the tidings - Monte Vista Grove Homes


the tidings - Monte Vista Grove Homes
March 2015
(626) 796-6135
“All the news that fits”
MARCH CONVOCATIONS Thursdays at 4:00 pm in Marwick
World Day of Prayer 2015 features The Bahamas, a small commonwealth nation
related to the U.K. Christian women from several denominations present this
program around the theme of Jesus' washing of the disciples’ feet, John 13: 1-17:
"Do you understand what I have done for you?" We gather with others around the
globe as we share the "radical love" of Jesus and celebrate the 97th year of World
Day of Prayer.
Our convocation speakers are a couple recently returned from living in North Africa.
They will share their story of daily life in the midst of a rapidly changing political and
economic scene. Don’t miss this unique program.
You won’t want to miss the introduction of four of our newest residents. Martin and
Pam Miller-Hessel, and Donn and Carol Moomaw will be interviewed. This event is
one of our most popular programs. Huw and Rachel Christopher will be introduced at
a later convocation.
Judy Huang, concert pianist and teacher, performs a classical repertoire. She is
regularly seen at Carnegie Hall and other venues and is on the faculty of the Orange
County High School of the Arts. Invite your friends to attend this special concert as
we welcome this talented artist.
2 MVGH Men’s Prayer Fellowship
When: Monday Mornings
9:00 am – 9:30 am
Where: The Hearth Lounge
(All MVGH men are welcome)
February Leaders:
2 – Dudley Woodberry
9 –Howard Den Hartog
16 – Bill Hansen
23 – Warren McClain
30 – Bill Craig
Come share this time for thanksgiving, intercession and fellowship
with one another as brothers in Christ.
For more information, contact Cecil Hoffman, Facilitator
MVGH Women’s Prayer Group
When: Wednesday Mornings
9:00 am – 9:30 am
Where: The Hearth Family Room
(All MVGH women are welcome)
We read the day’s passage from the Mission Yearbook of Prayer
and pray for our world, our MVGH family, our families and friends.
Both silent and spoken prayers are welcome.
For more information, contact Evelyn at (626) 316-1586.
Join us as we continue pray that the vast and varied continent of Africa, the first
Tuesday of each month in the Gamble Room at 1:00 p.m. Our next gathering will be Tuesday, March 3 in the Gamble Room at 1:00 p.m.
As we enter the season of Lent, help us to draw near to you in praise, O God, stripping
away all that distracts us from worship. As Jesus resisted temptation in the wilderness,
help us reflect on his faithfulness to you. May Lent be a time of inward searching that
makes us more able to look with compassion at the needs of the world. We pray as we
move towards the darkest day, that you'll not forsake us but remind us of our Savior's
ultimate gift and promise of new, abundant, eternal life for all who believe and trust in
him, your precious son, Jesus Christ our living Lord. Amen.
“We have learned the great lesson of praying with, rather than for, our sisters of other
races and nations,” wrote the women of Canada and the U.S. in 1928. For the last 90
years women around the world have joined together, united in prayer. Helen Kim of
Korea was the first woman outside of the United States to write the order of worship for
the World Day of Prayer in 1930. This year the women of the Bahamas wrote the World
Day of Prayer service.
The Bahamas, made up of 700 islands off the coast of Florida, are home to the
descendants of African slaves and free Africans, Seminoles and others. Since 1973 this
island nation has been an independent commonwealth related to the United Kingdom.
Learn more about the Bahamas at convocation on March 5. If you would like to support
the worldwide ecumenical work of common prayer and action, please make a check
payable to World Day of Prayer U.S.A. There will be a basket available to accept your
-- Jane Vásquez
On this day we remember women,
Women created by you Creator God.
We give thanks for women who have loved and nurtured us.
Nurture comes from you, nurturing God.
We give thanks for powerful women who have used their power for good:
to strike down slavery; to end the exploitation of children; to promote peace; to encourage
the powerless; to bring justice for their sisters and brothers.
You have promised the power of you Holy Spirit to those who love you, powerful God.
We remember with grief women who are suffering today:
women who are hungry and cannot afford food;
women who are poor and cannot support their children.
We remember with grief women with AIDS, women with cancer and other devastating
We lay our grief at your feet, grieving God.
And now we remember women living and dead, who have been important in our personal
lives. We name them in our hearts.
May this great cloud of witnesses strengthen us on our way.
