Sunnyvale Library Calls Community to Action Chamber Takes Stand


Sunnyvale Library Calls Community to Action Chamber Takes Stand
October 2006 Vol 34 : Issue 10
INSIDE this Issue
2 Welcome New Members
3 From the President
Fifth Wednesday Recap
5 Honor Roll
6 Mixer Recap
9 Sunnyvale Woke Up!
10 Member-to-Member Discounts
11 Membership Renewals
12 Calendar
Tech Buying Tips
Purchasing technology is challenging any time of the year but never
more so than during fall and the
holidays. Here are four tips to save
you time and money while getting
better products, whether it’s a gift
for others or yourself. First, research
potential purchases. No one says
their products are less than perfect.
A good start is www.ecoustics.
com. If it’s been reviewed, chances
are the review is listed here. Just
enter the product name and
[continued on page 8]
Chamber Takes Stand on November
Ballot Propositions
tion improvement program, transit and rail,
state-local partnership transportation, transit
security, bridge seismic retrofit, highway-railroad grade separation and crossings, highway
safety and rehabilitation, and local street and
road improvement, congestion relief and
traffic safety. Sunnyvale Chamber: Support. California Chamber: Support.
Proposition 1C: Housing and Emergency
Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 Authorizes
$2.85 billion in GO bonds to finance housing
programs, infill development, brownfield cleanups and housing-related parks. Sunnyvale
Chamber: Support. California Chamber: Support.
Proposition 1D: Education Facilities:
Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2006 Authorizes
$10.416 billion of state general obligation bonds
to provide aid to school districts, county superintendents of schools, county boards of education, California community colleges, the University of California, Hastings College of Law
and California State University to construct
and modernize education facilities. Sunnyvale Chamber: Support. California Chamber: Support.
Proposition 1E: Disaster Preparedness
ast month, the Sunnyvale Chamber’s
Public Policy Committee debated several
issues that will appear on the November ballot
and made recommendations about these
issues to the Board of Directors. After significant consideration and discussion, the Board
agreed with the Public Policy Committee’s
recommendations to oppose or support initiatives on the November 7th ballot. The California Chamber of Commerce has also voted
in support or opposition of the propositions
and their decisions are very much in line with
those of the Sunnyvale Chamber. Below are
the positions that both Chambers have taken.
Proposition 1A: Transportation Investment Fund Modifies the 2002 transportation
funding initiative, Proposition 42. Restricts
how and when the sales tax on gasoline, which
is dedicated to transportation projects by
Proposition 42, can be used by the legislature
and governor for spending on general fund
programs. Sunnyvale Chamber: Support.
California Chamber: Support.
Proposition 1B: Highway Safety, Traffic
Reduction, Air Quality and Port Security
Bond Act of 2006 Authorizes $19.925 billion
of state general obligation bonds for transportation corridor improvements, trade infrastructure and port security, state transporta-
[continued on page 4]
Outgoing Board Member:
Donna Smith
Sunnyvale Library Calls Community to Action
I’ve had the honor of serving on
the Chamber Board for almost
three years now. Within these past
three years I have definitely witnessed the Chamber grow stronger
and more involved with promoting
local businesses; since day one I
was assigned to the Special Events
Committee, now called “Community Promotions.” The Community Promotions Committee helps
the manage special events that
are designed to help everyone
involved network, market, and
oin the Sunnyvale Public Library for a once in decades opportunity to help design the Sunnyvale Library of the Future. As community members, business professionals and library supporters, you can play a role in helping to develop a vision for an important service offered by the
City of Sunnyvale. Library services are far reaching, with the potential to touch the lives of many
residents - from babies learning to identify sounds and rhymes at storytimes, school children and
teens joining the summer reading clubs or seeking help with homework, to adults doing research
in preparation for a new career or to establish a new business. Library buildings are civic structures that are often symbolic of a community’s identity, pride and commitment to the educational
aspirations of community members of all ages and backgrounds.
The Sunnyvale City Council recently approved a contract with Anderson Brulé Architects to
help study options for library services and facilities for the next 20 years. Anderson Brulé Architects is the firm that has helped the City of San Jose, Redwood Shores and other communities
design libraries and library services to suit their specific needs.
[continued on page 6]
[continued on page 8]
101 W. Olive Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086-6193
T 408.736.4971
F 408.736.1919
Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce : Connecting, Educating and Energizing the Business Community in Sunnyvale
Welcome New Members!
