Beacon #0204 March 09, 2016
Beacon #0204 March 09, 2016
Volume 4 Number 0203~ Wednesday ~ 03 02 2016 Serving Oregon’s Wild Rivers Coast: Port Orford, Sixes, Langlois & Bandon EVENT CALENDAR Recurring Events Open Hearth, 1st Tuesdays, ALH, 5:30 pm A.L. Post 0076 Meets, 6pm, 2nd Tuesdays Narcotics Anonymous, Tuesdays 7 PM, Zion L. Ch. Sixes Grange, Every Wednesday 5:30 potluck, 6:30 bingo Taco Thursday’s & Thrift Store, SR CTR, 11:45 Lunch Langlois Lions Benefit Bingo, 2nd Fridays, 6:30 PM Movie Matinees POL, 2:30 Project Graduation Auction Cycle Oregon NEW EVENTS Where can you enjoy a spaghetti dinner, and bid on some really great items? Pacific High School Gym, starting at 5 pm Saturday, March 12th. Cycle Oregon will be returning to the south coast this September. Cyclists will ride between 365 & 457 miles, depending on sidetrips. They will pass through Port Orford as they journey south to Gold Beach. From 5 to 6 pm you can enjoy a reasonably priced spaghetti dinner, or if spaghetti isn’t your thing, then use the time to review auction items donated by local businesses. This 29th annual fund-raiser provides a drug and alcohol free party for PHS graduates, lets them enjoy a night of fun and games, with lots of surprises to celebrate their accomplishment. Mark you calendars for an avalanche of cyclists on the road! It has been awhile since this section of Oregon has been part of the annual event, it should be fun! Point.B Studio Point.B is hosting a large collection of Lois Miller’s work. The show opened last Saturday, and will continue through May. 03/10: Sunset Garden Club, Senior Center, 1 pm 03/11: Art Gala 5:30 & Auction 6:30 PO Library 03/12: Project Graduation Auction 5:00 pm PHS Gym 03/18: Author’s Night, Langlois Library, 6:30 pm 03/19: Open House, Lifeboat Station, 2-4 pm 03/25: Poetry Winners Reception, PO Library, 7pm 03/26: SOLVE Beach Cleanup 03/26: Fertilize Your Mind, SOCC, 8 am 03/26: Poetry Readings, all day, POL, 10 am Page COMMUNITY NEWS Sunset Garden Club By Kirk Johnson Domestic & Imported Cheeses, Salumi, Olives, Sauces, Mustards, Vinegars Housemade Soups and Freshly Baked Goods Wednesday—Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 832 Oregon Street Port Orford, OR 97465 541-253-8499 DEADLINE: Monday, NOON Please Email your Classified or Display Ad information Or call: 541 332 2750 EMAIL: Letters to the Editor REMINDER: 250- words First Come/Space Available Must be submitted by the writer, include name and address. Name & City will be published. Make checks payable to: Lighthousekeeper Mail to: P.O. Box 1444 Port Orford, Oregon 97465 Promote your business in the “Beacon” Classified Ads $5.00 / 75 word Max Port Orford Beacon Theresia Hewitt Editor/Publisher Page 2 The Sunset Garden Club will be holding its monthly meeting on Thursday, March 10th at 1PM in Port Orford's Senior Center. Curtis Edwards from Fish and Wildlife in Gold Beach will give a presentation about living with wildlife. Visitors are always welcome. Art & Poetry at North Curry Libraries By Tobe Porter You are invited to the opening of an art exhibit with A Different Slant on Friday, March 11 at the Port Orford Library. The show features poems paired with the art that inspired the poet's muse, providing a sensory delight for the viewer. The exhibit opens at 5:30pm, followed by a lively auction of art donated to the Friends of the Port Orford Library. This exhibit, along with the Poet's Roundup activities March 25-27, is sponsored by the Port Orford and Langlois Public Libraries. Three Best Backpacks By Gabe Howe Join Siskiyou Mountain Club's executive director Gabe Howe for a visual presentation of "Southwest Oregon's 3 Best Backpacking trips.” His presentation will feature stunning photos, stories from the trail, plus info for trail users of all abilities, including best times to go, maps to use, and more. He'll inspire you to make 2016 a year of backcountry adventure! The Siskiyou Mountain Club (SMC) was formed in 2010 with the aim of restoring hiking trails in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. The group hires crews of college kids (and some high school seniors from local communities) to spend the summer doing rugged trail work in some of Curry County's most remote wildlands. Last year, the SMC reopened the transKalmiopsis trail, which had been devastated by damage from the Biscuit Fire