October 2004 - norpca - Porsche Club of America
October 2004 - norpca - Porsche Club of America
Voices from the Trunk Northern Ohio Region PCA Newsletter October 2004 In This Issue: Holiday Party details--see center insert and page 7 Speedster 50th Anniversary Review- page 14 HE SAID, SHE SAID- Novice DE at Nelson’s- pages 16,17 Clambake at Flammang’s Recap- page 22 Porsches on the march to the Crawford Restoration Facility! Photo Bob Gregory ������������ ������������ ii NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Voices from the Trunk Feature Articles Stokes Farm Social .........................8 Brad Raum Crawford Facility/Driving Tour .... 10 Doug Croxford, et al. Speedster 50th Anniversary Bash.14 Bill Durica My First Driver’s Ed. ..................16 Carol Brent Novice DE in a Cayenne ...............17 Kent Winter Clambake at Flammang’s ............22 Les Checel Departments Your Board Members.....................2 The President’s Voice......................3 Roberta Heller Anniversaries & New Members ....12 Carol Croxford Board Meeting Voices...................13 Diane Baus Other Voices ..................................19 The Editor’s Voice.........................31 Les Checel/Doug Croxford Advertising The Mart.................................. 26,28 Classified Ads Name ID Tag Sale.........................32 Classified Ad Upcoming Events Upcoming Events ........................ 4-6 The 2004 NOR Holiday Party ......7 Support our Sponsors! .................32 Advertiser’s Index Please note that we have a new web page address. Visit Northern Ohio Region’s website at: http://www.norpca.org/ Voices from the Trunk is the official publication of Northern Ohio Region (NOR), Porsche Club of America (PCA). Statements and opinions herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of NOR or PCA. Permission is granted for other PCA Regions to reprint articles, provided credit is given to the author and Voices from the Trunk. Subscriptions: Free for NOR members. Non-members: $20 per year. Send subscription requests to the Editor. ©2004 NOR PCA. October 2004 1 Your NOR PCA Board: 2004 Officers Directors: Social Janis Marthaller 10017 Edgewater Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44102 216.226.8106 Tech Session Lauren Mazar 216.464.7064 lauren@therockgirls.com Chief Instructor Bob Bryant rbryantiii@att.net 440.247.1487 Autocross Doug Bradley 440.428.7043 bradleyd@adelphia.net Rally Bill Polewchak 216.731.8669 pchak@troopone.net Concours Charlie Swift 440.735.0995 sales@swiftfilters.com IRAC Representative John Hulick 440.350.4571 kingcone@aol.com Technical & Safety Eric Steinel 2002 Midway Dr. Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 330.425.8582 Past President Wolfgang Kaufer 440.285.9480 Voices Editor Les Checel/Doug Croxford 440.461.2546 noreditor@pobox.com Advertising Jim Newell 440.247.5751 newchagrin@hotmail.com Webmaster Bill Polewchak 216.731.8669 pchak@troopone.net 2 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk President Roberta Heller 2416 Edgehill Rd. Cleveland Hts., Ohio 44106 216.371.8005 REHeller@sbcglobal.net Vice President Mike Simon 5441 Weeping Willow Dr. Hudson, Ohio 44236 330.796.2909 mike_simon@goodyear.com Secretary Diane Baus 16336 Sheldon Road Brookpark, Ohio 44142 216.265.8057 dxb24@po.cwru.edu Treasurer Mike Bond 15524 Edgewater Drive Lakewood, Ohio 44107 216.226.7990 mbond10424@aol.com Membership Carol Croxford 9159 Memphis Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44144 216.398.3449 (h) clcroxford@aol.com Zone Representative Denis Moore 2416 Edgehill Rd. Cleveland Hts., Ohio 44106 216.371.8005 phone 216.371.8302 fax dmoore356@sbcglobal.net The President’s Voice by Roberta Heller I’m writing this article for October on 9/11, the 3 year anniversary of a terrible event that rocked the country. Makes you stop and take stock of what we have – as a country, as individuals. We have a daughter who works in Manhattan, and did three years ago. I still get goose bumps when I think about how close . . . And yet we are here, we are free to choose where we live, how we live, what we drive. What a country! It’s October. Leaves are changing, there is a vibrancy in the change of seasons. You can smell it in the air. Does it give you new energy? No, not thinking about winter, but fall itself. For whatever reason, that happens to me. Denis hates the thought of raking leaves. I love the rustle of leaves under my feet. Take time to enjoy the glorious weather at the Wine Tasting Tour. It promises to be a visual delight as we drive to the east, visit 4 wineries, and share lunch together. Debbie Bond has put together our first annual Wine Tasting Tour that promises to be a wonderful event. Want one more autocross under your belt this season? John Hulick and Doug Bradley are proud to offer that to you on Sun., Oct. 3 at Meadow-brook Market. It’s for fun! It’s for you. Reverse gear. Our thanks to Mike Simon and Dave Sunderhaft for being co-chairmen of the Crawford Auto tour. What an awesome sight! 45+Porsches (everything except a 914), plus some other vehicles including a Ferrari toured to the Crawford Preservation facilOctober 2004 ity. Over 110 people attended the event. Awesome! Norm & Candy Stokes opened their horse farm to us after a monsoon of rain. Some rode horses well. I can say that I can now personally appreciate the horses up front. I was astride, though I can’t say that I really rode. John & Donna Flammang graciously opened their home for the annual clam bake. And Janis Marthaller put together the catering. More on that on page 22. And the annual German Car Show, brought to you by Charlie Swift and Tom Priebe and their team was, as usual, well run and well attended with 86 cars on the grass. All sorts of cool cars in the parking lot (the “other” show). We raised more money for ALS. We are working to bring you a wide array of venues to tickle your fancy. Come play. It’s fun! See you at the next event! 