The Voice of Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce
The Voice of Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce
FOCUS: Real Estate Services: Financial Institutions, Mortgages and Insurance SEPTEMBER 2014 The Voice of Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce Read more on page 19. table of contents Board Chair’s Message............................ 3 Your Chamber....................................... 4-8 Bucks Business Connect held at The Birches Raymour & Flanigan welcomes LBCCC for the Business Card Exchange Youth Leadership Program helps High School Students LBCCC Ambassadors Speed Networking held in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Happy Hour Central Bark Doggie Daycare Ribbon Cutting LBCCC Internship Program Making Meaningful Connections Crowdfunding Seminar held at LBCCC Welcome New Members......................... 5 Advertisers’ Web Sites.............................. 6 Member Fates & Happenings................. 8 Events & Committee Calendar............... 9 Bucks Business Connect......................... 10 Business Card Exchange........................ 11 Focus Now.................................. 12, 15-17 Real Estate Services: Financial Institutions, Mortgages and Insurance Membership Application..................13-14 Business Briefs.......................................... 18 lbccc outlook september 2014 Spotlight on First Federal of Bucks County................ 19 2 Ad Size Business Card 1/6 page 1/4 page 1/3 page H 1/3 page V 1/2 page H 1/2 page V Full page Back Cover Inserts Dimensions 1 Mo. 3.5”W x 2”H $ 164 3.5”W x 3.5”H $ 248 3.5”W x 5”H $ 350 7.5”W x 3.5”H $ 409 3.5”W x 7”H $ 409 7.5”W x 5”H $ 619 3.5”W x 10”H $ 619 7.5”W x 10”H $ 1,099 7.5”W x 5”H $ 840 non-profit: $442 $630 3 Mo. $ 152 $ 229 $ 320 $ 391 $ 391 $ 577 $ 577 $ 1,055 $ 768 $600 6 Mo. 12 Mo. $ 141 $ 127 $ 213 $ 199 $ 290 $ 271 $ 361 $ 337 $ 361 $ 337 $ 551 $ 530 $ 551 $ 530 $ 1,033 $ 1,010 $ 726 $ 702 $570 $539 INSERTS: Once copy is approved by Chamber, Customer supplies 1,600 copies directly to Printers office. BLACK & WHITE ADS: Deduct $25 from standard ad rates. DESIGN INFORMATION: Camera ready ads are encouraged, however ads can be produced. Design Fee: If necessary, a one time design fee includes: One scanned image, logo and typesetting. Camera ready laser copy provided for future use. Business Card:$55,1/6 pg:$80,1/4 pg:$100,1/3 pg:$160,1/2 pg:$190 & Full Pg:$225 COVER: 4C Image on Cover & 4C Full Page Interior Article - $2,200/1 month 4C Image on Cover & 2C Full Page Interior Article - $1,750/1 month Contact Lisa Kruse at 215.860.3090, for advertising information! Cover Description First Federal of Bucks County President and CEO Jeane Coyle continues the Bristol-based bank’s rich tradition of investing in the community. Photo by: Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios Advertising, Design & Layout Angelmark Associates, Inc. - Lisa Kruse 35 Stoopville Road, Newtown, PA 18940 215.860.3090 Printing Prestige Color 19 Prestige Ln., Lancaster, PA 17603 717.278.6978 Publisher Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce 409 Hood Blvd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Phone: 215.943.7400 Fax: 215.943.7404 E-mail: Web site: Outlook Copyright© 2014, is published by L.B.C.C.C. Editorial content and advertising is limited to Chamber members. Editorial coverage does not imply or indicate Chamber endorsement of members’ business, products or services. board chair’s message Denise M. Bowman, Hill Wallack LLP alling all Entrepreneurs The word “entrepreneur” is derived from the 13th century French verb, “entreprendre,” meaning to do or undertake something. The first academic application of the term was by economist Richard Cantillon in 1730. For Cantillon, the trait that distinguished someone as an “entrepreneur” was his or her willingness to bear the risk of creating and operating a business in the absence of any assurance of future success. Fast forward to present day, and entrepreneurship can be seen in many forms. There are small, home-based businesses, and there are national, multi-million dollar businesses. There are the manufacturers of goods that we consume at unfathomable rates. There are the creators of “apps” that we just cannot live without, and there are those individuals forming the green technology companies that we see popping up all around us. As different as the businesses themselves may be, the entrepreneurs behind them tend to share many of the same traits. They are tenacious and have vision, and they are not afraid to break the rules. These characteristics describe many among our ranks in the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce who saw an opportunity or a gap in the marketplace, and leveraged it into a profitable business venture. By recognizing opportunities and converting them into new businesses, these individuals have created new markets. They have created fresh opportunities for themselves and others, and they have contributed to improving the job market. Their vision and willingness to take on significant risk for the sake of even a chance of extraordinary financial success contributes to the existence of a wide variety of products and services in the marketplace. This phenomenon, in turn, increases supply and demand, thereby promoting economic growth. So, to all the entrepreneurs here at the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce, we celebrate you and your contributions to the growth and strength of our local economy and that of the surrounding region. We stand ready to support and assist in helping you identify and leverage new opportunities and to grow your existing business(es). In return, we ask only this – share your experiences and entrepreneurial spirit with other members of the Chamber. We can all benefit from lessons learned by others who have been fearless in the face of financial risk for the sake of converting a really great idea into a reality. Denise M. Bowman, Hill Wallack LLP SHARE YOUR ENTHUSIASM by posting photos from Chamber events to your Facebook page, sharing Chamber Facebook posts, retweet Chamber tweets, tweet when you are at Chamber events. Please see page 8 for a listing of all the Chamber’s Social Media sites. Board Members Peter Adamo, Lower Bucks Hospital Paul Bencivengo, Visit Bucks County Tobi Bruhn, Bucks County Community College Ron Davis, PARX Casino & Racing Theodore D. Dorand, PECO Kathie Jankauskas, KJanStudio Bill Koelewyn, 225 Lincoln Properties LP Amy Murray-Hyde, CBDI, Inc. Kevin Ody, Bucks County Technical High School Kevin Roddy, 3rd Fed Bank Lloyd Scarborough, HouseMaster Home Inspections Jessica J. Sweeney, First Federal of Bucks County Mike Taylor, Sesame Place Brian Tierney, Streamline Payroll, LLC Cathy Windland, Inner Spa Professional Staff & Contractor President - Dan Bates - Publications and Web Site - Kim Bloemker - Professional Development and Leadership - Susan Harkins - Marketing and Public Relations - Nicole Mandel Kelliher - Membership and Finance - Stephanie Ripka - Special Events - Toni Yonce - lbccc outlook september 2014 LBCCC Officers & Executive Committee Board Chair, Denise M. Bowman, Hill Wallack LLP Chair-Elect, Kathy Zelenka, The Gormley Furlong Group @ Stifel Immediate Past Chair, Brian Jeter, Comcast Treasurer, Robin M. Connor, E.W. Kaufmann Company Counsel, Jon Pavlovack, Hill Wallack LLP Suzy Buehler, McCafferty Auto Group Brandon McFadden, PNC Wealth Management 3 your chamber Bucks Business Connect held at The Birches The Birches opened their doors to the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce for the Bucks Business Connect meeting in July. Sponsored by the Green Parrot, over 70 LBCCC members and guests attended this informative meeting. 