more than a decade ago, and they’ve also restored a trail loop in the Wild Rogue Wilderness. These restored hiking trails provide a recreational asset for our communities and help residents and tourists access Curry County’s remarkable wild backcountry. For more information about SMC, go to Howe will be speaking in Gold Beach, Brookings, and Port Orford. Times and places are as follows: Gold Beach Public Library, Thurs. Mar. 10, 5:30pm; Port Orford Public Library, Sat. Mar. 12, 1-2pm; Chetco Tap Room (Brookings), Sat. Mar. 12, 6-7pm. Preppers Meet By Avery Horton Southwestern Oregon Preppers (SWOP) will be holding a meeting at Noon on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at Evergreen Federal Bank, 850 Chetco Ave, Brookings, OR "Everything Prepping" is the main topic. Skills, equipment, lessons learned, etc... will be discussed. We will cover as many prepping topics as time permits. Beginning and experienced preppers will share and learn. SWOP meetings always start with a question and answer period before the main topic so all in attendance get a chance to participate. This is a free public meeting to get to know fellow local preppers in southwestern Oregon counties and to exchange information and ideas. It is important for individuals to understand that they will be “on their own” in the event of a disaster and not to depend on receiving outside help. Join Southwestern Oregon Preppers on Facebook and/or Open House at Lifeboat Station By Steve Roemen The Cape Blanco Heritage Society invites you to an Open House at our Port Orford Lifeboat Station on Saturday, March 19th from 2 to 4 PM. Come meet and greet some of our volunteers. See what is happening at the Lifeboat Station, the Cape Blanco Lighthouse, and the Historic Hughes House. While you are here, tour the museum, walk the grounds, and learn about the history in our back yard. The CB Heritage Society offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, from greeting the visitors at all three sites, to beautifying the Historic Hughes House. Discover what is happening, join the fun, and sneak a peek at what is planned for 2016. Learn how you Sea Breeze Florist TIDE GUIDE Date Day Time 10-Mar Thu 12:25 AM 7.76 H 6:30 AM 0.33 L 10-Mar Thu 12:36 PM 7.68 H 10-Mar Thu 6:47 PM -0.09 L 10-Mar Fri 1:03 AM 8.01 H 11-Mar Fri 7:20 AM 0.0 L 11-Mar Fri 1:29 PM 7.27 H can become a part of this exciting time. With your help, this will be the best year ever at our three beautiful local historic sites. Refreshments will be served. 11-Mar Fri 7:29 PM 0.52 L 12-Mar Sat 1:45 AM 8.09 H 12-Mar Sat 8:13 AM -0.13 L 12-Mar Sat 2:25 PM 6.72 H 12-Mar Sat 8:14 PM 1.23 L Directions: In Port Orford at Highway 101 mile marker 301, turn West onto 9th St., then up Coast Guard Hill Road to parking lot. 13-Mar Sun 3:29 AM 7.99 H 13-Mar Sun 10:10 AM -0.08 L 13-Mar Sun 4:28 PM 6.15 H 13-Mar Sun 10:02 PM 1.98 L 14-Mar Mon 4:18 AM 7.73 H Unique and wonderful gifts, garden art, jewelry, flowers and plants. All price ranges. We deliver! World Wide Wire Service Phone: 541 332 0445 311 6th St. Port Orford Bandon Pool Spring Fling By Ann King A Spring Fling, and just in time. The community has an opportunity to support our Bandon Swimming Pool program and enjoy an evening of interesting silent auction items, a great Italian buffet dinner by “2LOONS”, and a night of special entertainment. Tickets for the March 19th event are available for $30 per person from Pool Board members and select merchants: in Bandon from Ace Hardware, Bandon Mercantile, Tim & Evie’s Salon, and Cobblers Bench; in Langlois from B&B Farm Supply and Langlois Market. Chef Bob Simm of “2LOONS” will prepare the meal. Harry Staven, City of Bandon , will be the Master of Ceremonies. In addition to 10-Mar Thu Hgt 14-Mar Mon 11:14 AM 14-Mar Mon 0.1 L 5:41 PM 5.67 H 14-Mar Mon 10:59 PM 2.66 L 15-Mar Tue 5:15 AM 7.38 H 15-Mar Tue 12:24 PM 0.28 L 15-Mar Tue 7:03 PM 5.43 H 16-Mar Wed 12:10 AM 3.16 L 16-Mar Wed 6:21 AM 7.03 H 16-Mar Wed 1:37 PM 0.38 L 16-Mar Wed 8:26 PM 5.49 H Wind & Rain Rain: YTD: 24.28” February: 4.16” Wind: High Gust on Cape last week: 03/01 @ 70 mph x3 Page 3 Stop and shop at The Friends Store Port Orford Library Jewelry, Books, and Unusual gifts at great prices! Open: 10-2 - M, W, F 11-1 – T & Th “special” humorous entertainment hosted by Paul Fisher, musical entertainment will be provided