3 October Events NOR Autocross Sunday Oct. 3, 2004 9:00am Meadowbrook Market Rockside & Northfield Rds. Bedford, OH Here is your last opportunity to run your Porsche around the pylons before the leaves and the white stuff start to fall. Lots of timed runs through the cones guaranteed. Questions: Call Doug Bradley at 440.428-7043 or e-mail bradleyd@adelphia.net NOR All Member Board Meeting 2004 7:00 pm Monday Oct 4, Fred Baker Porsche Audi Bedford, OH Questions: Please call Roberta at 216.371.8005 (h) (or email HYPERLINK “mailto:reheller@sbcglobal.net” reheller@sbcglobal.net) or Diane at 216.265.8057; e-mail dxb24@po.cwru.edu 4 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk October Events, continued NOR Wine Tasting Tour Saturday, Oct. 9, 2004 11:30 am Clarion Hotel I-271 & Chagrin Blvd. Beachwood, OH As the Fall driving season begins join us for a colorful back roads tour through Lake County. We will stop at four notable Geneva OH area wineries including a lunch break at the Ferrante Winery. Full details are available in the September Voices from the Trunk. October 2004 5 November Events NOR All Member Board Meeting MEETING IS CANCELLED Questions: Please call Roberta at 216.371.8005 (h) reheller@sbcglobal.net or Diane at 216.265.8057; e-mail dxb24@po.cwru.edu NOR Annual Meeting & Social Event Saturday, Nov. 6, 2004 7:00pm Stoddard Imported Cars Willoughby, OH Check out the showroom floor for the new 2005 Models and the restoration shop for classics in mid-restoration. Meet & Greet your 2005 NOR Board Members as well as the new Stoddard management team! Enjoy some great food and companionship with fellow NOR members. RSVP to: Janis Marthaller at 216.226.8106 6 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk NOR’s Annual Holiday Party!!! Saturday, December 4, 2004 Hors d’oeurves 6:30 pm Dinner: 7:30 pm Free valet parking GIOVANNA’S ON CLIFTON 10427 Clifton Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44102 216.631.3463 It’s not too early to begin the holiday festivities, especially when it is the Northern Ohio Region’s annual Holiday Party! This event has sold out every year, so please plan on attending and send in your reservations early. Hors d’oeuvres at the bar Open bar all evening Your choice of one of the following entrees: Beef tenderloin, Florentine stuffed sole, Sautéed chicken marsala or Vegetable risotto Dinner includes a yuletide salad, cavatelli pasta with fresh tomato basil sauce, potato & vegetable and and strawberry cassata cake for dessert. Wine will be served with dinner as well as open bar, soft drinks, coffee, and tea. This is a steal at only $40.00 per person. Reservations are a must! Use the insert in the center of this month’s Voices from the Trunk to indicate one entrée per person. Then mail the insert and your payment to arrive by November 23. Sorry, no money can be taken at the door. Questions? Call Janis Marthaller at 216.226.8106. October 2004 7 One Trick Pony--Stokes Farm Review A warm thanks to the Norm and Candy Stokes and their helpers for hosting a wonderful get together for us Porschetypes at their Can-Do-It-Farm. Brad Raum I even traded in 350 horsepower for a single horsepower hay burner named Butterscotch. Butterscotch made one thing clear – this was his house and he knew the drill and the route. He was none to sure about having some 928driver telling him what to do. We came to an understanding and he took me for a nice ride around the It was a great drive out in the country. Although the weather did not fully cooperate with us, we still had a fun time visiting and riding the horses in the arena. 8 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Photos by Roberta Heller arena. Even our fearless president, Roberta, mustered up the courage to ride one of those beautiful horses and she came off looking like a pro. We have a lot of talented cooks and bakers in this club. Despite the dreary weather, the grill was roaring away and we had some burgers and brats along with an assortment of salads, sides and desserts. Norm shared his wealth of knowledge about driving experiences and the cars he’s owned. Of course we have a special shared interest, our 928s. These kinds of experiences are what make the people in this club special. Hope to see you all again soon! (Opposite left: author Brad Raum and Buttersotch round up a posse) (Opposite right: Emily Wright, AKA Calamity Jane) (Right: Bob and Colette Gregory recruit others to break out of the cowpoke pokey) PANELWERKS A COMPLETE SPORTS CAR REPAIR FACILITY Offering Professional Service for Your Vintage or Performance Sports Car From Minor Metal and Paint Repair to Ground Up Restorations. INCLUDING INTERIORS, CARPETS & TOPS • ENGINE • DRIVE TRAIN BILL KEMPER 9460 HAMILTON DRIVE• MENTOR, OHIO 44060 (440) 639-1556 October 2004 9 Crawford Auto Aviation Restoration Facility and Tour Doug Croxford Hats off to Mike Simon for an excellent time and excellent planning for the Cuyahoga Valley tour and restoration shop tour! I think it’s safe to say that everyone had a blast, considering that even though I had a nasty summer head cold, I had a great time. Thanks again for your hard work, the fabulous directions, and the great roads! Look for a full story in next month’s issue. Here are comments from some attendees: Mike, thanks very much for the great driving route and the Crawford tour. My wife and I had a great time. (she loved having your detailed directions. ) We look forward to future club events (especially the ones you organize!) and are happy we joined this year. -Jeff & Terry Leisinger Mike - My father and I had a GREAT time, really looking forward to becoming a MORE active member in the future. I really like the rallies, and events where we get to get the cars out and drive! Mike, Thanks so much for organizing this event. Frank and I had a great time! It was our first "porsche club