CEO Essentials November/December 2015


CEO Essentials November/December 2015
N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 15
W W W. C E N T E R S TA T E C E O . C O M
CenterState URI Covers_front_back_appendices.pdf
3:16 PM
The Central New York Regional Economic Development Council
(CNYREDC) submitted its proposal, CNY Rising, to New York state
as part of Governor Cuomo’s $1.5 billion Upstate Revitalization
Initiative competition.
The proposal focuses on six investments that are
2016 Regional Economic
Forecast: Share Your
projected to transform the regional economy by creating
thousands of new jobs and fostering hundreds of millions
of dollars of inward investment: Global Center for Unmanned
Systems and Information Assurance, New York-Grown, New York-
of Highly
Read all 49 Tips for
Certified—Safe and Market-Ready, Global Manufacturing and
Logistics Hub, National Veterans Resource Complex, Consensus
Commission on Government Modernization, Alliance for
Economic Inclusion. See page 3 for further details.
CNY Rising is based on data-centric market analysis and was
developed with broad community engagement. The signature
investments were selected based on their ability to align
with regional assets, expertise and capabilities; capture
Read CNY Rising:
significant regional, national and international market
opportunities; and create new jobs, leverage private-sector investment, improve economic
competitiveness and enhance economic inclusion.
In the first year of implementation, this plan will leverage more than $889.9 million in private investment
and a total five-year payroll of more than $765.8 million, for a more than 16-to-1 return on New York state’s
investment. Over five years, CNY Rising’s components are expected to create nearly 6,000 jobs.
The submission marks the culmination of months of work by stakeholders to develop a plan that encourages
new business formation and puts the region on a path of growth and prosperity. Eleven work groups; more
than 120 business, civic and academic leaders; 1,750 public participants; and seven National Advisory Council
New Investor Focus
members collaborated on this process.
“We are confident we have a highly competitive proposal,” said CNYREDC co-chairs Kent Syverud,
chancellor of Syracuse University, and Rob Simpson, president of CenterState CEO. “Even in the absence of
the URI competition, our region now has a blueprint for economic transformation.”
Governor Cuomo launched the $1.5 billion Upstate Revitalization Initiative, in April. Seven regions are
competing for three $500 million awards to generate long-term job growth, improve opportunities for
residents, and increase the region’s competitiveness in the global marketplace. Awards are expected to be
announced in December.
Continued on page 3
Economic Forecast Breakfast, January 13
CenterState CEO
Events: Economic
Forecast Breakfast
7:30 a.m. Registration; 8 a.m. Breakfast
Nicholas J. Pirro Convention at Oncenter
See page 22 for details.
Candidates Walk the Red Carpet; Network with Members
Syracuse Tomorrow’s annual Meet the Candidates Reception, at The Landmark Theatre, engaged dozens of CenterState CEO members
and candidates in a casual format to meet and chat. Candidates for the 128th New York State Assembly District, Pam Hunter and John
Sharon both attended, as well as many candidates of both parties for Onondaga County Legislature, Syracuse Common Council
and town supervisor. Numerous other elected officials and
staff also participated. Time Warner Cable News covered
the event.
While this event is a fundraiser for CenterState
CEO’s political action committee, it serves to connect
business leaders with this year’s political candidates. Conversation
topics included economic development, entrepreneurship, the
Upstate Revitalization Initiative, crime, workforce and tourism.
Syracuse Tomorrow is the nonpartisan, state and local political
action committee of CenterState CEO and is supported by voluntary
members’ contributions. For further information, contact Deborah
Warner, vice president for public policy and government relations at
At left, David Holder, president of Visit Syracuse, chats with Onondaga County
Legislature district 3 candidate Ed Szczesniak and Legislator Linda Ervin, 17th district.
(315) 470-1845 or
From left to right, CenterState CEO’s Deb Warner talks with Syracuse Common
Councilor Khalid Bey, district 4, and Councilor At-Large Pamela Hunter. Hunter is running
for the New York State Assembly this fall.
T hank You
C & S Companies
Eric Mower + Associates
Columbian Financial Group
Greater Syracuse Association of
Potter Heating and A/C– Perrone
Plumbing Services
Home Builders and Remodelers of CNY
Covanta Energy
CNY Rising’s Six Signature Investments . . . . . 3
2016 Regional Economic Forecast: Share Your
Expertise! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CenterState CEO Receives International
Excellence in Economic Development Award . . 4
Know Before You Fly: Safe, Responsible and
Legal Drone Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Unmanned Aircraft System Industry Leaders
Present Promising Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
B2B Marketplace Creates Connections,
Strengthens Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
234 Economic Champions Celebrated . . . . . . 7
Onondaga County Legislator Kathy Rapp, 5th district (center), talks with CenterState
CEO’s Deb Warner and Onondaga County Legislator Brian May, 1st district.
Executive Leadership Development Series: Info
Meeting January 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
7 Habits of 7 Highly Successful People . . . . . 12
Enjoy a Holland and Belgium River Cruise, Next
Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Confirm Your CenterState Chamber Alliance
Business Directory Listing . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Business After Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Member Essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
CenterState CEO Ambassadors . . . . . . . . . 18
New Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Member Discounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Government Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Tech Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Downtown Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Economic Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
SyracuseFirst Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Member Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Visit Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
New Investor Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Global Center for Unmanned Systems and Cross-Connected Platforms –
Central New York will leverage its competencies in precision-sensing, radar
systems, data analytics, and role as one of six Federal Aviation Administration
unmanned aerial systems test sites, to become the global leader in unmanned
systems, cross-connected platforms, and information assurance to ensure safety
and security in a world of interconnected devices.
New York-Grown, New York-Certified—Safe and Market-Ready – Central
New York will use its natural assets—a resilient climate, affordable land, abundant
water and deep agricultural expertise—to meet the rapidly rising global demand for
food and food safety by investing in controlled environment agriculture and aseptic
packaging facilities, while building a brand identity for safe, New York-produced
food through a “Grown in NY Certification.”
Global Manufacturing and Logistics Hub – Leveraging the region’s geographic
centrality, the hub would transform 225 acres of brownfields into a thriving center
of manufacturing, warehousing and distribution that will dramatically reduce the
costs to Central New York agricultural and manufacturing producers to get goods
to international markets. This hub will be located in proximity to the region’s most
impoverished areas, creating more than 300 jobs and an estimated 1,644 warehouse
and distribution jobs within a 10 mile radius of 54 percent of underemployed
National Veterans Resource Complex – More than 1 million service members
are expected to transition to veteran status in the next five years, and Central New
York, leveraging Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families,
will position the area as the national leader for veterans affairs – offering premier
employment, education, job training and research opportunities – making the area
the best place in the nation for veterans and their families.
Consensus Commission on Government Modernization – The plan proposes
building on the work of Consensus to advance bold, collaborative and modern
approaches to governance to better position Central New York to compete in the
21st century.