1 LBCCC President Dan Bates, Bob Lutz (Green Parrot/Sponsor), Lori Hoppmann (Edward Jones Investments/BBC Chair), Kim Cahill Yannuzzi (The Birches/Host), Denise Bowman (Hill Wallack, LLP/LBCCC Board Chair), Scott I. Fegley, Esq. (The Fegley Law Firm/ Speaker), and Sam Griga (RICOH USA/BBC Committee). 2 Scott I. Fegley, Esq. (The Fegley Law Firm) discussed “How to Handle HR When You Don’t Have an HR Department) at the July Bucks Business Connect meeting. 3 The Birches was a nice setting for the Bucks Business Connect meeting. Raymour & Flanigan welcomes LBCCC for the Business Card Exchange Raymour & Flanigan opened the doors to their furniture store to host the Business Card Exchange in July. 1 Gregory Kay (First Choice Bank), Craig Boyer (Northwestern Mutual Financial Network), and Jonah Pascucci (Richardson Commercial Realtors). lbccc outlook september 2014 2 4 Rachel Hutchinson (Family Heritage), Patricia McDougall, RN (Medicine In Balance), and Igor Shvartsberg (Primerica Financial Services). 3 Thank you to Raymour & Flanigan for hosting the Business Card Exchange! Yo u r M e m b e r s h i p i s M u c h A p p r e c i a t e d ! new members & your chamber Please join us in welcoming these new Chamber Members! Attach this listing to your directory as a handy reference. New members as of 6/25/14 – 7/21/14. Bucks Business Connect at The Birches Business Card Exchange at Raymour & Flanigan Courtyard by Marriott 3280 Tillman Dr. Bensalem, PA 19020 215-604-9900 Courtney Presser, Sales Manager Darrin Rosenberg Mary Sujkowski, Director of Sales and Marketing Hotels Sponsor: Chamber Web Site Embrace Computers Inc. 8 Cypress Ln. Levittown, PA 19055 267-566-8092 Fax: 267-430-7179 Keven Oates, President Computer & Network Support Services Sponsor: Tom Dingwall 1 New member Bob Lutz (Green Parrot), center, with LBCCC President Dan Bates and Bucks Business Connect Chair Lori Hoppmann (Edward Jones Investments). 2 New members were welcomed to the BCE by Amy M.B. McKenna (Bucks County Bank/BCE Chair) and Dan Bates (LBCCC President). From left, Joseph Doroba (Raymour & Flanigan), Jens Rosmus (Heraeus Incorporated), Kevin Mooney (Raymour & Flanigan), Jonathan Mauriello (Cooper Pest Solutions), Chris Stevens (Scappa Brick Oven Trattoria), Amy, James Andris (Hill Wallack LLP Intern), and Dan. Youth Leadership Program helps High School Students More than 20 high school students participated in this year’s Youth Leadership program which took place this past summer. Youth Leadership provides students with the opportunity to learn leadership skills, visit with local businesses and organizations, meet business and community leaders, and learn about issues facing our community. At the conclusion of the program, students gathered at the Chamber with their parents for a special recognition and graduation ceremony. Dinner sponsored by Village Catering. Dessert sponsored by Piazza’s Bakery. Thank you to volunteers Dave Dixon (Cost Segregation Services, Inc.), Megan Sliwinski (Gorman Optimal Health Solutions, Inc.), Rhonda Okamoto (Legal Shield), and Bill Sheffer (First National Bank & Trust Co. of Newtown). 3 The Youth Leadership participants, along with County Commissioners Rob Loughery and Diane Ellis-Marseglia. Marinelli Insurance and Financial Services 301 Oxford Valley Rd. Ste. 1602 A Yardley, PA 19067 267-573-4950 Fax: 267-573-4537 Matt Marinelli, Owner Insurance Agency Sponsor: Chamber Web Site Oxygen Oasis Hyperbaric Wellness Center, LLC 848 Town Center Dr. Langhorne, PA 19047 215-603-8225 Victoria Bliss, President & CEO Healthcare Sponsor: Brian Tierney lbccc outlook september 2014 The group had the opportunity to visit the Bucks County Technical High School, Bucks County Bank, the Bucks County Courthouse and 911 Center, Newtown Athletic Club, USS (United States Steel), Toll Brothers, Wheelabrator Falls, Inc., Waste Management, Pennsbury Manor, Bucks County Community College – Lower Bucks Campus, Silver Lake Nature Center, Lower Bucks Hospital, and Lincoln Technical Institute. Kiss Electric 5921 Bristol-Emilie Rd. Levittown, PA 19057 215-547-0604 Fax: 215-547-0604 Erin Kiss Joseph Kistler, President Keith Truskin, CFO Electrical Contractors Discount: 20% 1st. Time Customer Sponsor: Chamber Staff 5 PLEASE VISIT OUR A DV E RT I S E R S ’ W E B S I T E S 225 Lincoln Properties LP your chamber 3rd Fed Bank Angelmark Associates, Inc. Aspire Bucks County Bank Capital Insurance & Investment Planning, LLC Coldwell Banker Hearthside Realtors Coldwell Banker Hearthside Yardley – Sue Herbst First Federal of Bucks County First National Bank & Trust Co. of Newtown 3 3 First Priority Bank 4 4 First Trust Security Services Fulton Bank The Gannon Insurance Agency, Inc. Prestige Color REMAX Properties – The Theresa Derderian Team Sam’s Club LBCCC Ambassadors 2 Members of both LBCCC and the Greater Philadelphia An Ambassador is an active Chamber member who participates in Chamber and community events. They attend grand openings and ribbon cutting ceremonies. Ambassadors visit our members to provide constant and personal communications in order for our members to gain the greatest value from their membership. Young Professionals Happy Hour Slippery Surface Solutions LLC Streamline Payroll, LLC Weidel Realtors – Anne M. Costello Being an Ambassador provides you a unique opportunity to meet with Chamber members, decision makers and community leaders, while helping our Chamber meet its goal of personally contacting each member to ensure membership satisfaction. William Penn Bank lbccc outlook september 2014 All paid advertisers were contacted for the opportunity to be listed in this section. 6 Thanks for Voting Us Best Of 1 Seated, Tom Dingwall (Mr. Solution), Emmet Mar- kin (EHM Web Solutions), and Jeff Miller (Creative Advertising Specialties, Inc.). Standing, Kim Romani (Streamline Payroll, LLC), Rhonda Okamoto (Legal Shield), Jackie Garber (WBCB Radio Station (1490 AM)), and Isabel Menichella. Speed Networking held in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce LBCCC members were invited to join the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce for a Speed Networking event last June. Speed Networking is a more intimate form of networking that provides an opportunity for participants to fully describe their business, gain new leads and/or form referral partnerships in a more productive environment. Chamber of Commerce joined together for a Speed Networking event at Pen Ryn Mansion. The Chamber’s Young Professionals group attended a Happy Hour at Escape Bar & restaurant at the Newtown Athletic Club in late July. Motivational Speaker and Coach Michelle Sparling, co-founder of Aspire, talked to the group of Young Professionals on “Life Balance.” If you or someone you know is a Young Professional (35 and under) and you would like to get involved with the group, contact Young Professionals co-chairs, Joel Perkins - – or Mike Taylor for more information! 