outing" and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks again. Nancy and Frank Eilberg Tom Leigh (continued on page 24) (Photo 10 Roberta Heller) NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk ������������������� There's a reason for the "Extremist" in our name. Sometimes you have to be just a little over the top to do all the things that we do at this place. Most of the stuff we do is for performance, but sometimes it's just for the bling. Take the Carbon Fiber Rear Fuse Board Cover pictured here. It won't make your car any faster. Won't add an ounce of horsepower. But it's the real deal, light as a feather and strong as steel. It's just the right piece to complete the modern look to your engine compartment. We designed it and it's exclusively ours. (10% off any exclusive Autobahn Extremist item for NOR club members) We do lots of other stuff that won't do a single thing to make your car go faster. Our own powder coating, for example. We make sure that all the hose clamps used are matching stainless steel, and we glass bead clean all corroded parts, not just brush on some solvent. It's just the right way to treat your Porsche. So maybe your car won't run faster. But it will blow you away just sitting in the driveway. ������������������� ������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� October 2004 11 September Anniversaries & New Members by Carol Croxford Years Name 33 David, Kay Baier 21 Reed, Sue Dallmann 21 Michael, Carmela Previte 20 Erwin, Leslie Bruder 19 James, Susan Berry 19 David, Lisa Mc Lean 18 Lee, Janice Seabeck 17 Eric, Laurie Friedrich 17 James, Sherry Greer 17 Dale Stitt, Lonore Charboneau 15 Tom, Cindy Bloch 15 Tim LaGanke, Lauren Townsend 13 David, Jennifer Plentovich 13 Kenneth Webster 12 Fred, Brian Rothstein 12 Douglas, Arlene Schmidt 12 Timothy, Anne Vaughan 10 Craig, Martha Fraser 10 Bob, Debra Jursinski 10 Christopher,Stephanie Seabeck 9 Gregory, Connie Mead 8 John, Donna Flammang 8 Max, Kathy Fothergill 8 Philip, Shirley Mark 7 Tony, Virginia Azzonlin 7 Christopher, Janet Goda 7 David, Thomas Jacobson 7 Alan Meyer, Laurie Schermer 7 Mark, Melanie Shock 6 Robert, Justin Bland 6 Gary, Susan Brockett 6 Thomas, Michelle Hartman 6 Joe, Nancy O’Brien 6 Brad Sikora, Marie Quintana 6 Matthew Stottlemyer, Betty Rush 6 James Watterson 5 Chris, Beverly Bartholomew 5 Lou Brancae 5 Fred, Jay Eisenzimmer 5 Keith, Linda Lash 5 Richard, Geoff Mills 5 Dennis Rositer, Betty Lilley 4 Richard, Sandy Boyatzis 4 James, Gretchen Gerken 4 Richard, Kathy Krahe 4 Lisa, Jeff Smith 4 Adam Vertes, Robert Helfand 3 Edwin Clawson 3 Richard Ilcisko, Sandra Salasovich 3 Lee Minter 3 Christopher James, Rebecca Puskar 2 Joe, Michele Consolo 2 William Doyle 2 John, Laura Graber 2 David, Lynn Kajganich 2 Mark Smith, Heidi Lingg 1 Joshua Braveman 1 Brandon, Bryan Feimer 1 Francis, Eija Havrilla 1 Steve Jarvis 1 Neil Sheehan 1 David Tarditi NEW MEMBERS Robert Rutowski, 1988/911, Broadview Heights Richard & Mary Jo Stark, 1987/ 944, Painsville Jay Tarby, 1997/Boxster, Bedford 12 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Board Meeting Voices by Diane Baus Sept. 13, 2004. Hoggy’s 7:00pm Diane & Ed Baus, Mike Bond, Doug Bradley, Les Checel, Carol & Doug Croxford, Pat & Walt Ellert, Bob & Colette Gregory, Roberta Heller, John Hulick, Wolfgang Kaufer, Bill & Shelley Polewchak, Mike Simon, Dieter Zebeddies Treasurer: We are in good shape for the coming year. Mid Ohio, NOR Novice DE, and German Auto Show all made money this year. . Tours/Rally: Wine Tour Oct. 9th We will reserve tables at Ferrante’s Winery for lunch. NORites will order from the menu, separate checks. Tour starts at 11AM from Hyde Park (I-271 & Chagrin). Lunch is the 2nd stop at about 2: 00pm. Tour route will be on the web for those who can/want to attend portions of the tour. Rally Sun., Sept. 26th. $200 budget provided for food and trophies. Crawford Museum event had 45 cars for the drive; 110 people for the tour. The venue was well done. Worth repeating next year. Website: Bill is always working to upgrade our website. NOR bylaws will be placed on the web. Our website offers links to all or our advertisers, weather in this area and cheap gas prices. If an advertiser does not have a link, contact Bill Polewchak for more info. Autocross: Oct. 3rd at Meadowbrook. Insurance set. $25/car. This is a non-IRAC event, for fun only! Social: The Stoke’s Farm had 30 people who braved the rain. Next event: Clam bake on Sept. 18th at October 2004 Donna and John Flammang’s. Driver’s Ed: One Day Novice DE had 23 students. A huge hit peaking the interest of potential DE students. Concours: German Car Show on Sept. 12th had 86 cars. Next year’s date is Sept. 11. Charlie Swift asked that proceeds be donated to ALS. Approved. Membership: PCA still working on the database. NOR is not removing from mailing list til the database is restored. We send letters to newer members on their 1- 5 anniversaries. Newsletter: The newsletter will be late due to a program problem. New e-mail address to be created that belongs to NOR regardless of server or editor to build in continuity. Old Business: Helmets. Purchased 4 helmets for loaners at DE & autox. Crawford restoration project. To restore 1913 first Porsche designed racecar in time for the 2006 Pebble Beach Concours. NOR would like to partner on fundraising for the restoration. Storage Unit. Ed Baus will rent 10x10 storage space for NOR equipment to keep all in one place. New Business: Picnic w/EBR including blimp rides a possibility for next year. Next Meeting: Oct. 4th Fred Baker 7:00pm 13 50th Anniversary Speedster Event Bill Durica The Porsche Speedster Fiftieth Anniversary event, June 2527, 2004, was billed as a “once in a lifetime” experience. Perhaps never again will there be such an assemblage of the model that strongly influenced Porsche’s success, reputation and heritage in the United States. The event featured the Speedster, its predecessor, the