\fu*i lott: ltln Jaso`r B*a
\fu*i lott: ltln Jaso`r B*a
FROI4 : CFLIFORD ENTERPRISES LTD. Dec. 13 2B1B Azt@1pi'l P! PHONENO. : +6A4 9A1 5A46 B*a ltlnJaso'r lott: \fu*i Residential Otflceof Housingard Gonsuuction Shndards Tenancy Agreement |tnpora obsl #RTB-1 TheResidentialTenancy Snndt(RTB) E o,ttEopinion halhjsReridsnlialTenrncyAgreqni aoolBletrcf,eds ltE Residej6.l Teianc, Ad (RrA) amac'impanying regulatons' Tk RTBnskesno€Fesenbtiol}s 0rl|aflrriiesr€0adim tE lseofttE Aoree"rlenl Alardtodandbnanlnay witht0obltini.dep€ndenladlic€ ElardircM€oerlhjssgpemsntgalisfes beiodnpetsonalor ieeds.ForlheBnr 0fa manufadled bJsin€sr ande manuh6tred homB home siteundet asirulebmnq agEeflpnllselhisagftercnlform.Fqtie e0H ofananuhdJred home siteusehe M8tubduEd Home SdeTenancy fuEement. 'lle wodsbn.rit ad landlodinfib leodncy agreen€nt hatelhesamo neldngasinth€Regd€diat Tenanq Ad (RTA), srdtte singular OfUEse vrords itddos $e pllral lnthislenanqa$!g''nl, tB mds 'eiderltalpmFty t'r€ lhesan. rlearlnga6intp RIA R€ldodislpr0ts.iy nsan58 buildin!, apai 0fa buildhg 0rGlaldgroup ofbuildl0s, inviidl one0rn0{€Erfrl uib orconmdraleEsaBtoc.bd:tE oaed0. parcds 0nwhicir lhebuildin!, elaledgoup0fbuildings orcommon arcas ae lo{rld; $a renbluit andcunnonaeasan6anyotaf sffultrre loca€d onthemrcelorDarcels. HOWI0COMPTEIE THISFORM ELECTROIIICAIIY: r,t*bsite,it c6nbe lf pr.rareaccosrirg tlrisagcarenttumfiomtheB.c,co,remmem byhandlrtkt deaty,urkgdad|iM otitteOoutwliteatito oriputano*shlion+impttypeyqlrerpons€s trinbdandompleled intia botes.lt yq/camolcondelea[ rc sedonB atlh€cmMernghtare],youcarpdntoffsiat youharecomptebd andfillinhe le,naintng fEldsbyhand.Ngb, f', *-ry!ry fomtoyour ompubr. tlerelore, aturidtcoirptete t1efom.mate sueyou,e!iev/ befoinfo,i".,raq'ard FimG' lT-ly?lY: youEquir€ nUnDff d C0p€6 leftre youlea€t€ p[oglEnrrcomFJbr. do$nenlorshutdo nUE AWZA uA AAAol; I DENTIAL RES| TENANCY AGREEMENT betweenl tun, alrcd rw!nanes) luse ul€ fothMotdtsa buskesnane,ue lhe'hgnane'frddboxloerl€It atuli/eoa,bushsss YAunu$aDeit hstname E$ nane st4/nstl fBt and andmiddle andlheTEt{AfiT(S): gened ADDRESS OFP|.ACE BEf l{GREllTEo I0 TENAllTlsl ke 'MAI unitinkisa@nent): AODRESSFORSERVfCE of tha @{andlod 0 kndlo.d's asent; p.ovioca 72rdaylimephonenumber ffrwtrP/tffl zg-2t /7 'iax Dostal@de 9{7 _32t6 numbs for s€ryice fflfffrT. Dec. 73 2Z1Z 62t6Bfi1 P2 PHoNEND. : 16A4 9e7 5246 LTD. FR0r'1: CALIFORDENIERPRISES ACT TENANCY OFTHERESIOENTIAL I.IPPLICITIOH maynotmntral*:*lS::'y : 11 totheterm€ oradditions andanychangeE agreement '',iirlti,.irlJirrrJ.iirre'nesiuentarrenancyAcioraregulationmadeunderihatAct,oranyshndardte Thehrmsofthistenancy ;ilil;;iili2,1t of tem,theterm orstandard aright, obgition such orchange .g;"..niOo"roonb"iid . isvoid. agreement thetenancy initialed byboththelandlord and to in writing be agreed must ttus tenancl agreement to 0r addition 2) -' Anvchanqe oris andthetenant byhththehndlord isnotinitaled inwriting, isnotagreeJto ,^i tii. t l,rrt.li, ,r1ange rtisnotenforceeble unonscionable, (2)does t0: notapply , under subseclion folagreement requirement 3) ' The Acl Tenancy wihlheResidential given ineccordancc a) a rentincrease Tenancy Act,or wilhtheResidental inaccord"nce orfacility on,a sewice or,orareslriction oi i witnorawa order hat the oficeis resolufion a dispute hasoltained ortenant ci' i ter ini.ipe'ofof*fricha landlord ls not required. oftneofter Soreemeni , ptov'deol kthespaces (ptease ti/l,hflo datesandtines 0F TENANCY 2.LENGT}| shleon: bnancy This nl'a-_-l[il monlh day YeaI ! as rci?uosled) infornafio' a&itional c and a,b or (Pl€aseeheck Pmvide LBng$of tenanoy: is: This tenancy basis I a) onamontr.tooonth l oftlme: /u) toralireotength f-.