48 Front 24 Range 4-20mA ■ Dimensions Overrange indication: Fullscale adjustment: Offset adjustment: Voltage drop: Display: Polarity: Decimal point: Operating temp.: Dimensions: Dielectric strength: Weight: Single ended 1999 2.5/sec (TYP) 40 dB (TYP) Offset display, ±0.3 digit/˚C Fullscale display, ±0.3 digit/˚C When input exceeds the maximum display, display 1 and blank other digits 100-1999 ±200 5 V at 4 mA 5.3 V at 20 mA LED (red), 10.16 mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position 0 -50˚C 35-85%RH 48 (W) 24 (H) 40 (D) mm DIN size Between input (LO) and earth (E) DC500 V/min approx. 55 g 5 7.7 Side 4.3 Process Monitor Input Configuration: Max. display: Conversion rate: Normal mode rejection: Temperature Coefficient: 10.16 ■ Specifications 39.7 Rear ■ Ordering code AL-213 Panel cutout 45 +0.6 −0 +0.3 22.2 −0 65mm以上 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram 1 2 3 Terminal No. 1 2 3 54 Input HI Input LO Earth ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 35mm 以上 PROCESS MONITOR AL-512 ■ Features • Self power (4~20mA) • LED display 14.2 mm (red) • Screw terminal ■ 4~20mA Measurement ■ Dimensions Model Range Display Input Protection AL-512 4~20mA Offset ±200 Fullscale 100~1999 ±50mA 96 ■ Specifications Display: Polarity: Decimal Point: Operating Temp: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength: Accessory: Side 22 92 +0.8 −0 ■ Ordering Code AL-512 12.2 Min.70 Fullscale Adjustment: Offset Adjustment: Voltage Drop: 6.3 45 +0.6 −0 Overrange Indication: Front Single ended 1999 2.5/sec NMR 40dB (TYP) Offset display, ±0.3 digit/°C Fullscale display, ±0.3 digit/°C When input exceeds the maximum display, display 1 and blank other digits 100 to 1999 ±200 5V at 4 mA 5.3V at 20 mA LED, 14.2 mm A "-" is displayed automatically Settable to any digit position 0 to 50°C, 35 to 85% RH 96(W) × 48(H) × 22(D)mm DIN size Approx. 55 g (unit only) Input (Lo) and earth(E), 500VDC/1 min. Instruction Manual, terminal cover. Process Monitor Input Configuration: Max. Display: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Temperature Coeficient: 48 Accuracy: ±(0.1% of FS + 1 digit) (23°C ±5°C, 35 to 85% RH) Panel cut Min.120 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.2mm ■ Connection Diagram Hi Lo INPUT ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. (E) EARTH 55 PROCESS MONITOR AS-243 ■ Features ✽Standard 4 1/2 Digit • Easily adjustable offset-fullscale (Span 10000 counts) • Bright LED, 8 mm (Red) • DIN size 24 (H) 48 (W) mm • Power supply DC 24 V (isolated) • 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 4-20 mA measurement ■ Dimensions Model Range Display Input Impedance Input Protection AS-243-1V 1-5 V 1MΩ ±250V Offset ±5000 AS-243-2V 0-5V fullscale 1MΩ ±250V 100 to 9999 AS-243-3V 0-10 V 1MΩ ±250V Accuracy: ±(0.1%of rdg+2 digit) (23˚C±5˚C 45~75%RH) 48 Front 24 ■ DC Voltage Measurement ■ DC Current Measurement Model AS-243-2A Range 4-20mA Display Offset ±5000 fullscale 100 to 9999 Internal Resistance Input Protection 50Ω ±50mA 87 5 65 Accuracy: ±(0.1% of rdg+2 digit) (23˚C±5˚C 45~75%RH) ■ General Specifications Fullscale adjustment : Offset a djustment : Span : Display : Polarity : Scaling : Hold : Decimal point : Operating temperature : Power supply : Power consumption : Dimensions : Weight (unit) : Dielectric strength : Insulation resistance : Accessory : 45 +0.6 −0 Min.35 Overrange indication : Side Single ended 2 mA (TYP.) 2.5/sec 50dB (TYP.) (50/60 Hz) Offset display ±0.5 digit/˚C Fullscale display ±0.01% of span/˚C When input exceeds the maximum display, display flashes 100 to 9999 ±5000 10000 counts LED, 8 mm (Red) A "-" is displayed automatically By switch (rear) and fine volume (front) COM and S/H terminal shorted Settable to any digit position 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85%RH DC24V±20% 30 mA at DC24V 24(H) 48(W) 87(D)mm DIN size Approx. 50g Between input (Lo) and mounted panel, AC 1500V/l min. Between input (Lo) and power supply (0V), DC 500 V/l min. DC 500 V 100 MΩ or more at the above terminals Connector, Instruction manual 22.2 +0.3 −0 Thermometer Input configuration : Input bias current : Conversion rate : Normal mode rejection : Temp. coefficient : Panel Cutout Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram 1 2 3 4 HI LO S/H NC INPUT ■ Ordering Code AS-243- -4 Power Supply 4. DC24V 1V Range 2V 3V 2A { 56 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5 6 NC COM 7 8 NC NC 9 10 − + DC POWER THERMOMETER A5- ■ Features • Low Cost • Power Supply AC100~264 V DC9~60 V • Sensor Type :K, J, T, S, R, B, PT100 Ω ■ Thermocouple ■ Ordering Code Sensor Measurement Maximum Accuracy Type Range Resolution –50.0 to 199.9°C K KA 0.1°C ±(0.5% of FS) –50 to 1200°C K KB 1°C ±(0.2% of FS) –50 to 1000°C J J 1°C ±(0.2% of FS) 13 –50 to 400°C T T 1°C ±(0.6% of FS) 0 to 1700°C S S 1°C ±(0.4% of FS) –10 to 1700°C R R 1°C ±(0.4% of FS) 100 to 1800°C B B 1°C ±(0.4% of FS) over 500°C available Fahrenheit display Cold junction compensator accuracy : ±1°C (10 to 40°C) Sensor lead resistance : Less than 50 Ω Linearizing method : Digital linearizing Burn out alarm : ——— A5 Range Input 13. Temperature (Thermocouple) 14. Temperature (RTD) Output 0. None 1. HI & LO setpoint 2. Analog output 3. RS-232C 4. RS-485 5. HI & LO setpoint + analog output 6. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-232C 7. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-485 Display board 1. Single 2. Multiple Main board 1. AC100 - 240 V (±10%) 2. DC9 - 60 V Accuracy ±(0.15% of FS) ±(0.3% of FS) ■ Dimensions 92 121 147.5 Sensor Measurement Maximum Type Range Resolution 14 PT100 Ω –100.0 to 199.9°C PA 0.1°C PT100 Ω –100 to 600°C PB 1°C available Fahrenheit display Current for resistance : Approx. 1 mA External lead resistance : Less than 10 Ω/lead Linearizing method : Digital linearizing Burn out alarm : ——— Zero Display: Decimal Point: External Control: Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Power Supply: Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength (AC): Dielectric Strength (DC): Insulation Resistance: 45 96 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 92 +0.8 -0 MIN.70 Conversion Rate: Maximum Display: Overrange Indication: Main display Red LED 14.2 mm height Sub display Green LED 8 mm height 12.5 times/sec. 9999 When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or –OL Leading zero suppression Settable to any digit position Start/Hold, Peak Hold, Digital Zero 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH –10 to 70°C less than 60% RH AC 100 to 240V±10% (AC main unit) DC 9 to 60 V (DC main unit) Approx 4 VA (at 100 V) 96 mm × 48 mm (H) × 147.5 mm (D) DIN size Approx. 450 g Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals 45 +0.6 -0 Display: 7 ■ Specifications 48 Range Thermometer ■ RTD MIN.120 57 THERMOMETER AT-205 ■ Features ✽Miniature Size • Small Size • Power Supply DC5V, DC12V, DC24V • Sensor Types K, J, and PT-100Ω • Analog Output (option) • Screw Terminal • Bright LED, 8mm (Red) ■ Ordering Code ■ TC Measuring Range Sensor K J Code Measuring Range Resolution KC KF JC JF 0°C~+1000°C +32°F~+1832°F 0°C~+400°C +32°F~+752°F 1°C 1°F 1°C 1°F Accuracy (23°C±5°C) ±0.8% F.S. ±0.8% F.S. ±0.8% F.S. ±0.8% F.S. AT-205- Output Thermometer Code Code Measuring Range Resolution PT-100Ω PA PJ PF -100.0°C~+199.9°C -200°C~+600°C -328°F~+1112°F 0.1°C 1°C 1°F Accuracy (23°C±5°C) ±0.2% F.S. ±0.4% F.S. ±0.4% F.S. 1. None 3. Analog Power Supply ■ RTD Measuring Range Sensor { { { PA PF PJ 3. DC5V (Isolated) 4. DC24V (Isolated) 5. DC12V (Isolated) KC JC KF JF ■ Dimensions 48 Single Ended 2.5/sec 40dB (Typ.) LED, 8mm 3 1/2 digit A "-" displayed automatically DC5V ±5% 90mA DC12V ±20% 40mA DC24V ±20% 20mA Operating Temperature: 0~50°C, 35 to 85%RH Dimensions: 24(H) × 48(W) × 66(D)mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 51g Dielectric Strength: Between Input (A, B, COM) and 0V terminal, DC500V Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MΩ at above terminals Input Configuration: Conversion: Normal Mode Rejection: Display: Polarity: Power Supply: 24 ■ Specifications Front ℃ 66 4.8 51 Side ■ TC Measurement Section +0.3 45 +0.6 −0 Min.35 22.2 −0 Sensor: K or J Temperature Display: °C or °F Resolution: 1°C or 1°F External Lead Resistance: Less than 100Ω Cold Junction Compensator Accuracy: ±2°C (10°C~40°C) Burn-out Alarm: -1999 Flashing Excessive Input: DC ±5V Panel cut ■ RTD Measurement Section Sensor: PT-100Ω Current for Resistance: 1mA (Typ.) Temperature Display: °C or °F Resolution: 0.1°C or 1°C, 1°F External Lead Resistance: Less than 1Ω/lead Linearizing Method: Analog Linearizing Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ■ Analog Output Section Voltage: 1mV/°C or 1mV/°F, 10mV/°C for PA Accuracy: ±2% F.S. (23°C ±5°C) External Lead Resistance: More than 20kΩ A B COM T.C. RTD Pt 58 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. + HOLD 0V ANALOG DC POWER OUT 5V/12V/24 STRAIN GAUGE METER A5- ■ Dimensions 92 ■ Strain Gauge 7 121 147.5 Span Power Zero Maximum Accuracy Adjustment Resolution Supply Adjustment Range for Sensor Range 17 5V 0.5 µV/digit –0.3 to +2 mV/V 1 to 3 mV/V ±(0.1% of FS) +2 digit 10 V 1 µV/digit Sensor : 350 Ω Power supply for sensor : 5 V±5% (less than 15 mA) 10 V±5% (less than 30 mA) ■ Specifications Zero Display: Decimal Point: External Control: Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Power Supply: Dielectric Strength (DC): Insulation Resistance: -1 7 Input Output 0. None 1. HI & LO setpoint 2. Analog output 3. RS-232C 4. RS-485 5. HI & LO setpoint + analog output 6. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-232C 7. HI & LO setpoint + analog output + RS-485 Display 1. Single board 2. Multiple Main board MIN.70 ■ Output ● HI & LO setpoint output (A5XX1-XX) Indication > High setpoint High setpoint Indication Lo setpoint Indication < Lo setpoint Setting range : –9999 to 9999 Hysteresis : 1 to 999 digit for each setpoints Relay contact capacity : AC240 V 8 A resistive load DC30 V 8 A resistive load HI GO LO ● Analog output (A5XX2-XX) ■ Ordering Code A5 MIN.120 Strain Gauge Power Consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric Strength (AC): 92 +0.8 -0 45 +0.6 -0 Conversion Rate: Maximum Display: Overrange Indication: Main display Red LED 14.2 mm height Sub display Green LED 8 mm height 12.5 times/sec. 9999 When input exceeds the maximum display, display OL or –OL Leading zero suppression Settable to any digit position Start/Hold, Peak Hold, Digital Zero 0 to 50°C 35 to 85% RH –10 to 70°C less than 60% RH AC 100 to 240V±10% (AC main unit) DC 9 to 60 V (DC main unit) Approx 4 VA (at 100 V) 96 mm × 48 mm (H) × 147.5 mm (D) DIN size Approx. 450 g Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/1 min. Case/power supply/input terminal output terminal AC2000 V/1 min. DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals 48 Display: 45 96 1. AC100 - 240 V (±10%) 2. DC9 - 60 V Output Resistive load 0 to 1 V more than 10 kΩ 0 to 10 V more than 10 kΩ 1 to 5 V more than 10 kΩ 4 to 20 mA less than 550 Ω Output method : PWM method Scaling : Digital scaling Accuracy ±(0.5% of FS) ● RS-232C (Conforming to EIA RS-232C) (A5XX3-XX) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Stop bit Character code Transmission control process : Full duplex : 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400 bps : 1 bit : 7 bit/8 bit : Even parity/odd parity : 1 bit/2 bit : ASCII code : lgnored process ● RS-485 (Conforming to EIA RS-485) (A5XX4-XX) Communication method Transmission speed Start bit Data length Parity Error detection Stop bit Character code Transmission control process Signal name : Full duplex : 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400 bps : 1 bit : 7 bit/8 bit : Even parity/odd parity : BCC : 1 bit/2 bit : ASCII code : lgnored process : + non reversal output – reversal output Maximum No. of meter connected : 31 Line length : Up to 500 m in total ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 59 STRAIN GAUGE METER ASG-251 ■ Features Load Cell Direct Input • Hi and Lo Set points • Bright LED, 8mm (RED) • Excitation Supply 20mA at DC5V ■ Dimensions 48 Side 87 Comparative Condition: Hysteresis: Response Time: ■ Ordering Code 10~+1999 (HI and LO) By Volume Setting value ±2 digit (23°C ±5°C) (Typ.) 250VAC 0.1A resistive load 120VAC 0.5A resistive load 28VDC 1A resistive load HI setpoint%Indication ➔ HI LO setpoint.Indication ➔ LO 5~12 digit less than 100msec 21 Panel cut 45 +0.6 −0 ■ Comparator Section Setting Range: Setting Method: Setting Accuracy: Relay Contact Capacity: LO 24 HI Min.35 Strain Gauge Front 22.2 +0.3 −0 0.1%FS ±1 digit 2.5/sec NMR 40dB (Typ) (50/60Hz) Strain gauge sensor (350W) DC5V±5% 20mA LED, 8mm (RED) Settable to any digit position When input exceeds the maximum display, 1999 flashes Power Supply: DC19 to 29V (40mA at DC24V) Operating Temperature: 0 ~ 50°C, 30 ~ 85%RH Power Consumption: Approx. 1W Dimensions: 24(H) × 48(W) × 87(D) mm DIN Size Weight: Approx. 53g (unit only) Dielectric Strength: Between power supply/COM DC500V/ 1 min. Between -SIG/case AC1500V/ 1 min. Insulation Resistance: DC500V 100MW at above terminals Accessory: Instruction manual, connector Zero Adjustment: ±0.3mV/V Gain Adjustment: 1mV/V~3mV/V to fullscale 1999 Zero Drift: 0.02% FS/°C Gain Drift: 0.02% rdg/°C Analog Output: 1mV/digit 0.5% FS, less than 250ppm more than 100msec, more than 500W External Control: Hold Accuracy: Conversion Rate: Normal Mode Rejection: Sensor: Excitation Supply: Display: Decimal Point: Overrange Indication: 22 ■ Specifications Min.65 Panel thickness 0.8 to 3.5mm ■ Connection Diagram HI Lo POWER Upper a ASG-251 c 1 b a c b COM HOLD 0V +24V 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +SIG −SIG +EXC −EXC COM NC NC NC COM ANALOG OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INPUT Lower 60 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. A7000 SERIES DIGITAL PANEL METER A7000 ■ Features ! NEW • Power supply 100 to 240VAC 12 to 48VDC • Panel cut out 72mm(W) ✕ 36mm(H) • Option BCD output, RS-232C, RS-485 • HH, HI, GO, LO, LL setpoints • Input DC, AC, TC, RTD, Frequency, Strain Gauge Resistance ■Common Specification Maximum display: Overrange indication: Zero display: Decimal point: Operating temp: Storage temp.: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight:approx: Dielectric strength(AC): (DC): Insulation resistance: AC voltage, current (TRUE-RMS) 9999 When input exceed the maximum display display OVER or –OVER Leading zero suppression Settable to any digit position 0 to 50°C(35 to 85% RH) –10 to 70°C less than 60%RH 100 to 240VAC±10% 12 to 48VDC ±10% 8VA(At AC) 7W(At DC) 72mm(W)X36mm(H)X118mm(D) 160g Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC1500V/min Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500V/min Input terminal/output terminal DC500V/min DC500V more than 100M Ω at the above terminals Input Specifications DC voltage, current ■ A7X11-X Measurement Range 11 12 13 14 15 ±99.99mV ±999.9mV ±9.999V ±99.99V ±700V Display Input Protection offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±50V ±50V ±250V ±250V ±700V Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) ±(0.1% of rdg+2digit) 21 22 23 24 ±99.99µA ±999.9µA ±9.999mA ±99.99mA Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±10mA ±50mA ±50mA ±700mA ±(0.1% of rdg +2 digit) Conversion rate: 100times/sec ■ A7X13-X Range Measurement Range ±999.9mA ±2.000A Display offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 Conversion rate: 100times/sec 25 26 11 12 13 14 15 99.99mV 999.9mV 9.999V 99.99V 700.0V Minimum display Frequency range: Response time: Conversion rate: Display Input Protection offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 50V 50V 250V 250V 700V Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) ±(0.2% of rdg +20 digit) ±(0.3%of rdg +20 digit) 50 digits 40Hz to 1kHz Approx 1 sec(10% to 90%) 1000times/sec ■ A7X15-X Range Measurement Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 21 22 23 24 99.99µA 999.9µA 9.999mA 99.99mA offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 10mA 50mA 50mA 500mA ±(0.5%of rdg +20 digit) Minimum display Frequency range: Response time: Conversion rate: 50 digits 40Hz to 1kHz Approx 1 sec(10% to 90%) 1000times/sec Range Measurement Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 25 26 999.9mA 5A offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 3A 8A ±(0.7%of rdg +20 digit) Minimum display Frequency range: Response time: Conversion rate: ■ A7X12-X Measurement Range Measurement Range ■ A7X16-X ±(0.03% of rdg+1digit) Conversion rate: 100times/sec Range Range Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) ±3A ±(0.1% of rdg +2 digit) A7000 Range ■ A7X14-X 50 digits 40Hz to 1kHz Approx 1 sec(10% to 90%) 1000times/sec Resistance ■ A7X17-X Range Measurement Range Display Current Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 11 12 13 14 99.99Ω 999.9Ω 9.999kΩ 99.99Ω offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 5mA 0.5mA 50µA 5µA ±(0.1% of rdg + 4 digit) Conversion rate: Measurement method: 100times/sec Two or Four wire (internal socket changable) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 61 A7000 SERIES DIGITAL PANEL METER A7000 Thermocouple · RTD Output Specification ■ A7X18-X ■ HH,HI & LO, LLsetpoints output Range Sensor type Measurement Range Maximum Resolution Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) KA KB J T S R B PA PB K K J T S R B PT100Ω PT100Ω –50.0 to 199.9°C –50 to 1200°C –50 to 1000°C –50 to 400°C 0 to 1700°C –10 to 1700°C 100 to 1800°C –100.0 to 199.9°C –100 to 600°C 0.1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 0.1°C 1°C ± (0.5% of FS) ± (0.2% of FS) ± (0.2% of FS) ± (0.6% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.15% of FS) ± (0.3% of FS) Comparative condition : Indication > High High setpoint >Indication>High setpoint High High setpoint= >Indication= >Lo setpoint High setpoint= >Low Low setpoint Low setpoint>Indication= Low Low setpoint>Indication Setting range: –9999 to 9999 Hysteresis: 1 to 999 digit for each setpoints Relay contact capacity: AC125V 0.3A resistive load DC30V 1A resistive load Photocoupler capacity: DC30V 50mA HH HI GO LO LL available Fahrenheit display Cold junction compensator accuracy: ±2°C(10 to 40°C) Sensor lead resistance: less than 50Ω Linearzing method: Digital linearizing Burn out alarm: ----Conversion time: 2.5times/sec ■ BCD output Type of output: Logic: Output rate: Open collector or TTL Changeable DC30V 10mA(open collector) Funout 2(TTL) Frequency ■ Analog output (PWM) ■ A7X19-X Range Measurement Range 11 12 13 0.1 to 999.9Hz 1 to 9.999kHz 10 to 99.99kHz Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) ±(0.2% of FS) Input type Input voltage level Input Protection Open collector Logic Magent Voltage L:less than 1.5V(5V, pullup) L:less than 1V, HI:2.5 to 15V 0.3 to 30V P-P 30V rms to 500V rms 30V 15V 30V 500V A7000 Prescale: 0.01~10.00 PPR: 1~100 Power supply for sensor: 12VDC±10% Strain gauge ■ A7X1A-X Sensor 5V 10V 0 to 1V 0 to 10V 1 to 5V 4 to 20mA Load resistance Accuracy Ripple more than 10kΩ ±(0.5% of F.S) 50mV p-p less than 550Ω Output method: Scaling: Resolution: Response time: PWM method Digital scaling 13 bit approx 0.5sec ■ RS232C (Conforming to EIA RS-232C) Communication method: Transmission speed: Start bit : Data length: Parity: Stop bit: Character code: Transmission control process: Full duplex 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps 1 