America Roadster, and its successor, the Convertible D. Six of the sixteen America Roadsters built were present, and registrants came from all over the U.S. and as far away as Australia. Special guests were Porsche Number 1 from the factory, the first five production Speedsters and the Convertible D prototype. Between featured cars and corral cars, there were seeing Porsches immediately. Cars could be seen and heard cruisin’ the perfect setting around Monterey and Pebble Beach. For us, it was Speedster heaven! Friday was check-in day at the Hyatt Regency Monterey, a long, three story hotel comprised of adjacent buildings end to end with a long continuous driveway and a large circular area in front of the main entrance. When we arrived, Porsches were everywhere, mostly early ones. They were coming in, going out and parked along the driveway and around the circle. The sight was a 356 fantasy! We lucked out with a room on the third floor in the wing adjacent to the main building. We had a small balcony that overlooked the hundreds of beautiful cars to see! The excitement began even before registration at event headquarters. Val and I had arrived two days early to pick up our transported car, and we began circle and much of the driveway. We could see featured cars at will and hear that characteristic 356 sound as cars passed. After unpacking, we visited the Goodie Store, the literature 14 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Photography by the Author meet, the Speedster Forum and checked out the cars. The six America Roadsters were lined up for a photo-op at the hotel entry. The weather was perfect and the mood festive. We had dinner at the Pebble Beach the course its historic flavor. After cruising a portion of the Pebble Beach Seventeen Mile Drive, we headed to Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca for a taste of a modern track. Having never raced on a real track, it was an Equestrian Park, where large tents were erected for the event. When our shuttle arrived, the left side of the path to the tents was lined with the first five production Speedsters and the Convertible D prototype. Porsche Number 1 and the six America Roadsters were on the right. It was a beautiful sight as the sun began to set. Saturday morning, we ate breakfast and hurried to drive the old Pebble Beach Races course. The event organizers brought in hay bales, turn markers and an overhead “START” sign to give exciting experience--especially the first time through the “corkscrew”. Next, we headed to Quail Lodge in Carmel Valley for the afternoon All Cars Display. Behind the golf course clubhouse, cars were lined up on adjacent, tree-lined fairways. Featured cars were displayed by year, model and chassis number, while corral cars were displayed by year and model. Imagine the array of colors; silver, white, red, blue, black and more! (continued on page 20) (all photos courtesy Bob Gregory) October 2004 15 My First Driver Ed. Wonderful! In August I took my first Novice Drivers Ed. class at Nelson’s Ledges. It was an experience I will NEVER forget. I learned so many things about driving, even though I’ve been driving for a few decades! There are names for the different parts of a curve that I hadn’t thought about since high school geometry class. And at that time I thought I’d never need to know that information again! I’m a teacher, so the next time I hear one of my students say “we’ll never use this information again” I will have a great story for them. I learned how difficult it is to control a car going so fast around a turn. It takes muscles! My Mazda Miata sure stuck to the road nicely, but it took two hands to keep it on the turns, and maybe that’s why I missed a turn or two and had a few fishtails (my instructor said they were small, but they felt like what I’ve seen at the Indy 500!). It also takes a severe amount of concentration: I’m looking ahead, pushing in the clutch, shifting, braking, trying not to brake through the apex, looking for the next cone, turning while keeping my hands at 9 and 3, letting up on the clutch, giving more gas and do all of the above at the same time! I’m only supposed to look in the rearview mirror and side mirrors for someone who knows so much more than I do that they’re able to pass just before the straight. Hard to do, and very different than driving on the street. I felt successful when I was able to stick my hand out the window and let them pass without 16 by Carol Brent losing control! And I had to do all this with a helmet on so my head is heavy and my peripheral vision is definitely not 180! Yet, it was more fun than I’ve had in a long time. My hands were clammy and my heart was pounding (as I’m sure were my instructors’, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to me Thanks Deneene!) I can’t wait for my next Driver Ed class. I don’t feel really confident yet but I do feel a yearning to get back to the track. A very funny thing happened on the way home from the track. I thought I would have to be very careful not to speed because I had been going so fast on the track, yet I had a greater appreciation for speed and how difficult it can be to control, so I actually wanted to go a little slower. I think I have become a much more cautious and better driver. The last thing I learned is I’m NOT telling my own teenagers all the new things I learned about driving because, of course, they think I don’t know how to drive at all!!! NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Novice Driver Ed in My Cayenne You have got to try this! I love cars, speed and have always wanted to drive on a track. I just took delivery of a 2004 Cayenne S. A nice car, but I really didn’t know what it could do. After all, it’s an SUV! I decided to join the PCA, and looked through the magazine and website for events. I came across the Novice Driver Ed at Nelson Ledges in late August, only two days away. I made a phone