Conrad`s Auto Salvage Celebrating 20 Years


Conrad`s Auto Salvage Celebrating 20 Years
April/May 2014
Conrad’s Auto Salvage Celebrating 20 Years
Conrad’s Auto Salvage celebrated
20 years in business at their Mondovi location and the Grand Opening of their
second ASAP Used Auto Parts store.
The store is located on the south end of
Menomonie at N4676 47st street and
is stocked with used auto parts as well
as oil, filters, aftermarket headlights, taillights, grilles, handles, etc.
Parts that are not at the
store are delivered daily
for customer pickup. On
May 8th Conrad’s hosted an open house with
food, refreshments, door
prizes including Brewer
and Rockfest tickets. For
the week celebration,
customers were offered
a 14% discount on all in
house parts.
Inside this issue...
Bay Auto Parts Member Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover
CARS of Wisconsin Board Meeting,January 14. . . . . . . . 4
CARS of Wisconsin Board Meeting, February 17 . . . . . . 5
From the Secretary’s Desk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
CARS of WI Board & Committee Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
RPEP Rewards to Pay CARS Dues for Morrison Auto. . . 9
Psychology of SALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Previous Scholarship Recipients of the
Cheryl Rastia Scholarship CARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2013 Robert R. Morrison Scholarship
Award Winner: Deaven Pippel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Sharp Auto Parts Associate Member Profile. . . . . . . . . . 13
Set Glorious Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Membership Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
ARA Marketplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Scrap Steel • Copper • Aluminum • Red & Yellow Brass
Stainless Steel • Junk Vehicles • Catalytic Converters
Usable Steel • Electronic & Computer Scrap
We Recycle ALMOST Everything!
Why Miller Compressing Company?
We have the highest integrity
We operate certified public scales
We pay top dollar for your scrap
We have our own fleet of trucks for pick up service
We have been in business for over 105 years
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ectricians • Plumbers
Please call one of our professional, courteous staff members for
excellent service and answers to all of your questions
Allison Heisler - 414 290-6546 • Mary Krecak - 414 290-6562
com •
The CARS News
The CARS News is an R.J. McClellan,
Inc. publication. All rights Reserved. The
CARS News is published six times per
year for the Concerned Auto Recyclers of
Wisconsin. None of the material in this
publication necessarily reflects the opinion of CARS of WI, its officers, directors,
staff, members or its Publisher. Statements of fact and opinion are
the responsibility of the author alone.
Articles and letters suitable for publication will be published in the
next scheduled newsletter as space permits. Material should be sent
to the Executive Secretary, Sandy Dumke,
Articles may be edited for length.
Throughout this issue, trademarked names are used. Rather than place
a trademark symbol in every occurrence of a trademarked name, we
state we are using the names only in an editorial fashion, and to the
benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of
the trademark. Mention of trade names, commercial products, or techniques does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
2013/14 Board Meetings
5:30 PM Conference Calls
(unless noted otherwise)
Nov. 12
Dec 10
Feb. 22
Mar 4
Apr 4 or 5•
May 13
July 8
Sept 9
• Oct 3 & 4
• Jan. 14
CARS of WI Board of Directors
Lor’ell Rademacher, President
Hillside Salvage, LLC-Tigerton
Matt Rowe
Speedway Salvage-Maribel
Deanna Hart, Past President
Newville Auto Salvage
Jody Harper
Harper’s Salvage
Dean Bellin, Vice President
Bay Auto Parts
Peter Krumenauer, Secretary
Conrad’s Auto
• June 10
Aug 12
Executive Secretary
Sandy Dumke
11374 Flynn La.
Suring, WI 54174
Greg Hubbard
Hubbard, Wilson, and Zelenkova
Phone: 608-255-0566
Wayne Smits, Treasurer
Choice Auto Recyclers
Tom Goetsch
Rhinelander Auto
Josh Novak
Norb’s Auto Salvage
Tom Hermann
Cleveland Auto Sales & Salvage
Rob Koepp
Morrison’s Auto
Pat Dowd
B & M Auto Parts
Matt Joes
East Troy Auto Recyclers
Jeff Tisler
Tisler Salvage
Publisher & Advertising
For information on advertising, please contact:
R. J. McClellan, Inc.
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Phone 651-458-0089 • Toll Free 877-525-4589
Fax 651-458-0125 •
Ron McClellan • Sheila Cain
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin
CARS News Submission Dates
Submit by the 1st day of month
prior to publication date of newsletter.