bit 7 bit/8 bit Even parity/ odd parity 1 bit/2 bit ASCII code Ignord process ■ RS-485 (Conforming to EIA RS-485) Zero adjustment Span adjustment range range –1 to +1mV/V Output 1 to 3mV/V Measurement range Accuracy –4~+4mV/V ±(0.1% of FS) +2 digit Sensor: 350 Ω Power supply for sensor: 5 V±5% (less than 15 mA) 10 V±5% (less than 30 mA) Conversion speed: 1000/sec Process Communication method: Transmission speed: Start bit: Data length: Parity: Error detection: Stop bit: Character code: Transmssion control process: Signal name: Full duplex 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps 1 bit 7 bit/ 8 bit Even parity/ odd marity BCC 1 bit/2 bit ASCII code Ignord process + non reversal output – reversal output Maximum no of meter connected: 31 Line length: up to 500m in total ■ A7X1B-X Range Measurement Range Display 1V 2V 2A 3A 1 to 5V ±5V 4 to 20mA ±20mA offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Accuracy ±(0.03% of rdg +2digit ±(0.1% of rdg +3digit Conversion rate: 1000times/sec Excitation power supply: 12VDC ± 5% 24VDC ± 5% 25mA 62 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 25mV p-p A7000 SERIES DIGITAL PANEL METER A7000 ■ Dimensions ■ Ordering Code – 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. DC voltage DC current DC current AC Voltage AC current AC current Resistance Temperature (T/C, RTD) Frequency Strain gauge Process 68 80 87 RE PH DZ ME P1 P2 P3 HH HI GO LO LL E Power supply 33 118 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. none Relay output Photocoupler output BCD output (TTL) BCD output (Open collector) BCD output (TTL), Photocoupler output BCD output (Open collector), Photocoupler output Analog output Analog output, Photocoupler output RS-232C RS-485 RS-232C, Photocoupler output RS-485, Photocoupler output 7 Input 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 36 Output M 1. AC100 to 240V 2. DC12 to 48V 72 68 +0.7 –0 –0 1 33 +0.6 A7 Min.96 A7000 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 63 A6000 SERIES DIGITAL PANEL METER A6000 ■ Features ! NEW • Power supply 100 to 240VAC 12 to 48VDC • Panel cut out 96mm(W) ✕ 48mm(H) • Option BCD output, RS-232C, RS-485 • HI, GO, LO 2 setpoints, Analog output • Input DC, AC, TC, RTD, Frequency, Strain Gauge Resistance (Multiple) (Single) ■Common Specification Display: Conversion rate: Maximum display: Overrange indication: Zero display: Decimal point: Operating temp.: Storage temp.: Power supply: Power consumption: Dimensions: Weight: Dielectric strength(AC): (DC): (Common): Insulation resistance: AC voltage, current (TRUE-RMS) Main display Red or Green LED 20 mm Sub display Red LED 6 mm 1000 times/sec. 9999 When input exceed the maximum display display OVER or –OVER Leading zero suppression Settable to any digit position 0 to 50°C 35 to 85%RH –10 to 70°C less than 60%%RH AC 100 to 240 V ±10% DC 12 to 48 V ±10% 8 VA (max. load) 96 mm(W)X 48 mm(H)X 97.5 mm(D)DIN size approx. 450 g Power supply/input terminal/output terminal AC1500 V/min. Power supply/input terminal/output terminal DC500 V/min. Case/each terminal AC1500 V/min. DC500 V more than 100 MΩ at the above terminals ■ A6XX4-XX Range Measurement Range Display Input Protection 11 12 13 14 15 99.99mV 999.9mV 9.999V 99.99V 700.0V offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 50V 50V 250V 250V 700V Minimum display Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) ±(0.2% of rdg +20 digit) ±(0.3%of rdg +20 digit) 50 digits ■ A6XX5-XX Range Measurement Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 21 22 23 24 99.99µA 999.9µA 9.999mA 99.99mA offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 10mA 50mA 50mA 500mA ±(0.5%of rdg +20 digit) Minimum display 50 digits ■ A6XX6-XX Input Specifications DC voltage, current A6000 ■ A6XX1-XX Range Measurement Range 11 12 13 14 15 ±99.99mV ±999.9mV ±9.999V ±99.99V ±700V Measurement Range 21 22 23 24 ±99.99µA ±999.9µA ±9.999mA ±99.99mA Measurement Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 25 26 999.9mA 5A offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 3A 8A ±(0.7%of rdg +20 digit) Minimum display Display Input Protection offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±50V ±50V ±250V ±250V ±700V Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) ±(0.03% of rdg+1digit) ±(0.1% of rdg+2digit) ■ A6XX2-XX Range Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±10mA ±10mA ±50mA ±500mA ±(0.1% of rdg +2 digit) 50 digits Resistance ■ A6XX7-XX Range Measurement Range Display Current Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 11 12 13 14 99.99Ω 999.9Ω 9.999kΩ 99.99kΩ offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 5mA 0.5mA 50µA 5µA ±(0.1% of rdg + 4 digit) Measurement method: Two or Four wire (internal socket changable) ■ A6XX3-XX 64 Range Measurement Range Display Input Protection Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 25 26 ±999.9mA ±2.000A offset ±9999 full scale ±9999 ±3A ±(0.1% of rdg +2 digit) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. A6000 SERIES DIGITAL PANEL METER A6000 Thermocouple · RTD Output Specification ■ A6XX8-XX Range Sensor type Measurement Range Maximum Resolution Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) KA KB J T S R B PA PB K K J T S R B PT100Ω PT100Ω –50.0 to 199.9°C –50 to 1200°C –50 to 1000°C –50 to 400°C 0 to 1700°C –10 to 1700°C 100 to 1800°C –100.0 to 199.9°C –100 to 600°C 0.1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 0.1°C 1°C ± (0.5% of FS) ± (0.2% of FS) ± (0.2% of FS) ± (0.6% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.4% of FS) ± (0.15% of FS) ± (0.3% of FS) available Fahrenheit display Cold junction compensator accuracy : ±2°C(10 to 40°C) Sensor lead resistance: : less than 50Ω Linearzing method: : Digital linearizing Burn out alarm: :----Conversion time: : 2.5times/sec ■ HI & LO setpoints output (A6XXX-1X Reply output) (A6XXX-2X Photocoupler) Comparative condition Option ■ External control (A6XXX-X1) Start/Hold : shorted between COM terminal or same level hold Open COM terminal and start/hold terminal or 5 V start D.ZERO : Shorted between COM terminal and D.ZERO terminal ON P.HOLD : Shorted between COM terminal and P.HOLD terminal ON R.RE(relay reset) : Shorted between COM terminal and R.RE terminal ON P.SEL1 to 3 : as below Frequency ■ A6XX9-XX Range Measurement Range Accuracy (23°C±5°C,35~85%RH) 11 12 13 0.1 to 999.9Hz 1 to 9.999kHz 10 to 99.99kHz ±(0.2% of FS) P.SEL1 P.SEL2 P.SEL3 Input voltage level Input Protection Open collector Logic Magent Voltage L:less than 1.5V(5V, pullup) L:less than 1V, HI:2.5 to 15V 0.3 to 30V P-P 30V to 500V rms 30V 15V 30V 500V Prescale : 0.01~10.00 PPR : 1~100 Power supply for sensor : 12VDC±10% ■ BCD output (A6XXX-X2 TTL) (A6XXX-X3 Open collector) Type of output: Logic: Output rate: 0 to 1V 0 to 10V 1 to 5V 4 to 20mA Strain gauge ■ A6XXA-XX Zero adjustment Span adjustment range range 1 to 3mV/V Measurement range Accuracy –4~+4mV/V ±(0.1% of FS) +2 digit Sensor : 350 Ω Power supply for sensor : 5 V±5% (less than 15 mA) 10 V±5% (less than 30 mA) Conversion speed : 1000/sec Display 1V 2V 2A 3A 1 to 5V ±5V 4 to 20mA ±20mA offset ±9999 full scale 0 to ±9999 Excitation power supply: 12VDC ± 5% 24VDC ± 5% 25mA Ripple more than 10kΩ ±(0.5% of F.S) 50mV p-p less than 550Ω 25mV p-p Output method : PWM method Scaling : Digital scaling Resolution : 13 bit Reponse time : approx 0.5sec ■ RS232C (Conforming to EIA RS-232C)(A6XXX-X5) ■ A6XXB-XX Measurement Range Accuracy Communication method : Full duplex Transmission speed : 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps Start bit : 1 bit Data length : 7 bit/8 bit Parity : Even parity/ odd parity/ none Stop bit : 1 bit/2 bit Character code : ASCII code Transmission control process : Ignord process Process Range Load resistance A6000 –1 to +1mV/V Open collector or TTL Changeable DC30V 10mA(open collector) Funout 2(TTL) ■ Analog output (A6XXX-X4) Output 5V 10V pattern 1 pattern 2 pattern 3 pattern 4 pattern 5 pattern 6 pattern 7 pattern 8 OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON : Shorted between COM terminal and P.SEL terminal or same level OFF : Open between COM terminal and P.SEL terminal or 5 V Input type Sensor HI GO LO Indication > High setpoint > Indication = > Lo setpoint High setpoint = Indication < Lo setpoint Setting range : -9999 to 9999 Hysteresis : 1 to 999 digit for each setpoints Relay contact capacity : AC250 V 2 A resistive load DC30 V 2 A resistive load Photocoupler capacity : DC30 V 20 mA Accuracy ±(0.03% of rdg +2digit) ±(0.1% of rdg +3digit) ■ RS-485 (conforming to EIA RS-485)(A6XXX-X6) Communication method : Full duplex Transmission speed : 4800/9600/19200/38400 bps Start bit : 1 bit Data length : 7 bit/ 8 bit Parity : Even parity/ odd marity/ none Error detection : BCC Stop bit : 1 bit/2 bit Character code : ASCII code Transmssion control process : Ignord process Signal name : +non reversal output - reversal output Maximum no of meter connected : 31 Line length : up to 500m in total ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 65 A6000 SERIES DIGITAL PANEL METER A6000 ■ Dimensions ■ Ordering Code A6 씲씲씲-씲씲 (86.5) 77 (97.5) 0.5 Option Input Option Power 10.9 Comparator 0. none 1. External control 2. BCD output (TTL) 3. BCD output (open collector) 4. Analog output 5. RS-232C 6. RS-485 7. RS-232C, analog output 8. RS-485, analog output Comparator output 0. none 1. Relay 2. Photocoupler 44.8 91.5 102.5 Input 1. DC voltage 2. DC current 3. DC current 4. AC voltage 5. AC current 6. AC current 7. Resistance 8. Temperature (T/C, RTD) 9. Frequency A. Strain gauge B. Process Display board 1. Multiple 2. Single Power supply 1. AC 100 to 240 V 2. DC12 to 48 V 48 (21.5) Multiple 96 92 +0.8 -0 MIN.70 45 +0.6 -0 Single A6000 MIN.120 66 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. MEMO 67 MEMO 68 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-1X ■ Features ! NEW ・ AC power supply 100 to 240VAC ・ DIN rail mounting ・ Input/Output/Power supply isolated ■ Ordering Code ■ Input specifications Input signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 0 to 1V DC 0 to 0.1V DC 0 to 0.06V DC 0 to 20V DC –2 to 2V DC –5 to 5V DC 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 20mA Input Resistance Allowable input TZ -1X-씲씲씲 more than 1MΩ Response time L. 50msec H. 1msec Output 0. 