^-lm r 1 on: LLJ snding day ' month oftime lenglh c/,eckoneofrkn,i ot ii) AtJthe endof $is fix€dlengthof titnej(p/ease basisor montlFtofionth f, i1tt'. t nrnryaty *ntinueona oftime fixedlength another @rfr".'tl flfl unit outofthercsidenlial must move ends and$etenant 0 ii)thetenancy inthebpxes initial must and tenant both the landlord thiioption, tfyouchoose tolhedght. tsnancy asindicated 0 c) o$erperiodic O weet{y3 bi-weet!flotrec intE spaces theintotnation fil ,,in Pnvided) 3; RENT(ptease ofRent: Payment willpay therentof$ The tenent ' I landlord on each rar*ond 0 day0 weeld-nS!q-!-te ir.rflfSFlovoearr' *e,"'s.is,za,u,..31st)[ periodphich hllsoJie @u" thefirstdayoftherental ld lSt withtheRTA givenin accordance 1o,u*-"1 [ aay ft weet $ monthsubjeclto rentincreases tg the Thetenanlrnustpaythe rentontime,It therentis late,thelandlordmayiEsuea Notiaeto EndTenancy ten€t{.wnichmai bke effecthotearlierthanI Odaysafterthedatethenoticeis given' b) What is Incfudod in th e .ft,nti (AnocK anty those lhat erc incrudecrand provido additiona! information, if needed ) -' ii" i"noioia ru"t not teminad. or rsstnci a setvice or facillty that is essential to the tenaot's use of lhe rental unit or tharis a materialtefinofgle ienanciagreement / as livingaccommodalign, d *r". fr er"arioity fr u""t O Fumiture F{ stoveandouen S oi"tnn".tr.. @n"mg"oto, d carpets hformation: rl Additional cou",ing" d window Ocablevision d launorv(ttet) D sheelsandTow€ls d, soog" ElcarbaseC?lFctioJt @ ea*tns-l' La-J=1,t tt1 fl onenl FROII : CALIFORD ENTERPRISESLTD. PHoNEN0. : +6A4 981 5A46 Dec, !3 zala 62tA9A'1P3 DEPOSIT ANDPETDAMAGE DSPOSIT 4.SECURIW D€po8its A, Secudty deposit oi $ topayasecurity Thetenant is requircd bv [l d6y [i'__lM Depocit B. PetDamago flnotappiicable deposit of$l topayapetdamage isrcquired The tenafit b',[]r-__lt] J ddl ' agrees 1) Thelandlord rentpayable onehalfofthemonthly musteachnotexceed deposit deposit andpetdamage a) hatthes€curity plopeity, hr lheresidential onit inaccodance endpayinterest thetenancy during andp€ldamage deposit deposii b) to keepthesecurity . and withtheregutation, within| 5daysoftheendot tothetenant endinterest deposit andpetdamage theseqilitydeposit c) torepay agreemenl, unless thetenanc'y fotunpaid rent aspgyment h keepanamount i) he tenanlagcesinwrltngt0ellow$e landlord 0roamage, 0r : within15daysoftheend Tenanc)4Act resoluton under be ResidBntial fordispute applies ir) thelandlord deposit. orpetdamEge deposit orallofhe security toclaimsome ofhe tenanclagraement slartsonthelaterof 2) The15dayperiod . ends, or a) thedaiehe tenancy forv'iarding address inwitlng. : thetenant's b) thedatehe landlodreceives (1),thelandlord withsubsecllon doesnotmmply 3) lf a landlord , and deposit, 0rpeldamage ecleim against thesecudly deposit e) 'naynotmake petdamage orb0th pay deposit, deposit d0uble theamount ofthesecurity b) must thetenant gives wntten consent. iffielandlord andintere$ asrentonly theecuitydeposit 4)The tenant may a$ee louse 5, PETS hatprohibits, or agre€ment Anyterminthistenancl pet