(example: submit items for the Dec. newsletter by Nov. 1st.)
Issue. . . . . . . . . .Deadline
Feb/Mar. . . . . . . Jan 1
April/May. . . . . . Mar 1
June/July. . . . . . .May 1
Issue. . . . . . . . . .Deadline
Aug/Sept. . . . . . . July 1
Oct/Nov . . . . . . . Sept 1
Dec/Jan . . . . . . . Nov 1
2014 CARS Committee Chairpersons
Jeff Tisler
Rob Koepp
Dean Bellen
Dean Bellin
Lor’ell Rademacher
Pat Dowd
WICAR Program:
V i s i t w w w.c a r s o f w i .c o m
Matt Rowe
Jody Harper
Josh Novak
Dean Bellin
Wayne Smits
Tom Goetch
Association News
CARS of Wis Board Meeting
March 1, 2014, St. Point
Meeting was called to order by President Rademacher
at 1:06 PM. This meeting is in conjunction with the CARS
Warranty Group Meeting.
Board members present: Rademacher, Bellin, Joes,
Novak, Smits, Radtke for Goetsch, and Executive Secretary
Dumke. Guests attending were Les Dueleman from Elmers and Paul Scharff from Don Scharff Auto as representing
the Warranty Group. Also present was Larry Glenser from
McDill Auto.
Minutes from February were reviewed. Motion to accept
was made by Bellin and seconded by Joes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report was discussed. The scholarship correction was discussed. There was a discussion on the cost of
the Lobbyist. The pay scale for Lobbyist will be researched.
The value of the Hill Days was discussed and it was decided
that both the Federal and state of Wisconsin Hill Days were
both important. Bellin made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and seconded by Joes. Motion carried.
Legislature Committee: The penalty for selling vehicles without a license was discussed. The first offence will
be a civil offence with a monetary cost. The second offence
will be a criminal offence and fines and jail terms. This bill
should pass this coming week. The battery bill should also
pass. It is important to check VIN numbers for liens before
buying cars. The DOT will have a sit down meeting with
us about dealer licensing. They will set up a meeting in ST.
Point with Greg to set up the agenda for the state program.
Larry Glenzer asked it we could do something about the
Freon license.
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
The new style Freon’s are no longer hazardous and
need no licensing.
Bylaws Committee: No report
Convention Committee: Dumke needed to set up
room monitors for the Upper Midwest Convention, but because there were not enough people at this meeting she will
do it in MN. The Annual meeting will be at Chula Vista in
WI Dells. It was voted not to have breakfast included in the
registration to keep the price down. Ideas for speakers were
discussed and we will decide at the next meeting.
Education Committee: Speakers for fall was discussed.
Insurance Committee: No report
Membership Committee: The new Associate member is Schulz Recycling in Merrill. They are part of United
Milwaukee Scrap.
Newsletter Committee: Dumke said we need to get
articles sent in.
Recycling Committee: Joes reported that car bodies
are going down more this week.
Scholarship Committee: No report
Website Committee: Smits said we should send in
changes to the website to Bruce. The new website should
go live soon.
WICAR Committee: No report. Dave will have a
seminar in April.
Warranty Committee: The Warranty Group held
there meeting before this meeting. There were 21 people
there. The discussion was good and informative. Many questions were answered. The next meeting will be in MN at the
convention. Les and Paul will be contacting the members of
the group to get them more interested in selling warranties.
Old Business: None
New Business: Dumke reported that some members
are looking for good employees and wanted to have an add
in the newsletter. It was approved. The Morrison Golf outing
was discussed and decided to sponsor a hole for May 17th.
Bellin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Smits.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:26PM.
Respectfully submitted
Sandy Dumke
June/July 2014
Association News
CARS of Wis Board Meeting
April 5, 2014
Board meeting called to order by President Rademacher
at the Ramada Plaza, Minneapolis Minnesota at 5pm.
Board members present: Smits, Bellin, Koepp, Dowd,
Joas, Tisler, Krumenauer, President Rademacher and Executive Secretary Dumke.
Board Members absent: Novak, Goetsch, Hermann,
Harper, Rowe, and Hart.
Dowd made a motion to accept the minutes from the
March 1st meeting, Bellin seconded. Motion passed.
ty program from Dave Kendziorski. It should include forklift
training, air bag certification, etc and would only allow members to get on the links. More to follow at the May meeting.