The Chamber welcomes the following new members for August:
ADOS Consulting, LLC
Elissa A. Secula
547 Marchese Way
Santa Clara, CA 95051
CommonWealth Credit Union
Michelle Shepard
700 E. El Camino Real
Suite 100
Mountain View, CA 94040
Kenneth R. Cone
728 Ramona Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Ozen Engeneering, Inc.
Dr. Metin Ozen
837 Trenton Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Mousalam & Pham
Paul Mousalam
2445 Faber Place
Suite 101
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Unlimited Events Inc.
Jonathon Hernandez
P.O. Box 4460
Salinas, CA 93912
Guaranty Bank
Elisha Duran
205 S. Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Cupertino Wellness
Dr. Henry Liu and
Dr. Ali Tootoouchi
19028 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Suite 1D
Cupertino, CA 95014
Allstate Insurance
Gloria Alvord
525 W. Remington Drive
Suite 110
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Allstate Insurance
William Bussey
690 W. Fremont Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Rodica Schilera
945 Daffodil Way
San Jose, CA 95117
Adam Simms
Chairman of the Board
Larry Gaasterland
Dan Payomo
1900 South Norfolk Street
Suite 350
San Mateo, CA 94403
Michael Bangs
Immediate Past Chair
Tracie Murray
Membership Committee
Charter Funding
Laurence Fok
480 S. Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
The Foto Stop
Pier L. Del Frate
773 E. El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Stacy Rue
Public Policy Committee
Donna J. Smith
Community Promotions Committee
Patricia Vorreiter
Economic Development Committee
Canty Security &
Toney Canty
1575 Tenaka Place E-5
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Smog People
Tuan Le
1037 Lakehaven Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Tuyet Vu
Finance Committee
Tammy Bigelow
Raj S. Doshi
Glen LaBarber
Cyrus Lendvay
Bill Leonard
John McNally
Joe Rudnicki
Edward M. Yu, MD
Get your name on the Chamber’s Honor Roll!
If you know of an individual, business or organization that is not a member of the Sunnyvale
Chamber of Commerce and you believe that membership will benefit them, refer them to the
Chamber. When they join and list you as their referral, you will automatically be placed on the
Honor Roll. Your business will be introduced and printed with a photo of you right here in the
Business Progress. If you refer three new members, you will be treated to a Wake Up! Sunnyvale
breakfast! See page 5 for the new additions to the Honor Roll.
Suzi Blackman
Jena Schwabe
Member Services Manager
Kate Warren
Event & Media Manager
Grace Witt
Business Progress (Permit No. 100) is published monthly for $4.00, included in member dues, by the Sunnyvale Chamber
of Commerce, 101 W. Olive Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Bulk rate postage paid at Sunnyvale, CA. POSTMASTER: Send
address change to Business Progress, 101 W. Olive Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. ADVERTISING DEADLINE: First Friday of
each month prior to publication. All materials for insertion should be sent to the Media Manager. Listings are subject to space
limitations. Opinions expressed by guest writers do not necessarily reflect the policies of the Chamber. For advertising rates,
call the Chamber at 408.736.4971.
Membership Development Manager
From the President
Suzi Blackman, President/CEO
The ABCs of Chamber Membership: G, H & I
earning how to optimize your Chamber membership is
well worth your time. Just yesterday, two members that had
never before met formed a great partnership 10 minutes after
meeting at a Chamber event. As we continue with our series,
take a minute to think about how much time your are investing in your membership and whether or not you are taking full
advantage of the opportunities that are available.
G is for GROWTH. Sure, that sounds good. You join the
Chamber and bingo! Your company will grow, right? As much
as any Chamber would like to promise instant success, the real
lesson here is…How does your business take advantage of
Chamber membership? By building networks and your access
to resources, you can grow solid business success. Some of the
opportunities the Chamber offers to help you grow are advertising and speed networking at the mixers. And don’t discount
the personal growth potential: Sharing information, tips and
experiences with seasoned business owners can be invaluable.
How fast you and your business grow is a combination of many
factors, however, and Chamber membership is certainly a great
way to help spur that growth.
H stands for HISTORY- Chambers are the institutional
memory of the business community and they often become
the keeper of much of the community history. In addition to
Chamber members, other members of the community such as
residents, potential business owners and visitors stop at the
Chamber office for a number of reasons. They are looking for a
relocated business, doing research on historical business trends
or are interested in how the Sunnyvale business community
history evolved. How does that benefit you? Any public information you give us about your business can be passed on to
thousands of people, helping them find where you were, and
where you are now.