1. 2. 3. A. Y. DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC -10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA special Input 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. Y. DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V -10 to 10V DC 0 to 1V DC 0 to 0.1V DC 0 to 0.06V DC 0 to 20V DC -2 to 2V DC -5 to 5V DC 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 20mA special -50 to +150%F.S 250Ω special Special Voltage input: DC -250V to 250V span 0.06 to 500V Current input: DC 0 to 50mA span DC 1mA to 50mA ■ Output specifications Special Output load resistance Output signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA ■ Connection Diagram more than 2kΩ more than 4kΩ less than 550Ω special Voltage output: DC -10 to 10V span 0.06 to 20V Current output: DC 0 to 20mA span 1 to 20mA Input Signal Code No. 0 1 2 3 A Y 6 5 4 3 2 1 Load Code No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B Y 8 7 Power Supply(AC) Caution: Be polarity careful ■ Block Diagram Isolation AMP ZERO SPAN 3(+) Input Signal 5(+) Input Circuit Output Circuit Output Signal 6(-) 4(–) 1 NC 2 AC 100V ■ Dimensions Transmitter 6 8 7 4 5 2 98.1 3 25 Front 94 Terminal Cover Side Slide Bar 37.3 40.8 Case Material: Weight: ±0.1% F.S (25˚C±2˚C) ±0.06% F.S ±0.06% F.S ±0.02% F.S/˚C 50msec or 1msec(TYP) (0 to 90%) ±5% F.S or more (zero and span) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC2000V/1 min. 100 to 240VAC±10% less than 30mA (at 100VAC) -5 to 50˚C Less than 90% RH Black ABS Approx. 100g 1 Accuracy: Fluctuating power source: Fluctuating load: Temp. Coefficient: Response time: Adustable volume range: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consuption: Operating Temp: Power Supply Circuit ■ General specifications 47 98 35.2 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 69 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-1B ■ Features ! NEW ・ AC power supply 100 to 240VAC ・ DIN rail mounting ・ Input/Output/Power supply isolated ■ Ordering Code ■ Input specifications Input range 100 to 10kΩ (span range 50% or more) Dip switch for only available input code 1 SW1 ON: 0 to 100% (span adjust range 95 to 105%) SW2 ON: 0 to 90% (span adjust range 85 to 95%) SW3 ON: 0 to 80% (span adjust range 75 to 85%) SW4 ON: 0 to 70% (span adjust range 65 to 75%) 1. 0 to 100% Y. special less than 550Ω Special MAX ±0.1% F.S (25˚C±2˚C) ±0.06% F.S ±0.06% F.S ±0.02% F.S/˚C 50msec(TYP) (0 to 90%) less than ±2% (0 to 100% at deliver) ±5% F.S or more (zero and span) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC2000V/1 min. 100 to 240VAC±10% less than 30mA (at 100VAC) -5 to 50˚C Less than 90% RH Black ABS Approx. 100g 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 MIN Load more than 4kΩ ■ General specifications Case Material: Weight: Input Power Supply(AC) Caution: Be polarity careful ■ Block Diagram 4 Base Circuit 3 Input Circuit Isolation AMP ZERO SPAN 5(+) Output Circuit Output Signal 6(-) 2 Power Supply Circuit more than 2kΩ Voltage output: DC -10 to 10V span 0.06 to 20V Current output: DC 0 to 20mA span 1 to 20mA Accuracy: Fluctuating power source: Fluctuating load: Temp. Coefficient: Response time: Change setting error: Adustable volume range: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consuption: Operating Temp: DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC -10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA special Output load resistance Output signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA Potentiometer Code No. 0 1 2 3 A Y Output 0. 1. 2. 3. A. Y. ■ Connection Diagram ■ Output specifications Special TZ -1B-씲씲 0 to 100% Potentiometer Special Potentiometer 100 to 10kΩ special Output Signal Code No. 1 Y 1 AC 100V ■ Dimensions 8 7 25 6 4 3 5 2 1 Transmitter 98.1 Front 94 Side Slide Bar 47 98 35.2 70 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 37.3 40.8 Terminal Cover TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-1D ■ Features ! NEW ・ AC power supply 100 to 240VAC ・ DIN rail mounting ・ Input/Output/Power supply isolated ■ Ordering Code ■ Input specifications Input Resistance Allowable input less than 0.05Ω less than 7.5A (15A, within 1ms) special TZ -1D-씲씲 Less than AC 0 to 5A span 1 to 5A Input Frequency 40hz to 1kHz ■ Output specifications more than 2kΩ ■ Connection Diagram Load 8 7 Power Supply(AC) Caution: Be polarity careful ■ Block Diagram ZERO SPAN 5(+) 3 T-RMS set-up diagram Input Signal 6 Output Circuit Output Signal 6(-) CT Power Supply Circuit ±0.15% F.S (5 to 100% F.S) ±0.5% F.S (0 to 5% F.S) 25˚C±2˚C ±0.06% F.S ±0.06% F.S ±0.2% F.S(60Hz) ±0.02% F.S/˚C Less than 700msec (TYP) (0 to 90%) ±5% F.S or more (zero and span) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC2000V/1 min. 100 to 240VAC±10% Less than 30mA (at 100VAC) -5 to 50˚C Less than 90% RH Black ABS Approx. 100g 1 NC 2 AC 100V ■ Dimensions 4 8 2 25 Front Transmitter 3 98.1 1 94 Terminal Cover Side Slide Bar 37.3 40.8 Case Material: Weight: 6 5 4 3 2 1 Output Signal less than 550Ω special ■ General specifications Fluctuating power source: Fluctuating load: Fluctuating frequency: Temp. Coefficient: Response time: Adustable volume range: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consuption: Operating Temp: 1. AC 0 to 1A 2. AC 0 to 5A Y. special more than 4kΩ Voltage output: DC -10 to 10V span 0.06 to 20V Current output: DC 0 to 20mA span 1 to 20mA Accuracy: Input 7 Special DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC -10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA special Output load resistance Output signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA Input Signal Code No. 0 1 2 3 A Y Output 0. 1. 2. 3. A. Y. 6 Special Input signal AC 0 to 1A AC 0 to 5A 5 Code No. 1 2 Y 47 98 35.2 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 71 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-1E ■ Features ! NEW ・ AC power supply 100 to 240VAC ・ DIN rail mounting ・ Input/Output/Power supply isolated ■ Ordering Code ■ Input specifications Input signal AC 0 to 35V AC 0 to 100V AC 0 to 110V AC 0 to 200V AC 0 to 220V Input Resistance Allowable input more than 1MΩ less than 150% (Max. AC250V) TZ -1E-씲씲 Output 0. 1. 2. 3. A. Y. DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC -10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA special Input 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Y. AC 0 to 35V AC 0 to 100V AC 0 to 110V AC 0 to 200V AC 0 to 220V special special Special Voltage input: AC 0 to 250V span 4 to 250V Input Frequency : 40Hz to 1KHz ■ Output specifications more than 2kΩ ■ Connection Diagram more than 4kΩ less than 550Ω special Voltage output: DC -10 to 10V span 1 to 20V Current output: DC 0 to 20mA span 1 to 20mA 6 5 4 3 2 1 Load Special Output load resistance Output signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA Input Signal Code No. 0 1 2 3 A Y 8 7 Power Supply(AC) Output Signal Code No. 1 2 3 4 5 Y Caution: Be polarity careful ■ General specifications Fluctuating power source: Fluctuating load: Fluctuating frequency: Temp. Coefficient: Response time: Adustable volume range: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consuption: Operating Temp: ■ Block Diagram Isolation AMP ZERO SPAN 3(+) Input Signal 4(-) 5(+) T-RMS set-up diagram Output Circuit Output Signal 6(-) 1 NC 2 AC 100V ■ Dimensions Transmitter Case Material: Weight: ±0.15% F.S (5 to 100% F.S) ±0.5% F.S (0 to 5% F.S) 25˚C±5˚C ±0.06% F.S ±0.06% F.S ±0.2% F.S (60Hz) ±0.02% F.S/˚C less than 700msec(TYP) (0 to 90%) ±5% F.S or more (zero and span) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC2000V/1 min. 100 to 240VAC±10% less than 30mA (at 100VAC) -5 to 50˚C Less than 90% RH Black ABS Approx. 100g Power Supply Circuit Accuracy: 6 8 7 4 3 5 2 1 98.1 25 Front 94 Side Slide Bar 47 98 35.2 72 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 37.3 40.8 Terminal Cover TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-1F ! NEW ■ Features ・ AC power supply 100 to 240VAC ・ DIN rail mounting ・ Input/Output/Power supply isolated ■ Ordering Code ■ Input specifications Allowable input TZ -1F-씲씲씲 Response time L. 50msec H. 3msec Output 0. 1. 2. 3. A. Y. DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC -10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA special Input 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. A. B. C. Y. DC 0 to 5mV DC 0 to 10mV DC 0 to 50mV DC 0 to 60mV DC 0 to 100mV DC 0 to 10µA DC 0 to 100µA DC 0 to 200µA special more than 1MΩ -50 to +150%F.S more than 1KΩ less than 500Ω special Voltage input: DC -100mV to 100mV span DC 5 to 200mV Current input: DC -5mA to 5mA span DC 10µA to 10mA ■ Output specifications more than 2kΩ span 0.06 to 20V span 1 to 20mA 2 1 ■ General specifications Power Supply(AC) ■ Block Diagram Isolation AMP ZERO SPAN 3(+) Input Signal 5(+) Input Circuit Output Circuit Output Signal 6(-) Power Supply Circuit 4(–) 1 NC 2 AC 100V Transmitter ■ Dimensions 4 8 2 98.1 3 25 Front 94 Terminal Cover Side Slide Bar 37.3 40.8 Case Material: Weight: 8 7 Caution: Be polarity careful ±0.1% F.S (25˚C±2˚C) ±0.06% F.S ±0.06% F.S ±0.02% F.S/˚C 50msec or 3msec(TYP) (0 to 90%) ±5% F.S or more (zero and span) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC2000V/1 min. 100 to 240VAC±10% less than 30mA (at 100VAC) -5 to 50˚C Less than 90% RH Black ABS Approx. 