
Gospel Truth
MARCH 2016
Welcome Rev. Neil Davis
Holy Week
Interim Pastor Appointed
Palm Sunday
March 20
9:30 & 11:15 am
Cantata & Worship
Maundy Thursday
March 24 7:30 pm
Good Friday
March 25 12:00 pm
Interfaith Service
Location TBD
Easter Sunday
March 27
7:00 am Sunrise
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 & 11:15 am
Easter Celebration
Effective February 1, Reverend Cornelius (Neil) Davis
has been appointed to serve Farmington First United
Methodist Church through June. Rev. Davis
previously served as a superintendent of the
Kalamazoo District in the West Michigan Annual
Conference and as senior pastor of Hope United
Methodist Church in Southfield. He is coming off of a
four-month voluntary leave to lead us in worship.
Rev. Davis brings a history of strong preaching and
pastoral care, along with experience in community
engagement and outreach. He is a collaborative and
nurturing leader with passion for local and global
We welcome Rev. Davis and his wife, Lela to
Farmington First, and will have a potluck luncheon on
Sunday, February 28 – please plan to attend for a time
of fellowship with them.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee is working with
our district superintendent, Rev. Dr. Charles Boayue
and the cabinet as they discern the appointment of our
senior pastor effective July 1. We look forward to how
God will take us through this important time of
Hello Farmington 1st UMC Family and Friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May you know His
love, peace and grace now and forever more. It is indeed an honor and pleasure to serve
as your interim Pastor until June 30, 2016. I am grateful for the opportunity. I continue
becoming acclimated and familiar with the ebb and flow of ministry in the life of this
wonderful congregation.
Moving forward, I am dedicated to be used by God to position the congregation
for receiving your new Pastor on July 1, 2016. In the meantime we will continue to carry
out your plans that are in place, honor your traditions and suggest improvements where
needed. This article comes out in the middle of Lent moving us on to Maundy Thursday
and Good Friday.
The season of Lent is that time for Christians to prepare themselves before Easter.
Ash Wednesday marks the first day, or start of the season. Lent begins 40 days before
Easter and Sundays are not included in the count. It is also a time when many Christians
prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual
discipline. Also, time should be set aside for reflection on Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Savior, his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection.
Maundy Thursday is one of our holy days recognized the Thursday before Easter.
The Last Supper is commemorated on this day as well. It is the final meal that Jesus
shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. Also it provides the scriptural basis for
Holy Communion. Good Friday is a holy day that is recognized on the Friday before
Easter. It is a crucial part of the Easter ritual. Good Friday commemorates the passion
and death of our Lord and Savior which is believed to have saved our souls.
We are on the journey to Easter 2016. There will be joy, peace and love in the
morning on that day. To Thine be the glory for the great thing God will do. Raising His
only begotten Son in victory over death and creating a path to everlasting life for those he
came to save, the world.
Peace and blessings,
Rev. Davis
This is a sermon series
based on the book “The
Challenge of Starting All
Over Again” written by
Maurice A. Fetty.
March 20 – Coming to terms
with God will be explored in a
sermon titled, “The Challenge
of the Napoleon Complex”,
using Luke 19:1-10.
March 6 – Our eternal
challenge is to be able to forgive. Rev.
Davis will illuminate the challenge to
forgive using Luke 7:36-50.
Easter Sunday, March 27 –
The resurrection of Jesus Christ provides
the impetus for the challenge to live
again. Rev. Davis will use Colossians
3:1-11 in a sermon titled, “The
Challenge to Live Again.”
March 13 – There is meaning in a
universe where God is God. With a
sermon title of “The Challenge of NoFault Religion,” Rev. Davis will share
from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.
Music Ministry Notes
On Palm Sunday, March 20, the Music
Ministries will present “Come Walk With
Me,” a cantata by Pepper Choplin. This
beautiful work takes us on the paths
Christ trod during His last week on earth.
The music supplies the drama and passion
of the events of Holy Week by the use of
many styles (from classical to bluegrass).
The brief readings by a narrator and several ‘participants’ in the story propel
the story from the road to Jerusalem to the cross and resurrection.