Insurance Committee: No report.
Membership Committee: Dowd reported that new
memberships have been very slow and possibly a coupon
book for an incentive to join could help. He will look into it.
WICAR Committee: No report.
Warranty Program: Jennifer Lake (Conrad Auto Sal-
Treasurer’s Report: Smits reviewed the latest Bank
Reconciliation and the latest report. He also reported that he
would like to transfer the Cars funds to a no load mutual fund
and get them out of a high management fee Ameriprise financial service account. Koepp made a motion to have Smits do
the transfer, Bellin seconded, motion passed. Dowd made a
motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Koepp motion passed.
Legislative Report: President Rademacher reported
that the items covered at the March 1st meeting were approved. Milwaukee’s bill on “Bill of Sale” vehicles was not
introduced to session. According to Hubbard the city wants
to regulate scanvangers. Rademacher will set up a meeting
with Hubbard and any board members to meet in Stevens
Point at Hilltop Pub and Grille on April 11th to go over our
wishes and directions that we want Hubbard to do for us.
Bylaw Committee: No report.
Convention Committee: Dumke reported that the
convention was going well and should have a report at the
next meeting. She also reported that only lunch and supper
will be served at the Annual Meeting. Dumke will check
with Shanon Nordstrum to see if he is available as a speaker.
Will be looking for vendors to support the Annual Meeting.
Rademacher asked about doing a fund raiser at the Annual
Meeting for an organization like Toys 4 Tots, Animal shelter,
United Way, etc. Will have more discussion at May meeting .
Scholarship Committee: Novak reported that one
scholarship has been received. Also reported that the new
website has the new scholarship forms. Discussed of possible
fund raiser for the scholarship fund.
Education Committee: Koepp suggested that Bruce
Chrystie build a program with links on our website for the safe-
vage) and Smits said that they would get on the Warranty
Board. Bellin and Matt McDonough (Kadinger’s Inc) also said
they have interest in becoming board members. Rademacher
would like to set up a meeting with Paul Scharf, Les Deullman
and the board on May 16th to discuss the program.
Newsletter Committee: Dumke reported that she
would like to send the CARS newsletter to other states in
exchange for theirs.
Old Business: None
New Business:
1. Rademacher talked about microwaving tires to
make fuel. More info to be discussed at the May
2. Dumke asked about plastic bags for parts with
CARS logo.
3. It was asked that Board Members try to keep down
the background noise when on conference calls.
Bellin made a motion to ajourn at 6:00pm. Dodd seconded, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted
Peter Krumenauer
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Association News
From The President’s Desk
By Lor’ell Rademacher
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
Association News
From the Secretary’s Desk
By Sandy Dumke
Hello everyone!
Well, I think
spring is really here, finally. The flowers
are up and the lawn is starting to grow.
This was the longest winter I ever remember.
The Upper Midwest Recyclers Convention and Trade Show is in the books
for 2014. There were 34 vender booths
sold and we had 1 booth that was com-
thing you would like to see. We are
also looking for speakers for the 2015
Upper Midwest Convention. What do
you want to see? This is your Association and your input and help is important to keep CARS in the forefront of
this industry.
Speaking of the 2015 Upper Midwest Convention the date has been set
plimentary to ARA. The speakers were
terrific. Everyone had a good time. The
auction was well received and Billy Morrison did a great job as our auctioneer.
The NASCAR simulator races were fun.
By the time you read this newsletter the Morrison Scholarship Golf Outing will be over. CARS has sponsored
a hole again this year. The theme this
year was Reality TV. I plan to have
some pictures and information on the
The next item we have on the calendar is the CARS Annual meeting.
The meeting will be at the Chula Vista
Resort in Wisconsin Dells on October
3rd and 4th. The program is being
worked on and will be announced in
the next newsletter. We are always
looking for help from you CARS
MEMBERS. If you have an idea that
you would like to get more information
and training on please call me. If you
are looking for training for your employees we can get that help for you.
When we have our meetings to discuss
the seminars we sometimes overlook
ideas. With a little bit of extra help
from you, OUR MEMBERS, we can
give you more of what you want. So
PLEASE let me know if there is some-
for April 30-May 2. Our host will be
RPEP and Waupaca Mobil. They have
contacted us and offered the EXPO
center for the trade show. There are 3
hotels, a golf course, paddle wheel boat
tour of the Chain of Lakes and many
other things in the works. I have had
new vender calling me already for booth
spaces. This is going to be great.
