Annual brochure 2016 - European Chamber Music Academy
Annual brochure 2016 - European Chamber Music Academy
xxxx · 2016 · European Chamber Music Academy 1 European Chamber Music Academy Oslo 2015 Vilnius 2015 Großraming 2015 contents Bern 2015 Fiesole 2015 Vienna/Grafenegg 2015 Oslo 2016 Manchester 2016 04Preface 08 Erasmus+ 10 ECMA – Educational Program 12Partnerships, 2015/16 14Partners 23 Cooperating Partners 24STATEMENTS about ECMA I 26 Ensembles 29Alumni 30 Guest Ensembles 32Awards and Achievements 43 General Assembly, 2015 44STATEMENTS about ECMA II 48 Tutors 53 CD Releases, 2015 54Obituary – Peter Cropper 56 Events 58 The Association As of May 2016 European Chamber Music Academy 3 preface – The story of ECMA I t was Piero Farulli who had the original idea and subsequently asked his good friends Hatto Beyerle (Alban Berg Quartet), Norbert Brainin (Amadeus Quartet), and Milan Skampa (Smetana Quartet) to head the first Accademia Europea del Quartetto with him in Fiesole. This course, held during 2001 and 2002, was an extraordinary success for the young participants: the incredible experience of spending one week with four great artists and masters, each of them so different from the others, was utterly unlike any of the master classes in which they had participated before! So Piero asked Hatto to take the lead and fashion a true programme of advanced training for chamber musicians that would travel throughout Europe. Hatto, for his part, invested effort and energy into involving Vienna (under the direction of Johannes Meissl, who became the programme’s other “driving force”), as well as Paris and a steadily growing group of music universities from other parts of Europe, as well. Another central effort they made was to form a large pool of instructors that would guarantee the highest quality – teaching not individual interpretation, but the deepest-possible understanding of chamber music along with its history, rules, and backgrounds. In short: instructors who would teach young artists with great potential how to search for and find their own interpre tations. The expansion from string quartets to ensembles with piano or other instruments was a natural consequence. Today, following more than ten years of excellent work and out standing success under the leadership of its two artistic directors, ECMA has come to be regarded as an apex of chamber music training. And a continuously increasing number of institutions, academies, and festivals have come to view ECMA as an anchor point: not as a standalone school, but as a strategic partnership of institutions, each of which makes its own contribution in the knowledge that ECMA reaches a level that no one institution could attain on its own. Mathias Deichmann 4 European Chamber Music Academy © Gerard Spee The goal of ECMA is music. It is a goal to be reached together – as institutions, tutors, and young artists – following a few very simple rules: work together, think together, grow together. European Chamber Music Academy 5 preface – ECMA – The Idea T A he idea of founding a new kind of “European String Quartet Academy” was first introduced to me by one of the greatest musicians I had the privilege to meet in my life, the unforgettable Maestro Piero Farulli, on a walk through the park of the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole. His idea met with my immediate and enthusiastic agreement, and right on the spot, Piero appointed me as the first “direttore artistico” of this newly created Academia Europea del Quartetto. There followed a few wonderful initial years of fruitful cooperation between the instructors Piero Farulli (Quartetto Italiano), Norbert Brainin (Amadeus Quartet), Milan Skampa (Smetana Quartet), and myself. Some years after, as a consequence of the death of Norbert Brainin, it became necessary to reform the Academia, and I found it better to place it on a broader footing. After careful deliberation, I decided to base the Academia on a more international cooperation, and I therefore contacted my friend Johannes Meissl and others in order to transform the Academia into the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA), with the intention of using this reorganisation to also include piano trios, string trios, and other classical formations in order to convey our old European tradition to the broadest possible cross-section of young musicians. fter twelve years of intensive work, ECMA can be regarded a truly successful project! The list of prize-winning and well-recognized ensembles is truly impressive! And based on the rich tradition of European chamber music and the constantl re-evaluaton of our approach we are striving to carry on the “ECMA spirit” into the future. Since the days of Guido di Arezzo, our occidental music has gone through a process of development that is unique among all those phenomena that we define in general as “music”. As far back as in the early 16th century, it became intimately ECMA will face multiple challenges in the years to come. Besides ensuring sufficient funding for the further development of our activities in times that continue to be economically restricted, we are also starting to bring the next generation into our family of tutors. There are so many wonderful musicians among our alumni whom we can trust to carry on ECMA’s ideas and principles and to develop the project further in the future. And at the same time, we will be working on a more equal gender balance among our tutors. linked with philosophy and mathematics – and it was in this context that music proceeded to develop so rapidly over the centuries that followed. It is thus impossible for us to truly understand the music of the 17th and 18th centuries without having devoted thorough studies to the music of the 16th and 17th centuries. In much the same way, romantic music is linked with the musical language oft the (Viennese) classical period. And our contemporary musical output is based on the principles of the 19th and even the 18th centuries. It therefore is of great importance that we provide the next generations of musicians as well with an understanding of past eras’ musical languages as well as of their national characteristics. For without such knowledge, it is hardly possible to realize good interpretations. If we know occidental music’s rhetorical and harmonic characteristics as well as its intellectual background and development, and if we know how to interpret the philosophy