With Chancel Choir, Sanctuary Singers, Angels in Motion, and special
instrumentalists, we invite you to “walk” with us at one or both services to
experience “Come Walk With Me.”
Caring Ministry Connection
What We Cannot Lose
Years ago I heard about an elderly gentleman who was suffering from the first stages of
dementia. He lamented the fact that he often forgot about God. “Don’t you worry,” said
a good friend, “He will never forget you.”
Growing old is perhaps the hardest task we have to face in this life. As the saying goes,
“Getting old is not for sissies.”
Mainly, growing old is about losses. We devote most of our early life to acquiring
things, but they are merely things we will lose as we age. We lose our strength, our
looks, our friends, our job. We may lose our wealth, our home, our health, our spouse,
our independence, and perhaps the greatest loss of all, our sense of dignity and selfworth.
But there is one thing that you and I will never lose—the love of God. “Even to your old
age, I am He,” God said to the prophet, “and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have
made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you” (Isaiah 46:4).
“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree,” wrote the songwriter (Psalm 92:12).
“Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bear fruit in old age” (vv.13-14).
Jesus loves me, this I know,
Though my hair is white as snow;
Though my sight is growing dim,
Still He bids me trust in Him. —Warner
God's love never grows old.
(From Our Daily Bread 8/8/05)
Please remember our homebound and hospitalized members with cards, calls,
visits, and prayers.
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness, come
before his presence with singing.” Psalm 100
In the spirit of Psalm 100, during our services, those involved in the music program give
their offerings of musical praise to God, not as a performance asking for applause, but
in the hopes of enhancing the worship experience for all. If it moves you in your heart,
give thanks to God, or whisper a soft “amen” if you feel so inclined. Appreciation can
always be expressed after the service.
This is a suggestion from the Worship Committee and Music Ministries for your
May “all praise and glory … be unto God for ever and ever.” Revelation 7:12
Vacation Bible School –
Getting Ready!
Calling all artists, creative souls, and
those who like to build things!!!
Farmington First is teaming up again
with Farmington Hills Church of God
to create the sets for this year’s
Vacation Bible School. The Church of
God will host weekly craft nights from
April to June to create sets that will help transform our lower level this year into a
cave theme. If you are interested in helping once, twice, or regularly please let me
know. Times and days to come. For more information or if you are interested please
call Tammy at 734-765-4221.
Thanks for your 2015 Donations!
Our church’s 2015 general fund finished with a deficit for the first time in several years.
Donations and other revenues were $22,858 less than expected, expenses were $9,644
less than expected, producing a deficit of $13,215. The deficit will be covered by funds
left over from prior year surpluses.
Our 2016 budget is just slightly larger than last year’s budget, with $448,964.32 of
revenues and expenses. Our budget for 2016 is a balanced budget.
Here is a breakdown of our giving for 2015:
General fund giving (envelopes, loose cash and monthly automated
Giving in 2015 toward future years’ general fund pledges
Memorial fund
Undesignated bequests
Long-term giving (Endowment Fund, Reserve Fund, Capital Fund,
Building Restoration Fund)
Giving and fund raising gross receipts for mission trips
Loose coin and other giving directly to Outreach causes
Other Outreach giving and bake sale receipts
Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas offerings
Special Day offerings
United Methodist Committee on Relief
Imagine No Malaria
Children's giving for Haiti
Cass / United Methodist Children’s Homes / United Methodist
Retirement Homes / Haiti Grace
Community dinners
Prison Ministry
Student minister support / Adult and youth education
Miscellaneous giving and fundraising gross receipts (excluding
United Meth. Men and Women)
In addition, most of you give generously with your time and prayers too.
I also wanted to report to you regarding our church’s financial reserves. Let’s exclude
the value of our real and personal property, since those are not liquid assets and their
value cannot be readily determined. Let’s include the reserve fund, the endowment fund
and various special accounts and designated funds, even though there are restrictions on
how those monies are spent. Our cash and investments total $467,057, which is more
than the $318,963 debt remaining on our mortgage.
Thank you for making Farmington First United Methodist a vibrant, caring and
financially healthy church!