3 The Chamber’s Young Professionals enjoyed a Happy Hour at the NAC’s new poolside bar! Central Bark Doggie Daycare Ribbon Cutting LBCCC member Central Bark Doggie Daycare invited Chamber members and the community to their ‘Dog Days of Summer Grand Opening’ last June. The day featured live music, treats for humans and dogs, massages, and more! 4 LBCCC Ambassador Brian Zavodnick (Process Plus Legal Services, LLC), second from right, helped with the ribbon cutting at Central Bark Doggie Daycare. continued Request for Applications - Leadership Bucks County 2014-15 Lea dersh ip Bu c ks County h a s co n trib u ted to the p erso n a l an d p rofes s ional gro wth an d su cc es s of over 250 in dividu als for 23 years ! Continuous improvements have been made each year to ensure that the program remains one of the finest of its kind, anywhere in the country. 5 5 As a class member SPONSOR, you want a Return On Investment. Here are some benefits to you and/or to class members: Representing your company’s services and products by networking during the program year Enhanced skill and confidence to provide leadership for the company ternship Program, please contact Susan Harkins at or 215-943-7400 for more information! Improved knowledge of issues impacting the business community 5 Jennifer Schultz, CEO & Founder of Recruit- Expanded knowledge and skill in managing people Hands on experience in getting things done through teamwork Better preparation for Chamber leadership positions Benefits from a personal assessment for a self-awareness experience 6 6 LBCCC Internship Program If you are a small business owner and you want to get an intern, then you are already on the right track to growing and expanding your business. Unlike larger, more established businesses, small business owners don’t have a human resources department that can help create an internship program. Internships come in many different forms, but there are certain steps that everyone must take to ensure that the internship is a valuable experience for both the employer and the student. One of the top reasons that small business owners say they don’t hire interns is because they don’t think they have enough time to manage an intern. However, the amount of productivity that an intern can bring to a small business is worth the time to get an intern. By giving feedback and guiding the intern in the right direction, you can make sure that you are receiving high quality work. Thanks to Bucks County Bank, Brian’s Harley-Davidson, and Sesame Place for participating in this year’s Internship Program! If you are interested in participating in the Chamber’s In- mentQueen, second from right, provided a Resume Guide to the 2014 Interns, Jaelen, Saige, and Emmanuel. Making Meaningful Connections 6 Matt Esposito from Express Employment Profession- als, center, gives a $500 donation to Family Service Association of Bucks County (FSA) for the food bank at the homeless shelter. Dan Bates, LBCCC President, made the connection between Audrey Tucker (CEO of FSA) and Matt so Express Employment Professionals could give back to the community by helping feed people in need! Leadership Bucks County Mission Leadership Bucks County is designed to develop Lower Bucks County business community members in becoming more The Lower Bucks County Chamber of Com- effective leaders through personal and professional development of leadership merce partnered with SCORE (Counselors to qualities and skills while collaborating America’s Small Business) to hold ‘The ABC’s with fellow leaders. of Crowdfunding’ seminar at the Chamber office. Presenter Brian Meece, Founder & CEO of Rockethub (one of the world’s top Vision crowdfunding platforms) discussed what exTo be an essential investment for the deactly crowdfunding is, how entrepreneurs are velopment of leadership skills in the area. currently crowdfunding their endeavors, and more. Essentially, crowdfunding is a new and Applications are being accepted for the exciting way of raising funds through the In2014-15 Leadership Bucks County class! ternet to start or grow your business. To obtain an application or for more infor- Crowdfunding Seminar held at LBCCC 7 Brian Meece (Rockethub) discusses crowdfunding to those who attended ‘The ABC’s of Crowdfunding’ seminar. mation, visit and click “Committees & Events” and then “Leadership” or call the Chamber at 215-943-7400. lbccc outlook september 2014 Many companies hire interns with the end goal that when they graduate they will be able to be promoted to a full time position. By being a good mentor, you can establish a professional relationship with the intern and understand their capabilities better than you ever could through an interview. 7 7 7 SHARE YOUR ENTHUSIASM Connect with us through these social media tools! S O C I A L? Search for Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce, click "Like" Search for @LowerBksChamber FEELING Search for Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce Search for Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce Search for @LBCCCYP Thank you to the 2014 LBCCC Corporate Sponsors 3rd Fed Bank Angelmark Associates, Inc. Bucks County Bank Capital Health Comcast Business The Dow Chemical Company First Choice Bank member fates & happenings If you have some exciting news to share, send your information to Kim Bloemker at Only LBCCC members in good standing will be featured. All submissions & photos are subject to editing. Robert Baldi, Dan Harper, Peter Augenblick, and Ross Choate assemble a wall section during a volunteer build day for Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County. Board members of First Federal of Bucks County, along with members of their families, volunteered with Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County at a wall building event in Warrington. Those wall sections will become part of a new home built for a Habitat for Humanity family on land in Croydon that the bank donated in November 2013. “First Federal of Bucks County previously has donated money and land to Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County, but events like this allow us to donate our time – and to do so in a way that is very meaningful for our volunteers in a personal way,” said Jeane Coyle, President and CEO of First Federal of Bucks County. Comcast Business has launched a new, first of its kind WiFi product designed specifically for small businesses. It will provide SMBs with their primary Internet connection as well as both public and private WiFi, all from a single device. Shannon Connolly The Lower Bucks Family YMCA welcomes Shannon Connolly as Development Director for the organization. Shannon has worked in non-profit financial development since 1994. Candice Quigley proudly displays her Outstanding Employee Campaign Coordinator award from the United Way of Bucks