govems resklcls thetenanfs thesizeof,a orlhat obligations regarding thekeeping ofa petonlhe pmperty issubject and residential tolhedghts AnimalAct. restictions under lheGuide INSPECTION$ CONDITION '1)lnaccordanc€ wi$sections 23and35oftheAcl inspeclions] andPad3oflheregulalion lcondition inspecfonsj, thelandlord andtenant must lcondition inspect condilion the oftherenblunittogether isentitled a) ',rhen thetenant topossession, b) when $e tenant sbrbkeeping a petdudng the inspection wasnot tenanq, .ifacondition compleiedat the starl of lhe tenancy,€nd o) al the endof the tenanct 2) Thelandlordandtenantmayagreeon a diferent day for the condiuoninspection. 3) Ths.ightoftho tenantorthe landlordto clEim againsta securitydepositor a pet damagedeposii, or bolh.lor damageb reidenlialprope.Vis ednguished if that palty does not complywith section24 and 36 of the ResidentialTenancyAct not metl, lconsequence6if report aequi.ement8 OFRENT pEylhetentonlime,unless must 1)Thetenant the from under theActtodeduct tenant ispermitted thelandlord may trerenLlf ltrerenlisunpaid, issue tohelenant, a notice tobndatenancy notearlier lhan10 days which mayhkeeffect afier tE notice. $e tenant receives thedate nothkeaway 0rnakeheten2)Thelandlord must orhcility ftalisakeady br a service antpayextra ismade included intherent,unless areduotion under section 27i2)ofheAct areceipt forrent 3)Thelandlord musigivethetenant paid h c€sh. retJrn tothetenant onorbefoc 4) Thelandlord must thelastdayofthelenancy anypost{ated cheques intheDossession iorrentlhatremain o{lhelahdlord.lfthe lrndlorddoesnot havea ioi^/arding addressfor lhe tenant and lhe tenant hss v€caled the premiseswltliout notice io the landlofd,the landlordmust forwad any post-datedchequesfor rent to the tenantwhen the lenant providesa forjn writing. l€rding addresE FR0M:CALIFORDENTERPRISESLTD.PHoNEN0.:+6849A-75A46Dec'lszaIAAzilAAnP4 8, RENTINCREASE 1)0nceayearthelandlord mayincrease therenlfor tenant. Ihelandlord increase theexisting may only therent'12months afterthedate thattheexisting rentwasesbblished withhetenant or'12months afterlhedateofthelasllegal rentincrease forhe . tenanl, ifthere isanevr landlord even ora new tenant bywayofanassignment. Thelandiord must ' usetheapnroved Noiice form ofRent lncrease fromanyResidential available TenancT oficeor Ec4ovemment Seruice Agent offce. givea tenant 2)Alandlord must 3whole months notice, inwdting, ofarentincrease. {Forexempler iftherentisdueonthe1stotthemonhandfre nolice tenant isgiven anylimelnJanuary including 1st,there months January must be3whole betore heincrease ln this begins. example,lhe monhs MarclandApril, areFebruary, sotheinuease onMaylsll would begin mayinnease 3) Thelandlord herentonlyinlhe amount lfthetenant setoutby thefeguhtion. ismore by therentincrease hanisallowed thinks theregulaton, maytalkto$e landlord or thetenant iheResider{ial Tenancy Branch for contact asst$ance. mayobhin 4) Ei$erthelandlord the orlhetenant percenbge prescrib€d fora rentincreese amount Tenanry Branch. fromtheResidential 9.ASSIGN ORSUBLET therenlal unitto 1)Thetenant mayasignorsublet person withhewdtten consont ofUe another Iandlofd. Itthistenanc'y agreement isforI ixed length of6monhs thelandlord must nol ormore, wihhold unreasonably consent. Under an assume assignment a newtenant must allofthe under nghts andobligaliom lheexisting lenancy