I - put the I in INVOLVEMENT. You’ve heard that at least a
million times. Your Chamber membership investment is only
money unless you get INVOLVED. Whether you get involved
by attending Chamber events,
joining one of the four STAR “...think about how
groups, or serving as a Chamber much time you are
volunteer, you will increase the investing...
value-added benefit of your
financial investment in the and whether or not
INVOLVEMENT you are taking
also means giving the Chamber advantage of the
feedback about what works for
you and what doesn’t. Let us opportunities that
know! Involvement is the key are available.”
to getting the most our of your
membership, meeting new customers, sharing tips, gaining
new information and learning how to be a better manager or
business owner. Need information about current involvement
opportunities? Give us a call at the Chamber. 408-736-4971.
Next month – Jumpstart, Knowledge, and Leads.
Fifth Wednesdays
n Wednesday, August 30th, Chamber members, Board
members, Ambassadors, staff and guests of the Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce and the Santa Clara Chamber, CVB
gathered at Twin Creeks Global Sports Complex for the third
5th Wednesday dual mixer. The Sunnyvale and Santa Clara
Chambers have joined forces to host this expanded networking
opportunity for their members and it has been a tremendous
success. With over a hundred attendees it is impossible to say
how many new business connections were made or revived.
We would like to thank the Sunnyvale Chamber members
that donated the evening’s prizes: SpeeDee Oil Change, Staybridge Suites and Karen Brown, Acupuncturist. We would
also like to thank Twin Creeks Sports Complex for hosting
this fantastic event. Since its construction in 1985, Twin Creeks
has established itself as the world’s premier location for softball
leagues and tournaments. The 60-acre Twin Creeks complex,
located at 969 Caribbean Avenue in Sunnyvale, hosts flag football and soccer leagues and tournaments and also attracts corporate events and picnics from the Silicon Valley’s finest companies. For more information, call them at 408-734-0888.
Guests are welcomed to Twin Creeks (pictured left to right) by Steve VanDorn,
Suzi Blackman, Dave Collishaw, and Mayor Ron Swegles.
Guests gather next to one of the sixteen baseball diamonds at Twin Creeks and
enjoy an evening of networking outside.
Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce : Connecting, Educating and Energizing the Business Community in Sunnyvale
Chamber Takes Stand on Propositions
[continued from page 1]
and Flood Prevention Bond Act of 2006 Authorizes the issuance and sale of bonds in the amount of $4.09 billion to finance
disaster preparedness and flood prevention projects. Sunnyvale Chamber: Support. California Chamber: Support.
Proposition 84: Water Quality, Safety and Supply; Flood
Control; Natural Resource Protection; Park Improvements
Authorizes $5.388 billion in GO bonds to fund projects relating
to safe drinking water, water quality and supply, flood control,
waterway and natural resource protection, water pollution and
contamination control, state and local park improvements,
public access to natural resources and conservation efforts.
Sunnyvale Chamber: Pending until October Board Meeting.
California Chamber: Support.
Proposition 86: Tax on Cigarettes; Initiative Constitutional
Amendment and Statute Imposes an additional 13 cent tax
on each individual cigarette distributed, or $2.60 per pack, and
indirectly increases tax on other tobacco products. Provides
funding to qualified hospitals for emergency services, nursing
education and health insurance to eligible children. Sunnyvale
Chamber: Oppose. California Chamber: Oppose.
Proposition 87: Alternative Energy, Research, Production,
Incentives; Tax on California Oil; Initiative Constitutional
Amendment Establishes program to reduce oil and gasoline use
with research and production incentives for alternative energy,
alternative fuel vehicles, energy efficient technologies, and
education and training. Funded by a tax of 1.5 – 6%, depending
on oil price per barrel, on producers of oil extracted on California. Prohibits producers from passing tax on to customers.
Specifies spending $4 billion in 10 years. Sunnyvale Chamber:
Oppose. Education Funding; Real Property Parcel Tax; Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute Provides public
school funding for K-12 by imposing a $50 tax on real property,
exempting elderly and disabled. Funds must be used for classsize reduction, textbooks, school safety, Academic Success facility grants and a data system to evaluate educational program
effectiveness. Provides for reimbursement to government entities to offset anticipated decrease in other tax revenue. Excludes
funds from Proposition 98 calculations. Sunnyvale Chamber:
Oppose. California Chamber: Oppose.
Proposition 89: Political Campaigns; Public Financing;
Corporate Tax Increase; Contribution and Expenditure Limits;
Initiative Statute Candidates for state office with enough $5.00
contributions can receive public campaign funding from the
Fair Political Practices Commission in amounts varying by elective office and type of election. Increases income tax rate on corporations and financial contributions to state-office candidates
and campaign committees and new restrictions on contributions and expenditures by lobbyists and corporations. Sunnyvale Chamber: Oppose, California Chamber: Oppose.