call or two and talked to Roberta Heller. She went out of her way to help me sign up for the class. What a nice lady and what a nice intro to PCA! I bought a “Snell SA” rated certified helmet over the weekend (a grade up from a DOT motorcycle helmet), after shopping two motorcycle shops for about $100.00. On Monday morning, (race day to me), I showed up with about 24 other newcomers. Also trackside were at least 12 experienced driving instructors. A perfect, sunny day lay ahead. Again, a great bunch of people and ideal driving conditions. Now the fun begins. Our education began with slalom driving around a series of cones. Then 0 to 60 mph acceleration and hard on the brake pedal to demonstrate braking ability and the sensation of ABS at work. (My Cayenne never skidded, swerved etc. Thank you Porsche engineering! Both of these exercises started to give me confidence in what my Cayenne could really do. We broke the class into two groups and headed to the track. I was in group two. Nelson Ledges consists October 2004 by Kent Winter of 13 corners and 2 straights with an overall length of 2 mi. per lap. On the track, we started with “Ducks in a Row”, which meant that we each got in our cars with our helmets on & followed our instructors for 5 relaxed laps. Informal classroom instruction followed. When passing, the slower car stays on the line, slows down and points out the window to let the faster car know where to pass. We reviewed racing flags (Checker flag - last lap, Yellow – caution, no passing, and Black flag – trouble with your car, Blue flag – there is a faster car behind you. Let it pass, etc.) We are now going to the track and wow, does the adrenaline start pumping. The course is well marked for novices. Orange cones are set just off the track surface marking the turn in points & apexes. We each get an instructor and the games begin! What a rush! Flying around the track as fast as you have the courage to go!! Each lap a bit faster. My instructor was a real gentleman - a seasoned veteran to this stuff. ( Must also be quite brave too.) We had three half hour turns at the track. Pure adrenaline surged through my veins! I have never had so much fun!!! By the end of the day, I was mentally beat. I called most of my friends to tell them that a day at Cedar Point is no match to the fun and excitement I just experienced. For all of those who have never experienced this treat, I highly recommend it. The people of PCA are a great, friendly bunch. Thank you, I’ll be back. 17 BARR-137 2004 Porsche Ad 2/20/04 4:08 PM Page 1 ��������������������������������������������� � � � � � � � ������������� ������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������� ���������������� �������������������� ���������������� ������������������������ ��������������������� � ��������������������������� � �������������������������� � ����������������� � �������������������� � � ������������������ ������������������������������������������� 18 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Other Voices [Ed. —This is going to be your page. In lieu of a Letter’s to the Editor we wanted to make a page for you to share your comments about the club or anything Porsche related. Write to us noreditor@pobox.com, talk to us, or make a comment to someone to share with us and we’ll share it with everyone. Hello from the Social Director’s Clip Board! I would like to thank all our friends who opened their homes for our summer social events: To the Kanuk’s and Polewchak’s for putting a wonderful barbeque and wine tasting extravaganza together. We had a great time. To Bill and Felicia Moore for hosting a great Chili Cook-Off in June. To Jack Burns for putting together a great trip to Auburn, Indiana. To Brant Giere and his lovely farm. To Mike Simon for the family night at the Mayfield Drive-In and for the Crawford Auto Museum Warehouse Tour & Buffet. To Norm and Candy Stokes and their great horse farm and cookout. To Charlie Swift and all the NOR friends for putting together the German Auto Show. Congratulation to all of our winners. To John and Donna Flammang for another delicious Clambake at their beautiful home. Finally, I would like to thank all of our friends who made 2004’s Social Calendar the best yet. -Janis Marthaller October 2004 In Memoriam: Jim Moreland NOR lost a good and valued friend with the passing of Jim Moreland on August 22, 2004. Jim was a long standing member of the Allegheny Region and was arguably the best membership chairman that AR ever had. For the last 10 years he was one of the most requested instructors at NOR Drivers Ed events. Repeat students would often ask to have Jim assigned to their passenger seats. The loves of his life were his family, all things Porsche (especially 944 Turbos), and the Steelers. Our sincere condolences go to his wife, Joyce. We are keeping our eyes up for you, Jim. -Lori Bryant Haven’t gotten Voices for a while? Contact Carol Croxford and make sure your membership information is current. Call 216.389.3449 or email clcroxford@aol.com 19 Speedster 50th Anniversary, cont. (from page 15) This was the portion of the program most people eagerly awaited: Again the day was beautiful, with the sun bringing out the best in each car from trailer queen to restoration candidate. Music played throughout the afternoon, and live entertainment followed dinner. The only scheduled Sunday activity was a Swap Meet from 6 to 9 a.m. Cars began to leave early, and soon our time would come. We spent the rest of Sunday 20 with friends at Carmel, and on Monday morning began the trip home in our ’55 Speedster. Our journey home was an equally memorable adventure. We headed down the spectacular Pacific Coast Highway, across California to Route 66, and then followed much of the Mother Road from Bakersfield, California to St. Louis, Missouri. It was a fun ride, covering over 2,700 miles. Yes, this Speedster Fiftieth Anniversary was truly a