100g 1 Accuracy: Fluctuating power source: Fluctuating load: Temp. Coefficient: Response time: Adustable volume range: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consuption: Operating Temp: 6 5 4 3 Load less than 550Ω special Voltage output: DC -10 to 10V Current output: DC 0 to 20mA ■ Connection Diagram more than 4kΩ 7 Special Output load resistance Output signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA Input Signal Code No. 0 1 2 3 A Y 6 Special Input Resistance Input signal DC 0 to 5mV DC 1 to 10mV DC 0 to 50mV DC 0 to 60mV DC 0 to 100mV DC 0 to 10µA DC 0 to 100µA DC 0 to 200µA 5 Code No. 0 1 2 3 4 A B C Y 47 98 35.2 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 73 PROGRAMMABLE TRANSMITTER TW-3M ■ Features ・ Can change input and output by front Dip switch ・ 100 to 240 VAC or 24 VDC power supply ・ DIN rail mount type (C Type) (N Type) ■ Input Specification ■ Dimensions Input signal 0 to 5 VDC 1 to 5 VDC 0 to 10 VDC 0 to 60 mVDC 4 to 20 mADC 0 to 20 mADC Input resistance Sliding from 96 to 98 SPAN SW2 20 ZERO 4.5 Side view 41 64.5 94 Allowable load resistance More than 2 kΩ More than 2 kΩ More than 4 kΩ Less than 550 Ω Less than 550 Ω 35.2 18 Output signal 0 to 5 VDC 1 to 5 VDC 0 to 10 VDC 4 to 20 mADC 0 to 20 mADC 12345678 SW1 ON OFF ■ Output Specification ON OFF 48 Front view 1234 250 Ω ZERO/SPAN adjusters I/Orange setting Dip SWs. More than 1 MΩ 35.4 ■ General Specifications Linearity: Temperature characteristic: Response time: Insulantion resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power comsumption: Operationg temperature: Operating humidity: Case material: Weight: Less than ± 0.1% F.S ± 0.02% F.S/°C Less than 50ms ( 0 to 90%) Between input and output or power supply, more than 100MΩ Between input and output or power supply, for 1 min. at 2000VAC 24VDC ±10% 100-240VAC ±10% Less than 80mA (at 24VDC) Less than 50mA (at 100-240VAC) -5 to 50°C Less than 90% (No dew-condensing) Black PBT 94-V0 Approx. 130g ■ Connection Diagram Input signal 6 12 5 11 4 10 3 9 2 8 1 7 Isolated Amp. Transmitter - Input circuit ZERO SPAN Output circuit C: Connector (screw) Type (UL available) N: Screw Type Power circuit ■ Setting or changing input/output range 0-10V 0-60mV 4-20mA 0-20mA ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF 74 2. Setting or changing output range SW1 SW2 ON 0-5V OFF 1-5V 0-10V 4-20mA 0-20mA ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 7 Output signal 8 11 Power 12 1: 100 - 240VAC 4: 24VDC (CE available) 1-5V Output signal ■ Block Diagram 5 Input signal 6 1. Setting or changing input range SW1 SW2 ON 0-5V OFF Power (DC) Note: When conducting wiring, be careful with its polarity. ■ Ordering Code TW-3M - Power (AC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. TRANSMITTER WITH ONE INPUT AND TWO OUTPUTS TW-2X ■ Features ・ DIN rail mount ・ 2 outputs ・ Input/output1/output2/power supply Isolated (C Type) (N Type) ■ Ordering Code TW-2X - -4- C: Connector (screw) Type N: Screw Type 0: 0 - 5V DC 1: 1 - 5V DC 2: 0 - 10V DC Second Output code A: 4 - 20mA DC B: 0 - 20mA DC Y: Special A: 4 - 20mA DC First Output code Y: Special 0: 0 - 5V DC 1: 1 - 5V DC 2: 0 - 10V DC Input code A: 4 - 20mA DC B: 0 - 20mA DC Y: Special Limit of Y specifications Voltage input : 250VDC or less , Minimum span ; 100mVDC Current input : 50mADC or less , Minimum span ; 1mADC ■ First output specifications Limit of Y specifications Current output : 20mADC or less , Minimum span ; 1mADC Voltage output : From -10VDC to +10VDC Minimum span ; 1VDC ■ Connection Diagram Signal input ■ Second output specifications Output signal Load resistance 0-5V DC Less than 2K ohm 1-5V DC 0-10V DC Less than 4K ohm 4-20mA DC Less than 550 ohm 0-20mA DC Other than the above Limit of Y specifications Current output : 20mADC or less , Minimum span ; 1mADC Voltage output : From -10VDC to +10VDC Minimum span ; 1VDC ■ General specifications + TW-2X 12 11 10 9 8 7 - DC 24V + - Signal + output2 Note: Pay attention to the connection polarity. ■ Block Diagram TW-2X 5(+) Signal input 6(–) 3 NC 4 1(+) Signal output 1 2(–) Isoration Amp. Input circuit Isolation Amp. ZEROSPAN ZEROSPAN Output circuit 1 Output circuit 2 11(+) DC 24V 12(–) 9 NC 10 7(+) Signal output 2 8(–) ■ Dimensions 64.5 Front view Transmitter ±0.25% FS ±200 ppm FS/℃ (TYP) Less than 50msec ( 0 to 90%) Between input and/output 1/output 2/power ; More than 100MΩ (at 500VDC) Dielectric strength: Between input and/output 1/output 2/power ; For 1 min. at 2000VAC Power supply voltage: 24VDC ±10% Current comsumption: Less than 110mA Operationg ambient temperature: -5 to 50℃ Operating ambient humidity: Less than 90% RH (No condensing) Weight: Approx. 130g Accessories: Instruction manual Terminal cover Detachable 6-P connector 94 96∼98 17.4 41 Side view 35.4 With terminal cover 4.3 Accuracy: Temperature characteristic: Response time: Insulantion resistance: + 6 5 4 3 2 1 42.5 Code No. 0 1 2 A B Y Signal output1 - 20 48 Output signal Load resistance 4-20mA DC Less than 550 ohm Other than the above Power circuit Code No. A Y SPAN Intput signal Input resistance 0-5V DC 1-5V DC More than 1M ohm 0-10V DC 4-20mA DC 250 ohm 0-20mA DC Other than the above OUT 2 SPAN OUT 1 Code No. 0 1 2 A B Y ZERO OUT 2 ZERO OUT 1 ■ Input specifications ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 75 Transmitter With Two Outputs TW-2XA ■ Featuers • DIN Rail m ount • AC Power Supply 100 to 240V AC±10% • 2 Outputs ■ Input Specifications Code No. 0 1 2 A Y ■ Ordering Code Input 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC Input Resistance TW-2XA- -1 more than 1M Ω 2nd output 0. 1. 2. A. Y. 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC Special 1st output 0. 1. 2. A. Y. 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC Special Input 0. 1. 2. A. Y. 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC Special 250 Ω Special Y specification Input voltage: less than 250V DC min span 0.1V DC Input Curent: less than 50mA DC min. span 1mA DC ■ Output Specifications (1st, 2nd output) Output signal 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC Load Resistance more than 2K Ω more than 4K Ω less than 550 Ω ■ Dimensions 64.5 Special Y specification Output voltage: less than ±10V DC min. span 1V DC Output Curent: less than 20mA DC min. span 1mA DC Front 48 20 Code No. 0 1 2 A Y ■ General Specification Power supply: Operating temperature: Power comsumption: Weight: Accessory: 96 to 98 Slide 41 Dielectric strength: 94 ±0.25% F.S (25˚C±2˚C) ±0.02% F.S/˚C less than 50msec (0 to 90%) Between input and output 1, output 2, power supply more than 100M Ω (500V DC) Between input and output 1, output 2, power supply 1500V AC per 1 min. 100 to 240V AC ±10% –5 to 50˚C less than 90%RH (No condensing) Less than 45mA at 100V AC Less than 30mA at 200V AC Approx. 130g Instruction manual, terminal cover Side 17.4 4.3 Accuracy: Temperature Characteristic: Response time: Insulation resistance: 35.4 ■ Connection Diagram Input Transmitter TW–2XA –XXX–1 Output 1 Power Supply (AC) Output 2 ■ Block Diagram Input Input Circuit Power Supply Input Circuit Output 1 76 ZERO SPAN ZERO SPAN Output Circuit 1 Output Circuit 2 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Output 2 Temperature Transmitter With Two Outputs TW-2C ■ Featuers • DIN Rail Mount • AC Power Supply 100 to 240V AC ±10% DC Power Supply 24V DC ±10% • 2 Outputs • Sensor Type: R,K,E,J,T,S,B,PT-100 Ω ■ InputSpecification Sensor R K E J T S B Pt 100 Ω ■ Ordering Code Code R K E J T S B P Input temperature 0 to 1700˚C –50 to 1200˚C –50 to 900˚C –50 to 1000˚C –50 to 350˚C 0 to 1700˚C 200 to 1700˚C –150 to 800˚C Minimum Span 400˚C 100˚C 100˚C 100˚C 100˚C 500˚C 1000˚C 100˚C TW-2C- Power supply 2nd output 1st output Thermocouple Input Specification Accuracy of Cold Junction Compensation ±1˚C (10 to 30˚C) (For thermocouples other than B type thermocouple) RTD lnput Specification Allowable leadwire resistance: Less than 10Ω Current following through RTD: 1mA Input 1. 100 to 240 AC 4. 24V DC 0. 1. 2. A. 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC A. 4 to 20mA DC Y. special R K E J T S B P ■ Dimensions 64.5 ■ Output Specification [1st output] Code A Y Output signal 4 to 20mA DC Output Load resistance less than 550 Ω Special Output at burnout 20 Front Approx. 120% F.S 94 Y specification Output Load resistance more than 2K Ω Output at burnout Approx. 120% F.S more than 4K Ω Side 17.4 Y Output signal 0 to 5VDC 1 to 5VDC 0 to 10VDC 41 Code 96 to 98 Slide [2nd output] Output Load resistance Output at burnout more than 2K Ω more than 4K Ω less than 550 Ω Approx. 120% F.S Terminal Cover 4.3 Output signal 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 4 to 20mA DC 42.4 Code 0 1 2 A 35.4 ■ General Specification Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consumption: Operating temperature: Weight: Accessory: ±0.25% F.S ±200ppmF.S/˚C(TYP) less than 2 sec (0 to 90%) Between Input and output/power supply more than 100M Ω (500V DC) Between Input and output/power supply 1500V AC per 1 min. 100 to 240V AC ±10% 24V DC ±10% Less than 110mA at DC Less than 50mA at AC –5 to 50˚C less than 90%RH (No condensing) Approx. 160g Instruction manual, terminal cover, 6P connector ■ Connection Diagram RTD TC Transmitter Accuracy: Temperature characteristic: Response time: Insulation resistance: Power Supply TW–2C Input 1st Output 2nd Output ■ Block Diagram Burnout Circuit (+)4 (–)5 Input (–)6 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 7(+) 8(–) 1st Output Circuit 10(–) Power Supply Cold Junction Compensation MPU 2nd Output Circuit 9(+) 11 12 77 Digital Alarm Setter TW-3R ■ Featuers • DIN rail mount • Hi and Lo setpoints • Power supply 24V DC ■ DC voltage measurement Range 0 1 2 Measurment 0 to 5V 1 to 5V 0 to 9.999V Display Offset ± 9999 Fullscale ± 9999 ■ Ordering Code Input impedance 1M Ω 1M Ω 1M Ω Input Protection TW-3R- ± 250V Comparator output 1. 