Proposition 90: Governemnt Acquisition; Regulation
of Private Property Bars state and local governments from
condemning or damaging private property to promote other
private projects. Limits government’s authority to adopt certain
land use, housing, consumer, environmental and workplace
laws and regulations except when necessary to preserve public
health or safety. Government must occupy condemned property or lease property for public use. Sunnyvale Chamber:
Oppose. California Chamber: Oppose.
Neither the Sunnyvale Chamber nor the California Chamber
took a position on Proposition 83 (Sex Offenders; Sexually
Violent Predators; Punishment, Residence, Restrictiona and
Monitoring) or Proposition 85 (Waiting Period and Parental
Notification before Termination of Minor’s pregnancy; Initiative Constitutional Amendment).
Propositions 1A – 1E formulate the Governor’s Strategic
Growth Plan. For more information, see the July, August and
September issues of the Business Progress at
To read about the California Chamber’s positions, point your browser
BallotMeasures/Default.htm, and for information on the Santa Clara
County ballot, visit
Sunnyvale Chamber Honor Roll
October 2006
James Stout is a Chamber Ambassador and
President of Bay Area Gadgets. He has also
earned his first listing for referring Ados
Consulting to membership. When you need
help choosing and installing new electronics, call James at 408-393-4779.
Pam Hanson has her first listing on the
Honor Roll for referring Guaranty Bank to
Chamber membership. Pam works for ADP
and is very involved in the Chamber. If your
business needs payroll, benefits administration or to outsource Human Resources, call
Pam at 408-562-5864.
Adam Simms of Toyota Sunnyvale and
incoming Chairman of the Board referred
Kampai House Japanese Fusion Cuisine to
the Chamber, much to our members’ delight!
For anything Toyota, call Toyota Sunnyvale
at 408-830-0628.
Larry Gaasterland, incoming Chair-Elect and
Edward Jones representative, has earned his
place here as well. He referred Rodica Schilern, Insurance Agent, to Chamber membership.
Larry offers investment services and informative
seminars and workshops. Call 408-732-9532 for
more information.
Current Honorees
Jeffery Artz.................................................... Transition Authority
Lee Allen..................................................................................Pianist
Ken Blackman................................................................... Volunteer
Kaye Bohler........................................................... Welcome Wagon
Mike Johnson (2)............................................... Toyota Sunnyvale
Jean Hope........................................Accounting For Your Success
Mike Klein.....................................................State Farm Insurance
Glen LaBarber.......................................Hill & Company Realtors
Kelsey Lane (2).................................................... Coldwell Banker
Bill Leonard.......................................................... Ignite Marketing
Holly Lofgren..................................................Community Leader
Sherree Maniotes.......................................................... PennySaver
Peggy McKibbon............................................. Jewelry Advantage
Mahesh Nihalani.............................................................Jewels in Style
Michelle Roberts........................................Executive Home Loans
Dr. Ken Sawyer (2)............................ Murphy Avenue Pet Clinic
Donna Smith........................................................... Wyant & Smith
Hon. Ron Swegles (2).......................................... Sunnyvale Mayor
Andrew Teng....................................... Dragonwell Pan Asian Bistro
Pat Vorreiter........................................................... Attorney at Law
Tuyet Vu..................................................................Vu & Associates
Dr. Harry Waisblatt..........................................Chiropractic Office
Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce : Connecting, Educating and Energizing the Business Community in Sunnyvale
August Mixer at Belmont Village
n August 24th, Chamber members, Directors, Ambassadors,
staff and guests were greeted and welcomed to Belmont
Village, Sunnyvale by a friendly staff, a beautiful setting, unbelievable hors de oeuvres and one of the best opportunities to
network in town. Belmont Village is a beautiful service-oriented
facility that offers every amenity and service that one could need
or want.
The Chamber led a popular new technique for meeting people:
speed networking. Most of the guests took part and were happy
that they did. Not only did they meet dozens of new people,
they had a good time doing it! New members were introduced
and prizes were given out, generously donated by SpeeDee
Oil Change, Mary Kay representative Tracy Valerio and Karen
Brown, Acupuncturist.
We would like to thank Belmont Village for putting together
a fantastic mixer. They also hosted our monthly Wake Up! Sunnyvale breakfasts during the summer, and the service, staff and food
is always impeccable.