agreement, atthesame renl. Thelandlord must not ciargeafeeorrreceive a benefl, direc{y or indirec{y, forgiving thisconsent, 2) lfalandlord unreasonably withholds consent to assign orsublet 0rcharges afee,hehnantmay resolulion apply fordigpute ResidenUal underlhe Tenancy Act. 10,REPAIRS 1) Landlord's obligations: a) Thelendlord muslprovide andmaintain fie ' residenUalproperlyin a reasombleg:tete.f decoraiionand repair,guikble for occupation by a tenant.The landlordmu8tcomplywifl . heailh,safety ?nd housingstandardsrequired bYlaw b) f lhe landlordis requiredto makea repairto complywih the Ebov€obligation8,the tenant maydiecuesit withthe landlord.lflhe landlord rcfusesto makethe repair,the tenar{ may 6eeka dispute resolution oftc€fsorderunder theResidential TenanqAclbr he completion andcostsofhe repair. 2) Tenants obligations: a) Thelenant mainhin must reasonable health, cleanliness ands€nibry strndards hmughout therental unitandtheother residential propedy b which thetenant hasacless. The tenant tikehe neceEsary steps must torepair poperty damage totheresidential caused by ofthetenanl theactions onnegleci oraperson permiued prop€rty ontheresidential bylhe isnotresDongible tenant. for Thetenant reasonable and tear residential to the War pmpeny. withtheabove b) lfthetenant does notcomply obligations within a reasonable lime,the may wiltthe landlord dircuss ftematter order tenant andmeyseekamonebry dispute resolution the thtough under Aclforthecostofrepairs, ResidentialTenancy t0endatenancy, ofbofr. se e a notice Repairs: 3) Emergency post ina andmainlain a) Thehndlord must place property, on $e residential conspicuo0s give in {aitjng, to the,tenant the name and or ofhedesignated telephone number conhct person fepairs. forefiielgency thetenant b) lfemergencl iepainarecquhed, attemph totelephone must make at,least tr4/0 person, contact andlhengive thedesignated $e reasonable tinetocomdete thehndlord repairs, lhe repairs arestillrequircd, c) lfhe emergency may und€rbke tenanl thercpairs, andclaim provided rcimbuBementfrom thelandlord, a ofaccount statement andreceipls aregiven to lithelandlofd lhelandlord. does notreimburse lhetenant thetenant maydeduct asrequired, thecostfrom mayhkeover ient.Thelandlord . completion ofheemergency repairs atany tme. l . d) Emergency repairs mustbeurgent and necessary foitrehealth andsafety 0fpersons orpreseNatjon oruse oftheresidential limited and are t0repaidng $operty i) major leikslnpipes ortheroof, ii) damaged orbtocked waier orsewer iii) iv) ' v) Fipesor plumbingfirdr.e3, the primaryheatlnEsysrem, damagedo. defectlte locksthat give a@es6io a rental unit, or the electical systems. page4ot6Fages LTD. FRom : CnLIFoRDENTERFRISES PHONEN0. : +6A4 9A7 5646 1I,OCCUPANTS ANDGUESTS 1) Thelandlord mustnotstopthetenant fromhaving guestsunderreasonable circumstances inlhe rcntal unit. 2) Thelandlord restrictions mustnotimpose on guests andmustnotrequire ot acceptanyextra charge fordaytime visits of ovemight accommodation 0fguests. 