during and after the dinner. An added focus of the evening will be information on how to get our indoor pools for the south coast. This is an important year for the pool. Grant organizations will be judging value to the community by the number pool supporters, and by the amount of financial contributions, when they consider our requests. The pool won’t get built without grants, so please get behind the effort and help get the pool built. If you want to donate, volunteer, or ask questions, check Bandon Pool on Facebook or, or call 541 -347-2534. See you Saturday, March 19th, at the Spring Fling. Kids now need fishing license at age 12 SALEM, OR – As families venture to the outdoors this spring, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife remind parents that youths between the ages of 12 and 17 need a license if they plan to hunt, fish or shellfish. Page 4 Although fishing now requires a license two years earlier than in the past – at age 12 instead of age 14 – the cost of the license is significantly less than it was in years past. Now a combination youth hunting/fishing/shellfishing license costs just $10. For just $5 more, youngsters can also purchase a tag that will allow them to catch salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and halibut. The $15 combined cost of a youth license and tag in 2016 compares to a cost of $41.75 last year, a cost reduction of 64 percent. The youth license was developed to simplify the youth license requirements for hunting and fishing. “There was way too much complexity involved for parents to get hunting and fishing licenses for their kids,” said Rick Hargrave, administrator of ODFW’s Information and Education Division. “We removed those barriers and came up with a single, significantly discounted, youth combination license for kids 12-17. Under the new fee structure, a single license permits youth license holders to take part in all three activities – hunting, fishing and shellfishing. Previously, a separate license was required for each of these activities. “We believe this an amazing value and a meaningful investment in getting kids and families out and connected with nature,” said Hargrave. There is no distinction in the fee structure between resident and nonresident youths – they pay the same for hunting/fishing licenses and tags. Trophy Trout SALEM, OR — Thousands of extra-large rainbow trout will be released in several Oregon fishing holes this spring as the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife rolls out an enhanced “Trophy Trout” program created under a 2015 legislative directive. More than 10,000 rainbow trout ranging in size from one to three pounds will be released at five locations around the state starting March 7 and continuing through May. The trophy trout program isn’t new. ODFW has been releasing large trout for years into many lakes around the state. However, during the 2015 legislative session, Representative Greg Smith (R-Heppner) and ODFW came together to discuss the creation of a Trophy Trout Pilot Program that would select a handful of reservoirs to stock with trout in the one to three-pound range. The goal is to help boost economic development opportunities for regions that rely heavily on hunting and fishing tourism. For 2016, ODFW raised an additional 10,500 large trout that will be will be released in the following five locations: Phillips Reservoir in Baker County, Willow Creek Reservoir in Morrow County, Timothy Lake in Clackamas County, Trojan Pond in Columbia County, and Garrison Lake in Curry County. Releases will start the week of March 7 and take place periodically until June. ODFW plans to further expand trophy trout fishing opportunities next year by producing 25,000 of the larger trout and releasing them in more locations determined). (not yet “This is a great project that is not only perfect for the Willow Creek Reservoir, but the other locations as well,” said Rep. Smith. “I appreciate ODFW’s leadership and willingness to think outside the box in creating and sustaining economic opportunities in rural Oregon.” “Fishing has been and continues to be a favorite recreational activity for many Oregonians,” said Curt Melcher, Director of ODFW. “The Trophy Trout Pilot Program will allow us to support the industry, support rural economies, and provide something new and exciting to generate