-- Michael Weddell, Head Treasurer
Fun & Fellowship News
The ever-popular CHILI COOK-OFF returns on
Saturday, March 5 at 5:00pm. If you are a chili
chef attempting to unseat reigning Queen Nancy
Imus, you get in free! (Just bring in your chili and
register in the kitchen.) All others pay $2 to
sample all the wonderful chilis. (Children under
10 are free.)
Last month’s Game Night had a small crowd but a good time was had by all. After a
wonderful potluck, groups played Farkel, Wits & Wagers, Sequence, and Yahtzee. And
special thanks to Mark Phillips for the challenging game of Guess the Baby Picture.
Out of 18 photos, the winner guessed only 10 correctly. Top prize of a $25,000.99
family photo display set-up went to Judy Phillips – they claim no collusion!
If you have a great idea for a Fun & Fellowship event that you could chair, please see a
committee member. We welcome new ideas and help.
Book Review
By Robert H. Schuller
“Welcome to the human race!” This is how Dr. Schuller begins chapter 1. Christians
are human and humans have challenges and suffering in their lives. In this book
Dr. Schuller is very open and candid about the challenges and suffering he has
experienced in his own life. A few of these challenges include the year his 13 year
old daughter was in a motorcycle accident and had a leg amputated; being put on
trial by his denomination’s court of church law; being in an accident and almost
dying of a brain hemorrhage and being falsely accused of assaulting an airline flight
attendant. Dr. Schuller walks his readers through ways to respond to suffering.
He not only uses stories from his life but the lives of many people, showing how we
can learn to remain hopeful through Jesus Christ. We learn to turn our hurts into
halos and scars into stars, and as a result, we can be compassionate to others who
are suffering. We can help others experience God in the midst of their own despair
and adversity. This is his 32nd book and is wisdom filled.
This book can be found in the non-fiction section of our church library under the
call number: 248.86 Sch.
Church Spring Cleaning
Date in May to be Announced
The trustees have noticed that after years of accumulating “stuff,” several areas in the
church have become a collection area for: “going to be used,” “let’s store it upstairs,” or
“someone will need it” -- things that now have become old or forgotten. While done
with good intentions, the time has come to pick up and clean out these places!
Such storage places are: the open floor above the offices, below the sanctuary, the bell
tower, the table storage room, the annex, our furnace room, the upstairs furnace room,
plus other miscellaneous areas.
What are the things we are talking about? There are old posters from 12 years ago,
broken sand bags, furniture that was used by the circuit riders, torn drama costumes,
VBS cardboard pictures, broken equipment, carpeted boxes used once in the last 18
years, table tops without legs, a colorful round shag carpet, many duplicate ambulatory
devices in the medical cage, banners that celebrated our 165th anniversary, a plastic
nativity setting without a Jesus (but has a ghost—strange), etc.
The trustees are planning a spring clean-up in May. Tom Horton is helping to secure a
large enough dumpster at a favorable price through Waste Management, which will be
placed in the parking lot next to the church one day in May.
So, if you are, were, been part of, assisted with, or supported a committee or function
that would have deposited this “stuff” into the nooks and crannies of the church, please
start identifying those things that you want to keep (and will be used) by placing a tag on
them. Maybe just straightening and placing tags will make it at least look better.
The trustees feel that this notice should be sufficient time to check out the above areas
and see if some of this “stuff” belongs to you. If there is a question, check with the
trustees for direction. When the May day comes, the trustees are asking that we have an
“all hands on deck” work day to remove the untagged items to the dumpster.
This is being done for safety and the cleaning of the Lord’s house.
Respectfully, Trustees
2016 Community Dinner
March 25
April 29
May 27
June 24
July 29
August 26
September 30
October 28
November 25
December 30
Invite Someone to a Community Dinner
—Join them at the table.
Work the dinner by sanitizing, peeling and
chopping, serving or cleaning up.
Be a dinner companion: sit with a stranger.
Help them see Christ through your words and
actions. Be a blessing to a guest.
FUMC Free Community Dinner
How can YOU Help?