once in a lifetime experience! NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk Race to your local Merrill Lynch . . . . . . there is no substitute! “Bullish on PCA” Brant Giere PCA Member ������������������������������������ Vice President Senior Financial Advisor 440.526.6015 October 2004 21 Fruits de Mer at Flammang’s On a cool, bordering on cold September evening, 40+ NOR members and their families drove up the driveway and parked in the spacious back yard of Donna & John Flammang’s home in Pepper Pike. The majority arrived in 911’s, the prominent color being black. What better way is there to start the Fall social season than to sit down and enjoy the fare of a traditional clambake? Wine bottles were uncorked and soon the steamers were outpouring with chowder & broth, net bags bursting with clams and corn-onthe cob. Add in roasted chicken, sweet potatoes, salad, rolls, key lime & pumpkin pies and you can see that no one went home hungry! The after dinner hours were spent around the warmth of the library fireplace talking the usual good Porsche talk. Thanks Donna & John for being such gracious hosts. I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story…. Ron & Janis Marthaller scheme with cohort Michael Browne Marte & Phyllis Cellura Photographs by Mr. Tuna as presented to Les Checel 22 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk by Charley Tuna Judy & Doug Wright Carol Harrison & Carl Panek proudly display Stuttgart’s finest attire Rocky, the fireman’s dog. He spent time trying to extinguish the clam steamer’s flames, chasing the Friedrich kids, and here relaxing by the fireplace. Zera & Ray Paganini with Ron Marthaller October 2004 23 Crawford Tour, Continued (continued from page 10) Hi Mike the tour was great! Your hard work really showed, Anna Marie and I really enjoyed the day. Talk to you soon. -Mike Carlozzi Photos for this story by Roberta Heller and Bob Gregory ������ � � �� ����� �� � � � ����� ���� ����� ������ ���� ����� ��� �������� ���� �� �������� ���� ����� ������ ������������ ������ ��� � ������������ ���������������������� ������������������������� ������� �� ������� �������� ������� ������� � ������ �������� ������� ����� ���� �� ������ 24 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������� October 2004 25 The Mart Voices makes space available to PCA members for want/sell ads at no cost. 1. Ads are listed for 3 months. 2. Mail or email all ads to the Editor. No ads can be taken by phone. Cars 2002 Boxster S, 6 spd, 18” Sport Design Wheels, Triple Black, CD, Heated Power Seats, Driver Side Memory, Garaged, 13,000 mi, $45,000 OBO, Cleveland, OH, Joe Consolo 440.724.48467 1997 Boxster, Silver w/cardinal leather & black top, tiptronic, loaded, CD, 17” alloys, 73K mi., $2000 in recent service done. $21350 Don Filips 216.536.08116 1991 944 S2 , Guards Red. 5 speed. All original. Has been garaged during winters in Cleveland. Originally from Louisville, KY. Never seen salt. No rust or body damage. Paint is very good. Black interior. New tires, brakes, water pump, timing belt and tensioner. Maintained at Stoddard. Asking $8900 but will negotiate. Call GREG ZIVODER at 440.352.9322 or tomcatd@3ace.net.7 1989 944 S2, F Class, 16,000 miles, Steinel freshened for ’04, third at Rennsport2, full cage, Sparco FIA seat, Willans FIA belts, fiberglass nose & splitter, Racer’s Edge suspension, hollow torsion bars, adjustable sway bars, strut brace, Hypercoils, adjustable perches, K&N, 2 sets of wheels, 4 sets of tires, spares, PCA & SCCA log books, $20,000, call Bob MacDonald 440.846.0065.7 1987 930 Turbo Coupe White with red interior. Street or Track. Full bolt-in roll cage, Konig Seat, MOMO steering wheel. Fresh engine and transmission have less than 500 miles. Performance upgrades include Group B racing cams, light flywheel, oversized oil cooler, header with supertrapp, solid motor mounts, GT1 type wing, splitter and much more. $25,900 OBO. For an additional $4,900, I’ll include an 18 ft steel open trailer with dual axles and electric brakes, the original 930 rear decklid with whaletail, a set of 4 HRE Wheels 9x17 & 11x17, a set of 4 Speedline Wheels 8x17, 10x17, 12 tires, 2 front valanc26 3. To repeat an ad, please resubmit it. 4. Non-members may advertise for three (3) consecutive months for $15 per month. Hint: Join NOR PCA. Then it only costs $42 for 3 months of ads and membership! es, a spare exhaust system, several sets of brake pads, 2 sets of Teamtech harness, spare turbo, suspension parts, & much more. Contact Nick at 330-4677966 or nix935@yahoo.com. 1985 911 Cabriolet Red with black top and tan interior. Fuchs 7 and 8x16 wheels, Sound Stream Pro speaker system, R&M Motorsport strut brace, short shift kit. Strong engine and transmission. No oil leaks! Very nice condition inside and out, 70,000 miles, $17,800 OBO. Contact Nick at 330467-7966 or nix935@yahoo.com. 1978 911 SC TARGA. This car has a reputable club history. Always maintained by the highest of standards.Most recent including a professionally rebuilt engine and dyno sheets to prove so. ALL updates plus a few more already done.(ie. tensioners,pop-off valve,head studs etc.) All done within the past 3000 miles. Also I have many extra parts to go with–matching Fuchs wheels with polished lips and hand painted centers at the top of the list. The car is lowered with KONI adjustables and front strut tie. Also it has recaro seats with pull out bolsters. Just too much to list so call for more details— Digital pics available upon request.... CHRIS YOUNG 440.984.5002 leave msg.4 1975 911S Short throw shifter, sunroof, smoky black, black interior, Fuchs, Pirellis, clean in and out. Most recently maintained by Autobahn Extremist. All papers since new. $12,900 -- offers. Paul Harvey, Bay Village. 440-892-7656. Harvdawg@att.net 1973 914 1.7 White with black interior. Excellent shape-no rust. Interior like new. With car cover and bra. Asking $6000. Photos available. Call Herb Guenther 419.651.0454 or 800.525.3351. 