I hope you all plan to attend our
upcoming events.
Sandy Dumke
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Association News
RPEP Rewards to Pay CARS Dues
for Bay Auto Parts.
The first quarter of 2014 ended on March 31 and it left
behind any number of record low temps and record high snowfalls. All reports I received were that it was a very depressing
winter even though business was generally good. After all, the
additional high costs of heating and snow removal, etc increased
the cost of producing parts to sell. Those that are not avid winter sports enthusiasts are most likely among the many who said
“This is the winter from hell”. Any time someone got a bit of
good news is was gratefully welcomed as so many conversations
were about “the terrible weather that just keeps getting worse”.
Under these conditions I felt pretty good about being
able to contact Randy at Bay Auto to share with him the
good news that Bay Auto was the recipient of the first quarter Recyclers Parts Exchange Program Reward. As is their
policy RPEP selects one business each quarter and pays that
business’s annual membership in their state auto recyclers
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
association. The selection is done by a random drawing of
one shipping label number from the period. For this drawing, shipping label #294642 was selected from the 8,302
shipments that were generated from Jan 1 to March 31. Bay
Auto was the shipper and therefore the winner. The shipper
on the selected label is the winner in first and third quarter
drawings and the receiver on the selected labels in the second and fourth quarters is the winner for those time periods.
Recyclers Parts Exchange Program continues to offer
yard to yard deliveries of all parts shipments, ranging from
tail lights to frames and body cuts, on a next day basis and at
affordable cost and every shipment label generated is another chance for the business to receive the quarterly reward.
For additional information about RPEP service in your
area contact either Bob Gokey, 715 281-4281, rpep2011@ or Bob Hoffmann
June/July 2014
Association News
Breaking the System
By: Becky T. Berube, President, United Catalyst Corporation
Cracking the Pottery was title of Seth Godin’s blog this
morning ( If you don’t read it every
morning religiously, I suggest that you start. If you are one
of Seth’s “5000 loyal, rabid fans,” or “tribe” members, you
know that Seth is a fan of breaking things. Leaders must give
away their jobs so they can be free to “break” the organization – a move towards innovation and away from stagnation.
This morning Seth advocated cracking your own pottery –
being free to create something and destroy it for something
Leverage the collective volume of the group to get the highest
net returns.
As if that change were not enough, I thought, the recyclers need one more thing – real converter prices in real
time. Data that would come not just from the competitive
landscape but from the actual intrinsic value of the converter
based on its year and model and engine family. How novel.
And that is how Converter IDentification (CID) Systems™ was born. Like an idea whose time has come, it has
better – including expired business models and preserving
the status quo.
Seth’s logic and ideas resonate with me personally.
Truthfully, some days they inspire me and other days they
help me hold on. Hold on to the idea that doing something
new and changing the way things have always been done is
a good thing. That what I am investing my life’s work in is
important. It is something that needs doing.
This is the connection economy. I am writing this to
connect with you.
Welcome to my world – the world of taking an end of
life automotive part and transforming it into precious metals
that can be used again. Recycling. It’s the cool thing. Green
Recycled Parts™. Buy them. Use them. When you cannot
use them, recycle them.
For 35 years, scrap catalytic converters have been sold
mostly the same way by recyclers; out of the yard for a
nickel on the barrelhead, or for a spot price. This method has
some inherent risks of being cheated by grading and counting falsely. It is a tradeoff of sorts; money today versus the
potential of more money next week.
Also, for 35 years, these parts have been reclaimed the
same way, via processing, smelting, refining, and being paid
for the intrinsic value, or on recovery of the precious metals
less the cost of recycling. This method has been reserved for
larger companies with larger volumes of material. It also has
inherent risks associated with improper handling and poor
or inaccurate sampling and assaying methods.
After working through the supply chain – collection, processing, and refining – I thought why not make assay-based
selling with the best global refiners available to all recyclers?
been an opportunity to break the system. Increase profits
and improve pricing for the stakeholders – the recyclers who
actually buy the end of life parts.
To be successful with this selling method, you need an
experienced, transparent partner that you can trust to give
you the money you deserve and the pricing data you need.
Interested? Give me a shout, I think I know someone.