W ritte n b y Pa t H offm a n fo r a Ma rch 1 99 2 se rvice a t Ch u rch o f th e Fo o thills , Ve ntu ra , C A
“New Year, New You”—that was the topic for the Grove’s first wellness workshop on
January 20. Lisa Rodriguez, Regional Manager for Therapy Specialists, provider of therapy
services at the Grove, introduced her team members: Ron Cervantes (Physical Therapy),
Jewell Mack (Physical Therapy Assistant), and Kim Yepez (Occupational Therapy
Assistant. Joelle Medina (Occupational Therapist) rounds out our new team.
“Adults over the age of 65 can benefit greatly from making healthy resolutions, particularly
those that can help prevent illness and injury,” Lisa said. She suggested five areas for our
2015 resolutions:
Exercise or start a new physical activity. If in doubt as to what’s good for you,
Ron, our physical therapist, can do a complementary screening for you.
Eat regular nourishing meals. If you increase your level of exercise, you can
benefit from nutritious snacks and more fluid intake.
Create a safe home. Lisa surprised us with the statistic that 1 in 3 adults over the
age of 65 falls each year. The good news is that most falls are preventable.
Engage your mind. There are techniques to keep your brain fit. Therapy Specialists,
can provide you with a program to improve your mental sharpness, including one for
Become more social. Lisa challenged us: “If you are making resolutions to reinvent yourself this year, be sure to share the new you!”
Schedule regular checkups. If your MD recommends a rehab program for you, the
therapists at the Grove will work closely with your doctor as they assist you.
Lisa then provided four stations where we could test our balance, flexibility, walking gait,
and strength to stand from a seated position.
Betsey Burgess echoed the sentiments of the 25 of us who attended: “I thought at first that
it would just be old hat—things I already knew. To my surprise I learned a lot. I tried all the
tests and now realize that I need to work on my balance.”
Lisa and her team are now preparing for the next topic recommended by the Wellness
Committee—Dementia. Note the date—Tuesday, March 17, 10:15-11:00 am in Marwick Place.
Come join us for another informative and helpful presentation.
-- Norm Thomas
Are you sure you should be driving……..
Do you ever worry that your reaction time might not be what it used to be?
Perhaps you have “forgotten” some of the “rules of the road”….
Then this course is for you! AARP is offering a Smart Driver Course Monday, March 9th at
8:30am and Tuesday, March 10th at 8:30am, in nearby Temple City (only 4.5 miles away).
If you are interested, please call 626-579-0461 for more information. If a group is interested,
MVGH will provide free transportation.
In 1987 Congress declared March Women’s History Month in an effort to highlight and
honor women’s contributions in society. March was selected because, since 1911, March 8
has been observed as International Women’s Day in the United States and Europe.
I’d like to challenge us during March to include in our table conversations something we’ve
learned about particular women’s contributions. If you want ideas you can go to,
the National Women’s History Museum website. We might also share stories of our own
family members.
-- Pat Hoffman
We have been working hard to change all the artwork in the Hearth Center during February.
We feel it is important for shut-in residents to have different, attractive things to look at from
time to time. Our own Monte Vista Grove residents did most of the paintings. Some were
donated. Mae Douglas, a long time friend of MVGH, former Trustee and later Hearth
resident, died in our Health Center not long ago. She donated several outstanding paintings
that are now in the Health Center.
Be sure to look at the new paintings the next time you are in the Health Center.
-- Joan Stackhouse and Jean Woo
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
-- C. S. Lewis
There are many wonderful books in the Religion section (200) of
our library in the far southeast corner of the Gamble Room. They
would make excellent Lenten reading. Also, to the left of that area
is a section labeled “Red Dot.” These are books written by Monte
Vista Grove authors and also contain excellent inspirational
reading. Finally, behind the cabinet doors, under the front
windows are several commentaries for biblical study. We hope
this information helps in your devotional reading.
-- Joan Stackhouse, Librarian
As solo pastor you turn on the lights, the heat, or the A/C, move the chairs, put up the tables
and then reverse all that you did after everyone else has gone home from Sunday service.
Checking everything once more before the service begins with the introit, played by the
clerk of session’s great-grandmother (an institution for many years) you confess your sins,
give the assurance of pardon and invite the “Good Housekeeping” model parents,
grandparents, friends of the family some of whom have never sung the opening hymn in
their lives to come forward and have “baby of the year” baptized.