3)lfthenumber 0foccupants intherental unitis unreasonable, lhelandlord maydiscuss theissue withthetenant andmayserve a notice toenda tenanry. Disputes regarding thenotice maybe resolved dispute resolution through under the Residential Tenancry Act. 12, LoCKS 1)Thelandlord must notchange locks orolher property ofacc€ss means toresidential unless provides lhelandlord eachtenant withnewkeys ofaccess orother means totheresi,Cential properiy. .2)Thelandlord notohange must locKs orother means ofaccess toa rental unitunless thetenant agreeg newkeys. andisgiven 3) Thetenant mustnotchange locks ofother means ofdcc€ss to property, a) common areas ofresidential unless ftelandlord consents t0thechange, 0r unit, b) his0rhertental unless thelandlord consents in writingto,or a digpute re6glution officerhasordered, thechange. ' ,I3.LANDLORD'S ENTRY INTO RENTAL UNIT egre€ment, 1) Forh€ duretion of$is tenancy fie homeandlhetenant is renlal unitis$e tenanfs privacy, entiUed reasonable ioquiet enjoymenl, freedom fromunrcasonable disturbanc€, and exclusive useoftherenblunit. 2) The landlordmay enterthe rentaluniionlyifone oIlhefollowing applies: a) atleest24hours andnotmore than30days gives befgre meentfy, he landl0rd lhetenant . awdtennotice whach states i) the purposefor entering,whichmu3tbe reasonable, and ii) thedate andile time ofheentry, whhh b) c) ' d) e) mustbe between8 Lm, and I D.m. unlesgthe tenantagfe4 oihetuige; lhere E an emergencyand the entryis n€ce€sry to proteot liie or pagpe*y; the tenantgivesthe landlordpermission to enter at the time of entry or not mole than 30 days before the ent.y; the tenanthas abardonedthe Gntal unit; the laadlod has an orde.ofe di€plte resolutionofficeror courtsayinglhe landlotd may enterthe rentalunit; Dec, 13 2A1A @2,!|fr1 P5 isproviding houseke€ping 0 thelandlord orrelated servicesandthe entryis for th6tpurposeandat a reasonable time. 3) Thelandlord mayinspect therentatunitmonlhlyin accordance withsubsection(2) (a), 4) lf a landlord enteEor is tiketyto entertherenhlunit illegally, thetenant may apply foradispute resolution under office/s order fie Residential Tenancy Ac{,to change thel0cks, keys or0ther means 0faccess to fte rentalunitandprohibii thelandlord from entryintotherenhl.unit. Attheendofthetenancy, givdthekeylolhercnlalunitlolhe lhetenant mug{ landlord. I4.ENDING THETENANCY tenant may 1)The end amonthly, weekly orother pedodic tenanry bygivinglhelandlord atleastone given mon0t's written notice. Anotice thedaybefore month therentisdueina given ends hetenancy at of lhe following month. theend if the lForexample, tenant wanbtomoieattheendofMay, thebnant mustmake surethelandlord receives wittennolice onorbefore April30th.l mustbeinwTitng 2) Thisnotioe snCmusl a) include of the theaddress renlal unit, b) include thedate lhetenanc{ isloend, c) be signedanddatedby the lenant,and grounds d) include thespeiific forending the isending tenancy, iftnetenanl atenancy hasbr€ached because th€landlofd a material termof lhe lendncy. 3)lffiisisa fxedterm tenancl andlheagreement ihetenant torracale at*reendol doesnotreouire isrenev{ed thetenancy, heagreemenl asamonthly give6 onthesame tenancy tenns untjl thetenant notice toendalenancy asrequired underthe Tenancy.Acl. ResidentiEl 4) Thelandlofd mayendthetenancy onlyforthe rcasons andonlyinlhe manner setoutin fte TenancyAc1andthe.l8ndlord Residential mustuse theapproved notice l0enda tenancy formavailable ftdmbe Residenlial Tenancy Offce. 5) Th€l?ndlardandtenantmaymutuallyagreein wri{ingto endthistenanclagreement at anytime. 