Becky T. Berube, President
United Catalyst Corporation
846 N Hwy 25 Bypass • Greenville, SC 29617
Tel (864) 834-2003 • Cell (864) 590-1705
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Association News
Lor’ell Rademacher Leads Wisconsin Association
By Karen Crowley
Article from the Spring 2014 UpFront
The days at Hillside Salvage, LLC in Tigerton, Wis., can
be hectic, and co-owner Lor’ell Rademacher admits that she
occasionally wishes for a lifetime trip to a remote island.
“But then I get real,” said the 12-year industry veteran.
“This industry gets under your skin. It gets in your soul …
I can honestly say that I cannot see myself doing anything
Rademacher and her husband, Joe, co-own Hillside
Salvage, which was founded by Joe’s parents, Tom and Pat
Rademacher, in 1987. The company started with one revamped old barn, a handful of cars and an “ancient mobile
home” for an office, Rademacher said.
The company has steadily grown. Today, Hillside has
two semis, seven semitrailers and two mobile cleanup trucks.
The company offers container units for metal recycling to local industrial accounts and has expanded its market sales to
processors across Wisconsin.
In the fall of 2007, Lor’ell and Joe were looking for more
ways to bring the business up to date and decided to join
their state association: Concerned Auto Recyclers (CARS)
of Wisconsin.
“In the rural area that we are located, the purpose of salvage yards and their validity is fuzzy,” Rademacher explained.
“One of the goals for our business since the beginning was to
provide education to our community and create a welcoming environment for our customers. CARS has been an outstanding resource for collaborative ideas, educational forums,
and just overall a great hub for industry outreach.”
Rademacher wanted to be as involved as she could with
the association, so she served on the board of directors for
two years before becoming president of the association in
She explained that her goals as president include
strengthening educational resources, improving communication between the board and the association’s members, and
opening more doors between auto recyclers and political
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
“I would love nothing more than when an environmental bill comes across the desk of our representatives that the
first thing coming to their mind is ‘I wonder what CARS
would say?’” she admitted.
While serving as the Wisconsin state association president can be challenging, Rademacher revealed that it has
also enriched her, both personally and professionally.
“The best part about being president by far is being able
to meet some of the most amazing people who are also,
even though in similar businesses, so completely diverse and
unique,” she said. “I love hearing stories of how other companies meet the challenge of helping their businesses and
industries grow. The innovation of the people in the industry
never ceases to amaze me.”
Rademacher is only the second female president in the
history of the association; she assumed office just after past
president Deanna Hart of Newville Auto Salvage in Edgerton, Wis.
“Although it is a predominantly masculine industry, the
thought that I am a woman doesn’t really come into play
in my opinion,” Rademacher said. “It’s more a matter of,
‘Can I do the job?’ I will say, though, that I have met many
absolutely amazing women through CARS, ARA and other
state associations that have a very strong role in the development of our industry. They bring so many positive things, so
much knowledge, so much strength, I could not imagine our
industry without them.”
This article is from the Spring 2014 UpFront magazine and
is reprinted with permission.
June/July 2014
Association News
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Association News
2014 Upper Midwest
Auto & Truck Recyclers
Convention &
By Ron McClellan
On April 4 & 5 the
combined automotive
recycling associations of
the Auto Recyclers of
Minnesota (ARM) and
the Concerned Auto
Recyclers of Wisconsin
(CARS of WI) held the
2014 Upper Midwest
Auto & Truck Recyclers
Convention & Trade
Show. This year’s show
was hosted by ARM
and held at the Ramada Plaza Minneapolis.
The annual convention and trade show featured educational seminars, a vendor showcase and an fund raising
auction for the associations.
Highlighting the convention were a number of classes
with nationally recognized speakers.