upon which it is based, then all the music created later on becomes clearly comprehensible – and we have a coherent basis for a mode of interpretation that affords great latitude to our creativity and our artistic imagination. That is the essential thing that we seek to achieve in our work together with young artists. Hatto Beyerle 6 preface – The Future European Chamber Music Academy The “ECMA spirit”, which seeks to enable young, ambitious ensembles to find their own ways of profound interpretation based on the understanding of the philosophy and the musical language of the 17th and 18th centuries, not only ought to become a “matter of course” for musicians and audiences alike, but also enables us to design innovative concepts for the development of chamber music production and interpretation. By embarking on the adventurous journey of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project “ECMA Next step”, we will try to develop new forms of academic integration of ECMA’s work at European institutions of artistic higher education while at the same time collaborating even more strongly with the music market. I am convinced that especially right now, when European integration is threatened by renationalization and xenophobia, ECMA has an important role to play by enhancing our common strengths in music and culture! Chamber music practice is not only an elevating experience for musicians and audiences because its great masterpieces certainly can be counted among the peak achievements of human civilisation, but at the same time also a model of how to become a socially responsible autonomous personality... I am happy that there will be new collaborations with presenters, organisations and festivals, and that there is a permanently increasing interest in ECMA’s activities from all sides! Johannes Meissl European Chamber Music Academy 7 erasmus+ ECMA – Next Step is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership programme in chamber music. erasmus+ Project organisation: The steering committee is located in Oslo and coordinated with the ECMA office in Vienna. The programme includes two working groups, focusing on teaching and learning and on the joint master’s degree programme. The project will be evaluated by an external evaluator, and both students and teachers will participate in the programme until its conclusion on 1 September 2018. Background: W ith chamber music’s heightened significance both in the labour market and on European concert stages, educators and musicians are now facing new challenges and opportunities to develop and innovate so as to make possible chamber music activities at the highest level. One of the main goals of this three-year strategic programme is to ensure the utmost quality of chamber music training and proactively meet the challenges and opportunities that the increasing demand for chamber music entails. This strategic programme thus aims to modernize higher education in the classical music field by strengthening its chamber music component. ECMA Next Step is a partnership programme that will aim to develop new content for the ECMA training programme in terms of curriculum, mobility, and recognition, as well as to further develop existing chamber music expertise. A special focus will be on the pedagogical knowledge and skills of chamber music instructors in the interest of strengthening chamber music’s position in regular training programmes. It also intends to establish a new organizational structure for ECMA in the form of a joint European Master’s Programme for Chamber Music, which will make ECMA a more sustainable effort in the context of the opportunities offered by the Bologna process and the Erasmus+ programme. The programme outcomes will include a new ECMA teaching and learning manual on chamber music, the aforementioned master’s programme, and a project evaluation. The ECMA Next Step application was submitted in 2015 and was granted funding in the amount of EUR 398,789 from the Erasmus+ programme. The project period will be from 1 September 2015 to 1 September 2018. Chamber music training is increasingly becoming a crucial component of performance degree curricula in higher music education institutions all over the world because of the shift from permanent forms of employment with fixed contracts to employment situations where musicians are work freelance and combine different professional activities in the form of portfolio careers. Opportunities in the traditional areas of employment such as orchestras and opera houses are growing scarcer, while chamber music is experiencing a heightened degree of significance on the international concert stage. In the 21st century, chamber music is also increasingly being viewed as a vital pedagogical tool for the training of broadly applicable skills important for the musician in the 21st century. In chamber music, things like teamwork, peerlearning, and reflective practicing are essential basic principles, and mastering the associated skills will support musicians in preparing themselves to be reflective practitioners in their future portfolio careers. While the response of music-centred institutions of higher education to these new realities has been slow, the ECMA consortium views chamber music as an ideal tool with which to modernize present-day higher education in classical music. By adapting their curricula, these institutions can make the necessary adjustments. This requires the further development of an elite training programme that can gather the most talented people and the most advanced methods and knowledge in the interest of supporting a European chamber music scene of the highest possible quality. Strong chamber music programmes based at institutions can play an important role in the mainstreaming of chamber music and its artistic and pedagogical benefits to standard training programmes in music. Seven partners from institutions of higher music education in Vienna, Oslo, The Hague, Vilnius, Paris, Manchester, and Fiesole, as well as the two festivals of Grafenegg and Prades, are cooperating to create the best possible tools for chamber music education today and to secure the greatest possible effort in the field of classical music education. 