Alliance for Economic Inclusion – The Alliance will lead and implement
strategies toward best practices in training, eliminating misalignment of skills,
increasing education, fighting blight and addressing homelessness to ensure that
no Central New Yorkers are left behind as these efforts are pursued.
Understanding the regional economy is a valuable asset for business and economic planning.
That’s why CenterState CEO is seeking your expertise to get a clear and comprehensive picture
of the region’s economic trends as it prepares the 2016 Economic Forecast for CenterState New
CenterState CEO is again partnering with Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS), a thirdparty market research firm, to survey members across the region’s many diverse industries to
provide insights on the current economic climate and the challenges and opportunities they
expect to see in the year ahead.
We invite you to participate by taking a short, 5- to 7-minute survey at www.
Take the 2016 Economic
Forecast Survey
survey/economicforecast Focus groups will also be held with industry
leaders on November 12 at CenterState CEO following the completion of the survey fieldwork.
You will have an option to sign-up for these focus groups at the end of the survey. The valuable
input provided by our members is key to developing a detailed and broad perspective report,
and we look forward to your participation.
The information collected will be used to create the 2016 Economic Forecast for CenterState
New York, which will be released at the CEO’s Economic Forecast Breakfast, January 13, 2016
(see page 22). The event will also feature an overview by Gary Keith, vice president and chief
economist for M&T Bank, on trends in the national and state economies, and their impact on
the CenterState region. We invite you to join hundreds of fellow CenterState CEO members,
business leaders and executives for this presentation.
For more information on the 2016 Economic Forecast survey and focus meetings, contact Elle
Hanna at (315) 470-1800 or
Register for the
Economic Forecast
January 13, 2016
7:30 to 10 a.m. • The Oncenter
CenterState CEO’s The Tech Garden received a Bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award in 2015 in
the category of Entrepreneurship for communities with populations of 200,000 to 500,000 from the International
Economic Development Council (IEDC).
The honor was presented at an awards ceremony during the 2015 IEDC Annual Conference in October in
Anchorage, Alaska.
The Tech Garden, a CenterState CEO program that just celebrated its 10th anniversary, is the hub of all of
CenterState CEO’s innovation and entrepreneurship programs, which the award cited. The Tech Garden supports
70 companies with more than 175 employees. Its programs are part of a robust innovation ecosystem providing
entrepreneurs the tools they need to grow.
“Our region has long recognized the power of entrepreneurship,” said Rob Simpson, president of CenterState
CEO. “We are very proud of what The Tech Garden has accomplished in the world of entrepreneurship for our
area. It is a critical asset for new and emerging businesses, and this award is a testament to its success and
commitment to the region. We are thrilled to have these efforts recognized by the IEDC.”
Recipients of IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development Awards demonstrated to an experienced panel of judges that they are at
the forefront of the economic development profession. They are recognized as the world’s best economic development programs and
partnerships, marketing materials and the year’s most influential leaders. These awards honor organizations and individuals for their
efforts in creating positive change in urban, suburban and rural communities.
The Federal Aviation Administration expects more than 1 million drones
or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to be sold during this year’s holiday
season. But that doesn’t mean you can fly it anywhere or for any purpose. On
November 19, learn from industry experts about how to operate a UAS
safely and responsibly according to FAA regulations. Attendees will
hear from Larry Brinker and Col. Anthony Basile, two leaders of CenterState
CEO’s affiliate NUAIR. Larry Brinker, Esq. is NUAIR’s executive director and
general counsel, and is an experienced pilot and aviation attorney. Col. Basile is
the director of operations for NUAIR. He served nearly 30 years with the 174th
Fighter Wing in Syracuse, including as its commander from 2003 until 2008.
This information session is great for real estate agents, photographers,
videographers, media outlets, insurers and hobby pilots, or anyone who would
hire one of the above. See page 22 for details or register at
Did You Know?
• Businesses are not allowed to operate a UAS for commercial purposes (financial gain) without an exemption from the FAA.
• If a company you hire uses a drone for commercial purposes without FAA approval, you may be liable.
• The FAA is looking to require all UAS operators to register their devices.
• Operators must keep UAS in their sight.
• UAS must be flown at or below 400 feet.
• UAS must follow temporary flight restrictions around stadiums and racetracks and
can’t be flown over crowds or people.
• Unauthorized UAS near fires threaten safety and wildland firefighting efforts.
The second annual NUAIR Alliance Industry Days brought together
unmanned aerial systems (UAS) experts and speakers for a series of
exhibits, flight demos and discussions filled with the latest news and
trends within the growing UAS industry.
Congressman Frank LoBiondo, chairman of the House Aviation
Subcommittee, talked about his efforts in Congress to safely integrate
UAS into the National Airspace System and the importance on passing
a long-term FAA reauthorization bill that fosters growth and innovation
while maintaining the strongest commitment to safety.
The event’s keynote address was given by Lisa Ellman, a leading public
policy lawyer for the Washington, D.C. firm of Hogan Lovell. Ellman cochairs the firm’s UAS Group. Additionally, she worked on high-priority
Lisa Ellman, of Hogan Lovell, gives the Industry Days keynote address.
policy initiatives for the Obama Administration including domestic use of
UAS. Ellman stressed the importance of UAS innovators working with policy makers on smarter solutions for UAS technology. “The only
way the UAS industry will succeed to its full potential is if policy makers and innovators collaborate on safety issues.”
Visit for more information on the unmanned aerial systems industry.
The B2B Marketplace, presented by Time Warner Cable Business
Class, at the Oncenter created direct, high-level connections and strong
leads, with immediate and future business opportunities for attendees,
sponsors and exhibitors. The event provides a structured forum where
buyers and sellers from the region can meet and engage with key
decision makers during pre-set appointments.
“The B2B Marketplace enables businesses to make new leads and
strengthen existing relationships,” said Jane Amico, vice president
of chamber services at CenterState CEO. “The structured format
ensures greater efficiency while enhancing connections that lead to
new opportunities. Participants met with exhibitors from many diverse
industries, creating new partnerships critical to their company’s growth
Leslie English (far left), of Dale Carnegie® engages participants during a
leadership seminar.
and bottom line.”
The productive atmosphere was further enhanced by countless
informal conversations on the marketplace floor, as well as networking
opportunities at the morning coffee and afternoon receptions.
Attendees also benefitted from the education sessions sponsored by
the Syracuse Media Group. Leslie English, an award-winning training
consultant and the owner of Dale Carnegie® spoke on Leadership:
Power of Engagement, Achieving Loyalty, Innovation and Profits. Connie
Whitton, an instructor at the Talent & Education Development Center
at University College of Syracuse University and president of Whitton
Consulting Group LLC, talked about Business Development: Uncover
Clues for Business Growth.
This year’s B2B Marketplace, presented by Time Warner Cable Business
Class, was produced in partnership with BTI The Travel Consultants, with
A meeting in progress at the Syracuse Media Group booth.
support from dozens of sponsors in the business community.