County. Candice Quigley, Bank Officer and Recruiter at 3rd Fed Bank, was recently presented with this year’s United Way Outstanding Employee Campaign Coordinator award, an honor bestowed to an individual that shows a dedication and commitment to being an influencer and change maker in the community. “Each year Candice approaches the campaign as a new, exciting challenge to engage both management and employees and create great team spirit,” said Jeannie Foy, Director of Workplace Campaigns. First Federal of Bucks County Hill Wallack LLP Lower Bucks Hospital McCafferty Auto Group Moofwd Mobile Solutions lbccc outlook september 2014 PNC Wealth Management 8 PARX Casino The Newtown Athletic Club is thrilled to announce that the initial fundraising goal of $36,000 for Jim Wilson (a NAC member who is sick) has been exceeded in excess of $50,000. This is thanks to the donations of hundreds of NAC members, friends and family, corporate donations and the extraordinary vision and generosity of NAC owner, Jim Worthington. St. Mary Medical Center Sesame Place Streamline Payroll, LLC The Gormley Furlong Group @ Stifel Univest Bank and Trust Co. Ted Dorand, External Affairs Manager, Bucks County, PECO, has been appointed by the Bucks County Commissioners to serve a two year term as a member of the Commissioners’ Economic Development Council. The Board oversees and acts as the Board of Directors for the county’s economic development programs. Ted is a current Board member for LBCCC! From left: Dr. Leland J. Green, Medical Director of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Dr. Michael Gorman, Dr. Mihai Dimanescu, Neurological Surgeon specializing in brain and spinal surgery (prior recipient) and Dr. Ralph Pelligra, Medical Director at NASA Ames Research Center (prior recipient). Dr. Michael Gorman, DC, of Gorman Optimal Health Solutions, Inc., is one of two 2014 recipients of “The Statuette with Pedestal,” from the International Academy for Child Brain Development. Dr. Gorman received this award for his outstanding work with profoundly brain-injured children. The award has been given to one or two honorees every year since 1956. Dr. Gorman joins prior recipients Dr. Theodore “Seuss” Geisel, Dr. Benjamin Spock, previous Nobel Prize winners Dr. Jonas Salk and Linus Pauling, just to name a few. lbccc events committee calendar Register for events online at and click COMMITTEES & EVENTS! Outreach Group - 4th Tuesday @ 8:30 a.m. Bucks Business Connect Second Thursday, 8:00 – 9:15 a.m. September 11 @ Washington Crossing Visitor Center October 9 @ Sesame Place November 13 @ Bucks County Technical High School 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 17 @ Sam’s Club Wednesday, October 22 @ ark: apartment residences by korman 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 16 New Member Business Fair 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (July, Sep., Nov., Jan., Mar., May) Chair: Amy M.B. McKenna, Bucks County Bank Speed Networking Professional Development/Leadership Group 3rd Friday @ 8:30 a.m. (Aug., Nov., Feb., May) Chair: Kathy Zelenka, The Gormley Furlong Group @ Stifel Business Education Partnership - 1st Friday @ 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Thursday, October 2 @ PARX Casino East Fall Health Fest 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 7 @ Bristol Riverside Theatre & Bristol Wharf (Rain Date: Tuesday, October 14) Bucks Business Connect - 1st Wed. @ 10:00 a.m. (Sep., Nov., Feb., May) Chair: Lori Hoppmann, Edward Jones Investments Adult Leadership - 3rd Friday @ 9:30 a.m. Co-Chairs: Pradeep Kohli, Univest Bank and Trust Co. & Ted Millard, Good Friends, Inc. Adult Leadership Alumni - Meets: Immediately following Adult Leadership Chair: Jessica Sweeney, First Federal of Bucks County Business Networking Activities Group 2nd Wednesday @ 9:00 a.m. (July, Oct., Jan., Apr.) Chair: Suzy Buehler, McCafferty Auto Group ECONference 2015 - 3rd Thursday @ 9:00 a.m. Chair: Cathy Tomcho, Univest Bank and Trust Co. Business Showcase Chair: Sharon Bordak, Sparkle Professional Cleaning Corp. Bucks County Ball - 3rd Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Chair: Pat Dunleavy, headstrong hair salon & make-up studio Golf - 4th Tuesday @ 8:30 a.m. Co-Chairs: Brian Tierney, Streamline Payroll, LLC & Brian Zavodnick, Process Plus Legal Services, LLC Leadership Bucks County (Program Start Date) 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 14 Economics & Government Group 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 28 Fall Business Awards Youth Leadership ABC: A Night of Arts. Business. Culture. 4 :30 – 8:30 p.m. Educational Programming Chair: Jennifer Schultz, RecruitmentQueen Sunday, October 5 @ George School Cyber Crime Seminar Paths Taken Program (Class/Expo) Internships Wednesday, October 1 Military Personnel Fall Job Fair Chair: Tom Dingwall, Mr. Solution Wednesday, October 1 Darkness to Light – Stewards of Children 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Get Acquainted with Your Chamber/New Member Business Fair 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Ahead! Get Acquainted with Your Chamber Chair: Kevin Wiener, Advanced Merchant Group Chair: Donna Mancuso-Scalzo, Bucks County Bank Tuesday, September 23 Plan Co-Chairs: Isabel Menichella & Sam Griga, RICOH USA Member Benefits - 3rd Monday @ 8:30 a.m. Business Card Exchange - 4th Monday @ 9:00 a.m. Business Card Exchange Military Personnel Event Co-Chairs: Amy Murray Hyde, CBDI, Inc. & John Tyrol, Tyrol Insurance Agency Recruitment & Retention/Ambassadors - 4th Tues. @ 8:30 a.m. 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. Thursday, November 6 @ Cock ‘n Bull (at Peddler’s Village) All events are at the Chamber unless otherwise indicated. Times and dates are subject to change. Events are scheduled as of July 25. Call the Chamber to confirm. 1st Friday @ 8:00 a.m. - Chair: Bill Pelosi, Litchfield Cavo LLP Legislative Debates Economic Forum Manufacturers Forum Advocacy - Co-Chairs: Ed Dixon, Fulton Bank & Brian Jeter, Comcast Marketing & Technology Group Co-Chairs: Kevin Roddy, 3rd Fed Bank & Jessica Sweeney, First Federal of Bucks County Marketing Strategy - 1st Tuesday @ 8:30 a.m. IT (audio/visual) - 3rd Friday @ 8:30 a.m. - Chair: Kevin Roddy, 3rd Fed Bank Special Roundtables Women in Business - 3rd Tues. @ 8:30 a.m. Co-Chairs:Theresa Derderian, REMAX Properties - The Theresa Derderian Team & Susanna Hall,Trenton Thunder Baseball Club Young Professionals - 4th Thurs. @ 4:00 p.m. (Aug., Oct., Dec., Feb., Apr., June) - Co-Chairs: Joel Perkins, Bucks County Council, Boy Scouts of America & Mike Taylor, Sesame Place b.o.s.s. (Business Owners: Support & Strategies) - 3rd Thursday @ 8:00 a.m. Chair: Dave Dixon, Cost Segregation Services, Inc. Military Personnel Business Advisory and Support 2nd Wed. @ 12:00 noon - Chair: TBD lbccc outlook september 2014 Chair: Jessica Sweeney, First Federal of Bucks County 9 bucks business connect Community Service & Heroes: Emergency Medical Services and Healthcare Reform Thursday, September 11, 2014 8:00 – 9:15 a.m. You are invited to the Monthly Morning Meeting where you can ... Inform yourself about developments