• Mike Kunkel, the GM of American Auto Salvage, Fork
Worth, TX, gave three classes:
• How to Pay More for Cars and Sell the Parts for Less
• Recyclers the Next Target of Insurance Companies
• The 65 Ideas Which are Commonly Thought to be True
But are Not
• Gary Olmstead, the former Director of Global Safety
and Environment at General Mills, gave two classes:
• Workers Comp: Everything a Safety Manager Needs to
Know, Parts I and Part II
• D J Harrington (the Car-Diologist), the President of
Phone Logic, Inc. spoke on two topics:
• How to Attract New Members & Keep the Old
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
Association News
The Perfect Blend: Electronic &
Personal Relationship
Dave Kendziorski, President of
Stormtech, Inc. gave a class on:
• How to Develop an Effective
Safety Program
• as well as the airbag training
Terry Westedt, the National Accounts Manager for Rydell Auto
Group. He gave two classes:
• The Three Elements Needed
to Build a Reliable Workplace
• Building Procedures for a Suc•
cessfully Driven Job Performance
Paul Secker of SAS Forks presented Forklift Training
Rick Zirbes from I-Car presented
New Automotive Technology and
Trends for 2014
Additional presentations included:
Legislative Process 101 & MN Legislative Update by Dan Knuth - ARM
Lobbyist/Chris Bickmann–ARM
Past President
User Group Meetings by Hollander,, and Actual
Trade Show
The Trade Show, featuring 33 exhibitors, was open from 4:00 – 7:00 on
Friday evening and from 1:00 – 4:00
on Saturday.
The winner’s of the recycled art contest were judged by 3 convention attendees.
They picked there favorite item’s.
1st place winner was the dog by Peter Krumenauer
2nd place winner was the hot wheels clock by Sandy Dumke
3rd place was the closed for the winter saw blade by Sandy Dumke
Thanks to all the people that entered the contest.
The items are always different and interesting.
We would to send a big thank you to all the companies that sponsored our
Upper Midwest Convention
Hotel Host Integrated Recycling Technologies
Registration AAA Auto Salvage
Lunch-Fri Northern Metal Recycling
Lunch-Sat Sadoff Iron & Metal
Hospitality Host-Thu Hollander,Inc
Dinner-Fri Total Resource Auctions
Hospitality Host-Fri LKQ North Central
Hospitality Host-Sat Adolph’s converters & Cores
Breakfast-Fri & Sat United Recyclers Group
Recycled Art Contest SAS Forks
Education Sponsor BW Insurance Agency
Breaks-Fri & Sat Shipman Auto Parts
NASCAR Races Rydell Chevrolet
Thanks so much for sponsoring our activities.
They help make an enjoyable and successful convention.
Sincerely, Automotive Recyclers of MN • Concerned Auto Recyclers of WI
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Association News
We want to thank all of the venders that attended the
2014 Upper Midwest Convention and Trade Show.
Please support our venders. They are very important to a successful convention.
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
Association News
Do You Really Own That Scrap Car?
By Jay Svendsen
How the world has changed. Not too many years ago,
people would pay you to haul away the old car that had been
sitting out behind their house for years, and now there are bidding wars for salvage and scrap vehicles. These days, recyclers
are competing against all sorts of businesses for inventory,
which is critical to generating sales. It used to be pretty simple,
in that all you needed to buy a car was a title (or some other
proof of ownership), and as long as everything was signed and
people were paid, the deal was done. Now, it seems everyone
a growing problem of liens on titles being falsely released,
either on the title itself or through falsified affidavits. Vehicles
can also have duplicate titles, and because the newest title
“trumps” the older title, liens can be hidden or “washed” off a
title fraudulently. In addition, many states do not require the
lender to hold the title until the lien is satisfied, which makes
it easy for someone to falsify a lien satisfaction, especially with
older vehicles and older titles. Because of all of these things,
states like Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina now require
is interested in scrap vehicles. With such high demand, the price
of salvage vehicles is climbing, and all sorts of businesses that
would never have considered taking a salvage vehicle as “collateral” are doing so. With “Buy-Here Pay-Here” dealers everywhere, bail bondsmen who are willing to take titles for collateral, title pawn businesses popping up everywhere, plus all the
small community banks looking at older cars differently, it easy
for a vehicle to get a lien placed against it, especially with the
new electronic lien processes that are available in many states.
As good business practice, most businesses ask for the
title to a vehicle so they can check to see if there are any
outstanding liens, or that any liens that appear have been released. Many states have laws in place that allow businesses
to buy vehicles that are 10 or more years old or older without
a title. In these states the seller signs a document or affidavit
attesting that he has the right to sell the vehicle and that the
vehicle is “free and clear.” This used to be fine, but there is
a lien check be performed on any “non-titled” vehicles, and
many more states are looking to add similar requirements.