You’re way ahead of me aren’t you?
No water in the baptismal font!
Has this ever happened to you? Do you have stories to share?
Let me know for future Tidings.
Don Maddox
Monte Vista Grove Homes 2015 Events
Volunteer Appreciation Week: April 13-17th
Possible Cornerstone Society Event April 23rd
Annual Pancake Breakfast: Saturday, May 2nd
Monte Vista MUSINGS: Norm Thomas
Monday, May 11th from 6-7:30pm in Marwick Place
Annual Fall Sale: Saturday, October 3rd
5th Annual Gala: Saturday, November 14th at Descanso Gardens in La Canada
Honoring: The Gamble Family, Dr. Dawn Malcolm (former Board member), Trinity
Presbyterian Church in Pasadena
2015 Year to Date Actual: $56,308.05
% Reached of our Goal: 9%
*Excluding the Memory Care & Wellness Campaign, only Annual Giving. A separate
campaign report to come later.
Foundations + Organizations 8% Events Auxiliary 1% 5% Churches 5% 2014 Giving Board of Trustees 1% Staff 1% Individuals 8% Residents 71% 2014 Year to Date Actual: $1,492,344.23
% Reached of our Goal: 144.61%
*Excluding Bequests 102.91%
8 Ask the Executive Director…
Questions are accepted in any format: in writing (signed or unsigned), email
(, voicemail (626-796-6135 ext. 415), or just in passing…
about a fellow resident’s safety and quality
of life. Friends and neighbors often see
signs that the individual themselves has yet
to realize. It is also natural to feel
uncomfortable watching someone they care
about struggle with everyday tasks. The
hard part is giving the struggling resident the
space to come to the realization that they
need additional assistance, either in the
home or by moving to another level of care.
Other residents are pressuring me to
move to the Hearth – am I required to?
This question really involves two issues:
(1) peer pressure out of concern for your
care and safety, and (2) at what point does
MVGH policy require residents to move to the
Hearth. I will answer the latter question first.
The qualifications for remaining in
Independent Living center around whether
or not a resident is able to self-manage, or
with additional resources, manage their
activities of daily living, safely and
appropriately. There is not a hard and fast
rule about moving to the Hearth at any
magical age or stage of life. The Hearth only
has 16 rooms so it is obviously not meant to
be the answer for everyone. Each person
ages differently and the type of support
needed varies from individual to individual.
Other residents may also be doing too
much. What starts out as caring friendship
and Christian love, can easily extend
beyond one’s own capabilities and become
a burden. This can happen without realizing
that a line has been crossed. I encourage all
residents to be clear on what they are
personally able to do in terms of supporting
someone else. Have clear boundaries and
lovingly let the other resident know when
their requests for assistance begin to extend
beyond your own personal capacity.
Encourage the resident in need to contact
Administration or the Health Center so that
an assessment can be done. Perhaps there
are some easy things that can be suggested
that take the burden off both parties.
MVGH encourages “aging in place” and
supports care in the home provided by an
outside caregiver in appropriate situations.
The basic criteria is that caregivers need to
be hired through an agency that conducts
background checks, provides training,
liability insurance, and some kind of
oversight. Caregivers cannot “live” with a
resident but there can be a night shift. Many
residents benefit greatly from a few hours at
a time, several days a week. Nancy Mandic,
Director of Resident Services, can help you
set up this kind of support with agencies that
have already been vetted by MVGH.
Ultimately, there is no hard and fast
blueprint for aging or transitioning from one
level of care to another. MVGH staff
consider each situation as unique and look
for creative solutions to what are sometimes
only temporary set backs or problems.
-- Deborah Herbert
The other issue of peer pressure and
concern from other residents often comes
from a place of being genuinely concerned
Task Force?
What is the role of a “Fundraising
Consultant” and why do we need one?
There are a total of 9 individuals,
3 resident/trustees, 3 trustees and 3 staff.
They are:
As the idea of building a Memory Care
Residence and enhanced Wellness Center
begins to become a reality, MVGH has had
to ascertain how much money needs to be
raised and then assess if we have enough
staff, with the needed skills, to accomplish
our goal in a reasonable amount of time.
When the preliminary cost estimates came
in at $5 million or more, we realized that this
was beyond the expertise and time of our
own staff. The consultants will provide the
infrastructure that is required to conduct a
timely and successful capital campaign.