within your Chamber Network while enjoying refreshments, compliments of our Host & Sponsor Educate others about yourself and your firm Host Location Friends of Washington Crossing Park Washington Crossing Visitor Center 1112 River Rd. Washington Crossing, PA 18977 Sponsor Streamline Payroll, LLC Speaker Christopher Reif is an experienced public safety leader with an ability to develop synergistic approaches to public health and public safety. Christopher currently serves as the EMS Chief for the St. Mary Emergency Medical Services that provides 9-1-1 EMS for Upper Makefield Township. In his role as EMS Chief, Christopher developed the St. Mary EMS program from its inception - including staff recruitment and development as well as clinical and customer service expectations. Some recent achievements include the Distinguished Achievement Award from the American Heart Association for his work in legislation that provided protection for business owners under the Good Samaritan Law. In October of 2012, Christopher was chosen in the inaugural Bucks County Forty Under 40 for services to the residents and visitors of Bucks County. The presentation will briefly discuss the status of EMS in Bucks County, how it impacts public safety and public health and how healthcare reform is changing how we do business….the business of saving lives. Community Services will be included. Christopher J. Reif, EMS Program Manager/ EMS Chief, St. Mary Emergency Medical Services lbccc outlook september 2014 HOST 10 SPONSOR LBCCC Members - No charge to attend. Prospective Chamber Members are welcome to attend this event one time. PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE as a count must be given to our host. You can reserve by e-mail, fax 215-943-7404 or online by 12:00 noon the preceding day. (No phone reservations.) business card exchange Wednesday, September 17, 2014 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. You are invited to a Great Networking Opportunity where you can ... Meet prospective customers and vendors Network with business colleagues Distribute your business cards Enjoy complimentary refreshments provided by our Host & Sponsor oin hundreds of people for this exciting and worthwhile networking event! Meet and make valuable connections, exchange your business cards and grow your business as you enjoy the complimentary food and dynamic facility thanks to our host and sponsor Sam’s Club. Host Location & Sponsor See you at Sam’s Club Sam’s Club 1717 E. Lincoln Hwy. Langhorne, PA 19047 If you make a reservation and are unable to attend the event, it is very important that you notify the Chamber office at 215-943-7400. This will ensure an accurate count for our host. Thank you for your cooperation! HOST & SPONSOR lbccc outlook september 2014 LBCCC Members - No charge to attend. Prospective Chamber Members are welcome to attend this event one time. PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE as a count must be given to our host. You can reserve by e-mail, fax 215-943-7404 or online by 12:00 noon the preceding day. (No phone reservations.) 11 focus now Each month, this section of Outlook highlights specific businesses. Each member firm that advertises has the opportunity to write an advertorial containing a description of their company services. Real Estate S ervices: Financial Institutions, Mortgages and Insurance 225 Lincoln Properties LP 225 Lincoln Properties rents offices, warehouse space and vehicle parking spaces. On-site security is 24/7. High speed internet, conference rooms and common areas are available. Monthly networking breakfast sessions are held on site. 225 is a vibrant business community with support services that can help your business. Visit to learn more. 3rd Fed Bank lbccc outlook september 2014 3rd Fed Bank is a local, hometown bank that is dedicated to delivering a neighborly customer experience. 3rd Fed Bank provides a comprehensive suite of safe, secure and dependable products to support all individual and business banking needs. Our dedicated GREEN TEAM focuses on the specific needs of customers: individuals, families and businesses – making everyday banking easier. Come bank with us... and get the attention you deserve to successfully manage your money. 12 Aspire The kids are back in school, so now is the time to work on YOUR learning, growth and development, too! Aspire offers lifestyle coaching and personal planning consultation to support you in moving your life forward. Aspire also offers career consultation for teens and young adults during their transition time in high school and college. Looking for training? Aspire offers interactive and engaging customized workshops to meet your organizational needs in the areas of communication, connection, team building, time management, leadership and more. Contact Michelle at Aspire to discuss your personal growth and organizational needs.,, or 215-666-2765. Bucks County Bank Bucks County Bank does mortgages! We’ve assembled a group of experienced mortgage lenders to help put people into the homes of their dreams! With rates at all-time lows, there is no better time to buy or refinance a Eric Goldberg home. Call Bucks County Bank’s MortBucks County Bank gage Division at 215-589-6970 today to see what we can do for you. Equal Housing Lender, Member FDIC. lbccc outlook september 2014 13 14 lbccc outlook september 2014 focus now continued Capital Insurance & Investment Planning, LLC An independent financial services firm, was formed to serve our clients by developing comprehensive solutions for their Wealth, Financial, Retirement, Estate and Insurance Planning needs. We are committed to providing superior service and products with the professionalism and attention that our clients have come to expect. Our clients receive comprehensive and innovative solutions that they can count on. Our success is measured by our clients’ success. Call today 215-345-6961 or go to for a free consultation and learn why so many of your neighbors chose Capital for their financial and retirement planning. Coldwell Banker Hearthside Realtors Carole Cohen, Realtor and entrepreneur, started in the industry as an investor. As a business owner for the past 20 years, her contacts and management experience have been instrumental in her success. Carole enjoys mentoring in the Big Brother’s Big Sister’s program and is an avid cyclist and rides for many special causes. Coldwell Banker Hearthside Yardley - Sue Herbst For more than 100 years, Coldwell Banker has been a world leader in Real Estate. My dedication to my clients is to serve each with honesty, integrity and professionalism. Handling the details, meeting clients needs and objectives and creating success in the real estate marketplace are priorities. I was again honored to be named one of Philadelphia Magazine’s 5 Star Real Estate agents based on the recommendation of my past clients. This award is bestowed on only 7% of real estate agents in the entire Philadelphia area. Whether buying or selling, we offer a full range of services. I can assist in the sale or purchase of properties nationally or globally for you or someone you know. Accredited Buyer’s Agent, Previews Luxury Home Specialist. Relocation Specialist. or contact Sue at 267-350-5555 Ext. 2668 or 215-519-6066. SHARE YOUR EXPERTISE LBCCC is looking for members to join our Speakers Bureau. If you would like to be included on the list, please contact Susan Harkins at lbccc outlook september 2014 The First National Bank & Trust Co. of Newtown At The First National Bank our business is helping your business succeed. For 150 years, we’ve provided business owners access to credit and a host of banking solutions and services along with our exceptional customer service. No bank is more committed to local ownership, operation and investment. As Bucks County’s oldest bank, we’ve never closed a branch and offer unrivaled stability so you can count on us for all your business needs. We have twelve branches in Bucks County; find yours at or call us at 215.860.9100, and see the difference 150 years makes. 