There are other less-nefarious title issues that can cause
headaches as well. If a state didn’t record a lien correctly, or if
the state data is wrong, it makes it very hard for the lienholder
to properly release a lien. That causes problems because if the
lien wasn’t properly released, in the eyes of the law, it’s still a
Employee Want Ad
This section of the CARS NEWS has been
set aside for the member yards that are looking
for good employees.
You can list your employee needs here.
There might be people that have or are
moving and looking for a job in your area.
Please send all your
11374 Flynn Lane
Suring, WI 54174
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Association News
lien. If a lien is showing on the “official”
record, then the lien is not satisfied and
it becomes the buyer’s responsibility to
have proof of satisfaction, or they may
be held responsible for the lien amount.
Recyclers can protect themselves by
running lien checks on a vehicle before
they purchase it. If a lien shows up, the
recycler can ask the seller for proof that
the lien is clear, before taking the chance
that the lien will become the recycler’s
responsibility. Some states offer free lien
inquiries, but the availability of such inquiries is decreasing as unscrupulous individuals using those sites to find lien vehicles. Other paid services are available,
including Auto Data Direct’s real-time
owner/lienholder search, DMV123. It offers direct access to 28 states DMVs, letting recyclers verify the status of a vehicle
on the spot, plus be able to verify the
owner, title number and other important
information. ADD also offers a NMVTIS
Vehicle History inquiry that includes title
brand information and a real-time stolen
check, which can help the recycler know
if the vehicle has other issues.
All it takes is for someone to declare that they have “claim” to a vehicle, and if it is recorded with the state,
the owner of the vehicle is liable for
the amount of the claim. I’ve heard
stories from all over the country where
shredders have had to pay $2,500 for a
vehicle that had a valid lien on it after
they bought it from an individual for
$300. The shredders can go after the
sellers for this amount, but it is hard to
“squeeze blood from a turnip.”
What is a recycler to do? If you buy
from an auction, in general the auction
is doing these checks for you, but with
the growing need for inventory, recyclers are “reaching out to the street”
where things are a lot less certain. Your
best bet to protect your business and
your bottom line is to check each vehicle out before you pay for it to be sure
you are not buying a headache.
Jay Svendsen is the National Sales
Manager for Auto Data Direct Inc. in Tallahassee, FL.
Please patronize all our Associate Members who generously support
C.A.R.S throughout the year.
AAA Auto Salvage
LKQ Viking Auto
Aftec Antifreeze Tech
Nordstrom’s Automotive, Inc.
Alter Metals Recycling
Northern Metal Recycling
DBA Toy’s Scrap & Salvage
715-834-6677 (Eau Claire)
Behr Iron & Steel
Car Partz
Northern Metal Recycling
DBA Toy’s Scrap & Salvage
715-736-8697 (Rice Lake)
PAM’s Auto, Inc.
Cousineau Auto, Inc.
QRP (Quality
Replacement Parts)
Exide Technologies
Fox Valley Iron Metal &
Salvage, Inc.
Global Parts Solutions
John’s Auto Parts-HVH
Judd Cores
Legend Smelting and
Recycled Parts Plus
RPEP Express
Sadoff Iron &
Metal Company
Sharp Auto Parts
Tricor Insurance
Lincoln Savings Bank
(LSB Financial)
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
June/July 2014
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
Concerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
11374 Flynn Lane • Suring, WI 54174
715-853-6337 • • Fax 920-842-2127
C.A.R.S. of WISCONSIN is our state association for professionals in the automotive recycling industry. It
is the only state association specifically designed to increase the efficiency and profitability of businesses in the
automotive dismantling and recycling industry, while continuing to preserve and protect our environment.
Benefits of becoming a C.A.R.S. Member
LEGISLATIVE LOBBYING SERVICES – C.A.R.S. has a hired lobbyist in Madison to ensure that our
Association remains an active participant with the State Legislature. Providing access to crucial information for
all our members from the Legislature and the various agencies.
C.A.R.S News – Your bi-monthly newsletter full of information pertinent to the auto recycling industry.
C.A.R.S Warranty Program – The ability to sell warranties on sold parts.
Buy vehicles with QRP One Source
ANNUAL CONVENTION AND TRADE FAIR – provides training seminars, workshops, educational networking
opportunities and more. Exhibitors demonstrate a variety of products that can be beneficial to your company.
EDUCATIONAL FORUMS AND TRAINING PROGRAMS – meetings and training opportunities for the
advancement and new requirements specific to our industry. Includes open discussions and simulations
demonstrating day-to-day situations we all face.