8 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 9 ECMA – Educational Program Patrons ECMA – Educational Program Patrons ECMA ensembles selected by audition are entitled to participate in ECMA sessions. These sessions offer chamber music coaching by renowned musicians plus relevant lectures, seminars and excursions that are compulsory. Shmuel Ashkenasi Elena Bashkirova Pierre Boulez † Furthermore, ensembles are given the opportunity to present themselves to a wider public through concerts, performances and recordings. Bruno Canino Piero Farulli † ECMA’s ongoing training cycle covers a period of two years, with seven to eight sessions per year. David Geringas In contrast to the attendance of single master classes, regular participation in as many ECMA sessions as possible assures young ensembles a continuity of high-profile coaching by well-established tutors and combines interpretational work with impulses from the academic realm. Heinz Holliger Bruno Giuranna Seppo Kimanen Gidon Kremer Oleg Maisenberg Each session takes place at an ECMA partner institution or at a partner festival. Participation is free of charge for ECMA ensembles. Costs arising in connection with travel and lodging are usually covered by the ensembles themselves. Arto Noras Eiji Oue Krzysztof Penderecki Heinrich Schiff Salvatore Sciarrino Milan Škampa © Gerard Spee Christian Tetzlaff 10 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 11 PARTNERSHIPS PARTNERSHIPS, 2015/16 MEMBERS 6 5 9 1 AUSTRIA Vienna – mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst 2 AUSTRIA Grafenegg – Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. 3 FRANCEParis – Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris 4 ITALY Fiesole – Scuola di Musica di Fiesole – Fondazione Onlus 5 LITHUANIA Vilnius – Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija 6 NORWAYOslo – Norges musikkhøgskole 7 SWITZERLANDBern – Hochschule der Künste 8 THE NETHERLANDS The Hague – Koninklijk Conservatorium 9 UNITED KINGDOMManchester – Royal Northern College of Music COOPERATING PARTNERS 8 AUSTRIA Großraming – Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming AUSTRIAHorn – Allegro Vivo Kammermusik Festival 2 3 1 AUSTRIA Vienna – isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw FRANCE Prades – Festival Pablo Casals FRANCEParis – Centre de Musique de Chambre 7 ITALYRavenna – Ravenna Festival 4 UNITED KINGDOM London – Wigmore Hall UPCOMING COOPERATIONS PORTUGAL Harmos Festival Porto SPAIN Musethica GERMANY ISRAEL POLAND 12 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 13 partners partners grafenegg – AUSTRIA Address Joseph Haydn Institut für Kammermusik, Alte Musik und Neue Musik Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 1030 Vienna Address Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. Grafenegg 10 3485 Grafenegg Artistic Director Johannes Meissl OrganiSation Mara Földi T +43 1 711 55 3002 Jutta Kornfeld 14 European Chamber Music Academy © Udo Titz mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien – AUSTRIA Executive Director Paul A. Gessl ORGANISATION Magdalena Klamminger Grafenegg Campus T +43 2742 90 80 70-730 Verena Hager T +43 2742 90 80 70-726 European Chamber Music Academy 15 partners partners Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris – FRANCE Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Fondazione Onlus – ITALY Address Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris 209 Avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris Address Via delle Fontanelle, 24 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) Artistic director Bruno Mantovani OrganiSation Gretchen Amussen T + 33 1 40 40 45 79 F + 33 1 40 40 46 51 Artistic director Antonello Farulli OrganiSation Maria Grazia Martelli T +39 055 5978529 Head, Department of Classical & Contemporary Instrumental Disciplines Thierry Vaillant T +33 1 40 40 45 04 16 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 17 partners partners Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija – LITHUANIA Koninklijk Conservatorium/ Royal Conservatoire – NETHERLANDS Address Gedimino Pr. 42 LT-01110 Vilnius Address Juliana van Stolberglaan 12595 CA Den Haag VICE PRINCIPAL Martin Prchal Artistic Director Dalia Balsytė HEAD OF THE CLASSICAL MUSIC DEPARTMENT Wim Vos OrganiSation Rima Rimšaitė T +370 5 2124967 F +370 5 2120093 18 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 19 partners partners Norges Musikkhøgskole – NORWAY Hochschule der Künste Bern – SWITZERLAND Address Slemdalsveien 11 NO-0302 Oslo Address Papiermühlestrasse 13a 3000 Bern 22 Rector Peter Tornquist Artistic Director Are Sandbakken Artistic Director Patrick Jüdt OrganiSation Irène Noguchi-Bigler T +41 31 848 39 68 OrganiSation Ellen Haldar T +47 23 36 70 75 20 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 21 partners partners COOPERATING PARTNERS Europäisches Kulturforum GroSSraming – AUSTRIA In cooperation with the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna Royal Northern College of Music – UNITED KINGDOM Address 124 Oxford Road Manchester M13 9RD Artistic Director Jeremy Young OrganiSation Melanie Smith T +44 161 907 5463 Artistic Director Hatto Beyerle OrganiSation Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming Dir. Siegfried Schörkhuber Festival Pablo Casals – FRANCE Address BP. 24 F 66502 Prades Cedex Artistic Director Michel Lethiec OrganiSation Sonia Ritlewski 22 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 23 STATEMENTS about ECMA I STATEMENTS about ECMA I The incredibly talented chamber musicians who gather around ECMA are, in their spirit of enquiry and their determination to go on learning and growing, a pleasure to teach and a credit to the music profession. Surely there are few other fields which can boast such a combination of accomplishment and open-mindedness in their young professionals. Susan Tomes ECMA a însemnat una din cele mai importante etape pentru dezvoltarea noastră ca ansamblu, și mai mult decât atât, a fost și este ca o familie pentru noi. ECMA este locul unde am învăţat ce înseamnă muzica de cameră în toate aspectele ei profunde, alături de personalităţi marcante ale vieţii muzicale internaţionale. Arcadia Quartet Avoir vécu l’expérience ECMA, c’est avoir vécu une aventure humaine et artistique qui a façonné et soudé notre trio d’une manière déterminante, et qui marquera toute notre vie de musicien. Trio Atanassov The Paris Conservatoire's participation in ECMA has provided an invaluable European dimension to our chamber music program, one which has had a transformative effect on participating trios and quartets. Transformative in that it has enabled these