15 focus now First Priority Bank The People, the Services and the Products that make banking work for you. From custom tailored loans and online banking services to flexible credit lines and toll-free phone access, we make sure our business banking services are accessible, and that our team is working as hard as you do. 215-867-2400. Member FDIC • Equal Housing Lender. First Trust Security Services First Trust Security Services offers Peace of Mind In Uncertain Times with our Professional Armed and Unarmed Security Solutions. We offer personal, detail-oriented and confidential service at reasonable rates. Our competent and dedicated employees are available 24/7 for Special Events, Sporting Events, Commercial and more. First Trust Security Services is a family owned and operated agency headquartered in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Contact us at 215-547-3877 or visit lbccc outlook september 2014 Fulton Bank Fulton Bank is a full-service, commercial bank providing a wide-range of financial products and services. This includes services provided by Fulton Mortgage Company, a division of Fulton Bank, where individuals can find the answers and support they need when looking to buy, build or refinance a home. And it comes with one-on-one service provided by local mortgage professionals. Fulton Bank operates eight branches across Bucks and Montgomery Counties, with mortgage professionals serving those specific areas. To learn more, visit Subject to Credit Approval. Fulton Bank, N.A., is a Member FDIC. Member of the Fulton Financial Family. 16 The Gannon Insurance Agency, Inc. The Gannon Insurance Agency is a full-service, independent insurance agency representing ERIE Insurance, Travelers, Grange Insurance, Safeco, The Hartford, and other fine companies... this allows us to give you, our valued customer, the best rates around on AUTO, HOME, LIFE, and BUSINESS Insurance! Here’s why 3,675 people and businesses trust the Gannon Agency with their Insurance Protection: “Steve is a stand out in the insurance world! He is always extremely helpful and will go above and Beyond your expectations because that is the way he does business at the Gannon Insurance Agency. We use him for all our insurance (life, car, home, flood), we would be crazy not to” Ben & Betsy S. – Newtown, PA. Pull out your Policies and call us now at (215) 891-9990 to Compare & $ave!! continued REMAX Properties – The Theresa Derderian Team Let us orchestrate your next move! We will help get your house ready for the market, negotiate the best possible deal, and navigate the entire sales process – so that you achieve your goals. Professionally and enthusiastically serving sellers and buyers in Bucks & Mercer Counties. Weidel Realtors – Anne M. Costello Weidel Realtors has been serving clients in the purchase and sale of real estate since 1915. I am very proud to continue this tradition by providing the highest standards of service to my clients. Contact me for professional service, personal integrity, outstanding market knowledge, dedication and personal attention for all your real estate needs. Proud of being a tough negotiator and strong advocate for my clients. Resident of Bucks County for over 9 years; lifelong resident of the Greater Philadelphia/ Bucks Area with a wealth of knowledge of the business, civic, educational and recreational opportunities offered throughout our region. Active in Charitable Pursuits, with 35 Years professional and volunteer experience as a fundraiser for the non-profit community. Call 215-968-0140, email or visit William Penn Bank At William Penn Bank, we believe banking should be a personal experience from people you trust. Our experienced bankers give both consumer and business customers the personal attention they deserve. William Penn Bank has been serving customers since 1870 and we are consistently rated among the nation’s top banks for soundness and stability. Our commitment to the community is unrivaled through high levels of charitable giving and our award-winning employee volunteer program. Visit us online at or in-person at any of our convenient branch offices in Levittown, Morrisville and Richboro. We look forward to a long-term customer relationship with you. lbccc outlook september 2014 B u y F r o m C h a m b e r M e m b e r s ! 17 business briefs Secrets of Savvy Sellers Theresa Derderian The décor in your home has evolved. Everything that you have chosen to do in each room says something about you. While you have been in your home, its sole purpose was to serve your unique needs. But now it’s time to move. Save yourself frustration and time: embrace these three Secrets of Savvy Sellers. Secret #1: Adopt a Buyer-Focus Marketing your home is altogether different than living in your home. Before, it was all about you. Now, it’s all about appealing to potential buyers. You’ve heard the saying, “perception is reality.” This is your new mantra as you prepare for the market. The subconscious messages buyers receive as they walk through your home are powerful. Who doesn’t have clutter somewhere in their home? A savvy seller, that’s who. Put on your “Buyer” hat. A cluttered closet warns that there is inadequate closet space. A cluttered home worries buyers that there are hidden areas of neglect. The good news is, in order to move, you have to pack anyway. Sort through the clutter NOW. Trash, donate, or sell what you won’t need post-move. Pack and label what you won’t need pre-move. Store these items neatly in the attic, basement, or offsite if you can. Cleanliness is absolutely vital. It deeply effects how the buyers view the home, and the impression they are forming about what kind of person you are. Per the New York Times, the goal is to “erase any hints of the messiness of daily life.” lbccc outlook september 2014 18 Secret #2: Surrender to Staging Basics Savvy sellers recognize that they need help embracing the fundamental tenets of layout and design. Enlist a friend, or if your budget allows, engage a stager to view your home and make recommendations. (Your agent should be able to recommend a good one.) Let them know your budget (or lack thereof ) up front. There are many no-cost and low-cost ways to follow a few fundamental principles: Clear and maximize floor space, Arrange furniture