Library Calls for Action
[continued from page 1]
A series of meetings have been planned to inform the public
about the Sunnyvale Library of the Future and to solicit information from community members about what they would
like to see happen at the library. Public meetings and forums
were held in September and follow-up reports to the Sunnyvale
Library Board of Trustees and the City Council will be made
November 2006 through January 2007. Based on the reports, the
Sunnyvale City Council will provide direction early next year
on subsequent steps to be taken.
Your input is needed. This is a personal invitation from me
to you to join us in the public meetings, follow the latest developments, and submit your comments through the Library’s Web
site at
—Deborah Barrow, Library Director, Sunnyvale Public Library
Join us for the October Mixer!
October 26, 2006
5:00 – 7:00pm
Hosted by
Lockheed Martin
Space Systems
Lockheed Martin Way
in Sunnyvale
More details available in the
Chamber’s weekly eNews
Reservations are required
(408) 736-4971
The Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce and
Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce, CVB
Fifth Wednesdays
November 29, 2006
5 pm - 7pm
Hosted by
140 S. Murphy Avenue
in Downtown Sunnyvale
Twice the Size, Twice the Opportunity!
Be a part of this exciting new opportunity
to extend your business network.
The cost for guests is $20.
RSVP by Tuesday, November 28 at 12 noon.
After the deadline the cost is $5 for Members.
To RSVP, please call 408-736-4971
Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce : Connecting, Educating and Energizing the Business Community in Sunnyvale
Tech Buying Tips
Outgoing Board Member
[continued from page 1]
[continued from page 1]
model into the search bar. If a product is too new to be listed,
factor the retailer’s return policy into your decision process.
Next, determine your budget, both total and individual,
and make a list of those core items on your shopping list:
iPod, flat panel TV, new PC, or digital camera. These represent the biggest portions of your expenditures, but you’ll also
have to factor in the cost of accessories including memory for
your camera, cables for your new TV, and accessories for that
barebones iPod. When you add up the total, you may want to
reconsider your purchases, particularly gifts. Complete presents are more gratifying to the recipient.
Third, understand what products cannot be discounted or
have low markups and focus on where you can save. iPods
and Bose products, for example, are prohibited from markdowns. Digital cameras have low margins while many PCs
are sold below cost. This means the various retailers will be
competing by bundling accessories and services. Cameras
may come with bags and memory cards while PCs may offer
discounts on accessories such as bags, printers, cables, etc.
Ask about the length of time a product has been on the
market. Fall is when many new cameras, printers, and other
products hit the market. In many cases, the enhancements on
new models are significant. In other instances, a significant
savings on last year’s model is perfect particularly younger
children who are learning to be gentle with electronics. Make
an informed decision.
Finally, avoid shopping the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Almost every enticing offer is on products specifically purchased for that event. Significant compromises are often
made to hit competitive price points for the day. Recover from
Thanksgiving and hit the stores later in the weekend.
With patience, research, and a little common sense, holiday
technology shopping can be less painful and more rewarding.
—James Stout, President, Bay Area Gadgets
get people into Sunnyvale to see what our great city has
to offer. My experience as both a former Activity Director
at Columbia School and as a Florist within my business in
Sunnyvale, in which I helped plan and organize events,
immediately told me that this committee was truly my
We are constantly working on ideas that that will allow
you to promote and expand your field of dreams. Our
monthly Mixers enable you to network effectively face to
face as well as get your name and business out there. The
breakfasts allow us to network one on one (at the low rate of
the cost of one meal) and gain insightful information through
a short presentation. The annual Art and Wine Festival is a
good venue to be seen as a community volunteer and supporter, and the Murphy Awards recognizes the outstanding
accomplishments of our local businesses and individuals,
always with a splash of fun thrown in. We celebrated the
Chamber’s 100th year with the Centennial Business Expo this
summer. This event was quite popular and may be repeated
again next year with a new twist.
I have learned that the Chamber can absolutely help you
to increase the success of your business, but you have to take
advantage of the opportunities that the Chamber offers: you
can’t just pay your signing fee and expect a purge of success.
We offer the tools, the resources and the opportunities to
boost your success; the smart ones use them to their advantage. We are truly lucky to have the dedicated leadership
that is within the Chamber walls; use it to your advantage.
I enjoyed these organizational challenges and am proud
to have been a part of the super events that transpired. My
term on the Board is up and though I will miss serving on
the Board of Directors, I’m now off to expand my horizons
further with the special and very recent birth of my twin
—Donna Smith, Wyant & Smith Funeral Home and Crematory
The Corporate Cost of Domestic
October is domestic violence awareness month.