musicians to develop their international professional networks and, thanks to the exceptional musicians involved and the breadth of the artistic and contextual approaches specific to different regions of Europe, to enhance and indeed grow a "European" musical discourse whilst forging their own musical identities. In Paris, we have sought to showcase both French repertoire and music-making with the specificities of Conservatoire training as well as inte grating the city's vast cultural resources - the re-opening of the Picasso Museum, for example. Bruno Mantovani, director of the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris ECMA is THE chamber music program! We learned more about the repertoire and about music there, and we met incredible and enthusiastic teachers. Many thanks for everything! Trio Chausson Ecma è la casa per Giovani Quartetti Quarteto di Cremona Thanks to its mentors, ECMA possesses the power to motivate each and every ensemble on a highly individual level, with every course exciting and every new piece of information a discovery. It’s an adventure in living through music, inspiring us to improve ourselves as musicians. Giocoso String Quartet Die Arbeit mit den großartigen Musikern bei der ECMA hat uns im Kopf viele Türen geöffnet, uns neue Wege für unsere Interpretation gezeigt und uns immer wieder zu Diskussionen und zur Reflexion über unser Spiel angeregt. Die Gemeinschaft mit den anderen Ensembles, die sich für denselben musikalischen Weg entschieden haben, war schön zu erleben, und dies hat uns in unserer Entscheidung für die Kammermusik immer wieder bestärkt und bestätigt. Es war eine spannende Zeit, von der wir noch immer profitieren! Boulanger Trio 24 European Chamber Music Academy It is very important for me to be part of this fantastic teaching experience, focused on how to transfer a wonderful musical language made of beauty on how to purity, and share it with the most promising musicians. Miguel da Silva © Gerard Spee Bez European Chamber Music Academy z pewnością nie bylibyśmy w miejscu, w którym obecnie się znajdujemy. Szczególnie intensywna współpraca z Johannesem Meisslem i Hatto Beyerle pomogła nam zbudować solidne podstawy kwartetu i miała istotny wpływ na obecny charakter zespołu. Apollon Musagète Quartet ECMA is where we developed our ability to speak in music. Galatea Quartet For the teachers and students at the academy in Oslo, it is a great inspiration to be a member of ECMA. It enables us to connect with the best of European traditions in a wonderful way. Are Sandbakken, Norges Musikkhøgskole European Chamber Music Academy 25 ensembles ECMA ENSEMBLES Acros Trio Venezuela/Germany/Ecuador Arcis Saxophon Quartett Germany/Slovenia Boccherini Trio Australia/Belgium/Italy Darian Trio France/Australia/Japan Quatuor Hanson Japan/UK/France Stefan Zweig Trio Japan/France/Bulgaria © Nancy Horowitz Quatuor Akilone France © Diar Nedamaldeen Mettis String Quartet Lithuania Acros Trio Stratos Quartet Austria/Japan/Czech Republic Boccherini trio Arcis Saxophon Quartett Mettis Quartet ECMA Aspirant-ENSEMBLES © Boccherin Trio Metral France Amatis Trio Germany/UK/Netherlands Darian trio Delta Piano Trio Netherlands Equalis Quartet Hungary/Poland 26 European Chamber Music Academy © lukas beck Trio Vitruvi Denmark/Switzerland/Australia © Martin Wimmer Orbis String Quartet Germany European Chamber Music Academy 27 alumni ECMA ALUMNI Apollon Musagète Quartet Poland – Arcadia Quartet Romania – Berlin Piano Trio (former Berolina Trio) Poland/Germany – Boulanger Trio Germany – Cuarteto Quiroga Spain – Galatea Quartet Switzerland – Giocoso String Quartet Germany/Romania/Netherlands – Kamus Quartet Finland – Quatuor Hanson Stratos Quartett Akilone Quartet Stefan Zweig Trio © Stratos Quartett © Elise de Bendelac Meta4 Finland – Minetti Quartet Austria – Pacific Quartet Vienna Japan/Hungary/Taiwan/Switzerland – Quartetto di Cremona Italy – Quatuor Girard France – Quatuor Zaïde France – Streeton Trio Australia – Trio Atanassov France – © nancy horowitz Trio Chausson France – Trio FortVio Lithuania – Trio Imàge Germany – Trio Gaspard Albania-Greece/Germany/UK – © Natacha Colmez Trio Karénine France – 28 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 29 GUEST ENSEMBLES, 2015 GUEST ENSEMBLES, 2015/16 Manchester, 2015 Trio Egmont Belgium/France/Italy/Japan, guests Solem Quartet UK-Belgium/France/Italy/Japan, nominated by the RNCM Oslo, 2015 Munich Artis Trio Germany/Slovenia/Ukraine, guests Aluna Quartet Switzerland, nominated by the Hochschule der Künste Bern Quartetto Testosterone Norway, nominated by the Norges musikkhøgskole Grafenegg/Vienna, 2015 Piatti Quartet UK, guests Quartetto Guadagnini Italy, guests Quasi Trio Czech Republic, guests Sedlacek Quartet Czech Republic, guests Fiesole, 2015 Quartetto Taag Italy, nominated by the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Fondazione Onlus Quartetto Trella Italy, guests Quartetto Testosterone Norway, nominated by the Norges musikkhøgskole Vilnius, 2015 Trio Claviola Lithuania, nominated by the Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija Quartet Furiant Germany, guests BERN, 2016 Aluna Quartet Switzerland, nominated by the Hochschule der Künste Bern MANCHESTER, 2016 Diverso Quartet UK/Poland, nominated by the RNCM Gildas Quartet UK, nominated by the RNCM Sonus Saxophone Quartet Austria/Croatia/Slovenia, nominated by the mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien OSLO, 2016 Sonus Saxophone Quartet Austria/Croatia/Slovenia, nominated by the mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien Quatuor Tchalik France, guests 30 European Chamber Music Academy AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ASSOCIATED ENSEMBLE ECMA Aspirants Quartetto Lyskamm Borletti-Buitoni Trust, Special Chamber Music Prize in honour of Claudio Abbado, 2016, IT 1st Prize International Vittorio Rimbotti Competition, Fiesole 2014, IT AMATIS PIANO TRIO 2nd Prize International Joseph Joachim Chamber Music Competition 2016, DE 1st Prize Parkhouse Award, Wigmore Hall, London 2015, UK Dutch Classical Talent 2015/16, NL Audience Prize Grachtenfestival Concours 2014, NL NOMINATED ENSEMBLES FROM PARTNER INSTITUTIONS Delta Piano Trio 1st Prize 7th International S. Vainiunas Chamber Music Competition, Vilnius 2014, LT 1st Prize Salieri-Zinetti International Chamber Music Competition, Verona 2014, IT 1st Prize Orlando Competition (Prix Charles Hennen), Kerkrade 2015, NL 2nd