to optimize natural light, K e e p e a c h r o o m’s c o l o r t h e m e consistent, and No Time to be Active in the Chamber? In less than two hours, you can… Introduce yourself and your company to over 100 people and hear an informative speaker by attending Bucks Business Connect. Attend a “Get Acquainted with Your Chamber” meeting and meet new members who may be potential customers! Learn to help your business grow at a Workshop, Seminar or Class. Attend a committee or roundtable meeting and meet potential new clients. Room style should be consistent and ideally somewhat neutral. Dozens of small changes can make an enormous impact. “Shopping” in the other rooms of your home can help keep costs to a minimum. Secret #3: Make-or-Break Media It is certainly no secret that as a society, our average attention span has plummeted. We are very visual, and most of us fight daily battles to remain focused for 5 minutes at a time! Clearly, a buyers’ attention must be hooked quickly. Savvy sellers understand that a buyer’s first viewing is online. They decide whether they want an appointment based on your photos and video. Use this to your advantage: Stand out from the crowd. Believe it or not, many agents and sellers are still taking their own photos. Smart phones and tablets have made it easy, but this is penny-wise and pound-foolish. Unless your agent was previously a professional photographer, they should be hiring one. Minimize senseless showings. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of video in marketing a home. All video is not created equal, though. Beware of “virtual tours,” and strung-together photos masquerading as video. A professional narrated walkthrough video is what we’re after. Think of it as an “Open House” from the comfort of a buyer’s laptop. With a top-notch video, buyers can see how rooms connect and interact. This minimizes feedback such as “buyers looking for an open kitchen,” which is simply not constructive for you as a seller. Selling your home is a challenging process. You want to do it quickly, and for the most money possible. The process will be shorter and smoother if you have realistic expectations, and have taken these three “secrets” to heart in preparing for the market. Article by: Theresa Derderian, REMAX Properties – The Theresa Derderian Team E-mail: In less than one hour, you can… Write a news item about your company which can be published in the “Member Fates & Happenings” section of Outlook. Stop by a Business Card Exchange, have some refreshments, and make new business contacts. Promote your business by offering a discount on your products or services through the member-to-member discount program. The small amount of time you invest in the Chamber will pay itself back to you and your business!!! LBCCC Mission Statement The Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance free enterprise by providing leadership to enhance the economic climate of the business community. First Federal of Bucks County: A Investing in Community, Achieving Success fter 30 years in banking, Jeane Coyle has developed an eye for recognizing potential success, whether that potential lies within banking products in a portfolio, line items on a balance sheet, or people on her team. That skill was a perfect fit for the culture at First Federal of Bucks County, a hometown bank founded on the idea that banks succeed when their customers and communities succeed. Now marking one year as president and CEO of the Bristol-based financial institution, Coyle said the bank’s philosophy of empowering people by giving them the tools they need to succeed is what makes First Federal different. “Education, training and mentoring are all tools that enable people to become, or remain, productive and successful – and they are relevant whether we are helping First Federal’s team members complete a certification, teaching a teenager about his first checking account, or helping a small business owner evaluate her profit and loss,” said Coyle. “It’s an approach that has been proven time and again.” That approach also resonates with Coyle’s own background. put together a team to address the issue. The group identified the problem: shouldering college tuition costs up front, then applying for reimbursement, was discouraging many team members from continuing their education. They overhauled the program so financial assistance would be available when registering for classes. Use of the program has increased by more than fivefold, and Coyle meets with program members once a year to review career aspirations. Under Coyle’s leadership, the bank also continues its firmly rooted tradition of supporting local nonprofits that focus on transforming communities by empowering people, including Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County, United Way of Bucks County and the Bucks County Opportunity Council. Meanwhile, the bank continues to thrive financially. While many Coyle’s father hailed from an Appalachian coal mining town and was other financial institutions remain mired in the economic slowdown orphaned as a teen. He joined the U.S. Navy and later was able to that began in 2008, First Federal of Bucks County is now in its fifth train to become an electrical engineer through provisions offered by year of record earnings. the GI Bill. Coyle cites him as an important early influence on her life. “That’s not because I’m sitting and staring at the numbers. It’s “He instilled in my family the importance of working to put yourself because we’re going out and talking to more customers,” Coyle said. in a better position,” Coyle said. Equipped with that mindset, Coyle “We’re engaging the people in our community, showing them how we paid her own way through Muhlenberg College while beginning her can help them help themselves.” banking career. She attended college full time for only one year, but From educational seminars for first-time homebuyers to lines of she is quick to dismiss that as any sort of handicap. credit for small business owners, First Federal of Bucks County “I think that experience was beneficial to me,” Coyle said, adding that offers banking products that reflect the philosophy upon which it working through school conditioned her to better manage her was founded in 1885 - that a community bank, owned not by subsequent professional development, including the completion of shareholders but by its members, has a vested interest in the success her MBA in 2004. of its community. After learning that not many of the bank’s team members were taking advantage of educational assistance the bank offered, Coyle That connection to the people the bank serves is what drives Coyle, and the bank, forward. “Numbers are good for measuring where we are. They’re not very good for telling us how we can get to where we want to be, though,” Coyle said. “That’s about working with people, and that’s what sets First Federal of Bucks County apart.” 215-874-4173 NMLS:662329 lbccc outlook september 2014 Coyle brought that same philosophy to the community bank she now helms, continuing and improving programs that encourage both First Federal’s team members and its customers to use financial resources to better their lives. 