MONTHLY MEETINGS – The opportunity for you to express your concerns to your Board Members. Meetings
are convenient conference calls and held at different locations around the state. Open to all members.
SCHOLARSHIPS – Annual college scholarships available for families of C.A.R.S. members and their
WEBSITE – Information available 24/7 at your convenience at
FIRM NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: _________________________________________________ STATE: ____________________ZIP:__________________
PHONE:_______________________________ TOLL FREE:_________________________ FAX:________________________
OWNER(S) NAME: ________________________________
Direct Member applicants must include all 3 permit numbers listed below
SALVAGE LICENSE NUMBER:______________________ STORM WATER PERMIT NUMBER:_____________________
FREON PERMIT NUMBER: _________________________
MEMBERSHIP r Direct Member (Salvage Dealer)
r Associate Member (Non-Salvage Dealer)
(check one)
r $100 — New Member
(check one) r $325 — Annual Membership Renewal (Attend CARS Annual Meeting and get $100 deduct on annual dues)
r $175 — Annual Associate Member
Industry News
ARA News
Register Today for Hill Days!
Registration opens today - April 14th, for this year’s ARA
Mid-Year, Hill Day, and Legislative Summit scheduled from
Wednesday, June 18th through Friday, June 20th. Download,
complete and return the attached form to ARA so we can continue confirming all the exciting events planned for this year.
We strongly encourage all ARA members to participate in
this crucial annual fly-in. ARA staff hears regularly from Members of Congress and their staff about how they look forward
to meetings with their constituents and for ARA members
scheduling time to talk with your representatives this year is
even more important than most. During frequent meetings
between ARA staff and congressional/ agency representatives
over the past several months, there has been much interest expressed by policymakers about the profession. Staff can only
“talk the talk” for so long before we need you to come “walk
the walk” and reinforce the profession’s messages to Capitol
Hill lawmakers. ARA staff is busy preparing talking points on
a few targeted issues that we know you will agree are important topics to discuss during your visits. Look here for news
of these issues as they are finalized. We Need You to Help
Promote Your Business and the Profession to Congress. So
mark your calendars, make your travel and lodging arrangements and send in your reservation form today. As soon as
we receive the form we will begin making your congressional
appointments. We are excited to host you here in June of this
year - you won’t want to miss this great advocacy opportunity
ARAU Hosts Online Store
ARA University is excited to announce that its online
store is now active and open for business! Log on to http:// and see the ARAU/ARA products currently available during this initial phase of operation. Many more items will soon be posted, so bookmark
this site and visit often! ARAU Executive Di-rector Ginny
Whelan also plans soon to offer multiple educational learning packages for your review and purchase. In addition, if
there are combinations of learning modules that you would
like ARAU to custom generate, please send Ginny an email
eLearning Your Way
In today’s world, eLearning through the ARA University
is an important part of educating and training employees.
Some ARA members often use eLearning exclusively while
others blend it with more traditional learning activities.
There are a lot of ways to create a training culture in
your business and ARAU pro-vides the best courses at the
lowest possible cost. Offering simple, linear courses that your
employee can get in and out of quickly, don’t waste your
time looking anywhere else!
The ARAU always divides its courses into two buckets:
information and performance. ARAU offers the industry’s
best compliance training designed to change performance as
well as certify understanding.
Wondering which employee needs to take which
course? ARAU’s newly updated curriculum has set up automatic job relationships with the required courses. By
bundling the courses required for a specific job role, i.e., all
courses recommended for an inventory specialist will autoConcerned Auto Recyclers of Wisconsin News
June/July 2014
Industry News
matically appear in the employee’s registered courses once
his/her job role is assigned, ARAU can save both you and
employee valuable time. This new feature will be available
June 1st. Get it at
To succeed with eLearning, here are a few pitfalls you
will want to AVOID:
• Shotgun approach to compliance training. We know the
drill. The organization has a bunch of courses you need
to take by an assigned time because they are required
by OSHA standards or industry standards.
• Too much focus on information. As an industry we’re
good at pushing in-formation out. But information is
only part of the learning process.
No required action. Information is good, but real learning happens when that information is applied in a context relevant to the employee’s skill needs. Courses built
that let people practice what they’re learning. And then
give them the appropriate feedback.
Check out your eLearning options today at www.
c/o RJ McClellan, Inc.
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