Prize International Gianni Bergamo Classical Music Award, Lugano 2015, CH © Marco Borggreve Trio Trikolon nominated by the mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst 1st Prize Svirél International Music Competition 2015, SLO 1st Prize “I Reino del Aneto” International Chamber Music Competition 2015, ES 3rd Prize Malta International Music Competition 2015, MT Finalist Gianni Bergamo Classical Music Award 2015, CH Bank Austria Art Award 2015, AT 32 European Chamber Music Academy AMATIS PIANO TRIO Delta Piano Trio Orbis String Quartet 1st Prize & Special Award International Beethoven Chamber Music Competition 2015, PL 2nd Prize 21st International Johannes Brahms Competition, Pörtschach 2014, AT Trio Vitruvi 1st Prize & Audience Prize Danish Radio P2 Chamber Music Competition 2014, DK 1st Prize Jurmala International Music Competition 2014, LV Equalis Quartet Trio Vitruvi © Gerard Spee Sonus Saxophone Quartet nominated by the mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst 1st Prize International Alpe Adria Chamber Music Competition 2016, IT Award Svirél International Music Competition 2013, SLO Musica Juventutis 2014, AT Josef Windisch Chamber Music Prize mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 2014, AT 1st Prize Chamber Music Competition, Illzach, ADMC 2015, FR Orbis String Quartet European Chamber Music Academy 33 AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ECMA ENSEMBLES ACROS Trio Josef Windisch Chamber Music Prize mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 2013, AT Arcis Saxophon Quartett 1st Prize 4th International Gaidamovich Contest – of Chamber Ensemble Performance, Magnitogorsk 2015, RUS 2nd Prize Chamber Music Competition of the Alice Samter Foundation Berlin 2014, DE 1st Prize and Audience Prize Musikwettbewerb des Kulturkreises Gasteig e.V. Munich 2013, DE 1st Prize International Music Competition “Pietro Argento” 2013, IT 1st Prize First Classical Music International Internet-Festival “Chance Music” Moscow 2013, RUS 3rd Prize 13th Chieri International Competition 2013, IT Hanson Quartet 3rd Prize and Audience Prize, 11th Lyon International Chamber Music Competition, String Quartets 2015, FR 2nd Prize Concours européen de Musique d'ensemble de la FNAPEC, Bourse de l'Académie des Beaux Arts, Paris, 2014, FR Mettis String Quartet 1st Prize and Special Award XII International Lithuanian Chamber Music Performance Competition 2012, LT isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2012 & 2014, AT Stefan Zweig Trio 1st Prize & Audience Prize 6th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2015, AT STRATOS QUARTETT 1st Prize and Special Award “Patrizia Cerutti Bresso” – International Chamber Music Competition Città di Pinerolo e Torino – Città Metropolitana 2016, IT 1st Prize and Special Award 20th International Johannes Brahms Competition, Pörtschach 2013, AT Josef Windisch Chamber Music Prize mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 2013, AT 34 European Chamber Music Academy AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ALUMNI-ENSEMBLES Apollon Musagète Quartet BBC New Generation Artist 2012–2014, UK Echo Rising Star Artists 2010/2011, BE 1st Prize and 3 Special Awards ARD International Music Competition 2008, Munich, DE 1st Prize V. E. Rimbotti Competition, Fiesole 2008, IT Josef Windisch Chamber Music Prize mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 2008, AT Special Award International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2007, AT isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2007, AT Arcadia Quartet Winners, “1000 fans challenge”, Hello Stage 1st Prize Osaka International Chamber Music Competition & Festa 2014, Japan 1st Prize, Esterházy Foundation Prize and Beethoven Prize Wigmore Hall London International String Quartet Competition 2012, UK Winners International Chamber Music Competition Almere 2011, NL 1st Prize, Brahms Prize, Mendelssohn Prize Hamburg International Chamber Music Competition 2009, DE 2nd Prize “Gianni Bergamo” Classical Music Award 2009, CH isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2012 & 2009, AT Haydn Prize, Artis Prize isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2009, AT 1st Prize “Ferdinand Weiss” Chamber Music Competition 2007, RO 1st Prize “Mozart” Chamber Music Competition 2006, RO BERLIN PIANO TRIO 3rd Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition Vienna 2009, AT Audience Award, donated by the Esterhazy Foundation International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2009, AT Prix Marguerite Dütschler 2009, CH 1st Prize and Grand Prix Cracow International Contemporary Music Competition (formerly the PENDERECKI Competition) 2007, PL 1st Prize and Audience Prize European Chamber Music Competition Karlsruhe 2007, DE 36 European Chamber Music Academy AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Boulanger Trio Supersonic Award Pizzicato magazine in Luxembourg, 2014, for Beethoven CD, LU Supersonic Award Pizzicato magazine in Luxembourg, 2012, for Shostakovich-Vasks CD, LU Winner of the Swiss radio broadcast “Diskothek” on DRS2 with its recording of the trio byClara Schumann, 2012, CH Excellentia Award Pizzicato magazine in Luxembourg, 2012, for Brahms-Liszt-Schoenberg CD, LU Annemarie and Hermann Rauhe Prize 2008, DE 2nd Prize Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition 2007, NO Cuarteto Quiroga Quartet-in-Residence of the Palatine Decorated Stradivarius Collection at Madrid’s Royal Palace 2014, SP Best Classical Music CD of 2012 for their CD Statements (Cobra Records), awarded by the Independent Producers Association of Spain (UFI), ES 3rd Prize Beijing International Chamber Music Competition 2011, CN Special Award Premio Paolo Borciani 2008, IT 2nd Prize Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition 2007, FR Grand Prix de la Presse Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition 2007, FR Spanish National Radio Culture Prize awarded in 2007 by Spanish Radio (RNE-OjoCritico), ES Special Award Geneva International Music Competition 2006, CH 1st Prize & Gold Medal Palau Competition Barcelona 2006, ES Galatea Quartet Special Award Canton of Zurich, 2013, CH Echo Klassik 2012, DE 1st Prize V. E. Rimbotti Competition, Fiesole 2010, IT Special Prize Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition 2010, FR 3rd Prize Osaka International Chamber Music Competition 2008, JP 1st Prize Migros Chamber Music