5 Continued on page 28... NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk October 2004 27 The Mart, continued... Wanted 88-89 944 turbo S, Platinum or silver color. Must be in nice shape with low miles and no body or paint work. No track cars need apply. Steve Talevich home 330-869-6460, work 330-8364101 stalevich@aol.com Parts Track Dudes: Tired of hauling your race rubber in the car? I have a trailer and hitch to fit 74-89 SC or Carreras (Accordian bumper cars) Will sell both for $150. Call John Hulick Cell 440.477.6543 Home 440.350.4571 6 Comp T/A R1’s 205/50/15 mounted on American Racing Alloys $240.00 for all four. 1973-74 914 PartsHoods, Roof, Electrical, Interior, Rubber all priced to sell. Call Kim Pechak at 216.952. 5180 9 Mass Flow Sensor System for 19841987 911 Includes mass air flow sensor unit, K&N cone filter, mounting hardware and performance chip by AuthoThority. System is in perfect working order. Bolt-on installation, completely reversible. This system significantly increases throttle response and increases power. $1,250 OBO. Third Foot Gas Pedal Allows effortless “heel & Toe” driving. Manufactured by Wings Engineering. Includes all mounting hardware. Easy to install. $65. MOMO Steering Wheel, Adapter Kit & Spacer Monte Carlo steering wheel (TYP V35): thin-spoke wrapped in black leather with a 350mm O.D. Genuine Porsche horn button featuring Porsche Crest. Steering Wheel Hub Adapter Kit, compatible with 1965-89 911/912/ 930: Steering Wheel Spacer: extends steering wheel 25mm (1”) so your fingers don’t hit the dash! Total package is offered for $220 OBO. Contact Nick at 330-467-7966 or nix935@yahoo.com. Wheels Two brand new BFG T/A 205/55R 15 mounted on 15 x 7 Fuchs gloss black centers, polished lip and painted caps. Two BFG T/A 215/60 R 15 with 9/32 tread mounted on 15 x 8 Fuchs gloss black centers, polished lip and painted caps. Set for 28 $1500.00 Set of Bridgestone Blizzak Winter Tires for Mercedes Benz with 9/32 tread mounted on like new M-B Stock 6-Spoke Alloy Wheel 7J x 16 - $650.00 Contact Jerry at 440-2379955 or jlking2@nscorp.com Factory Porsche front bra with carry bag, fits 76-89 911 turbo body, only used once, 100.00 obo. Factory Porsche car cover with carry bag and lock, fits 7689 911 turbo body. 100.00 obo. AJ-USA 930 steering wheel with center Porsche crest. 2 years old 285.00 obo. Set of BBS-LM series wheels 2pc. (2)17x7.5,(2)17x9 2 years old, like new with Bridgestone SO2 tires fronts 225-45 17 rears 255-40 17, front tires 75% tread rears 50% tread. Rims new cost $2490.00; $2000.00 obo. Steve Talevich home 330-869-6460, work 330-836-4101 stalevich@aol.com Rusty, hammered ‘73 914 with a surprising amount of usable parts. Near mint black seats, adjustable front and rear sways and more. Parting out; no drivetrain or suspension. Call with needs. Cheap! Doug Croxford, 216789-4053 or charger4sp@aol.com Storage Winter Storage Facility in Valley View Porsches preferred but suitable for all specialty cars. Sealed floors w/ radiant heating system, fully sprinklered secure space. PCA member on site. $75 Month per car. Space is limited! Call Joseph Lombardo at 216.524.0760 Winter Storage. We can store a few cars in our dry storage. $270.00 for 6 months. Chuck Hazle. 216.541.6060 or Tim Oakes 216.541.6457. Other Vehicles 1999 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4, Extended Cab, Red/Grey Intr, 4.0L V6, Air, Sliding Rear Wndow, Power Windows/Locks, AM/FM/ Casette,Bed Liner, 73200 Mi, Well cared for, Nonsmoker Commuter, Orig owners, Very nice. Tow vehicle? $11.5 as is. 330-405-5031 Brad/Marie -xrbx@adelphia.net NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk October 2004 29 30 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk The Editor’s Voice by Les Checel and Doug Croxford Here we come with our second edition of the NOR Newsletter. The September issue was a steep curve learning experience for both of us. Hopefully it got to your mailbox before that 911 Turbo number, 930. If so, technically we were on schedule. Without any prompting from me, Doug made the September cover shot a picture of LC 356 taken at the Mayfield Drive-In. The wide, white screen in the background made a good area to put words describing the newsletter contents. The last time I was at a drive-in you listened to the soundtrack through a speaker hug on the side window. In the modern word of today you tune your FM radio to an unused frequency to get the audio. I encountered one small problem. The ’64 356SC I was parked in had no radio, AM or FM. Paul Radey came to the rescue with his portable boom-box. We sat in lawn chairs out under the stars near the refreshment stand and watched the “Princess Diaries”. The night air was so cold that I nearly froze my popcorn balls. Between the 1st and 2nd features. I was outta there heading home. The late Summer through early Fall weeks have had their fair share of NOR activities. The Nelson Ledges Novices Only DE, Mike Simon’s Winding Roads /Crawford Send a note with your old & new address to: Museum Tour, the Flammang’s annual clambake and the Stokes’ farm party are all in this issue of Voices. Thanks to the organizers, authors, photographers, and most of all, the participants, who made all this happen. Doug adds: --This issue is getting to the printer about 10 days earlier than last month’s: At this rate of progression, we’ll be printing next August’s issue in May. How’s that for timeliness? This has been an extraordinarily busy summer for me. I’ve been in some part or another of 22 different states since March, and I’ve attended dozens of car shows. Belonging to one car club as energetic as this can be hard to keep up with: Add in the Superbirds and I’m left prioritizing and planning based on multiple calendars. I have to give credit where it’s due--my very understanding mother. I could take the cars, do as I