enthusiasm.” Business on the internet workshops in Brookings COOS BAY, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Small Business Development Center (Southwestern SBDC) is offering three workshops in Brookings to help businesses be more successful online. On Monday, April 4, 2016 Marketing with Facebook will be offered from 9:00 am – noon. Learning how market with Facebook is a must in today’s business environment. From 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm learn how to use Google Spreadsheets. All businesses can benefit from using spreadsheets to do “what if” planning or to create a budget. This workshop is designed to teach spreadsheet basics. On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Winning with Google will be presented. Your website is the most powerful marketing tool available to you. It should have the ability to generate sales and increase business growth. This class will help you optimize how search engines find your website. These workshops will be taught by Misty Lambrecht, a Google certified trainer who has taught Google, WordPress and Social Media classes at Oregon Coast Community College and Clackamas Community College’s Small Business Development Centers. She has also been involved in helping small businesses with social media including Facebook, Twitter, Douglas Trimble Tree Service Locally Owned and Operated Since 1996 Insured Bonded Lic. # 119157 Lift Truck Chipper / Clean-Up Storm Damage Dangerous Tree Removal Limbing Topping Falling Home: 541 332 1010 Cell: 541 530 8778 The Pacific High School Project Graduation Committee Invites You to our Annual Spring Auction March 12, 2016 at PHS Gym Preview 5-6 Auction 6 PM Items that will be up for auction are generously donated by businesses from within our community, as well as, businesses from our neighbors to our North and South. We also receive items donated by our community members, family members and the students themselves. Something new this year is that we will be providing an optional Spaghetti dinner for those who would like to grab something to eat before the auction starts. Spaghetti Dinner prices are: 0-3 free 4-13 $4 each 14-99 $7 each Families $20 Dinner will be served during the preview time of 5-6p.m. and the Auction starts at 6p.m. As tradition, dessert will be available for free to all those who attend and admission is free. This year marks our 29th year of providing a safe and sober graduation night for our local Graduating Seniors. Please come help us celebration this fine group of young adults in 'Our Secret Garden'. You wont be disappointed! See you there! Page 5 Currydale Farms Chicks are here and More Coming! 2/24/16 Black Sex Link and Speckled Sussex 3/04/16 Ameraucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpington and Silver Wyandotte 03/18/16 Barred Rock, Buff Orpingtons, Black Sex Link, and Easter Ducks 04/01/15: Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red, Silver Wyandotte and Hatchery Choice Ducks 541 347 4356 8:30 am—5:30 pm 49877 Highway 101 Bandon, Oregon Page 6 Linkedin, and Pinterest. In addition to her skills as a technology trainer, Misty is a graduate of the Oregon Coast Community College’s (SBM) Small Business Management program. A fee of $45 per person will be charged for each workshop. Support from the Brookings Harbor Chamber of Commerce allows chamber members to receive a discounted price. Seating is limited. Preregistration at http:// is r equir ed to insure seating availability and materials. The workshops will be held in Brookings at the Southwestern Oregon Community College campus, 96082 Lone Ranch Pkwy. Contact the Southwestern SBDC at 541-7566866 or email Mary Loiselle at for more information. Curry County Employment Oregon Employment Dept. Curry County payroll employment fell by 160 in January. Seasonally typical losses were estimated in retail trade (-20) and leisure and hospitality (-40). Manufacturing and local government both lost 20 jobs over the month. Small losses were estimated in construction, financial activities, professional and business services, and health care. Over the year, Curry County added just 30 jobs, or a gain of 0.5 percent. Local government (+50), manufacturing (+30), retail trade (+20), and leisure and hospitality (+30) added jobs since January CLASSIFIEDS ► CLASSIFIED ADS $5.00 per ad / 75 Words Email your ad to: PayPal billing or mail payments to: Checks Payable to: Lighthousekeeper POB 1444 Port Orford, Oregon 97465 ►►►► EMPLOYMENT CCEC is seeking qualified applicants for a Regular Part-Time Member Service Representative. Averaging 20 hours weekly. This position will cover the Brookings and Gold Beach offices. We offer a competitive compensation and benefit package. Visit our website at for more information and to apply on-line. Girl Scout Cookies are here!! Contact your Girl Scout or Richard at 541 366 2079 Girl Scouts will be in front of Ray’s Food Place on the following Saturdays: February 20th & 27th & March 5th & 12th. with our Cookie Booth ►►►► MYRTLEWOOD A & T MYRTLEWOOD & Rock Shop just north of Pacific High School, east side of 101, Sixes, Oregon All types of agates — beautiful colors, handcrafted jewelry, stones for wire-wrapping, winning Myrtlewood carvings, clocks, cribbage boards, and pine needle baskets. Our storyteller has three books you won’t want to miss! ►►►► SALES GARAGE SALE: 10 -3, Saturday, March 12. 2180 Jackson, Port Orford. Kitchen and decor items, some clothing, free stuff. MOVING SALE: 3/12/16 – 8 am to 2 pm - No early or late birds. Lots of free stuff (mostly foods) (some clothing [large size]), almost new computer w/dvd/cd/ mp3 player, new Cuisinart food processor, bluetooth headset, cd player/radio, coffeemaker, electric oven, toaster. Silver Springs RV Park on Port Orford Loop Road !! Look for the balloons !! FOR SALE: “09 Honda wheel Rancher with all 10 mi. on odometer. Serious buyers only, 541-332-6920 ATV- 4 options. $5500. please. ►►►► CHAPEL CALVARY CHAPEL FELLOWSHIP: We ar e Calvary Chapel Fellowship now meeting since January 3rd at the Port Orford Senior Center, 1536 Jackson Street, Port Orford on Sundays at 9:00am. Questions? Please call cell phone (831) 406-9308 Pastor Jeffrey Long 210 Page 7 Paradise Excavation & Construction Site Prep, Underground Utilities, Water Systems Fresh pie and homemade chowder daily! Home-cooked meals featuring local eggs, meats, fish, produce and microbrews. The Crazy Norwegian’s Fish & Chips Now open for breakfast and lunch every day 7:00 am - 2:00 pm 541 404 1593 Winter Hours 11:30 AM—7:30 PM Tuesday-Sunday Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB# 117241 MDI: 1644 Dinner from 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm on Thursdays, featuring Gourmet Oregon Grass fed Burgers and Mexican-style Tacos. Langlois, Oregon -- 541-348-1015 2015. On the other hand, a number of industries lost employment, including construction (-50), professional and business services (-30), and health care (-20). Curry County is certainly one of Oregon’s laggard counties struggling to regain jobs lost during the previous recession. The unemployment rate remains among the highest of Oregon’s counties. ►►►► FOR SALE BAR TABLE: with four chairs (metal w/burgundy seats). Bar top is free-formoblong myrtlewood slab, set on steel post/legs. $500 or reasonable offers considered. Photo on request. Page 8 Like us on Facebook and learn about our Daily Specials NEW: Custom Woodwork & Remodeling Michael R. Hewitt, Contractor 541 332 8601 259 6th Street ( Hwy 101) Port Orford Police Reports Port Orford Police 02/28-12:50: 1300 block of Lakeshore, Criminal Mischief 02/29-19:03: 1000 block Oregon St., Burglary, Cold 03/01-11:20: Probation Violation, Arrestee: David Compton 03/01-18:47: Woods near agates, Criminal Mischief 3/2-08:18: 1200 block Wyoming, Disorderly Conduct 03/03-13:06: 42000 block Loop Road, Harassment 03/04-19:36: 600 block 12th, Dispute, cold 03/05-23:38: 1400 block Idaho, Suspicious Conditions General: Traffic Stops 11, Area Checks 15, Civil Service 1, Follow ups etc. 13, Welfare Check 3, Civil Service 1, Attempt to Locate 2, Animal Calls 1, Found Property 1. Port Orford Ambulance: 9 Port Orford Fire 03/03-21:33: 95000 block Floras Creek, Ambulance Call out Curry County Sheriff 02/29-13:06: 41000 Humbug, Criminal Trespass 03/03-18:41: Floras Lake, Rescue Operation 03/03-20:18: 93000 block Elk River, Protective Order Violation 03/04-08:39: 93000 block Hubbard Creek, Burglary, Cold 03/04-11:19: Langlois, Threats 03/04-22:58: 92000 block Paradise Point, Dispute in Progress General: Incomplete Calls 4, Traffic 1, Suspicious 1, Follow Up etc. 5, Alarm 1, Hazards 4 ►►►► BEACON NEW EMAIL!
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