On Any Dinner Friday
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Times to volunteer:*
10:30 a.m. to sanitize
2-4 p.m. to prepare food & set up
5:15-6:15 p.m. host or hostess
Greeter at main door
4-6 p.m. to serve
6-7 p.m. to clean up
7:00 p.m. take laundry home
Take a meal to a FUMC shut in
*times are flexible
“I was hungry and you gave Me food
I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;
I was a stranger and you took Me in.”
Matthew 25:35
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Good Friday Community Dinner
March 25, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Baked Ham Supreme
Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Pickled Beets
Fresh Veggie Tray
Hot Cross Buns
COMMUNITY DINNER: Help for the Bakers
The donation of home baked desserts for the
community dinners is greatly enjoyed and
appreciated by our guests. We realize it is
expensive to prepare these desserts, so we have
some helpful options to lighten that burden. There
are cake mixes, cookie mixes and brownie mixes
available at church for you to use. If you need
reimbursement for other ingredients, please contact
Suzann Lanstra or Nancy Merrell. God bless you
all for your delicious faithfulness!
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United Methodist
will be a combined meeting with the
Since there was no General
Meeting in February, we are all looking
Lydia Circle potluck luncheon at noon.
forward to the March 23 meeting with
Then in May will be our semi-annual
devotions and seeing friends. Sue
Rummage Sale, which raises the major
Briese will present a program on Breast
part of our income to help people here
Cancer awareness, with very important
and all over the world. Watch the
information. Also Vice President Sally
bulletins and the “grapevine” for circle
Mattmueller will share the Call to
meetings and other activities. I hope to
Prayer and Self-Denial. Don’t forget to
see you at any or all of these
bring a sandwich. On April 30 there
will be a program on Justice for our
Marilou (Lou) Harrison 248-473-5863
Neighbors by Melanie Goldburg. This
Hurricane Sandy Adult Mission Trip
The first planning meeting for our trip to New Jersey at the end of July is
scheduled for Wednesday, March 16 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the Choir Robing
Room. All those who have not expressed an interest in participating, but who
are now interested are encouraged to attend, so that we can include you in our
plans. – Frank Wassilak, Team Leader
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Stewardship During Lent
As good Christian stewards, we want to do meaningful work that is pleasing
to God. But sometimes, we don't exactly know what it is that God wants us
to do.
The Lenten Season is a perfect time to step back, pray, read the Bible, reflect,
and just cherish the time of silence and solitude with God.
By taking time to set aside this "quiet time", we can build on having an
ongoing and ever deepening relationship with God. We will have a better idea
of just what it is that God wants us to do. During Lent, try to begin and end
the day with a few minutes of prayer and reflection.
Preparing a place to do this is
also important. Take time away
from the workaday world. Turn
off any electronics. Rest. Enjoy
nature - the beauty of the newly
fallen snow, (if any) a blue jay or
cardinal perched in a tree. Then,
listen to God.
Lent is a season of letting go so
that God can use us more fully
when Lent is over. Besides giving up things like certain foods, or habits,
think about other things we need to give up, like anger or fear.
Step back, Pray, Read the Bible, Reflect. Cherish the time of silence and
solitude with God. Listen to what God is telling you.
Stewardship Committee
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Events are subject to change!
Remember to check the
calendar on-line for any
updates or changes, at the
church website:
10:00 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Men’s Emmaus
6:45 PM Women’s Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
8:00 & 9:30 AM Bible Sermon Texts
8:00 AM UMM Breakfast
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
1:00 PM Disciple 2
3:15 PM Angels in Motion
6:05 PM Exercise
7:00 PM Outreach
7:00 PM Worship
7:30 PM Education
10:00 AM Bible Study
11:00 AM Caring Ministry
6:45 PM Women’s Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
6:05 PM Exercise
7:30 PM Growth &
7:30 PM Boy Scout
Parent Meeting
Daylight Savings Time Begins
8:00 & 9:30 AM Bible Sermon Texts
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
10:30 AM Stewardship Committee
12:30 PM Youth set up for Auction
1:00 PM Disciple 2
2:00 PM Mission Trip Auction
3:15 PM Angels in Motion
Palm Sunday
8:00 & 9:30 AM Bible Sermon Texts
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
10:30 AM Ham Order Pick Up
11:30 AM Outreach – Egg Coloring
2:30 PM Books & Bites
4:00 PM Guiding Force Rehearse for
Sunrise Service
Easter Sunday
7:00 am Sunrise Service
8:00 AM Easter Breakfast
9:30 & 11:15 AM Worship & Sunday
10:30 AM Coffee & Fellowship
9:00 AM Piecemaker
6:05 PM Exercise
6:30 PM Piecemaker
7:00 PM Finance
7:00 PM Church
10:00 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Men’s Emmaus
6:45 PM Women’s Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
10:00 AM Bible Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
10:00 AM Bible Study
7:30 PM Carillon Choir
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6:30 AM Prayer
10:00 AM UMW
Executive Board Mtg.