“Until the day he came looking for her with a gun, we had no
idea what had been going on at home. She never told anyone about
his beatings. Now we understand why she missed so much time at
work!” This quote by a co-worker underscores the fear and
shame that silences victims of domestic violence. As often
indicated in news reports, when a victim is stalked to work,
co-workers can and often do become victims as well.
The Support Network for Battered Women in Sunnyvale
has been helping victims of domestic violence for nearly 30
years. Its critical services include emergency shelter, case
management, crisis and long-term counseling, legal advocacy,
children’s therapy, outreach and referrals. The Network’s bilingual toll-free (English/Spanish) hotline:
1-800-572-2782 handles over 5,000 calls a year from victims,
family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors. With 20
paid staff and over 400 volunteers, the Support Network is
one of the largest domestic violence agencies in the country.
In accordance with research emerging from communities
of color, the Support Network introduced its cutting edge La
Familia Program that addresses battered women and their
entire families who want to stay together but want the violence
to stop. Advocates make home visits, leveraging a myriad of
community resources for the support of all family members,
and work with a cross section of systems to bring accountability, change and healing to victims, batterers and children.
More and more employers recognize that domestic violence not only destroys families, but also takes a devastating financial toll on business. Reported medical and mental
health care services for our nation’s domestic violence victims
cost nearly $4.1 billion annually. Individual jury awards for
inadequate security at work average $1.2 million a year while
settlement awards average $600,000.
Shining the corporate light on domestic violence makes it
a “speakable” offense for employees.
If your business or company would like a Support Network speaker
to talk to your employees about domestic abuse, contact Paula at
408-541-6100 ext. 122. To learn more about the issue of domestic
violence, please visit the agency’s website:
Sunnyvale Woke Up!
n August 10th, Sunnyvale woke up at the Ramada Inn
Silicon Valley to a hot buffet breakfast, table networking
and a great presentation by Alex Calvillo of PG&E and Brian
Kimball of Ecology Action’s Right Lights program. Alex told
guests about the many ways they can reduce their energy consumption and costs through PG&E’s incentive and third party
programs, particularly the new program that teams up PG&E
and Right Lights and was created for Chamber members.
For more information, call Alex Calvillo at 408-282-7535.
Wake Up! guests network at their tables over their morning coffee.
Wake Up! Sunnyvale at
Ramada Inn Silicon Valley
1217 Wildwood Avenue, Sunnyvale
October 12
November 9
sponsored by
Reservations are required; seating is
limited. Call (408) 736-4971
Sunnyvale Chamber of Commerce : Connecting, Educating and Energizing the Business Community in Sunnyvale
Member-to-Member Discounts
MEMBER-to-MEMBER is tailored to promote intermember buying.
Here’s how it works: Offer a discount on your product or
service to other Chamber members and we’ll give you a free
listing for six months! Fax your discount offer to the Chamber
office at 408.736.1919, or email it to When
you buy a product or service listed here, identify yourself as a
Chamber member to qualify for your discount!
Black Hawk Customs would like to offer all Chamber members a 10%
discount on any part, accessory, and/or apparel for all motorcycles,
ATVs, watercraft and snowmobiles. Please call (408) 400-0242 or stop
by our shop at 1289 Reamwood Avenue, Suite A in Sunnyvale. www. .
James Stout’s Bay Area Gadgets offers all members a 15% discount on
his on-site business and home technology consultations and 10% on
other services. James brings his 15 years experience designing home
offices and small business networks and putting together home entertainment systems right to your doorstep. He evaluates your current
technology and recommends affordable solutions which will exceed
your expectations. For more information, call 408-393-4779 or visit
All Chamber members will receive 20% off all chiropractic services at
the office of Dr. Larry Gans/Cherry Chase Chiropractic. Specializing in
automobile and work related injuries with over 15 years of experience.
Please call (408) 774-9887.
Jewels In Style, formerly Frank’s Watch and Jewelry Repair, specializes in custom made fine jewelry and has in-house Gemologist and
Designer, and Master Goldsmith on the premises. They offer exotic
color gemstones and pearls, engagement and bridal jewelry, certified
diamonds at wholesale prices, jewelry and watch sales, appraisals and
repairs, batteries and bands. Chamber members can avail of one free
quality ring inspection and cleaning, 10-25% discount on jewelry and
watches, 20% off watch batteries and 10% off jewelry and watch repairs.
Open M-Sat, 10 to 6. Call 408-616-0011.
For people suffering with the side effects of chemo and radiation,
chronic or new pain, numbness or tingling, Karen Brown, LAc, Acupuncturist is offering SVCOC members free introductory consultations.