6) Thetenantmustvacaiethe residenlialpmpertyby 1 p.m.ohthedaythetenancy ends,unlessthe landlordandtenantbtherwseagree. TOCiVererlnCV 1s.LANDLORD AGREEMENT TO'TENANT Thelandlord mustgivethebnanta copyof this promptly.aridIn anyeventMthln21 daysof agreement enteringantothe agreement I6. RESOLUTIONOF,DISPUTES haotherightto apply Eitherthelenantorlheilandlord for disputeresolulionto resolv€a dispute,as provided underthe ResidenfalTenancyAcL , page5ot6pages PHoNEN0. i +6A4 9A-7 5e46 FROI1 i CNLIFERD ENTERPRISESLTD. Dec, 13 2At6 Bztr2qn P6 I7.ADDITIONAL TERMS ' a)\Vrite dovJn anyaddilional terms which thetenant andthelandlord agree to.Addltionalterms maycover mattefs yardy|iork, aspets, such pages smoking andsnow rcmoval. Additionat maybeaided: b) Anyaddition tolhistenanoy agreement must comply withtheResidential Tenanot Actandregutations, andmusl cleady communicate thedghb andobligations it. lfaterm under doeg notmeet requiremenls, these or'rs unconsoonable, theternisnotenforceable./ . c) Attached tothistenancy agreement, trere0 ts flAnot anAddendum It lltE is enAddendum afEctedprovide partofthis thefollowing information ontheAdd€ndum thatforms tenancy agreement l-.;-l Ntrnbet of rrqlesd lheAdendun:| -L I Nunbet temsin theAddendun: of addrliona! 8ysigning thistenancy agreemenl thelandlord andlhetenant arebound byib tems. LANDL0RD(S):(tenwfu tanfuld isa busine$ nane, ue IIE'tast box h entet hus]rc,r$ llrme] nne' freld he rullegat 4ttLitttAilnett E$name r -''/l Signztute: -----+ ) STAVA:SH frstendmiddle nam€(s) Date: _. .......___ name Eignaturei _ . Datei TENANT(S}: Inf0rnauon Tonancy about Residential Agrcemenb - thislenancy lmpountLegel Do0unEnt agrcemant isenimpo&[t lGepitinb safeplace. legal dod.iment. Tems- Anyadditional Additional temscannot oorlrddicl orchange anydghlordutyundef theRTA orthistenancy agreemenl. Am€ndment 0fte RIA TheRTA oraregulation made u ertteRIA,asam€nded from lirBtrtljme,lal€pdority overhetenns -Thelandlord cgnCi$on Repolt andGnafi acrquildtoinspecl unitlogelh€r Uer€€idential atfieFginning af]d etld0tthe t€nanqand.ornpt€te a vnittgn condilion repoi.lfthelandlord a owstE tenant lo havea petailertie sanoffie tenancy, an inspedion repodmuslbedoneonthedaythetenant sl6rbkeeping drymulualty a petoronanother agreed tobythelandlord and unless thehnancysbdedoaoraRerJ€nuary 1,2OO,l, tenanl, inEp€dior rBpo.t wd6completed aoda conditjon at$al time.A epon rnydanrage, hOvr maydeScribe Clean eachroomis,andfte general condfion Otth6Esiden(al unitincluding: lheflools,caryebl andpainlonthewalls,Therepodmuslbesigned appliances, anddatedbyboth$e lsndlord andihetenant wto made $e insgedion, andeachshould k€€p6 copy. Chante of Ltndlord - A new landloid has the same iohts and duties as $e p€vious one and must icllor all the terms of thrs agrc€mentunlels tie lenant rnd new landlod agree to oliea tedns. Re6oluuonof Dispubs - lfproblemror disagreemenb sdse,the lanrllodand ten€ntshourdtry to Elk to each ober to find e sotution. lfthey stillcannot agree. e,lher mey conlsd ths ResidentiatTenencf Brsndr tor daffiefon of thelr dghts and r$ponsibililies o.an lf no agreement ls reacied, inteNention.. a landlod or a bnanl rney spply for a dbpule esolution to get a decision. ir€ny. but not ajl, kinds ot disagBemenG can be FROI4 : CALIFORD ENTERPRISES LTD, PHONE NO. | +644 9e? 5446 Dec. L3 2AIA Azt 13Ft4 P7 1. Nosmokingintheunit. l/,h 4. Theunit will begivento the tenantcleananddamagefree andthe tenantwill be responsible for lrrrl
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