T hank You Sponsor
CPS Recruitment • Visions FCU • Mohawk Global Logistics and their consulting division, Mohawk Global
Trade Advisors • NBT Bank • KeyBank Foundation • Syracuse Media Group • SUNY Oswego
Hotel Syracuse Restoration • Birnie Bus Service, Inc. • Cushman & Wakefield/Pyramid Brokerage • PostNet
Greek Peak Mountain Resort • Usherwood Office Technology • C&S Companies • ICS Solutions Group • TERACAI • WCNY
American Food & Vending • Business Journal News Network • News Radio 570 WSYR Now on 106.9 FM • Visual Technologies Corp.
“The B2B Marketplace created a true
“The B2B Marketplace was a wonderful
“We were blown away by all the contacts
business atmosphere allowing us to
opportunity for Usherwood Office
we made! We were able to network with
connect with potential clients from across
Technology to showcase our innovative
many people who can help Four Directions
New York state. This is the second year
products and services. We met and
market ourselves with other businesses
we’ve attended and found it to be the
interacted with numerous current and
throughout Central New York. We look
perfect opportunity to talk with company
prospective customers. We also really
forward to becoming more engaged with
representatives about our services and to
enjoyed the unique format of the event,
other professionals in CNY and will spread
learn more about their business needs.”
where appointments can be set up in
the word to others that this expo is worth
advance with companies that you’re
going to. Overall, a great day.”
Tom Huegel
Senior partner
Wireless Business Group
interested in meeting with.”
Denis TenEyck
Major account executive
Usherwood Office Technology
Tracy Morse
HD cinematography director
Four Directions Productions
CenterState CEO recognized 234 Economic Champions as outstanding companies from across the 12-county region whose numbers speak
for themselves:
1.1 billion
in investments
1.8 million
square feet
of expansions
In keeping with this year’s theme, Celebrating CNY Business
Legacy, 97 companies were also recognized for their enduring success.
“When a business add jobs, expands their location, makes capital
improvement or purchases new equipment, that impact extends far
beyond the four walls of that particular company,” said Robert Simpson,
president of CenterState CEO. “Each individual success – no matter how
big or small – is a critical part of building a stronger economy where all
businesses can thrive.”
The CenterState CEO Community Visionary Award, sponsored
by Wegmans, was presented to ProLiteracy. This award is given to a
person, company or association that embodies the vision of economic
opportunity, and which has had a significant impact on community
“Forty three percent of adults over 16 with the lowest literacy rates
CenterState CEO President Rob Simpson (left) engages Central New York business
leaders during the luncheon. Joining Simpson from left are Jim Fox, O’Brien & Gere;
Janet Callahan, Hancock Estabrook, LLP; and Tim Kennedy, Syracuse Media Group.
live in poverty,” said Evelyn Carter, director of community relations
at Wegmans. “And yet, literacy is among the keys to success and
employment. That is why the work of ProLiteracy and its founding
partners is so critical. Wegmans is proud to support the Community
Visionary Award and recognize ProLiteracy for all their efforts.”
Celebrating CNY’s Legacy
ProLiteracy – 2015 CenterState CEO Community Visionary Award,
sponsored by Wegmans
The luncheon also featured remarks from three legacy business
leaders: Jim Fox, CEO, O’Brien & Gere (celebrating 70 years); Janet
Callahan, managing partner, Hancock Estabrook, LLP (celebrating 125
years); and Tim Kennedy, president, Syracuse Media Group (celebrating
185 years of The Post-Standard, and 20 years of Led by
Simpson, the group discussed their enduring success in the region.
Mary Kay Anderson (center) of ProLiteracy accepts the CenterState CEO
Community Visionary Award, presented by Wegmans. She is joined by Rob
Simpson, CenterState CEO; Evelyn Carter, Wegmans (second from right), and Jane
Amico, CenterState CEO.
The event included a guest appearance by U.S. Senator John Katko
who encouraged support of economic development efforts ranging
from small business programs to broader regional initiatives, like those
proposed in the Upstate Revitalization Initiative.
The luncheon was held at the Pirro Convention Center at Oncenter, with
more than 600 members, community leaders, and guests in attendance.
To see a complete list of the 2015 Economic Champions, visit
T hank You Sponsor
Lockheed Martin • Wegmans • C&S Companies • Syracuse Media Group
Business Journal News Network • Visual Technologies Corp.
News Radio 570 WSYR Now on 106.9 FM
Al Gough, representing the Hotel Syracuse Restoration, LLC, one of this year’s 234
Economic Champions.
Tech Garden Leaders Receive Upstate Venture Ecosystem
Chuck Stormon, CEO of Rushtara (a Tech Garden resident) received the
Magical Mentor Award, which is given to an individual who has had a
transformative impact on the trajectory of one or more startup companies.
Stormon is a serial entrepreneur with multiple venture-backed companies; an
author; angel investor at Seed Capital Fund of CNY; and co-founder and director
of StartFast Venture Accelerator.
John Liddy, director of the Syracuse Student Sandbox, received the Campus
Connector Award. It is given to an individual affiliated with an educational
John Liddy
Chuck Stormon
institution who leverages on- and off-campus resources and connections to spinout research startups and/or create opportunities to
retain entrepreneurial students. Liddy is also an entrepreneur-in-residence at The Tech Garden; Madden School, Le Moyne College; and
ThINCubator, Mohawk Valley Community College.
The awards were presented at the Upstate Venture Ecosystem Awards program hosted by Upstate Venture
Connect and the Upstate Venture Association of New York. The Tech Garden Serves as “Capital for a Day” Venue
As part of Governor Cuomo’s “Capital for a Day” initiative, The Tech Garden was one of several locations
to host a leadership team. The Technology Education Roundtable included state officials, local leaders and
community members who discussed local priorities, state policy and program initiatives. More about “Capital
for a Day” in Central New York at:
Lake Effect Applications Supports Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital
The Tech Garden resident Lake Effect Applications is on a mission to save kids. They are participating in
the worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers on November 7. Their efforts are for Extra Life
Play Games Heal Kids, a 24-hour video game marathon to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals. Learn more at: (search for player Lisa Spatola) and
Lake Effect Applications
Co-founder Lisa Spatola.
The Germinator Greenhouse Round 1
The Germinator companies recently pitched for an opportunity to earn a $20,000 investment at the
first of four Greenhouse Demo Days. Each company had 10 minutes to share its progress over the last
six months with a panel of expert judges and competition sponsors.
Five out of the six companies were awarded $20,000 and are continuing their run to the $100,000
grand prize. The company that was eliminated will now compete for the $50,000 “Best of the Rest”
investment to occur at the last Demo Day in 2017.
The Germinator is the region’s largest and most comprehensive two-year business competition with
funding rounds every six months. Over the course of the competition each team’s total investment will vary, but one final team
will have earned $250,000. To find out which teams progressed, visit
Germinator Competitors:
Euphony Inc.
Volu, Inc.