Contact Karen Brown at 408-202-9375. Karen Brown also sees patients
for headaches, fatigue, allergies, colds, stress, menopausal symptoms,
and PMS.
Kendall R. Summers, Mobile Notary is offering a 10% discount to
Chamber members on documents that have to be notarized. Kendall
will meet you at a location to assist with the signing of documents.
Contact Kendall at (408) 554-1082 or email .
Ramada Inn Silicon Valley would like to extend special discounted
rates. Mon-Thurs $89 plus tax, Fri-Sun $69 plus tax for one or two
people. These rates include a free full Executive buffet breakfast. Please
call (408) 245-530 and mention the Sunnyvale Chamber member rate
and ask about our special Great America Package rates.
Laser Express would like to offer all Chamber members a 15% discount
on printers, fax machines and printer supplies and services. Call Garrett
to place your toner order or to make an appointment for the service or
repair of your office machines.
Matthew’s Newspaper: News and views that you can use. Seventy subscribers
and growing! Advertising with us will not only fit your budget but will reach
people of all ages! Call (408) 504-8612.
Meyering Real Estate is offering a $1,800 rebate to all Chamber
Members, paid at the close of escrow when selling of buying your
home using Licensed Real Estate Broker Patrick Meyering. Call (408)
David Hunt of RE/MAX is offering a $1,000 rebate to a buyer/seller
on a purchase or sale of residential real estate, to be paid at the close
of escrow. As client appreciation, Dave will give a $200 gift certificate
for the store of your choice for every referral that results in a closed
sale. Call Dave directly at 408-736-7693 or email him at
Rent-A-Handyman Solutions offers all members a 10% discount on
any job around the house. We specialize in small jobs that others will
not do. We arrive on time and satisfaction is guaranteed. “There is no
problem we can’t solve.” Visit our website at or call Alex Lubin at (408) 891-0375.
If you are suffering from low back pain, neck pain, or headaches,
Riley Chiropractic is offering a 20% discount on all services, including chiropractic adjustments, exams and x-rays. Contact Dr. Riley at
(408) 730-1991.
Rooster T. Feather’s Comedy Club – All Chamber members will
receive Buy-One-Get-One-Free tickets when they call (408) 736-0921
and make reservations for any Wednesday 8pm, Thursday 8pm,
Friday 10:30pm or Sunday 8pm shows. Just mention the SECRET
PASSWORD when you call… The password is… Suzi Blackman!
SFO Color Graphics offers all members a 25% discount on any of the
services we provide. We specialize in small and large format black
and white and color copies. We also provide business flyers business
cards, book binding, mounting & laminating. We also provide pickup and delivery. Visit our website at or
call (408) 746-9009.
StynesGroup of Keller Williams Realty offers all Chamber members
and any client that you refer special discounts on real estate services.
If you list your home with us, we will pay the inspections (property
and pest), as well as give $500 toward preparing your house for sale.
This is a $1,500 value. If you use us to purchase your home, we will
pay for the appraisal fee, supplemental inspections, and give you our
special moving package. This is a $1,200 value. For more information,
call Tom Stynes at (408) 850-6962.
Vu & Associates is a full service CPA firm supporting business or
individual financial needs. We provide accounting, tax services, and
audit representation. Call Vu & Associates for a 1 hour free consultation and a 10% discount for members. Visit our website at www. or call Tuyet Vu, CPA at (408) 749-1747.
Ryan Weinstock of Washington Mutual will offer you and any client
that you refer a special discount of bank fees when you refinance
or purchase a property. An evaluation of your current home loan is
also FREE of charge when you call me at (408) 621-1796 or email me
at Just mention the Chamber to take
advantage of this special offer.
We Produce provides office services of all kinds, including audio and
videotape transcription. In need of Administrative Program support?
We provide such services as telephone, fax, photocopying, scheduling, client invoicing, database maintenance, customer mailings, credit
card processing, and even handle your general correspondence. Call
Leslie Lawton at (408) 749-9848 or email at .
Mention the Chamber and receive a 10% discount.
Whistle Stop Magazine offers a 15% discount to Sunnyvale Chamber
members. Save money on your advertising budget; advertise in
Whistle Stop Magazine. Call (408) 245-3643.
Membership Renewals
The Chamber thanks the following members who renewed their memberships in August for their continued support.
20 or More Years Membership
Advanced Micro Devices,
Brenda Hendricksen
One AMD Place
Sunnyvale, CA 94088
Bank of Santa Clara
Subro Kolla
107 E. El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Employment Development Department
Chuck Steligo
420 S. Pastoria Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Mozzetti, Inc.
Ben Mozzetti, Jr.