2. 0. Range 1. 2. A. Accuracy: ± (0.1% of rdg +2 digit) (23˚C ± 5˚C 35 to 85%RH) Relay Photo Coupler 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 9.999V DC 4 to 20mA DC ■ DC current measurement A 4 to 20mA Display Offset ± 9999 Fullscale ± 9999 Input impedance Input Protection 50 Ω ± 60mA 64.5 M 94 96∼98 Slide 17.4 41 Side 35.4 Terminal Cover ● Common Section Transmitter Excitation supply : Accessories : ■ Connection Diagram C HI e Relay COM C Photocoupler LO NC DC24V − Case material : Insulation resistance : EEPROM (rewrite 100,000times) 0 to 50˚C 35 to 85%RH -10 to +70˚C less than 60%RH 24V DC ± 20% 70mA (TYP) at 24V DC 48mm (W) ✕ 98mm (H) ✕ 41mm (D) approx. 140g (unit only) Input (LO) and comparator output 500V DC per min. Power supply (0V) and input (LO), comparator output case, 1500V AC per min. Input (LO) and case, 1500V AC per min. Black PBT 500V DC 500M ohm or more as the above terminals 24V DC ± 10% 25mA ripple less than 200mVp-p Instruction manual. terminal cover, connector + Memory backup : Operating temp. : Storage temp. : Power supply : Power consumption : Dimensions : Weight : Dielectric strength : 42.4 Single ended 12.5times/sec (50Hz), 15times/sec (60Hz) NMR40dB or more (50/60Hz) Red LED 8mm height Automatic “-” display when the computation result is minus When input exceeds the maximum display, display “o.L” or “-o.L” ± 9999 (4 digit) Settable to any digit position Leading zero suppression ± 100ppm/˚C 4.3 Maximum display : Decimal point : Zero display : Temp. coeff. : ● Comparison Section Computation by microcomputer -9999 to +9999 By conversion rate Hi setpoint < Measured value → HI Hi setpoint Measured value Lo setpoint → GO Measured value < Lo setpoint → LO Relay output capacity: 30V DC/1A resistive load 125V AC/0.5A resistive load Photo coupler output capacity: Voltage max. 30V Current max. 50mA Saturation voltage less than 1.2V at 50mA Control method: Setting range: Operating: Comparison condition: 78 LO ▲ ● Measuring Section Overrange warning : GO Front ■ Specification Input configuration : Conversion rate : Noise rejection ratio : Display : Polarity display : HI E Accuracy: ± (0.1% of rdg +2 digit) (23˚C ± 5˚C 35 to 85%RH) ■ Dimensions 20 Measurment ▲ Range ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. TW–3R NC NC +24V 0V HI Input LO Transmitter TH-1X ■ Features ・Easy to change input/output code (SJ) ・Slim width 12.5 mm ・DIN rail mount type ・24 VDC power supply ■ Input specifications ■ Dimensions DC voltage & current 12.5 6 8 5 7 ZERO SPAN 3 more than 1MΩ 59±0.5 Side 115±0.5 Output signal DC 0 to 5 V DC 1 to 5 V DC 0 to 10 V DC -10 to 10 V DC 4 to 20 mA special Load resistance more than 2KΩ more than 2KΩ more than 4KΩ more than 4KΩ less than 550Ω TOKYO JAPAN MODEL INPUT OUTPUT POWER LOT No. TAG No. DC voltage & current 7 8 + − POWER 5 6 + − OUTPUT TH-IX-00 DCO∼5V DCO∼5V DC24V 0105A ■ Output specification ASAHI KEIKI + − 3 4 INPUT 250Ω Special: Voltage input less than 250 V DC, min span 0.1 V Current input less than 50 mA DC, min span 5 mA DC Code No. 0 1 2 3 A Y 4max 99±0.5 Front 4 Input resistance TH-1X Input signal DC 0 to 5 V DC 1 to 5 V DC 0 to 10 V DC -10 to 10 V DC 0 to 1 V DC 0 to 0.1 V DC 4 to 20 mA special TAG Code No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 A Y Special: Voltage input less than ±10 V DC, min span 1 VDC Current input less than 20 mA DC, min span 5 mA DC ■ Connection Diagram − 4 6 8 + 3 5 7 − DC 24V LOAD ■ Ordering Code DIN rail output ±0.25% F.S ±0.02% F.S/°C less than 20 msec (0 to 90%TYP) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC 1500V/1 min. 24 V DC±10% less than 60 mA -5 to 50°C less than 90%RH 99 mm (H)×12.5 mm(W)×115 mm(D) input Accuracy: Temp. Coefficient: Response Time: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric Strength: Power Supply: Power consumption: Operating Temp.: Size: (4) ■ General specification + TH-1X- □ □ Transmitter 0. DC 0 to 5 V Output code 1. DC 1 to 5 V 2. DC 0 to 10 V 3. DC -10 to 10 V A. DC 4 to 20 mA Y. special 0. DC 0 to 5 V Input code 1. DC 1 to 5 V 2. DC 0 to 10 V 3. DC -10 to 10 V 4. DC 0 to 1 V 5. DC 0 to 0.1 V A. DC 4 to 20 mA Y. special ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 79 Temperature Transmitter TH-1C ■ Featuers ・Slim width 12.5mm ・DIN rail mount type ・Power supply 24VDC ±10% ・Input sensor R,K,E,J,T,S,B, PT-100 ohm ■ Input Specification ■ Dimensions Code Input temperature Minimum Span R K R 0 to 1700°C 400°C K -50 to 1200°C 100°C E E -50 to 900°C 100°C J J -50 to 1000°C 100°C 100°C T T -50 to 350°C S S 0 to 1700°C 500°C B B 200 to 1700°C 1000°C Pt 100 Ω P -150 to 800°C 100°C Front View 4 990.5 12.5 0.5 0 Sensor 590.5 Side View Thermocouple Input Specification Accuracy of Cold Junction Compensation ±1°C (10 to 30°C) (For thermocouples other than B type thermocouple) RTD Input Specification 1150.5 Allowable leadwire resistance: Less than 10 Ω Current following through RTD: 1mA ■ Output Specification Code Output signal 0 DC 0 to 5 V Output Load resistance Output at burnout More than 2k Ω 1 DC 1 to 5 V 2 DC 0 to 10 V More than 4k Ω A DC 4 to 20 mA Less than 550 Ω Approx 120% F.S (4) ■ General Specification DIN rail (35mm Wlde) 6 8 5 7 6 8 5 7 T/C input B 1 3 2 4 1 3 DC 24V Load 4 Output signal 2 Load ■ Connection Diagram Output signal Transmitter Accuracy: ±0.25% F.S (At 25±2°C) Temperature characteristic: ±0.02% F.S/°C Power supply voltage variation: ±0.1% F.S Response Time: Less than 2 sec (0 to 90%) Insulation resistance: Between input and output/power supply; More than 100 MΩ at 500 VDC Dielectric strength: Between input and output/power supply; For 1 min. at 1500 VAC Power supply voltage: 24V DC±10% Consuming current: Less than 60 mA (At 24 VDC) Operating ambient temperature: -5 to 50°C Operating ambient humidity: Less than 90%RH (No-condensing) Storage temperature: -10 to 70°C Storage humidity: Less than 60%RH (No-condensing) Case material: Black PC risin 94V-2 Weight: Approx. 80g B Pt input DC 24V A ■ Ordering Code Note: Pay attention to the connection polarity. Example: TH-1C-K0-1 0 to 1000°C TH-1C- □ □ □ Accessory code 0. No accessory provided 1. Software and cable provided 0. Output code 1. 2. A. 0 to 5 VDC 1 to 5 VDC 0 to 10 VDC 4 to 20 mADC R. Input code 1. K. E. J. T. S. B. R Type (0 to 1700°C) K Type (0 to 1200°C) E Type (0 to 900°C) J Type (0 to 1000°C) T Type (0 to 350°C) S Type (0 to 1700°C) B Type (0 to 1700°C) Can change input sensor 2. P. RTD Pt (0 to 800°C) As input specifications, separately specify the zero and span temperatures (in steps of 1°C). Otherwise, any one of the above temperatures is selected. When purchasing only the setting soft cable, specify "TH-1C-XX-1." 80 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Transmitter TH-41 ■ Featuers ・Self-powered ・1ch or 2ch input ・Slim width 12.5mm ・DIN rail mount type ■ Dimensions Front View 6 8 TOKYO JAPAN OUTPUT1 ASAHI KEIKI OUTPUT2 7 8 5 6 3 4 INPUT2 MODEL TH-41-2 INPUT1 DC4 20mA max. 30V 30mA OUTPUT1 DC4 20mA INPUT2 DC4 20mA max. 30V 30mA OUTPUT2 DC4 20mA LOT No. 0105A TAG No. 1 2 INPUT1 When using the TH-41, pay attention to the following. The TH-41 can be used if the sum of voltage calculated by a voltage loss of 3V across the TH-41 and that of RA X 20mA across a load connected is smaller than the signal cource voltage. 5 7 TAG 2 4 1 3 TH-41 590.5 Side View ■ Operating Condition 4max 990.5 12.5 0.5 0 Input signal: 4 to 20mADC Max. input current 30mADC Max. output load: 1000 ohms Voltage loss: less than 3V Response time: 20ms (0 to 90%) Temperature characteristic: less than ±0.005%/°C Accuracy: ±0.1% F.S Operating temp.: -5 to 50 °C Operating ambient humidity: less than 90%RH (no condensing) Storage temp.: -10 to 70°C Weight: Approx. 80g Dielectric Strength: Between the input and output 2000VAC/1min. Insulation resistance: Between the input and output or power supply more than 100M ohms (at 500 VDC) 1150.5 ■ Specifications Voltage loss: 3V Signal source 20 mA DIN rail (35mm Wlde) Load RA TH-41 VA (4) 20 mA VA 3V 20 mA RA 6 8 3 5 7 Load 4 1 Load 2 Transmitter Output signal CH2 Number of channels 1. 1 channel 2. 2 channel Input signal CH1 TH-41- □ Input signal CH2 ■ Ordering Code Output signal CH1 ■ Connection Diagram Note: Pay attention to the connection polarity. ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 81 Programmable Transmitter TH-1M ■ Featuers • Can change input and output by front dip switch • Power supply 24V DC • DIN Rail mount ■ Setting or changing input/output range 1. Setting or changing input range SW1 1-5V 0-10V 0-60mV 4-20mA 0-20mA ■ Output Specification 1-5V 0-10V 4-20mA 0-20mA 1234 SW2 1234 12345678 12345678 Front 4max 99±0.5 –0 ■ General Specification 59±0.5 Side 115±0.5 Setting range at factory: Input 1 to 5 V DC, Output 4 to 20mA DC Accuracy: ±0.25% F.S (25˚C±2˚C) After changed input range error: ±1% F.S After changed output range error: ±1% F.S Temperature characteristic: ±0.02% F.S/˚C Response time: less than 15ms (0 to 90%)(TYP) Insulation resistance: Between input and output/power supply more than 100M ohm at 500V DC Dielectric strength: Between input and output/power supply 1500V AC per 1min. Power supply: 24 V DC ±10% Power consumption: Less than 80mA Operating temperature: –5 to 50˚C Less than 90%RH (No condensing) Weight: Approx. 