Life Source Health, Inc.,
Trainer Engine
Usherwood Office Technology
Usherwood Office Technology has been the leading independent regional
provider of office technology solutions and services throughout Upstate New York
for the past 40 years. Usherwood has distinguished itself by offering the most
reliable solutions available from manufacturer giants such as Microsoft, Canon,
Samsung, Hewlett Packard, Lexmark and FP Mailing Solutions. Carrying multiple
manufacturers to offer best in breed solutions has always been a key component
to the success of meeting the needs of its clients.
During the past two years, Usherwood has opened two new office locations
and created more than 30 new jobs. “There is a real need to have a true systems
integrator in these markets and Usherwood has the right people, skills and
partnerships to provide the highest level of integration capabilities,” said President
and CEO Lou Usherwood. “The opening of our Burlington office was a natural
expansion to our strong client base in Vermont and our growing relationships with
Canon and Microsoft. Recent events in our industry will allow us to expand our
offerings as we are committed to building a lasting presence in New England.”
This year Usherwood received the Elite Dealer award from ENX Magazine, which
recognizes the top dealers in the country that have shown innovative marketing
programs, community involvement and overall business growth. Usherwood
also took home “CNY’s Best Places to Work” for the second time. “We have been
able to execute our goals and build client relationships because of the culture our
Usherwood Office Technology is located in the Rockwest Center at
1005 W. Fayette St., Syracuse.
employees embody,” said Director of Strategic Initiatives Lezlie Labbe. “The ‘Best
Places to Work’ award truly signifies the environment we work in every day.”
This feature of CEO Essentials spotlights local companies who are “Economic Champions” because of their success in adding jobs, expanding their products or services, gaining
national recognition or contributing to the success of our region in special ways.
CenterState CEO would like to thank the
following members for reaching
membership renewal milestones in
November and December, and for
supporting the CenterState Chamber for
many years to enrich and improve the
Air Temp Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
business community.
Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. (RMS)
Bon-Ton of Syracuse, Inc.
Chrysler’s Treasure Automotive, Inc.
Colgate University
Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC
Computergraphix (A Division of U.C. Graphix,
Sidney Devorsetz, PLLC
DeWitt Community Church
William A. Graber, M.D., P.C./Weight Loss
IBEW Local Union 97
Thompson & Johnson Equipment Co., Inc.
Taco Bell/District Offices
United Way of Central New York
10 Y E A R S
Baptist Convention of New York
New York Scribers
Affordable McLaughlin-Kehoe Insurance Agency
Century Club
Property Restoration, Inc.
Duke’s Root Control
RAV Properties
Deadline Solutions
Empire Interpreting Service
Robert Half/OfficeTeam/Accountemps
The Inn Between Restaurant
Plus Sign & Graphics
Shining Star Services LLC
Print Solutions Plus, Inc.
Steeplechase Apartments at Weatheridge
Tornatore & Company, CPAs, PC
Indium Corporation of America
Susan Li/Coldwell Banker Prime Properties
Oswego Health
Taylor Rental Center
TyPac, Inc.
Good Morning, Downtown Syracuse!
With more than $340 million invested in downtown redevelopment activities, the sun is rising symbolically over Downtown Syracuse.
The first-ever Good Morning Downtown Syracuse Progress Breakfast celebrated the forward-thinking and progress that has fueled recent
redevelopment in the center of Syracuse. More than 100 guests enjoyed a breakfast spread from SKY Armory, as they gained insight from
three individuals at the helm of the transformation:
Marilyn Higgins, vice president of community engagement and economic development at Syracuse University, spoke about the effort to
restore connections through public art along the Connective Corridor, building better connections between Downtown Syracuse and the
University Hill neighborhood.
Developer Bob Doucette, a principal partner in groundbreaking development projects in Armory Square, including the Labor Temple,
Center Armory and Dey’s Plaza, discussed the reawakening at the corner of Salina and Jefferson streets through City Center. Attendees
learned his vision for transforming the former Sibley’s Building into a mixed-use property including the Redhouse Performing Arts Center.
Developer Ed Riley offered an insider’s look at the renovation progress at the former Hotel Syracuse, as crews preserve history to return
the new Marriott Downtown Syracuse to its former grandeur.
One hundred fifty people joined the Downtown Committee for the first-ever Good Morning Downtown Syracuse Progress Breakfast at SKY Armory.
Share Downtown Holiday Memories on Social Media
With the Clinton Square Holiday Tree and Menorah as centerpieces, Downtown Syracuse is a festive
place to be during the holidays. Downtown is the place to be for holiday shopping and festivities; it
is the place where family traditions are established. Whether you’re walking through the Festival of
Trees at the Everson Museum, building a gingerbread house at the Erie Canal Museum, or searching
for that perfect gift for a loved one, the Downtown Committee would love to see your pictures! Join
the conversation on Facebook (Downtown Syracuse), on Twitter (@downtownSYR) and on Instagram
New Holiday Commercial Coming Soon
Look for the Downtown Committee’s new holiday
commercials, produced by Solon Quinn Studios,
starting the week of Thanksgiving, November 23.
The commercials capture the sense of community,
tradition and sparkling magic the holiday season
evokes Downtown.
CenterState CEO is offering members a comprehensive
leadership program in 2016. The Executive Leadership
Development Series helps executives and rising managers
reach the next level
by enhancing critical
thinking, communication
and empowerment skills. The program is
Important Dates
Information session: January 7
Application deadline: January 28
presented CenterState
Decision day: February 12
CEO with a curriculum
that combines academic expertise from local colleges and
universities with real world insight from some of the region’s
top business leaders.
There is an information meeting on January 7, at 9 a.m. at
CenterState CEO. To register, visit For additional information or
an application, or contact Lisa Metot
at (315) 470-1870 or
5:00 pm / The F Shed
CNY Regional Market
presented by:
To buy tickets, be a sponsor, or become a vendor, visit
CenterState CEO’s 7 Habits of 7 Highly Successful People drew nearly 100 attendees to the Everson Museum of Art to hear
community leaders share the personal and professional habits that have helped them become the people they are today.
Attendees walked away with 49 tips to apply to their own lives and careers.
of Highly
Editor’s picks are in blue.
Maryann Roefaro, MS, FACMPE, CEO, Hematology-Oncology Associates
of CNY
1) Create the conditions for happiness and
success to occur in life. The power to co-create our
days lies within – it’s important to create and not react.
2) Develop and maintain self-discipline/selfcontrol. This includes paying attention to how we
think – as we attract that which resonates with our most
dominate thoughts.
3) Always be prepared, organized and willing to work for it. See it,
believe it, then, organize, prepare, work hard and manifest.
4) Be resilient. Studies have shown that those individuals who demonstrate
high levels of resiliency in their life are happier and more successful than
those who do not.
5) In the workplace, surround yourself with the right people – ensure
they complement your weaknesses and are among the finest at their particular
6) Seek balance and love. Love begins with the self – and spreads to all
aspects of life. Replace fear with love as often as possible and minimize drama
at every turn.