Competition 2007, CH 3rd Prize and Audience Award Geneva International Music Competition 2006, CH GIOCOSO STRING QUARTET 2nd Prize Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition 2015, AU “Peter Druce” Audience Award & “Musica Viva Australia” Award Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition 2015, AU EconGas Prize isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2012, AT HSBC-Laureates Festival d´Aix-en-Provence 2012, FR Josef Windisch Chamber Music Prize mdw – University of Music an Performing Arts Vienna 2012, AT isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2011 & 2012, AT 3rd Prize Charles Hennen International Chamber Music Competition 2009, NL 37 AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Kamus Quartet Recording of the Year 2015 with CD Different Voices – Quartets by Sibelius, Tiensuu and Kaipainen / awarded by the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, FL 3rd Prize & Special Prize for the best performance of the contemporary piece, Kuhmo International Chamber Music Competition 2004, FI Meta4 Special Prize in recognition of their contribution to Finnishe culture, donated by the Fund of Jenny and Antti Wihuri, 2013, FI Record of the Year 2012 Shostakovich: String Quartets Nos. 3, 4 & 7 / awarded by the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, FI Emma Prize (the Finnish Grammy) in the category “Classical Album of the Year” 2012", FI Echo Klassik 2010, DE BBC Young Generation Artist, 2008–10, UK 1st Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2007, AT 1st Prize & Special Prize for the best Shostakovich, Shostakovich International Quartet Competition, Moscow 2004, RU Minetti Quartet Pasticcio Preis Ö1 2013, AT 1st Prize International V. E. Rimbotti Competition, Fiesolee 2007, IT 2nd Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2007, AT isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2007, AT Special Prize for the best Haydn, International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2007, AT 2nd Prize Franz Schubert and Modern Music – Competition, Graz 2006, AT Special Award for Contemporary Music Franz Schubert and Modern Music – Competition, Graz 2006, AT HSBC-Laureates Festival d’Aix-en-Provence 2006, FR Paul Klee Trio 1st Prize Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition 2011, NO 3rd Prize Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition 2011, AU Audience Award Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition 2011, AU PACIFIC QUARTET VIENNA August Pickhardt Price 2016, CH 1st Prize 6th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Audience Prize & Special Prize for the best Haydn, 6th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2015, AT 1st Prize VIII International Marco Fiorindo Chamber Music Competition 2008, IT 38 European Chamber Music Academy AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Quartetto di Cremona Artist in Residence Società del Quartetto, Milano, IT Winner International Web Concert Hall Competition 2010, US Borletti Buitoni Trust Foundation Fellowship 2005, UK “Franco Gulli” International Chamber Music Prize 2004, IT 2nd Prize Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition 2003, AU 2nd Prize Vittorio GUI International Competition, Florence 2002, IT 1st Prize VII International String Quartet Competition, Cremona 2002, IT 2nd Prize (1st Prize not awarded), at the Charles Hennen International Chamber Music Competition, Holland 2001, NL Quatuor Girard 3rd Prize Geneva International Music Competition 2011, CH HSBC-Laureates Festival d´Aix-en-Provence 2010, FR Grand Prix Académie Maurice Ravel, Saint-Jean-de-Luz 2010, FR Quatuor Zaïde Special Award ARD International Music Competition 2012, Munich, DE Artis Quartet Award, Viennese Classicism Award isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2012, AT 1st Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2012, AT Special Prizes International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2012, AT 1st Prize Beijing International Chamber Music Competition 2011, CN Special Prize Beijing International Chamber Music Competition 2011, CN 1st Prize Charles Hennen International Chamber Music Competition 2010, NL Press Prize Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition 2010, FR 3rd Prize Banff International String Quartet Competition 2010, CA Streeton Trio 1st Prize Musica Viva Chamber Music Award 2011, AU AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Trio Atanassov 2nd Prize (1st Prize not awarded), Franz Schubert and Modern Music Competition, Graz 2015, AT Special Prize for the comtemporary piece, Franz Schubert and Modern Music Competition, Graz 2015, AT 3rd Prize The 8th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition & Festa 2014, Japan 3rd Prize Internationaler Joseph Joachim Chamber Music Competition 2012, DE 3rd Prize Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition 2011, NO 1st Prize International Schumann Chamber Music Award Frankfurt 2010, DE 3rd Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition Vienna, 2009, AT Special Prize for the best Haydn, International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2009, AT isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2009, AT 3rd Prize Vibrarte International Music Competition, Paris 2008, FR Trio Chausson 1st Prize 4th International Joseph Joachim Chamber Music Competition 2005, DE Special Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2004, AT Trio FortVio Culture and Art Award of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 2014, LT GRAND PRIX International Master Competition for Music Teachers, Warsaw 2013, PL Laureates Golden Disc Award, Lithuanian Musicians’ Union 2009, LT 2nd Prize 3rd Taneev International Chamber Ensemble Competition 2008, RU Special Prize 3rd Taneev International Chamber Ensemble Competition 2008, RU 3rd Prize International Johannes Brahms Competition, Pörtschach 2006, AT isa Laureates isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2006, AT 1st Prize 5th International Stasys Vainiunas Piano and Chamber Ensemble Competition 2006, LT Trio Gaspard 1st Prize International Joseph Joachim Chamber Music Competition Weimar 2012, DE Special Award for the best interpretation of a contemporary piece, International Joseph Joachim Chamber Music Competition 2012, DE EconGas-Prize, Viennese Classicism Award isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw 2012, AT 