6:05 PM Exercise
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
7:30 PM Staff Parish
6:30 AM Prayer
12:00 PM Anna Cook
2:00 PM Photography in
Markham Room
6:05 PM Exercise
7:00 PM Trustees
7:00 PM Women’s 4th
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
7:30 PM Library Comm.
6:30 AM Prayer
6:05 PM Exercise
7:00 PM Mission Trip
7:00 PM Worship
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
6:30 AM Prayer
12:00 PM UMW General
6:05 PM Exercise
7:00 PM Women’s 4th
7:00 PM Social Justice
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
6:30 AM Prayer
7:30 PM Boy Scouts
AM Gospels Bible Study
PM Small Group Study
PM Sanctuary Singers
PM Gospels Bible Study
PM Chancel Choir
9:30 AM Gospels Bible Study
2:00 PM Photography in
Markham Room
6:00 PM Small Group Study
6:30 PM Sanctuary Singers
7:00 PM Gospels Bible Study
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
9:30 AM Gospels Bible Study
6:00 PM Small Group Study
7:00 PM Gospels Bible Study
7:00 PM Choir Cantata
Maundy Thursday
7:30 PM Worship Service
6:30 PM Sanctuary Singers
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
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2:00 PM
Photography in
Markham Room
7:00 PM Lydia Circle
Good Friday
5:30 PM Community
10:00 AM UMW
Book Discussion
9:00 AM
Photography in
Markham Room
10:00 AM Cooking
Easter Eggs
Books & Bitəs
We would like to thank all the
bakers and those who
contributed to our Valentine's
Bake Sale on February 14th, as
$479.09 was raised to be used
towards future Outreach projects.
Books & Bitәs is not meeting in
March, so the next meeting will be
Sunday, April 17 at 2:30pm in the
church library. Please see the April
Gospel Truth for the selected book.
Books & Bitәs is open to women and girls
ages 12 and up (ages 12-15 need to be
accompanied by a mom or substitute
mom). Check our web site (linked to from
the church web site) at
https://sites.google.com/site/booksbites/ for
last minute changes in book choice or
date. Contact us at
books.bites@gmail.com or call Jennie
Macy at (248) 521-8546 with questions.
We hope you will join us!
Upcoming Projects:
--March 20th we will be coloring
eggs during the second service for
Spirit of Hope Church in Detroit.
Anyone interested in coloring
eggs, please contact Pat Bradley.
--April 3rd we will be assembling
sandwiches for NOAH during the
second service. Please contact
Michelle Devine or Estelle
Kalakailo if anyone would like to
The books that we read and discuss are
selected by the group. We encourage
mothers and fathers to read the books to
be sure they are appropriate for their
--April 14th will be the
Aldersgate's dinner. Those
interested in volunteering, please
contact Estelle Kalakailo.
We will meet on Monday, March 21
from 9:00 am- noon and/or 6:30pm
- 9:00pm in the Wesley Hall Annex bring sewing machine and sewing
We always welcome new quilters to
our group!
Our contact person is Susan Cook 248-478-4711 if you have any
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2015-16 United Methodist Reading Program
All (men & women) are invited to attend the book discussion for the United
Methodist Reading Program. We meet on selected Saturdays at 10:00am to
discuss the chosen book(s).
Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:00am,
at Panera Bread, 34635 Grand River, Farmington
Help, Thanks, Wow! by Anne Lamott
The title of this book refers to what Lamott feels are
three essential themes of prayer. Asking for help, she
writes, “is the first great prayer.” Giving thanks is
essential, and not only when things are going well.
“Wow” is the joyful expression of wonder in response
to astonishing moments great and small.
This book isn’t in the church library but should be
readily available at local libraries.
Reading Program Category: Spiritual Growth
Contact Karen Brichford if you have questions.
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Guiding Force
First, we want to thank everyone who
supported youth in our 30-Hour Famine (fast)
to raise money for World Vision. Youth are
still collecting money, so we don't have a total
for what we raised this year, but we did receive
a call from World Vision to thank us for our
support over the years. They stated that so far,
we have raised about $16,000 to date. That
equates to feeding about 38 children for one
year!!! The youth put in the time and effort to fast for the 30 hours, but it wouldn't
feed any children if it wasn't for your support! :)
While the first three months of the year are very busy for the youth group, the end of
February and beginning of March brings the annual Chrysalis Flights (youth version
of the Emmaus Walk). We don't have any youth attending this year, but have
several youth and adults working the girls’ and boys’ flights. They are all very
excited to work and serve at this event and hope to be able to send a few youth next
year. If you have any questions about the program, or might be interested in going
next spring, please contact us (jnpimus@yahoo.com) and we can get you the
Our annual Super Bowl Sub sale was another great success. We were able to raise
about $630 towards our summer mission trip with Appalachia Service Project
(ASP). We have one final fund raiser for that trip, our annual Auction on March 13.
If you have a new/unused good or service you'd like to donate, watch the Sunday
bulletin for the donation slip. This is our main fund raiser for this trip, so any
support is greatly appreciated.
Ham Sale: our final fundraiser: We are selling hams and other Dearborn Sausage
Company products to support expenses for the youth group. Orders are being
accepted through Sunday, March 13 and products can be picked up at church
(between services) on Sunday, March 20.
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Looking forward to April, we will again be participating in Rebuilding Together.
This is a one day event where we help out a deserving family/member of the
community and help fix up their home. Youth age 12 and up are eligible to
participate and we will need 3 adults who can help. A sign up sheet is on the
Guiding Force bulletin board and the deadline to sign up is March 15. This is also
open to anyone else in the church who would like to participate in this great, oneday event. Any and all skill levels are welcome!
Pat & Jodi Imus
Amendments to the 2016 Church Leadership List
(see the January Gospel Truth for initial list)
Education Committee: Correction: Add Tammy Gabourie - member (staff)
Approved by Church Council 1/25/16:
Growth and Membership Work Area: Add Catherine McCarthy and Patty Tschudi. This
committee is being combined with Fun and Fellowship. Those persons are added to
Growth & Membership: Anne Scott, Lisa England, Carolyn Aymer, Nancy Wlasuk.
Caring Ministry Work Area: Delete Susan Sackett and Sue Briese
Add Claude Christiansen and Rich Tengler
Library Committee:
Board of Trustees:
Delete Rich Tengler; Add Connie Mendoza; Library Chair TBD
Chairperson is Karl Miller. Add Anne Scott, Ron Smedley and
Roger Young. Vice Chair is Ron Smedley, Secretary is Mike
Mohr and Treasurer is Roger Young.
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What a great turnout last month for our February
breakfast! We had close to 70 people in attendance
(typical is around 40)! As part of the ongoing
financial support that the United Methodist Men
provide to mission programs within our church, it
was put up for vote and passed unanimously that
the UMM will be purchasing the “starter tool belts” for any new youth participating in
the Appalachia Service Project (ASP) mission trip this year.
We have another great speaker lined up for March. Hannah Heebner, Marketing and
Communications Coordinator for Methodist Children’s Home Society will be sharing
with us how MCHS responds to the needs of abused and neglected children by providing
an array of housing, educational, clinical and therapeutic services. This is an open
invitation for the entire church to join us for breakfast on Sunday, March 6th at 8:00
a.m. in Wesley Hall for fellowship and a warm meal to start your day. Everyone is
invited, but the UMM do all the cooking and cleaning!