3350 Scott Boulevard,
Building 24
Sunnyvale, CA 95054
Sunnyvale Windustrial
Jim Dalton
394 W. Caribbean Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
10 or More Years Membership
Cambridge Management
Thomas Scott
2975 Scott Boulevard
Suite 200
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Dr. William Mathews,
500 E. Remington Drive
Suite 5
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
The Music School,
Sunnyvale Presbyterian
Doris Harry
728 W. Fremont Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Pacific Hotels
Terry Chon
170 S. Sunnyvale Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Rotary Club of Sunnyvale
Arley Marly
470 Ives Terrace
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Patricia Vorreiter,
333 W. Maude Avenue
Suite 201
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
W.L. Hickley Sons, Inc.
Ed Calcany
P. O. Box 61209
190 Commercial Street
Sunnyvale, CA 94088
5 or More Years Membership
Ahwanee Apartments
Michelle Naify
877 San Aleso Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Assistance Realty
Manuel Macias
522 S. Murphy Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Cameron Veterinary
Mary Kate Cameron
1285 S. Mary Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Crescent Villa
Eva Aber
147 Crescent Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Solutions, Inc.
Mike Wipp
25 Metro Drive, Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95110
Peter Khuu
155 Commercial Street
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Cupertino Union School
Phil Quon
10301 Vista Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Mike Sher
390 W. El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Leigh’s Favorite Books
Khader S. Abdel-Hafez
121 S. Murphy Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Signals Wireless Communications
Michael Nowak
2359 De La Cruz Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Silicon Valley
Toastmasters Club
Ron Freese
462 Royale Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95136
Sunnyvale Ford
Bill Benak
650 E. El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Tommy Garcia
1705 E. Capital Expwy.
Suite 10
San Jose, CA 95121
Dr. Gary Gold &
Dr. Gary Gold - Optometrist
118 Town & Country Village
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Todd Strorti
301 Carl Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Gromo Roofing
Francisco Gonzalez
121 W. Washington
Avenue, Suite 205
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Hobee’s California
Debbie Strole
800 Ahwanee Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
In-N-Out Burger
Ester Snyder
604 E. El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Intellectual Property
Law Group
Otto Lee
12 S. First Street
Suite 1205
San Jose, CA 95113
Konica Minolta Business
1 - 4 Years Membership
Aquatic Life Forms, Inc.
Robert Crosby
1247 S. Mary Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Compass Maps
Debra Beard Turner
1172 Kansas Avenue
Modesto, CA 95351
Gilbane Development
Ali R. Amin
1296 Kifer Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Transition Authority
Jeffrey Artz
812 Harvard Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Miss an
issue of the
back issues
from the
website at
Ping Lee
108 Town & Country Lane
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Ambassadors Meeting
5:30 pm........................October 3
Ambassadors Meeting
5:30 pm.................... November 7
Board of Directors Meeting
7:30 am........................October 3
Board of Directors Meeting
7:30 am.................... November 7
Connect with Sunnyvale Expo
10:00 am - 2:00 pm......October 4
Election Day .......... November 7
Wake Up! Sunnyvale
(Reservations required)
(Reservations required)
7:30 am......................October 12
Ramada Inn Silicon Valley
see ad page 9
Monthly Member Mixer
(Reservations required)
5:00 - 7:00 pm............ August 24
Lockheed Martin
see ad page 6
Wednesday STAR Meetings
2 Groups
7:30am - 8:30am &
1:00pm - 2:00 pm....................... .............October 4, 11, 18, 25
Thursday STAR Meetings
2 Groups
1:00pm to 2:00pm &
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm......................
.............October 5, 12, 19, 26
Happy Halloween!
Upcoming Events
Wake Up! Sunnyvale
7:30 am.................... November 9
Ramada Inn Silicon Valley
Monthly Member Mixer
(Reservations required)
5:00 - 7:00 pm....... November 16
C.J. Olson’s
Fifth Wednesdays
5:00 - 7:00 pm....... November 29
Fifth Wednesdays
November 29
Wednesday STAR Meetings
2 Groups
7:30am - 8:30am &
1:00pm - 2:00 pm....................... ..... November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Connect with Sunnyvale
October 4
Thursdays STAR Meetings
2 Groups
1:00pm to 2:00pm &
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm...................... ........... November 2, 9, 16, 30
Holiday Auction and Party
December 7
Murphy Awards
February 3, 2007
Chamber Office Closed
November 23-24
Happy Thanksgiving!
101 W. Olive Avenue • Sunnyvale, CA 940866193
Connecting, Educating and Energizing the Business Community in Sunnyvale
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