1st Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2012, AT Special Prize International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2012, AT 1st Prize International Chamber Music Competition Illzach 2011, FR 40 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 41 AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ATTENDANCE LIST GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 2015 Trio Imàge Echo Klassik 2014, DE 2nd Prize Franz Schubert and Modern Music Competition, Graz 2006, AT Audience Award Franz Schubert and Modern Music Competition, Graz 2006, AT 7 December in Vienna Participants Trio Karénine NORDMETALL – Ensemble Prize Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festtival 2015, DE Awardees Fondation Oulmont 2014, FR 2nd Prize (1st prize not awarded), 62nd ARD International Music Competition in Munich 2013, DE Special Prizes, including the Prize for the Best Interpretation of the Commissioned Composition (Fazil Say: “Space Jump”), 62nd ARD International Music Competition Munich, 2013, DE Laureates Fondation Banque Populaire 2012, FR 1st Prize Charles Hennen International Chamber Music Competition 2012, NL Special Award International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, Vienna 2012, AT International Pro Musicis Prize 2011, FR Prix Rotary Club à l’Académie internationale Maurice Ravel 2010, FR Gretchen Amussen Paris Dalia Balsyte Vilnius Hatto Beyerle Vienna/Hannover Matteo Deichmann ECMA president Antonello Farulli Fiesole © stephan polzer Verena Hager Grafenegg Gerhard Hildenbrand Vienna/Basel Patrick Jüdt Bern Magdalena Klamminger Grafenegg Avedis Kouyoumdjian Vienna © stephan polzer Johannes Meissl Vienna Monika Mistlbachner Vienna Martin Prchal The Hague Rima Rimsaite Vilnius Ulrike Sych Vienna 42 European Chamber Music Academy © stephan polzer © Gerard Spee Peter Tornquist Oslo Wim Vos The Hague Jeremy Young Manchester European Chamber Music Academy 43 STATEMENTS about ECMA II STATEMENTS about ECMA II For us in Oslo, the opportunity to access the best impulses in European chamber music represents a great enrichment. And at our Oslo Sessions, it was important to us that the ECMA participants have a chance to experience the highlights of our Norwegian cultural history. In the midst of our session venue’s beautiful natural surroundings, we visited art museums and listened to folk music, with the participants also dancing folk dances themselves. Norges musikkhøgskole Without ECMA, our group wouldn’t exist as we do today. It enormously helped our musicality, and it also helped us in learning the language and finding music’s secret beauty. 에크마 없이는 지금 우리의 그룹이 현재처럼 존재하지 않을 것입니다. Trio Gaspard For us, ECMA is one of the greatest sources of inspiration. It offers us everything we need to develop: concert appearances, intense musical work with great musical personalities, detailed work on quartet technique, and – thanks to the lectures – honing of our intellectual awareness. Pacific Quartet Vienna The European Chamber Music Academy offers what every young ensemble dreams of: regular training with the most accomplished mentors you can find anywhere in the world. Though their perspectives differ, they're united by a common impetus. This impetus is like oxygen for a young ensemble, and in an ECMA session, young ensembles and incredible pedagogues breath the same air. Indeed, one of the unique features of ECMA is the opportunity to really get to know the tutors: in a very convivial atmosphere, we can prolong the lessons with talks around a glass at Café Schwarzenberg in Vienna or share opinions on a musical subject after a lecture... All this is very stimulating. In a nutshell, ECMA is a true musician’s music course! L’ ECMA, une fête de la conscience musicale! Trio Karénine ECMA is much more than an extraordinary chamber music academy with the best tutors and the most stimulating young European ensembles: it goes beyond professional training to link music, philosophy and language in a unique way that seeks to apprehend the heart of our European culture via Soctratic-style teaching and critical thinking. CUARTETO QUIROGA ECMA has truly been a blessing for us. Streeton Trio Ever since we first heard of ECMA, it was our dream to become a member. ECMA allows you not only to expand your horizons in terms of musical perception, but also to enhance your communication skills and didactic knowledge while having a chance to immerse yourself in the cultures of other countries. For our lives and our career together, we view ECMA as being of inestimeable value, and we’re very glad that we can be part of it. Piano trio FortVio ECMA war für uns ein wunderbarer und unvergesslicher, auch intensiver Abschnitt in unseren Quartettanfängen! Die ersten Begegnungen und Unterrichtsstunden mit Legenden der Musikgeschichte wie Norbert Brainin-Amadeus Quartett, Milan Skampa-Smetana Quartett und großen Persönlichkeiten des aktuellen Konzertgeschehens waren prägende, unvergessliche Momente für die wir sehr dankbar sind! Das Gemeinschaftsgefühl mit den vielen anderen ECMA-Gruppen, also Gleichgesinnten wurde in den Sessions vertieft. Die Vorträge, Workshops und gemeinsamen Konzerte motivierten zu Höchstleistungen. Sehr gut in Erinnerung sind uns vor allem Fiesole, Zürich, Großraming und Wien. Minetti Quartett 44 European Chamber Music Academy © Gerard Spee ECMAssa vietetyt vuodet valoivat Meta4:n kivijalan ja olivat ratkaisevat meidän koko olemassaololle. ECMA avasi meille suoran yhteyden jousikvartetin synnyinlähteille, on vaikea kuvitella inspiroivempaa opiskeluympäristöä nuorelle jousikvartetille. Meta4 European Chamber Music Academy 45 26 th International Summer Academy 10–28 August 2016 in austria 26 th International Summer Academy 14–28 August 2016 in Mürzzuschlag, Payerbach, Reichenau and Semmering drama drama © Lukas Beck © Lukas Beck Open Chamber Music International Laureates Young Stars isaFestival Instrumentalists Chamber Music Composers Contemporary Music Workshops Competition tutors tutors Tutors TUTORS 2015/16 Balsytė, Dalia piano – Vilnius Beyerle, Hatto viola – Großraming Farulli, Antonello viola – Fiesole Jüdt, Patrick viola – Bern Lethiec, Michel clarinet – Prades Mantovani, Bruno composer – Paris Meissl, Johannes violin – Vienna Sandbakken, Are viola – Oslo Young, Jeremy piano – Manchester Båtnes, Elise violin – Oslo Bertrand, Emmanuelle cello – Paris Beyerle, Hatto viola – Vienna/Hannover Bieler, Ida violin – Graz Bitlloch, Sara violin – Barcelona/London Carlsen, Morten violin – Oslo Cropper, Peter † violin – Manchester Farulli, Antonello viola – Fiesole Jüdt, Patrick viola – Bern Kouyoumdjian, Avedis piano – Vienna Lethiec, Michel clarinet – Prades/Paris Lundberg, Per Anders piano – Oslo Meissl, Johannes violin – Vienna Miguel Da Silva viola – Paris/Geneva Mommertz, Dirk violin – Munich Nannoni, Andrea cello – Fiesole Pernoo, Jérôme cello – Paris Phillips-Varjabédian, Jean-Marc violin – Paris Plagge, Wolfgang piano – Oslo Prause, Petr cello – Manchester Richter, Christoph cello – Essen/London Sandbakken, Are viola – Oslo Schlichtig, Hariolf viola – Munich Schuster, Claus-Christian piano – Vienna Tait, Alasdair cello – London Tomes, Susan piano – London Young, Jeremy piano – Manchester © Gerard Spee Artistic Management – Sessions 48 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 49 tutors LECTURERS Lecturers presenting scholarly input and content from special musicological fields are invited in accordance with each session’s thematic focus, which is proposed by the hosting partner. Ališauskas, Egidijus musician – Vilnius Aspaas, Tor Espen pianist – Oslo Baltakis, Stasys filmmaker – Vilnius Boukobza, Jean-François musicologist – Paris Bružaitė, Aistė musician – Vilnius Bürger, Angela director – Bern Budde, Elmar musicologist – Berlin Cacciari, Massimo philosopher – Fiesole Cappelletto, Sandro music critic – Fiesole Cardas, Berit violinist – Oslo Egidijus, Ališauskas musician and conductor – Vilnius Gagel, Reinhard improviser, researcher – Berlin Givone, Sergio philosopher – Fiesole Glanz, Christian musicologist – Vienna Glaser, Liv fortepiano – Oslo Greenhead, Karin Dalcroze teacher – London Haslmayr, Harald art historian – Graz Joo, Hyung-ki pianist, composer, comedian – Vienna Junod, Jérôme director – Vienna Kraggerud, Henning violinist – Oslo Lemke-Matwey, Christine journalist – Hamburg/Munich Navickaitė-Martinelli, Lina musicologist – Vilnius Player, Steven dancer, actor, choreographer – Fiesole Skurvydaitė, Loreta historian – Vilnius Svarstad, Elizabeth dance instructor – Oslo Szabó-Knotik, Cornelia musicologist – Vienna Williamon, Aaron performance scientist – London Wilson, Elizabeth author, cellist – Fiesole 50 European Chamber Music Academy tutors CD Releases, 2015 CD Releases, 2015 COMPOSERS © Gerard Spee Dick, Leo composer Harenberg, Michael scientiest media scholar, composer Kurtág, György composer Kruse, Bjørn composer, painter Meixner, Michael composer Ofenbauer, Christian composer Plagge, Wolfgang composer, pianist Sciarrino, Salvatore composer Stroppa, Marco composer Thommessen, Olav Anton composer Urbaitis, Mindaugas composer Vacchi, Fabio composer Weissberg, Daniel composer 52 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 53 obituary – peter cropper It has been a severe shock for us to learn that our friend and colleague Peter Cropper was unexpectedly summoned away from this world. With his musicality, esprit, knowledge, and formidable arsenal of experience, he was a figure of central importance among our teachers. He was admired and loved by everyone – not just as a great musician, but also for being the person who he was. His passion for music and for teaching music to young musicians was every bit as legendary as was his constantly open and direct manner, both in the musical world and among his friends. He hated any and all sorts of tactical manoeuvring. His could occasionally come across as brusque, but what he said was unfailingly characterised by clarity and honesty. And at his core, he was an unbelievably sensitive, refined human being and musician, a jewel in our world. “Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil!” seemed to be his motto in life. And what’s more, he was a man of genuine modesty, a quality that – these days – has become rather rare. He was a person whom one simply had to love for his clear forthrightness and for the warmth of his humanity. All of us are deeply saddened by Peter Cropper’s passing! The European Chamber Music Academy 54 European Chamber Music Academy European Chamber Music Academy 55 events events UPCOMING SCHEDULED Events Austria – Vienna/Grafenegg 2015* Grafenegg KulturbetriebsgmbH 15 May – 22 May 2016 Session and festival Italy – Fiesole 2015 Scuola di Musica di Fiesole – Fondazione Onlus 24 July – 31 July 2016 Session Lithuania – Vilnius 2015 Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre 28 September – 3 October 2016 Session Austria – GroSSraming 2015 * France – Paris 2016 Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris 26 October – 1 November 2016 Session Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming 4 September – 10 September 2016 Session and festival SWITZERLAND – BERN 2016 United Kingdom – London 2017 Wigmore Hall London 26 – 28 January 2017 Showcase United Kingdom – Manchester 2017 Royal Northern College of Music 06 March – 11 March 2017 Session Norway – Oslo 2017 Norges musikkhøgskole 19 April – 25 April 2017 Session Austria – Vienna/Grafenegg 2017* Grafenegg KulturbetriebsgmbH 07 May 2017 – 14 May 2017 Session and festival Italy – Fiesole 2017 Scuola di Musica di Fiesole – Fondazione Onlus 02 July 2017 – 09 July 2017 Session * in cooperation with the mdw – University of Music and Performing Vienna 56 European Chamber Music Academy © Gerard Spee Hochschule der Künste Bern 17 – 23 November 2016 Session European Chamber Music Academy 57 the Association the Association ECMA – THE Association ECMA is organised as a nonprofit association registered under to Austrian law. ECMA partners are acknowledged either as Partner Institutions or Extraordinary Members. Name ECMA – European Chamber Music Academy (Association for the Promotion of European Chamber Music) Johannes Meissl Executive Committee President Mathias Deichmann Artistic Director Hatto Beyerle Artistic Director Johannes Meissl Finance CommitteeAvedis Kouyoumdjian ManagementMonika Mistlbachner Advisor Gerhard Hildenbrand Hatto Beyerle Account Details Name ECMA-Europ. Chamber Music Academy BankBank Austria UniCredit Group IBAN AT85 1200 0506 6200 8363 BIC BKAUATWW 58 European Chamber Music Academy © D. Matvejevas, Dmitrij Matvejev (4), Gerard Spee Design: renner graphic design ECMA Coordination Monika Mistlbachner ECMA – European Chamber Music Academy c/o mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 1030 Vienna, AUSTRIA or Monika Mistlbachner Mathias Deichmann Avedis Kouyoumdjian European Chamber Music Academy 59