please, but if I went anywhere out of the ordinary, we went together. We went to South Dakota and Yellowstone, Talladega, Alabama for a parade lap in the Superbird, and many of other places. I’m a very lucky kid, to say the least. Thanks, mom. If you note any incorrect information on the Anniversary or New Member lists, please notify Carol Croxford so the records may be updated. Carol Croxford: PCA Membership 9159 Memphis Ave. If your mailing label is incorrect or you wish Cleveland, Ohio 44144 to change your mailing address for Voices, email: clcroxford@aol.com please contact Carol Croxford to update the mailing list. October 2004 31 Name ID Tag Sale By Pat Ellert If you want to be with the “in – crowd” and socialize with other club members get yourself and your family members a name tag. These are a great way to break the ice when approaching someone new, especially for those of you who might be shy. (Who would be shy and drive a Porsche? You’d be surprised.) NORTHERN OHIO REGION Porsche Club of America YOUR NAME HERE For those of you who are afraid of putting a hole in your precious wardrobe, not to worry…we’re offering magnetic name tags. Magnetic name tags have a unique backing. It is attaches by placing your clothing between the name tag and another magnetic strip. No unsightly holes or snags from your name tag. But for those diehard traditional fans, we still have the pin-on variety too. What’s another hole? If you wreck your shirt you know you can never have too many car polishing rags! CONTACT: Pat Ellert at PEWE4now@aol.com or snag her at an event. Cost: $6.00 each. You can choose magnetic or pin type and color (for those of you who feel color coordination is relevant for your existence.) NOR PCA Ad Rates, 2004: 1/4 Page: 1/2 Page: 5x5 Ad: Full Page: Cover: $230/Yr $350/Yr $535/Yr $700/Yr $860/Yr All rates on a prepaid basis. Call for quarterly rates. DEADLINE for articles and ads is the 15th of the previous month. To publish in May, for example, please have the article to the Editor by April 15th. That will help ensure that you have Voices from the Trunk by the 1st of each month. 32 Support Our Advertisers AutoAnnex ......................................29 Autobahn Extremist........................ 11 Bob Hoover Insurance ....................25 Cleveland Granite ...........................20 Donald G. Velcio, CPA...................24 Donald L. Barr & Co...................... 18 Dr. Eric’s Total Vision Care ...........27 Fred Baker ................................... IBC Lisa M. Smith, Interior Designer ...25 Merrill Lynch, Brant Giere.............21 Premier Softub Outlet.....................25 Panelwerks ........................................9 PartsHeaven ....................................24 Rainbow Muffler ..............................8 Scheid’s Truc “N” RV.....................24 Steinel’s Autowerks....................... BC Stoddard’s ...................................5, IC Sunnyside Porsche ..........................30 NOR-PCA Voices from the Trunk ������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ����������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��� ��� ���� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� October 2004 iii Calendar of Events: 10/3 ............Autocross 10/4 ............Board Meeting 10/16...........IRAC Autocross/Banquet 10/23-24.....MidOhio DE 11/6.............Annual Meeting/Social Event 11/6-7 .........MidOhio DE 12/4 ............Holiday Party FIRST CLASS U.S.POSTAGE PAID CLEVELAND, OH PERMIT NO. 517 Voices from the Trunk c/o Carol Croxford 9159 Memphis Ave. Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 ����������������������������������������������� ������������������� ������ ������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ����� ���������� ������� All entrees served with a vegetable, and potato. Wine with dinner, soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Dessert: Starters: · Giovanna’s House Salad Vine ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, Reggiano cheese and Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing · Cavatelli Pasta Home made cavatelli served with fresh tomato basil sauce Your choice of one of the following entrees: · Florentine stuffed sole Sole wrapped with spinach & parmesan, poached in lobster consommé · Sautéed chicken marsala Double breast with crimini mushrooms in a marsala reduction sauce · Beef sirloin filet Center cut beef tenderloin rubbed with black pepper & garlic · Vegetarian Creamy risotto with vegetable stock, topped w/Portobello mushrooms & roasted peppers Cocktails and Appetizers at 6:30 pm ~ ~ ~ Dinner at 7:30 pm Open bar . . . . Hors d’oeuvres GIOVANNA’S ON CLIFTON 10427 Clifton Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44102 216.631.3463 Saturday, December 4, 2004 Northern Ohio Region’s Annual Holiday Party ------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Entrée: ____________________________________ Entrée: ______________________________ Questions? Call Janis at 216.226.8106 Mail this portion and your check to: Janis Marthaller, NOR Holiday Party, 10017 Edgewater Drive, Cleveland, OH 44102-6117 $40.00 per person x ____ people attending = $___________ (check enclosed) Name: ____________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Please indicate one entrée per person and mail this portion along with your check made payable to NORPCA by November 23, 2004. --------------------------- We are donating canned goods to the Cleveland Foodbank to help those who are less fortunate. Please bring a donation. Please note: NO money will be taken at the door. The deadline for sign up and payment will be November 30, 2004. Seating limited to the first 150 people. Open bar all evening. Valet parking. NOR has the entire restaurant on a Saturday night. This is a wonderful value at only $40.00 per person · Strawberry cassata cake
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