80g Approval: EN61000-6-2, EN55011 Accessory: Switch sheet SW1 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ■ Dimensions 12.5 Allowable load resistance More than 2 k Ω More than 2 k Ω More than 4 k Ω Less than 550 Ω Less than 550 Ω +0.5 Output signal 0 to 5 V DC 1 to 5 V DC 0 to 10 V DC 4 to 20 mA DC 0 to 20 mA DC 0-5V 5 6 7 8 250 Ω 2. Setting or changing output range SW2 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ZERO More than 1 MΩ 0-5V SPAN Input resistance 3 4 Input signal 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC 0 to 60mV DC 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 20mA DC TH-1M TAG ■ Input Specification (4) ■ Ordering code TH-1M DIN RAIL Transmitter ■ Connection Diagram Input Output DC 24V ■ Block Diagram Isolation AMP ZERO SPAN 3(+) Input 4(–) Input Circuit Power Supply Circuit 82 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 5(+) Output 6(–) Output Circuit 7(+) DC24V 8(–) DISTRIBUTOR TZ-5L ■ Features • DIN rail mount • Low cost • Miniature Size • Isolated Input/Output/Power supply ■ Dimensions Input code { Front 5 max 94 54 DC 4~20mA 11.5 Output code 0: DC 0~5V 1: DC 1~5V 2: DC 0~10V A: DC 4~20mA Y: Special 25 ■ Ordering Code TZ-5L-A ■ Input specifications 63 4-20mA DC (Input resistance 50Ω) 83 ■ Output specifications more than 2KΩ more than 4KΩ less than 550Ω Other than the above For code No. Y Limit of specifications Voltage output : Less than +10VDC and more than -10VDC Minimum span : 1VDC Current output : Less than 20mADC Minimum span : 5mADC Accuracy : ±0.25%F.S (23˚C±2˚C) Temperature characteristic : ±200ppmF.S/˚C (TYP.) Response time : Less than 50 msec (0~90%) Insulated resistance : Between input and output/power supply; More than 100MΩ (at 500V DC) Dielectric strength : Between input and output/power supply; For 1 min. at 2000VAC Power supply voltage : 24V DC±10% less than 80mA Operating ambient Temp. : -5 to +50˚C Operating ambient humidity : Less than 90%RH(No-condersing) Weight : Approx. 80g 24~32VDC (No load resistance) Less than 22mADC Less than 30mADC Short circuit duration : No limit 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC24V Note : Pay attention to the connection polarity. ■ Block Diagram Input Circuit Isolation AMP Zero Span 2(+) Input Output 5(+) 6(ー) 3(ー) Transmitter ■ Powerr supply to 2-wire transmitter ■ Connection Diagram LOAD ■ Specifications Output voltage : Current Capacity : Current at short circuit : Permissible : 41 Load resistance Output Signal DC0~5V DC1~5V DC0~10V DC4~20mA 34.5 Output signal 25.5 0 1 2 A Y 2-Wire Transmitter Code No. Side Output Circuit 1(+) Excitation Power Supply 4(–) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 7(+) DC24V 8(ー) Power Supply Circuit 83 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5H ■ Features • Miniature size • DIN rail mount • Power supply 24V DC • Easy connection ■ Input Specifications ■ Dimensions Input resistance 8 4 6 2 98 94 54 3 *Code "Y" specifications Voltage input: less than 250VDC (span 100mVDC) Current input: less than 50mADC (span 1mADC) 7 11.5 25 Front 5 DC0~5V DC1~5V more than 1MΩ DC0~10V DC4~20mA DC0~20mA 250Ω Special 0 1 2 A B Y 1 Input signal Code No. 63 83 25.5 DC0~5V more than 2KΩ DC1~5V DC0~10V more than 4KΩ DC4~20mA DC0~20mA less than 550Ω Special 0 1 2 A B Y 34.5 Side Input resistance Output signal Code No. 41 ■ Output Specifications ■ Connection Diagram *Code "Y" specifications Voltage output: less than ±10VDC (span 1VDC) Current output: less than 20mADC (span 1mADC) Accuracy: Temp. Coefficient: Response Time: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric Strength: Power Supply: Operating Temp: Weight: ±0.25% F.S. ±200 ppm/°C F.S(Typ) Less than 50msec(0 to 90%) Input/Output/Power supply more than 100MΩ(500VDC) Input/Output/Power supply 2000VAC/l min 24VDC ±10% less than 60mA -5~+50°C, less than 90%RH 80g 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC24V LOAD INPUT ■ General Specifications OUTPUT ■ Block Diagram ■ Ordering Guide TZ-5H- Transmitter Output code 0. 0~5VDC 1. 1~5VDC 2. 0~10VDC A. 4~20mADC B. 0~20mADC Y. Special Input code 84 0. 0~5VDC 1. 1~5VDC 2. 0~10VDC A. 4~20mADC B. 0~20mADC Y. Special Input Circuit 3(+) Input 4(ー) Isolation Zero Span AMP Output 5(+) 6(ー) Output Circuit 7(+) DC24V 8(ー) 1 N.C 2 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Power Supply Circuit TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5X ■ Features • DC Power supply 24VDC • DIN rail mounting • Input / Output / Power supply isolated ■ Ordering Code ■ Input specifications Input Resistance Allowable input TZ-5X- 0. DC 0 to 5V 1. DC 1 to 5V 2. DC 0 to 10V 3. DC –10 to 10V 6. DC 0 to 4V A. DC 4 to 20mA Y. special Output more than 1MΩ –50 to +150%F.S 0. DC 0 to 5V 1. DC 1 to 5V 2. DC 0 to 10V 3. DC –10 to 10V 4. DC 0 to 1V 5. DC 0 to 0.1V 6. DC 0 to 4V 7. DC 0 to 20V 8. DC –2 to 2V 9. DC –5 to 5V A. DC 4 to 20mA B. DC 0 to 20mA Y. special 250Ω Special Special Voltage input: DC less than 250V span 0.1V Current input: DC less than 50mA span DC 1mA Input ■ Output specifications Output load resistance more than 2 kΩ ■ Connection Diagram more than 4 kΩ more than 2 kΩ less than 550 Ω Input Signal Code No. Output Signal 0 DC 0 to 5V 1 DC 1 to 5V 2 DC 0 to 10V 3 DC –10 to 10V 6 DC 0 to 4V A DC 4 to 20mA Y Special Special Voltage output: DC -10 to 10V span DC 1V Current output: DC 0 to 20mA span DC 1mA – 2 1 + 6 5 4 3 – 8 7 – DC 24V Load Input Signal DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC –10 to 10V DC 0 to 1V DC 0 to 0.1V DC 0 to 4V DC 0 to 20V DC –2 to 2V DC –5 to 5V DC 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 20mA + + Output Signal Code No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B Y Caution: Be polarity careful ■ General specifications Isolation AMP ZERO SPAN 5 (+) Output Signal 6 (–) 3(+) Input Signal Output Circuit Input Circuit 4(–) 7 (+) DC 24V 8 (–) Power Supply Circuit 1 NC 2 Transmitter ■ Dimensions 8 7 25 6 4 5 2 94 3 Front 57.6 Terminal Cover Side Slide Bar 37.3 40.8 Case Material: Weight: ■ Block Diagram ±0.1% F.S (25˚C±2˚C) ±200PPM F.S/˚C (TYP) less than 50msec (0 to 90%) input/output/power supply, more than 100MΩ input/output/power supply, AC2000V/1 min. 240VDC±10% less than 65mA (at 24VDC) -5 to 50˚C Less than 90% RH Black ABS Approx. 80g 1 Accuracy: Temp. Coefficient: Response time: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric strength: Power supply: Power consuption: Operating Temp: 47 98 35.2 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 85 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-41 ■ Features • Miniature Size • Self-powered • Easy Connection • DIN rail mount ■ Specifications ■ Ordering Code TZ-41 ■ Dimensions 98 94 Front 25 8 7 11.5 6 5 54 4 { 2 { 3 { 1 Signal Input: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA or 0 to 5mA Signal Output: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA or 0 to 5mA Input Current: Max. 30mA Load: Max. 600Ω Voltage loss between input and output: Approx. 3.3V Output Ripple: Less than 0.5% (20mA at 250W) Temp, Coefficient: Less than ±100PPM/°C Accuracy: ±0.1% (23°C±1°C) at 250W load Additional Error: +0.1%/100W at load,250W -0.1%/100W at load.250W Operating Temp: -5 to +50°C, less than 90% RH Mechanical Design: Type of snap mount on DIN rail Insulated Resistance: More than 100MW at 500VDC between input and output Dielectric Strength: 1 min. at 2kVAC between input and output Weight: Approx. 80g 63 83 Side 41 TZ-41 is designed as "Self Powered Isolation" and transformation ratio is 1:1. Input current is 0 to 20mA, but customers can use input current ranges 0 to 5mA, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA. Having 1:1 isolation the output current will of course be the same as the input current, e.g., 0 to 5mA, 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA. TZ-41 will provide 0 to 5V or 1 to 5V output. 34.5 25.5 ■ INPUT/OUTPUT ■ Connection Diagram ■ Output load and Accuracy 2 4 1 3 Input Transmitter Example load 450Ω Standard accuracy: ±0.1% Additional error (+200W): ±0.1% - 0.2%=-0.1% to -0.3% (-0.1%/100Ωatload>250Ω) 6 8 5 7 LOAD Please note the TZ-41 can operate into a load of up to 600W. Accuracy is a function of load resistance. Standard accuracy is +/- 0.1% with a 250W load and ambient temp. of 23±1°C. For loads other then 250W accuracy changes as shown below. Output DC0~20mA(4~20mA) ■ Block Diagram Chopper Oscillation Circuit (+) 3 Output (−) 4 N.C N.C 86 Rectifier Circuit 5 (+) Output 6 (−) 2 7 1 8 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. N.C N.C TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5A ■ Features •Isolated Input/Output/Power supply •DIN rail mount •Input RTD sensor ■ Input Specifications ■ Dimension PT-100 Ω three wires less than 20Ω Y 7 5 25 4 3 6 2 1 0 to 100°C 0 to 200°C 0 to 300°C 0 to 400°C 0 to 500°C 0 to 600°C Special (0~600°C) (Span more than 100°C) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 98 94 54 Temp. Range Code No. ■ Output Specifications 41 DC voltage or current Temp. Range Code No. 1~5V 4~20mA 0~10V Special (Current 20mA) (Voltage less than ±10V) 1 2 3 Y ■ Connection Diagram Allowable Load: More than 2KΩ(At 1 to 5V) Resistance More than 4KΩ(At 0 to 10V) Less than 550Ω(At 4 to 20mA) ■ General Specifications Operating Temp.: Power Supply: Burn Out: ±0.25% F.S ±200ppm/˚C (Typ.) Less than 80mS (0~90%) (Typ.) Input/Output/Power supply AC2000V/1 min. Input/Output/Power supply more than 100MΩ at DC500V -5~50˚C DC24V±10% less than 55mA Upper side ■ Ordering Code TZ-5A- Input Code { Input B 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC 24V Output B Pt100Ω Transmitter { 1. DC 1~5V Output Code 2. DC 4~20mA 3. DC 0~10V Y. Special A LOAD Accuracy: Temp. Coefficient: Response Time: Dielectric Strength: Insulated Resistance: ■ Block Diagram 1. 0~100°C 2. 0~200°C 3. 0~300°C 4. 0~400°C 5. 0~500°C 6. 