7) Kill people with kindness. There is no need to be a jerk at any time.
Nobody needs to climb the ladder by stepping on another person.
Solon Quinn, managing partner, Solon Quinn Studios
1) Be young and be stupid. Set goals that
defy any logic or common sense.
2) Know your journey. Never forget your
past. Know where you came from and know
where you want to go.
3) Find good people and surround
yourself with them. Find those
rare individuals who have integrity and
compassion and who want the best for you because they will
inspire, comfort and believe in you.
4) Do not focus on money. Money is a byproduct of success, it
is not success itself.
5) Value, Value. Value people, experiences, inspiration, value
luck, value love. Value is fulfillment of the soul.
6) Dreams. When you have a dream, it gives you the strength to
endure and on your best days, that dream fills you with a vicious,
uncontrollable passion for life.
7) Let me help. If you want your business to flourish, visit www. for all of your video production and
advertising needs.
Tim Kennedy, Syracuse Media Group, engages the panelists and audience during 7 Habits of 7 Highly Successful People. Pictured from left are Maryann Roefaro,
Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY; Jason Smorol, Syracuse Chiefs; Aminy Audi, L. & J. G. Stickley; Solon Quinn, Solon Quinn Studios; Tim Pennix, Syracuse
Educational Opportunity Center; Linda LeMura, Ph.D., Le Moyne College; and moderator Stan Linhorst, Syracuse Media Group.
Tim Kennedy, president, Syracuse Media Group
Linda M. LeMura, Ph.D., president, Le Moyne College
1) Drink 12 ounces of water first thing in
the morning (and pay attention to your
health). Without physical, mental and spiritual
health all other habits will be greatly diminished.
2) Develop a planning/time management
system that works for you. There are many
systems and practices. Find the one that works
for you. Achieving goals requires you to manage
your time and set priorities.
3) NEVER confuse email (or texting) with “getting things
done.” Knowledge work takes concentration. The tyranny of email
when used improperly is that it silently strips you from your priorities.
4) Be curious and a life-long Learner. Curiosity is a key to
5) Lead first, manage second. Be a good manager – know your
business; know your metrics; but always lead first.
6) Don’t waste people’s time. Use meetings sparingly. Always use
agendas and follow-up notes.
7) Be authentic and know your flaws. Life moves pretty fast.
Preparation is not always possible but authenticity is.
1) Read every day. Educate yourself on the issues
in your field.
2) Spend time in conversation with others.
Listen to what others have to say even when they
have a difference of opinion. People want to know
their opinions and contributions are valued.
3) Cultivate your faith. Seek opportunities for
a balanced life that includes work, family and
mindfulness (or a spiritual life).
4) Make time for family and vacations. Take time away from your
work for renewed energy.
5) Create and nurture a support system of key close advisers.
Hire people who are smarter than you, utilize their talents and trust
6) Praise others. Do it often for big and small things.
7) Keep a positive outlook. In all things, a “glass half-full” approach
inspires creativity, collaboration and joy in one’s work. A positive
attitude modulates the inevitable challenges and obstacles we all
Tim Penix, director, SUNY Syracuse Educational Opportunity Center
1) Never rush a decision. Take time when making
important decisions and gather as much information as you
can, then think a little more.
2) Surround yourself with smart people. Creativity
and solution finding can be contagious. Embracing that
and empowering people to reach their potential tends to
increase your effectiveness and growth.
3) Empower others for the collective good. When
possible elevate others for the collective good.
4) Be engaged with people. It is important that you are accessible to people for
feedback, communication and support.
5) Forgive the mistake. Look at mistakes and/or failures as valuable feedback.
You need to have confidence in yourself that the feedback from unanticipated
outcomes will help in the next decision.
6) Be prepared and look for opportunity. We never know when opportunity
will be available, but we can increase our chances by constantly looking for it in
all situations.
7) Retirement plan. How do you want to be remembered? More important how
do you want to remember yourself. What will you feel will be most important as
we reflect on our lives, careers, etc.?
Jason Smorol, general manager, Syracuse Chiefs
1) Listen to your customers. Internal
and external; they will tell you what
they want and need.
2) “Stay Hungry.” The Jimmy Durkin
technique – our 80-year-old best
hawker in town philosophy.
3) Outwork/Outperform. Work
hard AND smart. Not only be the
first one in and last to leave but find a way to be more
4) Don’t be afraid to wear the mascot suit! Lead
from the front. There is no job I ask of my team that I am
not willing to do myself.
5) Find your balance. You must have a work/life balance.
Always find time to decompress.
6) Fun is good! Have fun at work and in your life.
7) Believe. Believe in yourself, your vision, your hopes and
Aminy Audi, CEO and chairman, L. & J.G. Stickley
1) Create a personal mission statement. As you go through life you will measure your success by how well you
fulfill your mission.
2) Take risks and seize the moment.
3) Surround yourself with the best team – this, more than any other decision, will determine your destiny.
4) Avoid complacency and embrace change.
5) Be positive and be passionate.
6) Keep your eye on the ball. Always think long-term never trading short-term gain for long-term success.
7) Be authentic and live with integrity, compassion and respect for others and remember to give back to the community.
At Dermody, Burke & Brown, we understand the importance of focusing on business and community today for a vibrant economy
tomorrow. For that reason, we are proud to recognize and sponsor New Investor Focus.
CenterState CEO wishes to recognize the following members who have joined as Investors in the last quarter.
G.A. Braun, Inc.
Joseph B. Gudenburr IV, President
P.O. Box 3029, Syracuse, NY 13220-3029
Braun has been family owned and operated for 70 years. Braun laundry equipment is designed
to meet and exceed the productivity and capacity requirements of laundry facilities and textile
processing plants worldwide. Braun offers a complete line of washing, drying, ironing, feeding
and folding equipment, as well as wash aisle safety equipment solutions. Braun customers
enjoy free 24/7 telephone technical support on the life of the equipment. In addition to next-day
replacement parts availability, Braun offers a host of service, support and training programs.
Chobani LLC
John Bellardini, VP Finance & Treasurer
147 State Highway 320 Norwich, NY 13815
After moving to New York from his native Turkey, Chobani’s founder and CEO Hamdi Ulukaya
found that in America, yogurt just wasn’t as delicious and widely available as it was back home.
He believed everyone deserved better options, so he set about making delicious, nutritious,
natural and accessible Greek yogurt in the U.S. “Better food for more people.” It’s a simple
precept, but one that drives Chobani forward every day to honor Hamdi’s vision: To develop
and foster meaningful relationships with those around us, to give back to local and global
communities, and to create one perfect cup of yogurt at a time. Laser Transit Ltd.