Easter Breakfast – March 27: Join us for breakfast at 8:00 am, for a wonderful time
of fellowship to start your day! The Men usually cook some “eggstra” special items for
this breakfast. All are welcome -- families of all sizes! Suggested donation is $5.00.
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Save the Date !!
Fun & Fellowship invites you for a Fun Evening at
the Ball Park !!!!!
Detroit Tigers vs. The Cleveland Indians - Saturday, June 25th, 2016
Cost: TBD – Upper Box Seats/between Home Plate and 1ST Base
Game Time: 4:00 PM.
Pizza and Salad in Wesley Hall – at 1:00 PM. We can then carpool to Comerica
If you have any questions?? Contact Carolyn Aymer (248) 752-0824
Did You Know??
We have a comment box next to the Welcome Table in the lower gallery.
We welcome your comments or suggestions about church facilities,
programs, worship experiences, outreach, etc. Please place your notes in
the box any time.
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Social Justice
The Social Justice Group encourages you to attend the World Sabbath of Religious
Reconciliation on March 6th. It promises to be an uplifting experience for all. For more
information, go to http://www.worldsabbath.org/
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Getting lots of notepads in the mail?
Do you have:
Extra notebook paper ?
A few sheets of stationary?
A blank note card or two?
Bunches of stickers?
Here’s a remedy…….
God’s Treasures (the summer
camp for special needs adults at Lake Huron
Retreat Center) can use all those notepads,
cards and stickers. The campers LOVE to send
mail to other campers during the week. You can give these items to
Suzann Lanstra anytime.
FOOD for Thought: choose
a Community Dinner date
and make it a family
volunteer event in honor of
someone you love! Giving
back with love: what a
wonderful family memory!
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WELCOME to Neil and Lela Davis and I hope you
are enjoying your new “digs”! I hope I don’t scare
you, as I am really a friendly little mouse. You won’t
see me often, but just remember, I SEE YOU! I wish
the very best to Marshall and Susan and I love their
new house! …. Did you hear that Ann St. John’s
grandson, Lucas, broke his leg snowboarding just
recently and is recovering… there have been lots of ice skaters across the street at
Riley Park, in spite of the cold … lots of little kids, too! This little mouse has
enjoyed seeing so many of the Trustees at the parsonage cleaning, painting, and just
fixing up “stuff” …. we have become good friends, but it is a long way out there for
my little legs. I want to expecially thank the United Methodist Men for thinking of
me and leaving a sausage under the stove after a recent breakfast. Those guys sure
know how to make a little mouse happy! However, I don’t think they know I am a
vegetarian, but I still manage to consume all the scraps I can find…. speaking of
crumbs, I got an extra special treat on Shrove Tuesday after the Pancake Supper. It
was so nice to see the young people helping with the cooking – A.J. Phillips, Angel
Gabourie, Abby Mohr and Megan Mohr. It looked like a wonderful program and
many people enjoying the meal. The Lenten season has begun and there are many
activities going on around the church every day, so just come in out of the cold and
hang out!
Love, love, love, from YOUR CHURCH MOUSE
Remember, everyone, to leave your news in my mailbox in the Library!!
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18 – Angela Stevenson
20 – Don Haase, Lucas Schultz
22 – Jodi Imus, John Welling
24 – Angel Gabourie, Sandra
25 – Julie Carter, Jonathon Pierce
26 – Bruce Burress, Doug Tonkovich
27 – Brenna Drake, Caylee Smith
28 – Maggie Niemiec,
Matthew Stevenson
31 – Rachel Burress, Emily Carnell,
John Sheppard, Amy Fisher,
Eric Spencer
1 – Claudette Howell,
Noah Arens, Marge
Johnston, Linda Peckham,
Owen Miska
3 – Tom Coughlin, Anne Scott
5 – Pat Shuffler
7 – Leslie Anderson
8 – Betty Haines, Dawn Nofzinger, Michael
9 – Cappy Goltra
10 – Clare Gress, Roland Roberts
11 – Donald Courtney
13- Delores Carter, Matthew Devine,
Truman Schroeder, Matthew Kahl, Melanie
14 – Ben Niemiec, Roger Young
15 – Linda Barringer, Ella Hanson
16 – Scott Riley
17 – Connel Smith
9 – Bob & Judy Rehn
13 – John & Cindy Immonen
18 – Don & Connie Haase
23 – Michael & Jeanne Wood
24 – John & Sandra Welling
30- Andrew & Emily Lamott
31 – Dean & Dorothy Koppin
Celebrating this month!