Their guidance will be invaluable as we
tackle this exciting yet daunting project.
The costs of the consultants will be rolled
into the campaign.
Margy Wentz (Resident/Trustee)
Leon Fanniel (Resident/Trustee)
Joyce DeGraaff (Resident/Trustee)
Roy McManus (Board President)
Bob Hiller (Trustee)
Janet Wells (Trustee)
Deborah Herbert (Executive Director)
Kim Houser (Controller)
Nancy Mandic (Dir. of Res. Services)
How often does the Task Force Meet?
They will meet as needed. They will have
met twice by the end of February. The Task
Force reports directly to the Board of
Trustees. Their job is to review information
and make recommendations to the Board of
Trustees for approval. They will seek advice
from consultants as needed in the areas of
design, project management and
How will MVGH pay for this project?
Funding for these projects will come from a
variety of sources:
(1) The Board voted to sell the rental house
next door to MVGH.
(2) The Board voted to utilize some of
MVGH’s unrestricted investments,
cautiously and with the intent of
(3) Donors – individuals, churches,
foundations, etc.
Why did we select Gladys Bowen from
Shelter Architects for this project? We
feel the 4-plex was poorly designed.
Gladys Bowen was NOT with the architectural
firm that designed the 4-plex. Gladys did
work on our Master Plan in 2008 and knows
our campus and mission very well. She is
local and well-connected with the City of
Pasadena. She has considerable experience
in designing senior housing, in particular
memory care centers. Gladys has a heart
for MVGH and is excited about this project.
10 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Check your Grab n’ Go Bag so you will be ready! We might
have an emergency evacuation during a disaster, and every
person needs to take a few things along. Keep a backpack or
small suitcase ready to go:
Change of clothing (including a warm jacket)
Current medication
Light-weight blanket
Copies of important papers: photo ID, Social Security card, insurance card,
Vial for Life, Medical Power of Attorney, and Will, phone numbers (including
out-of-state contact).
ü Paper and pencil
ü Cash in small bills.
Update your Grab n’ Go Bag periodically so it’s ready when you need it. Our next Disaster
Drill is April 20 at 2:00 pm. Please put an “I’m OK” card in your window on that day.
-- Jane Vásquez
Thanks very much to all who have donated Christmas stamps for the Japanese Christian
Medical Society. We mailed almost three pounds of stamps!
Please continue to save all your stamps and either put them in our cubbie or in the manila
envelope on the bulletin board. They can use even nonprofit stamps and all our ordinary stamps.
JCMS sells the stamps to companies that sell to stamp collectors, and the proceeds provide
10% of their budget. Just trim them off the envelope with a quarter-inch border all around,
or just tear them off the envelope, and Mary Froede or I will trim them.
Thanks -- Judy Ballenger
The Kang family would like to express sincere thanks to many of MVGH residents for joining
us at Joe’s 70th birthday celebration and Joe and Hannah’s 46th anniversary on Monday,
February 16. We were deeply touched and overwhelmed by your lovely cards and
encouraging words. We are so grateful to be a part of this lovely community and surrounded
by many wonderful people of God.
Joe and Hannah Kang 11 THE SEASON OF LENT
Ash Wednesday, February 18, marked the beginning of Lent, a period of forty days plus six
Sundays prior to Easter. Lent is a reflection of our Lord’s forty days of temptation in the
wilderness before beginning his public ministry. The six Sundays commemorate Easter,
the triumph of our risen Lord.
Christians from earliest times have denied themselves in some way as a sign of their
repentance, by their turning away from sin and selfishness. The One Great Hour of Sharing
offering received on Palm Sunday gives Presbyterians a tangible means of denying
themselves by sharing out of their abundance with persons afflicted by hunger, poverty, and
natural disasters.
The Ash Wednesday service is a time for solemn call to repentance and self-giving. Those
who wish receive the sign of ashes on their foreheads, a reminder of Genesis 3:19,
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. The service concludes with the
celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
During the Season of Lent, we reflect on the need for God’s grace and prepare to celebrate
God’s marvelous grace and redemption at Easter.
Stephen Ministries of St. Louis, Missouri is in the process of publishing a new book,
Fighting Cancer, written for those diagnosed with cancer and for their loved ones. In order
to make this book as helpful as possible they are inviting persons who have been diagnosed
with cancer, or their loved ones, or persons who are medical professions to review the book
before it goes to print.