George Joyce, Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 352, 19 Demott St., Lacona, NY 13083
Laser Transit Ltd. is a leading, regional, third party logistics firm with more than 250,000 square
feet of rail-served warehousing, company owned and operated fleet providing truckload
transportation to New England and Ontario, Canada, as well as integrated service solutions
including distribution, pick and pack, contract warehousing, intermodal, inbound and outbound
container handling, cross-dock, local and long-haul transportation with both dry van and flatbed
trailers. Laser has diverse experience in freight consolidation, labeling, repack, sorting, and
specialized material handling. Services include strong IT support with TMS, WMS, tailored
inventory control tracking, and customer-centric response and follow through. Tompkins Trust Company
Brian Bisaccio, SVP and Regional Vice President
PO Box 460, Ithaca, NY 14851
Founded in 1836, Tompkins Trust Company is a full-service, locally managed community bank with 15
branches serving the Tompkins County area, Auburn and Cortland in Central New York. Because Tompkins
Trust Company’s senior management is locally based, the company has a first-hand understanding of this
community and a unique commitment to the vitality of its businesses and families.
Wells College
Dr. Jonathan Gibralter, President
170 Main St., Aurora NY 13026
Wells College is a nationally recognized private coeducational liberal arts college located in Aurora, New
York, on the eastern shore of Cayuga Lake. Established in 1868, Wells has remained committed to providing
a quality education to students through small, interactive classes in multiple disciplines and engaging
coursework relevant to life in a changing world. Integrated hands-on learning opportunities, a connected
community and diverse educational opportunities give students the ability to take part in their own educations
and prepare them to be active citizens and leaders.
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making pottery. When
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I count on Dermody,
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Owner, CNY Fertility Center
See Dr. Kiltz full testimonial at
To DB&B, each client is unique– provides industry-specific
information ensuring that our clients
stay ahead of the curve and receive
quality information with expert,
hands-on support.
Visit and see for yourself...
New Hartford
Journalists Visit Syracuse to Experience All the Region has to Offer
The dog days of summer turned into a fruitful fall for familiarization (FAM) tours as Visit Syracuse hosted nearly 30 journalists for nine
consecutive weeks.
Throughout the year, Visit Syracuse, the leading tourism promotion agent for the area, invites travel writers and tourism partners to
experience the region and help promote the destination through their articles or blogs. This season, nearly double the travel writers as last
year were invited. As a result, Syracuse’s digital footprint expanded a little farther thanks to the blogs and online articles from the writers
who visited.
Syracuse received great exposure with journalists from New York City, Chicago, Canada, Los Angeles, Ireland, the United Kingdom and
Follow Visit Syracuse on social media or check out its website at to see what the world is saying about Syracuse.
Travel writers take notes and taste beverages at Beak & Skiff’s 1911 Tasting Room.
One of the FAMs visits Eastwood Brewery, one of the area’s newest breweries.
From left to right: Laura Paquet (Ottawa Road Trips), Melissa Vainik (Talent in Motion
Magazine), Stephen Kaplan (Talent in Motion Magazine), Michael Gauthier (The Places
I’ve Been), Michael John Haegerty (NOexcuses Tours), Brittney Walker (Gypsy Jaunt),
Pete Kirkgasser (Eastwood Brewery owner) and Nikita Jankowski (Visit Syracuse).
Visit Syracuse, headquartered in Syracuse, is Onondaga County’s accredited destination marketing organization for tourism related economic development leading the
production of more than $765 million in direct visitor spending annually. For more information, visit
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (All
Periodicals Publications Except Requester Publications)
Publication Detail
Publication Name....................................................... CEO Essentials
Publication Number................................................................679790
Filing Date..........................................................................9/28/2015
Issue Frequency............................. MONTHLY (except Aug. & Dec.)
Number Of Issues Published Annually...........................................10
Annual Subscription Price......................................................... 24.00
Complete Mailing Address Of
Known Office Of Publication................................115 W. Fayette St.
..........................................................................Syracuse, Onondaga,
.............................................................................................NY 13202
Contact Person............................................................Christa Glazier
Telephone....................................................................(315) 470-1800
Complete Mailing Address Of Headquarter Or General
Business Office Of Publisher............. 115 W. Fayette St., Syracuse,
.............................................................................................NY 13202
Publisher ...................................................................Robert Simpson
............................................................ 115 W. Fayette St., Syracuse,
.............................................................................................NY 13202
Editor............................................................................Christa Glazier
........................................................... 115 W. Fayette St. , Syracuse,
.............................................................................................NY 13202
Managing Editor......................................................... Cindy Gambell
............................................................ 115 W. Fayette St., Syracuse,
.............................................................................................NY 13202
Center State Corp For Economic Development
115 W. Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, Other Security Holders
Tax Status Has.................................................. Not Changed During
Preceding 12 Months
Publication Title.....................................................CEO ESSENTIALS
Issue Date for Circulation Data Below...........................09/01/2015
E xtend and Nature
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Free or Nominal Rate In-County Copies
Average No. No. Copies of included on PS Form 3541
Copies Each
Issue During Preceding
12 Months
Chocolate Pizza Company
opens new expanded production
and retail facility in Marcellus.
Cornell University chemist Will Dichtel awarded a 2015
MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, or “Genius Grant.”
G.A. Braun announces it will expand its domestic
production facility in Syracuse.
Beak & Skiff named America’s No. 1 apple orchard by
USA Today and 10Best.
Upstate Shredding receives
economic development grant.
INFICON announces alliance
with SUNY Polytechnic
Institute’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
to conduct research for the semiconductor industry.
Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and
Military Families partners with Starbucks founder
Howard Schultz to launch job training program to active
Utica College announces bold
plan to lower tuition costs by 43
Oswego Health names Sarah
Weigelt as director of Springside
at Seneca Hill.
Berkshire Bank promotes Richard
Marotta to president.
Community Bank’s planned
acquisition of Oneida Financial
Corp., parent company of Oneida
Savings Bank, will occur late in the
fourth quarter.
Terakeet growth leads to plans to
consolidate workforce into a single
downtown Syracuse building.
VIP Architecture earns WBE (Women Business
Enterprise) certification with New York State for
architectural and construction management services. Menter, Rudin & Trivelpiece announce three attorneys
named in The Best Lawyers in America for 2016.
Rescue Mission will receive $8 million in state money
for 68 apartments for homeless men and women.
$18 million in SUNY 2020 grants to establish a SUNY
Labs to Jobs Consortium in Central New York will
build seven facilities on five campuses: Onondaga
Community College, SUNY Oswego, Upstate
Medical University, SUNY College of
Environmental Science and Forestry, and SUNY
Morrisville. Cayuga Milk Ingredients LLC will receive a $1.8
million investment for the purchase of energy efficient
equipment and provide low-cost power through the
State’s ReChargeNY program.
Milton J. Rubenstein Museum
of Science and Technology
announces Toni Maxwell Martin as
new president.
Greek Peak Mountain Resort buys Toggenburg
Mountain Winter Sports Center; owners plan to combine
Owners of Laci’s Tapas Bar partner with Serenity
Women’s Center and the Rescue Mission to build tiny
homes for homeless women veterans.