0~600°C Y. Special Constant Current Circuit Input Circuit Span Zero RTD 4 Output +5 ー6 3 2 Isolated Amplifier Output Circuit +7 DC24V 1 N.C ー8 Burn-out Circuit ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Power Circuit 87 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5B ■ Features •Isolated Input/Output/Power Supply •DIN Rail mount •Input Potentiometer ■ Input Specifications ■ Dimension Potentiometer (100 to 10KΩ) 7 5 25 6 4 3 1~5V 4~20mA 0~10V Special 1 2 3 Y 2 Temp.Range Code No. 1 DC voltage or current 8 98 94 54 ■ Output Specifications ✽Special Current Output Range: Less than 20mA (Min. span 1mA) ✽Special Voltage Output Range: Less than ±10V (Min. span 1V) 41 Allowable Load: More than 2KΩ(At 1 to 5V) Resistance More than 4KΩ (At 0 to 10V) Less than 550Ω (At 4 to 20mA) ■ General Specifications ±0.25%F.Sc ±200ppm/˚C (Typ.) Less than 50mS (0~90%) (Typ.) Input/Output/Power supply AC2000V/1 min. Input/Output/Power supply more than 100MΩ at DC500V Operating Temp.: -5~50˚C Power Supply: DC24V +15%,-5% less than 55mA Zero Adjustment Range: 0~10% Span Adjustment Range: 90~100% Reference Voltage: 0.5V Accuracy: Temp. Coefficient: Response Time: Dielectric Strength: Insulated Resistance: ■ Connection Diagram Transmitter TZ-5B- Input { DC 1 to 5V Output Code DC 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 10V Y. Special 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC 24V LOAD A ■ Ordering Guide Output B Potentionmeter ■ Block Diagram Constant Voltage Circuit Output Circuit Potentionmeter 4 Span Zero 3 2 Isolated Amplifier 1 N.C +7 DC24V ー8 Input Circuit 88 Output +5 ー6 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. Power Circuit TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5C ■ Features •Input K sensor •Isolated input/output/power supply •DIN rail mount •Small size and easy installation ■ Dimension Front ■ Output Specifications 25 4 3 8 2 1 0 ~ 500°C 0 ~ 1000°C Special (0 ~ 1000°C) Span (300 ~ 1000°C) 1 2 Y 7 98 94 54 Temp. range Code No. 6 Sensor type K 5 ■ Input Specifications Side 41 DC voltage or current Output Code No. DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V Special (Current less than 20mA) (Voltage less than ±10V) 1 2 3 Y DIN RAIL ■ Connection Diagram ■ General Specifications - K Sensor TCJ Senser + 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC 24V LOAD ±0.4% F.S ±300ppm/˚C F.S (TYP.) Less than 0.5sec (0~90%) (TYP.) DC1~5V more than 2kΩ DC4~20mA Less than 550Ω DC0~10V more than 4kΩ Insulated resistance: Input/output/power supply more than 100MΩ(DC500V) Dielectric Stregth: Input/output/power supply AC2000V/1min. Power Supply: DC24V+15%, -5% Power Consumption: Less than 60mA Operation Temp: -5~50˚Cless than 90%RH Cold Junction Compensator: ±1˚C at 20˚C±10˚C Accuracy: Temp. Coefficient: Response Time: Load Resistance: OUTPUT ■ Ordering Guide { { 1. DC 1~5V Output 2. DC 4~20mA 3. DC 0~10V Y. Special Input Transmitter TZ-5C- ■ Block Diagram 1. 0~500°C 2. 0~1000°C Y. Special Burn out Input Circuit Span Zero 3 Output +5 ー6 + Sensor 4 Input ー N.C 2 N.C Isolation AMP Output Circuit +7 DC24V 1 ー8 Power Supply Circuit Cold junction Compensation Circuit ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 89 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5D ■ Features • Input AC current(True-RMS) • Isolated input/output/power supply • DIN rail mount • Small size and easy installation 25 8 7 98 94 54 Special Special AC current input: Less than 0~5A,Min span AC1A DC current output: Less than DC20mA,Min span DC1mA DC voltage output: Less than DC±10V,Min span DC1V Side DC 1~5V more than 2kΩ DC 0~10V more than 4kΩ DC 4~20mA less than 550Ω 41 Load resistance: Front 6 DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V 5 Output AC 0~1A AC 0~1A AC 0~1A AC 0~5A AC 0~5A AC 0~5A 4 Intput 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y 2 Code No. ■ Dimension 1 ■ Input /Output Specification ■ General Specifications Operation Temp: Insulated Resistance: Dielectric Strength: ±0.1% F.S 40Hz~1kHz ±200ppm/˚C (Typ.) Less than 0.5sec (0~90%) DC24V+15% less than 55mA -5% -5~50˚C less than 90%RH Input/output/power supply more than 100MΩ(DC500V) Input/output/power supply AC1500V/1min. ■ Ordering Guide Input TZ-5D- Transmitter { 1. AC 0~1A 2. AC 0~1A 3. AC 0~1A 4. AC 0~5A 5. AC 0~5A 6. AC 0~5A Y. Special DIN RAIL ■ Connection Diagram Output 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC 24V INPUT DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V LOAD Accuracy: Input Frequency: Temp. Coefficient: Response Time: Power Supply: OUTPUT ■ Block Diagram Zero Span 4 Input 3 C/T Isolation RMS Circuit Output +5 ー6 Output Circuit 2 +7 1 N.C ー8 DC24V Power Supply Circuit 90 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5E ■ Features •Input AC voltage •Isolated input/output/power supply •Power supply DC24V •DIN rail mount •Small size easy installation ■ Dimension Front 6 8 7 DC 24V LOAD 4 3 98 94 54 2 AC 0~35V AC 0~110V AC 0~150V Special 5 6 7 Y 1 Input Code No. 5 ■ Input Specifications 25 Special specification Voltage: less than AC300V, min span AC4V ■ Output Specifications 1 2 3 Y Output Load resistance DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V More then 2kΩ More then 550Ω More then 4kΩ Side 41 Code No. Special Special specification Current: less than 20mA,min span 1mA Voltage: less than ±10V,min span 1V DIN RAIL ■ General Specifications Accuracy: Temp. coefficient: Response time: Input frequency: Dielectric stregth: Insulated resistance: Operating temp.: Power supply: ±0.1% F.S ±200ppm/˚C F.S (Typ.) 70mS (Typ) 0~90% 40H~1KHz Input/output/power supply AC2000V/l min. Input/output/power supply more than 100MΩ at DC500V -5˚C~50˚C (less than 90% RH) DC24V -5%, +10% ■ Connection Diagram 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 AC ■ Ordering Guide TZ-5E- { { OUTPUT 1. DC 1~5V Output 2. DC 4~20mA 3. DC 0~10V Y. Special 5. AC 0~35V 6. AC 0~110V 7. AC 0~150V Y. Special Transmitter Input ■ Block Diagram RMS Conversion 4 Input 3 Isolation Span Zero AMP Output +5 ー6 Output Circuit 2 +7 1 N.C ー8 DC24V Power Supply Circuit ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 91 TERMINAL TYPE TRANSMITTER TZ-5F ■ Features •Input small current and voltage •Isolated input/output/power supply •Power supply DC24V •DIN rail mount •Small size and easy installation ■ Dimension Front 8 6 4 98 94 54 3 DC 0~10mV DC 0~50mV DC 0~100µA Special 1 2 3 Y 2 Input Code No. 1 ■ Input Specifications ■ Output Specifications 7 5 25 Special specification Current: less than 1mA, min span 10µA Voltage: less than 100V, min span 5mV Side Output Code No. Special specification Current: less than 20mA, min span 1mA Voltage: less than ±10V, min span 1V 41 DC 1~5V DC 4~20mA DC 0~10V Special 1 2 3 Y DIN RAIL ■ Connection Diagram Load resistance: Accuracy: Temp. coefficient: Response time: Dielectric stregth: Insulated resistance: Operating temp.: Power supply: ■ Ordering Guide TZ-5F- More than 2KΩ( at 1~5V) More than 4KΩ( at 0~10V) Less than 550Ω( at 4~20mA) ±0.25% F.S ±200ppm/˚C F.S (Typ.) Less than 0.1sec 0~90% Input/output/power supply AC2000V/l min. Input/output/power supply more than 100MΩ at DC500V -5˚C~50˚C (less than 90% RH) DC24V -5%, +15% { { INPUT 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 DC 24V LOAD ■ General Specifications OUTPUT Transmitter 1. DC 1~5V Output 2. DC 4~20mA 3. DC 0~10V Y. Special Input 1. DC 0~10mV 2. DC 0~ 50mV 3. DC 0~100μA Y. Special ■ Block Diagram Input Conversion Span Zero 3 Input 4 1 Output +5 ー6 Isolation AMP Output Circuit +7 DC24V 2 N.C ー8 Power Supply Circuit 92 ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. DIGITAL PANEL METER ACCESSORIES Splash Proof Cover (WP) Shunt Resistor (20A, 60A) 20A/200 mV±0.5% 60A/ 60 mV±0.5% 107 59 140 Height 50 Fittng hole distance 120mm • Dimensions 59 mm(H) エ 170 mm(W) エ 18 mm(D) • Dust-proof and water proof • Available bracket installation 1/8 DIN case Power Supply IP66 COVER (WP-3) 3 +5V DV NC 45 2 AC100V GND 1 6 5 37 2- 4.1× 6φ 80 4 43 30 69±0.5 Model No. Input voltage APS-250-1 90~132VAC APS-250-2 180~264VAC APS-240-1 90~132VAC APS-240-2 180~264VAC Output voltage Output current 4.85~5.15V Max 250mA 24V±10% 80mA (Input voltage is selectable internal switch) ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. 93 DIGITAL PANEL METER ACCESSORIES ■ VOLTAGE DIVIDER ・FOR USE 0.2V RANGE(11 Range) MODEL RANGE DIVIDE RATIO ADV-501-12 ADV-501-13 ADV-501-14 ADV-501-15 ± 2V ± 20V ± 200V ±2000V 1/10 1/100 1/1000 1/10000 INTERNAL RESISTANCE 1MΩ 10MΩ 10MΩ 100MΩ RESOLUTION 1mV 10mV 100mV 1V MAX. INPUT VOLTAGE less than ± 200V ± 750V ± 750V ±2500V ACCURACY less than 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT ± 50PPM ± 50PPM ± 50PPM ±100PPM ・FOR USE 2V RANGE(12 Range) MODEL RANGE ASH-400-19 ASH-400-20 ASH-400-21 ASH-400-22 ASH-400-23 ASH-400-24 ASH-400-25 ASH-400-26 ±1.999µA ±19.99µA ±199.9µA ±1.999mA ±19.99mA ±199.9mA ±1.999A ±5.00A INTERNAL RESISTANCE 100kΩ 10kΩ 1kΩ 100Ω 10Ω 1Ω 0.1Ω 0.01Ω RESOLUTION 1nA 10nA 100nA 1µA 10µA 100µA 1mA 10mA INPUT MAX. CURRENT less than±1mA ± 5mA ± 10mA ± 50mA ±150mA ±500mA ±3A ±8A ACCURACY ± 1%±1digit ±0.5%±1digit ±0.2%±1digit ±0.2%±1digit ±0.2%±1digit ±0.3%±1digit ±0.3%±1digit ±1%±1digit ■ SHUNT ・FOR USE 0.2V(11 Range) MODEL RANGE DIVIDE RATIO ADV-502-14 ADV-502-15 ± 200V ±2000V 1/100 1/1000 ■ DIMENSIONS 94 INTERNAL RESISTANCE 10MΩ 100MΩ RESOLUTION 100mV 1V MAX. INPUT VOLTAGE less than ± 750V ±2500V ACCURACY less than 0.1% 0.1% ■ CONNECTION DIAGRAM ASAHI KEIKI CO.,LTD. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT ± 50PPM ± 100PPM MEMO 95 MEMO 96 DIGITAL PANEL METER, TRASMITTER CATALOGUE 2004 We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. 33-6, YAGUCHI 2-CHOME, OHTA-KU, TOKYO 146-8505, JAPAN FAX :(03)3757-2989 PHONE :(03)3579-3893 E-mail June 2004(KS)
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