If you would be interested in reviewing this book and giving your feedback in the next few
weeks, please contact Rachel or Huw Christopher for more information at (850) 209-6931 or
Here is a belated, little known fact for Black History Month.
It is generally believed, and taught in most history books, that Ann and Adoniram Judson
were the first missionaries from the United States to go overseas. That is not correct.
Nineteen years before the Judsons sailed for India and Burma, the Black Baptists of
Savannah, Georgia, sent out the first two foreign missionaries from this country. Both were
ex-slaves. The Rev. David George (1742-1810) went to Nova Scotia and then to Sierra
Leone where he planted the first Baptist church in West Africa. The Rev. George Lisle
(1750-1820) went to Jamaica.
Thus these two black pastors were the first missionaries sent overseas from the United States.
-- Paul Pierson
Our History Committee is engaged in an ongoing treasure hunt.
For instance at our last meeting:
#1. We were searching for the grandson of one of our Founders,
Robert Freeman. The next day Al Lorenz located the grandson in a
computer search and Diana contacted him by telephone in Colorado.
#2. We were searching for a historic hand crafted box from our archives. It had become
separated from the valuable leather bound biography of Robert Freeman . That very same
day Nancy Mandic located the box in an office in the Administration Building.
#3. We had been looking for a reasonable bid from a framer to prepare a display of pictures
of our first bungalows. Karlene Cunningham discovered a skillful framer whose bid was half
that of our first bids.
#4. We were looking for a guide to help us identify our oldest bungalow pictures. Sherman
Fung found a master plan that can help us to make that identification .
#5. We were searching for biographical material regarding three generations of the Gamble
family. Bill Hansen visited the Gamble House Book Store and discovered that the Director,
Anne Mallek, is writing a history of the Gamble family. Happily it will be published this spring.
All of this is a part of our search for pieces of the puzzle that make up the history of Monte
Vista Grove Homes. It is exciting —
Our task is an ongoing treasure hunt !
-- Diana, Nancy, Karlene, Sherman and Bill
Correction to February Tidings: "Faith Matters: Lesser-known Heroes," a tribute to
Ralph Hamburger, reprinted from January 2 Christian Century, ended with "... an unimpressive
retirement home."
Princeton Theological Seminary President Craig Barnes did not use that phase. It was changed
by a Christian Century editor, according to a personal message to Nancy Macky from Craig's
wife, Dawne, after she consulted Craig. Dawne has been a treasured Macky friend for decades.
-- Nancy Macky
I thank you, everyone, who held us up in prayer during my seemingly endless days in the
hospital and in the Health Center. Thank you for your many visits. They helped the days go by
more quickly. I’m home and I don’t expect to go to these wonderful institutions any time soon.
Thank you so much for all you did for Andy and me during this time of stress.
With appreciation,
Dee Jarvis
13 “Love One Another”
(From Jesus as recorded in John 15:17)
Celebrating our 90th Anniversary reminds us of many goalposts in our lives. Remember
when we graduated from High School and in the Year Book there was often a designation
after our name describing how we came across to our fellow students? (Some not
flattering.) In contrast we live in a loving community, filled with many talented friends. Yet
we seldom share with our campus-mates how much we appreciate and value them.
Instead of voting who is the most beautiful, or the biggest nerd, a small anonymous group
has been praying for each resident and decided to share some of the prominent
characteristics of the mosaic of our fellow residents whom we love.
For space considerations this is the “First Installment.”
Thelma Appleton – delightful
Larry Ballenger – skilled
Don Berns – persistent
Bob Bos – dependable
Mary Brassard – hospitable
Kathy Bruner – ecstatic
Bruce Calkins – well-favored
Charles Castles – smiling
Haroldine Chandler – proficient
Jessie Coates – charming
Liz Cole – luminous
Polly Craig – loving
Karlene Cunningham – straightforward
Henry DeGraaff – strong
Gary Demarest – steadfast
Howard Den Hartog – multi-talented
Dick Dosker – cheerfully detail-oriented
Mark Duntley – expert
Tom Erickson – commanding
Leon Fanniel – good humored
Carolyn French -- proficient
-- Ray Heer
Ruth Ellen Baird – regal
Judy Ballenger – musically gifted
Karen Berns – steady
Carole Bos – joyous
Dale Bruner – modest
Betsey Burgess – pleasing
Lynda Calkins – exhilarating
Shirley Castles – straightforward
John Chandler – substantial
Dick Cole – unfaltering
Bill Craig –multi-talented
Bill Cunningham – genial
Marian Deemer – demure
Joyce DeGraaff – warm
Marily Demarest – radiant
June Denton – self-reliant
Barbara Dosker – empathetic
Agnes Duntley – direct
Carol Erickson – cordial
Art French – resolute
Mary Froede -- verbal Since the expression, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Prov. 17:22), the following
would come most appropriately from a wellness committee. Our real debt, though, is to those
who don’t proofread church bulletins.