Tops Friendly Markets
announces John Persons as the
new president and chief operating
Fleet Feet Syracuse owners use
business to build the local running
HealthWay Home Products
announced as a top 5 player in the global air purification
systems industry.
U.S. Army awards $118 million
contract to Lockheed Martin for
mobile radar systems and related
services. Latvia is the first country
to deploy a new generation of air
defense surveillance radars made by Lockheed.
Bond, Schoeneck & King will merge with Buffalo firm,
Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel, giving BS&K a larger
presence in Western New York.
Share Member News with Us!
Do you know of a CenterState CEO member
company that has
celebrated a recent
achievement, experienced
growth, added jobs, or
won a prestigious award?
Share your stories with us
CenterState CEO invites travelers on a seven-night Springtime Tulip River
Cruise featuring Dutch and Belgian Waterways, April 6 to 14, 2016. Highlights
include Amsterdam, Volendam, Arnhem, Middelburg, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp,
Kinderdijk Windmills and Keukenhof Gardens. River cruise tours feature small,
intimate vessels for personal experiences as you travel the waterways. Trip
includes round-trip airfare from Syracuse Hancock International Airport, sevennight cruise, and 20 meals: seven breakfasts, six lunches and seven dinners. Per
person rates are: lower outside double $4,199; middle outside double $4,449;
upper outside double $4,699; suite double $4,999. For additional information,
contact Shannon Fults at 315-470-1884 or
Kinderdijk Windmills, Holland
CenterState CEO Ambassadors welcome new CEO members, and provide recognition to businesses celebrating important milestones. If
your company or organization will be celebrating a special event in the near future, or if you are interested in becoming an Ambassador,
please contact Sharon Abert at 315-470-1810 or
Rescue Mission celebrates the opening of a new shelter and day center located at 122
Dickerson St. in Syracuse.
Projex 214 and Showoffs Boutique, are sharing space at 214 W. Jefferson St. in
downtown Syracuse. It was a grand opening celebration for Projex 214 and relocation
for Showoffs.
Herb Philpson’s enjoys showing off its new store, located at 3179 Erie Blvd. E. in
Dewitt Town Center.
Learning Disabilities of CNY holds its grand opening at 212 E. Manlius St. in East
Go Wireless holds a grand opening celebration at its new Verizon Wireless store
located at 901 N. Main St. in North Syracuse.
The brand new Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton located at 6377 Court Street Road in
East Syracuse celebrates its grand opening with a ribbon cutting.
Funk ‘n Waffles opens a new location downtown at 307-313 S. Clinton St.
Gingersnap Bakery, 63 State St. in Phoenix, shows off some of their goodies as the
business celebrates its 20th anniversary.
China Towne Furniture & Mattress celebrate renovations and its 45th anniversary. China Towne is located at 2320 Milton Ave. in Solvay.
Next year’s CenterState Chamber Alliance Business Directory is scheduled to publish in early 2016.
CenterState CEO recently emailed each member a listing verification. Please confirm or change
your listing by following the link embedded in the email.
This is your opportunity to be listed in front of more than 4,000 CenterState Chamber Alliance
If you have questions, please contact Sharon Abert at 315-470-1810 or
VOL. XXXIX No. X (USPS679790)
Publisher: Robert Simpson
Editors: Christa Glazier, Cindy Gambell 315-470-1800
CEO ESSENTIALS is published monthly by CenterState CEO. Periodicals.
U.S. Postage is paid at Syracuse, NY. Postmaster: Send address changes to
CenterState CEO, 115 W. Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Please join us in welcoming new CenterState CEO Partners. During the next 12 months each new member will be contacted by a volunteer
from CenterState CEO’s Ambassador Committee, chaired by Cindy Mannise, ICS Solutions Group, Inc. Colette Powers, UBS Financial
Services, Inc., The Austin & Alesandro Group, is vice chair.
Attn. InsuranceTrak Services
The DJ Company
Attn. InsuranceTrak Services is a top New York
insurance agency that offers online quoting with
multiple carriers for business insurance, car
insurance and home insurance quotes through www. The company is also a leading
pay-as-you-go workers compensation software
vendor. Visit for information.
Craig Bruno
38 Cooper Road
Rochester, NY 14617
The DJ Company...When The Music Matters. With
satisfied clients from The Finger Lakes to The
Adirondacks, The DJ Company provides professional,
experienced DJs, emcees and event-planning along
with industry-leading sound, lighting and audio/visual
equipment for truly one-of-a-kind events.
Bobby Paice
8 South St., Floor one
Camillus, NY 13031
States, including Clay and coming soon to Fayetteville,
Massage Envy still holds true to its purpose: helping
people feel their best!
Dean Lauria
3873 State Route 31
Liverpool, NY 13090
New York State Restaurant Association
Engaged Leadership Methods
CNYBizHub is a smart, single point connection
between a company that needs to buy products or
services and the multiple vendors who sell them.
CNYBizHub makes connections that fit.
Alyssa Blazina
201 E. Jefferson St., Second floor
Syracuse, NY 13202
Do you want to up your game or take your organization
to the next level? Engaged Leadership Methods
provides success and leadership coaching to
individuals and organizations. Let’s talk about how you
can get there.
Jim Morelli
4830 Candy Lane
Manlius, NY 13104
The NYS Restaurant Association’s mission is to help
restaurateurs succeed. It is the first place restaurant
owners and managers turn to gain a competitive
edge, by taking advantage of cost savings benefits,
education and advocacy.
David Abrams
14 Glencove Court
Liverpool, NY 13090
CNY Show Promoter’s
Massage Envy
Olive on Brooklea
NY Show Promoters goes above and beyond
traditional marketing platforms creating unique
opportunities for small business professionals to
showcase their product and talents. Producer of
Wedding World Expo and The CNY Kids Expo held
annually in Syracuse.
Sarah Arnold
107 Garden City Drive
Syracuse, NY 13211
As the pioneer and national leader of affordable
massage and spa services, Massage Envy wants
to promote a healthy lifestyle through affordable
therapeutic massage and healthy skin facials. With
more than 1,000 Massage Envy locations in the United
Olive on Brooklea is a tasting boutique that specializes
in olive oil, balsamic vinegar and condiments such
as seasonings, honey and sea salt. Selection of gift
items, such as gift baskets and bags.
Michelle Watts
116 West Jefferson Street
Syracuse, NY 13202 315-475-2070
One of the benefits of CenterState CEO membership is being listed on the CenterState CEO website at Your
company can gain additional exposure by utilizing the “discount” incentive for fellow CenterState CEO members. Visit the “Discounts”
page often to see what’s new. New this month:
Massage Envy
3873 State Route 31
Liverpool, NY 13090
As the pioneer and national leader of affordable massage
and spa services, Massage Envy’s intention is to promote a
healthy lifestyle through affordable therapeutic massage and
healthy skin facials. With more than 1,000 locations in the
United States, including Clay and coming soon to Fayetteville,
Massage Envy still holds true to its purpose: helping people
feel their best!