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You have wrapped me in prayer, sent cards and shared warm hugs to help me
get through this last year, but especially during the unexpected death of my
mother. Your constant show of faith and love continues to support and
strengthen me. Thank you! – Pat Fleming
Dear Friends,
Words can scarcely express how grateful Susan and I are for the outpouring of
support you have shown to us throughout our 2 1/2 years together, and
especially on our last Sunday, Jan. 31st. Between the cards, gifts, well wishes
and gift cards, we are still overwhelmed. Thank you, for everything. And thanks,
in advance, for working closely with Rev. Davis and then whomever the Bishop
sends in July, that God's work will go forward without interruption.
– Rev. Marshall Dunlap
Address Updates
Marshall and Susan Dunlap
28851 Millbrook
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
David Durbin
21325 Tuck Rd. Apt 4
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
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Attendance and Regular Offering Report
(Compares this year to last year)
Jan. 31
Jan. 3
Jan. 10
Jan. 17
Jan. 24
(115 + 32)
(162 + 36)
(166 + 32)
(171 + 30)
Church Staff Members:
Pastor: -------------------------------------------------------------- Rev. Neil Davis
Director of Christian Education & Ministries:----------------------- Sherry Young
Office Administrator: ------------------------------------------------ Ann St. John
Office Assistant:----------------------------------------------------- Judy M. Phillips
Parish Visitor:--------------------------------------------------------- Connie Mendoza
Director of Music Ministries: ---------------------------------------- Jan Wassilak
Organist: ------------------------------------------------------------- Harvey Kahl, Jr.
Carillon Choir Director: ---------------------------------------------- Diane Miller
Youth Coordinator: -------------------------------------------------- Patrick Imus
Children’s Program Coordinator:------------------------------------ Tammy Gabourie
Sunday School Superintendent:------------------------------------- Jane Hunter
Custodians: --------------------------------------- Dick Latimer, Dan Latimer, Gary Shier
Turnkey: ---------------------------------------------------------------Doug Tonkovich
Please join us in worship on Sunday mornings.
Church school and nursery care are also available.
Church office hours are:
Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – noon / 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Friday 9:00 am – noon
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Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Farmington, MI
Permit No. 79
First United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 38
Farmington, Michigan 48332-0038
Phone: 248-474-6573 Fax: 248-474-2624
Website: www.FarmingtonFUMC.org
Address Service Requested
God’s Treasures Camp ............................. 23
Guiding Force ....................................... 18, 19
Mission Trip ................................................. 12
Music Ministry Notes ..................................3
Outreach ...................................................... 16
Piecemaker Quilters .................................. 16
Reading Program ....................................... 17
Social Justice................................................ 22
Stewardship ................................................. 13
Thank You ..................................................... 26
Treasurers’ Report ................................... 6, 7
Trustees (Spring Cleaning) ........................9
UMM............................................................... 20
UMW .............................................................. 12
Vacation Bible School .................................5
Welcome Rev. Davis ....................................1
Worship Committee ....................................5
Worship Schedule.........................................3
Mailed 2/24/2016
Address Updates ........................................26
Anniversaries & Birthdays .......................25
Attendance & Giving ................................27
Books & Bitәs ..............................................16
Book Review ................................................... 8
Calendar................................................. 14, 15
Caring Ministry .............................................. 4
Church Leadership Updates ...................19
Church Mouse .............................................24
Community Dinner ............................ 10, 11
Did You Know? ............................................21
From the Pastor ............................................ 2
Fun & Fellowship ................................... 7, 21
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