-- Gene Terpstra
Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM – prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the
basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church.
Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in
the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.
14 Mid-January took Nancy Macky back to Oxford University
for its Wolfson College tribute to their past President,
Professor, and Extraordinary Fellow, Jon Stallworthy on
what would have been his 80th birthday. The two-hour
celebration (by invitation) of Jon's many volumes of poetry,
biographies, essays, translations (Pasternak's poetry),
anthologies (Oxford Book of War Poetry, Norton Anthology
of Poetry and of English Literature), exhibits (Imperial War
Museum), lectures, and BBC presentations touched the hearts of the 800 present. Jon, 4 months after being diagnosed with esophageal cancer,
died on November 19, the same date his distinguished surgeon father died in the 1980s.
Jon was Nancy's cherished companion for 15 years; they collaborated on many
publications and lectures. As twice a Visiting Scholar at Oxford, Nancy created and
catalogued 100 boxes of his personal papers, then collated and edited his last essay
collection for Cambridge University Press, Survivors' Songs. Monte Vista Grove residents
heard Nancy's convocation several years ago, reading Jon's poetry. She returns to Oxford
in May to assist with his literary estate.
-- Nancy Macky
CONNER, youngest Navy grandson: First baby for Alisha and him. Jonah was born just
before Christmas. Connor received TWO very special medals last week and was joined by
my oldest son, Rick who lives in Seattle. The occasion was Connor’s re-enlistment, which
had to be performed by a military person. UNCLE RICK: oldest son: retired from the Army
after 27 years of service and was so thrilled to be asked to perform the service.
KATIE: My third grand-daughter: with husband Shaun and sons Cooper and Keegan have
been reassigned and have left Vilseck, Germany after eight years and are in El Paso, TX.
A new baby boy is on his way and will be my 9th great-grand baby. Only one is a girl.
ALEXANDER: Received his military discharge and is doing better from suffering acute
PTSD from the rocket that hit their tank in Afghanistan. He has a good job with Target, on
the night shift, which allows him to work alone in the warehouse. I was with his dad Rick
and Joann, and him, for my 87th birthday in Seattle. I spent two good days with him. Even
went to the movies, a bookstore and a restaurant to eat, which is quite an improvement for
him. He has weekly psychiatric counseling. Prayers for him are welcomed.
If you wonder where I am most of the time, Klever Kuvers (my business) is celebrating the 38th year
and is suddenly growing again. I don’t know if I will ever be able to quit. It is on my bucket list.
Love all of you,
Mary Froede
Margy Wentz wishes to express thanks for friends, prayers with grace, visits to cheer, and
cards of awareness for God’s love, healing and care. Healing is both the physical wellness
and the wholeness of God’s love that holds the future. Thanks to all in Christ. 15 MARCH BIRTHDAYS
Marilyn Manning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tom Erickson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clara Heer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Anne Tomlinson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Margy Wentz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John Toay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mary Brassard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mary Hamburger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Agnes Duntley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Norm Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
March 02
March 03
March 06
March 11
March 12
March 13
March 19
March 19
March 26
March 29
Articles to be 235 words or less
Articles to be submitted in Arial - 12 point type
Articles to be to the point with content and information
Personal experiences, ponderings, thank you notes, other news are wanted
Informational news, ideas and stories from committees and individuals
Articles due on the 15th of month prior to publication
NOTE: All submissions will be reviewed for inclusion by the Tidings Team6
Executive Director: Deborah Herbert
President of the Residents’ Association: Don Maddox
Publisher: Marilyn Manning
Editor: The Tidings Team
(Carole Bos, Joyce DeGraaff, Jim Hinch, Cheryl Prentice)
Consultant: Jack Lorimer
Printing and Distribution: Nancy Lain