Discount: CenterState CEO members receive a one-hour
massage session for $39.99 or a one-hour Murad Healthy
Skin facial session for $49.99. Mention this discount to
receive introductory prices. Offer expires Dec. 31, 2015.
Syracuse Party Booth
5095 Onondaga Road
Syracuse, NY 13215
Experience all the fun and excitement when you step into
the Syracuse Party Booth’s state-of-the-art photo booth,
which fits up to 10 people with free props, unlimited
photo strips and more. The party booth is perfect for
corporate events, weddings, parties and everything in
Discount: CenterState CEO members receive 25
percent off a new three- or four-hour party booking
in December or January. (Dec. 25 and 31 excluded.)
Members may receive 10 percent off a New Year’s Eve
booking. Offer expires Jan. 31, 2016.
PostNet Printing
2363 James Street
Syracuse, NY 13206
PostNet is your neighborhood business center,
providing high quality printing and unique shipping
services. We work with companies and individuals
who need printed marketing materials e.g., business
cards, brochures, folders, labels, posters, signs,
promotional items and so much more! PostNet is
also an authorized ship center with all carriers: UPS,
FedEx, DHL and USPS.
Discount: Purchase 500 business cards, get
500 free. Graphic design additional, if needed. Offer
expires Dec. 31, 2015.
Increase Your Company’s Visibility…Offer a Member Discount! Contact Sharon Abert at or 315-470-1810 today!
Let’s plan your perfect meeting or event - Together!
If it requires AV (audio-visual) equipment & technical
support, Visual Technologies (VTC) is the company to
call. VTC will stage your event from concept to
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1620 Burnet Avenue • Syracuse, NY 13206
to view
this year’s honorees and register
to attend the awards event
Event Date: November 19, 2015
Time: 11 AM - 2 PM • Location: Oncenter
10:30 AM - 11:50 AM: Registration/Networking
Reception & the 2nd Annual Nonprofit Corner
(optional but encouraged)
Noon - 2 PM: Awards Luncheon
Call (315) 579-3918 for more information or email
Supporting Sponsor:
Award Sponsor:
Graphics Sponsor:
Media Sponsor:
Business Journal
Photo Booth Sponsor:
Created &
Produced By:
News Network
Register online at
Speed Networking, November 18
Economic Forecast
Wednesday, January 13
7:30 a.m. Registration; 8 a.m. Breakfast
Nicholas J. Pirro Convention at Oncenter, 800 S.
State St., Syracuse
Join hundreds of fellow CenterState CEO
members, business leaders and executives for
the presentation of the region’s 2016 Economic
Keynote Speaker:
Gary Keith, vice president and chief economist for
M&T Bank, will present an overview of trends in
the national and state economies, and their impact
on the CenterState New York region.
$40 for members or $400 for a table of 10; $50
for non-members or $500 for a table of 10. After
January 4, the cost is $45 for members or $450 for
a table of 10; $55 for non-members or $550 for a
table of 10.
Register by January 8 at or
contact Lisa Metot at 315-470-1870
TERACAI, 217 Lawrence Road, North Syracuse
7:30 a.m. registration; 8 to 10:30 a.m. program
Bring your business cards and engage in small group dialogue while building
new professional relationships. There is time for informal networking and sharing your one- to twominute “pitch.” Space is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Cost: $10 for members; $25 for non-members. For more information contact Lisa Metot at 315-470-1870
Know Before You Fly: Safe, Responsible and Legal Drone Operation,
November 19
The Tech Garden, 235 Harrison St., Syracuse
8:30 to 10 a.m.
Thinking about purchasing a drone or an Unmanned Aerial System
(UAS) for personal or professional use? Acquiring a drone or UAS is easier than ever before, but that
doesn’t mean you can fly it anywhere, or for any purpose. This educational forum will discuss how to
operate your UAS safely and responsibly, including current FAA regulations, and have your questions
answered by industry experts. This is a great learning session for any business, organization,
municipality or hobbyist looking to purchase and use a UAS.
Cost: $10, members; $20 non-members. For more information contact Karen DeJoseph at 315-470-1997
Put Syracuse on the Map, November 20
SKY Armory, 351 S. Clinton Street, Syracuse
8:30 a.m. Registration; 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Program
Join Google in partnership with CenterState CEO and the Office of U.S.
Senator Gillibrand for a three-part program: learn how to grow your
business online; get found on Google Search and Maps; and build your
free website. U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will make a special guest appearance.
Cost: Free, including parking. Attendance is limited. For more information, contact Lisa Metot at 315470-1870 or
SyracuseFirst Buy Local Bash, November 23
The F Shed, CNY Regional Market, 2100 Park St., Syracuse
5 p.m.
SyracuseFirst’s sixth annual Buy Local Bash presented by AmeriCU
is the signature event of “Buy Local Month,” a campaign dedicated
to increasing market share for local independent businesses during
the holiday season. The event features live bands, local artists and
regional food and beverage tasting stations.
Cost: Advance tickets $25, until noon Monday, November 23; $30 at
the door. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information contact Shannon Fults at
315-470-1884 or
PMS Colors:
Business Before Hours, December 3
Pantone 5763 U
Pantone 564 U
Christ the King Conference Center, 500 Brookford Road, Syracuse
8 to 9:30 a.m.
Network at one of Central New York’s unique facilities, Christ the King Retreat House and Conference
Center. CTK, a historic mansion surrounded by 3 1/2 acres of land in Syracuse, provides an
environment where individuals and groups can experience spiritual, personal and professional growth,
healing and peace.
Cost: $10, members; $20 non-members. For more information contact Karen DeJoseph at kdejoseph@ or 315-470-1997.
New and Improved Executive
Dialogue Starting in 2016
for details and look for updates in
the January newsletter.
CenterState CEO members and non-members were able to see the new offices of Time Warner Cable Business Class at the recent
Business After Hours and Member Showcase event. The event was yet another valuable networking opportunity and attendees had a
chance to win two round-trip tickets on Delta Air Lines. The lucky winner of the tickets was Brian Carr, of Time Warner Cable Business
Class. See the Events calendar for upcoming Business After Hours and other events.
Attendees make new connections at Business After Hours.
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Register to learn more about
how we can help you and be
entered to win two free
Email or call 315-470-1930
Manlius Pebble Hill School, one of a dozen member booths, networks with a prospect
at Business After Hours.
Preparing your 2016 budget?
CenterState CEO membership
can save you money, time and resources on:
Payroll & HR Services
Office Supplies
Employee Assistance Plan
Energy Services – Gas & Electricity
401K Plan
Credit Card Processing
Background Checks
Web Conferencing
Insurance Benefits
Mobile Device Management
Let us know your business needs, and we will
connect you with one of our partners to receive
members-only pricing and special offers.
BSNY is a subsidiary of CenterState Chamber of Commerce ● 115 W. Fayette St.● Syracuse, NY 13202
115 W. Fayette Street
Syracuse, New York 13202
Tel: 315-470-1800