19 ls ateria romptly M d Date Deliver P e Pleas PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER, PA PERMIT NO. 810 409 Hood Boulevard Fairless Hills, PA 19030-2998 Visit us at 215-943-7400 Scan to View Our Calendar of Events Did You Know You can Pay Your Chamber Membership Dues through Autodraft? This is designed for members who wish to budget for their Chamber dues over the course of the year instead of making one lump payment. If you elect to participate, your dues payment is deducted each month from your account in equal installments throughout the year. This enables you to pay for your membership within a budget convenient to your business! A transaction fee of $1.50 is deducted from your account. If you are interested in renewing your Chamber membership using Autodraft or you would like more information, please contact Stephanie Ripka at or 215-943-7400. Young Professionals Happy Hour Join us for drinks at the Vault Brewing Company 10 S. Main Street, Yardley, PA 19067 Thursday, September 18, 2014 5-7:00 p.m. Complimentary appetizers, cash bar Cost: Free for members $5 cover for non-members **Non-Members—contact Toni Yonce at to register LBCCC’s Young Professionals are collecting food for the Emergency Relief Association’s Food Pantry. Please help by bringing items to the YP event. The following items are requested: Peanut Butter Jelly Soup Spaghetti Sauce Tuna Canned Vegetables Syrup Pasta Pancake Mix Cereal Please reserve _____ people for Young Professionals Happy Hour. My check for $___________made out to LBCCC is enclosed. Name/s:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________Fax:____________________________Email:_____________________________________ _____Cash _____Check _____Visa _____MasterCard _____American Express Credit Card #:____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________ Security Code #:___________ Cardholder Signature:______________________________________________________________ LBCCC 409 Hood Boulevard Fairless Hills, PA 19030 215-943-7400 Are you looking to expand your networking circle? If so, sign up for the Chamber’s New Member Business Fair Sponsored by: Bucks County Bank, Creative Advertising Specialties, National Building & Maintenance Co., and Streamline Payroll. Continental Breakfast provided by Village Catering. Tuesday, September 23, 2014 LBCCC- 409 Hood Blvd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030 8:00-10:00 a.m. This is your opportunity to attend the event, free of charge, meet the new members, introduce yourself and begin developing a business relationship. The entire Chamber membership will be invited to this event. This event invites new members who joined LBCCC in the last year to put their company on display with an exhibit table to demonstrate what their company offers. Be sure to register to be entered into the prize drawings! ____ Please sign me up for the New Member Business Fair on Tuesday, September 23, 8:00—10:00 a.m. This event is free for attendees and will take place at the Chamber. You can also register online at Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: ___________________ State:______ Zip: _______ Phone: __________________ ___________ E-Mail: _________________________________ Register online at Mail or Fax to: Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce • 409 Hood Boulevard • Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Phone 215-943-7400 • Fax 215-943-7404 New Member Business Fair Are you a new Chamber member? If so, sign up for the Chamber’s New Member Business Fair Tuesday, September 23, 2014 Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce - 409 Hood Blvd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. (Set-up begins at 7:30 a.m.) Sponsored by: Bucks County Bank, Creative Advertising Specialties, National Maintenance and Build Out Company & Streamline Payroll Food Provided By: Village Catering If you joined the Chamber since May 2013, you are eligible to participate in the Chamber’s New Member Business Fair! For $25, you will receive a table to put your company on display and you will be joined by other new Chamber members. This is your opportunity to put your best foot forward and network with both new and existing Chamber members - show the Chamber what you have to offer! The entire Chamber membership is invited to this event. A limited number of tables are available so reserve your spot today! _____ Please reserve one table for me at the New Member Business Fair on Tuesday, September 23 @ only $25! _____ My check for $25 made payable to LBCCC is enclosed _____ Please charge my credit card. You can also pay online at| Name/s:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________Fax:____________________________Email:_____________________________________ _____Cash _____Check _____Visa _____MasterCard _____American Express Credit Card #:____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________ Security Code #:___________ Cardholder Signature:______________________________________________________________ LBCCC 409 Hood Boulevard Fairless Hills, PA 19030 215-943-7400 From July 31 to Oct. 1 A safety training for anyone who works with children Wednesday, October 1, 2014 • 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. @LBCCC - 409 Hood Boulevard, Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Member Cost: $10 and includes workbook Includes a very impactful 2 hour video presentation & discussion. Hear from victims, both male & female, of different cultures & races, speak in their own words about their experience with abuse. Hear from professionals in schools, sports, social work and law enforcement, who discuss ideas of policies they’ve used that can help protect children. It is approved for 2 contact hours of continuing education by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886458319-2184) and the National Board of Certified Counselors (ACEP # 6635). Laura Jones, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County (BBBSBC) As the Corporate Recruitment & Development Manager, Laura has initiated partnerships with local schools & companies, screened volunteers interested in mentoring, and interviewed children and their parents referred to BBBSBC. In addition, she is involved with marketing and fund development, making presentations to community partners, and writing grants to support programs. A program offered by the Business Education Partnership Committee Please reserve _____ people for “Darkness to Light” seminar. My check for $___________made out to LBCCC is enclosed. _______ Members @ $10 ________ Non-Members @ $20 Name/s:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Company:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________Fax:____________________________Email:__________________________________ _____Cash _____Check _____Visa _____MasterCard _____American Express Credit Card #:________________________________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________ Security Code #:___________ Cardholder Signature:___________________________________________________________ LBCCC 409 Hood Boulevard Fairless Hills, PA 19030 215-943-7400 No refunds